#hi jolly cemetery
eopederson · 1 year
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Hi Jolly Cemetery, Quartzite, Arizona, 2023.
Tombstone for a Syrian born camel driver who worked for the US Army in the Arizona desert.
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sorrowsofsilence · 23 days
Burning Out • XI
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loudThat we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 5.1k
General Fanfic Warnings: 18+, explicit language, smut, alcohol, drugs, violence, mentions murder/suicide, panic attacks/anxiety, nightmares
Authors note: Chapter eleven - The Drain (EDITED: 09-03-24, not new new to the story!)
new? read from chapter one here
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The three of us sat in silence, the trees above the courtyard singing with the autumn air. I spoke to them for a few more minutes. I tried to make it quick, knowing that if I stayed longer I wouldn't be able to leave.
“I hope you get to meet her someday,” I murmured as I stood, dusting off my pants.
“I’d like to hear about this girl.”
My stomach dropped as I whipped around in alarm, my heart thumping rapidly once I met his silver completion.
Soon, I’ll kill my final piece of evidence… and soon, I’ll have control of Fidelio.
With my phone in hand, I paced back and forth across the room. Jolly and Folio’s eyes tracked my every movement, while Juice mewed from Folio’s lap. Despite their attempts to comfort me, not even a cute cat could cheer me up right now. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
I ran my thumb across the glass to refresh the app once more. No new messages. Clicking the call button for the hundredth time I almost screamed once it rang until voicemail again.
“Noah’s been gone for hours.” I swallowed harshly, “and there’s still no trace of Y/N.”
“Nicky-” Jolly began, standing up from the couch to place a soothing hand on my shoulder, stopping my pacing briefly, “I’m sure Noah’s fine- he’s probably freaking the fuck out looking for Y/N. Maybe even went to the cafe and Sammy’s to fill her bosses in…”
My stomach sunk at his words, and my mind began to race. Something didn’t feel right. I knew Noah, and something felt wrong. He told me he was going to go to the cemetery to clear his mind- and I don’t think he wouldn’t go find Y/N by himself, not after everything that happened. He knew we were stronger in a group.
I shook my head, refreshing my phone for the hundredth time before moaning in frustration, “No. I think he’s in trouble.”
“He’s probably still at the cemetery,” Nick reassured me, standing up with Juice in his arms.
“Can we go look?” I asked, eying both of them as I pressed call, ringing Noah again. No answer.
“He took Y/N’s car so we’d have to walk…” Jolly groaned.
Nick snorted, “Walking is for plebs. Let’s just Uber.”
“Really?” I sighed, giving my brothers a look of relief that they’d come with me.
Jolly laughed, patting my back as we grabbed our shoes, “If it eases your mind seeing him talking to some headstones, then let’s go.”
I threw him a look, glaring, “You know it’s not just any headstone.”
“I know, Nicholas. I know.” Jolly reassured me and I nodded curtly.
After half an hour, we reached the cemetery and I noticed that Y/N's car was still parked in the lot. My mind filled with a glimmer of hope as we walked down the unkempt path. However, the atmosphere was stagnant and my throat tightened with anxiousness. As we approached Noah's parents' plot, my hope faded away as there was no sign of him anywhere.
“I don’t see him,” I mumbled, walking with haste down the path.
The graves were now in sight and I sucked in a breath, shaking my head. Even though the car was still there, something was wrong.
There was a fresh set of white flowers scattered across the front of the graves, the vase that normally sat between the stones lying on the drying grass.
“He could have just left,” Nick chimed in, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Without the car?” I shrugged him off, pointing at the flowers, “He wouldn’t have laid them out like that. Why is the vase knocked onto the ground?”
Squinting my eyes at something that lay a few feet away from the stone, I felt my chest warm, and my head began to shake. My limbs halted and I watched Jolly brush past me, his head tilting as he bent down, picking up the black object.
“Is this-” He began, flipping it in his hand, inspecting the singular sneaker.
“Noah’s,” I said, my stomach dropping.
Folio shrugged, “It could be anyone’s.”
I reached for the shoe, pointing to the hole that was beginning to form on the toe, “No this is one hundred percent Noah’s- the hole forming? He’s had this pair of vans for over a year. Plus, they’re a size twelve.” I peeled back the tongue, analyzing the faded tag.
“How would he lose a shoe here?” Folio asked.
“He wouldn’t,” Jolly said, looking around the cemetery, his body turning quickly as he scoped out the trees, “He would have taken it off on purpose.”
I turned around, my mind beginning to spiral. First Y/N, now Noah.
He had to have been taken.
“Do you think he’s leaving a clue?” I whispered, staring at my brothers before glancing at the grass, my feet carrying me further into the cemetery.
“Those twins must’ve taken him,” Folio spit angrily, his fists clenching.
I watched Jolly as he leaned around the headstones, his fingers tracing the rock for any signs Noah may have left, before picking up one of the flowers. He twirled it between the pad of his thumb and index finger, staring at the dishevelled petals.
“There aren’t enough flowers here to be a full bouquet, and some of the petals are ripped…” Jolly’s eyes locked with mine briefly before I scanned the ground and trees, landing on a speck of white in the distance.
I pointed as my feet carried me towards the spec, “There.”
A few petals were dispersed down the path, and as I peered ahead, another sprinkle of white caught my gaze.
“I think he’s left a trail,” I said, my breathing becoming erratic as my eyes widened, fear sinking in.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Nick jogged up to me, pushing my shoulder to send me forward.
The three of us ventured deeper into the graveyard, passing various weathered tombstones, and surveying the ground every few feet for new petals. The further we walked, the more sparse the trail became. Eventually, it stopped altogether.
“Should we keep going?” Jolly asked, pointing to the gate that was open at the back of the cemetery.
Shrugging my shoulders, I kept walking, “We might as well.”
As we approached the gate, I felt a chill run down my spine. The rusted iron creaked ominously in the wind, and beyond it lay a dense thicket of trees. The forest looked dark and uninviting, but I knew we had to press on.
"I don't like this," Folio muttered, his eyes darting nervously from side to side.
"Me neither," I admitted, "but we have to find Noah."
We stepped through the gate, the gravel crunching beneath our feet. The trees loomed over us, their branches reaching out like gnarled fingers. I strained my eyes, searching for any sign of white petals or a clue from Noah.
Suddenly, Jolly grabbed my arm. "Look!" he hissed, pointing to a nearby tree.
There, caught on a low-hanging branch, was a scrap of fabric.
The lights in the room flickered, casting a yellow hue that created eerie shadows against the walls and made my head spin. The air was heavy and damp, permeated by a sense of despair that seemed to cling to every surface.
I coughed, my eyes burning from tears as I lay on the bed in the motel room. My limbs were bound tightly, and I struggled against the ropes for what felt like the hundredth time. Each tug only caused the rope to dig deeper into the wound it had created.
It had only been two days since I arrived here, but it felt like an eternity. Two days of pure agony and torture.
The door of the motel room clicked open, and I reflexively tensed up. But my fear quickly faded when I saw that it was Kiean. He came in holding a bag of fast food, and the delicious smell immediately made my stomach grumble. I tried to hide my hunger by swallowing hard and pushing away the urge to eat. But my stomach betrayed me with loud noises as Kiean locked the door and glanced at me with concern. "Are you going to finally give in and have something to eat?" he asked, tossing the key onto the rickety table by the wall. I avoided eye contact, keeping my mouth shut and refusing to engage in conversation.
The blonde walked over to me, the ice in the soft drink chittering against the paper cup as he placed it on the nightstand. He then opened the brown paper bag, pulling out some fries and some chicken strips.
Kiean's attempt at a smile was met with me turning my head away. He let out another sigh and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. I struggled against the rope holding me still, trying to distance myself from him, but my leg remained pressed against his back. The contact only fueled my anger.
"I even made sure to get your favourite sauce."
Old friends, same disease I'm killing myself again Old friends, same to me I can't get away from it
With a stern look, I directed my gaze towards him as my stomach grumbled once more. The tantalizing aroma of greasy food wafted in the air, making me feel even more sick with hunger. My throat was parched from lack of water. Kiean's eyes followed me with worry as he removed the wrapper from the straw and dipped it into the beverage before holding it up to my lips.
"Please drink, Y/N," he urged me.
The paper brushed against my lips and I squeezed them together, closing my eyes in resentment. He held the cup for almost a minute before I broke, taking the straw into my mouth and sucking up the liquid. I downed the entire thing, gasping for air once I stopped.
“Thank you,” Kiean murmured, opening the box of chicken strips and sauce. I tugged at the rope again before wincing as it dug into the laceration that formed.
Kiean’s brows furrowed as he stared at my wrist, before holding the strip to my mouth for me. No longer able to resist I took a bite and almost moaned at the flavour, swallowing greedily.
“Stop tugging on the rope,” He almost pleaded, “I’m sorry it’s hurting you. Kade would kill me if I took them off.”
Old friends are just a memory That I didn't need
His green eyes bore into me with unease, “You know how he is.” Yeah, I do.
We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while as he fed me. I was grateful for the food nonetheless, despite them kidnapping me and tying me to a bed frame. I don’t think I could have made it much longer without eating.
One question frequented my mind, and as much as I didn’t want to talk, I knew that deep down I was safer with Kiean than his brother; and I was afraid that at any moment, he would step through the door.
“Where is Kade?”
Kiean’s head snapped toward me in shock, surprised that I finally spoke.
“Oh- he’s out right now,” Kiean shrugged, turning his gaze to the floor, “I think he’s looking for your boyfriend.”
My heart clenched in worry, mind wandering to Noah and the boys. Were they okay after the crash? Were they hurt?
Were they looking for me?
“He’s not my boyfriend,” I mumbled, staring at the blonde. He turned to face me, eyes analyzing my expression. His pupils dilated in knowing, his stillness a telltale sign he knew something was up.
Kiean was always able to read through me.
“But you have feelings for him,” He said as we watched each other, the gaze between us speaking for me.
I tried my best to remain stiff, but I nodded, tears beginning to well in my eyes.
“I know why you left Y/N,” Kiean looked away, looking at his hands that were folded in his lap, playing with his fingers, “and I don’t blame you for leaving.”
“I couldn’t handle it anymore. So many people were hurt. So many people dead.” I whispered, my voice wavering. I blinked in an attempt to hide my tears, but that only made them fall down the skin of my cheeks.
Kiean picked at his nails, “I’m not gonna lie, you fucked us over.”
My mouth formed a straight line as I stared at the patterned bedsheets.
“The whole syndicate fell once you left. Matt followed. Then Orie, then Bryan. Our organization collapsed after you disappeared…and the Rule Maker took over. You know how much that would have pissed Kade off.”
My body stiffened at the mention of the Rule Maker. He was the biggest crime syndicate in North America other than us; always trying to take Fidelio down.
“Once business shifted and we tried building up again- but since we lost the crew it was almost impossible. We became petty dealers for a bit, but no one wanted to deal with Kade anymore. So, we’ve been working under the Rule Maker as the foxes.” Kiean sighed.
