#hey why was there another TOS update
switch · 4 months
4 notes · View notes
luciferlightbringer · 7 months
Love in a Hopeless Place
Chapter 6
Hi lovelies! Please be warned that this is a heavier chapter that discusses trauma and depictions of violence! I'm sure I'm going overboard with the warnings, but I'm just wanting to make sure I cover all of my bases here! xoxo, Dany
Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Updated through Chapter 12
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Lucifer x prostitute fem!reader Word Count: 5.3k CW: Slowburn, Prostitution, Hurt/comfort, trauma, fluff, cuddles, depression, anxiety, protective "not-boyfriend" !Trigger Warning!: Physical violence, abuse, neglect, vague mentionings of underage sex work, drug use, torture, and drug dealing
The next couple of days seemed to creep by more slowly for the both of you, nothing drastic, just... slower, more... unpleasant. It could have been because of how good everything felt to be with each other, but at least for you, there had been another new factor.
You had still been seeing other clients while working for Lucifer, and sure, he took up the largest amount of time, but there were still others, some one offs and some regulars, and a handful of new clients. Most of them didn't give you much grief, but one of your newer clients had taken quite a shine to you, and wanted to see you more often. He was... ok...ish... not really. He was a little selfish, which was fine, but he also had an aggressive personality, and not the fun kind. He had not done anything "bad" to you yet, but he toed the line and that made you nervous.
This had not been as much of an issue until someone tipped him off that you did house calls it was Cynthhhhia, and in the last two days he had asked for you to go to his place, and he seemed to push the boundaries more outside of the brothel. Larry had always told you that if anyone made you ladies uncomfortable, that you could put them on your "No Kiss List", basically being banned from being scheduled with you, and depending on the intensity of the issue they could also get banned from the Lounge entirely.
Again, at this point, this newer guy, Jethro, had not done anything yet, so you still felt like you could handle him, but he was still a cause for some stress. The night of your next visit with Lucifer was a welcome one. When you got too Lucifer's, you pulled him into a tight embrace. He welcomed your hug, but noticed that it felt a little different, a little heavier than usual.
"Well hello to you too! Haha! Hey, you doing ok?" he said, looking at you with soft concern as your released him from your embrace.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" you smiled, trying to hide your stress from the day.
"Oh nothing, you just uh... felt a little tense is all," he said sheepishly.
"Oh! Haha, ya it's nothing. Just a long day. Lots of clients, lots of... you know," you said trailing off.
"Of course! Haha, how silly of me! Do you, uh... need a minute? Do you want to, like, take a bath or shower or something?" he asked, "By yourself of course! I'm sure a minute to yourself would be nice. Plus, I still need to finish up with dinner," he added nervously, he felt his checks tint pink.
You chuckled, you thought it was funny when Lucifer would overthink his statements and felt like he needed to clarify something.
"That sounds nice, I might just take you up on that," you smile.
"Great!" he smiled, "Chose any bathroom you like, dinner should be ready in like 30 minutes."
The two of you part ways as you headed to one of the close-by guest bathrooms and Lucifer headed back to the kitchen. Lucifer had some updates that he had wanted to tell you about from Charlie's meeting with Heaven, but he figured that could wait a little longer. Plus, he was now preoccupied by his own dumb comment.
'"You want to take a bath or shower or something? By yourself, of course!" no duh, you idiot! She understood that's what you meant, why did you felt like you needed to clarify that?! Why do you gotta be so weird sometimes?!' he scolded himself as he made his way to the kitchen. Lucifer definitely had people that would cook for him, but he liked that it gave him something to do sometimes while he waited for you to get there in the evenings.
Meanwhile, you drew yourself a bath and slipped into it. You examined the bruises on your legs and chest from where your earlier guest had bitten and grabbed you. You were normally all for kinks like these, but these feel more forceful, and therefore made you upset to look at. You hid your legs under the water and just floated in the big tub for a while.
You smiled to yourself again as you thought of Lucifer stumbling over himself 'You want to take a bath or shower or something? By yourself, course!' followed by that little nervous smile. It was cute, and it was funny that he kept forgetting that he could just request that if he wanted to. You wouldn't have minded, you honestly would have liked it. He would be so warm and soft, snuggling into your chest in the warm water. You realized you had only ever seen him down to a barely opened shirt, while he has seen you down to your lingerie, for a fleeting minute.
How odd it was, that he had been one of your longest running and most consistent clients and yet, you too had not been sexually intimate at all. It was nice, but also... a little disappointing? Why was that disappointing? Why did you care? And why did you actually like the thought of bathing with him?
Your thought process was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Uhh... occupied?" you said.
"There you are!" you could hear Lucifer through the door. "Jesus Christ, darling why do I have so many bathrooms?"
You shrugged, "Uhh.. cuz you're rich and its funny?"
"Hmm... That is true..." Lucifer chuckled on the other side of the door, "Anyways, dinner is ready whenever you are!"
"Ok!" you called out, and you started to get ready. As Lucifer walked away, he paused for a moment, thinking about how you were naked on the other side of the door.
He shook his head and kept walking, "Dude, stop it," he said quietly to himself.
A few minutes later, you were out, a toweling off your hair, back in your earlier clothes.
"How are you feeling?" said Lucifer as you entered the room.
"Much better, thank you," you said with a smile.
You and Lucifer sat down to eat, and Lucifer was finally able to tell you about the whole ordeal of setting up the Heaven with meeting the exhausting bureaucracy and drama of it all, and then... the aftermath of Charlie's meeting. Charlie had gone up with Vaggie, met with a bunch of the angels and seraphim, including Adam, the first man and leader of the yearly exterminations, and his right hand exorcist, Lute, and... it did not go well. Charlie had gotten them to start actually start thinking about the whole issue, then Adam dropped the whole "extermination" thing on the counsel, and most of the angels in the room knew nothing about the extermination of souls in hell! Consider the tea, spilled. Then on top of that, the council said their was not proof sinners could be redeemed, and Adam basically declared war on the Hotel.
Well, this was very stressful, but in a way that made you care more and made you forget about your worries from earlier in the day. You thought about Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel... everyone at the hotel... You were wondering how they were feeling, how they were going to get out of this. So much for your idea about moving into the hotel. You chuckled to yourself.
"What is it?" Lucifer asked.
"Oh... it's stupid," you say with a wave of your hand, Lucifer gives you a look. You sigh, "Just... puts a little damper on my daydream to try out the hotel."
Lucifer cocked his head to the side, "You were thinking about moving to the hotel?"
You sat back and shrugged, "It was... a passing thought. Nothing serious. I realize that probably would have made things complicated, it's probably just easier this way."
Lucifer studied your face, "Maybe after the next extermination, see what happens. I just don't want you to get caught up in all of that right now."
"Ya," you say, staring off. Your worries returning back to thoughts of Charlie and the others.
Lucifer read the concern on your face, and placed a hand over yours. You looked up to meet his soft smile.
"It's gonna be ok..." he said with hesitation. "I don't exactly know how it is going to be ok, I would be lying if I said it wasn't nervous... but I trust my daughter... and her friends seem to be good people... outside of Alastor," his glared off to the side at the mentioning of the Radio Demon.
He was right, maybe not all hope was lost, maybe Charlie would figure out something. You smile at the face he made, then looked down at his hand on top of yours. Your face shifted in thought in response to something he had just said, "her friends seem to be good people..." Did he really believe that? Did that visit really change his mind that much? That's not what he had made it sound like the other day. You had forgotten about that comment, and now the reminder left you with a bitter taste.
Lucifer looked over and caught your expression, "What's on your mind?"
You look at him sideways, "Do you really believe that? That her friends are good people?"
"Well... as far as I have seen, why do you say that?" he said with worried confusion.
You look up at him, "I just thought that sinners were all violent psychopaths, hell-bent on causing as much pain a destruction as they can."
Lucifer froze, shit did he really say that the other day to his daughter, in front of you and all of Charlie's friends? Yeesh.
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Jeez, I really did say that didn't I?" You gave him a slow judgmental nod. He sighed, "I... I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that... I'm sorry... I realized that I have never really taken the opportunity to actually get to know many sinners, and I've passed a lot of judgement on them the last... 10,000 years. They are not like that... you, are definitely not like that... Honestly, meeting you has made me really confused on the matter of how they decide who ends up here entirely."
Your slight distain turned you curiosity, and you raised an eyebrow, "How so?"
Lucifer took a minute to try and find the words, "Uhh, well... fuck, ok... I guess I just don't understand why you are in hell in the first place. The way you treat people puts people I used to know in Heaven to shame."
You blow a puff of air out your nose in a laugh, "Maybe the way I treat you and hotel people, I'm not like this with everyone, you know?"
"Well ya... but still..." Lucifer held back his next question a moment, he didn't want to say anything to upset you. "Can I ask... um... how you ended up here?"
You prop your head up on your hand and thought, being alive felt so long ago. Lucifer waited nervously for you to answer, but he was pretty sure you didn't look mad at the question.
"You really wanna know?"
He nodded.
"Well... I was the oldest child of drug addict parents, who had no right having any kids, spent much of my life fending for myself and my siblings, my parents would not stop having fucking kids and I was basically the only parent for them. I had to do... whatever I could for them, steal from neighbors, stores, random people's cars, anything to get food and money for my siblings. When I was older, my grandmother got custody of us and it got a lot better, but we struggled a lot mentally and it was hard to shake the old habits. She had to knock some sense into me to stop stealing, but I could never get past the idea of needing to be the parent of the house. I didn't go to school until end of middle school, and when I started it was hard, I skipped school, never finished an education. I wanted to... but I was way too far behind by that point, and with so many kids, grandma couldn't get all of us caught up. I encouraged her to focus on the younger ones. I tried getting a normal job, but I ended up meeting shitty people and I get ended up selling drugs and my body to get by. It wasn't great but it made me money. I had bad and sub-par relationships, nothing great. During my last relationship, I was actually starting to learn about boundaries and shit, feeling like it might actually go somewhere... and then I was killed during a bad drug deal," you looked back at Lucifer casually as you finished your story.
Lucifer looked at you with so much heartbreak in his eyes. No pity, no belittlement, no tears, just sadness. "How are you still so full of kindness then? After all of that?"
You smiled, "Partly cuz I can act, but mostly because... everything stupid, reckless, or "sinful" I ever did... it was for my siblings. I always thought that I would damn myself to hell so that they didn't have to." You shook your head, "I sure did damn myself to hell, but... I don't know how successful I was, my siblings always seemed mad or annoyed with me... but... I just loved them all so much."
Lucifer stood up and wrapped his arms around you as you remained sitting, your head at his chest level. You were taken by surprise, but hugged him back, "What's this for?"
He released you slightly from his hug, and held your face in his hands. "If you gave your siblings even an ounce of the care you have shown me, I know you were successful, and I know they will never forget the sacrifices you made for them."
Your eyes go wide, 'Could it... could it be? Could he be right? Could you have saved them? Saved them from the same pain you endured? Could your actions have changed the course of their lives? Could you have saved them from a fate in hell?' Tears started to form in your eyes. 'No. No. No no no no no. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, no crying in front of Lucifer.' You rip your face away from Lucifer's hands and wipe your face before the tears fall.
Lucifer ached to see you tear yourself away and wipe your tears. Until this moment, he had never realized how much of a wall you had up, how much you protected yourself, how much space you gave to him and how little you gave for yourself. He knew the dynamics were weird, this not being a normal friendship and all. Those dynamics were starting to make him so frustrated, he just wanted to hold you every night and tell you how much he cared about you... but things were way too messy now. He had no idea how to untangle this, and emotionally vulnerable conversations did not seem like the best idea right now with everything going on.
"Sorry," you say as you finish wiping your tears, "Thank you, really, I mean it. I'm just... not used to that."
Lucifer smiled, "Well... I hope this can be a good... beginning to that..."
'Nice job Lucifer, fucking nailed it, idiot.' he thought you himself.
You laugh, he laughed with you. Alright, enough of that, time for some tv and snuggles. You also remembered another question you had for Lucifer from you day at the hotel. You asked Lucifer about how he could teleport, and asked if the driver was necessary or if he could just pick you up from your apartment for your evenings together. He didn't know why he hadn't thought about that before, he had been worried about people following the car back to his place, or bothering you, and that would make him feel better. Plus, it would be cool to see your place. You guys made a plan for him to just teleport in to grab you in the future.
The next couple of weeks were a weird mixture of fun and stressful, Lucifer started teleporting in to get you right at your set meeting time and he got to see your place. It was... small, really small, and there wasn't much to it. He made a comment oh how "minimalist" it was, but you just said you didn't need a lot, you weren't used to much, which wasn't completely a lie, but you didn't want to worry him with images of the other girls trying to break into your room.
Outside of that, Lucifer had the added stressors of worrying about Charlie, the hotel, and the upcoming extermination/war with Adam. You would go a visit the hotel crew with him often, but it only seemed to ease his mind while he was there. He started to complain again about struggling a little with sleep, he would fall asleep fine, especially with you there, but he started having nightmares that would wake him up in the middle of the night and would make it hard for him to fall back asleep. You were frustrated that you did not know how to help him with that, but you also knew he could take care of himself. You couldn't fix all of his problems.
You on the other hand... had reached a boiling point with Jethro. He continued to ignoring safe words, become more controlling, manipulative, and aggressive, until one day you had enough. You stopped the scene you were in and told him that he would not stand for his behavior anymore. Jethro did not like this, and you left his house with a black eye, as well as several other bruises across your body, may be even a sprain. You ran back to the Lounge as quickly as you could, trying desperately not to cry in public.
You got into the Lounge and ran up to your room to hide. Luckily, one of the girls you were closer to saw you, and told Larry. Larry texted you, asking what happened and if he could come up to talk to you. You agreed. Larry came up to your room, you opened the door for him to see you in tears, covered in bruises, trying to ice your eye. You told Larry what happened, and he told you he was putting Jethro on your "No Kiss List", banning him from the Lounge, and that he would handle Jethro if he tried coming back in.
You thanked him, he patted your shoulder, and asked if you wanted you clients canceled for the rest of the day. You asked who was left for the day, and the only one left was "Lance". You shook your head, just asking that no walk-ins get scheduled with you between then and now so that you could be ready by "Lance's" appointment. Larry agreed, and left you to your wounds. You had no idea how you were going to pull your yourself together and hide this all from Lucifer by tonight, but you had to try.
You went into the bathroom, ran a bath, played some music, and cried, partly from the pain, partly from fear. You were so in your head from the experience, that you did not do as well keeping track of time. Before long, Lucifer teleported into your room. Lucifer was a little shocked to not see you in your room, but then he heard the music from the bathroom. Oh ok, you must have been just running a little late.
He want to go knock on the door so that he knew you were there and didn't surprise you, but then he heard something else from the bathroom that made him stop. Was that... crying? Was that part of the music or was that you? He waited, the song changed, and the crying continued. That was definitely you. He finally knocked.
You were startled by the sound of the knock, "Uhhh... occupied?"
"It's me darling, I hope I didn't startle you," you heard Lucifer's voice through the door. You picked up your phone and looked at the time. Shit! You quickly got out of the tub.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, uhh... I must have lot track of time. Busy day. Lots of clients. Uhh... I'll be out in a minute!" you say has you hurried to get dressed. Luckily, you had already brought your clothes into the bathroom with you, so Lucifer wouldn't have to see all of the bruises.
"No rush! You take as much time as you need," Lucifer called back, then he went to go take a seat on your couch.
His words made you feel a little better, but you did not want to keep him waiting any longer than you already had. You quickly did what you could to put on makeup to cover up the big bruise around your eye, you could cover the coloring just fine, it was the swelling you were worried about. It had gone down a little, but it might still be noticeable.
Part of you wishes you had canceled on him, but that would have made you sad more than anything else, and it probably would have worried him. That is if he actually cared about you. Errrr... stop that. Lucifer is not like Jethro or the others, he actually does care, at least... to some amount. You just did not want anyone to see you like this, but especially him.
Eventually you finished your makeup and looked at yourself, it would have to be good enough for today. You painted your best sweet smile on your face, and walked out the door.
"All done! Ready to go?" you said cheerful.
"Yup!" Lucifer said, trying to match your cheerful tone, but he was worried. Why had you been crying? Why were you now trying to hide it? Why were you wearing so much make up today? He hadn't seen you wear this much make up since the first few appointments you guys had. He remembered that Charlie once said girls sometimes wear more make up when they were sad because "If you look better, you feel better", so he didn't comment. He just smiled, wrapped an arm around you, and teleported you both back to his place.
You were already more relieved to be back at his place, the stress of the day still held tightly to you, but it was better here. You swung your arms around Lucifer, enveloping him in a hug. Lucifer held you back tightly, softly but firmly. He was so comforting and soft, you wanted to live in that embrace.
