#hes also such a goth jock.... i told my friend who talks to him that he seems so normal for me and she was just like
tidalpools · 6 months
okay also update from yesterday nothing new happened btwn me and guy because it was busy as FUCK so we were doing our jobs too much and i barely saw him even after closing >_< BUT my coworker hunted him down on her break and got his instagram and is becoming friends with him so major win.
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4kiraa · 1 year
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nah cuz you can tell me itto nd his gf wouldn’t be total opposites…
cw!: fem!reader, talk of being emo☠️, reader just wears black and dresses kinda like those goths on pinterest that i be calling mommy, mentions of bullying really minor i swear, modern hs day au because i know absolutely nothing abt genshin LMAO. ALSO NAWT PROOF READ.
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No one could believe what they were currently seeing.
A 6’5, jock who was known for being the “himbo” of their school, walking hand in hand with the all black wearing girl who was an entire foot shorter than him and who’s looks could also kill. whispers filled the air as girls who had been crushing on your bf since the dawn of time glared at your warm smiling faces.
no one could believe what they were currently seeing
JOCK ITTO! who for the past 2 weeks has been enchanted by you, a girl he sees every two days in the library either reading a book or listening to music through your black sonny earphones decorated with tiny little skull stickers. he was originally sent there by his teachers because he had been failing in almost every single subject. it’s not like he was dumb!…well ok he kinda is, but it was mainly because of his sports. being a jock with countless games at different schools along with practice was very hard!!!
JOCK ITTO! who told his gang of jocks about you, the mysterious and very pretty girl but was shocked to hear their response.
“oh, you mean y/n?” one of his friends cackled. “she’s no good news arataki” he said as he patted itto on the back. “yeah!” one of his other friends chimed in “i remember trying to askin’ her out once, she’s a dark beauty alright but man is she cold! before i could even finish she walked away from me!. im tell’n you man, shes totally stuck up” “ itto was surprised to say the least, ‘was that all true?’ i mean, how would he know? he’s never even talked to you before, he’s just stared at you like a lil creep admiring the way you brushed you hair , or how you would apply your lip gloss, and how- “you know itto” one of his friends said while interjecting his thoughts. “ a girl is the last thing you should be worrying about, we’ve got a game soon and our best player isn’t with us because he’s too busy trying to complete his homework” he was right, itto thought. he should be focusing on sports, not some girl. but still for some reason, he just couldn’t get you off his mind…
JOCK ITTO! Who after thinking about you for days, decided to go and talk to you instead of hearing about you from his friend’s experiences. “hey! i’m arataki itto, what’s your name!” he said while running towards you in the library “i’ve seen you a couple times before and i just wanted to say that-“ “SHHHH” the librarian loudly shushed him as itto covered his mouth. “sorry! n’yways as i was- he froze solid as your pretty mascara covered eyes looked him up and down, your plump lips parting to respond. “i’m sorry, do you need something?” itto, still frozen, started sweating. 'is she mad at me? why does she sound mad? is that always how she sounds😨?’ mans was stressed ok, and it didn’t help that you were a criminally beautiful girl because we all know despite this man being one of the most popular guys in school and having girl all across the damn country thirsting over him, he still has L rizz.
JOCK ITTO! Who, for the first time, saw you crack a warm hearted smile at his awkwardness, creating little black butterflies in his stomach. “i’m just kidding” you say will playfully hitting his arm ‘i’m never going to shower after this🫡’ itto thought. “my name is y/n, i’ve seen you in the library for the past few weeks, you need any help?
JOCK ITTO! who you now help out with his homework, both of you learning new things about each other. for him, he learns about your style and ‘dark’ interests. And for him, you realize that’s he’s actually not so dumb. and as the two of you gradually grow closer, the more stares and whispers that you both gain.
“Nahh, is that y/n and itto? ain no way😨”
“shut up, she’ll hear you and sacrifice you, i heard that’s what then emos be doing bruh”
JOCK ITTO! who after 3 months, finally decided to ask you out, fumbling over his words and looking like a damn fool if i’m being honest.But no thing could prepare him for your answer. “so you like me huh?” you said in a sly tone. “sure, let’s go out itto, show me a good time” then bro fainted…
“um itto, itto… you alright?” dw about him he just fainted from joy 🤗
No one could believe what they were currently seeing.
A 6’5, jock who was known for being the “himbo” of their school, walking hand in hand with the all black wearing girl who was an entire foot shorter than him and who’s looks could also kill. whispers filled the air as girls who had been crushing on your bf since the dawn of time glared at your warm smiling faces. But you didn’t care, and neither did your boyfriend.
sorry ngl ts was ass at the end cuz this been in my drafts since 1987. also emorights ok bai:3 
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if you met the people at the Beach (Hatter, Aguni, niragi, last boss, Ann, kuina, mira, kuzuryu) while in high school, what do you think your relationship with each of them would be?
This is an interesting question. What a concept. Strangely enough, I came up with answers fairly quickly
Hatter - Hatter strikes me as one of the kids in the Drama Department. Always the center of attention, whether they are on stage or not. Constantly causing disruptions to keep everyone’s focus on them. I really had no patience for Drama Department kids when I was in school. It’s very likely that I would have avoided Hatter at all costs because he would have the ability to annoy me like no other. Much like he does every single day here at The Beach.
Aguni - I’m not sure where to put Aguni. My first impression, perhaps because of his physical appearance, was that he was likely a jock; probably on the football team. Upon further reflection, I also think it is possible that Aguni may have been a… well, we called them “burnouts”. You know, the kids that smoked, mouthed off, got in fights (or started fights), drank on the weekends- that kind of thing. Regardless of where Aguni would end up socially, I’m fairly certain he would have been a bully. Hence, I would have stayed far, far away from him. This is not to say I was bullied in High School- it was actually quite the opposite- but for some reason, I can see Aguni being someone who would pick on the little guy. That would be me.
Niragi - Niragi is somewhat difficult for me to place, as far as where he may have been socially in High School. However- and this could seriously get my ass kicked if he sees this- I will say this about Niragi: he is not the “Himbo” that he likes to portray himself as. Niragi is a smart guy. I don’t just mean smart in the way that he can handle himself in day-to-day life. No, Niragi is smart. He knows more than he is letting on and I believe he was probably one of the brightest students in his school. He’s “book smart”; he likely got top marks and was seen as a nerd. My impression of what Niragi may have been like in High School is quite different from who he is today, here at The Beach. For some reason, I don’t see Niragi being a popular kid, even with his intellect. As outgoing and…ostentatious as he is now, I think he was on the opposite end of the spectrum as a kid; painfully shy and always determined to stay out of sight. Would we have spoken to each other? No, I really don’t believe we would have. While we may not have been enemies, as we are now, I don’t believe we would have been friends, either.
Last Boss - While I have never had any clear indication that Last Boss is musically inclined, I see him as being involved in the Music Department in some capacity in High School. I don’t picture him being in Marching Band- or any kind of organized, school sanctioned band, for that matter- but involved in music somehow. Last Boss is another one that I see going through school as a “loner”; not belonging to one particular clique, but perhaps with a close friend or two. Labels aren’t something that I subscribe to when it comes to people and their personality or social group, but in this instance, I’ll have to apply one to get my point across. Last Boss strikes me as one of the kids that would have been in the “alternative” or “goth” (oh, how I despise that phrase) crowd. Dressed all in black, long hair that hung in his face, quiet; a true outcast (not too much different than how he is now). I don’t think Last Boss and I would have spoken on a regular basis- we certainly wouldn’t have been friends- but we may have had brief interactions from time to time. Which is pretty much our involvement with one another now.
Ann - This is going to be a little different from the others because I’m not guessing when it comes to Ann. Her and I talk every once in a while, so this is actual information that she has told me. We know quite a bit about each other that nobody else here will ever know. Ann is very smart. I know I’ve said this before about her, but I’m not sure I’m accurately expressing just how intelligent Ann is. Her and I have a lot in common as far as our educational careers. She was always top of her class, without exception. She never had to study to pass exams or other educational requirements, but she did anyway (much like me). The one difference between us is that Ann did not come from a wealthy family; she grew up in an average home with an average family. For her to go to college, Ann had to rely on a scholarship. Needless to say, that was never a problem for her and she landed a full ride scholarship to University of Tokyo. While Ann and I do have certain things in common, and I do believe we would have spoken to each other, I don’t think her and I would have been much more than acquaintances in High School.
Mira - Mira. I can tell you right now, regardless of who she was or what she was like in High School, there is no way in Hell I would have had anything to do with Mira Kano in High School. I’m guessing we would have the same relationship that we have now, which is non existent. Mira seems like she would have been a popular girl in High School. Not just a “popular girl”, but probably the “It Girl”. You know, the girl who is the most popular of all the popular girls in school? I would guess that Mira is that girl. I can’t imagine that her and I would have had any kind of interaction with one another- much like here at The Beach. In fact, I’m fairly certain that I would feel the exact same way about her in High School as I do about her now. My only feeling towards Mira is the urge to push her down the stairs, should we ever cross paths there.
Kuzuryu - I can only imagine that Kuzuryu and I would have the same kind of interaction that Ann and I would have, simply because he and I have a similar relationship to the one that I have with Ann. Kuzuryu is another one that is very, very intelligent. I can see the three of us (myself, Ann, and Kuzuryu) occasionally speaking to each other, strictly about school. I wouldn’t consider us friends, per se; acquaintances would be more fitting.
Kuina - Believe it or not, I saved Kuina for last because I don’t have any idea what we would have meant to each other in High School. Kuina said she wasn’t “popular”, yet she wasn’t a wallflower, either. She said she was a good student, academically. She did get good grades, but the difference between her and I was that she studied hard to get those grades. She had several very good friends that were important to her. While she never considered herself an athlete, she had incredible strength, endurance, and she was fast. The coach for the Track Team recruited her and she excelled on the team, even managing to break a few records, making quite a name for herself. With all of that to consider, I’m not sure Kuina and I would have even crossed paths. I certainly never attended any extra curricular activities, let alone athletic events, so I wouldn’t have known Kuina from her Track Team achievements. Sadly, I don’t think Kuina and I would have ever known of each other in High School and therefore wouldn’t have been friends. That doesn’t even seem possible to me, knowing how close we are to each other now.
So, there you have it, Anon. Thank you for the interesting question. I genuinely enjoy inquiries such as this. Yes, they require lengthy answers, but they give me a chance to really think. After sitting around here for days, I need all of the intellectual exercise I can get.
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cassava-49 · 4 years
Let's Play Cupid
It was the 14th of February and Claude couldn't be happier. Today's the day of his final test as a Cupid. As a Cupid, one must know how to pair someone with a person who will make them happy for the rest of their lives, but get it wrong, let's just say that lawyers are going through a lot of checks.
In his school they were taught how pair and match people to each other. They also learned different kinds of love that could be used for the pair. They were taught how to see the signs of a mutual and capable attraction, and how to deal with the aftermath of unrequited love.
For their last test in their school in order to graduate, he must be able to pair 20 people. Given that Valentine's day is the loveliest and loneliest holiday that would be a perfect day for matchmaking. Each of their success will be recorded by a superior who will be watching them as they performed their exam. If they succeed they get to go to the human world in their assigned areas to matchmake humans in either their Cupid form or they may disguise themselves as humans to help them find their love. Given that students were not allowed to be in the human world in either form without the supervision of the superiors.
"You're Claude, right?" a fellow Cupid asked. Claude turned to find a tall man with brownish orange hair whose wingspan was twice his and had a warm brown colour. He nodded excitedly as his feathers spread out to show his excitement. "Yes sir," he replied in a high pitched tone. "I'm Sparrow, I'll be your supervisor today," the man introduced himself as he held out his hand to shake the junior's hand.
Claude took it excitedly and shook it with both hands. Sparrow grinned at the young man's excitement as he let go. "Alright, your assigned in Paris, correct?" he asked in assurance. "Yes sir, the city of love itself. I'm ready and excited for today," Claude answered. "Let's get going then, you're not the only Cupid whose been assigned to Paris," Sparrow reminded as he turned heel towards the portal. Claude hopped towards his senior and followed him to the human realm.
"Now students I want you to finish up to the tenth chapter of 'The Three Musketeers' by next week so that we could continue our discussion," Ms. Bustier said as she dismissed her class. The students hurriedly got out of their seats to enjoy the rest of the day.
Marinette fumbled with the letter in her hands as she looked at the boy in front of her. Noticing her actions, Alya have her a light nudge as she pointed to the boy in front of them. Marinette turned to her friend with pleading eyes trying to tell her that she can't do it yet. Alya gave out a sigh of frustration by the girl's reluctantness.
"I could give it to him for you," Alya offered. "I know this is not going to help you talk to him on your own but it's getting tiring now. Do you or do you not want him to know how you feel?" she asked her friend once Adrien left the room. Looking down at her feet she sighed and replied, "I want to, but if you do this for me how will I gave him when he gives me his answer?" Alya placed an arm over the girl's shoulder and have her a tight squeeze. She smiled at the bluenette and said, "Alright, you've got this."
A snort broke them from their moment. They turned and sneered at Felix who was giving them a heathen look. "I bet she's not going to do it," he stated as a foxy grin formed on his face. Alya scowled at the boy and crossed her arms over her chest. "I bet you wrong. You know why? Because today is the day, I can feel it. There's no better day to confess your love than on Valentine's day," she defended her friend. "Really now?" he quipped as he raised an eyebrow at the two.
"How about this, if I get to confess to Adrien today you're going to be my pack horse this weekend when I go shopping. If I don't," Marinette began. "You're going to go on a blind date with a friend of mine," Felix said as a sly smirk formed. Marinette's eyes widen as they turned into a scowl and smacked him on his head. "No way, I'm not that desperate," she exclaimed to him while he laughed at her actions.
"You know, he does have a point. But if she doesn't take the blind date I'll have it," Alya commented. "Alya! I thought you didn't want to date anyone," Marinette said in betrayal. Felix grinned and nodded and said, "I guess you could fill in for her anyway."
"That's unfair, I'm the one whose the bet about," Marinette pointed out. "Well then, are you going to take the blind date offer, then?" Felix challenged. Marinette looked at him, contemplating whether it's a good bet. "Fine, I'll do it," she finally said as she flailed her arms agreeing to their stupid bet.
He crossed his arms and shrugged his shoulders while Alya placed her fingers on her forehead and shook her head in disagreement. "Alright, what are we waiting for? Let's go and see if you can really do it," Alya said as she placed her hands behind the two's back and guided them out. "Wait, wait, why is he coming too?" Marinette asked in confusion. "Well I have to see the bet go through so don't mind me," he says as they exited the room.
"So newbie, where are we going?" Sparrow asked as they flew over the city. Claude looked around and began to think. "Why not a high school? There's a lot of teens who are looking for love and could actually help them find the sweet young love they're looking for," he responded. Sparrow pondered and made a note on his notebook. Claude looked at him worriedly and asked, "Was I right?" Sparrow closed the notebook and replied, "That's for me to know and for you to find out, later."
Claude nodded and spotted a school with an open courtyard and landed on the roof and began to scan the perimeter. Cupids have a special ability to detect attraction and capability of humans to another. For Claude, he can see it via scents and colour, a rather rare process that makes it difficult for him to interpret.
"Alright, let's get over the point system," Sparrow spoke as he landed next to him. "If you get soulmates you get 10 points, possible lovers 9 points, young love 8 points, admiration developed through time 7, love at first sight 6, first love 5, sweet 16 lovers 4 points, retrying past relationships 3, friends with benefits 2 points, and finally casual sex 1 point, but the wild card may land you any point," he went over. Claude nodded and took in a deep breath and began to focus.
"Oh right," Sparrow interrupted. "I can deduct points as well, if you matched the wrong pairs, if you use the wrong formula I have to deduct 8 points. If you match those who are not compatible 9 points will be removed. And if you mess up a currently working relationship or possible relationship I'll be taking 10 points," he finished.
"Why are the deducting points higher?" Claude asked. Sparrow shrugged and said, "I don't really know, maybe to fail you guys faster," he joked.
Claude turned his attention back to the courtyard and began to focus on the students and took in the plenty scents and colours around him. He noticed two friends walking with each other. The blonde had two colours around her, one was white, but was slightly faded, either because of the distance or the age. The other colour was pink and it was wrapped around her friend who had the same colour.
He knew this would be a big problem if the soulmate appears but with the faded the colour made it was slightly impossible. Taking two arrows he fired at the two, making a trail of dark pink roses follow.
Rose giggled as she told Juleka about a cute video she watched about Prince Ali. Juleka smiled at her as a light pink blush dusted her cheeks. They both stopped in their footsteps as if they were hit with an arrow. The looked at each other and smiled.
"Do you want to, you know, go to that ice cream shop that they keep on talking about?" Juleka asked Rose. Rose smiled and nodded as she took the goth's hand and began to drag her to Andre's.
