#cardan and his mortal adventures
azastr · 1 year
Cardan Greenbriar
Warning : Cardan's tail✨
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Thanks to the actual owner for making this 😭
Y/n stood in the opulent halls of the High Court of Elfhame, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of Cardan Greenbriar. As a mortal, she had been given rare permission to attend the lavish gathering of the fae, an opportunity she couldn't resist. She was determined to make the most of it, even if she knew her presence wasn't exactly welcomed by the inhabitants of this magical realm. 
Her gaze finally landed on the figure of Cardan, resplendent in his regal attire, standing at the center of a group of courtiers. He possessed an air of arrogance and mystery that had always intrigued her, drawing her towards him like a moth to a flame. 
Y/n approached Cardan, her footsteps echoing softly on the marble floor. "Well, well, if it isn't the enigmatic Cardan Greenbriar," she said, her voice laced with sarcasm. "What trouble are you causing tonight?" 
Cardan turned to face her, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, my darling," he drawled, his voice dripping with charm. "Causing trouble? Me? Never. I simply exist, and the world trembles in response." 
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, her fingers itching with mischief. "Is that so? Well, perhaps I can find a way to make you tremble too," she teased, her eyes twinkling mischievously. 
Cardan raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh, and how do you plan to accomplish that, my dear?" 
A mischievous smile spread across Y/n's face as she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I've heard whispers, Cardan. Whispers of a hidden vulnerability. A secret... sensitive spot." 
Cardan's expression shifted, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension crossing his features. "And pray tell, darling, what might this secret be?" 
Y/n's hand reached out, her fingers gently grazing the base of Cardan's tail. It was a daring move, considering the delicacy of their interaction, but she couldn't resist the temptation to tease him further. She watched as a shiver ran through Cardan's body, a reaction he couldn't hid, his eyes widens in surprise. 
Cardan's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, his tone laced with a mixture of annoyance and intrigue. "Darling, I must insist you refrain from such impertinent actions. My tail is... sensitive and not something to be trifled with." 
A mischievous glint danced in Y/n's eyes as she continued to trail her fingers along Cardan's tail, applying just the right amount of pressure to elicit a reaction. "Sensitive, you say? Well, well, who would have thought? The High King of Elfhame with a sensitive tail. How fascinating." 
With each touch, Y/n grew bolder, her fingers trailing along the length of his tail, her touch feather-light yet teasingly persistent. Cardan's facade crumbled, and a low growl escaped his lips, his eyes darkening with a mix of desire and irritation. "Darling, you are treading dangerous waters. I suggest you cease your taunting before the consequences become dire." 
Y/n's laughter danced through the air like music, "Oh, come now, Cardan. Where's your sense of adventure? I thought you enjoyed a little mischief." she said, her voice laced with satisfaction. "Besides, who knew the mighty High King could be brought to his knees by a simple mortal?" Y/n chuckled, her voice rich with amusement.
The challenge hung in the air, thick with tension, as Cardan's features twisted into a mix of frustration and undeniable attraction. With a swift movement, he caught her hand, effectively ending her playful torment. "Mischief, you say? Well, two can play at that game, my dear."
Before Y/n could react , Cardan drew her closer by snaking as arm around her waist ,until their faces were mere inches apart with, his lips hovering dangerously close to her ear. "You may have discovered my weakness, darling~," he whispered, his voice laden with an unexpected vulnerability. "But remember, I am still the one in control. Now, prepare for the consequences." 
A thrill shot through Y/n's veins as she felt the heat of Cardan's breath against her skin. Their banter had escalated, but in the depths of their teasing, a spark of something more intimate had ignited. It was a game they both reveled in, dancing on the edge of desire. 
As the night wore on, their teasing banter and playful touch became a secret language, a testament to their undeniable connection. It was a delicate dance between two souls, entwined in a world where they shouldn't belong, but unable to resist the pull they felt toward each other.
And amidst the grandeur of the fae court, Cardan would occasionally let slip a term of endearment, his voice laced with a tenderness that belied his aloof exterior. "Darling," he would say, his voice a velvety whisper, leaving Y/n breathless. 
It was a night of enchantment and discovery, where the walls that separated their worlds faded away, leaving only the electric connection between Cardan and Y/n. And in that fleeting moment, they found solace and a respite from the expectations and prejudices that sought to tear them apart. 
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judeandcardan · 1 year
Lured (Part-1)
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He hated her defiant wicked mouth even worse, which was always ready to spew insults at him. And in the deepest, darkest, most secretive cranny of his brain, he thought of bringing his own cruel mouth against hers, her soft pink lips against his own, to shut her up once and for all.
Read it on ao3
Cardan stared long and hard at the textbooks sprawled in front of him. He sighed — rather dramatically — and picked one of them, flipping it open to reveal a bunch of scribblings about the constellations and their meanings. He threw it away in sour distaste. He hated learning about things as impractical as constellations. He scoured the other books, none it seemed took his fancy any more than the first one. He huffed. Why did he have to learn about all these measly things? Shouldn’t being royal pardon him from his useless studies? He thought bitterly.
He thought of his lectures, of Valerian, Nicasia, and Locke. His mind on its own accord, unbidden, went to the mortal sisters. Even thinking the word “mortal” left a bitter taste in his mouth. He shook his head, determined not to sully his day with even the mere thought of the Duarte sisters.
He abruptly stood up from his tall elegant wooden chair, stalking off to the low bookshelf kept just beside his bed, to procure his copy of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass bound in one pretty green leather hardcover with intricate gold lettering made on it, stating its title. He sat back on his table keeping the book that Vivienne had lent to him months ago on the side of the table. Ever since then he had read it as many times as he could and naught a reading went by where his treacherous mind didn’t stray to Jude, Vivi’s very much mortal half-sister.
He hated Jude. He hated her. He hated her dull brown locks of hair. He hated her light-brown eyes — which he never got to look into closely enough to determine the exact color of them — that always gleamed with hatred at him. He hated the swell of her breasts and the sway of her hips. He hated the sound of her name and how it rolled off his tongue, leaving a bitter aftertaste in his mouth, like poison. He hated even the shape of her name, the loop of the letter ‘J’ in it. He hated her mere existence, that sometimes when she was near, he thought he might just combust into flames. He hated her defiant wicked mouth even worse, which was always ready to spew insults at him. And in the deepest, darkest, most secretive cranny of his brain, he thought of bringing his own cruel mouth against hers, her soft pink lips against his own, to shut her up once and for all.
Distinctly he heard a satisfying snap of something brittle nearby, he looked down and clutched between his fingers was a quill. Well, a broken quill now. Beneath it was a sheet of yellow parchment with the name “Jude” written repeatedly on it over and over again until the whole parchment was full of it and ink stains. Cardan brought the yellow parchment delicately closer to him to inspect it with sharp scrutiny. In some places, he had pressed the nib so forcefully that the paper had torn. Rage, shame, and worst of all, desire flared up in his stomach engulfing him whole. He quickly folded the parchments and stuffed it in between the pages of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass repressing any feelings he felt in the past minute beneath the surface.
He then slowly, languidly, strolled towards his bed, seemingly without any care of the world. He then carefully laid down on it, smoothing out its crumpled satin sheets, he made sure to think of anything but Jude. He thought of the wide expanse of the midnight black night sky outdoors with millions of glittering stars adorning it like diamonds. He thought of the evergreen trees with their deep gold everapples and their sweet, intoxicating taste. He thought of the turquoise ocean, the one where Nicasia’s mother — the Queen of the Undersea — lived, the one where he visited with her when he was in — or at least what he thought he was in — love with her. He then thought of the cold breeze swaying his soft white linen shirt as he drank his red wine peacefully sitting on fresh earthy soil, flipping the pages of a book. He thought of—
Just then there was a sharp knock at his door, breaking Cardan out of his — Jude free — thought train. Cardan grumbled under his breath, clearly annoyed with the interruption.
“Yes?” He called out with his head resting comfortably on his soft pillow. Yet, there was no reply but more insistent knocking.
“Who is it?” Cardan asked again. This time the knocking stopped and instead the elegant gold doorknob in the shape of a gargoyle twisted ever so slowly as if urging Cardan to stop it, but he remained silent unable to say or do anything, as the door eventually flew open.
In front of him — or well rather the door — stood an elegant young lady togged up in a beautiful ombré ball gown, its color deepening from white near her throat, through the palest blue to the deepest indigo at her feet. Over that was stitched the stark outlines of trees, just the way Cardan saw them from his window as dusk fell. Over them, little crystal beads were sewn to represent stars. The lady’s face — or well half of it — was covered by a pale blue mask encrusted with diamonds.
She looked at him with fierce eyes, a fire in them so similar to Jude, he thought with a surprised blink. Her eyes which were the lightest shade of honey brown he had ever seen, looked at him from under her long thick brown lashes behind her mask. Her lustrous brown hair fell in cascading waves down her back. Her breathing was hard almost as if she had been doing some kind of physical exertion before coming here, unannounced, in Cardan’s chambers. The rise and fall of her chest accentuated her generous breasts, clad in the tight material of her gown.
Catching Cardan starting at her breasts, the woman smirked wickedly. Her lips were painted the deepest shade of coral. Cardan gulped. A strange mixture of desire and dread pooling in his stomach.
“Who are you?” Cardan asked, his voice breaking at the end as the woman took a step forward towards him. The woman didn’t reply.
“What do you want?” He asked breathlessly, not expecting a reply and indeed there was none. The woman merely tilted her head, as if curious to what he was going to say or do next. He didn’t do either of those things but simply stared at her, in awe of her beauty. The woman seemingly bored with him proceeded to move across the room, her skirt trailing after her. She stopped near Cardan’s table. Slowly, carefully, she picked up his Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass hardcover book kept on his table. She examined it closely, bringing it closer to her eyes, her expression remaining hidden beneath her mask. Then, she precariously kept the book back in its place and turned towards him to access him, just like a wilder fair folk might assess their prey. Her cold gaze swept over him, making Cardan shudder from the sheer intensity of it.
She stepped towards him, it took Cardan everything in him not to shrink back from her. Suddenly, she was by his side, sitting on the edge of his bed. She held up a hand and Cardan watched, awestruck, as she brushed back a stray strand of hair falling on his face.
“I—” Cardan began, his breathing shallow but the mysterious lady having none of that, held up a long slender finger over her own plump lips, shushing him, making him gulp. She smiled a wicked smile at seeing his reaction, showing off her perfect white teeth. She then slowly but surely brought her perfect coral lips to his unworthy mouth.
Cardan became as still as a marble statue. Her mouth was surprisingly soft against his. But after what seemed like too soon she broke off from him. She stared at him, her face as blank as a fresh sheet of paper. Cardan daringly brought his shaking hand to her neck, beckoning her forward for another kiss. He was like a fairie starved for another sip of his favorite wine, begging for it. Fortunately, the woman, sitting beside him, was more than happy to serve it to him, if her smile, slow and sensual, was any indication at all.
Encouraged, Cardan brought her face closer to his by the hand still kept on her neck. Stopping, just as they were close enough for a kiss. He stared into her eyes, which seemed to hold all the answers, and promises, of the universe within them. Such a deep shade of honey was in them that Cardan was reminded of Jude as she spread honey over her bread, sitting on the white blanket with the stupid red stripes over it which she brought with her at every one of her lectures to sit on, laughing at some silly joke with her twin. Appalled by his traitorous thoughts of the rash mortal, he finally brought his lips to the exquisite-looking female, driving all his attention to the feel of her lips against his.
He groaned into her mouth, the sound embarrassingly desperate. Cardan could even feel the woman’s lip curve up into a smug smile against his. The woman never once breaking their kiss, moved to straddle his lap, rubbing herself against him, making Cardan moan with pleasure and desperation. Bringing her as close to him as possible, Cardan kissed her hard and rough something the woman was more than happy to retaliate with her own brutal kisses. Their mouths slipped together effortlessly, teeth over lips over tongues.
Seemingly done with kissing, the woman moved to place some hot, open-mouthed, sloppy kisses against his jaw and down his neck. Cardan was sure that by the next night, there would be a variety of bright red marks blossoming his pale skin that he would have to glamour them away but he couldn’t care less at the moment, as the woman’s mouth moved lower and lower until it reached the collar of his loose linen shirt. She looked up at him with inquisitive brown eyes and Cardan nodded, knowing what she was asking for. Nimble hands unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off, showcasing his defined pale muscles. He wouldn’t describe himself to be particularly muscular but rather lean muscular but that seemed to please the lady enough as she continued the journey of her kisses down his chest, stopping just above his waist.
Leisurely, tantalizingly, taking her precious time, she slowly undid the silver buttons of his breeches, dragging them down slowly, her nails lightly scraping against his skin, the sensation weirdly pleasant. Surprisingly, she kissed him again. Long yet slow. Teasing yet sensual. Reverent yet careless. Cardan sighed into her mouth as her calloused hands gently moved through his smooth black hair, making her giggle into his mouth at the sound. A corner of Cardan’s soft mouth quirked up by her tinkling laugh. He almost thoughtlessly, caressingly fondled her sharp jaw with his thumb. The touch so reverent that it scared him. Even with Nicasia never had he ever truly been vulnerable. Even as they lay bare, with their limbs entangled, their breathing hard and their faces flushed with ecstasy had he ever felt this exposed as he felt now, with a stranger. A stranger wearing a pale blue silk mask.
Her small hand slithered down his chest, down his stomach, and came to rest on his waist. She cocked her head to the side, looking up at him, asking him for his consent. He nodded fervently, desperate to be touched. By her, his mind added automatically. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice as she uncertainly gripped his hard length, making him let out a harsh animal-like sound from the back of his throat. Breathing wildly, he looked down at the woman, her pupils were dilated, the black swallowing up the deep honey of her eyes, and a self-assured smirk graced her mouth. Cardan watched, mesmerized, as she slowly, more confidently, started moving her hand up and down his length.
Cardan threw his head back, pleasure and hunger humming through his body in wild waves of desire. Hunger for something more. Hunger for her. Hunger to have her body as close to him as it was possible. Hunger to have her moan his name in frenzied bliss as she pleasured herself with him.
He could still feel her rough hand move up and down over and over against him. Squeezing and caressing him from the base to the tip but what he wasn’t ready for was for her to take him in her mouth. He gasped as he felt the warmness of her mouth surround him. He watched in rapt attention — careful not to blink so as not to miss anything — as she took him whole in her mouth. He watched as she bobbed her head on his length, sucking when necessary. He was so close. So close to reaching his sweet long awaited climax, but just when he thought he could hold himself back no longer, she stopped and with a resounding ‘pop’ removed him from her mouth. He thought that he might have groaned with frustration and as the woman’s mouth connected with his lips again, his frustration only heightened with each brush of lips. The kiss was chaste but filthy at the same time. Almost as if she was apologizing to him for not giving him his sweet release but also promising something much better as her hands roamed his chest with reckless abandon.
