#hipster boys ?
justfinishedreading · 2 years
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Fangs by Sarah Andersen
I wasn’t sure whether to buy this, not because I didn’t want it but because I followed the webcomic and knew about 95% of the content. Well in the end it was too pretty to resist. Fangs is the romantic comedy between the cute goth-girl Elsie who is also a 300-year-old vampire, and the zen long-haired hipster Jimmy, who is a normal age… but a werewolf.
They’re sexy, they’re quirky, they’re sinister. And I’ve spent pretty much most of my life trying to be either of them. The book isn’t a full graphic novel, it’s a collection of one-page comic strips, you can read the whole thing easily in less than an hour but the artwork is so gorgeous and sexy that it’s the type of book you’ll find yourself flicking through every so often.
I. Want. More.
Review by Book Hamster
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months
Michael on the Zoe Ball Show this morning talking about David at the BAFTAs and I am dying. Notable excerpt:
ZB: "Ah, Michael Sheen, must say, well done to your mate DT at the BAFTAs." Michael: "Ohh, he did good. The boy did good!" ZB: "He did so good!" Michael: "And he looks good in a kilt as well, doesn't he?"
So...ten seconds into Michael's appearance on the show and David comes up (on St. David's Day, no less). And apropos of absolutely nothing, Michael brings up David looking good in that kilt. Unprompted. For no reason whatsoever. I need to lie down...
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polyamorouspunk · 4 months
I want to push a boy’s beanie off his head while I make out with him so I can start playing with his hair <3
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tygerland · 10 months
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I don't know what unnerves me more...the enthusiastically and terrifyingly vacant expression...or his knees and ankles touching in a 'normal' fashion
Friday Night Project
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I have a theory that dramatic lighting just follows him around of its own accord
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "New DW video diary from Georgia and David once …"
@ingravinoveritas In this clip and the one where DT says "maybe I should've married Michael Sheen," after he mentions him, he looks away super duper seriously and bites his lip. He talks about MS like a teenage girl embarrassed by liking a boy band a lot lol
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled That is such a perfect description and you are honestly not at all wrong...
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I think we're so used to Michael being so loud about being thirsty and wanting David so enthusiastically that we forget there are other ways of expressing those emotions. That things like fondness, adoration, and lust can all be conveyed just as loudly in actions as they can in words.
David is so damn soft when it comes to Michael; in how he talks about him in a way he doesn't talk about any other co-stars, the way he brings him up completely unprompted, and how he looks away like you said, looks down and to the side as if he's remembering something. And let's remember that this was in May of last year and he was in Cardiff (despite Georgia trying to convince everyone otherwise), so it's highly likely that he and Michael saw each other during that time.
For me, though, it's especially the other thing you said, which is how serious David is when he says this and "Maybe I should've married Michael Sheen." A lot of folks want to keep saying that he's joking, but the thing is, David jokes about so many things...but Michael is someone and something he seems to take incredibly seriously.
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In both of these instances, he doesn't awkwardly laugh off his comments, or qualify them by saying "Just kidding" immediately after. Whatever their relationship may be--whether they've been intimate or not--it's clear that Michael takes up a good part of David's mind and his heart, and David is unafraid to show that now more than ever before...
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atlas-hephaestus · 6 months
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hannahssimblr · 2 months
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“I have to say, this is an impressive body of work.”
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I shift in my seat, “By impressive do you mean that it’s good, or that there’s a lot of it?”
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This gets a laugh. “Both,” says the man, Paul, flicking through a sketchbook with tattooed hands, fingers stained from nicotine. I notice things like this now. Hands. I notice their lines and their bones, all their interesting details, and perhaps Paul himself could gauge this now as he pours over my figure studies where there are pages upon pages of hands, old and young, my friends, my sisters at the piano, an old woman clutching at a handrail on the train, and my own, a hundred times in different ways, blisters, plasters, hangnails and bruises from the rugby pitch.
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The woman, Ida, shuffles through a stack of watercolour paintings I did last summer, mostly seascapes, the beach and the rushes, the whitewashed houses and rusted iron of the Wexford coast. Just looking at them I can recall the grit of sand under my bare feet as I warmed them on the deck of our holiday home behind my portable easel. In three months I’ll return again for one last summer, and after that I expect I’ll miss it there. 
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“And you said you didn’t do a portfolio preparation year?” She says, peering over the rim of her glasses. 
“No, I’m still at school.”
“Highly unusual for a sixth year,” her eyebrows climb up her forehead, “You've clearly dedicated a lot of time to this.”
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I shrug, “Yeah, I like making art, I don’t know.”