“And he’s blamed me for everything,” I laughed bitterly.
Kiean nodded, “I mean, our business fell apart once you left Y/N. We have nothing now.”
“So you blame me too?” I asked, glaring at him. Kiean didn’t say anything.
“It’s not my fault I didn’t want to be part of that shitty lifestyle anymore. I was tired of being used, and I was tired of being part of a problem,” my voice began to rise, “So many people got hurt, and I did some heinous things. I needed out, especially after everything with Kade happened.”
“Kade has issues, I know… but he loves you Y/N-”
“Oh fuck off!” I yelled, my body pulling against the restraints in frustration, “Don’t you dare say he loves me.”
My chest heaved as venomous words left my tongue, “What he did to me was not love. I wish he was dead.”
“Look-” Kiean placed a hand on my own, which caused me to flinch. I tried pulling away, but couldn’t due to the ropes grasp, “I know you’re angry. You hate him, and you hate me, but we need your help.”
“Why would I ever help you,” my teeth clenched in animosity.
Kiean watched me carefully, “You put that mask back on for your friend.”
I avoided his gaze once again.
“You knew we’d be able to find you, and you knew Kade would come in a heartbeat…So why did you risk everything you ran from, for him? If you were so done with this life, why are you willing to return for this guy?”
“I don’t know,” I whispered, “He needed help.”
“Y/N,” Kiean’s green irises begged, “If you’re willing to help someone you just met, can’t you help us? Help me?”
Kiean knew he was my weakness. He had always been there to save me from Kade’s hands. He protected me and kept me safe, despite how awful life was back in Canada. He was my best friend. He was my brother.
“We’re going to take down the Rule Maker,” He said firmly, standing up from the bed now.
“Excuse me?” I scoffed, a laugh almost escaping my lips from disbelief, “What?”
Kiean turned to the closer in the motel room, pulling out three fox head masks. Kiean’s, Kade’s, and…
“Yours,” Kiean said, holding up one of the masks. The silver paint glinted slightly from the flickering yellow motel light.
“We need your help, just this one last time. I promise we’ll leave your life for good if you help us.”
I stared at the mask, almost rolling my eyes, “And if I say no?”
The motel door opened, and I sucked in an anxious breath. Kade slammed the door, his expression furious as his sweat-stained hair hung over his forehead. My limbs warmed nervously as my lungs collapsed, air unable to escape.
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away
Had he been listening this whole time?
“Then I’ll kill you, and your little fuck toy,” Kade seethed, lifeless orbs glaring in my direction.
Watching as it circles in the drain With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
It was the fear of the unknown that amplified the sense of vulnerability and helplessness I felt. Being at the mercy of someone else and unable to anticipate their next move, left me terrified and completely hopeless.
The blindfold that covered my vision left me anxious as my body thrashed back and forth from the restraints that tied my arms back, the metal cold against my skin. As I attempted to wiggle free the chains that held me swung against the chair, clanging in my ears. The wind whistled around the building I must’ve been in, causing me to shiver.
I screamed angrily, swinging aimlessly before the chair toppled over and I landed on the cement ground with a thud, the side of my head smacking into the pavement.
I didn’t necessarily believe in a God- but I prayed.
I prayed that Y/N was okay and that she knew I was sorry for everything.
I prayed that whatever happened to me, my brothers knew I loved them. Knew how sorry I was that our lives were ruined because of me.
I prayed that they would be able to find the trail I left behind.
Old friends, same disease I can't get away from it Old friends, same as enemies
“There’s no way you pulled that pharmacy heist off by yourself,” Anger seeped through every word, every syllable.
“Who is she?”
I laughed, my body aching against the ground as I continued wrestling the chains, “You underestimating me?”
The man growled, pushing my face into the cement forcefully, causing me to laugh in resentment. Even through the blindfold, I could tell a snarle was embedded on his face.
“I stole your fucking car at fourteen. I can do anything I need to myself.”
“You sure about that?” I felt my body swing back up from the ground, two sets of hands sitting me upright in the chair.
“Who was wearing the Volto mask?”
I'm killing myself again I'm killing myself again I'm killing myself
“Fuck that I know,” I jeered, “What’s with the theatrics of all this?”
With my question ignored, I felt something cold and sharp press against my arm, “How do you know Y/N Y/L/N?”
I tried to not let my sarcastic smile fade at the mention of her name, “Who?”
“I’m not stupid boy,” The man yelled, a stinging warmth bolting up my arm, causing me to scream.
“Fuck!” I hollered, attempting to pull away, but I couldn’t move, nor see. Hands held my shoulders in place.
“I did some digging. You didn’t just break into her house, No,” he laughed, “No, you’ve been living there.”
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away Watching as it circles in the drain
Why was he asking about the mask and Y/N?
My mind wandered back to Vincent, recalling our conversation days prior.
“Heads, you tell me about your little friend Y/N.”
My gaze narrowed and my fists clenched at the mention of her name. What did he want with Y/N?
“Tails, you tell me about your masked friend.”
Vincent said his boss wanted to know.
“So tell me,” I felt the blade dance across my skin, threatening, “Is she my missing mask?”
With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
As we strolled down the street, Folio turned to me with a curious expression. "Do you have any theories about who Y/N might be?" I shook my head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"Well," he mused, "because two masked men chased us and kidnapped both Y/N and Noah and now she's revealed herself as a badass hacker and thief? That doesn't sound like your average barista if you ask me."
I shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know. The only thing she ever mentioned was that she was trying to escape her past and feared being judged…and that she knows some pretty dangerous people.”
“She took us in without a thought,” Jolly piped in, “She had to have had a similar lifestyle. No one would just take in a group of criminals.” He then stopped walking, reaching into his pocket.
Jolly stared at his screen confused, the device vibrating with a surprising name dancing on the screen, “Vincent?”
Putting the phone against his ear he watched us, a confused look glazing over his features. I stood closer to him, trying to listen in on the conversation. Jolly rolled his eyes, pushing me gently.
“Fuck you calling me for? I don’t have shit bro.”
“Yo, you know where Noah is? Did this asshole flake?”
“Why?” Jolly asked, “You were supposed to meet him?”
“Yea, he had more shit for me- didn’t show up at the ally. Thought that maybe I scared him off since the last time we talked.”
“Well, he didn’t show up because he’s fucking missing.”
“Missing? The hell you mean missing.”
“Missing as in we have no idea where the fuck he is, and we think he was kidnapped; so your deal’s gonna have to wait.”
“Wait- I think I know who may have taken him.”
Immediately I stepped back to share a look with Jolly and Nick. Did Vincent know the twins?
“Shit I gotta go. Meet me at the pier in 20.”
I heard the phone beep and Jolly stared at the screen in confusion, “Folio?”
Nick hummed, “What?”
“Did Noah ever use his first name when dealing with Vincent?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, shaking his head, “Pretty sure I told him to just go by Sebastian.”
Jolly shoved his phone back into his pocket, pushing past us and walking quickly down the street, “Seems to me Vincent may be more involved in this.”
We hurriedly made our way to the pier, trying to cover the long distance in just twenty minutes. Walking was not ideal, but it was our only option as the cemetery was too far for a quick drive. The wind picked up, sending cold droplets of water flying towards us and making me shiver. As we reached the pier, I noticed a man leaning against the wooden railing, gazing out at the water. He turned towards us with a small smile and stood up straight.
“Jolly? Folio?” He acknowledged them, and Jolly whistled in response.
“Strange seeing you unmasked.”
“Well, I’m not going to wear it where everyone can see us,” He threw his hood over his head, shielding himself from the wind.
“So what do you mean you think you know who took Noah?” I asked.
He looked at me, thick brows sitting heavily above his eyes, “Who are you?”
“Nicholas. Ruffilo.”
“Ah,” Vincent mumbled, “The one that convinced Jolly to stop selling to me in the first place all those years ago.”
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Jolly placed a supportive hand on my shoulder.
“It was a mutual agreement, Vince. You know why we stopped, we got a new boss.”
“Yeah, whatever,” He huffed, leaning against the railing once again, “Well speaking of bosses, I think mine took him.”
“Is your boss a set of twins that wear these stupid fox masks?” Nick asked.
Vincent laughed, raising a brow, “Uh, no. But that’s interesting.”
Jolly, Nick and I looked at each other. So who took him if it wasn’t the twins?
“Whois he?” I asked.
With a shrug, Vincent turned to look out at the water again, “I dunno. I’ve never met him before, and we only communicate through his little henchmen. We call him the Rule Maker.”
“The Rule Maker?” Jolly chuckled for a moment, but then his smile quickly faded. “Wait, are you talking about THE Rule Maker?”
“Who's that?” I asked, feeling out of the loop.
Folio ran his fingers through his hair. “Only the biggest drug lord in North America.”
“Well, why would he kidnap Noah? We haven't been involved in anything related to drugs in years, except for the last month,” I said.
Vincent shrugged. “I was interrogated by one of his henchmen the other day. He wanted information about the person who helped him with the heist since they were wearing a mask belonging to the missing member of Fidelio.”
I quickly glanced at Folio and Jolly, making eye contact with both of them.
“Fidelio- isn't that a drug syndicate in Canada?” asked Jolly.
Vincent confirmed, “Yeah, it is. That was the first time we saw that mask in months. Then my boss started asking about some woman named Y/N Y/L/N.”
My brothers and I all had the same reaction: wide eyes and physically turning to face each other.
“So you do know her,” Vincent concluded.
“I mean-” Nick scratched his neck.
“Well, my boss knows her. He has been looking for her for years,” Vincent sighed, “So, Sebastian knows Y/N, and has a connection to the Volto mask. Yada yada, the boss wants answers that I couldn’t get out of Noah the other day. So he probably took him.”
I ran a hand over my face, groaning audibly. This is bad.
Jolly stared at me concerned, “Y/N is the missing member of Fidelio. The timeline would add up.” Fuck.
“Interesting,” Vincent chimed in, “So it’s the same person. That girl is the mask.”
“Well, did your boss say how he knows her?” Nick questioned.
The dealer shook his head, “Nope. And I don’t know where Sebastian would be either- but I think that’s who took him.”
“Why are you helping us?” I said warily.
Vincent smiled, his grillz shining against the setting sun, “Well, he provided good business. I got paid well.”
“I don’t know how we are supposed to find him though,” Nick said, “We were following a trail of flowers for a bit.”
Wait… following…
“Oh my god,” I smacked my forehead in annoyance, “Our trackers!” I lifted my pant leg, showing it off to the boys.
I wasn’t sure how we didn’t realize it sooner, but Noah still had his tracker attached to his ankle. At least, I hoped.
“How are we supposed to track it? It was Y/N who had the system,” Jolly said.
“Noah’s number might still be on her laptop. It’s worth a shot.”
Kade sat across the room and asked, "Where is your laptop?" He slumped back in his chair and gave me a cold glare.
"Why would I tell you?" I retorted.
He chuckled, running his fingers through his blonde hair. "Do you have a death wish?"
I snarled at him, "It's not my fault you didn't secure your system properly. Figure it out on your own."
