#hmmm still need to decide if i want a haircut.....
seagullcharmer · 10 months
my aunt is getting rid of a bunch of stuff so guess who came home with a three piece suit ???
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azziesbattybaddie · 2 months
Long hair and long healing
Lucien x reader
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Word count: 1.2k
Tamlins finally gives Lucien a day off to spend time with his mate due to being snowed in, sometimes time spent together is also time spent in the past.
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Requested: no
Warnings: fem reader, we die like men, maybe some swearing, some talk of Lucian's trauma, some angst, slight innuendo
Authors note: holy crap I posted my first finished fic 3 hours ago and it already has 42 likes! That is definitely a boost of motivation so I give you a present for the likes! I'm fully aware that the spring court doesn't experience winter but just roll with it, also I'm sorry I can't seem to stick to past or present tense I swear I'm working on it. Anyway Enjoy!
Authors note 2: guess who decided that I was gonna do a cute little 500 word drabble before bed and couldn't control the brain flow and now its 12:15 and I have 1.2k fic... ✋
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The smell of jasmine and lavender fill the air as you add a bath bomb to the already bubbling water. Alis had told you that morning that since there was a blizzard last night Lord Tamlin was going to let everyone have a rest day. That did include your mate Lucien but he hand some paper work to do before he was off the hook for the day.
As the bath filled you went and rekindled the fireplace before rummaging through the closet looking for 2 pairs of fuzzy socks and as many blankets as you could find, making quick work lying them out in front of the hearth in a nest like shape. You check the tub and turn off the water before adding some more oils Lucien liked but would never admit he uses out loud.
As your adding the last 'ingredient' to your bath soup you jump slightly at the feel of two strong arms wrapping themselves around your waist, fire red hair falling over your shoulder as Lucien lands a kiss on the side of your neck. You hum at the contact and allow your head to tilt to the side as you lean back against him.
"I was staring to think someone set a flower garden on fire, I could smell lavender all the way from the dining room." He mumbled against your neck pecking up behind your ear as he spoke.
"i heard that everyone was getting the day of and I've missed you, I wanted to do something nice since your not here that much anymore." you turn in his arms to face him, a hand coming up to bush a fallen lock of molten hot silk behind his ear.
"Hun, you need a haircut after your bath." You say when his hair falls at the slightest of move movements again.
Lucien gasps in fake offense, while clutching his hair as if it were the most precious thing in his life.
"how dare you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the length of my hair!" You can tell he's obviously pulling your leg but as much as he was right, his hair was almost down to his ass and honestly looked constantly unbrushed. He'd been away on business for so long you hadn't been able to keep up with trimming it to a manageable length.
"luc, you can't even turn your head without it getting in the way and it looks like a rats nest." You half way tease with a grin starting on your face.
His eyes light up with a shocked mischievous look before he dropped his hair and crossed his arms and turning to the bathroom mirror.
"ok that last one was a bit unnecessary, it not that bad." By now he's fiddle with his hair.
"either way, the bath is getting cold so you better hop in before you get take an ice bath instead." You state before walking out to grab him a towel and a pair of pajamas. When you come back though he still standing at the mirror still brushing his ridiculously long hair.
"what! Oh sorry, I was just-" he turned to look at you seeing your annoyed stance before finishing.
"you wanna join me maybe?" Lucien trying to bait you with a grin that told you if you got in the tub with him you wouldn't be getting out until the water was cold and the bath was useless.
"hmmm... No." You set down his clothes and towel on the sink before quickly kissing him on the cheek and darting out of the bathroom before he could catch you and drag you back into the steaming room.
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After about 20 minutes Lucien entered your bedroom to find you sitting in your nest of blankets with 2 giant cups of hot chocolate the book he had seen your reading and ... An assortment of hair ties, hair clips, brushes, little towels and your hair oils.
"by the cauldron, Lucien! why do I even by you sleep shirts if your never going to freaking wear them?" You say feigning annoyance while trying to keep your face from betraying you and giving him a once over. Lucien was always built, definitely leaner than most spring court males but his muscle was lean and taut and... dammit he saw you staring. 'great job' you think to yourself.
"for the sake of 'your' ego I'm just gonna ignore your question and the way you just jumped me in your head and ask instead, what the hell is all that?" He had a hand in his hip while he shot a finger out at all your hair supplies.
Your tried to tame the blush on your cheeks that burned as red as your mates hair from getting caught staring before letting yourself speak.
"well since your oh so adamant about not wanting to cut your hair than I'm gonna start braiding it every week or so that way it's out of your way and it doesn't look like Tamlin gave you a noogie on the way out the door."
"you say that you love me but you keep on insisting on insulting me and I'm starting to take it personal." He complained, not a hint of hurt on his face as he grinned and sat Infront of you, picking at a little hair jewel. You were about to tease him again when you caught the far away look on his mismatched eyes. As delicately as you could you placed a hand on his arm.
"Jesminda used to braid my hair when it got too long too." He said still looking into the fire as if it were a portal to whatever past memories he was playing in his mind.
You shuffled on your knees behind him and laid yourself against his back, your chin resting of his shoulder and your arms coming to trace small patters on his chest.
"no one can ever take me away from you. Never." You had been mated to Lucien for long enough for him to come clean about his past so you were fully aware of what his father and brothers did to his first love.
You never felt jealously or anger when he spoke about her, because you know it wasn't out of affection but out of guilt. Lucien always blamed himself for her death, that maybe if he hadn't defied his father, maybe if he had never courted her she might still me alive.
His hand came up to hold your arm as he pressed a lasting kiss on your wrist.
"your stuck with me and my annoying self forever." You whispered seriously in his ear. It earned you a chuckle, so you'll call that a win.
"I love you you know that. Promise me that you truly know that." He turned to look at you his russet eye dark almost looking at you with desperation and sorrow while his golden one seemed to be filled with hope for your answer.
"I've known that since before the bond ever snapped for you. You didn't know we were mates and you Still made me feel loved before we were even together. Of course I know you love me cuz you show me everyday even if you don't say it, I know." You were slowly running your fingers over his scalp while you whispered your praises. And slowly he let himself sink against you until his head was leaning back on your chest, his eyes closed and the sound of his soft breath filling the silence.
Oh well, maybe braiding can wait till tomorrow.
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ablogwithoutacause · 7 months
Hospitality, just like everything, is in the eye of the beholder. What is considered good hospitality by me, may not be considered the same by others. How do you prepare to be hospitable? You don't... you just are. Whatever your threshold is, you can be a 4 on a scale of 1-10. When the unforeseen circumstance arises, that's where your 4 shows. Not when you plan and make adequate preparations. I think I'm wrong though, that determines hospitality as well. The thought you put into making your visit feel as comfortable as can be doesn't go unnoticed. They say everything comes in 3's. I like to think everything is two at once.
During my homeless streak of 2023, a second-cousin of mine who lived a more amplified version of the life i had lived took care of me. He ensured i had money in my pocket after cutting his hair. He shared experiences and shared what he considered the most important things in life. Love, and Christ. As wise as he is, he still tends to commit the same mistakes over and over. He doesn't seem to love himself, because he doesn't seem to love his wife, his home, and his soul. Today, as I was sleeping, he decided to blow up my phone. I don't really want to hang out with him unless absolutely necessary since it usually means i'm left to babysit him while drunk. He lied to me. He said he desperately needed a haircut. I ignored the call, the text. It was easier to prioritize my new morning routine. Jog a mile, calisthenics, and a self oriented youtube therapy session. When I was homeless, i gave him my location in case anything was to ever happen. This double-edged sword has now came and bit me in the hiney.
I can't avoid him. he has a control over me that i do not wish he had. He calls me and he knows where i'm at. When i'm there... For how long... He must've seen me go on a jog because as soon as i got home... he called again. This time i answered only to hear a slurred-drunk saying he was around the corner to come get his haircut. What do you do? Reject the man who gave you a blanket and four walls to sleep in when you needed it most? Reject the man who overpaid his haircuts by a few hundred bucks? No. You repay. You demonstrate your love in a respectful way.
His Tahoe bumping loud hood music through its speakers terribly parked on the street makes itself at home. He nearly trips over the tiniest pebble... "You have a fridge, nigga? Feed me dawg, I'm fucking drunk..." Dumbfounded by what is going on, i prepare to be hospitable. I love to feed others. I love to cook. Leftover spaghetti.. Hmmm I can saute some zucchini and red onions with salt and oregano to side the spaghetti. He's hugging me and kissing me as I'm cooking for him. "You're rich. These are the riches in life. Food. 4 walls and a blanket." he felt the hospitality. A pea sized of anger in the back of my skull is telling me to get angry. To sin and start issues with him for lying to you. Instead, I opt to allow love to conquer. Self reminders of him helping me out when I was in need subdue whatever negative emotions were boiling in the pea sized anger sitting in the back of my head. He eats on the barber chair. Spills spaghetti all over his clothes. The floor. The pea sized anger gets hotter, but doesn't grow. My control is stronger than the emotions brewing. "Thanks for these wheels nigga." were his last words. before falling asleep. I had cut the zucchini into round slices just like mom would prepare for me.
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Seeing him fall asleep and know a haircut was still yet to be done, was enough to have me of the past throw a fit. He was invading my plans for the day, my Saturday. I wanted to rest. To read, and write. Meditate. Clean. Well, after struggling to cut his hair... I did just that. I cleaned. I meditated with Baby, and here I am writing. Anthony Bourdain replied to a redditor in regards to writer's block... His answer was enough to convince me that if i considered myself a writer, I should go clean squid all day if i ever whined about writer's block. Instead of being mad about my cousin's unannounced visit. I morphed the stress into inspiration for this blog entry. I'm watching a black and white film called Coffee and Cigarettes as my primo sleeps soundly on the plump barber chair. Different vignettes of people enjoying coffee and cigarettes all around the country, each with a distinct dilemma pieced together to form a film. It's the second occurrence of a vignette within the last 30 days that i am exposed to. I just learned of the term recently. It's interesting. I might venture to that style of writing in the near future. It was very popular in the 50's during the beatnik era.
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While my cousin gets his sleep, I came to the realization that in this moment... he needed this. Frustration of him and his wife having an argument was what led him to my home. I don't take sides, I don't want to see anyone argue with their significant other. It's only right for me to give him a temporary place that feels safe. Just to momentarily quench the thirst, then have him continue his journey. As he walked in he said "aw nigga it smells good". It made me happy that he acknowledged the smell. My mom always ensured the home smelled good. The last time someone told me my place smelled good was when I used to cut hair at mom's. It's a well stimulating compliment indeed. I believe him because his house reeks of wet dogs. Sometimes hospitality is a demonstration of the love we have for others even though the circumstances don't benefit us in that specific moment.
Mi casa es su casa as they say. But... where do you draw the line?
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fratboykate · 2 years
how does Yelena tell Kate she’s prego? have we discussed this yet?
I don't know how I start writing half of these with the "it'll will be quick and easy" mentality and then 3k words later you have....THIS...I play myself each and every time.
Yelena shows up at Kate's job on a Thursday morning with a suitcase. She rolls into Kate's office and Kate is like "?????????".
"Got our passports, packed SENSIBLE clothes, and our flight leaves in four hours but it's rush hour so we need to leave now if we want to make it to JFK on time."
"Why do you always want to get to the airport three lifetimes early? Also WHY ARE WE GOING TO THE AIRPORT???"
"We're going to Cabo San Lucas for the weekend."
"Did I..........miss something?"
"Nope. Come on. Let's go."
"I'm...at work."
"Kate, you think I didn't figure this out already? Move."
Yelena exits the office and begins to move down the hallway.
"Hey Sam! Love the haircut."
Yelena casually greets one of Kate's coworkers. Back in the office, Kate hurries to pack her stuff. Then, it clicks and she rushes after her wife.
"You called Keith?!"
"Keith loves me. He agrees you could use a weekend off. He said to take more time but I'd already made the reservations also *I* can't be gone more than the weekend. But yes, Keith says it's okay so hurry."
"You can't just call the CEO and ask him to give me time off???"
They get to the elevator area and talk in hushed tones while they wait.
"You've been here since day one. You've built this place from the ground up. If he can have my wife fifty hours a week then he can handle me calling him once a year and talking to me for fifteen minutes....Besides, what are the perks of you partially owning the thing if you can't act like a boss every so often?"
"I do act like a boss...a lot!" Kate argues, mildly offended. "I get to work from where I want whenever I need to."
"Yeah, well, so why are you making a big deal out of it. You now just get to work from Mexico. Except...you're not going to work. Because that's what a vacation is."
"I wasn't planning on it this week! That's the big deal. It's gonna throw my schedule for the whole next month off."
"Kate, you'll live."
They reach the sidewalk and hail a cab.
"Are we really going to Mexico or am I being tricked into thinking we're going to Mexico?"
"There's four really skimpy bikinis in the bag if you want to go digging and confirm."
Yelena eyes Kate in a coquettish way.
"I swear if we're going somewhere so you can study turtles or something sexy nerdy like that instead of me watching you walk around in a bikini while doing nothing and getting drunk all weekend I'm rioting."
Yelena laughs.
"You can save your rioting for another time."
Off to the airport they go.
They've been there half of Thursday and have spent all of Friday messing around at the beach and in the pool (with escapades to the bedroom in between to have sex).
Friday night rolls around, but instead of going out to one of the hotel's restaurants, Yelena tells Kate that she decided to order room service while she was in the shower. They can eat on the back porch of their small villa that overlooks the ocean.
Kate cracks a beer from the mini-bar and lounges on one of the outdoor beds while Yelena showers. A few minutes later she steps out, hair still wet but changed into a short - VERY SHORT - dress that makes Kate's eyes wander to all the right places.
"You're fucking hot and absolutely slumming it with me."
Yelena laughs and makes her way to the futon. Kate opens her arm and Yelena curls up into her. She extends the beer but Yelena passes.
"Pretty out, huh?"
"What'd you get for dinner?"
"They had a dinner for two thing on the menu. I chose duck for you. I'm doing fish. There's sides, salad, dessert."
"Oooohhhh...do I get to eat the dessert off you...?!"
There's a knock on the door.
"If you're a good girl." Yelena places a quick peck on Kate's lips and heads for the door. "Come sit at the table."
Yelena rolls the food cart to the balcony while Kate relocates to the table. There's an ice bucket with six beers on the bottom shelf of the cart but no other type of alcohol.
"You didn't get wine for yourself?"
Yelena shakes her head no.
"Just beers for you. Not feeling like drinking tonight. A little sun drunk still."
Kate nods and buys it. Yelena loves a wine, but she doesn't ALWAYS drink, so it's not crazy uncommon that she hasn't had a drink all trip.
They eat.
About an hour later, they're done having dinner and are hanging out, simply watching the ocean and hearing the waves crash.
"This is nice. We should get away more. We used to do it a ton, let's get back into it."
"Sure. Where do you wanna go next?"
"Vineyard in Sonoma?"
"Whiskey tour in Scotland?"
"Won't work."
"I went on a Prague beer tour in college and..."
"That's also going to be a no."
"OKAY WELL, why ask for my input if you're gonna shut everything down? Tell me where we're going next then."
Kate gets all testy with her. Yelena shakes her head, stands from her chair, and walks to the other side of the table where Kate sits.
Yelena motions with her hand that Kate push her chair back from the table, giving her space to squeeze in between the wood and the metal chair. As soon as there's a big enough gap, Yelena swings her leg over and straddles Kate. She sits on her wife's lap and wraps her arms around her neck. Kate wraps her arms around Yelena's waist and pulls her close.
