#hey op id like to have a word with you
an out there request ~ matthew lillard & skeet ulrich
word count: 4740
request?: yes!
“hi hi hiiiiii, i wanted to start this off with saying am in love with you. like your writing? perfection. the fact you do this for all of us? so gorgeous. this one is weird? kinda, maybe. skeet ulrich x matthew lillard x reader, current time. you go to that convention where you talk and meet them, and you got the thing where you can go back and get a picture with them. you ask them (as respectfully as possible lol) if the pose you guys can do is eiffel tower (your head in one of their crotches and your ass in the others crotch). they’re like shocked and stuff (idk why but i see the reader pulling out their id and being like trust me, i’m of age). banter and them agreeing to it, then when you leave you notice something in your pocket, like a note or something saying one of their room number and smut ensues. thank you”
description: after she makes a lucrative pose suggestion for a picture, she doesn’t expect for that pose to become a reality
pairing: matthew lillard x female!reader x skeet ulrich
warnings: rpf, swearing, smut (threesome, fingering, oral f & m receiving, praise, p in v (protected), multiple orgasms)
masterlist (one, two, three)
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I grinded my teeth as the person ahead of me went in for their photo ops. I should’ve been excited. I was meeting two of my heroes. I had spent so much money on the passes, on the hotel and travel. I had waited ages for this day. I should’ve been beyond excited for this moment.
Except I had to ruin it with a stupid bet with my friends that would decide what pose I did for the picture.
A bet which I then lost.
I looked over to where they were waiting for me. They were snickering to themselves. I wanted to glare at them, but my nerves and mortification were the only emotions I could muster.
They waved at me, still giggling to themselves, as I walked in.
My other emotions were immediately replaced with shock when I saw Skeet and Matthew. It was almost like I was only just realizing they were real people. They were laughing when I walked in, and it really did sound like the most beautiful sound. When they saw me, they smiled and I could’ve melted into a puddle right there.
“Hey!” Matthew said first, opening his arms to hug me. I happily walked into his welcoming embrace and immediately thought, He’s just as good of a hugger as the videos make him seem.
Skeet greeted me with a hug as well. I hoped they couldn’t feel how much I was shaking, but I realized they had probably seen that multiple times already.
“Nice to meet you,” Matthew said after I pulled away from Skeet’s hug.
“I feel like I’m dreaming,” I admitted. “You guys have probably been hearing that all day.”
“Doesn’t make it any less meaningful to hear,” Skeet said.
 “Let’s pose, guys, we have a line up,” the photographer said. He sounded bored, like he was tired of having this same scene play out over and over all day.
The mention of the photo made my body tense as I remembered what pose I was meant to do. I felt my mouth dry up as I was meant to explain to my two idols what I wanted to do for our pose. They were probably going to kick me out without taking the photo. I’d probably be banned from all celebrity meet and greets for life (even though that made no sense).
They were both looking at me. I had to swallow my fear quickly and just get through this.
“Okay, so...here’s the thing.” I took a deep breath and said, “Ineedtodotheeiffeltowerpose.”
Both smiles turned to confusion.
Just say it, get it over with.
“I made a stupid bet with my friends, and I lost, so they made the decision on what pose for me to do here.” I had to force the words out, “Eiffel Tower.”
Matthew and Skeet looked at each other. My heart had started to pound so hard that my vision was blurring. I quickly fumbled for my wallet and pulled out my ID. “I’m over 18, I swear. It’s just from a bet. I tried to say no, but my friends wouldn’t let me off the hook. They said they need to see the proof too...”
I trailed off as I realized I was rambling. My face was on fire with embarrassment. I just wanted to disappear, or cease to exist. I’d never forgive my friends for ruining something so important for me. My first time meeting two people who were so important to me, and they were going to think I was a sex pest or something.
I blinked. “What?”
Skeet shrugged. “A bet is a bet. I’m fine with it. How about you, Matt?”
Matthew nodded. “Let’s do it. It’ll be the most creative pose I think we’ve ever done.”
I couldn’t believe they agreed. I thought it was some kind of joke. It wasn’t until they moved to either side of me, and Skeet asked, “Which of us is where?” that I realized they were seriously doing this; I was seriously doing this.
I turned to face Matthew, with Skeet behind me. Matthew held my arms as I leaned forward, not enough for my head to fully be in his crotch but enough for the sake of the pose. Skeet put his hands on my hips, keeping a respectable distance from me as well.
“Smile,” the camera guy said.
I smiled through the burning feeling of embarrassment in my face. At the same time, I couldn’t lie and say this wasn’t a turn on. I had definitely read Stu and Billy fanfiction that included this pose, so my mind was wandering to dangerous places.
The camera flashed a few times, and then it was over. I pulled away from them very quickly, trying not to be as awkward as I felt. Matthew and Skeet hugged me again, and I thanked them for going on with my crazy request.
My friends were waiting with smirks on their faces as I walked through the exit.
“How’d it go?” one asked. “Did you do it?”
“I did,” I responded, trying to sound more confident than I felt. “I think I have to wait for the physical copies, but I can prove I did it.”
We went to the part of the photo op where the pictures are done off. My friends asked me about the experience and I relayed the entire moment to them. I thought they’d be skeptical of what I was saying, but they hung on every word I said and were just as excited as I had been during the interaction. One of them made a joke that I must’ve made Skeet hard by “shoving my ass in his crotch”, but I told her that was inappropriate and there was no way it had happened.
The photo person called my name and passed me an envelope. I pulled out the print of my photos and my friends flocked to see it. They gasped and giggled as if we were teenagers still. I couldn’t help but blush at the picture, though. I originally thought this was going to ruin my one chance at meeting my idols, but in the end it seemed like it was going to be a funny story. I may actually even frame the photo for the memory.
My friends started walking towards a booth they had wanted to visit. I trailed behind them, putting the photos back into the envelope. That’s when I felt something on the back. When I flipped the picture over, I found a Post-It note. The note read, “If you feel comfortable, meet us in our hotel room tonight”, along with an address.
My face was burning again. There was no way this was real. This could not be the actual address for the actual hotel where actual Matthew Lillard and Skeet Ulrich were staying. There was also no way that actual Matthew Lillard and Skeet Ulrich were suggesting what I think they were suggesting.
I put the picture back in the envelope and pocketed the note as I went to catch up with my friends. I could feel the weight of it in my pocket, but I kept trying to forget about it. It couldn’t be real, and if I went to the hotel I’d probably find some weirdo instead of the two men I’d expect - or hope. It’d be a bad idea to go to that address.
Well, the address was a hotel at least.
I knew I was crazy for showing up here. Anything could happen to me. Anything bad. I hadn’t told my friends about the note because I knew what their responses would be, so they didn’t know I was here. It was a stupid decision all around, but the curiosity was getting the better of me.
My heart was pounding as I took the elevator up to the floor I was directed to go to. It was making my vision blurry to a point where I almost couldn’t read the numbers on the doors. I was having deja vu to meeting Skeet and Matthew earlier. I lifted my hand to knock and paused only briefly to question whether or not this was a good idea. I knew the answer was no, but there was no going back now.
When the hotel door opened, I almost passed out.
Stood there was none other than Skeet Ulrich.
He was grinning at me in a sexy way. “We were wondering if you were actually going to come.”
“Well, you can’t blame a girl for being cautious.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I figured. I told Matt the note was a little ominous, but we couldn’t exactly say anything in front of the camera guy. That’s not something we want to get out to the public.”
That just raised more questions, but I didn’t want to take up too much time just talking in the hallway. Skeet stepped aside to let me in. I was very aware of how close he was as I passed him, but I tried not to think too much about it.
I was expected a huge hotel suite since they were two big actors and all, but was pleasantly surprised to see that it was just a two bedroom, one bathroom hotel room with a small balcony. Matthew was laid back on one of the beds, watching TV. He looked up when he heard me walk in and smiled as if he was seeing an old friend. “Hey! You’re finally here!”
The reality of the situation was setting in. I was starting to feel a little lightheaded. They both must’ve noticed, or they knew how overwhelming this was going to be in general, because Skeet took my hand and guided me to the bed Matthew was sat on. Matthew sat up to put a comforting hand between my shoulder blades.
“This is a lot, we know,” he said. “You can ask whatever questions you need to ask.”
“Do I have to sign an NDA?”
I cringed at myself while Matthew and Skeet seemed amused. It definitely was not my biggest question, but it was the first one that slipped out through my filter.
“We didn’t tell either of our agents that we were doing this,” Skeet said. “So no NDAs are drafted. Is that a bad idea? Very much so, yes. But I also know our agents definitely would not want us to be doing this in general, so they’d probably try to talk us out of it instead of writing up any sort of NDA.”
“So...you’ve never done this before?”
“Not with a fan,” Skeet responded. “We have had threesomes before, but usually with girlfriends.”
“One time with a co-star,” Matthew added. “Not as awkward as most people make sleeping with a co-worker seem.”
Part of me wanted to ask which co-star, but that really wasn’t the most important thing right now. The most important question to me was, “Why me?”
The two of them shared a look. I couldn’t read what their expressions were saying, but there was definitely some shared thought process passing between them.
“Like I said, we’ve never done this with a fan before,” Skeet started. “Obviously there’s all sorts of power imbalance issues with that, and we don’t want anyone to think we’re using our star status to have sex. Because we’re not, and we don’t want that.”
“But there was something about you that made us go against that,” Matthew added.
I felt my face heating up again as I asked, “Was it the pose?”
Both men barked a laugh at the same time. I couldn’t help but smile as well. Despite the nervousness I was feeling, they were making me feel somewhat calm as well. Outside of the cameras and the long line of fans and the convention photo op, they felt like real people. Just two guys who were friends, who were asking a girl they just met for a threesome.
Okay, the nerves were back now.
“The pose definitely helped,” Matthew said. “But you are also very attractive, and you were very kind. It was hard not to think about making this proposition after you had left.”
This is a dream. I’m dreaming. I actually fainted before the photo op and now I’m dreaming.
Skeet sat down on the bed next to me. “This is all your choice. Please do not say yes just because we’re famous. If you’re uncomfortable at all, we’ll let you go. Trust us, we get that this is probably a lot to handle. Like I said, we’re not about to use our celebrity status just to get sex if you don’t want it.”
I could tell they were being sincere. I actually did have an out if I wanted one. And that was definitely comforting because I was still feeling very conflicted. None of this felt real, and I was almost inclined to turn it down just due to that fact.
But also, I had been crushing on these two actors since the first time I watched the original Scream. I had read so much fanfiction about their characters, stuff that involved situations like this. I’d been fawning over them for years. How stupid would I be if I let this opportunity pass by, even if I wasn’t able to tell anyone? Hell, I probably wouldn’t tell anyone anyways. This would be my little secret; something just for me.
Finally, I found my voice to tell them, “I want to.”
Skeet and Matthew shared a look. They had similar smirks on their faces, and I couldn’t help but wonder what I had gotten myself into.
“If you want to stop at any point you have to tell us,” Skeet said to me. “Promise us that.”
I nodded, but Skeet shook his head. “No, we have to hear you say it.”
“I-I promise I’ll tell you i-if I want to stop.”
Matthew’s voice was closer to my ear than I anticipated as he said, “Good girl.”
The combination of his words and his hot breath against my skin caused my to clench my thighs together. A whimper slipped from my lips as I felt him start to kiss against my neck. I lulled my head to the side, giving him full access to whatever he wanted, and closed my eyes to let myself get lost in the pleasure.
It didn’t take very long for me to forget the entire situation at hand. A fog of lust had washed over me enough to finally let my nerves subside. So, I wasn’t thinking much about who owned the set of hands that was unbuttoning my jeans, but rather how much I wanted them off and to feel those hands against me.
Someone - I’m assuming Skeet as I could feel Matthew’s hands against my waist - pulled my pants down my legs. Once they were gone, Matthew wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I gasped as I felt the already hard bulge in his pants against my back. He continued to kiss over my neck as one of his hands slipped under my shirt, teasing the underside of my bra, while the other made its way between my legs. My head lulled back against Matthew’s shoulder as his fingers lightly skimmed over my already damp panties.
“Already so wet,” he commented. “Just for us?”
“J-Just for you,” I moaned. I’d probably be embarrassed by how needy I was if I wasn’t so turned on.
His fingers traced over the waistband of my panties before he slipped his hand underneath them. He rubbed agonizingly slow circles on my clit while his lips still went to work on my neck. He sucked and nipped at the sensitive skin, undoubtably leaving marks I wouldn’t be able to explain. I arched my back, pushing myself further into him and his fingers further against me.
Matthew chuckled. “I think she’s eager.”
“Should give her what she wants, Matt,” Skeet said. I had almost forgotten he was there.
“Is that what you want, pretty girl?” Matthew asked me. “Do you want my fingers?”
“Yes,” I breathed. “Y-Yes, please.”
“How do I say no when you’re using your manners?”
He started with just one finger, slowly pushing into me. I let out a loud moan, but quickly covered my mouth with my hand as I remembered where we were.
Skeet chuckled this time, before saying, “Be as loud as you want. There’s no one else around us. We’ll give the staff a good tip just in case there’s any noise complaints, though.”
They didn’t really give me much choice on my volume, as Matthew added another finger after stretching me out with the first, and started thrusting them in and out of me at a quick pace. The sinful sounds of squishing mixed with whatever was tumbling out of my mouth filled the room. The heel of Matthew’s hand worked against my clit, edging me closer and closer to the edge.
I opened my eyes just for a moment, and saw that Skeet was now stood in front of us. He was watching Matthew make me come undone, and I noticed he had one hand against his crotch, palming himself through his jeans. I had never thought much about threesomes before, mainly because I hadn’t ever felt confident enough to bring a third person in to the bedroom in any of my relationships. But there was something extremely hot about watching Skeet get turned on by watching Matthew and I. It turned me on more to realize I’d be getting my time with him too.
