#hinted ishimondo
hyp3rk3l · 29 days
Mondo Owada edit incoming... by me :3
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Ishimondo cake. *sobs*
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fauxpaux · 10 months
A thing I drabbled while trying to finish this dang final chapter of the Bodyswap au. It went nowhere and solely exists to braindump words. enjoy? i guess?
What does Mondo think of him? What does he think of himself? In this theoretical universe in which nothing is wrong. In this universe in which high school is normal. One is the enforcer and the other the antagonist and yet they mesh together. Mondo sees an innocence within Kiyotaka that mirrors an inane discomfort within himself. A strength he was forced to take on like a burden, yet does not project an infantilization onto Kiyotaka, but rather a wish of a simpler life than his own he received. From Mondo’s own perspective, Kiyotaka is the normality. The representation of a perfect classmate and a perfect, moral high ground. His execution is flawless and his attitude, while poignant and sharp, is well-meaning with good intent. Aside, there is indeed a kinship within the two specific opposites. The desire to hold those close within a safety. To take the metaphorical bullet. And like two folding upon each other to receive the pain in another's stead, it comes with a herding of a flock. Harsh hand when it necessitates, but a general understanding and love for those close enough to receive it. But then, what does Kiyotaka think of himself? No doubt there is a high standard to reach. A peak, of sorts, that is desired out of himself. Drawn from within his understanding of the world, forced, of course, by a familial history he is well aware of. In such, there is not just a desire for perfection but the need for it. A specificity that could drag him deep into a despair if he dared let himself go so far as to crumble underneath the pressure he puts on himself, one that is also, in some cases forced upon him. One he accepts with grace and a wobbly smile. Because it is all he knows how to do. Here, however, there are buffers. Exceptions to these laws of Ishimaru’s nature that refuse the perfection. Friends, such as Mondo, whom while motivate him to reach that peak, force his hand in understanding that he is only a person and nothing more. He may see himself as said enforcer, an embodiment of the laws in which he upholds, the rules, if you will. Yet with his connection to others, his friends, there comes a messier understanding of himself that does not have the chance to show elsewhere. Without negative influence, there is room to harbor emotion. Allowing a flourishing of oneself that may only appear in the right conditions. Unisolated, comforted, happy.
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 years
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shsl-roomba · 8 months
the dr fandom cant handle wlw ships in any other context than background fluff with no depth
i like sakuraoi and tsumioda ect but they always get woobified and mellowed out like did they SEE 1-4??? aoi did not pull all that to get sidelined as a supportive background lesbian in your ishimondo fanfic
and don’t get me wrong. my girls need a break sometimes fluff is great i don’t have a problem with it. but it’s the constant sidelining of wlw ships in favour of het/mlm ships in pretty much any fandom that gets to me.
and how wlw ships are only acceptable in the community when they don’t have any dysfunction or toxicity, and if the ship does have even the slightest hint of the above qualities it is either mellowed out to the point of being unrecognisable or dumped on with thinly veiled misogyny and homophobia and when i say slightest hint i mean the literally slightest hint. like the girls will argue once and the fandom will label the ship toxic while shipping. fucking kuzupeko or something.
wlw ships are seen almost entirely as a way to get female characters out of the way of mlm ships. in het ships the female character is a tool to develop the male character. they show significantly less depth and probably dies to forward the male character’s development (sound familiar?)
in any situation female characters are characterised by their relations to male characters. a female character’s (usually romantic, or at least interpreted as such) relationship with a male character is their defining characteristic. if said female character is in a wlw relationship they are reduced to their most basic traits while male characters are explored and given depth, and exist in the story only to offer support to the male characters.
i haven’t even mentioned how female characters must be in a relationship to be even remotely relevant in a story, but that’s a rant for another time.
grrah the way that female characters mirrors how wlw ships are treated by the community, and that characters/ships that aren’t completely perfect and deemed acceptable by the community are dumped on by the larger dr community while worse ships or characters are welcomed because they happen to contain a male character is gonna be my 13th reason istg.
anyways this rant is getting long but in summary danganronpa fans hate women and they hate wlw relationships that they can’t jerk off to.
