#hollow knight behaviors
Why do my hollow knight and ghost act like a bunch of idiots? They always get stuck somewhere and don't know how to eat without being submerged half way through.
What tf is wrong with these idiots?
My guess: morbid curiosity. See, they’re so very small and their brains aren’t as complex as ours, so they need to investigate things a little closer to learn about them, and often find themselves getting stuck somewhere.
As for submerging themselves in their food: same reason. They like to dig to see if anything tastier might be buried in there!
They say curiosity killed the cat, though the effect it has on hollow knights may vary. I wouldn’t say they’re idiots, just a little too curious for their own good!
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notthesaint · 6 months
I think you copied vengefly king’s homework btw
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devilcatdarling · 1 year
Please consider
Vessels having a huddling instinct the way that some other insect species do
They don't put off body heat the way other living things do because they are void, but huddling acts as sort of a safety in numbers/comfort/social bonding mechanism. Stressed/injured vessels will huddle together or seek out a huddle with other bugs they are familiar with for safety and comfort. Very relaxed vessels will also seek out a huddle for social bonding and physical contact. They might fall asleep huddled where they feel safest
I headcanon they're actually a very social species (completely opposite of what the Pale King intended because lol irony) primarily due to the void being an interconnected unified web of mingling consciousnesses from which all vessels come from. (Think drops of water breaking away from a large body of water)
This makes vessels with trust issues and traumatic touch-aversion especially tragic since they are hardwired for social intimacy and connection. Not to say they can't be introverted or less inclined for heavy social participation willingly as individuals ofc, but to have no choice in the matter or to be fearful and mistrusting due to trauma and painful experiences is a definite huge ouch
Hollow growing up in the palace being treated like an inanimate object and deprived of any and all ability for self expression and starved of social connection would mess them up even more if vessels as a species thrive on being socially connected with other bugs and Hollow is touch starved but too conditioned/hurt to seek out what they desperately want but are afraid to ask for T_T
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
How accurate/believable do you feel the bug behavior is in hollow knight? And if you find it inaccurate/unbelievable do you find that it affects the enjoyability of the story told? I really enjoy stories that center on fictional creatures (which I believe is called fantastical xenofiction?) but I always find myself anxious bout making stuff believable since I know nothing about regular biology, and it feels like most writers of xenofiction whether more humanoid or animalistic have a degree or at least some advanced schooling in biology that informs their writing.
Oh my friend, don't worry at all about biological or behavioral accuracy in Hollow Knight, because there is very little of it present and the fact that they are an advanced species means that it merely has an influence on their behavior, such as Leg Eater and Divine's cannibalistic courtship, Flukemarm's family system, or Willoh eating other bugs. Hollow Knight appears to be set in a completely alternate universe where invertebrates filled the niche of the large vertebrate species we see today (bc why else does gruz mother have bone in it), so while there are species that are analogous to the ones on our planet, it's not entirely 1:1. That's part of my enjoyment of it, actually- we're given just enough similarities and tidbits for us to base them off of irl creatures, but they're also different enough from our bugs that personal interpretations have a lot of breathing space. Their species will infer how they view and act in the world, which is something we see in the above examples, but because they evolved to live in civilizations, how much of that base instinct ends up persisting in the society is variable and up to headcanon. That's why I like it so much- because the game makes it very clear that these civilized bugs are very much not human, and builds the world and the culture of each tribe around it. The spiders and mantids of Deepnest and the Fungal Wastes being eager or unbothered by killing/eating other sapient bugs makes sense, but does not detract from the fact that both tribes harbour sympathetic or deeply honourable characters. Hollow Knight embraces the fact that each species of bug has different needs while also sticking fast to the anthropomorphic characteristics that makes them so relatable, making it a believable alternate society setup that does not discriminate which tribes are 'good' or 'bad'. Which was actually what threw me off in Bug Fables more than the inaccurate biology, as in Bug Fables, the socialized bugs were all herbivorous while the 'evil', feral bugs (with the exception of one, the tarantula sorcerer) were all carnivores. That just doesn't make any sense to me, and it bothered me more than all the other biological inconsistencies in the game- because I can assume if bugs have developed a new language and civilization, their biology wouldn't match the bugs in our world. Having consistency in worldbuilding rules is much more important than biological accuracy.
