#holy heretic
cadaverkelly · 1 year
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dopplerdora · 6 months
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...fucks sake FGO just make a event about gender and sexuality.
This is such a Trans statement it's insane.
Resident Trans-Woman talks about how she had to lie about who she was instead to not be proclaimed a heritic, following about how it eats away at you to hide who you are, and how she doesn't want her student to face the same torture.
Mash who is also kinda Trans-coded with "not being a real girl" and her inferiority to "real servents"(girls). Along with her epic of Remnant story being about being a "real person(girl) but no longer being able to fight(oh hey HRT muscle loss).
This is so fucking Trans-coded, I'm not sure they could code it harder if they where trying.
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Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of witches
Our muse, our fate, our life, our doom
To thee we do cry proud banished children of Eve
Rejoicing in this; thy verdant valley
Turn then, thy eyes of star-fire toward us
And after this, our beheading, may we be made worthy of the fruits of the Serpent
O’ shinning, O’ dreadful, O’ Pale queen
Drown and incinerate us, that we may be made worthy to bear the fire
Hail, bright star of the sea!
Heavens own Queen blest
Ever Shinning
Gate of heavenly healing
Font of magic
Taking that sweet Ave
That the serpent spoke
Peace confirm within us
Hailing Eves name
Break the captives fetters
Starlight upon the waters pour
All our ills expelling
Every bliss implore
Show thyself a Queen!
Sorceress all exceeding
Most beauteous and shinning
Freed from impurity, preserve us
Broken and remade
To our oaths keep us
Make our way secure
As the sea, by thy sky-strung pearls
We navigate
Through the highest heaven
To the darkest depths
We honor thee
You who light the way
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The Holy Terror is like. Here's Frobisher the talking penguin! Here's some silly and absurd beaurocracy! Here's a Monty Python type approach to religion! Here are the people who believe themselves to be real but were only ever created to be stereotypes! Here are the families who can't break the cycle of violence! Here's the man who made himself a hell from the guilt of killing his son! Here's the knowledge that everyone you meet as a time traveller is already dead! Here's a dubstep remix of the people chanting "All hail Frobisher! All hail the big talking bird!"
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had a conversation about religion with the Theatre Boy yesterday in which I admitted, possibly for the first time, that despite my Christian faith and belief in Heaven and Hell, I kind of wish I DIDN'T believe in that stuff, that I could just believe our consciousness ceases to exist once we die, because I'm scared of the concept of Eternity
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slutvember · 3 months
Yknow sometimes I feel like literally every negative thing I've ever experienced- be it physical, mental social... it would all feel alright if I knew it was someone doing it to me deliberately to get off to my suffering.
Like the divine purpose of being as socially awkward as I am is bc god has some weird kinks and shes edging and chortling to herself watching me fail at basic social interactions. 🥰
...Brb gonna go start a religion about it lmao.
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ekleipsi · 6 months
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-- holy heretic ;;
Naphyriel was an incredibly young angel in Heaven (see: a baby) during Lucifer's rebellion; aiming to prove himself and obtain a higher standing in God's eyes, he tried to go toe to toe with the high angel Asmodel (as done by @empyreous.) This is a battle he lost, and it wounded his pride so badly that he never forgave Asmodel, or Raphael (who later defeated Asmodel.)
When he goes to Earth to observe mortals in God's name, to see if they are worthy of cleansing and forgiveness, he finds the "human" Estelle (as done by @empyreous.) He takes her as his Ward and feels very protective of her even through the course of his corruption.
He later meets Glasya (as done by @empyreous), not knowing she is the daughter of Asmodel and undertakes assisting her in her endeavor to overthrow the rulers of Hell.
Is familiar with Mihr (as done by @empyreous), though they do not work closely together nor are they "friends" by any means.
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msburgundy · 1 year
christian mutuals: do you have any good lectures and/or articles on the trinity? (preferably from reformed sources but i'm open to anything) especially anything that deals with the athanasian creed
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tovaicas · 4 months
friend and I were discussing it and it's so fucked how the ishgardians literally have nowhere to go even if they wanted to run
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witchcraftingboop · 1 year
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Currently (finally) reading Holy Heretics, and this quote in particular, as well as quite a few statements before this point, have really highlighted for me the pursuit of Chumbley & Co. and led me towards finally organizing my thoughts on certain aspects of their final products that I've mostly kept to myself hitherto.
