#hhhh time to log out
noctualagenaria · 4 days
maybe some 10hour minecraft solo would fix me
#i dunno#im not sure why ive been all Eughh abt the server bf likes#part of it might be the New aspect of it and another part might be just how active it is and how many ppl are there#even tho im not like. ever direct or one on one with them its like#im at a party sort of#the chat is active too much and That. drains me a lot faster than i realize#so either a smaller server a Much smaller server or a solo world for a minute#would fix me#because i do want to minecraft#i miss it its good its nice it gives me something to do that i likely wouldn't ever get shamed for#(in this day and age... back in my day id get bullied in school about it)#(not usually by students but some did Judge me Heavily but mostly it was teachers who were like. 'video games are violenntt!!') but anyways#i wanna like the server bf likes so badly#but every single time i log on im like i cant find a good spot ever theres too many people and hhhh#so i log off of it pretty quickly even tho i Want. to like it#i jus dont think i caaann#and hi leo if ur reading this which i Hope you are <3#i would've told you this earlier. If i found out and unpacked this earlier but I'm only unpacking it now and at the time of#typing this i am so so so so SO sleepy and you are possibly just waking up or about to in an hour or so#so mwah mwah ily and such and gmmm#and im sorry if the short minecraft sessions felt Bad but it 10000% wasnt you#the uniqueness of that server js fun dont get me wrong but i dont think it can be like an All Time server for me#so make your own lil space there and ill pop in from time to time#if u want to at least#nya.txt#ow why cramps..#im nit bleeding or anything jus empty cramps bc i missed some shots oops#but its tolerable i just wnana sleeeeeepp
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spamtonmusubi · 1 year
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man this site really is dead aint it
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kingprinceleo · 2 years
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hhhh hiiiiiiiiiii its been a hot second uhhhh, using socials around the end of december was actually impacting my health so much that i did the equivalent of chucking it out the window (log out) and then my dog passed away and now its been hard to consider coming back unless i have something to show for it yunno. ive burdened myself with the expectation that unless i come back with something big and grand to show off then i shouldnt come back at all it feels like i have nothing to show for the time ive been gone even though i left for the sake regaining self control to not feel ashamed to draw what i wanted idk overall it just feels like i dont have a place, i am nothing but a silly little speck thanks you for the asks that were concerned, im sorry i didnt really say anything before disappearing, i just kinda shut down. im gonna dump my art from the past 2 months and idk what ill do after that, might dip again or youll see me round again
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missallanea-a · 8 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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MUSE NAME: Multimuse ( too many to list here )
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: IMs. I'm getting back into adding people to Discord as well, but that's a bit slow going.
EXPERIENCE: 12 years on Tumblr ( hhhh ) and 18-ish years spent writing on various forums and instant messengers.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I mostly write slice of life type stuff these days, although leaning toward fluff or angst is always fine. I can't say I necessarily have a preference : the only thing I don't necessarily prefer to write is fighting ( as in writing physical fights, not arguments ) or smut.
"WANNA RP" ASKS : These drive me absolutely up a wall. I'm not talking about people reaching out in IMs or asks with "hey I have an idea I want to play out," or sending me plot ideas. No, I mean asks that straight up, just say "wanna rp?" or some variation therein. First off : I'm a roleplay blog. So I feel like the question is irrelevant. But second off, these asks always, always come from non-mutuals who clearly have disregarded my rules to send the ask. I delete them on sight. Petty? Probably. But I cannot stand them.
PUTTING MORE THAN ONE-TO-THREE SPACES BETWEEN YOUR WORDS : So, I can't really see the difference when people put two or three spaces between their words versus one. What I'm talking about here is when people put like... five-to-ten. It makes your posts impossible to read, and if there's some aesthetic to it, I just... don't see it. It just hurts my head and makes me mad.
REPETITIVELY STATING NO ONE WANTS TO WRITE WITH YOU : Yes, this is petty of me, but dear lord. Nothing is more annoying to me than looking at someone's blog and seeing endless pages of them whining or passive-aggresively saying things like "WELL since NO ONE wants to write with me I guess I'll log off" or something like that. It just... drives me up a wall. I get it, it feels like crap when you feel like no one wants to write with you. But this is a hobby, and if it is effecting your mood that deeply that often then you may need to disconnect to prevent the social bleed. Once in a while is one thing, everyone has a down day. I'm talking about blogs where every other post is some variation on this theme.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Memes, honestly. I'm not against plotting, but I am so horrifically bad at it. If you come to me with a plot you wanna play out, I'll probably be game! But I'm... not likely... to come up with anything.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Yes. There is no or, the answer is yes. My one exception is one-liners : I don't mind short posts when you give me somewhere to go / something to go off of. But a single line of dialogue is probably not gonna do the trick, unless it's just a silly crack thread.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Late evening into middle of the night. Sometimes I can also get writing done in the middle of the day, but not often.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Yes and no. On a multimuse like this, the answer is definitely : some of them, absolutely yes. I see a lot of myself in Amity, Eda, Kagami, and Maxi. But others, not in the least.