He didn't know what was making you so sad that day, but he wanted to do everything to make you feel better. He had your favorite dinner and dessert made, grabbed you your favorite blanket for when you guys would cuddle on the couch and watch tv later, and he was going to find that tv last that you said you used to like to watch sometimes when you were alive, "The Office."
At one point, during desert, Lucifer looked over at you and saw a strand of hair flop down front of your face. He reached over to tuck it behind your ear, but because of the angle, you didn't see his hand until it was almost near your swollen eye. You flinched and practically jumped out of your chair, shouting "No!" and covering you eye with you hand, the other was wide with panic.
Lucifer flinched his hand back, and stayed still. What was that about? You had never reacted like that before.
"Darling, is everything alright? I didn't mean to startle you," he said softly, worry painting his face.
You realize you had misunderstood what he had been trying to do and panicked, 'Shit! Shit, shit, shit!' You couldn't tell what was the greater emotion in that moment, the shame of reacting to Lucifer, or the fact that the emotions from earlier where about to bubble up again. 'Do I try to push it down? Do I run for the bathroom? Shit. There is no hiding it, is there? He is going to find out about it now.'
You start to sit back down, still covering your eye, "I, uhh... I'm sorry... I don't... I didn't mean to yell at you like-"
"(y/n)" Lucifer said firmly, you look at him with your uncovered eye, tears starting to fill up the edge of your vision, "Please. Please tell me what's wrong. Why are you covering your eye? What made you jump so hard?"
You start to breathe heavily, "Are you sure you want to know?" you say with tears in your voice.
"Yes, my darling, I do. More than anything," Lucifer said, standing up slowly to come closer to you.
You look down, breathe, and lower you hand. Now that he was looking right at your eye, he could see how swollen it was under all of the make up.
"Is that... a black eye?" he said panicked. You nodded. He started to put some context clues together.
"Someone did this to you?" he asked, a little more sternness in his voice. You nodded again, the tears were starting to fall. "Someone from the Lounge?"
You nodded, "A client," you whispered.
"Did he do anything else?" he asked, trying to hold back the growing anger in his voice. You nodded. "Can you show me?" You froze, looking down, more tears falling, "Please don't be mad at me, I didn't want you to know, this shouldn't be something you worry about-"
"Darling," he says cutting you off again, "I am not mad at you, I am however mad at the sick fuck that did this to you. And I will worry about you, because I want to. Do you understand me?" You were not used to hearing him talk like this, it was scary, but in a comforting way. His words were growing in anger, but you understood it was not at you, it was for you.
You look up at him to see that his eyes had changed color, basically inverted, black slitted pupils now surrounded by golden irises and deep blood red sclera. They were terrifying and beautiful at the same time. You nodded, finally answering his question, and you started to take off your sweater. Lucifer saw your arms and torso littered with different sizes of bruises and deep bite marks. At the sight of them, horns grew out from his temples and a tail lashed out from his back. Again, he looked scarier, but for some reason, you were not afraid. You actually felt... safe? You had never seen someone so mad for you before.
Lucifer gently and slowly reached out for your arm, trying to make sure not to scare you further. "Is it like this on your legs too?" You nodded. You were about to ask if he needed to see them, when he pulled you into a tight hug. You were confused, but welcomed it. His hugs were always nice but this one felt, even better? All of your bruises and bites started to feel, lighter, and then the pain was gone. Lucifer released from your hug, and you looked down to see all of your marks were gone.
'He could heal too?! Fuck, is there anything he can't do?'
"Better?" he asked. You nodded. "Good, now. I'm gonna need a name and location. Now." he paused, "please."
You hesitated, you weren't supposed to tell anyone who you had been meeting with. But... he had not specifically asked for digression, and he was banned from the Lounge, and it would probably save Larry and the girls some trouble, and... fuck it, it was hell! Who cared!
"What are you going to do to him?" you asked. He smirked with a wicked smile, carefully reached out to softly hold your chin, and with a demonic resonance to his voice, he whispered, "Why darling, I'm going to make him suffer in a way that this realm has not tortured and tormented a soul in EONS, I am going to rip him his own dimension of time and space where he will be able to experience his body being ripped apart, piece by piece, and put back together, over and over again, for the rest of eternity."
You had no idea how to picture that and you didn't care... it was terrifying, but Lucifer's power was fucking HOT.
"Uhh... Jethro Hanson. Big house out in Pentagram city, near the inner city, very bright red, can't miss it," you spit out. He smiles, unfurls his six, big, beautiful wings from his back, gives you a soft kiss on the hand and says, "I'll be right back," before opening a portal above him and flying into it. It closes behind you and leaves you alone, in the dining room.
Your heart was racing, there were too many feelings swirling inside your mind, joy, sadness, rage, fear... lust. God, his full demon form was hot, what the hell? After a few minutes, the adrenaline wore off, and you found yourself on the couch starting to cry again, but this time... it felt GOOD. These tears were cathartic like nothing you had ever felt before, a hard, powerful cry.
After about 15-20 minutes, Lucifer reappeared, the same as he looked when he had left, just wiping his hands on themself after a job well done, as you would after a job well done. Lucifer heard your cries and ran to you, getting in his knees in front of you on the couch and cocooning you in his wings.
"Darling, what's the matter? I'm so sorry, did I scare you?" he said with words full of worry.
You shook your head, smiling and pressing your forehead to his, "No. Not at all. I'm just... I'm good. Really. I'm just not used to... feeling cared about, and... protected..." You choke out, before continuing to sob.
'Shit, shit, ok, what do I do?' he thought to himself. Then he remembered. He retracted his horns and tail, set his eyes back to their normal color, picked you up, laid down on the couch, and positioned you to lay on top of him, your head on his chest, wings wrapped around you. As you laid there, he rubbed your back as you continued to cry. "And as long as I am here, you will never have to know life without that, ever again," he said softly, so softly that you couldn't make it out over the sound of your own sobs.
Slowly, your tears started get get quieter, and your breathing started to slow. As Lucifer laid there with you on his chest, he started to card his fingers through you hair. What a dream you were to him, he had be so cared for by you, and now he was able to give that care back to you. That was honestly all he had wanted, was to have someone to be cared by and for. To have... someone to love.
'Oh my god... do I love her?' he thought at he looked down at your soft face. Studying the features of your face as you laid on his chest with this new idea, everything suddenly made sense. The nervousness, the desire for closeness, the way you lit up his world, the way your smile would wash his cares away.
He loved you.
That was about to make everything wayyyy more complicated.
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lychniis · 2 years
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i. SYNOPSIS : you love your significant other ; really, you do. sometimes you just want to squish their face and kiss them silly because they're just that awesome. on others? well, given the fact that they're either lowkey or highkey weird...you find yourself questioning your taste in lovers... ( alhaitham / childe x gn ! reader )
ii. WARNING(S) : crack, pure crack, childe doing illegal shit and the chad of manipulate mansplain manwhore, al haitham. NOT PROOFREAD
# masterlist
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&& . al haitham · ( a guide to tearing your food apart ; horrifically )
AL HAITHAM WAS USUALLY…quiet. And you’d like to say he was graceful too, with a decent posture and a reading ethic that made you swoon ( and the glasses he wore???? U G H ). Kaveh would protest, would call him a baseless pig, and would beg you to reconsider even dating this man. But you were in love, and four years later, post the nerves of graduation and finding jobs and kisses snuck between routines, you were still in love.
There was always a ‘but’, though.
You watch Al Haitham pick up his knife. Immaculate. Amazing. What a god of a man.
You watch him hold it like a dagger. Concerning, sure but still hot. Your hot ass boyfriend using his table knife like a murder weapon. The crowd was going wild, you were screeching like a feral beast on the inside.
You watch him tear the poor chicken apart, with the brutality of a bear, his expression impassive, almost terrifyingly stoic in the face of it all.
Then his shoulders relax. He looks at you. You look at him. Something passes over his face, a ghost of an emotion, of amusement. Then he smirks. “Would you like some of mine?” he asks, and he seems to be teasing you. Just a bit, just enough so that he toed the line between his usual meanness. “You were staring.” 
Maybe what made it worse was that he knew about your occasional ire, and he gave zero shits about it. But as quick as the feeling came, it was gone and you shrug. You weren’t one to pass over free food.
“Sure.” you smile, taking a spoonful of his shredded chicken. Al Haitham nods, seemingly satisfied before he returns to demolishing his dinner once more.
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&& . childe | tartaglia · ( surprise surprise ; your boyfriend partakes in larceny )
YOU JUST WANTED some chocolate —
( — Famous last words, really. )
But the sight of Childe bent over your padlock, with your super hidden, ultra secret stash of very limited edition candies tucked between his legs seemed to have fused every logical thought in your brain. You could only stare. Then stare some more. Then blink and hope to the gods above that he hasn’t eaten any of them…
…it was half empty.
The innocent, near cherubic smile that played on his lips was twisted in a way. Your boyfriend, a criminal in the making, a psychopathic chocolate stealer. You wanted to cy. You wanted to scream. You wanted to demand when, where and why he learned how to pick locks with such precision and what unfathomable shenanigans and trouble had he caused with this horrific power.
“Oh, I just…looked it up.” he replied brightly, popping another sweet into his mouth. “These are delicious, by the way.”
“You looked it up…” you repeat.
Childe shrugs, looking a bit bored now. “Yeah, I found a lock pick….just lying on the floor one day and I learned how to use it. The internet’s got some pretty cool videos…” he chews thoughtfully for a moment, then hands his hal eaten chocolate to you. “Want some?”
You take the chocolate. “This was supposed to be mine…” you mumble miserably. “My mother sent it to me…”
Childe chuckles and pulls you in for a kiss. You taste some of the chocolate he had and when the two of you separated, he was grinning, a bit like a fox who flashed it’s fangs in a cheeky smile before it stole your food.
“You're sleeping on the couch.” you state. His face falls immediately.
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
JBGVCVBN and here i return from the dead-
but seriously HEY BEEN A WHILE. i can;t guarentee updates and new posts will be frequent given the influx of school work but still, thank you for stopping by.
anyway, to commemorate the occasion, LOOK IT'S FUNNY STUFF AND NOT PAIN HOORAY-
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill this form up!
taglist —@x-zho, @dustofthedailylife, @deus-lapidis, @silentmoths,@nebulaera, @aestellia, @ofoceansandtombsanew, @meimeimeirin, @bohbahead
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AINE | 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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hey there,been a while (again) i think i shall stop by here once a while TTUTT a sorry for no updates or something,i either busy with commissions these past months or contemplating my irl which kinda shitty lol also idk why but perhaps i shall say this thing here,sorry ...i don't do requests and art trades for now oTL but i do open for commissions if you insist (tos applied ofc) you can check more info on the link at my pinned
anyway i think i would try to do another project aside of dvh au stuffs,which is a fancomic which crossovering two series in one later,probably would start working on it after the 2nd chapter of escape out of nowhere is done (yes i'm still working on it dw!) for now please enjoy the smol bugsy there and have a nice day...or night but i living on the east side of this earth so ye,nice day hopefully,wish you a nice day
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thegeminisage · 3 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. wednesday we did voy's "deadlock" and last night we did ds9's "rules of engagement" and voy's "innocence."
deadlock (voy):
this one was soooo fun and exciting. harry kim is now the wrong harry, just like o'brien is 30 minutes from the future. not the same guy we started with in both cases. why is this stuff always happening to harry, also. please give him a break
also, i cannot believe they killed that baby. yes we have an alternate baby from the other ship but STILL.
janeway talking to janeway was a real another earth moment. god i'm fucking obsessed with her. imagine just chit chatting with yourself like that. they really were gonna let both crews live on one voyager too no "you guys aren't the REAL voyager crew" here. just like john crichton and his different shirts......
that question of whether any given character would fight their clone or fuck them. janeway would fuck her clone. kes would too possibly. it's really too bad we couldn't get tuvok on tuvok action in this episode
it really was the cutest baby, is the thing. take a little baby and stick tiny horns on its forehead and go it's a space baby for star trek!! :D like putting that dog in the unicorn costume and calling it an alien on tos. girl, if this was my baby, i would be reminding them for the rest of their LIFE that they were the baby on star trek.
that said, there is a huge logistical problem of how this baby was born. if a human mother is giving birth to a half-alien baby with, say, tiny adorable spikes on its tiny adorable head that would potentially adorably rip through all her uterine tissue (which iirc WAS the complication suffered), would we not consider: a c-section? like, they acted like beaming the baby out was a last resort, because it's, you know, a baby. i get that. i'm willing to roll with that, because they had to do something to it after which didn't even WORK on one of the ships, killing said baby, because beaming the baby out was a bad and risky business. do you know what's not a bad and risky business? a c-section. we've been doing those since shakespeare was alive. it's OLD old school.
this is my problem with voyager. i enjoy it a lot most of the time but they just don't pay attention to the DETAILS. it has a better way with character interaction than tng did, the cast is way more loveable, but the plot is like swiss fucking cheese
rules of engagement (ds9):
this episode was by and large quite dry. i do love worf's struggle with like am i klingon or am i human bc it's very spocklike and i'm a sucker for little guys who can't seem to find anywhere to fit in, BUT
worf never really gets to land anywhere with this. i really, really, REALLY hate to come out defending tng over ds9, but in tng he was quite literally one of the only characters, besides data, to have a series-long arc: he fell from grace, and then was restored to it. was it good or interesting to watch? ehhh. but it WAS an arc, in a series that desperately lacked them. and then ds9...took him back to square one? i want to trust the process, but i have been spoiled re: some alexander plots and also that thing with his brother...i don't think he's returning to grace bro. i feel like he's really not too different from season 1 worf, except he's older and a dad now.
furthermore, most of the episodes asking whether or not worf is a klingon or a human usually involve some klingons going "hey has living among humans made you a fucking pussy? it has, hasn't it?" and then worf beats their asses (sometimes metaphorically, but often literally) and they back off. to ds9's credit, this isn't EXACTLY what happened here, but it's pretty close. and, continually, it is a little racist to be like "yeah the defining trait of klingons, who are almost always played by black actors, is that they're unrestrained savages on the battlefield." give us some depth!!! i know there's more to klingon culture than that because we get to see characters like dax and kor explore it. in fact, the only time we ever got to see worf HIMSELF explore it was when he was trying to teach it to alexander, who thought it was stupid because his mom thought it was stupid. i wonder what makes dax and kor and alexander and his mom so different than worf 🤔 think hard.
THAT SAID. the end of this episode, after worf won, and everybody was like yay worf won :D and sisko and worf went to worf's quarters on the ship and worf was like yeah no actually. i should NOT have fired on that ship. that was fucking stupid. and sisko's like you're damn right it was stupid and gave worf a whole ass lecture after HAVING HIS BACK all episode. that's loyalty. sisko had some excellent fucking scenes in this ep. i love when he gets really mad but i also love that when he threatens people, it's with a smile. i'd like to think he picked that up from kira.
speaking of loyalty, also, wtf is up with o'brien. bro, just lie. "yeah i would have taken the shot" JUST LIE. you know the trial is a farce anyway. you guys were bros on tng. JUST LIE! YOU CAN LIE TO COPS
finally, speaking of cops, i did NOT enjoy odo calling himself a police officer in this episode. he's NOT a cop he's a SECURITY GUARD there is a DIFFERENCE
why does every single episode with tuvok go so hard...
firstly, did you guys know he has 4 babies. he has 4 babies and he breeds orchids and he has been married for 68 slutty, slutty years. AND HE CAN SING! he plays the lute and he can sing and he used to sing his babies to sleep. every time he talks about his family i take maximum psychic damage and need to lie down for 1000000 business years
like, fatherhood mode activated. vulcan childred are more well-behaved but he still knows how to raise. children. oh god
they were such adorable kids, too. on tos every child was so offputting but all the tng kids and so far all the voyager kids have been so fucking cute, it's unreal. like OBVIOUSLY you wanna tuck them in and sing them to sleep and OBVIOUSLY tuvok indulged them even though he's a logical vulcan
"they are part of my identity i am incomplete without them" AAAAAGHHH
also, tuvok trying to teach these little kids emotional control and vulcan meditation techniques. it's so cute but also such a kind look into vulcan culture. like, all we got from vulcan culture before now was filtered through spock's eyes, and this culture rejected him to the point where he never felt at home on his own planet. which means that they obviously have some problems, but fast-forward a century and change and let us see it from the perspective of a long-suffering vulcan dad who has already raised 4 babies and you DO see the kindness in treating children like little people ie being honest with them, respecting what they say, teaching them to control their emotions. spock basically got slapped with a rolled-up newspaper every time his face twitched but tuvok showed a lot of patience in teaching these kids to identify their emotions and then PRACTICE letting them go. in was really cathartic in a way
the twist about the age was VERY shocking but mostly because it shows up in the animated series, except in that the enterprise travels to a world where everything is backwards, including the aging processes. i don't really think you could have wrapped it up any other way though
final note janeway being so excited about first contact. nerd. she reminds me SO much of kirk <3
NEXT TIME: ds9's "hard time" and "shattered mirror" so that should be one hell of an evening
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skymaiden32 · 2 years
Deep Discoveries
Thundertober/Inktober 2022 Day 22: Ocean
There was a reason Gordon loved the ocean.
