#hichigo x rukia
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Amazing August by QOB-Vrisk https://qob-vrisk.tumblr.com (Check out her gallery - you won't be disappointed) 
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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Art series: 10 Sins of Miden Bad sides of ‘Miden’ main characters. They should overcome those ‘sins’ by the end of story. [Addition information for those who want to read/are not lazy] Selfishness – Putting own interests over community interests. Renji is always more concerned with his own opinions, desired and benefits. He doesn’t care about other points of view, because he’s totally sure he’s right. Wizard is too focused on his love towards Rukia, that he couldn’t care less about her opinion. He only listens to himself. That’s why feelings of other even very close people are unimportant to him, if they oppose his own desires. Obsession – Fixation. Desire to own. Desire to be needed. Tender feeling became something terrifying and deformed. Even thou Cian has human heart, her snake instincts of higher beast infect her mind. When human will open his heart for Sung Sun her soul will drawn in the storm of madness. Love is like the Devil. Vanity – urge to became famous, loved and honored. Desire to be worshiped by whole nation. Impossible dream, followed by paranoia, hypocrisy and sanctimony. Kaien wants to be someone he is not destined to be. Someone as who he wasn’t born. That’s why he wears thousands of faces, trying to fulfill his dream. Addiction - Compulsive need. Self distracting habitude. Grimmjaw was trying to escape his past so hard he became drag addict. Hi was drawn in his new way of life. Finally he was distracted from painful memories by his awful lifestyle dynamics. But one way or another this road will lead him to mental disability and craze in full splendor. Avarice – Desire to achieve personal gain. Riruka doesn’t only seek financial gain. Jewels and money are only a small part of all the things she wants. This girl could do any infamy to be happy. She could even ruin lives of people she finds interesting. Everything will be just like doll house. It will go according her plan, as if it is a pretty picture. Cowardice – Weakness of the soulwhen person sees something scary. Orihime is terrified whe she sees blood. Enchantress should help those who are wounded, but this girl could only cry for help and tremble in fear. With all her awesome talents, she is helpless and useless. Pathetic crybaby right before enemies. Heavy burden to her friend.  Snobbery – Isida is all about manners, art and high society. He pretends to be an intellectual, a man of delicate taste, but he is haughty to all of those who are ‘unworthy’. And he considers as an unworthy almost everyone. Like a pitiful rats the come to his feet. But he himself is doesn’t deserve to be worthy. He is just a rat with butt soaked in wine. Meticulousness – Bothering about smallest things. Toshiro is very pernickety and peery boy. But it’s not a pure curiosity. His sin could make him search for the forbidden knowledge that might burn his soul. The Truth could be found only if all pieces form a stained-glass window. But what sacrifices and betrayals will it coast? Scepticism – Doubt about existing of the Thuth. Rukia truly is a skeptic who denies unconfirmed thesis. Her thoughts are critical which is unforgiving for a girl temporally performs duties of a priestess. Guide of spirits should believe in celestial power of The Stars and in Great Stream of Astral River. But Kuchiki denies all of that. Her mind is a bleached out blemish on the black canvas. Pure inference. No superstitions or prejudices. But as pity as it is – her mindset is a worst sin for a priestess. Cruelty – Without mercy. Without heart. Hichigo lost most of his soul. He has not enough control over his mind. Whirlwind of feelings makes him impulsive and furious. All the pain that cave in his soul during his wanderings want to make it way out in a form of barbarities and sadism. And abyss is devouring his sympathy toward others. Completely. And remain of a human soul becomes… hollow. /Atypical sins! Not a clichéd seven! :D/
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Continued from [[X]]  @whitx-dxath​
He wasn’t sure what possessed him to do so, as his hands rested upon her shoulders. He was pretty sure that she had said something about him not having the guts to actually kiss her or something along those lines. He would happily accept the abuse she would release upon him after the fact. His right hand sliding up her neck before resting underneath her chin.
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   Leaning down, as he pressed his lips to hers; the feel of her soft lips against his own sparked something in him. His fingers slowly traced her jawline before his hand rested on the back of her head. Pale slender fingers entangling in raven locks as he continued the lip lock. Trailing his tongue along her bottom lip briefly before he pulled away to take a breath.
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   He didn’t have any words to say, his eyes scanning over her face for a reaction. Waiting for the words that might come out or rather the violence that may ensue.
Rukia knew. Once those taunting words had left her lips, she knew Hichigo was going to try and prove her wrong. She knew this and still said the words because, if she was honest, part of her wanted him to do it. They’d danced around the subject, hinting and teasing but neither one of them crossing that line. Now.. 
Now he was kissing her, his fingers gently tilting her head up as he pressed his lips against hers. Soft. His lips were softer than Rukia had expected, moving her lips against them. The way his fingertips moved from her jaw to the back of her head left a shiver down her spine, her own hands moving from his shoulders to the nape of his neck.
