#hipster's crazy party in the room
fluffyyewon · 4 months
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예원 배우가 출연하는 <방구석힙스터의대환장파티> 오늘 오후 5시 카카오tv에서 만나요!
#예원 @yeeee kk #카카오tv #방구석힙스터의대환장파티 YOUTUBE
cr: andmarq_official
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capseycartwright · 2 years
i'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day
“Last night - when the clock struck midnight,” Buck began, taking a steadying breath. “Chimney teased that you and I were the only two in the room who didn’t have someone to kiss at midnight.”
Eddie barely held back an eye roll as he remembered Chim’s words. Their friend was hardly known for his subtlety. “Yeah, I remember.”
As they clean up from Eddie's New Year's Eve party, Buck and Eddie have a conversation about resolutions, honesty, and who they want to ring in the New Year with.
ao3 link
It was silly, really, Eddie knew, but he had always liked the idea behind the New Year. It’s not as though every year, he managed to wipe the slate clean, and start over as a newer, better, fitter version of himself - but there was something about the end of a year, and the beginning of another, the raucous way that one year came to its conclusion, seen out by fireworks and celebrations and champagne - for better, or worse - and the quiet way the new year slipped in to existence, the prospect of a brand new, completely untouched year stretching on for a delicious 365 days ahead.
It was silly, Eddie knew, but it was a silly indulgence he allowed himself. Despite liking the New Year, his New Year’s hadn’t always started well - he’d been deployed, for a fair few of them, counting down to a new year with his squadron as they tried to make the best of their situation. Other years, he was with Shannon - he remembers happy new years, back at the beginning of their relationship, but that hadn’t lasted long. No, most of their new year celebrations had been tainted with fights, and arguments, cold shoulders and a relationship that had never been built to last crumbling under pressure it was never going to be strong enough to stand up to.
Eddie had spent plenty of New Year’s Eve’s - and New Year’s Days - alone, Christopher in bed, and Eddie ringing in the new year by watching a rerun of the ball drop in New York, hoping, and wishing, and praying for a better year ahead - a year where he could provide a better life for his son, a year where he could be happier.
He was happier now.
Eddie could say that with a kind of confidence he couldn’t help but be proud of - happiness, as it turns out, had never been as clear cut as it had seemed when you were a child and happiness felt like it was directly associated with sunny days and ice-cream after dinner. No, no - happiness as an adult was infinitely more complicated, and Eddie had struggled to be really, truly happy, but he was getting there.
How could he not be getting there? Eddie had - well, he had the best kid in the world, and a job he loved, and he had done a whole lot of work this year on himself, accepting who he was - who he loved - and Eddie was leaving 2022 a happier man.
And he hadn’t spent this New Year’s Eve alone, either.
Eddie had never really had partying days - and really, he didn’t regret that, Eddie hated nightclubs and only really liked the quiet, hipster bars that Buck tended to find them, that served all sorts of IPAs and funky beers that had silly labels - but he’d hosted the 118 for a New Year’s Eve party last night. Nothing crazy, no - not when half the team had kids, and the other half were only stopping in before they headed out to a proper Hollywood party (“Don’t worry, Ravi,” Eddie shook his head, giving the younger man a soft smile: he didn’t know what it was like to be that kind of twenty-five year old, but he remembered what it was like to be a twenty-five year old with the weight of his world on his shoulders and he didn’t want Ravi to be that way) but a party all the same.
A party he was going to spend January 1st cleaning up from.
Eddie didn’t mind, really - a few streamers, and beer bottles, and leftover snacks, were a small price to pay for an evening with the family he had made for himself.
Buck’s raspy, slightly hoarse voice drew Eddie’s attention to the kitchen doorway. He was wearing a borrowed hoodie, the arms slightly too short, and somehow, he had glitter in his hair, the blond curls messy after a night of tossing and turning on Eddie’s couch.
It was cute.
read the rest on ao3
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Lyric Scenario - Bad Addicted To You
Post Date: 28th October 2022 Content: Smut - Stray Kids Lee Know x Reader  WC: 0.5K TW?: Fingering/ Slightly protective Minho Request?: Yes
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Lyric references are hightlighted in bold
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The way Minho glares at you, eyes dark with lustful hunger for you, dressed ever so perfectly for him ready t go out for a friend's birthday party. But that party was the last thing to be on his mind at that moment.
"Are you really going to go to the party, dressed like that?" Minho scoffs with a smirk growing on his smug face, strolling towards you as you gulp hard, his glare making your breath hitch.
"Babe, don't get me wrong. You look fucking delicious but I don't want to have to slap someone for looking at you the only way I'm allowed to," Minho continues, his fingers lightly trailing up your arm, making you shiver at the delicate touch.
You briefly look down at your outfit, biting down hard on your lip as you look up at your hungry boyfriend, whose hands have made their way to firmly take hold of your waist, nails digging in slightly.
Your lips parted slightly, trying to find the suitable words to reply to him, not knowing what to say just in case something else starts, his glare throwing you off guard as you gulp once again, "Just look at me, baby", you say in barely a whisper.
"Oh, I will baby," Minho growls into your ear, nibbling at your lobe as you let out the softest whimper possible, holding onto his forearms as he tenses them.
Minho scoffs, yanking your body to be flush against his as his lips attach to yours, leaving no room for sweet kisses, going straight in with the hunger finally being replenished, tongues swirling around each other.
You're pressed up against the door, breathing heavily onto his lips, a smirk glued on his with them never disconnecting, only once for him to make another comment, "I'm addicted to you".
He knows you just sorted out your dress for it to fit around your body perfectly but that didn't matter to him as he lifts it up, exposing you to him, your lacy underwear, his favorite pair.
"Shit, you make me crazy," Minho groans as he notices, switching his eyes between you and the underwear as his fingers tease you through the fabric, making you jolt forward slightly, grabbing onto his broad shoulders for support.
His fingers press against your core through your panties, soaking them almost instantly, ruining them so he had an excuse to get to see you change out of them.
"Only you can get me~" you whimper into his shoulder, his fingers pushing into you, making your eyes squeeze together tightly, as you try to fight to let the moans out but it was impossible, "Play with me to ruin me".
That's all he needed to hear as he pulls the underwear down your legs, turning you around so you leaned against the door, waiting with anticipation for his next move.
The sound of him unzipping his trousers makes you tense around thin air, biting down on your lip once again as you feel his hands caress your ass cheek, slapping them harshly before lining himself up against your core.
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @hipster-shiz​. @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007  
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290 Song Lyric Prompts
This is months of work, FIVE different "Volumes" (Playlists). I have combined all of my previous Song Lyric Prompts into one post, one list. I hope you enjoy. They are separated by Volume because tumblr yelled at me :)
[Volume One]
[Volume Two]
[Volume Three]
[Volume Four]
[Volume Five]
Volume One
 “Drive this car through the drive thru please”
“Dirty laundry looks good on you”
 “Where’s the dotted line at?”
 “Are there windows in heaven?”
 “Bought you a twelve pack, promised you sushi”
 “I want to take you to a gay bar”
 “I’m in love with the girl I hate”
 “It’s been a while since I’ve felt butterflies”
 “One day you’ll know who you want to be”
 “You ain’t nothing but a prick”
 “You’re not in love with me”
 “I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every day”
 “On second thought, forget it, that one turns out kind of cool”
 “Honey, I’ve got real bad news”
 “I heard that rock is dead and cellphones give you cancer”
 “It will be worth it, everything you went through”
 “They’ve never drove through Indiana”
 “You’re my song, my sweet home Alabama”
 “You’ve got so many options, every fish in the sea wants to kiss you”
 “Relationships, I don’t know why, they never work out and they make you cry but the guy who says goodbye to you is out of his mind”
 “My family is dysfunctional but we have a good time killing each other”
 “I fell in love in the back of a cop car”
 “You don’t have to worry”
 “I’m still having nightmares”
 “I flashback to the night in your parents yard when we drank too much and we talked about God”
 “We’re gonna make it if takes all night”
 “She’s my kind of crazy”
 “Who says you can’t go home?”
“Fist fights turn into sex, I wonder what comes next?”
 “If I were a boomerang, I’d turn around and come back to you”
 “It’ll still be two days till I say I’m sorry”
 “Remember when you broke your foot jumping out the second floor?”
 “There’s room for two, six feet under the stars”
 “Oh god, I did the wrong thing to the right girl”
 “When it comes to condoms, put two on”
 “I won’t give up on us”
 “I’m a bit too pop for punk kids, but I’m too punk for the pop kids”
 “We don’t have trouble sleeping”
 “Daddy’s little girl knows how to party”
 “A days worth of bitching goes down the drain when you lay in my bed and pick my brain.
 “Wrong name, my mistake”
42. “Being us feels good to us”
 “It’s not high school, man, you graduated six years ago”
 “A few drinks in, here I go missing you again”
 “There’s something about the way our bedsheets turn religion upside down”
 “And I’ve made mistakes, but you were not one”
 “I swear to god, I never fall in love”
 “I miss the way you breathe, the way you twitch in your sleep. Your smile, your straight teeth and the scars along on your cheeks”
 “When you talk, its in cursive to me. And it’s nicer than anything I’d ever believe about me”
 “I don’t mind if you fuck up my life”
 “Make a man feel rich on minimum wage”
 “You broke my heart and all I got was this t shirt”
 “You ask “When did I first know?” I always knew”
 “You’re kind of hipster, I grew up on punk rock”
 “Made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter”
 “And all my friends don’t give a fuck”
 “We’ll talk about how your parents separated and how you don’t want to make the same mistakes as them”
 “Is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything?”
 “Leave your sorrys, grab your car keys.”
 “I’d unfuck you if I could”
 “You say you love me, I know you love me. Love that you love me, baby”
 “I lose my voice when I look at you, can’t make a noise though I’m trying to”
 “Now with my eyes wide open, it’s heaven in your arms”
 “I know that you’re in pain but if we die at the same time does it still scare you?”
 “I can make you laugh ‘til you cry, but she can make your tears dry”
 “I hope a heart only breaks this bad once in a lifetime”
 “I didn't call you back because I was learning to dance”
 “Sometimes I just want to tell you about my day”
 “Yes my fucking nails are painted, what you think I didn’t know?”
 “Mama tried to raise me right, but she couldn’t raise the hell out of me”
 “Dancing in the dark ‘til the sun comes, tangled in the sheets ‘til the days done”
 “I take a drink ‘cause the truth is hard to swallow”
 “Big heads up, that’s a really stupid plan”
 “We used to kiss all night, now it’s just a bar fight”
 “What’s the point of going out when you could just give me a call”
 “I didn’t know I was broken until I wanted to change”
 “We have something worth remembering”
 “I fell in love with the girl at the rock show”
 “And I just can’t stop thinking of you, wherever you are"
"I never wanna leave this sunset town
Volume Two
“Do you ever get a little bit tired of life?”
“Will you even look back when you think of me?”
“Somebody’s gonna love you. Take all the dark, turn it to light and paint you sky blue”
“They’re judging me, I’m judging you, we ain’t got nothing else to do”
“Don’t wake me up in the middle of the night, because I finally found you”
“I lose my voice when I look at you, can’t make a noise though I’m trying to tell you all the right words”
“If all it is is eight letters, why am I in my own way?”
“If I said I want your body, would you hold it against me?”
“They say don’t go to bed angry but I guess that’s where we are”
“Things you take for granted when you grow up by the beach”
“Go on then, love, and show me your heart, ‘cause you are enough as you are and I’m awestruck”
“Is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything, or do you just not want to?”
“Welcome to the world that we live in. A perfect collision, it’s beat down, it’s broken, it’s bright. Welcome to happiness, sadness, to love and to madness”
“I always hear you on the background laughing, you know I hate it when you’re not around”
“These days you’ve been stuck in my brain, wanna play you over and over again”
“Secrets don’t make friends. We make love and love falls apart”
“Tell me you’re okay, yeah what’s that like? Rose tinted glasses, it must be nice. Doing your best while you die inside”
“I’m happy to see the happy back in your eyes”
“You make it hard to miss this hometown”
“A bad boy seems like a good idea until it’s too late”
“Couldn’t keep running, had to hit rock bottom to know”
“I wanna get back to where we started, to the summer night. You know, you know, you know, you know we got it right”
“I realized you are destined and meant to be mine”
“Keep switching your alibi, stuttering when you reply”
“But fuck, I’m so alone, and really need some help”
“We’re dancing on the edge of anxiety’s ledge and I might fall again”
“If we’re said and done, I know that I shouldn’t say that I still care but I still care”
“I haven’t slept in days but who’s counting”
“So I drown it out like I always do, dancing through our house with the ghost of you”
“Too many bottles of wine, can’t get my ducks in a row”
“Got me panicking, manic, and I can’t get no sleep”
“I’ve got a feeling I don’t get a grip I will slip and fall completely under”
“Some days you start singing’ and you don’t need a reason”
“I need a little more luck than a little bit, cause every time I get stuck the words won’t fit”
“Must be the music that’s got me shaking like an addict”
“I bite my tongue so you don’t hear me”
“I’d unfuck you if I could”
“Here’s to now and nothing else, in the crowd all by yourself. To the hellos and the goodbyes, the lows and every high. In this moment I could die with you.”
“Just watch from a safe place so I never have to lose”
“I don’t really understand this life and why we’re all here.”
“If you need me now, I’ll be there somehow”
“I’m so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere”
“Let’s see how far I’ll go now that I’ve lost control”
“If I could go back and erase you from my mind, I’d do it in a second”
“I was so scared of losing you, so I lost myself instead”
“I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.”
“Your heart belongs to someone else and I’m always here to keep you company”
“You say you’re sorry and you want us to fix what’s wrong, but I’d rather dye all my insides blonde”
“These last two years were the worst of my life”
“So hold on tight it’s a fast ride in the end”
Volume Three
“If I knew from the start would it change a thing?”