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Wearing Your (not) Boyfriend’s Clothes (Ishimondo Week 2024, Day Three)
Oooh, would you look at that, ANOTHER Ishimondo story??? What are the odds??
Ha. But here's day three's fic! It's a silly one today, very light and fluffy with just a hint of spice. ;-) It's to make up for yesterday's story... ha. It... doesn't quite fit the prompt "role swap" in the traditional sense, but this is where my mind went when I first saw the prompt, and I'm glad it did, ha. I really like this story and think it's super cute.
It also works for tomorrow's prompt (competition), so I decided to write a part two for that prompt. However, like I say in the notes of this fic, I don't know if I'll be posting tomorrow. I actually got an idea for Day 5, prompt "gift," and I've been busy writing that whenever I wasn't editing this. I took a break from writing to post this, but I want to go back to writing that fic when I have time, before I lose inspiration. But don't worry! I will eventually write part two to this one. Just... it may take a bit, depending on my energy and inspiration level, oof.
Also, fun fact: Because of how long the summary is, and the fact it's italicized, I literally cannot edit the fic without AO3 telling me that the "summary is too long" despite the fact that it let me post it in the first place. So... that's fun. 😅😅 Here's hoping I don't have to edit it... otherwise, bye bye italics I guess... Oof.
You can find the story here
“Am I… am I having a stroke…? I’m having a stroke, aren’t I?” Leon asks, eyes wide as he looks at the rest of their classmates at their usual table, who are looking as confused and freaked out as he is. Mondo lets his eyes wander the room then, feeling both giddy and nervous when he sees that they’re currently the center of attention of the whole room. …  “I wouldn’t think so, Kuwata-san. It seems that the esteemed Ishimaru-san and Owada-san have simply decided to merge their beings together to create the ultimate symbol of hope. How wonderful,” the weirdo Nagito suddenly chimes in, cheery voice as grating as always. Mondo turns his glare to the weirdo, but doesn’t say anything, like he usually would. Sadly, while Mondo usually never hesitates to curse the fucker out whenever he’s being his creepy, weirdo self, Taka tends to ignore him, unless he’s breaking the rules. Which he usually isn’t, unfortunately. Being weird isn’t against the rules, Taka always claims.  But then— “Fuck off, Nagito,” Taka suddenly states boldly, a scowl on his face that is such a good imitation of Mondo’s usual scowl that he honestly can’t look away even if he wanted to. 
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mysteriousdoll · 10 months
- Owada is the very affectionate, needy big cat. He always wants to be around Ishimaru and hold him, even coming to his room in the middle of the night to cuddle with Ishimaru. (Ishimaru finds it cute but doesn't appreciate being woken up at 4am due to his insomnia ass)
- As much as Ishimaru loves Owadas cuddles at night, he gets hot easily so he constantly has to move away from Owada which just causes Owada to pull him closer but he slowly gets the hint and let's Ishimaru go but by the time, Ishimaru is just drench in sweat.
- Owada loves taking care of Ishimaru. Getting him food since he knows Ishimaru forgets, getting him to rest or even giving him massages, Owada loves all of it.
- Owada is the worst with sappy stuff, barely even being out to get our "I love you" without looking like a tomato or stuttering out the ass. Flirting is not his strong point either, he's tried before but ends up yelling by the end of the pick-up line due to nervousness and embarrassment.
- Ishimaru is the complete opposite, he'll tell Owada how much he loves him and give him compliments 24/7
- Owada loves to kiss Ishimaurs jawline or the back of his neck, and no matter how many times Ishimaru says he's used to neck kisses, it always makes him jump when receiving them.
- Owada's nickname for Ishimaru is "Doll." He's way too embarrassed to use pet names such as "babe" or "honey," thinking those are names only old married couples should be using but Ishimaru is the complete opposite! Ishimaru's favorite nicknames for Owada are "Hun" or "Sweetheart."
- Owada is such a supportive boyfriend with Ishimaru's disorders and trans situation. He makes sure to take mental notes of stuff Ishimaru doesn't like (textures, noises, food, etc.) and his schedule (Ishimaru HATES, absolutely hates his schedule being messed up.) He'll also leaves the room whenever ishimaru needs to take off/put on his binder or change it and he doesn't put his hands anywhere never Ishimaru's binder.
