#his would-be first pick for a successor Does Not Want To Be King and will scream if both Dantes AND the population elect him
radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Folklore Friday
Someday I'm going to finish writing this story. It would help if I could actually remember where I put my notebook that had the outline and third chapter in it lol
This is a bit from the first chapter, setting up the main character, Dantes. For context, rulers in the kingdom of Hieracium are elected, and each takes the family name of the very first ruler of the kingdom -- an unlucky woman who was volunteered for the job because she knew how to do math related to switching currencies and nobody else did. So the Ulfric Clan isn't a bloodline, it's more of a title.
His father and mother had raised him to work as hard as any farmer or farrier or fisherman. Their particular branch of the ever-growing Ulfric clan had not always been rulers, the late Queen Mother had reasoned, and there had been no guarantee that Dantes would be elected as Maya's successor when she retired. Better to be a Jack-of-all-trades than to find yourself out of work with no practical skills.
But Dantes was more than happy to pull his share of the weight in both the capitol and the city. Perhaps his advisers did tend to gently poke fun at his habit of treating the staff like housemates rather than employees trying to do their jobs. And perhaps some foreign dignitaries looked down on Hieracium a little for having a ruler who was willing to scrub flagstones and scatter reeds with the scullion staff. But the Hieracia people loved him for it. It was a reminder to those within their kingdom and those watching from without that rulers were only mortals, like their subjects.
Dantes had just finished setting a cauldron of water to boil when the head cook shuffled into the kitchen. He smiled at her, dusted off his hands, and began to measure tea leaves into an enormous pot.
“Morning, Mrs. Bolton,” he said cheerfully, “Were the dormitories warm enough last night? I saw frost on the windowpane this morning.”
The elderly woman wrapped her pink wool shawl a little tighter around her shoulders and sucked on her teeth thoughtfully before pushing past the king to add several cups of dried oats to the cauldron. Her hands were not as steady as they once were, and she looked altogether too pale.
“Here, give me that,” Dantes said, trying to take the next cup of oats from the cook. “Sit down and warm yourself before you freeze!”
“Leave off, you!” The cook retorted, gently batting his hand away, “I’m a grown girl, I can handle it well enough.”
She made a face as the last of the oats for the porridge disappeared into the water, and held her hands out to warm them over the steam.
“Truth be told,” she admitted, “Twas a mighty cold night. I can’t speak for the others, of course. But me and Mr. Bolton, we do chill easier than we used to.”
Dantes tutted sympathetically. “I’m sorry to hear it,” he said. “I’ve heard that in Nermorn they’ve begun using little coal stoves to heat rooms without fireplaces. Shall I order some for the dormitories? I’ve heard they’re a little messy, but efficient.”
Mrs. Bolton patted his arm with the bold familiarity of one who had known him for most of his life.
“You’re a dear, your majesty,” she told him fondly. “Now you seat yourself! And, and, take some breakfast while you can, afore the rest of my kitchen miscreants wake to scrape the pot clean! I’ll not have it said of me that I let a king go hungry.”
“Yes marm,” Dantes chuckled. He let her push him to a stool by the fire -- no mean feat for a little old woman half his size -- and hand him a steaming bowl of porridge. 
It was bland stuff. Dantes waited until Mrs. Bolton’s back was turned, and tossed two handfuls of nutmeg into the pot. He swiftly brushed his hand off on his trousers, lest the traces give him away, but his attempt at concealment failed anyway.
The instant the cook smelled the nutmeg, she crossed her arms and sighed. “Now sire, you know we need that for baking! You can’t turn every staff breakfast into something fancy.”
“I can try,” the king retorted, with a most unkingly pout.
A few of the other cooks, bakers, and kitchen staff trailed in as the fire warmed the stones. They each greeted the king respectfully, then collected their bowls of porridge and drifted away to begin their morning routines. There was bread to be baked, turnovers to be filled, and enough food to feed a castle to be prepared.
“Colin, get another pot of porridge going,” Mrs. Bolton ordered one of her assistants, “Tis cold enough to freeze the marrow this morn. Make up ten bowls for Jemmy to bring up to the night watch -- and mind you don’t let certain individuals meddle with the recipe!”
“We’re down to one more sack of oats, marm,” the flustered man warned, “All the rest went into the oat farls last night. For the upstairs’ breakfast, remember?”
“Nevermind,” Dantes interjected, pointing his spoon in Colin’s direction. “I’ll see to it that we buy more the next time we ride through Ainselv.”
The king visited the city of Ainselv often. It was only four hours’ ride from Iconos, the capital of Hieracium. As it was a little newer than Iconos, and a little larger, it had a much nicer library, and much nicer merchant stalls. Being so close to the shores of Lake Striga, they had first pick of the goods shipped across the lake from Nermorn. Being further east, Iconos often got what was left over.
“Ordering food is the cellarer’s job, your majesty,” the Assistant Head Cook said in mild reproof.
“Well I’m in charge of all the jobs, aren’t I?” Dantes defended himself, “I can give the cellarer less work today if I like!”
“Sure, and you’re not only looking for new tomes of frightful tales, your majesty?” Mrs. Bolton’s assistant teased.
“Now see here, Mrs. Poppy!” Dantes laughed, then spent an embarrassing two seconds cleaning bits of porridge out of his beard. “See here! That was one time! Heavens, come home with a book instead of a bull once, and you never live it down!”
“Who forgets an entire cow?!” Mrs. Bolton called from the dough table.
“A bookwyrm, that’s who!” Dantes retorted. “I’ll make that oat order, never you fear. Besides, I may as well find something new for the court intendant to read.” He made a face. “She’s up all hours like an owl with those tawdry war romances. May as well find her something with a little more substance, eh?”
“I...don’t know that the Lady Hawksbit is the sort who would care for your tales of knights and monsters, sire,” Mrs. Poppy muttered, but said nothing more about it.
Dantes poured himself a mug of hot mint tea, wished the kitchen staff a pleasant morning, and excused himself. “Off to work!” he announced, “It’s Thursday: out-of-doors work today.”
“Ooo! Mind you wear lots and lots of coats, sire!” squealed a scullion's child on the way to breakfast, “Mother said it’s wicked cold today!”
“And she’s quite right!” Dantes answered. “Oh, Charley, tell the butler I’m requiring a rotation of breaks by the fires today, won’t you? We want no frozen fingers here! Laundry will keep until the sun is properly up.”
“Yes sire!” the child chirped, “If there’s to be lots of breaks, will we get to play in the snow?”
“That’s a question for your mum, not me!” the king called over his shoulder. He took the stairs two at a time and came out in a cozy parlor that had once been an office.
Dantes had never really relished the idea of doing his share of the kingdom’s bookkeeping in the same windowless room his mother had favored. He found it unbearably stuffy in the warmer months. Upon taking the throne, one of the first things he’d done was to make sure his private office had windows that could be opened in the summer. That did incur the risk of pigeons coming to investigate the budget, but there were worse things in life.
Dantes hastily sipped his half-cooled tea as he backed out of the study and made his way up the north stairs to the grand hall. On Thursdays, instead of hearing from advisers all day, Ulfric Dantes was more accustomed to holding court for only four hours. Ministers of agriculture, water control, public health, and other departments related to the kingdom’s overall environment would present their reports to the king during this time. If anything was amiss, the king would ride out to personally contact whoever had been placed in command over the town named in the report. Married rulers usually delegated this sort of thing to their spouses, as that was the job of the vice-rulers. But Dantes remained cheerfully and stubbornly single, and liked to take care of things himself.
Thursday afternoons were generally spent in one of Hieracium’s six cities, holding town hall meetings with city government and civilians alike. They usually had much more specific ideas of what the royal court could improve upon than the advisers in Iconos did.
And, thus far, none of the civilians had tried to badger the king into some kind of political marriage. That was another point in their favor.
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heliads · 9 months
can you make a nikolai lantsov x reader?? i've been thinking about one where reader was one of sturmhond's crew as a tidemaker and they were together for a long time, but when nikolai became king, the two separated because royalty had done too much harm to r family and she didn't want to become one of them (besides her being Grisha). maybe after RoW they finally talk and get back together??
yesss pirate!reader x nikolai my beloved
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If Nikolai Lantsov were to regret anything in his life, anything at all, it would be how he handled her. It’s not that he regrets her, he wants to make that clear. He couldn’t if he tried, and Nikolai has tried many times to get over her, to find some flaw out of an improbability of perfection so he might not feel as achingly heartbroken as he always does.
But when Nikolai lies awake at night, unable to sleep despite a gilded bedroom and dozens of lush pillows and luxurious blankets, the worries troubling his mind are not of a country to run, nor the endless cycles of politics constantly reinventing new problems to crush his world beneath his boot. No, he thinks of one woman. He thinks of you.
Before Nikolai was the latest Lantsov king, before he was a homeward bound prince, he was a boy, and a boy who wanted to run. A much younger Nikolai in body and spirit had signed onto a pirate ship the second his guards turned their backs. It was a terrible decision for a golden prince to make, but the best choice for the bastard who never wanted to see another silver spoon again unless he was stealing it.
When Nikolai was a young man, he determined that he would be the captain of a ship, and a captain always needs a crew he can depend on to carry him through thick and thin. Nikolai sailed to countless foreign shores, finding friends and enemies in oceans sapphire and stormy, cerulean and calm. He wore dashing waistcoats and ruined them with the blood of slashed throats. He blockaded and benefitted small towns with equal joy.
And, most importantly of all, Nikolai found his first mate. It is a difficult thing, of course, choosing someone who could be your successor. If he picked someone a little too captivating, he ran the risk that they could depose him in a mutiny. If he gave that spot to someone the crew hated, though, his leadership would be undermined all the same.
He was just starting to think it would be impossible to find the right sort of figure, and then this young woman he’d never met before had simply walked up and asked for it. Technically, it wasn’t such an easy meeting as that. She had actually stolen one of the rowboats off of his ship while it was tied to their ship in the harbor with her abilities as a Tidemaker, then used the water to ferry her over to him.
From anyone else, Sturmhond would consider that a punishable offense. However, the privateer in him was also a politician, and one used to fronts and facades at that. Nikolai looked at the woman in front of him and realized that she wasn’t looking to use him as an avenue for a coup to captainship. She’d done her research and figured out that he was the best captain to serve under, and was simply ensuring that she made a good impression.
There is nothing Nikolai can appreciate like a fine display of showmanship, so he’d accepted her acceptance of his non-offer and told her to move her belongings into the first mate’s cabin that night. The crew woke up to a new member, and they took to her as readily as Nikolai himself.
After that, it was easy. Nikolai skimmed over frothy waves and he had someone by his side, a proper companion. He has liked his crew heartily all this time, but Y/N– he likes Y/N even more. Saints, he loves her. It takes him a while to realize that, but he does. Once that knowledge is common to him, the fact that he could have felt anything else is nothing short of absurd.
He’d given her his name a long time ago. Part of it, at least. They’d been on night guard together one shadowy twilight and she’d begged him for some sort of name she could use. Sturmhond, although great for inspiring fear and leadership as he saw fit, wasn’t personal enough for a friend, and Captain was too formal. Nikolai had witnessed many years of his father forcing everyone to refer to him as the king and nothing more. Never will he force a title on anyone.
So he’d said Nik, she could call him Nik, and that was more than good enough. It feels like cheating, a little, to have her bypass his real name and go straight to the familiar nickname. If anyone could do it, though, it would be her. Captains aren’t supposed to have favorites among their crew, but this is Y/N, and he loves her, so she calls him Nik, and he– he lets it happen.
All this truth, this love, and he never told her who he was. Not by choice. How could he? Y/N hated the monarchy, and so did he. The elder Lantsovs did not treat Grisha kindly, only tolerating them in the confines of the Little Palace. There was nothing Nikolai could do to protect them, to protect her, half as well in Os Alta as he could as Sturmhond, so he kept it a secret.
You could call that selfishness. You would be correct in doing so. Nikolai did not tell Y/N he was a prince because he was terrified of how she would push him away. In the end, there was nothing he could do to avoid that. The Darkling called on his help in capturing Alina Starkov, and Nikolai revealed that last ace in his sleeve the night before he was to dock in Ravka and personally escort the Sun Saint and her friends back to Os Alta.
He will never forget how Y/N had looked at him when she finally learned what he was, not as long as he shall live. He had asked her to come to his office, to lock the door so no one could hear. Y/N has been host to a great many of his secrets, good and bad and terrible, so she thought she could handle just one more.
She was wrong. Nikolai stood before her, and said, “I am the son of the king.”
She’d laughed, actually, but that had dried up when she realized he wasn’t joking. “No. You can’t be serious. All this time we’ve been out here, and you haven’t told me? You would have told me.”
Her eyes were desperate, pleading. Y/N L/N is one of the finest pirates Nikolai ever had the pleasure of meeting. He’s seen her go into no-luck gunfights with a grin on her face, and now she looks like all of her luck has finally run out. How awful, that he would be the one to finally crush her spirit underfoot.
“I knew you wouldn’t like it,” he tries to explain.
Y/N shakes her head. “No. I don’t like it when Tolya borrows my knives to slice fruit. I don’t like it when we stay in small towns too long. Nik, it’s not that I don’t like it that you’re a royal. It’s that you’ve betrayed me. You know how the Lantsov kings have treated Grisha, how they’ve treated anyone who isn’t an elite.”
It occurs to Nikolai that this might be how he loses her, in truth. “Y/N, please. We can change everything. Why do you think I came out here in the first place? I want to help Ravka. I want to help my people. Just come with me. We can do it together.”
She waves her hand dismissively. “No. I don’t want to be one of them.”
Not like he is, at least. Nikolai is endlessly, ineffably them, but she doesn’t have to be. She’s safe from them. From him. “Y/N. I love you, and I want you with me. Please, come to Os Alta with me.”
