#his majesty prince dumbass
vivienna-vivid · 1 year
Arjuna FGO would see someone use the ricochet coin shot mechanic in Ultrakill and make it his life mission to recreate AND master that technique.
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majeoeje · 7 months
Not a second with you is ever a waste
Teru Minamoto x reader
I would gladly face any conseqences just to have your lips on mine a lot longer
"I would say you're that much better seeing your eyebags right now"
He pointed, ironically being the one laying in the school's infirmary
"Ugh,look at yours!"
You shoved him your pocket mirror close enough so that he can take a good look at his face, it took him a few seconds to realize what you meant
Staying up late was akin to the one and only Teru Minamoto, being a trained exorcist and all. But these past few weeks had been swarming him with task of bothersome spirits, you wondered how he hasn't collapsed yet
Until he did
You saw how he slumped while holding documents for the student council, immedietly helping him, thinking nothing of it. Though as a few exchange jokes you didn't notice how unstable the steps that he continued to take before you heard a loud thud alongside with papers and documents scattered to the floor
"You were heavy."
You rolled your eye at him. Teru know you could never be mad at him though in that moment he really can't help but look away, defeated filled with guilt
"Sorry.. i didn't mean to burden you like that" at first it would sound like an excessive apology for such a simple thing that you were clearly just joking about, but you knew what he meant as he stared intently at your eyebags that mirrors his
You layed your upper body on thighs, avoiding his gaze, perhaps a part of you was embarassed
"You've been a great help to me these past months, i shouldn't had dropped my assignment last minute to you like that" he confessed, playing with the strands of your hair.
The anxious Teru, the clingy Teru, the cold Teru, the touchy Teru. You were always surprised with every layer of personality that he shows you, a side that would made you grew jealous if he were to show to anybody else.
And to think that you once thought of him as one dimensional. Yet you can't help to miss every part of him when you are seperated
"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, and i'll make sure it won't happen again"
Oh he was really serious now? You couldn't help but smile, a mischevious grin laces your lips. How could you turn down such an offer?
"Really? How" he knows you're messing with him but hey, is it really a bad thing wanting to see you happy even for the sake of his inconvinience
"Yes!" He said eagerly holding your hand
"How about...." you started to think about how could you possibly use this opportunity to the fullest. "You cover me whenever i skip school this whole month? Yeah that sounds good"
The fact that you're asking the student council president for this is crazy really
"That's a bit.." he stopped, a facade of his princely attitude seems to glimmer through before he shook his head "to be honest i could probably think of a few excuses but i am not joining you anytime soon alright?" you giggled at how easily swayed his moral compass is when it comes to you
"I was just joking teru" you weren't. " but need i remind you that you did skipped class once you knoww..." you poked his cheek playfully
He was reminded to a fateful day before summer break where he gave into his impulsive thoughts and decided to follow a dumbass to their snenanigans up to the rooftop
"Hey- i thought we agreed to not bring up that ever again" he grab a hold of your wrist pulling you ever so closely, he couldn't contain his reddening cheeks as he smiled remembering that day
"The school prince skipped school because he wanted to make out with someone!?? Gahhh! Such scandal!"
News flash : It was you
"I wouldn't mind repeating if a certain gremlin didn't shut their mouth up" he said, eyeing your lips with a glare that could sent blood rushing to your face anytime of the day
Though you brushed it off, wanting to mess with him some more
"But your majesty! Our love is forbidden" you laughed again, continuing to strike dramatic poses to add to your roleplay
"You're really begging to be kissed right now"
"Your majesty, your lowly servant greatly thinks it's the other way around"
you grinned seeing how he eyed your lips with no shame whatsoever this time
"Hmm..." he seems to think for a second "maybe" you felt him inching closer, wasting no time.
All you could feel was a pair of lips on your own, a pair of rough hands cupping your face, messing with your hair. The cheep sheets of the infirmary ruffled to a mess and the smell of sanitizer became amiss as you kissed him back tasting a faint sweet vanilla on his lips
"Hm.. you used the lip balm i got for you?? How sweet" you held his cheeks with your thumb and index finger making him duck his lips slightly, eyeing the glistened on his lips that you failed to notice until it collided to yours
"Me or the lip balm?"
He chuckled, he smiled. a smile that never fails to make you grow weak in the knees as he stayed there not shying away from your touch
"Good question...maybe i need to check one more time" smooth.
You kissed him first this time, your hands dangled from his shoulder, pulling him close. You could feel how his lips curled into a smile when you did so.
During moments like this you wondered how the heartthrob of kamome gakuen that acted so heartlessly(ironically) to you when you first met came to be this way in your arms.
Moments passed as if it were mere when seconds kissing you. He was greedy. Everytime you gasped and breathed for air he wished to kiss you twice as long.
The disappointment in his eyes was evident when you finally pulled away, though he stopped as the thoughts that swirled his head from moments before seem to not linger back
"Is it really alright though...you know...the homework?" he rest his forehead on yours lazily
"Dumbass you did mine that one time too remember? I'm just repaying your kindness" you sighed
"But it's different.."
"You know you shouldn't feel this way you know? You mean a lot to me. I hope there comes a day where you can realize that you can fully rely on me without feeling guilty"
He doesn't know how to respond to that, at least...not yet
"How about you take me on a date to make it up for me"
Hearing that he perked up, giving a gentle smile, a smile one like when you first met him. It covered a lot of secrets
They say human's greatest fear are of the unknown. This smile represent just that. The swirling feeling of uneasiness knowing he has secrets he need to hide from you. yet it continues to enchant you nonetheless
"I'll pick you up at 6"
"Sounds good to me"
(Idk what has gotten into me but my teru phase is coming back fr. Also just short fluff, everyday scenarios🫡🫡)
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silviakundera · 20 days
Joy of Life S2, ep 13 - 15 comments
Chen Pingping continues to be both using Fan Xian and a good mentor. He contains multitudes! Which is what makes him such a compelling character.
Second Prince is the least interesting he's ever been when he's in scenes with Ye Ling Er playing the victim. It's just too easy to manipulate her and so I can't care very much.
The way Fan Xian's mother is this powerful spectre that haunts the narrative... and it's not just her Seductive Beauty™ . It's in the way we more commonly see with a Great Man trope: a famed marital arts master, a dead legendary general or past king.... a father or grandfather figurehead. I both wish we knew about her but DON'T. She works best as a partial sketch; an unsolved poignant mystery.
Ep 14
Saintess!!!!!!!!!!!! reappears! After Fan Xian finally called her friend in ep 13 (朋友!). I don't believe you either, girl, that it's all about the treasury. You're bros!!!!!! He seduced a bromance out of you.
They basically gave 2P's new guard enough characterization for us to be interested in what happens to him. RIP your hopes & dreams my dude, it's been real
Guao Baokun and Loser Brother is a match made in heaven. I missed all the Beiqi people so much. Fan Xian playing 4D chess and getting them to babysit Guo Baokun. "Let's leave a good impression, he might come back." 😂 The way they have to escort those dumbasses to the border.
Fan Xian wants friends SO BAD it's literally tragic to me. He wants to make Censorate guy his friend because there's no one he can trust not to turn on him for benefits (other than the Fan family).
Ep 15
Chen Pingping & Fan Xian put on a ridiculous show. Very amusing but I feel like they should have been more convincing, if for no other reason than giving the emperor his due. 2nd Prince simply tried harder. Hate to say it about the enemy but facts are facts.
We already got a read on the emperor about Second Prince. A temporary grounding is all he can countenance (even that is a gift to Fan Xian and a warning to not exceed boundaries). To any extent he likes the faction wars and is happy to stir shit up & eat popcorn. But at least right now, he's gonna protect all his sons. In his own twisted way he cares about Crown Prince, Second Prince, and Fan Xian. Just not more than he cares about himself & power & control.
Censor Lai pushing the emperor too far "Are you saying everyone is confused but you?" It's honestly shocking he wasn't executed before this. Bro you just tired of living?
Crown Prince pinching his leg and having fake hysterics while his flunky joins in while 2P looks disgusted. This is why CP is my bestie. He's hilarious.
Fan Xian finally realizing what his brothers already know - that there are limits to the emperor's condescending forbearance. They can't become a potential threat to him and he can't feel they are out of his control. When FX is playing with His Majesty, all is permissible. But when he's not...
The burning indentures scene reminding me of Blossoms in Adversity, a drama I ended up enjoying more than I expected. (If only it was blessed with the quality of acting we see in every cast member of JOL.)
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I lost the request but I believe an anon asked for a Striker tickle fic from Helluva so I deliver!
I took a gamble on the Lee and Ler (it wasn’t specified) so I’m sorry if I got it wrong 😭
Sweet Revenge
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Summary: Blitzø gets payback on Striker for birdnapping and hurting Stolas
C.W: Swearing, incredibly rushed 😭
“He can get hurt..?” Blitz murmured as he, Mille, Moxxie, and Loona watched Stolas get carried into the clinic on a stretcher. “Yes sir we found him severely injured in Striker’s hideout.” Moxxie remarked and quickly Blitz’s face became angry.
“He did that to Stolas?” Blitz repeated, not sure if he heard Moxxie correctly but his suspicions were confirmed when Moxxie nodded, “Will he be okay?” Mille questioned a doctor who walked outside.
“His Majesty should be just fine, he just needs to stay here for a few weeks to recover.” The doctor replied and all four of them let out an audible sigh of relief. “Thank you sir!” Mille told him and he bowed before walking back inside.
“Thank goodness he’ll be okay.” Mille remarked and the others nodded before Blitz started walking towards the hospital. “Where are you going sir?” Moxxie asked him, jogging to catch up with him. “I’m going to visit Stolas you guys wait here.” Blitz told them and Moxxie halted his jogging, watching the other imp disappear inside.
“Hey lady.” Blitz called to the front desk receptionist who looked up from her computer. “Yes sir how can I help you?” The woman asked him as he reached her counter.
“I’d like to visit Prince Stolas mind telling me what room he’s in?” Blitz asked her and she nodded, turning back to her computer and typing in a few things before returning her gaze to him with a smile.
“His Majesty is in room 213.” She told him and he began walking away, “Thanks lady.” Blitz told her over his shoulder, starting for the elevator. Once inside a few other demons joined him and he pressed the button for floor two and they ascended.
Once they reached the floor Blitz stepped out and wandered down the hall until he located room 213. He creaked open the door and nearly gasped as he saw Stolas’ fragile frame wrapped in bandages and hunched over in the hospital bed but once he heard the door open he looked up and his face brightened.
“Blitzyy!” Stolas chirped and Blitz rolled his eyes before entering the room and shutting the door behind him. “How’re you feeling dumbass?” Blitz asked Stolas as he waved his hand and the room brightened.
“Quite well I’m just happy I managed to survive.” Stolas replied and Blitz nodded. “What all did that cowboy prick do to you?” Blitz asked him and he placed a hand on his beak in thought then he started rattling off all the things Striker did to him and by the end of it Blitz looked livid.
“Oh would you look at that Moxxie’s calling I gotta hit the road hope you feel better Stolas!” Blitz called over his shoulder, hearing a goodbye from the prince as he exited, shutting the door behind him.
After leaving the hospital room Blitz marched down the hallway, into the elevator, down the elevator, through the lobby and out the doors where Mille, Moxxie and Loona were still waiting.
“So how’d it go is he okay?” Mille asked him, jumping up but quickly halting as she saw the look on his face. “Oh he’s fine. It’s Striker who’s not going to be. Get in.” Blitz snapped at them and they all piled into the van and took off back towards the I.M.P headquarters.
“What happened sir?” Moxxie spoke up but Blitz kept his eyes trained on the road, a furious expression on his face. “Stolas told me what the bastard did to him and let me tell you Moxx I’m going to make him pay.” Blitz replied and Moxxie quickly understood, settling back in his seat.
“What did the cowboy dude even do to make you this mad?” Loona piped up and Blitz explained everything just as Stolas had to him on the way and by the time they got back to the headquarters everyone’s mouths were hanging open with that same angry look on their faces.
“Oh no one messes with His Majesty and gets away with it.” Mille snapped, cracking her knuckles but Blitz held up a hand. “As much as I appreciate it Millie Striker knows me best from the last time we met so I think I have to deal with this on my own.” Blitz remarked, leaving the van and walking towards the building with everyone in tow.
“Now wait just a minute Blitz you can’t just rush in there blindly you need to come up with a plan first.” Loona reminded him and he spun on a heel to look at her and snapped his fingers. “Oh you’re right Loony thank you!” Blitz told her and she rolled her eyes, going on her phone.
Back inside of the building Blitz immediately went to his desk and gathered up a pen and some paper and rushed over to sit Mille and Moxxie on the couch before sitting across from them.
“Okay you two I’m going to need your help here. You guys faced Striker how does this son of a bitch fight?” Blitz asked them and they exchanged glances before thinking for a moment.
“Well sir Striker is very fast.” Moxxie noted and nearly began laughing at the aggressive pen scribbling he heard. “Oh and he is good with weaponry.” Millie piped up, smirking at the same aggressive pen scribbling. “Okay what else?” Blitz asked them, tail snapping in agitation as he practically interrogated them.
“Hmm..” Millie thought for a moment before snapping her fingers in realization, “Striker’s tail is strong and it’s got spikes on it so steer clear of his tail.” Millie told Blitz and the imp jotted that down as well. “Got it thanks you two!” Blitz called over his shoulder as he stood and rushed into his office.
Time for some planning.
Now at the Royal Palace apparently Stella had somehow overheard Stolas’s and Blitz’s conversation and now she knew what Blitz was going to do so she called Striker.
“Pick up the phone damnit.” Stella swore but after the second ring the line picked up and a heavy accented southern voice came from the other line.
“Hello?” Striker spoke from the other line, “What took you so damn long to pick up?!” Stella shouted at him and she heard the imp audibly sigh. “My apologies ma’am I was busy dealing with another ‘client’ what do you need?” Striker asked her and she started chuckling.
“You best be careful imp boy I overheard my “husband” and his imp talking about you, they’re plotting against you because of what happened to Stolas so I would advise being careful.” Stella told him and the line was silent for a moment before he spoke again, “Will do thanks for the heads up.” Striker told her and she scoffed.
“Yeah yeah just take care of that other imp, I’m counting on you.” Stella snapped at him and the line went dead. Guess we’ll see what happens.
Back at the I.M.P headquarters Blitz sat in his office racking his brain for ideas, by now the trash can in the corner of the room was full of balled up pieces of paper and still the imp had no ideas.
Blitz reviewed the information that Moxxie and Millie had given him and so far it’d gotten him nowhere. The part he was stuck at was that Striker is fast, and Blitz isn’t really the sharpest tool in the shed so what could he do without getting his ass handed to him?
Mille had also noted that Striker had spikes on his tail and he hummed thoughtfully before bringing his tail in front of him with a thought. Last time he fought Striker he heard rattling from him and slight hissing so Striker resembled a rattlesnake, how did they fight?
Blitz knew that he didn’t fully resemble a rattlesnake and Striker fought with g*ns but that was his problem. He’s seen how well Striker could fight with a g*n and he just didn’t have that level of experience and getting k!lled was not on his agenda today.
Then Blitz got an idea, he was going to go visit Stolas again to see if he could get anymore information out of him and then go to the Wrath Ring to maybe get something to help prepare him, maybe like some armor or something.
Standing up from his desk with a new idea Blitz kicked down his door catching the attention of the rest of the I.M.P. “I have an idea motherfuckers! I’ll be back with some revenge but until then Moxxie don’t be a disappointment for once and hold down the fort for me!” Blitz called over his shoulder and nearly started laughing at the look on Moxxie’s face as he left the building.
Now out of the building Blitz then got in the van and drove down to the hospital, arriving there a few minutes later and walking inside like he owned the place, tail swishing behind him as he walked towards the elevator.
Once he again reached the second floor he opened the door to Stolas’ room and caught the owl’s attention. “Heya Stolas.” Blitz remarked, sauntering over and sitting in a nearby chair. “Hello Blitz!” Stolas chirped, “What brings you back here?” He finished, tail flicking behind him.
