#his big fucked up dangerous frightening family
hotyanderedaddies · 9 months
Hiiiiii i love your stories sm, they’re so unique and truly well written, but could I possibly request a hopeless romantic m reader who has never been inlove and longs for a big muscular daddy (possibly yakuza?? Up to u tho!😁)
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[Yandere! Boyfriend x Hopeless Romantic! M Reader]
Plain and simple: You're a hopeless romantic.
You're in love with the idea of love.
Having someone there to be by your side through life, sharing your hopes and dreams with him, building a home and a family with him-- doing everything with him.
It's so intoxicating.
And you were determined to find whoever "him" is.
You weren't really too picky. Really, your only condition is that your dream guy has to be slightly bigger than you and allow you to call him "Daddy".
You wanted a big man who'd man-handle you nonstop and be all completely dominate like the Dom!Daddy he is. *Swoon.
But... where do you find a Daddy?
You couldn't exactly just put an ad in the newspaper. That might attract some weirdos. Therefore, one night, you decided to finally begin your quest for love, and go to a biker bar to try and find some tough guy daddy who would totally wreck you love you.
The mere second you stepped foot inside the bar, you couldn't help but feel like you were totally out of place. You weren't an absolute square, but whereas a majority of the clientele wore leather jackets and tight jeans that strained over their powerful muscles, you were dressed in your white button down and you even had your thick glasses on (so you could see, obviously).
Needless to say, you looked incredibly tiny compared to the large, intimidating men in the bar (which is kinda hot, to be honest).
Not being a fan of beer, you ordered a fruity cocktail from the bartender (earning a look, but whatever). As you nursed your drink, someone took the seat next to yours.
Looking over, you saw a guy giving you a hungry look. "Hey there," he said in his deep voice, "I'm--"
A large hand engulfed your small shoulder, interrupting the budding conversation between you and the guy. You craned your neck skywards and stared in awe at the even larger man who stood behind you.
This new man was by far the largest in the bar, both in height and musculature. He completely towered over you by at least two feet and was about twice as wide. His muscles strained against his tight black t-shirt. And he scowled at the other man who was trying to talk to you, a snarl on his handsome face.
"This one's mine," he practically growled at the other guy, his voice full of masculine baritone. "Fuck off."
The other guy scampered away like a frightened puppy, tail between his legs.
Your heart beat like crazy in your chest, due to a combination of nerves and total awe over the drop dead gorgeous daddy of a man who'd just totally claimed you as his in the bar.
The large man's narrowed eyes drifted towards you, and his snarl lifted the slightest bit.
"Hope I didn't scare ya, Darling," he told you, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Why don't you come over to my table, and I'll make it up to ya?"
He didn't give you time to answer, because he tightened his grip on you (not enough to hurt, but enough to make his point known), and led you away from the bar towards the back where a solo table was. There was only one chair and when he sat in it, you briefly looked around for a spare seat you could drag over.
The man yanked you down onto his lap, quickly securing both of his muscled arms around your waist.
His lap was surprisingly soft and cozy, and it was hard not to cuddle against his broad chest that vibrated whenever he spoke.
"Now what is a cute little thing like you doing in such a dangerous place like this?" the man asked you. "You really should have your daddy here to protect you..." He trailed off and you could feel him tense up slightly. "Unless, you don't have a daddy... yet?"
You perked up, unable to believe your luck. Not only had you just begun your love quest, but you've potentially found someone in under an hour!
And this man who'd placed you on his lap was insanely tall, built like a truck, and seemed to be one of those characters who were cold to everyone except for their darling. That last part was based on the way he wouldn't stop nuzzling you every so often, happily humming as he did so.
"A d-daddy?" you repeated in disbelief.
The man mistook your words and said, "A daddy is someone who takes care of his darling. He protects him, cherishes him, pampers him, and above all: loves him." He paused to press his lips against your cheek quickly, his light stubble pricking your skin. "And all he asks is that his darling belong to him. And only him."
Holy crap, this was definitely what you were looking for!
"So, Darling," the man continued, his grip on you tightening, "would you like me to be your daddy?"
Logic dictated that you decline (at first) and say that the best decision would be to go on a couple of dates to get to know one another. That way, you could see if you were compatible beyond the daddy/darling dynamic--
"But before you answer, Darling," the man chuckled, "I have to warn you: If you say 'Yes', then I'll never, ever let you go. You'll be all mine."
"Yes!" you blurted without a moment's hesitation.
The man, Daddy, gave you a slight squeeze. "Yes, what?" he pressed, and you could feel him getting hard as you sat on his lap... and hot damn, you need to look up some stretching techniques.
"Yes, Daddy."
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shibaraki · 1 year
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synopsis: the theory is everyone has a metaphorical part of themselves frozen in childhood. a symbolic, younger version of the self that can still be saved.
dabi comes home with what seems to be a sleeping four year old in his arms and the look of a man who has just seen a ghost.
tags: GN reader, reader is a civilian, sorta established relationship (dabi is paranoid and allergic to labels), accidental child acquisition, angst and fluff, pre LOV (like right before), alludes to past canon child abuse, dissociation, family feels (dabi shithead big brother tendencies)
wc: 8K
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“What the fuck—”
“Don’t,” Dabi hushed you frantically, far more frayed than you’ve ever seen him. Affronted, you open the door wider all the same, allowing him inside.
He’s careful with his movements as he kicks off his boots and ducks into the living room. The lump bundled in his jacket does not stir. Dabi lowers to a crouch and settles a young child on the sofa cushions. You note the deliberate care in which he slides his arms out from beneath the boy's body.
The coat lapels have slipped to reveal a child that can surely be no older than four years old. Waxen skin, full cheeks and a wind bitten nose. Most notable is the red hair, thick and fanning across the decorative pillow in undefined waves.
You feel inclined to tiptoe as you approach. Navigating the short space cautiously, knowing where to set your feet; avoiding the creaky floorboards you’ve long since memorised. Dabi lets out a shuddering breath and slumps back against the coffee table. Not once does he look at you even as you enter his vision.
Knelt at Dabi’s side, you evaluate the things laid out before you. The air remains tepid. There are no remnants of smoke clinging to his clothes. Your gaze sweeps over his body. He isn’t running hot, and the sutures aren’t weeping. Not a blood stain nor a burn mark to be seen. He is simply frozen, staring down at the boy.
The child, too, is unscathed. Under a thin T-shirt his small chest rises and falls. He wears an expression that can only be described as tranquil. Part of this disturbs you, and tempts you to poke the kid, if only to make sure he isn’t a doll.
You brush your knuckles along his jaw. The kid runs cold but he’s warmer than expected after being rushed through the late evening streets without sleeves. No shoes on his feet either. Odd, considering his socks are clean.
There are a million questions clamouring in your head that you lose the opportunity to ask—that all lead to a single, heartbreaking answer—because the little boy stirs at your touch. His eyelids scrunch together as if to protest his own consciousness, then gradually open, irises as blue as early spring periwinkles peeking through slits.
Nausea grips you. A dark amalgamation of anger, anxiety, confusion and jealousy knotted itself deep in your gut. Those eyes—eyes just like Dabi’s, staring back at you, head tilting with a blank expression.
You take far too long to notice that he’s stopped breathing. Stuck in place, likely frightened to be somewhere unfamiliar, crowded by people he does not know. “Hi there sweetheart,” you say, willing yourself to smile reassuringly. “I know this must be scary for you but I promise you’re safe. We won’t hurt you”.
At that the little boy puffs up. “I’m not scared!”
Dabi scoffs. He hasn’t looked in the boy's direction since he woke up. You nudge his side, brow furrowed in disapproval. “Good. 'Cause you've got nothing to be scared of,” you tell him, glare softening as it slides back to the couch. “Do you think you could tell us your name?”
The silence is oppressive. You’re stared at as if you were a battle to be conquered. You sigh, “Alright. You don’t need to tell me. Stranger danger, right?”
Oddly enough, the boy doesn’t appear disturbed about his surroundings at all. You’d prepared yourself for tears, or some wailing. Instead he casually pushed himself upright into a sitting position and stretched his short arms high over his head, as if waking from a routine nap.
You draw air through your teeth, gasping as his shirt lifts with the stretch and reveals his belly. Dabi’s jaw winds at the sight. The air around you expands, thick with ephemeral warmth. He’s considerate to keep it there, boiling violently under his skin. His reaction nags at your conscience, and you want to grab him when he stands to walk away, but you’ve no choice but to prioritise the situation in front of you.
There are burns around the child’s midsection. Mottled pink and swollen. He rejects your touch as you reach out to examine him further. “You’re hurt, kiddo. We can help. Let me—”
“No!” he yells. You startle at the genuine heartbreak in his voice. He scrambles down and shoves past you. Rabbit footed, he sprints to the bathroom and slams the door. You strain to listen, relieved that he does not turn the lock, and debate going after him. Something about that childlike anger is deeply familiar.
Ice crawls through your chest; it’s a dread that lingers in your periphery yet evades perception the longer you try to put a finger on it. You throw another glance down the hallway as you stride toward the genkan. “Dabi,” you call firmly. His hands, bloodied with the runoff dirt and ash, continue scrubbing at the sole of his boot in an almost mechanical fashion. “Touya,” you try again, quieter, exercising caution when wielding that name. And his movement stutters. “You can’t just—go! Not now. He’s badly burned. Where did you even find him?”
You’re patient as he exhales a harsh breath. He seems to grapple with his thoughts, a distant look in his eyes. Seeing him so unsettled is scaring you. “Does it really matter? He’ll probably be gone soon,” he mutters. A wave of defensiveness on behalf of the poor child bubbles to the surface. But before you can argue, he is tugging his cleaned boots on with sudden force.
Dabi stomps to settle the heel and pulls open your front door. It rattles on the hinges. A cold evening breeze billows into the apartment and bites at your bare arms. “I’ll be back later. Just pretend he’s not here,” he grunts. “He won’t notice the difference”.
“Wait, baby—!”
And he’s gone again.
You smother the frustrated yell that follows into your hands. There’s a faint sense of abandonment on the fringes, creeping in and forming a lump in your throat. Dabi always had to run first. You rub at your eyes until the sting disappears and exhale until all the air in your lungs is gone, taking with it your frustrations.
Somehow the hallway stretches that much longer. This time you press weight onto the old floorboards and hear them creak, making your presence known as you approach. There’s no noise behind the bathroom door. Your fingers curl around the handle but a gut feeling begs that you pause.
The soft knock of your knuckles to the frame echoes through the apartment. “It’s me,” you say. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, little guy. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t in pain…”
Your ears prick at the quiet movement inside the bathroom. The latch clicks as the handle turns and you move away as much as the narrow space can afford, the front of your sweater bunched up in your fist; it mirrors the child’s own stance, shifting in place gripping his shirt.
Now under the cheap flickering light you notice an uneven patch of white in his hair. There is something uncomfortably broken about him that you can’t place. A dissonance between his outline and the world, as though he were a pencil drawing in a watercolour canvas.
“M’not little,” he insists with a stomp, looking like he might cry. “Stop talkin’ to me like I’m a baby”.
“Alright. You’re not a baby, you’re a big kid,” you settle on your knees in front of him, lowering your voice in a way a child might consider more ‘grown up’, “But I still have to make sure you don’t need a doctor. So is it okay if I ask about the marks on your tummy?”
This time his reaction is far more subdued. Exhausted from his earlier anger, maybe. Or resigned to the fact that you will not let the injuries go. He jerked his shoulders and crossed both arms, staring down at his feet.
“Has someone been hurting you—did they do that to you?”
The kid huffs, indignant. “No,” he mumbles with a pout. Your eyes follow his fingers where they begin to anxiously clench and unclench. “My quirk…”
The admission is clearly difficult for him, like he has to force the words out of his mouth. You unfold your legs from beneath you and dip to try to meet his eyes, “Your quirk hurts you?”
“Not all the time!” there’s that flash of emotion again, racketing through him like thunder. If he were a kitten you think all the hair on his body would be on end. “If—if I train more I bet it wouldn’t,” he sniffs. “But father told me I can’t do that anymore”.
“Oh,” you’re taken aback at the mention of another father figure. You feel a growing dislike for the unknown man. “Well that’s kinda silly. How will you ever learn to use it safely if you don’t practice?”
Finally, the boy’s glassy eyes snap up and meet your own. He’s practically glowing; awestruck, as though you’d turned his entire worldview on its head with just a few words. “Right, right?” he begins to bounce on the balls of his feet. “I’m gonna be the bestest, strongest hero. Better than All Might!”
Your thoughts stall, reaction delayed. Only Dabi would bring home a kid who loves heroes—that is if they’re related at all. You find it hard to believe. Those eyes do not lie.
“That right?” you let yourself be influenced by his enthusiasm and mirror his grin. Whatever Dabi did or did not omit it’s not the kids fault. “Well, I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines. How about that?”
“Yeah! You’ll see!” your heart clenches at the sight of his little leg stomping excitedly as he rubs at his eyes. A hiccup wracks his body. Telegraphing your movements you rest a hand at his back, rubbing back and forth to calm him. Such an extreme response to such a simple praise.
After some gentle cajoling you manage to get him to sit on a stool in the kitchen with some apple juice that you miraculously had in the fridge. Your eyes linger on the glass in his hands as you apply the medicated cream to his stomach, barely big enough to hold it.
You exhale, fingers pausing by his waist. The sight is hard to swallow. The tissue is smooth to touch and irregularly shaped, as though the scar had outgrew the initial wound. Even as you reached the inflamed sections he hadn’t so much as flinched. Again you're reminded of Dabi, his impassive expression perched on the edge of your bathtub, skin swelling around his sutures, a merry scarlet waterfall weeping from the exposed wounds.
“Where did that man go?” he asks, pulling you from your reverie.
“Ah, he needed to go get something,” the lie is unconvincing even to your own ears. Discomfited, you clear your throat and add, “You can call him Dabi when he’s back”.
You search for his discarded shirt while he tests the name with his own voice. Small mouth shaped around the syllables, da-bi, and spitting it out quick again, dabi. “That’s right. Dabi. You like his name?” the kid staunchly shakes his head, hair falling over his eyes. He pushes it back with both of his hands.
“S’dumb,” he says. The bluntness makes you laugh.
“I bet your name is cooler, right?” that catches his attention. He nods once with a firm hum. “You wanna tell me it now?”
Your efforts seemed to fall flat. The child would not tell you his name; during the numerous attempts in the hours that followed, you got the sense that he couldn’t tell you. And he would get this odd look about him, as if it was you asking that was confusing to him. As if you should already know.
Far more concerning to you is that he never asks to go home. Not once does he mention his mother or father of his own volition. After countless questions you can discern that his knowledge is strangely limited. He seems frozen in time, with no real memory of how Dabi found him.
The hours pass uninterrupted when your curiosity veers away from his circumstances and closer to him. To things he loves, and the like. You carry him on your hip, surprisingly light, and settle him back on the couch as he rambled about Caped Kid and Supertoon and the old All Might animated shorts that you forgot even existed. He kicks his feet along the cushions excitedly when you find some pirated clips online for him to watch.
By the time Dabi comes home the kid has fallen asleep, right back where he first left him. Your arms cross over your chest, the earlier anger rising once more, but something about his expression wills you to temper it.
Dabi is wet through. Soaked to the bone, clothes hanging on his frame. Black streaks are running down his cheeks, and despite your disappointment you hastily tug your sleeve over your hand as you start forward, bringing it up to dab away the dye before it seeps into his sutures.
It’s a relief that he doesn’t flinch away. Not even as his gaze drifts to the TV, which has automatically started up another All Might clip. No vitriol comes. A warm, savoury smell fills your senses and you notice that he’s carrying a plastic bag.
“Brought food,” he rasps. You look back up and meet his eyes, unnerved at how far away he sounds.
“Thank you,” you murmur. Casting a final glance to the young boy on your couch—laying suspiciously still—you wrap fingers around Dabi’s cold wrist and coax him into the kitchen. He sets the food on the counter and in letting go the plastic handle is left upright, misshapen from the responsive heat of his quirk.
He inhales, readying himself to speak, but you gently interrupt, “I think you should shower first. Change into something comfortable. I’ll… I’ll serve the food”.
Dabi sighs but slinks away to the bathroom at your suggestion. You watch him bristle and glare halfheartedly at the head peeking up from behind the couch cushions and the boy shrinks back. Not a moment later the door slams and he flinches, chubby fingers clutching tight to the upholstery.
“Is Dabi mad?” the small voice asks. Sullen in a way that draws you closer to comfort him. Your hand comes to rest on the crown of his head, petting him now that he’ll let you.
“No, no,” you demurred. “Well. Maybe he is, but he’s just having a lot of uh, big feelings”.
“Big feelings,” the boy nods. Then he peers up at you searchingly, “…Is he melting?”
Having expected him to ask literally anything but that, you give a soft laugh. “Dabi isn’t melting. It’s the colour in his hair. He painted it and if it gets wet it washes out, like you saw”.
The kid is calmer now, no longer ready to bury himself between the cushions. “He brought food back. Smells like curry,” you tell him. “Want some?”
Returning to the kitchen after an enthusiastic ‘yes’—pushed out between a big yawn—you unwrap the takeout boxes and begin to portion them. Dabi finished his shower, dressed in the loose fitted sweatpants and t-shirt you kept for the nights he felt comfortable enough to stay, and accepted the plate you put in his hands.
Together, you eat around the kotatsu in relative silence filled only by the limited ramblings of the child Dabi brought home. He’s the type to express things with his entire body, the type that cannot sit still, and you find yourself shooting Dabi the odd furtive glance, worried he might snap, almost daring him to try.
But Dabi does not snap. He doesn’t look at either of you. You note the tension in his shoulders, winding tighter with every mention of the word ‘hero’, and how his fist clenches and uncurls, knuckles white where the blood recedes. He keeps his head down, forearm curled protectively around the food on his plate as he eats, and doesn’t say a word.
You’ve never met anyone else who can so readily act as though they’re unfeeling. The embodiment of feigned indifference. Dabi was so confident in his detachment, with the scathing comments, comfort in violence and purposefully unapproachable demeanour, but you knew what lie underneath; you can tell when it’s an act and when it’s real, and right now he’s never been more transparent.
The boy starts to droop into his food some time during the next Caped Kid episode. Your hand shoots out to cup his chin when his head wobbles on his shoulders, close to using the rice as a pillow. “He’s all tuckered out again,” you comment aloud, licking your thumb to wipe at the sauce around his mouth. “Can you take the—?”
Dabi is already standing, stacking the plates atop one another without so much as trying to be quiet. You roll your eyes to the ceiling, seeking strength, and tuck the little boy to your front, hoisting him back up into the couch. He stirs and blinks around the room as though seeing for the first time.
“It’s alright. Go back to sleep,” you whisper. He yawns, jaw stretching around such a tiny squeak that you can’t help but to kiss his hair.
Dabi is standing at the sink, back turned to the dirty dishes and leant against the counter. Your eyes meet, but you pointedly look away and say nothing as you step forward to gather the empty takeout boxes and throw them out.
He speaks, if only to fill the silence, “I shouldn’t have walked out”.
It’s the closest to an apology you’ll probably ever get. “Y’think?” you hesitated for a long minute, speaking only as you sensed his presence at your back. “Actually, what the fuck were you thinking?”
Really, your relationship with Dabi has always been chimerical in nature. Some strange patchwork attempt at being human. You fucked, kissed one another at the door, shared parts of your lives that you wished you never had. Labels only drove him away, like identifying the thing you’d woven together would bring it to actuality, make it corporeal, ridding you of plausible deniability.
It was never a question why he brought the kid here. This is where you play house, after all. Dabi’s shoebox apartment was empty, simply a place to go when he wasn’t out doing who knows what, like a waiting room. A space between spaces. Yours was far more appropriate for a child, and you’d thought that maybe—he chose to trust you enough, to finally ask for help, rather than doing it out of convenience.
Heat soaks through your shirt as his mottled, slender hand settles on your waist. You turn on your heel to face him directly, resolve weakening at the careful squeeze of his fingers. You sigh, palms brushing featherlight up the uneven flesh along his forearms and follow as he retreated backward to lower onto the nearby breakfast stool.
“I was hit with a quirk on my way back”.
“What?” your inner conflict falters. Concern superseding your anger you cup his jaw to tip his head back and side to side to get a good look at him. “When? Are you hurt?”
Dabi snorts, relaxed by your gentle countenance and fretting. “Not now. Earlier. Some middle schooler without a handle on her quirk yet. Quit fussin’, I’m fine,” he continues and shakes free of your hands, so you settle them on his shoulders. He walks his fingers behind your knees, cupping the back of your thighs, uncharacteristically restless.
“It’s where the…“ his jaw clenched and he pressed his forehead hard to your stomach, burrowing into the fabric. Anticipation grips your lungs when he doesn’t immediately explain.
“Talk to me,” you run your fingers through his hair and they come away stained black. “How did—what does the quirk do?”
“Fuck, I hardly had time to ask about specifics. The stupid kid knocked into me and suddenly I had my arms full,” Dabi’s snarling dwindles. He licks his lips, hesitant, and casts his eyes to the narrow space between your bodies. Quieter this time, “It’s where he came from”.
You register his words. The realisation slides through you with sharp clarity. It swells in you, all encompassing and painful, like love and heartbreak at the same time. “He’s not yours, is he?” you say, reminiscent of a whisper. “He’s you”.
“My inner child. Some pseudo bullshit like that,” Dabi supplies, as though the distinction was important. He looks up, the column of his throat pressed to your sternum, and your chest loosens a little, some of the fear ebbing. “Did you seriously think I knocked someone up?”
“Plausibly, what else was I supposed to think?”
“Not that,” he scoffs. “Either way, I don’t know how long we’re stuck with him”.
“Don’t talk about him like he’s a burden,” you frowned. Dabi’s eyes squint, and he makes a low, dubious noise. “Why didn’t you tell me straight away?”
“Didn’t want you to know,” he shrugs. It shouldn’t sting the way it does. This is hardly the first time Dabi kept something from you. “Thought I could make the kid keep his mouth shut about my family”.
Inwardly you think he needn’t worry about that. They were as secretive and stubborn as each other, in that respect. Hell, it took Dabi three years to give up his name and that was only because he’d been delirious at the time.
“But you left anyway”.
“He woke up,” Dabi says, like that was enough explanation. You give a commiserate nod, cradling his rough jaw, because maybe it is. “Needed to blow off some steam. Figured I might look for the twerp that caused all this but she’d probably run if she saw me again”.
“Don’t tell me you scared the poor girl shitless?”
“Alright. I won’t tell you,” he snorted, biting at the heel of your hand when you mutter his name disapprovingly.
“So we just wait for him to go?” you brush the remaining skin between his eye and his cheek with your thumb, following the curve of his sutures. “Maybe it is psychological then. Make your inner child happy and the quirk might cancel out sooner”.
There’s something dark in Dabi’s expression when his mouth pulls wide into a smarmy grin, eyes burning as his fingers dig into your thighs. “Looking to rehabilitate me, sweetheart?”
You soon put that to rest, guiding him into a kiss. His grip falls slack, and then returns, more needy than dangerous. Dabi’s lips pressed back, insisted, softer than you thought possible. “Course not,” you murmur, admiring the resentful flush on his face as you draw back. “Maybe I like you as you are. Just a little”.
“Bad taste,” he breathes. His nose scrunches the way it always does when he’s feeling too much, and you kiss that too. You recognise Dabi’s flaws for what they are, and you’ve given yourself to him knowingly. Even so, in the confines of your mind, you do wish he might’ve had the chance to be something better.
This inner child incident could be a small step. You don’t expect his perspective on society will change; he could learn compassion and forgive himself for whatever led him here. But what exactly is an inner child?
The theory goes that everyone has a metaphorical part of themselves frozen in childhood. A symbolic, younger version of the self that can be talked to, supported, and guided—that can still be saved.
Dabi informs you with great reluctance that this little Touya was probably closer to five years old, and stuck in the time right after his first brother was born. You never knew he had siblings.
“Did something significant happen around that time?” you worry at your bottom lip, glancing out toward the living room, shrouded in darkness now that the TV has switched to standby. “Do you remember what you wanted most, from before?”
You hear your name. You’re startled by the intensity in Dabi’s stare, unyielding and sharp. A primitive part of you wants to shrink back from it. “Don’t push it,” he says.
It was on the tip of your tongue to remark something equally catty. Instead you swallow. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” you muttered. Through trial and error you’ve already memorised the ley lines that make up Dabi’s boundaries and know well enough that prying too far into his past, or encroaching on his future plans, is a hard no-no.
“We’re going to need a cover story for him if he’s here longer than a day,” you continue, a smile creeping in alongside your teasing inflection. “Guess you’re a dad—”
“Not a chance in hell,” Dabi grimaces, skin taut around his scars. “If it comes to it, say he’s my nephew”.
“You’re no fun,” you concede. “Fine. Uncle Dabi”.
The discussion leads nowhere in the end. Dabi is unwilling to delve any further into his childhood and you know a losing battle when you see one. You turn your attention to the sleeping arrangements, and decide that it would be best to roll out your spare futons in the living room, just in case something happens.
And Dabi, despite his objections, despite puttering around with pillows under each arm and cursing under his breath, throws them down and sprawls out across the blankets. You feel his stare as you move Touya—as you’ve taken to calling him in your head—from his resting place to the space between your bodies.
Touya isn’t yet the light sleeper you know Dabi to be. His eyes shift behind closed lids and his lips curl in momentary discomfort but he doesn’t wake. “Does he have to sleep there?” Dabi all but sneers when Touya curls into your warm chest, much the way he would like to.
“Aw. Don’t be jealous,” you pillow Touya’s head on your shoulder and reach across to take Dabi’s hand, entwining your fingers through stubborn means. “He’s just a baby”.
A fresh wave of heat ripples around your hands and Dabi’s grip is solid, as though you’ve been soldered together. “He’s not a baby. He’s already five,” he mutters with a faraway look in his eyes, indifferent to the callousness in his words.
Your palms kiss and you aim for a lighthearted tone, “Stop being a dick. You’ll have me to yourself again soon enough”.
Dabi grunts and some of the tension is relieved from the atmosphere, his face thrown into stark relief by the sliver of moonlight flooding through your curtains. Not for the first time, you wonder if he feels the after aches of childhood—if the hollow inside him felt that much deeper now that Touya was out here, safe in your arms—and suddenly holding his hand is not enough.
You entangle your legs and distract yourself with the feel of his boney ankle. Some things are better left unknown, you reason. A mantra that encompasses your relationship. Better not pick and prod. You’ve done quite enough of it already, more than you’re entitled to. Sometimes you worry that one day you’ll unravel the wrong thread and he’ll never stop bleeding.