She turns to him abruptly, eyes violent. “No. That’s final, Nik.”
Ah. So it ends. And so Nikolai had gone to bed alone, heart a bitter mess of hurt, and he had disembarked from his ship with Alina and Mal and the rest. He had taken them to Os Alta, he had reclaimed his position on the throne, and all the while, he knew that he would never want anything in the world half as strongly as he just wanted her. 
It’s funny, isn’t it? Nikolai is a king now, and despite all his reach and power, the one thing he desires most will never be in his grasp again. She will always be the sea’s, and, as of late, that means she will never be Nikolai’s. Nikolai is chained to the crown; he will never leave it, he can never leave it. Y/N will be out there on the storm-tossed waves forever, as wild as the night he met her, and that will cause him grief until the day that he dies.
Nikolai grows up and it gets no better. He watches friends lose themselves to war and misery. He wears the crown upon his head, and then, surrounded by the clamoring voices of those who wanted him gone, he relinquishes it. Nikolai had tried to do his best while he was in office, but, walking back from the meeting with a strangely light feeling upon his head and shoulders where a great burden no longer rests, he wonders if it had ever been enough.
No one can ever be enough for Ravka. This he has known since he was a child. He had tried, though. The trying should at least get him somewhere. Nikolai passes blind laps around the Great Palace, attempting to remember every garden and room before he leaves it. He’ll have to pack his bags at some point, move out and find somewhere else to call a home after so many years in this one place.
Zoya has already offered for him to stay here, albeit in a different room. He’s a valuable advisor thanks to all his years on the throne, and he’s still as good a diplomat as ever. Nikolai will probably take her up on it; he wants to help Ravka, and this seems like the best way to do it.
About a week later, Zoya knocks on the door of his new rooms before letting herself inside when he invites her in. She’s taking to her new royal title very well, even if this seems to include her stealing his tea far more times than is strictly proper. 
This time, though, she isn’t here to stop and talk. Instead, Zoya hovers hesitantly at his door, and says, “There’s someone here to see you.”
Nikolai arches a brow. “I didn’t realize relinquishing my crown meant I got to have the Dragon Queen herself here to announce my visitors. Will you do this every time?”
Zoya laughs sarcastically, but her voice is still stilted when she adds on, “Just this time. She says she knows you. She was on your crew. First mate.”
Nikolai swears his heart stops in his chest. This is– no, it couldn’t be. He told Zoya about Y/N a long time ago. She’d asked why he hadn’t been more invested in finding a suitor and he’d admitted that he was pushing it off for as long as possible, knowing he couldn’t love unless it was her.
He nods a little frantically. “Alright. Where is she?”
“Here,” says a voice behind Zoya, and then the queen of Ravka is disappearing back down the hall and Nikolai is alone in a room with someone else and– and it’s Y/N, Y/N after so long, and he doesn’t really know how to think straight, let alone say anything at all.
She pauses over the threshold before finally going inside and shutting the door behind you. “I suppose I should be glad you’re speechless. Shows you still care, at least.”
“Of course I do,” Nikolai chokes out. “But– you do too? You’re here.”
She inclines her head, taking a seat on the chair opposite him. “I came as soon as I heard that you would no longer be king. I thought it would be hard. To lose this one last thing from your family.”
Nikolai frowns. “You hate my family.”
“I don’t hate you,” she says simply, “and even if they treated you harshly, they were still your blood. That means more than any of us want to admit, I think.”
Nikolai sighs. “You’ve always been the wise one, Y/N.”
She smiles at that. “Isn’t that why you hired me, Nik?”
The nickname again. His heart contracts painfully in his chest. “I should have told you,” he blurts out. “I should have told you everything.”
“I knew a lot,” she replies, “Enough to love you. I’m glad for every moment. There would have been fewer if you had told me sooner.”
Nikolai grimaces at the truth in that. “So you’re alright with me being a Lantsov now?”
She furrows her brow. “I heard some whispers that you aren’t entirely a Lantsov at all.”
He can’t really argue with that. “Who am I, then?”
“You’re Nik,” she tells him, “My Nik. My captain. And yes, my king, even if you’ve given over the throne. I always kept track of what you were doing during your reign. I was always proud of you.”
A bright burst of pride flares in his chest. “What do you advise I do now, if my reign is over?”
She stands, extends a hand to him. “We could always go back to a good time. The sea only gets bigger.”
Nikolai looks up at her, and he thinks– this is what he’s missed. Nikolai makes a fine king, but he has always missed adventure. He’ll have that now. And, when they both get old and tired, they can come back here, and continue making policies now that they’ve lived the lives of both the rich and the outlaw. It sounds wonderful to Nikolai.
He takes her hand. “Shall we go, then?”
She smiles. Radiant. He loves her just as much as he did at the start. “I think we shall.”
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @deadreaderssociety, @cameronsails, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed, @gods-fools-heroes, @bl606dy, @auggie2000, @baju69, @crazyhearttragedy, @budugu, @aoi-targaryen
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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revoevokukil · 5 days
*That* Apology
My friend @dragonfly255 made a point that compels me: when Ciri apologized to Crevan in that elven courtyard, she saved her ass from his laboratory.
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I always found it fascinating that Ciri apologized. Not least because letting loose on the people with whom she has a bone to pick is standard fare for her temperamental self, and she has more than enough cause. Mostly though, it’s because her apologizing to an adult - one several times over at that - is mature beyond anything anyone would expect of a 16-year old traumatized young woman. There is so much more going on in her “offer” besides, given the context and the tatters of her psyche, but the point first.
Avallac’h is what you would call a rogacz in Polish - a stag, a horned one (someone to whom “horns were made” by an unfaithful wife or lover); a cuckold in English - and Ciri noted Lara as his weakness earlier in the chapter. She presses on his wound knowingly. She wants to hurt with this. By saying what she says, it’s as if she is taking another little vengeance for the hurt, shame, and humiliation she has and is made to feel. And then she is confronted with exactly the same emotions in her captor.
Hurt, shame, humiliation, anger, desire: for vengeance, for settling of accounts, for that something which is missing.
Ever since the end of the Tower of the Swallow, Ciri has tried to hold back from unrestrained vengeance, and she is proud of herself, however small the progress. That lump in her throat. It’s doubtless painful to hear all this being said about you by your sole “friend” in this world (note how Auberon later calls himself Ciri’s only friend instead), but different forces may be acting upon her, ranging from sympathy to fear and dependence to romanticizing someone’s heartbreak and! the love they must be capable of feeling by implication. Ciri is young and fond of dime novel romances. Constantly bereft of safety, love, and belonging, and no longer unwise in heartbreak. What must it be like to be loved the way Avallac’h loved “his” Lara?
But there’s more, and I think that might be the most important: the awakening of humanism.
In an important sense, Ciri’s sympathy toward Avallac’h’s suffering is an example of the grail knight’s kindness which heals the Fisher King. Sapkowski seems partial to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s retelling of the Grail myth: the power of the Grail in Parzival which heals the Waste Land in the human heart is unleashed through compassion.
An apology is something Avallac’h likely never heard from Lara (nor Cragen). It brings the first bit of spring, the first bit of new life and light, to the Waste Land that is Crevan’s heart.
Again, Ciri does something nobody would expect of her; not even Avallac’h. Avallac’h has just pinned her for Cregennan’s successor and, in the heat of the moment, may be reconsidering his opposition to having Lara’s daughter brought into his laboratory. Ciri realises how precisely she “doesn’t know what she is talking about” as the pinchers close around her neck: she is walking on a knife’s edge with Avallac’h; his love runs as deep as his hate. But Ciri surprises: she asks for forgiveness from the one who is wronging her. And hope springs.
The journey to transcending your own damaged being thanks to compassion toward others forms the heartwood of the Witcher tale. It’s what keeps evil at bay. It can fail, but it’s what’s needed: heart. Being human is important. It’s about looking for the Grail within. Compassion toward the other ignites compassion toward the self, and vice versa. By healing we heal, and healing, we learn how to heal. Ciri has, in babysteps, been on a journey of abandoning the path of vengeance. She is young. She is growing. She springs.
The other side of this coin?
By apologizing, Ciri may have not only saved her ass from the elven laboratory but also pushed Avallac’h toward arranging or letting pass Auberon’s demise and made him not interfere with Ciri’s escape (aiding it along, in fact, by one argument). Spring brings thaw, but thaw in a heart set in its ways reveals chaos.
Avallac’h suffers from unresolved romantic attachment, guilt, and lack of closure. In his relations with Ciri, he could solve himself and his failures of the past in multiple ways. The problem is that by default it would involve exerting control over another’s fate for his own sake, which disqualifies you from finding the Grail (within), unless the other party meets you halfway.
One of the judgements that The Witcher passes is that you should not seize the reins of someone else’s fate against their wishes, and Crevan’s character, I’ve come to think, revolves hugely around the obsessive need for such control.
As a prescient character, he is ideally suited for dissecting such questions. He has the means for more control than pretty much anyone else, but control has also eluded him big time. It has shaped his personal tragedy, because control manifests as part of love too. Despite all nobility in desiring to keep the person you care for safe, by the time of the books, Avallac’h’s inability or refusal to let go of Lara is for his own sake not hers. And it stems, among else, from a sense of failure to control fate.
(It is funny that despite coming across as the most credible chess master in the tale, Avallac’h has trouble with controlling himself; he can be impetuous, petty, and volatile underneath that veneer of acerbic cool.)
We can assume Avallac’h did not initially care about keeping Ciri safe because she remained not wholly known him, and because the last time he had tried it had ended in tragedy. Lara’s downfall and demise could not be prevented. So Crevan does not do much (to our knowledge) to protect Ciri up until her reaching the Tower of the Swallow because she remains an unproven quantity and because by intervening he can lock them in a path to a kind of future that will prevent a long-term positive outcome or make things worse in another way.
It’s only once he is surprised by Ciri’s behaviour toward him in the courtyard that the hope of change really emerges. If the story continues and his and Ciri’s paths will cross again (as in the games), the hope is that as a result of Ciri’s kindness he will do something differently. The tragedy is that he might not.
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resourcesofaqueen · 2 years
Royal Sentence Starters. A series of questions for all your royal longings ♥
From the parents / teachers / council:
Let them dance together first.
Your Highness! What about the history lesson?
And when he / she fell in love? Without my permission?
This nonsense must stop. Your education has absolute priority.
Your language skills are lacking / excellent.
I / we have decided on a groom / bride for you.
The wedding arrangements with the neighboring country were concluded.
Love doesn't matter, duty does.
You were born to serve your country.
You'll do as you are told.
You’re gonna pick a groom / bride this summer!
You will choose one of the debutants as your bride.
You will be a worthy successor.
Your parents would be proud of you.
I should have been more strict with you!
You are responsible for your kingdom, for your country!
Don’t you care about your kingdom?
With diplomacy you have to be careful, but still use it skillfully.
I / we expect impeccable behavior.
Could you represent me as heir to the throne in this matter?
You are the heir!
For the arranged marriage:
We might not love each other but perhaps we can be friends?
I didn't choose this!
I do not want to marry him / her!
Her dowry means nothing to me!
His / her power means nothing to me!
Just because this marriage is beneficial, it doesn’t have to be good.
So you’re suggesting I marry someone I don’t love?
Perhaps we can grow to love each other.
I do not want to be queen!
I do not want to move to a foreign country!
Is it bad of me if I do not feel anything for my betrothed?
He / she is too old.
He / she is too young.
I don't even want the throne.
I don't even want children.
I cannot and will never love him / her / you.
My heart already belongs to someone else.
For (secret) lovers:
You didn’t ask for permission and married me.
Do you want to be my prince / princess?
I'll do anything in my power to convince them of our marriage plans.
You'd make a wonderful groom / bride.
I cannot marry you. My position / parents wouldn't allow it.
We cannot meet like this anymore.
I'm sorry, I have to leave you.
Leaving you breaks my heart.
You are my everything, worth more than a crown.
I choose you, no matter what the king says.
My bride / groom means nothing. You are the one I want.
Meet me at midnight at the fountain.
A crown means nothing if the heart is unhappy.
I'd choose your love over all gold and diamonds.
The marriage is set. I cannot change it.
My heart will always belong to you.
I'll protect you, no matter what.
I'm betrothed now, I wish it was you.
I'll dance with you at this ball, no matter what the others say.
Will you grant me the next dance?
I’ll be your gallant companion.
You'll be the most beautiful groom / bride.
You make me happy.
Will I be a Majesty?
From the royal:
In accordance with ancient custom, I shall choose a groom / bride.
Not everything is beautiful just because it shines.
I'd rather be a commoner.
I want to be free.
The crown is too heavy to bear.
It is sometimes not a privilege to be a firstborn.
The hopes of my whole country rest upon me.
There are so many rules and protocols I have to follow.
You can have this dress / this jacket if you want to. I have many more.
I miss interacting with you like this.
You are the only one that i honest with me.
My advisors tell me it’s the right decision. But is it really?
My parents wish me to marry but I want to follow my heart.
Living in a castle is sometimes like living in a prison.
I wish we could switch positions for a day.
Living in a castle is boring. Your life is much more exciting.
I invite you to this ball / tournament.
I want you to be there. Do not worry about others.
Would you deny an invitation if the prince / princess yourself invites you?
I'm sorry I didn't tell you but .... I'm kinda the prince / princess and this is my kingdom.
I didn't tell you I'm the prince / princess because I appreciate our friendship.
From the (non-royal) friend:
This must be the prince / princess!
Look, look, look...uhm your highness.
This crown / tiara must be heavy.
I like how your crown / tiara sparkles.
I'd wish I could also wear such a crown / tiara.
Can you always wear such beautiful clothes?
All these clothes would be my death.
I am envious of you.
I'm glad I'm not in your position.
Surely you can sneak out?
When do you have to leave?
When will you be back?
Can I hold your train?
