#hidekane ask
aiku · 2 years
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honeybee - steam powered giraffes // tg ch. 62 // castaway - the ready set // tg:re ch. 124 // time - mikky ekko // tg ch. 136 // “orestes” by euripides // tg:re ch. 148
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myndless88 · 4 months
AU where Hideyoshi Nagachika & Ken Kaneki are 2 protagonists from 2 different genres.
Hideyoshi Nagachika is your typical action-fantasy Shōnen protagonist who's The Chosen One & his destiny is to save the world from The Big Bad who wants to rule it & defeat said Big Bad.
Ken Kaneki is your average slice-of-life protagonist who just wants to survive his job & make it through his day while dealing with a few unpleasant co-workers & a lot of rude, entitled customers.
Somehow, by a twist of fate, one ends up in the other's story & the 2 meet. They form a close bond unlike anyone has ever seen before. But Hide soon discovers he isn't the only one who has his eyes (and heart) set on Ken...
Ooh! This looks interesting!
I can imagine fantasy!Hide falling into the world of average worker!Kaneki and just being constantly surprised at things ("Look out, Ken! These strange metal creatures are obstructing our passage!" "Hide, those are cars. And that's why we are at the crosswalk.")
I feel like Kaneki would be constantly smacking his forehead, but also finding joy out of this strange blond who claims to be from some far away land.
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hakucho-art · 1 year
free pass to talk about touken
HAHA, you're really indulging me huh
Ohhh what to talk about. It's funny, they occupy my brain 24/7 but as soon as someone asks me about them then there's nothing in that little head of mine. I guess I'm just gonna ramble lol.
Today I've been headcanoning about Touka sitting and waiting next to Kaneki while he's in his coma. Saiko and Urie being next to her as well and Saiko asking her who she is since she and Urie shouldnnttt really know her iirc. She introduces herself and also says that she's nekis wife (I will never get over her "MY HUSBANDS WAITING FOR ME UP THERE" MY GOD, I DIED AND ASCENDED HEAVEN THAT DAY) and saiko and urie getting shocked at that.
Saiko gets sad about the fact that she missed the wedding (calling her mamans wife from then on 😭♥️) and Urie mutters "First Takeomi, now Haise......." which catches Touka's attention. Since they visited yorikos wedding, she probably asked Kaneki who the man is she's marrying and what he's like. So if they know takeomi then they should also know what happened to yoriko!
And she freezes up because since she found out about the execution, she probs completely avoided thinking about it nor engaging with the topic in any way. She already did canonically with Kaneki but he knows how she feels and how that is and can give her comfort in the nights when the pain is too much to bear. Touka silently crying while Kaneki hugs her and kisses her trying to ease the pain if not at least a little 🥺
She is too scared to even ask if yoriko's still alive, too afraid of the answer. And while she starts trying to form the question, she unconsciously holds kaneki's hand enclosed between her two hands and squeezes it. Trying to find the strength to ask that question.
Urie starts answering before she even finished forming her sentence, assuming maybe she wants to ask where they are and tells her that they left the city (IIRC LMAO).
She falls forward, relief going through her whole body and holds kanekis hand against her forehead. Saiko and Urie ask her if she's okay since her body starts shaking but she says that she's fine. Knowing that Yoriko is alive and well and away from all the insanity that is happening right now in Tokyo, she couldnt be more happier about it. Now she only needs the person in front of her to wake up.
Gahhhh, I'm just.... soooo damn soft for hurt/comfort AND THATS LITERALLY TOUKENS WHOLE THING. Makes me think about the way Kaneki was nervous about seeing Hide again after all these years and going for Touka's hand, wanting to hold it in order to ease that nervousness 😭🤲🤲🤲 THEY ALWAYS GO FOR EACHOTHERS HANDS WHENEVER THEY ARE IN NEED OF COMFORT.
Although I also really like the thought of Kaneki needing lots of physical comfort and touka needing emotional comfort while the way that they give comfort is both the opposite, Kaneki giving emotional comfort and touka giving physical one. Perfectly aligning <3
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tg-headcanons · 11 months
hidekane song(s)? I offer Brightside by The Lumineers
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Hidekane songs!
Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men! I think of this as Kaneki in CCG custody having these ghosts of half-memories of Hide, not knowing who he is or why he feels like he’s missing someone and not knowing that he’s still out there trying to help him
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Angel Of Small Death And The Codeine Scene by Hozier! It feels like Kaneki trying to explain or rationalize his love for Hide but being unable to describe what it’s like because he makes him feel human even when he can’t be anymore
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Life by Mother Mother! Gotta love a dynamic where they both see themselves as awful and the other as perfect and only believe themselves worthy when the other loves them
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2econd 2ight 2eer by Will Wood! This feels like Hide knowing Kaneki is a ghoul and being SO into it knowing damn well it could get him killed or arrested and preparing to sacrifice himself and lie to the government for that sweet sweet ghoul ass
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shewhoeatssand · 1 year
what are your top 3 tg ships?
btw I’m @rizeenthusiast, this is my main :)
1) Shuuneki, but it HAS to be written a certain way. Preferably with Shironeki since a) he’s my favourite and b) I don’t see why Kuroneki or Haise would agree to date Shuu since Kuro would take everything Shuu does platonically and be too oblivious to Notice The Signs, while Haise wouldn’t be able to get to know Shuu too well since he’s manipulated to prioritize his work more than anything outside of it. Shiro however would probably date Shuu if he found it beneficial to him in some way and I think they could bring out the worst in eachother if they became more comfortable together. Bond over violence yk
2) Amoneki - I don’t post about them much (tbf I don’t post about anything) but every fic I’ve ever read of them has included an “omg he’s so small” from Amon and I think that’s hilarious and adorable. Any Kaneki pre-Reaper would work for this one, I saw a really cute Human Kaneki slurping ramen with Amon once and aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!💕💕💕💕💕 SUPER cute. Closest thing to a comfort ship
3) Hidekane! this is mainly because of some really good fics I’ve read (cough cough Pathetic Fallacy changed my whole opinion of this ship). Hide is so Silly and Kaneki is so Oh No Please Don’t Do That and they understand eachother on such a deep level and realistically I don’t think anyone else would ever be able to do that with Kaneki. If we cast aside my reading and aesthetic preferences this is probably the Superior TG Ship because of how close they are together in canon so they can respond to eachother accordingly.
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hinamie · 2 months
i had a good question for u the other day but i forgot it before i could send it ✋ have not remembered it yet BUT as one of my few mutuals who are or haven been into both jjk and tokyo ghoul i must ask u this:
how do u think itafushi would react to getting kanekied/ghoulified? i have been thinking abt this + their similarities w hidekane since forever so if u have any thoughts...🧐
anyway! hope ur doing well hina <33
HI RIN OH m y god thank u fr reminding me *bumps tg!itfs designs Up the to-draw list*
I think that yuuji's initial reaction would be very similar if not identical to kaneki's i can picture SO easily the desperation fr it not to be true the trying to cling to humanity through food despite the ultimate futility ,, like the entire scene of kaneki crying hyperventilating making himself sick trying to eat??? i can picture yuuji There and Like That 1:1 no questions asked. following that though and following the slow horrific dawning acceptance I think we would slip right back into yuuji "I'm a Cog" itadori . him forcing himself 2 smother the self-loathing and do what has to be done to pursue his ideals and protect the people he loves no matter who he has to kill or Eat and no matter the monster it turns him into
megumi,,,,...ngl it's a Lot harder fr me to imagine his reaction sighs gotta love a stoic king ,, i think his realization that this is my life now would be a lot more . nihilistic? like whereas with yuuji it would act as a sort of driving force (move forward, fight, make it Worth something) for megumi i think him becoming a ghoul and being forced to accept it would b an amalgamation of his shame and self hatred and perceived weakness. it would b a burden it wld be a mental block in combat, him resenting himself fr what he is and what he allowed himself to become . i think he would fight to hurt himself and hate to eat. btw bonus kagune type hcs: yuuji either rinkaku or koukaku megumi bikaku ty fr coming 2 my ted talk :)
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 2, Side B, Match 7
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propaganda under the cut!
"Submission 1 Let me tell you, when I say they should have been canon, they should have been canon! Let's start from the beginning, shall we? (Major spoilers for the whole series lmao)
Hide and Kaneki met as children, around the ages of 7-10. Kaneki has always been a big bookworm while Hide has always been a big extrovert. Unbeknown to anyone yet, Hide had recently lost his father and was just adopted and was having a hard time adjusting and fitting in at this new school despite his cheerful personality. He kinda just walked up to Kaneki and asked to be his friend and he said yes.
They grew up together, Hide being Kaneki's only salvation in the world as he lost his mother and was stuck in a neglectful, nearly abusive situation living with his aunt. They usually just talked about stupid stuff, but Hide's friendship meant everything to Kaneki. Eventually, they began attending the same university, Kamii. Kaneki took literature while Hide studied foreign languages, majoring in English. They were only in their first year when Kaneki was involved in an accident. In this world, creatures known as ghouls exist among humans, look and act just like them, but they eat human flesh. It's the only thing their bodies can digest, everything else tastes disgusting and makes them sick.
