#hijack week summer 2018
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 10.2
829 – Theophilos succeeds his father Michael II as Byzantine Emperor. 939 – Battle of Andernach: Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, crushes a rebellion against his rule, by a coalition of Eberhard of Franconia and other Frankish dukes. 1263 – The Battle of Largs is fought between Norwegians and Scots. 1470 – The Earl of Warwick's rebellion forces King Edward IV of England to flee to the Netherlands, restoring Henry VI to the throne. 1552 – Russo-Kazan Wars: Russian troops enter Kazan. 1780 – American Revolutionary War: John André, a British Army officer, is hanged as a spy by the Continental Army. 1789 – The United States Bill of Rights is sent to the various States for ratification. 1835 – Texas Revolution: Mexican troops attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales, but encounter stiff resistance from a hastily assembled militia. 1864 – American Civil War: Confederates defeat a Union attack on Saltville, Virginia. A massacre of wounded Union prisoners ensues. 1870 – By plebiscite, the citizens of the Papal States accept annexation by the Kingdom of Italy. 1920 – Ukrainian War of Independence: Mikhail Frunze orders the Red Army to immediately cease hostilities with the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine. 1928 – The "Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Work of God", commonly known as Opus Dei, is founded. 1937 – Rafael Trujillo orders the execution of Haitians living in the border region of the Dominican Republic. 1942 – World War II: Ocean Liner RMS Queen Mary accidentally rams and sinks HMS Curacoa, killing over 300 crewmen aboard Curacoa. 1944 – World War II: German troops end the Warsaw Uprising. 1958 – Guinea declares its independence from France.[ 1967 – Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first African-American justice of the United States Supreme Court.[18] 1968 – Mexican President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz orders soldiers to suppress a demonstration of unarmed students, ten days before the start of the 1968 Summer Olympics. 1970 – An aircraft carrying the Wichita State University football team, administrators, and supporters crashes in Colorado, killing 31 people. 1971 – South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu is re-elected in a one-man election. 1971 – British European Airways Flight 706 crashes near Aarsele, Belgium, killing 63. 1980 – Michael Myers becomes the first member of either chamber of Congress to be expelled since the Civil War. 1990 – Xiamen Airlines Flight 8301 is hijacked and lands at Guangzhou, where it crashes into two other airliners on the ground, killing 132. 1992 – Military police storm the Carandiru Penitentiary in São Paulo, Brazil during a prison riot. The resulting massacre leaves 111 prisoners dead. 1996 – Aeroperú Flight 603 crashes into the ocean near Peru, killing all 70 people on board. 1996 – The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments are signed by U.S. President Bill Clinton. 2002 – The Beltway sniper attacks begin in Washington, D.C., extending over three weeks and killing 10 people. 2004 – The first parkrun, then known as the Bushy Park Time Trial, takes place in Bushy Park, London, UK. 2006 – Five Amish girls are murdered in a shooting at a school in Pennsylvania, United States. 2007 – President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea goes to North Korea for an Inter-Korean summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. 2016 – Ethiopian protests break out during a festival in the Oromia region, killing dozens of people. 2018 – The Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi is assassinated in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. 2019 – A privately-owned Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress conducting a living history exhibition flight crashes shortly after takeoff from Windsor Locks, Connecticut, killing seven.
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toopliss-chewtoy · 6 years
HiJack Week Sum. 2018 Day 4: Past Accomplishments
A never before published but old as hell fic counts as Past Accomplishments, right? This has been sitting in my ‘to edit’ pile for way longer than I’d care to admit... So enjoy! Lots of super sweet fluff!
Summary:  Two huge-ass grocery bags filled with sugar, butter, chocolate and other ingredients was not how Hiccup had envisioned this Friday night to go. Warnings: n/a Size: 2299 words Also on AO3
At long last, he was home. If he walked through that door, he could forget all about work. Once he put his key in the lock and twisted, it would be just him and Jack and maybe a cocktail or two with mandatory chill-time on the couch. Just a few more steps and it would be weekend.
He dropped his bag in the hallway and kicked off his shoes. “I'm home!”
No response.
“Honeypot, my sweetest dear?” Hiccup called out in a high little pitch. He walked into the living room. No Jack. Kitchen? Ditto. He wasn't taking a nap on the bed either. All there was to greet him was their cat and a note on the kitchen table: 'doing groceries – Jack'.
Hiccup shrugged and made himself a screwdriver with a liberal amount of vodka. He had no plans for tomorrow, after all.
Right when he was done, he heard the front door. He turned and was about to take a sip... but the glass froze mid-way to his mouth. Jack came into the kitchen with a big, fully loaded shopping bags in each hand and his little sister in tow.
“Hey, Hic!” Jack gave wide smile with a hint of apologetic worry in it. Before Hiccup could press him on that, Emma flung herself around his waist, almost making him spill his precious cocktail.
“Umf! Hey Emma, long time no see.” He gave her a little hug. “That's a surprise!”
“Good thing you like surprises!” Jack said. “Cause I have another one!”
Hiccup squinted at his boyfriend. “Jaaack, what's in the bags?” This guy was up to no good, he knew it.
“Have I mentioned how much I love you?”
“Is it that bad?”
“Cause I love you a lot!” Jack came over and took the cocktail, taking a little sip. He scrunched up his nose – too strong, probably.
“Out with it.”
“You see, Emma has a baking-sale tomorrow at school.”
“And I kinda said I'd help her out.”
“Jack promised to bake tons of cookies and cupcakes with 100 flavours!” Emma happily chipped in. She beamed at Hiccup and Jack in turn, obviously very excited about it all. “We just did the groceries, we can make TONS of stuff!”
Hiccup forced a smile. “That's sweet. Why don't you go give Toothless a treat, we'll get started here.”
Emma didn't need to be told twice. She grabbed the pack of treats from the cupboard and ran off to find Toothless. The moment she was out of the kitchen, Hiccup fixed Jack with a deadly look.
“You promised what.”
“Well we don't actually need 100 flavours...”
“Why do I only find out now, huh?” Baking a shit-ton of cupcakes and cookies was not the Friday night Hiccup had in mind. “You need these tomorrow! Why just now?!” Hiccup hissed. Jack shrunk away more and more, holding up his hand apologetically.
“She asked me a month ago and-”
“-and and I forgot! Come on buttercup, please don't kill me!”
Hiccup took a big gulp of his cocktail and squeezed his brow. “Damnit, Jack.”
“I can't say no to Emma... I’m really sorry, cupcake.”
Hiccup sighed. “Fine. I’ll help. Also, poor choice of petname.”
“I owe you one.” Jack promised. He gave his disgruntled boyfriend a hug, but Hiccup’s scowl only partially dissolved.
“Oh no. You owe me a lot more than just one.”
Emma came back into the kitchen, followed by a black, meowing beast. Somehow she always managed to twist Toothless around her finger; a feat not many were able to pull off. “What can I do?” She beamed at Hiccup.
“Let’s heat up the oven then…”
Dinner consisted of take-out pizza while the first batch of cupcakes was in the oven. They settled into a cycle of alternating cupcakes and cookies, with Hiccup making all the batters and Jack and Emma taking care of putting it in/out of the oven and bagging things once they had cooled down. Cookies were iced, the more wildly flavoured cupcakes were decorated, and everything got a nice foil, bow, and tag thanks to Emma. All the while, Hiccup himself was receiving an inexplicable amount of love too.
“You feeling bad for making me bake?” He asked when Jack was hugging him from behind once more.
“A bit…” He kissed Hiccup’s shoulder. “But I have to say I also quite enjoy it.” Jack slapped Hiccup’s ass. Hiccup frowned, mouthing ‘behave’ at his SO.
Immediately Emma dissolved into giggles. “There is a hand on your butt!”
Then Jack had to leave the kitchen for a bit, or he would find out exactly how sharp their kitchen knives were first hand. Later, when his back was turned, Hiccup took revenge by dropping ice down his shirt.
“I’ll geeeheeet you for that!” Jack promised as he performed the icecube dance. Emma and Hiccup just laughed… until a sheet of rolled fondant landed square in Hiccup’s face. And then there may or may not have been some flower and chocolate chips flying around. A full-on food-fight was only narrowly avoided, but Emma still needed to take a thorough shower before she could go to bed. Turns out blobs of unbaked cookie are very tasty, but also very annoying to wash out of your hair.
While Jack tucked Emma in, Hiccup crashed on the couch for a bit. He was deathly tired, and they weren’t even half-way yet.