Abruptly, she stood up, away from him, making a noise of protest, he said, “Why—” but the sentence died on his tongue as she tortuously slowly, began undressing herself. She first slipped off one of her flimsy sleeves then the other and then pushed the dress down all together until it pooled in a mess of blue at her ankles. Stepping out of it, she was left standing just in her underclothes but it was of a very different kind, he realized with a start. When he came to think of it, her curves were far too voluminous to belong to any fey. But all thoughts left his head as she reached behind her back and the strange blue under cloth covering her breasts fell to the ground. He almost groaned at the sight of her bare perfectly round breasts. Then, she pushed down her underwear until she stood naked in front of him. Before Cardan could so much as utter a single sound she straddled his waist again, kissing him, hard and hungry, parting his lips with her own, delving her tongue between his mouth.
Then, detaching her rosy swollen lips from his equally swollen ones. She moved to kiss his neck again but before she had time to do anymore, Cardan flipped them over so she was lying beneath him with his arms supporting his weight so he didn’t crush her completely but looking at her he couldn’t think that she could be crushed by anyone, but still he held himself up by his arms, anyway. Just in case.
The woman’s eyes went wide like saucers clearly surprised but pleased by this new change of position. He threw a lazy smirk at her and she laughed one of her rare laughs — rough and low — throwing her head back and exposing her neck to him. Cardan immediately began peppering the woman’s neck with kisses and her laugh turned into a long drawn-out moan. Pleased with himself, he made his journey down her neck and onto her chest, paying special attention to her breasts with his mouth, eliciting sounds sweeter than the sweetest of wines from her mouth.
One of his hands moved down to her thighs, nearing the region between her legs. He teased the woman mercilessly by never quite touching the spot he knew she ached the most. Just when he thought she might yell at Cardan with frustration and anger he finally gave in and touched her. He cursed under his breath. She was soaking wet. He tried to not let that get into his head but the rush of knowing that he caused this was as heady as the strongest of wines, if not even more so.
He parted her folds, rubbing small circles on her clit as she made sounds sweeter than everapple which fell on his desperate ears, instantly going to his throbbing length. He inserted two fingers inside of her, making her grasp and scratch his back hard enough to draw blood. Soon enough, he moved his head between her legs too, his tongue licking and sucking, determined to make her come. She tasted so sweet and bitter at the same time. Like poison, he thought.
He continued his ministrations till he felt her clench around his long slender fingers, obviously reaching her release. Her moans filled the room, echoing around it until she quietened, and then gingerly Cardan removed his fingers from her and moved up to kiss her, sweet and slow. He knew she could taste her own arousal on his lips but she didn’t seem to mind, she simply kissed him back, her fingers threading through his soft black hair.
She lightly pushed him back, surprised Cardan looked at her but seeing the mischievous glint in her eyes he laughed and lifted himself up from her to lay on the other side of the bed. She soon enough followed him to move over him, kissing him lightly before positioning her sopping heat over his length. She slowly as if keen on tormenting him even further, took him inside her. Whimpering, she slid even further down him, making Cardan groan loudly and grip her hips in a desperately poor attempt to hold onto any shred of sanity that he currently possessed.
The woman, once adjusted to the size of him, began to move more swiftly on him. Soon, her movements became reckless, wild, hasty, and brisk, that even Cardan had trouble keeping up. Fairies never did what this woman was currently doing with him. Fairies tumbled, they frolicked, they made love, they took hours to discover each other’s bodies, never in haste, always taking their precious time and Cardan never complained, he liked it, but currently lying beneath this woman as she took her sweet pleasure from him, he didn’t know if he could go back to the ways of the fair folk. He didn’t want to go back to the ways of the fair folk.
Cardan watched as if under a spell — though that wasn’t possible as no one knew his real name — as the woman’s movements began to waver, her release obviously close. Deciding to take matters into his own hand, he flipped the woman again — with her laying on her back and him hovering above her.
He slammed into her, never had he ever been this wild while making love, if one could even call it that. He was so out of control and he loved every second of it. It was the most free he had ever been since, well, forever.
The woman gasped under him, her eyes scrunched up, face down. He tilted her head up with one of his slender fingers and said, “Open your eyes, please.” He was practically begging but he didn’t care because she listened to him and opened her mesmerizingly stunning eyes, her eyes that were now so dark and filled with desire and reckless wildness, that even staring at them almost made him come.
“I—I can’t hold on much longer,” He murmured, hot against her ear. Apparently, that was enough for her to fall over the edge as she came around him, pretty little moans falling from her mouth. Just by the sounds alone he soon followed her into the sweet blissful afterglow daze.
He lay still against her, his breathing hard. When he finally calmed down, he looked up at her with half-lidded eyes, she was watching him. He smiled, and she smiled back a toothy smile. She looked without any care in the world as she lay beneath him, a small, genuine, smile plastered on her face. Cardan was sure he looked the same. He never knew you could feel this kind of feeling, this sweet nothingness, that he was currently feeling with anyone, let alone a stranger, yet here he was, freer and happier than he had ever been his whole life.
“I—” He began, then reconsidering, “It just occurred to me that…we just made love and I haven’t even seen your face.” And Indeed he hadn’t. She still wore her pale blue mask, hiding her whole face, except her deliciously swollen red mouth. He was proud to see that he had done that to her, but looking at it, he noticed that the smile she wore slipped off. He panicked, fearing he had said the wrong thing and ruined this beautiful moment he was having with her, one where he was not a prince but just a mere boy laying in the arms of his lover that he just met, but then, she smiled slightly and he felt his worries evaporate in thin air.
She slowly lifted her arms and then her head, just an inch, from the pillow where it currently lay, to undo the knots tying her mask together. He watched as she gently removed it from her face and he stilled immediately. His breathing stopped, it even seemed that his heart had altogether stopped beating itself too. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He wouldn’t believe his eyes. But as he stared at the woman’s face it could not be denied that she was who he feared she was. Jude.
He abruptly threw himself off her, horrified. The woman, no, Jude, just slanted her head as if in mild confusion, as if she couldn’t understand why he was freaking out. He wanted to yell at her to get out of his chambers but all he did was point an accusing finger at her and hiss, with all the vehemence he could gather, “You.”
Jude stared at him for a moment, then laughed, as if the whole ordeal was beyond hilarious to her. Lifting an amused eyebrow at him, she said, “Yes, me.”
“I—I will—” He stuttered stupidly, at a loss of words.
“You will what?” She asked, mildly interested. She stood up from the bed to stand in front of him and tilted her head as if waiting for him to continue and finish his sentence. He stared blankly at her, he also didn’t know what he was going to say because all he could think about at that moment, was Jude, standing naked in front of him. The familiar pit of desire opened up in his stomach once again but he closed it up. What he couldn’t stop though was glancing, for a fleeting moment, at her luscious lips, but unfortunately for him, Jude, who never missed anything, of course, saw this and smirked.
“Oh, Cardan,” She said, leaning in towards him, close enough for a kiss. His eyes fluttered shut automatically in anticipation, in want. He closed his eyes even harder as if somehow that would make this any less real and hide his growing desire for her.
“You really do want me,” She whispered, her mouth mere inches apart from him, “and you hate it.” With that, she brought her dangerous mouth to his own traitorous one. She kissed him, slow and rough, and he let her.
Cardan woke up with a start, cold sweat coating his pale skin, desire running wild through his body like a fast-flowing river ready to drown anything that came in between it. He looked around his room, trying to look for Jude, but then it dawned on him that he had been dreaming. It all had been a dream. Kissing Jude was a…dream. Making love to her was a dream. He shook his head as if somehow trying to rid his head of the ungodly image his brain was currently replaying, one that featured a very cloth-less Jude. Ungodly and not real, he reminded himself furiously.
He took a couple of deep breaths, willing himself to calm down, trying to think unpleasant thoughts about Jude, but none currently came to his mind. He was in a lot of trouble, he thought, appalled.
Horror, shame, anger, and worst of all stupid hope pooled in his stomach. He threw himself off his bed, opening up the shelf where he kept all the alcohol he possessed. Well, all the alcohol he possessed in his chambers, at least.
He grabbed himself a bottle of red wine, immediately opening it up and chugging it from the bottle straight. He couldn’t be sober for this. He wouldn’t be sober for this. When the familiar, soothing, taste of wine filled his mouth did he finally calm down. The sweet and bitter wine — like her, he thought but abruptly dismissed — guzzled down his neck and into his stomach, cooling down the intense feelings that seemed to overwhelm him until he couldn’t breathe.
Later that night, as he took a fairie with long ash-blonde hair and brown barky skin to bed, he thought of Jude and he hated every single second of it.
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highking-cardan · 14 days
hi hcs are they accurate?
- They’re the power couple to end all power couples, even before having kids
- They give Rhys and Feyre a run for their money but we don’t pit Kings and Queens against Kings and Queens in this house and anyways, I digress
- Cardan loves his children
- Naturally, of course, but he has no solid father figure to help him figure out this whole parenting thing
- So he’s nervous about it the first time, of course
- But Jude reassures him over and over that he’s going to be great and he has to believe her
- She wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true - right? ’,:/
- And by the time kid number three rolls around, Cardan has this dad thing down pat
- He wrestles with his kids all the time, both his sons and his daughters
- One of his sons has a little tail
- Said son is in love with his dad’s tail and Cardan doesn’t mind it when his little hands play with the tuft of hair on the end
- Cardan teaches his son how to use it for balance and how to pick up small things with it
- Cardan’s daughter gets jealous that she doesn’t have a tail, too
- It stuns Cardan at first, because all he can remember about his childhood is being absolutely humiliated because of his tail and here is his little girl telling him she wishes she had one just like it 
- He almost cries but Jude saves the day
- “Let the boys have their tails,” she says, “My little girl and I have matching ears.” 
- And it’s true. Jude and Cardan’s daughter has dull ears like a mortal
- But she also has vibrant, purple eyes so she isn’t worried about not looking like a faerie 
- Cardan and Jude parent like they rule the kingdom: efficiently and kindly, but stern when needed
- Cardan is usually the first to get stern
- His kids know by now that whenever Dad looks at them in a certain way, they better shape up
- Like all kids, they’re thoroughly disgusted by how in love their parents are
- Their daughter(s) think it's so romantic and wonderful but their son(s) always stick their fingers down their throat whenever they see Dad kiss Mamma
- Bedtime stories are very much a thing
- Cardan will make up a story and then recruit Jude to help him finish it and she has to pretend like she knows how it ends
- Neither of them knows how it ends
- Jude does the voices for all the girl characters and Cardan voices the men
- But because Cardan is literally making the story up as he goes, Jude has to improvise 100% of her lines
- They make it work
- Some of the stories told at bedtime are the best stories faeries had ever had the privilege of hearing
- Sometimes, though, they stick to more traditional stories and read from books
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a unanimous favorite
- Cardan likes to carry his children on his shoulders or on his back
- It’s just efficient
- It’s not a strange sight to see the High King of Elfhame walking through the palace with a toddler in his arms, a two year old on his back, a four year old on his shoulders, and a set of twins running behind him
- I have no idea how many kids those two end up having. They’re unhinged and unpredictable
- But the kingdom adores the Greenbriar children
- All the kids are so well-mannered that it’s no trouble liking them or getting along with them
- Some of them are shyer than others so they’re more likely to hide in Jude’s skirts during a party but the kingdom still gushes over them
- The kingdom also likes the change in pace with how many kids the King and Queen have ;)
- Children are a happy, happy thing and Jude is a mortal woman, so she gives the kingdom tons of reasons to be happy
- It’s almost a little overwhelming both for Jude and the citizens
- The citizens don’t know how to handle being this happy this often
- And Jude still finds it a little odd how strangers will be moved to tears over the fact that she’s pregnant...again
- Cardan uses it to tease her because he’s fucking Cardan and why wouldn’t he
- “It’s about time we give the kingdom another celebration, don’t you think?”
- Cue Jude glaring at her husband and reminding him that the child she is currently breastfeeding is a mere five weeks old
- Cardan kisses the child and then his wife and says, “That’s fair. I’ll give it another month.”
- Jude kicks him because her hands are busy, but she’s laughing
My dear you have way too much time on your hands.
And considering we are no where near having kids, I really don’t know.
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
Small Cute Jurdan Things That Have me by the Throat:
When Jude stays in Cardans bed in Hollow Hall, thinking she’ll have a night of fitful sleep, but ends up sleeping deeply
Her constantly borrowing his clothes even when they’re still enemies
His casual familiarity & physical touch with her - tracing her ear, hands on her hips
The way he looks only at her when she returns from the Undersea
How he tried to wake her up the same way, hand over the mouth, in QON that she did in TWK
Jude always warning him before she gives a command
Him sleeping in the rooms of the king’s lover, when Jude was considered the king and before he embraced that power himself… basically insinuating he thought of himself as Jude’s lover, or wanted to be
Him trying to impress Jude by talking to Taryn about gummy worms and boba (QON)
When Nicasia, his lover at the time, takes him to the Undersea and one of his first thoughts is that Jude wouldn’t be able to leave a trace of herself down there, because her footsteps would disappear in the water
His always offering to go with her on missions or adventures
My sweet villain, my darling god, my sweet nemesis
In Cardan’s last letter, he mentions the moon, how it’s the same moon looking down on her - while Jude is in the mortal realm, before she leaves for faerie again, there’s a moment when she stares up at the moon and really notices it. So … they were gazing at the moon at the same time.
Him casually stealing and wearing her ring
Him no longer partying or hosting parties in his rooms at a certain point in TWK
When she asks him to dance as the Queen of Mirth and he says “I’d be delighted”. He can’t lie.
The way he says “you liked me because I was funny and clever, but didn’t say anything about my looks” when prior he was pointing out how he knew she liked him, but thought it was just because of the challenge or because of his looks
When the bomb casually points out that Cardan has been telling everyone Jude is his wife
The fact that he was trying so hard to win Jude’s trust, that he even wanted it at all, and he ends up falling for Taryns bs
When he’s blasted out of his mind at Locke’s party but recognizes Jude by her cough
Him sending her the ball gown in Cruel Prince????? Love how Nicasia just drops that information like it’s nothing and we never talk about it again !!!
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cruelprincae · 2 months
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@scribedhorror liked the sc for older! Cardan !