- Owada also keeps spare gloves/bandages on him for Ishimaru cause Ishimaru wears bandages to cover up the SH scars on his arms/legs and lower stomach but then uses gloves to cover up the bandages on his arms. Ishimaru hates whenever they get wet or dirty so Owada has gotten into the habit of carrying around a pare or 2 for him with gloves and a roll of bandages.
- Ishimaru actually confessed first! Which "upset" Owada since he wanted to first but he was happy Ishimaru felt the same.
- Whenever Ishimaru studies, he'll still be in Owadas lap so that Owada can get his affection and cuddles while Ishimaru can also get his work done so it's a win/win for them.
- Each of Oowada and Ishimaru hugs mean something to them
Typical side hug: Their casual one, usually do this all the time when they are around each other
Normal hug: usually do this to show they miss the other person or are just affectionate
When Ishimaru hugs Oowada under his jacket: Ishimaru does this for comfort whenever he's upset since hes prone to getting emotional easily when talking so they came up with this idea
When Oowada hugs Ishimaru from behind: Oowada either does this for comfort or whenever he's affectionate, Ishimaru usually has to ask
- Owada absolutely loves Ishimaru holding his face, he's such a love stuck idiot when it comes to Ishimaru and his affection (or just Ishimaru in general, who wouldn't he's the best bf ever.)
- Owada teases the hell out of Ishimaru for being just short enough that he can’t kiss him without standing on his tippy toes.
AHH THAT ALL, LONG ONE IM SORRY (also I just saw the notification of you messaging while I was writing this so wonderful LMAO)
DO NOT APOLOGIZE RAHH I LOVE YOUR BRAIN And how much we appear to agree on.
If I maayyyy (i say like you have a choice teehee). I've always been sorta the opposite, Mondo...caaan flirt (after dating for a while). It's just... bro can say some of the most nsfw stuff to Taka with the smuggest expression.... however comma. He is beet red asking to cuddle. The main difference is that when spouting nsfw stuff, Mondo's teasing and lookin for a reaction (he just finds it silly how red taka gets, and yk he wouldn't do it in front of others)... but gosh. He. He cannot ask to cuddle without looking as red as Taka's eyes. (And, unlike Mondo, Taka doesn't tease him for it. Frankly he is just happy to get affection.)
Also--another thing I'm fjesj often different on... Mondo has SO many nicknames for Taka. An insane abundance. Many of which were supposed to be ironic. Examples of his nicknames include: babygirl (ironic), Barbie (because Taka's everything), sunshine, sunflower, princess, doll, dollface, babydoll, Scar (in my MLB au), Ladybug.
also on the topic of nicknames--if you've seen my Ishimaru Family Doc, you'll know of Kyoya--fun lil fact- she calls Taka 'Twilight'! And Kiyo 'Starlight' :3
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danganfixationronpa · 2 years
My thoughts on the most popular Danganronpa ships (Bingo Style.)
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Like Nagito as a character to me, I really like this ship, but I'm also conflicted about it. I do like how complex their relationship is, and I just love the idea of them being together, while at the same time, I can also see problems arising from it. Also, no I don't think the Fandom RUINED the ship, but I gotta admit that I've seen a lot of people shove this ship down people's throats, also arguing that it's objectively canon, and that can get a little annoying. But overall, a good, complex ship with a lot of potential.
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These two don't have much chemistry in-game, but I do love the concept of this ship. I've always been kind of a sucker for the mischievous, chaotic character and the smart, good-hearted character being hopelessly drawn to each other. Overall, a decent ship that could be a lot of fun, but is ultimately dragged down by their lack of chemistry, and it mostly feeling one-sided on Kokichi's part.
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Okay, them being wholesome is kind of debatable, given what Mondo ends up doing, but I do think their relationship with each other is pretty damn wholesome. This is the first thing I shipped in Danganronpa, and I just love how much they eventually respect and care for each other. It's a shame we didn't get to see them being best friends for too long before that happened 😔 They are different, but at the same time, not, and because of that, they balance each other out well. Obviously they would work best in an AU where Mondo didn't kill poor Chihiro and neither of them died, but overall, a precious ship that deserved better.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love the idea of these two being best friends who love each other, but not romantically. It's not only how I personally view them in games and the animes, but also how I choose to view them. Also, much like Komahina, no I don't think the Fandom RUINED this ship, but also much like Komahina, I've seen many fans shove this ship down people's throats, also arguing that it's objectively canon, when in reality it's mostly hinted at. Overall, I do like their relationship, but as friends rather than lovers. Boy/girl friendships are highly underappreciated.