"Well, I didn't expect you to betray me and erase everything." His smile was pathetic and devoid of any warmth.
“Y/N,” Kiean pleaded, and I rolled my head to look at him. He sat on the other bed, eyes begging, “Just cooperate. Like I said, if you help we will leave your life forever.”
“How am I supposed to know that’ll happen?” I mocked, “You chased me and my friends, almost killed us in a car crash with guns, and fucking kidnapped me?”
The room was silent for a moment before Kade spoke up.
“I just want my fucking business back.” He growled, “So like I said, help me, or he is dead.”
I swallowed harshly, knowing that Kade’s threats were never empty. He always followed through with them, and I know he most certainly would kill him.
I didn’t want to help them… but I didn’t want to risk Noah’s life.
“It’s at my place,” I sighed.
Kade stood up, clapping his hands together, which caused me to close my eyes and flinch, “Then let’s go.”
We arrived at my house in a rental car that the Twins had gotten for us. I fidgeted with the bandages on my wrists, wincing as I did so, grateful for Kiean's care to prevent infection. My stomach churned as we parked outside of my front door; part of me hoped that the boys would be there to rescue me from this mess, but another part feared for their safety if they were there.
“Are your boyfriend’s minions home?” Kade spat, turning off the engine.
"How am I supposed to know? I've been held captive," I retorted with a sneer. Kiean gave me a pointed look, and I rolled my eyes before the three of us made our way to the door. Kade had taken my key and unlocked the house, stepping inside silently. The twins listened for any signs of movement, and I scanned the area, noting that the boys' shoes were missing.
“I don’t think they’re home,” I said. The twins nodded to each other, following me up the stairs to my room. Juice mewed behind, following us.
Once we entered I went to my desk, pulling the laptop off the charger. I handed it to Kiean who opened it, prompting me to type in my password.
“So now what?” I asked just before the front door opened.
The twins glanced at each other, holding a finger to their lips and my breath quickened, listening to the voices of the boys. They were here.
“So where is her laptop?”
“Probably upstairs. C’mon.”
Was Noah here too?
The shuffle of various sets of footsteps ran up the stairs and as soon as Folio turned the corner he let out a surprised yelp when our eyes met briefly.
“Y/N!” He screamed, taking a step forward before Kade cocked his pistol, holding it straight ahead.
“What the fuck-” I heard Ruffilo and saw him peer behind the corner, his eyes widening once he saw me.
Kade grabbed my wrist tightly, causing me to wince in pain. "Move, or I'll shoot," he threatened as we passed by Folio and Ruffilo with their hands raised in surrender. He dragged me out of the room, past the boys, and into a hallway where I saw Jolly waiting. But then, my eyes locked with a stranger's gaze and I didn't see Noah anywhere nearby.
I pulled against Kade as he tried prying me down the stairs, gun still pointed toward the boys.
“Wait-” I begged, causing Kade to stop, “Where’s Noah?”
As I stared up at Ruffilo from the stairs his gaze made my heart sink.
“He was kidnapped,” Ruffilo muttered.
“C’mon,” Kade spoke through gritted teeth, giving zero fucks about Noah. We reached the bottom of the stairs and Kiean pushed me softly toward the door.
“What?” I yelled back, complete worry taking over me, “By who?”
"The Rule Maker," Jolly hollered back, his voice carrying through the hall. The twins stopped in their tracks, their faces mirroring a mix of surprise and uncertainty as they exchanged a glance with each other.
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away Watching as it circles in the drain With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
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Chapter 12 - Coming Soon
(New story parts chapter 12+, no longer re-edited work)
Tags: @crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken
@princessmarshmallowx @laurpartyprogram @cookiesupplier @nojoyontheburn @lacktoesandtoddlerant
@veronicaphoenix @er3nslovergirl @cncohshit @scrumptiousfestivalpost @melcchs
@flowery-mess @mentallynot-here @judging-from-afar @darkmxgician @badomensls
@hoe-for-daddywise @philomenie @xxkittenkissesxx @venturethroughtheveil @thefallennightmare
@blend-in-with-the-madness @reyadawn @deathblacksmoke @anameunmusical @sitkowski
@anything-more-than-human @into-the-grey @amelia-acero @rumoured-whispers @artificialbreezy
48 notes · View notes
amica-aenigmata-naboo · 11 months
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Astarion x Y/N - Chapter 3 - 3.7K WC
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (you are here!)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 NSFW 18+
Chapter 6 NSFW 18+
Chapter 7 NSFW 18+
“Are you sure? No shame in staying behind.” Shadowheart said as she adjusted the last strap on the dark justicar armor she lent you. She looked concerned and wary.
“I’m sure, like you said, we are just going to a cemetery to talk to Raphael then come back. Sounds easy enough.” You shrugged. No wonder everyone’s movement in the game was limited, armor is heavy as shit. 
Shadowheart paused, “How did you know it’s Raphael? I only said we had a devil to see…” she trailed off.
“Oh, umm…. With what you’ve told me this sounds like a Raphael thing… he has a certain flare for the dramatics that’s hard to miss.” You deflected trying so hard to sound casual. 
Shadowheart hummed but you could tell she was… suspicious. Before you could spiral into an anxious heap, Astarion walked swiftly between the two of you. Hitting your shoulder unnecessarily he said “Are we going to stand around all day coddling them or shall we go?” 
He always looked so pissed to be in your general vicinity and you noticed it more and more since the night you showed the group your phone. It had been a week since then, you worked with everyone to build your skills up. Everyone was pretty comfortable around you as of late, Karlach even going as far as to say she trusts you. So why was he the exception? You hadn’t done anything negative towards him? Was he upset about his reflection? Maybe you shouldn’t have sprung that on him? Whatever it was, it was making you both anxious and annoyed. 
Truth be told, you were still kinda new to playing Baldur's Gate III in your world. The last save you remember was finishing the last trial in The Gauntlet of Shar. You just hope your limited knowledge might be useful somehow. You have to be mindful however. Little slips like the one with Shadowheart, showcasing that you knew more than you let on, could cause unexpected consequences. You had a few similar slip ups throughout the week but were thankfully able to brush them off. And you still had no idea how to tell them about you, the real you. You decided to keep it hidden for now, and when somebody inevitably asks you’ll tell them all. 
You stepped through the portal with Astarion, Karlach, and Shadowheart. It left your body tingling for a moment. You looked around and vaguely recognized where you were. It’s definitely the Shadow Cursed Lands. The building in front of you looked abandoned but everything in the lands looked abandoned. You started walking forwards to the door of the building. You don’t remember anything bad here from your gameplay. The doors opened and you saw the first person outside of your little jolly group of misfits. She looked like a nurse and didn’t appear to be hostile. The others walked behind you as you slowly walked towards her. She was dipping a sponge into a basin of bloody water and cleaning the leg of a corpse. There were two of them actually. Both dead on separate beds, arms outstretched towards each other. 
“The doctor is quite busy today… you may wait in line to be seen.” The nurse said. 
“Why are you cleaning corpses, surely there must be something better to do.” Astarion said, typical sass in his voice but also confusion.
“Corpse? They’re merely sleeping…” she said softly, continuing to clean. 
“Mmmmm no, those are definitely dead.” He responded, tapping the lid of a nearby jar.
The nurse turned to look at Astarion. “Perhaps I should turn my services elsewhere?” She said dropping the sponge back into the bowl. She pulled out a bone saw and started walking towards him. His eyes widened.
“Sister, look…” you said, pointing towards the bodies. Her head instantly snapped away from Astarion. 
“Oh sister they’ve been so well tended to. They sleep like angels. They must be so grateful.” You said, eyeing Astarion as if trying to tell him to back up and shut up. 
She dropped the bone saw, grabbing your hands. They were cold and shaking. “Truly? These hands… the doctor must be notified of all patient improvements.” She said starting to walk towards the center of the house where a heavy closed door laid. 
“Wait!” You said quickly.
She looked at you, head cocked to the side.
“Your patients will wake soon. Who is lovelier to wake up to than their doting nurse? You stay, I’ll notify the doctor.” You smiled at her. 
She shook her head vigorously, “Right, they need me. The doctor is in surgery right now… wait for him there.” She pointed at the large door before grabbing the sponge from the bowl. “Take these will you?” She asked, dropping two rings in your hands. Shadowblade rings. They were Arabella’s parents. 
You pocketed them quickly and thanked the sister before silently backing up and walking away. 
“Is that your talent? Comforting deranged nurses?” Astarion jabbed. 
You elected to ignore him, not feeding into his negativity. 
You walked into the operating theater. The doctor had just removed a man’s eyes, the sisters cutting him randomly and harshly. Your eyes widened and you fought the urge to throw up. Seeing this in a game and in real life we’re vastly different and this was insanely more disturbing. 
Your foot hit some debris on the floor, notifying everyone of your existence.
“Are you here to aid in surgery? I asked for an attending hours ago…” said the doctor, flinging the man’s eyes off into a corner of the room. 
“Yes… of course doctor my apologies.” You detach yourself from your group. The man on the operating table whimpered and whined. His throat was all raw from the endless screaming you imagined. You walked closer to the man. The doctor handed you one of the nurses knives. 
You took it gently, the man continued to struggle against his confines. You looked at your companions, they looked at you with just as much anxiety as you felt. 
“Be ready” you mouthed to Karlach. She nodded, your companions slowly moving into different locations. 
You looked to the doctor who was holding a bone saw. You weren’t exactly in the *best* spot for a battle to start. Let alone your first battle. Let’s just hope somebody likes you enough to give Withers a little gold if the worst happens. 
You swiftly plunged the knife into the doctors throat, shoving the nurse next to you as you grabbed your sword. Lae’zel gave you The Cruel Sting for your first time outside of camp, bless her angry ass. You swung at the nurse on the opposite side of you, the sword ensnared her. The nurses spread out, your companions taking them on. The doctor turned his focus to you. “Petulant child…” he said before knocking you on your back, he held his bone saw under your chin. “Don’t fret, I’ll be sure to cure you of your…. Affliction.” He laughed while tapping his head.
You held your arm up just in time for the bone saw to clatter against your armor. Karlach shot her bow at him as soon as she saw you on the ground. The air stunk of drow poison and that seemed to be enough to turn the doctors attention. You scurried off the ground, driving your sword through him as he faced away from you. Karlach hit him with a reckless attack and the doctor dropped to the ground, finally dead. The hall was quiet except for everyone’s heavy breaths. 
You smiled at Karlach, impressed with yourself. The smile quickly faltered as you looked down and saw one of the nurses blades in between the metal plates of your armor. Karlach immediately turned and struck down the dying nurse. Shadowheart turned you quickly and pulled the knife out. You screamed, the sound bouncing off the walls of the theater. She spoke a healing spell over you, but her brow drew up in confusion.
“It’s not working.” She whispered.
“The fuck do you mean it’s not working? Fix it!” You yelled. You could feel the blood seeping through the different parts of your armor. Down your stomach, over your thighs…
“I’m trying!” She yelled back, rattling off another spell.