Her violets opened halfway as she felt his tongue trail along her bottom lip. He was pulling away with an odd expression on his face, his eyes studying her face carefully. It finally clicked in her mind what she felt and her eyes widened - vulnerable and soft. 
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For a moment, words failed her and she could only blink at him, touching her own fingertips to her lips as if feeling residual effects from his kiss. 
“Perhaps we should try that again sometime.” 
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⁂ Tread Carefully (Hollow Ichigo)
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Genre: Romance ☁
Word Count: 1,929 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Hichigo ☁
World: Bleach ☁
“Hey, Y/N!” Ichigo called out as you left the classroom.
You stopped so that the orange-haired boy could catch up. “What’s up, Ichigo?” you asked as the two of you walked down the hall to leave the school.
He heaved a sigh and ran a hand through his hair, “I think I’m going insane.”
You raised an eyebrow in question.
“My inner hollow has been really restless lately. He’s been driving me crazy!” Ichigo explained.
You knew all about Ichigo’s shinigami powers and his inner hollow. You were also a soul reaper, but you chose to live in the world of the living instead of Soul Society. Your twin sister, Yachiru, lives in Soul Society as lieutenant of squad eleven under Zaraki Kenpachi. Unlike your sister who is loud and outgoing, you were quiet, timid and shy.
“Do you know why?” you questioned, softly.
“Not a clue. I’m not sure he knows why either. He’s been buggin’ the hell out of me. He keeps saying he wants something, but when I ask him what, he comes back with ‘I don’t know‘ or just doesn’t answer at all.”
“Have you tried asking Zangetsu?”
He nodded, “Yeah I have. He just says that he’s been really restless.”
“I see.” you mused, holding your chin with your hand. “I’m sorry I can’t be of more help, Ichigo.”
“It’s fine.” he smiled, “Yuzu was wondering if you’d like to come over for dinner tonight.”
“Sure, I’d like that.” you smiled at him as you both headed toward his house.
Rukia was sitting on Ichigo’s bed, waiting for him. She smiled when she saw you, “Long time no see, Y/N.”
“Hello, Rukia.” you greeted, softly.
“Will you be staying here tonight?”
“Well I… I wasn’t planning on it…”
“Nonsense!” she got up, walking over and wrapping her arm around your shoulder, “Stay with us tonight! I need someone other than Ichigo to talk to.”
You giggled softly at the annoyed look that crossed Ichigo’s face.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he scowled.
Rukia rolled her eyes, “An idiotic boy like you couldn’t understand.”
“Why you – !”
The two started to argue and you giggled again, going downstairs to help Yuzu with dinner.
After dinner was over, the three of you settled back down in Ichigo’s room. Rukia was sleeping in the closet and Ichigo was snoring loudly from his bed. Rukia had made up a bed of pillows and blankets for you to sleep on which you thanked her for.
For some reason, you were having a lot of trouble sleeping. You lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling. There was a nagging at the back of your mind, sort of like a voice, but you couldn’t understand what it was trying to say.
You could feel darkness start to take you over as your eyes drooped closed. You could hear a whispering voice and your eyes shot open, blinking a few times before your eyes adjusted to the light.
Your eyes grew wide; you weren’t in Ichigo’s room anymore. Around you were a bunch of large buildings lying on their sides, the sky a bright blue. A fluffy cloud slowly floated by. Where were you?
Chuckling echoed and you sat up, looked around as you tried to find the source. You saw no one.
“Over here~”
Looking behind you, you jumped back, taking a defensive stance.
This man looked a lot like Ichigo but… he was completely different. His skin was as white as snow, eyes a deep gold. The white of his eyes was black, just like his fingernails. His shinigami outfit was the same, but his was white with a black outline, the opposite of the normal shinigami uniform. He had a sadistic smirk on his face, as well.
Everything about this man screamed danger and your mind was warning you to be cautious, but… for some reason, you didn’t fear any fear. You were sure he wouldn’t attack you.
He realized this, tilting his head to the side. “Oh? You’re not afraid of me?”
“Why should I be?” you questioned, softly, the tension slowly leaving your body.
“If you don’t fear me, girl, then you really are a fool.”
You ignored his insult, looking around. “Where am I?”
“Ichigo’s mind.” he sat down on the side of the building as he watched you, amusement playing in his eyes.
“Wait… are you…”
“Ichigo’s inner hollow? Yes, I am. Which is why you should be afraid.”
“That’s no reason to be afraid.” you mused, thoughtfully, “You don’t seem all that scary to me.”
He scowled, appearing in front of you. “What don’t you understand about the fact that I could kill you easily at any moment?”
“I do understand that, but… if you were going to kill me, you would have done so by now, right?” your voice was soft.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” he mused, leaning forward.
You took a step back, feeling your cheeks growing warm. You weren’t used to being so close to anyone that wasn’t your sister.
