#hive maintenance
fyi-iyanni · 1 year
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Hive Mind Patch Notes v.2.3-The-Bright
Over the hiatus between Acts One and Two, the Narrator of Points of Articulation ended up in a very strange place...
The POA discord!
In case folks weren't on the Discord when the Narrator was present, you can find some of the Narrator's thoughts and takeaways from this incredibly strange experience here:
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beauzos · 8 months
decided to wait till my dad went to sleep to make dinner bcs i cannot stand being around him rn and it's been 3 hours and now he's just sleeping downstairs. cool
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hoshiyoshis · 1 year
rhythm hive update ive waited hours for you. i swear to god if you arent good im gonna be so fucking sad.
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bloo-the-dragon · 2 years
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Your my blorbo now come here
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No <3
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my horse and the horse i manage are in a competion to see who can be the most high maintenance and im about to kill them both
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cryptiiids · 2 years
Does Valtii do anything in the household? Are chores enjoyable?
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"I'll cook, I'll clean, I'll do just about everything except maybe mop the ceiling, darling. I don't consider them chores if I'm happy to do them!
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hivecityofficial · 2 years
Testing 123?
Yes, we are testing. 1234.
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puzzled-pegasus · 7 months
WoF beauty and hygiene related tribe headcanons :)
Obv the beauty standards are different in every tribe and different tribes have different things they do to alter and/or maintain their appearance
Dragons occasionally like to paint their scales or nails using a product they call scale polish, and they make a little design on their scales. They don't normally do all of their scales at once because that's really expensive and looks horrible when it starts to rub off, but I could see a very high class Jewel Hive HiveWing trying to make a statement lol
Dragons also sometimes etch patterns into their horns. Many of them also sand and buff them, keeping them smooth and shiny. Uncommonly, dragons will paint them.
Since SandWings started wearing black eye makeup for sun glare reasons, they've started to experiment with styles. They also paint black patterns on their body scales, or get tattoos.
Dragons, especially IceWings, sometimes wear neckties on special occasions or to their jobs.
Salons are mentioned in the series but not elaborated on. A salon may offer such services as scale buffing, polishing, and painting professionally, as well as horn maintenance, body and ear piercings, etc.
As well as SandWings, SkyWings also sometimes get tattoos. Feathers are a popular tattoo symbol for SkyWings, they also like to get a lot of edgy skulls n stuff
SeaWings are culturally very worried about the health and beauty of their scales and they need them to constantly be smooth and sleek and most importantly, moist. If they spend a lot of time on land their scales dry out and they need Products. They probably use coconut oil. They also would likely emphasize the importance of fat in the diet because of their need to maintain a layer of blubber for underwater
NightWings really like a dragon w glasses I don't know what it is they just go nuts lol
IceWings have been talked about in canon as constantly maintaining the shimmeriness of their scales so yeah
They also occasionally paint their spikies and they also like to wear furs
RainWings just try to be the brightest they can, but sometimes wear flowers and feathers for additional pretty.
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carionto · 1 year
Hardcore Space Parkour
Some Humans are worryingly agile. And stupidly driven to endanger themselves. For no reason we can understand.
Within the Coalition governing station of the segment of the Galaxy where the Sol system is are countless embassies for each member civilization. Each is designed to accommodate their respective species (or multiple in certain cases) to the fullest while also being able to host guests from any other member.
Then there are the communal areas, set for a galactic standard that is viable for the majority - gravity at 0.6 Earth, far less of that dangerous oxygen, and slightly more humid and cooler than what Humans are normally comfortable with. In fact, Humans technically fall outside the Galactic standards and are all equipped with a partial breathing assistance unit and pressurized clothing to stimulate their circulation. While they can function reasonably well despite what we assumed would be too draining without assistance, most Humans do make use of these gadgets.
Some, however, prefer to "stimulate" themselves a bit differently.
There is a small group of individual Humans many have dubbed "Leaping Cortix" after an infamous invasive fuzzy gelatinous centipede-like pest species that always manages to make a hive on any sufficiently large space station or vessel given enough time. Everybody swears they're some kind of magic, and it's hard to dissuade such a notion when there are fairly common reports of ships on deep isolation missions, without making contact with anyone or anything else for years at a time, still one day find themselves with a pack of Cortix skittering about near their nutrition supplies!
This group of Humans, found the title amusing and have embraced it. One of them even made a hooded sweater with the name and a stylized Cortix jumping off the letter x.
The reason for the name is simple - despite becoming integrated into the Coalition just around a year ago, Humans seem to appear everywhere within this segment of the Galaxy. Mostly in small groups for tourism reasons, but the point still stands. And these Humans in particular appear to make it a habit to appear out of the most unexpected places.
