#hmmmmmmmm friendships
panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
Part 2
Disclaimer: If the timeline becomes confusing, remember my universe has time loops -> places where the time has been stopped. Tortuga is one of those places, it's stuck on the past behind a thin veil, while the present goes on as normal.
Summary: A Goddess who lost her faith, trying to get back to her senses so her family doesn't fall apart.
Warnings: ???nothing?? I think??
Taglist: @malarkgirlypop, @bucky32557038ww2 (if you want in or out, just tell me!)
-> Image below found here.
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The day after the storm was calm. If it wasn't for Blithe, peacefully floating along the current, no one would even know about the gale of last night. Pacing around the main deck, all the damage was now visible.
"The mizzen really is broken", the Captain sighed, his hand on his hip as he lookesd up, wondering what exactly happened to it. "Cheer up, boys, we'll be makin' way to port earlier."
Peggy marched along the bow, sniffing whatever was left of the things caught up in thes raging battle against the weather. She was more than happy to find a dead fish, looking around before gulping the thing down - it didn't try to escape, which means it was food.
"Whatcha got there, big girl?", one of the crewmates asked, but it was too late. Being caught, Peggy simply ran off with her prise, leaving him to wonder what the fuck was up with that dog.
"Hey, Rodion, c'mere." The Captains voice was rough and the man quickly went to his service, following his glance. "What'dya think? We make it to Tortuga or stop earlier?"
"Earlier. Our sails are all ragged and we'd need a couple days far from trouble to get it all fixed."
The Captain felt defeated. He wanted to make the trip as quickly as possible and make port back in Tortuga before the end of the year, to properly celebrate, but he knew his impatience was what got them all in truble in the first place.
The ship creacked along, tilted a bit to the side. They still had enough water and food for weeks, but old Blithe wouldn't be able to make it to Tortuga - specially if they ended up in the middle of another gale or, may the Gods forbide, ended up face to face with a Man O' War.
"CHEER UP, JEREMY!", the First Mate yelled, far above them, sitting in the main mast's crow nest. She didn't exactly show up yesterday, which fuelled even more the Captains rage. He needed a break (and would've gotten one in Tortuga, dammit!).
Her smile was wide as she pushed herself from the edge of the nest, free falling for most part before opening her wings wide to glide the rest of the way down. The woman had a flask of some good ol' whisky in hand as she opened her arms, maybe to try and hug Jeremy's angryness out.
"Don't", he simply said, putting his hand up to stop her. "Where exactly was you last night, Athena?"
"Hmmm... wanderin'..."
The way she didn't even flinch while flat out saying she abandoned her crew had Jeremy really missing his old days in the Royal Navy - keel hauling would be very welcomed sometimes. But he couldn't simply keelhaul Athena. She'd break free - and damn him once again.
"Lis'en, Cap'n, I ain't lyin' to ya. I flew off. BUT!" And she put two of her fingers up, one of each hand, to stop him from speaking. "Good news is we're not far from some whatever-the-fuck town. We all can rest, get the Mizzen and whate'er else fixed, spend some money....... Jeremy, why ye lookin' a' me like tha'?"
"You flew off 'n left us in the middle of a gale. A big one. Why wouldn't I look at ye like this?" he almost growled. Athena wasn't impresesed.
"Look, Jerry, mate... sometimes things are just... ehh" she was saying, as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders and gave him a squeeze. "I wasn't feelin' it, ya know?"
"Someone could've died, Athena."
"What would I do? Is Enoch's job to bury people! Gods, Cap'n, ye're as hard as a rock, aren't ya? E'ery last man is still standin'. No one died. We win!"
Jeremy was gathering all his strenght not to punch her right in the face with his iron hand; he knew that was just how Athena was. She was the Death Goddess, for Her sake, would she really care if a few peoples died?
He knew the answer: she loved her crew more than she loved booze, herself or flying. She'd give up both her wings for them. After all, she found a safe place for them to stay... but it didn't excuse the fact that she ran away without telling anyone. Again.
"Fiona, keep that mizzenmast in place, will ye?", he finally said, turning his attention away from Athena to look at the girl.
She was entertained in making little flower buds grow out of Peggy's fur, almost missing the order. She quickly got back on her feet, silent as always, while making her way to the mizzen. The plan was simple: make vines strong enough to keep it in place 'till they docked.
"Athy, wasn't 'cause of you flying away that your ol' crew did a mutiny? Wasn't it your daughter's orders?", Rodion asked, a playfull smirk on his face as the First Mate turned on her heels to look at him.
"Shut yer trap, bastard" she oushed him away, making the man laugh. "Get yer ass back in line, boy."
"As you wish, Mama Bird", he winked, then laughed his way towards one of the Captain's mates, Sirius, who didn't seem all that awake while steering the wheel.
The rain and storm may not have killed or seriosly injured anyone, but it still made some victims to a cold. Pangey, for one, couldn't stop running around the lower deck, trying to get at least somethings in place so she could find the medicine.
"Do a potion", a woman said, making her almost jump. "We got some herbs and stuff, it'll work better".
"Miss Serpens, ya almost scared me to death", the other, with one hand above her heart, took a deep breath trying to calm herself. "Besides, I don't know how to make 'em and the crew aren't really all that inclined to wait. I'm just a medic, not some witch."
"Lucky for you, I am." Hydra had a sweet smile on her face. Pangey stood still, watching while she gathered a cauldron and enough stuff to use.
