#i have a problem and the solution is to absolutely relish in it
dourpeep · 2 years
It's so funny watching ur rengoku addiction
He's just so!!!
I have a wip drawing of him if ur interested ehe
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kairiscorner · 1 year
I absolutely LOVE your Miggy fics, they make me wanna tear the screen open and eat them
ANYWAYS, I was wondering if you could do a shy!reader and just a really cuddly Miguel? Like reader could come home from a bad day and Miguel just swoops them up and cuddles them on the couch or in bed. THANKS, UR THE BEST KAHSDGBKAJJJE
- The 🐢 anon
˗ˏˋ ✮ kairi's AUtober !
double feature 3: a big teddy bear of a man; cuddly miguel o'hara a/n: AAAAAAAAAAAAA TY LOVELY, and no, YOU are the best <333 THIS IMAGINE IS SO LOVELY WTF, i wanna eat and marry it all at once. hoping u like this !!!!!
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it was always a pain for you to think of conveniencing others, you learned how to live most of your life sneaking away from others and just dealing your problems all on your own; but when you'd come home to your partner, miguel, oh, he'd immediately offer his help and himself to all of you just to make your day a bit brighter. he isn't the smartest nor keenest when it comes to his own emotions and others' emotions—but he was always one to be concerned about practically everything about you if he found out something was bothering you or you weren't feeling alright. miguel knew that you had the tendency to shut people out or to shut yourself away from everyone else, but today, he was going to put an end to you brushing your problems under the rug. when he asked you when you got home how was work, and you took too long to answer him because you desperately wished to tell him the truth, you also didn't want him to worry and contemplated on the thought of lying to him about it.
he wasted no time and gently wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground effortlessly; you yelped in surprise, not expecting miguel to carry you all of a sudden. you told him to put you down, that it was okay, you totally didn't have one of the most exhausting days of your life at work—totally! but miguel wasn't buying it and gently set you down on the bed and curled up next to you, wrapping his sculpted arms around you again as if he knew you were going to escape him yet again. "mi tesoro... please look at me, amor." he begged of you in a soft voice, trying to hide the concern in his tone but failing miserably. you turned on your side to see his once hardened, distant expression transform into one of longing; his big, brown eyes brightening up as you did.
he ran the pad of his thumb over your cheek and sighed. "if you're ever struggling, please just... don't be scared to tell me everything. i might not have all the solutions, but i want to be your refuge. can i maybe... hug the hurt, fatigue, sadness—all those negative, confusing feelings away? it's the least i can do for mi dulce amor." he mutters as he takes your hand in his, interlocking fingers with you, moving in closer with you as his nose touches yours, his lips mere centimeters away from your own. you nodded and told him you'd try, and that he could touch you; with miguel, in his haste, pressing his lips against yours as he embraced your smaller frame. his lips lingered on your for a few more seconds, until he finally pulled away and held you tighter and closer. "i would stay like this with you forever, if the multiverse would only let me... i take away all that bad stuff you've had to deal with and just... make everything okay, not just feel okay. because i love you..." he told you as he kissed the tip of your nose and buried his face in the crook of your neck, relishing this moment with you, and savoring it even more as he felt your soft, littler hands around his waist. he tensed up at first, but succumbed to your touch and sighed, expressing in a million ways and touches that he truly loved you and wants nothing more than an eternity of peace and loving with you and only you.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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feladi-fority · 9 months
haven't posted in a while, but I completed Undertale Yellow a while ago and none of my friends have and I need to scream into the void about it SOMEWHERE! Spoilers abound
So, Flowey. He's really well written in this. In Undertale proper we don't get to see much of him and what we do see is really 1 note. He scares you, tries to manipulate people, and tries to hurt people for his own amusement. In Undertale Yellow though we get to see how immature and impatient he is. Whenever Clover does something Flowey doesn't approve of he lashes out even when doing so directly impedes his ability to manipulate Clover, such as killing Marlet at the end of the neutral route. Flowey is a terrible manipulator, putting in absolutely zero effort to understand Clover, instead blaming them for his own plan not working. He talks about how much he hates Clover and relishes in their death but Flowey has done nothing to understand Clover, instead just viewing them as a problem to brute-force a solution to. All of this is, of course, consistent with who Flowey was in Undertale but it's so much more textured with how much screen-time Flowey gets.
Additionally, I find the implications of what I can only describe as Flowey's Blackspace. During the meta-Flowey fight his attacks are monstrous versions of himself, many of which are killed as part of his attacks. He pulls out his own pedals, cries to attack, and kills images of himself. Then there's the section where you walk through piles of Flowey corpses which call for help. The dialogue the later corpses give is ambiguous, but lines like "this must be it" in the context of the rest takes on a dark implication. Flowey seems to hate himself and view himself as a monster who deserves to be cut-down (he has that in common with his dad lol). Maybe then Flowey's plan to destroy the world via collecting the souls is ultimately self destructive, a way to go down with the world, and rid himself of the possibility of coming back, a true completion through obliteration.
Now I need to talk about Marlet. She's fucking great. She has this deep sense of maturity to her character which was really cool to see. It isn't all that clear in the pacifist route as there we mainly see her inability to get things done and her self-hate, but on the more violent routes we see her constantly trying to empathize and resolve conflict with Clover by understanding them. I think it's incredibly note-worthy that Marlet is the only character who recognizes Clover as a child who shouldn't be capable of committing such violence, and the implications of that fact. Marlet doesn't let her emotions stop her from understanding people and doing the right thing, and I really like how that was executed.
I loved the themes of this game. I expected the game to tackle similar themes to Undertale, either just recreate theme entirely or at least tackle something similar to Undertale's very meta exploration about what it means to care about things. Instead this game goes for an old classic, the cycle of violence, and I think it executes it very well!
Throughout the game characters interact with this theme in different ways. Clover (on the vengeance route specifically), and Ceroba parallel each-other in this way. Ceroba objectifies humans due to her position as a monster separated from humanity and growing up with an adversarial relationship to them. Chujin finds it extremely easy to hate humanity for a slight against him and enacts violence on humanity due to perceiving them as inherently evil due to historical mistreatment by humans and personal experience. This violence horrifies him in the end, but still in his attempt to get vengeance he perpetuates the cycle, projecting his hate towards humanity onto Ceroba who goes onto hurt more people because of it. Clover on the vengeance route is in a similar position, objectifying monsters due to being a human separate from them and learning of slights against humanity by them. Clover finds out monsters killed 5 humans (either all children, or some of them children) and is able to easily objectify them for it due to their position. Clover enacts disproportionate violence in reaction to the violence monsters committed against humanity in reaction to the violence humanity enacted against monsters by sealing them underground. Asgore remarks at the end of the vengeance route that Clover's actions will result in many more deaths on both side's parts, and he's right, Clover provided more reason for another Chujin to come about and enact more violence on humanity which in turn would provoke a response. Violence creates violence creates violence.
Flowey, under this framing, becomes an embodiment of the cycle. The game cleverly uses the power of resetting as the mechanical manifestation of this cycle. Flowey continues to reset events over and over and over letting Clover get killed over and over and over, just as the cycle of violence repeats, so to does the game itself. The game resets, new runs provide new content, certain events are enshrined in this game's concept of fate. The fate here is just that things cannot change with more violent inputs, Flowey can never get what he wants because he's incapable of doing what Marlet could do. Flowey can't change fate because he's what's locking it in place, he's the logic of violence that forces the world to over and over again punish characters and kill them, but Marlet through her empathy and compassion at least tries to break the cycle, she tries to get Clover to stop hurting people and break this repeated cycle of violence, and she does the same for Ceroba and Chujin to less success. How fitting then that Flowey kills Marlet in the neutral route.
Pacifist Clover is the parallel to Marlet. They face the cycle of violence and chose to understand and help others despite it. The vision for breaking the cycle that Undertale Yellow provides is empathy and compassion, choosing to not give into anger at horrible things done to you as to not perpetuate that being done to more people in the future. It's a really well-executed theme, I love this game.
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lyledebeast · 11 days
Disney Villains, Disney History
For some reason I've resisted comparing Colonel Tavington from The Patriot, who is often disparaged as a Disney villain, with Captain Rouchefort in The Three Musketeers (1993), who actually is a Disney villain. Well, fuck that! There are too many fun comparisons to not make a post about them, and as I've thought about the two films more, a lot of other comparisons have occurred.
Both feature main characters who are based on and share the names of historical figures but reduce them to a handful of egregiously exaggerated qualities. Cardinal Richelieu was a powerful 17th century man who probably did engage in some shady business to maintain power at some point, but he was hardly the campy stage villain Tim Curry plays. General Cornwallis made some costly mistakes during the American Revolution, but he was hardly the buffoon Tom Wilkinson plays.
Both films also ask us to suspend our disbelief where the heroes' violence is concerned. In The Three Musketeers, the titular characters set Richelieu's carriage aflame and roll into a camp occupied by Richelieu's guards, causing their powder supply to explode into flames that engulf their tents. Guards are fleeing as this is happening. In a film intended for adults, some of them would be on fire. Yet in The Patriot, the militia blows up a supply ship anchored just a few yards away from a courtyard full of Loyalist civilians, one of whom mistakes the explosion for fireworks. These scenes are so strikingly similar that it's hard to believe one is from an R-rated film historical drama shown in high school history classes as an accurate reflection of the time.
That the middle of The Patriot is so cartoonish gives Tavington's burning of Pembroke Church with its congregation inside a particularly savage punch. One might say the only parts of The Patriot that would not be at home in a Disney movie are the war crimes. Both Tavington and Rochefort are very much aware of being the villain in thejr respective stories, and they are both having an absolutely marvelous time. Rochefort takes such relish in ironically evoking the musketeers' motto that Richelieu reprimands him for trying to cause a riot. It's the only villain line that could threaten Tavington's "And indeed you may (be forgiven), but that's between you and God" at the top of my list. The crucial difference between these scenes is that the swords Rochefort collects from his former fellow musketeers and the uniforms he burns all magically reappear in later scenes. When he gleefully menaces the king, who is also a teenager, with his rapier, the musketeers come to the rescue before he can stab him. The civilians Tavington orders locked inside their church, including women and children, die.
If we consider the extent to which The Patriot is a Disney movie, the problem does not lie with its villain. Tavington is exactly the kind of scenery-chewing, queer-coded, elegant villain utilized in varying forms from Sher Khan to Ursula to Jafar. The character who does feel out of place is the hero, Benjamin Martin. Not only does he fail to stop any atrocities that do not involve his own children (and Gabriel still up dead at Tavington's hand later), but he commits some of his own. I don't know if the solution to The Patriot's myriad problems is to give plot armor to characters besides the hero, but it's interesting to see horrific things happening to innocent people set as a standard of adult-friendliness. Apparently, grown men can abide Disney movies if they contain buckets of blood, none of which belongs to the hero.
I am aware of The Swamp Fox in which the titular character is based on Francis Marion, officially making it Disney's The Patriot. I don't remember seeing it as a child, and I haven't made much of an effort recently to see it because I think it would make me more insane than anyone needs or wants!
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butchcraftwrites · 2 years
For the ask game. How about 23 and 26 for rhea and byleth
This one is pretty long, so my answer is under the cut!
23- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
God, how DON’T they hug? In my mind, Rhea and Byleth are both very touchy people; Rhea due to being so touch starved and Byleth because actions have always come more easily to her than words. Due to their positions in the church, they have to keep PDA to a minimum when in the public eye, so when they are alone they are very touchy. Brushing a hand over each other’s arms when they walk past one another, absent mindedly running their fingers through each other’s hair while reading. I suppose leaning against one another doesn’t really constitute as hugging, but if their hands and arms are otherwise occupied, they will find other ways to press their bodies against one another.
Touch is also their chosen method of comfort. Both of them are very self sufficient people, so when life becomes difficult, it’s generally due to good reason. Both of them are quite domestic in the sense that they have chosen to be very active in each other’s lives, so they already know they can ask for the help of the other if need be. No, if they are truly desiring of comfort, they hold each other, gently kiss what they can reach, and tenderly caress backs, arms, and hair. Rhea is more prone to words than Byleth, so she will often murmur words of comfort and at times offer her own solutions while doing so.
Oh man do they love to tease each other. Do they ever love to tease one another. Byleth will relish in a moment when she can antagonize Rhea, because she finds Rhea’s mild annoyance to be endearing (her cheeks go red and she even POUTS) but will pepper her with kisses and be VERY affectionate with her for however long it takes Rhea to calm down. After all, she doesn’t want Rhea to become ACTUALLY angry with her. Being on the receiving end of Rhea’s ire is uhh. Not a great time. She’ll bring her dinner, spoil her with presents, and take her in bed over and over until she’s smiling in Byleth’s arms.
Rhea’s manner of teasing is more… witty than her wife’s. If Byleth is struggling with one problem or another, depending on Rhea’s mood, she might offer a solution that is just absolutely terrible and makes Byleth’s stomach drop, before laughing and kissing her and then offering her better advice. It’s honestly a bit… sadistic of her, I suppose? It isn’t often that she relishes in cruelty as affection, but again she is an ancient dragon and her wife is much younger than she is. As much as she admires and even worships Byleth, there is also a part of her that acknowledges just how much younger her wife is and she finds it absolutely adorable. You know when we see a cute animal and we just want to bite its ears or torment it by petting its tummy? Yeah. It’s that.
Rhea knows just how attracted to her Byleth is, so honestly she only needs to use her body to make her wife come undone. Rhea need only to undress and look over her shoulder and smile at her wife, or envelope her from behind with lingering touches (bonus points if she won’t let Byleth turn around) and Byleth is 100% ready to go. Rhea is a 10, and she knows it, and Byleth knows it, and Byleth knows that Rhea knows that she knows and that is honestly all it takes.
