#hexagon glass coffee table
benbemine · 2 years
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Transitional Living Room
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residenteevee · 2 years
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Basement Lookout
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felassan · 23 days
Thoughts on the new images of the Lighthouse Part 1. DA:TV spoilers under cut.
[Link to Part 2]
general: the Lighthouse looks so cool, it's beautiful 🥺 I can't wait to explore it fully and see the companions' areas change over time.
outside many of the windows are pieces of floating rock and odd architecture, a feature of Fadey scenery.
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This can only be Emmrich's room. :) the giant skeleton statue on the left is exactly like the ones in the Necropolis Halls. the hanging lanterns have hexagon shapes, which I've become convinced is part of Nevarra's visual design in this game. the slab-like table in the foreground looks suspiciously like it's meant to hold a corpse/skeleton, and we can see Emmrich doing just that here. the room is filled with lots of flasks and other glass vessels, reminding me of the artbook concept of apron!Emmrich holding a smoking glass flask. I wonder if any of the jars/vases are more like urns and canopic jar kinda deals? there's a big scroll on the desk and lots of books and scrolls everywhere, as you might expect from a scholar and a professor. there's lots of skulls and skull-themed decor everywhere, even affixed to the wooden part of the upper floor, as you might expect from a necromancer. Emmrich really said okay I'm moving in now and my huge collection of skulls is coming with hhh. in the righthand corner of the room it looks like a giant skull (the bottom part of it looks to me like teeth), and on one shelf there's even a ribcage.
do the statue-figures on either side of the fire look like humanoid figures holding their heads in their hands to anyone else, only their heads are like vase-shaped?
maybe he sleeps upstairs somewhere?
the big spiral staircase is beautiful and so is the sunlight beaming in through the windows from above. :) the fireplace looks cozy. in the arches of the windows you can see the curves of ancient elvhen architecture. the view from up there must be so pretty!
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This item on the top of one of the shelves caught my eye. I can't place it atm but haven't we seen this shape before?
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This room can only be Neve's. :) in the bottom left is a stand with a different leg on it, the same as one of the ones shown in her artbook concept art. there is serpent imagery. I think diamond shapes and pointy objects like the wall-lights are part of the visual language design of Tevinter. the hanging lanterns look magical, a common thing in Tevinter. the rug is pretty and incorporates her turquiosey color palette. on her desk there is a turquoise pot (teapot?) - if you look closely, its coloring and the swirling designs on it are very similar to Neve's teacup here. :) there are various teapots and decanter-type things around the place that she could use for coffee.
it's smart room design, the big ceiling-high windows give the room the impression of a workplace office, like something out of a crime procedural.
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Neve's casework wall. wanted posters/mugshots/suspect/missing person (they could be any of these) pictures, lots of notes, papers that look like they could be maps, strings linking together different papers in a clues-board like this meme, papers that it looks like Neve has annotated in red ink while studying them (circling and underlining things). a nice touch is that one or two of the papers are drawings of snowflakes, fitting for an ice mage. :)
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I'm curious, what is this and what is it for? Bellara has one of these in her room as well, as does Lucanis (see Part 2).
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these hanging objects are also interesting. they look like glass cases containing pieces of parchment on which a snake is drawn.
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This room can only be Bellara's. :) it's filled with floating ancient elven magic-tech triangles and in the middle it shows the detached head thing from her artbook concept art. (he looks like if you activated him with the blue crystal or something that he could talk..). the room has a workshop vibe; she has a workbench and a stool, different instruments and gismos, and there's an array of artifacts on the shelves. the orange wall hanging on the right is triangular, flanked by two arrows in the nets and contains the skull of a deer/halla or similar animal. this must represent the Veil Jumpers given that many of them use archery, the triangles and the fact that their faction logo is a deerlike skull. it's a nice touch that even the structure of some of Bellara's furniture, like the sidetable on which the head rests, are triangular in design.
All the picture frames everywhere - are those mirrors? could they have something to do with investigating eluvians, or the network?
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this looks like this halla statuette asset from DA:I. :) there's one of these in Taash's room too.
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the ancient elven face motif, like on Solas' Trespasser armor and the Temple of Mythal Sentinels' armor.
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hanging bone hh?
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Left: what is this contraption? the ear is human Center: very ornate box. what's in here? maybe the animals on the top of the lid are stylized mabari? Right: Fereldan mabari banner.
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Left: this pattern of walls and the triangle pattern on them is a feature of ancient elven architecture. Right: the way the walls (behind the frames) are designed here, it makes it look like pipes. Bottom: curious that we cannot see the ceiling.. :)
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This looks like a sort of magnifying glass or microscope-type thing that would allow her to closely examine things she finds.
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What does this do? :D
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This (left), along with the head, feels like a focal point in her room. this hanging thing almost looks like a model of a planet or solar system - a planet in the middle, a ring of asteroids or something around it, smaller orbs around the place like moons. we've seen part of something similar before, in the ancient elven ruins in Arlathan Forest in the screenshot on the right. compare these bits; the rings, the paired triangles.
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looking at the wider structure of the thing in Bellara's room, it also reminds an awful lot of this place (whatever it is), which even has the ring of rocks going around it.
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feels important. :D
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I feel like this is Harding's room. :) it's pretty and cute, a nice rustic space (suits her). the simple bedroll under a cloth canopy propped up with some sticks has the vibe of something a shepherd and scout might rig up to rest in when out in the wilds. the pond / water feature transforms it into an outdoorsy, nature-y space, as do the leaf-strewn floors and the plants growing up the walls. there's vegetation everywhere - potted plants and some areas which look like raised planting beds, basically little indoor gardens. this includes windowboxes, flowers and even mushrooms (I know that's fungi. yk what I mean hh). this makes so much sense for Harding - we know she loves nature and plants, and Ali Hillis mentioned that Harding also raises plants. I wonder if as the game progresses, she will grow more plants and the ones she has already will grow some more? like maybe she'll finish planting up the area around the pond the whole way round? and I wonder if her lil pond has fish? that would be so neat. please can I buy some beautiful koi for Harding to put in her pond to raise? also I wonder if any of the things she grows are edible? like imagine Bellara and Lucanis cooking with e.g. salad greens grown and raised here by Ms Harding :D and/or healing herbs we could use in the field?
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this plant for example resembles the model for elfroot in DA:I!
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I think maybe this is Taash's room. first off, near the middle of the room it looks like a makeshift weights bench, and we know that Taash is a gym bro. the hanging rings nearby that remind me of these. even the 'horizontal ladders' on the ceiling look like you could use them as monkeybars - if you look on the left, there are even ladders in the form of rings protruding from the wall that you could use to climb up there to access them.
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even these frame things look like they could be used for some kind of physical workout/climbing situation.
on the table to the left it looks like piles of big coins, fitting for a Lord of Fortune. elsewhere in the room behind the weights bench it looks like there might be some gold bars. in the background is a hammer leaned against a crate.
