#hm. well if you're weird I'll just block so
basementstalker · 11 months
Speaking as someone who loves collecting things of their beloved, I think my favorite would have to be dried skin. Tasty
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vshthestmpede · 1 year
Hi there!
Could we get some headcanons for vash, nick, and knives and what pet names they use for their s/o and how they would use them? Like in what situations they would use them? And what their s/o would call them in return?
Thank you 🫶🏻
the boys & their nicknames for their significant other
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word count; 896
warnings; none, this is just some sweet stuff to alleviate the constant trauma our boys (and subsequently, we enjoyers) go through
note; i am such a damn sucker for cute nicknames, so this request was super fun to write!! tysm for requesting, i truly appreciate it <3 so sorry for the lack of things, covid has been kicking my butt lately on top of college ;-;
cross-posted to ao3
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mayfly + lovebug
to make up for the lack of pda, vash makes sure you know how he cares by the way he calls for you
as soon as it starts, your real name is out the window and you're only to be called by the pet name he bestowed on you
you love the way it rolls off his tongue, like it was meant for you
started as a private thing as vash prefers to keep his love life under wraps but eventually became something he was proud to use in public amongst those he trusted
"good morning, mayfly."
you stretched the sleep out of your joints, blinking to adjust to the bright sunlight. vash had himself propped up on his forearms, twirling your hair around his fingers gently.
"sleep well?" he asked as you turned on your side to face him. he leaned forward and kissed your forehead as you nodded. "good. we don't have to leave for another hour or so, wanna snuggle?"
you responded by pulling him closer to you, burying your face in his chest. he wrapped his arms around you, his fingers lazily drawing shapes into your back.
"how'd you sleep, lovebug?" you murmured, voice still heavy with sleep.
vash grinned. "lovebug, hm? that's new."
you shrugged and readjusted, looking up at him. "well i thought with mayfly i needed to come up with something similar."
"fair enough, i like it." vash chuckled. "very creative. i slept okay, had a weird dream though."
"is that so? tell me all about it."
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my star + handsome
you never took wolfwood to take to romance or any of the cheesy aspects of being in a relationship
however, being a man who wasn't given any real love growing up, he craved it more than anything
of course, he'd never show it to the other three, so things like nicknames were saved solely for time between the two of you
you savored those times, enjoying the softer side of the undertaker
he would tell you how there were billions of stars in the sky yet only you were his, the brightest and most dazzling in his eyes
you pounded on the bathroom door, fed up. "c'mon, princess, i'm sure you look amazing now open the damn door!"
the door swung open and nicholas, hair still wet and messy, gave you the coldest stare behind his sunglasses.
"the hell did you just call me?" he asked, blocking you from moving past him. "no, no, no. you've never called me any sort of name before and now you just -"
"i'll keep calling you it if you don't let me use the damn bathroom," you snapped back, grabbing his arm and literally pulling him out of the bathroom. "thank you!"
coming out of the bathroom after finishing your business, you held back a laugh when you found nicholas sitting on the edge of the bed with his lips pressed into a tight frown. you flopped on the bed next to him, pulling him down with you.
"oh my gosh." you laughed as he turned away from you with a small 'hmph'. "c'mere, handsome."
instantly, he melted into your embrace, clearly much more pleased with the new nickname.
"that's better," he murmured.
"you're such a big softie," you chided playfully, brushing his hair from his face. "never change, okay?"
"yes, my star."
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sunshine + sweetheart
if you thought it would take knives forever to even acknowledge the feelings you two shared, just imagine how long it took for him to take up on any sort of romantic gesture
you were at the helm in this voyage, showing him acts of affection first to egg him on
quickly you both learned he wasn't the biggest on physical touch but definitely enjoyed the whole concept of nicknames, something that made you stand above the rest even more to him
despite that, he found himself fighting on what he thought would fit you perfectly
you had cycled through the generic ones (babe, baby, etc.) but decided that sweetheart was the winner the way a goofy, almost childlike smile appeared on his face when you called him it the first time
knives refused any help on coming up with your nickname, demanding he figure it out himself
"i've got it!"
your head snapped up from your book as the piano playing suddenly ceased and knives stood, knocking the bench over at his abrupt movement.
"are you alright, sweetheart?" you asked, pushing yourself up out of your chair and heading towards him. he met you halfway, taking your hands in his excitedly. "what's going on in that head of yours?"
"you're my sunshine, (name)."
he had said it so happily, staring right in your eyes as he declared his newly thought of nickname. you felt your heart race at the simple gesture and the look on his face, basking in the joy that radiated off of him.
"i love it." your hands moved from his up to cradle his face. "what made you think of sunshine?"
knives leaned into your hand, proud of himself. "you just. . .you light up my life. you're so warm and caring, it's like you're if sunshine was a human."
your heart swelled at his kind words, this soft and sweet side of knives - albeit rare - was something you treasured and would always hold close to your heart.
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fallenclan · 5 months
Toadbelly Fic
by Dragon Anon
Ever since he had been old enough to remember his dreams, he had been haunted by the place of shadows. Every night, his mind would carry him to the starless forest, with its grim, haunted trees blocking out any semblance of light. The air smelled damp, of mushrooms and decay.
Some nights, Toto felt as though he were being watched, followed, hunted. Other times, the shadowed forest seemed almost peaceful. 
Tonight was not one of those nights. In a fever-induced trance, Toto ran. The shadows seemed to snap and bite at his paws, chasing him as he tried desperately to find any escape. "Please, let me out!" he wailed. "My twolegs, they--they left me. I need to find them." His cries felt upon deaf ears. The forest listened, always, but never answered. 
Tonight, though, the forest was merciful. Toto found himself in the world of the waking mere moments later, hazily blinking the sleep out of his eyes. A pale grey and white tom was peering at him, eyes rounded with concern. "Oh, Ravenshade, he's awake!"
Another tom appeared, dark-pelted and swift as a striking hawk. "Can you walk?" he rumbled, voice surprisngly deep, almost soothing.
"Yes, I--I'm sick." Toto grimaced, sniffling. "My twolegs abandoned me."
"We should take him back to camp," the lighter tom mrrowed. "I bet Bristleheart could help him."
Ravenshade. Bristleheart. What strange names, Toto thought. Standing shakily, he padded towards the strangers, "If you help me, you won't regret it," he murmured. 
"We should get going, if we want to get to camp before nightfall," Ravenshade replied in lieu of answer. 
"All right."
"You'll be welcome to stay here, of course. If you want to join the clan-"
"I do," Toto replied immediately.
"Great!" Cherrystar grinned. Bristleheart and Sagespeckle sat a few pawsteps away, chatting quietly. Toto had already decided that he enjoyed the medicine den, with its various scents and herbal aromas. The so-called "medicine cats" were simply an added bonus, all of which being quite charming individuals.
"I'll make an announcement to the clan later, though by now I'm certain half of them already know you're here. Gossip travels quickly." Cherrystar chuckled fondly. "But first, what should I call you?"
Toto considered this. He glanced at the medicine cats, who now watched him curiously. He thought back to the stoic Ravenshade and the compassionate Cloudtuft. Smiling, he hummed, "You can call me Toadbelly."
"--and your mentor will be Toadbelly." Toadbelly blinked in surprise, quickly trying to regain his composure. Tanglepaw bounced up to him, tail curled with delight. 
"I'm gonna be the best apprentice ever, I swear," Tanglepaw purred, pressing her nose against Toadbelly's. 
"I don't doubt that for a second," he replied sincerely. "I only hope I'll be half as good a mentor." 
"Of course you will be! I'm just glad Cherrystar didn't stick me with someone like Ravenshade."
"What's wrong with Ravenshade?"
"He's scary." Tanglepaw shivered. 
"Well, I promise not to scare you, if I can help it."
"My dreams are filled with shadows."
"How so?" Cloudtuft glanced at Toadbelly. The pale tom's gaze was vacant, as if his mind were somewhere else.
"It's hard to explain." Toadbelly shrugged. 
"Hm. Well, I don't really dream of anything at all. At least, I don't remember my dreams," Cloudtuft remarked. "Ficklefern used to have really vivid dreams, though. You could always talk to her."
"Oh." But I want to talk to you, lay dead on Toadbelly's tongue. "Sure, maybe."
