drudaymeghnathi1 · 2 years
Congenital vertical talus is an uncommon disorderliness. Its characteristic radiographic feature is irreducible. Symptoms of congenital vertical talus rocker-bottom appearance of the foot, upward flex of the mid, midfoot cannot be properly aligned. Contact us for more information!
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healthchat · 2 years
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Experience the Quality Footcare Services at Hyderabad Vascular Center. Hyderabad Vascular Center is a leading podiatry clinic in the city that provides a comprehensive range of services for foot care. Their experienced team of specialists have been trained in state-of-the-art techniques and technologies, giving you access to the latest treatments and providing you with a customized approach to your health and wellness.
To Book an Appointment : +91 88665 49555
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king-mom-star · 2 years
glass slipper
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djoglobal · 2 years
Persistent foot pain and discomfort can highly affect your quality of life. If other remedies have nor worked, It may be time to explore hindfoot fusion surgery, and the hindfoot fusion nail may be just what you need to obtain some relief. To know about the hindfoot fusion nail visit  https://www.djoglobal.com/.
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burningladywitch · 2 years
Hindfoot Valgus Symptoms, Causes, Exercises, Surgery
Hindfoot Valgus Symptoms, Causes, Exercises, Surgery
The hindfoot is the portion of the foot that extends from below the ankle to above the Chopart joint. Hindfoot valgus is characterized by a displacement of the mid-calcaneal line from the midline of the body. From a dorsoplantar vantage point, this results in a greater angle between the mid-calcaneal and mid-talar axes. The mid-calcaneal line does not change much when the heel bone goes forward.…
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weministertomonsters · 4 months
M Werefox (Harcourt) x F reader - 1
➤ Pairing - M werefox x F reader ➤ Wordcount 1.9k
A lovely reader on Patreon liked Harcourt and asked about a Part 2 for this story and of course I said yes! I had to rewrite Part 1 though, so here it is! Part 2 is coming soon as well.
I don't think I've ever posted this to Tumblr because this story was from my glory days on Wattpad before my book got deleted. (If you’re reading this on Wattpad, maybe you remember it? Idk)
It's your twelfth birthday and the sun is shining and your friends are due to arrive in an hour for your little party. Suddenly you hear your mother yelling outside.
"Shoo! Out, out!"
You scamper into the backyard to see what the fuss is about and find her chasing the scrawniest werefox kit you've ever seen away from the chicken coop. He's got egg yolk clinging to his chin, an undeniable sign of his theft. His black-tipped ears pin to his head as he deftly dodges the dishcloth your mother is wielding and leaps over the backyard fence, disappearing into the brush.
"I've heard all about him from Pansy down the street. She says she's also missing eggs now and then," your mother says, putting her hands on her hips and blowing her hair out of her eyes.
"But Ma!" You wail, "he's hungry! Did you see how thin he was?"
Your mother pats your head. "He's different from us, darling. Those creatures are half wild. I'm sure there's plenty of things in the forest for him to hunt."
"But he's so small," you reply anxiously. "Not much bigger than me. Maybe he can't catch anything."
"How did he even get in?" Your mother murmurs, checking the latch on the coop, and then tutting in dismay as she sees the side of the coop, where the kit has scratched and chewed through the thin wood planks, making a hole to squeeze through.
"Oh dear. This is going to take a while to fix," your mother sighs and peeks into the coop. "And now I'm a few eggs short for your cake. At least he didn't go after the chickens."
You hardly care about your cake now. "If he comes again, can we keep him?"
Your mother purses her lips together in the way she does when you ask her a question she doesn't know how to answer.
"He might be wild, but he's not an animal," your mother finally replies. "He'll grow just as big as you, and you can't keep him as a pet."
"Why not?" You whine. "He doesn't have a mommy or a daddy, does he? He's all alone."
"You don't know that, darling," your mother says.
"Pleaseee?" You hop from one foot to another and stare up at your mother with pleading eyes.
She smiles, but she doesn't say yes. "My soft-hearted girl," she says and hugs you. "Come, let's see if we can still put together something sweet for your birthday."
You pout for the rest of the week, but she doesn't budge, like any sensible mother. The little werefox has to have a den nearby and you hope the next time you see him, you can follow him to it. The next Saturday your mother is visiting the Pansy down the street with some soup for her sick son. You're alone at home, swinging in the backyard and trying to see how high you can go. Your stomach swoops as the swing brings you down, and just then you see a flash of russet through the corner of your eye.
The werefox boy sits down and pries at the planks on the newly repaired coop, bracing one hindfoot on the wall as he begins to pull. He's stronger than he looks, and you hear the wood beginning to splinter. You leap out of the swing and misjudge your timing, crashing onto your knees in the dirt. The noise startles him and he jumps up.
