#hhHh? it kinda turned out nice?
equescaeli · 1 year
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INDEPENDENT & SEMI-SELECTIVE Dion Lesage of FINAL FANTASY XVI - as written and loved by Lyrieux.
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*posts something and becomes obsessed with how many likes it gets*
oh yeah that's why art made me go crazy 🤪
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worldofkuro · 5 months
i’ve returned 🙈 (i’ll be 🐒 anon bc i think the emoji is kinda neat haha)
anyways, i’ve thought of some other headcanons
-Alastor wld prolly take reader to the woods to look at some deer. I mean, who wldnt want to look at these majestic creatures, also, he most likely showed reader to impress them haha (showoffff)
-French is a pretty hard language to learn (i think) so i’d jst put in the assumption that it’s difficult for reader. But Alastor is kinda fluent (also considering his mom speaks french from time to time), so the problem turns into an excuse to hang out with one another (study sessionss yayyy i hate studying but if its with another person itd be fun)
-Both of them doodling some silly pictures of some things they saw, OR THEM TRYNA DRAW EACHOTHER AUUUUUHHHH, thatd be so cute,, both of them are pretty/kinda artsy so arts and crafts are always a fun thing to do in their spare time :>>
anyways that’s all from my rotting brain, i’m glad u liked my last headcanon and i hope you’ll like these ones hhhh 🏃💨 *runs awayys*
Well, welcome back my cute 🐒 !
Alastor would take you to the woods, first, because indeed he wants you to meet a deer. He wants to be the one to bring a smile to your face, it’s one of his biggest pride. But also, on a sadder note, he would take you to the woods so you could know your way inside it. He wants you to know that if you were in any danger, mostly because of his father, you could run toward the woods and be safe inside it. He didn’t want you to feel like a prey but like a hunter. Like this, you could also feel closer to him.
His mother is creole, so she does know her way with french. Alastor likes the fact that his Father couldn’t understand it, it shows how this man is just a stranger in his own house. But of course, that means that you need to at least understand some french! And if you happened to learn quickly, oh dear, you both would be gossiping in french in front of the very person you were dissing. You would be an unstoppable team!
Both of you are very artistic indeed but Alastor is more talented when drawing forms, but never coloured it unlike you who, he thinks, has a way with color. Maybe because your life is brighter than his? So most of the time, Alastor would draw and you would add the color just after! 
I always like to know what is going on inside your mind ! Sometimes it’s nice to know how you perceive the characters, for now, you are all spot on! See you soon 🐒 !
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strawberry-selfships · 4 months
HELLO Davros loves you so so much. He actually made an adjustment to his casing/mobility aid so that you have a spot to sit now! It’s near his chest, so that you can cuddle up nice and cozy with him as he does his planning and scheming. (You don’t realize he’s scheming evil plans because the one (1) time that you did get suspicious, he actually turned about to be planning a gift for you and you felt bad for realizing the surprise, so you give him the benefit of the doubt now. He’d never do anything wrong, right? Not in front of you, at least.)
He absolutely loves you to bits and he actually told me (I was just passing by but he couldn’t resist rambling abt you to anyone who will listen) that he’s planning a date for you two. Shhh don’t tell him I told you though! He wants it to be special. He’s remembered your favourite snacks and even though he doesn’t really eat or drink much, he knows that you do!! Plus, he can’t resist you, he’ll take a nibble of your fave foods without any complaint. He knows it makes you happy to share things with him!! And he enjoys the happiness and warmth that you provide to him in return. It makes him feel so good to know that you’re so dedicated to him! And not out of fear, but out of love!!
OH!!!!!! MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAH
Oh my god man. Oh my god. Aaauuffjfhhfggghfhhfhhfhf ohhhmy goddd uuffhdfhgggghhkj oh my god my brain is going to explode everywhere . /pos
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! WAAHHHHHH UUGGHCVVHCHC WWAAAA aaaa aaaaaaaaaa man. Man. Man
Everything about this. Oh my god.
> him not doing his usual evil shit in front of me.
> him tampering with his chair just so I can sit too and be close to him. which also implies he loves my cuddles. Aaaa
> him planning stuff for me in secret so that way it’s a pleasant surprise because I love surprises,,,
> him talking to people about his love for me,,, which is also something i do about him,,,, hhhh
> him planning a date,,, uubdbdnfbdjkhhh him still cherishing our relationship and wanting to do stuff with me,,,
> him remembering details about me like what kinds of foods I like because he knows im sensitive about that kinda stuff,,, aaaaa
> “he can’t resist you” aaaaaaaaaa
> him valuing my love for him uuaaauuufffjgjjggggggg
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daydreaming-sunflower · 6 months
Honest hour asks! (Hi DayDayie, love you!)
Do you have something that you collect? (kind of inspired by all your lovely textures - if you can call them that - in your journal)
What is one trope that you can go back and write again and again no matter how much you've done it?
How did you figure out/how did it come about that strawberry and sunflowers would be part of your aesthetic in a way? (again if you can call it that, but know I assosiate both with you, also bunnies!)
Where is one place in the world that you'd love to travel and who would you go with?
What is one book you'd recommend? (slyly looking for book recommendations)
omg hiiiiii thank you i love youuu ❤️💘💖
okay here we go (this is so long i appologise adhkafjs as always i have a lot to say):
Do you have something that you collect? I wouldn't say I actually collect specific things on purpose, but when I come across a thing that seems like I can stick it in a journal i WILL stick it in a journal, usually tickets from things, maybe packages from fun snacks, flowers, nice stickers... I wouldn't call myself 'a X collector' but I do like. stuff. ajksdhka
What is one trope that you can go back and write again and again no matter how much you've done it? I mean the obvious answer would be sad artists my beloved, although that probably isn't an actual trope asjdhks so probably hurt/comfort? I feel like no matter what story I'm writing or what tropes are in it, I can always find some space for some tears and cuddles (TM). There is definitely more but this is what immediately comes to my mind
How did you figure out/how did it come about that strawberry and sunflowers would be part of your aesthetic in a way? Okay I am not sure about the sunflowers, actually, I just really like the flowers lol I feel like there was a point in my life when I was like huh I actually don't know the answers to What is your favourite X for many things and everyone kept buying me like roses or random pink flowers for all flower occasions like by default and I was like hm I don't actually like. care about roses that much but if I had a fave flower people could buy me that one, you know what I mean? also might have been influenced a bit by dodie who's to say asjdhkad
I am not like 100% sure that it was JUST this but I actually do have a real answer for the strawberries and that is (fic rec tiiiime) the strawberry milk fic! which affected me a lot as a person and one of the ways was that it somehow made me (despite my ongoing half-emo persona) change my self care and/or dealing with mental health and stuff technique from like. dan howell-esque ugh darkness and edginess (lmao sorry dan that's such an unappealing description) to like hey soft and pretty and careful (speaking of fic rec time, everyone go read my safe space fic askjdkj) and it kinda went from there and turned me into a ray of sunshine (lmao insert the sonic from jen's pfp)
Where is one place in the world that you'd love to travel and who would you go with? God I would like to go to sooo many places I would like to go visit all the wwc friends, I would like to go to the countries in Europe I haven't been to yet, I would honestly like to visit at least one country from each continent at some point but also I really really love Greece for no specific reason and so I am always down to go there and I would either go with the wwc obviously orrr with my uni friends and we would settle down somewhere and live together forever in a queer little commune that is most definitely not a cult ^.^
What is one book you'd recommend? (slyly looking for book recommendations) hhhh it's so difficult to pick one (I'm looking at my 900 page clinical psychology textbook in front of me, wouldn't that be hilarious if I said that) but I am always eager to recommend either: Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan What It Takes by our beloved Jude Sierra OR closer baby closer by Savannah Brown (yes I not so sneakily said three oh well)
Okay that's it!! bye!! <3
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icharchivist · 1 year
f///f 7 new trailer related salt i'm so sorry for that but bear with me
also will include spoilers to the 1997 game.
god it sucks, the Re//birth trailer looks so nice graphicwise but i keep thinking back to the plot stuff they showed and. I guess i really can't accept the fact the "remake" is actually a stealth sequel and i really don't vibe with what they're doing with it it's making me so sad.
with the first part i was already on the fence not really liking the idea, the main thing is like. I think we're losing all the subtility of the original in some way which is kinda baffling that 25 years later i find it so. vulgar?
I had this pet peeve already with the way they utilized Sephiroth in the first part, considering he just keeps popping up / have a boss battle despite it being the one part of the OG where Sephiroth /doesn't/ appear and is just mentioned a lot, which is meant to build up to him. And ofc the choice is rooted on how they couldn't leave Sephiroth out of the game while he's soo popular (tho it's also the same reason they showed Zack and i'm still so mad at that), and so they rooted the whole "stealth sequel" around him, with Sephiroth not being the one of the main timeline but of the post-AC timeline. Like. Guh whatever.
But that was the intention they were going with anyway, considering the stealth sequel aspect of it, and all in all, it's in character for Sephiroth to do that. I just hate that they called the game a remake and then put Sequel Sephiroth in it.
But the Re///birth trailer kinda hammered in stuff i was on the fence about and i'm hhhh.
I hate that Tifa says aloud in the trailer, even to Aerith, that she doesn't remember Cloud being there during the Nibelheim Incident.
The subtle build up to her uncertainty in the OG were so good, it gets genuinely so unsettling to see that she /is/ hiding something from Cloud but you don't really get what it is, especially while the game was building up something was wrong with Cloud and we had no clue what it was exactly.
The remake already kinda was already far less subtle about Cloud's deal already and just, downright spoiled it with that ending anyway (i hate it i'm sorry😭 take it from Zack Fangirl #1 i absolutely hate how they showed him in the game)
But god i hate it, i hate how it's just genuinely telling you exactly what's up in some way.
bc the confrontation with Sephiroth in the OG is so fucking good. Sephiroth gaslighting Cloud into telling him he doesn't actually exist, that he's just Sephiroth's clone and it's why Sephiroth can manipulate him so well, that he wasn't there during the Nibelheim incident, and him turning to Tifa for support and you realize that *this* is what Tifa's weird behavior has been building up to: that she can't actually reassure Cloud with remembering the reality Sephiroth is making *both* of them doubt at that moment.
Like in the OG it builds almost like this moment of fooling the player into thinking Sephiroth is right the same way it fools Cloud. What the OG does so well is that it gaslights you the same way it gaslights Cloud. And it does it by removing one of THE Pilar of your certainty. Because you trust that Tifa is the One Person who won't lie to you, who was there from the start, who's always been there for Cloud. And sure you don't get why something is wrong with her most of the game but therefore this moment hits so hard.
Honestly i feel like we're losing the actual impact of the gaslighting plotline anyway completely with how much we already revealed about Cloud's past in the remake (they shouldn't have showed Zack they shouldn't have showed Zack i'm SO mad). And perhaps i'm just mad because one of the big reason i imprinted so much on ff7 when i did, and why it became such a formative part of my life, is how much i identified and related to that specific plotline to start with.
Instead in the trailer they also have Sephiroth tell you Jenova can change appearance and replace people in your life and then he tells Cloud "you saw me kill [Tifa] so how can you believe she's the real her?" and i find it. so fucking vulgar.
Yeah makes sense for AC!Sephiroth to aim specifically in having Cloud doubting the people he loves, since he knows this is Cloud's strength. But, aside from the fact we're changing the dynamic between Cloud and Sephiroth already (by completely losing how slowly Sephiroth saw Cloud as a threat, since now he knows Cloud is HIS nemesis), I just think it fucking sucks and doesn't have the actual punch the original had.
Sephiroth managed to control Cloud body and soul, he almost pushed him to kill the people he loved, he pushed him to trigger the apocalypse, he made him doubt he was an actual person, Sephiroth made Cloud his by wrapping his vision of reality, by abusing of the way Cloud couldn't trust his own memories. Trying to isolate him from his friends by having doubted them just feel like a massive downgrade to me.
Like yeah makes sense that post AC Sephiroth wouldn't use the same manipulation tactics. But that might also be why it shouldn't have been a timeline fuckery to start with.
Also i find the expositionary line extremely clunky, i don't remember the Jenova reveal to have come *this* soon in the timeline but whatever, it's a trailer anyway.
And anyway i've seen people kinda joke about it with like "what if they kill Tifa instead of Aerith this time" and i'm genuinely so jaded it genuinely makes me angry. Aerith's Death had so many layers, in plot and thematic and were so intrically linked to who she is as a person. Tifa dying would just be the shock value people have wrongfully claimed Aerith's death was all along all those years. And if they're genuinely doing that like. making us doubt if Tifa is going to survive to try to have us buy into the (already very cruel imo) "will Aerith survive?", i just find it absolutely lame.
I wanted to like those games. I've been waiting for them since 2015, it was all i ever talked about.
But between the remake bait and switch and the various decisions they're taking, it's just making me sad.
And even just taking the game as a sequel instead of a remake doesn't work on me because i find it rather rude. Like the complains about "why would fans want a fully remade game when they can just replay the original" (because people don't play 1997 games and because it's kinda sad that the rest of the saga has elaborate graphisms and not this one), with having enemies from the remake being "keepers of the canon" and how now it's all about "the future isn't set in stone"
it kinda kills me because i never pinned f//f7 to be a story about fate. f//f15 is, in a way, and would totally earn having a twist on "this is not set in stone, we can change things".
but f///f7 is so much about grief, about nature, about accepting that things went wrong, that horrors happen but you have to carry on, you can't rewrite it. Cloud has tried rewritting his life and it didn't end well, he had to accept what happened to him. And instead we get a game that is all "actually you can rewrite what tragedies are about to happen". it just. sighs.
man i'm sad that i'm this sad about it.
i'll finish playing the remake and sure i'll play re//birth, on every other aspect it seems nice.