He threw his head back in laughter, “What’s your name, girl?”
His smirk widened, “Do I make you nervous?” he drew closer with every word. With every step he took forward, you took one back. You didn’t realize you were nearing the edge and with another step, you let out a squeak of fear, closing your eyes tightly. Warmth enclosed your wrists.
You slowly opened your eyes, gaze locking with your own. Something flashed through his eyes but it was gone as soon as it came. He pulled you back up onto your feet and released his grip. “T-Thank you,”
He scoffed, turning his back to you and walking away. You followed him.
“Um… how am I supposed to leave this place?” you questioned, softly.
“How the hell should I know?” he scoffed again, laying down on his side, head propped up on his fist. You sat a few feet away from him. “How’d you get here anyway?”
“I-I’m not sure.” you wracked your brain, trying to think of how you had managed to fall into Ichigo’s mind. You didn’t even realize that was possible.
“How can you not know how you got here?” he mocked.
“It’s not my fault,” you mumbled, cheeks darkening in embarrassment. “I fell asleep and woke up here…”
“Try sleeping again, then.”
You did as he said, lying down on the building and closing your eyes. You could hear him moving and his voice entered your mind, but you couldn’t make out the words as darkness started to cloud your mind. You felt something against your cheek before you were out.
You groaned, opening your eyes and taking in your surroundings. You were back in Ichigo’s room. What was that? Was it a dream? ‘But it felt so real…’ you sat on the side of Ichigo’s bed, shaking him lightly until his brown eyes opened.
“What’s wrong?” he slurred tiredly, rubbing his eyes.
“I… need to ask you something,” you said, quietly, trying not to wake up Rukia or Kon, who was sleeping on Ichigo’s desk.
“What is it?”
“I… I met your inner hollow.”
He tensed, moving his shocked brown eyes to meet your own. “Y-You what?!”
“Your inner hollow. I met him.”
“How?” He sat up, looking concerned and confused. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
You shook your head, “No. He actually saved me. And I’m not sure. When I fell asleep, there was a nagging feeling at the back of my mind, like someone talking to me.”
“We should go and see Urahara.” Came Rukia’s voice. Apparently, Ichigo’s yelling had woken her up.
“Let’s go, then,” Ichigo agreed, getting out of bed.
“Right now?” you asked, “Don’t you think it’s kind of late?”
“This is too important to put off.” Rukia grabbed your wrist and the three of you snuck out of the house, heading for Urahara’s shop. He was sitting outside the shop, waving his fan in front of his face. He knew you were coming.
He invited the three of you inside and you all sat around the table. His white and green striped hat covered his eyes.
“We have a problem.” Rukia stated, “Y/N met Ichigo’s inner hollow.”
“There was a nagging feeling at the back of my mind.” you explained, quietly, “Like someone calling me. When I opened my eyes, I was in Ichigo’s mind. His hollow was there.”
“You said he’s been restless, right?”
“That’s right. He’s been saying he wants something, but doesn’t know what it is.” Ichigo responded.
“I see. It seems that Y/N was drawn to him.”
“Drawn to him? How? Why?” Ichigo leaned forward, his hands on the table.
“I’m not sure. Perhaps the thing he’s been wanting is Y/N.”
“That’s not possible!” Rukia exclaimed. “It is possible. Very possible.”
“This doesn’t make any sense!” Ichigo slammed his fist into the table, making you and Rukia jump.
“You’re going to have to go back,” Urahara stated, waving his fan.
“No way!” Ichigo refused. “It’s too dangerous, he’s unstable!”
“I don’t really mind,” you said, quietly, looking at your hands folded in your lap.
“What? You can’t be serious, Y/N!”
You nodded, “He’s not so bad.”
“There’s a risk, though.” Urahara looked up so that one eye was shadowed by the brim of his hat, “If you go back again, you might not be able to return here.”
You nodded again, telling him that you understood. Ichigo and Rukia tried to stop you, but your mind had been made up. Urahara moved to sit next to you, commanding you to try to sleep.
You laid on your back, eyes closed, for over ten minutes before you felt the familiar prickling at the back of your mind. You felt everything fade around you.
Your eyes snapped open. You were back in Ichigo’s mind.
“Welcome back.” Hichigo was sitting on the edge of the building, his back to you. “You came back of your own free will this time. Why?”
“I wanted to find out something,” you said softly, staring up at the blue sky above you.
He stood up and walked over to stand in front of you, “And what would that be?”
“You’ve been really restless, right? You’ve been wanting something.”
His eyes narrowed, “Yeah, so?”
“You don’t know what you want?”
He stared at you for a few moments before speaking, “I think I might have figured it out. I’m not sure, though.”
“What is it?”
He seemed to contemplate his next move before leaning down, his lips meeting your own. You could feel the longing he felt within the kiss. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening this kiss.