"Anyway, I should probably get going. I wanted to get in a quick nap before the dusk patrol." Cloudtuft shot Toadbelly an amicable albeit reserved smile before padding off.
"Wow." Toadbelly started. A black she-cat had seemingly materialized by his side. "That was a harsh rejection."
"It wasn't a rejection," Toadbelly huffed, narrowing his eyes at Coalblaze. She grinned, seemingly unaware of Toadbelly's disquiet.
"Looked like one. Y'know, I have weird dreams too."
"They aren't weird, they're just... persistent."
"Sure." Coalblaze tilted her head. "D'you wanna try and try some snail shells?"
"Like . . . river snails?" 
"Uh huh. Cloudtuft keeps a few in his nest. He likes to roll them around under his paws."
"Oh." Toadbelly blinked. He hadn't known that.
"C'mon, let's go before sundown. I bet if we race, I'd beat you!"
"That's probably true."
"Yeah, well, probably isn't for certain, so will you race against me anyway?"
"Why would I do something if I was certain I would lose?"
"Is it not worth trying?"
Toadbelly found a tiny smile spreading across his features, despite his prior vexation. "Okay, okay. I'll race you."
"You were mentored by Ravenstar, right?"
"Uh, yeah." Flamefall shot Toadbelly a wary glance. "Why?"
"I was just curious." Toadbelly flicked his tail against Flamefall's side playfully. "We don't need to spend the entire border patrol in silence."
"If we talk too loudly, we might miss the sound of predators."
"Or trespassers," added Sootstep. 
"We can all use our sense of smell, can't we?" Pepperswipe chimed in. "We'd smell any threat from fifty fox-lengths away."
"Cats can disguise their smell," Flamefall argued, ears twitching irritably. "We need to remain vigilant."
"Lighten up." Pepperswipe nudged her littermate. 
"When it's a matter of our clan's safety-"
"Watch out!" Toadbelly darted forward, shoving Flamefall backward. A twoleg trap shone, teeth bared, right where Flamefall had been about to set his paw.
"I--thank you, Toadbelly." Flamefall mumbled, suddenly bashful.
"It's nothing. We should set off the trap with a branch so that no one accidentally steps on it."
"Hm. Good idea," Sootstep affirmed. 
"What? A compliment from Sootstep?" Pepperswipe gasped, widening her eyes for emphasis. "Incredible!"
"You're embarassing yourself, Pepperswipe," Sootstep grumbled. "Enough."
"Oh no, I will definitely never be letting this go . . . ," Pepperswipe declared.
Throughout the she-cat's back-and-forth, Flamefall's gaze remained locked on Toadbelly, as if seeing him for the first time.
Toadbelly pretended not to notice.
"I, uhm, heard about Cloudtuft."
"What?" Toadbelly stared. "How?"
"Well, I guess Ashblink overheard, and you know how he is." Tangletail winced. "You'll get over it, won't you? I mean, you'll be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Toadbelly sighed. "I would rather have risked rejection than stayed silent."
"How wise," Tangletail teased.
"Nope. You aren't my mentor anymore, so you can't tell me what to do."
"Yes, yes, I know. Why don't we go do something to take your mind off of it? We could ask Shrewscratch if she needs any help collecting herbs."
"That would be nice." Toadbelly rose to his paws, stretching. "Thank you, by the way."
"You're welcome. Now, c'mon!"
The shadows were haunting him again. He felt resignation. The forest was beautiful in its own solemn way. And yet, something about it seemed to crave despair, loss, violence. The forest sought souls to fill its emptiness, leaching the very life from them instead.
Toadbelly shivered. I'll wake up eventually, he consoled himself. He had made so many new friends in FallenClan. The brown tom with the matted fur had been right. It was a good place, for good cats. 
Toadbelly hadn't seen the tom in awhile. He distinctly remembered the scrawny creature's departing words. "Trust Ravenshade. He has his priorities straight. He will do what's right, to protect the clan." And now he was Ravenstar.
Toadbelly sighed. He would simply have to find somewhere to lay down, in the roots of some gnarly oak perhaps. In the morning, things would look better.
They always did.
(dedicated to raccoon anon, who suggested i write something about toadbelly. i tried to incorporate his dark forest bond and speculate on his relationships with other fallenclan cats, since he's still relatively new to the clan. curious to see where his story goes!
guest appearance from a certain blorbo at the end there. was debating including or not, but ultimately decided to. i think he wouldn't care that much about toadbelly and probably only interacted with him once or twice, due to loneliness.
anyway, i'll be writing a ripplefade fic next! for now, enjoy a collection of little scenes i thought up with toadbelly haha)
(beetle note: ANOTHER BANGER..... a fantastic exploration of a character I have yet to expand on, and you captured him perfectly :D the idea of him being named Toto before coming to the clan is so cute <3 (without giving too much away, i'll say that you did explore a bit of a relationship that i plan to add in the future. dodgeball moment))
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maren-gvf · 1 year
Jake One-Shot
jake kiszka x f!reader
Warnings: 18+ MDI, smut, cursing, a little bit of drinking, general foreplay, !protected! p in v sex, teen Jake (18 give or take) (I know this isn't what teenage Jake looked like, but I don't feel comfortable using those pics)
Lemme know if I missed any warnings 😙
A/n: writing bc of writer's block! anyways, I really love this type of Jake fic so I wanted to make my own. I hope u enjoy!
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Your phone buzzes as you pull into the Kiszka's driveway.
Josh: are u almost here?
You take out your phone and text him back.
You: Yeah I just pulled into ur driveway
Josh: k u can just come inside
Josh: the door's open
You: kk
You get out of your car, grabbing the Walmart bag full of supplies and your backpack. He was right, the front door was unlocked. You felt weird just letting yourself in, but it's whatever.
Josh is sitting at their dining room table when you walk into the foyer. He's drawing something on the huge piece of white poster paper he got for the project.
"Hey!" He greets you, looking up at you.
"Hey!" You say back, setting the bag on the wooden table. You start taking out your computer.
"How's the research coming along?" Josh asks, continuing to draw what looks like plants.
"Well," you start, pulling up the shared Google doc, "I found a lot out about the different organisms you'd find in a rainforest, but that's about it," you say, letting him scroll around.
"It looks good," he compliments. "Very informative."
"What about you?" You ask, grabbing a blue marker and walking over to the other side of the table to start on the fonts.
"I've done a couple things," he says.
"By that you mean you've done nothing," you say, giving him a look.
"Okay it's not my fault," he starts, putting the cap on the green marker he was using, "Jake needs me to sing for his band, so I haven't really had the time to do anything."
"Jake has a band?" You ask, looking up at him.
"You talking about me, Josh?" That familiar voice says. His familiar raspy tone crackled through your ears.
"I was just telling Y/n about your band," Josh says, grabbing another marker, "and how I never have time for school because of your ass."
Jake laughs to himself which makes you go momentary blind. You breathe in deeply, trying to ignore him even though his presence looms over you like a thick blanket.
He's not wearing a shirt, only some long pajama pants. He pops the cap of his beer on the edge of the table and takes a seat which makes his bicep muscles come out a bit. He wasn't very muscular, but leaner. You could see a faint outline of abs when he walked over to his seat.
Fucking hell.
"You interested or something?" He asks you, his stare burning into the side of your head.
You knew Jake only because of Josh. You weren't necessarily close with either of them, but your parents were good friends. You saw Jake around school and only had one class with him in Junior year. Josh was in your biology class which got you paired up together.
"I didn't know you played," you say, continuing to write, unable to look at him.
"Hm," he takes a swing of his beer, "well maybe you could come watch us some time."
"Maybe..." you say, nervously coloring in your letters.
Josh's phone dings, "Oh shit! I'm supposed to go pick up Sam from Danny's," he says. "Are you good to hang here by yourself and work on it?"
I have to stay here with Jake?
"Um, yeah, I'll be fine!" You say, watching him gather up his keys.
"Okay, and Jake leave her alone!" He yells, exiting the house. The front door slams and you're left there alone with Jake.
You continue your work, ignoring Jake who's very obviously looking at you as he drinks his beer.
"Do I make you nervous or something?" He asks.
"Why would you think that?" You ask, finally making eye contact with him which was a clear mistake.
"Well for one, your face is all red, and two, you're obviously trying to avoid me," he says, leaning back on the chair. His legs open a little.