Karlach popped open a potion of healing, she grabbed your face and tilted your head back forcing the bottle to your lips. It tasted like wine; you could feel it envelop your body. As if it were coursing through you seeking out pain. You felt it stitch your wound together sloppily. You cried in pain as it felt like fire putting you back together. You lifted your armor, the wound was partially healed but that would have to do until you got back to camp. 
Karlach and Shadowheart asked if you were ok, sympathetic as they both know battle is new to you. Battle wounds are common but you never forget your first. 
“Your first battle scar! Congrats soldier.” Karlach said, trying to lighten the mood.
You blubbered out a chuckle, readjusting your armor. 
“I’m sorry we were here to see Raphael, yes?” Astarion said walking out to the graveyard without the rest of you. 
You sighed and began walking, doing your best not to grimace. 
Everyone listened intently to Raphael. He told Astarion everything you already knew. You had zoned out a bit, hand ghosting over your wound every few minutes. 
“And you…” Raphael said in a sultry tone, looking you up and down like a meal.
You closed your eyes desperately wanting to disappear. Of course the devil would know you weren’t of their world.
“Different aren’t you?” He said grabbing your hand, a swift prick to one of your fingers had you snatching your hand back. Raphael dipped the nail into his mouth, swirling your blood on his tongue. 
“Mmmm, very different. You’re not from here are you? Strange that you ended up with this lot. You’re far more valuable elsewhere. Have you told your new friends about you? What do they really know and what do you hide?” Raphael smiled as he looked at the others.
They all had their eyes on you. Leave it to the devil to make it sound like you were trying to infiltrate their party.
“Stop.” You whispered at him, the tone of your voice begging him.
“No matter. I’ll see you in time, pet.” Raphael gave you a final smile before snapping his fingers and disappearing into a puff of black smoke. 
“And you lot thought I was just being mean. If the devil says they can’t be trusted, what more is to be said?” Astarion asked aloud. 
You winced again as your wound stung against the armor. Karlach moved towards you. She grabbed your arm gently, looking at the new red spreading through the cloth under your armor. 
“We need to get back.” Her voice was devoid of emotion, flat and unwavering.
Everyone silently went through the portal back to camp.
Gale patched up your wound so you could finally walk around comfortably. Happy to have the armor off of you, you walked to the campfire and began prepping dinner. Everyone else had gone to the stream to bathe or had retreated into their respective tents. You could tell that tonight may very well be the night you have to tell them all your secret. Why not soften the blow with some food? 
You made them Baldurian mash since it was all you could think of given your limited ingredients. You set up bowls and spoons and different bottles of liquor for everyone. Just in time, you saw them all trudging up the hill in their night clothes. Everyone looked at you with doubt and caution. 
Everyone smelled the food and silently made their way to the bonfire before dishing themselves their food and drinks. Before anyone could get a bite down Astarion yelled. 
“Wait!” He jogged over to the fire.
“Are you sure we should be eating the food of someone who Raphael just told us was hiding things that seem to be of great importance?” He eyed the food and then you. 
You scoffed thinking he was joking, and yet nobody took a bite. 
You looked around, none of your companions meeting your eyes. 
“I may have secrets but I don’t mean any of you harm…. You all are the closest thing I have to friends… I’d never hurt any of you.” You said, voice small but strong. 
Astarion laughed, “Sounds like something somebody would say who is trying to kill us. Why else would you make all this?” 
That’s it, you’ve had enough of fangs and his attitude towards you. You stood and took a large bite of the mash before taking a swig out of every open alcohol bottle. 
“Proof enough for ya?” You asked, shoving past him. “I made all this because I wanted to be helpful. I want to be helpful because you all are my friends. I trust all of you even if you don’t trust me. So how about it fangs? Am I ok to stay or do you have anything else you wanna throw at me?” 
Astarion could see the anger in your face. “Let’s just hope your culinary skills are better than your battle skills.” He said walking past you, shoving your shoulder with his. 
Astarion expected the sniffle he heard from you.
“Astarion?” You asked. 
“What?” He tutted, turning to face you.
What he didn’t expect was the punch that landed square in his face.
“Shit!” You immediately recoiled your hand, already feeling the bruising on your knuckles. You shook your hand out before saying your final piece,
“I have secrets it’s true. And I am happy to tell them to you as soon as I figure out how. But I don’t want to hurt any of you…”
“Excuse me?” Astarion said as he held his bleeding nose.
“Zip it! You have been nothing but spiteful towards me since I got here. I don’t know what your damage is with me but we need each other like it or not. We all need each other. I will fight for you all just as you fight for me. Whatever side you’re on, is the side I’m on.” You finished. Everyone looked at you with wide eyes, occasionally glancing at Astarion and his busted face. 
Karlach stood and marched herself over to you. If this was the end for you at least it was Karlach taking you out, it’ll be a quick death. She held out her hand and you apprehensively took it. 
“Who amongst us doesn’t have a secret or two? I trust them and their intentions after seeing them outside the camp today. Y/N, you have my support and my trust.” Karlach said. 
You couldn’t help but tear up and engulf her in a hug. Thank god she had already had her tune up or it would have been a very short, scorching hug. She only faltered for a moment before hugging you back. 
“Enough with the doom and gloom Astarion. Please come eat, it smelled heavenly.” Karlach asked, walking back to her bowl and taking a bite. This seemingly put everyone at ease, everyone starting to eat and drink. Everyone sent you soft smiles or nods of approval as if to finally say “welcome, you’re here to stay.”
Astarion picked up his pride and went to hunt. He was so sure he could turn them against you enough to at least abandon you. Why did you have to be so damn sweet and honest with everyone? He knew he deserved that punch but it didn’t make him want you any less. 
You grabbed a bottle of Ithbank before heading to your tent for the night. 
You awoke hours later. The camp was quiet except for a groan you heard. You sat up, it sounded like it was coming from the stream. Getting up you wore nothing but your large untied shirt and underwear. You crept over to the hillside. You saw Astarion with his shirt off splashing water onto his shoulder. The night was dark but you could see his hand was covered in blood. Punched or not, you wanted to help him. You slunk down the hill, thankful the riverbed rocks were smooth under your feet. 
“May I?” You said.
“Gods! Don’t do that!” He winced. “I don’t want your help.” 
“But you need it, you stubborn jackass.” You said, grabbing his hand and marching him back to your tent. You sat him on your bedroll before grabbing a cloth and pouring some water from your canteen on it. You gently pressed it to the slash on his shoulder. 
“Care to tell me what happened?” You asked.
“No.” He said bluntly.
“Looking to get punched again?” You said, quirking an eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes as he tried to stifle the hiss he had to let out from the pain. 
“We could be friends ya know. If you weren’t out to get me for some unknown reason.” You said with a tinge of sadness to your voice. 
“And why would I want to be your friend?” He asked.
“I’m smart, funny, attractive….” You smiled as you listed. 
He let out a chuckle, “Might want to add vain to the list.” 
“Seriously though, why don’t you like me?” You asked, setting the cloth aside and going for some bandages you had in your camp pack. 
“I don’t trust you there’s a difference.” He said, looking at the ground.
“You’re a deeply mistrusting person and I respect that, but everyone deserves a chance. Have I done anything to make you mistrust me?” You finally looked into his crimson eyes. They were beautiful. Shiny like rubies and a deep crimson like blood. 
“You punched me in the face.” He said, meeting your gaze. 
“You deserved to be punched in the face.” You said, starting to wrap the gauze around his torso and shoulder. 
“Perhaps.” He conceded. 
You noticed a small cut to his cheekbone. Raising your hand, you ran your thumb under it. You grabbed the cloth you used to clean his wound and brought it to his cheek, dabbing softly at the dried blood. He caught your wrist in a soft grasp. You looked at each other, neither moving. The air around you felt thick. Thankful for the dim light from the bonfire, you were sure you were blushing unintentionally. Astarion softly pressed a delicate kiss to your wrist. 
“Thank you for helping me, it was very kind.” He sounded so sincere. You smiled and thumbed over his cheek one last time before pulling your hand back to yourself. 
The more you looked at him the more you noticed his sunken eyes, his slim cheeks, the aches that plagued him. 
You jumped back a little not expecting to hear voices and feel a wriggle in your head. Astarion’s eyes flitted to yours, “You’re hungry aren’t you?” You asked in a whisper. 
“I didn’t drink as much as I would have hoped to… the bear apparently didn’t like fangs in it.” He said, gesturing to the bandaged gash. 
You pondered it for a moment. On one hand, he had been a massive cunt to you since you arrived and had punched him a few hours ago. On the other hand, he just let you patch him up and even thanked you for it. 
“If you want… you could feed off me? If it would help?” You asked, looking between his eyes and the ground, fingers picking at each other nervously. 
“You would do that for me?” He asked, genuinely confused.
“See? I’m not so bad after all.” You smiled as you pulled your laces at the top of your shirt loose revealing your neck, shoulder, and the top of your chest. 
He gulped and looked at your beautiful skin. He was hungry but he knew he’d have to repay you. He pulled you to him by your waist, planting you in his lap, straddling his hips. You knew what he was doing, what he was thinking.
“Astarion, stop. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t owe me… I’m doing this because I want to help you.” You said, shifting yourself to sit next to him instead of on him. 
He gave you a soft smile, “Apologies. I’m used to giving myself as payment. Old habits die hard I suppose.” 
You nodded, knowing his history and not wanting to trudge up bad memories. You leaned against the tree trunk next to your bed roll, exposing your neck to him. 
Astarion licked his lips subconsciously. His breath against your neck made you shiver. He kissed the junction between your neck and shoulder before sinking his teeth in. It felt like getting an IV needle shoved into your throat. The pain was quick, the feeling of blood being sucked out of you was what felt odd. Warm fluid being sucked out rapidly. He must have been hungry. 
After a minute you gently pushed against his chest. He snapped back to reality, pulling back and resting his head against your shoulder while licking up the little blood that spilled from the punctures. His breath was heavy and so were his eyes.
“That was amazing…” he whispered. 
You sat up a bit, pushing Astarion back. “Glad my blood is acceptable.” You joked, pulling your shirt back on properly and tightening the laces. 
It was beyond acceptable. It was… heavenly. It was beyond anything he had tasted or smelled before. It tasted sweet. Like the richest chocolate. It coated his tongue and he already wished for more. His gaze was glazed over, perfectly happy. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. 
You watched him. He was beautiful, truly. The feeling of arousal that shot through you while he drank made you feel awful. You knew his backstory and you knew he was in no position to do anything sexual. You focused on slowing your heartbeat down in hopes he wouldn’t hear it. 
He gently took your hand before kissing your wrist again, “Thank you. This was a gift, I won’t forget it.” He nodded before getting up and heading back to his tent. “Goodnight.” You heard him say faintly. 
You smiled as you laid down, happy that you two reached a truce. Maybe he needed a bit more care than the others, and you were happy to provide it. You drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a certain pale elf.