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this crate has her color scheme - the tealy hue, gold pieces and red ropes.
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a Qunari symbol, in drapery that has her color palette, the teal with the red ropes. btw, comparing this and its location to the new screenshot of Taash, I think that this banner is the thing in the background that I was talking about here (the "something blue-green"):
in the background to the right is something blue-green with what looks like red rope hanging off it. a belonging of Taash’s? maybe this shot is from a quieter moment, somewhere in the Lighthouse, maybe her space? if you look here (Arlathan, the ruins are ancient elven), it has the same sort of repeating zigzag patterns on the same sort of arch-like curves as here. it makes me think that this shot is set in a room with ancient elven architecture. (and the Lighthouse was Solas’, so it would have ancient elven design).
If you look at the banner with a wider crop you can even see the "arch-like curves" with the zigzag patterns that she's standing in front of in the new screenshot. this area has fire to the left of the arch, which would cast the warm firey glow you can see from stage-left in the new Taash screenshot. so it looks like in the new Taash screenshot she was standing somewhere around here:
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And that my guess of the setting of the new Taash screenshot was correct. :D
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crate of some kind of weaponry or bones, including a map with a knife I imagine you'd use to mark spots on it with. :) piratey vibe.
clever room design btw, it has the vibe of belowdecks/the bowels of a ship.
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horned statue or carving, like an ogre.
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Top: the silver shield-like things on the wall have the same sort of scale-mail appearance as Taash's field armor. Bottom: this thing reminds me of a boat in shape. like a small fishing boat or something.
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I wonder why Taash has a Grey Warden shield and an eluvian in her room? maybe the shield is just general decor (like the Fereldan banner in Bellara's room? unless Bellara is from Ferelden??). maybe the eluvian ties into why she apparently has some involvement and a strong interest in a main story mission set in the far reaches of Arlathan Forest, as described by Corinne Busche during the second Discord Q&A? -
"I was out in Arlathan, actually doing, on my way to do a main story mission, and I get to the far reaches of Arlathan Forest, and I already knew that Taash wanted to help me with some of the challenges of that arc. Well, Taash is right there waiting for me, so I actually chose to instead like, ah, Taash seems impatient, I’m gonna actually jump on that story arc right now instead of what I intended to do"
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And what is this? Looks like a sun or an owl. ^^
I ran out of image allowance on this post so I'll put the rest in another post!
[Link to Part 2]
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aloysiavirgata · 5 months
Twelve opening sentences to twelve different fics
Thanks to @slippinmickeys for the tag! This was really fun and I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to give it a go!
1. Dana Scully rejects tasseography, astrology, tarot cards, chiromancy, augury, crystallography, spirit boards, runecasting, scrying, and all other methods of prognosticative divination.
- The Parting Glass (FTF)
2. He sits on the porch next to a little propane heater, gazing out at the Winter Hexagon as it slowly rolls above the horizon.
- Albedo (Cozy at the Unremarkable House)
3. She recites The Raven to herself on the drive in, lists all the state capitals in alphabetical order, and goes through the periodic table.
- In The Gale (IWTB)
4. “I got each flavor of the high-protein kind,” Scully says, gesturing at the cans stacked on her coffee table.
The Ineluctable Tendencies Of Tumbling Toast (Queequeg)
5. Their cars are conspicuous in the nearly empty parking lot, which magnifies the free-floating uncertainty.
Dichotomous (s11e09)
6. Lauren Atwater sits on the edge of the front stoop, drinking coffee out of a worn plastic travel mug she bought a year ago from a Dunkin' Donuts in Abilene
A Dim Capacity For Wings (On the run)
7. That Phoebe Green brought this to her attention is somehow the most rankling thing about it, Scully thinks.
Anthemoessa (Scully - Bedelia - Stella - Clone Club)
8. Sunday morning is pancake morning, and William charges into his parents’ room just shy of 7 am.
Dryad (AU casefile)
9. They’ve been going through the storage room for hours, marveling at the sheer volume of items her mother had held onto.
Madeleine (s10e04)
10. The bodies are small, the heaviest weighing in at forty-seven pounds.
Hic Jacet (Emily)
11. There are ghosts afoot in London, stirred by the excesses of humanity in the face of their own dull eternity.
White Winter Hymnal (post Bad Blood)
12. She finds Mulder behind the house, drowsing in one of the hammocks they’d strung between the ancient oaks that tower above their patch of the planet.
Rags of Light (IWTB)
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hamsterbellbelle · 10 months
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Additional CC list for Waterfront Nightclub🎦:
Air con (deco) || Animated dropping lights || Animated vent fan || Arch || Bag/thrown clothes || Bag || Bamboo hologram/bathroom counter/Cube coffee table || Bamboo || Bar bottles || Bar sink || Bathroom soap/towel || Beer bottle || Bottle || Bubble lamp ||
Cardboard rug || Ceiling tile || Ceiling glass shelves || Ceiling light || Ceiling/floor - A - B - C - D || Chair (reception) || Clothes clutter || Computer || Counter island || Counter || Cyberpunk neons/vending machine ||
Detective board || Door - glass - slide || Door panel/stage screen || Drain cover || Drink crate - A - B || Elevator || File cabinet || Flashlight/book || Floor clothes || Floor dirt || Floor line || Floor mess || Fog machine || Folding chairs || Foundation || Graffiti || Guitar - deco - wall || Guitar amp || Guitar/mini amp ||
Hang beam || Hanging clothes || Headphone || Headphone || Hexagon wall lights || Janitor bucket || Janitor cart || Lab set || Ladder || Laptop deco - A - B || Laser lights || Laster lights/neon alphabets || Leather sofa || Light box - A - B || Magazine ||
More CCs listed on post #2🔗
🐹             🐹             🐹             🐹             🐹    
Animated cyberpunk monitor - A - B || Animated magazine || Animated scroll || Animated waterfall || Astray with smoke || Bar table/chairs || Ceiling crane || Chair with clothes || Club dot scrolling light || Coat rack || Coffee table || Corner booth || Cube lights || Cyberpunk divider || Cyberpunk neons || Cyberpunk posters / framed || Cyberpunk wall decal || Industrial ceiling light || Modular sofa || Pool table || Road traffic scroll || Special effect machine || Suitcase laptop || Transparent metal grate || Venue wall speaker || Wall desk || Wall duct || Wall light || Wires/panel/suitcase ||
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ARV Furniture is known for offering trendy and stylish furniture pieces, including coffee tables.
Minimalist Designs: Clean lines, simple shapes, and neutral colors are often favored in minimalist coffee tables. These designs prioritize functionality and sleek aesthetics.
Natural Materials: Coffee tables made from materials like wood, stone, or marble are popular for their timeless appeal and organic textures. They add warmth and character to living spaces.
Versatile Storage: Coffee tables with built-in storage compartments or shelves are practical solutions for small spaces, allowing homeowners to declutter and organize living areas efficiently.
