#himeko talks about something that no one cares about
perurx-moon · 2 years
Would Beach Bear unironically listen to The Smiths??
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verinarin · 1 month
𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞.
𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞.
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cw // contains 2.2 penacony quest spoilers
Angst | years after he vanished, you found solace in the path of trailblaze. the day you departed from the astral express, however was the day another version of him greets you.
Traversing through the stars as a nameless was never something you see for yourself, but alas after years of escaping the pain of loosing you have found peace.
You boarded the express with a bleeding wound, yet departed with a new sense of self. Blazing the path of traiblaze has given you precious memories.
Memories that have become the solace you yearn for and now you reside on a planet far away from your hometown, Penacony.
Your heart still burns for the spirit of trailblazing, spreading the tales you’ve theard upon these past years was your way of keeping the spirit of trailblazing alive.
There’s hundreds of letters you have sent to the nameless who still traverse the sky full of stars, while you blaze paths for the younger generations to yearn to reach the glimmering stars above.
“Miss, is it true that the astral express has two conductors?,” a young boy that perched up to your lap asked.
“Well now we only have one conductor which is pom-pom and a navigator ! The astral express’ current navigator is Miss Himeko,” you smiled softly as you stroked the boy’s hair.
This is a glimpse of your life now, as the local’s beloved storyteller. You could be easily found reading a book or writing at a cafe near your house.
You heard a motherly voice searching for her son, “Now young man it seems that you mother is searching for you, better to go back to her alright,” you pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Alright ! Bye bye Miss Nameless,” he waved as he ran back towards his mother who offered you a thank you smile from afar.
Now you reside back at your table, a letter has found its way to you. Perhaps it was friends from the astral express, but there’s the ‘pom-pom’s signature’ stamp to be found after all.
With a smile you pressed the rim of your coffee filled cup to your lips, it’s been a while since you talked to them. As you place down your cup, a tinge of amberwood lingers in the air.
It was a scent that you found alluring years ago, it made you feel a little bit nostalgic. You close your eyes and let the tale of the past play inside your mind like a movie.
“Excuse me, Miss. Is this seat taken ?,” a voice greeted you, his voice has successfully awaken you from your daydream.
“The seat in front of me ?,” he asked as you flutter your eyes open, to reveal a man dressed in a white shirt.
The collar was unbuttoned slightly revealing a chest that harbours scars across the body, it took you seconds to tilt your head up.
You can’t really make out the man’s face, the sun that shines warmly behind him hinders you from doing so, “Yeah, the seat on your table” he chuckled, as he folded his arms.
His arms were proudly displayed against his chest, his sleeves were rolled up to display his strong arms, clean from any scars. In contrast with his chest.
“Well I’m not meeting anyone, so feel free,” you extend your hand towards the seat in front of you, letting him know that it’s alright for him to sit in front of you.
And so he did, now you could clearly study his face. He has kind eyes, rich brown in colour. His features were strong and rugged yet somehow gentle in nature. His face was decorated with salt and pepper stubble, signifying his old age.
His hair was parted in the middle, it was as long as his neck. You could tell that he cared a lot for his hair, it was well groomed, “Are you not going to ask who I am ?” he smiled as he saw you gazing through himself.
“Ah sorry for staring, you just feel familiar,” you stated honestly before brushing your hair back.
“How so ?” his eyes lingers at you, coaxing you to question more and more about him.
“Can’t tell really,” you’re not going to blabber upon the past that haunts you for so long now, would you ?
Not when you’ve grown this far.
“Heh, such a shame then,” the cadence of his voice, irks your mind. Scratches your heart in some way….
“A shame indeed,” you nodded, your fingers circling the rim of your cup as you await his reply.
“I heard you were once a nameless,” that’s a well known fact by now, at least in the area you live in.
“It was years ago but I'm glad my name still holds some fame, so do you need something from the astral express?” he will not be the first person who makes use of your past to contact the express.
“Nah, I’m just here for your audience,” he spoke, the tone was light yet somehow deep in context, shrouded in mystery.
“Who are you?” you asked the question he yearned the most, his face reflects it perfectly.
“Care to take an educated guess, Miss ?” he cocked his eyebrows as you ruminated through the possibilities.
“You still do the thing huh ?” he chuckled, his face now rested against his palm as he watches you picking apart the past and the future.
“What thing ?” you asked, he spoke those words like he knew you for years, which was odd. He’s a stranger after all.
“The thing where you’ll pout your lips slightly when you’re drowned by your thoughts,” he knew you, knew you well enough and long enough to notice these things.
“Let’s cut to the chase, don’t play games with me old man. Who are you ?” your eyes bore deep into his own, trying to pry the truth out of him.
“Funny, you used to call me that too,” he chuckles, his eyes bore no malice, just a sense of long and yearning.
You only called ‘old man' to a handful of people, but one strikes the most in this case, but it can’t be him.
You refuse it to be him.
You merely stared at him, not wanting to entertain his statement, “Fine, I’ll give out a little tip. I tend to amend things, which is why I am here now, sitting idly in front of you,”
“Amend things ? How could you amend things that are not broken ?” you questioned, the man before you was too relaxed and aloof to be talking in riddles.
“Well you’re not broken per say, but well I am,” the man merely chuckled as he looked down towards the concrete floor.
“So you want me to fix you ?” you ask, your endless pond of patience grew dry by the second.
“Close, but no,” you could see the evident smirk as he kept his gaze down.
“You’re speaking in riddles here sir, some might mistake you as a follower of the enigmata if you keep this up,” this time his eyes trained itself back to yours.
“Well aren’t you still sharp,” he mused, clearly happy that he didn’t need to elaborate on more.
“You’re not him, you can’t be him anymore,” this is a fact, even if this being was him, it is not him.
“Can’t be who ? I’ve been living countless lives before. Be specific would ya ?” the man now let his back rest against the chair, ain’t he comfortable now ?
“You know very well the life I’m talking about,” you sighed, he could be him or even a part of masked fools really.
The masked fools that’s notorious for transforming themselves into one’s beloved.
“Well say that name for old time’s sake, humour this ol’ hound,” never mind, it is him. A masked fool won’t replicate this current body that he made, he’s a stranger to you.
A foreign being.
“You’re not Gallagher, never will be him again as a matter of fact,” that type of wording was not your style to use, you felt bad for speaking those truths.
“Ouch that stings, I was him y’know,” he lips pouted, while his arms are folded against his chest. Yet his gaze still placed snugly into you.
“Past tense,” you quipped, well you felt bad about the cold demeanour, but still how would someone act in this situation ?
“Touché,” he laughed, now from his mannerisms. It reminds you of Gallagher, but he’s not him.
This man is well put, smells expensive, and it seems like he does not drink that much. When you think about it, the man before you resembles the qualities that you find attractive in a man.
As wouldn’t you know it, you told this list to Gallagher over a drink years ago.
“Let me ask you this once more, who are you ?” your stern voice was something he never listened to, but he welcomed it warmly.
“Whoever you want me to be,” he smiles, his voice sounds like he was teasing, but you know deep down that it is true.
“Why are you here ?” the question that has been clouding your mind since the reveal.
“To see through another fiction with you as my main muse,” his voice draws deeper than before.
The gravity of his statement was heavy, it made your heart stop for a mere second just to make sense of it all.
His eyes softened as he saw your shock ridden expression, your hands trembled, unsure with what to answer. He finds his way to hold them gently.
It felt nostalgic, even though the hand that held yours was not the same as before, it felt like home.
“To fabricate a new page in history, to make amends for the past, to see through another life. I’m here to live another life with you, to grow old by your side,” he continues, somehow the display of loyalty soothed your trembling hands.
“And even after death, I’ll wait for you to be reborn back into my arms, forever more,” his warmth left your hand as he stood up from his chair.
He walked towards your side, your hands now placed perfectly against your lap as he kneels before you.
“That is my reason,” he leaned down, bringing your fingertips towards his lips.
“Own my heart once more, dearest,” he begged.
The man begged for a chance once more.
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impactedfates · 7 months
Love In Different Shapes - Various HSR Boys x GN! Reader
★ Summary: Your lover loves to show that they love you, however some of their methods to do so, aren't something you'd expect - i.e HSR Boys and their love languages (but it's not your typical love language)
☆ Characters Included (Separate): Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Blade, Welt, Luka, Sampo, Gepard, Loucha + bonus character
★ Genre/Trope: Romantic + Crack (?)
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Just had random thoughts about HSR characters love language and decided to write about what theirs is in my opinion - just not your typical ones. // Not proof read - we die like Himeko // There's a HSR Girl version as well! Right here.
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Dan Heng shows his love unintentionally by staring at you. Just full on staring. I mean, I'm sure most of us agree that Dan Heng is a man of few words, but I feel like you could be getting up to get water and you'll come back to Dan Heng staring at you. You might think 'oh, he wants me back in bed'
He's just staring very lovingly at you, as creepy as it is. He wants to make sure he sees you. He can't explain why it gives him comfort to just look at you or why he decides to show that he cares about you this way. But he does! It's his way of saying he cares, and although not many may see it as him showing his love to you. Both you and him know what it means when he decides to look at you for more then 5 minutes without talking.
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Somehow, Jing Yuans love language consists of making sure you aren't able to do your work. Somehow his love language is doing everything in his power to get you to pay attention to him.
You know those videos of cats knocking over a cup? That's him, and all he wants is your attention. He loves seeing what ways make you look at him, even for a split second. Would it be a surprise kiss? Softly rubbing your arm up and down? Knocking over an expensive vase??
He wants to find everyway to ensure you look at him with those pretty eyes, and as confusing as this love language may be to others. He truly does just enjoy messing with you.
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Biting. I will not elaborate (Well I am but-)
Blade just bites you. Not harshly, just nibbles. You could just be doing some work, and your neck or shoulder are exposed, he'd just come up to you and just.
You have so many bite makes because of him, but he doesn't care. He's at work often and as much as I'm sure he loves kissing you. He loves biting you playfully just as much. The amount of bite marks around your body that keeps multiplying is just a show of his love to you.
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Welt shows his love by drawing you. He loves sketching you doing whatever and showing you. He enjoys looking at your face and capturing every detail with a stroke of a pencil. He probably has a sketch book dedicated to drawings of you, but most are ripped out as you stick it on your wall.
If you offered to model for Welt he'd be more then happy and ensures to be extra careful - not like he wasn't before but he wants to capture every single detail there is that he sees. And honestly? If you were to draw your own drawing of him then he'd be so happy. It's stuck on his wall, it's his wallpaper and it'll even by his profile picture for awhile.
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Luka shows off. He's one of the guys that's like
"This is for you babe!"
But he fails, miserably even. He's usual so good at showing off, but when he tries to show off to you to show you how much he absolutely adores you he fails.
T i m e.
It's okay though, you get the gesture. You understand what he's trying to do, even after the countless fails. He wants to be successful even once as he feels if he continues failing you won't love him anymore.
You do though, you understand. And honestly? It's kinda cute how hard he tries trying to score a basket just to show you he loves you.
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Reverse scamming (credits to my friend for this idea :D)
Sampo loves scamming others, but you? You're no exception sadly. On the other hand, how he scams you isn't what you'd think. He'd maybe scam you until getting what YOU want. Now what HE wants. Sometimes he may even scam you to get just a simple kiss or a hug.