"Hmmm...this is nice too...." Yelena starts to ghost her fingers over the back of Kate's neck, knowing full well that's one of her weaknesses. "Are you trying to take advantage of me while I'm a little intoxicated, Mrs. Bishop? Is it to make me forget you turned down all of my ideas?"
Kate buries her face in Yelena's neck and starts trailing kisses up her skin.
"No, but why did all of those have to involve booze?"
"Nothing wrong with booze."
"Not in general, usually. There is a little issue for the foreseeable future tho, so instead of getting pouty on me just pick a different, non-alcoholic centered trip and we'll go."
"An issue? What issue?" Yelena looks at her and smiles but says nothing. "You're being weird..."
"Am I?"
"More than usual, yeah."
"I love you."
"I love you too but I feel like I'm being entrapped."
Yelena hangs her head back and lets out a full belly laugh.
"How is this entrapment?"
"Weekend away...I'm getting wined, dined, sexed, and then a hot girl walks over and sits on my lap unprompted...Feels like a trap. Last time this happened I spent my summer working from a cabin with shitty ass WiFi in the tundra because my wife needed to do research. I refuse to willingly go anywhere where the temp doesn't go over the tens for more than a week now. I'm lucky I still have nipples. We live in New York. Not spending any of our non-freezing days in the cold. It's a bit psychopathic."
Yelena continues to laugh.
"I'm not taking you back to Tiksi."
"GOOD...because I don't want to go back to Tiksi. Besides, not being able to hold your hand in public that whole time might have sucked even more than the perpetually stiff nipples."
"Yeah." Yelena plants a kiss on Kate's lips. "Thank you. For letting me drag you around to all the crazy places."
"Are you kidding me? I'd never miss you nerding out full time. It's hot as shit...So what am I getting talked into now? Just rip the band-aid. I have a fake knee now. Keep that in mind. I *might* have been able to at some point but I *definitely* can't outrun any large cats anymore so would absolutely prefer to not be anywhere where I might end up as a tiger or a lion's dinner. Ideally. But could be convinced to put my life on the line...with certain incentives on the table."
Kate's hands move from where they sat on Yelena's hips and sneak under her thin skirt, delicately running their way up mid-riff to underboob. Her hands come to rest there, and her thumbs move up to graze the perfect, compact mound over the bralette her wife is wearing. An unintentional gasp escapes Yelena's mouth when she feels the cold hand that was holding a beer until a moment ago comes in contact with her nipple.
"Why are you like this?"
"Like what?"
"Like this...so very...Kate Bishop."
"Again...your question has entrapment written all over it."
"Shuuuut uuuuup."
Yelena tells her with a smile before kissing her.
"For real tho. What's up?"
"What I can't take my wife on a weekend away without some ulterior motive?"
"I've closed multimillion dollar deals that require less negotiation than me getting you away from the lab for a full forty eight hours. You taking me away for FOUR DAYS??? I feel like you're gonna tell me you have cancer and only have six months to live or something...Please don't tell me you have cancer and have six months to live."
"I don't have cancer."
"AMAZING NEWS!...Does ANYONE ELSE I care about have cancer and only six months to live? Everyone always seems to leave passing on bad news up to you..."
Yelena laughs.
"No one is dying, Kate." Yelena takes a long beat then smiles. "It's the opposite actually."
"What do you mean?"
"What's the opposite of dying?"
"Not dying."
Yelena rolls her eyes.
"That's not the opposite that's just avoiding it. Opposite?"
"Staying alive."
"You just said that same thing in different words. Antonym of death, Kate."
"Damn! Antonym. We're breaking out the fancy words!"
"You're a nightmare to try and talk to."
A mildly annoyed Yelena tries to stand, but Kate moves her hand from where they caressed her breasts, grabs her hips, and sits Yelena back down on her lap.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Kate places a series of kisses on Yelena's neck and without hesitation, Yelena's elbows land on Kate's shoulders again before her hands come to rest on the back of her head, and she begins to run her fingers through Kate's slightly tangled beach waves. "Give me a clue."
"Antonym of death is a pretty massive one."
"Okay. Life."
"There's a more specific one."
"Now I'm picking the wrong antonym. Great."
"Not wrong just..." Yelena kisses her. "...think a little harder. What typically happens at the start of life?"
"Uhhh...you cry a lot and..."
"You went to an Ivy League, Katherine. Seriously. How is 'you cry a lot' an antonym for death?"
"Listen, I've been drinking all day and now you're playing The Thesaurus Guessing Game with me on hard mode. That's apparently where some words are more correct than others. Can we skip the part where you get frustrated then angrily tell me what it is you wanted me to know to begin with and switch it up so you just say what it is you want me to know and then I can take your clothes off?"
Yelena shakes her head.
"You're so very fucking lucky I love you. ANTONYM OF DEATH, KATE."
"OH MY GOD I DONT KNOW...............BIRTH?!" Yelena smiles. "Aha! That was it. Okay. Birth. What about it?" Yelena doesn't speak. She's hoping it'll click. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? I got it. What about it?!"
"There's no way you made it to this age being this clueless."
"No. I've had you to be my common sense for the last...math is hard right now...a lot of years."
"The fact that you don't know how long we've been together..."
"Eleven. Eleven years."
"Gross! We're so old."
"Speak for yourself."
"I'm so old. You're beautiful and sexy and perfect and young and I want to have sex with you ALL NIGHT LONG."
"Sure. Stop derailing the conversation."
"I'm not!"
"You are."
"I'm thinking. I'm thinking. I'm thinking....I got nothing."
"If you're this useless the day off I'm kicking you out of the room and doing it by myself."
"The day of what???"
"The birth." Yelena is really hoping this will do it, but Kate is very much giving her a 'lights on but no one's home' look. Not a single thought in that head that doesn't involve them being naked on the bed Kate can see behind them. "In thirty-three weeks."
"What's happening in thirty three weeks?"
"Oh for fuck's sake, Kate. I'm pregnant and my due date is in thirty three weeks. I'm giving birth in thirty three weeks."
"Nice. That's awesome, babe." Yelena stares at her and gives her a beat because she knows there's a delayed reaction coming here in...5...4...3...2...1..."OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! YOU'RE..." Kate jumps to her feet while holding Yelena in place. She's standing, but Yelena is hanging from her neck and her legs are now tightly wrapped around the brunette's waist while Kate supports her thighs with her hands. "YOU'RE......ARE YOU SURE???!!!"
"Stick test, blood test, ultrasound. I wanted to be extra sure."
Yelena laughs and nods.
"In my bag."
Without putting her down, Kate carries them from the balcony into the room.
"Which bag?! Big bag or purse?!"
"Big bag. In the one place I knew you'd never look."
"I'm going to pretend to not be offended by whatever you say next."
"It's in my skincare bag! Not offensive. You'd never go in there. You were blessed with perfect skin and even then choose not to take care of it. THAT is offensive."
"SHHHHH..." Kate hobbles them over to where their suitcase is open and dangles Yelena over it so she can remove one arm from Kate's neck and reach down to grab the pouch full of beauty products. "BABY PICTURE! BABY PICTURE!"
Yelena brings the bag to the sliver of space between them and reaches into the very bottom. She produces an envelope and Kate's eyes light up. Yelena zips up the bag and throws it back in the general direction of the suitcase. She slides her hand into the envelope, unfolds the string of images, and then holds them up.
"Holy shit! That's a..............gray blob?"
"A baby, Kate! That's a baby."
"Looks like a gray blob." She looks at Yelena utterly confused. "Why does it look like a gray blob? Was the machine broken???"
Yelena laughs.
"No. Just too tiny yet. No features."
"Right. Right. I knew that!" Kate goes back to staring at the images Yelena is holding. "Fuuuuuckkkkkkkk. That's a human."
"Uhum. Half you, half me. All ours."
"You're gonna have to start watching your mouth."
"Fuck no."
Kate smiles and walks them back towards the bed. They plop onto the mattress, Yelena's legs remain wrapped around Kate's waist and neck, but Kate holds herself up by extending her arms, stopping herself from squishing her wife. She surveys every millimeter of Yelena as she lays down below her.
"You're perfect." Yelena pulls Kate down for a kiss. Kate allows SOME of her weight to land on top of her wife but still props herself up as much as she can. She leans back again. "But I knew you were looking a little thicker!" Yelena glares at her. "...IN A GOOD WAY! IN A GOOD WAYYYYYYY! APPLE AND BANANA HAVE JUST BEEN LOOKING AND FEELING EXTRA PLUMPY LATELY AND..."
"Kate, seriously, stop talking so I don't make you sleep on the floor the same night I tell you I'm pregnant."
"No floor. I'm sorry. It was chunky in a good w..." Yelena stares at her and Kate shuts up. "Can we have sex now then?"
Yelena rolls her eyes.
Yelena places the ultrasound images next to them, then wraps her around Kate's neck again, and they fall into a deep kiss. After a long beat, Kate pulls back and flips the ultrasound over so that the image is facing downwards and onto the mattress.
"Felt like it was staring at us. It was weird."
"You're absurd."
"You still let me knock you up!"
"If you EVER tell anyone that 'I let you knock me up' you're moving out."
"But...that's what happened tho...Bishop gene juice in you so I techn..."
"Nope. Stop. NEVER say 'Bishop gene juice' again either."
Kate blurts out super fast before Yelena can stop her, then smiles.
"If this baby is even 1% as...Bishop...as you, you're gonna be a single mom."
"WOOOOWWWWWWWW...threatening to walk out on us before they even get here??? Did you hear that?" Kate lifts her body slightly to tilt her head down and look at Yelena's stomach. "I'm clearly the reliable, responsible parent here."
"In what parallel universe?"
Kate, undeterred, keeps talking to Yelena's stomach.
"Ring me up if you ever need anything. I'll leave my number on a sticky by the belly button for easy access. Any time. 25/8. You just...beep boop bop ring ring...call me. Oh what's that? You appreciate it because you can tell she's mean and bossy already. You have NO IDEA, kid. Reach out. We'll talk when she's not eavesdropping. I gotta fill you in on some shit."
"Things. THINGS. Not 'shit'. Baby appropriate language. Gotta start practicing now."
"Have you never seen those videos of the cursing babies??? They're adorable. They need my training to be one of those."
"No cursing baby. Also, what could you possibly have to 'fill them in on'?"
"That's a private conversation between me and other people who share the Bishop gene juice. Sorry."
"Kate, you're NOT going to make 'Bishop gene juice' into a thing."
"Sorry...oh...what is that? Two Bishop Gene Juice carriers just outvoted you. Two to one. Democracy at work, babe. Getting 'Bishop Gene Juice' tattooed on my neck."
"You'd literally have to pack your shit a..."
"You really are so fucking obnoxious."
Yelena laughs while Kate smiles down at her. Kate leans forward to place a kiss on her lips. It all looks innocent and well-intentioned until...
"Stiiiiiiiiill let me knock you up tho..."
Kate whispers against Yelena's lips and grins mischievously.
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
pushing my shameless trans agenda onto liam
Hi i just think he’s transgender have you seen the man
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Ok so obviously I’m not intending to say this is canon or ever will be canon i just think it would be Neat and i can fit it within canon since well we really can’t tell and there’s honestly a lot of things that fit with it :) also it’s just my favorite characters get hit with the transgenderification beam bc i say so
The whole argument is basically:
-the Name Situation
-his appearance and mannerisms
-his Past TM 
-the Bond Situation
-and because I said so
But yeah so the main reason this came to mind is because of the whole deal with his name. I made a previous post on this but yeah, the thing about liam’s name is a big deal, and you know, as a trans person I see it and relate it to that.
The main thing is that there was no necessity to change his name. Louis never changed his first name, and there was no need to. And it’s never really gone over why william’s past life is so important to cover up, other than the fact that he did a court case where he threatened to cut a guy’s arm off when he was like eight, but that’s like... you know, that’s reasonable. He’s very very protective of his past identity, where louis kind of isn’t. 
And the fact is, William isn’t an alias, he didn’t have to take that name, he isn’t just doing it out of necessity- he truly does identify with that name, proven in many ways. He enjoys nicknames derived from it. And the thing most indicative of this is Sherlock. In chapter 53, he goes wayyyy out of his comfort zone to actually reveal his past identity and his name. Sherlock knows it, the entire point is to reveal that to him, as a way of giving up the last and most important of his secrets. And yet, even then, William signs his letter ‘William James Moriarty’, though it’s supposed to be his innermost, most vulnerable self.
This pretty much says for sure it’s the name he wants to be called, the name he identifies with, and not whatever his name used to be. It’s important to him, and that’s not a front- have you read that fucking letter? If he was going to admit himself as anything else, it would be there.
Sherlock respects that as well- if there was ever a time when Sherlock would not call him liam, it would be in chapter 55. And yet the most important thing is that he still did call him Liam. He was accepting this dude even though he used to be something else, he didn’t care and he was still willing to save him and love him. Hmmm Sherlock allegory for Trans Ally lmao. 
How the identity and name itself is treated also makes it seem even more a positive represetation of a deadname situation. They never tell us his name. And that’s like... honestly important. They’re going out of their way to say that his old name isn’t important. They’re not keeping it secret for any reason than to show that it doesn’t matter, that no matter what he used to be, William James Moriarty is what he is now.
Anyway, other than the name situation, there are still a lot of other factors that go into my thoughts about it.
A lot of his behaviors are indicative to it, especially when he is a kid there are moments where im just like “haha this is an allegory for transgenderism”. 
Like first and foremost have you seen how this man looks as a kid? That is the most androgynous motherfucker you’ve ever laid eyes on. No one would honestly be able to tell, the way he looks as a kid is in no way disproving this- kind of the opposite, in fact.
Tumblr media
are you honestly looking at this face and telling me rn you know that’s a cisgender boy?
And honestly, the fact that Albert lends him some of his old clothes just to go around outside in, and then when he comes back the butler is like Take Those Off Right Now Those Aren’t For You is like. Hm. That’s a gender thing. It’s obviously not the case but yknow, another allegory TM.
In his own orphanage as well, he basically took the ‘eldest daughter’ role to a T. He was doing all the chores, taking care of the children, teaching them things, actually managing all the finances as a Child, and kind of thanklessly getting handed this workload he took on bc, you know, eldest daughter. This role just isn’t really given to guys, no matter if they’re Smart TM? I feel like an amab person here would be given the oooh special gifted kid treatment but he’s not, they mostly just use him there as “free extra mom and 100% adult at 12″.
Another big thing is the entire situation around bond, who is literally a canon trans character. For this time period, the way the Moriartys handled the situation seems almost comically out of place. These dudes from the 1800s really just were like “oh yeah ofc you’re a man and we’ll fight anyone who says otherwise and facilitate you in any way possible”- they accepted it without even having to come to terms with the idea that it could be a thing. Bond clarifies constantly that it isn’t about him filling a role, that this is genuinely him, there’s no doubt about it. They clearly have run across it before, and it’s a significant and important issue to them that at least one of them has to have experienced firsthand. It literally just doesn’t make any sense otherwise.
Also in this situation I think it’s kind of funny that the one name they have on hand for the transgenders is James like come on you can do better than that
The parallels between him and Bond also make the whole situation really funny, especially with Sherlock bc it’s like wow sherlock i see you have a type and it’s blond trans men. 
Plus, the man is overly secretive, he refuses to let anyone but Louis in his room and just generally doesn’t let people he doesn’t trust get close to him, obviously there are plenty of valid secrets he is keeping, it’s just another thing that points to it.
And I mean, honestly. Just look at the dude. Transgender trait: awful haircut. It’s the awful trans haircut you get from having a Gender Moment and going to a cis barber like “cut my hair short” and they give you karen hair. Somehow he owns it? But it’s an objectively terrible haircut.