Can I be one of your bridesmaids / groomsman?
How am I supposed to address you now?
I don't know how to do a proper courtesy.
I'm not one who is fit for the court.
Why didn't you tell me you're royal / the prince / the princess?
You can't be real about this! It sounds like a fairytale come true.
Even a prince / princess is allowed to have fun!
You have never danced anything else besides walzer?
I didn't know you speak so many languages.
Have you ever tried xy?
I'm nothing and you ... you are the prince / princess.
Have you ever been to the village?
And you really live in this castle?
You would look at things differently if you were in my position.
Then, your Majesty, any dream is possible.
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knwatchesmonkiekid · 2 months
spoilers for season 2 ep 7 dwon below btw
lets get started...
MK's fear of Monkey king picking the wrong successor is soooo EPIC?!?!?!?! look i know that LadyBoneDemon (lets call her lbd) is evil... but dang.... she sure knew how to plant fear and doubt in MK lol.
"those who bring light into this world, inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear"
that line....
why does it seem like Macaque and Wukong have a very very important backstory that will affect the plot later on!?!??!!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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thats soo sad tho... When Macaque said that he prob should unload his secret insecurities he said that he would be there all day....
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"You're a bit too much like him"
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first of... the animation with the lbd-related scenes are epic...
alright... im good now.... i let it allll out....
welppp i may or may not come back here again... we'll see ig
anywyas thanks for coming to my rnat!! Byeeeee
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crashtestjeffy · 9 days
I have been thinking about the Robert De Niro statement in New York, where he stated emphatically "If he gets in he will not leave" when speaking about Trump. And I have two predictions. First - His vice-presidential candidate will be either Ivanka Trump or Donald Junior. Most likely Donald Junior. Ivanka having distanced herself from him as of late. But again I could see it being Ivanka, a sort of surprise reveal. Second - If elected, De Niro is 100% correct. And even in the Orange Pebble that is Trump's neanderthal brain (with apologies to neanderthals) he is aware that he is getting old. And so he will want to set up a sustainable dictatorship and the only way he really can do this is to hand it off to his children. The only people he would feel loyal enough to maintain his "dynasty". This is why he would never pick notoriously weak Eric as his VP. He does this in much the same way Kings have selected successors. Donald J. Trump is making America great again by reinstalling the rule of kings. The very thing so-called freedom loving Republicans are so vehemently "fighting" against. As a Canadian neighbour all of this is very frightening to watch. Because like kings of old, this Empire will want more than anything to expand. And we are admittedly unable to put up much a fight. In fact there is a contingent of Canadians who would happily hold the door open for the possibility to become subjects of The Foolish Emperor. The only thing I can say is vote. Please vote. It is clear that the popular opinion is anti-Trump and anti-dictatorship. But for some infuriating reason, still that populus doesn't show up in force. And yes I know Biden is not a prime candidate. But you know under his leadership (and possibly Kamala Harris - a real possibility) democracy and freedom will not disappear.
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nowis-scales · 4 months
Flora and Felicia Birthday Headcanons
It's the Ice Tribe twins' birthday, so of course I had to build up some headcanons for the birthday of two of my favourite Fire Emblem girls ever. Hope you enjoy!
‣ Has a hard time adjusting to the rest of the army in Revelation because she doesn’t trust the Nohrians as the ones who have her people under their thumb, but doesn’t trust the Hoshidans either. After all, the food scarcity affected more than just Nohr, and she hasn’t heard so much as peep from the Hoshidans about what was going on there. It also doesn’t help that both groups don’t have a tendency to include her in any war decisions at first, so it just leads to her feeling like they don’t respect her and the rest of the Ice Tribe as a “real” group of people with the same stake in this. It improves over time, and as she makes more friends she grows to appreciate them, but at first it’s very easy to feel left out of the arrangement. Nohr and Hoshido didn't exactly ask anybody else what they thought when they started their war.
‣ Jealous of anyone with a natural charisma. It’s something that she’s quite embarrassed about, but she feels that she isn’t naturally likeable, so she can’t help but be envious of anyone who just has a natural draw to them. What she doesn’t realize is that she actually is quite lovely and people do like her, it’s just that she seems so reserved and purposefully cold that people just assume that she doesn’t want to be bothered.
‣ May secretly feel more comfortable with Gunter to her own father, though she is very ashamed of it. It’s not that she doesn’t love Kilma, she definitely does, it’s just that… well, Gunter tends to be a bit warmer with her. Knowing she’s his successor, as well as with the Ice Tribe still being under King Garon’s thumb, Kilma tends to be a bit colder and more critical towards Flora just because he knows she’s in a hard situation for all of them. He can’t let Garon knows the depths to which he cares for her, and he certainly can’t let her go in unprepared for what she’s facing… so it’s hard for them to have the more comfortable relationship of your typical father and daughter. This, of course, doesn’t excuse Kilma’s behaviour in favouring Felicia — but it does explain why Flora feels closer to Gunter.
‣ A LOT of Flora’s personal identity is something she stakes on being a leader to her people. If you were to ask her what she would be doing if she weren’t leading the Ice Tribe, she’d have no idea. That’s, in some part, what makes the threat of Felicia worse for her — if her father were to pick Felicia instead, then she wouldn’t know what to do. There’s lots of things she enjoys, but her low self-esteem makes her think that she wouldn’t be good at any of them. She supposes if she had to, she might like to run her own business or be a teacher… something where she can take advantage of her capabilities as a caretaker, but not something where she is forcibly reminded of her undesired time as a maid.
‣ Pretty crafty person. She could make all kinds of little trinkets if you let her, and often does when she has the time. When she was little and first brought to the Northern Fortress, she used to use whatever scraps she could find around and make little figurines out of things like wires and buttons. She would then hide them places for Felicia to find. It was a little game they delighted in playing, until Corrin came across one — at first, Flora thought Corrin would be mad… but they loved them and begged to join in on the scavenger hunt for them, too. Flora was reluctant, but eventually agreed, and even started to teach Corrin how to make them when she warmed up to the captured royal.
‣ Favourite trait about her appearance is her hair colour. It’s such a pretty shade of blue, and she likes that it gives her an ethereal quality. Plus, it feels so perfect for a leader of the Ice Tribe to have icy blue locks, so it just makes her feel very strong. Her only frustration is worrying that the colours she wears might not go with it.
‣ Flora’s love language 100% involves feeding people. If you want to know if she likes you, ask yourself how much she feeds you. That’s why in her Festival of Bonds with Jakob, her instinct upon hearing he liked mushrooms was to give him as much as possible. She has a handful of good recipes that have been passed down to her from her own grandmother, and another good chunk that she learned from Gunter, so anybody she comes to love will always have a happy, full belly. Be warned if it’s your birthday, though — she will feed you so much, and even if you try to refuse, she won't let you get away without putting more on your plate. Who wants thirds?
‣ She doesn’t really get cold that easily. It kind of varies between Ice Tribe people, but Flora doesn’t really feel it in comparison to some of the others. Something has to be really cold for her to feel it, or artificially cool — so she can feel another Ice Tribe person’s magic, but the cold weather isn’t too much of a bother to her. This is a skill that amazes many others, and has made her a favourite for helping out on snowy days. She actually doesn’t mind having to do the hard work in the winter weather… it’s a different kind of challenge from the maid duties she does, so it’s refreshing. Helps her feel well-rounded.
‣ In some way, Flora is so poised and perfect because she practices it. She thinks a lot about how she comes across to other people, how to appear strong and graceful and leaderly, so she tends to practice and decide what works and what doesn’t. If anyone were to catch her doing this, she would try and play it off… and then let her cheeks flush and duck her head as she walks away, muttering to herself about how she’s such an idiot. Anyone who has caught her doing it finds it impossibly charming, though they wish she wouldn’t criticize herself so harshly.
‣ When Flora prepares snacks, she does like those cute little snacks you see on Pinterest that parents do for their kids. I’m talking apple snails made with peanut butter and chocolate chips, oranges and celery made to look like little pumpkins, and hard-boiled eggs shaped like bunnies. It’s all adorable, and it’s one of the things that made Corrin instantly like her when she came to the Fortress. She’s very proud of them, and loves that people enjoy them so. When she learns that Hoshidans also have their own ways of making cute foods, she is delighted and insists on learning — then she can add apple bunnies and octopus hotdogs to her repertoire!
‣ Somewhat privy to gossip in camp. Maybe not as much as someone like Silas, but her pleasant, non-judgemental demeanour and status as a maid tend to make people comfortable enough to just… tell her things. Of course, she lives by a code of secrecy and would absolutely refuse to tell anyone about what she's learned, but it is still interesting for her to know all of the different things going on in camp. You... probably still shouldn't trust her with a crush, though. Not because she'd tell them, but because she would probably try to wingwoman a tad too hard on your behalf, and it would just become really obvious.
‣ Has an ore collection that she deeply treasures and only shares with people she really likes. She's been enamoured with pretty stones since her days in the Ice Tribe as a little girl, as the mountains back home were just full of them. When anyone would bring her one, she would add it to her collection right away. Although her original collection is still back in her home village, she started a new one while she was at the Fortress. It's perhaps not as impressive, but it does boast some rather pretty gems. Her most treasured one is an opal she received as a gift from the Nohrian royal siblings, as thanks for taking such good care of Corrin over the years. She loves it so much, she keeps saying that she wants to get it made into a pendant someday.
‣ Her life motto at this point is basically just “be scared, but do it anyway”. She’s already so goddamn nervous about everything, so to get anything done, she kind of has to just duck and run. She might have to do it screaming and crying from fear, but gods damn it, she is going to do it! It really catches her enemies off-guard sometimes, because yes, this woman did just kill three soldiers with ease, but she's also been sobbing the whole time?
‣ Very curious about the rest of the world, but is very much cautiously curious. She doesn't have a great deal of experience with the world outside of the Northern Fortress, and Flora, Gunter, and Jakob protect her from... many things, so she's eager to gain new experiences while still keeping a respectable distance. Thankfully, she's smart enough to take it slow: she works up from 'playing with big dogs for the first time' to 'learning how to use Hoshidan weaponry'.
‣ Had no idea she was a source of insecurity for Flora simply because Felicia thinks Flora is literally the best. People have tried to get in with telling Felicia by saying that she’s more approachable and fun to talk to than Flora, and have been surprised when she got really offended and started loudly defending her sister. As far as Felicia is concerned, Flora is one of the most wonderful people on the planet and she doesn't get why anyone wouldn't like her. She didn't notice Gunter and Kilma praising her for her skills in battle and not doing the same to Flora, because she was so used to hearing her be praised by other people for other things. It's why she struggled to understand why Flora would seem to have these fits of grumpiness with her... And honestly, that she has these little moody moments are probably the worst thing Felicia could say about her sister.
‣ Wants to wear make-up, but can’t really because she’s so clumsy it always turns out terrible. Usually, if she's going to a special event, she'll ask another girl to help her out with it, because her hands shake and her viewpoint just never seems to be good enough, and if there's a way to break a wand of mascara, she will find it. She still tries her best to practice, though... even if no one will see the results. It's just how she is. She wants to get better at things that her clumsiness interferes with, even if they're small things, to prove that she can do it. It's an uphill battle, but she's got the rest of her life to fight, right?
‣ She’s not so good at drawing. Sculpting? Amazing. Her supports with Hinata prove that. When it comes to putting pencil to paper though, every thing just comes out like wonky tween girl cutesy. She comes by it honestly, and knows her drawings aren't very good, but still has a tendency to doodle whenever you put a piece of paper in front of her. As always, her mind just kind of wanders, and before you know it, her paper will be full of awkward-looking bunny rabbits and flowers with just a few too many petals.
‣ It’s really not easy to make Felicia angry, or perhaps it’s more true to say that it’s not easy to get her to express her anger. She’s more so someone who deals with “wet anger”, where she cries and her voice shakes and she can’t really find it within herself to fully fight back. Felicia believes anger is destructive, particularly as someone from the Ice Tribe who could freeze someone alive with it, so she often chooses to remove herself from the situation and cry it out so nothing gets out of hand. It usually wouldn’t anyway, but it’s a precaution. If you get her angry, really angry, though… you should be worried.
‣ When it comes to the war of Nohr vs. Hoshido, Felicia doesn't really have a lot of prejudgments. Being a more clear-cut example of Nohr's food problem, given that she loses meal privileges to foot the cost of things she breaks, you would think that she might be more upset with Hoshido... but she also recognizes that the Nohrians are going after the Hoshidans the same way they went after her people, too. Plainly put, she refuses to judge people individually on either side, because she genuinely believes it is something that they can work out. People can and do change, and maybe it's just the lack of understanding that's there that makes things the way they are? That's why she follows Corrin in every route: Corrin feels the same way she does, and wants everyone to be safe and happy. She trusts her friend's judgement, even if it might do for Felicia to think a bit more for herself.
‣ Loves to dance. She’s horrible at it, though. It’s the clumsies. Still, in the comfort of her own space, that doesn't stop her. When she was a little girl and the other Ice Tribe women were doing their dances, she used to spend hours after trying to imitate them. She never did learn, but she holds out hope that someday she might be able to dance among them for real. If she's lucky and keeps trying, maybe she'll be able to dance as apart of Flora's chieftain ceremony in the future.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
the povs of the wars of conquest
similar to my “povs of robert’s rebellion” gonna do an aegon’s conquest one since they announced the show let me REST tho jfc but this one is a bit more meta-y at the end
to keep up with the "no PoVs from the kings" theme, these are the ones we should not have:
Aegon the Conquerer (duh)
Argilac Durrandan
Harren the Black
Torrhen Stark
Mern Gardener
Loren Lannister
Meria Nymeros Martell
However, what’s interesting about the conquest is that power is changing hands a lot, whole lines are being wiped out while others are shooting up in importance, so I have two sections of PoVs we could have.