Industrial Chic: Industrial-style coffee tables featuring materials like distressed wood and metal accents continue to be in vogue. They lend a rugged, urban vibe to contemporary interiors.
Unique Shapes: Non-traditional shapes such as oval, hexagonal, or irregular geometries can make a statement in modern living rooms, adding visual interest and breaking the monotony of rectangular designs.
Multifunctional Features: Coffee tables with multifunctional features, such as lift-up tops that can double as dining surfaces or desks, are gaining popularity, especially in smaller homes where space optimization is crucial.
Glass and Metal Combinations: Coffee tables with glass tops and metal frames offer a sleek and modern aesthetic. They create an open and airy feel in living spaces while adding a touch of sophistication.
When exploring ARV Furniture's collection, keep an eye out for designs that align with these trends while also reflecting your personal style and the overall aesthetic of your living space.
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infoblogifyzen · 7 months
Elevate Your Event Aesthetics with Unique Cocktail Tables
Flower enthusiasts, wedding planners, and event decoration specialists often struggle to find the perfect cocktail tables that match their desired aesthetics. These tables play an important role in any event as they serve as centerpieces for guests to gather around and socialize. However, the standard designs available in the market may not always complement your event theme or floral arrangements. In this blog post, we'll explore unique cocktail table ideas that can elevate your event aesthetics and make your decor stand out.
Geometric Cocktail Tables - These uniquely shaped tables are a perfect addition to modern and contemporary events. They come in various shapes like hexagonal, triangular, and rectangular with glass tops that give them a sleek look. The metallic frames add elegance to the overall aesthetic of your event decor.
Rustic Wooden Barrel Tables - If you're going for a rustic or country-themed event, then wooden barrel tables are perfect for you. These versatile tables can be used as cocktail tables for events or side tables and can be paired with floral arrangements in mason jars or vintage decors like lanterns.
LED Light-Up Cocktail Tables - Add some sparkle to your evening events with these LED light-up cocktail tables. These futuristic-looking pieces come with built-in LED lights that change colors according to your preference or music beat. They create a whimsical ambiance that's sure to impress your guests.
Vintage Trunk Cocktail Tables - For those who love everything vintage, incorporating old trunks into your decor is a great idea! You can use trunks as coffee tables or turn them into cocktail tables by adding legs and glass tops. Use them as props for a travel-themed party or go for an antique look at weddings.
Flower Topped Cocktail Table - This is one of our favorite ideas for floral enthusiasts! Create stunning flower arrangements on top of high-top cocktail tables to add a touch of nature to your event. You can use fresh or artificial flowers, depending on your preference and event timeline.
                                                     Cocktail tables play an essential role in enhancing the aesthetics of any event. By exploring unique ideas like geometric cocktail tables, rustic wooden barrel tables, LED light-up cocktail tables, vintage trunk cocktail tables, or flower-topped cocktail tables, you can elevate your décor game and impress your guests. These creative ideas will set your event apart from others while complementing the theme of your choice. So next time you're planning an event, make sure to consider these unique options for a memorable experience that's sure to impress everyone!
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milky-aeons · 8 months
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౨ৎ . . . RANPO EDOGAWA was notoriously brilliant at solving riddles like they were mere child's play. there had never been a puzzle he could not solve — until, of course, he met you.
warnings: sexual content, swearing, criminal themes, female reader, mdni, w.c 1.6k
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♪ . . . ˗ˏˋ ꒰ glitter in the air — p!nk ꒱ ˎˊ-
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: ̗̀➛ The very first time you had met the enigmatic heart of Yokohama's Armed Detective Agency — Ranpo Edogawa, you had not expected him to be short and youthful, dressed in a funny looking detective's uniform and brimming with pride. You also did not expect him to insult your intelligence and tell you that your interview dress was ugly.
: ̗̀➛ Yet there was something about him that always caught your eye every time he stepped into the office. A type of magnetism. You would wonder to yourself what it was that wouldn't permit him to leave your mind — his brashness, that cap, the clink of marble in a glass whenever he was near? You were new at the ADA then, merely an accountant of ledgers, and were not around the main floor that often.
: ̗̀➛ So of course, you were beside yourself with shock when the short man came barging into your quaint office one day completely uninvited. Introducing himself not with an apology, an explaination, but a question that had made your head swim;
"You there!" He pointed at you. "I bet you have never solved Aristotle's Puzzle, have you!" Blinking, you gawped at him. "I—?" "I thought so!" He cut right across you, then lifted his hand to produce a small wooden board that held a grouping of hexagonal blocks, all with different numbers on them. You remembered his delighted little grin — almost like a child, desperate to show off — because it winded you so hard it made it difficult to breathe. "Want this great detective to show you how?"
: ̗̀➛ You had thought it would be the end, after that little encounter. That perhaps it had just been an extremely strange incident, an outlier, never to occur again. And yet the next day you arrived into work, you dropped all of the files tucked underneath your arm when you saw him there — perched on your table, kicking his legs.
"You're late!" He moaned, fixing you with an accusing stare. "I've solved and resolved this silly metal wire puzzle in the time it took you to climb the stairs."
: ̗̀➛ It became a routine for you to open your small office door to see the curious detective already there, fiddling with something or other to entertain himself and his quick mind. Days passed, weeks, and you grew accustomed to his presence. To the way he clicked his tongue, how he scratched the crown of his head that tousled all those ebony strands, how he poked your cheek when he wanted your attention. Sometimes, you would go to the coffee shop upstairs together. Sometimes, you would listen to him. You found that for hours, you could listen to him, you would listen to him until you couldn't, anymore.
: ̗̀➛ The day you realised you were in love with Ranpo Edogawa was also the day he looked at you, really looked at you. You must have been especially ticking him off — averting your eyes, avoiding his presence, offering to send kind-hearted Atsushi in your place when he asked you to come get confectionaries with him. He had cornered you before closing time, he had come right into your personal space with little warning and opened his eyes to look at you.
"You're acting super weird today — what's—?" And he trailed off, going very, very quiet. As if he had just realised something.
: ̗̀➛ You never got his eyes out of your head. They were special rarities — all the shades of green smashed together. You would catch them staring at you from across the office and feel your heart play a quick-step. You would lay in bed at night, tossing and turning, feeling your skin stretching tight and hot as they continued to watch you inside your dreams.
: ̗̀➛ The first time Ranpo kissed you, you could have sworn it was a fabrication, a construct of your deluded imagination. A formal ball held for the Armed Detective Agency and other affiliate associations committed to the peace of the city. He looked divine in his smartly tailored suit and mused hair he let fall boyishly. He was also right where you thought he'd be — helping himself to the refreshment's table like it was nobody's business.