“I need your help, I need you to tell me what Striker uses and how to take him down.” Blitz replied, pulling out a pen and notepad from seemingly nowhere. Stolas hummed in thought, placing a hand on his beak for a moment before turning to look at Blitz again.
“Well I do know he doesn’t play fair at all and he has this magic-disabling rope.” Stolas told the imp and the regular furious pen scratching returned before he looked back up, “I also know that he’s working for my scum of a ‘wife’” Stolas grumbled, angry raven chitters escaping him at the mention of Stella.
“Is that all?” Blitz spoke up, snapping Stolas out of his annoyed state and he thought for a moment before answering. “Yes I believe so, if you go to fight him please do be careful.” Stolas told the imp and he waved the owl off, “Yeah yeah I will thanks Stolas!” Blitz called over his shoulder, leaving the hospital room and shutting the door behind him.
Now having most of the information he needed Blitz now had one goal. Get to the Wrath Ring and find something that could help him take down Striker.
Blitz walked down the hall, into and down the elevator and out the doors of the clinic to get in the van and make his way down to the train station.
It was a bit of a drive but it would take him to the Wrath Ring so he didn’t really mind. Once there he parked the van and walked up to the navigation sign, locating the direction in which to go for Wrath and heading that way, just making it onto the train before it left.
Blitz found his spot on the train and sat down, the Wrath Ring was about a 15 minute train ride so he settled and looked out the window. “The hell are you looking at lady?” Blitz snapped at a random demon just staring at him but she averted her gaze when he snapped at her.
Now all he could do was wait for the train to arrive, but until then he could plan.
“The Wrath Ring?!” Striker snapped at Stella over the phone who’d just told him about Blitz’s plan, tail snapping angrily behind him. “That’s what I told you is it not?!” Stella shouted back at him and he regained his composure before speaking to her again.
“Yes ma’am my apologies for the outburst it’s just not what I expected.” Striker told her, adopting a more formal tone with her which she scoffed at.
“That’s what I thought, take care of that imp or you’ll be next.” Stella threatened him and he groaned inwardly, he did not have time for her petty shenanigans but nevertheless he nodded and answered. “Yes ma’am consider it done.” Striker told her and hung up the phone, let’s see how long it would take this imp to arrive.
Now in the Wrath Ring since the train had arrived just moments before Blitz wandered down the streets of the city, looking for some kind of armory shop and was pleased to have found one almost immediately, walking in and being greeted by the shopowner.
“Hello imp what brings you to my fine establishment today?” The shopkeeper asked him and he stared at the owner, “I’m looking for some armor. Something strong, something protective.” Blitz told him and he snickered a little.
“Ahh well I have just the thing for you, come this way.” The shopkeeper crooned, leading Blitz to the back where he showed him a large armor set engraved with steel. “Oooh yeah I’ll take that!” Blitz grinned at the armor, purchasing it from the shop and leaving back towards the train station.
Blitz arrived at the train station a few minutes later but not without a couple scratches from some demons wanting to start a fight with him but this is the Wrath Ring what could he expect.
Once the train began boarding once more back to the Pride Ring Blitz got on and quickly found a seat to the long ride back to the Ring. This would be over shortly.
Back in the Pride Ring Blitz stepped off the train and located his van, stepping in and driving back to the I.M.P headquarters with his new armor.
His plan was to head to the headquarters first to show everyone and get ready and then head over to where Striker hid out, Stolas had given him directions when he’d visited the owl so getting there shouldn’t be a problem.
Blitz drove for a bit before returning to the building, going inside and up the stairs before kicking down the door catching Millie, Moxxie and Loona’s attention. “Oh nice this place isn’t on fire nice job Moxxie.” Blitz remarked, walking in and placing the case which held the armor on the couch.
“Thank you sir but what is that?” Moxxie questioned and Blitz grinned. “This Moxx is going to be what helps me take down that cowboy asshole.” Blitz replied and opened the case before taking the armor out to show him. Moxxie grinned upon seeing the set as Blitz put it away again.
“Oh you have to let me use that sometime in the future sir!” Moxxie exclaimed, tail swishing excitedly behind him and Blitz grinned, “I don’t know maybe I will.” Blitz told him and left towards his office, shutting the door and re-emerging a few moments later covered in his new armor and looking ready to go.
“Please be careful Blitz.” Millie told him and he smiled, “When am I ever not careful Millie? I’ll be fine.” Blitz told her, casting a look over his shoulder before walking out of the now just doorframe of the building and down to the van.
Now that he was ready to go face Striker he climbed in his van, double checking that he had everything before pulling out of the parking lot and driving away, “What the hell am I supposed to do once I get there? Stolas said this son of a bitch doesn’t play fair.” Blitz muttered to himself as he drove, reciting and attempting to remember the directions given to him.
“Meh I’ll be fine I’ll just wing it.” Blitz grinned to himself and continued driving, this couldn’t end well…
Checking back in with Striker he apparently was laying out all his items in preparation for Blitz’s visit. Striker stood after laying his things out, looking at them. “Oh yeah this oughta do it.” Striker muttered to himself, admiring the trinkets when his phone rang.
His golden gaze wandered over to where his phone sat ringing on a crate, tail flicking curiously as he wandered closer and let out a deadbeat sigh and picked up the phone, answering it and flinching away at the shrilly voice that echoed from the other side.
“WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO PICK UP?!?!” Stella’s voice screeched from the other line and Striker sighed, “My apologies Your Highness I was preparing for Blitzø’s ‘visit’ what did you need?” Striker asked her, gaining his composure and using that same formal tone with her.
She scoffed before answering him making the snake facepalm. “The imp is on his way so make sure you are prepared Striker. I’m counting on you.” Stella snapped from the other end and he could practically hear her dainty feathers ruffling in indifference on the other end, “Yes ma’am consider it done.” Striker replied and she harrumphed before the line went dead.
What was he going to do with her.
Back with Blitz he was nearly there by now, driving the black van through the rocky terrain of the desert, Striker’s hideout was maybe around 10 minutes away and this was when Blitz started to worry.
“What if I don’t win this fight? What if he beats me and I can’t get back to Millie, Moxxie or my Loony?” Blitz muttered to himself, curling his tail around his leg as he drove but then shook himself out of his thoughts.
“No I’m the leader of the I.M.P and even though Striker claims to be the best assassin in the Wrath Ring I can beat him can’t I..?” Blitz trailed off but still keeping his eyes trained on the road.
“Come on Blitz stop thinking like this you’re going to win.” Blitz reprimanded himself and through at that muttering to himself he’d realized that he arrived. He was sitting in his van at the foot of Striker’s cave.
With a nervous breath he stepped out to the van and went to the foot of the cave, taking deep breaths as he walked as he reached the foot of the cave and was surprised to see a…minecart?
Blitz noticed that the minecart was on a rail that lead further into the cave so after staring at it a moment longer he reluctantly climbed into the cart, curling his tail around himself once more as the minecart jostled and took off down the rickety rail.
Blitz noticed that there were gaps in the rail and it worried him for a moment until he noticed that the minecart could jump the gaps and he settled until a few minutes later when the minecart hit the ground with a crash and he tumbled out of it.
“Oww!” Blitz exclaimed, standing up and brushing himself off before taking in his surroundings, he was in a cave with some discarded rails and signs everywhere.
“Bout time you showed up.” A deep southern voice spoke from the shadows and Blitz whipped around, looking for the source of the voice when his gaze landed on a pair of golden yellow eyes staring back at him.
The eyes then stepped out of the shadows and revealed the person Blitz had come here for all along. “Blitzø.” Striker smirked, tipping his hat to the other imp who sneered, tail snapping behind him, “The ø is silent asshole!” Blitz snarked at Striker but the cowboy waved him off.
“Yeah yeah you think I care about that? You didn’t come here to chit chat.” Striker remarked, pulling his hat off as Blitz used this opportunity, rushing forward and aiming for the jugular but Striker jumped out of the way and flipped Blitz off.
“Oh you son of a bitch.” Blitz snarled at Striker, flipping the other imp off just as he had done to Blitz “I’m going to get revenge on you for Stolas!” Blitz yelled at Striker from across the cave, Striker on the other hand just grinned and readied himself in a battle stance.
“Well then if you’re here for that then quit your standin around and actually fight me!” Striker exclaimed and just like that the first attack was served.
Fight over and now on the ground, Blitz had Striker flat in his back on the ground, the smaller imp pinning the bigger down with his forearm pressed against his throat and the other arm lay on the ground. Striker’s tail had stabbed him in the back of the leg and his arms were planted firmly on the ground trying to sit up and get away but Blitz kept him down and unmoving.
“This…ends now..bitch!” Blitz exclaimed and was getting ready to deal the blow but unfortunately and fortunately for Striker Blitz had placed one of his hands and pressed down on Striker’s ribs for support and Striker’s tail had dislodged itself from Blitz and snapped in the air along with a slight hiss, his breath hitched as well and Blitz paused, staring at him with both confusion and curiosity whereas Striker looked mortified, hoping that Blitz wouldn’t catch onto what harbored that reaction.
“Well aren’t you gonna kill me?!” Striker snapped and Blitz removed his forearm much to Striker’s surprise and Blitz grinned, “Now wait a minute hotshot what was that?” Blitz asked him and Striker snarled, “Nothin now if you won’t kill me then let me go!” Striker’s voice caught in his throat with another quiet hiss as Blitz pressed down on his ribs agin and the imp’s face broke out into a wide smirk.
“Ohoho what have we here?” Blitz snarked and Striker’s tail began rattling, “I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about but you better release me right now!” Striker snapped at Blitz and he tsked, “Oh no don’t play stupid with me ive seen this multiple times you’re not foolin anyone.” Blitz grinned and started actually attacking Striker’s ribs this time, scribbling and scratching over them and the older’s response died on his tongue as Blitz did so.
“F-Fuck ohoff!” Striker snapped at Blitz, clamping his mouth shut to avoid any of these ridiculous noises coming out of his mouth. Why him he’s supposed to be a skilled and dangerous assassin! Yet here he was, lying on the floor of his own cave being tickled and unable to move.
“Somethin wrong hotshot? Snake got your tongue~?” Blitz taunted Striker whose tail snapped in response. “Oh fuck yohou!” Striker snapped and Blitz chuckled in response, lifting himself from his earlier position and scribbling over Striker’s stomach making the other curl up, tail swishing and rattling in response.
“You enjoyin this big guy?” Blitz grinned and Striker flipped him off, trying to will his tail to stop moving but it wasn’t working so he settled with wrapping it around his leg but the tip still twitched much to his dismay. Then Blitz got an idea, the imp eyed the spines sticking out of Striker’s tail and reached out one hand to trace over them while the other hand stayed on his stomach, that’s what finally broke him.
His tail unfurled itself from his leg and started flicking at the touch as uncharacteristic giggles poured out of the other. “Fuhuhuhuck you leheheheave my tahahahail alohohone!” Striker snapped at Blitz and the imp shot him a smirk.
“Oh does this bother you?” Blitz taunted him, scratching gently at the space around the spines and Striker’s laughter picked up. “Yehehehes hahahahands ohohoff!” Striker snapped at Blitz who only waved his finger in Striker’s face before taking his hand away from his tail and worming both hands under the assassin’s arms causing him to kick, laughter picking up significantly as small hisses began making their way into his giggly speech.
“Sssstohohohop alreheheheady!” Striker snickered, face heating up at what just happened as Blitz paused for a moment. “Wait just a damn minute…you hiss when being tickled??” Blitz grinned and Striker averted his gaze with a middle finger, “Let me hear that again!” Blitz remarked and Striker’s eyes widened as he held his arms out in front of him but that gave Blitz an opportunity and he dug into Striker’s underarms as the cowboy jerked and slammed his arms down.
“Blihihihitzzzø!” Striker hissed and laughed harder as Blitz dug in harder, “The Ø is silent asshole!” Blitz grinned as Striker laughed harder at the mock-offended remark. “Ihihi dohohohon’t gihihive a ssssshihihihit!!” Striker snapped back through his laughter and Blitz started laughing as well because of the hissing.
“Thahat hissing is awesome dude!” Blitz remarked and Striker flipped him off again. “Well that’s not very nice is it?” Blitz remarked, taking his hands away from Striker’s underarms and moving them higher to the base of his horns, scratching gently at the space there and Striker tried batting the offending hands away but Blitz wouldn’t let him.
“Good spot hotshot?” Blitz grinned as Striker’s laughter died down to giggles but they still stayed strong. “Sssshuhuhut the fuhuhuhuck uhuhup!” Striker hissed but Blitz moved back down to scribble over his sides and Striker’s laughter picked up again.
“Well there is a way you can get out of this alive.” Blitz hummed, over exaggerating it and nearly laughing when Striker’s eyes flew open. “Tehehell mehehehe!” Striker demanded and Blitz made a show with his hands, momentarily pulling away to allow the imp to hear what he had to say.
“Here’s the thing. I want you to take back what you did and apologize to me about what you did to Stolas.” Blitz replied and Striker’s gaze hardened. “No..wahay.” Striker snapped at Blitz and he raised a brow.
“You sure bout that asshole? I could let you go now if you apologize before things get loud~” Blitz taunted and Striker’s eyes narrowed in suspicion before snapping back, “No. Way.” Striker snarled at Blitz shrugged, “Suit yourself!” Blitz chirped before snaking his hands behind Striker and using his claws to scribble over Striker’s back.
Immediately Striker’s eyes widened at the new feeling and he bucked before bursting out laughing, Blitz obviously finding his worst spot. “HOHOHOW IN THEHE HEHEHELL?!” Striker still managed to sound confused through his hysterics and Blitz shrugged, moving up to Striker’s upper back making him curl up.
“This is the spot you were trying so hard to protect when I started this, don’t be so obvious next time.” Blitz replied so casual which somehow made Striker laugh even harder. “OHOHOHO FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOU LEHEHET ME GOHOHO!!” Striker screeched and Blitz grinned.
“Not till you apologize!” Blitz chirped and Striker flipped him off for what felt like the hundredth time that day, “JUHUHUHUST LEHEHET ME GOHOHO DAHAHAMNIT!!” Striker snapped and Blitz shifted down to his lower back, skittering over the skin there and around his now swishing tail, that’s what finally broke him.
“OHOKAHAHAY YOU AHAHASS YOU WIHIHIN IM SOHOHORRY JUHUHUST LAHAHAY OHOHOFF THE TAHAHAHAIL!!” Striker cackled as Blitz had now begun skittering over his tail with his claws but quickly pulled away and stood up upon hearing the apology.
“See now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Blitz teased Striker and he snarled, tail still swishing from a few minutes ago as he let out the residual giggles and caught his breath. Striker then flipped Blitz off again and imp chuckled.
“Yeah yeah you’ve shown me that like 5 times today, really gotta be going tho, see ya bitch!” Blitz called as he somehow made his exit from the cave leaving Striker with one thought.
What was he gonna tell Stella?
About 25 minutes later back at the I.M.P headquarters Blitz walked through the door and collapsed on the couch with a sigh. “So how’d it go? Did you beat him?” Millie asked Blitz, her, Moxxie and Loona gathering around the couch to hear Blitz’s response.
“Oh yeah I kicked his ass, in a bit of a unique way though but I can say that that asshole likely won’t be messing with us again anytime soon.” Blitz told them and Moxxie spoke up, “What did you do to him?” Moxxie asked him and Blitz waved him off.
“You know Moxx a business leader should never reveal their plans.” Blitz told him and he heard Moxxie’s halfhearted whines of “Come on tell me!” But he drowned those out and relaxed knowing that he’d been the one to take that prick down a few pegs.
(Woah long one again I know there wasn’t a setting in the Wrath Ring yet but I just figured that’s how an interaction in that ring would go but hope you enjoyed! ^^’)
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alt-froggy13 · 1 year
Hi!!! I was wondering if I could have general dating Headcanons (sorry if you don't do these) for Max (Camp Camp).
Please don't overwork yourself!! Have a amazing day/night!!!!
