#holy shit I am in love with this show
aziuuu · 6 months
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I uh, got myslef into another fandom... Send help I'm gonna go insane and binge the whole show second time in a row aaaaaaaaaa
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 7 days
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New tattoo! Xena's sword and the two sides of her chakram, plus some hoya flowers ❤️❤️❤️
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blmpff · 8 months
THE SIGN EPISODE 8 sneak peak
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kayvsworld · 1 year
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thank u for the drawing suggestion @ayapandagirl..... mr knight sir we are thinking abt u <3
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eldritchamy · 3 months
He is hidden in the howling void. He is hidden within the tempest. He has braved the storm And the darkness And the pain. And He whispered to the vessel. All this time He whispered And delighted And seduced, And the vessel did obey, For none shall be more mighty And none shall be more wise Than the King Himself.
And the Lord of Time Was blind And vain And knew nothing.
There is the Toymaker, the God of Games. There is Trickster, the God of Traps. There is Maestro, the God of Music. There is Reprobate, the God of Spite. There is the Mara, the God of Beasts. And the Threefold Deity Of Malice, and Mischief, and Misery. There are Gods of Skin and Shame and Secrets. There is Incensor, the God of Disaster, And Her children called Doubt and Dread.
And standing on high Is the Mother And Father And Other of them all: For the God of all Gods Has returned. And His names are many.
His name has been Set And Seth And Sithifer. And His One True Name Forevermore Is Sutekh.
Sutekh is the God of Death And by His hand All creation shall fall Into dust And ashes And ruin.
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cthulhu-with-a-fez · 6 months
i started naruto a few years ago and made it to like the second arc in shippuden before stopping so i never made it to the kakashi backstory but....your notes compel me. tell me more.
okay so like take this with several grains of salt because the sum total of my sources here are "my understanding of the plot and characters as synthesized from the Abridged Revised Illustrated Edition my datemate's been writing me over the last two months", a handful of clips, and the only three (3) episodes of this 600+ episode show i've seen in my life, none of the three of which were relevant to the kakashi backstory
h o w e v e r
oh my god. my dude. my man. [holds him up like longcat] there is so much wrong with you and i'm enthralled.
so like here's the thing. here's the big takeaway that i'm understanding. this whole series is an ongoing exercise in generational trauma bullshit and everyone trying so hard to course-correct from their own tragic backstories that they accidentally set up their kids/students to have completely different but still somehow exactly the same tragic backstories, and naruto's chronic case of shounen anime power-of-friendship-itis is, i mean. yes it's him being the platonic ideal of Pure Of Heart And Dumb Of Ass but it's also a direct response to seeing ninja society's perpetual tragic backstory generator and going "this is bullshit, why are we even fighting? tell me what your side is, and i'll tell you what our side is, and then we can figure out how to make our sides the same side so none of us have to fight about it at all!" and honestly i love that but this ain't about him
so like. to explain kakashi we have to explain kakashi's father sakumo first. because sakumo was one of konoha's powerhouses, been on tons of successful missions, well-liked, well-respected, one of the earliest and loudest adopters of konoha's then-new and radical pivot towards a ninja being people first and disposable tools never ideology.
he really, genuinely believed in that.
except then he and his team went on a mission. and it went really, really badly. and he had to choose between completing the mission objective or saving his teammates' lives, and he chose their lives, because those who fail their missions may be scum, but those who abandon their teammates are worse, right?
... no, actually.
just because the ideology had been circulating and people were broadly toeing the party line didn't mean they actually believed in it, and sakumo's mission failure was already causing critical backlash.after sakumo made it back to konoha he was a fucking pariah for it. he was never officially reprimanded, but he didn't need to be if people went out of their way to personally spit at his feet, and... one day young kakashi comes home to find his father's body on the floor, wrists slit and suicide note devolving into begging apologies beside him.