My first orgasm hit me with little warning. One second I felt it creeping up, and the next the wave of pleasure was crashing down on me. My body trembled as I leaned against Matthew for support. He slowed his fingers, letting me ride through my high. When he slipped them out of me, I whimpered from the loss of contact.
I lazily turned my head to watch Matthew bring his fingers to his lips. He slipped them into his mouth, sucking off my remaining juices.
“She tastes so good, Skeet,” he said. “You should taste her.”
I thought for a second that Skeet was going to put Matthew’s fingers in his mouth, which would’ve been extremely hot. Instead, he got to his knees on the foot of the bed where Matthew and I were sitting. Matthew let me go so that Skeet could pull me to the edge of the bed. He pulled my soaked panties off and discarded them somewhere in the room. I could feel his warm breath against my still sensitive core, sending a shiver through my body. He leaned in and licked a long, slow stripe from my hole to my clit. My body jolted at the contact, still recovering from my first orgasm.
“She does taste good,” Skeet said.
I felt Matthew’s hands on the hem of my shirt. I lifted my arms over my head to let him pull it off me. With little effort, Matthew unclipped my bra as well, and it fell to my lap. I was officially completely bare to the two of them.
Matthew stood from the bed as Skeet started kissing over my thighs. First my inner right thigh, then the left, moving slowly up to my mound, to my stomach. He took his time leaving a trail of kisses up my stomach and to my breasts. He took one of my nipples in his mouth, running his tongue over the sensitive nub, while my other nipple was pinched between his fingers. I was moaning again, my body reacting by somehow becoming even wetter between my thighs. There was still a dull ache from my first orgasm, but it was quickly going away.
I heard the rustling of clothes and opened my eyes to see Matthew undressing himself. He was unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it on the floor, and his hands had just moved to discard his own pants when he caught me looking. A sly smirk crossed his face as he winked at me. At the same time, Skeet nipped at the skin of my breast, making me yelp.
When Matthew was left in nothing but his boxers, he said, “Seems you’re the only one left completely dressed, man.”
Skeet pulled away from me. He took a moment to look over my completely naked form before looking at Matthew. “Sorry, I was enjoying myself too much.”
As Skeet started undressing himself, Matthew extended a hand to me. “Are you able to move? Or should we just take you like that?”
“How do you want me?” I asked. I was surprised with how steady and strong my voice sounded given how the two of them had somehow already managed to ruin me.
“The Eiffel Tower seems fitting.”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little. I took Matthew’s hand and he helped me get up and to my knees. Skeet had stripped down, leaving him completely naked, while Matthew was still in his boxers. “Looks like you’re the last one clothed now, Matt.”
When Matthew took his boxers off, I couldn’t help but stare at him and Skeet for a while. They were definitely both packing, which was a little intimidating. Not like I hadn’t been with well endowed men before, but still.
“Should we take our positions from the photo?” Skeet asked Matthew. “You take the front, I’ll take the back?”
“Sounds good to me.” Matthew, who was already stood near my face, reached down to cup my chin. “Are you okay with that?”
I nodded. I was glad when they didn’t try and make me verbally respond again because I was sure I had officially lost my ability to speak.
Matthew held the base of his dick, pumping it slightly, as he moved closer to me. He waited until I pulled him closer and opened my mouth to take him in, not trying to rush me or shove himself down my throat. He let me take my time, filling my mouth with as much of him as I could. I placed my tongue along the underside of his cock as I slowly slid him into my mouth. He threw his head back and let out a moan. I got as far as I could go without gagging and stayed there just long enough to adjust to having his size in my mouth. One of his hands made its way into my hair, tangling the strands around his fingers, but he didn’t start moving my head. He kept me there, letting me set the pace.
I started bobbing my head up and down, slipping him most the ways out of my mouth before sliding him all the way back in. I did it at a slow, almost teasing pace. Matthew’s hand twitched against my head, like he was restraining himself from making me go at a pace that he actually wanted. I looked up at him through my eyelashes. His head was tilted down to look at me again, but his eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly ajar in pleasure.
Skeet was watching us, fisting his own dick at the sight. I had gotten so caught up in watching Matthew as I pleasured him that I didn’t notice Skeet moving to the bed until it dipped behind me. I gasped as I felt the hot head of his cock dragging through my folds. When it nudged against my entrance, just an inch pushed inside of me, I couldn’t stop myself from moving back against him and taking the rest of him in.
“Eager girl,” he said with a chuckle. “Don’t forget about Matt.”
“I don’t mind watching her be eager for your cock,” Matthew said.
I took Matthew back in my mouth as Skeet slowly started to thrust into me. I tried to keep a steady pace with my head, but I soon found myself more focused on the pleasure from Skeet’s cock dragging against my walls than the pleasure I was supposed to be giving Matthew. I was moaning around him, which in turn was making him moan. He used my hair to guide my mouth up and down his shaft so that I didn’t have to concentrate on doing it myself.
Eventually, Skeet start to thrust a bit more rough into me so that I was moving against Matthew with each thrust. Both men were moaning and grunting in time, the noises sounding like music. My brain had been completely taken over by the lustful fog and I couldn’t think about anything but the feeling of being full with both of their cocks. Matthew’s hand tightened in my hair and I felt his cock twitching in my mouth, signaling that he was getting close.
As if also sensing Matthew’s closeness, or maybe he was also getting close himself, Skeet reached around to find my clit. He started rubbing harsh, quick circles into my sensitive nub. My arms were starting to tremble from the effort of keeping myself up, while the rest of my body was trembling with pleasure. My second orgasm was coming on and I knew it was going to hit just as hard as the first one did. I was about to take Matthew’s cock out of my mouth to tell them both I was going to cum, but Skeet began to thrust rougher into me, sending me over the edge quicker than anticipated. I cried out, mostly muffled by Matthew’s dick. Skeet thrust into me one more time, shoving me forward so that Matthew was down my throat. I felt Skeet pulsing inside of me and he let out a loud groan, meaning he had came as well. Matthew was the last of us, shooting his load down my throat seconds after Skeet had cum inside of me.
Matthew pulled out first and I swallowed him down. I lowered my front half onto the bed, finally allowing my arms some rest. Skeet took a second to ride out his own high before pulling himself out of me and letting me completely collapse on the bed. I lazily turned my head to watch as he pulled something off of his dick, and then realized it had been a condom. I hadn’t even noticed him put one on, or the feeling of a condom while we were fucking, but that made sense for him to protect himself, and me.
Matthew had gone to the hotel bathroom and came back with wash cloths for all three of us. I slowly rolled onto my back and took one from him.
“I should’ve asked before finishing in your mouth,” he said. “Sorry about that.”
I waved away his comment. “Don’t worry. You wouldn’t be the first one to cum down my throat unexpectedly, although this was definitely the better of the other times it’s happened.”
Matthew chuckled. “I can only imagine. I don’t think I want to hear those horror stories.”
“You definitely don’t want to.”
After cleaning myself up, I slowly brought myself to a sitting position. I looked around the room to see if I could find my discarded clothing, but found that all of our stuff had basically been thrown around together.
“You don’t have to get up yet,” Skeet said. “You’re more than welcome to stay for a while.”
“You guys don’t wanna kick me out right away?” I asked.
Skeet shook his head. “This isn’t that kind of situation. You can stay overnight if you want to, and then you can go again in the morning.”
“I kind of want room service,” Matthew said. He had his boxers pulled back on and was looking at the room service menu. “Are you guys hungry? We could order a feast.”
I picked my shirt up off the floor and pulled it on just to have myself clothed. I sat on the bed across from Matthew and took the room service menu to look over. Skeet, also now in his boxers, sat in the bed next to me to look at the menu over my shoulder.
No one would ever believe what happened here, but that was fine by me. I was more than okay with this being my dirty little secret, with the only evidence being the hickies on my neck and the Post-It note that was still tucked away with my picture.
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m1ssunderstanding · 8 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 14
Who is this talking to Ringo? Press? A boy scruff? Someone who wants their project produced by Apple? He tries George too.
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Again, I love the "freak-out" as John calls it. They really could've had so much fun together under different circumstances. (Different being neither of them ever dated John) But John's so sweet saying, "Id like it to be part of her new LP. Our new LP."
I wonder what Robert Fraser thought of the beard.
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Why are we playing 20 Flight Rock now, Paul? It's just overlayed over a montage to change "scenes", but I wonder what the real context was.
Billy. What a little ray of sunshine honestly.
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"So what should we do that's fun? Besides work?" I feel like every day, John has a little adorable quote, and this is today's. Words to live by.
I don't remember if Get Back includes the "Oh Darling" version where John's answering back between lines in conversation with the lyrics. I sincerely hope so. Peter Jackson was probably like "well I can only include so much homosexuality before people have too many questions."
Ringo, you smooth criminal. I love that he just has this trick he learned as a teenager that the Beatles were all impressed by, back when Ringo was the scary gangster with the car and the beard, and he still does it for them like ten years later. It's so endearing.
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Another cute John and Yoko moment: "It's just that screaming all the way." "Poor John." "Yes, it's so terrible." She's teasing him and being sweet to him at the same time. Cuties.
George asks Paul where his Rickenbacker is. "Isn't that one much better?" And Paul makes up some shit about the Hoffner being lighter. You nostalgic little bitch. Poor baby.
John's little guilty look at the camera when he's almost just taken something on film. It's cute. He looks like a naughty kid. But it's kind of a cool moment. It shows just how relaxed and natural he is. He's not performing for or worried about the cameras at all. What we're seeing of him today is just him. You know? Idk I think it's nice.
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What's with the little pigeon noises in the middle of a recording, guys? They're so weird smh
Poor Glyn. He's just trying to do his job and he has to deal with fucking Leopold and Leob over here. He gives them some instruction. There's a look between the two of them. And then it's all, "Don't interrupt" "Hey son" "Stahhs when" "Hey" "they're recording. We're bloody Stahhs you know." "Look fuckface. Don't comment." "The cheek." The impenetrable wall of Lennon and McCartney, folks.
"Well, we'll have to do it sitting down. Or we get too excited." It's heartbreaking to me how obvious it is that they're still just having the absolute time of their lives together and that, as John put it, "the minutes are crumbling away."
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Literally what the hell is with Dennis smacking Paul's ass (as like a 'good job, your band wants to put your song out as the single' I guess) and nobody reacting? Linda would've been like "ope, time to find a new head of Apple films." (Dave Spinoza on RAM, anyone?) He really does look so proud of himself, though. Happy for you, baby.
Oh, right, that's what Robert thinks. Paul looks like his working class fantasy. (DH Lawrence. Victorian Miner.)
And I'm just going to add this, since Peter Jackson REFUSES. Paul: Can't afford to mess around here, you know. Then
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bitsbug · 1 year
i have a ton of question/suggestions for slug sign: 1. how do you indicate emotion in SS? my best guess is using cycles but talking about smth like sadness cant really be done that way 2. is there a specific way youre supposed to type out SS in english? 3. SS seems pretty heavy on context adding a kind of adjective system may help to fix issues with specification as well as free up room for more words. an example would be making words for "cycle", "food", "region", and "direction" and then changing the current word for "cycle" into "specify" so you could say [cycle] [<specification>] to talk about the specific cycle and plan or [direction] [<specification>] to talk about a specific direction and where you may want to go.. etc. words without specification still work but use context. 4. is there a way to explain advanced movement in SS, stuff like a flip or roll. 4.5. if not id suggest adding words for stuff like "sprint" or "crouch" and to go with it "then" to explain stuff for example [jump] [then] [crouch] [forward] would be a way to explain sliding
5. did you ever have concepts for a written version?
hooh momma! thank you for all the questions!
Slugsign has a few emotion indicators, but not all of them are signs. We hop around a lot and dance and flip when we're happy; hopping in place is kind of a "this is good!" while hopping sporadically is "I'm excited!"
Using "loser" repeatedly or shaking on the spot expresses frustration, alongside signing "no" a lot and hitting eachother with rocks. Also insulting whatever you're mad at, we love to insult things.
Recently we've started using "peace" as a way of saying sorry, which wasn't even intentional it just developed during a play session. Sadness is characterized by a lot of "sorry" and crouching without movement and trying to shove yourself into corners. [Me] [loser] is used to express guilt.
Oh hey, you actually use the exact method we use in this ask. We transcribe signs by placing them in brackets, for example: [give?] [Moon] [quantity-lots] [scav][object]. There's no official way you're "supposed" to though, that's just what we do.
What you propose sounds like an interesting idea, but idk how much it'd be utilized. I mean for direction you can just.. point in the way you want to go. And "cycle" in reference to a day is considered the current one by default- you'd use "later" to specify a future one. I think what you're wanting is an abstracted "this" sign? which yeahh WOULD be nice actually..
I've thrown out the idea of having a grammatical word order thing, like [cycle] [food] and [food] [cycle] having different meanings, but Phen's worried that'll be really hard to memorize and cause confusion. Idk I still think it's cool and would add a lot of nuance, I'm gonna try to convince her on it.
We probably could add those signs if y'all really want? I know people use it for their own co-op now, but in me and Phen's sessions we both already know the movement tech. It sounds really funny to teach someone about rainworld using slugsign though, I like that.
I could see condensing all those into a single "movement" or "example" sign: you use the sign and then do the action you're demonstrating. So a backflip would be like.. [example-run] [example-turn] [fast] [example-jump].? Could probably use some workshopping.
..no not really!! I'm not a linguist or a language hobbyist, me and Phen are just winging this shit according to need, and I have NO idea how I'd go about making a written variant beyond transcripts. Besides idk if we'd really.. use it? That sounds super good for the worldbuilding aspect, but we already have the legend to reference. Anyone else who wants to take on the idea, by my guest.