Continuity: TOS
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou (Please ask if you would like to be alerted when I update or write new stories)
Prompt list
From the moment he could remember, Gordon Tracy had been different from his family. While they’d been drawn to the stars and the skies, Gordon had always found comfort in the water. From the sound of light splashes against the side of a pool, to the great crashes of the largest waves. From the tiniest lake, to the greatest ocean. A peaceful day on a sandy beach was his happy place. He’d always wondered why, but today might be the day he would find out.
He gently stroked the cover of the family photo album in front of him, sighing as he saw the dates inscribed on it. This was around the time their mother had been pregnant with him, and later Alan. He looked up at his older brothers, unsure. Scott just nodded at him gently.
“She would’ve wanted you to know where you got it from…”
At his brother’s encouragement, Gordon took a deep breath in, and then opened the album to the first page. And there she was in all her glory, grinning as she held onto her pregnant belly in front of the vast expanse of cliffs. Around her were the younger forms of his brothers and their father, Jeff clinging to baby John like a vice. Gordon chuckled, and turned the page. 
This time, the pages were filled with stills of Lucille around the rockpools, holding crabs and reaching out for the tentacles of anenomes. She examined the shells of sea snails, built sand castles with her boys, and shared a heartfelt kiss with the love of her life knee deep in the water, much to their children’s dismay. 
As he flipped through, he saw more and more of the same, until the second to last picture showed her holding the aquanaut as a baby, planting a kiss on his head as they watched the waves ahead of them. Stars, he missed her so much…
He didn’t even realise he was crying until he felt his tears being gently wiped from his cheeks. He scrambled to find a tissue, only to be offered Virgil’s handkerchief. “Thanks…” A moment of silence passed between the four brothers before he spoke again. “Why… why wasn’t I shown this sooner?”
Virgil and John exchanged a look with an emotion he couldn’t quite place as Scott took a deep breath in, wanting to explain it to his little brother. “We all know that our mother’s death hit Dad hard, but it must’ve hit him harder than we thought…”
“What do you mean?”
Scott continued. “This is just one of many family albums that were hidden in the old house in Kansas…” Although they no longer lived there, the family still owned the farm, and went every so often to maintain it and repair anything they needed to. “They all had a lot of photos with Mum in them…”
“Dad wanted to forget about them.” Virgil sighed. “And turns out, he did, because we had to find them on our own…” His eyes burned with righteous fury. Once Alan knew about this, their father had better get ready for all five brothers giving him a piece of their minds for pushing their mother’s memory away.
“How’d you know where they were?”
John shrugged. “We didn’t. We found them while cleaning the attic…”
Another few seconds of silence hung in the air before Virgil said anything else. “We’ve all got a little something from her… John’s got her gentleness, Scott’s got her stubbornness…”
“Hey…!” Virgil ignored Scott’s protests.
“I’ve got her dashing good looks and love of all things musical and arty,” Gordon chuckled, wiping away any remaining stray tears. Virgil continued, grinning at him. “And you have her love of the sea…”
Scott pointed at the final picture, smirking. “Gee, I wonder what Alan got from her…”
Gordon looked at the picture, depicting Lucille behind the wheel of a sports car, Jeff with a panicked look on his face as he took the picture. “Yeah…” The aquanaut held the album closer. “It’s a complete mystery, isn’t it?”
As the brothers laughed at Gordon’s joke, Jeff listened from behind the door, out of sight. He knew there’d be hell to pay eventually for forgetting the albums existed, but for now, he smiled sadly. It was about time his sons learned more about their mother. He just hoped he’d be up to the task of telling them more about her…
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"Mary's 2021 Summary of Art" - Published: Dec 31, 2021
(Warning: This is going to be a wall of text.)
January in January i was asked by a friend "Hey, i wanna learn how to make Live2D models. Wanna join?" At first i thought i couldn't do it, but in the end decided "Why not?". That's the mindset i wanted to carry through the year. Pictured is the result. I've been asked to try and complete said model, so next January will be fun! This month i also took part in a FFXIV tag on twitter, where we made fake screenshots for a dating sim. That's where i decided i wanted to try and work on a visual novel, at least once. It has always been one of my dreams after all!
February ...And so i jumped on the lemmasoft forums to look for work. Found a person making a cute little self-love tale for the Valentines Jam and figured it was a good idea to give it a try. It was so much fun. Took the challenge as far as i could, and i'm still really proud of being part of this! Still not sure if game art is for me, but felt great to finally give my dream a try. If you take anything from this text wall, let it be "Wanna do something new with your art? Try it out!"
March I think it's around this time we started playing our TTRPG game (Asera)? Ok i forget when we started, but this was the month i sat down and designed my little thief (Layla) and my boyfriend's fighter (Daimyorus). Also made designs for Layla's family. It was a rather busy month (character design is time consuming!), but nothing really 'wow' to show off for it.
April This month i drew some memes for Asera, and sketched a bunch of illustration ideas... That are still sitting there, unfinished. You see, this same month i got accepted into my first zine ever, as a merch artist! Trying new things continued to pay off~ I got stickers done from sketch to flat colors around this time.
May Finished the sticker sheet for the zine (pictured), then proceeded to take...around a week on the phone wallpapers. I restarted it so many times before... When the idea finally clicked i stayed up till 4am drawing >>;;; I was terrified I'd miss the deadline, and had an apology letter on the back of my mind the whole time LOL Thankfully, it worked out and they were delivered in time. Sadly had to skip Mermay because i was busy with miscellaneous projects (only drew 1 mermaid for it, which I wanna redraw someday). Started making little chibi faces for my OCs so i could have a catalog... Which is an idea I wanna revisit later. Having a good reference of everyone would be really nice! (...even if i never do anything with them lol)
June Asera bug bit me again, and i spent a while making chibis for our characters. Also made chibis for NPCs. Designed more NPCs. Designed some of our weapons. For work, got commissioned by a VTuber to draw them and their pet (pictured). Technically finished on July3, but worked on it most in this month so eh LOL
July I made an off-hand comment about working on commissions a month or two before, then on July my friend approached me like "Hey, so you said you're doing comms... Can I get one too?" I had! So much fun! This is also the first time i recorded my drawing process (i do have plans on making a youtube channel eventually). It made me realize i... Take a bit too long. This one was 36hs. That's a bit much LOL But hey, i'm proud of it and both friend&his girlfriend like it, so 100% worth!
August Another busy month, drew some twitch screens for a friend, updated an old drawing (xmas chibis), filled some ff14 memes, experimented with a more sketchy style so i can have a faster type of drawing (...why didn't i post it?) Pictured is the bday gift i made for my boyfriend. Still haven't posted it here, but it's on my stash somewhere >>; It's filled with love!! Maybe that's why I'm still proud of it.
September Made the final twitch screen (pictured), and designed more outfits for Asera (fashion design is indeed my passion). Cleaned up twitter and started working on a TOS so i can maybe open commissions soon... Speaking of commissions, this is when i drew the Dauntless illustration. Nature BGs are my favorite thing ever!
October A very busy month. Worked on commissions (all 6 of the characters O_O) + bunny boy for the EW countdown. The original sketch for the commissions was.....interesting....idk how that got approved LOL But the final result is something I'm very proud of! For the rest, drew more sketches and outfit designs for Asera, plus a chibi sketch to commemorate EW's release (bf's wol and mine ON THE MOON)... Having no idea it would be delayed very soon LOL
November Got into a bit of an art block, which was broken by... Asera characters as Animal Crossing villagers!! Why are drawing memes/challenges the best thing ever?? After that, i managed to start working on a commission my sister asked. Drew all of her students and their favorite toys. They're all so friggin adorable ;_; Was stressful, yes, but also a great experience. Also i think this was my first time drawing real people? Well, my first time doing that for a commission at least!
December Sadly another art-block month. Made yet another Asera sketch (bc i don't have enough of these!), and twitch badges/emotes for ADigitalKing (pictured, also sorry for the hideous watermark, but they paid for it ok TT). Currently working on twitch emotes for my friend, but struggling to have them on a quality level i'm comfortable releasing.
Phew, what a year! My journey for a year where i have finished art to post on every month continues, but i'm proud of how much closer i got this time. Also got to try so many new things too! Overall, a good year.
Onwards to 2022!
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littleblackbooksims · 2 years
The Patreon Mafia/Cowbuild Gate/Tracking/Doxxing Summary and Links
We're seeing a lot of people confused or just catching up about the situation so here are some helpful links:
The rundown is some big creators like Cowbuild, Bergdorf, Hermajesty Builds, and Anto, Bursa and more had a list of their's leaked where they were looking at and exchanging private information of suspected leakers. In violation of Patreon TOS, EU law & UK Law privacy laws.
Anto has since apologized and confirmed the existence of this list and that some members of this group were tracking their cc. His apology has been deleted.
The methods used to track is the warehouse tab in sims file share, baking user info into blender files and by monitoring download links. This is why so many permanent paywallers make their patrons beg for links, so they can track each piece of cc.
Last week we also released a post that documented more information that Cowbuild has been committing Copyright Infringement and Intellectual property theft, this has been confirmed by one furniture brand. Thats all for now.
Helpful links:
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Full receipts, we try to update these as they become available
Stuff that came to light since breaking:
BoneSims intimidates Patrons and Infiltrates Pirating Groups:
LeoSims reportedly hired a PI and doxxed Emma Simposium:
Have any tips for us? Send us an anon or:
Email us at [email protected]
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Grey Boxes.
Thank you again @beccabarba for being my Bishop Beta.
This part came about WAY sooner then I had expected, but its based on that bare chested selfie that Michael posted a little while ago cause it was too yummy.
WC: 2034
Warnings: Other then smut, nothing much really then story follow on.
*Grey Leather*
*Grey Uniform*
*Grey Dress*
*Grey Vase*
*Grey Blanket*
*Grey Jeans*
Enjoy x
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The house was filled with people going in and out to the moving truck, bringing in the couple of bits of furniture you had and the few grey boxes from the back of it. Bishop had asked all the guys to help, your parents had come over too, and your Aunty came to cook for everyone. It didn’t take long to move everything in. A small two seat couch, Rosa keeping the 3 seater for her place, and another dresser and wardrobe for the bedroom for your clothes. You had gotten rid of your bed and Rosa kept everything else for the granny flat that she was moving into the following week, just next door. You were surprised your parents mixed so well with the rest of the guys in the club that they didn’t know and your Mum and Aunty enjoyed waiting on them making sure they were well fed and hydrated.  
The day was hot, Bishop’s air con not able to keep up with all the body heat and the hot stove in the small kitchen, it was actually much cooler outside then in. The music was flowing through the house while Rosa helped you hang up and put away your clothes in the cupboard and dresser,
“I want to thank you babe”  
“For what?” Rosa looked over at you as she hung a dress on a coat hanger.
“If you hadn’t taken me to that party that night”
“Oh babe” Rosa hung up the coat hanger and grabbed you wrapping her arms around you “You don’t need to thank me. Who would have known you and Bishop...” She pulled back grabbing your hands “I ‘am so happy for you, he is a good man. And Papa and Mami look happy with it all”  
You nodded when you heard loud laughter and you both poked your head out of the bedroom door looking into the lounge room, your Dad sitting between Hank and Taza, Bishop standing in front of them as they talked and laughed together. Bishop looked over at you giving you a wink and you grinned back.  
“You going to be ok staying with Coco still?” you looked back at Rosa and she nodded.
“Yeah. It will be good for Letty to have another woman around”
Slowly everyone started to leave, hot with full bellies, your Aunty and Mum sending them all home with some extra food. You were in the kitchen with your Mum, Aunty and Rosa tiding up and washing up, your Dad in the lounge room with Bishop,
“I’ am so happy for you sweetie” Your mum looked over at you, “Obispo is a good man”
“Thank you Mumma. He is a good man” you looked back down at the dish you were washing when you all heard someone clear their throat from behind you.
You looked over your shoulder to Bishop standing just behind Marcus who was holding a bunch of flowers and two white envelops.
“Hey Marcus” you sat the dish in the sink grabbing a tea towel drying your hands and walking towards him giving him a kiss on the cheek,
“Y/N, nice to see you again”  
“Likewise. Marcus, this is mi Mamma, mi Tia and you remember Rosa”  
Marcus smiled at them all and then handed you the bunch of flowers,
“These are from Erin, Emily and Miguel to congratulate you on your move in”
You looked at Bishop and rolled your eyes, “Baby,” he chuckled “That’s nice of them” and you scoffed.
“These are for you and Rosa” Marcus handed one envelop to you and one to Rosa.
“Thank you” you and Rosa said together.
“Are you hungry? There are some pupusa’s left”
“That would be nice” Marcus smiled at you and Bishop took Marcus into the lounge room while your Aunty fixed Marcus a plate serving it to him.
You set the flowers on the table and you and Rosa walked out to sit on the small step at the front,
“You first” you looked over at Rosa.  
Rosa opened the envelope and pulled out a birthday invite for Cristobal. Rosa looked over at you and nodded towards your envelope. You took in a deep breath opening it and pulled out an invite addressed to you and Bishop, a small piece of folded paper falling at your feet. You lent down picking it up, unfolding it starring at the words in Emily’s writing, Rosa looking over your shoulder,
“I’ am sorry. Can we try again?”    
You looked over at Rosa, chewing on your bottom lip. Folding the piece of paper and stuffing it back in the envelop with the invite,
“We need a beer” Rosa stood up squeezing your shoulder and walking inside into the kitchen.
You were looking out into the street when you felt hands come to rest on both of your shoulders giving them a squeeze, then you felt lips on top of your head, and he moved to sit down next to you on the step wrapping an arm around you, pulling you into his side,
“Everything ok baby?”
You gave him a small tight smile and lent your head on his shoulder,
“Yeah, it was an invite to Cristobal’s birthday and a sorry note” Bishop nodded and ran his hand up and down your arm “How did they find out I was moving in? Rosa didn’t tell them, was it Marcus?”
“No. I told Galindo”
“Why?” You frowned at him.
“Miguel was on call while everything was going down. He was the only other person that knew where you were in case I needed him to take care of you. He was the only other person I knew that would do anything to protect you if he needed to. I just had to make the call.”
“I-ah ok” you nodded your head and looked up at him, your eyes running over his face when he looked down at you.
“I called him when we were back safe. He gave me an update on the granny flat and he asked where you were moving to if Rosa was moving in there, and I told him - with me”
“Miguel owns the granny flat?”
“He owns the house, that’s why it got built so quickly. He’s not a bad man baby”  
“I know” you muttered “But Emily-” you trailed off.
“We will go for the kid, have some cake and go home”
The rest of the evening had been fun, the music was flowing through the house again after your Mum, Dad, Aunty and Marcus had left to go home and Rosa helped hang up the rest of the clothes before she said goodnight to Bishop, kissing him on the cheek, and you walked her out to car for her to head back to Coco’s.  
You walked back into house after saying bye to her, closing and locking the front door behind you. As you walked up the hall to get a glass of water, you walked past the bedroom. Looking at the sight on the bed, your core clenched around nothing and you felt your panties dampen. Bishop was laying in the middle of it, boots gone, shirtless, just in jeans and one arm resting over his face. You tip toed in quietly, slipping off your shorts letting them fall to the floor, followed by your t-shirt and bra.
You climbed onto the end of the bed crawling between Bishop’s legs, leaning down, your lips landing just above his belt buckle and boxers. His course black hair igniting your body on fire from the feel of it on your lips. A groan left Bishop’s lips and his hands came to either side of your head, threading into your hair as you kissed along the waist of his boxers, licking and nipping over his pelvic bones, kissing back to the middle of his tummy and up over his belly button.
You moaned into his skin as your nipples brushed over the tops of his jeans and then onto his boiling hot skin, Bishop's rough hands running out of your hair, down over your neck and arms and back up again. You kissed up to his abs, sucking and nipping over the protruding muscles, but not enough to mark him. You made your way up to his nipples, moving to straddle his middle and you started to grind down on his hardening length when you took one nipple into your mouth, flattening your tongue, licking over it and then flicking it with the tip of it, doing the same thing on the other side, the saltiness of his skin coating your tongue, kissing up over his shoulders, up around his neck, up over his chin and finally kissing him deeply.  
Both of Bishop’s hands moved down to grab your ass cheeks through your panties, pushing you down on him more as you grinded against him. You both swallowed each other’s moans before you pulled back looking down at Bishop’s slack jaw and his heavy lidded eyes,
“It’s official now, baby”
“It is” you purred back.  