Touya clutches tighter to your shirt. Kicks a tiny foot against your pelvis in protest of the movement, surprisingly hard. Dabi snickers at your restrained groan. “Guess you’ve always been a restless sleeper”.
“That's what you get for giving him my spot,” Dabi says, the beginnings of a smile in his voice. “Was worse when I was a kid”.
“Clearly. A fly could sneeze and wake you up,” you remove the heel from your stomach and let it tangle with the blankets. Touya suddenly flips onto his back, arm cast out toward Dabi, not far from smacking him in the face. “Atleast he feels safe, I suppose”.
The night settles, your apartment alongside it. Walls quietly groan as the wind picks up a fraction. “We should take him somewhere tomorrow,” you think aloud, staring at the hairline fracture in the ceiling. “The arcade, maybe?”
“Now why the fuck would we do that?” Dabi’s voice is lower, muffled, and a quick sidelong glance confirms that his mouth is half squashed into the pillow, fatigue starting to weigh on him. “Don’t even have clothes for him”.
“Kano-san might let us borrow some,” you offer tiredly. Though your neighbour's four children were all over five years old you had no doubt she kept hand-me-downs. “It’s not fair to just keep him holed up til he disappears”.
“I refuse…” Dabi mumbled. You snort, resting your chin on Touya’s crown, swaddled by warmth. Shadows creep in and blur the edges of your vision. You’re gently coaxed into sleep, final thoughts being the hope that Dabi would still be there tomorrow.
What you receive is far more. Where soft moonlight once drifted in through the cracks, harsh sun is striking through the dim room, right against your closed eyes. You flinch away from it, turning into your pillow. Half-awake, you aren’t quite in and not quite outside yourself, but you are conscious enough to hear Dabi laugh at your displeasure.
The weight in your arms is gone. Pawing at the yawning emptiness, you abruptly sit up and whip your eyes around the room. They land on Dabi, who is laid on his back and surrendering to his current predicament. He pointedly avoids acknowledging it.
Time stretches thinly as you take in the scene. At some point in the night, Touya had made his way over to Dabi and laid himself on top of him. Chubby cheek squished to Dabi’s sternum, lashes fluttering as he dreams. Fleeting, you consider that he may be trying to crawl right back into him.
“G’morning,” you sigh, blood rushing to your limbs as you contort and stretch. Unable to resist, you shuffle across the futon and press yourself to Dabi’s side, nuzzling into his shoulder. You tilt your head up to find Dabi looking down at you. “Kiss?”
“Your breath stinks,” but he kisses you anyway. His own is hardly better. You nip at his lip, licking over the faint sting and drawing back before he can reciprocate.
“Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah,” his hands gesture toward the lump on his chest, “until this shit happened”.
“Now he’s taken my spot”. You could point out that Dabi had every opportunity to move the boy through the night, or however long he’d been there, but didn't. “Though it makes sense he’d want to be near you”.
“He doesn’t want anything. He’s not real,” Dabi drawls. He’s betrayed by the arm that supports Touya from beneath as he sits up exceedingly slowly, the other holding the back of his head. Dabi pivots the small figure into his lap, acting like a cradle.
Limbs akimbo, Touya lies on his back, mouth open and ribs expanding with each breath. His clothes are askew. Shirt ridden up his round belly, loose pants bunched up at the knees. To your relief the burn marks look no worse than the day before.
“Even though his body isn’t suited to his quirk, he still…” your voice is but a murmur as you sit up to trace a fingertip over the swell of his pink cheek. “He’s a very brave little boy”
Dabi held the toddler delicately in his arms, a fraction away from his body, and paled whenever he stirred a little. You see how his pupils soften, tension seeping from his shoulders bit by bit. “Or maybe he’s just stupid," he rasps.
“Well, many heroes are both of those things,” you offer, mouth curling as you hold Dabi’s half lidded gaze. His mouth presses thin so as not to give you the satisfaction of making him smile. When your attention returns to Touya an unfamiliar quietude comes over you.
“Last night,” Dabi starts. “I left because I thought it would be harder”.
You pause, peering up from the little boy curled in his lap. “To what?”
“Not to hurt the kid,” he says, quietly. “Or you”.
Then Touya sputters a first, clean breath, breaking into a drawn out sob that drags you from processing what that could mean. Dabi grows tense and your hand flutters across Touya, rubbing over his chest as you coo and hush. The louder he cries the stronger the tremor in Dabi’s hand becomes.
“There there, little guy. We’re right here,” you slip an arm around Dabi’s back, and suddenly your murmurings begin to soothe Touya’s distress. Red rimmed eyes squint up at you. “Did you have a nightmare, buddy?”
“Heroes—” Touya eventually hiccups and jolts. Frustrated he hits himself, face twisted in devastating anger. “Heroes don’t—have nightmares!”
You move to still his fists but Dabi beats you to it, fingers circling a pair of wrists and holding them firmly. “They will if I have anything to say about it,” he says.
“Really, Dabi,” you admonish, pursing your lips at him. He wrinkles his nose and sticks his tongue out in response. Muffled giggling fills the room and you realise it’s coming from the bundle in his lap.
Dabi looks as if he’s been struck. A finger pokes at the skin above his puckered cheek. “Dabi made an ugly face,” Touya grins.
“Oh yeah?” Dabi growls and leans forward, spine bending uncomfortably just to get into the boy’s personal space. “Well I’ve got bad news for you, kid”.
Whatever the desired effect, Touya’s chime-like laughter only doubles, and while watching their interaction you feel warmth ignite behind your breastbone.
Not long after, you return from Kano-san’s upstairs apartment with a cotton sweater, discoloured patches sewn onto the elbows, and a pair of pants. They’re size five yet too big for Touya, so you roll them to the ankle. “How’s that?” you ask, getting to your feet. “It’s not itchy on your burns, is it?”
Touya wriggles. You’ve come to learn that he really can’t sit still, especially when you’re fussing. “No,” he says, flapping the sleeves that fall over his hands, silently asking that you roll those up too. “Where are we going? I want to train!”
“No training inside. You’re going to set off my fire alarm,” you reply, absentminded as your fingers gently fold back the shirtsleeves to his wrist. “And we’re going to try the arcades first. You can beat Dabi at all the games”.
“Fat chance,” Dabi calls from the bathroom. Light footsteps echo through the hallway and his voice grows louder. “We’re not going anywhere near Musutafu,” he adds, shucking on his dried black coat over a plain t-shirt and jeans that may as well have been painted on his legs. He pulls something out from his pocket and throws it, “Put that on him to be safe”.
You catch the lump one handed, bringing it down to inspect it. A beanie hat. “Is that really necessary?” you murmur, releasing your grasp when Touya decides he wants the hat for himself and stretches it haphazardly over his head.
Dabi rounds the couch and hooks his chin over your shoulder, watching the kid struggle. “Can’t have him being recognised…” he says, the corner of his mouth twitching at a thought that suddenly crosses his mind. “Or maybe we should. Hey, kid,” Touya’s head whirls around the room in search of Dabi, vision blocked by the beanie. He pushes it up above his eyebrows, periwinkle eyes peeking beneath.
“Wanna go to my old house and scare someone?”
Touya’s lips thin and his nose crinkles, managing to look down at Dabi despite being so much shorter. “Heroes aren’t ‘posed to scare people,” he argued.
“Whatever. This guy isn’t good,” Dabi huffs, wincing at the click in his knees as he crouches in front of the boy to fix the hat seam, and Touya positively preens under Dabi’s direct attention. “This guy hurts people. Hurts his family. Probably deserves it, right?”
You watch in disbelief as Touya hums and begins to consider it. “Okay that’s enough,” you circle and coax them toward the genkan. “We aren’t scaring anyone. We are going to the arcade and we’re not going to cause trouble. Yes?”
Dabi and Touya share a long, knowing look. You can’t say you’re unhappy that they’re connecting—they’re unbearably cute when standing side by side, dithering as you slip on your shoes. “Yes?” you repeat yourself with more emphasis.
They nod in tandem.
“Good. Now who is holding my hand?”
Daylight feeds in through the sparse grey clouds, upper wind guiding them east where they darken, likely raining over another part of the city. The pavements are wet, rainwater fed into the uprooted cracks. A couple smile at you as they pass. It is rare for anyone to glance your way when Dabi’s at your side. He knows the image he projects and he likes it that way. But today, with Touya in the middle holding one of each hand, you paint a far lovelier picture.
You think you must look like a family on the outside. It’s nothing you ever imagined for yourself. Especially not with Dabi, who was seemingly hell bent on getting himself arrested, or killed, in his spare time—not that you knew the finer details, but you weren’t dense.
“I can feel your street cred depleting,” you quietly tease as you stop at a pedestrian crossing, bridging the gap while Touya is preoccupied with counting down until the red man turns green. “Uncle Dabi”.
Dabi’s upper lip curls and he lurches half a step, as if to attack you, and you pull away laughing.
Your neighbourhood doesn’t see much in the way of funding, or heroes, and that truth is reflected in the surroundings. Buildings half constructed, shutters down, people lingering on the streets. Touya presses a hairsbreadth closer to Dabi, sensing how eyes turn to him, and you catch the way Dabi squeezes his small hand in response.
Touya straightens, “No!”
Dabi snorts, “Thought not”.
The arcade isn’t far. Well beyond its years, an old musk clings to the carpets despite the open windows. Light bulbs flicker here and there. You can taste electricity buzzing in the air. The machines are outdated, but they work. High pitched, quick paced music paces from all directions. If you had to, you'd describe it as the embodiment of sensory overload.
As luck would have it Touya recognises most of the games, having been released around his time. He steps on your shoes to watch raptly while you try to win him a prize on the claw machines, and he kneels at your feet to steal any ticket away before you can grab them.
He frees himself of your grip the moment he spots Crimson Fighter. You sidle up beside Dabi as if to shield from it all. His knuckles brush the back of your hand and you smile to yourself. So starved for affection yet so intensely humiliated by it—that and the fact that he cannot seem to let Touya out of his sight, only a few feet away.
You loosely entwine your fingers and he relaxes. “Not gonna play another round with him?”
“Why don’t you?”
In that instant you hear the repeated call of your name. Touya bounces from left to right, waving you over. “Look at me! Come watch!” he beams. “Look at me, I can win!”
Dabi’s fingers flex, tighten, digging crescent moons into your knuckles. You shoot him a worried glance but the light in his eyes has dimmed once again, and you tug him over towards Touya like a kite on a string, keeping him tethered until he returns from whatever memory he’s lost in.
“I’m looking, I'm looking,” you titter, standing behind him and tilting to watch the screen. Dabi’s presence lingers. Your heart pangs when Touya stands on the tips of his toes to reach the controls. He picks the Endeavor avatar and the game opens up onto a floating platform, All Might standing at the other end.
“Fight!” Touya whispers in sync with the narrator, mashing all the buttons without direction or strategy. He clicks and clicks and clicks until Endeavor’s quirk bar is maxed out and he releases; pixelated flames burst across the screen, doing significant damage to All Might but not enough—and too much to himself. The Endeavor avatar drops to his knees, overcome by dehydration and exhaustion, defeated by his own flame.
Apparently brought back to the present, Dabi laughs.
“No…” Touya’s eyes grow round in disbelief and then harden. He kicks the machine with as much force as he can muster. Before he can do it again you’ve wrapped an arm under his armpits and herded him outside. “Let go!”
“Absolutely not,” you grasp his elbows and settle on your haunches. Touya turns his head away from you in dramatic fashion. “That isn’t okay. These games belong to someone else. They’re not yours to damage”.
“Shouldn’t’a picked Endeavor,” Dabi remarks.
Your neck aches as it snaps up to glare at him. “Not helping,” you hiss through gritted teeth. He puts his hands up in a show of surrender and you inhale until your lungs feel tight. Exhale.
Touya has fallen suspiciously quiet, chin tucked to his chest, and thankfully nobody inside noticed his brief outburst. “Hey,” gently, you run your palms along his shoulders. “Talk to me, kiddo. I promise you’re not in big trouble”.
Your ears pick up fragmented parts of his mumbling, “Lost… M’weak… Endeavor… stronger… not ‘posed to lose”. Something about his reaction is both fragile and momentous, and with Dabi nearby your instincts are telling you to tread carefully.
“Hey, listen to me. I don’t know much but I do know you’re not weak,” you begin to smooth down his sweater, and fiddle with the seam of his beanie while you talk—fretting, admittedly, and determined to wipe the heartbreak off his face. “You’re the strongest little dude I know”.
Touya sniffs, unconvinced. He waddles further into your embrace and you take it as a win “Gotta be stronger than All Might”.
“One day you could be,” you reason, gathering him against your front and hoisting him up as his legs wrap around your waist. A firm body stands behind you. Dabi is closer than anticipated and you falter, meeting his half lidded eyes. Reality stomps over the little charade you’ve created—recalling that the boy in your arms, so desperate to reach the pinnacle of heroics, will one day be Dabi, the self proclaimed villain.
“Y’know, even All Might didn’t become the number one hero until he was twenty,” you tuck a wayward curl back into Touya’s beanie and use your sleeve to wipe his damp cheeks. “He had to learn to control his quirk and get through hero school, just like you will. It takes time”.
“R—really…?” you’d be remiss not to notice the hope in his voice as he fists at his sweater, stretching the fabric further. “But I need to be strong now,” he insists thickly, a fresh round of tears at his waterline.
Dabi steps closer as more people pass by, nudging you into a dead end alley. There’s heat emanating from his skin, making ripples in the air. You hold his gaze with purpose, turning until Touya is once again enveloped by your bodies, and the boy instinctively reaches for his adult counterpart.
“You are strong,” you tell him, pressing a kiss to Touya’s temple. “Wanna know what Dabi and I were talking about while you were sleeping this morning?”
Touya’s mouth quivers, sneaking a furtive glance. He nods. You narrow your eyes at Dabi, try to tell him that this could be it, and he relents, accepting the weight as it is passed to him.
Touya settles in his arms. “We…” Dabi’s jaw ticks. There’s a depression in his cheek where the inner flesh is held between teeth. “We said that you’re brave”.
You circle your arms around his middle, around Touya, and rest your cheek on his shoulder. Touya blinks in awe. “Brave?”
“Brave for trying so hard to reach your goal,” Dabi continues. The harsh edge to his voice has puttered out into melancholy. “Even when it hurts. Especially then”.
“I am?”
“You are,” you murmur, cradling the back of Touya’s head. There’s an odd sheen to his skin. Translucent, almost. Your heart jolts. The quirk was wearing off. Conflicting emotions swell in your chest, leaving you torn. “That takes courage. I heard heroes have that in spades”.
Eyes bright and wide, undoubtedly that of a child, Touya looks at Dabi, and Dabi looks back. “You’d be one of the good ones, kid,” he rasps. It comes like pulling teeth but he means it, and Touya must know—the quirk must hear the sincerity, because the little boy beams and the air tastes sharp. He lights up, eyes first, like dusk catching on stained glass windows, robin egg blue overcast with shades of pink, heat suffusing through his bones until—
Your fingers enclose around the limp fabric of Touya’s beanie. Dabi shudders an exhale. The patched sweater falls limp over his crossed arms.
“That… worked?”
Dabi’s mouth opens and closes, lips shaping around words he doesn’t know how to say. You cannot read his expression at all. You yourself can hardly register Touya’s absence, left like a bruise that you just know is going to start aching the second the adrenaline wears off.
“I guess it did,” he finally agrees, quietly. Not quite whispered, but his voice carried no strength. Through the discomfit cuts an abrupt, shrill beep. Dabi swallows, and after pulling out his phone his expression sours.
“Who is it?”
“An associate,” he says, hands an unsteady counterpoint to the surety in his voice. Another blatant cover that you know better than to peel back. “…He wants me to meet his new colleagues. He thinks I’ll work well with them”.
“Do you need to go now, or…?” your skin prickles with unease, leaning into him as close and psychics would allow, not wanting to part with him.
“Think you’ll miss him?” Dabi asks instead, bordering on hesitation. Your head tilts at the sudden change in topic. His gaze dips low to avoid yours. You rest your hand over his chest. His heart beats against your palm, hard and steady. You wonder what, if anything, Touya’s time here might’ve changed.
“I don’t have to,” you tell him, choosing your words carefully. “He’s right in here”.
Dabi hums in that way he often does when he thinks you’re being ridiculous. Your thumb moves back and forth, shifting the fabric of his shirt. “…He deserved better,” you say, heedless of the cold determination setting into Dabi’s bones. And later, despite being the truth, you would come to regret voicing it.
He looks back at the message on his phone, typing out a reply with his screen tilted away from prying eyes. “You’re right,” he mutters.
“He did”.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months
No longer yours to keep
summary: what happens when you and Xaden bond with mated dragons but you're already dating Garrick?
warning: pretty suggestive, some iron flame spoilers.
Kind of part II
For as long as you could remember it had been you three against the world. Your families had been extremely close so it was inevitable for your three to end up being best friends. And it was like that until you all started to grow up. And once the teenage years kicked in so did the desire to explore and learn new things.
You mingled in this relationship with no boundaries, no labels for a bit. Until Xaden had to uphold his duties. Had to agree to be engaged to a girl just for the sake of power. That of course meant that you and Garrick had been slightly pushed to the side. Xaden was barely free to spend time with you, barely there for your usual nights out. Meaning that you and Garrick fell into this easy rhythm. This bonding over losing a friend you two loved dearly. And without any big gestures. Without any grand signs had fallen in love.
Garrick had always been made of sharp edges, similar to Xaden. Just Xaden used that as a form of self-defense when he needed to be out in the public and Garric... He had always been on the rougher side. Had always been harder to read. To predict. But he was an amazing lover. There wasn't a moment where you felt unseen or unheard. Yes, he had his moments but once he stewed over them, he would always come to apologize. To make it right. And he was so protective. Boy, was he protective. It was both a charming thing because it empowered you even more but... it was frightening too because Garrick's heart was in your hands, he had let you in deeper than anyone else. And you had planned to keep it forever. Had planned but...
But then threshing came. You three were at the top of your squad. Ready to grasp the best spots in the section. Garrick and Xaden were already waiting when you emerged. They had remained close friends throughout the years. Lost had changed and in all honesty it was you who bitched to Xaden the most. "We can do the next shipment after we bond with dragons", Xaden said quietly. There was a revelation brewing. And surprise, surprise Xaden was at the top of it. "I'll get the boys to take the boxes tonight", Garrick said, as his arm sneaked around your waist, "Hey", he muttered pressing his lips to your temple. "Everything's okay?", you asked, earning a nod from them both. "Excited to bond?", you looked across the field as the wind picked up.
"I have my eyes set on a dragon I want", Xaden said firmly. "Of course you do", you rolled your eyes, suddenly feeling the urge to cling to Garrick as if this might as well be the last time you two were gonna see one another. "You're okay?", Garrick wrapped an arm over your shoulders, you hesitated for a moment but... they were your childhood friends after all.
"I just have this weird feeling", you breathed out, "Like something is about to change". Xaden snicked from beside you and Garrick threw him a glare. "We will be bonding with dragons today, princess", Xaden mused. "Might be. Don't be too full of yourself", you bit back, Garrick instantly brought you closer to him, hands on your hips, "Don't bite his throat out, baby". Xaden pushed away from the wall, "I'll see you two there".
You huffed out a breath. You didn't want to be a bitch but that man was grinding your gears at times. He was also putting himself in so much danger and for what? A fucking title? "Tell me about what's worrying you", Garrick cupped your face. Your eyes met his. God, you loved this man. "I just have a bad feeling", you muttered, "I don't think that anyone is dying today but... I think that things are going to be different. Really different". Garrick tilted his head to the side as he watched you. "All I care about is that you come back to me", he muttered, "with or without a dragon, I just want you back by my side". His words clenched at your heart because somehow deep down you had an inkling that that was exactly what wasn't gonna happen.
You had crossed paths with burnt flesh multiple times. Guess this year's threshing theme was roasted cadets for dinner. You were so tired. Sure, this had to end soon and you would have to admit your defeat. And just... A puff of hot air hit your back making you still. You could feel its presence behind you. You took a deep breath in before turning around. And here it stood. The biggest black dragon you had ever seen. "Holly fuck", you breathed beneath your breath.
Your head was buzzing. Every fiber of your skin was on fire. You could believe that you had bonded with a dragon. A black one at that. Black dragons rarely bonded. Lower your ego he snarled in your mind. You slide down his leg ready to give your dragon's name so you can be officially linked when an overwhelming sense of emotions hits your chest. You faltered slightly. Gripping the edge of the table a huge scroll will names was placed on it.
You hand fell on your chest as the edges of your vision blurred. You let out a pained breath as your eyes snapped up and here he stood. On the other side of the field. A blue dragon by his side. Eyes burning holes into you. Hands in fists. What the fuck... you felt an arm wrapping around your waist. Oddly enough wanting to pull away because it just didn't feel right only to find Garrick inches from you, cupping your face. And then everything went black.
Your eyes snapped open with a jolt. The moon was casting faint light over the room. Garrick was passed out beside you. His hand wrapped around your middle. You brushed your fingers through his messy hair when a wave of need rushed through you. Need that wasn't however in any way related to the man that was next to you. Come to me. The voice rang in your head making you jolt. And even if you didn't want to. And even if you tried to fight it. Tried to fall back asleep. Tried cuddling into your boyfriend. Not even fifteen minutes later you were padding through the quiet corridors.
You didn't even have a clue as to where you were going and yet here you were, standing right next to the person that had taken over your mind. "Why the fuck do I feel you in every fiber of my body, Riorson", you said through gritted teeth. Your body grew warm just from the sight of him. "Our dragons are mated", he said bluntly, puffing out a cloud of mirth-root. You instantly crossed the distance between you too, snatching the blunt and taking a hit yourself. The overwhelming feeling eased slightly, but your body still yarned for him.
"We need to sort this out, get this fixed", you muttered, brushing your fingers through your hair in frustration. "How do you plan on doing that? They have been mates for centuries. Fuck, we hadn't even been born back then", Xaden huffed out. "I'm with Garrick, I won't leave him, I...", you muttered in panic, but Xaden's hand that sneaked up your throat made your voice die down.
"They are fucking", Xaden said through gritted teeth, eyes hazy as he looked at you. You could feel it too. Gods, even the smell of him. "We can't... I can't do this to him", you pushed back, trying to keep distance between you two. "Do you think it's not eating me alive?", Xaden growled, cursing under his breath, "I watched Garrick falling head over heels for you. You're it for him, and now...", Xaden turned around, bracing a hand on the wall as he breathed. Please hold your pleasure to yourself you snarled at your dragon. But it's like your words didn't even reach him.
You took in a shaky breath, right as your eyes met Xaden, and within the blink of an eye you were pressed against the stone wall, legs wrapped around Xaden's hips. His teeth buried in your neck as you dug your nails into the back of his neck. It felt as if your body was on fire. As if only with him near you could finally breathe. "We can go back to having an open relationship", Xaden breathed against your ear. You shook your head, "Garrick will never share, we're in too deep", you muttered. Xaden let out a growl, "If he'll want to keep you, he will share, baby". His hands moved up your shirt, Garrick's shirt, and that was a reminder enough for you to push against Xaden's chest. You wiggled till he finally lost his grip on you. "If you'll challenge him for a claim of me, I swear to everything I believe in, I will suffocate you in your sleep", you pointed a warning finger at him. Xaden only chuckled, "You'll be crawling to me", he breathed out. Dark eyes watching you. "Fuck you, Riorson", you huffed, "You'll do that to baby", he mussed right as you turned around. Practically running back to your room. Heart beating in your chest so loudly that for a while it was all you could breathe.
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buckysmith · 2 years
MW2 characters reacting to you being hold hostage + how it happened
Includes: Ghost, König, Soap, Price, Gaz, Alejandro, Rudy, Gromsko, Laswell, Valeria and Graves
It was kinda hard to write the exact same topic for 11 people without repeating the same story and in the end I fucked it up but I hope you guys enjoy it anyways cause I wrote that shit for 7h+
I just hope it doesn’t flop again .-.
Word count around 10000.
Warning: hostage, mentions of dead, mentions of abuse (not heavily detailed but still a trigger)
Tell me if I have to add warnings
- He is an extremely cautious man, making sure no one knows where he lives to protect you.
- the only living people who know where he and you live are Price and Soap, since he knows they won't say anything even if they are being tortured
- Even your family doesn't know where you live, or rather they think they do, but they don't because the address is fake.
- but a small mistake can lead to a big problem, which in your case it did.
- Simon and you were walking together in the streets of London, but he could feel that something was off
- he didn't really want to go to London, but on your anniversary he wanted to do you a favor and go on a date like any other normal couple, spoiling you with things you like
- so you were on your way back to your car and like London is, it was crowded with a lot of people
- you could feel Simon getting more and more nervous because he sensed something was going to happen and then just a few feet away from you a car exploded causing the crowd you were in to panic
- Simon instinctively grabbed you and ran with you to your car, pushing the people running towards you away to make his way through the crowd
- but just before you could reach your car, he saw what was going on, that he was the target of the attack, because you were running straight ahead in a group of masked men.
- Simon who of course didn't have many weapons on him, only a Glock and a few knives knew that it looked bad for you to fight against heavily armed men
- he knew if he fought you would both die, so he didn't hesitate long and ran back into the crowd knowing there you would be at least a bit safer
- he pulled you by your wrist through the crowd, pushing the people who got in his way away to make room for you
- but after the masked men fired shots, the crowd just panicked even more
- he held your hand as tightly as he could, trying his best not to let go as the crowd tore you further and further apart
- the last thing he could see and hear of you before you were lost in the crowd were your frightened eyes and your voice calling out to him
- not even a second passed and he alerted Price who informed the team and laswell as well as the police and special forces in the area
- he immediately started looking for you, calling out you, trying to locate your cell phone, calling you, but you didn't answer
- all while forcing his way through the crowd in the direction he had lost you
- he tracked your cell phone signal, but only found your cell phone lying on the ground, smashed but still working
- he knew he couldn't panic now, but his blood was freezing, his heart started to stop in its rhythm
- he knew he could track you in another way, he had given you a necklace with a tracking device that even you didn't know about
- he followed the signal, running like a madman through the streets of London only to end up in an empty alley.
- the moment he picked up your necklace from the ground, saw the crimson liquid on it, was the moment his heart stopped
- it was the moment he realized that the target was not him, but you
- he stared at his necklace, time seemed to stop for him before he stood up and left the alley to make a single phone call
- days passed with no sign of you, Laswell and many other agents and elite soldiers in his debt searched for you
- he did not take any solid food during that time, he refused to eat and he drank almost nothing
- but his body did not weaken, only his spirit became more dangerous
- he blamed himself for your abduction, he cursed himself so much that he went with you to London
- days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, no sign of life from you made him slowly lose his will to live, his body became weaker and he destroyed himself more and more every day
- Soap and Price watched as their friend slowly fell apart, as he slowly became truly a ghost.