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He is pacing up and down the hardwood floors of Oak's grand chambers with his sharp features drawn into a permanent frown. His movement is haste and irritated, and even though always graced with elegance, his step has a slight awkwardness in it due to the damage his body has suffered upon his latest injury ― a rather nasty stab of a sword into his lower abdomen, courtesy of the ever so thrilling adventure his heir ( and adoptive son ) considered brilliance to rescue the Redcap who had taken him in for the first few years of his life, and to impress the young Queen of the former Court of Teeth; a girl the teen has agreed to wed as well, on top of all others.
Of all the reckless decisions Oak has made throughout his short life, Cardan considered it best not to interfere; he spoke nought when he put himself in danger's way to bring forth the courtiers who conspired against himself and plotted his death, he denied him not when he wished to go on short adventures, dragging his unwilling guard, Tiernan along only to come back only having narrowingly escaped death, he did not step in when the youngster would make merry and flirt with courtiers sought by others only to win a fight. Alas, the Prince's latest escapade such stance is impossible for the High King to hold, for he had not only endangered the peace he had struggled to build for the past decade with the promise of war from Queen Suren's behalf, but he had also endangered his husband in the promise. A husband who, much like their aforementioned son, had snuck out in the dead of the morning when the remainder of the court ― including himself ― was fast asleep to bring the latter to the safety of the court.
Never does Cardan wish to experience waking up to an empty bed and with a hastily written note from the writer again. Never does he wish to relive the hollow feeling of his heart sinking into his stomach, the constant worry that something were to happen at the both of them whilst himself was unable to aid, for the mortal had instructed the guards to not let him out of their sight, lest of all to ride.
Perhaps, it is all of that concern, that anxiety combined with the paralysing feeling of relief upon watching them both return alive and in one piece in Court that sparked the wave of fury which has both the mortal and the dim-witted Prince sat upon the edge of the latter's bed, their heads hung and suffering a well-deserved scold.
It is no less than what they deserve, that is for certain.
❛ I expected such an ill-thought decision from him, but not from you ! Are you aware you single-handedly marched into enemy territory ?! An enemy territory where the very same Storm Hag that nearly a decade ago put you in the hospital and swore to tear the monarchy, now including you as well, to pieces with her claws ? Are you aware just how badly this could have gone were you not so Mab forsaken lucky ?! ❜ Comes the infuriated cry from the High King, his voice rough from use and the still healing wound from the iron knife used to slice his throat from that rather unpleasant assassination attempt all those mouths ago. Fury colours his pale cheeks with a reddish tint and his lips, plump and uncharacteristically pale are drawn into a thin, hard which occasionally curls into a frown. ❛ Not even Leander is this impulsive to make such a dim-witted decision, and he is eight ! Eight years old, and still exhibiting far greater restrain than the both of you combined ! ❜
He makes a wild gesture towards Leander who is sitting on a low couch by the window seal, toying with a napkin folded neatly into a bird which Cardan had enchanted to come to life and fly around as a means of entertainment. At that, the auburn-headed boy lifts his head, and amber, fox-like eyes, so much like Oak's first rise to glance at Bill and consequently at Oak before offering a wild shrug and continuing off from where he was left with his toy, his small legs kicking excitedly into mid-air.
Indignant, Cardan offers a long-drawn sigh and, once the stitches on his stomach begin to pull, he dramatically throws himself upon a nearby armchair and impatiently taps his sharp, manicured nails against its leather embroidered arms. His other hand comes to support his chin upon the open palm of his hand, and both black eyes rimmed in a halo of gold narrow upon his husband and son, darting in between them.
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❛ Go on, then. Explain yourselves. Entertain me with the marvellously thought-out reason for your current escapade. ❜
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justmybookthots · 10 months
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries
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4/5 stars
I finally found it! A book with a portrayal of fae that I liked almost as much as Holly Black’s!
Of course, that’s because Heather Fawcett’s depiction of fae is strikingly redolent of Holly’s. I could even dub them to be in the same universe and they would fit somehow. It is clear by now I only like a specific kind of fae (this is my personal preference)—the fairytale-esque / folklore version. I hate Gild or ACoTAR’s portrayal of fae; I do not see fae EVER as... macho men. The mere thought makes me gag. I will take Cardan’s goat tail over big, manly ‘alpha’ men that are also so-called 'fae', tyvm.
Sorry, I digress. But not entirely, because well, this book I’m reviewing, if the title isn’t obvious enough, is about fae. The way fae is categorised goes like this (I’m writing this down so that when the next book arrives next year, I still fucking remember):
Human-sized / big fae are called The Tall Ones or Courtly Fae. Tiny ones are called the Common Fae, further sub-categorised into Brownies (they strike bargains with mortals often) or Trooping Fae (they travel in troops and keep to themselves). 
One of my standout (if not my favourite) characters is Poe, who is a Brownie. OMG, he is so adorable with his sharp needle-fingers and his love for cooking. Also, that little thing makes fucking delicious bread, which is my absolute favourite thing to eat in the world. My heart broke for him when his tree got burnt, but yay that Wendell Bambleby fixed it for him!!! 
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How is Poe not adorable? I heard from the reviews (LUCKY ASSES WHO GOT ARCS) that the next book will feature him again (and his lady), and I am so excited to read it.
Moving on from Poe, I’ll address a character much more important to the story: Wendell. I have to say that because everyone was saying the romance subplot is very small, I took it to mean that I would not see Wendell much, but I was wrong. Wendell is in the story most of the time. And while I can’t say I’m in love with him (the romance was too sudden IMO), I do love him very much. He’s hilarious. An absolute riot. I mean, just look at this part in his POV (do be mindful of spoilers in this snippet):
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This man is clinically insane, lmao.
Random side-note: him having blonde hair is delicious. I just love blonde male characters. He is, quite literally, a ray of sunshine compared to Emily’s grumpiness. I usually absolutely despise the grumpy/sunshine trope because the man is almost always the fucking grump. But when it’s reversed? Utterly delightful. How can I not love a male character who is actually emotionally intelligent? Who on earth wrote into the romance fiction codex that an attractive male lead must have the emotional intelligence of a toothpick (Coughs at Love Hypothesis, coughs at Love on the Brain, cough cough cough)? Who???
This book surprised me in many ways, not just with Wendell. It’s dubbed as ‘cosy fantasy’ and many people complain that nothing really happens, so I was kind of bracing myself for a snoozefest.
Um, I was wrong.
I'm confused that this is what we consider cosy fantasy (I truthfully know next to nothing of this genre)? But… There is so much adventure and action that happens here. If anything, the stakes in this story feel higher / more engaging than in An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson, which I strongly disliked (even though I enjoyed some of its portrayal of fae). While the beginning was a bit rough, I was utterly hooked about a third into Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia. 
I was also A FOOL, because I read this thinking the next book was already out. T_T But no, it only comes out NEXT YEAR. Why are all the books I’m desperate for coming out next year? Okay, just two books including this, but whatever. 
One more thing to add before I close this entry: why do some people dislike Emily??? She was reserved, yes, but her kind heart really shone through her actions, especially in comparison to Wendell's indifference. She’s one of the many characters I adored in this book. In fact, I loved almost everyone in the cast; I was prepared to dislike Auds, the village headswoman, but I loved her in the end. It was lovely how the villagers rallied to support Emily later on, and also—I can't forget dear old Shadow!! Bless that baby.
Suffice to say, I will be sitting here, waiting for the next book very, very patiently.
- 11 Aug 2023
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crochanwitchh · 1 year
Holly Black 'The Stolen Heir'
*very deep sigh*
what a... nice trip it was.
you know that feeling like you're coming home, well this book gives you that feeling.
nine years have passed since the battle with the serpent. Elfhame is in the safe hands of the High King and Queen, Prince Oak is the sole heir to the throne, and Queen Suren of the Court of Teeth is in the mortal world.
I will start with the fact that it is impossible to bypass. mentioning Jude and Cardan, mostly it was Jude, which makes me incredibly happy, because she deserves it, she is the High Queen and no one should forget that. I also enjoyed the flashbacks to some moments from the main trilogy, because it's nice to be back in that atmosphere.
well, now directly about the story of Wren and Oak. a new adventure old but new heroes, because we seem to know them, but not enough. for me this is a book of discovery, because neither Oak nor Wren caused me any special emotions while reading the main trilogy, but thanks to this dilogy I will discover these characters from another side.
I really liked the story itself, and so much so that I don't even see and don't want to look for any flaws, because it gave me incredible emotions, made me cry and at some moments scream with joy or indignation. I haven't felt such emotions in a long time, so a big thank you to Holly Black for her incredible work.
I'm amazed at how detailed Holly is with the plot, I lived through every line with Wren, Oak, Tiernan and Hyacinthe. and how I fell in love with this foursome.
but Wren received the most of my love. from the first lines I understood that I wanted to hide her in my arms from the whole world. beautiful, strong, brave, gentle and maybe a little naive, she is so alive and so incredible. she is the character who deserves the whole world, but this world doesn't deserve her.
and of course I was charmed by the Oak. what I want to highlight here is that he has an unreal cool character, that is, I saw during the reading that he is similar to Cardan, but also that he has something from Jude and Madoc, and the fact that he is not only similar to his uncle (Cardan), but also acquired some qualities from his father and sister. I really liked it.
the characters are well written, each has its own character, its own story, its own motivation.
as for the love line, I also liked it, not intrusive and light, sometimes even funny. I felt the sparks flying between Oak and Wren. I also like Wren's thoughts, her desires that she silences, how she is drawn to the Oak. and of course cute moments: oh that hairpin, my God, I melted.
what I didn't expect was the unreal emotions from the finale, because I remember very well that taste of disappointment because I lacked something in the finale of The Queen of Nothing, but here everything was in abundance, and even more.
I happily recommend this book to everyone.
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abruisedmuse · 4 years
Trickery of Snow
Illyrianwitchling's Holidrabble
Day 4 For: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @clockworkgraystairs ❤❤❤❤
Prompts: Jurdan + "You look even more beautiful covered in snow" & Snowball fights "I'm going to get you back for that, [name]!!
A/N: sorry if I clog your feed loves! Until I get my laptop, I can only post via mobile. I'll be be too busy the following week to back track drabbles. I'll fix it as soon as I can. Anyway enjoy!
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Cardan stood alongside Oak. Against the bark of an aged tree. Its limbs barren due to the frigid winter of the mortal world. True in Elfhame, they had "winters" where a slight chill swept through the lands and a little snow dust over the earth. The snow there however, more reminiscent of powdered sugar on doughnuts instead of actual snow.
Yet here in the Mortal lands, there was a stark difference. What was once covered in dirt and grass the brightest greens is now blanketed thickly in a shimmering white. Enough to the point, they had specialty shoes and garments for the weather. 
It took Cardan some time to get used to these puffy coats, his in black, of course, and the awkward heavy boots. Snowshoes, he remembered Jude telling him. For a while, he couldn't fathom why anyone would willingly go outside in this icy weather. The idea of sitting in warmth, in freeing clothes, a hearth alight with embers, and mulled wine sounded much his style than...snow.
Until now, this fight, for lack of a better term, was intriguing. If only for the thrill of competition. 
They busied themselves, making as many snowballs as possible before Jude finds them. Oak was somewhat surprised with how quick Cardan became at making them. Within minutes, both had eight each, tucked securely within the pocket of their hoodies.
"Ready?" Oak’s tone laced with amusement, a grin on his youthful features, "and remember," he said, crouching into the snow a gloved palm keeping his arsenal steady, "Don't hit me."
"I do know what a team is," Cardan replied as if offended—repeating the movement.
They sat behind the tree listening for Jude. Sure, since joining The Court of Shadows, she mastered the art of slyfooting. Here with the heavy fall of snow, Cardan picked up her footsteps quickly. It wasn't as loud as, say, Vivienne or Heather. Jude's steps were softer, lighter, yet there's a subtle crunch on the floor when she moved. Like the one Cardan heard a second ago. 
Oak seemed to notice the High King's reaction. Keeping his eyes and ears alert for his sister and turning to look at Cardan, pointing to himself and the left. Then Cardan and the right. The High King nodded.
"Be quick and keep low to the ground," Oak hissed.
"This is our third round of snowball. I assure you, Oak. I know the rules." Cardan replied a bit harsher than intended.
"Well, we lost the last two," Oak grumbled. 
Cardan scowled, watching him sneak off to the left side, hiding behind another tree. Before surveying the area. Looking out for his wife, he knew lurked by. 
The High King briskly moved from tree to tree. Stopping at each trunk to listen. The feather-light crunch of boots on snow guiding his way. A few minutes passed, he wasn't sure if this is working. Cardan spoke a moment too soon. Unexpectedly, Jude appeared, prowling the forest, snowball in hand, heading to Oak's location. Cardan smirked with a hint of playfulness, quietly following his wife. The Ghost trained Jude how to listen and track faerie. Cardan took every step with caution. Careful to not step on any loose branches. Keeping close to trees and inching as close as he dared to.
He caught a movement from behind a tree standing at the edge of a clearing. Immediately Cardan knew it was Oak; to his disadvantage, so did Jude. Of course, she would. Lethal, beautiful, and intelligent, he would've felt pride in his scabrous heart, had it not been for his teammate she was sprinting towards. Cardan darted in between the barren trees. Adrenaline pumping through his veins as he closed in on his wife, his darling god.
Taking a snowball from the pocket of his hoodie, Cardan pulled his arm back and swung. Watching with half-closed eyes as the rounded ball of snow soared through the sky, striking Jude on the back of the head. Glistening snow crashed against her free-flowing tresses. Like melting snow on the earthy floor. He found it striking in appearance
Jude stilled, turning gradually towards him, with a wicked glint in her eyes, stepping towards her husband.
“Three rounds and you finally landed a hit,” her steps were calculating, assessing him silently as she moved around. “I’m proud of you, husband.”
“Well, my dearest Jude, a slow learner, still learns,” he quipped, trying not to watch Oak in the back sneaking up to her. 
Unfortunately, Cardan did give his nephew away. As Jude turned, Cardan shouted, “now!” 
In rapid succession, Oak threw snowball after snowball at Jude. Cardan joined in, racing up to them, unleashing his entire stock on her. In one moment, Cardan stood tall, then another, his legs were kicked beneath him. He was falling into the soft snow below. Jude straddled him, hips over hips.
She leaned in, kissing the top of his ear, "I'm going to get you back for that Cardan." A promise, a threat, perhaps both. With Jude, one could never be too sure.
He only smiled up at her, all the confidence in the world on his smug expression, "Get me back how?"