You try to tell him if he wants a kiss or a hug he can just ask, but he finds it more fun this way. And you may even try to convince him to stop "scamming" you into getting the things you want, but he also refuses.
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We all know Gepard is trying to garden and failing (I think) right? So what does everyone think of getting a half wilted flower from this man :D
He tries I swear, he just cannot do it correctly. You may even just get a tomato as an anniversary gift as he just couldn't take care of the flowers he was trying to grow for you. Bro may be more upset with being unable to grow you the best flower then he is about not catching Sampo.
He keeps trying and failing but, he still gives it to you in hopes you'll accept it! You will right? Even if he's given you a potato that's about to go bad?
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Loucha can and will pat your head to show how much he loves you. As a merchant and a doctor, he doesn't necessarily have the time to sit down and relax, and even so. He doesn't seem like the type to want to. However he doesn't want his partner to feel neglected either, so to sure that he does love you so you don't forget. He pats your head with a small smile.
It doesn't even matter if your taller then him, he'll find a way to pat your head, whether it be to punch you in the stomach so you can bend over, pull you down by your collar or even just climbing onto his coffin to just pat your head a few times. He will pat that head of yours so you're reminded he still loves you despite his schedule.
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Dr Ratio definitely info dumps to show his love. I don't even know much about this man yet but I know for a fact that he'd be casually talking about the history of something or in general just anything he knows whilst you two are eating.
He'd say something that's so jaw-dropping and continue eating and I love him for that. He seems sweet honestly, and if you want to info dump about anything you like? He listens with such intent, asks questions and remembers every word. I love him so much (I know he isn't out yet but-)
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Hehehe. I spent a good bit rambling with my friend about certain HSR characters "unusual" love language and decided to write one! It's not proof read as most of the time, my rambles aren't proof read. But as always, if I messed some spelling or grammar up. Inform me and I'll fix it :D
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lyomeii · 10 months
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・❥・ warnings/notices: yandere themes, platonic relationships, manipulation, obsession, isolation, caelus is the trailblazer, spoiler til the 1.2 , fem! reader but using you/your pronouns, implied yandere platonic yanging, some luofu residents knock you out :)
・❥・request by @the-dumber-scaramouche I was wondering if you could write a platonic yandere dad Jing Yuan? Where the reader is his daughter (fem reader) and while he loves her very much he doesn’t really have much time to spend with her? 👉🏼👈🏼 so she runs away from the Luofu and joins the Astral Express (this is before the Luofu arc) and becomes really good friends with Dan Heng (can be interpreted as romantic or platonic) please and thank you
・❥・a/n: my first hsr request! I’m so glad that I can finally write for both dan heng and jing yua at the same time :) Also, this is really big.
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・❥・your entire past is quite a mystery to the residents of the astral express, none of them really know much about your home planet nor your family. and despite how much curious some of them are, they know it’s better to not ask you about it. himeko and mr. yang sees how anxious and uncomfortable you get whatever they asked you something related to it, preferring to let their minds imagine instead of questioning you.
・❥・ despite it, you are a kind soul and someone they can easily count in for help. so it’s not hard to believe that you quickly befriend the two younger residents of the express, both march and dan heng who are always at your side for anything. the three of you are good friends, specially the black haired boy who is often seen around you when march isn’t. his quiet and cool personality is a good contrast to your lovely and talkative behavior around anyone who needs.
・❥・with dan heng around you mostly, he invites you to spend some time at his bedroom the archives where he shows you some of favorites documents and share the many songs that he is currently listening at the moment. those sweet and precious moments brought the two of you so close and yet, nothing much happens around. as much you want to kiss him and take things further between him and you, dan heng thinks it better if things are taking slowly.
・❥・and once caelus enters the astral express, things gets a little more chaotic. now with him and march around, you feel more happier and quickly forget about the rejection coming from dan heng. he looks so unbothered that you get closer with the new boy around, he is too good at hiding the jealous underneath his cool personality, but the rare times that you are alone with caelus, he is watching the two of you from afar.
・❥・ when you offered yourself to help beloborg with caelus and march, dan heng also volunteered himself to join the little adventure. he said that someone needs to be in charge to watch over the three, but himeko and welt know the real reason behind it. they both know that dan heng got even more overprotective over you in recently times. it was a cute scene seeing how he is always standing next to you, sometimes even holding your hand when walking.
・❥・and when things went wrong, dan heng hit one of the guards that almost grabbed you and protected you from others guards that tried to attack you. the way he hold your wrist as the four of you ran to the underworld almost left a permanent mark, he apologized for it of course. later, resting on a hotel room, dan heng applied some ointment on your injury and made sure to take care of you for the rest of the night.
・❥・the two of you spend the night together, sharing the bed as his arms are around your body to bring you closer til the sunrise. seeing your sleeping form next to him makes the boy feel things, he is love with you. he can’t lie to himself about it and yet, he doesn’t want to get closer to you in fear that something bad might happen to you. it’s a lot of mixed feeling, right? but with a little encouragement coming from both march and caelus, dan heng finally confesses his feelings.
・❥・it’s happened after they defeat cocolia. he grabbed your hands and kissed it once no was around to bother the two of you. as a couple, the two of you gotten even closer in the past few days and once another adventure came closer, you become a little scared of the next destination. Luofu.
・❥・a place you once called home. there you lived under the watchful eyes of the general jing yuan, your father. a man who despite not having time to raise you as much he wanted, managed to be so overprotective that you barely walked around the streets without an army of guards. blessed memories, right? all the citizens saw his behavior as normal, just a father who lost too much that is scared to lose his beloved daughter. however, it was too much for your mind to handled it and you left that place in the middle of the night, under a starry sky as you pilot a stolen ship to somewhere else far away. you promised yourself to never retuned, but here you are.
・❥・as caelus, march and mr. yang made their way to go to Luofu, you stayed. the chances of being caught by anyone who lives there is too high! from what you heard from the your previous travels across the galaxy, it’s said that general jing yuan made statues in order to honor his missing daughter. because of that, you decided to stay on the express along himeko and dan heng.
・❥・in the express, things are calm as you peacefully spend most of your time with Pom-Pom to help them around or with himeko since dan heng got sickly recently. despite the many attempts to make him feel better, nothing seems to make him wake up from his nightmares. and himeko suggest that you should just leave him alone for now, saying that he gots things that only he can solve it.
・❥・with more days goes on, the progress at Luofu gets worse and become noticeable from the express’ windows as you watch along with himeko. she advised you to go there to aid the others since dan heng recently decided to help, but you refused again…or at least, you tried to. somehow (you don’t remember how), she made you go to assist a few citizens that got trapped by the enemies.
・❥・you escorted them to safety with help of a starskiff that was nearby. once you reach a safe area with the citizens, you told them to find a knight to guide them to safety, only to be knock out by one of them. how was you supposed to know they hide a rock? you can’t think of that as blood comes out of your forehead and the world slowly become darker…
・❥・ when you wake up, the quickly realization that you are trapped in your childhood bedroom, but this time there are bars in the windows and a camera on the right corner of the room, what is going on? the first thing you did was to open the door, only to be met with your father, the very same one you left behind, who hugged you immediately and didn’t let you go so quickly away from his touch despite your beggings to be released
・❥・ the general (in another hand) is so happy to finally be reunited with his missing daughter! after centuries, jing yuan can hold you in his arms and make sure that nothing bad will ever happen. he feels so guilty that he couldn’t spend with you due the amount of working in the past, but now, he has all the time for you and oh! he can’t wait to introduce you to yanging. you will be so happy to have a little brother! (he has been waiting to meet so for so long!)
・❥・between the many begging and cries, he heard a few familiar names, the people who came from astral express. is that where you have been? did they took you away from him? jing yuan is ready to order his soldiers to take them down at any instant, but your pleads are enough to calm him down immediately. in fact, you ask him if you could meet yanging right now! so father nodded and guided you to where the blond boy is waiting.
・❥・in what you beloved to be a living room, you spend many hours meeting and getting close with yanging. at first, you tired to ask for help from him, only to discover that he almost as crazy like your father. yanging isn’t letting you go so easily after spending years waiting to meet you. this is your life now.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 month
Autistic memeber of the Astral Express
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ Pom Pom, Himeko, Welt, March, Dan Heng & the trailblazer ]
[ Honkai Star Rail ]
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I want to make this some kind of tradition, having at least one fic with autistic reader for every fandom I write for! Request or original idea, it doesn't matter, the important is bring cute fics and comfort!!
Hope you enjoy it and feel the inmense love and comfort Moonie is expressing for you, dear reader ❤️❤️
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The astral express is constantly reciving people from the whole galaxy, everyone is welcome to the visit the astral express, and just like that everyone is more than welcome to joing the nameless and travel across the universe, helping people in need
Everyone has a past and a reason to why they choose to follow their own path, and thats is respected in the astral express, they aren't bothered by it in the slighest (and even if you prefer to don't say anything about it its okay too), once you decided to join the crew you imediatly become part of the family and are accepted as such
It will be quite helpful if you are sincere and tell them about your condition, or at least one of the crew, that way they will be able to help you feel more comfortable and adapt what it is need to adapt to bring you comfort, no one in the crew will be disrespectful or think less of you (in fact, every one is more than willing to share some words of comfort if you feel insecure or even bad for your disability)
Pom Pom as the driver of the astral express he end up taking the charge of taking care of the crew (and visitors) while your stay on the train, so that is why at the end, once you joined the nameless was him who directly approached to you and ask you if there were something you needed to feel more comfortable, inisiting that there is no need to be shy, you are free to talk to him if you need anything. As well, since Pom Pom is the once who is in charge to cook (not that it bothers him, he does it with joy) he will ask you at some point if you have any preferences or even what is what you like the most when it comes to food (at the end Pom Pom will learn how to make your comfort food just the way you like it! and he actually feels quite proud of himself for that)
If changes tend to cause you distress the constantly traveling around the galaxy and constantly visiting all kind of worlds can not be the best for you, however to help you with that Himeko always make sure to take time before the jump to tell you about your next destination, telling you all the details she can in hopes to help you feel less anxious and stress by the new enviroment, as well with knowing the name of the planet you can easily search for more information in the data bank that the train owns (and since Dan Heng is always there he is more than willing to help you search the information you need)
As well, if you feel that there is something in the enviroment of your next destination that you may not be able to handle too well then you can just stay on the train while the rest of the crew take care of the problem, besides it is helpful if someone stays on the train (and if you decide to stay on the train March promise to take a lot of photos just for you and will try to bring you and Pom Pom a souvenier)
Even when you have a disability no one in the astral express will look down or think less of you, in fact all of them will try to learn about your disability and how it affects you to be able to offer the help you need, and they always does. Himeko is the best to bring comfort or help you understand things you struggle with, as well she can show you around the train and teach you how it works if you really want to know, Welt is also really good with comfort but more indirectly, making sure you never forget how apreciate you are by everyone (and not only in the astral express)
March will be the one who has more problems with adapting to your condition because she is really clingy and loud, she loves dragging you to what she is up to because she consider you as a really good friend is her way to show you how much she likes you, that is why she has to be reminded constantly to respect your space and to don't be too loud or touchy, either by you or the rest of the crew. Is probably that more than once she have trigger you and made you upsed (or even made your body hurt due the overestimulation), but that has never being her intention and she always try to make it up for you
Dan Heng is the one who is more quickly to adapt to your needs, he respects a lot your condition and always make it clear, even if he has never being too expressive you can tell by his actions how much he loves and cares for the astral express crew, including you, you can notice the little hints of him making sure there is nothing that could trigger discomfort or distress on you or quietly checking on you whenever you are spending time together, it isn't that he underestimated you but he does worry for you. Also, he has never have problems with people coming to the archives (even if it kinda is his room), so if you it brings you comfort the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of that room you are more than welcome to go whenever you want
Despite having a lot of knowledge due Kafka's helps, after their memories being eraised the trailblazer is now more like a newborn and everything is quite new, so they has to take some time to adapt and properly learn how to treat you to don't make you upset or bring you discomfort by accident, not that they thinks that your disability is a problem, is just that they don't want to bring you troubles, although, for them it won't be as dificult to adapt as it is for March and once they do and finally feels comfortable (knowing that they won't make you feel uncomfortable neither) they just become a great friend and a little bit protective over you too
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marieisnothere12 · 1 month
Sunday HSR Analysis
“People often forget that when the first bird took flight, the entire world envisioned a future where… No more fledglings would ever crash to their death.”