Kaneki went out with a girl, but found out she was actually a ghoul when she tried to eat him. He ran away into a construction zone where steel beams fell on the girl and he passed out. He was rushed to the hospital and needed a kidney transplant, but the hospital had none and so they used the girl's, or so the doctor said. In reality, the doctor transplanted the girl's kakuho, an organ unique to ghouls, into him. Slowly, Kaneki began to notice changes to his body. Food tasted gross and people started to sound appetizing (this all sounds off topic but trust me it's necessary to understand the depths of Kaneki and Hide's relationship).
While dealing with this revalation, Kaneki skipped out on quite a few days of class. Once he retuned, Hide immediately hugged him, saying that he's been lonely and that rabbits die of loneliness. Later in the day, Hide is attacked by a ghoul and knocked unconscious while Kaneki tries to fight the ghoul off. Kaneki is very weak at this point and can't do much, but tries to defend his friend until the bitter end. When it really looks like Hide is about to die and be eaten, Kaneki is able to unleash his kagune (a hunting limb/organ thing ghouls use to fight) to fight off the ghoul and save Hide. The two of them are saved and cared for, and Kaneki talks to another ghoul about how he's no longer human in the same room Hide is sleeping in but little does he know that Hide is actually awake.
They started drifting away because of this, with Kaneki wanting to keep Hide out of danger. At one point, Kaneki is kidnapped and goes missing and so Hide spends his time looking for him, tailing shady people, and joining the CCG (Comission of Counter Ghoul, aka the ghoul cops) as an intern to look for files on him. Eventually a few months later, they find each other again. Kaneki has changed a lot, having been tortured and been through a lot of other stuff. The CCG is on a mission called the Owl Execution Operation to locate and kill an extremely powerful ghoul known as the Owl with Kaneki fighting on the side of the ghouls and Hide (technically) with the CCG. Kaneki is beginning to lose his mind while struggling to regenerate a severe wound when Hide shows up. Kaneki freaks out because he doesn't want Hide to know that he's a ghoul, but Hide just pats him on the shoulder and says ""I knew all along man!"" There's a very strong CCG fighter blocking the only exit to the area and Kaneki needs to be at full strength to have a chance at winning so Hide tells Kaneki to eat him. Kaneki gives Hide one hell of a kiss, eating his lips and part of his cheek and neck.
Flash forward three/four years later, Kaneki had amnesia but regained his memories at this point. Kaneki is fighting an extremely strong adversary and is losing horribly. He is about to drown when Hide appears in his dreams. They talk about the situation, joking around a bit too. Kaneki cries, saying how much he misses him, with Hide responding ""what are you, a rabbit?"" Hide convinces Kaneki to keep fighting and not to throw his life away, saying ""it may not be stylish, but live."
Meanwhile, the real Hide has dedicated his life to finding help for Kaneki these last few years. After some really big stuff that I can't even begin to explain happens, Hide comes out from the shadows and takes the lead in helping Kaneki out of this shitshow of a situation. When one person asks ""why go this far for Ken Kaneki?"", Hide simply responds ""Because I love him.""
Submission 2
They're lifelong friends. Kaneki has a bad family history and Hide looks like a sunflower and has the personality of a golden retriever. When Kaneki gets turned into a ghoul, Hide figures it out pretty much immediately and doesn't say anything, because he's waiting for Kaneki to feel comfortable enough to confess. Even as Kaneki drifts away, Hide gets more and more involved in the world of ghouls so he can continue looking after him. At the end of the first series, Kaneki ends up starved for human flesh and on the brink of being captured. Hide, who has joined the enemy side because it's the only way to stay close, finds him in the sewers and offers himself to be eaten. Fade to black.
In the second series, when Kaneki regains his memories, he wants to die in style, like he thinks Hide did, protecting the people he loves. His hallucinations of Hide talk him out of this. He gets ghoul-married to another ghoul by leaving non-fatal bites on each other. This is relevant because Hide isn't dead; just heavily scarred (his jaw and throat are just gone, like a makeout session gone very badly), and he's been going around in disguise as a scarecrow for the past several years, manipulating things so that Kaneki will be as safe as possible.
Submission 1
they are the cutest thing ever with 5 books of slow burn
Submission 2
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captain-astors · 1 year
furuta 25 or hidekane 15 (do you draw them?) for artist asks <3
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Put yourself together. (25: Panic)
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amoneki-ramblings · 9 months
and if you have time 002 Kaneki :) (I am asking everyone)
Let's go !!