Kissing him sweetly ignoring Oak's blatant disgust at her public display, before she spoke, "like this," his wife reached into the snow next to him, dropping the pile on his face. Cardan shook it all away. Hearing both Jude and Oak laughing at. 
"Really, Jude?"
"Does it help if I tell you, you look even more beautiful covered in snow." She laughed, like the sweetest of wines. 
"As much as I appreciate the comment, my sweet villain, I look beautiful everywhere and in everything."
"Ugh!" Shoving him into the snow and ice, "you're such an ass. Come on, Oak. Round four, you're with me."
Oak whooped and cheered, being on a team with Jude. Cardan gaped on in disbelief as the two walked away from view.
"I should've stayed inside with the mulled wine."
Tag list: @jurdanhell@slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @hizqueen4life @clockworkgraystairs @b00kworm ​ @negativenesta ​ @sjm-things ​​ @whataboutmyfries ​​ @justgiu12 ​​ @illyrian-bookworm ​​ @thesirenwashere ​​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn ​​ @nightbringer @vanessa172003 ​​ @thewickedkings ​​ @sleeping-and-books ​​ @thefolkofthefic ​​ @yafandomsdotnet ​​ @alittledribbledrabble ​ @iminsanenotobsessed ​ @theoceanfaewriter @sevenfreckles-for-sevenloves @figuredihadanodustollensofalife ​ @awkward-avocado-s @maastrash @knifewifejude @st00pid231 @elide-lochan-salvaterre @gisellefigue08 @pcarnatio @wanderingjpg @bookishwitchling @sayosdreams @flintandtinder @starborn-faerie-queen @hopefullyanauthor @junipersuns @thewayshedreamed @hopefullyanauthor @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @blade-given-form @perseusannabeth @notanapostatemage @danaanruhn @thegoddessofyou @swankii-art-teacher @nestable @darlinminds
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atlanticum · 2 years
A rundown of my favorite “The cruel Prince” moments<33333
• At the first event when a ballad reminds Jude of Prince Cardan and then she sees him.
• ‘I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe.’
• “Make me” “I could, you know”
• “You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing…I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this.”
• When Locke walked Jude home and said he wants to see her again and she’s like “Why?”
• Jude steals “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass”
• Jude meets the Court of Shadows members and the girl is like “I’m the Bomb, I like blowing things up”
• Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude…
• "I don't know whose father you're talking about, because he's sure not mine” And then Vivi’s reaction is brilliant.
• When she’s watching Cardan in Lecture and he winces from pain because of dumb Belekin.
• Then she thinks that he hates her VERY much and wrote her name on the paper, because of that hatred.
• Stabs Valerian in the tower.
• “Oh, go already,” Cardan tells her, waving her off with one hand. “Stop boring us both.”
• When Locke tells Jude that Nicasia likes power, he likes dramatics and Valerian likes Violence and Cardan can provide them with all three.
• “If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse.” YESSS QUEEEN
• Kills Valerian.
• “If you hurt me, I wouldn't cry. I would hurt you back.” BADASS BEHAVIOUR
• “Time to change partners,” Cardan says “Oh.” he says to Locke. “Did I steal your line?”
• Jude tells Cardan she hates him as much as he hates her, but he doesn’t actually hate her.
• Cardan’s family is being slaughtered and he’s just chilling drunk and all<333.
• Jude making Cardan to crawl under the tables.
• Jude presses Cardan against the wall with a knife then cuts his finger a little:p
• Ties him up and Cardan doesn’t really care, he just lets her do it.
• Cardan’s tail
• “Prince Cardan is my prisoner”
• Jude dueling with Taryn, because she betrayed her.
• ‘I get why he chose her. I just wish she had chosen me.’
• Cardan playing cards with his kidnappers is toptier<333.
• Jude interrogating Cardan.
• “Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop.”
• “You really do want me,” I say, close enough to feel the warmth of his breath as it hitches. “And you hate it.”
• Cardan takes an oath and then Jude tells him to go back to bed.
• “I can be charming. I charmed you, didn't I?”
• Cardan grabs her wrist before she goes to the camps of other courts and tells her not to kill her self out there<333.
• Cardan tracing his fingers the shape of Jude’s ear<33333333333.
• Cardan can’t tell she looks hideous, because faeries can’t lie.
• Jude telling Cardan to show Oak what he’s supposed to do and making him kneel.
• “Phase four,” Cardan whispers to me, still believing were on the same side.
• Oak crowning Cardan was probably the cutest thing, i can’t—
• “And to Jude, who gave me a gift tonight. One that I plan to repay in kind.” Just kill me with this cuteness.
• The Liar The Queen.
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iovelore · 3 years
summary and word count: a certain fae can’t help but find amusement in the youngest elfhame’s prince‘s frustration. wc — 1493
pairings: the cruel prince!cardan greenbriar x fem!reader
contents and warnings: jealousy, hinting of threesome, mentions of knife (nothing extreme), suggestive content, mutual pining-ish, fluffy?
a/n: i used tcp cardan because i couldn’t see any context of y/n being used in a fic in the other books (i also need it for the next part </3). i tried my best to include the tail bit since it didn‘t come out right, ill add it in either part 2/3. cardan is a bit ooc (i made him a bit idk how to put it besides: sub?man whore. because i believe that’s what he is 😁). and y/n resembles jude just a little bit with the blade thing, but only a little because jude is neither very flirty or open up about her sexuality (more so in the first book) and that’s what i made y/n like.
also, since this was more in y/n’s perspective, next part will be more so cardans <3
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Y/N's legs crossed as she leaned her head on locke's shoulder, while Poppy, a half-faerie: who Locke has shown great interest in— for all the wrong reasons — sat before them and told them of the mortal tales her father would recite to her every night or the ones she gathered on her own from her adventures back where the humans lived.
Y/N found them odd: how they all were almost nothing compared to the people here; they were fragile, but she found similar enjoyment in them all nonetheless — and perhaps she had the eldest duarte to blame for her obsession with all things mortal, and Poppy's tales weren't helping either — which has unfortunately gained her the harsh scowls from the youngest prince of Elfhame.
Though that was no surprise. The boy had never been kind enough for her to realise that his treatment towards her was almost cruel — not that it had mattered, because to Y/N it was a show; she knew where his feelings lay, and it was nothing but amusing. To everyone with eye sight as clear as day, he'd never liked her, but when in class, when he believes her to be ignorant of his stare or his wagging tail; she has a classmate whisper every move his body makes, and it fuelled her heart all too much.
"It's not quite normal there, unlike here, if anyone decided to walk around with it they'd get humiliated till they're six feet under," Poppy snorted, covering her mouth with the back of her palms.
Locke turned to stare behind him, catching sight of the prince and Nicasia — both pouting miserably (one much too obvious than the other), and at that, he smiled. "Oh you’re right, tails are quite odd aren’t they? More so on a prince,"
Y/N shrugged at that, "It's alright, I do think Cardan makes it quite, charming? He’s always wagging it around like some...was it a cat you called it?"
"Yes a cat," Poppy shook her head positively, "though don't say that out loud, I doubt he's as clueless on mortal knowledge as we think he is."
Locke hummed, a smirk growing on his lips as he kept his eyes trained on his friend, Y/N following suite of his gaze and sultry grinning at the boy from afar, ignoring Nicasia — causing his eyes to widen momentarily, before the scowl found home on his face once more.
"He's never quite liked you has he?" His words were soft against her ear, his lips landing gently beneath her ear-lobes, kissing it tenderly as he kept his eyes trained on his flaring friend — who if one squinted, could perhaps see smoke escape his ears, if they ignored the immense swinging of his tail.
Y/N smiled, a small amount of malice lacing her intentions, "hatred I'd say, though he doesn't think I'm that foolish does he?"
Poppy, who now stared at her feet, hands tugging the grass with a blush coating her tanned features, "he's looked like he wanted to murder Locke."
Y/N snickered, a sickeningly sweet one at that, as she lowly muttered, "it’s all working then, sweetness."
Later on, when Y/N was left with no one to keep her company — as Locke found himself adorning Poppy and Nicasia's presence, alone — she took notice of the emptiness of Locke's home. It was beautiful, nothing as extravagant as Hollow Hall, yet she found herself admiring the interior all the same.
And as her hands traced the designs etched on the walls, as if it were a reminiscence of her first time staring upon them, a deep, and rather annoyed cough fleed her from her thoughts.
she stayed in position, her back facing Cardan and only gripping the knife resting on her waist, "now what would the prince need at a time like this? Should he not be in his humble abode by now?"
"Should you not be with your lover boy? Or is it that you enjoy using people like he does?" His tone was hostile as he spat his words, however the light softness that rippled around it was evident and Y/N couldn't help her lips tugging upwards.
She turned around, staring at him — where he leaned cooly against one of the walls — with squinted eyes, faux contempt present in her stare, and he shifted in his spot at her gaze.
She swiftly walked, her steps careful as to not trip on her dress. And when she reached him, she, boldly, placed her hands on his chest, dragging it downwards firmly — and his thumping heart beneath his rib cage could be faintly heard from the short proximity between them.
Y/N titled her head when he clenched his fists, but found a smile etching on her lips when his eyes were lightly fluttering. "Do I really threaten you that much that your hatred towards me is the only thing that keeps you going? It's pathetic truly, especially for a prince."
Cardan gulped, mind hazy at the contact and his body was supported by his tail, that was wrapped roughly around one of his legs. He could not utter the next words without stroking her ego, and it was then he'd wished — though he'd never admit out loud — that he were mortal, because he needed to lie if not keep his mouth shut.
More so with her trapping him, her knees coming forward and slightly spreading his legs, so that the entirety of his body leaned upon the wall. And despite him towering over her due to one of her legs bending in-front of the other, he could not move, catching sight of the shiny blade securely placed on her hips and her rigid grasp on them.
She had been around a certain mortal for too long, he thought, and at that his sneer was present again.
Y/N gently bit her tongue to stifle the giggle from escaping her, "what, cat's got your tongue?"
His lips were tightly sealed, and though he already knew the effects she displayed were affecting him, greatly, he refused to acknowledge her — especially that any movement could cause his legs to move slightly forward and brush . . .
She shook her head with a light hearted laugh that had his heart beating just a little bit faster, just a little bit. Her hands releasing the grip she had on her blade, before placing it on his cheek and patting him smoothly.
"You're quite humorous you know, would be a shame if you wasted all that energy on 'hating' me when it could be used for something else, you decide, my prince." she said, her tone sensual and low, before gradually stepping away allowing room (only a small amount at that) for the boy before her to breathe, she let one of her fingers crawl delicately on his hollow cheek bones, that though looked sharp, were as soft as anything could be.
Cardan's eyes widened ever so slightly, now registering her words, "are you flirting with me?" He asked. The space between them now slightly obvious, and he hated it — almost as much as he pretends to loathe her.
Y/N raised her brows, crossing her arms in an unlikely childish manner before nodding, "you're quite oblivious you know? Yes."
"Well," the confirmation enabled a smirk to appear on his face, only to be dismissed by her voice, again.
"Well? Is that all? Because I have things to do, and if my offer does not interest you then I'll gladly leave and find another willing volunteer," she purred, ignoring the way his brows harshly and quickly furrowed, creating a crease, "how about Locke? We are reasonably close, and he does not have a tail — which looks a bit foolish, don't you think?"
He was blushing crimson now, red sparklings littering his pale cheeks, but then his lips curled up — however, he does not look as frighting as he's expecting to be, he knew that, especially with her knees still resting between his thighs (which is all he's trying to drift his mind from at the moment).
"I don't see anything off with it, I've been told it makes one interesting. You've spent too much time with mortals and those alike." Cardan's jaw clenched and his chest was rising a lot more than it was a few minutes before.
Y/N pursed her lips, "Well then, show me how interesting one can get." She leaned forward, her breath fanning atop his lips and he found his own hitching.
His eyes were wandering from her eyes, which he secretly adored, to her lips, and he subconsciously nodded, leaning forward.
Only then, her hands rested on his chest, pushing him away slightly and his head came in contact with the wall yet again, and he had to bite his bottom lips in hopes that she had no idea how much he’d needed her, all of her.
Y/N stepped backwards, finally standing straight. Her hands on her side once more and she gave the prince an alluring smile, "I'll see you later, cardan."
He glared at the spot she had been standing in once she’d left, and he knew that it was a silly game she’s playing.
And what is a game if it involves one player?
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Theories and Analysis Masterlist
A probably incomplete list of mostly TFOTA meta from my mind to your unfortunate dashboards. Buckle up, Folks. I’m monologuing.
Jude isn’t Balekin’s murderer; she’s the fulfilment of his curse
Why Cardan sleeps in the chambers of the lover of the High King in TWK
The Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland book
Did Balekin know about Cardan’s secret crush?
Did Madoc know about Cardan’s secret crush?
Cardan’s poisoning
What did Cardan think when he saw Jude helping Sophie?
Eldred is NOT Cardan’s father???
Is Ghost the sender of the letter?
Baphen’s prophecy doesn’t disagree
Why this explains Eldred’s hatred for Cardan
True Names in Faerie - Part I  |  Part II
Meaning of Cardan’s name
Cardan’s True Name
Ageing in Faerie- Part I  |  Part II
On curses and geases
Why did Eva run from Madoc?
On Taryn, jealousy, and Nicardan
Why Nicardan has always slept with the fishes
Meaning of “clay” in Undersea threat
How to get away with murdering the fae
Could Taryn seduce Cardan? Part I  |  Part II
Meaning behind Cardan saying Locke and Jude are perfect for each other
Cardan Greenbriar is SMART
Cardan, Jude, and Taryn’s earrings
Jude’s dress clarification
Jude and Cardan are flawed
What does Cardan mean when he asks Jude to tarry a moment in TWK?
Why does Cardan call Jude a liar when she fell from the rafters in QON?
Cardan’s unreadable expressions
Why did Cardan want Nicasia to stay on land at the end of TWK?
What did Jude’s snake dream mean in QON?
Why did Lady Asha burn Cardan’s letters?
If faeries are allergic to salt, how do they survive in the Undersea?
Why did Cardan rip that faerie’s wing off in TCP?
Three is an odd configuration of sisters
Why Locke’s death was so satisfying
Do Jude and Cardan have middle names?
What exactly is Nevermore?
What would Cardan do if Jude commanded him to lie while he was still in her service?
More on true names and lying
In defence of one...
Cardan Greenbriar- Part I (How can I forgive Cardan?) |  Part II (Did Cardan slut-shame Taryn?) The Lost Sister Excerpt  |  Part III (Why does he think mortals are inferior?) 