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tagged by: @serabellyms thank you ♡
tagging: whoever wants to steal it uwu
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aistheseos · 2 years
hey, idk if you're even around??? but i was going through my old blogs i used to have, and i found you! we used to roleplay ichigo/keigo! i was iichigo--k !!! i hope you're doing well, i missed you!
hello! thanks so much, i'm doing ok!! i hope you are too!
i am indeed "around," so to speak! i just have had a hard time making a habit of logging in on this blog! (once i get out of the habit of something it takes me a while to get back into it hhhh) i'm also pretty sure 90% of the ppl i used to thread with are inactive aaaand i stopped doing tumblr rp so long ago that i'm probably way out of date with the customs and such... 8D; so i'm mostly in limbo over here, not sure what to do!
but! i'm on dreamwidth more often, as far as rp is concerned! but lmk if you wanna chat more! i have discord and wouldn't mind catching up or just bsing. c: it's nice getting a message from you! ♥
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kaptainandy · 3 years
tfw no one can buy the book for class cuz it’s too expensive/sold out/not available outside the us so the professor completely reworks the class and posts the updated syllabus and materials wednesday at 3am and still expects you to have the first assignment done in the less than 20 hours since posting the updated course. needless to say i worked for 12 hours straight today and am mentally exhausted woohoo. i really like the classes but fuck i was already in a brain fog so i’m not happy with how my sketches turned out :\
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fractempyreal · 4 years
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myonmukyuu · 6 years
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Mutsu K2 has been out for a few days now and I’m still losing my shit over her
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channieroo · 6 years
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kisskookisremaking · 6 years
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Hhhh, ok. After stopping my heart like a virgin with the 2p FACE headcanons, can we see some aftercare? Do they spend any amount of time checking on the aftermath?
May wanna have 🚨emergency 🚨 on speed dial because you’ll have a humming bird heartbeat 💓 from this one .
🚬2p France 🚬 : The one who takes the most time himself to recover but he does make sure that you have everything you need and then some. I hope you like long luxurious bubble baths complete with smooth rain lofi, wine, or a hot beverage, a novel or magazine if you want, or he’ll even turn on a podcast. If all you want is silence he will happily oblige to your command. He wants to make sure you are comfortable as you decompress. He will go outside for a few cigarettes and will do his own time to unwind. Also, don’t be intimidated by his elongated silence and nothing more than one-word answers. He’s not angry just he’s 100% has a whole conversation going on his mind about seeing you in such an intimate capacity he… needs time to process.
He’s fallen in love and that’s not really a thing for him.
You now belong to him and eventually, he will come and join you in the bath and make sure that all of your needs are being met. He’s in a state of pure bliss while he gets to stare at your bare form. So enjoy the lavender and rose-scented air that romance has bloomed in.
🕶2p America🕶: Sucks at it but he’s learning. He’ll get it right eventually. And yes, I referring to the way that he’s not so good about romance. He does make sure that you are okay and will offer to help you to the bathroom and get you some water so that you can begin to stabilize yourself. He does make sure that during the act you’re okay and that he isn’t seriously injuring you. He does keep a first-aid kit stocked near the bed that has slings, an AED machine, bandaids, painkillers you name it he probably has it in the dresser. He’s that rough during the in-the-sheet shuffle.
He will gently apply Neosporin to your love bite, scratch, and bruise he gave you. He’ll praise you for surviving.
“Good y/n you’re as tough as the nails in my trusted bat.”
“You’re so eloquent with words.” You say sarcastically.
“I’m hot so what doll.” He will squeeze one of the areas he just finished mending just to be a dick. You’ll punch his arm playfully and call him an asshole. Next thing you know you’re making out again. And you’re going for another round. (Yes, in my previous post I did forget to mention that roughhousing / play fighting appeals to get you in the mood for lovemaking. He’s the only one and maybe Canada that can pull that move off well and put the stamina to keep it up.)
🍁2p Canada 🍁 : He’s a good romantic if not better in his 1p version. That means his aftercare is also top-notch. He’ll kiss you on the forehead and linger and his hot breath adds more condensation to your soft skin. He will look at you directly in the eyes and ask
“Tu vas bien ma feuille d’érable?” in his French Canadian accent he likes to use from time to time.
He’ll help you out of the bed so you can get to the indoor sauna that he built in his log cabin that is deep within the Canadian wilderness. He will offer to massage your hands, feet, and back. Matthew will also make sure you’re relaxed, clean, pampered, and fed.
He will make your favorite comfort food or if you let him he will make some classic Canadian favorites, like butter tarts, Montreal-style bagels, or his favorite Halifax donair. He will even spoon-feed you so you really won’t have to lift a finger.
🧁2p England🧁 :He will always finish by kissing your face all over and saying over and over “I love you” like an addicting harmonic song.
“Are you alright poppet?” He will lower his head to yours and gently ask: “Breakfast in bed with cupcakes to finish.” Once you confirm with him what you desire he cleans himself up so he can do so. He draws you a bath and lights cotton candy scented pink and yellow candles. He trys to keep a romantic but peaceful vibe long after you two are done for the day. He then headed down into the kitchen to help you recover.