He felt Jack sit down next to him. He kept his eyes closed.
“Thanks. You saved my ass.”
“You make it sound like we’re already done. We’re only just half-way.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too. I think.”
“You think?” Jack softly punched his shoulder and Hiccup creaked an eye open.
“You’re the one making me bake so much.”
“You’re going to use that against me for a long time, aren’t you?”
“Yup.” He closed his eye again. He felt Jack’s lips against his cheek and smiled a little.
“How many kisses would it take?”
“A gazillion.”
“That’s not even a number.”
“Yes it is.”
“No it isn’t!”
“It is.”
“Is not.”
“No no, I know how much it is. I’ll tell you when you’ve reached it.”
Jack kissed him again. “Now?”
“No. That was two.”
“Keep trying. Maybe-” beep beep beep beep.
Hiccup sighed and got up, dragging Jack back to his feet as well. “Aaand back to work. Only about half a gazillion cupcakes left.”
As time progressed, more and more cupcakes and cookies of various flavours started to fill up the inlayed boxes Jack had bought. At the same time, more and more hugs were exchanged, as Hiccup was drained of his last bits of energy. He shoved a new batch into the oven and threw his arms around Jack, who was wrapping cookies. He buried his face in Jack’s shoulder.
“You smell of sugar.”
“How sweet of you.”
Hiccup giggled, mumbling “Sugar daddy”.
“What?!” Jack tried to turn around, laughing. “Did you just call me daddy? You never call me daddy when we-”
Hiccup put a finger on his lips. “Pumbaa! Not in front of the kid.”
“Very nice.”
Hiccup stared into the bright blue eyes of the love of his life, and he realized two things: 1) Jack was just as tired as he was, which reduced the kisses required to just a mere billion, and 2) he too was trying really hard not to dissolve into a fit of giggles. His eyes twinkled and his lips were pressed tightly together to keep from bursting into laughter in a most unflattering manner. Hiccup chuckled… and that was the beginning of the end. He could feel Jack’s chest start to shake. Teeth broke through that smile and giggles poured forth.
“You’re saying I smell too, pegleg?” He managed between fits of laughter.
“I never -- hahaha -- never stand down- hihi -- downwind from you for a reason!”
It probably wasn’t all that hilarious. But then again it was late and he had had a few cocktails already, so anything could be funny at this point. Hiccup clutched at his sides as they roared with laughter. They held on to each other to stay upright. It really didn’t help when Hiccup fashioned a hula-skirt from a tea towel and started to do the hula-dance like Timon. Jack fell over, nearly taking a tray of cookies with him. They were wheezing when the oven bleeped the next batch was done.
“You dork.”
“Hakuna Matata.”
And there they went again. It was nothing short of a miracle they didn’t let those cookies burn.
Their temporary burst of energy didn’t last forever though. Another batch was in the oven, and wrapping was all ‘wrapped up’. Hahaha. Ha.
They were dead. They crashed on the couch together. As soon as they were comfortable, Hiccup put his head on Jack’s shoulder and closed his eyes.
“I love you.”
“I’m glad you still do.”
Hiccup wanted to reply again, but talking was just… so much effort. While simply thinking a reply and keeping your mouth closed was so much easier. Just like keeping your eyes shut was so much nicer than forcing them open again. Maybe just a little nap. The oven would wake them up again.
The oven did not wake them up again.
The fire alarm did.
“Holy shit!” Hiccup shot upright, instantly wide awake. He ran to the kitchen with a slightly groggy Jack on his heels. There was smoke coming from the oven. Hiccup opened it and was forced to step back, coughing. Black smoke filled the kitchen and he rushed to open a window. Meanwhile, Jack shut up the fire alarm.
“What’s going on?” A sleepy voice said from the doorway. Emma was standing there with her cuddle-bunny.
“We had an accident,” Jack explained, picking her up.
“Are the cookies all right?”
Hiccup retrieved a black baking tray from the oven.
“It’s all right. Lets go back to bed.”
When Emma was asleep again, they decided to take turns on the couch if they wanted a break. That way one of them would always be awake, and prevent this from happening again. Hiccup got the first nap.
The oven time did wake him up. He went to the kitchen, to find Jack taking care of things. Finally, the last batch was done. All the butter and sugar and flour had been converted into sugary goodness. There was only some stuff left to package, but it wasn’t much. Hiccup squinted. Wasn’t there supposed to be one more cupcake on that cooling rack over there? There were only 11, but a tray held 12. Maybe Jack ate one?
Jack took a break while Hiccup finished up in the kitchen, covering everything so cakes and cookies wouldn’t dry out or become soggy respectively. Then he called it a night. They’d package the rest tomorrow. It was already - he looked at the clock - HOLY SHIT! It was 4am! He groaned and trudged to the couch. Jack was sort of half sitting half lying on it. His mouth hung open and he was snoring quietly. Hiccup smiled. Very charming.
He sat down with Jack and snuggled up against him.
“Jaaaack. Beeeeed.”
No response. He shook his arm, being more insistent about going to a surface intended for actual sleeping instead of their couch. But Jack groaned and mumbled ‘no’, and went right back to sleep.
Too tired to argue, Hiccup gave in. Jack’s arm was an excellent pillow too. His hoodie was nice and soft, and even though eh smelled a lot more sugary and flowery than his usual self, it was still nice. Jack was safety and comfort. The white-haired man was usually more vocal about it, but Hiccup really loved him just as  much. Pressed close against his boyfriend, he quickly dozed off.
“You guys should marry.”
Hiccup moaned and opened his eyes. His neck and back were about as flexible as two slabs of concrete, and felt just as heavy. Sleeping on the couch in that position? Not his best idea ever.
“Emma? What?”
“Cause you are cute together!”
“She’s right. We are adorable,” Jack mumbled.
“Oh shut up. We need to finish wrapping.” With a groan that would put any eighty-year-old to shame, Hiccup sat upright.
“You got some chocolate on your cheek.” Emma pointed out.
“Oh. Thanks Em.” Hiccup wanted to wipe it off, but Jack beat him to it by licking his face.
“Jack!” The brunet protested.
Emma ran off to the kitchen making ‘ewww’ sounds and both men laughed. “Well. You make breakfast, I’ll finish with the wrappings.”
By the time Emma was ready to be driven to school, all sweet delights were nicely packed up for the drive. Emma was already at the door, bouncing happily, but Jack needed to say goodbye first.
“I’ll come back quickly, I won’t stay the whole time. Mom will be there too.”
“It’s okay. I’m probably gonna nap in bed.”
“First I want to give you this.” Jack went to the fridge and rummaged around in it. Then, he produced a cupcake with a huge, gorgeous rose of icing on it. Resting in the middle of it was a chocolate heart. “Made this for you. While you were asleep.”
“Awww. That’s so sweet! I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Youtube. Took a few tries but hey. Nothing less for my darling dear.”
“Oh please, you’re so sweet it’s making me sick.”
“Also you might want to shower before you go to bed, you’re a mess.”
“Ah that’s more like it.”
“Jaaahaaaack! Come on!” Emma called from the hallway.
“You better go before she sets the cat on you.” Hiccup warned.
The white haired man laughed and kissed him. “K thanks bye.”
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hijack-week · 6 years
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Day 1: Hijack Your Local Folklore
Welcome to Day 1 of June 2018 Hijack week!
Day 1 is Hijack Your Local Folklore. Enjoy Hijack and share about your own local culture. Stories, legends, outfits/costumes, events, traditions... Share a little piece of home with us while celebrating these two dorks.
In other news it is officially Hijack Week’s 5 Year Anniversary!! Take a moment to browse through our archive from five years ago and check out some works you may have never seen before: http://hijack-week.tumblr.com/archive/2013/6
As always remember to put “hijack week” in the first couple tags of your submissions so we can find them easier. Happy Hijacking everyone!
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bluejevergade · 6 years
Day 6 Dungeons and Dragons AU
Jack was in very bad situation. Nicolas, the leader of the group had died, Tatiana the healer also, as well as Sandy the magician, Kozmotis the master of shadows and Aster the elf. He was alone and he had been captured by the opposite clan. Five warriors had fallen on him above while he tried to run away. He thought that he would be killed, but they had enchained him and returned in their fort. They had thrown him in a room which, in the views of the luxury it showed, belonged to their chief. Black silks sheets covered the immense bed, candles were scattered in every corner of the room. Axes, shields, swords and other weapons were lying almost everywhere. Jack was terrified. The rumors on the leader of the clan of the Hairy Hooligans were terrible. He had tamed dragons and had conquered the half of the known-world  with it. He showed no mercy with his enemies. Alvin the Treacherous, Dagur the Deranged, Viggo and Ryker Grimborn, and even Drago Bludvist had succumbed to his attacks.
