#high school everlark
mollywog · 10 months
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Apparently I’m deep in my HS feels (don’t ask me why, I didn’t particularly enjoy it while it was happening.) Ao3 link
There’s something special about high school football. Not the games themselves, it’s been decades since District 12 was a real contender. Their biggest rivalry is the neighboring school, and even that has 50/50 odds of Victory. Still, Friday night games are a right of passage.
The sun sets early but the lights are bright. The temperature drops and the whole town bundles up against the fall chill and flocks to the stadium. The concession stand sells hot chocolate and orange cheese drenched chips and fries, that warmth hands and burn tongues. Caesar Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith, as old as the sport itself, bicker over the intercom, drowned out only by the band who plays and replays the same dozen riffs from their perch in the stands.
Peeta and his friends station themselves at the 20 yard line, keeping track of the game while scoping out the passersby. Delly and a handful of her friends are the latest momentary additions to his group, checking in between completing social laps of the field.
He looks into the bleachers and spots an unexpected face in the first row. Her brow furrowed, she sits next to Gale Hawthorne, his motions animated as he gestures at the field and she nods along. As if feeling his stare, she shifts her gaze and their eyes briefly meet before flitting away. He turns back to his friends to find Delly watching him with a knowing smile: it’s not the first time she’s caught him pining over Katniss Everdeen and it won’t be the last.
Robin, a girl he knows vaguely from the next town over, slides up beside him and begins in on the monotonous Senior year questionnaire; his plans for next year, where he’ll go, what he’ll study, will he continue to wrestle? He recites his trite responses dutifully. He hates it. His favorite part of these nights is living completely in the smell of turf and the sound of his friends' laughter, not worrying about what’s next. He thinks about childhood when there wasn’t a script, only questions about favorite colors or dinosaurs. He considers asking Robin her thoughts on the dilapasaur but thinks better of it; he’s not afraid of sounding dorky, but doesn’t want to risk inadvertently encouraging her. As they speak, she gets closer, turning herself towards him, closing them off, batting her eyes, tittering, touching his arm. He knows the game, but has no intentions of playing, so he maintains his distance, answers politely, and tries to include others in his responses.
He looks up in the stands again, spotting Katniss easily now that he knows where to find her. She’s hunched over, elbows on her knees, glaring at the field. The game must be unpleasant -that’s not a surprise.
His inattentiveness does not go unnoticed and Robin eventually turns her queries towards Reese, a more receptive companion.
He lets out a small sigh of relief at his reprieve, but this time when he glances back into the stands, Katniss is no longer there. He excuses himself from the group and heads toward the bathrooms, at the last minute slipping under the bleachers instead. They get a bad rep, but he’s never actually seen anyone doing drugs, or murdering, or having sex down here. It’s actually kind of nice. The people above dampen the sound from the intercom and the lights are obscured to just the right level. He moves to the furthest corner behind a cement piling, out of sight of other bleacher dwellers. Down here alone, it’s like his own private den.
He’s watching the field through the slats of the stands when small arms encircle his waist from behind. For a moment he stiffens before the scent of Katniss’s piney shampoo invades his nostrils, he relaxes into her embrace, “You found me.” He’d hoped she would.
“You’re easy prey. Didn’t even try to cover your tracks. Almost as if you wanted to be caught,” she says, nuzzling her face between his shoulder blades.
He turns, shifting them so they're facing each other, “So now that you’ve got me, what are you going to do with me?”
She rolls her eyes, but yanks at the front of his sweater. He bends to meet her. The novelty of kissing her still hasn’t worn off; he hopes it never will. After a minute, he pulls away, “I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”
“Are you disappointed?” She scowls up at him.
“Not even a little,” he leans down to kiss the crease between her eyes. Unbidden, his mind wanders to the handsome boy beside her in the stands, “What changed your mind?”
“Prim wanted to come and I thought I should keep an eye on her. I’ve heard what happens at these games.” She pinches his waist playfully, “About boys who lure girls under the bleachers for a bit of debauchery.”
“So did you come down here to look for Prim or was my charm too much temptation to resist?”
She slides her hands into his back pockets and gives a little shrug, averting her eyes, “were you looking to lure me?”
He can see through her playful facade, her question’s in earnest. They’d discussed keeping things between them quiet for a while. In truth he would have agreed to just about anything to not scare her away. But he knew as long as they were a secret, this thing that they had, whatever it was, had a shelf life. He thinks of Robin’s display and Katniss’s scowl. Maybe he isn’t the only one with insecurities.
He lifts her chin to look her in the eyes, “only you.” He kisses her again, briefly this time before pulling away, “what’s your favorite color?”
She laughs, “what?”
“Your favorite color. I want to know.” He wants to know everything and not just her future plans.
Of course it is. Nothing could be more fitting for her.
“And yours?”
She wrinkles her nose.
“It’s not whatever you’re thinking, more muted, like the sunset.”
She hums her approval before their lips meet again. He decides he can save his dinosaur questions for another day.