My last point: because I said so. All my favorite characters get the transgenderification beam.
So you know, I refuse to believe he is cis until they decide we get to see him shirtless, come on anime team, don’t be cowards lmao
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darkicedragon · 2 years
Onto Steven Universe: Future. I thought I was starting completely new, but turns out I’ve watched more than I realised, haha. I guess I’m pretty certain I didn’t watch the ending of it though, but we’ll find out. XD
Up to episode 11.
Ep1 Yessss, a new intro finally! :D
Oooooh, he’s healing the gems with....the Diamonds’ tears, I guess? And he drives!
This is just ‘what everyone’s doing now’ montage, huh. I wouldn’t have thought Lars would have stayed on Earth though.
Oooooh, yesssss, teaching the gems how to be a person!
Yeah, it’d make sense Jasper didn’t want to join with everyone.
Daaang, Steven’s angry.
Awww, Jasper just wanted to fight someone! She was super happy doing that!
ep2 Integrated gemmms, yesss.
Yeah, okay, Smilie really needed as much help as he could get. 8′)
......Yeah, fine, it’s all the jobs they were made to do and are comfortable with.
l;skdfjldkfj They just want to hear screams, oh my god, ahahahah.
They’re so adorable!!
The zoo people are back! And hate Greg, ahahaha, awww.
Oooooh, boy the third Rose Quartz.
The reaction to the ‘Rose’ Rose quartz are just great, aaahaha.
Yeah, understandable where the picture ended up. 8′)
Pink’s previous Pearl, and healing the gem! :D
But the gem’s not damaged though... Ah, yeah.
Refurbishment doesn’t sound good...
Recent!Pearl, no, don’t take other people’s stuff. >8(
Ouuuch, that crack...
‘I was just standing in the wrong place.’ Ouch. 8(
Thaaat’s a temper, Steven.
‘How did you stop hurting?’ ‘I didn’t.’ Ouuuuuuch.
Attacking with the ribbon though! Wasn’t expecting that. Nice. :D
Ep5. Garnet episode when. :(
Ooooh, pranking! Not very good, but they’re trying their best!
A fusion! :D
I mean, everyone’s tried to kill Steven at this point anyway.
Bluebird is still fake though.
Yeeeep, ahahah.
I did expect he could survive the fall, but yeah, wasn’t expecting the haircut, damn.
The ice swords are cool.
lj;sldkfjasdf Oh my god, the Alexandrite fusion was just so quick and squashed them, ahaha.
Ep6 Playing with Onion, awww.
Oh! Rainbow! :D
Ooooh, noooo, don’t gieve Union the umbrella...
Awww, Onion’s so happy. 8′) And. So destructive.
Ep7 That’s a super precise alarm time, Steven.
Whoooof, Steven is just so uncommunicative with the others.
Pearl transformation! :D
OH, OKAY, this is just all the fusion cameos, ahaha.
Yessss, Sapphire!
Updated tag. :D At least he’s sort of relaxing now.
Ep8 Lapis episode finally!
Adorable plants!
:o More Lapises.
‘Terraforming is what we like’ Yeeeah, fair.
Wow, Lapis is so green now. 
Yeeah, the twins are going to make a weapon ins - yep.
Lapis and Steven dancing together is cute though. And awww, Lapis’ song.
‘Like Pearls’ Whoof.
The twins work really well together, and learn super fast too. I was kinda hoping they’d fuse, but at least one of them decided to go the Homeschool.
Ep9 Sadddiiieee! :D Is dating! :o
Yeeah, everyone’s leaving. 8′)
Awwww, the Off Colours graduated together. 8′)
Steven is so out of the loop now, dang. Too busy with running the Homeschool?
Awww, Sadie’s song was sweet. She’s less angry now. :)
That was way too understanding from everyone after they nearly died. It felt a little rushed.
Just. Give the Homeschool to Amythst.
Ep10 No safety rails on the greenhouse. D: Not that it matters to anyone who goes up there, but what if they’re fully human. DD:
Ooooooh boy. Steven still isn’t letting go of everyone...
Welp, there goes/comes the cactus.
The pot’s too small for them n - oh NO it can speak. 8′))))
Noooo! Don’t hide the cactus!
Steven, I think you could figure out what happened with the SMASHED WINDOW NEXT TO THE DOOR.
Shouldn’t the cactus die with too much water?
Ooooh noooo, a hug. XDDD
-- Hmmm, typing out the reaction to the episodes, it does feel pretty bitty and monster/issue of the week, rather than something overarching. Or just a very gentle epilogue, and the overarching issue is Steven’s anger and finding a place for himself that isn’t connected to his mum.
But I guess I’ll find out, pfft.
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lampoest · 4 years
Unfiltered thoughts watching mission impossible rouge nation inspired by @chaotically-cas
(sorry its so long my brain is all over the place)
this is also part 14 of me watching it every day :/
why is brandt first to speak
starting out with "shit" good call benji
brandt man we get the package is on the mcfucking plane
badass luther 10/10
nervous benji 10/10
that one sound effects sounds like the discord notif
why he in a fancy suit
*jumps on a plane with almost no plan on getting inside*
why did tom cruise think this was agood idea?
but like why would benji even open the ramp?
how is he not winded from that?
classic ethan
THE INTRO 1000/10
wait you can already see lane in the record shop.
how do they tell the agents these little convos?
also damn way to give it away
what if someone just looked in that room and saw the secret message?
also how did the disc get changed? because the imf definitely didnt make that
and how did lane know where he was going?
speaking of lane---
dang that man is pretty
he always sets guns down carefully
i can only see alec baldwin as trump from his snl skits so i dont take hunley seriously ;-;
damn brandt needs to step it up. man keeps letting himself be inturrupted
bruh the imf is only luck
why did no one resrict his legs?
also why is janik such an asshole?
dang she cool !!
why does it take janik so long to get that gun?
bravo-echo 1-1
this man is bleeding but decided instead of taking care of his wound he calls brandt.
i like how you actually see ethan worried and confused trying to plan his next moves. he is rarely caught off guard so it's refreshing to see his more human side
hunley spitting accusations damn bro
also a big fuck you from ethan to hunley
dang ethan is good
brandts little hidden smile
and ethan leaving trails
bitch how you sketch that good???
youve won, your way out of a job
benji is good
my little brandt x benji shipper in me is happy
simon pegg is such a good actor
the first time i saw this i was like: aww noooo
all dunn with that
i cant tell if that was ethan
it just looks like youre talking to yourself thats more sus than using a phone
want drama? go to the opera
ok but like if you look like that im sorry you are a bad guy. thats like a stereotypical bad guy face
you can see ethan in the background of that scene
flute gun flute gun
oh no benji is in the closet. dont worry man we love you
if i were there and i just had a good vantage point i could find lane in an instant
ooh ilsa pretty
pipe gun
also pamphlet computer
those key things are cool and plausible
spiderman spiderman does whatever, ethan hunt can?
a W O M A N
what W O M A N?
reminds me of a marshmallow gun i made out if pvc pipes.
why does she not put that thing back?
also the dude loads it and then later it is unloaded
dang that guy is pretty tall.
ethan is so tiny
dis bitch is like uhh gimmie a sec to catch my breath mate
why he only dropkick people?
only 30 mins in ?!?!
the cinematography is exquisite
yes benji goin sicko mode
*gets shot* just a flesh wound
bruh i would've been so startled at that
i love how confused he is at that
ilsa saves ethan once again
they did this on the first day of filming
ah yes random package in car = not bomb totally
if she tried to shoot benji then yes she is a bad person
but she didnt try to, she could've easily but didn't
benji being paranoid
she could just say the dude's name
benji being scared
hunley jumping to conclusions
brandt actually cares yeey
why di they approach from different sides of the street they were in the same car.
benji was far away from the sparks why he flinch?
friendship goals
oop plot dump that only mission impossible can get away with
why this mf's voice so smooth
lane is struggling with chopsticks
also lane :))))
ive chocked on my water so many times watching this scene
lanes voice :))))))
this man dont know what personal space is
gotta look up these peeps mbti types
casablanca references
also benji is wearing dollar store lookin glasses while ethan is wearing some fancy glasses
luther is top notch
as much as i dont like jeremy renner he delivers these lines really well
because atlee is a bitch
oh honey please, impossible is a walk in the park
benji just wants to wear a mask
id be so nervous walking through those
personal wellbeing who?
why not bring a plastic bottle full of air?
tom cruise can hold his breath for 6 minutes and he learned to do so for that scene
luther big brain
damn cctv
why did they need to break in while benji was going in?
das sus but ok
also isnt et voila french?
she just randomly tapping the ipad
benji being stressed
if he missed the exact center
i want one of those to open my locker's lock
if he just went with the current and didnt try to force his way against the water ilsa wouldn't have had to save him
imagine if he put the wrong one in-
she is breathing heavily to over saturate her body with oxygen so she can hold her breath longer
see ilsa makes it out without well and she went with the current
no you didn't
you gave her a false sense of security
ethan's confused face for the next like 10 mins is great
why does that one man look like sean ambrose?
the facial acting in this
the glare yesss
vrrrm vrrm
hey its you !
drivin like a grandma
shit !
benji just screaming
im convinced that ethan is indestructible
no you didn't survive that
ethan didnt just-
also why didnt benji just tell ethan he made a copy ???
dont shoot and drive kids
high speed motorcycle chase with no helmet or leather. tom cruise, how?
i wanna learn how to drive a motorcycle
the lighting
ofc brandt would be the person why sits backwards on a chair. fkn bi vibes
benji to the rescue
fuck off atlee
i am so proud of us ...
the lines are done so well here
benji lookin like how i look when my parents argue
im too fucking gay for this movie-
once again no personal space
*inhales* :))))))))))))))
ive like memorized the entire script of this including the music
1 man performance of m:i5 ???
benji's outfit
also i love how youre able to see the characters in the background. props for the attention to detail
i need that haircut because his hair is lookin A+
fuck you atlee
ilsa spitting straight facts
uhh ilsa he still loves julia
speak of the devil-
actin sus
his posture shdhskhsj (i cant be talking though)
0 personal space whatsoever
why does everyone have the same haircut in this???
simon mcburney pretending to be hunt prentending to be atlee
manipulation !?
the syndicate you say ? i know a thing or two about them 😼😼😼
damn though renner delivers these lines really well
a black tie? how informal. ..
complimenting hunt right infront of him
but he really didnt
i never realized that they were on the clock for this
the lil head nod though-
is it bad that i hate atlee more than i hate lane?
ethan big smart wrinkle brain
janik just reading a fucking magazine
ethan has a photographic memory
oh look its benji :)))
lane :))))
ethan being tough
it must be aquward to get the low angle shots
lane is running out the clock to put pressure on ethan hmmm big brain
it isnt working though :\
damn he so cocky that hes telling the villain his plan
ill give you 1/5 of the money you wanted to get my bf back
ok but like does tom cruise just not age?
kill the woman
ugh i hate janik
the trust that is shown between those two is great
yes the score and the chase are so great
also this man really hates windows for some reason
fuck off janik
sneaky sneaky
yeyy janik is dead
once again dodging bullets and hating glass
couldve killed him but needed him alive
the glass box
badass ethan
all the pretty men assembled
lane really let himself go aster this
dang though lane is my favorite villain ever
i like how for once the girl and the guy just are friends instead of romantically involved
eyy the callbacks to how the movie started.
welcome to the imf
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jackfrostsander · 3 years
Saturday 23:41
Everyone was sitting around the table playing poker. Amber was still struggling a bit with the rules of the game but Luca helped her out… “So a flush is when…” Amber tried. “That’s when all cards have the same suit but they aren’t of sequential rank” Luca explained. “And when they are of sequential rank then it’s called a… straight flush?” Amber asked. “Yep” Luca confirmed.
Robbe was already out of the game. So, he sat behind Sander with his arms wrapped around his boyfriend. He placed a soft kiss on the top of Sander’s head. Feeling Sander’s hair tickle against his face he couldn’t restrain himself from running his hand through Sander’s hair. Sander looked so hot with his new haircut. Well… Robbe had loved every single hairstyle that Sander had gotten... He vividly remembered that November morning when he spotted a bleached blond stranger in the kitchen. He swore it was the most beautiful boy he had ever seen… The bleached hair gave him an aura of mystery… This was an enigma that Robbe wanted to solve… And the chaotic supermarket trip only made him more intrigued… Sander already owned Robbe’s heart in the first minutes after meeting…
Sander looked at his cards and he decided: all-in. “What the fock is he thinking?” Robbe taught noting that Sander only had a one pair. But he soon realized that it was Sander’s goal to lose and quit the game… The moment came to reveal the cards and Jens said confidently “full house” when revealing his. “You won” Sander remarked as he turned his around. “All in with a pair???” Aaron said in disbelief but also he understood the plan as he saw Sander getting up from the table.
“Would Mr. IJzermans want to join me for a walk?” Sander asked. Robbe smiled “Altijd”. “See you later” the group yelled as our two boys headed out. They walked away from the bungalow towards the dunes. This area was deserted at this time of the day. So, it was just them under the moonlight. “You look soooo amazing in the moonlight” Sander stated. “And not under other lighting?” Robbe faked annoyance. Sander snorted: “Baby you’re the most amazing person I know. In all universes. Under all kinds of lighting…”. Robbe smiled.
Robbe could see Sander’s sneaky smile on his face… “This isn’t just a walk… Is it?” Robbe checked. Sander snorted. How Robbe could read his mind like that. “It’s a long time ago…” Sander begged. “Hmmm, like yesterday…” Robbe giggled. “Oké… Oké…” Sander faked annoyance. Robbe grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in for a kiss. After their lips parted again Robbe whispered: “I didn’t say no”. Sander smiled brightly.
The two boys stripped off their clothing and ran into the sea. “Whooooo…” they yelled. The water was still cold but I guess that’s part of trying to replicate their first kiss… It was much colder then… November… When they got waist-deep into the water they stopped and turned towards each other. They looked into each other’s eyes and beamed. Robbe cupped Sander’s face as he moved closer and closer until their lips met… What started as soft kisses quickly escalated into a passionate full make out session that left both boys speechless.  
“Dudes… What the fock!” Moyo exclaimed as the two boys walked back in completely wet. “Are you fine?” a concerned Zoë intervened but their smiles gave away that whatever happened it wasn’t something bad… “Just had a swim…” Robbe brushed the topic off. “You’re cold” Zoë stated as a matter of fact as she touched Robbe’s arm. Luca came over to help with a blanket but Sander stopped her. “We just need a warm shower” he said. At that Robbe didn’t waste any time and he grabbed Sander’s hand and pulled him to the bathroom. Sander quickly shrugged at the girls before disappearing with his boyfriend into the bathroom…  
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Hiya there! Just curious but what would be your dream BL? Might take awhile but any dream tropes, dream actors, dream aesthetics, dream character traits, etc. etc.
omfg this is a dream and a nightmare to attempt to explain...
Well, first, I have never had one dream in my life. But we’ll focus on one for now, okay? I promise, I’m being good. I won’t just start designing BL... I mean, I’ve done that? Somewhere back a few months I made up a soulmates BL based on my job at a school and I’ve rewritten H1: Obsessed into a longer show and rewritten the end of MGAYG a few times to be more to my liking... BUT OKAY I’ll be good for this!
Okay. So, first, we won’t be discussing actors because frankly I am SO bad at that kind of thing and I think it’s just for the best that I don’t. But, hey, feel free to cast it yourself if you want? I’d love to see someone else cast my ideas, lol.