You moved to get up off Bishop, moving yourself to throw your leg over his chest, your behind up in his face. Bishop started to run his hands up the insides of your thighs, playing with your panty line, nipping at the top of the backs of your thighs as you undid his belt buckle, button and zipper, pushing them down as far as you could, Bishop’s hard thick cock springing free to stand tall, his tip glistening with pre cum.  
You wrapped your hand around him and started to stroke him and licking at his sensitive tip. Bishop gripped the inside of your thighs letting out a loud grunt at the feeling of your tongue moving around him before you sunk down on him taking him as far as you could. Bishop could feel your wet seeping out of your panties onto his chest and how you were trying to move your hips over him trying to find some friction for your own need. Bishop gripped onto the inside of your thighs again pulling your core back onto his face, moaning around him when you felt his tongue brush over your core through your panties. You pulled off Bishop with a pop wrapping your hand around his base, flattening your tongue running it up the length of him before taking him back into your mouth,
“Fuck” Bishop swore into your centre and bucked his hips up into you making you gag around him slightly.
Bishop hooked his finger into your panties and pulled them aside, his lips first taking your swollen pearl between them sucking on it before pushing his tongue into your hot wet centre lapping at your juices. Bishop brought up his other hand resting it on your lower back pushing your core down onto his mouth more.
You fastened your pace on him with your mouth and jerking him off at the same time, your free hand going down to cup his balls rolling and squeezing them slightly in your hand. Bishop started to buck up into your mouth when he hit the back of your throat and he felt your walls fluttering around his tongue. He took your clit between his lips sucking on it and thrusted in two fingers hard and fast, his thumb still holding your panties out of the way.
You pulled off Bishop with a pop, your mouth dropping open grinding down harder on his face, his beard rubbing against your skin making your skin prickle and your hand still stroking him fast as moans, groans and his name ran out of your mouth, your release washing over you. Bishop removed his fingers and his mouth as you came back down, taking him back into your mouth, both his hands back on your thighs in a bruising grip. A loud roar slipped from Bishops mouth as his body stilled and his hot salty cum spurted into your mouth and ran down the back of your throat.
You collapsed off Bishop onto your back when he tapped your thigh that he was done. You both laid there breathless, both staring up at the ceiling, Bishop’s hand running up and down your thigh,
“I’ am glad you’re here baby” Bishop squeezed your thigh.
You sat up and moved to lay on top of him, your hands going up to thread into his hair. “Me too” you brushed your nose over his “Think you’re going to handle living with me?”  
“The granny flat is two bedrooms just in case” you both laughed and you grinned down at him “I’am excited to come home to you baby”
“I’am excited for you to come home to me too”
Tags: @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @withmyteeth​ @alwaysachorusgirl​
124 notes · View notes
The Witch and The Wolf Pt.53
Word Count: 2,590
Characters: Derek Hale, Chris Argent, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Scott McCall, Liam Dunbar, Stiles Stilinski (mentioned), Reader, OC Characters
Pairings: Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, some fluff, small mentions of sex and kinks (eww i can’t believe i just wrote that eww)
A/N: ----
Masterlist         Series Masterlist
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“Yeah, Stiles, okay. I’ll go by Argent’s apartment tomorrow and I'll go pick them up, okay?” you ended the call from Stiles, before going to dry your hair.
“What did Stiles need?” Derek asked.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Oh, the chains they were using to hold back Malia and Liam broke so they need some new chains and stuff,” you explained.
“Oh? Well, maybe you can get a pair of cuffs for us?” he smirked slightly as you rolled your eyes.
“You broke the last pair,” you reminded.
“Technically, you did,” he retorted, pressing his lips against your neck as you scoffed.
You turned to face him, putting your arms around his neck, before you heard a loud knocking on the front door.
Derek frowned, checking the time.
“It’s 2 in the morning,” he replied.
You tensed up, walking towards the door cautiously before opening it, seeing Lydia and Kira standing in front of you.
“What the hell are you doing here at this time?” you asked, pulling them in before you closed the door.
“Look at this list,” Lydia opened up her laptop, showing a white screen with numbers and symbols over it.
She continued to scroll, showing you a list with names and numbers.
Sean Walcott 250
David Walcott 250
Michael Walcott 250
Christina Walcott 250
Lydia Martin 20
Scott Mccall 25
Demarco Montana 250
Derek Hale 15
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) 15
Carrie Hudson 500
Kayleen Bettcher 250
Kira Yukimura 6
Elias Town 250
You frowned slightly, turning to Lydia.
“I-It’s a deadpool. These are the targets. I sort of used my powers to find the deadpool and it asked for a code. The password was Alison and it opened up a third of the deadpool,” she explained.
Your face dropped slightly as Derek put his hand on your shoulder.
“W…” you were speechless, trying to process your words.
“You’re trying to crack the rest?” Derek asked.
Lydia nodded.
“Keep us updated on what’s happening,” Derek said.
You could feel your heart beating in the back of your head as you continued to stand there, frozen. You felt a knot in your stomach as you tried to take a breath. You could see a look of concern on Kira’s face as she looked at you.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” Kira asked.
You bit your lip, nodding your head softly.
“I need to work on finding the other names on the deadpool,” Lydia explained.
“Mhm,” you replied.
You could see the concern on both of their faces as Derek spoke, before leading them out of the loft.
“(Y/N),” he put his hands on your shoulders, looking down at you.
“I need you to just take a breath-” Derek started.
“I’m fine,” you lied, shaking your head.
“(Y/N)...” he started.
You closed your eyes softly, before wrapping your arms around Derek.
“We'll get through this,” Derek muttered.
Your heart continued to ache, mostly out of fear. Before it was only the Argent’s circle who was aware of you being a witch and aware of your powers, and now you didn't know who else would know, or what else would happen.
Your eyes watered at the thought of them trying to hurt Derek out of anger. 
“I don’t care where you have to go, whether it’s just a small grocery run o-or whatever, you can not be alone,” you clenched your jaw.
“Same goes for you, (Y/N/N),” he pressed his lips against your forehead, while you closed your eyes, leaning on his chest.
“Scott and Stiles explained everything to Stilinski,” the two of you sat in the car, on your way to Argent’s old apartment.
“Yeah,” you nodded, bouncing your leg as you looked out the window.
“I can feel you holding back,” he sighed.
“We just had a lot to deal with Kate and you losing your powers like this… this is a whole thing,” you shook your head.
He put his hand on your leg, caressing it gently.
“And we’ll get through it, just like we always do,” he reminded.
You sighed softly, nodding your head before the two of you pulled into the parking lot of the apartment, making your way up.
You noticed the lights on in the apartment while you looked under the door, tensing up.
“Something's inside,” you whispered to Derek.
He stayed quiet, frowning before pressing his ear against the door.
“I only hear one heartbeat,” he replied.
“Stay behind me,” you walked into the apartment cautiously, unlocking the door as you tip-toed to Chris’ office.
“(Y/N),” your mouth dropped open as you stared in shock, seeing Chris in front of you.
“Y-You’re back,” you stuttered.
“I told you I wasn’t going to run away from you,” he shrugged.
You ran to him, wrapping your arms around him tightly as he hugged you back.
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” you said softly.
There was a soft smile on his face as he stroked your head softly, wiping away the tears you didn't know you have.
“How was France?” you asked.
“Well, I wasn't in France for that long…”
“This school really has no security, like at all. Even after everything that happened,” you walked into Beacon Hills High with Derek following behind you.
“I don’t think they care that much about security. But hey, it makes it easier for us,” he pointed out.
“Yeah, here’s the-” you paused in front of the boy’s locker room.
“Yeah, I know,” the two of you waited outside for a second to make sure it was empty.
You walked into the locker room, following Derek.
“Lots and lots of memories,” he sighed, smiling softly as he picked up Liam’s lacrosse stick.
“Yeah? Like what? Losing control in the showers?” you said in a mocking voice.
“Well, that's one thing. But, do you remember in your last week of school, we snuck into here when it was empty, and we-” you interrupted him, making a noise.
“Of course I remember that. That was… it was amazing,” you smiled at the memory, before following him farther into the locker room, hiding behind a wall.
He stroked your hand softly before you heard the door get pushed open, Scott running past you while you threw him Liam’s stick, picking up another one.
“Here,” you handed Derek the stick.
“Are you sure you have enough strength to snap it?” you asked Derek.
He nodded.
You watched as Liam stormed to his locker, looking for his stick before yelling out, frustrated.
“Where’s my stick?!” he yelled.
He walked around the locker room, while Derek walked out from behind the wall, holding the stick.
“This yours?” Derek said to Liam.
You listened as he snapped the lacrosse stick, hearing Liam gasp.
His eyes glew yellow as he let out a low growl, digging his nails into his claws.
He charged at Derek, before Derek quickly grabbed his neck, pushing him against the wall.
You saw Liam yelling out, struggling against Derek’s hold before Scott came out, yelling Liam’s name.
“You’re right. He is angry,” Derek replied.
You walked in front of the two of them.
“This one’s yours,” Scott handed him his lacrosse stick as Derek let go of him.
“Go to class, Liam,” Scott said.
Liam looked at Scott, before nodding, grabbing his bag, and walking out of the room.
You smiled softly, crossing your arms as you looked at Scott.
“What the hell are you two smiling about?” Scott said, slightly frustrated.
“You’re gonna be so good at this,” you replied softly.
“A-Are you joking? I have no idea what I’m doing. I really need help,” Scott started.
“Well, I’ll tell you one thing. His anger? It’s going to make him stronger,” Derek replied.
“And dangerous,” Scott added.
“You’ve handled dangerous before,” you replied.
Scott sighed, sitting on the bench as he put his hands on his head.
“I was supposed to focus on school this semester,” he started.
You sat down next to him, putting your hand around his shoulder while Derek sat on the other side of him.
“Now Kate’s back, I-I have a beta, and this deadpool,” you could feel him getting more and more nervous as you held his hand.
“Well, we know the deadpool has all of our names on it, so that needs to be our top priority. Lydia’s working on it, right?” Derek asked.
Scott nodded his head softly, still looking down.
“All these problems are temporary. We will figure this all out. You’ll still get time to focus on school. You’re very smart when you want to be, Scotty. Besides, community college isn't that bad,” you smirked softly as he scoffed.
“You’re forgetting you got into an Ivy League and Stanford,” Scott sighed.
You saw Derek frown slightly, before you put your focus back on Scott.
“It doesn't matter if you go to some big shot school. You’re gonna do amazing wherever you go, with whatever you do. You’re gonna be a great vet,” he smiled softly before hearing the bell ring.
“I’ll see you guys,” he waved as he ran out of the locker room quickly.
“Hey, why didn't you tell me you got into Stanford? Or an Ivy League?” Derek asked, pulling on your arm gently.
“I-I don’t know, I guess I thought it wasn't as important because I wasn’t going to leave Beacon Hills,” you explained.
“Why weren’t you going to leave Beacon Hills?” Derek asked.
“I didn't want to leave Beacon Hills.”
“Why not? (Y/N), all this pain and suffering, losing so many people that you care about… why would you want to stay here?”
“I didn't want to leave you,” you saw his face drop slightly.
“I don't ever want to be someone who’s holding you back,” he stroked your cheek softly as you bit your lip.
“You don’t hold me back, Derek. I chose to stay here and I don’t regret my choice,” you shook your head.
You held his hand, stroking it softly as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I love you,” he said softly.
“I love you too.” 
You watched as Derek got into his car, driving off as you made your way to the art room, trying to find Lydia.
“Anything yet?” you asked her as you walked in.
“Nothing,” she clenched her jaw, shaking her head.
“Well, don’t stress it. Just breathe,” you tried to encourage her as she rolled her eyes.
“Malia. I don’t need you breathing on my neck!” Lydia yelled out, frustrated.
“Well, you see, I kind of don’t want to die, so I need you to crack this list,” Malia replied.
You hid the smirk on your face before you pulled Malia away, sitting down next to her on the table.
“How do you like school?” you asked.
“It’s pointless,” she muttered.
“How much of this stuff am I actually going to use in life?” she asked.
“The only class I can fully say I use in life is Forensics, maybe some Biology and Chemistry, but nothing much,” you shook your head.
“Then what’s the point of math?” she rolled her eyes.
“Old people like watching us suffer,” you shrugged.
She shrugged, before picking up the book next to her, beginning to read through it.
You saw Stiles and Scott running through the hallway, holding Liam up as you frowned.
“Yeah, I’ll see you in a bit…” you got up, running after them.
“Lydia needs Meredith, but apparently she showed up at the station, so Lydia and Malia are on their way there,” you looked at the messages on your phone before putting it aside, waiting in front of the school with Derek.
“And Meredith is another banshee?” Derek asked.
“Yeah, she had a thing for Isaac,” you smiled at the memory.
Derek chuckled softly, before leaning against his car.
“What’s taking Chris so long?” you muttered to yourself, looking at your phone to check the time.
“I’m here,” he walked in front of the two of you as you stood up.
“Well, let’s go then, shall we?”
You stood outside the vault, waiting for Derek and Chris to finish while you wrapped your arms around yourself, feeling a slight breeze. The school was still full, there was a lacrosse scrimmage, and no one would be stupid enough to attack at the moment.
You noticed something moving from the corner of your eye as you turned your head, looking towards the trees.
You squinted your eyes, looking back to the steps of the vault.
You’re being paranoid
You shook your head before hearing another noise, hearing a twig snap.
You shot your head up once again, making your way to the woods as you clenched your fist.
You looked back to the vault entrance before sighing.
“Augendae tenebris,” your eyes were purple as you made your way through the woods, looking around.
There was no there, and no sign of anyone there.
“Dumbass,” you muttered to yourself.
You felt something hit the back of your head as you groaned, falling to the ground.
You winced, putting one hand on the back of your head as you tried to make out everything in front of you.
Your vision was blurry as more and more panic filled your chest.
“Clypeus,” you felt a blunt force hit your stomach, pushing your back as you groaned softly, trying to push yourself up.
“You little hypocrite,” you heard an unfamiliar gruff voice from in front of you.
You blinked hard, trying to make out who was talking to you as you saw a man standing over you.
“You little bitch!” he yelled.
He blew some dust, which you realized to be Hawthorne as you coughed, trying to gasp for air and regain your balance.
“Your little mommy isn't here to protect you anymore. You’re dead you little bitch,” you could feel a sharp blade sticking on your throat as you tried to keep your movement still, feeling some tears rush to your eyes.
“I-I don’t know who you are-” you started.
“Well then, let me remind you,” you pulled you up harshly, while your back hit the tree trunk behind you.
“You and your mommy killed my wife! All because she was supernatural! She never hurt anyone!” he yelled at you.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about!” you yelled back.
“I’ve wanted my revenge for years. Then I see your name on this deadpool. God really does exist, doesn't he,” you could hear his small chuckle as a tear fell down your cheek.
“Dis,” you pushed him to the ground, holding him down as yelled out.
“Somnum,” his eyes fluttered shut as you took a step back, your breathing shaky as you bit your lip, holding back your cries.
More and more tears rushed to your eyes as you tried to control your breathing, taking bigger breaths.
“(Y/N)!” you heard Derek yell, as he ran to you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
“W-What happened? I-Is he dead?” Derek’s eyes went wide as you shook your head.
“N-No… he’s just asleep,” your voice broke as he pulled you into his arms tightly. You closed your eyes, holding in your cries as you leaned your head against his chest.
“I-It’s… it’s not just assassins it's hunters too,” you said softly.
He pressed his lips against your forehead, holding you tightly before whispering.
“Come on, let’s get out of here.”
You nodded your head softly, walking with him to the car before driving off.
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Come Home With Me
(The ending is crap, but IDK)
Master List
“Then he says I’m being ridiculous, so I shut the bedroom door in his face.” Your mom huffs over the phone, as you dig in your purse for your keys. 
“I mean I think you’re right. You deserve to know what he’s been doing, it's a little suspicious to be off galavanting late at night.” You throw your hands up, in exasperation, effectively throwing your keys on the floor. 
“That’s what I was thinking.” You exclaim, “Now we haven’t spoken in a week. Whoever gets home first gets the bed and the other one just sleeps on the couch.” You crouch down, ankles wobbling slightly in your heels as you snatch your keys from the ground. 
“What about Valentine’s Day?” You sigh as you straighten up, wedging your phone between your shoulder and cheek. “He hasn’t made any plans for today?” 
“I dunno, Mom. I think this might be the end of us. He barely spends any time with me, and I don’t know if I can trust him with how defensive he got. It’s concerning, don’t you think?” 
“Don’t give up hope just yet, baby, this is Mark, even if he doesn’t always say it, I know he loves you.” You can’t help but smile at the kind words. 
“I know, Momma.” 
“But if he doesn’t have any plans for today, just break up with him.” She jokes, which makes you laugh. 
“Of course mom, I’ll try to talk to him tonight. Love you.” 
“Love you too, babygirl. Keep me updated.” 
