#history teacher Rengoku
bunnyboyjuice · 5 months
Thinking about History Teacher Rengoku and his little earthy librarian girlfriend who helps him pick out books for his class. Your hair up in a cute little scarf to match your outfit your fingers adorned with rings and your hoops on your ears, your wrist covered in those pretty beaded bracelets, your tummy out and your wearing that cute jean skirt embroidered with a cute koi fish on the side. Rengoku couldn’t help but admire you from a far peering at you from the window in your quaint little store before peaking his bright head of hair in. He stood there watching you shelf books swaying along with the music you have playing in the store. His heart growing bigger by the second as he watched you in your own little environment humming along and skimming through some of the books. Rengoku clears his throat alerting you of his presence chuckling at your wide eyed stare. “It’s only me darling, I came by on my lunch break to visit you!” He says walking closer wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him. “Hi sugar.” You grin pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Did you wanna see the new books I got for the week?” You peer up at him excitedly. “Of course show me all the new ones, oh and there’s this really nice restaurant opening up downtown we should go on a date together soon.” Rengoku says swaying you side to side before letting you go off and show him you new books.
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teamfreewill56-blog · 2 years
I was thinking about the Kimetsu Gakuen AU and then I thought, wouldn't some characters be older than their KnY versions? I don't know if Kyojurou would be able to be a full time high school teacher at 20 years old... Wouldn't he probably still be in college? Also, thinking about it, if Gakuen AU takes place in our current timeline, between 2016 (when the manga was released) and 2020 (when it ended) then it would mean teacher-Kyojurou would probably have born between 1996-2000... It's kinda funny to imagine that
They could be, their ages are never actually stated for the Gakuen AU so its possible they could be older. I'm no expert on Japanese culture but what I looked up from this thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/teachinginjapan/comments/klbrsp/what_is_is_it_like_being_a_history_teacher_in/
and what this website says:
In Japan those pursuing teaching go to university for 3-4 years and then take a teaching exam. With Kyojuro's intelligence, determination and also the connection of both of his parents being teachers in this time line, I feel like him being able to complete university in 3 years is very feasible. But honestly I feel like this is something Gotogue just didn't think too hard about, it is for fun and to try something different, so they put him as a teacher because he was too old to be a student but if he was off at college he wouldn't be in Gauken at all. Plus we all know Kyojuro is a great teacher so having him be in the teacher lineup for Gauken makes perfect sense. Lol that is kinda funny but also would make him still younger than me 😭
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1eyedstar · 5 months
Thought of them two atm! 🥺🥰
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its like they are married 😗🤭
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dourpeep · 1 year
It's so funny watching ur rengoku addiction
He's just so!!!
I have a wip drawing of him if ur interested ehe
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wavy-arms · 6 months
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Help, please, I'm dying! 🤣 In one of the Demon Slayer light novel "Kimetsu Academy" chapters, it's mentioned that they once did a school-wide survey to find out who everyone's favorite teachers were. Rengoku Kyōjurō was voted the most popular teacher in the school (because of course), but just look at what some of the survey participants said (direct quotes):
"I hope he's always so young, hot, and strong."
"Those muscular arms bursting from the rolled-up sleeves of his button-up shirt slay me."
"I want to be the pin on his necktie."
These kids need to calm down! 🤣 Out here in broad daylight, for everyone to see, in a 9 AM history class... 😭
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zoeydripdoria · 2 months
Teacher's Pet ୨୧
*Kny college AU
18+ minors DNI !!
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As you turned around, your gaze immediately locked onto a man with long, blond hair, the strands framing his striking face with unruly perfection. His eyes were the most unique color you had ever seen - a vivid red with gold flecks dancing within them, almost like tiny embers trapped in ice. You couldn't help but feel mesmerized by his beauty, and for a moment, you couldn't find your voice. He smiled at your obvious awe, his lips curving into a playful smirk.
"I take it you're new here?" he asked, his voice smooth as silk. It was deep and resonant, with just the slightest hint of an accent that sent shivers down your spine.
You finally found your voice, "Y-yes, I am. My name's Y/N." You extended your hand in greeting, feeling self-conscious about your own appearance in comparison. You had always thought of yourself as plain-looking, with your hair and average features.
"Ah, a pleasure to meet you, Y/N," he said, taking your hand and giving it a firm shake. "I'm Professor Rengoku. I've only been here a few weeks, but I must say, it's been quite refreshing teaching such a lively and eager class. I hope we can work together to further your education." His smile widened, revealing a dimple in his left cheek that made your heart skip a beat.
"I-I would love to work with you, Professor Rengoku," you stammered, your cheeks flushing. You were grateful when he let go of your hand, or you might've been redder than a tomato by now. "Thank you for your help."
"Oh, don't mention it. Now, if you don't mind me asking, what class are you here for?" He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his broad chest, and tilted his head slightly to the side. The sunlight streaming through the window behind him cast his features in a warm, golden glow.
You hesitated for a moment, feeling self-conscious about admitting your lack of familiarity with the department. "Well, I'm actually not quite sure." You laughed nervously, hoping he wouldn't think you were completely clueless.
He grinned widely. "Ah, I see. Well, I teach World History I, World History II, and Eastern Cultures. Which one are you interested in?"
"Oh! Well, I'd love to take your World History II class. I think it sounds fascinating." You felt a thrill of excitement run through you at the thought of learning from someone so knowledgeable and charismatic.
"Wonderful!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "I'm sure you'll love it. And if you ever need any help finding the room or navigating the campus, don't hesitate to ask. I'm always happy to help a new student." His warm smile made you feel welcome and at ease.
You smiled back, feeling grateful for his kindness. "Thank you so much, Professor Rengoku. I'm really looking forward to it."
"Excellent!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Oh, by the way, I have office hours every Thursday from two to four. Feel free to stop by if you ever have any questions or need some extra help." He paused, tilting his head to the side again. "Unless you'd rather not, of course. I wouldn't want to impose."
You considered his offer for a moment. On one hand, you were nervous about asking for help, but on the other, you didn't want to pass up the chance to learn from such an amazing professor. "No, no, I'd love to take advantage of that," you said, mustering up your courage. "Thank you, Professor Rengoku."
"Wonderful!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together again. "I'm sure we'll have some stimulating discussions." He paused, studying you for a moment. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I should be getting to my next class. It was lovely meeting you, Y/N. I look forward to seeing you in class soon." With a final smile, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there in awe of his presence.
As you continued to stand there, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building within you. You couldn't wait to start your first day of class with Rengoku and dive into the world of World History II. The campus was bustling with activity, and you found yourself eagerly exploring your surroundings and meeting new people.
Finally, you located the classroom building where Mr.  Rengoku's World History II class was held. The room was spacious and well-lit, with comfortable chairs arranged in a semicircle around a large wooden table. At the head of the table was a podium, and behind it hung a beautiful tapestry depicting scenes from ancient civilizations. As you took your seat, you couldn't help but feel grateful for this new opportunity and excited to begin this journey with Mr. Rengoku by your side.
The rest of the class filed in, filling the room with a buzz of conversation. You recognized a few familiar faces from the orientation sessions, but most of the students seemed to be new to you. When the clock struck eight, the door swung open and Mr. Rengoku walked in, his presence immediately commanding everyone's attention. He smiled warmly at the class before taking his seat at the podium.
"Welcome, everyone, to my World History II class!" he boomed, his voice filling the room. "I hope you're all as excited as I am to begin our journey through the fascinating world of ancient civilizations. Before we start, though, I just want to remind you of a few important things. First, my office hours are every Thursday from two to four, and I encourage you to come by if you have any questions or need extra help. Secondly, please feel free to email me anytime if you have questions or concerns about the class. And lastly, always remember to put your name on your assignments!" He paused, looking around the room with a twinkle in his eye. "Now, with that out of the way, let's begin!"
He launched into a captivating lecture on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, weaving together stories of brave emperors, cunning politicians, and tragic heroes. You found yourself hanging on his every word, taking notes frantically but not wanting to miss a single detail. As the class progressed, you noticed that Mr. Rengoku had a talent for making even the most complex historical concepts accessible and engaging. You couldn't help but feel grateful that you had chosen his class.
At the end of the hour, the bell rang, signaling the end of the first class period. As students began to file out of the room, you stayed behind, eager to speak with Mr. Rengoku. You approached him hesitantly, not wanting to seem overly eager or annoying. "Professor Rengoku," you began, "I just wanted to thank you again for being so welcoming and for making the class so interesting. I'm really looking forward to learning more from you."
He smiled warmly down at you. "Oh, Y/N, you're quite welcome. I'm just happy to share my passion for history with such an eager audience. If you ever have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to ask. And remember, my office hours are every Thursday from two to four." With a wink, he added, "I'll expect to see you there."
Your cheeks flushed at his comment, and you found yourself suddenly more self-conscious. "I-I will," you stammered, nodding quickly before hurrying out of the room. As you made your way to your next class, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about your newfound connection with Mr. Rengoku. You hoped that you could maintain his interest and confidence in your abilities throughout the rest of the semester.
The rest of your day flew by in a blur of lectures and notes. You tried your best to focus on the material, but your mind kept drifting back to Mr  Rengoku and his class. You found yourself looking forward to Thursday afternoons, not just because of his office hours, but because you genuinely enjoyed spending time with him.
As the weeks passed, you began to feel more and more comfortable in his presence. You started contributing more in class discussions and felt confident enough to approach him with questions after lecture. He always took the time to engage with you and offer guidance, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for his support.
The more you learned from him, the more you realized just how passionate he was about his subject. His lectures were no longer just recitations of facts; they were vivid storytelling sessions that brought ancient civilizations to life. You began to understand why so many students flocked to his classes and why he had such a reputation as one of the best professors at the university.
One particularly cold afternoon, as you were leaving campus after a late-afternoon class, you noticed Mr. Rengoku standing outside of his office, wrapped in a thick scarf and shivering.
 "Professor!" you exclaimed, hurrying over to him. "Are you all right? You don't look so good."
He smiled warmly at you. 
"Oh, Y/N, thank you for your concern. I'm just feeling a bit under the weather today. But don't worry, I'll be fine. Why don't you get to your car and head home? You must be cold too."
You hesitated for a moment, but something inside you urged you to stay. "I-I could give you a ride home if you'd like," you offered timidly. "I'm not in a rush, and it's on my way."
His eyes lit up at your offer, and he smiled gratefully. "That would be very kind of you, Y/N. I would appreciate that very much." Together, you made your way to your car, and as you drove through the quiet streets of the campus, you found yourself chatting with him about your favorite historical novels and movies. It was a pleasant, easy conversation, and you felt a sense of closeness with him that you hadn't experienced with anyone else in a long time.
When you finally pulled up to his house, he insisted on paying you for the gas. You protested, but he wouldn't hear of it. "No, no," he said, handing you a crisp twenty-dollar bill. "You've done enough for me today. I hope you'll accept this as a small token of my gratitude."
You took the money, feeling both touched and a little embarrassed. "Thank you, Professor Rengoku," you said quietly. "It was really nothing."
He smiled gently at you. "Oh, Y/N, you're far too kind. But I do appreciate your kindness. I hope you know that I consider it a privilege to have you in my class. Now, go home and get some rest. You've earned it."
With one final smile, he closed the car door and waved goodbye. As you drove away, you couldn't help but feel a warm glow in your chest. It had been an unexpected turn of events, but you were glad that you had been there for him when he needed someone. And you couldn't help but hope that he felt the same way about you.
As the days went by, your relationship with Mr. Rengoku only grew stronger. You continued to excel in his class, and he continued to shower you with praise and encouragement. Sometimes, after class, he would invite you to join him for coffee or tea, and you would spend hours discussing history and your shared interests.
One afternoon, as you were leaving campus, you noticed a flyer on a bulletin board advertising a local museum's upcoming exhibit on ancient Egypt. Intrigued, you grabbed the flyer and tucked it into your bag, intending to ask Mr. Rengoku about it later. That night, you texted him, asking if he would like to go to the exhibit with you. He replied immediately, expressing his excitement and gratitude for the invitation.
The day of the exhibit arrived, and you met up with Mr. Rengoku outside the museum. He looked dashing in a dark suit and tie, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach when you saw him. As you walked inside, you felt a sense of anticipation building inside you. The exhibit was spectacular, with detailed displays of artifacts and informative placards that brought ancient Egypt to life. You and Mr. Rengoku spent hours exploring the exhibit, engaging in deep discussions about the significance of each artifact and the culture that had created it.
Afterwards, you decided to grab lunch at a nearby cafe. As you ate, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and peace. You realized that you had never felt this way with anyone else before, and you knew that this feeling was something special. "Y/N," Mr. Rengoku began, his voice soft and earnest, "I want to thank you for inviting me today. This exhibit was truly wonderful, and I'm so glad I got to share it with you."
