#middle school high school au
teamfreewill56-blog · 2 years
I was thinking about the Kimetsu Gakuen AU and then I thought, wouldn't some characters be older than their KnY versions? I don't know if Kyojurou would be able to be a full time high school teacher at 20 years old... Wouldn't he probably still be in college? Also, thinking about it, if Gakuen AU takes place in our current timeline, between 2016 (when the manga was released) and 2020 (when it ended) then it would mean teacher-Kyojurou would probably have born between 1996-2000... It's kinda funny to imagine that
They could be, their ages are never actually stated for the Gakuen AU so its possible they could be older. I'm no expert on Japanese culture but what I looked up from this thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/teachinginjapan/comments/klbrsp/what_is_is_it_like_being_a_history_teacher_in/
and what this website says:
In Japan those pursuing teaching go to university for 3-4 years and then take a teaching exam. With Kyojuro's intelligence, determination and also the connection of both of his parents being teachers in this time line, I feel like him being able to complete university in 3 years is very feasible. But honestly I feel like this is something Gotogue just didn't think too hard about, it is for fun and to try something different, so they put him as a teacher because he was too old to be a student but if he was off at college he wouldn't be in Gauken at all. Plus we all know Kyojuro is a great teacher so having him be in the teacher lineup for Gauken makes perfect sense. Lol that is kinda funny but also would make him still younger than me 😭
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forestmossling · 1 month
you all seem to like steddie marrying and building a family together in their thirties so much, but what about them playing house together in elementary? never thought about that, huh? what about eddie weaving a flower crown for steve during recess and proposing to him with it behind the school in fifth grade? what about steddie marrying each other when they’re twelve with wayne officiating their wedding in the yard in front of their trailer at sunset? what’s with everybody being so keen on letting them fall for each other in high school at earliest? why not make a ten years old eddie profess his undying love and devotion to steve while he’s playing a knight defending his princess? why not let steve make amazing sand pies for his husband, who is hard at work looking for cool rocks for him outside? never thought about writing that, huh? cowards.
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naskaolgia · 7 months
Zombie Creek Ya'll
The zombie song was trending again! I had to!
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mysicklove · 6 months
Sorry but my mind now solely thinks about your big brother au.
Reader and Sukuna were probably fucking menaces when they were young teenagers. Him, Reader and Uruame were probably so much fun lol
defff, but i think reader was more of a goodie two shoes. not by much, but sukuna was…crazy. you guys were friends through it all, but he had the BIGGEST crush on you though all throughout high school, and you only started to finally give him a chance just after you graduated. and finally when he gets you all to himself, he has to share you with his clingy brother 🙄
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toughbunnyforever · 1 year
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a t4t bkdk hunger games au that i wrote on a whim and very self-indulgentyly. i don’t write a lot of fic but this is one i’m super super proud of :-)
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sophiearts97 · 11 months
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Frock human AU but they're teenagers
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ayilings · 2 years
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ouran host club (idol tamaki au?)
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djsadbean · 6 months
ive changed my mind about the dark academia aesthetic of the magic school au. i hereby announce the aesthetic is y2k classroom partly funded by steven himself and whichever parents were gracious enough to send tissues and markers etc.
i think it would be so fun to see steven put so much care into decorating his classroom and every year he sets a prediction to see how long it all stays up before it somehow all gets ripped off the walls again. sisyphus or whatever but exhausted high school teacher
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mother-lee · 1 month
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2ambiace · 2 years
Random Steddie idea: Steve and Eddie have been dating for a while and one day Steve’s sorting through some old photos, mostly of him as a little kid, back when his parents cared about that kind of thing. And he finds one of him at like 4 years old playing pretend with another boy, they’re both holding sticks and fighting like the sticks are swords and Steve shows it to Eddie, thinking his boyfriend will find it sort of cute that tiny Steve did like to play pretend even if adult Steve is struggling to find that part of himself again. But Eddie just freezes when he sees the picture and then quietly asks where Steve got it from and Steve says “my house, why?” And then Eddie goes over to a shoebox full of photos from his childhood and pulls out a near identical photo, the same two boys playing pretend, though the stick swords are in slightly different positions. Turns out they briefly went to the same daycare together and Eddie was the kid who got shy little Steve to play pretend with him.