Sparrow looked at Claude and smiled as he said, "That gives you seven points, not bad." Claude smiled to himself as he looked back at the students as he saw a stray colour blue between two people who kept on glancing at each other. He took in the scent and realized that he need to get them back.
He took the arrows and fired at the jock and the other athlete as a trail of blue roses followed. The male pulled the typical I left something in the classroom, making the girl followed him to speak privately.
Next he saw another stray of blue from a girl who was walking into a car and a boy who was driving another couple around town. He aimed at them making the male bike towards his ex.
Sparrow raised an eyebrow at him wondering why he's wasting his points on people who broke up instead of using it to those who have a higher chance of giving him a higher point.
Claude spotted a yellow mess with a sweet honey scent from two friends who were listening to a podcast together. He smiled and shot two arrows at them changing their mood. Next he say a string of red coming from a classroom in the second floor. He flew closer to find an artist and a writer working on a comic, and are obviously attracted to each other, but are too shy to talk about it. He grinned and leaned against the door frame and shot the two arrows that was followed by red roses.
He smiled at this and suddenly caught a whiff of a zesty orange smell. He turned to find a rocker who had a hopeful look towards the girl. He was radiating a strong zest smell, but it was a weak orange colour towards his counterpart. He hates this, it makes it hard got him to decide, mostly because the girl had a strong red colour making it hard for him to decide which one to follow.
Taking a cream colored arrow, he shot it at the two. He watched as the arrows landed on the two making them meet eyes. He watched as the colour changed into a sunset orange with a mixture of a light violet as the scent was an early morning.
"Not bad, you really are moving quickly. You still have fifteen minutes left," Sparrow said as he landed next to Claude.
Once out of the classroom Marinette felt a different chill in the air. She shrugged it off as they tried to look for Adrien, who would be at fencing class today. They began to go down the steps, but she can't help but look around.
"Guys, do you feel the weird chill in the air?" Marinette asked. Alya shrugged and answered, "Don't tell me you're getting cold feet?"
"I'm not, it's just that there's something different about today. I mean look, Ondine and Kim are holding hands," make pointed out as she pointed at the couple who just came out of the room. Alya's eyes widened in interest and said, "Scoop! I can't believe they're back. I've got to go and ask them now. Felix make sure that she gets to confess, do not sabotage it."
Felix rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever, as long as she ends up in an awkward situation I'll be happy," he commented earning him a slap on the stomach. "Sadist," Marinette mumbled. Felix chuckled but stopped in his tracks when he saw his two friends together, closer than ever.
Following his line of sight Marinette smiled and began shaking him in excitement. "Oh my gosh, are they finally going out?" she asked as she pointed at Allan who had an arm over Allegra, while they were sitting on a bench listening to a podcast. "I don't see why it's such a big deal," he told her. "What?" she asked in an offended tone. Felix removed himself from her and said, "You know it was bound to happen so why you're overreacting about it." She huffed at his comment and began to look for a seat.
They found a bench and waited for Adrien's duel against a new student in red to finish. "There's something really strange about the air," Felix commented. Marinette nodded in agreement as she tried to figure out what's happening. It suddenly clicked, making her grin and casually reply, "I think it's love."
Felix scoffed at her answer keeping his eye at the game. "Why? Because it's Valentine's day," he sarcastically said. She rolled her eyes at him and said, "What do you know about love anyway? I'm pretty sure you haven't felt it."
He chuckled at her statement as movement caught his eye. "Well, I know when someone's attracted to another. Speak of which, it seems like I found a blind date for you," Felix stated. "Really now, I think Lila has something to say to you though," she commented noticing the brunettes movement.
Claude began to look around again, there he found a trio of students coming down the stairs with a string aura to them. The brunette with red tips had a strong pink colour surrounding her while a sweet Carnation smell emitted from her. The bluenette beside her had multiple colours crashing around her, but the strongest ones are white and dark pink, both pointing towards the fencer. However, the blond beside them had nothing, no colour and no scent.
This was a rare occurrence given that all of the people he had seen with this usually end up alone. It's either, they don't want to get attached to anyone romantically, or they are really good at hiding romantic attraction and thoughts. If a Cupid can't detect it, what more the person they love.
He then caught a sudden smell of a horrible odor that could cause him to puke. He turned to find a young girl who was surrounded by her peers. He looked closer and looked at the rather morseful colour colour combination the girl expelled. She was the type of people Cupids dislike, given that they are the homewreckers and whorish opportunists.
He noticed her line of sight and was locked with the blond he just saw. She watched her get up and began to walk towards the boy. He watched as the blond ignored her attempts and touches. However, at the other end he could see another boy who held a letter in his hand and was radiating an orange colour towards the bluenette, who held only the scent of friendship for him.
"You poor soul," he commented as he suddenly noticed a faint red colour mixing with the orange of the boy. Claude turned to find the source of it, it came from the brunette from the stairs who was also radiating a red colour that's mixing with the pink. He smiled as he shot both of them with the arrow.
Suddenly he a sweet fragrance of fresh wine was calling from behind. It was intoxicating and dangerous, given that it's the call of love at first sight. Claude could feel himself get reeled into it, given the aroma was to good to say no to. This made him unconsciously take up two arrows and turned to face the culprits and shot it at them while a spring is violet roses followed.
Realising what he had done he began to see the string white from the male for down. That was when he realized that that was the male fencer the bluenette was fated to. He knew he messed up big time today.
"Why am I not surprised?" Felix commented as Lila arrived and gave her model smile with a small wave. "Happy Valentine's day Felix," she greeted him. Marinette wanted to gag at her actions knowing they were all superficial. "What's so happy about today when today is supposed to be the death anniversary of Saint Valentine?" he asked.
"Well, it is his death anniversary. Did you know that I actually babysat his great-great-great-grandson?" Lila spectacled trying to catch his attention. Marinette lost it, making her laugh at this statement while Felix tried to school his features. "You do mean from a close relative not a direct descendant," he tried to clarify.
"Is there any difference?" Lila asked not catching on on what she just said. This made Marinette laugh harder not being able to control her laughter. "Marinette really is crazy," Lila commented. "I mean look at her, laughing at nothing," she added.
"That may be so, but if you were in her position, wouldn't you laugh as well?" Felix asked her. Lila have a puzzled look, not picking on what they both meant.
"You do know that Saint Valentine is a priest, right?" Marinette asked catching her breath. It finally clicked and she knew she couldn't back out now as she placed an awkward smile on her face and began laughing awkwardly. "You got it, it was a joke. I was joking," she tried to save face.
Luckily for her luck was on her side, as Alya arrived and placed an arm over the girl's shoulder. "Hey Lila, I have a major scoop for you," Alya said in an ecstatic voice. Feeling relieved, Lila turned her attention to the reporter, "Really, what is it?" she asked trying to sound excited. "I just found out that Kim and Ondine are back together," Alya exclaimed as she shoved her phone to the Italian's face.
"You know, you still have to notice Nino over there," Felix whispered to Marinette as he edged his head to the boy's direction. Marinette turned to look at Nino and asked, "Are you sure it's for me? I thought he had a crush on Alya if I'm going to be honest." Felix shrugged and simply said, "Whatever." As they both turned they're attention to the duel.
The duel finally ended with both of them pointing each other, making it difficult for the referee to decide. Mr. D'Argencourt smiled as he placed his hand under his chin. "Well it seems like my students are still unbeatable," he stated. "Take your saber away, along with your helmet," he commanded.
The red fencer frowned under her mask, not wanting to show her face to a crowd knowing her failure. Adrien, however, pushed his helmet back and turned to his teacher. "Are you sure, sir? I think he got the point," he defended his competitor. He turned to the fencer and said, "Why not a decisive match to prove yourself?"
The red fencer sighed as she shrugged off her helmet swishing her short dark hair and made eye contact with her opponent. But as their eyes met an instant connection was felt.
Marinette and Felix noticed this, causing her heart to clench and an unintended tear slid down her cheek. She knew that look on both of their faces very well. Those looks they are giving each other are the looks of people who have fallen in love with the first time they made eye contact.
She couldn't help but feel like she's not going to get the answer she would be hoping for. This made her get up from where she sat and began to run out of the school.
Sparrow looked at the horrible mistake that Claude had made. He looked at the male fencer and the fleeting figure of the bluenette. Those two were meant to be soulmates, but it seems like Claude paired the wrong couple. He looked back at where the girl sat, only to find that the blond male had gotten up and followed behind her.
Even for Sparrow he wasn't able to hear any form of love emanating from the boy, but seeing him follow after his friend he couldn't help but hear the enchanting symphony of soulmates from him. He looked back at his student and approached him from behind.
"You have to fix this you know that," he told Claude. Claude looked lost as he placed his hands on his head. "I-I don't know how to fix this. They were supposed to be soulmates and I separated them because of a spontaneous emotion," he ranted, feeling angry about himself for making the wrong decision in matchmaking.
Sparrow placed a hand on his shoulder and told him, "It seems like you're forgetting a little thing about soulmates." This hit him as he flew up immediately and began to look for Marinette to set it right.
Marinette didn't know that she started to run away from him. She just ran and ran with no direction not caring where she was going as the tears streamed from her face. She even left her schoolbag and dropped the letter she was going to give to Adrien. She finally got tired and sat on the closest bench she found and began to cry her eyes out.
Passersby looked at the girl with pity knowing that she's one of the unfortunate souls that Valentine's day looked down on. But she didn't care about what the other people thought, she just cared about the look Adrien was giving his fencing opponent. Indeed that girl looked beautiful and strong, she had a confident aura around her. Not to mention, she looked like she had a lifestyle and status that was similar to Adrien. How can she ever compete with that.
"Of all the places you could be in, you chose that most romantic spot in Paris," Felix spoke in front of her. She looked up to find him kneeling before her to match her height. He placed her bag and the letter next to her as he took a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her. She silently took it and wiped her eyes and blew her nose. He got up and sat next to her with their bags in between.
"You saw it too didn't you?" Felix asked Marinette. She nodded solemnly not wanting to face him with her tearstained eyes and runny nose. "You recognized the look on their faces?" she asked mildly surprised that he knew what a lovestruck face looked like. "I'm not that heartless you know," he replied as he placed both of his arms on the top of the bench's backrest. She snorted and chuckled at his answer as she wiped her eyes again.
The two stayed silent for a while as Marinette tried to compose herself. "Thanks for bringing me my bag," she said once she felt that she would no longer cry. He hummed a 'you're welcome' to her as he looked at the changing sky. She took the note that she wrote for Adrien and began to contemplate as she strolled down memory lane.
Five months ago
"You're such a dick, Felix!" Marinette screamed at him as he was sitting on the branch of a tree reading her diary. "Scream all you want, this cat isn't getting down, and remember there are kids in the park," he mocked her with one hand holding the tree and the other he placed his head on to of it while he held the diary and gave her a wink. He adjusted his position as he leaned his back on the main stem of the tree as he began to read her diary aloud.
"Today was an amazing day, I was able to go to the movies with Adrien~ even though I was in my pajamas wearing pink goggles and a towel on my head," he read in an over the top voice making him laugh loudly. "Seriously Marinette, that was the only thing you wrote as the highlight of the day," he added as the bluenette turned red in anger and embarrassment.
"Just shut up and give me my diary back," she shouted at him, losing her patience. "You shouldn't leave these things out in the open you know. If you already had a box for it make sure that it's always in there," he told her sad he continued to flip through the pages.
This made the girl climb the tree as well, hoping to retrieve it before he reads anymore of her embarrassing secrets. Felix, on the other, was rather enjoying this, he knew he still had time given that he's at the top and it would take a while before she'd reach him. He flipped through some pages and a certain word caught his attention.
He read it silently, "Dear Diary, today Felix annoyed the hell out of me again. But I can't help but feel happy to know that at least someone was brave enough to point out my flaws. He's actually right about me being a doormat when it comes to my friends, I noticed that now. Even though he insults us it seems like he's actually looking out for us in his own way (at least he's not as bad as Chloe). He's starting to grow on me despite the horrible first impression we got from him. I just hope that he'll start saying things in a nicer way. I feel like if he was kinder he would be like an antisocial version of Adrien, they look so alike.
"If you look at his blond hair, it's so kept you'd think that he consumes a single can of hairspray or hair gel every day to keep it that way. His eyes are darker than Adrien's though, making him look more mysterious. It makes me wonder what goes on in that thick head of his. Is he thinking of different ways to judge everyone or world domination? Or is he think of, nevermind, as if he'd be think of that. But his eyelashes are very much longer than Adrien's giving him a kind of feminine touch, maybe he got it from his father. But when he looks at me it sometimes makes me feel like Adrien's looking at me.
"Oh Adrien, I just love sitting behind him, because I get to look at the back of his head all the time and when he stands up I could sometimes look at his cute butt. Wait, if Adrien and Felix look very much alike do they have the same body build, like is Felix as ripped as Adrien? Then that would mean—"
"Gotcha!" Marinette exclaimed as she took her diary from his hands. Felix flinched at this realising that he was no longer paying attention to the owner. She gave a victorious laugh only to lose her balance and fall. He reacted quickly, stretching out his arm and caught her, but he was dragged down. He turned them so that he would take the impact as he held Marinette in his arms protectively.
Felix groaned on impact feeling like he broke something. Marinette quickly got up and began scolding him. "What do you think you were doing? You could've been severely injured taking the fall for both of us. But you did deserve for reading my diary," she rebuked. He gave out another groan as he mumbled an apology to her.
"I know, I know, it was stupid of me and I kinda deserved it," he says as he tried to get up. "You think," she sarcastically replied. She sighed as she helped him up as he winced and whimpered. "Ow, ow, ow, careful, I'm fragile," he whined. "Why? Cat didn't land on his feet and ended up bruised," she mocked him. She brought him the get house, where they were supposed to be doing a pair project only to have a brawl.
She placed him on their sofa and began treating his bruises. "I'm sorry," he said as he winced at her touch. "I shouldn't have took your diary it's private," he apologized as he looked at the first aid kit in front of her. "I should be sorry too," she said. "I'm so clumsy that I lost my footing and fell," she explained. The two fell silent as she finished up. "Thank you," he told her. She smiled at his gratitude and replied, "You're welcome, but I should thank you for taking the fall for me. He gave her a smile as he awkwardly scratched his nape and said, "I had it coming. Karma is a bitch anyway." She placed a kiss on his bruised forehead silencing him.
Marinette began tearing the love letter she made for Adrien. Felix looked at her with confusion, but didn't stop her. Once she finished she got up and threw it in the trash can and went back to where she sat.
"Are you giving up?" he asked trying to fill in the silence. She looked up at the sky whose colours were changing and turned into a sea of coral colours. "I guess so, I don't want to abuse myself with my obsession with him. He needs me as a friend not as a lover, the same goes for me. I always felt like we were just meant to be friends and I'm happy with that, as long as I'm in his life and he's in mine," she replied.
This made him smile as he looked at the sky as well. "So you gonna start looking for other guys?" he asked her. She shrugged still looking at the sky, "Maybe," she replied. He turned his head slightly to look at her and said, "Luka perhaps? He's s great guy anyways." She turned her head slightly at him and asked in a confused tone, "Weren't you going to set me up on a blind date?"
"Are you still willing?" he challenged with a cheshire smile. "Only if you'll be my blind date," she joked. For some of reason this made his heart skip a beat like that time during their project. She laughed at his reaction as she turned back to the sky. It was short lived because she felt herself get dragged from her seat.
"Where are we going?" she asked rather lost as to why he grabbed her hand and bag. He flashed her a toothy grin and said, "On a date, of course." This made her flush stopping in her tracks, this made him stop as well. He neared her only to have her grip his hand tighter and dragged him along. "Keep up, were going ice cream hunting," she said in a happy tone.
Sparrow and Claude sat on the railings of the Eiffel tower with a satisfied look on their faces. "They are more than two fragments of an original soul," Claude whispered
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Title: Running With Lions
Author: Julian Winters
Genre: YA Fiction | Romance | Friendship | Sports | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: (Brief) Homophobia
Overall Rating: 6.3/10
Personal Opinion: Everyone expects Sebastian to be the next team captain. They expect him to lead the team to victory. When his childhood friend joins the team, that status is suddenly put into jeopardy because Sebastian just doesn’t know what to do with him. As they bond over drills and practice, old feelings and new ones form between Sebastian and Emir. A captivating tale of a dysfunctional found family playing sports and the love that can blossom on the field.