“I will, bye.” She hangs up with well wishes and a kiss, leaving you alone in the hall outside your apartment. You blow out a breath, ready for the ice storm that waits for you inside, before finally jamming your key in the lock and heading inside. 
It was the shiny pink heart on the gold paper under the only light on in the apartment that caught your eye. At first, while you toed off your shoes and practically threw your purse on the counter, you had just assumed it was a valentine a fan had sent it, but then you noticed your own name in Mark’s messy handwriting at the top. Shrugging off your blazer, you make your way over to it, tossing the discarded clothing over the back of the couch. 
“Dear Y/n, “ You begin to read the letter, dropping onto the couch as you do so. “I know this past week has been rough, and for that, I’m sorry. You were right, you deserve to know where I’ve been going. I would tell you normally, but you deserve to see it in person. There’s a gift for you in the closet. Just trust me on this.” You chuckle at the crudely drawn winky face, excitedly jumping up to find the gift. 
The gift was a dress, single sleeved, with a high low skirt in sky blue with little pink and white hearts adorning it. It too had a note, this one telling you to get ready, and wear it, and that Jackson would be picking you up when you were ready. Your heart wouldn’t stop pounding the entire time. What if this was an elaborate break up? What if he was going to propose? Were you ready to get married? Your hands shook as you put your phone and wallet in a white purse, the only one you had that would match. 
“You are overthinking this, Y/n.” You assure yourself, double checking your face in the mirror one last time before heading outside. Your heels clicked on the wooden flooring of the apartment complex, making the front desk man look up with a smile. 
“Ah, Y/n, I have something for you, from Mark.” He greets, reaching under his desk to pull out a red rose. You accept it with a smile matching his, tucking it behind your ear. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” 
“You too, thank you.” The smile stays on your face as you make your way to the curb, where Jackson waits. 
“Hey cutie! You look great.” He greets as you climb into the passenger seat. 
“Thanks Jacks.” You clip your seatbelt, then pull down the visor to check your make up again. “Alright, “ You begin, slapping the visor up, “Where are we going?” Jackson only grins, pulling away from the building. 
“You’ll see.” You groan, tossing your head back against the seat. 
“You boys and your secrets.” You huff, “Besides, isn’t the Korean tradition that girls give chocolates today?” 
“Mark’s American.” Jackson waves you off, grinning like a fool. 
“I wish Yugyeom had driven me.” Jackson gasps at your comment, glancing over at you with an exaggerated frown. 
“How come?” 
“Cause he would have told me what was going on.” You pout, crossing your arms over your chest and staring out the window. The car ride is only a few minutes, and Jackson pulls up at a large building only 10 minutes after leaving yours. 
“Alright, go inside, take elevator B to floor 12, and then Elevator H up to the top floor. Then you’re going to follow the signs to the roof.” 
“The roof?” You ask incredulously, “Jackson, its freezing and I didn’t bring a jacket.” 
“Don’t worry about that, you’ll be fine. Just go.” You do, albeit a touch reluctantly. The warmth of the building is nice, although you had no idea what the building is for, seeing as it appeared to be completely empty. Following Jackson’s instructions was easy enough, but the small glittery gold heart stickers on certain buttons also helped. Standing in front of the roof access door, you brace yourself, not only for the cold, but to finally face the man you’d been accidentally avoiding all week. Blowing out a deep breath, you square your shoulders, and yank open the door. 
Mark had somehow turned the roof into his own personal world. Fairy lights hung from bamboo pillars, a small fire blazed in a pit surrounded by plush couches, and a candlelit dinner awaited on a small table, where he sat. When he saw you, his face immediately lit up, a smile illuminating his entire body. He wore a sky blue suit, with a tie covered in small hearts. 
“You look amazing.” He greets, standing to come to you. “I know it’s been a long week baby, and you’re right you deserve to know what’s going on.” He spreads his arms out, gesturing to everything around him. “I’ve been building this, and trying to figure something out.”
“What is it?” He doesn’t answer at first, instead leading you over to the table, where a velvet box rests between the plates. 
“I’m not about to ask you to marry me, so you don’t have to break my fingers,” He jokes, and you realize you had been squeezing his hand at the thought. “That would be saved for another time.” He picks up the box, turning to you again, and opening it. 
“Its a key.” You remark. He chuckles at the blunt reply. 
“It is. To a house in Los Angeles.” You manage to drag your eyes up to his face, where its obvious that he’s nervous. “My contract is over, and I want to go home, but you are part of my home.” 
“You want me to come with you to LA?” You can’t believe what you’re hearing, you had been so worried about the possibility of him doing something devious, you had totally forgotten his contract had expired. 
“I love you, and I know I haven’t been great at showing it recently, but I can’t imagine living without you. I know we’re young, which is why I wasn’t going to propose just yet, but I don’t want to go back there without you. My parents love you, and you’ve always talked about wanting to move there someday, so this is your chance.” He lets out a shaky breath. “So please, come home with me?”
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nebulousmistress · 3 years
Taqgged by @bengesko
NAME: [redacted]
Come on, gimme your name: Neb
Your real name:
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NICKNAMES: Mistress (by my pet), all 27 variations of my legit name in 8 languages (by everyone I know IRL)
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
That explains things: Hey, shut up.
FAVORITE COLOR(S): black, red, soft iridescence, deep saturated blues, Void, magenta
TIME RIGHT NOW: 730-ish pm
LAST THING I GOOGLED: garden claw gloves
NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: one sheet and one thin blanket. Any more and I get too hot and have weird dreams.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): Vlad Masters/Plasmius, Dr. Rodney McKay, General Armitage Hux, Spock, Kirk, Bones, just the entire crew of TOS Star Trek, Captain Cardinal, Captain Kathryn Janeway, Adivion Adrissant
FAVORITE BANDS/SINGERS: Mono Inc, The Birthday Massacre, Cryo Chamber, VNV Nation, Assemblage 23, Seether, Five Finger Death Punch, Ghost, Lord of the Lost, Three Days Grace
DREAM JOB: Not interested. Here’s why. A job is what I do every single day to make money so I can afford to do the stuff I actually want to do, which I cannot do every single day or I come to not want to do it. So my ‘dream job’ is a job that will pay for my life without grinding me to dust so I can do Other Fun Things.
WHAT I AM WEARING RIGHT NOW: Black jeans, dark tank top. Giant fuckoff headphones.
WHAT DO I POST ABOUT: Stuff. Work and life and selves and miniatures and fanfiction and just so much fanfiction adjacent stuff. Anything to separate myself from the job I have to do and the person I have to be.
DO I HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: @askthenightmonster an RP blog for Charlie the Night Monster from Don’t Starve that hasn’t updated since 2016 @veli-spawn-of-lissala another RP blog that hasn’t updated since 2014 @level12roguechemist my SFW blog in case anyone asks what kind of online presence I have since I’m not on twitter as myself, I’m not on facebook, and my linkedin hasn’t updated since 2015
WHEN DID YOUR BLOG HIT ITS PEAK: Right before tumblr’s last purge of bot blogs I broke 250 followers for the first and only time
WHO IS YOUR MOST ACTIVE FOLLOWER: @puppetmaster55 by far. also @holywritingpromptsbatbruh​ and @emperorsvornskr​ and @bengesko​ and @spirits-of-kin​
WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO GET A TUMBLR: the Through Danny Phantom rewatch, it was easier to keep track of everyone that way
DO YOU GET ASKS ON A DAILY BASIS: ‘Daily’? Lol, I barely get asks on an annual basis
WHY DID YOU CHOSE YOUR URL: I once introduced myself at a Munch as “And I’m [my pet’s] nebulous mistress” as it was my first time meeting the group. The term felt right.
TAG YOU’RE IT: idk go for it
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mywonuderful · 4 years
Not So Cold-Hearted Pt.25
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Summary: Y/N, a member of a popular newly debut girl group and Wonwoo has what some may call a relationship with emotional ambivalent. Will their relationship remain cold-blooded or will they finally come to an agreement and become something more?
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m finally back after my first semester! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday and that I deeply apologize for the extremely delayed update. I’m currently on my winter break before the second semester so I’ll try my best to update ASAP during my break. As always, if anyone is interested in being added into the taglist for this series, please feel free to send in a ask or message me!
You scanned through the stacks of boxes of supplies when your eyes landed on the box with the label ‘cardboard cup holders’ on the edge of the top shelf. You tippy toed to reach the top but had to use. Letting out a grunt, you tried again and again but failed every time. You hopping as your hand got a quick grip of the box and pulled it outward. You did this again as it shifted outward every time with every hop. You were already out of breath from hoping and pulling but with the last hop, the box finally came out of the top shelve, but also your hands as the shelf shook. You caught it as you tumbled backwards before you fell, as some boxes on the the shelf fell. You heard rapid footsteps before Wonwoo appeared at the entrance of the storage room and rushed to your side.
“Are you okay?’ His eyes enlarged as they scanned over you body for any injuries. Your grip was tightly around the box as you let out a soft chuckle. “I got it.” You breathlessly whispered. Wonwoo didn’t say anything as he got back up with a small sigh and picked up the boxes that have fallen. They both of you worked in silence as you would glance over at him time to time, seeing him wipe the counters and coffee machines.
‘What’s with the sudden change of mood?’ You thought to yourself as your cleaned the kitchen and wiped the cutlery. You were finally finished with everything as you headed to the lockers where you saw Wonwoo taking off his apron. You quietly walked to your locker beside him as you do the same.
“You shouldn’t overwork yourself.” You heard him speak behind his opened locker door as you stopped at your moments. “I don’t know what you’re saying, I’m fine.” You replied as your folded your apron. “Stop acting all strong and tough.” He closed the locker door, facing you. “Can’t you see I’m-” “You’re injured and you’re not fully recovered.” His voice was stern as his eyes looked down at yours. “What if I just don’t want to show my weakness?” you scoffed as you wore your jacket. He rolled his eyes. “But you don’t have to push yourself to prove others you’re fine.” he said as you closed your locker before meeting his eyes. “I’ve been in the hospital and in the dorm for the past 8 months without stepping outside. I feel so locked in and suffocated that I can’t do anything. Do you know how useless I feel whenever I see my members leave for practices or performances where they have to cover for my parts and work twice as hard to fill my spot? I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone, Wonwoo. I’m trying to prove to myself that I’m not nothing for the past 8 months and that I’m healing.” You replied before loosening your hair from the updo its in. “It wouldn’t matter to you anyways.” You hung your bag over your shoulder before walking pass him, only to be stopped by his hand around your arm.
“Wait.” there was heavy silence between the two of you as neither of you moved. His hand was lightly gripped around you arm but for some reason, you didn’t fall back your arm. It felt nice.  “I’m sorry.” you turned around to look at him as he hung his head low. He loosened his grip around your arm. He slowly lifted his head before looking into your eyes with sincere apologizes. You’ve never seen his eyes so soft, making you melt into them deeper and deeper by the second. “It’s okay.” You managed to bring yourself together as you looked to the side. The two of you stood faced to faced, in awkwardness, not knowing what to say after the apology. “Well then, I’ll be going then.” “Y/N!” His voice made you stop at your steps as you head him walk in front of you. “There’s somewhere I want to bring you.”
- a few days ago -
“I’m ordering take-out! Is there anything-” Dino’s sentence was cut of by the orders of his members overlapping each other. He started looking back and forth, trying to listen in to every of their orders. “Just type it down.” Jeonghan lazily said while lying on the floor. All the boys had no personal or group activities that day as they took the chance to just stay at home and be homebodies for the day.  “I’ll take a hamburger.” Wonwoo added his order as Dino nodded before heading to his room to call in the orders. The boys were scattered in the living room, either chatting or playing on their phones. “Hey hyung, did you visit Y/N yet?” Minghao asked after he finished his race of KartRider with Wonwoo and a few others. “No, not yet.” He restarted another game, focusing his attention in his race “Well, are you going to pay her a visit? She’s probably at her dorm, knowing that her members and manager won’t allow her to live the house until she’s fully recovered.” Minghao laughed as he drifted his vehicle on an sharp turn. “Maybe you should bring her to your favorite spot.” Minghao randomly suggested, throwing Wonwoo off as he ended up placing second.
“You mean the spot?” Jun lowered his phone and looked at Wonwoo with widen eyes. Wonwoo lets out a sigh as he fell back on the cool wooden flooring. “Even we haven’t been there....” Hoshi pouted. Minghao looked down on his members, trying to figure out what he’s feeling. “What do you say? Maybe you can set up a little picnic and-” Minghao started giving out ideas, only to be cut off by the rest of his members. “And then maybe way the sunset with her!” “And then see the night skies and stars-” “She might get cold during the night and then you can take off your jacket and place it over her shoulders-” “And then the two of you will face each other, inches about as your eyes travel down her lips-” “As you look up, you see her eyes flutter close and you slowly move closer to her lips unt-” All the boys started acting out their imagination as they started fanboying over the possibility from their emotionless and cool member
“HELLO? AH HELLO MR. BOSA. OH NO, IT’S JUST REALLY LOUD WHERE I AM SO I CAN’T REALLY HEAR YOU PROPERLY, LET ME MOVE SOMEWHERE MORE QUIET.” Wonwoo’s phone started ringing as he quickly answered it, never feeling more thankful to have a phone call come in at the right time. He shot all his members death glares as he stood up before walking down the hallway “You sound like you’re quite busy. I apologize for interrupting your schedule.” “No worries. I’m not busy at the moment. I’m just with my members.” Wonwoo still felt his cheeks heated from his members’ extreme imagination. “I’m just calling in to see if you’ll be busy in the next couple of days? Ms. Bosa and I might need to go out to pick up some new supplies but we won’t know until the day of. Is it possible for you to step in while we’re gone? We’ll call in a couple of hours before we leave so it’s not too last minute.”  “For sure. Just call in and I’ll head over.” “Thank you so much Wonwoo. We were planning on calling Y/N too see if she’s available since she’s been discharged from the hospital- say, have you seen or visited Y/N since?” He questioned as Wonwoo falls into guilt from what he did the last time he spoken to you. “U-Uh, no I haven’t.” He stuttered upon his words as he heard a chuckle on the other side of the call. “You haven’t as in you’re too scared to visit her or what?” he remained silent, not knowing what to say in such awkward situation. “Alright, I’ll stop teasing you. Thanks for the last minute help Wonwoo.” Wonwoo hung up and lets out a sigh
“Was it the cafe?” He turned around and saw Seungcheol leaning against the wall. "Huh? Something like that.” “You don’t sound too happy about it.” Seungcheol questioned “No, it’s just that Mr. Bosa called to see if I work come into work in the next couple of days.” “And...?” Wonwoo’s eyes shifted to meet his hyung, confused on whether he’s just questioning or he heard the whole phone conversation “And he asked if I visited Y/N recently.” He ended up explaining. “See? Even the whole world knows you haven’t visited Y/N!” the leader dramatically exclaimed. “Okay, okay. I’ll pay her a visit in a few days.” Wonwoo lowly whined as he ran his hand through his hair and walked into his room before falling onto his bed, arm over his forehead.
‘I should really apologize to Y/N for what I said back then shouldn’t I. But it’s not like I can do much.’ He finds himself tossing and turning, fighting between his thoughts as he finally came to an conclusion on what to do.
- end -
- earlier in the day - 
Wonwoo got up earlier than usual, feeling a little fidgety has he had a special plan today. He quickly got cleaned up before packing up some blankets, extra sweaters/hoodies and some warmers, stuffing them into his duffle bag. It was still quite earlier in the morning but majority of his members where wide awake, and extremely energetic which was no surprise to him. He strolled out of his room, somewhat in a hurry before knocking on one of his member’s door.
“Joshua hyung?” he turned the nob and found his fellow member gaming with his headphones on. He saw him awake at this odd hour as he brought down his headphones, looking at him in a confused manner. “What’s up? And why are you awake so early? Don’t you normally wake up in the late afternoon during our free day?” Wonwoo looked around the room, not knowing how to reply. “Uh... you know that picnic bag you bought online? Could I borrow it?” He asked as Joshua raised his eyebrow. “Yeah sure. Are you going somewhere?” Wonwoo mentally groaned “You could say that.” He kept his answer short. “So, where is it?” “It’s somewhere in the storage or laundry room.” He said with a pause afterwards. “You know what, I’ll get it for you.” He took off his headphones and walked out of his room, Wonwoo following behind, sensing something off. He followed pass the open area of the living room and kitchen where to his surprise all his members where. Joshua came to a stop in the middle.