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How i feel about this character: Ironically I cannot verbalize my thoughts about Kaneki coherently whatsoever. I need him dead. I need to hit him over the head with several hammers. I need him to let himself just relax and drink some coffee and read a good book. He sucks I hate him /affectionate he’s also so fucking cringe Jesus. For every coherent and analytical thought I have about the other characters I have none for Kaneki he simply. Is. He’s Kaneki he’s That Guy he brings me immense pain and he’s so self-destructive and he tries so hard and it Sucks /pos I need to stuff him into a blender
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hmm oh boy I sure do wonder…Well, aside from the obvious I think Shuuneki could be very interesting when done right, and while I’m not as inclined towards their relationship romantically Hidekane definitely hurts my soul, especially thinking of them before everything went to shit for our poor protagonist
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I love his relationship with Hinami so much he’s such a good big bro :(( Even when he’s out trying to hunt down people and change the world he still sets aside time for her, but even then she’s so concerned for his wellbeing because she can tell how he’s Changed and how he’s pushing himself she just wants him to be happy and take a break :((
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hmmm not sure if I have any at the moment?? I’d agree with anything as long as it’s accurate to his character. Whether you love or despise this guy I will nod my head, I guess just don’t say he’s flawless, person/moral-wise, there’s a lot of good argument for why he can suck actually, but I feel like most people know that.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I remember seeing in the original storyboards for Root A that Shironeki and Kuroneki actually interact more. While I like how it was saved until the end in the original series (when they hugged) I wouldn’t have minded seeing more of it beforehand. Kuroneki is Shironeki’s doubts voiced back to himself, the more uncertain version of himself that he locks away, and Shironeki simply calls that part of him weak. It makes me miserable. I love it
my OTP: *whistles, looks away*
my cross over ship: Don’t think I have any
a headcanon fact: This is gonna be so random (read: projection) but Kaneki probably bites a lot of things. He bites pencils, he chews straws, he’s especially guilty of biting/chewing his hands/fingers and when he was a human it used to leave marks all over his hands. The hand biting problem gets even worse after the torture. If you put your hand in front of his face he’ll probably bite your fingers. Like a weirdo. He needs to be stopped (I say, fully supporting this behavior; let him be weird and a little unnatural :thumbsup:)
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readreactrant · 7 months
Hello.... If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them...Thanks if you want to answer....
Thanks for the ask and damn I'm always so excited when it comes to these so ofc I don't mind, also warning I'm about to kinda go off. It's a pretty long list so I'll only talk about the ones that left the biggest impression on me.
Warning for mentions of twincest, incest and age gaps.
Starting off with the ship that indoctrinated me into the bl life style *drumroll*
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (aka Drarry); enemies/rivals to lovers, blond x ravenette, they basically set the precedent for every ship I pick up like a stray cat these days.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (Bakudeku): Enemies to lovers, plus constantly on each other's mind as a motivation in one way or the other. I love them so much.
Mikage Reo/Nagi Seishiro (NagiReo): one of my current hyperfixations, mainly cuz they're one of the few ships I have that wasn't introduced as rivals from the start as well as being extremely close canonically. They click so well despite their miscommunication (more like no communication but I'll probably get to that another day).
Gojo Saturou/Itadori Yuuji (GoYuu): Most of my blog will you a clue already lol.
Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji (SukuIta): Number one toxic ship rn, but would you believe I prefer their siblings falling in forbidden love trope?
Mikaela Hyakuya/Yuuichiro Hyakuya (MikaYuu): Found family lovers that will give anything for each other? Sign me up.
Tyki Milk/Allen Walker: I walked into the D.gray man fandom late and I will never not regret it, I need more people that at least know who they are (〒﹏〒)
Eren Jeager/Armin Arlet & Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackerman (Eremin & Ereri): Getting these two out of the way at the same time cuz while I think Eren is undeniably his best self a lot with Armin, I love the thought of Levi being there as his inspiration.
Itoshi Rin/Itoshi Sae: Their beef is adorable but they need to fuck.
Roy Mustang/Edward Elric: I love their banter and they've both been through way too much together.
Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent (Superbat): one is batman the other is superman...Need I say more?
Dick Grayson/Tim Drake: I watched Titans and they had me.
Luka/Adrian (Lukachat): I stopped watch Miraculous at like S3 but these two are the only salvageable treasure from that mess to me.