"You look happy." You had mused after joining his side. He slid his emerald eyes to you — open, always open to see you. It made your pulse hammer at the base of your neck. "Your dress reminds me of the one you showed up to your interview in." He teased you. You gawked. "That's cruel! I got the job, didn't I?" You had sampled some of the cream cake he was making quick work of by himself, popping a little morsel into your mouth. It melted on your tongue, soft and sweet. When you turned to face him, Ranpo was already watching you. Too intently, like the air held an unspoken sentence hanging between you both. "What?" You wondered, wide-eyed. His face and his attractive features and his scent and him, all him, had swayed close to you faster than you had the ability to register. Soft and sweet, just like the cream cake, that was how Ranpo Edogawa tasted when he placed his lips on yours. Quick. Chaste. A whisper of a kiss that ended when he licked the cream from the corner of your mouth. You were burning when he pulled away with a grin, murmuring, "'Spose you did."
: ̗̀➛ Being in a relationship with Ranpo was a strange affair, at first. It did nothing to interrupt the balance of the agents in the ADA, of course, but it did teach you a lot about the short detective at the heart of it all. He was not silly, but childish. He had a short temper, he liked his coffee with six spoonful's of sugar. But you also learned that he was kind, he remembered silly little things about yourself you did not even recall telling him. He left notes echoing to his greatness under your files to cheer you up on bad days. He balled up bits of paper and used your trashcan as a net. He would tell you that even though you were no match for his mind, that you were amazing, in your own way.
: ̗̀➛ You and Ranpo took some time to approach the topic of sex. Your relationship was a unique one that blossomed from a bond between two humans, yet there was no denying the need that burned brighter the more your relationship progressed. He'd catch you biting your lip while looking at him. You'd feel the heat between your legs in the lonely hours of night. There would be instances when you were both alone and the air became heavier, thicker, alighting with sparks that did not quite catch flame. Not yet.
: ̗̀➛ Until that night, when you both returned from a date at a drive-by amusement fare that had set up near the river. It was not planned, it was not spoken of until you had arrived to your door and realised you did not want him to leave. It was harmonious — the right moment, as you pulled him inside by his striped tie and he was more than willing to follow.
: ̗̀➛ Ranpo had paid little interest to intimacy with women until he had met you. He had little experience, but was a fantastically quick learner. His observant eyes flashed every time he touched you and your eyebrows scrunched. When he'd reach down and squeeze your breasts and watch you shake.
: ̗̀➛ Ranpo needed you to praise him. He needed you to tell him where you liked to be touched, if you wanted two of his fingers or three, if he was touching you just right and how he could be better. Only for you, he would ask. He'd kiss and taste your skin and liken it to the sweetest of treats. He'd come up to brush your hair from your eyes and gaze at you. Would never break it as he slid inside, slowly, hesitantly. His lips parting to gasp. Your head knocking back at the feel of him, of finally having him and you as one.
: ̗̀➛ It was messy and uncoordinated; the first night you spent together — but you would never forget it, so long as you continued to draw breath. Especially how he pitched forward when he found rhythm, snapping his hips eagerly, frantically. How he whispered strings of incoherencies into the crook of your neck, how you wrapped your legs around his lean back until they shook with the mounting pleasure of it all. And when you climaxed, you did so together, choking on air and groans and a sentence you were not sure you had heard correctly.
: ̗̀➛ You had asked him again moments later. When you were still catching your breath, connected by bare skin, listening to each other's racing heartbeat.
"What did you say? Into my neck, a few minutes ago?"
: ̗̀➛ Ranpo went quiet at your question, before raising to fix you with an incredibly vulnerable look. It made your heart lurch painfully in your chest, especially when he looked so disarmed, his hair sticking up at every angle and his cheeks still flushed red.
: ̗̀➛ Then, he had smiled. The same smile that stole your heart on that very first day in your office, and said;
"A great detective never reveals his secrets."
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dsandrvk · 1 year
Thursday, August 10 - Reykjavik
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Our forecast was for all-day rain, but once again the weather forecasters got it wrong, and after a few light sprinkles, we had coolish temps (around 50 degrees F) and very strong east winds, but no real rain. Since we had been to Reykjavik before, but had rented a car and gone the "golden circle" out into the countryside, we opted to stay close to the capital city this time.
Our original plan has been to take a ferry a short distance to a now uninhabited island with trails, ruins, and a view back to the city, but the threat of rain and the howling wind made the thought of tramping around the flat, treeless expanse less than appealing. So we went with option number two, which was to take the shuttle bus the 2.5 miles into the main part of town, and just explore. We figured we could still do the island if the wind died down and we got bored in town.
But Reykjavik has lots of areas to explore, and we managed to fill our day checking out neighborhoods and main attractions. This small city and environs has a population of around 248,000 residents, which is about 66% of the population of Iceland. Our bus dropped us off by Harpa, the concert hall and opera house that faces onto the "old harbor" area. It is quite stunning, even on a gloomy day, with different colored hexagonal glass panels. We managed to walk around inside later in the day while waiting for our shuttle bus, and although we didn't get to see into the theaters, the lobby areas were extremely photogenic.
From here we wandered along the waterfront, passing the main tourist area with lots of restaurants and stores, mostly geared to the tourist trade. There is still a cruise dock here for at least one ship, although a bigger cruise terminal was located out near where our ship was docked. Surprisingly, the business areas were fairly compact and a couple of blocks away were lots of private houses, most clad in vertical corrugated metal sheathing. It makes sense in this area of few trees and harsh conditions that a more durable sheathing would be used, although pebbled concrete is also common. There is also a good amount of wooden window and porch detailing, usually painted a contrasting color. And almost every large expanse of end wall boasted some street mural - some were great, some okay and a few were somewhat disturbing.
All around the city, on every building and flagpole, were pride flags. The library here even had a selection of LGBTQ+ books proudly displayed just off their lobby. And near City Hall was a pop-up "Pride Centre" with flags, scarves, hats, and other merchandise, along with a small cafe. It turns out that we were there smack dab in the middle of their pride festival, which runs from August 8-13, culminating in a parade this Saturday that is expected to draw over 100,000 people.
We grabbed a couple of hot dogs at the famous Baerjarins Beztu Pylsur, which is just a small shed that only serves the hot dogs and soft drinks and coffee and that's it. There are lots of other Pylsur stands around Reykjavik, but this is the original and at lunchtime the line can get really long. They're served with onions, relish and several kinds of mustard and all the tables around have these wooden "rests" to place the dog in while you are doing something else.
We also walked by City Hall, which overlooks a small nicely landscaped lake. In a large downstairs room there is a topographical model of all of Iceland, at least 40 feet across. It is remarkably detailed, with inhabited areas painted orange. While we were there there was a steady stream of guided tours that walked around it and heard about the various locations. We enjoyed looking at Heimey Island, where we had just been, and Isafjordur, where we will be tomorrow.
Another major stop in Reykjavik is the Hallgrimskirja, a huge Lutheran Church on the highest point of the city. The church stands 244 feet tall, and is one of the highest buildings in the country, and can also be seen from almost any point in Reykjavik. It was originally designed in 1937, but wasn't completed until 1986. There is a statue of Leif Erickson in front of the church that predated construction and was designed by Alexander Stirling Calder, the father of the Alexander Calder famous for mobiles and stabiles (especially some in Chicago). The interior of the church is quite plain, but evokes gothic cathedrals in its immensity and vaulted arches.