“*ahem* I have a special announcement to make.” the boys turned to face him standing in the middle. Wonwoo, who caught on the disaster that was about to happen, hastily ran up to him “Josh don’t-” “WONWOO IS FINALLY ASKING Y/N ON A DATE.” the words already left his lips. Wonwoo ran up beside him where all the members shifted their attention to him, exchanging shocked expressions before screaming in unison “Look! Let me explain!” Wonwoo frantically tried to explain but his members were clearly distracted by their celebration “Okay, okay, lets have Wonwoo explain to us his plan. Walk us through every detail. Do you need visual examples? Seungkwan and I are born for this moment, just give us a cue and we’ll reenact for you.” Dokyeom said after their session of cheering. Wonwoo stood there, lost in words before shaking his head, finding the right word to explain without having his members throw another celebration. “I’m going to apologize to Y/N.” He stated as confusion were plastered across their faces. “Apologize? Why? Did something happen between you and Y/N within the past 8 months?” Mingyu asked out of the blue. “You could say that.” He rubbed his hand behind his neck, feeling a little embarrassed at himself. He looked to see the faces of his members and saw Minghao looking at him with a small smile and nod, telling him it’s the right thing to do. “I’ll take her to my spot and apologize to her. That’s it.” His members slowly nodded, understanding his actions. After taking the picnic blanket from Joshua, he went back into his room, changing into clothes to head out to prepare the set up when his phone vibrated as an incoming phone call.
“Wonwoo speaking.” “Hello? Ah, Wonwoo! How are you?” Mr.Bosa voice was heard across the line with Ms.Bosa’s voice in the background “I’m doing good, and you?” “I’m doing great. I was wondering if you could run the store as I head out with my wife?” “Um...” his traveled to his duffle bag on top of his bed. “Yeah I can step in for a bit.” “That’s great! Wait hold on- what? you already called her? Well, I’m calling him now. No, it’s okay, they haven’t seen each other in a while either way.” He somewhat hears the conversation between the couple, not putting much thought into it. “Sorry about that, Woo. Yeah, that’ll be awesome! You guys can close the store earlier if business is slow since we aren’t expecting much today either way. Thank you again!” He ended the call before staring back at his bag, wondering how his plan will go.
‘You guys?’ he thought to himself as changed his clothes for a more comfortable wear to work and headed out, bringing along his duffle bag.
Wonwoo was cleaning the counters of the coffee machines as he hummed to the music being played throughout the cafe as his pondered about to do know with what he had planned. He originally wanted to set up everything before visiting you bringing you to his spot but know that things aren’t going out as he wanted, he tried to think of something else when he heard the door open as the bell chimed.
“Welcome to Espresso Love Caf-” his words were cut off as he saw your figure, standing by the entrance, looking just as surprised as you were. None of you exchanges words as you walked to the back of the store as his eyes followed you, still shocked by your sudden appearance.
The two of you stood faced to faced, in awkwardness, not knowing what to say after the apology. “Well then, I’ll be going then.” “Y/N!” His voice made you stop at your steps as you head him walk in front of you. “There’s somewhere I want to bring you.” You looked up to him, trying to see if this was one of his little pranks. But to your surprise, his eyes were softly looking down at yours, almost if he was sincere about it. “What do you mean?” He looked away from you, biting on his lip “You’ll see.” And with that, he took a hold of your wrist, locking the store from behind as the both you walked to wherever he was taking you. Your steps followed from behind as you took in the image of his broad back before landing on the duffle bag that was hung on the other side of his shoulder, questioning what could be. The both of you ended up in a comfortable silent, walking down the sidewalk of a road on a hill. “Isn’t this the place....” familiarity hits as the you recall that time when you were humming while looking out on the view. Wonwoo lets out a soft smile before heading in between two fences and onto a rough path into small forest. “Why do I feel like I’m voluntarily being kidnaped.” You nervously laughed as you walked deeper into the woods, Wonwoo’s hand still around yours. He didn’t say anything and continued walking, making you feel even more uneasy. “Hey, say something.... You’re making me feel uncomfortable.” You accidently tripped on branch, making you fall forward as you felt his grip around you wrist tighten as he pulled you. He quickly turned around, your head hitting on his chest.
“S-Sorry.” You quickly lifted your head and his grip loosened. “We’re almost there.” He turned and started walking until the end of the forest, leading to an opened field with flowers that outlooks the city. “We’re here.” He turned around anticipating your reaction.  “Wow...” Your jaw dropped as you slowly walked, looking around. Wonwoo dropped his bag down on the middle of the field and took out a picnic blanket, setting it out. “What are you doing?”  “Setting up a picnic.” He said and started bringing things out of his bag. “Aren’t you going to sit down?” He looked up at you as you stood there, in confusion. You blinked a couple of times before nodding, taking a seat beside him. You both stare out on the evening sky that displayed beautiful shades of red, orange, yellow and pink, making you feel relaxed and at ease as you pulled your knees to chest, letting out a sigh. “This view just clears the mind and takes away all the worries.” You hummed. Wonwoo, who was sitting beside with his legs crossed and his hands supporting behind stared out at the view. “Y/N.” He sudden called your name. Your lifted you head from your knees, turning to face him as his eyes darting away from yours. “I’m sorry.” Your eyes widen from his apology. “I’m sorry for what I said back at the hospital and what I said today...” He trailed off at his words. He couldn’t look you in the eyes, and started look down at his fingers, playing with them in nervousness.��“I didn’t mean the words I said.” He bit his lip before finding the courage the look at you. You stared at him, trying to find the words to say.
“It’s okay.” you said after a period of silence. “I know you only meant well. I know I can be arrogant sometimes and overestimate myself, making a fool out of myself.” He quietly listened as you sighed and looked back out at the view. “Your words, it stayed with me for a while. In a way, it brought sense to me that I’m human too and that I have my limits also. So thanks, thanks for bringing some sense to me when I needed it.” You smiled. It was true that his words were harsh at first but as time past, you realized that what he said was only because he cared and it was his way of caring which is something that is hard for him.  “This is my favorite spot.” you tilted your head and looked over at him. “I always find myself coming here whenever I’m full of thoughts or worries or just need some air.” “So like your secret hide-out?” “You could say that.” The both of you chuckled before silence fell again.
“You know, for the past couple of months, it was extremely hard for me. I went through a roller coaster of emotions, feeling like nothing and useless to my members. It’s difficult seeing them needing to work harder to fill in my empty spot and that I couldn’t do anything but sit and watch. I fell into a darkness, hiding from my members because they already have so much on their plate with my absence. It’s like I don’t even know who and what I am anymore.” You stared out. Wonwoo looked at you, hearing your difficulties brought shock to him. Though you may be quiet, you were known to be uplifting, bright and optimistic to your fans, members and even the boys so hearing this was sure a surprise to him. “Sometimes fighting with myself and having everything bottled up can be tough sometimes, you know?” Wonwoo shifted closer to you, with soften eyes. “Sometimes I just want to scream, give up and just stop everything.” He slowly lifted his hand over your head, thinking over his actions if this is okay. ”Sometimes I just want someone to pat-” His hand lowered, patting your head as you stopped at your words, at surprise but didn’t turn to look at him. Wonwoo lightly patted your head as you tried your best to blink back the tears foaming in your eyes. “-Sometimes I just want someone to pat my head, telling that I did a good job and that I’ll be okay. But then again, I don’t want to be a burden.” You finished off, with your voice wavering.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were going through this.” You felt guiltiness in his voice. “I....I don’t know what to say....” you looked at him as he stopped patting your head. “You’re always smiling. Whether it be with your fans or members. You’re just.... always smiling brightly.” He mumbled the last part, making you giggle. “But you shouldn’t feel burden. You and your members are like a family, no? I’m sure they’re just as worried as you are. But at the same time, I’m sure they’re so proud of you that you’re getting through this and that you’ll come back stronger than ever.” You looked up at him, meeting his eyes. “Well... At least for me, I know you’ll going to come back stronger than ever.” You broke out into a smile as you felt your heart glow. “It’s been a while since I saw you smile like this.” His leaned towards you as you closed your eyes. You felt his light touch, brushing the hairs out of your face from the evening breeze. You opened your eyes as he straight right into yours, feeling a tingling sensation between the two of you. It’s always as if the both of you snapped back to reality and he quickly jerked his hand back as you sit back straight, looking away from each other.  “S-So... Do you bring your members here as well?” You asked, trying to find a new topic to talk about. “No. You’re the first.” Your heart started racing. “This is the place I wanted to bring you. I thought it’ll help with relieving some stress and all. It’s a peaceful quietness.” He explained as you nodded. “Thanks for bringing me here, Wonwoo. This has definitely took the weight off my chest. After saying everything that’s been on my mind and watching the sunset,  I feel soo much lighter and refreshed.” You smiled. “That’s a relief.” The sun was almost done setting as the both of you cherish the last bits staring out into silence. For some reason, it felt like you were both able to connect through the silence, making you feel a sense of home.
“Are you feeling hungry?” He asked, as the night sky started to fill. “Very.” He chuckled as he unzipped his duffle bag, bringing out a stack of containers and opening it. It was filled with side dishes and dishes that you automatically knew was made by his aunt. “My aunt came to drop off some dishes yesterday so I decided to bring it here. I hope you don’t mind that it’s not fresh and all.” “Not at all. You know sometimes food eaten the next day is more delicious.” You smiled as he passed you utensils the both of you started eating, as he picked up some side dishes and putting it on your bowl of rice. You giggle before doing the same to him. After dinner, you stretched out your arms over your head, letting out a long sigh. Wonwoo was laying down beside you, looking at up at sky. “Lie down. You can see the stars.” He patted the spot beside him as you scooted over before lying down. “Have you star gazed before?” “I’ve studied it a bit out of curiosity but never really done it in real life. It’s difficult seeing the stars in a city.” You saw Wonwoo smile in the corner of your eyes. “You can see the big dipper here.” Your eyes started wandering, trying to trace the stars for the shape. “It’s over there.” “Where?” “There.” he pointed up but you could seem to find it. “There?” you pointed, trying to following his direction. “No, there. Do you see it?” He took a hold of your wrist, tracing the shape. Your eyes looked at him in shock. “I-I see it.” You stuttered. “Oh! and that’s the little dipper!” You excited pointed at it, smiling widely. 
You sat back up, taking it a sip of the warm coffee as goosebumps started growing on your skin from the night breeze. You shivered a bit, scolding yourself for not bringing a jacket. Wonwoo got up as well, digging something in his bag before handing you his sweater. “I brought it just in case.” You took it. “It seems like you need it.” You hesitated at first, deciding if it was the right thing to wear it or not.  “Thanks.” You put it over your head, struggling to find the holes for the arms. You heard Wonwoo laugh before guiding your arm through the sleeves and pulling it down your head, making your hair all friction and static from the inside. He started laughing from the sight of your hair going in all directions. You look at him, in confusion, laughing along even though you didn’t know the reason. “You hair is all static.” He started patting down your hair with a smile. You cheeks started tinting pink, but thankfully it was dark even to hide your blushing face. “It’s huge on you.” You lifted your arms seeing that the sleeves were covering you hands. “It’s alright.” You mumbled. The two of you remained quiet, taking sips of coffee while exchanging short conversation here and there, enjoying and silent presence of one another.
“What time is it?” You questioned, wondering how long you’ve been here for. Wonwoo pulled out his phone, showing you the time as you eyes widen.  “We’ve been here for that long?!” You took out your phone and saw ‘13 missed calls.’ “Looks like your members are worried about you.” He must’ve saw, making you embarrassed. “Maybe we should head back before they call the police reporting you kidnapped.” He got up, offering you a hand. You grabbed onto it as he pulled you up before you helped up clean up. “I mean if you think about it, you did kidnapped me in a way.” You spoke as the two of you walked back to your dorms. Your shoulder would brush against his arm time to time, making your heart flutter.  “In my defense, you didn’t do anything. So you involuntary agreed” You laughed, nodding your head. “You have a point. I’ll give you that one.” You reach the street of your dorms, feeling a little disappointed for some reason. “Thanks for today Wonwoo. It really means a lot to me.” You stopped and turn to face him. You were a few houses away from your dorm but you didn’t want to leave just yet. “No worries. I felt kind of bad not visiting you while you were in the hospital.” He rubbed his hand behind his neck, looking away, feeling ashamed. “I don’t blame you.” You shrugged your shoulders as he raise his eyes from the ground. “Guess, I’ll have one more reason to hold something against you.” He eyes widen before the two of you laughed. “Today was memorable though. I got to see a new side of you and I’m.... I’m thankful for that.” You could see his face blushing from the dimmed street lights. “I could say the same to you.” He smiled. He opened his mouth, about to say something when his phone rang. He pulled it out, as the caller ID showed one of his member’s name. “Hello?”
“So are the both of you going to just stand there and melt into each other’s eyes or are you going to go home? My storage is running out on my phone and Hoshi won’t stop narrating this scene, it’s killing me.” Mingyu’s voice was heard on the line with Dokyeom’s and Dino’s singing background music in the back. The both of you looked forward, seeing his dorm’s window opened with Mingyu holding a selfie stick and the heads of the boys, popping out. He ended the call behind stuffing his phone back into his pocket. “I’m never going to hear the end of this when I get home. Are you down for a late night runaway?” He questioned as you chuckled. Just then, your phone started ringing. “I’m almost home.”  “We can clearly see that. But the question is IF you’re going to come home because I think you’re too occupied, swimming into your lover boy’s eyes.” You saw your members sticking out their heads of the entrance. You turned to look at Wonwoo with panicked eyes.  “So, about that late night runaway suggestion....” The both of your broke out into a huge laughed, cherishing the last bits of the moments before hiding home.
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uwu-shinsou · 4 years
First,,,, CONGRATS ON 500 BB!! YOU DESERVED IT!! And uhhh if it's not much a bother can I request Shinsou Hitoshi with 6 and 13 (if it's alright! If youre not comfortable with doing it you can do whatever youre comfortable with, I care abt your well being more than the fic that Im requesting) and I dont really uh care if its hc or a drabble or smth cuz im inlove with anything and everything that you make! Again congrats! Have a nice day :))
Title: Whatever You Say
Prompt: Accidental Text, Hate-to-Love
Warning(s): Mild language
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi X Gender Neutral!Reader
Genre: Drabble, working through feelings
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: THANK YOU ISSA!! 🥺💖I’m so glad you requested!! Bc I’m trying to keep these shorter like “drabbles” I had a hard time doing like,, full on hate to love so this is more like resentment to friends with implications of hidden feelings?? AHAHA but uhhh yeah, I hope you all enjoy 🥺and in case you missed it, my last year of college has started, so I will be updating less frequently, but I will still be around and writing and vibing!🤗
500 Event Masterlist
✿ .✿ .✿ .✿ .✿
Oh shit.
You flew down the hall, bursting into Kaminari’s bedroom without knocking. The blonde sat up quickly at your intrusion, but relaxed slightly upon seeing it was you.
“What’s up speed racer?” He joked, folding his legs up to make room for you on the bed. You walked up to the side of the bed, dropping your knees on the edge and falling forward face-down onto the covers.
“I messed up, Denki,” You groaned, rolling over onto your back and staring at the ceiling. “I sent a text to Shinsou-”
He let out a little snort. “Now that’s unusual.”
“Yeah,” You agreed. “Because it was a text that was not meant for him.” 
“It couldn’t have been that bad, right?” He asked, now a little nervous. You couldn’t blame him. You and Kaminari had clicked instantly at the beginning of your first year at U.A., and now you’d pretty much consider him your best friend, and you his. But come the end of first year, with the trial and following announcement that Shinsou Hitoshi, general ed student, would be transfering into the hero course- and more specifically- your class, Kaminari Denki had seemed to collect himself yet another best friend. 
And you had made your first rival.
You hadn’t wanted to. But when you had first heard about Shinsou’s quirk, people couldn’t help but compare it to yours. As long as you maintained skin to skin contact, you could command another person to do anything that you wanted. Paired with your athletic background (which started when you were young, at the insistence of your parents that it’d “prepare you for hero training”) you were clearly the superior “mind control” student. You didn’t understand why another one was needed in the hero course. Wasn’t he just fine being in the general course?
But of course he had to join class 2A, become Aizawa’s favorite, and start to steal the attention of your best friend.
But Kaminari was his own person, and he made his own choices about when he hung out with the two of you. It really wasn’t fair to put him in the middle of your mess of feelings. And even though he was Shinsou’s friend, you knew he would keep your secrets.
You turned onto your side to look at him. “Here just- read this.” You shoved your phone at him. He took it in his hand, his face contorting into a grimace as he read your mistake once, twice, three times.
“...Why the hell did you send him this?” You slapped your hands against your face in embarrassment and despair. He mockingly cleared his throat. “‘Can you believe purple hair beat me in today’s exercise? Why does he have to basically have my quirk? If he wasn’t so hot I’d be really pissed.’” Kaminari let out a whistle. “Wow, now there is a lot to unpack here, hun.”
You winced. “Yeah, that text was supposed to go to Mina, but I mean- fucking hell, I don’t know?” You ran your hands over your face. “I guess I somehow just clicked the wrong contact and instead it went to him! And it’s even worse that he hasn’t responded about it yet.” You’d never outright said to Shinsou that you disliked him, but you had to assume he knew, and felt the same way about you.