Hsr 2.2 spoilers 👇
I think Sunday values security and safety above all. Robin tells him he doesn’t need to do everything and not relax and we also see how much he does. He’s kind of like a pastor (or preacher idk the difference) hearing ppls confessions. Sunday is definitely seen as the perfect person. A responsibile, talented, brother than handles everything. Sunday’s main internal conflict is him not being sure he’s doing the right thing. He’s trying to persuade himself that he’s just trying protect people (but mainly Robin ig). And as Aventurine’s Future says something along the lines of:
“To deceive others, you must first deceive yourself.”
I think there are multiple parallels between the two. They both value security (or a false sense of it), deceive others, and in a way, gamble. Sunday’s plan of teaming up with Ratio and getting the “aventurine” stone. His questions with the Trailblazer, Himeko, March, and Firefly were pretty risky if you ask me. And like Aventurine, has questionable ways of achieving their goals. He believes he’s doing the right, and more importantly, necessary things to keep Penacony up and running. His drive isn’t principle like he suggests at the beginning, but need.
When Welt, Sunday, and Robin talk to the Dreammaster, he speculates that they do not worship the Harmony but the Order and Sunday confirms this. He says:
“We were never the children of the Harmony… Within the foundation of law, humanity establishes civilization. And through Harmony, we obtain Order.”
This makes a lot of sense. Sunday’s truth spell doesn’t match the belief of the Harmony very well. It’s very forceful as we can see with Aventurine’s interrogation. Since we now know it’s the Order, his power matches that path perfectly. I mean, he’s a control freak like Ena the Order.
Furthermore, he keeps bringing up the bird story and it dying. When he tells Himeko, March, Firefly, and the Trailblazer the story, he asks them:
“…build a nest with a soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home?”
March chooses to build a cage and protect it
Himeko chooses to build a cage and protect it
Firefly chooses to build a cage and protect it
The Trailblazer chooses to build a nest.
He then asks another question, the Trailblazer chooses the opposite of what Sunday chose.
Sunday then asked the third and final question.
“Would you still support Robin’s journey on the path of Harmony?”
The Trailblazer says yes.
Let me ask you this: How much can you blame Sunday? He wants protection, for himself and others. That’s why he follows the Order. He believes that you need force to have preace. Sunday wants to unite people under the Order.
But every planet that followed the Order shined bright but burned just as quickly.
He thinks his sister is naïve for following the Harmony and getting that bullet injury, but I would argue Sunday is just as naïve as her. None of the planets that worshipped Ena the Order succeeded in the long term. But the thing about Sunday that makes his naïveté worse than Robin’s, who is less naïve and more idealistic, is his arrogance and ignorance. Sunday is constantly reassuring himself he is a follower of the Order for the sake of Penacony and the Dreamscape.
I think Sunday’s view on humanity is pessimistic (as put in the hsr wiki) bc he detaches himself from. When he talks about, well anything in 2.2 it gives very “i’m a god and you pitiful humans are doomed.” However, he still genuinely wants to help people. I think this god-like stance is a bluff, a facade. We know from the Robin and Sunday cutscene that Sunday believes he has the be the one person that protects everyone, the person who suffers for everyone else. He has to put on a face that says “dw I got it.” Sunday thinks that he has and always will be the reliable one. He emotionally distances himself from everyone else to “see the big picture.”
When Sunday asks why does life slumber, the Trailblazer answers:
“Because someday…we will wake up from our dreams.”
This shocks Sunday. And if i’m being perfectly honest. I don’t really know exactly why. Maybe because he realizes that people (and himself) need to stop indulging into escapism. He may also be reminded he’s human. He isn’t perfect and his ideals aren’t the right solution for humanity.
And he replies:
“The night is still…too short…”
Sunday still wants to dream of something (or reminisce the past?). I’m not sure we gotta wait for him to be playable.
Before that Robin says:
“Even if that star… must hang in a perpetual night of solitude”
So that might also mean he thinks he deserves being alone or doing everything :((( this is a stretch tho
Robin also says:
“Brother… the weakness of humanity cannot be redeemed by others. Stop it… You want to achieve the paradise we promised but the Order is not the only choice! True happiness and the meaning life lie in defying Nihility and embracing all that life offers!”
Sunday wants to solve other peoples problems and humanity’s weakness
He might be nihilistic :((
He’s lonely :(
To close, Sunday doesn’t have bad motives but his execution is pretty questionable. The Order is more about control than anything (Ena and Sunday are both control freaks).
I love Sunday sm <333
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st3rll1nk · 4 months
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Synopsis: Your get flirted with in front of you girlfriend. How does she react?
Rating: Muli-Character (Himeko, Kafka, Serval, Ruan Mei), G/N reader, sfw, and fluff.
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Himeko is a mature and older woman. She’s been through things like this many times before and knows how to handle it.
You and Himeko were strolling around Belobog before a random woman comes up to you, her eyes all over you. “Well, aren’t you pretty?” She said, flirtatiously. Himeko stood her ground. She didn’t mind this much and let you take care of the situation. “Ah, sorry, I’m not interested. I have a girlfriend.” You told her honestly, about to walk away from the woman before she stops you again and spoke.
“Really? A girlfriend? I bet she’s not as good as me~” Himeko frowned. It was obvious the woman wasn’t listening. So, Himeko had to take charge. “Please leave us alone. No one’s interested.” She said firmly, taking your hand into hers. The woman raised an eyebrow. “Oh? And, just who are you?” Himeko responded rather quickly. “Their girlfriend.”
The woman’s eyes widened before stammering over her words while looking at her. It was obvious the woman didn’t know so she just awkwardly left though the thick tension still lingered. Himeko looked back at you and kissed for lips for a split second before talking. “Ignore her. She’s not important. Now, what was that museum you wanted to show me?”
Himeko would be more affectionate, and aware of her surroundings for the rest of the day. She’s more protective than actually jealous. It’s only if you actually push her buttons, she’ll be jealous.
Kafka is a prideful woman. She loves the fact that others find you just as attractive as she does about you and isn’t afraid to show you off. Though, others don’t seem to care much about that.
You and Kafka were on a mission to detain a stolen flash drive to give back to Sliver Wolf. Kafka and you had to be separated for a short while, having a meeting point incase of something bad happening. While on the mission, you come face to the culprit that stole it. She looked at you flirtatiously, circling around the you in a provocative manner.
“Well, I didn’t expect there to be such a cutie to be part of the stellaron hunters~” She flirted. This was.. unexpected. You paused for a moment, confusion on your face before talking back. “..Where’s the flash drive-” The woman was quick and cut you off. “Now, now, why should we talk about that when I have you all here to myself.” She smirked.
You sighed. “I’m not interested.” This woman seemed the type not to care much of what you had to say. And, you appeared to be right. She continued to smirk and talk seductively. “Oh, come on? You have a girlfriend or something? I don’t see her around..” The woman stepped forward to touch you before out of no where, Kafka grabbed her hand.
“Sorry. Finders, keepers.” Kafka smiled before you both engaged in a fight with the woman, with her being defeated and having no choice but to give back the flash drive. The woman then ran away even with the injuries inflicted onto her.
Kafka turned to you, all smiley. “Well, seemed like someone had a crush on you~ Guess I’m not the only one to have one~” Kafka laughed as your ears grew red from embarrassment of the situation. “Let’s just go..” You muttered before strolling away with a teasing Kafka.
Kafka would tease about the situation to you for the rest of the day. She more proud than jealous. Though, don’t want to share you with others. You’re hers, not anyone else’s.
Serval is an attractive and talented woman. She plays guitar, sings, and can attract anyone to her like a magnet in a mile radius. But, it doesn’t mean she can’t feel jealous.
It’s been a while since you and Serval had a date together from being occupied with work. But, tonight you both would be having one together at a simple restaurant. You both sat down across each other and talked till the waitress came around, her eyes immediately on to you.
“Hey welcome to Belogo’s Special, how may I take your order, sweetheart?” Serval raised an eyebrow to that name but dismissed it as you took your order. Serval couldn’t help but notice how the waiter took your order. She looked at your lips rather than your eyes, smirking just slightly. Or was it just Serval being overthinking the situation again?
The waitress then took Serval’s order, not doing anything to what she had does done with you. The waiter actually seemed annoyed before leaving. You exchanged a look with Serval, looking confused. You were confused if what you witnessed with the waitress was in your head and not and it obviously wasn’t.
Serval was quite displeased with the situation, eyeing the waitress till she left and looked over to you. “.. Seems like that waitress liked you a lot.” Serval spoke, her eyes onto yours. She knew it wasn’t your fault but for someone to flirt with you when it was clearly a date with how you both looked at each other. You looked at her. Her face was calm yet had rage built up.
You came to the conclusion it wasn’t in your head and Serval was definitely.. jealous. Something quite unexpected from her out of all people. Everyone practically loves her. “Serval..” You spoke up, “Don’t worry about what that waitress was thinking.” You then held her hand under the table across each other. “I only have for you.”
Serval paused at your words. She knew you were right. But, hated whenever people wanted something Serval only had. She sighed and looked at you in the eyes. “I know, (Name).. But, that behavior was inappropriate towards you.” You agreed and managed to kiss Serval on the lips for a few seconds to cheer her up. It worked and she began to brightly talk about a song she was making.
She, of course, changed waitresses and was a bit possessive towards you for the rest of the night. It was just to show she cared about you, of course. A whole lot and couldn’t imagine anyone else having you to themselves.
Ruan Mei
Ruan Mei is the type of woman to experiment with her jealousy. How far could it go? How does she react exactly? Her want to learn more about human life would help her in this.
Ruan Mei was in a meeting with Herta and you both planned to meet afterwards to go to her lab for some experiments she wanted help with. While you were going to her a few minutes before the meeting ends, you got stopped by one of the researchers. Her eyes were all over you as if she was admiring a painting in its glory.