- at one point he was too weak to stand on his feet, but he resisted when anyone tried to help him
- be it to feed him or to help him to walk
- the moment he got a sign of life from you, or rather from the men who kidnapped you, Simon changed again
- the man who moments before had been too weak to keep himself on his feet became a more dangerous killing machine than he had ever been before
- whoever they were, they were about to pay a price
- and he wouldn't grant them the mercy of a fast death, he knew what he would do to them, the moment you're in his arms again.
- they would live for months, not that you could call that living, but well, they were still able to breath and feel everything. That's all I'll say about it.
- Soap came back from his service a few days earlier than planned, so now you had a problem
- you were at a friend's in London, you were supposed to come back home two days later to pick him up
- but Soap assured you that it was no problem to spend the two days with your best friend, because you both saw each other quite rarely due to the distance or rather her and your job
- on the last day you both wanted to go shopping, some nice things to wear and maybe some other things you liked
- you then called soap, actually just to ask him if you should bring him this new video game he was talking about all the time
- but your conversation was quickly interrupted by two men with bomb vests and another man with assault rifles
- so the last shopping day turned into a hostage situation and you and your best friend were sitting together with many others in the middle of the building and in the middle was one of the assassins with the bomb
- it was just too stupid for the assassins that they didn't know who was among their hostages
- It didn't take Soap long to get from your home to London, not with his contacts.
- he also contacted his friends and teammates, Ghost, Price and gaz were also quickly in London.
- He had given you another cell phone in case of emergency, one which was not flashy but in such emergencies life saving
- but he didn't expect you to call him, and you more or less didn't really call him either
- he was the only number stored, so you just had to press a button dial his number.
- Soap didn't hesitate long and took his cell phone to the lead officer, because they had a view inside through the thermal imaging cameras, but no voice transmission and now they had thanks to you
- Soap knew how risky it was that you had called, but you had now helped the forces, especially with the identification that one of the bomb carriers was among the hostages.
- Soap could hear you and your girlfriend being yelled at, because you were whispering to your girlfriend beforehand so that the he and the other who were there to rescue you all knew where the other bomber was sitting.
- So while Soap was incredibly proud of your courage on the one hand, he was equally afraid for your life on the other
- he had been on so many missions like this, so many missions where he could have died, but none of them had ever made him feel this scared.
- it was only hours that you were trapped, but with every second That passed he knew that if something went wrong, he would lose you, killed him.
- the moment they stormed the building he had only one thought, he had to find you and get you safe and sound.
- it was only seconds in which he searched for you in the crowd, but for him those seconds felt like hours.
- For him, they were moments of uncertainty, because although they were sure that they could eliminate all the assassins with little trouble, they did not know if there were still hidden assassins among the hostages.
- The storming of the building was quick and the targets were also quickly taken out, but to soap's great fear, among the hostages there was actually someone with a bomb vest who remained unidentified, who blew himself up after his comrades were killed.
- the whole building shook, glass from windows and doors shot through the air like bullets that caused him to seek shelter for a few moments, in the seconds after that he disobeyed every order, he didn't care what would happen to his reputation or his job in the moments after the detonation
- it was all about you
- he called your name in panic, ran to the people killed by the explosion, or rather what was left of them.
- he knew where you and your best friend  had been sitting
- and that's where the bomber had exploded.
- in the first few seconds there was nothing in his head, he heard nothing, he smelled nothing, he felt nothing.
- there was just nothing
- he held his breath without realizing it, fell to his knees as his body collapsed as if it had been turned off.
- the moment he heard your voice, the moment he could sense quick footsteps and a movement, he directed his gaze in that direction
- the moment you wrapped your arms around his neck, threw yourself into his arms and kissed him. It was the moment when he understood that he was not dreaming, you were alive, you were in his arms
- it was only seconds when he thought you had died, but those seconds left deep scars in his soul.
- the day you almost died left for you only a scar on your cheek, but for him it left an order, a mission which he would not stop carrying out even after his death.
- he made sure that this would never happen again, that you were safe for the rest of your life.
- that was an oath he never broke.
- being in a relationship with Alejandro had its pitfalls
- but most of all it had many downsides
- he was rarely home, most of the time your relationship consisted of talking to each other on the phone over secure lines
- it wasn't like it was something new, because before you had a long distance relationship, but with your move to las Almas you thought you could see him more often since you were only a few miles apart now
- but no, he was too afraid to accidentally give away your location and put you in danger.
- his enemies were the cartel, the soldiers operating outside his unit and even his own people he didn't trust
- the only ones who knew of your location were Alejandro and Rudy.
- but seeing your husband in person only a few times a month, and then only for a few hours, caused strife between the two of you.
- you were as good as isolated from the whole outside world
- you had little contact with your family/friends
- Alejandro had moved the rest of his family elsewhere, but you didn't know where they lived and they didn't know where you lived.
- everything was a security measure, but after two years of almost complete isolation in a foreign country, you and Alejandro were always having fierce arguments
- most of the time it was over FaceTime, because as I said he didn't want anyone to know where you lived
- the phone call ended with you hanging up after he told you for the millionth time that he was doing it for your safety
- you knew that, you knew he was just worried but you were alone, you needed him with you!
- he usually didn't even stay over and slowly but surely you felt more like a prisoner than in a relationship
- you were homesick, you wanted to be with your family/friends and the comfort they gave you
- the feeling of security he couldn't give you anymore for a long time
- you loved him, but you couldn't go on like this and he couldn't give up the life he was leading
- it didn't take long for you to pack a suitcase to fly home to your parents/friends, you knew you were welcome at any time
- but on the way to the airport you came into a military checkpoint
- but it was not a normal check in which the military took unnecessary money out of your pocket for any violations, no,  they were looking for you
- they had got the order from the las Almas cartel, which you did not know of course
- because your last conversation was intercepted, they were able to find out your name from your voice and therefore knew who you were and above all they knew where you were.
- Alejandro found out only a few hours later, he had called you again and again, but since you had left your cell phone at home, he had no reason to worry.
- he thought that you were just mad and that you were going to give him the silent treatment, something you had never done before, but he had been in many relationships before where his partner reacted like that after a fight.
- however he wanted to discuss the problem in person, he knew you were hurt and he wanted to make it up to you somehow
- but when he got home there was no trace of you, your cell phone was there, but your car and suitcase were missing along with about four thousand dollars you had put aside in case of emergency
- he immediately informed Rudy and gave him your license plate number so that they could trace your location
- but there weren't exactly a lot of surveillance cameras in las Almas.
- but your license plate was caught by one of them and you seemed to be on your way to the airport, so he went on his way as well
- but your car suddenly disappeared and didn't show up again on the next camera like it had should
- he found your car but without you
- your car was in a ditch and it looked like you were deliberately pushed off the road
- he knew the moment he saw your car that you had fallen victim to the cartel
- the first few minutes after he found your car he called Rudy who called the rest of his team
- He knew he had to find you quickly
- He tried to contain his fear, but it didn't work.
- On the way back to the base his hands were shaking so badly that he could barely control his vehicle.
- he could feel his heart beating in his chest and hear the blood rushing in his ears
- when he arrived at the base all color was gone from his face
- he was so incredibly afraid for you, so much so that he had to throw up again and again
- while his body was rebelling against him, his emotions were boiling up, he was aggressive and tearful at the same time
- he tried everything to find out where you were
- after hours of searching, your captors came forward to present their trophy, you, to him.
- They knew how to use leverage to get what they wanted.
- but Alejandro still had a favor left with Laswell, so it didn't take long to get you to safety.
- but in the hours when your fate was uncertain, in the hours when he didn't know if he would ever see you alive again, a small part of him died
- he regretted every second of arguing with you, but not visiting often enough, because in the end it had caused to happen what he had tried to protect you from
- he was the reason for your abduction, for every hair that was cut in those hours
- he and his men stormed the building where you were being held and the moment he could wrap his arms around you, smell your scent and feel the warmth of your body was the moment he realized that moving away from you to protect you was not protecting you but separating you from each other
- that he was the reason
- from that day on, there was not another day that you could not see him
- he was always with you and from that moment on you were the safest you have ever been
- as safe as you have never been before
- the kidnapping was the best thing that could have happened to you and him
(Short info, I know the backstory would have fit well to Alejandro, but Rudy was the one who wasn't captured by Graves and his men and so I thought this could fit well to Rudy)
- you had heard that your husband was now working with people from the U.S. and the U.K. to fight the cartel and locate some  missiles
- you knew that this information was actually top secret and you weren't supposed to know anything about it, but your husband told you everything and you preferred him to talk about it than to keep it inside and  it being a burden to him
- you knew that the boys were coming back in the evening and it was important to you that they had enough to eat, of course you couldn't cook for over a hundred men by yourself but together with the help of Alejandro's partner, Rudy's mother and some other women and men you could cook enough food to feed them all
- so after you loaded all the food into the pickup you drove to the base
- What you didn't know was that the base had been taken over by the American, who imprisoned los vaqueros and plunged Las Almas into a bloodbath.
- Rudy had called so many times but the line was dead which you didn't notice because you only used your cell phone to listen to music and this was possible without line.
- since you all came outside of las Almas, you didn't notice anything   until you were stopped with the car at the entrance of the base, while your identity was checked by an American and after that you were not nicely brought  to Graves
- Graves of course immediately recognized the value you had as a hostage, after all he had the leader of the vaqueros and the partner of the second leader.
- He knew that if the worst came to the worst, you would be his life insurance.
- Rudy, meanwhile, was getting more and more panicky by the second, and instead of going straight to the safehouse, he drove to your house.
- he knew that if you were not at home, you had probably gone to the base
- he was not panic, no you could not describe his feelings like that
- he was incredibly calm on the way to the safehouse, he didn't know if Ghost and Soap were alive, he knew you were probably in Graves' captivity and he didn't know if Alejandro was alive.
- Every person he trusted was either gone or in captivity and he had to keep a clear head right now.
- but it just didn't work, he couldn't cry and  he didn't shake either.
- he was paralyzed and his head worked like in energy saving mode
- until the moment when Alejandro was with him again.
- that was the moment when he broke down, sobbed, poured out his heart to Alejandro and let him know how unbelievably scared he was for you
- that he would never forgive himself if something happened to you, that it was all his fault, and much more.
- from that point on he couldn't stop shaking, sobbing and hyperventilating
- he knew Graves would use you as leverage if a situation arose where he was in danger of losing his life, which only worried Rudy more
- He knew he would lay down his life for you if it came to that.
- yet when Graves tried to escape with you, you managed to get away from him and escape while the Ghost Team stormed the base
- you broke your arm and sustained wounds that would later become scars
- every single scar from that day reminds Rudy that he failed as your husband
- but it was the only time in your life with him that you were in danger, because after that he made sure that it would never happen again and you were safe
- he never forgot the feelings he had while you were in danger and that's why he taught you all kinds of defenses and how to handle a gun
Price :
- in a job like your husband's, there were unplanned incidents more often than you would have liked
- sometimes he didn't come home for months, sometimes he was only home for a few days before he was needed somewhere in the world so the world wouldn't end
- it was hard for your relationship and it ruined all plans for vacations or just to be together every time again and again
- and it was one of those days again, he had just come home from a mission, hadn't even had the chance to unpack his stuff and was needed again immediately
- it was useless to ask him to stay with you, so you let him go again after you had said your goodbyes
- he had promised you to take vacation, that this time nothing would come between your trip, the trip you had planned and looked forward to for so long
- this trip was supposed to replace your honeymoon because you couldn't take it after your wedding because of his job
- but the trip was booked, all paid for and you had taken the time off
- you had done your research and could only move the trip somewhere else and not cancel it without losing all your money or reschedule the time for the trip
- you knew he would not be back in time, so you told your best friend to pack her bags so that the two of you could go on vacation instead of you and Price
- together with your best friend you decided to change your trip to another country, both of you going to Cairo Egypt
- your best friend always had something to do with pyramids and the ancient egyptians and you also found them quite interesting
- but you were more interested in today's culture
- of course you told your husband beforehand to ask him for permission
- he agreed that you should go with your girlfriend, but he was worried about the choice of country you had made
- but you told him that Egypt is a relatively safe country and nothing would happen to you
- he had a bad feeling though and asked you to move the trip somewhere else, which you refused to do
- your best friend knew the country, culture and language better than anyone, you knew you were safe with her and that he was overreacting.
- however, this led to an argument, he insisted that you move the trip elsewhere and you vehemently refused
- he wanted to continue arguing with you but your argument was interrupted by Soap who told Price there was an emergency
- you could hear him sending Soap away again and this time telling you rather rudely not to make the trip
- that was the last thing you heard before the connection was lost and you were sure he had hung up on you
- you didn't know that the connection was lost do to the emergency which was an attack
- during the argument you thought about giving in, trusting his feeling but after he yelled at you you didn't want to give in out of pure pettiness and went on the trip with your best friend
- the first days were wonderful, the hotel you lived in was fortunately well air conditioned as you could hardly stand the stinging heat, the people were nice and the food was delicious
- Price didn't contact you during the days and while part of you was worried about your husband, you knew that if you didn't hear from Laswell he was in good health and just wouldn't talk to you, and you, definitely wouldn't give in and talk first!
- he knew you were fine, at least you thought he did, since you were in constant contact with Laswell and her wife.
- they were as much a part of Price and his family as you, Soap, Ghost, gaz and his pets. It was an all or nothing deal
- with Laswell's wife you were also in contact every day, sending her pictures from your vacation, what you were doing and the great food.
- but all good things come to an end, in your case it was "wrong time, wrong place".
- your best friend and you got lost
- How did you know? There were no other tourists around, not a single one.
- you knew instinctively that you had to find a way back very quickly, but it was already too late and you ran into a group of criminals
- you recognized the mark they wore on their bodies, t your husband had told you about the group but they were supposed to be in Russia, not here!
- he had already dealt with the people several times, each time it ended in a bloodbath on both sides
- so you grabbed your best friend by the arm, dragged her through the winding streets while dialing Price's number, which only went to voicemail, you called Laswell, but she didn't answer her cell phone either, so the last thing you wanted to do was call Laswell's wife, but it was too late and you were trapped
- the last thing you felt was a strong hit on your head before everything went black
- It was Laswell's wife who noticed your absence.
- You hadn't sent her any pictures or texts for four days, which was unusual for you.
- she asked Laswell if she knew anything about you, to which she only responded that you had called her four days ago but had not contacted her again
- Laswell didn't think anything of it, she thought that you had probably called her unintentionally, but with the information that you hadn't given any sign of life for four days was something that worried her.
- even more when Price also contacted her saying that he couldn't reach you in days after you called him.
- she tried to track your cell phone, but it was either off or the battery was dead
- the last trace showed that you hadn't moved from one spot in two days before your phone died
- she knew something was wrong, so she immediately alerted Price while sending one of her men stationed in Cairo to your last location
- When Price learned that you had not ignored him but had disappeared, he panicked.
- he knew the mission he was on was important and that his presence probably made the difference between defeat and victory, yet you were gone, in a foreign country after he asked you to go there
- he let another captain replace him, he knew his boys together with him would accomplish the mission and immediately set off to Cairo
- but he knew that he was not allowed to be there officially, so he entered as a normal human being
- he looked calm to everyone else, but if you were there you would immediately see how incredibly upset he was
- you were the only person who could see behind his facade
- he was unbelievably afraid for you, he couldn't drink, nor eat, everything he tried to get into him came up again faster than he had forced it down his throat
- he couldn't even enjoy his beloved cigars anymore, just the thought of smoking one made him throw up
- days went by, days he didn't sleep, days he didn't eat, days he drank almost nothing but scotch
- deep circles had formed under his eyes and the worry about you made him very angry
- after almost a week Ghost, Gaz and Soap also came to Cairo to support their captain who was more a ghost of his former self
- it took another two days but then they found you, it had been a total of two weeks since your abduction and you were starting to give up
- they didn't do anything to you after they found out who you were
- one of the men had recognized Price's face on your background and from there on it was easy for them
- they were also recently in contact with Price, negotiating the price for you and your best friend, but you didn't know that
- threatened to do something to you that would only make Price angrier.
- but Laswell was able to use it to get a location on you.
- it was a night in fog action in which they asked Price not to participate because those 10 days of living on nothing but alcohol and pure caffeine had weakened him considerably
- but he insisted.
- he had never been so nervous on a mission as he was on this one, he could hear his heart beating in his chest while his blood was literally boiling
- he didn't know if you were still alive, he didn't know what they had done to you, he knew nothing and couldn't control the situation, he couldn't prepare himself for what he might see.
- the operation was quick, the kidnappers didn't expect to be found out.
- 141 and several other soldiers searched the house and when Price found a locked door, after having shot a man with a gun only a few feet away, he opened it and through the sparse light recognized a person lying on the floor only a few feet away from him, he could also see that there was a pool of blood around them.
- his heart stopped at that moment, he didn't want to get closer to see who this person was, he didn't want to know if it was you... it just couldn't be you!
- he stepped like in slow motion towards the person lying on the floor, his whole body was shaking and he could feel the feeling of throwing up
- at the moment when he knelt down to turn the person and to catch a look into their face, he received an extremely strong hit on the head which made him see black for a fraction of a moment
- but his body reacted out of reflex, he turned and skillfully pressed the person who had attacked him to the ground and squeezed their throat.
- when he regained his sight he realized who he was choking and also the person who had attacked him realized who he was
- his eyes filled with tears while he let go of you and kissed you
-despite the sparse light he could see that you had been beaten, that you were hurt but you were alive
- a wave of relief came over him and you as you both began to sob
- he was relieved that you were alive and you were relieved to see him, that he had come and that this hell had now ended
- you were too weak to walk on your own when the relief came over your body, two weeks without food and only little water in an extreme heat had left its mark, not to mention the psychological stress and the wound on your shoulder
- your best friend had not survived, you both had been shot at, but only she had been killed while you were only wounded
- you pretended to be dead as well, and because of the panic they had, they didn't realize that you were still alive.
- you didn't know if the men would come back, but you knew you had to escape at the next opportunity
- not a day went by from then on that you didn't listen to him and for him not a day went by that he didn't regret yelling at you
- he thought he was to blame, while you also thought you were to blame for everything
- but basically it was just "in the wrong place, at the wrong time..."
(Im going to take gaz first appearance in MW2019 as my "guide")
-you and your boyfriend gaz live just outside London, you had moved in with him and left your old life behind you
- you had met Gaz by chance, or rather it was an accident
- you accidentally drove into his car when you were on vacation in London, you were wearing the worst outfit you could imagine and he, well he looked great.
- you were extremely uncomfortable and to this day he made a bit of fun of it, even though he was to blame for the accident
- you two got on well from day one though and friendship turned into love and now you were here in London
- gaz had been tense for a long time, but he was not allowed to tell you what was going on
- but you could imagine what it was and of course you tried to give your boyfriend some kind of comfort
- it was your day off, which calmed gaz down because he knew you wouldn't be near where his assignment was
- he couldn't tell you about it, so he kept quiet about it.
- but shortly after he left for work you got a call from your boss, she told you that one of your colleagues had dropped out and they needed you
- since you got along very well with your boss and the store became like a second family you of course agreed and left immediately
- you knew you would be there just before the shift started and since the shift would start at six pm anyway you thought you would write to your boyfriend just before you got there
- so you texted him at 5:50 pm (1750military time) that you would be home around 10 pm because you had to work spontaneously and would bring take away from your favorite restaurant
- gaz got the message while he was sitting in the car, he knew he wasn't supposed to look but usually you only wrote when something was going on or you wanted to know something
- when he read the message that you were at work, in the area where he now had a job, he completely freaked out, called you but you had your cell phone on silent and since the store was so busy you didn't even notice he was calling
- after that everything went wrong, there was so much shooting, people blew themselves up and so many injured and dead within a few minutes
- and this bloodbath led to the very store where you work.
- the feeling of throwing up was getting stronger by every minute and he started shaking without wanting to, he didn't know how you were and if you could get out in time
- when a man named Captain Price appeared, he followed him while he tried to calm down
- there were many people tied up between a man with a bomb vest which exploded only a few seconds after he and captain price arrived
- as gaz helped Price free the people he recognized one of your colleagues, he immediately asked her where you were, if you had escaped, but she tearfully told him that they had taken you.
- That was the moment when his heart stopped.
- you had been captured...
- at the moment when price and he and the hostages left the building, a live broadcast of the assassins was shown on the big advertising boards
- with you in their midst, wearing a bomb vest, at an unknown location.
- He immediately told Price that you were his partner, that he would do anything to free you and so much more.
- he could barely think straight, his heart ached while his stomach churned and he felt dizzy.
- it took them an hour to get your location
- an hour in which he threw up countless times and still tried to be strong for you
- he stormed the building with Price and his own team, killing anyone who got in his way while calling your name before finally finding you
- but the countdown ticked on and on
- when gaz finally got to you he tried to be as strong as he could but it tore his heart out to see your eyes filled with tears
- he knew how scared you were
- There were only a few minutes left before the vest would explode and Price told him to go, the experts said there was no chance and that the vest was too complicated to disarm in time.
- Price knew from the little time he knew gaz now that he would not leave you alone, wished him good luck and they both left the area as quickly as they could while
- it was only a minute before the vest would explode.
- he cursed himself for not being there while you tried to calm him down
- A second before the vest exploded, he grabbed all the wires in sight while pressing his lips onto yours, only to rip off all the wires in one go.
- and instead of you exploding nothing happened
- gaz had somehow managed to disarm the vest
- it was the moment when he started crying with relief, just like you did
- from that day on he made sure nothing like that would ever happen to you again
- he made enough after he joined 141 for you to stay home.
- but he supported you when you started an online business so he didn't have to be the bread winner
- but now you were safe, safe from all evil, safe from enemies, safe from anything that would harm you
- being in a relationship with graves was not always easy
- you two could not see each other often and for a long time, something that was difficult for both of you
- phillip, who was so much more gentle and loving in private than he was on the job, was incredibly homesick and lovesick for you
- it was just hard for him to be away from you for a long time, so he tried his best to somehow bridge the distances between you without putting you in danger
- he talked to you on the phone as often as he could, always had a picture of you with him in which your face was hidden but which he would often look at when he missed you too much
- it was a picture of the two of you lying in a hospital bed, your face buried against his neck while he had an arm around your torso
- his mother had taken the picture when she visited her son in the hospital after he was badly injured in battle
- during the weeks he was in the hospital you lived there as well and when he was finally able to go home you took care of him even though he assured you he was fine
- the picture showed him so much, it showed him that he had someone worth fighting for, worth coming home for, worth living for.
- he knew that with you he had found the partner for life and you both would go through thick and thin until the end
- the two of you were enjoying a bath together when the call from Shepard came forcing him to leave immediately
- your heart ached as your husband had just come home and already he had to leave again
- he didn't want to go either, but he knew he couldn't refuse an assignment and left after you said your goodbyes
- only a few days after your husband left you got a call from your best friend who lived in las Almas and was very pregnant
- since you had promised to be with her when she had her baby, you quickly packed the things that seemed important to you, the copy of the picture that Phillip was carrying with him
- las Almas was only a few hours away from the farm where you lived with Graves and more or less his family
- since your in-laws lived only three minutes away by car and it was on your way anyway, you personally told them that you were going to las Almas to assist your best friend in the birth of her first child
- on the way you wanted to tell phillip, but from then on something kept coming up and before you knew it you were already in las Almas
- your best friend her parents were actually from las Almas but moved to the USA before your best friend was born to give their daughter a better life there
- but apart from her parents all her relatives were in las Almas so after she met her boyfriend who was a policeman in las Almas she went back home without her parents
- her parents begged her not to go, but your best friend was much too stubborn to listen to them
- you were warmly welcomed by her new family and the birth went quite easily, both of you joking around while she almost broke your and her boyfriend's hand
- but the birth of the child went quite well and fast and you were able to go back to her house around late noon
- you helped your best friend with her baby while the others celebrated the birth of the child
- but in the evening the mood changed, it started storming
- the city became louder, at the beginning your friend joked that many babies must have been born today, but the sounds that had sounded positive before became screams and the sound of gunshots echoed from the houses
- not even half an hour passed, when armed and masked soldiers stormed the building in which you were located
- you reacted instinctively, grabbed the hand of your friend who had her baby in her arms and pulled her down from the sofa and towards the second exit
- you could hear screams behind you, then gunshots which silenced the screams
- but your friend collapsed after only a few houses, she was too weak to run as she got shot leaving the house
- she gave you her baby, told you to get her baby to safety before she sent you away
- the last thing you could hear was a gunshot and a dull sound, the sound of her body hitting the ground
- While you were on the run, Graves wondered why you didn't answer him.
- he called you several times, because normally you had texted him at least five times by now, but you didn't answer the phone
- you tried your best to get through the streets unnoticed, but the baby woke up after a shot was fired at close range
- you tried everything to silence the baby in your arms, but it was already too late and the masked men pulled you out of your hiding place, almost threw you to the ground and you barely managed to support the baby and yourself
- but you recognized the uniform of the men when you were forced next to the Mexican policemen
- they were your husband's men!
- you tried to explain to them who you were, that you wanted to talk to Phillip but one of the men just kicked you in the face
- everything went black and you lost consciousness for a few seconds
- when you woke up they had already killed the men next to you and you were also holding the gun to your head while you begged them to inform Phillip Graves, your husband
- you heard a gunshot, then another and a third and the sound of three bodies falling to the floor
- Your vision was blurry, but you recognized the man in front of you, it was Ghost. You had seen him before, years ago, when Graves talked to you on video.
- a few minutes later Graves was standing in front of his killed men, but something next to the killed policemen caught his eye
- he grabbed the something that was already full of blood and looked with pure panic at what he had just picked up
- it was the picture of him and you, but it couldn't be! The picture was still in his pocket so how...?
- pure panic flowed through his body as he reached for his phone and called you again, praying to God that you would answer the phone and he would hear your voice
- but you did not answer
- his heart stopped for a moment when he called his parents and they told him you were in las Almas, the town where he had made a bloodbath on Shephard's orders
- where his men killed everyone who got in their way.
- he then disobeyed the general's order, told his shadows not to kill anyone and to look for you before giving them a description of you
- but he didn't calm down, even though the danger of you being killed by a shadow was now zero, Ghost who knew what you looked like was running around, not to mention the men and women of the Cartel
- while they were looking everywhere for you, you went with the injured Soap, Ghost and the baby to the safehouse of a guy named Alejandro.