And Jack found himself in his room, probably to amuse its perverse pleasures.
He tried to get rid of the heap of chains which surrounded him, but he manages only to make noise and to exhaust the bit of strength which stayed in him. He got up to look through the window to see if he had a chance to run away there, but the distance on the ground was too much and he probably finished by water into which he would certainly sink before being able to go out of it. Steps were heard and he turns pale. He looked for an escape, unsuccessfully and the door opened. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, the Third faced him.
'Here's what brought to me my troops … Well I have to admit that for once, they have been right …'
'Free me'
Haddock burst of a cold laughter.
'They all ask me for it … No. No, my darling, this evening you belong to me and tomorrow … Well, we'll see…'
'You're going to kill me?'
'Not this evening. You see, it has been too long since somebody warmed my bed …'
'I am not your whore!'
Haddock chuckled one more time.
'The whole world will be in my feet soon. And you believe that you, alone, chained in my room, you can resist me?'
'I shall never surrender!'
Haddock removed its heavy fur coat.
'Keep dreaming … But not too long, because that tends to irritate me … And you know what I'm doing with the things which irritate me?'
Jack swallows.
'Well, I see that you are aware of it...'
Haddock removed its armor, staying only in his bottoms and if Jack was terrorized, he had to admit that the warlord was spoiled by the nature. Haddock approached him.
'Now, let us see what you have under this scrap …'
'I refuse to submit myself.'
'My dear, you will not have the choice' Haddock whispered with a soft voice. 'I take all that I want, and what I want, this evening, it's you …'
He undid his metallic prison and while he did it, Jack noticed that it had an artificial leg. Haddock saw his look and smiled.
'I lost my leg, long ago. During my first fight, when I was fifteen years, it was torn away from me. But that didn't stop me today, ten years later, from forcing half of the world to kneel down. Then if you think that you will have the upper hand with a hand-to-hand fight with me …'
Jack swallows. Even if Haddock had only one leg, he was too strong all the same. And he was only an inexperienced apprentice in magic…
Haddock contemplated him of an enjoying look.
'Well well … That's tasty. '
'What are you going to do with me?'
Haddock left him his handcuffs and lifted him. Jack did not even dare to resist.
'This evening, my darling, I am going to make you imploring me. You'll cry for mercy and  you'll beg me to take you again and again. And when I will have finished it with you, well … We shall see if you will serve me tomorrow … If not, knows that my gaols wait for you. And you know what they say on my gaols?
Haddock threw him on the bed.
'Nobody lasts long there …'
The following morning, Jack woke up by the sun leaking out through the window. A muscular arm surrounded his size and another hand caressed his hair.
'Well, my darling' the War Lord said 'had I not warned you? Nobody resists me. And nobody don't …'
He was interrupted by the shrill beep of the phone.'
'Fuck' swore Hiccup, spreading out on the pillow.
'It's too bad' made Jack, 'that started well'
'I had told to everybody that we were not there, for God's sake!'
Jack turned around in face of him.
'Hey, this time we were able to end it. Not like the time your father surprised us making love dressed as…'
'No, please, don't say it. Arg … I don't care, I will not answer.
Jack smiled and put his head on his lover's chest.
'It was good, yesterday evening …'
Hiccup smiled to him.
'That pleased you? I was afraid of being a little too much freaking out …'
Jack kissed him.
'No, it was perfect… And to see you playing war chiefs, it's … A really good turn on.
Hiccup chuckled.
'You were very cute, in prisoner, I have to admit …'
'By the way, what did you told your father to be able to take his weapons of collection?'
'That there were an antique dealer, and that I wanted to make them estimate for the insurance.'
'He believes that? '
'For now. Wait that he understands that there is none …'
'The candles were nice, but I believe that the furnitures didn't appreciate the melted wax …'
The telephone rang again and Hiccup looked at the receiver.
'We aren't there! Leave us!'
Jack smiles and settling comfortably against his lover. Hiccup caressed his hair, forgetting the tone.
Unfortunately, the answering machine started up;
"Hiccup, it's your father. You know, the person who is going to disinherit you if you do not return him his babies at once! Spitelout told me that there is no antique dealer in the area! If you use my babies for I do not know which frenzy with Jack, I warn you … "
Hiccup grumbled, putting himself under a pillow while his lover chuckled by hearing the end of the message. Jack got up to put the phone in silencer and went back to bed near the other man.
'Tell me, my Lord' Jack said, recovering in his role, 'yesterday evening did it deserve your gaols?'
Hiccup smiles.
'That will depend on the awakening which you grant me, my darling … '
Jack smiled and kissed his lover, delighted with the prospect of the having sex again. And he thanked once again the heavens for having met Hiccup Haddock in his life.
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serialjune · 2 years
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What started out as a project, one late summer, by the eager developers, Matthew Impey and J. Richards, became more than a nightmare to follow. Never meaning to be publicly released, Asteroid Sculptor relishes in its obscurity, jarring game play and occasionally hard to read text. With an unrelenting esoteric humor, the full manuscript was written only a week after the game had started. There was only one problem.
It would take five years to get to this point, some of those with no work at all, others with in-fighting, dispute and demoralized fatigue. The initial excitement was enough for the creators to believe they’d have something complete by 2018. In fact, it hadn’t even been until 2019 that an official engine was chosen. Drafts, sketches and conversational lines filled the void. It was going along like just about every other game development story.
The inability to wipe the smear that was Asteroid Sculptor's enduring presence in both creators lives proved to motivate the young authors to eventually start again. Impey had picked up the slack and J. Richards had just left it behind entirely. Admittedly, both creators had not pursued game development outside early childhood immersion experiences in a depth equivocal with what modern game developers might consider “hobbyist”. The official engine chosen, RPG Maker MV, was sectarian and fan devoted, kids, coders and dads ran their races with it. And not one game from the official library looked a thing like Asteroid Sculptor. Matthew Impey’s exposure to gaming had largely been absorbed by the PS1 console and early PC gaming itself. The possibility for ‘the game’ to mark their next great creative exposé was a turning point from their more original passion for music. Indeed, in years past, the two had founded 'Metro Product', alongside third and pivotal member, Ethan Toews. With its unabashedly sardonic choice in name, Metro Product was ready to launch “Metro Record”, a child-label, equally imaginary, scooped for the purpose of music profitability and collecting. All activities, including Asteroid Sculptor, came to be loosely branched under the Metro Product banner. That is, ‘the ideology that I shall do as I say”. This ideology proved to be influential.
The very name for Metro Product began in the same way as did the original title for Asteroid Sculptor. that is, under working title “5D Age of Aquarius”. This early moniker was begrudgingly scrapped due to its associations with the band "Fifth Dimension" and their track titled, "Age of Aquarius". What remained, albeit with title change, were the endlessly expansive possibilities of the present day being sifted through the fictionalized satire both developers found themselves in increasingly. Asteroid Sculptor is very much a realist take on the 21st century and living it. It was tainted with doom and gloom, a memoir of what both authors had lived and experienced, tying together those memories with the broader identity of a one man/citizen of the future within the game's made-up eschatology.
Stories of time travel, alien hijacking, demonic possession, with a general sense of abandonment and despair were the bread and butter. Furthermore, impossibility in the way of modern society, social aggravation and the satirically large egos of the every day. In the frame of Asteroid Sculptor’s entirety, the design ranges from 3D maximalism to staunch, NES-style minimalism.
In early 2022, the game's building blocks had doubled and it had became, quite literally, a new game for the two, with realistic challenges and breakthroughs ensuing. Prior to early demo release (Demo 1.0 August 3rd, 2022), the game's pre-release had absorbed criticism for its 1D "Simpson's esque" satire. The game had been all about despair, abjection, confusion and the inability to combat enemies or even solve puzzles essential to the plot and gameplay. What seemed to be coming to fruition came to a dead-end due to the one-sided focus of all that a game is. It had seemed more like a dream diary than a playable "game". There was one cause and one solution.