“My, my, looks like your lost around here again~” She smirked. You obviously weren’t lost. She tried doing these like this before but you always shut her down. But, it never seemed to work. “No, I’m not-” She cut you off. “Oh, come on! Don’t play hard to get~” She whispered to your ear flirtatiously. You sighed. This was going to take a while for her get away from you.
By now, it had been a few minutes since Ruan Mei’s meeting ended. Her eyes flickered in curiosity as to why you’re 2:38 minutes late than to what you usually are to whenever you meet up with her. She then walked over to where she had an idea of where you might’ve been and she found you with a flirtatious researcher from a distance away.
Her eyes furrowed down at the researcher. Ruan Mei felt a familiar feeling to hatred towards the woman. But, this hate was without reason.. Was it jealousy? Was this what jealousy.. felt? She felt the urge to walk over to the two of you and did just that.
The researcher immediately noticed Ruan Mei and stuttered in front of the genus society member. “Ah.. Ruan Mei.. What a p-pleasure to meet you!” Ruan Mei looked calm as she always did. Yet in her heart, she had a perplexed amount of emotions towards the woman. “Please, no need to be so formal. I just needed to take my partner, (Name).”
The researcher’s eyes widened. “Ah.. (Name) is your partner?..” She asked hesitantly. But, before Ruan Mei could respond, the researcher decided to talk first. “Actually, I forgot I have s-somewhere else to be! Pleasure to meet you!” The researcher then scurried off.
Ruan Mei then turned to you. “I noticed that researcher was making flirtatious remarks towards you while I was coming over to you. Are you alright, (Name)?” Ruan Mei asked, still feeling that bitter feeling of jealousy. You smiled. “Yes, yes, I’m alright, Ruan Mei.” Ruan Mei smiled. “Glad to hear. But, I couldn’t help but feel a bitter feeling arise in me when I saw you with her. Would that be called, jealousy?” Ruan Mei asked bluntly, curious to her hypothesis being correct or not.
Your eyes widened a little before responding. “Ah, yes, I believe that would be ‘jealousy’. But, I never thought of you to be jealous, Ruan Mei.” It felt unusual for Ruan Mei to be feeling.. jealousy out of all things. But, Ruan Mei just smiled. “You can get the most out of the unusual. Perhaps we should experiment about that today? What do you think?” Ruan Mei asked, her curiosity about jealousy practically brimming. Of course, you agreed too and both of you went to her lab to run some tests.
Ruan Mei would keep her eye on you more than she already does, feeling possessive yet want you have your own free will. It’s complex for her yet both of you figure it out in your experiments.
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authors’s note: hey guys! ik i said i would post something in a couple of hours last post but i may or may not fell asleep… any, serval’s was a little rushed a the end. sorry! hope yall like it! and requests r always open!! 💕
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alwayscorvus · 4 months
"You are cute when you get worried about me" - Part 1
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"You are cute when you get worried about me" - Part 1
Dan Heng x malereader, fluff
Dan Heng...
Such a peculiar individual. He never spoke too much, never took the lead. Quiet, shy, modest. Living, as if in his own world and constantly seeking peace of mind.
When talking he was always a secondary character.
And in matter of fact, he did it so well that when you first got on train you didn't even notice him.
Yes, you were ashemed of yourself because of that. But in this rush of emotions and questions from new faces, especially March and Himeko, Dan Heng was just a... shadow.
Gradually, however, this began to change.
First, you had to experience shock at the sight of boy sitting next to you (Who, by the way, took his place on red seat in a very soundless way...) And spill a slowly cooling drink at yourself.
When it occurred to you that Dan Heng had been on the train all this time, including the last few days that had passed since your arrival, only then you could begin to calm down. And adventure between the two of you could truly begin.
You started bumping into each other. More and more frequently. You could say that this wasn't a big achievement in a closed space which train was. But with Dan Heng, however, situation looked a little different.
Weird fate brought you two together.
You couldn't get used to new time zone and instead of sleeping, you wandered around the train at night. On the other hand, he was sneaking out late at night to grab some food. Lured with naive hopes of not meeting a single person on his way.
There were more stories of similar kind. You ran into each other by chance in storage compartments. Or escaped together from March's pushiness.
Although Dan Heng tried to avoid people as much as possible, your company was not so bad. And even quite... tolerable. Which was definitely surprising.
You didn't force your presence. Didn't look for a topic for unnecessary chat.
You both were able to stay in complete silence for a long time. It provided a strange comfort to Dan Heng. And you... you just didn't care about creating a forced relationship with the other. Nor did you want to do anything that would make boy feel bad.
Despite that, with each situation you managed to discover new features of Dan Heng. It turned out that he wasn't just an ordinary silent shadow.
And somehow, strangely, you started to convince yourself to him.
So much that when March told you about how Dan Heng was supposed to perform cpr on Trailblazer you gritted your teeth.
You yourself didn't know why. Dan Heng was just so... tender, innocent, elegant. You couldn't imagine anyone reaching up to his level. No one deserved his touch. Even you were not good enough for him. Wait...
Or was it just a jealousy?
Strange thoughts disappeared as quickly as they appeared. And you two started to become just a couple of good companions.
More and more often you dropped by his room to read something interesting. And he frequently recommended something from his collection to you.
In return, you always appreciated him by a cup of something warm. And not only in his room. When Dan Heng was sitting in parlor car with everyone else, you would appear out of nowhere, sliding steaming drink under his nose.
At first March was always throwing a tantrum for not handing her one as well. But as time went on, she began to suspect that you must have added something there. Because Dan Heng began to behave somehow strangely different.
And absolutely, in your whole life you wouldn't even think of something like that! Especially since Dan Heng was only a friend in your eyes (and even to this status there was still a long way ahead).
But indeed, boy somehow began to appear in your company more often. He would approach you of his own want. And when he had to take a seat at a table, he always chose the one next to you. Not to Yang, not Himeko, not Trailblazer, not March, but you. He didn't really say anything at that time. Mostly he was so quiet that after some time you even managed to forget about his presence.
He just felt comfortable in your company, your voice calming him down. He enjoyed listening especially to your speeches. Although you didn't show your wise side at first meeting, over time Dan Heng developed a great respect for you. When you commented on books, analyzed documents and, to his horror, sometimes corrected his diagrams.... you seemed so incredibly smart for such a young age. In terms of eloquence you matched to Himeko or Mr.Yang themself. Even when you were separated by such a big difference in experience.
Before you knew it Dan Heng was coming to you for advice. Mainly wanting to consult plans for various missions. He didn't do this often and certainly wasn't confident enough to ask you directly. His pride and desire for complete independence could suffer greatly from this.
But why do something so troublesome, when he had you just there, so close... That's why in moments of desperation he slipped his notes under your nose. Casually, by accident. He always pointed out that he was in the middle of working on them and that he just took a quick break. He didn't ask for help.
He wanted to create an illusion in which he could handle everything by himself. Where he already had specific steps planned. He just hadn't had time to write them down yet.
He was waiting for you to suggest a solution on your own. And you gladly played along. Even when you finally understood his actions, you couldn't destroy his fragile ego. Put him in hesitation, bring him to a state where he would start doubting himself and claim that he wasn't good enough for this world.
That's why you would just throw some idea. He would only mutter that he had come up with it a long time ago. And whenever you left his room, he would rush to his papers as quickly as possible, noting your solution.
First few months passed and Nameless welcomed you into the family, began to treat you as their own. You were so friendly, warm-hearted and understanding that you won their trust without much difficulty.
In the result, you started going on short, simple missions. With different people. Though probably most often with Trailblazer. Both of you were new on train. Others already had many adventures behind them, so they decided that it was your time.
It was true that by sheer coincidence of fate you spent most of your time with Dan Heng on train. But you really doubted that he would miss you. He wasn't that type. Besides, you also didn't have time to think about him in heat of battle.
Despite that, boy was able to remind you about himself sometimes.
You didn't expect it, but one time your phone made a hazy sound of a notification.
When you saw from who the message came, you couldn't believe your eyes. Dan Heng.
Your conversation wasn't very thrilling. Boy wanted to share some new discovery. So after a not-so-short introduction involving long definitions and some data, he ordered you to visit him in his room as soon as you returned.
"And don't forget about drinking water. Dehydration can lead to dizziness and serious physical damage to your health." - that's exactly how his last message sounded like. After it, his status immediately changed to offline.
To others, this message could have not meant anything, but you have already managed to get to know Dan Heng.
Although the way he showed his affection was definitely... unusual and not very obvious. Revolving mostly around simple things. In you it still caused a spread of warmth.
Your friend was genuinely concerned about you. You meant something to him.
"Cute" - was all you managed to think before shoving your phone into a pocket.
On some missions, however, you had to worry about more serious issues than hydration.
Apparently when Dan Heng found out that u were severely injured, he didn't even wait for Himeko's instructions before rushing to your rescue. But then again, who would trust March's stories...
-So stupid of you, thinking that u could handle this monster on your own - he shouted angrily, at the same time pushing your drained body closer and closer to his chest and rapidly beating heart.
-Stupid, stupid, stupid! -he just repeated, while punching your aching shoulder with free wrist. You only hissed at that harder, but you didn't dare to say anything.
You guessed Dan Heng was really worried.
Ever since he stopped your bleeding, he hasn't left your side. For the first time in so long, stress spoke through him. He supported your torso on bended knees as Trailblazer went to show the way to other Nameless.
Dan Heng probably should have replaced the limping Trailblazer in this situation and get help by himself. But it didn't even cross his mind to lose sight of you ever again. Who knows, maybe you would get some stupid idea again and start fighting an obviously stronger beast without him.
Despite all this situation, he probably didn't lose his common sense. Because as you thought about it longer his punches and shouts effectively kept you from drifting off into unconsciousness...
You didn't think you could mean so much to him. And yet, in that short time, you unintentionally became his biggest support. Someone he could come to, knowing that he wouldn't be bombarded with questions at the same time. It was on your shoulder that he could rest his head when he was losing battle with sleep deprivation. He felt safe because he knew that you weren't one of those people who would forcefully dig into his past. Besides, in his eyes, you were nice, you paid attention to details and as funny as it might sound.... you were simply clever. Even if others saw you differently, even if you had other opinion of yourself.
You were the one who always respected his opinion and you just... were there.
Therefore, at the very thought that he could lose you... That he could lose any of his loved ones again, his heart froze.
-Don't even think that I will ever let you go on any mission alone. From now on we are partners.
You only smiled at that.
-You know, you are cute when you get worried about me?
Dan Heng looked at you startled. And a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.
Before you had time to look at him more, you were thrown on the hard ground with a loud bang.
made while listening to CORBYN "Sorry's Never Enough"
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stellarfoxian · 2 months
when you’re sick !!
characters: himeko, stelle, natasha
a/n: sighs. i got sick ☹️ i can’t take time off of school though so instead i will write this and lament about my existence </3 these are really short because i’m not feeling the best sorry
warnings: none, might be ooc idk
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: ̗̀➛ probably the best person on the express to be taking care of you when you’re sick.
: ̗̀➛ urges you to stay in your room and tucks you in.
: ̗̀➛ himeko encourages you to drink something warm…. Like coffee. Her coffee.
