#hey I heard you like patterns
bacchuschucklefuck · 22 days
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soon it'll be dawn again
transcript under the cut ⏬
page 01
Fig: no way? - you're still up?
Riz: Wh– yes?
Riz: Why'd I not be.
page 02
Fig: I me~~ean - that took.
Fig: whole day.
Riz: Yeah?
Fig: 'm beat.
Riz: you should sleep.
page 03
Fig: nah. my guy's still up
Fig: I wanna hang out.
page 04
Riz: That's really nice.
Fig: Hah! - Nobody ever expects an Archdevil rockstar to be nice.
Riz: … yeah. - 's just budget work tho. (the stuff I'm working on) - I've heard it's boring.
page 05
Fig: yeah, but you do it…
Riz: It keeps things going, right? - Nothing happens if nobody sits down and - does the thing.
Fig: That's right… - though. Yeah.
page 06
Fig: sometimes it's someone else who - doesn't want the same thing to happen.
Riz: … - mm.
page 07
Riz (off screen): …It took me a long time to get that not everyone likes doing what I do. - 's probably because you guys are so nice– - or. - kind.
Riz (off screen): to anyone too, not just. - the people you /love/.
page 08
Riz: that's not how it is elsewhere. - The world's– not. hostile. - but 's not like it's kind.
Riz: So I'm doing as much as I can now… 
page 09
Fig: Hey.
Riz: ?
Fig: Go dig some dirt with me.
page 10
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - oh you meant like - actual dirt. (not incriminating information)
Fig: o yea.
Fig: there's clay in the backyard soil. - sometimes when I'm sun deficient or something I go touch dirt for a bit.
page 11
Fig: here u go
page 12
Riz: uh
Fig: now we make a thing! - 'm pretty good at freehanding a bowl.
Fig: I'll show u
page 13
Fig: just– yep, flatten that out as evenly as u can, then–! - actually ur nails'd be so good at cutting out the strip. [larger than usual space] wait. - wait. wait u can carve patterns with them! we HAVE to try
Riz: uh - What. do I carve?
Fig: anything!!!
page 14
Fig: and– yep just seal the inside uh. seam?
Fig: yep that works - okay time's up! all contestant hands up
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - okay - wh. what's next?
Fig: haha - watch this.
(sound effect text): FWOO—MP
page 15
Fig: Now it's fired!
Fig: (actually it's just dry. if u add water rn it'll dissolve)
Fig: ok catch!
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - careful!!
Fig: dw no need haha
page 16
Riz (thought bubble): oh - it's warm…
Fig: now I want you to throw this.
page 17
Fig: u gotta do it - c'mon
page 18
Riz: wh– - It's like 3AM right now
Fig: oh it's not /fired/ fired it's not gonna make a loud noise
Riz: And then just? leave a pile out here?
Fig: pour water over it & it'll be gone I told u
Riz: but
page 19
Fig (off screen): RIz.
page 20
Fig: I've done all this before.
Fig: Can you trust that at least?
page 21
Riz: no, I– - I do. - I trust you.
page 23
Riz: okay what happens now
(sound effect text): glob
page 24
Fig: we do it again!
page 25
Riz: wh. [larger than usual space] What do you mean. (this clay's too wet also)
Fig: see! you're already learning
Fig: [blank speech bubble] - there are flows that are futile to fight. - The world changes.
Fig: Things change.
page 26
Fig: I've learned my lessons with "forevers". - But - as an artist
Fig: I can give you one thing: - You can always do it again.
page 27
Fig: most of everything depends on the rest of the world, - but this. - making new. - that's yours as long as you want it.
page 28
Fig: So?
page 29
Riz: Yeah. - Yeah! - let's make another one.
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#riz gukgak#figueroth faeth#technically no spoilers in this comic but listen. I Will be gloating in tags. I will Never Shut Up#for the record!! this was fully conceptualized and sketched Before the finales. I started sketching this after the boat fight#and when murph closed riz's arc this season with ''maybe it's okay to change and welcome new things'' I pogged irl#I am simply the best at reading comprehension what can I say! (<- grown ass man with roughly the same perspective on teenhood as the player#fucked up that this became so long (almost 30 squares lol) that it took me this long to finish#lmao I say all that but. genuinely I am delirious and my feelings abt riz's arc this season are so big... I was getting psychic backlash#for a While lol. it was scary!!#had to sit down and do therapy on my own ass for a bit. the teenage apocalyticisation is real. that word isnt tho Im pretty sure#truly anything you do at that age feels like that's it that's all you've got going on forever. and its not true! its simply not true#you'll be okay my guy. you love your friends so so much but also there will be more to love out there#this one goes out to fellow aroaces and also folks leaving somewhere theyve called home for a long time#nothing lasts forever but that means new things come by too! ur ability to make new is infinite!!#there's no magnum opus people leave but new people come by too etc. I am too sleepy to remember what I wanted to say uhhh#well. thank u for looking at my art. I think thats the one pack it n ship it boys
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 months
It starts small. You honestly don't think much of it. Crows begin leaving you gifts in your window frame. It's pretty rocks. It's a small screw. It's coins and grimm, it's a button from a shirt, it's shiny beads.
You bring it up to Mammon randomly one day. He stares at you wide-eyed. "What, you mean crowns leave ya gifts? Sound ridiculous," he says and you shrug.
"I mean, I've heard about crows leaving gifts for humans before. It's not that unusual, but usually, the humans give something to the crows in return," you say, thinking aloud. "That's the part that confuses me. I haven't given anything to the crows, so why do they like me so much?" Mammon's cheeks are bright red by now, the blush going all the way down his neck. Your brows furrow with concern.
"Hey, are you okay?" you ask and he nods quickly. "Yeah, 'm fine, gotta-go-see-ya! " he stutters and quickly leaves you, practically running away. You look after him in confusion. Weren't you both just supposed to be headed home?
The gifts continue. You get a single earring. At one point you get a small bone and at another time you get a tooth which leaves you a bit unsettled but also intrigued. You treasure every single gift, keeping it in a small box by your desk. You begin to leave the crows gifts in return. You find that they like peanuts and berries. One time you experimentally leave a big piece of watermelon, only to find it devoured within minutes.
The next day there's a pretty locket with what looks like a flower engraved in it. You gape at the locket and instantly put it on, proudly wearing it around your neck. You make sure to leave the crows a feast that day.
Satan is the first brother to notice it when it slips out from the collar of your uniform one day. "Is that new?" he asks. "Oh yeah, I've befriended a bunch of crows." Satan stops in his tracks and stares at you.
"You've befriended crows?" He repeats and you nod. "Yes. Why is everyone so weird about this?" A knowing smile creeps onto his face and he shakes his head.
"Why do you think the crows like you so much?" he asks. You hum, considering it for a second. Eventually, you have to draw a blank and look at Satan in defeat. His smile only grows wider.
"Ask Mammon. He might know."
You find Mammon in his room, lying in his bed. He smiles when he sees you and pats the bed, motioning you to come over. "Come here," he says and you do, lying down next to him. He huffs and pulls at you so you're lying on his chest. You can feel his heart beating and you look up at him through your lashes.
"Hey, Mamms," you say and he runs his hand down your back, rubbing circles into it. "Hey, treasure," he says and grins.
"Satan says you might know the cause of my new friendships." His cheeks turn crimson in an instant and he lets out something akin to a nervous laugh. "Oh, the crows, you mean?" you huff and playfully roll your eyes. "Come on, big guy, spill the beans," you say and Mammon sighs.
"So, the crows like you, because, well, I told them about you," he says and a grin spreads across your face. "Go on," you say.
"Okay, I have crow familiars, you know what a familiar is, right?" he says and looks at you expectantly. You rake your brain, remembering briefly having about it in one of your classes. "Yeah, it's like witches with black cats, right?" you say and Mammon hums.
"Yeah, kind of, but anyone can have a familiar and it can be any animal. The whole black cat thing is just something the catholic church made up." You nod in understanding while Mammon continues to rub patterns into your back. The beating of his heart seems to have become louder underneath you. "So what you're saying is you can't shut up about how awesome I am and now a bunch of crows are obsessed with me?" you say and Mammon hides his face in his hands. You giggle and pry his hands away, smiling at him adoringly.
"Please don't make fun of me," he huffs and you pout at his antics. "I could never tease my lovely little bird boy," you coo and Mammon groans while pushing you off him. He turns his back to you and you laugh manically. "Come on, Mamms, It's cute," you say and press soft kisses to the nape of his neck. "you're cute," you say and throw an arm and a leg over him, attempting to spoon him. You feel him instantly melting to your touch, completely unable to keep his resolve. It's almost too easy when he turns around again to face you. You smile at his pink face.
"I really like the gifts the crows gave me," you reassure him because you genuinely do. It's become something you look forward to when you open your window.
"You do?"
"Yeah, absolutely," you affirm and he smiles sheepishly. "I once tried to train them to steal money for me, but it didn't work."
part two
a/n: thanks for reading! find my other stuff here <3
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dancewithdeath11 · 3 months
Say Sorry
Pairing: Jason Todd X Reader
Summary: Jason reminds you nobody is allowed to talk bad about you, including yourself. 
Warnings: 18+ SMUT- (but not really, very self-indulgent) talks of body insecurity (stretchmarks, cellulite (specifically on thighs)), talks of wearing a skirt, mentions of prep & cunnilingus but none, 
Word Count: 1.2k
“Fuckin- Stupid- Saying shit like that..”
It was your fault. Entirely. But how would you know what punishment your best friend would come up with?
It started out when you were about to go out. Constantly going from your bathroom to the thrifted full body mirror in the corner of your room. Midway through you trying to figure out what you were going to wear, he showed up. Jason was going to give you a ride. He huffed and sat on your bed when he saw you were still trying to pick an outfit. From there he was commenting on them, trying to help you out so the two of you could get going. 
One of the outfits you picked out had a cute skirt that went to your mid-thigh. It was a pleated, classic plaid pattern with a nice brown color. You were pairing it with a brown sweater as well. Only problem was that you couldn't find any nylons to go with it. “Shit-” Turning to look at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help but focus on your own thighs. Hands tugging at the skirt to try and cover what you were focusing on. But that only made it look awkward causing you to pull it back up. 
“I like that one. Why haven’t I seen you wear that skirt before?” Jason asks as he sits up on the bed, giving you his attention once more. You turned again, looking from the other side. Either way you hated how you could see the cellulite and stretchmarks that patterned your thighs. 
“I hate it. I should’ve stuck with the jeans!” Your head shook back and forth as you went to go to the bathroom again. 
He stood up and stopped you, a firm hand on your upper arm. “Hey- Why do you hate it? It’s a good look, just do your makeup and we can go.” The man chuckled lightly. Looking up at him, you hesitated slightly before shaking your head again. “No..talk to me. What is it?” 
Your eyes rolled as he took your shoulders, clearly not letting you go till he got you to talk to him. Jason was just that kind of friend. He was sweet and tried to help you where he could. A shoulder to lean on, a trusted confidant. “I..My thighs and skirts just don’t go together.” You tried to laugh it off slightly. However, he did not like that. 
“Your thighs are fine.” It was his turn to shake his head, a deep frown pulling on his lips. Looking like he didn’t believe it. Like he heard the most obvious lie spoken to man. 
“Why would you say that your thighs and skirts don’t work together? Is there some war between us and skirts I’m not aware of?” He joked slightly, head ducking down to catch your gaze as you looked away. It melted your heart a little at the way he said us. A frustrated huff left your pouted lips as you narrowed your eyes at him. 
“It’s- You can see my stretch marks, and my cellulite, it’s just not a good look.” You once more tried to brush it off like it wasn’t a big deal. But now his face hardened, an almost angry frown on his face and brows furrowed.
“Don’t say that.” He said, his voice stern as ever. This tone is unfamiliar to you, but even then you wanted to argue back, opening your mouth to do so. But he knew you well enough to not let you get away with that. “Don’t.” That was all he muttered as he took you by the hips and turned you, walking you back towards the bed. “You’re so blind, I swear, ma.” He grumbled under his breath as he made you sit on your bed. 
But what started as a stern lecture from your best friend, quickly turned into more.
The evidence being the bites and hickeys on the insides of your thighs from when he ate you out till you couldn’t take it anymore. Slick coating them from when prepped you with his thick and long fingers. The pads of his fingers calloused from years of abuse, training, and killing. His grip on your thighs alone was enough to remind you what he was capable of. There would probably be bruises tomorrow. 
“Fuck-” Was all you could hiccup as he bites down on the junction of your neck and shoulder. Finally fucking his entire length into you making you feel impossibly full. If you thought he was big before, this was a whole new definition. 
Jason was a brick wall of a man. That was clear. Tall and broad, biceps that looked bigger than your head. But now you know, he was big in other places too. No wonder he was so attentive with prep, but even now it was still a lot.
He was kissing and licking along your tits as he scolded you, waiting patiently for you to adjust. Your back arched as he hugged you around your waist and held you close to reach your chest. Your fingers tangled in his hair as you whined to him, trying your best to watch him past his dark curls. 
He lowered you back onto the covers. Sitting back on his hutches as he watched you with hooded eyes that skated along your hickey littered skin. The same look you’d see when he’d read poetry or admire art. Large hands gently skating up your sides. Thumbs coming to rest just under the swell of your tits, fingers splaying out across your ribs. “Real stupid..” He comes back down and nips at the sensitive skin. Pressing a final kiss there before coming face to face with you. Resting on his elbows on either side of your head as he hovered over you, hiding you from the coldness of your own bedroom. He pressed a feather light kiss to your lips before staying there. Whispering against them, “Say you're sorry. Say you’re sorry for sayin’ something so stupid about my girl.”
God, his eyes were really intense. The way he was staring at you alone was enough to make your face flush more than it already was. 
“S-Sorry..” You whispered out weakly between shallow breaths. He chuckled slightly and nodded in approval, pulling out the slightest bit before stuffing himself back in. Your breathing stuttered as your hands searched desperately for something to grip, quickly latching onto his back. “Jay-”
“I know, ma...” He cooed softly as he sat up again, pulling you along with him. Your thighs draped over his leaving you pliant for him. Hugging around your middle once more as he thrusted slightly, pulling your back down onto him. Quickly you hugged around his shoulders not wanting to fall back. His lips pecked your jawline quickly before he locked you into a kiss. It was messy, uncoordinated and searing. Teeth clashing, heavy breathing and moans shared between the two of you. “God.. S’pretty for me, Princess..” He whispered against your lips as you pant softly. 
It was slow but hard. The push and pull, feeling the drag of his dick deep inside you. 
You’d never doubt your best friend again…
Sorry, just another thing i wanted to clear out of my drafts ;)
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skk-fan-page · 3 months
What does this:
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Mean in the context of skk, 15, stormbringer, and dazai acting like a lovesick puppy.
Well, the first thing I notice is that it's heavily implied that dazai didn't say shit and hasn't in his entire employment at the ada. Everyone talks about the mafia with a certain level of "hey I heard about you because my mom's dad's aunt's best friend's knitting club was talking about you and one of the members' dog's coparent said they saw you at Walmart."
Between akutagawa, higuchi, and now chuuya, it's like they know nothing that might help them with the mafia.
Why wouldnt yosano know though, she used to be mafia? Well that's what I thought at first too. I figured maybe rumors had just spread throughout the mafia in her time there.
But, at the same time, add up these numbers and then tell me if the math is mathing for yosano to know anything about chuuya
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Chuuya is 22 and joined when he was 15, meaning he joined 7 years ago. 14 years ago (11 when she finally escaped) means not only would she not have met him, he would've been 11 by the time she left.
Not only that, but she was an 11 year old child-doctor, which means she would've had no contacts in the Mafia and no friends to tell her anything.
And, most damning of all, in 15 phase.02 mori says this when asked about suribachi city.
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By the time chuuya was awakened, yosano was already out.
So maybe it's kyouka. But here's the thing: she doesn't seem to know shit outside of her (old) job description. She was in such an information silo that she didn't know what a crepe was. That makes her out of the picture for me, especially considering she was the subordinate of the subordinate of the boss's subordinate.