Pan didn't know any of the ingredients, but she still stayed there, against the ships counter, paying attention while the Goddess hung up her stuff and, with a little snap of her fingers, made a small spark light the coal and wood below on fire.
It was ingrained in Hydra's memory. She grew up loving potions and always tried something new - well, at least when her mom would let her, anyway. She used to do some harmless pranks on her brother - Sirius' face when one day he drank some tea and immediately started coughing up moths never failled to make her laugh. Granted, he never again accepted anything she gave him to drink or eat.
The lower deck was badly lighted by some lanterns, attached to the ship by chains so they wouldn't fall and break - yet, yesterday some still did. Everything was a mess that needed cleaning, but with half the crew ill, it would need to wait.
Pangey couldn't for the life of her seem to figure out where was the medicine box, amidst all the chaos. She didn't even noticed the way Hydra looked at her, while making somewhat funny faces trying to catch any memory of how the box was. They were all the same.
"Don't beat yourself up, dear", Hydra said as she grabbed a knife to cut up some of the herbs. "We don't really need them now. I'll make them feel better, you can catch a break."
"Still, i was never like this, so careless with the essentials. I always had something on me... that little bag, you remember? I forgot where it was."
"Down below", a boy said, looking almost greenish as he sat close to them.
"Laying with Davy Jones", he pushed his glasses in place. His hair was neatly put, not a single strand out of place - even when feeling bad, Horace could not bear the thought of presenting himself badly or even close to messy. "Hydra, is it finished yet...? I am dying here."
"The water is just now boiling, boy, you'll have to wait."
"But my nose is all... stuffed. I can't breathe well! And my throat hurts. Badly."
"Then maybe you need to shut the fuck up, it'll hurt less", another boy said as he passed, going up the stairs before Horace could even think of an answer.
"Oh, dammit. Why don't we just toss him overboard?"
"Because..." Hydra stopped, knife in the air, playful. "Enoch's important. And you know how things are: kill one of his and you are dammned for the rest of your life."
"I hate curses... almost as much as i hate having my nose all closed up! Pangeyyyy, help a guy out! I'm dying over here!"
"I wish, darling. We have no meds for now, you'll have to drink her stuff."
Horace hated to admit that it worked in about half an hour. The potion acted quickly and he was feeling better in no time - which meant that everyone else was up too and the ship could finally be put in order again.
"Dammit, I found the meds", Pangey huffed, as soon as she began moving boxes. "Be real, Miss Serpens, you just put some spell on me so you could make a potion, right?"
"Not really", Hydra smiled. Pangey wasn't really sure if she could believe this one. "But now you know how to make a quick potion for colds, don't you? I see this as a win-win kind of situation".
"Gods do really love messin' around, don't they?"
"We do. But I wouldn't mess around with people's health. Believe me, if I knew where these meds were hiding, I'd use them."
She helped Pan push the box back to the infirmary, wich had it's door broken yesterday and sent all it's contents flying all over the room.
The two of them didn't really speak while working on puting stuff back in place - 'till Pangey turned to her and asked: "Miss Serpens, aren't you sad we'll not make it to Tortuga for yer Holiday?"
"Hum. Night of Libero Sanctis?", she shook her shoulders. "I wish we could celebrate it there, but Blithe needs to have a check up, right girl?" she pat the ship's wall, smiling as if it could understand the Goddess. Everyone had a slight feeling that Blithe did, almost like their own little surpestition. "At least we'll be together anyway, Panpan. That's what that night is about, not some silly trip to the beach."
"And definetely not about having to hear Miss Ezebel, 'ight?", Pangey raised her eyebrows, catching Hydra make a face.
"Yeah, definetely. Woudn't like sharing my special day with that harlot. Constance can have her island all to herself, I don't mind."
"Especially after this fucking storm."
Peggy poked her head around the corner, making sure no one was looking as she skipped around with a sword between her teeth, tail violently wagging again.
It would be a problem to however found the dog and her new toy.
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sectoralchromatics · 8 months
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Tommi Mäkinen and Juha Kankkunen at a party in Britain, 1997.
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gothsuguru · 7 months
shoko in my fic is gonna work in the pharaoh/sarcophagus section of the museum <3
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euclydya · 1 year
vibrating vibrating vibrating
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op81s · 5 months
🏎️ carlos sainz: favorite teammates?
hmmmmmmmm, good question... now this turned into a whole thing so my apologies 😭
first, i absolutely can't chose just one teammate pairing so i'll choose three... (+ one extra) 😂
lance and fernando: yapper and non-yapper 1.0. now... people who look at them and say they have such a sweet father/son dynamic... what do you mean?? 'cause yes, they have a mentor/mentee dynamic but that is absolutely not the same?? lance literally pinched the old man's butt?? in front of god and the grid?? fernando kissed this man after one race together?? and lance, when talking about fernando and his career, said 'he's a pretty good driver. he's done alright over the years.' with this huge grin on his face like the little shit he is?? and fernando is just incapable of being chill about lance?? whenever lance uploads something to instagram, within 2 minutes you can see the little 'liked by fernandoalo_oficial' marker on the post?? lance when asked who his biggest idol was growing up, whilst standing next to fernando on stage, straight up said 'michael schumacher. i was just a fan of the sport growing up, i loved racing. i watched fernando in my young years… he was the guy winning the races and championships. but i'm not gonna lie, i was cheering for michael at the time but… still really happy to have fernando in the team now and really excited to work together', again with a huge fucking grin on his face and whilst fernando was standing right next to him?? lance and fernando just checking in on each other during races?? and suggesting set up changes for each other?? and notorious war criminal fernando alonso continually enduring being in his hated former teammate estie bestie's company just so they can both spend the time staring adoringly at lance?? nANDO FREAKING SHOWED UP TO THE GRID IN LANCE MERCH?? aston martin literally uploaded a lance and fernando edit set to the lyrics:
'i like the way you kiss me, i can tell you miss me i can tell it hits, hits, hits, hits not tryna be romantic, i’ll hit it from the back just so you don’t get attached (‘tached, 'tached, 'tached)'
...anyway i'm completely unnormal about them and i blame @raapija for introducing me to them.
