#hes pretty.... i actully like him is that bad?
lilocapoca · 4 months
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part 2 of this
pairing: rockstar!Eddie Munson x fem!popstar reader
content warning(s): use of “fuck”, “shit” and “dick”. sorry but bad writing
Word count: 1536
summary: after your interview, everybody was expecting you and Eddie to be the next big Hollywood couple, but he did not make a move… so you did and invited him to your concert.
notes: the images DO NOT describe reader’s appearance! Only used for aesthetic/clothes
Yes Eddie was a coward.
Every gossip magazine and tv show was talking about your interview. It was all that people could think about. The most rockstar of all rockstars and the cutes of all the cutest pop singers having a crush on each other was so fucking cute.
Your pretty ribbons. His heavy metal chains. Your impeccable gloves. His big rings. You had flawless skin while his own was marked with ink everywhere. Your high heels were so tiny compared to his big black combat boots. You looked like a pure fairy and he looked like a sexy zombie.
Yeah. It was really fucking cute.
But even after everyone approved this possible romance, Eddie could not find himself going to talk to you. You were so perfect, your nickname was "America's Angel". If this was a fairytale, you would be the princess and Eddie surely would't be the hero... at least he thought so.
But since you confessed your feelings on national tv, the guitarrist was suffering from a big problem: he couldn't fuck or date anyone else.
Eddie was used to bring girls backstage after his shows, sometimes even boys. He enjoyed a good fuck or just someone who could blow his dick. But now? Everytime he took someone backstage he just could not do it. He kept thinking about you. Shit, he never even really talked to you. Just some head nods and smiles at award shows, but no conversations ever. 
But at the moment he was holding a note that was sent to him he couldn't belive his eyes.
Well, the thing is, Corroded Coffin was a headliner band of this really big festival, taking on the biggest rock stage of it and... you were one of the headliners of the biggest pop stage of the same festival too. And you both were playing on the same day! which made you send flowers to the band's dressing room, to him.
The boys were really having fun with this. Eddie's face was red and he just could not take his eyes of the note that was attached to the bouquet. White daisies. Just like the name of the first track on the lattest Corroded album.
"Hi honey. I would like very much if you could watch my show tonigth... i'm gonna be looking for your pretty curls in the crowd. I'll be so sad if you can't make it... and you don't wanna make me sad, right?
– your wife"
And a red mark of lipstick at the end that literally screamed you. The pretty handwritting. The hearts on the "i"s.
Oh My God. Tonigth was the nigth a Munson is going to die.
The day was already fading away, the stars starting to shine and you were breathing in and out trying to calm yourself. The crowd was waiting for you. Everybody screaming. And Jesus, you swore you'd never seen an crowd this big. Your manager said that were about 40 thousand people there to see your concert. You could literally feel the vomit coming down your throat, something that happens when you are anxious. But you couldn't do this rigth now. You needed to go on the stage in 1:30 minutes, there was no time for anxiety.
But what if he doesn't come?
Oh my God he is not coming, you are sure of that.
Why would he come? He probably didn't meant that he had a crush on you. Well he could have a crush on you, but that don't mean that he actully likes you...
Breathe in. Breathe out.
You took one last look at your dress. Such a pretty baby blue mini dress. Checked out your white velvet gloves, matching your long white heel boots. Touched your blue ribbon. Okay. Everything was okay.
The next thing you knew was that you were already walking on the stage with a big and enchanting smile, hearing the most high screams ever.
you put his name on the list. His name was in your goddamn list.
The VIP area of the pop stage was filled with the guesses that were on your list. But it wasn't really full, just some people that were probably your friends and some daugthers of famous old singers who worshiped you. The view of the stage was really unique, everything could be seen.
All eyes were on Eddie the moment he crossed the line of the VIP area. He could not care less. Eddie just crossed the room to the front to get a better view of the stage. He smiled at the sight of the gigant crowd waiting for you. The vip area was above the ground next to the stage and the Corroded Coffin front man was so freaking pleased to be there, cause at the moment you were up the stage, he could see your pretty figure: smiling in that beautiful outfit, mic in your hand, ready to rock.
And shit you give a hell of a show. That siren voice was like heaven in Munson's ears and that pretty dances were starting to drive him crazy. You were driving him crazy. He was sure you were born to do this. The people screaming your lyrics and reactin everytime you did something cute or even when you laughed of happines. Cause, c'mon, you're so cute. Sexy and cute. How could you be both? Was what Eddie thought during the whole set.
Ok, the rockstar was falling in love with the popstar.
But when Eddie looked at his watch he realized that he was running late to his own show.
Shit he needed to actully run. But he didn't want to do it. He wanted to stay... to talk to you.
"Hey" he shouted to one of your friends: Daisy Green, the country star that was your best friend. She looked at him with a tired face "can you tell her..."
"I tell her that you came and that you are asking her to see the end of your show and go to your dressing room" she took the words out of his mouth.
"Thanks!" He smiled at her and ran off in the opposite direction.
When you went to your backstage, you were hoping to see that wild curls somewhere. But Eddie wasn't there. the euphoria that took over your body at the end of the show was washing away.
Of course that he would't be there. He was busy, he probably was preparing for his set, he would not even want—
Your thoughts are interrupted by Daisy.
“He is waiting for you" she said rolling her eyes seeing your growing smile.
You see her next to her Mallory Grace, the biggest disco sensation , and one of your besties along with Daisy, givin' thumbs up.
Ok, you never ran as much as you did to get on the rock stage before Corroded show ended. Jumped all the staff and equipment. Legs were burning. That meant you cared? Not at all. Your goal was accomplished faster than expected when you heard the sound of one of the band's biggest hit from not so far away.  And when you hit the backstage, their manager was waiting for you, he guided you to the side of the stage, where you could see Eddie closer than ever.
The way he played that guitar was doin' things to you. Legs squeezing, heart beating fast and wet thoughts. His voice loud and deep, sweaty body and tongue stretched out. God he was hot.
When Eddie saw that pretty little thing still dressed in her show clothes at the left side, he couldn't hide the grinn on his face. So he gave a hell of a concert that would turn out to be the most iconic rock concert in the history of the festival... all cause of you.
So when it ended and Corroded team cheer them up for the amazing work. Eddie came towards you. Well he was trying to do so since he left the stage, but everybody was holding him back, but he shut them up, coming in your direction with the biggest smile ever.
Oh god. He was so pretty like that. Shirtless, wild hair, low waist leather pants and boots. Your heart was goin' to explode. But instead of exploding, you just grinned back at him, waiting for Munson to get close.
Eddie was hypnotized by your angel looks. So delicate and beautiful. It was his mind or he was sweating more than when he was playing?
Jesus, what he was going to say? Was he smelling good? Fuck, of course not. He needed a towel to dry himself a bit? But the guitarrist wanted to talk to you... but you are so gorgeous and untouchable, looking like a fairy. Shit.
Before you both realized, he was right in front of you.
"you came" he said mesmerized by the view.
"why would't i? Needed to be good for my husband" and Eddie was dead. How can you say something like that and expect him to be alright?
"Fuck, princess, you're killing me" and you couldn't help but giggle. The most pretty in his opinion.
Princess. You like that. Could get used to it.
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
Mind if I ask some for platonic headcannons for Red Guy And Yellow Guy ? The reader typically doesn't show much emotion other than mildly pleasant or passive aggressive displeasure with exception toward one thing:they are terrified of loud noises, and whenever they hear anything loud they cover their ears and crumple up into a ball.