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lover-i-lover · 1 year
Bad case
Everything's blurry, really blurry. That's all Spencer knows as he stumbles out from the club. The unsub in toe, who called himself William Dane, hand in hand. He knew this has going to happen, it's part of his MO, Spencer knew he was going to be drugged in some way. But he's what he didn't know was he was going to be drugged with more then just a roofie. He knows he's been given more then just a roofie, some kind of cocktail of drugs.
Spencer shakily grabs his sheer black jacket. It's not his, it's from then undercover closet but whatever. Spencer almost trips going out the door, but William grabs him around the waist. Spencer tries not to vomit, laughs instead, "Thanks hon" Spencer gently reaches back and pets his shoulder. "Think I've had a bit too much" He doesn't sound like himself at all, or really feel like himself. But he's pretty sure that's the point. He can vaguely hear this William say something about taking Spencer home.
Spencer giggles and drags him out on the curb side. He knows the team is around the corner, Spencer just needs to get to that alleyway, then he can get to an ER. "hey, so..." Spencer tries to roll his eyes a little sexyliy, is that word? Spencer thinks so. "My place's that way" Spencer draws the words out, nodding towards the alley. William moves Spencer the other way, Spencer can't stop him, his legs are just following him. "I know" William's voice chances as he tightly grabs onto Spencer's waist. "I really, um, get nervous at. Um, i really need to get home"
"I'm not stupid Spencer" William reaches out and grabs the tiny mic off Spencer's shirt, tossing it on the ground. His heart almost jumps out from his chest. "T-That's no-not"
"Your name is Spencer Reid not Daniel Lous, you're 27 not 25, really thought I'd believe your little fake ID?" William grabs onto him tighter and Spencer tries to push him away, at least. But it's no use, Spencer's legs refuse to work with him. "Don't fuss now, if you're lucky, you'll leave in the morning"
Spencer knows he should scold this William, the profile says that should make him back off. But the profile also says that when he's caught, he's likely to fight til his death. That would mean he would just kill Spencer in any alley nearby. That can't happen. Spencer thinks for a second. Then deicides if he's really dying tonight, he wants to know why.
"Well, just-oh" Spencer grabs onto William as they step down to cross the street. William looks to him with curiosity.
"You, said, if I'm lucky, that means there's something I could do that would turn you off enough to let me go, what is it?"
William laughs. "How do you know I meant I'd let you leave alive and not in a bag?" Spencer stumbles and almost falls over again, but he's caught before he hits the ground. William pulls him along the street. Where's the team?
"You used the the word lucky, if I'm lucky means it would be something I'd do, and not you being nice"
"If I tell you, what do I get?"
Spencer leans into him, not because he wants to, but because he needs to in order to stay on his feet. So it's a game. He's a sexual sadist, what is the best thing for a sexual sadist? His victims were tortured for hours, and the in tapes, he made them beg for it.
"I've taken an acting class or two, If you tell me what it is, i will make it feel real for you" Spencer promises, letting one of his arms go slack against his legs, gently toying with the hem of the shorts he also got from the undercover closet, turning on the back op mic / tracking thing that he insisted on having when he was sober. He made it look like he was just showing off a bit more his thigh.
"You've seen the tapes, right?" William asks, slipping a hand down to touch Spencer's ass. Normally he'd yelp, being touched in such a place. "More then I'd like to admit" Spencer bites his inner cheeks, knowing it'll make his outer cheeks a bit red.
"But they weren't listening to you, I'll listen, I'll listen real good, I can take it" Spencer continues, sticking his butt out against his hand, hoping that he shows interest he might let him go anyway.
William smiles in a sadist manner. Spencer's struck gold. "If you begin praying, I'll throw you out the window, and while it'll be painful, it won't kill you"
"I've never prayed"
"Does that mean, that you have to kill me now? Because that would be sad....I might have dated you otherwise" Spencer lies through his teeth, he has and never plans to talk like this again, he feels like a child.
Suddenly, William's pushed Spencer to a wall, there's a knife at his throat. Spencer can't keep his eyes open much longer. There's only noises and touches. Morgan's yelling for William to drop the knife, another person is yelling for Spencer's attention.
It takes Spencer way longer to id the voice then it should.
Hotch, Aaron Hotchner is yelling for him.
Spencer's cold, so cold. Who wears shorts to a night club? There's a hand on his waist, forcing him to stand against the cold brick wall. It's a painful sensation, his whole body held op by one point of contact. Spencer lightly kicks at William's leg, but he doesn't even react, only threatening to kill him if the team doesn't back away.
The hand on his waist moves away for a second and Spencer's legs give out under him. He slips down the wall before William can grab him again. There's a loud bang right in front of him. William's been shot, or at least scared enough to fall onto his back.
Spencer takes a second to rub his eyes, shivering. There's a hand on his arm, a soft voice is calling to him. Spencer blinks and looks to his right. He shivers again, his whole body shaking. Hotch lays a jacket over him "Reid?" Hotch is right beside him on the ground, gently tucking the jacket over his chest and legs. Spencer opens his mouth to speak but can't manage to say anything.
Hotch turns to Morgan who's pulling this William op from the ground. "Where are the medics? We called them 10 minutes ago!" Spencer can't hear what Morgan responses with, only leaning into Hotch for warmth. Hotch is very warm, it's so nice.
An arm slips in under his knees and Spencer's not entirely sure he's doing. Then Hotch slips an arm under Spencer's and in one, way too swift move, Spencer's been hoisted off the ground and is now resting against Hotch's chest. Spencer just about manages to throw his arms around Aaron's neck. Aaron's chest still laid over Spencer's upper body. He yawns, his whole world almost gone, only hearing the sounds of sirens as he tries to sleep.
Suddenly, he's being laid down, the jacket still there to keep him warm. He can't open his eyes, it's too much work. Something is placed over his nose and mouth, a mask, an oxygen mask. Someone's holding his hand tightly, Aaron, it's Aaron. The hands are too big and rough to be Derek's or Luke's. And yet too soft to be Rossi's. It's got to be Aaron. He knows he lays there for a few mintues. The air is warmer now, and they're moving. Shit, he's in an ambulance. Is that really.....
"Spencer?" There's a hand on his face, his cheek, gently petting it. Spencer's confused, he just wants to go home now, why can't he can go home? He blinks, attempting to open his eyes. "There you are Spencer" The lady says. She's in a medic's unifrom, she's a medic. Spencer yawns, his head rolling in a circle.
"I can see you're tired but you need to stay awake"
Spencer huffs softs, it's unfair. He's done good work, he deserves to sleep. Why can't he sleep? Oh! Right! The drugs. Because of the drugs. It's not safe to pass out after being drugged with unknown drugs.
"Spencer, Spencer stay with me okay?" Why's Aaron saying that? He tries to open his eyes, it's hard, but he opens his eyes enough to see Aaron looking worried. He squeezes his hand the most he can, which isn't much. Aaron smiles slightly, eyes still filled with worry. Spencer closes his eyes again, he's so drowsy, he just wants to sleep. Maybe it's a good time for a nap. It's okay. He can sleep, he's sure he can. "Spencer!" Aaron squeezes his hand tightly. Spencer whimpers, it hurts to have his hand squeezed so tightly. "Spencer, Spencer stay awake with me? Okay? Please?"
Spencer's head is pounding, he blinks his eyes open to see he's in a hospital room. He's alone, but the room is filled with at least 7 different vases of flowers. He's had visitors. Spencer pushes himself op. He can't quite remember everything yet, he was drugged, the unsub made him, and he went to the hospital.
Should he press the call button? No, he's fine, or maybe, his throat. He needs water. Spencer slowly turn just enough to press the call button. A nurse comes and he's given water. As she hands it to him she says. "You had a lot of people worried about you kid" Spencer smiles weakly, he's sad to have worried the team but also happy that they cared.
Aaron is the first to vist him while he's awake, with a bag of snacks. Spence smiles slightly, looking down, embarrassed as he slowly remembers just much of a scare he gave the team. "Hello Hotch" Spencer says politely, siting op straight as if he was at his desk. "Don't strain yourself for my sake Reid" Hotch says, siting down in the chair by his bed, setting the bag down on Spencer's bed, right by his legs. Spencer relaxes slightly and leans back to rest against the rough hospital sheets. "Thank you"
"You, certainly gave us a big scare" Aaron say, gently petting his shoulder. Spencer smiles sadly, he really didn't wish to scare anyone "I'm sorry, it wasn't intentionally" Spencer mutters. Aaron gently squeezes his shoulder. "Of course not Reid"
Aaron spent the next 30 mintues explaining just how they solved the case while Spencer is in the hospital. They found William's hide out, all 8 bodies, and a 9th grave freshly dug that was suspose to be for yesterday's victim, Spencer.
It all makes Spencer so tired, so tired and angry to know that no matter what, he would have died if he wasn't FBI. A few mintues later, the whole team comes crashing into the room with hugs, and more 'get well' gifts. When Spencer is released, Aaron is the one to take him home, with all 7 bouquets of flowers in the back seat of Aaron's car. Spencer still kinda out of it, if he had the energy he would have argued to have thrown the flowers out. Aaron's backseat is filled with the flowers, boxes of chocolates and fruit.
Spencer's been draped with a jacket. Aaron's big, warm, dark jacket. He's not sure why he's still so tired, his last sedative was over four hours ago. Maybe all the hugs and affection wore him out more then usual. Spencer leans his head back, struggling to keep his eyes open. "You tired Reid?" Aaron asks, buckling Spencer's seatbelt for him. Spencer would blush, but he's too tired to care. Spencer hums in agreement as Aaron tucks the jacket snug around the younger man's body.
Spencer's rudely awakened when the car abruptly halts. Spencer yelps on, instincts grabbing for the celling handle to stable himself. "Sorry, Sorry!" Aaron says, gently putting the jacket back around Spencer. Aaron shakes his head at the car in front of them. "Man just, stopped in the middle of the road without warning" Aaron gently pets Spencer's shoulder. "Go back to sleep, alright? It's still gonna be a few mintues" Spencer doesn't protest, only shuting his eyes.
Spencer is gently roused as the jacket is pulled away from his body. Aaron's gently rubbing his arm to wake him, Spencer blinks his eyes open, still so tired, his eyes so gosh damn heavy. "Spencer, I've taken the gifts inside, think you can get op or do you need some help?" Aaron asks sweetly, unbuckling Spencer's seatbelt. Does Spencer look tired? He feels tired. He can't get op, he's too tired. Spencer leans his head to the side.
Then Spencer's being carried, his boss, is carrying him inside. It's strange but nice. Spencer rests his head on his warm chest, the fabric of Aaron's shirt is soft against his cheek. Spencer's back hits the soft sheets of his own bed, it's so nice to be home again. Spencer whines as Aaron undoes his tie and vest. "Shhh, just relax" Aaron shushes. Spencer squirms as he's undressed. More out of instinct then anything else. Aaron continues to shush him the way you would a fussy child.
"Shush, Spencer, quite down now, you're tired"
Spencer lays as still as possible as Aaron redresses him in soft clothes, he doesn't bother opening his eyes. Why would he? He trusts Aaron to not mess with him. New, non-sweaty socks are slipped onto his feet. Spencer blinks his eyes open for a few seconds. Aaron's standing above him, tucking him in. "Go back to Sleep Reid, you need it"
Spencer closes his eyes, a kiss is pressed to his forehead. "Sleep tight, I'll be by in the morning" Aaron whispers. Morning? It's already night? How much as he slept in the last few days? The world gets darker, Aaron's drawn the curtains. So it's not quite so late. Spencer's body is so heavy, very heavy. Another kiss is pressed to his forehead, a hand runs over his hair lovingly.
"Goodnight Spence, I'm so happy you're alright"
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 3 months
i'm currently re-reading loveless by alice osman and i'm kinda scared by how relatable i've been finding it. i like to highlight phrases i liked or things i could relate to and i swer my paperback is basically fully yellow with how much i've been highlighting.
i never really questioned my sexuality but this book is making me rethink myself so much. but i'm also kind of...struggling with it? because i really like romance and all things romantic, i've been craving for a good relationship my whole life but at the same time i like...never had a cruch on no one ever? and the only person i had a relationship with it was a total sh*t show because i lost interest after like two months? and if i try to picture myself in the future i don't really see me with someone
for the longest time i've thought that this was just a self esteem issue - i don't like myself very much so it's reasonable for other people non to like me or see me romantically as well, you know? and i don't want to get my heart broken so i don't really show interest in anyone because i doubt they could be interested in me in return.
anyway, all of this to say that i'm going through this sort of sexuality crisis were one second i'm like "ok this makes so much sense i'm def somewhere in the aroace spec" and the next second i'm like "but i really want a relationship am i a freud??"
...any tips or comforting words?
Hey OP. Yeah it’s tough, but you’ll be okay no matter what you figure out about yourself. Remover your ID is not a choice, but your actions are. You may still choose to date even if you find you can experience no romantic attraction towards your partner (I would strongly advise informing them of this fact)
Your ID is your own. Your box, if you will. You don’t have to neatly fit into the “aromantic box” nor any of its umbrella terms.
Don’t rush, research, live yourself first, take care and remember, romance isn’t the end all be all. Other love is plenty in a world of many <2
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Chapter 2: Protocol EG-64 initiated
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||The Prophecy Series||
She knew for 15 years that this day would come. She knew her destiny had already been written. That her death had been foretold.
She knew she would have to stop him. She knew she would have to kill him. And she thought she was prepared for all of it. But the day she met him she realized how wrong she was…
Set in Season 10
Pairing: MoC!Dean x Female!OC
Episode mapping: After episode 4 of season 10 "Paper Moon"
Warnings: the usual SPN, language, injuries
Note: The events of this story are following season 10 of Supernatural and are taking place between October 2014 and July 2015. I tried to make sure that all the references to weapons, tech, etc. are accurate with the time period.