I also don't think that a background in biology is a necessity in order to enjoy xenofiction. Much of what I learned about bugs and snakes is information that I learned in my free time rather than learn in the classroom (though some of my classes did indeed inspire or reinforce some of the stuff I've made up, such as wyrms being simultaneous hermaphrodites due to mate scarcity). Having a background schooling in biology will make understanding your research easier, yes, but learning how to read scientific papers is a skill that every biology student needs to learn, no matter how long they've been in school. If you're determined enough (and curious enough), then you too can do the research necessary to flesh out the biology and behavior of fictional species! All you need is plenty of curiosity and free time, and the patience to chew through some tough, dry words to get to the meat of the good stuff. As long as your worldbuilding is consistent, the amount of biologically accurate material in your writing is more of a secondary thing to worry about.
(If you want a tip though, do a deep dive into the evolution of reproductive behaviors to help you get a basic idea of how different social structures evolve. Sex is a pretty key factor to how animals behave and evolve, with resource scarcity/location, scarcity of mates, difficulty of rearing young, tertiary sex ratio differences, and the harshness of the environment all leading to different social structures, physiology, and behavior. It's pretty fascinating stuff, and is a great help in determining how a fictional society might work.)
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
drawing my ocs interacting with hollow knight characters as if it was a crossover event between two equally established media i am cringe but i am free
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kimmkitsuragi · 4 months
THE HOLLOW 😭😭😭😭😭 KNIGHT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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the-fruitiest-fae · 1 year
I get kinda nervous sometimes that my irl’s are gonna get sick of me constantly talking about Hollow Knight but like, they’ve said they’re chill with it & I’m just excited because for the first time in literal years I can just. Openly and unapologetically hyperfixate around other people who not only aren’t going to judge me for it but are actually kind of INTERESTED in what i have to say?? About my hyperfixation?? And I really don’t have to pretend to hide my interests for fear of rejection anymore?!?! It’s this absolutely foreign, wild, wonderful concept and I’m still getting used to it and i love it and i love them (platonically). It’s not just me & my sister anymore I have a whole ass friend group who for once aren’t using me or seem like they’re just gonna ditch me for no reason & like. That’s new
Like I have these wonderful friends who care about me AND i get to study a subject I’m interested in college is the 2nd best thing that has ever happened to me (second only to my sister i love that funky buff lil lesbian with everything i have)
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prophecyoflunarflame · 3 months
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rocktavian · 3 months
One of the things I appreciate about Hollow Knight is the subtle distinctions in the design of each area of the map, and the way that those differences have such an impact on the moment-to-moment feel of being in those places.
What particularly resonates with me is the shades of difference between the three remotest major regions of the map: Deepnest, the Ancient Basin, and Kingdom's Edge. All three share an overall hostile and unsettling feeling, but their respective airs of menace manifest in different ways:
Deepnest wants you dead. Its tunnels are dark, mazelike, and claustrophobic, and when you're in them you're being hunted. Dirtcarvers attack from the ground, Little Weavers attack from the sky. You can't trust the floor to hold beneath your feet. You can't trust a corpse to stay dead. You can't trust your own reflection. Deepnest wants to back you into a corner and eat you and it will not let you forget it.
The Ancient Basin is dead. Airless, nearly empty, nearly silent. In most of the region, the only life you will see is Shadow Creepers, slow and mindless creatures that (per the Hunter's Journal) have never been known to eat or drink. If you dig deep enough you can find the vestiges of life – a lighthouse long abandoned, the vast emptiness where a palace once stood – but even these are few and far between. If the Ancient Basin were to blink into nonexistence, who but you would ever notice?
Kingdom's Edge does not care whether you live or die. Everything in this region is primal and inexorable. It's carved out of irregular cliff faces and yawning chasms over pits of acid. The Hoppers march incessantly forward, turning around occasionally but never stopping or changing their behavior; the Colosseum is equally perpetual, a continuous baying for blood that dumps its corpses ceaselessly into the pits below. Kingdom's Edge will not attack you, but nor will it protect you. Faced with the onslaught of Aspids and Belflies and stalactites, you can carve out a space (as Oro did), or you can get overwhelmed and succumb (as Markoth did). Either way – whether you live or you die – it's your own fault.