Sherlock Holmes/William James Moriarty (Sherliam): From Moriarty the Patriot not any other adaptations please. There was that one movie tho. I love how they're constantly teasing and trying to outsmart each other like yeah babes, burn that city down to get his attention.
Kageyama Tobio/Hinata Shoyo (Kagehina): I haven't finished Haikyuu S2, spare me.
Kagami Taiga/Kuroko Tetsuya: what's with sports anime and K names, that aside, I don't know but their separation leaves me in tears everytime.
Yukio Okumura/Rin Okumura: Rin cares so much, Yukio stop being a yandere you closeted brocon! I know you!!!
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji: I have a thing for broody possessive tops and oblivious bottoms and they were my awakening.
Hideyoshi Nagachika/Ken Kaneki (Hidekane): Receiving Tokyo ghoul spoilers of how things ended kept from finishing the show or starting the manga, what even is the point .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
Draken/Mikey/Takemichi & Draken/Mikey: DraMiTake is something I'd consume if I find it cuz I read this one precious fic I will forever cherise but DraMikey has way too much angst potential on its own. Tugs my heart to know Draken keeps Mikey grounded.
Baji Keisuke/Chifuyu Matsuno: Kazutora I will never fucking forgive you.
Hanma shuji/Kisaki Tetta: psychotic boyfriends, we love to see it (✿ ♡‿♡)
Reinhard Van Astrea/Natsuki Subaru: They are literally my banner plus he's one of the few people that doesn't give Subaru a hard time (I only watched S1)
Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive: Butler x master, what else do I need to add. I do absolutely adore the thought of Sebastian being cheeky when putting his young master in his place. I also love soft Sebastian, go figure.
Carnegie/Jonathan Sterling: No one remembers Darkside so I won't even dive into it. These two are the reason I'm trying to finish the series right now, book girlies, read Darkside by Tom Becker and come find me please ಥ‿ಥ
Dante/Vergil: It just makes sense ngl.
If you made it this far...why did you lollll, but honestly thanks for reading, talking about ships is one of my things and be free to ask again if you want me to expand upon or analyze any of these, that or if you just want recs. I'm down for anything.
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uriekukistan · 2 months
hello rinnnnn i wld love to hear more about your thoughts on tg!itfs + maybe nobara , specifically in terms of kagune !! full transparency since u sent me that ask the concept has been marinating in my brain and even if it'll probably b a while before i get around 2 designing anything i welcome th opportunity 2 hear any outside ideas !!!!
hii hina :D hope ur doing well !!! dkjgh i love this ask thank u for sending it
tbh i kept going back and forth between drawing my ideas out or not but i think im gonna explain them w words bc im better at that and i trust my ability to convey ideas that way....compared to art where i Do Not
also disclaimer this is within the context of the mini au i have created in my brain (and google docs. but i need to redo it. no longer satisfied)
anyway! tbh i had imagined yuuji as just a human, mostly bc he reminds me a lot of hide at times :') and he takes a similar role in the story i had planned, so i dont rlly have a kagune design in mind for him unforch, but if i could imagine one i'd kinda take inspo from true form sukuna and give him smth like this (saiko's kagune that she used against urie when he framed out pt 2. it's a rinkaku, i never understood the ghoul biology stuff tbsh)
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megumi is the one i had the clearest idea for, he's an artificial one-eye, and again i dont understand ghoul biology, but i took design inspo from nue bc hello nue is so cool. my fav shikigami in terms of design. i havent determined how, but he does end up w a half-kakuja (probably gonna put him thru the horrors so he'll cannibalize) mostly bc i wanted to give him a beak-like mask. and then his kagune is kinda like. ayato mixed w yomo if i had to give it a good comparison. wing shaped + electricity (theyre both ukakus so ig that makes him an ukaku, im just picking things based of their techniques in jjk)
for nobara, i'm leaning towards a koukaku bc its pretty dense and durable like....a hammer :D most of the users in tg have it as a blade, but urie has used it as a blade and a shield (tsukiyama too maybe? i have urie tunnel vision hence the username) anyway im not picturing it as being exactly hammer shaped but more vague. hammer inspired if you will (rlly leaning on the technique -> kagune crutch, character design is not my forte and i cannot visualize things to save my life). i also had her as either an artificial half ghoul (quinx?) or as a full ghoul waitress at anteiku
my plot needs some serious reworking, but i have yuuji and megumi as childhood besties à la hidekane, and megumi is the one who gets kanekied (sort of). secret long term pining megumi who doesnt think yuuji would be interested bc hes focused on getting a girlfriend. he doesn't have qualms abt eating ppl, but he does worry abt killing people (at least at first, there will be spiral of doom). it rlly needs to be redone overall,,,but external circumstances prompted me to push it to the side and take up another project instead
this feels super disorganized sorry omg TT_TT i think bc i decided to nuclear bomb my previous idea recently, and now i have nothing bc i never started rebuilding the plot or anything