“You don’t have the time to not make time”
“There’ll be happiness after you but there was happiness because of you”
“You used to make me feel like I could walk on water but now most nights I’m just sinking”
“So go to hell and tell the devil I’m not that far behind”
“I’m trying to keep from going insane, ain’t that the way of this whole damn thing”
“For a minute, I was stone cold sober”
“I wish I could still call you friend”
“I know I deserve what you’re putting me through”
“I’ve been trying hard not lose my breath ever since you left”
“Where did you lose your happiness?”
“You’re the thing that I can’t quit”
“Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat”
“Tell me it’s okay to be happy now”
“I was born but I wasn’t raised”
“I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again”
“Five best friends on four bald tires”
“Even if I knew you’d be the one that got away, I’d still go back and get you”
“Tell me who you were falling for when we were lying on the floor”
“All the greats die young, that’s probably why I’m still alive”
“I never thought we’d make it out”
“I wish we could live here all the time”
“I know that you’re in pain but if we die at the same time, does it still scare you”
“I don’t want to leave this bar until I get your number”
“All that I know is that I just can’t say no to you, funny how things never change”
“I was young and horny.”
“I’d kill for one more way to tell you how you make me better every day”
“How did we end up talking in the first place”
“The weight of the world’s getting harder to hold up”
“There’s a lot more color in the mix when you’re loud and proud out in the sticks”
“Faking smiles and confidence”
“Fight the break of dawn, come tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll be gone”
“Why do I get myself into something I’m not ready for”
“I’d be lying if I tried telling you that you’re not everything that I want”
“It’s bittersweet I can still count on you for something”
“I see you when I close my eyes. I see you like I did that night”
“Tomorrow isn’t promised if the planet falls apart”
“If we get sober, we’ll never get old until we die”
“The tears from your eyes are leaving stains on your shirt, man”
“I ignore all the warning signs, fall for you every time”
“If I think you’re for real, I’m in denial”
“I’m just trying not to lose my shit this time”
“You don’t want to be friends, you’re just horny and fucked up at two am in the morning”
“I’m still young, wasting my youth. I’ll grow up next summer”
“With a full moon and a shitty mood”
“Everything gets fuzzy when you come around”
“I’ll be fine even though I’m not always right”
“We haven’t got time to be putting out fires we didn’t start”
“When you touch me I know there is purpose in my life”
“Maybe someone will save us before we drown”
Volume Four
“Playing fiction in a parking lot, anything to be more than an afterthought”
“Yeah, that’s good to know, wish I knew three years ago”
“I watched you fall away, evade accountability”
“Was I a fool for ever thinking I could get you to stay?”
“If I wake up and I’m still breathing, meet me where the sidewalk ends” 
“Today I called to tell you that I’m changing but I don’t think you have enough respect to see me try”
“Don’t you ever dare call me Vanilla”
“I read your letter, the one you left when you broke into my house”
“Leave it to me to fuck it up without a good reason.” 
“I’m not scared to jump if you want to”
“I’ll keep my secrets inside of my mind, promise I loved you but you roll your eyes”
“Got this bloodstain on my shirt, looking back it doesn’t hurt”
“I don’t mind sleeping all alone, but I’d rather wake up next to you” 
 “I’m always the outcast, I’ll take the blame. The first night you met me, you forgot my name”
 “Like bullets inside my head, you’re drivin’ me insane but there ain’t nothing I would change”
 “I’m at the same dead end, the lonely space in my head”
 “Now we’re at the part where you’ll hate what you see, what the fuck is wrong with me?”
“We’ve got this thing and it’s untouchable. It’s so dirty, pretty, beautiful” 
 “I’m a first class ticket to a fistfight, took a hit to the ribs but I feel just fine.”
“Is this butterflies or nausea? I can’t tell the difference anymore”
 “Tell me what it’s like to be loved by you”
“Baby, I can tell you ain’t easily impressed”
“Like weeds through the concrete cracks, and the flowers by the railroad tracks”
“It’s only been a couple of days and I miss you”
“When you change your mind, I’ll be waiting”
“I only miss you at midnight”
“Remember when you hit the brakes too soon, twenty stitches in a hospital room”
“Mama tried to raise me right but she couldn’t raise the hell out of me”
“So let’s take it back to the basics ‘cause let’s face it, I am on my own”
 “You’d never remember me when you’re pulling on his jeans”
 “I’m over wasting time in life trying to be something I’m not”
 “There’s only one place I wanna be” 
 “Deep dive off the coast of my feelings”
 “I’m glad to say this chapters about to end”
 “And when you touch me like that I get a little attached”
 “I’m single in September when I didn’t want to be”
 “I’m at best your second option”
 “Redefine rock bottom with these empty orange bottles”
 “A sloppy drunk obsessed with his juul”
“The things I’ve learned from a broken mirror, how a face can change when the heart knows fear”
 “I can’t forget the way you looked without your jeans on”
“I’ma treat you right tonight, let’s make it last forever”
“Pushed out of the family tree”
“Guess I think too much, maybe I’m obsessed with universal things like money love and death”
“You love who you love, ain’t nothing you should ever be ashamed of”
“With the boombox blaring as we’re falling in love”
 “I go back to the loss of a real good friend, and the sixteen summers I spent with him”
“There’s a noise complaint from room 304”
“Just shut up and drink your diet soda”
“We had to learn the hard way”
 “All You ever wanted was a part of me that I couldn’t fake”
“Love’s got a funny way of keepin’ score”
 “If the world ends, I hope I’m in my living room with my best friends”
“Baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side ‘til the mornin”
 “I’ll have you know, I’m scared to death”
“Tell yourself it’s never gonna happen again”
     “All the times you said you hate me, baby, I know what it feels like now. Damn it, I’m sorry”
“I would have married you in Vegas had you given me the chance to say I Do”
“Oh well, guess I’ll see you in hell”
“I got one thing to say and that’s thanks for nothing, kiss my ass”
Volume Five
 “Wide awake but it just feels wrong”
“We can fuck about it later if you want”
“I was fighting for my life eight months ago”
“Don’t be fooled, I’m only letting you down”
“Let’s run free and carry on, like we did when we were young”
“But I’m headstrong and stubborn and stuck in my ways”
“I wanna wake up with you and I, I wish we could live here all of the time.”
“I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it”
“I have this thing where I get older but never get wiser”
“I picked the petals, he loves me not”
“There’s always gonna be that one forever thing attached to you and me”
“Moving on isn’t something I regret, but it hard to forget” 
“I don’t want to waste my life without you baby”
“As memories fade, nothing’s the same, guess I better act my age” 
“You’re either with us or you can keep it to yourself”
“They say bad things happen for a reason”
“This could be the end of everything”
“Love me for who I am and who I’m gonna be”
“When we were still changing for the better”
“I’d tell you that I’m scared of turning out a failure”
“It’s safe to say I knew it, yeah, I knew it all along” 
“You can do just what you like tonight”
“Memories I hold to keep safe, and I live for that look on your face”
“Go ahead and take life’s lemons, you can mix them with some top shelf”
“Now we’re at the part where you’ll hate what you see.”
“I’ll go through the walls and kick down doors” 
“I even hate my favorite band, all because of you.”
“You make me feel like  1990 something”
“There’s nothing but broken streetlights, and I’m just trying to escape”
“I know I shouldn’t tell you” 
“Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?”
“Don’t you go and carry on with your life”
“So go to hell and tell the Devil I’m not that far behind” 
“Sex and white lies, handcuffs and alibis”
“So pour me another and kiss me like there’s no tomorrow” 
“Spare me just three last words”
“I still don’t know when I can come home, but I promised I would try”
“I barely know her but she starts to give me butterflies”
“She said she wants me for a lifetime”
“Guess I’m getting used to sleepless nights”
“You look pretty with my heart in the palm of your hand” 
“I thought this was as bad as it gets but I was wrong”
“You don’t wanna love me right now, ‘cause baby, I don’t even like me” 
“Lying isn’t me, so I’ll just be completely honest” 
“This shit should be a sin”
“Part of me’s a saint, but I’ll be a sinner”
“I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun”
“Now those songs we used to sing are just songs I can’t sing anymore”
“I would do anything, anything for you”
“I’d drive her anywhere from here to California” 
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
The Brothers Have Been Multiplied!!!
Look. In his day-to-day life, Lucifer has always had to struggle with being one of, if not the only, capable person in the room. His brothers don't always try to help him and even if they do their help may just make things worse…
So this should be a dream come true right? Not only does he have competent help, they'll all also himself! Who better to trust his more difficult tasks to, right? Right??
Well… wrong. Unfortunately for as much as Lucifer is, there is one thing Lucifer and his clones just aren't… Good minions.
Complain as he might about his brothers, they know who's in charge. As it turns out five Lucifers in a room can only screw in a lightbulb after they agree on who's giving the orders and being the "original" means nothing at all!
Poor MC gets saddled with mediating the most confusing squabbles in their life between Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer, and OG Lucifer (the name dubbed to him by Levi)
So aside from this being a trainwreck for anyone not named Diavolo (who's thrilled to have so many Lucifers to talk to!), it's also a headache for himself too!
The next week is spent with Lucifer literally arguing with himself over who's doing what while the brothers all cower in their rooms to keep from incurring their wrath… Five angry Lucifers is a sentence for certain death, somebody hide Mammon…
Lucifer's worst nightmare has been realized… Not only does he live in a world with one Mammon, now there's five! Five!!! Five Mammons!! The world isn't ready for this, no one is!
Of course, a pack of Mammons absolutely get into as much trouble as you think they would. The moment he realized there was more of him, the secondborn was already scheming up what kind of ploys he could pull off with five of himself...
Barbatos is upping the Castle security as we speak...
To his credit, you can't say that the Mammon-squad doesn't have hustle either. It may be either a blessing or a curse to go to five different stores and see a Mammon working there all at the same time, depending on your preference.
(Unfortunately for the brother and anyone with pickpocket-able wallets, it's mostly a curse).
Honestly, the biggest downside for poor MC is that they're all. so. clingy!!
If the MC wants even a minute to themselves, they'll be swatting away Mammon's like a swarm of mosquitos! Better learn an invisibility spell quick, or else their greedy companions will never, ever leave…
Holy cow, it's a gamer's dream come true!! Screw underwhelming AI and goodbye unreliable party members, he has all the team he needs right here!! They should go national or even pro!!!
Ah yes, Levi was truly elated for like, a couple days over this development. Why shouldn't he be? Having a whole herd of himself was a blast!
They're all great at gaming, they like the same things, they dislike the same stuff, and (most importantly) he's not any better or worse than any one of them! There’s nothing to get jealous over, right?
Well slap a big fat wrong on that because there's one thing to always get jealous over and their name is MC!
MC could come home from class one day to find five Levi's all wanting them to do five different things and NO THEY'RE NOT SHARING-
Unfortunately for Levi, the poor guy is so prone to jealousy that he can't even cope with it when he's jealous of himself…
It is at least a little entertaining to watch a pile of otakus fight themselves, it's kind of like watching a deadly game of high-stakes LARP-ing. Just less imaginary spells and more giant sea monsters popping out of nowhere… Someone grab some sponges…
Which is more likely to rule the world, one Solomon or five Satans...?
Having five Satans around is kind of terrifying… Just one can scheme up a storm and cause a lot of damage so add on four others and you got a recipe for a bad time… 
If you're Lucifer, anyway.
In truth, the band of Satans are all about as independent as their original counterpart, so they don't often do things together as a group.
This can create a lot of deja vu scenarios where the MC will swear they've already passed by a Satan in the hallway… like three times.
Unfortunately they also get the urge for affection around the same time, so the MC may go a whole day without seeing them then suddenly get surrounded by needy and bickering Satans at all sides...
When the pack does work together, however, they're a well-oiled machine. Capable, logical, practical: basically everything the Lucfier-squad wish they could be without all the pesky pride in the way!
… until someone ticks them off and they become their own angry mob, but hey, still better than a pack of Mammons.
… We all know an orgy is happening right? Like, it may not be the first thing he thinks of, but it's on the list. He'd never pass up the chance to selfcest when possible. Never.
That being said, the Asmos actually get sick of each other surprisingly quickly… Only a few days in and they'll be squabbling like crazy!
Why you might ask? Well not for any particular character flaw or anything - it actually boils down to the clothes… and makeup… and face… and attitude... and-
Basically, how in Diavolo's Hell is he supposed to stand out as the world's most singularly beautiful creature if there are FOUR OTHERS that keep stealing his style?? It's a nightmare!!
It didn't take long for the Asmos to start trying to find their own, completely distinct identities like Goth Asmo, Sporty Asmo, Hipster Asmo, etc… All claiming to be WAY better than the original, of course.
As entertaining as it may be to see a bunch of Asmos go through an identity crisis, he wants them GONE and he wants them gone NOW!! He's blowing up Solomon's phone every hour of the day until it gets fixed so better sit tight for a while…
You know, this is actually one of those, "Worst Case Scenarios" that Lucifer and Dia drew up shortly after they had their Fall: what does one do with five Beels exactly...?
You can't possibly feed them all, at least not all at once… and letting any one get too hungry is asking for trouble.
Do you let them run through the city streets and chomp up its citizens like a game of Pacman? Scatter them to other realms and hope that they don't do a ton of damage? Pit them against each other in "There-Can-Only-Be-One"-style gladiatorial combat?? 
Well… there isn't really a good solution. Food is still a finite resource but the Beels TRY to be understanding and TRY not to push their luck at mealtime...
It has varying degrees of success, but hey, it's sweet that they're even trying...
Aside from the ever-present threat of being eaten out of House and realm, everybody kind of likes having so many Beels around. They're easy-going and helpful, which generally makes life easier for everyone and like… it's Beel. Who doesn't like hanging out with Beel?