“Make sure you’re hydrated by the way poppet.” He leaves a glass of sparkling water next to the bath as he came to check on you while he was cooking. Once your clean and he’s brought up the food you watch a movie together and doze off while snuggling one another.
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yukimiyaa · 3 years
a/n: uhh??? idk what this is but stupidity??? this doesn't make sense but more stupidity??? and a lot of insulting tsumu because I love him
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"WHAT THE HECK ATSUMU!?" you slam your hands on the table, clearly frustrated. "THIS IS THE SAME QU—"
"STOP RUNNIN YA MOUTH 'M TRYIN 'KAY!" atsumu yells back, frustrated as well from all the brain wracking.
"YOU'RE CLEARLY NOT! LISTEN." you shift closer to his face sending him glares, "it's already hectic enough to be stuck with you out of all people in tutoring nothing else but MATHS! and you're not even TRYING to focus!"
"ARRGHH MAYBE IF YER EXPLANATIONS WERE CLEAR!" he deflects, rustling through his hair.
taking a deep breathe in an attempt to not pop a vein from being stuck with this idiot, you proceed to speak again, a lost count of just how many times you've explained this to him. "for the millionth time, you put sin⁻¹ when you need to find the angle —"
"STO— don't scream," you keep your tone low. "if only kita-san wasn't busy I wouldn't be in this hell hole with this smooth brain," you mumble under your breathe.
"ya said sumn?" he asks with a frown.
"no. it was nothing. as I told you already," you continue, pinching the bridge of your nose, "press shift and then—"
"AH A GOT THIS! see a got it even before ya explained it! a just played dumb, a knew it all along," that's only what he claims. the 90 minutes you wasted on the same question says otherwise.
"well then, that's great! you're on your own now. ace the math test and go to your volleyball games," you give him a smug grin knowing damn well he won't get any far from here without your help.
"hey! wait no— a mean even if a can do this by myself ..uhm" he averts his eyes trying to look anywhere but your figure standing in front of the door.
you interrupt him before he finishes. "shut up I know what you mean. and it's not like I can leave right now anyways," you said rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly.
"aww, ya think 'bout me so much," he adds, reclining back in his chair on the opposite side of the table, "'s about time ya stopped pretendin ya hate me and confess ya know."
you point to the window, implying that he should look outside, after throwing a dictionary right at his face that had been lying around lazily on the table. "it's not because of you fool, my skin still burns from being around you even at a 6ft radius. I won't be able to go since it'll rain."
atsumu peeks behind and indeed, dark clouds were piling up above head. "well yeah a figured the same thing," he replied in the usual manner.
you notice him getting up from his seat across the table after a long pause. "I'm gonna kick your shins if you try to leav-"
"'m not!" he exclaims, a faint blush on his cheeks. "'m simply shiftin to yer side so a can hear ya better."
"fine," finding your own cheeks a little warm as well. "so what did we talk about tan?"
"that thing from the tree?"
"the ...log?"
you stare at him in complete disbelief. eye twitching. "there's connection in any of those." atsumu just scratches his head.
"hhhh" calm yourself down y/n. "ok then what's cos?"
"cuz what?" he replies with a confused expression.
"cos???" you repeat.
"yeah cuz what?"
"miya atsumu." his name leaves your mouth sternly when you stand up from your seat. "do you even have shit in there?"
surely, atsumu had seen you angry by the many times he has ticked you off. intentionally or not. he has seen you angry. but today he really took the cake. nobody, and by nobody I mean nobody had witnessed this side of you. even the great miya atsumu is petrified by the sight of you shooting him the deadliest cold glares, your angered face expression, and the boiling aura you're whirling. He doesn't smugly grin this time; instead, he's taken aback, his palms sweating, soul almost levitating from the tension.
"for the last time. tan is the log from the tree and cos—"
it takes a moment for you both to process what you just said, and before you know it, the tension in the room had been replaced by giggles and laughter.
"you're seriously gonna drive me crazy miya," you laugh, hands on your stomach from how hard you've been laughing.
"want me to do it more often?" it's his flirting nature that controls the response.
"yes," and that's an unconscious answer that spills out of your mouth as you lock your eyes with a pair of brown ones.
atsumu's hand instinctively finds itself caressing your face and tucking stray hair behind your ears while you both lean in closer. rubbing tiny circles on your jaw as his lips scarcely brush onto the pair of yours. the room now cool from the refreshing downpour outside, listening to the rhythm of rain and the scent of freshly damp dirt lingering. the sky roaring just a tad bit.
"hey these rooms are about to be locked soon— sorry was I interrupting something?" the voice is familiar, it's nobody else but the only person that shares the same face with the piss haired boy, the other twin, miya osamu.
"not really we were just packing up and bout to leave!" you respond hastily.
you sure have a knack for timing samu; translates atsumu's disapproving gaze at his brother which says otherwise.
and there goes the classic enemies to lovers plot. maybe he can, an will get to explore more sides of you that nobody else has seen. all reserved for himself. and he's looking forward to take it with open arms.