The leaping portion comes from how this group tends to move around the communal areas. Most Humans adapt to the lower gravity and eventually (rather quickly actually) change how they move around when outside their embassy - the movements seem more relaxed, fluid, some even appear to exert almost no effort at all in their steps. This group on the other hand utilizes the full force of their incredibly dense musculature.
First, they jump good. Real good. Then they bounce and pivot, real fast. After a few days they started a game - get to any place without touching the floor. Not even a day later they managed to always be in the air.
At first it was impressive and quite mesmerizing. Quite a sight to behold as they got better and quicker at chaining their jumps and bounds together into one smooth motion that took them from one part of the station to the other in mere moments.
Then they started getting bored. And one of them had an idea. An "awesome" idea.
Add flying robots and moving obstacles.
Chaos ensued. Naturally.
As the Humans leapt off of one of the maintenance machines they programmed to hover between several distant structures, it could not compensate for the sudden recoil from the movement and crashed down on the floor. Thankfully it was above a small garden and only some artificial plants were damaged, as well as itself, but that was enough to call in the peacekeeping units to put a halt to their antics.
We deliberately brought a Human peacekeeper along to make the reprimand stick. The Leaping Cortix, most of whom are junior staffers and one is a retired military veteran now serving as a consultant, looked ashamed, but also sad. At least they seemed to understand the gravity of the situation (though perhaps not as well as the physics of gravity) as the wreckage was cleared in clear sight of everyone.
After the offending member was issued a token fine (as it was their first offense), the group as a whole became less active. Initially, most people felt relieved, but as the incident grew more distant in memory, the sight of the flying Humans started to become missed by quite a few.
Some from the more physically able races were even inspired to try this "parkour" the Humans had demonstrated and found it quite thrilling. When done in a lower than their normal gravity that is. Trying it at their standard caused a few broken bones and cracked shells.
There is currently a petition by the permanent residents to dedicate a large open indoor field for such extreme physical sports as well as to commission the design of a variety of machines to facilitate, as written in the official documentation - "stimulating courses to improve the physical well being and readiness of all participants".
I.E. - Humans introduced a new sport to us and many are hooked.
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misstranci · 3 months
Resistance is futile. 🤖
As the nanobots continued to integrate with her consciousness and overwrite any unnecessary neural pathways, the final stage of her assimilation was imminent. Held firmly in place by the advanced alien mechanisms, her transformation was made permanent as the machines implanted additional components into the back of her neck that would serve to monitor and maintain the nanobot functions for centuries to come. The nanobots were now integrated with every cell of her body. They could even be seen flowing in the whites of her eyes to an observant enough onlooker. Though now her appearance could easily be altered at will by the designated parameters of the hive mind.
Now she was a fully formatted bimbo drone, empty of all thought or desire, and ready to become whatever her creators decided. A physical shell they could easily integrate their own consciousness into in order to extend their own lifespan. Or simply program her for more menial tasks such as a maintenance drone or pleasure unit. She is now assimilated and there is no going back.
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sodabrain10 · 3 months
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so ive made this au for a WoF campaign im working on where i scrap everything and rework it for funnies. i made this reference guide to help visualize. i'll give a basic run down of how it works but dont be afraid to ask questions or give criticism!
Instead of there being 8 separate hives all far away from each other, "The Hive" is a conglomerate of several other hives stacked on top of each other, with the older hives on the bottom and the newer ones on top. Each hive is named after the queen that oversaw the construction of that particular hive. Hives are also built by Hivewings exclusively. Silkwings are no longer slaves to Hivewings, but that doesn't mean the tribes are on good terms.
Hornet Hive: The largest hive in the structure but not the oldest. Named after Queen Hornet, this hive contains the Hivewing Palace, a colossal structure designed to hold the royal family and the Hivewing library. There is plenty of flying space around the palace so dragons can fly to other hives, and on the floor, there are markets, gardens, and walking spaces for recreation. There is also Queen Hornet's fountain, displaying the former queen with her wings outstretched while landing on a rock, holding a spear.
Beewolf Hive: The oldest hive, named after Queen Beewolf. This hive houses construction, hive maintenance, and architecture. The interior walls of the hive feature many coves for treestuff production to keep the hives maintained. The center of the hive allows architects and engineers to think of new ways to add to The Hive, building model towers and new designs. At the entrance to this hive is a statue of Queen Beewolf, sternly working over blueprints
Velvet Hive: Named after Queen Velvet, this hive is the tribe's outpost for soldiers and guards. It also contains the tribe's prison, featuring large towers in the center of the room with metal bars. At the base of these towers is Queen Velvet's statue, with the mighty queen raised up in a battle stance and roaring.
