Can you recommend me any short modern day Rowaelin fics? Preferably fluff. Christmad if you can find them. Yes this is super specific I'm sorry
ahhhh babes!! i'm so honoured you'd come to me for fic recs 🥺🥺❤️❤️
unfortunately, i didn't vibe with tog enough to seek out fics afterward, so i haven't read too many in that fandom. however, i did some crowd sourcing and found some for you!
not sure how many of these meet your exact specifications but they might be a place to start.
a lil chocolate drabble by @illyrianwitchling
a holiday of healing by @illyrianwitchling and @starborn-faerie-queen (this has some nessian angst, but it is christmas and co-written by two of my good friends)
i don't want to wait by @charincharge (from what i hear this is a lil angsty but also has fluffy moments. hannah montana, best of both worlds)
"like what you see?" by @charincharge
trick or treat by @charincharge
swipe left by @snelbz
rowaelin massive fluff by @louiseleblancdiggory
tis the damn season by @darlinminds
valiant by @aelin-queen-of-terrasen
12 days of holidrabbles by @morganofthewildfire
"you look even more beautiful in the snow" by @sassyhobbits
in the bleak midwinter by @imaginedhaven
if y'all have any more, shout them out in the comments/reblogs 🖤🗡
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abruisedmuse · 4 years
Trickery of Snow
Illyrianwitchling's Holidrabble
Day 4 For: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @clockworkgraystairs ❤❤❤❤
Prompts: Jurdan + "You look even more beautiful covered in snow" & Snowball fights "I'm going to get you back for that, [name]!!
A/N: sorry if I clog your feed loves! Until I get my laptop, I can only post via mobile. I'll be be too busy the following week to back track drabbles. I'll fix it as soon as I can. Anyway enjoy!
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Cardan stood alongside Oak. Against the bark of an aged tree. Its limbs barren due to the frigid winter of the mortal world. True in Elfhame, they had "winters" where a slight chill swept through the lands and a little snow dust over the earth. The snow there however, more reminiscent of powdered sugar on doughnuts instead of actual snow.
Yet here in the Mortal lands, there was a stark difference. What was once covered in dirt and grass the brightest greens is now blanketed thickly in a shimmering white. Enough to the point, they had specialty shoes and garments for the weather. 
It took Cardan some time to get used to these puffy coats, his in black, of course, and the awkward heavy boots. Snowshoes, he remembered Jude telling him. For a while, he couldn't fathom why anyone would willingly go outside in this icy weather. The idea of sitting in warmth, in freeing clothes, a hearth alight with embers, and mulled wine sounded much his style than...snow.
Until now, this fight, for lack of a better term, was intriguing. If only for the thrill of competition. 
They busied themselves, making as many snowballs as possible before Jude finds them. Oak was somewhat surprised with how quick Cardan became at making them. Within minutes, both had eight each, tucked securely within the pocket of their hoodies.
"Ready?" Oak’s tone laced with amusement, a grin on his youthful features, "and remember," he said, crouching into the snow a gloved palm keeping his arsenal steady, "Don't hit me."
"I do know what a team is," Cardan replied as if offended—repeating the movement.
They sat behind the tree listening for Jude. Sure, since joining The Court of Shadows, she mastered the art of slyfooting. Here with the heavy fall of snow, Cardan picked up her footsteps quickly. It wasn't as loud as, say, Vivienne or Heather. Jude's steps were softer, lighter, yet there's a subtle crunch on the floor when she moved. Like the one Cardan heard a second ago. 
Oak seemed to notice the High King's reaction. Keeping his eyes and ears alert for his sister and turning to look at Cardan, pointing to himself and the left. Then Cardan and the right. The High King nodded.
"Be quick and keep low to the ground," Oak hissed.
"This is our third round of snowball. I assure you, Oak. I know the rules." Cardan replied a bit harsher than intended.
"Well, we lost the last two," Oak grumbled. 
Cardan scowled, watching him sneak off to the left side, hiding behind another tree. Before surveying the area. Looking out for his wife, he knew lurked by. 
The High King briskly moved from tree to tree. Stopping at each trunk to listen. The feather-light crunch of boots on snow guiding his way. A few minutes passed, he wasn't sure if this is working. Cardan spoke a moment too soon. Unexpectedly, Jude appeared, prowling the forest, snowball in hand, heading to Oak's location. Cardan smirked with a hint of playfulness, quietly following his wife. The Ghost trained Jude how to listen and track faerie. Cardan took every step with caution. Careful to not step on any loose branches. Keeping close to trees and inching as close as he dared to.
He caught a movement from behind a tree standing at the edge of a clearing. Immediately Cardan knew it was Oak; to his disadvantage, so did Jude. Of course, she would. Lethal, beautiful, and intelligent, he would've felt pride in his scabrous heart, had it not been for his teammate she was sprinting towards. Cardan darted in between the barren trees. Adrenaline pumping through his veins as he closed in on his wife, his darling god.
Taking a snowball from the pocket of his hoodie, Cardan pulled his arm back and swung. Watching with half-closed eyes as the rounded ball of snow soared through the sky, striking Jude on the back of the head. Glistening snow crashed against her free-flowing tresses. Like melting snow on the earthy floor. He found it striking in appearance
Jude stilled, turning gradually towards him, with a wicked glint in her eyes, stepping towards her husband.
