briefbestiary · 1 year
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To evade a tokoloshe, one should elevate the legs of their bed. To capture and banish the creature, one would have to ask for help from a spiritual healer.
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number-1-harumi-hater · 10 months
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Super G@mer Boy!!
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elcapitan41 · 2 months
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COWBOY MARC and special helmet for COTA ✨️🦅🇺🇲🏍
from verticalgroup's instagram
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denieatsart · 2 months
《 Facing the Harbinger 》
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[ click for better quality qvq ]
Time : 3 hours 50 minutes [] Layers : 37 [] Character : Solstice!Ink ( me ) / Ink belongs to comyet
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artistakai · 1 month
I foam in my mouth whenever my freehand hand (no reference) turns out actually decent
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aetsiv · 5 months
Remembering the time when I binge-read all of decafperception's soc fics only for the majority of them to be unfinished masterpieces
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faggotstump · 5 months
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decaf-wizard · 1 year
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Me too my guy me too
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awesamcozy · 1 year
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GNF - 2023
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jordanthecomeback · 9 months
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Michael D'Addario by Michael Hili
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thecluelessdoctor · 11 months
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st-just · 10 months
Watching the last four episodes of Barry and realizing I care significantly more about Hank than Barry
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q-starhalo · 5 months
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tartagliatum · 11 months
first: how are u feeling on this fine day?
second: how do you think g*nshin guys would react to/feel about belly rubs? any headcanons?>_<
first: i am not feeling Great but ur company helps anon!! ironically i have a pretty bad stomachache lol. anyways more importantly,,
second: i'm not rly into a lot of the more popular guys but here are my personal hcs!! i actually really love this ask hehe
- luvs luvs luvs having his belly rubbed
- not just to ease stomachaches or aid in digestion but in general. it's just as indulgent and luxurious as back/head massages - much better, even, so he doesn't know why people only reserve it for when they have an upset stomach
- second best only to having his hair brushed or played with
- he definitely prefers deep tummy rubs, with albedo kneading soothing circles, adding pressure with his palms, or pressing his fingertips in to rub little circles in his sides or below his navel. he wants to feel close. he wants to feel warm and loved and most of all, he wants attention on his tummy so he can feel good
- his love language is touch so he loves giving them too; the softness and warmth of albedo's stomach is comforting and grounding for him
- albedo is for the most part indifferent about where kaeya traces his fingers and rubs his hands over him, but when the roles are reversed he always knows to rub kaeya's tummy and pepper it in lil kisses when they cuddle
- although he adores them as part of his love language, he also can't deny they help with fullness or aches, and ends up needing them quite often when he goes a lil overboard on the wine <3
cyno & tighnari
- i feel like cyno was kinda bashful when tighanri first absently rubbed his stomach, cuddling together on the couch when he was feeling sick. the forest ranger didn't even notice his blushing and discomfort as he distractedly read a book.
- his stomach is quite vocal and usually responds to tighnari's touch with low rumbles and gurgles; the first few times tighnari thinks he's hungry or about to get sick, but soon learns cynos's stomach, much to the mahamatra's embarrassment, is simply just loud.
- just to add to his embarrassment, his stomach is sensitive, and he's a frequent sufferer of an upset tummy. whether it's from the flu, certain foods not agreeing with his stomach, or his meal struggling to settle and digest, overtime he loses any shyness over the whole ordeal. he kind of has to, with the sheer amount of times tighnari finds himself providing belly rubs.
- cyno prefers more side-to-side belly rubs, with a gentle touch and soft little presses to ease any discomfort.
- on the flipside of cyno's sensitive stomach, tighnari follows a similar path during the wintertime. his species' centuries-old instinct to hibernate includes a lot of eating and storing food, and while there's no need for this in current day sumeru, a fox is always a fox; cyno is only too happy to return the favour, rubbing away any stomach pains and taking the excuse to eat warm food and sleep for a little too long with his lover <3
- kazuha definitely loves rubbing tomo's tummy okay this is real and canon
- he enjoys small comforts and the softer things in life; so of course his go to place to rest his hands is tomo's middle. it's by far his favourite part of tomo, warm and soft and irresistibly cute. every chance he gets he's absently rubbing or resting his hands on his tummy, and grins through the kisses he presses to the soft, milky skin when they're alone.
- when it's cold he slips his hands up tomo's haori to warm them on his stomach, much to his surprised yelps and scolding; but with a roll of his eyes and a cold puff of breath, tomo lets them stay. he knows how cute kazuha finds his stomach - and that kazuha feels closer to him this way.