It’s difficult to tell what this woman is thinking. Everything about her is harsh, dramatic, from the sharp fringe that sits straight and neat above her brows to the slash of her mouth, thin lips, pointy chin, hard eyes, but I have to assume for the sake of my own self esteem that she doesn’t positively loathe my portfolio. She spends some time looking through my work, slowly, methodically, sometimes leaning closer to frown at something, maybe some proportion that’s off, bad composition, a clumsy attempt at ambient occlusion that doesn’t hit the mark… 
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“It’s beautiful,” she says simply, and I exhale. 
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“Oh look, a familiar face,” Paul holds a portrait to Ida, “That’s the girl that we were interviewing a few people before this, what was her name again?”
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“Michelle,” I say, “My girlfriend.”
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Paul nods, “Michelle, right! Good likeness,” and places the notebook back onto the table. Leaning back in his chair, he cracks his knuckles, “Look, Jude, there’s no two ways about it here, your work is outstanding. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a portfolio that hits every mark, every requirement and goes beyond, I mean,” he lets out a puff of air and gestures to the table, “this is nuts. And for a sixth year? Come on. This stuff would blow some of our third and fourth year college students out of the water.”
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I feel like I could melt off the chair with relief, but try to suppress my utter delight so that they don’t think I’m too hungry for validation.
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“It’s the sensitivity,” Ida adds, “Your observation skills, your sense of weight, movement, knowledge of anatomy. It’s rare to see this kind of work from a secondary school student. Your efforts are just… so impressive.”
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“And look, we know it depends on your Leaving Cert points, and yeah, that’ll be a contributing factor when it comes to acceptance, but, like,” Paul looks over the table again, tossing his hands up conclusively, “as far as I’m concerned, we’ll see you in September.”
Ida’s mouth curls into a smile, “We hope. If you choose us.”
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If I choose them? Am I dreaming? How have I become the kind of person who is coveted by an art school? Surely not. Surely soon I’ll wake up and discover that this whole interview has been a product of my dreams. Too much time spent stressing out over art, the requirements, the brief... Almost certainly I’ve fallen asleep somewhere and none of this is real. 
“That’s really kind of you to say. I’m glad you liked my stuff.”
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“Blown away,” says Paul, and he leaps to his feet to shake my hand like I’ve just won a prize, “all we need is a pass in the Leaving Cert, you can surely manage it.”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure I do.”
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They’re smiling at me as I gather up my work, and still smiling as I give them one last sheepish wave from the door, and I realise I am still smiling too as I face the hallway of waiting students, staring at me with portfolios rested against their knees. I probably shouldn’t look too overjoyed, it might knock their confidence, so I try to look very bored instead as I pass by, though I may explode from the inside out.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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violettssims · 1 year
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The eastern suburbs of Newport where "all the hipsters live" (according to Christian) The streets are a little grungy and you'll get a whiff of rotten trash on every corner but it's home to the best coffee in the city, a vibrant mix of culture and many, many neighbourhood (or perhaps just lost) cats.
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fizzytoo · 7 months
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white boy of the month
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dreamtwinsxxx · 6 days
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You can find more here ❤️
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hyperfixating-rn-brb · 2 months
happy birthday to that lovely lad, name of David Tennant!
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53v3nfrn5 · 25 days
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Alexa Chung: ‘It’ (2013)
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clairedelune-13 · 3 months
David is great cuz he doesn’t use “little” when describing small things. He says “wee”.
Like the wee li’l Scottish man he is. ☺️
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
I thought I had watched all of the press tour videos, including all the ones with David in that blue shirt. But I just stumbled on one from that day from Pride (dot) com. It's on YT and called "David Tennant & Michael Sheen Talk About the Inclusivity of Love in 'Good Omens' Season 2" and BOY HOWDY the microexpressions!!!
Oh, I have seen that video! Yes indeed, there were quite a few of interviews happening at that time, but that was a standout one for me as well (mostly because it was done a queer media outlet specifically, which I don't think there were many of in that press junket). The full video can be watched here:
And I actually answered another Ask where I went into full depth about the myriad of microexpressions (especially Michael's when the interviewer says "a demon who's starting to figure out what love means), so in the interest of keeping this simple/not repeating myself too much, I invite you to check that out here.
I will, however, include one other favorite moment, which is Michael and David's body language after the interviewer says "fans have sort of been dying to see you two get together":
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The fidgeting. The biting. Michael not being able to not look over at David by the end. And of course, David so far over on his chair that he is almost halfway off of it, just to be closer to Michael. Definitely so much going on that is utterly worth enjoying and talking about.
I hope this helps you out, and I'm glad you shared your thoughts about this interview with me. Thanks for writing in! x
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