So that leaves 2 options: word on the street, and dazai.
If I can get information on the second highest ring of your underground murder organization by asking around, your organization is getting shit on by the feds in 4 seconds flat.
So that leaves one option: dazai.
But he doesn't seem to be much of a sharer, so why would he share about mafia things? Well we have precedent for it.
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There's this incident, proving he's totally chill with sharing about the mafia. And then, there's something so gay it will make you want to claw your eyes out and join the witness protection program to get away from how single you feel
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I wish someone would look at me the way dazai looks at chuuya's corruption form. And he's even bragging about him and how cool and powerful he is.
Regardless, this proves that he does totally talk about chuuya when he's not listening, and that he's not the inscrutable clamshell of a man he pretends to be.
Now: the other implication. Chuuya just assumes dazai was talking about him, meaning this was a pattern in the past. We can see this pattern manifest in the party that dazai tries to throw in 15, as well as the fact that ango knows chuuya in dead apple.
How many times do you think dazai genuinely set up challenges for chuuya back in his mafia days, to the point where upon being recognized, his first thought is "dazai did this."
Just put a ring on it already guys.
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toji-girl · 4 months
31 & 37 for that smut prompt thing, but with Midoriya. You know that broccoli headed little angel is nothing but a savage in the the sheets
SJKns YES!! I love him so much! I will always think of Izuku the sweet-faced man who is so good to you, but in the bedroom? I feel like he can be such a dom or sub, whatever you want that man will be! this is not my best work djn - prompts
tags: 18+ only content - mdni + fem reader + Izuku got dusted with sex pollen + overstimulation + kitchen sex + creampie + all characters are over the age of 21
Monday started off like most days.
You woke up before your husband to pack Izuku some lunch for his shift, then you bid him goodbye with a hug and kiss that he always treasured and asked for more because he never knows if he's making it back home to you or not, so he's extra with his affection.
However, it wasn't a normal day though, during your self-care routine your phone vibrated on the bathroom counter, it was your husband.
He never called during the day unless it was super important, but if you ever rang him then he'd answer, Izuku prefers to send a quick text to tell you he was thinking about you, but this? This is new.
Jabbing the screen you answered it and wiped off your cream face mask. "Hey babe, you okay?" You asked leaning into the mirror.
On the other side of the phone you could hear him breathing raggedly, your name rolled off his tongue hoarse and thick.
"Is the front door unlocked?" Izuku asked ignoring your question.
After you wiped your face off you made your way to the front door making sure it was unlocked for him before going to the kitchen in need of something to drink. "It is yes, what's the matter Izuku?"
Instead of getting an answer he hung up on you which only made you more confused, then a few moments later you heard the front door.
Heavy footsteps sounded throughout the house that came closer to you. "Izuku?" You called out a little worried and confused about why your husband was acting like this until he finally showed himself.
He stood tall and strong like a willow tree leaning against the doorframe breathing raggedly as he stared at you, his chest rising fast as he closed the distance between the both of you.
His fingers curled into the fabric of your dress as he buried his nose into the crook of your neck as got you naked, his lips following no pattern as he peppered you with wet kisses while groping your ass.
"Babe? What is going on?" You asked with a slight gasp as he kneeled in front of you to tug your panties down. With your hands on his shoulders, he looked up at you with pink cheeks and wild eyes.
Izuku leaned in to inhale the musky scent of your pussy on bare display for him, his tongue lolled out to taste you as his hands stayed glued to your ass. "Villian." He muttered giving you half an answer.
With his mouth suctioned to your cunt there was no way you wanted it now anyway as you leaned against the counter to stay upright as you spread your legs hoisting one up over his shoulder as your fingers threaded through dark and green hair tugging slightly with a moan.
His tongue stroked over your clit over and over again bringing forth a type of pleasure that made you dizzy with it, all you could do was focus on the pressure he was using to bring you to climax.
As you stared down at him he looked like a feral man when he pulled away to lick his lips cleaning up your slick with a soft growl as he stood to his full height to rip his uniform off quickly. "Deku!"
Usually, when you used that name he would look at you like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar but this time he ignored you as he shredded the material until he stood stark naked in front of you.
Scars that looked like lightning were scattered along his body from years of training, now at twenty-eight years old he only gained more from his time in UA. Your eyes widened at his erection that stood up.
"It's so big. How the hell are we gonna make that thing fit?"
His cock was bigger and thicker, curving a little to make sure it hit the perfect spot to have you creaming, the head was swollen and dripped with thick pre-cum, something you'd never seen before.
Izuku wrapped his fingers around the base and jerked himself off as he turned you around making sure you braced yourself before he pressed the tip against your fluttering hole. "A little bit of patience."
With the sex pollen that was dusted over him and the group he was in, it seemed that Izuku got the worst of it and he didn't have time to shower like everyone else did, and right now he didn't have any patience, his mind was swimming with one thing only: you.
He rested his hands on your hips once he pushed inside while leaning forward to nuzzle his head against your shoulder as he thrust all the way in. "Feels so good, gonna drown myself inside your pussy."
His voice came out gravelly as he rutted against you like a virgin not really thinking about anything else but the way your warm silken walls hugged him tight made his stomach ripple with pleasure.
You spread your legs wider for him feeling him go even deeper if that was possible making you gasp and push against him grinding down on him fucking yourself now as he transferred the pollen to you.
The both of you fucked each other like wild animals snarling and mating, his fingers curled into your dress again ripping the fabric until it hung around your frame in shreds with missing chunks.
Izuku pounded you from behind his hips were sure to bruise your ass and you both were going to be sore tomorrow as he hunched over you more kissing and biting at your neck and panting your name.
You lost count of how many times you came coating his dick in w a white creamy essence that he begged you to suck clean then he'd eat his loads of cum from your gaping cunt until you were empty.
It was only right that he filled you up again.
"I'm not done with you. Get back here." Izuku growled pushing himself back inside you to rid of that pollen that made his blood boil when you attempted to pull away for a moment.
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donatellawritings · 4 months
rafe w a brat that he needs to teach how to behave!!
i love love love this scenario :3
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usually, you were rafe’s sweet girl, always stretching your swollen lips into a doll-like smile, well behaved, and constantly eager to please and be tended to by rafe. you were naturally submissive to him, much thanks to your slight age-gap and the stark contrast between his undying need to be ‘the man’ and your desire to nurture rafe and one day, become a trophy wife. however, there were times where you would slip a bit too deep into your spoiled side, you had grown accustomed to having rafe’s undivided attention and you’d fallen into a damaging pattern to where you simply assumed that his answer to your every request would be ‘yes’. so, on the rare occasion where you didn’t get what you want, your smile would fall into an entitled frown, your usually bright doe eyes squinting into an annoyed gaze. you played the spoiled little princess role with ease, it was easy for your normally sweet to fall sour when you didn’t get your way.
this time, you’d fallen into a needy headspace, you were obnoxiously whiny and filled with an attitude that made rafe want to knock you upside you pretty little head, but he’d been uncharacteristically calm towards you, brushing off your bitchy demeanor with light taps of his hand against your ass, or chaste kisses to your forehead. rafe could handle you, so much so that it furthered your frustrations, you knew that you could get away with pushing his patience for so long. truth be told, you were just overly needy, maybe it was your hormones skyrocketing from your impending menstrual cycle, but you just couldn’t seem to want to pull yourself away from rafe.
you watched with a displeased frown as rafe adjusted his rolex to fasten securely around his wrist, a concentrated frown now worn on his handsome face as he buttoned up his white dress-shirt. rafe’s bright blues fell on yours as you watched him through the mirror, your swollen lips pulled into an entitled pout as you aimlessly scrolled on your phone, “cut it out already, y’know i have to go to work today — been with you all weekend,” rafe scolded, leaving the top two notches on his shirt unbuttoned. wordlessly, you rolled your eyes with a huff, crossing your arms against your chest as you tossed your phone aside.
“then just go already,” you sighed, your swollen and sensitive breasts expanding against your nude scoop neck bralette as you licked over your dior glossed lips. bratty tears were quick to well in your eyes as you blinked your wispy eyelashes together. a breath of frustration could he heard from rafe as he walked towards the side of the bed where you laid, your eyes glazed over as you stared at the ceiling. “i don’t wanna talk to you,” you whined, lying straight through your pearly whites.
rafe was quick to pinch your cheeks together as he held a bruising grip on your jaw, roughly pulling your face to meet his gaze, “m’gonna knock you the fuck out, quit it already,” he threatened, mushing your cheeks further as you fell short at pulling your face from his tight hold. you mumbled incoherently, your lipgloss smearing, causing rafe to release your jaw, lightly slapping your cheek, “such a spoiled fuckin’ girl,” he muttered, his eyes softening at the sight of two fat tears rolling down your concealed underye, leaving a mascara tinted stream to stain your puffy cheeks.
your matching nude boy shorts rode up into the crease where your thighs and hips met as you hastily stood from the bed, your face instantly meeting rafe’s clothed chest as you lightly shoved him, “go away,” you sniffled, much to no avail as rafe caught both of your wrists, harshly shaking you as you refused to allow your gaze to meet his. you knew that you were being difficult, but you had a rough week with grueling exams — you needed a good fuck to knock you back into normalcy.
“hey-hey! the fuck is goin’ on with you?” rafe shouted, gripping your wrists tighter as you tried to snatch yourself away from his grip. a small cry seeped out of your plump lips as you forced your eyes closed, “y’wanna be a fuckin’ brat, makin’ me late for work — hitting me, yeah?” he moved both of your wrists into one of his hands, unbuckling his leather belt with his free hand as you stood silently, staring at your baby pink toenails.
“papi, i-”
rafe sighed, a non-verbal way of shutting you up as his belt felt to the floor, “can’t believe that my girl, my sweet girl is fuckin’ hitting me now — bend over and keep your arms behind you,” he spat, hastily shoving your wrists out of his tight hold, keeping his eyes away from your tear soaked ones as you meekly spun around, your back now facing rafe as you bent over, crossing your arms behind your back. “i should smack the shit out of you, actin’ like y’dont know who the fuck i am,” rafe continues his rant, kicking your legs apart as he roughly wrapped the leather belt around your wrists, notching it tightly.
fisting his hand into your curled hair, rafe tanked your head up, bringing his lips to your ear, “y’gonna take this shit like my good girl, i don’t give a fuck if you cry — y’understand me?” he spoke sternly, tugging at your hair once more to garner a verbal answer from you.
“i understand, papi,” you cried, your voice wobbly as rafe abruptly let go of your hair, leaving your dolled up face to fall against the comforter, a small squeak leaving your smeared lips as you watched rafe shake his head in disproval.
“i understand, papi — now she remembers who i am, fuckin’ brat,” rafe mutters, mocking your pout as he grabs the band of your seamless boyshorts, pulling them down your legs, leaving them to pool around your ankles as his large hands spread your plush ass cheeks apart, spitting a glob of saliva to your eager hole, before messily spreading the slick around with his fingers. your body jolted as his slick fingers smeared his spit around your puckered asshole, a muffled moan escaping your throat, “should fuck your ass, maybe you’ll calm the fuck down,” he groaned, freeing his hard cock from his briefs, slowly dragging his thick mushroom tip across your folds.
silently, you bit down into the lush comforter, a garbled cry escaping through your clenched teeth as rafe pressed his leaking tip into your puckered hole, “fuck, s’too big,” you mewled into the comforter, your watery mascara and sticky lipgloss smearing against the fabric as dug your french manicured nails into the leather of rafe’s belt.
rafe’s eyes fluttered closed as he filled your tight ass to the hilt, his stomach tight as you swallowed him whole, the tips of your nails ghosting against his hips as you ached to touch rafe, “keep your fuckin’ hands down,” he huffed through parted lips, his hand forcing your restrained wrists to remain firmly placed against your lower back, earning a throaty sob from you as he sent a harsh thrust into the plush of your ass.
once your tight hole became comfortably stretched around rafe’s length, your cries subsided into smiley moans as rafe pushed your head further into the mattress, “look at you — fuckin’ smiling and lookin’ so pretty, shit,” rafe laughed, his jaw slack open as he pulled out, a smirk pulling at his lips at the ‘pop’ sound that came from your slick and puckered hole.
spit drooled out of the corner of your mouth as rafe filled your tight ass again, before he pulled out once more, repeating the process about six times, a blush creeping to your cheeks as you took in the suction of your ass clinging around rafe’s cock. “please, papi, please cum inside of me,” you croaked out, your voice hoarse and raw from your earlier screams of painful bliss. rafe remained silent, aside from sporadic grunts as he lowered his head to yours, his sweaty hips slapping against your ass.
“y’want papi to cum in your cute little ass, huh?” he hummed teasingly, before bringing his index and middle fingers to your mouth, shoving them to the back of your throat as you gagged around his knuckles, slicking his fingers with your saliva. you let out a greedy gasp of air as rafe brought his wet fingers down to your leaking hole, forcing his thick fingers inside of your aching hole. “answer me, mama,” he coaxed, matching the thrust of his fingers to the rhythm of his firm hips.
“yes- yes, please fill me up, fuck,” you cried, a sharp yelp leaving your mouth as rafe lifted one of your legs, a loud cry shortly following after as rafe’s hand clasped around the front of your neck, holding you up to his sticky chest. your swollen lips remained parted as you stared at rafe, the sound of your wet holes squelching around his cock and fingers, now leaving you a cock-drunk mess.
with a few more harsh thrusts, rafe leaned his forehead against the back of your shoulder, letting out a groan through his clenched sharp teeth as his warm cup filled you up just right. his fingers slowly exited your tight warmth as he lazily rested his arm around your waist, holding you steady as he gently pulled his hips away from your ass, a burst of pride blooming in his chest as you let out a pained whine. completely fucked out, you fell into rafe’s arm, letting out a whiny hiss as his filling length slipped out of you.
rafe carefully bent you over once more, stuffing his cock into his briefs as he walked over to you, crouching beside your face as you brought your eyes to his with a soft smile, “y’gonna sit there like a good girl, okay mama?” he cooed, smoothing a sweet hand down your hair as you nodded, before your lips fell into a wobbly pout. your eyes welled with overstimulated tears as rafe soothingly rubbed your back that was sticky with drying sweat, “fuck, let me take this off of you,” rafe’s eyes widened with slight panic as he unbuckled the belt that was tightly fastened around your delicate wrists.
rafe quickly ran his hand through his buzzed hair at the sight of your bruising wrist, before leaning down to your flushed face, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. your chest hiccuped with childlike cries, “you-you didn’t even kiss me,” you squeaked.
rafe rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance, “that was the point, pretty girl,” he sighed, lightly scratching at your scalp as you wrapped a needy arm around his neck.
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entitled-fangirl · 5 months
Anything for you, beautiful girl.
Felix Catton x virgin!reader
SMUT later in the story
Summary: The reader has a panic attack after being called names. Felix makes sure she knows how well she's loved by him as he talks her through it.
Warnings: cursing, p in v, fingering, name-calling by someone else.
Author's note: this is a mix of like nine different asks, so I hope it did them well enough together! ALSO, SWEET LOVEMAKING WITH FELIX IS THE BEST OML. Like he def talks you through it.
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Felix and Y/N had been dating for only a little while.
7 months, 22 days and counting.
Well, Felix was.
He still couldn't believe he managed to get the prettiest girl in school. And that, she was.
She was utterly gorgeous. But she had the habit of not giving many people the time of day, opting rather to be by herself. Felix had always thought that if she really applied herself, she could be the most popular in college.
She was supposed to meet Felix at his dorm after their morning classes, which was to be 12:20. She had gotten out of her's early, so she sat on his bed, watching her phone glow from a call from her mother.
Her parents were horrible people, and Felix often encouraged her to ignore their callings, like today.
But this was the fifth call in ten minutes. And even for them, that was a bit excessive.
So, she picked it up.
The time was now 12:30 and Felix was walking down the corridor of his dorm, nearing his door. He reached for the handle, pausing when he heard the muffled sound of crying through it. He pushed his ear against the door, trying to truly tell if it was coming from his room.