- Ghost and Soap told you that you were now a prisoner of theirs, since Graves had betrayed them, but you didn't care.
- You had barely survived and probably would have died without Ghost's help.
- but you also didn't want to accept what your husband had done, but you had seen it with your own eyes and couldn't deny it.
- The men who held you captive were nice considering who you were or rather who your husband was
- You begged the man named Captain Price not to kill your husband, that there had to be another way and you would do anything to keep them from harming him.
- Graves found out they had you just minutes after Price called Shepherd.
- that was the moment Graves broke completely, on the one hand he couldn't and shouldn't refuse the orders, on the other hand they had you in their grasp
- It killed him, drove him crazy knowing you were in danger.
- Price brought you into the field and Graves could see you through his scope, Price gave him an ultimatum, Graves would surrender voluntarily with his shadows and you would live if not, you would die.
- but when you collapsed next to Price after a bullet pierced you, Price fled and Graves reloaded.
- he knew there was no turning back as he looked at your body lying virtually lifeless on the sandy ground with blood pouring out of it
- you woke up later in a hospital, the bullet had hit you but not killed you, just knocked you out.
- you later learned that Graves had not surrendered, died in an explosion, and within twenty-four hours you had lost your husband and best friend
- the baby your friend had entrusted to you was taken to her still living grandparents and Phillip's parents visited you every day in the hospital
- you felt alone nonetheless, you had put your wedding ring on the side table and most of the time you were just lying around
- after one week in the hospital you discharged against the advice of your doctors
- the first night back in your home two arms wrapped around your body and the familiar smell of a certain person rose in your nose while you tried to enjoy your hot shower
- it was his raspy voice that sent a shiver down your spine
- he would make sure that no one would ever lay a hand on you again and he would stand up for his mistakes, at least to you.
- it was on you to choose between stay or go
- being in a relationship with Valeria was everything but easy
- she gave you everything you wanted, but there was one thing she couldn't give you and that was your freedom
- she kept you behind closed bars and you lived in a golden cage, but living isolated and not being able to leave the house gnawed at your mental health
- the fact that sometimes she would just disappear for weeks and then reappear didn't make the situation any better
- you could see Almas from the villa you were living in and despite begging her to go with you to the village  over and over again she never allowed it
- but you had enough of it, she always left you behind and after years of isolation you couldn't take it anymore, you finally wanted to see something different!
- there was a "party", most of the people were wearing masks and after you grabbed a mask as well as some clothes of the servants you left the building together with some servants who had a shift change
- you didn't want to leave her, you just wanted to see something different for once
- but Valeria was on Alejandro's radar since she was captured years ago and they found out that you were her partner.
- you walked happily through the streets, oblivious to the men and women following you.
- however, it wasn't long before you reached a corner where they chloroformed you and took you to a van
- Valeria, meanwhile, did not notice that you had disappeared until after her  conversation with some other evil men, because you were neither at the pool, nor in your room, nor anywhere else in the villa.
- Panic coursed through every vein of her body as she yelled at her men to find out where you were.
- when she checked the security cameras and saw you undressing and throwing yourself into the servants' clothes to leave the mansion unseen, the panic was joined by pure rage
- she immediately unleashed her men to search for you while she thought of how she would punish you for what you had done
- she was informed about an hour after she realized you had disappeared that the dogs had lost track of you and that you had probably been abducted
- she knew instantly who you had been kidnapped by
- the anger she felt towards you turned into pure fear, she knew what Alejandro and Rudy were capable of
- but she was from the cartel that ruled the city and she also had her contacts in Alejandro's elite squad.
- she knew a direct attack would end in a bloodbath, but she knew if she waited too long and Alejandro tried to get information out of you, she could never forgive herself for that
- she knew what a monster Alejandro was, she knew what he would do to get information that you didn't have, but she also knew that he wouldn't believe you.
- At the end of the day, he was as brutal  as she was.
- the longer you were under Alejandro's control, the stronger her hatred, her rage, and the more dangerous she became.
- she was there in person when she tried to save you, it was her job as your partner to save you.
- the way in was easier than expected, although it ended in a bloodbath on both sides
- but the moment she saw you again, the moment she knew you were now as good as safe, her feelings cooled down
- she had learned from her mistake to lock you up and keep taking you to new places, outside of Mexico, so at least you could see the world and she could make sure you would never be kidnapped again and that you were happy
- but also you had learned never to run away again, her punishment was anything but funny and yet so much more gentle than like all the others. Thankfully
- you were visiting a friend while your husband was away somewhere in the world doing his mission
- you hadn't heard from him for days, which was usual but you were worried, but you knew if you didn't hear from him it meant he was alive and well
- it was the idea of one of your friends you were visiting to go to a party of someone she knew
- you texted your husband of course, informing him that you were going to a party and write him as soon as you were on your way back.
- it was a really great party, the music was great, the appetizers which were offered were delicious and all in all it was a great night
- but only until you saw a familiar face, it was one of the guys your husband had been chasing and this one was supposed to be dead
- you knew it was a dangerous mafia boss from the documents of which you were not allowed to know anything
- but you knew you couldn't let your panic show
- you went to your friends, told them you were not feeling well and you would like to leave
- but they insisted that you stay and just rest, since after all their friend was throwing the party
- a bitter taste spreads in your mouth when said host came to you, asked if everything was fine and your friends said that you were not fine
- without you wanting it the host and mafia boss then took you to a quieter room where he tried to make a pass at you
- but before it could come to more he was interrupted by a smoke gas
- everything went fast, you got something taped to your mouth before a bag was pulled over your head and you were tied up
- you didn't know how much time had passed, you didn't know where you were what would happen to you now, the only thing you knew was that you were in danger
- König meanwhile waited for your message while he drove with his colleagues and the prisoners to a safe house
- but your message didn't come, you didn't answer his calls either and your cell phone was off
- he knew you wouldn't cheat on him, he also knew you always kept your promises and yet you were gone
- he could clearly feel the coming panic attack, whereupon he started to take his weapons apart and put it together again to distract himself somehow
- in his head all the scenarios were playing out, from you being bottled up, lying unconscious somewhere, being kidnapped, every scenario you could think of was playing out in his head
- hours went by, he didn't have the numbers of your friends and he had no other way to contact you
- the car you were in stopped at some point and you could feel someone grab you roughly, pull you to your feet and take you somewhere.
- you could only hear what was happening around you, fear flowed through you and you prayed that your husband had already found out that you had been kidnapped
- you were forced to the cold floor, sitting on your knees while you listened to the mafia guy being asked the same questions over and over again, you could hear blows and groans of pain from him.
- you could hear them breaking his bones, knocking out his teeth and smelling burned skin
- after a while one of the men seemed to have had enough and you could feel the barrel of a gun against your head
- it was the moment he raised his voice and threatened the mafia guy to kill you if he didn't finally speak up that you started to fight back
- it wasn't the threat to kill you, no, it was the voice you recognized
- only a few seconds after you tried to stand up your husband kicked you in the ribs
- but it also loosened the tape on your mouth, so you immediately called out his name
- the look on your face when the sack was pulled off your head and you looked into your husband's masked face, you couldn't help but weep
- you were almost abused, then kidnapped and your husband broke your ribs without knowing it
- you knew after that day you had many friends less and enough partying for the rest of your life
- and he, he felt guilty for that day for the rest of his life. Great success
- it had its advantages to live somewhere in the countryside in Poland
- there were not many neighbors, those who did lived quite a distance away and otherwise it was quiet and of course safe
- your husband had many enemies, many very powerful enemies, which is why he hid you somewhere in the countryside
- you both had daily contact, be it only a sms but he wanted to make sure you were ok
- but everything peaceful had an end
- They had found out where Gromsko lived, but they did not know that he was married.
- so it was a surprise for the assassins who were after Gromsko to find you instead of him
- they knew that they could use you as a bait to get to Gromsko and he quickly realized that something was wrong, precisely because you did not answer him anymore
- he sent a friend to you, who informed him that you had probably been kidnapped
- the kidnappers were not the smartest, you quickly realized
- while Gromsko together with some old friends tracked you down, you made life difficult for your kidnappers and annoyed the hell out of em to get a waterbottle
- Gromsko, who was usually calm in person, was agitated and everyone could feel how dangerous he was becoming with each passing minute.
- he was worried about you, panic was an understatement and the hatred he felt for your kidnappers was boundless
- but also self-hatred, after all you had come into this situation because of him
- when he found out where you were being held he set out with some of his old colleagues to rescue you
- everything happened quite fast, the kidnappers did not expect that they would be found
- Gromsko was looking for you when he entered a room which looked like a cell
- you were already waiting for someone to come into your cell, and you hit the person on the head with the glass bottle you had been given
- the person you headbutted, however, grabbed you and pushed you against the nearest wall, while squeezing your throat
- you noticed who it was at the same time and he did, and he immediately let go of you, apologized for hurting you and teased you for hitting him with a bottle
- you moved to the city and got a dog to defend you when he was at work
- he never let you out of sight again, not that you knew, everyone had it’s little secrets after all
- your wife was not always easy, especially her paranoia was not and it was a reason for many fights between you
- you knew the USA was not the safest country in the world, but you lived in a good area, hardly any crime and a nice neighborhood
- but for her no place was safe enough and she insisted that you carry a small device that would notify her if you were in big trouble
- you thought it was over the top but what wouldn't you do to make your wife happy
- and besides, she was really scary when she was angry.
- you had something to do at the bank and Kate asked you if she should come with you on her day off but you refused, after all you wanted to go shopping and get something special for her afterwards
- you were at the counter of the bank when armed men stormed the bank and you instinctively reached for the small device and pressed it
- when Kate was informed by phone that you had pressed the panic button, she didn't hesitate for a second to see where you were.
- almost at the same time the sports show she was watching changed to a news bulletin that the bank you were in was being robbed and was now being held hostage
- she didn't want to let it show as she called her friends at the CIA, but no one had ever seen her like this before
- 141 who were also nearby due to a mission, were also informed by her
- while she seemed to everyone to be in a bad mood and aggressive, Price could see the incredible amount of fear in her eyes
- he knew she would not admit it, but as it took longer and longer to get an overview of the situation she began to tremble more and more
- this only stopped when Price along with his team and a few others killed the men and got you safe and sound to your wife
- I guess it wasn't such a bad thing to have a paranoid wife after all.
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throneofsmut · 11 months
Kinktober Day Twenty-Three : Hate Fucking Eris Vanserra x Female Reader
You don’t know why Rhys chose you to go meet with Eris. He told you it was because he trusted you, which meant a lot to you, but maybe it was because your fire rivaled Eris’s.
The Cauldron gave - more like you took from it - your fire, among other types of magic but you always favored the flames.
You were Feyre’s younger sister and you went to the Spring Court with her. Well to be honest you kind of forced Tamlin into letting you stay if Feyre was going to stay.
Nesta and Elain had each other. Feyre and you had each other, so if she was going so were you.
A month before Tamlin and Lucien had been forced to go under the mountain, Lucien told you about the curse but Feyre had already given too much. So had you, the both of you were the main providers for your family but she was your sister, so you’d give it all up for her.
One night Amarantha had send the attor to Spring and it had smelled Tamlin’s scent on you, from hugging Feyre before setting out for a ride with Lucien. It was too late but by the time he had tried to help you. The attor had knocked you unconscious and was flying you back under the mountain.
Months passed and you completed every trial set for you, which is where you met Rhys. Immediately seeing through the mask he wore, the mask of the dark prince, because it was the same one you wore to protect your family. To protect Feyre.
He tried to protect you when he could and help you when he could. Rhys was like the big brother you never had but always wanted. To him you were the little sister he had needed, he vowed to himself that he wouldn’t - could not - fail you like he failed his sister all those years ago.
When Amarantha’s last trial for you was to survive the Cauldron he fought back, but it wasn’t enough, you were shoved in. The water was so cold, it burned hotter than any fire. Lungs burning as you thrashed in its darkness. Your rage was all consuming, like its water, you were forced into the cauldron with nothing else to give. So you took from it.
You blazed brighter than any star, glowing, fire made flesh. So lost in a primal rage that you hadn’t even noticed your pointed ears and elongated limbs. The cauldron had made you High Fae. But when you saw your sister. Dead. You killed her. You killed Amarantha.
Rhys took you in after everything, he was your family. When the both of you got back to Velaris, his family had accepted you and took you in as well, making you part of the inner circle. Yet Rhys and you had a bond that they could never understand, under the mountain all you had was each other. In a way you were his closest, most trusted friend, his confidant.
Which made sense as to why he trusted you to meet with Eris Vanserra, even if you couldn’t stand the male, nor he, you.
He was glaring at you, as soon as you had winnowed into the agreed meeting place in the forest.
“Stop glaring, sweet cheeks. I know you’re obsessed with me.” You teased, a smirk on your lips.
Within a blink of an eye, his flames were wrapped around your neck. Tight enough to frighten and warm enough that you knew they would burn if he willed it so, but you had nothing left to lose. “Watch. It.” He snarled.
“Is that really all you got ?”
You felt the flames around your neck heat slightly, before your magic was reacting to them. Wrapping around his neck so tight and warm enough to make his skin red, making his flames wink out completely. After a couple heartbeats and him glaring at you, you rein in your flames.
“I’m gonna kill you.” Eris growled, soothing the skin around his neck with his large hand.
“Is that a promise ?” You taunted, mouth curving into a smile.
“I can’t stand you.”
Giving him a wicked grin, “Then kneel.”
Something flickered in his gaze at your words. Then he spoke, his voice dangerously sensual, “I can’t tell whether I want to make you bleed or moan.”
You raised a brow at his confession. Tilting your head slightly, “Take your pick, lordling.”
Keeping his eyes on yours as he stalked forward. Gaze falling to your lips before claiming them in a bruising kiss. Eris’s hands fist into your hair, roughly, his tongue swiping at your bottom lip for entry. You met him stroke for stroke. Both of you fighting for dominance, then he's pulling away winnowing the both of you somewhere else.
Chest still heaving as you take in your surroundings, “Where are we ?”
You can feel his burning gaze on the back of your head as he rasps out, “My home away from home.” Then he’s pressing his body against yours, growling into your ear, “I still fucking hate you.”
“Shut up and fuck me Eris.” You retort, to which Eris wraps one of his hands around your neck, choking you slightly. The other roughly squeezes your breast, eliciting a moan out of you.
Then he’s bending you over the kitchen counter. And fuck you, he does.
Eris buries himself in your soaked cunt in one thrust. You cry out at the stretch, he doesn’t give you the time to adjust to his size before he pulls almost all the way out and slamming back into you.
All you can hear is skin slapping skin as he fucks you hard and rough. Your hips slam against the counter again and again, hard enough to bruise. His hands dig into your hips harshly, holding onto them and thrusting faster. “F-fuck Er-ris !” You cry out.
“Fuck- Fucking knew,” he growls in your ear, “that your tight little cunt would squeeze like this. Milking me.” Then he’s moving his hands to clasp both of your arms, pulling them behind you to use as leverage to fuck you even harder. He leans back slightly and the sound that leaves you doesn’t even sound like you.
You can feel every single inch of him at this angle, every time he shoves into you he hits that sweet spot inside you. Tears escape your eyes at the pleasure, staining the counter, as your voice cracks “Oh Eris!”
“You like that, little flame ?” He chuckles darkly, biting into your shoulder, drawing blood. You scream, a mistake that has him still his hips, “I need words, little flame.”
“Fuck you.” You snarl in between pants as he rolls his hips into yours, making you feel all of him. Every fucking inch. Then he’s drawing back and slamming back into you, you can hear the smirk in his voice as he sneers, “You already are.”
The ways he’s gripping your arms while he drives his hips into yours, fast and rough has the both of you feeling the coil within you tightening. Eris is taking you the way you want him to and the way that he wants to. He’s all grunts, snarls and moans as does.
The heat in your belly coils even tighter and it spurs you on. Bucking your hips against his, meeting him thrust for thrust as his hips begin to stutter. Then the both of you are crying out in pleasure as he cums inside of you and you on his cock.
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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thiswasinevitableid · 1 month
What It's Worth (Indruck)
A big yeehawgust prompt winner was: Undead Cowboy. This fill is NSFW and does mention blood
The stars stud the sky, the sliver of moon rising from the mesa meaning Duck can see them clearly as he lays on his back in the dirt. 
His bedroll is okay, but the memory of frost in the air makes him wish he’d had time to snag a few more spare blankets. But all he could manage this morning was the essentials.
He wasn’t going to spend a single minute longer in that damn place than he had to. 
They lost the farm in West Virginia two years ago, when Duck was seventeen. His uncle, Papa Newton’s brother, had offered to let the family move to his property outside Santa Fe. 
It seemed like a fuckin miracle. Until they settled in and Duck realized his uncle intended to treat them as free labor rather than family. If he has to polish one more round of dishes he’s gonna throw the whole dinner table out the fucking window. 
A week ago, when his uncle started making noises about finding his “niece” a husband, Duck decided there was no point in sticking around. Not if that’s how his uncle intended to use him. 
So here he is, as far from town as a days ride could get him, hidden from view of anyone on the trails. He’s keeping a small fire up; seems worth the risk to keep the coyotes and cougars from getting too close. 
There are footsteps, barely audible, on the other side of the fire. A shadow, with two red pinpoints about six feet off the ground. 
He doesn’t have a gun; unlike Winnie, his horse, they all belonged to his uncle, and the fucker might call him a thief and send the sheriff after him if he snuck one away. 
“Do not be alarmed.” The voice in the darkness is lilting and weak, “You are in no danger…no danger from…from…”
A thud as the body hits the earth, landing in the ring of firelight. Duck cautiously sits up, buck knife in hand, as the stranger groans and raises up onto his knees with a woozy shake of his head. 
The red Duck saw comes from the glasses the man wears on his narrow nose. His whole face is angles. His hair is silvery in the light, which is odd given the fact he appears only a few years older than Duck. 
“You okay?”
The visitor grips the knees of his pants, “No. I am so very, very thirsty.”
“I got a little water to spare.”
A weak laugh, “Nono, that will not save me. I need…I need…” He tips his head up with a sigh, as if steeling himself in order to make the request, and fangs catch the scant moonlight. 
Duck’s heard the stories about vampires and even weirder things out in the desert. He never put much stock in them; he spent his childhood in the woods, then the desert. He understands how easily folks can spook themselves out in the wild. 
“Please say you ain’t after my blood.”
“I am. I have not fed in so long, I was too ambitious in my travels to Greensboro. Too weak to catch an animal. If I go much longer I will become feral, mindless, draining any passerby until they are a husk” he looks up, frightened, “Please, please help me.”
“Uh.” Duck looks around like someone wrote the right thing to do in the sand. He wouldn’t let a human die of thirst. And he doesn’t want anyone getting their throat ripped out. But this feels like a real good way to trick a kind-hearted traveler into being dinner. 
“I will do anything you ask” a shudder and a groan, making the stranger hunch forward, “take me to bed, ask me for my weight in gold, the keys to the city, anything, please.” He sobs, trying to crawl forward but only making it to the bottom of the bed roll and clutching it.
“Okay.” Duck begins unbuttoning his shirt, “Okay. You can have a drink, but I, I keepin my knife on me, y’hear?”
“Perfectly. I would not begrudge you such measures, not when you are helping me.” He struggles forward until he’s straddling Duck’s knees. He’s dressed like the cowboys Duck watches with envy as they ride past the house, except every piece of clothing is black. 
“Rather impractical in a desert, I know. But I find it suits me.”
“It does.” Duck doesn’t catch the answer in time. The last thing he needs is some fella thinking he’s flirting with him. 
“You are very kind. Oh” he notices Duck pulling his shirt collar to the side, “I need not drink that way, I assume you do not wish me to be any closer than necessary. Your arm will suffice.”
“I, uh, I work with my hands and arms so this’ll be less of a pain in the neck. Or not but, uh, you know what I mean.”
The vampire nods, delicately scooting into Duck’s lap. He shivers as the visitor noses his throat, humming happily. 
“You smell divine.”
“I been on the trail all day, doubt I smell like a basket of roses.”
“Better.” The voice purrs, “now, this will only hurt a moment.”
Fangs sink into his skin and his entire body lights up in pain, telling him to fight, to run like a jackrabbit. Then all at once it subsides, pleasure rolling like a wildfire on the prairie, lighting up nerve after nerve until he wonders if they’ll burn out. 
The vampire has one hand in his hair, supporting his head, the other pressing down on his shoulder, and through the fire crackling in his brain he can tell he’s talking.
“...So good, thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyou.” The deep bite is over, but he continues nipping at the skin, licking and sucking at the blood. He’s wiggling closer, hips bucking a little, making the neediest sounds Duck’s ever heard between his thanks and praise of everything from Duck’s eyes to the way he tastes. 
If he could guarantee the man on top of him would be like this, Duck wouldn’t be half as put off the idea of getting married. 
Gradually, the touch on his neck changes to deliberate licks, the last one ending with a kiss as the vampire sits back on his heels. He looks drunk.
“I..I am very grateful for your help.”
“You don’t say?” Duck teases. 
“Have I not made that clear–oh! Oh it is a joke.” He grins, mouth still a bit red, “You are a very charming human. And my offer stands; you may ask anything you wish of me as payment.”
He could get a train ticket, or the money to buy one. A place to stay. Clothes he didn’t have to fix up to be right himself. 
“That’s real decent of you to offer but I wouldn’t make someone pay me for a drink if they were dyin of thirst. Don’t seem right to ask you to.”
“You are very kind. I will not intrude on you any longer.” The vampire tries to shift out of his lap and hisses. Duck looks down and sees why.
“Y’know, most fellas have a harder time doin’ that once they’re drunk.”
“It, it is nothing” he looks away, embarrassed, “it is merely the natural response to feeling full and safe while in the arms of a handsome man.”
“That so?” Duck licks his lips, “tell you what. Since you biting me got me all riled up, I changed my mind. I want this” he palms the vampire through his pants, “as my fee.”
“Gladly.” Wiry arms drape over his shoulders as Duck undoes the buttons and pulls his dick from his trousers. It’s a nicely sized thing, big enough to be tempting without feeling intimidating, and when he wraps his hand around it the responding squeak is almost a chirp. 
“There we go, sweet thing, lemme get my hands on you.”
“Only if I am permitted the same honor.”
“Hmmm” Duck pretends to think as he steadily strokes the shaft, “dunno, why should I let you feel me up?”
A pout, “Because I will be so very good for you. I was good for you when I fed, wasn’t I?”
“You were, sweet as a peach. Okay, you can touchAHhey” he laughs as hands greedily paw his sides and thighs. 
“Thank you, oh you are lovely to touch, lovely to hold.” Kisses spread across the closing wound on his neck, “what a lucky creature I am to have found so wonderful a human oh, ohohoh” his hips jerk wildly and he cums on Duck’s fingers. 
“Pent up?” He kisses a cheek that he suspects would blush if it could. 
“So it seems. Goodness, such things seldom take me by surprise.” A playful kiss to his ear, followed by a nip, “shall I return the favor?
Duck feels one half of him lean into the idea, the other wrench so far back he thinks it might dislocate his joints. 
“Nah. I’m, uh, I’m too, uh, tired, fuck, not not turned on, uh. Fuck.”
The vampire cocks his head, then nods, “Then I will not press the matter. Would you like me to stay awhile?”
“Yeah.” He murmurs, “Yeah I would.”
Duck nestles down into his bedroll as his visitor gets his clothing back into order, and falls asleep to long fingers in his hair and a gentle voice telling him of the moths and bats fluttering across the desert sky. 
He goes home when his uncle finally finds him and tells him that if he won’t do his family duty, he’ll find someone to marry Jane, Duck’s sister, to. 
Jane’s only 14. 
Duck spends the whole ride home hoping the lousy fucker gets thrown by his horse. 
A month later, he’s traveling with the old asshole and the equally cold-hearted, sneering woman he married to a party in Santa Fe. Mr. Indrid Cold, one of the area's richest and most mysterious residents, is said to be in search of a wife, and so Duck is in the most masculine dress he could find, hair still short and chaperones scowling as they enter the fine house off the city square. 
Duck tries to occupy himself in small talk, and while some of the women there won’t give him the time of day, others invite him into their cluster to hold crystal punch cups and whisper some of the most ridiculous shit he’s ever heard. 
“They say he’s a vampire!”
“Don’t be silly, my aunt said she saw him out in broad daylight.”
“Some of them can do that. It depends on their age.”
“Not this theory again, Josephine.”
“I told you, my name is Joe.”
“Anyway, even if your aunt did see him, that won’t help us. They say he throws one of these every few years and no one actually sees him in attendance. He just watches from somewhere so he can learn about us.”
Duck shudders at the idea; this whole thing is already a pain in the ass. It doesn’t need to be a creepy pain in the ass on top of that. 
“Pardon me.” A man with the blandest features imaginable addresses the group, “may I accompany you for a turn around the gardens?”
He’s offering his hand to Duck. 
“Is this a fuckin joke?”
A mild smile, “Not at all. I have been dying to speak to you since you arrived.”
Duck takes the offered hand, lets the man link their arms as they head into the courtyard. The gardens are stunning, if a bit overgrown, and Duck points out where a screech owl has hollowed out one of the trees. 
“Glad they kept the ones that actually grow here. Some folks try to bring the trees from back east out to make their gardens and they just up and die. On account of it bein, y’know, a fuckin desert.”
“That does seem rather ill-advised.”
They talk more about Duck’s move to the desert, and the longer they speak the more Duck feels like he knows the man’s voice. He just can’t place it. 
“I take it you are not a fan of the proceedings?”
“I, uh, I ain’t not, uh-”
“You do not need to lie, Duck.” A small smile. 
“It just ain’t my world.” He looks down at the dress, “rather be in sackcloth than this fuckin thing.”
“Mmm, I imagine you’d make a rather striking cowboy.”
“Like to think so. Aw fuck.” He turns to where the clock is striking eleven, signaling the end of the party, “I didn’t hobnob nearly enough.”
His companion squeezes his arm, “I would not worry too much about that.”
They say their goodnights and he rejoins his aunt and uncle, only to discover that they’ve booked him a room at a nearby hotel while they stay in a finer one across the road. Almost like they’re hoping his being alone might tempt their host into appearing at the foot of his bed like a fucking ghost.
He chucks his party outfit into the corner, the night hot enough that he decides to risk sleeping in the buff. The church on the other side of the square has just finished ringing midnight, and his eyes are going leaden, when there’s a shuff of his window opening. 
He’s five fucking stories up. 
Frozen, he watches a huge, winged figure squeeze through into the room. It’s some sort of fucking moth-man thing, and it’s glowing, red eyes are looking right at him. 