Hello lovelies! I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I hope to hear from you all in the comments or in my DM's. I really wanna try and write a few drabbles for y'all. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! :)
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honeytama · 3 months
More Than Just a Meal
Vampire!Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Fem!Reader
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Gif by @hedonists
A/N: Written for Bunny's ( @cowpokeomens ) Summerween Extravaganza! Be aware that this work talks about visiting the grave of a deceased friend. Please tread carefully if that is a sensitive topic for you personally <3
Summary and Prompts: After returning to your friend's grave in the cemetery at night, you're found by a fiend dressed in all black. He won't let you leave. Not until he's revealed the full extent of his plans with you. Dialogue - “Oh, could just eat you up. Maybe I will.”  Location - Graveyard
Content and Warnings: Vampire!Jolly, visiting a passed loved one in a cemetery, smut 18+, oral (receiving) against a gravestone (i'm sorry), praise, biting/blood/pain
Word Count: 1.8k
Two years ago, today, you’re best friend passed away. On the first anniversary of her death you chose to visit her grave to leave flowers and talk with her like old times; to share gossip from work and update her on your dating life. This year, you did the same, and it felt better to do it as more time has passed. You heal the friend-sized hole she left in your heart a little bit more every day and visiting her was a huge part of that healing process.
You remember having the friendship bracelet on, the one she made and gave to you years ago, around your wrist. While talking to the air around her gravestone, you twisted the beads in between your forefinger and thumb mindlessly. It was a natural habit as you wore the bracelet every day, to every occasion, and with every outfit.
You’re home now relaxing on your couch having just eaten dinner. You turn the TV on to the new show you've been binging hoping to continue your night, but as you bring your hand to your wrist and try to twist the wooden and crystal beads as usual, your eyes widen. Your wrist is empty.
The couch’s cushions and pillows are turned upside down. Your purse is unloaded onto the dining table. You search your place for thirty minutes while also retracing the steps you took throughout the day.
As you grab your keys, you plan to head to the last place left to look. The cemetery.
It was pitch dark out now and you cursed yourself for not changing into something more comfortable. The chill breeze pinched your bare legs as you walked through the graveyard in a black skirt.
While you are in a graveyard at night, something about the atmosphere feels more eerie than you expected. You swear there are a pair of eyes boring into your legs and that there’s a dark figure who continues to come into your peripheral as you try to find your friend’s gravestone. However, every time you turn or stop and listen for anyone else to be around, no one is present.
Reaching the gravestone, the bracelet is there, just placed nicely atop it. The letters BFF face outward as if someone positioned it themselves.
“Thank God,” you said aloud. You slip the bracelet on your wrist and turn to walk back to your car.
“God? You should be thanking me,” the man standing just a few feet in front of you scoffs.
“Holy shit, you scared me,” you yelp. While trying to calm your rising heart rate, you take a glance over him. He towers over you and he’s dressed well. You think that he must have come from a late funeral because he’s dressed from head to toe in all black. “I dont want trouble. I just came back to get this.” You point at your wrist.
“Well, I found it for you,” he smirks and tilts his head. “So, again, you should be thanking me.”
“Sir—” you start to try to walk away past him towards the parking lot.
He puts his arm out to stop you and his hand lands on your bicep. Your skin prickles at his touch. For two distinct reasons: he’s incredibly handsome and his fingers are freezing. “My name is Joakim,” he continues. “I didn’t mean to make you fear me. I just thought—.”
Never have you made a man of this stature stumble on his words before, so you gained curiosity. “You thought what?”
“I thought you looked stunning. Ravishing,” he finishes.
Oh. “Well,” your cheeks burn and you hope he can't see them blush through the dark. “If I thank you for the compliments and for finding my friend’s bracelet, then will you let me go to my car?”
“Of course,” he gives you a soft grin and it makes your chest flutter.
“You’re words are very sweet. I’m flattered,” you put your hands to your chest to send it. “And, thank you for finding my bracelet.”
“You're welcome beautiful, but now that I think about it…” Joakim slides his hands to your waist and pushes you lightly back toward your friend's gravestone. “Finding that for you in this massive place has me quite hungry.”
You should have known this guy was a creep. There was no way he was going to let you leave! Fear cascades over your body once again and you submit to allow him to press you into the stone. The top of it presses firmly into the muscle of your ass. “I’m sorry. I don’t have any food,” you stammer. “Just, please let me go, Joakim.”
“I love the way my name falls from your lips,” he looks down at you with a smile as his thumb passes over your bottom lip. “What’s your name, my sweet,” his voice is low.
Everything inside you screams to not share your name with the stranger pressed against you, but out of fear of what he would do if you refused, you tell him. “Y/N. Y/N is my name.”
“Oh, could just eat you up, Y/N. Maybe I will,” he grumbles in your ear. When he pulls away, he faces you and you can see the inside of his mouth for the first time. The moonlight shines against his canines and you notice they’re longer, pointed, and sharp. His tongue licks over them before asking, sweetly, “Will you let me eat you, Y/N?”
Lust shoots between your thighs and attacks a spot inside of you you’ve never known was there. “What– what do you mean?” You whisper as you clench your thighs together.
“What I mean is… do you want me to give you an experience that will change your life forever? No other man on earth will be able to satiate your need for what I’m about to give you. If you need me to put it frankly, do you want me to make you cum using my tongue while also serving me something I need? Badly.”
You watch as Joakim slowly drops to his knees before you. He sits on the heels of his feet and places his large hands with tattooed knuckles on your knees. Your chest heaves at the sight. It’s irresistible to allow your thighs to spread apart to make room for him revealing the wet spot on your panties to his fixated eyes.
“Y/N, because I need your permission,” he softly pushes your skirt up with his fingertips to reveal higher up your thighs. His cold skin gives you goosebumps, once again. “Give me your answer. Will you let me eat you?”
Were you really about to let this guy eat you out against your deceased best friend’s gravestone? She would approve. “Yes,” is the word that squeaks out of you as you nod at him vigorously.
“Good,” he smirks below you. “Now, get comfortable,” he commands while slipping his fingers underneath your skirt to hook them at the sides of your underwear. The chilled air grazes your pussy and you wince at the temperature change as he pulls them slowly, sensually down your legs. You watch as he slips them in his jacket pocket through your half-lidded eyes.
Your breath hitches as he ducks his head between your legs and your hands immediately bring themselves to the back of his head, interlacing your fingers with his smooth, straight black hair.
Joakim uses his hands to spread you open and his thumbs massage the insides of your thighs as he takes inquisitive first licks to your clit. A gasp is let out of you when he dives deeper; he wraps his lips around your clit and his mustache tickles you incessantly.
“Your arousal tastes so heavenly, Y/N,” he moans against your skin. “You’re so special. I’ve never done this with a human before.”
He’s not human, you think, but the thought leaves you the second it passes through your brain. All you can focus on is his tongue. You feel him taste you; his tongue traveling to dip into your entrance curiously to gather more of your delicious juices. He groans monstrously while lapping and making figure-eights against your clit.
“Joakim, right there,” you whine and pull his head in closer with your hands when he hits the most perfect tempo.
He groans at your praise and it’s so low that it grumbles and vibrates against you. You chanting his name and “right there” also tells him you’re getting closer to your end. So, he decides it’s time for his meal, the one he so badly needed.
Joakim pulls away from your clit and finds a nice, plush spot at your inner thigh. He hisses before sinking his teeth into you and letting blood ooze from the two holes he’s made with his fangs.
“Fuck, ouch!” You wince and look down at Joakim between your legs as he pulls away. Blood drips from his fangs as he smiles eagerly up at you.
You want to curse at him, but the pain of his bite on your thigh turns to pleasure? The feeling between your legs is euphoric and your head spins trying to focus on his face. “I want more,” you whine. “Make me cum and I’ll let you suck me dry.”
“I’ll oblige,” he says before ducking under your skirt again. His tongue moves quickly, quicker than before, as he laps up your blood eagerly and laps at your aching cunt. He makes several other markings in your inner thighs, all demonstrated with pairs of perfect holes he’s left behind. When he finally sucks hard on your skin, to take you for all your worth, that’s when you finally let go on his mouth.
“Joakim, fuck!” You scream his name in the lonely, dark graveyard. You sway your hips and pull him in to ride his face as you get through your orgasm. Your chest heaves and your legs feel like they’re about to slide out from under you, but he catches your hips with his hands to stabilize you.
“Do you want to stand?” He murmurs as he takes out a handkerchief from the inside of his jacket to wipe his bloody mouth clean.
“Mhm,” you whine as you hold onto his shoulders for balance.
“You did so well,” he whispers as he smiles down at you in his arms. “I’ll remember this night forever.”
“Could I have my underwear, please?” You mumble against his chest.
“Well,” he tilts his head and chuckles, “that’s my other way of remembering you by? Maybe you can have them back if you choose to meet me here again.”
“I would love to,” you smile up at him. Honestly, he was right, no other man could match the feeling he gave you tonight.
“Hmm,” he hums. “Before I go…” He reaches under your skirt and softly touches over each of the markings he’s made. The pain of his bites subsides and you look down between your legs. All of them are gone.
“How did you—?” When you look up, a gust of cold air passes by you, and he’s gone.
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thesafecafe · 2 years
In Love With a Monster: Ateez Edition Masterlist
There is something odd in the air this fall season. A strange bug of sorts, a sickness. It affects all creatures, human and monster alike. It comes along every year, and you’ll have to do your best not to get caught up in the chaos of it all. That is, unless you’d like to experience the illness called love... join in if you dare.
Disclaimer: These aren’t all probably going to be healthy wholesome love stories, as a good deal of them include trickery and some form of manipulation. That being said, this is not a representation of the idols or their real life personalities, nor do I believe they’d act this way. These are fictional depictions for entertainment purposes. Minors DNI, this is 18+ content. You have been warned. (gifs not mine).
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Say His Name: Vampire! Hongjoong x Baker Reader
He wants your attention. Just a little bit of it. He’s enamored of you. Totally smitten. The very mention of your name is enough to have the suave vampire melt into the nearest pile of cushions as he dreams of your future together. But there's a problem. You don't necessarily like Hongjoong. And you won't say his name. Could you perhaps know his secret?
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*:・゚✧*:・゚ Fan the Flame: Dragon! Seonghwa x Villager! Reader
Park Seonghwa is the resident local dragon. He’s polite when he needs to be, but he’s strict about getting his annual dues. He doesn’t ask much of the village. But when the centennial dragon anniversary is days away. and the people seem to have forgotten, he gives them an ultimatum: hand over a bride, or watch the village burn. They have the perfect candidate: You!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Ghostly (K)night: Ghoul/Frankenstein! Yunho x Historian! Reader
Yunho’s been a resident of the castle for as long as the townsfolk can remember, a friendly presence on a dark knight or a helping hand in the daytime. He’s a jolly fellow, and the townspeople love him. But no one ever seems to know his name, or occupation. What exactly is in the walls beyond the castle?