A more modern sculpture faces out onto the waterfront not far from Harpa, called Sun Voyager. It was commissioned to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the founding of Reykjavik. The stainless steel sculpture is evocative of a Viking ship, and was originally supposed to face west, into the setting sun, but changes in urban redevelopment led to its current location, facing north. It does seem to be a popular place for selfies, as well as a climbing structure for children.
Notes on the other pictures - the tall green column is actually a public WC. It takes coins, and since we didn't change any money in Iceland (cards are accepted everywhere, including at hot dog stands), we opted to use the bathrooms at the library and City Hall during the day. The second shot is just a residential neighborhood with very neat houses, and the dark brown house with a steep roof is the first house in Reykjavik, originally built in 1762. The house with the onion dome appears to be a guest house, and just appealed to me visually.
Somehow we never had time to go to the island, as we found too many things to do and see in the city itself. I took lots more pictures than I have space for here, and may include them later, since all the color in the buildings, signs and flags made up for a somewhat gloomy day. Tomorrow we are on to Isafjordur, another repeat stop for us that we never got a chance to properly explore. The weather is supposed to improve, too.
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votivecandleholder · 2 years
Unique Candle Design Ideas for Every Season & Occasion
New Post has been published on https://votivecandleholder.com/candle-decoration/unique-candle-design-ideas-for-every-season-occasion
Unique Candle Design Ideas for Every Season & Occasion
Candles are a great way to set the mood for any event or space. Whether you’re looking to create an intimate atmosphere for a wedding, a festive one for a birthday party, or a cozy one for your home decor – candles have always been the go-to choice.
Table of Contents
1 Unique Candle Design Ideas
1.1 Weddings & Special Events
1.2 Birthday Party Design Ideas with Candles
1.3 Holiday Decorating Ideas with Candles
1.4 Decorative Candle Holders for Home Decor
Unique Candle Design Ideas
There are so many creative ways to use candles in your design plans. Let’s explore some unique candle design ideas that will make your home stand out or help you create an unforgettable occasion.
Weddings & Special Events
Candles can be used in a variety of ways at weddings and special events. Consider adding floating candles to your outdoor reception tables or creating a romantic atmosphere with votive holders or tea lights along the aisle. You can also put together centerpieces with large pillar candles in elegant holders.
Or mix things up by creating an interesting display with different sizes and shapes of glass containers filled with water, flowers, stones, shells, etc., then adding floating candles on top! The possibilities are endless!
Birthday Party Design Ideas with Candles
If you’re throwing a birthday party, why not add some fun candle décor? You could go with traditional birthday cake candles or even add colorful taper candles to cupcakes and other desserts.
If you want something more eye-catching, consider creating balloon garlands with battery-operated LED tealights inside them – these will make for some great Instagram pics! You can also string together flickering LED lights around your venue – this will give it a warm glow and help set the perfect mood.
Holiday Decorating Ideas with Candles
Candles are also great for holiday decorations! You can line your windowsills and mantelpieces with festive scented pillar or taper candles that match the season perfectly.
For Christmas time, try using red and white striped candy cane candles; for Halloween, use black bats and pumpkins; for Easter, use pastel eggs; etc. Another idea is to place battery-operated LED flameless pillar candles throughout your home – these will last longer than regular wax ones while still giving off a nice ambiance in every room of your house!
Decorative Candle Holders for Home Decor
In addition to adding warmth and glow to any room, decorative candle holders can be used as stand-alone pieces of art when displayed on shelves or mantels at home. Consider incorporating rustic candle holders made out of wood into your home décor scheme; they look especially nice when paired with natural elements such as dry branches and flowers in vases or pots.
You can also opt for modern pieces such as glass hurricane lamps that showcase tall taper candles; these look particularly striking when lit up at night time! Lastly, don’t forget about scented jarred candles – they make excellent additions to any room when used sparingly yet strategically placed around the house. For everyday home decorating, there are plenty of options when it comes to candle designs.
Consider trying out some geometric shapes (like hexagons) made from beeswax or soy wax that you can easily find online or at craft stores. If you’re feeling extra creative, why not make your own homemade dipped tapers? These look beautiful grouped together in sets for coffee table displays or hung from wall hooks with ribbon! And don’t forget about scent – try out various fragrances throughout the year depending on what you want your home to feel like!
MODERN INTERIOR IDEAS OF PILLAR CANDLE HOLDER SET OF 3 DESIGN#decor #plus #enterprise #ideas #for #modern #pillar #candle #holder #set #of #3 #interior #decoration #designing pic.twitter.com/nxVpYKqXrA
— DECOR PLUS ENTERPRISE (@plus_enterprise) February 8, 2023
No matter what kind of event or occasion you’re decorating for, there are plenty of creative ways to incorporate candles into your design plans! From floating votives at weddings to colorful tapers on cupcakes at birthday parties – there are endless possibilities when it comes to candle designs that will take any event up a notch. So get creative and have fun finding new ideas that best fit whatever occasion you’re celebrating!
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upkarma3 · 2 years
Know Your Choice With Best Candles And Votive Holders Collections
Nothing creates a sense of tranquillity than a beautiful candle. However, with so many choices in market, one generally gets confused on how to choose the best product and candle type for your space.
Upkarma, the best candles and Votive holder collections in India  which are a versatile option that can spruce up your home or office.
Votives  are popular as they are versatile and classic. You can light a few at the centre of a coffee table and add a bit of charm or fill the entire room with an array of votives for a tranquil experience. No matter what aura you want to create votive candles help you to add a touch of class and calm to your space. So now the question is what kind of votives keep customers happy with their purchase?
It’s the trending scents changing with season. The scent isn’t the only thing but that’s how it functions. This is the common parameter for both T-lights and votives. T-lights though are smaller and interchangeable having minimum burn time. Votives, on the other hand are sold independently can come pre-poured into containers. These can be refilled and reused with new candles one the wax gets completed.
Do you need a Votive holders or T-light?
There are three factors that will help you decide whether you should go for Votives or T-Lights: burn time , clean up and cost.
First consider the burn time of the product. T-lights being smaller have less burn time than votives but the choice completely depends on the type of décor you want around yourself.  For instances, short term uses like yoga classes, religious services or ceremonies can call for T-lights. However, longer functions like weddings, receptions, dinner dates can call for votives. We at upkarma bring the best designed candles  and Votives holders  in India , that is handcrafted with love and 100% natural organic.
Next is the clean up of each product. T-lights are easy to burn and discard without any clean up. Votives melt into the container so its good to go with a candle holder.
Finally is the cost. T-lights are more affordable but votives have exponentially larger burn time.So the type of candles you want to use depends on your intention and the needed burn time.
Lanterns have been used as candle holders for a very long time, too. You might be familiar with oil lanterns that burn brightly to help you light the way during the night. These function similarly except that Pillar candles are placed inside to be used as the light source.