Yes ofc!! he will be aged up though, to age 15 since i think its a bit weird to make dating headcanons for a 10 year old- but please enjoy!
I feel like it would be an enemies to friends to lovers, so enjoy so this will be more like a little story with a side of headcanons
Max was sent to summer camp again, he first meet you, my god did he try his best to annoy you, he tried everything, picking on you, calling you out on stupid things, ect
But when he realized you two had things in common he started to tone things down, he related to you, oddly enough
One day, you were picking on Sasha and thats when he decided you could maybe, just maybe be his friend, and it happend
After you two became friends, you two would pick on other kids, but you would usually stop him from going to far
He never had a crush on you until you were having a bad day an he was annoying you, you snapped at him "seriously Max! what could you possibly do then fucking annoy me!? you dickless prick!" he was shocked, surprised, flustered, he couldn't believe it but he was in love
He would do everything to either stay away from you or impress you, and I mean impress you, he would even get in a physical fight with Nurf if he had to, and he almost has
when he got beat up and kidnapped by the woodscouts an went missing for a day, he was happy to see you again, he hugged you when no one was around
When Gwen and Nikki found out, they immediately tried helping him to ask you out or even just try to bond with you to get closer together
"So uh, you like dogs?" "Max, this is the third time you asked me that question, are you okay?" "I JUST REALLY LIKE DOGS OK!"
When he finally asked you out you two were insufferable
Headcanon time!!
He was a very awkward at first but started to warm up to you
When you two first held hands around other's, everyone would pick on you two while Gwen and David just found it adorable and practically fangirled the entire time
He would be an asshole when other people where around, but my goodness was he a sweetheart when you were alone together
"I love you Y/N" "I love you too Max but please get off me, I need to use the bathroom" "no, you're not leaving, it's cuddling time"
Whenever you two where alone together, you two would cuddle and end up falling asleep
It took several times of begging David to let you two sleep together in a tent or even be alone in a tent for five minutes
Max likes to calls you lovey dovey names like, beautiful/handsome/lovely, sweetheart, princess/prince/majesty, stupid, dumbass, idiot, ect
You call him, handsome, princey, hot head, dirtbag and puff ball (due to his hair)
He loves it when you play with his hair or give him a head massage
you're the number one person he goes to whenever there is a problem, even he has problems opening up to you out of all people
Hope you enjoyed!! I'll even make a small story, maybe even series if people would like!!
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harperwasstaken1 · 1 year
[어떤 일이] 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠
Ch5➪ Who tf is Topher?
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Rival!Prince!Nishimura Riki x Princess!Reader
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔➪ Angst, Rivalry, Mentions of Death, Modernly Medieval
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔➪ 1.1k
𝑺𝒚𝒑𝒏𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔➪ 2 Kingdoms, 2 Kings, 2 Queens, 2 Heirs, and 1 Forbidden Love. 'Whatever happens' to them when they fall inlove with the Rivalry still going?
Enhypen Masterlist
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I placed my phone in the pocket of my dress, I walked out of my bedroom. My phone on silent as I went inside the lounge room. My parents sat beside eachother with a chair empty beside my mom for me.
There were 4 other people in the room, Royalties from another kingdom that's a two day travel away. They've been trying... Well not all of them, the eldest of the two kins. The Prince of Trinium, Yoo Sangwoo.
Hate him to death that is. He has been asking me to marry him since we we're in training school. He was everywhere. During my Law Class for Kingdoms? He was right outside of my classroom by the window yelling, "THAT'S MY FUTURE QUEEN!!"
I could just feel eyes on me everywhere I go during training school. It got on my nerves.
Now here he is infront of me with this lovesick grin while I stare in disgust. His little sister looks so tired of his brother, I nodded at her and sat still.
From the corner I saw Heeseung standing there with the others behind him. They looked worried, I ignored it.
"Now what seems to be the problem here Yoona?" My mother asked the other Queen as she looked at her son in annoyance.
"Your Majesty, My son has done something indescribably stupid." She responded aa she looked at her son with a glare and to her husband with a go for him to continue.
"He has paid the media that your daughter is getting married to him." The king finally said as Heeseung brought a laptop over infront of my parents and I with the article open.
"Excuse me?" I asked, bewildered that this idiot would go this far. I looked at the article, the bolded title was making me nauseous.
"Princess Y/n of Solaíre, has been confirmed to marry Prince Sang-woo of Trinium."
I felt sick.
"I do not accept this offer from your son, this is ridiculous." I stood up with a glare at their heir, as they looked down in shame.
The princess of one of the most powerful kingdoms, the next heir, yelling at them in spite of their son's behavior.
"I'm so sorry Princess." His sister beside him muttered as she glared at her older brother, who grinned at me. I looked at my parents as they were in shock.
"We will sort this out with the media, to ensure my daughter isn't marrying your imbecile of a son." My father stood up and dismissed the family. They stood up, and the Queen dragged her son away from the area.
"Father, this can't happen!" I reasoned, my mother had her eyes furrowed at me as she was in deep thought.
"But honey, are we just going to pay the media back to tell them this is false?" My mother asked. I shook my head, They can figure this out. I need to talk to my friends.
"Mother, Father, may I be excused to my room?" I looked at them, they nodded. I bowed and rushed away with the others following behind.
As soon as I got in my room, I threw my phone on my bed and groaned.
"That imbecile! How could he do that?" I yelled as I burrowed my face in my hands, Heeseung had the laptop in a full on facetime with the others as Wonyoung sat beside me.
Ni-ki was quiet, he didn't say anything as he scanned my figure in worry. He sighed and looked away.
Jungkook, who sat beside the youngest, looked at the Prince. He knows he was hurt about the article, he also knows that Ni-ki knew it wasn't what she wanted. But the thought of the girl he loves marrying someone who she didn't want hurt him.
It hurt him that she won't be marrying him, but he knew that this isn't what she wanted. So he shook his hurt aside, and looked at his bestfriend who had the right to get mad at the dumbass, who paid for the article to be released with a fake news.
"You alright, Love?" Ni-ki asked, everyone stopped their complaining as soon as he spoke. They waited for the girl's answer. But as soon as her shoulders shook, he knew she was crying. Overwhelmed with what was happening.
Me being a Princess wasn't the best life someone could have, She would be forced to a marriage, or be inlove with someone she can't have.
I couldn't speak as sobs tried to make its way out of my mouth, it's pathetic. Crying over this thing, but I just can't help it.
"Hey, you're alright. We're here, I'm here. You can let your frustration out Princess." Ni-ki reassured, as I let my sobs out. Unbeknownst to us, my parents stood by the slightly open door. Listening to the Prince of Risqué, calming her down ever so sweetly.
"I did not know my Princess is friends with Prince Riki?" The Queen asked, as she stared at her daughter's shaking figure as it slowly calmed down, hearing the Prince's reassurance.
"My love, they've beens friends for awhile. But they were scared of both your and his mother's opinion. His father knows too." The king reasoned.
"But their mothers were in the way?" Her majesty's voice shook, her voice small and timid. She can see the effect the young Prince has on her daughter.
She could hear the adoration and calmness in his voice, just like how her husband talked to her when she was in remorse and pain.
Both powerful heirs are inlove with eachother, despite knowing the rivalry. She was in the way of her daughter's happiness, and she despised that. She hated herself for it.
She knew what she could do, but it would take talking to her old friend. The one who have become her rival. The Queen of Risqué.
"Tell the advisor of Risqué, that we would like to talk to the Royal Family. Tell our advisor to set up a declaration of the current situation, and please be ready to print out a treaty." The queen told the nearest worker of the castle. Who nodded and left.
"What is this about?" Her husband asked, she stared at her daughter one last time and looked at her husband.
"I'm doing what my daughter has wanted for the longest of time. We are talking to the Royal Family of Risqué, If my daughter can't be happy. Then I'll make sure that she is, even if it's by talking about a treaty to our rival kingdom. Everything for my Princess." The Queen finished and walked away from her daughter's room.
Anything for her daughter.
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Taglist: @flower0930 @forever-in-the-sky2
Note: Sorry for the rlly late update, I got busy and forgot😭
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Pet Names/ Nicknames I think the MHA/BNHA boys would call you… Part 1
A/Note: I’ve had this on my mind for a while so here it is. Sorry, I’ve barely been there but I hope I can get more content out soon. My requests are closed but for Part 2 could you guys please suggest some characters and tell me if you’d like to see this for a different fandom as well. Love<3 ~ Sar-chan
Line-up: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima Eijirō and Kaminari Denki.
Warning: Small mention of spicy time and some suggestive details. Characters are aged up.
Part 1 // Part 2
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✿ Midoriya Izuku (Deku)
I think Deku would find it hard to give you a pet name off the bat; he’ll start small like abbreviations of your name and nicknames surrounding your name. I think he’d eventually move to ‘sweetheart’ or ‘sweetie’ and maybe the occasionally ‘babe’. He’d blush every single time and when it comes down to you know the spicier times he’d probably say’ baby.’
Fun Fact: He had a whole discussion with Iida about picking a pet name, he has a list in his notebook about you.
✿ Bakugo Katsuki (Dynamight)
Bakugo is most definitely not going to think too much about this at first he’d just go along with your name or well his regular ‘dumbass.’ I think he’d change it about a month into your relationship he might notice little things in your behaviour or Kirishima or Denki might mention something along the lines. He’d think about it for a while and I think he’d try something like ‘sugar’ (believe me I don’t know why I just think so). ‘Sugar’ is more of a special reserve word though and more than often he opts for ‘babe’ and sometimes even ‘princess/prince’ but that’s for when he’s a little frustrated or super soft. Spicer times he opts for ‘babygirl/babyboy/baby.’
Fun Fact: The ‘bakusquad’ heard him call you ‘sugar’ when he was super down and they did not shut up about it for a week.
✿ Todoroki Shoto (Shoto)
Shoto always gives me super soft vibes and I cannot put my finger on why but I think he sticks more along ‘dear’ or ‘darling.’ He’s super sweet with it and his words always sound like they’re dipped in honey when he says them and even when he’s angry so do not be fooled. Spicy times he also sticks to ‘baby’ or ‘honey’.
Fun Fact: Sometimes when both of you are much further into the relationship he still finds it a bit difficult to ask for affection so he’ll usually say, “Dear..um… nevermind.” More than likely he wants a kiss please give it to him, he’ll smile and nuzzle it into your neck.
✿ Kirishima Eijirō (Red Riot)
Kirishima is just super sweet he’s been waiting forever to call you his ‘princess/prince.’ He’ll even bow and do the whole your majesty routine. Sometimes when he gets really worried or down he’ll remind you that you are ‘his rock’ because you really ground him. Spicier times he still uses ‘princess/prince’ but it’ll be more ‘my princess/prince’ and ‘my girl/my boy.’
Fun Fact: Every time he sees you he does this motion with his hand for you to run up to him and he’ll pick you up and spin you around saying, “How’s my princess/prince been?” He’ll give you a soft kiss before setting you down. (And I’m talking every body type my chubby babies too Kiri will lift you :) )
✿ Kaminari Denki (Chargebolt)
Denki is definitely a ‘babe’ type of person but he’s really all over the place with his pet names. Sometimes it’s ‘babygirl/babyboy’ or ‘sweet stuff’ or ‘hottie’ it can quite literally be anything with Denki but sometimes he gets sentimental. When he gets soft and even scared or you get scared he’ll say some cheesy stuff like “you’re my lightning ok so I can never lose.” (maybe too much Flash take a break Denks.) Spicier times you’ll pretty much hear ‘baby.’
Fun Fact: Before he leaves home for a mission he always kisses your forehead and says “My lightning bolt.” But because he’s super dramatic y’all could be going on the same mission and he’d do it. He really does mean it though, you give him strength.
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I hope you guys liked it. I've been thinking about this for a while. I promise I'm still working on the matchups, I will get em all done. <3
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s-hera · 3 years
A kiss is just a kiss
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Ft. Hanma shuji
Notes: 0.7k. Fluff.
Inspired by: Proposal night
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This man doesn’t live without a thrill, he likes thrilling things. things where he could feel nervous, embarrassed and anything just to make himself not feeling lonely.
He actually feel so thrilled but at the same time he feels dumb, he don’t know if should he continue or stop his proposal because you might reject it. It’s not like he doesn’t trust you but he doesn’t trust his own self because he knows that you prioritized your family first before him and he understand that, they raised you after all but he wants to feel something…he doesn’t want you to go, what if one day you realized that he’s not enough? That’s why he decided to propose to you too.
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It was late at night when he called you and invites you to a theme park, of course you agreed since he doesn’t really take you on a date because he knows you’re busy, he gives you space and you love being with him and his thrilling ass too.
You spotted him on the Cotton candy station with a cotton candy in his hands too, waiting for you.
"Shu!" After you said the word the boy approach you.
"Sweetheart, you look good in your outfit as always"
"Pftt, I already know that...I'm pretty shu, everything match me"
"That's the confidence, babe. do you wanna ride something?"
"What? sorry mommy?did you say something?"
It's just fun because both of you have the same humour...he promised that he won't touch you until both of you got married and that's a green flag right?
"I'm kidding,ok? Carousel, I want to ride that"
"It's for a child y/n…"
"Says the one who's childish, whatever just follow me...I wanna ride that and you can't stop me"
"Yes mommy"
"Shuji, stop calling me that!"
"It's you who started it."
"Ok, and?stop now."
Since he can’t do anything, he let’s you ride the carousel and he did ride too, he was supposed to prove that he isn’t childish but whatever he forgot what he needed to prove.
After that carousel thingy he invites you to plat balloon pop which proves that he really is childish, he did win a stuff toy though… the night is still young.
It was 9 pm when he invites you to the theme park and it’s already past 10 pm and also the perfect time to do something crazy.
“Do you wanna get some ice cream” asks the childish man
“Hmmm, sure but isn’t freezing?i don’t mind getting an ice cream though”
“You talk so much y/n, just buy me an ice cream?im gonna wait here for you” he said in a mean but funny way
“Ok prince shu, wait here you little shit. ‘m gonna get your ice cream, your majesty”
ofcourse he didn’t let you go alone, is he dumb? He’s hiding on your shadow, you can’t see him. You walked straightly because your not really bothered by your surroundings, all you can see is you and the man you love.
ohh , shoot, you forgot to ask him what flavour does he want, but anyways your just gonna get him chocolate.
While ordering you kinda sense that the confectioner blushing but you don’t know why…is your face that really hot?because if it is you already know that, little did you know.
“Sorry miss, is there something wrong with my face?” you ask
“N-no, there’s nothing wrong” she then gave you the ice cream and a bright smile on her face.
When the confectioner gave you the ice cream you smiled back and turned around, when you turn around you didn’t expect to see your lover, your lover with a ring on his hand, kneeling and saying “y/n l/n! Would you be my queen?”
Then there you were… “i-i..shuji is this some sort of prank?”
“No dumbass, do you think i would like to joke when it comes to this kind of things?just tell me do you want to be my queen?” “i don't want you to be my servant forever” he added with a sarcastic tone
“ atleast your servant is pretty and hot. Mhhhh, but sure i would take the queen title” there’s a small tear that escaped your eye but overall his proposal was funny and fun.
“No taking back now, sweetheart. You can never escape the Queen title”
The confectioner was there…she feels so lonely because she was single, you two made her feel the loneliness.
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vivienna-vivid · 2 years
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I posted 24,364 times in 2022
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I tagged 7,322 of my posts in 2022
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#his majesty prince dumbass - 209 posts
#guilty gear - 203 posts
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#tf2 - 161 posts
#milgram - 144 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#casual reminder that karna mames a great villain in the mahabharata because his more extreme awful side is contrasted with genuine kindness
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kafka's Metamorphosis shows the true nature of humanity for without crushing capitalism weighing on us we would be skittering up the walls and ceilings like the little weirdos we truly are
38 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
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In this house, we commit to jokes
39 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Okay okay okay okay hear me out.
I think it's fair to say that Saber!Hektor would be buffed by Apollo just like babie!Paris is. But unlike the lad, be won't be kiddified and I can give you a lore reason for it.