- during their travels, they often run low on food depending on the area and season, and when rations can't be found, tomo's stomach protests loudly. he's a big guy - tall and broad and muscular, he needs more food than kazuha's small stature requires; and so hunger affects him much more drastically. kazuha gathers him close to him, rubbing soothing hands over his empty, growling stomach to ease the tight cramps and hollow pain as tomo reads a book to distract himself or tries miserably to fall asleep, head buried in kazuha's shoulder.
- kazuha always sleeps with his head or a hand laying on tomo's tummy; he not only finds that his middle is adorable, but also the perfect pillow. tomo more often than not falls asleep to the deep, soothing circles kazuha rubs into his stomach whil they cuddle in bed. if he's awake before him, kazuha usually wakes him up the same way; belly rubs as warm and comforting as the morning light, and a kiss on the forehead <3
- while he's not one to parttake in belly rubs very much himself, he sometimes does indulge in one after a particularly heavy or delicious meal. cuddling up to tomo with a sleepy grin, he lazily guides his hand to his full tummy and basks in satisfaction and luxury as tomo kneads deep circles into his middle, his hand almost completely obscuring his small tummy~
- much like cyno, childe is embarrassed when kaeya first rubs his tummy
- "what do you mean it's cute"
- he's the fearsome and ruthless eleventh harbinger. he does not have a 'cute tummy' - he has abs of steel. he has a stomach. a midsection.
- "stop calling it my tummy i will literally kill you"
- however, kaeya is a very handsy man, and the window in childe's shirt is the perfect opportunity for the knight of favonius to slip his hands up underneath the grey fabric
- it doesn't feel bad. he'll give him that. quarrelsome protests gradually turn into a roll of his eyes, an embarrassed huff, and burning cheeks as he lets kaeya wrap his arms around him from behind, tracing light fingers over his abs and trailing kisses down his neck. it doesn't feel bad at all.
- one revelation on what he's been missing out on happens when kaeya is making his way down to more southern regions, and kisses a particularly sensitive part of his tummy, nibbling and kitten licking the bruises better as electric shocks run through childe's nervous system
- the second revelation occurs when he's making two mugs of coffee early in the morning. kaeya sleepily pads into the kitchen and rests his head on his shoulder, arms wrapped around him as he hugs him from behind and lazily rubs his tummy in a more innocent way. he smells like sleep and wine, and blue tresses tumble over him as he touches childe in a trusting way, a way that does not ask for more innuendo benefits and instead asks for comfort and love. and maybe he could trust kaeya, too. maybe he could sleep in at his house, and rub his tummy while waiting for coffee, too
- if diluc has any stomachache - too full, too empty, too sick - he never voices it. he was raised with certain etiquette, and keeping his complaints to himself was part of it
- although thoma never noticed anything off in his pre-inazuma days, he's now been trained to notice these things. to notice the kanjou commissioner's every requirement before he even becomes aware of them himself
- and so when he sees a certain grit of the teeth and slow blink to gather himself, thoma knows to talk diluc into taking a break; one in which he plays with the long, scarlet hair with one hand, and rubs his stomach with the other
- diluc is heistant and awkward at first, and thoma has to point out how many times he's provided him belly rubs after concocting some unsavoury dish that doesn't agree with his stomach, or overeating
- and so diluc relaxes into the deep, slow, circles thoma rubs into his middle. belly rubs become a habit, a way for him to relax from the constant stress he's under from always overworking himself - thoma's expert touch takes his mind off of everything, and feels good while it does too
- he often forgets to eat - refuses to, even, opting for work instead. knowing this, thoma comes up behind where he sits at his desk, resting his chin on his head and wrapping his arms around his waist. he kneads his hand over the tight emptiness to comfort his rumbling and cramping stomach
- thoma starts bringing him food when he realises just how often diluc lets himself go hungry. thoma's a big eater and the portions he brings are a little heavy on diluc's empty stomach; this time he rubs his belly to ease the fullness, pressing his fingers into the painful, tender spots and pressing his palms against the fullness of his tummy to coax up small burps and hiccups as diluc blushes, stifling small groans of relief
- when diluc is sick, it takes all of thoma's effort to make him call out of work and stay in bed. his stoic and serious demeanour falls away on these days, instead replaced by clinginess and more touching than usual as he looks for the comfort he so lacks in every day life. thoma gives in and stays in bed with him all day, bringing him tea and medicine as diluc drags his hands to his tummy, seeking relief from the nausea and pain upsetting his stomach~
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blacknifealecto · 11 months
benny: shows up on my screen and says words
me: bends my metal crochet hook with my bare hand from [horny grip]
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I don’t do girl math, I do grandma math.
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