You looked up at him, feeling a blush creep into your cheeks. "Thank you, Professor," you said softly. "I'm glad you enjoyed it too. It means a lot to me that we could share this experience together."
As you finished your lunch, you couldn't help but wonder where this newfound connection was leading. You knew that he was your professor, and that there were certain boundaries that needed to be respected, but you also couldn't deny the intense feelings you had for him. You found yourself fantasizing about what it would be like to be with him outside of the classroom, outside of the museum.
When the check came, you reached for your wallet, intending to pay for your own meal as you always did. But before you could even pull out your money, Mr. Rengoku had already grabbed his credit card and left a generous tip. "Y/N," he said gently, "please let me treat you today. You've done so much for me already. It's the least I can do."
His words made you feel warm inside. You knew that you had formed a special bond with him, but hearing him say it out loud made it all seem so real. You couldn't help but feel grateful for his kindness and his friendship. As you left the cafe, hand in hand, you knew that your life was about to change in ways you never could have imagined.
Over the next few weeks, your relationship with Mr. Rengoku deepened. You continued to excel in his class, and he continued to praise your work, but now there was an added layer of intimacy to your interactions. You found yourself spending more and more time together, exploring the city and sharing your favorite experiences. You talked about your hopes and dreams, your fears and insecurities, and it felt as though you could discuss anything with him. Despite the risks, you couldn't deny the happiness you felt when you were with Rengoku. 
As the weeks turned into months, you found yourself falling deeper in love with Mr. Rengoku. You continued to excel in his class, but now your focus shifted from just getting good grades to impressing him in every way possible. You started to wear your hair down more often, and you began to experiment with more daring outfits. You felt confident and beautiful when you were around him, and it showed.
One night, as you were walking home from a late-night study session at the museum, Mr. Rengoku took your hand in his and led you to a quiet bench overlooking the city. The moon was full, casting a warm glow over everything. He turned to face you, his eyes burning with desire. "Y/n," he whispered, "I can't keep these feelings inside any longer. I want to be with you, truly be with you. Will you let me?"
Your heart raced as you stared into his eyes. You knew that this was the moment you'd been waiting for, the moment you'd been dreaming of since the first day you met. You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his, feeling the warmth of his skin, the softness of his lips. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer, as if he could never let go.
Time seemed to stand still as you kissed, lost in the moment. You could feel the tension building between you, and with each passing second, it grew more and more intense. Finally, you broke apart, gasping for air. "Mr. Rengoku," you whispered, his name falling from your lips like a prayer. "I want this too."
He smiled at you, his eyes filled with love and desire. "Then it's yours," he said, before leaning in to kiss you again. His lips were soft and warm against yours, and you could feel the strength of his arms as they held you close. You moaned into his mouth, feeling a shiver run down your spine.
As you continued to kiss, he began to explore your body with his hands, tracing gentle circles around your nipples, teasing them until they hardened. You arched your back, pressing your chest against his, wanting more. He reached down, unbuttoning your blouse slowly, revealing your lace bra beneath. He ran his fingers along the delicate fabric, teasing your nipples until they were hard and erect.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as he continued to touch you, his hands moving lower, over your hips, to your skirt. With a gentle tug, he pulled it up, revealing your black lace underwear. You felt his breath against your thigh, and you shuddered with desire. He looked up at you, his eyes dark and intense, and you knew that he could see the need in your eyes.
He leaned in, kissing you again, as his fingers traced a path down to your center. You gasped, arching your back further, pressing your wetness against his fingers. He circled your clit, teasing it mercilessly, until you were moaning his name. Finally, he pushed two fingers inside you, filling you with his touch. You cried out, feeling overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through your body.
As he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of you, you wrapped your legs around his hips, urging him to go deeper. You could feel the heat building between you, the need growing stronger with every passing second. You knew that this was it, that you were finally with him, truly with him.
 "I want you."
He pulled back, looking down at you with eyes filled with desire. "Are you sure, my dear?" he asked, his voice hoarse with lust. "Because once I take you, I won't be able to stop."
You nodded, biting your lip, the words caught in your throat. "I want this," you managed to whisper. "I want you."
He smiled, his fingers finding your clit once more, rubbing it gently before pushing inside you.
 "Then take it," he growled, thrusting his hips forward. 
You cried out, feeling the weight of him as he filled you completely. He began to move, his rhythm steady and sure, driving you wild.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, arching your back as he took you harder and faster. The sensations were overwhelming, the pleasure coursing through you like a raging river. You felt your body trembling on the edge, the release building inside you.
" Ren-," you gasped, your voice barely audible above the pounding of your heart. "I'm close."
He groaned, his thrusts becoming more urgent. "Then come for me, my dear," he whispered, kissing you tenderly. And with those words, you felt yourself falling, plummeting over the edge, as your body was wracked by an intense, shuddering orgasm. Your muscles clenched tight around him, and he followed you over the edge, crying out your name as he spilled his release deep inside you. 
As your passion reached its peak, he arched his back, pressing you deeper into the wall, and you then felt the first wave of release wash over you, followed by another, and another. Your body convulsed in his grip, and you let out a hoarse cry into the night, as your essence spilled forth, mingling with his on the cool cobblestones below.
You collapsed against him, your heart still racing as you felt the aftershocks of pleasure wash over you. He held you close, kissing your neck, your cheek, your lips, as you both caught your breath. You were finally together, truly together, and it felt like everything you'd ever wanted.
He pulled away, looking down at you with a mix of tenderness and desire. "My dear, that was... beyond anything I could have imagined." His fingers traced lazy circles on your stomach, making you shiver. 
As the last tremors subsided, he leaned in, kissing you softly on the lips. "There's more where that came from," Mr. Rengoku whispered, his breath hot sending shivers down your spine. 
 "Come with me." And with that, he took your hand and led you deeper to his apartment complex, toward a world of pleasure and desire that you had only ever dreamed of.
The air inside was thick with anticipation as he guided you through the stairs and finally to his apartment. 
Finally, he led you into his dimly lit room, the walls adorned with beautiful wall art, and billowing curtains. In the center of his room stood a large, four-poster bed. So dimly lit, casting shadows that danced across the walls and ceiling.
"This is where we belong," he said, his voice a sultry purr. "This is where we can be free, and explore our desires without judgment." With that, Mr. Rengoku turned to face me, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. He reached out, running his fingers through your hair, before trailing them down your chest, teasing at the buttons of your shirt.
Your heart raced as you watched him, helplessly drawn to his touch. You wanted nothing more than to feel his skin against yours once again, to lose yourself in the heat of the moment. As he undressed you, his hands gliding over your body with a familiarity that bordered on intimacy, you couldn't help but wonder how long this night would last, and if you'd ever be able to go back to the way things were before.
But for now, you were content to let yourself be swept away by his touch, his words, his presence. He climbed onto the bed, purring invitingly, and you followed, unable to resist the pull of his gaze. As you lay beside him, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, knowing that this was where you belonged, with him, in this world of passion and desire.
And as he kissed you again, his lips soft and demanding, you gave yourself over to the moment, surrendering to the rapture that only he could provide.
The bed shifted beneath you as he moved against you, your bodies intertwined like two dancers in a sensual waltz. His hands roamed freely, exploring every inch of your skin, leaving trails of heat in his wake. He nipped at your earlobe, sending shivers down your spine, and whispered words that made your heart race and your breath catch in your throat.
You could feel the tension building within you, the need for release growing more insistent with each passing moment. As he guided your hands to hid hips, urging you on, you pressed forward, eager to please him, to make him feel the same intense pleasure he had given to you.
The bed creaked beneath you, the blanket beneath you soft and inviting as he arched his back, pushing your hips up to meet yous. His breath came faster, shallower, as his fingers dug into your shoulders, urging you on.
With a growl of satisfaction, he threw his head back, his eyes closed tightly as he surrendered to the sensation. "Yes," he moaned, his voice rugged and raw. "That's it..."
You felt your own release building, threatening to overwhelm you. You couldn't help but arch into him, meeting his movements with equal fervor. "I-I'm close," you managed to say between gasps for air.
He opened his eyes, meeting yours, and in that moment, you knew he wanted you to stay with him. He wanted this night to go on forever. "Stay with me," he whispered, his voice soft and gentle, despite the urgency in his touch. "Don't let go."
You ran your fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands slip through your fingers like water. His skin was warm and smooth, and you could feel the muscles in his back tensing as he arched into your touch. He moaned, a deep, throaty sound that sent shivers down your spine.
And as he came apart beneath you, his body shuddering with pleasure, you felt your own release wash over you, hot and powerful. Your breathing slowed, becoming shallow and ragged as you clung to each other, your bodies still tangled together on the bed.
The silence that fell between you was deafening, but it was a silence that felt right, felt intimate. It was as if you had shared something sacred, something that bound you together now in a way that went beyond words or understanding.
Finally, he shifted slightly, propping himself up on one elbow to look up at me. His gaze was steady and intense, as if he were trying to imprint every detail of your face onto his memory. "Will you stay?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Will you stay with me?"
You lay there, your heart still racing, your body tingling with the afterglow of your lovemaking. His fingers traced gentle circles on your back, his touch soothing and comforting. 
The air in the room seemed to shimmer with a sense of peace, of contentment, and you couldn't help but wonder how you would ever be able to go back to the way things were before. Would you try to forget this night, this connection you'd shared? Or would you find a way to carry it with you, like a secret treasure, into the chaos of your everyday lives?
You knew that the answer to that question would depend on him, on you, and on the strange, inexplicable bond that seemed to exist between you. For now, all that mattered was this moment, the warmth of his skin against yours, and the feeling of being completely and utterly known and accepted, just as you were.
“Yes, I'll stay with you” you uttered.
As you drifted off to sleep, his soft breaths and the gentle rise and fall of his chest lulling you into a deep, dreamless slumber, you couldn't help but feel a sense of hope, of possibility. Perhaps, somehow, you would find a way to make this work, to make your lives together as beautiful and as meaningful as this one perfect night.
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potofstewie · 1 year
Birthday Gift
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Hey y'all! This is one (2/5) of my submissions for @renhoeku's Rengoku Birthday Month Collab. If you wish to join, then please check out their post regarding the collab!
Things to know: Oral (m. receiving), established relationship, public, Teacher x Teacher, almost caught, swallowing
W/C: 1.3k
This jumps straight into the smut so the cut is a precaution!
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A soft, languid sigh flew from Kyojuro’s partially opened mouth as the ticking from his classroom’s clock and the pattering of rain filled the room. Incandescent eyes darted around, never resting on one particular object as he tried his hardest to not look down. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that if he looked down for a second, if he even glanced, at what was transpiring under his desk, he would come undone in an instant. A choked out groan resounded in his throat as his tip reached the back of your throat, a soft gag emitting from your throat. Today was Kyojuro’s birthday and you had been teasing him all day about his birthday gift. 
Lingering yet subtle touches on his neck and arms, longing gazes and even loud dirty jokes shared between you and Tengen were more than enough clues for Kyojuro to pick up on. It left him anxious for the majority of the day, watching and waiting to see what you’d do. If you would wait until school ended to reward him for another year of aging or if you would pull him into a storage closet during break, thankfully you chose the former. 
Kyojuro’s hands that had stayed on his desk, curled into tight fists as he suppressed a loud groan; feeling your nimble hands encase and move on his spit and precum-covered cock. He was grateful, truly, that his desk was positioned facing the doors, allowing a small cover of privacy from your sexual act. Nervous and overwhelmed eyes quickly darted in intervals to the door, his ears straining to hear passing footsteps and voices, praying to the heavens above that nobody would walk in. That a poor innocent student wouldn’t see their favorite history teacher being turned into a ball of clay by the hands of his fellow teacher. 
Finding other things to distract his weak-willed eyes, he took sight at the partially graded papers, the uncapped red pen and his phone that were strewn around on his desk. A soft moan slipped out as you moved him out of your mouth with a soft pop, moving on to giving his cock kitten licks all over, your hand fondling his balls. Shutting his eyes for a moment, Kyojuro started to fight with himself. One side of him wanted to pick up his pen and resume his work, to come off as innocent and normal as possible in case anyone walked in. The other, more stronger, part of him wanted to hold the top of your head and the back of your neck, to aid you in your task of giving him sweet pleasure, to fill your throat with his hot seed. 
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Chimes from his phone snapped him out of his trance, drowning out the soft gags and squelches that were being produced. Picking up his phone, Kyojuro tried his best to focus on the multiple text messages his mother sent him; texts ranging from asking him what he wanted to do later that evening, to if you were going to join them and if he would get Senjuro from his volleyball practice. Before he could even formulate a proper response in his head, the phone rang; shining the contact name in his flushed face. 
