#home gardens are the best form of anarchy
biohazard-inevitable · 11 months
It may be silly and quaint but I like to daydream about my future fridge that is organized by just me…
Eggs would be in a clear, reusable container so i can see how many are left
A well kept drawer just for cheese
Perishables like potatoes and fruits would be front and center, easy to grab and see if they’ve gone bad
Clear nozzled bottles that are labeled for different cooking oils wether it be cooking wine, olive oil, etc all labeled with the name and last restock date
A drawer for herbs like garlic cloves and other vegetables in that sort of vein
Little clear organiser baskets of snacks places in a line like they would be at the grocery store
Sodas also in a similar clear container so i can see when to restock
2 % milk and Heavy cream aplenty as well as whipped cream
A butter section seperate from everything so i dont have to go digging for it every time….
Everything neat and tidy and easily accessible for any recepie I may try
OH! And a basket organizer purely reserved for leftovers in tupperware so they dont get forgotten about
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novannna · 3 years
Same Sea, Same Soul, Same Heart
Danna is the daughter of a noble in Gatlon city.  Gatlon is ruled by King Hugh and King Simon, members of the Renegades, the gruop that saved it from the anarchists and Ace Anarchy.  Nova is the niece of Ace Anarchy and is the worlds most feared and dangerous pirate.  She kidnaps Danna as ransom, and while they travel back to Danna’s father the two girls begin to realize they weren’t so different after all…
Both girls deal with missing each other, and Danna has to make a big decision
link to masterlist
link to chapter 6
wc: 2074
Danna blinked her eyes open blearily.  
“Nova?”  she asked, her words slurring in her mouth.  
A body collapsed on top of her.  “Oh, Danna, you're alright.”  It was her mom.  “I’m so glad you're safe!  I was so worried.  Are you okay?”  
“Mom.  What happened?” Danna asked.  The last thing she remembered was Nova looking down on her, eyes bright with tears and guilt.  
“That awful pirate almost killed you!”  Her mom let out a sob.  “Oh, I was so scared.  He held a knife to your throat.  A knife!  Can you believe it?”
Danna’s hand trailed to her throat where a thin cut lay.  “No,” she whispered quietly.  “I can’t.”
“Well, it’s all okay now.  You’re back.  You're safe.”  her mom hugged her tightly.  “You better come downstairs.  Your father will be glad to know you’re up.”
Danna tried to smile.  “Okay.”  She picked herself out of bed.  “What about No- the pirate?”  she asked, correcting herself mid sentence.  Danna wasn’t quite sure why.  Nova had left her.  SHe knew exactly what she was doing, but Danna was still protecting her. 
“What about him?”
“Is he caught?”
“No.”  Her mothers lip curled.  “He got away.  But don’t worry.  He will never get anywhere near you again.”  
“Good,” Danna said quietly, hoping with her entire heart it wasn’t true.  
“Come quickly, your father has news!”  Her mother said, then hurried out of the room.  
“Would you like to bathe, Miss Bell?”  A maid asked.  
She shook her head.  “I’m okay.”
“Let me help you change,” she started forwards, but Danna stopped her.  
“I’d rather do it myself.  If that’s alright.”  
The maid looked at her confused, then nodded.  “Of course, milady.  Call if you need help.”  She hurried off.  
Once Danna was alone, she crumpled to the ground.  She struggled to find her breath as tears racked her body.  Danna was alone. All alone.  Nova had left her.  Danna felt like she was suffocating.  
So she lay on the floor sobbing, trying to find a reason to keep going.Without Nova near her, the future looked pointless.  Was what Danna had even a life?  No freedom, no choices.  There was nothing for her.  
They said she was home.  
But Danna knew they were wrong.  
This wasn’t her home.  Her home was with a short girl with choppy black hair and sea colored eyes.  Her home was with a girl who was as unpredictable as the sea.  Her home was with a girl who was just as likely to cut you with her words as a blade.  Her home was with Nova Artino.  
No.   Her home was Nova Artino.  
And Danna wasn’t home anymore.
Nova dragged the chest into the storage, arms barely strained by the heavy gold.  
“Nova?”  A voice asked hesitantly.  
“Yes?”   She didn’t bother looking up.  She knew who it was.  “What is it Viv?”
“Look, I know you aren’t going to say anything.  I know you are going to keep up your nothing gets to me, facade.  But it's okay.  You don’t have to pretend.”  Viv placed a hand on Nova’s shoulder gently.  