"Wait!" You clamber to your feet.
He hops over the fence and scurries away, darting glances at you over his shoulder. You grab your half-eaten ham sandwich from the porch and race after him. He's fast and agile, darting into the trees and leaping over fallen branches while you straggle behind, still calling for him to wait for you. You lose sight of him when you're forced to stop and catch your breath. The lettuce has fallen out of the sandwich, but you're pretty sure he wouldn't have wanted it anyway. You walk aimlessly in the direction he went, wondering if you'll be able to find him.
You come across a hole between the thick roots of a tree that looks just about big enough. You kneel and look into the hole. The dirt has been scraped away and smoothed down to make a tunnel.
"Hello?" You call down. "Is this your den?"
There's a rustle, and the werefox boy pops his head out, his eyes alert. You sit back on your haunches and look at him.
"Why are you following me?" He asks, his ears constantly twitching as he listens to the forest.
"You can speak?"
"Duh," he replies.
"I brought you this." You hold out the sandwich, which is crumbly now.
His eyes narrow and he leans forward to sniff your hand. He snatches it from you and scarfs it down, his pupils widening as he tastes the ham.
"Is it good?" You ask.
He nods and eyes your greasy hand. He leans forward and presses his muzzle against your hand, licking the taste of ham away.
You giggle. "You're like a really big puppy!"
He pulls back and disappears into his den.
"Better come inside. It's dangerous out there," he mutters.
You clamber happily in with no regard for your safety. His den is like a secret treehouse, but way cooler. The floor is lined with dry, crunchy leaves and soft downy chicken feathers.
"You might get in trouble for killing people's chickens, you know," you say, crossing your legs and getting comfortable.
There's just about enough room for the two of you.
"I'm not," he says. "I gather the loose feathers when I... You know." He looks ashamed.
"Where are your parents?" You ask. "They should be taking care of you so you don't have to steal."
"I don't know," he says, lying down and curling his tail around his thin body. "I ran away."
"Ran away from your home? Why?"
"It wasn't a home, it was a traveling circus." He stares at the dirt ceiling of his den. "We went to so many different places."
You glimpse a scruffy, dirty collar chafing the fur around his neck.
"Was that from the circus? Why are you still wearing it?"
"I can't work the latch," he says.
"Can I help?"
He squirms and shivers, but tilts his head to let you try. In a few seconds, you've removed it. His eyes brighten and he rubs the fur on his neck.
"Thank you," he says shyly.
You nod. "What was the circus like? Did they poke you with sticks like they do with the lions? To get you to do tricks?"
His shoulders quiver and he makes a barking sound that seems equivalent to a human laugh.
"No, I pickpocketed the crowd. I was small and quick, so nobody really noticed me.
"Where the circus people mean to you? Is that why you left?"
He shakes his head. "They were okay. But we were always in the cities when all I wanted to do was be in the forests and look up at the night sky. I couldn't leave because I had a contract, so I just ran away."
"And now you're here."
He nods, idly scratching the matted fur on his neck where the collar was.
"You can't steal any more eggs," you tell him. "I'll bring you food instead."
"Why would you do that?" His gaze follows you as you crawl over to the entrance of his den.
"Because we're friends," you tell him. "I have to go home now, or else my Ma will wonder where I am."
"You never told me your name. Friends need to know each other's names," you tell him.
"At the circus, everyone called me Harcourt, so I guess that's my name."
"So fancy," you giggle and tell him your name in return. "See you tomorrow!"
You keep your promise, showing up the next day with a whole sandwich this time, and a brush. You show him how to use it and help him pick twigs and clumps of dirt out of his fur. He hates the water, but you convince him to try it. Once he's dry, you brush him until he's fluffy and soft, and the sun dances in his fur. He begins to smile, and you never mind how sharp his teeth are. As time passes you grow apart from your old friends, but Harcourt remains close.
Your mother notices that the eggs are never stolen again. One day as you head out for your daily "walk" she packs some extra food and puts it in your hands.
"How long have you known, Ma?"
"Do you think I'd let my girl leave the house almost every day without making sure you're safe?" She says with a twinkle in her eye.
You wrinkle your nose, trying to picture your mother sneaking after you.
"So you don't mind?" You ask. "Harcourt and I are friends now."
"So his name is Harcourt..." She murmurs. "Just make sure to come home before dark, my child."