"You definitely don't make me nervous," you say, your voice a little bit shaky because he does actually make you nervous.
"You're such a bad liar," he says, laughing to himself once again, a stupid smirk on his face.
"What are you doing here anyways?" You ask, now looking into his eyes.
"Uh, this is my house," he says, crossing his arms with a slight tilt of his eyebrows. You ignore his comment, feeling a little embarrassed.
He gets up from his chair and walks over to you. He's standing so close you can smell his body wash and the slight lingering scent of his shampoo. You feel like you're going to faint any second. He's so overwhelming to look at, you wanna burst into dust or flames or something!
"I've always had a thing for you, you know?" He says, reaching across your line of sight to grab a red marker.
You stand up, looking directly at him, "What?"
"Yeah," he leans on the table, twirling the red marker in his hand, "I've always thought you were beautiful and you have a cute personality." He tilts his head towards you a little bit.
He's so casual about it, you think you're dreaming. He moves a little closer to you. Your heart races uncontrollably. Your hands instinctively land on his chest. His eyebrows raise in satisfaction like that was his plan.
"Can I?" He says in a low voice, putting his hands on your waist as he walks you backward out of the dining room.
You gulp, nodding your head as you maintain eye contact with him.
He stops you in the dark hallway, pressing you gently against the wall as his hand slides up your shirt. His other hand holds your jaw, lifting your chin up slightly.
Please don't let this be a dream!
He brings his lips down to yours, kissing you gently before adding more pressure. His lips are so soft, you melt right into them. His tongue parts your lips, slowly sliding into your mouth. He tastes incredible. The kiss slowly becomes more needy, your hands going into his hair.
His lips disconnect from yours, traveling down your jaw and latching on your neck. He gently sucks at the skin enough to give you pleasure but not enough to leave a mark.
"Fuck me," you barely say, your hands traveling down his warm, tanned skin to reach the waistband of his pajama pants.
"I will, baby, I will," he breathes, kissing your lips again.
He moves you down the hall and into a room that you could only assume was his. He strips you of your shirt before you lay down on the bed. He takes your shorts off, tossing them to the floor, leaving you only in your bra and underwear.
What am I doing right now?
He separates your legs as he lays himself in between them. He kisses your lips before undoing your bra and adding it to the pile of clothes.
"You're gorgeous," he says, breathing heavily. "I need you."
"I've needed you more," you breathe out.
He slides your underwear off, leaving you completely naked under him. He slides two fingers into your wetness. He slides his fingers inside of you. You immediately hold onto him, your mouth open a little bit. He pumps them in and out of you.
"Holy shit," you moan, connecting your lips to his. His tongue distracts you from the amazing feeling he's building up inside of you.
"Jake-" you tilt your chin up.
"Come for me, baby," he says, continuing his motions as he plants kisses over your breasts.
Your orgasm hits you like a truck. He takes his fingers out of you.
"Jake, I need it, I need you to fuck me," you say, breathless.
"I know," he says, opening his nightstand and taking out a condom. He strips himself of his pajama pants, slipping the condom around his dick. He crawls on top of you, your legs wrapping around his waist. He situates himself in front of your entrance before slipping inside of you.
"All this for me?" He smirks, lightly thrusting in and out of you. Your arms wrap around his back, your fingers digging into his skin. Your breath hitches as he pulls in and out.
How'd I go from doing homework to being fucked?
He rests his head on your shoulder, his breath hitting your collarbone.
"Fuck, Y/n," he sighs, "you feel so good."
Your hands wrap around his biceps as he continues thrusting, "I'm almost there, Jake." You tightly shut your eyes, your hand flying down to grip the sheets. Both your bodies produce moans of pleasure that surround the room.
Your second orgasm approaches. Jake fucks you through it as his own takes over him. He releases himself, “Fuck,” he moans into the crook of your neck.
He pulls out falling to the side of you.
“Holy shit,” you laugh, covering your mouth. Both your breathing is rapid.
“Y/n!” You both hear Josh shout from the living area.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you say, scrambling off the bed and getting yourself dressed. Jake puts his pajama pants back on.
“Wait,” he says, holding the door closed, “I meant what I said in the dining room. I do… really like you.”
You smile, tucking some hair behind your ear, “I really like you too, Jake.”
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whelmed-birdie · 10 months
Whispers in the Rain
Prompt: Dick Grayson x f!Reader find themselves caught in a sudden rainstorm while on patrol.
Tags: fluff, that’s it really :)
1k words
Y/V/N = Your Vigilante Name
(the only reason i put f!reader is because of the picture at the end, its not specified in the story)
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Luckily it's been a quiet night, which usually only serves to heighten your nerves, but you can't help but be thankful tonight as rain pelts your body- the warm and calm night vanishing into windy, freezing conditions. Usually, you share Nightwings' desire to finish patrol each night, but the normal feigned annoyance quickly melts into true annoyance along with what feels like all the warmth in your body. You can't help but swear when your foot slips as you jump from one building to the next. Luckily you still stick the landing, but you aren't completely off the hook.
The voice to your left startles you, but you recognize it immediately and roll your eyes.
"Your siblings aren't even here to hear me, what do you care?"
"Habit I guess, also just know it annoys you"
You hate the way you can hear his smile as he responds even though you aren't looking at him.
"Typical. Anyways while you're here, consider this my two-week notice." You say, only half-joking, as you suppress another shiver.
"Ha. Funny. We're almost done, it's not that bad"
"Says the one with the fancy self-heated suit."
When you don't hear a reply you turn your head in his direction, you meet his eyes, which look even brighter than normal contrasted with his dark hair plastered to his forehead. He studies you for a moment,
"Let's find a place with shelter until the storm passes and we can keep patrolling."
You give Dick a weird look, you're about to question him but a particularly strong gust of wind that only worsens the chill makes you decide to simply agree.
It doesn't take long to find an abandoned building that blocks the wind and rain. It's already 4 am and you would be lying if you said you weren't slightly irritable
"Dick I-"
"Names." He scolds but you can tell by the brightness in his eyes that he's just trying to annoy you, like always.
You flip him off and continue talking through his snort, "Nightwing. I swear if we end up sitting here until sunrise I will cut off your toes and feed them to you."
Dick feigns shock, "Oh dear. Well, I better hope the storm lets up before then." He says.
"You better." You say, absentmindedly running your hands up and down your cold arms, glaring at the sky. You kinda feel bad about your sour mood, but you can't help it. You're tired, cold, and also kinda hate storms.
Suddenly you feel hands that aren't your own, and significantly warmer, rubbing your arms.
"Uhm. What are you doing?"
"Well like you said, you don't have suit warmers. You look freezing. And angry."
Your eyes narrow as you scrutinize Dick, you've learned to always be prepared for a joke with him, but you find only sincerity.
"Hm. I'll allow it. Just because I am really cold."
"Of course."
After a few moments, Dick wraps his arms around you, and you can't even find the strength to argue. His warmth contrasts so strongly with the chill of the air. You accidentally let out a little noise of contentedness, earning a soft chuckle from Dick.
"Has the mighty Y/V/N been defeated by a hug?"
You feign a dramatic gasp, "Has this been your plan all along?" You pretend to push yourself out of his grasp, not trying nearly hard enough to actually separate yourself from his warmth.
Dick continues to play along, though, "You've figured it out. But it's too late! You shall be trapped in my clutch forever!" He fakes an evil laugh and you laugh genuinely with him, still pretending to try and break free.
During the faux fight, his large hands clasp your wrists and he holds them between your bodies, your movements slow down to a stop as your eyes meet Dicks.
Both smiles melt away into a look of desire, you glance at Dicks lips for a split second, wondering if he feels the same tension you do.
Your question is answered when his lips crash into yours, none of the hesitance you might have expected for your first kiss with him, and the desperation in his movements causes your knees to go weak. Dicks hold on your wrists has loosened and you use the opportunity to gently grasp the sides of his face. You're not sure how long you have been kissing at this point but long enough that you can feel the drastic change of temperature on your lips when you finally pull away. You both catch your breath and when you open your eyes you find his still closed, and you take the moment to admire this man in front of you. His lips are always beautiful but there's something about seeing them red and bitten, knowing it was your doing, that suddenly you want to see them like that indefinitely.