Byleth’s manner of flirting is a mixture of chivalry and being absolutely crass. She will hold the door to their home open for Rhea, take her coat, push her against a wall and tell her point blank in as few words as possible what exactly it is that she wants to do to her. And Rhea? Miss Child-Of-the-Goddess, Saint of Legend immediately comes absolutely undone by it; she wants to be worshipped by this woman who is both 1) what she herself worships and 2) a fucking mercenary brute, let’s be real. The combination works for her, and as long as Rhea hasn’t had a particularly bad day, it melts her each and every time.
As for their kisses, they are long and lingering generally. Rhea craves affection, and even in a heated moment of passion, her kisses, while open mouthed and heavy, still linger. She will generally only break a kiss to reposition herself. Byleth tends to be the one to pull back first before her lips are captured again.
26- How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
Look, if Jeralt didn’t die first he would have absolutely had a stroke when finding out. He would have rathered Byleth end up with ALOIS than Rhea. That’s how against it he would have been. Byleth doesn’t have any other family, so she got out of this one, thank goodness.
Assuming they get together post time skip, the students of Garreg Mach that allied with the Church would have mostly been supportive, I think. Particularly the Blue Lions, because they are so pious. I feel like Dimitri and Lorenz would have some choice words about it all (Dimitri because, well, isn’t this a huge imbalance of power? And Lorenz because how in the hell are they going to pass on their crests if they are both women?) but all in all, it’s the hero of the story rescuing and then marrying the Archbishop. I think they’d generally be in favor of it.
Flayn would be ecstatic. Seteth would have his reservations; pre-time skip because umm how the HELL could we possibly trust this person Rhea what are you thinking WHAT ARE YOU THINKING. And post-time skip, because Byleth and Rhea barely spent time together before the proposal and while Seteth does trust and adore Byleth, I think he’d much rather they’d have taken it slower.
If Rhea and Byleth got together pre-time skip? Oh. My god. The fucking scandal. There is no way, not a chance, that they would be mostly supported. The new teacher is hooking up with the Archbishop? Remember that Byleth’s only friends are her students (which like. We don’t have to dig into right now but boy oh boy that is a HUGE pile to dig into) and Rhea’s only true friends are Seteth and Flayn. I think in any scenario, Flayn would be the most supportive of Rhea’s romantic endeavors, but even she would have her reservations. I think Jeralt would offer the option of maaayybbeeee they actually leave the church. Why don’t they leave the church? Maybe go across borders. Or hey, overseas! There is like SO much to see overseas. You know what he’s never seen before? Dagda. It’s calmed down since the war. Hey, this is like totally crazy but like what if they went to Dagda and had a tropical father daughter vacation where they could bond and hey maybe even take a boat FARTHER west, wouldn’t that be like so cool???? Byleth?? Byleth where did you g- Oh great, you’re making on Rhea again. Of course you are. Goddess fucking damnit.
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s0nia246 · 4 months
Tenebris, The Phantom Thief Ashes
One of Nightshadz's teammates. I found his old design and decided to redraw it.:
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Name: Erebos
Magical boy Name: Tenebris
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Occupation: Lots of jobs, Magical Boy
Civillian Appearance: Erebos is a 18-year-old male with pale skin and jet-black hair. He often wears dark and mainly consist out of band tees, skinny jeans, oversized hoodie jackets, and Converse or Vans shoes. Emo kid
Magical Boy Appearance: As Tenebris, Erebos's hair grows longer and becomes a light navy blue color. His eyes glow with a soft, blue light. He wears a Steblack and silver costume with a diamonds emblem on his tail and a that resembles a dark, velvety mist. Similar to a phantom thief.
Personality: Erebos is free-spirited and optimistic individual who loves to inspire others. He's a natural performer and often uses his charm and charisma to motivate his teammates and boost morale. Despite his bubbly personality, Erebos is fiercely loyal and will stop at nothing to protect his friends and the innocent.
Backstory: Erebos is a struggling artist, working multiple jobs to make ends meet while pursuing his passion for music and performance. One day, while Nightshadz was fighting a enemy, she and Monochromatic dropped Monochromatic's necklace that they where fighting the monster over. He accidentally transformed into Tenebris.
1.Performing: Erebos absolutely loves being on stage, whether it's belting out a song or showcasing his magical abilities as Tenebris. The spotlight is where he shines brightest.
2.Collecting Memories: He enjoys collecting trinkets and mementos from his various jobs and travels, cherishing them as reminders of the experiences that have shaped him.
3.Spreading Joy: Bringing smiles to people's faces is one of Erebos's greatest pleasures. Whether it's through a random act of kindness or an impromptu performance, he finds fulfillment in spreading positivity wherever he goes.
4.Creative Problem-Solving: Erebos thrives on challenges that require him to think outside the box. He relishes in finding unconventional solutions to problems, turning obstacles into opportunities for innovation.
5.Connecting with Others: Erebos treasures deep, meaningful connections with friends and allies. He values empathy, understanding, and camaraderie, always seeking to uplift and support those around him.
1.Negativity: Erebos has little patience for cynicism or pessimism. He prefers to focus on the bright side of life and finds negativity draining and demotivating.
2.Losing Touch: Erebos dislikes feeling disconnected from his friends and loved ones. He thrives on connection and community, and being isolated or out of touch with others weighs heavily on him.
3.Uninspired Environments: Mundane, uninspiring surroundings can dampen Erebos's spirits. He prefers vibrant, creative spaces that stimulate his imagination and fuel his passion for art and performance.
4.Conflict and Discord: Erebos is a natural peacemaker who dislikes confrontation and discord. He would much rather find common ground and foster harmony among conflicting parties than engage in arguments or disputes.
5.Feeling Stifled: Erebos values his freedom and independence highly. He dislikes feeling confined or restricted by rules and regulations, preferring to chart his own course and follow his own intuition.
Character Quirks:
1. Whistling Tunes: Erebos has a habit of absentmindedly whistling catchy tunes, whether he's working, walking, or even in the midst of a battle, adding a touch of whimsy to any situation.
2.Collecting Trinkets: He enjoys collecting quirky trinkets and mementos from his various jobs and travels, often displaying them in his living space as reminders of his experiences.
3. Impromptu Performances: Erebos loves putting on impromptu performances for his friends and allies, whether it's a spontaneous dance routine, a dramatic reading, or an acoustic jam session with his guitar.
4. Overusing Expressions: He has a tendency to overuse certain expressions or catchphrases, often repeating them unconsciously in conversation, much to the amusement (or annoyance) of those around him.
5. Finding Faces: Erebos has a knack for spotting faces in everyday objects or patterns, whether it's clouds in the sky, stains on a wall, or knots in wood, often pointing them out excitedly to anyone nearby.
Positive Character Quirks:
1. Boundless Optimism: Erebos maintains an optimistic outlook on life, always looking for the silver lining in even the darkest situations and inspiring hope in those around him.
2. Empathetic Listener: He has a natural gift for listening to others and offering empathetic support, making people feel understood and valued in his presence.
3. Random Acts of Kindness: Erebos enjoys performing random acts of kindness for strangers, whether it's paying for someone's coffee, leaving uplifting notes around town, or simply offering a smile and a kind word.
4. Spreading Joy: He actively seeks out opportunities to spread joy and positivity, whether it's through his music, his performances, or his infectious enthusiasm for life.
5. Creative Problem-Solving: Erebos approaches challenges with a creative and imaginative mindset, often coming up with unconventional solutions that surprise even himself.
Negative Character Quirks:
1. Disorganized Chaos: He tends to be disorganized and scatterbrained, often losing track of time, misplacing items, or forgetting important commitments amidst his busy schedule.
2. Overbearing Enthusiasm: Erebos's enthusiasm can sometimes border on overwhelming, as he tends to dive headfirst into new projects or ideas without considering the practicalities or consequences.
3. Impulsive Decision-Making: He has a habit of making impulsive decisions without fully thinking things through, leading to occasional missteps or misunderstandings that could have been avoided with more careful planning.
4. Stubborn Idealism: Erebos's idealistic nature can make him stubborn and resistant to compromise, especially when it comes to his deeply-held beliefs or convictions.
5. Inconsistent Focus: He struggles with maintaining consistent focus and discipline, often getting distracted by new interests or opportunities that divert his attention away from his current goals.
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Weapon: A microphone that can transform into a scythe called Moonlight Scythe.
The Moonlight Scythe would be a sleek and stylish weapon, reminiscent of a traditional scythe but with a celestial twist. It would have a slender, curved blade made of a shimmering, iridescent material that glows softly with a silvery-blue hue, symbolizing the moonlight. The handle would be adorned with intricate engravings of crescent moons and stars, adding to its mystical aesthetic.Tenebris would wield the Moonlight Scythe with grace and precision, using its razor-sharp edge to slice through enemies and harnessing its lunar energy to enhance his attacks. Additionally, the scythe could have special abilities such as the ability to manipulate shadows or unleash blasts of moonlight energy, further amplifying Tenebris's combat prowess.
1. Sound Manipulation: - Erebos can manipulate sound waves to various effects, such as creating powerful sonic blasts to disorient enemies or producing soothing melodies to calm allies.
2. Shadow Conjuration: - Tenebris can summon and control shadows to his advantage, using them to conceal himself or ensnare opponents in darkness.
3. Emotion Empowerment: - Erebos draws strength from the emotions of those around him, channeling positive energy to enhance his own abilities and inspire his teammates.
4. Illusory Performance: - He can create mesmerizing illusions during his performances, captivating audiences with dazzling displays of light and sound.
5. Moonlight Healing: - Tenebris harnesses the power of moonlight to heal wounds and restore vitality to himself and his allies, providing crucial support during battles.
6. Charm Aura: - Erebos emits a charming aura that can influence the emotions of others, boosting morale and fostering camaraderie among his teammates.
7. Dimensional Shift: - Tenebris has the ability to briefly shift between dimensions, allowing him to evade attacks or bypass obstacles with ease.
8. Dream Projection: - Erebos can project himself into the dreams of others, offering guidance or support in their subconscious realm.
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(I'll redesign he's Cilvian form.)
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merakiui · 4 years
Okay okay okay I’ve been thinking about this for a few days now here’s my list of genshin boys most likely to least likely to become a yandere and why:
-xiao. Millennia of suffering and he meets somebody who makes the pain dissipate? Hell never let go.
-diluc. People have died in his arms, he can’t risk losing another loved one... it’s not like he doesn’t have the wealth and resources to keep his beloved by his side.
-Childe. I think he’d be the most dehumanizing yandere - he treats you almost like a child (haha) as be manipulates his way into your heart. And god knows that he gets what he wants.
-albedo is obviously in the top half of this list. We’ve talked about his yandere tendacies before so I won’t relist them but jeez get this boy some therapy.
-razor. Now this sounds surprising but after years of protecting his Lupical, do you really think he’d let somebody he loves and sees as helpless wander alone? I feel hes less captor and manipulative and more of a stalker if he becomes a yandere
-venti. Freedom is his entire world, but can he let his beloved have freedom if it endangers them? One of the most manipulative ones on this list, except he has no clue that he’s doing it.
-kaeya. Maybe you’d gotten to close to one of his secrets. Maybe you’d figured out something he wanted to die. It doesn’t matter much now, all you know is that you were tried and declared guilty by the knights of favonius and were sent into a dungeon protected by the Calvery captain himself.
-zhongli. Has the yandere desires, but refuses to give in. He’s loved and lost so many times over the years and he figures he doesn’t want to take that away from his beloved.
-chongyun. I’ve gone back and forth between him and xingqiu for this one, but I feel like these last 3 are all pretty much tied for not being a yandere. However, if he met someone who could somehow null his congenital positivity than he might move up on this list...
-Xingqiu. He has a strong sense of justice and honor, the idea of manipulating, stalking or god forbid kidnapping his S/O is appalling to him.
-Bennett. Literally just tryna vibe. Devotes as much time as he can to make sure any relationship he has is healthy.
So basically:
Everybody on this list: *frothing at the mouth, thinking of ways to keep their S/Os with them*
Bennett, Chongyun, Xingqiu and to some extent Zhongli: what the fuck
Your list... Simply amazing. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m beginning to wonder where other characters would sit on the list. Mainly Scaramouche though aha oops Anyways, please never stop sharing your thoughts!! They are so GOOD!
Xiao’s backstory and past is just perfect material to fuel his yandere desires. He’s suffered for so long and has never really experienced positive emotions, let alone love itself. The poor adeptus is always brooding on his own and here comes his darling, bright and happy and just...perfect. They’re like a glimmering star in his murky darkness and he wants to treasure them. There’s no way he’s going to let go of the feeling he gets when he’s with them, nor is he going to let them leave his side.
It makes sense that Diluc would also be at the top of that list. He’s got the making of a yandere, especially considering all of the people he’s lost in his life. Now that he’s found someone so important to him, he can’t risk losing them. It would destroy him if he found out that his darling got hurt or was even killed because he wasn’t taking enough precautions to keep them safe. He’d definitely blame himself if something like that happened.
Childe, pspspspsp!!! The power this man holds... Omg he makes for such a terrifying yandere. On the outside, he seems warm and disarming—just your normal, happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He’s not dangerous at all! No way. But under all of that falsified charm is someone who knows how to pull strings. He’s a Fatui Harbinger, so of course he has the means of getting you wrapped around his finger. It’s not all that hard when he’s got money, power, and strength. Plus, when he wants something he’s not going to stop until he acquires it; Childe lives for the thrill of chasing after you and it’ll be even more fun once he catches you. Someone should send me more thoughts about yan!Childe!!! orz orz
Albedo also qualifies as a neat yandere! Something about yanderes who are into science is just...fascinating to me. It’s also cool because Albedo’s rumored to be a homunculus, so that adds to the intrigue! Albedo has the resources to get what he wants as well. It won’t be all that difficult, and if it proves to be challenging he can just think of other solutions to pacify his darling. He is a researcher, after all, and a good researcher seeks to find the best solution to a problem.