But man. this excitement from years ago just turned into pure dread and i'm absolutely not excited about the game, and it really makes me sad.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Okay this is the last one about honkai boys I swear aksgjsgjsg
Let's jump 8 years ahead after the main game, a post honkai odyssey
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This is the MC of APHO, Adam :D we can actually name him whatever we want but Adam is the name in his files so that's what the fandom went with.
The first playable male character in game!!
A rare breed indeed, even in game he's one of the very few males that has high honkai adaptability
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Heushskdhd look at him-
He's much broader looking without the coat
And ofc he has his bestie :D
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Lyle Collodi, my first impression of him was a soft boi, but turns out he's mostly a little shit (the teasing kind) to the point Bronya nearly revoked his talking privileges at times
Too bad he's not actually playable, but rather an off field support that you can trigger through several mechanics ((kinda makes sense coz he's a sniper and who brings a sniper to the front lines-))
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He looks so soft here- I got tricked 💀
Claims to have a childhood sweetheart but every time he always say different names which makes us question if he even has one
Lovingly (/hj) calls the MC shin'yuu (which means buddy, close friends) ((similar to how Childe calls us comrade/aibou)) but I honestly don't think it's a joke anymore
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Okay I promise that's the last of the guys-
No promises I won't bombard you with others tho
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OH ADAM! I KNOW THAT MOTHERFUCKER - what the fuck was that transition ssksksksk he looks like such a nice boyo and then he turned into a daddy the next photo-//shot
Also holy crap Lyle actually got me so confused PUT PADDING ON THAT MAN AND HE ACTUALLY WOULD LOOK CONVINCING AS A WOMAN ALSO HE'S A SNIPER ?! *grips head* Literally my favorite gun type holy crap
And he's a menace?! HIT ME UP HHHH
Live Mother Reaction: Oh what's this one, screenshot? Oh wait it's a gif, it's loading. Oh that looks nic - *he winks* HOLY SHIT?!
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kosi-annec · 3 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 9
Why's yachi just waiting outside? C'mon yall let her in too
Ooh flashback to the training camp arc back *checks google* season 2!? Goddamn, I don't think i remember much from then lmao
"he looks so calm" uhh kiyoko those eyes don't speak 'calm' to me, kinda looks like he's contemplating revenge hskshsk
LMAO god this bg karasuno fan trio is great, those guys probs become like sports friends after this
Everyone's so shocked that tsuki basically demanding to be put back in lol, this is probably the closest to begging we'll ever see him
Aww HSKHSKS that lil interaction between hinata n tsuki
Oh another bald guy? Why is that hairstyle so common in the haikyuu universe??
HHHH COME ONE CROWS KEEP IT UP! YES NICE ONE KAGE, Bought enough time for our shield to get back in!
Honestly kazuhito did really well for someone who's not played with this much high stakes before, he was able to keep his cool for almost the entire time
Karasuno's bout to make a comeback this round now that tsuki's here!
DON'T FUCK THIS UP ASAHI, YA GOTTA GET A POINT W THIS SERVE! Agh, that's fine just don't let it drop- oh SHIT TSUKI ARE U GOOD???
"... that he was just a lengthy apathetic nerd" i mean, that assessment is still kinda correct oikawa LMAO
Mmm yeah, that's wat makes karasuno a dangerous team. They're not like the big leagues who stick to a kind of play style. Due to the new-ness of Karasuno, they're willing to adapt and try any new tricks if it means they become a stronger team. "The reckless crows" ngl that sounds kinda cool for a title
"..can you please stop calling me that?!" "Sure, how's you're a piece of shit then?" "FINE, PIECE OF CRAP" omg it's this scene HSKHKS
Oh shit yeah, those 3 have been the main guys that do the synchronized attack, god that must hurt their legs..
"..you meant that like while you were still useful right?" SHEESH SHIRABU, but yeah he has a point, he can't always be tossing to ushi
AAAaa fuck, it was out. Shit, ushi's up- OMG IT WAS ALSO OUT
From wat i understood from tadashi's mentor (idk his name), being able to commit to big risky plays like is more for psychological warfare if anything
hhhh everytime tsuki uses his hand i cringe for him. COME ON HINATA ONE TOUCH THIS! FUCK- they jumped too soon
OK crows got another point, now don't fuck this up kage. SHEESH that serving animation tho, with that camera turn? Smooth af
CHANCE BALL GET IT GUYS, SCORE THAT POINT!! FUCK- HINATA NO NOT AGAIN, that looked too similar to when karasuno lost to seijo before, when hinata got blocked
uh oh, yeah they got a point but I don't think tanaka can hold on any longer
Huh?? OH fuck even HINATA is getting exhausted, he couldn't even jump. This is bad...
19-20 come on crows, just one more point
hhh you sure coach?? I'd rather not put any more strain on tsuki's hand... aH PFT- KAGE JUST YEETED HINATA LMAO
Ok ok, serious time. AAAA COME ON STOP EM TSUKI! Ah, flashback. I do love seeing tsuki interacting with the big guys in nekoma and fukurodani
wha- A FUCKING CLIFFHANGER!?! oh hell nah
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tits4life · 1 year
time to write a proper response woosh
"uncooked bread...craving burned toast"
Excuse me who you calling uncooked- also wait is that a threat O.o
yeah. Life fucking sucks. Especially for me on that day ugh. When my days go increasingly bad I do somethings that I look forward to, to make me happy but then that thing also tipped me off and I reached my breaking point.
Queen I don't think it's really healthy to sleep that much- dummy take care of your health!!
but I get that, being drained by ppl and all, hhhh..
Like I said that fic kinda thing is a trilogy so there's a third part to it too but now I don't feel very good, don't wanna write
Ee... your reactions
Like I had sent had I? Well reaffirming, Older then 15 but ok, I don't write smut mostly anyways let alone ever send anyone..
Have a nice day<3
I like uncooked bread and no it's not a threat. Not reAlly..
Actually my day has been going good. Too good to true. when I returned home from school turn out a shopkeeper gave me extra money accidentally 😛. It was just 20 so I didn't return back ;P
Dw toast your day will start to get better too. Eat a toast everyday to keep bad things away 👍
I feel good to sleep. 13 hrs of sleep a day is a must. I recommend. and short naps on the class as well or my brain lags.
more likely i drain other people but it works the other way around too
I understand you. The sudden loss of motivation. The biggest urge hits me during chemistry class mostly because i don't listen shit, it comes like a roundhouse kick on the gut. The girl sitting next to me thinks i am having anxiety but no, I just want to talk about how good of an eye candy Goo is and my thirst for him to the point where I can't sit still but I can't talk abt him here because phones are NOT fucking allowed in the school. And then I reach home, everything is annoying and I just want to sleep.
Yes, I did get your message but to explain it in short this is what happened inside my brain
"Oh they are older than 15, I am on the line of red zone ig? should I reply? But that's their age, what if they don't want people to know? But it's sent anonymously so ig there won't be a problem? AND? it's still their personal information? BUT STILL what if they don't want people to know??? BUT-"
I thought like this for an hour before I came up with the best possible solution. ToJustNotThinkAboutItAtAll. Just with that I slept again. Sorry if you though I was rude for not replying to you. I won't guarantee that it won't happen again :D
Ik I overreacted. I did use to write smuts when I was 12 but now I see my little cousin who is 13 watching doraemon and spongebob... wildfire spread on my mind yk thinkling abt "What if they are kids and I am asking them smut? HUH?" nearly lost my shit a little
Have a nice day too toast <3
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seelestia · 2 years
the butterfly has arrived safely <3 <3
yeppp..... i mean in the end i managed to rewrite it.... at least it's just a 600-700 words drabble i guess? it could be worse ;w;
it does sound like it would make the perfect breakfast paired with sandwiches hehe something decadent to start your day!! oh dear, i hope you're okay ;;;; but... but coffee is so good.... i mean i guess it's more bitter than tea but like. a good brew tastes like a nice-and-tasty kinda bitter!!!
yesyes hehe it was an experience alright. sjldjfklshdf everyone has been saying that and i am. so. excited. hahahah
oh lord.... time to max out electroculus and dendroculus huh? i pray for you.... isn't sumeru's total land size twice or thrice inazuma? 👀
artifact farming sounds like it would be a productive activity while the story takes a backseat! you can do it!! may the rng gods bless you <3 50/208 oh my god you're a chronic simp
yesyesyes!!! it's so nice to see the varieties in genshinblr hhhh i am constantly just in awe at the other writers... how are yall so good and talented aaaaaa and i am sure it would turn out great!!!! and hey, at the end of the day, it's good writing practice :3
let us put on our aviator sunglasses to combat the blindingness that is our husbands slkjdflskjdf
your puppy eyes + the turtles + the actual puppies' will be the downfall of ayato lol 
now then, go forth spirit puppy, deliver my mail to your brethren!! 💌🐾
i love how my messenger is a butterfly and yours is puppies... something is oddly flipped here. (/j) AND TRUE 😭 this is why i only write on google docs because i'm scared that tumblr won't save my progress or my finger slips and delete my tab. at least, google docs has an automatic save feature that doesn't require you to manually save it <//3
i'm indeed a good option to consider if you want to have picnics, hehe~ sandwiches with chicken slices are my beloved. (/lh) and no worries, headaches from caffeine are nothing i can't handle. i think i'll just stick to my cocoa latte order from now on 😭
I SAW THAT YOU ALREADY MET FERAL HAITHAM. iirc, alhaitham's jp va is umehara yuichiro (vv deep voice), so that azar scene must've been a joy to watch 🤫 that scribe should get an oscar, my gosh, his acting was fr smth else. also, i really loved his interaction with kaveh + at the end of the quest, where he was like "oop, i accidentally brought two keys with me today... heh." (kaveh is sleeping outside /j)
the electroculus search is still ongoing and i fear for my life in sumeru... hoyoverse really likes underground places, huh (i'm suffering here) 😭 mhm, i'm trying to build my c1 mona by alternating between the noblesse oblige and the severed emblem! rng is painful, but at least, i got to use all my resin. (i thank your hubby, zhongli for ensuring my team's survival with his mega shield and burst DMG i finally got the catch to r5!)
unfortunately, my dear cousin, i shall take the "chronic simp" title with open arms. it's now 60/208, apparently and OH, i saw some leaks that said ayato is going to rerun with ei on v3.3's 2nd phase! the sigh of relief i let out, HELP. but i fear for you, rin jie... childe is coming soon, scara is coming soon, and ayato is coming soon... who shall be your choice? I'M SCARED FOR YOU FHJEDK
hehe, the fic is still in the works~ i still haven't decided whether it should be simple or more story-driven and i feel bad for it — but ik that you'd tell me to take my time, so i'll try! i really loved the one with husband!zhongli and baby!xiao, hehe (the way baby xiao was like "birds. birds!") <3
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venusiangguk · 4 years
the art of wanting | jjk (m)
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>>pairing: jungkook x reader / dilf!jk x grocery store clerk!oc
>>genre: strangers to lovers, smut, pwp, a lil bit of plot 
>>word count: 10.3k literally why cant i write anything short ever hhhh
>>warnings: cute baby!!!, jk being a good dad, he likes to garden :(, dom jk, sub oc, age gap, handjob, coming in pants, AYOOO OC GOT A FAT COOCHIE, lowkey body worship, fat coochie supremacy, oral (m/f), safe sex, sexual tension, praise, multiple orgasms, eye contact, jk likes to watch 🥴, asking for permission, jk’s lowkey controlling i guess but it’s soft and like not toxic lol, PLAYFUL use of the word ‘daddy’, no actual daddy kink 🙄, dirty talk
>>notes: idk what it is, but something about actual dads being called ‘daddy’ in a sexy way just does not sit right w me 😐 so i did not include the d word in any sexy context sry daddie luvers, maybe next time !! anyway! late vday one shot!! didn’t turn out as good as i wanted, but i still hope you enjoy! sorry for any mistakes; this is not beta’d lol ALSO ty to @moonb0yy​ for helping me with parts ilysm much bestie ur the best <3
>>summary: you find a baby in your store and in turn, a dilf finds you.
series masterlist, pt 1, pt 2, pt 3
Being a grocery store stocker at the ripe young age of 22 wasn’t exactly where you thought you would be after graduating from university. You thought you’d be in a big city, living it up. The stereotypical vision of a hot, independent, young girl making money, and experiencing success. Turns out you were wrong and that you maybe kinda sorta majored in something you have literally no interest in and now have a degree that you have zero desire to use. So alas, here you are, decked out in your khaki pants and light blue polo. Non-slip shoes truly tying the whole look together. 
 You also didn't think you would have a small, young, baby child gripping said khakis. You look down at the tiny human and then around the empty aisle. No one in sight. You are in the junk food lane of an overpriced, organic whole foods store. The health nuts that shop here don’t usually venture into ‘artificial’ ingredient territory. Baby seems to not be so picky. You glance down at her again. Her big doe eyes blink at you a single time.
 You gingerly shake your leg trying to get her off, kind of like you would to a chihuahua if it was jumping on you or humping your leg. Baby is quite resilient, hands small but very strong. She does have thumbs after all.
 “Can I help you?” You ask her with a quirked brow.
 She babbles for a second before her little chubby arms reach up. She makes grabby hands at you.
 You look at the box of teddy bear cookies in your hand, then back at the child. You slowly extend the box to her. 
 “Nuuu- uw!” She says, swatting the box from your hand to the floor. 
 Her grabby hands are insistent, and now she’s got a little scowl on her face. Might be close to tears? You don’t know, you don’t speak toddler.