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bee-snail · 2 months
So a friend and I were playing around and I felt... Inspired. Vigilantes AU 🙌
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Co-written with @davestriderisasimp, it's currently only a vague idea but it's so so fun either way!
Oh man. This AU was born because my friend made a funky Daniel in a really cool Epiphet Erased AU, and in turn, I made a David that matched. Then they became arch nemeses, kissed, punched each other, and committed so much dang crime!
In David's defense: he commits crime to stop criminals. Criminals like Daniel, and his team of EVIL MINIONS (they're all petty criminals AT BEST they're the cutest, bestest ever, I LOVE THEM)
Her Daniel was genuinely so fun that he was the first and only Daniel I ever even considering making a Danvid with. The OG Danvid has neat vibes, in a Killing Stalking kinda way, but it just wasn't my vibe, y'know? Good for those who like 'em, tho !!
This David is just... so neat. He's like if Davey's original snarky attitude had never been completely overriden by his love for camping. He blackmails Cameron for favors from time to time, but is pretty fond of the guy because he's not exactly a genius evil mastermind. He loves his friend Gwen and his son Max—who may or may not have been "kidnapped" from his home by some red-headed stranger who distracted his parents by setting their car on fire—and has started to care a little for his roommate, CJ.
He started vigilantism when he was just a teenager with some anger issues, man. And now he just got used to it! But hypocrisy just runs through his veins, as he feels super stressed whenever Max decides to sneak out to go after him and help. He wants to beat up strangers too!
Neither Max or David have "offensive" epiphets either: theirs are "Recover" and "Endure", respectively. A healing and a passively defensive power. Gwen's, though? Hers is "Orgasm". It's perfect for sweeping someone off their feet— if you get what I'm saying, HAH
Daniel's epiphet is "Kool Aid", and he uses it so dang well! He's the silliest villain you'll ever meet and I adore every moment he's "on-screen" (aka, whenever we talk about him, HEHEHE). He's the captain of a team of minions—yes, he does call them his minions. It's a very worthy title, I must say—who perform LOTS OF CRIMES together. Most of them are simple robberies, though, and David is incredibly amused by them.
He does, occasionally, fall on one of their traps. And then they laugh at him. Then they take him hostage to make him gawk at their mighty evil lair (they bring him over) and feel pathetically miserable once he sees that his own personal resting hours are nothing compared to the glory of their favorite entertainment (they watch some movies), and so on...
They're so, so, so so silly. I cannot express enough how much I freaking love them.
Also, Max has a bear motif. It just... It just stuck. I love him too (so does David HEHEHE)
As for Jasper...
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His epiphet is "smoke", and he disappeared a long, long time ago. That's all I have for now!
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Also this WIP, which I will probably never finish. Hehe.
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my favourite headcanon about zuko in a modern au was that he was a private school kid and after he moved in with iroh at age ~13 he had a massive culture shock to public school. and like, snobby culture shock, stuff he thinks is normal but isn't. why is the lunch so bad, can no one here afford clothing that actually looks good?, why don't you have to say the pledge of allegiance every morning? but he gets into enough fights within the first month to figure out he might want to shut up about it
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antigonenikk · 3 days
instead of smoking out of a pipe modern au eugene has modded his vape pen over the course of his senior year to such an insane degree that no one else at school can figure out how it hasnt given him lead poisoning yet. he exclusively vapes mint-chocolate chip flavor and judges you immediately if you use an ELFBAR. meanwhile modern au snafu exclusively smokes menthol parliaments and laces all of his joints with PCP.