He broke the kiss, moving his lips to your ear. “You do know… that you might not be able to return.”
You chewed on your bottom lip as you thought about it. Finally, you breathed out a reply. “I don’t care,”
His scent was intoxicating infecting your senses. He smirked, tongue running the length of your ear. A shiver went down your spine as your cheeks heated up. “I know what I want.”
“What is it?”
“I want you, Y/N.” He pressed a kiss to your neck before biting down, drawing blood from the wound. “You’re mine. All mine.”
From that point on, Ichigo’s inner hollow was no longer restless. They never saw you again, but somehow they knew everything was okay with you. They knew that you were happy and safe, and they knew that you didn’t regret the decision you had made.
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Have you updated your to do list?
Hi anon! I updated it last night so it should be up to date? I don’t think I missed anything in my inbox haha
I’ve copied/pasted it below a read more for those of you on mobile!
Reaction to if their s/o got lip piercings (Grimmjow + Ulquiorra + Aizen + Gin + Tousen)
Reactions to a female s/o trying to dominate (Grimmjow + Ulquiorra + Aizen + Gin + Tousen)
HCs for what Squads 9, 10, & 12 do on their downtime.
HCs for how their hollows affects their love/ sex life (Shinji + Ichigo + Lisa + Kensei)
HCs for receiving a package with their S/O’s head inside it (Byakuya + Unohana + Shunsui)
NSFW HCs of S/O waking them up in a rather sexual way (Kensei + Shunsui + Byakuya)
HCs for having a kid they knew nothing about. When they meet, they’re adults and opposites, personality wise. (Byakuya + Kensei + Shunsui)
HCs for how confused/appreciative they would be with a human SO who’s like a pastel punk type that treats them like they’re made of glass sometimes because they love them so much. (Grimmjow + Starrk + Harribel)
Wedding day HCs (Shinji + Kensei)
HCs seeing reader kick someone’s ass yet again because they getting shit for having a kido type of sword. (Yumichika + Ikkaku)
HCs for comatose s/o recovering (Byakuya + Grimmjow - continuation)
How they would take care of their S/O with a cold (poly Byakuya + Jushiro)
HCs for Kenpachi in love.
Softer dad HCs (Kenpachi)
HCs for if Kenpachi married into a very powerful godlike family
Fem!s/o discovers her Bankai and it turns her temporarily into a kitsune. S/O finds out later that her Bankai can also let her take on a more ethereal form that looks like a straight-up nine tailed fox. (Byakuya)
HCs for Byakuya dating a widow
HCs for an arrange married (Byakuya)
Threesome HCs (Bazz-B)
HCs on how would Bazz-B react if his s/o confessed to him that even if not going to the battlefield isn’t an option they don’t want the war to happen, because they don’t see what’s the point in it or what good could it do.
SFW + NSFW HCs (Tousen)
Married life (Kyouraku)
Anything you want to write with any character(s) you want
HCs Chad dating Kenpachi’s daughter
HCs with fem!s/o who doesn’t believe in herself and feels that everyone looks down on her at work (Shinji)
HCs on reaction to finding out his girlfriend is pregnant with his child after the 1000 year blood war. (Komamura)
HCs on Renji having a sister 2 or 3 years younger than him
HCs for falling for a woman just as cunning and manipulative as he is, but she’s also kind and a good person (Aizen)
HCs on Yoruichi becoming friends with a female shinigami that has a lightning based zanpakuto
Kink HCs (Ikkaku)
HCs on Shinigami women being pregnant
HCs on how Tatsuki acts when she has a crush on someone + NSFW HCs
Yumichika with a chill s/o that’s into art appreciation and aesthetics n stuff but doesn’t put too much stock in people’s physical appearance/attractiveness and doesn’t really understand why Yumichika does
NSFW HCs (Komamura)
HCs birthday kisses that lead to nsfw stuff (Hanataro)
Funny reactions where they hear weird noises coming from s/o’s room, and they go investigate. They think she’s having some fun by herself, but when they fling the door open, they find her sitting on her bed, playing with a ball of slime (Renji + Kensei + Ichigo + Grimmjow)
HCs for Izuru with new third seat in his squad who infuriates him.
Hogwarts houses (Starrk, Grimmjow, Nnoitra + Harribel)
Reaction to s/o revealing they’re going to be parents and telling Rukia (Byakuya)
Fluff HCs (Hichigo)
Scenarios (will be chosen by me and may not all be completed)NSFW
Shunsui/Jushiro/fem!s/o in a poly relationship and they decide to have sex for the first time
Shunsui and his s/o are having a date, maybe under the trees, and it ends in some smut.
Smut scenario Jushiro.
Grimmjow is dominated by his s/o
Nel and Harribel and a female reader, where they are having a girls night and they all end having sex.