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One grumpy, closed off character falls in love with the positive, upbeat character, my beloved. Seriously, this is my favorite shipping trope, and these two just fit that bill perfectly. I love how Kaito pulled Maki out of her shell, and how even after he's gone, she still chooses to live on and become a better person. Also, I don't see this ship as one-sided at all, Kaito clearly had feelings for her too (with how close he often gets to her both physically and metaphorically, the nickname he gives her, etc.) Just because he didn't state it outright like Maki doesn't mean he didn't feel the same. Overall, love this ship because they balance each other out so well. Also, I just love the Training Trio in general 🥺💖
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Honestly, nearly everything I said about Naegiri also applies to this ship as well. Only with these two, it was a lot more obvious with the romantic angle, especially on Shuichi's part. Also like Naegiri, I picture them crushing on each other, but that's all. Anyway, as a ship, there's nothing wrong with it, but it's just not for me. I thought their relationship was a little too corny for my liking (kinda like how Naezono felt to me), and that kinda drew me back from liking them together like that. Also, I personally can't unsee Shuichi being gay and struggling with compulsatory heterosexuality (that's a post for another time.) Overall, a cute ship, but I prefer them as best friends.
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×Takes a deep breath× I almost feel like I don't even have to explain this one to those familiar with my account; I just love this ship. Admittedly, during DR1 I didn't like the ship or Byakuya at all, but after seeing their relationship progression with further games and the animes, I slowly started getting into them to the point of no return. But why do I like it so much? Well, remember what I said before about my favorite trope of one grumpy, closed off character falling in love with the positive, upbeat character? Welp, that definitely applies here. Obviously I can't go on forever here, so overall: this is my favorite Danganronpa ship, and I think their differences would both challenge and compliment each other well.
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While not a terrible ship, I definitely don't like it. Besides Kokichi eventually saying that Kaito is not boring and reluctantly working together to end the killing game, they don't have any good moments together. Kaito is constantly pissed off with Kokichi, and they just don't have that connection. Overall, I personally don't ship it, nor see the appeal.
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A rare case where both parties are revealed to have 100% romantic feelings towards each other, and I love them. I wasn't expecting to cry at the end of Trial 2 from SDR2, but I did. I love the whole childhood friends aspect, and how they care about each other so much, and that Peko's death actually strengthened Fuyuhiko's character rather than weaken him. Overall, they are a power couple, and they give me the feels.
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Now this one is an interesting case for me, because I am right in the middle of shipping them, while also liking them together platonically. I think their relationship is really cute and sweet, I like how Chiaki seems to know how to calm Hajime down. Overall, if I had to choose, I would say I prefer them platonically, but I do think they make a good ship as well.
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Hey thanks for being so nice about my question, I just rly wanted to avoid conflict lol. But I actually do have a request! If you could write something this ishimondo idea I’ve had for a while that’d be cool. It’s basically mondo finds out that he needs glasses and when he finally gets them and can see properly he realizes wow kiyotaka’s like really beautiful. Thank you very much if you can and I hope you have a nice day
Absolutely no worries! Differences in opinion should never result in conflict in my opinion. ^^ I ABSOLUTELY LOVED YOUR IDEA !!! So I got to work straight away (or after I finished my actual work cuz I have a job lol ♡). I really do hope you enjoy it! It is a bit character building heavy but I love to do that at the starts of my posts.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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Beautiful Best Friend
Fanfic Commision, 1,343 words.
Triggers: none.
Theme: Fluff, romance-ish? Hinted romance.
Additional notes: This is set their first year of Hope's Peak Academy, so before all of the Canon drama!
Mondo hadn't always been all too aware of it. It had always just been a natural thing of him having to squint his eyes to read work, or bills, or even road signs… well, the ones that he bothered to read anyway. Everything in his line of sight had always just been a blur, he supposed?