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゚+*:ꔫ:* From the Shadows: Illusion. Fairy/Vampire Hybrid! Yeosang x Librarian! Reader
The fae people have always been around your village. They’re rare to see, and even rarer to find these days though. That is, until you bump into a man who’s entirely too ethereal to be human. Yeosang is enchanting, and as magnetizing as one would expect a fae to be. But he’s not exactly who he seems...
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゚+..。*゚+ In the Shallows: Merman/Siren! San x Aquaphobe! Reader
San has always loved coming to shore and teasing humans. It’s one of his favorite things to do. No one is immune to his song, and no one can ever resist playing in his games. That is, until you stumble out onto the dock, another helpless looking human that should be susceptible to his charms. But you don’t even react to his song. He’s determined to make you his new toy before the season ends...
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*°:⋆ₓₒ Better in the Moonlight: Werewolf! Mingi x Barista! Reader
Mingi is a regular customer at your café. He’s sweet, always complimenting you and leaving you extra tips.. You don’t know too much about the big man, but you do know he’s your favorite customer. But one night,  when a storm rages and a particularly volatile customer makes closing up difficult, Mingi is right there to protect you.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Beyond the Crypt: Zombie Wooyoung x Sarcastic! Reader
Wooyoung isn’t particularly the ideal  guy. He hangs out in the cemetery, he disappears at night, and he always seems to have something red stuck to the corner of his lips. You’ve never been to his apartment, or seen any of his family, but you’ll soon find out that his secret goes far beyond the borders of life itself.
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✧༺♥༻∞ Of Sticks & Stone: Gargoyle Jongho x Loner! Reader
Jongho had been alone for a while, the last gargoyle standing in the ancient castle. His brothers had been destroyed in many ways, from wars, to erosion from the storms that the castle was no stranger too. Now that you had inherited this castle from your grandfather, he hopes to have a companion. But you’re not exactly prepared to live with a magical, albeit sassy, gargoyle. Hopefully, you can find peace in each other’s presence.
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humaforever · 6 months
Can I get some headcanons about Harry and Ginny causing chaos together, please?
Of course!
Ginny and Harry are trade partners. They are good at making trades that benefit both of them, except it always ends in a fight because they are trying to haggle for more from each other
Ginny snuck into Harry's room on the Jolly Rodger one time, which ended up in him throwing a chair at her. She smashed a mirror over him. Uma and Harriet were not happy.
Everyone says Harry's a cat, Ginny basically is too. They hiss at each other.
I said this in my last post but they both love getting their hair pulled and played with.
They speak to each other through insults
They are petty and competitive as fuck. When Harry's doing something challenging Ginny's like "ha, I can do it better" and vice versa
But when they get along they think they have great ideas together. They do not.
They once set the cemetery on fire to get the attention of their partners, cuz that's like totally romantic
Harriet was not happy. She banned them from hanging out. The ban did not work. They thought burning down the cemetery was great and they wanted more.
They included CJ in one of their plans one time. It was a miserable time on the isle after that.
Harriet is struggling the most with their relationship. Uma's amused. Anthony has found that it has small benefits.
The benefits in question: Harry came into the salon to annoy the fuck out of Anthony. But Ginny was mad that he was interrupting her time with her boyfriend and said she would give Harry the earrings she had that he wanted for Uma if he left. Miraculously he left, Anthony has never been able to get rid of Harry so easily in his life.
It's weird watching Ginny and Harry fight because neither of them have a sense of danger or pain. So they're basically stabbing each other while laughing and being like "Is that all you got? Weak!"
When they are ACTUALLY laughing and having a good time together, the isle residents should be very scared.
Ginny gets slightly pissed off every time she looks at Harry because he looks so much like Harriet. But it's not her, so it just makes Ginny miss Harriet and want to see her.
The two compare injuries and bruises that their partners have left on them. The one with more wins.
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fandombandomfics · 8 months
Not So Apple Pie Life
Chapter 2
As Dean parked the Impala in front of the house, I look at the property and get out. Dean and Sam get out of the car and walk towards the door. 
“The family know we’re coming?” I ask 
“Yeah, they’re family friends of Bobby’s,” Sam says. I miss uncle Bobby, he took care of the three of us when dad was on his hunting trips. 
“Deano, Sammy, Noah dinner time,” Uncle Bobby says. The three of us run from upstairs and take our seats at the table. Dean is 10, I am 8 and Sammy is 6 at this time. Dad was currently on day five of a job and hasn’t been home yet. 
“Smells good uncle Bobby,” Dean says 
“It better be good because it’s the only food you three are getting,” Bobby says. The three of us laugh and dig into chicken and pasta. 
“When is dad coming back?” Sam asks 
“When the job is done Sammy, you know that,” Dean says 
“But he’s been gone for so long Dean,” Sam says 
“Sure he will be here in a few more days,” I say and Sam nods. Dean gives me a sad look, knowing it’ll probably be another week since dad picks up jobs after a hunt is done. I give him a sad smile and continue eating my food. 
End of flashback 
“Earth to Noah,” Dean says, waving a hand over my face. I snap out of my daze and grab my bag from the backseat. I walk up to the house behind my brothers and look at my phone. Seeing texts from the guys. 
Jolly: dude where did you go? Nich: we’re getting food, where are you? 
Nick: we’re leaving in five minutes. 
I text them back to not wait for me and that I’m getting food on my own. I walk a little ways after Sam and Dean. I look around the place and see that this family looks so happy. Wonder who could be haunting them. 
“So who’s haunting this house?” I ask 
“Her name is Delilah Walker, died a violent death two decades ago,” Sam says 
“Why is she haunting here?” I ask 
“She used to live here,” Dean says in a ‘matter-of-fact’ tone. I roll my eyes and head upstairs, grabbing my emf meter from my bag,
“You keep all your old hunting stuff?” Sam asks, rather surprised. 
“Some of it yes, hard to keep this stuff hidden with the roommates,” I say and he nods. 
“Check upstairs before we head to the cemetery,” Dean says. I mentally roll my eyes, same old Dean giving out orders. I head upstairs to see if anything is out of place, finding nothing really. I walk back downstairs and see the two of them already outside. I walk outside, closing the door behind me. I walk back to the Impala but something tells me to look up, when I do, I see the silhouette of a woman possibly in her thirties with long, chestnut hair. She is looking directly at me and I feel the chills creep up my spine. 
“Noah let’s go,” Sam says and I walk over to them, getting into the car. We wait until nightfall to head to the local cemetery since Sam found her burial site yesterday. Sam grabs the shovels and Dean grabs the salt and gasoline. I follow them as they walk to the headstone.
“So first sold out tour huh?” Dean asks, walking. 
“Yeah, our latest album really grew popular thanks to an app called TikTok,” I say 
“You make good music,” Sam says and I look at him, shocked that he even listens to the music. 
“Wait you listen to my band?” I ask, still in shock. Sam, Mr. book nerd, listens to metal???
“We both do,” Dean says, getting to the headstone. 
“Didn’t expect you both to,” I say, still in shock.
“You’re our brother Noah, of course we do,” Sam says and I nod. 
“Well Mr. Rock Star start digging with Sammy,” Dean says and Sam throws me a shovel. I catch it easily and put my bag down. I start digging with Sam and man I’m winded already. I need to get in better shape, my god. The cool fall air of Georgia hits my skin and I shiver slightly. We finally hit the casket and we open it. Dean helps Sam and I out of the grave and douches the bones with oli and salt. 
“Do the honors Noah,” Dean says, handing me the matches. I light them, the heat from the matches hitting my skin as I toss the three lit ones into the casket. This part of hunting always was relieving, when the job was done and we could move on. 
“Will you ever go back into hunting?” Dean asks and I shake my head. 
“As I said Dean, this band is my life now,” I say as we watch the body burn.
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tricoufamily · 10 months
obscure associations tag 2
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tagged by @itsmariejanel <33 thank youuu maria did 2 in 1 so i'm also doing 2 in 1 these are the rules beckett green connor purple YIPPEEEEEE
ANIMAL: DOG / a snake or a cat but like. lucifer from cinderella you know
COLORS: green / purple 🤭
MONTH: july / january
SONGS: rocky mountain high by john denver, piano man by billy joel, mammas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys by willie nelson and waylon jennings / mama by my chemical romance, you're gonna go far, kid by the offspring, ptolemaea by ethel cain
NUMBER: 12 / 4
PLANTS: dead grass with a prominent desire path going through it / venus fly trap
SMELLS: the winn-dixie from your childhood, cigarettes (he doesn't even smoke), old furniture / conditioner packet from box hair dye, jolly ranchers, jeans
GEMSTONE: agate / jet
TIME OF DAY: sunrise / 3 am
SEASON: summer / winter
PLACES: backroads, appalachia, abandoned house in the woods / gotham in the batman 2022, closed museum at night, cemetery
FOOD: southern biscuits and gravy / fish
DRINKS: MOUNTAIN DEW / black coffee
ELEMENT: air / fire
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: i don't think i've ever given blood sports characters birthdays. please don't make figure out the timeline in minute detail oh god there's so many of them
SEASONINGS: fuck ton of black pepper / garlic and he loves the smell mmm num num num fuck garlic smell haters
SKY: blue and cloudless / pitch black
WEATHER: punishingly hot / bad thunderstorm
MAGICAL POWER: speed / necromancy and he's using it for evil purposes he's bringing random people from the dead to do his bidding
WEAPONS: rifle / his black clip point knives
SOCIAL MEDIA: none #amish / myspace
MAKEUP PRODUCT: he'd despise the texture of all of it / black eyeliner
CANDY: grandma candies from purse / warheads
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: hours and hours in his truck with his music playing he loves it / plane
ART STYLE: regular show / arkham knight
FEAR: what comes after death / uhh nothing at all (😐)
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: church grim / siren
PIECE OF STATIONARY: chewed on pencil / scissors
THREE EMOJIS: 🚜🦨🥤 / 💀🥀🔪
CELESTIAL BODY: jupiter / black hole
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starlingsrps · 7 months
to the ends of the earth.
elliot’s week has been pure shit and he blames lew for it.
it’s much easier to blame a dead man when things go sideways anyway. he’s not here to defend himself.
elliot had been off for a mission, lew’s warhawk hadn’t been ready, sure he could take his spitfire (technically not his, the army’s, but it’s his where it counts). he even joked about not scratching the paint. then his goddamn plane and lew hadn’t come back. he’s lost a few too many friends over here already and while he had liked lew just fine, he had to be honest with himself: he was more pissed about the plane.
he’d flown an RAF lightning inexplicably named the jolly roger on a raid a few days later and had to turn back due to mechanical issues. the piece of shit had barely landed before collapsing on the runway like an exhausted horse.
so he’s grounded - no plane, not a damn thing to do and when there’s not a damn thing to do, he gets restless. and when he gets restless, he’s not someone that even he particularly likes being around. there are only so many times he can ask about the warhawk, now his in a fucked up, roundabout way. they’re down forts so he’s not priority and he’s fine with that and he understands but he’s also not fine and doesn’t understand. 
he’s a grown man. he knows what he’s being an ass. he doesn’t need hatcher telling him he’s being bitchy to know that. and if hatcher tells him one more time, he’s not going to be held accountable for his actions.
for the most part, he kills time reading and walking, usually slowly past the hangar where they’re repairing the warhawk.  they’re getting closer, just waiting on another part and then he can get back to it. he misses his spitfire already and tries to remind himself that change won’t kill him. he’s walking back towards the mess for a cup of coffee when one of the switchboard wacs flags him down from their little office. 