First are PoVs I think we would need:
Visenya Targaryen
Rhaenys Targaryen
Orys Baratheon
Sharra Arryn
Argella Durrandan
Brandon Snow
Patrice Hightower
Ser Joffrey Dayne
Jon Mooton
Marla Sunderland
Quentyn Qoheris
Daemon Velaryon
Second are PoVs I’m Kind of Conflicted Over
Nymor Nymeros Martell
Deria Nymeros Martell
Edmyn Tully
Harlan Tyrell
Theo Tyrell
Vickon Greyjoy
some explanation - The thing is, we don’t typically get The Heir’s PoV or The Lord’s PoV if that heir/lord is likely to inherit without any sort of succession issue - we don’t get Robb in AGOT bc he’s the clear cut successor, but we DO get his father bc Ned came into his seat after A Series Of Unfortunate Events (also the plot doesn’t work without Ned). We don’t get a peek into Tywin’s mind but we do look at each Lannister child. etc etc. But the second category of characters fit into a weird third category in my opinion.
Let’s start with Dorne. Since Nymor is clear cut as Meria’s oldest child and heir, takes his seat without any problems, and passes it to his oldest without any issues, he doesn’t really fit that pattern. But on the other hand. I think when you look at the Dornish rulers in the first century post conquest, Nymor stands out because he has no desire to keep the fight going while everyone around him does. Remember, Deria helps fund the Vulture King, Qoren fights against Daemon in the Stepstones, and Morion is a dumb ass but he is not the only Martell to make violent overtures right back at the Iron Throne; I’d argue Nymor is one of the only Martells not to fund some sort of proxy war! I think of all the Martells, he’d be the most fascinating to follow and watch Meria and Deria from. So I’m a bit stuck here. And there’s a similar argument against Deria - while she is involved in the Vulture King’s war, Deria rules in relative peace. There's nothing shocking about a woman inheriting her father's seat in Dorne, the way there would be elsewhere in Westeros that might justify giving her a spotlight.
Then we have the Tullys and Tyrells. The Tullys are an incredibly old and noble family but they have never been kings. And the Tyrells are famously a group of upjumped castellans, and the only family in the Reach that didn’t raise arms against House Targaryen during the Conquest. They are given rule over their respective areas of the Riverlands and the Reach because they are a good political pick, and not because of any kingly blood. We also need a Riverlander and Reacher PoV because there’s a lot of action going on in these areas. And while the Greyjoys certainly were known to have been Kings frequently, Vickon Greyjoy was not and did not expect to be any time soon.
I think the solution here is really obvious though - invent a few Davos and Catelyn characters. Give Nymor a wife who is involved in the politics of the War. Edmyn Tully has three unnamed daughters, one of whom marries Quentyn Qoherys - make her a PoV. But at the same time, these would essentially just be Canon OCs, and like, idk, they don’t have the best track record with that. If this was a “George is gonna write an aegon’s conquest story” that’s one thing but someone else doing it is a bit eh. If it were George writing this, I think I’d want something like:
Visenya T. and ONLY her - i want Rhaenys and Aegon to remain a mystery
Orys Baratheon but i’m gonna bitch the whole time
Quentyn Qoherys
Jon Mooton
Argella fucking Durrandan
Brandon Snow
Patrice Hightower - this is Ceryse’s aunt, the one reputed to be a witch who died an unmarried maid. she would have been a youngish girl during the Conquest; she and Manfred, Ceryse’s father, don’t have canon ages, and since Ceryse is born in 2 AC, you can probably get away with anything from like 10-25 for either of them. Also, I think Patrice would just be really fun to follow, think of the witch on witch crime between her and Visenya!!
Marla Sunderland
Ser Joffrey Dayne
Nymor’s wife, and I think making her an Orphan of the Greenblood (considering Rhaenys' first act of violence in Dorne is to burn Plankytown) would be the best narrative choice.
Edmyn Tully’s first born daughter - potentially she is his heir presumptive bc he’s not mentioned as having any sons or grandsons or even brothers. Also, it’s not specified which daughter married Qoherys, and we don’t have a named Tully Lord until Prentys Tully & Lucinda Broome during Maegor’s reign, so there’s some wiggle room to do something fun here.
Once again, we don't have any "Road trip from hell" stories here a la Arya, Brienne, and Egg and also not a lot of lowborn PoVs so an idea I had that I thought would be something George would like is having a female warrior from Cracklaw Point - Visenya promises them they would be sworn directly to the Targaryens and not anyone else, and given how often Visenya is at Dragonstone (and Cracklaw Point is very close by, especially if she's riding Vhagar), I think it fits within Visenya's story if she had a some sort of female warrior similar to Jonquil Darke or Brienne of Tarth that followed her through the second half of the conquest to fit the "wandering noble tours the realm and sees life is kind of ass" stories George loves to do.
I think it would be a great idea to have an Iron Islander PoV as well especially given that Aegon requires the Iron Islanders to allow Septons and Maesters into their territory in an attempt to convert them (and probably to educate them as well, i'm sure the literacy rates in the Iron Islands are the worst in the realm, lol lmao) and I think that whole story would be much more affecting if we got an Iron Islander PoV. I think some Salt Wife's PoV here would be particularly fun (or horrific) to follow.
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iris-sistibly · 2 years
The Targ Talk (a review series): House of the Dragon episode 8
He personally got the dragon eggs for his and Rhaenyra's babies- he could have easily ordered someone else to do that for him but he didn't, he made sure to pick all of those and was really happy upon learning that Syrax laid three eggs (just enough for his three young kids and the unborn baby Visenya).
The way he cares for his pregnant wife- I remembered him kissing Laena's belly and now the way he touched Rhaenyra's baby bump just shows how much he loves his children.
He supports his wife- I STAN A SUPPORTIVE HUBBY
He protects his wife and stepsons- Damn bitch when he slashed Vaemond's head with Dark Sister, that was so freaking satisfying. Vaemond learned the hard way to never mess with his family. I also love that scene when the boys fought in the middle of the supper and Daemon stood in between to protect Jace and Luke. Him giving Aemond a warning look was so good! 
Fun fact: When Vaemond insisted that he should be named as Corlys' successor and accused Laenor's sons to be bastards and Rhaenyra a whore, the princess ordered her new hubby Daemon to have his head removed and his carcass was fed to Syrax. Also, Corlys Velaryon lived until the reign of Aegon III, not sure if they're gonna keep him for that long in the show though (Source: Fire & Blood by George RR Martin) 
He never betrayed his brother- sure, he was hurt with how Viserys treated him in the earlier episodes, but as I've said before, their bond as brothers will always be there and their love for each other never faded. I saw how hard he controlled his emotions when he saw the very weak Viserys for the first time in years, how he helped him up when he was having a hard time climbing to his throne, and Daemon picking up Viserys' crown and placing it back to his head spoke volumes. I've read on twitter that the crown falling off was accidental and Matt Smith just picked that up and they continued filming. But even if it wasn't really a part of that scene, to me it turned out to be the most powerful scene in this episode because it translated as showing what Viserys really meant to Daemon: he is his older brother, he is his king, and he will always be faithful to him. 
Daemon is such a misunderstood character in both the show and the novel: he's unpredictable, he would do crazy things, yet he's not afraid to show what he wants and what he does not want, he's not a hypocrite, and he will kill for the people he loves. That being said, Daemon is a perfect representation of the people who often gets a lot of hate for…basically doing whatever the fuck they want even if it doesn't fit into the norms, or it does not uphold the moral bullshits of the society or whatever but is actually more humane than many if not most goody-two shoes people.
Just like Milly, I think Emma did an amazing job at showing Rhaenyra's vulnerable side. The princess has always been a daddy's girl, and it broke my heart when she pleaded for her father's help to secure Luke's claim to Driftmark and how she was so overwhelmed by the burdens that came with her title as heir to the iron throne. 
Another sweet moment between Viserys and Rhaenyra was when the latter introduced Aegon and Viserys to their grandsire, the babies are so cute! 
Rhaenyra may be the female version of Daemon in so many ways, but like her father, she loves all of her children very much and would do anything to protect them. She'd swallow her pride in exchange for her children's safety. She chose to leave King's Landing to keep them away from all those nasty rumors, and now she asked for Rhaenys' help to back Luke's claim (which I'm very glad she did), betrothing Jace and Luke to Baela and Rhaena would further strengthen their alliance. A wise move I must say, but I fucking hate the things that are gonna happen between the blacks and the Velaryons. 
Jacaerys and Lucerys are such gentlemen! I love that Jace works so hard to prepare himself as the next king, and how he protected Baela from his stupid uncle, as the eldest, he always looks after his younger siblings (especially Luke). I can tell Baela is a badass just like her mom, I am so looking forward for her to kick Aegon's r*pist ass! Rhaena is very sweet and so supportive of Luke, I cannot be attached to these babies because of their fates in the dance but it's so hard to not stan them!
Helaena Targaryen is such a sweet soul, she's being treated horribly by Aegon yet it seemed to me that she has already accepted that she would be living this shitty life forever. When Jace asked her for a dance, Helaena had so much fun. Aegon is disgusted by her for being different but Jace showed her kindness, had Alicent looked past her issues with Rhaenyra and agreed to Jace and Helaena's betrothal, it would have solved both their problems tbh. 
Viserys defending Rhaenyra until his last breath 🥺 even on his weakest moments, even if he was in pain, he really stood up for his daughter and grandkids. He tried his very best to keep his family together, the dinner scene when he attempted to unite his two families for the last time broke my heart. He just wants his family to be happy and live in peace. But then, the poor decisions he made in the past has finally bit him. If he was so eager to secure Rhaenyra's claim to the throne then:
He shouldn't have remarried even if he was being pressured to do so. Remarrying could mean higher chances of having a male heir (and poof! Aegon the dumbshit). 
He should have chosen Daemon as his hand. His brother would protect Rhaenyra at all costs.  
He should have agreed to marry Daemon and Rhaenyra in the first place. While marrying the princess of to Laenor Velaryon was a wise decision to strengthen their alliance with the Velaryons, I do not think Laenor would do well in court politics (in previous episodes, he was often seen gallivanting with his lover instead of being with Rhaenyra and his life is at the sea). He may be a warrior, and an ideal match but he was no politician. His brother was a skilled warrior, a dragonrider, and knows how politics work and even if Daemon was already married to Rhea Royce of the Vale, what of it? Aegon had two wives and Maegor had six. I don't think Rhea would even care whether Daemon takes another wife or not. 
He never should have trusted Otto Hightower.
He should have done what Jaehaerys I did, if you have read Fire and Blood then you'll know what the young king did when people were outraged with his marriage with his sister-wife Alyssane, when he sent forth seven people to spread good words about the queen. He could have taken this idea as an example on how he could help Rhaenyra gain support not just from other houses but the commonfolk as well. 
All in all, I don't think Viserys was a terrible person. He just made some terrible decisions.
Fun fact: Prior to his death, King Viserys was able to spend time with Aegon and Helaena's children (Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor). His grace gave Maelor a pearl ring to play with and told the twins about the tale of Jaehaerys I who went to the North with his dragon and fought the wildlings, giants and wards. He then sent them away so he could take a nap (he felt weary and tightness on his chest), he never woke up.
[Special Shoutout]
This is Paddy Considine's final appearance in the show! 😭😭 I am so going to miss him but I cannot thank him enough for playing the character of Viserys I Targaryen so well. This episode was his best performance ever! 
I would describe Aemond's character as a Daemon wannabe, but compared to Aegon, I like this raging bitch more. 
I know people were fuming over Viserys' last convo with Alicent, I was so stressed too but even if Viserys had told Alicent about Aegon the Conqueror's dream, I don't think it would be enough for the Hightowers to accept Rhaenyra as heir to the iron throne. Since Aegon the dumbshit was a male and blood of the dragon too, they'd still think that the prince that was promised could also possibly come from his line (since Viserys doesn't have any solid proof that the prophecy was about Nyra). So either way, Rhaenyra's claim to the throne will always be questioned and frowned upon by many simply because she was a woman. Sad. 
I'd like to think that Rhaenyra and Alicent was so ready to put aside their strife during the dinner scene but nah, even if the queen showed signs that she still cares for her ex-bff, her leech of a father would corrupt her mind and make her hate her stepdaughter so…I don't buy this shit. 
Fun fact: When Viserys held a feast to celebrate his somewhat recovery through maester Gerardys (Rhaenyra's maester), the princess, the queen and their children were all required to attend. There the two pretended to have agreed to settle their conflicts, the kiddos greeted one another and broke bread together at the table which pleased the king (Source: Fire & Blood by George RR Martin).
Lady Mysaria is back in the game, and I'd say she's one of the characters who shouldn't be ignored. She's like the Melissandre in this timeline. 
Btw, I've also seen some memes about Viserys saying he loves all his children but he favors Rhaenyra all the time. Well, it's because the king had more time to bond with her unlike the other kids who he really didn't get to spend more time with since his health was already deteriorating while they were growing up. Second, they're not in Rhaenyra's situation. Aegon or Aemond can father as many bastards as they want and still get away with it whilst Rhaenyra is being called a whore for having sons with the man of her choice. But I do agree that in doing so, his other children felt neglected by him.
Alicent is a fucking hypocrite. She doesn't practice what she preaches: she judges Rhaenyra for having kids with the man she chose, she brainwashed her children into hating their nephews, didn't teach her kids the values she said she upholds, gaslighted a poor maid after being r*ped by her son, paid her to keep her mouth shut, and made her drink the moon tea to erase the evidence of Aegon's crime (sad to say, these things happen in real life too). Lastly, she was disgusted by the Targaryen's incestuous relationship yet she forced Aegon to marry his own sister Helaena and then subjected her daughter to a terrible married life. WTF.