Thank you wether you accept this or not!
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Red Guy
-He didn't mind your quite nature, actully, he enjoyed.
-You reminded him of well, himself.
-The most he's seen you express is a very slight smile.
-Or just flat out annoyance.
-He found you're passive aggressive behavior entertaining.
-Of course, once something comes alive and starts a dumb song about a lesson, he's waiting to see what you say.
-One time you flat out told one of then to stop and it was annoying. Which I'm pretty sure all of them were feeling the same thing.
-However, once one of then came alive with quite a big crashing sound. To which you screammed at.
-Everyone in the house was shocked on how you just yelled, this quite, calm person. Just screamed like their life depended on it.
-"Uh, are you ok?" He asks in his monotone voice, but with a slight bit of worry in it.
-You nod saying you're just scared of loud noises.
-It doesn't really effect him after that, so kinda just nods and takes it into consideration.
Yellow Guy
-He never questioned your quite behavior.
-Now, he has a lack of expression as well so he thinks maybe it's just hard for you to have huge expressions. (It could also be puppet design.)
-He gets really excited whenever he makes you smile a little, it makes him happy to see you happy. Especially when it's him doing it.
-Well, he was putting away the plates today, and of course, he drops them.
-And I mean ALL of them.
-This creates quite the loud noise. Making you yell in fear and fall to the ground.
-He questions why you were scared, in which you tell him of your fear.
-He feels bad for scaring you, and tells you he'll try harder to not make to much noise.
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prof-ramses · 9 months
The Sounds of Nightmares episode 4 analysis: Head in The Clouds
Forgive me, now that I've disposed of the build up of hype, we can sort this into two parts, what this means for TSON and for LN3
The young blood:
Given this is our first exposure to teens in Nowhere, and Noone's comments about them "being there for a long time" we can safely say they've at least partially turned into residents, especially with how they're being conditioned to only see themselves as their given roles.
Considering the series is implied to be the earliest point in the timeline so far, I'm wondering if we might see the magician and fire breathers as adults when LN3 launches, though I'm highly doubtful we'll be seeing Rusty alive.
A place of joy in the sky:
The idea that the Circus is an airship is definitely one I didn't consider before, but makes it's similarities to the Maw much more interesting.
On a side note, Noone describing the Fairgoers as having faces like bad drawings lines up with the lumpy looks of their faces we see in the trailer, further proving it's the same places.
Double act:
Now on to who I'm sure would be delighted to be called the main attraction, the Ventriloquist(s?)!
No two ways about it, they are HORRIFYING, and line up great with Tarsier's old philosophy of making Residents look like grisly version of childish misunderstandings of what they represent.
Gameplay-wise I have a suspicion one may function like an alarm, alerting the other of our presence, though I may be completely off on that. From a lore perspective, it feels very LN-like to not clarify if they actually run the Circus or not.
The (not quite) best boy:
Rusty was a pretty great companion to Noone in this trip to Nowhere, he seems to be the most capable kids she's met so far (no offence, episode 1 kid who's probably RK). His confession of fear and hate in the ferris wheel might imply he was closer to becoming a resident than the other kids we've met so far.
The absent local:
Our slightly blobby old friend not appearing was a slight surprise, though he's certainly there in spirit, it helps that he's all but confirmed to actually hail from Nowhere, further solidifying my theories regarding him.
Noone's allegory:
Noone describing the Nowhere as a place with many connected but individual places with unique functions confirms, at least to me, that there is no central force controlling literally everything, rather, there are forces that drift from region to region, upkeeping the nature of the world as a whole-
A few notes:
Since every episode has a different color for the background, I'll go out on a limb and say the finale will be yellow, for fairly obvious reasons, leaving green as the most likely color for episode five.
The idea of fleeing the Circus (in chapter FOUR) reminds me of @queen0fm0nsterz idea that one of the cancelled LN1 comics would be about escaping a facility, and that it would parallel the FOURTH Lady, might be nothing, or it might be a sign we should revisit past episodes with the Ladies in mind.
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hirik0 · 10 months
Jealousy Part 11
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
NSFW 09Soap/Ghost
blow job, orgasm denial, face fucking, throat fucking, top Soap, bottom Ghost, brat Ghost
When Soap walk in to Ghost bedroom the first thing he sees is the massiv dildo carelessly laying next to the pillows. 'Well my toys don't maul me like a animal in heat' echos in Soaps head, Ghost said that over two weeks ago. "Fucking brat", Soap curses to himself, so he had to keep it ins his pants but Ghost just fucked himself behind his back? Unacceptable." "Simon", he calls, sitting down on the bed. Ghost just panics the second Soap calls his name, remebering what he did after the walk with Riley and how he just left the dildo on his bed. He didnt even intent to tease Soap with him having fun alone. He just simply forget to put it away. He walks to his bedroom, giving Riley a hand sign to stay. He talkes a deep breath, ready to pretend he did this on purpose just to fuck with Soap a bit. It will just be a littel fun tease. He closes the door trying to have the most inocent expresion on his face. "Something a problem Soap", he ask as neutral as possible. "Whats this Simon?", Soap ask holling up the dildo. "A Dildo", Ghost gives the most smartass tone he can muster, grinning when he sees Soaps no shit sherlock look. "And why did I find this on your bed?" "I used it, of course." Soap is clearly not impressed by his attitude and behaviour. "And you dont put it away, why?" "Do I have too, in my own home?", Ghost ask with a big smirk on his face, Soap it getting angry.
"Come here", Soap growls. Ghost steps in front if Soap supressing his accitment. "Send me here to find this, Simon?" "Yes, Sir." Soaps mouths dropps open, not expecting Ghost to admit to doing this on purpose. Ghost smirk is growing, very proud of himself, he's clearing pushing all of Soaps buttons right now. "Really think you did something here dont you Simon?" "Well you're clearly hard, so I think I did", Ghost answers smug feeling proud of himself. "Well, good that my keeping it in my pants time is over then. Hope your ready to be reminded that Im better then this peice of plastic", Soap growls his eyes darkening. Ghost swallos, thinking he actully bit more off then he can chew. "I dont know, had a pretty good time with his bad boy", Ghost taunts making a motion to the toy. Soap is off the bed before he growls: "On your knees." "Make me." Ghost thinks he never see Soap move his fast, his knees hitting the ground painfully. "Now stay there", Soap orders before sitting back on the bed. Ghost feels how hes getting hard by just how domiate Soap got on him. Blushing hard a rows of fuck filling up his brain. He flew to close to the sun, he pushed to far and now has to take the consequences of his actions in whatever way Soap sees fit. Soap uses his foot to tilt Ghost chin up before he says: "I think it's time that I finally stuff your bratty mouth." Ghost moans at this. "Well never told you that you can't use your hand", Ghost just pushes Soap a bit further, he really cant shut up at this point. Soap looks at him with hungry eyes, before he pulls Ghost to his own crotch by his hair. "I think you can do something better with yout mouth then talk back, be a good boy for ones." Ghost looks up at Soap blushing, panting, moaning. "And, because you think you can be a brat without consequense you are not allowed to come at all, till I stuff my dick in your ass." "No, Soap please, I will be good, please you can't do this", Ghost begs in a panic, he fucked up, this was not the goal. "No, only good boys deserve to come and you weren't a good boy, Simon." Ghost didnt think Soap would put his foot down like this. Punishing him for being a brat sure he dont think Soap will let him get away with this forever. And it's also unfairly hot. Ghost feels how his boxers are start getting wet, sticking to his dick. Soap moves his hands to open his belt the sound gets Ghost out of his stupor. He replaces his Soaps hands with his own opening the fly and pulling out Soaps dick. A hand is returning to his hair holding his head in place. "You have some limits?", Soap ask, making sure to not take thinks to far. "No holding down and I dont swallow", Ghost answers breathless, squirmings bit to find s better position to kneel in. Soap titls his chin up before palcing a kiss on his lips. "So me fucking your throat is okey?", Soap ask for clarification. "Yes", Ghost moans, somehow is body found some more blood to get in his dick. "Tap me 3 times if its to much." "3 taps when its to much", Ghost repeats.