So, we’re gonna start with a modern fantasy universe with magic and soulmates. I already wrote up a soulmates BL with the idea of them having the first words they spoke to each other on their arm... so let’s go with a different soulmate AU, one of my personal favorites, dream sharing! So you share dreams with your soulmate your entire life, with the sharing growing stronger as you get older but also much, much stronger the closer you are to said soulmate.
There would be three couples and they would take turns being the main couple (because I like getting together with some softness after rather than getting together DRAMAMAMAMAMAA). It takes place at a university buuuut just you wait!
One is childhood friends to lovers. They’ve known they were soulmates forever but have always assumed it was just platonic, as does happen. But it’s not because it is in fact MUTUAL PINING. Both of them have been in love for years but are scared of being rejected or losing the other person. They’ve even gone so far that they’re interning at the same company, sharing a dorm room nearby and basically together in every way except the way that matters. This is constant jokes where everyone else thinks they’re together and they have to remind them they’re not. Then one finally decides to try to get over and try dating someone else and it’s a NIGHTMARE and they’re both hurt and there’s lots of Quite Pain and Pining and they end up together because being apart hurt so, so much that it prompts a confession. They’re the middle couple of the three, so you get some development of them as friends but we still get fluffiness while the third couple gets together.
The last main couple is, frankly, my mental version of MGAYG. It’s former friends who fell apart and now one has decided to just not do love and the other is determined to help him out... but he sucks at it and just keeps hurting him. An extrovert trying to help an introvert to be more extroverted without understanding what he’s doing. But he LEARNS. This is a good, good slowburn that has PINING and lots of fiery fights and rejection and tons of angst on both sides and character growth and secret gentleness and someone in love doing the wrong things for the right reasons. For them, the dream sharing is actually horrible because they keep having nightmares about each other and seeing just the wrong moments in the dreams. This is all about fixing miscommunication by learning about each other. Now, the big twist here? They’re professors, not students. They had the same high school falling out but didn’t meet again in university. They met again post-university, teaching in their respective departments. One has to be an engineering professor and the other is probably teaching medicine? Although he might be com arts, tbh. But, yes! Professors! I want a professor romance SO HARD.
The first couple we meet is strangers/friends to lovers. They meet, their eyes meet and it’s like a lightning strike. Think AePete, tbh. Soft, protective boy and soft, needing to be protected boy. This is... AePete meets LeoFiat. This is love at first sight, sharing dreams, codependency out the wazoo, lots of hints at a sort of dom/sub relationship between then two, looots of possessiveness. They get together super fast and are just in the background of the rest of the show being goddamn adorable and kinky. They’re mostly there to show how the premise of soulmates work and the ideal for how it works while the other two are Not How To Do It and fixing the problems.
I have no idea about aesthetics. Uh. No one has the same haircut and they all wear lots of different clothing so I can tell them apart easily. (That is not an aesthetic, shhhhh, accept me as I am.) 
Obviously, lots and lots and lots of pining in the tropes. The entire show is pining, tbh. Obviously. Lots of piggyback rides, gentle kisses, forehead/cheek/neck kisses, hand holding, portable boyfriends ABOUND, height differences, soft boys being soft, angry boys being soft (But also a bit angry), some really good mutual pining... Hmmm. I mean, there’s more, but like... I could not put everything I love into one show. It’d be so chock full it’d stop working. So this is one. This is an idea. I’ve written others.
Honestly, feel free to send me a premise/job and I’d happily write a BL for it.
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Survey #465
“the old man then prepares to die regretfully  /  that old man here is me”
Did you have a boyfriend in kindergarten? No, but I had a guy who wouldn't leave me alone since pre-k. Did you ever read the Magic Treehouse series? OMG I forgot about those!! I loved them!!! Did you ever watch The Land Before Time movies? AHHHHHHHHH yes!!! :') Did you collect anything when you were a kid? Stickers. My dresser was COMPLETELY covered in them. Who did you look up to most as a child? Steve Irwin, 100%. He was my hero. Did your parents let you drink soda when you were little? Some, yes. I wish they hadn't, with the dependency I have now. Did you ever watch The Powerpuff Girls or Dexter’s Laboratory? Of course! I strongly preferred the former, though. Did you watch Blue's Clues? HOW TIMELY. :'''') I did! My little sister and I loved it. What was your favorite kind of cake as a kid? Just gimme a good 'ole double chocolate cake and I was one happy kiddo, ha ha. Did you ever want to grow up? Sure didn't. I was smart. How often do you listen to classic rock? It varies, really. Sometimes I'm in the mood for it and binge it, other times I want newer music. What about country? Just about never. What is the most amount of money you have ever lost? Not a whole lot. I'm very careful with money. Have you ever hurt yourself just to get attention? No. Whenever I did it in the past, it was always to relocate the pain I was experiencing, and because I felt like I deserved it. Last person to get on your nerves? I'd rather not give it the time of day. Are you in any pain right now? No. Last thing you ate? It was one of those chocolate chip Clif Thins things. I HATE every Clif product I've ever tried until these, so they're a good option if I really want something sweet that's actually decently healthy and doesn't taste like I'm eating pure fiber, like most of their products. Name three things apart from trust and loyalty that you need in a relationship. Open, honest communication, similar interests as well as morals, and pro-LGBTQ+, if I'm just naming three. How far away are you from the place that you were born? Like... not even ten minutes. Do you live near anybody who creeps you out? Nah. Then again though I know pretty much nobody in my neighborhood. Is there anywhere that you are too afraid to go to alone? Where? Hm. If for whatever strange reason I had to, I would absolutely not want to go into a men's restroom alone. Would you be upset if you had a child who decided to make “adult films?” Despite the fact I don't negatively judge porn stars if they are smart, cautious, an informed about what they do and how to stay safe... I think I'd be very, very scared if my child wanted that, especially if it was my daughter, because she can actually get pregnant. Yes, abortion's an option, but... still. I don't want her to have to be faced with that decision. I also would be terrified of my hypothetical son getting someone pregnant, especially because he's then not the one with say on what happens to that child. So ultimately, if I was ever in this situation, I feel like I'd need to be alone with my partner to just cry for a while and then talk with them and look at the situation factually and with regard for my child's happiness. What pizza topping would you never, ever, EVER eat? Sardines. /gag What annoys you most about your computer? The microphone is broken. Do you prefer to read blogs or watch vlogs? I'm not huge on either, but watch vlogs. Do you know anyone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas? No. Do you own a snowglobe? I wish I did, they cute. What was the last thing that upset you? It was more disappointing than upsetting, but I was nevertheless super bummed that my bf had to scoot us hanging out a day back today when I was v excited for it. What is something you are behind on? It sounds unbelievable, I know, but I am IMMENSELY behind with Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. Like, I'm somewhere around four episodes in. It's so hard to explain: like, I want to watch it badly, but I don't want to set aside time to sit in front of the TV to actually do it? It makes very little sense. I'll catch up eventually, I just... haven't yet. Who DO you go to for advice when you need it? Mom, Sara, my therapist... Will you go caroling this year? God no. Never have, never will. Would you ever be friends with someone who was suicidal? Bro what the fuck, of course I would. Would you rather have a daughter or a son? Daughter. Did you get bullied more as a child, a teenager, or an adult? I'm very grateful that I was never truly bullied. If you’re female, would you feel uncomfortable having a male gynecologist? FUCK YES. Are you allergic to your favorite animal? I wouldn't know; I've never been near one. :( What’s your favorite country besides the USA? Lol what a presumptuous question. Probably Africa. Did you get senior pictures taken? No, even though I wanted them. :/ I don't remember why I didn't? How often do you like to have sex? I don't care. Whenever it feels right. Are you any good at math? OH MY GOD NO Do you like Dairy Queen? I fucking love Dairy Queen. Ever had their Oreo Cupfection? *chef's kiss* If you had to get advice from someone of the opposite sex, who would you go to? Girt. Or my psychiatrist. Really depends. Does talking about sex make you feel uncomfortable? GODDAMN RIGHT IT DOES. Few things make me MORE uncomfortable. Are you more scared of going to the doctors or dentists? Doctors. Dentists are ezpz for me. At the doctor, meanwhile, I'm scared of them finding something seriously wrong. Do you get along with your significant other’s friends? I've only met one, and that was YEEEEAAARRRRSSS ago. He was chill, though. Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning? omfg YES Do you enjoy board games? Not really. Do you need a haircut? I actually just got one the other day. It's shorter than I would've liked, but it's whatever. Hair grows back, and mine does fast. Do you feel bad when you kill bugs? Yes. They've got the same right to be here as we do. What’s the longest stretch of time you’ve spent completely alone? A week or two when my mom and sis went to the beach (I think?) for a dance competition. Have you ever been in a situation where you needed a lawyer? Yes, when I presented my disability case. Do you know anyone who has been evicted? My mom, sister, and me because we couldn't keep up with rent. What’s your favorite macaron flavor? Never tried one. How often do you have friends over to your house? The only "friend" that comes over to my house is my boyfriend. Have you ever done a flip on a trampoline? Front flips, yes; never back flips, because I was scared of breaking my neck. What about a flip off of a diving board? No. Does your country have free healthcare? No, but it fucking should. What is your sexuality? Bro I don't even know anymore lmao. I just say pansexual. "Queer" might fit me best, though. I really don't know, but it doesn't really matter. What’s the last show you watched? Attack on Titan w/ Girt! I'm actually keen to see more of it. The darkness and heartbreak of it is right up my alley. How is your road rage? I don't really experience road rage because I'm too engulfed by terror to focus on anything else, honestly. Do you have any facial piercings? Yeah; I have a vertical labret in my lip. Have you ever been to a rehab center? So this is dumb as shit, but all the psych hospitals I've been to doubled as rehab centers. Which made NO goddamn sense because those who are suffering with mental illnesses leading to suicidal thoughts/tendencies are unique from those dealing with addiction; both require individual treatments and should not be grouped, imo. How long did your shortest relationship last? Not even a day. What would your life be like if you had married your first love? That's... scary to imagine. Sometimes, that was all I wanted. But seeing as he left because of my depression... it probably would have been catastrophic. He was the only person I ever wanted kids with, so there probably would have been children involved in all that madness, which no little one deserves. Him leaving ultimately led to my healing, too, so I don't know where I would've been mental health-wise if he stayed. What is the most difficult or time-consuming thing you’ve ever cooked? Would you make it again? I don’t cook. I need to learn, though... Have you ever had a platonic friend that everyone insisted you should be in a relationship with? He's my boyfriend now, ha ha ha. Is there anything about a person’s sexual past that might stop you from wanting to date them? Yes. I'm too lazy to get into that stuff rn, though. If someone asked your closest friends/family members what career path might suit you best, what do you think they would say? I'm almost certain they would all say veterinarian. How did you and your significant other celebrate your last anniversary? Slow down buddy, we haven't even been together a month lmao. Who was the last person to make you a home-cooked meal? What did they make? Mom, but I don't recall the last thing she made from scratch. Girt is doing that tomorrow, though! :') He's making grilled chicken stuffed with jalapenos and spinach and something else I can't remember and it sounds BANGIN'. What’s the weirdest, rudest, or most ridiculous thing a guest has ever done in your home? Hmmm... I'll have to get back to ya on that. Has anyone ever told you you’re manipulative? I think someone has, yes. Do you know anyone who owns their own business? Yep. Who was the recipient of your very first kiss? Jason. Do you prefer shrimp or crab? SHRIMP. Crab is mushy and disgusting. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books/movies? I strongly prefer fiction. Have you ever seen an eclipse? Plenty of lunar eclipses, yes. Who is your favourite video game character? Pyramid Head, Spyro, Cynder... I have a lot, those three are just panning out as strong contenders. Are you the type of person who knows exactly what they want in life? lol Do you have commitment issues? Not at all. What was the last thing you felt nostalgic about? uhhh Does anyone in your family smoke? My dad. Have you ever had a pet escape and run away? OMG one time in his prime, Teddy got loose on a snowy night and went on a full-blown adventure. I was SOBBING. My dad had to chase him down. Do any of your exes know each other? Juan knows Jason, Jason knows Juan and Girt, and Sara knows Girt. What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? "Vaccines cause autism." Fuck out my face. What was the very first election you voted in? This most recent presidential one.
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ae0nx · 4 years
A few days late this week! But I’m back! This was surprisingly a juicy one!
- Andddd in typical fashion, Aya came to drink all the beer, eat all the food and be overbearingly comforting to Yuki. We stan. Also, I really liked his purple robe/kimono. Outfit Appreciation goes to him otherwise I’d give to Rin for just being her. 3.5 stars.
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Kings. <3
- ‘In one form or another, my grandfather was able to be “outside’’’. Ok... I wasn’t expecting Kazuma to gut me like that this episode 😢
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I’m mostly posting all this in appreciation for how this anime really uses the most of its scenery and background to tell the story just as much as the words and conversations and flow of the story do. The imagery of the bird setting off as Tohru said that mostly just reminded me of Kureno and his situation in comparison to Kyo. And how their situations are somewhat reverses of each other. Kyo being ‘outside’ and ‘free’ living on borrowed time until he is locked away forever due to his ties with Akito that he can’t control. And Kureno currently being locked away and yet... he’s.... hmmm... I’ll shut up for spoilers sake. But, those who get it, get it.
- Is it just me or does Kazuma’s haircut look a bit better in this ep? Not that it was terrible before!
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I doooo love it when stories compare gods to children, it’s always been a fun and interesting way of seeing their wrath.
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I love this frame showing the way the zodiac members are tied to Akito and how cold and restrictive it feels especially when you compare it to the final frame of the opening and how warm and loving that feels...
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Makes it even sadder too... 
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I’m telling you... there’s always something about Kazuma that’s just always radiantly beautiful but in this episode? It’s just a bountiful explosion 🥰Kazuma gets Best Boi this episode even if he is a man!
- Ah, it’s always a great episode whenever Rin’s in it. A KWEEEEN.
- That little skip Tohru had as she rushed over to Kyo... I.... 😩✨
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AHAHA! Mannn, Kyo can’t ever catch a break. I LOVVVEEEE the fact that he didn’t want Tohru to know that he was going on a date! Cos he’s already committed his undying love for her... 😽
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Again. I’m so glad we’re getting this side of Yuki a lot more now. Always. a total. mood. <3
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Oh wow, Kyo actually decided to make an effort and put away the Adidas wear for a while! And I love that the artists (mostly throughout this beach arc) are making subtle hints that Kyo has grown older and taller since the start of the anime. I woulda given him outfit appreciation butttt... I’m weak to the gothic and fabulous so-
I really like how they showed how adult Kyo was being in his actions too especially when it came to him just finally making his feelings for Kagura completely honest and serious. Our boy is growing up! 😭✨
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Oh! 🥺
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THE CUTEST! I’m glad we got the full flashback. I think a lot of the time, I (and a lot of the fandom) tend to forget that even though the Kagura/Kyo relationship is selfish on Kagura’s side, Kagura was there when Kyo needed a friend and another person about his age to interact with and it genuinely made him happy and feel wanted. And this episode was a great reminder of that, throughout. 
It made me think of the old question Yuki had back in Season 1 about ‘whether you are a good person if you are doing good deeds for selfish reasons’. And we’ve seen the examples of this shown throughout the series especially with Yuki and Aya, but with Kagura... I personally feel like it’s the most explicit and almost cruel example of the action.
arrrgghhhh... But it made Kyo so happy! At a really dire and secluded time of his life...
Also, the cat curse and Kagura’s reaction to the curse complicates the attachment to Yuki’s thought as for some reason this curse causes all the zodiac members to turn away from Kyo’s true form. So, you could argue that Kagura’s reaction to Kyo’s true form was natural and she was just trying to make up for it all this time in actually a very similar way that Aya is trying to make it up to Yuki...