Couple Classification: Sebastian X Emir = Jock X Goth
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- Honestly, Sebastian and Emir are a much better couple than Wes and Nico. Their falling out made sense to me. They had a lot more chemistry. Sebastian’s desire to help came from this place of responsibility and also nostalgia and goodwill. Emir’s shyness reminded me of when I was taken to France and then brought back. I wasn’t gone as long (I think) but that can really impact a person emotionally. I think their banter was nice and the tension when Emir was grumpy was cute. Their movie date was adorable, their rain practice was romantic, their skinny dipping was captivating, I was honestly so into it. I do think they have their issues, in particular I hate that they really spent weeks after that dumb fight not really talking. It’s just bullshit honestly. Carl was in the wrong and yeah Emir can take care of himself but that is not an excuse to get so mad at Sebastian for wanting to help. Ugh, teenagers in love are so annoying with their decisions sometimes. But what else is new?
- Willie is a ray of sunshine. He had a crush on Sebastian but he never let his feelings get in the way of cheering them on. He supported Sebastian’s love for Emir and reminded me so much of Suga from Haikyuu!! He’s a senior, he got benched (because of an injury), but he was the loudest cheerleader and strictest coach working on the sidelines. I have so much respect for him because he’s not only totally in-touch with his feelings but he tries so hard to include everyone around him. A ray of sunshine.
- The scene where Grey took down Mason in a scrimmage is iconic. She showed him up in front of everyone. I had rolled my eyes at the idea of Mason agreeing to a date due to a bet but the fact that she declined, queen shit. She just trashed his reputation, united the team, and rejected him in front of all the boys. I think it was a humbling experience for Mason too and actually made him realize that the way he’s been treating women has been wrong. It gives real Sokka/Suki vibes and I do hope Mason will take this experience and truly grow from it. Be better, bitch.
- The dialogue cracks me up. Especially when Mason said he was thinking of asking out Patrick (Grey’s last name) and Sebastian said “Patrick from the track team?” and Will said “Coach Patrick?” Like I actually wheezed.
- The drive-in movie date was probably my favorite chapter. To begin with, it was adorable. Also, when Val’s friend was flirting with Emir, it was just so funny. Especially when she stomped over after Emir told her he was gay. And then he went and wrapped his arms around Sebastian and put his fingers through the belt loops like SIR! He was really rubbing it in. And Sebastian was eating it up too, it was so cute. 
- Distance is so hard to measure in several scenes. Like when the team was going into town and Sebastian was somehow talking to Emir who was sitting outside on the front steps of his cabin but Bastian was by the car and I just did not know where anyone was standing in proximity to others at any point. Or when Sebastian’s in the locker room. Where was he hiding when the St. Catherine bigots were talking shit to Emir and Hunter? They just straight up didn’t notice him. Or when they were eating ice cream. I pictured an actual shop, not just a window where they get ice cream. I don’t even know where the windows were positioned when Sebastian would sneak into Emir’s room. It was confusing and messed with my vision of events.
- Emir’s attitude makes sense to me but I think it was taken to the extremes at times. Like when he scowled at Hunter for sitting at his table. He also has such a supportive family and his dad’s not mad at him for his sexuality so why was he working so hard to impress him with soccer? To me, it doesn’t make sense. Raj is clearly a supportive, loving dad so what brought this on? Emir’s so shy and easily explosive that I can’t imagine him wanting to do soccer, a team sport, unless his dad was disappointed in him at some point. The entire team did not help in making Emir fit in, but Emir should’ve met them halfway. What’s worse is that after the big fight, Emir was suddenly getting along well with Zach and Hunter. I don’t get it. Like if it was that easy then the fight shouldn’t have been such a big deal. Someone should’ve apologized sooner.
- Sebastian not coming out also doesn’t make sense to me. His entire family is clearly supportive and loving, they don’t give a shit. I get it, the stigma exists. He’s in the machismo world of sports but he surrounded by queer folks and his coach would never reject any kid for their sexuality so what is up?
- Mason Riley can eat shit. I hate him. Look, if even his own friends root against him, I don’t think he is a good person. Mason is out here being so rude to a girl that had a crush on him. He clearly didn’t make an effort for Val either and he literally talked shit about Emir at every turn for no reason. For no reason! Carl too! Fuck Carl! What happened? What did Emir do to make them hate him like that? Just because he’s a bit standoffish? It made me so mad because they’re “not like other jocks” but they certainly fucking acted like it.
- The coaches are great in that they don’t care about sexuality or gender identity in sports but man do they put too much pressure on Sebastian. It’s no wonder he’s a wreck. Plus, if all of these kids are puking during their drills, I don’t think they’re doing it right. To me, it just sounds like child endangerment. They don’t even care for them if they fail, it’s just a lot of yelling. They also just break up fights instead of actually reprimanding the ones at fault? I mean, it’s bullshit. It just almost screams performative. 
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angelofbloodlust · 4 years
randy hcs with a goth S/O please 🥺🥺
A/N: This is my first request for Randy! and a couple things to apologize for, since it’s my first time writing for him I’m still trying to get the hang of his personality, so I’m sorry if he’s ooc :( and second, sorry if this isn’t that good 😭 I don’t know too much about goths, I tried to look up what I could but I hope it’s okay!
Randy Meeks w/ a Goth S/O:
For god knows how long, it was common knowledge by everyone that Randy had the hots for Sidney Prescott, who always gave off that innocent, sweet it-girl vibe
So when one day, he showed up with you on his arm..
..Needless to say, everyone was quite shocked
It was quickly made clear he was completely head over heels for you, and how could he not be?
You were the coolest person he had ever seen, when he saw you for the first time he knew he had to have you
He really didn’t understand why you were interested in his nerdy, horror movie-obsessed self, but he couldn’t complain!
He brags about you constantly, especially to his friend group ((((ESPECIALLY especially Stu)))), there’s very rarely a moment where he isn’t talking about you and how fucking cool you are, and how he so deeply loves and admires you
He’s a fucking simp-
He adores when you show him music you love to listen to, and he’s not afraid to admit how much he loves it to you
He plays that shit on replay when you aren’t around, it makes him think of you!
If you wear goth makeup, he loves to watch your process!
He lowkey wishes he could pull your style off, but he’s not exactly confident about it
Mostly because Stu told him he couldn’t 😐
But he doesn’t mind, he absolutely loves how it looks on you and that’s all that matters to him
And when it comes to the way you act, he loves it just as much!
You were generally quite intimidating to outsiders, and he 10000% feeds off of that
Watch those jocks try and harass him now with his awesome, spooky S/O 😎
He finds it funny when he sees people get scared of you just for how you look, what kind of life is that to judge people so quickly? If they took a moment to speak to you, they’d know you’re a complete sweetheart
And he loves how much you view the darker side of things in a positive light, and he was also very happy to find someone who didn’t mind horror, as of course, you were completely supportive in his love for it
Also.. the clothes...
They’re more than enough to make him drool, no matter how revealing your outfit is
He genuinely cannot get over how his s/o has such an amazing sense of style, and every outfit you throw together just drives him insane
There’s just something about all of your accessories and all-black attire that gives him heart eyes
He especially loves if you wear fishnets of any kind, or arm warmers
They’re so cute!! and sexy-
I honestly can’t say whether you’d actually be able to convince him to try on any goth attire, mostly because he just doesn’t want any of his friends giving him shit about it
He’ll do it for you if you really want, though!
Y’all can be goth partners 😇 and he’ll secretly love every second of it
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Biology [Dio x Reader]
Summary – You are stressed about college applications but by a twist of fate, a boy comes into your life and agrees to help you in exchange for something else.
Pairing – Gender neutral reader x Shane “Dio” Morrissey (No Y/N)
Warnings – general school related anxiety
Word count – 2.2k
A/N: For now this is just a one shot but if people enjoy it please let me know and I can write more! Comment if you would like to be tagged in a possible future update/s.
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“I’m heading home now,” the high school librarian announced, as she threw the keys in your direction. The clanking of the metal hitting the desk interrupted you from your thoughts. “Lock up.” She ordered you and before you could reply, she was gone. You had stayed late at the school library every night for the past two weeks trying to work on your college applications. You had applied for one of the most prestigious fashion schools in your country and were spending time working on your portfolio, trying to make sure everything was perfected. Every night, however, you found yourself staying late and as the submission deadline neared more and more things were seemingly going wrong. In the dim light, you stared at the computer screen as the brightness stung your eyes. Just then, a crash made you jump out of your seat and run to where the noise emanated from, thinking something had happened to the librarian on her way out. Instead, you saw the silhouette of a boy, clumsily picking up fallen books from the floor. You got closer and went down on your knees, reaching your hand out to pick up a book, but his hand overlapped yours. The contact sent a shiver down your spine and you diverted your gaze from the book, to the boy. He was already staring at you. Your lips parted as you realised who he was and he said your name in a gentle tone. The dim light brought out a sparkle in his eyes which almost made him unrecognisable. “Dio…”
He was the boy in your classes, who sat at the back and didn’t say a word. He was different to the other boys. He wore all black, he had piercings and, you looked down at his hand which was resting on top of yours, noting his chipped, painted black nails. You smiled; he was certainly different. Dio was one to always get in trouble, fighting with people who crossed him wrong or using his smart mouth to back-talk the teachers. You remembered just the other week he had threatened to stab someone. You ripped your hand away from his, remembering the incident and stumbled back to your feet. He stood up with you and you folded your arms over your chest, almost defensively. “Why are you here?” You quizzed Dio. There was no reason for someone like him to be in the school library so late at night.
Dio stood awkwardly, looking at you and looking at the pile of fallen books on the ground. “I- uh-“ he struggled to get his words out. You picked up one of the books and ran your fingers over the title.
“Biology?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m failing,” Dio admitted with a sigh. “And, I can’t fail. So I’m studying. I usually just sit in Ms Greene’s classroom every night after school. No one knows I stay back. It’s uh, kind of a secret.”
“No way,” you shook your head in disbelief. “You? Studying?” You panicked slightly, feeling as though your tone might have come off as rude, but he didn’t seem fazed.
“I don’t want to go college,” Dio shrugged. “But I want out of this hell-hole. I want to graduate. I’m already a grade behind because I failed my finals last year. I can’t fail again.”
“You’re a year behind?”
“I’m nineteen,” he told you and you nodded, listening to him intently. He was finally making eye contact with you, and the softness in his look brought you a feeling of safety, despite him being your high school’s intimidating Goth boy.
“Well,” you cleared your throat and changed the subject. “I’m here every night too.” Dio gave you a weak smile and rubbed his feet along the old carpet awkwardly.
“Studying?” he asked.
“No,” you replied and handed him the biology book. He took it and slid it back into its place. He didn’t even want it anymore. “College applications.”
“Yeah? What are you applying for?” Dio asked and you raised an eyebrow at his curiosity.
“Fashion,” you informed him, pointing at the only switched on computer which lit up the corner of library. Dio’s smile grew and you wondered if he was about to poke fun at you.
“Can I see?” He followed your finger and also pointed at your computer.
You hesitated. He probably wanted to sabotage your portfolio... that sounded like a ‘Dio’ thing to do. The awkward silence went on long enough and you gave in, agreeing, and taking him over to your computer. You slid back down into your chair and flicked through the pages of your virtual fashion file. Instead of pulling a seat up, he leaned down to your level, his hand resting on the back of your chair. The distance between you both was very small, you swore you could even feel his breath on your neck. “Ms Cassidy says all applications are due in this Friday and I’m just about happy with my portfolio-“
“-You should be,” Dio interrupted. “This is incredible.”
You paused, dumbstruck by his compliment. Dio doesn’t just give out compliments like that. Especially not to people he’s just met. Hell, you were even surprised he knew your name. “…But,” you continued. “I need this to stand out and be special or else the admissions team won’t look twice at it. Fashion is so competitive. I had this idea. I wanted to do a segment on alternative style but I need a model and I’m not sure if I could find one who fits my image in time. I feel like giving up.” You sighed, exasperated, but he didn’t answer. He was paying very little attention to your words, or even your portfolio. His eyes burned into your face, memorising and taking in every little detail like you were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. “Dio?” You interrupted his thoughts.
You sighed again. “I can’t find a model because no one has that special air of style these days. Everyone is the same. Same is boring. We all want to look the same as each other because… it feels safe.” You shrugged.
“Right,” Dio agreed, shuffling around in his long black leather coat. The noise it made pulled you to look at him, and as you took in his appearance, you were struck with an idea. Dio must’ve seen the lightbulb appear above your head and he laughed.  “No no no,” he shook his head. You didn’t need to verbalise your thoughts, he already knew exactly what you wanted. “Not me. I’m not a model.”
“Please!” You begged, standing up and pressing both of your hands to his chest as you felt the different layers of material he was wearing. His breathing hitched under your touch and he squirmed slightly. “You’re perfect… you…” Your voice trailed off as you imagined the various poses he could do in his different clothes. He was everything you needed; your ticket to get into Fashion school. “Dio.” you pulled your hands away and pressed them together in a praying gesture. “I’ll pay you.” Your voice changed seriously. “Do you have any idea how much I want this?”
“I do… I do…” Dio said, uncertainty still dripping from his tongue. He thought of how much his friends would tease him if they found out he had been out on photoshoots with you. If they knew he was your model. But there was no reason for them to find out, and if it meant he could spend more time with you… “You can pay me. Yeah?” He eventually agreed.
“Yes!” You exclaimed, filled with happiness. “Of course Dio, thank you.” And acting on impulse, you hugged him. You felt him tense up and you buried your face into his chest. After a delay, he wrapped his arms around you. He was warm. You didn’t know what it was, perhaps his strong arms or broad shoulders that made you feel protected. It was crazy. Of course you had seen him around before, but suddenly he had you feeling all these things. “Thank you,” you mumbled. You finally felt like you had a shot at fashion school – a chance. From that moment, you swore he was your lucky star.
Dio had always stuck out in a crowd of high school students with his black gelled hair, kohl eyeliner and multiple piercings around his ears. You were certain he was feared, even by the jocks, but that only drew you in closer to him. He was like an enigma, and in this moment, you had never felt more compelled to discover more of him. Realising your hug probably had lasted way longer than appropriate, you were the first one to pull away. “So, uhm,” you cleared your throat, figuring you should go over expenses. “I can do 30$ for the first hour and if it takes longer… then 10$ for every hour after that.”
“No I don’t want your money,” Dio said, and you knotted your eyebrows together. He wanted more.
Dio knew you better than you knew him. He had been watching you for a while now, taking in your every move. He knew your GPA was above average and that you were worrying way more than you needed to be about college. He had complete faith in you. He saw you every day, laughing with your friends in the cafeteria. He watched you from his seat at the back of the classes you shared with him. He admired how smart you were, and especially how hard-working, something he felt like he could never be. You felt like you would be good for him, a positive influence which is something he knew he so desperately needed. But there was something about you that made him lose his confidence. It was a feeling he’d never felt before which made him question all his motives. He wanted to go out with you, kiss you with hunger and passion. He had done these things plenty of times before and lord knows he was experienced but it was like there was something inside of him that stopped him from making any advances. In the darkness of the library, in the close proximity, he felt the butterflies in his stomach. He felt the spark of electricity when your hands had previously touched. He’d done a lot – been with guys and girls before but the outcome was always the same. Meaningless sex and then never speak to them again. Now, he was suddenly feeling this emotional attachment. A sense of longing.
He wanted to ask you out. He wanted to tell you that he didn’t need your money, he just needed you, and he’d take you right now in the library if he could. He looked around, contemplating his surroundings. He simply couldn’t do it, and yet the urge to kiss you was so strong. “I don’t want your money,” he repeated. “Look, you help me pass biology and that’ll be enough.”
You felt the tension in the air. You wondered if he could feel it too. “Before we start on biology,” your voice was barely above a whisper. “How’s your chemistry?” You intertwined your fingers with his and bit your lip, taking a step forward to him, filling any distance. Dio felt the smirk playing on his lips at your confidence but nervously, you looked up at him doe-eyed. This was the first time you had ever gotten close to someone. Dio lifted his free hand and cupped your cheek, his thumb tracing the softness of your lower lip.
“Good enough for me to know it’s alright to do this,” his voice was dark. He leaned in and his nose brushed against yours. You hummed and found your fingers in his hair as you pushed his face closer. Your eyes fluttered closed as he kissed you delicately. It wasn’t how you had imagined at all. You had seen him around other people; the way he’d push his partners into the lockers and run his hands over their bodies. You’d see people hang out with Dio, and they’d turn up to class the next day with hickeys and love-bites all over their jaw and neck. You imagined him rough, but this felt – gentle. He was passionate and took his time to deepen the kiss. You felt safe in his arms, you wanted to stay like this forever. He was such a good kisser, although him being your first kiss, you didn’t have much to compare it to. When he eventually pulled away so you could both catch your breath, you felt your knees weaken and couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. Dio spoke your name softly and squeezed your hand. “Let me walk you home.” He murmured, to which you agreed, but not before kissing him again.
I hope you enjoyed!! Like I said let me know if you want to be added to a tag list and I will write more if people want more. Thanks for reading. xx
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dusksmote · 4 years
Is there any background info you can give on characters in WTSAU?