In the Iliad, Apollo has this line to Hektor:
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The way he speaks here makes it sound like he sees Hektor as an equal; as a partner. Apollo is willing to play second fiddle to Hektor and he keeps his word! This is a stark contrast with how he blessed Paris with the Achilles-killing shot by basically possessing him.
With Paris, Apollo takes his free will — shown in FGO with how he forces Paris to take a cuter form. With Hektor, he honors his free will. If anything, "Phobus Apollo of the golden sword" would become Saber!Hektor's weapon, fusing with the golden sword Durindana.
48 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Arjuna's weakness is his family.
Arjuna can go through life as this distant, cold, but capable prince but that projected image crumbles easily when in the presence of a family member — for better or for worse.
With his brothers, he is an endearingly flappable middle son who teases and is teased often. He almost seems bratty in their presence.
With his elders, he is a soft and shy boy who cannot help but gaze at his own feet and fidget in their presence. Tense as he is, his smile radiates nothing but genuine adoration.
With his lovers, spitfires as they are, he is relaxed and somewhat clueless. In the presence of people so sure of themselves, so unlike Arjuna (and yet they chose him), he can't help but play second fiddle and try his best to keep composed as he basks in their passion.
With his sons, he is an attentive father. There's no use in projecting an image, he only wants to hold them close. There is an audible spring in his voice anytime he speaks with them, eyes bright and his smile genuine.
And with Karna, the brother he never knew he had... Well, we know that answer.
Which makes it all the more sadder when Arjuna Above Gods, the Final Lonely God, cannot crumble so easily. No endearing brattiness, no shy fidgetings, no awkward smiles, and no gentle attentiveness.
140 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I know that Arjuna is designed to be young and prince-like so he can have that boyfriend-like quality to him so his kids are never mentioned, but honestly it'd be fucking HILARIOUS if FGO explored Arjuna as a dad.
Cuz, Arjuna is a fuckin chuuni. And he also tries his best to be a good dad but he's also a deep overthinker so if — say — Abhimanyu gets to Chaldea you bet your ASS Arjuna is gonna hide every chuuni part of him.
It'd be an inverse of the "I need to hide my cringe side from my parents". Arjuna desperately hides his cringy chuuni nerd side from Abhi because he doesn't want Abhi to judge him.
And meanwhile, Abhi is just shamelessly being a normal cringeass 16-year-old so really Arjuna has NOTHING to worry about but he's fucking overthinking dumbass and just suffers in his foolishness.
239 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sereisstuff · 3 years
ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɴᴛᴀɴᴇᴏᴜꜱ ᴄᴜʀꜱᴇꜱ
plural noun: curses
a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.
Tale of the story: Jungkook; a demigod. Fell in love with a mortal, in most stories the mortals die. What makes you think this one is any different.
Plus size reader (Not implied, but I only write for plus size readers so any, and every story on my page that I’ve written is implied, plus-size reader)
Warnings: self-inflicted harm (not intentionally) mentions of blood. Swearing? very rushed. Little dialogue at times. Angst! Fantasy.
Inspiration was when I was staring out the car window like four hours ago, so do what you will with that information. Song's I recommend is a runaway from aurora and the seed.
Not proofread
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Your hair bustled in the wind, mimicking the waves before them. A deafening shriek, melodiously flowing through the air as the heavy roars of Poseidon fell before you. Oh, how you wished this day could end, it was all due to your imaginative stupidity which led you to your untimely decisions. Your curiosity piqued a much greater meaning as you stumbled upon something you shouldn’t have, something so tender that not even your callous human hands could grasp.
It was a warm day when you stumbled upon Jungkook bathing under the waterfall, by far the most exquisite figure you’ve ever laid your eyes on. It was odd, he was handsome, so handsome your mind couldn’t comprehend his features. So defined in the most perfect places but even his flaws held beauty. Something you wouldn't ever say to yourself, you were so busy lost in his exotic features that as you examined him, your once starstruck eyes turned into shocked ones.
His feet replaced by fins connecting his toes, strong legs glistening under the water almost gloss like. If you hadn't gasped aloud, you wouldn’t have caught the creature's focus. His charismatic eyes faded into anguish and he held his breath as if you would slowly forget him, which you wish he implied on you at this moment.
Jungkook was a rather charismatic being, so full of life. He told you many things, the beings he encountered, his descendancy and you were absolutely enchanted by it all. Jungkook went from being the eye that captured you to the person you needed the most. So much had happened that the dangers you encountered soon became normalised. He wasn’t a god nor was he human, he was a demigod.
And you can recall the very moment he told you…..
“You know, I’ve known you for a while now. Yet, you still can’t give me a direct answer as to what you are? Who you are? You know so much about me but I know nothing about you” you asked, it was very true. You often got lost in your rambles that by the time he watched you walk into the night back to your residency, you no longer had time to ask him who he truly was, it was almost like you forgot. Every. Single. Time.
Jungkook stared at his reflection beneath him, toes curling just before the water and he wondered. Was it truly something he wanted you to know, did he no longer honour his people's secrecy, it was as if the water would always be a part of him and just like the tides. He was pulled from his desire to feel ‘normal’, that the other part of him wanted nothing more than to run from the ocean.
“I don’t know what I am either” he spoke, voice tough in correspondence “I’m many things, to many beings. I’m a prince to countless, an heir to others. A beast of life to some, but to you and your people, I am a demigod. A halfling cursed with humanity, I’m telling you this because as we’ve ventured, I’ve given you my trust and you’ve done nothing to betray it” Jungkook's voice was soft, as always. His curious gaze lifted from beneath his fallen hairs, strayed from their roots and moved like silk from his eyes as the wind touched his bristles.
Your bottom lip curled between your teeth in thought, it wasn’t hard to believe because at this point in time. This was the least likely to be the most unbelievable.
“If you're a demigod as you say, and your source correlates with the water. Does this mean your father is….poseidon?” came your question, your needy eyes now meet by his doe ones. His brows furrowed in response as if it was hard for him to communicate.
With his intense gaze, he nodded, ever so slowly. It was a painful nod, one stricken in fear. Jungkooks charisma faded into his clouded mind and you led him astray from his defences. He didn’t enjoy this, his shared vulnerability felt unnatural, it wasn’t the way he was taught. His humanity was often correlated with Beastiality by his people and the emotions that flooded his mind felt so distant to him. It wasn’t like he feared his people, he just feared their intentions with those who they didn’t deem worthy of knowing of them.
“Then why do you seem so human-like, is this my perception of you? Am I meant to know of your existence because if that’s not the answer, must I fear for my life” you asked slowly, making sure every word you spoke made it through to him, your tendency for empathetic traits seemed to come into play and by the looks of it? It seemed sickening to him.
The sun was led astray by the clouds and your moment was soon to end, the lake he visited you was by the ocean. Covered in a deep forest with a subtle pathway of dirt to lead you back home.
Jungkook let a giggle escape his mouth towards your idiocy “You don’t need to fear for your life as long as I’m here. My mother presented herself as a human during the time she met my father, a woman with such beauty had grasped his attention. It’s hard to say why I’m like this because she herself wasn’t a human. My father says it’s because the moment they collided was what I was imaged after but these days I don’t believe much from his mouth” a slight husk to his tone deepened at the mention of his father.
“As long as you're here aye? What are you, my protector? My guardian? Jungkook my saviour” you cooed falling helplessly on his hooded chest to lighten up his dampened mood. The information was enough to suffice your curiosity, just enough to vanquish your questions and you didn’t want to risk his sadness for your rambling mind.
Jungkook lifted a ringed finger, resting it on your head in a comforting motion. Surprising you. You sat awkwardly, legs laid upon each other as you laid on his thighs unintentionally “Protector has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” He asked, his childish tone was back once more letting the serious resonance fade into the abyss of his mind once more.
“More like Jungkook the fish, when have you once protected me, it’s always me protecting you. Like that time a kid tried throwing water at you and I pushed you out of the way” You continued, feeling the heat of your cheeks fire in adornment, he never held you this intimately. Only a peck to those plush cheeks of yours and a hug, usually you were doing the hugging...
“You didn’t need to, I’m not a mermaid. A tale isn’t going to spontaneously pop out of my ass, you just made us both look like idiots” He laughed, sending you into hysterics “Let me have my saviour moment dammit, in my mind that was quite heroic of me don’t you think” you tried lifting yourself from his thigh but his grasp was too strong, that not even your head moved from his stoned hands.
“Not at all, heroism can’t even be the definition of what you did. Maybe embarrassment? Or, even better. Dumbass?” you shot up from his hand, defying his strength. Planting your hands to his side so your face was merely away from his face “I am not a dumbass, I did what I thought was right at the time, I should have let the water hit you, very very ungrateful if I may say so myself” you didn’t really notice the proximity at first, to fired in your own mind to notice Jungkook's doe eyes widen at the mere feel of your breath heating his cheeks.
Your ramble continued as he gulped, heated in nervousness. His eyes turning a pale blue, covering his chocolate brown eyes with a slight desire but mostly fear of his actions.
“Ah, y/n” he tried but you continued over him “-remember that time your fingers started doing that sticking together thing like a fin and I took my gloves off, mid-winter to cover yours which by the way. You never gave back, I don’t care because you can keep them but living under the water and all, I feel like I should have given them my final wishes at least”
Jungkook coughed, staring into your eyes, placing a soft hand onto your hips in hopes of it grasping your attention “By the way, were you trying to make a mako mermaid reference and I’m only just getting it now because that would make me feel like a dumbass, which I’m not. I’m not implying that you are either because you're smart but you're also a dick” Your words were switching so fast that he panicked and planted a kiss onto your soft plump lips.
Oh, how warm they felt, your eyes widened in shock. Feeling his soft lips move rhythmically against your own, unable to comprehend his movements as you stared at his thick lashes coating his lids, finally sinking into his tender touch.
Jungkooks fairly large hands are planted on your wide hips, his touch so tender in fear of hurting you. Even his kisses lingered on your lips as he struggled to move from their enchantment.
From that moment onwards you both lingered on the thought of it, treating the other more softly. Graciously, he treated you like a porcelain doll in fear of losing you. He always kept one hand clasped to your own, for what he called his mystical rope.
But moments like that also end in tragedy because even if you found love. Your demise soon followed you to your meeting place, in hopes of seeing him by the dock you awaited. Staring dreamily at the moon above you, your eyes playing with the stars surrounding it and your heart warmed at the tranquillity falling before you, everything seemed to be so full of majesty.
You were so lost in a daze that you didn’t notice the feet pandering behind you, a hooded figure stood before you, lips uncovered but eyes hidden in disguise. This moment wouldn’t have scared you, unmatched to yours and Jungkook's odd adventures, still, the knife they had in their hand glistened under the moonlight and that made your heart race scarcely.
“Y/n?” they asked, voice full of femininity.
You nodded, eyes in search of their own. “Lighten up, I’m not here to hurt you” they laughed, removing their hood painfully slowly, revealing a young woman. Mid-fifties with healthy skin and strands falling down her face with the colour of lightning streaks befalling them, her doe eyes and thin brows reminded you of something but as you gazed into her eyes, you felt the fear vanquish.
“Who are you?” you asked, it seemed as if you’d been doing that often nowadays.
The hooded woman sat beside you, her large, golden streaked blanket resting on her slender shoulders fell like a pool surrounding her due to its thickness. It seemed warm on the inside. “I am no one.” she gave, wisely making you roll your eyes “no one? Everybody's someone” you replied, disliking the ungiving answer she so happily gifted you.
Her slender jaw spread as she released a mocking laugh “Darling, some want to be perceived as someone. I am the embodiment of no one, by now I know your shock is an action of acting. I know of your adventures, I know of your discovery. So take me as I am because I may come back in a different form next time around; the concept of matter is how you mould it, when you are matter, you are anything.”
“You are no one” you repeated in hushed whispers, to which she hummed in reply “-yes, I come as a heathing warning for you my dear” her long black hair swished like magic around her but she was so unfathomed by it, by everything. You couldn’t even feel her energy, her being was untraceable, it was almost like she was a concept of unperception “a warning? First, you stand before me with a knife, then you lecture me on matter and now I’m receiving a warning for something I may not have even don-”
“No, not of what you have done. What you’ve meddled in, as you may know. The prince you're waiting for” she was cut off by you immediately “How did you kn-”
“I’m speaking” she demanded, she flicked her slender fingers in the with fast-paced movements, the advancement made your posture straighten and your mouth shut, ziplocked “I heath a fate made warning; A prince will someday meet his demise, secrecy is leaked and unfathomable death may plague all lands unless the loved are sacrificed. Unlike many, whom may not understand that. I come to you in the form he was conceived in, despite never appearing before him. I have come to you, I have deciphered the riddle for your understanding. Jungkook has always been the son of the cursed. Unless you sacrifice yourself for him”
“I know your love for him is prudent and rooted in for all of eternity so I ask you this? Is your love so strong that you're willing to lay down your life and wait for him in the next? Or are you so obsessed with what he is that your love is a manifestation of your unlived fantasies' ' she spoke with such anger, your breathing elevated as the moon disappeared within the clouds and her eyes turned a bright blue with black surroundings. Her hair floated in the air and she once more reversed her curse she placed on you, watching you fall to the floor, coughing from the unused air within your lungs.
“What’s it to you? Yo-you were never there for him. He grew motherless, your sudden support seems awfully unwilling” you screamed, her power raised the winds and the tides grew with it. “You know nothing of magick my dear, scream all you want but what’s set in stone cannot be changed by faith. I protect him from the shadows and nurture him from afar. He doesn’t need me, he’s a prince, a son of a god. He can handle himself.”
She stood, using her power to light up the sky around you in an array of lighting. Strong her movements were, the tips of her fingers swirled as a barricade of wind surrounded you both, blocking the outside world off, the anger rising around you couldn’t be heard from your standing point and your fear suddenly grew. Was what she said true? Were you merely going to be a sacrifice in fate?
“Do you love my son?” she asked, this time. Her hands placed on your cheeks, warming them and disclosing your fear. You didn’t hesitate, nodding your head almost immediately, causing her saddened doe eyes to close, squeezed shut in thought. Her cries kept from her throat and she apologised “I’m so sorry for this.” She whispered. Suddenly, her hands lit and your mind eradicated into an unfathomable pain, but just as it arrived. It also left and instantaneously you felt trapped.
You watched from within your eyes, as she gifted you her golden knife. Placing her soft forehead against your own, whispering sweet nothings until she backed away and looked atop into the sky before slowly disappearing into the air like ash.
“No, no, no” you repeated watching as you unleash a cut on your skin.
It was a quick, swift moment. The knife pierced at your skin and sliced your innocence, it was damn near painful but your mind was so overrun with memories that the pain you inflicted upon yourself felt no less painful than the crack in your heart. It was a damned ending from the beginning but just like most, happy beginnings end horribly because it’s too good to be near true.
You were mortified by what was to come but just like the pain of birth, the pain of new beginnings and the entrance to humanity. Death could mimic its transition and your boat was rocking. But you didn’t regret any of it, you knew the moment he told you of what was to come that this was your sacrifice, your tears watering the board creaking beneath you as the raging waves swindled the currents beneath you, at this point. It no longer felt like you were endangered by anything, your trapped consciousness merged into one and you walked to the edge of the dock.
Rivers of blood trickled down your arms and you cried from within, just a moment ago you awaited your love’s arrival but now you’ve become his only path of living. It was all unfair.
But just like that, your will vanished and you fell. The drop wasn’t too far but you did, your hair sunken into the water, the tides pulling you further beneath its weight and you felt weightless. It felt serene, the suffocation of your lungs was unkempt but then again, you couldn’t feel anything. Not even the siren screamed before you as Jungkook saw your floating body and silken blood dragging from your arms like leashes. The gash inside of your belly was doing its unholy work.
He had you in his arms, strongly wrapped behind your head and your waist as he stared at you, eyes stricken in fear and pain, shooting from the wanted with you in his arms, landing on any near-surface. Using his arms as a shield from your pain, he couldn’t understand the sudden change in environment but he knew of whom when he saw your floating body.