This relates back to the first sentence, way back when the game started five years ago. Only now, both developers had grown up quite a lot. As both came equipped with a new arsenal of skills and experience set, so did protagonist, “Jack-off/Clutch”. Rather than acting as a hopeless NPC, the game we provide to you today showcases the original fervor of development combined with the ability to engage in actual problems. Weapons, tools, solutions and means for the player to fight back in the various dream realms of the game became a feature for the first time ever, reflecting a crucial difference from what had all began as learned hopelessness and ‘unusurpable genius’. And, now, just another indie game:
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Hey ;) I know I'm going to sound too demanding but can you do a specific homecoming timeline of irondad events? The dates when things happened and how they happened? If you don't want to do it that's okay! Thank you so much for everything and I love you blog!
Sure, why not♥
Let’s make an irondad timeline from the beginning to Infinity War. Since the events after IW don’t exist for me, that’s where I’ll end the timeline :D
On August 20th, Toomes’ crew is formed as they start salvaging items to sell from wreckages and then they turn to the illegal black market in 2012. No one interferes with their business until Peter Parker does in 2016.
On November 25th, Tony Stark (age: 38) admits to the world he’s Iron Man. 7-year-old Peter Parker watches the news while (as stated by director Jon Watts) ‘eating a big bowl of cereal'.
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On May 7th, the opening day of the Stark Expo, 9-year-old Peter Parker waits in line to get an autograph from his hero; Tony Stark (age: 42). Tony gives him the autograph.
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On May 31st, Justin Hammer’s Stark Expo presentation is hijacked by Ivan Vanko. 9-year-old Peter Parker (with an Iron Man mask and fake gauntlets) tries to ‘help’ by standing up to a big drone-robot. Tony saves his life and congratulates him for his bravery. 
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Before June 2015 Tony was investigating Peter not for his powers, but because his intellect got his attention (this is only my speculation, I could be wrong) ‘Stark Industries announces new scholarships for promising students from urban city schools’ (June 2015). Peter said he’s had his powers for 6 months in Civil War (2016), meaning he got them in November/December, 2015. So the reason Tony could’ve been giving those scholarships in the first place, as speculated by many, may be because he was impressed with the kid’s intellect first (and then obviously found out he had powers) rather than his powers. Remember Tony deemed Peter worthy of going to MIT. 
This also means Tony’s been waiting to meet Peter for about a year. 
On May 3rd, Peter stops a car from crashing into a bus before going to school. Tony keeps track of all of his activities. The same video Tony had on his phone (which he took from YouTube lmao):
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Tony officially meets Peter Parker on May 23rd. Peter was 14 and Tony was 46. Tony’s birthday is on May 29, 1970 and Peter’s on August 10th, 2001. 
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On May 24th Peter arrives in Germany and the events of the airport battle unfold. Same day, while Tony goes to help Steve and Bucky in Siberia, Peter sneaks out from his hotel in Berlin to join a party in his Spider-Man suit.
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On May 25th, after spending Friday and Saturday in Germany, Peter flies home with Tony. First in Tony’s jet where Peter asks for food and he’s given crackers, fish eggs and juice (lmao) and then they drive him home in his car in the early hours of the morning.
This is where the convo and ‘not-hug’ happens:
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On May 26th, Peter is talking with May about the ‘field-trip’ and tries to cover up his identity by telling May he got into another fight (as referenced before in the novels, Peter gets into fights in school to protect Ned from bullies) and Tony helps Rhodey with his physical therapy (while Vision starts his escapes with Wanda):
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On August 10th, Peter quits school band a few weeks before term starts (he sends Happy a text about this, telling him that he has more time for crime fighting and that he made a pretty big sacrifice there lmao). It is also his birthday. Tony listens and reads all of Peter’s messages thanks to Happy.
On September 1st, Peter returns to school after his summer holidays meaning the beginning of his sophomore year. He also texts Happy telling him he’s ready for his next mission and informing him that school ends at 2:45 PM. Tony sells the Avengers Tower and relocates fully to the New Avengers Facility in upstate New York.
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On September 8th-9th, Tony flies to India to go to a Hindu temple. He did it to center myself, as a form of therapy. 
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On September 9th, they see each other again when Peter goes to Liz’s party but gets distracted by Toomes’ crew. Peter fights them and falls into the Hudson River. Tony saves him. Tony tells Peter to let other people handle Toomes and to stay close to the ground. 
On September 13th, Peter decides to attend the decathlon team competition to go to Washington, D.C. As Peter is being monitored all the time by Tony, Happy calls him to ask why he’s leaving New York and then he lets him off. Peter removes the tracker lmao
On September 14th, Peter saves his friends from the Washington Monument incident. He appears on Fox news:
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On September 19th-20th, Peter is given detention but he sneaks out lmao (rebel son). The next day Peter also skips school to find Toomes and his crew. Tony calls Peter to congratulate him for the Washington heroic act. 
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Peter goes on his own to fight Toomes’ crew. The ferry splits in half. Tony arrives and saves Peter and everyone else. Tony gives Peter the disappointed dad talk and takes the suit. He also buys Peter a Hello Kitty pajama set and takes him home. 
Peter cries to May and tells her he wanted Tony to see his potential. He feels like he lost the Stark ‘Internship’ (his dad-son relationship with tony lmao).
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On September 21st, Peter is all over again given detention and reluctantly resolves to not try to be Spider-Man for the time being.  
On September 23rd, it’s Homecoming and moving (Avengers stuff to the new facility) day. Peter defeates Toomes and recovers the Avengers and Stark weaponry/equipment. He leaves a note for Happy to find. 
On September 26th, Peter gets a text from Happy, telling him to meet him at his school’s bathroom. He tells him Tony wants to see him at the New Avengers Facility. When Parker arrives at the upstate facility, Stark greets him and praises him for his work. 
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Tony offers Peter an apartment at the facility. He also organized along with Pepper a room of press so Tony can step out and announce him as the newest member of the Avengers. Peter turns down the offer impressing his dad mentor. Tony and Pepper announce their engagement while Happy drives Peter home.
On September 27th, returning from school, Peter discovers that Tony gave him the suit back with a note saying the suit belongs to him. May finds out Peter’s secret. 
After September, 2016 Peter is given a real internship at Stark Industries where he works and learns from Tony Stark himself.
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Tony frames the picture.
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- 2017-
Somewhere between this year, Peter updates the Stark-made web-shooters Tony made for him and learns how to manage Tony’s technology at the official Stark Internship. 
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Tony Stark along with Peter Parker create the organization Worldwide Engineering Brigade (or WEB headquarters). An organization where bright innovators and the world’s brightest young minds like Peter Parker invent new technologies and equip everyday people to become superheroes. 
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Tony Stark designs different types of Spider-man suits for Peter.
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They also did missions together as hinted in the movies several times. In FFH, reporters and people around the world saw Spider-man as the ‘next Tony Stark’ and the ‘next Iron Man’, and asked him questions that hinted the same; 
Sean: Sean Wilford, Queens Tribune. What is it like to take over from Tony Stark? Those are some big shoes to fill.
Woman: Are you the head Avenger? Are you the head Avenger now?
Fury: Stark chose you.
Peter: Tony did a lot for me, so... I owe it to him, to everybody.
Also, the coordination and the different dynamic demonstrated in Infinity War tells us that much.
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On May 30th, Pepper Potts and Tony Stark are out running in New York City and discuss their upcoming wedding. Tony starts dreaming and wanting a kid on his own thanks to his relationship with his son Peter Parker while Peter is in a bus ready to go to his field-trip to MoMa. 
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And then nothing happens :D everything’s ok. 
I hope this is helpful for you guys. BTW, look:
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Almost 20k fanfics for a platonic relationship. I feel really proud yall ♥
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chromium7sky · 5 years
Uhh been tagged by @bluboothalassophile Ten first sentence published fic. Some of them are series and one shot 😅😅😅 o dang...well... Here goes...
Abstract Mark (Damirae , high school genre mystery, probably will have sequel but different genre lol)
She thought that her nightmare will disappear after for a very long time.
Facade of shaded winter (the world of dc in van helsing-ish and damirae lol)
"I'm not gonna repeat the same question Damian, where is she?! " said Mr. Wilson as he splash a pail of cold water toward Damian who is now tied with straight jacket.
Nosferatu (a pre-batling, married damirae where they meet Raven's familiar and uh...the literally "alfred" of thr batling family lol)
It seems forever for Raven to received a case that involved with haunted or malevolent spirit and the last one she received is 3 years ago.
Particular (a one shot inspired by the one sentence prompt with a bit lemony attempt damirae where they both want some alone time but...as usual the batling are in the way 😆)
"What?" Raven blinked her eyes as she put down 'The Lies in Summer', which she gotten for her reading.