“Don’t come another fuckin step closer.” Duck grabs his boot from the ground, ready to throw it. 
Four arms raise in placation, “You are not in any danger from me, Duck. You were before, you are not now, and you never will be.”
“Your voice…are you the fuckin-”
“-Vampire from your camp? Yes.” Reality snaps for a moment and then the silver-haired man is standing there, clad in a simple black shirt and pants. 
“Holy fuck, I thought vampires could only turn into wolves and bats and shit.”
“My moth form is actually my true one. It is a long story. But the point of it all is: I am also Indrid Cold. And was your companion for much of this evening.” He clips a pin to his shirt and the same bland face comes into view. 
“Jesus.” Duck breathes as Indrid returns to his usual human appearance and sits on the bed. 
“Parties overwhelm me. A small enchantment is the best way to see if there are any guests I wish to know better. Up until now there have not been.” He sets his hand on Ducks covered knee, “why your aunt and uncle sent you here as anything other than a handsome bachelor, I shall never know. You looked so unhappy tonight all I wanted was to take you in my arms and whisk you off somewhere you could be yourself.”
“I, I didn’t mean to hide it from you.”
“I knew at the campsite. I can see the future, and when you rejected further advances it told me what was behind them.” A gentle, fanged smile, “you are a good looking man, Duck. I have not ever seen you as anything else.”
He relaxes, tucks his legs in so Indrid can come closer and stroke his cheeks.
“I throw this party every few years to keep my sire off my back about the matter of marriage. I suspect that may not be the case after tonight.”
“Y’know, getting down on one knee is more traditional than climbing through a window.” Duck teases.
Indrid laughs, “Nothing so rushed. I came because I could not stand another moment away from you. And because do have an offer for you. If you allow me to court you, know that I will never claim ownership over you, nor force you to live as you are not. If you wanted to ride from here to Alaska I would not stop you. Whatever freedom you desired would be yours. I’ve no need to control you, my sweet” he grins, “but I do ask for the chance to make you mine.”
The heat in his voice is clear as a spring sky. 
“That so?” Duck kisses him once, “how are you gonna prove bein’ yours is worth it?”
A longer, deeper kiss, Indrid nipping his lip as he pulls back, “However you wish. Though the idea you are about to suggest is one I am very much in favor of.”
“If I might be so bold, ah, I…the futures show you enjoying it immensely if I take my true form.”
Duck hesitates, “Let me see it again?”
The bed groans as the mothman reappears. He’s toffee-brown, chest so downy that Duck’s hand sinks into it. 
“Fuck, you’re real fuckin soft.”
“Thank you” A chirp of pleasure, “oh that spot has been itching for hours.”
“Which part of you did you, uh, see me enjoyin?” 
Indrid opens his mouth, in which Duck can see rows of small, sharp teeth along with the pointed canines. His tongue extends, long and flexible, “ith!”
It should scare the fuck out of him,  but all Duck does is kick the covers aside and lay back, spreading his legs. 
“Get to it.”
“Gladly.” A fuzzy cheek tickles his left thigh as Indrid nuzzles him. Then he gasps as teeth drag down the skin. 
“Do not think I did not notice your reaction to my bite last time. Most humans find it neutral or painful. Few moan as I drink them down.”
“Didn’t even know I was moanin’. Was too busy listening to you be a cute needy thing.”
“I was, wasn’t I.” The tongue teases his folds, “I will be as obedient and sweet as you desire, my darling one, for I do need you.”
Duck wants to say something flirty in reply, but then the tongue pushes into him and he moans. It’s incredible, pressing and teasing, happy little chirrs floating up from Indrid as he takes Duck to pieces. 
When his tongue presses on a certain spot, Duck yelps, and his hands flail for something to grab. They land on Indrid’s antenna, and a pleading, chirping groan breaks from the vampire. 
“Ohhhyes, it’s been ages since someone toyed with those.” He messily laps at Duck’s dick, “mmmf, you could make me do just about anything by pulling on them.”
“Want you to fuck me.” His horny brain blurts it out without warning and he clamps a hand over his mouth. 
“Do you wish me to?” Indrid sits up, wings fluttering shyly and hands soothingly petting Duck’s legs. 
“I do, I really fuckin do, but I can’t risk-”
“You would not be. I cannot have children with humans. At least not that way.”
“You sure?”
Duck takes a deep breath, “Then come down here and fuckME, oh, ohfuck.” His heels dig into the bed as Indrid sinks into him. His cock must be as strange as the rest of him, if the way writhes inside him is anything to go by. 
It’s also fucking huge. 
“A-apologies.” Indrid is jerking and twitching, clearly trying to keep from moving to fast or pushing too deep, “I, I have never done this with a human before. I did not account for the size, god how tight you are, how small, oh you’re delightfully warm too.”
“Fuck.” Duck groans, tilting his hips to try and fit more inside him. 
“Do not strain yourself. My, my anatomy will do the work in a moment.” He purrs, running two hands through Duck’s hair, “I am here to serve you, not make you exert yourself.”
He says it with such sincere affection that Duck leans over to kiss one, quivering wing. 
“Oh that’s fuckin wild” He gasps as another part of Indrid’s cock presses into him, still flexible but firm, pushing him open. Several spread wider outside of him, catching at his dick and Indrid pushes deeper with hungry, demanding growl. 
Duck doesn’t black out, but if you asked him to describe the what happens next in detail in court, hand on the bible he wouldn’t be of much use. His legs hook onto Indrid’s own, claws dig into his hips, and Indrid’s cock drives into him, his bulk meaning Duck’s face ends up pressed to his chest.
 From there he has no choice but to cling to him, feeling the purr in his chest as he promises Duck he will do this and more whenever he asks, be at his service, be good for him because his body is worth that, because Duck is worth that, and just as tears prick his eyes from the intensity of sensation, from the fact the can feel himself cumming, tightening around Indrid as best as his body can manage, there’s a cascade of thank yous, and then his lover cums in him, so much that it runs back down the shaft and is Indrid trills and thrusts a final time. 
“Goodness” Indrid pants, rolling them over so Duck is atop him, cock slipping free as he does, “that was incredible, but I do feel I must ask if you are alright.”
“Better than, sugar.” Duck smooths his hands over Indrid’s chest, “ain’t sure I can walk for a few minutes though.”
“Well then, if you need anything, I shall simply fetch it for you.”
“Indrid? Did you mean it? About wanting me to stick around.”
“Nothing would make me happier. But if you need time to decide, or if you do not want to stay, I will not be angry.” He grins, tracing a heart on Duck’s cheek, “though I will add, imagine the look on your wretched uncle’s face when he learns Mr.Cold would like you to stay and be courted, and that Mr. Cold has already bought a fine suit the handsome Mr. Newton.”
Duck chuckles, “Yeah, that does sweeten the deal. Ain’t the only thing makin’ it worthwhile though.” 
Indrid chirps happily, and wraps his wings and arms protectively around him. 
(To be fair, his uncle nearly fainting from shock the next afternoon is extremely fucking worth it).
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gamchawizzy · 3 months
15, 33 for Mary:)
15. how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
Mary used to be human once :) She was the youngest of three sisters from a long forgotten time and a long forgotten land; they lived on a farm in a small, relatively new settlement. Her family gave up on trying for a boy when she was born, haha. She was no farmer though, the gods never blessed her with a green thumb, but she did her part in helping the family by hunting wild game with a rifle! She also had a childhood friend once, who was very dear to her - but time and certain happenings in her past life has made it hard for her to recall details anymore.
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Time passed and she became the Tempest, coexisting alongside Ismail, the Maelstrom, who was the psychopomp of the Sundering Sea - Rautrivyatan - an incredibly treacherous maritime region bordering several lands including the Ulekharian Peninsula (aka The Mainland) and the island of Town-by-Train where the story of Fishleaves is located :)
At present, she lives in the fisherman Ducek's house, passing the days, petting cats, eating raw fish, scaring boys. Certain circumstances are tying her to the island 👀
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33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
Ducek finds her stubborn but reasonable - a girl who prefers to be kind in private. She’s a bit sly, but not truly malicious. Lazy! But ultimately his friend :) He sees her personality and work ethic more. A person who just needs a gentle push in the right direction.
Neviss finds her extremely captivating. Terrifying. Fascinating in her ways. She changes her mood quickly, it’s challenging to keep up. A cross between a new discovery and an intriguing new woman in town. Respects her massively (but a good part of that is from fear LOL).
Ry sees her as a scary older woman who’s always trying to frighten him or distress him in some way or another. He doesn’t dislike her, but wonders what his older sibling Nev sees in her - she’s just too full of teeth and mischief.
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Onny adores her! Mary’s one of the few adults who take her seriously, and so values her like the big sister she’s never had. The nicest singing voice she’s ever heard. She thinks it’s funny when Mary scares the boys.
Ismail thinks she is a massive bitch and a very mutinous, difficult, petulant companion/associate. He thinks of her as a danger to everyone. Not praying for her downfall, but…he believes she’s just gonna fuck shit up and crawl back again. She’s just foolish all the time, and he always has to clean up after her.
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Thanks for asking!! :3 This was fun to compile and I got a few new ideas out of it as well 👁
OC Ask game from here
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flowercrown-bard · 1 year
My headcanons for which Witcher would like doing which hobby (aka. me projecting my own hobbies onto them)
Geralt - whittling: it's just practical. He's probably already carrying a knife and there's plenty of wood to be found in the forests. For whittling, you can do rough cuts or you can add details and be gentle with the wood. You can either get lost in repetitive motions and sounds or you can make yourself concentrate really hard. I think the duality of it is perfect for mr "i don't choose sides"
Eskel - knitting: out or all the wolves, he's the one who looks the most frightening but also the kindest and most polite one (If i remember correctly, in the books Ciri was afraid of him when she saw him, but he's really polite to Triss and asks her for help). I think he wouldn't go with a craft like whittling, because he doesn't want people to see him handle something as dangerous as knives for fun. Knitting is about the least intimidating craft. It's associated with grandmas and once he's done, he has something soft and warm, just how he would like to be perceived. Also he's from the hillfolk and i headcanon that his family used to make wool themselves so he working with wool reminds him of his childhood
Lambert - drawing: people don't expect him to have the patience for drawing or the appreciation for beautiful things. So learning how to draw started out as a big fuck you to anyone who dared assume they knew anything about Lambert. Yes, he's full of anger and can be aggressive. But much of his anger is directed at the people who made him a witcher. He hates being a witcher and everything that's associated with that, so for him, picking up an artform like drawing is an act of rebellion. Secretly, it also has a different use: Lambert lost so people. His family, Volthere. Maybe Lambert is afraid of one day forgetting what those people looked like, so he makes sure to drae a picture of everyone he likes, so he can have something to remember them by if they die before him
Vesemir - cooking: his family deserves nice warm meals when they come home. And in a strange way experimenting with herbs is a way for him to cope with the experiments he used to do on the trainees before. It's learning to take this curiosity and ability to combine things and using them for something good and happiness-inducing instead of using it to mutate children
Bonus: Aiden - Embroidery: being able to use needle and thread to fix things is just very useful and with embroidery you get to stab something a thousand times
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shirogane-oushirou · 6 months
having a no good very bad health day so i've decided my trainersona DOES in fact have a lugia on standby. as a treat. bc fuck you. 💖
current loose trainersona idea + some art:
they did in fact get through most of the johto league, went hog wild, burned out a bit after all of the Commotion around catching lugia (need to brush up on this, my memory is fuzzy, but i'm firmly in the "there are a bunch of legendaries they're just reclusive and hard to catch" camp so they're not like. taking The One And Only Lugia lol.), took a break to travel for college in kalos, got into a poison sting accident w a nidorino / nidorina while traveling near geosenge (and was saved by wild-but-eventually-partner sawk), and re-joined with their family who had either moved to coumarine in kalos OR wedgehurst in galar.
(i'm planning a swsh replay as ren once i'm done with x so i can compare the Vibes of the two places. also so i can dress him up HEHE.)
they officially retired their league challenge on the basis of permanent damage sustained from the attack. even if they could have somehow physically managed victory road, the brain fog made on-the-fly strategizing basically impossible.
if in coumarine: they're usually either in their family's home at the top of the cliffs, or they've ridden their scolipede down to the harbor to draw.
if in wedgehurst: they're either in their family's home on the outer edge of the town, or they've ridden scolipede to the lake at the end of route 2 to draw. basically "place with fresh air where they can ride their bug horsey to a body of water to draw some landscapes".
undecided if they do streaming on the side or not. after their intense league challenge and their accident they've become a little snippier... a little deadpan snark. but they aren't good at relaying sarcasm, and they DO have good jokes but it takes a while for them to form, so the quick-on-their-feet "sarcastic snarker" jokey archetype of streamer wouldn't work for them -- they just come off as mean unintentionally. and they can't be peppy or actively entertaining or anything. maybe they just stream to an audience of a couple of friends and the occasional stray chatter who finds their stream on accident.
hennywaise! all this to say. i want to ride my bug horsie and fly on my big-hands birdy and sit on the shoulders of my punch guy. i wanna ride a funny little Guy to local towns for a day without it being a whole Ordeal.
i want to be on a date with ren, when it's getting late, and he's like "oh shit how are we gonna get you home safely if the sun's already going down?? dangerous pokemon might be around!!!" i turn to him and say, "oh don't worry about me, i have a safe way home. =v= " i pull out a pokeball, toss it behind me, and out comes a giant shadow of a legendary bird with frightening glowing eyes.
and then i turn to it and its form settles into a big cuddly Wet Bird with Big Hugging Hands and i bunt my head into his head and scritch his chin. ren's on the ground, thoroughly spooked, bc Um Why Does My Frail Partner(???) Have A Legendary Bird In Their Back Pocket Like It's Nothing?? Who Are They Actually?????? and i can turn around and casually smile and reach out to him like "want a ride?" while he's still having a Moment.
like this:
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....... i didn't mean for this to turn into a mini illust, i was just gonna scribble a little bit, but i mean... hey. neat. teehee. i might post this separately once i have everything figured out. who knows. shrug.
ALSO: working on back-tagging for poke!ren and poke!ro, so once that's done and i'm 10000% sure i want to stick with those tags, i'll make a post with a few tags for potential blacklisting.
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soupedepates · 3 months
I gaze into the grey eyes of my tired lover.
"So you want to know?"
"Yes. Because I want to know you."
I smile and take her on my heart.
"I was born at the margin of a little town. Five kids reached maturity out of seven. I am the second one.
Although it was a city technically speaking, it felt like the countryside. We had hens in the backyard and two pigs.
Well, I met Tekla while playing outside with the neighbourhood's children. She was the daughter of the "weird lady in the woods". She was... odd. She always was.
I said first: "Go away, girls aren't allowed to play with us", you know, like a fool. Look at me now.
She took my younger brother's knife and started chopping her hair. She said then: "Now I am a boy like you, so I can play with you". For all of us, a girl should have long braids, and a boy should have an almost shaved head. To make it easier for mothers to fight against lice. So, of course, I shrugged and accepted her in our games.
If you're more of a hound, strong, fierce, and smarter than you seem, she was a rabbit. Easily frightened, but putting herself in danger all the time, with such eyes holding, in the honey of their irises, the mysteries of the universe. Her eyes were glittering gold in the sun and looked like raw honey otherwise. Big round eyes asking questions at everything. Her hair, once cut, couldn't be disciplined anymore. When it had regrew, it stayed a bushy mess.
I often called her an idiot hare. Because, you know, she knew she would get afraid, but did it anyway. And got paralysed by fear every single time.
When we started becoming more adults, I nicknamed her "bunny" fairly often. She gifted me my first dress. She was the only one who knew. I started to grow my hair because of her.
We got married at eighteen. We moved out quite far away; she wished to get away from her mother, who, for having met her a bunch of time, was a colossal bitch of a woman, and there were no place for me, no job I could pick up, and my older brother wanted me out of the house as soon as possible.
I never got along with him. We often fought. He used to find me too effeminate. Fuck, he was right. He did give me that scar. Don't worry, I broke some of his teeth and burst one of his eyes.
No, don't look at me like that. My father was a drunk and my mother was simple-minded, but we couldn't be called a bad-renowned family. They never laid hands on us. Never ever. And we were five hot-headed youths, always picking up fights. But we were honest people. My father worked at a workshop in the suburb, my mom worked for the same workshop, and we weren't rich by any mean, but neither were we poor. Lech was in an apprenticeship with the wheelwright. He just happened to be a dick. And as the only girl among four boys, even if they didn't know it, I had to be tougher than him. Mostly to piss him off.
So yeah. We got married and out of the town. We went near the ocean, in a small community. I worked on the fields and Tekla was a seamstress.
Oh, Tekla was a witch.
So yeah. I've never seen her sew, really. She cheated the system with her magic. She spent her time building us a home inside the cabin we bought with our savings.
I hunted to get meat on the table. I sold some of my venison, and we were starting to have quite a bit of money when I got her pregnant. We were, like, twenty. She wanted a child. I liked the idea of having a family before fixing my body. We had money for the baby, and we were stashing pieces for me to see a Love priest.
It was nowhere enough money, so I became a Hunter. Now we started to be a bit more comfortable. She carved herself the cradle.
Then... Well. It happened. I don't know how they knew, but they knew. First time I met the Inquisition. Someone had snitched on us - I knew who a bit later. They held me down on our bed and Tekla was crying and trying to escape their grip. There were eight of them.
I am strong. But three men were immobilising me. I struggled but was no match. I could scream at them. Did they even hear me? I don't think so. They forced her to let down her Glamour while threatening to kill our baby in her womb. But... They let me go without a mark. Tekla swore I never knew. She said she tricked me into believing she was a human. She lied to protect me.
They kept her in a cage next to their carriage for three days. With no food nor drink whatsoever. They got other witches in there. Poor girls. Some were barely teens.
Tekla said to me, the night before her death, while the stake was finally ready: "Don't cry, my little dove, I gave you all my love. I need you to be strong because I am so pitiful."
I was holding her feeble hand. She was shaking. My poor little bunny. Trapped in a cage. Famished. Dirty. Terrified. Still, she smiled. She needed me.
And she said: "Don't let go of my hand."
I didn't.
And she said: "You're beautiful. I am so happy to be loved by a beautiful woman."
I felt a weeping in my throat.
And she said: "Say you will save me. I beg you."
I couldn't lie.
And she said: "It's dark here, and I am scared."
Then the sun rose.
They tied her on the stake with the others. And they lit it on fire.
I saw her crying while her flesh was turning into ashes. While her bushy hair was caught in the flame.
And she ultimately stopped crying. She didn't have enough tears. I stayed strong. I stayed strong as she melted. She needed me to be strong.
When sun set, I found the snitch. I drew an arrow between his stupid eyes. He died on the spot. He should have suffered as much as Tekla suffered.
And I destroyed our home. With my bare hands. I shattered the cradle. Broke the toys. Tore all the clothes up. And the quilt too. Everything. It smelt like her and I was hoping to die here with her by the morning.
Early lights hit the threshold after a night of wailing. Pitiful, isn't it? I left forever furious. I wanted to reduce to shambles everything... Nothing mattered anymore, I was on my own now. And I only had to think about myself. I had to survive to spite them all off. I had to be better than them. I had to become egoistic, even if it meant losing the goodness in my heart. I was a dead girl walking, so why would I need a heart? It died while her skin melted...
Why are you crying?"
"It's tragic."
"It's me. I died this day. On the stake, next to her."
She holds me close.
"But with you, I feel like I'm alive again," I smile while stroking her hair.
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dragonmasterkaylz · 5 months
Lucifer’s Youngest Daughter Headcannons
Related to this~! And I’m sorry!
In terms of personality, she’s a lot like Fluttershy from M.L.P. She’s very kind and sweet, but also incredibly shy. She’s the type of girl to hide if any kind of conflict starts to brew. She may be one of the Princesses of Hell, but she doesn’t act like it.
She has naturally wavy blonde hair, along with a fringe that covers her eyes, to represent how shy she truly is. She has her Father’s eyes, but Lilith’s complexion. Like her eldest sister, she has wings, but only two gold ones. And in her Demon form, she has shorter horns than Charlie and she also has a Demon tail. She’s also shorter than Charlie and even shorter than her Father, which is cute.
But, don’t let her cuteness fool you, she can get angry, especially when it comes to her both her family and her Animal Friends. She becomes like Lucifer, when he’s angry, and no one wanted to be around that. Her eyes turned red and both of her wings start to glow pure Angelic Energy. She is extremely dangerous when she’s angry. That’s why Charlie’s glad it doesn’t happen very often.
“Argh!!! Crazy bitch!!!”
“How dare you…! Just because you have him on your leash, doesn’t mean you can treat him like that!”
Valentino looked up at the Princess, who was in pink and yellow, which matched her personality, but… not the mood she was in right now.
“First, you try to tempt my sister into this sick show… and then, I find out you’re horrible to my friend. You’ll pay for this!”
“H-How…?! You’ll kill me?!”
“Even worse…! I’m going to let Charlie give you a very thorough lesson on boundaries at the Hotel~!”
As the youngest Morningstar Daughter, she has always admired her big sisters. And she’s always supported Charlie’s dream from Day One. But as shy as she is, she was frightened of the patrons. All of them, except for Husk. She likes him, since he listens to her… even if she doesn’t drink. Husk doesn’t judge her for her choice of friends, either. Angeldust took note of this and asked Husk if he liked her, in that way. Husk… wasn’t impressed.
“So, what’s the deal with you and Shy Morningstar~? She talks to you a lot~”.
“Yeah, because I actually listen to her. If you haven’t noticed, whenever she talks, it’s like you can’t even hear her!”
Angeldust smirked and asked, “So, do ya like her… in that way~? I didn’t think she’d go for you!” Husk then growled and pushed him off the table. “I see her as a friend, nothing more, got that?!” “Oh. ‘Course ya do”.
When it comes to her Dad, she’s very supportive of his hobby. She makes ducks with him and also comes up with very creative ideas. Lucifer won’t ever have the heart to tell her if he doesn’t like a duck she makes, because of her pure soul. (Well, at least until she turns full Demon Mode, that is).
During the fight, she was shaking in fear and her older sisters were both worried about her. Until… Dazzle was killed by Lute. That broke her and it made her so angry, she couldn’t control herself.
Then tears ran down her cheeks and she sang, just as her Mother would, causing her wings turn go from gold to red as her eyes started to glow and her horns grew larger. Her cane transformed into a spear and she flew up, killing every Exorcist she saw. “Holy shit. Well, never underestimate the shy girl!” “Yeah… that is about right—woah! Fucking Christ! What the hell?”
She continued, right through until the battle was over and Lucifer had to stop her from going into Heaven to tear the Exorcists apart. “Calm down! Stop!!!” Her eyes turned back to normal, as did the rest of her and she turned around, crying into his coat. “Dazzle…! He was killed…!” Husk placed his paw on her shoulder as he said, “It’s alright. Don’t cry. It’s all over now”. “I-I… hope he’s okay. I hope he’s with Emily… in Heaven…”.
No one had the heart to tell her that Dazzle couldn’t go to Heaven, since he was Hellborn. They just let her keep dreaming about such happy things, especially… because the poor young girl was tired from the fight.
“We can’t tell her”.
“N-No! That’s just heartless, Dad!”
“Maybe… when she’s old enough?”
“We’re never telling her!!!”
In the end, Razzle and Keekee slept in the same bed as her, after the Hotel was rebuilt. They loved her, she loved them both too, and she was happy.
Hope you enjoyed this~!
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
i remember.
hi. this is some venty ass personal writing that i had to get out of my system. i might delete this in a bit bc i feel weird talking about it, but i also know that i have to just. get this out. and y'know maybe if i try to make something artsy out of this, at least it's worth something.
this is a lot. i do not expect anyone to read it. i also do not expect anyone (especially those of you who are younger) to comfort me about any of this. y'all are not my therapists, and the onus is not on you to be there for me. i'm not upset about this right now and i honestly just... need to get this out.
content warnings: child abuse, physical abuse of a partner, neglect, a brief reference to child sexual abuse, drug use/addiction, emotiomal abuse/gaslighting
when i was about seven years old, my ex mom was almost murdered by her drug dealer/boyfriend, and i saw it happen. it sounds a lot more dramatic than it was. it also sounds fake, even to me.
i don't remember most of it, especially not as a single event. it comes in bits and pieces in my memory. for most of my life, i was convinced it was a dream, a very strangely specific recurring nightmare with no basis in reality.
what did it matter that hearing arguing in the next room is enough to have me trembling like a frightened chihuahua, frozen in place yet overwhelmed with the need to hide? that seeing anger, even not directed at me, is terrifying? that's just me being a coward.
then, when i was sixteen, my aunt called me in tears, apologies tumbling from her lips as she begged for my forgiveness for not intervening sooner. i asked her what she meant, and she said that she and the rest of my ex mom's family knew i was in a dangerous, abusive environment, and yet none of them did anything until my ex mom's boyfriend attacked her. they knew, but they didn't want to get involved or make a big deal about it.
i reexamined that strange nightmare, the bits and pieces i know vs the ones she explained to me as i silently processed the reality that the adults in my life knew something was wrong but didn't act on it. it's certainly easier said than done to react to a situation like that, and apparently my mom asked them not to intervene, but still.
like i said, i don't remember a lot of that day. what i do remember comes to me in flashes, scattered and broken puzzle pieces that don't quite fit into a cohesive narrative until i look closer. sometimes i worry that there isn't a single story there at all, and i'll never really know everything about my own trauma.
i remember the weeks leading up to that incident (what a clinical term, so detached). weeks of my mom drifting in and out of reality, not really being there to take care of me. i missed school a lot. i didn't eat much. i was left alone quite a bit. my mom's boyfriend sometimes took care of me when he stopped by. i wish i remembered his name. his face. anything more than his hands.
i remember losing a baby tooth one day while eating breakfast while my ex mom and her boyfriend talked in the next room. i looked at the baby tooth in my palm and felt a rush of giddy excitement--how grown up losing a baby tooth made me feel--and i ran to tell them right away. they congratulated me with thin smiles and tight voices, and they asked me to go play in my room and let the adults keep having an important talk. my ex mom had tears in her eyes. her boyfriend's hand was clenched into a fist where it rested on the table.
i remember someone putting a hand on me between my legs, and i remember being scared. i remember that it hurt. i didn't know where my ex mom was, but i remember being told to keep it a secret with a warm smile and a wink. just between us. i remember being given a cupcake and told to watch cartoons for a while.
i remember endless days of my ex mom lying listlessly in the house, pupils blown wide as she laughed about nothing. my friends' parents never seemed to like her, but they never told me why. i spent a lot of nights at my friends' houses, i think.
i remember hearing an argument. my ex mom was screaming and crying. her boyfriend was screaming back. i was scared, but i wanted to make sure my ex mom was okay. this was a common enough occurrence that i didn't think anything was wrong, but i wanted to give her a hug.
i remember walking into the room and seeing my ex mom on the floor, her hands shielding her head as her boyfriend loomed over her. there was broken glass on the floor and the furniture was in disarray. i think she was bleeding. i asked what was happening. her boyfriend told me to go back to bed.
i remember my ex mom telling me to call for help, to call my grandparents.
i remember him moving to grab me before i could do that, hands reaching like jagged talons to snatch up my skinny little arms in a bruising grip.
i remember running back to my room and closing the door with a slam, locking it immediately. he followed, but he didn't try to break in. there was no phone in my room, after all. no need to worry i'd call someone.
i remember curling up on my bed and staring at the TV, trying to focus on cartoons to drown out the pounding of the blood in my ears.
i remember there being more shouting, furious and terrified screams shaking me and the house to our foundations. the front door slammed, and it was quiet. everything was silent. hours later, i got the courage to leave my room, and i saw my ex mom and her boyfriend were gone.
my ex mom was missing for at least a day, maybe longer. she was found later, broken and battered and barely alive, and taken to a hospital. she was delirious from the pain and there were talks of sending her to rehab while she dealt with the withdrawals from the cocktail of drugs in her system. before they could, she called my aunt and told her where i was.
my aunt came to get me some time later. she packed me a suitcase and drove me to my grandparents' house. for a few weeks, i stayed with them. i remember waking up before dawn every day to drive two hours to school, just to be berated by teachers who were furious i was too exhausted to pay attention. i remember not knowing where my ex-mom was. i remember being so scared all the time.
at some point, my ex mom left rehab. later, i found out that there were talks of sending me to foster care. my ex mom didn't want that to happen, because then my dad would know what happened, so she was going to take me back.
my aunt came back to talk to my grandparents. she spoke to them in a low voice, one i couldn't hear from the other room, and said they needed to get me out of there. for once, they decided not to stand idly by.
i remember a long drive to my dad, a whole state away. i remember him holding me tight, trembling with rage as my aunt told him what happened. i remember being confused, because no one told me where my ex-mom was. my dad told me not to worry about that.
years and years later, i asked my ex mom about all of this. (i wasn't yet calling her my ex mom, but soon i realized the term fit very well.) i asked what happened, and i asked why no one protected me. protected either of us.
she told me i was a liar, that i was a self-righteous, attention-seeking moron looking for sympathy by pretending i was abused. i didn't know what i was talking about, and i had to get over myself and understand that the world didn't revolve around me, the perfect little victim who never did anything wrong. i was against her, just like my aunt, just like my grandparents just like my dad. she just hoped i'd never go through anything like what she did, so i'd never have to realize that no one was going to help me.