"Good boy and now go to work." The grip on his hair is is losening. And Ghost starts small, Soap is deffently one of the bigger dicks he had. He carefully licks up from the shaft to the tip, before he licks directly over the slit, making Soap moan. Liking up all the pre cum, Soap starts to leak. He carefull put his lips around the tip making sure his theet are not in the way, before he slowly start bobing his head. Taking more and more of Soap in his mouth everytime he goes down. After he carefully gets used to Soaps length and grith he starts taking him as deep as he can. Hes gagging a bit before hes able to relax his throat enough. He's enjoying it losing himself in the rythem he set up. The only think that is irritating him his own neglected cock. He needs to get Soap so blissed out by this, so he can get around his punishment. When hes confident enough that he can take what ever Soap will give him, he pulls off compleatly. He looks up to Soap, having his mouth wide open and his thoung sticking out, wating for Soap to fuck his face to his likeing. Soap makes a displeased sound at Ghost pulling away opening his eyes and forgets to breath for a moment. Ghost looks up at him, with hooded eyes, his lips are shiny from the amount of spit on them. He looks fucking perfect. Soap needs a bit to catch on why Ghost stoped.
"Ready?", he ask for the go ahead and Ghost just gives him a thumps up. He starts trys to recreate the slow speed from before, making sure Ghost really can take before he picks up the pace. "Fuck, look at you, drooling for my cock", Soap praises, seeing drool run down Ghost chin also noticing that tears are appearing in Ghost eyes. Ghost is moaning at the praise gripping at Soaps thighs for balance. Soap hits the back of Ghost throat a bit to hard making Ghost gag a bit to much for his likeing. "Sorry", he apologies, before swiping the tears from Ghost cheeks. Ghost pulls away to reasure: "I can take more Soap, thought you want to stuff my mouth?" Soap is bitting his lower lip. "I love gagging on a fat cock, I will tap you 3 times if it's to much", Ghost reassures Soap before going down again. Taking as much of Soap in as possible and then some more. It is a tight fit, he feels his throat getting stretched out. Ghost moans the vibration making Soap thighten his grip on Ghost hair to painfull because Ghost is tapping on his arm. Soap loses his grip and Ghost hand returns to Soaps leg. Ghost speeds up his head movement and there is only one problem Ghost has. He wants to come and Soap told him no. He wished Soap would start taking control again so he can think a bit more about how to sneakly get around Soaps no.
Soap trys really hard to make this last as long as possible. But Ghost warms thight throat is making is hard for him. He feels the vibration of every moan that Ghost making, his tongue liking over his shaft everytime Ghost is pulling off. He has is eyes closed because he's sure the moment he sees Ghost knealing in front of him and how his dick disappearing in Ghost mouth over and over again, he will come down Ghost throat and Ghost clearly said he don't swallow. He opens his eyes the second Ghost hands are leaving his legs, one now around the base of his dick, but where is the other one? Ghost hopes with this change off his hands he is able to use the hand not on Soaps dick to get on his own arching dick. His boxers are soaked with pre cum. "Both hands stay on me Simon", Soap growls, clearly catching on what Ghost is trying. Simon licks a few time over Soaps slit still trying to get a hand on his own arching dick. "Simon", Soaps warns again and Ghost is stopping all his movement. He looks at Soap with teary eyes, a steady river of tears is running down his face. Soap is using his feet to kick Ghost legs apart, looking pleased. The silhouette of Ghost hard dick clearly visible a small wet spot is slowly growing. "Looks painful Simon", Soap says before pressing the tip of his shoe against it. "ARGH!! Soap, please, I'm sorry", Ghost begs, trying to not humb Soaps shoe like the desperate slut he is. "Oh, I'm sure you're sorry now, but is to late." "No Soap please, I will never do it again, please I want to come, please." "No, this is a lesson, would be pointless for me to give in now", Soap stats calmly. A big amount of tears are running down Ghost cheeks. "Please", Ghost begs pefetig, tears clouding his vision. "No, as I said only good boys get to come and you were a really bad boy. First letting your toys lay around for me to find and now trying to get what you want in a sneaky way", Soap explains while wishing some of the tears away. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry", Ghost sobs knowing he will not get what he wants. "I know, Simon", Soap wispers. "Think you can be a good boy from now on?" "I will try." Soap smiles knowing that Ghost will never stop beeing a massive brat to him, he don't even want Ghost to stop. "That's all I ask for, so now be a good boy and suck my dick." "Yes, Sir." "You okey with me coming on your face?", Soap ask making Ghost moan pornstar worthy. "Like this don't you? You are really a dirty desprade think aren't you?" "Yes, please Soap", Ghost moans nearly comming untouched. Soap sees with a sick satisfaction that the wet spot on Ghost pants is growing. Also realising that Ghost will very likely come untouched not to be disobedient but because he's on a hairpin trigger. And Soap will not punish Ghost for it, it's honestly a gigantic turn on for him.
Ghost return the hand he wanted to use to get himself off back on Soaps leg, the other says on Soaps dick. He carefully just takes a third of it in so that Soap can pull him faster of. He has his eyes closet not wanting to get cum into them, because he knows Soap must be close. One slow lick direcktly over Soaps tip and hes brutally pulled back. When Soap finally hits his orgasam after holding back he does 2 thinks pulling Ghost back and pushing his foot against Ghost dick. Ghost was never one for getting cum all over his face, but hes nearly cuming in his pants when the hot liquid is hitting his face. When Soap presses his foot against his hard dick its over, he moans and coms, blissing out the only think preventing him from pressing his face against one of Soaps legs is the hand in his hair. Soap removes his foot satisfied when he sees the stain on Ghost pants and fuck his face cocerd in cum and tears? He thinks he will remeber this forever. The first think that Ghost notices when is orgasam passes by is, that his pants are sticky. He failed, he did the one think he was not suposed to do. "Look at you, so fucking pretty coverd in my cum", Soap praises and Ghost has not the feeling he deserves the praise he failed. "Im sorry", says before lowering his head in shame. "Honestly making you come with bearly even touching you? It's fucking hot Simon, you came just from having a dick in your mouth", Soap tells him while he watches how cum is dropping down from Ghost face on his shirt. "But you said", Ghost starts making a disgusted sound when cum is running in his mouth. "I know what I said Simon, but you wouldhave come in your pantsanywayso i helped you over the edge." "Fucking Cunt", Ghost muters while cum is start to run down his throat. "Simon, get cleaned up we still have a few hours of car ride before us", Soap says while removing some cum out of Ghost hair.