Starrk with tsundere fem S/O
Shinji with a soft dom so
Shunsui x female reader where he’s getting spanked over his s/o’s lap for being naughty
Jushiro x reader nsfw scenario where they haven’t been intimate for a while because he’s been bedridden, but once he’s got his strength back, she visits him while wearing a short, tight, light pink sexy nurse’s outfit and he creams himself.
Aizen lets a female reader give him a massage because his muscles are sore. And the massage leads to some nsfw activities
Polyship with Byakuya/reader/older!orihime all dating with some nsfw sprinkled in
Grimmjow and Kensei scenarios where they come home extremely grumpy from their day and need some lovin.
A cute scenario where Shinji’s a captain again and there’s this new girl working around the office that he really really likes. A scene where she’s got a really cute giggle and sneeze and Shinji’s just internally losing it with how adorable she is.
Scenario of Ichigo falling for a U.S. soldier who’s stationed in Japan but their romance gets put on hold when she’s deployed but she ends up dying, her last letter being given to Ichigo.
Scenario of Ichigo teaching his female best friend who’s a shinigami how to drive
Wrinkles that can be kissed away (Kenpachi + Ukitake + Kyoraku)
Having a bath with his s/o (Ulquiorra, Gin or Aizen)
Ulquiorra having a panic attack/ helping his s/o when they have a panic attack.
Shinji and his gf doing a “long distance” relationship. Like she’s from the human world but he has to go back to the soul society.
Kink requests - none
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ciebei · 7 years
I could write a Thousand Memoirs for us
Ichiruki. Drabbles upon drabbles. AUs, Canon, Angst, (vaguely) Not!Angst...
I’ve been going through old writing lately and staring at WIPS, and realising that a lot of my older stuff feels more vivid than my newer. I wanted to capture just a huge range of Ichiruki movements - a spectrum - in this collection for @blooming-stars, because that’s just... idk, how it goes? And I wanted to tie up loose ends from as far as November 2016 and as recently as a few months ago. I hope you enjoy the fallout, and happy happy birthday! x
Ranges from Most Recent - Oldest (with additions/edits to majority of pieces).
Ephemeral, but in the wonderful, fantastical sense
AU where Rukia is captain and Ichigo is lieutenant/not-so-ryoka-ryoka. Kind of Not!Angst. 469 words.
“I’d like to end up where you do.”
      She whispers into the skin of his neck, arms burrowed tightly around the span of his shoulders.
He can place her voice by instinct, and finds himself swayed by it; his response sticky on his tongue.
Her words hold the kind of tone she uses to describe her childhood. Byakuya. Her gradual ascent through the ranks. It’s soft, and tender, and raw. That kind of rawness perfectly contrasting to her bird-bones, and her bravado. He doesn’t think much else about it, and drifts off again.
Awakening comes with a cold palm to his cheek; his neck, and then his side, like a long, cooling wave.
      Through his lashes, and the hazy array of colours, he can make out a form of what he thinks must be their bedside. The slow-diluting morning sky.
Rukia pats his hipbone with a straggling arm and grits out, “Look alive, sunshine. I’ve got duty in 10.”
Ichigo would rather she and him go back to sleep, quite honestly. He’s been pushed to the brink lately, expending obscene amounts of reiatsu for cadets, and their general lumbering stupidity when it comes to Giant Hollows. (Because of course, if they think their soul can handle a gigantic murderous phantom then by all means, their ego should drive them to their deaths). His ribs whine as he rights himself and stumbles across their room to find her lips. She complains, but only for the fact that her Shihakushō pools back down at her ankles. He doesn’t mind.
They have made it through another day.
“…I was worried Kidõ wouldn’t do much good after last time…” Rukia admits, as they draw back, and his heat flushes her. “I was worried that my chest would become a… a tomb.” She laughs, but it is sad.
      A bony graveyard, he muses, and huffs.
Ichigo feels her nails grate against him slightly as she draws him close, until he finally finds his voice, and the slight pinch is displaced with silky finger pads. It’s rough. It’s tired. But it’s honest,
                            “I’ll always be here.”
      He presses his palm against the small of her back, unravelling his other arm to twine around her shoulders. His head is fuzzy, and, yeah, twenty seconds later he’d still rather be in bed - with her - and still feels the kind of feeling where nothing is momentous, just a liquid stream of half-conscious dream remnants, and yet every breath he takes is a new one, however painful, so that really ought to count for something. An award. A plaque. He wonders how he could best say this to her, instead settling for a slow moving kiss (and as much skin-to-skin contact as internal bleeding allows for).
“You should be in bed.” She finally says, and he nearly (nearly) laughs.
The Bonsai Wilt Without you
Post-686, Ichigo lives in SS; light exploration of Rukia dealing with Ukitake’s passing. Angst. 78 words.