oscar and lando: yapper and non-yapper 2.0. they're so interesting to me 'cause oscar literally looks at lando like he hung the freaking moon (exhibit a: the 'finish the lyrics' video)?? also lando clearly hates losing to oscar whenever they do games or quizzes but also always gives oscar a way back in the game and then cries when he loses to oscar because of it (exhibit b: the summer games video)?? oscar constantly correcting lando when they first became teammates and he still kinda does but now he does it in a much softer way?? and usually waits for lando to look at him like he needs help with a certain word or phrase?? and lando's utter fascination with oscar's floppy hair?? and they're not very physically affectionate with each other but can't seem to stand further than like .2 centimeters apart?? but i'm pretty sure they don't spend any time together off the grid which... #healthyworklifebalance but whatever 😭😂
valtteri and guanyu: just the chillest dudes on the grid being chill together, drinking tea/coffee and staying out of the drama. (zhou making a helmet for the melbourne gp with valtteri's face on it!!)
honourable mention: prema logan and oscar!! i've been watching old f2 and f3 races and baby logan and oscar are everything to me okay!! all the weird shit prema made them do for Content™ really solidified their friendship okay!!
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara SFW Headcanons (x GN Reader) How The Relationship Develops!
Because there are almost none that I see and agree with, and too many are NSFW and uncharacteristic.
(no hate /gen, do whatever tf u want idc)
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Miguel O'Hara x GN Reader because I said so.
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When you meet:
You try talking to him: He gives you blunt and short responses.
When you first meet it's all cold, no instant spark for him anyways. Ofc you've seen him and you're like "Wow he's handsome!" But all he sees is another person, nothing special. It's not your fault, this man is just closed off for his own reasons.
You try to joke with him: If it's funny he'll smile... Maybe even exhale through his nose while doing so. If it's crude or not his type of humor, he won't even turn to look at you and instead will give you something to do to make you go away.
What's his type of humor? I like to think it's the "smartass" type of humor but not in an overbearing type of way. The type of humor that comes naturally-- I picture this: you respond with a little snark when he's bossy, or something, and if it's clever he'll sarcastically compliment that. It's often a hit or miss with him too. He'll start smiling more the more you guys know eachother.
If you get his number for whatever reason and you try texting him, he WILL leave you on read if you text him about stuff outside of missions/work. If you bring it up, he'll just tell you that it's not personal and that he doesn't like texting.
If you compliment him he will say thank you, he's cold but not mean. Something like "Thank you for helping me with this, I like coming to you for 'x' because you're really smart and explain stuff nicely." However if the compliment has some sort of ulterior motive (think catcalling) he'll definitely glare at you and either not respond or say "Okay." (Just don't flirt right away...he literally does NOT KNOW YOU.)
Keep your gaze respectful, I don't care if he's a man, you don't eyeball someone for fun if they show discomfort. And he would, if you were caught doing so and he didn't even know you personally. Eugh... Let's be civil!
With that in mind, if you try to pry into his personal backstory too early he will most likely not open up to you about it until wayyyyyyy later since he'll trust you less for being so nosey. Let HIM open up naturally.
Don't call him moody.
How do you become friends? It depends on him, he definitely chooses (and is picky with) who he wants to get close to, so, really you have no say and can't do anything to make him like you. Even if you're conventionally attractive it won't affect how he feels about you LMAOOOO. IMO he has a sort of switch in his head that goes "...Okay, I like this person, I should try being friends with them."
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When you guys are friends:
I'd like to think the friendship is made official when he vocalizes that he cares about your safety. Hmmmmmmmm, I'd imagine him being like "Hey, take care of yourself out there." Something sweet and short, and he'll make eye contact with you through it. And for once, his expression is calm and his eyebrows aren't furrowed.
Speaking of which, you will definitely see him smile more and you will occasionally catch his expression soften when you show up.
You two will start talking about how your days went. He never did this in the beginning when he didn't know you.
He'll tell you some non-personal stuff about him like his favorite coffee and lunch, his favorite color... Only if you ask though. He's not the type to just say that stuff on his own. (Might seem contradictory, let me explain-- If he doesn't know you, don't force it. If he wants to get to know you, feel free to start making moves. That way he feels comfortable, a sort of mutualistic pique in interest.)
Before, he'd rather be alone than be with you. Now that you're friends, he'd like to listen to you talk about yourself while he stays quiet and listens. Perhaps you ramble on about something you're passionate about and he's typing away. And when you pause for whatever reason, he'll say that he's still listening.
You have now unlocked the ability to have conversations with Miguel 🙌
They're short convos but they mean a lot to the both of you, even if they're about what you'll be having for lunch that day.