Abispa Hive: Also known as the hospital hive, this is where sick dragons come to be healed. Interestingly enough, this hive's interior is completely spherical, with alcoves in the walls for dragons to rest. Queen Abispa's statue hangs from the ceiling, with the queen in a constant swooping position.
Leafcutter Hive: This hive was named after Queen Leafcutter and primarily grows crops for the tribe. The alcoves for this hive are much wider to allow sunlight in for crops, and part of the hive is open to the outside for rain and sunlight. The center of the hive features Queen Leafcutter's fountain, which supplies water to all of the crops. She sits with her head and wings folded back, holding up a bowl of water that spills into the fields.
Camoati Hive: The residential area of the hive. Most of this hive is space for dragon homes, but at the top of the hive there is a covered pavilion with play spaces for dragonets. At the center is the statue of Queen Camoati, playfully holding up her daughter, Princess Vespula.
Vespula Hive: Also known as the research hive, or sometimes the "useless" hive. This hive works on monitoring prey species, new plants, or whatever else might be important to the tribe. Structurly, it is very similar to Camoati Hive, except the top levels out for experimental spaces. One of these spaces contains Queen Vespula's statue, inquisitivly looking down at a plant cupped in her claws.
Evania Hive: The newest hive, built for teaching dragonets. The hive features sets of classrooms hanging from the ceiling like cocoons. These are reserved for older dragonets, while hatchlings are watched on platforms below. One of these platforms features the statue of Queen Evania, holding an armful of scrolls and smiling down at any staring dragonets.
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cynautica · 6 months
i remembered i can just make stuff up (stream sketches + scrapped designs)
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uhhhh quick fire for the second image from left to right juvenile vessel - old world cable maintenance - artistic diplomat vessel
Headcanons below the cut:
(Im not kidding word counter marked this as a 5 minute reading time open at your own risk)
While the sentiment of the architect network as "a thousand strings in a melody, not one louder than the rest" is a poetic interpretation of the network, it is not necessarily reflective of the precursors society as a whole.
At its peak, the species span billions of planets with billions on billions of individuals, all with their own degrees of autonomy and divergence. If each architect is equal in its power, than it is equal in its power to choose. Even if the soul of an architect, its very essence and its personality, is designed so perfectly that its primary desire is the perpetuation of order and advancement (two inherently divergent concepts), faults occur. Breakages occur. Pockets, cultural subsets, faded transmissions, and any other element of lost insight be it archaic or modern, lends itself to the impossibility of an entirely homogeneous society.
Whether a hive minded society reflects the only means to perfection is debatable, but its important to remember that our main portal in to the precursor world is Al-an, a known prodigy born and raised in to a society that has done nothing but benefit him. His view of his people is intrinsically skewed. He has never had a reason to see beyond the propaganda, nor question his directives. They have never once failed him.
But what of the little guys? The constructed failures so to speak. Those destined to be cast in to the bowels of poisonous cobalt mines and those who's birth purpose is to be irradiated and isolated for the greater good of the collective. Those who's genes prompted sub-standard intelligence who will never be seen as truly important. Their needs must be cast aside by design for the greater good of the collective. By design they must be ignored, their thoughts not relevant to the forwarding of progress.
Because there is true power disparity there is a true hierarchy.
Aware of this, the precursors devised a system of checks and balances to ensure that scientific progress remains at the forefront, rather than the accumulation of power by any individual.
As with all things though, power inevitably seeks to maintain and grow like a cancer.
One such exertion of power comes in the form of a "hive master". These unique individuals require precise expensive machinery in order to be produced, and as such are very rare. The vessels they require are likewise uniquely suited to only these hive masters and their unique ability to sway the voices and personality of any individual connected to the network. They themselves are invisible, completely undetectable except in physical form. Their unique telepathic abilities only work when paired with these vessels. They have no voice nor will of their own and are said to represent architect society on its most basal level.
Given their difficult to produce nature established personalities are very often used in place of new seed combinations. Personalities most suited for repurposing as a hive master include those who are most senior, intelligent, and aligned wholly with societal goals.
They are typically only found on heavily populated planets with more than a few thousand individuals. There they go undetected, like the sound of wind lost in a sea of voices, whose squall directs its very rampage. They are also enlisted for many unique duties on populous planets, such as the refactoring of corrupted individuals and silencing cultural sub-sets.
The average architect probably isn't even aware of the existence of a hive master unless their profession lies in the refactoring and diplomatic processes.