“I didn’t know you thought he was hot,” Kaminari said, wiggling his eyebrows. You launched a pillow at him that he ducked. 
“C’mon, anyone with a brain can see that he’s attractive,” You muttered. “It’s the same as Todoroki, or maybe Bakugou if you took away some of the attitude.”
He let out a sigh. “Yeah you’re right.” After a moment of silence he pressed your phone back into your hand. “Anyways, I think the best approach would be to sort it out face to face. Texting can make things too muddled sometimes.”
“Since when did you have so much wisdom?” 
He nudged you with a knee. “Hey, there’s a reason you came running to me.”
“I suppose you’re right.” It’ll probably be really awkward and not fun, but you should try to explain yourself in person.
Which is how you found yourself on the outskirts of the woods by the dorm buildings watching Shinsou workout, your presence still unnoticed as his back was turned to you. Kaminari had directed you here, knowing that his friend often trained here on his own. 
Suddenly he relaxed his stance, speaking without turning around. “What, you got more to say to me than what was in that text?”
You gritted your teeth at his words. What is up with his attitude!? “Yeah, well maybe I do.” You crossed your arms, shifting most of your weight onto one foot.
Shinsou glanced over his shoulder. “Sucks for you, I’m busy.” He reached down to the ground and slung his towel over his shoulder. “Since my quirk is clearly inferior to yours, I need to keep training.” You winced slightly at his words.
“Hey, I never said it like that-”
“Yeah, well you didn’t have to.” He sighed before turning to face you fully. “Look, I get it, you feel like I’m trying to take your spot here at U.A. Well just- don’t worry about it, okay? I’ll stay out of your way.”
As he began walking away, you found yourself stepping after him. “Shinsou, it’s not fair to phrase it that way.”
He stopped and turned to face you once more. “What do you know about ‘not fair’?” Shinsou took a step closer to you. “‘Not fair’ is getting into the general class, only to see someone just like me being praised for their power in the hero course. ‘Not fair’ is working as hard as I can to make my dreams come true, only to find out that I still have to compete against you. ‘Not fair’ is wanting to so desperately hate you for it all, but I can’t. Not when I see your strength, your power, your drive and ambition, and I can’t help but admire it. Admire you.” He let out a soft snort of mock amusement to himself. “I do kind of hate you for that, though.”
You stood there in silence. What do I even say to that? Shinsou watched you warily, waiting for a reaction.
“I don’t hate you, not really,” You said slowly. As good a place to start as any. “Resented you, yes, but hate is a strong word.” As you continued talking, your mouth let more and more words spill out, words you didn’t even know you had wanted to say. “And yeah, I was worried that you’d ‘take my spot’ or whatever, but I think that was the competitive nature of this school getting to me. They support friendly competition between students, but maybe I took that too much to heart.” You toed at the ground, slowly looking up to meet his eyes. “I was worried about you joining our class because I think you have amazing control over your quirk and you’re really talented. You really do have the potential to be an incredible hero. And I think… I’d like it better if we were friends, instead of pitting ourselves against each other.”
As you waited for Shinsou’s response, you started to get antsy. Why do I care so much about what he’s going to say?
Finally he answered. “Alright. Friends is a good place to start.” He held his hand out to you, as if to shake on it. Hesitatingly you reached out, your fingers firmly grasping his. He tightened his grip. “Should we also acknowledge that you said I was hot in your text?”
His words brought on a wave of nerves, and you yanked your hand back as if it were on fire. “That- That was a typo!” He began walking back towards the dorms with you hurrying to catch up to him.
As you matched his stride, he huffed out a laugh and sent you a knowing smile. “Sure, whatever you say.”
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Long Way From Home: Chapter 7
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen Genre: Family/Friendship Characters: Scott, Tracy Family
A little bit more spot the difference, but also some things that aren’t so different after all!  Interestingly, there is some tech that’s stayed the same between TOS and TAG, as Scott is about to discover (unfortunately for Scott, that doesn’t make him any happier).
This is the last chapter I’ve already got prewritten, so this may be the last chapter for a while.  I refuse to rush this just to fit to a schedule, and with uni work kicking in and now TAG Secret Santa, I have other things with more important deadlines, but I am still working on this one.  Chapter 8 is partially written, but also throwing me for some wobblies, so I don’t know how long it’ll take to finish...  Just a warning that the regular weekend updates may have come to an end for now.
<<<Chapter 6
“Tin-Tin!”  Other-Alan was just emerging from what Scott vaguely recalled was his bedroom when they reached the landing, wearing an unbuttoned striped yellow shirt over a white rollneck.  “Oh, it’s you.”  Scott found himself on the receiving end of a glower from bright blue eyes, an expression his own Alan would never throw his way.  He met it passively, not rising to the bait.  “What are you doing with Tin-Tin?”
“Oh, we were just having a chat, Alan,” she assured him before Scott could answer.  “Just some research for Brains.”
“Anything useful?” Other-Virgil emerged from further down the corridor, wearing some brown and yellow shirt and waistcoat combination and effectively shutting up Other-Alan before he could come up with another complaint.  Did Other-Alan do anything except complain?
“I’m sure it will be,” she said.  “But we should go and see your father; it’s time for the debrief and it wouldn’t do to keep him waiting.”
“You’re right, Tin-Tin,” Other-Virgil agreed.  “We can talk about this later.”  He walked through the doorway and Scott followed, to a scandalised noise from Other-Alan.
“You don’t mean he’s involved in the debrief?” the young man demanded.  “What’s he got to do with any of this?”
“Alan!” Tin-Tin chided. Scott chose to ignore him. Other-Alan had made his opinions clear and he wasn’t particularly interested in putting in the effort to change his mind.  He’d do it of his own accord or not at all.  Other-Scott and Other-Gordon were where he’d left them, and he reclaimed his earlier chair, leaning back and ignoring the way Not-Dad zeroed in on his still-undone top buttons with a disapproving frown.  In the corner, Other-John’s picture had been replaced with a video screen showing the man in real-time, judging by the way he was moving around.
Compared to his John’s hologram always materialising in the room, as though he was physically there, a simple screen on the wall made him seem excluded and more or less forgotten. That didn’t sit well with Scott, who thanks to EOS’ appearance was well aware how lonely it was to be stuck up on Thunderbird Five without any other company, even for someone as allergic to socialising as John.  No-one had made any mention of an EOS or equivalent so far, and he wondered if the differing technology meant she didn’t exist.
He hadn’t seen any sign of MAX, either.
“Good, you’re all here,” Not-Dad said, looking up from his desk as the others found seats.
“Dad, we can’t seriously be having a debrief with him in the room?” Other-Alan demanded.
“Alan,” Other-Scott interjected before Not-Dad could reply.  “If he wants to be here, he can.”
“Scott, how do we know we can even trust him?  Where’s our proof he knows anything about International Rescue?” the blond demanded.
“Did you pay any attention to the clothes he arrived in, Alan?” Other-John asked, and the younger man frowned heavily.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” he snapped defensively.
“I’ll be honest, I don’t think any of us paid much attention to his clothes,” Other-Virgil admitted. “What are you referring to, John?”
Scott realised what was coming and was already on his feet by the time the space monitor looked at him. The badge on his shoulder wasn’t obvious if they weren’t looking for it.
“See for yourself,” he said, striding out of the room to a hey from the irritable young man.  One thing was for sure – Alan was not growing up to be that argumentative as an adult.  He didn’t think he’d be able to stand it.  Locating his uniform in the guest room that was currently his, and leaving everything except the flight suit in the closest where he’d stashed it, he strode back to the lounge and tossed it at Other-Alan.  “Right shoulder.”
“Right-?” Other-Alan started, making a disgruntled face.  “Urgh, it’s sweaty.”
Scott rolled his eyes. “I did just get back from a rescue.” The others crowded around the two of them; even Not-Dad left his desk to get a closer look as Other-Alan finally located the shoulder in question and froze.
“What’s this?”
“What does it look like?” Scott retorted, knowing full well what he was looking at.
“Thunderbird One… International Rescue,” Other-Virgil read out.  “Well, I guess that settles it.”  He turned to face Other-John’s image.  “How did you know?”
“Brains saw it when he was looking at the equipment he had with him,” Other-John shrugged.
“What equipment?” Other-Alan sneered, lifting the flight suit and shaking it.  “I don’t see any equipment.”  Scott snatched it back.
“Aside from the built-in telemetry, it’s all still in my room,” he said.  “My gear doesn’t seem like it works here, but I’m not taking chances. I think the last thing you want is Thunderbird One trying to launch itself.”
“What?” Other-Scott yelped, lunging for his lamps.
“You have built-in telemetry?” Other-John asked as the wall section swung around, taking Other-Scott with it.  “And why would Thunderbird One launch itself?”
Scott shook his head.
“Different gear,” he reminded him.  “All our uniforms are linked to Thunderbird Five – measuring things like pulse, blood pressure, body temperature.  That sort of stuff, so John doesn’t have to wait for us to tell him if something’s gone wrong.”
“I want that,” Other-John said immediately.  To Scott’s surprise, Other-Alan muttered something that sounded like agreement.
The wall rotated again and Other-Scott reappeared, looking calmer.
“She’s not going anywhere,” he reported, before narrowing his eyes at Scott.  “What did you mean, she might launch herself?”
“I doubt it’ll happen,” Scott assured him, finding his chair again and sitting down, flight suit on his lap. “It’s coded to my Thunderbird One, so chances are the remote controls won’t do anything, especially as my communicator doesn’t work, but I’m keeping them locked away to be safe.  I don’t want either Thunderbird One responding to them when yours is different tech and I can’t see mine.”
“Your Thunderbirds can be remote controlled?” Not-Dad frowned, and Scott sighed.
“I thought we were here for a debrief, not another round of twenty questions,” he said pointedly, filing away the titbit that this universe’s Thunderbirds didn’t have built in remote control under ‘technological differences’.  The look he got in return informed him that Not-Dad didn’t appreciate his authority being undermined, but the older man returned to his desk and steepled his fingers together.
That appeared to be the signal for the rest of them to stop standing around and re-find their seats. Remembering Other-Gordon’s words from earlier, Scott settled back comfortably and reminded himself that he didn’t know enough about their technology to interrupt.  Clutching his flight suit in his hands, the material familiar under his fingers all he had left of home, he turned to glance at Other-Scott, who acknowledged him with a faint nod before directing his own attention to his father.
Scott followed suit.
“John called in an issue with Shackleton Power Plant,” Not-Dad began, and Scott started, clenching his flight suit tightly in his fist.  That was a nuclear facility – hadn’t it blown several years ago?  “The report stated two workers trapped inside – Scott?”  For a split second, Scott thought Not-Dad was addressing him and his reaction, before Other-Scott started talking.
That was going to get very confusing.
“I arrived at the danger zone at eleven thirty two, Island time.  The contact was a Cameron Agnew, the site’s Superior Safety Engineer, who informed me that the temperature had reached critical levels inside the building. Two operators had failed to get out before the blast doors closed, sealing them in, and while the external control tower could be used to lower the temperature, the method was not safe for human exposure and so couldn’t be used until the two men were evacuated.  I set up Mobile Control by Thunderbird One as there wasn’t enough security around to leave the ship secure and analysed the building schematics Mr Agnew supplied,” Other-Scott began.
It took all of Scott’s self-control not to interrupt, wondering why Other-John on Thunderbird Five hadn’t got access to the building schematics long before Thunderbird One had arrived at the danger zone.  Mobile Control was a brand new term to him – Other-Scott had mentioned it back on the trail, but hadn’t explained what it was then, and it seemed there was no explanation coming now, either.  Different technology, he reminded himself, looking down at his lap, where his flight suit – not sweaty, thank you Other-Alan – was firmly clamped between his fingers.
Other-Scott was still talking, describing how they’d had radio contact with the two trapped workers and the plan he’d devised to get them out, based on the schematics he’d had at his disposal.  Other-Gordon had said it had to have been a simple mission, for them to have been back so quickly, and Scott could appreciate that as his counterpart described the obedience of the operators do to as they were told, and how everything was organised and in position even before Thunderbird Two arrived with the bulk of their gear.
Scott found himself impressed with how smoothly the rescue had gone as Other-Virgil took up the narrative, describing how he’d landed where Other-Scott had instructed and had piloted the Mole – which had to be their version of a Mole Pod – to dig its way underneath the blast doors while Other-Alan had used a ‘Domo’ – Scott had no idea what that was supposed to be – to support them from collapsing while they were tunnelled under.
Two operators rescued successfully, temperature supressed remotely as soon as they were safe, and the structural integrity of the building was maintained after they filled the Mole’s track back in.  Practically a textbook rescue, and Not-Dad seemed pleased with the outcome.  Even though he had no personal stake in it – this wasn’t his International Rescue – Scott found himself similarly pleased.  There was no better rush than a rescue that went smoothly, without complications.  In Scott’s experience, those were rare.
“Well done, boys,” Not-Dad said after the recounting was done and Other-Alan and Other-John made their own contributions.  “A successful rescue once again; I’m proud of you.”  Scott flinched involuntarily at the words, having made the mistake of looking at the older man just as he said it.  Just one more thing he’d never hear his father say again.
“Are you okay?” Other-Virgil asked, and when he turned to face him he realised they were all watching him.
“Fine,” he snapped defensively, not enjoying being scrutinised.  Other-Gordon had a look that was almost pitying, and Scott realised he had enough of the story to realise what had caused that reaction. None of the others did, although Other-John looked calculating and if he was anything like John, as Scott suspected he was, he was well on the way to drawing the right conclusions. The others all looked to be varying levels of confused – except Other-Alan, who was frowning. Again.  Did he do anything other than frown?
“You don’t look fine,” the young man pointed out waspishly.  Scott scowled at him.
“Alan.”  Once again it was Other-Scott chiding his brother, drawing out the name warningly.  Other-Alan huffed.
“I’m just saying he’s lying,” the blond muttered petulantly.  Scott couldn’t quite believe he was supposed to be twenty – Alan had outgrown those sorts of remarks at least a year ago, for the most part at least. He was still a teenager, after all.
“And how do you suppose you would be if you found yourself in another universe?” Other-Virgil pointed out reasonably.  “Give the fella some slack, Alan.”
Other-Alan grumbled but fell quiet.
“Does anyone else have anything to say about the mission?” Not-Dad asked, dragging them back on topic.
“No, father,” the four brothers involved chorused, and he nodded his head, satisfied.
“In that case,” Not-Dad continued, “the next thing to be dealt with is clothing for Scott.  As has been pointed out, he cannot continue wearing our Scott’s clothes.”
“Or the same underwear,” Other-Gordon muttered, just loud enough to be heard by the room.  Scott gave him a half-hearted glare as Other-Virgil reached across to cuff him lightly.  Other-Alan made a noise of disgust but Scott ignored him, as did his brothers.
“Someone will need take him to the mainland for shopping,” Not-Dad continued, with only a disapproving glare directed at Other-Gordon to acknowledge the interruption.  “Normally, I would say Scott, but that would prompt too many awkward questions.  Virgil, you go.”
“Yes, father,” Other-Virgil said, making to stand.
“No,” Scott said, mouth moving before his brain realised what it was saying.  “I’ll go with Gordon.��  A look of surprise crossed Other-Virgil’s face, and something Scott didn’t want to analyse too closely.  Offence?  Disappointment?
No, Scott didn’t what to know what he was thinking.
“You realise we’re not letting you pilot, right?” Other-Scott asked, eyebrow raised.  Scott sighed, finding his way to his feet.
“Different technology,” he said blandly.  “I know. Are you telling me he can’t pilot a plane?”  He didn’t want to go with any of them – enforced one-on-one time was begging for an interrogation – but at least he’d already got the worst of it out of the way with Other-Gordon.
“Not as well as I can,” Other-Virgil hedged, although he was already sinking back down into his chair as though he could tell Scott wouldn’t be changing his mind.  Maybe he could.
It was the look Not-Dad shot Other-Gordon that cemented it.  So far, all he’d had was Other-John’s vague word and some less-hidden reactions from Other-Gordon to bring him to the conclusion that he was being treated like glass, but that look was all too much like the ones he’d seen on his own face in the immediate aftermath of his own Gordon’s crash.  The same look he had to fight whenever he sent Alan out in Thunderbird Three without him.  The I don’t want to let you out of my sight in case you get hurt look.
“I’ll go, Father,” Other-Gordon cut in, voice hard.  “Virgil’s just got back from a rescue.  Let him rest.”
“I can-”
Other-Gordon ignored his older brother, turning to face Scott with the faint ghost of a grin on his face.  “No backseat piloting from you.”
It had been a very long time since anyone had piloted Scott anywhere – occasional trips in Thunderbirds Two and Three notwithstanding.  He couldn’t say he was looking forwards to the experience, especially as he was asking the aquanaut to get behind the plane’s controls.
“No promises,” he offered, finding a small grin on his face.  Other-Gordon groaned.