She walks into her office and finds a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the anniversary. And first, she thinks oh — Ishida and Inoue must be doing so well - until she walks closer, and sees some are crumpled and some are wilting and it’s all in shambles, absolute shambles. And it’s lovely. The colours clash— it’s lovely.
The card reads ‘To 13th squad — Ichigo’ in chicken scrawl, and that’s the first time she cries about Ukitake’s death.
(Ex)Hero, (Ex)Convict
Version of the dbprompt ‘cape’ that I discarded. Angst. 210 words.
He wore a cape, that day, looming over her in the storm of flames, the intensity of the sun in the eyes he had fixed on her, molten; unwavering; true.
It’s a memory that has rarely left her side, and one that still burns into the corners of her dreams sometimes - an endless afterthought.
She, he tells her, wears a cape everyday. She wears it on mornings where the world feels like a deep, dark, unfathomable ocean, and he like the seabed. She wears it while she laughs, and her smile crinkles the clear cut of her face, something small and easy, but tremendously revolutionary to him.
He, she tells him, is more deserving of the word hero.
    (She, more deserving of the word captain).
But heroes are something you leave buried in the bedrock. Heroes are something that - if ever they did exist - existed as a taste of something better. A taste of change. Extraordinary in their timeline but a vestige of the past to a better man turned a bitter man, a broken man.
That is why, he is now 23, wears no cape, no fire; no smile. He has just the afterthought of memories on his tongue, and the crushing grip of déjà vu in his bedroom.
(Calluses don’t suit Snow).
Ichiruki/Hichigo exploration, Post-686, Angst. 410 words.
He misses her each time the blade slung over his back holds more weight, and rougher covers, and the burden of a senseless evil. But he supposes her being unaffected, and away from harm, is the best case scenario for them both.
    A private monarchy isn’t so bad anyway. Maybe his essence is. The way it attempts to crawl forth and mingle with him: the way that is oil mixing with water - futile; messy; unwilling. One-sided, at best. 
But Shirayuki had always felt too clean in his hands, silken edges sliding against his rough skin.
Shirayuki enjoys deception perhaps even more than she enjoyed her company. Perhaps, even more than she enjoyed baring each inch of her soul to Rukia Kuchiki as the last jagged form of ice had been slipped onto the crown of hair beneath. (She had risen with lashes full of snow, eyes full of storm, and skin full of frost - a near-echo to the pit of her soul).
    Shirayuki enjoys the creeping turn of black-fringed-red to her vision - perhaps - even more than her companions’ coronation.
              Perhaps, even more than she should.
Rukia had seen it first. The peachy hues of sky dulling as each crest of cloud plunged to darkness; to a pit of grey. A wash of nighttime that had invoked such a visceral fear that for the first time - and not for ice - a shiver had run the length of her spine. She had lost sight of the summit; of the angry snap of ice at the rocky base, and the bright sickle-cut of that month’s new moon.
      Her senseless climb had begun with a jarring sense of urgency clawing at her throat, every thought was a trail of panic; every step a burning of limbs. All the warmth had fled her bones with each movement; each cry from Shirayuki to raise her hands, raise her hands, raise her hands. And what- meet the blackened orb that tainted her sky? The wind - a tricky force - blisters her skin with cold and sears her under a familiar weight, so, for that - if nothing else - she keeps her ground and growls: “No.”
All the breath she is able to spare is ripped away when the sole of her feet touch the peak. Amidst the arms of trees, and the falling of shadows, sits a throne of ice.
        The eyes that glint back to her are not a clear lilac, but the burning gold of something else.
Summer Sundown 
Discarded prompt for dbprompts ‘Queen’, where I was gonna make it Fluff. (Clearly didn’t get very far). 29 words.
        “This is plenty.”
“Yeah?” He sighs, a twinkle in his eyes as he turns to let his hands drift in the water of their pond.
       “I think so, too.”
Halcyon Days
Another discarded prompt for ‘Queen’, where Fluff and happier birthdays were also on the agenda. 45 words.
He says, “C’mere,” and doesn’t let her choose.
      He pulls her down with a gentle hand and a laugh, the soft murmur of her complaint lost to his lips in the winter. She tastes of the remnants of ice, and that lonely scent of night.
Exploration of Hichiruki. 81 words.
His eyes are two full chaotic vortexes. And she knows the taste far too well to fall for them.
Each illusion; each shadow-pass of his face, she knows.
      (Knows down to her core.)
Enough to know that every lonely echo and scrape of laughter from his throat forms not the man she loves, but a different being all together.
If a God can be as cruel, and as merciless, and as malformed as he, then ichor must run through his veins.
Death in all Three (Free) Forms
Originally titled ‘Just: to Be’, exploration of Post-686 and reflecting on Post-Farewell Swords, too. Was gonna make this a whole sha-bam. 35 words.
He thinks that, if he was only living when he was with her, he must be dead now.
      He must have been dead all of those years ago.