Speaking of food lol, if you bring him coffee he'll smile and give you a thank you. If you treat him to lunch he'll probably say yes. Probably. If he's overstimulated or overwhelmed from work he'll say "No, thank you." Also, no need to be shy and stuff, just ask him out genuinely.
Not a fan of self-deprecation; if you're friends he will try his best to cut it short and provide some comfort, "That's not true..." and will give you reasons as to why. However if it's overbearing (like you do it CONSTANTLY) he will try to pull away from you. He is constantly stressed about the multiverse, talking to a friend should be his time to relax a little.
Friendship bracelets... I think he'd think they're corny but he would wear one if it's not too funny looking. Like the ones made from threads of matching colors... De wouldn't wear the ones with the BFF beads.
If you're both working in the same space and it's too quiet, he'll probably start a little convo, hearing your voice is comforting. That being said though, sometimes he likes the quiet. In this scenario I'd say let him decide.
Give him self care tips in a nice way and he'll genuinely appreciate it. I think if you're well put together he'll even ask you, lol!
Text him and he'll respond, it'll be short but it'll be a response. He'll also reach out first sometimes to check in on you too. "Hey how's your day been?"
On that note, it's safe to say that Miguel is up to date with current memes, again he's not dumb. If you send him those funny cat videos/pics he will find it amusing, will probably not laugh irl but will smile because he finds it funny that you find it funny.
He will download Pinterest (you told him that's where you get your memes from) and will scroll on it during his free time, if he spots some meme he knows you'd like he'd send it to you, saying it reminded him of you.
Playful banter is welcomed, encouraged only when he is the one starting it. You can start the banter yourself, but just make sure he's in the mood for it.
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The spark ignites inside of Miguel:
He'll be the one initiating conversations a lot more often, and you'll notice it.
He'll surprise you with lunch! He'll know your fave foods from all the chats you guys had as friends, and has some sort of keen sense as to what you are craving that day specifically.
This one is a bit more funny, but if you tease him by being a little mean (you can now that he has that little spark ignited), he'll turn away from you, but keep himself in view enough for you to see his signature pout. He will look down at the ground and smile before coming up with a comeback, which always usually beats your initial jab.
He'll teach you some words in Spanish if you want him to, but be warned that he'll take his job as your Spanish teacher very seriously. He will randomly speak in Spanish to test you, and if you don't understand him he'll tease the absolute shit out of you. One sentence turns into three, turns into a whole conversation starter.
If you respected the backstory thing, by now he'll open up about it with you privately. The spark being ignited means that he sees something between the both of you he wants to pursue, and that means that he wants to be fully honest with you from now on.
That being said, if you decide to lie about something to him and he finds out during this stage, he'll throw the relationship back to just friends for a good time... I'd say the bond is broken forever but hey you never know right? I think it depends on the lie tbh.
If you're shorter, he'll pat your head once before you go away from him, maybe even mess with your hair a bit (if you're okay with that ofc, shout-out to my curly haired ppl, taking care of our hair is not for the weak and even if it was Miguel O'Hara messing it up I'd be pissed off). If you're taller, he'll swipe his hand up on your back or maybe even pat it. (Hopefully you can picture that sorry lol.)
He will appreciate hugs from you in this stage! Ofc you need to ask him first, don't wanna catch him in a bad mood, he'll feel suffocated if you hug him while he's angry.
On that note, if you're leaving and say "...What, no hug goodbye?" He'll definitely smirk and cross his arms... Will playfully pretend to ponder while looking at the ground, and will respond "...Fine, I guess you can have one." He will hug you tightly to tease you back.
Remarks about how he looks will now be appreciated, and I think he'd put more effort into how he looks for you. Keep it sweet though. 🙄🫰
If he's quiet because he's upset/angry, he'll avoid you. He just doesn't wanna explode around you.
Will take you out on an official date (yippee!) and depending on the type of person you are (whether or not you like restaurants as a first or a picnic) he'll do his best to dress accordingly (restaurant = suit, picnic = nice t-shirt and jeans).
Will ask what you think about his outfits. Be honest with him, honesty is the best policy.
Will ask for advice regarding work, he never did this as friends. He likes to think his way is the best way, but he's starting to care a lot about you and what you think too.
Will get you a gift occasionally, not randomly. I think during holidays and on your b-day. He never did this as friends. He even asks to hang out with you on these days. :3
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The relationship:
He will be the one to make things official, he'll do this by getting you a nice piece of jewelry and planning a date somewhere he knows you'd love. Definitely the type to say "Can I be your boyfriend?"
Every time he sees you he'll smile, unless he's angry. If he's angry his eyebrows will just relax (expression softens in general) but he'll still be frowning. You'll always be able to soften his heart, but it'll be like a meter, you know?
When you gotta go, if you're shorter he'll hug you and press his cheek against your head, will give you a forehead kiss depending on the mood, will always tell you to stay safe and that he loves you. If you're taller he'll hug you and press his forehead against your chest to feel your heartbeat lol, in this scenario I see you being the one to kiss his forehead and he lets you.
Texts you updates, and in general more often. Will call you, he never did this before now.
Will hang out with you more, I think he'd even take days off routinely to spend them with you. Like Saturdays and Sundays he leaves and lets someone take care of his work-- But he'll occasionally pop in to check in on them via text to make sure stuff at work is alright.
Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner is now between the both of you. A nice break from work.
Will let you touch him, for example running your hand up and down his arm, holding his hand, giving his face kisses/quick pecks. He appreciates all of your touches.
In general you will see him soften up more, he's less angry (still has his days, T-T), and is seen smiling more by the people around him too.
After some time (1/2 yrs) he will ask for you to move in with him.
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Thanks for reading, imma do another post that has random headcanons too and not relationship based ones :3
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Any unpopular opinions/headcannons about dead boy detectives?
hmmmmmmmm. I think my only one, (which isn’t really unpopular) is that I would be fine if Edwin and Charles stayed friends. Like absolutely I would love for them to be in love romantically, but I think representation of a healthy male friendship is good too!
Oh also, I’ve seen many posts where people are hating on crystal bc she could get in the way of Edwin and Charles. That is just stupid. They are reducing her character down to just an extension of the main 2 and it’s upsetting. She has her own motivations and opinions. And she is just such an amazing character.
So yah, I guess actually none of those are unpopular lol.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
> Be Future Aradia.
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I'm immediately reminded of Jade's robot - but her circumstances probably don't apply here, since this is a soulbot, not a dreambot. Plus, Aradia doesn't even have a dream self. The only other thing which comes to mind is Sollux's ~ATH script, a virus which already claimed the life of one machine.
Could Aradia have been running some ~ATH code, trying to prevent the summoning of Lord English? If she was desperate enough to run an ~ATH program on her own CPU, just about anything could have happened.
Either way, her body has been destroyed - but we've seen her spirit persist without one. I highly doubt that this is where her story ends.
Anyway, Aradia's PoV is a dud. Vriska, then?
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lmao, she really doesn't know.
VRISKA: That was some pretty sweet chainsaw work earlier. Pretty 8rutal, really! Didn't think you had it in you. VRISKA: Hey, you weren't settling a score with him there 8y any chance? KANAYA: What VRISKA: I've got a pretty keen nose for revenge. Could it 8e that you had a thing for him and were upset when he went for me instead? Hmmmmmmmm? KANAYA: Did He Really Go For You KANAYA: Thats Not How I Remember It
I still hold to my assertion that Vriska doesn't lie to people - but, as demonstrated here, she lies to herself near-constantly.
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ERIDAN: wwe used to havve a good thing goin remember our campaigns ERIDAN: that shit wwas epic wwhere are you evven goin to find a rivvalry like that VRISKA: It was fun, Eridan. While it lasted. VRISKA: 8ut it ran its course! I don't know what else to tell you.
Pardon the pun, Eridan, but you're clearly small fry to this girl.
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FEFERI: )(oly crap did I get you good! )(ey, Sollux! Did you catc)( any of t)(at? FEFERI: A live one jumped rig)(t into my boat! A real suckerfis)(! Woo)(oo)(oo. )(ow do you like t)(at, spider)(ag! Sea dwellers represent!!! VRISKA: That was… VRISKA: Surprisingly nasty of you.
Holy hell, that was impressive. She baited Vriska into being nice, and the moment she saw a hint of vulnerability, she struck. Even Terezi hasn't managed a burn like that.
I've always been interested in characters who are good, but not nice. Feferi seems to take things one step further. She's good and she's nice, while still being a dick.
FEFERI: T)(anks. I )(ope I didn't jeopardize our friends)(ip wit)( t)(at little stunt! 38) VRISKA: Friendship? I don't know if… VRISKA: W8 a minute. Why you!!!!!!!! You almost got me AGAIN!
And she's almost two-for-two!
Please let these two hang out more. I want to see more of this Feferi, with a mean streak hidden just below the surface. It's so interesting.
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aluria-sevhex · 3 months
the power of friendship didn't work :(
[Hi, stardust! If you wanna read all of her posts as she plays through ISAT, they can all be accessed in this masterpost and are all tagged as #Aluria plays ISAT for the first time (please don't spoil)
This particular post starts in the middle of a play session and conversation directly following the last one, so it might be a good idea to have read that one first!]
-hm? the stars? yeah what *is* Sif's deal with them. so help me if the kid is right and they came from the sky-
-""how do you deal with it?" (you don't.)"
-hehe Sif is thinking of a loophole
-D: i messed up with Bonnie
-guess i'll talk to Loop
-Bonnie's favorites are rice and pineapples... and the third thing isn't palmiers... so the third thing has to be the samosas
-oh my god. Sif asked if Loop is jealous of his allies, and Loop was like "like what? like i'm your partner waiting for you to come home and then when you do all you can do is talk about hoe much fun you had with your friends?"
-"forget i said that. it was an awful metaphor." mmhmm. hmmmmmmmm
-oh? if they're not jealous of the party... are they jealous of Sif?
-gonna loop to help Bonnie
-huh. if i zone out the skill won't be as useful. i won't then
-"Isabeau looks nicer, you think" hehe
-:o the second time, Siffrin thinks the belief should change
-"but changing the script is scary" oof
-gonna have to find a craftonomy book
-"also, why am i thinking about candles right now?" strange. oh yeah it *was* in one of the dorm rooms
-i accidentally zoned out for Odile's thing this time ;_;
"Weak to: Cheese
Resists: Veggies"
-talking to Isa. "you will always make the joke. you have to keep some sort of routine to stay sane, and if always making the joke is how, so be it." funny but also D:
-??? Sif and Loop just had a thing about how quiet Sif is...