Vivienne Duarte
Nicasia- Part I  |  Part II  |  Part III
Taryn Duarte- Part I  |  Part II  |  Part III  |  Part IV  |  Part V
On Jurdan
Why Jude’s feelings for Cardan seemed so sudden
When did Cardan fall for Jude?
Did Cardan love Jude in TCP?
Did Cardan know Jude didn’t hate him?
Did Cardan know Jude’s feelings in TWK?
This is why Cardan loves Jude
Meaning of “I hated you” in HTKOELTHS
Did Kaye and Roiben know about Jurdan?
What exactly happened in TWK ch. 15?
Was Cardan talking dirty to Jude in QON?
Why did Cardan tell Jude to say “I hate you” in TWK?
Why didn’t Cardan sleep in the Royal Chambers with Jude in QON?
Why did Cardan flinch when Jude said “Jude loved somebody else” in QON
What was going through Cardan’s head during the Queen of Mirth scene in TWK?
Would Jude and Cardan follow each other in death?
Why was Jude, the most terrifying thing in Elfhame, afraid of Cardan?
Jurdan and PDA
QON Chapter 21 THAT SCENE break down
Is Jurdan bullies to lovers?
About Jurdan’s wedding vows...
Did Jude change her name to Greenbriar?
Jude wouldn’t say “you piece of shit” to Cardan
Reasons to love Cardan Greenbriar
Ch. 15 vs. Ch. 21
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
My opinion on Jurdan and kids? - Part I  |  Part II
Do I think Jurdan will have kids?
My thoughts on HTKOELTHS
Cardan and pet names for Jude
My thoughts on anti-QON re: OOC!Jude
My thoughts on Judcasia
Is Cardan bi?
My favourite poison
My favourite scenes from TFOTA
Diversity in TFOTA
Virginity in TFOTA
Let Jude murder in peace!- Part 1  |  Part 2
Did Jude and Cardan keep their love private?
What kind of instruments does Cardan play?
Jude is... kind of a terrible person? (affectionate)
Thoughts on Toast (Taryn/Ghost)- Part 1  |  Part 2
April fools ask
TFOTA books ranked
My first reaction to TWK chapter 15
Nicaryn Headcanons
What music would TFOTA characters listen to?
My thoughts on Oak/Suren spinoff
My thoughts on The Lost Sisters
My thoughts on The Stolen Heir
Part I (thoughts during)
Part II (thoughts right after)
Part III (in relation to TFOTA)
Thoughts on Suren
Part I
Part II
Thoughts on Oak
Reaction to Suren’s tongue being ripped out
What were the meanings behind the stories told in TSH?
On the passage of time in TSH
Does Oak love Wren?
Madoc slander
My fancast takes
Why I don’t want a film adaptation
Felix Mallard as Cardan
heir_of_atticus as Cardan
Timothee Chalamet as Cardan and Zendaya as Jude
My (reluctant) fancasts
How do I imagine Cardan and Jude?
Bargainer series + opinions on grooming
The Potential Life of Addie Larue (and how it was thwarted by the final chapter)
More TILOAL Analysis
How to Critically Read
Books and Morals
Characters Should Make Mistakes
The SJM Effect
Elain Archeron ship opinions
Book of Night Tour Talk
Book of Night Thoughts- Part 1  |  Part 2
What tipped me off for the Book of Night ending?
The time I spent 24 hours in the woods alone
The time I visited a haunted jail
Classical Music Recs
Book Recs
Fic & Edits Masterlist
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im-someone-i-guess · 2 years
just like old times
a jurdan fic by ryhanna
word count: 2,719
Jude Duarte held the hilt of her sword so tightly her knuckles had turned white. She felt the beady eyes of the Seelie and Unseelie on her, some judging in contempt and others in wonder. There were mortals among the crowd as well but Jude's gaze was locked on a singular figure waltzing on his own.
Though in a room filled with beautiful faeries, he still managed to stand out. His dark hair like a raven's wing a golden goblet held in his spindly fingers. The cruel tilt of his mouth as he turned towards her only doubled her building irritation. He held out a hand, tilting his head, gesturing for Jude to come dance with him.
Cardan Greenbriar, High King of Elfhame had always gotten what he wanted. Jude was tempted to turn away and walk back to the palace, just to be contrary. She had other things to do, schemes to plan and traitors to hunt. Just yesterday Bomb had exposed a coup against the High King, had found a mercenary in the human lands planning to kill Oak too.
The urge to return to the Court of Shadows was immense but Jude did promise Cardan she'd dance with him at tonight's revel. Unlike faeries, she was not bound to her words, it was a mortal’s abilities, along with the ability to lie. As Cardan loved to point out, Jude was a dirty mortal liar. But the statement usually followed with a kiss, burning with desire.
"I had thought you would join Bomb to contemplate suitable torture for the mercenary before you stepped onto the dance floor, it seems I am mistaken. Tell me Jude, what compelled you to stay?" Cardan passed his goblet to a servant, his hands placing themselves on Jude's hips as she placed hers on his shoulders.
This close Jude could see the leaves carved into his golden circlet, her reflection in the scarlet rubies. Earlier today, Tatterfell had braided Jude's hair in horns, draping golden chains with similar gems on them. Jude had no doubt the imp chose the particular accessory to match Cardan.
"I promised, didn't I?" Jude murmured. Disbelief flashed on his features as did delight but Cardan only smiled. "We both know how you tend to prefer the Court of Shadows over the Royal Court, especially when there is work to be done."
He was perfectly aware of the coup to overthrow him, his subjects were no longer bound to him by oath as they were before he broke the Blood Crown in two. Jude did not like what had directly followed but she did enjoy the respect glistening in every faeries' eyes. Still, without the Blood Crown and the sure devotion that came with it, wicked schemes had become a frequent occasion.
"How is Oak? You visited him yesterday." Jude opened her mouth to answer but Cardan had more to say. "Why didn't you bring me with you? You're aware of my fondness for mortals, yes? No matter how often they seem to forget me."
"It's not my fault you have matters of state to accomplish," Cardan murmured, twirling Jude across the floor then back to his arms. Her steps weren't as graceful as his but at least she did not stumble and fall face first into the grass. "Are you going back any time soon? To visit Vivienne or Madoc?"
"I don't think it's wise to speak about such things at a revel," Jude told him but her voice wavered, her mind more occupied with not messing up the dance. "And I'll try to alert you on my next adventure to the mortal world."
It was not the promise he wanted but Cardan still pursed his lips, it was satisfying enough for him. But alerting did not mean agreeing to bring him along, it still felt odd to have Elfhame's High King walking down the streets she grew up in.
"Your Majesties," a figure bowed in front of them, interrupting their dance. Cardan looked displeased but relief flooded through Jude, she was eager to stop dancing "The faeries associated in the coup had made a move, they will be going to attack Oak. What do you think we should do?"
Jude didn't recognise the figure but she did recognise the mask they were wearing. Only three faeries in Elfhame had such a mask but she couldn’t remember either of their names. As long as they wore the masks, no one would ever recognise them.
The figure made their way quietly through the crowd, summoning ragwort ponies for the journey. Jude made her way to follow but Cardan had gripped her wrist. She tried to wrench it away but Cardan refused to let go. "As your husband, I feel obligated to accompany you and as the High King, I think I have right to know the happenings in my own kingdom."
Cardan made a valid point and although Jude wanted to argue, there were faeries watching gleefully, no doubt eavesdropping. Swallowing her words, she cast a scathing glare towards her beloved husband and let him lead the way.
The faeries offered graceful curtsies and low bows, murmurs of "Your Majesty" and other noble compliments. It was such a contrast from the constant glares from before that faithful coronation-turned-bloodbath.
"Oak will be no more than leverage but they have not reached him yet. Madoc had sworn not to lay a hand on any weapon but he would be able to take any threat with his bare hands. He will not let them hurt Oak, at least for Oriana's sake."
"If Madoc has it handled then why are our presence required at the mortal land?" Cardan asked.
"My presence is required, you can return to your goblets of wine and waltzing by yourself." It wasn't, she could just as easily order a few guards but she knew she had to go.
"It has lost its appeal." The curve of his smile held the glint of something mischievous. "Could we stop for pizza, there must be a decent restaurant offering pizza. We should bring Oak along, he delights in choosing the toppings."
But bringing Oak meant bringing Oriana and surely Madoc would follow. Jude did not dislike them but she dreaded the subtle insults and disapproving glares. But she supposed seeing Oak made up for the shortcomings. If only they were visiting under better circumstances.
"We have no time to change, glamour will have to do," the faerie told them, they were already saddled on their ragwort pony. Jude nodded and climbed onto the pony, ignoring Cardan's hand.
As soon as Cardan climbed onto his, the ponies took off into the sky. The stars were bright tonight, Jude caught the look of amazement in Cardan's eyes, his black hair whipping around his face. She felt a smile tugging on her lips but she knew the faerie was watching.
"We land here," they shouted, their voice barely audible over the wind. Still, the ragwort ponies slowly made their way down, turning back into stalks the moment they stepped on land.
Jude stumbled onto the cobblestone pathway, Cardan walking behind her with an amused grin. She cast him a glare but his smile only spread wider. Jude made a gesture Oriana would heavily disapprove but Cardan merely flipped his hair, staring at his reflection on the car window.
She was about to say something else but was interrupted by a small faerie child, horns peeking from his hair. Small arms wrapped around Jude's legs, Oak had gotten taller, she realised. He had started telling Jude about school and his friends before slender hands wrenched him away.
"Your Majesties," Oriana murmured, managing an elegant curtsy despite her human clothes. The blue flowers on her white blouse matched her ghostly skin and the skinny jeans matched her slender figure. "Did something happen? Guards have suddenly been stationed outside with orders to not disclose any information."
Jude was about to tell her but the streets weren't secure, someone could overhear. "We'll come inside first, I can't wait to see Madoc." Her voice was dripped with sarcasm and she knew Oriana disapproved of her tone but like the perfect lady she was, Oriana made no comment, instead forcing a pleasant smile and half dragging Oak inside.
Vivi was out with Heather, Oriana told her, finally letting go of Oak's hand. The faerie child had ran off to converse with Cardan who was telling him to order pizza. A small part of her still laughed in disbelief at the absurdity of the High King of Elfhame eating mortal food. But she knew Cardan liked pizza, Jude wondered if maybe he would order the palace cooks to learn how to make them.
"My daughter, what brings you here? That's twice in the past two weeks." Madoc was grinning but it highly resembled a predator bearing its teeth. "I hear whispers this is about Oak, I deserve to know what's going on?"
He did, despite his traitorous ways and twisted views, he still cared for Oak.
"There was a coup against the High King, we received word that they were going to use Oak for leverage," Jude told them. Oriana looked horrified but Madoc only looked grim, his eyes drifting towards Cardan. The High King was no doubt listening to the conversation, felt the intense stare boring holes into the back of his head but he did nothing to acknowledge it.
"Why Oak? Doesn't Taryn have a child too, they could take him and he would be better leverage. Your sister would beg you for the safe return of her son and you'd do anything in your power to ensure it happens." Madoc made a valid point but Jude refused to tell him that.
"So you think it is better to condemn an infant? The boy is perfectly innocent."
"And so you think Oak being in danger is better?" Oriana held her hands over her mouth, muffling a sad wail.
"Taryn is a sister of the High Queen, she is always protected with guards and a personal acquaintance." Jude noticed Madoc's small smile, he remembered the Ghost, no doubt. "Oak is in the human world, living with three faeries whom are either unable to properly hold a blade or hold one at all." Madoc's glare could burn down forests.
"Then why not just send guards? You didn't have to visit us." Madoc was calculating, piecing together her plan. Jude could feel his stern eyes looking straight into her soul. "You think they will attack tonight?"
Jude only managed a nod, the conversation interrupted by a doorbell. Oak exclaimed something about pepperoni pizza and ran towards the door, a wallet in hand and the High King in tow. Jude saw Cardan's tail curling in curiosity.
Oak opened the door to reveal a man, a pizza box in hand. "That would be twenty dollars for two pizzas," the man said, handing the boxes to a smiling Cardan. "Though I think it would be better if you paid in blood."
The man took of his cap, revealing green hair and horns like the branches of a tree. Instantly Nightfell was unsheathed and pointed at his neck. The faerie only laughed, his eyes holding a wild gleam as Oriana pulled Oak away. Cardan stood next to Jude, his earlier excitement morphed into a glare.
"How interesting, we were not expecting the High King to be here. This makes my job much easier, you see. Less places to go, less threatening to do. Now I just stab a blade through the ribs of the High King, High Queen and Little Oak."
Jude pointed the blade closer but the faerie dodged, an insane smile on his lips. He had unsheathed his sword too, a fine blade with leaves carved in its hilt. It was shorter than Nightfell, limiting his reach but his limbs were longer, that evened the odds. If only Jude hadn't been trained by the Elfhame's former Grand General. 
The faerie lunged but Jude dodged just as easily. They went on like that, Jude's arms aching from the strain but she noticed the slight huff of breath every time he lunged; a tell that wasn't even well hidden. Easily, Jude watched as he huffed and lunged, dodging and stabbing at the man's side. Then again at his right leg, and again on his shoulder.
Jude endured a few scratches, deep enough to drip blood but not enough to cause any real damage. The faerie took two more blows on his left leg and right arm before Jude swept him off his feet, demanding him to tell her who sent him.
"I sent myself, Cardan does not deserve to be on that throne and Elfhame should not tolerate a mortal queen." It was an ordinary insult but it still stung, especially when Jude remembered a faeries inability to lie. "There will be more, you should step down and save yourself the trouble, Elfhame—"
The faerie said no more, he would never say any more. Jude had cut his head clean off, the faerie was working alone, hate blooming in his heart for the High King and Queen. There was nothing else to know, Oak was safe, he hadn’t even really been in real danger. Madoc would've been able to handle him with his bare hands. Any decent guard she issued would've been able to take him down. So why did she decide to come?
"We should stay here for a while longer, we have pizzas and Jude needs to regain her strength," Cardan said, ushering Jude upstairs to the guestroom they frequent every time they visit. She was tempted to drag Cardan out and tend to her own wounds but she had a feeling he would not relent.
"You know, I have always sensed defiance in you, strong willed and threats at the ready. I find it fascinating that you have the skills to back up every promise of revenge." Cardan had started wrapping her hand with gauze. "You beheaded someone in Madoc's living room while wearing your revel dress."
Surely enough, Jude was still wearing her cobalt gown though it had been torn in several places. Knowing she'd need to take the dress off before Cardan could properly address the rest of her scratches, Jude unbuttoned the dress, Cardan helping when her arms could no longer reach back.