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littlemarianah · 1 month
A High school AU where Katniss gives Peeta a hickey (note: she even knew she was capable of doing this) And they do everything they can to hide it so Peeta's mother doesn't tear him in half.
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justtogetthrough · 3 months
I need continuous musings and discourse about the Hunger Games or my life feels so boring. Please keep posting and tagging, you’re all so smart and insightful and interesting
(Honestly, if you read the books for school, absolutely just post your essays I want to read them aaaaall)
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triassictriserratops · 5 months
as flirty as Peeta can appear because he’s charming I can see Katniss realizing his true flirting is with her because sometimes he gets the shy or bashful look. This is canon, he looked shy when telling her flames suited her and his eyes do flicker away from hers when she looks at them. Yeah, he has rizz but also Katniss will make him feel open and vulnerable and smitten
I am saying this hoping and PRAYING that this inspires something in someone and I get some Good, Delicious AU Content....
Peeta is Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club.
This is Peeta at High Rizz Count:
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And this is Peeta when it comes to Katniss (except for when he was ACTIVELY dying):
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enobariasdistrict2 · 10 months
no because that one scene in book!catching fire where the victors that were reaped for the 75th games literally gathered all the tables at the training center together so they could eat lunch as a group, and that peeta was also included in most of this, is literally so funny. like they were all reaped and only one of them would survive the games and being victors they were very much aware of this fact but they just did not care and that is not only extremely hilarious (it has the vibes of that one friend group in your geometry class that will always find a way to talk to each other no matter how hard the teacher tries to separate them), it's actually a really sweet testament to the friendship between the victors and their comfort level/closeness/bonding.
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ivysos2001 · 4 months
I was just listening to so high school (by taylor swift obv lol) and somehow it just clicked as an everlark song for me
Like so much of what I love about katniss and peeta’s relationship is how they can be silly and have fun together even in the midst of such traumatic circumstances and growing up the way they did in this world that really robbed them (and especially katniss) of their childhoods- this song gives me the vibe of what I want for them in their post-mj lives in just giving each other back that youth that was stolen from them and getting to be young together
And “no one’s ever had me, not like you” is so accurate on both ends with the ways that they’re there for each other and have each other’s backs like no one else ever has 🥹
And also “tell me bout the first time you saw me” totally reminds me of the way katniss absolutely *melted* (in spite of herself lol) when peeta told her that story of hearing her sing for the first time on their first day of school 🥹
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quesoburgerisout · 5 months
hey, i have a school protect which is an essay on how the first hunger games book is a critique on modern day america. i need quotes the show the greed of the capitol and another that proves their laziness. can anyone help me out?
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
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Ok, so this idea just would not leave me alone. I told my husband about this idea for a three-chapter Everlark modern high school AU and he really liked it and told me I should write it. So, here is the first part.
Junior year
Panem HS
Another year, another seat in the back of the class next to the window. Another bland teacher introduction followed by the passing out of the class syllabus. Then come the dreaded icebreakers. 
Never mind that we live in a town of less than 3,000, or that our graduating class will have less than 200 members if every one of us manages to make it through the next two years of high school. And forget the fact that we’ve all been in the same grade together since kindergarten. Every single year our teachers insist on forcing us to ‘get to know each other’. 
If I don’t already know the favorite season and holiday of the person sitting next to me by now I probably never will. (It’s Delly Cartwright, and hers are summer and Christmas respectively) 
But everything about this class, about this day, hell, probably about this entire year will be completely predictable. The brains, like BT Latier will work their asses off to get top grades, and the sportos like Cato Anderson will try to copy their homework and cheat off them during tests. Girls like Galinda ‘Glimmer’ Franklin and Clove Moretti will ignore the no cell phones rule and regularly update their Twitter and Instagram during the lecture and will only get called out about 40% of the time. 
The rest of us will just muddle through, hopefully paying enough attention to pass the exams and avoid remedial tutoring in the library with Ms. Trinket who, contrary to first impressions, is not a vapid airhead who wears too much makeup and hairspray but in reality, is a total hard ass and does everything in her power to make sure the kids she tutors pass their classes. My life is all about reducing stress and hassle, so I’ll be avoiding her at all costs this year. Besides it’s much easier to just pass the first time around than have to deal with the fallout from failing. 
So I inwardly roll my eyes at the whole charade of introductions and do my best to try and look only mildly bored. 
When it gets to my turn I don’t bother standing up. 
“My name is Katniss Everdeen. I’m 17. I’m stubborn and good with a bow and that’s pretty much it.” I say dryly, and it gets a few chuckles. 
After that, the spotlight of my peer’s attention moves on and no one spares me a second glance. Which is exactly how I prefer it. Everyone here already knows I’m not very interesting. I hate the whole school spirit scene, and I’m not in any clubs or on any committees. The last time I was voluntarily a part of something, was five years ago. I quit track in middle school so I could spend more time hunting in the woods to supplement the money from my father’s income that we lost after his death. I’ve gotten so good at it that Mr. Abernathy, the owner of the local sporting goods store, took me on as a seasonal hire last summer. I parlayed that summer gig into a year-round job that helps keep food on my family’s table, and shoes on my little sister’s feet. 