-time to loop forward to see what the samosas' deal is
-looped to Floor 3. gonna find a craftonomy book
-oh THAT'S where a chain for the pendant is!!!
-hm. apparently Body Craft is illegal in Ka Bue, but if you know where to look...
-in the bathroom again. eavesdropping.
-"in some countries we would be expected to talk about the men in our lives and nothing else. would you like to do that" "we've only got the one man, madame, and ew" LOL
-oh my god. they're talking about Isabeau confessing.
-love how Odile and Bonnie have figured out that Isa has a crush on Siffrin but Sif and Mira are oblivious. truly an aspec mood
-oh did i completely misinterpret that part of Bonnie's profile
-looping back
-time to help everybody again
-"(say the line, Siffrin)"
-"coming to a country she has no ties to, but wanting to create those ties herself. it feels almost revolutionary."
"you're jealous." oh?
-...what if Siffrin is from the country that disappeared. it makes sense with all the weird shit, and would also explain why they don't remember much of it
-time to help Bonnie!
-also i am once again wondering what the deal is with Siffrin and stars. 'stars' is in the game's title and they clearly have some sort of importance... fuck it speculation time. what if Loop and Siffrin are both from the same place (possibly the disappearing country) that had a lot of ties to the star or the sky or something, and Loop was in a time loop or something st some point for some reason, maybe to fulfill a purpose, failed, and is now trying to help Siffrin with whatever the purpose of Siffrin's time loop is
-anyway. Bonnie time!
-:0 Bonnie wants me to teach them how to fight
-awwwwwwww this is so fucking precious
-Sif. did you seriously fucking forget thst you don't like being touched? or are you that oblivious.
-...OH. awwww :( they do like it but he's not used to it...
-oh wow Nille is just like me fr fr (i don't like being unexpected touched, and there's been times where it ended in me screaming too)
i am not able to suplex people tho lol
-feel like Siffrin's memory issues are either magic bullshit or. trauma? or. magic bullshit AND trauma? idk but this bitch is not mentally healthy
-lol??? Bonnie poked Sif XD
-LMAO SIF FUCKING TRIPPED- wait. whh does that have ominous audio
-OH? Sif lost their eye protecting Bonnie?
-i don't think Bonnie's apparent guilt is JUST about Siffrin, it's gotta be at least a little about Nille
-time to help Isabeau!
-hold on gonna talk to Loop first
-lol Sif asked if Loop and the King are friends
-ok. listen Siffrin. what the FUCK do you mean by "it's complicated" how does one have a complicated relationship with the fucking stars???
-ok NOW i'm helping Isa
-...oh my god. Isabeau's name. is a pun. (-‸ლ)
-:0 they're staring at the sky together
-hmmmm why do you wanna change the subject, Sif?
-also it's so sweet that Isabeau noticed the little things :]
-shy nerd Isa does not compute
-hehe Bonnie, Odile, and Mirabelle arrived
-gonna go thru the entire House in one loop >:)
-"You have ENOUGH of all those STUPID SADNESSES standing in your BLINDING WAY." Sif is getting SICK of the loops.
-...uh-oh. everybody's scared? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT LOOP(?)
-kinda like when Bonnie was shown to have been listening in and it culminated in them saying they hate Siffrin over and over before things rewound slightly
-"don't kill it in one strike, or they'll notice"
-...i can make it so Sadnesses run... shouldn't i buff my friends' levels tho? so they have all their skills.
-fuck. Sif almost forgot to stop Isabeau from running into the Tears
-Sif is now thinking about the difference between Tears and being frozen in battle and nearly panicking. i think this game should be renamed Anxiety Simulator 2023
-if i had a nickel for every RPG i liked where the main character is depicted in monochrome and has severe mental health issues and is in some sort of cycle, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
-Frin once again said nya and is sick of it
-Siffrin's accumulated stats + the stat boosts from the hangout memories make the group *terrifyingly efficient*. i made it so the Sadnesses are scared of me but i hunt them down anyway just to get those levels for the skills. i am attaining godlike power by the standards of this place and it is horrifying
-every time i get a notification that Siffrin's leveled up i get kinda scared...
-tbf Sif's time loop abilities do have weird limits... like absorbing the memories of battles to go forward...
-time to call Loop!
-dang. that was not as helpful.
-hey i found the hand-drawn tarot deck and got a 2 of Swords this time
-Floor 1 boss time
-snack time!
-picking the onigiri this time
-going to log off for the night
-obligatory title screen music appreciation :D
-hehe talked to Bonnie after the snack time
-"which one am I?" "you're my cousin who i see once a year and we have a really really good time!"
-:0 one of the papers in Euphrasie's office is a love letter from Claude
-hm. a spreadsheet with two columns: "Save Vaugarde" and "Other"... the first one has a lot of names, the second doesn't
-:0 the person didn't give their partner the earring yet
-"(You're not sure how many deities you worship.)"
-uh-oh. i think Odile thinks it's sus that i knew about the familytale
-the book on shields "smells weird"
-"you pick up the key, and do not think about how bad you are at your job"
-ohhhhhhhh wait does Odile have two names because she's half-Vaugardian? either that or. a gender thing?
-hehe Bonnie is saying it's stupid to talk about what'll happen if we lose
-awwww everybody promised that we'd protect each other
-"the taste is familiar to you, somehow" yeah cuz i ate fish heads on a previous loop
-"Sif is MY Siffrin nickname, Mira." lol
-ok Odile definitely thinks i'm sus
-oh :< doesn't work
-oh fuck Sif u ok?