Of course, the fact that he never really chose to do his school work, or read any books, or study any road laws that probably would've been useful as a gang member never helped. He hadn't really been given a reason to care for them; he had hardly even considered batting an eye for them.
After all, who had ever told him to?
He never really chose to show up at school. That was one of the least important things to him. School? Education? Why in the damn hell would he need that when he's part of one of an Ultimate Biker Gang?
All in all, his blurred eyes hadn't ever been a concern. He'd always just brush it off. Be it, 'oh I just didn't sleep well last night', or: 'those damn street lights always getting in my eyes!'. Mondo had never really taken the time to consider something might actually be wrong with his definitely out of the ordinary eyesight.
But, he hadn't ever bothered to care.
Besides, anything out of the norm - or his norm, which was big and tough - was a weakness in their career. He didn't have time for this fault in his eyesight! Always too busy with his gang, and the fun and stress that came along with it.
Well, that was until he enrolled in the most favoured and prestigious Hope's Peak Academy! The school that everyone in practically the whole world wanted to enroll in, wanted to experience. It was just too amazing to pass up, right?
He hadn't really expected to get in. But it was way better than any ordinary High School he could have attended. Because all he had to do? Practice being a Gang Leader! That's all he needed to pass, and what a win that was in his books.
Sure, yes, of course, or whatever. He wasn't expecting to make any friends along the way. He was planning on just sticking to his Gang, because his bros were his family. He didn't need anyone else. These damn privileged brats didn't need his attention.
Like, c'mon? Ultimate Fanfic Creator?! Yeah, Yamada was nice and all, but what did he actually do to be able to land a place in that school? Write a good ol' 'Harry Potter' fanfiction or somethin'? He couldn't wrap his head around that.
There were other students in his class, however, that were really cool! Naegi, despite being completely and utterly normal, was such a fun guy to hang with. There was so much personality built into that small little body. It was fun hanging out with him because he was practically compliant to every single thing. He enjoyed pulling him out onto bike rides and listening to the kid's horrified screams.
Togami was… well, he was definitely somethin'. Depending on what you were talking to him about, he could hold quite a decent conversation with you. But other than that? Nah, there wasn't much to him except for the fact that he was an entitled spoiled brat.
Mukuro was cool too, he supposed! Very scary though. She just always had this cold stare on her face, but if he ever made a sarcastic joke or a pun at her, she'd always shoot one back. That was a win from his books!
In comparison, there was Ishimaru. Someone he considered to be his ultimate best friend. They were practically polar opposites in regards to their talent. In a nutshell, a delinquent and a teacher's pet? It made no sense how they could get along so well, but they just found it so easy to flow together and find similar interests. Mondo tried his hardest to understand his bro's insistence on following every single rule, heck, he had even tried to read the rulebook with him! Ishi' always tried to understand his love for biking and going above the speed limit.
When he thought about his attempts to read the rulebook with him, however, he was reminded again of how hard he had to squint his eyes to even begin to depict some of the words.
"Mondo, are you struggling with something?"
When he finally looked up, it had appeared that Ishimaru had been calling his name a multitude of times to try and grab his attention. He hadn't even picked up on it. He was quick to smile though and brush it off.
"Eh, nothing to worry about, bro!" He started, leaning back in his desk chair and casually resting his hands at the nape of his neck. "Just wondering about my eyesight. It's always been rather blurry."
Ishimaru appeared to take this far more seriously than he did. "It has? You should see an opthamologist about that, bro. That doesn't seem normal."
Mondo had furrowed his eyebrows but ultimately brushed it off for the rest of the day. However, Ishimaru's words had apparently stuck in his head. After all, he had never even remotely considered going to see anyone about his eyesight! It had just become normal to him I guess?
Regardless of that, he somehow found himself outside of an ophthalmology clinic two weeks later, a new pair of glasses in his left hand. He wasn't about to put them on in public - he could hardly even imagine doing that! If someone who knew him recognised him, what would they think?
At that thought, he shoved the glasses in his pocket and began to make his way back to the academy. Mondo couldn't risk anyone seeing him outside of the clinic. His reputation would be ruined!