The Beels even get along with each other so they regularly go to the gym and games together. Though it’s not super sportsmanly to switch out Beels between quarters in fangol, it's not technically against any rules either so the past few games have gone very well! (It's he'll, who even reads the rulebook anyway?)
It actually took a little while to notice that there were even two Belphies, let alone five…
MC would walk into a room and see a Belphie sleeping on the couch. Perfectly normal.
Then, they'd go into another a few minutes later to see Belphie napping a chair… A little off, but still okay.
Well sure, but in the next room he's also apparently on the floor too and….
Wait a minute.
Turns out five Belphies is either a breeze to deal with or absolute hell and there's no in between.
If they're all asleep, things are fine. Just artfully pile them on top of each other like dead bodies in a stealth game and move on.
If they're awake, then there's just way too much Belphie! And they play off each other in just the worse ways… The Anti-Lucifer League has never been so active, much to his brother's dismay...
This can be mitigated slightly by pawning a few off on Beel (who is more than happy to mind his duplicated twin) but that solution doesn't work forever… 
Moreover, the MC can't sleep anywhere without them all gravitating towards them so even the shortest nap results in waking up under a dogpile of cow-men… It's a wonder they don't suffocate...
853 notes · View notes
levi-lover · 4 years
New Light Part: 1
College Levi x Reader(Modern AU)
W/C: 2.5
T/W: Pretentious Hipster Levi lol 
A/N: Levi is a moody English major who spends his free time reading at the local cafe and yes, I think that is sexy as hell. This is a slowburn piece kinda  inspired by the Hulu show Normal People! I love that show but I could never watch it again bc it breaks my heart too much lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (Part Two will be up soon! & this picture is from Pinterest)
I’ve put all the parts in one list here:  New Light Masterlist
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“I just don’t get it.” You huffed and leaned back into your chair. 
“Don’t worry, this stuff takes time to learn!” Hange looked at you earnestly.
The two of you had been studying at Maria’s Coffee for a few hours. Your genetics midterm was in a few days and you were completely lost. You met Hange on your first week, you anxiously walked into the lecture hall thinking this would be an easy pass to fulfill your science credit. Oh boy, were you wrong. Immediately, you were thrown into the depths of mitosis and chromosomes. The only good thing that came out of it was your new friendship with Hange. On your first day, Hange complimented your sweater and asked if they could sit with you. Hange was a genetics major so this class was easy, hell, it was fun for them. They offered to tutor you so you bought them coffee during your study sessions in return.
“Yeah, you’re right but still,” You said in between sips of your coffee. “How do you like this stuff?” 
“Oh, it’s fascinating to me, it’s crazy how we’re made up of tiny cells and in those cells is our human history but we can’t even see it. It’s like the world’s smallest yet most important puzzle.” Hange’s eyes lit up as they continued speaking. 
You listened and continued to drink your coffee. It was late but the cafe was still busy with college students hurrying to type their papers and study for tests. The lamps left soft yellow shadows on the cream colored walls. The cafe was homey and it felt like it was a cottage pulled straight out of a forest. From the back of the cafe, you could see the entrance. It was raining and people ran across the sidewalk with their jackets over their heads. You laughed through your nose.
“Hey! Are you listening?” Hange questioned. 
“What? Of course, I am. Science is the answer to everything, right?” You quipped. 
Hange rolled their eyes and went back to their textbook. You kept your eyes on the front door. It had been a few days since you had seen your coffee shop friend. The word friend was a loose term for your relationship with the dark-haired boy. Your relationship started one day when you were sitting in the spot you are now, it was late, close to 1 am and after downing two cups of coffee you needed to pee. Across from you was a small man holding a used copy of Slaughterhouse Five, he was dressed in all black and was munching on a muffin. You asked him to watch your stuff, he nodded and pushed his hair away from his gray eyes. From that point on, you developed a friendship founded on your mutual respect for privacy yet concern over each other’s well-being. It became an unspoken rule that this was the only place you would meet. Your attention returned to your work, if he wasn’t going to show up then whatever, he was just another stranger. 
“Hange, I think I’m gonna call it a night.”
“What?! Why?! We haven’t even gotten to the good part, wait until you hear about what happens to the amino acids during replication.” The same familiar look of excitement washed over Hange’s face. 
“Look as exciting as it all sounds, I’m gonna have to pass.” You began to gather your things when the front door opened. You looked up and saw the dark-haired boy. He looked as pretty as always with a beige tote bag draped across his shoulder, droplets of rain hung onto his dark strands. Next to him stood a tall, handsome blonde man who was looking around the cafe. His eyes stopped when he reached your table and he lifted a hand and waved at you. You looked at him confused. 
“LEVIIII!! ERWIIIN!!” Hange yelled and waved their arms. People looked up at them with annoyance. 
“Wait, you know them?” You asked.
“Who, those idiots? Yeah. I forgot to tell you I invited them to study with us. Levi promised to help me write a paper,” Hange said nonchalantly. “Shit! I should have asked you if that’s okay. Is it?” 
You looked down and felt your face redden, “no worries, it’s not a problem.” 
“I’ll introduce you to them, they’re buttheads but they don’t bite.”
You sat back down and looked at your notebook as the dark-haired boy and the tall blonde walked towards you. A bundle of nerves planted themselves in your stomach but you couldn’t understand why. You’ve known this man for a couple of months now, slowly building a friendship at your own pace. It was nice to have control over something in your life for once but life always has a different plan for you; it was time to properly meet the dark-haired boy. All rules are eventually broken.
You ruffled the papers in front of you and took another sip of your drink but it was empty. Shit, you thought. The two men were standing in front of you and Hange at this point. The dark-haired boy looked at you, his brows furrowed.
“Hey, you’re House Coffee,” he said in a monotonous tone.
The blonde man and Hange looked at him confused, “wait, you know her?” Hange asked.
You shook your head, “nope.”
The dark-haired boy looked at you confused.
“Well, kinda, actually,” You muttered.
“Huh, that’s cool!” Hange announced. “Levi’s a little bitch but you probably already knew that.”
“Shut up, Four Eyes,” Levi retorted.
The blonde man laughed, “my name is Erwin. I’m a Political Science and History double major.” He gave you a dashing smile and lifted his hand.
Levi rolled his eyes, “humble much?”
Erwin gave him a glare before returning his clear blue eyes to you. You chuckled and raised your hand to his. It was a firm handshake.
“My name is (Y/N), it’s very nice to meet you, Erwin. And it’s Levi, right?” Your head turned to the dark-haired boy and he blushed slightly. Hange and Erwin exchanged a look.
Hange raised their hands slightly and asked, “I’m confused.”
“When aren’t you.” Levi remarked.  
“Oh, shut it you. I thought you two already knew each other.”
You placed your hands around the empty mug, hoping it would stabilize your nerves. “Know might be a strong word, I guess we’ve seen each other here before?“ You shrugged and looked at Levi.
He nodded, “I agree, we sometimes look after each other’s stuff and talk about books.”
“Good to know. I’m glad Levi has someone else to talk to,” Erwin declared.
They pulled out two chairs and placed them around the table. Erwin pulled out his laptop and his binders, everything was color-coordinated down to the tabs and pens. Levi pulled out a yellow notepad and a beat up copy of On the Road and single black pen. He tried his best to act natural but was unsure how to act around you and his friends. He wasn’t prepared for his two worlds to crash, it wasn’t that he was ashamed to know you. He enjoyed your company but it was something that was special to him. He didn’t want to share those precious late night hours with anyone else but you.
“I’m going to go buy a tea, (Y/N) do you want anything?” Erwin said pointing at your empty cup.
“Uh no-” You were about to say before Levi interrupted you.
“12 oz house coffee, splash of soy,” He stated.
Hange raised their eyebrows, in all their years of friendship he had never bothered to learn their coffee order. Erwin was equally as surprised. You stared at Levi, unsure what to say.
“Alright, you got it,” Erwin said before grabbing your empty mug.
Levi and Erwin got up and walked to the front counter. Hange grabbed your arm and you looked at them surprised.
“How long have you known Levi?” They whispered.
“Uh, like I said, ‘know’ is a strong word but a couple of months. We just sit near each other and sometimes talk. It’s not a big deal.”
“I can’t believe Levi didn’t tell me he knew you,” Hange said in disbelief.
“Did you tell him about me?” You retorted
“No but still. If I knew my two friends knew each other, I would have set this study party together a long ass time ago.”
You shrugged and went back to looking at your notes. By this time, Levi and Erwin were walking back to the table. Erwin was holding a mug of tea and your coffee, Levi was holding a mug of tea in one hand and an apple muffin in another. Erwin handed you your coffee and you thanked him. He sat in front of you and Levi opposite of him. Erwin cleared his throat and asked, “how do you guys know each other?”
“We met in genetics class,” You responded.
“You’re a science major, too?”Erwin asked.
“No, I’m a humanities major but I still need my science requirement so I’m taking this class and majorly regretting it.”
“Hey, it’s not all bad. We’re friends now,” Hange nugged their elbow at you, you gave them a smile and nodded.
“What a reward,” Levi muttered.
You held back a laugh which made Levi smile, he hid it behind his book.
“How do the three of you know each other?” You pointed to the trio.
Hange shot up from their text book and exclaimed,“oh, (Y/N) you’re going to love this so it all started four years ago…”
It was their freshman year, Levi’s uncle had just dropped him off at the dorms and left him alone to unpack. Levi didn’t have much except for a suitcase of clothes, a bed sheet set and a small box of books. He started to put his clothes away in the drawers when the door opened and a lean, tall blonde boy and his father walked in, pulling a cart of the boy’s belongings.
“Hi, you must be my roommate. My name is Erwin,” he stood at the doorway awkwardly waving at Levi.
“Hello, I’m Erwin’s dad, nice to meet you.”
Levi gave him a small smile and continued to organize his side of the room, it took about fifteen minutes in total. After Erwin’s dad left, Levi and Erwin sat on their respectives beds in silence. It took them awhile but eventually they bonded over their mutual love of Russian poetry. Over the next few weeks, they built a symbiotic relationship filled with chore charts and late night study hangs. Levi genuinely enjoyed Erwin’s presence, he was his first friend outside of his hometown. Erwin felt the same way too. He never had a huge opportunity to meet people since he was homeschooled until his final two years of high school. They had found a companion in each other.
The week before Thanksgiving break, Erwin convinced Levi to host a small gathering in their dorm. Levi hesitantly agreed and Erwin managed to get his hands on a weed brownie. They invited a few of their floormates and shared the goods and drank a single Mike’s Hard Lemonade that Hange brought. They sat on the concrete floor and waited for the weed to hit after thirty minutes, no one was high. One of their floormates, Zeke, took a whiff of the brownie and laughed.
“Erwin, this is a fucking regular brownie,” he glanced at Erwin who was tenderly sipping out of the bottle. Zeke’s roommate, Porco laughed.
“No, it can’t be,” Erwin responded. Hange looked around nervously and Levi glared at Zeke.
“Ha, whatever. This kickback is lame anyways. Let’s go,” Zeke and the others left.
Hange, Erwin, and Levi stayed in silence for a few minutes until Hange spoke, “I thought it was a good brownie.”
Erwin gave them a half-hearted smile and looked down at the bottle. Levi sighed and walked to his closet.
“Now that those fucktards are gone, let’s have a real party,” Levi said as he pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.
Erwin looked at Levi, shocked. “How long have you had that?”
“My uncle gave it to me when he dropped me off. As a going away present.” Levi shrugged it off.
The rest of the night was spent taking shots of whiskey and playing cards games, it was the first night of many.
“Wait, really? Erwin you bought a dud brownie.” You held your side as you laughed.
Erwin looked sheepishly at his drink. Levi had a smirk on his face.
“Yeah! Looking back at it now, it’s the funniest thing ever. But those other guys were jerks. I don’t remember their names now or anything but I hope they’re living horrible lives,” Hange proclaimed.
“I believe it and I hope so too.” You wiped a tear from your face and felt Levi’s gaze on you.
Levi had never seen you laugh that hard, he liked this side of you. He went back to notating his book but he couldn’t deny the feeling of warmth in his chest. The four of you remained in comfortable silence for a while. The coffee shop began to slow down as the clock ticked further into the night.
“This has been a lot of fun but I think I’m going to call it,” Erwin’s deep voice broke the silence of the table.
The three of you nodded in agreement and began to pack your bags. You watched Levi’s slender fingers gently put his belongings into his tote bag. His dark hair was getting long, it brushed against his cheek as he moved his body. You looked away quickly, you knew nothing could happen between the two of you but watching him interact with his friends casted a new light on him. Levi, what a name, you thought. For the past couple months, he was your secret friend, someone you could talk to without feeling judged because he was so removed from your everyday life but now, it was different. You both shared a mutual connection and of course, you shared the countless hours spent in this cafe.
The four of you made casual conversation as you exited the cafe. The cold air whipped your face and you tugged your scarf tighter around your neck.
“Hey, do you need a ride? I’m parked a block away,” Erwin asked you.
“Don’t worry, hot stuff. I’ll walk her home.” Hange winked at Erwin, Levi rolled his eyes.
“I live a few blocks away but thank you. It was really nice to meet you Erwin and Levi it’s nice to finally know your name.”
Levi looked down at the ground and a pink glow appeared on his face, “yeah, this was nice.”
You watched them turn around and walk in the opposite direction for a moment before turning to Hange. The air was cool and the clouds had parted, leaving open an endless sky peaking through the buildings and the trees. It had become a ritual for the two of you to walk home after study sessions since you lived a few blocks away from each other. Hange made casual conversation on your walk home but you hardly paid attention. You kept on thinking about Levi and wishing you never learned his name.
