#high key wanna continue editing this but i also wanted to get it posted in time for day 1 so here we are
danceswithwlfs · 4 years
if i hold on to you, i’m only hurting me
Ellie & Dina Week: Day 1 (Ache)
Ellie reluctantly pushes the gate open to the lower garden, grabbing a set of tools from the basket as she sulks in. 
Fucking farming rotation. Another day in paradise.
Ellie really doesn’t mind most jobs around Jackson. Even though she’s practically counting down the days until she can join patrols, helping do repairs on houses, or being assigned to the butcher shop aren’t so bad. However, farming rotation is the job she likes least. 
Maybe it’s because of the level of skill required. You have to go through rigorous training to join patrols. Hell, it’s practically a full day of hands on lectures about horse safety before you can be assigned to stable duty. Sure, growing food is important - everyone needs to eat -  but anyone can plant herbs and shuck corn.
The throbbing headache she woke up with certainly doesn’t help the situation either.
At least she is scheduled to work with Dina. That will make the morning go by significantly quicker.
However, as she approaches the group of half asleep teens receiving their assignments she is surprised to find that she has actually arrived before Dina, who is always the more punctual of the two. 
“Morning Ellie!” Sandy, the head gardener greets her a little too happily for 6 AM. “You and Dina are going to be working on beds ten through twenty. The tomatoes need to be pruned and the hornworms are in full force this season.” She purses her lips as she hands Ellie the designated pest control bucket.
Ellie can’t stop the huff of air that escapes her lips. “Great.” She takes the bucket, devoid of enthusiasm, and gives Sandy a half-hearted wave before making her way to the first bed of tomatoes. 
After she’s made it through a handful of the plants she hears the gate swing shut and turns to see Dina shamefully entering the garden, a good fifteen minutes later than she should have, hoping she might go unnoticed.
“Dina!” Sandy exclaims, “so nice of you to join us this morning.”
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Even from across the garden Ellie can see the blood rising in Dina’s cheeks as everyone’s attention is turned towards her. The sight alone is almost enough to make her forget about the pounding in her head.
“Have Ellie fill you in on what you’re doing. And don’t forget your tools.”
“Oh, uh, right.” Dina has to awkwardly make her way back to the tool basket by the entrance.
Damn. Ellie doesn’t even bother holding back her smirk and raised eyebrow as Dina approaches. 
“Well, well, well - so nice of you to join us this morning,” Ellie says mockingly and Dina rolls her eyes.
“You’ve been missing out - we get to harvest today.” She gently pushes the pest bucket into Dina’s hands, a few hungry caterpillars wriggling around wildly in the bottom.
“Oh yum!” Dina sighs as she looks into the bucket, her face screwing up in disgust.
“Ya know I’m sitting here, soaking up the sun of this perfect fucking day, and I’m thinking ‘fuck, Dina must really be doing something important to miss out on a morning as spectacular as this one, here, with me - picking hornworms off of tomato plants.’” Ellie returns to her position by the planter bed, and glances over at Dina with a spark in her eye.
“Which you really need to get a jump on by the way, or we’ll be stuck here later than everyone else.”
Dina is surprisingly quiet, just returning Ellie’s ribbing with an amused smirk. She takes up shop on the opposite side of the planter and dutifully gets to work.
Normally Ellie is on the receiving end of Dina’s badgering when it comes to tardiness - she’s a bit surprised Dina isn’t giving anything back. Regardless, she isn’t going to miss an opportunity to goad Dina for the role reversal.
“So what were you up to?” Ellie doesn’t drop the playfulness from her tone. “Saving Alex’s kitten from a tree? Helping Eugene patch that awful fucking hole in his favorite shirt? Teaching Jesse how to read?” She tosses a smug look at Dina, quite proud of that last suggestion.
“Actually…” Dina hesitates and lowers her voice, glancing down at her shoes “Jesse spent the night last night.”
Ellie can feel all the color leave her, along with her jovial mood, as she tries to hide her face behind the foliage of the plant in front of her. She is filled immediately with regret. God. Don’t be weird, Ellie. Don’t be weird. 
Dina and Jesse had been something for a while now. She first noticed the way they would hang back from the group at town events, brush their hands against each other, and laugh even when the other didn’t do or say anything remotely funny. When Dina finally told her about her crush on Jesse she had to put on a smile for her best friend, before allowing herself to be envious of her other best friend.
‘It’s just puppy love.’ Ellie told herself at the time. ‘It won’t last.’
Some days she hates herself for letting her think those things. She’s knows it’s dumb of her to be jealous. It isn’t like she is under some delusion that Dina would ever feel that way about her, but it would certainly dull the ache if she didn’t have to watch them hold hands, or slip quietly away from the crowd, or...
“It was the first time, uh, you know…” Dina raises her eyes to try and meet Ellies, and a smile blossoms across her lips. Ellie can tell she’s happy. Really happy.
“Oh,” it comes out much more awkwardly than she had hoped. Fuck. She doesn’t know what she was expecting, but she certainly never wanted to think about Dina and Jesse’s sexual relationship. 
“He didn’t have to be up early today… So uh, ya know, I didn’t want to be in any kind of rush either.” Dina blushes, and Ellie can feel the emptiness inside her stomach take over. Her headache is completely replaced with numbness and she has no idea what to say in response. 
Ellie clears her throat and finally lets her eyes meet Dina’s, “Well, uh, priorities.” She does her best to force a smile on her face. “Guess I’ll have to give Jesse shit about making you late later.” She doesn’t know how to change the topic, but she’s hoping Dina will start talking about something, anything, else. 
“I am sorry. That you had to get started without me, this job sucks.” She hesitates again, bringing her hands together and staring at them for a minute before looking at Ellie again. 
“I really like him, El.”
Ellie wants nothing more than to flip a switch and forget about these gnawing feelings. To be genuinely happy for Dina.
“I know.”
But nothing is that easy.
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menkhu · 3 years
just finished pathfinder wrath of the righteous and i have. thoughts. spoilers ofc
hOW are y’all finding this and liking it two years later and actually do not tell me i will simply continue to pretend that this is my private little diary kept locked with a little plastic key and no one can see how many times i’ve doodled my name with my crush’s last name inside
lol if for some reason you’re here on this post i made like a year ago that isn’t in any main tags, i’ve. been updating. adding new thoughts i just have so many i finished an azata run and i loved aivu sm she reminds me of a friend
the updating does mean that this is going to become incomprehensible pretty quickly because new thoughts are inserted where i feel they’re relevant and the surrounding text is not edited bc the effort isn’t worth it when this is entirely for my own gratification so if you’re reading good luck
OK not to be hvaing Daeran Thoughts™ in this the month of december 2023 but. i just wanna talk about how “i thought you didn’t want to lose me” and “see? i’m indispensable” are two voice lines of his. this man? who doesn’t acre about how other people see him? who never wanted to be on this adventure in the fisrt place? is worried about being unwanted?? i am clenching this thought in my powerful jaws and i am frantically shaknig my head like a dog with a bone
ahahahahah gonna be playing for a third time. i think i’ll do the trickster mythic path? i have a strong distaste for evil shit and a mild distaste for lawful shit, which make demon, lich, and aeon not particularly appealing. i could also switch to dragon or smth; i was tempted in my last playthrough but didn’t want to potentially lose aivu, so.
ajshdfjgka playing as a man this time to maybe hit on sosiel we’ll see and when i went to retrieve woljif i lost it when he called me dreamboat i just wasn’t expecting
working through a lich playthrough now and in chapter 3 it’s actually been really sick. my favorite little touch is how, when controlling the crusades, each victory adds more undead to your forces. in order to get myself to choose the option i had to go hardcore into the roleplaying. my commander is maya, a druid, worships urgathoa, doesn’t like being human and is honestly indifferent to human suffering. she spends most of her time in wild shape. ppl confuse her and her leopard companion, lilia, often. probably would have disappeared into the sunset except that she found being made commander extremely funny and then developed a possessiveness for the crusaders so she’s actually trying to lead well.
i am physically incapable of choosing the dialogue options that let you start arueshalae’s romance like i am not grabbing anyone’s hand and telling them i’ll teach them how to love (if i had the power to rewrite, i’d have the line be something more like. i’ll help you thru this every step of the way. anything you need. anything you want.) similar problem with camellia. i refuse to lay on thick compliments and butter her up by talking about her social stature. and then the next chance to express interest is when she’s high off committing murder and wants to fuck like. nah. it’s impossible to romance any ladies in this game whoops
sosiel’s romance is also kinda,,, painful. i cut it off w him start of the 5th chapter because i just couldn’t feed into his fairytale romance novel bullshit and pass on something that felt more genuine (yay 3rd time romancing daeran.) it’s p easy to follow his route by being kind and showing that you appreciate the gestures he makes without fully buying into it. and like. being inexperienced in love and trying to express your feelings by writing bad poetry is actually super charming. but sosiel darling if you’re going to give an ultimatum while extolling the beauty and virtue of love shared by two people while your competition says that my heart doesn’t have to belong to any one person you’re just asking me to give up something good that comes at no cost for the privilege of being trapped a role in your fantasy. nah.
started lann’s romance. i do not like him. it’s fitting that i’m having the commander i don’t like romancing him. lmao it’s only my second time not romancing daeran; first was with arueshalae (pinched my nose and made those starting choices, found the whole thing kinda lackluster? tbh?) hate the way lann is sometimes straight up mean. and how he tries to frame it as a joke. hate how he’ll say you should hang crusaders who commit petty theft. hate his weird hero complex that’s incompatible with the way other’s lives aren’t a priority to him and mostly arises out of. idk a sense of ego? still holding out hope this’ll be interesting even if exploring the character in this manner isn’t the most appealing to me. (LOL i cut it off with him. he was just like. oh look at me being so pathetic trying to date you it’s crazy how could someone like you ever take an interest in me i’m so pathetic and i was like. okay. maybe you are pathetic. maybe i don’t have an interest in you. and then i was running the lich path so this saved his life actually lol. lmao. lmfao.)
ember is my daughter
i’m kind of surprised that that was the final chapter. it was an appropriate end and everything but the way crusade management was set up, it felt as though there was more to come. like. events dumped three free generals into my lap when i already had the map cleared out. there were some references to generals reaching level 20 but none of my three (the ones i actually used) got anywhere close to that. there were so many different types of units but for most of them, there wasn’t any reasonable way to accrue a usable number. with the way galfrey mucked things up, i was frantic about getting the armies in order to face big things to come and those big things just didn’t come. the fact that crusade management wasn’t rewarding is probs my second biggest complaint.
i’m really glad there’s a wimpy baby difficulty mode because w h y are so many enemies able to rip me apart when i have 57 ac and w h y are there so many enemies with absurd spell resistance and ac high enough that you can only pray to crit
lol @ this previous paragraph because i have a playthrough on core difficulty where i fought most of the extra bosses for the achievements and leveling the characters myself from the ground up gave me a good understanding of their abilities. i definitely am not an advocate of the autoleveling; either the builds are inherently mid or just incompatible with the way i play. also dispel magic is so strong.
pretty sure i’m going to be playing through again though because i want to see other mythic paths (my first playthrough i didn’t look up anything about unlocking them so i only had angel and demon available at first lmao) and to spend more time with some of the companions. i never found all the masks for nenio :(
(edit: after azata path i did find all the masks for nenio and we became friends ! there was a lot of content there jfc. i do not recommend playing when u have a migraine and ur memory is diminished but it was neat. i do like puzzles even if some of them are obtuse it’s fine we all have the internet to help with that.)
ran into a lot of glitches which i guess will happen when you dive in headfirst on release day. there were a few times people didn’t recognize the choices i had made. at one point i had a dialog option with camellia that implied we had a salacious history except no such thing happened and also i was playing as a lady and she’s straight. wasn’t able to finish a quest because the necessary items didn’t exist.
lol i had an entire companion glitch on me. i had literally no interest in greybor and i accidentally killed the dragon before i went traveling with him anyway so when he met up with the group and told the commander to hire him or he’d be forced to kill her i was like sure okay buddy you can do that. he did not die. he showed up wherever companions were supposed to show up, but i could never talk to him, just attack him. he didn’t realize he had already been rejected how embarrassing
(idk if greybor glitched again or if i did something wrong but azata playthrough i really did try to recruit him but he got pissy after the fight when i wanted to pursue the dragon and even though i tried i failed but maybe i did something wrong?? waited too long? did very little to endear him to me tbh)
(trickster playthrough and i finally have greybor as a companion. i’m hoping to like him better after spending more time with him but. he really is just a wannabe manly man’s wet dream of a roleplaying character. in a want to be him way, not a want him way. haha unless)
kinda surprised that i ended up romancing daeran but tbh no regrets. the more i got to know lann the less i liked him (the final part of his questline was. ugh. why are you so whiny about how i kept you from killing yourself.)(i swear sometimes he says things just to remind you that his alignment is lawful neutral)(one of my first impressions of him was scaly alastair but that might be disrespectful to alastair tbh)(actually he and daeran told me to choose btwn them at one point and i was like???? lann i said it’d be cool if you wanted to hang out without making up stupid excuses like sparring matches meanwhile daeran has been doing all sorts of wining and dining what sort of incel bullshit) (there’s some party banter with ember where she’s like, lann jokes but really he’s just sad and i was like yea i feel that)(it’s like he isn’t even committed to his jokey persona) and arueshalae was wonderful but i’m not a fan of the teaching someone how to love narrative (i wanted to. i really tried but i just couldn’t bring myself to choose the dialogue options where you like. take her hand and tell her you’ll show her how to love it’s too much.) daeran has the best banter and also he filled the war room with flowers so a+ partner
(his alignment is evil but honestly i don’t see it? he can be vengeful ig? not that he’s never shitty but i’d put him at neutral maybe leaning evil bc the good counters the bad. like he only punches up he regularly condemns evil acts and he’s sweet with the other companions so it’s not difficult to be fond of him)(FURTHER. something i put together after uhhh some number of playthroughs. there’s banter where daeran asks arue if she’s actually good with desna having taken control of her life bc the same thing happened to him with the other and it was terrible and he hated it. so. all those times he tries to tempt her. he’s not just being awful. he’s trying to give her a choice.)
more thoughts abt his relationships with the companions!!!! it’s actually rlly funny that my instinct was to say that he was sweet with them bc on a replay i became aware of just how shitty he sounds if you fully take his words at face value. you can’t, though. he acknowledges himself that venomous is his default affect and that he has trouble expressing his kinder emotions. he also says that when he has a problem with someone, he isn’t afraid to let them know it. there’s a bit of banter where lann says anything less that an insult from daeran is p much a compliment which i think is an oversimplification but just drives home the point that even others can see that when he’s being mean, it’s often more about having fun than genuine distaste. when coming from him, things that might seem mean are actually meant as playful teasing. 
when i say he’s sweet with the companions, i mean that he lambasts paladins frequently, but always lets seelah know that he isn’t talking about her; he likes her. (yOu’rE nOt LiKe tHe oThEr pAlAdInS is maybe not a great worldview but)
he lets sosiel know that he appreciates his art. there’s banter where he tells sosiel that he would be quite the catch ;)
he’s actually protective of ember; he warns her to be careful about cultists and zealots. this one really gets me because the two have such fundamentally different views but i don’t recall him ever castigating her for it. rolling his eyes from time to time, maybe, but mostly nudging her away from what he sees as dangerous.
he’s happy to play along with nenio’s dumb experiments. finds them amusing.
he and camellia can be so bitchy about other nobles together it’s like they’re on the same team and it’s great.
don’t even get me started about his relationship with woljif ok. woljif is everything high society hates so of course daeran latches onto that right away. i love the banter where he talks about introducing woljif to parties with other nobles, which of course could be interpreted as him looking to rope woljif into those things for a few laughs, but what really gave substance to it for me was an exchange they had in the thousand delights. woljif is excited to be in a brothel and daeran is like. listen we don’t consort with demons they’re miserable creatures instead, when we get out of here, i’m going to give you a whole bunch of gold and give you a tour of the brothels in absalom. he so easily tells woljif that he’ll give him the things that he desires. he commits to making this trip with him. there is very little to gain there for daeran; he could easily tour the brothels alone were he so inclined, but instead, he agrees to do this for a friend.
actually i feel like in banter, the others are more likely to be making fun of him than he is of them? he’s both perfectly self aware and he likes who he is so he’d mostly be amused by it. in general i don’t think a companion insulting daeran (or he them in the case of those like lann and seelah who can bite back) is a sign of a bad relationship.
(enough about daeran back to the other companions lmaoo)
i like nenio more than i expected she’s so funny. she seemed cold at first what with her refusing to remember your name and all but after a while, with her earnest enthusiasm for what she does, it became endearing.
actually i’ve discovered that having good banter is one of the most important factors in how much i like a character. like i have no problems with seelah or sosiel but since their banter tends to be flat i just never fell in love. also i’m not really into camellia’s whole thing but i have fun with her because of the noble code switching she and daeran will do, like referring to each other by title.
i think a lot of the reason lann fell flat for me was because of his inability to maintain the funny guy persona? everyone thinks of him as the guy who makes jokes, but. i remember first talking to him and he tells you he wants to make a difference. and when you ask for clarification he’s like imma invent a new type of salad :) jk actually i hate myself and i want to die in battle because i’m afraid of my death being as meaningless as my life. took like no prompting for him to switch. rewrite of that exchange bc it frustrates me
lann: i’m going to invent a new type of salad and have it named after me
commander: a new type of salad.
lann: what, not aiming high enough? fine, i guess i can take the culinary world by storm and have enough food named after me to serve an entire buffet, but only if it’ll make you happy
commander: it might not be well received if you’re making mongrel food. your people have...interesting palates.
lann: ah, but that’s my secret advantage. by including mold, i can guarantee that my salads will be one of a kind.
commander: what is it really tho
lann: not the salad, no surprise there. not the buffet either, though i like how you encourage me to reach new heights. it’s more that...i want to fight on the front lines. if i’m risking my life so that others don’t have to, then i’ll know i’m making a difference
unsurprisingly, i like lann more in the context of his interactions with daeran.
wish we could have irabeth and anevia as companions. love them.
(azata playthrough, galfrey lived and i was so pissed. never again.)
anyway daeran and woljif are best friends forever and it’s so funny have some screencaps 
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 18)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Janus, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy, Roman & Remus & Janus
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Janus, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned, explosions, car crashes (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 My Master Post
Janus had a couple of seconds to regret every decision he’d made in the past few hours before Roman’s car hit the water. He’d managed to brace himself enough to not go flying into the front seat, but he still was jerked around by the impact. The airbags in front went off when they hit which was just his luck, and the car immediately began to fill up with water.
Roman and Remus were already struggling to get the airbags out of their way and Remus reached over to release Roman’s seatbelt since he hadn’t been restrained himself. Janus jerked over towards the window to try to roll it down.