The experiences of being in each of these places is totally different. But all three give me that skin-crawling curiosity of "I'm not supposed to be here, but I can't look away."
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months
Title: Carrion in Shadow
Written for a very lovely anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Eula x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Dub/Con, AMAB!Reader, Unhealthy Relationships, Mentions of Injury, Oral Sex/Facesiting, Slight Choking, Slight Breeding, and Controlling Behavior.
[Part Two]
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You loved her.
You couldn’t be sure when, but at some point, you’d decided that not only did you love Eula, but that your love for her was going to be the defining fact of your existence; the air you breathed, the light behind your eyes, the blood that flowed through your veins. Some time last night, most likely – when the first wolf crossed that intangible barrier and realized you weren’t in a state to fight back, or later on, when the cold and the blood loss turned your body numb and hollow and all you could think about was when she’d come back. It’d never occurred to you to hope someone else might come to your rescue, and you were never desperate enough to genuinely try to free yourself (an idea which, even from the beginning, you must’ve subconsciously known was delusional). She’d been your sole idol, your only object of worship during the eternity that’d been the night before. Eula had always been good at that – making you forget there was a world beyond you and her.
That might’ve been why you loved her so much. How you knew you really did love her, despite everything you might’ve tried to convince yourself over the course of your relationship.
You needed her, and you couldn’t need someone you didn’t love.
The feeling of her blunt nails raking through your hair drew you out of your thoughts, an airy moan doing away with your ability to think altogether. Her knees were planted on either side of your head, her muscular thighs caging you in as her cunt ground lazily against your open mouth, your flattened tongue. The lack of oxygen left black spots dancing across your vision, but you tried to focus, to keep your attention on what mattered – Eula. In the dim light of her tent, you could only see the vaguest traces of her expression, but you could tell that her lips were turned upward, her eyes half-lidded. Her pace was slow, patient, whatever pleasure she was chasing set at a measured distance. You had to swallow the temptation to silently wish she’d just be rough with you and get it over with.
She was trying to be gentle, tonight, and you had to be thankful for that. The material of her tent was thin, the forest still enough to make any disturbance impossible to ignore, and she was making an effort to stay quiet, to limit herself to the occasional airy groan, to save you the utter humiliation of having to meet the knowing, sleepless eyes of the knights under her command. You’d thought, at first, that she might be wary of your reopening your lasting injuries, but that wasn’t likely. She’d spent most of the time you’d wasted fading in and out of consciousness lingering by your side, running her thumb over the ragged edges of your bandages and savoring your little, pained reactions. Eula wouldn’t hurt you – you didn’t hurt people you loved – but she liked to think of herself as your protector. It was only natural that she’d cherish any evidence that there was a threat you would need her to protect you from.
A mix of arousal and saliva dripped down your chin, from the corner of your mouth, and she pulled away from you with a breathy sigh. You moved to sit up, to chase after her, but the hand in your hair drifted to your chest and pushed you flat against her makeshift bed, the gesture not especially forceful but enough to send a pang of pure agony through your shoulder and down your spine. Your eyes clenched shut, but if Eula noticed how you withered, her only reaction was a slight laugh, a fleeting kiss pressed into your forehead. “Rest, sweetheart.” It was an order – albeit one spoken under her breath, affection heavy in her voice. You obeyed without question, and Eula rewarded you with a soft hum, a cool palm pressed into your bruised cheek. “I couldn’t sleep last night, you know. Not without you.”
Her hand curled around your shaft – hold steady and delicate. You were hard, despite the part of yourself that still resisted the urge to do anything that’d feed into her fantasies, but she still took the time to grind the heel of her palm against the base of your cock, to pump her hand over your length until you stiffened beneath her, your hips jolting stiltedly into her touch. “It’s easier when I know you’re safe in the city, but having to leave you out there, all alone in the wilderness…” She let out a dry laugh. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
Her clouded eyes found yours through the darkness. You tried to hold yourself still, to turn yourself into something quiet and pliable she could use to her satisfaction, but it would’ve been impossible to hold back your voice as she sunk onto you, to swallow the cracked whimper that escaped as her hips locked against yours. While her cunt clenched hot and tight around your cock, she let her head lull back, her hips roll idly against yours as two fingers fell to her clit. “I think—” Her voice was cut off by a bubbling moan, a wide smile. “I’ll have you write me letters when I leave the city, after this. Once a day, if not more, to make sure you’re where you should be.”