Razor would be a feral yandere. He’s more action than words. He doesn’t put much thought into what he does because it feels more like an instinct to him. He’s just protecting his Lupical. There’s nothing wrong with that! So why are you acting so difficult? D: 
Like you said, Venti’s not aware of his manipulation and he just does it because it works. His belief that everyone deserves freedom is probably what really holds him back. He doesn’t want you to feel caged, but that feeling is practically inevitable since he’s always hounding you. Venti is a very suffocating yandere and he doesn’t even realize it.
KAEYA! KAEYA! I love the idea of Kaeya having some sort of blackmail on you—something so bad that you absolutely can’t let the world see. And so he uses that to keep you quiet. If you did stumble upon one of his secrets, he can’t possibly have you running that pretty mouth of yours. But if you do end up spilling his secret, it’s only fair that he shares yours, right? An eye for an eye, as some would say. Kaeya’s very smooth and calculative when it comes to handling blackmail. Whenever it feels like you’re trying to one-up him and possibly escape, he’ll flirtatiously remind you of the power he holds over you. Blackmail is rather compelling, is it not?
Zhongli does have the motive to be a yandere, as you pointed out, but he’s a strange case. On one hand, it makes sense that he’d want to protect his beloved at all costs, but on the other he’d probably be aware of these unhealthy tendencies. Although he probably uses the idea of a contract to keep your relationship going, even if it’s clear you don’t want anything to do with him. But if you do, that just makes it easier on him! 
NO BECAUSE I THOUGHT THE SAME FOR CHONGYUN!!! Not the yan!Chongyun piece rotting in my drafts for a month or two now ehehee I had some thoughts about Chongyun but never bothered posting it for some reason. Anyways, I do think Chongyun has potential to be a yandere! As you mentioned, his congenital positivity can become an issue and he doesn’t want that to seriously affect his daily life. So he’s probably very pleased to find someone who can nullify that positivity. It’d be similar to Xiao’s case; Xiao likes someone who can be the light in his dark world. Chongyun falls for the person who can null his congenital positivity and is someone who he gets along with. 
The only way I can see Xingqiu being a yandere is if he wants a noble, storybook romance. Okay, that sounds strange, but consider it! He’s a huge bookworm who probably doesn’t exactly experience romance aside from what he reads in his novels. Although he doesn’t dabble in the romance genre all that often, he does like the idea of being a hero and sweeping someone off of their feet. So when he meets you—another fellow bookworm or maybe the two of you are thrown into an arranged marriage—he just feels an undeniable connection. This must be some form of fate or a sixth sense. Maybe he can be the main character of his own story! You’ll just have to cooperate and you can be the valiant knight’s love interest!
Bennett’s vibes are so nice. How could he be a yandere? He’s just too sweet and pure. He’s really just here to chill and gather an adventuring team full of great friends! But if anyone has any thoughts...please share them! 
That’s it. I’m writing about Scaramouche even though he’s not on the list. Please, why do I simp so much for him? Anyways, we don’t know nearly enough about Scaramouche to determine his backstory or past. But he just oozes yandere! Most of the Harbingers are probably the same, to some extent. He’s like Childe with all of the power and resources, but whereas Childe relishes in the chase Scaramouche refuses to put up with it. It’s just way too inconvenient for him. He’d rather catch you when you least expect it and then keep you for himself.
Gosh, he’s a very determined and possessive yandere with a strict agenda; this man probably cheats in order to get you. He’ll send his underlings to do the work in his place. They’ll stalk you and report back to him and it isn’t long before he learns of your friends, certain family members you’re close to, and even where you live. It’s terrifying, but this is Scaramouche we’re talking about. For someone so short, he sure knows how to intimidate and beat fear into those below him. Good luck to the poor soul who catches his eye. 
I must thank you for making that list! It was lots of fun to consider their mindsets and behaviors as yandere. :D
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years
Request: Lance or Lee, I don’t mind. Y/N is rambling about the stressful day they had and Lance/Lee just stands and listens while they vent. Until they stop them from speaking by bringing them into a real meaningful hug. And He just holds them.
I really need a hug if you cant tell 😅🥺
Awww, sweet nonnie, I'm sorry you're feeling down 😟 I decided to make this one with Lee because I feel like he'd give absolutely amazing hugs! I hope you're feeling much better now 💖💖💖💖
Kisses 💋
P.S. y'all already know this was written on my phone 😹 any and all spelling and grammar mistakes are on me 🤪
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"Ugh! It's like they never listen to me! I try to tell them my ideas for how to make things better, but they never listen! Nooooo, not to me. I'm just the secretary, I never have any good ideas, I'm just a woman! But fucking Howard says the exact same thing and suddenly it's like it's the greatest plan they'd ever heard in their lives!"
You'd been ranting to your fiancé for the better part of an hour. Lee was seated in his recliner, listening dutifully to you as you went on about the asshats at your office. He let you pace through the living room, your anger working you up far more than normal. He didn't like how upset you got over things, if it were up to him he'd take a trip down there to straighten things out for you, but you insisted that you could handle it, so he let you.
"It's just–they never–why won't they listen?" You sighed in frustration. You couldnt wrap your head around it for the life of you. "I just wish that–" your words were cut short by a familiar strong pair of arms winding themselves around you and gently pulling you close. Lee brought his arms around your waist, your head naturally falling to rest on his shoulder. He could feel your heart pounding in your chest in agitation, he soothed a hand up and down your back, calming you down bit by bit.
You bring your hands to hold him, taking a deep breath and sighing loudly, relaxing into the comforting safety that was Lee Bodecker. He can feel you relaxing against him, he presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head, a subtle sway moving the both of you. You can't help the smile that graces your lips, he always knew what you needed, and his hugs were always a good solution to any problem you had.
A few moments pass of him just holding you, and you felt exponentially better.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with those bastards, darlin'," he mumbled against the top of your head, "they ain't as smart as they claim to be if they can't see how bright you are."
The compliment made you blush ever so slightly. "Thank you, Lee," you murmur back.
You hear him hum and kiss the top of your head once more. "D'you feel better now?" He asks softly.
You nod, making no move to release him from your hold. "Can you hold me for a little longer?"
He grins, "of course I can, sweetheart."
With a content sigh, you shut your eyes, relishing the warmth and love that encompasses you. A simple hug makes all the difference.
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leechfluff · 2 years
Cardinal meets the family
Magic/unrealistic/rapid weight gain. Corset. Local vampire thinks they found a way to avoid suspicion from their girlfriend's vampire hunting family. Local witch may have a solution to the problem that arises from it. Word count 2,819.
Cardinal nodded to what Caelum was saying, not really listening as they shoved another cookie into their mouth and relishing their first opportunity to eat normal food since they’d been turned.
“-and to sum it up your girlfriend’s family is scary as hell and hopefully this spell will keep them from catching on to the fact that you died a century ago. Are you even listening?”, the witch sounded irritated. A good cue for Cardinal to actually start paying attention.
“Not really no, but this is about the 3rd time we’ve discussed this so I think I’ve got it.”
Caelum sighed before pausing and giving the vampire a concerned look.
“How many of those cookies have you eaten?” Something in his tone set off an alarm bell in Cardinal’s head and they looked down at their own stomach which was now pouched out against their button up.
“Uh, like five? You haven’t put any of your weirder potions in them did you? “
“Absolutely not,” Caelum came over and unbuttoned the now snug shirt, poking at Cardinal’s swollen stomach. It was softer than Cardinal would have expected, as though they had gained several pounds since the spell was cast. The air hummed with magic momentarily as the witch cast some sort of spell and started to swear under his breath.
“Well that’s great. The spell works, but there’s a catch hidden in it. Cleverly hidden until after it's cast, anything you eat causes you to gain weight. There’s no exact measurements, not until I have time to study it further-”
“So you’re saying I am cursed to gain weight immediately after eating, said weight gain is sudden and visible, and I have to go have dinner with my girlfriend and her vampire hunter family?” Cardinal couldn’t pale, but it looked as though Caelum had done it for them both.
“Uh, yes?”
Cardinal swore as the witch proceeded to vanish into one of his many cupboards and went digging around. They put their hands on either side of their stomach and jiggled it softly. It wasn’t much but considering it was the after-effects of a few cookies it didn’t bode well for the evening. The witch had recently found the spell and Cardinal heartily approved of using it, both missing the ability to eat and wanting to be able to better convince Grace’s family that their daughter was dating some random mortal. Theoretically, that spell and a few glamor spells later and Cardinal could convince anyone, now it was beginning to look like a lost cause.
Caelum let out a small exclamation of victory, raising a partly laced corset into the air.
“Found it! It’s been a while since I’ve needed it since I figured out some other spells but I used to use it to hide any changes to my body after surrogacies. It won’t be terribly comfortable but the enchantments should make it so you can still eat a little bit without change. It’ll come back once the corset is off of course but it’ll work for one dinner.”
Cardinal looked at the piece of clothing doubtfully causing Caelum to rush to continue explaining.
“Not like what happened on Halloween I promise. Just don’t gain too much or the spells will unravel. You’ll have a little warning before they do, and Grace and I will be with you and I’ll be able to feel the spells straining before they pop. If you’re smart this won’t be any worse than the potions I experimented with.”
The vampire held up the dense piece of clothing. It certainly felt of strong magic, and it concentrated inwards. Sighing and removing their shirt, Cardinal told the witch to go on ahead. It was a shorter corset, designed to focus on the middle. As the laces were pulled taught and slowly cinched in, Cardinal felt the compression increase, their stomach just on the border of uncomfortable. Despite the corset only covering their middle, they felt their pants loosen a hair and their whole body felt as though they were wearing some form of close-fitting bodysuit.
Cardinal patted their stomach and hips lightly. Nobody could say they were thin exactly, they had always had soft touches across their body and no matter how much they gained after their death it always returned to this general shape. It had concealed the extra weight well until their shirt buttons had begun to strain. They pulled the button-up back on, tucking it into their pants and smoothing out the material. A few glamours later and an experimental cookie to test the corset and Cardinal looked as though blood ran through their veins, with their sharp fangs shortened and pale skin warmed. Caelum looked justifiably proud of his work, his own appearance toned down a little as well. His usual jewelry was muted and his clothes were plain but still nice.
“Let’s go pick up Grace then shall we? See if she thinks we look acceptable?”
Cardinal was sat between Grace and Caelum and felt distinctly uncomfortable. A fact that could be directly attributed to Grace’s mother and Aunt continually putting more food on their plate .
Every time more food was put down Cardinal was able to disregard the tight feeling of the corset and cleaned their plate, and both Grace’s mother and aunt seemed thrilled to have somebody enjoying their cooking. Grace had gotten the run down and occasionally sneaked food from Cardinal’s plate to hers. Caelum had resorted to sharp elbows to Cardinal’s side as reminders. The food was hearty and rich, and it sat heavily in Cardinal’s stomach as desert was served.
The large cabin that Grace's family were renting was secluded and they had evidently stayed there frequently, Cardinal suspected that the family business of monster hunting meant somebody owed them a favor for this place. Cardinal stood to help clear the table, feeling the corset creak ominously, Caelum gave them a warning glance as he and Grace started to help with cleaning up as well.
More food was presented, some leftover ice cream they didn’t have a place in the freezer for, the last slice of pie because the two younger cousins were fighting over it, their glass kept getting refilled with more soda every time their back was turned. Cardinal told themself they finished everything they were given because it would be rude not to, but ultimately they were so happily overwhelmed by the ability to eat that the consequences of the spell were rapidly vanishing from their mind. 
The trio were on their way out the door, with Cardinal happily eating yet another brownie when Caelum started suddenly and began propelling the vampire into the car, yanking open the door and shoving Cardinal into the back seat. Half-dazed Cardinal finished off the brownie, feeling their pants growing tighter and the corset groaning. They blinked in surprise, their thighs and chest were gradually beginning to swell like rising dough. Soft and pillowy as the corset grew suddenly tighter. Grace was already driving, taking off like a shot the moment they made it far enough down the driveway not to be overly suspicious.
“I should have guessed, I thought Caelum had come up with his own way around the whole vampirism issue but no. I guess experimental spells were the flavor of the day.”
Caelum looked a little offended and Grace continued.
“That spell just turned up where you would find it, right? It was a trap. Some vampire presents it to a local witch or hires someone to cast it. Spell gets cast and eventually the person it’s cast on eats until they can’t run. The only person who would need to cast it would be a vampire, so it’s easy enough to finish them off when they can’t run away. I knew they couldn’t have shown up here just for a family visit, they were setting a trap. I don’t think they suspected you, that spell works fast and they would never have suspected you’d find a way around it.”
The corset made a small popping noise and Cardinal felt it loosen slightly before their stomach greedily took the space and then some. Their stomach now felt overly full, packed tight and churning some as the gradually growing fat jiggled with the movement of the car. There was a good 100 pounds already creeping across their frame.
Caelum looked back in alarm.
“Are there any correlations between food and the amount of weight gained? This is looking like it’s more than I expected”
“Some, and I think enjoyment factors in. It’s a curse not a science” Grace sounded a little exasperated but not angry.