That's how you made- and kept- your unlikely friend. You spend most of your free time in the forest with Harcourt, eating sandwiches and drinking cool water from the spring nearby. You taught him how to swim and look for shapes in the clouds and in return, he showed you how to forage for berries and edible mushrooms. You brought some blankets out to his den and on cold days you would curl up together inside his den and you would read to him with the light of a lantern.
He began to put on a little muscle and get taller than you. He was also moodier, and would sometimes growl when he was in an extra bad mood. You got testy yourself, and sometimes you would argue and end up storming back to your house in angry tears. You had always told your mother everything and that didn't change. She listened to you, smiled, and sometimes even shed a tear at your woes.
She never complained about your friendship with Harcourt but as puberty hit she got more cautious, often poking around embarrassing subjects, which embarrassed you to no end. You would tell her it wasn't like that and you were just friends, and then you would run to your room and blush angrily into your pillow, wondering why she even had to bring that up.
Eventually, you had to leave for the capital to further your education. You cried the hardest that day, soaking Harcourt's fur with your tears and promising that you wouldn't forget him. You wrote him letters and asked your mother to read them to him. Your dear mother even wrote back for him now and then. Harcourt's letters were filled with stories about fishing, expanding his den, an incident with a badger, and even working in town to make some money. He had learned to read and promised to learn to write as well.
Half a year later he fulfilled that promise. His handwriting was chicken scratch and hard to read, but you stuck each one to your dorm wall and looked at them often. Your roommate got to hear the whole story from you, and would often tease you and tell you that you were definitely in love. After a while, you stopped denying it.
Finally, you completed your last year and graduated. You could hardly contain your excitement as you packed to go home, looking forward to seeing your mother, breathing in the crisp countryside air, and meeting your good friend again. You headed to the train station and before you knew it, you were on the way home.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 11 months
When you have the time I’d love to read more about werewolf Bruce💕
Bruce caught the scent of you on the wind and involuntarily his tail swished. Sweet and strange. A bit like medicine mixed with spices. Hard to explain. Tame but only because you allowed it.
So he followed.
The woods were dangerous, even for a witch. And the woods were a part of Gotham. It was his job. At least- that's what he would tell Izolda. She may not have warned him away from you but- he didn't think she was pleased either.
He didn't have to follow the scent long to find you. A basket of... something on the ground near you where you knelt near the creek. Watching the water trickle under the skiff of ice.
You should be freezing. But you look unbothered by the cold. Despite your bare arms and the fact that you're kneeling on your shawl.
Watching. He watched. Breathing slowly. Trying not to feel like he was hunting. Trying to ignore the cry of "Mine".
At least until Sana looked at him, eyes locked on his and his tail bottled. Growling.
"Sana, honey bunches," you hum, not looking up from the water, "you're not leaven an appetizer. Leave Bruce alone. He probably just wants to know why we're trespassing again."
The cat sneezed- stalking over to a rock to watch. And Bruce slunk out of the trees . Unable to keep himself from staying low. Making himself small. He didn't want to scare you.
You could be in his woods. He didn't mind if you trespassed. You could trespass your way right into his bed and he would even blink. And when you reached out tentatively, stroking his ears, he couldn't stop his hind foot from twitching.
If his wolf had had his way, he would have rolled over and showed his belly. Straight up begged. But- he remineded the beast you weren't a wolf. Submission wouldn't mean the same thing to you.
He protested.
But only until the hindfoot twitching made you giggle. He liked that sound. He liked it a lot.
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somethingblu3 · 16 days
This Blog encourages simping.
Minors Do not interact
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Hi i'm Annaliese although you might have known me previously as Blue this is my main blog it used to be multi-fandom but now it's mostly dedicated to the lovely Actor Neil Newbon himself and all of his smaller roles not just Astarion (although he is a fav of mine)
About Me :
🧡Hi! i'm Annaliese (anna-leese) i also go by Annie/Anne
🧡I'm 21/Capricorn.
🧡I'm 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
🧡 I'm in my 3rd year of university studying Radio and Television.
🧡I'm disabled. I was born with #22q11.2 deletion syndrome mostly known as DiGeorge Syndrome it's very rare basically it's a chromosome deletion. I also have a foot disability hindfoot valgus syndrome and i have velo-cardio-facial syndrome.
Reminder of the day not to call disabled people brave. 🥇
🧡 I have Anxiety/Medical Trauma. So i'm especially not a big fan of needles.
🧡 have a bit of a stationery obsession. Especially with Fountain Pens and Notebooks.
My Content:
I usually post my other fandom fics on my Ao3 page but i also repost the ones on here.