“Let’s get this over with,” he said.  “Hey, Scott, you got a hat for him to wear?  Otherwise the world’s going to think you’re going grey.”
Other-Scott had been reclining in the chair, but at Other-Gordon’s words shot to his feet, glowering at his younger brother before turning to face Scott.
“Come on.”  He gestured towards the door.  “If the world’s going to think you’re me, you are not ruining my image.”
“I still don’t see the problem,” Scott shrugged, but followed.  He could at least appreciate the sort of damage paparazzi could do, and despite everything he wasn’t about to throw Other-Scott under the press bus if he could help it.
“The problem is that you’re wrecking my shirts and my image,” Other-Scott muttered, pushing open his bedroom door.  “The former we’re dealing with by getting you your own, but there’s not much we can do about the latter; seeing how the world knows I don’t have a twin and doesn’t know about your visit from an alternate universe, anyone who sees you will think you’re me.”
Scott sat down on the end of the bed as Other-Scott rummaged through his closet, scowling as a dark brown waistcoat was thrust in front of him.
“So what do I need to know?” he asked, picking up the offending item of clothing dubiously.
“More than I’ve got time to tell you if you want your own clothes today,” Other-Scott retorted. “Put that on, and do those buttons up.”
Scott grumbled, muttering under his breath about stupid fashions, but obeyed.
“Follow Gordon’s lead, don’t talk to anyone – Gordon can talk enough for both of you and won’t say anything irreparable – and ignore anyone with a camera,” Other-Scott told him; Scott would have bristled if it didn’t all make sense.  “I’m not sure why you wanted Gordon over Virgil, but I’d say it was the right call.  Virgil’s not great with the paparazzi, but Gordon can handle them.”
“What are my chances of avoiding them?” Scott asked dryly, aware that if it was anything like home, practically nil.  Other-Scott sent him a sympathetic look.
“Our cover is that we’re all lazy playboys living off of Dad’s fortune,” he informed him, and that was useful information to know, even if Scott didn’t like where it was headed. “It works wonders – even visitors to the island have never suspected we’re International Rescue – but for it to work, we need the papers.  They’ll scrutinise everything they see you buy, too.  What are you planning?”
“You’re not telling me what I can and can’t buy,” Scott bristled.  “Casual shirts, jeans, sneakers.  Seriously, how do you not have sneakers?”
“I have sneakers,” Other-Scott said, amused.  “Just not in my room.”  Scott groaned and glared at the shoes he was currently wearing.
“You mean I didn’t have to wear these?” he complained.  “Where are they?”
“You are not wearing sneakers to the mainland,” Other-Scott rebuked, before sighing himself.  “Look, I know you want your own clothes, and it sounds a lot like your universe has different standards, but while I won’t say a word about what you wear on the island, whenever you’re on the mainland you might as well be me.  If you must get jeans, at least get the expensive ones.”  He withdrew a fedora and eyed it critically before handing it to him.  “That should hide the differences in our hair.”
Feeling suffocated, Scott reluctantly put it on his head.  He hadn’t worn a hat in a long time, and definitely not a fedora.
“Sunglasses,” Other-Scott said, brandishing a pair of square-rimmed ones. “That should do enough.”  Scott put them on, squinting as the room went a few shades darker.
“Are you ladies done in here?” Other-Gordon asked, leaning against the doorway.  Other-Scott rolled his eyes.
“I’m holding you personally accountable for anything that ends up in the papers,” he told his younger brother firmly.  Other-Gordon grinned.
“Which of us don’t you trust?” he asked rhetorically – Scott knew full well the answer was ‘neither’ – before shifting his attention to Scott.  “Come on, Scott.  Sooner we leave, sooner you get to change your underpants.”
“Do you have to keep bringing that up?” Scott demanded.
“He’s Gordon,” Other-Scott said, as though that explained it.  It did.  “I do appreciate you not borrowing mine, though.”  Scott rolled his eyes.
“Let me just put my flight suit away and then I’m ready,” he replied, brushing past Other-Gordon and heading for his designated room.  Other-Gordon followed him, but to his relief Other-Scott stayed where he was.
“You look respectable, now,” the aquanaut commented, although Scott wasn’t so sure that was a compliment.  He chose not to respond as he carefully folded up his flight suit and put it back with the rest of his gear, out of sight.  “Ready?”
“You’ll have to show me another hangar now,” Scott informed him dryly, and Other-Gordon laughed.
“As if keeping any Scott Tracy from planes for any length of time is possible,” he grinned.  “Come on then, and remember you’re not piloting.”
“I know, I know,” Scott grumbled, but followed the younger man from his designated room, past Other-Scott’s still open door and then past the stairs – much to his consternation – and into the elevator, which clanged shut ominously behind him.  He didn’t jump, but it was a close thing, and Other-Gordon eyed him as he punched in a button.
Scott choked back a laugh, thinking of his launch tube, which was both smaller and faster than the elevator they were currently travelling down in – and then down again, past the ground floor and into darkness. “Hardly.”
Artificial light streamed in through the metal, and Scott watched an impressive array of planes come into sight – all civilian.  No sign of the other Thunderbirds, and there was a large part of him disappointed by that revelation.  Then again, if they were keeping International Rescue secret, he supposed keeping their public craft in the same hangar would raise some awkward questions.
“Is that a Tiger Moth?” he asked, spying a plane that seemed mid-restoration. “I haven’t seen one of those in years!” Other-Gordon shrugged.
“Alan’s pet project,” he explained.  “If he’s not tinkering with cars, he’s playing with that.”  Scott couldn’t blame him – it looked like a beauty. “Scott’s banned from touching it, by the way.”  Other-Gordon sounded amused.  “We’ll take Tin-Tin’s girl – Ladybird.”
Scott tore his eyes away from the Tiger Moth to see Other-Gordon pointing at a small plane, positioned near the hangar door.  Compared to many of the other craft, it didn’t look particularly special, or fast, and he sent a longing glance over at a sleek blue plane that looked designed for speed.  Other-Gordon followed his gaze and laughed.
“That’s Scott’s baby,” he told him.  “Well, the one that isn’t Thunderbird One.  I’m banned from so much as breathing on it under pain of very painful death, so no matter what you say, we’re not taking her.  I have clearance to take the Ladybird, and only the Ladybird, so the Ladybird it is.”
The elevator came to a smooth stop, and Scott followed Other-Gordon as he made a beeline for the Ladybird, despite wanting to stop and explore the planes some more.  They looked familiar in a way so much hadn’t since he’d woken up in the infirmary, and he stopped dead at the top of the steps into the Ladybird’s cockpit.
He knew those controls.  He’d flown planes with those controls.  While none of his current planes – Thunderbirds or Tracy Jets – used those, they were just like his old training plane.  Their old training plane, the one Grandma had taught Dad to fly in, and in turn Dad had taught him – and he’d taught Gordon and Alan.  His chest stuttered, nostalgia crushing his lungs, and without thinking he stepped towards the pilot chair.
A hand jabbed him in the back.
“The passenger seat is the one on the right,” Other-Gordon reminded him. Scott sent a longing look at the controls, but the hand jabbed him again and he reluctantly moved, allowing Other-Gordon to slither past him into the pilot seat and begin pre-flight checks. Resigned to being a reluctant passenger, and realising that not doing any backseat piloting was going to be a lot harder now he could see that this technology was the same, Scott slid into the passenger seat and clipped himself in.
It was obvious that Other-Gordon wasn’t quite as used to piloting than his Gordon, or at least not this particular jet, and Scott bit his lip to stop himself from offering unwelcome advice as the younger man haltingly pulled them through the pre-flight checks.  Other-Gordon glanced at him out of the corner of his eye as he finished fuel checks and groaned.
“I knew you’d be a terrible passenger.  Remember – no backseat piloting.”
“I know,” Scott sighed, tearing his eyes away from the control panel and instead looking out of the cockpit window at the other planes in an attempt to distract himself.  Behind them, the engine purred into life, familiar vibrations passing through his seat, and he forced himself to stay relaxed as the hangar door swung open to reveal the runway he’d seen from the narrow corridor in the villa.
The palm trees that lined it on either side didn’t move as Other-Gordon taxied them out, but the Ladybird was relatively small as far as jets went. Scott had no doubt that Thunderbird Two also used this runway – although he couldn’t look back to see what hid the entrance – and that the trees did need to somehow lean back out of the way for International Rescue’s behemoth to pass by.  At home, the palm trees were more of a reminder of their old legacy – Operation Cover-Up, as it was called here – than any real camouflage. It would be simple enough to remove them – the only hidden entrance that was possible to remove, as Gordon would murder him if he even considered getting rid of the pool, and the round house disguising Thunderbird Three’s launch was just as integral – but they all liked the bowing trees, and it was always fun to watch people’s confusion as they wondered how Thunderbird Two fit on the runway.  More than one person had theorised that Thunderbird Two had a hidden, VTOL launch, just as they assumed Thunderbird One did.
Scott never knew if he should be insulted that everyone thought his ‘bird could only do VTOL, or quietly smug that no-one else could figure out his girl.
“Ladybird to Base, requesting clearance for take-off,” Other-Gordon said suddenly. The radio crackled temporarily, before Not-Dad’s voice emerged in response.
“Base to Ladybird, clearance granted.  Fly safe, Gordon.  Scott, keep your head down and remember you’re a Tracy.”
“F.A.B.,” Other-Gordon chirped, before Scott could formulate a response to that.  Remember you’re a Tracy?  Scott couldn’t forget that even if he wanted to, but he wasn’t part of this Tracy family.  Was Not-Dad giving him an unnecessary reminder that he was effectively pretending to be this universe’s Scott Tracy, or did he mean something else by it?
What else could he mean by it?  He didn’t belong here, with this other Tracy family.  There was no place for him here, and a gaping hole in his family, where he should be.
Analysing Not-Dad’s intentions, along with everything else to do with the man, gave him an uncomfortable taste in his mouth and he shunted it all into a box in the back of his mind to be analysed later, or preferably never.  He was going to buy – or rather, Other-Gordon was going to buy, because he certainly hadn’t been given any money – what he wanted, and not conform to expectations.  Other-Scott hadn’t seemed too opposed to his brief shopping list, so Scott was taking that as permission.
“Here we go,” Other-Gordon said, and Scott felt the familiar g-force of a jet picking up speed.  Nothing like a Thunderbird, but he hadn’t expected that.  It was still a solid kick, though, more so than he had expected from that sort of jet.  Either that was a standard universe difference, or Brains had done some tinkering. Whichever it was, Scott wasn’t complaining.
Out of the window, he watched the land fall away.  As they were travelling directly away from the island in what seemed to be a south westerly direction, from the position of the clouds and the dials on the dashboard, he couldn’t see much of the island even if he twisted around.
“You’ll see it when we come back,” Other-Gordon pointed out, sounding amused, and feeling like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Scott slowly turned back around to face forwards again, casting an eye over the instrumentation panel out of habit.  “Gee, you’re insatiable, aren’t you?  Fine, go stare out the window, if that stops you judging my piloting.”
“I don’t need to judge your piloting,” Scott retorted, although he did concede to looking out at the thin cloud layer they were approaching rather than what Other-Gordon was doing.  “You’re an aquanaut, not a pilot.”
“I still have a pilot’s license,” Other-Gordon reminded him, a little sulkily. “If you wanted a pilot, you should have gone with Virg, or even Alan.  I’m sure we could have pulled some strings to miraculously give Scott a twin and you two could have spent some quality time bonding over speed if you’d really wanted.  I really don’t have the foggiest why you insisted on me.”
Scott looked at him out of the corner of his eye, eyebrow raised.
“You don’t?”
Other-Gordon grumbled.
“Well, if I had to guess, I’d say you didn’t want to be trapped with someone you hadn’t already sworn to silence, and as that leaves me and John, there’s not much of a choice,” he pointed out.  “You know, none of the fellas would ask questions if you asked them not to?”
“And have them stewing in curiosity the whole time instead?” Scott asked dubiously.  “That would be worse.”
“I suppose you have a point,” Other-Gordon conceded.  “But this is the only time I fly you anywhere.  You want my company so badly next time, we go by boat.”
That was such a Gordon response that it should have hurt, like all those times Other-Alan had felt like his Alan, but somehow, it didn’t. Instead, Scott just laughed.
Chapter 8>>>
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redshoesnblueskies · 4 years
from my 2020 Faves & Saves update page:  Fanfic culture, AO3 origins going right back to strikethrough, fandom history.....
so many goodies under the cut!
these are all links to my tumblr - i did not write very many of them, but i know my links will remain the same and not be lost :)
The master post of upholding and celebrating fanfic, by @inkandcayenne :
‘I think fanfiction is literature and literature, for the most part, is fanfiction, and that anyone that dismisses it simply on the grounds that it’s derivative knows fuck-all about literature and needs to get the hell off my lawn.’
'What you are doing when you say “If you don’t want crit, don’t post your story” is gatekeeping, and in a REALLY harmful way. Without fans creating work (fanfiction or art or meta), there is no fandom. You’re not only saying “you can’t be in fandom if you don’t want to be hurt” you’re actively calling for fandom to be cut down. That’s a bad thing. Fandom needs creator content in order to exist and grow.’
Foz: straight dudes of the world…read fanfic:
foz: on depression and hurt/comfort
fantastic Foz posts from a while ago, addressing the ‘well just censor content and then you’re not godless heathens’ fallacy…
Fanfiction & Capitalism, and Why I Think They Are Related [TW for homophobia, mentions of sexual violence, capitalism]
Fair use is authorized by law
fantastic breakdown of the sociology that led from LJ community culture to tumblr anonymous disconnected culture:
'The Places Fandom Dwells: A cautionary Tale’ - EXCELLENT, LOTS OF LINKS
'It just kills me when writers create franchises where like 95% of the speaking roles are male, then get morally offended that all of the popular ships are gay. It’s like, what did they expect?’
great breakdown of stats on how HUGE AO3 actually is…
another breakdown of how huge AO3 is & intricate skills required to run it
AO3 is in the top 300 biggest websites in the WORLD/how a huge site like this works
origin story of AO3 - very sweet  (10th anniversary of AO3)
this blogger remembers when we didn’t have AO3
adults built fandom - who runs cons? who runs AO3 & the legal team at OTW? codes the servers?
“AO3 IS OUR SITE.  It is by fans, for fans. Fans do all the coding. All the legal paperwork. All the abuse/tos violation complaints. Fans make all the choices about policies. Fans decide how to run the fundraisers. Fans write the blog posts. All the volunteer staff are fans; all the people who train them are fans. Fans wrangle all the tags.”
'Certain people are screaming that AO3 is bad because it’s not a “safe space.” The real problem they have, though, is that AO3 was created to be a safe space - for writers.’
copperbadge - fandom dad explains concrit & why it’s not welcome without specific request
fanfic/fanart is a gift - respect it in the way you respect something freely given
'Toxic Fandom: Chen Criticism and Entitlement Go Too Far’
an explanation of the anti’s as very damaged authoritarianism
why do fangirls always make them gay?
fandom history through the ages and across continents
one of several versions of a HUGE history post educating people on why we need a non-censored AO3 & why this is vital (and how misinformed many fans are)
another version: https://redshoesnblueskies.tumblr.com/post/173741270214/grison-in-space-veronica-rich
conversation on AO3 tagging (plus being screwed by censorship
how AO3 is run by volunteer & how to volunteer yourself
Ao3 fund drive post that goes into why they don’t censor
what 'Archive of Our Own’ refers to
AO3’s transparent financial reporting & a good rant
a short explanation of LJ strikethrough
origin of the ! - the “bang path’ in fandom pairings :D
can we PLEASE have an AO3 rating system for books & media?? pleeeeease???  here’s some thoughts on how:
LJ was my initial experience of examining how fic fits into these huge gaps left by conventional writing, media and daily IRL conversation/education - the kind of healing that fic can bring to both individuals and a collective body of both knowledge and healthy questioning of assumptions about sexuality as a whole.  I mean, the kind of absolutely common place knowledge about consent, power dynamics, experimentation to determine what one’s own sexuality looks like, and the the options available is extraordinary.  To have that breadth and depth of knowledge presented in an often beautifully creative format; where you could discuss with the author and other readers anything included in the fic and what it meant to both literature and real life, as well as all things fannish that one’s wild imagination could come up with…. good god what I would have given for that information as a teen.  
Fandom Is…. (poem)
Can fandom bring back the concept of a squick? Pleeeease?
'so don’t pretend it can’t be done, author dudes, because there’s a million fangirls who can write lyric filthy devastating character-revealing plot-advancing poetic tender wall-slamming trope-inverting panting sweaty trope-embracing aching crying sex…..and can do it far far better than you.’
'It’s just fanfic…’
“Ship means something you want to see happen.” Bitch, no it don’t.
why can you sell fanart, but not fanfic??
humor: different types of fanfic - in graphics:
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