My life is a series of responsibilities and expectations that my classmates could never relate to. And their lives are a carefree existence of parties, dances, and soap-opera drama that I have no interest in. 
They live in their little bubbles and I live in the real world and we will go on co-existing in this way until graduation breaks the cycle. 
I zone out of the rest of the class. We won’t do much work today if at all, so I allow myself the small indulgence of looking out the window and planning for this year’s hunting season which is set to open up for archery on the first of October. 
That leaves me only a few weeks to finish getting the permits and stock up on the needed supplies. 
This year will be harder than the years before since I’ll be hunting alone. My best friend and hunting partner, Gale Hawthorne, graduated and left for Maryland this past summer. He’ll be in Annapolis, training to become an officer and a marine while I’ll be up to my elbows in wild turkey and white-tail deer. 
Even though I’m happy for him, I can’t help but feel saddened by his absence. Now there will be no one to watch my back in the woods. No one to help me carry a hundred or more pound buck back if I manage to bring one down like I did two years ago. 
The only thing I can think of is maybe asking my boss, Haymitch if I can borrow his truck and if I can rig up a travois then—
The bell rings and I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the shuffle of feet and the whoops of excitement and laughter that my classmates let out at the sound of the last period ending. 
I pick up my old hunter-green JanSport, that’s due for another patch of duck tape soon, sling it over one shoulder and make my way to the door. 
My exit is delayed by the clump of jocks jostling each other playfully around the doorframe. I breathe out an annoyed huff as I wait for them to pass. 
One of them, one of the kinder ones, turns around and shoots me an apologetic look, bright, clear blue eyes shine back at me for a moment before his friends call his attention and pull him roughly behind them. A piece of folded-up paper falls out of the side pocket of his backpack in the midst of this and lands at my feet. 
I swoop down to pick it up and my mouth opens to call out his name but the words died on my lips before they can slip off my tongue. 
I catch sight of something completely unexpected when I automatically glance down at the paper in my hand. It's the letters K.E. inscribed neatly on the corner that spark my curiosity and prompt my hand to open up the folded paper to see what’s inside. 
I lose my ability to speak, to even think for a moment because it’s me. 
I’m staring down at a picture of my own face, straight dark hair pulled back into an unseen braid that hangs down my back, while a few stray pieces fall around my eyes, framing an oval-shaped face, dark brows perch surreptitiously over slanted grey eyes and a straight nose above a generous mouth that’s for once not tilted down into a frown, but is instead caught in a relaxed position, not quite smiling but something like the ghost of it, is settled on my lips. And my head is tilted to the side, curiously. 
I have no idea when he caught me making this expression. Maybe when I was looking out the window? When did he draw this? Why did he draw this? Is this some sort of practice for art class? I think he takes Ms. Portia’s intermediate art class at the same time I take shop. I’ve seen him going into that wing of the school because it’s right across from the shop building. Maybe he’s just practicing his life study skills. Maybe he’s taking turns drawing everyone in our history class. 
I move forward and stick my head out the door, calling out, “Peeta,” but the hallway is empty. 
I look back down at the drawing in my hand and fold it back up carefully, before slipping it into the most secure pocket of my backpack, thinking I’ll give it back to him tomorrow.
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odensraven616 · 1 year
Hi!! I’m semi new to tumblr, (returning as a uni student who hasn’t been on since middle school) I’m looking for Anime/Manga mutuals but I also have deep obsessions with marvel comics/MCU, The Hunger Games, maze runner, etc. my music interests are all over the place ranging from Taylor Swift to alt rock and pop rock. Would love to be mutuals!!!!!! (She/her)
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waywardangel-wilds · 2 months
Most unhinged HC about post-MJ everlark?
Hmmm I don’t know. I feel like my hcs are pretty tame. Let me write down my most silly ones:
No.1: they gossip together. They GAB. They love to talk shit at home.
No.2: Katniss has a jealous fit over something or someone and Peeta which Peeta reacts to with confusion and then laughs about it for years. “Hey Katniss, remember when—” “SHUT UP.”
No.3: Peeta’s on a mission to have sex everywhere he’s ever wanted to in his fantasies. All furniture. In the woods. In the bakery. They would do the school too but the chances of getting arrested and traumatizing someone are too high. Oh and in Peeta’s new-to-him truck too.
No. 4: Peeta cannot be normal about sports. As the volunteer coach he’s gotten complaints but no one is brave enough to tell him to stop being so annoying outright. Imagine Katniss watching in the background with sunglasses and a smirk during a sunny day.
No. 5: Peeta and Katniss enjoyed doing the whole “polishing my gun” routine (but without an actual gun lol) for their daughter’s first boyfriend.