This is a type of candle holder that can be comfortably used outdoors, too. Many people like to put these lantern candle holders out on their courtyard to help provide some mood lighting during the evening and night. In a varied range of Upkarma Candle Products you will find the best Votive holders in different styles and designs that is hand made and bring the authentic look keeping the fragrance intact.
We at upkarma have a varied range as below:
Wax Candles
Furrow Mercury Wax Candle- You cannot keep yourself away from this simple and elegant handmade wax candle along with glass holder that rejuvenates the aura with keeping the fragrance safe.
Prism Mercury Wax Candle- Buy this hexagon pattern mercury glass candle that comes with a beautiful soft finish. Sold as single pcs.
Ellen Mercury Wax Candles- Meet our small T-Light wax candle with mercury finish. The best part is you can use them with T-lights ones the wax is finished.
Ellen Glass Jar Wax candles- This candle jar comes with color wax and metal lid. A perfect self love and gifting option.
Crown Wax candles with Lids- Any candle lover can never say NO to this amazingly clear handmade glass Crown Wax candle Jar that comes with a lid to keep the fragrance safe.
Votives Holders –
Hunk Natural Himalayan T-light Holder- Buy this most mindfully handcrafted natural T-light that adds a dazzle of difference to your home décor.
Sagara Votive Holder- This hobnail textured glass with Sapphire finish comes with a royal look. The handmade 100% natural is a candle holder only.
Absolut Glass Votive holder- The simple touch with sapphire finish outside and mercury inside gives it a royal look.
Prism Glass Votive holder- The hexagonal pattern sapphire finish acts as T-lights or Votives too and decks up your home beautifully.
Foresto Glass- Simplicity is the highlight of this beautifully green finish golden foiling holder which is perfect for your evening parties.
Raya Rainbow Glass Candle Pillar Holder- Brighten your home with this handmade glass pillar candle holder with rainbow colour outside and white inside , sold as single pcs.
Seeded Glass Candle Pillar Holder- The perfect match for festivals or wedding decors is best with our handmade Pearl or Rustic finish glass candle holder. Sold as single pcs.
In India the festive seasons are always in swing and therefore the bright lights luminate our houses each day. So its important to maintain and keep your favourite candle holders, lanterns and T-lights in the best shape possible. Upkarma deep dives to having the best votives holders and candle collections in India and be a part of your celebration with the organic, 100% natural hand made products.
To know more: https://upkarma.co.in/collections/votives-and-lanterns
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salvosfinest · 2 years
Stardust to Stardust - Ch. 5
A mission.
“Surely it can wait--” “It can’t.”
That was four days ago. All Darius was allowed to do was watch as Siebren’s stress levels spiked and dipped, fluctuating wildly in a high-stress environment.
“You’re getting too attached.” “Because he’s a person--” “He’s a means to an end, Darius.”
He had his doubts before. Now they were only solidified. But he couldn’t leave Siebren alone. He saw how greedy Moira looked when she was introduced to him. He couldn’t leave now. Not without a plan. One that he’d have to hide close to his heart.
That was twenty minutes ago. It’d take some time to get Siebren across the base, especially if he was combative. He could barely pay attention to the work he had busied himself with while waiting for his patient - his friend, now - to be brought to him.
Unconscious. He was carried between two men, expression on his face serene and bruised. Taking the weight of the armored man was a task in and of itself, but it was possible for Darius to move him unassisted - thanks to Akande’s “upgrades.” Ones that he designed himself...
Forgoing the “guest room” in his lab, the armored Siebren was placed in his own bed - one that he didn’t have to curl up on to fit. There was a delay in how he laid, but eventually he rolled onto his stomach, cheek pressed against his ruffled sheets. Better.
Looking about his room, Darius finally let out a heavy sigh, sitting on his couch. He rubbed at his eyes and cheeks, finding the stubble that he had forgotten to shave. He liked it. Sure, he was starting to gray, but he had always disliked his face shape without it. Ah well, if someone complained, he wouldn’t care. Lowering himself, he gazed across the dim room - then shut his eyes. Finally, he could relax.
“Darius.” Siebren had him suspended in the air. “Stop moving so much.” He was acrophobic, how dare he--!
“Darius. Darius, wake up.”
“Shit!” That hurt. Oh, he hit the coffee table. The lights were on, but his glasses were somewhere. He could barely make out Siebren’s face above him. Oh. “Well that is rare-- here, come on.” He was lifted onto unstable feet, finding the change in gravity around him highly disorienting. “Ah-- Siebren, I thought we talked about that.” Darius mumbled sleepily, reaching out to the table for his glasses. They were here, right? Where--
“Stop moving, you--” Darius’s skin nearly prickled as his jaw was grabbed - and his glasses summarily put on his face. Oh. No armor. Had he showered? Those bruises looked bad-- “You were making noises in your sleep. Do you normally do that?”
“I’m not sure - it’s been some time since someone has shared the same room as me.” He couldn’t be this close to Siebren for too long. Lest he become impulsive. Pulling away, he tried to move his left arm, finding it to be... entirely unresponsive. Furrowing his brows, he moved to the bathroom--
“What’s the matter?” Opening his mouth - he found words difficult for a few seconds, like the connection between his brain and mouth was throttled. “My arm. I usually-- am alone, so, I...”
“Want privacy. I’ll be here.” There was that warm tone that struck his heart just right, but he forced it down. He hid away in the bathroom, setting his glasses on his sink’s vanity. He struggled with his shirt for a few minutes before forcing it off, then he found the release handle for his arm, catching it by the elbow as it loosened and pulling it straight off. Better.
The mirror offered an all too honest view of his scarred torso, and he had to look away quickly. Right, he was no longer a younger man. This is who he was. It was easy to forget when he rarely looked at himself. Stepping out with his arm in his one hand, it was tossed on the bed without a second thought, rifling through a drawer for a tank top. It was pulled on and tugged at to get just right on his torso. “You have tattoos?” There was a curious voice behind him - then fingers on his shoulderblade. It was simple, a hexagonal pattern with the colors of an artificially purple ocean inside of it. It hid a scar rather well. “First, you curse when you wake up, and you have tattoos. That is ignoring the missing arm--”
“The eyes.” “The eyes. The apparent love for games, and the fact that your age seems to fluctuate every time I see you.” “It depends on how caffeinated I am, Siebren.” His hair was ruffled then, causing him to swat at the hand atop his hair. It was rare a man was taller than he was. “Relax. I know you’re worried about my health and what happened, but relax. I wasn’t the one that was squirming in my sleep.” Shaking his head some, his hand went to rub the back of his neck, circling around the large man that way he could pace properly. Better. Moving was good.
“I was having a dream, when you had me in the air. I never told you why I was so scared.” He could feel Siebren’s eyes on him. “I was terrified. I am... afraid of heights. It was entirely irrational, just--” The next instant, all light was blocked out and the frames of his glasses were smushed into his eyes. Oh. Oh. “I never knew, I thought it was just a normal reaction. I... understand, now.” Darius counted, mentally, the seconds that passed.