Your doe eyes looked up at your nervous boyfriend, mouth stopping its affection as you waited for his next move. As you gently placed your lips on his tip, your pussy pulsated at the situation. To give your boyfriend a blowjob in a room that anyone could barge in as well as have him be on the phone was exhilarating. As he answered the phone, you made a mental note to yourself to do this more often. 
“Kyojuro? Are you still at the school?” His father’s voice called through the phone faintly, your ears curious about the conversation. Rehydrating his throat, Kyojuro answered in a shaky breath. 
“Y-Yeah, I’m still here. I just have to finish up some stuff tha-” A soft yet barely restrained gasp escaped Kyojuro’s lips as you began to suck on his tip, challenging him. “T-That’s all. I’ll be home soon.” Clearing his throat, he awaited his father’s response. 
“Well, alright. Your mother’s been trying to reach you so don’t ignore her messages. She also said to make sure you get Senjuro from practice today since it’s raining.” 
“Y-Yes! I-I know, I got it.” Your boyfriend responded quickly, trying his best to speed up the conversation as you continued on with your torture. Your manicured nails slightly dug into his pants as you deepthroat him once more, swallowing the salty precum that had coated your mouth. Kyojuro quickly bit down on his knuckle, stifling a groan as he finally glanced down at the enchanting sight before him. Tears slightly coating your lashes as you finally made eye contact with him, hoping to maintain it. 
As his eyes managed to stay connected with yours, his father continued on. “Ah, also, Fuku and Tomi send their regards and wish you a happy birthday. You remember them right? They still sell lunches at the train station. Anyway, your mother and I also tried to find a regular cake and a sweet potato p———” His father’s words began to fade out as Kyojuro could feel his orgasm steadily approaching. Finally admitting defeat, a large warm hand snaked to the top of your head and began to move you faster, your eyes watching Kyojuro close his own and lean his head back through a tear-blurred gaze. 
As his mouth opened up and his hand lazily moved the phone away from his face, Kyojuro couldn’t help but block out everything but you. His furrowed eyebrows twitched as your soft gags started to pick up in pace, the volume slowly increasing as he fucked your throat with seemingly no mercy. As you endured your boyfriend’s newfound energy, you couldn’t help but be the one to worry. The situation seemed thrilling at first but now you were beyond terrified about the possibility of getting caught turning into a reality. 
With one final push to your head, Kyojuro’s cock emptied in your throat. Dark fuzz tickled your nose as his iron hold kept you in place, your only option to swallow his hot cum as his orgasm washed over him. Kyojuro’s phone nearly dropped from his loose grasp as he slowly mouthed the word “fuck”. Kyojuro sighed heavily as his ears rang. With a soft grunt he slightly thrusted into your throat, making sure you swallowed every drop. 
“Did you hear what I said, Kyojuro?” 
“Wh-Huh?” Kyojuro stammered lazily, his eyes unshielding and looking up in a daze. Even though he was reeling from his orgasm, he still couldn’t get a proper grasp on what he was hearing. His face twitched with every suck and lick you gave his cock, doing your very best to clean him up. 
“I said that there was no sweet potato pie so we settled on two regular cakes if that’s alright with you.” His father clarified, annoyance laced in his voice. “Get your head out of the clouds already, boy. Look, just don’t forget your brother and see if y/n will join us or if you two will do something separate. We’ll see you later.” And with the end call sound emitting from his phone, Kyojuro dropped it unceremoniously on his desk. 
With a deep inhale, he sat up and gazed upon your tear streaked face, your lips very gently kissing his tip. Releasing a low chuckle that rumbled in his chest, Kyojuro gently stroked the side of your face, his warm thumb wiping away any stray tears. “You’re ridiculous, you know that right?” 
With a short hum you smiled at him, pride welling in your chest at your accomplishment. “Happy Birthday, my dear.” Licking his tip again, Kyojuro’s cock slowly got hard again, clearly ready for another round. 
“You can handle another round, right Sunflower?” He asked, honeyed words dripping from his addictive smile. A soft groan left his mouth as you began to fondle his still full balls.
As the rain fell upon the earth around him, Senjuro shivered in place outside of the gymnasium; clothes soaked to the bone. As he clutched onto his drenched bookbag that he held over his head, only one question came to mind. 
Where the hell was his brother?!
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ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ʙɪɴᴅ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴀꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴏᴛᴏꜰꜱᴛᴇᴡɪᴇ™ 2023
TAGS: @photosbyameil @comatosebunny09 @yuuuriiinaa-chaaannn @nymphoheretic @simo-laligresa @sobbing-bunny @swaloingpillsbrb @grundgedog13
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kakushino · 10 months
Extra credit
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A birthday blurb for my dear friend @witchy-scribblings - I hope you have an amazing day! Here is your food!
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Friday after school hours found you in the history classroom alone with your teacher, Rengoku Kyojuro. There was some… extra credit you needed to get.
Warm hands guided you down his length, each inch you took earning you praise.
“Mhm, keep it up, dear. You’re doing amazing.”
He’d never been much for receiving oral, that is until the day you knelt down between his legs and showed him the stars for the first time. Now he couldn’t get enough, and you couldn’t stop. Kyojuro wouldn’t allow you to stop.
You choked a little, the tip of his cock bumping the back of your throat.
“Just a few more inches. You know you can take it.”
You could, it wasn’t the first time you did, but his size made this difficult every time. Tears gathered at your eyelashes as you looked up at him. His eyes were half-lidded, mouth slightly open, face flushed. 
You pulled back a little to swirl your tongue around his tip, tasting his pre-cum and making him moan quietly. 
“That’s a good pet,” he said breathlessly, fingers threading through your hair gently. 
Your hand inched between your legs, trying to relieve your own frustration. Kyojuro noticed, of course he did, pulling you off of his cock and getting close to your face as you panted. 
“I didn’t say you could pleasure yourself,” he whispered in a growl. “Hands where I can see them, now.”
You whined, but complied nevertheless, your palms at his thighs. “Go on now.” He fisted your hair, angling your face to the heavens, the leaking tip of his cock smearing your own saliva over your lips. “You have to earn your reward, pet.”
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chiharuhashibira · 9 months
What about a shorts featuring your fave Kimetsu No Yaiba teacher?
But make it Professor X Student 👀
I'm a sucker for this genre *blush*😩
So let's go and start this out babes! Imma make the Fem!Reader an 18+ tho, not comfy to write about younger/minor XD With that, she's in college and the lads are his professors. Hence, a College AU!
I'll make one shots for Kyo, Ten, Giyu, and Nemi but post it once per day 🥵 Same title will be used but different CWs~ This is because i saw this pic down there and I gulped and... OMEGED!
So here's the first part~ Rengoku version!
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑯𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
Content Warnings: ProfessorXStudent/Age Gap/Suggestive/Curse Words/Matured Content/18+/Sexually Explicit
Minors DNI.
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(Image is not mine, credits to the rightful owner)
🌸𝑲𝒚𝒐𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 𝑹𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒐𝒌𝒖🌸
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You have always adored your history professor, Kyojuro Rengoku. His dazzling eyes, flame-like hair, and ideal stature just can't help but draw you in, even though you know it's wrong. He's a professor, and you're a graduating student!
But he's nice and handsome, and he takes your breath away as always.
His voice, whenever you hear it, makes you wonder how he would sound when he pins you on the bed, moaning on your—
"Y/L/N-san? What's your answer?"
"Huh?!" You stood up, looked around, and saw that everyone was already staring at you. Apparently, Kyojuro has been calling you a few times to answer his question. But, for some reason, your horny-ass brain can't remember what that question was.
"Rengoku-sensei, sorry. Uh, what was the question again?"
Kyojuro crossed his arms, with his pecs and biceps getting obvious under his white shirt.
Kyojuro crossed his arms, with his pecs and biceps getting obvious under his white shirt. You gulped as you noticed the dismay in his eyes.
"Sit down." You sat down, watching as your history professor walked past you and called Muichiro instead.
The class ended with you awkwardly listening to the discussion, trying your best to stop your intrusive thoughts. All students have left the classroom, and you were also about to go when suddenly Kyojuro, who was still sitting at his desk, called you.
"Y/L/N-san, stay."
Your eyes widened, and you felt heat crawling up to your cheeks as you realised that him telling you to stay would also mean that you'd be alone with the man who makes your heart go crazy.
You turned to look at him and closed the door behind you once again. "Yes sensei."
Kyojuro was looking at the papers passed to him earlier; he seemed busy, so even if you were standing in front of him, you remained silent. You don't want to cause any more trouble because of what happened earlier.
You watched his fingers as they slowly ran on the sheet of paper, imagining how it would feel if they ran on your body instead. You flinched as you felt it getting hot down there with how dirty your thoughts were getting with each passing second.
Your breathing became heavier, and that kicked Kyojuro out of his trance. "Oh yes. Y/L/N-san. I wonder what happened earlier. You're always on top of this class. Your quiz also proves that. Is there any problem?"
Kyojuro sometimes doesn't act just as your prof; he also acts as your mentor and friend, so his concern now doesn't surprise you at all. Your pure-hearted professor just cares for you. But you'll know that his dismay would be fueled if he knew about your unpure thoughts about him.
"Rengoku-sensei, I'm okay. I was just distracted earlier. But I promise I'll make up for it tomorrow in class!"
"Distracted because of?"
You.You wanted to say that badly, but of course you couldn't, so you just muttered that it's personal. Kyojuro didn't inquire more, but he stood up and snatched your bag from your hand. His actions shocked you and left you stunned.
"Sensei?" you asked, confused.
"I'll drive you home."
Oh yes, Kyojuro lives right next to your apartment; that's why he knows where you live. But this is the very first time that the man has offered that.
"Sensei, you don't need to."
"I'm heading home early too, so why not?"
You gulped as Kyojuro picked up his jacket and draped it over his shoulder as he used his other hand to carry your bag. All your complaints were shoved down your throat as he finally went out of the classroom.
You followed him, walking a bit slower than he was to avoid commotion. If your classmates see that you're going home with your favourite professor, they might interpret it wrongly. But then Kyojuro took you to the faculty because he needed to say goodbye to his friends.
There, all your professors asked was why you were with him. "Oh well, we're neighbours! I might as well drive her home." He said casually that he got agreement from them.
The drive was not too silent, apparently; Kyojuro was chatty outside the uni! He kept on talking about his little brother, saying that he's as smart as you. Yes. You're listening, but still, you can't help but feel your body get hotter at the thought of you alone with him inside his car.
You pressed your thighs together under your skirt, and Kyojuro seemed to notice this.
"Do you want to pee?"
He asked that, which made you blush furiously as you shot him a look. He doesn't know how to hold back his words, and hearing them only made you feel worse about the embarrassing thoughts you've been having.
"Uh... no sensei."
"But you have been pressing your thighs together, and you seem to be uncomfortable."
WHY ON EARTH IS HE LOOKING AT MY THIGHS? You thought as you covered your thigh with your hands. A soft chuckle escaped from his lips, and that immediately sent you tingling. "You're a weird one." He said and finally continued driving.
You watched as Kyojuro drove, his hands gripping the steering wheel. He gulped, and you witnessed how his Adam's apple bobbed up and down, which definitely made you bite your lip. You can usually calm yourself around him, but not today.
Perhaps it's because earlier today, while you were about to head to university early, Kyojuro walked out of his flat, only clad in his pants. You were astounded by the sight, but you tried to compose yourself, pretending not to see him. But then your history professor called you and greeted you good morning with his deep, raspy voice, different from his loud and jolly tone in class.
And so now you're here, sitting beside him inside his car while having those dirty thoughts.
"Y/L/N-san, do I have dirt on my face?"
"No sensei. I was just—"
"Sorry to pry, but am I the reason why you were distracted at class earlier?"
You didn't know how to respond to his question, so you just decided to shut up. But being the straightforward man he is, Kyojuro chuckled and spoke up once again, with that same low tone that he used earlier.
"I'm not a narcissist, but I'll take your reaction as a yes."
"How dare you—"
His chuckles cut you off, which made you smile.
"I'm just kidding, Y/L/N-sama. You're a beautiful woman, so why would you waste your time staring at your old history professor?"
You blushed when he called you beautiful, which also made you scoff. "What? Old? You look like you're just in your early 20s."
"Eh, I'm already 29."
"Hmmm, 9-year age gap?" You accidentally blurted out what you were thinking, which made Kyojuro clear his throat. You covered your mouth and looked outside the window, wishing that the man would just let that slide.