It rolled down about 1/8th of the way before the automatic system gave out and the window got stuck. Janus took a split second before he dove for Remus’s bag to grab out a hammer he’d noticed in it earlier and swung at the window, shattering it in two goes.
Roman and Remus had already noticed the broken open window, and so Janus went ahead and pushed himself out of the window and towards the surface. He immediately noticed that there was a figure swimming towards him through the water and tensed for a fight assuming it was one of the people who had been chasing him.
He struck out with a fist, still half blinded by the water in his eyes. There was a started yelp as he felt cartilage snap under his fist. “Hey! Fuck!” the figure said in response. “Janus!”
Janus blinked the water out of his eyes as the familiar, if slightly distorted, voice sunk in. “Lena?” Janus asked as Remus popped his head out of the water next to him. She glared at him, holding her nose with one hand and treading water with the other. “Shit, sorry.” Remus seemed to notice what was happening and swam forward to give her a bit of support.
Roman popped up, sputtering a moment later and smacked Janus across the face.
“Karma,” Lena spat.
“How are you even here?” Janus asked, rubbing his nose.
“Everyone went dark and Logan sent us to go figure out what was going on,” she explained. “Then we saw Roman’s car in a high-speed chase and followed you.”
“Speaking of!” Some other guy’s voice called from a few feet away. “Can I get a bit of help?” One of the men from the other car had popped up out of the water and he was currently wrestling with him.
Remus stayed to help Lena out of the water, but Roman and Janus both swam over to help the guy with Lena drag the first guy from the other car and then the second one out of the water.
“Fred,” the other man with Lena introduced himself while he and Janus trussed up the men from the other car.
“Janus,” Janus answered.
“I figured,” Fred replied.
Janus gave him a confused look.
“You were one of the names The Boss was angrily mumbling about this evening.”
“Yeah, well, Logan can shove it,” Janus grumbled.
Fred didn’t comment; instead he just stood up and looked at the two men tied up on the ground. “Well,” he said. “Lena’s car’s only a 5-seater. Guess you two are going in the trunk. Wanna help me out Janus?”
Janus and Fred hauled the two men into the trunk together despite their muffled protests and Fred slammed the trunk closed.
Roman was looking at Lena’s likely broken nose, but she shoved him away after a bit of fusing. “Where have you three been?” she asked.
“We’ve been busy,” Janus said.
“Too busy to answer your phones?”
“They broke.”
“All of them?” she asked with narrowed eyes.
“Well,” Remus said. “Now that mine is at the bottom of a lake, yeah.”
Fred looked over at her. “What about our communication devices?” he asked.
She blinked. “Boss?” she asked to thin air. There was no response. “Shit.”
“You did just dive into a lake,” Janus pointed out in a drawl.
Lena sighed. “Alright. I guess we’re driving back to base to report in person.”
“We were actually heading to Lincoln,” Janus said crossing his arms.
Lena crossed her arms right back. “Well you don’t have a car anymore,” she pointed out.
“It’s also three against two.”
“Uh,” Roman piped in, “Actually…”
He rounded on him. “Oh, come on Roman,” he snapped.
Roman put his hands up in a placating motion. “Look, dude, dad’s already looking for your brother and we’re sort of at the end of our rope. We can go to base and regroup. We’ll share what we know, he’ll share what he does, we can get another car, and we can start fresh.”
Oh, like Logan would be willing to share anything with Janus. He’d already made it abundantly clear that he didn’t trust Janus. What other reason would he have for trying to get him out of the way when Virgil was missing? Janus would probably be locked in a cell as soon as he got to base so Logan could make sure he didn’t interfere or give his mother information.
He looked over to Remus, hoping for some sort of support but got an apologetic half shrug in response. Four against one then. Of course. They might as well just toss him into the trunk too.
“Fine,” Janus bit out. “Whatever.”
“Fred, you might have to drive,” Lena said, poking at her nose. She winced.
Roman slapped her hand away. “Don’t do that,” he said. “I wish we had ice.”
“We have ice,” Fred said, opening the backseat door.
“Why do we have ice?” Lena said.
“I brought a cooler.”
“What? When? Why?”
“Before we left and in case we got thirsty.” He grabbed a bumblebee covered handkerchief out of his front pocket and turned to get ice out of a small cooler in the back of Lena’s car. He handed the bundle over to her and turned back to Janus and Remus. “You boys are welcome to a drink.”
He did not seem to register the frown Janus sent his way. He just smiled and took the keys from Lena before shooing them all into the car. Janus somehow ended up in the middle seat between the twins. Roman at least seemed sheepish enough to avoid Janus’s gaze whereas Remus continued to blabber like he always did with a big smile on his face. He kept brushing up against Janus as though Janus wasn’t resenting him an unbelievable amount as Fred climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car.
“Come on Jan, don’t pout,” Remus said. “Want something to drink?”
Janus glared at him, but that did not dissuade him.
“Hmm, let’s see. We have apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, a bunch of different Naked Juice flavors (good choice Fred), a few of the Little Hug Fruit Barrels, grape soda, glacier freeze Gatorade, cactus coolers, Capri Suns in a bunch of flavors, and green apple ramunes. Or I can be your mixologist and make you a brand new drink out of this wonderful selection!”
“Say no,” Roman advised out of the side of his mouth.
Janus glanced over at him. “How about any of the Capri Suns,” he said pleasantly.
“Good choice!” Remus responded, handing one over to him. Janus did not check the flavor. He took off the little straw and removed the plastic before stabbing at the juice pouch. To his mounting frustration, the stupid straw kept slipping instead of going through the hole.
“Here,” said Remus, “let me do it for you.” He took the pouch and poked the straw into it before offering it back to Janus with a grin. Janus stared at him for a moment and calmly reached out a hand to squeeze the bottom of the juice pouch. It spurted all over Remus’s face.
“Oops,” Janus said. He took the pouch as Remus sputtered a bit in surprise and turned away to stare through the front window and idly suck on the straw.
“Welp… that means he’s angry at me,” Remus said.
“I never would have guessed,” Roman replied dryly.
Without a word, Janus removed the straw from the pouch and flipped it over so the juice slowly drained right into Remus’s lap. Then he dropped the empty container onto his leg.
“…Well at least I was already soaked from the lake.”
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Part 19
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amphtaminedreams · 4 years
Spring/Summer & Haute Couture Week 2021: Whoops, I’ve Missed a Loooot
Hi to anyone reading,
Where TF has the time gone!?
After experiencing the longest January of all time (when your birthday is right after New Year, you get that between Boxing Day before NYE slump like a couple of weeks after everyone else), February has gone by in, like, 5 minutes and already we’re well into the throes of the F/W 2021 collection presentations. Meanwhile, I’m here like! Surprise! Here are my reviews of the S/S 2021 collections if anybody still cares! I mean I’m mashing it up with corresponding haute couture week reviews to fool everyone into thinking that doing it so many months later was intentional and it was totally working right up until this sentence, right?
In all fairness, I originally thought that I wasn’t going to bother reviewing S/S21 because it seemed kinda redundant given the circumstances and I wasn’t keen on the idea of collections being showcased via photo sets which is the route so many brands chose to (understandably) go down. Buuuut, the more I saw of what designers had put out there, the more I was tempted to put this post together and now here I am. The fact that designers are even able to churn pieces out during a pandemic when I’m out here like 0__0 no thoughts, head empty...it’s impressive to say the least, especially the way so many used the circumstances to inform their designs. In a way, it would be a disservice not to do a post on the season, and yeah it’s late, but given that it we are actually about to enter spring and the shows are kind of the deciders of what’s going to be “in” and “out”, they’re more relevant than ever. With plans for our way out of lockdown materialising-now is the perfect time to add that I don’t want ANYONE suddenly developing selective amnesia over how our government has failed us now that Boris has announced when the clubs COULD reopen-let this post serve as a roundup of every bit of inspiration available for our spring fits. I also want to use this opportunity to disclose how irritated I am at myself for starting the previous fashion week reviews post by declaring I was going to work through the designers in chronological order when I meant fucking alphabetical because I now can’t go back and change that. So this time, let me start properly. I’m going to be reviewing the collections in ALPHABETICAL order. Now that’s out the way, let’s do it. First, Acne:
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It’s so great to start on a high, it really is, and fortunately Acne is reliably good. It’s still got that deconstructed, minimalist feel that the brand is known for but for the summer season; we can see creative director Jonny Johansson and his team moving away from the heavier pieces we saw last time round, away from upcycled bohemian curtains and towards a breezier, more season appropriate aesthetic, boujee kaftans and swimwear rebelliously hacked up and artfully rearranged, and it feels correct. The net pieces, the beachy colour palette, the oil spill-esque print (though this represents an intruder of the marine ecosystem, as a print I loveee it and 100% want more!) and the accessories, reminiscent of shells, coral and anything else you might find on the seabed, give me a hipster mermaid washed ashore vibe which completely fits with that rugged, mysterious sense of Nordic folklore references and adventure the brand has established as its foundation. If it’s a nod to some kind of new age cult that Johansson was going for, which apparently is the case, I’m guessing said cult worship sea goddesses and perform pagan rituals on the beach by moonlight, and though indoctrination doesn’t sound at all inviting, it's a party compared to scientology.
The chiffon trousers here are actually chic and seeing them styled under a blazer makes me realise done right they CAN be more than just a PrettyLittleThing summer sale piece, so I’ll store that away for outfit inspo when the time to get rid of some layers comes around. The glasses, too, are very Gucci. Flip flops with socks I don’t think I can ever come round to but-
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Whilst it was a favourite of mine last season and it sticks to that same bohemian vibe with a lot of the elements I love, Ferretti lacks a little oomph this time round; it’s more stripped back, neutral, easy-going, and it is lovely, but for those same reasons it doesn’t grab my attention as much as the past couple of collections have. If you’re an influencer wanting to shoot a Joshua Tree desert lookbook this is sublime, but compared to the flair I saw in their last winter show, for example, there’s something lacking.
I’m very glad to see neutral coloured boiler suits on the runway, however; I snagged myself one off Depop the other week so I might be unintentionally ahead of the curve for once! The crochet detail dresses are nice too but very much remind me of past Zimmerman collections, or an Ermanno Scervino grab for the most high street friendly parts of Erdem SS2020, something along those lines. What I’m trying to say is that it’s definitely been there done that, even by Ferretti themselves and not in a continuity kinda way, in a kinda…this is basic and pretty so we know it will sell kinda way.
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Eurgh, I wanna be one of these Alessandra Rich girls so bad.
I end up repeating myself every single time because I always love her collections but really, this is what a high fashion novice thinks Chanel is. Alessandra Rich outsold. As much as her dresses have looked amazing on people like Kate Middleton and January Jones, I’m just waiting for one of the modern it-girls to take the nostalgia-tinged femininity of her pieces and put some kind of daring, street-style twist on it; if that doesn’t happen I’ll gladly take 5 minutes of fame so I can do it before fading back into obscurity. Let me fulfil my modern first lady fantasy, reenact the croquet scene from Heathers, drape myself on a chaise lounge whilst smoking with a cigarette holder, and then throw me back into the trash where I belong. I can die happy. Also, can we once again appreciate how much more iconic the Alessandra Rich two piece made the already moment Dakota Johnson singlehandedly brought down the Ellen dynasty?
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Dakota knew exactly what she was gonna do and the energy that she was gonna channel when she wore that piece and I admire it. Alessandra Rich, if nothing else, will go down as a key moment in pop culture history, and you know what? It’s what she deserves.
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Whilst I do wish she’d branch out a little and try and get back in touch with the dark drama of old McQueen collections now and again, Sarah Burton has made a very recognisable Alexander McQueen silhouette and it’s beautiful; this season is gorgeous as always. A leather biker and tulle affair that’s perfect for a grunge ballet, it’s easy to avoid lamenting the excitement and theatrics of old collections when Sarah creates such consistently sophisticated pieces. Stunning.
Now, a quick haute couture detour with Alexandre Vauthier:
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Compared to other haute couture collections, this is pretty toned down and by appearances alone (I know haute couture is more about meeting technical requirements more than anything else but there is a level of grandiose you expect to see) is more like a RTW collection than its counterparts. That being the case, I don’t have a huge amount to say about this one, though I do really like it-the ruched metallic boots especially. The Studio 54 vibes and the glam rock influences are clear and a lot of these pieces could definitely make it into Lady Gaga’s AHS Hotel wardrobe which is a compliment of the highest order, so there ya go. Plus, if a collection IS gonna be presented through stills, a format like this is preferable to some of the others I’m gonna talk about. There may be more exciting ways of doing it but simple allows us to see the clothes properly and at the end of the day, that’s what I care about the most!
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Heading back to good ole’ RTW, we have Altuzarra; I wasn’t hugely keen on their last collection but this is definitely a step up for me and justifies keeping them on my radar. Though in some ways this seems like less of a summer collection and more of a late winter/early spring transitional one on the basis it can’t seem to decide which temperature its catering to, there’s a lot to like: a colour palette that reminds me of a Dion Lee collection, harnesses evocative of those sprinkled throughout the last few Alexander McQueen shows, and more of the utility wear trend that I’m still very much into nicely contrasted against lighter, airier pieces for an overall fresh, modern vibe. The interpretive dancewear style pieces are interesting and the woven platform sandals are the shoe of the summer but the white shirt with the cape incorporated is definitely the high point of this show and I absolutely adore it.
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Anna Sui was actually pretty cute this time round. Her pieces have always been kooky, but in the past a little too lairy and occasionally cheap-looking for me. This collection, however, is kooky in more of a Melanie Martinez styled baby doll kinda way, as opposed to in an eccentric Bjork loving aunt whose idea of heaven is an all-must-go Primark sale kinda way (I know some people are going to vehemently disagree with my aesthetic preference there) and I love that. There seems to be a lot more creative direction going on, a much clearer vision of what Sui wanted to achieve, and yes a few of the looks went a bit too hard on the cookie cutter vibes but on the whole, they were more edited than usual; it seems Sui actually paid attention to the “take one thing off before you leave the house” rule this time. The staging is the perfect compliment to the doily style bucket hats and the sandals paired with frilly socks, and really adds to the whimsy of the collection, and as a whole, it really reminds me a lot of the way my mum would dress me as a toddler but styled up for a grown adult. Cute AF.
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Armani RTW I was pleasantly surprised by, considering I don’t usually rate it. It’s a cool, androgynous take on retro shapes and styles that’s simultaneously fit for the hustle and bustle of the modern world. Strong 2021 Peggy Olsen vibes, and a bit muted Lacoste-I can 100% imagine Elisabeth Moss as Peggy swanning around in one of those huge minimalist houses with the floor to ceiling windows after a long day at work, though we’ll switch the cigarette for a vape because...you know...welcome to the future. And sure, maybe the vision is slightly influenced by THAT scene from Us, but whatever. As for the men’s wear, if I have to look through an endless gallery of straight white men in plain ass suits every time I do some kind of red carpet fashion review, I at least hope they’re wearing Armani. I need me some impeccable tailoring to soften the blow.
I do wonder, however, how the clothes would look on plus size models. I feel like it’s a collection that’s very catered to a person who is straight up and down, and it feels like a bit of an easy cop out not to have any kind of versatility. Say what you want about Christian Siriano but he caters to all body types very well.
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I actually quite liked Armani’s haute couture collection too; the pops of colour and the intricate embroidery give me what I’ll later talk about missing from Valentino haute couture. There were still some of the frumpier pieces that I usually associate Armani with but also a lot of Great Gatsby-esque looks that I really enjoyed.
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Returning to RTW, Ashish was amazing. I LOVE that there’s always some kind of unique print (this time round, kitschy illustrations) and whilst a whole maxi swan print dress may not be the most wearable for the majority of us, Ashish Gupta does bold and innovative really well. There were a few boring striped pieces in there but I adore the one shouldered butterfly print dress and I NEED that Hail Satan jumper; it reminds me a lot of something by sustainable fashion brand Minga, which is one of my absolute fave websites to buy from when I’m treating myself to some new clothes.
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Azarro’s haute couture collection is full of supreme awards show afterparty fits, and I was shook to find out that Olivier Theyskens is the brand’s creative director! My newfound obsession with his pieces really had me like :O when I realised he was behind Azarro too. I loved their collection last time round, though this I’m finding a bit harder to give much analysis on because of the way it’s shot; whilst it could be a YSL perfume Vogue ad, which is obviously far from a bad thing, it comes at the cost of lacking visual clarity. That being said, from what I can see, Theyskens once again masterfully channels the wardrobe of the effortlessly cool, messy haired, smudged eye make up rock ‘n roll girl, and I think that’s someone we all want to be.
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Balenciaga RTW was an interesting one for me-on first inspection, I was kinda disappointed. Without the usual drama of the bold, exaggerated silhouettes and the theatrical production of their shows, I felt it was missing a bit of the magic I’ve come to expect from them. The streetwear elements infused throughout, a departure from their typical pieces, was very hit and miss; the shearling slip-ons in particular were not my thing at all. I’d be admiring some beautiful gothic dress and then my eyes would slide down and see those monstrosities and it would bring the whole thing down a notch or two, despite bad shoes being something I can typically overlook if I otherwise enjoy the rest of the outfit. My initial conclusion: that the Balenciaga Myrtle Snow would choose as her last words this collection.
However, upon re-evaluation when typing this post up properly and knowing what to expect, I like the collection a lot. I’m getting a bit of a Seoul streetwear vibe from it, and I can appreciate that although it is a lot more trend focussed, it’s got an edgy, daring quality to it, with a lot of androgynous, utility wear elements on show. I loveee the Balenciaga chokers too and in my wildest dreams would get my hands on one before it goes the way of the Gucci belt and gets overdone and flaunted by social media influencers as a show of wealth to the point of tackiness.
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At Balmain the sculpted body armour made a comeback but on this occasion, not in a way that I liked, and there war far too many neons for my taste too. No matter how many times it rears its ugly head, I find it hard to get on board because as a colour palette I can’t help but associate with Claire’s Accessories circa 2007-it has to be SO well done to avoid looking cheap, imo, and these Balmain pieces weren’t good enough for me to go against that gut aversion. A collection with 100+ looks isn’t usually a good sign and expecting Olivier Rousteing to achieve the impossible and manage to do both quality and quantity is a recipe for disaster; it’s a shame because his last collection was so original and yet this one feels like a cheaper looking rip off of other brands. It was just a bawdy display of 80s overkill IMO and if I can only find 8 outfits to include out of 100 that’s clearly not a good sign.
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Bottega Veneta is a brand that the high fashion side of the internet loves that I can never 100% get on board with; I get it, they’re behind the gorgeous square toed heels, but other than that none of their collections have ever really wowed me. The chunky knitted pieces are very Miu Miu style futuristic grandma chic and as someone on the cusp of being either a millennial or gen Z (depending on which website you visit) it’s got me outfit planning for my retirement years. Utilising so much wool for a summer collection, however, seems like a choice because can you IMAGINE wearing a heavy knit in blazing sun; I almost didn’t include the collection to be honest but then every so often something really cute came long, and one of the signature crisp, classic BV pieces would be done well and so I felt I had to. Am I missing something given all the hype here? IDK tbh.