The second he recognized it to be her, he threw the door open.
And the sight startled him.
She laid on the floor next to his bed, her legs pulled up to her chest, her hands covering her face in muffled sobs and weeps. 
She hadn't even heard him come in.
He immediately dropped his bag, kneeling down in front of her. He reached out with one hand, placing it on the side of her head.
She jumped, a small whimper coming from her throat as she finally looked up at him.
Her face was tear stained and her eyes were wide in fear. Her bottom lip quivered as she stared at him, her breathing beyond erratic. 
But her eyes seemed to relax sightly as she recognized who he was.
Felix took a moment to access the situation, deciding what to do. 
His voice was soft, a reminder of his gentleness for her, "…Angel? What's happened…?"
She simply continued to stare, her breathing too spastic to speak.
Once he recognized that, he sat himself on the floor completely, his worried eyes taking in her shaking frame. "Oh, Angel…" he cooed.
He gently pulled at her arms until he got her to sit in his lap. She then threw her arms around him and sobbed violently into his shoulder. "I…I couldn't… I didn't…" Felix tried to listen, but she couldn't even mutter a sentence through the tears.
He held her close to him, feeling her erratic heartbeats and worrying. "Hey…" 
When she didn't respond, he reached up to cup her face, his voice stronger, "Hey."
She finally looked up at him.
"Angel… you gotta calm yourself. Breathe with me. Yeah, pretty girl?"
She let out a soft nod.
He pulled her hand onto his chest to let her feel his calming breaths.
Eventually, she got the pattern down, and her own breathing was becoming somewhat calm.
He lets out a soft sigh at the sight of her tears finally slowing. "Beautiful, tell me what happened. What started all this?"
She sniffled, shaking her head. She pushed her face back into his shoulder.
One of his hands came up to play with her hair. His voice was soft, "Angel, how can we fix this if I don't even know how it happened?"
Then he looked up, seeing her phone resting on the edge of the bed. His eyebrows furrowed. He reached up, taking the small phone in his large hands.
He saw the screen light up with missed call notifications from a 15 minutes ago, but then only 3 minutes ago was multiple texts, all from her mother:
"I meant what I said."
"Wait until your father hears about you."
An audible gasp came from Felix's mouth as he read the words. Some fucking family they were. "Angel…?"
She let out a soft hum against his shoulder.
He nudged her softly, "Angel, I need you to pay attention."
She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She saw the phone in his hand and her eyes widened, "Lex… I… I'm sorry."
He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, "No, Angel. You're not sorry. Because you don't have anything to be sorry about. Right? You didn't do anything, did you?"
She shrugged, "Mum sai-"
"-I don't give a fuck what your mum says," he said sharply. He let it sit before his voice softened, "I'm sorry, baby girl. I shouldn't yell at you. Your mum says awful things. Just… tell me what happened."
She sniffles, "Well, she called me over 5 times and-"
"Well, why did you pick it up, pretty girl?" He asked, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.
"I think I was worried something serious had happened. I… I should've known better, Lex. That's why I'm sorry…"
His heart was breaking for her. His perfect little angel truly thought she deserved the horrific things her family always told her. That she was worthless. Stupid. Ugly. 
And above all that, she still felt the need to apologize to him for it.
"Oh, honey. Don't be sorry for that. We can't help it sometimes. Now," he pulled her close, his lips close to her ear, "tell me what she said to you today."
"…Promise you won't be mad…?"
He almost scoffed. Mad? At her? Never. Her mother? Always.
"No, angel. I won't be mad at you. I'll never be mad at you. Tell me."
She sighed, "She said I was… that I…"
Felix leaned in, waiting to hear her finish.
"…she said I was a whore."
Felix froze. His voice was deep, harsh and unkind, his face mimicking, "You're. Not. A. Whore."
Her eyes peered up to Felix's, a visible look of worry etched on her face. "I... It's just.. I… It…"
"I know, baby. It hurts when someone you trust says something so vile." He leaned his face to be inches from hers. "You don't believe it, do you?"
She looks down, her eyes saying enough.
Felix looked to the side, his jaw clenched. A long breath came out from his nose as he thought.
She noted the anger on his face and was quick to try to counteract it, "Felix. I… I'm fine. Please…"
She leaned back from him, surprised by his raised voice.
He sighed again, trying to reign back his mind, "You're not a whore, angel."
She smiled, her hands coming up to caress his cheeks, "thank you, Felix."
"I mean it. You're no whore. We haven't even…. Ugh… why does she think that?"
"We've been dating a few months and… I guess she just expects it."
He nods, "Sure, for most. But you and I aren't most, are we, honey?"
She nods, "I'm sorry for that, too."
He does scoff this time, "I would wait a millennium, if that's what it took. I don't care."
"And to think…" she said under her breath.
He tilts his head, "…'and to think'….what?"
She looks at him like a deer in the headlights, realizing he had heard it, "I… nothing."
He smiles, "Tell me, angel. What's on your mind?"
"I just love you, is all."
His smile grew. He leaned close, a hand caressing her face gently as he slowly connected their lips. The kiss was soft and slow, expressing every emotion the other was feeling.
--------------------------SMUT STARTS HERE------------------------
He broke it, "You're so beautiful, angel." He kissed softly at her neck, "I would worship your body for eternity if you will let me." The humming of his voice tickled her throat softly, "Mmm… You own me, princess. Let me show you what you are to me, yeah?"
She nodded.
He gently picked her up, laying her on the bed. "How far can I go today, angel?"
She placed a hand on his chest, "I want you to go all the way."
His eyebrows furrowed, "W….what?"
Her voice was a whisper, "Please, Felix. I want to. I want… I want you, please."
He sat on the bed next to her, "And this… has nothing to do with earlier?"
She shakes her head, "I… I decided that today I wanted… I.. I wore… um… other things for today that I've never worn before. Because I want this, Catton. Please."
He smiled, "Alright, baby. I'll do just that." He leaned down, giving her a gentle kiss. "I wanna make you feel good. Can I do that? Make you feel pretty like you already are?"
She nodded, "Please, Lex."
He didn't need to be told twice. 
He gently pulled the clothes from her body, taking his time to watch her reaction closely. He half expected her to back out. 
But she wasn't backing out.
He let out a low whistle under his breath at the sight of her lingerie. She wasn't joking. 
She was beautiful.
"Oh, pretty girl… you make me so proud to be yours."
He leaned down on her small body, kissing her again. 
One of his hands began to wander south. One finger broke the band of her underwear, and he pulled away from the kiss. "This alright?"
She pulled him back down into the kiss.
His hand wandered down her panties to her slit. He knew not only by the feeling, but the sharp intake of breath from his pretty girl. 
He smiled, "Can I touch you, angel?"
Her voice was a whimper, "Please… p…please…"
He gently pushed a finger into her core.
He had never done this with her. And, judging from her reaction, she had never done this at all.
A low moan came from her throat as his second knuckle passed her pussy lips.
"Oh, honey. So pretty f'me. Yeah… prettiest girl I know…"
Once his finger bottomed out, he began to pull it back out, only to repeat the process.
Her eyes were closed, her breathing shaky. 
She was a vision.
Felix couldn't stop the smile on his face. 
He loved her so much.
And she was trusting him with everything she had. 
"Alright. I'm gonna add another one. Think you can take that?"
She nodded through the feeling, letting herself be stuffed with his fingers.
He kissed her forehead, "Just getting you ready for me, yeah?"
Her hand reached down her grip his wrist, "Felix.. I.. I don't…"
"Pretty girl can't hold on anymore? That's okay. Let it out, baby. Let me hear it."
Her back arched as she came on his fingers. A small whimper came from her mouth as her toes curled involuntarily.
She slumped back against the bed, feeling him kiss her neck gently.
"Good. So good. You wanna stop?"
She shakes her head, "No, please. I.. I wanna do this…"
He nods, "Okay. We'll do it."
He stood, rushing to his backpack. He pulled a water bottle from it, bringing it back to the bed. "Here, angel. Drink."
She did as he commanded.
Once she caught her breath, their lips connecting once more.
"Think you can do this, angel?"
She nods.
"This is what you want?"
She nods again.
"I have to hear you say it, princess. Please."
"Felix, please. I want you."
His hips slowly met with hers as he sunk into her.
He couldn't help the satisfied breath that left his lungs.
She let out a small grunt.
He bottomed out, looking back at her. "Tell me, baby."
Her eyebrows were furrowed together and her breathing become shallow. "I.. it hurts, Lex."
He nods, "I know." He kisses her forehead. "I'll stay as long as it takes for you to be ready."
After a moment, she nods, her hand coming up to his chest, "Please…"
He smiles, "Alright, angel. This may still hurt a bit, but it'll feel good, too. I promise."
And with that, he began to thrust. 
He couldn't stop the soft curses that came from his mouth under his breath. He couldn't help it. Seeing her so pretty under him like this alone could make him come undone.
She was no different. The pain turned into pleasure quick and she was arching her back to meet with his thrusts.
One hand of his reached down to push her hips back down, "Calm down, angel. I'll relieve you. I always will."
She nodded, small grunts and whimpers coming from her throat.
This moment was beautiful, and he wouldn't trade it for the world.
He rested on one elbow, the hand on that arm coming up to her face, lightly tapping her cheek, "You gotta breathe. C'mon, baby. Breathe for me."
He was right. In all the pleasure, she wasn't breathing well.
Soon, he leaned down to her ear, "You close, honey?"
"S…s…so…so close…"
"Me too. God, I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. Do it, baby."
And she did.
He was not far behind, grunting as he came.
And the two simply stared at each other in awe.
"Thank you, angel."
"For what?"
"For trusting me this much."
He got up, throwing on his boxers. He disappeared into the bathroom, leaving her alone in the bedroom.
She sat up on her elbows, her eyebrows furrowing. 
She didn't understand why he'd leave like that.
He returned quickly though. "C'mere, princess. Let me clean you up."
He held a soft towel in his hand.
He gently cleaned her, kissing her temple while doing so. "How about a bath, beautiful?"
She smiled, "I'd love one."
He nodded, "Anything for you, beautiful girl."
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stvrni0lo · 1 year
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞-𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬
matt sturniolo x reader (fluff)
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summary: matt and his obsession with hugging you from behind
warnings/notes: none! lmk if i missed anything
requested?: yes, tysm anon :)
> > >
One thing you quickly learned about Matt when you two started dating was that he absolutely loved to be close to you at all times. Especially back hugs.
It didn’t matter where you were, or what you were doing. He’d always find a way to do it. It was sweet - the fact that even when you were doing other activities, he still wanted to be as near to you as possible.
There were countless examples of this.
- - -
𝟏. You were standing in the fruit and vegetable aisle, trying to find the most ripe ones to bring home. Matt had disappeared somewhere with Nick and Chris, so when a pair of arms snaked their way around you, you were confused.
“Hey,” Matt’s voice muttered as he rested his chin against your shoulder.
You visibly relaxed as you turned to look at him.
“Hey,” you replied, “I’m almost ready to go, I just wanna get a few apples.”
He mumbled a quiet ‘mhm’ as he watched your hands put the fruit in a bag, admiring how much care you were putting into such a mundane activity.
You smiled to yourself as you felt Matt squeeze you close to him. Normally he wouldn’t be so affectionate in public - but when he was tired he tended to be clingy.
This was the first time you experienced one of Matt’s classic back hugs.
𝟐. You were over at Matt’s house, helping him cook dinner. It wasn’t anything difficult - just pasta. However he insisted that you do it together, using anything as an excuse to spend time together.
You were stirring the water softly, the steam rising to your face, burning your skin slightly.
“Ow,” you said while backing away from the pot; only to be met by a hard, fleshy wall. Matt was already there, enveloping his arms around you.
“You okay?”
He walked you back to the pot, making sure to move your head away from the steam. Replacing your head with his, he placed his head on your shoulder. Using one hand to stir, the other was inching towards your stomach under your shirt, his fingers tracing random patterns as he hummed contently.
Your back was safely pressed against his chest and the vibrations from his hums could’ve made you fall asleep if you weren’t so busy cooking.
𝟑. It had been a long day. Matt had finished recording a new podcast episode, and you had been cleaning your house from top to bottom.
It was safe to say you both were wrecked.
Arriving to his house, you noticed that him, Nick, and Chris weren’t home yet. Crawling into his bed, you decided to wait for them to finish their work. You didn’t even notice that you fell asleep in his t-shirt, the smell of his cologne easing you to sleep easily.
You were awoken by a pair of warm arms pulling you closer. You could feel Matt bury his face in your hair, pressing your back to his chest like he always did.
“You look good in my shirt,” he said, the sleepiness in his voice becoming evident in the way he slurred his words.
“Mm..” you mumbled incoherently. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too,” he said, nuzzling impossibly deeper into your warmth.
“Love hugging you like this. Y’so soft.” And with that, his eyelids grew heavier and he fell into a comfortable sleep.
You had the best sleep ever that night.
- - -
Now as you stood over the two cups of hot chocolate on your counter with Matt in his pyjamas behind you, his signature hug was encasing you in warmth.
It was your first Christmas together. Matt’s gentle touch tickled your sides as he caressed your waist from behind - and Nick and Chris’ laughs could be heard coming from the living room.
You never felt more at home.
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hyewka · 8 months
idk if this is allowed but,
threesome with yeonjun and beomgyu
⭑ fetish! | c.yj & c.bg ࿐
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⭑ synopsis; when a late night conversation with soju and beer transforms into the calling out of choi beomgyus historical pattern of hook up bluffs the attention eventually shifts to you and your sex endeavors.
⭑ warnings; inexperienced!reader, sort of soft dom!yj & switch!gyu, cunninglingus, gagging, throat fuck, cum eating, unsafe sex, creampie, basically all of them are drunk to some degree, iffy word choice with consent but its all definitely consensual, doll/baby petname, childhood best friends/college au
⭑ note; i don’t know how to feel about this at all and i feel like i might wake up one day and just randomly despise it with my entire being but here is a threesome fic long overdue on this blog, take it with what you will because this might just be the last time i ever attempt to challenge my skills 😭
⭑ send in a small prompt with the format of (member) + (nsfw prompt) and ill write you a small drabble!
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“So what if we didn’t go all the way, I still got to eat her out. Which she loved F.Y.I.”
Yeonjun snorts, downing his drink. “Dude you’re such a loser.”
“Just say you don’t get bitches like I do.”
You don’t mean to, but that’s what breaks your nonchalance, cracking up like that was the funniest thing you’ve heard.
Like clockwork, both of their heads turn to you expectantly, as if remembering that you’re here with them and you know you just messed up. Maybe if you keep looking at your phone they’d know to leave you alone.
This has been a thing since highschool; their dumb Who Gets More Action wars that served almost no purpose but to stroke their young male egos. More times than you could count, you’re for some reason sucked in as the end all be all judge even if there were others present they could go and bother with details of their sex life.
You’re not letting that happen tonight. You will not become Simon Cowell of who fucks more.
“Hey,” Beomgyu starts nudging you with his feet, annoyingly persistent. “Hey hey, get off your phone, what are you laughing at?”
Yeonjun easily swipes your phone from your hands making you throw your head back groaning. God, to hell with him. “Give it back!” you whine. He shrugs, stuffing your phone in his pockets. Asshole.
You glare at him with murder on your mind, but all that gets you is a condescending pout thrown your way.
“Ughhh I’m going to throw up, stop with the flirting.”
You throw your plastic cup at Beomgyu’s face, and he flinches back in the most dramatic sense ever. “Bitch.” you mutter.
Yeonjun ignores Beomgyu’s comment altogether. “Everyone knows I get more bitches than you Beomgyu. That’s why she laughed. Plus, you make up shit all the time.”
“I do not.”
“You do. You lied about Yoo Jimin.” You recall, giving up on getting your phone back.
Yeonjun makes a sound of remembrance, clasping his hands together. “That was actually so funny. Yoo Jimin. You’ve lost your mind.”
Beomgyu shoots you a betrayed look, “No way you believe his propaganda! We literally had sex! Halloween 2021!”