She wants to move (pre-batling, newly wed damirae and took their forst mission after honeymoon, one shot 😆)
It was the first time both of them having mission together after their newlywed honeymoon as Justice League superhero.
Amnesia prompt : got me (crazy) (1 day for damirae week 2019)
He was devastated.
A short fanfic based on prompt where two dads has been transported to arena to have a death fight with a jabbawokky! (thanks to raynor the voice transporter lol)
“Uh, Damian. Why are we here? ” Jon confused as he was busying working on the tractor now on the arena.
Rival to lover prompt for damirae 2018 : ay one shot with inspiration of dalmation 101
"Excuse me? You're accusing Titus for flirting with your dog?" said Damian as dust off his shoulder after a weird encounter with a girl who lost control of the her dog which in result of bumping with Damian and finally land on top of each other in the park, on the pathwalk.
Feeding time (centric to nosferatu and damian relationship after nos has to keep WATCH their children while their parents has alone time lol)
Nosferatu sit on the kitchen counter cleaning himself as he lick his paws and rub his head several times.
The legend of gotham (a pre-trained batling one shot where damirae's first son pre school has been hijack and to unbeknowst by their child, they where the legendary vigilante who prey on the criminal at night, the most fearful and playful? P.s talk about being accused by your own child for cheated your wife with your wife alter ego lol)
Casimir has been a while went to private pre school, though his father, a billionaire, a philantrophist and also founder of animal shelter at Gotham, prefer him for home schooling, his mother insist so that he could learn to socialize.
Hmmmm well i'm just gonna tag @squiddybeifong @bluescove @randompencil900 @xaphrin
And you guys can join in too!! 😁😁😁😁
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alexsmitposts · 5 years
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World Teetering on the Brink says Federal Reserve and EU Commission “Don’t worry about the mule, just load the wagon.” – an old Southern American saying We had an unusual double header last week with the Federal Reserve and the EU commission making two apparently uncoordinated statements, but that could not have come at a better time. I will start with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testifying before the House Financial Services Committee. He sent a signal that indicated the first interest rate cut was just around the corner in the longest expansion that the US has ever had before a major correction. The most important line of his testimony for me was: “The bottom line for me is that the uncertainties around global growth and trade continue to weigh on the outlook… additionally, inflation continues to be muted.” The stock market hiccupped up a few points, hardly worth a mention, but interest rates moved up quickly on the news. On the other side of the pond, the EU Commission was giving its economic tale of uncertainty. The annual growth forecast was dropping from 1.9% in 2018 to 1.4% in 2019, and “firming” up in 2020 at 1.6%. But left out of that uptick projection was the elephant in the living room, BREXIT. Everyone knows that a hard Brexit will have a much bigger negative impact on the EU and Britain as opposed to a soft Brexit; and no one, including the Brits, know what Britain is going to do. It has its own Deep State that likes to make those decisions. That was one of the “uncertainties” that Fed Chairman Powell had been referencing, as there are many. Are we nearing a tipping point where one bad misstep could bring the house of cards all tumbling down? My ancestors on my mother’s side were Southerners, a people with a large inventory of colorful expressions which I learned as a child. One of my favorites as a young boy was “don’t worry about the mule, just load the wagon”. It was a saying created to tease Southerners about their laid back attitude, and what some considered their lack of concern about worrying about tomorrow. Trump had been savaging Fed Chairman Powell for his rate increases, for fear they would trigger the stock market correction that everyone knows has to come at some point. Trump would prefer it happen after his reelection, or course. But that represents the short term focus that politicians can have that does not serve the long term interests of the country – the people’s country, not the Deep State country. The EU Commission must have been channeling Chairman Powell, as the key line in their forecast statement was: “The outlook for trade and investment continues to be clouded by protectionism and uncertainty”. I would certainly agree to that, and take it much further. The success of the EU integration itself is clouded in uncertainty. I am not picking on the EU here, nor taking a cheap shot at the 2nd largest economy in the world after the US. Last summer, Columbia University historian Adam Tooze published his tome on the big financial crash in the US that sent a tidal wave around the world. Noah Smith reviewed the book in April of this year, just raving about how it was a one-book read of everything you needed to know about the disaster that touched so many lives. Smith says, “…the victory of the referendum to leave the EU, which now threatens to inflict permanent harm on the U.K., was precipitated in part by the failure of EU institutions to deal with the sovereign-debt crisis in the early 2010s… European integration had been a fragile project from the beginning. Unlike the U.S., the EU was linguistically fragmented, with many centuries of history of political conflict.” All of this chaos weaves into my view that the mentality of “don’t worry about the mule, just load the wagon” is alive and well on the international scale now. We have a similar don’t worry attitude like we had before the big crash with the added caveat of a major war in the Mideast adding to the chaos. While climate change is heating up the world, a growing number of species are under stress and disappearing. Similarly, the international economic community can only handle so many simmering and small scale wars, political and sanctions chaos, along with endless threats emanating from the White House reality tv show star, before the economic outlook can turn very bad for everybody with one major mis-step. The conflict list is long and growing. The Palestinians were offered banishment to the Egyptian desert as “The Deal of the Century”. The people of Afghanistan are looking at 20 years of US invasion conflict in that country; and the Taliban “seeks peace”, shows up for negotiations, but still insists on attacking military, civilian and even election installations during the talks. The US-NATO Ukrainian coup blew up in the Deep State’s face, and the perpetrators did not snatch Russia’s critical Black Sea base as one of the prizes. The sanctions on Russia did not pave the path for the US-backed Russian opposition to take over, as the Russian people do not want US election interference in their country. The US and Trump roam the planet like a raging bull, with Twitter as its lash and a rider who repeats himself endlessly while attempting to speak without saying much, and then changes his mind the next day. Deals are made, and then broken; treaties are canceled; and the good ship America fires cannon volleys of sanctions at both allies and Cold War opponents, while the US national debt continues to rise with no end in sight. The UN is treated like a doormat, a bad joke, an organization that could not even pressure a desert tribal clan-run country to end its war crime conflict in Yemen. The military forces of Western countries are deployed not to defend western interests, but to enforce them at the barrel of a gun, as we saw with the British hijacking of the Iranian leased oil tanker at Gibraltar. Secretary of State Pompeo was caught on video telling a crowd that “when I was at the CIA, we lied, cheated and stole, and had training classes on how to do it,” and the audience laughed. And mind you, this is during peace time. False flag attacks have become a major intelligence agency art form, with little Israel running with the big boys in terms of what it can pull off and get away with. We find ourselves with the US wanting to push permanent coalition deployment war ship to protect international shipping, thinking it can block all of Iran’s oil exports to bring it to its knees and to the negotiating table and force it to accept a “bad deal”. But this is not a defensive move at all, but an offensive one to blockade Iran’s ports, forcing it to respond, and getting the regime change war the US and Israel have always wanted in Iran. Iran has promised, rightfully so, that if its oil exports are blocked, then so will those of every other country in the Persian Gulf, sending oil prices through the roof and triggering a financial crash. I will close with a quote from an NEO – Joseph Thomas wonderful article on July 7th, US vs China: Smartphone Wars. “Whether it is attempts by the US to undermine confidence in a nation’s economy, smear a nation’s tourism industry, attempts to reverse the global success of companies like Huawei or even sabotage energy deals made by the US’ own allies with nations Washington considers adversaries, what amounts to highly dangerous American-led economic warfare remains a critical threat to global peace and stability.” On a brighter note, the Brits seem to be over their LSD-type trip where they seized the Iranian oil tanker, and are looking for a face-saving way out of the mess. Some sanity still survives in London.
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murderonthemattress · 6 years
Evanston Round Robin 2018!
Ok everyone, the 2018 Evanston Round Robin is on!  Last year was my first year joining in on the festivities and it was wonderful.  This year, I’ve taken over the logistics from the lovely @luninosity who has organized a fun event and a great fanfic outcome for a few years now.  
If you’re interested in joining the Evanstan 2018 Round Robin, please reply to this post by Saturday, November 10 at midnight, Eastern Time.  
Once we have our writers determined, we can decide together what kind of story we want to write.  Also, depending on how many people want in/people’s schedules, I’ll map out a posting schedule and we can hopefully begin around the week of November 19th so that everyone has some time to write and we’re finished around mid/end of December (depending upon how many authors join us). I’m tagging everyone that joined in last year and everyone that has expressed interested (so far!) in joining this year.  Tumblr won’t let me tag everyone, apologies! @concavepatterns @marciellaniello @itsvarza @viperbranium @linzanitee @edible-crayon @thebestpersonherelovesbucky @boopifer @bearceptionus @accol-fics @dekudani @worrisomeme @brendaonao3 @amarulasmile @little-lottie @ms-zilia @hakunahistata @prplprincez @antiquitea @ahnjunae-blog @luninosity @musette22  (also hey @rooonil-waazlib any interest in joining in?)