It’s not right... but it’s okay? 😅
- Goddamn, how big is the Sohma estate, man? Will we ever know? Lol
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(That last pic gives me heavy Studio Ghibli, refreshing feels - I love it!)
This whole scene was great. Again, the studio used background to tell the story too with the bully picking on the younger boy and then the boy and the girl later playing happily. Perfect. But also, I found myself having a new found respect for Kagura that I wasn’t as aware of. The fact that Kagura came to this realisation by herself (tbh the only person who could convince her would be herself) and her taking responsibility. But also, her realising that she was genuinely beginning to love Kyo was surprisingly reminiscent of the way Kazuma began to love Kyo. Only thing is, that her love for Kyo is romantic and she can’t ever have him the way she wants.
I found myself actually empathetic to her! It was nice...
This was a good one this week! I say that all the time but I get a real satisfied feeling after I write these and I’ve swirled around my thoughts about the episode, haha. I also hope my new understanding of Kagura will translate to later when we get more of an understanding of the inner-side of Akito cos I still wanna know what the deal is with them.
See you next week!!!
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homosexualslug · 4 years
Sam Questions, made by @gaysuperhell and tagged by @blahdose(gaysuperhell this is the best tumblr questionnaire I have ever seen thank u for ur service) - Sibling status (younger, middle, older, only child)*
*TECHNICALLY oldest but was raised separately so I have only child energy - How long have you been stanning Sam for: Honestly since I started watching 2007/S3ish, I always vibed with Sam more than Dean. Nowadays I'm a SPN Ladies stan first and equal parts Cas and Sam stan second, Dean is just the most fun to psychoanalyze - Favorite SPN Season, but if the only criteria was Sam’s hair: SEASON EIGHT! It's so lush and beautiful and POWERFUL! Sometimes I just stare at it instead of paying attention to whatever's happening! - Favorite Sam-centric episode: Mystery Spot is still a fave because of him, boy really went through the spectrum of human emotion in those 50 minutes. Runner-ups: After School Special, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and Just My Imagination (I have a soft spot for young Sam lore) -Favorite Sam era: Season 4! He is no longer baby, he want power! But only because he thinks he's saving the world! Also, can't call it a whole arc but the taste we got of Samwitch throughout S13-S15 makes yearn for more. -Favorite song you would/have put in a Sam playlist: Don't have a Sam playlist but do have a very Sam-esque OC so tie between "Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea" by Missio, "Dark Speed" by Failure, and "Undefeated" by Incubus with honorable mention to Marina's "Bubblegum Bitch"
-Any ships you may like to mention: Saileen since Day 1, SamRuby (yeah yeah I know but look), Samwena (enjoy them as platonic mentor/mentee too), Sastiel (also enjoy as chaotic besties but damn if they wouldn't have been healthier for each other), Sam and Max Banes had potential - If you could steal one thing from Sam’s wardrobe, it would be: Purple dog shirt or the Hoodie™️ from 15x06 - You must have some intense headcanons you need to talk about, tell me one Sam hc that drives you insane: Stealing from HBO SPN - that Sam's a health nut because fruits/veggies don't have salt and won't make his throat burn because demon blood! - Complete the sentence: If Sam cishet, then WHY....: queer allegory about being kicked out by his dad and having something wrong with him? HMMM - Favorite unhinged Sam moment: Outside of all of Season 4 I'd also say 1) exorcising a half-dozen demons at once in My Bloody Valentine 2) third act of Mystery Spot and 3) literally shooting GOD - Tell me something about the HBO Sam that lives in your brain: Salt allergy, reflex whispering "christo" to see if hurts, angel healing makes him sick, etc. - Biggest injustice Supernatural commited against Sam (be as brief or as ranty as you desire): Boy oh boy 1) Ignoring most of his post-S7 trauma (Gadreel, BMOL torture, Lucifer, losing the hunters, etc) because the writers relied on him bouncing back faster than Dean 2) Never letting him know THE Voicemail was fake! 3) Blurry Wife because the misogyny of it all is so 2005 4) Being blamed for the apocalypse, being soulless, stopping hunting, etc. 5) The fact that Lucifer came back so many times and he didn't get to kill him ONCE as a treat
Also this is more @ the fandom, but how much Sam get ignored when talking about parenting Jack! Sam, who nurtured him and showed him kindness from Day 1! Who taught him how to use his abilities! Who didn't become what Lucifer wanted him to be and only wanted the same for Jack! - Oh no, the writers forgot to give Jess a personality! Now it’s up to you. Tell me, what was Jess like: True crime fan, super competitive at board games, got into law to help the little man, bisexual
- And finally, just say something about him that makes you smile ♥ : That he believes no one is truly beyond saving! That you can always choose to be a better person! That you decide who you are, no one else! Also, the fact that I got my first Bisexual Haircut as an excuse to cosplay him (thank u sam for being part of my queer journey)
Tagging @leydhawk @justsayingit @fangurl and any other Sam fans who follow me!
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13-reasons-ideas · 4 years
Finding Peace In Another Part 25
A/N: This chapter contains some smut. Additionally, Jake’s death is heavily referenced in this chapter so please be respectful of the discussion and how it plays out. posting this one early. I couldn’t wait anymore. This chapter is heavy on the angst. It is also pretty long, so sit back and enjoy. I’m sorry if the spacing is weird. Much love. Word count: 6655
That Thursday night, Monty stayed the night at my house again. I had begun to find it harder and harder to sleep without him with me. We slept curled up in my bed together under the blankets. He woke me up the next morning with soft kisses from my shoulder all the way to the top of my head. “Good morning.” I smiled, groggily.
“Good morning cutie.” He smiled back. I rolled over and rested my head on his chest.
“It’s not usual for you to be up before me.”
“I know.” He replied, carding his fingers through my long hair. I’m a little overdue for a haircut.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just couldn’t sleep anymore.”
“Mmkay. How about we just stay here today? I’m too comfy to get up.”
I felt his chest rise and fall as he chuckled. “I would love to Becks, but there’s a game tonight. I have to go to school. And don’t you have plans with Justin at lunch?”
I groaned in response. “Tell Coach you have to stay here and cuddle me. I shall keep you here where it’s warm. Justin will understand.” “Becca, I really would if we could. Come on, time to get up sleepy head.” He began sitting up, moving me to the side some. My head hit the pillow again and I snuggled back into the comfort of my bed. “I will pick you up and carry you if I have to.”
“Mhmm, yes dear. That’s nice.” I muttered back, half asleep.
“Rebecca, you need to get up now.” He laughed. Wonder how he likes a taste of his own medicine. I groaned in protest as I rolled over and sat up, running a hand through my hair.
“Fine. I’ll get up. No after game cuddles for you though.”
“You say that now. When we win, your tune will change.” He smirked, confidently.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“Because if you don’t, you’ll be explaining more about our private life than I would like to Coach.”
Monty smirked at me again before he put his arm around my waist and under my knees, picking me up before setting me down again. He then proceeded to go about going through my closet for some clothes for me. I cleared my throat. “I can dress myself you know.” I told him, a little grumpy from being physically removed from my bed.
“I know.” He said. He gave up on trying to find me actual clothes, so he turned his attention to my underwear drawer. When I realized what he was doing, my eyes widened.
“Montgomery.” I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air.
“Hmmm?” he hummed, as he began digging through my undergarments.
“That is my underwear drawer.”
“Very astute of you Becks. You know where your laundry goes.”
I sighed and walked towards him, before I began pushing him from my room. “Out.”
“Go make a bowl of cereal or something.” I pointed to the stairs and shut the door. Going through my underwear. Seriously. I can’t believe him sometimes.
Downstairs, I found him standing by the coffee pot, on his phone. He looked up when he heard me. “Yeah, you did much better than I would have.”
I looked down at my outfit. I didn’t think it was anything that special. I had simply grabbed a black and white tank top to go with the black maxi skirt and blue overshirt to wear. Since my hair was slightly too long to manage, I had thrown it into a messy bun and did some quick makeup. “It’s not that special, but okay.”
“Becks. If you hadn’t kicked me out, you would be better off wearing your bunny pjs to school.” I thought for a moment and decided he was probably right. He passed me a cup of coffee and I took a long sip.
“Yum. Thank you, babe.” I went around the house and gathered the last-minute things I needed for the day. As I looked around the main floor, I couldn’t help but feel like something was off in the house. It’s probably nothing.
Monty had been right when we told people. By the time we got to school today, people mostly ignored us, instead interested in something someone else did that was shocking. He met me at my car and walked me to my locker, before kissing me and heading off to find his friends. Bryce wasn’t at his locker thankfully. Classes were busy, as we were getting close to the end of the year. This is so not how I expected this year to go.
Lunch with Justin was nice. We avoided the cafeteria and ate outside in the sun, something I couldn’t really do at home in April because of rain or snow. Some things about California are nice. Still could use universal healthcare though. “How have you been?” I asked, watching him separate his lunch.
“That’s good. You and Jess are good?”
“Yeah. How’re you and Monty?”
“We are good. He made me get up this morning though.”
“Made you?” He asked, leaning back as he ate his sandwich.
“Yeah. Picked me up and put me down.”
“Oh wow. Didn’t want to get up today, I take it?”
“Nope. I was very cozy in my bed.”
“Hey guys.” Zach waved to us, walking over.
“Hey Zachy. How was bio?” I asked.
“Better than history. Are you coming to the game tonight Becca?”
“I can’t tonight. I have some stuff to take care of though.”
“Bryce’s after?” Justin asked me.
I tried to keep a straight face when I responded, “I’ll try to make it out. You guys planning on winning tonight or will there be a need for more consolation cookies?”
“The goal is to win. Would you make us congratulations cookies?” Zach asked.
“I can see. It depends how much time I have this weekend.”
“Chocolate chip?”
“Do you want chocolate chip cookies, Zach?”
“Maybe?” He grinned.
“I think I can make that happen.” The bell rang before we could really talk more. I really need to find some time to talk to Justin about how he’s doing.
I got home from school a few minutes after four and I knew something was different when I pulled into the driveway. I had a feeling. When I walked in the door and saw my dad’s travel briefcase by the door, I sighed. Wonder how long he will be in town this time. I shook my head and decided to get a head start on my homework for the weekend and worked on it for a few hours before I got hungry. Monty texted me before the game started and I hadn’t responded yet, so even though I knew he was on the field I shot him a quick text. I hope you’re having fun babe. Wish I could have been there tonight, but I’m swamped with school stuff. See you in a while. I didn’t mention that my dad was home as it didn’t seem pertinent. It was around seven thirty by that point and I knew the game would likely be ending soon, so I went to the kitchen to make myself a snack.
I almost dropped the knife I was using to cut myself some cheese slices when my dad cleared his throat behind me.
“Fuck.” I gasped.
“Do you have anything you want to explain to me Rebecca?” He asked, accusatorially.
I made a confused face before turning around to face him, “no? And hello to you too.”
“Really? No? That’s your answer?”
“Yes?” What the fuck is his problem?
“Nothing at all you want to explain? Not a single thing?”
“No Dad. Do you think I need to explain something?”
“I do actually.”
“What?” I asked, completely lost as to what he was on about.
“Maybe we can start with why when I got home last night and went to your room to check on you, there was a boy in bed with you.”
“Are you serious?”
“Very serious. Start explaining young lady.”
“I don’t have to explain shit to you Dad.” I shook my head, trying to walk around him with my snack.
“You live in my house. You damn well better explain yourself.”
“You wouldn’t know it’s your house by looking at it.” I muttered.
“What did you just say?”
“Bullshit. We can discuss that next. Now explain.”
“He’s my friend. Figured you would be happy I’m not just in the house alone.”
“Why would you sleeping with some random guy make me happy?”
“He’s not some random guy. He is my friend. Not that you would know anything about that.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“It means Dad, that you’re never here.”
“I am so.”
“One or two weeks a month doesn’t count.”
“It’s not. Look at your fucking calendar for once and take note.” Before I could continue, there was a knock at the door. I stopped arguing with my dad for a moment to look. He had walked out of view of the door and I went to answer it. Standing on the other side of the door, were Monty and Scott. It’s like he knows when I’m busy. “Hey guys, it’s not really a good time.”
“What’s up?” Scott asked.
“Who’s at the door Rebecca?” my dad called from behind me.
“Just a friend from school.” I called back to him. “I have to go but I’ll see you in a bit okay?” I said quietly.
“Is everything okay Rebecca?” Monty asked, very concerned.
“Yeah, its okay. I’ll explain later. Bye guys.” I shut the door before they could answer me. The fight with my dad picked up right where it left off.
“I work for a living Rebecca. I have to go to work in order to pay the bills so you can live here.”
“Trust me. I know.”
“Do you have any idea how ungrateful you sound right now?”
“Do you have any idea how much of an asshole you are?”
“Watch it. You’re on thin ice as it is.”
“Oh, whatever Dad.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Your brother never would have acted like that.” He said, venomously. I felt the wind get knocked out of me.
“Don’t fucking talk about Jake. Especially not like that. Not with me.” I was fuming now.
“Why not? He wouldn’t have. He was my son. I think I know how he would act.”
“How? How would you have any idea how he would act right now? You were hardly home when we were kids.”
“That’s not true and you know it.”
“It is so true Dad. Mom stayed home when we were little so you could go on your business trips. When we got older, she got a job where she would be home right after school, so we weren’t alone when you were out of town. And then….” I had to stop, to keep the tears from spilling.
“And then I was home.” “Yeah. You were home because your wife was dying so she couldn’t take care of the two of us on her own anymore. You came home because you had no choice. Don’t act like you did it for us.”
“Well who else was going to watch you?”
“That’s not the point Dad. As soon as her funeral was over, you were scheduling your next business trip. You left your kids alone at home two weeks after our mother had died. And you had no issue with doing it.”
“You were old enough to take care of yourselves.”
“I was sixteen Dad! Jake was eighteen. We weren’t fucking old enough to take care of ourselves. Not after that.”
“Well you seemed to do just fine on your own together.”
“Just… just fine? I’m not sure you remember but your son fucking killed himself while you were on one of your stupid trips.”
“You think I could forget something like that? That I could forget having to get on a plane because my son was missing?”
“Well you could have fooled me.” My dad rolled his eyes and didn’t say anything else. “You never even asked me how I was or if I needed anything. You just told me that we were moving to California and started making plans.”
“Don’t act like the idea of moving wasn’t nice to you.”
“It wasn’t! I never wanted to move. I never wanted to move here. I wanted to stay at home. I have people at home. You took me away from everyone and everything I had ever known, right after I lost the most important person in my life. And since you seem to think I was so okay with moving and you’re so convinced you are parent of the goddamn year, why don’t we talk about the fact that you literally fucking stayed in town long enough to hook up the utilities before you were gone on another business trip? I’ve been raising myself since Mom died. More so now, since it’s just me in the house.”
“I can’t do anything about where work wants to send me and when Rebecca.”
“That’s crap and you know it. You didn’t have to leave less than two weeks after we moved.” Again, my dad had no response. I’m not stupid. I know you think I am, but I’m not.
“We aren’t talking about me. We are talking about you.”
“Actually, we are talking about how you think you’re an amazing parent or something equally untrue.”
“No, we aren’t.”
“Dad. You left me home alone in a foreign country. A country with the right to keep and bear arms. You thought that was a safe idea? If it was my kid, I would be overjoyed that she isn’t home alone every night.”
“Jake would never have had a random girl in the house without consulting me first.” I saw red now.