It was odd how nervous he felt to show anyone his new glasses. Though even he could admit that he had never seen so clearly whilst wearing them. Perhaps he could go back and ask the doctor dude (it was so hard to pronounce ophthalmologist and he stood by that), to get some contacts so that way he could see all the time and not have to risk his reputation.
The first person he decided to show them to, was Ishimaru. As they sat together in his dorm, he put his glasses on to show his bro and…
When did Ishimaru ever look that beautiful?
He felt the heat begin to rise to his cheeks, and all of a sudden he felt all sweaty and clammy. Basically to the point where he had to shrug off his long Biker jacket.
He couldn't have problems with his hearing too, man! But everything Ishimaru was saying to him, compliments of his glasses, he noted. Everything was going straight through him as all he could pay attention to was the handsome appearance of his best friend.
Did that just happen overnight? He didn't know, but he felt himself rubbing the back of his neck with sheepishness as he tried to stop himself from admiring the boy in front of him.
"Mondo, are you even listening to me?" Ishimaru deadpanned eventually, and Mondo zoned back in.
"Yeah, yeah. Say, 'Maru? What say you and I pop down to the cafe you like this weekend?" Mondo managed to ask after a sudden confidence - or adrenaline? - boost. Of course, he had always found everything about his best friend to be amazing, but being able to see the absolute beauty of his best friend hit the nail dead right on the coffin.
"You mean like, as a date?" Ishimaru quizzed him, his red eyes meeting his dead on. He was always able to do that, keep constant eye contact. Sometimes to the point of discomfort for others: never for him.
"I mean, yeah. That'd be cool." He responded and smiled, one of his softer smiles.
Yeah, maybe it didn't just have to be his gang that could be family.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
I really do hope you like reading it as much as I loved writing it! I hope it was to your tastes, and I'm so sorry if it wasn't. I'm kinda new to commissions O-O
Love, Anastasia ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
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sprinklenoodles · 11 months
The other polls gave me some answers! Most of you do plan on reading my fics, but haven't yet. So, let's just start with a quick summary of them!
That Really Wasn't Supposed To Happen
This is my main fic. It has almost been a year and a half since I posted the first chapter and it currently has over 110K words! I'm also close to being doing with it, since I've begun with the very last trial!
It's mainly about Chihiro and Byakuya. What happens is that Chihiro gets distracted just before he meets with Mondo and reveals that he's a boy (that isn't changed from canon) to Byakuya instead. Oopsie...
This leads to other murderers and victims. Chihiro also gets an ahoge at one point! During the fic, Chihiro and Byakuya become closer... for the most part.
Chihiro really gets some well deserved development and slowly becomes much more confident. Byakuya does also get some devolpment, though he's still Byakuya.
The Ultimate Mystery Incorporated
Out of my two long fics, this is definitely the much less known one. It has over 36K words, though I'm far from finished.
This fic centers around a whole group! You have Byakuya, Kyoko, Leon, Sayaka and Yasuhiro as the self appointed Mystery Incorporated! They solve mysteries around town- which is Crystal Cove- Scooby-Doo style, though without a talking dog.
All of them have a Scooby-Doo character they represent, but that's loose. It's very much still the danganronpa characters, though with some changes. For one, Byakuya and Kyoko are childhood best friends!
Both of their fathers (who are not terrible and play a role in the fic) have been best friends since college and that transferred over to Byakuya and Kyoko once Byakuya and his father moved there.
There are a few ships, mainly Leosaya which will get something good next chapter. Though, there is some slight Naegiri. Both ships aren't together... yet, there's just the crush fase.
Some ships that haven't appeared yet, but do exists, are Ishimondo, Sakuraoi and Tokomaru (which will get a mention in the next mystery). There is also another ship that will get a moment next chapter...
It also has a lot of lore. Because, if you know me, you know I love lore! There have only been some little hints dropped so far, but there will be some big lore drops eventually. The lore does involve DR characters, but in a very different way!
The Forced Outside AU
This is the fic you guys chose! I haven't begon writing it yet, but that doesn't mean I don't have some info about it!
It mainly centers around Makoto, Byakuya and Kyoko. What happened is that Junko found the idea of a killing game eventually too boring, so mostly destroyed Hope's Peak before the killing game ever begon.