“Three rounds and you finally landed a hit,” her steps were calculating, assessing him silently as she moved around. “I’m proud of you, husband.”
“Well, my dearest Jude, a slow learner, still learns,” he quipped, trying not to watch Oak in the back sneaking up to her. 
Unfortunately, Cardan did give his nephew away. As Jude turned, Cardan shouted, “now!” 
In rapid succession, Oak threw snowball after snowball at Jude. Cardan joined in, racing up to them, unleashing his entire stock on her. In one moment, Cardan stood tall, then another, his legs were kicked beneath him. He was falling into the soft snow below. Jude straddled him, hips over hips.
She leaned in, kissing the top of his ear, "I'm going to get you back for that Cardan." A promise, a threat, perhaps both. With Jude, one could never be too sure.
He only smiled up at her, all the confidence in the world on his smug expression, "Get me back how?"
Kissing him sweetly ignoring Oak's blatant disgust at her public display, before she spoke, "like this," his wife reached into the snow next to him, dropping the pile on his face. Cardan shook it all away. Hearing both Jude and Oak laughing at. 
"Really, Jude?"
"Does it help if I tell you, you look even more beautiful covered in snow." She laughed, like the sweetest of wines. 
"As much as I appreciate the comment, my sweet villain, I look beautiful everywhere and in everything."
"Ugh!" Shoving him into the snow and ice, "you're such an ass. Come on, Oak. Round four, you're with me."
Oak whooped and cheered, being on a team with Jude. Cardan gaped on in disbelief as the two walked away from view.
"I should've stayed inside with the mulled wine."
Tag list: @jurdanhell@slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @hizqueen4life @clockworkgraystairs @b00kworm ​ @negativenesta ​ @sjm-things ​​ @whataboutmyfries ​​ @justgiu12 ​​ @illyrian-bookworm ​​ @thesirenwashere ​​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn ​​ @nightbringer @vanessa172003 ​​ @thewickedkings ​​ @sleeping-and-books ​​ @thefolkofthefic ​​ @yafandomsdotnet ​​ @alittledribbledrabble ​ @iminsanenotobsessed ​ @theoceanfaewriter @sevenfreckles-for-sevenloves @figuredihadanodustollensofalife ​ @awkward-avocado-s @maastrash @knifewifejude @st00pid231 @elide-lochan-salvaterre @gisellefigue08 @pcarnatio @wanderingjpg @bookishwitchling @sayosdreams @flintandtinder @starborn-faerie-queen @hopefullyanauthor @junipersuns @thewayshedreamed @hopefullyanauthor @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @blade-given-form @perseusannabeth @notanapostatemage @danaanruhn @thegoddessofyou @swankii-art-teacher @nestable @darlinminds
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abruisedmuse · 4 years
25 Days of Drabbles
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To celebrate the holiday season I thought I'd host a fun drabble a day. Starting Dec 1st I will be posting one drabble a day up until Dec 25. I will be taking prompts from any of these lists below. I will update this post when I have a prompt for every day.
How to participate:
Send me a pairing and a prompt from any of the lists below (feel free to combine prompts if you can't decide!). Follow the tag #holidrabbles
Please send in the prompts the following ways
1. "Nessian + I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus" (
2. State the pairing, prompt list, and prompt number. I.E. Quinlar, Christmas prompt list 4, prompt 12.
Prompt Lists:
Christmas prompts 1
Christmas prompts 2
Christmas prompts 3
Christmas prompts 4
Christmas prompts 5
Fandoms I will write for:
Throne of Glass
Crescent City
A Court of Thorn and Roses
The Folk of The Air
And that's it! Following me if you send in a prompt would be appreciated.
❤ Happy Holidays 💚
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abruisedmuse · 3 years
Can I be added to your 25 Days Of Drabbles tag list please xx
Sure babes! You're added ❤❤
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abruisedmuse · 3 years
the writer that could make you laugh and cry within the same sentence 🥺🥺
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I've had such a stressful week dealing with my daughters virtual school and this ask made my entire week. I Love you! And I hope you're well babe! Psst. You're writing is the same for me
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abruisedmuse · 3 years
Hi I am not able to find you on Ao3 with the link on your masterlist, so if you could just post a link again it tell me your user ...Thanks!!
Ah sorry about that! I'll fix it tomorrow. I forgot I changed the username on there and it breaks the link when you do that
It's the same username as here actually!
You can click here and that's my profile. Happy reading!
Oh. My holidrabbles aren't posted there yet and neither are these ones:
A Solstice to Remember
Not the best time pt.1
Surprising Truths
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abruisedmuse · 3 years
I was so confused for 0.5 seconds when I couldn't figure out who you were, but then I came on here and was like ohhhhh, it's them!
in conclusion, I'm glad to have your writing again 🙈💖
Hahaha yeah and thank you babes. I'm glad to be back ❤❤❤ ! I had some setbacks in my personal life, laptop issues etc. I have some plunnies based on acosf ships I want to do, but I wanna clear out my ask box and get all the holidrabbles out that I'm way behind on first.
Stay tuned!
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abruisedmuse · 4 years
So y'all I have some news...
My laptop died. The motherboard failed and I can't even type hello on it without various programs popping up as well as numbers.
Good news, I bought a new laptop already.
Bad news, It won't be here til Dec.18
Worse news, my fic posting will be slower because all I have is my phone to write off of until that time. I will get to the holidrabbles and other projects it just may take some time ❤
- Becca
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