Heat pooled in the pit of your stomach. Your fists balled around the fur of the pelts underneath you, but you couldn’t stop your hips from rutting against her, the air catching in your throat and blocking off your better judgement. “E-Eula, please, I—”
“You’re right, that might not be enough.” Now, now, she moved faster, her hand curling around your throat, palm pressing against your windpipe. You needed to pull out of her, but she was already buckling against you, her chest pressing into yours and her mouth ghosting over the side of your neck. “We should break one of your legs. It’ll be our little reminder, just to make sure you’ve learned your lesson.”
Her eyes brightened, catching the moonlight through some unseen tear in her tent. You reminded yourself, not for the first time since you’d made your decision, that you loved Eula more than you feared her. That you had to love Eula. That you didn’t have another choice.
“We should start a family.”
You opened your mouth, jerking upward, but her grip tightened, rendering you trapped and silent. You started to fight it, to try to scream, but as your eyes met hers and her smile broadened into fanged grin and instantly, you went limp.
You couldn’t fight against Eula. You couldn’t afford to.
You loved her. You needed her.
Honestly, you were starting to think there wasn’t really a difference.
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My silky hornet, Athena, looooves being held and handled. I've heard they're usually quite antisocial, is this behavior normal?
Probably just her personality! Some bugs warm up to people more than others. That’s so sweet! Tell Athena I love her ❤️
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internetskiff · 6 months
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Someone probably already pointed this out but it seems like Guttertanks are of German production. This is probably wrong but judging from the style of construction and the plating I'd wager Sentries might also be of German production. That or they might have been built by whichever country developed the V model. So we know the country of origin for two War Machines, the Earthmover and the Guttertank.
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The Earthmover is of Japanese origin going off this sign. This might just be me over-analyzing enemy behavior, but judging from how Guttertanks seem invested in defending the Earthmover during V1's assault I wonder if the Japanese and the Germans were on the same side during the War? Though this may just be behavior they developed during the Hell expeditions, once machines no longer had humans to serve or protect (or mutilate). I've noticed in general that other machines seem to target Gutter-bots, and I assume this is a case of Scrapheads seeing an absolute motherlode of new parts to integrate into themselves and going to town on it. The new in-fighting behavior happening in this layer is so fascinating to me, man. This layer is honestly so fucking amazing I haven't had a game pull me in like this in SUCH a long time. I haven't felt this excited playing something since like.. Hollow Knight, I think. Utterly in love with this game's worldbuilding and gameplay.
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cloudyswritings · 6 months
Hollow knight bugs & real world species
basically this is just a place for me to dump my thoughts about the species of Hollow knight characters. Let’s start with the easy ones.
Divine & Leg Eater: These two are very obviously a termite king and queen, Divine literally can’t be anything else.
Ogrim: The biggest shitter, dung beetle obvi.
Cornifer & Iselda: Weevils, aka the best bugs. Look at their proboscis’
Mantis lords: Mantids, probably based mostly on the Chinese Giant Mantis specifically.
Flukes: They’re just flukes, disgusting.
Unn: Objectively the best goddess, big slug
Quirrel: So it seems likely to me that Quirrel is a isopod of some sort, most likely an armidilidium species, I think it’s something about his hunched/slightly curled posture and body segmentation.
Radiance: A silkmoth, her wings look to be in proportion with the species and everything else screams silkmoth.
Grimm: it’s a common theory, but his resemblance to a vampire moth is striking.
Mask maker: Bro is very obviously a whip scorpion, the arms are what really seals the deal, but living among other predators with ease(ie deepnest) and twitchy motions are staples of whip scorpions irl.
Cloth: a Cicada nymph, hence her whole burrowing thing and the sounds she makes. Plus this is actually confirmed.
God Tamer: She’s an ant, but not a queen. She’s probably a worker who got separated from the colony. Her antenna are fairly distinctive in Hollownest and are very ant like. Plus she tames other species, something ant colonies effectively do by treating aphids like livestock
Ze’mer: So there’s two equally good guesses for what she is. The first is that she’s a silverfish, this would support her outsiderness given silverfish are a truly strange and primitive branch of bugs. The second possibility is that she’s a glow worm beetle, the adult stage of glow worm. This is also super plausible because of the antenna those beetles have lining up nicely with her fluff and drooping antenna. I think either one is a great interpretation.
now the harder ones.
