#hey hey ho
quelquunberlin · 3 months
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Manche Gesichtsausdrücke etabliert man schon früh in seiner Schauspielkarriere.
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beesarekindaswag · 8 months
Jazz says fuck the Joker
“To conclude, your honour, the defendant shows clear understanding of their crimes and the consequences of them as well as, no remorse coupled with a severe lack of empathy. Overall, I would conclude that the complex nature of the crimes committed along with behaviors displays suggest that the defendant is not psychotic and thus, capable of standing trial and facing the verdict.”
The red head delivered her analysis with devastating confidence, the glint in her eyes unwavering - a woman who knows she’s right and by god, you will know it too.
When was the last time anyone actually attempted to legally charge the Joker with his crimes? Honestly, most had forgotten it was even a possibility. The grandiose schemes and fights with the bats had elevated him beyond a mere criminal, more than a man and yet, that’s all he was - a man. A man who had been forcibly dragged back to reality by a determined Jasmine Fenton - budding psychologist and one of the newest idols for young Gothamites (the other being her brother who had been videod absolutely bodying the Joker on the street just a week prior - Joker was still nursing his wounds)
The deliberation of the court was unsurprisingly short - Miss Fenton had been clear with the facts and people were more than happy to utilize and opportunity to FINALLY punish the Joker. Joker’s lawyers couldn’t do much to stop the inevitable after all that the clown had done.
“The defendant is hereby found… guilty of all accused crimes & as such, sentenced to execution by the state.”
Gotham was free.
Based off of the idea that the Joker is only escaping proper legal punishment by being declared not guilty by reason of insanity. Jazz would not stand for that.
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porterdavis · 2 months
Long overdue
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saffronscales · 7 months
living in the era of a 2000s furry artist
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bananafire11 · 18 days
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Silly doodle of them
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junebugdunes · 10 months
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what was he expecting, honestly
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hsm2 · 9 months
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Merlin/Arthur in Season 3 Episode 2
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mumbledramblings · 6 months
i had a vision from god the other night
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anyway i love how some of wolfwood's first character-establishing scenes in both animes is him trying to scam people
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howlerbat · 1 year
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blamemma · 6 months
Daniel Ricciardo and Lando Norris in Perth together (8.1.24)
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thebibliosphere · 9 hours
Hi hello i just finished Hunger Pangs and i am so mad I don’t have any more to read now?? Pls let me know how the second book is looking i am very much in Need and in Must Have for this book pls i beg.
I loved the 3 main doofuses and i loved the little book puns and easter eggs (Lydia and Kitty Collins is it i see you i see what you’re doing), i loved the little pepperings of politics and doom that made it into what was mainly a romance book until they just went WHAM PLOT NOW
Also there were several things that made my chekhov gun spidey sense tingle and i NEED TO KNOW WHICH ONES REALLY ARE CHEKHOV GUNS PLEAAASEEEEE
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She's in the slow cooker still, but we're getting there.
And thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and want more. As for the Chekov guns, it's probably all of them lmao. I am not subtle 😅. (Except for puns, and even then not really.)
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great-pan-is-dead · 13 days
"Rogue is Jack Harkness" this, "Rogue is River Song" that, "Rogue is The Master" do you know how foolish you all sound? Rogue is scraping by on a 10 in charisma. He's fumbling his performance checks but gets away with it by not saying anything. Rogue truly is the guy at the dnd table who cannot roleplay dialogue to save himself but is given a special little NPC just for him to crush on because he's dating the DM. Do you even know what you're saying
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porterdavis · 1 month
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qwertycake · 2 months
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happy birthday to mr. drift king pioner himself
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geoseamstress · 3 months
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    ✿ 001. being CHIORI'S (sensible) childhood friend.
As a child, Chiori was notorious on the streets of Inazuma for being incredibly rambunctious. A troublemaker child; the lone daughter of merchants who had nought the time to be too strict with her, considering that fact responsible for how she grew to be far more blunt than most, and dislike the sheer concept of authority.
People were often questioning how, and why, a child as sweet and polite as yourself would become friends with a child as bad news as Chiori. But, the truth was, she was misunderstood - and you had grasped that hidden reflection in her character the first instance you met her. At heart, she wasn't a bad child. She was just... extremely blunt.
Okay, maybe she did do a few 'bad' things. Like the time she grasped your wrist and pulled you into a nearby bush, whilst telling you with absolute certainty that the plan for the day was to sneak into the Kamisato Estate and move objects around. Or that one time she requested for you to attend one of her lessons with her, to which her father agreed, hoping that your presence would benefit in a way which would be desirable, only to watch as she gave her teacher the runaround of the century.
But, despite that side of her who would constantly bounce off the walls and cause trouble, she had a side to her that was harmless. Coming from a family who could not always provide what it is that you needed, Chiori would go out of her way to help. Whether that would be pestering her mother and father for them to help, or sharing her own spoilings with you. Inviting you and your family to meals, without telling her parents until she's already done so. Persisting you keep the books that her teachers would provide her with and forget to take back when they flee, encouraging you to study them if that is what you wish to do.
Approaching you with a mysterious smile whenever you meet up, and you brushing off the oddities which was her measuring the size of your wrist with her fingers, and comparing the length of her arms to yours.
One day presenting you by surprise with a garment that she claims that she had made herself with the help of an experienced tailor. You, touched, treasuring the article of clothing with absolute tenderness. Yet as the gifts became more and more frequent, it came to the point your entire wardrobe went under the "made and gifted by Chiori" title.
Her teachers would probably pass out if they ever saw the scene of you and Chiori, both sat on opposite sides of a table, whilst you taught her some of what you had learnt from the books she gifted you. The brunette, astoundingly sitting there in silence and listening to every word that comes out of your mouth as you teach. Whilst she would eventually get a little bit restless, you know her well enough to understand how to recognise the signs, and stop. She would genuinely learn something from you, unlike her previous teachers.
By the time you move to Fontaine with her, you are practically her personal model. She knows your every measurement to the very millimetre; your favourite kind of fabric; your every preference when it comes to dress; absolutely everything. If Chiori were to make something for you, it would guarantee to become your next favourite article of clothing, as she made it with the intention of becoming "the best".
Years ago, when she first started out, she made the promise that she would make clothes for you extremely often for as long as she was making clothes. Now, she isn't the kind of person to go back on a promise - even now that she's a big-shot.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
Ramones - Pet Sematary
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