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wesleysniperking · 1 month
Head High | Chapter 23 excerpt (not yet published)
“Do they always do that?” Luffy asked. “Did they start doing that now?”
Usopp laughed. Just lie, Usopp. He doesn’t need to know how much of a whimp you are. You’re a burden. “That was a one time thing.”
Luffy wouldn’t let go of Usopp's hand. His eyes narrowed. “You’re lying.” He'd seen everything.
“No, I’m not.”
“You’re lying!” Luffy’s grip was hard; an iron-like (almost) death grip. “I should’ve done more than break his ribs.” He meant it. He really meant it.
“No, Luffy,” Usopp insisted, his hand started to throb. But if Luffy needed to hold his hand to not go and get into another fight. So be it. “You taught them a lesson, and I’m pretty sure they won’t be hurting me anytime soon.” Usopp laughed.
“But I didn’t notice when I should have,” Luffy said frustratedly. “I’m so stupid.”
Usopp shook his head quickly. “No, no you aren’t,” he adamantly said. “It’s not your job to protect me– “
“But you’re my friend,” Luffy insisted. “I’m not gonna stand here and do nothing.”
Maybe if Usopp really took the time to think about it, he’d finally understand that people’s definition of friendship was a lot more simple and nice than others. Why couldn’t he wrap his head around the fact that people genuinely took the idea of friendship seriously; with their full commitment? Of course, he’d never want to stop hanging out with Luffy and the others, but he didn’t have as much of a big head to think they’d want to keep him around for long. Maybe…maybe they’d start to realize he was an imposter. Or maybe Heracles was still paying them to be his friend. He’d never asked Heracles if he’d paid Nami–
“Wait,” Luffy said, even more pissed. “You don’t think I want to hang out with you?”
Usopp blanched. Was he that readable?
He could hear the bell ring in the background. Maybe that was his cue to leave. “No, it’s not like that…” He turned to walk off, but Luffy wasn’t having it. After all, he was still holding his hand.
“C’mon, talk to me.”
Usopp laughed nervously. He needed to divert his friend’s attention. “Luffy, um, if Heracles paid you and the others to be my friend…um, you can just lie to him. You don’t have to keep doing this if– “
“What the hell are you talking about?” Luffy pushed him. His facial expression was beyond angry. “Is that how you see us? Me?”
fanfic found here
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lance-space-mommy · 7 months
You Beautiful Little, Young Thing, You
Aldera - Izuku /// U.A. - Midoriya Aldera - Katsuki /// U.A - Bakugo
Midoriya was signing a little kid's pair of red sneakers when they accidentally hit him with their quirk. Midoriya squeaked as he was suddenly standing in a classroom with no shoes or marker in his hand.
His head immediately shot up, looking at his surroundings. Almost instantly he realized he was in the past. More specifically he was in the classroom that used to haunt his dreams. He was surrounded by the faces of his bullies. Instead of feeling fearful or panicked, his head snapped over to where his desk was.
There sat his past self, bewildered at the sudden appearance of a person in the middle of the classroom. Instead of freaking out, Midoriya clapped happily.
The students were all petrified. The future version of their quirkless classmate looked nothing like they expected. He was still rather short even though he had grown a couple of inches. The crazy part was the clear muscles he possessed along with scars that decorated his body.
There was one thing that captivated everyone in the room. It was the way Midoriya's presence lit up the room with how he was practically glowing.
Their Izuku stared up at Midoriya with a flabbergasted expression. “You’re me?”
Midoriya nodded, chuckling to himself. “Sure am! Although I guess I'm not too far into the future or anything crazy. I’m a third year in high school!”
The teacher suddenly interrupted the two, clueless about what to do in the situation. “How are you here?”
Midoriya turned to the adult and shrugged. “Not too sure. I think I was hit by a quirk. I was giving a kid an autograph when I suddenly was brought here. I guess I either got attacked by a villain or accidentally hit by a civilian.”