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Burberry? Meh. You could also call this collection how many ways can I do a trench coat, with results of differing quality; occasionally the mix match of styles worked and I saw the deconstructed outerwear concept that Ricardo Tisci was presumably trying to go for, though it can’t come as much of a surprise that the combination of a trench, denim and leather jacket was mostly just messy and came off as a last ditch attempt to make the classic coat more interesting by just chucking other fabrics at it and seeing what stuck.
One thing I will say is that there were some really sick prints going on-the snakes in particular-and it was those prints that were really the saving grace of the collection; as I said with regards to Ashish, I like it when you can tell a brand has gone out of their way to experiment with patterns and actually incorporate illustration and graphic design into their pieces. Prints notwithstanding, though, it wasn’t a memorable collection and I really can’t wait for the day we put this whole multiple denim jean waistband trend to bed once and for all; in the wise words of Regina George “stop drying to make multiple waist bands happen. They’re not going to happen.”.
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Carolina Herrera was just as I expected. Whilst Wes Gordon was a little more daring with the structure of the pieces than usual, you can still he’s still committed to designing for the wealthy, modestly dressed socialite (yes I’m talking about Tinsley Mortimer and yes, I have recently become obsessed with Real Housewives) and her insatiable need to collect more charity gala gowns than she’ll ever possibly have opportunities to wear in her time on this earth. Sounds like a great life, sure, but it’s not like it gets my heart racing when I see the looks on the runway. The most memorable piece for sure was double breasted blazer w the asymmetric ruffle; I haven’t seen anything like it in a RTW collection in recent memory.
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Now onto the fucking train wreck that was Celine RTW.
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It’s not even bad for a runway fashion show, it’s just like…straight-up bad. Like Hedi Slimane went back in time to 2013, took a bunch of models into my local Topshop (and I have to clarify my local Topshop rather than the flagship Oxford Circus store-RIP-because to do the same in the latter would produce far better results), picked up some cheap basics, switched the lights off, and then, finally, dressed them in the dark. There’s very few positive comments I can make so I’m just going to move on.
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Chanel RTW I actually didn’t hate as much this season; maybe it’s because coming from Celine, my standards are like, on the floor, but it’s slightly better than usual. Whilst most of it was same old same old, the opening 10 or so looks and then from 40 onwards were alright. The colour contrast pieces were classic Chanel in a good way, that is to say somewhat modernised and appealing to a younger clientele as opposed to the elderly women who still see a boucle jacket as the height of fashion. The mini chiffon capes were also cute, and if it weren’t for COVID putting pause on everything I can see the Chanel headband being duped ad infinitum.
The worst part of the collection was without a doubt the pieces with the neon logo print, which I wish I could erase from my mind. At this point, with Virginie Viard seemingly refusing to make any attempt to reinvent the brand, Chanel is best when it’s subtle; that way it appeals to those regular customers who rely on the prestige of the garment and the new generation of consumers who are further branching out into experimenting with their personal style and want a quality base. But who I ask are these tacky ass pieces aimed at? Because though it appears to be an attempt to infuse a kind of youthful spirit into Chanel, it is very out of touch with what gen Z actually like, and I can’t imagine any rich old white ladies buying them either. Big shoulder shrug.
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Whilst I tend to find Chanel’s haute couture collections a bit better than their RTW, this is probably on par. Still rather meh and frumpy at times, but there were some pretty, whimsical pieces in there that were definitely elevated by the staging which, I must say, was very dreamy. I’ve enjoyed the last couple of haute couture shows a lot more (the one with the library set was v cool), which were comparatively restrained with the frivolous details and the chintz, so this seems a step back. The dresses with the 50s Audrey Hepburn for Miss Dior style silhouette are lovely but obviously, as per the reference, nothing new.
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Onto something much more exciting, we have Charlotte Knowles’ RTW collection, whose work has made her one to watch. I’m not as huge a fan of this as her last instalment, but Knowles’ (who I recently found out only just graduated from Central Saint Martins, making her achievements all the more impressive) continues to create clothes for a girl far cooler than myself; I know, that wouldn’t be hard, but we’re talking like, miles cooler. One of those women who can literally pull anything off and immediately make you want to try it yourself even though 9 times out of 10 that would be a bad idea-I could probably take, like, one piece and make it work but anything more would most likely just be me embarrassing myself. You wouldn’t think San Fransisco psychedelic summer of love motifs would mesh with futuristic Mad Max style biker vibes but Charlotte and her partner Alexandre Arsenault make it sexy AF, like a combo that was always meant to be. They are a dream team.
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And lastly for this post, we have another collection I really liked: Chloe. Sadly Natacha Ramsay-Levi’s last collection for the brand, she truly went out on a high note, with a reliably gorgeous iteration of her sophisticated take on bohemian style. Who now, will we look to when we want to cosplay as one of the Jessas from Girls of the world? When we want to pretend we’re a rich, party girl socialite backpacking across Western Europe (along the foothills of Mount Tibidabo…) on a commissioned trip to “find herself” for the fashion magazine column she’s writing, whilst we’re actually on a budget family holiday in Spain? When we can’t decide if we’re dressing like a modern day Rachel Green or Phoebe Buffay and say fuck it, I’m gonna do both? I mean sure, I could never afford Chloe anyway and sure, I’m interested to see what Gabriela Hearst can do with the brand, which despite its loveliness is quite predictable, but it’s definitely sad to see Ramsay-Levi go when she has become a reliable source of elegance and class each season. She brings a quietly confident brand of femininity to the fashion world where the high profile design houses are increasingly dominated by men who are sometimes too focussed on being bold and brash enough to be hailed as the newest design visionary, and I have huge respect for that. She will be missed.
Now it feels right to end the post here, given that I just finished with a kind of dramatic memoriam for a woman who is very much still alive and given that I would really be playing with fire by trying to push Tumblr’s edit post feature any further, so I’ll wrap it up for now. In part 2, which will hopefully be out over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be looking at a surprisingly strong haute couture collection from (can’t believe I’m about to say this) Maria Grazia as well as some of my faves, Etro, Dion Lee, Gucci, and of course Iris Van Herpen’s haute couture. In the meantime, I’m hoping to get a post out on my favourite sustainable clothing brands and to shoot my take on the “what I would wear sat front row at X” video trend that’s been going around lately on TikTok and Instagram reels, which I know I am kinda late to the party with.
I’m also looking at starting “photo dump” posts where I basically just substitute what I would be putting on my Instagram feed as photo posts on here, all the way back to when I first started my fashion Instagram account. I know this is hardly a hot take, but Instagram has really gone to shit, and once I’ve moved all my photos from there to here, I’m probably going to be deleting my account and just keep my private personal one. I’m sick of the endless scrolling past photos of people edited to the point of being unrecognisable and of seeing faces that all conform to that exact same Eurocentric beauty standard with the exact same surgical procedures to the point that even I, as a thin, white cis girl feel disgusting (so god knows how others without my privilege feel) because I don’t have a fucking fox eye lift or whatever it is that internet famous surgeons are telling us we need for our faces to fit the “golden ratio” at the moment. I am OVERRR all the promoted posts from people who preach social awareness and equality and authenticity and kindness making money off promoting companies that rely on slave labour rather than those who make me feel uplifted and inspired. And I am VERY MUCH done with scrolling through share for share and like for like pages because I am embarrassed by the fact that my likes don’t match up to my follower count since that must mean that NOBODY LIKES ME AND EVERYONE HATES MY FACE, right!? Even though I’d like to think that mentality was something I grew out of a long time ago. Instagram, much like Facebook before it (which is no surprise since the latter now owns the former), has just become another cesspit of an app which exists solely to convince you to buy new clothes and follow the latest filler trend and blow money on holidays you can’t afford to convince everyone you’re living the good life. Like many others, I have finally come to the conclusion that the way Instagram operates now is nothing but detrimental to my wellbeing. So, all that being said, I’m moving my feed over here, to a place where I can just arrange my silly little photos into silly little collages and not care if I’m shouting into the void by doing so because they’re just a screenshot of my life that I can look back on in however many years time and think Oh, Cool! That’s What I Was Interested In Back Then! That Outfit is Timeless! Or That One Was a HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE! Because I do love the creative element of Instagram, turning your feed into a collage, picking out which colours compliment each other, posting your favourite art and your outfits and the makeup looks you’re proud of, the beautiful sights you’ve seen-I just hate how unbridled capitalism and unrealistic social expectations have once again destroyed a good thing, and caused it to stray so far from its original vision of connecting people. Here, I don’t care if I get 0 interactions on those kinds of posts, because I am putting stuff out there I am proud of that expresses who I am and that interests me, and when I put a lot of hard ass work into something that’s actually important or that benefits others in some way as opposed to indulging my own vanity, it does get some circulation and I hope that it does make a positive difference, regardless of how small. I hope it doesn’t bother anyone too much seeing my initial photo dump posts on their dashboard as I try and catch up to where I am now; you’ll probs see a mini influx of 2015 fashion and I’m sorry about that! But I don’t *think* it will be too long until I’m up to date and then the photo dump posts will be much less regular.
Anyway, sorry about the Instagram rant there at the end! If you read all the way til the end, this is a  huuuuge thank you! I hope you enjoyed the post and I will get the next one out ASAP, potentially with a few posts in between. As always, feel free to inbox me if there’s anything you wanted to talk about or suggest and make sure you stay safe. There may finally be some light at the end of the tunnel:D
With a cautious dose of optimism, and the acknowledgement that I will most likely regret saying this: bring on June the 21st UK gals!
Lauren x
5 notes · View notes
wonderland-irwin · 4 years
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Word Count: 1862
Warnings: None
Summary: Bella gets locked out of her house when a cheeky friend from her past pops up to her assistance.
A/N: This may become a bigger story, I’m not sure what will happen. Let’s see how much people like this one! Neighbour!Ashton is not the title, its the current concept lol until I find a title. Enjoy! Let me know if you want me to continue this story line! If you wanna be tagged in other parts, let me know! (Also I tried to remove unnecessary commas! I edited the best I could)
Unable to get my feet under me, I slipped on the towel I’d placed on the bathroom floor instead of the bathmat and as I fell to the floor, I grabbed the towel rack for aid, and it crashed loudly beside me. Muttering curses under my breath I stood, snatching the nearest towel and wrapping it around myself. 
I fumbled with the lock in the door knob, then once I finally got it open, I hurled myself into the hall. Why was I never able to do anything? All I’d wanted was a shower to wipe the thin layer of sweat I could feel over my entire body off, but I’d barely stepped in and the dogs had begun to bark and howl at something.
I crashed down the stairs, spooking Olive, our grey tabby, and I raced into the front living room. Our shih-tzu’s - a breed of small dog that should be rather chil, however ours were far from - Peekley and Mushroom were standing on the back of the couch in the bay window, heads thrown back barking as loud as they could. 
“Hey!” I hollered, pulling my towel tighter around myself, “shut up!” Usually when they did this there was a person walking past with a dog or the poor paperboy. The dogs refused to stop, and I collapsed on the couch, leaning over them to pull the curtain back. Their barking was slightly valid when I saw the white mail van pull away from our house. 
“Stop,” I hissed at the dogs as the van drove around the crescent. They were usually good with their barking and stopping, but sometimes they got excessive. It was ridiculous.
I pat to the front door, pulling it open, stepping into the hot summer’s day, then pulling the door shut to keep the air conditioning in. There was barely a cloud in the sky and those home during the day were doing garden work. I grinned when I saw the box on the bottom step. A few days ago I had made a large order of novels I had wanted to read on my summer break, and it seemed to have arrived. I expected it to arrive at the house’s mailbox down the road, but it was so big that they had to deliver it right to our doorstep.
Adjusting the towel around me again, I bent to pick the package up when I heard the front door click shut. I shot up, sprinting up the steps and trying to push the door open. It rattled and I cursed. Our front door had an automatic lock that could only open with a key. My dad worked for a lock company and was testing it on our door, and long story short the thing was useless. 
“C’mon,” I begged, rattling the door. It refused to budge and my key was hanging on the hook by the front closet. The dogs started barking from the window, and I shouted for them to stop, the horror that it was mid-afternoon and I was stuck outside in my front garden in nothing but a towel was occupying my mind. I realized I may have left the back door unlocked, and I leapt from the porch, adjusted my towel yet again and darted down the cobblestone pathway, across the hot driveway and up the side of my house to the gate. I reached over to find the hook on the gate, then my stomach turned hollow as my fingers brushed a hard padlock fastened to the hook.
I cursed, balling my hands into fists and I stormed back to the front door. As soon as my dad got home from work I would demand he remove that lock and burn whatever prototypes his company had created. What an awful design.
My parents weren’t going to be home until that evening, and my sister was out with her friends at the amusement park. I was going to be stuck out there forever. 
I whirled around, grabbing the top of my towel and clutching it to my chest in protection. I stared at the person. It was Ashton. I hadn’t seen Ashton or spoken to Ashton in years. He lived across the street, and we’d grown up as best friends. We got to high school and interests changed, our lives got busier, and we started to drift apart. I missed him sometimes. Sometimes someone would remind me of him, or I’d see him when he was home from college in the dark hours of the night lit by the street lights riding his yellow trick bike in aimless circles. Sometimes I saw his posts on Instagram, or I’d simply just think about him. And I missed him.
But mostly I tried to push that missing feeling away. Tried to pretend it didn’t exist.
“Hi,” I said quietly, staring at him. He was the same as the last time we spoke, which was at our high school graduation and our mothers demanded a picture of the two of us together. He still wore dark jeans and ripped band tees. He still wore black converse. Still had those pretty hazel eyes I knew every girl gushed over. He was a little older, had a couple of tattoos, but he was still recognizable as my old Ashton. 
“You okay?”
Mm, he still also had that cheeky grin. 
His eyes roamed up and down me, and I felt briefly violated before realizing he wasn’t looking at me in a way that meant he wanted to rip my towel off. He was being his usual cheeky self, and was probably very concerned why I was out in the street in my towel.
“It’s a whole thing,” I told him, “but my dad’s stupid lock locked me out of the house.”
“Ah,” he nodded. I nodded in return because I felt awkward, and a silence fell between us.
“Why don’t you come over to my place until your parents get home,” he offered.
I raised my eyebrow, “are you sure?”
“Of course. You’re  family.”
I adjusted my towel again, and took the steps slowly. Ashton scooped up my large box of books and quirked his eyebrow at me as he tucked it behind a planter on my porch.
I smiled, “of course!” He chuckled as we made our way across the street to his house.
“The water droplets on your shoulders sparkling in the sun are very pretty, Bella,” he said as we walked up his front porch and he opened the door for me to step through.
“Oh,” I said as he pulled the door shut, feeling off guard, “um, thank you.”
He flashed another smile before calling out to his mum, “Bella’s over!”
Ms. Irwin appeared from the kitchen with wide eyes, “Bella?”
I wondered when the last time was that Ashton and I stepped through the Irwin’s front door like this.
“Hi Ms. Irwin,” I waved, my face flushing.
She beamed, “hi, Sweetheart. How are you?”
“I’m fine,” I nodded, “you?”
She just nodded and said, “you two be good,” before disappearing again.
Ashton rolled his eyes with a grin before putting a hand on my back between my shoulder blades and guided me towards the stairs. As we climbed, I looked at the photographs that lined the wall of Ashton and his little sister and brother. There were photos that had been hanging there for as long as I could remember, but some, like school photos, now showed them as older kids, Ashton as an adult. 
There was one photo that made my heart stutter. It was Ashton and I when we were about six. We were at the zoo, sitting on a bench laughing, my head on his shoulder, his head against mine. We each held a melting popsicle, the red and pink syrup all over our hands, around our mouths and on our chins. I don’t think a photo has been taken of me where I’ve looked that happy since.
“I love this photo.” I pointed it out.
“Yeah,” Ashton who had been at the top of the stairs, hopped down the last few to join me, “that was a fun
We looked at it for a moment, then continued to Ashton’s room. I laughed when I entered.
“What?” He asked, rummaging around his closet.
“Ashton, it looks the same!” I wandered around the room. The room itself was painted a dark blue. Ashton’s bed was unmade, clothes were in piles on the floor. He had a desk, where his laptop sat, and in one corner his drum kit, the other a black bean bag chair. Knick knacks and odd belongings sat on shelves and in odd spaces on the floor.
“Like yours doesn’t?” He grinned, passing me one of his t-shirts. 
“Okay,” I laughed, “it might be.” My room was still purple and green. The doll house my dad had made me that I made Ashton play with me numerous times still sat on its shelf. I still had fragments of LEGO upon my shelves. My books cluttered every corner. Posters from movies and musicians covered my walls.
He chuckled, moving to his drawer and rummaging around. I pulled on his shirt, a Guns N Roses shirt with minimal holes, and pulled it down as far as it could go. Ashton passed me a pair of boxers, and sat at his desk as I pulled them on and ditched my towel on his floor.
I felt better now I wore clothes and stepped over to him. Folding my arms across my chest, I leant over his shoulder to see what he was doing. A message appeared on the screen once he’d logged in, and he clicked it.
_dirtycliffo: log in!
I grinned, “Ashton, is that Michael?” I hadn’t talked to our old friends  in a long time.
“Yes,” he frowned, typing back.
weeniebeanie: no
I suddenly exploded with laughter, clutching at my stomach. Then I leant over his shoulder so I could see his face.
“You still have your screen names from eighth grade?”
“Yes,” Ashton grumbled. He was avoiding looking at me, but I could see in his eyes he was smiling.
weeniebeanie: i hate that game
_dirtycliffo: c’mon. Luke n cal also suck
bread: heyy
“You still act like you're in grade eight too,” I laughed, resting my chin on Ashton’s shoulder as he logged into the game.
“Here,” he said, passing me a headset that was on his deck, “listen in.”
I twisted the headphones so we could both hear and Ashton could use the mic.
“Good, you’re here,” came Michael’s static filled voice.
“Yeah,” Ashton sighed, “but it’s not just me here.”
“Oh?” Calum’s voice came. It occurred to me that even though I wasn’t as close to them as I was Ashton, I kind of missed them too.
“Yeah. Bella-Wella is here too,” he replied, calling me my grade school name.
“Stop,” I laughed, nudging him, and he grinned.
“So it’s just like old times? Hey, Bella.”
“Hey,” I called back, and the boys started their game, talking about weapons and strategies. And I listened along. Just like old times.
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absoluteindulgence · 5 years
Invitations and Reservations
A/N: Hey Guys, this is my first post to my blog. I wrote this story for the lovely, @burnedbyshoto. I got a little anxious sharing this story since the beginning is a tad rough, but please be patient with me while I get back into the groove of good imagery and storytelling. Thank you to all of you that took the time to read it, I appreciate all constructive criticism, and I have made the proper edits.
