#history week meme
nonokoko13 · 5 months
This is how dead fish looks like
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stalebagels · 5 months
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fitzrove · 10 months
[trying to find cool looking clothes that fit me for cheap at a second hand store, in anticipation of moving abroad for uni, gritting my teeth] i am so richard thesecrethistory coded
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irate-iguana · 2 years
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Related issues include “too many Henries in one play” and “which Duke of York are we on now?”
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cosmereplay · 1 year
So one day I was napping and I got this vivid image of Marsh giving Azure head. It was one of those visions that wouldn't give me rest until I gave it a form to inhabit.
So if you're inclined, you can find boobies and butt below. If you're not inclined, scroll on with confidence, my friend!
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If anyone's interested in using this as a colouring page (why? I don't know. But the option is there), try it at this link and let me know if it doesn't work.
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currentlyonstandbi · 1 year
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I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.
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boundinparchment · 5 months
the absolute rant and essay I would write about how we gotta stop with treating fandom artists and writers and crafters like influencers and content creators. how we expect engagement out of people doing things for fun in their free time and for no monetary exchange. about how social media for fandom was a questionable choice. how we lost “ship and let ship” and boil everything nuanced down into “good” and “bad” and equate a person’s moral and ethics based on their character preference and ships. how “even you are not immune to propaganda” also applies to the loss of nuance and the way we interact and place boundaries and re-define words in a way that is outside of their intention. how we demand censorship because we don’t know the use of the back button.
but without specifically saying it was better back in the day because this shit was always happening but damn was it easier to avert your eyes.
but alas I am a humble fanfic writer who has only so many words and I’d rather spend them on my stories
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tamaharu · 9 months
my gender class is SO difficult bc there are morbillion things i want to talk about for each topic and i have to constantly narrow it down to one or two things for every two units. devastating.
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king-crawler · 7 months
I’m so happy tumblr has its weird reblog archival system because so much stuff would be lost otherwise
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optimistpax · 1 year
how am i supposed to go do school work tomorrow when there are earthspark episodes @autothotsrollout and I haven’t watched yet
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araiz-zaria · 1 year
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And here's a happier-for-Ney version 🤣🤪
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I had the extreme honor today of saying "he's our spider george" and to be understood it was amazing
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
sometimes i'll watch a commentary vid on yt talking about 'toxic tumblr culture' and what not, and i'll just be bemused about some of the things they talk about, and most of the comments will be other people who are like 'yeah i remember this side of tumblr' and maybe i've just been in a cocoon on here for the past 10 years, but honestly i barely know any of the things they're talking about lol
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trainsinanime · 1 year
As @staff further refine the polls while they're rolling them out (still haven't gotten mine sadly), here's a suggestion of mine: Polls with a ten year time limit.
As of right now, it's impossible for polls to turn into long-running legendary posts. You can try, sure (see the bug race), but it's a week and then it's locked, fixed, done, and all that's left is for people to reminisce about that time there was a poll.
On the other hand, if a ten year poll gets popular, it can become part of Tumblr lore while still being updated. People can write passionate appeals for their vote and fight in the notes. Others can make graphs to show how the poll's majorities shift with each different US president or Taylor Swift album. People can make memes about "remember 2025, when option 3 was in the lead? That was a crazy time".
Why ten years, though, instead of a hundred or just no time limit? Because that way, the end becomes an event. People who voted in the poll when it was just a few hours old can watch the final countdown together, and there's a new point in Tumblr history: That day when we finally all agreed on the best option, and presumably also some important political stuff happened.
Now, granted, most ten year polls would never reach this level of notoriety. But it only takes a few polls like this to be worthwhile. Maybe this shouldn't be an option for users to select, but something the Tumblr website grants/pushes on you at random?
So, yeah. Ten year polls. They should be a thing.
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I've also thought about what TV shows which historical figures would enjoy. I don’t have quite as extensive of a list, though.
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Tagged by: @runawaymun
Last song:
Rule #13 - Waterfall by Fish in a Birdcage
3 ships:
Wanderer/Lumine (Genshin Impact) - you’ve seen my blog
The Love Square (Miraculous Ladybug) - cute in every version
Matthew/Diana (A Discovery of Witches) - best married couple
Currently reading
Rhythm of War��by Brandon Sanderson
Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie
Wanderers of the Waking World by aranaras on Ao3 (really good scaralumi fic!)
Last movie
Do Revenge (2022) - It was a rewatch and I still love this film on the second viewing. Only complaint is that I think the two leads should have gotten together at the end. 
Ice cream but I have no money for ice cream ;_;
I think most of the people I should tag for this have already been tagged by other people, so... I guess anyone who wants to!
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