All he saw was red.
The rain began to fall from the sky, masking his hefty tears from his eyes. He couldn’t see your breathing so he reached a hand above your mouth, whispering incantations as his tips felt the water pile, lifting from your purple lips and a cough escaping your mouth.
“Come on, y/n. You can’t do this to me, not now” He cried sullenly, “please” he pleaded, resting a head on your cheek, the once tender warmth released with thin streaks of breathing and ice-cold skin, his cries mimicked the thunder as he rested his hand against your stomach praying to the ocean for strength, he no longer cared about himself because in a world without you, there wasn’t a world of hope. Of adventure, of love. He couldn’t bear the thought and if you left, he would too.
He screamed a growl like one as his hands lit in blue, heavy harshed breaths escape his mouth and his heart patterned. He didn’t care for the wind prickling at his raised hairs, the lightning striking before him because if he could save you, he couldn’t save himself.
“Please, breath baby. Please.” he sobbed.
The wounds barely healed as he leant an air against your chest, unable to hear your lively heart. Breaking him further “Why, why her out of all people. Why not me, out of all people you took the one person willing to love me” He wailed into the sky, falling against your corpse body. His tears falling against your salty face.
“Just five more minutes would have felt like an eternity more if you gave me the chance.”
He curled up beside you in the rain, ignoring the storm happening around him. His arm wrapped around your flat body as he sunk into your neck with loud sobs. His smile broke from him and the strings to his heart no longer played its serene melodies as he saw you, riddled with death.
It was churning, moments ago you awaited his love. His oddly cold warmth he provided and now you laid in the eye of all rage. Your thoughts are alive once more, but faintly. Just like the faint beat of your heart that caught the attention of your lover. His weakened hands pushed his body up and laid an ear against your heart, the strum of your strings beating once more gifted him something more, life couldn’t leave your body just yet.
His tears stuck to your face and the magic within them, secured into your veins and simultaneously he watched your wounds turn into sigils of protection, scarred into your body. Your breathing returned as Jungkook hovered above you, his fin-like hands placed beside your messy strands as he tucked the swindled roots behind your pierced ears, awaiting for your eyes to open once more.
“Am I just that important” you whispered barely, the movement of your lips made him laugh in joy. His breathing heightened as his chest pumped in and out.
He gripped your cheeks making you hiss in pain “shit, sorry” he muttered, still eccentric in glee. Just like the sea, you wanted to continue living so you fought fate. The comfort of your lovers' hands against your stricken features was extremely comforting and just like that, the heavy rain turned into hushed whisps.
“I promise to never leave your side again, never” he promised as he straddled your head within his strong arms.
“Fine by me” you coughed, voice still weakened by the taste of death.
Jungkook laughed, staring into the sky with hatred. One day he would get his revenge but for now, his focus was solely on you, and only you “I should have known better, I’m so sorry” he apologised frantically, you placed a hand on his naked arm, shocked that all this time he wasn’t clothed “It’s okay, Jungkook. It’s not your fault”
“You're wondering if I’m cold, goddamit y/n. You were dying and you're worried about me”
You shoved his head weakly “leave me alone, it’s hard not to worry about someone you love”
Jungkook pecked your cheek, tiredly “I love you too”
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silviakundera · 20 days
Joy of Life S2 E16 comments
The Second Prince and Ye Ling Er subplot is gonna become my new sworn enemy and source of futile rage, like the first 10 episodes of Fan Xian and Wan'er.
I guess it's only fair that this season gives me something to loathe, as nothing can be perfect.
But what was absolutely perfect: FX picking public fights with generals & dukes to signal that he isn't developing a span of control past Overwatch Council and His Majesty.
Chen Pingping and the emperor alone time is always good theatre.
Fan Xian hiding in the palace and hanging with his aunt & idiot prince was also incredible. FX does great with dumbass nobles so I hope we see more of that pair.
The Spring Imperial Examination is an obvious trap.
I am really wondering if this drama is gonna end with FX and his family traveling to live away from the capital. Feels like they've foreshadowed this multiple times now.
Lone Shijia town survivor has no idea that multiple powerful people have a reason to want him dead. (Including me! Since I unofficially officially boarded CP's ship last season) That's...probably not gonna work out for him.
18 notes · View notes
Soulmate AU part 2; Things drastically change for the better:
Arthur and Merlin’s relationship develops, Uther becomes increasingly annoyed at his failed attempts to control them, Leon continues to have heart palpitations over trying to protect them, and Morgana thinks the whole thing is hilarious.
Part 1   Part 3 Part 4
So that conversation... happens.
To say it was awkward would be a MASSIVE understatement.
Arthur and Morgana spend the whole time answering Uther’s questions, so much so that Merlin barely speaks (he wasn’t great at keeping secrets, so he wasn’t too mad at them for answering for him) and Uther spends the whole time trying and failing to assert his dominance over his two dumbass kids (but they aren’t having it).
Eventually Merlin did speak up, quietly saying:
“I, um... I’m really sorry to interrupt Sire, My Lord... uh... Your Majesty Sir-”
Morgana smirks slightly and covers her mouth with her hand, Arthur rolls his eyes and squeezes Merlin’s hand, and Uther looks upon the whole scene with barely concealed bewilderment:
“-uh... my mum is waiting for me, and I’m usually not gone for this long so... could I... I mean would you mind if I... went?”
Uther looked even more taken aback at that. As much as this whole conversation had been based on Merlin, he hadn’t actually processed the fact that he was a whole person who would have family and places to be and a life outside of being The Prince’s soulmate.
He nods his head slightly and purses his lips:
“Right. Of course. Arthur said that you lived outside of Camelot?-”
He doesn’t wait for an answer before continuing:
“-Well I’m afraid that that is unacceptable. You are the soulmate of the Prince of this kingdom, inform your family that you are to move here as soon as possible, preferably before the month is out.-”
At Merlin’s wide eyes and Arthur and Morgana’s scornful faces, he waved his hand:
“-Don’t worry, housing and anything else that you will require will be provided by the Crown.”
Merlin still looks a bit dazed and surprised at his demand, so Arthur replies instead:
“Father, Merlin and his mother have a life in their village, you can not just demand that they pack up and leave everything behind to live here.”
Uther looks annoyed at this, but patiently (or as patiently as Uther is able) retorts with:
“Well he was going have to move eventually. The two of you are only a few years from being of age, and you can not possibly live in separate kingdoms when that happens, especially as you are Crown Prince. I’m allowing this... bond... to continue, but we are still royalty, and rules must be followed.”
Morgana goes to argue this time, but Merlin tugs her sleeve slightly and says quietly:
“It’s alright ‘Gana, he is right, I was going to have to move here eventually anyway. This way you finally get to meet my mum, and we’ll get to see each other more often. Mum won’t like it, but I know she’s missed Gaius, so it won’t be too bad, and I’ve always sort of wanted to explore the city.”
Morgana and Arthur stare at him for a few moments whilst he looks between them. Arthur sighs before replying:
“Fine, but only if you’re sure. And take your time, don’t pressure your mum into leaving right away, OK?”
Merlin nods, and everyone at the table stands, stepping back.
Uther mutters that they are dismissed, but watches as they say goodbye to each other. He furrows his eyebrows in interest as Morgana hugs Merlin, mentally noting that he doesn’t think he’s ever seen her smile that widely before.
When Arthur embraces Merlin, much tighter, and for much longer, a hand cradling the back of the peasant’s-... of Merlin’s head, and a soft, but powerful smile on his face, Uther forgets for a moment the distastefulness of the situation, and revels in the feeling of pride and happiness; his son had found his life partner. 
The King sweeps any thoughts of his late-wife from his mind, and drops the small smile gracing his face, but not before Morgana spies it and tilts her head at him, giving him a teasing smirk.
The boys whisper something that Uther can’t hear, and Merlin steps back, giving him a quick bow and an awkward wave, before disappearing into thin air. A familiar pop echoes around the hall, and a few gold sparks fall silently to the floor.
Arthur and Morgana bow to him very briefly, before turning and leaving the room without another word, arm in arm.
Uther stands alone in the room for a moment, sighing before muttering to himself:
“This is going to be a bloody nightmare. Public announcement. Before that I have to tell the council. And I have to figure out how I can legally make these people nobles, to justify everything-”
He looks to the ceiling, sighing once again as he says:
“-Gods give me strength.” Before turning and sweeping out the room.
The moment Arthur and Morgana leave the room, they turn to each other and burst into slightly hysterical laughter, sputtering about “the look on his face” and “oh my gods, *sire my lord your majesty sir* ” between breaths. 
The whole situation was unexpected, but to be perfectly honest, they didn’t regret it; they knew that the longer they waited before telling Uther, the bigger the problem would be.
Morgana straightens up after a moment, wiping tears from her eyes, before whipping her head around to Arthur in sudden panic:
“Oh my Gods, Arthur. Leon.”
Arthur’s eyes widen, and he curses suddenly before taking Morgana’s hand and running towards his chambers. They almost ran into multiple people, Nobles who tutted, and castle staff who jumped out of the way, not even having time to bow before the two teenagers were out of sight again.
They loudly burst into Arthur’s chambers, out of breath, to see Leon pacing a groove into the floor:
They stand with their hands on their knees, panting, but before they can say anything, Leon rushes to speak:
“Where on earth have you been?? A guard said you were in a meeting with the King all afternoon, what happened? Is Merlin ok?? They wouldn’t let me in, so I came back here to wait but-”
Arthur held up a hand to stop him rambling, and gave him a comforting smile. The Prince straightened up, and took one last deep breath before saying:
“Sorry, for worrying you Leon. But you are not going to believe what just happened...”
Morgana starts laughing again, and with that, the two of them shut the door behind them and explain in great detail what had happened, how Merlin had just appeared and Uther had freaked, and Gaius and Geoffrey had to be called, and how funny the look on his face was when they’d explained. 
Arthur had wanted to skip it out, but Morgana gleefully insisted on recounting just how much she and Arthur had ordered Uther around, and how he’d just taken it.
By the end of their explanation, Leon had collapsed in a chair, looking very pale, and a lot like he’d aged twenty years.
He holds his head in his hands, fingers messing up his curls, and stares at the floor as Arthur and Morgana glance to each other, trying not to laugh at the poor man.
After what seems to be hours, Leon straightens up, and looks to the two of them with a stricken expression:
“I can’t believe that... well I suppose he had to find out eventually but... dear Lord I can’t decide if I’m grateful I wasn’t there or not... oh my Gods I’m going to be demoted, disowned, banished.”
Arthur laughs at that and Morgana rolls her eyes at the man’s panic:
“Nothing’s going to happen to you Sir Leon, don’t panic. We didn’t mention you, as far as my father is concerned, the only ones who knew were us.”
Leon finally smiles briefly at that, muttering a quiet thank you, before standing up suddenly, looking panicked once again:
“Wait... you said he’d be moving here?? What about his... gift?? He can’t live in Camelot it’s dangerous. You may have protected him from the King for now but... if he finds out nothing will stop him from... nothing will stop him.”
The two of them sighed at that. They had been mentally considering it, but they were just taking it one victory at a time. Arthur replied moments later:
“We’ll just have to be careful. He has to be careful in Ealdor anyway, he’s already a bastard, he had to hide magic from the other villagers because it probably would’ve been fatal for him to give them a second reason to hate him. We can set ground rules when he actually moves here and... we just have to be careful. It’ll be a new life for him and his mother, we can be careful.” 
He says the last bit with a decisive nod, and Morgana and Leon relax slightly. Arthur was right, they’d been fine so far, they could keep it up.
He would never say it out loud, but if his father found out... if he tried to hurt Merlin, Arthur knows without a doubt in his mind that he would give up his inheritance, take Merlin’s hand, and run. Without hesitation.
He would love nothing more than to turn his kingdom into a place where Merlin could be free and happy one day, but until then, he would do anything to keep him safe, even if it meant leaving everything behind.
The next few weeks rush by.
Uther had tried to limit the number of visits between Merlin and Arthur, but neither of them were having it, and if anything, they were seeing each other more with the upcoming move.
Hunith did in fact freak out at Uther’s demand of her and Merlin moving to Camelot. For several reasons.
First off, she had a life here. It was difficult, but simple, honest work. The winters were hard, but the summers made up for it. The villagers may have started of being a little cruel to her and Merlin, but they warmed to them when the dark haired boy was nothing but sweet and kind to everyone.
Second off, her son was magical. Both naturally and unnaturally magical. Essetir was dangerous, yes, but Camelot? Camelot was so much worse.
She supposes it had to happen eventually. She didn’t like to think of it often, didn’t want to tempt fate, but her son was the Crown Prince’s soulmate. That meant that one day... he would be married to the King. He couldn’t exactly do that whilst living in Essetir, least of all because the Essetir Crown would throw a world ending fit.
In the end, she agreed to the move rather quickly, at least she would be close to her brother, and she could finally meet Leon and Morgana.
As much as Merlin and Arthur urged her not to rush, she really had nothing to do but say goodbye before they made the journey to Camelot, and the three of them were leaving the village behind them within the month, just like Uther wanted.
Though he definitely hadn’t wanted Arthur to pop away one morning, a full travel pack and a sword on his person, intending to make the journey with them. But in the end, Arthur ended the argument by rolling his eyes (much to Morgana’s amusement) and disappearing before The King could get another word in.
No public announcements had been made (they decided to wait until Arthur came of age), but the council had been informed. They were NOT happy. 
Uther would never admit it, but he did feel a swell of pride when Arthur slammed his hand on the table, and firmly told them that this was happening whether they liked it or not, and if they dared complain instead of help, they would find themselves without a chair at the table, and severely lacking in titles and land.
Uther was relieved when he found out that Hunith was Gaius’ younger sister. Gaius wasn’t a noble, but he was a life-long, close friend of the King, and a trusted advisor. Hopefully that would make it easier. 
The Court Physician wasn’t a title that came with land, or nobility, BUT it was the most respected position in the royal household, below actual nobles.
If Gaius could take Merlin on as his apprentice... then he would be an almost fully trained physician by the time he came of age, and that would be respected. Then at least he would have a role outside of being the Prince’s Soulmate.
It was all coming together in Uther’s mind. Of course it wasn’t perfect. The absolute ideal outcome would’ve been if Arthur’s soulmate had been foreign royalty (if only anyone knew about Merlin’s father...), but he could make do with this. He would have to, if he didn’t want to lose his son and his ward.
The day of Hunith, Arthur, and Merlin’s arrival finally comes.
Uther didn’t greet them in the courtyard (it would be unsightly for a King to greet two commoners, even if The Prince was with them) but Gaius, Morgana, and Leon did.
Everyone breaks into wide smiles when the castle gates are opened, Arthur and Merlin rushing forward to meet Morgana and Leon in a big hug, and Hunith rushing forward to meet her brother, whom she hadn’t seen in several years.
There is laughter and hugs all around before Merlin finally steps back and takes his mother’s hand, realising he should probably give actual introductions:
“Mum, this is The Lady Morgana, ward of the King-”
Morgana gives Hunith a wide smile and curtsy, before stepping forward and giving her a brief hug. Morgana was very touch averse with everyone but Merlin, Arthur, and Leon, but in her books, any woman who raised Merlin into the young man he had become, was a woman who deserved her trust. And a hug:
“-and this is Sir Leon, Knight of the King.”
Leon took Hunith’s hand, placing a brief kiss on her knuckles before stepping back respectfully. Hunith quickly followed him, and to his great surprise, wrapped the taller man in a tight hug. He wraps his arms around her after a few moments in shock, when she whispers in his ear:
“Thank you for keeping my boys safe.”
He steps back, a wide smile on his face and his hands on her shoulders. He replies quietly so that only she would hear him:
“It has been my genuine pleasure, and I plan to continue to do so for the remainder of my service.”
Hunith gives him an even wider smile, and pats his hand, before the two of them step back. The others watch on in adoration, before Leon clears his throat and addresses the group:
“I have been instructed to show the two of you to your new residence, before you are to meet with the King.”