Cardinal regretted the magical reinforcements on their shirt buttons, their weight having doubled and squeezed into the material. Another creaking pop from the corset and a button finally popped off, with the others following. The pants button was still holding out valiantly, and the corset was visibly straining. It pinched tightly, enchantments periodically trying to cinch back down. There was a final pop and the corset strings finally snapped, the garment getting immediately pushed forwards by a tidal wave of fat exploding from the vampire's stomach. Cardinal found themself with their belly now brushing the back of Caelum’s seat in the front. As the vehicle hit a small pothole Cardinal felt their increase in mass bounce alarmingly and they burped, still dazed they gently patted their belly. Thoughts feeling slow and sleepy as they wriggled in their seat trying to figure out why they couldn’t quite get comfortable. Their body still expanded, but slower. Hips and thighs gradually growing to match the mammoth gut that had finally defeated the enchanted corset. . The pants button finally snapped, the stitching on their pants began to pop and creak and split.
Grace looked over and turned pink, forcing herself to focus on the road.
“When I say it works fast, I mean one meal is usually enough to double someone’s body weight or more. Enough to slow them down considerably before they can come to their senses and stop eating. You probably ate enough for four or five people back there.”
Caelum started laughing, apologized, and laughed again. 
“Sorry but honestly can you imagine them right now? Like they have to know something’s up but you happily chowed down and never even complained you were too full. Everyone else is undoing belt buckles while you start on round three like a bottomless hole.” The witch was still giggling, but at least seemed to be making a valiant effort not to.
Grace laughed as well, starting down the road that would lead to Caelum’s place. 
“I’d take you home but we have neighbors. How’re you feeling darling? You've been kind of quiet”
Cardinal burped again, pressing their hands into their stomach and trying to shift their body weight again. Feeling their rear push them up a couple of inches, they were both pushed up by their recent growth in their bottom half and pushed back by their belly against the seat. Their stomach growled underneath the piled on fat that jiggled as the car traversed the gravel road.
“Pretty hungry actually.” It came out as more of a whine, Cardinal's hands still playing with their belly fat.
Caelum started laughing again and Grace flicked a hand out to slap against the witch's arm.
“It’s not funny, that spell messes with things. It plays with hunger and seems to cancel out common sense." Grace angled the mirror to better keep an eye on the recently rotund vampire in the back seat. "We’ll get you some food when we get you inside alright hun? And the Caelum is going to do some research on curse breaking and put everything right. Just sit tight and we’ll fix it, you just enjoy your chance to eat again and we’ll figure it out later.”
Cardinal nodded, thoughts still thick and syrupy as they spoke.
“I missed it, I know I should be angry but honestly Caelum’s done worse on accident and it was much less enjoyable than this. This feels kind of nice. You should call it a honeypot trap. Cause it’s all sweet and nice but you get all stuck.”
The car bounced again as they pulled into Caelum’s driveway and Cardinal giggled sleepily.
The door was opened suddenly and Cardinal absently wondered if they’d been falling asleep off and on the whole time. Caelum’s seat moved forwards and suddenly Cardinal felt light, as though they could float. They felt Grace start pulling, hands occasionally pushing or pulling to work them out of the vehicle until they stood outside being pulled stumblingly to the door.
“C’mon, the featherlight spell won’t last forever and while I’m sure your girlfriend could deadlift you I don’t want to have to try and help.” Caelum grumbled.
Eventually Cardinal was seated in the heavily cushioned parlor that was attached to Caelum’s lab. They sat on the floor when the spell faded and the weight settled back, pulled downwards by gravity. It was much more comfortable than the car, with everything pooling outwards some and some assorted snacks placed nearby. 
Caelum came back with Grace and shook Cardinal awake.
“I can’t remove the spell and its side effects, but it can be maxed out in a sense. Like the corset when the spell stretches too far the effects should unravel. You’ll still probably be a hundred pounds or so heavier but you’ll be able to move around and think alright. I have something for you to drink to help you get there, I’ll stop if you feel full or uncomfortable.”
Cardinal nodded, and accepted the straw. Sensing the magic they looked up at their friend.
“I’ve seen you do this before, this cup is actually connected to a bigger container in your lab. So when I drink it never empties until the big thing is emptied. Fun for parties, no one needs a refill.” Caelum nodded and gave Cardinal an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
The liquid was heavy and sweet, feeling more filling than the food did. Some part of Cardinal’s brain registered it tasted an awful lot like some of the witch’s potions that had caused the vampire to gain weight in the past. But the majority of the vampire’s thoughts were focused on how good it felt to be full and the steady weight piling on.
Their stomach was round and tight by the time they slowed down. Their anatomy as a vampire allowed them to stretch their stomach as they drank, letting them binge and binge before finally retreating to digest their meal. Cardinal had always enjoyed the feeling of really being full but tended to have a little restraint to avoid undue death. Of course when given the opportunity to well and truly be full, they took full advantage.Their belly groaned thickly, and Cardinal drank even more before finally stopping. If they needed to breathe they figured they’d have felt like they were suffocating. But their lungs were really superfluous anyways so they kept going until there was a sharp pain in their side.
The vampire belched wetly, and then registered the hands gently massaging their enormous belly. Grace was there, soft hands rubbing in soothing circles and then kneading carefully in areas. Cardinal hiccuped and groaned as their stomach jostled. They felt so heavy and sleepy, and could feel as they grew even heavier with the curse. They vaguely registered they were now laying on their back, Grace now half laying on top of the pale expanse of jiggling flesh. She was warm, something Cardinal had always liked. Her soft hair tickled their stomach as the vampire felt another round of weight pile onto their frame.
They were so sleepy now, and vaguely aware of the stretched feeling of the spell at its limits. There was a conversation that failed to filter through the haze of sleep-thick and honeyed thoughts, and they finally drifted off feeling warm and soft and safe.
Cardinal woke with a groan, shielding their eyes from the weak dawn light filtering through the window. The first thing they registered was the blanket spread over them and the smell of their girlfriend hanging in the air. She'd been there recently but had just left.
As they got up they felt the shifting of weight on their frame and noted their stomach was still uncomfortably full but they could move. Their mind was also clear, but the last night felt more like an odd dream if not for the remnants of it clinging to their frame. Cardinal draped the soft blanket across their shoulders and followed the smell of coffee and people into the witch's cluttered kitchen. They sat heavily at the table and rested their head on it, hands on their tummy as they tried to sooth the gently churning gut.
"Grace I love you but your family is kind of mean."
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The Pink Note
Bucky x Reader
Summary: it's important for writers to remember why they are writing in the first place, so you gave Bucky a note, to remind you when you need it. This is the story of that note.
Word Count: 3,880
Warnings: Steve will not approve of this language, hydra, injuries, some angst but this is fluffy fluff.
A/N: I had this in my notes for forever and you can thank Sam here for bringing me to finally write this one. I honestly love this one so much, I love my past self for getting this idea. I basically had the entire outline and scenes in my notes smh. @ayybtch
 "Buckaroo your human is here!" Tony declared as he got off of the elevator with you, placing your luggage next to you as you waited for your friend.
"Thank you so much Tony for letting me stay here."
It's a weird thing to have an Avenger as a friend, a supersoldier at that. He goes off on missions and you are left with your normal life, having to keep living as if your friend isn't in a life endangering situation right now, and knowing Bucky he is probably being stupid in one way or another.
It was fun though, to have a friend from the 20s, it just means that you have every excuse to watch your favourite films because he hasn't seen them. He hasn't seen Narnia for fuck's sake! You watched it with him just last week, telling him all about it and gushing over the books because he was listening to every word you said. He just wanted to get up to speed with a world that flew by him.
It was a funny thing, you met him at a bookstore, he was confused and you- knowing the whole place like the palm of your hand- took him with you and showed him the books he was looking for, you couldn't help but recommend some yourself and you have been best friends ever since.
"Ah it's not a problem. Any friend of Frosty is a friend of mine. Are you sure you don't want your own room?" you shrugged him off.
"Bucky has a whole apartment, the couch there is heaven and if I can minimize the amount of intrusion then I will."
"You do remember I'm a billionaire, right?"
"Yes Tony I remember. Seriously thank you though, I refuse to be in that apartment while they do the construction in the building." You let out a shriek as two big hands came behind you and pulled you up in the air. "Stupid stealth spy shit, Bucky put me down!"
He only laughed at you, not letting you go.
"Is this a way to talk to your very generous host?" you turned your head to look at his smirk, you put your arms around him in a hug and smiled up at him.
"I was very nice to Tony." Your grin was intact as his turned into an offended one, his mouth opened in shock. He looked between you and Tony who was smirking mischievously.
"Oh you're just an annoying little brat aren't you? I am offended to my core."
"I am, what are you going to do about it?" you challenged, you didn't pay attention to tony who just groaned and left, tired of your banter.
When Bucky smiled you knew it was over. He just picked you up and threw you over his shoulder and smirking at your protest, one hand holding you in place and the other taking your suitcase.
"Did you know we have a pool here?"
 It was needless to say that when you walked into Bucky's floor you were drenched, while he was squeaky clean beside you.
"Welcome to my humble room!" it was larger than your apartment and he knew that.
"I am going to kill you, but before I do that I am going to go to your bed and ruin your sheets."
"And how exactly are you going to do that?" he taunted as you strode to his bedroom.
"I'm extremely wet, how do you think?" you only heard it when you saw his smirk.
"Is that so?"
"Oh don't you dare go there, you know that is not what I meant, oh my gods I hate you so much." He laughed but you still went to his bedroom, curling under the warm sheets. You knew exactly on which side he slept, it smelt like him, so you made sure to squeeze the water out of your hair there.
"I prepared you a warm bath," you heard him say from the door, you turned to look at him. "Come on, you're going to catch a cold if you stay there."
"Fine, my job here is done anyways. Have fun trying to put on new sheets."
"Doll you know I can't put them on normally."
"I know." You gave him a quick hug before you went to the bath was waiting for you. You couldn't lie and say that you walked there quickly because of the cold rather than the blush that coloured your cheeks. You hated when he called you that.
 It took you a little while but you got used to life in the tower, the kitchen was too crowded way to early in the morning for you, but at least Bucky made you productive in that regard? Procrastination was your go to as a writer, but this novel was important to you so you did your best effort.
So now Bucky woke you up after he got back from his run with Steve, making your morning start at 6am. Then you're having breakfast with the almighty Avengers, which are not so almighty in the kitchen. You were thankful for being able to do your job from home, you got rid of your responsibilities so you could finally be able to plan out your novel.
By planning out your novel you meant making a mess of too many papers and sticky notes with rushed handwriting that somehow was only understandable to you. Even genius AIs and spies wouldn't be able to decrypt your organized mess.
Sometimes you were in Bucky's room, and sometimes in the common room for a change of scenery.
"Y/N Y/L/N!" you heard Clint scream your name from the living room while you were in the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink. You reached the living room to see Clint and Sam leaning over and looking at the huge whiteboard you had on, the chapters organized on it.
"What do you think you're doing?" you asked them, people weren't supposed to read your novel, especially not your first draft.
"You can't just kill her off!"
"Hey, I can do whatever you want with my characters, now scatter because I found a plot hole and I need to work on it." You smirked as the two walked away from the desk you set up for yourself.
"Just saying, maybe if you keep your characters alive you wouldn't have a problem." You smacked Sam's shoulder when they passed by you.
"Keep annoying me and I'll make you a character and torture your character."
You sighed to yourself and got to work, comparing your notes and trying to find a way to make your novel work.
 It's been three days since, and you honestly didn't know why you even bothered anymore, it wasn't working, you just couldn't find the solution.
You've added colorful sticky notes to the board, some simply had song names on them, and some had dialogues. Bucky walked into his floor, he loved seeing the focused look you had when you worked, with your bottom lip bitten and your eyes sharp, you were too cute like this. He stopped in his place when he saw what you were wearing. His red Henley looking like a dress on you, stopping probably a little too short than what it should. He assumed you wore shorts, but he couldn't see and he didn't know what he'd prefer.
"Is that my shirt?" you nodded absentmindedly, still looking at your notes as he walked over to where you stood.
"If you didn't want me to steal it, don't leave it out in the open."
"It was in the closet." That earned him a small smirk.
"The closet was in my eyesight, my point stands." Your smirk soon fell. "I just don't even know-"
You looked at Bucky then, holding his gaze. He suddenly grew shy at your stare. He studied you, after all this time a trained assassin, the winter soldier… couldn't analyze a girl.
"What's up with all the sticky notes?" he cleared his throat and it seemed to snap her out of it.
Sometimes the answer comes out of nowhere and is standing right in front of you.
"They help remind me of stuff." Then you looked at his icy blue eyes before turning around. He saw you scrabble something on a pink post-it note, and then you turned around and put it on his forehead.
"It's going to fall you know." He laughed, which only made the note that much closer to falling. You cursed at him, but you had a certain look in your eyes that he'd never seen before.
"Keep it, I need you to remind me of it," you said simply before an alarm went on in your head and you outstretched a hand as if to stop him. "But don't read it!"
As it began to fall, he folded it and without looking at it he put the pink note in his pocket.
That's where it all started.
 It's been there for days now. He moved the note from pocket to pocket, sometimes you will come into a room and ask him for it, only to give the note back to him, still folded, a few minutes later. Alongside that same unexplainable look which seemed to disappear only a moment later.
On and off missions he still took it with him, always in the pocket in his gear or in his pants. He didn't know why he did it, but it felt important. For such a small note, it felt like it held the entire world. At least for your world, so it was for his too.
 "Hey there Bucky boo," you laughed when he grumbled on the other side, he absolutely hated that nickname. "How are you doing?"
"I am really tired actually, doll."
"Oh no, did something happen? Bucky-"
"No, Sam is just being an annoying little shit." You heard then noises from the phone, you couldn't help but shake your head at their childish behaviour. Bucky finally went to a quieter place. "I'm okay doll, really."