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merv606 · 7 months
Puritan verse ;)
As you mentioned in another fill, though it is not the norm, Terry was present for Daniel’s “purity examination” before their marriage. Perhaps in this AU take, he tells Daniel it is his right to do so as his soon to be Alpha (it is) but his real motivation is to see his little Omega in all his unbarred beauty. Terry knows his sweet, innocent boy is painfully naive, and painfully shy. But seeing the sweet thing standing there shyly in only his pretty little blouse which falls to the tops of his slender thighs makes Terry’s blood rise. This Beta Doctor will not be touching his Omega to check for his virginity—which Terry knows full well is perfectly intact in every way. 
No…Terry will be conducting the rest of this examination himself. Give his baby a taste of what to expect on his wedding night. He won’t go all the way, but he’ll make his adorable little Omega want it bad—without even knowing what he wants. Terry smiles. “I’ll take it from here, Doctor.”
💯 his motivation has nothing to do with whether his soon to be omega is pure or not.
Terry knows he is - his boy is too pious not to be, but it also does not matter.
Terry doesn’t care one way or the other - he will have Daniel as his omega no matter what.
Now, if there are rules in their society that his omega needs to be in order to be married and to bear his children then so be it / the test needs to be done.
Even if he were to “fail” the test, Terry would pay off whoever needs to be paid off.
But yes, because he knows Daniel is pure, he would probably be the one who does it … no way would he want someone else to be the one to put something inside his little omega for the first time.
To that regard, I could see them going through the motions of having the test performed but not actully having it done.
He doesn’t even want anyone who isn’t him even looking at his omega’s special place for the first time - that is for him and him only.
So he pays off whoever he needs to.
Clinging to omega/alpha culture - on their wedding night Terry claims as soon as he spread his mate’s legs and caught a glimpse of that inviting little hole he knew his little omega has been loyal and kept himself pure.
He swears he can taste it when he buries his face in his mate’s cunt, Daniel coming for the first time - ever - to Terry’s mouth on him there.
As soon as he pushes inside he knows there is no question about his purity although his little omega opens up beautifully - like he was made for Terry.
That is a gift Terry will cherish forever.
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better-off-crazy · 1 year
Lets talk about
The guy so obsessed with his own reflection he could put narcissus to shame. Whos very strong with or without that relic
Who no one can decide if hes actully really smart/ good actor or just really really dumb to the point no one could even think hed do something bad.
Since after all he was able to fool eveyone into believing he was 100% sandrock fanboy and we had no clue since hes seen as egotistical and self-absorbed all his weirdness was just waved off.
Except he tried to train burgess? Considering 99% of the church was duvos its possible he was trying to convert him Or the more extreme theory burgess is a sleeper agent! Witch i find doubtful. I really hope burgess is just burgess and stays being that high strung cinnamon roll weve all come to love.
Pen, who I and Im sure a few others quite liked at first but are now very conflicted on hopeing for a redemption arc for him as what he did was pretty unforgivable.
If they even try to do that how would that even work? Logan and so many other sandrockers would never forgive him, hed never be trusted by anyone, hed be under constant watch that anytime he sneezed eveyone would be aware if it. It would put sandrock in a very tense and akward situation espialy since i bet the government will be paying a bit closer attion to sandrock and i dont think theyd want a ex duvos spy capable of what pen is able to do just wondering around free.
The only person i can see getting a redemption arc at all is Miguel.
Pen is gonzo. Now whether he stays in an alatran prision or duvos breaks him out becuase hes a super solider/knight who they would rahter not lose is yet to be seen.
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platonic-prompts · 2 years
God you got to love the people who are like 'well actully its a 100% still ableist" and then proceed to tell you the word you're using isn't applicable to the diagnosis at all because its a 'forensic term'
No, its fucking not, it is also a diagnosis, just not one out of the DMS-V. And to be fair, there's debate over whether or not psychopathy is part of ASPD or is a separate diagnosis. But because i doubt the person has any reading comprehension (Because the last part of the post literally talked about how we shouldnt judge people based on a diagnosis) im going to spell this out
ASPD symptoms
disregarding the law
being deceitful
acting impulsively or being incapable of planning
being irritable and aggressive
disregarding safety
being consistently irresponsible
having a lack of remorse
Psychopathy has overlap with this, yes, but autism and ADHD have overlap and they're not the same thing. Additionally ones for psychopathy
lack of empathy
excessive vanity
lack of guilt
difficulty processing other people’s facial expressions
goal-oriented behavior
insensitivity to punishment
Also, in case you haven't noticed, a lot of these things kinda line up to hm...make them more likely to be abusive to people? Huh, its almost like thats a key feature in cluster b personality disorders. and its almost like sociopathy and psychopathy are disorders that make people outside of the person suffer. It's not like autism or ADHD or OCD or OCPD (OCPD is Obsessive-Compulsive Personality disorder and its the whole 'i need everything to be perfectly lined up' thing) where the person who has it is the one who has to deal with everything from it. There's a reason people use Eric Cartman as an example when they talk about sociopaths/psychopaths in media, because he is one. You can't just pretend that everyone who has the disorder is all sunshine and rainbows, because to even get the diagnosis in the first place you have to have a history of doing shitty things. (i believe back to age fifteen if you get it when you hit eighteen) So by nature of the diagnosis in and of itself, the person can't be the next coming of christ. (And yes, there was a post about how saying all people with ASPD have done bad things is ableist, no its a characteristic of the diagnosis.)
ALSO, the DSM is not the 'oh you need to read it' that you think it is. the DSM-V pretty much didn't change anything in its inclusion of Personality disorders, and I would know that because I just freaking read the highlights of changes document. Now, this is important for one major reason
Hare, Hart, and Harpur back in 1991 said that psychopathy is not the same as ASPD. Hare developed a separate way to diagnose someone due to this (in 2003), which is still in use. But anyway, psychopathy is a square and rectangle situation. Psychopaths have ASPD, but not all people with ASPD are psychopaths.
Now, since my father was labelled as a PSYCHOPATH, calls himself a PSYCHOPATH, and doesn't care when I call him a PSYCHOPATH, im going to continue calling him a psychopath, and a narcassist because for fucks sake people guess what, not everything is a call back to a disorder i wouldnt even know that you have unless you tell me.
No, its referring back to Narcissus, the guy that fell in love with his own reflection, because guess where the word originated from and what it means? Someone obsessed with themselves, which my dad is
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elliotthedork · 2 years
After Red Son tickle hc, are you planning to do Wukong and/or Macaque as well? Or you're going straight to MK? He is a cutie pie! Also I like your blog! Good job
Thank you!!!
Honestly i would be totally willing to write for all 3 of them as a matter of fact!
Here we go!
Congrates on being my first ask/request!!!
Sun Wukong
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*omg he is a ticklish bastard and you cant convince me otherwise
*literally if you simply brush against his side somehow he looses it, internally of course. He still has a bit of an ego so he'll just die on the inside
*however its very easy to notice when he gets flustered. He is really bad at hiding it so its a dead give away that he is ticklish
*thats just someone accidentally tickling him
*now imagine him ACTULLY being tickled
*he is a squirming mess and can and/or will accidentally kick you somehow
*i like to imagine him losing in a tickle fight so he tries to get on top of his ler and tickle them back cuz "Sun Wukong, great sage equal to heaven ISN'T gonna lose!"
*thats what he thinks until his ler dodges Wukong's attack and he gets tickled to peices
(This next one is based off of @toast-is-ticklish 's tickle fic about how Wukong glows when he laughs and i find it adorable so i wanted to include it in my headcannons. Also by the way go read their fic its amazing!)