AN: This is my first time writing a fanfic but the story has been in my head for too long and it just needed to get out. I hope you like it.
AN: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.
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I slowly regain consciousness and I’m overwhelmed by the familiar smell of the humid air.  I’m home…  But then the memories from the cabin come back to me.  I struggle to open my eyes but I'm fully awake and I focus on hearing the silent conversation coming from the other side of the room. "What were we supposed to do? Drop her in some hospital? And say what? A bear attacked her?" Sam's voice is concerned. "She just saved our lives, Dean! She will be fine in a couple of days and then she'll be gone." "I know…" Dean sighs. "I'm just not sure if she is safer here with us... with me… or in a hospital on her own!" I'm finally able to open my eyes and start sitting up. "Hey, hey, easy there!" Sam says when he sees me and rushes to me. Dean stays in his place next to the door.  "You are safe here! We are not going to hurt you!" I managed to stop myself before responding with some sarcastic comment like "You should be worried about me hurting you!". I must not behave like the military trained special ops soldier right now. I must act like an American hunter. A little bit of politeness and a fake confusion would be the best way to go. "What happened?" I ask, looking down at my stomach. The wound was stitched up and bandaged. My jeans are covered in blood and my shirt is gone, leaving me only in my sports bra. Sam turns around and produces a plaid shirt from somewhere and I quickly put it on. It is way too big on me, so I roll the sleeves and tie the bottom to a node around my waist so the bandages are not visible. "You were injured by a werewolf while you were saving us. Thanks, for that, by the way." He smiles. "My name is Sam Winchester. This is my brother, Dean. What's your name?" My name? They have probably already found my fake ID. What was the name on it? Nadia? Natasha? "Natalie, Natalie Brooks. Where am I?" Playing 'damsel in distress' is not my favorite role. I'm far away from helpless and confused as you can imagine. But I just need to play the part and go on my way as fast as possible. "You are… ahm… Well, we live here. We didn't want to just drop you in a hospital." Sam explains. Dean hadn't said a word. Hadn't moved. He was just standing with his back against the wall next to the door, his arms crossed. Looking at me the whole time. Studying me.  I really need to go. Now! "Well thank you, for stitching me up. But I think it's time for me to go now."  Sam tries to stop me when I stand up on my unstable legs.  "I'm fine, thanks! I'll just go. I really don't want to intrude." I walk past Dean and open the door but before I run to the exit, I stop myself remembering, I was not supposed to know the layout of this place. I look both ways and turn around with a confused look. "Ahum... Can you point me to the exit? And…um… I suppose my car is not here?"
"Who are you?" I am sitting in the back seat of a black Impala. We have been on the road for about 40 minutes before Dean speaks to me for the first time. I'm looking through the window, lost in my thoughts, so I'm not entirely faking this time when I startle at his abrupt question. Sam looks at him with a scolding expression, like he is on the verge of lecture him for being impolite. I stifle a scoff and instead, put a confused look on my face. "What do you mean? I already told you who I…" Pain grips every nerve in my body. "Stop the car!" I hiss, grabbing at the door handle. "What the hell are you doing!!!" Dean exclaims. "Dean, stop the car! Something's wrong!" I can hear Sam saying. "Her nose is bleeding!"
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I stumble out of the car and start moving back down the road frantically. My mind is trying to grasp what is happening. This is not possible. Not now! Not here! When I'm about a hundred meters away from the car, the pain suddenly stops. I gasp for air and when my breathing normalizes I hear the Winchesters running toward me. "What happened?" Sam asks, the concern in his voice even more evident from when I woke up earlier. I wipe out the blood from my nose ignoring the question and dig out my phone from my jeans back pocket. I already know what is going on but I open my navigation map anyway. The exact distance from the Men of Letters bunker is… 64 kilometers…  Fuck!  Fuck!  Shit!  Fuck! "What the hell is all of that about?" Dean asks, raising his voice. I take a deep breath and straighten my back. I knew this was coming. It was inevitable. And it is just the beginning. And, of course, it has to be the renowned Winchester brothers. "I asked you a question, damn it!" Dean growls.
I slowly turn around to face the boys. I compose myself despite the panic and dread in my chest.  My feet - slightly apart… my back - straight… my hands - clasped behind my back… my chin - parallel to the ground… my face - expressionless. I lock all of the feelings in the tiny little black box inside my head. There is no point in panicking… there is no point of feeling any of this… It is what it is… I had accepted that a long time ago… "I'll have to make a call first, and then I'll explain everything." Dean tries to argue, but Sam stops him.
"Commander! Where are you? You've missed your exit window." I hear the voice of the general on the other side of the line. It looks like I'm on speaker because I can hear the usual noises of the command center. "Sir, I just initiated protocol EG-64." The line goes silent. The entire room around him is deadly quiet. They are just standing there not knowing what to say. "Em..." I hear the general's gasp. "It's right on time, sir."  Another long time of silence. "Sir, I need confirmation." My voice is monotone, drained of any emotion, like a good soldier. The man on the other side of the line clears his throat. "You have confirmation. Initiating protocol EG-64."  Silence…  "Soldier!" The general says and I hear the familiar noise of a keyboard. Everyone else is just quiet... I can imagine their faces and the looks that they are exchanging… "Can I do anything for you, commander?" "Sir, I need official permission to disclose my full identity to the active members of the American Men of Letters - Samuel Winchester, born May 2, 1983 and Dean Winchester, born January 24, 1979." The brothers are staring at me with curiosity, distrust and disbelief. "You have permission. You know the rules - only the need to know information." "Yes, sir." "And… you have permission to disclose your identity to everyone that is involved with your task as you deem needed. Call if you need anything!" "Thank you, sir!"
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There is nothing left from the confused and fragile girl that woke up in the bunker a couple of hours earlier. That was actually the thing bothering me about her. She had barged in that cabin, killing those werewolves… And when she woke up… She played… almost helpless… But not anymore… The person standing in front of me is the same small framed, 5 '7 tall, 115 pound woman, wearing the same bloodied jeans and my too big plaid shirt under her leather jacket, but she has the stand of a trained soldier.  Who, the hell, is she?  I knew something was up with her, from the moment she stormed in that cabin, but I was not able to put my finger on it until now.  I look at her closely. Her dark hair is held in a tide braid, her military boots are perfectly laced and going around her ankles, definitely not just a style choice.  It all makes sense now.  She was holding back.  She was trying to hide her training this whole time.
She is standing still like a rock the entire time she is talking on the phone. Not moving a muscle. Her expression is cold and distant, showing no emotions. "Yes, sir." …. "Thank you, sir!"
She hangs up the phone and puts it in her back pocket. Her right hand joins the left one behind her back.  "My name is Emilia Nikolova. I'm a tac team commander of The European Division of The Order." She recites with a monotone voice. "The bad news is that there is something wrong with your bunker. The worse news is that I'm going to kill one of you and the other one is going to kill me."
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Chapter 3: The stand-off >>
||The Prophecy Series||
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
yippee new pinned
yeah, ik, a new pin? but the other one felt too fucking long for me okay??
also its my blog so yeah anyways:
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(image id: a banner with a purple background and gold accents. in the middle is big yellow text that reads "This user was apart of the July-RWI 6th RPF event." END id.)
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(image id: a banner with flowers and white accents surrounding it. in the middle is bright pink text that reads "This user was apart of the July-RWI 2st RP event." below in smaller white glowing text reads "THIS BANNER WAS MADE BY @/S0LAR-CH3RI ON TUMBLR" END id.) (the slash is not there in image, i am making sure it doesnt tag me)
hey there, im the sapphic bigender slut running this blog! i use any pronouns, though i prefer he/her/it/sol (this can change so yeagh lmao). i like dogs and have some ill talk about, but im mostly a blog about writing and ramblers (with some art posts mixed in, youll know where to find them below soon)
if you want more info on the blog, check out this carrd! (and if you want to know what my past 2 old pinned posts looked like...)
-link to the 2nd or the one before this one -link to the 1st or the first of them all
i run a shit ton of rp blogs. like A LOT of absurb ones. luckily, one of my rp blogs (@oncewaskas) has a full list of the others and shit in their pin! also my friend muffin has a big big fucking rp blog list go check it out rn its so big and cool also check xem out please please please please please please they need more attention xeyre so so cool JUST RAHHHHHHHHH
(update on the thing above: heres a link to the post with all of my blogs, not just jrwi non-oc blogs)
now for tags (do be warned, there is A LOT.) (for fun im putting in parenthesizes all the refs the tags has if theres any) (also ive tried seperating them into categories where they match and shit): -
#not my usual content = might be more serious, just something i dont normally talk about (example: something that happened to me) #silli promo = im probs promoing my fics or smth #chilling in solar lights = just talking lol (sun reference) #op is not okay lmao = mostly on my older posts, im just going batshit insane bout smth - #cheri's insane again = theories >:) [i have several theory tags, this is for the more crazy/out there theories, example being my hair thief theory] #theories with cheri = like GTMTMP (game theory minus the mat pat) but for series i watch instead [also for the lesser crazier and more tame and/or plausible ones] #the rambler. = character/interest rambles - #cherry's fruity art basket = posting my own original art (like a fruit basket, also a lot of my characters are gay so yeah) #cheri's art findings = reblogging other peoples art, whatever form it may take (like fruit findings, another basket thing) #the (genderneutral) sons of this solar sun =talking about my ocs (i use gendered words ungendered, sun reference) #the bright smoothie of words = my writings (light and sun ref) #prepping for the shiney smoothie = talking about my writing and possibly also art (my writing tag is about a smoothie) - #the generator is back :) = ive used the trauma generator i found to meme something - #kingdoms of chaos = my old dnd campaign i played AND my first ever! (name of campaign) #in space chaos = the dnd campaign i curently am in, probs will talk about it saterdays (when its staerday here i mean) cause thats our campaign days (play on the name "kingdoms of chaos", if the campaign does get an actual name then im fucked lmao) #the chaos plans = a dnd campaign i wanna set up and dm for friends {wont be posrting this one much as 2 people who i want playing the campaign are on tumblr. unless they block tags then i cant do shit} (name play for "kingdoms of chaos") #gnashing teeth baby <3 = another campaign im in, probs gonna talk about this one the most (name of campaign is gnashing teeth, in reference to "WELCOME BACK TO JUST ROLL WITH IT BABY", "[insert thing here] my beloved <3") - #the pancake incident = the time i went crazy in comments to get a post to 10k notes (WE HAVE A LINK!! here it is for those unable to use the imbedded ones and what not: https://www.tumblr.com/b0nkcreat/730895614697766912/hello-everyone-i-would-just-post-the-image-here?source=share&ref=_tumblr) #ghe ersaer saga = the saga where i show off/talk about me fuckass erasers #the 2 birdies :) and gay se- = a tag for the stupid joke i have with my bud ev about the necklace with the fucking birds - #the autism is inspired?? = i found something that for whatever reason inspires me to write or whatever #just like a cool rock = like a cool rock, something interesting i found and must show the world #ohhhhhhhhhh me boobies saving for a03 = some actual writing advice thing ive found that im gonna save lol
#new info dropped for my brain = saving smth just cause rather then interesting #sending to the catagorized fan rays = saving fandom things (fan like fandom, rays like sun rays)
#*points at me* GAY = im experiencing immense attraction and you will comply (ref to how people point at others and call them gay for silly shit) - #the light in life = my dog has arrived (light and sun reference, you get it) #the fire of the sun = treasures, my dog for the tag above, brother (sun has fire) - #answers from the aster caster = ref to mythborne [a just roll with it oneshot] and a name i like, basically for asks lol
#a sun spirits dance. = for if im playing my sona or whateves lol
#jerwee supreme = a tag containing almost all my jrwi rambles (just roll with it in its shortened from is pronounced like jur-wee, weeb supreme is condis role in condicord which im in) #ghostly gazes into future eps = my fake transcripts, might be only pd but we'll see (reference to a line in a pd intro rap from will)
now with those out the way, i do have a mythborne related series im starting up, and you can suggest things i write! the way to do so is in the carrd i mentioned before. since i can, im mentioning those series now!
#the rats rise again! - the aforementioned series, will be drawn if requested (you can mention it on the form in like the complaints area lol) #game theory minus the matpat - i talked about it before, the carrd has all the info you need, yeah #Paranormal Callings (And How We Got You Out) - while i do wanna start it, to me it makes more sense drawn out in a comic like style, and id need to make a couple so i dont feel bad on leaving it out
heres mutual/friend/family tags:
#jrwi by non jrwi enjoyer = im talking to my non just roll with it friend on just roll with it [will be used for them in general, not just jrwi, its just mostly jrwi] #epic artist = im talking about my niece #silly billy goose = im talking about my cousin #SEXY MOTORCYCLE!!! = ive finally given into urges and started talking about my lovely (ex gf now friend) (a nickname for them based off an old tumblr post thing i dont remember) (not really used here any more) #piss dolphin mutual = a fun tumblr mutual i have on here (based off a fanfic line they wrote) #soup bubbles on the blr = another fun mutual i know (accidentally called them soup when their nickname was soap, soap has bubbles to it, reblogging their posts puts them on my tumblr dash so blr) #my enablerrrrrr = FELIS TIME YAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYYY ("enabled" by them to do stupid shit like writing silly things) (i also write fanfics so yeah)
have a question? check the carrd or just ask lol okay bye
starting a collection of images because i can:
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^ tags can be found on @/okcoolthanks i just dont have the energy to link post
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
Kinda makes me sad that u reblogged a post where op was bad faith bashing my identity and generally twisting around why people id as queer :(
Hey there! I'm genuinely sorry that you feel sad and my intention was not to make anyone feel bad. That post was a bit harsh, and I would not have written it exactly that way, but I don't think it was entirely in bad faith. Parts of it really resonated with me and the reason I chose to reblog it despite having some reservations about the tone was that I rarely see those feelings articulated by anyone on tumblr. So I'm going to do my best to explain some of the nuance I felt was missing from that post but that is part of my personal thoughts on the matter.