Jude and Cardan had stocked up their mortal clothes the last time they went together, Cardan buying several cosmetic supplies as well. She had watched him pour the items on the counter, smiling at the girl at the counter with his usual lazy smile.
She chose a black shirt and a pair of decent jeans. Cardan had changed from his feathered doublet and into a striking red blouse, puffy sleeves and polka dots printed on the fabric. He was extravagant enough for the both of them, Jude noted as Cardan rearranged his hair to better highlight the golden circlet.
Jude's own hair had somehow stayed in place, the chains slightly askew but otherwise perfectly fine. She'd thank Tatterfell later but the faeries do not thank so Jude would have to settle for a small smile of gratitude the next time she saw the imp.
"I still remember when you held your blade at me, threatening to kill me. I believed you, of course. It is a blessing that you no longer want to, having you as an enemy would destroy my kingdom." Cardan said, taking a seat in front of the vanity once he finished with Jude's wounds, his back turned against the mirror to meet Jude's gaze.
"How do you know I no longer wish to kill you, husband of mine?" Jude grinned, pointing her sword at Cardan's throat. "I could slit your throat and take the throne for myself, why share power when I could have it all to myself?"
"Just like old times," Cardan murmured, glancing at the blade then at Jude. "You are a good liar but a liar nonetheless." Pushing the blade aside with the tip of his finger, Cardan pulled Jude down and met his lips with hers. Jude couldn’t stop the smile as their lips parted, the taste of his lips lingering on her tongue.
"Shall we go eat our pizza, dear husband?"
"We shall, my beloved wife."
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florafey · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons about Jude and cardan as parents?
Funny you should ask. I blame you, Curly Red Queen, for the rabbit hole I’m about to go down
- They’re the power couple to end all power couples, even before having kids
- They give Rhys and Feyre a run for their money but we don’t pit Kings and Queens against Kings and Queens in this house and anyways, I digress
- Cardan loves his children
- Naturally, of course, but he has no solid father figure to help him figure out this whole parenting thing
- So he’s nervous about it the first time, of course
- But Jude reassures him over and over that he’s going to be great and he has to believe her
- She wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true
- And by the time kid number three rolls around, Cardan has this dad thing down pat
- He wrestles with his kids all the time, both his sons and his daughters
- One of his sons has a little tail
- Said son is in love with his dad’s tail and Cardan doesn’t mind it when his little hands play with the tuft of hair on the end
- Cardan teaches his son how to use it for balance and how to pick up small things with it
- Cardan’s daughter gets jealous that she doesn’t have a tail, too
- It stuns Cardan at first, because all he can remember about his childhood is being absolutely humiliated because of his tail and here is his little girl telling him she wishes she had one just like it
- He almost cries but Jude saves the day
- “Let the boys have their tails,” she says, “My little girl and I have matching ears.”
- And it’s true. Jude and Cardan’s daughter has dull ears like a mortal
- But she also has vibrant, purple eyes so she isn’t worried about not looking like a faerie
- Cardan and Jude parent like they rule the kingdom: efficiently and kindly, but stern when needed
- Cardan is usually the first to get stern
- His kids know by now that whenever Dad looks at them in a certain way, they better shape up
- Like all kids, they’re thoroughly disgusted by how in love their parents are
- Their daughter(s) think its so romantic and wonderful but their son(s) always stick their fingers down their throat whenever they see Dad kiss Mamma
- Bedtime stories are very much a thing
- Cardan will make up a story and then recruit Jude to help him finish it and she has to pretend like she knows how it ends
- Neither of them knows how it ends
- Jude does the voices for all the girl characters and Cardan voices the men
- But because Cardan is literally making the story up as he goes, Jude has to improvise 100% of her lines
- They make it work
- Some of the stories told at bedtime are the best stories faeries had ever had the privilege of hearing
- Sometimes, though, they stick to more traditional stories and read from books
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a unanimous favorite
- Cardan likes to carry his children on his shoulders or on his back
- It’s just efficient
- It’s not a strange sight to see the High King of Elfhame walking through the palace with a toddler in his arms, a two year old on his back, a four year old on his shoulders, and a set of twins running behind him
- I have no idea how many kids those two end up having. They’re unhinged and unpredictable
- But the kingdom adores the Greenbriar children
- All the kids are so well-mannered that it’s no trouble liking them or getting along with them
- Some of them are shyer than others so they’re more likely to hide in Jude’s skirts during a party but the kingdom still gushes over them
- The kingdom also likes the change in pace with how many kids the King and Queen have ;)
- Children are a happy, happy thing and Jude is a mortal woman, so she gives the kingdom tons of reasons to be happy
- It’s almost a little overwhelming both for Jude and the citizens
- The citizens don’t know how to handle being this happy this often
- And Jude still finds it a little odd how strangers will be moved to tears over the fact that she’s pregnant...again
- Cardan uses it to tease her because he’s fucking Cardan and why wouldn’t he
- “It’s about time we give the kingdom another celebration, don’t you think?”
- Cue Jude glaring at her husband and reminding him that the child she is currently breastfeeding is a mere five weeks old
- Cardan kisses the child and then his wife and says, “That’s fair. I’ll give it another month.”
- Jude kicks him because her hands are busy, but she’s laughing
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Hello my lovelies!
Wow ok I’m sorry I know it’s been a while- I kinda got into a writing slump that wouldn’t let me out, however I’m feeling like I’m getting back into things! Yay!
I want to thank all of you for your continued support in my writing adventures, I seriously can’t describe how much it means to me when I get feedback and love on my work, one of my favorite things to do is make people happy- or really just feel anything- with my writing and I love hearing about it so thank you thank you THANK YOU!!! 🥰❤️
So, now I’m back with a gift! A very long fic that took me way to long to get around to finishing but I wanna share! So here, have this!!
Sorry if the length is too, well, lengthy 😅 I do so hope you enjoy it!
Edit: have added a cut due to length, read below!🥰❤️
Some Wicked Type of Love
Cardan stared down at the vial he held carefully, the greenish liquid sparkled as it sloshed around with the subtle shakes he gave it. This. This would fix everything.
“So, he just has to drink that? Nothing else?” Rhyia asked, unnerved. That unnerved Cardan, his elder sister was hardly ever shaken, so seeing her nervous about something didn’t sit well.
The imp with golden skin smiled thinly. Despite her obvious skepticism, he was the one Rhyia had told Cardan about, the one that could fix his problem, rid him of his ailment.
“That is all.”
Rhyia’s eyes narrowed into slits, “And it won’t hurt him?” Despite how she, along with the rest of his siblings, chose to brush him off more often than not, she did care for him on a certain level. It was why Cardan had approached her in the first place. He trusted her alone to follow through with this task.
“The young Prince shall remain whole and hale. It is to my understanding that he is now indebted to me?”
Cardan was about to protest when Rhyia spoke first, “I will take on his debt to you. When you need a favor, come to me.”
The imp’s smile widened, “Oh it is not a favor I seek in return. Simply bring him back to me once the… effects of the cure have taken hold.”
Cardan didn’t like how ominous that sounded. Nonetheless he nodded to his sister and they moved to leave.
Once they had turned away, they missed how the Imp’s smile grew impossibly wider and a silent laugh fell from his lips.
“Are you sure about this?”
Her constant questioning was beginning to grate on Cardan’s nerves as they trekked back to Hallow Hall. “For the last time, yes. I am profoundly certain in my decision. Will you let it alone now?”
Rhyia hummed and stopped walking. When Cardan realized she was no longer beside him, he stopped as well and turned to face her. She was staring at him with an expression he couldn’t puzzle out.
“Having the love of a mortal is-”
Cardan turned away sharply and began walking again, “I do not have the love of a mortal! One simply plagues my thoughts, and this is the only way to cure it.”
Rhyia jogged to catch up with him. She linked her arm through his, “All I was going to say was that…being in love with, or having the love of a mortal, is no reason to feel shame. Many of us have loved them, dearly so. The General, our father. Even I have known the affections of one.”
Cardan stopped short. That couldn’t be right. Yes, there were some Folk who took mortals as consorts and lovers- they were good for cultivating many children. The General’s love, he knew, had ended in tragedy. One that produced the very person he so sorely wished to be rid of. His father had an affinity for many a thing unusual, and having Val Moren at his side was just that. Cardan had just always assumed it was out of need for a seneschal who had an undying loyalty to him. But Rhyia?
He glanced at her sideways and she held her chin up higher, “As I said. I am not ashamed of who I have come to adore. Many think them beneath us, I find that to be wholly untrue. They are born, they live vibrant, beautiful lives, and they die, just as we do.”
Cardan shook his head, “They are dirt. A fleeting thing made of dust and water, gone before they can live fully if they do not stay here. They are beneath us.” A practiced excuse, and his sister knew it.
“You feel the need to run from what you do not understand. Do not want to feel. The choice is yours but know this: You are a prince. You may love whoever you see fit to love. Mortals may be weaker than we are, but their ability to love is stronger even than our own. When they find someone fit to adore, they put their entire existence into loving them. They feel it deeply and should you find yourself the object of their affection, there will be nothing they will not do for you,” She looked at him pointedly, “It is an honor to be loved by a mortal.”
Cardan was silent for a moment as her words sank in. The vial in his pocket felt heavier, somehow.
An honor. Cardan had never been granted anything akin to honor before. And as thoughts of auburn hair and rounded ears flashed through his mind, he realized he never would be granted such a thing. He shook his head,
“Even if that were true, my issue does not stem from running from the affections of a mortal.”
Rhyia smiled carefully at her brother, “Of course not. Simply from the possibility that she will not love you as you love her.”
He balked and tugged his arm from her hold, stalking the rest of the way home on his own. He did not love a mortal. He just couldn’t get thoughts of her out of his mind. Her name played on an indestructible loop in his brain, carefully preserved memories of her every sneer and glare followed him into his dreams and emerged with him in his waking hours. She wouldn’t leave him alone.
The liquid in that vial would fix it. It would erase her very essence from each corner of his brain, every fold she inhabited, like a sprite infestation of the mind. He would be rid of every thought, every memory, every feeling he had ever had for her.
Without any further pondering, he lifted the vial from his pocket and uncorked it.
Before he even got inside Hallow Hall, he brought it to his lips.
He threw back the potion and blessedly forgot Jude Duarte.
Lessons had never been a source of joy for Cardan. In fact, he would go as far to say they were a bane of his existence. Knowledge and learning, taking precious time to become scholarly when he could have been lounging about instead.
An odd absence in his chest pulled at him. He felt as if there was something about lessons that should have- usually would have- brought him some level of entertainment, of satisfaction. Looking around, his comrades by his side as they set up their blankets and baskets on the great lawn for the day, there was nothing amiss.
And yet there was something…
“Here they come.” Locke muttered conspiratorially, looking at someone approaching over Cardan’s shoulder. Valerian leered and Nicasia glanced in that direction before scoffing and looking elsewhere.
Had they all met someone at a revel recently? Someone worthy of their torment? Surely, they would have told him had that been the case.
Either way, he wanted to be included, so he turned as well.
When he caught sight of her, he lost his right to breathe.
There were two mortal girls, they were linked at the arm and looked exactly alike. Twins, highly uncommon amongst the Folk, though it happened often enough for the term to be familiar.
Despite there being two of them, his eyes immediately caught on the one to the right.
She was gorgeous.
Her auburn hair was twisted into a knot at the top of her head, a golden net holding it in place along with a few decorative pins. She was wearing a simple tunic with a crest across her chest that he instantly recognized. The family crest of General Madoc. He had mortal charges?
She clutched her basket in one hand and clutched her sister’s arm even closer. She was whispering something to the other girl and when she glanced up, she locked gazes with him.
It felt as if time had frozen.
She stared at him for a moment, brown eyes boring into his. It was the most beautiful color he had ever had the privilege of seeing. What a shame she shared a face with the girl next to her, her beauty was so striking that it deserved to be all her own. Even so, she was- as far as he was concerned- far more breathtaking than her twin.
She was alarmingly attractive. Distressingly beautiful. The product of tortuous, glorifying nightmares. He needed to know her, needed to speak to her. What did her voice sound like? Was she bold or soft spoken? How long had she been in Elfahme and why had he never encountered her before?
This ethereal creature… he could feel his heart beating so quickly it was growing painful, he had to force himself to take a breath least he pass out from lack of oxygen.
“Who is that?” He knew his voice was little more than a strained whisper as he continued to stare at her.
As soon as his mouth moved, it seemed to shatter some hold that had settled over her. Her eyes narrowed and she gave him a glare so delightfully heated that he could feel it burning his very blood. She was a fiery one.
Her lips pulled into a sneer and he immediately wanted to know what she would taste like. Some strange, horrid concoction of bitter and sweet, no doubt. He had to know.
He could see Nicasia looking at him strangely from the corner of his eye. He couldn’t bring himself to tear his gaze from the mortal as she moved to an empty area on the grass with her twin in tow. He watched as they spread out their blankets and settled down.
“The Duarte twins? Madoc’s filthy mortal brats? Cardan, are you feeling well?” She asked, rare concern lacing her voice.
He would wager he’d never felt better in his life. He felt something in his chest- the previously empty and wounded area- light up as though something finally came to life in him, as though he were finally whole.
“What’s her name, the one on the right?” He ignored the strange looks his friends gave him, never looking away from the Duarte twin that had enraptured his attention, though she kept throwing disgusted sneers his way every time she looked up to find him still staring.
“Jude?” Locke inquired, glancing gleefully between the twins and the prince.
Something in his mind snapped into place, and he finally understood what had been missing, Jude.
Her name looped around his thoughts, over and over.
Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude…
He needed her. He felt it, he…
Cardan Greenbriar was in love.
Waiting for lessons to end was nearly unbearable, the only consolation Cardan got was from staring at the object of his affections throughout the day.
Each time she caught him staring, she would glare and turn away sharply, as though his gaze had branded her. Each time it sent a thrill through him, something he had never felt before, even with previous lovers. Even with Nicasia, who was sitting right next to him through the whole day.
It was perhaps hasty on his part, this whole bodied acceptance of his feelings, but Cardan was never one to curb his indulgences. After all, when the Folk fell in love, it was often that it happened deeply and all at once. This was nothing out of the ordinary, and the prince looked forward to trying to shower this lovely fiend in affections as soon as he could speak with her.
As soon as they were released for the day, he issued Locke to distract her twin, having seen how they stole glances at one another during their lessons. The fox like faerie was all too happy to oblige and Cardan found himself trailing his new love off the palace grounds and into the forest, glad she hadn’t bothered to wait for her twin.