(i was a fucking child, i wanted to scream. the words were stuck in my throat. i was a fucking child.)
we haven't spoken in years now.
i don't know how to end this. i call her my ex mom, but she's still out there. still connected to me, if perhaps very distantly. i don't know where she is anymore.
i don't know where i am either sometimes.
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onyx232323 · 10 months
An Adeptus' Last Wish- Zhongchi fic
More chapters here! <33
After the Gnosis incident, Childe decides to take a much-needed break away from Zhongli.
However, how was he supposed to react, when all of a sudden Lumine showed up outside his apartment sounding terribly mortified, "Childe......Zhongli.......Zhongli....is in grave danger."
Of course, he was going to do anything to help the dying man.
Sure, he still felt a lot of contempt for him, after what he did, but his heart still loved him.....
But, what he hadn't expected was the sudden wisp of golden light that somehow transported him during the times of the Archon War?!
What the FUCK?!
Chapter 16: Realizations, Transformations, and the Meaning of "Home" Pt. 5
A long time ago, a new star started to form, shaking everything in its wake. 
It was a small star. 
But from within such a minuscule star was an over-eager attitude, gentle to all those who deserved it, caring beyond all belief, loyal to a fault, stubborn as a mule and positively charming.
A vibrant fiery star that burned brighter than all those around it. 
And from the tiny speck of light, formed a constellation. 
Monoceros Caeli. 
They had called it. 
And from that constellation, a human boy was born. 
And as fate would have it, the boy born on that special day, under such a bright star was destined for things far greater than fate itself would have ever known. 
The human was born, a small warrior in the makings, from a big family in a small neighborhood against the sea, Morepesok. 
He was everything the star was, but his smile could not bear to be compared to the delicate light that shone from the small speck in the sky, it was beyond that.
It was brighter, and so was he. 
Unfortunately for the star, fate was a cruel double-sided sword. 
“GET OUT! Get the FUCK out!”
His father screamed, throwing the nearest vase he could get his hands on and throwing it at his head; a vase he narrowly avoided. It crashed on the wall, breaking into tiny shards which did not scar him at all, “No son of mine would ever be like that! What have you done with my son, you freak!” 
It was to be expected, he had not expected his father to be able to face something as disgusting as him. He knew it was no good, he knew what to expect. 
And yet, it still pained him. 
He scrambled at the doorknob, holding a small pack at his side filled with just enough supplies to last him a couple of weeks in such a cruel cold winter. He hastily opened the door, feeling the icy air hit his face. 
He glanced back at his father, drunk with rage, his face contorted with disgust. And yet, in his cold green eyes, he could see a small sting of disappointment and sorrow. 
Sorrow at loosing his son, Ajax's heart ached and he clenched his teeth to prevent them from chattering. Whether it was from the temperature or the immense sadness he felt, he did not know. 
He looked towards his mother, a small part of him wishing for the warm acceptance and welcome in her gentle amber eyes. But there was none of it seen in her frail body, as her face was hidden beneath her arms as she sobbed into them. The weight of the truth seemed to weigh down on her the greatest. 
His siblings stood by the door to their bedroom, staring at him with confused expressions, a frightened look evident in the way they clung onto each other. They all knew they would no longer have their dependable older brother, the last one remaining, after all the rest had left home. He saw the way they were desperate for him to stay, but he couldn't. 
What was done was done. 
He could no longer look back, only forwards. 
He bit back at the sting of guilt he felt, as he rushed out of the door and ran as fast as his dingy shoes could bear. 
The cold air stung his fingertips.
The weight of the truth, of his reality finally hit him as he felt his tears freeze over by the cold wind, his shaking form barely evident with the amount of adrenaline running through his veins, icy in its feeling. 
He knew he would be chased away from his home, he was well-aware of it. 
He was a monster, a disgusting creature, a disgrace, a freak.  
He shouldn’t have those kinds of feelings towards other men. He did not understand why he couldn’t only feel that way towards women. He had gone out with other women, and he had liked them just fine, but he had never loved them. 
He had never loved anyone. 
The only one he had ever had those feelings for. Feelings that drowned him before he even got the change to swim
The feelings that everyone always seemed to talk about having. 
He had them for his best friend since childhood. He had loved him, loved him even after he irritated him to no end, felt so strongly for him ever since the boy had cheered him up all those years ago, with a smile and a small starconch. 
He truly never left the boy’s side, always staying close to him. The boy had managed to pull him out from the darkest stage of his life, he saved him. 
He had saved Ajax from drowning in himself, his own emptiness, his own bitterness, his own disdain for the world. 
And before he knew it, the boy’s family became friends of his own; they were closer than ever. 
Best friends till death. 
‘Nothing could ever tear them apart’, he had foolishly thought, after spending the evening with the boy down by the oceanside, feeling the cold wind bite at his warm cheeks. 
He was wrong. 
As they aged, the boy started going out with girl after girl, and each and every time, it shredded his heart into pieces. His smile became wider, his attitude was better, and he gushed relentlessly about his new girlfriend; forcing him to listen to each and every thing. 
And afterwards, Ajax was forced to comfort the crying boy, who would clutch and claw at his shirt each and every time the relationship had ended. 
The boy was too good for them anyways, too kind-hearted, too compassionate and far too generous. 
But, Ajax never admitted to it, at least not outloud. 
He would only circle reassuring circles into his back as he sobbed out curses and silently whispered intelligible curses. He was forced to listen to it all, only humming until the boy calmed down; his own heart yearning and breaking into scattered pieces on the floor. 
And then the next week later, he would quickly move on and gush to Ajax about somebody else, and he was forced to compliment the next girl he knew would undoubtedly break his heart. 
Ajax distanced himself from the other boy, and at 15, he joined the wrong crowd. He began to avoid the boy at all costs, and began to sink into his own self-hatred and rage. 
He began to fight, pulling punches against everyone and anyone who crossed his path; even going as far as to take part in illegal fights for money (yet the money was never any real concern for him). He never denied anyone who challenged him, and always submerged himself into the rush of adrenaline and the dull pain he felt whenever he felt their fists and legs stab into him. 
Years went by, and their relationship never truly was the same. 
And before either of them knew it, they were adults already. 
And Ajax’s feelings never waned, they couldn’t. 
They couldn’t especially not after the man smiled like that, too bright and warm. 
His friend announced his engagement and warmly gushed about his fiance, the one and only for him, the love of his life. 
And Ajax was forced to meet the woman himself. 
She was boisterous, loud, and cheerful; just like him. And, just from looking into her fond eyes, he could tell she loved him so much. 
They were perfect together, complimented each other so well. 
Ajax would never compare. 
They got married when Ajax was 29.
The ceremony was lovely. 
The bride looked gorgeous with her dress, her blond hair was neatly decorated in a small braided crown, with a beautiful beaded kokoshnik. And the groom looked just as excellent, with his own tailored outfit, his own blond hair styled impeccably. 
He didn’t care to stay for the small gathering they were having afterwards, he couldn’t care to do so. If he did, he was sure he would burst into tears. 
He distanced himself from the man, and slowly entered a mourning period of sorts. 
He never left his own room, only writing letter after letter depicted his sorrow and endless feelings for the man. Each letter was stuffed into the fireplace, to burn and he would move onto the next. 
But, unfortunately for him, one of his many letters had slipped past his fingers and landed underneath his bed. 
His mother had found it, after she had cleaned out his room, claiming that it was too cluttered. 
He was 30, when they found out and questioned him about it. 
With no meaning to his already miserable life, he admitted to it. His family shut him out, kicked him out, and the disappointment in their eyes was enough for him to grab his things and leave. 
He had awaited for the day they would find out, and had safely stored up a pre-packed bag he had made the day after the wedding, knowing his secret was bound to come up to the surface. 
After hiding it for most of his life, he was sure it was bound to come out. 
But, now that was shivering in a stranger's house, hidden beneath a thin blanket, he felt a deep sense of regret and loneliness. 
Why couldn’t he just shut up when he had a chance to? 
If he had not written his most kept secret, one that he kept close to his chest, one that he would take to the day of his death, he would have been fine. 
He would have a warm home to come to after a long day, a warm house with warm food, a family always there for him, joyous laughter and memories. 
And now, he was out into the world, a lone man, with no one to turn to. 
He was alone in the world now. 
But, all the same, he couldn’t do it anymore, the secret was eating away at his very soul. It was eating away at him, it was urging him to spill it all out. 
So, he shivered into the thin blanket and let sleep overcome him.  
The following day, he set off in earnest, waving goodbye to the old lady (who had accepted him in her cottage, after she saw him shivering outside), leaving a small beaded necklace behind as a small thanks. 
He had no idea as to where he was headed, most of the land outside was foreign to him. After all, he worked as a ice-fisherman along with his father and mostly sold to the market in the nearest town over. 
And so, the work was inside of Morepesok, and even then, he had never considered leaving his homeland for some other foreign land ever before. However, he couldn’t stay there any longer, if the rest of the townspeople found out about his deviant interests….he would get promptly executed. 
The people in his small town had just started to worship a new deity that was sent down by Celestia herself. She was still small and barely a wisp of pure energy, but they still worshiped her beyond comprehension, even going as far as to kill anything that got in the way of her mandate, even if the small wisp had not even fully developed yet. 
They still worshiped her, and put her supposed ‘principles’ above all else; principles they themselves had formed in her name. 
It was foolish, but who was he to say anything about it? 
He huffed out a sigh before he marched towards a random direction, only stopping when night fell or when he ran out of rations. 
Before he knew it, he had crossed countless mountains, rivers, and small developing nations. 
He saw beautiful scenery, grass that varied with its intense colors and vibrancy, people of different places with different eyes and hair, and languages that were incomprehensible to his ears. 
And that was how he had landed in a small developing town, in a land far from his, with temperate weather, welcoming people, and omnipotent adepti.  
He had first learned about the adepti through word of mouth, from a person that originated from Morepesok just like him, who could speak Liyuean and understand it. 
They were powerful mythical beasts, who had formed as a result of the pure elemental energy that had been sent down by Celestia herself. They were born to serve their people, to guide them, to protect them, to help them in their conquest for more knowledge and technological advancements. 
They were fierce warriors capable of blasting holes through the ground themselves, capable of demolishing anything they came across if they had so desired it. And at the center of these warriors was a brutal and unforgiving leader, who did not spare anything, no sympathy or empathy for the people he was sworn to protect. A leader who had an intelligent and gentle right hand, who had nothing but empathy and kindness to every single being that she crossed paths with. 
These were the kinds of tales that were gossiped amongst the small group of foreigners that crossed over to run away or to sell their wares. 
Ajax was not so certain he wished to meet these omniscient adepti, even the most gentle of the bunch. He had settled down to live an ordinary life, to live out the rest of his days in utter peace and quiet, he did not want any sort of excitement to cross his path. 
He did not want something as stupid as love to ever impact him, ever again.  
And so, he threw himself into the market and sold countless knick knacks and toys made from dried bamboo strips and jewelry crafted from preserved conches and sea glass. 
He did his best to stand clear from forming any meaningful connection with any of the people living in the town, and only sparked up small talk with the merchants every now and then in order to not go crazy with the lack of human contact. 
Now, the one thing he had appreciated about Liyue was how far advanced they were in their technology, as opposed to his small town. 
They had formed irrigation systems, wagons for transportation, weapons he had never seen before, projectiles, fireworks, paper, iron tassels as money, etc. 
They were highly developed, all thanks to their beloved Bodhisattva, Guizhong.  
She was gentle in all accounts of her told by word of mouth. A goddess bestowed upon the people who offered great insight and great kindness. She was everything humanity needed, and never deserved. 
She personally developed new ideas and was a prodigy in the field of engineering, always popping out with new blueprints to fix the inventions they already had. She stubbornly refused to believe that the inventions were great like they were, and always sought out ways to improve her work. She was impressive, a genius, a being filled with nothing but positive regard to those who did not deserve it. 
Ajax had heard the stories from countless people, of the way she forgave those who did not deserve it. The way she could change people just with a simple smile sent their way. The way she could make even the most vile being believe in the existence of goodness all over again. The way she could instill hope in those who were too stubborn to admit they had it. 
Ajax hoped he would never meet her. 
It wasn’t anything against her, she sounded great, and was part of the reason he was able to settle down in their small village. However, as good as she was, he did not want to meet her. 
He was afraid she would grant him foolish hope, as she did with her countless devotees. 
He was vile, putrid, a being incapable of change. 
Even her benevolent presence could not grant him forgiveness in the eyes of Celestia. 
He silently prayed to Celestia above that he would never meet her. 
Business was going slow as per usual, a couple of foreigners had arrived after hearing about the new settling village and came to see what the buzz was all about. 
Ajax had set up his stand as usual, setting a nice blue colored mantle across the small cart, and carefully peppered his various jewelry and toys on the table. 
His cart was not the most popular one in the market, but it did attract customers, so he wasn’t complaining too much. He had a decent line of customers at his stand, all eagerly eyeing up the assortment of goods he had, bags at the ready to buy whatever peeked their fancy. 
He had picked up jewelry making after his mother. 
During the less colder months, she would walk where the sea met their land, and would pick up any sea conches and sea glass she could spot and place them in a small bag. Then, she would force Ajax and his siblings to help her craft jewelry out of the materials she had collected. 
She taught them the art of jewelry making, and used various techniques passed down by her own mother. It was a tedious task, as they each carefully made holes in the various stones and shells using a small knife to drill into them until they could each be threaded into a necklace or an earring. 
Then, after she deemed each of their work acceptable, she would carefully place them back into her bag and would later sell them at the market. 
It was one of the things he had taught him as a young kid, before she had ignored him and carried on with her chores. 
Each of the foreigners picked up different items as they all hurried to pay for each item, as Ajax accepted their money and carried on to the next person. 
Most of his jewelry was gone by the afternoon, he guessed he had calculated how much the foreigners would appreciate his jewelry. Usually, the everyday townsperson would brush off his cart and move onto the next.  
But, he guessed that had to do with the fact that people preferred to spend their time looking at more practical items.
The people who came to his small cart pushed off to the side where foreign travelers who wanted a souvenir, children accompanied by their exasperated parents, and those who wished to give something to someone whenever a special occasion arose. 
Otherwise, his cart mostly stayed unoccupied. 
He appreciated the good sales he had managed to produce from his hard work, and was about to start packing up to go home when he heard a voice greet him. 
“Hello, Gongzi! How much are these?” 
He looked up, to meet a beautiful woman with a chipper smile. 
She was average in height, and looked to be no older than Ajax. Her skin was slightly tan, presumably from working under the hot sun for hours on end. And on her body, was an extravagant white qixiong ruqun with dainty blue iris flowers embroidered on. Her long brown hair was tied up into a bun, held by a strange looking hair stick, one that housed strange geometric looking designs, something foreign to his eyes. 
Her eyes were a beautiful grayish-brown, and seemed to produce nothing but kindness and gentility as she stared at Ajax as if he was the most important thing to her; but even so, not an inch of humanity was painted in her eyes. 
There was something off about them, inhumane, foreign, he couldn’t place them. 
But, a customer was a customer, so he brushed off the thought and hurriedly looked at the piece she was pointing towards.
It was a pair of rings. 
One of them was made using a bit of wire he had bought not so long ago, and had carefully shaped it so that it could form a ring, and then, he carefully threaded a couple of blue shells and light blue sea glass through to the center and then closed it. The centerpiece of that ring was a light blue piece of sea glass, and surrounding it were a couple of blue shells that surrounded the piece of sea glass. 
That particular piece was a part of a set, along with earrings and a necklace, but those were bought separately by a lady who did not have enough money to buy the ring. He smiled at her, and quietly packed the necklace and earrings before he handed them to her. 
He later told her that he would make her a ring just like it if it sold out, otherwise if it didn’t he would store it for her. She waved a hand at him and promised to come back at a later time to commission him for the ring. 
The other one was made using a couple of cor lapis he had been gifted by one of his acquaintances. It was a gorgeous orange that had an iridescent shine to it whenever the sunlight would hit. And while it was very hard to cut and then drill a hole through it, it was one of his best sellers he had to say. The other pieces of jewelry he had made using the very same stone, had sold out as soon as he could blink. 
He had also used a piece of wire to thread them through in order to create a ring out of them. On the ring itself, he placed a large stone in the center and placed smaller stones around it. 
It was a gorgeous piece, one that he would take for himself…if he didn’t have to sell them in order to sustain himself. 
“Oh, these. They are worth about 50 iron tassels each.” 
The woman did not budge when she heard the price (whenever he told the prize to the customers, they would usually attempt to haggle and bring the prize down, or they would ask to see a cheaper option). But, this woman simply nodded before she looked at them carefully and smiled.
She looked back up to him, and gave a large grin, “I’ll take ‘em!” 
She opened up a small embroidered bag, with disorderly embroidery on it, which seemed to be done by a novice. The stitching was off a bit, and it seemed to be hastily made, as if the person ran out of patience and quickly went to have it done. 
He hoped whoever had gifted the bag to her, would reimburse her for the terrible embroidery on her bag. 
She took out 100 tassels and handed them to him. He carefully took them, counted them and carefully handed the rings to the woman, “Thank you for your patronage. Come again next time, Miss.” 
The woman nodded, and once she got the rings she carefully inspected them, with a sheer admiration in her eyes. 
She turned back towards Ajax and asked, “Did you make these yourself, Gongzi?” 
“Ah, yes. I make each and every piece here myself.” 
The admiration swelled up in her eyes as she gazed at the rings, “I see! Just where did you pick up the ability to do them?’ 
Celestia above! He did not want to tell this random lady his entire life’s story, but her persistence and genuine curiosity made it difficult to reject her. 
So, he didn’t. 
“My mother taught me, it is a skill that was passed down through the generations….at least that’s what she told me,” his tone was filled with bitterness, as the memory of his mother shutting him out passed through his mind. 
The woman seemed to pick up his sadness as she smiled sadly before she placed the rings into her embroidered bag, “Well, if that’s the case. I will make sure to properly take care of ‘em, I promise you Gongzi.”
Her strange promise unsettled him.  
And it even unsettled him further when he saw the slight sadness that colored her eyes, he felt a strange unease crawl up his back. Her eyes were piercing through him, filled with sympathy and a dull-understanding. 
He didn’t like the pity that came off of her in waves, so he simply gave a large grin and waved her off, “You don’t have to promise me anything, Miss. They are yours and your husband's now.” 
Her expression filled with mirth as she shook her head, “I see, thank you…but I don’t have a husband. I am just….saving them for someone is all.” 
That was equally as strange. But, then again, it was not any of his business what his customers did with his jewelry or his knicknacks, as long as they paid him, he did not care. 
He nodded, “Alright, well in that case, may your friends enjoy my jewelry.” 
She gave him a strange look before her smile filled with mirth once more, as she nodded, “I’m sure they will….Well, goodbye then, Gongzi! I hope to see you around sometime!” 
He waved her goodbye as she marched off happily, immediately fluttering to another stand, with her chipper attitude back in full force. 
He felt strange after the interaction with the woman, but he shook the memory off and made a mental note to go and look for some more materials. 
He was running out of shells, sea glass, and bamboo wood. So, with that in mind, he packed up his cart, placed it inside of his home and hurried over towards the beach.
The other thing he enjoyed about the settling village was the gorgeous beaches that surrounded the land. 
They were untouched by settlers, unscathed by human hands, and filled with gorgeous sea life and vibrant flowers. The beach's sand was white, and peppered near the shore were countless sea conches, sea glass, and seaweed. 
He walked towards the shore and breathed a sigh. 
The air that washed over him was pleasant, as the slightest smell of sea filled his lungs. It smelled soothing, like the lullabies his mother would sing to him as a small child. 
He loved the beach near the village. 
It offered a break from the mundaneness of his life, the boredom and bitter loneliness that covered his person at all hours of the day. As felt the cool water wash over his legs, and heard the crashing waves, all of his loneliness would simply float away with the water. 
It was a sweet escape from his life, an escape from his thoughts, an escape from his mind. 
He breathed in once more, before he opened his eyes and hurried to collect the multi-colored sea glass that washed near the shore. 
They were beautiful, colors that he had never seen before, some darker than others, some brighter than others, others iridescent in their color. 
Something about the countless sea glass laid on top of one another, and the feeling of them on his hands made something in him feel at ease. It was soothing to him, and he loved the way his eyes took in the different colors all over the ground. 
He picked up the most vibrant and eye-catching ones, ideas floating through his mind on his next piece. And tossed the ones that were too dull towards the sea, watching the way they would skip for a bit before submerging. 
After collecting some of them, he began to look for sea conches, closer to the sea line. 
There were many of them, sprinkled about the sea line, some blue, some purple, some white, and some a combination of colors. He carefully picked up some of the ones that caught his eye, before he threw the ones that were broken and carefully placed the ones that were still living back in the ocean. 
After he did that, he bid the ocean farewell, and moved towards the woods. 
The woods that housed bamboo were a few ways away from the village, and so, he began towards the forest. 
The road towards that particular forest was rocky and steep. He had to climb up and down several mountains before he could get to bamboo. 
He hated how far he had to travel to get his bamboo, but, considering he could not spend another tassel on the bamboo sold in the market, he began to climb. 
Unfortunately for him, he had miscalculated how steep and torrid the path would be. His poor shoes were barely clinging on for dear life, as he felt sweat drip down his eyebrow, and the weight on his shoulders was beginning to feel uncomfortable on his shoulders. 
The ground was slippery, narrow and unstable, one misstep and he could fall down and injure himself. 
And so, he carefully took each step, and swore lightly when he felt the ground slip underneath him. 
But, even though the dirt loosened, he kept going. 
And going.  
And going.  
And going.  
He stepped on a loose rock, and before he could say anything he felt the adrenaline come through his veins as he felt forwards, sliding down the mountainside. 
He attempted to cling onto any loose branch, but it all slipped through his fingers as he kept falling. 
He tumbled down the mountain, and felt as his head hit against a harsh stone. 
And then everything went dark. 
He heard a distressed voice come towards him, it was a gentle feminine voice. It sounded familiar, but he couldn’t really place it. 
His head throbbed with pain, as he felt groggy, as the pain of all of his muscles and tendons collapsed all at once. 
And yet, he couldn’t scream, only letting out a small groan as he felt the pain settle on his muscles. 
He only managed to open his eyes, to see a pair of familiar eyes staring widely at him, with a pair of eyes he didn’t recognize. 
And yet. 
Somewhere, deep in his heart, he knew it would be alright. 
When he woke up, he was greeted by a dull headache and a familiar face staring back at him. 
His head was throbbing, and a sharp pain stung his lower back and feet. It was enough to jolt him awake. 
The pain had him groaning, and twisting in the sheets. The sound was enough to make the face staring at him place a hand on his shoulder, preventing him from moving. 
“Don’t move, you’ll hurt yourself more.” 
It was clearly a woman’s voice, and her voice was light, stern, and filled with the slightest bit of concern. 
He could not make out the face of the woman, as his vision was still blurry, but even so, he could tell he had not seen her before. 
When Ajax’s eyes finally focused clearly on the woman’s face, he finally made out her face. Her hair was tied back and held by a fancy hairpin, but it was an odd color, a dark blueish-green. Her features were sharp at the corners, giving the illusion of a soft handsomeness to her. Her eyes were sharp and assessing, and they had no humanity inside them. She had a blank expression as she stared back at him, but he could tell she was slightly concerned. 
He attempted to sit up, but the movement seemed to be too strenuous to his weak state, and he yelped out in pain. His body was not prepared to move that much since his terrible fall, it seemed, and it was evident. 
The woman frowned and placed her hand on his chest and led him down slowly onto the bed, “Do not move…You took a nasty fall and injured yourself pretty badly…It was honestly a miracle that you did not perish from the impact….How are you feeling?” 
She was hesitant with her words, strangely cautious around him. He shrugged off her expression and attempted to form a sentence, “…aw-ful…” 
Her frown deepened as she grabbed his wrist gently and placed two fingers on it, she hummed a bit before she placed his wrist back down to his side, “That is to be expected, you fell 30 meters from the mountainside. It is very strange for a human to be able to even survive a fall that high and only come out of that with minor injuries.”
