#hobie would make a great companion
tiny-banana-tree22 · 7 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Hobie would be a really fun dnd dm, I think. I've never played dnd, but I know he would. I can feel it. I think he would homebrew a lot of his game mechanics (as in make it up himself)
Gwen has never played before, but Hobie taught her the basics, and she got really into it and read all the books and started dming too.
Miles gets really confused for most of the campaign, but he has the spirit and great character backstory.
Margo accidentally wipes out her whole team the first time she plays. The second time she plays, Pavitr wipes out the whole team.
Peni designs her characters either on microsoft paint or one of those sculpting sites - there's no inbetween.
Pavitr always has an animal companion for every character he plays. All of them. And they all have funny and vastly different voices.
@pyrocortex Look!!!!!
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sailoryooons · 1 year
6. Yoongi, Tae, Hobi
6. go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with
Go clothes shopping: Yoongi - I know this is going to come as a surprise but I'm going shopping with for clothes with Yoongi, because out of these three options, he is the one I have the most in-style wise with. Hobi's style is too eclectic and on-trend for me to understand/feel confident in and I don't want to look like a librarian so that rules Tae out
Go to Ikea with: Taehyung because I will be making him carry all of my furniture into the car and into my house. I will not be carrying a thing, he needs to use all those muscles that he hides for something, and this will be it.
Food shopping: Hobi because I feel like he would be a great companion at the store, and though he's not like the main chef in bts or the one who cooks the most, he's right in the middle where he is useful enough to help me but not good enough to annoy me or fight with me in the kitchen
Send me three members of BTS with a number and I’ll explain who and why 
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effielumiere · 2 years
Girl of My Dreams: Chapter 3 - Miss Right in her Converse High
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader / SUGA x Reader
Genre: Romance, Idol AU, Fluff, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Soulmates AU, Age Gap and Drama.
Chapter Warning(s): Cursing. Underage reader in flashbacks (Yoongi is aware). The lyrics are not in order like they are in the song, and the lyrics aren't just Yoongi's parts, they can also reflect Yoongi's thoughts or it just fits with the moment. UNEDITED!
Chapter Legend:
"English words that are said as is and or/ translated from English to Korean"
"Korean words"
Word count: 4.8k including lyrics.
A/N: Again, thank you @/doolsetbangtan on twitter for translating the lyrics and explaining every verse and phase of every song by BTS❤️ Please go check out her wordpress blog, she's really cool and her work helped me a lot with writing this series. Grab your tissues... maybe? Also, I let this just flow on it's own... so, confuse hajima? lol Enjoy! Oh btw, it was my first day of work last Friday, so the writing is gonna be a bit slow😅 Sorry, but I'll try my best💜 Next update might be for The Companion, I haven't updated it in almost 3 weeks me finks. Imma stop talking, enjoooyyyy!
Disclaimer: Just a quick reminder that, of course I don't own BTS. And that this story is just an idea of mine, the boys being geniuses they are wrote the songs with a different idea on mind, this is just my wishful thinking on writing lol.
If you want to be added to the taglist of this series, please ask here. or If you want to be part of the permanent taglist and get notified every time I post a new story. And if you want to read more, check out my Park Jimin story!
Don't forget to leave a like, reblog this story and please leave a feedback on what you think about this story :)
Can be read as a stand-alone, but this is part of a series:
< two | masterlist | four >
Present - 2021
"Yes, hyung?"
"Would you bail me out of jail?"
Namjoon stares at me as if I've lost my mind, he's not wrong. It's been years since I've lost my mind, I just keep growing more and more insane.
"What makes you say that hyung?"
>Converse converse i really hate a converse<
"She still wears those god damned shoes," I grunt as I close the car door too hard making Jungkook who was sitting in the back with Hobi whining and complaining about how I shut the door to hard. Namjoon chuckles as he gently closes the passenger door and walks up next to me, "You've been saying that for years, hyung. Fuck, you even wrote a great track out of it."
"I don't know if she's playing dumb with me or if she's just fucking clueless that it's about her," I huff as I watch her run towards an ice cream truck, "It's literally me telling her to wear something aside from those damn shoes, she'd look in something else,"
>On your gorgeous appearance, black sheer tights and stilettos will be good
Yeah, they’ll be too good to be true
But, what will suit you even better are Jordan numbers
Together with your body, it turns me on even more<
"So you did say in the song," Namjoon agrees "Maybe she thinks its just another song of ours,"
"Namjoon-ah," I sighed exasperated "She's probably the only person we know that wears the abomination like they're slippers," he chuckles "I fucking bought her Fila, Jordan, Louis Vuitton, McQueen, Doc Martens and even damn Christian Louboutin stilettos, but I bet she just put them all on the rack like a collector,"
"I saw her wear the Louboutin's," he comments
"Fucking when?" I asked
"On her 21st birthday," he says
"I don't remember seeing her wearing those," I scrunch my nose at him
"Well," he sighs "You both weren't exactly on best terms that year,"
"Oh," I look down at my shoes burying them further in the sand as I remember the moment where I thought was the end of the two of us. I look back at where Y/n was standing in line with other kids and adults wanting to buy ice cream despite the chilly weather, sensing that I was looking at her, she turns to me and through the mask I could tell she was smiling the way her eyes slightly squinted. She points at the truck as her eyebrows shoot up, almost as if she was asking me if I wanted one, I smile with my mask down on my chin as I shake my head. She raises a thumbs up at me and focuses on the truck again as I pull my mask up to cover my face again and turned to Namjoon.
"Not to bother you, but when do you plan on telling her how you feel?" he asks "I mean it's been what? Eight years? Don't you think it's about time you told her that you love her?"
"Soon," I shot back
"You've said that for years now,"
"Ya! It sounds easy but it's really had to do!" he chuckles "I've been trying to tell her in a very non-subtle way with our songs, but all of a sudden she runs around asking me why I never wrote a song about her,"
"She did what now?!" he asks eye widening.
>“If brushed, it’s meant to be. If soaked into, it’s love,” someone said
But perhaps I’ve already been colored by you<
"Wait what? Did I hear you right, hyung?" Hobi asks as he stands next to Namjoon and I, Jungkook joining us and we watch Jimin and Taehyung take pictures of the sunset. We were back at Santa Monica beach after Days one and two of Permission to Dance on stage in LA, it was a mini-break while other were at school or at work during the weekday, we chose a little time out. Namjoon was planning to stay after the concert ends to travel around and visit museums, I decided to tag along as soon as I was done with producing Girl of My Dreams. And I took advantage of this mini-break of ours to visit the beach and hang out with Y/n before I dove back to work, with not just one song, but also Jungkook's upcoming track 'Stay Alive'.
"She asked me a few days ago why I never wrote a song about her after we had a few drinks," I sighed kicking the sand lightly as I walked "I told her she never asked,"
"Wait," Jungkook stopped walking "She doesn't know? She doesn't know that most of the songs you wrote were about her?"
"Especially your parts?" Namjoon asks again eyes wide as saucers
"Sorry, hyung, but we can help but over hear you," Jimin says as he walks up to us "You weren't exactly quiet," he says in a voice only the six of us could hear, Jin hyung was back at the hotel choosing sleep over the beach. I don't blame him, if Y/n wasn't staring at me with puppy eyes I couldn't resist I'd still be in bed. Maybe drag her with me and use her as a pillow just to smell her watermelon scented shampoo and feel her warmth, with her head on my chest.
"It's been eight years, hyung," Taehyung says as he sits next to me on the log we found "When are you going to tell her that you love her?"
"I don't love her," I reply too quickly and when I look up I find my brothers staring at me like I'm the most ridiculous fool on earth,
"No shit," Namjoon says squinting as he pulls up a hand and starts counting tapping on a finger as he goes, "Embarrassed, DNA, Fake Love. Like you haven't displayed your love for her out in the open by showing jealousy, possessiveness, and basically trying to tell her she's your damn soulmate even destiny is pissed off with how you two are acting like children!"
"Namjoon-ah," Hobi gaffaws at how furious Namjoon looks "You forgot I NEED U and telepathy," Hobi says and Namjoon counts those as well
"Oh! Oh! Don't forget my universe, boy with luv and make it right" Taehyung adds
"The truth untold, pied piper" Jimin adds the two songs to the list and they all stare at each other before they said "Seesaw" in unison before laughing.
"Yeah, no shit, you don't love her," Hobi says as he laughs "You even wrote a song about the shoes she always wears because you hate them so much hoping she would get the hint but she didn't because she thought Namjoon wrote it because of a k-drama," making the other members laugh some more. I rub my hands on my face as I watch her walk towards us. Those shoes change colors as years pass for fuck's sake, they're still the same old school, old fashioned high tops.
>Ha don’t you know yet that converse is a fly in the ointment killing your charm
Anyway, don’t wear converse when you meet me
Rather than the stars in that sky, I’d like to see the stars on your shoes<
"Fucking Converse high." I mutter frustrated, stomping my foot on the sand like a child making the other members laugh some more at my actions.
"What happened to you?" Y/n asks as she reaches us "Who stole your candy?"
"No one stole it," Jungkook says as he takes a deep breath "He dropped it,"
"Now that's just devastating, poor kid" she says as she sits next to me, nudging me with her hip as if telling me to move, standing once again when I didn't move.
"Hey! My spot is warm," I playfully complain, not moving from where I was sitting "Sit elsewhere,"
She stares at me as she eats a scoop of her ice cream from the tiny cup, huffs then shrugs before saying "Fine then," and sitting on my lap making the other members laugh loudly, including the staff that joined with us, causing the few people at the beach stare at us.
When the situation finally registered in my brain I wrap my arms around her almost instinctively and pull her close to my chest and I feel her tense up.
"Why so tense?" I ask her and she turns her head to look at me before pulling my mask down, letting it rest below my chin and shoving a spoonful of mint chocolate ice cream in my mouth
"Get your hands off of me Yoongi Min," she warns playfully
"You're the one who got on my lap, woman!" I talk back at her making the other members laugh at my reaction with the sudden intrusion of the flavor of the ice cream.
"You won't fucking move, man!"
"It's fucking cold, woman!" I complain "I need warmth, I'm freezing"
"That's the reason I wanted your seat! My ass is cold!" we raise our voices at each other playfully and the boys watch us like a ping pong match.
"Ah shibal ya!" I exclaim "I'd rather warm your ass with my bare hands than move from my spot!" I yell in satoori as I look at the other members who fall into another round of laughter ringing in the air. I scowl when I see Hobi point his Polaroid camera at us taking a picture of Y/n on my lap smiling like a champion and me looking like I lost the lottery and gone bankrupt.
"You two are crazy," he comments chuckling "Y/n-ssi, you're cold but you're eating ice cream,"
"It's delicious, minty choco~" she says in a small voice, I would've cooed at her cuteness if only Joon didn't start making retching sounds. She eventually relaxes in my arms and gently rests her head on my left shoulder, sitting with both her legs on one side as she ate happily.
She stays like that on my lap for a few more minutes before the other members suggest we leave the beach and head to a Korean grocery to get some familiar food - mostly ramen, before heading back to the hotel. I was at the wine aisle when Y/n walked up to me with a lot of and different bags of flavored seeweed chips. My eyes instantly fall on her converse that she wore for the day and before I could even stop myself, I ended up opening my mouth and the tactless question was asked.
"Why do you wear those fucking things?"
"Huh? What?" she asks "Which one?"
"Converse high," I say nodding my head in her direction "I guess it would be fine to see you wearing the low ones or maybe sneakers with a cute dress on but why the fuck do you wear those high tops all the damn time?"
"Jeez," she says as she slowly places the snacks on the cart "Calm down with the cursing, Yoongi,"
"I'm just asking," I raise my hands as if the surrender "Curiosity,"
"Why the negative feedback on my babies?" she asks pouting "I love my converse,"
"Where are the shoes I bought you?" I ask pouting "the basketball ones, they're high tops too and much more comfortable than those. Why aren't you wearing those?"
"They're back home," she walks to stand beside me looping her arms around mine as I slowly push the cart.
"Why not wear those?" I slightly raise my voice defensively "You look better wearing those than the... usual,"
"But these are my favorite!" she pouts and I pout back at her
"But you said you liked the ones I got you and you said you'd wear them more!" she shuts up and stares at my eyes before sighing and gently rests her head on my once-very-injured-and-untreated-for-years-shoulder.
>I like you, but still, don’t wear converse low<
"I'm sorry, Sugs," she looks up at me with round puppy like eyes "I didn't mean to offend you," she wraps her arms around me and I wrap my left arm around her shoulder, my thumb lazily rubbing her shoulder blade.
"I'll wear them more," she says nuzzling her face on my neck "But why do you hate my Converse so much?" she asks in a small voice
"Promise me you won't be weirded out and that you'd still consider wearing something else that's not... those," I point at her shoes
"I promise," she says hugging me tighter "I promise,"
>More than anything, it’s hard to take them off<
I took a deep breath before saying in a low voice, "You don't look good. I hate them. You look hotter if not sexier in other sneakers or even more in heels. Those things don't do anything with your look, it makes me want to throw em out. they do nothing for your sexy figure,"
She stares at me as I spoke, then she walks out of my arms running away like she was up to no good; looking like a T-rex.
"Oppa!" she calls out "Yoongi is being weird again!"
"Ya!" I call after her as I push the cart and follow her
"Oppa!" she walks behind Namjoon and Hobi, holding the back of their hoodies as she explained what I told her to Joon.
"Why did you run?!" I ask her "You promised!"
"I didn't promise I won't run, Yoongi!"
"But you promised you wouldn't be weirded out!" I exclaimed
"Friends don't call each other sexy or hot, especially not guys to girls,"
"Hey!!! That's where you're wrong, baby," I squint "We're close friends! Close friends! Best friends, baby!" I yell, thrusting my arms in the air with crazy motions along with the words I say.
From the other aisle I hear Jungkook and Jimin's laugh mingle with Taehyung, Hobi and Namjoon's voices and the sound of Y/n's palm hitting her forehead.
>Your converse high
I really really want yo
I really really like yo
I really really need yo<
"Ever noticed that your rap in Miss Right fits what you want with Y/n?, Yoongi-ya?" Jin asks me as he sat next to me at the hotel's restaurant for breakfast. The other members already sat down and were eating breakfast, I was just waiting for Y/n who was making her way around the food warmers. The hotel's restaurant was closed down with breakfast being delivered to guests rooms, but the management was kind enough to let us and the staff enjoy our meal here along with other businessmen and businesswomen who looked too serious to even notice us.
"Why are you asking all of a sudden, hyung?" I ask as I keep an eye on Y/n .
"I was listening to our old songs last night when i came across Miss Right and heard your rap," Namjoon looks up from his plate to Jin as if he grew another pair of heads like a hydra.
"Oh shit!" he exclaims "He's right! Damn! You two really are soulmates!"
"Keep your voice down, Namjoon-ah!" Jin quietly scolds him and he quickly apologizes before shoving food in his mouth to shut up.
"Soulmates," Jin repeats shaking his head "Armys would be happy to know that Min Yoongi's soulmate has been his muse for years now.
"You mentioned to the others you're gonna tell her soon about the songs and the truth? How?" he asks as I watch her make her way towards the waffle table in her shorts, white t-shirt and those fucking shoes and her dark blue hair down. I throw my head back and internally groaned closing my eyes to avoid the sight of her legs that seemed to go on and on... then you see those abominations that ruin her look.
>Yeah, denim shorts, white t-shirt, and converse high
That makes me wanna party on your body
At the ends of your silky smooth hair, your refreshing hip is singing
A forest-like you shine inside the city, embracing my reality with your unrealistic body
And I want you to be really really real for me<
"The exact same way I've been trying to tell her I love her, but hopefully this time she finally gets it."
"And what if, she doesn't get it?" Namjoon asks me.
>If I lose you, it’s a miss, right? Miss Right? (All Right)
You’re my Miss Right, Miss Right<
"Then I have to find another way, I guess" I shrug making Jin shake his head in disappointment.
"Yoongi-ya!" he groans "It's been almost a decade! When are you going to do it? When are you going to tell her that you love her?! When you're 40?!"
Behind us where Hobi, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook were sitting Hobi snorts loudly followed by heavy coughing and Jungkook tapping his back.
"You don't find a woman like her every day, hyung," Jungkook says from the seat behind me "You're lucky that she's still around and single. If you don't do something about it you're gonna end up waiting until you're both old and gray, or worse, she's married to someone else."
"It's not to pressure you hyung," Jimin says calmly "It's just a little confidence boost. We know you love her and that you two are obviously meant to be together."
"As a believer in destiny, I believe in the fact that she's it for you" Namjoon says as he drinks his coffee "If she wasn't meant for you, she would still be with that scum bag and she would've stopped being friends with you. Destiny returned her to you when it knew you were ready to be with her. All you had to do was take your steps, unfortunately you only made a few baby steps and didn't take the big step. Or as they call it, leap of faith".
"Don't wait for her to slip away from your fingers, Yoongi," Jin says with a tone of finality "She's right in front of you every day, she learned a new language and culture just to be friends with you,"
"She also moved counties, left a guy and chose your friendship over the asshat," Taehyung points out "If that doesn't
"Leap of faith," Hobi happily says from behind me as I watch her walk towards our table, her plate piled up with different kinds of food. Mainly protein and carbs.
>It must be because you’re different from normal types out there that a woman like you are called the ideal type
You’re like a completed puzzle of my ideal type <
"Buffets fear you, Y/n-ssi" Namjoon says when she sits down beside him.
"It's breakfast, Joonie," she says as she shoves a spoonful of omelette and bacon bits into her mouth followed by a baked potato wedge then continues with her mouth full, "Most important meal of the day!"
"Ya! Manners. Chew your food before you start talking you big baby" I lightly scold her
"Ya!~ Manners.~ Be a gentleman and get me a cup of coffee~ " she shot back adorably with a sting when swallowed her food when she saw me get up eyeing the coffee machine. I hear the other members snort laugh and chuckle as they try to control themselves from laughing too loud at 8am. She was the only woman who had the audacity to not use honorifics with me and I let it pass because I love her, she isn't exactly Korean. But moments like this where she'd act cute but lace it with venom sometimes make me wonder what planet she came from or how in the world did I end up falling in love with a woman who was not only quite similar to me with a combination of all the members various traits, but someone you'd only see in movies or read in books who have such confidence that makes you want to kiss the living shit out of them. And even though that confidence was mostly just around the seven of us and a few of the staff who have been with us for so long, I still loved the little outbursts.
What was only embarrassing about the way she caught me off guard, was I had no comeback so I just stared at her for a minute before shaking my head, making sure she heard me I muttered "You're gonna pay for that, baby" as I went and grabbed two cups of coffee for the two of us, only to be rewarded by a flying kiss and a thank you, with a chuckling Jin. I did say she absorbed a few traits of the other members, didn't I?
>That person who I thought would exist only exist in novels is you
Even I who used to believe that there’s no god was made to believe in god
To me, the goddess is you
That person who I thought would only exist in movies
Oh god, a wind that is led by the weather called you
You’re a flower, and I’m a bee, only going towards you all the time<
"I'm bored" she complains as we sit in the gazebo we found at the park. It wasn't too far from the hotel and the concert venue, but it was far enough to get some peace from the buzz of the staff and the others. I wanted to go alone but I needed inspiration, so I dragged Y/n along with me. She was reading a historical romance novel about an Old Hollywood star and her seven husbands that she said was rumoured to be adapted into a movie some time next year or later.
>Yes you’re my only girl you’re the best to me
I want to know your day, I want to be your sigh
That person who I thought would only exist in movies
Even the weather is perfect, it feels like I’m perfect with you<
"You're reading a book, you can't be that bored," I smiled at her through my face mask "You didn't even spare a glance in my direction the second opened that book and kept reading. Now that you're done with eleven pages, you're telling me you're bored? How?"
She stares at me for a second before sitting up, placing a bookmark before she places the book in between us on the table, "Were you watching me the whole time?"
"Jagiya, how can I not? I'm writing a song and you're in front of me. Naturally, my attention was else where because of my ADHD. You caught my eye, Jagiya..." I muttered the last part
"Did you just call me 'Jagiya'?!" she exclaimed, eyes wide. a new reaction compared to the countless times I playfully called her that, even a far off reaction to almost two weeks ago when I asked her to join us for the tour.
"W-what? N-no," I stuttered "You're hearing things," she squints her eyes at me
"I know what I heard, Yoongi"
"Your ears?" I say as I point at my own "Broken. Your ears are broken.
"And you're gonna be broken if you say it again," she laid back down, book on hand.
"What's wrong if I did call you Jagiya?" I ask as I tread on dangerous waters "Are you dating someone?"
She puts her book down and sits once more "No, I'm not. But, I just think we shouldn't joke around with the endearments anymore, Sugs. What if someone recognizes you and hears us? They might think we're dating and I don't like to put that idea in their heads-"
"What's wrong with us and dating?" I cut her off defensively "Don't you think it's... cool if we, who have been friends for eight years, end up dating?"
"Yoongi, it's just think it's wrong-"
"And I just want to know why you'd think that way?" I slightly raise my voice out of frustration, tossing the notepad that was once on my lap onto the table, "We've been calling each other endearments since 2015! We've been like this since 2015! What's wrong about it now?"
"Yoongi, calm down-"
"I can't calm down when you're saying stuff like that to me!" I naturally slip into satoori during my outburst and it didn't stop there.
"Calm down, Yoongi!" she firmly says "You're being irrational, calm down! All I'm trying to say is that I don't want you to be in trouble for being with someone like me. If they assume we're dating, it's not going to look good for your image,"
"Fuck my image, Y/n-ssi!" I spat out "You say shit like that and I feel like we're back to square one all over again. It's like the Love Yourself tour all over again. For fuck's sake, just tell me if you want me gone because you're seeing someone who yet again wants you away from me" I slip back and forth between the Seoul dialect and Daegu dialect.
"Yoongi, that's not it" she says "I'm not seeing anyone, you're the only one I'm always with"
"Fuck that shit," I scoff "this is exactly what you said to me before the fucking scum bag told me to cut ties with you!"
"Wait what?" she asks
"You fucking heard me!" I got up and grabbed my notepad, song writing long forgotten "The son of a bitch told me that you said you didn't want me around anymore and told me to fuck off. I didn't believe a single shit he said until I saw you run to his arms like some sort of fairy tale happy ending." I stepped out of the gazebo and looked back at her "You looked like you met your fucking prince charming and I looked like the villain when all I was an NPC in a game; programmed to say back, shut up and watch as you walked away from me, and I was left to wonder if I was ever going to see you again when you left with him without even saying goodbye."
I sighed heavily, rubbing my hand over my forehead, "Do you think it was easy to lose someone so close to you? I felt dead inside, Y/n! You, the members, you're all I have. I miss my family back home but you're more prominent than home. He fucking told me to cut ties with you, told me that you hated- no fuck that, he said you loathed me, because I was being weird and clingy all those years and he told me that you asked him to say with him for the night so that I'd stay away from you, and I believed him when I saw you smile at him and kissed him" I raised my hands up as if to motion around me "How do you think my world was huh? Watching you go out of town with him, spend time together like it was a fucking honeymoon, leaving without a trace only to apologize saying you're already back home in your country. What the fuck am I to you, Y/n?!" I ask with tears in my eyes
"Yoongi, I didn't kn-" she tried to say but I cut her off again.
"You what? Don't bother answering. I already know I'm just a friend to you. It's okay." I scoff as I walk away to one of the two cars that went with us to the park. By the time I reached the hotel lobby, I don't even know how our conversation ended up there, but I didn't care. It was all out there now. Now she knew why for two years I avoided her. Those years I did nothing but write about love, pain and heartbreak. Her. It was all about her and for her. And it was for me; younger Min Yoongi who wanted so bad to tell Y/n L/n how he would leave everything behind if he could and all she had to do was say the word.
"Make sure she gets back safe, and join her if she needs to go somewhere," I inform security to inform the other staff "Keep an eye on her please, make sure she's okay and that she doesn't go anywhere alone, I just need sometime alone, I can't see her when I'm like this" our head of security nods as he presses on his ear piece to transmit the message.
"What happened?" Jin and Namjoon asks as they catch what I told our security to do "Where's Y/n? I thought you took her with you?"
"Do you remember what I told you during the Love Yourself Tour about... him?" I ask Namjoon quietly and he nods
"Yeah, why?" he asks
"I told her about it, minus that I've been in love with her for.. a while now." I sighed "I need sometime alone. I'll see you guys later," I wave at them as I walk to the elevator and made my way back to my room, half relieved that a good weight off of my shoulders has been lifted, half mixed emotions of regretting my actions and concern that if I didn't lose her then, I might have led myself into losing her by my own actions.
>I don’t care because I love you
Rather than holding a designer bag, you hold my hand, and rather than getting jealous and envious, you understand my inner character,
I picture our future with you who’s like that
A pair of kids’ sneakers between our matching shoes<
All I wanted was her. And now I've made my situation worse, the thought that I kept asking myself as I went back in my hotel room and got ready for an early bedtime was how do I undo my actions from earlier at the park. No doubt she's probably understood by now how I feel about her, but it was the right thing to do... right?
I mean, she was supposed to be my soulmate. She is my soulmate...
< two | masterlist | four >
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Reflection Of You | Chapter 1
Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU / Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, going back to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.  
The nightmare the both of you feared had finally come true. 
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“Thank you, ARMY!”
“We’ll see you soon!” 