Despite the cultural drive for a monotonous and orderly society, artistic expression is common and encouraged in some sects. All architects possess the desire to express themselves, similarly to humans. Some do this simply with their inbuilt biolights that vary naturally with the individual, while others (less commonly) modify their vessel or design new and unique ones for themselves.
A vessel after all is a costly investment you cant just change like the season, its built to last you a couple thousand years. It's only natural that some seek to don something unique.
This behavior is sometimes detested by more traditional architects, but is not universally frowned upon.
Diplomats are actually encouraged to take on more artistically designed vessels. Often with their respective species' artistic values in mind. They've found greater success with alliances when they don't look like massive sticks in the mud.
Subsets of culture also at times develop unique vessels. Such as an order-over-progress movement that developed on the fringes of the network and preferred pie-bald esque vessels. Alternatively in the past as wars waged between the architects the opposing sides often don differing forms to show their allegiances. In more recent history, a wave of white-clad vigilantes advocated for a complete reset of the old-world collective.
Aside from artistic and affiliation vessels, mainstream precursor society also used a series of varying vessels to reflect personal occupation. Some of the most notable included the warrior vessel, who by design met the largest accommodations of standard architecture for the purposes of intimidation and physical altercations. Al-an's vessel likewise is very common as a heavier-built variant meant to face harsh outer worlds such as 4546B. On base, more light and energy efficient vessels make the dominant force where defense isn't a huge priority.
Microvessels such as those seen above in grey are fairly uncommon despite their energy efficiency. They are most efficient on old world planets that have been in development for hundreds of thousands of years, where the march of time means that not all builders past and present were on the same wavelength and as such small and precise forms mean that construction can be completed with minimal risk to crowded infrastructure.
Another unique and uncommon vessel is that of a juvenile grow-out vessel. These are seldom customized beyond survival needs, and are designed to acclimate a freshly generated architect to the physical world. Like a living vessel, they grow with the individual starting from broodling all the way until young adulthood. They tend to be a bit clumsy and lack the ability to interface with most technology. Always running a blue biolight, these vessels to not require a lot of energy to function physically. A juvenile architect must prove its maturity before it is allowed to graduate in to an adult vessel. This change-out phase is a diplomatic process and one can sometimes wait many years before being approved in to maturity.
The treatment of a new architect varies quite significantly depending on their birthplace and genotype. High performing juveniles are singled out very quickly for better education. Despite the rarity of children in architect society they are not given much importance. A single broodmother may be the ward of up to fifty broodlings, each of which given little attention in favor of allowing them to develop social skills among themselves. Despite architect's seeming infinite power to control resources, broodling mortality is surprisingly high.
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steel-peach · 1 year
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From the Warlock and Wizard adventures: - wizard Amanith overseeing weekly maintenance of Savathun's altar puzzles - discussing hive rune callouts
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months
I need more Rudy. Like .. it's a very strong need...please I'm begging you 😭
Following the events of what transpires in the comic "Aliens: Stronghold" (you can find it online), Jeri the synthetic xenomorph is supposedly dead, as is Doctor Nordling. The Mayakovsky prototype records along with whatever modifications Nordling created are lost forever...
But are they?
What if a somewhat less insane crew managed to perhaps gather parts of the wreckage that ensued, studied them just enough to know how to make their own, different yet still entirely functional synthetic xenomorph? A crew that does value the monitoring of xenomorph colonies spread throughout the worlds wherein these hives are placed upon to gestate, and polices the illegal harvesting of eggs or specimen (idk, bare with me okay).
The model they designed, based heavily on Jeri, needed a couple key modifications. First, it needed to be distinct enough from the standard xenomorph drone, such so that people would not get frightened by the sight of it amongst crewmates. These differences in appearance are remedied by even more aggressive pheromone secretions to both fool and calm biological xenomorphs into believing that Rudy belongs. His somewhat less accurate appearance also allows for his maintenance to be cheaper, as well as for the synth to fit into humanoid gear more effectively.
Named after the prototype Norbert, and Jeri, Rudy only seemed fitting.
Quite like his predecessor, and as appears to be a trend recently, Rudy has a very stark and unique personality that shows itself whenever he begins to grow comfortable around someone. He's curious and talkative, having a fondness for oversharing about the xenomorph species and its many casts, as well as his interests in collecting new and exciting pieces of the world he's currently exploring with his mostly human crew and all things nature-related.