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entishramblings · 4 years
The Essence of Arda [Legolas X Reader]
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A.N: whoA okay so this fic took me on a whole ass adventure. I kinda just let the story go where it wanted to and ya know I’m kinda happy with how it turned out. Also, “(h/c)” means hair color...there is something I included but I wanted to make sure you guys could still see yourself as the character so yeah! Another also...I’m sorry....this was requested literally so long ago.
Request: @sokkasdarling — heyhey im gonna request smth cus i LOVE U AND UR WRITING HHHH okay so how about a jealous legolas fic where he thinks the reader and aragorn have a lil thing going on but they're just really great friends and she actually likes legolas very much?? please and thank you<3333
Pairing: Legolas X Reader
Summary: (Y/N) and Legolas’s paths cross in an unexpected way and the two develop feelings for each other. However, Legolas is unsure and gets jealous bc of the way Aragorn and (Y/N) interact.
Word Count: 3,661 (sorry I got a little carried away)
Warnings: angst, fluff, cuteness, jealousy, the tiniest amount of nudity
(gif not mine)
Legolas had met many wandering souls throughout his travels of middle earth—weathered, withered, and warped humans in particular, for the elements and loneliness seemed to affect them more so. Elves, on the other hand, were bound to nature. It was where their hearts rested and their spirits thrived; therefore, the desperation of the empty lands of Arda did not affect him. However, that didn’t mean he did not wish for company. So, on that account, Legolas made his way north towards the Dundain, in hopes to see his good friend Aragorn once more.
It was there, in the northern wilderness, where he met the most riveting and thought-provoking individual. The intriguing nature that compelled his attention was that she was so unlike the other humans he ventured upon, specifically because she wasn’t exactly human.
The first time he had met (Y/N) was when her sharp canine teeth were at his throat.
A (h/c) she-wolf had launched herself at him with an unhinged jaw and barring teeth. The nimble creature had been so swift that he, even as an elf, did not have time to react. The wolf had pinned him down with a viscous expression—laughing at his surprise. Legolas was only quick enough to pull a knife from his belt once he was already knocked down upon the mud. However, he hesitated just before he was going to strike the blade into the beasts’ belly.
As intimidated as he was, something in those vibrant earthy eyes made him halt. Was it the deep churning of the sea? The fresh breath of the sky? The moisture of the leaves? The pooling of sun-kissed honey? The thickness of clay-like soil? Legolas was unsure why exactly, but those eyes reflected the essence of Arda—they reflected it right back into his soul. And here was his miscalculation, for the natural instincts of a wolf would not suspend for its prey—well, not without a familiar voice calling out....?
“(Y/N), NO!”
The creature froze. She reluctantly backed off of his form but she did not let her guard down. Instead, she circled him with those same barring teeth and low growls.
Legolas inhaled a deep breath of cold air as he tried to re-center himself, for it was not often an elf got knocked on their ass and enthralled so deep in a beauty.
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and focused in on his elvish senses—feeling every nerve in his body scream out to be alert.
Legolas’s ears picked up the first indication—the speaker.
A sound of rough, ragged panting carried through the breeze as his gaze whispered upon the being who had previously hollered—a worn down Ranger.
A small grin crossed the elf’s face. Aragon stood before Legolas, with hands on his knees, sucking in deep breathes. An entirely human action. The Ranger clearly had a hard time keeping up with the canine creature—which he surprisingly seemed to be acquainted with.
“Legolas, by the Valar, I didn’t know you were traveling through these parts,” He exclaimed.
The elf chuckled as he stood, brushing dirt off his palms.
“Well, I suppose I am lucky for she listens to you well,” He nodding at the wolf for reference.
The Ranger shook his head and let out an amused laugh. “She never listens to a thing I say. So, you are lucky, indeed.”
The wolf released a snort-like sound as if she was retorting to his words.
The Ranger rolled his eyes before speaking to Legolas again, “Let me show you to where we are camped. A hot meal will be waiting.”
Legolas smiled softly, “Thank you, Mellon Nin (my friend).”
The group—consisting of man, elf, and wolf—traveled through the woodland tundra with small conversation between the two who could speak. They shared their recent adventures and current news across the lands until they come upon a handful of Rangers around a blazing fire. They were clad in similar attire as Aragorn, being worn leather boots and thick fraying fabrics. Each of them had the same haunted expressions as many people Legolas had met, yet nothing like the joyful grin that pulled slightly at Aragorn’s lips.
The Ranger introduced each of his companions to the elf as he settled down upon a log. Legolas did the same, allowing himself to become enthralled by the brilliant flames. The she-wolf left his thoughts.
As the moon rose high and stars stretched across the sky, the rangers began to settle for the evening. It was then when the elf ducked away to relieve himself.
He made his way through the twisting trees in silence for he enjoyed listening to the sounds of night’s nature. But the normal chirps and hoots was not what met his ears; rather it was snapping bones and ripping skin, small groans and weak whimpers—it was pain.