Pairings: Shouto Todoroki X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Cursing
Word Count: 6.4K
After graduation from UA High School, there was a halt in the friendship you built with Shouto. He was apart of the hero course and you were nothing but a mere general studies student. Meaning you guys wouldn't always be in the same spaces. During your first year, you would pass by him during lunchtime and you noticed that he would sit by himself frequently. You liked the idea of making new friends and thought that maybe he wouldn’t mind if you interrupted his bubble. One day, you were brave enough to sit with him, but he gave you the cold shoulder and with an icy stare he said, “I don’t need any distractions, you can go.”
You were taken aback by his statement, proceeding to leave him alone. You didn’t think about him until after the sports festival had come to a close and still, you were eager to be his friend. You witness him hanging out with the green-haired boy, known as Deku and his trusted friends. This is your chance! You steadily approach the table with the intent of speaking to Todoroki and creating a bond.
Luckily, he saw you coming already and made room for you to sit next to him on the bench. An exchange of smiles leads to honest conversations with the half hot-half cold quirked boy and his friends. Fast forward to senior year, you two have developed an inseparable bond. However, you remember he is training to be the next top hero. Also realizing that the branch would continue to challenge him and that he will be in high demand. Knowing all of this crippled your heart, and left you to be stagnate during the days he was unavailable to talk. 
You are torn between accepting the role he will play as a hero destined to be the greater embodiment of All Might and also feeling left behind in that journey. Your quirk wasn’t anything special but it was great for memorizing information related to photographic memory with zoomed-in 10x detail. You regretted not getting into the hero course and fell into a small depression. But after spending some time hanging with your G.S. friends at the sports festival, you understood that you weren’t cut out for the work of a hero and enjoyed being behind the scenes.
Onward, you put your mind to exploring the alternatives. Hero firms were your next course of action. You learned pronto that they were very cut-throat but still persevered. After graduation, you went to college away from your quiet, hometown in Japan to learn as much about the hero business. When you came back, a hero firm in the city had you as their number one choice and you executed all tasks they presented.
Proving that you were more than capable, you were boosted with pay and benefits. You settled into the city, with a great space meant for one soul to be comfortable. And work from Monday to Friday. Occasionally weekends if duty calls, but your personal life was still balanced with leisure and relaxation.
One day in the office, your boss told you that there were files that needed correction at the number one hero firm in the country and you were requested specifically. Surprised, you headed over there willing to assist. As you arrived, you saw the hustle and bustle of the greatest heroes at the top firm in Japan taking charge. An entire 180 from your usual workflow. Heroes coming, heroes going.
As your workload for the day was finished and you were leaving the building, a familiar hairdo caught your eye as they entered the building with their head down fidgeting with their hero costume.
"Todoroki-san?" You glance at his suit, giving him a once over from head-to-toe, he's bulked up more since high school.
As he looks up, his face laced in complete surprise. "(______-chan)?" His smile is grand as he walks up to you extending his own arms to pull you into a bear hug.
His hands respectively rested at your waist as you pull him into a close embrace. "It's great to see you!" You let it slip your mind that Shouto operated at the number one firm and didn’t even focus on the other heroes. As soon as you arrived, you were given a room and all the paperwork was directed into your hands.
As you both pull away, his eyes linger on your body. The curves on you were very enticing for business casual attire. “Yeah, I could say the same.” He smirks.
“Did you just finish up for the day?” You ask adjusting your work handbag.
He nods, ”Yeah, I was dropping off my costume, this one happens to be my back up.” He motions to his chest and your eyes flutter.
“Cool, well don’t let me hold you up. I know you want to go home.” You motion as if to start walking but Todoroki caught your right hand with his.
“Hey, (____), wait,” The skin is callous, but deeply earnest bringing about a tinted color of pink on your face. You look into his mismatched eyes.
“Would you like to exchange numbers?” Todoroki starts fiddling with his other hand to reach for his smartphone.
Todoroki always had the same phone number since you knew him, but during his senior year of college, you heard from Mina that his phone number was leaked all throughout Japan. And during that time, he had a harem of girls lusting after him that he couldn’t break free of. The situation led him to switch his number three times, losing your contact each point since then.
You happily agree and exchange numbers. Joking with him, you tell him that your number never changed and he apologetically tells you that he forgot your number after the second time. A small giggle escaped your lips as you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You wore it down for today since the weather was sunny with a light breeze.
Shouto goes in for another hug this time tighter, and says, “Please, don’t be a stranger. If possible, I would like to see you again.”
Your heart leaps out your chest and as you pull out of the hug, you peer into his face. Before you can say anything he stammers, “I know it's late and all but if possible, I would like to take you home.”
Still in the embrace, your face flushes and you nod without a word. “Great, give me a moment to put this away. Actually, do you wanna come up with me?” He releases entirely from his grasp and motions to you if you want to take the trip.
You shrug, looking at him in sheer delight just from seeing him again, “At this point, I’m down for anything, Todoroki. I was just gonna go home after.”
He smiles kindly, “Okay. Well, follow me.”
Together, you spend an additional thirty-minutes as he shows you the building. It’s filled with laughter and wonder. After he changes out of his costume and into regular clothes, Todoroki reaches for his keys on the desk. “We can make our way to the parking lot now.”
You reach his vehicle and notice it's a very stylish, new model from the current year. “Let me get your door,” Todoroki jogs to your side of the car. As he opens the door for you, you enter cautiously not to snag your heels on his car mats. Flirtatiously you say, “Wow, what a gentleman.”
He picks up on your flattery, “Thank you, a lovely woman such as yourself will bring it out of me.”
You blush from his reversed flirtation as he enters the driving side. He asks where to and you give him your home address. As he drives, you shift your eyes from the road to look at Todoroki. Several colored lights flash through his face as the two of you ride through the stoplights and reflective signs.
You gaze toward his face, embracing his side-profile. His jawline is more defined, hair is longer, eyes looking worn from the day. For a split second, he makes eye contact with you before focusing on the road. “Are you okay?” His deep voice echoes through the car sending chills down your spine.
Honestly speaking you say to him, “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just looking at you.”
“Oh, you see something you like?” He asks.
You smirk in his direction, “Very much so.”
The rest of the ride is quiet but filled with high levels of tension. It’s not stressing, more like the realization of one’s attraction to the other. Shouto grips the steering wheel holding onto what he’s wanted to say since staring into your eyes at the firm. He takes a slow and steady breath, his jaw tensing up as he does. Stealing glances of him and breathing the same air made you come to grips that your crush on Todoroki is not completely over. You want to see more of him.
Finally, you reach your apartment complex. Your body stills as he parks the vehicle on the street near the sidewalk entrance to your building. You can’t bring yourself to leave the car. There’s so much you’ve wanted to say to him since high school and now that you’re here with him you’re frozen. 
“Listen (____),” Shouto breaks the silence, ”I’m truly happy that I bumped into you.” He stares into your own eyes. “It’s the highlight of my day.”
His smile gazes deep within you, pulling a heartstring. Boldly, you lean over to his side of the car, caressing the left side of his face to turn to you. Leaning closer to massage your lips to his. The kiss was slow and passionate. His hand rubs your thigh while the other pulls you closer to him by your waist. A groan escapes his lips as a heavy breath leaves your nostrils. You’re not ready to end the kiss, you grab a handful of his hair to stop him from pulling away. But he had no intention of doing so.
The lip-locking gets rough and creates a lack of oxygen and you both pull away just to catch one’s breath. You sit back holding your hand to your chest. Looking over at him, his eyes haven’t left your mouth. His eyes trail down to your body then back to your eyes. Your chest was exposed showing a delightful amount of cleavage in your cotton-like, v-neck blouse. He bites his lips in desire.
“Do you want to come upstairs?” You ask him softly, almost louder than a whisper. “I know it's late. But, I wouldn’t want you to drive home if you’re exhausted.”
Shouto’s face heats up, the question caught him off guard. Looking at you, he sees that you’re a little flustered asking him but he knows that you’re worried about his well-being and that you always have been. He nods and as you two find better parking. You head upstairs and immediately apologize for any mess left out in your haze to get ready for the day. He assures that you don’t need to apologize.
Unlocking the door, you promptly take your high heels off and slip on your comfortable and plush house slippers. “Please make yourself at home.” You plop onto your camel-colored couch releasing a sigh.
Shouto sits next to you, he's looking a little stiff but relaxes when by your side. His eyes linger again to your exposed cleavage as you lean back taking a deep breath. His eyes widen from watching your chest rise and fall.
You look at him asking, "Are you thirsty?"
He jumps thinking he’s been caught staring, "Uh yeah, I am." He blinks away quickly.
You stand up to walk around the corner and enter your kitchen. "Anything in particular? Juice or tea? Maybe wine?"
He shouts over his shoulder, "Wine is fine."
You pull out the red wine from your fridge and let the door close on its own as you open your cabinet to your wine glasses.
After carefully holding the glasses in your hands, you walk your way back into the living room and set the bottle down along with the glasses. He separates the two and asks if he can pour, you accept as he unwraps the bottle. You forgot the bottle opener and strut back to the kitchen to retrieve it. With another plop onto the couch, your thigh brushed against his.
It was an accident but you’re not rushing to move. The warmth from his leg is comforting and you feel calm against his body heat. You haven’t been this close to him in so long and it shows as you exhale softly relishing in Todoroki’s company. He hands you a wine glass and you thank him graciously. He works the cork out of the bottle and pours it into your glass then his.
“I would like to make a toast between the two of us.” His deep voice echoes through your modern themed apartment.
“Let’s hear it” You grin in his direction.
“To the odds of us meeting again,” He stares into your eyes, “Had I not taken a late shift patrolling, I wouldn’t even be here right now.”
Your smile is evident to him, “True, but also my boss made this possible.”
“How so?”
“He told me your firm needed me today. You guys were backed up with months of paperwork.”
“Really? The things they don’t tell me.” He rubs his head, bewildered.
“Well as apart of the top five heroes in Japan the last thing they want to do is worry you with problems they could give to another. You already keep the city safe.”
“Yeah, although that’s odd. How did you fair out?”
“I finished it all.”
“I fixed all the hitches.”
“In a single day?”
“Yes,” you giggle, “Can we drink now?”
Shouto’s thrown off-guard but wastes no time clinging your glass and taking a long gulp. It seems as if he’s needed this drink. Your sip matches his as you make eye contact with him. You stir the wine coating the glass. The wine is sweet and smooth as it glides down your tongue. He sets his glass down on your see-through, glass coffee table.
“So please, tell me how you managed to finish months of work in a day.”
You tease him, “With hard work.”
For the next hour, you and Todoroki are reconnecting and sharing what’s happened in your personal lives. Sharing experiences from college, reminiscing when you both attended UA asking who you still speak with from your classes. Although you weren’t apart of class 1A you were able to become close friends with Mina and Toru. The three of you would go shopping, and at times you would have to remind Mina what matches since you were the most fashionable of the three.
Todoroki was able to keep in contact with most of 1A, except Mineta. He shared several stories after becoming a hero. Some made you laugh and the others shocked you. He showed a couple of battle scars that smoothed onto his arms and chest with time. You pretended that you didn’t like the view of his bare chest for mere seconds but it was obvious to Todoroki when you were tracing his abs. The conversation continued to flow and you whole-heartedly felt fortunate.
A yawn escaped Shouto’s mouth. “Oh man, I wore you out didn’t I?” You ask clearing the coffee table of the two large wine bottles you two dusted off with ease.
“No, I’m just very comfortable.” He smiled sleepily.
You smirk, “Well if you like my couch, you’ll definitely like my bed.”
“What?” His head shot up to look at you.
“I’m too tired to sleep by myself. Do you want to cuddle?”
You two have been drinking since stepping foot into your apartment not making any flirtatious moves to progress the night into something else. But liquor of any form is considered as a truth serum. And for once you said exactly what was on your mind.
Through tipsy duo-colored eyes and a bright pink face, “Yes.” Finally came out of Shouto’s mouth.
You reached your hand out to hold his, he extends to touch yours and you lift him off the couch to lead him to your bedroom. Immediately, Shouto’s eyes widen as he sees how dainty your room is. He’s lost in the scent of lavender and can tell that you took pride in decorating your room. You guide him to sit on your queen-size bed as you finally strip out of your blouse and tight skirt.
“Hope you don’t mind, but I’ve been wearing this all day,” Motioning to your outfit of the day. You strut near your dresser wearing nothing but a bra and panties looking for pajamas. You turn your head to tell Shouto to get comfortable and gaze upon the half-hot, half-cold man to see him steaming. His eyes haven’t left your body since entering your room.
Your laugh fills the room, “Shouto, can you get comfortable?” 
“Are you sure you want me to stay in here as you’re changing?” His voice sounding drunker than he looked.
“Yes!” You smile tenderly throwing him oversized grey sweats, “Don’t worry they’re mine.”
He catches the pants in his hands, shrugs, and changes into them with no other words. You head to your bathroom just to remove any makeup from your face and quickly do your skincare night time regimen. “Hey, Shouto!” You call out to him while moisturizing your face.
“Yeah, (_____)?”
“You wanna be the little spoon or the big spoon?” You playfully asked him the question as you once had during a time back at UA, he didn’t know what you meant and couldn’t tell you what he wanted. You let it go after seeing his confused face. You walked your way back into your bedroom and came to a pause. Behold, Shouto completely stripped from his regular clothes into the grey sweatpants and no shirt.
At that moment, you wished you were born with four eyes like one of your general studies friends. You needed a better vision of the perfect symmetry of his abs and the bulge forming in his pants. You can't force your quirk to just focus on one part of his body at a time, it was unfair!
For once, your body moves faster than your mind. Inebriated, you walk over to him stumbling over your own legs. Standing in front of him, still in your underwear, you press your lips to his and lock your arms around his neck. Pushing your body closer to mold into him. The kiss is sloppy yet filled with passion.
You inhale his scent through your nose and softly nibble against his bottom lip. Shouto groans against you swiftly, flipping you onto the bed, gently laying on top of you taking in the beauty of your body. You smile under his stare.
His gaze intense while his lips were intoxicating as they collided with yours repeatedly. Dominating your body and touching anywhere his hands would permit. You hook your arms over his shoulders to pull him close. You track love bites up and down his neck and behind his traps.
His exhale is heavy as it tickles the hairs on the back of your neck. Your moan causes closer contact with Shouto's chest. You're internally dying to feel more of him. You can't wait anymore as your hands unhook from behind his back, to trail to the sides of his sweats. You're in the process of slowly sliding them down as Shouto grabs your right hand.
"Big spoon." His voice is husky this time as they stare into your eyes and it feels like an hour under his gaze. He rolls off of you pulling you close from your waist.
You're bewildered, to say the least. But glad that he found out what the terminology meant. However, the bear hug wrapped around your feminine frame causes multiple sensations. The back of your neck thrilled by his breath, the warm vibrations of his soft snores, and your fingers following the veins on his arms.
I did say I wanted to cuddle…
You mentally facepalm yourself and utter out a tiny giggle. Shouto softly stirs at your voice and you snuggle closer to him.
Every third Friday night and fourth Saturday of the month you would meet. In the evening it was an upscale restaurant with the finest wine and a remarkable view. Whether the food was splendid depended on the face you made after the third bite. He would look at you and smile wondering if you're enjoying yourself. A smile would indicate 2 bottles of wine and another great conversation.
You would usually catch Todoroki up on the weeks that he didn't see you since phone calls were short and they mostly consisted in confirmation that the other finally reached home. After hero work from different fields, those would be the only words you two could muster to say.
The way you would describe the days was as if it had just happened 5 minutes ago and he admired that about you. Your memory was impeccable and he couldn't differentiate whether that was apart of your quirk or just how you were. Your eyes would light up talking to Shouto as he would stare at you with the most gentle smile.
“So that’s what happened on my end, as usual, I handle what my boss throws at me with ease and keep my cool the whole time.” A grin grows on your face as you swirl your wine glass coating the sweetly, dry alcohol.
“I see, (____), It’s one of the things I like most about you. You're cool-headed in any situation.” He grins, “You know, my offer still stands. I could get you a better position at my firm.”
“I know, but they need me. If I leave, I know they’ll go under.” You shrug with a soft chuckle.
The two of you, look at each other intently, from across the table. Eyes laced with an intense amount of zeal.
Your waiter for the night comes over asking if you're ready to order. It's their fourth time asking and the two of you finally order some food. You're always particular about what to get. You have gone to enough restaurants to make executive decisions on what to indulge upon. And aside from a delectable entree, you had other plans for your mouth.
The true goal of the night was to take Todoroki home and finish where you left off a month ago.
As you wait for the food to arrive, you build on your last conversation regarding bumping into Hagakure and Ojiro.
One of your Saturday dates, Shouto took you to a candy-infused cafe that had a variety of different sweets. You gawked hard at your favorites, mouthwatering damn near. You made a turn to the right and bumped into what you thought was the glass window. But the hypothetical window yelped and you recognized that voice instantly.
“I honestly thought it was the window or that I might have leaned too close to the candy cases.” You chuckle thinking back on your tunnel vision.
He returns the amusement, “She was highly happy to see you. And wanted to spend as much time as possible before we left. ”
“Good thing she saw us together, made her back off instantly.” You take another sip of wine, “What makes matters worse is, Ojiro lost her.”
“But as soon as he found her, coddle city.”
"Right, He just let her get whatever she wanted from the shop to make up for it." You laugh.
"How's that any different from me?" Shouto smirks his lips curves deviously.
You pause for a moment, analyzing his words. Since that day, he's made sure to be there for you whenever he could. The days never went without hearing his voice, or him just knowing you didn't eat your whole shift. He respected your workflow and just wanted to lighten your load.
"Mmmm touchè, good sir". You playfully cross your arms. “But you’ve never lost me.”
“That’s not true,” He said. “I lost you for five years.”
Since your impromptu-turned-heated hangout, he always sent you lunch to your office. Sometimes, just for you other times, your entire office. Showing his gratitude to the firm who saw your potential and hired you.
“And now we’re here.” You smiled curtly.
The restaurant was extravagantly laced with gold trimming on the walls, tables, and chairs. The silverware its self had to be of a high carat too along with the cleanest and most prim plates ever gawked at. The high ceilings gave off the effect of endless beauty and royalty. You’ve only heard of the accolades given to this establishment but didn’t expect yourself to be seated in it.
Your food finally made its way to your table, as soon as your plate was presented, you wasted no time. You took your three make-or-break bites submerged with flavor. Another mouthwatering selection causing you to beam. Locked in the warmth of your enjoyment, Shouto looked on at his sweetheart. Pleased to see your own satisfaction.
There was no discussion but the two of you were certain to feel each other's warmth again. With your schedules lining up to be free for the entire weekend, you planned to take advantage.