It will include the same ships as I mentioned before, though probably no Tokomaru since that wouldn't make much sense.
Also, the people from the motive video's haven't been captured or anything! As of now almost all families are complete/alive. Even Byakuya's (why...?) The only exeption to this is that Jin is missing.
So, class 78 (minus Junko and Mukuro) formed some kind of resistance to Junko's 'rule'. They've been trying to stop her. At this point, the Future Foundation is beginning to form.
The remnants won't really appear and neither will the WOH. Though, they are still on Junko's side. But, the Towa Conglomerate still makes quite a bit of the Monokuma's for Junko, though that's mostly all they do.
Well, that's it for the info! If you have ANY questions about these fics or just want to know more, ask them! I'll happily answer them :D
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
We Don't Go By The Book
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/edKwLj5
by enbyishimaru
So, this is an AU to my own AU 'Making A Home'! There is a missing piece that rehashes the events in the series, but... for personal reasons, I've decided that it's too dark to publish here due to it involving heavy themes between Mondo and Taka that are vaguely hinted here (I still love Ishimondo, but this missing chapter was written as a desperate attempt to "prove" I could write my comfort characters closer to canon to someone else... Anyway, all you really need to know for context: Mondo and Taka divorced, Temari took over the Crazy Diamonds, and in between these events Taka reconnected with Hifumi and they ended up falling in love <3
Words: 13666, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Yamada Hifumi, Yamada Fujiko, Oowada Mondo, Original Characters, Original Trans Character(s)
Relationships: Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Yamada Hifumi, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Post-Divorce, Established Relationship, Psychological Trauma, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Coping, Road Trips, Conventions, Gift Giving, Meet the Family, Trans Female Character, selectively mute Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Autistic Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Past Abuse, Transphobia, Protectiveness, Dorks in Love, Sharing a Bed, The Owl House - Freeform, Sleepy Cuddles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/edKwLj5
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pixeletteeeeee · 2 years
was originally going to animate this but my motivation slipped through my hands
have this sprite video instead
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crackinwise · 3 years
Wanna talk about the in-game photo and anime promo pic that give us sleepy Mondo. Dude has a lot of late nights or does he just like power naps? Discuss. I'd like to imagine he can fall asleep instantly, anywhere. Like dogs you find sleeping in absurd positions. It's not funny to imagine this skill could be from a possible childhood of times when there was no bed to rest.
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What gets me in the in-game photo is Taka not caring about the sleeping in class issue. It's possible the moment is before class started. But it still shows how close they grew and how Taka might have relaxed over the year, because sleeping in school even during a free period is usually frowned upon. I still wish Taka's blazer had been draped over Mondo's shoulders or carefully rolled into a pillow under him. At least the anime team had our backs.
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(Picture Taka sleeping where the jacket is, in the same position.) In the anime promo, I suspect as soon as Taka laid the blanket down, Mondo dropped and was out. The picnic supplies hadn't even been unpacked yet. And you'd think it's funny the smaller jacket is useless as a cover for Mondo's large frame, but really Taka prioritized Mondo's core heat since that's only protected by a very thin tanktop. Okay, I bs'd that. You can also think Taka deliberately left the pecs to fend for themselves because some cherry blossom petals would accentuate them nicely.
This has been another post of just me doing the Leo pointing meme.
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woorenergy · 4 years
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more of danganronpa characters as dumb shit i’ve tweeted bc i think i’m hilarious
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chinateacup · 3 years
New chapter is up! Please enjoy!!! 🚂⏱
Fun fact: this fanfiction is now almost 200 pages long. Wow.
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mortonmurphy · 3 years
Maya's quest for a burger leads her to meet a fellow spiritual believer who asks to use her Ultimate Spirit Medium talents to help one of his classmates reconnect with someone they lost. A simple burger leads to new frienships and Maya's talent helping a certain ultimate reach someone he'd never thought he'd see again.
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prompt-master · 4 years
On the brightside the American Live-Action Teen Drama Danganronpa gets like 50% increase in canonically gay characters.
You say that as if the dr cast isnt already full of canonically gay characters lmao. Especially v3 holy shit they went buck wild queering it up there. Shout out to Saihara for falling for any one whos nice to him, bi king.
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