He pulled out the little pink note as he talked to you, a soft smile spread on his face.
"Are you going to be back soon?" you picked on your nails, waiting for his answer. He just got lost in the note, testing he put it against the light yet still seeing nothing.
"I'm afraid it's going to take a little longer than expected. Some things changed- but before you say anything, I'll be just fine. Am I surrounded by idiots? Yes." He relished in the laugh you gave him at that. "But I am a supersoldier, so it balances out."
"Okay fine, I'm going to leave you to it. Bye."
"Bye, doll." He put the note back in its place. And went back into the room they were staying in.
"Man, you're whipped, you know that right?"
"Eat shit, Wilson."
 It's been thirty minutes now that you were sitting in the dining room table, your fingers on the keyboard and you were looking at the computer with determination, yet whenever he passed by you, he saw a blank page in front of you.
The page was mocking you, you could hear it. Locked in a staring contest the computer won when you saw a cup of tea being put on the table next to you, and then the pink note was in the palm of your hand.
"Maybe take a break after this, but I thought this might help." He didn't see the smile on your face as your eyes followed him when he walked back to the kitchen, Natasha however was more observant. When you saw her looking at you with a smirk you cleared your throat and went back to writing.
It's been thirty minutes and he actually liked the sound of your typing on the keyboard, he could hear it from a room away.
“As I was saying,” Wanda tried to get the group’s attention. The monthly movie night is some serious talk. “We watched Lord of The Rings together, we watched Narnia together- it’s only fair that we will marathon Harry Potter together now.”
That caused a new fight about what movie they should watch next, but Bucky couldn’t care less, he focused his ears on your typing.
When it stopped, you entered the kitchen with an empty cup which you put in the sink before giving him the note back and a hug. He was glad the discussion was over when you came.
 "Psst, Bucky wake up," he barely woke up and just looked at your silhouette as the light from the living room shone behind you. "I need it."
Without a word he took the note out and handed her the note, he stretched around a little, still half asleep when he saw the hour on the clock. Before you could get away from him, he took the covers off, brought his hands around you and pulled you to him. Your back to his chest, he didn't let you protest as he turned around to his side, bringing you with him.
"Shh, sleep." He pulled the covers over you and put the note back in place.
"But Bucky I need to work."
"No, you are my teddy bear now, and I am going to sleep and you need sleep too." You knew there was no getting out of his grip, especially when he was somehow already asleep.
Tiredness soon washed over you too and you let it take you.
 You were awakened by a loud crash, you heard gunshots and panicked voices outside and a red alarm shone brightly in the dim lights of the floor.
"Bucky?" you called out to him, and he got out of his room already with a rifle and daggers.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y what's going on?" he came to you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder which you clutched when you saw the smoke that came from beneath the door.
"It seemed that hydra has infiltrated the building, Sergeant Barnes. Captain Rogers is asking for your assistance." You barely had time to react before Bucky went towards the door.
"Bucky wait-"
"Stay here doll, go to my room and lock the door. F.R.I.D.A.Y let me know if anyone is getting through this door."
"Wait, what about you?" it was weird to have an Avenger friend, you were constantly worried about him, but you never saw him actually in action. You enveloped him in a big hug, afraid to let go, but he let go.
"I'll be okay doll, just stay here and I'll come back as soon as I can." You bit you lip, holding back what you wanted to say. Nodding to him, he left and you went to his room, shutting the door.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you tell me if something happens to him?"
"I will, Miss Y/N."
 It was hard to calm yourself down when you still heard everything that was happening between the gunshots and the screams. The anxiety was killing you, and so you didn't think.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, what floor is Bucky in?" you got out of the bed.
"Miss, I don't think that is a good idea. Sergeant Barnes told you to stay inside."
"Please, I just need to see him." You waited a bit before the AI gave you his location.
The minute you walked outside of the safety of Bucky's room you smelled the heavy smoke and you put your hand up to cover your mouth and nose.
Maybe it was better that you got out of the room, if the fire spread than it would probably be safer to get out of the building. You mused in your thoughts as you went down the stairs.
You got to the floor Bucky was supposed to be in, and it was quiet. Too quiet. You hesitantly looked into one to the rooms, backing away when you saw dead agents there.
Okay maybe it was better if you had stayed in your room.
"Bucky?" you called out, your tears watering a bit when another cough took over. You walked into a larger room and saw the fire there, spread all over it. The bottles with the different chemicals were falling from the shelf. "Bucky!"
You just hoped he wasn't hurt. He had to be here somewhere. Deciding to run back you collided with someone and fell on the floor. You looked up and saw someone you definitely did not know, and when you saw the red sign on his shoulder you cursed and started to back away.
The bastard only smiled and pulled out his weapon. But before he could do anything a shot was heard with a shout of your name.
The agent went down and in the far end of the hallway you saw Bucky. Getting up you ran towards him as he ran towards you, but before you could reach him, you heard the explosion before it knocked you down. Then everything went black.
 "Bucky, you need to rest." Steve put a hand on his friend's shoulder. You've been unconscious for almost two days, Bucky hasn't left the spot right next to your bed. The infirmary was cold, Steve handed Bucky the blanket he asked him to bring, he gently put it on you. Then he went back to sitting again.
"I'm fine Steve, I'm not going anywhere. Can you please ask people to leave us alone?" the blond nodded and exited the room, leading his friends away from there.
Bucky brought his hand to yours, finger pressing on the back of your wrist, taking comfort in the steady pulse. He hated you for going out of the room when he told you to stay there. He hated himself for not getting to you sooner. He's going to talk to Tony about improving F.R.I.D.A.Y to not listen to idiots.
He laid his head on the bed next to your hand when a thought crossed his mind. His metal arm let go of you and went to his side pocket. There it was, the pink note, unharmed.
He stared at it, he couldn't see the writing on it as it was folded, then he looked at you and slowly he decided to open the note.
Holding his breath, not knowing why, he gently unfolded it until he could see what was written inside all those days ago.
Give them a happy ending.
He let out a sigh, the words alone bringing him comfort when his mind caught on to what the note said and his breath hitched yet again, trying to process and think about the meaning.
So there he sat, alternating between looking at the note and at you; his lips gently resting on your knuckles in a soft kiss.
He folded the note and put it in his pocket.
 You woke up the next morning. Bucky had his head resting next to your leg, hand entwined with yours. You squeezed his hand slightly to wake him up.
"Hey there Bucky boo." You smiled at him faintly, his eyes fluttering open until you saw those blue eyes focused on you, and it was instantly followed by a smile.
"I hate it when you call me that." He said before he attacked you with a bone crushing hug. He let go of you when you winced a bit. "Sorry, doll."
"Bucky, what happened?" your memory not really working at the moment, and by your aching headache you assumed it wasn't good.
"You gave me a heart attack that's what. Gosh Y/N I told you to stay in my room."
"There was a fire."
"We both know that's not why you went outside."
"I'm sorry. This was the first time I saw you actually be in danger. I was too worried to stay there."
"Well, I'm too worried to leave here. Just rest for now, Bruce will be here soon." You rested your head on the soft pillow again, bringing up the soft blanket and breathing it in.
The next time you opened your eyes, Bruce was there with you. You smiled at him, Bucky sat there listening to you talk to Bruce, only letting you go when Bruce strictly told him he needed to so he could run tests.
"I'm tired, can I please go home Bruce? Bucky will keep an eye on me." You just wanted to sleep in a normal environment.
"Yes, only because I have a feeling he won't let you out of his sight." You laughed at that but Bucky was dead serious, coming to help you when you got up despite your protests of trying to slap his hand away.
"I'll make sure she's okay Bruce. Thank you for everything."
You thanked the good doctor with a hug before you went upstairs. After you got ready for bed you all but yelled at Bucky to leave you alone and go to sleep in his bed. About 10 minutes have passed before he left you in the living room with your soft blanket and the comfortable sofa. Sleep took you instantly. Bucky? Not so much.
He mustn't have been sleeping for long, but it felt longer that it should, he hadn't had a nightmare this intense in a while, then he heard your voice.
"Hey, Bucky it's me, you're okay. It was just a bad dream, you're safe, okay? Are you with me?" the dream felt too real but you were here in front of him, safe and sound. Your hand was cupping his cheek, he didn't realize he was crying. He took your other hand and felt for the steady beat of pulse.
"Stay with me, please doll, stay here." He begged you, and hesitatingly you nodded and got under the blankets with him. He did not hesitate to pull you closer and bury his face in the crook of your neck, his arms circling your waist.
"It's okay, I'm here." But it was hard to sleep when he was holding you like this, and by his breaths on your neck he was awake too. You started to play with his hair, hoping it'll help him relax but he rather looked up at you with emotions you didn't even want to begin to hope to see.
"Doll?" he pulled back and rested his head in the pillow in eye level right next to you.
"I just want you to know that," he smiled a bit to himself when he felt the edges of the little note. "You're my happy ending, doll."
He said it as if it was the simplest thing in the whole universe, the one thing that made sense in the world, and to him is was.
You were certain now of the way he looked at you, nothing was there but love and adoration that you saw so clearly despite the darkness of the night. His eyes still found a way to shine.
You couldn't look away, even when blush spread on your face, which you was sure he saw based on the smile that lit his face, he came closer then. It took you another moment of confusion before you understood what he said. But despite the embarrassment you couldn't help but smile back at him.
"I told you not to read that."
 Tags: @callmeluna  @sstanbarnes  @buckys-other-punk @drabblewithfrannybarnes @easygoingtheatre @that-one-person  @justab-eautifulmess @onceupona-happilyeverafter  @wipplogg  @supraveng  @bucky-the-thigh-slayer  @ayybtch
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
a thing about your headcanons that really intrigues me is that, much as Knuckles seems to have originally been done as a contrast or rival to Sonic back in the Genesis days, your take on them has a opposite approach to the responsibility they feel, but done in opposite ways. Sonic runs from responsibility and doesn't want to think about it, while Knuckles feels guilty about NOT being responsible to an extreme, and since people don't often deal with how they're similar, i really like this
Honestly, this is a thread that is not exclusive to Sonic and Knuckles, but actually ties in heavily to a major theme I'm considering and working in Worlds AU.
Basically, "freedom" has always at least nominally been a theme associated with Sonic. It's in his motifs, it's in his attitudes, it's the quality that people tend to envy when they compare themselves to him- whether that's Knuckles who feels bound by fate and obligation, Tails who feels like he might not be enough or can only keep up, Amy who dreads the drudgery of her ordinary life by comparison. Hell, one could say it's even in the many one-off characters who are introduced with Sonic blowing into their life, changing things, inspiring them to grow, and then leaving- Elise, Merlina, Chris Thorndyke, Chip, Shahra.
But it's a theme that's kind of been weakened in the direction that the games took.
In Sonic SatAM, the concept of freedom vs. tyranny was rife in the setting. Robotnik had his boot down on 90% of the world and the remaining pockets are either actively dwindling, or struggling along as best they can through limited resources. All characters are- at any time- in danger of losing specifically their freedom; not their minds, but control of their bodies. And it's a compelling hook.
But the gameverse has very long not been that, and since Sonic Adventure, the world of the games has been very metropolitan. There's a bunch of cities and countries and everybody's going about their daily lives and Eggman's still a wannabe conqueror but he's now become abstracted, a supervillain, who might have this big scheme or that, but- basically until Sonic Forces- we have never had Eggman really decisively in control. And in his absence, there are not really ever any consistent or clear threats to freedom except that, yeah, we guess if we let someone like Solaris or Perfect Chaos or Black Doom run wild long enough that would kill people and then nobody would be free, but... that's an abstract and inelegant way to speak to one of your main center themes.
(and I personally don't like Forces basically trying to reinstate- even if temporarily- the SatAM status quo, even if I think some people like the IDW comics have done interesting things with that, but that's my personal relationship with the character of gameverse Eggman and how I view him distinctly from SatAM Robotnik, as absolutely iconic as the latter is)
I don't think you need an encroaching dystopia per se to make a meaningful discussion out of freedom- I think using the modern gameverse's more colorful, populated world opens up a lot of possibilities for that. So, a major thematic thing I've landed on is that abject tyranny- while the easiest 'threat to freedom' to scan and oppose- and an important one!- is not remotely the only thing that challenges freedom.
A big thing is responsibility.
Responsibility is the thing that most of us sacrifice our freedom to on a daily basis. That may sound dramatic, but it's true; we may have other reasons for it, but we don't just run off somewhere else or go have an adventure or leave our job because we feel responsible to things. And responsibility isn't a bad thing- it's good to feel reliable or trustworthy. If you enjoy your job or your coworkers, you want to do well at it. Having a house is a responsibility, we take care of them. Having a relationship of any kind is a responsibility; so is having kids. If none of us were ever responsible, society would fall apart and we'd all live lonely lives. Moreover, we'd have very little power- ironically a lack of responsibility can lead to a lack of freedom in some regards.
But also, it's very easy to give too much of yourself away and not have any left. I mentioned before that many characters are consistently depicted, across many continuities, idealizing Sonic- because Sonic's free! Sonic doesn't buy groceries or pay taxes or do boring stuff, he certainly isn't stuck in a frustrating or isolating situation, and this can even tie into one of Sonic's major themes- he refuses to be talked into accepting lesser evils.
In Sonic and the Black Knight, Merlina tries to explain to him why she's using Excalibur's scabbard- why she's doing bad things, trying to justify it that she can't just let the kingdom end, even if that means needing to twist it into a horrible place to live- to which she at one point, in frustration, asks if Sonic understands, to which he responds, "No, and I don't want to."