 “Listen,” You say, appeasing her and picking her up. “That was not nice, and also, you shouldn’t be talking to strangers. Where’s your mommy, hmm?”
 She’s hoisted on your hip as you bounce her. Her fat little cheeks jiggle. You didn’t usually like kids, but this one was okay you supposed. She’s cute at the very least. She’s wearing the tiniest little skort with a pink shirt that has a taco on it. ‘Taco-bout cute!’ it says. She’s even got baby doc’s on, and you’re a little envious if you’re being honest. Those were expensive. Her pigtails stick straight out the sides of her head, a little lopsided, but endearing. You’re sure her mom did her best. 
 “Daaaaa,” She spouts.
 “Yeah?” You ask. You bounce her a little harder and the sweetest little giggle gurgles from her mouth, her eyes almost disappearing from how big she’s smiling. You spy some little teeth coming in. “You’re a little rude, but I think that’s because you’re spoiled because you’re so cute, huh?” You poke her belly.
 You switch to swaying her, and she coos. Rests her little head on your shoulder, one of her hands coming up to grip at your name tag. 
 “Hey now, don’t fall asleep. I need you to be able to identify your human. I can’t just hand you off to someone random.” You whisper, starting to walk to the customer service area so they can make an announcement over the intercom system.
 As you’re making your way to the front of the store, you see a man turning the corner. A very sexy man. He’s wearing sweats, but somehow still looks clean and put together. He’s got big sneakers on his feet, could pass as dad sneakers if you didn’t know otherwise. Those two tone shoes, your brand savvy mind knows, are Balenciagas. He’s tall and so so fine, but really really frantic. He looks frazzled, and like he’s lost something very important. You look at the baby. She probably counts as something important to most people.
 The man’s eyes fall on you, and then travel to the toddler in your arms. A look of relief falls over his features. He slumps and hangs his head exhaling, before he starts jogging towards you with a dazzling white smile on his face. He’s got dimples.
 And this just won’t do. Nope. You’ve got two hard limits. One of them being anal.
 The other being hot men that are also dads. 
 It’s weird you know. Your friends remind you of it whenever you swoon at seeing daddy-baby duos in public. You don’t even know what it is about it, but it just does something to your womb. Pussy? Same thing essentially. 
 He sighs looking at you like you have the cure to cancer in your arms as he comes face to face with you. 
 “That’s mine.” He says gesturing to the baby. 
 You hum. “Finder’s keeper’s.”
 His face falls and he looks like he’s about to panic again. You laugh.
 “Just kidding. But you do have to prove it. Not just gonna hand a baby to a stranger. I was just on my way to the front.”
 “No! Of course, um. Nari…” He coos, getting closer. The baby doesn’t acknowledge him much, just smiles, like she’s trying to ignore him. She turns closer to your chest and babbles before letting out a happy shriek. The man smiles like he’s in awe of the tiny little human in your arms. 
 “Slight recognition. A good sign. Got any pictures?” You ask, shifting her to your other hip.
 He nods and pulls out his phone. “She’s 18 months, she still only babbles but the doctor said she’s on the right track to talking,” He explains, trying to prove he knows all the baby facts that a dad should while swiping through his camera roll. It’s full of pictures of the baby girl. You see a selfie of him and the baby, she’s got oversized glasses on her face and the man is smiling so wide, mid-laugh. Maybe you’re dramatic but your heart literally shatters in your chest. “Absolutely hates peas, but loves butternut squash?” You glance at the hand basket hanging from his bent arm. There is indeed an assortment of baby mush in jars. “I don’t know, she’s kind of weird. Oh! Her name is Jeon Nari. Right Nari?” He sing-songs, trying to get her attention. 
 She reaches a plump little hand out to him, and he brings his face closer so she can reach better. She taps his cheek before she moves and grabs at his nose. She pulls her hand back with a squeal.
 He gasps. “Nari! Did you take my nose?” He makes an over exaggerated shocked expression. 
 She turns to you and offers you her clenched fist.
 You pull back, “I don’t want it.”
 She giggles, turning back to her dad. 
 “Can I have it back Miss. Nari? Please?”
 Miss. Nari. You’re going to pass away.
 Nari looks like she thinks about it before she all but flings herself from your grip to his arms. They are both laughing, and you feel like you’re third wheeling when you see her place her open mouth on his cheek, giving a kiss in the gross, adorable way that babies do. Not wanting to interrupt, you go back to stocking junk food.
 “Thank you.” He says softly. 
 You turn to look at him, and he’s got the baby on his hip, hand under her little diapered butt. She’s holding his thumb in her hand, resting on his chest. His strong dad chest.
 “No problem. Maybe don’t lose your baby again though.” Or maybe do, so I can find her and find you by association.
 He blushes. “I swear I’m a good dad. It’s just- The baby food is on the very bottom shelf, so I had to put her down to crouch and get it. And I swear. She can’t talk yet, but missy can toddle. Very fast.”
 You look at her for a moment and then just laugh. “She seems like the type to get what she wants, and if she wants to run through the grocery store?” You shrug. “Who are you to stop her? Daddy or not.”
 You swear you don’t mean it in a sexy way. But his blush moving farther down his neck is satisfying.
 He clears his throat. “Uh- Yeah. My fault. She’s a little spoiled.” He rubs his hand over the nape of his neck, bashful. Nari makes a noise of complaint. He gives her his hand back. She kicks gleefully in his hold.
 “Anyway,” You say, “You’re welcome.”
 He offers you a small smile before turning to his daughter. “Say ‘thank you’ baby.” 
 She glances as you and her face lights up. “Ba buuuuu!” 
 You coo. “You are very welcome sweet girl.” You say getting to her level. “Don’t give Daddy too hard of a time, okay?”
 To yours and her dad’s surprise, she leans forward in his hold and places her little hands on your face, leaning into breathe on you with an open mouth in her baby kiss way. Her dad makes a surprised noise.
 “Oop, sorry. She really likes you.” He chuckles leaning away. 
 You stare at him a little wide eyed, baby slobber on your forehead.
 He laughs harder and reaches his arm out. He wipes the spit off with the back of his hand. You both still, seeming to realize you’re having skin to skin contact at the same time. He drops his hand in a jerky manner.
 You both stare at each other, and you don’t miss the way his eyes flicker over your body, like he’s trying to refrain but curiosity or perhaps desire gets the best of him. You don’t know, but you hope it’s because he wants. 
 He looks like he’s gonna say something more, but Nari has other plans. Dinner plans if the way she’s wiggling in his arms towards the basket while gurgling unhappily means anything.
 “Ah, looks like it’s dinner time. Thanks again…” He looks at you expectantly. 
 “___.” You say, pointing to your name tag.
 He smiles and his eyes crinkle. “I’m Jeongguk.” He jumbles Nari a little, she shakes her head and grumbles before burying her face in his neck. He rolls his eyes. “You know her. She’s appreciative, just hungry.”
 “I understand. Have a good night Jeongguk.”
 “See you later, ___.”
 You watch him go, eyes traveling down to his toned back down to his cute butt. He catches you staring when he turns back and gives you a small wave and a smile. You play it cool. Gotta play it cool with cool dads.
 Another day, another can on a shelf. 
 Also, another baby grabbing your khakis.
 Well, not another baby. It’s the same baby. Little Nari. 
 “Why, hello there,” You coo, picking her up. “Where’s daddy? Or mommy?” You say puzzled. “Do you have one of those? Please say no.”
 She stares at you dumbly. She has a single sprout with a bow atop her head today. 
 You look around for her dad and see him peeking around the corner. Like he sent Nari to you and is waiting for her to do something. He sees you looking at him and sighs before he starts walking towards you. He’s in baggy jeans with tears in the thighs, along with an oversized crew neck today. You gulp. Dilf aisle 2.
 “She messed up.” He says on arrival.
 “Huh? No, she could never do anything wrong,” You say shielding her defensively. “Could you, Nari?”
 She rubs her full fist on her belly. “Na na.”
 You both look at her endeared albeit confused before Jeongguk speaks up.
 “You’re right.” He amends. “But she was supposed to give you your gift.” He gestures to one of her full hands.
 She’s fisting a paci in one and a small succulent in the other.
 You eye them before slowly looking at him. “Which one is for me?”
 He gives you a closed lip smile, shoulders shaking as he tries not to laugh.
 Although seeing Jeongguk smile and laugh and turn the prettiest shade of red because of you is satisfying, you give him a break and turn to Nari. “Can I have that?” You ask gently.
 She looks at you, and then at the succulent before promptly turning it upside down.
 “Nari!” Jeongguk gasps. He reaches out and takes it from her before more than just a little dirt falls to the ground.
 You laugh, and Nari squeals at you. She looks at Jeongguk almost as if asking if she did something right. Once again, he’s trying to hold in laughter.
 “Da!” She says pointing at you.
 “Here, let’s switch,” He says, taking the baby human from you and in exchange offering you a baby plant.
 “What’s this for?” You ask. You can’t keep plants alive for shit, but it’s cute and thoughtful.
 “For finding this one last time.” He says rubbing his nose on hers. She blows a raspberry. He makes a disgusted yet adored face. Dads and their babies man.
 “Thanks, sorry in advance if I kill it.”
 “Succulents are pretty low maintenance. Just moderate sunlight and watering like once a week.” He’s got his hip cocked, with Nari settled in the curve of it and you consciously have to avert your eyes from how trim and lithe it looks. 
 “You’d be surprised at how not self-sufficient I am.”
 He hums. 
 “So, she’s two?” You ask, placing the plant on a shelf so you can get back to stocking.
 “She’s 18 months.” He replies. 
 “So basically 2.”
 He makes a contemplative face. “Eh… 18 months.”
 You give him a look. “You’re one of those dads?”
 He’s smiling and makes an affrontive noise. “Hey, she’s only a baby once. I’m not gonna rush her!”
 “Baaa!” Nari agrees.
 “Yeah, tell her baby!” He encourages.
 He’s so sweet and hot and such a good dad. And he has to be successful and well off, you just know it. Groceries here were not cheap. You can feel it in the way your lower heartbeat goes crazy when you see him. You’re basically drooling right in front of him. But you have to keep it cool.
 “And how old is Daddy?”
 Not your coolest. You’ll admit that.
 You don’t even have a daddy kink. You just like his reactions. Mostly.
 Jeongguk cackles, head falling back and Nari looks at him with his copy pasted doe-eyes before she does the same. Her flexible little baby bones allow her to almost bend in half. Jeongguk cradles a big hand under her head and helps her back up, still laughing to himself softly. He adjusts her shirt so her round tummy isn’t exposed. She’s a lady, after all. She’s gotta be decent.
 “I’m 29,” He says once his laughter has subsided some. “And you?” He asks.
 “You wanna know how old I am?”
 He nods on a hum. “I’m curious.”
 “And why would you be curious about my age, hmm?” You tease.
 Jeongguk flushes and rolls his eyes playfully. Giving you a look that says, You know why. 
 You both know why. 
 “Humor me.” He bargains.
 “I’m 22.” You tell him simply.
 “Oh thank god.” He groans under his breath. Still a bit of a gap, he thinks. He still feels a little creepy but at least you're not in your teens still. And also it’s not like this… tension is going to amount to anything more than exactly that, because he will not actively pursue someone who is 7 years younger than him. Even if you are hot and keep calling him the forbidden d word.
 Nari looks at him concerned. “Daaaa?” She offers him her paci. He raises his hand to decline.
 “I’m okay thank you, that’s yours.” He pops it in her mouth and she immediately slumps against him, rubbing her face in his shirt. Must be sleepy. He turns back to you. “Thanks for moving the baby food by the way.”
 You think back to a week or so ago when you were restocking the baby aisle. Maybe you did reorganize a whole entire shelf for a random dilf you talked to once. Not your strongest moment but you justified it by reminding yourself that it genuinely didn’t make sense that the baby food was on the bottom shelf when something less imperative to a baby’s health could be. Like the $67 baby wipe warmer, or the equally pricy turtle bath thermometer. You would like to believe that Jeongguk was perfectly capable of figuring out if the water was right for baby with his hand and common sense.
 You turn a little red, embarrassed. You sniff. “You don’t know that was me.”
 “Ah, well I just have a feeling.” He drones while smiling softly and resting his cheek on the top of Nari’s head, looking at you. That’s when he seems to realize his baby is nodding off. “Hey missy.” He jostles her a little and she looks up blearily, confused and dazed, just having been on the cusp of a dreamland. “Don’t fall asleep, Mommy will be mad if I drop you off fresh from a nap because you,” He boops her nose and she swats at his hand with an unhappy grunt. She is absolutely rotten. “will keep her up all night, and I will have to hear all about it in angry texts.”
 You should mind your business, but you’re nosy and this is actually important information. 
“Mommy?” You pretend to focus on the cans you’re stocking, trying to go for causal and nonchalant.
 He takes a deep breath and the sighs. “Yup. We alternate weeks. Hers starts today. I’m here just restocking baby’s stuff. I like to send her off with extra so mom doesn’t have to worry.”
 Valuable, important information indeed.
 “That’s really nice of you.” You say genuinely.
 He nods, thoughtfully. “The least I could do. It’s already hard enough on this one, jumping around so much when she’s so little.” You can hear a small trace of sadness and guilt in his voice.
 “Hey,” you start, “that set up is a lot better than being in a house with parents that don’t get along. I think you’re a good dad.” You finish feeling a little silly. Like your opinion mattered. You’re 22 trying to console a sexy 29-year-old father.
 He regards you quietly for a moment before he breaks out into a smile. “Wanna know something funny I do whenever I send her off?”
 You nod, already chuckling a little.
 He points to her belly. Nari looks down confused. “I always give her to her Mom in clothes like this.” 