“We love you forever! Goodnight!” You watched the monitor with proud eyes, your hands clasped together. After a long world tour, the boys had their final concert in Korea, their home country. You, along with the other staff, clapped as the 7 boys stepped off the stage.
“Good job!” There were exchanges of hugs and pats on the backs. Technically, you weren’t a member of staff, so you respected the distance, standing at the back of the crowd.
“There you are.” Someone said, almost like a sigh of relief. 
“Great job, as always.” A smile slowly widened on your face as you opened your arms to hug him, resting your cheek against his peck. 
“I’m sweaty.” Was all he said. 
“Like I ever minded.” You chuckled, pulling away to look up at him. He gave a soft smile, leaning down to peck your lips. It was quick but endearing. You knew for him, doing that in public was already a large feat. 
“Noona! You’re here!” You were yanked out of your beloved’s arms. 
“Of course, Kookie. It’s the last show of the tour, I wouldn’t miss it.” You patted his head as he lifted you off the ground.
“Yah, look at the scowl on hyung’s face after you stole his girl.” Taehyung appeared, slinging his arm around your maknae’s neck. You giggled, shaking your head. Someone stood beside you, holding your hand. Speak of the devil. You turned your head to see him looking at his phone in his other hand, totally nonchalant about holding your phone. 
“Great show today, guys. You were amazing.” You told all 7 of them as they packed up, ready to head home. 
“Thank you, (y/n).” Jin pinched your cheek lovingly. 
“As much as I love spending time with ARMY, I’m excited to have some time off, as well.” Jimin yawned, adjusting his hat in the mirror. You nodded in agreement. The boys deserved a nice break. 
“The vans are here.” The managers informed. 
“Let’s go, aegi.” He called. You walked hand in hand with him. Before you stepped out, he stopped you. 
“You forgot again?” He chuckled, taking a mask out of his pocket. He gently hooked the elastics over your ears, adjusting the fabric on your face to make sure that it was comfortable. 
“Thank you.” You said sheepishly. 
“Hurry, love birds!” Hoseok called out, being the one to share the van with the two of you. Even if you were all boarding the van privately, you were still cautious, wearing a mask when you went out in case any fan manages to slip past security and saw you.
“We’ll sit at the back.” You were yanked into the seat, making you blink in shock. You felt your lover’s headrest against your shoulder.
“Any plans for the break, Hobi?” You asked. 
“Hmm, besides going home? I would like to travel but I don’t really have a destination in mind. What about you? Are you and hyung going to do something?” He asked back. 
“He’s visiting his family. Unfortunately, I have work but I’ll try to join him for a few days. After that, we might take a few days off to travel too.” You smiled. 
“Must be nice to travel with a companion.” Hoseok teased. 
“Not when your companion just wants to sleep and eat all day.” You giggled. There was a grunt of annoyance from beside you. 
“Hey, you sleep just as much as me. We hardly stepped out of our hotel room the last vacation because all we did was sleep then nap all day. Besides, I deserve to sleep and eat all day for how hard I’ve worked.” He scoffed. You nodded your head, you couldn’t argue with that after all the hard work the boys have put into the tour. 
“Touché.” You booped his nose. 
“Still hard to believe hyung is the first one to get a girl. We all thought he was too much a gramps to get one.” Hoseok laughed. 
“That’s part of his charm, I guess.” You smiled. Looking down, you saw that said male had fallen asleep against your shoulder. A slight frown was on his face as he crossed his arms. 
When the car stopped in the gated apartment complex, the 3 of you were dropped off at the front of the dorm building. 
“I know, I know. You won’t be spending the night in the dorm. Goodnight, you two.” Hoseok waved you two off. You giggled and gave him a hug before parting ways from him. 
“I can’t wait to just spend the next few days in bed.” 
“When are you going back to Daegu?” 
“Next week. What, can’t wait to get rid of me already?” He teased. You scoffed, entering the lift together and tapping the resident card, pressing the lift button. 
“If I wanted to get rid of you, I could just return to my place.” You shook your head. 
“As if I’d let you.” He said from behind you. Pressing the code into the keypad on the door, you pressed your finger print and the door unlocked. The two of you shuffled into the big apartment. You turned the lights on and placed your bag on the couch. The first thing you did was put away the washed dishes from your breakfast this morning. 
“You can do that tomorrow.” His voice groaned. 
“It’ll take less than a minute. Go ahead and shower.” You chuckled. Once again, you were yanked away from the cupboard. He rested his chin on your shoulder, arms loosely looped around your waist. 
“What’s wrong?” You whispered, stroking the back of his head. 
“Is it too early for post concert blues?” 
“You are such a workaholic. You’ll be on stage again soon. Besides, ARMY wouldn’t want to see all of you so tired out. They would want you to rest well and have a break too.” You comforted. 
“When I’m with them, I just feel like I have the whole world.” 
“ARMY is lucky to have all of you. You’re their world just as much as they are yours.” You smiled. 
“You’re forgetting something. ARMY gives me the whole world. But right now, I know I am holding my whole world.” He placed a gentle kiss against your temple. 
“Cheeseball.” You shook your head with a laugh. You shooed him away to shower while you finished the chores for the night like folding the washed clothes, filling the coffee machine for tomorrow and arranging the few fan gifts from ARMY around the house. 
“I’m done.” He called from the bedroom. You entered, seeing him pull a plain white shirt over his head. He rubbed his wet hair with a towel. 
“I’ll go shower.” You said, picking some fresh clothes and bringing it to the bathroom. You were quick with your shower, blowing drying your hair afterwards so you wouldn’t have to wait for it to dry. 
“Hurry, I want to sleep.” 
“You don’t have to wait for me!” You replied. 
“Alright, alright.” You shook your head, hanging your towel back on the rack to dry. You closed the bathroom door, slipping under the covers. Immediately, you were drawn into a warm embrace. 
“Don’t wake me up tomorrow.” He mumbled, eyes closing. 
“Wouldn’t dare to.” You joked. He opened one eye to glare at you while you smiled innocently at him. He yawned, tucking his head into the crook of your neck comfortably. 
“Goodnight, aegi.” He placed a kiss against your skin.
“Goodnight, Yoon.” You replied. 
You’ve known Yoongi for years now. When you worked at a music store near BTS’ old dorm when they had just debuted. He would come at night, just before closing to browse the shelves. Even if you came to know the whole group through Yoongi, you and Yoongi connected on a whole new level, you understood each other through music. 
It was about 2 years ago that he had asked you out on a date. Of course, you were unsure, considering how popular he was and you didn’t want to burden him by keeping your relationship a secret. 
But you trusted Yoongi. When he told you he would protect you, you gave him a chance. And you’ve been happily together ever since. 
It scared you when Yoongi threatened to leave BigHit when the management found out about you. You told Yoongi that you wanted him to prioritise BTS and ARMY before your relationship together. That was your only condition. 
“Because ARMY and BTS were there for you before I was. You need to be there for them just like how they are there for you.” You told him. 
With that, the management and Mr Bang approved of your relationship. They also appreciated how you made Yoongi happier and were a positive influence when he had his low times. 
It was around 4 am. You woke up, feeling the space beside you still empty. The sheets felt cold, meaning that Yoongi hadn’t returned. You sent a message to Jungkook, who you knew would still be awake since he was working on releasing a surprise song cover for ARMY. 
“Yoongi hyung? He hasn’t returned.” The youngest informed. 
“Thanks, Kookie.” You hung up. You respected Yoongi and his work, never wanting to interrupt him or stop him but you knew you had to step in at certain times. 
‘The number you have dialled is currently unavailable-’
You sighed as you were directed to voicemail again. Putting your shoes on, you left home to visit his studio. 
You pressed the doorbell, waiting for an answer but to no avail. Even if you knew the code, you wouldn’t just enter. Just like everyone else, you would always ring the doorbell first and wait for a reply. You pressed it again.
“Who is- Oh, it’s you.” Yoongi poked his head out. 
“Hey.” You greeted. 
“What are you doing here? I’m busy.” Yoongi said. It came out colder than he would have liked but after working for hours and not getting the results he wanted, he was getting frustrated. 
“I know. Just wanted to see how you were doing. Can I come in?” You asked. Yoongi looked back into his studio. 
“I’d rather you not. Like I said, I’m busy. I can’t have another person here, it’ll only distract me more.” He said. Yoongi wasn’t someone that dealt with emotions well, you knew that. When things weren’t working out, his defence mode was to just push everyone away and hide alone. That’s just his way of dealing with emotions. 
“I understand.” You nodded, not wanting to push him any further. Without another word, Yoongi just closed the door, retreating back into his studio. 
“Hmm...” You roamed around the lounge area. You smiled as you came across the famous picture of Jimin that Yoongi got as a prize during the photography episode of Run!BTS. 
“Time to go home.” You went back home. Even waiting for Yoongi outside his studio, you knew he would feel guilty later on and you didn’t want that. You laid in bed but was woken up by Yoongi pressing his face into your back.
“Yoon...?” You tried to turn around to face him but his arms held you in place.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, burying his face into your back. You reached over to put your hand over his. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” You said, sleep laced in your voice. You yawned, finally turning around to face him. You cupped his cheek with your free hand. 
“The songs weren’t working out, the lyrics were trash, I just... I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. After you left, I just-” 
“Shh, you don’t have to explain. I understand how frustrating it must have been. Everyone has their own down times. Don’t worry, I’m just glad you’re back to rest. Maybe after a nice sleep, you’ll have a clearer mind to write better, hmm?” You smiled softly. 
“Next time, be angry with me.” 
“Why do you want me to be angry with you? I mean, I have times when work frustrates me too. We aren’t perfect.” You laughed. 
“You’re too nice to me.” He pressed you against his body, inhaling your comforting scent. You loosely wrapped your own arm around his middle, letting out a yawn. 
“Go wash up. I’ll wait for you.” You promised. 
Yoongi was usually an early riser but after the concert last night, he had slept in until the afternoon. When he woke up, he realised that you weren’t beside him. He sat up, running his fingers through his hair as he looked for you. 
‘Fridge empty. Went out to get groceries. Iced Americano is in the fridge. - (y/n)’
Yoongi smiled at your note, folding it and tucking it into his pocket. He never told you but he keeps all the notes you leave him, even for ones that just say, ‘gone to work’. He shuffled to the fridge, taking the glass of cold coffee out, adding ice before sticking a straw in. He sat down by the kitchen island, scrolling on his phone. 
‘BTS’ Suga seen holding hands with mysterious female after concert.’
‘Insider releases photos of BTS’ rapper and a female embracing each other, said to be his girlfriend.’
‘Has the cold, savage rapper finally met his match?’
Yoongi’s eyes widened as he saw the alert news. He felt his heart stop when he clicked on one of the articles. There were blurry photos of you holding hands with him, leaving the venue last night. 
“PD nim.” Yoongi called his boss. 
“It seems a fan had snuck in under the guise of a staff member. We’ll handle the press for now and tell you what to do next.” 
“How can this happen?!” 
“Calm down, Yoongi. We have apprehended the culprit and will be turning her over to the authorities. Just make sure (y/n) is safe. The two of you should stay indoors for now.”
When he hung up, his phone rang again, it was the members. But right now, he couldn’t answer them. He was too worried about where you were and whether you were safe. Quickly, Yoongi dialled your number. Fortunately, you picked up, totally ignorant that your relationship was now public. 
“Good morning, or should I say, good afternoon?” 
“Aegi, are you okay?” He panicked.
“Okay? Of course, I am. Didn’t you see my note? I just finished paying for groceries, about to leave the mart.” 
“Stay right there, aegi. I’m coming to get you. Don’t talk to anyone, alright? I’m coming.” He said as he grabbed his car keys, putting on a mask and a cap.
“Okay, now you’re scaring me. What’s wrong, Yoon?” 
“They found out. I’m so sorry I let this happen. I’ll explain more when I come get you, alright?” He said and hung up. He got into his car, speeding to where you were. You were standing by the mart entrance.
“Yoon.” You sighed in relief, entering the car with all the groceries in your lap. Yoongi sped away, back to the gated community. True to that, as he passed the security, he saw some fans standing at the post, trying to enter. Luckily, fans didn’t know he owned this car and the windows were tinted so he could drive past without anyone suspecting. 
“Let’s go. Hurry.” He grabbed the bags, pulling you with him to the apartment. Only when you reached, you finally stopped him. 
“Yoon, calm down. It’s okay, I’m okay. Now tell me, slowly, what happened?” You led him to the couch to sit down. He buried his hands into his palms while you rubbed his back. 
“Someone snuck in as a staff member last night and took pictures of us. It was in the press this morning.” He explained. 
“Does PD nim know about this?” 
“He said he will handle the press and tell us what we have to do next.” He shivered, his breathing quickening. You knew that was a sign of Yoongi’s anxiety so you pulled him into your embrace immediately. 
“It’ll be okay, Yoongi.” You comforted. 
“Have you spoken to the boys?” You asked softly. He shook his head. As he said that, your phone rang. It was Namjoon. 
“They’re just worried and want to know if you’re okay. Let me tell them that we’re okay.” You told him, answering Namjoon’s call and putting him on speaker. As you predicted, the other boys were on the other line, bombarding the both of you with questions. 
“We’re okay, just a little overwhelmed. Thank you for your concern. We’ll just wait for PD nim’s instructions.” You told them. 
“Do you want us to come over?” 
“Maybe later on but not right now? Just let Yoongi and I grasp the situation and calm down first. If there’s anything, we’ll be sure to keep you all updated.” You promised. 
“We’ll see you later then.”
“I’m so sorry I let this happen, aegi.” Yoongi cried, cupping your cheek and rubbing it with his thumb. 
“Hey, it’s not your fault. We will get through this. I know it’s a little earlier than we would have liked but we knew the risks we were taking by having this relationship, Yoon.” You wiped his tears. 
“You don’t understand, aegi. Those people that could hurt you, they aren’t really ARMY. They’re crazy and obsessed. I’ve seen what they have done to others before. I will never be able to live with myself if I let the same thing happen to you.” He shook his head. You knew what Yoongi was referring to, the ‘sasaeng fans’ that the media always talked about. 
“Let’s not think of the worst.” You hummed. Yoongi’s phone ringing broke your embrace. It was PD nim, along with the PR team. 
“Yes. I understand… I’ll speak to her and let you know. Thank you.” Yoongi said and hung up with a sigh. You tilted your head, hoping they didn’t give Yoongi the ultimatum. 
“They said I either publish a note to the fans, explaining everything. Or let them deny the photos, say that you are just a family member.” He explained. 
“I see...” Those were reasonable options. 
“What do you think is the right thing to do?” You asked Yoongi. 
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poutyyybangtan · 3 years
ready or not - j.jk
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genre: friends to lovers, enemy to lovers, (almost a slow burn?), a mix of everything lol  character pairing: jeon jungkook 9bts) x female oc warnings: not really any lol just angsty fluff kinda stuff word count: 5.4k (it’s alot) authors note: i wrote this months ago and it’s not finished but i can finish it if yall want? let me know :)
(prompts from @im-here-to-help-you-all-write​)
“i think the longer you look at it, the worse it gets.” “yeah, kinda like your face.”
“i need your help.” “holy shit, i never thought i’d hear you say that.’ “please don’t rub it in right now.”
“i don’t feel like i’m ready for this yet” “you’re going to have to be, because we’re out of time.”
you can’t believe you actually had to do this. the last person you ever wanted to look at was your only shot at getting out of the situation you brought upon yourself. you had originally counted on one of your other friends to help you out, but of course, life never seemed to work out the way you wanted it to. 
“jin, please. can’t you just cancel and come with me?” you begged, watching as your older companion continued to chop away at some vegetables. 
“you know i would love to help bamboozle your family with my impeccable acting skills, but unfortunately, i do have a business to run. this weekend is a big deal for the restaurant and joon would kill me if i left him alone to handle such a thing. and besides, we all know joon can’t toast bread without having to call the fire department first,” jin laughs. you laugh softly, knowing jin had a point. poor namjoon had amazing business skills, but unfortunately that means he lacks in the cooking department. 
“i guess you’re right,” you mumble begrudgingly. 
“why not ask jimin if he can go?” jin asks, sliding the chopped vegetables into a pot.
“my mom knows him, she’ll know something isn’t right. and besides, he and hobi are going to a dance camp for school,” you shrug.
“and tae? yoongi?” jin asks.
“he’s got that test retake for his photography class and yoongs has an audition for an entertainment company in gangnam,” you sigh. you’re really proud of all your friends and the successes they have, but you really wished they could’ve helped you in your time of need. but you couldn’t be that selfish, so maybe you had to admit defeat. 
“you know, you could just ask jungkook,” jin asks nonchalantly. 
“you know i can’t do that,” you answer bluntly, refusing to even entertain the idea.
“i mean, you could,” jin laughs, putting the lid on the pot and onto the stove top, turning to you afterwards.
“jin, you know i can’t. he is the last person on earth i would ask to help me. i would rather die of embarrassment than to ask him for his help,” you dramatically claim.
“you just might if you don’t ask. besides, what's the big deal? it’s only for a weekend,” jin shrugs.
“yeah, a whole weekend of him pretending to be my boyfriend. jin, we can barely tolerate each other as is, having us cooped up together and pretending like we actually like each other is a whole other ball game,” you said.
“well, here’s the way i look at it. either you tell your mother that you don’t have a boyfriend and face embarrassment at your mother's wedding, or you can suck it up, ask jungkook nicely to do you this one favor, and have fun this weekend. you never know, jungkook might actually be up for it,” jin says, an underlying suggestive tone in his voice; one that you never caught.
you had to admit, jin was right. as painful as it was, jungkook was your only chance at escaping this nightmarish weekend. 
you found jungkook in his usual zone of comfort: with his lips attached to some random girl he probably barely knew. you found yourself scrunching your face in distaste. such a vulgar display in a library no less. you huffed off your second doubts and approached the table with confidence. you noticed that neither party acknowledged your presence, so you knocked on the table to gain their attention. reluctantly, the girl pulled away first to throw you a bitter look.
“jeon, can we talk?” you say softly, not trying to cause a disturbance.
“i’m kind of busy, can’t it wait?” jungkook asks, a smug look on his face, the girl sat next to him donned a complacent smile on hers.
“please, i saw you making out with some bimbo blonde yesterday, i’m sure you can find some other toy to play with when we’re done,” you smirk, watching the look on the girls face fall with every passing word that escaped your lips. she glanced over at jungkook with disgust before grabbing her belongings and walking away in a fit.
“great, well there goes my whole afternoon,” jungkook scoffs. he leans into his chair, folding his arms over his chest.
“you’ll deal. look, i need your help,” you admit, much to your dismay.
“holy shit, i never thought i’d hear you say that,” jungkook laughs ironically.
“please don’t rub it in right now,” you groan.
“how can i offer my service to you?” jungkook smirks, looking up at your obviously irritated figure.
“i need... i can’t believe i’m saying this. i need you to be my boyfriend for the weekend,” you spit out.
“you what?” jungkook asks incredulously. you don’t blame him for his confusion. what you were asking was heinous, add to the fact that you two barely tolerated each other? it was the biggest taboo situation you could’ve put yourself in. but you were desperate.
your mother, as loving as she was, was relentless. she just wanted the best for you. you were about to graduate college soon, about to get a real career and be a real adult. and to her, that meant start a family as soon as possible. and that couldn’t happen without being in a relationship first. and what better way than to hook your daughter up at a gathering for family friends? cause nothing says love like a wedding, right?
“what’s in it for me?” jungkook asks. you looked at him in disbelief.
“wait, you’re actually considering it?” you asked.
“well, you gave me a proposition, so why not?” jungkook asks. 
“uh, because we’re not necessarily friends? it’s not like you owe me anything to even consider the idea,” you chuckle.
“you might not be my friend, but that doesn’t mean i’m not yours,” jungkook shrugs, finally standing up and collecting his scattered books. you hadn’t actually noticed them before, you just thought that the library was a good place for jungkook to hook up, not an actual study zone. 
“well, uh, what do you have in mind?” you asked, answering his question finally. 
“i need a date for this work thing, and my usual hookups aren't going to cut it. they’re not exactly what you would say… modest?” jungkook jokes, causing you to laugh a little bit. 
“sound like a deal?” jungkook asks after a moment of silence passes. you pretend to consider his proposition, as if you actually had a choice. you look up at him and you can see that he saw that too.
“what kind of work thing?”
“where are you going?” jimin asks, watching you step out of your bedroom clad in a cocktail dress. you really would’ve rather been at your shared apartment, cuddled up next to jimin and tae watching some horror film eating greasy food, but alas, you had to uphold your end of the bargain.
“remember i told you that in order for jungkook to uphold his end, i have to uphold mine? apparently, he works at some magazine company and they’re having a company gathering to celebrate the issue's 90th anniversary and he needed me to come with,” you groan, strapping on your heels. 
“you’re going all out for this,” taehyung comments, a teasing tone hidden in his words. you looked up and glared at him, knowing what he meant.
“if i put forth 100%, maybe he will too,” you say. 
“oh, he most definitely will be putting in 100% effort,” jimin says, low enough for only taehyung to hear which makes him giggle. you look up and see jimin smirking at you which makes you groan internally. 
suddenly, the doorbell rings and you thank whatever being there is that saves you from the conversation that was happening, with or without your participation. you pull the door open and the first thing you see is jungkook, properly dressed head to toe. you notice the bow tie pressed snuggly against his neck, not a wrinkle in his suit jacket or his dress shirt. his long hair was parted down the middle, brushed out out of his eye. you hated to admit it, but he looked breathtakingly beautiful. 
“wow,” jungkook finally says, eyeing you in a way that made the blood pool in your cheeks. 
“uh, yeah. let’s- let’s go,” you murmur, noticing the boys in the living room giggling at your guys’ interaction. you shove him in his chest. he grabs your hands and laughs, pulling you out the door.
“what did i miss?” jungkook asks. you roll your eyes, noticing the way jungkook held onto your hand, even after you got further and further away from your apartment, but not minding the warmth his hand provided against your cold one. 
“trust me, nothing you want to hear, and nothing i’m willing to repeat,” you scoff.
jungkook was right. he had warned you beforehand that everyone at his job was stuck up and snobbish and would continuously point out that fact that you were no model. and like he had forewarned, all you heard all night was “you’re too pretty not to be a model” or “jungkook ended up with you?” you were appalled, sure, but you didn’t take their words to heart. you don’t know these people, and after tonight, you’re never going to see them again. 
but jungkook flinched every time someone opened their mouth. he felt bad for you, but when he saw you delicately handle the situation, he knew you would be fine. still, it didn’t make him feel any less bad. 
“we can leave whenever you want, you know?” jungkook whispers into your ear. you look up at him and smile.
“sounds like you’re using me as an excuse to ditch this snooze fest,” you giggle. jungkook smiles back down at you and laughs with you.
“busted,” he finally says.
“thank god, let’s ditch these runway wannabes and get some pizza. i’m starved,” you groan, looking away, missing the endearing glance he tosses your way. you both ditch the stuffy building, and headed to a late night pizza shop down the corner. you sigh in relief once you step into the restaurant, inhaling the smell of cheese and dough. you both decide to seat yourselves in a booth in the corner of the dining area.  once you both place your orders, you settle into a comfortable silence. 
“so, what caused you to conjure up this boyfriend lie?” jungkook asked after awhile. 
“my mom thinks that i need to be in a relationship to be happy since i’m getting ready to enter the real world,” you sigh, rolling your eyes and leaning into your elbows that rested on the table.
“thats stupid,” jungkook scoffs, leaning into the booth. you were caught off guard by this, expecting jungkook to somewhat agree with your mother.
“you look surprised,” he says, gauging your reaction.
“i kind of am. not gonna lie, i was expecting you to agree with her,” you say, shrugging. the waiter brings your slices and leaves you two alone, settling back into the conversation.
“no way. if you want to be single, you should. i’m sure you’re single by choice anyways,” jungkook says, picking up his pizza and taking a huge bite of it.
“what do you mean?” you ask him, slightly confused behind the intentions of his sentence. 
“i just mean that you’re insanely smart, funny and talented. and you’re extremely beautiful. if you wanted any guy, you could have him,” jungkook shrugs, munching on his pizza in peace. meanwhile, his statement sent you into a frenzy. who knew jeon jungkook thought so highly of you. you were under the impression that he dispised your entire being. he never really complimented you before, so his statement shocked you. 
“never knew you thought so highly of me,” you said, smiling to yourself. you can’t really explain it and you don’t know why, but knowing how jungkook truly felt about you made you extremely happy. 
“there’s a lot you don’t now about me,” he winks, causing you to roll your eyes and eat your pizza. and yet again, you missed the way jungkook smiled at you, enjoying your presence more than he would care to admit to. 
“i don’t feel like i’m ready for this yet,” you murmur, feeling your hands start to shake as you stood outside the venue. 
“you’re going to have to be, because we’re out of time,” jungkook smiles, taking hold of your hand and waltzing you two into the building. your mom had asked you to come early for a surprise so you decided to give her a surprise of your own.
“jungkook, maybe we should say you caught food poisoning and we had to leave,” you murmured as jungkook continued to drag you further and further into the building. jungkook smiled at your child-like nature and shook his head.
“we’ve come too far to give up now. let’s just rock this and get home,” he says, smiling at you. you felt a sudden urge of confidence that surges through you and gives you enough momentum to swing open the doors of the chapel hall. you were taken aback by the way the chairs are decorated with white pieces, hanging off the backs. you take notice of the pale yellow and white combo that you didn’t think would match so well. you felt happy for your mom and that she met someone who loved her so much that they were willing to do this for her to cherish the day.