It took about two minutes for her to stop, once they were out of sight of the palace behind them. She turned and her gaze locked onto him.
He continued forward until he was a mere foot away from her. He said nothing and simply stood there, watching, waiting for her to speak first.
“What do you want?” Oh, how delightfully sharp her voice was! Even drenched in irritation, it was soothing as a balm to his aching head after listening to Nicasia’s grating prattle all day. She looked momentarily surprised at herself, as though she were normally much milder. Though she quickly shook it off and continued to glare at him.
He decided to forego beating around the bush, she seemed like the type of person who enjoyed being direct, getting straight to the point. That spot in his chest she now occupied throbbed a bit, “You’ve captured my attention. You’re quite alluring, Jude. That is your name, correct?”
A completely logical question, but she looked at him as though he had two heads. Actually no- there was at least one two headed faerie out there- she looked at him as though he had just asked her to shoot him through with an arrow, like he was an idiot in need of mental help.
“Is this some kind of trick?” Her voice was dripping disgust and her hand twitched as though she wanted to reach for something but thought better of it at the last moment. Her eyes narrowed further and he found himself wishing she would look at him normally so he could see her eyes fully. They must be exquisite this close up.
He shook his head, shifting towards her, she took a step back, “No trick. I know I’m being forward, but I find you most enchanting, perhaps we can walk together?” he smirked at her. He knew how to be charming, had won a few hearts that way. However, she sneered at him as though she were completely immune to it- even better!
“’Perhaps we’… What are you doing, Cardan?” she nearly growled his name and he found he quite liked the way it sounded coming out of her mouth.
“Expressing my interest in you,” he stepped closer and grabbed one of her hands gently, tried not to laugh when she casually pulled it away and unsheathed a small dagger at her hip, “As I said, you have my attention.”
She looked confused a moment, even slightly concerned. It vanished quickly and she held the dagger a little higher. Outright threatening him. Yes, he was definitely in love!
“What has gotten into you? Some sort of sickness the Folk get? Have you been drinking already?”
Already. For some reason that stuck in his head. ‘Have you been..’ it sounded as though she knew of his habits. Granted it was no secret that he preferred various wines over most other beverages any day, but only those who paid attention to him knew that. He was under the distinct impression they had never met before.
That spot in his heart throbbed again, painfully.
“You…” He took a step towards her and she backed up several paces, her blade gleaming between them.
“If this is some new way of trying to get me to back down, you can drop it. It’s not going to work. You’ve managed to pit Taryn against me already, and as long as you leave her alone, we have an understanding but that’s it. I won’t hesitate to hurt you if you touch either one of us. Now leave me alone.”
Cardan didn’t understand half of what she was talking about. Who was Taryn? Her twin perhaps? He hadn’t bothered with her name. How did Jude figure he had pit them against one another? And how had he and Jude come to an agreement of sorts if he had never met her before?
As she backed away, dagger still held offensively as though she expected him to lunge for her, he realized he was going to need answers to his growing list of questions before he tried to pursue her further.
He held up his hands in what he hoped was a placating gesture, watching as she continued to move away before she was far enough to turn and hastily make her way from him. He gazed after her a moment, wishing that had gone differently, then turned and started to trek his way home, suddenly in a somber mood.
Jude huffed out a breath of frustration as she re-sheathed her dagger, trying to figure out what on earth had just passed between her and Cardan.
You have my attention. That was normally a bad thing, but the way he had been gazing at her…she could feel her blood heating and it wasn’t all due to hate.
So wrapped up in trying to figure out what had just happened with Cardan, Jude didn’t realize someone else was following her until it was too late.
She jumped an embarrassingly high distance into the air when Princess Rhyia appeared beside her.
“Oh! Uh, your highness.” Jude muttered, dropping into a low curtsy.
She tried to keep her wits about her when the princess gripped her arm and looped her own through it. She smiled warmly at Jude, something she found slightly disconcerting, and said, “Walk with me.”
Her tone was gentle, but Jude understood a command when she heard one, and Rhyia was all but physically dragging her by the arm, so she really had little choice in the matter.
“Tell me, young Jude. What do you think of my brother?”
Jude didn’t bother asking for clarification. If Rhyia had followed her all this way, it was likely she had just seen whatever it was that had transpired between Cardan and herself. She was about to blurt out “I hate him, as he does me” when she stopped herself. It probably wasn’t wise to badmouth him to his sibling. Not to mention it felt…odd, to say that all of a sudden.
The princess caught her hesitation and squeezed her arm gently, “Please, speak freely.”
Well then, “Um…we don’t…we don’t see eye to eye.” A huge understatement, though Rhyia simply nodded, keeping quiet as she waited for Jude to go on. “I take it you know why he was acting so strangely back there?”
For a startling moment, the princess looked upset. She schooled her features quickly, though. “Usually, I would feel it is not my place to meddle. But Cardan… it is no excuse, I know, but… he doesn’t always understand his own feelings.”
Jude bit the inside of her own cheek. She had quite a bit to say when it came to Cardan and feelings. She kept quiet as his sister went on.
“I shouldn’t be the one to reveal all the details, but I can tell you that he feels very strongly for you. So strongly in fact, that he went to extremes to stop feeling for you. It would appear his plan backfired.”
Strong feelings? Backfired? What? “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“Cardan approached me yesterday, asking if I knew of a way to rid him of feelings he couldn’t stand to feel. I took him to an imp I know of, who gave him a potion, a…cure, he called it. It would erase the thing that ails one from their memory.”
Jude was putting the pieces together now. For an inexplicable reason, something tugged at her chest, dark and ugly. “He…wanted to forget me?” She asked carefully.
Rhyia smiled, obviously happy Jude was understanding, “You were haunting him. He couldn’t cease thinking of you and it was driving him quite mad. So, he sought a solution.”
“A solution?” Jude scoffed, the hurt in her chest growing, “So rather than…than talk to me, he decided to erase me from his memory?!” She couldn’t fathom why this truth hurt, why she even cared-
“Well, he tried. I’ve been watching him today. It seems that, if anything, his feelings for you are much clearer now.” She nodded to herself, as if this was a completely logical situation.
Jude felt like she couldn’t breathe. Cardan, he felt something for her? Something other than hate?
She thought back to a piece of paper, her name dashed out over and over and over, like he was trying to immortalize her, pen her down on paper so she should never be forgotten.
Suddenly, she was recounting every interaction they had ever had, every weighted look and spiteful word. Each trick and torment and barb thrown at one another. The way they relentlessly targeted one another, trading blows in every form one could think of. She recalled the way Taryn begged her to let it go, to quit this twisted game but she couldn’t. She would not forfeit. She didn’t want to stop.
And he was just as guilty. Each time they went toe to toe, he wouldn’t back down, wouldn’t leave her alone, almost as if he needed this game they played just as much as she did, just to feel... and each time, there was an air of something heavier behind it all, something unspoken and deadly and mutual.
Something like obsession. A twisted kind of heart-breaking. A tragic back and forth dance. Evil, heated, something intense, some…
Some wicked type of love.
She didn’t realize she had stopped moving until Rhyia pulled her arm from Jude’s. They were nearing Madoc’s estate, but Jude found she didn’t want to go home just yet.
“He…We, uh…” Great, at a loss for words in front of royalty. But Rhyia just smiled wider.
“I heard there is a way to bring back memory stolen by a potion, a kiss of true love or something of that nature. But you didn’t hear it from me.” The princess leaned in and placed a sisterly kiss on Jude’s cheek before she winked and walked away.
Jude stood there, stupidly staring at nothing just off the edge of Madoc’s estate for far longer than she would have liked to admit.
She… she loved him? She wanted to be wrong, but it felt like she had just discovered the answer to everything she never realized she was questioning. Her chest ached, she had to get to him. What had Rhyia said? ‘kiss of true love’? Like from a story book? Ridiculous. And exactly the kind of thing that would happen to her.
Jude squared her shoulders, resigning herself to her decision.
Without giving herself a chance to reconsider, she turned on her heel and started to backtrack to Hallow Hall.
Cardan was only slightly surprised when Jude traipsed through his open balcony doors an hour later. He wasn’t sure what she had against using the front door like a normal person but epic declarations of love were often much more, well, epic when preceded by dramatic entrances.
He liked her flair.
“Somehow I knew you would show up.” He was genuinely glad to see her, though if she was here to tell him off again, he wasn’t sure how he would manage. He would find a way, though, for her.
“Shame on me for being predictable.” She muttered, moving further into the room. She regarded him coolly, “You really don’t remember me?”
Cardan held up a finger and moved to his desk. He picked up an empty vial that was sitting atop. He held it out to her.
“I assumed I was at a revel last night and that was why I couldn’t recall anything, however today’s events are making that hard to believe.”
Jude took the vial from him, careful not to touch him as she did so. She examined the glass, rolled it over in her hands a few times. She glanced back up at him and he was happy to find her eyes open wide. He was right, a gorgeous color.
“I assume you don’t know what this is.” She shook the vial.
He shook his head, “I figure it’s the cause of my lapse in memory. Now I wonder what was in it and why I needed it,” He looked her over carefully, head to toe and back up again, “And why it seems tied to you.”
She pocketed the vial, though he wasn’t sure why she would want it, “Have you spoken with Rhyia today?”
Rhyia? “What does my sister have to do with this?”
“She accompanied me home, don’t give me that look- she snuck up on me. She told me that yesterday you asked for her assistance in acquiring something. A cure, of sorts.”
Cardan ignored the jealousy he felt against his sister-how unfair that she got to walk Jude home- and mused over Jude’s words. A cure… “I don’t recall being ill before last night.” He crossed his arms, watching her. Even the way she just stood there was astounding. He could look at her forever and it still wouldn’t be long enough to give her the attention she deserved.
“Well, you weren’t sick, exactly. You…wanted someone erased from your memory.” Her voice went quiet. Odd, from what he knew of her thus far, that seemed extremely out of character for her.
“That would explain the memory loss.” Horrible attempt at a quip, though her mouth quirked up at the corner, he got her to smile! Despite her obvious upset, his chest warmed. He wanted to see her grinning, to hear her laugh. Perhaps he would, one day.
“Yeah, well, it definitely did its job.”
It hit him, then. He had wanted to forget someone, his comrades had displayed obvious distaste for the Duarte twins even though Cardan could not recall ever meeting them. Rhyia had gone to Jude after their…talk in the woods, and Cardan hardly believed it had been Jude’s twin he had wanted to forget.
“You.” He said quietly, watching her shift her weight from one foot to the other, “I wanted to forget you?” He hardly thought it possible, she was a delight! He had never known what the missing piece of his entire existence had been until he laid eyes on her for the first time- ok, not first time, rather the first time he remembers. All the same, looking upon her beautiful countenance now, he could quite confidently declare his past self absolutely mad for attempting to purge her from his thoughts.
Jude shrugged and stepped closer, “I guess I was haunting you. And you don’t like knowing there is something out there that you can’t have.”
His heart plummeted. He wished it to soar at the obvious fact that she seemed to know him so well, however her words crushed the fragile hope that had been budding within him since he left her alone in the woods, “And I can’t? Have you?”
Her gaze was intense and piercing when it landed on his own. Again, he marveled at the color. The rich hues of brown one found upon the forest floor, the cracked deck of a mighty ship, all the copper and wood and soil of the earth blending together to solidify themselves in the alluring shade of her eyes. He couldn’t breathe.
She forewent answering his question, “Your sister told me there is a way to restore your memory, if you would have it.”
“Yes.” He found himself breathing, already enticed at the prospect of remembering this wicked girl before him. Obviously, his past self had been an idiot for trying to forget her. He cleared his throat, “What is it?”
She took another step, then another, stopping only when they were so close he had to tilt his head down to meet her eyes.
“I’m not sure it will work, but I know you’ll find it entertaining.”
Gently, he reached up to wrap a lock of her hair around his finger. She didn’t seem to mind as he asked again, “Is there a chance? That I could have you?” He’d never had anything solely his, never won affections simply because someone had cared for him. He knew if she could be that for him, he’d want for nothing more in his life ever again.
Slowly, she lifted a hand to his cheek. He found himself leaning into it readily as she pulled his face closer to hers.
She seemed to hesitate, considering something before she answered, “So long as I could have you.”
He would have answered, ‘Anything, you can have anything you want’ had she not closed the distance and pressed her lips to his.
The memories came rushing back all at once and they nearly knocked his breath out of his chest. But he only gave his history with his gorgeous villain a passing thought as more pressing matters settled themselves in the forefront of his mind.
Namely, the fact that Jude was kissing him. Jude. As everything he knew about her, about them fell into place he had to wonder if he was dreaming. But no. He’d imagined this very moment before and… It had all his hopes, his expectations paling in comparison to the actual sensation. She was warm and her mouth was soft even as she roughly slanted it against his own. Even when showing affection, she felt the need to be in control and he lent it to her willingly.
In the back of his mind, he recalled having always assumed that their first kiss would be intoxicating and drenched in delirium- why else would either of them fall into the other without a fight, if not for the moment being brought about by emotions stronger than they could contend with? And while it definitely lived up to that expectation, he had also always assumed it would be over rather quickly. That she would pull away abruptly, muttering about mistakes and small, ironic acts of vengeance.
That is where the likeness between imagination and reality broke away.
In reality, as soon as her mouth met his and she gave him a moment to feel the onslaught of memories, she stepped closer, forcing him to bend slightly to accommodate their height difference. The hand that had been resting on his face slid up, over the pointed tip of his ear and into his hair while her other arm fastened tightly around his shoulders, pulling him flush against her.
He fumbled for a moment- which was really something wasn’t it? Wasn’t he the more experienced of the two? How thoroughly she had undone him already!
Once his bearings were back intact, he slipped his arms around her waist, molding himself to her. He marveled at how seamlessly they seemed to fit together. A lock and- wait, no. No Locke. Two pieces of the same puzzle finally snapping into place.
His mind gave over to a blank sort of haze, melting along to the backdrop of her name looping around his thoughts, Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude Jude and for a bare moment he understood again why he had forced her out of his mind, for she was the only thing in the universe that had the power to drive him into pure madness.
He would happily crash into insanity now, with her wrapped around him, teeth tugging at his bottom lip demandingly. He obliged to her wishes, would cater to her every twisted whim if she would have it. One of his hands snaked into her hair as he deepened their kiss, he felt her fingers dig into his back harshly in response. He felt that should he die now, he would leave this existence fulfilled and whole.
Once the need for oxygen became unrelenting, he pressed his mouth firmly against hers, once more, and pulled away.