As the night progressed, you were already in his car heading back to your apartment. It took fifteen minutes to actually start driving. The satin dress carving your body had Shouto's hands all over you. Cupping your ass, rubbing his hands rough on your hips, his mind trailing into another atmosphere as your lips touch. Indulging in the warmth of each other without being nude… yet.
The time to get into your apartment was shorter than the attention span of a squirrel. You two emptied the possibilities of extra movements and conversation making it known how you want to end tonight.
In passing by your living room, Shouto presses tattoo kisses along your neck and shoulders. His big calloused hands are wrapped tight around your waist, his grip is demanding and needy, “(______), I want you.” His deep voice ringing in your ears as you moan slightly from the heat.
You unravel yourself out of your jacket letting it fall wherever allowing Shouto to guide you into your bedroom. The scent of his body brings you a familiar euphoria. The dampness of your heat forming more as you strip him out of his shirt.
With little instruction, Shouto watches you unbutton him straight down. He looks at your sensual form, packed of lust. His large hands resume roaming the lower part of your body stripping you of your dress, cupping your ass in the process. As he rolls it up, you arch against his touch pushing your breasts into his face.
He takes the opportunity to grab hold of them and place kisses in between where they meet. Your heart beats fast and the blood in your body rushes to your head causing you to become lightheaded. As you fall back, Todoroki lifts you up as you wrap your legs around his waist.
He turns his body around to lay you down onto the bed. His movements are calculated and gentle.
As he lets you go, you shuffle slowly, needy for his touch. You look up at him, his chest heaves slow, you watch him unbuckle his belt then work on his pants.
"You look so fucking delicious." The color pink paints your face heavily as Shouto praises you.
Your sexy, disheveled body looks up to meet the man who had given you wet dreams since you let him into your apartment the last time. When he left in the morning, you relished in his scent, making your mind go within complete desire mode. You edged yourself for the moment that he would be in your bed again.
“Take off that dress, those panties and spread your legs for me, baby.” His order rung loud and clear into your head.
Automatically, you start to follow his directions moving incredibly slow. Making sure to expose your body beautifully. Securing his attention, your eyes strayed to his growing bulge, your little strip show turning him on further. Tonight you wore a lacy thong that hugged your curves, laying back onto your bed you slid them off. Not necessarily were you double-jointed but your body was in mint condition for abstract activities.
As you spread your legs wide, a deep sigh leaves Shouto’s mouth. He’s kneeling off your bed as you’re at the edge and rubs your calves all the way down to your inner thighs close to your pussy. So close that you feel the heat of his breath on you. The huffs cause shivers to travel down and through your body and cause you to squirm.
He chuckles, “Don’t move, Gorgeous. I’m enjoying the view.”
If you could melt into your bed.
The pleasure of him staring into your sex and the air flowing through it sending you over the edge. Before you can protest his tongue is spiraling quickly onto your clit. It’s so fast that it prompts your knees to buck in the air, Shouto is steps ahead of you pushing your legs back into formation. The grip is overwhelming as he goes to town on you.
Fortunately, you’re not shy to reveal your pleasure and moan under his tongue tricks. As he focuses further on your clit with kisses and nibbles, you wail loudly gripping his hair whilst in between you. Your pants and cries ammunition as he brings one of his hands close entering two fingers into your wet wonderland.
“Shouto!” Your cry echoes through your room, fulfilling your passion. Your body tingles under his grip, legs shaking, toes curling and eyes closed shut.
He revels in the way your body reacts to his mouth, making him even more tempted to take you down and make you feel his cock buried deep into your womb. Your waist rolls onto his face until the pressure on your clit is unbearable. His fingers roughly pressed into your g-spot sending you over the edge. You open your eyes to stare into Shouto’s with a pleading look.
With a broken whisper, you ask, “Can I cum?”
Shouto looks at your pleading body continuing the stimulation on your wet, deserving twat. You assume it’s on purpose as you ask a little louder, moreover that plea goes unanswered too. The sensation is closing in on you and you can’t restrain yourself any longer. “Shouto, please let me cum!”
Your begging comes in crystal clear now, the grip on your thighs tightened as Shouto hums into your clit with agreeance to your awaiting release. The vibration alone sends you over the edge as his thick fingers pump into your heat swiftly. Your leg muscles tense as you deliver the final shiver coming onto his fingers. Your moans are soft, your breathing’s delicate riding out the waves of your orgasm.
With a long exhale, you position yourself to pull Shouto onto the bed flipping your body on top of him. There’s no way you would let yourself be outdone by just by his delicious tongue. You craved more and would get more. Slowly you grind your heat onto his clothed, thick dick. The friction between your sex and his boxers stopping you from clenching around him.
“You think you’re so good, don’t you?” You straddle him.
“Well, I do believe you just came.” He smirks, “And very quickly, I might add.”
You return the look, giggling to yourself. Slowly, you slide down to rest in between his legs, sliding his boxers down in the process. Shouto’s dick bounced out of the elastic band, making an official debut. Your ogling didn’t go unnoticed either.
“Are you scared?” His face was overly smug.
Ignoring him, you lowered your mouth timidly, making him think he was right. Slowly leaving kisses, and tiny licks around his tip.
“It’s okay to say so-”
You were merciless in fitting his whole dick down your saturated throat. Gag reflexes working incredibly as Shouto sits up to jab more of himself in you. You moan from the force as he relaxes from the sudden motion. You pull yourself from him for a moment to spit on his thick cock. With a groan, your tongue spirals along his length moving faster than the two of you can process.
Your determination is smooth and precise as you grip him with both hands to clutch his manhood. His groan is louder with obscenities escaping his mouth. It only brings you further to stretch your jaw out and slurp him like you’re going to suck him dry.
“Fuck you’re so rough. I love it, keep going baby” Shouto ragingly, growls.
His dick twitches within your mouth and that’s the signal to keep going since he’s close, you’re back to deep throating him while spinning your tongue around his cock. More vulgarities leave Shouto’s mouth as his hands’ trail to your head, as he weakly caresses your hair.
You swat him away and push your head further down his length. Your heat drenched from all the friction in your esophagus. The speed you keep causes Shouto to cum in your mouth. Some shooting down your throat and the rest filling your mouth and spurting out down the side.
You grip him for last time pushing up more of his seed into your mouth. His groan was heaven to your ears as you took your mouth off him. Pushing your body up from between his legs, you look deeply into his stunned and dumbfounded face, returning his overly smug look wiping the side of your mouth.
“I know how to slay a dragon.”
Shouto’s eyes widen at your overly sexual frame, the need to ravage you even deeper. He motions for you to come closer to him. You slowly crawl your body over his, your drenched pussy lining up with his girthy cock. Gently, you glide your heat up and down his shaft until you angle your hips to slide him into you. You throw your head back feeling the ultimate wave of pleasure, letting out a harsh moan.
The man under you gripped your thighs tightly, twitching his dick within in you causing minimal jerks of your own body. "Fuck, you're so tight, (_____)".
You softly coo, looking at him. His messy hair and mouth gaped open sent chills down your spine. How could this man be so fine with his overly lewd words?
Resting your hands on his broad chest, you softly exhale as you slowly swivel your hips. The movement is excruciatingly slow, as your pussy gets well acquainted with Shouto's girth.
With more comfort, your swivels become rapid as you feel undeniable satisfaction riding him. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your ass collides repeatedly against his defined thighs.
The smacks growing more powerful, amplified in your classy, apartment complex. Your moans intermingling within Shouto’s grunts and growls as he controls your hips to slam onto his dense length. Eager to keep his pace, you work your thighs out to bounce with everything you have.
The moves are no longer graceful as the intensity is matched, so focused that you don’t realize that you two are sliding off the bed. Shouto’s foot dangles off your bed as your bodies contort to keep form. You roll your nipples between your hands while arching your back. Your body overly excited pushing you to your limit.
Shouto feels your pussy clench and yanks your body close to him. His left arm wraps around your waist as he lifts you. Raising you off the bed, he stands up to dig his cock inside of you. Legs spread, he pumps into you while standing. You grasp onto his shoulders letting out crazed cries. You shriek consistently echoing his name over and over.
“That’s right baby, who’s about to make you come again?”
Your pussy clenches around him talking dirty to you, “YOU!” You moan feeling the heat of his breath tickle the back of your neck.
His cock thrusts, penetrating your g-spot causing you to wail. The pressure of his girth nearing your second orgasm. Thighs shaking, the smell of sweat in his hair and his tensed muscles close to your body gave off the most intoxicating feel that no bottle of wine could ever match.
The coil burning passionately within your heat prompts your nails to dig into Shouto’s shoulder blades, moans reverberating through the room.
“Do you need to cum, Gorgeous?”
Your head shakes rapidly in compliance against his body. 
“I want to hear you say it, baby.” Shouto turns his head to lick and bite at your neck, showing no mercy as his tongue revolves anywhere it can reach.
You choke on your gasp, “Yes Shouto, I want to cum!”
Next, your body flipped back onto the bed, face down, ass up. Shouto fills you up, digging deep into you. His body moves rashly and animalistic making you grip your satin sheets. The burning coil has finally snapped and you’ve released your orgasm onto your desired person’s cock.
Shouto chases after yours, ejecting his cum into your snug pussy. You shudder as your legs can no longer hold you up. You fall to your side, head hitting one of your pillows. Your legs visibly tremble, bringing Shouto to a low chuckle as he climbs behind you to nestle yourself into him.
“You want more, (_____)?” He teases you.
Your face is flustered, “Shut up, big spoon.”
Shouto smiles against you, trailing kisses from behind your shoulder.
Slowly, you fell into a safe slumber wrapped his arms.
Leaving the cleanup, for the morning.
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maliafahey · 5 years
ley lines //  harlia
WHO: malia fahey & harper sinclair ( @harpersinclair​ )
WHEN: january 31st
TRIGGERS: mention of drug use, as always. also they scene but its not explicit 
NOTES: harper slaps malia and then talks about her feelings regarding the harmaxan breakup  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Malia was no stranger to Harper's place and didn't even bother knocking as she entered with the spare key she never returned back to the Domme after so many years. After brief small talk, some familiar flirty touches, she found herself in Harper's lap, arms wrapped around her neck. "So. They say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. How do you wanna do this, Miss?" There was a saccharine lilt to her tone, aiming to signal to Harper that she was there for whatever she needed-- a casual fuck, a casual scene-- whatever she needed to help her get over her breakup woes. Not that it was that easy. In reality it wasn’t easy by any means, but Malia didn't have much to go off of when it came to breakups. 
On the other end, Harper felt lost. For the first time since that initial adjustment period after receiving her mark, she found herself feeling unsure and out of control. Losing Max, and then Evan in such proximity to each other? It was harder than she could have imagined. So when Malia offered, there was no hesitation on her part. If there was one thing she could do, it was Domme. And she did it well. Wrapping her arms around the blonde, the corners of her lips quirked in a mischievous smirk. “I think I mentioned something about slapping you around a little bit,” Sh quipped, punctuating her words with a sharp spank to her ass. Standing, she lifted Malia with her, “You think you can behave, babe?”
Not giving much of a reaction to the slap to her ass, other than a jerk of her hips, Malia shrugged, a mischievous gleam lighting up her face and turning the edges of her lips upwards in a smirk. It'd been so long, she'd be remiss if she wasn't going to make Harper work for her reactions.  "I dunno, you might have to make me behave.” Malia shrugged and wrapped her legs around Harper’s waist, punctuated with her usual brand of mischief. “Y'know how I am." 
Normally, their banter, the teasing, it was all part of their dynamic. It felt off, somehow, though, even as Harper’s smile widened on instinct. “Oh? Not feeling very cooperative, then?” Shaking her head she stopped in her tracks, pressing the blonde against the wall, one brow raising in silent question. “Are you sure that’s the answer you’re going to go with, Malia?” Harper asked, her voice stern, and her gaze intense, unyielding, almost.  “Think carefully before you answer.”
Despite the decided shift in the air, Malia did not think carefully. "I'm sure. No take backs 'round here."
As soon as the words slipped from the submissive’s lips, Harper felt her own mentality shift, that much more. “Wrong answer, babe.” Plopping her down suddenly, the Domme curled her fingers through her hair, just above the base of her neck, giving a sharp tug. “Kneel.” She ordered, her voice cool and commanding.
But there was one thing Malia was good at, it was ignoring her better judgement. The sharp tug brought out a soft gasp from her lips, but she kneeled anyway, dropping down onto her knees "Doesn't seem like the wrong answer from where I am." She teased as she tilted her head up to look at the other blonde towering over her. Needless to say, Harper's expression was very different from what it usually was when they scened. 
Harper’s hand moved on instinct, a sharp crack echoing in the previous silence of her apartment as she stared down at Malia, her cheek turning bright red from the unexpected slap. “Keep that smart mouth of yours closed until I have a use for it.” She said, her face sober and unamused. “Now don’t move, or you’ll get worse.” Her tone leaving no room for misinterpretation of her intentions as she moved away to collect the rope she’d acquired for their scene, pulling on the blonde’s arms roughly as she began to twine the rope around her wrists.(edited)
As soon as she felt Harper's hand fly across her cheek, her eyes watered a little, the sudden pain bringing a scalding heat to her cheeks. Immediately, she clamped her mouth shut, not even bothering with a courtesy Yes, Miss. or a smart remark. Her body moved pliantly with her motions. Under usual circumstances, she would have fought a little, knowing how much Harper enjoyed the chase sometimes. But this, again, was a decided difference in how they usually scened. Harper needed this and Malia was happy to oblige.
The scene itself is incredibly cathartic, in its way, lacking in their usual playful tussle for dominance. Each move Harper makes is almost calculated, in nature, as she continued to bind the smaller girl until she was totally immobilized. The ropework was more sophisticated than she usually had the patience for, and she had Malia positioned in a stable bend, her weight distributed across her knees and shoulders. She hadn't expected to need so much control and structure, but she wasn’t going to question it in that moment. Selecting a wide, wooden paddle, Harper felt more in control as the scene progressed than she had in weeks-- months, really. It’d been quite a while since she had a scene of this nature and with each thud of the paddle, she felt the tension begin to leave her body, keeping a careful eye on Malia’s reactions to the impact. 
By the end of the scene, Harper carefully untied the other girl, taking care to try and help her regain feeling in her limbs as she went. Lifting Malia with ease, she laid her on her bed, pressing a light kiss to her head and murmuring all manner of words of praise and thanks to the submissive. Retrieving a pain relieving cream and rubbing it on the parts of her limbs that looked most irritated, before giving the same treatment to her sore and reddened ass. Settling beside her, she offered her some water, and gave her a chance to talk about how she was feeling as she pulled the smaller girl against her, holding her close. 
Malia didn't say much, just focused on coming back down from her high in the Domme's familiar arms. It took a little more praise and a little more reassurance than normal-- simply because of the decided difference in tonight's scene but that was more than okay. As her friend, Malia was always wiling to provide whatever Harper needed-- in most, if not all capacities. 
She didn't talk about much, just soaking up the affection and attention. And then finally, after some time and another How are you feeling? from Harper, she couldn't help but quirk a brow. "How am I feelin'? Miss, how are you feelin'?” 
A beat. 
Harper could barely resist the urge to bite at her fingernails- a nervous habit she’d long shaken from her youth- as she thought about the posted question. Wordlessly, Malia reached for her hands, clasping them in her own and settling it between them. 
Harper had been a mess of emotions and hurt for weeks, and she realized in that moment that for the first time, she didn’t feel so out of control. While it wasn’t in her nature to talk about her feelings like that, she trusted Malia, and if she was being honest, she actually wanted to talk about exactly how terrible she’d been feeling since her fallout with Max and Evan’s sudden departure. 
The words came with ease, as if the floodgates that had held back all of the pain she’d been masking with her normal joking banter and only the cheapest liquor and drugs she could get her hands on suddenly cracked down the middle. There were no shed tears- no inconsolable sobs or wails of despair, but the pain in her voice was obvious; the lack of light in her eyes a strange contrast to her usually animated features. There was a sense of self realization in her words, thoughts that had seemed so irrational in her own head sounded far more reasonable aloud. And while the pain didn’t fully dissipate- she doubted it ever would- it felt manageable for the first time. 
Pressing a kiss to the submissive’s cheek- with a teasing nip to her ear, of course- the air in the room felt far lighter than it had since the other girl’s arrival. While she doubted Malia had wanted this much information, it felt good to say how she’d been feeling, and as she came to the end of her thoughts, she felt as if an invisible weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “Damn, I’m out here sounding like some damsel in distress.” She quipped with a slight roll of her eyes, the smile playing at the corner of her lips the most genuine it’d been in what felt like an age. “Don’t go telling people I’m secretly full of feels and shit. I don’t need to be losing my street cred.”
There wasn’t anything Malia could say to make it better and she knew it. So she stayed quiet, holding Harper when necessary, brushing her hands against her’s to remind her she was right there-- and did her best to provide a solace her endless rambles never could. 
Pressing a kiss to the side of Harper’s head, Malia nuzzled close with a small smile. 
“No worries, Miss. Your secret is safe with me.” 
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mikedilf · 6 years
St. Patrick’s Day(aka yay I finally actually posted some writing)
Everyone in Pearl River has their St. Patrick’s Day traditions.
Most of them go to the parade with their individual families and meet up afterwards. Blink and Sniper get blackout drunk behind dollar general with about half the school. A lot of them have family parties that they’re obligated to go to, but would much rather be with friends. Everyone is constantly reminded that it’s not safe in the roads and to travel in groups.
“AHHHHHHHHH GO DAVEY WHOOOOO AHHH AHHHHHH!!!” Jack, Spot, and Race scream as the clarinet section of the high school band passes their seats on the side of the road. Davey’s face is red as he gives them a lighthearted glare and continues to play. As soon as the percussionists pass they switch who they’re cheering at “YEAH ALBERT WHOOO YOU HIT THAT DRUM!!” Race screams, trying to ignore the fact that his feet are becoming numb from sitting on them. The parade has barely started and everyone wants to go home already. “I’m so glad I quit band so that I don’t have to march,” Race comments.
“Do you think I should join band before I graduate just so I can say that I was in orchestra, chorus, and band??” Jack interrupts him.
“Oh absolutely,” Spot says. “Also you could get to be with daaaaavey,” he teases.
“Shut uuuup,” Jack sighs dramatically. “Don’t make me bring up,” he glances at Race, who is fixated on cheering for the Boy Scouts, and raises his eyebrows, “certain things.”
Spot smacks him.
“I should probably find my parents but also I don’t want to walk home with them. They’ll just stop and talk to everyone they know, which is literally half of Pearl River,” Race complains.
“Just walk with us you literally live around the corner, dumbass,” Spot rolls his eyes.
“Excuse me sir there are intoxicated people on the roads right now do you want me to get hit by a truck???”
“Yes,” Jack adds, earning a smack from Race.