Round Robin 2016 can be read here
Round Robin 2017 can be read here
General Guidelines under the read more:
1. The way a Round Robin works is, one person writes a small chunk of the story, then someone else jumps in, then someone else, and so on, and at the end we generally give the first person a chance to write one more time (since they didn’t get to respond to anyone, the first time)
2. Word count per person…roughly probably 200 to 1,000 words. We’re not gonna count words, so that’s somewhat flexible. However, please be considerate - this is not the place to write 20 words and not advance the story at all, nor the place to hijack the storytelling with your 50k epic, right? Right.
3. Depending on number of participants, to keep momentum going, you’ll probably have between 2 and 5 days to post your contribution, after the person before you posts theirs. More on scheduling later, after I ask you all about that.
4. Because the goal is to be inclusive and to have fun, please avoid topics that may be triggers or squicks, for example noncon, abuse, underage, self-harm, or really *heavy* BDSM. Being malicious about this will have Consequences.
5. Consensual sex is fine but please keep it contained within your own contribution - not everyone’s comfortable writing sex, so please don’t get them right to the brink and then hand the climax off to the next person, as it were (exception: if you know and have discussed this with the person writing immediately after you, and they’re cool with that, then that’s cool)
6. In general, be respectful of your fellow authors! If someone says it’s autumn in New York, as a setting, don’t randomly without explanation decide they’re living in Australia in the summer. Likewise, don’t have Chris or Seb wake up and go, “wow, that last chapter was all a terrible dream!” That devalues the contribution of the person who wrote that chapter. Basically, y’know, the point is to have fun and to take what you get from previous contributors and play with that, like a neat shiny delightful fic-toy that we all make together, so remember that everyone’s playtime is equally valid.
          6a. Do your best to avoid absolute language or using your chapter as a soap box. For example, Chris or Seb “always” or “never” does a particular thing. Being policed isn't an enjoyable feeling and we want to be sure writers participating don't feel undermined or limited by absolute language.
7. We have an Evanstan end goal, though how we get there is certainly flexible! One of the McFassy versions @luninosity contributed to ended up including a flying unicorn spaceship and alternate-dimension versions of the main pairing turning up in their apartment. Anything goes!  :-)
8. Once we have a more confirmed time frame/participant list, I’ll ask you if you’d rather contribute more towards the beginning, middle, or end, as far as writing your bit!
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violetsystems · 2 years
I've been trying to figure out my comfort zone when it comes to other social media. Trying to find a job these last two years has been somewhat impossible when people barely know you exist. People out here think you should be interested in managing a Tattoo or Head shop. This is what I gather people in this city stereotype me as qualified for if you could only stalk me on the street. That's when they are overlooking a twenty year resume available online and too busy accusing me of being homeless. Thanks Undercover. My online presence has been compromised on and off for years. I deactivated my Facebook back in 2018 mainly because it was distracting and I had been on it since forever. When I was let go from my job back in July of 2020 most everything was tied to my work address. I definitely don't suggest that in hindsight because most if not all of my digital identity was cleaved from my control. I sent a passport to Facebook in an attempt to unlock it later that summer but received an email that it was not sufficient. On a whim a few months back I logged in via credentials on my phone I didn't think existed and reactivated. I had literally been cryogenically frozen in a data science sort of way. I did the same to my instagram but found it to be extremely self centered and distracting. You make these connections over the years trying to network and you sometimes don't know what you are asking for. LinkedIn was like building a social network out of the corpse of my own dead career. I found mostly nobody really interacted there either. I spent a lot of years exploring the world and oversharing online. I'm a pretty social person when it comes to talking to people. But I think in 2018 I had reached a threshold of tolerance for relationships that brought nothing fruitful. I always have felt like a stranger looking in through a window. Interesting enough to catch a glance from someone eating inside alone but never enough to invite in for a meal. When it came time to network again after being let go, I was at a huge disadvantage. I had to build my friendships and support network "in the real world" from scratch. All of my artist pages were locked behind an unvalidated account. I spent a good year just buried down here trying to figure it all out. Recently I was reminded that I had created a fashion group with a couple of dj friends. It was a knock on my old boss. She and a delinquent abuser musician friend of hers stole a url called health goth. They sold bootleg Nike shirts and made fun of people who didn't lift weights. Years before they'd invade anime conventions together and secretly play pranks on furries and nerds. Al the while writing for anime and MMA sites, getting paid to platinum dark souls, and playing the victim.
I low key hijacked the term and created a group called Stealth Goth with a few other nerds. I posted pictures closer to the aesthetic they were trying to cuck. Years later, nobody on that page pretends I exist either. It's a creepy sort of thing to be in the center of. But I can truly say it's easier to network in fashion with an aesthetic page than with a twenty year resume in Information Technology. It's also easier to maintain the broader narrative week after week down here. I wouldn't say anyone particularly understands the total nuance of what I've been through. But it's not where you are from. It is where you are at. At this point of my life, there are some inescapable truths. None of them I really have to clarify here. I was drawn years ago to the aesthetic of people like Jun Takahashi and Japanese street wear because of the hardcore punk semiotics. I wanted people to be real after trying to cut through all the fake shit. There's graffiti all over this neighborhood that's been up for years. Provoke culture. You stand up for yourself and your identity and you assume culture will grow around the footprint. And it all erodes in a digital morass of useless opinions, hot takes, and self important deflection. Per Hiroshi Fujiware, nothing ever gets lost in the internet enough to need a revival per say. That's a nice thought but then again they never did find Jimmy Hoffa's body now did they? I've been buried down here long enough to know if you play dead they forget about you. One day you appear online like nothing happened and start posting again. Networking with my face pressed up against the store window. That ridiculous bust of Rick Owens staring back at me from the other side. There was this scene apparently in the script of Twilight of the Dead, George Romero's unmade movie. It's a couple eating a fancy dinner in an exclusive restaurant where a zombie has gotten loose. The zombie presses his face against the glass mouthing in the direction of the couple. The couple looks for a moment then goes back to their meal like nothing happened. That's how I feel sometimes out here trying to prove I am still alive. And I'm starting to think the couples eating at those tables are the real zombies. So I started window shopping at different stores. Trying to connect the semantic links to the culture I have connected to one post at a time. Only to be stalked and ridiculed in the real world as being irrational, mentally unstable, obsolete, unskilled and unemployable.