Finally, Dick opens his eyes and when he sees you already looking, you watch as his cheeks redden and you both wear matching smiles. Suddenly Dick looks off to the side, towards the skyline, and he chuckles lightly and looks back to your face.
You keep your eyes on him with a confused expression, but his smile only grows,
"So what's the verdict? Are you gonna...what was it again?...cut off my toes and feed them to me?"
You are utterly confused until the memory of what you said comes back, it feels like years ago even though it was only an hour or so, but you feel like your life has completely changed. You look to the horizon, and sure enough, the sun has started peaking out.
You let out a laugh, but school your expression into one of contemplation, "Hmm, I'm not sure yet. But you might be able to sway your odds?" You say and raise an eyebrow.
Dick nods in fake dejection, "I see," he sighs, "Let me know when I have paid my penalty." Dick says, leaning in to kiss you again.
You grin, "You might be here all day"
"If you insist."
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manicplank · 6 months
The Color Pink (Part 4)
The Noise's eyes were wide, and his pupils drifted slightly apart as he was lost in thought. He was nervous. He was still thinking about that girl and the fact that he asked her out. It was such a spur of the moment thing. He was afraid it was just another irresponsible decision he made on impulse. Even worse, he couldn't believe she said yes. Now he had to go through with something that he never really thought about. He only thought about her and the occasional visits to her, but now, they were going to have a one on one meeting.
The Noise shook his head and straightened his eyes out. "Huh? Where am I?!" A small Noisey with a baseball cap that said "director" on it was tapping its little foot.
"You're still on set, idiot," it yelled.
"Oh, right... Sorry."
"You're so distracted today. What's going on with you?!"
"I-I don't know. I'm just... spaced out? I guess... I'm not too sure..."
"Are you feeling sick or something?"
"Kind of... I feel a little queezy. My stomach feels weird."
"Maybe if you ate actual food instead of candy, you wouldn't keep getting sick. Now, get it together! We have several scenes to film today, and you were already late to begin with."
"Right, right, sorry."
The Noise walked up to a western-esque set. They were filming a western movie; The Loud Sound. Noise was quickly costumed with a belt, a vest, and a sombrero on top of his usual wear. A pig dressed as a cowboy and another dressed as a old-timey woman stood across from him. "Alright," said the director, "Porky, you're holding an innocent woman hostage as you're approached by our bounty hunter, Noise. He's been chasing you down for miles. You're tired, and this is your last stand. Noise, you've finally come face to face with the biggest bounty you've ever hunted. The money is enough to make you wealthy for life. However, he's one hell of a sharp shooter. You've met your match. You have to get both him and the woman alive or you won't get the bounty. Aaand, ACTION!"
"You might'a had me cornered," said the pig in a western accent, "but I ain't going down without a fight."
"Let her go, Pork Chop," The Noise responded in a slight Mexican accent. "I don't wanna hurt you."
The pig held a prop gun to the woman's head. "You only want the money! You don't give a damn about justice! You don't give a damn about her life!" He pushed his gun against her, and she let out a scream.
"Let her go, and you'll walk out of here alive."
"I'll be dragged out of here in cuffs and hobbles! You'll get the money, and eveybody's gonna think yer a hero! But you're nothing more than a greedy sum'a bi-"
In the middle of the heated scene, The Noise's phone began to ring in the distance. "CUT," yelled the director. "Are you KIDDING me?!" The Noise looked like a deer in headlights. He dashed towards his phone. He didn't recognize the number. Stupidly, he answered it, "Hello?"
"Hey," spoke a familiar female voice, "I know this seems like a long shot, but... Is this The Noise?"
"Hey, it's Hazel!"
"Oh, it's you! Give me a minute." He put his hand over the phone to block the sound. He headed over to the director. "I gotta take this," he said, "it's uh... my doctor!" He ran out of the set and into the hallway. "Sorry about that."
"That's okay! I didn't mean to call so early. I kind of thought you were pranking me so... I wanted to make sure I got the right number."
He laughed. "I can see why you thought that."
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"No, no, not at all!" He spoke as if he wasn't in the middle of work.
"I was wondering what sort of ideas you had for lunch. I mean, my cafe still doesn't serve food, so..."
"Well, what were you thinking?"
She giggled. "I wasn't thinking anything, I hoped you had an idea in mind."
"Oh. Hm... You know what? There's this neat bubble tea place in The Pig City that has really good food."
"I love bubble tea! I didn't know there was a place to get it in the tower."
"Yeah, it's great. They have ramen, dumplings, macarons, rolled ice cream, all sorts of cool stuff!"
"That sounds great! So, when were you thinking we go there? I'm free all evening."
"I'm sort of at work right now, so-"
"What?! You said I wasn't interrupting anything!"
"You aren't! It's sort of a slow day today."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize! We can still make the plans."
"Oh, okay... So then when were you hoping to go?"
"How about tomorrow afternoon or the day after?"
"I can do tomorrow after I close the cafe."
"Cool! 3 o'clock sound good to you?"
"Yeah, that's perfect!"
"Okay, see you then!"
"Yep! Now get back to work!" She laughed.
He chuckled. "Alright, alright. If anything happens, just give me a call."
"Okay, bye!"
The Noise walked back into the set. Everyone stared as he entered the room. "Sorry," he apologized, "I got some bloodwork done. My doctor was just calling to tell me everything's good." The director noisey rolled its eyes. "Whatever, Noise. Put your phone on silent and get back in the scene! We are NOT working overtime today."
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analiavs · 2 months
Tfw your in a crime boss meeting and your rival boss starts watching some weird newfangled cartoon streamer in the middle of it.
Was his disregard for the meeting a power move? Briar looked genuinely happy watching his screen. It was unnerving. Just as he cleared his throat Briar starts tapping intensely, a few seconds later a loud chime fills the room and a robotic voice spoke,
Bailey's in the middle of a report about some upstart cutting encroaching on their territory when Briar pulls his phone out. He immediately stopped talking to glare at him, but Briar completely ignored him.
The sound of a hyper cat girl streamer greeting her viewers blasted through the room at full volume. He only recognized the voice because she'd constantly popped into his recommended until he blocked her and the rest of her ilk. In contrast, Briar was watching the video without a care in the world.
-Catdaddy9 donated 500$
"Briar do you mind waiting until the meetings over?"
-Keep up the good work darling, every time you stream it brings a smile to my face
-Nyaaa~~~ thank you so much daddy! I nya you for reals!
The girl was practically moaning into the mike. He needed to put an end to this.
"Do you mind? You're the one whose scheduled a meeting during her stream." Briar didn't even look up!
"Excuse me?!" This was a regularly scheduled meeting and the key points on the agenda were directly relevant to Briar. He took a deep breath through his nose, it wouldn't do to lose his composure. Remy interrupted,
"Hm, well my boys could take care of it, but it'd cost you. Maybe five or so of your wards, at my discretion of course." He grit his teeth.
"For that price I can take care of it myself." Everything was an opportunity with these fools. In that case he might as well make his own move.
"But you make a fair point, if Briar won't take care of the rabble-rousers then Avery can make himself useful this time." In other words, prove yourself worthy to sit among us. In the background the streamers inane babbling got even louder.
-And like OMIGOSH there's like these guys that keep hassling me! They like call themselves the Harvest St Penguins and they're total fucking gooners! Ah fuck I'm hit nyaur!!! Nya I'll do better next time~
Out of nowhere Briar slammed his phone onto the table. The look on his face was furious,
"I'll deal with them personally." Then he got up and left. Wait a minute the meeting wasn't even over. This was ridiculous all this over a streamer! Desperate for attention, Remy threw his hat in the ring,
"Fuck that bitch, you lot need to watch my streams! Follow me on everything at Royal Equestrian Adventure in the Moors! We're holding a sweepstakes-"
"If you want a commercial break then pay me for the privilege. Now if we're quite done interrupting the meeting I'd like to get to the next order on the agenda."
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honeypipin · 10 months
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(Part twooo, wooowowoooowoooo)
Disclaimer: König felt a bit cheeky today, he mayyyy be watching you, he mayyyy be thinking pervy things (you were too, equality 🙌), he mayyyy be desperate for you, how couldn't he? You're perfect for eachother 🫶🫶
Watching the news every morning becomes a necessary part of your routine. Vicki doodles on her paper, and you listen to the ever expanding list of cryptids.
"Look! Look! Do you like my flowers?"