Arthur steps back before saying regretfully:
“Unfortunately, Gaius and I should go and meet with my father immediately. Leon, you lead the way, we shall remain with him until you return and we can get this over with.”
He says the last bit with a grimace, and Morgana gives him a sympathetic smile as Merlin squeezes his hand. 
The group separates, Arthur and Gaius heading up the castle steps, and Leon leading the rest of them back out the gates.
Hunith and Merlin had been gifted a small house in the upper city, close to the castle, but not within it’s walls. Arthur had argued endlessly against that, saying they deserved chambers inside the castle, but Hunith was the one who refused.
She wasn’t nobility, and she enjoyed her simple life. She had already given up her farming and livestock, she refused to be cooped up in a giant stone castle where she would have nothing to do, and didn’t understand how anything worked.
Arthur finally saw the sense in that, he can understand that it would be difficult for Merlin and Hunith to live in the castle. He hated to admit it, but they would certainly be looked down on, and Arthur was almost of age, he didn’t have the time to spend all day entertaining Merlin, even if he wanted nothing more than to spend all day every day with him.
The house was small, but still three times the size of their place back in Ealdor. They had separate bedrooms, a large kitchen/dining area, a small storage room, and an extra room for relaxing (”City folk call them living rooms apparently.”). There was a small, fenced off grass area out the front, which Hunith was particularly excited about; she wouldn’t have to give up growing things after all.
The home came fully furnished, and Hunith was speechless at the large, comfortable beds, the soft chairs, and the abundance of cooking equipment. The living room also had a large hearth, and two ceiling-high bookshelves, though they were empty.
Once Hunith had had a good look around (the others had already seen it, and Arthur had been checking with Merlin at every step to see if he approved), Morgana excitedly grabs her hand and drags her back to the slightly larger of the two bedrooms.
Merlin follows confusedly, but Leon follows with a small smile on his face, he had seen what Morgana was planning, despite her best attempts to keep it secret.
Morgana finally stands Hunith in front of the wardrobe and gestures for her to open it. The older woman opens the doors with a little hesitation, before stepping back and gasping, her hands over her mouth.
Morgana grins proudly before speaking to a speechless Hunith:
“My gift to you. I organised a few things for Merlin as well. Of course they’ll all have to be adjusted because I could only pass on to the tailor Arthur and Merlin’s descriptions of you. I thought that could be something nice you and me could do at some point in the next few days, after you’ve settled.”
Merlin steps around Leon to try and see what’s got everyone so wound up, and takes in a quiet gasp at what he sees. The wardrobe is filled with new, tailor made dresses, a few thick cloaks, and two pairs of good quality shoes. Two of the dresses were incredibly nice, royal-gala kind of nice, and the others were a mix of practical, casual, smart. 
He smiles widely, tears in his eyes at what Morgana had done for his mum. He’s always felt a little guilty at being the soulmate of royalty, but not being able to provide her with more than she had, but that changed, starting now.
Hunith finally rips her gaze from the new clothes, staring at Morgana:
“I can’t possibly...-”
Morgana’s tilted head and raised eyebrow forces Hunith to change tracks. The boys have told her how stubborn Morgana was, she has a feeling she wouldn’t be able to return the gifts:
“-I don’t know how to thank you, My Lady.”
Morgana rolls her eyes fondly, and brings her into a hug before stepping back:
“Oh none of that “My Lady” shit, and you don’t have to thank me, you and Merlin are part of the family now.”
Merlin gives her a grateful smile over his mum’s shoulder, which she returns, before Leon speaks up:
“I’m sure you can find time to get them all properly fitted in the coming days Morgana, for now we should get back up to the castle. I imagine The King and The Prince are waiting for us.”
Morgana nods, and Hunith subtly wipes her eyes, before allowing The King’s ward to intertwine their arms. Merlin smiles at the sight (he knew they would get along) before turning and following Leon out the house, and back up towards the castle.
Merlin was only a little nervous, he’d met the King multiple times now, and whilst the man was always painfully polite, it was clear that it was only because the whole situation bewildered him a little. But he’d never met his mother yet, and this next meeting would make the rest of his life go very smoothly, or very difficultly.
Leon pauses a moment outside the door to the throne room, glancing back at Merlin, who takes a deep breath before standing straight and nodding.
Leon smiles encouragingly at him, before pushing the doors open and walking into the room.
Arthur, Uther, and Gaius were stood in front of the thrones quietly discussing something, but look up when they hear the doors open.
Arthur smiles widely and walks forward, giving Merlin a brief hug (which Morgana lovingly rolls her eyes at, they’ve only been apart for half an hour) and Uther straightens his back, before walking forwards regally, a practiced blank look on his face. Gaius gives his sister a reassuring smile, but stays back.
Leon and Merlin bow (Leon deeply, before stepping aside, and Merlin briefly and shallowly) and Hunith curtsied as best she could with Morgana protectively gripping her arm.
Arthur and Merlin stand next to the girls, hand in hand (Uther’s mind bounces between wanting to smile fondly, and wanting to grimace at the PDA), and Uther stops just in front of Hunith:
“Welcome to Camelot, your swift arrival was pleasing.”
Hunith nods, a polite, but strained smile on her face:
“Thank you, My Lord. Anything to make the boys lives easier.”
Uther clenches his jaw, and Morgana has to hide a smirk at the implication that she’d only moved to help out the boys, and not because Uther had ordered it.
“Of course. I hope your new home was to your liking?”
Hunith nodding in reply, the smile on her face a little brighter this time:
“Yes, My Lord, it’s wonderful, I can not thank you enough for providing it. I look forward to exploring your city.”
Uther nods slightly before saying:
“Yes, yes, it’s rather lovely this time of year. The Crown will provide a small allowance for a time, until you can get yourself on your feet. I’ve already discussed it with Gaius, and arrangements have been made for Merlin to become the physician’s apprentice, at Gaius’ earliest convenience.”
“Thank you, I’m sure it won’t be long before I can find work, in such a bustling city.”
Uther nods tersely, before turning back towards Gaius. He waves his hand dismissively over his shoulder as he says:
“I have other matters to attend to for the rest of the afternoon. Sir Leon, Arthur and Morgana, you have the rest of the day off to show our new... residents, around. You’re all dismissed.-”
Leon is the only one who bothers bowing to Uther’s back, and Morgana raises an eyebrow at him, before rolling her eyes and turning to leave, dragging Hunith with her, closely followed by the boys.
Just before Leon can exit the room, Uther turns around hurriedly:
“-Before I forget, Sir Leon, I would like a word.”
Leon turns around after wiping the panic from his face. He shuts the door after the others, who look at him worriedly, before turning around to face The King:
“My Lord?”
Uther settles an assessing gaze on the knight, and Leon has to stop himself from gulping in response. Uther sighs, and speaks after a moment:
“After paying a little more attention to the relationships between yourself, the boys, and Morgana, I have realised something. You obviously knew of this... relationship, long before I did. Do no deny it.-”
Leon does gulp at that, but before he can defend himself, Uther asks:
“Can I trust that it would have been brought to my attention had anything problematic started?”
Leon widens his eyes in shock, before gathering his thoughts and replying, injecting as much confidence in his voice as possible:
“Of course, My Lord. I kept a close eye on them myself, and made sure that the Prince’s safety was my highest priority at all times. Had anything worrying happened, I would have come to you immediately. I am loyal to the throne, My Lord.”
(A big fat lie considering the whole “Merlin is a sorcerer” thing, but the King certainly doesn’t need to know that.)
Uther nods thoughtfully, before meeting Leon’s gaze again:
“Good. I am glad that Arthur has someone looking out for him. I trust you will continue this?”
Leon nods:
“Of course, My Lord.”
Uther nods once again:
“Excellent. Make sure none of... this, interferes with his studies. You are dismissed.”
Leon bows deeply, before leaving the room. He shuts the door behind him, leaning on it and taking a deep breath, before looking up to meet the worried gazes of the others, who had waited for him. He smiles shakily:
“Nothing bad, I’ll tell you later. Come on, let’s show these two around the upper-town.”
Arthur fixes him with a scrutinizing gaze, but Leon meets it (Arthur has yet to win a staring contest against Leon, in fact, Morgana was the only one who ever came close), and after a moment, Morgana shakes her head, and begins to walk down the corridor, the boys trailing after her and Hunith.
They spend the rest of the afternoon showing Merlin and Hunith around the upper-town. The tour leads them around the market, the town square (where the well is) and other important fixtures of the town, such as the tailor, blacksmith’s, and some of Morgana’s favourite shops (Uther hated it, but Morgana and Arthur regularly sneak out of the castle to spend time in the city).
By the time the sun sets, the group is relaxed and getting on well. Merlin knew Morgana and Leon would love his mum, but it was still nerve-wracking, and he was overjoyed by how well it was going.
The kitchen of Hunith and Merlin’s new home had yet to be stocked, so they stopped off at some street vendors before heading back to the house. Hunith tried to argue when Arthur insisted on paying, but she was shut down pretty quickly when Arthur reminded her that he was The Prince, he could more than afford it, and anyway, “I like contributing to the local businesses, I wouldn’t be a Prince if I didn’t have my people around me, I like to give back where I can.”
Leon and Morgana smiled proudly at that, but the smiles on Hunith and Merlin’s face were more fond. 
(Morgana quietly thinks about how differently he would’ve been without Merlin to ground him. With a father like Uther, Arthur easily could’ve turned into an absolute prat.)
They stay together long into the evening, talking and laughing, before Leon finally says it’s time to go. Morgana, Hunith, and Merlin may have tomorrow free, but Leon and Arthur had training early, followed by a day full of meetings.
Morgana smirked at Arthur’s grumbling, but dutifully stood up. The three of them give Hunith and Merlin tight hugs, before leaving them alone, heading back to the castle.
Hunith and Merlin sit in comfortable silence, wide smiles on their faces, before Merlin breaks the silence:
“So what do you think? I know Uther is a bit of a prat, but he’ll want to see as little of us as possible, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Do you... like it here?”
Hunith smiles at him fondly, and runs her hands through his hair when he rests his head on her lap:
“You’ve really made a life for yourself here, haven’t you Merlin? I’m proud of you. Lady Morgana and Sir Leon are exactly how I expected them to be. The house is far more than I expected, but I’m grateful, and I’m sure it won’t take me long to find a job. I’ll always miss our rural village, but nothing is stopping us from visiting every once in a while, to get away from the city, and we have a nice little garden here.-”
Merlin closes his eyes, soothed by his mother’s fingers in his hair, and hums thoughtfully before Hunith continues:
“-You know, I had always considered sending you here to apprentice under Gaius when you were older anyway. Funny, how things turn out. Though perhaps I should’ve realised that nothing was going to go to plan when the little blond boy that appeared in my kitchen all those years ago turned out to be foreign royalty.” 
Merlin huffs out a laugh from when he laid, and responded sleepily:
“Yeah. You know I don’t even think of him as royalty, most of the time. He’s just... Arthur.”
Hunith smiles gently down at him, and takes a few minutes to respond:
“I know what you mean. I’m glad you found your person... or more accurately, I’m glad your person found you.-”
She chuckles, before adding the next bit on quietly:
“-Your father would be proud of you.”
Merlin opens his eyes, and looks up at her blearily:
“You think?”
Hunith’s smile widens, and the both of them politely ignore the tears gathering in her eyes:
“I know.”
Time passes quickly. The next day, Merlin, Hunith, and Morgana spend the whole day shopping and stocking up on food and other necessities (the small allowance Uther had provided for them actually turned out to be quite a lot, especially compared to the amount of money Hunith was used to having around).
At some point over the next week, like Morgana had suggested, her and Hunith spent a day in the tailor’s, having all of her new clothes adjusted properly. 
Hunith was also ecstatic to get a job off the back of that. She may not be at quite the professional level yet, but she was the one most of the locals would go to, to fix and patch and re-sew old clothes back in Ealdor.
Merlin started his apprenticeship with Gaius, which meant the days being near, but not with Arthur, were less boring, and slightly more bearable.
He picked up healing quickly (after seeing all the various injuries Arthur and Leon had sustained over the years during training, he was eager to learn how to help them), and he soon became known around town as Gaius’ Boy.
His cheerful demeanour and wide smile endeared him to all of his patients, and he made a point to try and be polite to everyone he came across. Suddenly living in a bustling city, and having what was basically a full time job, was a little overwhelming, but being here meant being with Arthur, so he was determined to make the most of it.
The boys spent the evenings together whenever they could (and still slept in the same bed most nights, out of habit. Merlin’s nightmares had made a brief reappearance after his first meeting with Uther, but they stopped again fairly soon.), and Arthur would often pop out of the castle to share meals with Merlin and Hunith, Morgana and Leon joining them when they had the time.
This did however, involve a few instances of Merlin or Arthur appearing at inopportune times. 
An emergency patient coming in meant Arthur appearing in the physician’s chambers, instead of Merlin’s home, like he had expected. 
Luckily the patient was unconscious at the time. 
(Uther had informed them that the council members and guards who worked in the castle had been informed of the situation (so that Hunith and Merlin wouldn’t be bothered), but the public wasn’t to know at all, at least until Arthur came of age.)
A council meeting overrunning meant Merlin appearing just behind the Prince’s seat, and turning wide-eyed and red-faced before squeaking out a quick apology and disappearing again.
The meeting was side-tracked for a good five minutes as Arthur tried to cover a smirk, Morgana (who insisted she be involved in important meetings when Arthur was) openly laughed, and Uther held his head in his hands, rubbing his tired eyes and muttering something about “stupid kids” and “stupid soul-bonds”.
They tried to be more careful after that incident, and they got better at exploring the bond. With some focus and practice, the boys got fairly good at sensing where the other was, and sometimes, if they were with other people (though that particular sense wasn’t as reliable).
About a month after they moved to Camelot, Merlin was introduced to a lovely girl called Guinevere. Her mother had served Leon’s family, and once she was old enough to have a job herself, Leon swung her a position in the castle as Morgana’s maidservant.
Arthur was oblivious at first (until an amused Merlin explained it to him later on), but Merlin and Leon definitely noticed the... bond, between the two girls, though all four would deny it to anyone who asked, in order to preserve their privacy.
Guinevere, or Gwen, as her friends call her, quickly joined the group. Morgana was grateful for another female presence, and Leon was most certainly grateful for the addition of someone who cared about safety and being careful.
He loved his kids, (”Oh my Gods... I’m a father... how do I... Gaius I know nothing about teenagers, what do I do?? I’m not ready to be a father!”), and Hunith was a good influence, but they couldn’t be around all of the time, and the boys had a bad habit of making trouble, especially with Morgana egging them on. 
He stressed a little less when he knew that Gwen was with them.
Shortly after Gwen’s appearance, the group (unfortunately without Leon, he had a patrol:( ) went exploring in the woods beyond the city. Uther was stuck in meetings all day, but Arthur and Morgana had a free day, and after much begging, Gaius let Merlin off as well. 
Morgana having a free day, meant that Gwen had a free day as well (not that Morgana ever made her do many chores anyway, only enough to keep up the pretence that they were Lady and Servant and not... something else).
They put together a picnic, took some horses from the stables, and headed off at first light. It was a warm, summers day, and they planned to spend the day in the sun, Arthur didn’t have to worry about duties, Merlin didn’t have to worry about memorising herb lists and symptoms, Morgana didn’t have to worry about being a Lady, and Gwen didn’t have to mind her place as a servant.
It was planned to be the perfect day, and it almost was. 
After a couple hours journey, they found a beautiful lake, and they spent the morning splashing around in the water, playing and laughing and messing around. 
They spent the middle of the day drying in the sun and snacking on all the sweet meats and fruit that Arthur had snuck from the kitchens. 
They spent the afternoon playing stupid games, and relaxing in the shade, holding hands with no worries, and even sneaking the occasional kiss, revelling in the freedom of being alone.
They were sad to have to leave, but it became an agreement that at least once a month, whilst the weather held out, they would come to their spot by the lake, and relax with each other. No responsibilities, no obligations, no “My Lord”s or “My Lady”s, just four friends, hopelessly happy and in love.