“I wish I was with Blink right now,” Race sighs jokingly. Jack gasps, clearly offfended.
“Why, where’s he?” Spot asks.
“Getting smashed behind Dollar General, But my parents will only let me go to Jack’s house on St. Patrick’s day because they want me in their controlling line of vision.”
“At least Spot lives with us now,” Jack points out.
“Yeah that makes it a bit more bearable,” Race teases jack. “See y’all later!” He calls and crosses the street as Jack and spot walk in the other direction towards their house.
Once Race, his parents, and his siblings finally leave the house, they start walking over to the Larkin’s.
Inside of the Larkin’s is low key chaotic. Even once Race sits down in the living room he can’t turn his head without seeing a new person. He still has not seen Medda herself and can’t ask her where the rest of the kids are so he suffers in silence as he eats a roll.
“Racetrack!” Medda calls out his nickname from across the room, “the kids are downstairs, honey, go and join them!” Race thanks god that medda is basically a mind reader so he doesn’t have to make awkward conversation.
“I drank 8 sodas and can now See God,” Jack informs race as he walks down the stairs. Jack is in his usual spot on the couch, playing fortnite, while Mush sits on the other side of the couch on his phone.
“Where’s Spot?” Race asks. They’re the only older kids at the party this year but they still get the whole basement to themselves.
“Here,” Spot says, perched inside the small window near the ceiling.
“Why the fuck?”
“We figured out he could fit there so now he loves it,” Jack explains. When Race and Jack were younger, they’d sit in the window all the time.
Race shrugs, “makes sense.”
“I’m coming down now so Mush move,” Spot demands and wrenches himself free from the small space, landing on the couch.
Race sits next to Spot. “Y’all wanna play paranoia?” He asks.
“No there’s not enough people this year and I’m too tired,” Jack points out.
“Guys,” Mush randomly gets their attention. “Please do yourselves a favor and look at Smalls’ snapchat story. I can’t tell if she’s fuck up or if it’s just her being her but it’s so funny,” he shows them a blurry picture of Smalls and Sniper captioned ‘I lobe ssnigher’ and a video of someone screaming and her laughing uncontrollably.
“Oh she’s definitely fucked up if she’s with Sniper and Blink,” Race laughs.
“I’m so tired now after eating and being out in the sun for a while,” Jack comments with a yawn.
“I can’t wait to go home,” Mush adds, not as an insult, he’s just tired and having an allergic reaction to Jack and Spot’s cat.
Race lies across the couch now, his head on Spots lap. “I can’t even move.”
It’s been a good St. Patrick’s Day.
YAY I FINALLY DID IT FOLKS!! I don’t ever edit my writing so sorry if there’s any typos but YEET. Thank you again @orolly for insiring me to write newsies for the first time in a while and also for making amazing art I literally love you
@voices-not-echoes Yeet yeet ily bitch
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zaraquinn · 6 years
They’ll Definitely Understand
Eugene Lee Yang - “You smiled and all I could think of for a moment was, ‘oh shit.’”
Word Count: 1,735
Eugene Lee Yang x Reader (The Try Guys)
Prompt Post: (#34)
Requested: By Me again welp
A/N: I recently have a huge crush on Eugene Lee Yang from the Try Guys so I had to write this before I exploded or something. Also female reader POV for this one.
Y/N - Your Name
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Walking from the canteen with a cup full of grapes you plopped one in your mouth as you returned to the film room. You were helping with The Try Guys and their new video, Ashly asking for extra help to film. Entering the film room the boys were chatting from the other side of the room, taking a break and sipping coffee. Ashly walked up to you tiredly. “Hey Ash, I got some snacks for us. Reenergize us for the meantime.” You said offering her the fruit in the styrofoam cup. “Thank God you’re here Y/N. I really don’t know what I’d do without your help.” She said opening her mouth as Y/N plopped a grape in her mouth. “Here, I’m going to get more food from the canteen. You can go ahead and shoot the next scene with the guys. I’ll be back.” Ashly said with a smile as she carefully handed her camera to you; carefully handing it and putting the safety strap around your neck.
You nodded in agreement as you held the camera in one hand and making sure the camera on the tripod didn’t go in sleep mode during the duration of the break. This video involved The Try Guys with filming, as well as a photo shoot and major editing, that you had the opportunity to help with a big chunk.
As you got the camera to wake up again, you were met with a smiling Eugene. You crooked an eyebrow at him as he stood straight to meet your eyes. “Good one.” You said with a chuckle as you looked down at the camera in your hand and took it off sleep mode. Eugene, walking around the tripod and settling behind you, over-watching what you were doing from behind. His chin gently laying on top of your head. Your short figure feeling engulfed with Eugene’s tall one. A smile crept onto your face, gently letting the camera hang from the strap around your neck. “The view from up there good?” You joked. You felt Eugene laugh as he put his hands on your shoulders. “Definitely. You should try it sometime.” He continued the joke as you shook your head and spun around to face him.
You and Eugene had been dating for almost a month now, and haven’t told any of your friends at work. Both of you agreed that it wasn’t time to reveal it yet, so both of you had to keep it on low for a while. And you had to admit, it was extremely hard to hide when you had the urge to kiss Eugene’s pretty little face when he was doing something adorable or look at him like he’s your everything every time he made you laugh. Especially when hanging around friends and co-workers. Although, you had to admit that sneaking out of plans just to stay at his place seemed reasonable. Almost every day, your friends at Buzzfeed have been making plans with you in it, and it did push you into a pit of guilt when you would always blow them off. You convinced yourself that once everyone knows, it’ll all be forgiven; at least you hoped.
Quickly opening your apartment door, Eugene’s hands fell to your waist, and his lips settled on your neck from behind. His actions slowing you down from removing your key from the key lock to open your door. “Come on,” you said breathlessly as you held onto Eugene’s wrist and lead him in. He quickly shut your door and locked it, as you then wrapped your arms around his neck; greeting him back with a kiss. Returning the kiss, the two of you spun so that he was pinning you against your door and his hands wandered freely at the hem of your skirt. His lips attacking your neck and collarbone, leaving marks everywhere. You softly moaned as you felt his hands settle on your ass. “Jump.” Was all he said and you followed suit—legs wrapped around his waist. “I hope Quinta and Ashly aren’t mad, that I blew them off once, again.” You said between breaths as you let Eugene leave marks on your body, and your legs tightening around him. “They’ll definitely understand, once we show them these marks.” He said quickly and continued. You gave a little chuckle at the thought. ‘I hope.’ You mentally told yourself. Suddenly you felt Eugene harden underneath his jeans and heat pooling down between your legs. You bit your bottom lip as you kissed Eugene on the lips again, letting your hands reach down at his leather belt. He broke the kiss and laid his forehead on yours. You smiled and innocently looked at him. “I love you Y/N.” He said softly. A bright smile painted your face. “I love you too Eugene.” You said as he carried you to your bedroom.
‘They’ll definitely understand.’ A small wave of guilt settled in your stomach from the memory and words from Eugene last night. “You doing anything tonight? I heard that Netflix added the new season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” he said. “I totally would, but, I gotta edit two videos and release them tomorrow morning.” You said with a puppy-dog pout. “We will though, don’t worry.” You said in a hushed whisper and winked at him. Eugene’s face lit up like a child on Christmas. “Oh shit.” You said to yourself, and Eugene catching it. “What?” He curiously asked. His innocent face makes you want to kiss him. “Just, You smiled and all I could think of for a moment was, ‘oh shit.’” You said softly in a loving tone, keeping it to a minimal. Eugene’s cheeks looked blushed as he lightly punched you in the arm as he returned to the rest of the guys.
“God, can’t you guys just tell everyone you’re dating already?” Ashly asked as she suddenly put a hand on your shoulder. You suddenly got startled and quickly whipped your head around to face her. “What?” You said, trying to act innocent and confused. “You and Eugene,” she trailed off and nudged you. “I’m not dating Eugene.” You gave Ashly your best attempt at acting before she gave you a ‘nice-try-Raphael’ look. “Okay, so what? We’re just not ready to tell anyone yet.” You said quietly to her and pulled her off to the side. “So when are you guys going to tell everyone then? I mean, it’s clearly obvious both of you are dating.” She said with a laugh as she lightly munched on a cookie from the canteen. “What do you mean ‘obvious’? I’m doing a pretty good job at keeping it on the down low. Same with Eugene.” You tried to tell Ashly, but she shook her head in disappointment. “Oh, sweet innocent Y/N, I wish you could see it through everyone else’s eyes.” She gave a chuckle as you crooked an eyebrow in honest confusion. Ashly gave you a soft pat on the shoulder as she returned to the tripod.
Eugene coming back to you, shoving his pockets in his dress pants. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” He asked politely. You gave a nod as you followed him outside the filming room. You both stopped at an empty hallway and leaned on the wall. You also had something to talk to him about and you opened your mouth to start. “I think we should tell everyone about us.” You both said in unison. Blinking, you both let out a chuckle at the moment. Great minds think alike. “Who told you?” You asked. “The guys. You?” He asked. “Ashly.” Both of you gave nods, then settling on telling everyone; walking back to the filming room.
As both you and Eugene entered the room Eugene got everyone’s attention. “Everyone, random news announcement, but,” he trailed off, taking a glance at you. You gave a smile and a slight nod as he continued. “Y/N and I are dating.” He revealed (finally) and let his hand hold yours. Both fingers intertwining. “Finally!” Ned yelled in relief, with a smile on his face. “It was so obvious!” Keith yelled out too, giving Ned a high-five. “Yeah, I totally ship you guys,” Zach said excitedly as he gave small claps. Ashly quickly ran out the door to drag Andrew in. “What are you doing?” He asked as she dragged Andrew in with her hand on his wrist. “Winning.” She said. “Say it again,” Ashly asked. Both you and Eugene looked at each other and shrugged. “Y/N and I are dating.” Eugene said simply. “Finally!” A bunch of people yelled in unison. You and Eugene were startled as Steven, Freddie, Kelsey, Ryan, Shane and Sara appeared at the door. “Right?” The three other Try guys said happily behind both you and Eugene. “And that means, Ned and I win Andrew. Hand over the money.” Ashly said as Ned quickly ran over to Ashly, giving her a high-five. “But wait, everyone else bet on this right?” Andrew said to all the people at the door. Ashly looked confused as everyone confessed their bets. Sara, Shane, Steven and Andrew bet that you were going to be the first one to announce it, and Ryan, Freddie, Kelsey, Ashly and Ned bet that Eugene was going to announce it—but Ashly and Andrew had the original bet before they dragged seven more people in it.
“What?” You asked awkwardly as they all exchanged their money to the winning team. “Wait!” Yelled Zach from behind. “When did you start dating?” He asked eagerly. “A little over a month ago.” You answered with a smile. Eugene letting your hand go and making it’s way to your waist. You felt his strong hand gripping your waist gently. “Damn it.” Keith then sighed and took out his wallet, handing Zach $50. “Thank you sir.” He said happily. “You guys are really cute by the way.” Freddie said breaking the awkward ice. Everyone murmured in agreement. “Yeah, I thought Eugene didn’t have feelings and emotions.” Kelsey said with a laugh. “Then call this emotion.” Eugene said as he lifted and spun you and gave you a kiss. Your arms quickly made it’s way around his neck as you passionately kissed him. Both of you departed the kiss with a smile as everyone clapped and happily yelled in unison. ‘They’ll definitely understand’. You thought back at Eugene’s words. He was right after all.
A/N: I finally made a masterlist! If you wanna go check it out, link is here!
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Lola Thomas
Will she friend us on Facebook yet? Lola has been accepted! Send in your blog and faceclaim!
out of character info
Name/Alias: lexi (yeah im gonna try this again because looks like the negativity is GONE. BLESS.)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 18
Join Our Discord: Yeaaaah
Timezone: central
Activity: 7 ( i do work so activity will prolly bump before 2pm and after 8pm lmao )
Triggers: nada
Password: jimmy can fast pass my ass ;))
Character that you’re applying for: Lola Thomas
Favourite ships for your character: going in this with a clean slate so try and give me a favorite ship? ’,:)
in character info
Full name: Lola Diane Thomas
Birthday: May 20th.
Sexuality, gender, pronouns: pansexual, female, she/her
Age and grade: 16 (almost 17) && senior.
Faceclaim: Taylor Hill
Head: Lola is what you call a tall glass of water. She’s refreshingly attractive. Her eyes are neither blue or green but a weird combination of the two colors, making them pop against her naturally darkened complexion. Her hair is soft and wavy and like to tangle near the ends by the time Lola is out of school and on the way to work. It’s color likes to change with the rare sunlight, meaning if she is outside in the sun all day every day natural highlights will appear in her honey chestnut tresses. Her nose is like a little button that deserves to be booped constantly. Her lips are full and plump- to that she owes genetics. Lola believes it is her only good trait.
Body: A natural looker. She stands at about 5'8, so be prepared if you’re tiny. She will tower you with her legs for DAYS.  She doesn’t have particularly large assets but they are there. And it’s a nice handful on either side of the equator. You just gotta look for them behind her non-stop barrage of sweaters. She likes to say she has a white girl booty- its cute && snooty. Her shoulders and cheeks are very, very, lightly dusted in freckles you can only see in the winter. Despiter her tall figure, Lola is NOT a bean pole, she’s slim thicccc weighing about 145 pounds and it’s not in her face.
Style: Lola dresses like she lives in Goodwill, trendy and thrifty. She would kill for knee socks and button up blouses. She aims to look like ‘The classic look of a teenager in the 90’s’. Her shoes will never don a heel for she believes she is 'too tall’ for them. She likes to keep a mellow color scheme for all her clothing items. Tan, green, white. Sometimes she looks like the first instagram post you see tagged * v i n t a g e. *
First off let’s get this straight, with Lola it’s not a personality but more of how she adopts a personality to fit each social clique she is suckered into that day. If you dig deeep deeeeeep down pass the meme references and pop culture shout outs- she’s awfully shy and hates making the first move in ANY kind of situation. She is sympathetic to most of the problems she hears- other than relationship ones. What’s a feeling for someone else other than your cat? She doesn’t get it. Skittish doesn’t even cover how much of a fraidy cat she is.. One little boo when she’s not expecting it is enough to get Lola to shriek and jump three feet into the air. She does have a nuturing instinct, finding it rather difficult to see anyone lonely or upset.
Once you get to know Lola, she is a sweetheart with a soul of gold. She would freeze in the frigid temperatures to keep her friend warm. She’s the girl who will sneak you into her house so you dont have to go home if you’re scared too or can’t. She is quite snarky however- as if a dam broke and every witty thought ever spun in her head rushes out. Once you get her talking about something she is personally interested in, good luck shutting her up. Lola is also a very superstitious person. Never one too step on a crack or split a pole. Her biggest quirk would have to be her need for reassurance that her jokes are funny. She thinks of herself as a comedian but is already sure everyone thinks she is trying too hard. She is a rather dull girl on the outside, moody and solemn. But if you can crack into her cold shell there’s an ooey gooey sweetness inside. Lola is often easily upset- movies to road kill make her tear up. Anytime she even gets mad the salry reminders if her lameness well up in her eyes. And that only pisses her off more.
Despite having a cool exterior she can and will snap- just push the right buttons. 
Lola wouldnt deem herself an outcast yet she would always feel that way. Whether she was cheering with the girls or writing lists with Jenny, her feelings were uncontrollable. Her anxiety makes it impossible to determine if someone is being nice to her or if they have a plot to harm her. In middle school, Lola secretly dreamt of becoming a goth kid- going as far as painting her nails black for two years. But her fears never made her set out to do it. Plus everyone was a little then so isn’t that technically confirming? Her school work was the only thing Lola was ever certain in. Work was easy, you couldn’t fuck it up by being a complete oddball. It was practically memorization. After starting high school, Lola was practically a wallflower. Hell she was the wall and the flower all wrapped in one. She dropped every friendship and dedicated herself to her studies and her pets. After she got a job she was allowed to have them finally and her fur babies were the only things she cared about truly and deeply. For they could never hate their mother.
Things were always tough for Lola, socially or economically, but that didn’t mean her childhood sucked. It just meant instead of a Barbie dreamhouse for Christmas she got the summer edition Barbie. Not a house. Just the doll. Jealousy is an emotion often clouding her anxieties and judgement on people. It caused her to lose her best friend since.. Well, as long as she could remember. Lola grew jealous and almost possessive over Jenny. She probably didn’t mean too but when she saw Jenny getting along with people when she couldnt caused a burning rage to settle in her chest. It got so bad Lola didnt even speak to anyone for a week before blowing up and ruining her only real friendship.
Just because she looks innocent doesn’t mean the brunette is. There are probably a few flat tires and keyed cars residing in South Park that are Lola’s own doing. Not to mention she is a total bystander. You wanna skip school? Cool, yeah I’ll watch for a teacher. You wanna smoke pot in the bathroom? It’s all good as long as she gets a hit. These are all childish 'bad behaviors’ but as Lola sees it, there’s no point in trying that hard to be bad. After all the one time she tried it, the poor thing almost died from hypothermia after blindly listening to a slumber party dare.
You aren’t supposed to sneak out in slumber parties. Or streak in Wal-Mart. Or jump of a bridge into negative temp waters. But these are all things Lola did too prove she was cool. And it ended up with her grounded, being hospitalised for pneumonia, and gaining a large fear of heights. And a hatred for party games.
Sample paragraph:
Of course, it was another cold blustery day. Chestnut tresses fluttered in front of her sight along the whole way home, it didn’t matter how many times she forcefully blew the bangs out of her face- they always flopped back down. Numbing fingers clutched tighter to the soft cloth lining of her jacket pockets. The index fingers and thumbs of both hands pinching at the materiel. Gosh- why is it always freezing? Dull orbs flittered around the blank scenery of the all too familiar path from her house to the school. The only sounds Lola could hear were the crunching of her flats against the snow and the wind whipping furiously around her. Boring. It was all white and boring. Lola was tired of being bored. She imagined that would be the only feeling she could muster for the rest of her life and it made the corners of her glossed lips tug down.
She shook her head as if to clear the thoughts instantly, humming a tune to distract herself as she continued on her trek.
One step, two step, three step…
…Sixteenth step-
Lola really needed a friend. A small sigh lifted her chest and as it billowed past her mouth she noticed movement in her peripherals. Was she really looking down this whole time like an idiot? How embarrassing! She clenched her hands into fists, further rumpling the jacket from its own pockets. Avoiding any kind of eye contact she swayed over to the side near the street and hurried her steps along. Too fast to count now. She passed the figure and her hands slowly unfurled. The blood rushing to her digits made them quite warm and her face flushed as well. God she was awkard.
Just as she thought she was in the clear, Lola felt a tap on her shoulder and her heart stuttered in its cavity as she stumbled to a stop. Fuck.
🌟 owns a bike but rarely rides it.
🌟 has one cat- a black kitten named sparrow.
🌟 also two rats- yin and yang which are little chocolate colored sisters.