*So he basiclly glows when he laughs and just imagine his ler (or you) tickling him and he starts glowing like a firefly, so his ler starts teasing him and baby talking him about it (playfully ofc) and calling him petnames. OMG HE'LL DIE
*Like he'll die of both, the tickles and the teasing. He'll also get super pouty about it because he thinks the glowing is embarrassing
*wanna now how he likes the tickles?
*his tail is wagging like crazy back and forth
*his main tickle spots would be his ears, sides, tummy and ribs. His armpits and neck are also pretty ticklish
*tbh he's pretty ticklish everywhere
*Just as much as a bastard
*he is super playful when he is a ler and expect him to laugh and giggle with you cuz he has a lot of fun with tickling
*he would love to playfully tease the shit out of you. He would be tickling you on your worst spot and just coo at you how cute you are when your being tickled and everything related to that
*he loves tickle fights. He loves to hold you down and tickle the hell out of you while your squirming under him
*expect a lot of random tickles out of nowhere just because he wants to be a bastard. You two could just be cuddling or simply sharing a hug and BOOM he's tickling you
*also a bunch of tickly kisses :3
*if you two train together he also definitely uses tickles as a tactic, whether its self-defence or sneak attacks. He has also done what with Mk
Some of his favorite tickles are at night time when you both are cuddling and trying to fall asleep and both of you two just cant. So he'll softly and sleepy tickle your favorite spot to help you both fall asleep (he likes it even better when your gently tickling his sides while he is tickling you)
*over all he is a really soft ler and super fun to be tickled by :D
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*he doesn't lee much but when he does your gonna have to catch him pretty off guard for him to stay down
*he probably hasnt been tickled before or at least in a really long time, so if you decide to tickle him give him a while before he gets used to the feeling
*after a few times of continuous tickles, the feeling (and the liking for it) it will grow on him
*he prefers to wait for other people to tickle him cuz he gets really embarrassed to ask for them. But sometimes he'll subtly ask for them. Your gonna have to be pretty good at taking his hints
*some of his favorite types of tickles are ones were he wakes up from a nightmare (cuz this man has plenty of trauma) and you offer to gently tickle him back to sleep. He loves those ones the most because he can be vulnerable around you
*he has a love-hate relationship with teasing. Like he likes it but at the same time its so embarrassing and it makes his brain go to mush
* i feel like his most ticklish spot is his ears (he has 6 of them they HAVE to be ticklish), his neck and i also feel like his cheeks are a lil ticklish so give him kisses here and there, his tummy, ribs, sides and the back of his knees are also ticklish
*This man as a ler is the definition of merciless asshole
*will absolutely tickle the hell out of you if given the chance. In private of course
*he loves chasing! Chasing his lee down as they are already laughing themselves to death at the sheer idea of being tickled. He also likes the tickle fight after he catches them
*he will tickle your absolute worst spots and ask rhetorical questions like "oh? Your really ticklish here?"
*he himself isn't a fan of teases but expect A LOT with him. He will tease you in everyway, shape and form at any chance he gets
*he is more of a nibbler then a biter cuz he knows his teeth are really sharp and he doesn't wanna hurt you. He would nibble on your tickle spots and pretend he's eating you
*he would use his tail to both hold you down and tickle you. He'll also grab your waist with it if you try and run away from him
*going back to the topic of teases he would definitely use the 'tickle monster' tease. He'd try and act all mean and scary while he's tickling you but he really us just as playful as Wukong. Just in a different way
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*he is so fucking cute when he is being tickled he juat kinda lays there and gives in with little to no fight back cuz tickling is his worst weakness
*as i previously stated Wukong will sometimes incorporate tickling into he and mk's training. So mk has been tickled a decent amount of times by Wu
*he likes any kinds of tickles really. He gets sorta embarrassed if he's tickled in puplic but oh well °w°
*he has a contagious fucking laugh what just makes his ler wanna laugh along with him its so adorable
*he definitely snorts if you get him really good too
*he has also been tickled by Mei as well
*he is pretty ticklish all over but his worst spots are is tummy, sides, ribs and armpits. Also his neck and hips are also pretty ticklish
*he LOVES raspberries! (Giving amd receiving)
*he really likes tickle hugs. Especially when he doesn't know if its gonna happen or not
*honestly i see him WAY more as a lee then a ler but I'll try my best for this one
*he LOVES raspberries (giving and receiving)
*he has gotten Wukong a few times after Mk got fed up with Wu's tickle training tactics and has gotten the upper hand a few times
*of course that resulted in mk getting tickled to pieces by Wukong later
(Like i said i see him way more as a lee then a ler so im sorry if this part is dry)
If anyone has any other characters they want tickle headcannons for please send me an ask! (I'll do almost any character if ik enough about them)
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Not Just A Crush
Valentine’s Day.
It’s a turbulent day for all.
Well, not for all, but for many.
Especially in your case.
You had a screwed up. MY GOSH, you had screwed up.
You mind was pressuring you to make yourself vulnerable to the one person who could make you weak at any moment.
Love is a strong word, but was it the wrong word? No way in Ohio.
Your school’s senior class always had a big Valentine’s Day Fundraiser, five buckaroos for a generous portion of candy, a personalized note, and a balloon.
I think I’m gonna get him one.
“And what could posses you to do that?”
“I said that out loud?”
“Loud and clear, sister.”
“Well, I dunno,” you shrugged. “I’m not gonna sign my name of course… Or should I?"
“I’ll pay for it!” One of your friends chimed in from across the table.
“Cesi, no way.”
And somehow, you found yourself writing him a two page long note saying how much you liked him, but still ended up shortening it to a few words.
You stuffed some tissues in your pocket, tapping your pen on your desk.
"That's smart... In case of rejection, always be prepared."
"Great pep talk," you rolled your eyes. "I guess you're right. I don't even see the point in this."
"Well we do!" your friends chimed in unison.
There you were, giving your homeroom teacher the note and $5 along with it, praying by some miraculous power you weren't at school that day.
But you were, and that week before Valentine's Day went by way too fast.
"HE'S READING IT!!!!" Cesi poked her head in from the other classroom, grinning. "C'mere!"
You and a couple others trotted along to Mrs. Ortega's class, barely looking in, but positioned just well enough to hear everything.
"Anonymous? Bro-"
"Shut up. You don't even know who it's from."
Oh, he looked so beautiful in red. It worked wonders with his skin. He looked even more gorgeous than he usually did to you.
"Ssh, ssh-" Cesi snapped. "Guys!"
"I'm gonna die."
"You'll be fine."
You covered your eyers, biting the insides of your cheeks, hoping for the worst.
"From Anonymous. 'Hey. How are you? I like you.' Smiley face."
"I'm actully gonna die."
"That's Valentina's handwriting!" a guy sqwacked.
"Shut up... there's no way- She could... like me?''
"Dude- haven't you wanted this since like the second grade?"
"Well, yeah- But I didn't realize how I actually felt until this year and just seeing her all pretty and dolled up every day... she makes me uncontrollable without even realizing it."
"Dolled up? It's not like she dresses up. She wears the same stuff we all do."
"But she's so... perfect... I guess nobody's perfect, but she it makes it hard for me to truly believe that."
"Too much?"
"You're down bad, bro."
"I know that. That's why I'm glad I'm not in her class and she's not in mi-"
"Hey Valentino!"
"Shut up, Cesi, shut the hell up."
"Before you say anything, I'm sorry if the note weired you out, I was being strange as hell and I don't know wh-"
"You don't have to apologize..." he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. His face was flushing with a bright red, and the palms of his hands were drenched in sweat. "I- I'm just a little hot right now."