While it's not exactly a perfect moral stance (those don't exist), there is something to be said powerfully for the idea that Sonic as a person has a certain rejection of responsibility as a chain to let bad things happen. He rejects loyalty to a thing that drives you into cruelty.
And this is really interesting, when we consider- specifically in the very first game that featured Shadow and featured him explicitly as a dark antithesis to Sonic- that is exactly what happens to Shadow.
Shadow is not, by default, an amoral person. Pre-trauma, we see that he doesn't want to hurt others, and frankly, as much as "ow the edge" circles (and is somewhat warranted), we can often see that he's standoffish but fairly civil; someone who is dealing with a lot of stresses and problems, but doesn't often relish hurting others unless he's already desperate, frustrated, or looking for an outlet or solution. And in adventure 2, Shadow is led into nearly ending the planet on account of loyalty; to the idea of Maria, to what he believes she asked him to do (and what he believes is owed to the people who killed her)
It's kind of conspicuous that if you think about it, most of Shadow's arcs in various games that focused on him are about questions of what's owed- to him, or to the world. Does he owe a debt to Eggman? Rouge? Black Doom? Gerald? Maria? Does the world owe him a debt of anger and pain to be paid back in vengeance, or, is he the one who owes the world a chance? Does he owe himself a chance? These are questions of Responsibility.
So to bring this back to Sonic and Knuckles, I think that's an interesting context to set them apart, because both of those two definitely have a special relationship with the Chaos Emeralds. Knuckles is the guardian of the shrine that doesn't just have positions for the Master Emerald, but all seven smaller ones as well; and Sonic... well, Sonic consistently and regularly does stuff with the chaos emeralds nobody else does. He transfers super forms to other people, or even awakens them in people who haven't done it before (as implied with Burning Blaze in Sonic Rush). And at least according to Sonic 3&K, his arrival (?) was foretold.
But Sonic... does not feel responsible about the chaos emeralds. If something's happening with them he wants to know but it's about curiosity. When the chaos emeralds are corrupted, tarnished, and lose power, Sonic... juggles them, while he's confused about his own (related) corruption. It's weird, it's concerning, but it's not an obligation. He gets distracted buying ice cream in the same scene.
By contrast, the only time Knuckles feels confident shattering the Master Emerald, it's as an obligation- he has to protect it from Eggman even if it creates more work for himself, and he later freaks out and nearly crashes the shuttle he and others are on when a near-miss scatters the master emerald pieces he's collected across the ARK. I can only imagine half of the plot of Sonic Unleashed would've given Knuckles an ulcer if he'd been around for it. You did what to the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic????
Basically, I think while freedom vs. tyranny is definitely Sonic's brand, you can have a lot more fun and shore up the thematic strength by also factoring in "responsibility" as a secondary theme and this strengthens or illuminates many characters and their arcs.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
The Regular (part 3): Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: for Geto, there’s no one but you. And he wants that to be the same for you, too. Why would you even want anyone else? 
wc: 2.4K
tw: nsfw, nsfw, nsfw, please for the love of god dni if you’re minor. smut and more smut follows
a/n: There will be one last part for. wrap-up, but I literally have not written a single thing since before yesterday, so I’m writing today! Hope you all enjoy! 
part 1 part 1.5 part 2
Your finger fidgeted with the edge of your skirt as you sat in Mrs. Lampton’s office, waiting for her freckled face to appear in your line of vision. The office is a direct reflection of who Mrs. Lampton is: dimly lit with orange lighting and vintage movie posters hang on the right side of the wall above a mini zen garden; on the left side, there are various pictures of her as a dancer, the newspaper headline announcing that she had bought the club, and then a picture that featured her and all of the dancers from years ago. On her desk, the club manager had collected various crystals, each one a different color than the rest, and finally, on the wall behind her desk, a sign that read “Complaints will be heard from the hours of 6 am to 3 pm”, which, coincidentally, were hours when the club wasn’t open. 
She had called you in early to discuss something with you, but hadn’t shown her face at all since you walked in and plopped down on the cheap, orange vinyl seat. A moment later, the door to the office creaks open and Mrs. Lampton shuffles in, pushing her short red bangs away from her face. “Hey, y/n, thanks for coming in early for me. Just wanted to speak to you face to face before tonight.” She sounded exhausted, as if she had been dealing with other problems before she got to you.
“Am I in trouble?” you ask, lacing your fingers together nervously. 
“Huh?” The woman looks over at you as she slides the chair out from behind her desk. She shrugs her denim jacket off, revealing the multi colored striped shirt beneath paired with light wash mom jeans. “Why would you think you’re in trouble? Have you done anything to be in trouble for?” She leans forward, placing her pale elbows on the desk and looking into your eyes. 
“No, I--”
“Good. You’ve made yourself practically invaluable here and I wanted to make sure everything was going okay with you and Mr. Geto.” You think about the morning you spent with Suguru and the subsequent night you danced for him in the VIP room, which ended up being a makeout session towards the end. 
“E-everything’s fine.” 
“He’s treating you fairly?” 
“Not getting too ahead of himself is he?” 
“Ahead of himself?” 
“You know, trying to play savior or--” 
“No, not at all.” In fact, he had insisted that you go back to the club that night and dance, even if it meant it was just you and him. He knew you liked the club; he was just there to make your experience happier.
“Great! Oh, also --” A drawer opens and Mrs. Lampton rummages around in it for a moment before pulling out a magazine. “Thought you would like to see this.” She slaps it down on the desk before turning to her computer and clicking around on it while you pick up the magazine. And there Suguru was, on page twenty-six, strolling alongside his blue-eyed friend - what was his name? Godo? Todo? Gego? Oh, Gogo. Right. 
The headline reads: “Their Companies are Merging, but They’re Total Opposites”. Suguru is dressed for a business meeting in a pair of black slacks and black shirt, complimented by a silver tie. Gogo, on the other hand, is wearing a grey turtleneck sweater and black skinny jeans, also in mid-conversation about something. The caption reads: Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru have a lot in common: they’re handsome, inherited their wealth, and are very eligible bachelors. But what you don’t know is that they couldn’t be more -
“Why are you showing me this?” The magazine plops down on the desk again and Mrs. Lampton looks over from her screen. 
“You need to know exactly who you’re entertaining. Geto’s family owns an international medical equipment giant, and his friend is literally the heir to the technology company Gautama.” 
You bite your lip at this news, suddenly remembering the magnitude of the situation at hand. Again, Suguru wasn’t just rich, and people didn’t just get into his personal business because he was handsome. One day, he would be the heir to a massive fortune and a company that relied on the public’s approval to maintain its efficacy. One wrong move, and Suguru could lose it all. You need to handle this predicament with care, not with some kind of illusionary idea that he could be--
“I see. Thank you, Mrs. Lampton.” The club manager shifts in her seat, giving you a tender smile before sliding an envelope your way. 
“And this came for you yesterday after you left.” Curious, you open the envelope, and look back up at Mrs. Lampton warily. “Do with it what you will.” 
“I can’t accept this; this is-” 
“Not my problem anymore. I’ll see you later, y/n.” 
“I can’t accept this.” You hand the envelope and it’s contents back to Suguru, and he frowns deeply, hand slowly reaching out to take the paper. 
“What’s this?” He opens the envelope and takes out the check nestled inside, examining it carefully. “Oh, no.” 
“I can’t accept money from your friend.” 
“No, this isn’t right. Satoru would never…” Suguru shifts forward, trying to examine the check under the dim lighting of the room. “He would never do something like this. He’s an idiot, but he’s not a dumbass.” 
“Why would he send me a check for twenty thousand dollars?” 
“He wouldn’t.” Suguru folds the envelope in half, placing it in his pocket with finality. “I’ll deal with this, princess, don’t worry.” He places a tender kiss to your forehead, peppering your face with pecks until his lips reach yours. You moan into his mouth and slide your hands up to his, which are holding your face, and open your mouth to deepen the kiss automatically. Your tongues tangle between each other, dancing in the space made by your interlocked lips. When Suguru pulls away, you groan, leaning your head back with displeasure. 
“I want you tonight,” you whisper, and Suguru laughs, nipping at your lower lip. 
“You needn’t say another word.” 
A long-sleeved kimono. 
A pair of men’s pants. 
A silk camisole and matching shorts. 
A grey shirt. 
All of them have been scattered across the room leading up to the four poster bed you’ve been politely deposited on. And the man between your legs is starving. 
He’s putting his hair up in a bun with a hair band, shirtless, while his muscles move methodically. And you’re lying before him, a spread of deliciousness waiting to be devoured by someone who has been deprived of your taste for too long. 
Once Suguru’s hair is no longer an issue, he slides his fingers between your legs, catching the slim digits on your core. You suck in a sharp breath as he begins rubbing your clit, relishing in the gentle touches he lavishes upon you. “Talk to me.” 
“That feels good,” you immediately respond to his command, fluttering your eyes closed. Suguru hums, the answer satisfying him enough that he slips a finger inside of you. You arch your back, pushing your cunt into his palm eagerly and mewling just a little.
“That’s it…” His free hand comes up to snake around the back of your neck and his lips come down to latch onto your right nipple. The hand on your neck slides down to tweak your other nipple as he pulls and sucks with his mouth eagerly, and you buck into his hand again as he tucks another finger inside of you, fully tethering you to his movements. 
“S-Suguru,” you breathe, and his eyes lift to meet yours, focusing on your blissed-out expression. The wine you tossed back before you both began your little tryst wasn’t doing you any favors, and your head swam at the lust-filled expression Suguru wore. Your nipple pops free from his lips and he blinks slowly, tilting his head like he always does when he’s about to ask you a question. 
“Has anyone else made you feel like this?” he wonders above you, and you look up to him, eyes half-lidded. 
“Can anyone else make you feel like this?” 
“No… no one else can.” Your response to his stance of absolute ownership obviously pleases him as he snakes kisses down your stomach and flicks your clit with his tongue, fingers still nestled deep inside of you. “Su!” Instinctively you grab his hair, lacing your fingers through the strands as you push his face closer to your core. Suguru grains with pleasure, removing his fingers and diving head first into you without another word; his slick-covered hand pushes your right leg up, and the other hand rests on your hip lazily. 
But his tongue is anything but lazy as he eagerly attacks your slit, reminding you just how hungry he really is. When his other hand moves off of your hip and to the outline of his cock in his boxers, you want to help him palm his erection, wind your fingers around his length and tug, but you’re too far away. The solution comes moments later. 
“Su,” you begin, huffing as he continues to eat you out, but looks up to meet your eyes. “I want… I want to sit on your face.” His eyebrows shoot up at the request, and the black haired man pulls away from your core and kisses up your right leg before sitting up on his knees. 
“Then switch with me.” 
The command is yet again met with no resistance, and once Suguru settles in on his back, you carefully swing your leg over his shoulders, lowering yourself onto his face. Large hands rest on your ass cheeks as he resumes his feast, and your tiny hands find his cock, snaking beneath the waistband of his boxers with ease. 
When you first touch his member, he jolts a little then moans directly into your pussy. You never really noticed just how thick he was until that moment, sliding the offending fabric down until his cock is right in front of your face. You stroke it - fingers not even close to meeting around his thickness - and lick the tip with care then lower your whole mouth down his length.
“Oh, my god,” Suguru moans, the sound muffled by your thighs so it sounds more like a breathy “uhhmahgah” than anything else. You begin to bob your head and build a rhythm to your sucking, rarely stopping for air. You know you’re doing a good job when Suguru’s fingers on your ass tighten and his tongue stutters as you slowly build his orgasm. In the dim lighting of your usual, beautiful hotel room, you hope that no one can see you or Suguru pleasuring each other with abandon. That would make a very interesting headline. 
“Ah!” Suguru flips you over with a push which lands you on your back, head facing the footboard. He climbs over top of you, eyes still focused on your face, and lifts your legs back up, pushing your knees to your chest. 
“You were doing your job a little too well down there,” he hisses, lining himself up with your dripping core. You laugh for a second before he anchors himself with the backs of your knees and slowly sinks into you, hissing as he sheaths himself completely within your walls. Missionary… he loves it, and you do too, especially when he leans forward and presses his chest against your weak thighs. He can watch your face as he moves within you, and it’s the very fact that he’s the cause of your immense pleasure that spurs him on to a mind-bending orgasm. But you want something different… something new. 
“Wait,” you breathe, and Suguru looks up at you with curiosity. “We should… try something new.” Your mind flips through the endless pages of the Cosmopolitan rags in the dressing room, and you settle on something you’d seen just before your second day at the club. You lift one leg up precariously, and Suguru instantly catches on to your imagined position, turning you on your side. While snatching a pillow from behind him, he tucks your lifted leg over his shoulder and places the pillow under your back, where it supports you from falling over. 
“Fuck yes, that’s amazing,” you whine. He slides back into you with ease, holding your leg as he fucks you senseless. 
“Oh, yeah…” His groans mixed with your mewls of ecstasy fill the room, making a sweet symphony of noise for the neighbors (or someone above you) to hear. Skin slapping, grunts, rough touches and tender caresses -  everything you’ve grown to anticipate and desire from this man who has absolutely bewitched and been bewitched by you - are present right now. Nothing could take you out of this dream turned reality. “Y/n… this is heaven.” 
The admission from the man is accompanied by a stare that reaches down to your soul, and your hand flies to your clit. You want to make yourself cum and fast. He’s saying all the right things… doing all of the right moves, and you --
“I can’t let anyone else have you.” 
“Su--” you choke out, hoping that he would hear your pleas beyond his pleasure. “Su, I--” 
“Don’t need… t’say... a word,” he grunts. “I already... know.” He gets faster and deeper, stretching you past what you thought you could take and bringing you even closer to orgasm than you thought possible. “Just cum... Cum for me... That’s all I want.” 