No. 6: Katniss cannot be normal about Peeta on the days after they sleep together for the first time. She wants to do it all the time. When they go out in public it’s kind of obvious by her face alone what she’s thinking about. It makes construction crews laugh and elderly ladies raise their eyebrows. Haymitch laughed so hard he choked and slapped his knee. Called her a starving dog and Peeta the unfortunate piece of meat in her path. Peeta does not care, he’s getting lots of liquids in, he can do this.
No. 7: if Finnick had survived he’d be the most no-boundaries friend ever. He’d just show up unannounced all the time. Picture him in flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt ready to use Peeta and Katniss’s nonexistent grill. The friendship would be immaculate. He’d be the glue who’d form the victors friend group: Jo, Peeta, Katniss, Annie and Finnick. He’d force them all to get on his boat all the time. He’d introduce Peeta to rum just to watch his face get all pink. He’d see Katniss like this little-sister best friend type but he’d still make dirty jokes at her cause she’ll never be able to handle those. Him and Jo are the best duo. Bro should have lived.
No. 8: Katniss, at 38, can still miss the point when someone tells her a dirty joke which her friends LOVE. she’s frequently like “what are you talking about?” And everyone just laughs. Also, Katniss is so used to Peeta just getting her that when her friends complain about their husbands not listening, or not understanding her honest reaction is: “just break up???” And everyone is like “girl, it’s not that serious. You just have the perfect husband.”
No. 9: Katniss cried one time when her daughter said she didn’t want to play with her anymore because who wants to play with their mom when they could just go outside and play with their friends. Peeta found her sobbing over a tray of cookies and tried not to laugh because it really isn’t that serious. It’s totally okay for ten year olds to want to be outside, but Katniss was still like “she doesn’t like me 😭”
No. 10: Where Peeta was a hopeless romantic who only ever wanted to be with one girl Peeta’s son goes through girls like water. It’s what Peeta yells about in the car when it’s just him and the boy. “Why?! Be respectful! I didn’t raise you like this!” I’m a believer in that the toastbabies are nothing like their parents. They’re their own unique ppl with the ability of driving both their parents up the wall. I looove thinking about them being teenagers and rebelling. Their kids grew up in a mansion, they’re gonna have a fun rebellion haha.
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mollywog · 7 months
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❄️ Winter Semi-formal ❄️
From the Senior Year AU
Saturday was shaping up to be one of those nights when all the stars seemed to align; her mother would work the night shift, Prim had sleepover plans, and there were no wrestling obligations to get in the way. It would be the perfect opportunity for Peeta to stay the night. That was until Friday morning announcements when her boyfriend had been appointed to Snow Court and required to attend the Winter Semi-formal the next day.
So instead of a full evening of movies and cheese buns in an empty house, she’s packed tightly in a throng of onlookers as Peeta is crowned royalty at a dance he hadn’t even planned on attending.
Despite all that, she feels a little thrill of pride when his name is announced. And the sheepish grin he shoots her when finding her in the crowd does nothing to quell her giddiness.
When the pomp has ended and the yearbook pictures have been taken, the lights dim and music resumes. She seeks him out, lingering in the background until he’s received his final congratulations, then grasping his hand and leading them to the dance floor. They tuck themselves into the sea of dancers under the twinkling blue lights and paper snowflakes that somehow transform the cafeteria into a less repulsive version of itself.
As they sway to the dreamlike music she speaks, “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” Peeta tilts his head down towards her, raising a brow. She continues, “you said you were a knight when we met, but now I find you were really a prince in disguise.”
“King actually,” he corrects with a smirk. She scoffs. “The burden is great,” he adds gravely.
“Will you even have time for me now, with all the responsibilities of running your kingdom?” She sweeps her hand around the room of disinterested dancers.
His hands at her waist pull her closer, “Always,” he whispers. She settles her head on his chest, concealing her smile as they continue their slow revolutions.
“I’m sorry about tonight,” he interrupts the silence. “We could probably slip out early now that that’s over.”
She knows he’s only suggesting it because he thinks it’s what she wants. “It’s not so bad,” she says, and although the evening isn’t the one she expected, she means it.
On Friday at lunch, when she’d bemoaned the change of plans, Madge had invited her over to get ready for the dance together. They’d spent a rare afternoon doing hair, nails, and makeup; she was surprised by how much she enjoyed it. Her mother had offered up one of her old dresses: a strapless sheath gown in black. Katniss had worried it was out-dated, but Madge had called it timeless and when she slipped it on, she really did feel beautiful. Peeta had agreed; if his words weren’t sufficient to convince her, his heated glances and wandering hands had confirmed.
From Madge’s they had joined what felt like half the senior class at the Cartwrights for an absurd amount of pictures. In the past few months of dating Peeta, she’s spent more time with her classmates than she had in the 3 years prior. On weeknights when she’s not working, she’s watching Prim cheer or Peeta wrestle. At her first match, Delly had corralled her to the student section, introducing her around as if they hadn’t all known each other since Kindergarten, and involving her in their conversations. At the next match, Bristol and Leevy had waved her over to join and she hasn’t sat alone in the bleachers since. She’d even started tagging along to the post-meet sweetshop celebrations with Peeta and his friends. If she’s not fully convinced they like her, they at least make her feel welcome.