Legolas narrowed his eyes and crept forward cautiously, fearful of what he might find.
The sounds let him towards a rather large bolder that was impeded in the ground and covered in thick moss. He was startled as he laid a hand on the cold stone, for a leg protruded upon the side—a leg belonging to the canine species.
It bended and it snapped, morphing into one of human nature—much like his own. It then disappeared behind the rock once more. He could not hold back the gasp that left his lips for witnessing such a thing was—shocking, confusing, terrifying. It was unnatural, but then again, what was ever natural within the lands of Arda?
Legolas’s attention was drawn upwards as a naked figure shakily stood before him.
She stood straight, with impeccable posture, and a head held high; but that is not what claimed his consciousness. It was that vibrant gaze, burning angry holes into him.
She spoke sharply, “Well, are you going to pass me my clothing?”
Instead of responding or making any motion, he froze as if he was deer hiding from the predator once more. His blue orbs locked onto hers, for he dared not let his gaze wander.
Dreadful silence hung in their air as he processed that the person before him indeed was a wolf moments before—the wolf.
However, that antagonizing absence of sound was disrupted when life was breathed back into him and he could finally move his lips. Though it came out as a whisper, for elves were conservative creatures and such a sight had caught him off guard, it still came out nonetheless.
“You are—are not entirely human.” He stated with an expression that seeped curiousness and inquiry.
“Though, currently, I am shaped like one. So, as you are in my way, I will ask you once again to pass me my clothing.” She reiterated.
Legolas’s brows pulled together and his lips mumbled her words back to her as he searched his mind for the meaning. He twisted around and around until a pile of dark fabrics caught his eye. He grasped them gently and passed it over the boulder between them into her calloused hands.
He turned so his back was facing her. His anxiety and awkwardness reverberated off of every word that non-consensually tumbled from his lips. “You are a shifter then—able to alter your form? A wolf....so I suppose it was you who almost tore my throat out.” He paused before recalling her name, “(Y/N).” He should have stopped there if he could, but alas, he couldn’t. “I have only ever met one other like you. His name was Beorn—a great black bear he was—“
She interrupted him, “Most elves I come across are not so verbal. Though, Strider had mentioned you before, Legolas. A strange fellow you are indeed.”
A small grin of embarrassment flickered across his face, not that she could see. “He called me strange?”
A laugh, sounding of blades of grass rubbing together against the wind, struck the air. (Y/N) spoke, “For an elf he had said. But truly, he was too generous with those extra words.”
Legolas tilted his head at that for it seemed to be an insult; but before he could decide on such a matter, she called out to him again—this time fully clothed and ten feet in front of him.
“Are you coming?”
He quickly scampered after her.
As he and (Y/N) entered the area, Aragorn, who still sat by the fire, glanced up with a shimmer in his eye.
Legolas gridded his teeth and sat down next to the man. In a voice as low and quiet as he could muster, he spoke to the Ranger. “Why didn’t you tell me she was the wolf?”
Aragorn smirked in amusement before whispering back, “I figured you would eventually come to that conclusion and by your expression it was not of the best experiences.”
Legolas shot his friend a glare, but that only made the Ranger grin more.
Luckily for the elf, (Y/N) interrupted the moment. “Strider, did you save me some stew? I’m starved.”
The man passed a bowl to her as he spoke, “You know I always do, (Y/N).”
She smiled gratefully.
The Ranger stood and made his way to his bedroll, clapping the elf on the shoulder as he went.
Legolas took notice of the interaction between the two and turned his attention to the woman sitting across from him.
Once he was sure Aragorn was out of ear shot, he spoke quite bluntly, “You and Strider....are you—“
She snorted, “No, no. His heart lies in Rivendell.”
Legolas raised an eyebrow, “And yours?”
(Y/N) shrugged and glanced up at the scenery around them. “Here. In the lands of middle earth.”
The elf tilted his head, examining her again.
She stopped her chewing and sent him an accusatory look. “What?”
Legolas smiled softly, “I sense that shifters are much like elves in that regard—bound to nature and tethered in the sky.”
She raised a brow, “And what makes you think that?”
He chuckled lightly at her bold fierceness, “Your eyes. I can see the essence of Arda in them.”
(Y/N) shook her head in amusement, “Elves and their poetry.” She paused, taking a moment to think. “Although what you say is true, it is within that where I think we differ. You elves are laced up spiritually whereas shifters are tied animalisticly.” When the elf did not respond she continued, “You care for morals, I care to survive.”
Legolas nodded in understanding, “Yet we both appreciate the beauty of it.”
The corner of her lip pulled upwards and she shook her head in agreement.
As time went on and the small group traveled, the female shifter and the elf became great friends—bonding over their infinity with nature. The two had split off from the rangers for a little while because (Y/N) wanted to see the forest of Greenwood and examine what seemed to be haunting it. However, after approximately two moon cycles, they met with Aragorn once more. He was not with his previous companions though, so it was only the three of them.