Five. Ten. Twelve...
“I missed this.” It was barely audible, but he caught it. Realizing that he could not keep pretending that he didn’t want to hug the man, he used his one good arm to give Siebren a squeeze. “I missed you.” Sighing heavily, Darius turned his head that way his frames weren’t stressed, eyes closed. “It was quiet. I worried, and wondered, I was terrified. You’re... a special kind of man, Siebren.” “Considering you’re not calling me Doctor... I will take it as a compliment.” He felt the weight of the other’s head atop his, and feeling how close, how real everything was, it clicked in his head. “He’s a means to an end. A weapon.”
If Talon wanted, Siebren, the brilliant astrophysicist, could be dead tomorrow. Swallowing the tension that grew in his throat, Darius made the smallest gestures of his head, moving slowly to cup Siebren’s cheek and kiss the other.
No resistance. It’s like he understood. In fact, it was returned-- with a soft chuckle. “You’re scruffy, you know.” Another kiss. Never in a millennia would he have guessed- “I could get used to scruffy. Fix your arm and hug me properly, as you would say- you dork.” Oh, he was in deep. Shuffling back, he caught the beaming smile on Siebren’s face, which seemed to dry his mouth instantly. It was like he was some clueless twenty-something again, not nearing fifty! Gods help him.
Fix your arm. Fix your arm. Right. “R-Right.” He whispered, practically speedwalking the six feet to his bed to reattach his arm - and beat on the deltoid some. OW. Owowowowow. Oh. Working. He’d have to get it properly fixed sometime later but--
Hug me properly. That was easy. Both arms found Siebren, squeezing him close - but not tight. He knew that he might be sore! The squeeze brought out a bout of laughter from the man, both hands touching his bare biceps. The flesh on his right pricked up again, unused to being touched so freely. “So strong. Perhaps we should get used to this.” How casual everything was, the touching, the open shows of affection-- “I could so get used to this.”
He found himself squeezed to Siebren again, practically curled into him on the very same couch he fell off of earlier. Safe. They were safe.
And he could get used to this.
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engineeringtrust · 2 years
Wall mountable fish bowl
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Wall mountable fish bowl install#
Wall mountable fish bowl free#
Midwest Tropical Midwest Tropical Aquarium Coffee Table - 25 Gallon Freshwater Acrylic (675) $ 895 $ 1,125. Select from distinct coffee table fish tank at to enhance the aesthetic appearance of your interior decor. wholesale Coffee Table Aquarium, find Coffee Table Aquarium wholesalers companies manufacturers factory and get best price on. Check out our fish coffee table selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Here are some similar items you might like. You can shop now for clear coffee table with acrylic fish aquarium at to get well-suited varieties of coffee tables. Get wholesale clear coffee table with acrylic fish aquarium with just the right specifications. Coffee Table, High Gloss Modern Style Coffee Table Storage Table with LED Light Living Room Storage Table Home Furniture with Drawer,Black,37.4 x 23.6 x 12.4inch. coffee table fish tank pvc pipe / coffee table fish tanks for sale / round coffee table fish tank / used coffee table fish tank for sale / wood coffee table fish tank. Aquarium coffee table fish tank with quartz stone surround and led lights. A twenty-five-gallon fish tank will weigh 290 pounds when filled. Coffee table is actually a fish tank comes with pump also fish and rocks there is also lighting absolutely gorgeous $899.99. to be used in fresh or salt water aquarium or betta fish tank. Buy Coffee Table Aquariums and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! MIDWEST TROPICAL 28 Gallon AquaTable Aquarium Octagon. If you have any questions about your purchase or any other product Sale Price: $899.99 - $1199.99 (free ship/h) or 6 monthly installments of $150 - $200 with PayPal Credit Retail: $1025.00 - $1425.00 Innovative, liquid luxury truly art Our 3 Favorite Fish Tank Coffee Tables.
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Fill up the computer with water, and safely install fluorescent bulbs. Price and other details may vary based on product size and colour. What is a fish tank coffee table? This is a unique item to have in your home. If you are looking for an unusual and affordable fishbowl to hold a variety of fish, you should think about purchasing this style of tank by doing a search on eBay. A coffee table aquarium can let you show off your fish in the middle of the room. $16.86 $14.75 shipping or Best Offer Umbra FishHotel Glass 1.8 Gal Mini Aquarium Tank Bowl NIB Keep the monitors shape and dont break it combine the Plexiglas into the screen. By Toney Jones, 8 years ago on General Freshwater Questions. Discover amazing local deals on Coffee table for sale Quick & hassle-free shopping with Gumtree, your local buying & selling community. Aquarium Coffee Table, End Table Fish Tank, Hexagon Aquarium Furniture.
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indianartisansblogs · 2 years
25 Greatest Home Decor Ideas You’ve Ever Seen
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People often struggle with choosing the right home decor for their homes because they do not know what will complement their interior. However, if you know how to use the home decor object that you buy properly, even the simplest of objects can make your home look stand out. Here are 25 home decor ideas that you can implement in your home:
1: Flower Wall Art Decor –
You can buy Indian Artisans’ Aster and Daisy flower wall art decor available in teal and gold color that give your home a more rustic look.
2: Tree Wall Art Decor –
If you have an expansive wall that is empty, buying a gold luxury tree wall art decor would add an element of visual interest to your walls.
3: Leaf Wall Art Decor –
Add a touch of tradition and culture to your living space with the contemporary leaf wall art decor of paan and chestnut leaf.
4: Clocks –
You can use uniquely designed clocks with gold accent and double rim or modern swirl to make it a statement piece in any given room.
5: Shelves –
You would be amazed how some of the minimalist-looking shelves can brighten up your room. You can find one-tier, two-tier, and three-tier shelves that come in various sizes and shapes.
6: Geometric Shelf –
From hexagon to round, you can find geometric shelves in almost every shape that you desire.
7: Lanterns –
Indian Artisans’ has a comprehensive collection of some of the most beautiful lanterns in black, made of iron and metal and stainless steel lanterns that can add a lovely touch to your bedroom or dining room as well as the patio.
8: Tea Light Holders –
Tea lights add a comforting touch to your space and enhance your room’s aura. You can find these tea light holders in various designs cage, lotus, and peacock, among many others.
9: Showpieces –
You can add various tabletop showpieces like boats and airplanes if you are fond of them and add a personality to your home.
10: Figurines –
Do you want to upgrade the look of your home on a budget? Take a look at the Indian Artisan’s figurine sets available in various designs.
11: Candle Stands –
Your candle stands have much more use than just setting the tone for intimate dinners and evenings. You can put it on display by your bookshelf when you are not using it for candles.
12: Tables –
Who said your tables have to be boring looking? Take a look at Indian Artisans’ collection of marble-top nested tables with metal legs to save space.