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tg-pilled · 2 months
I know the people asked for MutsUrie fluff but my brain decided only HideKane angst would do. I will update this as motivation strikes. Please feel free to read if you love tragic gay people 🫶
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magical-girl-enjoyer · 6 months
since no one will ask me things i will do it myself
kaneki ask game
fav thing: i adore little guys who r absolutely feral. he will cut a bitch
least fav thing: idk i dont really like his characterization at the end of :re (honestly i just pretend the end of :re didnt happen)
fav line: honestly just all of his death scene from root a?? it hit me really hard and i love when hes unhinged. also "good night haise, im done dreaming." idk why but that stuck with me
brotp: touken. i think they balance each other out and care very deeply abt one another
otp: hidekane all the way. hide deserved so much more characterization and screen time
notp: anything w shuu or uta. i can see the toxic yaoi potential for shuu but they would not work well together
random hc: he is so transmasc to me. also he would listen to horror podcasts while doing dishes
unpopular opinion: i hate it when ppl treat haise/diff points in his character arc as separate characters or personalities. i feel like it undermines his character development. ik there are points in the series where he talks to the diff versions of himself but as i told my friend:
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song: i feel like he would be an mcr kid, but unfortunately i dont know much of their music
fav pic:
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i want to put him in a bottle and shake him around
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this page makes me go feral
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tg-headcanons · 1 year
for the ship ask game: 15, 30, and 33 for hide and kaneki? :]
also i have to ask, do you still have plans to update some of your more recent tokyo ghoul fics? your fics are the reason i started to love amon/akira/seidou together and im always checking for an update on "keep talking" lol
15. What songs remind you of their relationship? (I’ll do three for these or I’ll get carried away)
It Will Come Back by Hozier, Against The Kitchen Floor by Will Wood, and Curses by The Crane Wives
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
Kaneki’s love language is quality time, and Hide’s is acts of service. Usually this works great, but there’s a growing problem of Hide attempting to do things for kaneki that he didn’t ask for on the assumption it would be as meaningful for him as it to for Hide, and this can cause issues
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
They are both utterly horrible at it. Anti flirting. Terminally bitchless. Hide’s go-to method is directly quoting pickup lines from movies and books because “it worked for them! (In Fiction)” and Kaneki just. Doesn’t. He has no idea how and is too nervous to. The only reason either of them every got laid is because hide got lucky with one ex girlfriend and Kaneki who have bad taste and Kaneki had to almost die to get an ounce of confidence
And also yes I will! I definitely plan to update my unfinished fics I just have a rodent attention span, but they’ll definitely be worked on!
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faiell · 11 days
top 5 ships across fandoms!
drarry lol
dimilix from Fire Emblem: 3 Houses. it's a yummy sandwich of childhood friends + king/protector, and the gooey middle is a toxic mess of killing each other in the battlefield and erotic sword training
[redacted] from Mob Psycho 100. ok don't cancel me but this ship changed my life. i drew two doujins for it!! what the fuck!
yamatsuki from haikyuu. i think this is my most... vanilla ship? i liked it angsty and unrequited though. :)
jasico from Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series. OK so i don't know if i could get back into this now (HE MURDERED JASON???) but at one pt i'd read every fic of them in existence during my really boring internship summer of '12. and the au fics were so fun, my fav was this one where jason was a pilot that got stranded behind enemy lines during WWII in italy?? or something.
honorable mentions
hidekane from tokyo ghoul (too delusional), solkat from homestuck (idk, homestuck is special), siegpa from granblue fantasy, and andrei/elliot my beautiful favorite OC ship
Ask me my "TOP 5/TOP 10" anything!
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 7 months
Valentine's Day
Featuring: Platonic / Queerplatonic Hidekane
Word Count: 1800
Warnings: None
(AO3 Link)
It was Valentine’s Day — the romantic holiday where girls would gift chocolate to the men in their lives: Giri Chocolate for friends, classmates, and coworkers, and Honmei Chocolate for crushes.
Kaneki hadn’t gotten close to any girls this year, so it was unlikely that Kaneki would receive any chocolates from anyone. The same thing happened to him last year.
Hide meanwhile, always got at least one. Hide always dreaded this holiday, because he always turned down all his admirers. He wished he could give his admirers to Kaneki, but romantic love didn’t work that way.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Hide said, whipping out a bouquet and box of chocolates from behind his back and holding it out in front of him. In Japan, it was usually only girls giving out chocolates, but Hide didn’t care about that.