The months had gotten colder and they traveled upon open plains so (Y/N) stayed in her wolf form. It was easier for the time being. And it was in this shape that she came bounding towards the ranger that she had not seen in a while.
She jumped up upon him, knocking him to the ground as she had once done to Legolas. She plastered wet slobbery licks upon his face as his chest rumbled with laughter.
The elf could not help but feel a pang of jealous encase his heart. He had grown to develop feelings for the shifter as they had grown close over their journey. 
Just as he felt bound to nature, he felt bound to her.
So he stood, with a fire burning in his heart, as he watched (Y/N) give canine affection to his human friend.
As the days continued on, Legolas’s irritation grew. (Y/N) strayed closer to Aragorn’s side—rubbing her face against his leg and pawing at his feet in attempt to trip him.
Of course, Aragorn could pick up on the elf’s mood and angry looks. He had thought Legolas was aware of his lover in Rivendell, but perhaps not. The Ranger had wanted to find a moment alone with the elf so he could assure him of the sibling-like relationship between him and the shifter; but with open freezing lands like this, there was no privacy.
The small trio had settled upon large rocks for the night as that was the only shelter available. They lit a brilliant fire in attempt to starve off the nipping wind, but it only did so much.
Aragorn, wrapped in blankets, had fallen asleep quite quickly; whereas Legolas sat brooding, leaning against a boulder.
It was a moment before he noticed those curious eyes on him. They twinkled with the emotions of Arda, searching his soul. With a tilted head, the wolf approached him slowly.
She crawled forward, so close that her wet nose was inches from his own. She resting one large paw upon his thigh but her weight did not hurt him.
Legolas did not move because he was taken by surprise. (Y/N), as partially human, did understand boundaries; yet, she did not seem to care about them in this instance. Instead, she studied him—up close.
The elf knew that she was searching him for answers given she had noticed his mood as well. However, Legolas did not wish to give any. Therefore, he held his porcelain elf features strong, not bending to her intimidation. He starred right back at her. Though this time, his eyes were filled with anger and frustration—and (Y/N) could tell.
Legolas was upset with her for she blatantly gave Aragorn affections.
Could she not see his heart?
He had said he would not bend to her will and intimidation. He had decided he would be cold towards her. He had made a choice—a choice that he could not uphold as he gazed into her soft eyes of nature.
Slowly, he raised a gentle hand. He brought it close to her face. When she did not pull away, he cupped the canine’s features.
To his disbelief, (Y/N) completed an action he had never seen her do before—even with Aragorn. She leaned into his touch.
Legolas’s lips parted as the moment encapsulated his mind.
He let his hand fall slowly and (Y/N) leaped off his lap. But she did not scamper off in a different direction. Instead, she ducked into his side and curled up against him. She let her head rest on his lap.
Cautiously, Legolas began to stroke her soft, (h/c) fur. He let the short strands slip through his fingers, lulling her to sleep.
When Legolas woke, (Y/N) was not in his sights. He sent a confused expression towards Aragorn who was tending to the dwindling flames.
“She will be back,” the Ranger stated simply.
The elf stood and walked towards Aragorn. “Where did she go?”
The ranger shrugged while biting back a smile.
Legolas frowned at his playful expression, “I know you know something, Aragorn.”
The man raised his brows. “I woke sometime in the night. You and (Y/N) seemed quite close.” He paused, the tone of his voice changing, “You know, she never lets anyone touch her like that.”
“Never have you....?” Legolas let his sentence trail off as the ranger shook his head.
Aragorn spoke again, “My heart rests with another.”
Their conversation was cut short by a feminine voice. “Have either of you seen my cloak?”
Legolas’s head snapped in the direction of the sound for it had been long since (Y/N) was in her human form.
The shifter stood before them shivering slightly in her clothes. They were clearly not fit for the freezing air as the fabric was thin—so thin that her the curve of her breasts and nipples was easily seen.
Legolas adverted his eyes and instantly began to ruffle through his bag as he spoke with concern in his tone. “(Y/N), why have you shifted to your human form? Did you not say it was safer for you to travel through this weather as a wolf?”
She sighed, “It is harder to communicate in my animal form.”
Both of the men knew what she was alluding to.
Legolas cleared his throat and pulled out a couple fabrics from his bag. “I have been carrying your cloak.” He moved towards her as he continued speaking. “Wear this as well. It is an elvish tunic weaved from my homeland; it will keep you warm.”
“Legolas, you don’t ha—“
He shook his head, “Please, I insist.”
(Y/N) reluctantly took it and pulled the fabric over her head. She frowned as she handled the wrap around ties, not quite able to figure out how they were supposed to lay.
The elf smiled softly, “Here, let me.”
Ever so gently he took the extra fabric in his hands and begun to weave it around her form. He tied the delicate cloths in a simple knot before moving to fasten her cloak under her chin.
“Thank you, Legolas.”
He tucked a stray hair behind her ear, “It is no problem.”
He turned to gather his belongings as they were to continue their way through Arda. However, as he did so, Aragorn shot him an amused playful look. The elf sent him a sharp glare in retribution.