“I told you to stop talking about him. You had no idea what he was like or who he was as a person.” I turned on my heel and grabbed Jake’s jacket from the banister, making for the door.
“Rebecca Catherine Samuels. We are not done this conversation. Get back here.” I ignored him. “Don’t you dare open that door.” I ignored him again and yanked out the door. I was about to step out when he spoke again. “Fine. Go. Have fun living it up in your dead brother’s jacket. Bet the boys find it so attractive that you wear your brother’s jacket around.”
I stopped briefly. “Go fuck yourself.” I growled, slamming the door shut behind me.
I stomped my way over to Bryce’s house. I was too angry to even consider the fact that I was going to be in his space once again. Party goers noticed my expression and the way I was walking, quickly making a clear path for me. Upon entering, I spotted my boyfriend, our friends, and Bryce gathered down the front hall. Marching up to them, I took Monty’s cup right from his hand and slammed the rest of his drink back. He and the small group stared at me, wide eyed. They seemed shocked at my actions. I turned my attention to Bryce. “Do your parents try to parent you when they get home from their trips?” I asked, still angry.
“Yeah, sometimes.”
“Is it as infuriating as what I just experienced?”
“Sometimes.” He answered, sharing a look with Monty and Zach.
“What happened Becca?” Justin asked.
“Are you okay?” Monty asked, reaching for his cup to take it away from me.
“Fucking peachy. And what happened Justin, is my dad got home last night. And today he decided to go off on me for no fucking reason. By the way, he knows you spend the night now.” I directed my last sentence to Monty. His eyes widened in fear. “I told him to deal with it. He’s the one who made me move here and decided to leave me home alone all the time.”
“You got into that bad of a fight because Monty spends the night at your place?” Scott asked, scratching his chin.
“No. We got into that bad of a fight because he proceeded to try and play father of the decade and ‘talked’ about Jake. He was hardly around when we were kids. He didn’t know shit about him. That’s why I’m infuriated with him.”
“Holy… I’m sorry Becca.” Zach said, pulling me into a hug and rubbing my back.
“Do you need a place to crash tonight? I’m sure Mom and Dad would have no problem with you sleeping in Clay’s old room for the night.” Justin offered.
“I don’t know Justin. I don’t want to impose.”
“It wouldn’t be an imposition. I’ll call mom and we can stop to grab your bag on the way to my place.”
“Okay. Thank you.” I felt familiar arms going around my waist and leaned back against my boyfriend. He kissed the top of my head gently. I began calming down some, being in his arms. “This is nice and all, but that beer was terrible. I need a real drink.” I told him, sighing.
“Okay, let’s get you a drink then.”
He took my hand and we walked to the kitchen. He poured me a bourbon and Coke and I paced myself a little bit drinking it. When it was empty a while later, I went and got a vodka Diet Coke. That one didn’t last as long as the bourbon, mostly because I could hardly taste the alcohol in it. Deciding that would be my drink of choice for the evening, I went in search of my third and a half drink of the night. When I had a thought of Jake or the fight I had with my dad or Bryce, I drank some more, and it went away. I wasn’t so drunk that I couldn’t stand, but I was pretty confident I wouldn’t remember much of anything in the morning.
Monty or one of my friends must have been watching me and told him to cut me off, because before I could have number five or was it six, my cup was removed from my hand. “I think that’s enough for now Becks.”
“No buts. Come with me.” I thought for a moment, but the look on his face said there would be no use in arguing. He took me by the hand, giving my drink to Zach as we passed him, and led me to an empty, secluded area. I trust Montgomery completely but the thought of being alone with a boy in this house made me queasy. I tried my best to chock it up to the alcohol I had consumed.
He sat on the floor in the hall near what I assume is the master bedroom, given its lack of people, and patted the spot next to him. Reluctantly, I sat down cross legged and he rested his elbows on his knees. “What’s going on Rebecca?”
“Nothing. I’m fine Montgomery.” I told him. Sure, my vision is blurry, and my head feels all cotton-y, but I’m fine.
“No, you’re not. I’ve never seen you drink like this before. Zach called Bailey. He told him he’s never seen you drunk before. He has known you for years. And don’t try to say you weren’t allowed to drink at home until you were fifteen, because my point stands.”
“He called Bailey? Why?”
“Because he’s worried about you Becks. I’m worried about you.” I looked down at my feet. I thought about telling him what was going on, but Bryce’s words replayed themselves in my head. You may be Monty’s flavour of the week, but he is my brother. So, if you do decide to talk, he will take my side. Instead of responding, I leaned my head on his shoulder. He placed one of his hands on my knee and we sat in silence for a while.
I watched him draw patterns on my knee absently and smiled softly to myself. I heard the words coming out of my mouth quietly, rather than just thought in my head, “I love you.” His hand stopped drawing for a few seconds while he thought about what I had just told him. He seemed to be trying to tell if he had heard right. He was quiet for a while. “You don’t have to say it back though. No pressure or anything.”
“I love you too.” He said, equally as quietly. I lifted my head from his shoulder, and he moved to cup my face with one hand. I leaned in and kissed him. I had to pull away to adjust slightly but after I had, I kissed him again. I could taste the alcohol in his kiss, and he pulled me closer to him by my waist. We pulled away and leaned our foreheads against each other. I giggled, giddily. I didn’t expect the first time I told him I love him to be when I am heavily intoxicated but hey. It seems to have worked out.
“Becca? Monty?” We heard Justin’s voice from around the corner.
“I guess that’s our cue that it’s time to get up and get you to bed.”
I nodded, beginning to feel sleepy. He stood first and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up.
“There you are. Do you want to head out now? Mom said it is no problem for you to spend the night tonight.”
“Okay. I’ll just write dad a note saying I’m staying with a friend tonight.”
“Sounds good. I’ll let you know when we get to my place Monty.”
“Thanks Justin. Have a good night beautiful. Take some Advil before bed.”
“I will.” I agreed. The three of us walked to the door and I turned to give Monty a bear hug. Or at least, what could pass for a bear hug in my current state. “I love you.” I said into his chest.
“I love you too.” He spoke into my hair.
Justin took me home to get my things and I woke up the next morning in the Jensen’s guest bedroom. I didn’t remember everything about the night before, but I did remember talking to Monty and what feelings were confessed. I sighed as I got up and got changed out of pyjamas and made my way downstairs. His family was very kind, as usual, and soon it was time for me to head home and face the music. I walked into the house quietly and tiptoed past my dad’s office. The door was mostly shut, and I could hear him typing away. The remainder of the week at home was very quiet between the two of us. I was a lot more cautious about closing my door if Monty came over for the night.
School was still busy, and I was finding it harder and harder to focus. Monty and I spent almost every lunch hour together, trying to make up for all those lost hours while we were seeing each other in secret. Friday was one of the few nights our team had a bye week, so they didn’t play. That meant that Monty could come over after school. We confirmed our plans over our morning coffee from Monet’s before class. In history, I gave Zach his congratulations cookies. He beamed all class. The rest of school passed mostly uneventfully. There was a fire drill, but that was the only real exciting thing.
We got home from school and studied for a bit in my room, sneaking glances at each other the whole time not really focusing on our work. My dad was out of town for the weekend again, so we weren’t in a rush tonight. I managed to somehow finish my paper before he crawled over to me and whispered, “anything else you need to do?”
Whispering back as I nodded “there is this one thing. Though I’ll enjoy it much more than a stupid History paper.” I pulled him close and kissed him deeply, feeling his arm come up to hold the back of my head. He pushed our books out of the way, being careful of my laptop, before moving me up the bed. I made quick work of removing his flannel and T-shirt as he worked on unbuttoning my top. He kissed my neck as I ran my fingers through his hair. Once he had my shirt unbuttoned and slipped off, he moved to the button of my jeans, waiting for permission as he rubbed that sweet spot near my hips. “Yes.” I breathed and the word was barely out of my mouth before he was undoing my jeans and pulling them off. I felt his hand play with the waistband of my underwear before he pulled at the sides, taking them off. He teased me for a bit, never really touching where I wanted him to and never staying in one place for very long. My moans got louder, and I bucked my hips trying to get him to touch me where I wanted it most. I felt him smirk and finally touch me. I gasped in ecstasy, pulling on his hair harder than I meant to. He chuckled against my neck and nipped at it drawing more sounds from me. As he kissed my neck and rubbed me, I felt his finger enter me. I froze. In one second, I saw it all in my head again his hands holding my hips, the feel of his hands on my body, him entering me over and over. “S-stop.” I choked out. I felt Montgomery freeze for a split second before quickly yet gently removing his finger from my body. I struggled to catch my breath as he looked at me very concerned. He let go of my side and looked into my eyes.
“Are you okay Rebecca?” He asked, trying to mask his arousal from our previous fooling around.
Breathing heavily, I nodded, not trusting my voice. He looked at me until I had calmed down, afraid to touch me again in any way. “Just have cramps. They’re pretty bad this month.” I replied shakily.
“Do you want some Advil or anything? I can grab it for you. Just lay there.”
“Uh... yeah. There should be a bottle in the medicine cabinet with a prescription label and blue pills. Can I get one of those please?” I asked, not really needing it for cramps, but rather to try and get my muscles to relax. He nodded, getting up and heading to my bathroom. He grabbed the bottle and headed downstairs for some water. While he got my medicine, I got up and put on a pair of underwear and shorts before sitting on the bed waiting for him.
“It said to take it with food, so I brought you a little snack.” He said, carrying a piece of cheese, a glass of milk, and the pill over to me. I took them gratefully and after finishing the milk and the cheese snack, he pulled me up and embraced me tightly.
“I’m sorry.” I apologized into his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head and then step back so I could look at his face. He tilted my head up and looked at me seriously.
“Rebecca. Never feel like you need to apologize for telling me to stop. I don’t care if we are on round six and I’m just about to finish, if you want me to stop, I will. It’s only fun when we both enjoy it.” I looked up at him and nodded. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, before asking me “now for the most important question of the night…” oh no. Please don’t ask why. “Big spoon or little spoon?” He grinned as I let out a breath and giggled.
“Little spoon please.”
“Alright then, come here baby girl.” He grinned again as he climbed back into bed and pulled me with him. He held me close and played with my hair. It wasn’t until I heard his breathing even out and his grip loosen around me, signalling he was asleep, that I finally let the tears fall.  
A few days passed uneventfully and then Wednesday rolled around. The day was going well. Possibly even too well. There was no traffic on the way to school, my friends were all in good moods, the sun was shining but it wasn’t too hot outside, no homework had been assigned. It was a good day. I guess one could say that was the calm before the storm. While Tony and I walked to lunch as we usually do, I noticed Justin talking to Bryce. I couldn’t make out what he was saying but I saw Monty put his hand on Justin’s shoulder, as if he was telling him to back off. Scott moved to the side as Justin pushed Montgomery’s hand away. In one quick motion, so quick you would have missed it if you blinked, Justin pushed Bryce back into a locker. There was a second of still before all hell broke loose. Montgomery grabbed Justin as Bryce kneed him in the groin and suddenly the hallway was full of action. Students everywhere throwing punches left and right. Before I could stop him, Tony went in to help. He went straight for Monty, pulling him off of Justin holding his hands up he said “I don’t want to fight you. Just breathe.” Montgomery advanced on Tony and called him a coward faggot. Tony lost it and punched him in the face. Given his short stature it would have been funny if it was a movie scene or something. But it wasn’t. This was real life. I blinked and Tony was on Montgomery, punching him in the face repeatedly. I heard Cyrus yelling to get his friends involved and watched in shock as the fighting grew more intense. Scott was pulling Clay back to my left and Zach ran into the fighting to my right. He jumped on Bryce and Montgomery jumped on him. I watched in horror as my boyfriend punched my best friend here repeatedly after throwing him into a locker. As the fighting continued, I saw Alex hobble into the fight. He seemed to be going straight for my boyfriend. He lifted his cane and whacked Montgomery across the back with it before losing his balance and falling over. Again, had it been a movie I would have laughed. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the scene before me. Montgomery grabbed Alex and shoved him against a locker. They stood there for a moment, as though reliving something they had done before, when Montgomery pushed him back to the ground. Mr. Porter and Coach Rick came upon the scene to try and break up the fight before they both seemed to get bitten by the fighting bug as it were. Now they were fighting each other amongst the group of teenagers. Finally, I heard someone pull the fire alarm and the fight broke up. Montgomery looked up and saw me standing there, watching him. His face immediately went from angry to shocked. I stayed long enough to watched everyone get detention before shaking my head at him and walking away, vibrating in anger.
I decided to be a good friend and wait for Tony, Clay, Justin, Zach, Alex, and Cyrus to get out of detention. It gave me an excuse to catch up on some reading that I had slacked off on since the move. As the foolish teens were released from detention, I caught Montgomery’s eye. He started towards me, but I pointedly ignored him, hoping I conveyed my displeasure and disappointment with him as well as I intended. I saw Alex and Zach leaving the room and waved them over. “Guys! Come here, I’ll take you back to my place and fix you up.” I said loud enough for Montgomery to hear. He can stitch his dumb aggressive ass up himself this time. As they walked over to me, I caught sight of my other friends and had them come over too. When they were all gathered around me, we started towards the door to go back to my place. I turned to take one last look at Monty before leaving. He looked sad and a little bit offended. Serves him right. Arriving at my place, I got everyone inside and set to work patching them up. Some took longer than others, but I didn’t mind. It gave me time to stew in my anger at my idiot boyfriend. “Stupid people punching each other in the damn hallways. Stupid stupid.” I muttered not realizing I was speaking out loud. The boys all cleared their throats. “What? Oh... not. Not you guys. Sorry.” I mumbled looking down.
“It’s okay. You’re pissed off we get it.” Justin said, understandingly.
“What were you fighting about anyway? I mean I know Bryce is a shitty person but still. I don’t know what you were all fighting about.” I asked, though I had a bit of an inkling. It seemed like I wasn’t the only one who he... hurt. I thought to myself, still unable to even think the word. My question was met with awkward silence until Justin cleared his throat.
“Bryce did something to a couple of people who mean a lot to me. A couple of girls.” He said, the disgust clear in his voice.
“You mean he assaulted them.” I said, suddenly finding the hem of my shirt very interesting. Justin just nodded. “And my idiot temperamental boyfriend didn’t believe it.” Great... wonder if he will believe me. Bryce was probably right. He will believe him over me any day. I’m just the girl he’s seeing for now. Bryce is his best friend. More than that, he is his brother. Again, I was met with silence. The silence was punctuated by a heavy, impatient knock on my front door. I had a feeling that it was Montgomery coming to grovel for forgiveness. I shook my head and motioned for one of the boys to answer it. I wasn’t really expecting Alex to go though. Zach stood up with him, to block me from Montgomery’s view.
“What do you want de la Cruz?” Alex spat after he opened the door.
“I want to talk to her Standall.” I heard Montgomery say.
“Well she doesn’t want to talk to you. Go home Montgomery.” Alex said and I flinched at how angry he sounded. I assume he must have stood his ground given I couldn’t actually see him.
“I just want to make sure she’s okay Alex.”
“Well she’s fine. Now you know. So, leave.”
“Monty. Go home. Give her some time. She has every right to be upset with you right now. You told her you were done with the fights and stuff. When she’s ready to talk she will.” I heard Zach speak up.
I heard Montgomery sigh and turn to leave, probably realizing he wasn’t going to get his way this time. Alex shut the door and turned back to me. “Do you have any junk food? My mom is still on her health food kick. And maybe a drink?” He asked, trying to lighten the mood.