You give him a skeptical look, brows raised. Beomgyu could fool anyone, but he can’t fool Yeonjun, let alone you. Beomgyu and Jimin? Didn’t make sense. Not on Earth at least.
“That’s one person anyway who cares.” he mutters.
“Ryujin.” You name. “She’s lesbian Gyu. Even when she was questioning she would’ve rather killed herself than let a man touch her.”
Yeonjun barks into laughter, leaning into you. “Ryujin of all people is fucking mental man.”
“Two people, still very little.” he counters.
Was that a challenge? If he wanted to play this game, you would be an expert.
“Jihyo, Miyeon—”
“I fucked Miyeon.”
“Yeah but you said she let you fuck her in the ass, which! She revealed never happened.”
He gasps in horror, face dropped, like that had to be the most offensive thing hes heard.
“I literally have proof it happened, holy shit Miyeon’s a pathological liar.” Beomgyu fumbles his phone, eyes laser focused as his thumb swipes in rapid speed. You snicker, he’s such an idiot. You know he’ll turn up empty but hes on a mission so you let him be.
“Can you pass me the beer?” you mutter lazily, feeling the alcohol hit you now, making a grabbing motion to the can far from your reach.
“Sure you want more?” Yeonjun whispers, with a similarly lazy slur to his words.
You were all clearly buzzed out, sprawled on the floor of your living room, your table pushed to the side with multiple beer cans crushed in a mess. It’s your version of heaven— a little sad maybe, but it was the perfect mix of mundane and fun to you.
“Just beer.” You reply.
He nods, grabbing it for you and instinctively twisting the cap open. Hes’ always been like that, an acts of service sort of guy. The small flex of his veins when he does it is something you silently take note of. You’re so far gone with your small crush on him.
You clear your throat, snapping yourself out of it. “Thanks. Are you gonna give me back my phone or?”
He pretends to think it over, before clicking his tongue. “Nah, later.”
You roll your eyes, taking a sip from your can.
“We don’t get to hangout like this often, missed it y’know? So you can hold off your phone addiction for a bit and stop acting bratty.” he teases.
“Aye aye captain.”
He tuts at you, nudging your shoulder. “I literally cringe internally every time you say that.”
You hum, looking over at Beomgyu. Who is incredibly tense, almost frozen. “Why’d you stop scrolling?”
Maybe Yeonjun saw what you saw, Beomgyu’s face incredibly red, and eyes so weirdly fixed on his phone because he immediately scoots to him, nosy to take a look at his phone screen.
You study Yeonjun’s face. His brows slowly rise. And the only thing he says is “Damn.”
“What?” you ask, curiosity peaked. Nobody answers though, seemingly hypnotised by whatevers on Beomgyus screen.
Yeah, thats enough for your lazy ass to get up and see what they’re looking at.
…To say it’s not what you expect at all is an understatement.
The video playing has no audio, but the visual splayed out in Beomgyu’s hand is all it takes for your thighs to rub instinctively. The phone was obviously placed by the bedside, the view a little tilted, the girl with her face pressed onto the sheets as Beomgyu fucks into her mercilessly unrecognisable, the bed quite literally shaking to match his rhythm. Your face grows hot, and your throat dries, the video looks old because his hair is longer, messier, something that looked like it was from freshman year.
You’re surprised, it’s more than real. He really was going at it.
“I’m fucking her ass here.”
Holy shit. That must’ve hurt like a bitch.
“How would we know it’s Miyeon though?” Yeonjun says, eyes set on the screen.
Beomgyu forwards the video towards the end and lets it play—its the part where he picks up the phone and holds the girls head up by her hair, turning her over, capturing her face fucked out, a mix of spit and cum evidently all over, but more than that, its Miyeon’s face covered in filth.
You bite down on your lips, nervously looking at Beomgyu—who catches your stare. “What?”
You shake your head, dismissing him.
Truth is, this might’ve been the most you’ve seen from Beomgyu in this light. The light that you’ve heard plenty of, but obviously never thought you’d actually…see. Hes always been slutty, especially with him being infamous for his gross PDA on campus, but seeing it—seeing him actually fucking the light out of someone…you gulp down the lump stuck in your throat.
“You’re a freak dude.” Yeonjun says, laughing.
“But not a liar.”
“Nah you’ve yet to prove Jimins, wheres the tape?”
“You just wanna see her getting railed, touch luck bitch.” Beomgyu closes his phone making you realise you were still staring. “Hey, you good? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Beomgyu shifts his attention to you, making you nervous, shrugging his concern off.
Yeonjun speaks for you instead, a smirk plastered on his face. “She’s a virgin, basically saw something worse than a ghost.”
God, this again!
“I’m not a virgin holy shit Yeonjun!”
“I’m not a virgin holy shit Yeonjun.” He mimics annoyingly high pitched and you groan.
“I’m not. I’ve had multiple boyfriends before.”
“Three.” Beomgyu says, “You’ve had three boyfriends.”
“All very long and fruitful relationships, mind you.”
Yeonjun leans back on the couch, stretching his arms behind his back and you know this is a sign that he’s going to be a little bitch about this. “How far have you went?”
“All the way.” you glare back challengily, sipping on your beer.
“Had someone nut in your ass?”
You snap your head to Beomgyu in horror, upper lip quirked. Of course he’d be curious about that. “Damn I’m taking that as a no.”
You force a smile and flip him off rightfully. The little bitch sticks his tongue out at you in retaliation and you have half the mind to not smack him.
“Have you done it without a condom?”
You narrow your eyes at that. Yeonjun’s awfully curious, way too curious for someone whos never been curious. Seriuously, he’d be the last person to care for your sex life. Maybe Beomgyu—totally Beomgyu, but not Yeonjun.
“Is this an interrogation?”
Yeonjun shrugs.
“I—okay, I haven’t. I bet you guys haven’t either.” You immediately regret saying that, it’s obvious they’ve done something so trivial. And its even made more obvious when both of them start laughing maniacally.
Your face runs red, resorting to chugging more beer.
Beomgyu rests his head on your lap suddenly and you quirk your brow down at him. “What? Your thighs are comfortable.”
You narrow your eyes at him, skeptical of what exactly he’s trying to pull until Yeonjun’s asking you questions again after calming down from his laughing fit.
“Gotten fingered?”
“Well no shit.”
Beomgyus attention is piqued, “You have?”
“How else am I supposed to…you know..get prepped?” you say, coughing around the word.
Beomgyu snorts, “You just did the most virgin thing ever oh my god.”
“That’s why I don’t believe a single thing coming out of her mouth.”
“I’m not a virgin.” you say for the umpteenth time. When they both exchange silent looks, you clear your throat. “But, I might be a little…inexperienced. That’s it though, I’m not a virgin. I’ve had sex…like twice.”
Beomgyu shoots up, making you jump in shock. “Twice?!” he shouts. He looks at you like you might’ve just led the saddest life of the entirety of human history.“And three boyfriends? The math isn’t…”
“Well one of them believed pre-marital sex would have us damned so—”
“Oh yeahh, your Christian boy Mark.” Yeonjun marvels. “That guy was a total bitch.”
Yeah, Mark. The guy you thought you’d end up marrying someday, until he decided to cheat with an anal whore as you call it. Cheating on you in broad daylight, in the apartment you shared wasn’t enough, he tried to mansplain the difference between anal virginity and vaginal virginity right after he was caught.
You shudder remembering the scene.
“A little unrelated but I always sort of thought you guys fucked.” Beomgyu starts, breaking the silence. “Like at least once.”
You sigh, he’s never letting this sexual tension bullshit thing go. If anything, Yeonjun probably saw you in the least sexual light possible. Unfortunately. “No. No we haven’t Beomgyu, we keep telling you this.”
“You” He points a finger at you, “Keep telling me this. Not him. That’s suspicious.”
Yeonjun doesn’t say anything even as both you and Beomgyu stare at him— he just mixes his soju and beer together for another shot.
You relent, speaking up. “Yeonjun tell him we haven’t fucked so he can stop insinuating that we’re freaks behind closed doors 24/7.”
Beomgyu snickers at that, still toying with the fabric of your shorts. You think it’s just out of habit.
“Yeah, we haven’t.” Yeonjun finally confirms.
You widen your eyes at Beomgyu to taunt him, getting all up on his face, nonverbally celebrating an I told you so. He just rolls his eyes at you, a dumb smile on his face.
“But I want to.”
That has both you and Beomgyu frozen, his smile slowly dropping before he turns to face Yeonjun.
Your mind works overtime trying to process whether you heard that right, did it have any hints of a joke, why couldn’t you pick up on it then? Or whether all your life you’ve read it all wrong—is it the drinks speaking or? But drunk words are sober thoughts…right? Is he just-
“Huh?” Beomgyu’s the one to ask for a clarification first.
He only shrugs, proving that none of you heard him wrong. “I wanna fuck her. I mean, you’re hot I’m not being unreasonable.”
You don’t know how to respond without sounding like an even more awkward virgin, so you stay silent, trying to make sense of it in your own head. But when you catch Beomgyu slowly nodding from your peripheral vision like what Yeonjun’s saying makes sense, you painfully nudge him.
He whines, defending himself almost immediately. “What? He’s not wrong, you’re mega hot now.”
You squeeze your eyes shut irritated, “Don’t—god, don’t ever say ‘mega hot’ again.”
Beomgyu mumbles something intelligible, something that sounded like one of his sulky protests that you just ignore as the room falls silent again. Yeonjun seems completely unbothered of the atmosphere, drinking his somaek like this was just another normal day, like he didn’t just air out something that could potentially completely flip your entire dynamic.
The tension is thick, and it suddenly feels way too hot to be here anymore but then Beomgyu speaks up again. “Do you know how to suck a dick?”
You snort, not answering as you keep your eyes on the floor.
But it’s impossible to ignore him when he keeps staring at you, almost too intensely for a question you thought was to break the tension. You look to his face, and there’s no sign of lightheartedness anywhere. He was seriously asking. “So? Do you?”
You decide to humor him, anything to get over this suffocating silence. “Sort of.”
Yeonjun chuckles, “What does ‘sort of’ mean?”
You roll your eyes, frankly irritated that he’s even speaking right now. “Sort of means I can, but I don’t know if I’m …good at it.”
He hums in understanding, nodding. “Wanna test your skills out right now?”
Your eyes bulge out, blinking rapidly as you look at Yeonjun in shock. Did he seriously just…say that? Your face grows even hotter as you stutter around a response.
But before you could even form a proper response, Beomgyu says something first, whining into his hands. “I literally cannot be the only one really fucking turned on right now.”
At his words, your eyes instinctively look down to his pants and god, he wasn’t kidding. You don’t know how you haven’t noticed until now, but the imprint of his dick building a tent in his sweatpants has you looking away like you’ve just seen the most sinful thing ever. You don’t miss the small patch of wetness at the top either. You rub your thighs together again, this time you curse your body for reacting because most of their attention was collectively on you now.
Meaning, they would inevitably notice small details.
And that they did. Yeonjun laughs, but it has laces of mean-spiritedness that has your brain frying at a faster speed. “You aren’t the only one. Our little dolls’ horny as shit too, aren’t you? Look at you rubbing your thighs for just the little bits of friction.” Yeonjun says the last part with a pout, so condescendingly, his eyes heavy lidded with what you’re sure is lust.
That gets Beomgyu’s attention, who was lost in his own dilemma, who’s close enough to touch you, to do something, and that has you more nervous than the time you had to present an unfinished slideshow to the harshest professor in your major.
Your throat is dry again, and you can’t seem to get out a word no matter how hard you try. Beomgyu licks his lips momentarily, staring at you, waiting for something, maybe a cue? You don’t know, but they’re both definitely waiting.
Beomgyu’s impatient, and shameless, if that wasn’t already obvious enough. With a rasp to his voice, he whispers, “God, I really wanna touch you right now.”
And you whisper back, like this was secret gossip you’d exchange between yourselves at recess about who was mean to who, who liked who, except this time you’re all grown up, and he’s asking to…touch you. You look behind Beomgyu, Yeonjun very much invested in what’s happening makes you on the fence. “But it’ll—it’ll get…weird. Like, between us.”
Beomgyu’s quick to counter. “No, no it won’t, I promise. Everything’s going to be the exact same. Just baby, please. Let me take care of you.”
The use of a petname again has you biting down on your lips. You search his eyes, and he looks so…desperate, the sudden switch baffling to you, so different from how you usually see him. Is this how he gets with the girls he fucks? It’s so hot, you’ve never been met with this much enthusiasm.
Your feelings heighten even more when he whispers again at your silence, “Please, I’m dying here.”
You let out a breath you were holding in, nodding, “Okay, it’s—it’s okay. You can. Touch me I mean.”
This is the absolute last thing in the world you’d ever expected, like ever. Beomgyu touching you, ministrating your breasts roughly with his big hands through your top, kneeling between your legs, kissing all over from your jaw to your neck like he hasn’t gotten action in decades. It’s like everywhere, your skin scorches, every inch—and he’s so fiery, so harsh with his squeezes and bites that you’re so unprepared for, so unprepared in fact that your eyes already brim with tears, head becoming light with too much stimulation in too little time as you feel him play with your shorts in attempt to take them off.
Suddenly, Beomgyu’s shoved off you completely, having him fall on his ass with a thud. Your eyes fly open in worry, only to be met with Yeonjun way closer to you than earlier. “Dude, calm down you’re going too fast.”
Beomgyu rolls his eyes irritably, “You know you could’ve told me that without fucking throwing me off her, right?”
“Like your ass would listen.” Yeonjun mutters, refocusing his attention to you, “Come on, get up on the couch doll, I’ll show you how its done.”
You’re hesitant. You’re okay with messing around with Beomgyu—you are because he’s the best friend that you have zero romantic feelings for, but Yeonjun? You already have this…tiny crush on him that has been fostering since the dawn of times, a light lit then dimmed for years throughout the time you’ve known him…would this not set it on a full blown out fire? Are you ready to risk getting your rocks off to find out?
Yeonjun calls your name again, snapping you out of your reverie. “If you don’t want to I’m not gonna…”
“No no, um—sorry I was just, like, thinking. Sure.” you choke out, cheeks red.
Fuck it.
You situate yourself on the couch like he instructed, looking at Beomgyu for a second in semi-panic, but that horndogs too far gone to properly communicate with you through telepathy so you’re left a puddle, a little jittery as you nervously pick at the thread of the old couch, preparing yourself for whats to come.
Yeonjun smiles, slotting himself between your legs. “I’m gonna take it slow, ‘kay? Tell me if it becomes too much and I’ll stop.”
You nod, taking a deep breath then out to calm your nerves. You don’t have to help him out with pulling your shorts down, it’s like he’s so experienced that he knows how to get around it without you doing much. Which doesn’t help to make you relax…at all. He’s experienced, and you’re not. That’s a cause of a million worries running through your mind at the moment.
The air that had felt so hot earlier, feels cool now, and you shudder a little. “You’re drenched doll, that’s cute.”
Beomgyu finally sits himself next to you, hand on his crotch, slowly rubbing it out as he stares at what Yeonjun sees, craning his neck to get a good look. And you feel…so exposed, it makes your ears red with a mix of shame and arousal as you squeeze your eyes shut.
You jolt a little when you feel his tongue poking at your entrance through your panties—he’s slow as he licks up your slit, soaking your underwear more and more.
“Any of your boyfriends ever eat you out?” Beomgyu asks, hand squeezing his cock through his sweats, before having the genius idea of replacing his with yours—his warm hands resting on yours, guiding you to press down harder on his boner. As if he’s showing you—making you feel how big he is.
You shake your head to his question, and he airs out a chuckle. God, you really want to slap yourself for finding that so attractive. “Of course. Might as well be a real virgin.”
You want to retort back, you really do, because god forbid Beomgyu have the last word, but it's impossible when Yeonjun hooks his finger to push your underwear to the side because you're a goner, a goner the minute you feel his warm breath on your skin, and even worse when you feel his tongue lapping at your core, the direct contact making you gasp out a moan, jolting you awake, clearing your drunk daze.