My Gifs
My Side Blogs:
Matt Murdock/Daredevil/Marvel: @coxology101
Jack White/White Stripes/ Brendan Benson/Raconteurs Blog: @lazaranna
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Some other awesome neil newbon blogs you should check out if your new here:
@gothushi <3
@spicechica (has the best pics!!!)
@z0mibite (Got me hooked on Luke Davenport),
@nobigneil (updates blog).
@thatsthewrongwallcraig (amazing writer who i love brainstorming all of my nasty ideas with! :) ).
@talesfromthecrypts (i honestly don't know how they make such high quality gifs. tell me your secrets).
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myrfing · 3 days
i wish I had a hindfoot at all times instead of just regular foot
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typhlonectes · 1 year
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A review of the late Cenozoic genus Bohra (Diprotodontia: Macropodidae) and the evolution of tree-kangaroos
Tree-kangaroos of the genus Dendrolagus occupy forest habitats of New Guinea and extreme northeastern Australia, but their evolutionary history is poorly known. 
Descriptions in the 2000s of near-complete Pleistocene skeletons belonging to larger-bodied species in the now-extinct genus Bohra broadened our understanding of morphological variation in the group and have since helped us to identify unassigned fossils in museum collections, as well as to reassign species previously placed in other genera. 
Here we describe these fossils and analyse tree-kangaroo systematics via comparative osteology. Including B. planei sp. nov., B. bandharr comb. nov. and B. bila comb. nov., we recognise the existence of at least seven late Cenozoic species of Bohra, with a maximum of three in any one assemblage. 
All tree-kangaroos (Dendrolagina subtribe nov.) exhibit skeletal adaptations reflective of greater joint flexibility and manoeuvrability, particularly in the hindlimb, compared with other macropodids. The Pliocene species of Bohra retained the stepped calcaneocuboid articulation characteristic of ground-dwelling macropodids, but this became smoothed to allow greater hindfoot rotation in the later species of Bohra and in Dendrolagus. 
Tree-kangaroo diversification may have been tied to the expansion of forest habitats in the early Pliocene. Following the onset of late Pliocene aridity, some tree-kangaroo species took advantage of the consequent spread of more open habitats, becoming among the largest late Cenozoic tree-dwellers on the continent. Arboreal Old World primates and late Quaternary lemurs may be the closest ecological analogues to the species of Bohra.
Read the paper here:
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the-fossilized-one · 28 days
[ this is a shitpost forgive me lmao ]
[what is she yapping about??] Velociraptor (/vəˌlɒsɪˈræptər, vəˈlɒsɪræptər/;[1] lit. 'swift thief') is a genus of small dromaeosaurid dinosaurs that lived in Asiaduring the Late Cretaceous epoch, about 75 million to 71 million years ago. Two species are currently recognized, although others have been assigned in the past. The type species is V. mongoliensis, named and described in 1924. Fossils of this species have been discovered in the Djadochta Formation, Mongolia. A second species, V. osmolskae, was named in 2008 for skull material from the Bayan Mandahu Formation, China.
Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, Velociraptorwas about 1.5–2.07 m (4.9–6.8 ft) long with a body mass around 14.1–19.7 kg (31–43 lb). It nevertheless shared many of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long tail and an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to tackle and restrain prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout.
Velociraptor (commonly referred to as "raptor") is one of the dinosaur genera most familiar to the general public due to its prominent role in the Jurassic Park films. In reality, however, Velociraptor was roughly the size of a turkey, considerably smaller than the approximately 2 m (6.6 ft) tall and 90 kg (200 lb) reptiles seen in the novels and films (which were based on members of the related genus Deinonychus). Today, Velociraptor is well known to paleontologists, with over a dozen described fossil skeletons. One particularly famous specimen preserves a Velociraptor locked in combat with a Protoceratops.
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bxtonpxss · 2 months
30 Days of Character Development
Day 3
Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?
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Thor has a deep bite mark on the back of his left hindfoot from when he was a Pichu. An old wound that never truly faded, he received it from their former neighbor, Mr Arbok's daughter. A genuinely nice snake, however, his awful daughter Ekans had on multiple occasions attempted and nearly succeeded in eating him. He told his sisters many times about his suspicions of the daughter but they kind of brushed it off because her dad was a really nice mon. It had taken him coming home shaking due to poisoning, limping, and bleeding that they finally took his claims seriously and they confronted the snakes. Mr Arbok apologized on his child's behalf, and then they moved away to a different area in the forest. Thor has no idea where they are now, but that bite is a constant reminder of the day he almost lost more than just some fur and skin on his leg.
