#hiiragi yuki
cyberdragoninfinity · 3 months
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also get to share all the little doodles i did for the @ygocookbookzine's bonus book--challenged myself to do one for every yugioh ive seen!
(ft. Joey and DA BIG SLICE too ;D 🍕)
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anewdaywilldawn · 9 months
And, I’ve translated it 😃 👇👇👇
Take it with a grain of salt since I don’t have that much experience translating from jap
But it should at least allow you to get the gist of what’s happening :’)
Rb if you can, I want this to reach as many Given fan as it can!
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kon-kon-kon-kon · 2 years
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akechilover69 · 1 month
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Konami as a bunch of ships I like hell yeah!!!!!!am I right?
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juthemagicalclown · 9 months
hiiragi and shizusumi will forever be my favourite couple in the given series cos like, the childhood friends to lovers? the opposites attract? the devotion and worshipping? beautiful
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distortedplatinum · 1 year
Colorwheel challenge I made on twitter some months ago. 🧚🏻‍♀️
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dreams-of-void · 2 days
people in the given universe don't know that the love song SYH played at their concert was initially written by Yuki (iirc)
so they're just listening to this love song that has a melody really close to fuyu no hanashi. they know that Hiiragi and Mafuyu are (childhood) friends. there are people out there that ship them in-universe. they're so bound to make the wrong conclusions and I find that hilarious
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mothladders · 6 months
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Found these old Lucky Star figures today for a steal~
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shwizles · 7 months
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Can't say goodbye. I'm stil drifting of with your echoes.
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delusionalwriter02 · 8 months
Hi, I would like Given headcanons please! I like to imagine Mafuyu having a little sister who’s about 5 yrs old (the mom adopted her when he was 11) and since she was a baby she saw Yuki, Hiiragi and Shizu as her other older brothers. Could you also include how what happened to Yuki affects her and her meeting Ritsuka please? (◕ヮ◕)
Mafuyu's little tresor
Mafuyu,Yuki, Hiiragi, Shizu x Platonic little sister reader / Comfort and a bit of angst / Headcanons
a/n : Thank you so much for your request! Honestly, I shed a tear when I mentioned Yuki, but I love the idea! I hope this post lives up to your expectations !
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The day you came into Mafuyu's life, he immediately adored you. You were the cutest thing he'd ever seen. And of course it wasn't long before he introduced you to his friends.
In fact, the week after you arrived in the Sato family, you were already surrounded by love. It wasn't unusual to see you together, playing in a playpen. But you spent most of your time with Mafuyu and Yuki, whether it was making little aeroplanes, playing hide-and-seek or playing jokes on Hiiragi or Shizu. You were inseparable.
Even though 'officially' you only had one older brother, Mafuyu, in reality you had 4. On one particular day, the weather was perfect for playing in the park. Shizu and Hiiragi were fighting over a toy while Yuki and Mafuyu sat on the grass, chatting. You were chasing a beautiful butterfly that refused to land on your hand when you tripped over a stone and fell heavily to the ground.
Your cries immediately attracted the attention of the 4 boys who, in a flash, ran to you. "Y/N, are you all right?" asked Yuki, coming up to you. "Of course not, you idiot, you can see she's crying!" shouted Hiiragi. Mafuyu got down on his knees in front of you, "Can you show me where you hurt yourself?", sobbing, your little trembling hand pointing to your knee. "We'll fix that at home," Mafuyu said, smiling.
You found yourself on Shizu's back, your crying having subsided. When you got home, Yuki took you in his arms and led you into the bathroom, sitting you down on the toilet. Shizu grabbed a cotton pad and some disinfectant while Mafuyu pulled up your trousers. Hiiragi made faces at you to stop you seeing your little wound, and your laughter filled the small room.
The 5 of you were really happy together. The years passed quietly, and one day you were surprised by something that was, to say the least, surprising. Yuki and Mafuyu… kissing?! That was the day you found out they were going out and even though Mafuyu was initially afraid of your reaction, you were overjoyed. Because it meant you'd be spending even more time with Yuki !
But your happiness didn't last forever.
From one day to the next, Yuki stopped coming to the house and your big brother spent most of his time locked up in his room. It was the year you turned 10 that you learned of Yuki's death. And no words are strong enough to describe what you felt. It was as if your heart was being ripped out, then put back in, then taken out, over and over again.
You didn't know how he died and, to be honest, you didn't even want to know. The last thing you had left of Yuki was a photo taken years ago, when you were children and still carefree. That photo never left your sight, not even at school.
And one evening, when your mother wasn't back yet, you needed Mafuyu. You knocked lightly on his door, but there was no answer. You decided to go in anyway. Mafuyu was sitting on the floor, staring into space. Without a word, you sat down beside him.
-" It hurts." You say, staring at an invisible spot. -" I know." You rested your head on your big brother's shoulder. He put his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him.
-"Will it ever get easier? -I don't know." The conversation is slow, but you've never needed words to understand each other.
Yuki's death took you out of the world of childhood much more quickly than expected. The world seemed less colourful, the sun less bright. The death of one of your older brothers was your first experience of death. And nothing seemed to be able to soothe your heart.