“it’s beautiful,” you gape, admiring all the minute details your mother probably agonized over. jungkook admired the astonished look on your face as you practically ignored his presence to take in your surroundings. he always found you beautiful, but watching you be you while nobody was looking was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. jungkook had the biggest crush on you for as long as he could remember. and he refused to even fathom the thought of confessing to you when he knew how you felt. he knew you couldn’t stand his lifestyle, his choices that he’s made regrettably. but how else was he supposed to cope with the fact with the one person he’s allowed to steal his heart hates him. 
“ah, there you are,” a voice says from behind you two. you both turn around and you see your mom, hair curlers and full glam. 
“hi mama,” you smile, running up to her and giving her a big hug. 
“hi sweet pea,” your mama coos, swaying you both back and forth. you pull back and look behind you to see jeon smiling at the interaction. this made your heart jump for a split second before you returned back to your surroundings.
“ma, this is my boyfriend, jeon jungkook,” you smile. 
“oh my, you’re so handsome,” your mother gushes, rushing up to him and pulling him into a hug.
“thank you,” jungkook smiles, blushing slightly. you’ve never seen jeon blush before and to see him in a such a fragile state made you happy. and you couldn’t seem to figure out why. your mom finally released jeon from her clutches and she turned back to you. 
“hun, i’ve got a surprise for you. follow me,” she says, grabbing yours and jeon’s hands dragging you to what you assumed was the dressing room. there were two dresses that were covered hanging off of a clothing rack. your mom shoves you guys onto a couch and rushes over to the dresses.
“one of these beauties will be yours to wear for the wedding because… hon, will you be my maid of honor?” your mother asks, eyes full of stars that made your heart swell. you felt the air leave your lungs and your heart begin to race. you remember watching your mom struggle with love all her life, her face in a frown always. you’ve never seen your mom so happy now, and you would do anything just to see her happy. 
“ma, are you serious?” you ask, wanting to be sure this is what she really wanted. 
“of course baby,” she smiles. you jump up and hug her tightly, muttering a yes into her hair. you both squeal with delight, jumping in place like teenage girls. suddenly, another pair of arms are wrapped around you, chest pressed against your back. you managed to look up and see jungkook bouncing with you and your mom. 
“i wanted to join too,” jungkook says, his voice high pitched and filled with excitement which in response, made you giggle. you all finally stop bouncing and jungkook pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you, catching you off guard. you felt your heart race and you swore his heartbeat matched yours. you brushed it off as it being the sudden activity you all had just endured.
“i’ll leave you two alone so you can try the dresses,” your mother says after she catches her breath, winking at you. 
“you’re just gonna let your daughter get undressed in front of her boyfriend alone?” you ask incredulously. 
“hon, he’s your boyfriend. i’m sure he’s seen more,” she giggles, exiting the room, leaving you with your jaw wide open. 
“can you believe this?” you ask, shocked at your mothers bold statement.
“i’ve always wondered where you get your vulgarity from,” jungkook teases, his chest causing a vibration that you felt in your back, reminding you of your close, read as nonexistent, proximity. you push yourself away and whip around to face him, catching a glimpse of him trying to fight the smile that tried its best to take place on his delicate features.
“i’m not vulgar and you’re not watching me change. however, i do need an opinion on the dresses, so i guess you can stay,” you say, walking past him to try on the dresses. you snatch both of them of the rack and head into the bathroom, changing into dress number one. 
at first you thought it was a joke, the frills and exotic colors making your eyes hurt from how loud it was. you tried it on anyway, and you couldn’t believe how ridiculous you looked. no way your mother was being serious when she picked this dress out. you unlocked the bathroom door and stopped your way to where jungkook was sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. you clear your throat to capture his attention and you nearly explode with the laughter with the way his eyes widen and face drops.
“what do you think?” you ask him, twirling around in the godforsaken dress you know your mother probably bought as a joke. 
“i think the longer you look at it, the worse it gets,” jungkook says, a dumbfounded look on his face. you withhold your laughter and stare at him in distaste.
“yeah like your face,” you scoff, playing with the dress as if you actually admired it. 
“are you gonna wear that?” he asks, secretly hoping you’d say no so he could release a breathe he didn’t know he was holding. 
“well, i like it, don’t you?” you say, continuing to pretend like you actually were considering wearing this deafening dress. 
“uh.. if you like it then… sure,” jungkook says, shifting in his seat. you admired the fact that he was trying to cater to your feelings and for some reason it made your heart race at the thought. you don’t know whats been going on with you lately but every kind gesture has made your heart race with excitement. you didn’t know when it happened, but you started looking at jungkook as more and it scared you. you couldn’t be with him. you knew that. jungkook had a reputation, and he was proud of it. he was proud of the amount of women he could pull in one night. hell, in one hour. he was used to the idea that feelings were a concept he wasn’t willing to understand or try out. and you had to accept that.
“i’m messing with you gukkie. my mom probably bought this as a gag, the real dress is still in its cover,” you say laughing at jungkooks face that was contorted into one of discomfort. you leave him to relish in your teasing as you retreat back to the bathroom to change into the actual dress. you could still hear jungkook laugh to himself as you unzipped the dress to change into the other one. little did you know, he was laughing to himself about the nickname you gave him. he’s never had a nickname he actually enjoyed before. he was still lost in the thought of you calling him gukkie forever when you finally exited the bathroom.
he always thought those scenes in cheesy rom-com teen films where the guy is staring at the girl like she’s the only one that matters was cliche. but he was wrong. so very wrong. watching you in the tight floor length pale yellow dress that just made you glow knocked all the air out of his lungs. you’re hair that was in a messy ponytail allowed some pieces of hair to frame your face as you continued to fumble with the dress.
“it’s a little longer than i thought, but it fits well, yeah?” you say, still looking down at the gown. you honestly felt ridiculous. you rarely dress up like this. you hid your body underneath baggy clothing so to have something so tightly pressed against your body made you severely insecure. the silence coming from jungkook made everything worse. you looked up to see jungkook leaning forward, elbows resting on his thighs, hands holding his head up. there was a look in his eye you had never seen before and it made your stomach churn with excitement.
“that bad huh?” you joke, hoping to ease some of the tension that was building in the room. jungkook stands to his feet and approaches you, his body so close to yours you could feel the heat radiating off of his body. 
“you look beautiful,” jungkook says, smiling down at you. you feel yourself blush and begin to fumble with your fingers, a nervous tic jungkook found absolutely adorable. jungkook was helplessly in love with you, this much he knew. from the way you laughed, to the way you rolled your eyes in his presence. he loved the way you gave yourself wholly to the ones you cared about, willing and able to do any and everything for the people you love. he loved the way you strived to work hard and how incredibly intelligent you were. and suddenly, his heart was full with all the love he was dying to give you, but know he never could. because you deserved much more than some player who was willing to sleep with anything with legs. but if he could at least pretend like the love between you two was real, even if for a short while, he’ll take it. as desperate as he was, he wanted to know what it felt like to have you love him back. even if he knew it was all pretend. 
“jungkook, i can’t thank you enough for doing this. i know you would rather be in some girls bed trying to figure out a way to sneak out without her noticing, but i’m glad you’re here… with me,” you smile, hands gripping his bicep’s to keep him close. his cologne was hypnotizing, causing you to pull him closer and closer.
“there’s no place i would rather be,” jungkook said honestly, placing his hands onto your waist, allowing you to lean in. 
“you don’t mean that,” you scoff, smiling and rolling your eyes, getting ready to pull yourself back from a dangerous territory. jungkook stops this from happening, wrapping his arm around you til your pressed flush against his body. 
“you have no idea how bad i want you. all of you. mind, body and soul. but for right now, for the sake of our friendship and the momentum its growing, i will take you in whatever way you will allow me to have,” jungkooks says, forehead pressed against yours as he wills himself to hold back from pressing his lips against yours and taking you on the small couch in the dressing room. the words jungkook spoke so honestly made you shake from it’s intensity. 
“jungkook i--” 
“how’d the dress fit?” you mother asks, barging into the room. you and jungkook scramble apart from one another, him taking seat on the couch and you standing in front of him. you mother misses the way you two seemed highly unfocused and nervous as she coos over how adorable you look in the right dress. 
“you need to finish getting your hair and makeup done, so scooch along so me and your beautiful boyfriend can get to know each other,” your mother says shoving you out of the room and directing you to where the other bridesmaids were getting their hair and makeup done. it wasn’t until you were sat in the chair that you realized.. your mother and jungkook were alone. oh boy. 
you never felt so girly in your life. your hair was curled and put up in a half up half down situation, your makeup light and barely noticeable, but enough to tell you were wearing it. this wasn’t you, you didn’t like wearing makeup mainly because at the end of the day you forget to take it off and causes acne. you were working part time and went to school full time so you always left your hair in a ponytail or a bun. this look was new for you and you were kind of excited yet nervous for jungkook’s reaction. 
you surprised yourself with the thought, not really caring about jungkook’s opinions before, but now it was all you could think of, and that scared you. you knew this was just a favor he was owing to you, but he was really going above and beyond and it warmed your heart. but you had to remind yourself that you were just friends, nothing more. hell, you were barely friends. had it not been for you incessant need to prove yourself to your mom, you two would’ve never even became cordial with one another. 
you brush these thoughts aside, trying to manifest positive vibes for such a joyous occasion. you leave the dressing room, filled with chatter, in search of jungkook who may be suffering your mother’s constant conversation. you return back to the room you first were in when you arrived, catching your mother exiting the room. 
“you didn’t scare him off, did you?” you tease, hugging your mom. 
“honey, you look beautiful!,” your mom gushes, taking in the sight of her daughter. you smile and thank her, happy that she was happy.
“is he still in there?” you ask, nodding towards the door she came out of. she giggled and placed her hands on your shoulder. 
“he is, and he is absolutely in love with you,” she smiles, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.
“what do you mean?” you ask, your heart starting to race. 
“the way he talks about you, the way his eyes gleam with love with the mere thought of you. hunny, this man is undoubtedly in love with you,” she smiles. you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, there was no way that jeon jungkook, the university playboy, is in love with you. you two barely conversed without an argument taking place. you doubt he knew anything about you, despite you two running in the same circles. sure, you knew a lot about him, just because your friends talked about him a lot and it was hard not to listen to sometimes. 
“you’re crazy ma. you need to finish getting ready, the weddings going to start soon,” you laugh, trying to brush off the conversation. 
“jungkook is in there getting ready, one of robert’s groomsmen caught food poisoning so he’s gonna walk down the aisle with your cousin, sam,” she said, rushing off to get ready, leaving you no room to reply. this wasn’t what he signed up for and you felt bad, so you went into the room to check on him. you caught him standing in front of the vanity, trying to finish off his tie. you had seen jungkook dressed up before, but there was something different about this time. you felt something more for him, and honestly, you always have. but his reputation…
“looking sharp,” you smile, looking up at him. his eyes meet yours in the mirror and he smiles, and this time you see it. the love your mother was talking about.
“you look beautiful, as usual,” he says, his charm peeking through. you scoff at his comment, walking up to him. you seemed small compared to him, and it was kind of an odd sight for you. you leaned your head against his shoulder, just staring at him staring at you through the mirror. 
“something on your mind?” he asks, noticing how lost in thought you were. you focus in on him and the surroundings around you.
“my ma said something interesting earlier that’s got me thinking is all,” you say, hoping he wouldn’t press the issue much further. you didn’t want to make the air awkward or uncomfortable by trying to involve feelings, but a big part of you want to know how he feels from his own lips. 
“what did she say?” he asked, his nerves jumping. he didn’t say anything wrong did he? he tried to be as cordial and respectful as possible, wanting your mother to like him. if things were to happen in the future, he didn’t want to be on bad terms with your mother. 
“she said… she said that you love me?” you murmur, you heart caught in your throat now that the truth was out there and you can’t take it back. jungkook froze, caught off guard by your confession. he wanted to play it off like it wasn’t true, that your mother was delusional. but he knew the truth. and he knew that you also knew it too. he wanted you. he’s always wanted you. and now, he’s presented with the opportunity to have you in any way he wants and he can’t make the move to move forward.
“is it true?” you ask, trying to get a clear and concise answer. you’re not sure what’s going to happen, regardless of what his answer is, but the anxiety of not knowing is starting to kill you. you shouldn’t be forcing him to confess, but now that it was out there in the air, you couldn’t take it back. maybe you should tell him?
“if you’re not comfortable talking about it it’s o--”
“i love you,” he blurts, interrupting you. you pick your head up off of his shoulder and now you’re standing side by side, staring at him through the vanity mirror. you’re frozen, unsure of what to do now. you didn’t actually think he was going to say it. you thought your mother was pulling your leg. but she didn’t know that you two weren’t actually a couple and maybe that’s why you had hoped what she said was true. 
“did you hear me?” he asks, voice laced with nerves. he couldn’t even begin to explain the amount of fear and vulnerability he was feeling at the moment. he meant it. he loved you. but why should you believe him. he was a playboy, and though you may never understand his reasons as to why he tried so hard to escape you by sleeping with other people, he wanted nothing more for you to believe him now. 
“i did,” you whisper, afraid that the sound of your beating heart was louder than the words you spoke. you wanted him, god you wanted him, but you were scared that his words were from false bravado. a heat of the moment feeling that was fleeting. 
“i know you might not believe me, and you have every right not to. but i love you with my entire being and.. it’s scary,” he chuckles, trying to explain his emotions to the only person he’s ever been vulnerable with. 
“and like i told you earlier, for the sake of us finally gaining friendship, i will play it to your pace and whenever you’re ready, let me know. because i’ll be here,” he smiles. he turns to you, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to your cheek before walking out of the room, leaving you confused as to what the hell just happened.
an: part two? let me know :)
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
still same anon. this was another one of my asks from months ago. basically it was a comment I made about jikook's intimacy. it was from this interview: https://youtu.be/T--BOS8oTec the moment I'm talking about happens from 3:00 minute timestamp onwards. i was saying how despite this moment being "skinship" or whatever, it kinda hit different? there's also intimacy there. bc you see how jimin doesn't have to say anything and jungkook immediately understands what to do and starts massaging his neck. jimin literally threw a glance at him, tilted his neck a lil and jungkook didn't need a second more to know what to do. I wanted to talk to you about it since I know that you're not big on skinship defining jikook's relationship, but I think there ARE jikook skinship moments worth noting and this is one of them imo.
Oh ok. Thanks.
I think skinship by it's very definition is an intimate act depending on the level of familiarity between the parties involved in the act.
From my understanding of skinship, it's basically interactions that would otherwise be viewed as sexual outside of their culture but viewed as acceptable platonic behavior between the same sex or even the opposite sex.
The objective of skinship is to be intimate with another person on a level that's only next to romance.
I remember my sister telling me how shook she was when she found out for the first time, around 2011 when she first moved to Seoul, how she couldn't even keep her pants on at a 'Jimjirban' because all the gals in there were expected to walk around butt naked in the spa. No towels, no pants, no robes butt nakedttt.
'Mehn, this doesn't happen where I'm coming from' she said to her companion.
A. I'm black.
B. I'm not flat.
C. I'm wearing my pants.
Her very naked friend, a native SK, whom she says she'd only met for like a week, then grabbed her underwear and pulled it down her thighs exposing her deforested vagina to the winds and a dozen other curious gazes. All females.
'For a second, I thought I had been tricked into an orgy of a sort. I was very naked without my consent. Wind whistling through my shy butt cracks. Watching very naked females of varying ages stare on with pride and smiles on their faces as if I had just saved a village or something and when I jiggled when I walked I could hear them gasp, amazed- Goldy, how is this not gay?'
'You think skinship between their men is weird, wait till you see their women. Wait till a very attractive Korean girl is breathing down your neck and caressing your nape and complementing your skin while showing you pictures of her boyfriend on her phone.'
She says it took her a while to get used to the skinship between women in SK and seeing the men interact in a certain way messed with her brains for a while. She said she felt her intelligence was being played with most of the time.
I guess if you want to look at Jikook's skinship as intimate then there's nothing wrong it.
Skinship is intimate at the very least.
But skinship, for all intent and purposes, is platonic and nonsexual in nature. And maybe this is a fatal flaw on my part. Or maybe thanks to my sister, I'm desensitized to this form of interaction but I have a hard time seeing Jikook's intimacy as platonic or even seeing most of their skinship as romantic- in anyway. It will make sense in a bit, hold on.
I have a hard time equating skinship with romantic intimacy. But that's just me.
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I wasn't able to click on the link you sent but I'm guessing this is the moment you are talking about?
I wouldn't call this skinship. I mean it is but I wouldn't call it that. Skinship is meant to show how close two people are. How familiar they are with eachother.
This doesn't show how close Jikook are. But It shows how caring and affectionate JK is as human being, as a dongsaeng, and as a boyfriend.
I'd rather we celebrate that. JK doesn't get highlighted enough. He caters to the people he cares about. He is an attentive person.
Hate to be a grinch but I can pull up a couple of times JK has done that very gesture with Jin or Tae or Hobi. Remember Soop? Remember when Jin complained of feeling cold and JK went up to him immediately and 'warmed' him up?
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Of course, Jimin kept stealing glances at him like he could throw a shoe at the back of his head if he could but that's beside the point.
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The man is an empath. He's said several times he feels a lot of pain watching his hyungs go through it. Fact is, Jk cares about people. He's kind, loving and he shows this aspect of him through gestures like these.
He does it for Jimin. He does it for all the members because as he's said, they are all a family.
It's stressful hearing people claim he doesn't give a fuck about Jimin, that he doesn't care about JM because he shows affections for others besides JM.
At some point we would have to make a distinction between what acts flows from their unique personalities because of who they are at their core and what act flows from them being a couple.
Most people who see Jimin as a natural nurturer and what not are able to separate this identity from his ship moments but JK isn't accorded the same privilege. It is why most people are quick to lash out at him when he interacts with others in the same way he interacts with Jimin.
When JM acts nurturing towards V or RM or Suga he is seen a good, kind person.
When JK does something affectionate it's seen as a beautiful Jikook moment or Taekook moment or Jinkook moment and is soon swept under the carpet, soon forgotten and never tied to the personality of JK- perhaps because most of these shippers don't care to know who JK is as a person and as a human.
When Jimin does something affectionate its 'awww Jimin is such an amazing person' even if that act is merely performative sometimes.
I try not to engage in conversations that perpetuate this horrifying discrimination against either of Jikook. They are both individuals.
There are a lot of Asks sitting in my box highlighting the various ways JM is awesome and kind and amazing as s boyfriend to JK and not a single out of 500 plus posts talking about how empathetic JK really is. How thoughtful he is to even pack motion sickness drugs to go on trips even though he doesn't get motion illness and JM is the one that often complains about motion sickness on trips.
The heteronormative lens, on opposite ends of the spectrum in the shipping community, which dictates we perceive on Jikook as either feminine or masculine is a telltale sign of the misogyny and misandry prevalent within this fandom.
The fandom's heteronormative lens filters Jimin as the wildly feminine archetype, wildly fragile, sexy and womanly right down to the way we praise him as the 'good woman' in his relationship with JK- loyal, faithful, nurturing, kind, silent in that he continues to perform Jikook even when Jikook are not in a great place. etc.
Yet because he is seen as womanly or feminine, the part of the fandom that hates women hate Jimin. That's where all the slut shaming, bullying and harassment stems from- misogyny.
Jk is viewed as the opposite of that. By most, he is very masculine man and as such harbors all the traits of masculinity the modern woman detests- toxic masculinity, cheating, disloyal, fuckboy who treats women like shit. All forms of hatred and intolerance towards men is projected on to him especially by male intolerant people or dare I say feminist women within the fandom.
And you see them in the way they are always fighting for Jimin against JK as if Jimin were a fragile faithful woman whose man don't treat him right thus further perpetuating the heteronormative stereotypes of Jimin.
What's disconcerting is Jikook are both men and yet depending on how their masculinity or femininity is perceived, they are both treated very differently.
You hear Tuktukkers talk about how Jikook is as a result of heteronormativity and thus prescribe Taekook as the ideal homonormative ship- because to them, Tae and JK are both seen as two whole men.
To them Jimin is just not man enough to even be gay- isn't that the foundation of homophobia?
Gay men not seen as men at all?
Whereas amongst Jokers, Jimin's manliness is often forgiven and JK's is abhorred. Jk is too much of a man and men just ain't shit.
This may sound like an over simplification but Tuktukkers hate women, Jokers hate men and either side suck. In my opinion.
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Jimin is a nurturer he cares about people including his boyfriend. JK is an empath he feels the pain of those close to him including his boyfriend and is often moved to ease or take away some of that pain.
It's thus annoying to hear people out here yell and complain on every turn each time JK interacts with the others how JK 'doesn't act exclusive' with Jimin or how he doesn't care about Jimin.
Should he not care about anyone besides Jimin just because he is dating Jimin?
It's annoying when they say the same about Jimin. Jimin nurtures everyone ergo there's nothing special or exclusive about the way he nurtures JK.
Nonsense such as these are spewed without taking into account that those acts in themselves speak directly to who these people are as human beings first and foremost; secondly, to how they feel about the person at the recieving end of their affections.
If they are treating everyone the same it's probably because they love everyone too- in a non romantic way of course. It's their love language. They love others with the same heart they love eachother with.
It doesn't take away from how they feel about eachother. JK admiring another member does not mean when he admires Jimin it's nothing. It just mean he admires Jimin too.
Not everything has to be romanticized or given a romantic context. They are each expressing themselves and their feelings for their bandmates. It's about them not their bandmates or their relationship with said bandmates.
Certain moments are just attestation to their love language be it platonic or romantic and it says more about who they are as people than what their relationship with the other person is. It's not all about their relationship.
People need to start treating Jikook as individuals. They are humans first before a ship. Shipping them shouldn't take away from their authentic expressions of self.
That's how they each end up getting cussed out in these streets left and right.
It's ridiculous.
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This is JK being JK. Imma leave it at that.
This is from the same interview where Tae was talking about how they love showcasing their bond.
It's ok to celebrate it. Just see it for what it is- as flowing from JK's kind self. This is not Jikook. This is JK. Jeon Jungkook.
Don't fume or act disappointed when you see him do the same kind gesture for another member just because of the meaning you are imposing on this moment. Know what I mean?
That being said, there are certain Jikook 'skinship' moments that crosses the line of skinship right into sexual foreplay.
If 'skinship' leaves you 'sexually excited' it's not skinship. Nobody can tell me nothing.
Make of this moment what you will. Just be responsible with it. I think. But don't mind me. I'm grumpy.
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feverdreamfantasies · 4 years
The Birthday Gift
Pairing: Human!Hoseok x Human!Yoongi x Human!Reader, Snow Leopard Shifter!Jimin x Human!Reader
Featuring: German Shepherd Hybrid!Taehyung, Doberman Hybrid!Namjoon, Neighbor!Jungkook, (Jin to make an appearance later)
Genre: Hybrid AU, Fluff, Angst, Poly AU, eventual Smut, Producer!Yoongi, Scientist!Hoseok
Warnings: Brief mention of blood, Mention of Hybrid abuse, Some adult language, Mentions of a poly relationship between M x M x F
Summary:  “Hobi! What is he?” Yoongi repeats himself looking from me in the corner over to his boyfriend.
“He’s a shifter.” Hoseok mumbles, hand rising to scratch the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“He’s a shifter! Okay.  I adopted our girlfriend a shifter for her birthday.”
Author’s Notes:   This was an idea I’ve had in my head for a little while and I thought I would go ahead and start writing it. Also since this is the first chapter there’s a lot of background information in this one but moving forward there will be less filler and hopefully more story line progression. Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter One:  The ultimate Birthday gift             
Sometimes I wonder how I got here in my life. 
After nearly 5 years of being with Yoongi, I thought I was prepared for anything, but standing here in our neighbor Jungkook’s living room watching his sweet arctic fox hybrid, Sooyun, turn into the vicious predator she truly is; I began to question the choices I’d made that lead me here.
Let me backup a little bit to how I came to witness the scene before me. I was quietly having breakfast earlier this morning when Hoseok made his way loudly down the staircase that led into the kitchen. 
“Have you seen your boyfriend?” He asked with an emphasis on “your”, clearly perturbed with the man in question.
“What’s he done now that makes him ‘my’ boyfriend?” I say while taking a bite of my toast. 
For all the time I have been in a relationship with Yoongi, Hoseok has been with him longer.  The two met in their first year at university and began dating shortly there after.  I came along about four years later, back when I was a shy, young intern for the music company Yoongi was—and is still— a big time producer for.  
I had heard rumors when I first started there that he had a bit of a different romantic life than most. Everyone loved to whisper about the open relationship he and his boyfriend supposedly had. I tried not to listen to the rumors, but I couldn’t deny the big fat crush I had developed on Yoongi either.  I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest every time he walked into the same room as me.  And when he asked me out for drinks one day, all I could do was nod in response because I didn’t have the courage to give a verbal yes. 
I was nervous and apprehensive about possibly going on a date with an already taken man.  But my curiosity got the best of me and I showed up to the bar he had suggested.  He was sweet and kind to me. Being patient with my quietness until I warmed up enough to be able to contribute to our conversation.  
He was also very straightforward and honest with me.  
“I know there are rumors about my personal life in the office.” He stated matter-of-factly, taking a sip of his jack and coke before continuing. “So I’ll admit that I’m kind of surprised you agreed to come out with me tonight.”
I brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear, a nervous habit of mine that brings me an artificial level of comfort.  “To be honest” I swallow “I’m not really sure I was even going to show up.”