"Of course I do, Vicki, they're beautiful."
Your smile is parried with a gleaming grin from the little girl, and she gets to work on a new drawing, just for you.
"A new crytid has been reported to access mobile phones by the name of Atlas, if you receive any messages, do not respond. Block, report, and isolate the device for at least 24 hours."
Oh shit.
"17 dead, and 24 suffering near fatal burns and injuries, please exercise caution when dealing with these."
Wait, what?
2 days ago:
A chime rang out from your phone, you picked it up and read the message.
Unknown: Hello
You: Hello?
Unknown: Give me something close to your heart
You: what?
They didn't respond. So you put the phone down and turned around, you still had laundry to put away.
A weird... hand? Tentacle? Something. Something wrapped around your throat and lifted you up, you grabbed and scratched and tugged but it wouldn't let you go, no matter what you did, it felt like it just got tighter.
"Please- please- stop! STOP! Let- *cough* let me go!"
The thing pulled the phone close to your face.
Give me something close to your heart.
Something close to your heart???
"WAIT! I'll give it! Just let me go!"
The black tendril uncurled itself around your throat and presented itself in front of you. It flattened the top part of itself like it was waiting for you to give it something.
Now, what does it mean close to your heart? Did it mean metaphorically or physically? Well, you could only think of one thing that could fit both.
It seemed stunned when you handed it your bra, was that a good thing or not? You didn't know for sure, but the way it slinked into the shadows, and with your favourite bra disappearing into the wall, you probably did the right thing. Right?
Well, considering you were still alive, you probably did do the right thing. Vicki showed you the brilliant portrait she drew of you, which you rightfully applauded her for, until you were both interrupted by a knock at the door.
To your surprise and delight, a certain Austrian greeted you once you opened the door.
"Fredrick! Hello! What's got you knocking at my door?"
"I wanted to return the plate you gave me, and the fork"
"Oh, thanks, what did you think of it?" You took the cleaned plate and fork from his hands.
A grin you can't help appears on your face.
"Well I am a great cook." Vicki grabs onto your free hand, little fingers barely cover half of your palm.
"Hm? Vicki? Something wrong?"
Vicki stares at Fredrick for a little, then giggles and rushes off, leaving the two of you quite confused.
"...weird, she's usually very talkative..."
"Perhaps she is shy, many children get scared of me."
You chuckled "probably their parents too"
"Probably." His eyes are crinkled to a quarter of its max, so you guess he's smiling, though, again, quite difficult to tell with the mask.
"Are you on lookout again tonight?"
"Not tonight, I will have a few days off so I can start working some day shifts."
"And to buy a new fridge?"
This time, he laughs, "And to buy a new fridge"
"Don't forget your bins tonight, ja?"
"Hey! It was a only a few times!"
"A few times too many," he adds, god, you'd love to hear that teasing tone somewhere in your bedroom, or his, or both, you really didn't mind... uh oh, there really was no saving you here, was there?
"Erm, well, I will see you later"
His voice snapped you out of your terrible perversions, and rightfully so. Over an innocent man who literally worked to protect you?! whoops.
"Oh! Yeah, see you later Fredrick!"
You smiled at him, watched him walk away, then closed the door.
This crush was becoming an issue.
(you were totally mesmerized by his back)
König never really had "good luck" - he often got the short end of the stick, ever since his birth. However, sometimes, Lady Luck gets confused and graces him with something holy.
in this case, Someone holy, to be more specific.
He walks in and locks the door behind him.
He was never one to be open with his loves or obsessions, the most he ever did was buy a T-shirt from a Band he liked when he was 14. He preferred quietly appreciating these things, much less stress involved when learning how to play his favourite songs in his room, than telling his friend said band he liked, and having to refuse to play out of sheer embarrassment... What if he messed up? What if it's so bad they laugh? Or something worse? What if all the attention is forced on him? It was bad enough with his size. He didn't need anymore, that was for sure.
A good thing about being an official part of the military now was the fact that he got to de-stress through shouting at poor idiots who didn't listen to him for the umpteenth time, the recoil of his gun killed the nerves in his hand enough to stop the shaking when he was nervous. Military had done him well, he was forced into the game, and now he's got it.
Except this is a different game.
How was he meant to do this? Sure, you have the kindest eyes he's ever seen, and your smile is the stuff of dreams, and you've never been cruel to him... But what if you reject him? What if you laugh like the others from his youth? Or stand him up like people had done before? Or what if he thought he was lucky for one night, only to wake up the next morning without you next to him, he couldn't let that happen!
So he did the one thing he was always good at, watch.
He grabbed a beer from his fridge and sat down at his computer, switching it back on, your voice filled his ears.
"Vicki, what are you laughing about" he watched the two of you giggle together fondly, you were a great parent for raising her yourself, it made him wonder if you would be the same with his child, if not better - after all you would always have his undying support - would you would coddle them, waiting for him to come home?
He finally looked away to continue his stalking research, sure, he had found your social medias quite easily, but he needed to know more! They were only good for seeing pictures of you, and yes, he did enjoy seeing said pictures of you, and yes, they did fuel many of his fantasies - for example, his favourite - a picture of you at a friend's wedding catching the bouquet, in a dress that certainly caught his eyes (not that you don't catch his eyes (you always do), it's just that in this one he can see your cleavage, and he was very glad to see it respectfully), he couldn't help but think about you excitedly rushing to him about it, and how you would later "convince" him to marry soon (he would totally be on board, does not need convincing, but would let you try anyways) with your sweet, needy voice, and gentle kisses, caresses trailing lower and lower on his body, it would be the rare kind of attention he does like (And he would definitely return the favor later, Schatz, don't you know that he's great with his mouth? He'll make sure you feel so good, you won't even notice he took your panties, you'd be too fucked out to do so! Just enjoy the bath he's running for the two of you! What?Whosaidthat?!).
While the pictures were a great start to his mornings, something else bothered him, he couldn't find anything out about Vicki or his biggest problem, the father. He knew nothing about his greatest competitor, so how could he hope to beat him yet? He had spent hours on his computer searching for anything that helped, only stopping for work, human survival, and to talk to or watch you, and the anything that could help him? It only lead him back to square one. It was terribly frustrating.
He brought his attention back to the camera he had snuck into your kitchen, one of many, of course, and smiled at the sight of you pondering over your work.
Your concentrated face peered at your screen, the glasses you wore began to slip down your nose whilst you were trying to understand the code you were sent, freelance programming would be so, so much easier if people could just format their programs better. If only.
Your " uniform" was even better, some comfy leggings, a tank top and some zip up hoodie, with your neckline exposed - König got a great view of the skin he needed to mark. He could almost swear you were doing this on purpose, wearing clothes like these to rile him up, and it was certainly working.
But it was fine. After all, it wouldn't be long until he could finally do something, you were just giving him a little teaser! The more he thought about it, really, you were just being generous, and how could he complain?
Just a bit more time, and you were finally his.
And if things didn't go to plan... the basement could always work, right?
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
*me just seeing your newest post* Headcanon to drabble event? Ooh, nice!
Finally, my time has come as the biggest Fyodor simp on this Earth... So, you know how Fyodor wears that ushanka all the time? I headcanon that he wears the ushanka, not only because it's warm, but because his ears/neck are exceptionally ticklish and he really doesn't want people finding out. Keeping the headcanon in mind, can you please write a drabble for lee! Fyodor and ler! Reader (any gender)?
Feel free to decline this request, it's up to you! And if you're nervous about writing for Fyodor, please don't be! That time you wrote for him during the Candy Heart event was spectacular! You write him very well! Be safe and have a lovely day!
Oo, I'm learning new words today! :D Fyodor's pretty grand, even though my knowledge about him's fairly limited, I hope I wrote him alright!
“Are you cold?” You nodded at Fyodor’s ushanka. “It looks rather warm.”
“Hm?” He looked over at you, hand coming up to pat the warm material. “It is quite warm. I chill easily.”
“Do you, now?” It checked out- between the fur cape that matched perfectly, you were almost convinced that was his only reason. “Can I feel it?”
“Feel…?” He eyed you, suspicious. You reached up, patting your head. “Ah…why?”