Your fingers are working just like Suguru is, not pausing for even a second to give you any sense of reprieve. He litters kisses along your ankle and down your calf, all the while fucking your brains out. His hands knock your fingers away and do what only he can do, rubbing your clit better and faster than you can.
“Please… cum for me, princess.” Hot air drags into your throat and you exhale in what sounds like a dying woman’s groan, clutching at the sheets with all of your strength. Your walls spasm around his cock, and a wetness drenches your lower legs, sliding down onto the red fabric beneath you. 
“You’re so perfect,” Suguru whispers, closing his eyes. “You’re such a good girl… cumming all over me like that; god, I’m gonna--” His breath hitches in his throat as he unloads in you, his cock throbbing angrily as it deposits loads of cum inside of you. He shudders long and hard, practically hunched over your figure while you recover, panting deeply. 
A haze settles nicely over you while Suguru adjusts himself carefully and softly smooths a hand over your sweaty face. 
“Do you want to go again or should we call for new sheets?” 
“Again,” you answer definitively, and he smiles down at you before pressing a kiss to your cheek and murmuring, 
“I love it when you say that.” 
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h50europe · 3 years
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Why the ending of the series finale felt off for many of us (and what PL could have had really in mind) - Aphorisms
As you can easily see from the photos, season 11 was a safe bet, as was a new team member, McCole. What could have been, it says, written by Justin, the wife of Alex stunt/stand-in double. I'm going to play the advocatus diaboli.
In the penultimate episode of H50, Lenkov created a new character. He was sort of based on Steve, but also not. As it turned out in the last episode, Cole and Steve also had a mutual friend: Catherine. Why does that not really surprise us? The rumor mill was really churning, and it was a given that PL was definitely going to bring her on board. So, without further ado, he made her a key person. She was the one who cracked the ominous code that Doris had left for her son. Question, couldn't Jerry have done that just as well?
Anyway, PL set up Cole and Steve. But the chemistry - for us - wasn't really there. They could have just as easily put anyone next to Steve. PL built on the military past of the two (what else) and finally the common denominator: Catherine. Oh, how original. NOT. If you look at this constellation, you can already guess where this was going. But there remained this one obstacle: Danny.
Well, no problem, Lenkov thought and had him kidnapped without further ado. All planned because of all the great McDanno moments we got to see in season 10. So appropriately for lulling, even if these moments did not have nearly as much heart as in previous seasons, but hey, the fans would swallow and relish it, PL thought.
Then came the obligatory threatening call from Daiyu Mei (note the clever pun ala Yoda: die you may...), and the drama unfolded. The whole thing was further clarified by the words of Wo Fat's ex: "I have the person you care about most in the world." Bummer, as she is not talking about Catherine but Danny. Queerbaiting at its worst. Then comes the usual. And during the escape attempt, Danny, who is already half-dead, gets shot. So far, so good, or not.
Danny's injuries could have easily been fatal. So now I'm going off the premise and just claiming that this was PL's original plan. Why? PL did mention at one point that he could imagine H50 without Steve or Danny, but he certainly wasn't stupid enough to believe that. It was nothing more than a smoke grenade. But what PL had wanted for a long time was the end of McDanno. He preferred another ship. But while McDanno sailed blithely across the seven seas, PL's fav ship never left the harbor. But now, he had the ultimate opportunity with a new, equal partner at Steve's side (Book'em Cole), who also pulled Catherine out of a hat.
PL's heart did somersaults. What a great plan that was. Alex didn't say anything about really wanting to quit, even after the series ended. While he had been open about his departure after season 7, there was no need to hide this fact now in season 10. And as you can easily see, all signs were pointing toward season 11. What PL didn't count on was the massive resistance from CBS.
In contrast to PL, they had no problems with Scott/Danny or McDanno. They knew that this was the heart and soul of the show. And PL's protector Moonves was no longer available because he had been kicked out of the network. So PL's back was against the wall. And nothing and nobody could change that. Too bad, because actually, PL had everything perfectly planned.
Danny would either die on the way to the hospital or later in the hospital. This would lead Steve to a massive revenge attack, which should have ended in a brilliant showdown (brilliant for PL, not necessarily for the fans), but Daiyu Mei escapes eventually. Then, Steve would have been driving around aimlessly. We were possibly shown some flashbacks, only to end up at Casa McGarrett, where Catherine would have already been waiting for him. Nice reversal of the goodbye scene from season 6.
The conversation between Steve and her would have been similar to Danny's, except that it wouldn't have been about his parents, but about Danny and that he just can't take it in Hawaii any longer. Too much reminds him of his dead friend. Steve also wanted to pay his final respect and bring him back home to Jersey. Of course, Catherine suggests joining him. What else? Now that one ship sunk, PL could easily replace it with HIS fav ship. And because Cole has done so well, Steve also entrusts him with the task force's leadership. Before Steve leaves to accompany Danny on his last journey, he hands Cole his credentials.
Steve and Cath stand next to each other at the airport and watch as Danny's coffin is loaded onto the plane. Then they board the plane together, ending with them holding hands as we know it. Fade out, season 10 ends.
How would it have continued in season 10? Danny's funeral would have happened off-screen, like so many other pivotal scenes. Steve would have maybe spent an episode or two mulling it over and then returned to Hawaii to hunt down Daiyu Mei with Cole and the team, which now included Catherine.
So much for Lenkov's wet dream, um, plan. However, because CBS knew that McDanno was the heart and soul of the series, they found this idea more than lousy and turned PL down. We could imagine that Alex also threw in that he would certainly not continue without Scott. There was a short back and forth, and it was decided to cancel the show. So we've come full circle to the sloppy, heartless execution of the last episode and the absolutely meaningless words PL put in Steve's mouth as a result. Due to lack of creativity and apparent lack of time, the deadline seemed to be predetermined, considering how quickly the soundstages at Diamond Studios were obliterated.
The crew was equally surprised when PL succinctly informed them that there would be no season 11. See the post from an angry crew member on IG.
Can we prove any of this? Nope, but it's the only reasonable explanation for why the show ended the way it did. Namely, completely illogical, with a Steve who was more than just off the rails. At the very beginning of the series, Steve gives completely different reasons for staying. If you do a rewatch, you'll see.
Everybody knows that you don't solve problems by running away. You don't get rid of the weight that you carry around with you. Steve may be a stubborn mule, but one thing he has never been: self-centered. And if Danny was really the most important thing in the world to him, as Mei said, then he wouldn't have dumped him in the end. Because that's what you do when you really love someone, you stay and fight against all odds. Especially when someone is in a bad place, like Danny, who has just jumped from the brink of death.
You don't suddenly go on a self-realization trip and kick the person who's already lying on the ground. But that's exactly what Steve did. At least the way PL wrote the part. The man must have really lost it when he wrote those lines. I'm sure he was enjoying pure schadenfreude.
And if you take a close look at the two protagonists, you can clearly see the reluctance with which they shared it all with the audience. There was no more room for any affectionate ad-lib actions that we knew from before. They could only stubbornly reel off what was in the script. PL would have done well to sit down with Scott and Alex and find a common solution instead of imposing his version on them and the audience. That's what people with integrity do, but the man never any.
In our opinion, the show's ending ranks among the dumbest and most unimaginative of all time. Rarely a person manages to drive a show against the wall in such a way and at the same time assassinated the main characters. PL shouldn't be proud of it. He should rather stand in a corner and be ashamed of himself.
And now you can go ahead and bash us, or just ignore the whole thing and keep on scrolling. Thank you for your time and for letting us share our thoughts with you.
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squiggledrop · 4 years
I’m Sorry - Spencer Reid x Reader
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Summary: Reid gets shot on a case and is in the hospital. But him and Reader have so much left they want to do. So, living on borrowed time, Reader does all they can do.
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Reader
Category: Angst
Warnings: Allusions to death, hospitals, references to major injuries, mentions of a god
Note: Could be read as a part 2 to Your Other Half, but doesn’t have to be. But you should go read that if you haven’t👀👀. Also, the italics are “Spencer”, but are kind of up for interpretation. Also, I’m like ✨struggling✨ so I just kind of wrote this and figured I’d share, but I promise I’ll have some actual fics soon. Also, just saying this so it’s said, but, this is literally just me ranting and believe whatever you want to believe because it is 100% valid and should always be respected. Last thing, title should be read in John Mulaney’s voice because every time I read it that’s all I can hear in my head, so I think you should too. “I’m SoOOoRy”
“Hey Spence.” Your hushed voice broke through the unbearable silence in the room, only mediated by the monotonous beeping of the countless machines hooked up to Spencer.
“We’re in the hospital right now. You had surgery and they were able to fix the bullet wound. But, the doctor said that your injury caused swelling in your brain, and if it doesn’t stop soon, there won’t be much they can do.” Your breathing stuttered as you blinked back tears. “So, I’m going to need you to try and stop it okay?”
You gripped his hand in yours, resting it against your forehead as tears poured down your cheek. 
“We always knew you had a big, genius brain. I guess we just never thought about what would happen when it got a little too big.” You let out a slight laugh through your nose, blinking away the tears in your eyes. “I always knew you were too amazing to be bound by something so nominal as a human body. Normally, every room you occupy is consumed by your warmth and filled with your laughter.” You forced a weak smile as his comforting laugh replayed in your mind. With a sigh, you looked around the sterile room. The fluorescent lights were too bright. They would give Spencer a headache.
“But not this one,” you choked out, turning back towards his unconscious form. “I miss your beautiful smile and gentle eyes because, right now, you feel so small. Your hand is in mine, but it just doesn’t feel right.” You cautiously stroked the back of his hand, examining the foreign feeling. “It’s too bony and fragile. Your hands are normally soft and warm, but right now they’re just so cold.” You placed a kiss on the middle of his palm before resting your cheek in it. The chilling of his hand burned your inflamed cheeks.
“I asked the nurse to get you another blanket because I know how much you hate the cold. She gave me that look we give victims' families when we have to tell them their loved one is dead,” you scoffed. “Sometimes it really sucks to always know what people are thinking.” You tried to calm yourself down, rolling your lips between your teeth, but it was no use.
“I really need you to hang on okay, baby? I hope you aren't in any pain, but I need you to hang on.” Despite your best efforts, desperation bled through every word you spoke. “I-I know it’s selfish, but I can't do this without you Spence.” With every second that past your throat constricted even more. “I know it’s selfish, but I need you. God, Spence, please come back to me,” you cried.
I always found that to be such an interesting term: “praying to a god you don’t believe in”. You closed your eyes, relishing in the sound of his voice. You knew it wasn’t real, but for now, it was good enough. It is used in literature and in modern music so often, and rightly so, but is never given the weight it truly possesses. Despite everything you know, all of the scientific explanations you have that can explain the world around you, when you are that desperate, you throw it all out the window in a split second. You don’t believe in a god. Yet, when faced with a difficult situation, and you have nothing else to hold onto, you immediately pray to something that you know holds no validity.
“Because it’s all I can do.” 
You are so desperate and helpless to the extent that you are praying to something that you know logically is not real, yet with every fiber of your being you are praying for its help. 
“Isn’t it just human nature?”
Well, some may say it’s humanizing. I would disagree. I think it is the least human thing you can do. It’s human nature to be curious and want explanations for the phenomena around you. That’s why, out of all species on earth, humans are the most advanced. They are the only species to change their environment to fit their needs. They have no natural predators, despite having absolutely no defense mechanisms. They have survived and evolved based on their thirst for knowledge and answers. But, when faced with some of the toughest situations in life, yet some of the most natural, they disregard everything they know to be true, and blindly beg for the help of some mythological deity. 
Death is a natural progression of life. We know how and why it happens, and we have formulas and data to predict when it will come. 
“But when it’s someone you know, someone you love, despite knowing everyone’s time will one day come, you can’t help but to beg for it not to be the case,” you pointed out. 
You ask something you don’t believe in, something you know to not be true, to change the inevitable. You ask something you don’t believe in to change precedent. You ask for some miracle, that you already know the minuscule probability of. 
“Is it avoidance?”, you genuinely asked out loud, missing the way Spencer was always there with an answer for everything.
Well, you know the science and statistics behind it. You know the odds are not in your favor. So, rather than acknowledge that and live with the truth, you abandon everything you hold to be true, and instead conjure some faith in a god you know isn’t there. I mean, is it better to have blind hope or just accept the facts? 
“Isn’t there something to be said for being optimistic?” you countered.
Of course. One of the amazing laws of our natural world is that nothing is impossible. Sure, if you keep shoving your hand at the wall enough times, statistically speaking, eventually your hand will have the exact orientation to go between all the atoms perfectly, and your hand will go through the wall. But, if I were to ask you to believe that I could do it, would you? 
“No,” you replied.
Of course not. Because it’s illogical. So then, why is your immediate reaction to devastating information to refuse it and do something illogical? 
“Is it to feel useful?”
You know the statistics. Realistically, you know there is nothing you can do to change the outcome. But, it is human nature to try and come up with solutions to our problems. After having exhausted all other possibilities and coming up empty, you persist. You don’t give up. Even if you know it’s nonsensical, you still need to feel as though you are trying. But that’s the operative part: feel as though. Is it human inclination to want to try and solve the problem and contribute positively to the situation? Or is it a selfish need to not feel powerless? 
“There is nothing worse than feeling as though you have no control. When everything you love has been taken from you, and you are desperate for any solution to your problem, it makes sense that one would try all their options, no matter how unlikely, because you still have to at least try.”
But, it’s important to remember that no matter how many times you shove your hand at the wall, you will always end up hurt before it goes through. You let out a small smile, pondering his words.