Like any cool hc you give the characters?
okay i have SO MANY 😩 but i can’t say all the best ones until later cuz they involve SPOILERS
so i’ll try to say all the ones i can with the information given:
- Kyle’s had feelings for Stan since he realized he was gay, which was in middle school. When Stan came out as bi he told Kyle first, before Wendy, even though they were dating at the time. Kyle’s insecurities prevented from acting on his feelings even after they broke up.
- Wendy has pegged Stan in the past, but Kyle is the first guy Stan’s ever been with. Wendy has come around to support their relationship since the events of ETL chapter 4.
- Stan is always the first one to say ‘I love you’.
- Kyle was the last one in their big friend group to lose his virginity, but he has one of the highest sex drives of the guys. He and Stan switch off being top almost equally, but Kyle prefers to top and Stan prefers to bottom. they fuck daily.
- When they want to have a hard, passionate fuck Kyle tops. when they want to have slow, emotional sex Stan tops. Kyle has slight sadist tendencies (inflicts pain) and Stan has masochist tendencies (receives pain). Stan is especially into breathplay (choking, face sitting, crushing, etc.) and assplay. he’s the best ass eater (so call him a bottom feeder 😂) and Kyle’s superior in the blowjob department.
- Stan has hyperhidrosis, meaning he sweats more than the average person. this is why their rooms/the truck/anywhere they fuck smells so strong. there’s a few hints for this in ETL/WTSAU, he keeps antiperspirant in his locker and in the truck, he gets really sweaty whenever they have sex. Stan also has asthma and acne, which Kyle’s been helping him treat. Kyle loves popping his zits for him.
- Conversely, Kyle is super hygienic and always tries to keep himself clean and dry. when Sharon comes into Stan’s room in chapter 1 and describes the smell, the gym locker scent is Stan, the Old Spice is Kyle, and the ‘inside of a rubber balloon’ is their latex lubricant. 
- Everyone at school considers them the obnoxious, overly romantic couple. they hold hands, cuddle, kiss, and dirty talk in front of everyone. they think they can get away with it without people noticing but they’re chronically conspicuous and not stealthy. the working title for the fanfic was actually ‘Ain’t Slick’ for a while before it changed to What They Say About Us!
- they’re fucking devoted to each other and are exclusively monogamous. Stan is especially protective of Kyle and Kyle is fiercely possessive of Stan. 
- Kyle applied as a math major in his college applications, and will eventually get a PhD for logic and set theory. Stan’s a bio major and wants to go into physical therapy.
- Stan doesn’t smoke weed out of principle (because of his dad) so Kyle also doesn’t smoke in solidarity. 
- Kyle is a type 2 diabetic, and doesn’t need to always take insulin. his weight gain began with the World of Warcraft episode and was maintained instead of lost like in the show. his weight is a cyclical feedback loop of: genetics (mom’s side of the family), too much insulin (when using insulin therapy), and diet. this led to him developing lordosis (excessive weight warps his spine) so he didn’t grow as tall as he would have, and makes his weight appear more exaggerated. short stature, weight, and body image issues led to quitting basketball which in turn contributes more to his weight. this impacts his self-worth which leads to stress eating. his biggest fear is that he’ll never stop gaining weight and will end up as big or bigger than Cartman.
- Stan has gained a few pounds since he started dating Kyle, while Kyle has lost a few.
- Kenny is straight, but has voluntarily sucked dick before. he and henrietta have hooked up a few times in the past after running into each other at poetry slam events which Kenny takes Karen to. 
- Butters and Cartman are exclusively gay, and think girls are fucking gross. they’ve only every slept with each other.
- Kenny, Cartman, and Butters are all best friends and do pretty much everything together. even though Butters and Cartman are dating, Kenny never feels like a third wheel because they rarely act romantic in front of anyone (including him). however, when Style start dating and Cutters come out about their relationship, Kenny begins feeling like a fifth wheel.
- Butters lives almost entirely at Cartman’s house. His parents actually don’t mind because they enjoy not having him around. Liane is 100% the cool mom from mean girls who asks them if they want snacks or a condom. Sometimes all three of them crash at Kenny’s house for variety (or when he has to watch Karen because his mom is drinking/out of the house).
- Kenny wants to study psychology in college and become a family therapist or social worker. he’s taking a gap year to save money then going to community college. Cartman and Butters applied to the same schools and plan to stick together long-term.
- Butters and Cartman’s relationship started as experimenting with each other as their sexualities developed, and began after Cartman confided that he had sexual feelings for Kyle. Cartman and Butters have also developed genuine feelings for each other, and overtime their relationship transformed into what it is now. because of how their relationship started, they’re very open about any sexual feelings they have for other people and have a ‘hall pass’ for friends they’re allowed to fuck if given the chance, without it considered cheating.
- Butters is a huge gossip. he will promise to keep secrets and then immediately turn around and tell Cartman--which totally happened after Kyle said he thinks Stan has a crush on him in ETL chapter 2. Butters and Cartman keep nothing from each other, and the only secrets they won’t tell are the ones about each other. 
- Kenny is the easiest of the larger friend group to confide in, and keeps every secret he’s given. he’s known Cartman and Butters have been together since the beginning, about Cartman’s crush on Kyle, and Kyle’s crush on Stan. People naturally come to him for advice and to vent. The least likely person to confide in him is Kyle, who’s more likely to curl in on himself instead of expressing his feelings.
-SO much shit about Cartman and Butters’ relationship I can’t say yet because it comes up in the fic 😩 please ask me about these two again later when i can say more!!!
- Tweek is a dom top and Craig’s his catamite. they try to get away with sex anywhere they can and have gotten very stealthy because of it. Tweek also has one of the highest sex drives of their friend group, and Craig will let him do whatever he wants anywhere, anytime. 
- Tweek is constantly high on stimulants (cocaine, meth, adderall, etc.) and Craig experiments with him in certain settings. this is what gives Tweek his boosted self-confidence and flippant attitude. 
- Pete Thelman (hair flip goth) is their coke dealer. Tweek trades him his ADHD meds for it, which Pete resells to posers. If Tweek doesn’t have enough to cover the cost he and Craig make up the rest by giving Pete sexual favors. sometimes they have threesomes for fun too.
- Tweek and Craig both think Kyle is hot and would fuck him given the chance. being open about this with each other makes them feel closer and strengthens their relationship. they have roleplayed as Stan and Kyle in bed before while high out of their minds.
- they're deeply in love and would do anything for each other. Craig could get Tweek to stop taking drugs if he wanted to but right now they enjoy experimenting with them together. in the words of everyone who know them, ‘Tweek and Craig are perfectly fucked up for each other’. 
Kyle’s family:
- Sheila’s biggest regret as a parent is letting Kyle get fat, because she was also overweight as a kid and dealt with the same issues he does now. It’s the same reason she feels obligated to help Kyle’s cousin overcome his weight dilemma (by trying to get him and Stan to hang out).
- Ike is an eboy who loves lil peep. He, Karen, Tricia, and Firkle all make tiktoks together and complain about their gay older brothers/friends.
- random fun fact: If Ike and Karen get married that would mean Kyle and Kenny are brothers-in-law, which would mean the main five all end up as extended family to one another.
Stan’s family:
- Sharon has plans to divorce Randy but is waiting until Stan leaves for college to not uproot him from school and his friends.
- Grandpa Marsh is still kickin’ in the old folks home and Shelly’s off in college.
- Randy’s a narcissist who lives vicariously through Stan’s accomplishments in sports. the easiest way to explain it is: Randy’s not as proud of Stan for being a successful athlete and attractive jock as he is proud of himself for producing one. Stan’s ability to get laid with (he presumes) hot girls makes Randy feel like he has game too. one of the reasons he’s disgusted by Stan’s relationship with Kyle is if Stan’s fucking some big fat guy it doesn’t align with his narrative. 
this is just the stuff i could think of off the top of my head, i’ll probably come back and add more to this as i remember it. ask me again in a few chapters!!! i have so much i want to say about bunnyman, cutters, the future for style, and their families that i can’t say yet!
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alecmagnuslwb · 4 years
Young Fools
Writer’s Month 2020 Day Twenty-Nine
Read on AO3
“And lastly with the Salem witch trials, Zatara and Constantine,” the teacher says just before the bell rings. John startles from where he’d definitely been napping through most of class.
Oh fuck, he thinks first, because group projects are absolutely not his thing. And double oh fuck, he thinks when he realizes who his partner is.  
John Constantine is unaffected. He walks through the halls of school head held high, beat up trench coat with a bi pride flag pin on it not giving a fuck. Ever since his mother moved them to the states to get away from his father the English transfer has made a name for himself as the school’s resident bad boy. Late to classes, always getting caught smoking and telling off anyone who looked at him sideways.
He’s perfectly content with everyone thinking he doesn’t give a damn about them and that he’s an asshole.
Except her.
Zatanna Zatara is the genius goth princess of his dreams and the only thing that’s left him truly feeling something other than annoyance or anger since they moved.
He darts out of the classroom as soon as he can though, just because he likes the girl doesn’t mean he’s going to happily do a group project or worse yet make a fool of himself in front of her.
“Hey Constantine wait up!” she shouts running after him in the hall. He doesn’t know how she manages it in the chunky boots she’s wearing, but she catches up to him in seconds. She trips a little when she reaches him grabbing his arm for stability. It’s in that moment he realizes this is the closest they’ve been in the year they’ve been attending school together and this is most definitely the first time they’ve touched.
John looks at her the uninterested demeanor he’s maintained on full display.
“Hi,” she says smiling at him and John feels his steely demeanor slipping away already. “You ran off on me there, partner.” Her arm drops and John misses the contact immediately.
“Uh, yeah,” he says scratching at the back of his neck. “Sorry, ‘bout that. I’m just not the best at teamwork.”
Zatanna nods her lips twisting up in thought.
“Well I can work around that,” she says with a confident pat to his arm. “Meet me after school in the parking lot, you’re coming over and we’re working on this project.”
She walks away leaving him no room for argument strutting off to catch up with her friends. John watches her go in interest and in confusion. No one, save for Boston who forced his friendship upon John and who he’s fairly certain just talks so much he misses all social cues, has ever ignored his standoffish behavior before. No one’s ever really fought back against it before until now.
There’s no way he’s getting out of this project without breaking his don’t give a fuck attitude around her and he just knows it.
For some reason even though he could very easily just skip the rest of his classes and not show up in the parking lot, he sticks around until the final bell rings, attending all of his classes and everything.
Zatanna walks out with her little pack of friends she’s often with and smiles when she spots him. She turns to them throwing a wave and then makes her way over to John.
“Hey,” she says once she gets to him. “Not gonna lie I thought the chances of you not showing were 80 to 20 not in my favor.”
John huffs a laugh. “More like 70/40.”
Zatanna laughs at that a genuine thing that lights up her dark blue eyes even more.
“Come on, my cars this way,” she says tugging on his sleeve. Across the lot a series of wolf whistles sound from Zatanna’s friends as they all pile into another car. Zatanna stops and rolls her eyes.
“Ignore triple a,” she says gesturing to the end of the lot.
“Triple a?”
“Abby, Alec and Andrew. They’re my best friends and it’s just easier to call them that than list them off,” she shrugs then nods at a black vehicle once they’re in front of it. “This is me.”
John looks at the car that previously he could only see the front end of and realizes starkly that it’s a hearse.
“Um, do you drive a hearse?” he asks walking to the passenger side.
They both get in and Zatanna chuckles.
“Yup,” she says starting the engine. “My family’s in the funeral business.”
“I thought your dad was a magician?” John says recalling some conversation he overheard when a couple of jocks were mocking her for her style. They’d ended up with live fireworks in their lockers the next day courtesy of him, not that she or they know that.
“He is on the side, funeral directing is the main source of income though,” she explains a little hesitantly. It’s clear some people have judged her families work. John is the son of a full time alcoholic and a grocery clerk so he’s not about to be one to judge.
“Creepy, and kinda cool,” he says with a smirk. She tilts her head to look at him briefly biting her lip holding in a smile. The rest of the ride is spent mostly talking about their project and John finds himself actively caring about something from school for the first time ever.
“You sure know a lot about witches being burned at the stake for a seventeen-year-old,” he says after they park in the driveway outside of her house which also serves as funeral home.
She chuckles opening the large double doors.
“Grow up around dead bodies and you find yourself into all sorts of spooky stuff,” she says gesturing for him to follow her upstairs. They walk past two large halls where he assumes funerals are held and a casket display room. John wonders how inappropriate it would be to ask her if they can go down to the mortuary before he leaves.
She comes to a stop at the top of the stairs pulling John into the first door on the right and just like that he finds himself in her bedroom. In the past year they’ve said maybe a three dozen words to one another, John always just noticing her from afar, and now he’s alone with her in her bedroom.
She pulls a wheelie chair from her desk gesturing for him to sit down as she crosses her legs and sits on her bed.
She dives right in basically planning out their entire project on her own, but asking for his input anyways. He listens closely while she talks, but surveys her room as well. The room is at least seventy percent books ranging from classics like Frankenstein to specific movie themed cookbooks. Her wall space that isn’t bookshelves is scattered with an array of indie band posters and photos of her with her friends. The thing that catches John’s attention most is the top hat and wand sitting on the desk on top of an old book he can’t read the title of. He wonders if maybe there’s a little more to her love of witches and her father’s side gig.
It doesn’t take long before they have a game plan, that shockingly he plans to actually follow if for no other reason than to not let her down, and John learns that she may or may not already own painted mini figurines of Salem witches for their diorama. They migrate downstairs after that both seemingly prolonging their time together with conversation swerving away from school.
Draped across a row of fancy folding chairs with an empty casket at the front of the room John finds himself telling Zatanna little bits and pieces of himself he hasn’t told anyone since coming to the states. In turn she tells him about her family and incredibly specific music tastes.
“Thank for not being weird about all this,” she says gesturing to the room at large after a while. “Or asking to see a dead body.”
John coughs at that bit glad he refrained from asking earlier.
“Most people don’t get it or think it’s too creepy,” she goes on picking at her fishnets lightly. He’s constantly in awe that she gets away with wearing them at school surprised he’s never seen her in detention for dress code violations with him.
John just shrugs. “So you live in a funeral home, I live in a shitty trailer park where my kitchen, living room and bathroom are basically all one room. Everybody’s got different lives, no point in judging someone else’s.”
She stops picking at her fishnets and looks up at him from under her choppy bangs with a smile. Her eyes catch on the clock behind him.
“Oh, shit you should go before my dad gets back. He’ll absolutely kill us both if he finds out I was alone unattended with a boy who willingly wears a trench coat,” she says after seeing the time. It’s already almost eight and John has no idea where the time has gone.
He turns down her offer of a ride, even though he’d kill for a few more minutes alone, opting to walk home instead. She walks with him to the front door pausing and tugging on his coat once he’s stepped outside.
“We should have lunch tomorrow, John,” she says leaning against the doorframe and calling him by his first name for the first time.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose. You and your friends got your thing,” he says. Part of him would also admittedly feel a little bad abandoning Boston, would he just sit there and talk to himself for forty-five minutes if John wasn’t there?
“Well you and your talkative friend can absolutely join us sometime if you’d like, but I was thinking more just you and me tomorrow,” she says reaching out and fixing the lapel of his jacket quickly. “I bring my lunch most days since I’m a vegetarian and I’m sure you know all the good spots where a teacher can’t find a couple students for a whole period.”
He smiles at her shoving his hands in his pockets so he doesn’t do something stupid like reach out and kiss her, especially if he’s reading this wrong.
“So we can work on the project?” he asks wanting to be certain.
Zatanna purses her lips in thought for a second and then morphs into a smile.
John chuckles, “Well in that case I know all the secret spots.”
Her smile just gets brighter at that. She pushes off the doorframe and leans in to kiss him on the cheek lightly.
“Great,” she says pulling back and slowly closing the door. “See you tomorrow.”
And then all because of a kiss on the cheek resident bad boy John Constantine can’t stop smiling the entire walk home.
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buckleysjareau · 4 years
you light my fire
Emily's face stays complacent as JJ reaches out her hand to shake, only dropping the smug act and smiling genuinely when she reaches for JJ's hand. "Welcome to the team, Pennsylvania Petite."
Jemily Firefighter AU
Chapter One out of Three
Word count: 1829
Read on AO3
Moving from a small town in Pennsylvania to a city as big as Los Angeles had been a culture shock for Jennifer “JJ” Jareau. Not only the setting had been completely different, but when it came to the calls she’d answer as a firefighter, she was astonished. Going from small house fires and silo rescues to earthquakes, tsunamis, and generally odd calls was definitely something new. Something she could get used to.
