thorfireball · 15 days
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helo :3
HEWWO!!!!!! :3 UwU!!
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xx-webfoxxez-xx · 9 months
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mosygrotto · 4 months
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Poyo poyo 💛💛💛
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twcfaces · 9 months
🔳 @question-marked
"If you have anything smart to say about our predicament, Riddler, you'll do it before we find something to kill you with."
Not that Two-Face entirely plans to kill him- no, Edward will have the same 50/50 chance everyone does in the end. The coin will make sure of it--- the coin... just where the Hell is it? He never let it out of his sight, not once- not counting all that time he was cuffed in the damn Batmobile. The transfer from Bat custody to police custody, to Arkham... always, always back to Arkham.
So there were a significant amount of things that could have happened. He dug his scarred fingers into his palm, where his coin should have been.
"We'll have to have a talk with someone about what double occupancy means."
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weirdwyvern · 1 year
Yippee,,, faux fur,, bacteria (affectionate),,, nORMAL,,, BRUTALITY TAKE A SIP,,, glitter
shaking ur hand. autism. 100% accurate that I have bad fashion sense gjhfghjfg
we are SOOO normal AND regular and we are GOING on that picnic AND i am chasing you down to throw glitter right back @ u
(you EAT miette?? you consume her like the sandwich?? oh! jail for mutual! jail for mutual for [REDACTED] years!!)
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bobapplesimblr · 2 years
1 8 and 25!!
1. what is your favorite color to work with?
Definitely purple, I fricking love purple in artwork. My other favorite colors are pastel pinks and blues, but purple is my favorite of all time, I usually sketch in purple and I used to make my digital canvas a light desaturated purple so it wasn't so hard on my eyes. Now I just use a grey a it was still pretty nice with the purple!
8. show us at least 2-3 drawings from 1-2 years ago.
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I'm 90% sure these are 1-2 years years old at most. I actually didn't check.
25. where in your house do you usually do art?
Sitting on my bed :D but only for the last few 3-4 years. I used to only draw at a desk cause we only had a desktop computer in the house I grew up in, but I could also kinda draw on an oldddd tiny tiny laptop I owned that was just really janky with age. But when I went to college I didn't have a desktop or even a desk I enjoyed using, so I started drawing at my bed with my laptop on my legs/feet deppending on my sitting position and the drawing tablet resting pretty much on top of it/on the edge of it. I now have one of those mini tables to eat breakfast in bed that I use for my laptop but I think I messed it up so I might have to get a new, better one soon. I currently live in a different place cause I dropped out of college for mental health reasons and I have a much better desk (tbh the best desk for me would have to be a whole ass, wideeee dinning table, but this one works too) that I feel comfortable drawing at, but I usually don't get out of bed both out of habit from basically living off of a bedroom in college and depression, most likely. :D
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alvcrd · 2 years
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@tewwor​ hit the heart!!
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The breeze was comfortably cool as it buffeted through the trees. Only the moon’s light shone off of the round, orange glasses the vampire wore. He’s as much in his element as a shark is in the ocean; a hunter primed and ready to go at a moment’s notice.
That is; if he were hunting. Alucard sought this moonlit stroll in the pursuit of enjoyment. Even someone such as himself could get itchy legs rotting away in that mansion.
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Alucard’s not sure what alerts him first to another presence. Be it the sound or the smell of them. The spectre would pause where he stood; the echo of a laugh tugging at his lips.
“ Are you here to hunt me? Something else, perhaps? ”
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laiostouden · 8 days
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one of my favorite things about laios is that he does get judgemental and annoyed by his party members but he keeps it to himself to avoid (further) confrontation. it's hilarious
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mqfx · 5 months
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erabu-san · 3 months
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vigilink · 1 year
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she's laying on her side, leg drawn out for him. " think you can stitch it up without misaligning the lines on my art? "
@mcbastardd wanted a one-liner.
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shirotantei · 1 year
“Aren’t you… a person. An interesting person.” - hellooo! hands you a Rui :>
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❝ i've been told as much before, yes. ❞
when you're the 'detective prince', plenty of people call you 'interesting', after all. naoto turns her attention towards her conversation partner to get a good look at them. they're wearing the junes uniform, so it was easy to assume they worked here. and yet, this was the first time naoto was seeing them, despite coming to junes fairly often. a new hire, perhaps? or one that likes to avoid the crowds, based on their body language.
❝ forgive me, am i in your way? i was simply admiring your selection of televisions. ❞
of course, there was another reason for her standing in the electronics section, but that was on a need-to-know basis, and this employee didn't need to know.
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collophora · 3 months
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I resurrected my tumblr just to post this
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I didn't have 'German Chancellor suffers eye injury after jogging accident and posting pics of himself with an eyepatch and "I'm excited for the memes" on twitter on my 2023 bingo card and yet
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st0neymal0neyx0 · 8 months
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for the questioning thingy about writers, I wanna ask you the 20th.
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
I'm gonna say the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish my dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way I've always imagined it. That sounds amazing and if they were my one true love they would understand!
However, I'm curious about the parameters of the choice from this witch though, like does that mean I can't hang out with my one true love? Or that I just can't be with them for eternity. Anyone dating me would know I definitely definitely don't want to live for an eternity, so that probably wouldn't be an issue. If I did choose the love one would that mean I can't write anymore? Or that I just never finish the perfect WIP. Hmmm. I know this wasn't the point of the question but now I'm curious 🤔
weird writer questions!
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