And tonight had been no different. Her newfound acquaintances had coaxed her to the dance floor and she’d chatted, and laughed, instead of clinging to Peeta or hiding in the corner as she’d feared.
“Not so bad? That’s high praise from you,” Peeta teases. “If there’s a silver lining, it’s that this means I’m out of the running for Prom King. We won’t have to go if you don’t want.” She doesn’t miss his sidelong glance, gauging her reaction.
Her shoulders lift and drop involuntarily, “I don’t know... Prom might be… fun.” She hadn’t gone the year before; her only friends went as a couple and she didn’t have a date. Instead she’d taken Prim to the movies, convincing herself that High school dances were overrated and not something she cared about. She’d suppressed a pang of longing the next day when all the Prom pictures had littered her feed.
She’s spent years denying herself frivolities, at first out of necessity, then out of fear. But she doesn’t want to regret those things anymore and she doesn’t want to be the reason Peeta regrets them either.
“You’d want to go?” She doesn’t miss the hint of surprise and excitement in his voice, ”with me?”
She rolls her eyes, “of course with you, or was the king of hearts expecting me to spell it out in rose petals or frost it on a cake?” Going to the dance was one thing, but she drew the line at making a scene about it.
He laughs, gathering her into his arms more closely “Nah, this is perfect.” His smile is contagious and she can’t help but agree.
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“PSA: Girls who wear Skechers don’t give BJs”
Have some high school Everlark, Anon. They’re seniors in this, so 18 or about to turn 18 years old. RATED M.
Peeta smirks slightly at the ridiculous graffiti on the bathroom wall. What, he wonders, does a girl’s choice of footwear have to do with her willingness to go down on a guy?
He digs a sharpie from his book bag and uncaps it before scrawling a response.
Or maybe you’re just an asshole no one would blow anyway.
He finishes and washes his hands, adjusting his bag on his shoulder as he makes his way towards his locker.
“What’s so funny?”
He glances up and blinks at Katniss Everdeen. Momentarily speechless at the sight of her, cheeks flushed and braid slightly disheveled.
“What?” he asks and she motions towards his face.
“You were smiling. That cute little smile you get when you’re amused.”
“Cute little smile?” he teases, his mouth stretching wider into a real smile. “You think my smile is cute?”
“Shut up, Peeta. It’s been six months,” Katniss mutters with a roll of her eyes.
“And what? I can’t still be in awe that the Katniss Everdeen not only actually agreed to date me but also thinks my smile is cute?”
“I’m dating you strictly for the cheese buns and the guaranteed prom date,” she retorts as she places a hand on his shoulder for balance. She works off one of her character shoes.
“I’ll take it.” He holds still for her and nods towards her feet. “Show choir practice ran late?”
“Trinket’s got a bur up her butt about the performance this weekend. You know how she gets.”
“Girls. You cannot hold back. Each movement must maximize the fabulousness of the routine!” He mimics and Katniss snorts slightly.
“I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible,” she explains why she didn’t change her shoes before leaving the choir room.
“I’ll rub your feet later,” Peeta promises quietly. Katniss’s expression softens and her eyes dart around the hall before she leans in and presses a quick peck to his lips.
“And there’s another reason why I’m dating you.”
“Don’t get too excited,” he says. “I may ask you to reciprocate tonight. My calves are still burning.”
“Coach still pushing you guys hard over that bullshit second place last week?” He nods and glances down as she tugs on her sneakers. Sketchers.
His lips quirk and she freezes with her left shoe only partially on her foot.
“There it is again. That smile.”
“It’s nothing. Dumb graffiti on the bathroom wall.”
“Oh?” Her eyebrow lifts and Peeta sighs, knowing he won’t get away with distracting her again. He leans in close to whisper in her ear, even though it’s over an hour since school let out and they’re probably the only ones left in the halls.
“It says ‘PSA: Girls who wear Sketchers don’t give BJ’s.’” Katniss makes an indignant noise and Peeta chuckles lightly as he returns to his locker, finishing swapping out what he needs to finish his homework tonight. “Told you it was dumb.”
“And clearly wrong,” she says, sounding almost offended.
He shuts his locker and turns to her, amused now by how pissed off she looks. “Come on, Katniss. It’s probably just some butt hurt Nice Guy whining because no one would blow him anyway, Sketchers or not.”
“Then why were you smiling?” Katniss demands and realization of what she must be thinking about smacks him in the face. He steers her towards the doors, out into the parking lot where his beat up hand me down car is parked.
“Because I wrote something to that effect in response,” he tells her.