Within a couple days, a winter storm hit the group. Luckily, they were not far from a human town which they gratefully took refuge in. Of course, as they busted into the inn, many weird looks were thrown their direction. It was not often this area was crossed by elves and rangers—and skin changers, but they were unaware of (Y/N)’s less than human nature.
They each paid for a room and took time to settle into the warmth.
Legolas rested on the edge of the cot, fiddling with one of his blades. He had let his thoughts wander to a place he had been avoiding. A bond with nature was one thing he knew deep within his soul, but a bond with another was something untouched and left uncovered. Of course he had had acquaintances with friends and family; however, the bond he was debating over was one with a lover. He knew where his heart craved to be, yet he was unsure how to proceed.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the frame of his open door.
Legolas looked up to see (Y/N). She was wearing fresh clothing, likely washed and pressed by a maid. All the filth and grim had been scrubbed from her skin and her wet hair was pulled into a tight braid.
“(Y/N),” he stated simply. “Is something wrong?”
She shook her head as she stepped into his room, “Well, not entirely.”
Legolas frowned at that comment.
The shifter walked closer until she stood only a foot from the elf.
He looked up into her vibrant eyes with question.
(Y/N) cleared her throat as she gently placed something soft and neatly folded into his hands. “Thank you for lending me your extra tunic.”
He smiled softly at her, “Won’t you need it again when we depart? The weather isn’t getting warmer anytime soon.”
A light chuckle rumbled in her chest and she shook her head in response.
Legolas placed the fabric next to him and looked up at her again. He did not notice he was staring until she whispered his name.
“Legolas, why do you do that?”
He tilted his head trying to hid his embarrassment, “What do you mean?”
Her teeth scraped her bottom lip, “Why do you look at me like that?”
The elf adverted his gaze, “My apologizes. I did not mean to offend you—“
(Y/N) interrupted him, “It is not an offense.” She sighed before speaking again. “You look at me like you marvel at nature—as if I am something so breath taking.”
“You are.” He frowned, “Do you not think so of yourself?”
The woman did not say a word; instead, she shifted her vision to the floor.
Legolas reached outwards and took her hand in his own. “You are breath taking, (Y/N)—even more so than nature.”
She shook her head, “I—I don’t understand.”
Legolas could not hold back any longer. He knew he needed to explain what he meant but no words could formulate such a thing. Therefore, he gave into his impulses and did the only thing he could think of to demonstrate it. The elf pulled her into him and grasped her cheeks with his hands. Legolas drew her face downward and smashed his lips against hers. When she did not reiterate any action he instantly pulled away. Had he taken a step too far?
“Legolas,” she breathed out in a whisper.
“I...I am sorry...I didn’t—“
She shook her head and clasped his cheeks, bringing his mouth to hers once again. Their lips moved together like the rhythmic dance of the wind—swirling and intertwining with eagerness. Legolas could taste the essence of Arda upon her lips—the sweet honey from east of the Anduin, the fresh berries from the region of Eriador, the bitter nuts from the mountains of Angmar. (Y/N) moved her body in-between his legs, but she decided that that was not close enough. So, she lifted herself into his lap, letting his calloused hands encircle her waist and hold her steady. She could feel the warmth of sparking fires, the comfort of soft wool, the shield of shelter from harsh winds. Legolas laid down upon the bed, pulling her form with him. He could hear the pounding of her heart and the gasps of her breath. Every sound she made did not escape him, it fueled him. (Y/N) tangled her fingers in his blonde locks and smiled against his lips for she recognized every aspect of nature within the elf, for it was in her too. It was the essence of Arda.
Everything Tag: @sokkasdarling @scxundress @quilledinkpen @hufflepuffinblr @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust
Legolas Tag: @dark-angel-is-back @mylittle-escapingdreams @arandomfandomblog @moriamithril
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
E//rasermic Fic (Short)
E//rasermic allergy trouble i thought of this idea and then wrote it
Also if someone wants to draw or animate any of my wavs or fic you are more then welcome to just tag me. I cant draw otherwise i would but yea anyway ignore me rambling enjoy!!
The car hummed while Shouta sat stationary waiting for the call that would signal the end of his Husband's camping trip with Eri and Shinsou. When Hizashi left 3 days ago he was excited to spend time with his newly adopted children.
As Shouta sat staring at the forest in front of him and the time ticked by he started to worry that something had happened to them. He was shocked out of his thoughts when his phone started to ring.
He quickly answered. “Hello?”
A voice answered that both calmed and made Shouta groan “ sniff Hello sweetie sorry we had a little setback sniff and we are on the way to the parking lot now.”
Congestion could be heard in the Pro voice and naturally, the Pro became inquisitive. “What happened?”
The chirping of birds and the sound of twigs breaking could be heard over the muffled response of the Pro. “umm you see there was this cliff and Eri was curious and--
“Is Eri okay?” Shouta screamed panic began to fill his mind and body.