"Yeonjun, Yeonjun shit-" you don't mean to tighten your grip on Beomgyu, but you do in response to Yeonjuns stimulation which has him hiss, bucking into your touch.
"Do that again. Harder. Touch me baby, yeah, just like that." He babbles, holding onto your wrist, groaning when you oblige, wrapping your hand on his clothed shaft and squeezing the base.
Yeonjun looks at you through lidded eyes, his hands firmly keeping your legs apart, nose brushing against your clit every so often to tease before he finally decides to flatten his tongue against it, finger prodding at your entrance at the same time, making you inexpectantly arch your back, moaning. "F-fuck Jjun!"
You could feel the smirk, the cockiness radiating off him— it oozes even, it's so evident he likes this dynamic, you so reactionary to each little thing he does.
Beomgyu helps you palm his dick before he finally relents, too horny out of his mind, shoving your hand down his pants, making you feel his hot dick, so sticky and wet, it's lewd. "'Move your hand baby, c'monnn. Good girl." He groans, trying to guide you to a speed he finds fitting.
You start getting the hang of it, your hand jerking off his dick without help even as you're practically dumbed out with Yeonjun's tongue working at your sex, trying to purposefully make you lose your mind.
“Pussy so good doll, so good.” his words muffle against your core and it sends a vibration that has your pace falter.
Suddenly, Yeonjun detaches, making you feel terribly empty, and horrible because you were sure you were close. Before you could complain, your eyes widen at him unbuttoning his jeans, dropping them to the floor to have his cock flinging out of his boxers. He gives it a couple strokes, breathing heavy as he stares at your pussy. Wet with his spit, messy. He groans, biting his lips raw and you’ve just never felt so much as a prey until now. “Gonna fill you up soon, don’t worry doll.”
“Pay attention to me too,” Beomgyu whines, kissing your neck again, the space under your earlobe, his teeth grazing against your skin, just begging to have your attention. “Unfair if it’s only him.” he breathes, kissing and kissing and kissing, until he decides to move up to your lips, taking you up a wind as you jerk his dick off faster.
His whines and mewls melt into the sloppiness of the kiss and god is it the hottest thing ever, shit.
Yeonjun basically breaks the kiss by pushing Beomgyu off of you again, and if you had half the mind to think, you would’ve caught the irritation radiating off Beomgyu at Yeonjuns constant cock blocking.
You can’t think now, not when Yeonjun’s lining his dick up with your hole, feeling his hot tip prodding and your pussy fluttering around nothing to suck him in. “Ready? Relax yourself so it’ll feel good, ‘kay?”
You nod, humming.
“Words princess.”
“I’m—I’m ready Jjunie.”
He gives you a crooked grin, fingertips digging into the plush of your hips.
You try, you really do, you try giving them both an experience but the more Yeonjun pushes himself in you, the slower your hand becomes until you finally let go, breathing heavy at the inexplicable feeling of just…fullness. When he’s flush and snug against your core, completely inside you, he relishes, he stays there, eyes fluttering closed with his face so, so close to yours.
And he whispers to you, words Beomgyu can’t possible hear even if he wishes to, and even words you could’ve missed if you weren’t so in tune with every single sense that you’re feeling right now.
“Wish he wasn’t here when I could finally have you.”
You’re driven over the edge, not even given the time to process, before he’s drilling his dick into you—in then back, slowly before he’s building up to snapping his hips, having you gasp in shock at each thrust. You let the stray tear run down, hell, at this point you’re giving all autonomy of your body to the two boys right now, you’re not in control of anything anymore.
“Tight, so tight and warm,” he groans, getting faster, “Shoulda prepped you more, huh? Fuckin’ tighter than a virgin, can barely move.” He laughs breathy.
You just nod, nod at whatever filthy shit he says, tightening your grip on the couch, squeezing your eyes shut at how the pain just bleeds into the pleasure. You’ve never had it like this with your past boyfriends, it never felt like this.
Suddenly, you feel something hot poking at your cheek which spurs you to open your eyes. Your eyes damn near almost bulge out at Beomgyu’s size, cock insistently trying to move past your lips.
“Want your mouth, please, fuck.”
Can you even take that in your mouth?
He doesn’t wait for your contemplation, that’s not Beomgyu’s thing. He does it anyway, managing to slide his dick in your mouth, not even letting you get used to it like Yeonjun had even when he’s a lot bigger, pushing all the way in. He throws his head back, groaning curses as you gag around his length, breathing restricted.
“God you’re so hot like this, princess. Taking my cock so well,” he growls, moving his hips to fuck your mouth. Your eyes water, burning as the taste of him overpowers your senses— all of that paired with Yeonjun’s rhythm getting rougher and more frantic has you lose yourself in ecstasy you don’t think you can handle.
You think you might just faint.
“Have you always been like this? So good at sucking cock, slutty throat just waiting to be stuffed with dick?” Beomgyu rambles filth, losing himself faster than Yeonjun, looking down at you with so much hunger. You return his gaze, blinking up at him innocently, as if to disagree. You’re not slutty, you aren’t.
But that seems to spur him on a completely different direction, like something snapped inside him, cursing loudly as he ruthlessly starts fucking into your mouth. Your mind clouds, dizziness setting in as you feel Yeonjun attach his lips to your nipple through your flimsy top, sucking harshly, making a mess of your shirt with his spit.
You garble around Beomgyu’s dick, trying to say something but it only comes out intelligible and like complete nonsense, it’s humiliating.
“God, you’re sucking me in so greedily, want me to fill you up with my cum so bad, huh?”
Yeonjun slaps your ass and you jolt again, snot and mascara running down your face. He starts kneeding your cheeks, snapping into you rougher, and somehow deeper, you fucking lose it. “You want it so bad, right? Say something baby, or I won’t give it to you.”
You nod, mouth still stuffed with Beomgyu’s cock, who he isn’t intent on stopping any time soon.
It’s enough for Yeonjun you guess because before you know it, you feel hot substance shoot up, filling you to the brim with his cum, still pumping it in even as your orgasm washes over you. You’re beyond overstimulated, especially when Beomgyu cums around the same time, his hot load forcing its way down your throat.
He holds your head against his abdomen, groaning the more he defills you. “Fuck if you do that I might just fall for you,” he growls, voice down octaves, fixating his eyes on how your throat gulps down his cum like it’s water at the Sahara. The taste is so strong, you start coughing up some of it out when his dick flops out of your mouth sticky, finally regaining your breath, gasping for air in large amounts, your cunt spilling Yeonjun’s seed onto the couch slowly, dribbling down to the floor to make a mess.
Beomgyu suddenly pushes Yeonjun out of the way to slot himself between your legs, kissing at your pussy.
“Beomgyu, don’t, can’t—stop, too much-” you try reasoning but he doesn’t listen, that brat. He just starts going at it, lapping at the cum spilling, his lips glistening with the wetness, alternating between kissing and licking your cunt. “‘Course you can baby, you can take it.”
You bite down hard on your lips, lightheaded as you look down at the man ravaging your pussy and cleaning you up at the same time.
To hell with that ‘nothing’s going to change’ bullshit promise, something definitely changed tonight and you can’t put your finger around what.
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thekissofaphrodite · 6 months
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Clarisse La Rue X Daughter of Iris!Reader
Summary: A lipstick mark resulted in a rather hasty rumour about you and clarisse.
Warnings: Kissing? Cursing :P (Remind me if I missed one)
Author's note: I wrote this at exactly 1 in the morning with no shame, but im here to serve since we don't have anough Clarrise FFs🫡
You two always ended up like this.
With your legs wrapped around Clarisse's waist, your red lipstick smudge with marks and kisses along her neck, and Your polished nails tangled on her soft curly hair.
Apparently, You noticed this pattern happening everyday. Clarrise coming to you to ramble about a her supposed 'bad day' , then, you comforting her, caressing her cheeks until it turns out into a hot makeout session Inside of her cabin.
you and clarrise would get multiple violation warnings from chiron, but little to none from Mr. D who even had the nerve to point out one of your hickeys.
It was another day in camp half blood, and your job was to teach younger campers how to handle a sword.
"Hold the sword properly— No no no. Not like that Jerry—"
"MY name's Gary—"
"Same thing"
" Grip it tightly, and swing it to your opponent, now there's a trick, you can maim so that they lose their focus and then you can attack...." While you kept teaching the children who looked at you with their puppy eyes, Clarisse watched you from afar, Her lips curled into a soft, patent smile. Of course, you caught her eyes and winked, leaving her blushing madly.
It wasn't even 2 minutes before five of the kids you were teaching started giggling to each other and whispering coherently.
You looked back at them with your browser raised.
"Is something funny?" You asked.
"You're gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous," Clarrise whispered as her lips trailed down your neck, A soft moan escaped from your lips as you caught a small smirk gracing her lips.
Her face was full of lipstick marks, including her neck that almost looked like a graffiti wall with your maroon lipstick staining her neck.
"Please give me more—"
You gasped and flinched as you heard three loud knocks on the door.
Clarisse, who was kissing the valley of your breasts shot a look to the door, She muttered a string of curses under her breath and immediately stormed after the one who dared to interrupt her and her lovely girlfriend...But no one knows that you two were in a relationship.
"No, NO! Clarisse-"
Before you could even grab her, she swung the door open, Her eyes glaring at the person with rage.
But, surprisingly. No one was there, You were greeted by the cool midnight breeze.
Clarrise muttered another string of curses before slamming the door shut and cupping your cheeks, Kissing you passionately again.
At that moment, you coulve sworn you saw a familiar silhouette hiding from the distance peaking at you and clarrise, brushing your thoughts aside. You kept kissing her until you reached her bed bunk.
The next day was a mess.
Campers looked at you like you were some prey. Something was odd.
as you sat at the mess hall, trying to scan the crowd for your friends but they weren't there.
As soon as the Ares girl stepped into the mess hall, you immediately knew why people stared at you two, One of clarrise's half siblings decided to play a prank on her but instead caught you two in a rather...private moment.
As you watch clarrise's half sibling smirk, your eyes catch the sight that everyone sees.
The Scarlet Mark of your maroon lipstick on her neck.
A/N: Hey loves!! This is a short clarisse FF since I wrote this in a rush (don't ask why) :P, Since we don't have more of Dior's clarrise I decided to write this one!! <333 I hope you like it, and don't be afraid to submit a request!!
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
There’s a table in the school library that’s nestled in the corner, right by a radiator; Steve has claimed it ever since his double block of ‘private study periods’ began.
Not that he’s planning on doing any studying: it’s the last day of school before the winter break, and while his face has healed up from the whole Billy Hargrove Incident, he still finds himself feeling wiped at random—like his body’s having a delayed adrenaline crash ever since he pulled Dustin out of that freaky vine-infested tunnel.
So really, this spot should be ideal for a couple hours of not having to think.
And it would be perfect, if his eyes weren’t instinctively drawn to movement at the front desk.
Because for the past god-knows-how-long, Eddie Munson has been in a back-and-forth with the librarian.
It had started when he ambled up to the desk with a healthy pile of books in his hands, placed them down neatly, all ready to be stamped. Flashed a charming smile.
Steve was too far away to hear the words, but he got the gist that whatever the librarian had said amounted to no, absolutely not, because Eddie scooped the books back up, dumped them on a table a little distance away from Steve’s, then hemmed and hawed before returning to the desk with a more modest pile than before.
He was sent away again with presumably the same refusal, and so the pattern repeated until this very minute: he’s returning with just one book in his hands, his smile less charming now, more desperate.
But… no luck.
Eddie slouches back to the table in defeat. Just stands there, staring down at the books.
And goddamn it, Steve thinks, now he’s invested.
“Hey. Munson,” he says in an undertone. “What’s up?”
He doesn’t miss the weird kind of double take Eddie gives him, but at least Steve knows it’s not because of his face being a mess this time—seriously, drawing looks from students when all he wanted was to get in line for crappy cafeteria pizza had not been fun.
“Nothing,” Eddie says with a shrug, and he flashes another wide smile that makes Steve think bullshit. “Apparently I racked up a mountain of late fees. Who knew?” He sighs, glancing at his wristwatch. “Guess I’ve got enough time to just read the—oh. Um. Hey?”
“These books?” Steve confirms, having already stood up to look at them.
Eddie blinks a few times. “Yeah, these—uh, Harrington, what the fuck do you think you’re—?”
Steve heads over to the front desk with the books. It’s not all that difficult of a decision to make; he remembers Tommy H had his own library late fees in freshman year, but got nothing more than a simpering, “Just make sure it doesn’t happen again, sweetie,” just because his mom knew someone on the school board.
“For checking out, please,” Steve says, not bothering with a smile as he hands over his library card.
The only resistance he gets is a raised eyebrow from the librarian before all the books are stamped.
“What the fuck,” Eddie says, voice flat; he doesn’t take the books when Steve tries to give them to him, so Steve just shrugs and goes back to his seat, sets the books pointedly on the edge of the table.
“Look, man, it’s up to you, but I’m not gonna take them. They’ll just be sitting here.”
Eddie huffs. He goes over to the books, his hand twitching towards them before drawing back, like he’s at war with himself.
“You—you didn’t have to do that,” he gets out as if it physically pains him to do so.
Prickly, Steve thinks.
“It’s no big deal,” he says. “My account’s gathering dust, so someone might as well get the good of it.”
At hearing that, Eddie looks a little less defensive. He chews on his lips for a few seconds, then says, his tone serious, “Harrington, I’ll—I’ll forget. Like, with the holidays… like, I guarantee you, even if I write a million fucking reminders, I’m gonna take these books and forget to bring ‘em back for months.”
“Oh, no,” Steve says dryly, “lemme go alert the press, I just heard a blatant confession to a crime. Dude, just take them, what do I care if your homework takes you months to—”
“It’s not even for school,” Eddie interrupts through gritted teeth, “it’s dumb, it’s just—”
“Jesus Christ. Lemme call the press again, sounds like you’re reading a book for fun.”
Eddie stares at him. Steve raises an eyebrow in challenge—he could do this all day; just the other week, he’d beaten Mike in a brutal staring contest that felt like it went on for hours.
Eddie breaks first. “Fine,” he says with another huff, but he’s less agitated when handling the books—lingers thoughtfully on their titles, puts a couple in his backpack. The rest he opens at seemingly random parts, but it looks like he knows what he’s searching for.
And then it seems as if he’s just going to pick up the remaining books and walk away—Steve expects him to, honestly—but he ends up staying where he is, gives Steve a look of consideration, almost like he’s a book worth reading, too.
“You stole my table, you know?” Eddie says.
“Uh, no,” Steve says automatically, then adds with more confidence, “I was definitely here first.”
Eddie snorts. “Nope. My senior year, uh,” he shrugs self-deprecatingly, “the first time around. That was my spot. Was pretty possessive over it too, think I signed the table, like, underneath.”
Steve’s eyebrows rise in interest; he runs a finger along the underside of the table and soon feels it: an E.M scratched into the wood.
“Huh,” he says. “Guess you’re right.”
A pause.
And then Steve surprises himself.
“There’s, um, room here, if you want? I’m not gonna use the whole table.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up. There’s a long enough silence in which Steve considers just telling him to forget about it, but then—
Eddie sits down opposite him.
It’s not as awkward as Steve was expecting: Eddie seems focused enough on his books, on bringing out a battered looking journal with sheets of paper that look like they’re hanging on by a thread. He roots around his backpack some more, retrieves a ballpoint pen with a quiet, triumphant, “Aha!”
He either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care that Steve isn’t even making an attempt to look busy; his own side of the table is bare.
“Didn’t know you were left-handed,” Steve says after a moment.
Eddie looks up from his note-taking. He smirks, waggles his eyebrows briefly. “Fitting, huh? Spooky.”
“Oh, I’m terrified.”
And Eddie actually laughs—hushed, but it still counts as one.
He soon returns to being absorbed in whatever it is he’s writing, which means Steve has less of a distraction when the familiar wave of tiredness washes over him.
He tries to sit up as well as he can, conscious of the fact that he’s not alone, but the radiator is the perfect temperature, and the steady scratch of Eddie’s pen has a soporific effect. He’s distantly aware of the fact that his head is nodding down with dwindling energy to try and stop it—hears Eddie’s voice, as if from very far away, rising in question.