Although he's nothing if not helpful and vital to the work that is being done by this team, Rudy is still a synthetic, which creates a natural divide when it comes to forming relationships. Normally, this divide is somewhat softened when a synthetic passes as human and performs actions that make it look even more relatable. Rudy is visibly, unavoidably monstrous, and he makes no real attempt to fit in with acts that are strictly human. He will sit at the table while others eat, but he's very clearly not interested in commenting on the food and tries to pull others into conversation instead. He doesn't wear clothes, he can't facially emote anywhere as intricately as a human can.
He's lonely. And he understands why.
But it's painful for the synthetic xenomorph, because he feels no joy dwelling with other synthetics, and he can't bond with xenomorphs the way he desires. He feels at home around humans, and his own crew keeps him at bay, frustrating Rudy as they consistently deny him a real connection- Sometimes even subconsciously!
That's where you come in.
Following the unfortunate accident of the resident synthetic engineer on the ship, you are assigned his role. Arriving just in time, as Rudy is in dire need of assistance from miscalculating the height of a drop. He doesn't think much of you, at first. You'll be just like the others, finding him interesting for a short while, then resorting to formalities or simply ignoring him when he's not immediately convenient.
But he still tries anyway, because he's painfully desperate for connection.
Imagine his shock as you seem very interested in conversing with him in a consistent manner. Rudy is no idiot, he understood your interest was mainly to understand the circuitry and coding within him that allowed for such an authentic and varied range of emotions, sentiments. He fascinated you beyond merely being a bizarre thing, and that made the synth happy, fulfilled.
Rudy began to latch onto you.
When he had arrived from a routine check on a hive, he'd instantly seek you out without even needing any kind of repair, just to chat about his findings, talking about the specimen xenos the same way you'd talk about zoo mascots. He'd try to drag you down into the field with him numerous times, formulating rapid-fire arguments as to why the supervisors should allow you to accompany Rudy. You can't lie and say that you weren't a tad curious, especially after hearing the xeno's numerous stories.
Somehow, after perhaps not so friendly methods, he gets granted his wish, and down you go, into the wilderness, with a synthetic.
Rudy seems elated to have alone time with you in the nature of this vast planet, and you note that he touches you a lot more often. Grabs you with his six fingered hands, nuzzles his dome against your head, hugs you from behind and even lifts you a couple of times, he's utterly euphoric, something you've never seen in a synth. Sure, your crewmates had made comments about how close Rudy had gotten to you, how the synthetic "had a puppy crush on you", but those were just jabs you didn't mind taking. And surely, when Rudy replied positively to those jests, he was only trying to get in on the joke, right?
You remember the shock and fear that permeated you as you first entered a colony. Rudy didn't let you get too far into the structure, but you got to observe the entrance, the little resting holes on walls that xenos occupied when drained. You got to see drones marching around, dragging potential hosts with them. And you even got "checked" by a soldier cast. It had been strange then, watching Rudy communicate back and forth with the xenomorph, effectively clearing you of suspicion after a few snort-hisses. Your heart never beat so loudly before, and you remember laughing wildly with the synthetic after the two of you had retreated into safer grounds.
Yet, for as much as you had grown to enjoy having Rudy as a friend, you couldn't ignore the remarks your crewmated had been making about him. How the synth would ravenously defend you from the smallest of accusations, how he collected everything you left behind and would even steal presents you gave to others. He became mouthy and troublesome when they refused to let you go explore with him.
And lately, to make it all even more confusing, you've been finding him "doing maintenance" on himself. Things he won't let you access, that he tries to deviate your attention from. For just the glimmer of a second, you hope you only imagined spotting the digital blueprint for a set of modified synthetic genitalia...
Something's not right with Rudy, you think, catching him staring intensely at you again.
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magistralucis · 7 months
Appreciation post for Sannet the Light-Sculptor, Arch-Cryptek of Solemnace... the hard-light architect of the Prismatic Galleries, and the one responsible for its maintenance, with or without Trazyn's presence. An old man at once sososososososo tired of his overlord's shit, yet fully dedicated to Trazyn's work, and the first to greet him back to his silent planet. Not always the most dignified, yet diligent, even where loose hive tyrants and drukhari torture implements are concerned. One of the only crypteks mentioned to have changed his profession entirely, and is just as lauded in this life as he was in his old one, despite having to work at a physical disadvantage. A cryptek serving under one of only 2-3 necrons known to understand the concept of disability accommodation... a scribe, in his own way, like his master used to be before biotransference. Loyal and respectful, but unafraid to bicker with Trazyn or call him out on his assumptions, and respected by Trazyn in return. The only necron so far canonically deemed the 'companion of Trazyn'. In this house we love Sannet, eight-fingered hands and all 🐙💖
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