#hinata month
shirii · 10 months
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NaruHina Month Day 2: Beauty and the Beast 💜🧡🌹
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jasminebythebay · 7 months
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a long awaited battle 🐦🐈🏐
This piece is now available as a print! https://jasminebythebay.etsy.com/listing/1721771789
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badlydrawnronpa · 4 months
what does chiaki, hajime and nagito have to say about pride month?
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bzil111 · 18 days
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dogboy komaeda! ft his cat bf
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 1 month
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hajihiko · 11 months
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The polycules are falling apart
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minamoreh · 3 months
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notedchampagne · 1 year
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i heard its haikyuu day... heres third first years modelling asahis fashions
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ultimateyakazoo · 1 year
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dont reckon i ever will finish this art project that i started in lockdown, so i think I'll be posting a few bits from it :)
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rikustarlight · 26 days
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The precious Konoha girlies ✨🥰
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axoqiii · 9 months
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hug your bros
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shirii · 10 months
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can’t stop drawing them 💜🧡💖
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lanirawhoney · 1 year
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My piece for the @hqflashexchange Yachibowl, a gift for Noctuelles on AO3
^^Post time skip Yachi working on her Onigiri Miya commission for Osamu while she video chats with Hinata in Brazil
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double-m-b · 3 months
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Redraw of a 3 year old comic. Ace King Kageyama
comparisons below
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atomicvoidjellyfish · 5 months
Includes: Dachi, Sugawara, Asahi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Tuskishima, Kageyama, Tadashi and Hinata
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~ Dachi sawamura ~
• Dachi is all around a confident, sweet and tallented guy when it come to understanding his team mates and what they need. Thats the same for you in your times of need.
• He would happily carry extra sanitary items in case you need them and a couple bars of your favourite chocolate.
• Dachi sadly knows he can't do heaps about the pain, tiredness or you mood swings. But he knows how to make things better and to help you preserver.
• Dachi is very gentle and highly aware about how you might react to certain things. He understand women are emotional creatures and small things can really upset you.
• He's more touchy especially when he can see how much it affects you're well being, he give you great big bear hugs and regularly checks in on you.
• After school he'd invite you out do a in-home movie and eat take away for your choice. He loves cuddling you up and keeping you safe. He truly just wants you to be happy.
~ Sugawara Koushi ~
• Suga reminds you of sugar very very sweet and he knows the things you really need to hear during that time. He's always happy to reassurance you over any little thing.
• His voice is so soft takes a lot of pain away. While holding you he will whisper sweet nothings in you ear. Reminding you of how beautiful you are, that your amazing and how lucky he is to have you.
• Suga loves giving you lots of sweet kisses, on you cheeks, your forehead and you lil nose too
• He can also be surprisingly protect when it come to situations that make you uncomfortable, crowds of people, foods you crave ect
• He'll rub your back and pull you in close, resting is chin on your head. He knows its hard and upsetting the things you think about an go through
• Suga complements you more and understand the importance of you feeling treasured, beautiful and desired by him. He sees you looking in the mirror a lot more studying yourself. He'll approach you from behind wraps his arms around your waist and give you back kisses. He's eyes are soft yet still filled with desire that never fails to make you smile.
~ Asahi Azumane ~
• Asahi would over think like crazy he easily starts stressing out when it comes to you. Still he's very sweet you give him little hints to help him along. It makes him feel really good to know he can help you.
• He'd cray your bags knowing that your back hurts. He'd be worried so much he would walk you home to make sure you don't faint or fall or have anything happen to you.
• Being the ace he can get quite a few injuries so he regularly caries pain meds, tape, soothing gels and other items. He always encourages you to use them knowing they help.
• Asahi always give you his jacket he remembers the thing you said about being cold and how it can make things worse. The school uniform being a skirt doesn't help.
• Asahi thinks about you a lot in class, about how your going, what your feeling, in your in pain or maybe if you've gone to the med bay. Constantly stressing himself out (poor guy). He's always waiting near you locker and his eyes light up whenever he sees you.
• You often reassure him that your fine. Asahi's mom is also very sweet yes he's a mamas boy. But she'll happily cook extra food for you two to share and here food makes everything a lot better.
~ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ~
• If menstral cycles were a person you best bet Tanaka is pulling up and he's bring Nishinoya
• Tanka is a very unique, cool, rambunctious person so he would handle the situation a lot differently. He would want to make you feel better by going out and having fun, movies, the park, the beach anything to get you out an about. This can cause arguments sometimes as you'er often tired, moody and don't feel the best.
• Tanka would feel bad but you always lay him down in your lap, he cuddles up to you around waist. Which is good as he keeps you warm.
• He'd get curious as ask you questions about your cycle, which was cute, he's trying to better understand your problems and think about a better solution.
• Tanka would even go as far to ask Kyoko or Kanoka about what helps and what things he could get for you.
• He's not a cook but he'd always make sure your warm, have enough blankets, a hot water bottle and some warm ramen noodles.
• The thing Tanka always did be is make you feel real special and try his best to make you smile and laugh. He'd complement you, your a greek goddess, the women who owns the planet venus and unofficial victorian secret super model.
• Tanka makes sure that you enjoy life whilst your with him and to be the best boyfriend he can possible be.
~ Nishinoya Yuu ~
• Nishinoya is vastly misunderstood, you'd think he's immature and a big ball of energy that seems clueless and not that smart but he's far from that.
• With all that energy and viciousness he can feel a lot of emotions he's just more reserved as most guys are. But he can understand when you have really bad down days.
• You'd see a completely different side of him that very few people see. He calm, soft, gentle and soothing.
• He gives you long warm hugs as he will rock you in his embrace. In that way he was very much your safe place. You could tell him anything and he would understand. Having his issue with height and the fall out the volley ball team had he went through is own pains. Giving up the sport he loved took a toll on him and the fight with Asahi.
• In a way it was always a good way for you two to bond and reinforce trust, that you were there for each other on a much deeper level.
• Nishinoya would happily share all his food with you, make sure your well feed and that he doesn't keep you up late over night texting. He just wants you to get better as quickly as possible.
• The talk of blood and cycle is still a bit odd and foreign to him but he doesn't like the thought that you could literally bleed to death so he does what he can.
~ Tuskishima Kei ~
• Tuskishima is generally pretty mono toned he doesn't over display any kind of care and the sarcasm doesn't help. This is just a part of his personality. Sometimes it can cause arguments as you feel like he isn't taking you seriously and it really hurts sometimes.
• He'd realise how much your hurting and that he really messed up. You'd open up your locker and find little notes sometimes hand written letters.
• He hold your hand talking the long walk home after school, he was never good at apologising but you understood he was sorry.
• It taught him how to be a little more gentle with you, to understand you a bit better and to think before saying things to you.
• He'd slowly become a lot more affectionate, pulling you into his arms and cuddling you up in his arms. He shudder trying open up and tell you about things. What he thinks about you and the things he hopes to do with you one day.
• Tuskishima after realising how horrible both mentally and physically you feel. He always make sure there was time for you, time for him to listen.
• When your really sad he ask you over to his house introduce you to his mom one of the most kindest and beautiful being in his life other then you of course.
• You both playing a couple games together and you'd learn it actually likes reading. He loved how smart you are and how you could hold a conversation about topics that interest him.
• It helped you take time of things, you learned more about each others passions and found out you have a lot more income than you think.
~ Tobio kageyama ~
• Honestly Kageyama can be a bit naive and hot headed, he struggles a lot when it comes to understanding your predicament. He can get a bit annoyed with you moods and complaining. This can cause some pretty heated fights.
• But Kageyama can be a big fat meanie, all that frustration and anger also leads to a lot of thought, overthinking, over apologising and regret. Kageyama never wants to be a bad person especially to you.
• Kageyama would take on multiple strategies on how to keep you happy always. If you mad or angry Kageyama would mind some rough play cuddles, you never manage to hurt him. If your sad he's bringing chocolate or your favourite ice cream. If you don't feel your best he'll make an effort to be more soft with you in ever way.
• He always brings you a Milk box encourages you to drink it all. Saying it's packed in everything that you need to feel better, stronger and heal faster.
• He's the type of guy to cuddle you up, zip his jumper up real tight on a cold rain walk home. Wrap you up in a scarf, he's scared of you catching a cold obviously cause he cares about you but also cause he doesn't want to be sick either.