Applying and transferring to the Los Angeles Fire Department had honestly been a very spur of the moment thing. Her recent divorce had just finalized so she had nothing keeping her there anymore, no more connections left there for her. So, she brought it up with the Fire Chief of LA and East Allegheny and got it all worked out. In three weeks, the town she’d spent the entirety of her thirty years of life was behind her. 
Her first day on the job, she realizes that it was the best decision she could have ever made. She loved her team more than she ever thought she could love co-workers. 
There was of course the captain of the one-twelve, Captain David Rossi. She knew who he was, had watched his Firefighter Guide videos while she was in the process of getting accepted into the academy over and over. To say she was a little shocked to hear a voice she definitely had imprinted in her mind would be an understatement. Embarrassingly enough, the first she says to him is ‘Oh my God, you’re the reason I didn’t completely obliterate the Chief’s interview.’ He doesn’t even get the chance to greet her.
Then there’s Derek Morgan, a smooth talker with a lot of that LA confidence she’d grown used to. He asked a lot of questions, seemed to notice a lot of things. He’d noticed the tan line where her ring used to be automatically and when he’d asked, he’d been hit upside the head by the Captain himself. 
She meets two of the paramedics as Rossi - the only time you should call me Captain is when we’re out on calls, don’t be so formal here - gives her the tour of the firehouse. 
“Callahan, Reid, this is Jennifer Jareau from Pennsylvania.” Rossi introduces. “She’s come highly recommended by Chief Hotchner.”
Reid’s eyes widened in recognition. “You’re the firefighter from Pittsburgh that did the Maneuver on a man with a gun.” 
Callahan recognizes her then, too. “That’s right! Alvez wouldn’t shut up about it, and kept showing us the video. Think you’ve got a fan here, Jennifer. Understandably, though. You’re a badass.”
JJ smiles. “It’s nice to meet you both. You can call me JJ, by the way. I’ll also be sure to have a pen at the ready if this Alvez guy asks for an autograph.”
“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Reid jokes. “Welcome to the family, JJ.”
JJ squeezes her eyes tight in embarrassment when she replies with a you too.
“You know, for someone who smoothly executed the maneuver on a man with a gun, you think you’d be a smoothtalker.” JJ hears behind her and her heart stops the second she turns around to see the embodiment of Heaven.
“Leave her alone, Prentiss.” Callahan giggles. “Just ignore her, she likes to tease.”
“People have their moments.” JJ tries to act cool. “I’m JJ, nice to meet you.”
Emily’s face stays complacent as JJ reaches out her hand to shake, only dropping the smug act and smiling genuinely when she reaches for JJ’s hand. “Welcome to the team, Pennsylvania Petite.”
Her handshake is firm and a little tight but her hands are so soft and JJ has to stop herself from asking what lotion she uses, not wanting to embarrass herself twice in one minute. 
“And what should I call you?” JJ thinks she’s flirting, is she flirting? Is this how people flirt? Suggestive, teasing tones? It’s been way too long.
“You can call me tonight.” Emily grins. “Or you could just call me Emily.”
Someone whistles from the right of them, and it’s then she realizes the others have gone in different directions and it’s just them. And someone new, they’re here too.
“As much as anyone loves sexual tension you can cut with a knife, I have to cut in before we get a call and I don’t have a chance to introduce myself. I’m Luke Alvez and will happily let you do the maneuver whenever.”
JJ laughs. “Happy to take that offer. Nice to meet you, Luke.” 
“Come get breakfast before you can’t!” Another guy calls down from the loft. 
Emily places her hand on JJ’s lower back and she prays that Emily can’t feel the chill that just went through her at her touch. The last time she felt like this was when she met Will at that bar in New Orleans seven years ago.
Emily doesn’t pull her hand away until she’s stopped pushing her to the table. JJ wants to curse herself for being the biggest bisexual disaster anyone will ever meet, but really, anyone would understand if they saw Emily. No one could blame her.
“Ooooh, is this the new probie?” The man standing the sink asks.
JJ scoffs. “I haven’t been a probie in ten and a half years, thanks.”
The man puts his hands up in defense. “My mistake, my mistake. I’m Matt Simmons, welcome to this chaotic, dysfunctional family we’ve got at the one-twelve.”
Introductions are made with three other firefighters and breakfast is half way done before the bell rings. JJ suits up in record time as she focuses on what type of scene they’re about to go to. There’s a five car pileup on the 101, no fatalities, fire and medical needed.
“You get many pileup calls in Pittsburgh?” Emily’s voice comes through the static of their headset.
“I actually worked with the East Allegheny Fire Department, thirty minutes outside of Pittsburgh so not really. It was mainly farm fires and silo rescues but we’ve been called to assist in major accidents in the city, so it shouldn’t be too new.” 
“Farm fires and silo rescues? Were you a farm girl, JJ?” Simmons teases. 
“I was more into sports than I was into anything farm related but I did have a horse. Blue.” 
“The jock and the goth trope, nice.” Alvez jokes and Emily smacks him before JJ could ask what he means. 
When they’ve pulled up to the scene, JJ’s eyes automatically land on a pregnant woman, clearly distraught. She’s holding her stomach in agony and it makes her skin crawl. Her first call with the one-twelve and memories are already being triggered.
Compartmentalize. Focus. Listen to instruction.
“Alvez, Jareau, I need you with CO2 on these vehicles now. Prentiss, Simmons, make sure everyone is out safe and see who needs help. Reid and Callahan are triaging. Let’s go!”
She goes through the motions. She’s used to this, this is the job she’s done for the past ten years so it comes naturally while her mind lets her suck every emotion back in while she’s there. Alvez is already looking at her weirdly, like he can sense something’s up but there’s no way he could know why she’s gritting her teeth so hard they could crack. 
“You alright, JJ?” Alvez waves a hand in front of her face. “Focused?” 
She shakes her head to clear whatever mental fog was there. “Peachy. What’s next?” 
It’s the end of the day and after the first call, she’s not ready to go home to an empty house. 
Emily and Kate look over. “JJ, you coming out tonight?” 
Emily Prentiss, you saving grace.
“Are you paying?” She raises an eyebrow. “I’ll be there.” 
“Just ride with us, we’ll get your car in the morning.” Kate offers. “It’ll be good getting to know the newbie.” 
Emily snorts. “You know Alvez will always be the newbie. Oh, you get to meet the best 9-1-1 dispatcher tonight.” 
“Penelope, this is Pennsylvania Petite, Jennifer Jareau.” Alvez grins. “I can finally stop being the newbie.” 
“Be quiet, Newbie.” Penelope smirks. 
“Told you he’s always going to be the newbie.” Emily grins. “Alright, shots are on Luke tonight!” 
“Not fair!” 
“Aw Alvez, it’s my first day, you can’t expect me to pay?” JJ winks. 
Luke sighs. “Only because you’re a legend.” 
“Atta boy.” JJ grins and pulls on Emily’s hand, dragging her to the bar. Holding her hand feels nice. Being near her feels nice. Being at this bar with her feels so much nicer than she felt meeting Will. 
Not to say she doesn’t love Will, she probably always will love him, but he’s not here now. He’s back in Pennsylvania, and JJ needs to start new. 
She hears Penelope literally pur beside her. “Look at him.”
JJ turns her head to find Morgan dancing against three girls. He’s got moves, she’ll give him that, but she’s seen better. 
“Look at him move, he’s like a cat.” 
Emily snorts. “More like a dog.” 
“He did not ask him to dance. They asked him.” Garcia defends and JJ feels before she sees Luke tense beside her. Someone’s jealous.
“Okay, he’s a cat. An alley cat.” Emily smirks and turns to Luke. “Stop with the desperate pining and ask her to dance with you, moron.” 
Luke sighs. “I’m not drunk yet.” 
Emily just shakes her head and looks at JJ. “So what’s your story, farm girl?” 
“My story?” 
“Yeah. Why’d you move to LA? Tell me about your ex husband, if you want. Or ex wife, I don’t discriminate obviously.” 
JJ’s eyebrows raise so high they might have hit her hairline. “Well you’re getting right into aren’t you?”
“I’m nothing if not forward, you should know.” She smirks. “If you don’t feel comfortable with talking about it, you don’t have to, though. I just wanna get to really know you.” The wink kills JJ. 
“Ex-husband doesn’t matter. He’s in my past. What I’m really interested in is my future.” JJ really hopes she’s flirting. Like she said, she hasn’t flirted in so long so she’s kind of hopeless. 
Emily grins. “Well, let’s go show Morgan how it’s done, yeah?” She holds out her hand and JJ grabs it, lets Emily drag her to the dance floor and oh my god, she looks so good. 
She’s having more fun than she’s had in years, dancing against her coworker like she’s a pole and her body feels light and she missed getting drunk with friends. It’s been a while since she had fun while drinking alcohol. 
The only thing that would make things better if Emily would kiss her. 
Little did she know, Emily was thinking the same exact thing. 
Neither wants to complicate it though. 
Until JJ can’t take it. She takes Emily’s hand, drags her outside the bar, and kisses her with force. 
She thanks every lucky star of hers that Emily kisses right back. Everything feels heightened and yeah…
JJ is fucked.
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deadanddeactivated · 5 years
Jocks and Goths
Fandom: Sanders Sides, Highschool au Pairing: Intruality Characters: Thomas, Logan, Remus, Deceit, Roman, Virgil, Patton Notes: Day 17 for @tsshipmonth2020 - intruality.  No this was not written before Dukceit day, I’ve literally written this since posting that.  Sometimes fics take three weeks and sometimes they take two hours.  This took two hours. Summary:   One's a Goth, one's a Jock. They never really meant to become friends.
Even since moving to Sides High, Patton has successfully managed to avoid Remus Duke.  It wasn’t that he didn’t like the guy, although he did find a lot of what Remus said to be… unnerving.  And the other did have really large, very toned, mildly terrifying muscles.  Plus everything he did was loud enough Patton sometimes flinched.
But!  It wasn’t that Patton thought he was bad or anything!!  It’s not bad that Remus is healthy, and it’s not Remus’ fault that Patton overhears things, and maybe Remus’ doesn’t mean to be so loud.  Patton has nothing against the man himself.
Virgil, however, does. 
Patton’s not sure what happened between Virgil and Remus, because it happened before Patton transferred to the school.  He’s pretty sure it had something to do with a romantic relationship?  Whatever it was, it left the two with a horrible, terrible relationship.  They don’t get on, at all.  And since Patton is Virgil’s friend (since Virgil is Patton’s first and only friend) doesn’t that mean Patton has to share that grudge?  Virgil’s never said Patton can’t be friends with Remus, they’ve never even talked about Remus, but Patton’s pretty sure that’s like… a Friend Rule, or something.  
The point is, Patton has managed never to say a word to Remus one way or the other.  A carefully held record that’s ruined when they’re paired up for a history assignment.
Okay, Patton tells himself, this’ll be fine.  It’s just an assignment, surely Virgil won’t mind.  Right?
“Patton Heart, right?”  Remus says his name and it takes everything in Patton not to flinch.
“That’s um, that’s me.”  He mumbles, letting his pastel blue hair fall in his eyes as he avoids looking at Remus.
“Great.”  Remus grins, dragging a seat to Patton’s desk and sitting in it the wrong way round.  “You got your heart set on anything for this because I think we should do Bloody Mary, or maybe Genghis Khan, oh!  Or Vlad the Impaler!” 
“That sounds a bit… graphic.”  Patton says.  For their project they have to represent a historical figure and the impact they had on the world from a ‘unique’ angle (Virgil would probably complain about how vague the word ‘unique’ was, or maybe he’d complain that Patton has to work with Remus for the project.  Should Patton even tell him?)
“Yeah!”  Remus grins, like that’s a positive thing. 
“Can we do someone that didn’t cause so much bloodshed?”  Patton asks. 
“I mean, I guess.  If you can think of anyone more interesting.”  Remus says, sighing like it’s some big request.  
“I, um, I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head.”  Patton admits, wincing.  Remus lets out an exaggerated hum.
“Okay, meet me in the library after school.  We can try and find someone.”  He suggests.
“Okay.”  Patton agrees meekly.  Satisfied, Remus gets up from the chair and moves to a different group.  A group that has popular people with tone muscles and busy lives.
God, Patton thinks with a sigh, this is going to be a long project.  Any project with a jock was doomed to be long.
“You want to get ice-cream or something?”  Virgil asks Patton after school that day.  Rare is the day Virgil doesn’t have some show rehearsal to get to - lights to set up, props to organize, actors to chase down.  The life of a theatre geek is never boring, he often tells Patton, especially a theatre techie.
Which just makes Patton feel all the worse for having to say no.
“I’m sorry.”  He says.  “I have to work on a group project for history.”
“Who’d you get stuck with?”  Virgil asks.  Patton hesitates but he can’t exactly lie to Virgil, can he?  Just hope that Virgil doesn’t get annoyed.
“...Remus.”  He admits.
“Ouch.”  Virgil says with a wince.  “Good luck keeping him on track for long enough to finish a project.”
“We have to pick a historical figure and everyone he’s suggesting is really gory and brutal.”  Patton says, feeling physical relief that Virgil doesn't seem to care.
“Sounds like Remus.”  Virgil huffs, rolling with his eyes.  “Maybe pick a doctor, that should have enough blood and gore to keep him interested.”
“Oh!”  Patton lights up as an idea comes to him.  “Mary Seacole!  Virgil, you’re the best.”
“I try.”  Virgil grins.
Remus likes the idea of doing the unrated nurse from the crimean war and so they quickly get to work.
And they quickly get distracted from work, too, because it seems impossible for Remus to keep his mind on any one thing.  At first it’s… well, Patton doesn’t like it.  He just wants to get this project done and over with.
But then Remus wears him down.
“I’m just saying, names influence who we are in like.  I mean, just look at Ms Maricolt!  She looks like a horse!”  Remus says at some point near the end of the second day and Patton really, really doesn’t mean to laugh because it’s Remus and the joke is a little mean.  But it’s also a pun, and Patton has a soft spot for puns.
“That’s mean.”  He says once he’s collected himself, if only out of principle.
“But it got you to laugh!”  Remus grins.  “And to look at me.”  He adds.  
Oh, Patton realizes as he quickly looks away again.  He hadn’t noticed he hadn’t looked at Remus.
“Aw, no, don’t look away again I like your eyes!  They’re really eye-inspiring.”  The pun is bad, really bad, but Patton still chuckles.
“That was terrible.”  He complains.
“Are you remus-manding.”  Remus continues, grinning.
“Oh my gosh.”  Patton laughs.  “They’re getting worse!”
“Aw, don’t be like that.  I think I’m Patt-on the right direction.”  Remus says.
“I Seacole what you’re doing here, it’s bad.”  Patton returns, laughing at Remus’ gasp.
“Oh it is on goth-boy.”  He decides.  They don’t do any more studying that day, distracted by their pun-off.
“So are we meeting up again tomorrow?”  Patton asks the next day as they back up.
“Can’t do tomorrow, I’ve got training.”  Remus shakes his head.  
“Oh, right.”  Patton says.  
“You could come if you want.”  Remus suggests. 
“I don’t think that’s really my crowd.”  Patton mumbles.  He can just picture it now, Patton sitting in his black attire, the only colour his blue hair, while the popular kids are right there.  Definitely within name calling distance.  
Nevermind what Virgil would think.  God, Patton doesn’t even want to imagine how bad his best friend would be.
“You’ll fit in just fine!”  Remus claims.  “Or, maybe not.  But I’ll make sure everyone leaves you alone.”  
“I think Virgil and I were heading out anyway.”  Patton says and then immediately regrets it as a frown takes over Remus’ face.  Like he’s tasted a lemon or something else unpleasant.  Oh no, now Remus was going to hate him.  Maybe he’ll tell Virgil he and Patton were almost-friends and then Virgil will hate him too and Patton will go back to being the friendless loser all over again. 
“Sorry.”  Remus’ voice cuts through his panic, making Patton look up.
“Huh?”  Patton frowns, confused.
“You looked like you were freaking out a bit.”  Remus says.  “I didn’t mean to stress you out.  Virgil and I just don’t get on.  Bad breakup and all that, but that’s on us not you.”
“Oh.”  Patton says, though he can’t say anything Remus just said commuted just now.
“Hey!  Pass me your phone, I’ll put my number in so we can study on the weekend.”  Remus decides, changing the subject before Patton can catch up.  Patton does what he’s told and soon he has a new number in his phone labeled ‘Hot Jock’.  “Alright, I’ll see you then.”
“Okay.”  Patton says.  “Um, bye.”
The project lasts two weeks and in those two weeks Patton and Remus chat.  A lot.  They talk during their study sessions, they text each other all the time, Remus even gives him a wave when they pass each other in the hall.
It’s official, they aren’t ‘almost friends’ they’re friends.  In fact Patton… Patton will admit that he might want to be more than that.
Which means Virgil’s definitely going to hate him.