 She’s wearing a teal shirt that says ‘Daddy’s Girl ♡’ in big pink letters. You poke her tummy, and she gives the cutest most infectious baby giggles before lifting her shirt to show you her tummy. You squeeze it a little before she squirms and pulls her shirt back down clutching at her dad and giving him a slobbery, giggly, baby kiss.
 You full on laugh, giving him a round of applause. Funny and petty. “That’s so good.” You pause debating on whether or not to ask what you’re thinking. You do anyway. “Bad break up?”
 “Divorce actually.” He muses, adjusting Nari. “I mean we’re cordial for baby, but I wouldn’t say we are friends.” He thinks for a minute, “Although this is petty,” He gestures to her shirt again, “I mostly just do it because her mom gets annoyed and it’s funny and it makes it so I cry less when I drop her off. It’s not malicious.” He laughs a little to himself.
 Such. A. Good. Dad. Your heart is weeping. Something else is also wet. But it’s not your fault. It’s his. Before you can reply he’s speaking up again.
 “But on that note. I do have to actually shop and get her going. Thanks again for finding her that one day, don’t forget to water that.” He says nodding to the little plant on the shelf.
 “Guess you’ll have to remember to remind me.” You say, smiling slyly.
 “Guess so,” He says with a soft grin. “See you around. Say ‘bye bye’ Nari.”
 “Ba ba!” She says clenching her small hand in a wave of some sort.
 They turn to continue their shopping, and you can’t resist it when you say, “Don’t cry too much Daddy!” 
 Jeongguk’s steps falter before you see his shoulders shake with laughter.
 Without turning around, he says, “You gotta stop calling me that!” You can hear the smile in his voice. 
 He turns the corner, and you go back to stocking, reminding yourself to not forget your baby succulent at the end of your shift.
 You’re not made to work the register often. But when you do? It’s always as awful as the last. Having to deal with people and their coupons, or their questions, or their card declining really just isn’t how you want to spend an 8 hour shift. And you always contemplate quitting. Every single time. 
 Except this time.
 Jeongguk places his items on the belt, and you can’t help but stare.
 He’s got 3 red bull’s, 1 step ladder, some mangoes, and a bottle of plum wine. It’s an interesting assortment, and you have to ask, “Whatcha doin?” as you ring the items up.
 “Hi,” He says with that heart stopping, jaw dropping smile of his. “I’m decorating the second bedroom in my house. Bout time Nari moves out.” 
 You chuckle and nod to yourself. “No baby this week?”
 He shakes his head. “Hence the bottle of wine.”
 “Nice,” you say as you close off your lane. The man behind Jeongguk scowls at you, but you simply smile and wave goodbye, sending him a couple lanes over. You’ve decided it’s time for your break. “Does it have a theme?”
 Jeongguk looks between you and your closed lane as he pockets his card. It’s one of those sleek cards that are thick and heavy. The kind that just feel rich. Like when you see someone use it you just know they are doing well in life. He’s super casual today, workout shorts and a long sleeve shirt on his body. You wish you could see his legs better. He’s worn pants every other time that you’ve seen him. 
 Leaning against your lane he nods. “Yeah, kind of. I like plants and like gardening or whatever. I work a lot and it’s therapeutic and Nari likes playing in the dirt.” He waves his hand dismissively, “Anyway! Little one has to at least like flowers by default. So, I think I want a forest theme? I want to add mushrooms somehow because I found the cutest little mushroom stool at a secondhand store. Also, maybe some faeries.” He nods to himself. “I’ve already got the new furniture and everything. It’s a circular bed that kind of looks like a tree trunk, well not kind of- it actually looks like a tree and then these lamps that hang and look like those droopy flowers that faeries wear as hats? You know, the bell looking ones? Anyway, I also- ”
 You’re smiling really wide when he looks at you. He turns a little red. “Sorry,” he says. “This is probably the last thing you want to hear about at work.”
 You shake your head quickly. “No, no. I was just thinking that of course she’s gotta like plants. Her name does mean ‘lily’.”
 Jeongguk winces, pastes a faux look of guilt on his face. “Ah- That was a little selfish on my part.” He starts to roll up his sleeve. “My birth flower is a lily. I got this for her.” 
 When Jeongguk’s sleeve is properly rolled up, not only do you see a beautifully done tattoo of a lily flower, but you also see a whole entire sleeve covering his fair skin. Your eyes rake up and down his forearm and you have a horrible feeling that the sleeve continues all the way up his arm. He’s even got knuckle tattoos; you have no idea how you didn’t notice before. You blame Nari. 
 You swallow audibly. “That’s so hot.” It comes out sounding like a wheeze.
 “Huh?” Jeongguk says with a surprised laugh.
 You panic. “I said, that’s so… thought. Thoughtful. I think your tattoo is so thoughtful.”
 He laughs for a second longer before humming. “Thank you. But I’ll let you enjoy your break. I have to go get paint and wallpaper still, then I have to get straight to work. I procrastinated so I only have the weekend to get it done before she comes back.”
 You’re biting your lip in thought when he starts to walk away. Something that could be very embarrassing on the tip of your tongue. Are you sure you’re ready for potential rejection dished out by the incredibly hot dilf? What if he stops coming to the store and you can’t even ogle him anymore? Or play with his cute baby? You take a deep breath.
 “Wait! Jeongguk!”
 He stops and looks at you over his shoulder, throwing you a questioning gaze.
 “Do you- want help?”
 The look on his face would be comical and you would laugh at him if you could get a proper breath in around the nervous butterflies fluttering around in your chest cavity. He’s turned himself all the way around to look at you properly and he quite literally is just standing there. In the middle of the exit walkway.
 “You wanna help me decorate my daughter’s room?” He confirms.
 You nod. “Yes. I do. I get off in a couple hours.”
 Jeongguk feels his hands get a little sweaty. Maybe he’s kinda old, and maybe it’s been a while since he’s been in the game, but he’s almost positive that the… pull that’s between you both that’s been nagging at him isn’t innocent, and that if it manifested in his empty house where he is alone with you… it could potentially lead to his complete and utter demise. A little stilted flirting and smothering tension in the dry goods aisle was fine and good every couple weeks or so… but he meant it when he placed those imaginary boundaries between you two. The ones you don’t know about. The ones he put in place to ensure he won’t pursue someone so much younger. That means there’s only one answer to your question.
 “Yeah. I would love your help.”
 The answer being that he’s just going to practice really great self-control. He’s going to be an adult. He’s a dad! He’s like a pro at keeping his cool and being responsible! There’s no way he would break the rules he’s set for himself.
 Everything will be fine.
 Everything was not fine.
 You’re in his house and you’re not in your uniform. You’re in the tiniest pair of black soffe shorts he has ever seen, along with a fitted white v neck that lets the zipper of your sports bra peek out. The sports bra that is working very, very hard. Your tits did not look that big under the work polo, nor did your waist look so small. You reach on your tippy toes to mark off a higher area of the wall with blue masking tape. Your shirt lifts up and a twinkle catches his eye. There’s a jeweled heart dangling from your belly button. How cute. And how fucking awful for his sanity.
 Now Jeongguk’s not stupid. He really isn’t. He was on the Dean’s List in university, has his own company now. He’s smart and he has critical thinking skills. Yet somehow, he didn’t think about how you wouldn’t be showing up in your polo and khakis. Of course, you wouldn’t that would be stupid. Just like Jeongguk apparently. 
 “I think a faerie should go here.” You say pointing up to the marked spot. You smile at him expectantly. He smiles back, although it looks more like a grimace.
 “Don’t forget there’s going to be a tree playhouse in that corner.” He reminds.
 You hum. “Oh, maybe we- or you should put some of the vines you got on the wall? Kind of like ivy?” You bend over to pick up one of the long leaf garlands.
 Jeongguk’s face lights up, temporarily refocused by your idea. He could not be blamed if his eyes wandered when you bent down. He simply could not, any man would have succumbed to such a sight. 
 “That’s a such a good idea, here.” He says reaching for the leaves. “I’ll start tacking them up.”
 You shake your head. “I can do it. Where’s the step stool?”
 And that’s how you find yourself a few feet above him. Rich, successful people and their high ceilings. Jeongguk’s got his hands extended up and out, hovering over your hips, acting as a safety for you just in case you fall. His eyes are obnoxiously respectful, averted and looking away as if the sage green walls are a better sight than your ass in his face. His extended hands give you an idea though.
 What if you just… fall?
 You look at the distance between you and the floor once before committing and kamikazeing off the ladder. You’d like to think that you fall gracefully into his waiting arms. The grunt he lets out, and how hard his back hits the wall behind you tells you otherwise. Good thing the paint is dry.
 “Oof.” He breathes out, hands tight on your waist. His head falls back, and his eyes squeeze shut as he tries to catch his breath. 
 He braced your fall so you’re okay, just content in his arms as he recovers from getting the wind knocked out of him. Your hands are resting on his chest. His body is warm, and he smells good. 
 “Oh my god, are you okay?” He says once he can breathe properly. “You’re not hurt, are you?” His eyes look overly concerned, probably acting as he would if Nari fell. Dad instincts taking over as he lifts your arms to inspect them, bending them to make sure they still work. He looks like he’s about to take a look at your legs, but you stop him.
 “I’m fine, I’m fine!” You giggle. You place your hands on his cheeks and make him look at you. He’s got a surprised look on his face and you can feel how his cheeks heat up under your touch. Seems kind of on edge with you touching him. “Are you okay?” You ask quietly, a smile still lingering. Your hand runs from his cheek to his jaw, down to his neck. Your thumb just grazes his Adam's apple when he swallows and licks his lips. “You’re the one that caught me.” You tilt your head while you look up at him.
 “I…” He starts.
 But he doesn't finish because all he can focus on is the hand that was on his neck, slowly dragging down his shoulder, down his arm, then back up to rest on his bicep. It’s a simple, gentle touch, but the intentions behind your movements are salacious. He knows because the desire in the air has skyrocketed, he’s sure he could touch it if he could even bring himself to lift a hand. 
 “I’m good- I’m okay.” He whispers, frigid in your hold, like he’s scared to move. Like if he does what he should want, but doesn’t, you’ll vanish like one of the faeries on the wall. 
 “Are you sure?” Your tone matches his, and you look at him with wide puppy eyes, brows etched with exaggerated worry. “I know you’re like- really strong,” The hand you have resting on his upper arm squeezes for emphasis. “But maybe I should check? Just to make sure?”
 And fuck, he knows what you’re doing. He sees it written all over your face. The faux concern. The fake way you’re fretting over him. He feels it in the way your body inches closer to him, the heat radiating off of you just on the pleasant side of too hot. Your acrylics scratch at the nape of his neck and he can’t stop the chills that run down his arms.
 “You don’t have to do that I-”
 You’re on your toes, trying to reach his ear. He’s still too tall so you settle on whispering into his neck, “I want to.”
 Jeongguk’s eyes close so tight he starts to see those little white spots burst behind his lids. The whine that escapes from the back of his throat sounds distressed and pained, like he’s fighting with himself. 
 “__…” He says quietly. Just shy of pleading. Or maybe he’s warning. Warning you that you’re about to cross a line neither of you can go back from. It makes you smile.
 “Please,” You beg back. You press your body fully to his, boobs flush against his torso, hips angled against his. “Please tell me I can.” The hand that was at his nape slowly trails down to his torso, down his stomach. His abs tense underneath his long sleeve shirt, and he’s got his head turned away from you, like he’s battling with his cock and his morals.
 You press a soft kiss to his neck, and he shudders, the hands on your hips tighten like he doesn’t know if he wants to push you away or pull you closer. You place a hand on his jaw, then guide him to look at you. He comes easy enough and looks down his nose at you, eyes hooded, and brows furrowed.
 “It’s okay to want this,” You murmur. “It’s okay to want me.”
 His eyes shut, and he lets out a sigh. You feel him just barely press into your palm. “You’re just- I’m so much older than you… I don’t want to take advantage of you.” 
 You laugh a little. “You’re not, I want this. I’ve wanted this.” You press your lips to his neck again and pull a little bit of skin between your teeth before smiling into him. “I’ve thought about it so much… I’m a big girl, I know what I want. Plus, it’s just a little bit of fun.” Your fingertips on his lower belly play with the top of his shorts. “So, can I have it?”
 And Jeongguk can’t say no, not when you sound like that. Not when his cock is already hard and straining against his briefs. Not when your touch makes him crazy, not when it’s the first one he’s felt other than his own in months. 
So, he gives in. He nods and just like that, your hand slips into his shorts over his briefs and it’s good. So mind-numbingly good. The moan that falls from his lips as soon as your palm brushes over the head of his cock over the fabric is lewd and loud and so relieved. His head falls back against the wall, and his eyes flutter shut while you pump him over his Calvin’s, mouth parted slightly. His breaths go up in pitch at the tail end of his sighs, the softest moans filling the air.
 You rub your thighs together as you watch him succumb to pleasure, bottom lip pulled between your teeth. 
 “You sound even hotter than I thought you would.” You say quietly. Your hand travels farther down between his legs to fondle his balls. He gasps softly and spreads his legs wider for you, angling his hips so you can touch him better. You hum and move back up to stroke him. 
 “Feel good?” You ask.
 He laughs lightly and nods. “Yeah… so good.” He swallows. “‘S been awhile.” 
 You grin to yourself and look down. You can’t see much, really just touching in a way you think could be pleasing to him. It seems to be working a little bit at least, because in your palm, Jeongguk is so hard. His cock is thick, and long. It’s pulsing, twitching sometimes when you touch him just right. 
 Almost as if he can read your mind, he settles his big, tattooed hand over your small one, urging you to grip just a touch tighter, speed up just a little more.
 “Like that,” He moans.