• Kageyama needs you a lot he wont admit it, you always manage to make him feel better and he's an over-thinker. He stresses out way to much, your his peace and he loves you for all the endless lap cuddles and hair play. He just hopes he can do the same for you.
~ Tadashi Yamaguchi ~
• Tadashi gets so incredibly worried and stress about you! He would refuse to leave you empathising with how hard the week can be for you.
• He'd make sure that there is plenty of time to spend with you. Going out to cafe's in the mornings before school or bringing you some delicious food to share from bread top!
• Tadashi is a bundle of fluff, he's the guy to keep your hands warm offer his jacket and open doors for you. A very sweet gentlemen.
• He loves to play games and cuddle up on the couch with tones of blankets or watch a movie marathon. Some hot chocolate or some salty popcorn solves everything.
• You favourite thing about Tadashi was the beauty in his eyes. He wears his heart on his sleeve. You love the warmth he just radiates, he looks at you with nothing but love and softness. You can open up to him about anything and he always tries to understand.
~ Shoyo Hinata ~
• Hinata is defiantly clueless upon telling him more details. He stress like really bad, faint, dye or blow his head off. He would literally think your DIEING!! or that you were gonna DIE!!
• Hinata just over thinks being the sweet guy he is all he needs to do is say hello! He's your lil sunshine always makes you feel better with just a smiles.
• When he see's your having a really bad day he invites you over. Yourself and his little sister Natsu have grown really close. Natsu is always excited to see you! She'd play with your hair, paint your nails ect.
• Hinata's mom is super sweet she always make sure to cook up one of your many favourite meals. She gets warm and fuzzy seeing you an Hinata together.
• You often get invited out to family events, shopping, dinner, camping ect. Your all very close and Hinata is always there hyping you up the whole way.
• He pushes your bounders in a good way, making you do things you never think you could! So when that time comes around you always feel extra special not just to yourself but to Hinata too.
Thanks so much for reading,!!! Let me know if you have any requests!!
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bluestarjay · 3 months
I don't like kiyoyachi, mainly bc the age/maturity difference, but I love the thought of yachi totally having a crush on kiyoko. Like, having a crush on an upperclassmen is sooo real, I've definitely had my fair share yk, but I think it definitely would've been an eye-opening experience for yachi.
I think it would've been a bit like the movie, But I'm a Cheerleader, in the sense that yachi had never noticed that she thought about girls differently than her friends did, and that choosing guys to have a crush on was NOT normal. She was definitely in denial. "Oh no, I'm not a lesbian, I just haven't met the right guy yet!" And thinking about what other girls were wearing, "Wow, she looks so good in that top!! She's so beautiful!! 😖😖" Like, mhm, that's it!! You just haven't met the right guy yet,, totally!! And then meeting kiyoko and totally gay panicking.
When she starts to hang out with the first years a little more, yamaguchi asks her when she realized she was a lesbian, and yachi is just, ???? Bc she thinks she's straight. And then Yama apologizes profusely for assuming, he just noticed her behavior towards kiyoko and assumed she had a crush on her. " Well, she's incredibly beautiful, I mean, like, yeah, I get really nervous and sweaty, and all that when I'm around her, but I get like that with everyone! It's just an anxiety thing. She's just older than me, and wayyy more beautiful and talented too, oh and wayyy smarter!! Tanaka and Nishinoya are right, Kiyoko really is like a goddess!!" And she just kinda rants about kiyoko whereas everybody is just staring like ...😯😯 bc they can tell she's deep in denial,,
kageyama, as blunt as ever, goes, "Well, it sounds like you're a lesbian. That sounds like a crush. I've only known you for like a month, and even I can tell you're in love with her." And Yama, "yeah,,, I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a lesbian!!! I mean, we're all queer here, too!! Tsukki and kageyama are gay, and hinata is bisexual, I think, and idrk what I am,, but I like guys!!"
But plot twist!! Kageyama is also deep in denial!!
"What?? Well, yeah, there's nothing wrong with yachi being a lesbian or with you guys being gay or whatever, but I'm not,,, I'm not gay??? Where'd you get that from???" And yachi just kinda stares at her food, connecting the dots that she is, in fact, a lesbian, and Tsukishima and hinata are holding back laughter before they start cackling, bc kageyama?? Straight??? And yamaguchi starts panicking for assuming again.
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