Ajax nodded as well as he could and she continued, “It was good that shijie was able to get to you in time. Otherwise, I am not so sure you would have lived, human.” 
He was not sure what to say to that, so he didn’t say anything. He was going to thank her for saving him, but he was sure it was not her that saved him, if her words already did not indicate that she was not his savior. 
Not a moment longer, another woman came bursting in the strangely shaped door, “A-Ping! How is he? Is he up-” 
It was the strange woman from the market. 
However, this time, two large horns protruded from the top of her head. 
She seemed to notice him and rushed over, “Ah! Gongzi! How are you feeling? Are you well, do you need anything? Do you feel pain anywhere? Do-” 
The other woman placed a placating arm on the woman’s shoulder and sent her a look. It seemed to be effective in shutting the woman up, as she quieted down and cleared her throat. 
An awkward minute passed as the three of them stared awkwardly at each other, not sure what to say. 
Finally the strange woman spoke up, breaking the silence once and for all, “Right! Where are my manners? I have not introduced myself yet. I’m Guizhong, but you can call me jie-jie!”  
Guizhong gestured to the other woman, “You may call me…Madam Ping..” 
Ajax nodded, and was about to introduce himself when something suddenly struck him. 
All of a sudden, his brain seemed to finally start working again, as he thought about the information presented to him and paused…wait …
What did she say? 
He groaned loudly internally as the information all came crashing down on him. Of course he had to meet the one person he wished to never meet! Celestia truly and undoubtedly hated him and cursed him with terrible luck! 
He stiffly nodded as he stifled back a grimace, “...…name..…Ajax. ” His voice was sore and dry, as he attempted to force out the words from his mouth. 
Guizhong smiled as she took in the information, “Ajax? What an interesting name! I’ve never heard of anything like that before….Are you perhaps a…foreigner?” 
He nodded, earning a small smile from her, “How interesting! There are not many foreigners inside of our small village, especially none with such a vibrant hair color! Tell me, did you inherit such a beautiful hair color from your mother or father?” 
He did not know what to reply to that, so he just stayed quiet. His hair was a sensitive topic for him, it was an odd color, even in the place where he lived. 
He was the only one who had it in his entire family, a rare genetic trait he had inherited from his father’s side of the family. He felt even more like an outsider because of it, but it also meant that nowadays his stall was visited a bit more because of his appearance, and what he knew was good looks. 
He could count on one hand the numerous older ladies who had stopped near his stall and offered to set him up with their daughters and granddaughters. Not to mention the amount of women who also shamelessly offered to do a bit more than just date him…
An awkward minute passed and the silence was thick enough to slice with a knife. 
Guizhong stayed quiet as she stared nervously at Madam Ping who stayed in the corner of the room, with her arms crossed, leaning against the wall. 
Madam Ping lifted herself from the wall and walked over to Guizhong before putting an arm on her shoulder, “We should leave him be for the time being, shijie. He must be tired from such a fall, it’s best we come back later once he’s well-rested.” 
Guizhong nodded as she waved goodbye to Ajax and shut the strange looking door behind her with a flick of her wrist. 
And the two odd women were now out of the room, leaving more questions raised than answered. 
Ajax groaned into the mattress as he felt the full weight of what had just transpired on his shoulders. 
He had recklessly fallen on a trail he had been on several times, he had fallen 30 meters from the mountain, he had somehow managed to survive it all with minor injuries and was discovered with the beloved Bodhisattva Guizhong and was somehow being taken care of by her. 
Just what sort of shit luck has been bestowed upon? 
Surely nothing could be worse than this! 
Well…needless to say, he was wrong. 
It could get worse. 
It most definitely could get worse. 
A few weeks had gone by. 
And since then, he had started to know about Guizhong and Madam Ping. 
As well as the rest of the adepti, although, when it came to them, he mostly just heard what Guizhong had to say about them. 
Apparently, the rest of the adepti were extremely discriminatory against humans and steered clear from them at all costs. Although, that did not stop Guizhong from trying to coerce them to interact with humans more and more. And it wasn’t like they listened to her anyways. 
They did not wish to meet with the new human that their Goddess had picked up and decided to take care of.
That much was evident. 
And it wasn’t like Ajax wanted to meet them either, he was already involved with their beloved Goddess, he most certainly did not want to be involved with infamous warriors that could most certainly make his life worse. 
When he was younger, he was sure he would have been over the moon with their presence. And would most certainly ask to spar against them, wanting to test the limits of his own power. 
But, ever since he had stopped competing in illegal fights and stopped displacing his anger towards any unsuspecting person. He no longer felt the drive to test the limits of his body, no longer felt the need to beat every single person inside of the rink. 
He just wanted a simple life, Celestia above! 
Everyday they would come into his room and check on his injuries as well as bring him something to eat or drink. He could not exactly complain too much about the treatment, he did not want to think about what could happen should he refuse their generosity. 
He knew that neither Madam Ping nor Guizhong were threats to his safety, but even so, he was still equally cautious. As both of the adepti had lived years and years, far more than he has and ever will. 
And with that, they had also killed hundreds of people, at least Madam Ping had. He found out that Guizhong was not much of a fighter, and preferred to help from the sidelines. But even so, they still had the blood of others on their hands, directly or indirectly. 
And even if he was not weak himself, he would surely not be able to go up against adepti. 
He no longer had a goal he wanted to accomplish, no real purpose. His business was merely a distraction from the dull normalcy of his life. 
He never really had a purpose either, not since he was a kid. 
He had given up on real wishes and dreams a long time ago, mostly all of his drive and ambition had simmered down the more he aged. He was nothing but a boring man in his early 30’s, wanting nothing more than for death to take him once and for all. 
He had given up on his life a while ago. 
And so, he did not mind the fact that they were taking care of him, not at all. He had missed the feeling of someone taking care of him, without any ulterior motives. He liked their company, even if their conversations were many times sparse and awkward. 
It was a nice breath of fresh air from his mundane life, and a much needed break from it as well. 
Guizhong was very lively and cheery, and everything people had described her as, and even better too. She was brilliant, crafty, and extremely kind-hearted; he had never met someone with such a heart of gold before her. 
She was pure in her intentions and wanted nothing more than peace and serenity at the end, and showed Ajax with pure pride in her eyes the new flower she was working on. 
Madam Ping on the other hand was more subdued, calm and quiet. However, she was better than what people described her as. She was just as kind-hearted as Guizhong, but just in a quieter way. She was patient, and she played peaceful and melodic music on the nights where Ajax could not sleep. But even so, she was a fierce warrior and guarded herself from those far better than Guizhong could. 
His life was strangely peaceful now, as the pains in his joints and back started to slowly lessen more and more. And he found he could move around a lot more, without that much pain and strain. 
He was improving, and it should have made him feel relieved. 
It didn’t. 
He did not want to leave this comfortable and soothing environment, a contrast to his lonely and miserable house, which felt more like a prison half of the time anyway. 
He met the strange man he had seen with Guizhong, not soon after she had come in to fill him in on the news of her new plans for the future. 
She had finished talking to him enthusiastically about the new buildings and machines she was working on and how they would have the potential to benefit more and more people; when, someone burst through the door. 
He was half-naked, his strange shirt ripped in half, blood seeping through it staining the shirt a dark red. It was clear he had been in a fight, and a potentially deadly one judging from the large flash across his chest.
His face was frantic, feral, and vicious as he scanned the area, obviously looking for someone. He was dressed in a strange ensemble of clothes; it was a white tunic-like outfit, with strategic cutouts to showcase dark geometric patterns on his skin. 
His hair slipped past his shoulders loosely, the tips of which glowed a dim yellow-ish light. On top of his head, there was a pair of horns, long and sharp. His eyes were serpent-like, and glowing like lava. 
It was evident he was another adeptus.
But, something about him felt different; it was unlike Guizhong or Madam Ping. 
He felt omnipotent, omniscient, powerful and domineering. As if he could snap and crush bones with the slightest tap of his fingers if he so wished it. 
His gaze slightly softened when his eyes landed on Guizhong, none of the harshness was there when he saw her. 
But that changed when he spotted Ajax. 
In an instant, his expression grew cold as he quickly yanked Guizhong away from the bed and behind him. 
The man snarled as he swiftly came close to Ajax before he grabbed him by tightly the throat, eyes pinning him down, as he growled out, “Who are you?” 
Ajax was startled by the man, but did not say anything. 
His might and power were all-encompassing, as if he was being pinned down by divine power; he had never felt anything like it ever before. 
Even if the man before him would kill him, he would be fine with it. It wasn’t like he was actively pursuing death, not at all, he just wouldn’t mind it if he did die. 
Perhaps death was a much better outcome than the painful emptiness of his chest? 
He fell limp in the adeptus’ grip and felt himself grow light-headed as the adeptus squeezed his throat with one hand. In a few moments perhaps he could taste the sweet release of death, if only the adeptus would squeeze hard enough for his neck to crack…
Guizhong grabbed Morax’s hand and attempted to yank it off of Ajax’s throat, her eyes filled with fear, “Morax! Stop! He’s the human we rescued, remember? The one you carried here!” 
Morax’s expression faltered and he withdrew his hand from his neck, as if he had been scalded by hot iron. 
His dilated pupils turned back into their regular slits and he gazed back towards Guizhong, bowing his head slightly in regret, “..Sorry.. ”
Guizhong sighed heavily before she patted his shoulder, “You shouldn’t be saying sorry to me, silly dragon! You should say sorry to our poor guest, he’s probably frightened out of his mind because of what you did!” 
The adeptus no longer looked scary, in fact he looked sort of endearing with the way he bowed his head down; he looked exactly like his younger siblings whenever they got scolded by their mother. 
Ajax felt amusement bubble up in his chest and let out a small chuckle at the display. The small chuckle then evolved into laughter and soon he was clutching his chest as he let out broken laughs. 
Morax turned to face him, a bewildered expression on his face as he saw the man burst into a fit of laughter. Guizhong lifted an eyebrow, seeing the way the adeptus’ expression had twinkled as he saw the cackling red-haired man. 
For a moment she knew exactly why her poor Shizun had such a star-struck expression on his face; he looked…gorgeous…. his head was thrown back in laughter, his smile wide and free, his laughs themselves were loud and contagious. 
A moment passed and Guizhong let out a small sigh before she came close to him. 
Guizhong turned towards him and gently inspected his throat, she winced when she looked at it. 
Ajax guessed it must have been bad, if it warranted such a strong reaction from her. 
She turned towards Morax and sent a glare his way before she carefully applied some ointment to his throat and sighed, “Next time, don’t be so aggressive towards mortals, Morax. Haven’t I told you before that their bodies are not as resistant as ours, just another press of your arm and you would have cracked his neck in half….Now sit down…I need to check your wounds.”
Morax did not say anything, but seemed to take her words to heart as he sat down obediently on the nearest chair. 
Ajax felt Morax’s gaze seering into him, even after that. 
It burned. 
The months went by, and the more he got to learn about Morax. 
He was clumsy, he could not watch his strength even though he tried to, he had the emotional intelligence of a firefly, he was extremely loyal to a fault, and he always got injured in battle. 
And on top of all of that, he was also Rex Lapis, the same Rex Lapis everyone always talked about in hushed whispers. 
At first, Morax was extremely awkward and cautious around Ajax, but soon enough he started to divulge more and more information about himself. 
And before Ajax knew it, he started to grow fond of Morax, and soon winter strolled by. 
He could walk by then, and properly thanked Guizhong after mustering up enough courage to say it outloud. She refused to accept any payment and did not want him to pay her back anyways, but he still accepted that he would be forever in her debt. 
However, he could not muster the courage necessary to leave the comfortable shack in the woods, not at all. 
He was too comfortable for his own in the shack, he was growing attached to the adepti there; he did not want to leave. 
So he didn’t. 
And instead started to live in the small shack alongside Guizhong, working nearly everyday, and even teaching her how to make the jewelry she so loved. Madam Ping taught him how to play her guzheng, and was more and more open to share more of herself to him as well. 
And then in spring, he finally realized the extent of his feelings towards Morax. 
The man had dropped by the shack, and was awkwardly holding a pile of various flowers. His face was blank, but Ajax had become fluent in Morax to know that he was nervous. 
He came up to the work bench Ajax was busy chipping away at the various sea glasses on it, and he placed the pile of flowers messily to the side of his work. 
They were gorgeous, and they were clearly picked with their beauty in mind, but were still more or less covered in the dirt they used to reside in. They were a variety of red tulips, yellow tulips, calla lilies, red carnations, white roses, and some glaze lilies as well. 
Ajax blinked at the flowers before he looked up towards Morax, “...Are these….for me?” 
“Mn…for you, all for you,” Morax pushed them awkwardly closer to him. 
Ajax felt pure endearment swell up inside of him as he gazed at the Prime Adeptus, a strange giddiness rose up in his chest and the same all-encompassing warmth sent shivers down his entire body. 
Oh no.  
The burning feeling rose up in his chest, and he resisted the urge to lunge forward and embrace the man in a searing kiss of passion. 
He had fallen in love. 
Before they knew it, they had begun a relationship. 
They had kept their relationship secret, but it was quite obvious in the knowing looks Guizhong sent his way and the way that Madam Ping would keep handing them scentless oil and ointment for pain that could be used for internal reasons…ahem…
The years progressed, and before they had known it, Ajax had become one of the adepti. 
He had wanted to be transformed into one of them, immortal. So that he could stay with Morax forever, and so that he could serve him in battle as well. 
Ajax was strong in battle, a force to be reckoned with. He had managed to fully harness and develop his skills in battle after having trained with Morax himself. 
Most of the adepti had reluctantly accepted him (more like tolerated him), but there was one among all of them that absolutely despised his guts. 
His name was Xiao, and he was one of the newest upcoming Yaksha. 
He had been rescued after Morax had pulled him out of his previous Lord’s cruel control, and ever since Xiao had become fiercely loyal to Morax. 
Basically following around like a stubborn puppy, and because of this he grew intensely protective over his Lord. 
He had not trusted Ajax, not at all. And had voiced how much he disliked him, even if Ajax did his best to make it up to him. 
Xiao would always challenge Ajax to a duel and would always without a doubt grumble a complaint after he would lose. But for some reason, his stubbornness prevailed and he would find every way to gain approval from Rex Lapis at all turns. 
Even going as far as to brag like the brat he was, whenever Rex Lapis paid him any attention. 
However, after some time, Ajax gave up competing with Xiao for his lover’s own attention. And soon realized that Xiao was not doing it in order to spite him (though that was part of the reason why), he was doing it because he thought that Morax would abandon him and leave him to the cruel god.
And soon, Ajax realized that the Yaksha reminded him of his younger self in a way. And so, he started to grow fond of the Yaksha, and would even go as far as to make sure he was doing alright and that he ate properly. 
And soon enough, many other Yaksha started to join, and soon enough Xiao was not the only one. He was surrounded by many other comrades that he could fall back on, and Ajax was happy to see him get along with others as well. 
And after they had joined, there was a little girl that was found, all alone. 
And soon they had taken her in, Ganyu was her name. 
And soon enough, there were more of them. Ganyu grew up to be a formidable soldier in her own regard, and was a better bow wielder than Ajax was. Ajax had even taught her how to make bracelets and such out of flowers and had even taught her how to make jewelry from sea glass and shells too. 
But then, as soon as happiness strolled around for them all. 
Disaster seemed to come as well. 
It was 2 years after they had visited Khaenri'ah, after having marveled at the great technological advances of the people and how far they were coming from a small growing village to this. 
Guizhong and Ajax had danced away, to the many welcoming people in this relatively big town. 
Guizhong had talked with some of the humans and shared ideas to do with their technology and even put some of her own knowledge on it. 
Soon after, Guizhong handed them matching rings, rings which Ajax instantly recognized as those which she had bought from him years ago.
She had sought to have them married, years prior to when they knew of their love for one another.
She truly was all-knowing, wasn't she? 
They did, and after the first traditional ceremony from what they were starting to call Liyue, they did a traditional ceremony from Ajax’s own homeland. 
These were happy times, and Ajax could still taste the tears from his own eyes as he cried in joy and happiness. He was happy, and he was content. 
Somebody loved him. 
Many people loved him. 
He was worth love, he had earned it. 
He could still taste the Osmanthus wine and the various sweets and savory meals he had at his wedding. 
But happy times did not last. 
They never did. 
A war broke out between the Gods. 
They were somehow corrupted by a miasma of sorts, and death after death followed soon after. 
Death after death. 
Soon enough, there were no more Yaksha but one. 
Soon enough, Sky Bracer was gone. 
Soon enough, Azhdaha had gone mad, and so had Osial and Beisht. 
And then, Guizhong had perished. 
Her death hurt them the most. 
She had saved those two rings for them to use on their wedding. She had for some reason anticipated their marriage and had specifically bought them all those years ago for that reason. 
But now, she was gone. 
There was an era of total quiet, no one ever uttered her name. 
Morax fell into a deep grieving period, Ajax could no longer reach him. 
He would lock himself in his domain, refusing to come out. His hair grew unkempt, and his deep grief caused the very ground to shake. 
Ajax was not doing any better, but he at least managed to come out to eat like they did before. But this time, the only one who accompanied him was none other than Ganyu. 
Everybody else was drowning in sorrow and grief. 
Madam Ping had isolated herself in a mountainside, after Guizhong’s death. She refused to come out and only the bitter sound of her guzheng could be heard throughout the night. But after some time, she bid farewell to everyone and disguised herself as human and sought to live her life as a mortal after she gave up her immortality. 
Nobody stopped her, and Ajax bid her a tearful goodbye as he saw her carrying her guzheng and walking down their mountain to civilization. 
Xiao had gone down a self-hating spiral, and there was nothing anybody could do to get through him as he slashed through the many miasma ridden monsters, one after another. Ajax had last seen him going out towards Mondstat, where the activity had increased significantly. 
Mountain Shaper had isolated himself as well and only came out to serve his people.
Cloud Retainer did not isolate herself and instead acted indifferent to the entire situation, though Ajax could see the grief that stung the corners of her eyes. She continued with her duties and seemed to drown herself in her medical studies even further. 
Ganyu was the only one who stuck around much, always sticking around Ajax, as if she was afraid he would leave too. On most days, they would go down for a stroll downtown or visit the graves of their family. 
Ganyu attempted to get Xiao to come back once, but it was futile, as he stubbornly refused and Ajax had found her crying shortly after. 
It was just the two of them now. 
But after a while, the skies seemed to clear up once more. 
They were managing through the pain and grief in their hearts better, and everything started to go back to somewhat normalcy. 
They named the place where Guizhong died, Guili plains after the new name Morax chose for himself after he decided to start anew again. 
It was the place where Guizhong died, and it was horrifically ironic because that was exactly the place where Zhongli had first met her. 
Zhongli had followed Guizhong’s dream and built Liyue Harbor, with the help of Ajax and many others. 
They started to work together, and everything started to look better. 
Everything was in harmony, and Ajax relaxed to the feeling of the cool sea breeze down by the beaches in Liyue with Zhongli by his side, stroking his hair lovingly as they remembered their lost family members. 
But, it was foolish to think that such momentary peace would last forever. 
The humans rebelled against the Gods, and Khaenri'ah became a target for Celestia. It all started when the humans started to seek out more and more knowledge, when they had begun to develop their own machinery on their own, proclaiming that they did not need an Archon to guide them. 
But it all came to a halt when they had made their own element, Celestia grew furious. 
They had outrightly defied her, and her mandate. 
As punishment, Celestia sent utter hell on them. 
The citizens of Khaenri'ah were cursed with abyssal taint, similar to the miasma they had seen all those years ago. 
Their machinery turned against the rest of the people from the following regions, and there was another war waged against them. 
Everyone did their best to defeat Khaenri'ah, blindly following Celestia’s mandate. 
But Ajax knew better. 
He knew it was unfair of so many to suffer just because they wanted independence from a system that was invented sorely to keep them under control. 
He sided with them. 
Zhongli attempted to get him to understand the severity of his decision, but it was hopeless. 
He knew he could no doubt get killed by Celestia herself or in battle. 
But he couldn’t help it. 
Ajax had to trust what he thought was right, and in that moment he knew it was to side with the people of Khaenri'ah who were getting punished by a cruel God. 
He bid Zhongli goodbye, with a final kiss and left to Khaenri'ah.  
He died in battle, against the Archons and their armies. 
He was killed after attempting to get the upper hand, after he had harnessed the power hidden by Khaenri'ah, The Legacy. 
It was harnessed by many Heralds, and he took on such power. 
He tried his best to save everyone he could, but in the end it was hopeless. 
His chest was speared through by Liyue’s own army. 
He lay dying, as blood oozed lazily from his wound, and his vision became blurry. 
He only saw as Zhongli rushed towards him, accompanied by the rest of the adepti. 
Many of which were crying, and many of which seemed to be in complete shock. 
After he had left, he knew many of them were angry with him. 
Xiao was furious at him, storming towards him the first night he left and nearly killing him, frustrated tears in his eyes; yelling at Ajax to come back, to not abandon them. 
But he had already made up his mind, and he saw the exact moment Xiao tore off the attachment, the exact moment Xiao’s rage and hatred hardened. 
Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper deemed him a traitor, fully attempting to cut off any of the attachment they had felt for him instantly. 
Ganyu was confused at his departure, but he knew even she could understand just why he had left them. He had practically raised the girl, and so he knew some of his own morals had rubbed off on her. She knew it was wrong to kill these innocent people, to punish them for desiring freedom. 
She still defended him, when others talked badly about him. 
And Zhongli. 
Zhongli had been utterly heartbroken at his departure, but he had steeled his own emotions and stepped up as leader when he needed to, though he did not want to. 
Ajax could see it in his eyes that he still loved him, even as he sobbed and held Ajax closely to his chest, as he was covered in his husband’s blood. 
Ganyu cradled him as well, sobbing harshly into his hands. 
Xiao and the others watched him lose his life, and he swore he could see their own eyes start to prickle with tears. 
They sobbed and asked him why. 
Why did he do it? 
He merely grinned cheekily at them and chuckled, telling them that they would understand, one day. 
He too was gone.
Liyue went through another grieving period, as another of their fierce adepti had fallen. 
Many of them despised him and had him completely erased from their history books, but many of them held him tender to their hearts and understood why he had done it and made up stories of a great warrior named Ajax. 
But regardless, his name seemed to just be another whisper, another legend. 
Just another name, lost to time. 
But as fate would have it. 
The soul borne under the constellation Monoceros Caeli, was stubborn and refused to ascend into a higher plane of existence. 
It refused and it refused and it refused and it refused and it refused and it refused and it refused and it refused. 
And so, fate was tried with its nagging and prodding and sent it back down towards Teyvat in the same town he was born in all those years ago.
The soul had begged fate to send it back to the same exact place as before with the same appearance, and so fate did. 
And Ajax was born once more, a second chance was granted to him. 
This time, it would be different. 
The soul assured itself that it would be different. 
Ajax woke up feeling stranger than he ever had. 
That dream was far too real to just be a dream. 
It felt eerily real, freakishly so. 
Every sensation, and the way he had died felt so real, that it made him feel uneasy. 
Has he already been here?
No, that was ridiculous. 
If he had, he would have remembered, right? 
So, why did it feel so real? 
He shook his head, and settled back into his sheets. That transformation of his must have made him have those stupid fever dreams he always used to have as a kid. 
Because there was no way he had lived through all of this before, if so, he would have surely remembered it all, right? 
Tartaglia sighed as he shifted in his bed, and felt sick to his stomach. 
The transformation seemed to have gotten worse ever since he woke up, and he felt like complete and utter shit. 
He didn’t even have the energy to get up and make himself a proper meal, at all. 
He silently prayed that his condition would quickly leave, so that he could move on with his life. He had many other things he needed to do. Plenty of chores he had forgotten to do, and plenty of other things he needed to do. 
Not to mention the plan he had to set into motion. 
His time was wasting away, and here he was feeling like shit because of some shitty transformation. And he had even run away from the event like a coward, just because of his damn bitter feelings in all of this. 
Zhongli’s life was in jeopardy, the man who was patiently waiting for him back home, he was waiting and he was still alive. He missed him dearly, he really did. 
He missed Zhongli too much, and made his chest ache deeply. 
But he didn’t have time to pity himself.
Not right now. 
He was putting people’s lives in potential danger, he needed to get his act together! 
A sharp pain stabbed him once more and his breath hitched. 
Damn adeptal powers! 
He groaned in pain, and the pain seemed to burst through his entire body, a hot pain seemed to flash throughout his body and he wrenched in pain. 
It was somehow becoming worse, and he felt his throat tighten up as he coughed and his limbs became imobile. 
His body was shifting, turning, and stretching out in unbelievable ways and before he knew it, he felt a strong urge to go towards the nearest lake. 
Instinct drove him out of his door and towards the communal bathhouse and he sank himself inside of it, as he groaned in pain as his body relaxed under the water. 
But, the shifting did not stop as his tendons were stretched and pulled even tighter and before he knew it, he felt his vision black out for a second. 
When he came to, the first thing he noticed was his lack of arms. 
His lack of arms, and the fact that his body was no longer human. 
When he looked down, it was long and length and pale-blue that was closer to being white than blue, with small tufts of blue hair down his back and down towards his strange shaped tail.
The next thing he noticed was how big he was, barely fitting inside of the pool it seemed. 
And the next thing he noticed was an accident, as he had momentarily freaked out when everything had fully clicked and had fallen face first into the water….he could breathe underwater…
Now, he was fully panicking. 
He writhed around, having no idea as to how to turn back, nor as to move around freely. 
He sat in the water awkwardly, for a few more minutes and hoped that someone would thankfully pass over him. 
He would not have to wait for long as he heard Guizhong’s cheerful tone turning the corner, “Shidi! Are you feeling alright? Why did you leave without warning us, if you felt bad, why didn’t you say any-.....thing.”
Guizhong’s eyes widened, she was face to face with a gorgeous water dragon. 
It was very big, about the same size as Rex Lapis. 
Its horns seemed to glow a strange opalescent color when the sun hit them directly, and its eyes were a soft and a familiar shade of blue……Shidi? 
“Shidi? Shidi?! Is that you?!” 
Ajax let out a huff, as he found his vocal cords unable to produce sound, but he nodded and hoped that got the message through. 
Guizhong’s eyes seemed to glisten, as her excitement grew and her happiness did as well, “Shidi! You have finally done it! You have transformed! Oh my! I have to tell the others! Hold on!” 
Before Ajax could protest, she had rushed off and he hopelessly huffed inside of the water. 