 It’s not been long at all, but you can tell he’s close. The way he gets impossibly harder in your palm, and the damp patch that you feel every time your brush over the tip, are complete giveaways. He inhales deep breaths through his teeth, chest heaving before he sighs out shaky moans and groans. 
 “How long’s it been?” You’re nosy as usual. Your hand speeds up, pressing a little rougher into him.
 “Since the divorce so… 8? 9 months? Wait I-” He pauses, breaths coming out in accelerated little puffs. The hand he has over yours squeezes tightly, trying to halt your movements. His cock jumps in his underwear. “Slow- I’ll cum.” He chuckles softly, a little embarrassed.
 Your pussy throbs, and you know there’s a wet patch in your panties. You speed your hand up against his hold. He whines, squirming in your hand just a little. “Yeah?” you breathe. “You gonna cum for me, Jeongguk?”
 Jeongguk’s breathing is coming out in shattered exhales and when you bite at his neck he gasps. He wonders if you’re being playful like you’ve always been, or if you’re just as worked up as him, biting to release the tension boiling just under your skin.
 “Please,” He says, so wrecked. He doesn’t even know what he’s begging for. Does he want you to stop before he soaks his pants like a horny teen? Or does he want you to keep going, so he can finally finish in a hand that’s not his own?
 Jeongguk doesn’t feel like he has a choice as his orgasm rushes him. His mind is far away, and all reason is out the door, cumming the only thing at the forefront of his mind. He presses your palm into his cock hard and ruts up into it, his hips stuttering and thrusts erratic as he spills into his briefs, hot and wet against your hand.
 He doesn’t warn you at all, cums quietly in your palm. Body so tense, and face so obscene he looks like he’s in pain, like he came so hard that it hurt. You know your pussy aches.
 Once Jeongguk catches his breath, you're whipped around and pressed into the wall, taking his place. His lips meet yours instantly and before you can even kiss back, he’s already moving all over your body. Tiny kiss marks glistening here, there, everywhere. Your collarbones are decorated, as well as your cleavage. He toys with the zipper of your sports bra, looks like he’s thinking about pulling but ends up moving past it. One track mind, taking over.
 He settles on his knees, big hands roaming over your shirt before slipping underneath with a quick glance at you. He grips a little here, a little there. It’s like he’s admiring the curve at your waist, the dips of your hip bones. Every inch he can get his hands on.
 He pushes your shirt up to under your tits, and begins placing his soft, wet kisses all over again. His hands keep moving too, making goosebumps form all over your tummy. You feel him smile into your skin once he notices. He dips his tongue into your belly button making you giggle out a gasp. He bites at the dangling charm pulling just a little bit, before letting go and giggling with you. 
 “I love this… ‘s cute.” He says.
 You mumble a tiny thanks, as he nips at the softest part of your lower belly, right above the elastic of your shorts.
 He rests his chin where he bit just a moment before, looking up at you, pretty doe eyes sparkling. “Can I?” He asks.
 You wiggle a little under his gaze but nod, nonetheless.
 When your shorts and underwear hit the floor Jeongguk lets out the littlest gasp. You feel his fingers come up and settle on your hips caressing softly again, while his eyes are trained on your cunt. He licks his lips absently.
 “It’s so cute…” He says. He sounds a little awestruck as he brings his fingers down to stroke over the smooth, plump lips of your pussy. He pinches them between his thumb and index finger, and a little bit of your slick oozes out, leaving you shiny and glossy. 
 Typically, you wouldn't compare your cunt to something from the ocean, but it really was like a little clam. Your pussy lips the shell, and your clit a small little pink pearl tucked perfectly inside. 
 He sighs as he leans in and presses a gentle kiss just above your slit. Your breath stutters as you breathe in, looking down at him. He keeps kissing gently, slowly but surely moving where you want him most, but you're impatient, already trembling from how bad you want his mouth. 
 Your hips buck when you feel his mouth on your lips over your clit. All he needs to do is slip his tongue right there…
 “Please,” You whine, so so quietly. 
 But he hears you. And he groans, from deep within his chest, and you can see him bring a hand down to press at his cock. He sounds pained, overwhelmed as he rests his forehead on your belly. “Fuck don’t beg. I’ll give you whatever you want just-” He pecks your mound quickly, one more time. “Don’t beg.” 
 He suspires and finally fulfills your request. His tongue disappears between your plush little folds, the tip of it licking over your clit. You gasp at the first feel of his tongue on you, mouth falling open while you watch him. He looks up at you, eyes hazy and full of desire, shining with such obvious lust and adoration. 
 The way he looks at you, like you’re something more than sexual tension finally coming to a head, makes you dizzy. You squirm looking away for a moment. His eyes are too tender for the filthy atmosphere around you, too tender for the reality of your situation.
 When you look down at him again, you brush some hair out of his eyes, hand settling in the long strands. His eyes flutter shut, and he kind of pushes into your hold before he blinks up at you, a sultry look on his face, eyes hooded and dark. You see him smile softly, a soft laugh puffing against you before he nips at your mons lightly. Then his tongue is lazily slipping between your slit giving long, slow, filthy licks to your clit. He’s already got the thick, hot feeling of arousal curling in your tummy.
 Your free hand comes down and you slip your fingers between your folds, spreading yourself open with your index and ring finger, while pulling your hood back with the middle one, revealing your clit to him. Showing him exactly where you want him.
 Again, he looks at your pussy like it's the prettiest, most lush thing he’s ever seen. He brings his hand up and rubs over your nub with a single finger, looking up once more to see how your eyelashes kiss your cheeks as your eyes flutter closed and your brows pinch. 
 “It’s so tiny…” he presses a little harder, rubs a little faster. “I’ve heard that the smaller it is, the more sensitive?” He phrases it like a question. “Is that true?”
 “I think?” It comes out airy and distracted. You don’t really know. Makes sense you suppose. More nerves in a smaller area. But you don’t care at the moment.
 He hums. “I think so too… Just look at you.”
 You grip his hair pulling just the slightest amount. Not demanding, just suggesting… hoping. 
 “Lick it?” You whisper, voice salacious and pleading. 
 He holds your gaze and does as you ask, licking softly, almost teasing. His head moves in a nodding motion as his tongue repeatedly grazes over your exposed clit, you can feel his breath hot against your fingers. It’s soft and slow, and just not enough. You whine as you roll your hips to meet his tongue and it’s pornographic, the way you can see a little string of spit and slick still connecting you together right before his tongue meets your clit again.
 “Point your tongue… faster- yeah flick it… fuck,” you whimper. It’s airy and the lust you’re feeling is tangible, just pouring from you. From your lips, your pussy. Your head falls back hitting the wall behind you. You’re sighing and nodding. Encouraging him, letting him know that yes, right there, that’s perfect. 
 The way your orgasm builds takes you by surprise. It starts as that gentle simmer curling in your belly and grows until it’s that sharp pleasure in your chest, taking your breath away. You normally can’t cum just from someone’s mouth, usually needing fingers as well, but Jeongguk’s tongue is magic and the way he suctions gently, making little pulsing sensations with his lips, is ruining you and your legs are starting to shake. 
 “Please… please make me cum,” You beg. “I’m so close Jeongguk please.”
 He groans and the vibrations thrum, heavenly against you as you watch his eyes roll back. His hands grip at your ass and pull you closer to his mouth. 
 “Fuck baby watch me. Look at me while you fall apart on my tongue.” He moans quickly against your cunt. The pet name that accidentally slips from his lips makes you buzz.
 And you do. You look at him and his tongue working wet and nasty against you; it’s the only thing he needs to wreck you. You watch as long as you can until the pleasure is too much and the string in you snaps, eyes falling shut as you moan out a litany of praises full of yes’s and his name. You cum, writhing against the wall. 
 Jeongguk’s on his feet and you’re off of yours, his hands coming up to cup your ass and hoist you against the wall. Your hands wrap around his neck, legs around his waist, and you smile at him as you regulate your breathing. He kisses you, and you whine when you taste yourself on his tongue.
 “I wanna- can I fuck you?” He whispers against your lips, between eager kisses. He presses into you, making you feel how hard he is again. You wonder if it even went down after he came.
 “Please,” you say nodding.
 He nips at your jaw and you feel his smile as he places a peck to soothe. “What did I say about begging?”
 You’re about to reply but gasp instead as you feel him move away from the wall to carry you effortlessly through his home. It’s big and modern, spacious with minimalistic decor, sprinkled with baby stuff here and there. You feel the plush cushion of his bed under you some moments later. He’s over you in an instant, licking into your mouth once again, body molding to yours. He rolls his hips a few times when you wrap your legs around his waist, before pulling away, your lips are the last thing to part, like he can’t get enough for you.
 “I’ll be right back,” he says. Another light kiss is given before he disappears into what you assume is the bathroom.
 You figure he’s cleaning up the mess he made earlier and probably getting condoms. You glance at the crib by the side of his bed that has yet to be removed. Hopefully, he’s getting condoms. If not, you think you have one in your bag. 
 You busy yourself by getting ready for him, taking your shirt and bra off leaving you completely nude. You flop back onto his bed and stretch your arms out, it’s big enough that you can starfish and not have your hands or feet hang off. It smells like a subdued, softer version of him. Less fragrant and cologne-y and more clean and gentle, like laundry detergent and the little trace of body wash that lingers on his skin after a shower. It’s earthy, and kind of feminine. You roll over and shove your face in his pillow, inhaling deeply. Sandalwood you think. You know you don’t have much time when you hear the faucet shut off, and drawers being rummaged through, so you settle on to your back again, lazily running your fingers over your body, waiting for him.
 The bathroom opens and Jeongguk walks out, naked as well. He’s stroking himself slowly as he strides towards you, his other hand full of the goods. Your eyes zero in on his cock. Out of his briefs you can clearly see just how big he is. You gulp.
 He climbs onto the bed and settles between your legs again when you open easily for him. You run your hands over his body, feeling the ripples of his muscles running under his skin. Fingertips touch at the ink on his shoulder. You were right, a full sleeve. 
 He’s looking at you, searching your face, hand brushing gently at your hair. “You still wanna?”
 You don’t hesitate to nod. “Mhmm.” You sit up and peck his lips sweetly. “Please,” You tease with a smile.
 He rolls his eyes playfully and sits back on his heels, reaching for the condom that he set aside. There’s a bottle of lube next to it. You sigh internally, grateful and knowing you’re going to need it.
 You crawl in front of him. 
 He places a hand on your head, making you stop abruptly and laugh on all fours.
 “I won’t last if you blow me.” He says.
 You pout, then mirror his position in front of him. “Can I put it on for you, then?”
 He quirks a brow, but hands the foil packet to you, only to get it back when you have trouble opening it due to your nails. You smile sheepishly at him and kiss him sweetly when he hands it to you again. You stroke his bare cock just a few times, eyes on his face when he hisses at the feel of your hand on him without any clothes in the way. You can’t help yourself; you lean down and lick at the shiny, dripping tip, swirling your tongue around the head. You flick your tongue, and stroke, his foreskin rolling over, as his eyes roll back. His hips buck just barely, before you feel a hand in your hair pulling you up.
 He’s laughing and presses his face into your cheek. “You don’t listen well, do you? Hmm?”
 You pull away just enough to look down and place the condom at the tip of his cock, pinching just a little at the top as you slowly roll it down his length. “I just know what I want.” you whisper, tongue in cheek. His thighs tense and he takes a sharp breath, mirroring you and looking down.
 With your hand on him, the apprehension starts to set in. He’s thick. And long. Your hands are small, barely able to wrap around the girth.
 “Fuck…” He whispers. He grabs your other hand and places it on his cock as well, one on top of the other, his pink tip still sticking out the top. “Your hands look so good around me.”
 You stroke him with both hands, slowly over the condom. “You’re- like the biggest I’ve ever seen.”
 Jeongguk must hear the nervous tone your voice has taken because he places his hands on your face and has you look at him. Your hands don’t leave him, anxious but still eager. “I’ll go slow, and if you need me to stop I will. Just tell me.” He kisses you again, and you nod against his lips before falling back onto his pillows.
 The lubes within reach so you grab it and drizzle some onto your fingers before bringing them down and rubbing over your opening. You’re wet already, of course, but you’re gonna need all the help you can get with him. You know it won’t be that bad, and that your body will do what it’s supposed to. You think that maybe it is a mix of being with someone new, someone that you’ve been wanting, as well as his size that has you on edge. When Jeongguk finds his way between your legs, you drizzle some lube onto his cock as well, stroking to make sure he is thoroughly covered before lining him up. You take a deep breath.
 Jeongguk’s patient. When the swollen tip of his cock slips in all he does is furrow his brow and drop his mouth open, keeping control and resisting the instinctual urge to bury himself inside of your warm, tight, soaking cunt.  He’s over you braced on his forearms, head hanging, watching his engorged cock slip into you little by little, your fat pussy lips pillowing around his girth. He flicks his eyes up to you when he reaches the thickest part of his cock. A worried wrinkle forms between his brows.
 For good reason. It hurts. You feel annoying pricks of tears sting your eyes. A little whimper passes your lips when he pushes in another inch more.
 “So big, Gguk,” You whisper. Your hands are on his back, digging in trying to focus on the give of his muscles when you press your nails into his skin.
 He’s quick, kissing on your face gently, telling you that you’re doing so well, and that it’s almost over, and that he's almost in. He brings a hand between your bodies and rubs at your clit, slowly, trying to distract you from the sting as best he can.
 It works. His fingers are skilled, and you want him so badly despite the little ache, and then he’s inside of you. He’s buried to the hilt, and you both sigh into each other’s mouths.