Steve sniffs sharply, jerks his head back up and blinks hard. “What?”
“Oh, sorry,” Eddie says quickly, and he sounds genuine. “Didn’t know you were sleeping.”
“I wasn’t,” Steve says.
“Uh, okay,” Eddie says. His lips twitch. “That was an awfully long blink then, Harrington.”
“Shut up,” Steve retorts mildly. He stretches slightly, hides a yawn behind his hand. “Did you actually want something or—”
“Nah, wasn’t important.”
Steve frowns, unconvinced. The side of Eddie’s left hand is covered in ink, and Steve can see where his pen has started to die on him as his writing gets more faded across the page.
Steve puts a hand in his pocket, brings out another ballpoint and throws it at Eddie.
The pen bounces along the table, and Eddie manages to catch it one-handed.
“Good catch,” Steve says.
“Thanks,” Eddie says. He sounds almost uncertain.
Silence falls. It only takes another minute or two of hearing Eddie writing away for Steve’s determination to stay awake to waver again. He slumps forward with a mumbled, “M’just gonna…” and lays his head down.
Eddie stops writing.
“Hey, man, are you… okay? Like, if you feel… if you wanna go home I could take you to the nurse? Or—”
“I’m fine,” Steve says into his folded arms. “S’just… the aftermath of… stuff. No big deal.”
“Oh?” Eddie says tentatively.
Steve lifts his head up a bit, squints dubiously. “C’mon, Munson. You must’ve heard the rumour mill.”
Billy Hargrove had spread it all over the school, how he had ‘taught King Steve a lesson.’ In all honesty, Steve hadn’t cared all that much about how he himself came across in whatever story Billy created, was just relieved that at least Max and Lucas’s names had been kept out of it.
“I don’t put much stock in rumours,” Eddie says carefully. “Folks can say… all kindsa things.”
Steve nods faintly. Fair point.
“Okay, but you can take a little bit of stock in this one. Like, a smidge.”
Steve demonstrates with his thumb and forefinger.
It’s only when Eddie doesn’t smile in response that Steve realises he’d been hoping to make him laugh again. Maybe.
“Huh. Well. For what it’s worth… I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Steve says tiredly.
“Harrington. I’m not stupid, y’know? That was more than a… a stupid fight after school or something. Like, I can remember what your face looked like.”
“Gee, thanks.” Steve sets his head back down, closing his eyes.
“I didn’t—I just meant whatever it was, it… it went too far. Way too fucking far.”
Steve yawns again, doesn’t bother hiding it. “Yeah. Something like that.”
He’s resigning himself to the thought of waking up with a stiff neck before Eddie sighs and says, “If you’re gonna sleep, Harrington, don’t be an amateur about it.”
Steve looks up in time to see Eddie reaching underneath the table with one leg, hooking his ankle round the empty chair next to Steve and shoving it closer to him.
“Three or four’s probably the best amount for stretching out on,” Eddie says. “Uh, speaking from experience.”
Steve smiles. “Noted.”
He manoeuvres himself until he’s lying much more comfortably across the seats, using his backpack and coat as a pillow.
Frustratingly but predictably, despite his fatigue, sleep doesn’t come easily, so Steve looks underneath the table and asks, “What’re you writing about, Munson?”
He can see Eddie’s boots, how one foot is tapping away, as if in time to a song no-one else can hear.
“Um, I was just… getting inspiration for… it’s kinda like. Like a story, but—”
“Don’t hurt yourself, dude,” Steve says, “I know what a campaign is.”
The foot tapping stops.
“Aren’t you just full of surprises?” Eddie says.
He sounds a bit far away again, though Steve knows that’s just in his head; he can feel his eyelids drooping.
“You’ve got…” He sighs, voice trailing off as he finishes, “No idea…”
Eddie launches into a speech; Steve can follow it well enough for a little while, Eddie rambling about the kind of decisions he thinks his players will make in the game, but eventually the words become a blur, and he drifts off just like that, into an unexpectedly peaceful sleep.
He wakes with the lightest of touches to his shoulder, a soft, “Steve?” that nevertheless makes him jolt to full alertness in a blink, reaching for a bat he doesn’t currently have.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie yelps, almost falling back against the table. “What the hell kinda military training d’you have, Harrington?”
“Just have good reflexes,” Steve says, hopes it sounds casual enough as he breathes through his suddenly racing heart.
“Yeah, that’s one way to fucking put it. Anyway, uh. Sorry, didn’t mean to, like, startle you, but you slept right through the bell, man.”
Steve sits up; the library is empty apart from them, the librarian shooting them a not so subtle glare. And he realises that while everyone else was rushing out of school, eager for the holidays to start, Eddie must’ve stayed. Waited for him.
Steve runs a hand through his hair, quickly puts on his coat.
“God, sorry, you didn’t have to—if I’ve made you late, I’m—”
“Nah, don’t sweat it.” Eddie puts his backpack strap across one shoulder. “I wasn’t in a hurry. Um, are you… like, good to drive? I can give you a ride, if—”
“I’m okay,” Steve says, struck by the consideration behind the offer. He means what he says though; he feels pleasantly refreshed. He smiles self-effacingly. “Think I need one class where I can just sleep, and then I’ll get through the day.”
Eddie gives a playful scoff. “That’s already a thing, Harrington, it’s called first period.”
They walk out of the library together, and Steve finds that it’s kind of… nice, honestly. He keeps waiting for some awkwardness to creep in again, but it never does.
“Big holiday plans?” Eddie asks, smalltalk that should be stilted, but it just sounds like he’s sincerely interested in the answer.
Steve shrugs. “Not really. Oh, I’ve got—you know the Snow Ball thing tomorrow, at the middle school? There’s this kid I know, I’m gonna give him a ride there, but—”
Steve breaks off with a fond shake of the head, knowing that there’s this kid I know doesn’t really give it justice, doesn’t say the full truth: that Dustin Henderson has somehow wormed his way into Steve’s goddamn heart forever.
“His mom’s invited me over for dinner tonight,” he continues. “Think he wants, like, a dress-rehearsal of his outfit or something, which is probably the closest he’ll ever come to admitting he’s nervous. I kinda feel for him, honestly. God, do you remember being thirteen? Everything seemed to matter so much, and most of it was just… stupid shit.”
They’ve reached the parking lot, and Eddie gives Steve a sideways look with a bemused smile.
“Woah, Harrington, we’re still in school, remember? Don’t think we’re meant to sound so world-weary yet.”
Steve chuckles. “Yeah.” He gestures at Eddie’s get-up. “Bet you’ve never once cared about the stupid shit, though.”
What people think.
Eddie’s smile turns more knowing. “Shockingly, Harrington,” he says, “I didn’t come out the womb like this.”
They both hesitate; they’re at Steve’s car now, Eddie’s van parked in a space that’s further away. There’s no reason, really, for the conversation to continue any longer.
But Eddie still lingers.
“Uh, enjoy your dinner, I guess. If the… dress-rehearsal goes shit, just tell the kid it’s good luck for the real night.”
Steve laughs. “He’s in the Drama Club, so that might work, actually. Thanks, Munson.” He opens the car door as Eddie nods, starts to head off to his van. Seized by a sudden impulse, Steve calls, “Happy holidays!”
“Yeah, you too.” Eddie turns, tapping at his temple exaggeratedly. “Won’t forget about the books, I promise.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “You better not,” he says, tongue-in-cheek.
He starts the car and heads for Dustin’s house, honks the horn when he drives past Eddie’s van, catches Eddie waving.
Steve thinks he quite likes the idea (regardless of whether it’ll put his library account in jeopardy), of the books finding a permanent home at Eddie’s place. Briefly imagines Eddie writing with an ink-stained hand, curled up safely in a world of his own—where the only monsters are the ones that live in between the pages.
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linopls · 8 months
kinktober day nine
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oral chan x fem!reader summary: you're chan's favorite inspiration warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, oral (fem receiving), blond chan (it needs a warning) 0.8k words
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“hey, can i eat you out?”
you and chan had been sitting silently in his studio. he had his headphones on and was working on a song for their next comeback and you were sat on the couch behind him, working on a project for one of your classes. you’d both been sat in complete silence for the past three hours, both working in a stress-free environment, which was rare.
“what did you say?” you ask again.
“you heard me.” chan takes off his headphones and swivels around in his chair to face you. “i have been stuck for the past fifteen minutes and i need some inspiration.”
you laugh, “does eating me out give you inspiration?”
“maybe,” chan shrugs as he stands up from his chair and picks your laptop up off your lap and places it gently on his desk. “your moans are like music to my ears, and i need to listen to something else than what have been.”
“are you writing another ‘drive’?” you joke and chan laughs. you sit up and move to the edge of the couch where chan meets. he stands between your legs and lifts your chin to look him in the face.
“i might after this,” chan says before pushing his lips against yours. his lips are soft and taste sweet. he quickly starts to kiss down your jawline and to your exposed collarbone.
“i love when you wear my clothes,” he mumbles between kisses. it was raining when you arrived to the studio, which left you freezing and wet. chan, being the kind boyfriend he was, gave you the sweatshirt he was wearing.
 he kneels in front of your and puts his hands on your thighs, softly squeezing them. he softly bites down on your collarbone until he leaves a small bruise on the spot, he pulls away and admires the mark.
“so pretty.” he then looks you in the eyes, his soft brown eyes full of lust. “god, you’re so pretty, can i please eat you out now?” he begs.
the way he begs to pleasure you sends a warm feeling to your core. one of your favorite things about chan was that his love language was acts of service. while normally this meant he would do chores for you, hold doors for you, and make appointments for you. it also meant that he would always pleasure you first, usually several times, before himself. many days he would beg to eat you out, today, when you should be working, was no different.
you giggle. “of course.”
“thank you,” he sighs, quickly hooking his fingers under your waist band. you lift your hips off the couch to assist him and he pulls off your sweatpants in one swift motion.
like a starved animal, he quickly pulls your legs apart and licks one long stripe up your core. “god, you taste so fucking good,” he moans to himself. 
chan starts lapping at your core. he rotates between tracing circles and sucking on your clit and sliding his tongue as deep in your hole as he can. he then decides he needs to be even closer and wraps his muscled arms around your thighs and pulls your body to his face. this knocks you flat on the couch and you moan in response. he continues to work on your clit, flicking his tongue against the sensitive bud.
“chan, fuck, please don’t stop,” you moan, tangling your hands into his blond hair. 
your words of encouragement have him sticking to the pattern of flicking his tongue at your clit and swirling small circles over it. he moans and hums as he sloppily makes out with your cunt.
“chan, please, please, please keep going. i’m gonna cum,” you whine, hips squirming in his strong grip.
without breaking contact with your cunt, chan looks up at you. the look in his innocent eyes sends you over the edge. 
“fuck i’m cumming,” you yell. you tighten your grip in his hair and press your leaking cunt against his face, moaning his name loudly as you finish. chan slows his pace, helping work you through your orgasm.
as you release the grip on his hair, chan sits up fully. you notice how blown out his eyes look, his blond, curly hair a mess atop his head, and your glistening slick coating his face. he makes direct eye contact with you as he licks his lips clean and wipes his mouth with his arm. your eyes roll back and your head falls back onto the couch. 
chan stands up with your pants in his hands, he folds them nicely before putting them on one of the side tables. he places a kiss to your forehead and picks up your body to lay you the proper way on the couch. he then grabs the blanket from the back of the couch and lays it over your body.
“but babe, what about you-?” you start, propping yourself on your elbows.
“let me finish this song,” he says, sitting back down in his chair and putting his headphones on. “i got my inspiration.”
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i need chan to be blond again for my own mental health
@rockstrhanji @hyunjinhoexxx @mixtape-racha @euphoric-univers @haruharu-egypt @shit-why-what @twiggoblin @kookiesbunny @virgohannie @nataliee10 @ihrtlix @aaasia111 @lolli4me @lilcutieana @changbinsrightboob @hanjisunglover @chansducky10 @elissasimp @boi-bi-ahaha @lilquokka04 @anglerfishiey @sirenscall1031 @might-be-a-rat @jihyun2monster @kpflyn @samsmitty @imwithurmother @meilix @summer3sworld @mysweethannie @kittykattime @linoots @yaorzu-blog @sofiaeli 
@alemi-i @cupidsmoons @yoongles2025 @vixensss @chlooooop @lemontried @idkluvutellme @superiorbrownskinn @ana-stasssiaaa @amayaaseees @ilikecatsanddoritos @alnex05 @esairevmp @greysweaters-blog @sanzusfavgf @jutannies @faraonatojishady @hanniemylovelyquokka @chloeskzboomboom @quinnluvsmoney @burningupp-replies @aisha-md @jo-dinner @jeannie-beannie @httpsimmy @hazneezs @cuffier 
@dvbkie099 @il0v3skz @chrishak@quokkaaah @bex90997 @sheeshhhhfelixsworld @leeknowyah @tumadreposts @hyunniebunni @cipher-ipher @alice630 @jinnies-princess @bangtancultsposts @evrythinghqppened @rebellescauses-blog @juicypebbless @fawnpeaks @the-life-of-stella@lakoya @compersian @seung-mine @mal-lunar-28
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lunarluvbot · 4 months
saturday sun
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
pairing : percy jackson x fem!reader
summary : a little surprise percy springs on you turns out to be one of the best afternoons at camp. or maybe that's just because you're with him?
requested : yes / no
willow's whispers : first pjo writing cause everything i see is for luke so if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself !! also im pretty sure this can be read for any godly parent. based on the song saturday sun by vance joy. I WROTE THIS IN ONE SITTING SO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO JUDGE HOW BAD OR SHORT IT IS. I'm building up for my big fics.
warnings : literally nothing this is the most boring fic ever
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Where are we going?" You laughed, blindly following Percy as he helped you over a fallen log.
"Oh, just somewhere you'll love," He said, and winked. "At least I hope you do. Anyways, c'mon!"
The pair of you marched through the woods of the camp, laughing, talking, teasing, and enjoying moments of silence. The sun blinked lazily between branches of giant pine trees as if Apollo was comfortably stretching out on his throne.
"Here, stop here." Percy turned to you and gave you that smile that made you fall in love a little more every time you saw it. If that was even possible. "There's a pathway over here, be careful 'cause there's a lotta rocks over here."
You followed him once again, down a narrow sloping hill and arrived on a shoreline. A small oasis even. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years, moss grew over everything, the grass was bright and stood tall as if no one's footsteps had ever crushed them down yet. Waves gently lapped the rocks and few shells scattered across the ground.
"Wow," You breathed, almost as if your normal volume would disturb this angelic peace. "When did you find this, Perce?"
Percy, who was flattening the weeds to sit on, looked up. "Huh? Oh, two days ago. During capture the flag. Then I came back yesterday to make sure some monster didn't live here and now I'm showing it to you," He finished setting up his bed that would make any Demeter kid cringe. "C'mere," Percy motioned for you to lay next to him.
You smiled and made your way over to him, easing yourself down on his patch of grass. The two of you were on your stomachs, watching the water swirl into memorizing, glittering, patterns. A sweet silence filled the air.
But the water wasn't what Percy was interested in. He just kept his eyes on you, admiring the way your face lit up when you heard your favorite bird call. The way your eyes seemed to shine in the golden god's light. The smooth curve of your lips that twitched when you smiled.
You met his eyes, the sea-green hue a painting of where the sky and the sea meet.
"Do I have something on my face?" You asked, lightly teasing him to pretend you weren't about to do the same staring as he was doing now.
Percy's eyes glinted and the wisps of his hair caught the sunlight perfectly. "No, you're just the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Art's gotta be appreciated right?"
"I guess but shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"Aw hey, quit stealing my line!" He said, poking your stomach. A giggle escaped you, one Percy knew he would fight any number of monsters to hear again.
"It's not your line! Where's your copyright claim?"
Instead of answering right away, Percy wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close. He tucked a fly-away strand of hair out of your face and pressed his lips gently to yours. It felt like the first breath of spring, when the flowers peek from their earthly shield and remind the world that only precious things take time.