The others arrived before he could count to ten, and they all similarly gawked at his size, before they controlled their expressions and turned stoic once more. 
Sky Bracer was not like the others as he started to immediately touch Ajax’s back as he cooed, “Oh my! What a gorgeous creature, I have never thought I would get to see such a magnificent water dragon in my existence before! Osial is a sight to behold, but not even he nor Beisht compare to your beauty! Shidi, your scales are simply such a gorgeous color, they are very beautiful.” 
It was hard not to grow embarrassed at Sky Bracer’s sudden touch and compliments and he buried his face back into the water, hoping by some miracle that the water would drown him, though he knew it wouldn’t. 
Cloud Retainer huffed, “You insolent brat! Even as one is your elder, you are still much bigger than oneself!” 
Madam Ping simply chuckled, earning a harsh poke on the head by Cloud Retainer herself….and she was no longer laughing…
Moon Carver's eyes seemed to almost pop out of his eye sockets as he looked up at him (an expression that looked very off on such a usually serious adeptus). Mountain Shaper merely sighed as he saw the display and he Ganyu simply stared up at Ajax, with such wonder in her eyes. 
But for some strange reason, Morax had not arrived yet either, presumably because of his prior duties with his people. 
But he eventually did, and the moment people sensed him, they stopped what they were doing and bowed to him, saying a quick 'My Lord' before they turned towards Ajax once again. 
Morax’s eyes laid transfixed upon Ajax as his eyes seemed to become slits before they blew wide open, and before they knew it, he had transformed as well. 
He was a bit larger than Ajax, but the difference was barely noticeable. 
He circled around him, before he said, “Ajax…can you hear me?” 
His mouth had not moved, but he had somehow managed to communicate! 
Ajax guessed it had to do with the fact that he couldn't exactly move his vocal cords to produce any comprehensible sound in this form. So, he had to result in telepathic communication when he was in this form, which made total sense because Ajax remembered hearing that Rex Lapis communicated mostly through dreams or telepathically. 
He nodded, but no sound escaped him. 
“...Try to concentrate……you will be able to communicate this way as well.” 
Ajax did as he was told and put all of his concentration into his mind and tried to do it once again, “I…see…..how are we able to do this?” 
“This is a part of the abilities born within adepti, it has been a way for us to communicate with each other and our followers since the dawn of time.” 
“I see…then…do you perhaps know how I can…get out of this form?” 
Morax paused a bit, before he continued, “Ah…to get out of this form, you must do the same for communication and concentrate on becoming your mortal form once more.” 
Ajax nodded, and did his best to concentrate. 
Human, right, human.  
He thought about it for a bit and in a flash, he was laying naked in the bathhouse…ah…
He had turned back into a human again, but he was entirely naked. 
Embarrassment washed over him as he did his best to hide himself inside of the water below. 
The rest of the adepti seemed to know what was going on and they immediately turned to give him privacy. 
Morax stared at Ajax, before his brain caught up with him and he turned away from him, “Ah…I seem to have forgotten to mention the…slight....after effect......” 
Yeah, no kidding! 
After he had dressed up properly, and killed off his dignity and pride, he was met with the faces of most of the adepti. 
Madam Ping, Morax and Guizhong…ah…the usual trio. 
The rest had presumably returned to their posts, and usual tasks, and the rest had stayed (as they always did). 
Madam Ping grabbed his wrist and placed two fingers to his pulse. She paused for a bit before she let out a small smile, “It seems you are doing better, shidi. You’re meridians are overflowing with energy and are relatively healthy….I’m glad you are okay.” 
Ajax smiled and gave her a small pat on the shoulder, “Thanks, Da-jie. Glad you and I are doing better!” 
She gave a small huff at his joke but smiled nonetheless. 
Guizhong rushed to his side, and pulled him into a hug, “Shidi!~ You are finally a full-adeptus! How are you feeling!” 
He gave a small chuckle before he grinned, “Better than ever, shijie! And ready to get back in battle! I’ve been dying to fight ever since I got practically tied to my bed!” 
Guizhong ruffled his hair and smiled, “I’m glad to see my favorite shidi is doing better!” 
Ajax laughed but leaned into her touch, “Jie-jie, aren’t I your only shidi?” 
She shrugged, “Still my favorite!” 
They laughed, and everything felt a little lighter than before. 
Then suddenly, the laughter then died down in Ajax’s throat. 
Another hand had touched his head. 
It was Morax. 
He gave a firm pat, and his stand stilled, “I am…glad to see you are doing better, Ajax.” 
Ajax felt his cheeks heat up, as he saw the way Morax looked so fondly towards him, so warmly. 
Like he had, in his dream and in his memories. 
He leaned into Morax’s palm, and his eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the familiar warmth pressed upon his head. 
He loved it. 
He loved him. 
So much. 
He needed to save him, no matter what. 
He needed to save his repressed God of his, one he loved so much. 
“My Lord!” 
Cloud Retainer rushed inside the house, she looked distressed, more so than ever. 
Her clothes were covered in soot, and dirt, and there were small cuts on her hands and a small one on her lip. 
“My Lord! A god is attempting to usurp your land! He’s spreading miasma all around!!” 
Immediately, the mood died. 
It hardened. 
Morax’s eyes glowed, as did the tips of his hair, “Take me to him.” 
He looked furious, his eyebrows knit together, as a small vein seemed to pop out the side of his face. 
Cloud Retainer, “Yes my Lord!” 
Morax turned back to the rest of them and looked at Madam Ping. 
She nodded, seemingly understanding as she hurriedly withdrew her spear. 
Guizhong hurried as well, but was stopped by Madam Ping, “No, my Lady. It is far too dangerous, please do not come. You could get infected, and it could be deadly..” 
The formal title seemed to stop Guizhong momentarily before she shook her head, determination swelling up in her, “No! I want to help, and I can! I know my limits, A-Ping! I know how to take care of myself, don’t treat me like a defenseless child!” 
Madam Ping struggled to find words but was quickly stopped by Morax, who put a hand on her shoulder, “...Keep your distance..” 
Madam Ping relented and nodded, earning a relieved look from Guizhong. 
They all turned towards Ajax, and were about to say something before he beat them to it, “I’m going too!” 
Morax seemed to stare deeply into him, a pleading stare in him, before he relented as well. 
Ajax’s stubbornness went far beyond Guizhong, he would do anything to fight alongside them all. 
“I will allow it…but only because you are better.” 
Tartaglia grinned, and inside of him, the abyssal monster seemed to burst out of its ties. It had not had a proper meal in weeks, and was more than eager to feast on such delicious smelling energy. 
If he concentrated on it, he could smell the pungent smell of miasma, and he shivered to think how it would taste. 
Truly delectable, he was sure. 
They made their way to the scene, and it was better than Ajax had expected. 
All throughout it, the thick smell of miasma coated his lungs and made him want more. And what was even better were the army of monsters charging straight at them. 
What a great start to a day.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Tiny workers au! Do you have any idea of how Wilbur/sbi meet Tommy/benchtrio and what point Tommy is nommed willingly lmao and not some random kid. And maybe some conflict between the customers (SBI/Dream) the Tinies and the boss? Maybe he got one of those reviews and is punishing Tommy through noms, some trauma for the poor lad </3
okay SO
i'm changing my original plans for this au just a tiiiny bit :))
wilbur and tommy meet for the first time in the minigolf au. i reeeally like the trope where a sad depressed giant slowly just becomes significantly more mentally stable when a certain tiny comes around.
wil's family is very concerned for wilbur's health. he's been cooped up in his apartment not talking to anyone, so naturally they come up with a way to get him out. phil (or tech) gets him a one day ticket to the park, and basically being guilt tripped into it with the 'it was so expensive' and 'do it for us' shit, he forced himself to go.
eventually he settled on doing minigolf, somehow ending up with tommy as his tiny (i know how, but i want to keep some things a secret :])
as for emeraldduo meeting tommy, i'm not sure yet. maybe wilbur brings the tiny home one day and finds that his family is just chilling around his apartment lmao,,,,,, it would definitely give secondhand embarrassment depending on how i write it but i can give it a shot :D
i love love love using a stomach as punishment/timeout so YES that is absolutely happening. but, before that happens, i want wil to nom him at least a few times. and there is a reason why. i want tommy's comfort level around humans to be very high after he meets wilbur, and maybe even sbi & some other regulars. (pls give me ideas for more regulars,,, i'm thinking about maybe aimsey for ranboo? :0) he's naturally calmed down and shit so, even if he's a little bit hesitant or even frightened to willingly be eaten, he still goes through with it because he knows that humans are typically not bad people, especially not wil. then he gets nommed by another person, maybe dream or someone else.
all this trust he builds with the humans kinds of overrides his memory of the bad humans, like his boss. he's so used to being relaxed and himself around the customers that he forgets that he still very much needs to tiptoe around one particular human. even beeduo and the other tiny workers in some other locations are a bit worried about his sudden lack of fear, trying to remind him that he needs to take it down a notch before something bad happens.
and guess what? he doesn't take it down a notch, and something bad happens!! >:D
his cocky attitude comes out around strangers, especially kids who mishandle him. or ladies who are overly-curious. and people who hear it both first-hand, second-hand, or from a distance, take a situation without context and makes it a big deal, sending in complaints.
and of course, because his boss is an asshole, he goes chomp :D (not literally, tommy is physically fine for the most part)
tommy gets cocky around his boss (i'm thinking it'll be sam,, so don't mind me if i start using that name instead of boss asjfdnf) and truly lets himself forget just how dangerous these people can be. and when every single boundary of his shatters to the ground, tommy knows he fucked up :D
idk tw vore but there's so much of that here anyway lmfao,,,,
it starts with the fact that sam is everything but gentle. nothing he does is slowed or respectful. he's swept from the counter without warning and engulfed in a tight fist, where he's risen to a face too close for comfort that bares unusually sharp teeth, and is tossed into the moist maw that no longer feels comforting but instead feels incredibly uncomfortable and claustrophobic. then, to add to that, there's only a small moment where he sits on sam's tongue before he's thrown back into his throat and swallowed. the lack of saliva on him makes it difficult to go down and he's stuck in the thin gullet for longer than he wants to be. into the storage that has a significant lack of air in it, where he spends much longer than he needs to in there. and to make matters somehow worse, he's awake the entire time, extremely hyperaware :)
needless to say that his next encounter wilbur is nothing but fear C:<
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leleamo · 10 days
Fire in the Clawson family.
Far from Mega Kat City, beyond little explored hills, trees in abundance, among them a house, small, made of wood, in front of the door, a black kat, large, frightening and with no emotion other than seriousness in its gaze, with a bag where he carried food, he entered the bed, dark, scary, in pure silence...
"Angela...? Baby, daddy's here..." he said in hoarse and happy voice, he walked without resistance to his daughter's room, but his cute and attentive smile died, when he opened the bedroom door, there was no one, no one.
"..." the sight of the open window said it all, he turned and went to his room, opened a drawer, and took out a gun, without saying anything, he left the house again.
far away, in Mega Kat City, a small hotel, you know, those that aren't buildings, simpler ones, usually on roads for travelers to rest from their trips, I think they're called motels, anyway, in one of the rooms, two kats spent a night together. Inside the house it was cozy, lights on and the delicious smell of popcorn coming from the kitchen, on the sofa, a chubby and fluffy kat, with yellowish fur, with black and orange spots on it. some parts of her body, short and curly hair, she looked at the TV excitedly
"Come on Jaqueline! the film is about to start!"
Jaqueline, the kat with brown fur, big circles under her eyes, tired but happy face, big straight hair, sat next to her friend, with popcorn in her hands
"Sorry for the delay, Amora, I never know how to make popcorn properly-
Ping plon, the doorbell rang.
"Ah, that's it" Jaqueline she got up irritated, leaving the popcorn in Amora's arms, without patience, she opened the door "there's no stale bread here-"
She stopped screaming when she saw a kat, black, small, with a white dress and a face cut by a giant scar on the right side, with long hair that stood up at the ends, similar to Jaqueline's, who looked pale at the child, who said "You're my mother? Mrs. Jaqueline Clawson?"
The girl was now sitting next to Amora, while Jaqueline walked back and forth with the phone, huffing "come on, you coward, answer it..."
"so your name is Angela? what a beautiful name!" Amora talks to Angela, who didn't seem very expressive, but didn't back down. "Why did you come here alone to see your mom? It's dangerous to come alone"
"I didn't come to see my mother, I came to see my brother" Amora and Jaqueline eyes widen, Jaqueline approached without bothering to hang up the phone
"How the hell do you know about Jake-"
"Jake? I'm talking about Razor" little Angela took a torn newspaper photo from her dress, and there was Razor, Jaqueline started laughing really, really loud!
"why the hell do you think that, girl?? Hahahaha!!"
"because... we look alike..." Angela replied sadly, and Jaqueline The laughter increased and Amora desperately wanted to silence Jaqueline
"Oh my dear... appearance doesn't mean anything, Razor is not her brother"
"Damn stupid girl, you're just like your father! Come here to see "your brother" disappearing from your father's sight and to bring problems like him back to me!!"
"Jaqueline shut up!" Amora screamed, and Angela stood up, holding her arms and sad
"... you were kinder in the letters that dad wrote mom... I'm leaving..." crumpling Razor's photo, she walked out the door, Amora desperate and Jaqueline not even caring
"Jaqueline, what was that?!"
"You know what I went through with Bob, the last thing I want is his fucking daughter here, I already had to put up with Jake"
"She's still your daughter, Jaqueline! She's still a girl, you can't leave her alone in these streets!! and if you don't go after her, I will!!"
"... shit! okay! I'll go, wait for me at the door, I'll get a coat..."
On the busy streets of Mega Kat City, Angela walked joylessly, staring at the photo of Razor, well, her half-cropped tail going this way and that
"... well, my brother isn't going to appear out of nowhere... I guess I can just wait... I'm going to go get some ice cream" was what It made a smile appear on the black cat's face, which, well, there wasn't an ice cream shop nearby, but there was the mall.
the mall inside wasn't that big, but it already had what Angela wanted, its white lights reflected on the floor, and on a bench, there was Angela, eating her strawberry ice cream, a few cats passed by her, sometimes looking and asking, where are this girl's parents? but It doesn't matter, Angela would wait until the moment for her brother, or rather Razor, to appear with T-bone to save the night, but then, suddenly, a loud alarm sound echoes throughout the mall, along with a strong red light, alarm security, okay, but the stores started to close, with the cats inside screaming in fright and fear, Angela's ears twitched, she hates loud sounds, the cats Those around them looked so confused, but suddenly everything stopped, the light went out, with only the moonlight coming through the glass ceiling of the mall, but a shot, just a shot echoed through the place, everyone ducked in panic, a pure silence... Angela stood up, the only one standing, she saw... was Molly.
"No one moves! If not, I'll shoot!" Molly pointed the gun at everyone, Angela stopped the moment she spoke, but he didn't show fear, but rather a smile, which caught Molly's attention "you better go sit down girl, otherwise I'll shoot you in the leg and make you sit down myself!"
Angela laughed "of course ma'am... Thanks for making my night~" Angela happily went to the back of the large cluster of scared, sitting kats, sitting down and looking up at the glass ceiling, waiting for the Swat Kats to appear...
"Jaqueline, look!"
"What the fuck"
Amora and Jaqueline were near the mall surrounded by Enforcers, at the door of the mall, was Mac.
"Tell Manx to hand over a good amount of money, otherwise Mega Kat City will lose some citizens!" The robot went back into the mall, laughing.
Commander Feral, sighed in hatred, one of the enforcers approached Feral "commander, we flew over the place, from what we managed See, there are about fifty kats in there, possibly more.."
Jaqueline approached the two "hey, please don't tell me there was a cat, in a white dress, with black fur..."
The enforcers seemed surprised but replied "ah ma'am... I'm sorry to inform you but yes..." Jaqueline snorted in hatred, while the enforcers walked away, but Feral looked at Jaqueline, he knew her.
"We will rescue your relative, Mrs. Clawson, don't worry..."
"She IS my daughter, Feral, the fucking daughter I haven't seen in ages..."
Feral seemed surprised, but quickly returned to his serious manner "don't worry, when this is all over, you can spend as much time as you want with your daughter" he smiled, a rare thing and walked away from Jaqueline... Soon Amora approached by Jacqueline.
"And now Jaque? We wait until the operation is over?"
"I'm going in"
"I don't care if I get screwed later, I don't want Angela to get hurt or die... it's kind of my fault I guess... and if anyone is going to get hurt, let it be me..." Jaqueline looked around... "I go in there, take Angela and get out of there..."
Amora took Jaqueline's hand "I'm going with you, otherwise I'm going to have a heart attack! Hahah..." They both smiled, their friendship was so strong that not even the Metallikats would scare them
"Come on, I know of an entrance to the back of the mall..."
While Angela was trapped on the first floor, Jaqueline and Amora sneaked in, the Swat Kats also sneaked in from the second floor, being careful not to make any noise, looking at the dark and silent place, oddly enough.
"What silence... But shouldn't there be kats on this floor too?" T-bone wondered, but Razor led him to the stairs that led up to the first floor, and there were the remains of the cats, and Molly and Mac arguing, for a change
"There they are... we need a plan..." Razor said, whispering, not that it was necessary, Molly and Mac were more focused on the fight
"I can help!" They both jumped in fright, It was Angela! With a smile that scared them both
"Hi little one... what a scare you gave us..." T-bone said approaching the girl, next to Razor
"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you or anything?"
"I'm great! I'm glad the Metallikats came! I can finally meet you, Razor!" Angela jumped up and down happily, surprising them both.
"Ah.. that's cool, young lady... Ehh, what's your name?" Razor said, a little shyly
"Angela! Can I help you?"
"You can, staying here and not making noise, it's dangerous and we don't want anyone to get hurt, just the Metallikats" said T-bone, looking at Molly and Mac downstairs, still arguing
"Please... I can be useful... I won't get hurt, and if I get hurt it's okay!!"
"... Just stay here okay...?"
"... No" in a blink eyes, Angela returned to the first floor, scaring the Swat Kats again, but finding the attention of the Metallikats! Who pointed their guns at him, telling her to sit down
"Oh gentlemen Mange, can I ask you some questions?" With each word she got closer, and Molly and Mac weren't understanding... but with their concentration on Angela, the Swat Kats moved, slowly going after the bandits. "Are you happy together? Because it seems like it, even with these boring discussions" Angela was now in front of the bandits, who seemed in doubt, not to answer but to the girl's questions "I bet having you two as parents would be better than have my father"
"Ahh.. would you rather have thug parents... than your father...?" Molly said in disbelief
"Would you do that to me?" Angela pointed to her ears cut off, her huge scar on her eye, her tail with the beginning cut off, this scared everyone in the place, and the injuries made Mac slightly rub his cheek where he had a scar before becoming a robot...
"And where is your father...?" Mac raised his gun to the audience of innocents right in front of him
"He's not here..."
"There Mac, now do you want to adopt her?"
"It would be better for her"
You two were talking and slowly Angela moved away from them, smiling at the Swat Kats, who quickly threw a net at the Metallikats! Arresting them
"Yayyy! I helped!"
"Was what you said serious, Angela?" Razor asked, all worried...
"Yes! Hahah!" She smiled a stupid smile
"Angela..." Razor said discouraged but...
"Wretches!!" Molly and Mac broke free from the net and started shooting! The Swat Kats quickly got out of the way of the shots along with Angela, the shots bounced off the walls, the deafening noise hurt everyone's ears, but another thump caught everyone's attention! suddenly a fire extinguisher hit Molly's head, who threw it? Jacqueline! that she had another fire extinguisher in her hand, next to her was Amora, but Jaqueline's face was not at all pleasant
"Leave my daughter alone!!!" Jaqueline screamed in fury, Angela looked so happy and Razor looked so confused, Molly could have been stunned, but Mac shot again, but at Jaque and Amora! T-bone with his Glovatrix shot an Octopus missile towards Mac's gun, i.e. ripping the gun from his body.
"No one messes with my mother!" thought the slow body cat.
"Thank you- Ah!" didn't even have time to talk, the extinguisher held by Jaqueline was shot by Molly, filling the place with smoke, but giving the Swat Kats, Jaque, Amora and Angela an opening to get out...
In a tighter, darker part of the mall, there were the five
"It's very brave of you to come and save Angela, but it's very dangerous, next time, just leave it to us" Razor said while he still had Angela nearby as she gently approached her mother
"I know it was dangerous, but it's my apology to you, Angela" Jaqueline said gently, while touching her daughter's shoulders "I'm sorry for what I said, my dear, I shouldn't take out my hatred for your father on you... you are still my daughter, and I promise to love you and care for you, and take you out of your father's hands... I heard what you said to the Metallikats, I'm not going to let that man get close to you..." Jaqueline said sincerely, and in response, came a warm hug from Angela...
"Well, we've already done what we wanted to do, good luck, Swat Kats" Amora said with a smile and soon she, Jaqueline and Angela left there...
"I never imagined you had a sister, dear.." T-bone said
"Ahh how I wanted not being as Razor... let's finish this soon, I need to process that I have a sister"
once again, the Swat Kats saved the night, all the innocent kats taken hostage were already outside the mall, and the Metallikats were already in the van, the Clawson and Amora family were together, laughing and relieved that everything was over, from afar, Feral watched the family, with a smile on their face
"Good evening, Commander" said Chance and Jake, the commander turned and his smile disappeared
"Clawson and Furlong...here at this time?"
"We're not kids, Feral" said Chance
"Ah, this is close to my mother's house, I was worried when I found out what was happening, I just came to see her" said Jake
"... I know Jake... well, good night to you both" The commander left the scene, and Jake and Chance went to their families
"Hi mom!"
"Chance! Boy, what are you doing here?"
while the blonde cats chatted, the brown cats stole the show
"Jake.. ah- this is Angela.. she-
"You look like Razor!" Angela ran and approached her brother, the sentence froze Jake "You're Razor, I'm sure!"
"It's also great to meet you little sister..."
"Oh my..." Jaqueline sighed, but felt someone approaching, she turned and saw... Bob, Angela's father.
"...Angela." His hoarse voice made Angela turn around, her tail wrapped around her legs and she began to tremble...
"Don't you dare touch her-
"Shut the fuck up, Jaqueline." There was only hatred in Bob's eyes, he looked at Angela "you ungrateful child... I did everything for you since you arrived... and as soon as you thanked me?" he grabbed Angela's wrists, the girl didn't even react, she just trembled
"Let her go- Chance was silenced with Bob's gun being pointed at him, to all the four...
"If you prefer them.. okay..." the gun changed its aim, now pointing at Angela's forehead! "but I don't ever want to see you again-
"ENOUGH!!" Jake tried to grab his father's gun, unfortunately a shot went off, but fortunately not at Angela, drawing the attention of the Enforcers, who remained on the spot... "If you try to hurt my sister again, I will make you regret it!!!" Jake screamed in fury, but before the worst could happen, some enforcers stopped big Bob...
A week passed, Bob was now locked up, it didn't matter, Jake and Chance would have a visit, Angela, Jake got everything cleaned up and ready for his sister's arrival.
"You're excited, huh?" he spoke Chance
"Of course! I'm going to spend the whole weekend with my sister! I didn't even know existed!"
"At times like this I wish I had a sister, heh, but hey, do you think she can find out our identities?"
"well, she seems to be good at keeping secrets"
"I know..."
Ping pong
"She's arrived!" Jake ran to the door
"ahh I still don't like the idea of ​​sleeping on the couch, she should sleep on the couch!" Chance if getting up from the sofa
"be quiet Chance!"
(Drawings of this story here)
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velvetwarfare · 5 months
g morning here’s some backstory on the Shavali and how her kompanya (family) worked because this is what got her to where she is now
The Shavali are a good cross between DnD styled jesters and a mafia-esque personality to go with. They are ALL two-faced — one side for publicity, usually honing in on their entertainment industries and gaining a big crowd. Shavali are born to be in the spotlight, as the fear of being unheard and unseen frightens them greatly. They’ll wear bright colors, bells, anything that jingles. They never settle in one home, as they are always traveling, always sight seeing, always performing in taverns or stages. Bright smiles, heavy laughter, loving hugs — and as soon as the curtain closes, these practices affections drop and they’re now drinking and smoking behind the building. Not out of depression or anything, they’re just used to putting up a front.
Attention solidifies their existence and fight for free will, as most towns run them out if they gather in a big crowd — they have a history of pulling nasty shit depending on the offense, and that makes people both fear and wary of their intentions when they can’t be read in the first place. It’s like playing one truth and fifty lies. Their real skin is hidden behind many, many layers of manipulation, honeyed words, fake names, and fake promises — unless you’re kompanya.
Any Shavali, blood related or not, is in the kompanya. The next most important thing to a Shavali after freedom is their own family. They are FIERCELY protective of their kin and will go to insane lengths to save them. Murder is absolutely on the table. If one person fucks w a Shavali, you’ve just an enemy out of ALL Shavali, and you might as well leave that town. People who had done this in the past and stood ground ended up getting kidnapped in the middle of the night, tortured and killed, then the body was entirely erased by magic. The family will then dispose of all materials involved, including clothes, return to town, and act as if nothing ever happened. Like any mafia-type family, they have family secrets and business. Almost all of it is deadly and dangerous. Anyone who tries to eavesdrop or pry usually ends up dead too for knowing too much.
Betty was raised into this mindset, as Leathe was a dangerous place to live as is. Her brothers, Dimitrius and Gideon, none of them were related. She was adopted into the family. Dimitrius was a prostitute at one point then a bard. Gideon was part of the royal guard. Betty was a front liner and bard — all of which their outside appearances. Dimitrius stole, murdered, blackmailed, the highest leveled lock picker, and was just downright AWFUL for years as part of a rogue guild. Gideon got into the guard just to leak information and keep the guards under his radar, convincing them to go easier on the Shavali. Betty was babied by them for the most part since she was young, but still was raised with a warrior mindset. So they called her ‘The Black Bull’ of the kompanya — or affectionately, ‘Firecracker’ — and she used a giant battle axe like an executioner. Dimitrius taught her all of his tricks on seducing, faking, being stealthy, practiced looks and mannerisms, fighting, etc. She dealt with infernal beings on the side to gain favor and information.
The Shavali call anyone and everyone ‘friend’ — but they don’t mean that shit LMAO it’s just an act. Everything is a damn act with them. They are amazing party goers and provide endless entertainment, but at the end of the day, they don’t give a single shit if the town burns to the ground the next day. Betty was the only exception, as she genuinely loved the town and the people. She made authentic connections with no hidden motive. Dimitrius also eventually trusted people blindly.
Ironically, despite their careful and closed off nature, it was that trust and love that got both of them ultimately murdered in the end.
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