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this, as you may imagine, fucked him up, and didn't exactly predispose him towards believing the party line about the value of life.
he gets put on a genin team that was. basically the alpha build of the sasuke-sakura-naruto team dynamic. because it was him, and rin the healer girl with a massive crush on him who he never gave the time of day, and obito the Loudest High-Vis Uchiha Who Ever Lived who had a massive crush on her, and minato their teacher who was doing his absolute best to try and get them through to understanding each other, which is an Ordeal
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because kakashi at this point has internalized that the party line is pretty lies for the gullible, that his teammates are only there to drag him down, and it drives obito nuts because that's the same exact bullshit that his family keeps spouting that he's rejected as thoroughly as a 12.9-year-old can, how does kakashi not see that it's bullshit? and there's rin who's looking at kakashi like i can fix him?? and getting upset when he doesn't let them in at all or even really visibly care that they're trying, and it's one hell of a dysfunction junction but minato is working on it.
... and then the worst happens. their team is caught out alone and everything goes wrong. rin is captured and obito's body is half-crushed under a rock and one of kakashi's eyes got slashed out and none of them are going to make it out of this, at this rate, until obito calls kakashi closer and tells him to take his eye. take the sharingan. he'd give him both but the other one got squished. kakashi will do more with it than obito ever did, so use it to save rin. please. and here's kakashi in the middle of field surgery on his dying teammate finally, horribly realizing that sometimes the win condition is, actually, protecting your friends, and he's already lost. but he can still try to save rin, it was obito's dying wish.
by the time he found her it was already too late.
the people who'd captured her had tried, poorly, hastily, messily, to seal one of the Tailed Beasts into her, and she was already dying. she had a demon thrashing in her soul that was tearing her to shreds around it and all kakashi could do was mercy kill her
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and she thanked him for it.
and he goes back to konoha, sole survivor of his team, charred by the newfound comprehension of why you have to care and what it feels like to lose what you love and with obito's sharingan in his head and rin's blood on his hands and something in him that was already hanging on by a thread finally snapped.
and the only thing he could think to do, the only way he could even parse that grief through, is to just... make himself into a living memorial to them. he started trying to live as obito. adopt his mannerisms, his interests, craft his entire adult persona around his memories of his friend like a grave offering, and quarantine the bleakly mercenary anything-to-get-the-job-done ice in him off into the hound mask he wore as part of konoha's black ops division, which he joined at the ripe old age of way too fucking young.
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he uses the sharingan to incredibly brutally efficient effect, copying enemy jutsus and bringing them back until the library's overflowing with them. but in the end, no matter how many he can technically use, they're still just cheap copies. and so is he.
and in the meantime the uchiha are collectively losing their shit about this random outside kid having one of their eyes in his head and getting all kinds of dubious 'glory' with it, and oh, wouldn't you look at that, they have a prodigy too!
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... yeah.
itachi gets shoved through the rank advancements on a timeframe of "whatever he did you have to do it faster and better." and then the kyuubi broke free. and minato and kushina died, and a fuckton of the home guard uchiha died, and suddenly he's the most able-bodied fighter in their clan overnight at age 11 and the uchiha pull strings to get him into ANBU as well.
and kakashi is his teammate.
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kakashi is his teammate and kakashi sees in itachi a whole awful lot of the edges of the way kakashi used to be, sees itachi trying to live up to and embody the absolutely impossible ideal of the perfect ninja, and he tries so god damn hard to nudge him gently towards something, anything, other than that.
but in the meantime, the uchiha have been... scheming. with danzo, Guy With The World's Biggest Chip On His Shoulder About Not Being Hokage, who's been marinating in a paranoia spiral for years. danzo had tried to set himself up as kakashi's palpatine, and tried to get him to assassinate hiruzen, and kakashi hears him out, and turns right around and goes to hiruzen with it instead, and danzo is pissed. the uchiha are pissed. danzo warns hiruzen that they're almost definitely going to try again and they're gonna make the uchihas' little prodigy do it this time, and kakashi silently braces to have to fight and maybe kill his teammate he was trying so hard for, and then...
and then itachi, who'd been watching his clan get. worse. for a long time. finds his cousin shisui, his best friend shishui, bleeding out in the dirt, who tells him everything, tells him danzo tried to have shisui killed for finding it out, and it worked, he's dying, but he's not dead yet, so please. make it count.