It was on the way home that things went a little wrong.
Usually this stretch of the woods was completely safe and bandit free, but the group was not so lucky as to have an eventless journey home.
When they were about halfway home, Merlin halted his horse suddenly and sat up straight, letting go of Arthur’s hand and tilting his head, eyes closed, listening to the woods around him with a frown on his face.
Arthur looks back and frowns, before calling to the girls, a few metres ahead of them, to wait for a minute.
He looks to Merlin, still with a frown on his face:
“Merls? What is it?”
Merlin waves his hand in Arthur’s direction, gesturing at him to be quiet. He is silent for another few moments, before he opens his eyes wide, and speaks in a low, but rushed voice:
“Gwen, ride ahead with ‘Gana, everyone get your swords out, we’re being watched.”
Arthur tenses at that, and he and Merlin pull their swords out (Leon had insisted that Merlin learn, he wasn’t nearly as good as the others yet, but he could hold his own. Leon was also the one who insisted they be armed when he learnt of their plan for the day.), quickly followed by Gwen and Morgana. 
Instead of riding ahead, Morgana speaks up quickly:
“Gwen can fight just as well as me, I’ve been training her, we should stay together.”
Arthur looks worried, but Gwen just rolled her eyes before adding quietly:
“I’m also the daughter of a blacksmith you know, I’ve been handling swords since before I could walk.”
Arthur sighs and nods, before looking back to Merlin, and quietly, so that only Merlin can hear him:
“How many, and where from?”
Merlin tilts his head away from Gwen, so she can’t see the gold of his eyes, before flexing his hand slightly, and responding:
“Six or seven, I think from the South.”
Arthur nods once more, before turning his horse to be facing South, and he peers into the trees. It wasn’t quite dark out, but it was dimming, and the forest was so thick, the underbrush so overgrown, that it was difficult to see much beyond the edge of the path.
The girls urge their horses back the way they came, to be close to the boys, and stay alert, swords raised, feet braced and ready for action.
Merlin clenches his hands and gasps slightly, before murmuring, loud enough for everyone to hear him this time:
“Twenty seconds.”
Gwen goes to question how he knew that, but a quick look from Morgana, and a shaken head meaning “Later” stops her, and she instead focuses her gaze on where the others were looking into the trees.
Like Merlin had said, twenty seconds later, the treeline breaks, and seven men burst through yelling, and brandishing swords, the shock of which sends the horses scarpering, and the four of them have to jump off and let them go.
Battle broke out immediately, the teenagers aiming to incapacitate or injure, but the bandits not being so kind with their attacks.
The battle is intense, Merlin using little bits of subtle magic here and there to trip or confuse various attackers, Arthur and Morgana slowly but surely taking down men, one by one, and Gwen easily enough holding her own.
But, four, mostly inexperienced (Arthur had only had to actually fight for his life once or twice at this point, and before, he was surrounded by fully trained knights whose top priority was keeping him safe, even to their own detriment) teenagers, aged 15, 16, and 17, were no match for seven seasoned attackers.
In the end, it’s the four of them left (each with bruises and cuts, but nothing serious) vs three remaining attackers, but the battle quickly stops when Merlin turns around (a gut feeling) to see one of the men silently raise a sword, readying to bring it down on to Gwen’s turned back.
He instinctively raises his empty hand towards them, and yells:
He sends the man flying back, head hitting the tree behind him with a thwack.
Gwen stares at him (or more accurately, the golden glow of his eyes) in astonishment, and Morgana and Arthur use the momentary distraction to deal with the last two attackers, giving them swift knocks to the head.
Morgana rushes forward to Gwen and tugs at her shoulder, trying to get her attention to see if she’s ok, but she ignores her just staring at Merlin.
Merlin drops his hand, and his face morphs from anger to shock to fear, the gold in his eyes fading back to blue as Arthur reaches his side and takes his hand. 
Gwen finally stutters out a:
“What... you’re... but Uther?-” before wiping the shock off her face, and setting it in grim determination, clenching her jaw.
Merlin’s eyes widen at her expression, and he takes a fearful step back, Arthur steps in front of him and Morgana tries to grab Gwen’s arm as she begins to stalk quickly forwards, but it slips from her grip.
Arthur holds his hands out, and begins to speak, seemingly trying to talk her out of hurting Merlin, but she ignores him, and pushes him to the side with surprising strength.
Merlin gasps and tries to take another step back, tears in his eyes, but she grabs his shoulders and, before anyone can say anything more, pulls him into a crushing hug.
Merlin takes a few moments to respond, clearly not expecting such an affectionate reaction to being discovered as an evil sorcerer, but hugs back at Gwen’s watery “Thank you.” whispered in his ear.
Arthur lets out a breath, and he and Morgana smile, not really sure why they were so surprised at Gwen’s acceptance. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up in Camelot, expecting hatred and violence and fear in response to magic is ingrained in you.
Gwen finally pulls back, and takes Merlin’s hands, the both of them have tears on their faces, and Gwen sniffs before quietly saying:
“I’m sorry that you have to live in fear, and I’m sorry I wasn’t clear enough in my adoration for you that you felt you had to be scared of my reaction. I promise to keep you safe, to the best of my ability.-”
She fondly punches him in the arm, before continuing with a smile:
“Next time, you can just do that right at the beginning, and save us all the trouble, yeah?”
Merlin nods slowly, before pulling Gwen into another tight hug. He buries his face in her neck, and she runs her hands through his hair and they both quietly weep.
Arthur and Morgana both feel the strong urge to step in, and comfort their own soulmates, but they resist, and instead give them a moment of privacy as they round up the horses, and search the bandits.
After a few minutes, Gwen and Merlin pull back, and walk towards the other two, holding each other’s hand comfortingly. 
Whilst searching their unconscious bodies, Arthur hadn’t found anything identifying, but had found a length of rope in one of their discarded bags, hidden in the underbrush.
He cuts the rope into separate pieces and ties the bandits up, to individual trees, before looking back to the group:
“This won’t hold them long at all, but we don’t have the means to transport them back to the city. I can get my father to send a search party to look for them, but by the time we get back to the City, and the Knights get out here, they’ll probably be long gone.”
Morgana raises an eyebrow and replies:
“I thought you Knights were excellent trackers. They won’t wake up for a while, and they’ll be dazed, so it’ll take them a while to get out of the rope, if your knots are any good-”
Arthur goes to retort, but Gwen quickly interrupts him:
“That’s not the point. What if one of them remembers what Merlin did? And accuses him? Uther probably wouldn’t take their word against all of ours, but it would attract unwanted attention, wouldn’t it? And, no offense Merlin, but he’s already not exactly fond of you.”
Arthur nods at that, and Morgana hums thoughtfully, whilst Merlin just stares at her in shock. He speaks up after a moment:
“We could loosen the knots, and wake them up a little before leaving? That way they’ll have plenty of time to escape before the knights get here? But we have to report it. The types of men to attack four teenagers, none in armour, and two of whom are women, need to be warned about.”
Arthur and Gwen look troubled at that, and Arthur speaks up first:
“Morgana is right though, the Knights are brilliant at tracking, what if they find them anyway? I won’t risk one of them remembering what you did.”
Merlin looks annoyed, always the one to sacrifice himself, and Morgana furrows her brows before looking up, and speaking slowly:
“You could... over exaggerate how violent they were? Request a kill on sight order? That way, none of them make it back to testify, but they’re also no longer a problem for travellers.”
Arthur tilts his head in surprise, and Gwen widens her eyes at the suggestion.
Arthur looks like he’s genuinely considering it, when Merlin gasps:
“Oh!! Wait! The other day, I read about a spell. It’s like a memory charm, I can make them forget the last ten minutes or so, if it works, and we time it right, they’ll remember attacking us, but not how the fight ended!”
He has a grin on his face, but Morgana and Gwen look doubtful, whilst Arthur looks thoughtful, before speaking:
“Have you tried it before? Do you know it would work?”
Merlin turns a little pink, before looking to the floor, and saying:
“Well... do you remember agreeing to let me try it on you last week?”
Morgana grins as she realises the implication of the question, and Gwen gasps as Arthur’s eyes grow wide, and he shakes his head slowly:
Merlin finally meets his eyes, with a nervous smile on his face as he says:
“Then yeah, I’ve tried it before and it worked fine.”
Morgana and Gwen start laughing as Merlin bites his lip and Arthur blinks a few times, before speaking again:
“...Ok, you cast the charm or whatever, I’ll make sure the ropes are done tightly, then we’ll wait for one of them to wake up, to check that it worked, then we’ll leave, and send a patrol back to arrest them.”
With the girls still laughing in the background, Merlin goes to the three attackers who had witnessed him perform magic and cast the spell, whilst Arthur double checked all of the bindings.
The group only has to splash cold water on the face of one of the attackers for him to cough himself awake. He looks around, clearly bewildered, and yells:
“What?? How the fuck... what did... how hard do you hit, kid? Jeez, how the fuck did I-”
He’s cut off by Arthur hitting him in the head again with the hilt of his sword, before he steps back and says:
“Ok. It worked. I think it’d be best if we got home as quickly as possible, we’re already going to be late.”
With that, the group takes one last cursory glance (and fill with pride at the idea that they’d managed to fight off a group of thieving murderous bandits all on their own) at the bound bandits, before mounting their horses, and urging them into a gallop towards Camelot.
The report to Uther was definitely intense, The King was furious that a group of violent criminals were attacking citizens, especially women (though Arthur made sure to point out that Morgana fought just as well as him, and Gwen held her own just fine) so close to the city.
He immediately sent out a large patrol to scour the woods, focussed especially around the path they used, and to not come back until the seasons changed, or the criminals were found.
Arthur was right, the ropes hadn’t held them for long, but he was also right in saying that Camelot Knights were excellent trackers, and they were hunted down within a week, and brought back to Camelot for sentencing.
Arthur and Morgana tried to speak against it, at Merlin and Gwen’s request, but Uther ultimately sentenced the offenders to execution, for crimes against the Crown and Citizens of Camelot, and didn’t question why they couldn’t even remember half the fight.
In fact, that actually had Uther praising the group for fighting well, and he begrudgingly admitted that Morgana’s sword lessons (which she had been ruthlessly demanding since she was a child) and Guinevere’s subsequent training, had paid off well.
Wow so I finished this way quicker than I was expecting, I just really love this concept, thanks anon, for requesting :)
Anyway, hope you enjoy gang
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anatomical-puppet · 3 years
A short lil fic because Oh My God, Arthyr My Beloved,,, I also just wanted to write some Eira angst with at least a kinda-happy ending lol :')
Warnings: Cursing, as well as mentions of injury and being attacked/jumped. Ask to tag if I forgot anything!
Reblogs appreciated!!! ^^
Arthyr had always found the day-to-day routine of princehood rather dull. You’d think it would be a walk in the park, and he was the first to admit that he did have it significantly better than most. But even then, there were still downsides.
The constant circle of guards that stalked his every move was certainly chief among his complaints. Really, what sort of self-respecting seventeen-year-old couldn’t even take a walk by himself? It was humiliating.
He was on one such walk- just a simple stroll to unwind after a particularly tense dinner with his parents- when he heard the falls of familiar boots a few meters to his left. They turned into an alleyway, the one a few blocks southwest of the castle with the graffiti at the far end and the family of raccoons living in the garbage cans. Thank god he’d taken the time to memorize the kingdom’s layout as a child; his little getaways would have been much more difficult otherwise.
“I think I heard some disturbance over that way,” Arthyr blurted immediately, pointing forwards and to the right, down a side street lined with book shops and apothecaries. “If you all would take a moment to investigate, I’d be very much appreciative.”
Three of the four guards flanking him nodded, hands apprehensively gravitating to their sabers as they walked the few meters to investigate the prince’s ruse. Thankfully, the remaining guard was new to his position and had yet to learn that the prince needed a careful eye on him at all times, lest he mysteriously vanish. He was remarkably stealthy for his height.
Arthyr waited a mere moment, listening to the other three guards grow steadily further away, before slipping silently behind the back of the fourth and jogging into the alleyway he’d heard the boots duck into.
“Eira?” he called in a stage whisper, smiling to himself and dragging his right hand along the coarse brick wall to keep himself on track. “I know you’re down here, silly bastard, I heard you.”
A hefty sigh greeted him from further along, lower than Arthyr had expected. He must’ve been sitting on the ground.
“I thought you said you were gonna be at home tonight.” The voice was congested and hollow.
“I was. But now I’m not.” Arthyr’s brow furrowed as he turned to face Eira’s voice, then sat beside him, careful not to dirty his cloak. “You sound cross.”
“I’m fine,” Eira bit back.
“Clearly not. What’s the matter?” Arthyr reached a hand out to carefully grasp Eira’s shoulder.
“Don’t touch me,” Eira snapped, jerking his shoulder away.
“Eira, what-
“Go back home, Arty, it’s cold.”
“You say that as if it’s anything new,” Arthyr said with a roll of his eyes. “Really, what’s come over you? You sound like you’ve been crying. Tell me.”
Eira cursed, then stood and continued walking down the alley.
Arthyr could hear the limp to his steps.
“You’re hurt? Eira-”
“I told you it’s fine.” His voice cracked at the end. “Go. Home.”
“No.” Arthyr stood and began to walk beside Eira, his longer strides making it impossible for Eira to pass him without running, which would’ve been damn near impossible with that limp. “I’m not leaving you alone until you tell me what happened and how I can help.”
In his frustration, Eira slammed his hand against a nearby trash can, crying out on impact as pain seared back through his wrist.
“Something with your hand, too,” Arthyr sighed, holding a hand out towards Eira. “May I?”
Eira hesitated before shakily holding his left hand out for Arthyr to gingerly take.
His wrist and hand were shoddily wrapped in bandages, and he heard Eira wince when he put pressure on the joint. The bandages were slightly damp...
But they were cold. So it was just melted snow. Good.
“Who was it this time?” Arthyr asked gently, carefully pulling Eira’s sleeve down to cover the bandages before letting go and crossing his hands back over his cane.
“Some jackass fuckin’ kids,” Eira spat, leaning against the opposite wall before sliding down to sit. Arthyr took up his spot on Eira’s right yet again.
“They jumped at me, just tryin’ to scare me, and I… got startled. Accidentally hit one of them with some ice. And then they kicked my ass. Six of them, I think? Maybe more. I couldn’t see.”
“They attacked you because of the ice..? Or because you hit them?”
“Obviously because of the fucking ice,” Eira spat, then sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just kind of on edge still.”
“That’s alright. I know how you get sometimes, I don’t mind.”
They sat in relative silence for a few moments before Arthyr heard a scratching on his left.
“You’re picking at the scar again.”
“The scar. You’re picking at it.” Arthyr lifted his hand, giving Eira ample time to move his own away before gently guiding his touch away from the mark on his face. “It’s going to bleed again if you keep prodding at it like that.”
“I’ve had it for years and it’s only bled twice. I think I’ll be fine.” Arthyr could hear the roll of his eyes but chose to ignore it.
“Well, here. I can’t be away much longer or my father’ll have my head for running off again.” Arthyr rifled through his pockets, then pulled out a few coins and handed them to Eira. “I’m assuming you’ve got some scrapes and cuts, too, so buy yourself some antiseptic. And get supper while you’re at it, I know you haven’t eaten.”
“You sure you’re not magick? You seem pretty fuckin’ psychic to me” Eira breathed out a weak laugh but didn’t take the coins in Arthyr’s palm. “I’m fine.”
“You know I’m not going to take no for an answer.”
“Arty, really, I-”
“Eira, darling,” Arthyr mused, “denying the direct orders of the prince could be reasonably considered as treason, no? And I have ordered you to take this money and go buy yourself some damn food.”
Eira chuckled again, more like himself this time, and reluctantly slipped the coins into a hidden pocket of his jacket. “Thanks, your highness.”
“Ugh, you know I hate it when you call me that,” Arthyr laughed, standing and wiping snow from his cloak before holding a hand out to help Eira up.
“Of course I do. That’s why I do it.”