You smirked a little, seeing how hot he did look. He was sweaty, squirming, and seemed very uncomfortable. You loved to see it.
"So I'm assuming-"
"I like you too? Yeah."
"Yeah..." you nodded. "Well, at least we didn't have to do this on Instagram live like those juniors did last year."
"That would've been a catastrophe."
"Um... So- D-Do you want to hang out or s-something? W-We could go to the movies and do stuff... l-later, I don't know."
"Stuff?" his friend chuckled.
"I mean... Not like that, unless you want to-"
"Oh no no, it's up to you."
"Well I-"
"My family is-"
"And I want you to be-"
"Oh, sorry."
"No- You go first."
"No! You can go. It's fine."
"Can you two dorks actually look each other in the eye for a minture and say "I like you"? What's so hard about that?"
"Ahahah..." Valentino awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Uh- Yeah, I like you, I do. A lot. A whole whole lot. Don't blame me for it. She's the pretty one."
"Oh- me? Heck nah. If anything, I'm the sidekick to the pretty girl."
"Don't say that. Smart, respectable girls are pretty girls. And I think every girl is at least one of those things in her own way. You just happen to be both in the way I find deathly attractive."
You both laughed, shaking your heads.
"Ok then?"
"Haha, yeah." You avoided his gaze, reaching your hand out for his.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Valentine?"
"Happy Valentine's Day." :)
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nat1vibes · 1 year
Pre- super super hero Arc thoughts
bit late to it, but there are a lot of things to say about this arc (Spoilers till chapter 90 of Dragon ball Super manga)
Okay to start off. i wanna get and aross th things it didn't like but it gets about positives quickly!
Firstly to set my point on Saiyamen-X
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I Never really liked the Saiyaman consept, but for Gohan to me it made sence, with the popular theory of him venting his Geniyu trauma through it. For Trunks and Goten to take that idea and make it based on random fake superhero they liked. It's just... more tacky than even the OG Saiyaman. But maybe it's just the costumes.
Second thing i don't like. To wrap it up with the bad things actually.
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this just takes care of it. In the whole (3 chapter but still) Arc. Trunks mind has only been on looking cool, maybe having fun and Courting Mai. It downplays him a lot i think. And also, with parents like Vegeta and Bulma, i'd think he would have kinda came out diferently. He used to train a lot with Vegeta... I'd hope he got more than just stronger and ''Ah father is strict''. But enough about the negatives.
I really liked this.
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The Trunks Hedo fanboying together was cute.
And allow me to introduce
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Goten! Okay, i was actully never a fun of goten, he was just a smol Goku, almost tryna bait back the feeling OG DB Goku gave, at least to me. I liked how he was a polite child, and... for the most part. Lived a more free, calmer life than his Brother and Father.
But now getting him to the point were he becomes a more fleshed out character. I love him, he is like... Conecting the good parts of Goku with some sparkles of Gohan, and i mean that as a character. He feels influenced by his positive role models, while still being his own character. Along with Mai, he was a treat to read how he took notice of things, or how he acted.
And onto the other great thing about the arc.
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Mai. She was. The protagonist kinda of the arc, for me at least. Without her, The arc would not have gone as smoothly as it did. And she felt like a really character. Not giving a shit about Trunks ill-timed antics. Like okay, the ship has been made by Goku black arc, and it probably will happen in this timeline too. But i hope it's after Trunks... Matures a bit. (Athough i'm still a bit sckeptical coz the whole age thingy. But pretty sure, it will just not be touched in the manga and i'm maybe even overlooking it a bit, coz the way she does act. is fitting, I think the whole pilaf gang was just reporpused to be a support cast for the new gen of characters, And i don't mind it coz they are fun. But it does feel off)
Overall I liked the arc, and i didn't even touch on Dr Hedo, This was a good build up to what happens in super. And him getting inspo from the Saiyamen to make the Gamma androids was fun. Not sure if from here the movie gets addapted? or we get a mention Like with Broly.
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aweirdfan · 1 year
All quiet on the western front Book vs Movie
(sorry for spelling mistakes)
So i have just watched All quiet on the western front (2022) and it was good. I liked it. But if you didn’t the movie was inspiered (and there’s a reason why i am not saying based on) by the book All Quiet on the Western front by Erich Maria Remarque.the book is inspiered by Remarque’s time in WW1. And i have read the book. Which is the reason that i even watched the Movie. And liked it. It was also good. 
But here’s the thing. The movie and book are REALLY different and i wanna talk about. It doesn’t mean the movie was bad. Like i said earlier i enjoyed the movie but i just wanna talk about the differcens 
Btw is has been over a year since i read the book and i don’t own it. I lent the book so sorry for mistakes. 
So the first differcens is the beginning. 
The movie 
In the movie we see paul getting inspired to enlist in the army with his whole school? we see him get enlisted and the promtly sent into the war front. 
The book
we get told that they get double rations today by paul (this also happens in the movie just at the end/ last 30 mins i think) because the lost half of their betalion. When then get introdoced to some characters. Kat is in the book as well in the movie. We also meet Paul classmate who is in the hospital and has lost the leg (He doesn’t make it BTW) Someone else ask for his boots since he won’t be needing them. Which is fucked op but the boots are giving away.
The next big differcens is that there is a charcter in the book but not the movie 
Himmelstross is an post office in Paul town. He some how gets a high postion and he trains pauls classmates before they get sent out ( this doesn’t happen in the movie) Himmelstross is a total dick and absolutly power hungry. He at some point gets actully sent out to the front where paul and the others (those who survive) make fun of him. Tho himmelstross redemis himself a bit by saving one of Paul’s classmate but before that he is a total coward. (I’m not sure if he dies but i am pretty sure.
This is a scene in the book which doesn’t happen at all in the movie.
At some point in the book Paul gets sent home on break. Everything is the same in his home town nothings change. Whing unerves Paul. You’d think Paul’s happy but when he’s home is kinda miserable. Everybody is glorifying the war and nobody is notice that paul is in pain.everybody is asking when are they winning the war and stuff- The only who gets him is his mother who is sick. Anyway paul regrets going home. which is sad because he is fighting to get home. 
the last thing i wanna talk about is pauls death in the end.
The movie 
stabbed to that heart after saving a younger kid. Died just before the end of the war.
The book 
He gets shot after seeing a butterfly( i am not sure) on the barricade i think. When he dies we see that he had something in his hands. A note saying All quiet on the western front (this is where the tital comes from) this also happened a few days before the end of the war i think?
Personaly i liked pauls death on the book.
There’re diffently more differences but these are the ones i remember and think are inportend. 
tl:dr  there a big differences between the movie and book but both are good stories and perfect to tell that war is hell.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
since you're talking about One Bad Day can I share what imo is the most upsetting part in it?
it's the way the narrative treats Edward's father as being right in the end. sure his abuse is shown as bad at first, but then the comic tries to make you sympathise with him as that sad old man that just wanted his child to reach its true potential but instead was burdened with a son that was just a naturally evil monster. By making Edward brutally kill the teacher as a kid without showing any emotion or upset the comic makes it seem like he simply always was an inherently evil coldhearted killer and that he can't be helped by people (like that teacher) being nice to him because eventually he will just kill them on a whim anyways like he did his mother and that the beatings he got from his father and later Batman ultimately were deserved and justified because of that. even worse the narrative makes it seem like the story's world would have been a better place if his suicide attempt as a kid had been successful which is just an awful writing choice
what do you think is the worst part of that comic?