.......................................... And Then The Uchiha Massacre.
and now itachi is one more person that kakashi tried to care about who got destroyed.
and then fast forward a little bit further, he's been retired from active-duty ANBU after a decade-plus of service because the sharingan is starting to burn him out, he's starting to lurch to a halt like unwound clockwork without something to Do, and... he gets given team seven. the worst of konoha's gremlin children.
a bitter, disillusioned loner with a chip on his shoulder and the skill to back it up, the healer girl with a crush on him that he never gives the time of day, and the Loudest High-Vis Pest In The Village.
you see where this is going.
kakashi who at this point has been coasting along by bouncing between mask-personae for years is now having to dynamically engage with life again because if he isn't present and actively responding to his team then there's a nonzero chance he'll turn around to find all three of them chewing on the drywall and he cannot default to scripted responses because they don't work on a pack of middle schoolers hellbent on squabbling til the cows come home. and it's kind of good for him?
but also, uh. [gestures broadly towards... Sasuke(TM) and the rest of the plot]
and yeah i'm not gonna get too much further into it because i'm not confident enough in my own comprehension of the timeline to do that XD but like.
hatake kakashi is a scarecrow of a man stitched together out of his dead best friend, a hunting hound, and his dead best friend again, who's spent his entire life behind one mask or another, who over the course of the series keeps surviving shit that by all odds he shouldn't have, or survives specifically because the people he cares about throw their plot armor around him before they die, and he has a personality mostly composed of the crumpled-up pages of the memetically worst-written trashy bodice-ripper novels ever published because obito used to love them and the inexplicable receipts of other people's love for him, and i want to put him in a gas station hot dog roller and perceive him.
thank you for coming to my ted talk XD
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starheirxero · 3 months
I'm so happy to have him back!!! :D More so though, I'm really interested in his dynamic with everyone!
It's honestly really interesting to see everyone's reaction to him is!
Sun is hesitant, and obviously keeps him at arms length. He's testing the waters with little jabs.
Moon, on the other hand, is trying his best to be casual and welcoming, but he's painfully aware of the barrier between them!
Earth is awkward and unsure! She only ever heared about him from Nexus, the other two avoiding the topic. Nexus, on the other hand, had a habit of antagonising him!
Meanwhile, Moon is simply not used to having a sister! And he's alone in this. Lunar and Sun have known her for about a year now. Moon is the outcast, the person on the outside.
Lunar is an interesting case!! They have always been rather avoidant, and at times even dissmisive of Nexus, though they obviously care about him!
I always thought, that they may hold a bit of a grudge, or are unsure how to react to him, because that's not their big brother, not in the same way. That's not the same Moon, who accepted them with open arms, when things were rough with Eclipse. It's not the same Moon, who shared his mindscape with them.
And now it is.
They do seem very casual though, and we definitely need more time to see them interact together! One thing that is interesting, is their tone of voice. It feels a little more similar than how it used to be! Though I'm not sure, if it's an intentional thing, or if it's simply hard for EC to swap his voice between the two of them so fast!
Moon, in a similar light, seems pretty casual, if a little hesitant. He's very protective still!
Also, Ruin has his fucking virus back- Dark Sun, WHAT THE FUCK-
There's so much he's not used to—Earth, Lunar's new body and powers, the house, etc etc—but the contrast with the familiar—Sun, Eclipse, the daycare, etc etc—that it creates this super interesting scenario where he's sort of stumbling around, figuring out how comfortable he can be in most scenarios, yk?
Like yesyesyes all ur points with how Moon interacts with them 1-on-1!!! I don't have any productive addition to that besides that its soso fun 2 me to see him getting along w/ everyone HDJSBD
AND YEHAYAUSGDHD THE ECLIPSE INTERACTION. EXPLODES!!!! The fact that even with Eclipse being a clone from someone who never even met Old Moon, he's still painstakingly Moon in ways that Moon himself recognizes. man. MAN!!!!! AND ECLIPSE JUST..... NOT HAVING THE ENERGY TO CARE ANYMORE YEAH. +1 million thoughts and feelings and emotions. forever.