: ̗̀➛ and no amount of sickness will ever cause you to be that desperate, so she sighs dramatically and instead brings you tea or hot chocolate.
: ̗̀➛ lets you lay your head on her lap if you want.
: ̗̀➛ she’ll stroke your hair and talk about whatever.
: ̗̀➛ she’s honestly really responsible when it comes to taking care of you, so you best believe you’re in good hands.
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: ̗̀➛ oh she has no idea what she’s doing.
: ̗̀➛ poor stelle is so worried for you when she sees you coughing and sneezing :( she hates seeing you like this.
: ̗̀➛ she has to go to himeko for help because she genuinely has no idea what she should be doing 😭
: ̗̀➛ she’ll get you a cup of orange juice and keep you company until you fall asleep.
: ̗̀➛ and even when you fall asleep, she’s there, sleeping next to you, or just nearby.
: ̗̀➛ she’s really strong, so when she hugs you, she hugs tight. it’s very warm.
: ̗̀➛ she’ll entertain you by letting you sit on her lap while she plays a game, complaining about how bad the other team is. whenever she loses, she groans loudly and presses her face against your hair. it’s very cute.
: ̗̀➛ stelle takes care of you to the best of her ability. she honestly loves it!
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: ̗̀➛ well. she’s a doctor, so���. yeah, you’re in the best possible hands.
: ̗̀➛ natasha does everything the way it should be done. she makes sure you take medicine, gives you soup, makes sure you have tissues, whatever.
: ̗̀➛ if the medicine is gross, she understands…. But you still have to take it. she’s not taking no for an answer, you WILL take that medicine whether you want to or not. she’ll praise you like she praises children when they take medicine as a way to tease you. she means well, don’t worry.
: ̗̀➛ nat does things fairly close to medical protocol, honestly. she’s just a little more patient with you, since you’re her partner.
: ̗̀➛ the one thing she does only for you is cuddle you in bed. it does make her real sad to see you in such a sick state, so she does whatever she can to make you just a bit more comfortable. don’t worry, her immune system is STRONG. she’ll be fine !!!!
: ̗̀➛ overall, you’re in capable hands. nat takes care of you as best as possible and treats you with so much love and care.
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perurx-moon · 2 years
I’m sorry but this gets on my nerves: The amount of people I’ve seen invalidate Pete’s relationships because he was queer man is gross to me. Your literally giving into the stereotypes that he spent years trying to demolish
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akutasoda · 5 months
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if you wanna take the long way?
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synopsis - they meet you on their travels and you decide to join them on the road of a nameless
includes - himeko, welt, dan heng, march 7th, stelle
warnings - gn!reader, maybe ooc, fluff, tooth rotting fluff, bittersweet angst, childhood friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, wc - 3.7k
a/n: happy new year! kicking off with my longest post yet. one of my favourite songs atm is 'trailblaze ☆' by cowgirl clue and it reminds me so much of these guys (yes this is inspired by that song)
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himeko ★↷
she had probably been travelling on the express the longest. she repaired it atleast and got it running again. and as many challenges it threw their way she still loved it. there was something about travelling throught the stars with people she cared deeply about that really had a place in her heart.
she never really thought much about personal relationships however. she knew the road walked by the nameless was a difficult one. one that allowed for little relationships outside of those actually on the express. but she knew that going into becoming a nameless so it never bothered her that much.
even so, sometimes there coulbe be unavoidable exceptions. that exception being you. she barely left the express, afterall others normally offered up or she would prefer to assist pom pom in the maintenance of the express. but somewhere she would stop off often would be the space station itself.
she enjoyed it's atmosphere and the people there were interesting to talk to, especially asta. but recently asta had introduced you to himeko. and himeko immediately took a shine to you. you were stunning and rather intelligent, two very admirable qualities. and so more often than not she found herself seeking out your company.
so much so that you always were the first to welcome the express back into the station and offer to help with any restocking or maintenance. she found herself growing rather used to your presence and always enjoyed seeing your face when they returned to the space station. so much so that she would miss you on her voyages.
call her selfish but she wished you'd join the express. you had the skills to be a valuable nameless and she'd prefer your presence by her side at all times. but she wouldn't force you. afterall sometimes when she misse d you she would curse herself for building that relationship with you but then she'd justify it because they regularly visited the space station.
but even so, she wanted to atleast ask. so the next time they docked at the space station she searched for you. which wasn't that difficult but then she accompanied you on your tasks and when you asked if the express needed anything she took her shot. she asked if you wanted to join her among the stars by her side.
was it a confession of her feelings or her asking you to join the express? well a bit of both. you were a bit shocked by the request but you really did want to say yes so you asked for some time to think about it. and she respected that.
it was rather cliche, but when the express was readying for another departure, she spotted you heading toward it. she asked of you had chosen and you said yes, you would join her. she couldn't of been happier as she took your hand and took you onto the express.
welt ★↷
he was rather a veteran to the express and it's travels. but he enjoyed the lifestyle led by the nameless, it was weirdly refreshing and provided him a new opportunity to work on his drawings and such. and the company provided was also rather enjoyable.
and going into the life as a nameless he was well aware that relationships outside of the express were short lived and should ideally be avoided. but there was one he had kept. one that he'd had since the start of his trailblazing.
due to the express stopping at the space station for extended periods of time he had met alot of the researchers that worked their. and the one got along the most with was you. you were the head of your field and he admired that.
he always enjoyed your company, you were nice to be around and it never failed to make him crack a smile or two. and he visited you everytime he could which never lead to himeko having to guess where he was.
and recently he had a conversation with you which was more of him telling you about the express's latest adventure. to which you admitted that you were kinda of jealous. you laughed as you went on to explain how sometimes you wished you could join him on the express.
and he felt very tempted to offer you then and there. he would love you to travel alongside of him, that way maybe he could build up the courage to confess. but he knew ot had to be your decision,and maybe you were just joking around. so eventually he bid farewell and left with the express yet again.
and when they next docked, he was very surprised to see you there ready and waiting for him with a big grin upon your face. you told him that if you were allowed, you'd like to join the express and he'd never said yes faster.
he worried about your work at first but very quickly got over it as you explained how you talked it all over with various people on the soace station and they all supported you in your decision to leave, no matter how much they'd miss you.
he pulled you into a tight hug and you reciprocated. he couldn't wait to now live out his lifestyle with the one he cared for most.
dan heng ★↷
when he joined the express, he left much of his old life behind. the parts that he hadn't forgotten he'd force himself to push to the back of his mind and focus on his new life. focus on his future, not his past like he used to always be tormented by.
and he still was tormented by his past in his nightmares but during the day he'd almost forget everything. almost. there was something his mind wouldn't allow him to forget something that was briefly his memory but mainly imbibitor lunae's memory.
and when he returned to the xianzhou those memories were all that could plague his mind. he almost hated himself for blocking out those memories because when they became crystal clear after re-awakening his old form, he knew he had to do something.
during his time as imbibitor lunae he had his main friends in the high cloud quintet. but if he was being brutally honest, his closest friend was you. a rather mischievous long life species such as himself. one that he had know since his youth.
his very first friend was you. you never failed to make him smile or laugh. when he was with you he could be a kid, not the future high elder in training. and thus you took it upon yourself to show him how to act his age by sneaking him out of his training and into the xianzhou to have fun.
and even as he grew into his role as the high elder you still snuck him out. but you were also his number one supporter. but the problem was that he had a slight crush on you. one taht he buried beneath lock and key because as the high elder the time he had for relationships was practically non existent and he knew you deserved better.
you deserve someone that could be there for you twenty four seven and support you in ways he couldn't. it hurt him because he desperately wanted you to be his, call him selfish but it was true. but he never was aware of your feelings towards him and if he was, maybe he'd have the confidence to confess.
but maybe it was for the best. he'd knew you would be hurt by his forced re-incarnation. you'd lose your best friend but he knew it would hurt you more to lose your lover. and even after his rebirth he would be forced to leave. to never see you again. but you simply wouldn't allow that.
you tracked him down before he could leave. he didn't know how or why, but you had one simple request before he boarded the express. and that was to remember you, even if you knew it wasn't your imbibitor lunae anymore. so forgetting you was something he would beat himself up over.
so there was nothing that seemed to stop him asking a request that the express stay a little while longer. he knew that he wasn't who you fell in love with, he wasn't him. but he felt like he'd own you this much. own you for everything you did for imbitor lunae even if that wasn't him.
and finding you was easy, afterall nothing seemed to stop you from hearing of dan hengs return. you caught him off guard really. one minute he was thinking on where to start looking, next minute you nearly tackled him to the floor with the force of your hug.
you expressed how haopy you were to see him and for the first time in ages, he didn't feel like himself. all of a sudden he felt like he was imbibitor lunae not dan heng. he knew it was wrong but even in this life he knew he loved you.
and you didn't seem to care that he wasnt imbibitor lunae. you immediately started talking to him as of it was second nature and you'd been friends for ages. and it was so uncharacteristic for him, but he really couldn't stop himself. as you babbled on about your life, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about you and him.
maybe in this lifetime, he could be the lover that he wasn't before. but he still stopped himself from saying anything, he'd never had a problem telling people that he wasnt him but when it came to you it seemed impossible. and you could still read him like an open book.
you could tell what he was thinking and you smiled at him, god that smile made him weak. you urged him to say what he was thinking and it was like you opened a vault deep inside of him. all his thoughts came spilling out at once.
and before he knew it, he said it. in his random mess of words ranging from 'i know im not him' and 'i know it's not him, but' formed the sentence 'would you forgive me, would you follow me?'. you knew what he was trying to say. and you couldn't of been happier to say yes.
and while he wasn't him, you weren't really you either afterall long life species somerimes undergo rebirths prematurely. so maybe this could be a knew era for you both. a new timeline in a way, everything would be new except the love you had for eachother.
march 7th ★↷
she had around 67 versions of how she came to be. all of which got more and more complex and inventive, but she knew it was her way of dealing with her past. she didn't like to dwell on it's rather unfortunate reality but rather focus on the fun alternatives that she could spend time curating and exploring.
and her lively energy was also her way of forgetting. she was still young! no matter how long she was in that ice and so she was going to live her life to the absolute fullest and enjoy it with the people she cherished most. even if it got rather dangerous at times.
but another aspect to her personality was being rather photogenic and in her opinion, fashionable. so alot of the places she visited with the express, she loved taking photos to remember all the fun times they had on those planets and such. and jarilo-VI seemed like a great photo spot.
but what caught her eye most was in belobog's underground. she caught eye of a rather fashionable looking person talking to natasha. she was immediately curious and she guessed they had some time to kill as stelle and dan heng had already retreated for the night.
she waited for natasha and you to finish talking before she called out. 'march! what a nice surprise, anything the matter?' natasha posed as she smiled at march before march responded simply 'just stretching my legs!' she tirned to face you 'what's your name?' she asked with the biggest smile.
you smiled, her energy was rather contagious and you introduced yourself before natasha interjected 'they often help out at the clinic if their not too busy and im too busy'. you and march immediately got along. so much so neither of you noticed natasha retreating into the clinic as your conversation continued.
you noticed the camera strapped to her outfit and you had an idea. you asked if she was a photographer and she responded with a yes and explained about the express. this intrigued you as in all honesty you were quite bored of the scenery presented to you down here and visiting other places among the stars really appealed to you.