"It's right here."
And he kisses you again.
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the-aisei-cousins · 6 months
Promo: Murder and Thread
Here are Yolei's and Yoshino's Characters Files
A black screen appears as the voice of a girl can be heard.
"Hey Yo- Aaa! Why are you covered in blood!?"
"Hey Yoshino! I just got back from a killing Spree~"
The second girl giggles as the camera went on. It showed two teenage girls. One in what seems to be a black maid Uniform covered in blood. She had long dark purple hair in a braid. She had black tinted glasses and freckles on her face and the back of her hands. She smiled for a bit until she noticed the camera.
"What's up with the camera?"
She looks back at the other girl. The other one had long wavy mint hair with one small piece of it braided. She was wearing a cute white dress with a green vine pattern on the bottom of it and a part of her sleeves. Her sleeves were laced up together up to the halfway point and she had a pretty blue corset on with lace up blue short boots. She stocking where white and had the same vine pattern, but it was though out the shocking.
Both girls had the same body type, same fair skin, and the same bright pink eyes. The mint hair girl smiles.
"Oh, I thought we do a blog like Irofuka suggested to meet some more people."
"Well, if Milord suggested it then let's do it!"
The mint hair girl drops a sweat before turning to the camera.
"My name is Yoshino Aisei and this is my cousin, Yolei Aisei"
Yoshino gestured to Yolei.
"Nice to meet you all. I'm the Ultimate Spree Killer."
"Why did you say that part!? What if the police finds out!?"
"They can't do anything. As long as I have my Ultimate Title, they can't arrest me. Heck, I could even kill them and get away with it!"
"...don't mind her, she just got done with her killing spree. She will be like this for a few minutes or an hour. A-anyways, I'm the Ultimate Seamstress. Please ask us questions or just talk to us."
@after-neo-world @ask-emma-magorobi @ask-the-otonokoji-twins @ask-the-warriors-of-hope @xxcottoncandybitchxx @master-detective-archives @y0u-f4il3d-m3 @mikado-sannoji @i-spy-with-my-lethal-eye @fall-of-eden @human-monokuma @sinistersmiles @kamon-of-hope @beautiful-despair @would-you-like-a-scooby-snack @k0k1 @edens-garden-au @scarred-smiles @yui-samidare-reborn @low-activity-side-characters(Akane Taira) @Anyone else
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oracle-of-dream · 3 months
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Minors DNI
Summary: After being invited to hang out with your old friends, you try playing a game with hypnotism. But things didn't go as planned...
Warnings: Male Reader, Hypnosis, Blowjobs, OT7, Slight Dubcon, Making out, Handjob
Word count: 3.1k
The rain hit the window softly as you watched Tiktoks on your phone. There was traffic so the bus was behind schedule, and the rain wasn't helping. The window was cold, your coat was warm, and your head softly bumped against the window as the bus moved through the stop-n-go streets. The video you were watching was about a man pranking his girlfriend by hypnotizing her into doing his chores, and he showed you how to do the same.
"What a load of BS," You mumbled as you let your eyes slowly drift shut.
When you woke up, your phone flashed at 6:45 pm. You promised the boys you'd be at their dorm by 6 pm, but it was almost an hour past that! Luckily the rain seemed to have lightened up, so you dashed off the bus with your hood on toward the dorm. It was a three-minute walk, but you cut it down to 2 as you rushed around the street corners and j-walked.
You knocked on the door, following the secret pattern they'd taught you. The door unlocked and you pushed your way inside the warm apartment, letting the door shut behind you.
"Guys, I'm here!" You shouted out as you took off your shoes.
The sound of footsteps came toward you as you heard them talking to each other.
Shotaro's face was the first one you saw,  but the others were right behind him. He pulled you in for a hug, "Hey man, how's it going?"
You held him tight, "It's good! The rain died down for a second so I got here without getting soaked.
"That's good because it's supposed to be a storm the rest of the night," Wonbin said as he ate some of his chips.
Everyone muttered in agreement about the storm until you'd finished taking off your shoes and hanging up your coat.
"So, ready to hang for the weekend?" You cheered.
The boys all shouted in agreement.
You'd known all of Riize from training with them. They'd managed to get into the debut group, but you didn't. Not hard feelings, they'd always call and share their experiences with you at every step to make sure you didn't miss out on anything. Since they had no schedules for the weekend, they invited you over to catch up and play around with them.
The group gathered in the living room; drinks, snacks, games, and movies were laid out for the group on the table.
"So, what's first?" Eunseok asked.
Everyone looked at you for an answer.
You sighed, "How are all of you so indecisive? Fine, I'll choose!" You sat for a minute, trying to think of something fun for everyone. Wonbin would leave if we put on a scary movie, Sungchan gets a little too competitive at games, and you were running out of stuff to talk about. But then you remembered the Tiktok from the bus.
"Hey, check this out," You pulled out your phone and showed the video to everyone. "Should we try this?"
Everyone shrugged or gave a silent nod.
"You don't believe that stuff works, do you?" Anton asked.
"Well, no... But it'll be fun to try anyway, right?"
You collected a few things around the apartment that you'd need. A cup of water, a clock, and you borrowed Sungchan's weights since you needed something heavy.
"Now we need a volunteer," You put your hand out, waiting for one of the boys to speak.
But no one looked like they wanted to be first. "
If I go first, then will someone go after me?" You begged.
They all agreed that you'd go first. Sungchan gave you the weight to hold in your lap "to ground your spirit", Anton had several watches so he picked one of his at random, and Eunseok got the glass of water.
"Okay, you need to pick a trigger word for my hypnosis to trigger, but I can't know it. So figure something out," You covered your ears as you let them discuss with each other.
Soon, Wonbin tapped your arm, letting you know they picked something.
"Alright, so now I need to close my eyes and focus on the sound of the watch. Anton, hold it to my ear. And someone else does the talking."
You closed your eyes and felt Anton put the watch near your ear. Each tick was soft, so you had to focus on it to hear it. Then you relaxed completely, focusing on the sound in your ear, the ticking echoed in your brain.
"Y/n, you're now falling under our spell. Let go and trust us," Wonbin said as he read from the script from the video. "We're now entering your mind, and you're under our control. When we say sweetness, you'll follow any orders you get. The word is sweetness. At the snap of my fingers, you'll wake up and forget about this."
There was a snap. The sound of the watch faded and you opened your eyes.
"Well, did it work?" You looked around.
Sungchan shrugged, "Let's find out." He knocked the cup of water over, spilling it onto the table. "Sweetness, could you clean that mess up?"
Without a word, you stood and cleaned the table with your shirt. Mostly pushing the water around until it was absorbed completely into your clothes. You sat back down, the members staring at you in shock, and you blinked.
"Well, did it work?" You looked around, confused by everyone's faces. You were also suddenly cold, and wet, "Hey, when the hell–"
Sungchan spoke first, "I don't think it worked. I told you not to move and I threw the water on you, and you just let it hit you. Were you faking?"
You shook your head, "You did? I don't remember that."
The others exchanged looks of surprise at their sudden revelation. You were hypnotized and didn't know it.
Seunghan leaned on the table, "Maybe we should try again?"
"On the next person, I already went," You whined.
"Sweetness, please, go get another glass of water?" Seunghan asked, holding the cup out to you.
Again, without a word, you took the cup and filled it with cold water before giving it back to him and sitting down in your spot.
"So... Which one of you is going next?" You asked, oblivious to Seunghan's devilish smile.
Seunghan yawned, "Actually, this is boring. Let's do something else, right everyone?" He looked at the group, hinting at what he wanted and they all nodded in agreement.
The group decided to move on from your hypnosis and play card games instead. Uno first.
You slapped a card down, "Uno! I'm gonna win~"
Sungchan's ears were red as he still had almost twenty cards, "Sweetness, switch with me."
You handed him your one card in exchange for his twenty. Everyone watched in awe as you did it without arguing or fussing.
When you came back, you realized your hand was heavier than a moment ago. "How the fuck!?"
Anton picked up two cards and handed them to you, "You called 'Uno' when you have too many cards, you have to pick up two more!"
"But I... I had only one card–" You scratched your head trying to remember getting to twenty.
Sungchan won the game in the next round, but everyone seemed happy he won.
Next was the scary movie, The Conjuring.
Wonbin barely made it through the first 20 minutes without crying. You were sitting next to him, trying to enjoy the movie but he kept kicking you when he was scared.
"Bin, stop! I can't enjoy the movie," You nagged.
"Sweetness? Can you hold my hand?" Wonbin asked.
You held his hand unconsciously and kept watching, only to realize you were holding it when he almost crushed it to pieces.
Seunghan looked over to you, "Sweetness, Wonbin looks scared, you should hold him!"
You crawled over to Wonbin and wrapped your arms around his waist. His face went pink as he looked you in the eyes, which were empty as if you were asleep. You shifted to where he was slotted in between your legs as he lay on the arm of the couch, being pulled into you.
"When the fuck did you get so close?" You whispered at Wonbin.
He was too embarrassed to answer, only shrugging as he tried to look at the screen.
You were already comfortable so you didn't bother pushing him off you, letting Bin get comfortable in your embrace.
Now it was Truth or Dare.
"That's lame, you guys always dare crazy stuff!" You complained.
"But you always pick the truth anyway," Sohee added.
You wanted to complain but he was right...
Shotaro whispered in your ear, "Sweetness, you should be risky. Only pick, dare, for the entire game."
You blinked as Shotaro went back to his seat, snickering to himself.
The group made Anton drink a hot sauce shot, Sungchan and Shotaro went to the bathroom together, and Wonbin dodged three challenges so he was three shots deep. Now it was your turn.
Anton asked, "Y/n, Truth or Dare?"
You opened your mouth, "Dare." You waited for your friends to boo you for picking the truth again, but then you realized what you'd said. "No, wait–"
"Too late! You said dare!" Shotaro cheered.
"I dare you, to kiss your favorite member," Anton blushed as he gave you his dare.
"No way! I'm not kissing any of you," You reached for the Soju bottle, but Eunseok stopped your hand.
"Sweetness, kiss a member, anyone," He muttered.
You leaned over to Sohee and kissed him on the lips, earning cheers from everyone as you realized what you'd done.
You recoiled and rubbed your lips, "I didn't mean to kiss you– Hee, I'm so sorry!"
Sohee's face was already red, "No no, it's okay! I'm glad to know I'm your favorite."
Wonbin started pouting, his face with a drunken glow. "I want a kiss too, y/n," He leaned toward you.
"Y-You've had too much to drink!" You pushed him back to his spot.
"Sweetness, kiss me, now!" Wonbin whined.
You crawled to him and kissed him.
"Sweetness, keep going! Kiss him more!" Someone else cheered.
You and Wonbin were making out in front of everyone. He tasted like yogurt soju and strawberry lip balm, and his hair tickled your face.
"Sweetness, me too!" Eunseok chirped.
Immediately dropping Wonbin, you climbed onto the couch. You straddled Eunseok and kissed him passionately, more than you had with Wonbin. Eunseok's eyes squeezed shut as he held your waist.
"Uh, guys, I don't know. This is getting a little much," Sungchan shifted in his seat. "Maybe we should stop."
"Or you're being no fun! Maybe you want some too!" Seunghan pulled you away from Eunseok, "Sweetness, Sungchan needs kisses too. And make sure to make it good for him."
"Hey-" Sungchan tried to protest but you were already on him before he could. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, moving your hips as you pressed yourself into him. Sungchan's muscular arms landed on your waist, pulling you closer to him as he crushed you. You let out a soft moan from the pain but persisted in kissing him.
Sungchan was enjoying the moment, until he felt your hand worm its way down to his belt to remove it, "Wait, wait– Sweetness stop!"
You snapped out of it, in Sungchan's arms with warm lips.
"What the fuck just happened?" You asked, eyes wide.
The members looked around with panicked expressions.
"Well, you see... I– Um," Sungchan tried to explain while still holding you.
Wonbin, still very drunk, says, "Sweetness, have you ever sucked a cock? You have the lips for it."
"Never," You answered.
"We should fix that, and everyone else here wants to play with you..." He mumbled as he passed out on the table.
"Fix what? Play with me? Someone better spill," Your expression started to form anger.
"Sweetness, forget what he just said! He was joking!" Sohee said, panicked.
You blinked, and held your head, "I think I had too much to drink guys... My head is killing me, and my lips burn. Maybe I should call it a night."
The group agreed. Seunghan helped Wonbin to his room with Sohee and Anton. You slept on the couch while everyone else went to Sungchan's and Shoato's room.
"Okay, we need to set rules here," Sungchan warned. "We can't tell y/n about tonight! Then we'll all be killed."
"I didn't even do anything," Sohee raised his hand.
"You made him forget!"
"I panicked!"
"Which means you're just as bad as us," Seunghan reminded.
"So, no telling him. What else?" Sungchan asked.
Anton spoke, "Maybe, don't let other people say it around them. Like if it happens, give a quick and simple command?"
Everyone nodded.
"Until we figure out how to undo that, we'll have to keep our eye on them. And also, no using them like a maid! Just because he can do our chores doesn't mean he should," Sunchan commanded.
"Wait, does it count if he says it, or reads it?" Eunseok asked.
Everyone paused at the thought. No one had thought about that.
"Someone text him, he'll look at his phone," Seunghan ordered.
Anton whipped his phone out.
A: Sweetness, can I have a picture of you?
YN: No, wtf? What's with Sweetness?
A: Nevermind, forget it
"He's okay if he reads it."
"Noted. Tomorrow morning, we figure out how to fix him," Sungchan clapped to dismiss everyone.
Everyone went back to their rooms– Wonbin was dead asleep in bed.
You woke up to the sound of someone in the kitchen. You sat up to see Wonbin getting a glass of water.
"Binnie? What time is it?"
Wonbin looked at his phone, "It's not even 5 am yet, go back to sleep."
"Wait, can I talk to you?"
"Sure, what about?"
"What exactly happened last night? There are gaps I can't remember, super brief ones, but I really can't put it together."
"You want the truth?"
You nodded.
Wonbin sighed, "We did hypnotize you. They used your trigger word so you'd do as they told you. But things got out of hand... You started making out with us."
"That wasn't me–"
"I know, it's all our fault, and you have every right to be mad," Wonbin lowered his head.
"So y'all told me to make out with y'all?"
He nodded solemnly, "I'm sorry for taking advantage. It was wrong. And I know all the members feel the same."
"Well, at least it's over, now that I know it means the hypnosis is over."
Wonbin's head shot up, "Really?"
You nodded, "Once a person knows they're being hypnotized, it usually breaks it– But don't tell the others yet. I want to see what they'll do."
Wonbin nodded, "It's only fair you get us back. Should I test it?"
You nodded.
"Sweetness, I've been bad, slap me."
You slapped Wonbin's cheek.
Wonbin rubbed his face in shock, "You're still hypnotized!"
You laughed, "No, I'm not. You deserved that." You sent him to bed with his painful reminder not to mess with you as you plot your revenge for the next day. It wasn't long before someone else came into the living room.
"Y/n, are you awake?" It was Sungchan.
You rolled over, pretending to sleep.
"Please forgive me later... Sweetness, can I have a kiss?" He muttered.
You sat up and held your hands out to him, waiting for him to get closer. When he did, you pulled him in for a kiss.
"Whoa, it's even better than before– It's like you really... mean it." Sungchan sat on the couch with you, "Sweetness, take off your shirt."
You stripped off your shirt. Normally you'd cover yourself shyly, but you had to keep up the charade longer.
Sungchan touched your torso, admiring it before he stripped off his shirt. "Sweetness, I... I love you. And, I want you to say it too."
You swallowed, and your throat ran dry at hearing him confess to you. Originally you were going to stop before things got too far, but you didn't have the heart to break character. "I-I love you, Sungchan."
"Call me, Sungchannie."
You watched as his hand slipped down his pants as he rubbed his cock, "Say you love me again, say 'I love you, Sungchannie', do it now, Sweetness."
"I love you, Sungchannie..." Your breath hitched as you repeated the sentence.