“Well I’m glad you did.” He said with his adorable gummy smile.
“And to be upfront about everything, the rumors are true. I do have a boyfriend, and we are in a serious, committed relationship.”
I raise my eyebrows at this. 
“I know what you're thinking.  So then why would I ask a beautiful woman like you out on a date if I’m already spoken for?” 
My heart speeds up when I hear him use the word beautiful.  He leans across the high top table we are sat at, so he can speak lower and not have the other customers at the bar listen in.  
“Hobi and I have always been open to the concept of a polymorphic relationship. We’ve tried in the past with potential romantic partners; but they usually ended up ghosting on one of us, once they figured out what we were looking for.”
“So why do you think I’ll be different?” I question finding some confidence in my voice.  Afterall, it isn’t like Yoongi is talking about some small, trivial thing.  He’s openly discussing with me the potential of starting a romantic journey with him and his boyfriend.  Journey being the only way I can truly describe it because honestly what if this actually became something, what do I say to my parents then? “Mom. Dad.  Meet my boyfriend Yoongi and his boyfriend--slash my other boyfriend--Hoseok.” 
Yeah...this was most certainly going to be a journey.
“Honestly, I’m not sure you will be.  But I like you, Y/N. And from what I’ve told Hoseok so far, he’s interested too.”
I snort at this response.  What possibly could I have done to get Yoongi’s attention that he’d like me, let alone know anything about me enough to want to tell his boyfriend.
“Up until tonight, I’ve barely said anything to you.” I state to the dark haired man across from me.
Yoongi shrugs at this like it doesn’t matter.  “People speak louder with their actions than with their words.”
“Yeah?  And what do my actions say about me?” I ask genuinely.
He doesn’t miss a beat with his response.
 “You’re smart without being pretentious.  You have confidence without arrogance.  And most importantly you’re kind.”
“I’m kind?”
Yoongi nods. 
“A couple of weekends ago I saw you inside the hybrid rescue downtown.  I was going to go in and say hi, but thought that might intimidate you a little bit.” 
He says this last part with a laugh, as my cheeks turn red from the fact I know that would have been true.
“I asked one of your fellow interns, Ilsung, about it.  He said you volunteer there whenever you can.  That you have a real soft spot for hybrids and their rights. Not many people are as compassionate to their causes.  And as someone who has had the honor to adopt two myself, I’m really drawn to others who want to make a difference for them.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m making a difference.” I say sheepishly. “But when I was a kid we had a family cat hybrid named Wendy.  She and I did everything together until they came and took her away when we were both 12.  And let’s just say that made an impact on me.”
When my parents were kids, hybrids were just starting to be introduced to society.  But years prior to that, governments and militaries had been creating and breeding hybrids for years as an experiment to get a defensive edge when it came to warfare. It proved not to be as promising as they had hoped and what ended up happening is they sold their hybrids and hybrid secrets to the highest bidder, which turned out to be a large corporatation.  This corporation in turn introduced cat and dog hybrids to the rest of the world.  Claiming that they were a step above your average household pet and could provide a more fulfilling companion experience.  Hybrids quickly became a hot commodity.  And the black market was soon taking off with their own hybrid creations of more exotic and “dangerous” hybrid breeds.  Soon the hybrids were beginning to outnumber humans 2 to 1 and fear of who they are and what they can do began to take over.
Laws were passed as a means to protect humans. Rather than create laws that stopped the unethical treatment and breeding of hybrids, they were created to limit their rights.  Not completely human but also not completely an animal either, hybrids fell in a category with many blurbed lines.  The laws state all hybrids must have an owner and must either be accompanied by that owner at all times or have a microchip implanted within the back of their necks that can be scanned to indicate they belong to someone.  Any strays were in extreme cases euthanized and in less extreme cases placed in overcrowded shelters and rescue centers, where they would more than likely spend the rest of their lives.  
For those who did get adopted or were bought by breeders, their lives may not be as lucky as those who did not.  It isn’t uncommon for those hybrids adopted to end up in underground hybrid clubs.  These clubs offer humans all sorts of sick fantasies to play out with hybrids.  This can be anything from deadly hybrid fight rings to hybrid brothels where they can use and abuse any female and male hybrids of their choosing. In my time volunteering at the rescue center, I have listened to stories I wouldn’t even wish for my worst enemies to have to endure. 
“Wendy came into my life when on my 5th birthday.  My Mom and Dad had decided I needed a companion.  As an only child with parents who weren't able to have any more kids, my parents thought adopting a hybrid could be the next best thing.  But the year we both turned 12, is the year Wendy started to go through her changes.”
Yoongi listened to my story with great intensity.  
“Of course as humans we all go through puberty between the ages of 11 and 18.  This isn’t uncommon for hybrids either except their changes aren’t typically of the reproductive kind until later in their late teens and early twenties, but what they do change in is behavior.  Their animal instincts can have the potential to become more dominant, leading to aggressiveness and in some cases violence.
When Wendy and I were playing outside one day, a neighbor's hybrid wandered into our backyard where we were.  He looked to be some small wild cat hybrid, probably bought in some shady back room of an outdoor market.  He was around our age if not a little bit older.  He’s name was Yongho and he could hear our laughs from inside his house.  He asked if he could play with us, saying he was lonely being cooped up inside all day.  I was glad to have another person to play with so I said yes immediately without noticing that Wendy was apprehensive.  Her tail was flicking side to side and ears were slightly pinned back, but I thought that was only because she may be jealous of having some of my attention shared with another hybrid.  I chose to ignore her warning signs and suggested a game of tag.
It all seemed to be going fine.  At first I was ‘it’ and although they were both faster than me, Yongho decided to slow down so I could catch him.  But once he was ‘it’ that’s when everything would change to become one of the worst days of my life.”
I paused so I could take a sip of my drink to try and calm myself down.  I hadn’t thought of this day in a really long time and I was struck by the fact that I was so easily sharing it with Yoongi when not even most of my close friends knew what had happened.  Yoongi reached across the table and gently rubbed his thumb over my hand to encourage me to keep going.  
I cleared my throat.
“Because Yongho was a predator hybrid, a game of tag can quickly turn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.  When Wendy and I ran off in opposite directions after getting a 10-second head start that’s when Yongho’s animal instincts kicked in.  As a slow and small human girl, I became easy prey to the hunter and Yongho began to come after me.  Naive to noticing that anything had changed, I giggled as I tried to dodge around the trees in our backyard to create obstacles between us.  And when I turned around to see how close he was that’s when I saw the predatory look in his eyes.  I gave a small but effective scream which in turn caught the attention of Wendy.  She halted in the direction she was going before quickly turning around.  I in the meantime froze out of fear.  Yongho slowed but didn’t stop moving toward me.  He staked his way closer in the same way you would see a lioness do through the brush on a nature show before she pounced on an antelope.  And unfortunately for me, I was that antelope.  Just as Yongho pounced with claws out, Wendy intercepted him and they both tumbled to the ground, rolling around and making animalistic noises I had never heard before.  
This got the attention of my mother.  Who once she came outside to see what was happening began yelling for my dad.  He ran out and grabbed me.  Easily picking me up and throwing me inside the house ordering me to lock the door and telling my mother to call HES (hybrid emergency services).  My dad tried to get Yongho off of Wendy when he had managed to pin her to the ground while I burst into tears once the adrenaline started to wear off.  HES showed up quickly, but not fast enough to stop Wendy from accidentally scratching my dad.  She was aiming for Yongho when my father’s arm got in the way and left a deep wound along his forearm which instantly began to bleed.  Because hybrid laws take all cases of violence toward a human seriously, HES not only took Yongho away but they also took Wendy.  My father spent the next several weeks in court trying to get her back saying she had scratched him with no ill intention but they wouldn’t listen.  The only thing they could offer was for us to send her off to a reform facility, where she would spend the next three years, in hopes that maybe once she had gone through the proper reform training then she would be able to come home.  My parents agreed to send her off, but 6 months after she arrived they claimed she had ran away, only to find out in the news a few years later that this reform facility was secretly selling desirable hybrids off to private sellers and the black market.  I haven’t seen her since.”
Things between us got really quiet after I told my story.  Yoongi continued to rub my hand before noticing that my eyes were watery.  Tears threatening to come cascading down.  He sprung into action and leapt off his stool scooping me up into a hug. 
“I’m so sorry” he whispered.  
I could hear the sincerity in his voice and felt overwhelmingly comforted within his embrace.  I thought right then and there that I never wanted him to let me go.  And I didn’t care if that meant I had to share him with someone else because at that moment it felt like I was always supposed to be his.
Shortly thereafter I met Hoseok face to face.  The three of us went on a date to a nice restaurant to see how we would all get along.  The date went exceptionally well, as did the next one, and the one after that.  After a couple months, the three of us went away for the weekend and discussed the next steps for our future.  It was decided that we would all move in together and start a relationship that would define my next five years. 
Looking over at Hobi now with his brows crossed and a mild look of exhaustion on his face.  I couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“He promised me he would come home last night so he could be here for your birthday this morning.”
“Yoongi is here.” I say. “Also nice of you to wish me a Happy Birthday.”
He rolled his eyes before walking over to me and kissing me on the forehead. “He didn’t come to bed last night.” He responds as he releases me.
“That’s because he came to my bed,” I say with a teasing grin.
Once we moved into this house, it was decided that Yoongi and Hoseok would share a room while I had my own.  I didn’t mind it much because Yoongi would often sneak into my bed once Hobi fell asleep.  Or if Yoongi was at the studio all night then one of our hybrids would cuddle up with me, especially Taehyung.
Speaking of which, the German Shepherd hybrid came bounding through the backdoor.  A smile on his face and a bouquet of wildflowers clutched in his hand.
“Happy Birthday Y/N!”
“I got you these!” He thrust the wildflowers toward me.  Tail wagging rapidly behind him.
“Thank you Tae.” I take the flowers from him smelling them in the process. “These are beautiful.”
He’s smile grows wider.  Taehyung was one of the two hybrids Hoseok and Yoongi had adopted before I joined their family. Well adopted was not really the correct term to use.  Hoseok worked as a scientist for the government.  And though they had supposedly moved on from the hybrid world, the three of us knew that wasn’t true.  Hoseok started working there right out of college.  Initially he was told he was there for human medical purposes, specifically in terms of medicine and vaccine studies.  However, while that was mostly true, Hoseok discovered one day by accident that there were also medical experiments being done on hybrids in ways that they would never imagine doing to humans.
From that moment on, Hoseok took it upon himself to make changes but he’d have to climb his way to the top in order to make any real change.  Now being the second in command to the head of the medical research team, Hobi had more privileges to know what happened in the hybrid labs but still didn’t have full command of what went on in there.  But that didn’t stop him from managing to rescue a couple in the process.
I didn’t really know all that had happened to Taehyung and Namjoon--our Doberman hybrid--while they were in that lab, but I knew that it made them respond to things in opposite ways.  Taehyung was clingy and loveable.  Namjoon was a little standoffish at first but if I played my cards right he could be putty in my hands.
“Where do you want to eat tonight?” Hobi asked.
“You guys aren’t going to make me a homemade meal.” I whine.
“If you want food poisoning then I would be more than happy to make you whatever you would like.  Or if you don’t mind eating until almost 2 in the morning then I’ll ask Yoongi what he wants to make tonight.”
I stick my tongue out at him.  I hate his reasoning sometimes.
“In that case, I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
“We all know that you’ll choose the same place you always do.” A sleepy Yoongi says with a yawn.  His hair slightly sticking up in the back indicating he had just climbed out of bed. 
He walks over to me, sliding into the booth of our breakfast nook and kisses me gently. 
“Happy Birthday Princess.” He says in his deep groggy voice.
“I’m surprised you're up already.” I state as I fed him some of my breakfast.  He takes a bite and swallows before responding.  
“Someone made a pretty severe threat of laundry duty if I didn’t show up this morning. And we all know if I’m on laundry duty for a full month, we will all be deeply sorry.”
We enjoy the rest of our morning with happy banter and cuddles on the couch.  With a momentary appearance from Namjoon with a quick Birthday greeting before he went on his jog.
As I flipped through the options on Netflix with Tae asleep with his head in my lap, Hoseok’s phone rang which he picked up and answered in his office down the hall.  Yoongi and I gave a brief glance at each other figuring it was probably from work before Hoseok quickly ran out of his office and out the front door as though the house was on fire.  
We look at each other again before quickly getting off the couch to follow him.  Taehyung whines in protest as he loses the warmth of my lap before climbing back onto the couch and quickly falling back asleep.  
Hoseok goes over to our neighbor’s house, lifting his arm up to knock on the door when Jungkook opens it with a “Thank God!”
“I thought you said he’d be fine here.” Hoseok says as he follows Jungkook into his living space noticing the low growls of Sooyun coming from within.  He hesitates a moment before seeing why Sooyun is making that noise.
He quickly gets his answer as he sees Sooyun with teeth bared at a cowering figure in the corner.  He realizes her aggression is toward his Birthday gift for Y/N.  While he knew that Y/N was easily loved by Taehyung and Namjoon, they weren’t necessarily her hybrids.  Tae belonged to Yoongi and Namjoon was Hoseok’s, who he adopted at the first chance after that fateful day he walked into the hybrid lab by accident.  So he figured Y/N needed her own companion and it gave him an excuse to bring home another rescue.
“Well aren’t you going to do something.” He says to Jungkook, calmer than he felt. 
“Me?  He’s your hybrid.” Jungkook says incredulously.
“Technically he isn’t a hybrid.” 
“Then what is he?”  Yoongi says behind Hobi, scaring his younger boyfriend in the process.  I stand beyond them watching Jungkook’s normally sweet hybrid looking like the true predator she is before moving my eyes to the other hybrid--or rather not hybrid--sitting in the corner with his knees up to his chest.  My heart instantly breaks at the sight in front of me and I feel the need to protect him.
“Hey! Enough.” 
My voice is loud and clear.  Commanding but not violent, just enough to get Sooyun’s attention.  A skill I learned at all my years volunteering at the rescue. She backs away and hides behind Jungkook as though she hadn’t done anything wrong to be treated this way.  Jungkook pats the hand she rests on his arm, clutching onto his shirt sleeve. White ears pinned back to her equally pure white hair.
I take that time to move to her victim. Taking slow movements making sure not to scare him even more. “Hello.” I say getting him to look up at me with his light grey eyes.  He has soft features but an intense gaze.  I reach my hand out to help him off the floor.  He hesitates before deciding to trust me and stands up into his full height.  He isn’t large but he is taller than me, about the same size as Yoongi. 
“Hobi! What is he?” Yoongi repeats himself looking from me in the corner over to his boyfriend.
“He’s a shifter.” Hoseok mumbles, hand rising to scratch the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“He’s a shifter! Okay.  I adopted our girlfriend a shifter for her birthday.”
It gets suddenly very quiet. I look back over at the shifter in question, his hand still in mine.  Yoongi is visibly getting angry, but still trying to remain somewhat calm.
“What the fuck is a shifter, Hobi?  Like a werewolf.  Did you bring home a werewolf?”
“Don’t be ridiculous! Werewolves aren’t real.  He’s a snow leopard shifter.”
For the genius Hoseok actually was he could really do some dumb things, I think as Yoongi comes towards us and pulls me away but not with some resistance from the other person holding my hand. Yoongi drags me aways while also grabbing Hoseok by the shoulder to guide us outside.
Once we step into the front yard, Yoongi turns Hobi around to look at him but doesn’t let me go.
“You know you’ve done some stupid shit in the 9 years we’ve been together, but this might easily top the list.  I mean what the hell were you thinking!  Where do you even get a snow leopard shifter?”
“The same place I got Taehyung and Namjoon.  Just there was more paperwork involved and lots of background checks.  And possibly some surveillance on the house for a week or two.”  He throws the last part in quickly as though we won’t notice that he agreed to have us be watched by a government entity without getting our consent first.
“He’s going back.” 
“What?! No!”  This protest comes from me this time.  I don’t know what a shifter is, but I do know some of what happens in the labs and he isn’t going back if I have anything to say about it.
“Yes. He. Is.” Yoongi states, as though the decision is final and begins to walk back toward the house only to stop halfway when he realizes none of us are following.
“We can’t keep him.” He states again.
“But why not?” Hobi and I pout at the same time.
Usually if one of us goes against Yoongi we don’t stand a chance at winning, but if we team up together then things inevitably go our way.
“He’s probably dangerous. I mean I still don’t know what he really is.” He stares at Hoseok on this last point.
“Shifters are what the military attempted after the hybrid experiment failed.  Essentially, through their research they found that though hybrids are stronger than humans they still aren’t as strong as a real true animal.  But you can’t fully control or command an animal, especially not a predatory animal like a tiger or lion…”
“Or a snow leopard.” Yoongi offered.
“Right.  Anyways, there was a researcher about thirty years ago who thought what if you could create a breed of human that could, when needed, shift into full animal form.  Lots of people laughed at him for this, but that didn’t stop him from running experiments on his own before a top personnel in the government decided to back him on his research.  It didn’t take him long, about five years before he got his first successful generation of shifters. Listen, I know you don’t like it Yoongi and you probably think he’s dangerous.  But he’s been kept in that lab his whole life.  And I promise you that we have nothing to fear with him.  In fact, shifters are much safer than hybrids.”  Hoseok added as a last minute plea.
Yoongi  slowly let out a sigh.  “Fine. But…” he quickly adds before Hobi and I get too excited. “If anything happens to a member of our household because of him, then he has to go somewhere else.”
“You have my word that nothing will happen.”
I grab Yoongi and Hobi into a hug in my excitement.  “So what’s his name?”
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hobihobihoe · 4 years
Unruly - Part one
Obey me! + Mafia BTS + 0T7 au x reader                                                                
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2.5k ish 
Warnings : 18+ slowwww burn ~ eventual smut ~ descriptions of blood and violence ~ cliche city ~ alsooo uhh if you care about grammar this is not 4 U cause imma dumb bitch <3
Andd ahh this is the first thing i’ve ever written so its probably kinda shit.. :)
Great. Just great. Why did you agree to this again? Oh yeah because you’re a good person, or at least you’re trying to be. You’d just agreed to cover Rosies shift, apparently she was sick, but what you hadn't taken into account when you’d agreed to work was that Rosie had been booked to a private venue, well I guess now you had been booked to a private venue. You hated working private venues, as a bartender people would sometimes assume you provided the drinks or that because you weren't working at your company bar you would join in with shots or maybe give them a discount as you were a lone ranger incharge of yourself and providing alcohol for the night. One thing a private venue did mean though was money, getting paid nearly twice the amount you usually did as well as hopefully generous tips from wealthy clients. But still you weren’t quite sure three times the work was worth only double the pay, but well… fuck it you’ve gotta be a good friend/colleague and well person to Rosie so you just have to suck it up.
Thankfully it was a Saturday night so you didn't have to work it after being at university all day. So you bid farewell to the library you had been pretending to study at and headed home to get changed into something more presentable because a hoodie three times your size and leggings covered in dorito dust probably wouldn't fly at this kind of event.
As you opened the door you heard the crocky meows of your little baby, Zuki. He was an all black rescue cat that you'd adopted two years ago, when you’d started university, as a companion and partly because as soon as you saw his cute little face you were screwed and had to bring him home. You bent down to stroke his head and scratch behind his ear just the way he likes, which results in him vibrating with loud purrs that soften your heart. “Okay baby I love you but I gotta go get ready” Zuki looks at you with annoyance now that you've cut his pampering session short, he's such a spoiled little brat you think to yourself, but as he follows you into your bedroom with his tail high in the air and a slight sway in his steps you can't bring yourself to care. He is just too damn cute.
Now donned in your crisp white shirt and black dress pants you tame your hair enough so that it resembles a neatish bun, you say goodbye to your fur baby and head off to your car on your way to hopefully a nice paycheque.
When you arrive you're greeted by Jae. He leads you to the bar and tells you to ask him if there's anything you need. Okay so far so good, you've just gotta make yourself familiar with any specialised drinks on the menu and the rest should be smooth sailing. About 10 minutes after you arrive a large group of men appear, they sit down on two separate sides of the long table that takes up most of the room, they then send two men from each group respectively your way. Game time you think, the man that reaches the bar first is sweating noticeably, his black hair sticking to the front of his forehead matting the hair that it encompases. “sweetheart get me 6 doubles of gentleman jack over ice and 2 dry martinis”, you smile at him, so thankful that you wouldn't have to make any cocktails. They were time consuming and required a lot of faf essentially and a lot of cleaning up, “of course sir” you say as you smile at him, he barely acknowledges you as he goes to sit at one of the stools that lined the bar. As you get to making his drinks you hear the clearing of someone's throat, you look up and realise it was the other man that you had been coming over. You nearly choke on your spit at the sight of him. His pastel pink hair is delicately framing his cherub-like face, “Miss?”, oh shit you’d zoned out, “Oh i'm so sorry I missed what you said completely '' you admitted shly, he just gave a cute little chuckle. “ Its okay angel” you started to blush at the use of such an affectionate nickname “I asked if I could have 6 manhattans and a sex on the beach” great fucking coacktails you signed internaly, “Of course sir” that earned a smirk from him, you were just being professional, shit professional you had to remind yourself to focus on making the drinks as your traitorous eyes kept lingering in the area surrounding him.
As you finish preparing each individual drink you place them on the bar so the men can take them to booths. Just as you were setting down the final cocktail you brush fingers with the pink haired man, “oh... um” you say prepared to give him an apology but as you look up and meet his eyes you seem to lose your ability to form any kind of cohesive sentence “Jimin, angel, my names Jimin” he states  “oh uh, Jimin I hope you enjoy your drinks'' you feel like a pathetic teenager again unable to talk to the pretty boy at the party. “I'm sure I will angel” he throws over his shoulder as he walks back to the group of men he’d emerged from, what was it with him saying that nickname that just made you giddy. God I really need to get out more you thought, maybe you could go out tomorrow as you wouldn't be working since you covered rosies shift, maybe then you could get some real action and should hopefully suasiate you for a bit. Ugh it's like Jimin had awoken something within you, which usually you’d be interested to explore, but considering that you were at work you were gonna just have to put his beautiful face to the back of your mind for when you got home later and could relax properly. Zesh should you feel creepy? No its not your fault that what was practically sex on legs was going about all unobtainable, thats what your imagination and your trusty vibrator were for anyway.
An hour later and you've made exactly three more drinks, wow, maybe if you stare at the champagne flute for another 10 minutes you'll unlock its secrets and it will be more interesting. Just as you were debating wiping down the bar for the hundredth time you hear chairs being pulled out and moved loudly. You look up to see that both groups of men which were previously amicably sat at the table now have guns aimed at each other. You freeze. You haven't ever seen a gun in person before and there must be well over ten now all presumably aimed and ready to fire. You dunk under the bar as you hear yelling start. You weren't able to focus on what was being said by the men, too busy trying to focus on controlling your breathing. Fuck. that sounded like a gun shot. And then another. You've lost track of how many shots you've heard, lots is the amount you settle on, maybe if you just stay behind the bar and stay quiet they'll forget you’re there and leave you alone. There is a long silence in the room, you try your best to mimic it when you notice the movement in one of the wine glasses that are stacked up behind the bar. Someone pushes the staff entrance to the bar open and strides towards you, gun in his right hand. You start to push yourself backward but are soon met with the edge of the bar, the man is dressed in all red and if it weren't for the specks of blood covering his face you would consider him unbelievably attractive. You seem to have been consumed by these thoughts because you suddenly come back into your physical reality, met with a gun now pointed only inches away from your face. You search his eyes for any kind of mercy or empathy you could try to appeal to, what shocks you is you only see a smoldering fire. You see his finger move on the trigger and close your eyes, you don't want the last thing you see to be a stranger. Just as you were going to try to think of pleasant things and the ones you cheriouish you hear a voice. “Hobi stop” Jimin said rather nonchalantly given your current situation, “Chim just let me tie up this loose end then we can get going” the other man, you guess Hobi? Sneered. Wow he just thought of killing you as an inconvenience, what a dick. “Hobi I think we could use her for something else” “what?” Hobi questioned sternly “well even Yoongi mentioned how good his drink was and we always have to get a new bartender every meeting and it would be easier if we had one who knew who we were so when this kind of shit happens again we haven't got any loose ends” Jimin points out. Hobi seems to consider this for a minute before he moves away in a different direction to Jimin, you try to follow his eye line but because of your placement on the floor you can’t see over the bar. “Joon, obviously the call is yours to make” Hobi announces. “It does seem to be a practical suggestion and Jimin must have taken a liking to her if he stopped you, so I don't see why not” the ominous voice declared. After a second of those words sinking in you realise that they have just decided to take you with them, to take you captive.
You start to shake, turning your head to meet Jimin's eye “no uh..um.no please don't take me” you sniffle “I promise I never saw anything, I won't say anything p-please just let me go home” you can barley make out your own words as they are effectively smothered by your tears and your small gasps for breath as you aren't able to regulate your breathing. Jimin elegantly slides over the bar and bends down to your height “Angel don't be so silly, you're coming with us. You should really be thanking me” he gives you a small wink. That causes a fresh wave of panic to settle over you, you know there's a fire exit further down in the bar hidden within the sinks and stock area, with the spike of adrenaline you start to run towards the exit. It looks like it's going well until you hear a loud bang, then the feeling of the side of your head being hit registers, lastly you notice your eyesight unfocusing before darkness seems to override and then suddenly, nothing.