“What’s this for?” Kaneki asked.
Hide rolled his eyes playfully. “It’s for you, dummy.”
“Oh.” Kaneki whispered. He took the flowers and sniffed them. “Why yellow?”
“Yellow flowers mean platonic love.” Hide said as he took a seat across from Kaneki. “Who says Valentine’s Day has to be romantic?”
“Thank you.” Kaneki whispered, grinning happily.
Hide smiled, glad that he made Kaneki’s day.
Kaneki took a look at the chocolate packaging next. “These are store-bought, right?”
Traditionally, store-bought chocolates were for classmates and friends, while homemade chocolates were made specifically for crushes.
“I think I’ll keep that a secret for now. You have to guess once you eat them.” Hide said, winking at him.
“If they are homemade, you really didn’t have to.” Kaneki said, starting to get embarrassed. Knowing him, he probably felt like a burden.
“I didn’t have to do any of this,” Hide said, “but I wanted to. For you, and only you. You’re my best friend, Kaneki, and you deserve to have a great Valentine’s Day.”
Kaneki blinked, his eyes watering. Hide was about to apologize for making him cry, when Kaneki lunged forward and hugged him.
“Thank you, Hide.”
As White Day approached, Hide was stressing over what he should give back to the people that gave him chocolates on Valentine’s Day. He had received some friendship chocolates from his clubmates, which was easy enough to reciprocate. He also received a surprise of romantic chocolates from two male students in his year, which he didn’t reciprocate feelings for but made him very happy nonetheless. He decided to get them friendship chocolate, but something nice. And then, there were various friendship and romantic chocolates from the girls in his class. And Hide wasn’t sure what to give them. Part of him held resentment, because they didn’t give friendship or even obligation chocolates to Kaneki. But another part of Hide told him that was unfair. It probably wasn’t out of any malice towards Kaneki, but the simple fact that Hide was outgoing and friendly and funny, and Kaneki kept to himself and made it difficult for strangers to approach or befriend him.
And so, by White Day, Hide was completely exhausted. He had been stressing over what to buy, and then he had to run around the whole school and give everything out.
“Um, Hide?” Kaneki asked.
“Yeah?” Hide groaned. He didn’t mean to be rude to his friend, but he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. He didn’t care if they still had a class or two left before they could go home.
Kaneki walked up in front of his desk, and he was blushing.
Hide picked his head up, growing curious and a bit concerned.
“I… I wanted to give you this.” Kaneki said, holding out his hands, holding a white-wrapped box of chocolates and a bouquet of white roses.
Hide’s jaw dropped. He had been so busy buying, preparing, and giving out reciprocation chocolates, he completely forgot about the one person who could reciprocate to him.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Hide whispered.
“I wanted to!” Kaneki said, reaching out further with the box, insisting that Hide take it, so he did.
“Are these homemade?” Hide asked, throwing Kaneki a smirk.
“Try them and see.” Kaneki said, his blush only increasing.
“I love them, Kaneki.” Hide said, standing up and hugging his friend. “Thank you so much!”
We need to make this a tradition, Hide thought. I’ll surprise him again next year.
Years ago, Hide had always dreaded Valentine’s Day for the way it made his friend miserable. But after last year, Hide gained a newfound love for the holiday. Despite traditionally being a romantic holiday — celebrating straight girls in love with straight boys, no less — Hide had made the decision to disregard that and celebrate it the way he wanted, to make his friend happy. And he intended to do the same this year, too.
Once again, he made homemade chocolates and bought yellow roses. But he made more chocolates this year, and had a larger and more elegant bouquet. He couldn’t wait to surprise Kaneki once again. He probably assumed last year would be a one-time thing!
For seemingly the first time, Kaneki was late to their class. So Hide hid the bouquet and chocolates under his jacket, and did his best to wait patiently for Kaneki to arrive.
He was digging through his backpack when he heard Kaneki call out his name from the other side of the room.
So Hide quickly switched to grab his Valentine’s Day gift, and then he sat upwards and held it out.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!!!”
He blinked as Kaneki said the exact same words as he did. Kaneki was also holding out a flower bouquet and a box of chocolates.
They both stared at each other in surprise for a moment, and then they started laughing.
“Well, don’t just stand there!” Hide said. “Sit! Pull up a desk! Let’s see what we got each other!”
Kaneki did so, and then they exchanged gifts.