You held your breath, listening for his next command. You weren't hypnotized anymore, but you wanted to listen to him.
"C-Can you suck me off?" He stuttered.
"Y-Yeah," You replied, with big eyes.
Sungchan almost jumped when you answered, "Y/n! You're not– You're awake! I, uh–"
You covered his mouth, "Don't tell anyone. This will just be you and me..." You slipped your hand down his pants and took over stroking his cock.
"I don't know."
"Were you pretending the whole time?"
"No, just this time I was."
Sungchan nodded his head, understanding it wasn't time for more questions as he watched you lower your head.
"Can I... make you act like you're hypnotized?" He asked
You smiled devilishly, "Say the magic word then."
"Sweetness, suck it. Now," His voice got deeper as he shoved you down, forcing his cock down your throat.
You started sucking on his tip as you looked up with big cute eyes. He can't help but push up into you, fucking your mouth. Your eyes watered and you gagged at every thrust. Anyone could walk into the living room, hearing the noise, but Sungchan didn't care. His voice started to slip out of his mouth in soft moans.
He lets go of you to let you catch your breath. Spit dripped down your chin as you breathed heavily. He had to cover his mouth but wanted to fuck your throat again too, you put his dick back in your mouth. Looking up again and keeping eye contact. Sungchan's free hand stroked your head, praising you silently.
Your eyes watered, your chin covered with spit as you gagged like crazy. You chase your orgasm as you moan and rub your cock in your pants. After only a few seconds, you let out a stronger moan as you finish in your pants. Sungchan was quick to follow.
"Sweetness, swallow it!" He commanded.
You dutifully swallowed every drop, not letting any go to waste. You released him with a loud pop, and Sungchan's head was spinning.
"Holy shit... You're way too good at that," He complimented. "Now, go back to sleep, Sweetness. We can talk in the morning."
You laid down like you were going to fall asleep and Sungchan left the room, not realizing someone had been watching him...
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atrwriting · 10 months
selfish - frank castle x reader
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hey y'all back in action with another porn no plot one shot
all i'm saying is,,, they knew who their target audience was with this (or are we just all mentally ill?)
summary: frank shows you what it means to be a real, selfish man.
informal warnings: frank is the selfish man in this, but I was the selfish woman writing this. couldn't get this out of my head as I started season two of the punisher, and frankly (haha get it -- sorry) after this scene you wouldn't be able to either
as always, the actual warnings: vulnerable frank, #sadboihrs for both the reader and frank, smut, porn no plot, choking, dirty talk, and ROUGH frank
anyway... selfish:
“what’s your type?”
the million dollar question. the one that you had been troubling yourself over for years.
“my type?” you repeated, eyeing the man who asked you. “or my pattern?”
he tilted his head in curiosity. “both.”
you chuckled. “my pattern… well, they’re usually useless. man babies.”
it was his turn to chuckle. “you like taking care of them, yeah?”
you shrugged. “i love taking care of people, but not men that de-age into babies as time goes on. did you know a guy i dated asked me how to boil water once?”
“you’re joking,” he took a swig of his beer, eyeing you. “no way that’s true. made that up.”
“i wish,” you laughed, rubbing a hand over your face. “i’m also not making it up that i stayed with him two years after that.”
“sounds like your fault.”
you nodded. “the pattern made me realize what my real type is.”
“it’s corny.”
“say it.”
a smirk attempted to appear on your lips, but you pushed it back down. “i don’t like selfless men.”
he let out a laugh in disbelief at that. “you and every other chick.”
you chuckled too. “i heard this an analogy once… if you’re falling over a cliff, would you want your person to save you? or someone else about to fall on another side of the cliff?”
he stopped talking then, listening intently.
you kept going. “obviously, i’d want the other person saved… but in my head, when i’m all alone and there’s no one that has to be saved… sometimes it’s nice to think that someone would be so selfish that they would save me over doing what’s right.”
“you could live with that though?” he asked, narrowing his eyes, a bit of judgement lacing his words.
you shrugged. “never been the person that was saved, so i’m really not sure. it’s not that i want to be saved or anything — that’s super fucking corny. but man, a fucking masculine man, putting you over other things? deciding that in that moment, you’re what matters to him? i spend all my days being selfless, putting myself in danger so other people are saved… and i’m tired.” you took a swig of your drink. “i’m really fucking tired.”
“why don’t you save yourself, then?”
“for the same reason you’re here,” you sighed. “when have we ever been selfish, frank?”
he laughed at that, but almost scoffed. “i don’t do anything i do for anyone but me.”
you swallowed then, clenching your jaw. “so many people have wronged you… but you’ve only done what you’ve done because of how people have wronged those you loved. hate to break it to you… but you’re as selfless as anyone could be.”
he folded his lips underneath his teeth and stared aimlessly off into the distance. there were bags under his dark eyes, and no amount of sleep or beer would ever take them away. the man would never know peace, and your heart broke at that. however, it was nice to know someone was going down the rabbit hole with you.
“i don’t think i’m selfless,” he finally spoke after a bit.
you raised an eyebrow at him, calling his bluff.
“i did the things i did because my family was what was most important to me,” he admitted. “that’s selfish.”
you swished his words around in your mouth a little, and decided he was right. the spin on your words made you nod, agreeing with him. “i see your point.”
“so, what?” he asked. “you want a man that would choose you over innocent people?”
you huffed, standing. “i know you know that i never said that. i’m saying that in the back of my mind, it would be nice, just once, for a selfish man to decide that i’m all he wanted. it would be nice to know that i don’t always have to carry the weight on only my shoulders.”
he didn’t say anything then, staying planted on his seat on the floor. he twisted the bottle in his hands and listened to you.
“if i’m being honest with myself…” you began, swallowing your heavy statement. “i would prefer if they saved the innocents, but only so i could die, as i probably would falling in that situation, with a clear conscience. all i’m saying is… it’s a heavy fucking burden always doing things so i don’t feel guilty.”
you walked away then, not muttering a goodbye. frank didn’t say anything either. you heard him raise the bottle to his lips once more before you shut your bedroom door behind you.
it would be an hour or so before you heard a gentle knock on your door. there was no yelling or screaming outside, so you were grateful to hear there was no imminent danger present. in your tiny pajamas, you answered the door to find none other than frank. he was leaning against a wall in the hallway that led to your door, only a couple feet from you.
he didn’t say anything when you came face to face with him. he just stared at you, placing all of his focus on your confused face. it would be a few moments of silence before he finally stepped closer to you, and placed a calloused hand on your face.
you froze. frank castle never touched you, especially in that way.
“wanna know my type?”
you stared at him and swallowed thickly. your lips parted to whisper, “sure.”
“an escape,” he whispered back. “i know what you meant by always having the dark cloud of duty hanging above your head, ready to kill any moment of peace you happen to get your damned hands on. i’ve done everything i’ve ever done for the people i loved, and i know the only way for me to experience any fuckin’ joy is with another person.”
his dark eyes held your gaze, and you soon grew lost in them and his words. you swiped your tongue across your lips and stepped closer. you could feel frank’s breath on your chin, but you couldn’t breathe. his scent, his stare, and his fucking words were more intoxicating than any alcohol you had before.
“you want an escape, frank?” you softly asked, eyes darting to his lips.
“i do,” he stated, before he lowered his head and kissed you.
his free hand immediately came up to the other side od your face and pressed against your cheek. there, he held you in the palms of his hands as you rested your hands on his thick, muscled chest. his lips were dry and cracked, but you didn’t care. the fire that brewed from his affection was enough to fill any of the cold, dark, and lonely places inside of you and you greedily drank from anything he offered.
“you want someone to want you, darlin’?” he asked in between kisses.
you hummed in agreement, not wanting to break apart your kiss for anything — even words.
“can’t get you out of my head, sweetheart,” he spoke, dipping his tongue into your mouth. “need to feel those long legs around me.”
you whimpered at his words, letting his tongue dance with yours. you could taste the heineken on his tongue and savored every bit. “please, frank… i need to feel you so badly.”
“i’ve got you, darlin’.” he picked you up by the backs of your thighs and you wrapped your legs around him. the pads of frank’s finger tips dug into your flesh and a warmth spread throughout you. “those fuckin’ legs.”
you would’ve giggled, but you were too consumed with the very touch of frank to even care. you pulled at his shirt and threw it over his head, sad to break the kiss for even a second. you immediately went to his neck and began to nip at the thick skin, causing a growl to rumble in the deepest parts of his rib cage.
“y’drive me fuckin’ crazy,” he grunted. “sweetest fuckin’ kisses.”
“oh, frank…” you moaned against his neck before he threw you onto the bed. you turned over onto your back to face him. he locked eyes with you as he stood over you, muscles naturally flexed as he undid his belt. your mouth watered at the sight of the fucking man before you, taking off his belt for only you. the way his shoulders, pectorals, and arms worked in the dim light of your room… that man would be the death of you. you hissed, “you’re such a tease.”
he smirked at that, throwing the belt somewhere in the distance. “think you’ve just never been with a real man before,” he replied, before engulfing you into another kiss.
frank’s hand dipped into your shorts and immediately went for your slit. your body fucking sang at finally being touched the way you needed to be as you arched your back into frank, his chest pressed against yours. when frank began to run rough circles around your clit, nothing could hold back your moans or him swallowing them whole.
“only took off my belt, and this is how wet you get?” he asked, biting down on your neck. his long, thick middle finger dipped inside of you as his thumb worked at your clit. he tapped against your upper wall and you keened into his touch, whimpering his name. “now i know it’s the men before me. barely doing a fuckin’ thing and i’ve got you like this.”
you nodded pathetically, just wanting him to continue. “it feels so good,” you gasped, bucking your hips into his hand. “please, please — don’t stop, frank.”
he leaned over and pressed his chest against yours before his lips found your neck once more. his kisses were wet and sloppy, and there was nothing better than feeling the weight of a strong man above you working at your needy pussy. his rough movements against your sensitive skin were sending you into a frenzy as if nothing mattered in the world besides frank — your world started and ended there. your body felt hot — steaming from everything this man was doing for you with barely any effort. your whimpers and gasps fueled frank’s movements as if he couldn’t get enough of them.
“such a good girl f’me,” he said before he bit down on your neck and kissed the spot. “y’get so worked up, i want to see what it’s like when you fall apart.”
“i’m so close, frank…” your voice was hoarse and full of lust, and you were about to break any moment.
“that’s it, baby, yeah,” he spoke, slipping a second finger inside of you. “cum all over these fingers baby. let me taste you after.”
“fuck, fuck, fuck —!”
your world came crashing down onto you. your strength was no match for frank’s, but with the way your back arched and body curled into him, your chests both rose off the bed. he wrapped a strong arm underneath the curve of your back as you fucking sobbed his name, holding you to him and supporting your weight.
“that’s it, darlin’,” he grunted against your ear. “yeah — that’s it. keep cumming for me, fuck…”
your hands grabbed at his thick biceps and you grew lost in his movements against the most sensitive parts of you that never ceased. your hips were rolling in circles with his fingers and your vision went hazy.
“so beautiful like this f’me,” he groaned. “might be mean and not let you stop.”
“fuck, frank,” you cried, whimpering for him. your body fell limp against his arm, and he lowered your bodies back down to the bed. during your comedown, frank kissed at your neck as his free hand ran up and down your body. his other hand continued to rub against your pussy and it was driving you fucking crazy. “let me ride you — please.”
your voice was full of desperation, and frank smirked down at you. he slipped his fingers out of you and rolled off of you onto the bed. you tugged his pants down to his thighs, not wanting to waste any time. you were so greedy, but he didn’t care. he smirked as he watched you pull down your tiny shorts. you straddled him, pressing his chest to yours, as you sank down onto his thick cock.
“my fucking god —“ you gasped, your pussy stretching around him.
frank immediately grabbed your throat and you sucked in a sharp breath at the sight. he placed the tips of his fingers in his mouth, and tasted your juices that remained on his skin. there you were, impaled on his cock, hovering over him as you watched the most sensual thing you had ever seen him do. his dark eyes were locked on yours, but your lips parted as you watched him taste you. only a smirk remained on his lips.
“sweetest fuckin’ pussy i’ve ever tasted,” he spoke. “now show me how she rides me.”
he roughly pushed you upwards so you stood up straight. the angle made a whimper leave your lips, as he was now fully inside of you and the deepest anyone has ever been. you planted a limp hand on his stomach, and began to roll your hips against his.
his calloused hands found your hips as he threw his head back against the bed. the tendons in his neck were on full display as he stretched his head back as far as he could. the pleasure he felt was spreading all throughout his body, and he couldn’t help but go taut at the feeling. you watched his mouth fall agape and his eyes close as a moan pushed passed his lips.
the pads of his fingers dug into your hips and pushed you forward and back. even his fingers were strong and had control over you, and you couldn’t help but willingly give everything over to him. your whines filled the room, getting lost in your own pleasure with him. there was nothing like the sight of being thrown into vulnerable pleasure with the man under you, succumbing to your touch.
“fuckin’ god —“ he moaned, raising his head back up to keep his eyes locked on where your bodies connected. “never felt so fuckin’ good.”
his hoarse voice caused you to move faster as you ground your hips against his. his hands were rough and desperate as they pulled you up, down, back and forth — until you didn’t know which way was anything. all you knew were the directions of frank’s hands, and you followed in suit as he dragged you down another road of ecstasy.
“greedy fuckin’ pussy,” he groaned. “never enough for her, huh? needs more, even after what i did?”
“yes, yes,” you whimpered pathetically. “your cock feels so good, frank. so fucking good.”
“yeah, darlin’, that’s it,” he grunted, brown scrunching together. “such a good fuckin’ girl f’me.”
“fuck, frank — don’t say that,” you cried loudly, biting your lip. “feels too good when you say that — i can’t cum yet.”
he immediately reached for your neck and pulled you down to him. you gasped at his rough touch, but your hips never stopped. he bent his knees so your ass could bounce off of them, giving you more leverage. his cock curled deeper into you, hitting your cervix.
“oh my — god —“ you sobbed so close to his lips.
“nah, baby, that’s not how this works — you’re gonna take everything fuckin’ i give you,” he grunted. “i know y’want to be a good girl f’me, yeah?”
“yeah, yeah, yes —“ you were incoherent at this point, ready to tell frank anything he wanted to hear as he bucked his hips into yours. “frank, i’m so close — how —“
“love a needy pussy like this,” he spoke, pulling you closer by the throat for a kiss. “you gonna be good to me? you gonna cum around my cock?”
“fuck, yes —“ you sobbed. “i want you to cum with me, baby, fill me up.”
that set him off. he rolled both of you over before you even knew what was happening. he had you pressed against the bed, hand still around your throat. you grabbed at his arm, loving having the feeling of his strong muscles hold you down. you wrapped your legs around his back as he threw his hips into you. over, and over, he drove himself inside you.
“dirty fuckin’ girl,” he growled, biting down on the skin of where your neck and shoulder met.
that was it. that was how you crumbled a second time for frank that evening.
you fucking wailed his name.
you grabbed at every part of him you could, struggling to hold on for dear life. your body shook with convulsions as your pussy tightened around him, locking his cock in place. nothing could stop his strong hips as they continued to rut into you — riding out your second orgasm of that evening.
you fell back against the bed, fucked out and gasping for air pathetically. frank pressed several kisses to your neck before he stood up on his knees, leaving your weak body below him. you pushed yourself to your elbows with whatever strength you could muster. frank grabbed you by the hips and you watched him slam his hips into yours.
you watched his forehead scrunch as his mouth fell agape. his chin was almost tucked to his neck as his eyes never left where his cock fucked into you.
“use me just like that, baby,” you cried. “i want your cum inside me.”
his strong, trim body went taut as his orgasm hit him, and you watched hungrily as the man before you fell vulnerable to the only pleasure he could allow himself these days. you watched as his conscious mind slipped further and further into the sensation until every ounce of stress and exhaustion left his face. you couldn’t help but bite your lip in pride and satisfaction — knowing that you will never see a more beautiful sight like frank castle using your body to get off.
you fucking loved selfish men.
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