“captain howard? personal call for you at the clubhouse.
he immediately thinks of his mom or maggie, knows that neither of them would even start the complicated process of calling unless it was life or death. “really? who?”
“uh, nell howard from guy’s in london?” she squints at the notepad in her hand. “that sound right?”
oh fuck.
“oh, fuck.” he immediately breaks into a run and nearly topples the wac in the process. he sprints to the phone office, the closest thing to privacy he can get around here. 
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” he chants like a prayer before she gets past an inhale to start speaking. “i’m-“
she sighs, long and low and he can picture her entire body deflating from relief. “sorry.”
“i love you,” he offers.
another sigh. “i love you too.”
“i’m okay.”
“i know you are,” she says. “now.”
he winces. it’s been a long, long time since he had a girlfriend, let alone a girlfriend mad at him. he definitely deserves this one and knows it. “lew took my plane. i don’t know why whoever told you said the plane instead of the pilot. i was grounded.”
“i know that’s not your fault.” she sighs again and he didn’t know it was possible for him to feel more guilty but he feels like he was just thrown a shovel and told to dig. “but i can’t hear from helen that your plane went down and spend a whole night thinking you’re dead and i’m going to have to visit every cemetery in nebraska to find your grave to cry over and meet your mother that way.”
he smiles a little, glad she can’t see it because she sounds dead serious. “you went that far, huh?”
he sighs, rubbing the core of the phone between his thumb and forefinger. he feels terrible. he should have called her and he doesn’t understand why the hell helen wouldn’t follow up her letter with a post script when she passed him on base the next day. but…
“i’m not used to having someone care like this,” he says and immediately regrets it. somewhere in omaha, his mother and maggie just sat bolt upright like bloodhounds at the accusation that they don’t give a shit about him. they care. god, do they care. but nell is here, nell is in england, nell feels immediate in a way that anyone back home doesn’t. he knows in a blunt, factual way what will happen if he’s killed in action, knows exactly how his mother will be informed and all of the after (he reminds himself in this moment to make sure the rubbers in his footlocker are elsewhere in that event - there are some things he’d rather his mother not find out). 
nell is different. the army isn’t going to give her that same courtesy. if he goes down, there won’t be a letter and there won’t be any announcement outside of the dispatches. she’ll think he just stopped writing, that he doesn’t care anymore and that’ll be that. the idea of that makes his blood run cold, something twist hard in his stomach. 
he reminds himself to make sure someone knows to tell her. he reminds himself to tell more people about her.
she sniffs and he swears to god that if she starts crying, he’ll go awol right now and walk to london if he has to. “i was scared. i thought you were dead or in a camp.”
“i’m like a cat, i’ve got nine lives.”
she laughs but it’s hollow. “that’s really not that many in your line of work.”
“than i have however many we need me to have.” there’s a long pause. he needs a second to find his voice again. “got it?”
“got it.” she pauses and he hears a voice in the background. “i have to go. they only gave me five minutes.”
“i’ll get a letter out tomorrow,” he promises. 
“good. elliot? i do love you.”
it makes him smile, feel better almost immediately. “good. i love you.”
she hangs up and he listens to the pop and hiss of the line, suddenly brutally lonely.
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malachixdubois · 7 months
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⟨ ricky whittle. cisgender man. he/him. 43. ⟩ We just saw malachi dubois entering the high gate cemetery. I heard through the grapevine that their loyalties lie with [ the jolly rogers ] and that they also go by crosshair* . Be careful, they work for them as a assassin and can sometimes be morose, apathetic, or even resentful but I’ve also heard some people say that they were detail oriented, self-controlled, and quite resilient.
details (military, war, death tw)
Ariana Dubois was seventeen when she fell pregnant. Perhaps this wouldn’t have mattered if she’d been anyone was else, but as the only daughter of an upper class family, there were appearances to upkeep. Ariana never did confess the name of her son’s father but when he was born, it was clear that his father was not someone the Dubois parents would approve of.
Malachi Dubois was a quiet child. He suffered from a stutter in his early childhood, further proof of his flawed status. His grandparents hated him for what he represented – the ruination of all of the plans they’d had for their only daughter – but Ariana loved her son with all of her heart.
Growing up, Malachi hated everything about his life. California was lovely but his life itself was stuffy. He was the only biracial child at his school, a fact that the older boys used to torment him daily. Coming home was no better. His grandparents enrolled him in pointless activities just to get him out of the house… They never truly recovered from the scandal that was his birth, and never ceased to make him know just how much he’d ruined their lives.
When he was 15, Malachi was caught with a group of boys from the other side of town. They were everything his family was not – lower class, rough around the edges, and accepting of him – and he loved them. It was his idea to vandalize the private school he attended. It wasn’t supposed to be anything too serious, just a bit of graffiti. When they were caught, Malachi got off with a stern warning due to his grandparent’s influence. His friends did not fair as well.
In his early 20s, Malachi’s mother died. Having no other family to speak of, Malachi enlisted in the army. It was something he’d mulled over for years, but after his mother’s death, he realized that there was nothing tying him to his previous life anymore. He hadn’t made anything of himself and so far, all he’d managed to do was cast a shadow over his grandparents’ legacy.
While serving overseas, the Humvee that Malachi was in was hit by an IED. He was shipped home shortly after, a shell of a man. The wounds healed, but the scars ran deeper than the physical. He couldn’t sleep. He had so much anger in him that he couldn’t even recognize himself anymore.
He thought that a change of setting would help. He'd inherited his grandparents wealth and holdings and moving to London seemed like a good idea for feeling connected, but even there, thousands of miles away from the memories that dogged him, Malachi couldn't escape the grief and the abject guilt of having survived.
He attempted to convince himself that he could still be normal, whatever that looked like, which meant dating, attending events, and all the other things he hated. At one such event, he met Ophelia. The two fell fast into love, but the relationship burned out as quickly as it had started. Within a year, they were divorced.
With nothing else tethering him to "normalcy," Malachi decided to put his very particular set of skills to work for him. He began to pick up contracts for the Jolly Rogers and slowly worked his way up the ranks of their assassins.
He attempts to convince himself that he can still access normal, that being an assassin is something he does, not who he is, and that he is taking out people who deserve death. Guilt is still his most constant companion.
Another American, I know, but honestly, he's been in London for almost two decades and has worked for the JRs for over a decade, so all the things: friends, enemies, coworkers, flings, etc etc.
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lavendertownfreak · 2 years
Since this little guy lives in the cemetery and is basically in charge of maintaining the flowers in the garden around Mr. Fuji’s memorial (and some trainers ask what this guy is when they try to challenge the gym), I thought I’d introduce yall to one of my stranger buddies (though not as strange as Korbo).
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This is Egg! Found him on a little expedition gym leader Blue payed Vi and I to join him on (the gym leaders we’re buddies with are weird) that went to document the presence of some thought to be extinct Pokemon that allegedly (and genuinely do) live in the area around the Sinnjoh Ruins. Met this little flower bomb pretty much immediately on arrival. Started following us around and then proceeded to effectively catch themself! Don’t know what compelled me to name them Egg… Unlike the other “extinct” mon I caught there, Blue let me take Egg back to Lavender Town. Now their job is to spread flowers around the garden, and we even sometimes have people request Egg plant flowers around the graves of their departed. He’s probably one of the most well loved by the community Pokemon that work in the graveyard (funny given the fact that Egg’s kin were considered pests in their day). IDK if Blue ever published our findings, since Unown are really fuckin common there and have this nasty habit of making space-time go all fucky (meaning the very limited populations we found could just as easily by Unown sourced anomalies as they could be living populations [not to mention the fact that most of our spotted species were one offs with the exception of Voltorb interestingly enough]). So yeah! If you see Egg rolling around the graveyard, say hi! They’re super friendly and social, and almost definitely won’t try and explode in your face! (Don’t plug the hole though, Egg will get stressed and explode on the spot if you do.) They’re really not much of a battler (though they do like watching gym battles given that they happen in the garden), but I’ll give their set below:
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Seed Sower
Moves: Stun Spore/Energy Ball/Charge Beam/Rain Dance
If any of you people are interested, I might just make a post about the Sinnjoh expedition. We found some weird shit.
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eopederson · 5 months
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Grave marker, angel with child, Hi Jolly Cemetery, Quartzsite, Arizona, 2023.
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sorrowsofsilence · 4 months
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B R O T H E R S • Burning Out
The graves were now in sight and I sucked in a breath, shaking my head. Even though the car was still here, something was wrong.
There was a fresh set of white flowers scattered across the front of the graves, the vase that normally sat between the stones lying on the drying grass.
“He could have just left,” Nick chimed in, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Without the car?” I shrugged him off, pointing at the flowers, “He wouldn’t have laid them out like that. Why is the vase knocked onto the ground?”
Squinting my eyes at something that lay a few feet away from the stone, I felt my chest warm, my head beginning to shake. My limbs halted and I watched Jolly brush past me, his head tilting as he bent down, picking up the black object.
“Is this-” He began, flipping it in his hand, inspecting the singular sneaker.
“Noah’s,” I said, my stomach dropping.
Folio shrugged, “It could be anyone’s.”
I reached for the shoe, pointing to the hole that was beginning to form on the toe, “No this is one hundred percent Noah’s- the hole forming? He’s had this pair of vans for over a year. Plus, they’re a size twelve.” I peeled back the tongue, analyzing the faded tag.
“How would he lose a shoe here?” Folio asked.
“He wouldn’t,” Jolly said, looking around the cemetery, his body turning quickly as he scoped out the trees, “He would have taken it off on purpose.”
I turned around, my mind beginning to spiral. First Y/N, now Noah.
He had to have been taken.
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elskamo · 2 years
Creative Writing Drabbles
I haven’t been online in the fandom space for about a week but I have returned with some drabbles! I’ve been taking a creative writing class for the last three weeks and although the course was short it’s helped to motivate me to write again. None of these are long enough to be stories on their own so I decided to post them altogether, there are definitely ideas I’d like to revisit in the future for longer fics though. Drabbles are under the “keep reading”, you can also find them posted on AO3 and DeviantArt.
Courtney - visual prompt - wet, crying woman
Courtney's boots squelched across the floor as she entered the house, solemnly peeling off her jacket and leaving it on the banister to dry. She padded upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom, letting out a sigh of relief as she was finally alone. Courtney turned on the tap and the heater shuddered to life, hot water flowing into the bath as she undressed. Her favourite tights had snagged in her hurry to get home, she'd have to replace these. Piling up her dirty laundry in a ball in the corner, she paused before getting in the bath, her eyes drawn to the mirror. She turned off the water before slowly padding over to the bath, taking in her haggard reflection. Her hair was still wet from the rain and starting to frizz out at the ends. Her makeup was running down her face, her carefully applied mascara nothing more than black streaks. Courtney could blame that on the rain at least, rather than her tears from the hour before. She looked paler than usual, no doubt from the shock. She could hardly believe this was happening to her. Courtney quickly entered the bath, praying it could wash her pain away...