“Autograph? Who would want your stupid autograph?” shouted Katsuki, not happy with what was happening.
Midoriya's head snapped over, eyes wide with wonder. “Little Kacchan!”
The class of students was undeniably flabbergasted. There was no way in the future, Midoriya would be happy to see Katsuki. Izuku dreaded Katsuki’s presence. After all, Katsuki was Izuku's bully. It seemed that Katsuki was even taken aback by the sunshiny, happy-go-lucky smile on Midoriya's face.
Midoriya knew his phone probably wouldn’t work considering the service he was using and the account he had didn’t exist in the past. Turning to his past self, he looked a bit sheepish. “May I use your phone to make a call?” asked Midoriya politely.
His younger self squeaked a bit, clearly unprepared for that request. “Sure!” After pulling out his phone, he extended it out to his future self. Midoriya thanked his past self before excusing himself to the hallway.
The class looked at the door where Midoriya disappeared behind before turning their heads to their Izuku. His gaze remained fixed on the door, amazed with his future self. He had so many questions.
Midoriya was currently in a hero costume so Izuku was buzzing. If his future self is wearing what he thinks it is, it didn’t look like the hero costume he had drawn out in his notebook. He had plenty of questions and hoped he’d have the chance to ask them.
Midoriya came in a couple of minutes later, handing the phone back to his younger self. “If you get a random call from the Pro Hero Nezu, just know that was me.”
The silence in the room was heavy. Midoriya looked away from Izuku to see everyone's eyes bulging out of their heads at the mention of Nezu. After all, he was the Principal of U.A. High. How Midoriya knew him was the newest and most important question the group of students had.
Izuku nodded, still in disbelief at the sight of his future self. It wasn’t until lunchtime that the two had a chance to talk. They made their way to the back of the school to talk.
Not too far behind the duo were Katsuki, Tejio, and Hifumi. They were Izuku's notorious bullies. Alongside the bullies were a couple of Izuku's classmates. They weren't going to pass up the chance to hear about the future.
Midoriya knew there was a group of kids snooping. Invading their privacy was nothing the bullies would be concerned about. Besides, Midoirya could care less about their wandering eyes and their eavesdropping. What he cared about was his younger self.
Midoriya stared at Izuku momentarily before being unable to contain his joy. He scooped up his younger self with a breathless laugh. This was honestly the best thing he's ever experienced.
Izuku yelped as he was lifted into his older self's arms. He couldn’t help but cry, clinging to the future version of himself that proved he could be a hero.
“I was— I’m so cute!”
Izuku gasped, looking up at Midoriya in wonder. “And I’m very-very wow!”
“Thank you! Glad to know you approve of the future look,” chuckled Midoriya, looking down at his hero suit.
“So, I’m training to become a hero?” questioned Izuku, picking at his cuticles nervously.
Midoriya nodded with a blinding smile. "Of course we are! Although I can't really disclose much more information. Can't risk throwing off the timeline."
Izuku clapped his hands together, failing to stop himself from crying. "I'm so glad."
Midoriya rested his hands on Izuku's shoulders, looking himself in the eyes. "You got this. Things will get much better, but your journey will be far from easy, but we must work hard for the future we want."
Izuku nodded, taking a deep breath. “That’s the life we live. Nothing I’m not used to.”
Midoriya sighed, pinching those chubby cheeks before him. “Even if things may be rough, we will finally have support systems.”
“That sounds really amazing,” sighed Izuku, wondering what it’s like to have someone or something he can depend on when he falls into the deep end.
“It is… god I wish I could tell you everything! Life has been insane,” groaned Midoriya, running his fingers through his fluffy hair.
“I mean clearly. If you can’t tell me anything about the future because of the possibility of something changing tells me a lot," chuckled Izuku, messing with his hands.
It was quiet for a moment before Izuku gasped and grabbed Midoriya's hand. "Wait! I already met... you know who. You don't have to worry about hiding that."