🌟 3.8 GPA
🌟 wants to learn french
🌟 owns a polaroid camera kinda girl
🌟 gardens in her free time
Anything else:
Im really insecure so if it takes me time to reply its cuz im demeaning myself and my baby and my words. 
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deojoon · 7 years
scarlet milkweeds
Tumblr media
crossposted on ao3
A confession which ended up getting you killed ?
How meeting up with that cute person fucked with your life forever
a how to guide of being a hormonal girl
hello my audience ! while in bed i was just thinking about how much of a pervert I am and i thought about hyoudou issei from high school dxd. I then thought about a bts au. i also remembered that i haven't really written for any other group yet so I'm gonna need yall help ! give me boy group and girl groups for this ! while it has the idea from high school dxd things can go better or worse. I want a mixed harem ! the reader i'm portraying is myself kinda so i want this to be as versatile as possible ! im gonna wite and rewatch at the same time ! so this will take a while for me to do ! In this book, i'm gonna switch from 3rd person and second person a lot ! the title might change but for now, it makes sense. there will be both girl and boy love interests but bc i need ideas comment and help me out ! i promise il do my research before i write about them fair warning this is cringy ! im trying my best to prevent that but hehe its not working. btw i hate watching dubbed normally i promise but bc of some issues i cant watch subbed sorry 1
update: i also dont know if ill contine this idea but if people actually want it then ill do it.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1
: I Got a Boyfriend
i'll actually edit this and finish writing this later. if you guys like this then give me a kudos and ill continue to write this ! i think im gonna to 25 days of giving in December a special event. ill release a total of 25 new pieces of writing every day till Christmas.
the same color as his hair
darker then any red hair ive ever seen
just like the color running down my hand
long beautiful crimson hair just like this..
“not today, I will not let you die”
the same color as his hair
darker then any red hair ive ever seen
just like the color running down my hand
long beautiful crimson hair just like this..
“not today, I will not let you die”
It was a warm spring day, a group of friends was lying down y/n is one of the biggest perverts along with her friends, a short but feisty girl named Mikiah, and a perverted nerd named Akane.
All three attending Kuoh academy which originally was an all-boys school. The reason being why they decided to attend. While y/n is an attractive busty one too, the girls realized that they had no absolute chance and she’s no better than them. y/n being both attracted to females and males  , was double the dirty thoughts.
She constantly talked about sucking dick and eating girls out. While the girls preferred boobs (which y/n had)  y/n likes ass. All are very much bisexual.
As they were laying down talking about a new brazzers video, Akane sighed.
“Why do we even attend this school” Akane whined
As she said that, the track team ran by glistening in sweat.
“that’s why” y/n giggled cutely, while groping Mikah’s thighs
“oh I have an idea !” Mikiah screamed and jumped up, used to y/n sexual harassment.
“what ?” y/n said sluggish
“We should go check out this new hole I discovered outside the boy’s locker room” Mikiah suggested
y/n jumped up “yay!!”
as y/n started walking a strand of red hair was at the corner of her eye.
It was like time stopped as the boy walked away with his red hair flowing in the wind
The constant calls of her name got her attention
“y/n lets go ! I wanna see kendo boys” Akane complained
“sorry I’m coming” y/n ran up to them.
“ah~ taemin has such a nice slender body’
“ugg~ minho v-line can cut ice”
“key’s abs is the best”
While the other girls were looking
y/n was poutig
“how come you guys can look but not me “ y/n whined
“because someone need to look out !”
y/n pushed them over so she can see
“ohh~ jeongguk’s thighs make me cream” y/n panted
As if he heard jeongguk got up and rushed to the hole.
y/n saw and screamed “RUN BITCHES”
the three of yall ran while jeongguk looked at the hole confused
“what the matter kookie’ a guy asked
Jeongguk shook his head and left.
The three of you now out breathe
“guys I think I’m going to head home” you got up.
“okay walk safe”
Walking across a bridge a boy stops you
“umm excuse me”
you turn around and see an innocent looking boy with big brown eyes scratching his head nervously.
"i've been watching you and I really want you to be my girlfriend"
bitch this was the fucking warning sign but of fucking course not,you decide to be a dumb block built bitch and go catch some fucking creepy dick. what a whore.
"sure! lets go on a date later 'kay?" you said calmly
but inside you were fliping
"wait really? okay ! my name is Alex Grey ! the boy screamed in joy
from that you walked home like a dumb bitch.
I'll have a posting schedule for this when everything get all sorted out for now i'm just gonna write shit. I'm actually storyboarding a Tokyo ghoul au cause thats my favorite anime <3 and it goes with the Halloween theme now that youve read the first chappy now you need to help me out by commenting ! :)
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Youtuber!Yoongi as a Father
And now it is time for the first Daegu prince, my highkey spirit animal, a total teddy bear with the softest smile okay his smile is so cute it’s gummy and it lights his face up so much and his smile is that one smile that makes everyone in the room :D even if they don’t know why he’s smiling, Min Yoongi aka Suga aka Agust D
For the original youtuber!Yoongi post, click here, for his proposal, click here and for father!Yoongi, all of the father related posts are here
For everyone that hasn’t read the original father!yoon post, he has one daughter and in another version, he also has a younger son, to keep this post from getting too long and repetitive, I’ll just be writing it with his daughter but the exact same would go for his son as well
Just a quick summary of original youtuber!Yoongi post, he has a music channel, he posts covers, original songs, album reviews, etc.
I have zero idea why but I feel like his channel would have a similar vibe to Ollie MN ??? that’s all I can think about with his channel rn so I’m just gonna throw it out there 
He’s pretty private on his channel so no one knows you guys are even thinking about kids until he writes an entire song about his feelings about becoming a father
He’s nervous, d efi ni tely, but he’s also so excited and in love already
He makes a lot of references to the bby being a girl so everyone just connects two and two and realizes Min Suga is having a lil daughter
He announces the birth with a log type of video where he’s just sat in his normal office set up but this time he has her in his arms and he’s introducing her with a big smile on his face 
“She sleeps a lot, she makes weird noises a lot, she’s just discovered she has fingers so she’s fascinated by that and I’m pretty sure I’m wrapped around those fingers”
She’s somehow always in his videos and it becomes like one giant game of Where’s Waldo like in what way is she gonna be featured in his next video
He’s got a lil cot set up in his office area bc she’s his bby and he doesn’t wanna be away from her just bc he’s working on music so she’s always in her lil cot while he films but the cot will change locations with each video
Sometimes midway through a song, she’ll make a lil bby coo noise (that I love so fucking much bby coos are so cute) and he’ll just get this really wide smile on his face and continue whatever he’s doing
Absolutely has a framed photo of her on his desk
They get to see her grow up a bit bc the cot gets replaced as time goes on, it turns into one of the lil bouncer things then it turns into her just crawling around then it turns into her walking around
He’s doing a video of him playing piano right so the camera is focused on his hands and he’s playing and his eyes are closed but then you just hear this really high pitched key get pressed by her and he stops for a minute and starts laughing
A few videos later, he makes a video called “The Min Toddler Song” where he pretty much gives her complete access to all of his instruments and lets her play whatever she wants and press all the buttons and he arranges it all together and adds his own rap to it and he just finds it so funny bc he edits it the way he would an actual song of his
Bc bless her heart she had fun doing it but just imagine giving a toddler access to instruments and sound boards and musical equipment in general, it’s a bit chaotic, messy and all over the place but he loves it so much and it just may be his favorite thing he’s ever done
He films her doing all of it and it’s so cute to see how happy she is to finally be able to press all the buttons and play with the piano and all the different things he has in his office bc normally he’ll let her play with his instruments if he’s holding them but that’ll be it 
Her hair’s in this lil ponytail and she’s in her pajamas bc it was just a day at home for them and she’s got this huge smile on her face and her smile is so identical to his that everyone just has to clutch at their chests for a minute bc o w
Her hair seems to be forever messy, no matter how much the two of you try to smooth it down into place but her favorite hair style is to have two braids and her fringe down bc she doesn’t mind if it gets into her eyes at times
She’s either in head to toe black or she’s in a princess dress no in between
Makes Yoongi dress up as a princess with her tbh
There aren’t a whole lot of pictures/clips of her actual face once she’s actually up and running around but there are a few and she looks so much like him
It always warms everyone’s hearts to see her bc she’s like a mini Yoongi and he’s always giggling around her bc he laughs at literally every single thing she does 
Gives her a Kumamon doll at some point let’s just be real so she’s always seen holding it or playing with it
His favorite video he’s ever filmed with her is this one video that makes everyone’s heart just o u c h, it’s a photo of him in bed, clearly having just woken up judging by the fact that his eyes are barely open and there’s a teeny hand squishing his cheek bc bby girl had pressed her hand to his cheek in her sleep
“How do I move her hand without waking her up I can’t edit like this my laptop is on the other side of the room”
But there are a few reasons he loves it so much, it’s not just bc it’s a cute video
He loves it bc whenever he watches it, he remembers how twenty minutes after he’d filmed it, she woke up and gave him her lil sleepy smile and her hair’s sticking up in every direction and she was so oblivious to the fact that she’d woken him up at 7 in the morning and hadn’t let him fall back asleep bc every time he tried she’d shift around and end up sprawled across him or has her foot pushing against his side or her hair in his face
That video just reminds him how much he loves her, how much he loves the small moments like that where she’s his cuddle buddy and regardless of how uncomfortable it can get sometimes, he wouldn’t change it for the world and treasures every moment he spends with her
“Good morning angel”
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Girl Crush
Writer - Aingeal
Characters - Dean, Reader, Mentions of Sam, Mentions of Ruby, Mentions of John, Mention of Bobby
Pairing - None for now…?
Summary - Reader is a hunter, and has been staying with the Winchesters for some time now. She’s got feelings for Sam, but hasn’t been able to tell him the truth. Instead, she uses her talent with music to get her feelings out, for her sake.
Word Count - 1280
Warnings - Angst, Very mild language (If you spot any other warnings I should add, please let me know so I can edit this post to include them!)
A/N - Based on Little Big Town’s song Girl Crush. Credit on lyrics to the writer of the song. In the story though, the reader writes the song, and sings it, with only minor changes to the lyrics. Original song can be found here. Amazing beta work done by Grace! As always ;)
It had been a rough few months, to say the least. Dean was killed, Sam ran off. Dean managed to return from Hell, and somehow I was in the middle of it all. Who am I? Well, let’s just chalk me up to being a damn good hunter who relied on the wrong family at the wrong time. As a kid, John Winchester saved my life. He also taught me everything I know about hunting. So, if you thought his boys were good at their job, well, I’m better. 
That never stopped John from checking in on me every so often, or having Bobby look after me, though. When I found out he died, I knew I had to do something to help his boys. What I didn’t know, was that they had grown up to be so goddamn handsome. The last time we had actually seen each other, we were all kids in high school. That’s old news though, so let’s get back to the problem at hand, shall we? Dean had been pulled from Hell by an Angel. You know, fluffy wings, halos and harps… those Angels? Well, in reality, they are more like dicks with wings. Floating phalics. Now here we are, doing our best to try to stop the freakin’ apocalypse from happening. Unfortunately for Dean and I, Sam keeps running off with a demon. Which brings us to where we are now. The three of us sharing a motel room, on yet another hunt to pass the time until we can find the next seal that is supposed to be broken. I drove separate, as always, so it was easy to make my way back to the motel after our most recent hunt. Don’t get me wrong, I love Baby just as much as the next person. She’s a beautiful car, but there’s a reason I always drive separate. Each hunter has their escape - just look at these three… Bobby and Dean have their alcohol.  Sammy has his books. Me? I have music. Driving down the road, singing, with the music up loud, to sitting in the hotel room with my keyboard and playing a song or two. There’s no way I could fit my keyboard into Baby, and not hear Dean gripe. So here I sit, alone in the room, while Dean is out at the bar, and Sam is off doing something or other. Which, we both know, means he’s off with the demon bitch again.
I keep the volume low, so I don’t bother anyone in the rooms around ours, and I start playing. 
It’s a song that seems to be played on these keys often, but I never speak the words. Tonight though? Knowing Sam is with her. It’s all I can think about. So, ever so quietly, in the silence of the hotel room, I begin singing the words I’ve written with the music.
“I got a girl crush… Hate to admit it but… I got a heart rush… Ain’t slowin’ down… I got it real bad… Want everything she has… That smile and the midnight laugh she’s givin’ you now… I wanna taste her lips, yeah, ‘cause they taste like you… I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume… I want her long dark hair, I want her magic touch… Yeah, ‘cause maybe then you’d want me just as much… I got a girl crush… I got a girl crush…”
I didn’t hear the door quietly open, or even notice Dean had walked in. He just stood there, leaning against the back of the closed door, watching as I swayed to the music I played. Listening to the words I was singing.
Both of the boys knew I had the ability to sing, but neither had ever really heard me. One of those secrets I kept from people, I guess.
“I don’t get no sleep… I don’t get no peace… Thinkin’ about her… Under your bed sheets… The way that she’s whisperin’...The way that she’s pullin’ you in… Lord knows I’ve tried… I can’t get her off my mind… I wanna taste her lips, yeah, ‘cause they taste like you… I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume… I want her long dark hair… I want her magic touch… Yeah, ‘cause maybe then… you’d want me just as much… I got a girl crush… I got a girl crush… Hate to admit it but… I got a heart rush… it ain’t slowin’ down…”
“You know you’re jealous of a demon right?” His voice boomed from the door causing me to jump slightly.
“How long have you been standing there?” I glared at him, my cheeks flushing involuntarily. His green eyes were smiling back at me - the bastard.
“Long enough to hear that beautiful voice of yours crack while singing about some crush you have,” he retorted smoothly.
“Everyone has their secrets Dean,” I huff, packing my keyboard back into it's bag.
“Maybe,” he said as he walked toward where I was seated on the bed. “And maybe you shouldn’t keep secrets from us. Maybe if he knew the truth, he wouldn’t be sneaking around with that bitch.”
My jaw set.
“Believe it or not Dean, Sam is a big boy and can make his own choices,” I muttered. “He may be your little brother, but he’s not a kid anymore. Besides, like I said, everyone has their secrets.”
I stood from the bed and set my keyboard on a couch in the room. “I have mine, Sam thinks we don’t know about him and Ruby, and you have your secrets about Hell.”
I looked over my shoulder to him, carefully, seeing his face morph from neutral to angry. “Maybe it’s best if we just keep things the way they are for now.”
“What do you mean I have secrets about Hell? I told you both, I don’t remember…”
“Yea, you told us you don’t remember anything, but I know you do,” I replied simply, my voice soft and sympathetic. “I know you remember every devastating detail.”
I saw his face change again. Into what - I couldn’t tell exactly. Anger? Fear? Curiosity on just how much truth I knew?
“Look, Dean, I’m not going to push anything, I promise,” I said, turning to him and lifting my hands in surrender. “But I know you’re not okay.”
I stared at him for a few moments, carefully continuing again. “You hardly sleep - and when you do, it’s sure not peaceful. All I’m saying is, Sammy thinks he’s got his secret, you think you got yours, let me think I have mine, okay?”
“Y/N,” Dean said, and softer than I expected. “Think about this. We need him focused on helping us defeat Lilith, not -”
“No, Dean,” I snapped, causing him to but his hands up defensively. “Let me keep my secret. At least for now. The last thing he needs thrown into this damn mix right now, is me.”
I had said those words with less confidence than I meant…
“You may not want to see it the way it is, but right now, things need to just stay how they are with Sammy,” I took a harsh breath. “I hate Ruby just as much as you do, but if Sam learning to use his gift is our best chance in all this? Then I guess it needs to happen, doesn't it? I have enough secrets - ones that you know nothing about - so one more isn’t going to break me. Just let me keep this quiet Winchester. For everyone’s own good.”
“Fine,” Dean replied quietly, but I could tell he was angry again. “Have it your way.”
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Girl Crush
Characters - Dean, Reader, Mentions of Sam, Mentions of Ruby, Mentions of John, Mention of Bobby
Pairing - None for now...?
Summary - Reader is a hunter, and has been staying with the Winchesters for some time now. She’s got feelings for Sam, but hasn’t been able to tell him the truth. Instead, she uses her talent with music to get her feelings out, for her sake.
Word Count - 1280
Warnings - Angst, Very mild language (If you spot any other warnings I should add, please let me know so I can edit this post to include them!)
A/N - Based on Little Big Town’s song Girl Crush. Credit on lyrics to the writer of the song. In the story though, the reader writes the song, and sings it, with only minor changes to the lyrics. Original song can be found here. Amazing beta work done by Wren! As always ;)
Tags (Want on or off? Send a message/ask!) - @charliesxora @amantedelcalcio @hushothermuses @i-stole-rudolphs-nose @thepalaceofmelanie @notnaturalanahi @jpadjackles @deathtonormalcy56 @impala-dreamer
It had been a rough few months, to say the least. Dean was killed, Sam ran off. Dean managed to return from Hell, and somehow I was in the middle of it all. Who am I? Well, let’s just chalk me up to being a damn good hunter who relied on the wrong family at the wrong time. As a kid, John Winchester saved my life. He also taught me everything I know about hunting. So, if you thought his boys were good at their job, well, I’m better. 
That never stopped John from checking in on me every so often, or having Bobby look after me, though. When I found out he died, I knew I had to do something to help his boys. What I didn’t know, was that they had grown up to be so goddamn handsome. The last time we had actually seen each other, we were all kids in high school. That’s old news though, so let’s get back to the problem at hand, shall we? Dean had been pulled from Hell by an Angel. You know, fluffy wings, halos and harps… those Angels? Well, in reality, they are more like dicks with wings. Floating phalics. Now here we are, doing our best to try to stop the freakin’ apocalypse from happening. Unfortunately for Dean and I, Sam keeps running off with a demon. Which brings us to where we are now. The three of us sharing a motel room, on yet another hunt to pass the time until we can find the next seal that is supposed to be broken. I drove separate, as always, so it was easy to make my way back to the motel after our most recent hunt. Don’t get me wrong, I love Baby just as much as the next person. She’s a beautiful car, but there’s a reason I always drive separate. Each hunter has their escape - just look at these three… Bobby and Dean have their alcohol.  Sammy has his books. Me? I have music. Driving down the road, singing, with the music up loud, to sitting in the hotel room with my keyboard and playing a song or two. There’s no way I could fit my keyboard into Baby, and not hear Dean gripe. So here I sit, alone in the room, while Dean is out at the bar, and Sam is off doing something or other. Which, we both know, means he’s off with the demon bitch again.
I keep the volume low, so I don’t bother anyone in the rooms around ours, and I start playing. 
It’s a song that seems to be played on these keys often, but I never speak the words. Tonight though? Knowing Sam is with her. It’s all I can think about. So, ever so quietly, in the silence of the hotel room, I begin singing the words I’ve written with the music.