First, I don't have a problem with the word queer. I think there is a diversity of experience with that word and its history within the community and that it is possible to be mindful of all those experiences. If you identify with queer I'm really happy for you!
I should probably add here as a personal note that I do not consider queer my identity, nor do I consider lesbian my identity. "Identity" is a big word in the queer/LGBT community right now, but I don't relate to that. Being gay is one part of me, but no one part is my identity. My identity is me.
What did resonate with me about that post was the frustration with the reductionist framing of "queer" as inherently more revolutionary. I see it a lot. "Not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you" "not gay rights, but queer liberation." As someone who does identify with the word gay, both of these are a little bit hurtful. It's not as bad for me, because I'm at peace with being called an assimilationist. But rights and liberation are not mutually exclusive, and neither are being happy and a "fuck you" attitude. Furthermore, if you look at the radical history of the movement, you see both gay and queer used. "Gay liberation" goes way back.
I think both gay and queer are increasingly stripped of their meaning in mainstream usage, and I think that post probably focused too much on queer, but it did appear to be made in response to a discourse that does not address the involvement of queer at all. We've seen the defanging of gay over the last few years, but OP was absolutely right that it's happening to queer too, and it is fairly frustrating to see queer held up as the more revolutionary alternative.
I do see queer increasingly used by corporations, by websites like Buzzfeed, and if you really want to wonder "wait, what does queer actually mean?" I invite you to academia. And then you have the influence of tiktok on primarily younger generations and the way everything is turned into a meaningless aesthetic. I absolutely see this happening to the word gay on tumblr--this website is even de-sexing the phrase "gay sex" which is impressive--but it's definitely happening to queer too.
I don't think there is anything wrong with either word or that either one should be abandoned. I think both words losing their radical edge is a consequence of more mainstream acceptance which I do believe is a net good.
I can't speak for OP, but I did not read that post as particularly focusing on why individuals identify as queer, and I certainly did not reblog it with that in mind. I certainly don't see it as universal; at most it's saying some people identify as queer for the wrong reasons, which is something I have thoughts on that I choose to keep private because I do not believe speculation about other people's identities is appropriate for discourse. I did not read it as painting queer-identified people with a wide brush and I did not intend to send that message by reblogging!
I think about the political climate right now, where as an American I can't be entirely sure Obergefell and Lawrence are secure, and I think there are some of us who don't want to lose the emphasis the material experiences of oppression that bind together the original LGBT coalition.
Queer is a wide umbrella and that's a good thing, but it does mean that someone saying they're queer tells me very little about whether we share experiences or can relate. The vagueness and ambiguity of queer is why I no longer identify with it. For many people, maybe including you, that is why they do identify with it. That's great!
The point, as far as I'm concerned, isn't "queer is a meaningless identity" or "people only identify as queer to be more revolutionary" but rather that some people who identify as queer claim they are more revolutionary for doing so and in general the idea that queer is more revolutionary persists, despite the evidence.
This is getting very rambly so I'm going to stop here, but I just want to reiterate that my goal is not to attack anyone's identity or reasons for choosing to identify with it, but rather to engage on this subject in good faith.
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shyshitter · 10 months
Hey, OP of that “dont infantilize the 3 year old” post is a proshipper, which explains their take on “the child nephilim can consent to sex despite other nephilims that didnt have to grow up fast grew normally as humans do”. I can understand wanting to be careful of ableism, and like. As someone whos obsessed w autistic jack as an autistic person, i get it. but like, jack is canonically stated to be a child.
Sorry if this is worded meanly!! Its okay if you dont want to post this too btw, i just thought id let you know the op was using buzzwords to get away with sexualizing a child
good to know!!
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sinclair-scrambles · 1 year
Hey there. Do you mind giving context about the sunset aroace flag and how it's harmful to Black people? (/genuine question cause I've never heard of this)
Ppl has issues with the flag for two reasons:
it's made by someone who supports bi/pan lesbians (bs)
it looks similar to apartheid South Africa flag
Related to 2, they may seem different at first glance but see if you can identify them apart like this.
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There are stories of black South Africans panicking at the sunset aroace flag bcuz it looks like the flag that put them through hell. Shouldn't that be enough of a concern for the queer community to discard it?
Y'all say hastag BLM but when black people tell you not to use a flag that hurts them you blame it on them. Some people istg. (Not aimed at you OP I'm just riled up over this topic as an aroace myself)
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[ID: my south african friend brought this up to me today. it doesn’t matter how different the flags are--when you spraypaint it, when you see the flag from far away, all you see is the orange, white, and blue
the apartheid south africa flag is a flag that is a threat to their lives, their safety, and their country my friend proposed that we could flip the flag, like an upside down cross, and i would like to suggest shifting the colours like this (similar to what they were like on the original aroace flag):
Image of an flipped sunset aroace flag with the orange shades replaced with yellow.
the colours all have the same meaning, they’re just different shades now. i don’t like to reblog bait but please reblog this, regardless of if you’re aroace or not, so we can spread word and use a flag that doesn’t represent white supremacy
/end ID.]
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alcameso · 1 year
so the dad recently was like “yeah a doctor tried tell me i was ‘special’ when i was younger, but look im perfectly normal after all these years” which is funny because 1.) ive been guessing at that for years and 2.) ‘normal’ isn’t in the list of words id use, but anyways, now i do this really cute thing i call Gaslighting My Dad Into Realizing He May Be Autistic After All, but im not lying to him about anything, im just using gaslighting tactics to highlight important information.
‘but hes already gotten this far without knowing, why would you bother him?’ you may ask. well, have you ever heard about the game where you traumatize your dad back? no jk, honestly its 80% just because i can and 20% because i have the fleeting hope he’ll look in to it and he could communicate with us healthier ways if he just knows why he does certain things.
so it looks like this:
dad: that was crazy, the garbage truck just came by and the pitch the engine was making was a G# but most common vehicles sit at like E or F, you ever notice that?
me: wow, its almost like you have better than average pattern recognition, why do you think that is?
dad: yeah sometimes i just don’t want to be touched or touch anything like even just standing on the ground irks me but that’s irrational
me: wow, has it ever occurred to you that theres certain stimuli you might not handle the same way other do? its ok if you don’t, just take a moment to ground yourself
dad: naw thats dumb
me: *miming throttling him*
me: hey one of the younger cousins broke the antenna on the rc car, can we get her a new one?
dad: no need! let me just get my soldering iron
me: your what
dad: yeah you never know wh-
me: dad its ok to just like tools. and have books about tools. and watch historical videos about tools. all the time.
dad: well, its kinda silly
me: whaaat no its not. its like an ultra important interest of yours. like a super interest.
dad: yeah, you could say that. thanks, op.
dad: what are you doing
me: *scratching his head like my hands are brain parasites* its like a special interest.
thanks for reading <3
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mudstoneabyss · 3 years
literally hate that love is the whole point post
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yeochikin · 3 years
selfish. | j. yunho
a/n: i know this is a little late but happy new year everyone! this is quite a self-indulgent fic ig with how i've been feeling lately haha but luckily i managed to sort things out! anyways, enjoy the fic and have a good day bubs! 💕
word count: 1.6k
main focus: jeong yunho x fem!reader
warning(s): slight angst, reader having insecure thoughts, long distance relationship, please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable, not edited!
your eyes were focused on the monitor as you watched your partner, jung yunho and his friends play a random co-op game. they have been interested in this particular game for about two weeks now. though, you won’t lie, the game is pretty entertaining, especially with more people joining in. tonight, however, your mind seemed to be a tad restless so it was best for you to sit out and watch them in hopes of lightening up your mood.
your eyes peeked over yunho’s name, watching as a green light occasionally flickers around his display picture, indicating that he was speaking throughout the gaming session. yet, your mind wasn’t able to comprehend even the simplest of sentences. moving your gaze towards the clock in the bottom right of your monitor, you have noticed how late into the night it had become.
usually, you wouldn’t mind staying up, be it listening and talking to your friends in the group, or spending the night with your long distance partner. but tonight, the unbearable feeling deep down in your chest was a bit too much for you, and it was taking a toll on your mind.
you don’t even know when this feeling surfaced up into your mind. has it been that long since you and yunho had your own private time together? now that you think of it, even if you had some alone time with him, the two of you are doing your own thing with the occasional ‘i love you’s being uttered along with idle chatter about how one’s day has been for them, but other than that? it was just silence being shared between the both of you.
you wanted to at least be a little selfish and have him for yourself, just for one night or two, yet at the same time, you didn’t want to make his friends see you as this demanding partner for hogging him whenever they ask if he wanted to join up in a game later on.
the more you spend your time in the group voice call on this server, the more you feel the thoughts gnawing at you in the back of your mind. your friends and your long distance partner were just having the time of their lives playing a co-op game together, to which, you would join in as well but tonight?
you didn’t have that much energy for some reason.
you hated how you were feeling lately.
you hated how clingy you’ve been feeling.
you hated how selfish you would sound if you were to ask for some time alone with yunho.
but most of all…
you absolutely hated how your past relationships had led you with a mindset like this.
letting out a low heavy sigh, you unmute your mic before speaking.
“hey, guys. i think i’m gonna head off to sleep, i feel a little tired.”
a chorus of ‘good night’s along with ‘sleep well were heard from your side of the line, but oddly enough, you didn’t hear yunho’s voice in return. instead of feeling a little down at the thought, you merely shrugged it away, thinking that he is just too engrossed in the game to have heard you speak.
turning off your computer, you got up from your desk to do your nightly routine, at least that could help you take your mind off of things, and hopefully, it would never resurface ever again so you can go on about your days and nights without being troubled by the thought.
just as you were finishing up, you heard your phone go off. wiping your face dry with your face towel, you made your way to your room to pick up the phone, eyes widening ever so slightly at the flash of a certain caller id that was displayed on the screen of your phone. without wasting your time, you sat down on the edge of your bed and answered.
“hey, love. something wrong?”
“hello to you too, buns. rather than me, is something the matter with you?”
your teeth sank down against your lower lip at yunho’s question, now bringing your legs up to your chest as you stared down at your free hand, that was busily playing with your soft blanket. you wondered if you should really tell him what’s wrong, but in the span of a couple of seconds, you have decided to keep it to yourself.
“huh? oh nah, i was just a little tired. i had quite a day today, that’s all.” you answered, internally scolding yourself for sounding so meek all of the sudden.
on the other end of the line, however, yunho furrowed his eyebrows at the slight pitch of your voice, sensing that something was wrong with you.
though you never noticed, yunho had always been quite observant with your little quirks and habits, from the way you would rub your nose due to being flustered whenever you two have your video call sessions, to the way your voice turn a tad softer than usual whenever you were down. and as for tonight, it was the latter. to which, made his worries start to grow.
before he even had the chance to reply, you cut him off.
“go continue playing with them, okay? have fun, my love.”
“y/n, come now. talk to me, hm?” yunho spoke softly.
from your side, you could feel the feelings starting to emphasise the longer you stay in the call to the point where you could feel the back of your throat aching, your eyes starting to sting ever so slightly. you wanted to say it, you cannot bear it any longer.
“yunho.. am i.. am i selfish?”
with those words being uttered out of your lips, yunho could feel his heart shatter from the shakiness laced in your throat as soon as you spoke. it was moments like these where he wished that he could live closer to wherever you were, wanting nothing more but to shower you with his affection and affirmations.
“my love, no, never! what made you feel this way?”
it was the gentleness in his voice that finally made your tears cascade down your cheeks, as small sobs escaped your lips, yunho patiently waiting for you to calm down as he gently cooed into the phone, letting you know that he was there to listen whenever you were ready.
once you were finally calmed down, despite the occasional hiccups, you finally decided to tell him everything.
you told him as to why you have been feeling down lately, why you were feeling a little moody the past few days. you told him as to how you wanted to spend more time with him. granted that he does call you for a short while before joining up with the others, yet you still felt that it wasn’t enough.
yet at the same time, you are afraid of telling him you wanted to spend some time together, fearing that you would strip him away from having fun with his friends, you don’t want him to feel left out from all the fun they were having. you feared for the day that he had gotten tired of wanting to have some time alone with you, thinking that the other would find it boring rather than entertaining.
so, instead of telling him, you decided to push away your needs and put his first, even if it means sacrificing for your own happiness after his own.
from the other line, yunho could already feel his already shattered heart break into more tiny pieces, deep down he felt like a bad boyfriend for making you feel that way. it really wasn’t his intention of doing so! yet, he couldn’t help but to blame himself for putting you up with these thoughts alone.
heaving out a heavy sigh, yunho finally parted his lips to speak.
“little bun, i am sorry for making you feel this way, and i am forever thankful that you decided to share how you are feeling with me.” he reassured, knowing all too well that you, too, felt bad for making him feel this way.
“i am sorry that the past had made you this way to the point of sacrificing your happiness for others,” he continued.
“i want you to know that it was never my intention to hurt you this way, it is the last thing i wanted to do. i want you to know that to never bottle your feelings up when i did something to upset you, alright?”
“i want you to know that i enjoy our calls, i feel at ease with you, knowing that you are my safe haven from the rough days i’m having. in fact, the way you would say random things so out of pocket are the highlights during our calls, no?” your lover ended, smiling softly in the end as an attempt to lighten the mood.
you won’t lie, as soon as the words were left by yunho you felt as if a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, finally able to smile without any force.
you know that it was hard to share your concerns, fearing that he would see you as being a burden, even if he is your partner. however, you need to remember that the both of you are a team in this, one thing needs to be solved and be confronted rather than running away and hiding it deep down.