I laughed as I started going through the cupboards looking for some junk for Alex. “Beer in the fridge if you want. Or wine if you’re into that. Or juice and stuff if you’re not drinking. You are all welcome to stay over if you’re going to drink. Anything stronger and I’m not fighting anyone to get up for school in the morning. So only take it if you can handle it. How do Doritos sound Alex?”
“Good. I’ll just text my mom and tell her I’m staying over. Don’t need her seeing the bruising and freaking out even more. Might take away my recently earned video game privileges again.” Alex said before taking the chips and grabbing a beer. Justin was the only one who refused a drink, trying to stay sober and all. The boys texted their parents while I went upstairs to change and get some blankets and stuff for the night.
“You’re welcome to the guest room if anyone wants, or you can sleep on my bedroom floor, or we can crash in the living room. Couch isn’t great for a full night sleep but if you want a shitty back in the morning, more power to you. Doesn’t really matter to me where you want to sleep.” I told them when I came back down and started on dinner. Cyrus walked over to help me while the rest of the boys argued about a movie to watch. No one agreed to watch The Notebook with me. The evening passed fairly quickly after we all got to be a few drinks in, and we crashed in the living room.
The next morning, I knew I was going to have to face Montgomery. Although I figured I could put it off a little longer than first thing in the morning. Scott had other plans though. He cornered me when I got to school. “You have to talk to Monty.”
“And say what exactly? You beat up my friends but it’s cool. Let’s fuck? Yeah that’s not happening.”
“No, you don’t have to say that. But you need to talk to him. He’s been in a mood all night.”
“Scott, I have nothing to say to him. He needs to learn that he can’t just hit people when he has a fucking emotional response to something.” I told him plainly before turning and walking away. I avoided everyone for the rest of the day. Didn’t talk to any of my friends in class, ate lunch in the library, and made sure to be the first one in and out of class after the bells rang.You’re doing it again. Pushing everyone away. I heard Jake’s voice in my head. Yeah well you don’t get to be my moral compass anymore. Maybe if you had talked to me instead, none of this would have fucking happened. I thought bitterly. Get out of my head.
I managed to avoid Monty for the day until final bell. He was waiting for me outside Peer Communication.
“Becks can we please talk?”
“About what? The fact that you’re friends with a rapist? Or the fact that you beat up my friends?”
“Don’t call him that Rebecca. That’s not fair.” He told me, grabbing my arm as I tried to get past him. I pulled my arm away from his grasp roughly.
“I have to go to my locker. I got a ride with Tony this morning so I’ll need you to take me to my place so we can talk about this privately.”
“Okay.” He said as he fell into step beside me. We went to my locker and got my things before going out to his Jeep in silence. I once again, ignored Bryce, pretending he didn’t exist and being near him didn’t make me want to scrub myself down again. When we were almost at my place he finally spoke, breaking the tense silence. “Bryce isn’t as bad as they make him out to be you know Becca.”
“By they do you mean my friends, who you beat the shit out of by the way?” I asked him shortly.
“I mean yeah. You can’t believe Hannah or Jessica. They probably just regret having sex with him. And Justin shouldn’t have stuck his nose in someone else’s business.” I turned to look at him not believing what he just said, shaking my head incredulously unable to form the words to respond to him, before jumping out of the Jeep and stomping harshly towards my house.
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spicychickentendy · 4 years
Admit Stuff: 1-92 😎
Shit ok, I was not expecting someone to ask for all of them at once but here we go..
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
- Fuck yes I would 🤤
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
- Nope..they don’t deserve my time
3. Have you taken someone’s virginity?
- Yepperz
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
- I wouldn’t consider it an issue but it’s very important
5. Did you hang out with a person you like recently?
- Yeah I guess you could say that we hung out ☺️
6. What are you excited for?
- I can’t wait to watch the new episode of Dickinson that just came out today!
7. What happened tonight?
- Well last night I had a few drinks and listened to some hella good music 👌🏼
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
- No I don’t but remember that the world is shit so have a friend with you
9. Is confidence cute?
- Fuck me, yasss!
10. What is the last beverage you had?
- I’m currently drinking water, remember to stay hydrated!
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
- Fully trust? Hmm...probably 1
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
- Yepperz
13. What are you going to do Saturday night?
- After work I’m getting my haircut and then going on a date ☺️
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
- Gasss...a bitches gaslight just went on this morning 🙄
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
- Well I sure hope so
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next three months?
- Maybe?
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
- That would have to be my partner in crime
18. The last time you felt broken?
- Yesterday
19. Have you had sex today?
- Not yet but the day is still young 😏
20. Are you starting to realize something?
- I need to keep myself busy with things I enjoy doing
21. Are you in a good mood?
- I’m not in a bad mood 🤷🏼‍♀️
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
- Fuck to the no...well not sober
23. Are your eye’s the same color as your dads?
- Thats a negative ghost rider
24. What do you want right this second?
- To have a glass of whiskey in a nice bath
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another boy/girl?
- Honestly it depends on the situation
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
- Yepperz
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
- Nahh, laughter is hella important
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
- The conversation between me and this girl about lube at my job 😂
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
- Yes 🥺
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
- Fuck to the no
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
- No I try my best not to hate anyone
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
- Totally 😘
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
- No, I’m not perfect
34. Listening to?
- Lover by G Flip
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
- I’m in school so sometimes
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
- She’s at work😘
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
- I believe in lust at first sight
38. Who did you last call?
- My love
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
- My wife in our living room
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
- I always give Heather a goodbye kiss before I leave for work
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
- Honestly I don’t remember
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
- It would be very difficult since they live in a different state
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
- Who hasn’t?
44. Do you tan in the nude?
- I am hella fucking white..when I try to tan I just get burned 😂
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
- No
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
- Unfortunately no
47. Who was the last person to call you?
- My lover
48. Do you sing in the shower?
- Of course
49. Do you dance in the car?
- ALL 👏🏻THE 👏🏻TIME👏🏻
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
- I have but I was not any good at it
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
- Um probably on my wedding day
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
- Nahh I enjoy them
53. Is Christmas stressful?
- Dealing with my family is stressful
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
- I don’t think I have
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
- Hmmm...I’ll have to say blueberry
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were kid?
- I wanted to be a firefighter, police officer, or a professional bank robber lol
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
- Hells to the yes
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
- Yep yep yep
59. Taking a vitamin daily?
- I tried but I’m not the greatest at remembering
60. Wear slippers?
- I have some fluffy rainbow slippers 😊
61. Wear a bath robe?
- I don’t wear one but I think I own one
62. What do you wear to bed?
- My birthday suit or a oversized shirt
63. First Concert?
- It was a P!nk concert ☺️
64. Wal-mat, Target or Kmart?
- Wal-mart but with complaining
65. Nike or Adidas?
- Nike
66. Cheetos or Fritos?
- Definitely Cheetos
67. Peanuts or sunflower seeds?
- Umm peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
- Hmm I guess off the top of my head I’ll say the 1
69. Ever take dance lessons?
- Nahh my goofy style just comes natural 😘
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
- I don’t want to limit my partner, I’ll support whatever they decide to do and whatever makes them happy
71. Can you curl your tongue?
- Ohh yes I can do a lot of things with my tongue 😘
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
- Nahh
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
- Oddly I have 👉🏻👈🏻
74. What is your favorite book?
- Oh that is a difficult question. That is like asking which one is your favorite child..
75. Do you study better with or without music?
- For the most part I study better with music
76. Regularly burn incense?
- Nahh I don’t
77. Ever been in love?
- Only once and still going strong🖤
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
- I really want to see Fletcher in person
79. What was the last concert you saw?
- I went to see King Princess and it was fucking amazing!
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
- It depends on my mood but I love a cup of hot tea with some honey
81. Tea or coffee?
- I have been drinking more tea lately
82. Favorite type of cookie?
- All cookies lol
83. Can you swim well?
- I mean I probably won’t drown but I don’t know about well
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
- That’s a negative ghost rider
85. Are you patient?
- For the most part
86. DJ or Band, at a wedding?
- Bands are groovy but I’m going to have to go with a DJ
87. Ever won a contest?
- I believe so
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
- Nope, I’m poor
89. Which are better black or green olives?
- Umm black?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
- Eh, I sure didn’t fucking wait
91. Best room for fireplace?
- Living room
92. Do you want to get married?
- Well I’m already married sooo
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anteroom-of-death · 4 years
Life, For Dummies p9
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a/n: a nice filler chapter. i woke up, edited this and now i must go back to bed. enjoy a cheeky bit of whatever the heck this is...
You woke up again, another confused morning. Not overall the biggest one yet, but you still laid there, half happy and yet, half sorting out everything. You smelled the coffee from the other room. His coffee was always such a comfort and beyond excellent. Never went stale or bitter either. 
He really had you wrapped around his little finger, and what a way, via caffeine. 
You stretched out in your bed and felt the collar shift around your neck slightly, and went to readjust it properly. 
Closing your eyes and focusing on the now, you came to terms with all this slowly, the heat of the day slowly pouring in on your body and warming you up. You focused on feeling the rotations of the fan and the breeze on your bare midriff. You inhaled and held it for a few seconds before releasing it, as much as you were curious what terrible read that the Master was devouring and what the next logical step of this whole shebang was. But bed was good, bed was comfy, bed felt good with your nice duvet and fluffy pillows surrounding you. You felt lazy and a tad sore, so you let bed win out for a bit. 
Once your loafing was done, you got out of bed and made a laborious moan and cracked your neck and sternum. You decided to prep slowly and let him wait a bit more. It was only right, waiting on one level, mini wait on another…
The coffee would be still piping hot. 
You came out plain faced but a little tarty. He was lounging reading a book in what looked like an alien language, so no quippy remark this time from you. Maybe he planned it that way- he was tired of you ragging on his shitty taste in literature.You rolled your eyes and sat down to enjoy your coffee. “No fair- I can’t read alien scribbles.” You teased, lightly smacking him on the knee.
“It’s high old Gallifreyan. It’s a hidden erotic text from what construed as our dark ages.” He murmured, half lost in it. “Maybe teach me it, no fun if I can’t join in…” You teased, though erotica in the Master’s native tongue would be fun to read. Would allow more context on what made him.
You knew the amount of fanfiction you read probably shaped your subconscious in ways that you'd have to dig up Frued and have him work on you full time. 
“That’s a thought…” He mused.
You nodded and went back to your mug. Your paranoia kept you waiting for the other shoe to drop. You placed your mug down and squinted hard at him reading. You rested your chin on the crook of your fingers and your arm on your thigh, tapping your thumb on the base of your throat in a half anxious way. 
Eventually you sighed and motioned the book away from him, “So what’s the deal? What are we doing? All of this, are we leaving today or what?” You sort of pointed everywhere. You had a lot of questions. It was only fair that he didn’t leave you in an information lurch.
“I figured we’d laze around here today and work on moving you into the TARDIS again but I’d like to properly enjoy breaking you in again.” He winked. 
You squinted again. 
“You make out like I’m a pair of shoes you haven’t worn in a hot minute.” You did a light chortle. “That’ll inflate my self esteem.” You sarcastically added.
“Aren’t you?” He cooly retorted.
“Good one.” You wagged a finger at him. ‘You’re hilarious!”
“Oh, do I have to punish you?” The tone was lighthearted and jovial and yet it laid a real threat.
“Bring it on, Time Boy.” You pushed a little further. You grinned largely and stuck out your tongue. 
He pulled you over suddenly and firmly by your ear and up towards your face. “Hmmm...looks like I do.” He was apoplectic yet smooth. “What should a brat like you get for questioning her Master?” He pulled you up over his knees and ripped down the shorts you had on. “So, I’m gonna spank you, but you have to count?” He stroked your ass gently with one of his hands while he supported your weight with the other by your neck.
“I’m thinking twenty?” You could hear a smirk from above you. You rolled your eyes, “How does that sound?” He stroked your ass again and grabbed a cheek with one hand, “Does that sound good, pet?” He let a finger linger on your cunt. You let out an anticipatory shiver. “Yes, Master.”
He paddled, you counted, after you reached twenty, you were doubting if you could sit after. You forgot how paddle-like his hands were. After twenty he massaged your ass and your clit, gently making sure he didn’t do any lasting damage. You still were irradiating heat and yet were gently brought to a gentle reward of an orgasm. He was a compassionate dictator, after all…
He brought you up and gently positioned you on his lap like a small doll. He pet your hair and kissed your jaw softly, gently moving up to your lips and nibbling softly, “Have you learned your lesson?” He breathed onto your lips. 
You were intoxicated with the scent and woozy, “Yes, Master...I have.”
“Good.” Then he pressed his warm, supple lips against yours.
The day faded on lazily. 
You got some boxes out of storage and started to move your precious items out into it to put back in your room in the TARDIS. It would be weird being back in there, you noted that you might have to change things up decor and interior design wise. You were fond of your tiny cottage and wanted to bring some of that into the hazy, crazy days of interdimensional space travel. You liked the slightly slow small town life you’d painstakingly made here. 
You’d definitely try to enforce a policy of nights in front of a crackling fire in picturesque sights on occasion. Lazy nights in front of a fire with a nice drink were just the best luxury one could have. 
Simple, yet relaxing.
You enjoyed a relaxing evening as much as you enjoyed everything else that the Universe could hold for you. Excitement and adventure had to be evened out with calm and relaxing. Both were good. 
Emotions washed over you in waves. You really were in such a situation. 
He was a good boy and made it up to you. You had to really give it to him for that. You found it ironic that he was the one in power yet you just applied the label “good boy” to him like he was a submissive or something. Maybe he was, but you were the one who kneeled here. That much was given. You were taken by him. 
Oh, the minute yet twisted webs weaved. 
You brought out the last of the boxes to the patio and screamed to the sky. How did you manage to accumulate such a crazy amount of stuff? Maybe Marx was right, something something consumerism fetish. 
He peeked his head out of the TARDIS and gave you a quizzical deadpanned look. 
“You summoned me?”
“How the fuck will I get this all in?” You panicked.
“Repeat after me ‘dimensionally transdimensional’, pet. It’s a whole other plane of existence in here. You know this.” 
“Oh, right.” You knew, but sometimes it overwhelmed you and you rather would just kick a box. Which you decided to do. Maybe the Master was right, you were a brat… Oh well, you had a more pressing matter than your sore bum and the Masters hands milking you until you came. 
You rolled your eyes at how eager you were to repeat the mistake of disobeying him. You bucked your hips as you tried to get your body back into packing mode and not cock-hungry. 
Waltzing up you knocked on the door you waited for him to open it. "Help me get these into my room. I won't do them all." You shrugged. 
He sighed melodramatically and joined you in moving and even unpacking them and putting your favorite mug in the kitchenette on display. "Easy access, like a certain slut I know." He tapped your nose, smirking then playfully slapping your ass.
You squeaked.
He rolled his eyes, "One more night here? We can have a fire like you like, even make a s'more. Always loved the idea of those. I read a book once as a child about alien cuisines and that was listed as a traditional Earthling dish…" His eyes lit up like a kid with a kitten.
You smiled and rubbed your ass gently, "Sure." 
You indulged him in this and sat on your Master's lap, as the wicker and vinyl seating wasn't really the most comfortable seating for you at the moment. His thighs were cushion-y and the curve of them really supported you. 
It was a lovely evening, you had to admit it. The Master's scent and the scent of pine trees and the maple wood on the fire. The chocolate and graham crackers were also adding a level of scent. If you could bottle up a scent for instant perfume production, it'd be this moment. 
You quickly figured out that the main appeal was the open flame and setting the marshmallows on fire. "Remind me to never let you near a fondue bar or make souffles." You chided as you trimmed your hair from a bit catching fire ranting under your breath about mad men and flames. He was still giggling with the stick still blazing and dancing around the yard.