but you thought you were getting ahead of yourself. you offered, if she wasn't busy, to show her some pretty good sights of the underworld. without thinking march agreed. you two had lost track of time by the time you two returned as dan heng and stelle were looking for your new companion. you bid her farewell as she rushed off with them.
all march could think about was you. she felt like she really connected with you and dan heng reminded her multiple times that they had more important things to do at the moment to which she laughed and apologised. but she truly couldn't get you put her mind.
so much so that she wondered if you'd be willing to join the express. you seemed really interested in it and she reckoned you'd really enjoy it but dan heng was right. they did have a more pressing situation at hand and therefore needed to focus on that, maybe after she could ask.
but you seemed to beat her too it. affter the situation was resolved you were amazed by the underground finally being open back up to belobog and news of the express's success reached you pretty quickly and all you could think about was finding march. it didn't take long however as she seemed to have the same idea.
you knew what you wanted to ask and hated how nervous you were about it but you finally found the right words. march was absolutely overjoyed at you aksing if you could join the express. she smiled and said something about asking a lady named himeko but you probably could. she grabbed you by the hand and dragged you all the way to himeko.
himeko could hardly resist after march's enthusiasm for you wnating to join. but she did make sure you were absolutely sure you could handle the life of a nameless to which you answered confidently. himeko could tell you and march would be absolutely pefect for each other.
stelle ★↷
her existence was rather unknown, even to herself and so she tried not to think about it too much. burying herself in the humour of exploring new worlds with her new friends. and exploring her hobbies, a particular favourite being dumpster diving.
she didn't quite understand why march and dan heng kept telling her not to, but she didn't really care. so during their time in belobog she would take up evry opportunity to dive through the nearest trash can that caught her sights. and that's how she met you.
you worked in belobog as a lieutenant of the silvermane guards. it had been a major part of your life, taking up most personal time you had and leaving little room for doing things with your friends or family. but even so there were elements to the job you did enjoy and maybe it balanced it out.
but today had been a slow day. your captain, gepard, had informed you some guests were wandering around belobog. apparently from the astral express to help with the stellaron situation. you cared little for the information at first as ot did really not involve you but you knew if the situation with the stellaron escalated you probably would have to head up front lines again.
so when you were doing rounds that bore your brain to death, that's really all you could think about. the astral express, a train that could travel beyond the stars - it did have a nice appeal to it you thought. unfortunately your train of thought was cut short as you heard the sound of bins clattering to your left.
you looked over and saw someone you'd never seen before. admittedly a rather pretty woman. you approached her as she continued rooting through trash - a strange thing in your opinion. you cleeared your throught and the grey haired woman turned to look at you.
you had to hold back your amusement at seeing a small bit of paper stuck to the top of her head as you asked a simple 'are you alright their?', she nodded and quickly explained that she was looking for something intriguing. you didn't have much else to do and yet you'd never thought you would have a go at dumpstter diving but you couldn't help but offer to help.
stelle's eyes practically light up at the offer, she'd never had someone offer to join her. and when a rather gorgeous person offered to join her she felt it was hard to disagree. you crouched down next to her before plucking the paper out her hair and asking something along the lines of 'so how do we do this?'.
you had way more fun than you thought. sure you were doomed to be reprehended by your superior for abandoning your duties but in your opinion it was worth it. the only thing that brought the both of you to a stop was a new voice addresssing the lady beside you.
you and the grey haired lady stood up to look toward what you assumed were her companions. the pink haired one was the firstt to speak 'stelle! we'd thought we lost you! and why are you still looking through trash!' only then did it dawn on you that you'd spent your entire day rooting through trash with someone you didn't even know the name of.
before the woman you know knew as stelle spoke up, the dark haired boy addressed you 'may i ask what you are doing here?'. you quickly explained that you thought she'd lost something and offered to help to which the pink haired one responded 'don't tell me the silvermane guards like dumpster doving as well', you could only let out a sheepish laugh.
you coughed into your hand and asked who they were. they explained they were the astral express guests and introduced themselves properly to which you did the same. you bid them farewell as you headed back to your supposed post for the hour - not that you did your over duties.
everything had happened rather fast. one minute you were chatting with the members of the express them they were criminals, wanted by the silvermane guards and now the stellaron situation had been resolved and bronya was the new supreme guardian. you really only knew what you had been directly involved in.
and in the aftermath you learnt of the express's successful interference. but you were rather exhausted from all of it and gepard had recognised your efforts and decided to let you off earlier than usual. but just as you were tidying your office to go home you heard a knock on your door. and it wasn't who you were expecting when you called them in.
truth be told, ever since stelle had met you and you helped her indulge in her hobby she couldn't get you out her head. she didn't really understand why and in what very little down time they had, she asked march about what she should do. and rather appropriately, march told her to worry about it after the situation was resolved.
and after it was, she could only still think about you. mar hburged her to seek you out and she had. spending time with you until she was informed they had to leave. and when they get back on the express and readied for departure she felt rather down. she didn't really know why either.
'what's with her today?' himeko looked at march, 'she wont be able to see her crush again'. himeko looked back at stelle before responding 'she has a crush?' march nodded rather enthusiastically and told himeko all about you. himeko only looked at stelle with a thought in mind.
and low and behold standing at your office door was stelle. you perked up at seeing her and she was noticeably happier as well. you invited her in and asked if she needed anything. the only response stelle could give was a rather confident 'would you join me?'. you were rather confused with the statement and asked what she meant.
she explained that she couldn't bear to leave you behind and himeko offered that if you agreed, you could join the express and travel with her. you knew it sounded rather rash and rushed but you wanted to blurt out yes and never look back on that decision. but this would be huge for you - leaving behind your entire life for a life with someone you'd barely know.
but even so, you couldn't help but still say yes. you couldn't bare to say no, when you wanted a change of pace and the fact that stelle looked at you with the biggest puppy eyes you'd ever seen. the express had to leave later than intended after all you couldn't quit on the spot but gepard was surprisingly understanding and turned a blind eye to the whole resignation process.
you knew deep down that this was big step that you probably didn't think over as much as you should've, but something was telling you to do so. telling you that the express was the right choice and a life beside stelle was the best path for you.
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chaeyoi · 1 month
♪Don't apologise for the minimum. Dan Heng x Reader! NFSW
Note: MDNI! Fingering, Consent from both parties, Unestablished relationships. Reader receiving. Body worship? Fluff?
A/N : This is my first post. I don't do technology. So forgive me if you see a plain esque background. Also sorry for any grammatical mistakes, English isn't my first language. Somebody help me understand how to put up pictures and those bar thingys underneath. Dan Heng/Trailblazer.
Context: Him with a Reader who apologies for everything.
Extra: Au personality. Didn't know what to do with ending.
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You had a habit of saying sorry for every mistake you made, whether small or big. A small reflection of your past and how you were a people pleaser.
That habit remained when you joined the Express, always making sure that crew was okay. You were the most reliable of the bunch.
It wasn't annoying per se just that you often neglected yourself. Himeko and Welt had told you many times to cut yourself some slack.
As the Express ventured through the vastness of space, Dan Heng sat on his mattress in the Archives, writing down things from the recent expedition in Belobog.
You came into his room, with two cups of coffee in your hand as you wanted to talk about the Stellaron.
As you neared him, one of the cups spilled from your hands, staining his shirt, thankfully it was cold.
With a barrage of apologies from your mouth, you crouched down to wipe the excess liquid.
His hand suddenly made their way around your chin, pulling you close till you were inches away from him.
"Don't apologize. You can't defy accidents, we're all human after all."
"Huh- but." You were shushed off by him.
"No buts, it's fine." He stated reassuringly. He took the napkin from your hand. "Cut yourself some slack."
"Do you want my shirt?" You offered not thinking of the after math.
A deep chuckle rumbled from his mouth. "And you'd walk around with a bra and shorts on the Express?" He teased with a smirk. "No keep it on." He continued softly.
"My coat? Would you like that?" You offered again, clear intent of apologising in your eyes.
He chuckled yet again, his thumb grazing your cheek. "Stop apologizing, I don't know what you've been through. But we love you, faults and all."
"I'll get you another cup of coffee and a pair of shirt then." You were insistent on doing something about your mistake.
"No." He muttered, his hand going from your cheek to your arm, as he pulled you onto the mattress. His head buried in your shoulder, a rare form of affection from the Brunette. He whispered, his hot breath tickling against your neck. "You've done enough, let me take care of you this time." His arm wrapped firmly around your waist, feeling his chiseled chest against your back.
"Huh-" You were quite taken aback. It wasn't normal for the train guard to show affection and intimacy no less. You did feel something for him other friends but kept it closed.
"Would you mind?" He asked, his teal eyes glowing with suggestive undertone, still asking your consent.
"No. I- don't think I'll be able to give you what you want." You didn't mind, just that you had no experience in the area of intimacy.
He sighed, sending a shiver down your spine. "Always trying to live up to expectations."
His fingers started to fiddle with the buttons of your shirt, undoing them slowly. All the while, his lips brushed against your neck, leaving butterfly kisses in his wake.
You closed your eyes upon the sensation. It felt nice and soothing too.
As he unbuttoned your shirt, exposing your bare skin, his hand slid around your waist to undo the button and zipper on your shorts. He pulled you tighter against him, leaving a trail of goosebumps where his lips touched.
"Just relax for me," he whispered, gently laying you on your back with him looming over you.
His hand circled around your chin, as he dove in for a kiss. His other hand trailed through every curve of your body before proceeding towards your hip, playing with the band of your underwear.
You gasped into the kiss and he took the opportunity to let his tongue delve deeper into your mouth.
Not breaking the kiss, he pushed your underwear down to your knees.
He finally broke the kiss, a string a saliva connecting his lips to yours. "Do you want to continue?" He asked for confirmation, his eyes searching for any type of discomfort in your body language.
"Yes.. But I'm not experienced in-"
He shushed you. "You don't have to do anything, just relax." "You're the one receiving tonight." He placed a kiss on your collarbone.
"isn't that unfair?" You were a person who believed in both recieving and giving but were a bit bent on giving side.
He smirked. "Is it? You're always the one that takes care of us, always putting others before yourself. Isn't it your turn for someone to take care of you?" His fingers brushed down between your legs, gently rubbing circles around your clit. He inserted a finger inside.
You let out an intoxicated moan, quickly covering your mouth as you found the sound embarassing.
His smirk widened as he heard the moan, enjoying your reaction. His hand went away from your chin and pulled your hands away from your mouth, his grasp firm yet gentle, pinning them above your head. "What's the fun in hiding?" he whispered.
"It's- quite embarassing." You stuttered, breathless from the kiss earlier.
"Don't be embarrassed," he said softly, his breath grazing your cheek. "I like seeing you like this. No need to hold back." Another finger slipped inside you, curving slightly to hit that sweet spot. His thumb brushed your clit. "It's just me and you here. Who else is going to hear?"
His room was soundproof due to his room being the Archives, so sound would be the least of your concerns.
He prepped your neck in kisses, leaving hickeys behind. Your back arched involuntarily at the pleasure.
"Please.. Dan Heng.." You didn't know what you were begging for, your brain couldn't form coherent answers. "Please.."