Hide’s had been an elegant step up from last year, but Kaneki’s gift was new. He had gotten a bouquet of sunflowers, and the chocolate box was decorated with sunflowers too.
“Oh, Kaneki…” Hide whispered, growing emotional. His White Day gift from last year had been fairly simple, running with the white theme. But with the freedom of valentine’s day, he clearly put more thought into it.
“I’m sorry if I made this awkward…” Kaneki whispered. Usually Valentine’s Day in Japan was one-sided, and the reciprocation gift had to wait until White Day. When it came to straight couples, this was simple enough. The girls were Valentine’s Day, and the boys were White Day. But when that didn’t apply, things got confusing.
“No, no.” Hide said. “I mean, this was bound to happen eventually. And I love it. You didn’t make this awkward, you made it wonderful.”
Kaneki nodded, and then smiled, a blush creeping onto his face. “Okay, good. I like it too.”
Once again, they thanked each other for the gifts and hugged.
“So, are we going to skip White Day…?” Kaneki asked once they had settled.
“Are you kidding? No way!”
And sure enough, they both reciprocated each other’s gifts again on White Day. It wasn’t exactly a surprise anymore, but they were both just as deeply touched.
Guilt stabbed at Hide as he saw all the advertisements for Valentine’s Day. It used to be a holiday that brought him so much joy, but things were different now. Kaneki was a ghoul, and he couldn’t have chocolates. Sure, he could have coffee, but he couldn’t have foam, and Hide doubted that black coffee would be special when Kaneki drank it all day long, every day.
So instead, he got Kaneki a yellow rose bouquet, and a cute coffee mug about friendship.
Hide knocked on Kaneki’s apartment door, and then nervously waited outside. He hoped that Kaneki would like the gifts. He hoped that it wouldn’t make Kaneki sad that he couldn’t enjoy Valentine’s Day the way he used to anymore.
“Who is it?” Kaneki called from the other side.
“It’s Hide!”
A moment later, the door opened.
“Happy Valen—!”
“Happy Valentine’s Day!!!”
Hide gaped as Kaneki held out a bouquet and chocolates, just like old times.
“Again, huh? I should have known!” Kaneki laughed. “...Hey, what’s wrong?”
Hide blinked. “I’m sorry.”
“Huh?” Kaneki frowned. “Why are you apologizing?”
Hide set down his gifts, and then hugged Kaneki. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. You didn’t have to do that for me.”
Kaneki pulled out of Hide’s embrace to look him in the eyes. “What? What are you talking about?”
“The chocolates. I know you can’t eat them, and they probably don’t even smell good to you. You didn’t need to get me anything. I wouldn’t have cared, Kaneki. This was all my idea to begin with in the first place.”
“No, no, Hide.” Kaneki said, rubbing his shoulders. “I made you chocolates because I wanted to, not of any obligation. It doesn’t bother me. It was fun, actually. Sometimes it’s a bit sad, sure. That I can’t enjoy them anymore. But you can, and that’s all that’s important. You’re the one that didn’t need to get me anything.”
Hide hugged him again. “Of course I got you something!”
“Touka-chan is right.” Kaneki sighed. “We really are the same, aren’t we?”
Hide laughed through a happy sob. “I guess we really are.”
Kaneki pulled out of the hug. “Come inside. We should stop standing in the doorway and letting all the cold air in.”
Hide picked up his gift to Kaneki, and they went to sit at his dining table. There, Hide properly gave him his gift.
“Hide, this is so sweet.” Kaneki said, admiring the coffee cup. “I thought you would just give me flowers, or nothing at all.”
“I know you probably have more than enough coffee cups.” Hide muttered.
“I love it.” Kaneki said, setting it down. “And the flowers too, of course. As beautiful as always, and they smell much stronger and sweeter to me now, too.”
Hide smiled. He had forgotten that Kaneki had enhanced senses. He was really glad that Kaneki could get enjoyment out of his gift after all.
“You can eat them now, if you want.” Kaneki said, gesturing to the chocolate box in front of Hide. “I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?”
Kaneki nodded. “Tell me how they are. It’s the same recipe, but there’s a chance they might not be as good because, well, you know.”
“I’m sure they’re fine.” Hide said, opening the box.
“I’m going to make a cup of coffee.” Kaneki said, grabbing his new mug from Hide and then heading into the kitchen.
Hide popped a chocolate into his mouth and ate it. “As good as always, Kaneki!”
“I’m glad!”
When his coffee was done, Kaneki came back to sit by him, and Hide ate a few more chocolates.
On White Day, they once again gave each other reciprocated gifts. And the tradition continued to live on.
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