It was oddly endearing. Even if you had to give yourself a DIY haircut in your kitchen sink. 
"Don't start a forest fire!" You screamed out the window. You exhaled sleepily. Despite the seven s'mores you had and the rollicking conversation you were having, you were still human, you needed to sleep. Big day tomorrow, you were moving and you were going back out on adventures. Your time here in this phase of your life was closing. You felt melancholic about it, but you wanted to see the stars again. The time off from it and the current start of your second relationship with the same Master gave you a newer, wiser perspective.
Was this growth?
If this was a story in literature class, you’d be if this was a bit of symbolism. Haircut and change. You laughed at yourself at that thought...
He came back from his fun run and asked you if you wanted to sleep, you nodded a bit and he led you into the bathroom and drew you a bath.
He really enjoyed giving you baths for some reason. Not that you minded, you were equal parts lazy and enjoyed the pampering of it. He was always so gentle with you in these times. 
Your Master even blew dried your hair and helped set it. 
He was a good Master, you were lucky to have him, you found yourself thinking as he tucked you away into the folds of your bedding like a burrito. He even kissed your forehead and turned out the lights. You found yourself thinking as you drifted deeper into sleep about ownership and how he'd been patient with you. Master was there to take care of you, all you had to do was obey him. 
You could do that. You wanted to. You would obey….
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bald-tales · 5 years
Billys Turn - by Titan
This Is the sequel to No going Back.
Now that the kid was completely under hypnosis, Jake wondered what he should do to this nosy kid. Billy was certainly a handsome boy, however, Jake was happy enough with Boon as his personal slave; he didn't have room for two slaves. "Hmmm. What was that he called me before?" Jake said to himself, "Fat pervert I think it was." A smile now creased Jakes face. He went to a drawer in his counter and returned with a cassette tape; he inserted it into a small tape deck built into his Hypno -Light. Turning it on the subliminal message contained on this tape, would be imprinted in Billy's memory. Now it was time to finish up Boon. By dawn, Boons' hair was a thing of the past. His skin colour on his body now matched his head. Hugh, gold, rings went through his nipples, he now wore a PA through his cock. Jake was now finished. It had certainly been a long night, and without sleep, however, Tuesdays he was closed anyway, so now he would catch up on some sleep. Jake asked Boon to go upstairs and lie down for a while. Boon dutifully obeyed. Jake turned his attention, back to Billy. Switching off the tape he'd been playing, Jake leant in nice and close. The melodic music could still be heard, emitting from the Lamp. Jake began to speak softly,"Billy, can you hear me?" "Yes", replied Billy vacantly. "Billy, you will want to come to my shop, every Monday evening, without fail. You can't stand being this real man, stuck in a boy's body, can you?" "No sir", replied Billy. "I can help you become that real man...... but tell no one, it will be our little secret." "Yes sir" Jake began to remove all Billys restraints, then raised the Hypno - Light above Billys head, "Now Billy, when I count to three, you will be fully awake, and you will not remember what went on here tonight, except, that you were here for your weekly haircut. One....Two...........Three......Now your fully awake." Billy opened his eyes, and blinking for a moment, looked straight up at Jake. "Now Billy, that should do you for today, I'll see you next week," said Jake with a barbers cape in hand, pretending he'd just removed it from around Billy. Billy just smiled, "thanks alot; man I feel alot better after sitting in that chair." "Your very welcome." Said Jake as he showed Billy to the door. He was looking forward to seeing how quickly, Billys new programming, worked. Over the next few days, Billy, found himself continually at odds with himself and his surroundings. For one thing, he didn't like the way his apartment was furnished. It was far too prissy, and his wardrobe; everything in there was really for teenager. The biggest thing that Billy notice, was how odd he looked in the mirror. He thought he looked anorexic, and way too smooth......what had happened to him? He consoled himself by raiding the fridge. He still had left-over pizza and plenty of beer. What Billy didn't know, was that this was the beginning of his ascent towards his new life, courtesy of Jakes Barbershop. The re-programming he had been subjected to, was working. At Jakes Barbershop, Boon had become a bit of a tourist attraction. He was quite the Mongol cock-slave, as he would service Jakes customers while they were seated in the chair. Nobody could possibly guess what this boy had looked like before. Jake had even added some tattoos; tribal patterns down Boon's left shoulder and arm, and his right thigh and down to this foot. Boon's duties besides sucking cock was making drinks for the clients, taking appointments and cleaning up around the shop and storeroom. Not forgetting looking after his masters' needs. "Right on cue," said Jake to Boon as he heard the front door buzzer sound. It was Monday, 6pm, and that had to be Billy from across the road, here for his weekly appointment. As Jake opened the front door, he was very surprised in the changes already evident in Billy after just one week. He looked a few years older than his eighteen years, as his beard stubble was a few days old. His hair, which had been carefully styled previously, was now, heavily gelled and brushed back over the top of his head. He wore faded baggy denims, with a check oversized, flannel shirt; he looked more like a young truck driver. "Come in Billy, your right on time," said Jake, leading Billy through to the shop. "Now, sit yourself down, make yourself comfortable, and we will get started." "Ah, thanks," replied Billy as he sat in the chrome barbers chair. Since Billy left Jakes' last Tuesday morning, his whole mindset had changed, just as Jake had planned. Firstly, his appetite was hugh. He was eating, high fat, high calorie meals, all day long. Already he'd had to buy some new clothes, as he felt a strain trying on the old ones. Not that it mattered; he didn't like his clothes hanging in the wardrobe very much. Another change in Billy, was his recent visit to a leather bar. He'd never been to one before, but he now found himself attracted to older men, especially the leather bears. He thought they looked great with all that bodyhair, their huge, bushy beards and pot bellies. He couldn't work out why he was so attracted, in fact, he believed he always had been attracted. He knew he wanted to be more like them. "Now, What's it going to be, today?" asked Jake, as he started to raise the chair. "Well", stammered Billy, "I've sort of been wanting a more manly haircut..... my hair is way too long, it makes me look like a skinny kid". Jake smiled, realising the kid was responding better than he thought to the brainwashing. "Leave everything to me, I know just the style". "Ah Boon, there you are. Just in time to help me with Billys haircut". Boon came over to the chair. Billy had an odd feeling he'd met this dark guy before. Well he supposed it must have been the last time he was here. Boon got down between Billys legs and started to undo the buttons. Billy was stunned but didn't resist. It was feeling kind of natural to have this hairless asian, suck on his cock. "All part of the service," smiled Jake as he grabbed a pair of his Wahl clippers, and selecting a number two guard, fired them up, and proceeded to run the vibrating teeth, up the back of Billys head, exposing pale skin in their wake. Billy found the combination of the clippers chewing away his hair and the cock sucking to be the most erotic thing he'd ever seen or felt. He did'nt want it to end, and so he was more than pleased when he felt the clippers on top of his head. Jake continued running the clippers all over Billys head, further and further until Billys hairline was history. Billy was disappointed when he heard the clippers switch off, but realised it was only temporary, as Jake told him he was going for a number one setting. Now, as the number one blade reduced the hair length to just stubble, Billy couldn't contain himself any more. He shot a huge load down Boons throat. "You seemed to enjoy that Billy", Jake said as he finished using the clippers over the top of Billys scalp. "Yeh, sure did. I must admit I like this haircut a whole lot better than the one I came in with." Billy replied, running his hand over the buzzed scalp. "I think we can do more with the hair," said Jake. "Something to make you look alot more of a man, what do you say?" "Your the boss", returned Billy,as he settled back in the chair. "Why don't you relax?" Jake said as he started to ready the Hypno-Light. "Ah, whats with the big lamp," asked Billy as he noticed it coming down towards him with lamps blazing. "Oh, it's just something to make you feel good about yourself", answered Jake. Before he could ask any more questions, he heard ambient music. The soft music made him relax,and soon the lamp was covering his eyes: Just as he was starting to wonder what that strange smell was, everything went black. When Jake had thought the Hypno-Light had been on long enough, he raised it off Billys head. "Now Boon, take this lotion and rub it all over his body," Jake said as he handed his 'hair growth accelerator' to Boon. "We are going to make our Billy into the exact opposite of the kind of guy his normally interested in, and his going to want it," Jake continued as he injected a combination of steriods into Billys arm. Boon seemed happy to help, he had no recollection of his past life, he just knew he should always try to please his Master Barber. Jake continued to work on Billys hair. He took a tub of the permanent hair removal cream, and started to smear it all over the remaining stubble on the top of Billys head, blending it carefully at the sides to create a perfect male pattern baldness, look. He dipped it low in the back, then turned his attention to Billys face. He applied the 'hair growth accellerator' to Billys face, laying it on very thick. Next he applied it to the eyebrows. Happy with his work so far, Jake decided to pierce Billys earlobes, with large silver rings, one dangling from each lobe. He certainly was going to end up looking alot freakier when Jake was finished with him. Jake would make sure he'd soon have a pierced septum, and of course his nipples and a PA for his lengthened cock. Billys new body hair was starting to really show. Wherever Boon had applied the special lotion, dark hairs were starting to penetrate through the skin. His face was already starting to show the signs of a decent beard growth. The kid would never had been able to grow a beard at this length before and certainly not the length and thickness it would be in another half hour. When Jake was sure the cream on Billys head was completely dry, he took a wet cloth and began to wipe the cream away, removing all the stubble from the top of Billys head. Billy looked twenty years older already. Jake proceeded to use a small electrolysis needle to remove the individual hairs to soften the line between the bald area and the fringe. No one would be able to tell that Billys MPB was man made. Billys beard was thick and bushy now. It really contrasted with his denuded head. Thick dark hair was growing on Billys arms over his shoulders, continuing all over his chest and down to his pubes. His legs were completely covered in thick dark hair, and so was his back. His eyebrows were thicker and almost joined in the middle. Taking a small set of clippers he began to fashion the beard into a more conservative style, giving the full beard a sharp, defined edge, paying particular attention to the moustache area. "Boon, I think it's time to wake our patient", said Jake as he gulped down a beer he had Boon bring earlier. Lowering the Light again, he started up the music, and this time a stimulant was being released within the dome that surrounded Billys face. "Wh... wh....where.... am .....I.....?", Billy began to mutter as he came to. "In Jakes Barbershop, you wanted us to make you over into a real man, and I think you'll like what we've done!" said Jake as he took another gulp on his beer. Billy realised he was looking at himself in the mirror, "What the hell?" But then he noticed his arms and legs, the bushy beard. He felt this was more how he wanted to look, a real bear! "How did you do this is so short time?" asked Billy as he ran a hand through his beard and up over his scalp. "Jakes a magician!" replied Jake. Billy was very happy; he even paid Jake a hefty tip. Over the coming months, Billy became the bear he wanted to be. With continued injections of steriods, combined with Billys hugh appetite, he bulked up and weighed in at 300 lbs. His cock had been lengthened and sported a huge PA and four barbells down it's length. His nipples had been pierced, and he was now wearing a large ring through his septum. He now sported a goatee that had been dyed black, with the mustache left thicker. Jake had also removed the remaining fringe hair on Billy, making him permanently bald just like Jake. Even his speech and manner took on that of a working class guy, in fact, a fellow bear he had started seeing regular basis, had got him a job at his factory. Billy was now Bill, and still obeying his programming; going to Jakes for his Monday Appointments. But Jake still had plans for Billy. He still hadn't forgotten being called a 'fat pervert'. But there was plenty of time. Part 4 Billy was only 18 years old when he first started to visit Jake's Barbershop. Well, he had actually been programmed to go to the shop every Monday, through mind control and hypnosis. Now, after only 12 months, Billy looked more like a 50 year old Bear. Jake had continued his weekly steriod shots to bulk the kid up, and with a combination of appetite stimulators and body gain shakes, Billy had certainly piled on the pounds; 450 pounds to be precise. Billys own mother would never recognise him now, his belly protruding so far out in front, he couldn't see his feet. His beard was salt and pepper coloured, growing thick and luxuriant, trimmed just to the bottom of his earlobes. His scalp was completely denuded of all hair, just like Jakes. The constant steriod intake had thickened his neck, and produced massive shoulders. His body hair was dark and grew thickly, even down his back. Basically, Jake had turned, Billy into the exact opposite of the type of guy, Billy would be attracted to. It was Monday evening, and here was 'Bill' for his weekly appointment. Jake decided that this was the day for retribution - for Bill to remember his life as Billy. Lowering the Hypno-Light, he turned it on as he lowered it well over Bills eyes. Soon ambient music could be heard, and Jake knew that a new tape he had inserted earlier would now be playing. "Let's see if we can turn Bill back into Billy, eh Boon?" said Jake with a grin to his Mongol slave. Boon was still with Jake and still loyal, with no recollections of his previous life. Boons body had become even more impressive. A combination of drugs along with a strict training program, had turned Boon into a very vascular body builder, with barely any body fat anywhere on his hairless body. After another hour, Jake raised the Hypno-Light and turned the tape off. Now, Jake bent down and began to speak in an even tone to the still unconscious Bill, "you can hear my voice, can't you Bill? You know who I am and you can remember everything from your past. You are only 19 years old, you remember this, but you know you can't return to your life as a teenager, you don't want to. You enjoy looking like a leather bear; It makes you real horny, seeing all that hair growing on your face, and you can hardly stop yourself from shooting your load when you touch your smooth head. You love rubbing your huge belly, you accept that this look is your life from now on, as punishment from your Barber, Jake. You know you must do what ever Jake says". Jake continued to enforce the hypnotic suggestions, and along with the tape that he had played earlier, he knew that Bill would remember being Billy again. The only difference would be he would accept his new look, even get off on it. "When I count to three, you'll awake feeling refreshed and at ease. One.....Two.......Three." "Hey Billy, you must have drifted off for a moment, now what was it we were going to do for you today?" "My names, Bill; you know I prefer to call myself that now," stated Bill in an almost matter of fact way. Looks like the tape worked, said Jake to himself as he watched Bill carefully studying himself in the mirror.Bill felt really strange; he knew he liked what he saw in the mirror, but he couldn't help thinking he missed looking like his real age. But at the same time he knew this was the look that Jake had mapped out for him, and it was a real turn on seeing himself as this real big man with all this body-hair. Bill started to run his hand over his head and then down through his beard. Jake had already guessed the torment probably going on in Bills head, "how about making you a little younger looking, then you can attract some of those Daddies you've been trying to hook up with." "Sure, sounds good to me," said Bill, realising the older bear types he was attracted to, were usually looking for younger guys, well certainly younger than he looked. Jake got Boon to start mixing up some permanent hair colour. Then Jake got busy taking a small edger and removing most of the heavy beard growth from Bills cheeks, fashioning it into a longer goatee. Taking his straight razor, he carefully removed the lather that Boon had applied to Bills face, taking the remaining stubble with it. He created a neat, sharp edge, beginning well under the back of his chin. He thinned the beard right down, creating a thin fu style moustache that was seperated from joining the rest of his beard. This beard was going to need regular trims, and already, Bills cock was at full mast. Boon got down between Bills legs and took the throbbing dick in his mouth and treated Bill to the best blow - job he'd ever had. Jake now coloured the finished goatee, painting the colour all through the still quite thick whiskers. Next he trimmed Bills eyebrows, which were nearly joined together after all the steriods, creating two very well styled brows. He applied the same colour to the brow hair now. After another hour, Jake was finished. Bill looked years younger. His carefully shaved goatee was platinum blond, and so were the eyebrows. This really contrasted with Bills dark tan he had on his bald head. Bill left Jakes puffing on a huge cigar. He was happy with his new look; and now to find a new Daddy!
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