AND RUIN. VAGUE FRANTIC HAND MOTIONS. this boy and being infected with viruses gd HSJABSJ
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itsslivernotsilver · 2 months
hi guys does anyone wanna hear about the dichotomy that mist and maddie form in reference to that god damn tomato from the og short stories. ok great here i go
pantheon definitely expands a LOT on the differences between the two sisters but ken liu’s bit about the tomato has always stood out to me and i’m kinda sad they didn’t keep it in the show but whatEVER!!!!!! anyways it’s such a perfect symbol for the glaring differences between mist and maddie and i’ve been thinking about this for almost a year now so i gotta get it out there
like. it’s so simple. it’s just a tomato.
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🍅<—tomato. round and red 👍 (also i love that little interaction so much holy shit)
anyways it’s so simple in it’s design but the connections that each sister has with such basic object like this are so drastically different it’s crazy
maddie approaches it from a deeply emotional and human perspective. to her, a tomato means the taste of one, her grandma, her family’s garden, her family’s dog, and just like. general childhood memories. in the show, she represents the side of humanity that wants to stay physically in the real world. she’s obviously friendly with UIs and CIs given that like. yk. and she expresses curiosity in mist and her whole deal!!!!!
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but she clearly has her biases and those are shown through her wants for her son and how upset she gets when he advocates for uploading (even though mist practically raised him too but whatever i’m not gonna get into that rn). anyways my point is that she’s approaching this tomato conversation with her experiences regarding physicality, nostalgia, and other “human” feelings
but mist doesn’t have any of those!!!!!! she doesn’t have any human experience at all. she approaches a tomato from an extremely technical and factual perspective. she brings up the species categorization, court cases, genome info, etc. she even decides to mention that, logically speaking, she knows more about tomatoes than maddie does (which is like??? girl????? a little unnecessary but true)
in the show there’s the conversation about nostalgia and her line about having the code for nostalgia but not being able to execute it because of a lack of memories fucks me up sooo bad
she loves maddie and everyone around her because she’s kinda just an actual embodiment of love but she can’t help but feel alone in a world where everyone moves so slow and nobody really gets that she can’t understand a lot of “human” emotions. it’s why she’s so ecstatic to introduce caspian to the cloud and why she’s so passionate about the drive with all the CIs who are just like her. but in this moment she tries her best to connect with maddie but ultimately can’t because of the sheer lack of similar experiences
they just can’t understand each other fully and they never will. they’re forced to agree to disagree over something as simple as a tomato and god that tension keeps me up at night
another thing that i thought was super interesting was how the maddie’s interest in mist was flipped in the show if that makes sense???? like in the stories, it’s clearly maddie who wants to learn more about mist. she tries her best to bridge the gap and it’s her idea to give mist a body. but in the show, it’s mist that seems “more obsessed” (heavy on the quotes) with maddie. she’s reaching out more and she asked for a body herself and maddie lashes out when mist does something while trying to help (don’t even get me started on caspian and his whole deal this season i’ll fucking kill someone)
ALSO i feel like this post is getting too long now but i wanna at least mention the quote at the beginning of the chapter cause holy shit man
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anyways that’s it for now i think. i might make another post about the quote and the other stories and some other details i really liked for the nonexistent people who’ve seen this show 👍
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witchinatree · 8 months
ok i might be entirely hallucinating this but i was FULLY convinced annabeth doesn't know how to swim
i can't find anything online but i swear this was a plot point in the original 5 books
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ghost-proofbaby · 6 months
Hi ghost! Wanted to ask you, if you would be ok with me binding twenty four hours into a book for myself. I love the fic so much and it would be a dream to get to bind it🩶
absolutely under one condition:
you've gotta show me alllll the pictures once you do!! <3
no but seriously. this ask just made me cry. you guys absolutely can bind my fics if you truly want to, as long as it's just for yourselves and you're not reselling them or anything. alright. going back into my corner to sob now because someone likes my writing enough to want a physical fucking copy. god you just made my day my dear
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bakersfield-row · 10 months
I love Radiohead. No, you don't understand. I love Radiohead. They are the best. Nothing is better than Radiohead. No, you don't understand. They are genius. Not just ok, genius. No, there are no other good bands. They are the best band. It makes me sad you don't understand that. Radiohead is more than a band. The Bends is entry level. I love Radiohead. I love them. King of Limbs will be genius. Everything they do is genius. I would die for them. You need to hear more of their music. I should tie you up in a room and make you listen to their entire catalog. Then you would understand how brilliant they are. You just don't understand them. I love Radiohead. They are my religion. If you don't love Radiohead, then I cannot understand you. They are great. I wish they were air so I could breathe them. I wish Radiohead was water so I could drink them and have them inside of me. All of their songs are amazing. All of them. I love Radiohead. They are more important than you. They are more important than any of us. You don't understand their greatness. I love Radiohead. I should kill you and stuff a stereo into your corpse so your body will sing Radiohead. I'm just high on my love for all things Radiohead. I am not crazy, I just appreciate Radiohead. They are my favorite band. I have all of their albums. They are smart, they make people download. You just don't understand them. I wish I could take a bath in Radiohead. I would like to soak in all the greatness of their art. They are artists. Radiohead is more important than you or me. You just don't understand. I love them. You need to listen to Radiohead. You should listen to their new album. It will teach you things. I love Hail to the Thief. I love Thom Yorke. I love In Rainbows. Thom Yorke is the new religion.