“now, little bun, can i make a request?” your lover spoke after things have calmed down. “what is it?”
“let’s both be selfish of each other, hm?”
letting out a low chuckle, you gave him a hum of response, indicating that you were agreeing to his proposal. and with that, the two of you spent a little more time talking through the phone, this time, no more having dark thoughts clouding your mind.
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subukunojess · 2 years
Mirrorverse Oogie Boogie's Story
It has been brought to my attention on a Discord Server that they did detailed bios for the Guardians of the Mirrorverse on their website with not only the statistics but how they battle/changed when the mirrorverse was created and... well:
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[ID: Screenshot from the Disney Mirrorverse website with text:
"What is Oogie Boogie's role in the Mirrorverse?
This frightening Guardian attracts all kinds of attention from the Fractured! Stellar Magic has amplified Oogie Boogie's bug swarm, making them even more hive-like and ravenous, causing them to form a tough defensive barrier and increase his fearsome form. This fearsome fellow delights in bringing misfortune to the Fractured hordes." The OP of this post highlight the words 'more hive-like and ravenous' and 'form a tough defensive barrier'.
"What does Oogie Boogie carry into battle?
Oogie Boogie loves keeping groups of enemies busy with his powerful attacks and twisted carnival games. This gruesome gambler punishes foes with a massive flail made of spiked dice and deflects attacks with his roulette-wheel shield. And just for good measure, creepy crawlies, squirming and ravenous, spill from his seams to overwhelm opponents." 'Creepy crawlies, squirming and ravenous, spill form his seams to overwhelm opponents' is highlighted.]
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[ID: Screenshot from the Disney Mirrorverse website with text:
"What abilities does Oogie Boogie have in the Mirrorverse?
Oogie Boogie thrives in close combat, dealing out damage while feeling no pain. He keeps the odds stacked in his favor by sending his swarming insects to bite and sting his foes, weakening their attacks and dealing damage of their own." 'Close combat' and 'feeling no pain' are highlighted.]
Okay, first off, they have the nerve to keep describing the bugs as ravenous on repeat.
Second, LOOK AT THE IMPLICATIONS OF ALL THIS! Imagine if you will: you're a sack of bugs stuck in a lair under a treehouse who, if your sack falls apart, all of you can be easily stepped on, right? Something happens in outer space like STARS COLLIDING and that energy somehow gets to you. Suddenly, your bugs are more like a hivemind than ever, you get EVEN HUNGRIER, and power flows through you to the point where you FEEL NO PAIN AND CAN FIST FIGHT ANYBODY. And yet, you are the same monster who loves to play and bet, made weapons for yourself, and said, Hey, let's just have fun! Like WHAT?
Excuse me while I simp for Oogie YET AGAIN!
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
I love your writing style. I even got into you One Piece five even though I’m not really a OP fan! But I like what you do haha
I have a Levi request though. Levi x gn!reader where Levi id being sick for the first time around reader and they take care of him.
Thank you!
Anon I am so sorry for the lateness. I /am/ a very slow writer but you guys have the amount of patience I strive for. Thank you for asking. I appreciate all the asks! I have your fic request. Gender neutral reader, no pronouns, no mention of sex, hair, etc. This is a very fluffy, comforting fic in my personal opinion lol. I hope you enjoy. Thanks again for your infinite patience and thank you so much for liking my writing! It's a special kind of compliment when someone isn't even one fandom but still likes your writing style lol thank you thank you! It's so sweet of you.
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A Pleasant Dream
CONTENT WARNING: fluff? a tiny splash of angst if you squint hard enough, comfort.
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He didn’t often get sick, or if he did, he ignored it enough until he wasn’t. 
He also didn’t often ask for help, if at all. Levi would be hard pressed to fully admit either or as he couldn’t recall that far back; perhaps as a child, perhaps not even then. He desired to hold nobody’s hand. Relying on others was a weakness he refused to inherit. It had offered him nothing in life, and he would do anything to stave off the predictable humiliation. After all, it was only a matter of time before someone would disappoint him.
Even you,  he had his doubts. You with your steadiness, and unwavering faith. You, reliable, trustworthy you. 
At times he felt compelled to return your trust, your smile beguiling, warm and bright like sunshine. He wanted to believe that not every tale was a tragedy, that every time he gave his heart away didn’t always have to end in heartbreak.
He blames this possible illness on his sudden sappy thoughts. He blames his nasal congestion, and dull headache for his softness, for the way he goes easy on the cadets during training. He blames the lingering, annoying dry cough that kept him up most of the night, on the way he doesn’t even care that Sasha is fighting someone over dinner rolls during dinner. He blames the fatigue, the achy muscles for the way he gives in to your touch, when you walk over to him. You press one cold hand against his forehead, and he groans both in pleasure and in annoyance; annoyance because leaning into your touch seemed easy–too easy.
“I thought you looked feverish,” you tell him, a frown heavy between your brows. He looks up at you with burning eyes. He smacks his lips, feeling thirsty. “You should get some rest.”
He thinks he should defy you–deny your kindness. He thinks he should teach you to learn your place. He could take care of himself. He stands up, and there’s a sudden lightness in his head. A dizzy spell steals his senses, and he finds himself leaning into you again, your shoulder strong and steady.
“Oop,” he hears you mumble. He thinks he hears amusement in your voice, and he wishes he had the energy to say something smart and sharp. “Let’s get you to your room, Captain.”
His legs are filled with lead, at least it feels like it as you help him up the steps to his bedroom. You drop on the bed, and all but collapse on your pillow. Your breaths feel shallow, and heavy. There is a feeling of foreboding in his chest that threatened to stir up sleeping anxieties. He watches you instead, seeking immediate distractions.
“It’s no big deal,” he mumbles, eyes fluttering as he struggles to stay awake. “I’ll be fine. You can leave.”
You don’t hear him, or at least you do not give an inclination of it. He can’t imagine you ignoring him. You simply didn’t have the audacity, now did you? He couldn’t think about it, not seriously, not completely, not in his current state. He groans, draping one arm across his eyes as if that would help ease the pounding pressure behind them.
There’s a dip in the bed, a creak of the mattress recognizing your weight on it. He feels your warmth next to him, and curses under his breath at how he begins to turn towards, how he wants to curl himself around you. 
He feels hands in his hair, fingers carding through raven locks. His eyes flutter close as a cold cloth goes over his forehead.
“You don’t have to act so tough all the time, you know,” you tell him and he hears it again–that damn sprinkling of mirth embedded in your syllables. It erodes him, consumes his carefully constructed armor. “I’ll stay here until you feel better. Unless you want me to get Hange.” He feels you move, starts to feel your warmth disappear so he reaches with a clammy hand, wraps skinny fingers around your wrist.
“No,” he manages to breathe out, seeing you through his lashes. “No. It’s fine. You may stay.”
You smile, and bite your lip, surely to keep from laughing at him. He rolls his eyes and groans, defeated, dropping his head back on the pillow. You join him again on the bed, start playing with his hair again.
“Get some sleep, Captain. I’m not going anywhere.”
Your words sound like truth, self-evident and unquestionable. He lets go of his fears for once, allows himself to fall into the warm comfort of the bed. Your fingers in his hair are soothing, little touches of affection he never knew he needed. It’s not long before his breathing becomes shallow, slower. In the limbo between unconscious and waking, he thinks he feels your lips brush against his forehead.
A dream, he was sure; and what a pleasant dream it was.
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Imagines - Some Sunny Day Part 1
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AN: My Marvel obsession has been lying dormant since Endgame finished but Wandavision and Falcon and Winter Soldier have brought it back to life.... This is going to be a series based off the show. Kind of like my ‘Oh Dear’ fic, it’s the series with an added characters and story lines. 
Summary: Before the Blip, you and Bucky were close. After you both returning and Tony’s funeral, you decided to go back to your home town to spend time with your family. When duty calls, you return.  
In this chapter: You reunite with Sam and Bucky (Based on S1 EP2)
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Sam Wilson x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 6,883
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 2, strong language, violence. 
You and Bucky had always been close. 
You were close with Steve before Bucky joined the avengers and you fought on Steve’s side during the small civil war between the avengers. 
Steve was your best friend and Sam always knew how to make you smile but there was something about Bucky that was different to the rest of the avengers. 
You had spent some time in Wakanda with Bucky at Steve’s request and you two had always fought side by side and it crushed Steve when you both taken during the blip and he wasn't. 
When you returned, you were thrust back into battle almost immediately. The final fight against Thanos which resulted in you losing Tony and then Steve. 
Nothing seemed to matter except the fact you had been gone for 5 whole years. You had missed 5 whole years with your friends and family. They had changed whilst you were gone and you came back the same as you left.
When Steve returned the infinity stones, he hadn’t given you warning that he wasn’t coming back the same age he was going in but he had warned Bucky. They had spoken about it before apparently and after everything, you felt kind of betrayed. 
You knew you’d never understand Steve’s choice but it was his choice. You were just upset Bucky didn’t warn you. 
You returned to your home town after that day. 
You returned to find some people had changed and some hadn’t but you knew you wanted to be around and spend time with them. 
After all the years fighting for the avengers and only calling every once in a blue moon. It seemed to finally dawn on you that you should spend time with them whilst you still could. 
However, that only lasted around 6 months before you found yourself answering a phone call from Sam. 
You were at a birthday party for one of your old school friend’s daughters when you felt your phone go off. 
You put down one of the little girls who had be asking you a hundred questions about being apart of the avengers and excused yourself from the party. 
“Tell me why I got an awful feeling when I saw your caller ID come up on my phone.” You answered, folding your free hand under your arm as you leant against the wall. 
“It’s cause your subconscious is reminding you about that one time you said no when I asked you out on a date and you regret that now.”  Sam’s voice instantly made you crack a smile. 
“Or maybe it’s because every time I get a call from you it’s to do with the world ending or something worse.” You shot back. 
“It’s good to hear your voice too.” Sam chuckled at your comment before he had responded. 
“So what’s going on? I haven’t heard much from you in months.” You asked. 
“That’s around the time you up and left us for the old way of living.” Sam reminded you that you were the one that decided to go cold agent and return home. 
“There isn’t anything wrong with a little quiet.” You told him as you looked back through the window to the children that were the opposite of quiet. 
“No there isn't.” Sam agreed, “However, I got a situation here at the moment that I could really use your help with.”
“I guess it’s a bit bigger than the usual military op or you wouldn’t be calling?” You frowned. You were in the loop enough to know Sam had been apart of the airforce these past 6 months and had been taking part in frequent missions but nothing that concerned you. 
“I’m sending you over the details now. I’d appreciate it if you could come.” Sam sent you through a file and you pulled your phone away from your ear to open it. 
“You don’t need to convince me, Sam. I’ll be there since I know you wouldn’t ask unless it was serious.” You answered honestly. 
“Guess I’ll be seeing you soon then.” You could practically hear Sam’s smirk through the phone.
“Depends how quick I can get a bag together and your jet can get me to you.” You told him as you picked up your jacket from the coat rack. 
“Well it’s no Red Wing but it’s pretty fast.” Sam stated. “Oh and (Y/n)... You haven’t seen the news in the past hour or so, have you?”
“No? Why?” You frowned at the hesitation in Sam’s voice. 
“Just... take a look.” Sam told you before you ended the call. 
You opened up the news on your phone and what you saw made your mouth go dry and your stomach drop. 
You felt an anger rise up in you as you watched the wannabe waltz onto screen with Steve’s shield in his paws. 
When Sam gave up the shield, you didn’t know how to feel at first but now... now you weren’t surprised Sam didn’t elaborate on what he wanted you to see.
You said your apologies and your goodbyes pretty swiftly and you had already stashed an emergency bag ready to go under your bed so you were soon on your way.
It didn’t take terribly long to get to the air base where Sam was waiting for you. 
“Who the hell is this guy and why is he calling himself the new Captain America?” 
“Nice to see you too.” Sam wasn’t surprised at the attitude once you stepped off the plane.
“Sam, first you call me up to help deal with this wannabe terrorist group and now I just find out that Steve’s shield, which you gave up, is being held by some wannabe superhero.” You dumped your bag on the floor as you closed the gap between you and Sam.
“Trust me, I’m not happy about it either and I knew nothin about it but we have bigger fish to fry right now so can we cut the dramatic and get to actually saying hello?” Sam stared down at you with his hands on his hips. 
You sighed and gave in.
You wrapped your arms around the man and hugged him warmly.
“I’m sorry. I just––”
“–I know.” Sam didn’t need your apology. He understood how you were feeling. You both loved Steve so much. 
“Miss (Y/N)(Y/L/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you.” A voice brought your attention away from Sam to a man approaching you both. 
“(Y/n), Torres. Torres, (Y/n).” Sam introduced you to the uniformed man and you shook his hand politely. 
“Nice to meet you.” You weren’t sure if you had gotten used to the way most civilians looked at you after you became apart of the avengers. When you joined you didn’t realise becoming famous would be apart of the gig.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but Miss (Y/L/N) has to come with me to get logged into the clearance system and sort out a couple things.” Torres pointed over his shoulder as he explained. 
“And by that he means sign an autograph for his kid sister.” Sam teased the man. 
“What?” Torres’ cheeks tinged pink. “No!”
“It’s alright. Lead the way.” You picked up your bag and sent a quick smile to Sam before turning back to Torres. “Oh and you can call me (Y/n) by the way.” 
It didn’t take too long for Torres to fill you in on Sam’s plan for the mission as he logged in a few details so you could have clearance around the airbase. 