I've read quite a few books by the Cultus Sabbati group now, as well as plenty of others such as Paracelsus and Alm, and while I'm reading Acher's work, I find myself reflecting, even without intentionally doing so, on the chthonic Greek initiation rites I had put together. Perhaps due to the non-dualistic perspective on cosmology I have, after their first draft, I started unraveling those rites and leaving almost "placeholder slots" in them where I had previously affixed Greek-specific rivers, deities, and mythological references. Now, when I'm reading this book in particular, it becomes even more obvious 1) why I was so intent on unraveling my own views on those rites and my cosmology in general (and in turn, how useful that ended up being), and 2) how Chumbley's works, and a few of his peers, appeared to crumble in their pursuit of a homogenous, one-size-fits-all-or-does-it concept.
"But now, to the best of our ability, we use symbols appropriate to the things Divine, and from these again we elevate ourselves." This sentence in particular feels like a perfect summary of where/why the Cultus' books fell short for so many I've seen attempt "decoding" them.
In the pursuit of transcending and "encoding" their work, a lot of the symbols, names, and concepts they latched onto and blended lost their ability to be used effectively in their presented form. Often, my peers would relate back to me that DBoE rites, if worked through to the letter, took many more hours than anticipated and that time seemed to just fall away and be absorbed into the working, and then when they inevitably restructured and reworded them to their needs/desires, they had an increased impact, reliable results, and took a significantly less amount of time. Truthfully, Chumbley & Co.'s works are the outer emanations of an inner, closed group, so it can, and really imo should, be argued that those extra bits and bobs and the declared so-called "ciphered" way of writing is done intentionally and that these results may in fact be what they'd intended all along. There can be a multitude of reasonings attached, but my ending note is the same:
The symbols used, in any system, must be adequate to the practitioner's understanding and relation to the divine in order to be usable in the pursuit of transcendence and unity with that which is beyond.
Cultus works just so happen to be the first that come to mind for me, especially given how quickly I have seen folks discard them entirely. A mish-mosh, rushed undertaking of DBoE will likely leave you in a room surrounded by just thoughtforms and archetypes rather than with a powerful eminence of divinity. And while this was more than likely the intended affect, it is still worth reflecting on for those like me who seek out experience with multiple different paths and systems.
It is something I have seldom verbalized, but that I carry with me when developing or seeking the understanding and knowledge necessary to undertake new ways of thinking and organizing the world around me. And, quite honestly, I think it is better put in this way than in the multitude of articles and entries I have seen that cryptically and obliquely describe Chumbley's works as "ineffectual" or "overhyped."
It is a matter of perspective, at the end of the day. Perspective and perhaps willingness to embrace the essence, rather than the presented, Crooked Path around you.
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galaload · 7 months
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Holy fucking shit survivors of the void is on counsel I never expected this to happen this year! It’s 14.99$ on the Nintendo switch.
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thisgodwontforgiveyou · 8 months
and they still fucked it up
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Master Has Chosen My Husband Candidates / My Teacher Has Chosen My Husband Candidates *spoilers*
"started with a bang and ended with a pathetic fucking whimper. Of all the men and all the sex, she ends up with the teacher who is so BORING by comparison. Not only that, but the story continues to imply that she's more or less a stand-in for her mother. What a fucking nothing ass ending, I'm so fucking disappointed."
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th3-intrud3r · 1 year
I have allot of doubts that you can truly see anything holy.
If you can, it’s certainly not the god you’re speaking of-
Of course I can see what is holy. That delightful Mr. Karnstein, for example, is one of the most holy men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. God smiles upon him.
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ekleipsi · 9 months
❝  you cannot know how frightened gods are of pain. there is nothing more foreign to them.  ❞ ( for Naphyriel )
--- Fingers tighten absently against the handle of sword, but it's more reflex than anything as crimson gaze flickers towards the other that had dared to address him. So boldly, so blatantly, and about such a topic? Gaze lids partway, a flicker of annoyance prying at the vein in his temple. ' A real god feels no pain. ' he murmurs quietly, voice tense with slowly building ire.
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--- After a pause, and a shudder of his shoulders, he cracks a wry grin and turns to face such bold companion. ' A real god bears no attachment to feel such. Not to anything, nor anyone, not even to their own bodies... ' he hums out thoughtfully, amusement flickering through tone as he regarded the one opposite him.
--- ' What do you know of Gods; you are nothing more than a speck to them. Once day...you, too, will be cleansed. '
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donewithreligion · 2 months
Becoming a Religious Heretic - Part 1
by Jim Gordon Yes, I admit it. I have become a religious heretic. So, what is a heretic? According to the dictionary, it is a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted; the formal denial or doubt of a core doctrine of the Christian faith as defined by one or more of the Christian churches. First let me say, the following are my thoughts and opinions. I am not saying I am…
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