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1-800-pastelskies · 9 months
like the thing is i was doing my mom's hair and then when i was done i was going to put the comb back in the organiser but the thing is my mom put some old artificial flowers that we washed under the hairdresser table...their branches were out i tripped on them....and my toe's back was sliced by the hardwood of the broken drawer yea...i did panic tho...LIKE MOM WAS LIKE😱😰my dad was like wtf is going on...he was not able to do much since his health is not that good...he did mop the floor tho..i thought it was a little cut then i saw so much blood starting to flow out..i went oww i did panic though and i was asking questions like...am i going to be amputated? WE USED LIKE 3 TOWELS...THERE WAS SO MUCH BLOOD IT DID NOT WANT TO STOP MY MOM TOLD ME TO RAISE MY LEG UP SO THAT IT STOPS FLOWING TOO MUCH..IT WAS A LITERAL CRIME SCENE LIKE YOU COULD SEE MY BONE OUTSIDE...basically like my toe divided in half but it was still attached😭 and since my skin is so thin a part of my hindfoot below my toe was gone too😭...yep i got 8 stitches😭i did not cry tho despite so much blood i laughed and was like "heeheehaha so fun"☠lol and even told the wheelchair guy "wee lets go hang" when he was driving me i was all smiley i did cry when doing covid test and also at night i did cry because the beds were hard and the anaesthesia was gone so i could feel all the pain and i couldn't sleep but now its all good i just need clutches to walk because its sensitive😭
and that my friends is called pulling a dakotah
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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Q. What are the most common causes of in-toeing in children?
A. It depends on the age of the child.
0-1 year    metatarsus adductus = medial deviation of the forefoot relative to the hindfoot. If flexible, will typically resolve on its own. If inflexible, start serial casting early.
1-3 years   tibial torsion = rotation (usually internally) of the foot under the knee. If unilateral, L > R. Usually resolves on its own by 4 years. If external and associated with gait instability or pain, refer to Orthopedics for evaluation.
3+ years    femoral anteversion = inward rotation of the femur --> knees and feet both turn inward, the true "pigeon toe." Runs in families and exacerbated by W sitting. Generally resolves by 10 years as child grows and bones mature.
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djoglobal · 1 year
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Featuring an innovative internal Superelastic NiTiNOL Compressive Element that automatically adapts to bone resorption and settling, the DynaNail Mini® is the ultimate choice for limb salvage surgery when facing Charcot foot and other complex midfoot pathologies. The DynaNail Mini® Fusion System is the ONLY fusion approach that offers the compression performance of an external fixator inside an intramedullary nail. Visit us at https://www.djoglobal.com/products/active-adaptive/dynanail-mini-medial-column-fusion.
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stefanduell · 2 years
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SUBTALAR JOINT ⠀ [ANATOMY, FUNCTION & BIOMECHANICS] ⠀ Regarding my previous post about myofascial treatment of the „INVERSION TRAUMA“ it is very important to mobilise the subtalar joint if it is restricted. If your patient suffers from an inversion trauma, you will most likely find a restriction in the subtalar joint. ⠀ Don’t look at the ankle only, examine the whole body! ⠀ The subtalar joint isn’t discussed as much when it comes to the ankle. More commonly, the talocrural joint is discussed, as it is involved in plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. ⠀ The subtalar joint is where the talus meets the calcaneus (heel bone) at the hindfoot. The subtalar joint is considered a ‘gliding’ joint, as it displays a combination of translational and rotational movement. The joint allows for inversion and eversion of the foot/ankle complex. This motion can be seen in the pictures 7-9. ⠀ Adequate mobility and control at this joint is important both statically and dynamically: ▪️Statically, it is important to be able to find a ‘neutral’ position. This allows for ideal foot and ankle placement, and a stacking effect through the entire lower body. Efficient use of the foot/arch depends on a well controlled and positioned subtalar joint. ▪️Dynamically, this joint gives the ankle more degrees of freedom. It acts as a buffer to allow for rotational/frontal plane movement when walking over uneven terrain for example. ▪️The combination of movement from the talocrural joint and subtalar joint turn the ankle into an important shock absorbing and movement buffering complex (when they are moving well). This helps disperse movement through the lower chain, making it easier on the knee and foot (upstream and downstream). ⠀ After an inversion trauma (ankle sprain injury) it is very important to assess this joint as well and if required to mobilise it as it can force knee problems or even hip or lower back problems through a so-called ascending kinematic chain! ⠀ #phiotherapy #osteopathy #ankle #foot #rehab #anatomy #movement #mobility #education #yoga #pilates #crossfit #medicine #pain #therapy #sportstherapy #physicaltherapy #manualtherapy #supinationtrauma #inversiontrauma #anklesprain https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl-19nPASmB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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