“Oh.” She says, but she still can’t quite meet his eyes. “So the other day, when I couldn’t… you know…”
They’ve reached his car and Peeta maneuvers them so that she’s backed up against it. He leans in close, nuzzling beneath her ear and lacing their fingers together at their sides.
“I don’t care, Katniss. How I feel about you isn’t dependent on whether or not you do something like that.”
“But… you want it,” she says softly.
“Of course I want it,” he whispers. “If it happens, I’m gonna love every second of it. But if it never happens, that won’t change the way I feel about you. Okay?”
She’s still biting her lip, but she nods and lets Peeta open the car door for her.
“Come on. Let’s get you home so we can take care of your feet.”
She climbs in and he makes his way around the car to do the same. They’re mostly quiet on the drive to her place, but when he parks in her driveway, he can’t resist leaning over to kiss her once. Just a quick little one because he knows how she feels about people seeing them. Mainly her neighbors, in this case.
“Besides,” he murmurs when they separate, “how am I gonna complain about it when you changed your mind because… what was it you said?”
He knows he’s got a shit eating grin on his face now, and Katniss is blushing and scowling at him.
“You know exactly what I said. And that smile is not cute,” she huffs, motioning towards him. But he still can’t wipe it off his face as she clambers from the car and he follows her.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget what happened when they’d gotten a little hot and heavy, tucked away in a dark corner of her backyard while her parents were working late and Prim was sleeping over at a friend’s. The sudden drop of his stomach when she tugged his shorts down and his cock bobbed up only for a dark scowl to take over her face. And Peeta started to panic that there was something off putting about his dick. Maybe he hadn’t washed well enough after practice and smelled a bit funky? He was about to suggest they try something else, about to call it off himself when she’d blurted out one of the biggest ego strokes she’s ever given him.
“How am I supposed to fit all of this in my mouth? Unhinge my jaw?”
Not that she’d never seen him before, but he supposed she’d never given much thought to sucking his dick until that moment. Her perturbation had put a rather abrupt halt to their making out, but Peeta sure as shit wasn’t gonna complain about it.
Her words had spawned an entirely new string of fantasies that had driven his frantic shower time masturbations for almost a week since it happened. Katniss getting him off with her mouth, without putting his cock in her mouth at all. Other than maybe just the tip.
Inside her house, Katniss calls out to make sure Prim’s already made it safely home on the bus, bringing him out of his memories and back to the present.
“I’m here!” Prim shouts back and Katniss double checks the notes in the kitchen so she knows when to get dinner started for her parents.
Peeta stands beside her and helps where he can. When they reach a point where Katniss can take a break, she takes his hand and leads him to her bedroom. Technically, her parents have a rule against Katniss having any boys in her room, especially when they’re not here. His palms sweat a little with nerves, that they might get caught, but this isn’t the first time they’ve broken the rules. And Prim’s already shown she won’t tattle on them.
He’s expecting her to sit on the bed and take her shoes off, but instead she locks the door and shoves Peeta back on the bed. A second time to get him to lay on his back.
“Foot massage?” he asks dumbly as she climbs on top of him, hovering over him on all fours. But then her mouth is on his and he gives up on talking. Resting his hands lightly on her hips, he follows her lead with the kisses. She’s being aggressive today and he shudders when she bites down on his bottom lip. Whimpers into her mouth when her hand slides down his body and starts palming him through his sweatpants.
“Katniss,” he whispers when she lifts her head and slides her hand back out of his pants. “Come here. I wanna taste you.”
He moves to push her hips up his body so she’s sitting on his face, but Katniss shakes her head. And then his throat constricts and dries out completely as she turns herself around, still on all fours, so her knees are on either side of his chest.
“Katniss what are you—?” He tries to ask as she shoves his sweat pants down his thighs. He obediently lifts his hips to help, hissing and gripping her thighs as she wraps one hand around his cock to pull him out of his shorts.
“I’m proving that asshole graffiti wrong,” she murmurs and Peeta’s eyes roll back in his head as her lips slide warm and wet over his tip. When he turns his head to moan into her pillow, his eyes land on her shoes, still on her feet. Her Sketchers. He’s staring at them a few minutes later when he warns her that he’s about to come. And he’s still staring at them when he resurfaces from the haze of his release, a slow smile spreading over his mouth.
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littlemarianah · 4 months
Modern AU - Peeta invites Katniss to go to an amusement park with him
Peeta hears that Katniss has never been to an amusement park in her life, he is shocked because his family usually goes to one every year during the holidays. For him it's even boring.
When a modest amusement park opens in the small town where they live, Peeta takes courage and decides to invite his friend, Katniss Everdeen, that he has a secret crush on.
Peeta's mother only lets him go on the condition that his middle brother goes with him, which sucks. So Katniss suggests whether her little sister can come along.
"Yeah, for sure!" Peeta says. Maybe a little disappointed not to be alone with her for a whole afternoon.
At the park, they create small competitions to see who does best in the games on the park.
Katniss is excellent at aiming and wins several teddy bears for Prim. She wins every game they play, she can be good at everything and Peeta finds this completely attractive.