I can't wait for Aegon to die 😏 even if the dance of the dragons was depressing af, I am consoled with the fact that ⚠️ SPOILER ALERT: two of Rhaenyra and Daemon's children will become kings (Aegon III and Viserys II) ⚠️ so Daemyra's bloodline will still prevail. 
THEY REALLY FUCKING EXCLUDED DAERON TARGARYEN! The youngest of Viserys and Alicent and the only green I stan, which means I wouldn't probably see Tessarion, and I was looking forward to that. 
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frogking17 · 2 years
I originally thought of this idea when I read a post by jessadamsdraws: here’s the link. Also this turned into more of a short story but yeah.
MK’s known Wukong for longer than he realises
Wukong has been searching for a successor since he sealed the Demon Bull King, 500 years ago. He’s considered great warriors, scholars, kings and everyday citizens. As of yet none of them have the spark he’s been looking for.
He had all but given up on his, apparently, impossible task when one day his successor found him! He had been mooching through the city when he heard the police off in the distance, shouting “SOMEONE GRAB THAT KID!” Wukong was going to ignore them but startled when he felt someone crash into his legs and hug them tightly.
The someone was apparently a small child who was clinging to Wukong like his life depended on him. He could hear the police’s yelling getting louder and decided to quietly ask the kid “are they after you?” The kid sniffles and nods his head, still refusing to let go of Wukong’s legs, before sobbing “you’re the monkey king! You have to help me!”
Wukong is genuinely surprised, had the kid seen through his glamour? He didn’t have much time to consider it as the police came barrelling around the corner and instinctively Wukong bent down before bringing the kid into his arms and hugging him tightly as the kid wrapped his arms and legs around him. Then waiting until the police went rushing past to ask “how did you manage to get into so much trouble?” After a while the kid was brave enough to peak his head out from Wukong’s shoulder and mumbled “they said I stole something but I didn’t, I swear!” Wukong gently shushed him saying that he knows, “how about you point me to your house so I can take you home… and I promise I won’t mention the police!”
The kid nods and Wukong takes him back to his apartment. It’s not in the best of neighbourhoods and the wood of door to the flat is pealing away from water damage but the kid seems to be happy to be home. However, before watching him go into his home he asks “kiddo, how did you know I was the monkey king?” The kid tilts his head and says while pointing “because you have a monkey tail! You must be the monkey king!” Wukong looks at where he’s point and sees his tail flicking back and forth and wants to slap himself, that makes sense.
Wukong leaves but can’t stop thinking about his interaction with the kid. He was a very sweet kid but seems to end up getting into trouble… maybe he should check on him.
So, that how Mk ended up with a guardian angel… well, more like a guardian monkey. Wukong would visit Mk from time to time; staying out of sight because he didn’t want to interfere with the kids life, though he does drop off a few gifts (like a mysterious monkey king plush that appeared on MK’s bed one morning) or look out for him (like tucking him into bed when the kid falls asleep at his desk). He doesn’t even realise how long it’s been until the kid is getting his first job. Oh, Wukong couldn’t be prouder, his kid Mk has grow up so much!
He was prepared to watch the kid grow up from afar but then he hears about Redson’s plan to lift his staff and decides maybe he could just see if Mk could do it. So maybe he lures Mk to the cave and watches him to make sure he doesn’t actually get hurt and maybe he almost cries when Mk picks up the staff. We’ll never know.
Wukong has found his successor!
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And It's Like the Sky is New
So just found LMK and gotta say I'm loving it so far.
Got inspired by a post by @animemoonprincess who stated that I See the Light is a great Macaque redemption song. And you know what? That was very correct!
So got wrote this up cause the thought wouldn't leave my head, hope I did it justice!
AO3 link
Word Count 3K.
It started with MK just bringing around noodles, wanting to check in and hang out for a bit before continuing orders or heading to training with Wukong. It became something that earned a fond smirk when the shadow monkey heard a rickety engine would start to come through, he’d admit that much but he didn’t expect it to lead to him slowly getting brought along to group hangouts. He couldn’t fully blame it on MK though. Whenever MK invited him, Bai He, who he still couldn’t fully understand why she wanted to be near him, would turn with big eyes hoping he’d say yes. 
The two of them together were a powerful pair, bright starry eyes and grins turned towards their target.
Macaque would relent every time, saying someone needed to keep an eye Bai He still and that it wouldn’t hurt to get some air. The kids deserve a break after everything with LBD, so did he if he would be honest with himself, but he’d never say that out loud and look that soft.
The first few outings had been rough, Wukong could hardly believe that Macaque wouldn’t pick a fight with anyone while he hung around at the very edge of the group. Jokes on Wukong though, because Macaque would be on his best behavior in front of everyone.
Wukong’s fuming at the smug looks Macaque shot at him when no one else was looking was honestly the highlight to these little trips that were becoming the norm. 
Wukong almost spoiled that one trip, because of course the loud mouth would have to push and prod about Macaque quote “Coming out of his dark hole” to spend time with the ragtag misfits that would come to these gatherings. The golden monkey made one joke about MK luring him out the way one would coax a feral cat to them, and the demon just couldn’t let that stand. 
He’d thrown his counterpart into a nearby lake with a creative use of his portal, and perhaps he laughed a little too much when everyone else started freaking out when the sage didn’t immediately resurface. 
Stones don’t float and neither ‌does a stone monkey.
 It didn’t take long though before Wukong walked to the edge to pull himself out. It was well worth MK’s scolding and pout after the laughter had stopped. It was worth it too to have to stick closer to Bai He to avoid the Monkey King’s retribution.
 He had even been able to convince the dragon girl to send him the pictures she snuck of the waterlogged king too, so that was a bonus to the day. 
He ignored the feeling settling his core, that in some way this was normal and where he was meant to be. There was still too much history there for that. 
He pretended not to see the space being made for him as his world shifted.
Things kept on like that for a while, and Macaque had grown comfortable in the new routine. 
Eventually, the visits had extended to being allowed back on Flower Fruit Mountain. MK had made some mention of training with the Monkey King, and Bai He had grown curious and asked if she could come watch. MK was excited for it, and Macaque was pretty sure both were just coming up with more ways to spend time together. They’d taken quite a shine to each other. 
It wasn’t something Macaque had really wanted to risk, but secretly he’d admit he was a little soft for these two and he wasn’t about to let Bai He go basically unsupervised with Wukong and his successor. That was just inviting trouble, and Bai He coming back home having learned some kind of mischief Macaque probably didn’t want in his dojo.  
The part of him that missed his once upon a time home would never be mentioned because it didn’t matter, didn’t exist anymore.
It was tense when they both showed up at the mountain, but only for the two simians who tried to be cordial as the kids ran off to explore. Originally they sniped at each other, trading barbs until it looked like Wukong was going to throw Macaque off the mountain. It took hearing the kid’s laughter ringing across the mountainside for both to take a step back and offer a silent truce to behave for now.
They sat in silence letting them run off some excess energy before Wukong called MK back for training. Bai He coming to sit by Macaque off to the side in the shade, out of the way of any danger of stray hits. This became a routine too, evolving to the point where he and Wukong could almost have a conversation without having to fake politeness and with minimum insults. 
There was one funny moment when MK and Bai He had wandered off a bit too far, and weren’t paying enough attention to the time for MK to start his training. 
Macaque had, without thinking about an action that had become the norm in his home recently, chirped for Bai He to come back to their spot. The sharp sound had immediately caught her attention, and she beamed before running back to him apologizing as she got closer. MK’s head had snapped up at the sound as well, looking all for the world like he wanted to respond before shaking it off and going to Wukong. 
Wukong had looked surprised at the whole interaction, opening his mouth for some joke most likely before closing it with a small knowing and teasing smirk.  
Macaque had glared at him as Bai He settled at his side, keeping the look until the other monkey’s back turned and his focus was on his student. Then the shadow ruffled Bai He’s hair, offering, in his quite insightful opinion, helpful commentary to the training regimen despite Wukong’s statements to the contrary. 
The familiarity to the past was bleeding into something newer, something warmer and brighter. That was probably just some old, forgotten, sentimental part of Macaque trying to come to the surface though. 
He kept it to himself that he wasn’t stopping it from resurfacing.
Of course things would come crashing down just as soon as Macaque had grown complacent with the new routine of his life. 
Here he was hiding in the shadows again for an argument that likely could have been avoided. It’d been an offhand comment from Wukong about his ears after Macaque mentioned hearing something none of the other three could ever hope to on FFM. It had somehow struck a nerve within him, that led to a defensive retort that riled up his old friend. 
It had escalated from there, leading to insults and biting words as the fog of old emotions and wounds settled over both. Though Macaque couldn’t exactly pinpoint why he’d gotten worked up over a comment that wasn’t even an insult or tease.
He knew deep down why. He'd heard the same comment from Wukong before, back when they were friends and things were simpler. It had been like pouring ice water over his head, and made him hate how it was so easy for the Sage to act as if it was okay to be that casual again.
He’d ran away when the fight had almost escalated to blows again, hiding away in shadows that had once been his place for respite. They would never stop being a comfort, but he hadn’t realized how it had stopped being his first choice of where to stay. 
MK would look after Bai He, he’d practically adopted the girl as a sister already, and he could protect her if needed. It was the only thing Macaque had felt somewhat alright about, the guilt in his chest at leaving her notwithstanding, as he slunk into the deepest parts of the darkness he knew so well.
He stewed in his issues for all of three days before returning. It would have been sooner if not for his pride. His worry and guilt about if Bai He was okay had overshadowed everything else, but the prideful and perhaps selfish part of himself hadn’t wanted to go back so easily.
A whole new argument would’ve started if Wukong tried to scold him about it, or made some biting remark about coming back with tails between legs. Macaque almost could guarantee that whatever retort he would have been equally biting if not more. That would almost guarantee that a mountain range would be demolished if that came to pass.
When he stepped out from behind one of the many trees on the mountain, Bai He’s gasp was audible enough that one didn’t need six ears to hear it. He’d readily accepted the hug she gave him, small arms wrapped around his waist with all the strength they had. He returned the gesture, muttering quiet apologies and promises when he felt her shaking. He accepted the concerned look MK gave him, placing a hand on the kid’s shoulder as he’d hovered just in reach and offering apologies as well.
It had settled both of the kids pretty well, even if neither would really let him out of sight for the time being, but Macaque hadn’t quite been ready for the look on Wukong’s face when he’d glanced over. 
The other monkey had looked… relieved to see him return, brow drawn up in concern and eyes looking almost guilty. There was something else there that Macaque couldn’t, or wouldn’t, put a name to, but beyond a quiet ‘Welcome back’ and a look as the golden monkey took in the sight before him nothing more was said or done about the abrupt disappearance. 
Neither were quite ready to face that issue head on just yet. It would be something they’d have to tackle later.
Wukong had called off training that day, it’s not like MK would be totally focused anyway, and instead lead them to an old and familiar place hidden away on the mountain. 
The surprise Macaque felt at seeing his old stage, looking maybe not as pristine as it once had but still standing and usable, was almost overshadowed by embarrassment as Wukong explained what the area was to the confused kids.
This led immediately to requests for one of his shadow plays. 
Bai He had missed the stories he’d taken to telling her on quieter days, and was eager to hear them once again. MK had apparently enjoyed his play and abilities before he’d revealed his whole plot as well, and wanted to know what other stories were in his arsenal. 
Wukong had joined the kids in requesting a play, a smug look on his face as he needled  Macaque. But Macaque could almost swear that Wukong’s voice held a bit of longing too, though it was possible he was just imagining things.
He’d obliged, mostly because the combination of both the kids pleading and excitement was something anyone would cave to easily, ignoring the snickering of the other simian as he took to his stage and summoning his lantern to set his scene for a grand tale.
When he stepped out from the shadows at the end, it was to a loud applause and cheering from MK and Bai He, both bright and giddy in their faces and postures, which certainly boosted his ego a bit and caused a warm feeling to grow in his chest. He’d given them a long sweeping bow, ready to make some witty remark before looking up and noticing Wukong again.
He was clapping too, but his face was what caused Macaque to still as his heart traitorously skipped a beat. There was nostalgia there, something that could be expected, but it looked like he had in fact heard longing earlier because it reflected here on Wukong’s face. There was mirth dancing in golden eyes, and that earlier unnamed emotion was back too but stronger and far more pronounced. 
It was like looking at the sun again, feeling warmth after spending too long in the dark in the night. Macaque’s heart skipped another beat, and the speed at which he threw up a glamor to hide how his face was heating up was impressive. 
He offered to perform for them again once his stage was back to its proper glory since Wukong had let it turn into such a mess he’d snarked just to settle his nerves. The kids cheered, offering to help clean up the area and quickly turning to each other to discuss plans on how to make the area shine again. 
He’d reign them in later about what improvements could be made to his stage, when he wasn’t too busy trying to appear as if Wukong’s laugh and the smirk he directed back at the shadow monkey wasn’t causing his face to flush further and causing him to falter in his stance.
Macaque thought privately that perhaps, stepping out of the shadows and back into the sunlight again wasn’t so bad. Even if there was still much work to be done to repair cracks as deep as chasms.
The kids had planned a movie marathon for a rest day. Conspiring amongst themselves with their respective mentor and guardian none the wiser until they sprang it upon them. 
Normally a rest day really meant low level exercise and meditation, but the two kids had decided to shake things up and had been gathering movies and snacks for a few days before presenting their haul to both monkeys. 
Honestly, Macaque should have realized something was up when Bai He was so insistent on bringing the backpack Mei had gifted her on this trip. He had shrugged it off as just kid behavior, but looking back on it there were plenty of other signs that he’d just ignored or accepted answers that were obviously in retrospect given too quickly. 
At least he could commiserate in his obliviousness with Wukong, given that the confused look on his face was slowly morphing into one of resignation that he too had missed some pretty obvious signs of his kid sneaking around for this plan.