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strutitout · 3 years
LARRY FIC REC - recently read
1. I don't want a taste (I want it all) [3K] by  thedaggerrose (blessedfetish)
What Louis really needed was a fat fucking nap.
What Louis got instead was some hipster-looking wannabe arguing with him over the validity of avocado toast.
Or the AU where Harry tells Louis to go fuck himself, Louis tells Harry to fuck him himself, and Harry follows through.
✨ Cute and hot + they bantering over avocado tost.
2. Right Side of the Wrong Bed [10K] by  eyesofshinigami 
There, standing in a pair of ridiculously tiny briefs and wielding a frying pan in one hand, is quite possibly the prettiest boy he's ever seen. Louis scrubs a hand across his face. "I'm in the wrong goddamn flat, aren't I?"
Or, the one where Louis wakes up on the wrong couch only to meet his future husband (even if Harry doesn't know it yet).
✨ This was not the first and won’t be the last time I read this fic. It’s super fun, hot, and even though it’s “just” 10K, their connection is really well-built.
3. When Least Expected [22K] by  Rearviewdreamer
Drowning in a sea of emails and Zoom meetings in the living room, his lonely son falling more and more behind in his kitchen classroom, and crushing weight of the world being on house arrest for the foreseeable future, one fateful online interaction suddenly has everything looking up.
✨Louis’ kid is having a hard time trying to adjust to the new reality brought by COVID, until he starts having music classes with music teacher Harry, and things start looking up for both father and son. Very sweet fic and really interesting to see them falling on love over this hard times.
4. Naked Attraction #2 [29K] by reader_chic_2
“By the way, I checked you out quite a lot before your tube was raised.”
Harry smiled lustrously, “Yeah? More than Leonard? He might have been crazy, but he was sort of cute.”
Louis raised an eyebrow. “Maybe to you, Styles, but I don’t enjoy dominating in the bedroom.”
“Is that so?” Harry licked his lips. “Funnily enough, I do.”
Louis felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest. “I’m not sure if someone as adorable as you could dish out commands.”
Harry laughed brightly, and in a second flat his hand reached out and gripped his hip so hard it made Louis gasp. His eyes darkened, boring into Louis’ with a burning intensity. “And I’m not sure someone as mouthy as you could take my commands. Want to test it out?”
. . .
Louis Tomlinson is the first openly gay football player in the Premier football League. He was outed by the paps, but he’s had to embrace it since then. To show he doesn’t have shame in it, he goes onto Naked Attraction, and all the money will go to LGBTQ+ support, but he has made some changes to the show. Incidentally, he meets a certain Harry Styles there, and that is when things get interesting...
✨ This was really really fun, loved their dynamic and found it a very original story. Fluff, fun and smut. 
✨ Additional tags: Spanking. Subspace.  
5. Hold Me Closer [36K] by  balanceds
Louis Tomlinson is one of the most promising dancers of the English National Ballet, on track to become the youngest principal dancer in the company's history. That is, until forces conspire to significantly complicate his life, including: a surprise ballet, an unfairly attractive guest choreographer, and being pushed into a rivalry with his best mate. Featuring lots of wine, dancing, pining, and a happy ending.
✨ I’m not an expert but from the comments it seems the writter nailed the “dancing world” characterization (even though you don’t have to know anything about it to enjoy it). There’s some good banter and friendship; hot smut; lots of pining and not that much angst.
6. Whisper The Wind [36K] by  jacaranda_bloom
Louis’ father has political ambitions and decides it’s time for Louis to step up as the company’s Chief Financial Officer. Louis thinks this is a monumentally stupid idea. After storming off in a rage he has a chance meeting with a tall, dark, curly haired stranger. A technical glitch with their shared elevator finds Louis spending twenty minutes with the most intriguing man he’s ever met. Unfortunately the man is leaving London the very next day and moving to Australia to work at his mates surf school. Timing, as they say, can fuck right off.
Fast forward three years and Louis is miserable, a shadow of the man he once was, working in his father’s company, and hating every moment. At his thirtieth birthday party, surrounded by people he doesn’t know or doesn’t like, he decides to throw it all in and follow the impossible dream. Happiness, a fulfilling life, and someone to love. The question is, will that dream be found ten thousand miles away on a sandy beach, with a curly headed surfer dude?
Or the one where Louis rides an elevator that may change his life forever, Harry loves the ocean but is a terrible surfer, Liam proves not all heroes wear capes, and Niall might actually have all the answers.
✨ No angst, this is 36K of pure fluff and hot smut (read tags). They fall in love almost immediately, so they are already together most of the story.
7. King of wishful thinking [38K] by  Star_Henderson
“Don't umm don't get on the bus, come inside.” Louis blurted the words out, speaking quickly.
Harry looked startled.
“Just. Look I don't know if I want..” Louis scrubbed his face with his hand. “I'll pay for your time. Just come in.”
Harry stepped away from the bus stop and the bus sailed straight past.
“What's umm what do you guys make these days?”
Harry shuffled his feet. “Depends. Like two hundred an hour.”
Louis hummed. “Reasonable.” He gestured towards the hotel. “Come up for a drink or some room service or something.”
Harry scraped the toe of his already scuffed boots on the floor. “You don't have to do this, I feel like… like you're a nice person who feels bad but it's fine. I get it. You don't have to make it up to me.”
Louis stared at Harry. It'd been so long since he'd even spoken to a guy let alone hung out with one. He'd enjoyed the banter and the flirting.
“Come up.” Louis’ voice was soft.
Harry’s face bloomed into a smile. “Ok.”
✨This is another one that I’ve read more than once and still love. Sex worker Harry. Really sweet, very well-written and their love is really well constructed. 
8. hush. [41K] by  Wankerville
“I don't like you like that, Harry.”
“See,” Harry starts, Louis can hear the smile in his voice, “that's where I think you're lying.”
or an au where small towns suck, louis is losing it, and harry’s just too perfect.
✨ Read the tags! My notes on this one were: SO SO BEAUTIFULLLLL. Loved it, angst (but not a heartbreaking one), SO MUCH FLUFF, great dialogues, great banter and smut. Loved it!!! (lol)
9.  Don't Look Down [91K] by  zarah5
AU. In which Louis is a solicitor at one of London’s most prestigious law firms and Harry happens to apply for the position as his trainee. And everyone else is around, too.
✨I love everything they write and this one wasn’t different. Amazing characterization, great dialogues, great banter! Absolutely loved it! Not much smut. A bit angsty, wanted to punch Louis at times, but all ended well. 
10. Let Me Be Your Star [252K] by  lovelarry10
Harry Styles has always been a singer, but he’s never had much confidence in himself. When his idol is brought on as the new judge on The X-Factor, he figures, what the hell? He’d get to sing and meet his idol. What could go wrong?
Louis Tomlinson has always wanted to mentor young musicians. When he’s asked to be a judge on The X-Factor, it’s a dream come true, everything he ever wanted. What he didn’t expect was to meet a curly-headed stranger that would turn his life upside down
✨Hot smut, a lot of fluff and not that much angst. Harry seems a bit immature (which makes sense for his age) but their relatioship is really sweet. (I also enjoy that the writer included pictures of how they imagined H and L on each presentation)
32 notes · View notes
whatiwillsay · 4 years
Tayliz Timeline!
December 2006: Taylor meets Liz at a meet and greet in San Bernadino
2/5/2008: Taylor runs into Liz again on Dance War and diaries about it
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4/12/2009: Liz joins Taylor’s band
5/7/2009: Taylor posts a story on MySpace that implies her and Liz have been sharing a room together
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5/29/2009: Taylor posts another cute story on MySpace that implies her and Liz just got dinner together when it took place:
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9/6/2009: Liz gets sick. Taylor writes a giant MySpace post about how much she misses her:
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12/3/2009: Liz congratulates Taylor on her Grammy noms on Twitter
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12/13/2009: Taylor turns 20, her backup dancer Brandon comes out at her party, Liz tweet HBD to her
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1/19/2010: Liz and Taylor go to a housewarming party together
2/22/2010: Taylor makes a MySpace post about how much fun her and Liz have
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3/30/2010: Liz tweets at Taylor thanking her for cancelling her plans just in case she’d call (cam’s note - lmao)
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4/3/2010: Liz tweets at Taylor with an inside joke about the quick-change dressing room in Kansas City.
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July 2010: Taylor moves into an apartment in Nashville and is on her own for the first time, she reportedly has to call Liz in order to fall asleep at night
9/8/2010: Liz and Taylor go to a wedding together and take photos with Andrea:
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9/22/2010: Taylor posts cute girlfriend pictures of Liz on MySpace:
11/22/2010: “Love you Tay”
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11/29/2010: Liz and Taylor hang out, Liz tweets about it
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12/13/2010: Taylor turns 21. Liz wishes her HBD on Twitter and says she’s changed her life.
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12/29/2010: Taylor and Liz papped together walking around Nashville:
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3/19/2011: Taylor cuts Liz’s hair, Liz tweets about it. Later that day, Taylor and Liz go to a Katy Perry concert with Grant Mickelson and Caitlin Bird. (cam’s note - later Taylor goes on Leno on April 5th 2011 and talks about cutting Liz’s hair - says she looks like a hipster.)
BONUS: Liz says her favorite Katy Perry song is Thinking of You
4/23/2011: Liz and Taylor get coffee. Liz tweets about it. (cam’s note - i checked this is not a Wednesday)
4/24/2011: Taylor sends Liz an Easter card.
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4/27/2011: Liz and Taylor hang out, talk about Skittles.
5/19/2011: Taylor cooks Liz dinner. 
5/28/2011: Thirst tweet:
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8/15-8/18/2011: Taylor goes to South Carolina on vacation with her band (including Liz). It’s very gay. Liz tweets this, which is also very gay (who wants to bet Liz and Taylor were sharing?)
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9/7/2011: Taylor writes Red, according to the Lover Diaries
11/8/2011: Liz and Taylor have a “soul feeding time” together:
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Late 2011: Taylor writes IKYWT (don’t think this is about Liz just in here for context) (cam’s note - are we sure?  this seems close to the end of their real main friendship...liz seems to be a bit of a bad girl, maybe she was trouble)
1/1/2012: Liz tweets about “dancing around the kitchen” with Taylor (ATW was already written so I think she might just be referencing it…)
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3/4/2012: Taylor tweets about Liz annoying her with Corn Nuts.
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Things quiet down significantly from here as Swiftgron ramps up. Then in September:
9/20/2012: Liz spends quality time with Claire and Taylor.
11/8/2012: Liz posts a song on YouTube called “Never Know” that might be about Taylor>> “It’s crazy how life goes on / And then I catch myself singing your song / And wonder if you think about me / I guess we’ll never know”
(cam’s note - how did she get away with “I catch myself singing you’re song”?)
Liz is not on the Red tour. Either she was not invited back or chose to leave to pursue her own career.
Liz does not wish Taylor Happy Birthday in 2012 (the only year she misses around this stretch).
They have no interactions in 2013 beyond Liz wishing her Happy Birthday. That pattern continues in 2014 UNTIL Claire posts a TBT to the South Carolina trip in October 2014 and Liz responds to it. From there, Liz has tweeted Taylor on and off for a while (including about every birthday) and seems to be on good terms with her. So maybe things ended badly when Taylor got with Dianna? I don’t know.
In December 2014, Liz got engaged to producer Bryan Brown. As of today, that engagement seems to be over, but considering she was supposed to debut in 2015 (pushed back to 2017) that might’ve been a bearding thing.
In April 2018, she released a song called Don’t LV U Anymore which has these lyrics: “I don’t steal your chapstick anymore / Don’t wake up to your kiss anymore / And I don’t have a washer and dryer full of guitar picks anymore / ‘Cause you don’t come over to my place anymore / … / I don’t love you anymore / I don’t love you anymore / I don’t love you anymore / But I don’t love you any less”
The chorus pretty much sums up what the state of their relationship seems to be post-2014. 
Other songs that might be about Taylor include:
So Easy
Dammit - Jana Kramer (written by Liz) Talks about a lover playing guitar in the kitchen.
STFU and Hold Me – about a “rocky and volatile” relationship. Liz paints herself as a cheater in the MV and wears Red throughout the whole thing. The lyric “it started with a bang, went all in” is similar to Holy Ground’s “took off faster than a green light go.” Seems very similar to the relationships described in Red.
submission ⬆️⬆️⬆️
paging @tayliz​ some stuff for you to work with here!  
i put some things that stood out to me in bold and added pictures to your refeences along with a few other notes and tweets
i am pretty convinced of tiz(or are we going with tayliz?) at this point especially with her dissapearing right wen swiftgron ramps up in spring 2012 
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shepherds-of-haven · 4 years
College!Au of Shepherd members? What likely are they (i.e. jock, player in the soccer team, bad-boy, the clichès.)? definitely not thinking of writing an au, and im certainly not thinking of maybe making a small edit about it. nOt aT aLl cApTAiN
Hi there! Have you seen the college AU asks? This one is pretty detailed about what kind of students they are, and this one is more succinct with their majors/minors! But I’m always happy to go more in-depth about AUs! 😉
In my imagination, Blade, Trouble, and Chase were suite-mates freshman year and get an apartment together when they’re not living on campus. (Halek, Red, and Riel are also roommates and then Riel can’t stand living in a dorm anymore so he buys a townhome with his family’s money and allows Halek and Red to live there to give himself some semblance of a social life.)
Blade is the scion of a very wealthy family who’s expected to take over the family business one day. Instead he majors in Criminal Justice and--in my imagination--secretly aims to become either a detective or a prosecutor because he suspects his family is involved with criminal organizations. He’s generally quiet, solemn, broody, and troubled (just like in the game lol) and is only dragged out to do “normal” college things by Trouble and Chase’s persistence! He’s in the fencing club and also goes to a mixed martial arts gym off-campus, sometimes with Trouble, which also happens to be the one Briony goes to. 