Midoriya seemed to sink in relief. "Okay, so you know a pretty good amount already. I still can't spoil the juicy details, unfortunately. But I can tell you that training goes well."
Izuku grinned, clapping his hands together. "Well, that's great to hear. All our hard work pays off. What is it like having a, umm."
"It was very strange at first. I think we both know it's a big adjustment. Still, it's more cool than anything else. Still learning more and more about it every day," rambled Midoriya, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
Izuku suddenly whispered, leaning up to Midoriya’s ears. “What about our relationship with All Might?”
“Oh! It’s wonderful! He’s like a father to me at this point,” chirped Izuku happily, clearly happy to talk about the hero.
“Do we make a lot of friends?” questioned Izuku hopefully.
Midoriya couldn’t help but let out a beautiful laugh. “Yes, we make many friends. I’d argue that I’m the most popular person in the school.”
Tejio rolled his eyes, scoffing. “Bullshit.”
“Yeah right. No way that stalker nerd is popular. He probably pays people to be his friend,” snickered Hifumi, elbowing Tejio.
Katsuki was doing everything in his power to not storm up to the two and blow them up. Their conversation was seriously pissing him off. Izuku’s training to become a hero and successfully does it. Izuku apparently has a father in the future. All of that was a stretch, but the one thing he was not buying was that the quirkless loser was popular.
Izuku’s face lit up and he let out a loud gasp. “Really? That’s amazing!”
Suddenly they heard a shout from the rooftop.
"I am a turtle!"
Both Midoriya and Izuku pause, their smiles immediately fading. Slowly they turned toward each other with highly judgemental looks. Midoriya shook his head, not removing his eyes from Izuku. "I forgot just how much I hated this school."
"Yeah," drawled out Izuku as he cringed.
"Wanna skip the rest of the day? I can just tell the teacher I need to take you with me to UA or something like that," yawned Midoriya, looking toward the entrance of the school.
Katsuki stepped out glaring at the duo. "Who the hell do you think you are?"
Izuku immediately used Midoriya as a shield. Unlike him, Midoriya looked disinterested in whatever angsty mumbo-jumbo Katsuki has going on. "I thought you were there when I was magically transported into the middle of your classroom."
"Shut it Deku! You know what I meant," shouted Katsuki, not happy to be messed with.
"Duh, I knew what you meant. It's just I don't appreciate how you speak to me," remarked Midoriya, not tolerating Katsuki's past behavior. "I miss your future self already."
Katsuki seemed to forget about what Midoriya originally said because of the second part. "I already know I'm the best!"
Midoriya couldn't help but smile, nodding his head. "Of course, Kacchan."
Their conversation was cut off by a portal opening and an older Katsuki popping his head through. Spotting Midoriya, he sighed and stepped the whole way through.
"Thank god that worked. The kid hasn’t stopped crying. He thought he killed you," huffed Bakugo, approaching Midoriya.
"Oh, it was the kid? I guess he got too excited then," chuckled Midoriya stepping closer to Bakugo.
"No kidding, he developed his fucking quirk because of you. Now get your ass through that portal Izuku," ordered Bakugo.
Midoriya flushed a bit, rushing to Bakugo's side. "Don't rush me Kacchan!" freezing, Midoriya turned to his past self and winked. "I wasn't kidding when I said things get better! You got this!"
Bakugo nodded and flashed a charming smirk. "You're still a stupid nerd."
Midoriya swatted at Bakugo, attempting to shove him through the portal. Bakugo had grabbed ahold of Midoriya's wrist and chucked him through the portal instead.
Their fighting was amusing for the young teens watching them. Izuku and Katsuki slowly turned toward each other with stunned expressions.
"What the hell?"
"What just happened?"
When they both made it to their rooms that night, they finally had the chance to smile. They were glad to see they figured things out in the future.
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jackalspine · 1 year
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Went through the tag to chronolize the journey so far :)
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