He only gets an advantage in the strength test, which he does just to impress her. Rye says he'll try too and hits too weakly, Peeta knows he knows he can do better. From the sideways glance Rye gives Peeta, he can see that his brother is trying to make Peeta look stronger to impress the girl. It's humiliatingly embarrassing.
And Katniss doesn't seem at all impressed.
They decide to go for rides and Peeta chooses one first. He pick the pirate ship. Well it looks chill and fun, since she's never been to anything like it. But Katniss feels butterflies in her belly and squeals when the ship moves quickly downwards. She leans into Peeta and grabs his hand tightly, and he also feels butterflies in his stomach, but for a different reason.
He really feels like the happiest guy in the world, he can't hide a small smile of satisfaction. A girl sheltering in his arms? Oh, how lucky he is. He should have called her to the haunted house if that was the case.
Rye chuckles and Peeta rolls his eyes. He knows he will tell everyone about it later. His brothers never leave him alone about girls.
Katniss thinks Peeta is making fun of her.
Prim really wants to go on the carousel, the line is long. Rye suggests waiting with her and Katniss thinks it's weird.
"I'm really a fan of carousels, you know?" Rye says and Peeta almost dies of embarrassment at how obvious he is.
In the end, they get some alone time and they are both relieved to spend time away from their siblings' eyes.
Peeta suggests to go on the Ferris wheel this time, which isn't anything scary. They grab some cotton candy to eat on the way.
They enter and the wheel slowly rises until they reach the sky. Katniss seems to enjoy it more this time, as she looks into the distance at the city lights as night falls.
She is beautiful. Olive skin and black hair down her neck in a braid. Peeta can look at her up close, see her moles on her cheek and her almond-shaped lips.
The couple in the front cabin of theirs is aggressively making out. Katniss and Peeta chuckle awkwardly.
"Well, they must find the place romantic." Katniss says and Peeta agrees with bright eyes. Then she realizes that he also finds it romantic and that his looks at her all night may have a reason.
So she kisses him, without thinking much, she just does it. Feel the taste of cotton candy on his lips. Incredibly sweet. She feels Peeta's body tremble against her lips and she trembles just like him when he puts his hand on her waist.
He feels like the luckiest boy to ever walk the earth.
They return to the carousel and on the time to see Peeta's brother, a grown man, sitting on a little horse. Katniss and Peeta laugh at the scene.
Night falls and Peeta's mother is completely annoying about curfews. They say goodbye and go home.
On the way home Rye asks "Hey? Did you kiss her or not?"
"no" Peeta says with a shrug, he wants to keep the victory just for himself.
"You will never lose your virginity like that"
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Friends to Lovers Fics Masterlist (13)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / 
Created: June 6th, 2024
That Time We Took Over the World-Gamemakers (ao3) Summary: Being a session guitarist pays well, but Katniss Everdeen’s always wanted a taste of the spotlight. Enter Peeta Mellark, whose boyband fame faded twenty years ago, and a not-quite-dying wish from an old friend, and she’s in for way more than she bargained for. The Dance of the Color Guard, Op. 64-populardarling (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta used to be best friends when they were kids, but now in high school, they're barely on speaking terms. It isn't until they are forced together as the titular star-crossed lovers for their marching band's field show that they will have to face their past mistakes and try to get along if they ever hope of defeating the notorious Capitol Height's Imperial Marching Crusaders in competition. It's all about winning and if that means pretending to be in love with Peeta Mellark, so be it. But a lot can happen in six months. The Ghost of You-JLaLa (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen thought they were just her imaginary friends. Turns out, they were very real—and dead. An Everlark take on the movie “Heart and Souls.” The Great Panem Christmas Bake-Off-JLaLa (ao3) Summary: Aspiring baker Katniss Everdeen finally gets her chance when she's chosen for The Great Panem Christmas Bake Off. Too bad, she's already managed to piss off famous baker and Bake-Off judge, Peeta Mellark. The Holiday Stand In-LemonLuvGirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen needs a guy to pretend to be her boyfriend for the holidays, and when she meets Peeta Mellark she thinks he's the answer to her Christmas prayers. Peeta also happens to need a significant other to take home to show off to his folks. So Katniss proposes that they pose as each other's dates for the holiday season. Just to get their families off their backs. But pretending to be in love is a dangerous game, one that Katniss might not end up winning unless she plays her cards right. The Hoodie-LemonLuvGirl (ao3) Summary: Based off the prompt: I’ve been wearing my boyfriend’s hoodie around the house for the last week. I tried to give it back last night. “That’s not my hoodie.” He said. I then realized with horror I’ve been wearing our builder’s hoodie. In front of our builder. The Long Weekend-JLaLa (ao3) Summary: Two assistants who barely tolerate each other. One snowy cabin. One very long weekend. Oh, and one bed. The Marrow of the Story-hutchabelle (ao3) Summary: Written for the Everlark Fic Exchange Springtime 2020 Edition Prompt 17: Everlark enemies to lovers, a long-standing grudge (could be anything, even simple) but somehow it is discovered that Katniss is a bone marrow match for Peeta. If she doesn’t donate he will die. The One She Left Behind-Xerxia (ao3) Summary: Everlark modern AU Weeks after moving to New York, Peeta Mellark encounters a woman he thought he'd never see again. The Pact-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: prompt: best friends everlark!pact on marrying each other when they turn 30 and are still single. now both are 30 and very much married. what comes after? (surprisingly good sex, awkward kids talk, explaining to families and friends) its up to you☺
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triassictriserratops · 5 months
pls let us know your faves everlark smut fics 🙏
Hi Anon!