“It looks so soft! I won’t do anything weird, I promise.” You reassured, watching his expression. Just sit there and smile…don’t show a thing…
“Very well.” He gave in, submitting to your puppy eyes. “How do you wish to-” He stopped talking when you climbed into his lap, sitting so you stretched above him. “Ah, I can’t say I dislike this position.”
“Shh, it’s the most ideal.” You smiled, reaching out to touch. It was as soft and warm beneath your hand, just as you expected. Beneath you, Fyodor seemed…motionless, like he didn’t know how to react.
But then your fingers wandered into his hair and you felt him ease beneath you, letting out a content sigh as you smoothed out the strands. “So this was your plan?”
“Maybe~” You grinned, easily pushing off his ushanka so you could really get in there. His hair was even softer than his hat. “Or maybe…it was this!”
Without any warning, you shot your hand to the back of his neck, wiggling your fingers. Almost immediately his relaxed state disappeared, and he stiffened beneath you. “Aww, what’s the matter? Is the great Fyodor ticklish?”
“Sneheheheaky (Y/N)!” He choked out, scrunching up his shoulders in a vain attempt to block you out. That only gave you more room to go for his ears. “Nohohoho, dohohohon’t you dahahhare!”
“Oh I dare.” You grinned, delighted to see him smiling so much. “Tickle tickle, Fyo~”
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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inventors-fair · 4 months
And Another Thing: Mistake Contest Runners-up!
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Our runners-up this week are @corporalotherbear, @nine-effing-hells, and @stupidstupidratcreatures!
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@corporalotherbear — Counterstrike
I was quite torn on this card, actually. It's incredibly complicated when it needs to be and extremely simple—and powerful—in every other circumstance. Honestly, I'd play this card for sure; at its worst, it's "deal 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature, or a creature that's being declared an attacker at the beginning of combat before it can do its thing." At its best, it destroys combat tricks and smashes face. Versatile is the name of the game.
Is it just me, though, or is this quite ambitious for an uncommon? I think that the complexity stands out to me because of all the possible restrictions and inter-rules complications. I can imagine players being quite annoyed if their choice of target becomes illegal, and so the spell they were trying to counter still resolves. And at the same time, that's a corner-case that's easily explained in more complex gameplay in general, so like, I get it, and I love it. I especially love, if your opponent's at 3 life and about to swing for lethal, you can get them before damage with this and blow them away. I'm weird like that, though—and for the record, the mechanics stood out first and foremost but the flavor text is also sending me. Great job on the humor there.
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@nine-effing-hells — Oeuvre Bonfire
Looks like this wizard's work is now...oeuvre-done. Heyo! Anyway, this card's probably fine as a ramp spell in limited if you really need it. I can't imagine that it would get more than 3-4 mana depending, but what do I know? I think that a set like Shadows over Innistrad showed the power of Delirium, but even then, the question is: at what point in the game are you hoping to fill your graveyard to the point where this card is worth it? If you max out on non-planeswalker card types in a normal limited environment, then getting artifact + instant + sorcery + enchantment + creature + land for 2→6 mana is... I don't know, I don't think it'd be worth it.
All the same, some combo players are gonna try to make it work through channeling and discarding and all that nonsense, so what do I know. The flavor of it makes it worth it. What kind of madness are we seeing here? Is this the freedom from the mistake that grants the speaker a new lease on life? Or, are we seeing the beginning of a madness only emergent from one's realization that time has been wasted so? The ambiguity here is really doing it for me—including the question of whether this was by force from an outside perspective, internally a mistake, or a choice upon a mistake realized. I love what you've done with this, honestly.
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@stupidstupidratcreatures — Bright Idea
This flavor text saved you from the fact that you submitted this card literally three minutes before I had queued the list of entries. If you're gonna try to cut it that close again, you better believe you'll be scrubbing yourself out of the tiles! Regardless, I can't say that this card is especially inspired considering the 2BB instant that destroyed a creature or planeswalker, but for one, the tapped requirement is fair enough, and the W ideal cost is a little more aggressive and combat focused, and it exiles, so whateva. And the world as well! I can imagine this being less of the Kamigawa variety and more... Hm, that's a good question, actually.
Where would a wizard try to put a star in a bottle? I'll be honest, the first person I imagined was an old-school wizard in star robes with a fancy hat, and I'm stopping myself now before I try to go down the Wikipedia rabbit hole about historical depictions of wizards in fantasy. Maybe this is Dominaria, maybe this is even Capenna because of the janitorial angle. All the same! I think that the dark humor in a wizard's alchemical mistake is enough of a mildly-gross moment that I'll admit to cracking a smile here. Hey, what more can you want?
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Commentary comin' as it comes. @abelzumi
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Chapter 36- Part 8
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She'll use Zen Headbutt to whittle it down, and then…
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Well, it's not perfect, but I'm not sure if a third Zen Headbutt will kill it or not. So, just to be safe, I'll throw a Dusk Ball right now.
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Initially, my idea was to name it after the Dutch word for “moon”, like I did with Zon the Solrock (“zon” being Dutch for “sun”). However, that ended up being “maan”, which would have just forever reminded me of “man” and so I'd never be able to take this Lunatone seriously.
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So, I looked up what “moon” means in other languages, came across its German translation- “mond”- and decided that was a more fitting name.
Well, that was a fun little detour, but now it's time to see what the holdup is.
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Really? That's weird indeed, and- oh, the tremors are interrupting cutscenes now!
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Hmm…maybe there's some kinda mining operation happening in the mountain? That could explain the tremors and the metal support structures…but then again, the tremors started outside of Tanzan Mountain, so maybe not…
Anyways, there's a little offshoot over here, let's just check that real quick-
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Yup, you're not getting one over on me, you're not slick! 
There are more split paths in this next area…I'll go right first.
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Nevermind, the earthquakes didn't like that, we'll go left instead!
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The quakes didn't like that either! Okay, so if I'm ticking off the mountain no matter what, might as well keep exploring this side as normal.
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Nice, nice, now up these stairs is…
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Just a metal gate, how inconvenient. Alright, how about the right side?
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Very good! And if we keep going, there's-
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Another tremor, but besides that there's-
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Another…gate. Hm. Well, so much for a full exploration, but there's a smaller passageway over here it looks like, soo-
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Y’know, I'm already starting to get pretty tired of these tremors, like- take a break, guys! Spamming Earthquake is my job!
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So the gate on the right side was blocking some kinda cave- I wonder if there was something similar on the left side.
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OH! Okay, this was still worthwhile! Let me check for other items before mining those rocks, one moment-
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One good and one…that certainly exists!
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lightvsdark18 · 4 months
Twst 7.8
Translation by Gasumasuku Gamer
Alice is terrified at the fact Malleus covered the whole island in this curse, and guilty for not preventing all of this.
"Then what do we do?"
"And that strategy is?"
Dies in the background because of that video.
Doesn't the Shrouds calling Malleus a demon king.
"Hopefully it's easier than Lilia's dream."
"I'm a lucid dreamer, but there's limits to what I can imagine in my dreams."
Holds in laughter, then says "Dream Form Change!" while doing a peace sign. (I'm committing to the bit)
Looks at the list. "Hey, why is there a dorm uniform?"
"Dorm uniforms are better armor than your P.E. or lab coat if you have to battle. I assigned Ignihyde uniform." -Idia
"Do I have to change my clothes? I like the cape and dagger."
"Yes, or you can't blend in easily."
Oh Grim.
Everyone is using their magic to change, then what am I using?
(I imagine them linking arms now)
"When will we land?"
"Where do we start?"
"What the hell?" "... Honestly, I'm not surprised." (I'm glad everyone understood the assignment of Epel embodying our pink haired girl)
Hm? A white bird? Is that bird Silver talked about.
"At least you can see us. Anyway, waking Epel won't be difficult."
"I don't think hitting him is the answer!"
Blocks Sebek from Epel. "Epel! No fighting on campus, or in general."
Cuts off fake Vil and Rook's conversation because who would let them talk? "Epel! Remember we chased down Rook who was heading to Styx, you lit his broom on fire. Remember saving me with your unique magic by stopping that blast from reaching me."
Hugs normal Epel.
(Hisses at fake Vil and Rook)
Says the phrase normally.
Alice finally gets to punch Vil in the face.
(Yeah! The fond smile!)
(Oh shit! Epel got Super Smash Bros invitation!)
... Rook looks kinda cute.