What does that make the other world?
We Would Wear this to A Funeral
Post TYBW and the dealings of the Gotei-13. 313 words.
“How are the 10th’s barracks?”
      Kyouraku seems to be in a daze, Ichigo decides, because that is the tenth time he has listed off a barrack that every single soul in this room knows to be massacred.
In fact, Seireitei has now morphed into a beast - more maw, and red insides than anything else. More bite. More of a rubble-creature.
                      More nothing.
      Really, he’s done a very good job of keeping his mouth shut so far.
“-Closed off. Destroyed— half-fucking- obliterated by the war that we all just—“
Byakuya gives him a look that makes him angrier, and he almost bites the bait, almost. But there is even the level of superiority that a Kurosaki won’t touch; it clouds Byakuya’s eyes like a thick fog.
    There’s a heavy pause.
“Ichigo.” Rukia says, after a tired sigh and a long, long moment, “If you could just be quiet while a captain is speaking, that would be appreciated.” Her tone is gentle and reprimanding, but it makes his gut wrench in a sickening fashion. He doesn’t realise he has just pressed a fragment of Zangetsu into his palm until blood drips hotly onto his waraji. That will stain. Though what won’t?
        The smell makes him feel violently ill.
    The 13 squad guardians are in disarray.
Usually, he’d excuse Rukia - she rarely seems to be out of place - but war does that funny thing where it almost rips apart every single person and every single feeling you love.
(Almost. You still have them.)
          Does he?
Her gaze is distant, even, and of course he knows that the death weighs heavily on them, but they are death gods, and he could be doing better than just sitting here and feeling each reiatsu layered with a storm as if he were the rain.
        Maybe that’s what he needs. For someone else to break before he allows himself to.
Post-686. Rukia pov. Grieving for a not-so-dead dead man. 259 words.
If there was a method of extraction, quicker and less painless and less awful than this melancholy drag, then she would take it.
She would take it over vengeance. Over her blood boiling at the sight of orange; of stars; of light. She would take it over every single strand that has been weaved into her broken tapestry of bones. It is fragile and cruelly withstanding, and it thrives on vengeance. It is not malicious. It is wholly self-destructive, and perhaps, what she prides herself with the most.
         It is oil-sick; the heavy drag of hands on her skin.
              It is dark; the absence of the warmth.
She wonders if it will always be their fate to die by her hand.
            Somehow, they both grow.
She notices only because his growth is in the tiredness of his posture, in the gradual slope of his shoulders; the grit in his voice. It’s the kind of noticing she performs when each year Seireitei’s grand gardens harbour trees with just a little more height than the year before, or when she has too many late nights in her office boxed in by endless stacks of paperwork, and the next time she scouts the cobbled city streets is in Spring. When the air is lighter, pollen caught on the fringes of wind; flowers in full bloom and trees their great, lush green. A sudden noticing.
Maybe it’s the Universe’s version of remuneration, to this whole mess. At least he can live a normal life. At least she gets a slither of her wish.
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maeda-ai · 3 years
My Queen --Bleach version--
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Anime: Bleach
Rating: M
Pareja: Hichigo & Rukia
Sinopsis: Se odió a sí misma al corresponder todo cuanto ese demonio hacía con ella, los besos, las caricias... estaba haciendo el amor con el hollow de Ichigo. (Adaptación de mi fic de Zenki).
Advertencia: (NSFW) Lemon.
Por: Maeda Ai.
Entró sigiloso. Si en ese momento él fuese un simple shinigami, ya se hubiese acurrucado junto a la mujer, dispuesto a dormir.
Pero esta vez era diferente, esta vez estaba libre. . . esta vez no era un shinigami, ni un hollow, solo era él. . . la versión más fuerte y despiadada.
Se acercó al lecho, posando una de sus manos sobre el seno izquierdo de la pelinegra, apretándolo sin la más mínima delicadeza.
* ¿Qué. . . qué haces?. * _Rukia despertó entre gritos al darse cuenta de las "travesuras" de su compañero._ * I-Ichigo. . . tu mascara, ¿cómo es que?. *
Las dudas y miedos de la joven se quedarían sin respuesta o alivio, pues el hollow la empujó de nuevo contra el futon, inmovilizándola y desgarrando todas sus ropas.
* Ahora, shinigami, haré contigo lo que él no se atreve. *
* I-Iaa !!. *
La pelinegra se retorció desesperada, más nada podía hacer contra la fuerza de ese demonio.
Hichigo sonrió victorioso, mientras sus grandes y toscas manos iban y venían por la pequeña y frágil figura de la mujer, tocando, delineando, reconociendo la silueta femenina y memorizándola.
Sus pequeños pechos fueron objeto de salvajes y bruscas caricias así como de succiones y mordiscos por parte de los ardientes labios de ese ser.