But then, it's Kyojuro, so...
"What's with the gap?"
"However, that redness on your cheek certainly says something!"
Fuck. You whispered under your breath as you shifted on your seat.
"Oh! We're here."
He suddenly said that, which lifted the tension between the both of you. You turned to look at Kyojuro and saw his smile. "So, see you tomorrow?" He said, and you just nodded.
When Kyojuro opened the car door for you, your heart skipped a beat. You swear that the moment his fingers touched yours as he handed you the bag you'd almost forgotten was inside, you were instantly engulfed in a blaze of conflicting feelings.
You gulped and thanked him once again, but then he called you which stopped you in your tracks. "Y/L/N-san, it seems like I forgot my house key at school."
"Oh? Perhaps it's just inside the car, Rengoku-sensei?"
You went back to him and opened the car door for his back seat. "I'll check for you." You said, trying to help your teacher. You leaned down, searching his backseat. Suddenly, you felt something warm on your back, which made you blush. What the hell is he doing?
You turned to look back at him and saw that your history professor had draped his jacket around your waist. "Uh... Sorry, but you're..." He said while pointing at your skirt, which made you blush and stand, holding his jacket before it fell to the floor.
You bowed down, apologising for flashing at him accidentally. Though the dirty part of you wished that he really had seen. This time, it was Kyojuro who was blushing madly as he combed his hair with his fingers.
Oh, those fingers—you would really die for it. "Rengoku-san, it's late. Perhaps you would want to uh... stay in my flat? The lobby guy was absent earlier, so we can't really get your spare key. Let's just get them early in the morning tomorrow so you can prepare for work."
"You won't mind?"
"Of course."
You've found yourself panting as you move yourself grinding against Kyojuro's hard cock. He was holding you by the waist, digging his nails into your skin as pleasure engulfed him.
What just happened?
You opened the door inside your house, letting Kyojuro in. He made sure to take off his shoes before stepping inside, but you sat on the floor and offered to take them off for him. The man was astounded at first, but he just nodded in agreement.
You took off his shoes and placed them beside yours. You stood up without any concern when you felt a thug's hand on your skirt. You looked back and saw Kyojuro's hand pulling down on your skirt, but not in a dirty way. He was red once again, making you blush as well.
"You should be careful moving while wearing a skirt, Y/L/N-san." He said. Kyojuro lets go of the fabric and hands you his jacket again. You accepted it but teased him a bit, wishing that it would ease your situation.
"Eh, you won't be interested anyway, sensei."
You saw how Kyojuro gulped and looked away, and that enticed you more. So, you decided that you'd just give him a few more teases for the night.
You didn't expect that all of your teasing, a.k.a. seduction, would affect Kyojuro so much. You had to let the man shower in the bathroom first, handing him one of the bathrobes that you are lending to your visitors.
Inside the bathroom, Kyojuro was astounded at himself. One tease, and he was hard as fuck. He looked down at his hardness and at his reflection. He knows feeling this way isn't right, but he just can't stop it. You're irresistable!
Kyojuro showered in cold water, wishing that his erection would fade. And it did.
But then, when he went out, he saw you finish your bath as well, as you used the other bathroom in your flat. You were clad in shorts and a crop top shirt without a bra, which made him rethink his life decisions.
He hasn't seen you like this, and that definitely made him hard once more. You noticed his stare at you, so you tossed him a big pyjama that caught him off-guard. It landed on Kyojuro's face.
"Sensei, you're spacing out!"
He picked up the neglected clothing and went inside the bathroom without saying anything.
Kyojuro offered to cook for you, saying that he wanted to do so because you let him stay the night. You watched how skilled he is with knives. Kyojuro looks so wonderful, even if he's concentrating.
"Why were you distracted at my class, Y/L/N-san? I'm really curious. You were never like that."
He brought up the topic once again as he finished preparing your dinner. Kyojuro placed the food on the table and sat in front of you, waiting for your answer. So he isn't going to drop this off, huh?
"There's just a cute guy that has been lingering in my mind lately."
"Oh, so you're in love?" There was a tone of dismay in his voice, and you can't fathom why. You just shrugged your shoulders. Kyojuro was silent for a while until...
"But I don't like it when you're spacing out from my class. Being in love is not an excuse."
You finished your bowl quickly, trying to evade his scolding. "You cook great, sensei!"
"Don't change the topic." He was serious, and for you, it's probably because he loves his subject so much. You're unaware that a part of Kyojuro is jealous.
Yes. Even if he denies it, he's attracted to you. It's just that; he just confirmed it now. And now that it is clear to him, he doesn't want to share. He knows it's wrong to feel this but it's hard to deny it further.
You crossed your legs and leaned in closer to him. "Hmm, what if that cute guy was you, sensei?" You joked, wishing that he could also understand your hidden meaning.
And yes, Kyojuro did, but he shrugged it off. "What are you trying to imply? I'm your distraction?"
"I was just kid—"
His breathing had changed, and that made you stop talking.
"Why are you teasing me, Y/N?" Kyojuro's question and the way he called you by your first name surprised you. "Sensei?"
"Answer me."
"I... I... I like you, sensei!"
You finally blurted out that it made you scared. You knew that you shouldn't say that to a professor, but you still did it. You were expecting a few more scoldings, but to your astonishment, a smirk crept up on his lips.
"Come here then." He said, patting his lap. You gulped and obliged, sitting on his lap and facing him.
Kyojuro stared at you intensely, his eyes oozing with lust, an expression that you had never expected to see from him.
"Y/N. I'm still a man, and if you kept on teasing me, this would happen to you."
He smashed his lips against yours for a hungry kiss. You moaned against his mouth, pressing your breast against his chest as you felt yourself get wetter.
End of Flashback
You've found yourself panting as you move yourself grinding against Kyojuro's hard cock. He was holding you by the waist, digging his nails into your skin as pleasure engulfed him.
Kyojuro pulled out for a moment to take off your clothes, almost ripping them. You moaned as he bit playfully on your now-exposed tits. "Umai, you taste so good, baby." He said this, licking your nipples as he cupped your ass and squeezed it.
You tugged on his hair and rubbed your wet, clothed cunt against his hard cock. Kyojuro wanted to feel you more, so he made you stand up and pulled your shorts down with your pants. You also helped him free his hardened cock as you marvelled at how big it was. With its girth, you felt like wanting to just spread yourself for him.
Kyojuro pulled you down on his lap once again and positioned himself at your entrance. "Do you want to continue, baby?" He said with his deep voice, making you almost cum there and then. You nodded and slowly went down, taking in his length. A moan of pleasure escaped both of your lips as you pushed yourself to go down on him, balls deep.
"Uh fuck! So tight!" Kyojuro said it made you feel more aroused. Finally, at the end of a long day, his cock is inside yours, and you crave it so desperately.
"Move for me, Y/N."
Kyojuro said, more like ordered, taking control even if he is under you. So you did; you moved up and down on his cock, slowly at first, letting him adore your sight.
Kyojuro kissed you passionately again, with his tongue exploring your mouth. He thrust with your rhythm, making you feel a growing pleasure at the pit of your stomach. While fucking your cunt, your history professor suddenly carried you and placed you on the couch.
He lifted one of your thighs and thrust deeper than before, nearly knocking you unconscious with pleasure. Kyojuro used his other hand to play with your breast, making sure it wouldn't feel neglected as he fucked you hard.
"Sensei, I'm almost there!" You almost shouted, which made Kyojuro also feel his body heating up. He kissed you, making you shut up, and the movements of his hips became slower, but his cock went deeper into your womb as he finally released his cum within you.
Kyojuro fell over your body, and you embraced him. "Sensei..." you muttered between your pants. Kyojuro finally looked up at you with his owl eyes and kissed your cheek. He pulled out and used his discarded shirt to wipe you clean.
"Sorry, I came inside you, Y/N."
"I loved it, sensei."
Kyojuro smiled at you and carried you towards your bedroom. He placed you down and sat down beside you, not caring if both of you were still naked right now.
He pulled a blanket over your body and looked away.
"Y/N, I'm sorry if I let my emotions control me. I'm older than you. I'm also your professor."
"Why? Do you regret it, Kyojuro?" You said, making him look back at you. "What if the uni knows?"
"Why would we let them know?" You said that, running your fingers along his back. Kyojuro sighed and finally laid down beside you. "I always wanted you." He muttered, caressing your cheek. You blushed.
"I also do. So please, stop feeling guilty, Kyo."
"Yes baby." He said he was pulling you into another kiss.
And there, you decided to go out, keeping this sensitive detail from the university.
Days later, Kyojuro called you into his classroom again. He was sitting, patting his lap, in the same position as he did the night before you first made love.
"I guess it's time for your special class, Y/N."
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔!
But yeaaah! If you don't like this kind of theme, don't read XD
So there, see you on the Tengen version~ I'll try to make them hotter if you like XD It'll be up this Monday so be on the lookout!
Reblogs, Comments, and Requests are highly appreciated! Love you!
Ja ne~
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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sunandflame · 9 months
Shards of Glass, Chapter 1
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Summary: Kyojuro Rengoku, History Teacher on the Kimetsu Academy, is constantly having strange dreams about a Slayer who looks exactly like him. He thinks nothing of it until he recognizes a very specific person from these dreams and feels a very unique connection to her.
Pairing: History Teacher Kyojuro x Teacher Fem!Reader
Trope: Reincarnation / Sequel to Flame and Water (can be stand-alone)
Word Count: 1050
Pinterest Board of Shards of Glass
Crossposted on AO3
Masterlist of Shards of Glass
And please tell my Y/N not to grieve too much and to feel free to let me wait in the afterlife. I will be waiting for her.
I will be waiting for her…
waiting for her…
With a loud gasp, Kyojuro woke up and sat up in bed. In a panic, the young student clutched at his chest and his eye and immediately calmed down when he noticed that everything was still there. There was no hole adorning his torso.
He looked at the clock. 04:34 am. This time was burned into the core of his memory because he always woke up at this exact time when he had this dream about a strange demon train and his traumatic death. This dream kept repeating itself around his birthday. At first he didn’t waste a thought about it and dismissed it as a merely weird dream, but the more he kept seeing it and reliving it the more he was forced to look at it differently.
Just seconds after waking up he looked out the window and saw the first rays of sunlight shining through his window. Should he try to go back to sleep? No, that would not work, he was already wide awake. He sighed and swung his legs out of bed. The young student could use the time to jog so he could at least clear his head before working on his master thesis.
But jogging didn't do much good, his face was more serious than his usual sunny disposition and his young brother was already giving him a worried look at the breakfast table. “Brother, are you not feeling well? You haven’t eaten your rice.”
Kyojuro snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Senjuro, giving him a smile. “Sorry, I was just lost in thought.”
“Is this about your master thesis? You don't seem to be able to sleep much because of it. You were up very early today.” His father looked up from the newspaper.
"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you up, father."
"Kyojuro." His mother filled him up with another bowl of rice before she sat down at the table with them. “It’s not about waking us up. We’re just worried that you overwork yourself too much.”
Kyojuro gave them his well-known big smile and dug into the food. He was indeed hungry even if he was previously lost in his thoughts. "Thank you! Everything is fine, but if there is anything I will let you know!"
Kyojuro was a person who despised lies. He preferred to say things freely, even if they hurt, but he wasn't sure about those dreams of his. They were too strange to talk about or even mention. He once considered talking to his classmate and long time friend Obanai, but as soon as he opened his mouth something else came up and he decided against it each time.
He didn’t even have to sleep now to feel all jumpy. When he worked late into the night for his master thesis he was often able to feel a strong presence of another person behind his own back. Often he had to turn around with a loud “Who’s there?” just to realize he asked into an empty room.
It was probably the stress from the part-time job and the thesis and everything else that was going on. He tried to explain it away, but it didn’t do much and he could not convince himself of the lie. Kyojuro knew that he was not one to stress out easily. But there was one question he asked himself constantly. Why did he see these things over and over again?
A question that would follow him for many years.
If that was not enough, there was another question that was now following his mind. Who was this Y/N that he saw every now and then? The unknown beauty that haunted his nights had appeared after a stroll in the city when he saw a very special necklace in a jewelry shop - that of a water lily. It was handmade and so delicate. He didn't know why the piece of silver captivated him so much at the time, but he stared at it until his friends pulled him away into a fast food restaurant. The thoughts about the necklace were gone but she remained now in his dreams as his Water Lily and he did not know why.
~ ~ ~
Five years later…
“I heard that we’re welcoming a new colleague today. She seems to be a friend or relative of Tomioka.”
“Great, so we’ll soon have another weirdo here?” Sanemi snorted.