Whispers to Grim, "because this is what he originally looked like in his first year."
Confused, "what would he dream about that?"
What the heck am I listening to?
"Yeah, I can imagine."
"Rook, we're coming in." Her stomach drops at seeing the room.
"Seeing Vil in Royal Sword Academy's clothing is weird."
"Rook, do NOT grab me."
Saw Silver asleep, decided to sleep as well. (I'm going to guess Silver fell asleep from boredom)
"But how do we do that?"
"It's a surprise."
"I'll try to remember, but I don't know if I get the full choreography."
"He's starting to wake up."
Seeing Vil in the Royal Sword Academy uniform fully is more weirder than the poster.
(The angle of his eyebrows 😭)
Speed-walks down the steps to hold Rook's hands. "Glad to see you came back to us."
(Actually Grim, you would be surprised how precise Malleus is)
(Why does Rook's shock face look different/weird? I think it's because he normally face forward when he's shock but this time his face turned. It just looks off)
(I'm going to burn that hat and sunglasses)
(Someone, put Grim in the crown on the gate)
"We won't know if we don't check." "Grim!"
(I like Grim's paw is actually covering Sebek's mouth)
(Found the Mickey mouse!)
"People looking for studio 1."
Picks up Grim. "Don't have to be rude about it."
"Touch me and you'll lose that hand."
Turns Grim at Neige, flamethrower.
"Also, Grim, you're a bottomless pit. You have no room to talk."
"But without sadness, you can't feel truly happy."
(I don't like that face, Neige, or that voice)
"But it's still possible to wake him."
"Damn, so this is if he succeeded in..."
(Is there a shadow Yuu and Grim?)
(Vil's yelp, I had to go back and play it again few times because I didn't expect it. I love you, Vil, but that yelp killed me)
(Vil vs his edgy Tumblr phase)
(Take a sip, bitch)
(The static I will always side-eye)
"What about me? I don't really have a dream to go back to."
They're getting along well.
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ask-the-entites · 5 months
"Welcome, welcome. Well, I see you're in our intro page. Let me demonstrate for you." Ember says,
"Ask count is at 0, try to ask us any time. Our limit of asks is 40-50."
"Try not to get any sexual with any of us. Especially with the kids. But, we'll accept if it's towards the adults such as Charlie or Maskomedy, but will be blocked, if towards emery or Suzie."
"You can rp in the asks, and we'll play along. Just don't be weird. Emliy has PTSD of sexual harassment, so. Don't do it to her."
"We, do NOT. Accept any P3d0philes in our blog. Although we're entites, we still care about safety and children's health."
"You may find our creator on Roblox. What childish game that is. Their user is emliy_rain."
"We will appreciate any fanart of us."
"You may vent to us, Maskomedy and emliy are recommends for the best comforting."
"If your willing to send any gifts, send it to the mailbox. We will open it soon." (Aka ask box.)
"Everyone, we will be opening an blog to the public. If you DARE complain. You will be send to the basement with no food, understand?" Ember announced.
"An blog?! WE GET TO MAKE FRIENDS, SUZIE!!" Emery cheered, her eyes lighting with excitement.
"...that's.. cool.. I hope.. they can.. be friends.. with me.." Suzie muttered.
"Did you hear that, Charlie? WE GET TO MEET OTHER PEOPLE AFTER SO LONG!!" Maskomedy hugged charlie, a excited grin on her face.
"Hm, I'm not quite fond of that idea but, if Maskomedy's okay with it. I'll tolerate it." Charlie hugged Maskomedy back.
"Damn, I'll have to talk to AJ bout' this. I'll let y'all know if he's okay with it." Emliy teleported to where AJ is.
Characters that are available to ask -- Emliy, Ember, Emery, Charlie, Maskomedy, Suzie.
Side characters you can mention. -- Pearl, Kayla, AJ, Stamps, Demienz, William, Navy, Helios, Abused!Emery. (An AU version of Emery.) Mochi, Xenophanes, Cherry, Orion.
I tend to be ooc often so.
"Hope you get to know us! Bye bye, [Reader]!" Emery waved goodbye.
you can be Undertale characters or sans Aus characters btw.
Tags for different characters:
Emliy: #Emliy Asks! #WantedMurdererReblogs
Emery: #EM3RY_A$KS¡ #EmeryReblogs
Ember: #QueenofAbyssalAnswers #EmberReblogs
Charlie: #HappyToAnswer. #Puppet/UniversalDestroyerReblogs
Maskomedy: #ComeAgain! #CultLeaderReblogs!★
Suzie: #SuzieAnswers. #SuzieReblogs
The reblogs will depend on which character reblogs.
——— ★ !
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for the smut prompts could you do something with Jirou and Otoya? whatever you feel like!
I have had intense writer's block for at least a month now, but then I heard a song with a lyric that I thought would make a good song title and scanned through my prompt and oh, right. I can always write something for Jirou and Otoya.
the devil made me do it (but I also kinda wanted to)
Yuri is, despite her better impulses, having coffee with Otoya at mald'amour, and--again despite her better impulses--she finally lets the itch of curiosity take over and says, "Look, why do you and Jirou need to pick at each other so much? You have to know at this point that it's not going to do either of you any favors."
Otoya looks unusually thoughtful for a moment before he answers her. "Well, beautiful Yuri--"
She rolls her eyes. "Cut it out."
"Well, reasonably-pleasant-to-look-at Yuri, you may or may not know this, but I do generally consider myself an animal lover."
"An animal--" She pinches the bridge of her nose. "Just keep talking, I'll cope with it all after you're done."
"However..." He trails off for a moment, looking past her toward the cafe entrance, and shit. Dammit. What a perfectly terrible time for the door to open, what an extraordinarily bad moment for Otoya's eyes to take on that particular ever-so-slightly-malicious gleam as he starts talking again, "however, even being such a lover of dumb animals, once in a while I come across a particular sort of little yappy dog that's just begging for me to tie a firecracker to its tail."
"On the tail, huh." She doesn't look up, she just keeps massaging the bridge of her nose and tries to ignore the sound of soft footsteps approaching their table. "I don't imagine you usually do it, though."
Otoya raises a hand to his chest with a look of exaggerated shock. "Yuri. The mere suggestion that I'd do such a thing to a helpless creature wounds me." A calculated beat. "But, of course, it's an entirely different matter if the creature in question is bigger than me and capable of expressing its own opinions on the matter. Then, well...I don't see how I could be expected to help myself."
There's an exhausted groan building in the back of Yuri's throat. She can smell the espresso scent that clings to Jirou's leather jacket. "So your excuse is that you have poor impulse control."
Otoya beams, still turned in her direction but clearly looking past her "Well, I'd say the devil makes me do it, but he's only sort of devil-adjacent, isn't he?"
"A firecracker, hm?"
"Gently, puppy," chest slamming against the wall with enough force to wind, the next word a gasp, "gently."
"If you wanted someone to be gentle with you, you wouldn't be doing this with me."
"Well, true, but it could hurt Yuri's feelings if she sees me with bruises she didn't give me."
Jirou's chin rests on his shoulder in a weird, intoxicating mockery of tenderness, even as the associated hands are busy undoing his belt and shoving his pants down. "Yuri," in a tone that seems inappropriately like a purr, "would almost certainly assume that you deserved them. And she'd be right."
"Fair enough, I won't dispute thaaa..." Otoya trails off, leaning his forehead against the tiles as he loses his train of thought, mouth hanging open as he breathes out, "Gently."
"You wouldn't know my gentleness even if I did offer it," Jirou says. His fingers are digging into the flesh of Otoya's ass now, and his breath is hot, and his tongue is. His tongue--
Otoya makes a noise in the back of his throat.
"Be quiet unless you want someone to hear us."
"I could make aaa joke about the way your pants squeak on the tile," Otoya gasps, "but I don't want you to stop."
Jirou pulls back for a moment and snorts, but doesn't stop, and Otoya does, to what he thinks of as his credit, try to be quiet.
Until Jirou does stop, and stands up, and Otoya says, "That's almost crueler, stopping when I was nearly ohh, gently, gently."
"I don't know why you keep bothering to say that," but the press of Jirou's teeth on the back of his neck does lighten, Jirou's grip does loosen slightly, his thrusts slowing a bit.
"Because--oh, because--it's all part of the fun, isn't it?"