It wasn’t hard to accept the change of plans, though Macaque needled Wukong about it some on the way to the shack the Monkey King called a home to set up. He was the Great Sage after all, and surely he should have noticed his student’s action. Maybe his age was finally catching up to him.
The elbow to the shadow monkey’s ribs in retaliation was barely more than a nudge, and the following eye roll only got a bark of laughter in response.
It was quickly decided that Wukong’s lousy excuse for a couch was not going to be enough for this venture, and both monkeys set about making a makeshift nest out of the pillows, blankets, and other suitable materials that could be found around the home. 
Macaque vaguely wondered if they should be concerned at how quickly MK was to join in on the construction of their nest, and how he worked without being offered much guidance from either of the two actual monkeys while Bai He stayed at the side handing materials as requested.
It was likely a problem for another day though. 
Once the nest was constructed, it took little incentive for everyone to get dragged in and snacks passed around as the first movie started.
That had been around the midafternoon, and it was sunset now. The latest movie was playing, soft background noise to the scene Macaque glanced down at. 
He was pressed against Wukong’s side, head leaning against the king’s shoulder as the other’s arm rested lightly over his own shoulders. Neither had acknowledged it when they had started drifting closer, not that they really would need to as the kids had done the same as well.
MK was basically sprawled over both Wukong and Macaque’s laps, head pillowed in his mentor’s with his legs thrown over Macaque’s and sleeping quite soundly at that. Wukong’s free hand was carding through MK’s hair, banda shifted and lost a while ago to let the hair hang free, in a manner that was just on the side of unfocused enough to not be considered grooming. Macaque’s tail had at some point wrapped around MK’s ankle, and would squeeze lightly whenever the kid squirmed before settling again.
Bai He was curled with her head resting on MK’s stomach, soft breaths showing she’d also fallen asleep at some point. Macaque’s hand lightly ran through the girl’s hair, a mirror of Wukong’s own in MK’s, working gently at any tangles he found in the locks. The very tips of his claws scratched lightly at her scalp, a move he had found that for some reason had helped with nightmares after one too many sleepless nights. Bai He’s hands were wrapped loosely around Wukong’s tail, not much of a grip on the appendage but it wasn’t being moved anytime soon. 
Macaque’s legs were going numb from MK’s weight, and he wasn’t sure how MK wasn’t uncomfortable in his position with how even he was laying. Bai He’s hair was going to be a mess later and there’s no way Wukong’s legs and arm weren’t also going numb. It was overly domestic in Macaque’s humble opinion, and perhaps not too long ago he’d have snarked at Wukong for how soft he’d gotten but…
Well, he’d gotten soft too then, and he’d be one hell of a hypocrite to make a comment now as his own drowsiness was settling in. 
The quiet chuckle from Wukong had Macaque looking up, brow quirking up at the soft expression on the other’s face as he looked over the kids as well. 
Shifting just enough to get a better look at Wukong while hopefully not disturbing the kids, he quietly asked “What’s up Peaches?”
He felt his breath catch in his throat as Wukong looked back at him, expression softening even further than Macaque would’ve thought possible. Eyes glittering as gold as the setting sun, and filled with that emotion neither would yet dare to name despite knowing well enough what it was.
“Nothing just… never expected this, and I’m just a little surprised by it still. Seems a little unreal.” Was the whispered response, which only had Macaque’s brow to quirk up further and smirk to grow on his face.
“What? You never expected the kids planning a movie marathon? Given MK’s penchant for sleepovers with his friends, and making sure Bai He gets to enjoy all those same things, this feels right up their alley.” There’s a teasing lilt in Macaque’s voice, smirk only growing wider when Wukong rolls his eyes and the corner of his mouth twitches like he’s trying to fight off a smile.
“Not that. I mean…” Wukong makes a sweeping gesture with the hand formerly in MK’s hair at the three of them, making sure it’s the hand on the side Macaque can see from just as they’d all settled on that side for the same reason, before settling it back in it’s former position when MK made a noise of discontent. “This. The kids themselves, having people visit here and doing things like this just because.” 
Wukong pauses for a moment before continuing, face open and earnest in a way that makes Macaque’s chest squeeze painfully and soar at the same time. “And you being home again.”
Macaque was going to set a record for how quickly he could throw up glamors at this point. He’d had far too much practice with that move at this point that it was almost instinctive to do so when he felt the beginning of a flush on his face. He stuttered for a moment, before sighing, and sinking back down to have his head more solidly against Wukong’s shoulder.
“Guess I can understand that. Can’t say I would’ve ever expected any of this either, probably would’ve laughed in the face of anyone that suggested it.” He likely would have done more than laugh, but well no need to ruin a good mood with those thoughts.
That got another chuckle from Wukong before both fell into silence, letting the noise of a forgotten film and the world outside fill the room once more.
Macaque spared a glance outside, taking in the evening sky. The setting sun’s rays still shone brightly as the moon was rising, with the faintest light of stars showing where the day had faded to night.
The sun, the moon, and stars all together, a rare sight to see. A quick glance at the others, two sleeping kids and a king who was slipping into sleep as his head dropped to lean against Macaque’s lead to a more genuine smile to appear on the demon’s face. 
Maybe not quite that rare a sight to see, actually. 
A half asleep Wukong turned his head just enough to barely brush his lips against the other monkey’s temple as he muttered out “Missed you Plum, glad you’re back.” Before slipping into a blissfully unaware sleep alongside MK and Bai He. 
Macaque would hold that over the golden monkey’s head for weeks later, but first he needed to make sure he didn’t accidentally wake the others up as he internally screamed and his earlier blush grew to cover more of his face and even the tips of his ear. He’d never admit how long it took for him to settle his thundering heart and settle enough for sleep to claim him as well.
The last thought his dazed mind had before he drifted into dreams was that stepping out of the shadows into this light was one of the best decisions he’s made.
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magicjesuscup · 1 year
I don’t think I’m explaining this well, but I’m kinda wondering which of MC’s potential paramours would drive Guy the craziest if she picked them over him. I think from least annoyed to most annoyed it would be...
Lou - He’s in charge of an entire island and is the only person outside of a royal family that can use ancient magic. 10/10 he could understand why she would be attracted to that kind of power.
Lynt, Fenn, Roy - They may not be as strong as him in terms of raw power (as far as Guy’s concerned), but they can also use ancient magic and are in a position to inherit their respective kingdoms. (He includes Fenn in this because he thinks Luxure would be at a huge disadvantage if their next king isn’t capable of using ancient magic; Fenn’s dad would have to be some special kind of stupid to name another child his successor.)
Rio and Lance- They’re not great at magic, but might be one day. And they will absolutely be king. Makes sense she’d want to be queen.
Jasper -  If Guy were MC, Jasper wouldn’t be his first choice because he thinks women are just looking for power and there’s not a lot to be found here, but he does like his own valet. So he kinda gets it.
And I feel like this is where things take a sharp nose dive. 
Tino, Knight - He has no idea why MC would want either of these two. They’re not great at magic and wouldn’t she want someone more calm/confident (read arrogant)? Tino panics and cries too easily (in Guy’s opinion; I love Tino) and Knight goes flying off the handle at the littlest thing. He supposes she would have access to royalty through them, but that guaranteed nothing.
Dia - Not great at magic. No access to someone with real authority. She should just let him grow mushrooms in his room alone.
Grayson - Absolutely confused. Sure she’d have access to Roy and Sherry, but Grayson can’t use magic at all. He has skills with a sword, but that’ll do next to nothing against the weakest of thaumaturges. What is she thinking?
And then I get stuck with who would get the top spot: Toa or Aquia. Because on the one hand, he has an almost irrational hatred of Toa, but if she picked Aquia he’d have their relationship not in his face, but still very visible. 
I guess I’ve been thinking about it because I like the idea of MC dating Aquia because (1) he’s a solid option and (2) it would annoy Guy. 
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buggie-hagen · 1 year
Sermon for Pride Service (6/11/23)
Primary Text | Joshua 2:1-9a, 11b; Matthew 9:9-13
Dear People of God,
          You may wonder what you are doing here today. Mainstream religion often touts itself as incompatible with gender and sexual minorities. Much harm has been done in God’s name to our community. They say since you are lesbian, since you are gay, since you are bisexual, since you are transgender, since you are nonbinary, or since you are queer in one way or another, you will never have a share in the kingdom of God. The haters say, If God is to love you there are many conditions attached, you must first change yourself, make yourself presentable, do things like make a decision for Christ, follow all the laws of God without exception. Only then will God welcome you into his arms. (pause) I’m here today to tell you, people who say such things know nothing of the Bible or of the Christ of God.
          Let us consider our first reading. We have Joshua. He was God’s hand-picked successor to Moses to lead Israel out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land. Joshua sent his spies to Jericho. There they met Rahab. She was a prostitute. Note that, of all people they could have met, of all the people that God placed in their path to bring about his glory—to fulfill his promises to his people, they met a prostitute. Or in the newer language, we might say she was a sex worker. Now, I’m not saying the experience of a sex worker is one and the same with the experience of the queer community, but they are similarly dismissed and marginalized. I will say, we can learn something from Rahab’s story can shed light for our own story.  Now note what Rahab does. She hides Joshua’s spies. She hid them on the roof. And when the king of Jericho approached her to find them—the one who has jurisdiction and authority over her, she deceived him. She lied. She said the spies went out and are no longer with her, but you can still catch up to them! Even though the king of Jericho demanded to know, Rahab held her tongue in the service of the LORD. That this can be done is helpful to know in our current context. I think of the controversies around protecting transgender youth. I also think in terms of the necessity of being in the closet in general. Do not let anyone make you feel guilty or ashamed when you yourself need to hide your gender identity or sexual orientation—especially from those who would abuse you, or those who would use their religion to oppress you—even if they have authority over you. Also, do not be afraid or ashamed if you are in a position to hide someone else’s identity. After all, the closet is often a necessity to protect and preserve our own lives. The LORD God, as Rahab put it, the one who is the God in heaven above and on earth below—this God, wants you to have life, and to live, and to be who you are, the LORD of heaven and earth seeks to bring about good things for you. Now Rahab is your patron saint. Did God wait until Rahab stopped being a sex worker to include her in his story? No. In fact, I encourage you to read the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew. It goes through the genealogy of Jesus. You may be surprised who all is included. There you will find the name Rahab. It is scandalous that Rahab the sex worker is included in the genealogy of Jesus, and that she is included is a great badge of honor in God’s divine plan. It is our strange God who has the habit of working through people who are lowly, despised, and of no esteem. In spite of others’ objections, no matter in what way you are queer, you also get to be added to the genealogy of Jesus, that is, you get to be part of his chosen family. God is not looking for people who are pristine. God does not find but creates that which is pleasing to him.
          Now we must talk about our lesson from the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus does not balk when he is invited for dinner at Matthew’s house. There was gathered there many tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees, people who excelled in the keeping of the law, saw this and were angered. Why was Jesus hanging out with tax collectors and sinners? These were the dredges of society; those deemed less than. They are the people who are treated like when you drink your coffee and at the bottom of your cup is some leftover grounds. The Pharisees thought, Shouldn’t Jesus rather be eating with the Pharisees; shouldn’t Jesus hang out with people who have done all the right things? That is, shouldn’t Jesus hang out with people who deserve it? But Jesus has none of their contempt. No matter how offensive it is, Jesus chooses to be with the wrong people. He said to the Pharisees: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” (Matt. 9:12-13). And that’s the key to understanding the gospel and all the Bible. When Jesus says, “I desire mercy.” When these extra religious people condemn us for our queerness, when they heap heavy burdens that no one can bear on people like you and me, when they can’t stand to see a smile on our face, or our eyes brightened with queer love—they have failed to represent God as he truly wants to be known. For there is not a lick of mercy in their heart or on their tongues. The God we have, the one who has gone public and made himself known in Jesus Christ, is a God of mercy, dear people. He does not always accuse, nor does he expect perfection. Rather, in Christ he has compassion and comes to us with a gentle heart. You can tell false religion from true religion. False religion gets the dump truck and pours garbage on people so that they can no longer stand, so that they gag at the smell, and then eventually suffocate and die. But true religion works differently. This is the proper work of Jesus: he does not add to you heavy burdens that you cannot bear, he goes about taking the heavy load off your shoulders…he frees you up, so that you truly live. In the Christ of God there is no longer any law imposed upon you. In Christ, there is only freedom. Only life. Only forgiveness. Only hope. In his word Christ takes up all those things that are putting you to death, so that he is the one to die. And in that same word, he breathes new life into you. It is yours. He does not care how religious you are, how pious you are, how righteous you are. Jesus is your righteousness. And nothing else. For in his word he has put the kingdom of heaven in you apart from any condition. His mercy is yours. And in him God has placed on your head a rainbow crown. You are free to be.