“Oh yeah, that's exactly what we need.” Obanai rolled his eyes and acted as if the person being addressed wasn't even in the room while Giyuu sat quietly in the corner.
A pop echoed in the room as Tengen burst his gum’s bubble that made him earn a glare from the math teacher.
Kanae smiled. “But Shinazugawa, you shouldn’t judge too quickly, especially since it’s a woman. Oh, how nice it is to no longer be the only woman among you all.”
"How come? Is our society too masculine for you, Kocho?” The teasing in his voice was audible.
A giggle sounded. “Oh, not at all.”
The flirting between the two was interrupted when Amane Ubuyashiki entered the teachers' room with a young woman who looked a little shy. All eyes were on her except Kyojuro's. He was engrossed in the students' homework and didn't even notice that the principal was standing in front of them. Tengen had to elbow him, only then did he look up from his work. Smiling, he nodded at Ms. Ubuyashiki until his eyes fell on the woman next to her.
Kyojuro's eyes widened subtly.
“We have a new colleague to introduce. This is Y/N L/N, the new English teacher at Kimetsu Academy. Y/N has already been given a tour of the school and also received her syllabus. Please, take good care of her, and introduce yourselves.” With these words, Amane disappeared with a smile and the new coworker stood there all alone.
She watched the principal leaving the room before turning towards them with a shy smile. “Hello, my name is Y/N and I’m looking forward to working with you.”
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A/N: It's finally here babes! The sequel to Flame and Water. For everyone who is new here, you don't have to read Flame and Water to read this new series, but it's recommended since it is all about reincarnation. And since the poll decided for a multi chapter fic, I will deliver a multi chapter fic to you babygurls.
Also I wanna mention @heartbroken4ever who's fanart heavily inspired me to this fic (and made me choose the ending for F&W so this can happen). You should definitely check out their art! They are a big inspiration for me!
I hope you stay tuned for the next chapter! Unfortunately there will be no taglist this time, as I was heavily struggling in the past, but just know that I will post weekly updates!
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teamfreewill56-blog · 2 months
Hello~ (I'm sending in an ask for the first time so sorry if there's any mistake in advance) Firstly, I recently discovered your blog and it's really so nice! I really love how you write and pay attention to the details! I've never seen someone present Kyojuro's character + the dynamics of the Rengoku family so accurately so thank you for your hardwork <3 also I just casually wanted to know your opinions? or just some head canons? about teacher Kyojuro~ (I really like to think about teacher Kyojuro he is so nice and gentle, he deserves to be loved and taken care of www) well thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day !
Hi~ no worries, I don't think there's a wrong way to send an ask. Welcome to my blog and thanks for reading my stuff! Aww thank you, those are really kind compliments and you're welcome! I really love the Rengoku family and have a lot of fun writing about them. 
Kyojuro is so nice and gentle I agree and he definitely deserves to be loved and taken care of <3 
I'm not sure I have that many head canons about him. But I'll see what comes to mind. 
We know that everyone passes Kyojuro's classes/gets good grades in history which to me suggests he is good at understanding how people learn and what does and doesn’t work for them 
If a student is having a hard time with the material and tries to give up he’s not going to let them and will do study sessions to try and figure out what works best for them (and give them a motivational/inspirational talk)
Strict grader but is also gonna compliment and point out what students did well in their work
Would also do this during discussion, if a student raises their hand and gives a wrong answer Kyojuro will correct them in a kind way and will defend them from others laughing 
In the same vein I doubt bullies try to pull stuff in his class because not only will he call them out but he’d also pull a “I don’t get it, please explain” 
He will know fun and interesting details of history that not many people would know
He and Senjuro make props for the mock battles he puts on in his class if he isn’t just borrowing the family’s practice swords
If he shares knowledge that Ruka taught him he’s gonna make sure his students know he learned it from her
Sanemi isn’t the one students have to worry about catching them if they get in a fight in the hall, it’s Kyojuro, he’ll pry them apart and hold them off the ground by their collars before they even know what’s going on and seeing the kind happy history teacher give them a severe stare is gonna make them feel more guilt than having the shit beat out of them
He’s also the first teacher who’s gonna bail students out of trouble or come to their defense as long as their actions aren’t causing anyone physical harm
Invites Senjuro to come see him after school, will walk him home/take him home and then just come back to work to finish what he needs to 
If he’s involved in any gym/sport stuff at the school everyone’s gonna want him on their team
Thanks for asking in and I hope you have a good day too!
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ninapi · 10 months
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Be Mine? ╝
Premise: Destiny can be a fickle thing. One little mistake while dialing a random shop opened a new door for his desolated heart; one he was more than eager to go into.
Word Count: 3985
Note: This is setup in the Kimetsu academy world, just so you know~✨
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Teaching history can get a bit tedious when your students aren’t as interested in the subject as they should be.
Rengoku was a wonderful teacher, loved by all his students, but their grades weren’t as high as he would like, causing the principal to show her concern, specially for the first years. They were lovely kids, always so cheerful, yet they weren’t the smartest or most dedicated around.
The finals were approaching and if they didn’t get at least a B in his test, they would end up failing, making Rengoku extremely anxious.
A great idea popped up in his head a random Wednesday while taking a shower, what if he held some sort of study session for the kids? It’s not like he would tell them exactly what would come out in the test, but he could guide them in the right direction and make sure they know what’s needed before it was too late.
The Kamado family lived on the same block he had his apartment in, so it was decided that weekend they would hold a study session in the Kamado household.
Browsing in his phone the night before, he found a picture of the very much hyped cake he’s been hearing everyone talk about lately, even in the teacher room it was a popular subject.
Since he was devoted to his beloved children, he decided to stop by said cake shop before the session, get some for the kids, that would for sure keep them motivated, they had a lot of studying to do, feeding their brain with highly sugary treats seemed like a good idea, even if a hyper Zenitsu sounded like a double edge sword.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Maps aren’t for everyone.
He tried reading the cute artsy map on their website, but that brought him to an unknown side of his neighborhood, he even found a gym he didn’t know it existed with his morning adventure, yet the cake shop was nowhere to be seen.
He then tried looking for the address in his actual maps app, turns out he was walking in the complete opposite direction. But even following every step, it kept recalculating the best route and he just didn’t know what to do with himself.
He happened to know Kocho sensei had been at the place a week before, so he tried dialing her and asking for directions, yet she was taken there by car and her boyfriend wasn’t picking up his phone, so she didn’t know how to help him.
He asked around the area, an old lady told him to turn right and walk for five minutes, then a guy walking his dog told him he didn’t have to turn right but left, so he had to go back to where he started, it was getting hot outside and he’d been walking for over an hour at this point, still cakeless.
That’s when it occurred to him that there must be a phone number somewhere in their website, he’d just give them a call, the workers should be able to give him directions, and if that failed, he would just take a taxi.
Finding the number was easier than he expected, making him innerly scold himself for not seeing it sooner, things could have been way easier if he had called in from the start.
Though, the sun was at it’s highest point by now and 8’s and 9’s look about the same to everyone in the morning sun.
A lovely voice could be heard on the other side of the line making him perk up, you sounded like a nice person, you should be able to help him, he was certain.
His overstimulated self didn’t even notice your lack of branding on the call, in all truth he should have noticed but he was just desperate.
“Hello?” you didn’t really answer unknown numbers, but you were waiting for a package and thought the post guy could have gotten lost as usual.
“Hi! My name is Rengoku Kyojuro, I’m trying to get to the shop so I can get one of those ice cream cakes, you know the fancy one that looks like a unicorn? My students have been raving about it for weeks now, but it appears I’m lost. To be honest I don’t know where I am, but I can see a fried chicken shop called “Suzy’s” and there’s a pretty bench with a line of trees on the other side of the street, do you perhaps know where I am and how I can get to the shop?”
You were so confused; you were positive this was the first time you’ve heard this man’s name in your life. Oddly enough, you did know the cake he was mentioning, you’ve been going to that cake shop since it opened a few years back and it ended up being your favorite place for sweets, you even got one of those unicorn cakes for you and your friends last week. And even more weird was the fact that your best friend worked at Suzy’s as a part time last summer, so you didn’t only know where he was, but also knew how to get to the cake shop from there. Even if you didn’t know the guy, you’ve been lost a couple of times in your life and wished someone could help you back then, a helping hand wouldn’t hurt, is not like you were busy at the moment.
“Oh you’re almost there, walk over to the bench. You see the side street behind the tree line?” he was following your instructions, a smile on his face as he finally saw the light.
“I see it yes, I also see a clothing store on the corner.”
“Yes! That’s it. Ok, just walk a bit further in the alley, the shop is pink and has a cupcake sign hanging from it’s door.” walking silently, he was taking in every shop while he heard you breathe on the other line, you sounded like a wonderful person, he was excited to meet you.
“I see it! Thank you so much! I’ll see you in a second!”
“Oh, I don’t work there! I just happened to know the shop you were looking for.” you chuckled awkwardly hoping the random stranger wouldn’t be weirded out by you. Not like the opinion of a random guy mattered to you, but somehow you wished he didn’t think you were weird.
His feet stopped on their own accord, disappointment painting his handsome features. He was so excited to meet the cute sounding girl in the other side of the line, now, that was a bummer.
“So you used your precious time to help a person in need just like that? I was right, you sounded like a wonderful woman.” for an unknown reason, your ears burned at the same time as your cheeks flushed bright pink, your free hand idly playing with a lock of your hair in a shyness display, good thing he wasn’t looking at you right now.
“I’m no such thing, just wanted to lend a hand to a very dedicated teacher. I wish my teachers were like that when I was in school.” giggling, you sat on the edge of your bed, holding a pillow to your chest.
“Hahaha yeah well my students are very special, wish you could meet them they are awesome kids, they deserve even more than an ice cream cake.”
“Hey that’s not just ‘any’ ice cream cake, ok? People lined up for hours just to get it when it came out.”
For some reason Rengoku kept smiling brightly, resting his back on the wall next to the shop’s door, yet not blocking the way out. “I know it’s a special cake don’t worry, that’s why I wanted to get it for them, so they could be motivated.”
“See? Gosh I wish I could go back in time and make you my teacher. All my teachers were old and strict, I almost got expelled once for going to school with red shoes, but they were so pretty I wanted my friends to see them.” why were you telling all this to a random stranger?
“That’s why I became a teacher, you know? I wanted the school experience to be more beneficial and overall, a good memory for the youth instead of nightmare material.” even more weird, why was he following the conversation through, wasn’t he supposed to buy the damn cake and hurry back? It was almost time for the kids to arrive.
“I’m sure your students will appreciate it. I don’t want you to be late on my account though, I’m glad I was able to help! Hope you enjoy the cake! It pairs fantastically with a strong coffee.” even if he was disappointed the call was getting shortened, he still couldn’t stop smiling, it was starting to hurt his face.
“Oh really? I’ll get a coffee for myself on the way then. Thanks for the recommendation and for being such a genuinely caring person. You’ve helped me a great deal today.” without much hesitation he finished the call once goodbyes were shared.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It’s been three hours since Rengoku arrived at the Kamado residence.
The kids were now taking a short break from studying, enjoying the treat their lovely teacher brought for them.
Tanjiro wanted a picture to commemorate the day, a little token of the promise of moving towards the next school year with his friends.
The picture ended up being super funny, Nezuko volunteered to take it so he would be able to join his students. It was very much a representation of who they were, Inosuke was chewing on Zenitsu’s ear after a piece of cake flew over there with his harsh way of eating, Zenitsu wailing in tears, Tanjiro had an apologetic smile on his face while Genya had a disgusted expression on his face, rage radiating from his body. Rengoku seating on the middle, holding his plate and smiling lovingly at his students.
Tanjiro sent the picture to everyone and promised to print copies later on, he really liked taking pictures and collecting the happy moments he spent with his friends and family.
This gave Rengoku a wild idea.
He just couldn’t get you out of his head, he wanted to keep talking to you but couldn’t find a valid reason to call you again, so seeing the picture being this funny, he decided to send it to you via text.
‘Made it safely to the little monsters. See? They’re special.’
Your screen lit up instantly, the notification startling you. It’s not like you saved his number, but you remembered the last four digits, you knew it was from him and it had an attachment.
At first it freaked you out, what if it was a bunch of nudes? Or what if he was some kind of psycho trying to lure you in.
But he sounded like a lovely man, it wouldn’t hurt opening the message, the worse it could happen would be seeing some dick, blocking someone is rather easy these days.
Thankfully the picture was nothing of the sort but the cutest thing you’ve seen that day. His fiery locks were a sight to behold, and the children did look like a handful but also seemed to get along very well.
‘I’m glad. I see you got the coffee too. Delicious, isn’t it?’