“What are you talking about?”  Nova ducked away.  
“I saw the way you and Danna acted together.   I can tell when two hearts are made for each other.  You’re like me and Moxie.” 
“Listen.  I have no feelings for Danna Bell,” Nova said quietly.  
Viv sighed.  “I know you won’t admit it.  But I know you.  And I can tell you're hurting.”
“I am fine.”
“No.  Nova, you’re not fine.  You are hurting, and I know that you don’t want to let your walls down.  And that's okay.  I get it.  I get it maybe more than anyone else,”  Viv sighed.  “Just… I’m here for you.  When you’re ready.”
Viv started to leave, but Nova shot her hand out.  
“Wait,” She said in a quavering voice. “Stay… please.”
Viv smiled.  “Of course.  Do you want to talk?”
Nova slammed the door shut, and fell into Viv’s arms.  She shook with sobs. 
“I miss her,” Nova cried.  “I could have let her stay.  She wanted to.  But I was too much of a coward.  I was too scared of Ace.  I traded Danna for money I don’t even need.  I sentenced her to a life without freedom.  It’s all my fault.”
“It’s okay, Nova.  It’s okay,” Viv said, holding tight to Nova’s shaking form.  “This isn’t your fault.”
“No.  It is.  This is all my fault.  I should have just kidnapped Adrian.  That would have been better. Then no one would have gotten hurt.  Danna and I never would’ve met.”
“Look at me.  If you never met Danna, you wouldn’t be the person you are.  She’s like a second part of you.  She’s your heart.  Without her, you wouldn’t be Nova Artino.  Never wish that you never met your soulmate.  Because even if they leave you more hurt than before, they fill a part of you that was left empty before.”  
Nova wiped her eyes.  “I’m never going to see her again.  She’ll spend the rest of our lives hating me.  For what I did.  And I deserve it.”
“Nova, you don’t.  You deserve love.  Not hate.  And you have to believe that you are going to see her again.  The universe works in strange ways.  But if she’s yours, then you’ll see her again.”
Viv nodded.  “I promise.”
Nova smiled weakly.  “I should go.  Thank you.”  She wiped her face off.  “And Viv?”
“If I ever hear you telling people about this, I won’t hesitate to throw you overboard.”
Viv laughed.  “That’s my girl.”
Danna stepped into the parlor, dress pinching her ribs tightly.  She hadn’t worn a corset in ages, and she certainly hadn’t missed them.  
“Danna!  Oh, my baby, I’m so glad to see you home, safe and sound,” her father said, racing over to embrace her.  “We were all so worried.”
“Thank you father,” she said stiffly.  “I’m just glad that this whole mess is over.”
“As am I.  Sit, sit!  We have news.”  He ushered her over to one of the plump couches.  
Danna settled down, and reached for a scone.  She stuffed it into her mouth, and sighed as the tart raspberries exploded on her tongue.  
“Danna, back straight,” her mother reprimanded.  
Danna suppressed a groan, and sat taller.  She hadn’t missed that either.  
“So, what’s the news?”  Danna asked.  
“Oh, we’ll tell you soon.  We just need to wait a little bit longer,” her father said.  
Danna gulped.  “Wait for what?”  
“You’ll see.”  Both her parents were grinning.   
“Hm.”   Danna grabbed another scone, and crammed it into her mouth.  
Her mother raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything.  
Danna suppressed a grin.  Normally her mother would have stopped her at one scone.  But she was still worried about Danna.  
“Have they found the pirate yet?”  Danna asked nonchalantly.  
Her father sighed heavily and shook his head.  “No.  But don’t worry.  They will find him, and make him pay for what he did to you.”
Danna tried not to grin.  Nova was still safe.  “That’s too bad,” she said, trying her best to sound sad.  She wasn’t.  At all.  She was giddy.  Nova was still okay.
The doorbell rang, and the butler hurried off to answer.  
“Smile, Danna,” her mother instructed.  
“Who is it?”  she asked anxiously.  “Who’s coming over?”
“You’ll see.”  Her mother smiled primly.  “Please behave.”
“Behave?  Mother, I’m not a child anymore.  I-”  Danna stopped talking when she saw who walked through the door.  Her jaw dropped.  
The Kings, and the crown prince stood in the doorway to the parlor.
“Your highnesses!”  Danna hastily rose, and dropped into a low curtsy.  