You did end up signing an autograph after a little tiptoeing around the question and then by the time you walked back out into the open you spotted someone you hadn’t expected to see. 
It was Bucky. 
“Looking good for a senior citizen.” You spoke up as you approached Sam and Bucky. 
Bucky had his back to you but the sound of your voice soon paused his conversation with Sam and he spun around. 
“Hey Buck.” You smiled but you couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous. “Long time no see.” 
“(Y/n).” Bucky stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you. 
You chuckled at his tight embrace but hugged him back just as tight all the same. 
“You, uh, you look good.” Bucky cleared his throat as he pulled away from you. 
“If you’ll excuse us, Casanova, we got places to be.” Sam tried to pull you away from Bucky but Bucky only followed. 
“I’m coming with you.” Bucky announced. 
“No, you’re not!” Sam argued. 
You hadn’t missed the men’s bickering...
In spite of Sam’s protest, Bucky ended up on the flight anyway. 
“So how’s it been away from the Avengers?” Bucky asked you as you both prepared for the mission.
Sam was up with Torres in the cockpit so you and Bucky were alone for the first time since you saw each other.
“It’s been okay. Spending time at home. Doing non-hero regular folk stuff.” You chuckled weakly as you pulled off your sweater. Bucky’s eyes fell to your chest as you had only wore a vest underneath. You felt your cheeks burn as you pretended not to notice.
“Uh, same.” Bucky cleared his throat before he spoke.. “Been strange without you around.”
“Buck, you know I needed time away from everything. From Sam, from you... After Steve, I...” You let your words drop away. 
There was a short silence before Bucky decided to change the subject.
“I’ve been seeing a therapist. Court mandated. She’s got me doing this whole redemption thing. Contacting people in my past. Making things right.” 
“And how’s that going for you?” You couldn’t help but smirk slightly at the idea of Bucky forcing himself to face his past at the request of a therapist. 
“Well I have three rules I’m meant to stick to and let’s say I’m not exactly following them closely.” Bucky admitted as he folded his hoodie.
“Does your therapist know that?” You cocked an eyebrow at the man with a light amused expression.
“What do you think.” Bucky smirked back at you.
“Be careful. I might tell on you.” You sighed playfully. 
“You’re actually on the list.” Bucky suddenly confessed. “I wanted to make things right after...” Bucky paused for a moment. “...After Steve. I should have warned you. Should have told you the truth.” 
“Bucky.” You stopped him. “It’s okay. Steve made a choice and he chose to talk to you about it. You’re his best friend and the only other person on the team who could’ve really understood why he did what he did. I’m not holding it against you.” 
“I’m still sorry.” Bucky looked you in the eyes as he spoke, “You were with him for so long when I wasn’t around. You should’ve got a real warning.” 
“Thanks Buck.” You pressed your lips into a brief sad smile before looking down at your boots. 
“I’ve really missed you, (Y/n).” Bucky uttered. 
“I really missed you too.” You stopped tying your lace to look up at the man. 
His short hair had really revealed his face and you couldn’t help but notice every part of it. The lines by his eyes when he smiled, the curve of his lips, the shadow that was just coming on.
You straightened up and stepped towards the man. 
“I like the new haircut by the way.” You reached up and let your fingers brush the top of his forehead. “Makes you look almost like a civilian.” 
Bucky couldn’t help but feel his body tense under your touch. 
“You look tired though.” You let your hand drop down to his cheek. “Not been sleeping well?”
Bucky forced himself to move away from your touch.
“Bad dreams.” Bucky murmured. 
“I figured therapy might have been helping you with those.” You frowned, “I remember sharing wake up duty with Steve like it was yesterday.”
“Every time it was your turn you’d make hot coco.” Bucky reminded you. It brought back images of you and Bucky sat in a small kitchen drinking hot chocolate that you had made despite Bucky’s insisting that he didn’t want any. 
“Seems like a lifetime ago.” You smiled but the memories only made you feel dismal. It seemed those were simpler times. Steve was still around, at least. 
Bucky handed you your jacket in the silence and you took it gratefully.
“I’m not interrupting something, am I?” Sam said rather loudly as he climbed down the ladder. 
“No, we were just getting ready which is what you should be doing.” You picked up Sam’s bag and tossed it to him which he caught effortlessly. “I’m going to check a few things with Torres. Try not to kill each other whilst I’m gone.” 
Bucky watched you climb the ladder up to the cockpit and Sam watched Bucky. 
“I’ll never understand why you won’t just shoot your shot with the girl.” Sam shook his head as he opened his duffle. 
“Shoot my what?” Bucky glared over at the man with confusion clear in his eyes. 
“Your shot, man. (Y/n) has clearly been in love with you since Steve dragged your ass onto the team. What she sees in you compared to this, I’ll never understand but she clearly sees something.” Sam had gestured to himself when he spoke but Bucky just rolled his eyes. 
“Maybe instead of talking about (Y/n), you should actually tell me what the plan is?” Bucky suggested as he zipped up his jacket securely. 
“How about you stop avoiding your feelings?” Sam retorted which made Bucky shut up and sit down. 
“I’m not avoiding my feelings.” Bucky grumbled as he glared at the man. 
“Yeah right.” Sam scoffed, shaking his head as he started to change. 
You didn’t return to the boys until you were approaching the drop off. 
“(Y/n), you’ll be out first.” Torres explained as you put in your ear piece, trying your hardest to ignore Bucky and Sam starring daggers at each other behind you. 
“Great. See you on the ground, fellas.” You jumped from the aircraft just as you heard Bucky ask what the plan was in your earpiece. 
You had to jump earlier then the men since you were approaching the building from another angle but that didn’t mean you couldn’t hear them bicker still on the aircraft. 
When you reached the warehouse, you remained hidden in the trees. You watched several people start to load two trucks with large boxes. 
“You’re doing the staring thing again. They’re in there.” You heard Sam’s voice in your earpiece. He must have been talking to Bucky inside the warehouse. 
“Where’s the guy?” Bucky asked. 
“I don’t know. I think they’re smuggling weapons, though.” Sam responded before you could. 
“Well, I think you could be right.” Bucky agreed with a passive aggressive tone. “But there’s only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it.”
“We’re not assassins.” Sam argued with Bucky.
“I’ll see you inside or not.” Bucky must've walked away from what you could hear. 
“Hey, come on, man. I’m just messing with you! Come back.” You could practically see Sam’s smile in your head.
“If you guys are done, I have a visual on the targets. They’re loading up two red trucks.”
“We’re moving up now.” Bucky replied to you. 
“Look at you. All stealthy.” Sam was teasing him. “A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther.”
“It’s actually White Wolf.” Bucky corrected him and Sam’s reaction almost made you laugh out loud. 
You tried to move closer to the trucks to see exactly what was going inside but it was risky with the group constantly checking around them. 
“All right, I’m inside. Therefore, way ahead of you. It’s not great, but very doable.” Bucky’s voice came up again. “Hello. How are you?” Bucky sounded irritated. Sam must've snuck up on him. 
“Good. What did I miss? Nothing.” Sam whispered back. 
“All right, let’s go.” Bucky commanded but Sam stopped him. 
“No, wait.”
“I got a vibranium arm. I can take them.” Bucky held up his arm as he fought against Sam’s halt.
“And I can fly. Who gives a shit?” Sam muttered. “Wait. I want to see where they’re going.”
“Guys I may not be in the same location as you but I can hear everything you’re saying so quick the arguing” You whispered lowly as you kept your eyes trained on the trucks. 
You tried to zone out the boys bickering as you crept forward. A crashing noise from inside the warehouse made you jump back and hide as the flash smasher members all stopped and looked. 
“Be careful.” You hissed at the both of them.
“It wasn’t my fault.” Bucky tried to defend himself but frankly you didn't care. The trucks were staring to close up and their engines switched on. 
You watched the people pile into the trucks and you dived over, taking hold of the backdoors and clinging on. 
“They have a hostage.” Sam told you as the trucks drove off with you attached. 
“Then get moving.” You commanded. You pulled open the door you were hanging to and opened it. 
“No sight of a hostage in here.” You informed Sam as you looked around. “Just boxes of vaccines.” 
“I found her.” Bucky must've gotten inside the other truck. “Hi. You okay?” Bucky’s voice was then followed by a crashing sound. 
However, you had your own problems... 
You heard a loud bang behind you and you turned to see two men at the end of the truck. They both had masks on. 
“Cute masks.” You taunted them before they charged at you. 
You threw three knives at them, two managed to hit one of the men in the thigh and chest but the second man had knocked the third one away. 
You went to attack the uninjured one first as he drew closer, you punched him but he was strong. He didn’t even flinch. 
You felt a small panic in your chest as you started to fight. He was taking moves that would usually floor someone like he was being attacked by a pillow. 
You managed to get him to the ground by wrapping your thighs around his neck and flipping him over you before you threw another knife at the injured soldier. He seemed to retreat, climbing out of the truck and onto the roof. 
“Could use some back up, Sam!” You called out as you followed. 
You climbed up onto the roof and the first soldier chased after you. The injured one grabbed hold of Bucky along with a third guy and so you were left with the big one. 
You heard Redwing shooting at the roof before you saw it but a redheaded female smashed it in half like it was but a plastic toy. 
With that, Sam finally swooped in and started throwing punches. 
He was thrown to the other roof as you continued to fight your own battle. You were getting tired and his punches seemed to only be getting stronger and more painful each time.
You pulled out another knife but he grabbed your wrist and squeezed. You couldn’t help but cry out at the pressure, you dropped it before he could break your wrist. 
Then suddenly a helicopter appeared from what seemed like nowhere. Cap’s shield bounced off one of Sam’s attackers as two new bodies joined the fight. 
The distraction allowed you to kick your attacker off the truck and start to help Bucky. 
“Sam, John Walker; Captain America.” 
“Lemar Hoskins.”
“Looks like you guys could use some help.” Walker and his sidekick introduced themselves. 
 A surge of rage from the introduction of ‘Captain America’ helped you regain some adrenaline. You turned and started to fight once again. 
You let yourself become distracted as Bucky fell from the side of the truck which allowed one of the guys to send you off the truck too.
Sam was quick to fall back with his suit and grab you before you hit the concrete road. However, the impact of him grabbing you did leave you winded. 
“Bucky.” You wheezed as the man settled you on the side of the road. 
Sam flew up and chased after the trucks. 
You took a moment, wincing at your aching body before you rose to your feet and took off in their direction. 
You couldn’t catch up to the trucks but it didn’t take long to find Bucky and Sam once you spotted they were both coming out of a field. 
“If someone told me I’d be fighting a whole bunch of super soldiers today I would’ve wore my nice pants.” You stated as you approached the two men.
“We knew they were strong but not like this.” Sam defended himself from your anger. 
“One of those guys took a knife to the chest and could still walk away.” You threw your arms up as you informed him. This was so much worse than the documents had described. 
“It’s going to take a lot more than just a knife to stop these guys.” Bucky’s eyes seemed to carry a storm as he thought. 
“How can this be possible? I thought the super soldier serum was gone. What happened in Siberia was supposed to have put an end to it all.” You remembered the failed super soldiers as clear as day. 
“We know about as much as you, (Y/n). Unless you tried to, you know, your weird seeing thing?” Sam asked.
“No. It takes it out of me and I can’t do it whilst I’m trying to fight for my life so.” You shook your head as you walked beside the men. Whilst you weren’t as powerful as some of the Avengers, you were a great assassin like Natasha Romanoff. Your talent was your knife throwing but under all the training and all the knowledge, there was a gift. A gift you’d had since birth.
If you touched someone, you could see their entire past, everything they had experienced up until that moment. It really drained you of your energy and over the years you trained yourself so that you could switch it on and off so it didn’t happen every time you touched someone but when you did use it, it usually required a lie down afterwards. 
“Sorry about Redwing.” Bucky spoke up after a moment of silence. 
“No, you’re not.” Sam rolled his eyes at the fake apology before asking: “What’s going on in that big cyborg brain of yours?”
“It’s computing.” Bucky grumbled. 
“You know what? I can actually see it. I can see the gears turning. Oh, they’re malfunctioning, shutting down. Yep, they’re on fire.” Sam couldn’t help but make fun of Bucky which only made you walk ahead of the men. You weren’t in the mood for this.
“We gotta figure out where the serum’s coming from.” You said to stop their silliness. 
“Yeah. And how in the hell after 80 years are there eight Super Soldiers runnin’ loose?” Sam agreed with you just as a transport vehicle began to pull up along side him. 
“So that didn’t go as planned, huh?” John Walker’s voice penetrated the space like a foul smelling fart. 
He opened the truck’s door to allow you all to hop in but you all ignored him. 
“Alright. Let’s keep going.” He told the driver before directing his attention back to you. “Look, at least we know what we’re up against now, huh? And we’re pretty sure it’s one of the Big Three, so…”
"Aliens, androids, or wizards?” Sam spoke up just to prove to Bucky that others knew of the ‘Big Three.’
“Pretty sure.” Walker nodded.
“There’s no such thing as wizards.” Bucky exclaimed which made you cock an eyebrow at the man. You clearly missed a conversation here. 
“Then it’s aliens, or androids.” Walker shrugged as if it were obvious.
“––Or Super Soldiers.” Sam added. 
“Shit. Super Soldiers, for real?” Walker’s colleague responded with the reaction you just about expected. 
“Yeah.” Sam confirmed. 
“Wow. All right, well, then we gotta work together.” Walker’s eyebrows rose as he spoke. 
“That’s not happening.” Bucky declared.
“I think we stand a much better chance if we all just––”
“––Just ’cause you carry that shield, it doesn’t mean you’re Captain America.” Bucky cut Walker short and you were grateful for it. The man was making your head ache. 
“Look, I’ve done the work, okay?” Walker sighed. 