Sly: So his size is notable, as is his eyes being very visibly compound, that combined with his mobility in the air and the sort of buzzing yoda type sound his voice has makes me think he’s a fly of some sort. Plus it rhymes.
Herrah: she’s most likely a horned baboon tarantula, the colors and size line up with what we see compared to the weavers and devout. Plus the horn on those tarantula line up shapewise fairly well with hers.
Pale King: This man to me has two different possibilities, either he’s a leg less lizard of some sort or more probably he’s some sort of really fucked up crustacean. We know Wyrms molt so that almost certainly rules out option one. My thought is that Wyrms have the same issues lobsters run into where they get bigger with every molt, so their exoskeleton gets heavier, thicker, and harder to break out of. Eventually they die, crushed under their own weight and unable to molt(this is when Wyrms generally abandon their larger form to make kingdoms). Verdict: something terribly cursed.
Bardoon: Bardoon, Bardoon, Bardoon, why must you be so difficult? So at first Bardoon really looks like a silkworm, the color is right, even the face of the two look super similar. But Bardoon is demonstrably longer than a silkworm has any right being, and his little nub/tail that you can hit distinctly resembles the “horn” all hornworms have. Despite that I’m nominally going to say he’s a silkworm until I find better evidence. Verdict: Concerning implications.
Gubs and Grubfather: Parasitic wasps maybe? The charm is called Grubberflys elegy, but their behavior mimics the way some wasps lay eggs inside of hosts so their young can eat their way out. Verdict: wasp things probably.
Tiso: So Tiso and Sharpe both look remarkably similar and from the very, very limited amount we’ve seen from both move similarly. In that vein they both look vaguely like assassin bugs, specifically assassin bug nymphs.
Vessels: Something even more fucked than the Pale King, they’re like mostly plant though I think? Like their masks look like his but are actually made of the White ladys bark/wood and grow constantly, their horns look a lot like her branches too. I imagine that their bodies have the same crustacean exoskeleton thing going on their dad has, so they’re probably incorporating heavy metals into their chitin. In all likelihood their mother being a plant and the light absorption the void displays means they’re photosynthetic in some way, it might explain how they grow too. The dangling bottom parts of the shades also look sorta like roots honestly, this also meshes well with how thorns of agony appears as void tendrils when activated. Verdict: Who tf knows, they’re definitely photosynthetic though.
The Shade Lord: So obviously this big chonker is literally just void, but their form distinctly resembles a dragonfly nymph, with four main arms/legs being used, and a distinctly predatory head shape. Plus we don’t see their bottom half, so I imagine it’s either a mass of roots like their mother, or something vaguely wormy. Verdict: Dragonfly thing
Isma: She is super fucking weird tbh, her head is shaped a lot like Vespas. Obviously however she’s some sort of pant being given the way we find her. My theory here is that she’s actually some other sort of bee, there’s a ton of bees that are solitary species. Based on that I’d say she was a bee— probably a white-banded digger bee— who became a devotee or worshipper of Unn. This may explain how the Pale king was allowed to build in green path. Unn let him build in her land and in return she got a loyal and powerful spy/pair of eyes in the Pale court.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
The fact the npcs are perfectly fine of living in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse reminds me of that one post of hollow knight and a bug's life are set in the same setting where it said the bugs of hallownest are just really dedicated to the whole eerie gothic aesthetic and the rest of world is actually pretty much normal outside of hallownest so the other bugs are just like "the fuck are they doing over there" to hallownest
I have never seen that post, but since A Bug's Life was one of the few movies I latched onto as a kid after The Lion King was banned from my household bc I adored Scar and the hyenas (and started playacting as a lion and biting people), I find this concept HYSTERICAL. the rest of the world is totally fine and normal, its just that Hallownest is Like That. Makes total sense to me tbh
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
General hc for nameless king? thanks
Sure! This time I didn't ask for help on how to write a Dark Souls character :D
Yandere! The Nameless King Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Isolation/Implied kidnapping, Slight possessive behavior, Forced relationship implied.
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From what I know about The Nameless King, he was the first heir to Gwyn.