And a year later, you still couldn't accept it.
But after a year, you saw Mafuyu come home later than usual, his eyes a little less vacant than before. You're 11 years old, you're a child but life has turned you into an adult. You're happy to see life gradually returning to Mafuyu, perhaps because after a while it gets easier ?
So one day, when Mafuyu was still coming home quite late, you asked him.
-" How did you do it?" Mafuyu looked at you, confused. -What do you mean ?" Yuki's guitar was always with him.You approached the case gently.
-"How did you manage to get your taste for life back?" For a few seconds, Mafuyu said nothing, then he smiled at you, with that smile that always managed to bring yours back.
-"I'll show you tomorrow, okay?" You nodded.
The next evening arrived. You were in your room when you heard the front door close, Mafuyu's voice reaching you as well as that of a stranger. When you reached the entrance, a young man with black hair looked at you, surprised.
-"He's called Ritsuka, he's a friend from high school." Mafuyu said. -"Hello!" said the man called Ritsuka.
You waved your hand at him, confused.
-"Your name's Y/N, isn't it? Mafuyu's told me a lot about you. -Yes, that's me." Still a bit confused, you don't really know what to say.
-"Ritsuka's teaching me to play guitar, he's got a band!" Said Mafuyu, a hint of excitement in his voice. -Really? That's cool!" You say, slightly less embarrassed.
That evening, you didn't get much more out of Ritsuka, but you were pleased to see that Mafuyu seemed so happy to be learning to play the guitar. You felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of how happy Yuki would have been to see Mafuyu play. It's just… strange to see your big brother have a friend again, to see him get some colour.
And the weeks passed, slowly. Until one day Mafuyu came to see you in your room, to have a serious talk.
-"I've joined Ritsuka's group. We're having a concert next Sunday, please come." There was a lot of information to digest all at once.
First your brother joined a band, then he was going to perform in front of people and then he wanted you to come.
-"Are you sure ?" You say. -"You know, I believe that music saved me in some ways. I have so many things in me that I can't say or simply express. I'm not good with words but playing made it possible to bring out things that I thought I had locked away inside me forever. I would like you to find your outlet too." Mafuyu said, looking you straight in the eyes. -"Okay, I'll come." And the smile Mafuyu gave you was a smile you hadn't seen in 2 years.
Night of the concert
You were lost in the mass of people at the entrance. There were really a lot of people.
-“Y/N?!” This voice… Hiiragi! You turned around abruptly, meeting the gaze of an older brother you hadn't seen in a long time. Without thinking another second, you ran into his arms, bumping into a few people in the process, tears ready to fall at any moment.
-"I missed you so much…" You say, face buried in his chest, his arms instantly closing around you. -"I missed you a lot too, little sister.." And you couldn't hold back your tears any longer. “Look who’s here too.” You turned your face slightly to meet Shizu's eyes.
You hugged your two big brothers tightly, letting silent tears fall down your cheeks.
-"What are you doing here ?" You say, trying to dry your tears. -"We came to see Mafuyu sing." Shizu replied, still keeping you in his arms. “Stay close to us, there are a lot of people here.” He said with a smile. -"Of course, I won't let you go."
Finding yourself in the concert hall, you climbed on Shizu's shoulders so you could see something, like when you were kids.
(please go see the concert, I always cry and it breaks my heart but it's so powerful)
When Mafuyu's voice rang out, it was as if your heart had just stopped because you knew, you knew who he was talking about.
Images of Yuki, Mafuyu and you come back to you, the moments when you laughed, when you slept together, when Yuki took you in his arms because you were too tired to walk home.
You miss him, you miss him so much that you barely notice the tears running down your cheeks, all you see is Mafuyu.
And Yuki.
But Yuki is no longer here, he will never be here again.
So we must move forward and live, live so that he never fades.
You found your outlet.
A year later
-"Give it to me !" You shouted at Ritsuka who was holding up a bag of candy that you wanted.
Mafuyu and Ritsuka's laughter echoed through the apartment. Another year had passed. A year where you learned to live again, little by little. You saw your big brother fall in love with someone else and it would be a lie to say that it was simple at first. You felt like you were betraying Yuki by thinking that you were happy for Mafuyu and Ritsuka.
You often looked at this photo of the 5 of you as children. But as the seasons pass, sadness takes up less and less space in your heart.
The sun seemed to be shining again.
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Hey I'm really sorry for adding passages but I was very inspired haha, if you don't like it I can do it again for you 100% without any problem, I was very happy to write that even if review the concert made me cry haha. Thank you very much again for your request!
See you <3
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mobolanz · 8 months
So characters in sanrio collabs that get paired with my melo>>>>
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wormgumz · 1 year
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anewdaywilldawn · 2 months
And uhm… yeah, I’ve translated it 👉👈
Here’s Part 1 (Hiiragi Mix)
Rb if you can, I want this one too to reach as many Given fan as possible 🙏
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Yuki: Must you always attack me with words
Hiiragi: Would you like me to use rocks instead?
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rainbow-pop-arts · 8 months
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Given x Omori because their stories are similar (both have a group of friends who seperated because a loss of one)
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