No matter how much you might have asked him, he would never get tired of hearing his name on your lips. "Please what?" he murmured, his tone almost teasing as his fingers continued their slow, deliberate pace. As his thumb flicked your most sensitive bud, he captured your gasp in yet another kiss.
"Faster.." You quietly mumered, feeling ashamed.
His brow raised at your request and chuckled, speeding up his pace. "Don't feel ashamed. It's nothing wrong you're doing."
His words didn't reach your ears as you were close to your release. "I'm.. close."
He understood your words and fastened his pace, making you come undone beneath him.
His fingers pulled away, covered in your slick. His other hand letting go of your wrists.
You blushed seeing him put his fingers into his mouth and clean off the slick. "You taste sweet nonetheless like your personality." He stated, brushing the stray strand of hair from your face.
"You don't have to taste it." You looked away, your body shaking from the release.
"Can't let sweet things go to waste." He laid down beside you, pulling you close to his chest. "Sleep, if you're tired. You don't have to worry about anything else."
"Huh- are you sure? I ruined your shirt and you still.."
He shushed you yet again. "How many times do you I need to tell you to be selfish? It's fine. I said I'll take care of you. Now rest assured." He lulled you into sleep, patting your back and placing a kiss on your forehead.
You fell into a deep slumber without any worries. Your breathing slow and rhythmic.
He cleaned you up with a napkin after seeing the remaining slick on your thighs.
Once he confirmed you were asleep, he separated himself away from you, placing your discared shorts aside. He opened the drawer, changed into a new shirt. He sat down on the bed as he gently pulled you in a sitting position, freeing you from your shirt and changing you into his shirt and shorts.
He pulled a blanket over you. Still patting you, his motion slowing and stopped as drowsiness overcame him and he fell asleep.
Dawn came, yet the space didn't light up.
Your eyes fluttered, hazy eyes gazing into Dan Heng. He greeted "Morning."
"Did you enjoy yourself last night?" He said pulling you onto his lap, his chin resting over your head.
A knock on his door. A cheery voice from the otherside, it was none other than March 7th. "Dan Heng, you know where our reliable roll is?"
"I infact do, Stelle's with me." Dan Heng answered with a hint of annoyance in his tone.
March entered the room. "Why is she with your reserved ass? I'm here to take her shopping today-" She paused when she saw you on his lap, hickeys on your neck not to mention you were wearing his clothes.
Immediately starting an Eyebrow communication with Dan Heng, March raised her brows 'Did you do it?'
'I did. Not the main stuff tho.' Dan Heng wiggled his brows, conforming March's question.
"Hey, Himeko, Welt and Pom Pom, we have a couple on board!!!" Mach shouted in excitement and ran to the parlor car.
"Are we expecting some people today on Express?" You asked sleepily, oblivious to the atmosphere.
"No. She's talking about us."He answered, ruffling your already mangled hair.
"..Do you mind with us being a couple?" You asked, burying your face in the crook of his shoulder.
He chuckled, shaking his head. "No." "Besides if I did, you wouldn't be wearing my clothes right now."
You looked down to see what he was talking about, your eyes widened seeing that you were changed and your clothes were folded neatly beside the bed.
"Thank you, Dan Heng."
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antimatterz · 9 months
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what's after LIKE ?
dan heng x gn!reader
summary: i have no idea where i'm going with this but it's inspired by IVE - after LIKE. this is honestly more brainrot and less serious writing.
cw: fluff fluff fluff, kinda crush headcanons + confessions + established relationship headcanons + a bit of marriage? i don't know tbh i was just vibing to the song when i wrote this and made a dan heng love story ramble lol. this kinda has some spoilers to dan heng's past.
content under the cut | masterlist
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your crush on dan heng was sweet but short lasting.
quick to sprout from its seedling, rapidly finding the light to blossom freely. dan heng was part of the very first memory you had access to, and finding his solemn gaze resting solely on you awakened a string of butterflies in your stomach despite the confusion that came along with waking up aboard a space station without even knowing who you were.
you knew nothing, nothing but your name. where did you come from? what was your purpose? how did you end up aboard herta's space station? why was fate so kind to have dan heng be the person to find you?
when your eyes met, something solid formed between the two of you, something that never vanished and only grew in strength as weeks flew by. he opened up to you so rapidly and you did the same. he seemed not so easy to get along with at first but you looked past that façade and tried to find who he really was.
and he happily showed you.
your crush on dan heng was undeniably there, and to march, it was the most obvious thing possible. smitten you were, as your gaze lingered on the quiet male with heart eyes. he was known as a distant person, cold even to most. but you always tried to look past his mask, and soon it shattered afore your eyes, showing the calm and kind-hearted guy hiding behind it.
but your crush only lasted so long. you liked dan heng, but little did you know he liked you too. like was merely the first chapter of your story together. dan heng, as direct as he was, wouldn't hesitate to tell you ever so bluntly;
i like you, y/n.
there was a whole new chapter abound, the follow-up of the story that came after like. you never knew what it would be, since you thought of your crush as one-sided. while you had hoped for love to follow after like you did not dare to get your hopes up. yet, dan heng's confession had your dreams come true. love was the new chapter of your story.
loving dan heng was surprisingly easy. although he appeared cold and indifferent to those he deliberately kept at distance he was the opposite when it came to you; still quiet, but soft and kind, caring and a big sweetheart in his own way. you got along so well and the way you two matched was impeccable.
sure, dan heng had his secrets, he had a whole past he could not remember much about – and refused to talk about, even with you. but that was okay, you accepted that and allowed him time and space. he was grateful for that, and now you had an amazing lover by your side.
dan heng treats you as royalty, while you pamper him with affection and shower him with love. more and more often you find him smiling around you. there was a whole new side to him, one that you had 'unlocked' when the two of you started dating. again, the male was an absolute sweetheart.
but even love wasn't the final chapter. because at some point he asked you to marry him, his voice filled with something you hadn't heard before. it was so gentle, like the fleeting smile he offered you when you said yes.
your wedding was small, with only a few attendants; march, welt, himeko, herta, asta, arlan, ring-bearer peppy, and even some friends you made along the way. and who knew, maybe the stellaron hunters were watching from afar? but even though it was merely a small and simple ceremony, dan heng made sure to pick the most beautiful planet alongside the star rail where the astral express rode upon. imagine, the love in dan heng's eyes when you gaze at each other at the altar.
who knew? what started off as such a simple and innocent crush had so much more in store for you. you finally knew what came after like. love, marriage, happiness forever with your beloved.
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xieni-logs · 10 months
All of the Astral express crew members with chaotic child! reader
like imagine all of them having fun on some planet, looking at all the sights but then child reader sees something that piques their interest and lets go of whoever's hand they're holding onto and POOF they're gone.
and then the crew panics and chaos ensues :3
Vacation on Jarilo-VI
note: imagined an actual child!reader. ive never written or read something like this so this was a fun experiment! the ask is really fun to imagine though, i hope i did it justice!!
The Astral Express Crew are visiting Belobog after helping the stellaron crisis but this time, it's purely for a vacation. you weren't allowed to go last time and it really bummed you out so you're real excited about going!!
first stop is visiting Bronya and Seele in the Supreme Guardian's office. March and MC happily run up to greet the two and Dan Heng is introducing them to Welt and Himeko. their eyes are off you for a second and suddenly, Seele spots you trying to climb the ceiling high bookshelves! you're not too far up but enough that no one can grab you down. Welt is trying to convince you to go down, using his powers to slow you in case you fall. Himeko is yelling for you to be careful while apologizing profusely to Bronya and Seele. Dan Heng and MC are at the bottom of the shelf, arms out in an attempt to catch you in case you fall. thankfully, you get down fine. but Welt is grounding you, literally. you're banned from climbing on things for the rest of the trip.
the second stop is Serval's workshop. Himeko is talking to Serval about the machines and all that while March is showing Welt how the little connector puzzle works. you were listening to March before some of the tools caught your eye. suddenly, you're in the back of Serval's workshop playing with Serval's scrap pieces. MC is the first to notice you're gone, alerting Dan Heng and Welt. there's a sort of assumption you've gone far, so que a panicked Welt slamming the door of the workshop open trying to find you. you couldn't have gone far... or maybe you could? Welt's not sure how much to overestimate or underestimate your ability to go missing. 10 minutes later and Himeko finds you happily playing with bits and pieces of metal scraps and a pair of pliers in the back of the workshop.
the third stop is Boulder Town and god, the entire crew is swearing they're going to keep a close eye on you. Dan Heng stops you from climbing in the cart full of geomarrow and Welt is holding your hand almost all the time (although he doesn't notice that you pulled away a couple times, he's a little too focused hearing an explanation of geomarrows from some miners). but then you meet the moles. and you and Hook get along great! and now you want to play with the moles. and Hook is incredible at swaying people into things. you are now free to play with the moles!
Hook really did mean it when she promised that she'd keep an eye on you and that the moles wouldn't leave Boulder Town. she really did mean it! but you were practically begging Hook to take you to Rivet Town as she retold her adventures with MC to fetch Junjun. you only meant to take a peak, a quick one. but then a peak turned into showing you the street of the restaurant where Natasha took kids who were good, and then it turned to a few streets more, until it was a whole town tour. Hook couldn't help herself, you seemed so interested in her stories about the town!
back in Boulder Town, the Astral Express Crew is ready to move onto the last stop and theyre looking for you. March asks Julian who's hesitant to say but eventually fesses that Hook took you to take a peak of Rivet Town. the original Jarilo-IV Trailblaze Team is worried and there's a bit of initial confusion, Himeko and Welt thinking Hook simply took you to the next town over. and Dan Heng has to explain that Rivet Town is infested with fragmentum monsters. poor Julian is bombarded with question like whether or not you and Hook went alone, how long you've been gone, etc...
they do find you and Hook, eventually. it was about an hour long search. it just happened that you and Hook got tired and decided to rest in one spot for a while, who knows how long it’d take the crew to find you guys had you not stop exploring.
the fourth and final destination is the Robot Settlement! the entire crew understands that a LOT can go wrong at the settlement; so many crevices and corners you could run to, robots who may not recognize you aren't a threat or are malfunctioning. Dan Heng explained the crew's concerns to Svarog and Clara who quickly come up with a solution: Svarog isn't letting you out of his sight!
while Clara gives the crew a tour of the Robot Settlement, Svarog accompanied to watch you. he catches you nearly running away to get a closer look at a robot twice, four times for something shiny in the stone walls, and once for something on the ground. he couldnt quite figure out what made that part of the snow covered ground was so much more special than the rest for you, and neither could you, which is why it was so interesting.
Svarog is pretty reliable most the time, he practically raised Clara so everyone trusted him with you. maybe Clara was a lot more mellow as a child compared to you but this 'take care of a child' task difficulty increased by tenfold when it came to you. how Svarog managed to lose you is unknown; all he knew was one moment you were crawling all over him, asking him questions, then telling him you wanted to walk, and the next, you were gone.
if they were panicking before, they were having a full on break down now. Svarog lost you and now couldn't find you within his field of vision! with how reliable Svarog was made to sound, they feared the worst. maybe you fell down the cliff, what if a robot malfunctioned and fought you? Svarog tried calculating how far you could've gotten and how likely it was for you to be found but no one could quite decide on when they last saw you.
a wave of relief washes over them when they find you asking a robot questions. honestly, the entire crew feared you'd died or something, though no one wanted to say it. unaware of this feeling, you're caught off guard as March, Himeko, then the rest of the astral express crew rushed over to give you a tight hug. Himeko scolded you a bit for making the crew worry but she was more happy you were fine than anything.
the crew may find it stress inducing and troublesome when you disappear, but they wouldn't trade you for anything in the world!