The thought bubbles in his stomach the day after they hand in the assignment.  When Patton has no more excuse for messaging Remus, and yet he doesn’t stop.  How is he meant to explain that to Virgil?
Worse yet are the messages he gets that night, when they should both be asleep.
Want to go out this weekend?
On a date
A romantic date
Patton’s half way through answering ‘yes’ when he stops.
He can’t say yes.  Isn’t there some kind of code against dating exes?  Patton can’t say yes.
Except he super wants to.  Very, very wants to.
Maybe, he thinks, maybe he should ask Virgil first.  Then there’ll be no bad blood, right?  
Patton hopes so.
As for the message to Remus, he doesn’t answer.
Virgil and Patton always walk to school together.  They’ve just hit their school’s street when Virgil sighs and stops.
“Okay.”  He says.  “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?”  Patton squeaks.  “Nothings wrong!”
“Patton, I know you better than that.”  Virgil rolls his eyes, crossing his arms.  “Just tell me what’s up.”
“Well…” Patton starts slowly then, with a deep breath, he tries to say it all at once.  “You know how Remus and I were doing that project?  Well we sort of maybe got along and we’re kind of maybe friends, and he asked me out last night.  Like out, out.  And I want to say yes but I know you don’t like him and I don’t want to lose you as a friend, so can I say yes?”
For a moment Virgil just blinks at him, brain trying to commute the word vomit Patton just unleashed.
“Okay,” he finally starts, “let me get this right.  You and Remus are friends, and he asked you out on a date, and you want to say yes but only if I’m okay with it because you don’t want me to be mad you’re dating him?”  He rephrases.  Patton nods.  “Patton, of course you can say yes.”
“You don’t mind?”  Patton checks.
“Not at all.  If you like him, go for it.  We’ll still be friends, I promise.”  Virgil says and Patton feels his shoulders slump a little.
“But didn’t you two date?  Won’t it be weird?”  He asks.
“What?!”  Virgil frowns.  “Remus and I never dated!”
“What?”  Patton frowns right back.  Hadn’t Remus said something about a ‘bad breakup’ the other day?
“We used to be friends, us and Dante.  I dated Dante, and when we broke up the friend joke kind of fell apart.”  Virgil explains.
“Dante?”  Patton repeats.  “The school captain?  I didn’t think he was your type.”  
“He’s not.”  Virgil confirms.  “I just found that out the hard way.”
“Oh, so you haven’t dated Remus and you really don’t mind if I do?”  Patton repeats, just to clarify.
“Patton, even if you dated Dante I’d still be your friend.”  Virgil assures.  “The important thing is that you're happy.”  Patton doesn’t mean to start crying but well, it’s just so nice to hear that.  Especially after the stress of the past couple weeks.  “There, there.  You’ll wreck your make-up.”  Virgil says, even as he pulls Patton in for a hug.
As soon as Patton’s reapplied, he tells Remus he’d love to go on a date.
They go ice-skating.  Patton’s a little nervous, because he’s never gone before, but Remus goes all the time so he’s happy to teach.
“Patton, I’m wearing knife shoes.  This is literally my favourite thing.  Except you.”  Remus says, grinning when Patton’s face goes bright red.  They exhaust themselves over the next few hours, skating together and just… enjoying their time.  It’s the most fun Patton’s had in a while.
And when it’s over, and Remus has walked him home, he gets a soft kiss (that quickly turns heavy) to remember it by.
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moniire · 4 years
All the classic author asks pls!!!
Okay, I didn’t imagine that someone would reply so quickly, but I suppose I have the time.
Mary Shelley: Were you a goth, prep, nerd, or jock in school?
I’m a nerd, as far as I’m aware. I have a little bit of goth in me, I suppose, but that part rarely rears its head in public.
Zora Neale Hurston: Do you write in your free time? If so, then what do you write?
I don’t write a lot as I’m incredibly fussy and I find it hard to come up with plots or make my writing flow. I do write some drabble occasionally, in the form of very short stories, but they rarely have an actual plot. It would be my dream to actually be able to finish a proper short story.
J.D. Salinger: What was the last movie you watched?
I’m pretty sure it was North by Northwest, but I don’t remember exactly.
Alice Walker: What was the first “adult” book you ever read?
The first properly graphic book I read was, I believe, A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. I was 13 at the time.
Bram Stoker: Do you prefer suspenseful horror movies, gore, or jump scares?
I absolutely hate jumpscares. If you send me anything with jumpscares I will probably cry. But I immensely enjoy suspense and gore has never really phased me (apart from stuff with eyes). Many of my favourite shows and movies have a good mix of them. 
Oscar Wilde: What book have you read more than once?
Oh, hundreds of them. My favourite re-reads are probably the Howl series by Diana Wynne Jones. Childhood classics!
Beatrix Potter: Do you like reading inside or outside?
I’d say inside usually, but it honestly depends on the weather and location. A sunny bench in a quiet park? Sure, I’d go for it. But a rainy, crowded street? Perhaps not.
Ann Radcliffe: What’s something you’re known for among your friends or family?
There are a few things. Firstly, I’d say my height is a big one, at least on my mother’s side of the family. I’m really tall for my age - 6’ or thereabouts - and taller than everyone on my mother’s side. My grandparents on my father’s side have actually been measuring the family’s heights against a wall since the early 2000s. Seeing the progression is pretty cool.
Among my friends, I’d say either my speech patterns or my ability to remember little tidbits of information that I’ve been told years ago. Despite coming from an area with a very distinct, “non-posh” accent, I speak a lot of the time with an enunciated, stereotypically British accent. When I get angry or excited, I tend to speak with a slight Irish accent, and the list goes on. No idea where I picked this up, but it’s apparently very humorous. The latter is a bit of an inside joke, as normally my memory is quite bad. However, I occasionally come out with bits of information that people have no memory of telling me. There have luckily been only a few awkward situations due to this.
Lord Byron: What’s a negative quality that you can admit to having?
I’m very insensitive at times and have had multiple friends call me out on statements that I meant as jokes or constructive criticism, but they found incredibly hurtful. 
Edna St. Vincent Millay: Do you have a favourite poem or one you can recite?
La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Keats, The Orange by Wendy Cope, How Do I Love Thee (Sonnet 43) by Elizabeth Browning and When You Are Old by Yeats are the ones that spring to mind.
The ones I can recite are La Belle Dame, Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy and most of the Relationships Anthology for GCSE English Lit. 
Jane Austen: Have you ever fallen in love?
That one’s difficult. I fall in love every day with places and things and experiences. With books and artworks and music. 
But I presume this means people. And honestly, I don’t know. I thought I was in love once, with a boy whom I met through a friend. He was beautiful and talented, but what stood out was that he could talk. I was sick of people who seemed to have no wider perspective or opinions, or, if they did, kept it firmly under lock and key. But he would always find a new topic to talk about, without me even needing to start a conversation. Art installations at our local gallery, religious ideology, politics, music. And it was wonderful. 
I spoke with him for maybe 30 minutes a month at most, with the rare exception of protests or marches, but they were bright and intriguing and he made me feel like I’d swallowed a star every time I saw him.
But alas, it came to an end as all good things do. We drifted and, since he didn’t seem to text, we stopped speaking almost altogether.
But was I in love? I still don’t know
Langston Hughes: If you could be part of a literary era, which one?
I feel like this is predictable but the Romantic/Gothic era (1780s - 1830s) because, whilst I’ll admit that women’s rights most definitely were non-existent, it has to be my favourite one literary-wise
Emily Dickinson: What’s the last book you were reading?
Blackhearts in Battersea by Joan Aiken. I wanted something quick and nostalgic for a change.
John William Polidori: What was the last book you finished?
See above answer
Stendhal: Have you ever hid a book you were reading because you were embarrassed? 
When I originally read the ASOIAF series, I, of course, had to read it in school as well, because I wasn’t switching books for school and for home and I obviously needed something to read at lunch. Scared of getting judged by peers or getting the book confiscated by teachers, I hid it in the dust jacket of another book. I can’t remember which, but, surprisingly, it worked.
Charles Dickens: What book are you currently reading?
E. H. Gombrich’s A Little History of the World. Again, written for children, but one I immensely enjoy and very informative on a wide variety of countries. 
Thomas Hardy: Are you a city or country person?
I want to say a mix of both. I love the city I live in and its bustle and shops and life, but I also love the countryside with its greenery and cosy intimacy. I do hate the insects though.
Virginia Woolf: What book has been on your TBR longer than a year?
Pride & Prejudice. I just haven’t gotten around to it, though I’m sure I will soon.
And finally…
Edith Wharton: What’s your favourite season for reading?
Winter, easily. Curling up to read is hard if you’re all sweaty and can’t concentrate on the words because of it. Winter gives me an excuse to pile on the jumpers and blankets, heat up the hot chocolate and just read. Plus, winter often means visits to Ireland to see my grandparents, who have the cosiest living room ever, which doubles as my all-time favourite reading environment. 
That was quite a task. I might have gone off on one in some of these, but I hope this answers it all nicely.
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suspiriu-m · 4 years
Examining Youth Culture
Youth Culture in television in cinema is a theme we’ve all seen before. In some way or another, we’ve all probably related or even seen ourselves in something we’ve watched. A lot of experiences we see in these coming of age style pieces most of the time have something to do with at least one of three recurring themes. Sex, drugs and alcohol. Character archetypes are also an important part of these stories too. To sum it up, we’re generally confronted with Jocks, Nerds, Goths, Popular Kids, Pot Heads etc.
A major point to take into account when looking at this type of media is the perspective the story is told from, and where it’s taking place. For example, Barry Jenkins’ 2016 film Moonlight, is completely different from 2018’s Love Simon, directed by Greg Berlanti. Moonlight tells the story of a young Black man named Chiron. Through three different time periods in his life, we see him come to terms with his identity and sexuality, all while living with his drug addicted mother in an impoverished neighborhood in Miami. Throughout the film Chiron not only faces the struggles of his sexuality within himself, but how his unaccepting peers react, his mess of a mother, and maneuvering masculinity without the guidance of his missing father. In a review written for The Guardian, Peter Bradshaw says that Moonlight
“is a film about masculinity, the wounds and crises of which are the same for all sexualities, but conditioned by the background weather of race and class” ((Bradshaw Moonlight review – a visually ravishing portrait of masculinity).
Love Simon however, is a completely different ballgame. The juxtaposition between the two films is extremely noticeable, even from just from looking at their promotional images. While Moonlight is more of a serious, realistic and emotionally charged movie, Love Simon has more of a young adult, coming of age, happily ever after tone to it. In the film, the main character has to find his way through growing up, high school, coming out to his friends and family, but most importantly figuring out how Blue is. Blue is the person that Simon has formed a connection with through emailing each other. The only problem? He has absolutely no idea who Blue even is. One of the more important aspects of this film when looking to compare it to others is the fact that the main character and most of the cast are all white. Not only that, but it takes place in a much more suburban setting compared to that of Moonlight. Simon’s relationship with his parents is very strong, his friends are all super close to him and the impression is given that they would obviously support him once he comes out. Surprise, they do.
In terms of which character I related to from the selection of films and shows assigned, I don’t really feel like I can truthfully say that I felt some sort of connection with them. Being gay myself, there wasn’t a crazy amount of representation in terms of queer youth in the films. Yes in Mean Girls you had Damian but he was kind of underutilized and exaggerated. In Euphoria you have Jules who is a trans woman but that also isn’t something that I’ve experienced and won’t pretend to. Could I relate to a few aspects of her character? Of course, i’m sure anybody can. But am I able to say I identify with her? Definitely not. That’s not a bad thing though, trans stories need to be represented in the media. More importantly they don’t always have to be represented in some tragic story or situation. Even though we’ve seen more queer representation today than ever before. We still have a long way to go. Rachel Bays wrote an article for The Advance-Titan stating
“Out of 109 major studio releases in 2017 researched by GLAAD, roughly 13% had LGBTQ characters. Of these films, about 64% featured gay men, 36% featured lesbians, 14% featured bisexuals and 0% featured trans-inclusive content”(Bays The complicated history of queer representation in film: The Advance).
It’s imperative that we see more queer representation mashed with Youth Culture in our media because not every single person experiences the same thing, especially queer kids. In terms of Kids, Saved By The Bell and Mid 90’s, I don’t specifically remember any particular moments in which I personally felt any sort of strong connection.
Now, if we’re gonna speak about common themes in a lot of these stories, then here is where I can say I definitely connected with some situations more than specific characters. Sex, drugs and alcohol are topics we see come up in a lot of coming of age or youth centered stories. In Kids, the main cast is basically parading around the city smoking, drinking and fornicating multiple times throughout the entire day. In Euphoria, one of the main characters Rue suffers from drug addiction. Kat comes to terms with her sexual awakening and a lot of her storyline is focused on her coming in touch with that side of her, whether or not it was the best way to portray it. And most of the other characters are all seen smoking, drinking out having sex at some point in the series.
Growing up, especially in our teen years, we’ve all had the opportunity to partake in at least one of those activities previously mentioned. I know for a fact that I have definitely been to parties, drank alcohol, smoked weed. I’ve encountered hookups and the whole nine yards. Something that really stood out to me in Euphoria was the episode in which Jules ends up meeting with an older man in a hotel room late at night. We shall not name the character for sake of spoilers but those of you who watched know exactly who i’m talking about. That entire scene was just gut wrenching for me to watch and I know it was for many other young queer people as well. Everything about that scene was purposefully uncomfortable to watch from the cinematography, music, acting and the location.
Speaking of music, the soundtrack to a film or TV show is super important and a lot of the time helps the creators in getting their point across. Euphoria specifically used a lot of modern music but also threw in some classics as well. The singer-songwriter Labrinth played a big role in adding music to the show’s soundtrack. He even collaborated with Zendaya in making All For Us, the show’s theme and closing track. It was premiered in the last episode of the series and incorporated into the storyline with a performance by Zendaya herself. This song specifically is so important aside from the rest of the show’s music because it aids in showing Rue’s downfall at the end of the season. She goes through so much in her recovery and relapsing and her relationship with Jules that when Jules finally decides to hop on that train and leave even though Rue tells her it’s not the best idea, it absolutely crushed her. In an interview for Rolling Stone magazine, Labrinth stated “When you look back to your teenage days... it feels semi-magical but semi-crazy and semi-psychotic. I wanted to make sure the music felt like those things”(Marks How Labrinth Created the Perfect Soundtrack for HBO's 'Euphoria').
To help convey how certain songs can help in telling a story, I created a short playlist with songs that I felt matched certain plot points in the show. Without going into too much detail in an attempt to avoid spoilers, I want to give you guys a short explanation of each song about how I feel it can fit into the show. In no exact order, the first song I chose was Regulars by Allie X. The song is about trying to fit in with society and the people around you when you feel out of place all the time. Personally, I feel like this is a good representation of Rue when she comes home from rehab and has to try and blend back into society knowing that everybody knows where she was. Halsey’s Beautiful Stranger is about meeting somebody after being hurt so many times, or just being in a bad headspace and finally feeling like this person could be the one. This is a good explanation for how Rue feels about Jules when she first meets her. She’s hesitant but slowly starts to fall in love with her before Jules starts acting out. Contaminated by Banks is a piece about loving somebody but having their history or the other person's actions make you feel not so good about the relationship you have with them. This is how Rue feels after her first little fallout with Jules. They kind of have an on and off relationship throughout the season and Rue subconsciously has doubts. Simmer by Hayley Williams is a song about suppression. Suppressing your emotions, especially the bad ones like anger, fear, sadness, rage. Nate in the series suffers with a lot of mental suppression. He suppresses his feelings about his relationship with his father, his questioning sexuality, his feelings for a specific character. Although he does lose his cool multiple times throughout the show, it’s not until the end of the season that he really bursts and lets everything out. Another song from Hayley Williams with her band Paramore called Fake Happy is also on the playlist. Fake Happy, to put it simply, is exactly what the title suggests. Pretending to be okay when you’re really not. In the show Rue relapses a few times whether that be big or small, and she has to hide it from her friends and family.
Maddy and Cassie are both the pretty popular girls of this show, leading me to choose Rina Sawayama’s XS as a representation of them. The title XS, otherwise interpreted as “excess” is literally about money, appearance and materialistic items. All of which Cassie and Maddy display throughout the show. The popular cheerleaders with the nice clothes and toned bodies, the pretty makeup and done up hair. It’s a perfect representation of their characters in my opinion. Even though they do have storylines going deeper into their minds, this is what they portray on the surface level.