“Please,” the prince said awkwardly.  “No need for any of that.”  Adrian smiled.  
Danna brushed herself off, and put what she hoped was a demure smile on her face.  It felt like more of a grimace.  
“What do we owe this visit?”  
“You didn’t tell her?”  King Hugh looked at her parents with surprise.  
Danna’s father cleared his throat.  “We thought it would be best if he told her himself.”
“Tell me what?”
“Perhaps we should give them some privacy,” King Simon suggested.  
“What's happening?”  Danna asked.  
Adrian shuffled awkwardly.  “Maybe we could go to the gardens,” he suggested.  
“Good idea,” Dannna said quickly.  She needed to get out of the house.  She needed to be outside.  “This way, your highness.”  She extended an arm, and nearly bolted away.  
She pushed the door open, and inhaled the scent of salt and flowers gratefully.  
Adrian chuckled.  “Couldn’t handle being inside any longer?”
Danna groaned and nodded.  “Ugh yes.  It’s awful.  I’ve been back for less than a day, and I’m already suffocating.”  Adrian and Danna were actually much closer than they seemed.  For years, they had snuck away during events along with two other friends. They hated the scheming and politics of the court, and bonded over their shared hatred of it.  They tried to keep it secret so no unwanted rumors would spread.  
Adrian's face creased.  “How are you?  That must have been so scary…”
Danna laughed.  “It wasn’t too bad.  Can I tell you a secret?”  
Adrian nodded.  “Of course.”  
“And you promise to never tell?”  Danna asked.  
He solemnly held out his pinky.  “I’ll even pinky swear.”
Danna laughed, and shook his pinky.  “Nightmare isn’t Noah Artino.”
“What is that supposed to mea?”
Danna sighed.  “She’s not Noah, She’s Nova.”
“Nightmare’s a girl?”  Adrian’s eyes widened.  “Really?”
Danna nodded.  “And she isn’t as bad as she seems.”
“Danna, she kidnapped you.”  
“Yeah, and while I was kidnapped, I was more free than I ever had been.”  Danna sighed.  “She’s done bad things, but at heart she’s a good person.”
Adrian raised an eyebrow.
“So.  What’s so important that you came here to tell me?”
Adrian groaned.  “Danna, I know this isn’t what you wanted.  I know you never asked for this life.  I didn’t either.  I have the same amount of choices as you.  Maybe less even.  But I get to choose who I marry.  And…”
“No.”  Danna held up her hands.  “Don’t even finish that sentence.”  she hurried away.
“Danna, wait.  It’s not what you think!”  Adrian jogged after her.  “I don’t like you.”
“Thanks,” she said dryly.  
Adrian sighed.  He caught her arm.  “Please… just listen to me.”
Danna groaned, and spun around to face him.  “Okay.  I’m listening.”
“Listen Danna, I know this isn’t what you want.  But you have to face the reality of our lives.  We can be together in public, but not as a couple privately.  This is the only way we can escape something we both don't want.”
Danna inhaled deeply.  “Adrian… I’m lesbian.”
“Oh.  Shit.”
Danna laughed softly.  “Yeah.”  
“Can’t you tell your parents?  My dads are together, and they are fine with it.”  
Danna shrugged.  “I don’t think it would matter.  They would just say I’m confused.  Or that I’m just being difficult.  Look, Adrian, I don’t have a choice now.  I know that you wanted to help, but you’ve just made everything so much harder.”  Danna groaned, and rubbed her temples.  
“The pirate… Nova…”  Realization dawned in Adrian’s eyes.  “You love her, don’t you?”
Danna nodded sadly.  “I don’t even know if she loves me back.  But I’d die over and over again for her.”
“I can help you escape!  I can get you to her.”
Danna smiled softly.  “Adrian, thank you, but I can’t.  I don’t want to risk it.”  She sighed heavily.  “I’ll marry you.  You were right, it is our only option.”
“Danna, that wouldn’t be right.  That’s not you!  Don’t pretend to be someone else,” Adrian pleaded.  “Shit, this is all my fault.  Danna, I’m so sorry.”
“No, it’s not.  You were trying to help.  And you are right.  It’s a good option.  We can pretend to be together.  Hell, maybe we can adopt a kid or something.  But I can’t be with Nova.  I know that.”
“Adrian, we are out of options.  Even if my parents let me turn you down, eventually they’ll force me to marry someone.  I’d rather it be you.”
Adrian wrapped his arms around her.  “If this is what you want, then I will help you as best I can.”  