Trouble is in ROTC and majors in mechanical engineering, with dreams of joining the Air Force and becoming a pilot after graduation if he can keep his grades up. For some reason I have this idea that he got into this university on a soccer scholarship? He plays guitar and later gets a dog because fuck it, he’s always wanted one, and he’s rebuilding an old motorcycle in his spare time at this garage where his old school friends work. He definitely wears bomber jackets and letterman jackets like, a lot. He’s very popular and considered a “jock,” but a friendly one! He has an English class with Red and a math class with Riel, going to both of their study groups and then driving them crazy because he either doodles instead of studying or texts. Part-time, I feel like he delivers pizzas for some reason...
Chase is the third part of their trio and is more lax about his studies than the other two (which is a bad influence on Trouble). He does not talk at all about his family or home life and generally spends the holidays with either Blade or Trouble’s families. He’s an undeclared major and has no idea what he wants to do after college and is not worrying about it. He pays smart kids to do his homework for him, so he has an excellent GPA, much to the class president’s (Riel) fury. He’s part of a frat but doesn’t actually drink at parties, more concerned that everyone’s having a good time and making fun memories than he is about himself. He doesn’t allow any scummy behavior in the frat and secretly, on a whim, auditioned for a student play and is surprisingly very into it, to the point where he asks Briony and Trouble for help with his lines. After throwing a huge party where [x] happens, he starts a group chat with everybody involved in this story and it’s sort of how they all become friends, even though many of them already knew each other individually. Oh, and he’s very into Tinder, much to the chagrin of his other two roommates.
I think Briony, Ayla, and Lavinet are also roommates, and so are Shery, Tallys, and Mimir. Briony-Ayla-Lavinet’s place (BAL? Brionaylavi?) is Party Central, whereas Shery-Tallys-Mimir’s place (STM? Shallir?) is Quiet Coffee-Drinking Art Loft Sometimes Hipster Slam Poetry Book Clubs Central. 
Briony is either a journalism student or a law student, I can’t really decide. She takes a lot of extracurriculars at their university as a way to blow off steam, including a painting class (which is where she met Shery) and a horseback riding class, because why not? She has been training at the same mixed martial arts gym since she was a teenager, and she starts bringing Ayla and Lavinet there so they can defend themselves when they’re not altogether. Despite her cheerful attitude and popularity around campus, she seems to be running from a past back in her hometown that she doesn’t talk to anyone about, not even her closest friends: an obsessive ex and a dark past are just some of the things she doesn’t want catching up to her. Sometimes she earns part-time money covering shifts at the cafe Shery works at. 
Ayla is a journalism/communications student who will later switch majors to hospitality and hate it. She gives wilderness tours and white-water-rafting tours in the summers as a seasonal job and plays volleyball on the university team during the spring seasons and track and field during the fall. Her grades are abysmal and she goes to the tutoring center often for help, which is how she meets Red and Riel. She rides a Vespa around town and also attends the yoga class that Tallys teaches. Yes she wears leather jackets and occasionally beanies. She was too cheap to a buy a meal plan at the university cafeteria so she often skims from others or uses their extra meals before the week runs out. She is a lover of junk food and crams their apartment pantry with all manner of chips, soda, ramen, packaged mac and cheese, and etc! She also definitely games. 
Lavinet is a wealthy socialite daughter of the CEO and founder of a huge conglomerate: think a Paris Hilton, but more grounded. She’s majoring in business and political science, being groomed to take over her father’s role, but she wants a taste of “normal” life before that happens. All of her rich friends from high school thinks she’s slumming it with the other kids, but Lavinet’s having the time of her life. She tries not to stand out too much, but she unconsciously does, anyway: wearing designer coats and sunglasses to class, driving a flashy convertible, and keeping her books in a high-end handbag, because backpacks are “schlubby.” She means well but can sometimes be a bit of a drama queen to her roommates. She also loves juicy gossip and eats it up! She has been known to take her roommates’ phones and flirt for them with potential dates. She has a popular vlog and Instagram account, which I imagine is how Briony’s dark past catches up to her. She loves to get coffee at the shop that Shery and sometimes Briony work at and always seems to have a latte in her hand. She can point at any given person and name what lipstick they would be if they were one. She’s fairly good at her studies and loves to be in charge of study groups and gets into a war with another girl who tries to ‘poach’ her study partners. She absolutely takes French and fashion design classes and heads all over campus turn when she walks past!
Red, Riel, and Halek live in what is known as the “Nerd House.” Red is pretty much always at coffee shops and libraries, studying and reading, so much so that he doesn’t notice multiple other students checking him out in his rolled-up sweater sleeves and messenger bag. He’s got a bit of an “Academic Hipster” vibe and definitely has hipster tastes in music and books. He goes to poetry readings at cafes (of which Mimir is a staple) and goes on a lot of first dates that don’t lead anywhere, giving him the reputation of either a really picky person or a playboy. Does he wear glasses? Absolutely. Is it because he needs them? Probably not. On some subconscious level he is probably aware that he looks smart and cute in them. Sometimes he plays pickup soccer with Trouble’s practice team (he played in high school) when he realizes he’s been sitting around too long reading and needs to get some blood pumping! He studies philosophy and history as a double-major. 
Riel is the class president and later valedictorian of their class. He majors in math, business and finance, history, and psychology as one of the university’s only “quadruple majors”. He comes from an extremely wealthy family that has donated so much money to the school that many of the buildings have his last name on them. Occasionally he volunteers at the tutoring center, where his worst and most rebellious student is Ayla, who he vows to break. You can often find him in the music building, reserving one of the practice rooms to play beautiful classical piano, which he doesn’t like to play at home with his roommates around. He abhors eating or studying outside because, mysteriously, every time he walks through the quad, a frisbee hits him in the head. He is the head of a business fraternity that is constantly being pranked by Chase’s frat. 
Halek initially attended their university as a Food Science major, but dropped out and now attends the culinary arts institute across the street. (His twin brother, Naolin, goes to a prestigious university across the country and is studying to become a doctor.) He works as a barista at the cafe where Shery and sometimes Briony work as servers: the one with sleepy eyes that you end up spilling your life story to when you sit at the counter to drink your frappe and study. Plays the drums in a band that performs at open-mic nights and owns a tank of fish. In class he was constantly falling asleep at his desk but has no trouble now. Definitely smokes weed in his room occasionally and has a litany of tattoos up and down his forearms and hands (and for that matter, Ayla does too).
Finally, the Art Loft trio, Tallys, Shery, and Mimir, who definitely have a garden on their roof and hang their clothes up to dry in the sun up there, which Lavinet for whatever reason refers to as their “solarium.”
Tallys is a plant biology major who aims to be recruited into the country’s top holistic/nature-based pharmaceutical company. She teaches yoga outside of class to make money (and Ayla and sometimes Lavinet attend her morning classes). For whatever reason I feel like she smokes and looks really freaking cool doing it but decides to quit after a relative has a cancer scare. She enjoys classical music and plays the violin when she can. She is shares cooking duties with Shery and picks her up from her job at the cafe so she doesn’t have to walk home at night, leading many to mistakenly assume they’re girlfriends. She constantly has AirPods/earphones in, listening to music, and rarely speaks to others outside of class. Strangely, she owns a flip phone and owns no social media. 
Shery is a nursing student who loves to cook and bake as a hobby. She’s a natural introvert and prefers to stay in with her roommates, watching TV while she embroiders, or something, but one day she decides she wants to be more social and that’s how she befriends Halek and Briony. She owns a cat who rules the roost in their apartment as well as a hamster. She keeps detailed diaries and also writes poetry, but is too shy to share it with anyone, including Mimir, her roommate who’s an art major. She always wears pastels and very cute clothing and is a straight-A student. Her parents are pretty stingy so she works at a coffee shop, the Haven, as a way to earn money. She’s also helping with costume design for Chase’s play and rides a bike to campus and to work. She’s close with her professors and often visits them during office hours just to chat.
Mimir is an art student who’s making a big splash in the local scene, as she’s regarded as something of a young genius for her bizarre slam poetry and cryptic, surrealistic paintings. She often does readings at the Haven coffee shop during open-mic nights, and she constantly wears a hoodie, even to class. She paints her nails black and rocks that goth artist aesthetic, complete with dark eye makeup and black lipstick. She rarely speaks, but when she does, it’s usually to say something startlingly-insightful or incredibly mysterious. She feeds birds in the main quad on campus, to the point where they recognize her and will fly to her hand. She smells constantly of incense and can sometimes be seen rummaging around in trash cans on campus for her art installations. There is a mysterious cloaked figure on campus who rides a unicycle while blowing on bagpipes that also spew fire that everyone thinks is her, and she only smiles and fades away when anyone asks. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Department One: Apparel And Jewelry
What are you wearing today? A t-shirt dress. They’re so comfy.
What does your favorite shirt look like? All my many graphic tees.
What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing? Hipster.
What are your favorite kind of jeans? Skinny jeans. It’s crazy though cause I literally haven’t worn jeans at all for the past 4 years now. I live in leggings and lounge shorts.
What do the last pair of shoes you wore look like? They’re black Adidas with the white stripes.
How many shoes do you own? Like 6 pairs.
How much jewelry do you own? Lots of, but I usually just wear the same earrings everyday.
Do you own any real diamonds or other expensive jewelry? No.
Has anyone ever gave you jewelry as a present? Yes.
Do you like diamonds or gemstones better? Both are nice.
Silver or gold? I like both.
Department Two: Electronics Do you have a DVD player in your car? I don’t have a car.
If you have one, what does your camera/camcorder look like? I don’t have one of those either, I just use my phone.
How much did it cost? --
What kind of cellphone do you have? iPhone 12 Pro Max.
How often do you send texts? Not often.
Do you have your own computer or does your family share? I have my own laptop.
How many computers are in your house? Two.
Do you still have a VCR? Nope.
How many DVDs do you own? I don’t know; a lot.
Does your car have a GPS? --
What kind of ipod/mp3 player do you have? I use the Spotify app on my phone to listen to music.
How many songs are on it? --
What size is your TV? I think the one in my room is a 42 inch.
How many TVs are in your house? Four.
What video game systems do you have? I personally just have the Switch, but my brother has a few other game consoles that I sometimes use.
What about handhelds? The Switch.
How many video games do you have? I have 5 for the Switch. 
Department Three: Home What kind of shampoo do you use? Dove shampoo.
Soap or shower gel? Soap.
What does your comforter look like? I don’t have one on my bed, currently. Actually, I haven’t had one for awhile. I get too hot.
Does it match your pillows? --
What size is your bed? Full.
Do you or your parents like to decorate the house with various things or is it plain? It has various decor.
Does the furniture in your house match? Yeah. What does your couch look like? They’re gray.
How many does your dining room/kitchen table seat? We don’t have a dining room/kitchen table.
Do you have any fancy china? Yes.
Do you have outside furniture? No.
What do your curtains look like? The curtains in my room are black.
Department Four: Grocery What kind of bread do you get? Wheat, white, sourdough.
What is your favorite kind of cake? White cake, funfetti, red velvet.
Do you get a lot of sweets from the grocery store? Sometimes.
What kind of soda is your favorite? Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and the cherry versions of all 3.
Do you drink juice? What kind? No, I’m not a juice fan.
What is your favorite chewing gum? Mint.
Do you usually get candy from the check-out aisle? No.
What is your favorite soup? I’m a ramen gal.
Have you ever had soup when you were sick? Yeah.
What are your favorite canned vegetables? Green beans and corn.
What do you eat for breakfast? Usually over-easy eggs and Eggo’s.
Poptarts or toaster strudels? Both. What salad dressing do you prefer? Ranch.
Ketchup, mayonnaise, or mustard? I like all 3.
What kind of cookie do you like best? Sugar and shortbread.
What kind of snacks do you get at the grocery store? Chips and dip, cookies, and ice cream.
Do you get the meat from the deli? No.
What is your favorite frozen dinner? Healthy Choice pesto pasta, Lean Cuisine spaghetti and meatballs and spinach and artichoke linguine, Smart Ones scrambled eggs and hash browns, and Hungry Man salisbury steak.
Do you prefer frozen dinners to actual cooking? No.
What is your favorite kind of pasta? Pesto pasta and spaghetti.
Do you eat meat? And if not, do you eat vegetarian meat? I eat meat.
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas.
What about vegetable? Spinach, potatoes, broccoli, green onion, avocado. 
Department Five: Health And Beauty What kind of makeup do you normally use? I stopped bothering with makeup a few years ago; I just don’t have the energy or motivation for it. I wore a little for my brother’s grad party back in June, but that had been the first time in years and I haven’t worn any since.
Do you wear more makeup on special events? --
What is your favorite makeup brand? I liked CoverGirl, Maybelline, Wet n’ Wild, and NYX.
Do you use any acne products? No.
What kind of perfume do you use? I don’t have a perfume, but I have a beachy smelling body spray that I’ve been using the past few months.
Have you ever been on a diet? Yeah, a high protein one.
What products do you use in your hair? Just shampoo, conditioner, and sometimes detangling spray. 
How often do you brush your hair? It’s so short right now I can go a day or two wthout brushing it and it’s fine.
What do you take when you have an upset stomach? Honestly, a heating pad really helps me with that. Sometimes, though, Pepto Bismol might be necessary. Peppermint tea can be helpful for me sometimes as well.
Do you take any prescription medicine? Yeah.
Department Six: Movies, Music, And Books What is your favorite movie of all time? I couldn’t possibly choose.
What genre of movie do like best? I like variety, but horror, psychological, and drama are at the top.
What was the last movie you watched? The new Marvel Shang-Chi movie.
What was the last movie you purchased? I don’t recall.
What is your all time favorite band? Linkin Park.