Hallucinogenics by Matt Masson is a song about going somewhere else most likely due to drugs, and feeling like a different person. Although the song is a bit lighthearted in terms of sound, I think it fits with the scene with Jules and Rue taking drugs together and tripping in her room together. Rue was wary about doing it especially after the fact that she just got clean, and she already has this war in her mind going on but she does it anyways because she likes Jules. Attack of Panic by Aly & Aj heavily focuses on anxiety, which is something Rue deals with multiple times throughout the show. Especially the episode when she’s in school and pretty much has a mental breakdown and runs to the bathroom and hides. Even though the character Kat isn’t the primary focus of the show, her storyline has a bit of line shined upon it multiple times. For her storyline i chose Doja Cat’s Cyber Sex. Kat becomes a cam girl at one point in her sexual awakening and kind of goes full throttle into it. The song talks about having sexual relations with somebody over the internet and that’s exactly what Kat does, except she sees it more as a way to make an income.
Last but not least, I of course had to choose Labrinth and Zendaya’s song made for the show All for Us. The song represents Rue’s feelings of not wanting to let her family down, knowing the struggles and pain they have gone through and not wanting to upset or disappoint them again. Everything she’s done to get clean and sober up has been because of them. She loves her family so dearly but in the end she just broke down again, all because of Jules and the mess that she got herself involved with pertaining to many of the other characters she meets throughout the show. I hope you guys enjoy the playlist and take a good listen to the lyrics and themes in each song! They might not be perfect, but to me they have a lot of commonalities with themes and specific moments and themes from the show!
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Homestretch....the final Cyberverse episodes... :’(
Season 3: Episodes 21 - 26
Episode 21
Ok so before we start, I gotta fess up and say I got spoiled for something because Twitter Sucks, so I know Tarn is in this series. Here are my predictions about that: 
Megatron said he rescued Astrotrain from a tyrant. I thought he meant an Alt!Universe version of him, but now that I know This Bastard is gonna be in it, I’m guessing it’s Tarn
If Megatron DID save Astrotrain from Tarn, it’d be hilarious if Tarn & co. weren’t actually planning to kill Astrotrain, they were just using him as transport, in which case Megatron essentially car-jacked (train-jacked?) them.
As much as I rag on Tarn and the DJD I actually do genuinely love the idea of an Autobot + Decepticon teamup against the DJD THAT WOULD BE SO FRICKIN COOL....
Anyways, on to the episode!
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Pics taken 10 seconds before disaster, rip Cosmos.
MEDIA BOT and Cosmos! :D GOSH COSMOS REALLY IS CONFIRMED FOR BABY THAT”S ADORABLE.....I’m so glad he’s finally back in a cartoon
LUNA 3???
The “FORBIDDEN” moon? 
Chromia: You can go there anyways! Bee: Huh?  Chromia: When have the rules ever stopped you before? Bee: Fair point
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aw I love all those photos of him and cosmos, that’s cute
Oh no did he quit the business because he lost Cosmos???
METEOR-FIRE what a cool name
I like this dude a lot
I love that he’s obviously depressed about losing his partner but immediately gets convinced to go break into Luna 3 lmao
LMAO I was gonna say “Wow you just flip the switches alright” THEN HE JUST RIPS THE CORDS OUT I love this guy
Hmm suspicious
Aw I love the space-shots of Cybertron, what a gorgeous planet....
Oh hello cannon-fodder #418
It’s probably a sim that shows you the scariest thing you can think of
Ok I take it back, it’s probably like MTMTE’s “Cyberutopia” thing where it reads your memory files
Watch the cameras Bee!!!
“Bee, I don’t mean to alarm you, but the alien presence has taken over my circuits” *HEAD DOES A 180* GOSH I LOVE THIS FRICKIN SHOW
The facial expressions in this show are SO FUN Bee’s so expressive I love that
I like that Meteor-Fire is so chill about this, this ain’t his first rodeo
He just snaps his neck back into place that’s so freaky and they play it off so well lol
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Gosh I’d legit buy a gem like this if it had constellations engraved on it THAT’S SO PRETTY I LOVE IT
It’s a good thing that Bee’s got Meteor-Fire with him, this is his field!!!
Well so much for the alien, rest in pieces
I think Saling already said this in their liveblog but I love that Bee’s collecting Windblade’s parts a-la-Megaman X2 style
COSMOS!!!!!! Yay I’m so glad they got him back!!!
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Meteor-Fire: Look everybody, Cosmos is back!!! :D ME TOO BUD I’m so excited to see my space-baby
RODDY AND ARCEE!!!! I love that Percy took over for Maccadam, but that’s also so sad!!! ALSO WHY HAS HE NOT FIXED HIS EYES, RATCHET PLEASE HELP THIS POOR GUY
Episode 22  
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The background designers on this show are great
Rodimus: That place has nothing but bad memories for me Every Drift fan simultaneously: Mood....
I really don’t think they’ll bring Drift back (unless he’s like, a zombie, which would still suck) so that’s a bummer
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Rodimus: *Talking about his trauma* Me, very distracted: Wow Bee looks really cute here
SERIOUSLY THOUGH THEY NEED RUNG IN THIS SERIES They need a therapist in every Transformers series, all these bots need therapy (though tbf they tried to give Starscream therapy and that sure didn’t help, pft)
Repugnis?? I don’t remember who that is
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lmao the frickin voice actor for that grey dude cracked me up
Energon masters???? What
Interesting that they used “She” for Grimlock
Oh great these guys are the Cybertronian bourgeoisie 
Oh boy they’re just wasting energon huh
That’s a pretty bubble but JEEZ
WAIT WHERE”S THE AUDIO oh wait no OP did mention there was an audio dropout
Is Grimlock gonna make friends with the bugs!!!
OH RIGHT the bug is Repugnis 
Aw the bugs are way nicer than the bourgeoisie, surprising absolutely no one
“If we let you go, things will change! We like things the way they are” jeez
I wonder how the Shocks came about
It frickin figures
“Well this is quite astonishing” cute....
YEAH I WAS WONDERING IF THEY HAD THE SAME ALT MODE they looked like they had bug-bits, I didn’t realize that thing was keeping them from transforming though
Episode 23   
Oh right Megatron has a Matrix of Leadership I FORGOT ABOUT THAT
Aw poor Rack n Ruin...
RATCHET BABY BOY!!! I forgot he was a New Yorker in this series lmao
“I LOVE Jetfire!”  “I know, me too!” CUTE....
I love that every continuity has Ratchet stuck with someone who annoys him in a ship
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I love that Ratchet’s not even concerned
Wait UNSPACE???? Isn’t that where they sent a bunch of bad people????
Different Quantum Frequencies??? Dimensionally aligned??? MAN I LOVE THIS GOOFY SHOW
“It’s a blue-purple” CUTE....
UH OH HERE COMES ASTROTRAIN throwing dead-end??
I love that Astrotrain is so HUGE compared to everyone else, thank you Cyberverse for my life
“Every time..” LMAO GOSH THIS SHOW IS LITERALLY THE BEST someone please make a gif of that. I love that this implies that every time someone rides in Astrotrain they get ejected at 100 mph and skid 50 ft face-first, that’s such a delightful mental image. I think this 5 second scene is legitimately one of my favorite goofs / scenes in this show IT’S JUST THAT GOOD
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You can tell I really enjoyed something when I make a meme of it
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LMAO I LOVE ASTROTRAIN he’s such a turd to DeadEnd
“Time to pay Ratchet a house-call. ‘Cuz he’s a doctor!” I almost snorted my drink up my nose, I LOVE THE DORKY HUMOR IN THIS SHOW
I swear this series was made with me in mind
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You wonder if Shadow Striker and Soundwave ever just rock-paper-scissor to see who has to deal with the latest Autobot bs that day
“And we don’t” OH SHOOT THEY’RE BEING LEFT OUT OF THE DECEPTICON’S PLANS TOO...This is more dire than I thought
Man I really do love Shadow Striker and Soundwave, they’re the only competent Decepticons
Ohh so Astrotrain is still a triple changer in this series!! :O
REST IN PIECES DEADEND lmao he and Percy both have good survival stats it seems
NICE MOVES GRANDPA glad your hips still work lol
Oh good I’m glad they actually kept the purple thing
RIP Rack n Ruin
“You’ve been told this area is off-limits” Oh shoot so Megatron really doesn’t trust them with this huh??? Must be some serious stuff they saw while universe-hopping
Love that he’s pissing off this dude who’s literally 4 times his height, love my son
Shadow Striker & Soundwave are Goth / Jock solidarity
Ratchet: Yeah yeah yeah I know Cuteeee
Wow they’re really not gonna help Shadow Striker and Soundwave????
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THEY’RE LITERALLY JUST DOLL-SIZE IN HIS HANDS which is probably a not great reminder for Soundwave after that Dr. Tentacle Dude incident
Astrotrain: *bops their faces together* heehee Soundwave: BI Shadow Striker: >8(
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THE STYLE IS SO JARRING I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE UNSPACE AND HOW IT LOOKS (especially when contrasted with the regular drawing-style of the show. Really great artistic choice!)
Oh shoot so Astrotrain can just leave whenever huh
Aw what cute high fives, man this show has such good vibes
Episode 24  
WINDLBADE!!!! I hope she’ll be ok
DID it work?? Wait you guys still have two frickin shards left, YOU”RE SO BAD AT THIS
It’s not Skybyte obviously but he’s a shark too so WHO IS THAT
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Wait wtf the Decepticons are attacking?? Oh wait RACK N RUIN DID YOU REALLY TELL THEM THAT
Is this referencing the other time when he glitched oh no....I knew that’d come back to bite us
In other news, I love that we’re learning more about the life and (cyber)biology of Cybertron, I’m so glad we got to have pretty much almost the entire series set on Cybertron
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I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THAT!!! THAT’S SO COOL!!! This is the stuff I want to see in Transformers shows!!!
Hasbro could literally make a nature documentary set on Cybertron and I’d be ecstatic. Gimme more details about their world and architecture and city stuff
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“Fellow Primes, why have I been summoned?” Oh shoot so the other past primes can just jack OP’s consciousness whenever??? That frickin sucks. I do love the Atlantis vibes I’m ge HOLY FRICK IS THAT MAC
Chromia: Bee are you crazy?? Bee: YES! *jumps off the ship*
I love that this weird storm cloud area is basically like an ocean, that’s so cool
OH NO BEE!!!!!!!
Jeez that startled me, the shark sounds just like Bee
“Well you’re doing a scrap job” lmao Chromia please
Oh it’s the Argon Sea, it IS an ocean pft
“An ancient evil” hooo boy
BEE he’s so cute. Wait don’t just jump down a random hole AT LEAST WAIT FOR CHROMIA
Aw man, not you too Bee
MISTRESS OF FLAME!!!! I get so excited about every IDW reference haha, I love Caminus and I love that they’re letting that still exist
Is this a Titan???? IT IS A TITAN
It’s like a Cthulu titan huh
Chromia: That is THE creepiest thing I’ve ever heard THANK YOU CHROMIA, SAME THOUGHT
Chromia’s just like “This doesn’t even come close to my Top 10 list of BS I’ve had to deal with lately”
More weird smoke, oh great
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“But this is not about me” I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU THOUGH
Wait why is a part of Windblade in Megatron’s Matrix
WHY WOULD THEY ALSO BE IN THE OTHER MATRIX oh they mean alt-universe them
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It’s frickin HYSTERICAL that every time Optimus has some ~deep spiritual~ conversation with the past Primes he’s just standing there frozen while the Autobots wait for him to unfreeze like he’s some kind of ancient computer doing updates. Like, that’s legitimately one of the funniest pieces of information canon’s given us so far, thank you for my life Cyberverse writers.
I wonder if Arcee and the other bots ever take selfies with him while he’s frozen like that THERE’S SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR COMEDY HERE
Optimus: *is frozen for a couple hours while talking to old Primes* Autobots: *put on PJs and unroll their sleeping bags so they can have a slumber party while waiting for him*
Heck now I’m just imagining them playing truth or dare or some similar game while waiting for Optimus to wake up. 
I’m sure at some point during their voyage on the Ark, Optimus froze and they all played the “who can do this silly / embarrassing thing in front of Optimus and get away with it before he wakes up” game. Like, Rodimus somersaults down the hall while spouting fire in front of Optimus, Bee does a handstand while singing the alphabet backwards, etc, and whoever’s in front of Optimus when he “wakes up” loses. (It’d be even funnier if Optimus kept pretending to be frozen while they played until someone did something REALLY embarrassing and he unfroze to freak them out. Then again, the Matrix going back into his chest would probably be too much of a giveaway huh)
Episode 25
I love Astrotrain’s design (both in bot-mode and his alt mode) because he just looks like a grumpy evil train and that makes me so happy.
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Also RAIN!!! I love rain and this looks so pretty
LMAO ASTROTRAIN YOU’RE SUCH A TURD I had no opinion of him before this show but now I frickin love him
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Megatron running like that while holding the Matrix in his hands reminds me so vividly of a younger sibling stealing their older sibling’s diary and fleeing at top-speed from said older sibling and that’s hilarious to me. Megatron is so petty
Dang, so that’s how his eye got messed up. Ngl it’s a good look
Wow that wall is so WEAK the Decepticons are so dumb lmao
Oh yeah they have a new furry on their team
Rodimus: Math isn’t my strong-suit.
Arcee: Especially me!  Arcee you are ADORABLE
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Ok I know I said “Shattered-Glass Optimus” earlier but based on that spoiler some moron on Twitter posted, IT’S PROBABLY TARN...man I wish I hadn’t seen that spoiler but despite that IM STILL EXCITED
Makes you wonder how TARN got the Matrix though (not that I can’t guess 8( )
Oh my gosh I just realized we have the potential to see Windblade kick Tarn’s butt in this series. Cyberverse PLEASE, I’D LOVE TO SEE THAT
Ah so Astrotrain is the new scientist
Ur bugs are probably dead dude
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As much as I Die for loyal Soundwave, it’s really cool seeing him being his own character and acting on his own in this series and trusting his own judgement / surveillance! It’s so good. Soundwave you’re so smart (and I love that he loves Laserbeak :’) )
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Oh shoot the Insecticons are deserting 
“No one can stop him. Not even you” dang son
“He doesn’t want us. He wants you” OH BOY
SEEKERS!!! I forgot we still had a few who Starscream didn’t frickin kill
NICE JUMP-ATTACK OPTIMUS I love that he cuts the dude’s weapon in half meanwhile Grimlock just frickin eats the guy lmao. So much for Optimus’ mercy
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Dead End: Yeah, I see your point Lmao I love this guy
Everyone’s gonna frickin die in this series
OH NO WHIRL oh wait yeah he and Dead End know each other, Whirl’s fine
I love Skybyte’s voice
Oh so that’s why they had a wall, Megatron you turd
WHIRL NO!!!!!!! oh he’s fine thank goodness
Did Megatron get taller??? He looks taller than Optimus now
Just use Optimus’ matrix you big baby
“It’s time I called in that debt you owe me. Now it’s time for you to save me” I LEGITIMATELY SHRIEKED OUT LOUD, AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 26
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OH FRICK IF OPTIMUS IS THERE THEN TARN REALLY DID KILL HIM or it means he beefed it in that universe, as he usually does
“I wish I’d gotten to know you better” 8((((((
What happened to Alt!Universe Optimus!!!!!!! How did you die!!!
Windblade: Optimus, you’re speaking in riddles... Optimus: I always do, it comes with the job of Prime. Windblade: Oh right
“A perfect Decepticon race” HOO BOYZY.....
“All because I spared your life” MAN THAT HURTS
At least they aren’t attacking them right now?
ASTROTRAIN YOU COWARD not that I blame him, every bot for themself I guess
Optimus: Can’t keep-- Megatron: WE MUST! Me: *SOBS*
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Definitely not the right time for this joke but: AU where instead of saying “Powers of Cybertron, unite!” they say “GAY RIGHTS” to activate their Matrix powers
Frick what if they kill MEGATRON in this series
Megatron: We must join our Matrixes together! Optimus: Now REALLY isn’t the best time for a marriage proposal Megatron: What Optimus: What
Thank you for telling Optimus to get down for once instead of just blasting him AND the Tarn-copies, Megatron
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MEGATRON NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“Prime...one shall stand...one shall....” THIS IS THE SADDEST FRICKIN THING THAT”S HAPPENED IM LEGIT GONNA CRY, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“Hold on...my friend...” IM GONNA BAWL MY EYES OUT OPTIMUS
I legit had to take a moment to get up and do a lap around my room while processing what happened LIKE OK I KNOW THEY PROBABLY (???) WON’T PERMA-KILL MEGATRON BUT FRICK DUDE THAT WAS SO EMOTIONAL
What’s fricking me up rn (granted, several things are fricking me up right now) is that this universe’s Megatron knew he could’ve achieved his goals if he’d just killed Optimus. He said so himself; he could’ve had it all but he failed “all because I spared your [Optimus’] life”. Whatever he saw in that other universe convinced him that killing Optimus just wasn’t worth it (or perhaps, deep deep DEEP down, he really doesn’t want to kill his old friend).