Gruesas lágrimas mojaron el rostro de la shinigami, en un extraño contraste con los débiles gemidos de placer que por más que quiso, no pudo retener.
* El rey siempre está contigo, ahora es mi turno. . . *
Hichigo liberó su pene ya duro, sin necesidad de despojarse completamente de la shihakusho.
Un grito desgarrador se escuchó en la oscuridad de la habitación, mismo que se ahogó entre los labios del hollow.
Rukia se odió a si misma al corresponder todo cuanto ese ente hacía con ella, los besos, las caricias, el vaivén de sus caderas.
No supo cómo o en que instante, pero la ojivioleta se hundió en un hermoso y placentero trance que solo Ichigo podría darle.
““Y él es Ichigo. . . aunque su hollow lo esté controlando.""
Para cuando se dio cuenta, la joven se hallaba lanzando las caderas al encuentro del pene de aquel hollow.
El roce de su sexo, la intensidad y la sensibilidad, todo, terminó en un fuerte orgasmo donde la vagina de Rukia apretaba deliciosamente el pene del hombre, haciéndolo venirse dentro de ella.
El silencio que de pronto envolvió la habitación, solo fue interrumpido por un suspiro de la chica cuando su amante salió de su cuerpo.
* Ichigo, ¿por qué?. . . *
* Yo no soy Ichigo, lo vencí. . . ahora yo soy el rey. *
* Mentira !. *
* Ya no queda nada de él. Y tú no significas nada para mí. *
* N-no. . . yo sé que no es así. . . *
Le decía ella con una mirada suplicante.
El hollow chasqueó la lengua.
* Tonta !. *
Dijo y salió apresuradamente de la habitación. Alejándose para someter al rey, quien clamaba por salir y recuperar a su reina.
Con cierta tristeza, la shinigami se abrazó a sí misma. Tal vez Hichigo quiso hacerla sufrir, pero al final él también terminó disfrutando de aquel acto. Porque por mucho que lo negará, el formaba parte de Kurosaki, y por esa razón no podía evitar desear y querer lo mismo que Ichigo. . . y eso la incluía a ella.
* Él siente lo mismo que Ichigo, lo sé. *
Una triste sonrisa se dibujó en el rostro de Rukia, porque ella no podía odiar a Hichigo, como decidió llamarlo.
Y es que ella amaba a Ichigo y lo aceptaba tal cual era, incluso con su hollow interior que a veces tomaba el control del shinigami y la poseía de forma violenta.
Tampoco podía odiarlo cuando, en medio del caos del éxtasis y sin darse cuenta, él la llamaba "reina mía".
Cuando quería adaptar este fic, no sabía cómo hacer que Ichigo se comportara tan. . . malvado. Y Shirosaki, que me encanta, fue la solución.
Me gusta esta parte oscura del alma de Ichigo, lástima que nunca aparece ante Rukia ¬¬' .
Lo que si tuve que cambiar fue el título (y el final ¬¬'), ya que Hichigo no es precisamente un guardián 0w0 .
Este fanfiction fue escrito por MAEDA Ai y es material de “Paradise”.
Totalizado el 13 de Diciembre de 2019.
Versión Zenki= Totalizado el 01 de Mayo de 2009.
La dama del Hentai: Maeda Ai.
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yimena-joy · 8 years
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Original Drawing by Yimena Joy - Beauty and the...Bastard? .•~Hichigo X Rukia~•.
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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Continued from [[X]] @whitx-dxath
Rukia’s worried frowned only deepened when she saw the look of confusion and fear on Hichigo’s face. The way his eyes stared at her with that blank expression confirmed it. He had no memory of who she was. 
Biting her lip slightly, Rukia bent down and offered him her hand. “My name is Rukia Kuchiki. I am your friend.” Her heart felt heavy in her chest as she tried to keep a smile on her face. Perhaps this was a situation where she would need to call Ichigo or Isshin - but more importantly, she needed to find out how this happened. 
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“Do you remember who you are?
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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[ Sketch ]
"Тьмок" translates from Russian as "Chuu~", light kiss. That's art with characters of fanfiction Miden. Hichigo wants to celebrate Rukia's birthday by giving her hand made thingy and kissing her on a cheek. Kuchiki seems surprised and pleased at the same time.
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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[ Sketch ]  /Я просто вспоминала как рисовать гифки/ Frozen inside without your touch Without your love, darling Only you are the life among the dead [ Evanescence — Bring Me To Life ]
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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[ Sketch ]   1) - My hair grown back again - Nice 2) /yawns/ - Rukia, are you asleep? Hichigo is a magician with strange life history. That's why his hair groving to the length of 5 m in a blink of an eye is usual for him. Rukia adores long hair and are happy to braid it for her master. Yellow silk bow and a fork used as a comb - what could compare with that?
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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Work in progress
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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Вдруг это будет кому-нибудь интересно. 
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