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skippyv20 · 1 year
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/poor-old-archbish-welby-he-s-got-to-deal-with-the-montecito-moaners-again-92fjrgmts no other snapshots from this url 31 Jan 2023 00:08:22  ROBERT CRAMPTON Poor old Archbish Welby! He’s got to deal with the Montecito moaners again Robert Crampton Tuesday January 31 2023, 12.01am GMT, The Times King Charles has asked Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to mediate in the brewing row over Prince Harry’s attendance at his dad’s coronation in May. Rather you than me, mate! Welby’s already admitted he’s having nightmares about the event — leaving the crown at Lambeth Palace, like a dopey best man losing the ring, that sort of thing — and now he’s got to keep Harry and Meghan happy, and as we know, they are not a couple slow to take offence. Just when he should be fussing about his coronation oil and special frock, Welby will instead be scurrying around Westminster Abbey checking no one’s been swapping the name cards in the pews. Poor old Archbish! From Protestantism to placement in five centuries: how are the mighty fallen. Thomas Cranmer had to worry about getting burnt at the stake. Five hundred years later, his successor is fretting over whether Meghan is behind a pillar. Even Welby’s far more recent predecessor Robert Runcie got involved in weighty matters like sending Terry Waite to broker hostage releases in Beirut. The current AoC will hope his negotiations go better than Terry’s did. How will Welby handle it? Well, when my wife periodically toys with the idea of redesigning our kitchen or bathroom, or helps out a friend with advice on the same, she first makes a scale drawing of the room, marking in the windows, doors and plumbing. Then, also to scale, she cuts out paper shapes to represent the bath, shower, fridge, sink, whatever, and moves them around experimentally to find the optimal arrangement. I suggest the senior primate of the Church of England and ceremonial head of the worldwide Anglican communion of 85 million souls does the same. Except, obviously, his scheme would represent the Abbey and a shedload of posh overstuffed gilt chairs rather than household appliances. Welby reportedly had a dry run at corralling Harry and Meghan back on to the reservation at the Queen’s funeral last September. We all know how that turned out: major moaning about second-row status plus a bafflingly arcane strop over the precise insignia on a uniform sleeve. Undeterred, Charles has asked his top vicar to have another go. The peacemaker’s work is all the more difficult this time around because William, after the massive kicking he got in Spare, understandably despairs of his baby brother ever growing up and doesn’t want him there at all. Charles, bless him, despite Harry telling the world his wife is a dangerous villain, is still doing that classic hand-wringing parent thing of hoping warring siblings will agree to disagree and kiss and make up. Enter Welby, canon of compromise, father of fudge, bishop of bodging it and now putative party planner, tasked with sorting out the rider from hell. One suspects a diva’s aversion to blue M&Ms will be as nothing compared with Harry and Meghan’s demands. Trying to reconcile openly gay bishops with their fellow Anglicans who think homosexuality is evil per se will surely prove child’s play in comparison to divvying up the most flattering camera angles at the high altar. Welby has some previous with the Montecito moaners. Remember when Meghan told Oprah that Welby had married them in secret three days before their public do in Windsor? And the archbishop had to let it be known that, er, that wasn’t true? Still, at least he knows what he’s dealing with. The word is that Harry will accept nothing less than full front-row parity with his brother. How will that play out? I can’t see it going well. Should young George really be expected, aged nine, to break up a fight between his dad and his uncle on grandpa’s big day? Will the microphones pick up the second-in-line piping, “Leave it, Pa, he ain’t worth it!” while various duchesses (and one Queen Consort) urge, “Yeah, that’s right, stick the boot in” and, “My turn!” Tricky one for Welby. If he downgrades Harry, there’ll be a Californian-sized huff. If he doesn’t, he may have to keep the brothers apart with his crosier. He’s in the same position as those diplomats who have to find a way of distancing the Israeli and Iranian ambassadors at big state funerals. ● Archbishop Justin Welby plays mediator for the royals ● Hilary Rose: Harry and Meghan’s coronation preparations Harry is reportedly in no hurry to enter into negotiations, with the archbishop or anyone else. Appropriately enough, today being transfer deadline day in the Premier League, with all the posturing and brinkmanship that entails, Big Aitch is ready to take matters right to the wire to get the sweetest deal: titles; apologies; probably more cash. But mostly, he’s after the best seat in the house on May 6. The problem for Welby is, even if he somehow magics up a scheme that avoids a no-show and a punch-up, it doesn’t mean both parties will abide by the deal on the day. We’ve all been there. A big wedding. An industry bash. A charity do. Had a look at the diagram by the door and groaned, “Oh no! I’ve got that boring/handsy/drunk/racist/shouty/mumbly bloke!” Or indeed, “Oh no, I’ve got that paranoid fantasist American actress!” And then some of us — well me, anyway — have indulged in a little surreptitious name-card redistribution before our potential neighbour staggers braying into view, bumping into furniture and groping waitresses as he approaches. But enough of the Duke of York. Incidentally, will Prince Andrew want to bring his bath as a plus-one? “Room for a little one?” asks Andy, jostling along his row, pitifully inadequate bath tucked under one arm, anxious to secure valuable screen time for his prize exhibit.
Thank you❤️
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
The Promise (Part 2): Oath
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Books: The Royal Romance
Rating: M (Mature content and implied sexual activities)
Pairing: Liam & Jessica (MC)
The Promise - Series premise: Two signet rings, one engagement ring, and a pearl tell a story of love and responsibility, and ask the question: what does it mean to choose duty over love. Catch up here and check out the story inspiration here.
The Promise is based on my Agent Phoenix A/U is a story in-between. This series was written before the disclosure of Liam’s mother’s name. I have named her Lily.
Detailed disclaimer
Triggers: None identified by the author in this chapter
A/N: Liam is named the successor and is given a Signet ring. Original Pixelberry Dialogue with a twist. Inspiration was taken from the Oath of Allegiance of 1968 (Promissory oath act) and Queen Elizabeth’s Oath of 1953 to the United Kingdom.
Word count: 3,500 *As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors.*
Reading time: 5 minutes.
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Royal Nursery
Constantine smiled as he looked at his new wife. He kissed her hand, and her ring sparkled as it caught the light. It looked like a chandelier. Something about it reminded him about his mother. It seemed as if the pieces of jewelry he selected for them were meant to match his feelings for them.
“Leo, would you like to hold him?”
The little boy looked eager as he said, “Yes. Please.”
Queen Lily Rys placed an infant Liam in the arms of his brother shortly before the anointing ceremony.
“Today, Liam will be promised to help you run this beautiful kingdom one day.”
Leo smiled down at the baby. “Hello, little brother. You’re so small.”
“Mind his head.” Lily reminded the boy who adjusted him to better support Liam.
“Today is a special day. I get to show the world how much you mean to me.” The little boy reminded him that he was no longer lonely in this grand palace that will someday be his. He now had someone to help fill his day. Someone to once again share secrets to play in the hedge maze with. He had a brother and a friend.
Liam cooed as Leo held him in his arms. All the while, Leo looked down at him in wonder.
Lily smiled at two young princes. She was unsure if she was ready to be a mother to the heir to the throne of Cordonia, to take the place of the woman whose son still cried for her in the night, all the while navigating the first year of becoming a queen and her own journey through motherhood. It was a lot to handle and take upon herself. But she fell in love with the tall, handsome king the moment she laid eyes on him in the grand halls of the palace she now called home.
Leo was distant, having a hard time connecting with her, but she fell in love with the heartbroken little boy and desperately wanted him to connect with her. Soon they did. He was afraid to call her mother at first, but he slowly eased into it, and it warmed her heart when he did so. She didn’t request it, which made it all the more heartwarming that he wanted to call her mother. She was more than happy to consider him her son, blood or not.
Leo whispered, “I’m making a promise to you today. To protect you and love you always.”
Years passed as the boys played together. Liam was the shy one, while Leo was a bit of an honorary terror. Sometimes, Liam felt afraid of the trouble they would get into but almost always joined his brother on their adventures through the hedge mazes, sneaking into the royal kitchen at night, snooping through whatever they could find, and almost always Leo found it boring.
Liam, however, found certain things fascinating as he grew older. He wanted to read what his father read, know why things were the way they were, how the kingdom could be better than what it already was. Meanwhile, Leo could care less. Constantly fantasizing about adventure in distant lands and never being tied down. A life both would never have.
“You belong here. You’re going to be Cordonia’s king, and I’ll help,” A 6-year-old Liam mumbled as they ventured into the library. He picked up books well past his average reading age but read them decently, thanks to Cordonia’s best tutors. Leo rolled his eyes, puberty slowly happening at 12 for him.
“Yeah well, don’t you wonder what it would be like if we didn’t have to be here? If we could make our own choices in life? What if we wanted to be someone else?”
Liam pondered, and at the time, he confidently shook his head. “I guess, but we can’t. So why think about it?”
Leo sighed as he spun in a chair, “You just don’t get it. You’re too young. They don’t shove you in the meetings as they do to me.”
Liam made a face at the comment but went back to his books. Lily passed away not long after that moment, and it brought them both closer. Leo became extra protective of his little brother as if he didn’t trust how their mother died. He never talked about his mother to Liam, but he claimed both being gone was not a coincidence.
They were always by each other’s sides, but then things started changing.
They drifted apart. Liam went from having someone with him always to utterly alone in the massive palace as Leo started becoming older. Their father placed pressure on him about duty and Leo found himself inundated with work.
Liam began to feel more and more alone. His relationship with his friends became more and more significant it helped with the loneliness but never solved it. It could never change his longing for what he and his brother had. Liam’s closeness with Drake also created a longing for life outside of the palace walls. Liam soon realized what his brother had been complaining about all those years had some truth to it, and he didn’t realize it until someone like Drake came along. He didn’t know it wasn’t normal to know Cordonian laws in detail at his age or to have the reading levels or etiquette classes instilled in him before he was even a pre-teen. Drake could join things; he could date whoever he wanted and befriend whoever he wanted, he could be whatever he wanted to be when he grew up. He realized that all the make-believe adventures he and Leo had in the garden would never happen. As a part of his Law School training, Leo studied abroad in London, attending Eaton. In later years, Liam would study abroad in Oxford to study political science. As the months went by, Leo’s absence etched into their relationship dynamic.
Leo wanted to be his own person for the first time. While Liam accepted that his life was filled with the duty to the crown.
Liam social season
Throne Room- Signet Ceremony
The room was sterile and cold. It was nothing like he remembered when he first received his signet. Whether it was because of how things have changed in the Royal Court or if things just looked different through the eyes of an eager teenage boy was undecided. Liam happily knelt before Leo all those years ago. They exchanged smiles. Leo was excited that the first ceremony he performed on his own was to give his brother a signet ring to identify him as a member of the royal family. It, of course, was smaller and lighter than his own. But he took it upon himself to add on a certain detail that only Liam would see, inscribed inside the inner band: ‘Liam the loyal.’
Traditionally, when rings of this nature are not in use, they are melted down to be repurposed for another commissioned piece. However, if the owner wishes to keep it, they are granted that right. Liam told the council that he would save it for his firstborn son to inspire him to lead the country or serve as a reminder that he would support his sister, the future queen.
Now, Liam knelt before his father. There was no time for a new ring to be commissioned with the sudden abdication, but Liam did not object to taking his brother’s signet as his own. He glanced at the inscription on the inner band: ‘Leo the Lionhearted.’ He was happy to still see the engraving on the signet ring. They were always bound together in the duty of the crown and he knew despite it all his bother would always be with him.
He repeated the oath, “I, Liam Nathaniel Rys, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Cordonia and all its realms to promise to lead its people to prosperity and peace. To put their needs above my own. According to law, to enter into a marriage agreement upon the end of Social Season to a future Queen Regent vetted by the Royal Council. To marry their selected choice and secure our bloodline by producing an heir and successors. The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me, God.”
Constantine showed no emotion when he closed the ceremony. “Ruling a Kingdom has nothing to do with personal want this is at the heart of the oath you have taken here today. Those without power are always interested in those that hold it. And power recently gained appears the easiest to seize. Stand and be recognized as the Crowned Prince of Cordonia and the named heir to my throne.”
Liam still smiled at his father when he stood; he felt the ring’s heaviness; it was designed that way as it served as a reminder that it was always crown and country before anything he wanted for himself.
The ceremony ended, and Liam watched Godfrey take Constantine to a corner to speak. They spoke in hushed tones that were meant for their ears only. Liam had a strange feeling over that, never liking Godfrey and knowing his daughter would again be joining social season.
Drake’s Quarters
Maxwell was beaming as he listed off all the things they were going to do on the trip. For once, Drake argued with him on that.
“Look, we do not need to go to every fucking site in New York. Do you know how much there is? Do you even realize how big or busy it is? We got three damn nights, Maxwell,” Drake mumbled.
“But! The Brooklyn Bridge! Central Park! The Statue of Liberty! HOTDOGS!” Maxwell whined as his list unraveled across the table.
Liam hummed in thought before chiming in, “I wouldn’t mind seeing the Statue of Liberty, actually… The idea of something that big symbolizing that anyone can have the freedom to choose their life is sentimental.”
Drake nodded to himself, knowing just how hard and complicated his friend’s life was at the moment. He was forever grateful he was not royal after growing up seeing how hard it was for his best friend.
“Okay, we will try, for Liam. But I am not going by a damn list for the entire trip. “
Maxwell said, “Oh! We can invite Tariq!”
“What the hell for?” Drake groaned with an annoyed face.
Liam raised a brow, “You don’t like Tariq?”
Drake scoffed and leaned back in his chair, “No, he was always a whiney ass, a snot-nosed kid growing up, and now he’s a stuck-up, whiney ass man who wears clown shoes and is proud about it. Liam, he is coming around you more. I don’t like it. It feels self-serving. Where the fuck was he all these years? Now, suddenly, he wants to be your bestie? I call bullshit.”
“Think of all the fun we’ll have together on Liam’s big night out in the big apple! Big apple? Cordonia, the Country of Apples? It was destiny for Liam to go! And Tariq will be fun to invite! I like us as the three amigos, but we can always be a foursome! ” Maxwell said.
Drake glared at him from his chair. “Don’t ever say that again. Never fucking EVER again.”
Liam shrugged and replied, “Really, Maxwell, I’m grateful, but we don’t have to go to all this trouble.”
Drake sighed heavily before just going with whatever the plans were. “Liam, you are getting the fuck out of here one night and enjoying your time as a free man. Fine, invite Tariq. I hope I don’t regret agreeing to this.”
Maxwell checked off his list. “Tariq. Invited.”