I’m rewatching that last minute and this feels like a frickin fanfiction. I’m Living but also Dying
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Two reasons he could’ve done that: to keep Shadow Striker from getting super pissed off and lashing out at this enemy who’s way above their level, or because the “jacked up Frankenstein experiment” thing is a sore subject for her and Soundwave recognizes that (and frankly I’m leaning toward option B because SOBS....I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP)
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Dang so Megatron did kill Optimus
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Oh shoot so the Quints came to that world too
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I’m loving this throwback to the IDW design
WOW Y’ALL JUST IMMEDIATELY WENT “SURE WE’RE ONBOARD” (I mean, good way to stay alive but C’MON GUYS....)
“I have no need for any of you” WHOOPS SO MUCH FOR THAT should’ve seen that coming
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wow you guys really just let Megatron fall to the floor COME ON OPTIMUS WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SMOOTH MOVES
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“And now you will pay the price...for being a hero” DANG THAT”S A COOL LINE BUT DON’T HURT MY BOY
Yeah don’t turn your back on the body please
YO Astrotrain came back
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MAN I wish we could’ve stayed in the universe of this show for a little longer but dang!!! That was really really good!!! I’m so grateful we got to have such a wonderful series like Cyberverse! :’) Thank you to everyone who worked on this incredible show!!!
Man now I gotta wait for WfC for new Transformers content....at least I can look through the tag w/out getting spoiled now
A few more thoughts now that I’ve re-read my liveblog:
If Megatron could hop into the Matrix of Leadership he possessed, I wonder if he ever had a chance to talk to that universe’s Optimus Prime... :( based on what he said, probably not, but that makes me so sad!!!! Did they ever get the chance to work things out!!! IS MEGATRON ALIVE OR NOT.....
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dabatcavebyhonie · 5 years
Marvel's Runaways- an example of a BAD idea
So imagine you wanted to a great comic book show. You buy a great cheap comic so you break the bank. But then you feel the pressure to have your loved characters appeal to a more modern audience. But there is a rift between the movie universe and the TV universe. So now you are left with a half baked story filled with holes and it is almost unrecognizable to the comics. Let us also not forget their horrible idea of re-writing the perspectives for the mass audiences. This is how you get the "cringy" monster that is the Hulu's adaptation of Runaways.
The first thing you must understand before tackling Runaways is that this Marvel property is heavily ingrained into the Marvel universe. In fact, one character from the comic book cast is the son of Ultron. Ultron, who MCU wrote off as someone short series of events.  Then that means that most of the events that occur in the comics become void. This leads to a rewriting of the events that occur in the TV show.
I broke the aspects of this ongoing show into three parts : Angst- the teen and the parent, stereotypes- I promise we're different,  dialogue- Who am I?
“I had choosen the path of the black sheep rather than that of the unicorns and puppies.”
― Magenta Periwinkle, Cutting Class
Angst- The teen and the parent 
     When you are first introduced to the nouveau-rich families of PRIDE  you see  parents with a wide range of jobs. This includes tech mongers, bio-chemists, and even spiritual leaders. By each family you see various color schemes graced across the screen. I assumed this TV show would be promising. Until you meet the children. I first became frustrated by the dynamics of the children. They're all stereotypes written out of a high school rom-com. At least for shows that Have stereotypes like  Daria you understand they're there to be unrealistic and mellow-dramatic. However this idea isn't valid for Runaways. The show is supposed to be relatable and fanciful at the same time. They're also not stereotypes in the graphic novel they're just themselves. This adds angst to the angst . Which this edgy behavior is supposed to replace the depth in their character. Take the biggest example of this: Nico. Her stereotype is that she's a goth so she's mean and does witchcraft and always cries about dead sister. Then in the later seasons she's hopelessly devoted to Karolina and this is supposed to add depth to her one dimensional personality.Her senitive love for Karolina is supposed to add depth- I just...No,no, no, UGH, Stop, please. I  can't with her. The big thing that makes her DEEP is that she's actually sensitive and gay. They use queer-bating to have her be more appealing. Then her stereotypical goth-ness solidifies the Goth norm-perception, it says,"Yes all goths are this way. They're all tortured and filled with teenage melodramatic behavior.".Her Wicca worship is another Goth stereotype. As a goth myself I do not condone the stereotypes that aren't accurate. I wish her character was more inspired like Abby from NCIS. The actor wantesd the  character to be more authentic and not just a stereotype like numerous other shows have.   Just no. Every time she slams her door a front of her mother's face or steals her mother's staff I'm just dumbfounded.   
   Karolina is the church girl stereotype. She waltzes across your screen in all white and reads Her bible-I-mean-her-religious-texts-that-don't-sound-like-Christianity-at-all. Then when she's tempted by the flesh of the witch! Oh no will they, Won't they? Spoiler alert: They will as we assumed with horrible LGBTQ+ characters as always. Her depth is her love for Nico. To the amount that her dreams while she's trapped in the first two episiodes of season three was her wedding with Nico. Granted it was goregous but her love is her character depth which is dissapointing since their relationship ends in season three.  They're both always moody and mad at each other but it's fine they love each other even though they only give each other a few pecks once in a while. Like don't make the mass audience mad cause we can't have too much gay! HAHA! For me it's less for the LGBTQ+ masses or to show representation it's written to sound and look pretty for the male gaze but hey! 
That's just me spreading my SJW bias like Gert does 24/4! Like is there an off button. Introducing the liberal complete with crippling anxiety and even "NO! I can't love a Lacrosse Jock! I hate the Patriarchy!". While no one shows up for her rally or her bakes sales she crushes over Chase who is rude to her. My father being heavily left-leaning said "Gert needs to go. Like she doesn't stop talking and ruins the show!". Like when I told him I was watching the new season he frantically asked why and asked if I was okay.
I'm getting off track. Anyway, The point is the only ones that love their family to start is Molly, Gertrude and Chase. But don't worry the only one that still loves her parents after is Molly (in some twisted way I guess Karolina.....ehhh). After seeing their parents kill a kid and shove them into a magical space tube instead of calling the police or rationally acting. They gain this amazing attribute called teenage angst. Except for Molly cause she doesn't get it. Granted the first season isn't that bad but the show only gets worse the farther you go into it. I especially have been carrying a special amount of disdain for season two. But I think that maybe the new season has promise since the teenage angst doesn't smell as bad so far but I'll give you guys an update on Tumblr. What was I saying ...So if you don't understand what I mean by the heavy angst take a new scene from season three when Dale (her dad) Has Gert hostage in their cottage. She goes on numerous rants on How much she hates him when like a year ago she was being somewhat rational by trying to think before she shouts and finger wag at her parents but now-speak your mind child! I find the teen vs. parent atmosphere.
However  This idea of teenage angst isn't unrealistic. But how general it is over every character is what makes the angst unrealistic. The original hesitation of Gert makes it feel more natural. Karolina's almost disregard to what they saw originally felt more real. The small responses from characters separates their personalities and makes season one much more entertaining.
Stereotypes- I promise we're different 
Now that you understand the edgy personality of the show as a whole let's move on to the content. You're introduced to a runaway teenager named Destiny she's mugged but "rescued" by the Church of Gibborim. Little do we realize these muggers were trying to save her. Six months later we're introduced to Alex Wilder, a stereotypical nerd, who loves coding. Nico Minoru the person Alex has a crush; her  sister died who was Alex's best friend, so now Nico's a goth. Okay, that's a lot. You then meet Gert, Chase and, Molly. Molly is younger then everyone else so she is disregarded when she tells everyone to become friends. Chase is a lacrosse jock but he's different cause he's smart I guess. Chase loves his family but his dad is emotionally abusive to him and his mom. It gives Chase a leader mentality and he tends to think he knows the right answer.
 Gert is a social justice warrior who tries to make her school a better place. But she's different cause she has anxiety. Tell me if my point isn't getting across, tell me. This show's "thing" is that everyone's a stereotypes but, they're different, I guess;Which would usually be fine if it wasn't apart of such a big intellectual property: Marvel. Granted when it comes to movies and TV I never said Marvel story-lines were ever complex but the shows always Go outside the prior assumptions, it's not all stereotypes. 
Take for instance, Agents of Shield.  Take Coulson who literally was resurrected fro the dead. He is hard and stern like he was depicted in the movies but we learn about his strife and how he worked alongside Nick to build S.H.I.E.L.D. to what it is. He has control issues so he has to adopt the mindset that Nick has. It's new and interesting to the MCU audience. Melinda May, is an Ace pilot and personally my favorite simply due to her character writing. Her divide between her reputation versus who she is. She's known as " The Calvary" after all. She has trauma from a mission that killed a civilian which leaves her emotionally scared. This isn't a new concept but seeing her grow and becoming better emotionally gives the audience connections to the characters.
 Every character is written with steady care and good character writing. We feel sad When Coulson dies yet again. We feel the inner turmoil Skye and May feel. The connection isn't there in these hollow stereotypes. The connection to the audience in Runaways is what's making the show stale. The TV show characters are pale imitations of the comic book characters. It's hurts the show in the long run.  
dialogue-Who am I?
The most important thing that makes this show salvageable is the dialogue. No, I don't only mean the words coming out their mouths but the story-line that's surprisingly controlled by the parents. The superficial cold teenagers that only show disdain towards their parents and easily toppled by their Parents beckoning and call. For instance in season 2, Chase betrays his whole team to have his family back after his dad dies. He thinks they'll lose so quickly when  he's left alone with them. You see their guard come down so quickly around their providers. Yet they can never forgive them. This is obvious in Alex's case. His hatred towards his parents lead him to the arms of his father's enemy become's angry when his mother retaliates and kills Darius, but is vexed when his father is calling him. Responds just by his mother threatens him from jail in season three. Why does Nico stop to talk to her Dad in season three, episode "Lord of Lies". I'm going  to keep watching just because of the dynamic of the kids and parents. Especially as the parents are inhabited by parasitic aliens it's changes this complex dynamic yet again. Along with Nico's inner turmoil involving her magic and the forces that are utilized with her staff headlines the dialogue and plot I love so much. I will continue to watch as this tale unfolds.
Conclusion: This show is complex recycling heap. I find it hard to watch and a grotesque figure I can't move away from. I find it a good surface level adaptation. I find it messy but it's not entirely predictable! I appreciate how invested the actors are in their characters! I hope to continue watching the show to see how  the plot moves.  
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musubiki · 6 years
misc m&l post for the gang
- LOVES fish. she would eat fish every day if it was nutritionally acceptable. she loves poke with rice the best. shrimp is a close second
- limes grandfather owns a boat at the docks and goes fishing some afternoons. he has lime give mochi some fish and she gets EXCITED. nothing makes her happier than when lime comes in the door with a big cooler and a shit eating grin
- there's a bunch of cats around the mochi shoppe. its like a cat cafe. they say its because mochi used to feed the cats the leftovers and now they won't go away, but in reality, the cats are just drawn to the cat witch
- but, mochi does feed the cats the leftovers
- mochi gets real cat ears and a tail once and month, and all her magic is gone for the duration of the event (usually about 12 hours dusk to dawn) (it manifests physically so she cant use any magic)
- and its hilarious because shes much more cat-like than usual. if you use a laser pointer she will jump on it with very dialated pupils
- she also purrs. lime climbed in her bed and rubbed her ears once(1) and she purred for one(1) second and now he will never let it go. he locks her in a hug to hear her purring on him. she cannot hold her breath forever
- always grumbles and resists when lime hugs/snuggles up to her, calling him a jerk or whatever but she secretly likes it. cant tell him that though so she pretends she doesnt (hes demanding and cocky so he ignores her grumbling and shes thaknful for that)
- mochis room has a lot of plants on her shelves and windowsills and walls. turns out its great to keep a lot of plants around for spell ingredients. and her room smells great
- mochi no like banana
- she and lime bring each other food everyday. he brings them bao buns or some sandwhiches for lunch and she brings desert cakes (his favorite are chocolate or coffee) and mochi ice cream
- mochis schedual (limes too) is basically to wake up early -> help her mom set up shop -> go to school -> come home and work in the shop until 5-6pm and then her and lime go hang out/do homework 
- her favorite thing is when they go to the marketplace together to go shopping for groceries. sometimes they go to the starbucks next to the beach and watch the sunset. its a nice and warm aesthetic
- puts stickers in her spellbook
- uses her one hairtie for every hairstyle
- has a dog. its a brown austrelian kelpie mix and hes adorable. his name is almond and lime loves him very much
- his family got him as a puppy when lime was 12 when someone was giving away puppies at the supermarket parking lot. 
- hes an excited pupper, very loyal and loves to play fetch. he runs around chasing cats and especially chasing pom. pom hates his ass with all her being
- mochi thinks hes cute, but thinks he can be a bit of a hassel. ofc seeing the cute doggo jump and slober all over lime is adorable so she accepts it
- lime is good in every school subject, but lies about it so he has a reasonable excuse to hang out with mochi. “yyyyeah i failed that last test so uhhh looks like ill have to come over to your house so you can tutor me hahahaha” (he used this a lot when they were just becoming friends)
- hard hitter. he makes the most home runs during baseball games. the rest of the team debates if he could theoretically decapitate someone
- when mochi gets her cat ears once a month lime calls her “kitty” and uses an exessive amount of cat puns. 
- never brings an umbrella ANYWHERE. he would have to run back to his house after going to the gym and was soaked by the time he got there
- and then would find mochi in the greenhouse, and proceed to harass her with sloshy soaked hugs while she struggles to get away
- is actually pretty repesctful of boundaries. if mochi told him she didnt want him to do something anymore, he would stop. and she knows that too, which is why he keeps harrassing her despite her mild protests (he’ll harass her until she seriously asks him to stop)
- no one at school knows where mochi and lime live. they purposely dont tell anyone at school just so all the girls dont come and crowd the shops just to hang out with him
- hes a little bit of a horndog for mochi. (it gets way worse when he realizes he loves her later on)
- cant braid anything to save his life. tried to braid mochis hair once after she gave him a tiny braid. he failed pretty bad
- part of the track team. shes one of the fastest runners they have. her and lime are more athletic while mochi and oscar are more of the book/nerd types. 
- goth jock (kinda. she wears a lot of monochrome to make her hair stand out)
- she has a pet bird she keeps in her apartment for company!! its a whiteface cockatiel she named “Wing crosby.” shes too embarassed to tell anyone its name so she always panics and says like “john” or something
- acts all cocky all the time, but is actually afraid of a lot of things. she doesnt like heights. or scary movies. or the dark. or wind. shes the biggest scardy cat in the group, but she tries to hide it constantly 
- pretends to be annoyed when oscar asks her to come ghost hunting with him, but she actually kind of enjoys it. she likes going through the comments on the youtube videos later and see everyone complimenting her. plus she gets a boost of ig followers
- she seems to pick on oscar more and more as time goes on. when mochi asked her why, she said “......you know that feeling when you see a really cute dog and you just wanna squish its face in your hands?????? yeah.” she thinks hes adorable. puppy. she doesnt know how to express any emotion other than ridicule. 
- has a skateboard. skateboards around all the time. is actually not bad at it
- manages to get starbucks every morning somehow. 
- the one girl who always brings her aesthetic tumbler of coffee with the plastic straw to classes in the morning 
- has a habit of putting his feet up on his desk. que coco whacking his muddy boots away with a magazine
- has two brothers, milo(older) and roland(younger) and a sister on the way. roland is the most musically gifted, but their whole family is pretty good.
- they live out in the countryside so they can generally make a lot of noise without anyone caring. 
- they tease oscar about “having no music talent” (he can only really play the ukulele a little), but really hes the best singer in the family. they dont tell him so it doesnt go to his head
- oscar lives near a river/lake, so he takes a small boat out and goes fishing sometimes. he just chills in the boat with his lil fishing hat and hums quietly. 
- he actually has a big scar on his cheek, which is why he has that bandage thing there. he was in an accident when he was young that left a pretty deep scar there from stitches, and hes really self-concious of it
- pulls his hood over his head when hes embarassed/upset
- his father is a wood-worker. they make a bunch of premium custom furniture and actually have a pretty successful business. oscar is the only son whose actually taking over the business
- and oscar is REALLY good. he made their kitchen table out of a bunch of wood scraps and it looks AMAZING. he just laughs it off as “nah its nothing compared to my dads work”
- the only one in the group with his whole family in-tact.
- has a tv set up in the woodshop so he can watch stuff while he works. its actually more of a hobby for him at this point before he actually starts working on orders
- panics a lot once he realizes he likes coco. he pulls a dipper and makes one of those stupid long lists once as a self-guide on how to talk to coco because hes so nervous 
- made coco a little birdhouse for her bird once as a surprise. it was a nice little house painted black/dark gray on the outside, and a bright blue on the inside to match her aesthetic. she pretended to be like “its ok” but was tearing up a little
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