“Oh, yea! She is totally fine but I fell in order to save her…I was being heroic you should be proud!!” Shouta could imagine the pro smiling. “But I lost my pack which means my allergy meds.”
The pro tried to continue to talk but Shouta could hear the desperation in his voice “The kids …sniff kinda hhhh ugh sniff found this entertaining but ugh I think the forest ca hehh can’t survive this must more….god Hhhuh- Hhh-! Hehh-! He’EKSSHHHHh!! HHHrr’ESSHMMMpp!!
Shouta shook his end and turned off the car and stepped out into the musky parking lot. He then instructed Mic to stay where they are and Eraser would come to them. He could hear his husband relay the message to the kids and then promptly sniff back a flow of congestion. Luckily Eraser never left Mic to go anywhere without a tracker. This habit started after the great sleeping walking incident a few years back. As Eraser turned on the app, he saw he was only half a mile away and began walking.
As Eraser walked, he could hear the crunch of fresh pine needles and the chirping of birds. It was suddenly quiet and Shouta went on alert. He then was blown back with a thud as an eruption of sound crashed into him.
The sneeze had activated his voice quirk and soon Shouta could feel the blood dripping from his ears and he had to lean against a tree as the world spun around him. He thought of Hizashi along in the woods then suddenly remembered his kids. He ran until he found the clearing that was on his locator.
He scanned the clearing and thankfully he found Shinsou holding the small child and luckily, he had covered his ears so her ears were fine.
He then quickly found his husband. As he approached the scene, he had to hold back laughter as he imagined what happened. His husband was legs up in the air behind a log and Eraser chuckled at the thought of Hizashi sneezing himself off of the log he was sitting on and falling backward into a weed patch.
Eraser pulled the man to his feet and brushed the dirt and weeds from his face. “We should get out of here before the park ranger thinks an earthquake is happening.”
Hizashi rubbed his eyes which were red and puffy and sniffed “Yea just fuck again hold on. Mic turned away from his family and began to breathe erratically.
“hiih-hih hiih-hhhhh ”Hh’NsTCHH! ‘NsTCH’IEWW! ‘NstCH’IEWW! ‘NXGTCH’EH! Ngh.”
Thankfully they didn’t have the voice quirk activation but they seemed so strong the blond lost his balance and Eraser had to grab his husband. He could see this trip had taken a toll and he grunted as he picked up the sneezy pro carrying him fireman style his ass in his face.
“Come on kids”. They walked over and then the little voice of Eri spoke.
“Bless you daddy, those were some big sneezies, when I feel bad you tell me this can help.”  She then quickly scaled Eraser and hugged the blond man.
‘While this was very cute’ Eraser thought he could quickly see that her fair had a flower crown of mostly weeds and this was going to cause some problems. He motioned to Shinsou to take her and he did without saying anything as Mic's breath began to hitch.
“Tha-hihhh ugh sniff thanks, sweetie. Yea daddy not feel—hihhh so gr-hehh Huhh- haah...hAH! NsTC ’CHhhh!!”
Shouta shook with the forces of the allergy-ridden pro sneezes but didn’t lose him. He could see the parking lot and was thankful this adventure would soon be over as Mic geared up for another round, he thinks to himself ‘he loves his family.’
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ragingwave · 3 years
A small sof update! At least something fresh since my last post! 
While my blog is still in a tidying phase with me blowing the dust off of it and all, for the most part I can say i’m back and to my delight my rules and page are still quite up to date! I’ve been mostly lurking around this week to get a feel of the dash again and catching up on changes with muns & muses I used to religiously follow. Catching up on new headcanons and stories that i’ve missed since my break. I’ve gotten a chance to catch up with some of you too and it’s so nice to be so warmly welcomed back every time I peek my head here. I’ve missed so many of you very much. ♥ Admittedly, i’ve been awfully shy about reaching out to people again. It feels like i’m back at square one, but I like it that way. I’ll make a longer post about where in the world did I bounce off to and what i’ve been up to since, and my goals on coming back here another day. If anyone has my Discord, I should have you know I haven’t logged into it in a very long time at this point, so IMs is the best way to buzz me until I decide if I want to tidy up that one or start anew. ♥
I can’t promise that i’ll be fast, but i’m excited to have Nessa in my headspace again and I can’t wait to interact again with people (new and old!)
I suppose the biggest update I should mention in this little update is that if it’s not too much trouble i’d really appreciate if you all didn’t mind using they / them pronouns for me alongside she/her. ♥ That’s another little-big journey i’ve been stepping through BUT DO KNOW its still okay to use she/her pronouns with me too! 
also if we had plots / connections / ideas anyone would still like to maintain / keep up with going forward with my comeback please let me know because HHHH I HAVE BEEN AFRAID TO ASK THAT OF MANY PEOPLE AND I KNOW THERE’S BEEN HUGE STORY CHANGES FOR PEOPLE
That’s all i’ve got for right now! Thank ya’ll for reading! 
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
Also can I say that closing the banners every time I log in was bad enough but now I also have to close out the same anime preview every day for like a week straight hhhh
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