hallowmist · 4 years
'welcome' says the sun breaking over the mountains 'to the next first day of the rest of your life' 'listen' shouts the stars and the dark between them 'we have listened to your dreams and felt your sorrows' (quiets) 'do not be like the clouds are dreams, turned to mist by the mountaintops' 'run' whispers the moon 'escape your shackles of rusted goals, and fall freely like the rain from the sky' (remember. life becomes life, in the end) 
- said the sun the stars the moon | e.q.
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eerna · 4 years
we all yearn for the capyer days when life was simple and the kids were happy
Remember.... when there were chapters of them just goofing around...... remember how Yukine’s grumpyness got healed by the magic of corporate rodents...... when Yato kissed Hiyori’s hands under fireworks........... wow and then it just circles back into sadness doesn’t it
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londonfogger · 5 years
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You were born exposed, they tell you, a live wire. Your lips are raw with this truth you have known your entire life. With this desperation you are so tired of tasting —
You have bitten your tongue so many times, it no longer remembers how to bleed. You have an army of words hidden behind your teeth, ready for a battle they’ll never see. What a modern fucking tragedy you turned out to be.
- p. d. vulpe
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roseandbloom · 6 years
"it's a spot in the horizon,
growing and growing
until it's all you can see.
and suddenly the dark
is no longer tender,
but tearing-
claws grasping and ripping.
and there's nothing here
to fear,
yet you feel it
all the same.
the soft caresses of night
turn terrifying
each touch a wound-
what is this?
there's a light within reach
but you can't see it-
you can't see.
the shadows are all-consuming,
you're swaddled, restrained.
you can't fight this
so you let it overcome,
gasping and grasping
for anything to free you."
°fighting phobias° (l.m.b)
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raavenboys · 6 years
8:19pm aka golden hour
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hawkeyefrommash · 6 years
apricot, strawberry and mango?
apricot: what do you do when you're sad?
relisten to podcasts i like or take baths w bubbles or something usually !!
strawberry: favourite desserts?
cheesecake tbh
mango: what is your trademark?
i honestly am not sure what this means like,, being an awkward gay disaster?
send me a fruit !!
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horrorfilmlesbian · 6 years
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@hinatashoyyo that'd fall in the regular vodka category (chaotic good). Unless it's a pre-mixed drink like a cruiser then that's lawful evil.
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i have to check out that meta regarding kagome and the shikon jewel that sounds really cool, but personally (i haven't read the manga so maybe they dealt with kikyo's development differently and i watched it a while ago) i considered it as being that as Kikyo moved past her bitterness towards Inuyasha and the events surrounding her death that enabled to her to become an autonomous soul and find peace within herself so that she could "move on"
This is a cool interpretation of Kikyo’s development! I like it. I’m not sure that she’s ever entirely autonomous, in the sense that she still needs to absorb other souls to fuel her body, but she definitely sheds a lot of bitterness as the series progresses. This idea would be amazing in a fic, actually -- the correlation between Kikyo’s own feelings and her autonomy as a being/spirit. Super super interesting!  
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hallowmist · 5 years
they say: our brains are like galaxies.  but sometimes i wonder  if maybe a star fell to my heart,  the way one would fall from the sky.  after all,  black holes are made from stars.
what else could this be but the feeling of a supernova past its time // e.q.
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londonfogger · 6 years
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She wants to touch him
until she knows no other infinity -
Until the universe disappears
(It won’t)
His body, a garden,
her fingers, the sun
and the water and the seeds and the life
He is a promise, she never believed she could make.
Love and love and love and it will never be enough, this one word | p.d (x)
I’ve found myself doing more pieces lately, and not just because I’m procrastinating on other stuff but because this really can be a such a relaxing thing to do. I’ve never actually tried my hand at dip calligraphy for, but this was a neat exercise in seeing if I could replicate what I’ve seen!
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rckbell · 6 years
22 and 18?
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?well i don’t necessarily think that it makes one ignorant or anything like that i mean there are have been popular/accepted ships that i really don’t agree with i think a lot of it comes down to preference and chemistry interpretations 
22. Popular character you hate?i wouldn’t say that i hate roy but i don’t completely understand why everyones is uhhhhhhhh so far up his ass
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dvoyd · 6 years
Happy birthday skyler! I hope you have a nice meal :)
it was good, as it usually is because it’s a japanese hibachi restaurant that I go to like every year now, and even though its kinda expensive IT'S SO GOOD
of course it’s embarrassing af too because they come out w/ a fuckin gong and some ice cream in a waffle-like covering with a candle on it and have the staff + other customers seated at the large table sing happy birthday to you and my anxiety-ridden ass is screaming internally LOL
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rinsuokah · 7 years
kuroko no basuke?
Thank you for an ask lovely ♥
The character I love - Akashi.
The character I hate - N/A.
The character I would call if I was in trouble - Aomine.
The character who I’m in trouble with - N/A.
The character I would trust to plan my birthday party - Kise.
The character I would share fries with - Midorima.
The character who would be my best friend - Kise and Kuroko. Both would make great friends with me.
The character I would hang out with on a rainy day - Kagami.
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you
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hawkeyefrommash · 7 years
🎼 🎼 🎼 🎼 🎼 🎼 🎼 🎼
aww thank you!!!
send me symbols!
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horrorfilmlesbian · 6 years
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@sandwitchdog it's different - it's a standalone about a magical circus + a couple magicians competing with each other. @hinatashoyyo right ??? I cry so much. It's so beautiful. @lonelight it's so lovely + man feels good 2 read.
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lostcap · 7 years
+i'm gonna marry her; +Alright then; i should have realised it was about the moon. She must be overflowing with proposals.
Hannah, I love her.
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