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(Also here to remind yall to try to support artists directly since Spotify barely gives them shit)
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
I know it doesn’t pan out but good for Claudia for being like “we should just kill him.” Like yeah girl kill him PLEASE. If Lestat gets to be a little bitch, Claudia and Louis can and should be allowed to wanna kill him about it as a treat 🥰 also I am cheering every time Lestat shows up in a new robe. So far I’ve counted three. They’re all very cute he looks so cozy.
Time for the finale~
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#hey boss#u uh- u said i was working sun n wed- can i have more consistent days so i have days to block out for interviews?#.#uve been forewarned#ok so its four months into my gap year and HOLY SHIT JOB SEARCHING IS SO FRUSTRATING#so im working as a clerk at this law firm mon and wed (only 8 hours total tho)#n i THOT i had my reatil job in the bag but then boss goes “yea im really sorry but i cant give u three days - only sundays and weds”#so i was like great ok i need another job thats cool ill just bliock out sundays and weds for potential employers#THEN on sat boss texts n goes “ahhh i dont need u till next week- also can u switch ur wed to fri”. ??????? MA'AM#so i go#she says sorry kid i dont WHICH IS FINE I APPRICIATE THE COMMUNICATION#so i have an interview the next day at a coffee shop for a time THE MANAGER OFFERED#i show up after having pit my day aside for this noon interview#i walk in employees go “uh ho manager stepped out”#she camnt come back for the rest of the day AND doesnt apologize in her email- just “unfourntallyyyy i didnt have time to check my email”#MAAM YOU SEND THE INVITE#whatever#luckily last friday i was invited to this job fair by like four diff locations in san fran n was immeditaly hired#(first trial shift tmr yay!)#but the commute is gonna be KILLER#however im hopeful n i love coffee so yay#also my pet sitting is taking off ive got two sits booked for october#which is suprising bc im also traveling for half the month#manchester edenbrough st andrews milan lake como babayyyyyyy#also this thursday im heading to chicago and maine for a wedding (yay go love!) and to tenessee for another wedding in jan#so now ive got law firm retail associate barista dog sitter n i just KNOW when the holidays roll around n both retail jobs will be wack ill#be floored#but. ahem anywats good things frustrating thinsg stressful things but GOD am i glad i took this gap year#oh yea and ive been hiking tones! lands end trail#tilden park
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oh-okay-kay · 3 months
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one of my preschoolers brought this to school today???? i asked her where she got it ??? and she didn't really know???? she said smth about it being for christmas and that she loved it ??!!
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sadiecoocoo · 8 months
So I jsut started watching aot and they wasted no time in making everything go to shit… Eren’s mom died, a lot of the scouts died five years later, Eren died, Mikasa is going through some shit, Armin is traumatized… I think Eren’s that weird titan that shamelessly murdered the other titans but I’m not far enough into the show to know for sure?
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pink-november · 9 months
was thinking bout this post ever since i first saw the tags cuz i didn't know the shifting mound can actually give you the resist option in the tower route if you did the adversary to fury route beforehand... needless to say i tried to do the thing and proceeded to try it with the other merging chapters just to see something new and ummm...
how curious that only hero seemingly hears the shifting mound's comment to you. not even the other voice present or the narrator acknowledges it.
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