The long break out of people's short term memory has taught me one thing. You can spend so much time down here sharing with people anonymously. People connect with no expectations. People share their desires, their loves, and all the art that keeps them breathing through hell and high water. And over the years, the things we would cringe at become the things we cherish together. People cringe in America because they're taught to. They're taught to neg. To bring people down to their level instead of letting people shine independently and free. They're woefully afraid that any brilliance will eclipse their minimum effort and privilege. They're so busy screaming they're a victim while backstabbing the people that allied with them silently by their side. There isn't enough to go around. It's hard to set yourself apart when everyone in this country relies on a parasitic mantra of "We're all in this together." We don't all have the same risks. We don't all make the same sacrifices . We don't all worship the same god. We live in a country built on separation from church and state and yet are bought out and lobbied by rich Christians who secretly control everything. And we're addicted to the fact that money can solve problems that are created by the hoarding of money. We are told to share power and not opportunities. If we stand out, there is always someone out there to step in and be your interpreter. Your handler. Someone who retranslates your narrative to the masses but doesn't let you speak for yourself. Everyone has to have a safe word to keep you in line. I'm no different. My safe word is scrawled in dirt on the threshold of the front door I wasn't able to access for over seven years. That was intentional. It's a whole other level of doxxing that nobody will ever question. Just like people pretend I'm doing fine and never disappeared at all. We all know this is not the truth and yet we hide under the cover of it's darkness anyway for safety. I can hide in plain sight. I've done it all over the fucking world. As far as Shanghai Pudong where not so randomly they put a person from my old job on the same flight. Even sat them directly in back of me. They'll never admit to it. Just like my old boss will never admit except in the women's bathroom at Movement that she literally fucked a person she knew over twenty years over for fame. Fame built on my name. You can't ever erase my impact. And I don't ever need to scream it out loud. I just have to stay out here and remind you I will always be better than the rest. As Karl Lagerfeld once said, my thing is to work harder than the rest of them to prove how useless they are. One juicy ass post at a time. <3 Tim
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 10.2
829 – Theophilos succeeds his father Michael II as Byzantine Emperor. 939 – Battle of Andernach: Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, crushes a rebellion against his rule, by a coalition of Eberhard of Franconia and other Frankish dukes. 1263 – The Battle of Largs is fought between Norwegians and Scots. 1470 – The Earl of Warwick's rebellion forces King Edward IV of England to flee to the Netherlands,[4] restoring Henry VI to the throne. 1552 – Russo-Kazan Wars: Russian troops enter Kazan. 1780 – American Revolutionary War: John André, a British Army officer, is hanged as a spy by the Continental Army. 1789 – The United States Bill of Rights is sent to the various States for ratification. 1835 – Texas Revolution: Mexican troops attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales, but encounter stiff resistance from a hastily assembled militia. 1864 – American Civil War: Confederates defeat a Union attack on Saltville, Virginia. A massacre of wounded Union prisoners ensues. 1870 – By plebiscite, the citizens of the Papal States accept annexation by the Kingdom of Italy. 1928 – The "Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Work of God", commonly known as Opus Dei, is founded. 1937 – Rafael Trujillo orders the execution of Haitians living in the border region of the Dominican Republic. 1942 – World War II: Ocean Liner RMS Queen Mary accidentally rams and sinks HMS Curacoa, killing over 300 crewmen aboard Curacoa. 1944 – World War II: German troops end the Warsaw Uprising. 1958 – Guinea declares its independence from France. 1967 – Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first African-American justice of the United States Supreme Court. 1968 – Mexican President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz orders soldiers to suppress a demonstration of unarmed students, ten days before the start of the 1968 Summer Olympics. 1970 – An aircraft carrying the Wichita State University football team, administrators, and supporters crashes in Colorado, killing 31 people. 1971 – South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu is re-elected in a one-man election. 1971 – British European Airways Flight 706 crashes near Aarsele, Belgium, killing 63. 1980 – Michael Myers becomes the first member of either chamber of Congress to be expelled since the Civil War. 1990 – Xiamen Airlines Flight 8301 is hijacked and lands at Guangzhou, where it crashes into two other airliners on the ground, killing 132. 1992 – Military police storm the Carandiru Penitentiary in São Paulo, Brazil during a prison riot. The resulting massacre leaves 111 prisoners dead. 1996 – Aeroperú Flight 603 crashes into the ocean near Peru, killing all 70 people on board. 1996 – The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments are signed by U.S. President Bill Clinton. 2002 – The Beltway sniper attacks begin in Washington, D.C., extending over three weeks and killing 10 people. 2004 – The first parkrun, then known as the Bushy Park Time Trial, takes place in Bushy Park, London, UK. 2006 – Five Amish girls are murdered in a shooting at a school in Pennsylvania, United States. 2007 – President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea goes to North Korea for an Inter-Korean summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. 2016 – Ethiopian protests break out during a festival in the Oromia region, killing dozens of people. 2018 – The Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi is assassinated in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. 2019 – A privately-owned Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress conducting a living history exhibition flight crashes shortly after takeoff from Windsor Locks, Connecticut, killing seven.
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ao3feed-hijack · 6 years
Sorry I broke your nose in a mosh pit and now we’re in the back of an ambulance and you’re making me feel really guilty but you’re real cute so I’m trying to ask you out to make up for having to leave the concert early
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KdPIM2
by Evergade
Hiccup really thought that would go well. Astrid had brought him to a metal concert to console him with its last break. While he was in the ambulance, he thought that once again, he had spoken too soon. The person involved was a young man with silvery hair, glasses almost broken, hiding attractive blue eyes and had an important nosebleed.
Words: 1465, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Français
Series: Part 3 of Hijack week June 2018 - english
Fandoms: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Rise of the Guardians (2012)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Astrid Hofferson
Relationships: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)
Additional Tags: Hijack summer week 2018
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KdPIM2
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hijack-week · 6 years
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Day 6: Dungeons and Dragons AU
Day 6 is  Dungeons and Dragons AU.  Are they the players? Is one the DM? Are they the characters in a DnD-esque game? Are they aware they are characters? Do they always agree with/go along with what their player wants?
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bluejevergade · 6 years
Day 4 : Past Accomplishement /Free day
Warnig for sexual content.
When Jack woke up, he was warm. He was surprised, given that they were in the middle of the winter. He affected the fur in which he slept and saw that it breathed. He was definitively awake and looked around him. He opened wide eyes, seeing that Hiccup had transformed into a wolf during the night. In two years of escape through France, that had never happened. What had happened? Had the Beast made a massacre again? His presence was supposed to avoid this kind of thing. How did it have been able to occur?
The Beast moved slightly and opened its eyes. It yawns, opening its mouth full of fangs and Jack, although not very reassured, was relieved to notice that it was not covered with blood. The Beast looked at Jack, which felt its heart accelerates.
'What have you done, this night?' He asked with a soft voice.
The Beast bent towards him and rubbed its snout against his face. Jack relaxed and caressed its snout. The Beast wrap more on itself and pushed him against it. Jack was passive, falling in dense black fur and eventually falls asleep again quickly.
When he woke up a little later, Jack was alone in the bed, its sheep wool blanket gone back up to his neck. He got up, got dressed and left looking for his lover. He found him outside, cooking the breakfast.
Hiccup looked at him. 'Hello. You slept well?'
'More or less…'
Hiccup had a small sad smile when Jack kept his distances.
'You saw me, then …'
'You really changed, this night?'
'What happened?'
'I wanted to transform me.'
'You killed people?'
'What? Of course not!'
Hiccup got up irritated.
'I told you that since you were there, this kind of thing didn't happen to me anymore!'
'Then why you were transformed? Hiccup, I am not irritated, I just try to understand.'
'All right', the young man sighed. 'This night, I changed because you trembled with cold.'
'You shivered. I was afraid that you do not pass the night, then … I changed to bring you heat. The Beast is warmer than me.'
'That is all?'
'Nothing that for that, I give you my word. I … The Beast killed nobody.'
Jack sighed and smiled.
'Woke me up, next time, because that worried me, this night.'
'I'm sorry. But it didn't do anything to you?'
'Nothing, it even showed itself very friendly. I have the impression that it likes me.'
'I imagine … '
Hiccup resumed the cooking of their lunch and Jack settled down next to him. They had lunch silently.
In the evening when he went to bed, Jack asked Hiccup if he planned to transformed this night again.
'Probably. It's still very cold. But I have to go to put traps. You will sleep when I will return.'
Jack kissed him chastely.
'See you tomorrow morning, then.'
He sat down on the bed, while he heard Hiccup go out. He lengthened correctly and inspired profoundly. He wrap himself in the blanket and tried to fall asleep. In vain. The smell of the Beast printed his nostrils, at the same time as Hiccup's. Jack turned around towards the side of the bed which was usually occupied his lover and inhaled more of his smell. He lengthened on the back and took the pillow of Hiccup to stick him to his face.
"He smells so good …" Jack says to himself, inhaling his smell.
Without paying attention, he caressed his stomach slowly. In his mind, the image of his lover was printed and he closed eyes, detailing every details of his face. His magnificent green eyes, his freckles, his round nose, his set of teeth, the small scar which he had on the chin …
Very fast, he felt excited and began caressing his hardening member.
'Hiccup …'
He bit his lip, thinking about the several times they had made love, of the pleasure that he had given him and accelerated the rhythm.
'Hiccup … '
'I am there.'
Jack opened eyes and raised in the bed.
'You … You already get back…'
'Exactly how often you pleasure yourself without me?'
'It is … It is not what I wanted.'
If he did not feel so nervous, he would have noticed that Hiccup was not really angry. The young hunter put his bag next to the door and climbed on the bed.
'So, you like giving yourself some pleasure without me …'
'No … No …'
Hiccup was on him.
'Go on …'
'Hiccup …'
'Or do you want me to do it?'
Jack bit his lip and Hiccup smiles. He began masturbating him slowly and bent towards him. He murmured to his ear.
'Unclothed me.'
Jack hurried to obey, removing his cape then the leather armor he had underneath while fighting against the pleasure which seized him. Hiccup found himself only dressed in his bottoms and in his tunic. He stopped masturbating Jack and removed his tunic. Then he bent towards him and undid his pants. He caressed his member while preparing his anus for his penetration. Jack moaned charmingly in his ears and Hiccup felt so much excited that he quickly abbreviated the preparation to penetrate into him slowly. Jack grimaced.