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welt except he has a fever and desperately needs sleep
cw: descriptions of illness, high fever, being kinda delirious/out of it, sleep deprivation?, nightmares, headaches, mentions of death
contains spoilers for welt's hi3 lore
also, disclaimer! welt in here is very reluctant to ask for help and feeling bad about it because... well i imagine he'd react like this, BUT! needing help and asking for it is completely normal and valid and okay; please remember that and take care of urself ok!! ily /p
alright, so...
i'm gonna be honest since i found @bugbytez13 's blog welt sickfic ideas don't want to leave my head LMAO except i will write a detailed description of a fic instead of the fic itself. that's it that's the post
tbh this ramble in particular could be made into two separate fanfics (one sickfic and one specifically about the nightmares) but shh
i will forever be self conscious or anxious about things i post that aren't just headcanons or silly little rambles, but also... writing this went surprisingly smoothly so! enjoy the essay or something idk HAHA
so, about welt...
i just know this man is going to force himself to stay awake. maybe his self-sacrificing issues are less present now, and he doesn't immediately throw himself in danger in every fight ever, but he's still stubborn as hell. so he won't admit something is wrong. he won't admit that maybe getting way too little sleep several days in a row wasn't doing wonders for his immune system and he's now finally feeling the consequences. to be fair, he expected it might end like this, but he didn't want to take breaks - there's still too many things to take care of before they finally head to penacony. and now, he will still insist of taking care of everything, even though his body is basically begging him to go take a nap.
except maybe, he didn't even expect it to get this bad. or thought that he can just power through it. i mean, he's been through much worse, right? this is nothing compared to literally losing his body for some time. but he's sitting in the parlor car, and he's half awake, and unusually cold, and his head is hurting, and keeping up the act is getting harder and harder - but he has to, because the younger members of the crew are here too, even if only march is talking to him.
but they pick up on the fact that something is wrong, of course they do. his eyes are unfocused, he looks like he's about to fall asleep - or pass out - and march had to repeat herself twice for him to even fully process what she was asking him, and so suddenly stelle is next to him, attempting to touch his forehead - and he recoils. "i'm fine," he says, and it's probably a bit too quick and a bit too firm than he'd like it to be, and all of this is stupid, really, because he shouldn't be scared of someone touching him. how hot can it really be anyway if he's feeling so cold, right? but if that wasn't enough dan heng asks an even more dreaded question, "are you sure, mr yang? do you want us to call himeko?" and welt decides it's time to excuse himself, before he makes them even more worried. because even in his present state, he can pick up on the fact they're concerned, but at the same time unsure of what to do, and it makes him feel guilty. of course they're unsure; he's usually their caretaker, and he always knows what to do, and it should never be the other way around. he should've just stayed in his room all day, shouldn't he.
"thank you all for your concern, but i'm alright." he stands up. "now, please excuse me, i still have some work to do." of course that's true, but he's almost certain he won't be able to focus on that- but he just needs an excuse to get out from here and be left alone anyway.
but stelle is right next to him, and looking determined to accompany him to his room, too. "you look like you're about to fall, mr yang," they explain, and he wants to insist that he's okay once again, but realizes he's too tired to do so. it would take him at least a few minutes, and it's a few minutes he doesn't have nearly enough energy for. he just wants to finally lie down. so, he lets stelle essentially escort him into the hallway and to his bedroom, and make sure he doesn't collapse on his way there, and-- it's embarassing, honestly, because it's already so difficult for him to show himeko the slightest hints that something might be wrong, and right now the situation is similar but ten times worse - so it's also ten times harder for him to come to terms with the fact he needs to rely on someone.
"my... apologies for making you all worry," he says quietly when they reach his room, and he's so thankful that he left the lights off, because the parlor car was way too bright, and though the hallway was a bit better, it still wasn't good.
"it's alright," stelle shakes her head, and stands there in the doorway, even as he heads towards his bed and sits down. "i'll ask himeko to check up on you in a bit?" she asks, and he only nods, though he isn't sure if she can actually see it. he doesn't want to talk anymore, he doesn't want to think because even just that seems to make his headache worse, he just wants stelle to leave, he just wants to sleep-- he isn't even sure if he understood her question correctly, but he also doesn't have the energy to care. he falls asleep the moment the door closes behind her, fully clothed and half covered with a thick blanket, but even then he isn't allowed a peaceful rest.
memories from old battles flash before his eyes, silhouettes of enemies he once fought, those against whom he won - but also of those who severly injured or even killed him, and with that come the memories of the pain
and the fear of losing his body again.
when he finally awakens, sweating, shaky for reasons other than his fever, and still feeling pretty awful, it takes him longer than usual to remember where he is. it takes him longer than usual to remember that he's safe.
but now there's medicine and a thermometer on his nightstand, and a note written in himeko's neat handwriting - though he actually spots and reads it some time later - telling him to rest as much as he needs to, because she'll take care of everything; and only after he does read it and feels a sense of relief come over him, he realizes how much the thought of having to leave all the work in order to take a break actually stressed him out. he still feels bad about it, because of course he does, and of course he's going to apologize to everyone later.
but he's also able to sleep more peacefully now.
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fiorella-a · 11 months
Hey! I'm new here, thank you!
Honkai Star Rail boys as... "Cupid's Chokehold" lyrics (+scenarios?? Headcannons?? Mini fic?? Idk)
-Gn! Reader
"Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot"
"And I know it sounds so old
But cupid got me in a chokehold
And I'm afraid I might give in"
"And we can be on the phone for three hours
Not sayin' one word"
>> Welt's type would be: mature and patient, that is until you came along. You're reckless and if somebody talked bad about anyone you cared about, you'd be pulling out your weapon in no time. Welt could only sigh at your behavior but can't do anything about it because, well, you're you and he loves you. His soft spot is barely noticeable unless you've known Welt for a while (ehem Himeko, ehem Dan Heng, ehem March) then you'd definitely notice his presence shift and facial expressions soften. When you went to Jarilo-VI with the three youngsters, Welt would message you from time to time;
"Hi, good afternoon. As soon as you arrive at a hotel please notify me and don't call unless i say so."
"Stay safe, darling."
"This is gonna sound like a bad joke
But momma I fell in love again
It's safe to say I have a new girlfriend"
"She's got a smile that would make the most senile
Annoying old man bite his tongue"
"Call it dumb call it luck call it love or whatever you call it but
Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet like here"
>> When Sampo first revealed it to the trio (he told them first before rubbing it into Gepard's face <33) that he has a girlfriend, they LAUGHED to the point their stomach actually started hurting and Dan Heng had to walk out. When Sampo revealed it was you, they started to side eye him like– "y/n? The person that helped us here in the underground??" "THE Y/N?!" "😲😲❓" Long story short: they approved of the relationship but if they see you upset, they immediately blame it on Sampo.
With your golden heart reputation along with the trailblazer, it's no use for other people to hide such thankful and wonderful feelings whenever you help them. Sampo would be smiling like an idiot if he sees someone who's usually in a bad mood talk to you with smiles in their faces and that's something he'll brag about.
Whenever Sampo would be involved in a fight, you bet he looks at your picture first before going in like a beast to fight, he could only wish that you'll brag about him too <3
"And I know you heard the last song about the girls that didn't last long
But I promise this is on a whole new plane
I can tell by the way she says my name"
>> When you first met, you pronounced is name as 'Loo-cha' instead of 'lao-cha' and you thought he was gonna make you carry the coffin he always has (💀) but he laughed it off and taught you how to pronounce his name. When you guys finally established a relationship, you'll find out that he took your phone and changed his own contact name into: "Loocha my beloved."
(Your contact name in his phone would be your name but all scrambled up with 'my beloved' at the end)
Jing Yuan:
"She's got eyes comparable to sunrise"
"She's got porcelain skin of course she's a ten"
>> This pretty 'lil General loves every part of you, especially your face. Why you might ask? Whenever he lays his head on your lap while you're eating on the floor, he can see the shine of the sun reflect into your eyes as if you're the human embodiment of the sun itself. Your skin? He loves it. Every scar, every stretch mark, every wound, every bruise, every scar, it's a ten for him. He wishes to be by your side while you heal physically and mentally.
Dan Heng and/or Imbibitor Lunae:
"She's got the cutest laugh I ever heard"
"when I start to build my future she's the main component"
>> He melts whenever you laugh, giggle or chuckle! Doesn't matter if you laugh like a horse or smth, he just finds himself smiling at you– you look so genuine and peaceful that he finds himself affected by the energy you're radiating and he's not planning on leaving.
One night, when he was about to sleep he sees you go into his room and he feels the kiss you gave onto his forehead before whispering quietly to yourself, "I'll be here, making sure you're safe and peacefully sleeping with no nightmares." He had a hard time faking to be asleep– hell even trying to sleep! All he can think about is you both together in the future, making sure each other is safe and that no harm would ruin both of your bond.
"I know I'm young but if I had to choose her or the sun, I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun"
>> Absolutely loves your energy and personality. His sister, Serval once said, "What if Y/n's actually the descendant of the Sun God? They makes my 'lil Geppie warm and breaks the ice surrounding him!" She'd laugh at her own statement while Gepard would think about what she said, yes, your personality does seem so energetic and your eyes radiates of what looks and seems to be innocence. But he damn well knows that he'd rather have the ice on his heart melt rather than the ice on his planet melt, call him selfish but he's a fool inlove.
"It's gonna be a long drive home but I know as soon as I arrive home
And I open the door take off my coat and throw my bag on the floor
She'll be back into my arms once more for sure"
>> Being a stellaron hunter is tiring, he wishes he could rest for all eternity but he can't. That was his mindset before you came, now it's all 'when I come home will they be in the shower? Or will they be on the couch, waiting for me?' Of course, you're on the couch and running back into his arms you go! You can tell him that he's all bloody and sweaty but he doesn't care, as long as you're willing to hug him, he has no problem changing the way he comes home.
"I love it when she calls my phone
She even got her very own ringtone"
>> Arlan has a default ringtone for everyone except Asta, Herta, and you. Whenever you call all you need is a second (maximum is 3 minutes) and he'll pick it up speaking with you using his gentle voice, you can almost feel his muscles relaxing at your voice.
Asta promised Arlan that she wouldn't tell his little secret but she spilled it to you by accident saying, "OH! Do you know Arlan memorized your ringtone? That's why he picks up so quickly!" You could only giggle at what she said.
"she even cooks me pancakes
And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches
If that ain't love then I don't know what love is"
>> He Loves the way you care for him. It gives him a feeling of having a childhood or a feeling of once being young. If he gets sick, he always requests you to make him pancakes before taking his medicines and always waffles when he wakes up for breakfast. While you're cooking or feeding him, he looks at you with eyes full of love!
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