Their last night …
New York- Lower East Side
The waitress stood behind the counter staring at the POS system the night was over - the table of four was finished. At the table, a gentleman in a fine suit who was snobbish and didn’t say much, one in a black shirt who called her blossom ignoring the name she wrote on the floral printed dixie napkin he would get up and to go to the jukebox to play Michael Bublé’s Just Haven’t Met You Yet several times, almost as if he was trying to prove a point. The one with a jean shirt broke a bottle of ketchup, knocked down a glass of water, and was excessively rude. She wasn’t sure why but she just smiled when all she wanted to do was curse him out. However, she was grateful it gave her an excuse to go to their table to look at the gorgeous blonde with them. She stuttered when she gave him her name as she led the later comer to the table, she blamed the music for being too loud but he was the cause. She noticed everything about him. She loved how his eyes sparkled when talked about things he saw on his way to meet them, her heart skipped a beat each time he smiled and the sound of his voice sent a shiver up her spine. She daydreamed of him whispering sweet nothing in her ear. She wondered how soft his lips were when she removed his glass from the table. She promised herself if the opportunity presented itself she wouldn’t leave it to chance she would kiss him.
Jessica secretly took one last look at him and made a deep longing sigh and decided against trying to small talk with the table in an effort for him to ask her when her shift ended and if she had plans. ‘I could stare at him for hours…he is the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. Why would he notice me anyway? Seriously for starters, your thighs rub together and these are the boxiest pants known to man. He would turn you down in the nicest way possible because he is SO outta your league Jess.’ She swiped his card, a Black American Express card labeled Liam N. Rys. when she noticed the tip made out on a check from the Cordonian National Treasury. Written in the notes section a message directed to her, “I’m working up the courage to talk to you. Look up.”Jessica bit her lip. He noticed me. You can be cool, this has never happened to you, but he doesn’t have to know that. Just be you. She looked up, and he smiled at her, and she said, “Is this like a real check? Or is this like a joke? There are WAY too many zeros.”
“I don’t know the industry standard.”
“15 to 25 percent is pretty standard.” Jessica held the check in her hand, chuckled, and said, “This is completely obscene—this could fund a year abroad.” She attempted to hand it back but Liam shook his head ‘No’.
“You worked so hard. My friends and I were very rowdy, I hope you can do something meaningful with it. It is real, but how I’ve acquired the ability to use it is quite complicated. I was hoping to have an opportunity to explain things to you. You see, I am quite shy and was hoping to take you out after your shift. I’m from Europe… Cordonia, actually, so I really don’t know your customs.”
“OK, European Guy, are you asking me out or apologizing?”
“Would it be possible to be doing both things at the same time?”
“Sure, anything is possible right now.”
“Let me explain. Where I’m from, a family member has to ask a lady’s family to grant him the honor of taking her on a date. I would like to ask permission from a Senior member of your house so I don’t offend them.”
“Unfucken believable Liam. Why can’t you just stick to the script?” Drake muttered within an earshot.
Jessica scoffed “Ok figures. This must be something your friends put you up to; to make fun of me or something. So jokes on you asshole. Enjoy the rest of your night. If you’ll excuse me I have to close up.”
Liam sighed “Jessica, please dont think that way.” he bit his lip and continued “The minute I saw you I knew I just knew I had to get to know you. Maybe this is an old-fashioned custom here in America but it is very much a practiced custom in my family and I just wanted to be respectful.”
Jessica’s brown eyes looked into his blue eyes and she saw the sincerity in them and in his tone and said, “Okay. I’m sorry for being defensive. It’s kinda been a long day here I mean there was school then job number one then here which is job number two.”
Liam looked at her and said, “So you do something other than working here?”
Jessica smirked “I know shocking right? I’m more than a waitress.”
“Oh, certainly you are more than a waitress. But may I ask why do you have two? Does no one speak for you?”
Jessica laughed “I like to be independent and not rely on SAY a senior member of my HOUSE. The first job is required for school.” Jessica put on Liam’s check her apron and said, “But this is where I bank roll all my European vacations. I was gonna go on a cruise to Greece a few months ago but the senior members were strongly against it. One in particular. So better to ask forgiveness than permission. SO next time I’m going to just get on a plane and go.”
“May I call them? I would love to get to know you better if they approve.”
Jessica smiled “You are quite the charmer. And since you’re insisting I gotta let you know you’re up against two of New York City’s finest.”
Liam eagerly responded, “I’m still interested.”
Jessica wrote a number on a piece of paper. “Good luck. Adam or Mateo Garcia. Mateo, is the hard one nothing gets past him and if it does which is rare he holds a grudge.”
“I’m prepared for the challenge this presents.”
“No…No I don’t think so. But I’d love to see you try.” Jessica gave Liam a playful smile.
Liam pulled out his phone and began to dial. Jessica’s phone vibrated, and she picked it up and smirked. “Hey, it’s me.”
Liam’s face fell, and he said, “Is this you turning me down?”
Jessica hung up the phone and said, “Liam, I would really like to get to know you but men don’t speak for me. I speak for me. I hope you can handle that because I’m my own person. So my brothers will have to interrogate you some other time.”
She made his heart tingle, a spark he never felt course through his body. She was someone new and exciting, and although he knew he would only have one night with her, it was enough for him to know she was special and unlike the women in court. They were uninspiring, but she was bold and had a mind of her own.
Liam cleared his throat and said, “Would you allow me the honor of taking you out on a date? I don’t know my way around the city, but perhaps you have an idea.”
Jessica gave Liam a warm smile “I would love that. How about a beach? I know one nearby it’s nice and quiet and we can go off by ourselves to talk in private.”
The next day
John F. Kennedy International Airport
“We are so excited we used all our frequent flyer miles to travel for free on our honeymoon.” The gentleman grabbed his wife’s hand. Their wedding bands were shining, catching the natural light.
Jessica smiled at the couple and said, “Oh, that’s so neat. I never traveled out of the states; this is my first time.”
Riley grabbed a book from her purse and wrote something on the inside jacket. Then handed Jessica the book, An American in Cordonia: A friendly traveler’s guide for places to go and customs to know. “Please take this. One day, I followed their recommendations for a cute bakery and met Ryan. I’m hoping it’s a lucky book for you. The Cordonian National Treasury has a satellite site at the airport to exchange your money there—you aren’t charged a fee like at other foreign exchanges.”
Ryan said, “The palace is a great place to check out along with the library.”
Jessica opened up her backpack, placing the book Riley just gave her inside.
Ryan smiled at her, “I hope you find nothing but love and adventure the same way Riley and I did.” He held his wife’s left hand and kissed it.
“Yeah, me too. Well, I’m hoping to fall in love and marry my Prince Charming.”
“Garcia, stop yapping. The jet is ready!”
Jessica nodded her head and said, “It’s a free ride. I guess I can’t complain. It was either private jet or coach … I’m gonna hope he likes to sleep on the plane.” Jessica waved to the newlyweds and walked to the boarding area.
Royal Jet
Jessica opened her book bag and opened the cover of the book:
“Dear Jessica,
Thank you for chatting with us; we gush over each other way too much. But Cordonia changed our lives. I hope it will do the same for you.
Here’s to your greatest adventure.
-Riley and Ryan Brooks
The first page of the book had a quote:
You don’t find love; it finds you. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, and what’s written in the stars.
-Anaïs Nin
Drake plopped himself in the seat, throwing a book on the table, a romance novel, All we ever wanted, by Emily Griffin.
“Alright Garcia, I’m an asshole.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell.”
“Liam is a good guy, and if he is gonna rule a kingdom, he is gonna need one hell of a wife by his side. If you’re out here looking just for fame and fortune, I will cock block you for the next few months.”
Jessica took off her father’s Yankees baseball hat and pulled out her Cinnabon box of churros she brought before they boarded. “Take one.”
Drake bit into it and said, “That is fucken delicious.”
Jessica decided to lay down the law as she glared at him while he chewed.
“Listen, you don’t scare me. Not one fucken bit. I’m in this for the long haul so get used to me. At the end of this, we are going to be friends. Liam is an incredible guy and part of me feels like there is something there and I have to see this through or I will live a lifetime of regretting what could have been. I’m not here for a crown; I felt something before I even knew who he was. Maybe it’s weird to you that someone would walk away from life as they know it on a whim but one day and hopefully SOON when you stop being an asshole you will meet someone who completely blows you away and find yourself doing something impulsive remember this moment and maybe you can call your best friend Liam and he will tell you how happy he is that his wife jumped on a plane with two guys she didn’t know just for a chance to be with him. SO if you’re one more person I have to prove myself to then bring it. I’m tougher than I look and I don't go down without a hell of a fight.”
Drake chewed the churro and nodded his head. Jessica could tell he secretly liked her moxy, even if he’d choke on that churro before admitting it.
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krizaland · 5 months
Found Once Again Chapter 3
LMK Wukong x Bao Li
Be warned: There’s a breakup ahead!
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“Wait really?!” Wukong’s eyes lit up.
“Yes really. Besides, it would rude to keep him waiting.” Bao Li replied.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to force you to meet him yet if you’re not comfortable.” Wukong assured softly.
Bao Li gave him a reassuring smile.
“Yes I’m sure. Thank you for your consideration.”
And with that, Wukong opened the door and gestured for MK to come in.
“Hey, bud! Glad to see ya! There’s someone really special here that I want you to meet-” -Wukong gestured to Bao Li- “-This is my wife, Bao Li”
“It’s nice to meet you, MK.” Bao Li smiled.
MK’s jaw nearly hit the floor!
“Wait! That’s your wife?! But I thought she was dead!”
“I did too! But turns out she was just trapped in a crystal this whole time!” Wukong exclaimed with a chuckle.
“Trapped in a crystal? How the donk did that happen?!” MK yelped as he clutched the sides of his head.
“I’m honestly not quite sure myself. I’m guessing my emotional state at the time must have caused me to lose control of my powers.” Bao Li sighed as she looked down at her palms.
“Well all that matters now is that you’re here, safe and sound” Wukong chuckled as he plopped down next to her.
“I guess so-” -Bao Li turned to look at MK- “-But enough about me. Why don't we talk about you? Wukong has already told me some wonderful things about you.”
MK immediately started to tell Bao Li more about himself.
Bao Li was charmed by MK's cheerful nature and enthusiasm.
She had to admit, Wukong really did pick a good successor.
Soon the conversation turned back to Wukong.
MK looked over at him and asked curiously,
“So since Bao Li’s back, does that mean you two are back together now?”
Wukong simply chuckled.
“Bud, we never broke up to begin with!We're still together!”
Bao Li bit her lip as she gave Wukong a somber look.
“About that…” She trailed off as she looked down at her lap.
“About what?” Wukong asked.
“Um...You know what? Maybe it's best if I wait for MK to leave before bringing this up....” Bao Li muttered softly.
“Psssh! You can say whatever you want in front of the kid!” Wukong reassured.
“Yeah! I can handle anything!” MK added.
Bao Li swallowed thickly and begun to fidget with the tattered hem of her hanfu.
“No, I really think I should save this for later...”
“C'mon, Peaches! You can say whatever you want!” Wukong urged as he put his arm around her shoulder.
Bao Li scooted away and let out a distressed whimper, her eyes glued to her lap.
She then took in a deep breath and blurted out
“I think might need some time away from you!”
Wukong looked like he was shot in the chest!
“W-what?! But why?!”
“I’m sorry, Wukong but I need some space to clear my head after everything I’ve been through.” Bao Li confessed as a few tears trickled down her cheek.
“Ok well you can have your space but that doesn't mean we have to break up or anything!” Wukong insisted as he tried to hold her hands.
Bao Li slid her hands away and shook her head.
”I'm afraid it's not that simple.”
“But it can be that simple! Look, let's just talk this out ok? You don't need to make any harsh decisions yet!” Wukong's voice was laced with a slight plea.
“Yeah! I bet Monkey King can clear up everything!” MK added hopefully.
Bao Li let out a sigh and folded her arms.
“And this is why I wanted to wait for MK to leave before discussing this. We don't need an audience for our personal matters.”
”But I can help!” MK insisted with a whine.
”MK, I appreciate it but this isn't your problem to solve.” Bao Li huffed.
“Yes it is! Monkey King is my mentor! His problems are mine!” MK confirmed.
”Um, no. Bud, Bao Li's right. You don't have to fight my battles for me.” Wukong sighed as he got up.
”Don't worry, I've got this, alright? Why don't you wait outside while I get this sorted out?” Wukong offered as he put a hand on MK's shoulder.
MK wanted to protest but the serious look on his mentor's face kept his mouth shut.
“Fine.” MK huffed as he made his way out the door.
Once the door shut behind MK, Wukong sat back down next to Bao Li.
“Now where was I?” Bao Li hummed as she continued to fidget with her hanfu.
“You were going to tell me how much you loved me and that you wanted to stay with me forever?” Wukong asked hopefully.
Bao Li simply gave him an unimpressed look,
”No, I'm pretty sure that wasn't what we were talking about.“
“I know, I was just trying to lighten the mood.” Wukong admitted sheepishly.
Bao Li let out another sigh and looked over at Wukong,
“Wukong, I need you to know that while I still love you, I really need some time to myself.”
“If you still love me then you don't have to break up with me! I still love you too!” Wukong insisted, his voice wavering a bit.
“It's just....”
“It's just what?!”
Bao Li remained silent as a few tears trickled down her cheeks.
“Peaches, just tell me what's really bothering you!” Wukong pleaded as he scooted in closer.
“My feelings are so mixed right now, ok?! My heart wants to be with you and make this work but my mind keeps telling me it's a bad idea”Bao Li whimpered.
“Bad idea?! What about still being with me is a bad idea?! I've changed! I've gotten over The Jade Emperor thing like forever ago! I've literally been trough countless trials to redeem myself! How is being with me still a bad idea?!“ Wukong demanded as he gestured to himself.
”You say you've changed but...I'm still unsure if that's true!“ Bao Li whimpered, more tears trickling down her cheeks.
Wukong cupped her face and dried her tears with his thumb.
“Bao Li, I have changed and I can prove it, ok? Just please give me another chance! I promise I'll make things right.”
Bao Li simply turned her head away and continued to sob.
“Bao Li, please! I'll do anything to prove to you that I've changed!”
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