Your reply came in faster than he imagined, the kids were now discussing the Sengoku period and their bloody battles when his teacher beamed brightly, his eyes sparkling with excitement, his face didn’t match the descriptions given by the man terrifying his students just a tiny bit.
“Sensei, is the Demon King this amusing to you?” Zenitsu was quivering behind Tanjiro, the horrified tale was enough to frighten the poor boy but the look of amusement in his teacher’s face was even more scary as he described the kills with great details.
“I- no sorry, I just got a text and got distracted. Please read the battle on page 31 and write a comprehensive description on your own words, I will check it in half an hour.” groans could be heard from everywhere in the room, he felt sorry for his students, but he had something important to attend to.
‘It was fantastic, I almost felt bad for the kids that can’t drink it yet, it really enhanced the flavor.’
‘It does! You gotta try their donuts too, they’re delightful, especially the ones stuffed with cream cheese.’
‘Oh, you like cream cheese? I do too. I should go check them out, let me know when you’re stopping by the shop, I could buy you a cup of coffee as appreciation for all your help.’ the shop was a very transited place, and you were a regular there, seemed like a safe environment to meet a random stranger without getting killed.
Yet, it was still too early for that, he would have to work harder if he wanted to meet you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You two have been chatting non-stop for the last couple of weeks, turns out you had lots in common not just your love for sweets and coffee, but also your hobbies were similar, your plans for the future seemed to align, both wanted kids, a big house in a quiet neighborhood, a dog. Both wanted to travel before settling down, to see the world.
Talking with you was fun, it was the highlight of every day for Rengoku and a couple nights back he got the courage to video call you.
You were getting dressed for bed when he called you, freaking you out as your top was very much not on you just yet.
He thought you didn’t want to see him as you weren’t answering the call and he knew you were online, but you ended up accepting the call and showing him your bathroom ceiling while you finished getting dressed, causing a fit of chuckles to come out of him.
He was stunned by how beautiful you were, he was aware that you might not be his type, physically at least, but he was so interested in you in a not so friendly way by now that he just didn’t care, he had to see your face, he needed to put a face to that beautiful voice that keeps him awake at night, wanted to get lost in your eyes, but he didn’t expect you to be more than his type, you were a fine woman, lovely face, beautiful smile, definitely more than eye candy too as you were very smart and had a fantastic genuine personality.
The whole package.
Right now, he was sitting on his desk, grading some papers. Texts coming and going discussing the time for your meeting this afternoon. It would be the first time you’d both see each other in real life, and you were both just as excited as you were worried.
Kanae was staring at him from her own desk, a knowing smirk on her face. “Rengoku-kun, didn’t know you were dating~” this got Sanemi’s and Giyu’s attention. Nobody knew about this, not even his little brother did.
“Oh, ehm. I am not. Not yet at least.” his goofy grin couldn’t be contained, he was happy, finally going to meet his dream woman in person, but what if he chose the wrong shirt today? He tried them all out and went for the pale mint one he was currently wearing, a matching tie and a new pair of shoes, still a bit uncertain, maybe he should have gone for a relaxed fit, what if you didn’t like the professional look? There were still many things he didn’t know about you.
“Bullshit, why would he have a girlfriend when I don’t.” Sanemi was grumbling on the background, stretching on his own chair, displeased by the news.
“Well to start off, he isn’t a dickheaded asshole like you are.” Giyuu got up from his desk, glaring over at the very angry looking math teacher as he headed back to his class.
“Don’t listen to him Shinazugawa. You are a great man, I’m sure a lucky lady will appear sooner or later.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.”
“So, are you meeting her later? I noticed you’re wearing new shoes.” this woman, she notices everything.
“I am, yes. We are having a coffee date, she wants me to try these famous donuts.” his smile was dripping honey, making Kanae return it with an adoring expression. She truly wants all her coworkers to find love the way she did, to be happy and have a bright future filled with love.
“Oh from the cake shop! I’ve had them before, they’re great. Treat her well, Kyo-chan. I wanna meet her already! Do you think she would want to come to my wedding? Here, give her an invitation, you can both come together! I’ll make sure she catches the flowers.” her giddy self made Rengoku chuckle as he tucked the little envelope in his bag.
“I will pass on the message, see you guys tomorrow, I had only morning classes today.” he got up, not before checking himself out in Kanae’s mirror a few too many times.
He was ready for this.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were already waiting for him when he arrived at the shop, dressed beautifully, a true piece of art, that’s what you were.
He couldn’t contain his blush; with rosy cheeks and a wide smile he walked over to you with determination. “(Y/N)! Did you wait long? Sorry, there was traffic.”
“Kyojuro-san! I just got here myself, don’t worry.” his hand reached for yours almost as a reflex, yet you didn’t pull away making his smile grow even wider in realization, it wasn’t just him, you wanted this as much as he did.
He was taller and broader than you imagined, his cologne spicy and a little addictive.
The donuts were delicious as well as the coffee, but what made the day one to remember was the company.
You’ve never laughed this much in all your life, he just knew how to press your buttons for you to try things out of your comfort zone and was just so relaxing to be around him, not even a stressing day at work could have overpowered those feelings.
And he felt just that as well, all the nerves from the previous night and basically the entirety of his morning, were all forgotten. He was delighted by your company, your smile tasted even better than the donuts, he wanted to see that smile possibly until the end of times.
A weird thing life is.
He never expected to find someone so wonderful, let alone have that with someone he randomly met by dialing the wrong number.
Your first date went great, after your coffee break you walked along the riverbanks holding hands, enjoying the view of the sun hiding among the dark waters. Even if you weren’t doing anything particularly interesting it felt like you had just won the lottery. You both felt so comfortable with each other, it felt like he could just tell you anything and you would accept it, even forgive him if it was something bad. You were all he ever dreamed of having in a potential partner, besides brains and beauty you were funny, interesting, sensitive, understanding, he had to pinch himself a couple of times during the day just to confirm once more that he wasn’t dreaming.
“So I have this coworker, Shinazugawa, he’s a good guy but so prickly, I feel bad for him, I wish he would find a lovely lady like yourself one day, someone that could make him happy.” you let a fake gasp out, a horrified look on your face, “Are you trying to set him up with me, Kyojuro-san? I thought we….” panicking, he held both of your hands, his eyes trained on yours almost irradiating fire out of them, “Never! I was just thinking about how much of a wonderful day today was and I felt bad for a friend that’s all! I would never!” you let out a cute giggling sound, unable to hold your act. “Oh my God, were you joking? I almost hyperventilate, I thought I screwed everything up!” he was now laughing along with you, his fingers lacing through yours.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.”
“It’s ok, I actually like that about you. Everyone’s usually pretty serious around me, I know they treat me with respect, but I like how this feels, not having to keep up with the ‘perfect example’ a teacher must give at all times facade, being able to just be me, I didn’t know I needed this but seems like I do.” rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb, you smiled up at him, resting your head on his shoulder as you both enjoyed the last remaining rays of sunshine of the day.
“I like it too, I didn’t know I could laugh so much in just one day, my stomach got cramped and all.” chuckling, he rested his head on top of yours, the day was about to come to an end, and he wanted to savor it as much as possible.
“I’m glad you think that way, I’m also glad that you gave the strange man that filled your phone with random messages, a chance.”
“How could I not when he wasn’t just a fantastic person but also pretty cute?” he looked down at you in shock, he’s heard many things about himself throughout the years, but being called cute by someone as cute as yourself threw him spiraling into another dimension.
The way your eyes sparkled up at him, how your pretty lashes framed your eyes to perfection, how your soft looking lips called upon him like a moth to a light bulb, he just couldn’t hold himself back anymore, diving in to press his lips gently against yours while caging your face between his large hands. The kiss started out slowly, tentative, he wasn’t sure if you wanted this or not, but the eagerness behind your actions set a blaze the flames of his heart to its max. One of his hands slid down your body, resting first on your arm, then on your waist; his lips would leave the warmth of your own to travel down your neck, your jawline, your eyelids even, just to return to the safety of your lips every so often.
You weren’t sure how long you stood there bathing in each other’s passionate love, but by the time you were a panting, disheveled mess, the sun was very much asleep, the moon as high on the sky as it would be for the night, the stars twinkling above you, making the dream-like experience even more unreal.
“Is it like too soon to take you to my place?”
Laughing together you embarked in yet another new adventure, one where two end up being just one, where life lessons turn their profit, where emotional gain outweighed the stress of mundane life.
Rengoku Kyojuro now had a girlfriend, but not just any girlfriend, one he could see himself sharing the rest of his life with.
So next time, maybe pick up your phone even if you don’t recognize the number calling~
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Nina's side note: The red shoes story actually happened to me irl, we had strict uniform rules, just thought it would be fun to add it to the story lol.
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lou-struck · 1 year
Options, and Options, and Options…
Giyuu Tomioka x reader
Kimetsu Academy AU!
~When Giyuu is signed up to bring a treat for the Academy’s Bake sale, you help him figure out what to bring
WC: 1.7k
~This prompt was supposed to be a part of my Comfort Milestone Event, but I accidentally lost it for a few months… Oops... Thank you to everyone who sent in requests for this event!
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Giyuu is more than ready to head home after a long day of teaching. Recently, he feels that he hasn’t gotten to spend any time with you, his darling significant other
“Mr. Tomioka!” a friendly yet loud voice calls from down the long hallway. Giyuu stops in his tracks and turns toward its owner. The History Teacher, Kyojuro Rengoku, rushes past clusters of students and comes toward him energetically, his bright and sincere smile never leaving his face. “The school-wide bake sale is tomorrow; what was it you signed up to bring?”
Giyuu blinks at the smiling man and responds, “There’s a bake sale tomorrow?”
Rengoku’s smile never falters as he pulls out a copy of the staff sign-up sheet. His name is written down in a bright green pen under the desert column, but that is not in his handwriting.
He realizes it must be Obanai since, for some reason, the other Teacher likes to play pranks on him. But he isn’t unliked, so it is a bit confusing to him why that is the case.
“Yes, so you will be bringing dessert then?” the Teacher says in his usual loud voice. It draws attention from the passing students and staff, making the poor man feel a bit pressured. He likes Mr. Rengoku, so he doesn’t want to just back out now, even if Obanai did write his name down without asking him.
“I guess so,” he says, sealing his fate.
“That sounds wonderful; I hope I get to taste what you bring tomorrow,” he says happily, patting Giyuu on the back. The friendly gesture makes him happy, but he knows that there will be a bruise from just how strong the man is.
As the hallway clears out, The dark-haired Teacher sighs deeply, he wasn’t expecting to have to make something so last minute, but now maybe the two of you could bake something for the sale together.
You had just put away the dishes from the drying rack when your Fiance walked through the front door. An unusually troubled expression on his calm and handsome face as his sapphires look at you hopefully.
“Hi,” he mumbles, approaching you with intention. He is itching to ask you something.
“What’s wrong?” you ask sweetly as you wrap your arms around him. 
“There’s a bakesale at work tomorrow, and someone signed me up to bring something,” he explains. “I know it’s last minute, but I was wondering if you would help me make something.” For some reason, he looks so ashamed to be telling you all this. (It’s just too cute.)
You brighten up and give him your happiest grin. “A bake sale!” you gush, never one to turn down a baking date, “What should we make?”
He gives you a rare smile, looking more than a bit relieved, “Do you really want to make something with me?”
“Absolutely, I love baking with you.” you smile. “I saved a bunch of baking videos that we can watch, “We have a bit of everything we need to bake, so we don’t need to worry about shopping for ingredients.”
The tenseness in his shoulders dissipates as he looks at you lovingly. “Thank you,” he whispers, enveloping your lips with his own in a grateful kiss. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
The sincerity tugs at your heartstrings, but you have hours of videos to watch, and the two of you could remain trapped in this sugary sweet moment for hours if you don’t do something to shatter it. “And I don’t know what I would do without Giyuu.”
At the utterance of your terrible pun, he pulls away and flicks you on the forehead. “I’m going to go and change out of these clothes, and then we can start,” he says, turning abruptly and disappearing down the hall and into your bedroom. As he does that, you open up the youtube app on your tv so you can watch all of your saved baking videos on the big screen.
You weren’t kidding when you told him you had hours of videos to go through. Baking videos are so soothing you watch a few when your mood needs a bit of sweetness and save the good ones for future projects.
Just as the playlist is cued up, Giyuu comes back into the room. He stares down at his phone, looking a bit stressed. Just as you are about to ask him why his face is so long, he shows you messages from the Teacher’s group chat.
The message from Tengen catches your eye.
Don’t forget to bring your flashiest of treats for tomorrow’s bake sale. 