 “I need a second now,” He laughs on a whisper. “You’re so tight, feel so good around me.” He coos, praising you. Letting you know just how good you did. His face is in your neck, kissing, sucking little pink flowers into your skin. His hands come up to your tits once he’s settled back on his knees, and he squeezes them, jiggles them lightly. 
 He drools at how they rest into soft circles as you lay on your back beneath him. He pulls out a few inches before pushing back in slowly, biting his lip when he sees them bounce before pillowing back into place. He does it a few more times, making quiet moans fall from your lips.
 With Jeongguk inside of you, you can understand how he knocked someone up. His stroke is so good and skilled, making you feel every inch of him every time he makes your hips meet. Pussy swallowing his cock, wet and slick. You never want him to leave, never want him to stop fucking you. Want to wrap your legs around him and keep him inside of you forever. The sting of the stretch has long subsided, his cock now satisfyingly sliding against your sensitive walls, filling you up so well, the tip kissing your g spot every time he angles his hips just right. 
 “You feel so fucking good,” He moans. He’s looking down at where his hips are now slamming into you with long steady plunges. One leg is wrapped around his waist, the other pushed back, resting on his shoulder. “‘M gonna make you cum,” He tells you. Looking at you, holding eye contact, watching every little shift in your features as pleasure courses through your veins. “Just from my cock.” The pace he plunges into you is fast, strokes consistent and long, as his hair swings around his face with every thrust. “On every part of me. With my tongue and my cock in your little pussy today, my fingers next time.” He continues, kissing you softly. The juxtaposition between his sweet actions and filthy words makes your cunt pulse around him. “Does that sound good baby? Hmm? Do you want that?”
 You nod desperately. “Yeah, wanna fuck you all the time. Love your fat cock, Jeongguk.” You’ve got a hand clawing into his back, another raised over your head, so you don’t hit the headboard due to the force of his thrusts.
 Jeongguk groans, and shudders. His cock throbs, you can feel it jerk inside you. He slows for just a moment before he picks back up again, faster and harder and deeper. “Fuck, look at you. Taking my cock so well.” Every word is punctuated by him pounding into you. “You’re such a good girl, such a good fucking girl.” The slap of his hips is as loud as your moans, his words doing something insane to your body, cunt tightening as he makes good on his promise. Bringing you to the edge with just his cock. 
 He reads you well for a first-time fuck. “Are you close?” He asks.
 Your eyes are shut and you’re quieting, body tensing and locking up as you get closer and closer to your orgasm. All you do is nod.
 He moans, higher pitched than before and you feel his hips lose their rhythm for a second before recovering. “Ask me,” He pants. “Ask me if you can cum.”
 Your eyes open and he’s looking at you with a sort of abashed expression on his face. A peek at the timid, shy Jeongguk you knew before you met the one fucking you into his matress. You agree easily with a jerky nod, letting him take control, tell you what to do. He said he would give you whatever you want, and you’ll do the same for him. Anything to make him feel as good as he’s making you.
 It’s not long before you’re doing what he asks.
 “Gguk… I’m gonna- Can I-” Your body shakes, and you turn your head to the side, trying to hide from him. “Please can I cum?” You mewl.
 You feel him grip your jaw, turning your face and making you look at him. “Yeah baby, cum for me. Lemme see.” His hand keeps a hold on you, and his hips never stop the whole time the rush burns through you. Your eyes are closed as you clench and cream on his cock, but he watches you. The way you don't know what to do with your hands, settling for pulling at his sheets. He watches every phase of your climax pass over your face. The look of almost confusion as you get overwhelmed, the devastating pleasure as you peak, the serene smile as you start to come down. 
 His hips slow, but don’t stop. He kisses you deep, before murmuring against your red bitten lips, fingers still gripping your jaw, keeping you where he wants you. “What do you say?”
 You know what he wants to hear, you give in effortlessly. It’s soft and saccharine sweet when you say, “Thank you.” 
 The submission does something to Jeongguk and his hold gets almost painful, before he sits up, and switches to grabbing at your hips, pulling you down onto his cock. “Good, you’re so good. Gonna make me fucking cum.”
 You nod, watching him while lying on your back. Tits bouncing every time he pumps his cock into you, frantic and needy. His hands on your hips are bruising, and his eyes are stuck on the way your pink pussy is getting beat up by his fat cock. He grabs one of your hands and brings it to his chest, urging you to rub your fingers over his nipple.
 “Yeah, touch me,” He whimpers as his head falls back and he moans shamelessly. “Fuck. Gonna cum.”
 He’s so beautiful when he does. His face is flushed, and he looks at you until he can't keep his eyes open, mouth parted, sporadic huffs falling from his lips as his chest heaves before his whole body tenses and jerks. He chokes out the softest, “Cumming.” and you feel him press into you as far as he can, spilling into the condom. His tattoos are a lovely contrast to his fair skin, the way the dark ink shines due to the light sheen of sweat coating his body is captivating. His neck is strong, and you spy a couple of little bruises that you don’t even remember leaving, but they look almost as pretty as his tattoos. When he looks at you again, you feel new waves of arousal flicker. He looks almost lost and overcome with the pleasure he’s feeling, eyes so dark and hooded, body still trembling a little as he keeps his hips moving in the smallest minute little thrusts, milking his cock of everything, like he never wants to pull out.  
 But of course, he does. Tying off the condom and plopping it onto his nightstand. He lays next to you, not too close, but his hand reaches out to play with yours laying by your side. He hums before laughing. It’s airy, both of you still catching your breath.
 “I can’t believe we christened my daughter's room.”
 You laugh with him, rubbing a hand over your face kind of embarrassed. You roll to face him. “Sorry you just- make me so crazy.”
 He faces you as well, and his eyes are sparkling with laughter. He pokes you in the forehead, “You make me crazy. You make my morals nonexistent.” He kisses your cheek softly before heaving himself up. “And I think that’s the cue for the wine.” He grabs a pair of new briefs from his dresser pulling them on before he grabs something from a different drawer and throwing it at you. One of his shirts. Walking towards the door, he turns to you. “Want a glass?”
 You fiddle with the shirt in your hands. “It’s getting late, maybe I should-”
 “You can stay.” He interrupts. He’s not looking at you, fingernails suddenly very interesting.
 “Do you want me to?” You ask.
 He shrugs. “I mean you still have to help me finish Nari’s room. You were the one that distracted us by jumping off a stepstool to get your hands on me.” He’s smirking when your head whips up to look at him, expression appalled. 
 “I did not jump. I fell.”
 He rolls his eyes, a big smile replacing the smirk. “Yeah, okay.”
 “Fuck you, go get the wine Daddy.”
helloooo! thank you for reading friends 🥺 i hope you liked it. i’ve got one thing to say..... nari main character.... please like and reblog  if you enjoyed, tell ya friends, drop a comment, leave a note, send an ask... lemme know ur thoughts pals ily <3
series masterlist, pt 1, pt 2, pt 3
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids’ reactions to you taking medication for depression & anxiety ↠ all members
genre: reaction word count: 2.4k warnings: discussion of depression and anxiety, description of panic/anxiety attack, swearing request: yes
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a/n: hi anon! wow, this one turned highly personal really fast. so, this turned into a combination of your original request and how stray kids would react just knowing that you have depression/anxiety. i think how they’d care for and support you is a large part of their reactions to finding out, if that makes sense. i hope this brings you comfort~
✧ masterlist in bio ✧
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bang chan
as with most things, chan would be very understanding
he’d just want you to feel and function the best you could
and not have to worry about whether you’re going to be able to make it through a day
he’d noticed when you first started dating that you occasionally withdrew into yourself
and needed time alone
chan didn’t really think anything of it 
bc he also kinda just turns into a hermit and hides to reset and recuperate
but when you’d told him that you take meds for anxiety and depression
his sneaking suspicion that you’d been struggling with something was confirmed
it all made sense!
chan would be immediately and absolutely on board to support you
he wasn’t gonna let those nasty depression demons get the better of his y/n
no! fucking!! way!!! \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
when you could stand it, he’d be really cute and cuddly to try to make you feel better
and he’d also research everything about the meds
on the days that you just needed to be left alone, he’d be worried 
bc he wouldn’t want you to be lonely or to need him and for him to not be there immediately for you
but sometimes even just the presence of another person is exhausting
even if it’s your partner
he’d always come back with flowers or your favorite kind of pie or curry or something else delicious or beautiful
all he wants is for you to feel like you can face the world
bc he’ll always be there by your side (♡‿♡)
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lee minho
minho would be matter of fact and accepting about the whole thing
he wouldn’t be fussed
and would just accept that sometimes you’d be less than cheerful
and that it has nothing to do with him or his actions
while he wouldn’t necessarily understand the ins and outs of depression and/or anxiety,
he would still be totally committed to supporting you
he’d be glad that you have meds
because it’s hard for him to see you so down and feeling so blank
he just wants you to be okay
he’ll ask if you’re okay and what he can do
sometimes he just has to ask you a few times
just to be sure
for his own peace of mind
if any family, friends, coworkers, anyone gave you shit about your depression and anxiety
minho would be the kind of person to just:
Σ(☉‿☉✿)Σ(☉‿☉✿)Σ(☉‿☉✿) “hold my flower”and prepare to fight the world for you
minho would always make sure that you have your meds on time
either going to pick them up from the pharmacy for you
or reminding you to get them yourself
he’d also remind you to take the meds on your especially bad days
when you can’t exactly think or do much else
while he jokes that cats are the best medicine for anything
minho knows and agrees that medication for mental illness and such is important
bc it helps you be able to function
but that doesn’t stop him from trying his best to make you feel energized and focused through other means!
you have a weekly picnic date, even after dating for two years
it’s the sweetest thing ever
and definitely helps (≧◡≦)
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seo changbin
it was the first time you slept over at his place
(a really lovely evening with lots of sweet cuddling 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。  )
(((oh no now i’m soft HHHH)))
and you’d left your bag sitting out in the living room
changbin had thought it would be nice if he got your things for you in the morning
and he also wanted to make you breakfast (✿◠‿◠)
so he'd gone to pick up your bag and saw the little pill bottle
and was just “oh, okay~”
when he'd come into the bedroom, changbin looked a little nervous?
bc he wasn’t quite sure how to ask you what meds you were taking
he wasn’t really worried or anything
he just wanted to support you with absolutely no judgement because meds aren’t a bad thing~
he was so understanding and immediately, like chan, researched everything he could about helping someone with anxiety and depression
and then made you breakfast bc that’s wonderful anytime at all
on the days you felt like you couldn’t get out of bed
(or simply couldn’t whether you wanted to or not)
changbin would be there
if you could stay in bed the whole day, then he’d stay with you
if you had to get up and actually do things, he’d do his best to help you
he’d make you food, help you shower, even pick out clothes for you so that you wouldn’t have to think
he’d understand that sometimes you need a bit of a prod to do things
changbin would definitely try his best to make those reminders as caring and lighthearted as possible
after all, you don’t exactly have control over when lack of motivation strikes
changbin would understand and know a lot of the feelings you have
and be able to empathize based on his own experiences
really, he would just continue to love you ♡
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hwang hyunjin
hyunjin, oh sweet hyunjin
he’d be so understanding
and would feel really sorry for you
but not in a weird, pitying way
just sad that your brain had decided to betray you in such a way
*insert all the empathy here*
he knows all too well the feelings of hopelessness you sometimes feel
he’d be glad that you have meds, actually
and would even remind you when you have therapy (if you do)
he’d probably send you random “when you have anxiety/depression” memes
you’ve busted out laughing at inopportune times more than once from said memes
when you’re in a depressive episode, hyunjin would be like a cat
just curled up with you as much as possible
if you can’t stand to have someone near you
then, he’d still text you cheesy stuff like those ridiculous valentine’s day pickup lines that are, in fact, funny at any time of the year
oh and don’t forget about the utterly sincere, will-make-you-cry texts, love letters, post-it notes, notes written in blueberries on the counter, and even signs he’d write for you
one day, you’d even opened a lunch he’d made you to find a little note rolled up around your fork:
“hi hello yes you, the pretty one reading this! i love youuuuuu~ have a wonderful day, darling
p.s. remember to take your meds <3”
hyunjin’s gentle nature would be just what you needed
to support you
to love you
to care for you, not only emotionally but also physically
he’d be like a sheltering tree for you
grounded and calm with deep roots, but able to bend with whatever wind your depression/anxiety decided to gust through your lives
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han jisung
jisung would…
well, jisung would just:
“AAAAAY, ANXIETY BUDDIES!!” (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ;;;;;;
definitely not the response you’d been expecting
but it was perfect nonetheless
you spent an afternoon together just talking about how your anxiety and depression manifested
what helped you to cope
what helped him to cope
which meds you took and if there was anything jisung should be particularly aware of
he’d be really interested in just how your depression and anxiety manifest
bc in order to care for you and help
he wants to know what bit of your brain chemistry has decided to fuck shit up
(sometimes jisung feels like he needs to fuck shit up, too. but really? come oooon y/n’s brain)
he’d leave you notes reminding you to do things when your ability to focus goes completely out the window
you’d wake up to find one of those large sheets of poster paper taped to the ceiling above your bed, saying:
“i love you, even if you have depression/anxiety that makes you forget to do the dishes. again. you’re still my little gremlin <3”
jisung would give you any and all resources he has to help you
he’d probably even write songs for you
there’d probably a mixtape out there somewhere of him screaming at your depression and anxiety
telling them to leave you the fuck alone
bc you’re too wonderful to have to deal with that shit
your weekends together would be spent in the bedroom
under the covers
giggling your asses off
and cuddling
bc it’s dangerous outside the blanket  ( `^´ )
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lee felix
felix would be so chill about it
you’d tell him and he’d just be like
“okay! so what kinds of toppings did you want me to put on this pizza again?”