“Is it a reminder, that despite how much we claim to know and understand about the universe, that we know practically nothing?”
Ah, therein lies the beauty of science. Every time a question is answered, it introduces a plethora of others to be figured out. Despite knowing the facts, you are reminded about how much you do not know. There is so much uncertainty in everyday life, and no matter how much you may try, life does not take place in a laboratory. You cannot control for all the confounding variables life has to offer. You don’t get to test your hypothesis over and over, tweaking your experiment as you go. You are granted one life. You must use it to its fullest extent. 
“Did you?” you abruptly asked.
I wouldn’t have changed anything, because it brought me to you. And you are my greatest accomplishment. You nodded your head, wiping away the tears that pooled in your eyes.
“Look, I may not believe in this supposed god I’m praying to. But, if she actually is out there, what’s the harm in praying she lets my hand make it through the wall? The worst that could happen is she doesn’t listen and I end up with a few bruises and a broken bone. Because, in the grand scheme, what’s a broken bone compared to your life?” There was silence, and you didn’t feel like waiting for a response.
“You are the kindest, gentlest, most generous person I know. Everyone has been through so much. I-it’s too soon. That's how I know there isn’t a god, because she wouldn’t be this cruel. She wouldn’t take you from us too.” In your mind, all of the losses you two had suffered over the years replayed. All of the lost lives, lost friends. “I always tried so hard to be strong for you. I tried to be there, and for the most part I was. I held you in my arms. I kissed the top of your head. I let you know you are so loved, that I was there and I would never let go, because that’s what you do for the ones you love- 
I know
“-but for every ounce of strength I gave, I lost a part of me. I still remember the day it happened. I remember the day we said goodbye, and I remember the endless months of hurt. But, what are you supposed to do when someone loses someone like that?”
Well, you hold them in your arms and let them know they are loved. 
“But I can’t do it again,” you practically shouted. “I can’t,” you gasped.
I know
“I can’t go through that again-”
I know
“-my arms are too tired and weak-”
I know
“-my eyes have lost enough tears-”
I know
“I-I can’t be strong for anyone anymore.” 
I know baby, I’m sorry
You let your head collapse in front of you, hugging Spencer’s limp arm into your chest.
“It’s not fair,” you murmur between broken sobs. “I need someone to hold me-”
I know
“-and I need someone to tell me it’s okay, because I know it’s not. Nothing about this is okay.”
I know
“God, would you just shut up? Just for once Spencer!” Your breathing heaved as you lifted your head, looking down at the lifeless body in front of you. “I know you know, okay? I know you know everything.” Your own voice bounced around the room, ringing in your ears. “You can claim that you have a formula for any problem, and sure, you can rattle off any statistic. But, for the love of god Spencer, don’t forget, mathematics was invented,” you spat. “It is a made up world that people use to quantify the incomprehensible. It’s a tool that was made to try and make sense of the chaotic world that surrounds us.” The volume of your voice shattered, and you broke down again, cursing yourself for screaming at your unconscious husband.
But, you heard his soft, knowing voice that you missed so much, try as we might, the law of entropy prevails, and with every negative delta g we descended further and further into disorder. One variable that does not have a differential equation to solve is emotions. That’s what makes us different. We care for one another. That is human nature. We try to help those in need and even if we can never fully understand the working of the universe, at least we can make a slightly more positive place. Yes, you can calculate the probability of every known outcome, but you are not a robot. We have survived because of our inclination to help others. We work together for a common goal. We love. We hate. We get scared. We get excited. We are shy and outgoing. We are happy and we are sad. But, no matter what we are, we do it with passion. We love so intensely that it physically hurts. We can feel such joy that it feels as though it is bursting out of us. We are empathetic. We can feel others’ emotions as if they were our own. 
“But, we can also hurt,” you chided. “We can hurt so bad that it feels debilitating. We can hurt so bad that it's easier to just shut off and not think.” You looked over his stoic face, desperately trying to picture his golden eyes through his ashen eyelids. “Yes, that means losing your humanity, but when it’s at the cost of feeling your world crumble before you, suffocating you with it, being a robot begins to have its appeals.”
I guess. You could hear the slight smirk in his voice. It depends on your point of view. You can have a reductionist mind set, and see the world for what it is: a bunch of chemicals interacting. Or, you can take a more philosophical approach and contemplate the meaning of life. But one cannot exist without the other. There is a nuanced duality that must be maintained, or there is no point to either.
You cupped his jaw in your hand, running your thumb over cheek. 
“Every time I see your face I smile. When you tell me you love me my heart feels so full.” You swallowed thickly, picturing all of the morning you woke up next to Spencer, never really knowing which one would be your last. “When I hug you, I feel safe. Yeah, we may just be a sack of chemicals, but I was lucky enough that our atoms came together in this specific combination at the same point in time.” Your voice squeezed as you tried to continue speaking, “And I know the probability of that happening is minuscule, so why can’t  this be too?” you pleaded. “I know it’s unlikely, but if I was so lucky to have you in my life, why can’t I be just as lucky and get my hand through the wall on the first try?”
Because you are human, whatever that means. He spoke as if it was the simplest thing in the world. No matter how hard we may try, we are controlled by our emotions. I love you, and you love me, and it’s as simple and complicated as that. 
“I know that every moment you are alive is a second of gifted time, but it’s still never enough. I don’t want to say goodbye. We have so much more to do. We have plans, and promises that still need to be fulfilled”
I don’t want to say goodbye either 
“This isn’t fair, we are supposed to have more time.”
I know, but I need you to be strong, for me.
“But I don’t know what to do.”
I need you to try.
“No, Spence, I-I’m letting you know now that I won’t be able to do it. I can't be strong again. I’m sorry, but I just can’t do it.” You cried into his chest, savoring the sound of his faint heartbeat.
“I’m sorry.”
You waited for a response, desperate to hear his voice for as long as you could. But, it never came. 
“Hey, you doing okay?” You gasped, lifting your head and looking around the room. Your eyes fell on Derek in the doorway. “I thought I heard you talking, are you okay?” Concern laced his brow as he looked at you.
“Y-yeah, I’m as fine as I can be,” you reassured, wiping your eyes. He nodded and gave you a sympathetic smile. You watched as he turned to leave, going back to the others in the waiting room. You let out a helpless breath, your eyes falling back onto the man that lay beside you. 
Yes, you are human. And as tears roll down your face, and helplessness courses through your veins, you will continue to pray to a god you don’t believe in, because what else are you supposed to do?
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
Warning: slight Throw Pillows and Overnight Trains spoilers ahead.
One of the most difficult parts of writing fic for me is what I refer to as ‘rationally irrational’ character decisions. I think I defined this in tag vomit somewhere, but the idea is that humans are often irrational. We do dumb things because we’re tired, angry, jealous, or whatever. So it’s absolutely valid for your fic characters to act irrationally. But there needs to be a rational basis for their irrational decisions otherwise readers will be going 👀 and maybe bail on your fic.
Take for example my decision to have Kacy visit Venice for their honeymoon. One half of the couple is aquaphobic. If I’d written them as enjoying the hell out of the water, Lucy relishing every second of her time on the vaporettos, posing for endless pics by the water’s edge, how many of you would have clicked the back button and been like, “ewww that’s so ooc”?
If I’d written Lucy as being absolutely terrified of the water, doing her best to suck it up, but still freaking out, how many of you would have being going, “THEN WHY THE FUCK DID SHE GO TO VENICE?!!!” and then click the back button because it was a choice that made no sense?
But I took care when writing the Venice chapters to establish that yes she is aquaphobic, but she’s also sometimes too gay to function, and because of that agreed to something she probably shouldn’t have. Because the fic is in her POV, I could have her berate herself for being an idiot and explain why she made the dumb choice. Hence, she’s being ‘rationally irrational.’ Because it’s a crack fic, I do get some additional leeway for them to be dumbasses, but it’s not as much as you would think.
I’m word vomiting about this because I’ve been building toward a fucking hilarious scene in what will now be chapter 4. I’m really excited to write it. But there’s been a flaw in my plan since the beginning. Well, two flaws. One is that there is an easy solution to the predicament that I am going to put them in. The second is that they should be smart enough to immediately spot the easy solution. I’ve been stressing about this for a while. But I figured it out this morning. Just needed a slight tweak to the predicament so that the easy solution mostly disappears and if I take great care in how I write them during the lead up to the disastrous situation, then y’all shouldn’t think twice about how they respond when faced with [redacted].
Writing fic is hard. So many of you have expressed that it seems easy for me. I love that. Genuinely. I don’t want anyone to read my stuff and think, “wow, she really struggled to write this.” But the reality is that a lot of work goes into it. Work that I’m having a blast doing. Problem solving is fun! Planning is fun! I get a big rush when all my planning pays off! 
The back half of this fic is gonna be something, y’all. I just gotta stick the landing 🤞🏼 
This is very inside baseball. Posting it in case it resonates with other writers or if any of my readers enjoy knowing how the crack sausage gets made.
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crystalirises · 3 years
im here to spread a studio ghibli au propaganda
you know how ponyo has a human as a father and a sea goddess as a mother?
its fundy, wilbur and sally.
(as ponyo is a large sum of comfort for me (and is fundy) im thinking about drawing them soon ♥️)
Hiya! Omg, I absolutely adore Ponyo! It's such a nice film and there it's not one of those high-stake movies (though flooding the homes is a bit of a serious conflict XD). It's just such a nice movie and it's definitely one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies along with Spirited Away, The Cat Returns, and The Secret World of Arrietty.
And yeeeeessssss I would love to see a drawing of that! I've only seen... two? And I'm just, I need more content of this AU.
I made Wilbur... sorta not human? Cause I remember the guy couldn't walk on dry land and saw humans as dangerous? I don't know what's up with that dude but I guess... humans and dry ground bad. Also I checked and he was once-human, but he’s a wizard/scientist. So... I don’t know what that’s about but okay.
And the human kid that Ponyo befriends, Sōsuke, I made to be Dream because... why not XD
Also, the one I wrote isn't exactly the scene from the movie cause the last time I watched it I was like... 14? I should probably watch it again soon though.
Anyway, thank you so much for the prompt! Hope you like this!
"Humans are dangerous." He placed his hands against the cluttered table, notes upon notes of unfinished symphonies scattered against one another. Wilbur was exhausted, he'd spent the whole afternoon trying to retrieve his son who had unfortunately escaped to a nearby human village. "You're lucky, most fish don't come back home alive."
“I want Dream!” His little fry slammed against the glass of the tank, swimming angrily through the seaweed before hitting the glass again. “I want Dream!”
“You don’t know what you want.” Wilbur glanced at the house, at the potions that brewed along the sides. “You’re home, you won’t be going back anytime soon.”
He shouldn’t have looked away for even a moment, Sally herself had warned him that Fundy would be quite adventurous. Wilbur turned his back for one second and somehow Fundy had gotten out into the ocean. He was only grateful that Fundy hadn’t gone too far inland. Wilbur ran a hand through his hair, taking in a deep breath. His son had stopped hitting the glass, perhaps realizing that it was a fruitless endeavor, but the silence was worrying. He glanced over, “son?”
Fundy had begun to tremble violently. His breath stuck in his throat as Fundy began to morph into a somewhat humanoid shape. Fuck. Wilbur pressed his hands against the tank, heart beating loudly in his chest. Fundy’s eyes were closed in deep concentration, almost like he was willing the transformation to go quicker. “Fundy, stop that! Stop! You’ve tasted human blood, haven’t you? Stop!”
“No!” Fundy let out a high-pitched whine, “I want Dream!”
The transformation was growing worse. Wilbur reached into the tank, cupping his son’s body in his hands. Fundy began to shriek, kicking at his palms with the fury of a shark. He continued to hold on, willing his magic to flow through his body and into his hands. He couldn’t let Fundy give away his form and turn into human. Not only would he and Sally lose their only child, but he would disturb the natural order of the world. Fundy’s struggles started to slow down, his angry screams turning to soft whimpers. Wilbur waited for a moment before letting go.
Fundy floated down to the bottom of the tank, eyes drifting open and close. The forced transformation would tire him, but it was necessary. Wilbur had no choice.
He waited, counting down the seconds. Wilbur waited, praying to the gods of sleep for his son to enter their realms. They answered. Fundy’s eyes closed, limbs relaxing as he fell into a deep sleep. He let out a shaky sigh. Wilbur needed to contact his wife, but he couldn’t do that if his son was awake and aware. Fundy would try to transform into a human again. Wilbur can’t have that.
It was for Fundy’s own safety, after all. Oh, and the world’s too.
“This is a problem.” Wilbur paced the deck, wringing his hands together while the storm continued to rage in the distance. Somehow, someway, Fundy had escaped their home. “The balance of the world will be in tatters and Fundy—”
“My darling, please.” Sally emerged from the sea, her dazzling red hair breaking through the darkness of the ocean. He always felt so small in her presence.
“His magic is growing too powerful for me to contain. And he’s become friends with a human. He’s probably already made his way to the human’s home.” He ran a hand through his hair, relishing in the cold spray of sea water that splashed against his side. “My love, I believe he’s consumed human blood... There’s nothing to be done, the transformation can only be held back for so long.”
Sally reached out her hand, nearly enveloping him in her hold.
“That is quite the problem.” Sally hummed underneath her breath, brow creasing in thought. Wilbur held his breath. He would have to respect his wife’s decision, even if his mind screamed at him to bring Fundy home. “A human... Interesting.”
Sally gave him a playful smile, “Well, there could only be one solution.”
Wilbur understood that smile. He did not like it.
“A test.” Sally laughed, “To see if this human could truly love a child of the sea.”
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