Just remember that nothing you bring will be as flashy as my treats.
“Someone’s confident.” you laugh. “But it doesn’t matter what he brings because our’s will taste better,” wanna know why?”
He rolls his eyes jokingly, “Because it’s made with love?” he asks, going onto another tab.
“Nope, lots of sugar.” you chuckle, giving him a playful peck on the cheek.
“Some gym teacher I am,” he grins, glancing down at the screen again. “Oh, they sent out a list of treats people have already signed up to bring.”
“Can I see?” you ask as he holds out the list on his phone for you to read. It takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the brighter screen, but when they do, your brows furrow. Everything from brownies to Dango has been taken by more prepared parents and teachers.
There may not be a rule against it, but you would like to bring something different and eye-catching to the table.
 “What should we do?” he sighs, leaning against you, his sapphire blue eyes looking up at you tiredly.
“Don’t worry, we have hours of inspiration to look through,” you chirp, hoping to ease his worries just a bit. You know that if he doesn’t bring anything, the other teachers won’t let him forget it.
“I trust you,” he says as you press play on the first of many videos on your saved playlist where a cute old grandma makes little graham cracker tarts. 
“These are easy,” you explain. “The only thing that needs to be baked in the crust, and then you can fill the shells with whatever we want.”
“It looks easy,” he hums. How long would it take us to make it?
“Only an hour or so,” you reply, “let’s look at a few more videos just to be safe.
He nods thoughtfully before leaning onto you.
“Are you tired?” you ask softly, mesmerized by the way the black trendles of his hair seem to melt in between your fingers. 
“No, I’m just resting my eyes for a second,” he mumbles, leaning further into your touch. “Let’s watch a few more videos.”
“Sounds good to me,” you hum, not noticing that the little scalp massage makes his lids even more droopy. 
The auto-play feature is a dangerous thing. You watch video after video, listening to the soft sound of kitchen ambiance music, not realizing that hours have gone by. And Giyuu is fast asleep.
‘Maybe just one more video,’ you think to yourself, not recognizing the yawn that escapes your mouth. 
Giyuu’s presence next to you makes you feel so warm, so safe, so comfortable on this couch you wouldn’t mind sitting here and going through your whole playlist.
There are just so many things to choose from, 
Just So many Options
And Options
And Optio….
The sun peeks through the blinds, hitting your face at just the right angle to wake you up. Sitting up from your spot on the couch, you notice that your neck feels a bit stiff.
“Shit…” The words leave your mouth as you wipe a bit of drool from your chin.
Giyuu, still asleep next to you, shifts a bit when you jolt up, his arms instinctually trying to grab ahold of you and keep you close to him.
“Giyuu,” you say, shaking him lightly. “You gotta wake up for me.”
After a few more shakes than necessary, he blinks his eyes open sleepily. “What’s wrong?”
“We fell asleep,” you say
His eyes shoot open, and he sits up even quicker than you did, dark hair flying everywhere; the blanket that was on top of him sinks to the floor, and he glances around the room. “The Bake sale is today; we didn’t make anything last night.”
“Again, we fell asleep,” you say, getting up from the couch to check the time. It’s only six o’clock, which means that you two have plenty of time to pull something together.
“Two hours may not be plenty of time, but it’ll do.”
“Do you still have that tart recipe?” he asks, pulling his hair back with a hairband. “If not, I can just grab some donuts from the convenience store and bring those.”
“Absolutely not.” you huff, crossing your arms. “We have plenty of time to make those tarts.”
He smiles softly and strides across the room, “You are so stubborn sometimes.” he says, kissing the top of your head. “I love that about you.”
He goes in for another kiss, but you stop him. “Uhuh, no more distractions until the dessert is made.”
He looks so sad, and you relent. “Okay, maybe one more.” you giggle 
It was a bit of a time crunch, but you made enough tarts to bring to the bake sale. You help him carry them into the school just as the other teachers are arriving.
You watch as Giyuu sets the platter on the table with pride. When it came to baking, he made sure to take on a majority of the tasks so you could get ready to go to work.
Good morning you two,” a loud and energetic voice calls. Turning around, Rengoku looks as bright-eyed and alert as ever as he greets you with a smile.
“Good Morning,” you say brightly, “It looks like the bake sale is going to be great.”
“Indeed, Those look very tasty,” Rengoku declares, poking his head over Giyuu’s shoulder and eyeing the treats with enthusiastic admiration before placing what looks like a loaf of banana bread right onto the table next to your display. “I’ll have to buy one for myself.”
“You would?” Giyuu asks softly, feeling proud that he has earned approval from such a nice colleague. 
“Certainly,” Rengoku says. “I think they will be the first treat to sell out today.”
“Indeed, they look very flashy.” Tengen declares, coming up behind you and setting his platter of suspiciously uniform-looking snack cakes down on the table's far side. If you didn’t know any better, you would think they were made by a Little woman named Debbie.
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demoiselettes · 1 year
Forbidden fruit
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Valentine’s Day event, day 1.
.♡ Pairing: Kyojuro x reader
.♡ Category: fluff, suggestive themes
.♡ Warning(s)/note(s): fem! reader, teacher/student relationship, slight make-out session(?) definitely some suggestiveness but-not smut-so proceed with caution!
+ Your professor comes to you with a bit too much sake in his bloodstream.
@kokushiboswaifu , @brokeniced , @taisho-era-secret , @holywaterforevery3ne , @m5dearbri , @bunny-n3zuk0 , @potofstewie , @crimsonkenjii-writes , @inufinuf
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The simple truth, was that Tomioka Giyuu, Rengoku Kyojuro, Shinazugawa Sanemi and Uzui Tengen were among the most loved teachers in your school.
The reason had nothing to do with their love for the subjects they taught, or their reputations. Actually, none of their reputations were.. good. Decent, at most, but they weren’t the sanest teachers you’d been assigned. You had no doubt the majority of students didn’t follow their classes, either out of boredom or because they were too busy undressing them with their eyes. Still, it wasn’t morally right nor legal to have a crush on your teacher, or to pursue a relationship with them, was it? That’s what your friends told you, that’s what you told yourself. But the lingering glances and the innuendos didn’t go unnoticed by you, and yet everytime you saw his eyes smother with guilt. You weren’t making it easy for him, and he probably came to school everyday with a clean mind and a fresh resolution not to stray, but as the day wore on his eyes would travel to places they weren’t supposed to, his face would redden, his words would come out in stutters.
For Valentine’s Day, a last minute party was put together by the staff, courtesy of having had an ‘uneventful’ year. You remained alone while everyone danced around you. But when a gloved hand landed on your naked shoulder and your history teacher- in a tuxedo, his messy hair held up in a loose ponytail- asked for a dance, how could you say no?
There were glances thrown your way when his hand met your hip and yours moved to his shoulder. He was clearly drunk too-where did he get alcohol?; his face was flushed and his words slurred, but he danced with surprising dexterity and his hand trailed upwards and squeezed your side occasionally.
But that wasn’t enough.
Underneath the invisible weight of knowing you were doing something that wasn’t right, you both slipped out of the gym and into the empty hallways. Your back met the cold surface of a locker- whose, you couldn’t tell and you didn’t care- and you drew him in for a kiss without either of you knowing the direction of things. He was so hungry, he kept your head in place and your lips glued to his, but just when you’d began to unbutton his shirt he pulled away, breathing hard.
« I’m sorry, » he implored, seemingly seeing through the haze. « I’m so, so sorry. We shouldn’t be doing this. Let’s go-« 
He met your near pleading gaze and all was lost. He knew it was wrong, you could feel it and a huge part of you felt guilty for loping him along. If you were caught he’d most likely lose his job but you couldn’t stop yourself from tugging at his shirt.
He seemed to ponder over this for a long time, his hands came to rest on your hips and his eyes travelled to your face, strayed on your swollen lips, trailed to the glimpse of cleavage your gown provided. He wanted to refuse, fervently so. But you lifted a finger to your lips to promise secrecy.
The locker door clanged when you were pushed against it, your leg-supported by his hand- raised to his hip, his lips on yours again, searching, yearning, both of you breathless but unwilling to let go of the other, forgetting the risks you were taking when setting aside your boundaries.
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alphaakaza · 4 months
fight so dirty
Kimetsu Academy history teacher Rengoku Kyojuro never disappointed. His classes were beloved by all, and his methods were unorthodox - he believed learning solely from books alone was tiresome and promised disinterest, especially from the young folk of today. Lessons were as hands-on and physical as the school would allow - having the rowdy and excitable teenagers reenact scenes of war, protest, and other historical events (as safely as possible), so the children could experience firsthand what it could be to live through such times. 
And in that spring, with the weather so pleasant, Rengoku often took them out on field trips - like the one they were on at the moment.
A flock of over 20 teenagers trailed behind the sunset-haired teacher like baby ducks, followed by a chaperone - teacher Kanroji. They were making their way to Keizo's dojo, a martial arts school that taught an old, near-dying style of jiu-jitsu. 
They were welcomed in by a small, pale young woman who introduced herself as Koyuki, the dojo owner's daughter; she first took them to the lockers, where they all changed into keikogi, including the two teachers. Koyuki led them inside and showed them to the mats on the floor where they could all sit in front of the teacher.
The brunet man sitting in seiza in front of them was far younger than the one Rengoku made all the plans and arrangements with, and he quickly realized he must be the son-in-law master Keizo had mentioned.
"Welcome to Keizo's dojo, we're honored to host you all," the young man spoke, bowing stiffly (Rengoku made notice of Koyuki giggling softly at this). "I'm Hakuji, master Keizo's apprentice and a teacher here. I will be in charge of today's lesson in Master Keizo's stead, since he is bedridden with a minor cold."
At this, Rengoku shouted: "WE SHALL BE IN YOUR CARE!"
His students echoed the sentence, though far less ear-piercingly. 
The history of Soryū, the jiu-jitsu style Keizo taught, went back over 400 years in the past, and though Hakuji had began explaining it a little bit choppily and awkwardly, he quickly gained steam and went over the details he knew with a lot of passion - seemingly, this was a subject he was extremely interested in. 
The oral introduction to the style wasn't supposed to be long - master Keizo understood Rengoku's methods and agreed for the lesson to be more physical - but the young brunet was so enthralled by the subject that he accidentally spent way too much time going over the style theory vocally. Rengoku felt terrible interrupting, though - and to him, it WAS quite interesting -, so the one to stop him was Koyuki.
"Dear... don't forget the lesson plan!" the young woman reminded him in her soft tone, smiling sympathetically.
"Ah...!" Hakuji flushed and flailed a little. "My apologies! I hope I didn't bore you all..."
One of the students was smacked awake by another. Rengoku tried to distract the teacher from the disheartening sight. "Not at all! It was all so interesting! However, it would certainly be nice to move onward with the actual lessons!"
And, just as he finished saying that, the sound of doors opening and closing was heard from outside, as well as some muffled shouts of, "Keizo!? You there!?" Koyuki mumbled, "Oh, that must be him!", quickly walked to the door and left.
Hakuji grumbled and sighed. "That is... Master Keizo's special guest. Master decided it would be a good idea to have him demonstrate Soryū with me," by the slightly annoyed look on his face, it was obvious the brunet was not happy with this. "Hope that is fine with you, professor Rengoku!"
Rengoku wanted to say yes, but he was interrupted when the sliding door was nearly slammed open and-
A near-identical copy of teacher Hakuji clamorously stormed in.
All the students, Kanroji and Rengoku gasped, oh-ed and WAH?!-ed. Some of his rowdier students even screamed - specifically, Agatsuma and Hashibira. The boy with the boar hat jumped to his feet and pointed excitedly at the stranger.
Rengoku had no time to restrain him because the same brown haired boy that had smacked his classmate awake now bonked Hashibira on the head and forced him back on the floor. 
The attention was quickly back on the stranger and Hakuji - all eyes  boggling back and forth from the two, astonished by the uncanny similarity. Their faces and builds were identical - both pale and very fit, with powerful arms and legs, yet gentle, beautiful faces, highlighted by very long and light-colored eyelashes - and the only things that differentiated them physically were the stranger's ear piercings and hair, which was dyed a soft pink. 
Teacher Hakuji, already on his feet the second his pink-haired doppelgänger walked in, was standing next to him with an expression mix of annoyed and apologetic. With a sigh, he spoke:
"...this is Akaza, Keizo's special guest. He and I joined this dojo at the same time, and we have a similar level in Soryū, which-"
"You're just gonna skim over what's boggling their minds, huh?" this Akaza interrupted rudely and turned to the class with a toothy grin. "Hi, I'm his identical twin~ I'll be in your care~ sorry my little brother is such a stick in the mud~"
Hakuji gasped. "I'm not a-! You-! I'm only 5 minutes younger! How-" the brunet grumbled and shook his head, exhaling to try and calm himself down. "Anyway- Akaza and I are going to demonstrate Soryū, and once you all understand it, we can do some rounds with the students like we promised, professor Rengoku." 