you’d just kinda blink at him
you’d been worrying about what he’d say
and if he’d leave you or something
(thanks, irrational brain. love you. NOT! ffs)
as if lee felix would ever leave you,,,,,,
it was a relief not to worry about that
felix would still bundle you up in the biggest hugs ever
and smile his sunshine-filled smile at you
honestly, that alone should be enough to cure depression
but, unfortunately, it’s not
((*shakes fist at depression/anxiety*))
but with felix’s smile and meds, you’re feeling much better, thank you
felix would try to make life brighter for you after finding out
he’d understand that sometimes you want to do things but just can’t
there’s no rhyme nor reason to it
and it wouldn’t matter to him
bc he’d still get to spend time with you, even if it just meant sitting on the couch watching movies
felix would know that sometimes he would just have to make decisions for you
not in a controlling way
but just because your anxiety over making decisions and following through with things would get the better of you
he’d make sure you drink water and eat lots of yummy food
his deep voice is the most calming thing oh my god
and whenever you have an anxiety/panic attack
felix would immediately catch you up in his arms and slow dance with you through the entire episode
even if you’re barely able to stand, he’d hold you up and support you
just so, at an incredibly scary time, you’d have the most loving arms around you
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kim seungmin
you were having a panic attack when seungmin came over one time
and you’d just kinda slumped against the wall as soon as he’d come in the door
aaaand you’d had to explain what was going on
but seungmin had just helped you breathe deeply
and eventually you’d calmed down to the point that you felt like
well, like a limp noodle (@_@)
you know that feeling when your body is so exhausted from having a panic attack
that you can’t exactly do much else?
yeah. that.
so, he would be glad that you have meds for your depression/anxiety
like jisung, seungmin would want to have A Stern Conversation with your depression/anxiety
bc he’s tired of its shit ψ(`-´ )ψ
not because he can’t deal with it or you
because he hates to see you in so much distress
no one should have to feel like there’s no joy left in the world, irrational thinking rules their brain, and like they’re trapped in a cycle of dysfunction, no matter how hard they try
bc sometimes just trying isn’t enough
and seungmin understands that~
sometimes you just need a little outside help
he’d come up with all sorts of things he could do for you to help ease your anxiety
he’d write down all your triggers just so he’d know what avoid
or what to tell other people to avoid alkdfjhakljdfh
bc we all know seungmin is that person (-_-;)・・・
when he found out that you have trouble deciding on food at restaurants
he’d immediately printed out the menus to all the restaurants you loved
just so you could take your time deciding at home
and not feel overwhelmed
aksjfhlskfjdh what a good bean
seungmin is just a sweetie who wants the best for you, really
plus, when you’re feeling better….
the two of you can go on adventures!! (⌒▽⌒)
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yang jeongin
jeongin would be a little baffled that someone’s brain could be that cruel to them
“you mean you sometimes just can’t be happy?”
“yep, or function, really. sometimes moving or getting out of bed or eating just isn’t a thing”
‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
“don’t worry about. i’m on meds for it so it’s not as bad”
“jeongin i promise it’s okay…..”
you just ended up cuddling him and explaining how depression and anxiety worked
(or rather, how fucking annoying and, even, debilitating they are)
that made him happier bc he understood
he’d try to help you do things that help with the depression
like going for walks
or drinking enough water
definitely regulating your sleep
jeongin: “i know, i know, y/n! it’s hard but you haaaave to wake up”
y/n: “mmph” (¬_¬)
jeongin: *lightly swats you with a pillow* “get! up!!”
y/n: *grumpgrumpgrump*
nights are even harder alkjhsjkslkfjhs
jeongin, on the phone: “no you’re not being a night owl tonight. no! y/n~~~~ come on, i’m tired and wanna go to sleep”
y/n: “but i’m not tired!! i’m just gonna play one more round of this and then go to bed. i promise!”
jeongin, not having any of your shit: “uhuh….”
y/n, *sweats*: “i promiiiiiiiiise”
3 am
jeongin, via email: “this is an automated reminder to  G O  T O  S L E E P”
y/n: “shit.”
he’d want to be there to listen to you whenever you needed him
even though he doesn’t have much experience with this sort of thing
jeongin would do his best as a kind and properly aware person
like everyone else, he just wants you to be okay
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Hello, dear!~ Todays Inarizaki manager request: boys and manager first meeting. I want to read about boys first impression of her, about their reaction when they found out that this beautiful sweet girl was going to be their manager etc. - Tilli
ALJDKWJSKW okok I'm just gonna share something small in relevance with this fic. Most of my friends told me that when they first met me, (like uh, their first impression of me) was that I was annoying 😭😭😭🤚
I mean they love me now 😤😎 but like yeah that's a dumb little fact about my first impressions with people LSJDKSKSks
Inarizaki's manager-chan day 7!!
(this might be a little long, because it's such a precious one hhhh)
It started out like any ordinary day. The infamous Miya twins walking to school behind star ace, Ojiro Aran.
“'Samu I'M TELLING YOU. We need a manager”
“No we don't, ya piss-head, now shut up and let me enjoy the morning quietness”
Aran just rolled his eyes as he heard the bickering twins, and quickened his pace so that he could finally meet Kita Shinsuke. He was far more reasonable than those two hell twins.
The school was buzzing more than usual, as rumours circulated in quiet whispers.
"did you hear? She's new to Japan."
"I heard she has cocoa coloured skin, and black hair."
"I heard she's blonde, and has freckles!"
The boys of the volleyball team couldn't care less about the rumours, it didn't concern them if a new girl was in their midst, why would it?
Suna waited tentatively by the bus stop. He ran way too late after waiting for his sister to get ready, and it was drizzling.
Normally, he wouldn't mind if a little bit of rain soaked him, but today was different.
The project he has spent all night on could not get ruined, it simply couldn't.
Frustrated and confused, he didn't know if he should take a chance and wait for the rain to stop, and risk being late, or make a dash for it, and ruin his project.
His thoughts were interrupted by a gentle voice. “Are you okay?”
A petite girl held out an umbrella, and motioned for him to follow her. “You might get wet, so please allow me to escort you to school”
Suna blushed and nodded gratefully. Studying her side profile, he realised she must've been new girl whom everyone was so hyped about.
Her delicate lips tugged into a smile as she looked at him. “we're here”
Suna bowed at her, and thanked her profusely before running to class. All he could think about for the rest of the day, was her.
Atsumu sat in his seat, and to his surprise, the seat next to him was no longer empty. In it's place, was a petite and beautiful girl, with blue headphones in her ears.
She was softly bopping her head to the music, her eyes closed and a small smile on her face.
Atsumu had never seen someone so beautiful, his mouth immediately went dry and no words seemed to be able to come out.
“uh hi... I'm Atsumu” he mumbled, instantly regretting bothering the girl from her music.
However, rather than show any signs of being mad, she smiled brightly at him, and put her headphones away. “Hello Atsumu, it's so nice to meet you. I'm y/n”
His eyes trained to the bright blue headphones in her palm. “What were you listening to?”
“would you like to find out for yourself?” she asked, with a small smile, as she extended one side of the bud to him.
He softly blushed and accepted it, placing the headphone in his ear and letting the melodious tunes fill his head, alongside thoughts of the new girl, until class started.
Kita watched from afar, as a beautiful girl crouched by the plum tree, a spot that only he knew. She pet a kitten softly, whispering sweet things as it lapped up the milk.
She didn't have to, but she obviously was the type to do the right thing, even if no one was watching. Kita admired people like that.
She smiled and tucked a strand of hair back as she leaned down to pet the kitten again, and Kita couldn't decide which was cuter, her, or the kitten.
Ojiro Aran rolled his eyes for the hundredth time that day. He couldn't believe he twins were always following him around, and subjecting him to their endless banter and idiocy.
His eyes flew around the cafeteria as he spotted a girl, different from the rest, catch his eye.
She giggled softly as her eyes twinkled, obviously understanding how annoyed Aran was with the situation at hand.
He smiled back and shrugged.
Two complete strangers sharing a private joke in a room full of people. That doesn't happen everyday, does it?
Osamu smiled proudly at his bento, and showed it to his twin, and Aran, but they hardly seemed to notice.
Disappointed, he slowly ate as the conversation at the table seemed to exclude him, the tamago already turning rubbery in his mouth.
After washing his hands, a girl walked up next to him, and washed her's in the sink opposite of his.
“I thought it was a lovely bento, if you don't mind me saying that” she whispered shyly, the sound of running water almost masking her words.
But Osamu heard her, and blushed, and suddenly, his day seemed much better.
A few days had passed, since the interactions with the mysterious new girl, and although she was on their minds, they didn't see her often anymore.
Until volleyball practice, that is.
The boys' eyes widened as they saw the same beautiful girl they all (kinda) fell in love with, once, standing next to their coach.
“Boys, please meet your new manager”
Taglist: @raychii @k-sakusa-old @dai-tsukki-desu @pocket-of-anxiety @osamusriceballs
364 notes · View notes
lockawayknight · 3 years
hhhh all those hair cutting prompts got me thinkin,,, abt creighton’s hair,,,,,, which i actually have a lot of hcs abt,,,, you can basically tell how old he is based on the length of his hair in my hcs it’s rlly important to him and UH pls indulge me while i rant abt this cus aaaaa hair hair hair
i mean to start it off, this all goes back to my hc abt how undead age, physically-speaking, which is that all processes of ageing Stop once an undead becomes a certain amount of hollow, so things like hair, beards, and nails stop growing. that only continues, along with the regular ageing process, when fully human. so like i said, you can kinda tell how old creighton is by his hair since Big Life Events sparked him using effigies, which caused his hair to start growing again, until he inevitably died, which caused it to stop. so yeah!!
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as a human, his hair was LONG AS SHIT and well-maintained since he was semi-royalty. he kept it braided most of the time cus it legit was just way too much to deal with, esp as a warrior, but it was a sign of his status (and made him look more like his granddad uwu) and so he kept it longgg
once doing the whole murderspree killing thing and defecting (and dying oops), he ended up chopping all his hair off, which is where the Worst Cut Bangs In Majula came from — just this real emotional visceral Fuck Mirrah moment of getting rid of one of the things that most tied him to his status, title, and fam
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by the time we meet him in the game, his hair has grown to about shoulder length, just enough to be tied back under his coif, but he still has those fuckawful bangs that stick out a tiny bit in the front. short bangs = pre-tseldora incident/game events
i usually draw/write him post-tseldora stuff (or ds3-era), where using an effigy and spending time as a human to work stuff out with pate left him looking much better. his bangs finally grew out to a decent length, but he kept them still sticking out cus it’s a fuckin Look tbh (okay no he’s just lazy but it IS a look i mean come tf on)
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NO BALD CREIGHTON STANS IN MY HOUSE listen by the time ds3 rolls around a million years has passed and his hair has finally grown out, been cut, been cared for, and although it’s a lot thinner is finally all a single length and ALL able to be tied back, which is why you don’t see his hair sticking out when he invades u in ds3!! finally took care of his fuckin self smh. i draw him like this a lot too uwu
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bb verse is where his hair is the absolute worst, since he was so neglected and abused in the church, it was hardly ever washed, hardly ever brushed, it just turned into an irredeemable mess, and he continued to neglect his hair even after escaping since it just wasn’t something he was used to doing for himself :( god bless anyone who tries to help
modern and neo stuff is where his hair is healthiest tbh, nice layers and some decent volume and an average length. antipsychotics / a kingdom that isn’t 10000% corrupt works wonders on a man, and so he’s able to take better care of himself and his body :)
sooo yeah!! just my personal hcs :] ty ty for indulging me + reading!!💕
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Hello!! Congrats on 600 followers!! For the fifty requests, may I suggest something like the reader and Albedo babysitting Klee for a day and shenanigans ensue? Hope you're having a nice day and an even better week!
Klee and Albedo are my happy pills. And since I'm having trouble causing pain, this entered my mind and hhhh- thank you so much, anon! Funnily enough, I thought of something better and kinda flipped the request so have this!
Back to Earth
Hanging out with Klee and Albedo, fun times ensue! (masterlist)
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Dragonspine is a place rarely visited by the likes of you for various, obvious reasons.
Yet despite its dangerous perils, Albedo is its most frequent visitor. Out of everyone in Mondstadt and probably the whole of Teyvat, his stay there is longer than anyone has been. Maybe that's one of the reasons why you don't like Dragonspine that much.
"(Y/N), Albedo is looking far again..." You hum in contemplation as you tilt your head.
The snow had always brought Albedo into a state of dissociation, and he'll have this distant look in his eyes that always worry you and Klee. Even if he's quick to dismiss or hide this part of him, and even if you and Klee are gullible at times, it was such rare moments where you two are just aware.
"He looks kinda sad..." You hum before patting Klee's head, who looks up from under her hat in front of you. And when you meet her eyes, she beams so warmly you couldn't help but smile back.
"Let's cheer him up, shall we?"
The Kreideprinz heaves out a heavy sigh after inhaling deeply, the lack of condensation makes him crease his eyebrows in growing frustration as the heavy feeling in his chest gnaws even deeper.
Breathe, Albedo reminds himself. But it wasn't enough to fight off the obvious guilt at the back of his head at another dead-end. This expedition should have yielded more results to help his research on the meaning of-
A pressure around his waist and chain of his coat forces him to snap his eyelids open, looking down to see the two sunshines in his life leaning over and under his arms to look up at him with such wide, bright smiles. His indifference turns into a soft smile before bringing you both into a hug.
"Hello there, you two. What are you doing here?"
"Everyone else from your team already descended from the mountain, you took a while."
"So we came up to fetch you!"