“Yoongi was that really necessary?” Jimin akses with a slight frown on his face. The older man shrugs “someone had to do something” Jimin sighs and looks at Jungkook, “it will be easier if you carry her.”
When you open your eyes again you see white, adjusting slightly, you realise your laying on a bed. You sit up and look around the room. There are 5 other beds that you can see, they are all small single beds with a chest at the end of each. You look over your surroundings for a few minutes before you remember the circumstances leading up to you being here. You touch the back of your head and wince when your fingers meet a small swollen bump. You decided you should probably try and leave, poor Zuki is probably waiting for you to fill his food bowl. Wow, you realise in this situation you think of your cat's mortality more than your own, well you guess that's what your life has amounted to. Just as you stand up the door opens. “Oh you're awake now” You look over to see the small older woman who was speaking “Umm.. where am i?” The lady gives you a small smile “You're in the maids room sweetie.” Great that's cleared up nothing, you think bitterly. “Can I talk to whoever's in charge? Please?” You think this is probably your best bet, explain to them that you just want to go hope and hopefully they'll be humane enough to agree with that. “Yes, he wanted me to come and get you anyway” She states as she turns around walking away from the doorway, you start to follow her. As you continue walking through the hallways and up the stairs of this seemingly huge mansion you notice several men standing guard with guns rested in their hands, ready at all times. You start to wonder if maybe your idea is ridiculous as you realise wherever you are and whatever you have gotten yourself involved in may be larger than the small group of men you'd seen at the bar. Your worrying is cut short as the women raises her hand and knocks at a door you have stopped outside off, a short “Come in” is what is answered from the other side of the door, the older women looks to you, “You should go in alone, i'll be waiting for you here” You look at her and then to the door “Uh... thank you?” You’re not really sure what the appropriate response is in this situation but you don't want to be rude, she gives you a short nod and smile.
Once you open the door you're faced with one of the men you'd seen before. He regards you with a very slight smile before he gestures to a chair placed in front of the desk he is sitting behind, you walk over to sit at the chair before you look at him directly. You aren't sure if the bang to the head you had received had caused temporary delusions, but as you look at him you swear you see light radiating out of him. You meet his eyes for a second before you decide they are too intimidating and look away, “You wanted to see me?” you ask meekly, deciding to for now abandon your plea for freedom. “Yes, I did, i'm not sure if you remember why we brought you here so i’ll just go over your role again” he starts “You’re going to be working as our personal bartender, this means you will joins us on outings that we deem appropriate and also make our drinks whilst we are here, at the base” he then moves his face into your eye line so that he can make eye contact “And in return of your services we’ll let you live” he finishes his small speech with a slight smile, as if he had just offered you a job and you weren't being threatened and held captive in this place. You take a few minutes to think over what he had just said, you come to the conclusion that for now faking compliance is probably the safest thing you can do until you are able to find a window to escape. “Who do you mean when you say we?” you enquire, you weren't sure if you should be questioning the leader of this organisation?, but your curiosity had won over any of the other responses you considered.
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noona-la-la-la · 5 years
Flight 18
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Summary:  Korean Air Flight 18 leaves daily from Los Angeles traveling to Seoul.  You’ve taken this flight before, but this time you’ve got an irritating passenger in the neighboring seat.  Little did you know that he would end up giving you the ride of your life.
Wordcount: 9500 ish.  This was only supposed to be a small drabble, but I got carried away.
Warnings:  Sex sex sex!  Oral sex for everybody.  Finger banging.  Penis in vagina. Sex with strangers! Sex in a bathroom so if you are germ phobic, good luck with that.  Also, dirty talking vulgarity galore.
Notable:  It’s Hoseok y’all!  So you can stop nagging me about how I don’t have any Hobi fics!
“See something you like?” The man sitting across from you at the boarding gate stretched out his hands and spread his knees further apart, as if inviting you to take a closer look.
“I… I’m sorry.  I was just zoning out.  I didn’t even realize I was looking in your direction,” you lied.  
“Uh-huh.  Sure.  Tell yourself whatever you need to, “ he replied with a smirk.
You ignored him, raising the book you had been reading higher, covering your face in an attempt to hide your embarrassment.  The truth was you had been staring, but not because you were attracted.  Instead you were appalled that anyone would show up to an airport dressed like that.
This guy, whoever he was, had shown up to the airport wearing shorts that appeared to be nothing more than a pair of gray sweats that had been cut off at the knees and a denim jacket that he had only bothered to use two buttons to close.  He had on no shirt underneath and with his jacket being barely closed, a large portion of his upper chest and his abdomen were visible.  His sweat-shorts were hung low on his hips to make sure the waistband of his Balenciaga underwear was visible for all to see.  A hat kept his hair completely covered -- the only modest thing about him.
To think that guy would presume that you might be looking at him because you found him attractive was laughable.  He looks like the kind of guy who got kicked out of his apartment for not paying rent.  Probably couldn’t afford rent because he wasted all his money on stupid designer underwear.  His landlord probably kept the rest of his wardrobe as collateral.   
You stifled a laugh, amused by your own thoughts on why this stranger showed up to the airport looking like that.  Attracted to him? As if.
Peeking over the top of your book to surreptitiously glance at the man again, you were relieved to see his eyes were closed.  His arms were folded across his chest, causing his jacket to ride up some more, bringing his belly button into view.  So tacky, you thought. Although, you had to admit to yourself, it was a nice belly button on a very nice abdomen…  No, you shook your head, it doesn’t matter how nice his body is when this guy clearly has no sense of propriety.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we will now begin pre-boarding for Flight 18 to Inchon International Airport, South Korea…
You gathered your things and moved with the throng of people queuing up to board the plane.  The flight had already been delayed by more than an hour and people seemed anxious to move as quickly as possible.  Normally you would dread the 13 hour flight from Los Angeles to Seoul, but you had saved enough frequent flyer miles to get an upgrade to business class.  You had taken this flight too many times in the noisy and cramped economy class and you were almost looking forward to relaxing in your extra long fully reclining seat with personal multimedia console and full bar service.
The business class cabin had wide seats staggered so as to allow some semblance of privacy. The center aisle had side by side seating separated by a low wall with a retractable window, allowing for traveling companions to chat or for strangers to put the window up and avoid interaction with each other.  You were disappointed to see you had one of the center aisle seats instead of the single seats by the windows -- but took comfort that the wall between you and your neighbor meant that you wouldn’t be trapped in some idle chit chat for 13 hours.
You were struggling to get your carry on luggage into the overhead compartment when you heard a voice, “You aren’t a stalker, are you?”
With a final shove, your bag slid into place and you looked across your seat to see the man who would be sitting next to you for the flight.  It’s was mister half-dressed-Balenciaga-underwear himself.
“Excuse me?” you asked.
“I asked if you were a stalker.  First I catch you staring at me and now you’re sitting next to me… Look.  I’m happy to give you an autograph or whatever, but I need to know you aren’t going to be one of those people who tries to take pictures of me while I’m asleep,” he said with a straight face.
“Is this some kind of joke?  Why would anyone take pictures of you when you sleep?”  
He looked at you inquisitively, one eyebrow cocked upward, and paused before replying.  “So, you don’t know who I am?”
You tilted your head to the side, trying to see him from a different angle.  “Am I supposed to know who you are?  Are you famous or something?”
He thrust his hands in his pockets, causing his shorts to ride even lower on his hips, and shrugged his shoulders.   “I guess I’m not famous enough if you don’t know me.  Sorry to have interrupted you, please carry on.”  With that, he plopped down in his seat and pulled a pair of headphones out of his bag, indicating the time for talking was now over.
You were left a bit flustered by the interaction. What a weird guy, you thought to yourself, hoping that this would be the last time you had to speak to him.  You settled into your seat and closed your eyes as you awaited take-off but, despite your best efforts, your mind started to drift to thoughts of the man seated next you.  What is this guy’s deal?  Is he actually famous or is he just screwing with me?  He is kind of good looking.  But he’s so brash.  He’d have to be brash to dress like that in public.  Tacky.  Tacky and brash… and a bit good looking.
“Would you like a drink, madam?”  The flight attendant interrupted your thoughts to take your order.
“I’ll just have some water for now, thanks.”
“That sounds good,”  the man next to you lowered the window that separated you to more easily speak to the attendant.  “Only can you make mine a soda water?  And add some vodka in there with it?”
“Yes, sir.”  The attendant giggled, finding the way he ordered cute.  You just rolled your eyes.
When the attendant returned, she handed you a small bottle of water and then reached across you to pass your neighbor his vodka and soda. You waited for a minute, assuming he would put the window back up, but when he didn’t -- you leaned forward to reach the button to put it up yourself only to be startled by his head suddenly popping through the opening.
“You really don’t know who I am?”  He was leaning forward over the armrest, encroaching on your private space.
“I’m sorry, I really don’t.  Is that a problem?”  You wondered at this man’s ego. 
He flashed a wide smile.  “No.  It’s actually great.  It means when you were staring at me back at the boarding gate, it was because you were attracted to me and not because you were looking at a celebrity.”  His eyes wandered across your body, making no attempt to hide that he was looking you up and down.  “You aren’t too bad looking yourself, you know.”
You were agitated by his assumptions and blurted out the first thing that came to your mind, “You aren’t even wearing a shirt!  How could I not look?  Who dresses like that in public?!”
“So you’re more into my body than my face?  That’s okay.  I can work with that.”  He winked at you before leaning back into his own seat and raising the window.
Stunned into silence, you stared at the barrier that separated the two of you.  You could only see his hat poking up above the retractable window and you contemplated snatching it off his head and beating him with it.  How could anyone be so audacious to say something like that?
You tried to read your book, but your focus kept being pulled back to the stranger in the seat next to you.   What does he mean that he “can work with that”?  You turned the page and squinted, reading the same paragraph multiple times in a row because you could not get the words to make sense.  Also, who asked him for his opinion on my appearance.  “Not that bad?” Whatever.  I know what I look like.  And he’d be lucky to be with someone like me. 
Reading was pointless, so you plugged in your earphones and turned on the video console, flipping through the channels looking for something mindless to watch.  You tried watching a movie, but your mind continued to wander. Seriously, who is that guy?  Was he flirting with me? Is that what’s going on here?  He is kinda cute in a dirty obnoxious sort of way.  
You could feel your cheeks start to flush at the thought that the stranger could really be attracted to you and then immediately admonished yourself.  Stop it!  I always do this.  Just because a guy is overly confident and shows the slightest bit of interest, I don’t need to be flattered.  But, against all your efforts to maintain your composure, you couldn’t help but smile at the thought that this guy, even with all his arrogance and poor fashion choices, might be a little bit into you.
A few hours into the flight, the meal service began.  When the attendant brought you your dinner, the guy in the seat next to you lowered the window again and looked at your tray of food.
“What did you end up ordering?” he asked without any preamble.  
“I got the fish.” You answered curtly, but politely. 
“I got the beef,” he answered you even though you had not bothered to ask him what he was eating.  “I was thinking about the fish but I’ve had enough bad experiences with low quality airplane seafood to make me think twice about ordering it again.  Is it any good?”
“It’s fine.” You refused to look at him as you answered his questions, not wanting to encourage him further.
“Can I try a bite?”
You set your fork on your plate, irritated at his rudeness.  Who asks people they don’t know for the food off their plate?  You turned to tell him that his request for a bite would be denied, when you once again given an unexpected shock.   “Oh my god!  Will you please button up?  I can see your nipples!”
“Oh?  Hmmm.  I didn’t even realize the buttons had come undone.”  He reached down and buttoned just two buttons on his jacket, making himself look only slightly less indecent.  
“How do you not notice that you are basically topless?”
“I don’t know.  I was warm.  It happens.  Besides, what’s the big deal with a little nipple action.  I wouldn’t be freaking out and asking you to cover up if your nipples popped out of your top.”
You sputtered.  “I… what?  No. I mean… no.  I would not have any nipples popping out because I would be wearing a shirt.  Like I am now.  A shirt!  A real honest to god top that covers me and is appropriate for an airplane.  Why aren’t you wearing a shirt like a normal person for god’s sake?!”
“That seems like an awfully personal question to be asking someone you just met.”  His brows furrowed and his lips pulled taut.  “Are you always so forward?”
Your own eyes flew wide open and you could feel the heat rising up your neck -- unsure whether this was frustration or embarrassment.  How was it possible for this man to suddenly act as though he was the respectable person in this conversation.
Suddenly, his stern expression gave way to laughter.  He could barely contain his glee.  “Look at your expression. Wow!  You look totally flustered!”
You reached over to raise the window and block him out again, but he pushed the button down to thwart you.  
“Okay, okay,” he said.  “Do you really want to know why I don’t have a shirt on?  Because there’s a story to this, but I don’t know if you really want to hear it.”
You doubted that he had a good reason for his attire, but you were curious.  “Go on.”
“So here’s the deal.  I actually had tickets for a flight back to Seoul tomorrow.  But last night, my schedule for today got canceled.  I asked my manager to try to get me on an earlier flight.  He wasn’t sure if it was going to work out because it looked like all the flights were booked.  So I said, see what you can do and call me if you get something booked and I’ll be ready to go whenever.”
“So far this sounds like a very average story about trying to change your flight.  Where does the no shirt thing get explained?” you asked.
“I’m getting to it.  Since I wasn’t sure if the flight change was even going to happen, I went on about my evening…” he paused to think about how he wanted to phrase things.  “Let’s just say, I went out socializing and I ended up falling asleep at my, um, new friends’ house.  When I wake up this morning, I’ve got 10 messages from my manager.  He had been trying to get me all night to tell me he got me on the noon flight to Seoul, but I had my ringer turned down really low and didn’t hear him.  When I called him back, he said he had gotten all my stuff packed up and sent my clothes to the airport with my stylist…”
“You have a stylist and you still end up coming to the airport like this?”
“Just let me finish, alright?  He said the stylist took my luggage with most of my clothes to the airport with her to start checking in and he had my carry on and passport and everything.  I just needed to meet them at the airport.  So I go to find the clothes I was wearing the night before, but one of the girls in bed with me was asleep wearing my shirt…”
“Wait!  One of the girls in bed with you?  How many girls were in this bed?”  This guy was something else, you thought.
“Only two.  I’m not crazy -- more than two is nearly impossible to manage.  Anyways, I try to wake her up so I can get my shirt back, but she’s super groggy and still half asleep and she’s grabbing at my junk like she wants to suck my dick again, but I don’t have time for that.  So, I just put on my jacket, leave, and hail a cab to the airport.  When I got there, my stylist already checked in my luggage under her name, so all I had was this one backpack I always use as my carry on.  My manager somehow remembered to throw in a fresh pair of underwear for me, but nothing else.  And so here I am, wearing last night’s clothes, minus one shirt and adding a fresh pair of undies.”
You weren’t sure whether or not to believe him.  “So… huh.  Um.  Well, that sure is a story.”
“You look like you don’t believe me.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that it’s so… I don’t even know.  So you’re wearing the same clothes you supposedly had sex in last night?”
“I took the clothes off to have sex.  So technically, no, I did not have sex in these clothes.” His face was relaxed as he relayed his story, no sign of embarrassment or shame.
“Most people would want to keep those details private, wouldn’t they.”
“I don’t know about most people, but I was just answering your question.  Besides it’s true and there’s nothing to be ashamed about.  We’re all grown-ups here.”
“Still, it feels so dirty.”
“Like I said, I’m wearing fresh underwear.  Also, when the flight got delayed, that gave me time to run over to the lounge and use the showers in the spa.  That’s why I have to keep my hat on -- didn’t have time to do my hair after the shower, I had to run back to the gate.  The point being, you don’t have to worry about there being any sex-juices or other-girl-cooties on my body.  I’m fresh and clean and ready to be put to use, if that’s something you’d like.”
“I… what?!”  You were dumbfounded.  This man you had just met was telling you sordid stories about his sex life and then asking if you would like “put him to use”.  Your mind reeled.  “Why would you even say that?”
“Because I think you’re kinda hot. And you think I’m kinda hot too.  So, why not?  Besides, I’m not expecting you to make a decision now.  I’m just laying the groundwork so you’ll feel ready when I make a real proposition to you.”
Never in your life had anyone been so brazen with you.  “How is this laying the groundwork for anything?” you asked incredulously.
“Because now you’re thinking about my dick,” he smirked.
“I am not!” you huffed.
“Anyhow - I’ll leave you to finish your meal in peace.  We can talk more later.”  And he pressed the button to raise the window, again separating himself from you, only the blue of his hat visible above the barrier.
You ate your meal in silence but couldn’t really enjoy the taste of anything because he was right, you were actually thinking about his dick. 
Stop.  Stop stop stop stop, you told yourself.  But there was no stopping it.  You picked up your book, but every few minutes, you’d pause to wonder who those women were that he had sex with last night.  Did he know them well?  Why did they want to have sex with him so badly that they were willing to share him?  How does one man even manage to satisfy two women? Does he have some kind of magical sexual prowess?  Is this story even true? He has to be making this up.
You ordered a glass of wine and listened to some music.  One song in particular reminded you of your last boyfriend.  The two of you had broken up over two months ago and you hadn’t had so much as a date since then.  Lack of sexual compatibility was part of the reason you split -- but general boredom was the primary motivator.  
You ex was the epitome of a nice guy.  Easy going, unassuming, respectful.  You didn’t go out much during the week since both of you had full time jobs and wanted to be well rested for work.  Weekends were spent at farmers markets, scenic drives through the woods, going to the movies.  It was pleasant.  In bed, he was romantic and caring, always careful and cautious with your body, wanting to make sure you were okay.  It was an absolutely stress free love affair.  And that was part of the problem.
After a while, you started to crave tension.  It showed up first in the bedroom when you asked him to pull your hair or talk dirty to you as a change of pace.  He tried, you had to give him credit for that.  But every time he uttered the word pussy or said he wanted to fuck you, the words came out whispered and hesitant.  You didn’t have the heart to tell him that even if he learned how to say those words with confidence, you would still be wanting much more than he was able to give.
Over time, you started to realize your dissatisfaction had worked its way into all your interactions.  He was always so agreeable.  You shared the same views on social matters and politics.  He never disagreed when you suggested a movie to watch or restaurant to go to.  You began to wonder if he really was someone who shared all your points of view on everything, all the time -- or was he just so conflict avoidant that he had given up having a personality of his own.
I bet that guy has a filthy mouth on him. Even if he is an asshole, I’m sure he knows how to have a good time. You pondered the raised barrier and were curious as to why he had not tried talking to you again.  It had been a couple of hours since your last interaction and he made it sound like you should be waiting for him to hit on you.  Oh my god - am I actually looking forward to that cocky son-of-a-bitch talking to me again? No, I’m just attention starved.  I need to start dating again -- but real men, not make believe celebrities with no shame.
The captain turned off the main lights in the cabin to give people an opportunity to sleep if they wanted.  You closed your eyes and reclined your seat.  Maybe it would be best to just try to sleep for a bit and put everything out of my mind.  You would be more clear headed if I just got some rest.
It was a few hours later when you awoke.  The cabin was quiet.  A few people conversed in hushed tones, the faint glimmer of an occasional video screen.  One of those glimmering screens was coming from your neighbor.  
You stretched a bit and moved your seat to be a little more upright.  Surprisingly, the window between your seats was down.  Did he lower it to try to talk to me while I was asleep?  You peered over at him and took comfort that he was fast asleep, clearly having dozed off while trying to watch a movie.  
His slumber gave you an opportunity to really look at him more closely. He looked serene and gentle when he wasn’t awake.  His facial features were really quite delicate, a high narrow nose bridge, moderately plump and perfectly pink lips, high cheekbones, his face was gently tanned by the sun.  You would describe him as almost pretty.  His clavicles were pronounced, his chest a bit paler than his face -- he must have been wearing his shirt when he went out in the California sun -- his abdomen was taut and firm, he clearly worked out.
You let your eyes travel further, until noticed something striking going on with his shorts.  At first you wondered if it was just an odd shadow being cast from the lights from the video screen, but the more you looked, the more certain you were that you were looking at an erection.  Not fully erect, you presumed, but there was enough that the draping of the fabric could not conceal everything he had going on between his legs.  This was the distinct form of a penis and you couldn’t stop staring at it.  
“See something you like down there?”
His voice caught you by such surprise you literally jumped in your seat and hit your elbow against the side wall, knocking over your headphones, sending them clattering to the floor.  “Ouch! No. What? I… what?  No.  I was just… I woke up and I saw the window thingy was down and was just checking to see if you wanted to talk to me or something… or you know.”
He laughed aloud, stretched his arms over his head and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.  “Were you planning on asking my dick whether or not I wanted to talk to you?  Because I doubt it’s going to tell you much.”
“What?! I.. no!  What are you talking about?”  You tried to act indignant to hide your humiliation at being caught staring at his genitals.  When trapped, deny everything, you thought.
“Are you married?  Have a boyfriend?”  He rolled to his side, still reclined in his seat.
“No.  Not that it’s any of your business.”
“I know I come on strong.  But life is short and I just think if you want something, you should say so.  And I want you.”
You could feel your heart skip a beat at his directness, but you tried to hold your expression steady.  There was no point in getting involved with a guy like this.  “You don’t even know me.”
“Ah, let me be more clear.  I want to have sex with you. Right now.”  He carefully watched your face to judge your reaction. “Was that too forward?  I could try the romantic approach if you want, but I always feel like it’s a little dishonest.  I never want to mislead anyone.”
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest and you felt a little light headed.  You had a couple one night stands back in your wilder college days, but those days were long gone.  Besides, no one had ever approached you quite like this.  “I appreciate your candor, but I’m just not that kind of girl.”
“What kind of girl do you think is the kind to say yes?”  He started to sit upright, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“I don’t know exactly.  You had two women in bed with you last night -- so those kinds of women, I guess.”
“Do you think you are better than them because they gave in to their carnal desires and just let themselves enjoy the moment?  No one was hurt.  There was no damage done.”
“How do you know there was no damage done?  You just left them there.”
He shook his head, dismissing your statement.  “They were groupies, star fuckers.  I was just a name on their bucket list.  Last night they had sex with me and tomorrow night they’ll be chasing down Shawn Mendes or some other dude.  I gave them what they wanted and they gave me a hell of a good time.  Is that so bad?”
This seemed so unbelievable to you. “Are you really famous?  Or have you just been messing with me?” 
“Is me being a celebrity the thing that will make the difference in whether you say yes or no to having sex with me?”  
You started to squirm under his gaze.  Until now, he had been cocky and arrogant, but it all seemed like a game.  Now, it was starting to get a little more serious and you weren’t sure what to do with yourself.  “I don’t actually care if you’re famous or not.  I’m just not generally the kind of person who does whatever she wants -- there are rules against these kinds of things, you know?”
“So you admit that you want it too.”  He looked a bit too pleased with himself.
“That’s not what I said.”
“Are you sure?  It sounds to me like you are trying to talk yourself out of something you actually want.  What’s the point of that?  
You immediately thought of your ex-boyfriend again.  Simple, proper, agreeable and dull.  You had left him for want of more excitement and now here was a man you just met, who was offering you nothing but excitement.  But still, you hesitated, remaining silent but not explicitly saying no.
He reached into his backpack and pulled out a condom, making sure you saw it before he slipped it into his pocket.  “Safety first,” he said.  “Also, no strings.  No commitments.  One time - no shame, no guilt.  No consequences.”
“I don’t know…” was all you could eke out.
“It’s time for you to figure out what you want.  So here’s the deal,” he sat up and turned to face you fully.  “I’m getting up and heading into that restroom over there,” he motioned toward the front of the plane, pointing to the left. “I’ll leave the door unlocked while I wait for you.  If you decide to join me, just pop in.  From there on, it’s ladies choice.  I can make it as sweet or as nasty as you want it to be.”
“What happens when I don’t show up?”
“IF you don’t show up, then you don’t show up.  I’m a big boy -- I’ll find other ways to occupy myself.”  With that, he stood up and swaggered away.
This is insane.  Who does this guy think he is? How full of himself is he that he can saunter off expecting me to follow him?  You glanced at the time on your phone.  I wonder how long he plans on waiting?
You remembered reading an article about people who have sex on airplanes; it said that almost 20 percent were complete strangers who met on the plane.  At the time you couldn’t imagine how something like that was even possible.  I guess I know now.  
You wanted to giggle to find yourself in this predicament.  You wanted to be outraged at how presumptuous he had been, but instead you found yourself feeling a bit flattered.  It’s just because I haven’t had much male attention in the past two months.  I’m just feeling a bit deprived - that’s all it is.  Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t even entertain the thought of doing something like this.  But you were entertaining it and it made you nervous.
You looked around the cabin, most of the other passengers were fast asleep.  The few who were awake mostly seemed to be watching movies with headphones on.  The flight attendants were chatting quietly on the right hand side of the galley, leaving the restrooms on the left side, mostly ignored.
What would my friends say?  Inha would think it’s gross.  Hyeweon would think it’s hilarious.  Dahyun would applaud you for taking risks and trying something new.  Chaewon would be jealous.
Six minutes. That’s how much time had passed.  How long will he wait?  10 minutes?  15?  Certainly not more than that.
You had met girls who were wild and slept around.  When you were younger you used to think that they would end up regretting their poor choices. Yet, you had never once met anyone who told you they wished they had less sex or that they had fewer adventures in their past.  Why are you overthinking this!  Be bad for once in your life.  Who have you ever talked to that regretted going wild?  Nobody - that’s who!  Regret is what you feel when you don’t do something, right?  But still… sex with a stranger?