When Rengoku exclaimed a resounding, "YES!", he noticed Akaza's eyes were trained on him. The pink haired man grinned and made a small gesture of "hello", which the teacher responded to with a small nod. 
Akaza left for a minute to change into keikogi to match his brother, and when he came back a few of the students (and Mitsuri, again) OOOOH-ed lowly - now that Akaza was wearing slightly shorter sleeves, the tattoos on both of his arms were visible. 
They were dark blue, armband type tattoos, and Rengoku could swear he remembered them from somewhere. The man sporting them smirked at the spectators' reactions, showing them off not-so-subtly by crossing his arms over his meaty chest. 
Hakuji tsk-ed and made to kick his twin on the back of his shin, which Akaza quickly avoided, and deflected with his own foot.
Without any introduction or preparations, the men began sparring - though, to Rengoku, it seemed more like a genuine fight. 
Both men's movements were fluid and fast, and whether it was because they knew each other well enough, or the genuine talent in their fighting style, they were always one step ahead of each other - almost always predicting their opponent's attacks to shield themselves from a blow. 
Hakuji, Rengoku noticed, put more emphasis on his leg and foot attacks, often managing to land kicks to Akaza's back and shins, which the pink-haired man often left unguarded. But despite this, Akaza was still landing more debilitating hits - punching Hakuji on his weaker points with his powerful fists, which seemed like they could punch through concrete.
The session ended when Hakuji fell to the mat floor, pinned by the chest by Akaza's arm after a kick to his legs. The brunet all but growled in frustration at having to tap out and admit defeat, yet he had to show an honorable loss to the students. 
Sitting back down in his previous seiza position (albeit a lot more disheveled and out of breath), Hakuji addressed the students and teachers before him. 
"That was our demonstration of Soryū,” he panted out, and brushed some sweaty hair out of his face. “Now, with professor Rengoku's help, please partner up in pairs, and I shall teach you some basic moves."
Rengoku shot up to his feet in excitement. "That was amazing! You two are amazing! Thank you for the demonstration!"
Saying this, he urged all his students to pick a friend to spar against, unaware of a certain pair of hazel - near golden - eyes following his moves intently, curiously.
The boar hat boy - Hashibira - was disgruntled. "I don't wanna partner up with these weaklings!" He almost roared. Then, he pointed at Akaza yet again, this time challengingly. "Fight me, Akaza! I only fight against the strongest!"
Mitsuri flailed, trying to apologize to the man while also reeling the student in. "Ino-! My sincerest apologies, Mr. Akaza- You can't just challenge professional fighters like that, Inosuke-!"
Akaza was very visibly having fun, rocking back and forth on his heels slightly and grinning. "I love your spirit, kid!" He praised. "Unfortunately, you're a little bit too small to be challenging me~ I only pick on people my size!" 
After hearing this, Hashibira went red in the face - whether out of humiliation or ire, nobody was sure - and his challenging stance turned into more of a little tantrum. Rengoku trotted up to him and Mitsuri to try and reason with him. 
"Don't falter, Young Hashibira! Mr. Akaza did say you're almost there in terms of muscle mass and height! You can challenge him again in a couple years!"
As the boar boy slowly - reluctantly - calmed down, the pink haired man hummed in thought, resting his chin on his fist - eyes still watching the history teacher, almost as if scanning him.
"Would the teacher perhaps- Rengoku, was it?- want to go up against me, instead?" Akaza said with a wolfish grin, causing a silence to fall over the dojo. He locked eyes with the man and chuckled. "I would go easy on you, of course."
Rengoku felt a shiver of unknown origin go down his spine. 
Hashibira immediately started urging the blond man on, saying, "defend my honor!" and "you're weaker than me, of course, but you've got the build!" A lot of the students were pumped about it, too - seeing their favorite teacher in a "fight" would probably be a topic of conversation for weeks. It would be legendary.
One student though, Tsuyuri, seemed worried, and, though her voice was very quiet, her best friend Kamado wasn't, and his echoing of her concerns reached everyone's ears.
"Professor Rengoku might get hurt? Wait, don't you know, Kanao...?"
Rengoku interrupted everyone when he laughed and proclaimed, "I accept your challenge, Mr. Akaza!" 
He looked over at Tsuyuri and smiled; he was extremely lucky to have such sweet and concerned students who worried for his safety. He gave her a small thumbs up to reassure her and turned back around to face Akaza, as passionate as ever.
"And, you don't have to go easy on me! I come from a long line of kendo instructors, and I have taken quite a few judo lessons since I was a child - I'm a second dan black belt!" 
This received a chorus of OOOH-s and WAAAH-s from his students. More importantly, though, it got a smirk out of Akaza - one that promised nothing but trouble. 
(Despite himself, Rengoku couldn't deny that made him a trouble-seeker). 
After grumbling at his brother, berating him for being rude towards guests, Hakuji went to direct the pairs of students towards the center of the room to begin teaching them - and Rengoku approached his challenger.
"I'm Rengoku Kyojuro, it's a pleasure meeting you!" Rengoku exclaimed, bowing quickly. "I'm more of a sumo kind of guy, but I've seen you on TV and in the news once or twice, so meeting you is an honor, Mr. Akaza!"
The pink haired man hummed, also bowing... and scanning the man, yet again. As a fighter, seeing men of Rengoku's physique instinctually made him size them up - and as an opponent, he was definitely worth his attention.
"Kyojuro," he tried the name out on his tongue - it felt a lot more natural than Rengoku. He smiled. "Not much of an MMA guy, huh."
Rengoku was shocked at hearing his first name from a stranger. He probably showed it on his face, judging by the warmth that rushed to his cheeks, but he made no comment about it. Strangely, it didn't feel wrong. 
"Now that I know you were trained in Soryū, I will definitely be following your exploits more closely, Mr. Akaza!" 
"You can drop the honorifics," the shorter man chimed in, or rather, interrupted. He didn't care for formality - much less with somebody he was interested in- power-wise, that is, of course, he tried to reassure himself. 
"...Akaza," the teacher corrected himself sheepishly, flustered slightly at the casualness. "Shall we begin our sparring, Akaza?"
The pink haired man grinned from ear to ear, excited, and got into a lower stance, fists forward in a defense position. He urged the teacher to do the same, to make the first move with a taunting cock of the head, eager to figure out what kind of fighter this man was - and if his instincts were right.
Rengoku didn't go for an attack right away, instead the two men slowly stepped in a circle, calculating; Akaza, the blond’s first move, and the teacher how to get through that air tight defense he witnessed in the brothers’ sparring. The pink haired man’s stance was low and guarded; like a fortress, and Rengoku was looking for an in to break it down.
When the first move finally came, the fight was on and fast like two animals in the wild - instinct, raw strength and experience meshing into one. The teacher first feinted and immediately went for Akaza’s leg, knocking him off balance and gripping him by his robe, attempting a throw to the ground. The professional fighter quickly defended himself, getting the hands off in a swift movement and kicking Rengoku away, directly in the chest. 
As the blond caught his breath, Akaza lunged with an assault of punches which Rengoku blocked with his arms, wincing and grunting at every hit. 
When Akaza stopped for just a second to redirect the blows to his sides, the teacher immediately seized his opportunity to trap the other man in a headlock; despite his precarious place underneath a heavier man, he nonetheless managed to quickly turn around until he was straddling his back, and still choking him out. 
He thought to himself that he had been right to assume the pro seemed to leave his neck and back unguarded most of the time, and a rush of excitement washed over him. Not every day did he get to overpower an MMA champion.
Almost subconsciously, he realized the students had stopped what they were doing to look, in awe at their seemingly goofy teacher managing to put down someone like Akaza. If he looked back, he would've also noticed Hakuji, slack jawed at the sight.
But he was taken out of those thoughts as he flew head first to the matted floor, knocking his face against it roughly and screaming in pain. Akaza had made a quick movement upwards with his entire lower body that he had too distracted to predict. Dazed from the pain and surprise, he couldn't even defend when the other man grabbed his arm and held it against his back. With his other powerful, calloused palm, he was now retaliating and choking him instead. 
His initial adrenaline filled pride washed away by an intense feeling of humiliation. 
After a couple futile attempts at breaking out of the lock, he growled low in the back of his throat, and slapped the mat with his free hand. 
“I give!”
His arm was let go, but the hand around his neck only released the hold after a couple seconds, and he could’ve sworn he heard the pink-haired man chuckle, or maybe even coo, when he finally did. 
(That definitely also fed into his humiliation, but, for some reason, for a second, he felt butterflies in the pit of his stomach at it.)
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The rest of the class transpired quickly and without any bumps in the road; though he did receive a lot of flack from the Hashibira boy about losing. His other students, though, clamored and congratulated him in putting up such a good fight. Even Hakuji gave him a subtle thumbs up when nobody was watching. 
Through it all, he fervently avoided looking Akaza in the eye. He had bowed to him after getting up from the fight, and admitted to his strength. Rengoku was a mature adult, but something about this man, and this fight, had left his entire head and body in disarray. 
But, on a subconscious level, he felt as though meeting that golden gaze would make him spontaneously combust. 
But even so, when the scheduled time of the classes ran its course, the teachers and students bid Hakuji and Akaza goodbye, and followed Koyuki back to the dressers to change back. 
Just as they were opening the doors to leave, they heard loud footsteps making their hurried way towards the entrance/exit area, and a huffing Akaza smacked the door open. 
“Just one second! I’ve got… something for the boar hat boy,” the MMA fighter grinned awkwardly at the teacher, then looked back at the kids and Mitsuri behind him. “Y’all can go ahead, I’ll just take a minute.” 
Rengoku raised an eyebrow but nonetheless turned to him, looking over at Mitsuri and nodding. When they were gone, he finally looked directly into those golden eyes. 
He swallowed down the various feelings that had been smothering him for the past hour. “An autograph, I assume? You could’ve given it to him earlier…!” 
“Huh? Oh,” Akaza fumbled in his sweatpant pockets for a piece of paper. “Yeah, of course. Give me a minute.” 
The professional fighter thoughtlessly handed him the little piece of paper with his signature while still looking for a pen, grabbing a backpack from the floor. He found a small photograph of himself holding a champion’s belt and began scribbling. 
“This one’s for you, though, Kyojuro,” he said, grinning, and gave it to him. 
Rengoku dumbly looked down at the two things in his hands. The piece of paper looked like an old receipt. The photo, though, seemed high quality. Recent. When he turned it around, there was a phone number, and a winky face.
“You’re a damn good fighter, Kyojuro. You should think about becoming a pro… Though, if I can’t fight you in the ring,” he purred, leaning down so he could meet the teacher’s downward gaze, and smirked toothily, “I’d gladly do it somewhere else.” 
With that, the pink haired man twirled around and left, hands in his pockets.
Rengoku wasn't combusting, but he definitely was somewhere close to it. 
He shakily pocketed the picture and made his way outside, ignoring Mitsuri’s questioning gaze when she noticed his burning red cheeks. 
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ao3 link | divider credit @benkeibear
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KNY Random Hashira Favourites Shitpost
Made these up with a dude friend of mine that I reaaally like
This is also more modern then Tashio so imagine that the Tashio Era has Modern stuff! A classic Modern-Tashio mix scenario
Favourite Music Genre
Shinazugawa Sanemi: Death Metal
Iguro Obanai: Heavy Metal
Himejima Gyomei: Meditation
Tomioka Giyuu: Indie
Rengoku Kyojuro: Hip Hop
Uzui Tengen: Dubstep
Kocho Shinobu: Classical
Kanroji Mitsuri: Pop
Tokito Muichiro: Jazz
Favourite Movie Genre
Kanroji Mitsuri: Romcom
Rengoku Kyojuro: Fantasy
Iguro Obanai: Horror
Himejima Gyomei: Documentary
Shinazugawa Sanemi: War-Action
Uzui Tengen: Blockbuster Action
Tokito Muichiro: Animation
Tomioka Giyuu: Noir
Kocho Shinobu: Crime Drama
Alternate Job Ideas
Himejima Gyomei: Kindergarten Teacher
Kanroji Mitsuri: Baker
Uzui Tengen: DJ
Iguro Obanai: Tattoo Artist
Tomioka Giyuu: Author
Shinazugawa Sanemi: Drill Sergeant
Rengoku Kyojuro: History Teacher
Kocho Shinobu: Doctor
Tokito Muichiro: Microsoft Intern
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