Jock - written prompt - The tap on the shoulder woke me. "Shhh," she said with a finger pressed to her lips. "Follow me."
The tap on Brick's shoulder woke him. "Shhh," she said with a finger pressed to her lips. "Follow me." Jo coaxed her husband out of bed and the pair crept quietly downstairs. The house was decked out in Christmas decorations, lights twinkling away in the dark of night. The log fire had long since been extinguished as the entire family had gone to bed. All apart from one it seemed. Jo chuckled quietly at her daughter who lay fast asleep in front of the hearth, decked out from head to toe in her father's camouflage gear and brandishing a net. The cookies for Santa had been eaten and presents left under the tree but the girl hadn't managed to catch him, instead drifting off to sleep as she waited for a glimpse of the jolly man. Giggling to themselves Brick carried carried his daughter up to bed, with Jo following close behind, the pair eagerly awaiting Christmas morning.
Duncan - verbal prompt - describe the room as part of a specific genre
It was unsettling being in the classroom so late at night. Duncan was used to breaking and entering but there was something strange about the vacant room that left him feeling unnerved. Instead of the usual hubbub of eager pupils, there was silence, nothing but the ticking clock and the roaring of the wind outside. The desks and chairs had been pushed back, leaving the room looking emptier than it should be. The pale walls covered in markings and the old wooden furniture almost made Duncan feel that he'd jumped back in time, if not for the modern desktop at the front of the room. Wandering further inside Duncan noticed the coffee mug on the table, still warm. Maybe he wasn't as alone as he thought...
Crimson - use a character profile to write a story
Crimson shivered and pulled her trench coat tighter around her. She should have known better than to wear fishnets and a short skirt to a stakeout but she refused to trade out her goth attire for anything. Her platform boots were covered in mud but Crimson didn't care, if she was going to get to the bottom of this mystery then she needed to get her hands dirty, or in this case her boots. Ordinary people would be creeped out by the cemetery late at night but Crimson was no ordinary woman. The moon shone high in the night sky, flecks of light gleaming on the tombstones, still wet from the rain. It was beautiful in its own way. Crimson crept through the graves, sticking to the shadows. The only sounds were the wind rustling through the trees and the light click of her heels. Reaching the mausoleum Crimson rummaged through her satchel, retrieving her notebook and camera. The camera was an old fashioned thing, still spewing out grainy polaroids, but as far as she was concerned it was far more reliable than going digital. Hearing heavy steps thumping Crimson held her breath, preparing to find out who was sneaking around so late at night. What she didn't expect was her boyfriend to be wandering around the cemetery, holding a shovel stained with blood.
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honeytama · 6 months
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Note: These are my own works! Listed in order of completion. Always up to date!
Bad Omens + Matt Honeycutt Tags - For Navigation
★★★ - For My Current Favorites
Noah Sebastian
Please don't keep me waiting.
Fluff / Fem!Reader
Twitch streaming a tattoo tour with your best friend and his viewers catch on to your natural chemistry. Noah notices a change in your demeanor due to their comments and bugs you for a talk in private once the camera is off.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Shared Secret - Part 1 & Part 2
Smut / Fem!Reader / MFM threesome with Nicholas Ruffilo
On tour, weeks can pass by without the touch of another. It doesn’t help that your bandmates and friends are all ridiculously attractive. After a show one night, you’re left alone with Noah on the bus. Well, you thought you were.
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Thank God for Summer
Fluff / Smut / PlusSize!Fem!Reader
Your friend and crush, Noah, invites you to his tour’s pool party while on their day off. You’ve got on a new bikini in his favorite color and he just can’t seem to keep his thoughts about your body away (or his hands off of you).
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Jealous!Noah Headcanons
Smut / Headcanons
Pride w/ all of Bad Omens/Coming out as bi
Fluff / Headcanons
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Make Your Move ★★★
Fluff / Smut / Fem! Reader / Multiple Chapters (ongoing) / Noah Sebastian x Reader x Matt Dierkes Love Triangle
Having known Matt for a year already, he knows your talents and hires you as his assistant for Bad Omens’ upcoming tour. You’ve had a crush on Matt, your friend, and now boss. However, his good friend and your celebrity crush, Noah, takes a liking to you the second you step through the door. What happens when your feelings develop? What happens when they find out? You only hope your heart doesn’t break trying to care for two others.
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Nocturne (newest writing post)
Fluff / Smut / Fem! Reader / Merman AU
Okinawa Island is just south of mainland Japan and it's where you're spending the few days of your vacation away from reality. You're on the search for fun, excitement, newness, and love. It so happens that someone else is, too.
Nicholas Ruffilo
Shared Secret - Part 1 & Part 2
Smut / Fem!Reader / MFM threesome with Nicholas Ruffilo
On tour, weeks can pass by without the touch of another. It doesn’t help that your bandmates and friends are all ridiculously attractive. After a show one night, you’re left alone with Noah on the bus. Well, you thought you were.
Joakim “Jolly” Karlsson
More Than Just a Meal
Smut / Vampire! Jolly / Fem!Reader
After returning to your friend's grave in the cemetery at night, you're found by a fiend dressed in all black. He won't let you leave. Not until he's revealed the full extent of his plans with you.
Matt Dierkes
Make Your Move ★★★
Fluff / Smut / Fem! Reader / Multiple Chapters (ongoing) / Noah Sebastian x Reader x Matt Dierkes Love Triangle
Having known Matt for a year already, he knows your talents and hires you as his assistant for Bad Omens’ upcoming tour. You’ve had a crush on Matt, your friend, and now boss. However, his good friend and your celebrity crush, Noah, takes a liking to you the second you step through the door. What happens when your feelings develop? What happens when they find out? You only hope your heart doesn’t break trying to care for two others.
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I'll Take You On
Fluff / Smut / Fem! Reader (Based of this blurb)
Matt physically defends you from a nasty group of men at your impromptu meet and greet. The sight turns you on, and he notices. He can’t help but give you exactly what you want.
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Date in Dallas, TX
Fluff / Headcanons / Moodboard
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Best Friends to Lovers Movie Night
Fluff / Smut / Blurb
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Across the Fence
Enemies to Lovers / Smut / Fem!Reader
Matt and you have been house neighbors for two years and have never got along. Recently, the wooden fence that you two share is damaged in a storm. This dilemma finally makes you both face your hatred head on.
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Look After You
Friends to Lovers / Fluff, Hurt, Comfort / Plus Size!Fem!Reader
After a guy cancels on a first date for the ?'th time, your friend, Matt, shows you’re worthy of honest love.
“Will you, won’t you, be the one I’ll always know?”
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Please Please Please
Friends to Lovers / Smut 18+ / Musician!Fem!Reader
While at the Rock Sound Awards afterparty, you’re alerted that a frontman from another band is throwing a tantrum over your band’s win. You’re pissed, but level-headed knowing you shouldn’t do anything about it. One of your friends, not so much. You relieve him of the stress the best way you know how.
Matt Thoughts Tag ★★★
Short blurbs and thoughts about Matty boy (Fluff and Smut)
Matthew C. Honeycutt
True love.
Smut / Fem!Reader
“You know when you have a girlfriend? You really like each other for a while, things are great, and then you just get bored? But then, something will happen and you’re like, God, I love you.”
“Yeah, you try anal.”
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20-year-old Jean Billette killed selling roses for Sun Myung Moon’s Cult (1980)
June 2, 1980
NEW YORK – He was a happy young man of 20 who told his mother he was leaving their Canadian home for “a trip around the world.”
His trip led to death on a dark South Bronx street corner, the roses he was selling for a church group spilled on the pavement.
The body of Jean Billette, a new member of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, was found sprawled on the ground at Southern Boulevard and East 173rd Street about 3:15 a.m. Sunday.
Billette, shot behind the left ear by one of two apparent holdup men, died four hours later at Jacobi Hospital.
Police said that under his body were 64 long-stemmed roses he apparently had been peddling to bar patrons and night owls to raise money for the church. Some $12 was in his pocket.
“It sounds crazy, but that’s what they were doing,” said Bronx police Detective James Cyran.
Police said Billette, a native of the Montreal suburb of Pierrefonds, had walked south to 173rd Street after he and other rose-laden church members were let off about 12:30 a.m. at Westchester Avenue and White Plains Road.
Police said four witnesses told them they saw two men approach Billette and talk to him. Police said the witnesses told them that, after what looked like a brief argument, one of the two men pulled a pistol from a jacket pocket and shot Billette. No gun was recovered.
Billette lived at 4 W. 43rd St., the site of the old Columbia University Club and now the headquarters of the Unification Church.
Detective James Cyran of the E. 160th St. station said Billette was assigned by the church to a team of rose sellers. Other members of the team were left along other routes, Cyran said. The route assigned Billette, he said, took the young man into bars, social clubs and other businesses in the area. The team leader told police that he had planned to pick up Billette in a van at 4 a.m., Cyran said.
He said church officials have offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to the killers.
Meanwhile, Billette’s family — Jean was one of five boys and two girls born to Jean and Fleurette Billette — was in mourning. Two of the brothers were expected to arrive here today.
‘‘I’m a Roman Catholic,” his mother, the wife of a Canadian post office administrator, said by telephone from Pierrefonds. “To tell you the truth, I believe nothing happens that God doesn’t want.”
She said her son, a heavily built man of 6-foot-2 with brown hair and eyes, had joined the Unification Church last October in San Francisco, where he had gone to visit an ex-neighbor.
“Then I got a letter,” she recalled. “He said, ‘Mother, I’m going to please you very much because I’m going to study your God. I’m going to take a Bible course for two weeks.’”
In his next letter, she said, the young man said he was canceling an intended trip to Venezuela to see his godmother and would instead join the Unification Church for three years.
“He said he had never been so happy,” the mother said. “He said he had never been so busy in his life.”
She said telephone conversations with him showed a change. “He was really a jolly fellow, always happy. There (at the church) he was more serious,” she said.
Yet, Jean remained close and continued to write.
"We asked why he couldn’t come to visit us," she said. "It was so hard to see him go. We loved him so much."
The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press June 5, 1980
Service Held for Murdered ‘Moonie’
MONTREAL (CP) — Jean Billette, murdered on the streets of New York City while selling roses to raise money for the Unification Church, was buried in a Catholic cemetery near his home in suburban Pierrefonds Wednesday.
Montreal girl dies fundraising for the Unification Church
By Josh Freed    The Montreal Star   January 7, 1978 Montreal girl dies, parents harassed
Ken Sudo describes the rape of several sisters
Atsushi Funaki was murdered while selling roses for the UC in Philadelphia, PA
“They put a gun to my head and asked if I’d rather be shot or raped.”
Man charged with strangling Seattle teen on church trip
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