You don’t even fully remember standing up and walking down the aisle.  All you knew was that your hand was on the door to the restroom and there was no turning back now.
There was no greeting.  No welcome.  Just his lips crashing into yours, fervently prying your mouth open with his tongue.  Your body stiffened in surprise but you did not try to pull away.  His skin was smoother than you expected, his scent was sweet and fresh like the air after a summer rain, his lips seemed far too soft for the violence and urgency of the kiss itself.  
In a far corner of your mind, you could hear your conscience telling you to stop, to run away and return to your seat, to retreat to the relative safety and comfort of your normal self.  But as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled your tighter against his body, that voice became more and more distant, until finally it disappeared altogether. You finally relaxed, sinking into him and wrapping your tongue around his.  
Just let everything go and do as you please for once, you told yourself.  Just this once, with no fear and no regrets. 
His kisses moved to your neck as he began to maul you with his hands, squeezing your buttocks, reaching up to molest your breasts, grasping at them through your shirt.  His motions were rough and passionate.  His teeth scraped against your skin while he tugged at your shirt hem, trying to remove it.  You obliged his silent request by pulling away from his grasp, slipping your shirt over your head and tossing it on the counter.
He did not lean back in to continue kissing you.  Instead, he leaned back as much as he could in the confines of the tiny restroom to assess your body, lingering on your chest.  His hand reached out to trace the edges of your bra before he finally spoke to you.  “How do you want it?”
“Excuse me? I don’t under…”
“How do you want things to go?”  He looked up at you, holding your gaze.  “I told you this will be ladies choice.  Tell me what you want me to do?”
You could feel yourself starting to blush.  You had been comfortable letting him take control, but now that he was putting you on the spot to ask for what you wanted, you found yourself growing shy.  You broke eye contact with him and looked down at your feet, crossing your arms as you tried to think of what to say.
“Cat got your tongue?” he teased.  “You’re more delicate than I presumed.  So do you prefer gentle and sweet?  I can whisper sweet nothings in your ear.”
“No.  Not like that.”  You shook your head to emphasize that romance was not your objective.  You had enough of romance and sweetness.
“Well then...  You want it dirty and you’re just too shy to ask for it?”
You shrugged your shoulders.  “I mean, some dirty talk might be nice.”
“Some?  Exactly how much is some?  I can get pretty filthy if you want me to.”
Awkwardly, you put your arms back by your side and glanced up at him, trying to feign confidence.  “How filthy?”
His eyes flashed with desire as he leaned closer to you, running his hands down your arms.  “Let’s try this.  Take off your bra and let me see you.”
You reached behind yourself to unclasp your bra, a slight tremor in your hands.  You were extremely conscious of how bright the lights were and it made you a little nervous to be so exposed and so visible.  “What about you?” you asked as you let your bra slip off your shoulders and you placed it on top of your shirt.
“Me?”  He unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it aside.  “Done.  Now we’re both topless.”  
He leered at your chest now, cupping your breasts in his hand as if weighing them.  “Very nice.  You have beautiful breasts.” He watched your face closely for a response.
“Thanks, I guess.”  You weren’t sure what he was expecting from you.
“That’s not it, huh?  How about this?”  He ran his thumbs over your nipples, brushing against them until they grew and hardened.  “I love a girl with a nice pair of tits.  Yours are amazing.  I can’t wait to suck on those nipples.”  
His directness was appealing.  “I wouldn’t mind if you did.”
Leaning down, he caught your left nipple between his lips and sucked at it, his tongue running circles over it.  The sensation was pleasant and you reached over to pull his hat off his head after suddenly being overwhelmed by the urge to run your fingers through his hair.
“I told you I’m having a bad hair day, so just know that.”   He wagged a finger at you before pulling off his own hat and tossling his dark brown locks that had been matted down by hours confined under a hat. 
He bent back down back down to suckle at your nipples, his lips latched tightly to the protruding bud.  The suction sent little shock waves down between your legs as if your breasts were attached to your sex.  
Soon, he detached himself and stood back up, whispering in your ear.  “Your tits are tasty, but I bet your pussy is even better.”  His hand slid between your legs, kneading your cloth covered crotch.  Pulling back a little to better see your face, he asked you, “I want to touch your pussy.” He watched your reaction carefully.  “Or would you rather I finger fuck your cunt?”
Your previous boyfriend would have sooner died than ever uttered the dreaded “c” word.  But hearing a man you just met talk about your cunt thrilled you, and you could feel the moisture gathering between your legs.  “Finger my cunt, please,” you whispered back at him.
He smiled and nodded.  “Yeah, you do want it dirty don’t you?”
All you could do was nod in affirmation before he shoved his hand under the waistband of your pants and beneath your panties, tracing your slit before penetrating you with his fingers.  He slid in and out of your vagina, the palm of his hand cupping your vulva.  His lips returned to your neck, biting at you.  The heat of his breath matched the growing warmth of your sex.  “Oh, fuck!  That feels good,” you encouraged him to keep going.
“You like that?  You like having my fingers up your cunt hole?  You like getting finger banged by some dude in a public toilet?  Tell me again about what kind of girl you are.  Little miss prim and proper, my ass.”
Biting your lip, you tried to hold back, but you couldn’t help it.  You mewled like a cat to hear the filth coming from his mouth.  Your stomach fluttered at the crude way he described your reality.  You were now the kind of girl who lets a guy finger her in an airplane toilet.  This was not who you thought you were when you woke up this morning.
Enthused by the sounds emanating from you, he started to finger you more vigorously.  Slipping in a second digit and thrusting so hard, it shook your body.  His other hand slid up your back, over your neck until his fingers were entwined with your hair.  He ensnared a fistful of hair right at your scalp and pulled your head back, further exposing your neck to him.  He licked a line from your clavicle to your chin and then planted a long lingering kiss on your lips.
Your mewls turned into a full on moan.  Never had you been this turned on in your life.  “Oh my god,” was the most coherent thing you could say.
“I love those little noises you are making, but if this is how you get from a finger fuck, I can’t wait to see how you react when I’ve got my face buried in your snatch.  Now, let’s get these pants off of you.” 
He tugged at your waistband, lowering your pants and panties together, getting them to mid thigh when you took over - wiggling to get them to fall to the floor before kicking them off completely.  “Shouldn’t you be getting undressed too?” you asked.
“There’s some time before that’s necessary.  Let’s take care of you first.” He tried to kneel down, but the tiny confines of the bathroom made it difficult.  Instead, he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up off the floor and set you on to the narrow counter.
You sat precariously, one butt cheek halfway over the sink, and you could feel the cold hard metal of the faucet pressing uncomfortably into your backside.  Before you could adjust yourself, you felt hands pressing your thighs upwards, bending your knees into your chest and without warning, something soft and wet snaking through the folds of skin between your legs. You clung tightly to the edge of the counter to keep from slipping off.
Looking to your side, you could see your reflection in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door, your naked body illuminated by the harsh light overhead.  The rather unflattering lighting and pose was offset by the amazingly lurid sight of a man kneeling on the floor, his head pressed between your thighs.
He lapped at your clit, dragging his tongue across your pussy - wet and sloppy.  You looked down at him, his face glistening with your juices just as he came up for air.  “That’s one juicy and delicious cunt you got there.  You get this wet for all the boys, or is it special for me?” he asked before diving back in, opening his mouth wide as if trying to devour you whole.
It felt amazing.  The heat inside your grew with every stroke of his tongue against your raw flesh.  He let go of one thigh and brought it to you damp slit, further spreading your lips apart.  His nose pressed against your clit while he inserted his tongue where his fingers had been earlier.  Sucking and slurping away at you.
“Mmmmmmmm…”  You desperately tried to keep quiet.  Biting down hard on your lower lip to prevent yourself from being overheard by the people outside, but still the occasional hushed moan or hum would escape your lips.  The noises spurred him on to keep going, rubbing his face into you, covering himself with the glistening evidence of your arousal.
He let go of your other thigh to insert his fingers back into you while his lips affixed themselves directly to your clit.  His fingers curving upward as he pumped them in and out of you, hitting your g spot with every stroke, while his tongue laved your clit.  “Please don’t stop,” you pleaded as you grabbed on to his hair and pulled his face tighter into you. “Please.”
You extended your legs, realizing that the bathroom was so small that you could sit on the counter and plant your feet on the opposite wall, helping stabilize you enough that you could close your eyes and just let yourself feel the pleasure of this man ministering to your sex.  
As your orgasm approached, you could feel you leg start to shake and your breath quicken.  He sucked lightly at your clit before pulling back the hood and drawing his tongue gently across the surface.  You gasped aloud at the intensity, which he took notice of.  “You like that?  You like being spread open wide and licked like a bitch in heat?  Tell me.”
“Yeah.  I like it.”
“What do you like?  Say it.  You aren’t the only one who wants to hear some dirty talk.  Tell me what exactly you like.”
“I like it when you lick my cunt.  I like the way your tongue feels against my clit.  God, I’m going to cum if you keep doing it like this.”
Smiling, he returned to his duties; his mouth placed firmly against you and slurping at you like eating a ripe piece of fruit.  He removed his fingers from inside you and instead used them to spread you pussy lips even wider open.  The loss of sensation from within you was disappointing.  You were so close to cumming right on his face, but the urgent desire to have something inside you was growing stronger.
“I need you inside me,” you implored.  
He didn’t hesitate.  Standing up from his position on the floor, he massaged the growing bulge in his shorts for a moment while staring directly into your eyes.  “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”
Your eyes wandered down to where his hand was playing with himself.  “I want you to fuck me.   I want it so bad, you don’t even know.” Any reservations or shyness you once had was driven out by the overwhelming lust.
“Oh, I know.” His conceit was amazing, but you were too horny to care.  
“So what are you waiting for?”
He pulled his shorts and underwear down in one fluid motion, leaving him completely naked in front of you.  His body was lean and taut, the image of youthful sexuality.  His dick stood proudly erect in front of him, firm and smooth.  Between his two fingers, he held up the condom that he had stealthily removed from his pocket.  “You, put it on me,” he demanded.
Sliding off the counter, you welcomed being able to stand upright for a moment, with nothing poking you in the back and no fear of accidentally slipping off.  But once again the space was so cramped, that you could not both stand on the floor and not have your bodies collide.  His distended dick brushed against your pussy as you grabbed the condom from his hand.
He leaned in and kissed you again, deeply and passionately.  “Can you taste yourself?  You were fucking delicious, I could have stayed down there for hours.  You should know what you taste like.”  With that comment, he slipped his finger back between your folds, dipping into your juices and pulling out a slick and glazed finger.  He held it to your lips.  “Suck my finger and taste for yourself.”
You balked at first, never having even thought of what you might taste like.  But he pressed forward and you grew curious, opening your mouth until he laid his finger on your tongue.  You licked his finger clean, intrigued to see if you were as delicious as he had claimed.  The salty sweet mixture was better than you imagined.  “Good girl,” he told you.
Fumbling with the condom wrapper, you finally got it open and reached down to grab hold of his manhood.  You held him in your palm and enclosed your fingers around him, meaning to hold him steady while you slipped the condom over the head of his dick, but you couldn’t resist stroking him with your hand for a moment.  He sighed contentedly at the sensation and leaned back against the wall, allowing you more room to see what you were doing.
His penis was beautifully formed, you thought.  Big enough but not too big.  Firm and hefty, the girth felt just right in your hand.  Without thinking, you pressed the head of his cock against your slit and stroked it against your clit.  His eyes flew open wide and he looked down at what you were doing.  
“Were you planning to fuck me raw?” he asked.
“No, I just wanted to know what it felt like.” You quickly slipped the condom over the tip and rolled it down his shaft.  Although, you had to admit that the idea of having condomless sex seemed appealing -- but you had not yet lost all your sense of self preservation.  “Now you have a little bit of my pussy juice under the condom with you.”  
“You act so normal, but you’re a freak in the sheets, aren’t you?”  He grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you around so he was pressed into your back while you could see his face reflected back at you in the mirror over the sink.    “Now, spread your legs and hold still while I shove my cock up your hot little fuck-hole.”
You keened at the vulgarity, spreading your legs wide and leaning forward enough to arch your back slightly, giving him better access.  He leaned over you, squatting down slightly to slip his penis into you, pressing his chest against your back and then thrusting upward, pushing forward and burying himself to his hilt inside your pussy.
“Good god, you are so warm inside.”  He slowly pulled himself out before thrusting up into you again and again… and again.  Slow and steady, he fucked you for several minutes, but you wanted more and started pushing back against him, egging him on to fuck you faster.  
“Nice, “ was all he said before slapping your ass and speeding up his thrusts. 
“Yeah,” you panted.  “Very nice.”
He folded his body over you, planting one hand on the counter to hold him steady and sliding the other hand around you to stroke your clit while he fucked you.  You could feel an ache starting to build up inside you and wanted more.  You raised one leg and placed it on top of the closed toilet seat lid, spreading yourself open wider and giving him greater access to you.   
As his fingers drummed against your clit, his thrusts accelerated.  His body engulfed you and his mouth was pressed against your ear where he whispered to you.  “Such a good girl, huh?  Is this what you do?  Fuck total strangers in bathrooms?  You act all proper, but you really just want to get a good pounding in your cunt by some random dude.  You don’t even know my name, do you?”
For the first time, it dawned on you that you had never bothered to ask his name.  Nor had he asked for yours.  The realization both appalled and thrilled you.  This was by far the most depraved thing you had ever done.  “What is your name?” you asked while he continued to plunge his cock deep into you.
“What does it matter now?  You are fucking a total and absolute stranger.  I’m going to make sure you cum on the cock of a guy whose name you don’t know.  Just think about that, my dick is rammed up your cunt and you like it.  What does that make you?”
You tried to fight the moan building in your throat.  His words should offend you but instead they brought you closer to the edge.  “A slut,” you answered him.  “Fucking a total stranger makes me a slut.”
“That’s okay,” he consoled you.  “I’m a dirty slut too.”
He grabbed your breast and buried his face in the crook of your neck, sucking on the skin.  His fingers continued their assault on your clit while he pounded away at you pussy.  Finally, you came undone, gasping, open mouthed in a silent scream as your orgasm hit with full force.  Your body shook and all you could do was whimper quietly until finally the feeling subsided.
“Oh my god.  That was amazing,” you turned around to face him.
“I’ll say.” He looked desperate and his eyes blown wide.  “I could feel you pulsing around my cock.  I was so close to cumming myself.  I just need a little more to take me over the edge.”
“What exactly do you want?”
He moved you to the other side of the room so he could now sit on top of the closed toilet seat.  Slipping off the condom, he told you exactly what he wanted.  “Suck me off.  I want to cum down your throat.”
You looked at his dick, standing ramrod straight, leaking precum from the tip.  It looked ready to bust and you felt a strange pride that you had managed to get him this turned on.  Without a second thought, you dropped to your knees and took him in your mouth.
His brow furrowed as he watched you bobbing your head up and down, snaking your tongue along his shaft.  One hand held your hair back while the other balled up in a fist and rested on the counter.  He was holding back, you could tell.
Redoubling your efforts, you locked your lips around him and focused on the head of his cock, swirling your tongue over the sensitive tip, before inching down further until you had swallowed as much of his flesh as you could stand.
“Fuck yeah. You are really good at this.  You must have sucked a lot of dick.”  For a guy who claimed to have had sex with two women the night before, you took this as a significant compliment.  “I’m not going to last long if you keep this up.”
You came back up for air and smiled.  Gripping his saliva covered cock, you stroked his shaft while planting delicate kisses at the tip.  “I want to see you cum.  I want to taste you.  If I’m going to be a slut, I want it all.”  You then plunged your head back down, sucking him like your life depended on it.  You wanted him to remember you the next time he got his dick sucked by some random girl.  Your pride depended on it.
It was only a couple minutes when he started to completely lose himself.  You watched as he pursed his lips and threw his head back.  His grip on your hair tightened and his eyes glazed over while you could see his abdomen contract and then you tasted it.  The slightly salty, slightly bitter taste of his cum landed on your tongue.  You pushed your head down further so he could truly cum down your throat and making it easier to swallow.  It was only a few spurts, but they seemed to come out with great force, nearly making you choke.   
When he was done, his body relaxed and he slumped forward.  “My god, I’m going to need a nap after that.  You sucked the life right out of me.”  He leaned down, placing his hand under your chin and tipping your face upwards, planted a soft and rather sweet kiss on your lips.  “Thank you.  This was wonderful,” he said.
“The feeling is mutual.”
After giving yourselves a minute to bask in the afterglow, you both started the clumsy task of getting redressed in the tight confines of the bathroom.  You bumped into each other, knocking into the walls and accidentally turning on the sink, until finally you were both dressed and ready to step outside.  
As soon as you opened the door, a flight attendant stood in the passageway and greeted you with a knowing look.  “If you both want to retake your seats, we’ll begin breakfast service soon and should be landing in another hour and a half.”
Mortified, you returned to your seat and tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone else on the plane.  Had they all heard you?  Did everyone know?  Your partner in crime seemed unphased and immediately fell asleep as soon as he sat down.
The rest of the flight seemed to go without incident.  You refused breakfast in order to avoid talking to the attendant and hid yourself behind your book.  You tried to read, but the truth was you couldn’t help replaying the events from just an hour before while you grinned like a giddy schoolgirl, amazed that you had been caught doing something extremely naughty but somehow escaped punishment.  You doubted that you would be able to think about anything else for days to come.
Once the plane landed, your neighbor finally awoke and stretched out.  He looked across at you and smiled warmly.  “Hey, I just want to say that I enjoyed our flight and will remember this fondly.  I hope you will too.”
You tried to look look cool and unfussed, although you were secretly happy that he wasn’t completely ignoring you and running off without saying anything like he did to those girls from the night before.  “I have no regrets.  It was a good time.”  You stood up to gather your things and wait to get off the plan, but noticed he was making no moves.  “Are you just going to hang out on the plane?”
“I have to get off last.  It’s too much chaos with the fans in the terminal, so I’ll get off later with my team.  It gives the other passengers time to get by before the mob of fans and paparazzi obstruct everything.”
“Ah, right,” you said, disbelieving. You wondered if this was just a ploy to separate from you and cover up for the fact that he had been playing at being a celebrity this whole time.  “Out of curiosity, what is your name?”
He thought for a moment before answering.  “You can just call me Jay.”
“Is that your real name?”
“Nope,” he responded honestly.  “Let’s just say that it’s something of a nickname that I’ve been given.  It seems the most appropriate way for you to remember me.”
You shrugged your shoulders and decided to not break the illusion.  “Well, Jay, thanks for everything.”  You gave him a small wave good-bye before stepping into the aisle with the rest of the exiting passengers and left him behind forever.
You walked down the wide concourse, pulling your luggage behind you.  You were largely unaware of your surroundings since you attention was on your phone, trying to text your friends that you had landed and make plans for seeing them later in the evening.  You had already been practicing in your head how you would tell them about your adventurous flight and the mystery man who made it so memorable.  
Behind you, you could suddenly hear a loud commotion.  Girls cheering and yelling, the rushing of feet.  You turned to see what was going on and could see the flashing of cameras as a crush of people moved towards the exits.  You strained to see who was at the center of all the excitement.
“Do you know what’s going on?” you asked an older man standing next to you who was also watching the crowd pass by.
“It’s one of those idol boys.  The girls go nuts for them.  I saw one of the girls carrying a sign saying ‘Welcome back J-Hope’.  What kind of name is J-Hope anyway?  It sounds weird if you ask me.”
“I’ve never heard of him.  He must not be too famous.”  
“Exactly.  These girls should all be in school and not following around some no name nobody.”  The man threw his hands up in disgust before walking off.
You turned to go your own way, but a thought nagged at you.  You tapped the name J-Hope into your phone and smiled at the results. The story you would tell your friends just got a bit more interesting.
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syubub · 4 years
ok, it's been overdone but every witches have their own perspective. can i request ideal type of bts? and personality of bts members? thank you
For some reason I feel like these readings didn’t want to stay on topic and definitely more heavily focused on personalities rather than physical attributes (which are pretty hard to predict) but I hope you all get something out of this!!
BTS Ideal Types (kinda)
4 of Pentacles rev., The Tower, The Sun, 2 of Pentacles, Hero/Heroine, Networker, Avenger
First thing I get for Seokjins Ideal type is that he wants someone that’s gonna crash into his life and shake it up. He wants someone with a strong sense of self and someone who isn’t afraid to open up. He also doesn’t want someone who is stingy. He would like a power balance in the relationship in terms of money. Someone who is not reckless with money. Maybe attracted to the social people or people who know people, you know?
Someone with a bright personality and presence.
For my little type cards I got, Feminine, fashionable, sweet, youthful and physical touch.
You know the type. Everyone either wants to get with them or be them and they’re also great people? Jin wants the full package
Possibility of Air energy especially Gemini. ( I pulled cards for zodiac signs and the lovers popped out which is the card of Gemini)
4 of Swords, 8 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles rev., Strength, Knight of cups, 2 of Cups, Priest, Child: Wounded, Servant.
My sweet sweet Yoongi wants a clone of himself. Someone quiet, introverted, and has been through shit before. He wants someone who understands the struggles that he has been through and I’m surprised the 5 of Pentacles didn’t show up.
He wants a person who is emotionally strong but needs him. He needs to feel needed and he shows love through helping. He will want to be a rock for someone but needs the same in return. I definitely see him wanting someone who has a good heart and does good deeds just because. His ideal type is someone who is devoted to him because when Yoongi falls in love he puts his everything into it and he expects the same of a partner.
My little cards that I pulled were, blue, introvert, short hair, purple, red, physical touch, outgoing, music, younger, fashionable.
I don’t know why so many colors are associated with his ideal type?
Long story short, Yoongis ideal type is someone like him. He wants someone thoughtful, kind, semi-reclusive, woke af, on equal footing, and just a good person.
Yoongi is looking for a soulmate and I felt that sort of creep in here. Like he knows that there is someone he is meant to be with and he knows that that person is what he needs. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they were manifesting each other right now.
Let’s see what 2020 has in store for Yoon.
Possible Fire, air and water in their chart
3 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, The Sun, student, Lover
Hopes ideal type is someone who loves life. He wants someone who enjoys what they have and celebrate the people around them. He wants someone magnetic and a bit mysterious. He wants someone who has built themselves up and isn’t afraid to be who they are. Wants someone who is always looking to learn something out of a situation. Again pretty romantic, I think Hope wants something deeper that just a date.
Cards I pulled for signifiers, unique, younger, yellow, black and acts of service.
I feel like Hobis ideal type is kind of a wild card. Like this could be anyone. Hope keeps a weird lock on his emotions when it comes to love and I think he might need/ want someone to help him unpack his baggage.
Possible signs, Air, earth (mostly air?)
Queen of Swords, knight of Wands, The Fool, The Star, saboteur, guide.
Joonie wants a sexy intellectual who is a complete go getter. I think with this ideal type, he also has an ideal romance, the first love sort of thing. He wants someone that can make everything feel like a new experience.
Joon definitely wants someone to call him out on his shit. Almost like a coach? He wants to know that this person by his side won’t knowingly let him stumble but rather help him grow and avoid unnecessary mistakes. I also think he wants someone who lets him fuck up when he needs to but is there to pick him back up afterwards if that makes sense. Joon really wants to grow as a person at every chance he gets and he needs someone that will do that for him in his romantic life.
The cards that I pulled for him were, loud, masculine, green, hard working, light hair.
I get strong healthy Leo vibes. Or possibly Taurus.
King of cups, Queen of cups, 5 of wands, The sun rev. Damsel, companion, clown.
I think that Jimins ideal type would be someone who is very in tune emotionally. He wants someone who isn’t clingy but makes the time that they spend together wroth while. Maybe someone a little bit on the shy side too. I can see him enjoying banter. I have this thought in my head of Jimin and his Ideal type being very grade school about it. Like being all cute and getting each other little gifts but also like squabbling a lot. And I think he needs that kind of energy in a partner.
Cards I pulled, red, quality time, long hair, blue, gifts, physical touch, masculine.
Basically Jimin wants a best friend. That is his ideal type.
Temperance, The fool, The empress, The Star, Death, teacher, father, rebel
This an interesting dynamic. To me Taes energy feels so light and pure but this energy of his ideal type is so... hefty? This isn’t even in line with the question but I’m picking up like soulmate vibes. I don’t think that Tae has an ideal type? This is a similar vibe to Yoongis. This boy is waiting for his soulmate to come along. Someone to guide him to being a better version of himself spiritually and all. This person is like a fucking deity or something and will come and change everything for him. He is such a romantic.
I have a scene in my head of Tae just chilling on a farm somewhere and the person legit rides out from the horizon line on a horse and swoops him up.
He wants to be swept off of his feet. I get a really strong feminine vibe. This person is so connected to shit that I have no clue about.
I honestly don’t know what else to say other than Tae doesn’t need an ideal type because he trusts that his soulmate is perfect for him and he will accept that in whatever form it take?
I’m confused. Def not expecting that one at all.
Knight of wands, 9 of Pentacles, 4 of wands, visionary, prostitute, slave.
This one is a bit hard for me to understand. I think that he ideally wants someone like a keeper. His ideal type is spouse material. I see him with someone athletic and fun, someone who matches his personality well.
Honestly JK doesn’t seem like he’s open to talk much. It’s kinda like the shut the door on his energy so it’s hard to pick much up.
It almost feels like JK is going through an upheaval and he is too busy reinventing himself to care much about his current ideal type.
The cards that I pulled for him are, free spirit, words of affection, masculine, hardworking, competitive and tall.