Do you still buy CDs? Nah, that was many years ago now. <<<
What was the last CD you bought? No idea.
What was the last song you listened to? I don’t recall at the moment.
What is your favorite book? I couldn’t possibly choose that either. 
Do you even like reading? I love to read and do a ton of it. I finish one and go onto another. I’ve been really into a few different series by a few different authors and they’ve provided me with a lot to read for the past couple years.
How often do you read? ^^^.
Department Seven: Sports And Fitness Do you own a bike/scooter/skateboard/etc.? Nope.
How old were you when you learned to ride a bike w/o training wheels? I don’t ride bikes.
Have you ever been camping? Nope, and I have no interest in doing so.
How often do you work out? Literally never. <<<
Are you in good shape? No.
Do you go to a gym? Nope.
Have you ever been fishing? Yes, I briefly tried it out once.
Have you ever been on a boat? Yeah.
Can you play golf? I played mini golf once a a kid.
Ever rode on a golf cart? No.
Would you ever go hunting? No.
What is your favorite sport? I’m not into sports.
Ever played on a sports team? Nope.
Department Eight: Toys What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies.
Do you still play with toys? No.
Do you collect any toys? Well, figurines and knickknacks.
Did you ever have building blocks? I had Legos.
Did you play with dolls? Yep.
Barbies or Bratz? Which were better? Barbies hands down.
What is your favorite board game? I have many, I love board games.
Do you like to do arts and crafts? I’m not crafty, artsy, or creative, but arts and crafts can be fun depending on what it is. Nothing too complicated. I enjoyed it a lot as a kid.
Do you think that kids now have it better than when you were young? In some ways.
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fluffyyewon · 4 months
방구석힙스터의대환장파티 1화 Part 2
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knightofthecourt · 4 years
Love Bites - Chapter 8
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Belatrice Gray was a TA at Belgrave University, working hard to stay on top of her marking and trying not to flunk her own studies, when a night out with her bff Randall and his roommates, changed everything.
Hamish Duke x OC fiction with fluff, romance and angst. OC description has been left out to allow for reader personalisation!
“Stupid, stupid, STUPID.” The vending machine shook as Bela whacked the side of it, earning her a dirty look from a young, blonde woman sitting at the table across from her in the student lounge. 
She gave the machine another thump and her packet of Cheetos fell forward a fraction of an inch, and then stopped. Bela didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or give the irritating box a good solid kick. 
“Wow, nothing gets a woman going like a faulty vending machine.” Randall joked as he joined his friend in front of the infernal device. “Don’t worry Bels, I’ve got you covered.”
He reached into his satchel and pulled out a Twix. As Bela took it with a small ‘thanks’, her eyes were suspiciously glassy. Randall grimaced, “Bad day?”
“Bad month.” Bela replied. 
“Still on for our epic film night?”  
Bela nodded. “When have I ever said no to The Princess Bride? We can grab snacks on the way to mine.”
As they walked Bela felt herself relax slightly, letting Randall’s easy chatter drown out the sounds of the students around them. 
“We thought we’d celebrate the end of finals but Jack was busy with Alyssa again, like always - must be a Tuesday, right? I wanted to go to B&C but Lil insisted on going to that new bar down the road, the one with all the bikers-” 
Bela nodded in sympathy, unwrapping her Twix. 
“And then we got SO drunk, Hamis-” Randall broke off suddenly.    
Bela looked at him. “You can say his name, Randall.” 
“I didn’t want to upset you.”
“Who’s upset?” Her eyes flashed. “It’s totally normal to sleep with someone who ditches you in their apartment and then ignores you for three weeks straight. The kids call it being ‘ghosted’ Randall, and it’s a normal part of the college experience.” 
Catching the look on her friend’s face she forced her expression into something she hoped resembled a smile. “Really,” she insisted, “I’m over it.” 
“Yes, of course you are - I’m totally convinced.” 
Bela had been trying her hardest to avoid drawing her friend into her little pity party over Hamish. She’d had her feelings hurt before by a guy - by a dozen guys, but this time it stung more than she wanted to admit. When Bela had woken alone in Hamish’s apartment with sore legs, a sore neck and, well, sore all over, she had been surprised. A few days and three unreturned texts later she’d been worried. After Randall had awkwardly confirmed over coffee, that Hamish was in fact, alive, she had been furious. 
Despite hitting all of the usual heartbreak remedies - romcom binges, a rather satisfying round of axe throwing at the hipster place round the corner, and just plain, wallowing - Bela’s feelings were as raw as they had been weeks ago. As much as she wanted to, she just wasn’t moving on. 
She’d quickly realised that talking to Randall was off the cards. He was her friend, but he was also Hamish’s friend. When she attempted to casually bring up the situation, his insistence that it was just a difficult and complicated situation (which he couldn’t explain to her), just made her feel worse. Besides, it wasn’t fair for her to put him in the middle of what was quickly turning into a bizarre and deeply depressing, failed romantic conquest.  
The final straw had been last Monday. She’d been walking home from class, distracted by the thought of another late night grading papers, when she rounded a corner and almost ran head-first into him. The countless nights spent imagining what she'd do if she saw Hamish did little to prepare her. There was no apology, no awkward exchange or attempt to excuse his abrupt absence from her life, Hamish had just turned on his heels and walked off in the opposite direction, leaving Bela, and a very confused Randall and Lilith in his wake. 
Once they’d all recovered from the moment, Lilith and Randall had offered to help carry the papers back to her apartment, but Bela politely and firmly refused. 
Instead she walked the 15 minute journey home, closed her front door on the outside world and then, after setting the papers neatly on her coffee table, burst into tears. 
“Bels,” said Randall, pulling her out of her thoughts. 
“I don’t think you’re fine.” He reached over and prised the mangled chocolate bar from her fist. “Blade and Chalice?” He suggested.    
“Yes, please,” Bela said with a weak smile. 
- - - - - 
“You’re gone and I gotta stay high, all the time, to keep you off my mind, ooOo-hoo, ooOoo-hoo.” Gabrielle warbled from a stage in the corner of the packed bar. 
“You didn’t tell me it was karaoke night.” Bela rolled her eyes as the brunette milked the spotlight for all she could. 
“She sounds like an angel.” Randall slurred, pouring himself another beer. 
Bela squinted at him. “Do you have a crush on Gabrielle?”
“Pffft,” Randall blinked a few times, trying to focus on the stage, “She does sing it well though…” 
“Right, I’m cutting you off.” 
“Nooooo, hells bells-ha! Bels. Get it?” 
“Yes,” Bela sighed, “I get it.”
Randall frowned. “But you’re not laughing.” 
“That’s because it wasn’t funny.” 
Randall grabbed his chest. “You wound me Bela. And to think I thought of you as my friend.” 
“A real friend would get us a refill from the bar.” Bela shook the empty pitcher. 
As Randall stumbled across the room she looked around. The Blade and Chalice was packed with students, regulars and - was that? Yep - even a few professors. They’d managed to snag a table by the door when they got there but as the hours ticked on the place had quickly filled up and was now almost uncomfortably busy. The promise of cheap beer and bad karaoke clearly drew a big crowd and though it wasn’t Bela’s usual idea of a good night, she couldn’t deny that sitting here with her friend, downing drinks and mocking the performances was actually proving to be a pretty decent distraction. 
“I have a surprise for you.”
“Is it more beer?” 
Randall placed the pitcher on the table between them. “No, well yes. But also I signed us up for a song.” 
“Oh great, so we can be the drunk idiots everyone’s making fun of?” 
“C’mon Bels, it’s just a bit of fun. Let’s do something funnnnnnn, for once in our lives! No one cares, they’re all at least five beers deep anyway.”  
Bela huffed. He had a point.
“Fine, but I’m not singing a ballad.” 
Randall did a happy dance and dragged Bella up to the stage. As the first chords of Now or Never by Halsey began, Bela grimaced. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Randall.” 
“Big smile doll, it’s showtime!” He launched into the first verse. “I don’t wanna fight right now. Know you always right. Know I need you round with me, but nobody waitin’ round with me.” 
Bela groaned as he smiled in encouragement. “Been through the ups, yeah the ups and the downs with me. Got a whole lot of love, but you don’t wanna spread it round with me.”
“Let’s take it to the chorus!” Randall shouted into the mic. Bela smiled at her friend, he was clearly having the time of his life.     
Randall’s voice joined hers as they sang together, “Baby gon’ love me now, now, now, now, now or never. I want you to hold me down, down, down, down, down forever.” Randall shook his hips, eliciting a chorus of cheers and whistles from the crowd. 
Bela giggled, for the first time in ages she was actually kind of enjoying herself. The beer gave her a fuzzy, comfortably numb feeling and as she watched Randall crooning into his mic, dancing provocatively in front of the crowd she couldn’t help but grin. When he noticed her smiling he grabbed her hand and twirled her round. They finished their song with a flourish and made their way off the stage. 
As they stepped down Gabrielle approached Randall. “Nice dance moves,” She said, leaning close to him and batting her long lashes. “Want to buy me a drink?”.   
He looked at her like a deer caught in headlights for a second and then remembered why he was in the bar in the first place. “Uh, I’m hanging with my bestie tonight.” 
Bela rolled her eyes and leaned over to him. “Are you crazy? Go have fun - I’m fine!” 
“No, I’m not leaving you alone”. 
“Don’t be an idiot. Tonight was awesome, consider me cheered up! Now go.” She gave him a gentle shove in Gabrielle’s direction. He flashed her a hasty thumbs up and mouthed wish me luck, before following her to the bar.
Bela smiled to herself, Gabrielle was going to eat that boy  alive. 
She was making her way back to the table to grab her bag when she bumped into someone coming from the direction of the bar. 
Lilith swore loudly as the glasses she was holding splashed over, catching the front of her jeans. “Seriously? I just got these, watch where you’re going, you drunk- oh. Shit. Hi”. Lilith looked up, her anger fizzling when she recognised Bela.  
Oh God, Bela thought, if Lilith was here did that mean…?
As if she could read her mind, Lilith raised the glasses. “Uh…I’m just here for a nightcap.” 
Bela eyed the drinks - a beer and a scotch. “Both of those for you?” 
“Yep. What? Now only men can be alcoholics?” 
Bela felt the effects of the beer evaporating quickly, along with her good mood. She didn’t really want to spoil her first good night in ages and the last thing she wanted right now was to start an argument with Hamish’s aggressively possessive bff. “Ok, sure. Have fun.” 
Bela grabbed her bag and coat and headed towards the door, just as the bell above it chimed. 
She noticed Hamish before he saw her. He was wrapped in a thick coat, buttoned up against the cold, distracted by the phone in his hand. Lilith shoved past her, approaching him quickly.
“Haim, sorry I didn’t realise - Randall said they were going to be at-”
He looked up to the sound of her voice, in confusion, before his eyes slid over past her shoulder and locked with Bela’s. 
Bela watched in shock as he snarled - actually snarled - at Lilith and then turned and walked straight out of the bar. 
Lilith huffed and slammed her drinks down on the closest table. “Really! Again?”
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santiagoswagger · 5 years
i've never fallen from quite this high
Amy's birthday falls one month into her very new relationship with Jake, and he promises her he has plans to blow her mind.
Set sometime after “The Funeral.”
In all the years Amy’s known Jake, she’s been witness to the downfall of most of his relationships, and she knows they all tend to follow a similar pattern.
He was disorganized and completely consumed by his work throughout most of them, perpetually forgetting to show up for dinners or drinks because a case always took precedence. He could be selfish, unfiltered with his words and competitive to a fault. Most of the women he dated never seemed to last very long, and if they did, Jake usually found a reason to end things. There were a few exceptions, just as there are with any rule, but Jake was nothing if not consistent. He was a lone wolf, even in his personal life.
But the Jake Peralta that Amy finds herself dating now might as well be a stranger.
In the month since they decided to screw being light and breezy, she’s observed several small changes in him that often have her questioning if he’s the same man who once took her on a date designed for maximum humiliation.
When they make plans, he immediately adds them to the calendar on his phone so he won’t forget. He shares his snacks with her at the movies, even if he rolls his eyes while passing her the popcorn bucket. He takes the time to compliment her whether she’s dressed up for a date night out or wearing her ratty sweats on the couch at home, and genuinely means it either way. He’s still overly competitive, but that only makes her like him more.
She catches herself staring at him from across their adjoined desks, in awe of the person he was and the person he’s becoming. She can’t believe she’s actually falling for her goofy, infuriating partner. It’s scary, just as any big change is for a control freak like Amy, but she’s starting to believe that anything worthwhile begins with a little fear.
Much to Amy’s chagrin, Jake catches her mid-stare and smirks.
“Amy, I know you think I look extremely handsome in my new flannel, but this is a workplace. What would the Captain say?” he asks smugly, keeping his voice quiet enough so their coworkers can’t overhear. It’s something they’ve both perfected over the last month.
She rolls her eyes but can’t stop a traitorous grin from materializing on her face.
“Jake, we both know you took that flannel from the lost and found last week. And I wasn’t doing anything,” she says unconvincingly, burying her head in the open file next to her keyboard. “I was thinking. About my case. Because I’m a detective.”
Jake leans back in his chair and crosses his arms behind his head. “Does this ‘thinking’ have anything to do with a major life event happening this weekend?”
Amy cocks her head to the side. “’Major life event?’ What are you talking about?”
Jake lets out a loud, triumphant laugh, startling Hitchcock and Scully from their afternoon naps a few feet away.
“Amy, please tell me you didn’t forget your own birthday. No, wait, please tell me you did so I can make fun of you.”
Her jaw drops in horror. Amy Santiago, queen of organization, forgot her own birthday. Work had been so crazy the last few weeks and nights spent analyzing her planner were few and far between now that she had someone to go home with after work so something was bound to fall through the cracks. But she would rather let Charles cook dinner for her than let Jake know that.