Again, his imaginings of this moment ended here or before, with her pulling away, that beautiful scowl etched across her perfect face, muttering foul and soul wrenching words like mistake and useless.
And again, reality outshone even the darkest parts of his mind. As soon as he pulled back, she stayed near a moment, waiting to see if he would come back. When he didn’t, she sighed through her nose, the sound almost content and she peered up at him.
His eyes locked on hers as she let her hands explore the breadth of his shoulders, the column of his neck which she glanced at briefly before her gaze snapped back to his own, full of something like longing.
When he didn’t move, said nothing, she tilted her head to the side as she tugged at the hair at the nape of his neck. “Well?” was all she said.
It took him a moment to register what her meaning was. She wanted to know if he remembered her, their history. He blinked, “I…remember.” He stated cautiously. He couldn’t lie of course, but he almost wanted to. So terrified was he of what that knowledge would mean for them, for what had just transpired between them. His imaginings never prepared him for this.
Or for what she did next.
A smirk, more of a small smile, really, bloomed across her features. That in itself was jarring but since this was Jude and ambition was what drove her out of bed in the morning, of course she took it further than simply jarring. She leaned in again, placing a kiss to his cheek, along his jaw, his nose even, before she finally claimed his lips again. It was past shocking. Had he known memory loss would lead to this he would have sought out his sister for help much sooner.
Though really, why was she even doing this? Just yesterday she had been scowling at him every time they glanced at each other, just an hour ago she had been threating his life, warning him to back off. What had changed?
This, while thrilling, wasn’t ideal. Insecurity was not something Cardan was overly familiar with these days, not when it came to her. This information is what had him puling away gently, looking at her in earnest.
“Why the sudden interest?” He debated throwing a quip or scathing remark of some sort her way, a sudden and desperate need to get back to their malicious bantering washing over him, though he shoved the thought away. He was genuinely curious as to what changed her mind.
She shook her head as she finally left his embrace, “I had just been thinking and realized that somewhere along the way, strong feelings of hate had shifted into strong feelings of…something else.”
She looked put out at the thought that she had developed any sort of emotion for him other than contempt, but he had to agree with her sentiment. He bristled to think that that potion hadn’t done its job right, but it had done something. Before, he had been content to half-lie to himself, to convince himself so profoundly that he was not enchanted, mind and body and soul by this girl before him.
What was it Rhyia had said? It is an honor to be loved by a mortal.
Cardan felt that maybe there was honor in loving one, too.
He bit the inside of his cheek before asking, “And you meant what you said, before?”
So long as I could have you.
“Yes.” She sounded so sure. He liked to believe she wasn’t lying. She rubbed at the missing tip of her finger as she watched him, “So, where does that leave us?”
Bring him back to me when the effects of the… cure have taken hold. He’d gotten more than he had bargained for. He held out his hand to Jude.
She reached for it instantly and he tried not to let it show how deeply that affected him, his head already wanting to go fuzzy with nothing but the thought of her.
“I owe a visit to a certain imp.”
And that is that! Please let me know your thoughts! And I am so excited to be sharing again and looking forward to what I plan to write in the future☺️ (jeez it is so long I’m so sorry for everyone who has to scroll all this way😬😅)
Here is my tag list, as always please let me know if you would like to be added, I’m always excited when people ask me tag them and it is my greatest pleasure to oblige!❤️ (also- over 500 followers now? What!? You guys are amazing and I honestly don’t think I would have come this far without you guys! Sending all my love!🥰)
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playlistmusings · 3 years
I was housed by your warmth, Thus transformed, By your grounded and giving
2,310 words
Jude Duarte x Cardan Greenbriar
Set post The Queen of Nothing. Some fluff with about two teaspoons of angst because these two need to talk about their feelings. (title from Shrike by Hozier)
Jude wandered back into the royal chambers, still reminding herself that they belonged to her now, that she was the High Queen, and it wasn’t some sort of sick secret between her and Cardan. It had been an eventful few weeks, between the battle and treaties being forged and going back to the mortal world when it was all over. All Jude wanted was to sit in bed and do nothing. It seemed funny, now, that the one thing she did her best to avoid during her exile—being sedentary and bored—was what she was longing for now. It was the first time in her entire life that Jude finally thought seeking out adventure and danger wasn’t worth the mental and physical exertion.
Lost in her thoughts, Jude tugged off her boots one at a time, then unloaded her weapons, daggers hidden in shoes and under pant legs and Nightfell, onto a table near the door in the antechamber. It was all oddly mundane, bringing Jude back to her days as seneschal and Shadow Queen, when she would return to her chambers after long days of meetings and Cardan’s schemes and pretending that she still hated him. Most of it was still the same, she did have far too many meetings with people who still didn’t see her as a strong queen—some because she was, after all, only human, others because they couldn’t see that 90% of the reason Cardan had avoided war and bloodshed for as long as he did was because of her ruling in secret for months—and she did still have to deal with Cardan’s schemes, however now they weren’t meant to break her down or push her away and when you can laugh with the person antagonizing you it changes the nature of things quite a bit. The last bit is different, though, because Jude doesn’t have to, nor wants to, pretend she hates Cardan anymore. Somewhere along the line, in between being pissed at him for exiling her and feeling more despair than ever at the moment she realized she would have to kill the serpent, unsure of what that meant for the man she loved, Jude realized it wasn’t worth pretending that she hated him anymore. Afterall, the whole court knew they were married, and Cardan knew how she felt, even if she didn’t actually verbalize it, and it just felt dumb to pretend to hate someone that she obviously cared so much about.
It was all a lot of feelings that Jude didn’t like thinking too much about, so instead she just let things happen as they did and didn’t analyze why she acted the way she did, lest she be forced to face some truths that she was steadfastly ignoring. She wouldn’t think about the way her heart fluttered when Cardan caught her eye from across the room during meetings with advisors and grinned before anyone paid him any attention. She wouldn’t think about the feel of his hand in hers when they would walk into grand rooms at the start of revels, of the way his hand reassured her and helped ground her. And above all else, Jude refused to think about the way she almost whispered decidedly romantic things into the dark of the royal chambers when she woke before Cardan and saw the peaceful look on his face while he reached out for her in his sleep. No. Jude refused to acknowledge it all, because she was never one for putting feelings into words and it all felt useless to say romantic things to someone after all she had been through. It wasn’t as if she’d never told Cardan how she felt, he knew she loved him, she had said as much, but something about saying out loud with abandon, without giving it proper weight, still felt foreign to her.
And thus, caused Cardan’s new favorite game— antagonizing Jude by being overly honest. Because, while Jude was perfectly, content leaving things unsaid and instead replacing them with actions that showed her feelings, Cardan was overly fond of saying how he felt over and over and over again—in vivid detail. Part of it was because he couldn’t lie, which to be fair, wasn’t exactly his fault, but it was mostly due to his new policy of refusing to evade Jude’s questions and being more honest with her than anyone else. It was quite the predicament, because Jude couldn’t leave so much unsaid and unacknowledged when Cardan wouldn’t hide a single thing he felt or thought.
Which all brought Jude back to the present, where she was pointedly ignoring the High King seated on a chair near the fireplace, watching her intently. He looked ready to say something, and Jude didn’t think she could handle any of his scheming before she bathed or at the very least was sitting down. Luckily, Cardan didn’t say anything, instead opting to gesture for Jude to join him by the fire with a wave of his hand. Jude obliged, softly padding across carpets to Cardan, before slipping into his lap. This was one of the few things Jude was actually not ignoring—she knew she wasn’t the best at being verbally affectionate, but something about soft touches and hugs alone in a room felt a lot less intimidating than vocalizing or working out her feelings, and if she was honest, after getting a taste of the mundane, affectionate ways that Cardan would press up against her when she was brushing her hair or trace her ear and jaw and arms with a featherlight touch while she read papers in bed, she didn’t think she could ever give it up. Right now, Cardan seemed content to hold her in his arms, albeit a little awkwardly because of the chair’s size, but he didn’t seem to mind, instead opting to pull her closer to him, resting his head on top of hers. She felt safe and content and another emotion she refused to name as a part of her valiant “Don’t think about how much you love Cardan in case you accidently turn into a romantic pile of mush” policy. Regardless, Jude thought she could stay like this forever, huddled in Cardan’s embrace in a room where the only sounds were the crackling fire and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Cardan, however, decided that he would not stay like that forever, and interrupted her peace with a whispered “Jude,”
She made a soft noise in response, already dreading whatever nonsense he was going to bring up.
“What, Cardan?” It wasn’t a harsh question, but it definitely wasn’t the kindest voice ever used, revealing her exhaustion from the day.
“What are you thinking about?” Jude tensed, she knew he would eventually ask her this question, not to antagonize her, but because, as she’d learned over the past weeks, Cardan had genuine interest in everything she did and said and thought. Usually, Jude could say something vague about treaties or Vivi or Taryn and the baby, but right now she couldn’t think of anything but Cardan and warmth in her chest. She knew she could lie, but there was always some level of guilt brought on by outright lying to the one faerie she could trust to never mince words or disguise the truth through clever language. So instead of saying anything she froze, and she knew Cardan could feel it.
“I’m just asking because you seemed lost in thought since you walked in the door, but you don’t have to answer if you don’t want.” As always, Cardan was almost a little too sweet, something that still caught Jude off guard after years of rivalry and spiteful interactions.
“It’s not that I don’t want to answer, I just, I don’t. I—” She cut herself off, what was she going to say, I just don’t want to say that I was thinking about how much I loved this, how much I love you, because I can’t handle emotional vulnerability so I made a pact with myself to never acknowledge that I love you out loud unless I have too because I don’t think I could process it? She was already decidedly ignoring the way she so easily said she loved Cardan in her thoughts, how in the world could she say that out loud? It felt absurd in the moment, like this was all some joke. She could lie to Cardan and herself and say she wasn’t thinking of anything and it’s no big deal, or she could go against the one rule she had been steadfastly following for months now and stop feeling like she was constantly hiding something. It was a harder choice than she would admit because the comfort of her routine was nothing compared to the comfort of Cardan’s embrace and after a long day a part of her yearned to just stop thinking and let go of all her worries, it wasn’t like Cardan didn’t feel the same or would be surprised by her feelings, in fact he seemed way too smug the first time she admitted how she felt out loud.
And so, in a moment of bravery—which in hindsight felt silly, she hadn’t been as worried in battles, when faced with death and destruction as she was in this moment—she said as loudly as she could bring herself to, “I was thinking about you. About how much I love you.”
The fire continued to crackle, something Jude forced her entire attention upon as she came to terms with her uncharacteristically honest confession. Unsurprisingly, Cardan responded quickly, “How fitting, I was just thinking the same thing.”
Jude felt the tension leave her body at his words, feeling foolish for worrying about any of this. She turned her face into his chest so she could feel the warmth of his skin through his shirt.
“Really?” Her voice was soft and muffled in the fabric of his shirt.
“Always. You are entirely too distracting, my love. Even when I tried to convince myself to hate you, I was constantly thinking about how much I loved you.”
The words caused her breath to stutter, something about the offhand way Cardan could say things like that made her feel things she never imagined. He was truly gifted in getting under her skin in all the best ways, something she loved and hated at the same time.
“I hate you,” she whispered. “I hate that you just say things like that and expect me to do anything in response, it’s not fair at all.”
Jude could feel his smile as he a pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.
“Well, do you want me to stop then?” His voice was terrible at hiding the smile that was taking over his face. “After all, I never want to cause you pain, and the last thing I want is for you to hate me.”
Jude hated him, hated that he could get under her skin like this, but refused to be the only one being antagonized in the moment, “No, you don’t have to stop. Perhaps I should just take a page from your book and be alarmingly honest. I could say that even though its not fair that you say things like that, I feel the same, that even when I am determined to ignore you, I get pulled in and love you a little more.”
It was his turn to startle, after all, Jude’s strength was just as much in how she lied and hid things as it was in her skills as a warrior. Her honesty had definitely caught him off guard and hearing her verbalize things like that was a complete rarity. She smiled into his chest, knowing she had the upper hand.
Cardan’s voice filled the air, “When you were gone, I felt like my heart was on fire, like I had everything I needed to survive, but nothing I needed to live. I don’t think I could manage without you.”
“When you were a serpent,” Jude could feel Cardan stiffen under her at the words, but continued on, “I thought about keeping you forever, because I don’t think I could live with myself if you were dead, even if that meant living with something that wasn’t truly you for the rest of my life.”
The words hung in the air for a moment. Jude’s vulnerability surrounding them like an unfamiliar blanket.
After a few minutes, Jude forged on, “I think that I was scared that you dying would prove that everyone I loved would leave me. First my parents, even though that wasn’t their choice, then Madoc betrayed everyone and Vivi left to the mortal world, and after all my struggles with her by my side, even Taryn betrayed me at one point. So, I thought that if you left, then that was it, that I was a curse, that loving people ended in disaster. Which saying out loud feels stupid, because none of it was my fault, it wasn’t like I pushed them to do any of those things, but when everyone you love leaves, things don’t really have to make sense in reality to make you scared of them.”
Cardan’s arms curled tighter around her body, “Well, I can promise you this: I will never leave you, nor will I ever make you leave me again. You don’t get a choice now, Jude, I’m yours, forever. There’s no one else, nothing else, that will ever matter more to me.”
The spark in her chest was back as she heard the words, filling every part of her tired body with energy as she tilted her head up to look at him. And in the warmth of his arms, she smiled and whispered, “I love you, Cardan, more than I could ever say.”
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acourtofcouture · 4 years
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An Insider’s Guide to the Folk of the Air: Cardan’s Copy of “Alice in Wonderland”, 2/?
He looked down at a red book, embossed in gold. The title was Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass. He frowned at it in confusion. It wasn’t what he’d thought a mortal book would be like; he thought they would be dull things, odes to their cars or skyscrapers. But then he recalled how humans were frequently brought to Faerie for their skill in the arts. Flipping the book open, he read the first sentence his gaze fell on.
“I always thought they were fabulous monsters!” said the Unicorn.
Cardan had to flip a few pages back to see whom the Unicorn was discussing. A child. A human girl who had fallen into a place that was apparently called Wonderland. 
“This is really a mortal book?” he asked.
He leafed through more pages, frowning. 
“Tut, tut, child!” Said the Duchess. “Everything’s got a moral if only you can find it!
Rhyia leaned over and pushed a fallen strand of his hair back over one of his ears. “Take it.”
“You want me to have it?” he asked, just to be sure.
He wondered what he had done that was worthy of being commemorated with a present. 
“I thought you could use a little nonsense,” she told him, which worried him a little. 
- Chapter 7, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories by Holly Black
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