I agree absolutly.
It would have been soo easy to make so Edward actually had an emotional reaction after mudering the teacher (who doesn't matter how much the comic wants to convince me was not nice and instead was just one of thoses guys who watched Dead Poets Society and thinks he is being a great protagonist without really care for his students). Enought to show that he wasn't a cold muderer that it was a trauma reaction and the start of a psychotic break. But no they wanted to make "the abuser was right" into a plot twist and that is disgusting.
Now about the worst part I have multiple answers. On a more general way the worst part was how empty it felt (at least for me). Normally even stories I don't like produce an emotional reaction on me. Even if it is a mix of anger and laughter for the sheer absurdity like in ASBAR. But in this comic I mostly felt nothing.
Awfull things happened with characthers I normally care a lot and all I could feel was "wow that's a pretty artstyle". The characthers felt not only alienated from their original form but also just devoid of anything that made them fell like people instead of drawingns. The were in total two moments that actully got an emotional reaction from me: the woman having an emotional reaction over Batman and Gotham treating her husband death as part of a scripted routine and Edward begging his dad for a punishment in an empty room.
The first one was generic enought that could be in any comic and gather the same response. Actually if Riddler was Joker on that scenario the scene would make more sense and just be better on general. The second is the one that really makes me realize how empty it is because I felt bad but I would feel like it could be any characther. That what I felt there was the pain of a traumatized abused characther and it being Edward -a characther that usualy is a confort characther and I hyperfixate over- added nothing to my feelings over that scene. I would feel the same if it was an OC or even a characther I normaly don't like. Being Edward added nothing to it. And that says a lot.
For instance the scene of Eddie being beaten by cops on Unburied and Barbara being forced to watch is the type of violence that would hurt me no matrer the characthers but the fact it is this characthers and I feel for them and care for them adds more significante, it makes me care more for it. Just like Arkham Riddler calling Batman Dad during their final fight in Arkham Knight is devastating on general but specially because it is Riddler. Or my favorite Hush scene of Batman proudly describing Dick on his thoughs while being sorta dismisive of him when actually talking to him is something that I would enjoy with any other characthers (like Ollie and Roy) but it being Dick and Bruce and feeling like Dick and Bruce turned in my favorite moment. But One Bad Day doesn't have it.
By the end Bruce broke his code and Edward is dead and I feelt nothing for either because they are just drawings and whatever happens to them doesn't really matter at all.
On a more specific answer it would be between the revel of Edward being somehow behind Barbara attack during The Killing Joke (because of course Tom King can't let Barbara live), the tale trying to sell that it's Edward's fault for not just listening to his teacher and going to play games and chill (because that would surely solve the abuse and cure the depression obviously/irony) or the sheer edgines of everyone just being so scared of Riddler that they basically kill themselves when the comic never shows were this fear came from, if they revelead that Edward was just gassing everyone with Crane's fear toxin it would actually make more sense. Tom King wants us to believe Riddler is a dangerous scary non-parody version of Patrick Bateman simply because he said so, we never truly see Edward masterminding and proving that Riddler is actually a serius treat. He just says he is and just like Aladin saying he is a prince with confidence people just believe him. All we see as proof after that is other people saying "wow riddler is scary" and "he is such a serius treat" and the whole cops just killing each other based on nothing while Eddie laughs on the floor in deep edgyness. It means nothing. Just like everything in this comic. Really reading it was such an empty experience and it was soo frustrating because between the angsty, the art style and just the fluidity of Ed's bailarina like moviments during the basketball scene I really wanted to like it.
Not my least favorite thing but another pet pieve is that the flasbacks feel disconected. They don't work either as Edward remembering the past as he is never a vocal part of the comic or as Batman figuring the past out as he only discovers Edward's mother was prostitute he killed and his dad was an old guy he only knows based on a single conversation. The past and the present are more like two different disconected stories and not a single unified comic.
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s-fellows-art · 6 years
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sinfulcries · 3 years
Okay okay okay- being draken's step dad. He's actully scared of you, you're way taller and stronger than him, and you make sure that he knows that. Nasty remarks about how weak he is or telling him how short he is. But gor some reason those actions spark desire in him. He can't really understand why but they do. Its almost like you, his so well respected step dad, are a drug to him. He's addicted to your mean comments. They make him feel so small from time to time, and who would have thought, he likes that feeling. Somebody clearly telling him im better than you. You of course notice how shy he suddenly gets around you, almost like a child looking for guidance. You don't dislike it, no not at all. But you do want to make draken yours. Use him, and you know it's wrong, he still so young and technically your son, but he's so...well cute. Today your wife is out, you and draken are alone, like always he comes to you, but this time he's wearing a big hoodie and thigh highs, and how it looks nothing under. Does he want you to lose control? The answer is yes. He's even been preparing this since some time. He's been stretching himself every evening since a week now. Trying to get your attention, wearing shorter and shorter clothing everytime he's around you. Draken can feel your eyes wandering from his chest to his thighs. He moves, making the hoddie ride up, exposing his behind. Its so, well clean, so unmarked, untouched. Knowing how wrong it is you grab him, placing him onto your lap. Nacked ass rubbing against your clothed cock.
'Feel that? You little whore made me hard, take care of it' you tell him. Draken is wiggling aroumd on your crotch, trying to get his waist out of your grip. You let him go, abd like the eager, good little step son he is, he starts undressing you. After he got rid of your pants and boxers, he settles onto the sofa again, next to you. Bending over, putting his cute, puffy hole on display. Draken starts slipping a finger into his hole, wanting to show you just how stretched he is, one fimger easily slipping in. Poor boy is so confused as you pull hus finger out again, he trys his best to look at you. But he doesn't need to worry for long, he tenses up as he feels to fingers slipping past his rim. Felling cold metal glide past his entrance. It feels so good, the eay you press onto a special spot, making him moan. God he's so in bliss, he doesn't even notice how now all of your fingers are inside him. He just notices your fist slipping into him. Pushing past his rim with almost no resistance. One of his thigh highs slipped down, giving you the chance to bite into the soft flesh. You pull your fist out, before lining yourself up with his hole. And even though he just had your entire fist in his hole hes screaming fir you to stop, that it won't fit. Hes sobbing not knowing what to do as you don't listen to him. He's filled with relief as he feels your cockhead moving away from his hole, just to tense up a few seconds after, felling something wet at his hole, looking behind him he notices that you spit in his hole. 'Wait- its never going to fit-' he tells you again tears rolling down his pretty cheeks as you push into him. Grabbing his waist, as you push him back omto your cock. 'Wont fit, what bullshit. Look at how well your little pussy is taking me' you're grabbing his waist so hard, draken just knows that that'll leave marks. Not like he cares about it. The way you pound into him makes him forget about everything around him. After a few minutes he's already cumming. Begging for you to slow down, like hell you would. You just speed up again. Fucking him at a brutal pace. It doesn't take long before draken come a second and third time. He's just babbling out random words. To dumb, to incoherent to think of anything else than your thick cock splitting him open. He can feel himself getting close again. 'M gonna cum-'
He manages to get out but this time its not cum that spurts out hus pretty little cock, no its pee. Draken his peeing all over himself and the couch.
'Look at that, you made a mess!'
'M sorry'
He slurrs out
'What a bad little girl'
You tell him, making him whimper, god being called a girl makes him feel so good, so small. He loves it.