I think overall JK is working on himself and leveling himself up to jk. 2.0 this is such a positive and happy thing that he is doing this but as we change, our outlooks and ideal types change too. Though I think the overall core values stay similar.
Jk wants to be the best he can be for his partner. He wants to feel worthy of them.
Honestly I think we should all buy flowers for JK everyday.
Possible signs are Air and Earth
Note: especially for Jk I get the vibe that this is all a soul level upheaval/ emotion party. So I don’t think he’s quite sad or lost consciously but I think he might just feel a little glum while his soul is fucking shit up (in a good way)
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se0kie · 4 years
chapter 4: the boundless ocean
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pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, eventual smut, ANGST (whoo boy)
tags/warnings: some talks of mortality, otherwise nothing much
greek gods au, poseidon!taehyung, marinebiologist!reader
summary: it’s difficult being a god. what with all the immortality, the decades bleeding into each other and losing every human being you come to care about. and taehyung’s lived, or whatever it is gods do, for a very, very long time. he thinks he needs help but the fates are being the mysterious, useless hags they’ve always been. how can a conservatory and it’s passionate, fiery owner possibly help him. turns out Y/N is the only mortal he’s met who’s ready to challenge him head on. of course it’s not like she knows her new intern is the king of the sea, maker of horses, the earthshaker, poseidon himself after all.
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It’s next to chaos at Hamdeok beach.
The day after the male turtles returned to the shallow waters you made sure to have every worker and volunteer of the Blue Side Marine Conservation on your property and spread around the shore keeping an eye out for the slightest activity. Taehyung had successfully survived two whole weeks with you and your gang of flaky friends.
His job for now had mainly been running around passing on information about the temperatures of the water and the sand, sodium levels in the seawater and clearing any boats away from coming close to the shallow end of the ocean.
Although he didn’t really need to remember the results you passed onto him.
He knew the exact temperatures of the sea, he could feel the number as soon as he reached the thought, he could taste the brine on his tongue as he conjured the digits for sodium levels and the boats... well let’s just say all he had to do to take care of the boats was swish the waves in the opposite direction.
Hoseok, you and Jungkook were keeping lookout at the rocks far out into the water, close enough to shore but distant enough to keep track of the dozen or so male turtles floating lazily in anticipation of their mates.
Taehyung would never admit this to his fellow Olympians but he was having fun here. He got to spend time with the sea as a regular mortal instead of solving disputes between whales and sharks. He would occasionally accompany Hoseok out to the deep waters to observe the coral reefs, even diving in sometimes if Hobi deemed it appropriate.
He had grown to like your two friends, Hoseok was a breath of fresh air from the dripping Nereids and his annoying brothers. Although he did remind Taehyung of his nephew, Apollo. Both of them positively radiated the sun’s energy. He would have to ask the god of archery about his mortal consorts, Hobi could very well be a demigod born of the fickle Olympian.
Jungkook was what he would’ve imagined all young adults were on earth, were he not an incredibly innocent and loving person. He had never met anyone as nice and helpful as Jungkook. He seemed like the paler photocopy of his sister, Hestia. They were both just so sickeningly likeable.
And then there was you.
Taehyung can clearly see you sitting on the largest rock, your knees pulled close to your chest as you stared diligently out at the horizon, then turned your head back again to catch sight of the green turtles poking their heads out of the surface of the water to breathe; and then diving back in with a small splash. Jungkook is writing in the journal that contains notes, statistics and other data regarding the nesting project.
Hoseok has his arms spread out behind him, soaking in the gentle sunrays as he hums a little tune. Taehyung settles down on the soft sand, tucking his legs crossed as he observes the trio on the rock.
He can almost feel your anxiety radiating off of you in waves, you seem to be especially sensitive about this nesting period. Subconsciously, he starts humming along to the tune Hobi is singing far away from him. The sweet melody filling his ears as he concentrates on the area you’re in. He can see the rush of the wind coming towards you, dangerously close to toppling your research material and snack basket into the water.
But quick as a sailfish, Taehyung flicks his wrist and the gust of air flows over the group’s heads.
He sits there in the sand patiently waiting for the female turtles to arrive along with you, he can see the enthusiasm slowly drain from your expression as a faint frown brushes over your brows. You’re disappointed, he can see it clear as day.
The office had received a call from the small group of professors sailing in the waters surrounding Jeju, they were the ones who had notified your team about the male turtles closing into the coast, how the females would follow close behind. But it seemed that the others were late, or even worse, lost or attacked by predators.
Professor Kim Namjoon and his husband had been so sure that the turtles would reach the nesting site in the mere matter of a day or two that you had made it your mission to overlook the mating process. You were beginning to look a little crazy to Taehyung, but he could stomach it.
He had seen far worse.
And you were now looking close to tears as the sun was setting gently into the waters and the seagulls were picking at the fish they had caught, Taehyung closed his eyes and looked for the group of distressed reptiles in the ocean surrounding the island.
He could see them clearly in his mind, the turtles were swimming hard but unfortunately the current was flowing in the direction opposite their destination. He breathed in slowly and coaxed the water to let the tired group make their way back to the coast where they had been born. He could tell these turtles were returning to the beach they had hatched in. Perks of being the literal god of the sea, huh?
He helped the animals swim back, letting the current slightly carry their bodies. When he opened his eyes again it felt like Zeus had knocked the air out of his lungs.
Because there you were, absolutely beaming at the sea. Hair caressing your face with the breeze as the orange sun glowed behind your head, making it look like you wore a halo. Your face was lit up by the rays of the sunset but not as much as by the dazzling smile you wore. You were softly laughing as you watched familiar green shells bobbing away in the clear, blue water.
A triangular head poked out, nose pointing straight at you as if trying to say hello. And if anyone was paying attention to the small, overwhelmed woman on the rock instead of the turtles, they would’ve caught how your cheeks glistened with silently shed tears.
Taehyung was paying attention.
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You and your newly befriended intern were walking along the shore, both on your lunch break, four weeks after the mating season had gotten over. The pregnant turtles would arrive any time soon to lay their eggs at the beach.
You were constantly on edge, anxious about the delicate situation but excited for the opportunities your little conservation would come across if the nesting season passed successfully.
“So how did you and Hobi manage to open up Blue Side? You’re both far too young to have done it all by yourself,” Taehyung voices from beside you. He wasn’t very chatty, not usually. But he had his moments when he would ask questions you had never been asked before, or take interest in the mundane routine of your life.
You release a puff of air, flashes of your past running through your mind as you lazily pick at one to answer, “Well, you know we’re a nonprofit organisation. But we had financial backing from Hobi’s parents, and my dad. Mr. and Mrs. Jung are both professors at the Stanford University. My dad used to be a research biologist, he’s a visiting lecturer now.”
You look up at your companion, softly kicking sand with your toe. You catch him looking at you with a peculiar smile painting his face, you reach out and brush the sun bleached strands of hair out of his eyes as you catch yourself squinting at the scene just behind him.
It’s a man you recognise from somewhere, his hand emptying a plastic bag full of trash into the foamy waves of the ocean. It clicks in your head and you know why he seems familiar. You shriek with sudden irritation, “YOU!”
You stomp the few meters towards the man, who now resembles a deer caught in headlights. Although it looks like you’d rather just run him over.
“What is the matter with you?!” It’s more of an accusation than a question. You don’t give the offender any time to retort when you’re flying off on one of your passionate rants.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Green sea turtles, almost extinct by the way, just mated here in these exact waters a month ago, they’re gonna be back to lay their eggs any day now. You have any semblance of coherent thought to know how delicate they are and how trash in the ocean can literally suffocate them?!” you take a breath as you really look at the man’s red face.
You continue mercilessly, “Eighty percent of marine debris is plastic, the mass of plastic in the oceans are as high as one hundred million tonnes. You hear that? One hundred million. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twenty times the size of Texas. You’re killing the planet, the animals and yourself. Have some empathy for your home,” you finish off with disgust lacing your tone.
The severely embarrassed man was quietly leaving with his bag of rubbish as you stared holes into his back, crossing your arms across your chest as you blew the strands of hair hanging in your eyes. You can feel Taehyung’s gaze on you, but you can’t find it in yourself to turn to him. The god is looking at you with fascination, never has he met a woman quite like you. A violent blush is staining your cheeks as you feel your face heat up under his intense scrutiny.
“Why do you always do that?” you hear his deep baritone ask.
You still refuse to look at him but respond anyway, “What do you mean ‘always do that’? Do what?”
“I don’t know? Why are you always so passionate about the sea? It’s not just the sea either, the fish and the plants and everything underwater,” he’s still looking at you as he says, “You want to protect it all so badly. Why?”
You sigh as you finally turn your head to look at him, the pink glow of the sunset makes him look even more ethereal than he does on the regular. You sweep your eyes over his face several times, taking in his features as you carefully sort the words building in your throat.
Your gaze drops to the ground where the littlest of waves are kissing your toes, the smell of the ocean thick as you feel the wet sand under your feet.
“Because,” you begin.
“Because what?” he retorts.
You look back at him intensely, your eyes burn with the light of the dipping sun but Taehyung doesn’t think it’s on purpose. Your eyes just look like that whenever you talk of things you’re passionate about. He’s noticed that since he’s met you.
“Because!” you huff. “It’s my job. It’s my job to protect the sea.”
Taehyung scoffs at your reply, it’s lame and you know it but being vulnerable has always been difficult for you. “Yes, it may be your job but nobody expects you to do it 24/7. You’re always scolding people who litter, always picking up trash you catch in the waves. Hell, you’re always hanging out with the fisherman to make sure they’re using the right methods while out at sea and not overfishing.”
He presses on, “Tell me, Y/N, what’s it all about?” Only this time his voice is softer and infinitely more intimate.
“I want to do all of that. I love the sea, that’s the short answer. But the sea is all we know,” you reply with a breath. “Air, water, earth. It will all remain even if we die out. And if I could help save even a few inches of the ocean, just a handful of fish in my measly lifetime I will live on as the sea.” You say sincerely as you turn your eyes up to catch a glimpse of Taehyung’s reaction.
He’s looking at you with emotion you don’t recognise, a peculiar tilt of his lips and eyebrows slightly furrowed as if he’s doing a tricky math problem. You speak softly, your voice dropping to a low whisper now that you’re both standing closer than before, “My work, my achievements, my life. It’ll all be immortalised in the waves.”
Internally, the sea god thinks of what a wonderful woman you are. He has never met a mortal as selfless or as loving as you. You have so much love to give that it bursts out of the seams of your heart and splashes everything around you in golden hues.
“You, me, Jungkook. We’re all just mere human beings, Taehyung. The ocean and the sky? They’re what truly matters in this universe. I live my life for the ocean and its creatures so that years and years after I’m dead I’ll still be floating in the waves,” you tell him honestly, wondering how did you let a man you’ve only known for a month or a half hear your most personal truth.
But you know that if anyone deserves to know something like this about you, it has to be Kim Taehyung.
More minutes of comfortable silence follow, the hypnotic slosh of the waves pulling the stress and anxiety out of your mind. You and Taehyung face each other in front of the now barely visible sun, and the glittering horizon.
He says after a long minute of gentle breathing, “Y/N?”
“I like you,” he confesses, not a hint of hesitation or embarrassment laces his voice. Just sheer declaration.
Your cheeks flare up once again, something that seems to be happening increasingly ever since the new intern arrived. You somehow manage to keep your cool as you say, “It’s only been a few weeks, Taehyung. How can you know if you like someone if you’ve barely even met them?”
“Weeks, months, 400 years. It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same to me. Time doesn’t determine emotions, Y/N.” Taehyung says wisely, the young and carefree looking boy doesn’t talk like the many kids his age.
You smile sweetly... at him? For him? You don’t know, but you smile instead of affirming his confession.
“Sure Kim, but you still gotta clean the aquariums.”
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taglist: @a-kookie-with-my-tae @btsxdoll @taffyteffy @aesthetewriter @happyhrsme @yoongifiess
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jamaisvuandyou · 4 years
Please Dry My Eyes: Part 4
Description: Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi have had a running streak of bad luck, but Jin isn’t sure what to make of this one: His old friend’s trickery that leads to him being the new father of a little toddler, Jeon Jungkook.
Posted: 08/05/2020
WARNING: None that I’m aware of?
Angst/Fluff: 2,846 words
A/N: Apparently I was on hiatus. So, here’s the next part. 
Previous Part.  Next Part.
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“He seems like he’s adjusting well,” Namjoon said softly as they both watched the one-and-a-half-year-old play with his bunny and a puppy stuffed animal Yoongi brought home the day before.
“He only started smiling a few days ago,” Jin replied, smiling as the boy woofed for the dog. “And we got him to laugh. He lets Hoseok play with him now, too, which is a relief.”
“You’re doing great, Jin. Really. He didn’t even smile with me, and he’s known me longer. Also, he’s already acting more independent. He would never have played like this before.”
Jin felt his heart breaking more. “Was he living with his father before?”
“Sort of? It was complicated because of the custody rights and all, but he did spend most of his time with his father. Friday through Monday would typically be spent with me for the past year because of his mother’s death, and his grandparent’s trying to win custody. But the courts declared that they weren’t allowed to have custody. I still had him though, because his dad…well…he wanted you to have custody of his son. He was scared, and he kept saying that you would make a better father. It’s like a god-parent situation. He didn’t feel that he was the proper guardian for his son. I’m just glad he was right about you being good for Jungkook.” Namjoon smiled softly as said boy placed the puppy toy in his lap before squirming up and onto Jin’s lap.
“Jinnie, Nunny hurt,” Jungkook said gravely, eyes looking misty.
“Oh no! Where did Nunny get hurt?’
Jungkook revealed the tear in the bunny’s arm, chin wobbling. “Fix?”
Jin smiled and nodded, carefully taking Nunny and kissing Jungkook’s face. “I’ll take him to the doctor and get him all fixed up, okay? Right now, we’ll let him sleep so that he’s strong and brave for the doctor. Do you want to stay here, or play with your Pup?”
“PupPup,” He murmured, staying cuddled up in Jin’s arms for another minute or two and then sliding down and taking the stuffed dog and going back to the fabric blocks, playing.
Jin grabbed the sewing kit and started threading the needle. “You know, I never thought I’d need to know how to do this.”
“Hey, at least you know how. I had to take it to my mom because my initial solution was to try and replace it. To be fair, it had been a bad week, but I still should have remembered the importance of toys like Nunny to kids like Jungkook. You know, if this goes well for the next few months…would you maybe consider fostering kids every now and then? Some of them wouldn’t be long-term, just until we could find a foster home, but I think you could be really good for them.”
Jin bit his lip. “Maybe. But…it would have to be way down the road. Jungkook is my number one priority right now, and until he’s living like a kid his age should, I don’t want to do anything to upset the balance. If it’s an absolute emergency, then yeah, you can call me. I would never turn away a kid in an emergency, and hopefully Hoseok and Yoongi will be completely in Jungkook’s good graces before that ever happens.”
Namjoon nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, hyung.”
The more he thought about it, the more at peace with the idea he was, provided Jungkook was unaffected by it, he would gladly help any other kids that needed it.
Later, when Jin was telling Hoseok and Yoongi about the conversation, Hoseok agreed.
“I think he’s right, hyung. You’re so good with kids, and if it would be for emergencies, then how could we even think of saying no? Poor kids. It could have been us,” Hoseok said softly, almost hugging his mug of peppermint tea.
Yoongi nodded. “But I’m glad you said it depended on Jungkook. He is your adopted son, after all, and until he’s more comfortable around us, it’s just not practical to bring other kids into the house. Until he know that we won’t leave him, we can’t bring in people that will. I mean, he seems to know that Namjoon will come back, but he still cried for how long after he left?”
“Two hours, but I was able to give him a fixed Nunny and that at least calmed him down enough to lay down for a nap.” Jin stretched, trying to get his back to crack to no avail.
“What happened to Nunny?” Hoseok asked, eyes wide.
“The arm ripped a bit. I think I got it on there well, though, so it shouldn’t be a problem. He’s named the dog PupPup, by the way, and it’s suitable for when Nunny needs to rest.”
Yoongi grinned as Hoseok made an adoring sound.
“Did Namjoon say anything else?”
Jin shrugged. “He told me a bit more about Jungkook’s situation before this, said he was really happy with the improvements he saw in Jungkook already. Said he’d be back in a week.”
“Jinnie!” The despairing wail seemed so loud in the house and had all of them rushing to Jungkook’s nursery.
Jin scooped up the sobbing boy, cuddling him close. “Hey, it’s okay, Kookie, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here. I’m never leaving you.”
Yoongi looked angry, and Jin knew why. It was the same reason he was so heartbroken.
Hoseok leaned in and kissed the boy’s tear-streaked cheek. “Aww, our poor Kookie,” He whispered in a soothing tone. “It’s okay.”
Yoongi seemed to give in after holding Jin’s gaze for a while, coming over and lightly rubbing the tiny back of the toddler. “We’re here, Kookie. We’re all here.”
Jin carried him out to the couch so that they could all sit together while the boy cried it out.
Hoseok immediately curled so that he could pet the baby-soft hair.
Yoongi sat down, but looked awkward for a while, shifting around until he finally just lay with his head on Jin’s lap, the top of his head against Jungkook’s leg.
It was cozy, and as Jungkook hiccuped into a calmer state, Jin could feel himself starting to doze. He was tired. It’d been a long night because Jin had been quietly comforting Hoseok, who’d had another rough day at work and that had been too much for Yoongi to handle on his own, plus he’d been worrying about Namjoon’s visit.
He felt Jungkook moving, but didn’t register it until suddenly the little bundle of warmth was missing leaving his chest a little cold. “Hmm?”
“It’s okay, hyung,” Hoseok whispered, and Jin barely registered the blanket covering him, but curled toward his warm companion a little, careful not to move Yoongi. “Jungkook is cuddled up with Yoongi.”
Jin smiled, forcing his eyes open to see the child curled up under a throw blanket on Yoongi’s chest. “Does he work tomorrow?”
“Not until later in the day. I took pictures,” Hoseok whispered, petting Jin’s hair. “With your phone. And I might have accidentally read some of your texts.”
“Anything interesting?”
“Namjoon sent you texts saying if you were considering it in the future, that he would need you to fill out paperwork now so that it had time to process. And that you should talk to us about agreeing to a background check.” Hoseok wrapped his arms around Jin a little tighter. “And there was a text from one of your coworkers.”
Jin frowned.
“I wanted to delete it. Can I?”
“That bad?” Jin’s heart fell.
Hoseok nodded.
“Do it. I don’t want to see it.” Jin shifted so he could see Jungkook just by opening his eyes. “Hoseok…Jungkook is getting better, right?”
“So much better, hyung.”
“You know that, hyung,” Yoongi murmured. “You’re just tired. Relax. Hoseok and I have Jungkook. And he allows us to have him, now. Because he trusts you. Someday he’ll trust us, but for now he trusts you and that’s enough. Don’t think, just sleep.”
“We should have that framed on our wall,” Hoseok chuckled lowly, more to himself if Jin was guessing. “Except, usually, Jin-hyung is saying it to us.”
“Jinnie!” Jungkook suddenly squeaked out, jerking up from Yoongi’s chest and almost sliding off—prevented by Yoongi who was equally as startled and slightly injured from the boy’s head hitting his chin.
Hoseok moved before Jin could get his body to comply, scooping up Jungkook while Yoongi went to get an ice-cube for his tongue, which was apparently bleeding.
Jin didn’t even need to move, really, just hugged Jungkook and blearily watched his best friends taking care of one of their tongues and making sure that they didn’t need to take him to see a doctor.
Jungkook seemed to find Jin’s presence enough to calm himself, and get curious about what the other two were doing.
Jin just shrugged down at the boy when the little one pointed toward the kitchen. “Yoongi hurt himself. Hobi is taking care of him.”
Jungkook nodded, still sniffling from his quick bout of tears. “Kiss make better?”
“Uh, not this one. He bit his tongue,” Jin told him, sticking his tongue out to illustrate.
Jungkook’s eyes got huge, but then he let out a choked, snort-giggle that had Jin rushing to grab a tissue and clean his face. Because if there was one thing they all knew, Jungkook did not like to be dirty or icky.
Hoseok came over, looking queasy. “I can’t.”
Jin nodded. “I have to go help Yoongi, okay, Kookie?”
Jungkook nodded, grabbing another tissue and playing with it a little, casually crawling onto Hoseok’s lap as he sat down.
Jin went into the kitchen, where Yoongi was holding ice wrapped in paper towel to his tongue and making a pained face. “Let me see.”
Yoongi reluctantly moved the ice.
Jin looked it over, using a towel to clear blood from it, then shook his head. “Hang on, let me get some gauze from the bathroom. It doesn’t look bad, right now.”
Yoongi just grunted.
Jin got some gauze and went back, placing it and then using them to apply pressure. “Hold that, same pressure.”
Yoongi did as he was told.
“Do that for the next few minutes. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, we’ll go to the clinic. If it does, then you’ll be fine. Just…maybe avoid super hot food for a while. Like with wisdom teeth.”
Yoongi stared at him blankly.
“Yoongi…you’ve had your wisdom teeth out…right?”
Yoongi slowly shook his head.
Jin closed his eyes. “When you went to the dentist—because I made you, by the way—did they mention anything about your wisdom teeth?”
Yoongi slowly nodded.
“Did they mention that you needed to get them out?”
Yoongi nodded.
“Was the word ‘impacted’ mentioned?” Jin could see by the immediate wariness in Yoongi’s gaze that it was, even as the younger man nodded.
Jin groaned and kicked the dining chair back so he could drop into it. “Yooongiiiii.”
“ ‘E ah ‘o o’ey!” Yoongi protested, still holding his tongue—in the literal sense.
“We do now! You’re doing it. Quit your job, go to the dentist, get your wisdom teeth out, suffer and make the rest of us suffer with you, then find another job.” Jin got up, shoving the chair back in to check Yoongi’s tongue again. “It’s fine. It doesn’t look swollen either so you can discard that ice.”
“Hyung,” Yoongi murmured, grabbing Jin’s sleeve with his clean hand. “I can’t—”
“You can, and you will. I put us on the budget, I can adjust it as needed to accommodate what we need. Don’t fight me on this, Yoongi. Please.”
Yoongi’s grip tightened. “Hyung…I haven’t told Hobi yet. I got fired. I was job searching earlier.”
Jin hugged him, ignoring how Yoongi doesn’t normally like hugs and physical affection. Holding him tightly until Yoongi seemed to crumple and start quietly crying.
Hoseok brought Jungkook in and they both got in on the hug.
Jungkook even kissed Yoongi’s cheek. “No cry, Yoon’i hyungie.”
Yoongi just took Jungkook from Hoseok, holding onto him like it was the only way he’d ever be okay.
Jungkook hugged Yoongi’s neck. “Is okay. Jinnie make better.”
Jin shook his head behind Jungkook, trying to figure out what he did to make the toddler hold so much stock in his ability to fix things.
Which was how Hoseok’s worried face caught Jin’s eye, mouthing the question that Jin couldn’t answer. It was Yoongi’s question to answer.
So instead, Jin put an arm around Hoseok’s waist and pulled him more tightly into their little group hug.
Family hug.
Hoseok snuggled tightly to Jin’s side, clutching the back of his shirt.
Yoongi finally seemed calm. “He’s asleep again.”
Jin nodded. “I’ll put him to bed. I’ll also try to stay in the room next to him tonight instead of in the room. Keep the baby monitor.” He carefully took Jungkook and headed down the hall so that Hoseok and Yoongi could talk.
Jungkook looked like he was sleeping peacefully now.
Jin adjusted the baby monitor, then arranged the stuffed animals in the corners of the crib the way Jungkook liked because of Jin’s story about them protecting him some nights ago. Then he quietly went out and changed, before crawling under the covers of the spare bed in the room next door, leaving the master bedroom to the others—who he could still hear in the kitchen.
He shifted down to get more comfortable, the drowsiness from before sneaking back up on him.
Jin looked up and blinked sleepily. “Hoseok?”
Yoongi’s head poked up from behind the other. “Jin-hyung….”
He relaxed and moved over with a smile, knowing exactly what they wanted. “I’d love that.”
Hoseok scurried into the bed with him, pressing against Jin and hiding his face in his shoulder.
Yoongi was slower, shuffling over and getting comfortable on Hoseok’s other side, making sure all three of them were covered.
“Think he’ll sleep through the night?” Hoseok asked, sounding like he was slipping quickly into dreamland.
Jin hummed a minor note, not optimistic about his chances of sleeping through the night. He carded his fingers through Hoseok’s hair. “You work early tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Hoseok sighed softly.
Jin nodded. “I’ll wake you up.”
“Thanks, hyung.”
Yoongi shared a fond look with Jin as Hoseok fell asleep. “I know you’re worried about me and all, and I’m not going to tell you not to be. But…how are you doing?”
Jin shook his head. “I don’t know. I’m tired, and the sadness comes and goes, but seeing Jungkook start to be okay is just so…fulfilling. Most of the time I just feel angry, though. How could anyone leave him?”
“Hyung,” Yoongi softly intervened. “How are you?”
Jin swallowed, holding Hoseok tighter. He shook his head again. “I can’t relax. Not easily. Not even then Namjoon said I was doing great with Jungkook. I’m always afraid that something is going to happen to take him away, to remove him from us. Throw us back into the hole we’ve been down for so long, just as we were climbing out. Just as we were finally having a streak of good luck. I think I have more nightmares than Jungkook, Yoongi.”