He offers a guilty chuckle paired with an apology for the delay and soon enough, you three were on your way back down the mountain. But with you babysitting Klee today, it's only normal that some detours are made here and there. Thankfully, that girl has a pyro vision.
You took Albedo's outstretched hand as he pulls you up to the rock formation that Klee suddenly wanted to climb. The cold seemed to pick up at this elevation and you were thankful for the coat Albedo owns that he leant you, it was a blessing that he never gets cold.
"Moment of birth!"
The solid ground beneath you rises as you three stood on the solar isotoma. Higher! Exclaimed Klee as Albedo picks her up and on to his shoulder, the view now equal as your party watches the misty fog of Dragonspine break away as if on will, to show the distant expanse of where Mondstadt lies miles away.
"Wow," a hand finds its way into yours as you leaned farther, engraving the display into your mind as much as you can in great detail. But your peace was interrupted when a red ball suddenly flies past you, plummeting down the scale of the rock formation for a good five seconds.
Before a distant explosion catches your ears.
The pregnant, frozen pause ends as you and Albedo turn to Klee who was still in Albedo's arms. But the spark knight doesn't meet your eyes. No, no, she was looking far below where the explosion sizzles.
"I think I saw some of those floaty bad guys from before down below!"
Ah. Poor Abyss Mage.
Somehow Klee's idea of a goodbye is unorthodox to the norm of society depending on the setting. Perhaps you expected the cool climate to reduce her 1000% energy to at least 500%, but as you duck down from another flying dodoco, you feel like the climate here was more of a disadvantage for you.
"Why is Klee mining so aggressively?!" You turned your head to the enabler, who had just covered his ears after another explosion.
"When it is done for the sake of others, Klee's enthusiasm skyrockets from the normal level," Albedo dodges a huge crystal chunk that almost nicked his shoulder. "Klee is also an avid miner of rocks."
"Big brother wants the crystal rocks, he's getting the crystal rocks!"
By some great divine blessing, all three of you somehow made it out alive with actual workable chunks to spare. The problem was that the explosions attracted lawachurls, boars, mages and even treasure hoarders to the chaos. Even if it was such an uneven fight, your combined efforts seem to have earned you victory.
Your arms wrapped tightly around the curled up bomber, backpack discarded on the grass as she readies herself for a scheduled rest after the exhausting mischief she had caused, "Sweetie, you're banned from Dragonspine..."
"But, (Y/N)... the crystals..." Albedo looks over his clipboard sketch after picking up the drowsy conversation.
"Let them live in peace..." You watched the little knight yawn as it makes you copy the same action subconsciously, eyes drooping as you leaned on each other. By the time Albedo had finished the outline of his sketch, you two had already fallen into an impromptu siesta.
The Chief Alchemist exerts a sigh of relief before going back to sketching your slumber. Even after the reminder of his weeks long effort for an empty research, you and Klee bombarding (literally) his melancholy somehow made his disarrayed thoughts clearer and assembled.
In a world of loose ends and tragedies, this lone Alchemist found himself two rays of the brightest sunlight.
Putting away the finished sketch, Albedo plants a kiss on yours and Klee's temples. He wears his purest smile audienced by none at the sight, and he muses with pure clarity in his voice,
"Maybe this is the meaning of life."
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Ahah cute shit after that rage I just felt uwu
@albaedhoe @xiaophilia @heisenwurst @childe-simp-exe @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @director-boo-tao @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @just-some-stars @volleybloop @tartuu
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kosi-annec · 2 years
BNHA season 2 stain arc next! The second half of the season~
My review of Season 2 part 2:
Oh boy, every introverts worst nightmare; social interaction. If I was in deku's situation, I would've acted like I didn't knew wit the man was talking about www
Iida stop lying to your friends please TOT
Yay aizawa isn't a mummy lol. I still can't believe deku only got 1 offer, like cmon, even zero has more than him. Also, mineta shut the fuck up, like you're any better
LMAO aizawa warning them to be careful with their choice of hero name cuz of his own experience
Hero name time!! Omfg aoyama's hero name I can't 😭😭 thank you tsu for being normal www
Aww lil deku comin up with all might themed names, tho ngl a lil embarrassing if he chose one of em
Ok the fact that denki knows who Hemingway, an American novelist, shows that he might not be academically smart, but he's not entirely stupid. Headcanon that he reads english books on his free time
Hhhhh great flashback to tensei q-q, nooo iida pls you deserve to take on the name
LMAO bakugo not being able to keep a hero name he's came up with 😂
Mineta, why tf are you still here... Ofc he'd go for mt. Lady
Pft all might being terrified of grand tornino, wonder how hard his training was under him
Oh god... Iida off to do a dumb decision...
Hhhh iida pls they're your friends, but this is what happens when you're being powered by the need for vengeance
Omg I forgot about the first introduction to grand torino LMAO and him pretending to be a feeble old man with a bad memory, he's an old gremlin that can kick ass, he's like yoda but sassy www
And now deku getting his ass handed to him, srsly how tf is his back not broken, I mean with the speed grand torino goes at, it would at least crack somethin
Ah yes, bakugo and best jeanist, good luck in trying to stitch in some manners in this boy lol
LMAO poor Momo and Kendo, thinking they'll get to do some action pact crime fighting stuff when in actuality they're just gonna model
Oh boy, endeavor... Yeah you tell him shoto!!
Deku treating his quirk like something that isn't his makes a lot of sense, since he's never really had a quirk before so he doesn't really see it as an extension of himself. Gotta love seeing a protagonist that's powerful but obviously has a long way to go and still needs training to hone their skills
Oh shit, the whole nomu situation and the multiple quirks thing. I kinda feel bad for the people that get turned to nomus, like pretty sure they didn't want to lose all sense of self
"Someone as crazy as this" that's rich coming from you shigaraki.
Oh god iida no... I get ur going through some emotional shit and want justice, but u don't wanna be a murderer, even if this is a villain
"We're not going to go after anyone that big" ya jinxed yourself grand torino
Thank you mister blue guy that iida is interning under whose name I can't remember for trying to put some sense into him
Iida nooo he's so tunneled vision for vengeance...
Endeavor is a terrible parent, but dammit he's good at his job as a hero, minus the being nice part
I still don't really see how tensei wasn't a good hero, I mean from what I could tell he was definitely living up to the title of "hero". No matter, DEKU ZOOMING IN TO SAVE THE DAY!! YEAH SHOTO ALSO COMING IN TO SAVE SOME ASS!!!
God this whole fight is just amazing, this is where deku and shoto become actual friends and iida gets some sense into him
Shoto and iida bonding over their shared past narrowed tunnel vision out of absolute resentment
"BECOME THE HERO HE WANTED YOU TO BE" now look whose giving the inspirational words! Shoto has learned a lot from deku lol
iida as the legs, deku as the arms, and shoto as the body, love these 3
Ya know, I realized that they still kinda treat nomus as if they're actually human, like they still arrest them and try to talk to ee. Which ig makes sense since there are mutant quirks and anyone can look like anything, so the whole reveal that nomus aren't human - well not anymore at least - would be a much bigger deal, even though it is kinda obvious
"My friend might be in danger" THE FIRST TIME HE SAYS THEY'RE FRIENDS YESSS
Ok damn giving some vocals onto endeavor's song aight then
Gotta appreciate that the pro heroes, adults, are being responsible and making sure the interns, teenagers, are safe. Yeah they're hero students, but they're still kids
"Our fight against the hero killer probably only took about 10 minutes" that was only 10 minutes??? Damn time feels a lot different when kicking ass huh
Oh boy stain's final speech... And also creepy ass face reveal, never noticed he doesn't actually have a nose
Oh lol it's the dog man cop www woof
I get that they're trying to avoid the abuse of quirks (which feels a lil dumb considering what happens in the future) but also, iida was going to die along with that other pro hero, like what else were they going to do?? They're kids yes, but the fact that they are means that using their quirks was literally the only thing they could do. Also mentioning shoto's dad like that really didn't feel necessary jeez
Lmao yeah shoto, the dog cop would've started with that
"Was that a boy~" LMAO GUNHEAD
Hhhh oh boy, these children need therapy I swear. But thank god for shoto breaking the ice, the hand crusher www
Oh fuckkk stain inadvertently helped shigaraki get what he wanted, which I think might've not been wat he meant to do but oh well
Now time to see everyone else's internship!
Bakugo my dude you are not cut out in making the public feel safe ya dumbass. Uraraka learning hand to hand combat! Poor Momo and kendo, barely get to do actual heroing. Tho the same could be said for kirishima and tetsutetsu, but at least it's an activity that's actually helping the community. But hey at least jirou seems to be actually doing some action pact heroing
Froppy your sense of cute is very different from everyone else's, including mine www
Denki thinking stain was cool, another lil tid bit of info in the suspecting he is the UA traitor
Eyy spiderman doing what he's good at! But deku's learned a few new tricks too- oop and he slips lol
Ah time to drop a info bomb. First time we actually get conformation and explanation on nomus, one for all, and all for one
Looking back on all this, I realized just exactly how much pressure there is on deku, like he's being entrusted to defeat this who-knows-how-old villain and he's just 15 like boi
Ah yes, Mt. Lady and Midnight interaction. Mineta fuck off
Huh didn't realize that the ranking thing was actually from midterms, thought that was the actual ranking of the written test. Lmao gotta love momo, we all need that smart friend in our life. Oh I did not notice this lil kiribaku interaction >.> tho that's a good way to make him tutor you www
Monoma has a really interesting way to show his concern for the safety of his people when it comes to the danger 1A attracts, like he said it in a way to insult them but he was also pointing out how if they keep this up they'll be endangering those around them. But they can't really help it tho, so he can't be mad at them for that, just his feelings of rivalry getting in the way as usual
Bakugo at it again with his anger issues and overachieving complex (is that what you call it)
Written exam monologue~
Teaching them that retreating is a valid option is really important, because they gotta learn that retreating can be used as a good strategy to get reinforcements when they're in a fight they can't win. A lesson bakugo really needs to learn
Kiri & Sato vs Cementos. Gotta say, they weren't very smart on how'd they deal with cementos. Like, he clearly has the advantage in this scenario
Tsu & Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm. THE HYBRID DUO!! Bird man and frog girl! "Tho apparently after a 2nd or 3rd song in karaoke, that number goes up.." LMAO WHAT I NEVER NOTICED THAT. Huh, I always thought tokoyami could do the whole fusing with dark shadow the whole time, or maybe that's my gold fish memory failing me. Oh hey! Tsu did actually ate the handcuffs, like it was shown for just a short second. Lmao gotta love dark shadow's personality
Iida & Ojiro vs Power Loader. LMAO OJIRO RIDING IIDA I CAN'T😭 and iida basically being a beyblade and yeeting him too www
Shoto & Momo vs Aizawa. Dawww momo... Her insecurities and doubt be hitting her, damn that's a mood. Oof, yeah aizawa has a point, shoto need to learn better communication with his partner and momo's gotta learn to trust herself again; not comparing herself to someone completely different. YASSS GO QUEEN!! SHOW EM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF!!! Lmao, shoto no she's just tearing up a lil, she's not sick
Uraraka & Aoyama vs 13. PFFT I DIDN'T REALIZE AOYAMA MADE A PUN. Ah yes, the moment uraraka realized her feelings, thanks sparkle man. "I'm a mini battle hero" lol yes you are
Mina & Denki vs Nezu. God those 2 didn't stood a chance, like what were the teachers expecting. BRUH THEY REALLY JUST CASUALLY MENTION NEZU'S BACKSTORY LIKE THAT😭
Jirou & Koda vs Present Mic. OH DAMN THAT IS LOUD, RIP MY EARS. As much as koda's charades were funny, would've been nice to see him doing like JSL or something, like would be in character and some neat representation, oh well this is why we have headcanons. Hey, just cuz koda can speak with animals doesn't mean he has to like all of them
Hagakure & Shoji vs Snipe. Still find it fucking hilarious that this man's quirk is the power of glock, like it's not even an mutation, he just carries a gun. "YOU'RE A STUDENT I RESPECT WOMEN" LMAO SNIPE 😂😭 AS HE SHOULD
Sero & Mineta vs Midnight. I said it before and I'll say it again, why tf is mineta even here, he is a menace and a danger to the safety of the girls, like bruh. If he's gonna be in UA at least show him getting into detention for his behavior. Huh, lil bastard finally gets what being a hero is about, tho he still has a long way to go on the character development, like idk respecting boundaries
Deku & Bakugo vs All Might. THE MAIN COURSE HAS COME. God dammit bakugo, please I get you wanna win but you can't beat all might, for fuck sake get it in ur head and stop thinking with your ego. Hold up, why does a building have denki's name lmao??? BAHAHA LOL DEKU PUNCHING HIM, BAKUGO DESERVED IT. You said it all might, these 2 really need some counciling like boi. OOF HOW ARE THEY BOTH STILL ALIVE LIKE THAT LOOKED LIKE IT COULD'VE KILLED THEM?! Bakugo is someone that wins the way he wants to win no matter what, and deku is someone that just helps people even if they don't ask for it, this is just who they are. This is why they clash a lot, and a few other reasons. Tho they'll learn to have some equal footing, some day
LMAO deku with his ass up, and damn bakugo looks so peaceful asleep tf??
IT'S FUCKING DABI, hello missing todoroki child (started as a theory and is now confirmed, thanks spoilers) tho gotta say his voice isn't as deep as I remember it
Shopping montage✨ omg mineta PLEASE, WHO INVITED HIM??
Jeez shigiraki's theme song thing is creepy as hell. OH FUCK IT'S THAT CREEPY SMILE HHHH
Hol up it's only been 3 months since class started??? Damn, feels a bit short
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