He fought in the war against dragons with a lightning spear that could pierce the dragon's skin.
He was a skilled dragonslayer and even made armor out of dragon scales.
To humans he was known as a god of war.
He had many loyal dragonslayers who worked with him and his first knight Ornstein.
When Gwyn linked with the fire, The Nameless King took his place.
Yet he took things too far when he sacrificed everything to ally with the Ancient Dragons he fought against.
It is said he was fascinated with their strength due to being a god who only had eyes for arms.
He yearned for strength so much he managed to tame a stormdrake to aid him in battle.
This behavior had him cast out of the pantheon as the other deities in Anor Londo could not tolerate this behavior.
After his betrayal he was erased from most of history.
Since then The Nameless King resides in Archdragon Peak with his stormdrake.
It's even said he's taken part in many battles since then with his companion.
I imagine The Nameless King would take to a darling who was a knight/warrior.
The Nameless King is known as a god of war among humans, perhaps you once worshiped the god before he was cast away.
You are no doubt an undead not yet Hollowed.
That or maybe you are Unkindled. 
Either way, The Nameless King may like someone who has a fighting spirit.
Learning to fight is necessary in a world like Dark Souls.
Especially in Dark Souls 3 where the Age of Fire is quickly ending.
Those who do not fight often become Hollow.
Your determination is admirable and may catch the eye of The Nameless King.
Perhaps it's a blessing to be watched over by such a being.
Even more so if you're part of his covenant.
Maybe your fate is to meet this Nameless King at Archdragon Peak?
Perhaps you're meant to have a grand battle.
Or maybe your fate is to be his partner, the one he never bothered to have during his rule.
When you stumble upon the place he resides you are met with clouds.
Your entire journey through these lands no doubt lured you here.
For some reason… you feel you belong here.
Prepare for a fight as soon as the stormdrake lands.
The Nameless King stands in front of you on top of his stormdrake, dark eyes staring down at you.
His size towers over you.
The resulting battle is most likely The Nameless King testing your abilities. 
He no doubt was watching your journey, yet didn't want to rush anything.
As you battle he tests you for two main reasons.
The Nameless King can never turn down a challenge.
Plus… he wants to see if you're worthy of being his.
A partner in battle… yet also a union between god and human.
By the end of the honorable battle between you, The Nameless King plans to claim you.
You are a skilled warrior who fights well.
What greater honor is there other than to join him?
You may try to refuse, yet wasn't this your fate?
The Nameless King doesn't understand if you try to turn him down.
You deserve this place.
You've fought well, shouldn't you be rewarded?
It doesn't matter if you are willing or not.
The Nameless King locks you in with him as his fierce warrior and human partner.
He holds you close and treasures you.
He may be a fallen king and no longer a known god… but he is still as strong as he always is.
He declares you his warrior… even if you hate it.
That feeling of belonging here was fate calling to you, can't you see?
This is where you shall reside and rest…
You belong right by his side.
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witch-and-her-witcher · 4 months
Chapter Fifteen
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nessian | E | marriage of convenience, first hybern war AU, angst, whump, emotional slow burn
War brings them together, a bond binds them - but is that enough for two broken people to find love with each other?
Thank you @popjunkie42-blog and @wilde-knight for your beta reading and handholding. <3
For my darling @asnowfern!
Ao3 | Chapter 15/30
The smell of sex is obvious on them even to Nesta’s human nose as they descend the stairs sometime later. She’s wearing a more appropriate gown, ignoring Cassian’s complaints about hiding her backside from him.
The room falls silent as they enter and take seats alongside each other. 
Nesta primly ignores the ogling from the males as she pours herself a fresh cup of tea, Azriel making a pointed face at his brother, while Elain looks anywhere but in their direction.
“Feel … reconciled?” Azriel asks, stony voice undulating on the last syllable.
“Yes,” Cassian says, with an annoying amount of male pride. “My wife and I are aligned on … matters. That we needed to address. We've been apart for some time and —”
“— that's plenty of explanation on our private discussion,” Nesta cuts in, sipping her tea and razor-sharp gaze on the other hulking bat who is fighting a tremor of amusement.
“It sounded like a thorough enough discussion from here, details would be unnecessary,” Lucien quips.