“Shut up,” she says indignantly. “Just because I don’t obsess over my birthday like some people doesn’t mean I forgot it.”
Jake leans forward with a softer smile than before. It’s fond, almost. “You did, but that’s okay. I’ve got a few things up my sleeve for Saturday.”
“You do?” she says, surprised.
“Mmm-hmm,” he nods, grinning. “Prepare to have your mind blown.”
She laughs. “Okay, I’ll hold you to it.”
As they pack up their desks to leave for the night, Amy allows herself to wonder what Jake could possibly have planned. It’s their first birthday or holiday as a couple, and it’s so early. Their relationship is still so new and exciting, but a birthday is a big commitment. They haven’t even discussed where they see things going or if there’s a future for them. She doesn’t want this birthday to be the thing that scares him away before the relationship really gets off the ground. She’s pretty sure it could be something great if they let it.
Amy wakes up Saturday morning to the smell of fresh coffee wafting into her bedroom. It’s a shock for two reasons: she’s fairly certain she ran out of coffee grounds earlier this week and she knew Jake was scheduled to work an overtime shift today. The rumpled sheets next to her confirm his absence, but they’re still slightly warm to the touch; he must have just brewed her a pot before stumbling out the door.
She takes the time to brush her hair and teeth, and wash and moisturize her face – she refuses to let her morning routine slip, even if it’s her birthday – before walking out into the kitchen. It’s where she finds a full pot of coffee, complete with a new bag of beans from her favorite neighborhood café. It’s annoyingly expensive hipster coffee, and she can’t believe Jake shelled out the cash for it.
She also finds a note written in Jake’s awful chicken scratch on some stationery he must have grabbed from her office. Lucky for him, Amy’s been forced to decipher a few hundred of his case files over the years and can read his appalling handwriting without a problem.
Happy Birthday, weirdo! I’m sorry I have to work on the day of your birth but I promise to make it up to you later ;) See you at 5.
She smiles as she finishes reading before pouring herself a large cup of steaming coffee and taking a long sip. She sighs, and she’s fairly sure it’s not just the coffee warming her from the inside out.
Truthfully, a day to herself is the best birthday present she could have asked for. She spends the day fielding calls and texts from her family and Kylie while also managing to organize her binders alphabetically and catch up on her very full DVR.
But by the time 5 o’clock rolls around, Jake is nowhere to be found and Amy can’t help but be a little disheartened. He had been making much more of an effort to be punctual lately, especially once he discovered what that earned him from Amy, but she supposes he hasn’t completely let his old habits die. She does her best to shrug it off. He probably just got caught up finishing a case, she thinks.
By 5:30, Amy is concerned. By 6, she’s spiraling.
He’s never been this late to meet her before, and never this late without sending an emoji-filled apology text. She, more than most, knows things can get out of hand at the precinct within an instant, but a shadow of a doubt still manages to nestle its way into Amy’s brain as the minutes tick by without word from her boyfriend.
She pours herself a glass of wine and takes a huge gulp. She knows from past observations that a month is usually Jake’s tipping point in a relationship. It’s entirely possible that he’s starting to have second thoughts about turning their friendship into something more. The thought rips through her like lightning.
It’s then that her front door opens and an exhausted looking Jake practically stumbles into the living room carrying two stuffed takeaway bags. His hair is a mess and his flannel is even more rumpled than usual. Her previously racing thoughts are immediately quelled when she sees him.
“Ames, I’m so sorry but I couldn’t find the restaurant and then the order was wrong and then I had to go to a different place and it was a whole thing,” he says in a breathless jumble. She can barely make out individual words.
“Are you mad?” he asks as he catches his breath. He looks genuinely gutted at the mere possibility he’s disappointed her.
She puts her wine glass down on the coffee table and moves to wrap him up in a firm hug. She can feel the tension leave his body at her touch.
“No, I’m not mad,” she mumbles into his shoulder. “But I wish you had texted me so I knew you were alright.”
“Phone died,” he says sheepishly. She pulls away slightly and gently swats his arm.
“I thought I bought you a charger for your desk!”
“I may or may not have been playing Kwazy Cupcakes all day and it totally drained my battery,” he laughs. “The precinct was so boring today, Ames.”
She smirks. “Did you miss me, Peralta?”
“Pshh, no,” he says, eyes darting around the room.
“You did,” she says smugly and he rolls his eyes, visibly grinning. “Now, tell me about this food.”
She pulls away from him to rummage through the plastic bags he’d placed on her dining table when he came home. It smells unbelievably familiar.
“I, um,” he stutters. “Remember when you told me about your favorite birthday parties as a kid? When all of your extended family would come over and it was just a giant party with games and the best Cuban food?”
“Yeah, I do,” she says softly. It had been such a throwaway conversation, late night memories shared while cuddling on his couch in front of the TV after a long shift. She’s genuinely touched that it stayed with him.
“Well, I found a place in Park Slope that sells those cheesy guava pastries your mom used to make you every year on your birthday,” he says, rubbing his arm uncomfortably. “But they messed up the order and I had to drive around to a bunch of Cuban restaurants to find them. That’s why I was so late.”
Maybe it’s the nostalgic smell of the pasteles de queso y guayaba bringing back her childhood, or maybe it’s the look of pure vulnerability on Jake’s face, but Amy can feel the warmth from this morning’s coffee returning tenfold. A lump begins to grow in her throat and she swallows hard to tamp it down.
“I can’t believe you did this,” she says, astonished. “I haven’t had one of these in forever.”
He’s rubbing his arm again, a nervous tick. “I hope they’re right. The woman at the last place I tried didn’t speak English so it was a lot of charades and pointing.”
She laughs. “They’re definitely right. They smell just like I remember.”
She puts the bag down and walks quickly over to where he’s standing in her kitchen doorway. She kisses him delicately, bringing her hand up to cup his cheek, thumb sweeping his jaw as she pulls away. His eyes are half-mast but they’re shining brightly.
“Happy birthday, Amy,” he whispers, moving to gently grab her hand as it pulls away from his face.
She scrunches her nose and smiles. “Thank you. Now, are you ready to try some cheese and guava pastries?”
He wrinkles his nose. “Ugh, no, thank you,” he says vehemently, backing out of her embrace.
She walks closer. “Please? For my birthday? You did say you would make it up to me after working all day.”
He groans. “Fine. But this is the last time I do anything nice for you.”
She smiles. “Deal.”
159 notes · View notes
Song Lyric Prompts Vol 1
There is a playlist of these songs in order here
1. “Drive this car through the drive thru please”
2. “Dirty laundry looks good on you”
3. “Where’s the dotted line at?”
4. “Are there windows in heaven?”
5. “Bought you a twelve pack, promised you sushi”
6. “I want to take you to a gay bar”
7. “I’m in love with the girl I hate”
8. “It’s been a while since I’ve felt butterflies”
9. “One day you’ll know who you want to be”
10. “You ain’t nothing but a prick”
11. “You’re not in love with me”
12. “I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every day”
13. “On second thought, forget it, that one turns out kind of cool”
14. “Honey, I’ve got real bad news”
15. “I heard that rock is dead and cellphones give you cancer”
16. “It will be worth it, everything you went through”
17. “They’ve never drove through Indiana”
18. “You’re my song, my sweet home Alabama”
19. “You’ve got so many options, every fish in the sea wants to kiss you”
20. “Relationships, I don’t know why, they never work out and they make you cry but the guy who says goodbye to you is out of his mind”
21. “My family is dysfunctional but we have a good time killing each other”
22. “I fell in love in the back of a cop car”
23. “You don’t have to worry”
24. “I’m still having nightmares”
25. “I flashback to the night in your parents yard when we drank too much and we talked about God”
26. “We’re gonna make it if takes all night”
27. “She’s my kind of crazy”
28. “Who says you can’t go home?”
29. “Fist fights turn into sex, I wonder what comes next?”
30. “If I were a boomerang, I’d turn around and come back to you”
31. “It’ll still be two days till I say I’m sorry”
32. “Remember when you broke your foot jumping out the second floor?”
33. “There’s room for two, six feet under the stars”
34. “Oh god, I did the wrong thing to the right girl”
35. “When it comes to condoms, put two on”
36. “I won’t give up on us”
37. “I’m a bit too pop for punk kids, but I’m too punk for the pop kids”
38. “We don’t have trouble sleeping”
39. “Daddy’s little girl knows how to party”
40. “A days worth of bitching goes down the drain when you lay in my bed and pick my brain.
41. “Wrong name, my mistake”
42. “Being us feels good to us”
43. “It’s not high school, man, you graduated six years ago”
44. “A few drinks in, here I go missing you again”
45. “There’s something about the way our bedsheets turn religion upside down”
46. “And I’ve made mistakes, but you were not one”
47. “I swear to god, I never fall in love”
48. “I miss the way you breathe, the way you twitch in your sleep. Your smile, your straight teeth and the scars along on your cheeks”
49. “When you talk, its in cursive to me. And it’s nicer than anything I’d ever believe about me”
50. “I don’t mind if you fuck up my life”
51. “Make a man feel rich on minimum wage”
52. “You broke my heart and all I got was this t shirt”
53. “You ask “When did I first know?” I always knew”
54. “You’re kind of hipster, I grew up on punk rock”
55. “Made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter”
56. “And all my friends don’t give a fuck”
57. “We’ll talk about how your parents separated and how you don’t want to make the same mistakes as them”
58. “Is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything?”
59. “Leave your sorrys, grab your car keys.”
60. “I’d unfuck you if I could”
61. “You say you love me, I know you love me. Love that you love me, baby”
62. “I lose my voice when I look at you, can’t make a noise though I’m trying to”
63. “Now with my eyes wide open, it’s heaven in your arms”
64. “I know that you’re in pain but if we die at the same time does it still scare you?”
65. “I can make you laugh ‘til you cry, but she can make your tears dry”
66. “I hope a heart only breaks this bad once in a lifetime”
67. “I didn't call you back because I was learning to dance”
68. “Sometimes I just want to tell you about my day”
69. “Yes my fucking nails are painted, what you think I didn’t know?”
70. “Mama tried to raise me right, but she couldn’t raise the hell out of me”
71. “Dancing in the dark ‘til the sun comes, tangled in the sheets ‘til the days done”
72. “I take a drink ‘cause the truth is hard to swallow”
73. “Big heads up, that’s a really stupid plan”
74. “We used to kiss all night, now it’s just a bar fight”
75. “What’s the point of going out when you could just give me a call”
76. “I didn’t know I was broken until I wanted to change”
77. “We have something worth remembering”
78. “I fell in love with the girl at the rock show”
79. “And I just can’t stop thinking of you, wherever you are”
80. “I never wanna leave this sunset town.”
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lovewriting-5 · 4 years
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*photo is not mine*
6. Pay Day
8. Paradise Lost
7. The Oath:
We walk back to the camp in silence. Once back, everyone split off to separate areas. I helped Sean get some ice for his left eye. I ask “What happened back there?” He says “Daniel levitated the ashtray in front of everybody. I guess he took the rule ‘only as a total last resort’ literally.” We both laughed a little.
The six people who were in the room at the time gave each other space leading up to the party. The only ones socializing were Ingrid, Anders, Hannah and Penny.
A couple hours into the party after the beer started flowing, the six of us went into a quiet place in the forest to talk about what happened.
Daniel picks up a pine cone from the ground. He begins levitating it to demonstrate his powers. Cassidy taps the pine cone, “Whoah...” Sean says “Well, that’s it, believe it or not...Told you it would sound crazy...” She says “Fuck...That’s mental.” I say “Exactly.” She tells us “I know something was up with you guys...Damn...I would be scared shitless.”
Sean tells them “We’re careful. We’re always here in case anything happens.” Daniel adds “And I practice everyday!” Finn says “Man...So, Sean...Maybe this shit is in your DNA, too...Do you have a super power?” Disappointedly, he says “Nada, zero, nothing. Trust me, I tried...” “Really? When?” Daniel asks.
Jacob asks “Do you...have any idea where it comes from? I mean, it can’t be random...” I say, jokingly “I think he turned into a reptilian or something!” “Hey, shut up! I’m not a reptile!” Daniel says. “A reptilian, not a reptile! It’s not the same, dude!” I tell him. Sean adds “I figured it started in Seattle...Maybe...the shock triggered something...Fuck, I don’t know!” He says “But I still don’t remember!” Sean says “Don’t worry about it...”
Cassidy tells him “Damn, you’re so unique, Daniel...” Sean says “That’s why I need your word that you’ll keep all this to yourself. Seriously.” She says “Oh this stays right with us. Promise, you can trust us.” I ask “Jake?”
“I don’t know, I mean...this is a big deal. How long can you keep this a secret?” Jacob asks. I tell him “As long as we have to. It’s all about keeping Daniel safe. That’s our job now.” Jacob says “What if he has those powers for a reason? Maybe it’s our job to help him, too. Guide him...”
Daniel asks “What does he mean? Sean?” “Dude, no. Do not make this into some cosmic bullshit. You still can’t tell anybody.” Sean steps in. Jacob says “Come on, I wouldn’t do that to you, Sean. (Y/N). Or Daniel. This whole thing just blew my mind...I think I need a break. Is that okay?” I tell him “No worries. It’s cool.” “Not after what you guys went through with these bastards...Okay, talk later...” Jacob says.
Jacob walks back to the party. Cassidy says “He’s right. It’s fucking bullshit.” Sean asks “I know. Finn, do you swear? We mean it.” Finn says “No worries, sweethearts. I’d never let anything happen to that little guy. He’s a true rebel.” “Thanks, man. For real.” Sean tells him.