13: Brass Idols –
You can choose from a vast collection of brass idols comprising Ganesh Ji, Durga Mata, Gautam Buddha, and many more by Indian Artisans.
14: Magazine Holders –
Do you have books and magazines that you want to keep at arm’s reach? Buy minimalist magazine holders that are functional and add character to your home or office space.
15: Basket Hampers –
Basket hampers are perfect objects to use in your bedrooms, bathrooms, and even kitchens to store collections of your personal care items and your favorite condiments in the kitchen.
16: Urli –
Even though Urlis are primarily used during the festive season, you can use them to illuminate a specific area of your home and make it the center of attention.
17: Coffee Mugs –
Enhance your kitchen space and brewing experience with ceramic cups or stoneware mugs that you incorporate for home decor as well.
18: Planters –
Introduce a little bit of greenery in your home, whether in the living room, bedroom, or patio, with Indian Artisans’ collection of indoor and outdoor planters. Choose from a wide collection of patterns, designs, sizes, and shapes to add uniqueness to your home.
19: Serveware –
You do not have to keep your dining table or kitchen counter looking bare with this colorful and unique-looking serve ware that adds a pop of color to the space.
20: Cake Stands –
Bring out your extravagant cake stands for special occasions that are elaborately designed and make for elegant decor.
21: Platter –
Be it a glass tray, wooden platter, or silver ones, Indian Artisans, have it all.
22: Serving Trays –
Your serving trays do not have to be boring now that you can choose from a multitude of designs, materials, and styles.
23: Rugs –
Even though Indian Artisans do not have rugs in their collection, do not hesitate to look for some gorgeous-looking rugs for your living room.
24: Wall Painting –
Depending on what you like, add some colorful paintings to your rooms, and do not hesitate to spruce up your painting selection.
25: Bookshelf –
If you have some space, add a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf in a contrasting color to your living or study room.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Shall I Count the Ways: XXII
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Summary: You and Spencer are best friends. You’re in love with him and he’s in love with you, but neither of you know it nor decide to tell the other about their feelings. All the love is there, just hidden in the things you say and the things you do with one another.
A/N: From the this 50 Ways to Say I Love You list, the fics take place in no particular order
Series Masterlist
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22. “I wish I could stay here forever. Just me and you”
“Spenceeeeerrrr!” you sing out your best friend’s name from his living room. 
“Yeah, bubs?”
“I want more wiiiiiine!” you sing again in your drunken state. 
He comes from the kitchen with a sliced apples and a glass of water, “I think you’ve had enough wine tonight, bubs.” he hands you the glass and you gulp half of it down. You then take an apple slice and bite into it with a smile.
“But wine’s good!”
“True, but you’re also very drunk right now.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are,” he says with a chuckle and sets down the plate of apples on his coffee table. 
“Am not.”
“If you’re not drunk, then get up and walk in a square.”
You look at him confused, “A square? That’s weird. Why are you gonna make me walk in a square?”
“Because I’m weird and walking in a circle will be too easy for you. So,” he leans back on his couch looking at you expectantly, “Wanna prove me wrong?”
You finish off your apple slice and wipe your hands on your jeans. You rise into a wobbly stand and move to a more open space, “Watch this!” You move in, not really a square. Maybe a hexagon? And when you finish you look at him and go, “Hah!”
Spencer laughed, “That wasn’t a square, Y/N.”
“Was too! You’re just too dumb to see it!” you stagger back to the couch, plopping beside Spencer and resting your head on his shoulder. You sigh, “I’m a lil’ sleepy.”
“Let’s get you to bed then,” he helps you stand once more and keeps you up as he guides you to his bedroom. He pulls back the covers and you roll onto the side you usually sleep on. He moves to leave, but you catch him by his wrist.
“Staaaay,” you whine and he gives you a soft smile.
“Okay,” he whispers and goes to slip into the other side of the bed. As soon as he’s settled, you roll over, resting your head on his chest. 
You sigh in content and mumble, “I wish I could stay here forever. Just me and you and bed and sleep.”
“Me too,” he murmurs back, arms wrapping around you as you slowly fall into a drunken sleep. When he knows you’re fully asleep, he slips out of bed and quickly goes to change into his pajamas and brush his teeth. He eventually finds his way back into bed with you, arms winding around you protectively. He whispers, “Goodnight, bubs,” and kisses you on the forehead before he, too, falls asleep.
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nimbostrxtus · 4 years
The Sweetest Honey - @fallen-seraphim
The Honeybee Inn had a rather unflattering reputation for being a brothel when their main source of income was the nightly dance performances they put on for rich clients who just wanted to be entertained while being served drinks. Although, it was true that their best dancers had quite a sizeable fanbase with the regulars. If one wished they could look at the Hive Menu and pick out a dancer of their choosing to privately entertain them for an hour or so. Each page had a photo of a honeyboy or honeygirl with their skills and hobbies listed below, as well as what they were willing and unwilling to do behind closed doors.
Cloud was one of the more popular male candidates, even though it was the female performers who were usually showered with flowers and gifts at the doorstop nightly by crowds of men begging for just a moment of their time. He was glad to not receive such pitiful attempts at affection, even if he did get the occasional bouquet and card from a secret admirer. Gifts Cloud was quick to deposit onto his friends outside of work who would appreciate the gesture more than himself.
"Cloud!" one the male dancers called after him as he made his way to the main venue hall. "I'll cover your dance number, you're entertaining a guest tonight."
"Why, who is it?" he asked suspiciously. Only valuable regulars or VIPs were given last-minute appointments, and even though Andrea Rhodea had a customer confidentiality policy, they still had some pretty recognizable faces coming in and out the front doors, Palmer being one of the most notorious examples.
"You'll find out when you see him," the older man smirked and swept past Cloud.
A male customer then.
Men weren't usually as chatty as women, so that meant Cloud's night was going to go one of two ways. Either the customer was after a simple service, a servant to pour him drinks, entertain with a private show, and maybe even a massage. Or, he was after something more physical. Maybe even both.
If given the choice Cloud would rather be a faceless dancer on stage than a charming host who was the light in his client's eye, but Cloud had a contract to fulfil, so he spun around, went to get the room number from the front desk, and made his way to client's chosen room for the evening. All the rooms had the same layout, a black and golden hexagonal room, a loveseat with a matching glass coffee, and depending on what the client ordered; a small karaoke stage with a minibar, a playroom with toys and comically oversized bug net, a spar with a jacuzzi and massage table, and last but certainly not least, a four-poster bed.
"Good evening," the blonde greeted respectfully as he opened the ornate door, only to freeze on sight at the figure awaiting him inside. A tall and imposing figure with long silver falling down his back like silk, and glowing green eyes with cat-like irises  "S-Sephiroth?"
The honeyboy lost his voice as he stood slack-jawed before the most recognizable man in all of Midgar. What was a man of his reputation and calibre doing rolling around in the slums of all places?
Shaking his head, Cloud put his smile back on and tried to look as welcoming as he could manage. "H-How may I be of service, sir?"
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