Yoongi took one of Jin’s hands. “He’s yours, hyung. Forever. You’d have to really ffff—mess up,” Yoongi carefully amended when Jin gave him a slight glare. They had agreed to eliminate swearing from the house since the one time Yoongi had slipped Jungkook had started bawling and wouldn’t let Yoongi near him for the next three hours and only calmed down when he was hiding in a closet with Jin—which had honestly just been Jin trying absolutely everything, because he remembered his childhood dog hiding in the closet when it was scared.
“I should make you add money to the swear jar, but then Hoseok might get cold. How’s your tongue?”
“Still hurts. Mostly it’s just irritating. Brushing my teeth was a nightmare though. That stung.”
Jin winced. “I bet.”
Yoongi nodded, but kept playing with Jin’s fingers. “Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner about my job. Or the wisdom teeth.”
“No, it’s fine. You’re right about the wisdom teeth, we didn’t have the means to take care of it then. But we do now. So, tomorrow, we’ll call the dentist office and get you an appointment for cleaning, then talk to them about who to go to for your wisdom teeth.”
Yoongi looked uneasy.
Jin sighed. “Do you want me to go with you to ask about the oral surgeon?”
Yoongi nodded almost imperceptibly.
Jin nodded. “Alright. We’ll schedule it for when Hobi can watch Jungkook.”
“Thanks, hyung.”
“G’night, Yoongi.”
“Night,” Yoongi murmured, eyes closing.
Jin lay there, watching his two friends sleep, wondering if the reason he fell into parenting Jungkook so naturally was because he was also raising these two dorks.
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anotherkpopvictim · 4 years
Heated Love - NamJinGi A/B/O Drabble
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(Pic edit by me)
A/N: Soooo, I was trying to figure out what pairing or relationship to write about next, and I thought, why not make a kind of companion fic (to The Scents Of Us - Hoseok X Jungkook X Jimin X Taehyung) with the other three members? You don’t have to have read that one for this one to make sense, though.
This one does not have littlespace like the last one. I just felt like writing something a bit different, so here ya go!
And a very Happy Birthday to Mr. Kim Namjoon AKA our leader AKA our president <3
Relationship: Omega!Seokjin X Beta!Yoongi X Alpha!Namjoon
Rating: M
Words: 2641
Smut, fluff bc I’m me okay
“No, no, stop!” Yoongi ordered, reaching over to press a button to cut the track. The group of four boys all looked up at him through the window in the recording booth with fear in their eyes. “These harmonies are what’s going to take this song to the next level. Minhyun, you need to focus more on your part, you keep getting distracted by the others. Yejun, I know that you’re not as comfortable singing as you are rapping, but I need you to be a little bit louder, a bit more confident. Siwoo and Sungjin, I need you two to sing just a tad bit quieter so I can really hear the balance in the harmonies.”
The kids - teenagers - nodded swiftly in understanding, anxiety swimming in their eyes. Whether that was because of the pressure of singing perfectly or the unforgiving bluntness known of their producer was up for debate, but it was probably a mixture of both.
Yoongi knew he could come off as harsh and cold sometimes, but it was just that he took his job seriously and didn’t have any time for pointless goofing off or complaining.
The beta took a deep breath and gave the group still standing frightened in the booth a small smile, hoping to ease their obvious nerves. “Hey, you guys are doing a great job,” he said, voice softer than before. “Take ten minutes to yourselves and practice what I’ve just told you, then we’ll regroup and try recording again, alright? You guys are so close to finishing the song.”
The four boys all nodded once more, looking infinitely more relieved thanks to Yoongi’s kind words. Siwoo, the group’s leader smiled back and said, “Thank you, Yoongi-ssi. We’ll work hard!”
Just as the beta left them to their own devices, sitting back in his own chair and taking a sip of his now lukewarm coffee, there was a hasty knock on his studio door.
Yoongi’s eyebrow rose in surprise. Everyone at the company knew not to bother him with anything while he was in session with a group, not unless it was important.
The beta hurried to open the door and was greeted immediately by his alpha boyfriend and the familiar scent of sandalwood. The sight of him at his studio when he should have been working caused Yoongi’s heart to sink to his stomach in fear.
“Joonie,” Yoongi began, “Is everything okay? Why are you here?”
Before his thoughts could start running wild about what could be going on, Namjoon cut him off. “Hyung, everything’s fine,” he reassured with a smile, “Jin-hyung’s just started his heat early.”
Yoongi let out a breath of relief. “Oh...oh!” he blinked, “But I thought he wasn’t supposed to have one for another few weeks yet?”
Namjoon nodded, but didn’t appear worried, “I think it’s the stress of the workload he’s had at the bakery lately that caused it to come so soon.”
“I told him to take it easy,” Yoongi grumbled, running his hands through his dark locks anxiously. “Taking on catering for five big events in two weeks is insane. Especially with the number of staff he has at the moment.”
The alpha hummed in agreement, “Well, you can tell him all about how right you were later. Right now, we have an omega at home who is on his way to being very angry at us for not being there.”
Yoongi told the four idols still waiting in the recording booth that they would have to pick up where they left off in a few days and gave them a couple more tips to improve their vocals in the meantime. After they’d all left, Yoongi slipped on his leather jacket, mask, and hat - all black, of course - and hurriedly followed Namjoon out of the company building.
“Jungkook and Hoseok-hyung are with Jin-hyung now,” Namjoon explained as he began driving through the city and towards their apartment. “Jin-hyung was feeling kind of strange and called them over to talk, thinking that it was an omega thing he’d never experienced before. When his heat hit, Hoseok-hyung called me to tell me what happened.”
“It usually takes a few days of preheat before his actual heat hits,” Yoongi frowned, “No wonder he was confused.”
Namjoon reached over and settled his hand easily on the beta’s thigh. “Hey, I looked it up already. I promise this is all common in early stress heats.”
Yoongi nodded, placing his hand over the alpha’s to give it a squeeze. “I know, I’m not doubting you. My head just...”
The alpha lifted Yoongi’s hand up to his lips to give it a quick kiss before settling their hands back on the beta’s thigh. “I know.”
Yoongi hated that his anxiety made him feel so crazy sometimes, so jumpy and filled his thoughts with the worst-case scenarios, but his boyfriends understood and never complained about it. He could always see the genuine honesty in their eyes when they told him that they loved him for him and everything that included.
The beta allowed his boyfriend’s familiar, calming scent of sandalwood to ease his worries and keep him grounded as they drove home.
When they arrived, they were greeted at the door by a slightly flushed and disheveled Jungkook who gave them a knowing smile. “He just started nesting a little while ago, Hobi-hyungie’s with him in the bedroom.”
Sure enough, when they entered the bedroom, they found their Seokjin working away at perfecting the nest he was building, adjusting the pile of blankets, pillows, and clothing to his liking. He had the most adorable concentrated pout on his face that his two boyfriends couldn’t help but sigh fondly at.
Hoseok was the first to see them, and he greeted them with a smile just like Jungkook had.
“How bad has it been?” Yoongi asked.
“Not too bad,” Hoseok replied with a shrug. “He was starting to get angry earlier when he remembered you guys weren’t here, but Jungkookie suggested that he start building a nest and it’s kept him busy ever since.”
Namjoon gave his friend a hug, “Thank you for looking after him. You guys are awesome.”
Hoseok grinned that infamous heart-shaped grin of his. “No problem Joon-ah, Yoongi-hyung. We love you guys, we’d do anything for you.”
“You guys, too,” Namjoon replied. “Say ‘hello’ to Jimin and Tae for us, alright? And dinner’s still on for next Friday so don’t forget it.”
“Aye aye, captain!” Hoseok saluted dramatically with a grin. “Don’t have too much fun, yeah?” The omega waggled his eyebrows teasingly before giving both Namjoon and Yoongi pats on the shoulders and departing from the room.
“There you two are!”
The alpha and beta both looked up with wide eyes at the familiar, angry tone. Seokjin had spotted them, it seemed, as he was glaring in their direction with his hands on his hips. His slightly overgrown chocolate locks fell into his eyes and he pushed it out of the way with a huff.
“I’ve been waiting for you for weeks!” the omega pouted. “Thanks for finally showing up, I guess.”
Namjoon went right towards him, arms outstretched. “Don’t be so dramatic, hyung. It’s only been a few hours.”
“Weeks!” the omega insisted stubbornly, whilst simultaneously throwing himself into Namjoon’s arms.
Yoongi sighed fondly and joined them at the bedside. “How are you feeling, hyung? Do you need a cool bath or anything yet?”
The omega’s demeanor changed in an instant as he turned in the alpha’s arms to bring Yoongi into a tight embrace. He wasted no time in nuzzling into the beta’s neck, making sure to leave his scent of strawberries and cream all over him and inhaling his soft scent of a rainy forest in turn.
“I’m okay right now,” Seokjin finally answered, remembering that he’d been asked a question. “Just want my mates.”
Namjoon curled around the omega from behind and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “We’re here now, hyung. And we’re not going anywhere.”
Seokjin nearly purred in contentment at being squished in a Namjoon-Yoongi sandwich. The feeling of being surrounded completely by his mates, in his own house, his own nest, it made his wolf feel utterly safe.
“You know what I do need?” the omega asked, a teasing smile on his face as he glanced at his mates.
“Hm, what?” Namjoon inquired.
“A good fuck.”
Yoongi groaned at the blunt words, his cock already tenting in his pants. “I think that can be arranged.”
The beta lifted both hands to cup the omega’s face and brought him in for a passionate kiss. Seokjin sighed happily and bit teasingly at Yoongi’s lower lip.
Namjoon watched as they continued to make out languidly, their tongues and lips tangling together lovingly. The alpha’s eyes flashed red with desire as his large hands began running up and down Seokjin’s sides. His fingers brushed the soft skin under the omega’s t-shirt (which Namjoon belatedly realized was actually his t-shirt) and felt pride bubble up inside him when Seokjin let out little breathy whines at the feeling. He pulled the shirt off completely, but apparently it wasn’t quite enough for the omega.
“Mm, get in my nest.” Seokjin pouted, “This is taking too long.”
The alpha huffed out a laugh, “We’ll get in, but after that, you’re not going to be making any more demands, sweetheart.”
Seokjin shivered at Namjoon’s deep voice in his ear and smirked. “Make me, alpha.”
There was a sudden flurry of movement and the omega found himself laid out in the center of his nest. Someone was on top of him, between his legs. He expected it to be Namjoon but was mildly surprised when he saw Yoongi looking down at him with a dark, lustful gaze.
Seokjin didn’t fight it when the beta grabbed his hands and lifted them above his head. “Keep them there,” Yoongi ordered.
“Yes, sir.”
Namjoon sidled up beside the two of them, running his hands all over Jin’s torso, from the waistband of his sweatpants to his collarbones. “You’re in a bratty mood today,” he commented, sounding amused.
Yoongi was busy pulling down the omega’s pants and boxers that were getting close to becoming drenched in Seokjin’s slick. The beta tossed the garments over his shoulder nonchalantly, unable to care where they ended up.
“‘M always bratty,” Seokjin remarked with a prominent pout on his plush, pink lips.
The beta snorted, “Can’t argue with that.”
Seokjin opened his mouth once more, probably to make another sassy comeback, but his words turned into a loud moan as Yoongi plunged two fingers into his asshole without warning. It didn’t hurt, of course, because of the copious amounts of slick leaking out of him, but the sudden feeling of being filled with something caught the omega off guard. Not to mention that Yoongi easily found his prostate (thanks to years of getting to know Seokjin’s body) and thrust his long fingers mercilessly against it.
Taking advantage of the older’s opened mouth, Namjoon locked their lips together and growled at the arousal growing in his gut.
“Oh, fuck...” Jin groaned.
The beta looked up at his mates once the omega was thoroughly prepared and took in the delicious sight of them making out. He also noticed that Seokjin’s hands had stayed above his head the entire time, just as he’d asked.
“He’s ready for you, Joon-ah.” Yoongi announced, ignoring the displeased whine Seokjin let out when he removed his fingers from inside of him. “And he’s obviously desperate since he’s actually listening to us now. Give him a good knot to calm him down.”
“Yes, fuck!” the omega all but whimpered, “Give me your knot!”
Namjoon looked over at Yoongi, “You sure I can go first?”
The beta nodded, “I’ll get my turn with him later.”
So, Namjoon and Yoongi switched places, the beta pressing kisses to Seokjin’s lips and the alpha running his hands admiringly over the omega’s legs he now knelt between.
Belatedly realizing that they were still fully dressed, Namjoon nudged Yoongi and the two of them began to strip out of their clothing hastily. Seokjin enjoyed the show until the two of them were completely naked and Yoongi claimed his mouth once more.
Namjoon’s cock always stretched the omega so good and this time was no different. The alpha’s large, thick dick sliding into him gave him slight discomfort - despite the thorough fingering he’d received from Yoongi earlier - but it also felt oh so good.
Seokjin let out little whiny mewls into the beta’s mouth as he waited for his body to adjust. It only took half a minute, and once he felt he was ready, the omega wasted no time in circling his hips to get the alpha deeper.
“’M good, Joonie.” Seokjin assured. “Give me all you have.”
And, really, Namjoon didn’t need to hear it twice. He grabbed the omega’s hips in his hands and pulled back until just the tip of his cock was still inside of him, and then he thrust back in harshly.
The pace didn’t take long to pick up, Seokjin’s body rocking up and down with the force of the movements. “Oh, yeah, that’s it! Right there!” The omega nearly squealed when Namjoon moved his hands to his thighs and lifted him slightly off the bed, the new angle causing the alpha to thrust straight into Seokjin’s prostate.
Yoongi reveled in the heady smell of sandalwood and strawberries and rainy forest, the scent of safety and love. As the omega got closer to his orgasm and became more out of breath, Yoongi shifted his attention from Seokjin’s lips to his neck, where two mating bites sat proudly. He kissed and licked at Namjoon’s bite mark lovingly before moving slightly upwards to his own. His teeth found the healed-over mark and bit gently, just enough to cause the omega to lose it completely.
“Fuck,” Namjoon moaned, “Made him get so tight around me, Yoongi-hyung. Getting so close.”
The beta grinned and turned back to Seokjin, who looked stunning laid back in his nest, naked and sweaty, mouth parted and eyebrows pulled together in pleasure. “He’s almost there, Joon-ah.”
And he was right because within ten more thrusts directly to his prostate and the gentle sting over his bite mark, Seokjin came. He came loudly and all over himself, but he kept his hands held above his head, determined.
“Oh, shit!” the alpha hissed, his sandy blond hair wet with sweat and falling in his face. “Seokjin-hyung, that’s-”
Still riding on the wave of his high, Seokjin whimpered when he felt the alpha’s knot expanding inside of him until the two of them were locked together completely as Namjoon came.
Yoongi pushed the alpha’s hair off of his forehead with one hand and used the other to touch gently over his bite mark on Seokjin. The omega mewled and leaned into the touch easily as he came down from his high.
A few minutes passed in silence as they caught their breath and Yoongi gave them water.
“Love you guys,” Seokjin mumbled with a dazed grin. “Always make me feel so good.”
Yoongi leaned down to kiss him, this time more softly than earlier. Namjoon followed suit before flopping down on the other side of the omega. “Love you, too.”
“Love you,” Yoongi repeated with a gentle smile. “Now let’s cuddle while your heat is sated for a bit.”
Seokjin eagerly pulled Yoongi into his chest, allowing Namjoon access to give the beta a much-needed kiss on the lips.
“I want Yoongi-ah to fuck me next,” Seokjin announced, blunt as always.
The beta snorted as Namjoon huffed out a tired laugh, “I see you’re back to being bratty again.”
Seokjin shrugged, “I want what I want and I have no problem asking for it.”
A/N: Well damn, that was a ride. I thought it would be interesting to write Seokjin as a bratty omega and I have to say I’m pretty happy with the result, but let me know what you think!
Also, I was planning on ending it here but if you want a second part where Yoongi fucks Seokjin then let me know!
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mypersonmyg · 4 years
Nom De Plume~Teaser|MYG
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*banner by @namluve​ (requested from bghq editing team)
Pairing: pianist!Yoongi x cellist!reader
Genre: College au, angst, fluff, smut
Rating: 18+
Word Count: TEASER~ 848; FULL FIC~ 57k...rip
Warnings: None, teaser is an awkward fluff fest
Summary: You’re ready to be a performer, your only goal is to make it through college unscathed and find your way to a grand stage to share your craft with the world. Min Yoongi is what some might call a piano prodigy, but his true passion lies in the music he creates behind the scenes. You may just be the girl, with a not so subtle crush on him, that makes his daily americano, but your lives are a lot more connected than you think. (As always I’m the worst at summaries)
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“Have a nice day.” Asshole. You look down at your feet, your white sneakers contrasting beautifully to the wooden flooring. It makes you think of the paneling of the grand stage in a concert hall, and your smile comes a little easier this time. “How may I help you?”
You almost choke on the last syllable when you see who your next customer is. Min Yoongi. 
“Oh, hi. The usual I assume?” You blurt as your hands slightly shake where you placed them behind the counter.
“Ah, am I that obvious?” He rubs the back of his neck, his lip quirking upward a bit as he tilts his head.
“What, no! I just...americanos are great andーsorry I shouldn’t have assumed.” You shake your head embarrassed at your overeager attempt at conversation. 
“Well you’re not wrong,”  He smiles with a slight shrug, his cheeks tinting just enough to have your breath catching in your throat. You nod writing his name and order on his cup and taking his payment. You’re just handing the cup to Jeongguk when he places his hands on your waist and scoots you out of the way taking your spot at the register.
“Why don’t you take this one? I could use a break,” He gives you a sly wink as you try to tell him to abort mission, but he’s already taking the next person’s order. Inwardly groaning you start making the drink trying to think of something to say that won’t make you sound like a complete moron.
It’s not like you're doing more than handing him a drink, but somehow you always come off sounding like an idiot. Of course, it doesn’t help that your only real outlets for romantic advice at the moment are Jimin and Jeongguk. The former has the face of an angel, and seduction is his middle name, while the latter can’t talk to anyone without it sounding like he wants to carry them to the altar; neither of which are great options for you who’s never even bothered with the opposite sex until college.
Even now, you find yourself more focused on your studies and how many more caramel macchiatos you’re going to have to make before you graduate. So when you caught feelings for Min Yoongi, you couldn’t help but want to throw them back. The weird way he makes your heart beat like a metronome and your hands sweat like a nervous performer is new territory, and you could do without the distraction. Especially now, with the end of the year showcase coming up, you need to be focused on your solo rather than Min Yoongi and the unnaturally loud thumping in your chest.
 “Here you go, maybe the coffee is better than the service.” You joke, handing him his drink. 
“Impossible, the service is top-notch. Anyone who can take douches hounding them for a plain cup of coffee deserves an award.” He looks like he wants to say more, his lips parting for a brief moment before Hoseok, one of Yoongi’s friends who frequently accompanies him, walks over, clapping Yoongi lightly on the shoulder. You walk back over to Jeongguk, grabbing the two cups labeled ‘Hobi’ and get to work filling them, ears still picking up the conversation at the other end of the counter.
“You forgot to order for Joon.” You glance over to see Hoseok roll his eyes, playfully shoving Yoongi, who only bows his head running a hand through his brown hair. You force yourself to turn away, focusing on the drinks before you and the long line of customers you need to serve rather than what it would be like if you were the one running your fingers through his silky tresses.
“Damn, did you get him?” Yoongi asks, clearing his throat. If you were looking, you would’ve seen the way he looked around as if just realizing that he was in fact at the other end of the counter. 
“Nah, he’ll live.” You slide the lids onto both of the cups and carry them over to the counter.
“Hobi?” Yoongi’s companion turns to you with a blinding smile and reaches for the drinks.
“Thanks,” You nod, chancing one more glance at Yoongi, whose eyes are focused on you as well. You look back to Hoseok, who is now glancing in the direction of Yoongi, and you realize he must have seen you staring.
“That guy was being a total ass, you’re doing great.” Yoongi smiles briefly before dropping a couple of bills into the tip jar.
“Thank you, have a nice day.” You quickly excuse yourself already a flustered mess and  go back over to Jeongguk, shoving him out of the way so you can resume your position at the register. You ignore the look he sends you, filled with curiosity at how his little stunt played out, and get back to giving orders. Your mind becomes entirely occupied by the flurry of customers, and by the time the buzz becomes a dull hum, and you actually have time to breathe, Yoongi and Hoseok are nowhere in sight.
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Coming Soon...
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blu-joons · 5 years
BTS Reaction: You Discuss The Meaning Of Girlfriend
“Jin, what does having a girlfriend mean to you?”
“Well, for starters, it means I have someone to laugh at my jokes, which is really good to help boost my ego. It means I have someone to enjoy in life, to keep me company and entertain me, and I’d like to think I could do the same to you. Most of all, having a girlfriend means love, the best feeling in the world. I enjoy just having some around, I love when we cook together, travel together, just go out for days together whether it’s fishing, or going for coffee, it never bothers me as long as I get to be with you.”
“That’s really cute Jin,” you smiled, resting your head on his chest, “your jokes are my favourite thing in the world.”
He chuckled, “I see what you’re doing, you’re saying that just to boost my ego, I know what you’re like.”
“No, your jokes are funny, I promise.”
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“Yoongi, how do you think life has changed since the beginning of our relationship?”
“There’s too many changes to list, we’ll be here all day. I like cuddles, I like having someone to fall asleep to at night and to wake up to in the morning. I like having the company and having someone around me. Personally, I think I’ve grown as a person, I’m more empathetic, caring, loving, considerate, and that’s all because of you. Together, I think we’ve both learnt how important it is to have someone in your life just to make you feel good on those bad days and help you through the tough days when you can’t see a way out.”
“That’s so well put, I agree,” you giggled, “you’re always there to brighten my day when it feels like the world is against me.”
He nodded, “and you to me. Just a cuddle from you always makes me feel a lot happier and comfortable.”
“Can we have a cuddle now?”
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“Hobi, how do you think the term girlfriend is actually defined?”
“I think it depends on the person. I would define girlfriend as being the prettiest girl in the world, with the biggest heart and smile. The one that loves you for all your quirks and supports you when you’re low or just feeling homesick. A girlfriend is the one you can’t wait to come home to, who you just want to spend every waking moment with, the only person in the world that you need. That’s exactly what you are to me Y/N, you’re the only one I need, you’re the best person in the world, faultless, flawless, perfect in every single way.”
“You’re adorable,” you chuckled, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “I think we need to get in contact with the dictionary, they can get that written down.”
He rolled his eyes, “don’t be silly. I’m just being honest, I love you, you’re the greatest thing in my life.”
“I love you more.”
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“Joon, what does a girlfriend mean to you?”
“That’s a difficult question, but I’d say it’s the early stages of finding your companion, do you know what I mean? It’s the start of the process of hopefully finding the one to spend the rest of your life with, to mother your child, to grow old with, all the things you dream of in a fairy tale. You’re the one person in the world I can truly be myself around because you don’t fault me, you support me, and push me to do bigger and better things, you pick me up when I’m down, and hold me higher when I’m feeling up.”
“You’re going to make me cry,” you chuckled, wiping under your eyes, “I didn’t think you’d be that soppy you big cheese ball.”
His head shook, “you asked me what it meant to me, so I told you, you can’t cry now.”
“I can when you’re as soft as that.”
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“Jimin, how have I changed you, being your girlfriend?”
“The main thing is you make me forget about the rest of the world, I can be childish, immature, crazy and you simply wouldn’t care. I can be serious, and talk to you, confide in you, and you’re always on hand with the best of advice. You make me laugh more than anyone else can, you care for me, look after me, especially through my injuries, nurturing me back to full health. Plus, you’re smaller than me so at least I’m no longer the smallest in our friendship group to get teased. That’s a real big bonus about having a girlfriend.”
“You always manage to be cute, and then stop,” you smiled, “just when my heart warmed, you cooled it back down.”
He pulled you into his chest, “sorry jagi, but I just like to remind you of the other joys you bring to my life.”
“Thanks, Jimin, that’s really appreciated!”
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“Tae, love, what’s your take on love and relationships?”
“I think they’re the most incredible things in the world. To be loved and cared for, to have someone look out for you, to have someone appreciate you, there’s nothing better. Love is the best thing in the world, you’re the best thing in my world. It’s nice having someone to appreciate the world with, to be able to show things to and look around with. It’s a scary thing, falling in love, but somehow you just make it feel like the easiest thing in the world, I can do anything I put my mind to when I know I’ve got love keeping me going.”
“Tae, that was lovely,” you smiled, lacing your hand with his, “it’s so easy to see why you’re such a good songwriter.”
He smiled appreciatively at you, “I mean it though, I’m just openly telling you how I feel.”
“I know, and it’s all kinds of adorable.”
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“Kookie, what does having a girlfriend mean to you?”
“It means a gym buddy for life! I’m only kidding, you’re a lot more than that, I promise. Being so young, having a girlfriend is a great support in life, I’m still learning, I’m still very dependent, but I appreciate you, and us. Being able to explore the world and who I am as a person with you helping me become a greater person everyday is the biggest honour. I know it’s hard loving me, and any girl who could do it deserves a medal, but I’m so thankful that it’s you who is sticking with me and helping me become a man.”
“Kook, that’s sweet,” you giggled, “you’re becoming an incredible human, it’s amazing seeing you grow, on and off stage.”
His smile grew, “none of that would be possible without you though, being there for me always.”
“I’m always here for you, you know that.”
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