Sean, Daniel, Cassidy and I start making our way back to the party. Finn hangs back a little. All of a sudden, he says “Uh, hold up! You know, there’s a lot of money around here.” Cassidy says “Oh no. What the fuck are you talking about?” He tells us “Merrill’s safe. It’s like a fucking ATM. I’ve seen it.” “Me too! In the back of the room!” Daniel adds. I ask “How you outlaws going to get the combinations?”
Finn looks at Daniel. The rest of us look at him as well. Daniel asks, questioningly “Me?” Cassidy kinds of begins ripping into Finn, “No fucking way, Finn. Don’t pull a kid into your stupid shit.” Finn says “Getting a shit load of cash isn’t stupid. We can get out of here!” She says “So you can be a beach bum? You’re so selfish, man...” “How? Sean, Daniel and (Y/N) are out of work! They deserve this!” He says. She says “And ripping Merrill off is the only way to do that? Really? And with a fucking kid? You know these assholes are armed, right?” He says with realization “I guess...I didn’t think about that...”
I mumble “Yeah, no shit.” “Don’t lecture me. I was just...Having a brain fart. Let’s have a beer and forget about it. Cool?” Finn says. Sean tells him “Deal. Not like I would let you use Daniel anyway.” I say “No more of this crap, okay?” Finn walks back to the party.
Cassidy subtly flips him off to his back, “He just needs his ass kicked once in a while.” Sean places a hand on her left cheek and gently moves her face to face him, “I think you did. I can tell he was sorry...” She says “For him, yeah. Damn, I’m gonna drink the crap out of the party. So should you two.” Directly to Sean, she says “Plus...Since it’s your last night. Time for your tattoo...” She walks back to the party.
Daniel asks, excited “What? Are you getting a tattoo? Dude...I want one!” Sean tells him with a chuckle, “No you don’t, hipster.” I say to both of them “We have other things we gotta do...”
The three of us make our way back to the camp. Daniel says “Okay, I know I shouldn’t have gone in there...Don’t yell!” Irritated, Sean says “Now there’s three more people who know about your power...” “Don’t worry, we can trust them...They said they won’t tell!” Daniel says. I tell him “We know. But what if anyone gets scared and call the cops? You don’t know what can happen!” Daniel says, proudly “I’m not scared of cops! I can stop them anytime I want!” I tell him, nervously “Jeez, Daniel, it’s not - -“ Sean says “At least this will all be behind us once we reach Puerto Lobos.” He says, annoyed “Who cares about Puerto Lobos...” I tell him “We’ll talk later.”
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h2omyeon · 4 years
You Were Beautiful (KJM x Reader)
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Summary: You had been in love with your classmate Kim Junmyeon for the last year and a half. You finally find the guts to tell him the truth about how you feel, but at the wrong time. (PS: Chanyeol makes a cameo in this story and Junmyeon is an Art History major!)
Pairing: Junmyeon x Female Reader
Tags: College Student Junmyeon, Art Hoe Junmyeon, bittersweet stuff
Warnings: Mentions of suicide towards the end of the story (not in this chapter)
Word Count (in total): 8.5k
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first ever story I wrote and published on here. Feel free to leave comments and I will try to publish each chapter weekly! This story is based off of a combination of dreams that I had which included people who weren’t Junmyeon and Junmyeon himself during the beginning of this whole COVID pandemic (AKA: when things began to fall apart). Like the world that I was living in at that time, this story/dream is just as (I hope to believe) chaotic. I also apologize if there are a ton of plot holes in the story because it was based on a dream and I could not think of any filler parts. Enjoy!- PS
Read the previous parts here: Part 1 Part 2
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Chapter 2: Starry Night
The rest of the semester and graduation week came and went like a breeze. While you and your friends went crazy on your graduation caps and dresses, Junmyeon went shopping to buy stuff for his family and friends in South Korea. Despite his time being spent more on shopping, his cap came out the best and won 1st place in the cap decorating contest at graduation. 
You and Angela decided to throw him a surprise goodbye party on his last day, which was the day after graduation, at your place. There was predominately Korean music playing and people were happily dancing along to it despite not understanding what was being sung. Junmyeon, despite wearing a sweater vest on a warm May evening, danced like a pro to literally every song that played. You had no idea he could dance so well. There was also food that would have lasted your family a week and a half that was finished in less than three hours, mostly by Junmyeon’s bar musician friend Chanyeol and Angela. 
The party went successfully and those who were not able to see him off the next day gave their little goodbye gifts. Chanyeol was eating the remaining chips and looked at the clock; it was 9:30pm. “Shit! I have a date. Thanks for the party, Y/N.” He gave you and Angela quick hugs and walked to Junmyeon, who was packing his stuff in his bags. 
“I’m gonna head out. I’ll see you in the future, man,” Chanyeol said as he gave Junmyeon one last bro hug and handed him his gift, then left the house and into the night.
Once Chanyeol left, it was only the three of you.  “That was fun,” Junmyeon said. “Thank you, Y/N. Thank you, Angela. I’m really gonna miss all those people, even Chanyeol.” 
“Anything for you, Junmyeon.” you and Angela replied back in unison while you and Angela had cleaned up the cups and plates left on the table. Junmyeon helped tidy up the sofa and swept the dining table floor. 
Music played in the background loud enough for you all to not realize that your parents and sisters had come back. Junmyeon went to lower the music as he greeted your parents in the process. 
While you went to throw out the last of the plates, Angela began to follow you into the kitchen. 
“When are you gonna tell him?” she hissed softly. Junmyeon was happily looking at the gifts he got in the living room, silently observing them. 
“Never at this point,” you replied a little too loudly. Luckily he was in the middle of a conversation with your parents and younger sisters, so he didn’t hear you. “Maybe later,” you softly replied. 
“You’ve been saying that for two years, Y/N. The man is leaving TOMORROW,” she clapped back. “It’s now or never.” 
“I thought he was gonna stay in New York like he had planned. I was gonna tell him sometime after college, but I didn’t think he was gonna leave tomorrow,” you snapped. 
“Come on, Y/N, go tell him after he’s done with your family,” she suggested while watching your 12 and 18 year old sisters talk to him endlessly about some random stuff. After inserting the final dishes into the washer and wiping the counter, you guys danced and sang along to “Rough” by GFriend as it played from a faint distance at your speakers and laughed when you both messed up on a few steps. 
“Junmyeon, don’t leave yet. We have a gift for you,” your mother could be heard saying to your friend who was about to leave. You and Angela had walked out of the kitchen and into the living room by the time your mother walked out with a red box. 
“It’s a deity for good luck while you are in the military and for your wonderful future ahead as a future curator,” she explained. Your father handed him an envelope. “Here’s $200 that you can use for your future education after the military,” he added. Junmyeon added the gifts into the bag. 
“Thank you all for the gifts,” Junmyeon said humbly. “I have so many I don’t know how they will all fit in my luggages!” he exclaimed, showing off the bags of gifts he got. Everyone began to laugh. 
After a few minutes of small talk, Junmyeon and Angela wished everyone a good night. Your parents wished them a good night in return, while your sisters went to get ready for bed. 
“Y/N, go walk Junmyeon home,” your mother suggested with a smile. “It’s so late at night, I don’t want him to get into any issues right before he leaves.” You immediately agreed. Your sisters made kissy noises; “Shut up!” you snapped at them. They laughed when you realized you had turned red. You then left the house with Angela and Junmyeon, who were waiting at the front door. 
Right when you three reached the crosswalk, Angela gave Junmyeon one last hug; she let go of the embrace as she started to silently cry. You felt tears form in your eyes. “I’ll miss you, Jun,” she tearfully stated.
“Thank you for everything and making college the best three years of my life. I joked around with you a lot, but I really liked you. You made both my best friend and myself really happy. Let me give you my gift,” Angela ruffled through her bag and took out a purple box. She handed the box to Junmyeon; he thanked her. She began to cry even more. 
“Angela, I will miss you too and thank you for the gift,” Junmyeon replied to the heavily upset Angela, holding her hand for a brief second. “We have each other’s contact information. I’ll try to text and email all of you when I can. The military is strict and oftentimes we’re not going to be allowed to go on our phones, so I’ll try my best. Don’t worry, Angela, we’ll see each other in the future. Once I’m done with my military service, I’ll come and visit New York before I go on and do my masters.” he explained while wiping her tears. They hugged one last time while you watched in silence. 
“What if you die?” she joked after letting go of the embrace. You all laughed.
“I really wanted to send you off tomorrow, but I have work. Serve well, okay?” Angela declared
“Angela, he’s going for training, not fighting in a war. Although with Trump as president I won’t be surprised if there was a Third World War,” you sarcastically remarked. 
“I know, but-,” a car honk interrupted her sentence. Her hipster vegan boyfriend, Nicholas, had come to pick her up in his car. 
“Goodbye, Junmyeon,” Angela said. 
“Goodbye, Angela.” he said back. 
She gave him one last hug and waved at the both of you before crossing the street. You both observed the couple drive off into the night, living a life of their own. 
“I’ll really miss that girl,” he sighed, while you two walked. “She reminds me of my friend’s sister in Korea. Funny and naive.” 
You were silent the whole walk. Now was your chance to tell him, you didn’t know the next time you would see him again to tell him. Junmyeon began to notice you were unusually silent. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” he asked as you both finally reached the front porch of his house. You both sat on the bench and looked at one another. Now is the time to do it, you thought to yourself. You felt your heart beat out of your chest, but it was now or never. 
“Junmyeon, I-I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a while. It’s something you probably wouldn’t expect from me, but if I don’t say it, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. I don’t know when I’ll ever see you again, so… ah, fuck it!” you nervously began.
“What do you want to say?” He curiously asked. You must have looked like a fool because he then began to say: “Why are you so nervous? Let me get a bucket-,”
“There’s no need. I’m not going to throw up; I wanted to tell you that…” you continued, trying to avoid his gaze. 
“That what, Y/N?” he proceeded to ask. You then made eye contact with him. God he has pretty eyes, you thought a little too loudly. He began to giggle. 
“Are you okay? What’s up? We’re friends, you can tell me anything.” 
You took a breath. “Junmyeon, I realized as time passed that I really started to like you. Not in the friendly way, but in-,”
“I actually wanted to tell you the same thing,” he confessed with a chuckle. “I was going to tell you tonight, but you beat me to it. That’s very brave of you.” 
You had a surprised look on your face; he began to laugh. 
“I’m serious,” he began. 
“Y/N, in the years that I got to know you,” he continued, holding your right hand. “You’ve grown to be a beautiful person inside and out and I want you to know that. I know self deprecation is your signature suit, but hear me out. You are kinder, more loving, sweeter and funnier than you think you are. I have always loved you because of who you were and I want you to know I will never let you go, even if we will be 14 hours away from another. You will always be a huge part of my life. You were friends with me at a time when I was starting to miss home and spending time with you and Angela made me realize that New York will always be my second home. That is the best thing anyone could have ever done,” he admitted. 
The two of you smiled at one another. Immediately, you looked up at the sky, silently observing the moon and its surrounding stars. 
“Those stars are very beautiful, like you,” he gushed. You scoffed then looked back at Junmyeon, who was smiling at you; the glow of the moon went onto his face and he became even more beautiful than he was before. 
“Thank you for being a part of my life, Junmyeon. I know it was too late now for me to tell you that I loved you, but I’ve accepted that we can’t be together because duty calls. I will always love you as my best friend,” you began. “You taught me how to live life in ways I didn’t consider before. I grew to love art in a weird way and I became happier. I was at my worst when I met you. I was confused, lost and didn’t want to be on this planet at all, but the more I got to know you and be around you, I realized that you were the reason I stayed,” you revealed. 
“Hey, I’m sorry that we can’t be together because of me. I know we will both be living different lives, but I will always think of you when I think of New York. For god’s sake, you were the first girl I ever fell in love with this seriously. I know you will be a wonderful teacher and if I ever get assigned to curate a whole Picasso exhibition, I will invite you first so you can make fun of my tastes in art,” he stated, jokingly implying that you won the Picasso had shitty art debate.
“Well, I have to pack these things and some rest so I can fly safely tomorrow.” you got up to leave and so did he. You hugged him and let go of the embrace and walked away to go back home. 
“I love you,” he called out.
“I love you too, Junmyeon. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you waved.
Just as you were about to go back to your house, you heard footsteps and he grabbed your arm. You turned around and he stroked your cheek, then leaned in closer to your face until there was almost no space between the two of you to breathe; “I love you,” he whispered and then closed his eyes. You knew what was happening; what had happened to the main characters in all those rom coms you watched was happening to you at that moment.
Like the characters, you too began to lean in and close your eyes as your lips touched his. “I love you too,” you whispered between kisses. The butterflies grew in your stomach and your heart began to beat faster. It didn’t help that his Dior cologne smelled really good at the moment. The kiss was deep, but quick because you could hear the door begin to open. You opened your eyes and moved back when you saw Mrs Kim watching through the next door with a smile. Junmyeon turned around and became flustered like a child in the spotlight for the first time.
“Goodnight again.” you said. “Goodnight Mrs Kim!” you waved at the woman at the net door; she called out goodnight as well. 
“Goodnight, Y/N. You’re a good kisser for someone who claimed they’re an old lady,” he stated just before he walked into the house with his gifts. Once he entered the house, you watched him until he turned into a shadow; you then walked back to your own house in silence.
You smiled knowing you finally kissed the man of your dreams, but it felt bittersweet at the same time because he was going to leave the next day. You finally reached your own house and walked into it with a smile, your mother watching with a smile on her face as well. The TV was blasting as your father watched it like a zombie. Your father then looked up from the TV and watched the two of you in slight confusion, then smiled knowing what had happened. 
“I always knew he liked you, but I’m so sorry he had to leave you so early.” she sympathetically stated when you walked in. You smiled, then went to get ready for bed while texting Angela what had happened on the Kims’ magical porch.
Part 4
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