“You ever jump on top of a grenade?” Bucky shot back but he wasn't met with the answer he wanted. 
“Yeah. Actually, I have. Four times. It’s a thing I do with my helmet. It’s a reinforced helmet. It’s a long story, but, any… Look, it’s 20 miles to the airport. You guys need a ride.” Walker got his driver to stop. “Get in.” 
You looked back at Sam and Bucky. You hadn’t said anything yet which Sam thought was a record of yours. You chose to give in and climbed into the truck with Bucky and Sam since your body was already aching from the previous fight. 
“Okay, so we’ve got eight Super Soldiers on a bulk supply run. Why?” Walker asked, his eye on you as you sat in between Bucky and Sam. 
“They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during the Blip. Maybe they’re just trying to help.” Sam told Walker what he knew. 
“They had a funny way of showing it.” Bucky grimaced as a bruise on his face started to form. 
“That serum doesn’t exactly have a great track record. No offence.” Walker looked over at Bucky as he hinted at the winter soldier. 
“We need to figure out where they’re going.” You wanted to shift the attention away from Bucky. 
“She speaks? I have to admit I was starting to wonder.” Walker smiled at you which only made you want to punch him even more than you already did.  
“How’d you track ’em here? The Flag Smashers?” Sam could tell you were a second away from decking the new Captain America and hopping ship so carried on the conversation. 
“Uh, no, we didn’t track them, we tracked you, uh, through Redwing.” Hoskins notified Sam. 
“You hacked my tech?” Sam was beyond irritated at this point. 
“Sorry. It’s not exactly hacking. It’s government property. Kind of the government.” Walker laughed as he gestured to himself. “Does he always just stare like that?” He stopped laughing under Bucky’s stare. 
“You get used to it.” Sam muttered. 
“Okay, look, you know, things have gotten kind of, uh––”
“––Chaotic.”Hoskins helped Walker find the word. 
“Yeah.” Walker cleared his throat. “The GRC, they’re doing the best they can to get things up and running smoothly, post Blip.”
“Reactivating citizenship, social security, healthcare. Basically just managing resources for the refugees who were displaced by the return.” Hoskins tried filling you in as if you hadn't heard about it before. The GRC propaganda was plastered across all the cities in America. 
“The Global Repatriation Council does all that. We understand but why exactly are you two here?” You questioned, cocking your head towards Walker. 
“Well, they provide the resources and we keep things stable.” Hoskins replied first.
“Yeah, violent revolutionaries aren’t usually good for anyone’s cause.” Walker added on. 
“Usually said by the people with the resources.” Sam smirked at the men. 
“Well, we got a lot of resources. If you guys, if you joined up with us, we could––”
“––No.” Bucky shut Walker down immediately. 
“I got mad respect for both of y’all. But you were getting your asses kicked till we showed up.” Hoskins wasn’t helping the situation. 
“Who are you?” Bucky asked genuinely. 
“Lemar Hoskins.” Hoskins introduced himself once again. 
“Look, I see a guy hanging out of a helicopter in tactical gear, I need a lot more than Lemar Hoskins.” Sam backed Bucky up on that one. A name was nothing in this situation.
“I’m Battlestar. John’s partner.” Hoskins nodded towards Walker and you couldn't stop the smile that spread across your lips when Bucky responded. 
“Battlestar? Stop the car!” Bucky called up ahead. 
The car slowed as it pulled into a bus stop. Bucky pushed open the door and you followed. You couldn't stand sitting in front of that man in that uniform another second longer. 
"Look, I… I get it, okay? I get the attitude, I do. You didn’t think that the shield was gonna end up here. I get it, Bucky. And I’m… “ Walker turned back to Sam. “I’m not trying to be Steve. I’m not trying to replace Steve. I’m just trying to be the best Captain America I can be. That’s it. It’d be a whole lot easier if I had Cap’s wingmen on my side.” 
Sam scoffed at Walker’s choice of words. Wingmen? He really had the audacity. 
“It’s always that last line.” Sam jumped out of the vehicle and followed you and Bucky. 
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Once back on the aircraft you stripped of your weapons and jacket. 
Sam and Bucky did the same. 
You sat down on your seat and rested your head back against the wall. You needed an ice bath. Your muscles were screaming at you. 
“You alright?” Sam asked Bucky as he sat, his eyes locked on the floor. 
You opened your eyes to look over at the men. 
“Let’s take the shield, Sam. Let’s take the shield and do this ourselves.” Bucky sounded pretty decided. 
“We can’t just run up on the man, beat him up, and take it. Do you remember what happened the last time we stole it?” Sam sat up slowly as he furrowed his brow at the idea.
“Maybe.” Bucky grumbled. 
“I’ll help you in case you forgot.” Sam proclaimed, “Sharon was branded enemy of the state, and Steve and I were on the run for two years. I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna live the rest of my life la vida loca. We just got our ass handed to us by Super Soldiers, and we got nothing.” 
Even though you did spend some time in Wakanda under protection from their government, there was a period where you were on the run with Steve and Sam and it wasn’t fun. Being pardoned after the fight against Thanos was one of the best things that happened to you; it’s what allowed you to go home. 
“Not entirely true.” Bucky pushed himself onto his feet. “There is someone that you should meet.” 
Bucky’s eyes met yours and you knew who he was talking about. 
You had seen Bucky's past. Everyone of Bucky’s memories. You had seen all the death and the pain and the fighting. You had seen the Winter Soldier and pre-world war Bucky and you had suffered for it for some time. Nightmares used to plague you but you had managed to block most stuff from your mind over the years. Especially the Winter Soldier memories because that wasn’t really Bucky; that was a weapon made by Hydra. 
You had been forced by the team to check his memories to see if he really had bombed the UN but you couldn't choose how far you looked back, you gift made you see everything from the earliest childhood memory up to that moment. 
You stood and approached Bucky.
“Are you sure about this?” You whispered, taking hold of Bucky’s forearm as you pulled him to one side.
“He should know.” Bucky’s eyes seemed so sure. You dropped your hand down from his arm to his hand and gave it a squeeze. 
“Alright then.” You pressed your lips into a thin line as you accepted his choice. 
Soon enough the route was changed and the plane turned. 
“Will you come?” Bucky asked as the door to the plane opened. 
“I’ll wait here but call me if you need me.” You didn’t feel like seeing Isaiah. Some of the time if something from Bucky’s past showed up it could trigger his memories in your own head which you didn’t particularly enjoy. 
“Alright.” Bucky sighed but left without you. 
Only a short while later you had received a phone call from Sam. 
“Hello?” You answered. 
“It’s Bucky. He’s been arrested. There was a warrant out for his arrest.” Sam informed you. 
“Why?” You were confused. Bucky had been pardoned like the rest of you for his crimes and his warrant wiped. 
“He missed his therapy session or something. I’m heading back to your, we gotta go get him out.” Sam hung up pretty quickly. 
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“Why didn’t you tell anyone about the super solider?” Sam asked you as you made your way to the station. 
“I only knew because I’ve been inside Bucky’s head but if I listed off every single person Bucky has fought or killed or wronged it would take me a while.” You hated admitting that but the Winter Soldier had done a lot of damage. 
“But this was a black super soldier who rotted behind bars for years! Being experimented on like a lab rat whilst Steve sat in the ice and Bucky ran around playing secret assassin!” Sam was angry and you understood why. 
“I didn’t know he was in prison. I only knew of him as the guy Bucky fought in Goyang and lost. I figured if Bucky wanted him found then he would say. It’s not my place, they’re not my memories.” You tried to defend yourself but you knew Sam would never understand your logic. 
“How can I trust you if you’re sitting on information like that?” Sam catechised you. 
“Because you’ve trusted me for years. I say what needs to be said and if it isn't useful to us at the time then I don’t bring it up. I have so much inside of here from people that aren’t even around more. When I go inside someone’s head the memories don’t just go away. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s memories I’m thinking of when I look back on things. I block what I can and deal with what I can’t.” You stopped Sam in the hallway as you snapped. You couldn’t believe he was questioning whether he could trust you or not after everything. 
“I know it can be hard for you. I can’t imagine what its like but there are some things more important than others and Isaiah. Isaiah is one of them.” Sam’s words just made you turn and head to the desk. 
You tried to get as much information about Bucky but all they instructed you to do was sit and wait. 
“Sam?” A woman approached you and Sam. You lifted your head up at the sound of her voice. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Dr. Raynor. I’m James’s therapist.” 
You shook hands with the woman and introduced yourself. 
“I’ve heard some about you too.” Dr. Raynor smiled as she greeted you. 
“Thank you for getting him out.” Sam thanked her as he shook her hand but she only furrowed her brow. 
“That was not me.” She told you both. 
“Christina!” You didn’t need super hearing to recognise that voice. “Good to see you again!” Walker was signing autographs as he entered the station. 
“You gotta be kidding me. You know him?” Sam only said what you were thinking. 
“Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day.” Dr Raynor looked between Sam and Walker. 
“I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I’d step in.” Walker approached her which made you stepped back. “Bucky’s not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer.”
“We haven’t finished our work. Who authorized this?” Dr Raynor protested. 
“Um…” Walker pointed to himself. You felt a fire flare inside of you. “He’s too valuable of an asset to have tied up. Just do whatever you got to do with him, then send him off to me. Got some unfinished business, him and I.”
Walker then pointed to you and Sam. 
“You too, Wilson. (Y/l/n). I’ll be outside.” Walker backed away, sending a wink in your direction. 
You felt Sam take hold of your wrist quickly before you could even take the chance to lunge forward. 
“Breathe.” Sam told you. “We’ll deal with that asshole later.” 
Bucky was allowed through and Dr Raynor approached him immediately.
“James, condition of your release, session now. You too, Sam.” She insisted as she headed back towards the cells from which Bucky had just come from. 
“That’s okay. I’ll be out here with (Y/n).” Sam brushed off the offer except it wasn’t an offer. 
“That wasn’t a request.” Dr Rayor warned him. 
You pushed the man forward. 
“Quicker you’re in, quicker you’re out.” You told him. 
“Why doesn’t she want you?” Sam pouted. 
“Get moving before I get bored and decide to use John Walker out there as my new punching bag. Get myself in trouble.” You tried to make the man laugh but failed. He only groaned and dragged himself inside. 
It didn’t take long for Sam to storm out of there who was swiftly followed by Bucky. 
“Hey, you okay?” You asked Sam as he returned to you. 
“Peachy.” He sneered.
You sighed and followed both men outside. 
“Well, I feel better.” Sam announced once you were all finally outside. 
“I feel awful.” Bucky muttered which made you want to take his hand but you refrained as a siren drew your attention over to Walker and his buddy. 
“Gentlemen. Lady. Good to see you again.” Walker had a smile on that you wanted to wipe clean off. “ Look, if we divide ourselves, we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that.” 
“Well do you have anything that’s actually useful?” You folded your arms across your chest as you closed in on the men.  
"Well, the leader’s name’s Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians who’ve been helping Karli move from place to place.” Walker started. 
“They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe.” Hoskins continued. 
“We think she’s taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps.” Walker finished. 
“Well, there are hundreds of those all over the planet since the Blip. So I guess you’ll have to look real hard.” Bucky’s glowered at the man as he leant on the cop car. 
“Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?” Walker smirked as he snapped back. 
“Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?” Bucky rose his voice. 
“No, we don’t know, Bucky. It’s only a matter of time before we find out.” Walker rose his voice also. 
“Things are really intense for you, aren’t they, Walker?” Bucky was being cocky. You had to stop yourself from finding it amusing. 
“Take it easy. Look, Walker’s right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them. But you guys have rules of engagement and all kind of authorizations you have to get. We’re free agents. We’re more flexible. So it wouldn’t make sense for us to work with you.” Sam interrupted and seemed to clear the air a little. You took his last words as a chance to leave but Walker wasn’t done.
“A word of advice, then.” Walker stopped you all. “Stay the hell out of my way.”
You watched the two men walk away. Your jaw clenching together to stop you from saying something you’d regret. 
“Come on.” Sam urged you on and you forced yourself to walk away. 
Once you were far enough from the station Sam asked you both what you were thinking. 
“Well, I know what we have to do. When Isaiah said ‘my people’...” Bucky was the one of out you both to speak first. 
“Oh, don’t take that to heart. That’s not what he meant.” Sam began. 
“No, he meant HYDRA. HYDRA used to be my people.” Bucky corrected him. 
“Not a chance.” You shook your head, putting your foot down. 
“Walker doesn’t have any leads.” Bucky claimed. 
“Bucky, I know where you’re going with this and I’m saying no.” You couldn’t believe he was even suggesting it. 
“He knows all of HYDRA’s secrets.” Bucky tried to reason with you. 
“Don’t you remember Siberia?” Sam also knew exactly what Bucky meant. 
Bucky nodded. 
“So you’re just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?” Sam stared at Bucky with a mixture of shock and concern. 
“Yes.” Bucky was hesitant to answer which only made you hate this idea even more. 
“Okay, then.” Sam sighed. “We’re gonna go see Zemo.” 
“No! No, we aren’t not going to see Zemo!” You demanded causing both the boys to stop. 
“(Y/n), it’s different now.” Bucky declared. 
“It’s the only lead we got.” Sam was actually on Bucky’s side. 
“What? And you think he’s just gonna help us like that?” You scoffed out of disbelief. 
“We have to try.” Bucky started to walk again. 
“I trust this guy about as far as I can throw him, Buck!” You exasperated. 
“That’s more than me.” Sam murmured but you chose to ignore it. 
“(Y/n). We’re going.” Bucky wasn't arguing anymore. It was going to happen. 
Bucky Barnes Tags
@florencxs​ @mystictimetravelcolor​ @yourphotographyteen16​ @shannon-posts​​ @darkbluenovember @sexwithhiddlesbatch​
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