Given that I just did a Post Mockingjay Smut Rec List the other day. (Link here) I'm going to use this opportunity to do a Modern AU smut rec list. (spoiler alert, @katnissdoesnotfollowback WILL feature heavily. Sorry, not sorry.)
(I can also do a Canon Divergent/In Canon AU smut list if anyone is interested in that.)
Maybe Tomorrow by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 5/5
Everlark snowed in, two night stand, duck slippers, Glasses!Peeta. Shower scene. Need I say more?
Come On Baby, Light My Fire by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 14/14
Oh my God, they were neighbors! Firefighter!Peeta. Teacher!Katniss. Fireman Charity Calendar. (IT'S FOR CHARITY YOU HEATHENS.) I, uh, I read it for the articles. 👀
Librarian!Peeta (SERIES) by Silvercistern (now an orphaned work)
Complete as 3 one-shots
I mean, COME ON. Librarian Peeta (that drives a scooter)???? Structural Welder Katniss???? My bisexual wet dream, honestly.
A Case of the Honeymoons (SERIES) by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 7/7 AND a one-shot
Murphy's (Smut) Law. Anything that can go dong, will go dong.
Unmasked by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 34/34
Not modern but i'll still put it here. Period AU. Masked balls! BOOTS. Hidden identities! Marrying for money! PEETA ON A HORSE. KATNISS ON A HORSE. STABLES?????? HNGGGGGGGG
9000 R.P.M. by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 7/7
Literally a drug for me, honestly. Just fuck me up with this. You ever want to just annihilate me? Write more of this in Peeta's POV. Would take me OUT.
Katniss Racecar Driver. Peeta Mechanic. Single Divorced Mother! Dimpled Daddy! JUST KISS YOU FUCKING MORONS, YOU'RE SO IN LOVE, AHHHHHHH.
Chemistry by @annieoakley1
Complete 3/3
Age Gap! Older Peeta! Younger Katniss (college)! Hot For Teacher! Former high school teacher but EVERYTHING IS LEGAL HERE.
Two Night Stand by @absnow
Complete 2/2
LISTEN, LISTEN, I'm a simple woman. Put my two idiots in a space together with snow outside??? I'm SAT.
The Flatshare by @absnow
Complete 3/3 (Unless... 👀👀👀?)
Oh My GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES! (Wait...were they??? I mean...kinda????) That post-it note kind of love. the CHOKEHOLD this story had on me!!!!
Forbidden by @annieoakley1
Complete one-shot
It's the 50s! Peeta wants Mr. Everdeen's approval. But he also wants Mr. Everdeen's daughter...
Love Is... by @annieoakley1
Everlark as childhood friends. 😭 Peeta becomes an Everdeen. 😭 Mr. Everdeen calls him "son". 😭
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete one-shot
College Besties. Happy Birthday, Peeta.
Tumblr media
Spellbound BY @katnissdoesnotfollowback
This story is EVERYTHING to me. I LIVE for it. Witches Katniss and Prim? Ghost Haymitch??? War Vet Peeta remodeling a house??? BISEXUAL PEETA???? (This was actually the BIRTHPLACE of Bisexual Peeta for me. It was fucking REVELATORY.)
Where the Stars Crumble to Life by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
FUTURE AU. Everlark in SPACE. (Well, another planet.) Criminal Peeta??? DIVORCED EVERLARK??? SCHRODINGER'S BUTTERCUP.
Outside Chance (SERIES) by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
ONGOING (all three stories, main Everlark story is 28/32)
Everlark at the Olympics. Para-snowboarder Peeta. Biathlete Katniss Childhood friends! Teenage Loves! WHAT HAPPENED?!
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enobariasdistrict2 · 10 months
obsessed with the everlark role reversal of popular social golden boy x moody shy introvert because usually the one that goes unnoticed in the general high school social scene falls for this idealized version of the popular king who doesn't bat an eye when he sees her... but while katniss did observe him, she didn't really register that she was noticing him or his existence, while peeta was literally far gone for her and obsessed and would just quietly and purposefully look at her from a distance and he is the one who fell first. this emotional, nurturing, friendly boy that is well liked by all falling for a more rugged, slightly meaner, and antisocial girl and doesn't realize that he notices her.
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