Jirou grunts, sounding dissatisfied with this answer. "For that matter I don't know why I, hhh, continue to waste time and seed on you."
Unusually, Otoya has no immediate answer to this. To be fair he's distracted, one hand bracing himself, the other wrapped around his own cock, flushed cheek pressed to cool tile. One of Jirou's hands comes up to cover his on the wall, another flash of that false tenderness easily belied by the tightness of the grip.
Teeth close on the nape of his neck again and he shudders violently and comes with a dizzying shock, which Jirou ignores in favor of continuing to move. Fortunately the man has stamina, but not an undue amount, so he doesn't outlast Otoya by very much, and in the interim the sensation of being oversensitive and overwhelmed is surprisingly good to drown in.
Afterward, of course, there is always the ticklish question of cleaning up, retrieving any clothes that might have been lost, making themselves look less generally disheveled, and Otoya says, "Could always say the devil makes you do it."
Jirou doesn't ask what he's referring to, just continues to fix his shirt buttons without even a glance over. "No devil's ever made me do anything I didn't want to do in the first place."
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Hello Dracula. I hope you are not too busy. I'm asking around. I know you're answering some more personal questions lately, but I'm in a weird headspace. I love creative pursuits. Drawing, writing, crafting. You name it. Lately I have been feeling blocked, but when I try to move from one of my blocks to the next, I feel overwhelmed. I carry a lot of guilt when I don't work on one of my many projects, but I also feel so overwhelmed when I get like this. I wonder if a day off would help, but I connect with a lot of my friends through the creative things I do. I don't want my friends to think I'm mad at them or that they've done something wrong just because I need a day off. Do you get like this? And if you do, do you have a way of handling it that doesn't hurt others?
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"I have time to talk, don't worry. Now, let's see... Hm. Reading this has me worried about you, stranger. I will be honest with you, I believe you might be on the verge of a creative burnout. You carry guilt for not working on what you feel you should be working on, but when you do work on it it seems overwhelming. You are pushing yourself beyond your limits just to quell a feeling of misplaced guilt that never should have been there. I understand you connect with your friends over your creative works, which if I understand correctly is part of the reason you fear taking a break. So let me tell you this: your current projects will not magically vanish overnight because you did not work on them for one day. Your friends will not vanish overnight either for the same reason. I'd presume that you at this point have built a bond with them; if they care about you - which I presume they do - they will understand you needing space from your projects for a day. But, if I'll be entirely honest, I think a day will not be enough. You need more time to recover from this; if you jump back into it too quickly, it's just going to lead to the same result as you have now. A day won't suffice. You are human, not a machine. You do not run on oil and electricity and would never need a break. Resting and stepping away from your creative endeavours until you feel refreshed and ready to return to them will not hurt anyone. Forcing yourself to work on them solely out of a feeling of obligation to others and misplaced guilt will hurt you. Communicate to your friends about how you're doing and what you need right now, and I don't doubt everything will be well. Look after yourself stranger, because I have the impression you have been neglectful of your needs and it has come back to bite you in the form of these blocks. Remember: Human, not machine. Rest. You remind me an awful lot of Adrian like this, and it has got me worried. I may not be your father, but take all this as fatherly advice from a place of care and consideration for your wellbeing."
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boowhumps · 11 months
Whumptober 2023
Day 18
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Abuse
~ Mentions of Death
~ Mentions of Suicide
~ Suggestive Themes
"Do you.. have some cloth anywhere?" Kara asks.
Kameron makes a 'eh?' sound in response.
Kara sighs. "Like something I can use as a blindfold, Kam."
Kameron walks around. "Um.. maybe.?" He continues to pace before stopping a few feet ahead of Kara.
"Here." He responds, placing a cloth in Kara's grasp.
"Thanks." She says, "Alright, I'm ready now."
Kameron clears his throat. "Okay.. just um..-"
"Give me your hand." Kara demands.
"What-?" Kameron says quickly.
"To lead me, dumbass. I don't know the layout of this place yet." Kara says with a sigh.
Kameron hesitates. "Are you sure.?"
"It's just holding hands for like, 2 minutes." Kara groans.
Kara hums in satisfaction as she feel his hand placed in hers..
..And she is quickly dragged away before she can even process anything else.
"Kam.." Kara mumbles in annoyance as she tries to keep up with him.
Soon, Kameron stops, making Kara crash into him. She huffs, pushing herself away from him.
"..did you have to run.?" Kara asks, catching her breath.
"Wouldn't be hard if you didn't destroy your lungs.." Kameron mumbles under his breath.
Kara huffs. "You sound like Zach.."
Kameron sighs. "Let's just.. start."
Kara hums in agreement, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.
She fiddles with it for a second before Kameron sighs.
Suddenly, his hands are in her hair. She stops as she feels him adjust the ponytail.
"..uh.. thanks.." Kara mumbles as she ties the cloth over her eyes.
"What do you even need that for.?" Kameron asks obviously referring to the blindfold.
"To block out my light perception." Kara says bluntly.
Kara sighs. "The blindfold is so I can't see anything at all."
"..but you're blind.?" Kameron states clearly confused.
"Well yeah.. but not completely." Kara says. "I can't see you, but I can see light."
"Really.?" Kameron says slowly, clearly shocked.
"Yup, and that's going to mess up my fighting." Kara explains. "Better to see nothing at all than bright lights."
Kameron sighs. "I guess that makes sense.."
There's a silence before Kara stifles a laugh.
"What's that about.?" He asks quietly.
"Why are you so awkward?" Kara says with a laugh. "I do not remember you being this way before.."
Kameron groans. "I'm not-.. wait.. what do you mean, before..?"
Kara takes a deep breath, recovering from her laughter. "C'mon.. Kam.. Kameron.. not the most creative way to try to hide your identity."
Kameron goes silent. "..Kara.."
Kara smiles. "Oh come on, you didn't think I forgot the boy I hooked up with almost 4 weeks ago."
Kameron sighs into his hands. "But how did you-"
"Firstly, you have a very specific way you chew gum.." Kara starts.
"Secondly, the names are basically the same.." She smirks as she speaks.
"And thirdly, when you tied my hair for me.. that's exactly what you did 4 weeks ago after the.. y'know.."
Kameron takes a deep breath. "..fuck.."
Kara sighs. "Don't make it weird, Kam. It's only awkward if you make it awkward."
Kameron sighs. "Well it's not everyday you reunite with a one-night stand.."
Kara hums. "..would it make you feel better if I said that you did exceptionally-"
"Don't.. finish that sentence." Kameron says, exhausted.
Kara puts her hands up. "Alright.. I'll stop.."
She hums a small tune, fingers tapping on the porch.
"You could've just said something.." Kara mumbles.
Kameron sighs. "..and make it more weird? Pass."
Kara shrugs. "I'm guessing you never.. hooked up before?"
"Not with a stranger.." Kameron says.
"Hm.. well was it at least worth it?" Kara says with a smirk.
"...yeah... I guess so..." He replies hesitantly.
"I'll take that over a no.." Kara mumbles.
Kara sighs, then taps her foot.
"Alrighty then, we should get to work here.." Kara says. "Matt probably already hates that he has to wait for me.."
"He doesn't." Kameron replies. "Trust me."
"If you say so.." Kara says. "So then, show me what you got, Sage."
Kameron sighs. "Yeah yeah.."
"Hey, don't go easy on me." Kara tells him. "It's fine if you do manage to hurt me-"
"I'm here to train you, not beat you up." Kameron mumbles.
"Trust me, I'm used to it." Kara replies.
"..in a normal case, I would be shocked." Kameron says with a sigh. "But Zach Elswood is your father, so.."
Kara shrugs. "I've heard that before.."
Kameron takes a deep breath. "Well if this.. plan.. doesn't turn into a complete suicide mission, you won't have to worry about him.."
"Guess so.." She mumbles
Kara streches. "..Hey, if I do manage to kill myself doing this, at least I'll get to see my mom.. or not see. I don't know how the afterlife works in that sense.."
Kameron sighs. "Let's not think of that.. outcome. I do not want to imagine all of this failing.."
"Just sayin.." Kara says as she gets into position.
As they begin to train, Kara notices his slow movement, and with a sigh, begins to try to hype him up.
"Here, just imagine it's the night we met and do what do did-"
"Okay, yeah, not the best comparison.."
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