“Rich kid.”
“Street rat.”
“Pretty boy.”
“Little- wait, what?”
“Prince Arthyr!”
Both heads turned sharply at the intrusion of the guard’s shout, just outside the entrance to the alleyway.
“Shit,” Eira whispered, looking about frantically. “I gotta hide, they’re gonna think I was trying to shiv you or something.”
“Find someplace quick, dumbass,” Arthyr hissed, hurriedly shoving Eira to the left. “I remember there being some boxes over there when I was here the other week.”
Eira dove, skidding into the snow behind the conveniently-placed stack of crates just as one of the crown’s guards rounded the corner, heaving a sigh of relief at the sight of the prince standing, unscathed, at the tail end of the alleyway.
“Goodness, your majesty, why the hell are you in this dingy place? Not fit for a man of your rank, you know. And I really don’t think you’re supposed to be on your own, regardless.”
“Thought I heard something else awry and must’ve taken a wrong turn in my investigation,” Arthyr lied, walking briskly past the guard and allowing his cloak to whip against his face. “I’ll try not to get turned around next time I take a detour.”
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thesohmaestate · 3 years
@sparklyfaerie and I were bouncing headcanons off each other about HakYona's future children:
3 kids at the very least: 2 boys (the first and middle borns) and a girl (the last born)
Yona does not know how to parent - all her father did was spoil her
Hak is the Disciplinarian and Yona thinks he's too harsh. He comments sometimes that it's like having an extra kid (she does not like that).
And since Yona is the lenient parent, there's bound to be this exchange -
Child: Mommy, may I have some sweets
Yona: What did your father say?
Child: No.
Yona: Then why would I let you?
Child: He's not the boss of you.
Yona, internally: it's a trap
The thing is, SHE is the boss of HIM, but not when it comes to the kids.
Hak and Yona's children are bonafide Little Shits™
Hak: You can say 'please' and 'thank you' to your kids a hundred times and they won't repeat it, but then you sAY DUMBASS BITCH ONE TIME-
Whoever gets appointed as the Sky Tribe General goes "Ah shit, here we go again" before going to retrieve the princes and princess, who have, once again, sneaked out of the palace grounds
Hak doesn't even bother reprimanding their nannies. The little shits are half-Wind Tribe. They can climb ANYTHING.
Yona thinks it's hilarious and says they're just like their father, until Hak starts drawing comparisons to her exploits
Jae-ha would enable, enable, enable. He would be the favorite uncle. Kija is the target of their practical jokes. Shin-ah is the one who finds them most of the time when they sneak away. Hiding from him is a game. Zeno is beloved because he always has sweets and interesting stories - probably the one who gives the best hugs and advice too.
Kija playing hide and seek with the children then literally getting the air knocked out of him because one of them hit him in the windpipe with a slingshot
He gives the children TOO MANY speeches on how they have to behave with decorum because they're the children of the Crimson Dragon King blah blah blah
Hak joins in on messing with Kija sometimes - Yona does not like that
Youngest child, the princess: "Uncle Kija, I have a present for you!"
Kija: "Why, thank you Princess, that is very thoughtful of-"
The princess: [drops a dead cicada on his palm]
Kija: [unholy screeching]
The eldest child is Hak 2.0 but resembles Yona in temperament, though he is less spoiled. Middle child looks like a good mix of both of his parents, and is the Straight Man of the bunch. The youngest looks the most like Yona, has no fear, and inherits Hak's natural genius for combat.
Hak teaches all three of them archery and swordplay personally but the youngest is the one who takes to it so naturally. He is a Proud Dad.
The poor palace staff have to deal with the little royals being A Handful. Shenanigans include: skipping lessons, hiding to startle the maids, stealing sweets from the kitchen, making fart noises whenever a noble or a court lady sits down. Hak catches them occasionally and just crosses his arms and lets them try to talk their way out of trouble, but always ending with a "nice try, go to your lessons/rooms".
The royal chef: "Your Highnesses, what would you like for breakfast today?"
The royal chef:
Middle child: "She wants eggs"
The eldest loves feeding the cats around the palace
The youngest is a martial arts prodigy and a charmer rolled into one
The middle child gets teased a lot
Middle child: "Can't believe I'm the only one who gets things done around here!"
Youngest child: "You don't. The maids do everything around here."
They announce baby #4 when the oldest is 10 and the youngest is 5. All of them scrunch up their noses and go "Eeeeewwwwwww". Because the eldest knows where babies come from, of course he shared
At some point before baby #4, this exchange happened
Eldest child: Lord Droopy Eyes, what's an orgasm?
Jae-ha: [chokes on his tangerine]
Jae-ha tells him to ask his father because he still doesn't miss an opportunity to mess with Hak. Zeno overhears and tells the child that orgasm is another word for orange.
The next day the eldest asks for 'orgasm juice', and that's how they have 'the talk'
Hak, to Zeno: "You are really lucky you can't die."
Zeno: "Ah~ aren't children just delightful?"
(meanwhile Yona is dying from laughter in the corner)
Baby #4 is another boy
Yun is the children's nanny and most of the time he is DONE. They call him 'Mother Yun'
Eldest child: Younger brother is having music lessons. We're going to draw a moustache on the baby.
Yun: WHY?
Youngest child: He's like 85% of our impulse control.
Yun, to Hak after the kids get into some mischief: "I should have let you bleed out on that river bank, Your Majesty."
At some point, Yun just gets used to the shenanigans
Youngest child: Mother Yun, can we catapult the baby out of the palace gates?
Yun, without looking up from his medical texts: Not until you're finished with calligraphy, Your Highness.
365 So Stressed™ as he is, he truly does love the children. To Yun and the dragons, the kids would be almost as special as they are to Yona and Hak. They represent how far they've come together and their happiness...
....they're also, as Jae-ha likes to say, actual living proof that Hak and Yona Did It
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axcible · 2 years
Elf reader x Dragon King
Swearing, teasing, unprotected sex, breeding kink, oral (female), 18+ Minors DNI
Summary: You were an elf that was part of the trade tribe, you are travelling to the dragon kingdom but on your way you see the prince of the Dragon kingdom. He is temporarily injured, you can’t carry him back to the kingdom, so you stay and nurse him to health. Little did you know that the prince could be so controlling that you follow every word he says...
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You were walking down a secret path that you took some days to get to the Dragon Kingdom. There were wild flowers and deers that explored through this very same path. On your way you had many things in your backpack, first aid kit, food and water, and many things you needed as a female elf at well-this type of season. Walking down that path you heard groaning from someone stuck in the between the caverns. You rushed to help and saw, it was the dragon prince, Katsuki Bakugou. “Oi! Bastard get over here and help me!” He yelled at you with anger and a touch of hope in his eyes. “Say. Please.” You stood in place staring at the helpless dragon boy. He growled under his breath, “Please.” “I’m sorry I can’t what was that?” He grunted in frustration. “Please!” He yelled at you with a stern voice. 
You walked over to the dragon and set your backpack down. You stared at him for a while thinking how you were gonna wedge him out. “Your wings look bruised.” “No duh! Dumbass!!” He snapped back at you flexing his teeth. You grinned and rummaged through your bag to find the first aids kit. You dragged a huge branch to propel the boulder away from the helpless dragon. He was free, well-injured, but free. “Now lay on your tummy so I can get a good look at those wings of yours.” He rolled over angrily and stared into the distance. You saw bruises and cuts spotted all over his wings, horns, and tail. You gently dapped rubbing alcohol on the scratches on his wings. You cautiously rubbed alcohol on his horns, he twitched and groaned in pleasure. Confused, you said nothing, quickly bandaging his horns. You allowed him to lean up, “Feel better?” He looked the other way and whispered under his breath. “Thank you.” You smiled and turned to hand him a treat. 
In this condition he can’t travel back to the kingdom, he is just gonna hurt himself more, sadly-you must nurse him to health. “Can you hop? I saw an abandoned cabin near here.” You helped him up and assisted him in hoping towards the abandoned cabin. “This the best you could do?” He scowled and sat on the dusty couch. You went into the bedroom and cleaned it spotless. You crafted crutches out of strong wood for Katsuki to use. “I’m going out to get food.” You dropped your sweater on the couch, it was way to hot out. “I’ll be right back, don’t burn the cabin down.” You chuckled while walking out the door.
Minutes after you left Katsuki was staring at your sweater. He hesitantly picked it up and took a deep breath taking in your fragrance. His eyes shot toward you as you set down a bag full of meat. “Ready for your feast, your majesty?” You said playfully as you started a fire to cook the meat. “What kind of meat?” Katsuki got up on his crutches and sat on a chair closer, to watch you. “Tis rabbit’s meat, your majesty.” The whole time he watched you, seasoning the meat cooking in, cutting veggies. You somehow made a feast for this ungrateful tyrant. “Enjoy.” You were walking off to the bedroom in a hurry when you were stopped by Katsuki’s voice. “Aren’t you gonna eat.” You stood up straight and mumbled random excuses under your breath. “Uhm well, I have some things to take care of first. So if you don’t mind could you stay in this area, just until I come out of the bedroom.” He scoffed and went back to eating. You locked the bedroom door and rummaged through your bag, pulling out scented candles, a muzzle, and a pair of handcuffs. Breathing heavily you light the candles and lay down on the ground panting. Your face was tainted red as you softly moaned under your breath sinnfully. Katsuki sat in silence looking out the window watching the animals. He overheard you struggling and groaning, he cocked his head towards the bedroom door. “What the hell is she doing?!” He breathed heavily and plugged his ears so he wouldn’t get into it. The scented candles slowly put you to sleep, Katsuki fell asleep a while after. 
You woke up and found yourself with a muzzle on and with handcuffs chained to your wrists. You sighed embarrassed at the sight of you like this, you got the key and unlocked the cuffs and took off the muzzle, taking a deep breath. You stuffed it all in your bag and opened the door. You saw Katsuki walking! “Wow, I think your healed y’know. Maybe you can leave right now.” “Hell no I can’t, y’need to bandage my wings again, dumbass.” You sighed and went back to get your bag, forgetting what was in there. You dumped out the whole bag and froze, Katsuki saw the muzzle, the handcuffs, and the scented candle. “Uhm, don’t mind these stuff, I’ll bandage you up really quick so you can be on your way.” “So that was you...” You stuttered while putting them back in your bag, you glance down and saw a lump in Katsuki’s pants. Your face was full red, Katsuki moved closer and closer to you till you were an inch apart. You felt his hard member rubbing against you. “Katsuki-” And without thinking, the words help me came out of your flustered mouth. He was completely over the edge now, slamming his lips against yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth. Small muffled whines strayed from your mouth. His hands explored, your ass, your breasts, your hips, and etc. Katsuki knew much about what you were going through, luckily he was your only choice. “Shh shh, I’ll help you~” His warm voice echoes through your mind, not even knowing that his hands were slowly pulling down your bra.
You could feel his could fingers playing with your boobs. You were a mess, a needy, horny, little mess. He loved it. “Kat-Katsuki” You couldn’t hold back your moans, his sweet whispers as he slowly thrusted just made you go feral. “Shh, enjoy this, your gonna make a perfect mother~” You softly gasped, you wanted to say words but the pleasure, it felt so good. “M-m~” “Use your words love~” Your mouth quivered as he picked up the pace, “Is this too fast for you honey?” You whined underneath his heat, squirming and moaning in his ear. “’m gonna cum baby, c-come on y-y/n.” After a few orgasms, you passed out on the couch, your sweet little cunt dripping with Katsuki’s cum. Katsuki however, he dressed himself and was out getting food. You cuddled up in the blanket Katsuki put over you. He came in a few minutes after bearing meat, you rolled over to see him in the kitchen roasting meat with his fiery breath.  You slowly smiled as you rolled over to reach for your loose shirt hanging on the side of the couch. Slipping on your pants, you leaned up and walked over towards Katsuki hugging him from behind. Your head resting on his shoulders as you watch him fix dinner. “So what were you saying about me being a great mother hm?” He smirked and fed you piece of dinner, “What about it?” you smiled placing a kiss softly on his cheek. “Wow, you can cook your majesty. Surprising!” You exclaimed sarcastically.He grabbed your chin and leaned it up to his face. “Wanna say that again princess?” You smiled still confused, “How did we get here hm? Tell me what made you want to have sex with a pretty little elf like me~” He roughly kissed you as the words slipped out your mouth, whispering in your ears he reminded you what kind of pain you were in. “Remember the handcuffs? The muzzles? All the pleasure you felt, all those mewl moans you sang for me, hm? You remember that?” Your face was flushed to your pointed ears, you shoved food in his face so he could shut up. A/n: This is where the story ends, hope you enjoyed. In conclusion, you and Katsuki have children, and somehow you became an elf queen for the dragon tribe. 
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tabletopmayhem · 2 years
I feel like I should post my notes on this new batch of NPCs for our Vampire game so you can see how b a d my notes generally are.  Anyways here they are.
they are all changelings
Corelleon C. Cree- Lord of Japes, Mischief, and Lies- Their Majesty’s Lawyer  (CC by Hummingbird, Trip by Xochitl)
Tall, thin, cadaverous, in a burgundy velvet suit with a black tie.  Slicked back black hair with a widow’s peak, looks more like a vampire than you guys do (kind of like the guy from the munsters but a lawyer)
Bimpenny Jones- Steward and Keeper of the Bees (boggin)
Short, round, friendly.  Giant dimples, graying hair like a haystack- in her formal overalls.  THEY ARE FORMAL OVERALLS.  (there are actual bees and there are keys to the bees the bee keys) 
Hummingbird Cotswallow- Lady Hummingbird of Blackberry Briar Manor, Office Manager
Long, thin dreadlocks twisted into an elaborate bun with a net of black faceted gems and silver.  Wearing a long black dress, and an absolutely glorious gossamer shawl in colors of iridescent blue, purple, and green.  warm and friendly but above all professional lots of greetings.  
Xochitl of the Poppy Fields- Lady of the Everbloom, The Neverfading, The Gilded Sunblessed Scion, Stylist
Floor-length black hair, as she moves her dark bronze skin glitters and gleams, she’s COVERED head to toe in a gold body glitter- iridescent shimmer.  Bright orange mini dress and gold heels.  KNOWS PEOPLE.  on tuesdays we wear pink lol.  but actually seriously.
Every Day- Intern (boggin w/delusions of grandeur)
Big brown eyes, stubbed nose, looks like an early 2000s popstar type, bleach blonde with brown roots, cropped velvet sweatpants and hooded top  like early 2000s christina aguilera cosplay but she’s too cute and round for it.  Pakistani
‘Coffee?  Coffee?’  they’re vampires!  Go find blood!
How do I find blood?!
You’re the intern, you figure it out!
Paul ‘Paulie’ Petrovich (satyr)- Acquisitions, owns a rental place for inflatables.  Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Men, Bouncy Castles, Ball Pits, Seasonal Decor, Dunk Tanks, Carnival Games of the inflatable variety, ofc.  Weird terrible man that likes being drunk and also everyone else being drunk but is cute.  dirty blond friendly big feelings not big man.
terrible sorry
Winsome- Branch Manager- literally her job is to train the trees and vines that make up the living throneroom and the gardens. It’s a pun lol (boggin)
small silvery hair dark skin big brown eyes bad 2000s boho fashion minus awkward bindis but definitely that one brown skirt u had
Gavin- Prince Consort Gavin (gavin), Roamer of the Endless Night,  the Rawgabbit- gossip columnist (sidhe)
announces themselves in the third person at all times when entering a room.  Tall, attractive, big nose, long brown hair, leather pants, doesn’t know how to keep his shirt closed. lol a dumbass
an attractive dumbass.  Knows People.
Ives the Salish (pooka, otter)
Canadian fanboy.  v fanboy.  tall long dark hair high cheekbones earnest nonsense.  Super into Lenore.  Super into feeling his feelings.  Blog boy.  A Nice Fellow (sort of he is fairy)
Their Majesty  x x x x all the titles go here (sidhe)
Kind of deer-like.  Knows Everyone.  [redacted for spoilers]
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