"(Nothing ever goes right in your life.)" (and the text is shaky :( )
-hehehe note earring
-hm. the pottery class has issue 87
-bathroom break!
-Sif feels... happy?
-"even though you're not friends, you're just allies" idk you guys seem like friends to me
-uh. Sif is calling themself stupid again.
-that weird ghost Sif again...
-i am definitely not the only person to compare the paper Tristesse to SOMETHING. but i'm doing it anyway
-hehe level 69 nice
-...did i need to sharpen the Keyknife before opening the door?
-hm where's the last of the bomb components located? the gizmo-gadget is in the room and the secret ingredient is in Claude's hand... but what about the thingy-thing?
-malanga fritters :D
-"in this moment, you are loved"
-:o Mira is brushing Sif's hair
-hehehe Sif wants Isa to be emotionally vulnerable first
-the King fight music slaps
-no it was not always this easy to fight him
-...who helped the King harness Time Craft
-the universe? ...wishing on a star...?
-Isa can't remember... hm...
-why don't they know what the universe is???
-Mira saw an article that said the King is from elsewhere. maybe he's from the disappearing island? or wherever Sif is from. altho those two places might be the same
-what can he see?
-how is freezing Vaugarde the universe's will?
-...what if. what if the only way to break the time loop is to let the King win. just let him freeze everything and leave Vaugarde.
-"you know it's just a way to make you stop fighting, but..."
-i have once again killed the King
-..."I can never go back home." T_T
-i don't think friendship will fix the loops. currently talking to everybody
-*sighs* time to talk to Euphrasie
-Siffrin calling himself stupid counter just went up :(
-and again...
-Siffrin's friends are noticing that something's wrong
-...and. i looped again.
-i think Sif called themself stupid again... and again
-:0 memory of Family... a way they could catch up?
-:( Siffrin wants Isa to touch him. but it'll never happen.
-talking to Loop
-aw. when asking Loop how to help everyone and then selecting who to help, Siffrin refers to them as family members now :]
-RE: Isabeau trying to confess and Siffrin being oblivious, Loop is probably thinking "wow! this motherfucker is so dense!"
-logging off for now
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skyblueartt · 3 months
More random drawing and/or writing ideas because I just like putting the Fnaf human characters in silly situations I guess. I just love a weird cast of guyssss
This is pre 1983 for suuure and William is visibly fuckin SICK like. Siiick as hell. Bro got a fever and a sore throat and he’s losing his voice but his dumbass is like
Will: “nooooo Henry, stop trying to make me go home, I’m ✨completely✨ fi—“ *proceeds to sneeze loudly*
Henry, unamused, sliding a tissue box over to him: uh huh. Bless you, btw 🤨
Will: >:( I’m litcherally fine! Besides. How am I supposed to rest? Who’s gonna take care of my three kids? (I HC that mom is outta the picture at this point)
Henry, placing a firm hand on William’s shoulder: Me, you idiot. C’mon now! Can’t have ya sick with all the birthday parties we got scheduled this weekend *smiles and like playfully elbows Will*
WHAT IM SAYIN IS I love a good sick fic and thinkin about Henry and Will’s friendship before everything. AH
More just fun banter…
“I’m driving you btw. You suck at driving when you’re healthy, but when you’ve got a high fever and you keep sneezing?! Ohhh nooo way in hell, Will.” “I SUCK at driving? Oh yeah? Well *you* suck at cooking. Uh huh. Better be calling in delivery for the kids tonight cuz you bet they won’t be eating burnt spaghetti or whatever the hell” “hmmmmmmmm that’s rich comin from a guy who likes beans on toast” “oh shut upppppppp!!”
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srldesigns6277 · 8 months
mutuals as 1d friendships?
Hmmmmmmmm. This is going to be fun. In no particular order.
Zouis: @louiswtomlinsons
Nouis: @louisarmpits
Lilo: @tommos
Narry: @enchantedlandcoffee
Lirry: @mynightsoutofsight
Zarry: @505louis
Niam: @louisisalarrie
Ziam: @wemadethishome
Ziall: @louisgrayhairs
Larry: @louisgayvodka @thechavier
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stewykablooey · 1 year
what do you think stewy's reaction was when kendall went to rehab? I definitely don't think it was kendall voluntarily going, but I also don't think stewy would've went to any intervention for kendall, even if he does recognize kendall actually has problems with drugs 🤔
hmmmmmmmm i actually Do think kendall went voluntarily, mostly because i genuinely can’t imagine anyone in his life who would care enough to force him to go (or have the emotional capacity to show that they care because i Do think the sibs cared/were concerned about his substance abuse but they definitely wouldnt intervene) except maybe rava, but a) i dont think kendall would listen to her and b) if she did it was part of an ultimatum that eventually pushed kendall to check himself in. unless you’re thinking about like, a court-mandated order but idk about the logistics of that, but then yeah, i do think that could be a way that kendall ended up in rehab. (i could also see connor trying to talk to kendall about going but kendall wouldn’t listen to him either and connor wouldn’t push) but Also, i think kendall really would go voluntarily as some kind of attempt to better himself, but not really in a healthy way, more in an all-or-nothing side quest before he got himself caught into logans orbit again, or in some complete toxic mind-shift of like ‘drugs are for the weak my body is a temple’ type bullshit.