Nesta and Azriel both glare at him. The Spring emissary is cozied up beside Elain and the audacity is enough to throw Nesta off of his fresh comment, instead clenching her teacup to keep from pushing herself between them and “saving room for the Mother” as Lady Archeron had always tittered at dances.
As she adjusts her seat in annoyance, a rush of hollowed out satisfaction floods upward from her core. It’s a very welcome ache. Welcome enough to ease Nesta’s temper — she decides to let the proximity pass. How can she deny her sister silly flirtations and attention from a handsome male when she has just been taken care of so thoroughly?
Shouldn't she want the same sentiment for her sister?
But the bedroom eyes Lucien has roving over her younger sister … No. No, she doesn't have to want the same for Elain, it's her job to protect her from the wolves — of all shapes and sizes, but especially this suave in nature.
Before she can loosen her sharp tongue on him, Cassian’s low rumble of a voice snaps from her side. “Have you seen to your business, emissary? No need to remain sniffing around.”
The protective edge is plain.
Unused to having back up, Nesta preens. She lets her arm brush against Cassian’s as she plays at fixing her skirts once more. A reward for good behavior.
The bond tightens appreciatively.
Elain frowns, seeming to pick up on the united front, but Lucien settles back into his seat with much more confidence than suits a male facing two mighty Illyrians and an irritated Archeron. “I wanted to ask after the search for the missing Prince of Night while I'm here.”
“Why?” Azriel demands, and Nesta isn't sure how the redheaded male is even still breathing from the time they were away. 
Poor Elain must be exhausted from playing mediator. Maybe that’s why she’s allowing Lucien to get away with —
“Azriel,” Elain coos, “Let the emissary speak. We made an agreement, remember?”
Azriel grumbles but falls back against the wall he's been leaning against without any more fight. The flicker of heat in Elain’s gaze at the submission … 
Perhaps her sister is not so exhausted from the task. It almost appears to be intentional, catching the slightest press of Lucien’s lips in response to the exchange — only there fleetingly before melding back into his courtier’s vapid smirk, but long enough for Nesta’s well-trained eye.
Nesta wonders when Elain became so interested in dancing between two males attentions, but she’s also not blind to how attractive Lucien and Azriel both are.
Lucien flashes his sharp, pearly white teeth in a smile as Elain taps his elbow to continue.
“I ask because as you know, Rhys has history with the new High Lord —”
“— and what has High Lord Tamlin done with that friendship? He's not aided our effort in the least,” Cassian says curtly, dropping into the full military facade. “Our requests for passage through the wall have been denied, requests for information from fae still passing through the open section of the border denied.”
“Have you considered that stomping your feet and making demands like entitled children is why you haven't gotten far? Tamlin values his friendship with Rhys, but he can't afford to let other courts believe they can bully him in his new position because they knew him on the battlefield. He's owed proper respect.”
“The fucking Prince is missing, excuse us if we don't want to sit down for tea and shove Spring crumpets up our asses just to put in a request.”
Lucien’s russet eye flares with indignation. “There are protocols for a reason. We are trying to gain some semblance of stability in the shitstorm of post-war ruling. Remind me again which part of your land was used as a killing field for years and was then sawed apart to appease a Treaty that somehow didn't loosen any land from the tight fists —”
“What information do you want in exchange, Lucien?” Nesta asks with an eyeroll. These males are doing everything in their power to chase away her post-orgasmic bliss. “I can't listen to this pissing contest.”
The tension in Lucien’s shoulders releases and he smiles around a centering sip of tea. His half golden gaze flicks between Nesta and Cassian.
“If the High Lord of Night would meet with the High Lord of Spring —”
“No chance.”
Lucien shrugs indifferently, but the muscles in his jaw coil. “Alright then. I would expect more of the same if you’re unwilling to play.”
Cassian shoots to his feet, the bond running hot with emotion. “This isn’t a game to play!”
“I’m well aware, which is why I say again, stop acting like entitled younglings.” Lucien slowly rises, as if proving how unflustered he is. “You ask what we need in exchange, and that’s solid allies willing to legitimize Tamlin’s rule after such an unexpected change of power.”
“I will address it with the High Lord,” Azriel cuts in before Cassian can vent his rage further. His expression has gone unsettlingly still, his shadows look poised to fight over his shoulders.
Elain wrings her hands in her lap.
“What in the hell is all this ruckus?” 
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