'M gonna breed your little cunt, make you pregnant'
Draken just nods, felling another orgasm approach. As he clenches down you cum deep inside him. Tripping your dumb little slut over the edge as well. But nothing come out, he's all milked dry. Pullimg out, you skap against his red, puffy hole. Drakens legs are trembling, he's babbling out thank you's.
'Looks like my little slut is happy about finally getting his cunt stuffed."
You tell him, slapping against his hole again. Draken nods, happy and content at being filled up. He and you just watch a movie, cum leaking out of drakens hole, down his legs and staining his thigh highs. As his mother comes home again, draken his sleeping, face laying on your crotch, like its always been supposed to be there. His mother is shocked, crying as she runs into the bedroom. You don't care, her son is a way better fuck than her anyway. Yeah, you should divorce her and marry her son. Draken would be such a pretty house husband. He'd look amazing his cute little aprons and lacy underwear.
Anyway- i was bored as shit🧍‍♂️
THIS IS SUCH A MASTERPIECE The step dad x step son dynamic always gets me so hard literally, I wanna fuck Draken till he's passed out with cum dripping down his hole and when his mother walks in to be greeted with the sight of her son's fucked out body and the deep scratches on your broad back, she can't help but tear up knowing exactly how you defiled her son in your own home.
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anormalweirdo · 3 years
YO BESTIE saw your post abt reqs and i uhmm,, i wanna request sum??? Just reactions or HCs of Oikawa, Ushi, Kuroo, and Sakusa to their S/O having a lot of piercings?? Like they were surprised one day seeing her with lots of piercings. Can be NSFW or SFW just pls make it timeskip thankies
of cousre bestie you know I got you( I didn't know if you meant peircing on the face so I just chose it all over the body+face if that's cool) Warning(s): NSFW, suggestive content, bad grammer lol
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I feel that Oikawa would show you off to everyone and anyone it doesn't matter who it is. He'll go up to a random man outside and just yell" LOOK AT THEM I KNOW YOU'RE JEALOUS BECAUSE THEY'RE WITH ME AND NOT YOU" and the poor man's just looking like😨. He would always want you to show them off as well and if you don't he's just pouting like a little baby. He would always ask questions like" did it hurt?" and "will if mess my face up if I get some since I don't look as good as you?" and you're just like go off ig. WHen he does actully get one he's like "one down 800 more to go and we'll be twins".
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Ushijima would think it was a big deal as long as he could still give you kisses. Whenever you tell him you're going to go get a new peircing he'll just fould you like a lost puppy and he'll watch you get it no matter which one it i. When you're done he'll say things like" it looks nice" and "don't forget to clean it so it doesn't get infected" and he'll by you different types.
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When Kuroo first saw you he wanted to talk to you but was lowkey nervous. He thought you would instanly push him away and didn't want his heart shattered even though he didn't know not one thing about you. Whe he did meet you that only made him like you more, he fould all the peircing on you face and body really pretty and he finally build up the courage to ask you out properly. He loves it when you wear croptop just so he can see your stomach and the peircing with it. When you get a new peircing he comes with you much Like Ushi but he also says a ton of things like" where are you putting it again?" and "will it hurt because it look like it will". He's just a nerd that's inlove with you and your peircings.
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Sakusa at first didn't understand the hype about people with a lot of peircings until he met you and his mind quicky changed. Mans really went from" I don't get it" to " I get it". His crush only got worse when joined the team as their manager. He only "confessed" because Atsumu yelled "AIN'T THAT THE GIRL WITH PEIRCING YOU LIKE OMI". At first Sakusa had to get used to your peircing but when he did all he could do was stare at them. You were so amazing to him and he was happy he even got a chance with you(whether he admit it or not). When you came up to him one day he immediately knew and was like" you got a peircing without me watching?" And you're just like how did you know.
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One of Oikawa's favorite things is when you cry while sucking him off because he loves how your tears fall to you nose ring and down your face. He likes when you sit on his face and he loves the face you make. He'll say something cocky like" look at my little cutie being so lewd and falling apart just by my tongue". He would play with the peircing on your tongue while he fucks you harder in the mattress. You would have a least 5 orgasms if not more. His aftercare would be perfect though. He'll clean the both of you up and run a hot bath for the two of you and would whisper soft words into your ears while you're going to sleep.
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Ushijima would have you ride him a lot just so he can see your pretty nipple decorated with the metal from the peircing. He loves hearing you whiles when he sucks on your nipples and move the metal with his mouth. When he fucks you he has deep and slow and speeds up when you're fully comfortable. He likes when you say things like"it too b-big daddy it won't fit" and he'll always say " yes it can it fitted before". He can make you cum by his dick around 5-6 times if he didn't try. Aftwards he would clean you up and give you water and you'll fall asleep and he'll clean your peircings.
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Like I said before Kuroo loves your stomach peircing so his favorite position is any position as long as you're infront of him and your peircing is visible. Much like Oikawa he likes it when you cry and he like Ushijima he loves to here how much he fills you. He's still a nerd so some things he say would make you giggle a little and he'll get flushered. He would put your pleasure before his anyday and would make sure you're feeling good. After he would make food for the two of you and ya'll would cuddle while watching TV.
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Unlike the rest of them Sakusa likes to do you doggy style just so he can see your back arch and see your ass jingle. He loves how you legs start to shake after your 3rd orgasm of the night. He like to see how all you peircings shine even during the night and how much of a wreck you'll slowly become.He'll say things like" You're daddy's little slut right? You like it when I fuck you're slutty little pussy huh?" He loves how you'll whimper out a weak "yes" while he's pounding into you harder. His aftercare would be good as well he'll clean up everything while putting you into the tub with him and when he's done he'll put on light music while you guys talk and order food.
I hope you like it this was my very first NSFW type of content so I don't really know what I'm talking about just yet lol. Hoped you enjoyed and don't be shy to ask for any request love ya.
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afairywithacrown · 2 years
can i pretty please with a cherry on top have it from demon slayer or bnha??? idm either but pref for demon slayer 👍👍 i’m almost 15 by like a month, i’m a taurus woof, i use he/they occasionally she, and i like listening to music and climbing trees and uh drawing!! id prefer to be uh set up with a dude! o and i am competitive and sort of maybe funny but also a huge people pleaser!! and awkward. if you couldn’t tell. 😨. also i’ve been good but bad bc family issues and my friend probably hates me rn?? but i started a new shool and it’s cool there? i get picked on for being foreign-!!! i hope you’re doing good though, you’re super good at what you do and you’re so nice :) thank you for this opportunity!!
Your date is…
Hashibira Inosuke!
I wasn't sure to pair you up with someone so chaotic, but the thought of you climbing trees is so funny.
At first, he is going to mistake your name, all the time, but don't freak out, is part of his scent.
For your date, Tanjiro and Zenitsu FORCE HIM to take a bath and basically look presentable for you.
And put on a shirt, Tanjiro actully picked up his outfit.
Where does he take you? nowhere in specific, probably he would take you to hunt down squirrels and it'll be the most random fun date you've ever been.
Did he bring you anything? He was going to give you a dead animal, but then Zenitsu stopped him.
He ended up giving you a flower in the most aggressive passive way he could. Just a tiny little flower.
Is there going to be a first kiss? If you want to kiss him, he will look at you funny. He doesn't have an idea of what's exactly going on.
Be sure to see two not so well hidden boys watching your date from afar, them telling inosuke what to do and not so. Altough most of the things they told him not to do were the exact same things they made you laugh at.
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Would you go out with him again?
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