anyway back to stewy: Yes, u are so right that he would not intervene, just like the sibs he obviously cares but he would never take it upon himself to get kendall to seek help because he feels that a) thats not his responsibility and b) its not his business. as close as they are and as intertwined as their lives and business becomes, i think stewy very much draws a boundary between him and kendall that they each are granted autonomy as an adult. whatever kendall does is his business and whatever stewy does is stewys business and they can meet in the middle wherever those things might cross, or just enjoy their friendship outside whatever those things may be. and this is for specific things, like rehab or kendalls marriage, which is also something im sure stewy wouldnt touch with a 100 foot pole. obviously the bigger picture stuff, stewy Does get himself involved in, like kendalls vendatta against logan, or trying to get kendall out of the company. but i think in a way stewy sees that big picture as much more viable, if he can fix the root of this, then all the things about kendall that he cant and wont touch will be better for it by proxy. if kendall could just be a normal billionaire without the roy family sickness then he could be normal about drugs, like stewy is.
so to finally answer your question lol: i think ultimately stewy saw as that, none of his business but also thought of it as pointless. i dont think he saw it as a bad thing and i think maybe he did hope something good would come out of it for kendall, but i think stewy never saw kendalls drug problem as a drug problem, i think he saw it as a logan problem, as a Roy problem, so he wouldn’t have had high hopes for this making any significant impact on kendall.
bonus: idk if anyone has even said this but i wanna get in front of it before anyone does, theres also no Goddamn Way that kendall going to rehab or kendall overdosing or kendalls substance abuse would e v e r make stewy think twice about his own drug use. i think stewy fully believes he is the smartest most perfect most balanced drug user in all of new york city and that whatever kendalls relationship to drugs is, no matter how sad or scary, doesn’t apply to him because he has the most perfect relationship to drugs ever (whether that is true or not)
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How about a sujin-mc-jules love triangle?
Hmmmmmmmm. Mc spent a lot of time around Jules. You would have to be an idiot to be oblivious to their closeness and sujin is anything but that— which would contribute to her feeling insecure. To the point she may even question her friendship with the mc. Jules wouldn't be the one feeling threatened for the first time lmao.
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rou-luxe · 1 month
Tumblr media
@citrusmornings for real this time ("get to know the oc" ask game)
elsie is the only one I've really introduced but I'll have more... maybe...
1. "What kind of person is your OC in a crisis? Are they calm and collected? Do they panic? Or are they chronically the cause?"
elsie 100% panics. flight response.
4. "Does your OC have a failed friendship or relationship they still think about? What happened? Is it an unresolved regret or is there a chance for reconciliation?"
short answer no friends no problem 😭😭
11. "What does your OC believe in? God(s)? Monsters? Love? The power of unbreakable bonds of friendship to overcome any obstacle? The ability of money to open any door? Or are they indifferent?"
she doesn't know what to believe anymore. she's scraping by.
except for true love maybe
13. "How important are romantic relationships to your OC? Do they prefer casual sex, short flings, or long term relationships? Do they want to get married or are they content with what they have? Or do they have no interest in romance whatsoever?"
romance, very little sex.
I can see her screaming into her pillow
I don't think elsie would mind marriage, but it's not as important.
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zifey · 1 year
is there any invader zim ships you like? it is a bit hard to find enjoyable ships in the fandom, since most of the popular ones are pretty gross. Tatr (tak and tenn) is a pretty interesting, underrated crackship that ive seen before, some pretty nice artpieces are out there!
hmmmmmmmm i like red x purple or RAPR (but i fucking hate the spelling of that) cuz they’re canon in my mind :3 those mfs are best friends to lovers that’s like my favorite trope ever PLUS they rule an entire nation together that’s insane to me (ignore that they’re tyrannical dictators)
everything else idk, i don’t mind a lot of shit. i dont rlly enjoy shipping zim with anyone (personally) bc i cant see him in anyyyy relationship but if i had to choose ships with him i don’t have much of a problem with, it would be him and tak, or him and skoodge lol (but canonically they obviously both have their issues on both sides)
as for what you said abt tak x tenn i do know abt that, i don’t have a problem with it! i just personally don’t ship it because i need some sort of basis for my ships or i’ll explode but thas just me maybe i should become more of a crackship fan ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
all in all, don’t care for invader zim ships very much LOL (and i’m usually an avid shipper but i just can’t bring myself to shorrehhh)! you’ll only ever catch me drawin tallest ship art :P as for friendship art IM CRAZY!!! I WANT EVERYONE TO BE FRIENDS!!!! call me chammy bru cuz i crackship but with friendships not romantic relationships THERE SHOULD BE A WORD FOR THAT!!! that’s me
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tired-fandom-ndn · 8 months
I hope s2 includes more alliances between overlords. There's obviously the Vees and Alastor-Rosie and Zestial-Carmilla, but there also seems to be some sort of friendship/alliance between Alastor and Zestial? I wonder if an alliance between them would mean one between Carmilla and Alastor just by association?
There also seems to be a pretty firm line between the older overlords and the newer ones; does that extend to dynamics between ALL the overlords or is just the Vees vs everyone else? Velvette was the only one disrespectful enough to show up to the meeting late, is she burning bridges with the overlords? Do the other Vees know about that and how do they feel, especially with Vox trying to get Carmilla's help?
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