'Are you all right?'
'Move a little, that will pass' Jack reassured him.
Hiccup began moving slowly, kissing his lover, the pleasure quickly climbing.
"Usually, I have more control " he says himself, feeling Jack's hands catching his hair. The shepherd began moaning louder and louder, and he was more difficult for Hiccup to hold. He desired him so much. When he had returned into their small home of fortune, he had immediately smelt the excitement of Jack in the air. And when he had seen him on the bed, giving himself pleasure, moaning his name, he had wanted to take him at once. He growled out of pleasure, seen him again, lengthened, offered, waiting that Hiccup makes him his …
'Hiccup … Your eyes …'
Hiccup looked at Jack, which had turned whiter.
'They are … They are yellow …'
Too much taken in his pleasure, Hiccup had not been careful that he was transforming. But this time, it was independent from the will. He wanted to withdraw from Jack, but it was too late. He saw his hands covering themselves with fur and the usual pain of its transformation was felt.
'Hiccup …'
'Get out!' He ordered him before losing control totally.
The Beast went out.
Jack, terrified of what his was witnessing, tried to run away. He turned around and tried to fall from the bed. But in a flash of lightning, the Beast had jumped up on him and had caught his two hands with its paws and had blocked them over the head. Jack did not move anymore, terrified. The Beast bent towards him, sniffed at its smell before grumbling. Jack tried to remain perfectly motionless, thing which showed itself complicated when it felt the erection of the Beast. It put a paw on one of his buttocks and Jack felt sharpened claws to caress his skin. Then he felt something enormous in his entrance and tried to see what the Beast was doing. When he was penetrated by an organ much bigger than the one he was used to, he bit itself the lip up to the blood and pushed the head in pillows. The Beast sniffed him and licked him with his enormous tongue on his back. Jack realized that it did not move, and that it waited to its gets better to him to move.
He took upon himself then gave himself some courage. Faster it begins, faster that would be finished. He moved a little and the Beast understood immediately. It began moving with a slow motion. It kneeled down behind him and released the pressure on the hands. He felt two clawed hands catching his hips to sink more in him.
Jack tried to stay calm, in spite of the tension he felt. The Beast stuck its snout in the neck  and sniffed it with interest. It licked behind his ear, humming and accelerated. And in spite of him, Jack felt the excitement seizing him and bit his lip not to moan.
The Beast moved at a furious pace inside him. When its claws sank a little too much into the skin, it placed them next to his body, catching the bed of fortune to continue to bombard him. He found itself almost crushed between the Beast and the bed, and completely going out of depth under the guilty pleasure which he felt, he hung on to the paws of the Beast while it continued to mount him. A few minutes of this processing made them cum.
Jack collapsed on the bed, incapable to move anymore. It began to clean him with its enormous tongue, depriving him of the sweat he had on his body, then licked his anus, to clean him and Jack, which would gladly have had a nap, quickly found itself again excited. He put himself on the back and caressed the animal's head. He wanted to ask it to stop, but it sniffed at his hardening sex and climbed once again on him. Jack was not so surprised be penetrated once more.
After some smoothly blows, it resumed its violent thrusts and the bed clicked on the wall. Jack thought vaguely that they were going to break it before tangled his hands in the black fur. The Beast stuck its chops near his face and licked him the side of the figure. It seizes him by the hips, and slapped him on itself and Jack hugged its neck and surrounded its enormous size of his legs while enduring with delight the assaults of the animal. When it cum, it pushed its fangs in the amount of the bed, pushing a growl which probably scared off all the birds of the region. Three blows on his sex were enough to finish Jack which fell asleep seconds after, completely exhausted.
When he woke up, the Beast was cleaning him with his tongue. Jack stretched lazily. He caressed his face and the Animal rested his head against his hand. It wrapped itself around him and he leaned against it.
'Thank you' Jack murmured before falling asleep again.
When he got up for good, Jack saw that Hiccup had resumed his ordinary self. He looked at him with a worried frown.
'Are you fine?'
'Yes … I don't think that I could get up in some time, but I am all right…'
'I am sorry for what happened yesterday. It should never have happened.'
Jack recovered.
'Hiccup, you had not transformed for several months. I think it is normal that it wants to go out from time to time.'
'But because of … Because of me, you are hurt …'
'I will survive' Jack smiles.
'It could have kill you!'
'I do not think that it is what it wanted. As soon as it saw that I was … That I enjoyed myself … It did not try to hurt me. It was even kind… Relatively speaking.'
Hiccup sat down on the bed.
'You should go away, before that happen again.'
'And to leave you alone? No way.'
'Jack, if that happen again …'
'Well that will happen again. What is the other alternative, otherwise? I go away? Leaving you alone? You will not hold one month without killing anybody. '
Hiccup did not answer. Jack caressed his cheek slowly.
'If I stay, we can keep preventing that.'
'You risk of … It could happen again.'
'Well then I be prepared. And we shall make with it. Honestly, I prefer … Make me mount by a huge wolf once from time to time to calm the Beast that to leave you alone and to learn that it murders a person per week … '
Hiccup says nothing for a long time.
'Are you sure of your choice?'
'I do not deserve you' Hiccup murmured, holding him against him.
Jack smiles and embraced him in his turn. He tried to comfort his lover the best he was able to. And for the part where he admitted that he had liked to be taken by a huge wolf, well … That could wait...
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 10.2
829 – Theophilos succeeds his father Michael II as Byzantine Emperor. 939 – Battle of Andernach: Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, crushes a rebellion against his rule, by a coalition of Eberhard of Franconia and other Frankish dukes. 1263 – The Battle of Largs is fought between Norwegians and Scots. 1470 – The Earl of Warwick's rebellion forces King Edward IV of England to flee to the Netherlands, restoring Henry VI to the throne. 1552 – Russo-Kazan Wars: Russian troops enter Kazan. 1601–1900 1780 – American Revolutionary War: John André, a British Army officer, is hanged as a spy by the Continental Army. 1789 – The United States Bill of Rights is sent to the various States for ratification. 1835 – Texas Revolution: Mexican troops attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales, but encounter stiff resistance from a hastily assembled militia. 1864 – American Civil War: Confederates defeat a Union attack on Saltville, Virginia. A massacre of wounded Union prisoners ensues. 1870 – By plebiscite, the citizens of the Papal States accept annexation by the Kingdom of Italy. 1901–present 1928 – The "Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Work of God", commonly known as Opus Dei, is founded. 1937 – Rafael Trujillo orders the execution of Haitians living in the border region of the Dominican Republic. 1942 – World War II: Ocean Liner RMS Queen Mary accidentally rams and sinks HMS Curacoa, killing over 300 crewmen aboard Curacoa. 1944 – World War II: German troops end the Warsaw Uprising. 1958 – Guinea declares its independence from France. 1967 – Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first African-American justice of the United States Supreme Court. 1968 – Mexican President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz orders soldiers to suppress a demonstration of unarmed students, ten days before the start of the 1968 Summer Olympics. 1970 – An aircraft carrying the Wichita State University football team, administrators, and supporters crashes in Colorado, killing 31 people. 1971 – South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu is re-elected in a one-man election. 1980 – Michael Myers becomes the first member of either chamber of Congress to be expelled since the Civil War. 1990 – Xiamen Airlines Flight 8301 is hijacked and lands at Guangzhou, where it crashes into two other airliners on the ground, killing 132. 1992 – Military police storm the Carandiru Penitentiary in São Paulo, Brazil during a prison riot. The resulting massacre leaves 111 prisoners dead. 1996 – Aeroperú Flight 603 crashes into the ocean near Peru, killing all 70 people on board. 1996 – The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments are signed by U.S. President Bill Clinton. 2002 – The Beltway sniper attacks begin in Washington, D.C., extending over three weeks and killing 10 people. 2004 – The first parkrun, then known as the Bushy Park Time Trial, takes place in Bushy Park, London, UK. 2006 – Five Amish girls are murdered in a shooting at a school in Pennsylvania, United States. 2007 – President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea goes to North Korea for an Inter-Korean summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. 2016 – Ethiopian protests break out during a festival in the Oromia region, killing dozens of people. 2018 – The Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi is assassinated in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. 2020 – COVID-19 pandemic: US President Donald Trump announces that he and First Lady Melania are both tested positive for COVID-19.
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losbella · 4 years
0 notes