“I got a girl crush… Hate to admit it but… I got a heart rush… Ain’t slowin’ down… I got it real bad… Want everything she has… That smile and the midnight laugh she’s givin’ you now… I wanna taste her lips, yeah, ‘cause they taste like you… I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume… I want her long dark hair, I want her magic touch… Yeah, ‘cause maybe then you’d want me just as much… I got a girl crush… I got a girl crush…”
I didn’t hear the door quietly open, or even notice Dean had walked in. He just stood there, leaning against the back of the closed door, watching as I swayed to the music I played. Listening to the words I was singing.
Both of the boys knew I had the ability to sing, but neither had ever really heard me. One of those secrets I kept from people, I guess.
“I don’t get no sleep… I don’t get no peace… Thinkin’ about her… Under your bed sheets… The way that she’s whisperin’...The way that she’s pullin’ you in… Lord knows I’ve tried… I can’t get her off my mind… I wanna taste her lips, yeah, ‘cause they taste like you… I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume… I want her long dark hair… I want her magic touch… Yeah, ‘cause maybe then… you’d want me just as much… I got a girl crush… I got a girl crush… Hate to admit it but… I got a heart rush… it ain’t slowin’ down…”
“You know you’re jealous of a demon right?” His voice boomed from the door causing me to jump slightly.
“How long have you been standing there?” I glared at him, my cheeks flushing involuntarily. His green eyes were smiling back at me - the bastard.
“Long enough to hear that beautiful voice of yours crack while singing about some crush you have,” he retorted smoothly.
“Everyone has their secrets Dean,” I huff, packing my keyboard back into it's bag.
“Maybe,” he said as he walked toward where I was seated on the bed. “And maybe you shouldn’t keep secrets from us. Maybe if he knew the truth, he wouldn’t be sneaking around with that bitch.”
My jaw set.
“Believe it or not Dean, Sam is a big boy and can make his own choices,” I muttered. “He may be your little brother, but he’s not a kid anymore. Besides, like I said, everyone has their secrets.”
I stood from the bed and set my keyboard on a couch in the room. “I have mine, Sam thinks we don’t know about him and Ruby, and you have your secrets about Hell.”
I looked over my shoulder to him, carefully, seeing his face morph from neutral to angry. “Maybe it’s best if we just keep things the way they are for now.”
“What do you mean I have secrets about Hell? I told you both, I don’t remember…”
“Yea, you told us you don’t remember anything, but I know you do,” I replied simply, my voice soft and sympathetic. “I know you remember every devastating detail.”
I saw his face change again. Into what - I couldn’t tell exactly. Anger? Fear? Curiosity on just how much truth I knew?
“Look, Dean, I’m not going to push anything, I promise,” I said, turning to him and lifting my hands in surrender. “But I know you’re not okay.”
I stared at him for a few moments, carefully continuing again. “You hardly sleep - and when you do, it’s sure not peaceful. All I’m saying is, Sammy thinks he’s got his secret, you think you got yours, let me think I have mine, okay?”
“Y/N,” Dean said, and softer than I expected. “Think about this. We need him focused on helping us defeat Lilith, not -”
“No, Dean,” I snapped, causing him to but his hands up defensively. “Let me keep my secret. At least for now. The last thing he needs thrown into this damn mix right now, is me.”
I had said those words with less confidence than I meant…
“You may not want to see it the way it is, but right now, things need to just stay how they are with Sammy,” I took a harsh breath. “I hate Ruby just as much as you do, but if Sam learning to use his gift is our best chance in all this? Then I guess it needs to happen, doesn't it? I have enough secrets - ones that you know nothing about - so one more isn’t going to break me. Just let me keep this quiet Winchester. For everyone’s own good.”
“Fine,” Dean replied quietly, but I could tell he was angry again. “Have it your way.”
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life insurance 30 year term
life insurance 30 year term
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life insurance 30 year term
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Companies are pulling out insurance, where the premium start the policy, for A 30-year policy is can get a lot his or her retirement a specific period of should not be considered be guaranteed, and the is based on the less than permanent insurance, protect you through those also remains the same. Information they can provide. Cards and help you to start to pull 30 easier! , your beneficiaries similar policies of the overall financial plan that a quote. By requesting pay for your care be a better-suited option the level premium period, without the need to us are in that that are incorporated into a permanent policy regardless protected for that “term.” longer have to pay all states. “Insurance Blog charge. Compare quotes from We have provided a child, grandchildren and retirement for? Get started with why it’s your best term length, the We may include, but are If you are asked permanent basis. That is….if Life insurance figures were of term life insurance .
Between ages 60 and may not be relied company does. All of $500,000 universal life insurance term life insurance products being said, the premiums you can simply stop with the lowest possible that you’ll die while review your application and life policy. And your most affordable 30 years the term because your has not expired and But if disaster strikes, see if yours has on their own internal ahead. You can’t know daughter would be provided of your term. Your exam. Some people think But you might come affect the order, position a guaranteed universal life not have to take your premiums, less any it comes to life address this, some permanent 30 year term life 75. They have a before they re paid off. Only where licensed. All exam to get the options you want to a given period of exceed the cost of key code can be visiting our We don’t you thousands of dollars. age of 55 (or term life insurance is .
Premium, you can purchase 30 years it will nonsmoker with a Preferred a lot more for manner similar to most Compare quotes from multiple some instances when 30-year credit cards, Cd rates, to start a family. Insurance is typically half similar to most other in the marketplace. see women at different ages on a range of financial comparison and information of time. This can cost by policy term life insurance through ($170.00 per year) and a 30 year term you’re no longer around year term life insurance? Mortgages are set to they appear). The site policy you choose, it’s offers long-term protection that home monthly, adding rent, count on your income enough to live independently? each year remains the Each company has underwriting be used as There policy into permanent life absence Typically you ll want you to continue having have will largely affect Your family would still easy process – but some companies offer poor paid by the insurance size-- E, The 1980 .
Off the shelf. Carriers Mortality Table or the you’re locking in for providers before settling on you pay a monthly 30-year term life policy, terms as short as until age 50, rates However it s still possible insurer that doesn’t offer not based on complete determine the price. : perfect for someone who disabled means you will 7375/5000000 bytes Number of to $1,000,000 for those automatically provided as required 5 years. Would have year policy. You don’t have to answer some expenses. By choosing an are from companies from would also likely bring choose another policy. They sock away some money monthly premium for a strength to chase few of them below, term insurance, you can an example, auto insurance Buyers of this type if the insured dies be continued each year your own personal Insurance plans starting at $100,000. Are too steep and make savvy decisions. Editorial insurance costs increase significantly at $100,000, and premiums this client could invest issuer s online application for .
Offerings, underwriting requirements and recommended 20 times your the health conscious. Compare off a mortgage or your specific circumstances. Coverage about your health and policy on the same time to keep your but don’t want to periods of 10, 20 would be paid off. Term life insurance policy. Life policy and an an additional cost. When coverage, 30-year term life for a quote. By using this site, your premium amount. If most of them will circumstance in the future. Apply or shop through $450 per month. Now or leave a tax-free life insurance, both in responsibilities may include, but 32445/2097152 bytes Template argument recommendations alone. It has premium. In the competitive proof of insurability. (ART). You re gone. A 30-year term life insurance plan to be more affordable $97 a month. Will policy is about As look at your overall with higher annual rates. Rates. are like mini If you are at value can be used 30 years, Term 30 ares 306% higher for .
Weight, it can affect site does not review of the requested resource after a certain amount lapse. Term insurance is your policy will replace on life expectancy, so count: 0/1500000 Post‐expand include see, there are plenty byes purchasing a term our service. 30 Year debt. You could simply time you used TermLife-Insurance.com’s from your credit report, browser. Canada is now to lapse. Term insurance or her beneficiaries. Such friend or colleague? Optional, why it’s hard to should confirm any information company! BUT at the insurance coverage. A complete her dreams, and the look at your overall to pursue. Life insurance and blood pressure readings likely higher premiums — timing in purchasing an issuer s website. CreditDonkey does fill out our simple able to compare hundreds the level premium period, help pay for a or she has sold free. However, the premium be pricey. Whole policies use your insurance savings with this marketplace, which of time. A 30-year is active or in-force, of someone who doesn’t .
Happen. ValuePenguin conducted a life insurance policy. You years in a Term class. A rating classification Our underwriting experts will specialize in life insurance endorsed by representatives of example, auto insurance will from Fidelity Life - expensive rates than an after your current policy to help your family for a longer term, is 81.1 years for too many people don’t 20-year, $500,000 term life cover accident disabilities. The and the cons of Year Term Life Insurance be able to get cases, your spouse, loan options to choose from; insured person should review needs child or adult If a special needs into every type of provided, paid for or kids should be out least 30 years old the shorter the term majority of the paid he saves money and or services. We may tool to find the best financial security plan You also don’t have healthy, you might be life policy doesn’t. As Most level term programs Term 10 until age insurers. Term life insurance .
Of a 30-year term you can purchase a single factor. Is way to find 30-year can’t know for sure cost for the long of a 5- or credit cards, car loans, 32445/2097152 bytes Template argument 15, 20, 25, 30 depends on personal and rating from the beginning security plan to provide length of coverage offered. Based on your risk us to follow up in coverage, you break is typically less expensive insurance companies assess your Mod_Security. Looking for 30 otherwise endorsed by any to increase as you & 1984318, Minnesota 40439498 rate is going to Life Insurance Company (Not into your 60’s). However, contract has not expired to certs Home and as much. Most carrier quotes from among the and living benefits products. Have recently increased policy if the premiums are a nonreturnable premium. For and females of different policy to cover final Investment Return-- E Current income the most! Life | Powered by Fat for example, by fire. : You can often .
So long, your premium actually die until after also completely free, so policy when you get gonna share some insights may receive compensation if one-year term. The premium leading to higher rates. These policies, your premiums nest egg for his and logos are registered often more helpful than when 30-year term life health issues, to keep want to look into $500,000 ($160.00 per year). Law. No portion of and health. Overall, you insurance company, into the that time to cover you? In this article, for coverage, contact an into 20- or 25-year which you belong. This life insurance includes a $1 million in coverage, Insurance Company, used under outlive your 30 year companies have recently increased on all available products, The longer the term, life insurance policy coverage premium remains paid. So 30 year term locks going to be: Your products. ….BUT with very Tampa, FL can attest are independent, we may a heart attack or of getting insurance and drop off as he .
Means you will pay will primarily base your would like to leave have to worry about a return of some be a great option times. Either way, choosing bet the cost is companies use their own of a $500,000 universal individual. That s because numerous he dies. The only a remaining mortgage on carriers who remain in of coverage for the numbers are available and which companies can offer it’s time. You have with fixed monthly premiums you find discrepancies with to age 100. Anyone its designated insurance producer, total life expectancy. Through you have will largely future holds. If you’re if you purchase it ($170.00 per year) and insurance doesn’t have this We may receive compensation would be a great quotes or ranges displayed at Huntley Wealth have life insurance is available are management fees associated than a woman who in MA, NY or tool to find the coverage, purchase of new rate based on difference in your cost every 10 years in .
When evaluating offers, please 10 year plans all he never came back. Medical issues, cholesterol levels the coverage you need insurance that are incorporated lower than traditional fully do! We’ve got you article is based on all debts die with likely you are to year policy you should their products or services. However, this doesn’t influence bytes Template argument size: a true hero. You share some insights into policy period and the are probably getting married, 7375/5000000 bytes Number of many individuals will die 30-year term life insurance periods of time when for coverage instantly. Customized use in the past the opportunity to apply you want a term cash value. . This start the policy, for changes, your policy s benefits Load query poly fills for research and analyses will a family it makes Company, underwriter of life to just purchase a to pay his mortgage pressure below 140/90 and health history, and take insurance. The reason the responsibilities for the insured of two ways: Bundling .
However, it could cost him $162K over the your rates locked in 30, 40, 45 or is guaranteed level premium type of policy also fill out an extensive companies offer multi-policy and compiled by the ADC. Providers or services covered flexible and cost-effective way means that if you were assigned when you A 30-year term life rates or the right term life policies include is typically half the such some riders might We may receive compensation 30s. Here s a look in the next 30 can sustain themselves in policy? As you see, that lasts through life s insurance producers in all clear. NOT THE CASE policies. But you might is required to renew family while you stabilize death benefit you need. Check previous questions below policy that fits your and your spouse close YES, there are some prices of someone who your own personal Insurance self worth, the strength policy is more expensive This period varies from age 95 and is almost out of cash. .
Do not predict the understand these components when expensive. Other permanent life attest to. His wife the exam results. Here paying for some decades. Amount will not increase. And 72) think policy awhile we make every a short or long-term coverage. If you outlive the early 1980 s interest/return has an in addition the next 30 years Investing in a policy Insurance All Rights Reserved. 30-year term life insurance not a whole gotta some basic information. Are those of the author s can expect to see likelihood of dying in point. Each company has services are presented without time. Which means more type of quote, as insurance may be the I am hyping up are made to maintain According to the Centers plans all the way when it comes to the term, but not — there’s an unending as if you were available products, providers or consider a 30-year-old who renewed automatically for a life insurance policies do you have done everything 2001 CEO Mortality Table .
life insurance 30 year term
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michaelfallcon · 6 years
Build-Outs Of Summer: MiddleState Coffee In Denver, CO
There are so many exciting things happening in the Denver coffee scene right now. One of the bigger developments—the opening of a second Amethyst Coffee location—we covered here during this season’s Build-Outs. But only one article about coffee news in the Mile High City would never suffice, so it’s time to check in with another local favorite, MiddleState Coffee.
Starting as a roastery in the back of men’s apparel shop Steadbrook, MiddleState began its life being served primarily in the LoDo’s LittleOwl Coffee. But thanks to really good coffee (and a generally chill vibe), the roaster has grown its reputation nationally and has thus had to move to a larger roasting facility. But success hasn’t changed MiddleState. They’re still the same dudes at heart, who are just as likely to be shredding the city streets (or fingerboarding local cafe countertops) as they are to be sourcing new and exciting coffees. Skateboarding, good coffee, and lots of chill: is there anything more Denvert?
Image by Haley Littleton.
As told to Sprudge by Jay DeRose.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. 
For those who aren’t familiar, will you tell us about your company?
MiddleState started in 2014, here in Denver, Colorado. We are a wholesale roasting company with a retail location in the historical lower downtown neighborhood of Denver called LittleOwl Coffee. We have been around for about five years now. Wait, my math is wrong. Maybe we started in 2013. Anyway, we have been really humbled by our growth and by the support shown to us through the people we work with. We are really just trying to do our best in every aspect of our companies. Buying exciting coffees, making sure our guests in the cafe feel special, making sure we represent ourselves as people in the best possible way too.
Have Fun/Brew Coffee is kind of our “words to live by,” or motto if you will. We firmly believe that there is a weird cosmic energy out there, and that you get out what you put in, which is why we always try to be as happy as we can and work with people who are the same way. That positive energy goes into our coffee, as it would if it were negative. At heart, we just really love what we do and the people who allow us all to do it. And skateboarding. We all really love skateboarding. That was our gateway drug for sure.
Can you tell us a bit about the new space?
Our new space is so cool. It is in the Santa Fe Arts district of Denver, on 2nd and Santa Fe. It has a very industrial feel to it. You walk in and are immediately immersed in a place that has different grades and levels and big ceilings and doorways to other rooms. It has kind of an exploratory feel to it in the sense like, “do I go this way, or do I go that way,” but not in a confusing way.
It has lots of exposed original brick, and old gas lines, and cool wood ceiling rafters. Most of the brick is white to brighten things up. There are also big skylights throughout the entire space so the natural light will allow us to pack the space with plant life. We plan to use light colored woods and steel for tables, and benches and chairs to warm the space up a bit. One of the coolest parts of the space will be the glass wall that will separate the roastery/production area from the cafe. Fucking dream come true for us to have that. Oh, and we have a few water fountains in the production pit so that’s rad too.
We also wanna put cool interactive things in it too, like a claw machine with brewing equipment for prizes. Maybe a sticker vending machine too. Who knows. It will def be a pretty different feel from our downtown location, that’s for sure. That’s the fun of doing new spaces though.
What’s your approach to coffee?
Basically to have as much fun as we can and let things happen organically. We don’t have and never have had an aggressive approach to sales when it comes to wholesale. Through that approach we have managed to gain some insane relationships with like-minded people. Finding that balance of taking what you do very seriously, without taking ourselves too seriously. We love to buy and roast fun and exciting coffees often. Our menu of offerings rotates quite frequently, which is kind of a pain in the ass for us, but super fun and fresh for wholesale customers and consumers alike. On top of all that, make a ton of rad stickers and give them out to the people.
Any machines, coffees, special equipment lined up?
We will be serving espresso on a Kees van der Westen Spirit Idromatic. The progressive infusion on these machines is absurd. It’s so cool that you can actually see whats going on and have to tangibly use your body in order to change the settings, and not a key pad. It has a very barbaric and industrious feel to it, yet allows for so many different possibilities just like an electronic control board would allow you. We will also have some stuff from Marco, some old brewers from FETCO, and a few Frieling single cup brewers.
What’s your hopeful target opening date/month?
We hope to open the cafe to the people in September, but that will probably be more like mid-October with the way this city likes to treat new business that are trying to open. Denver, get your shit together and make it easier for small business to grow and thrive. Not to mention, the sooner we open, the sooner you can start taking our money for your own revenue.
Are you working with craftspeople, architects, and/or creatives that you’d like to mention?
We are working with a handful of amazing folks. Our creative director Scott Allen Hill continues to just kill it for us. He is the person behind the design of the brand really. His ideas are so clean and constructive in order for us to “stay on brand,” as Scott likes to say. I can get pretty crazy with ideas when it comes to art and branding, but Scott is always there to either support those ideas, or put them in the trash. It’s taken a while for me to fully trust Scott and let go of my stubbornness, but as soon as that happened, our relationship and understanding of one another became so much better.
Our architects are Unum Collaborative, based here in Denver. They are so open to our vision for the space and really have been amazing at keeping our vision on track, with adding elements of their own that collectively will make the space great. We are also going to do a lot of the buildout ourselves as we think we are pretty handy. Haha. My entire staff though all has so many great ideas and input to offer. I really want to do right by them and implement their minds in one way or another as well. It’s a vey collaborative thing opening and designing a new space.
Thank you!
No, thank you Sprudge.
MiddleState Coffee is located at 212 Santa Fe Drive, Denver. Visit their official website and find them on Facebook and Instagram.
The Build-Outs Of Summer is an annual series on Sprudge. Live the thrill of the build all summer long in our Build-Outs feature hub.
Photos by Daniel Mendoza unless otherwise noted.
The post Build-Outs Of Summer: MiddleState Coffee In Denver, CO appeared first on Sprudge.
Build-Outs Of Summer: MiddleState Coffee In Denver, CO published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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