Danna smiled gratefully.  “Thank you Adrian.  It means a lot to me, I hope you know that.”
He nodded.  “We’d better go tell the others then.”
She cringed.  “Fun.”
“Get used to it.”
Tag list: @novissa @thepurpledragon4444  @phobidawg   @rvbell @redassassin @ifyouhadntbutyoudid (let me know if you want to be added/taken off!!!)  
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dearaliceliddel · 4 years
Tumblr media
— basics.
▸ is your muse tall / short / average ?
Alice is short average, standing at 5′5″
▸ are they okay with their height ?
Considering Wonderland, the height of things always so skewed, Alice doesn’t think much of her height often. But being short has proven to be quite useful at surviving and fighting. But trying to not be looked down upon or people assuming she’s too weak? Hm. Irritating.
▸ what’s their hair like ?
Long and soft, smooth to the touch. Alice has thick hair but where it was once wavy, it’s now straight for her own peace of mind, its own weight pulling it straighter. Dark brown, very nearly black in the right light.
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair / grooming ?
Not often, as Alice doesn’t really style her hair unless she is left with no choice. Cleaning and bathing of course takes time, but otherwise it’s merely brushed out and handled to not be a wreck. If she has to, pulling it back into a pony tail or braid can happen on the rare occasion. Otherwise it is flowing free.
▸ does your muse care about their appearance / what others think ?
Considering Alice’s state in her appearances, she is more for comfort and self identity over being fancy. Her bigger worry is surviving and her personal feeling. Yet she is still a proper young lady, and knows how to look nice when she needs to. Alice’s sense of style has always been there, it is merely on a more comfortable level. Her dresses are a combination of utility and appearance.
— preferences.
▸ indoors or outdoors ?
Both. Being outdoors has always held a source of adventure for Alice alongside her imagination. But as the years went on and the trauma, torment, madness, and suffering sank in, she figured out how to enjoy being indoors just as much. She can acclimate to whatever may need.
▸ rain or sunshine ? 
Sunshine is much preferred, as the rain can bring such sad feelings. The sun brings warmth and hope, memories of better years. But one can not deny sitting inside, with a nice warm cup of tea while hearing the rain falling on a roof or against windows.
▸ forest or beach ?
The Forest hands down. Reminds Alice of her home in Oxford, and the estate that had the forest around it, where she would run around so easily. And first found the rabbit hole. While a beach can be fun, there is something about sprawling forests that has her at ease. 
▸ precious metals or gems ? 
Metal’s has many more uses than gems can have, as gorgeous as gems can be. Yet at the same time one can’t deny the chances of a rare stone of some sort being useful in a certain moment. So, I’m going to say both but metal leaning.
▸ flowers or perfumes ?
Flowers. Such things remind Alice of her younger days and gardens. Perfumes can sometimes smell like the same flowers she remembers as a child, and she does enjoy them if needed, but there’s always more enjoyment of the real thing.
▸ personality or appearance ?
Personality. While an appearance can be a bonus, Alice much prefers someone personality and who they truly are deep down and under whatever facade or surface level showing that is given for general public. The personality and personal quirks or ticks are more revealing of ones true self.
▸ being alone or being in a crowd ? 
Alone. Sometimes being in a crowd can be stressful, and bring a headache, especially if she is forced to be touching people as her trigger. Being alone has been forcefully ingrained into her by the torments of her life. But if she is comfortable with some friends, enough so to be considered a group, she does not mind being in the proverbial crowd with someone she knows has her back.
▸ order or anarchy ? 
Order and Anarchy mean nothing if the world is careening wildly on the jagged edge of reality. Alice has seen the best and worst of everything in equal measure, and knows the disgusting truths she wishes she could forget. But if she had to choose, a mix of both. Anarchy is merely chaos with a direction, and order is organized madness.
▸ painful truths or white lies ?
This is another Both situation. Alice is very much driven to discover the truth of situations if she has to do so, find facts, considering how many were hid from her and used against her in lies. But she also understands the need for lies to protect others or herself.
▸ science or magic ?
Magic is merely Science others don’t understand, as Alice has been told before. But she accepts both in equal measure, and loves to learn more.
▸ peace or conflict ?
Alice craves peace for once, even for a short time. Able to sit, rest, be at ease for once, with no fear or sadness. Able to sleep for once without fear, or feel like nothing is wrong. But that is a fleeting notion as she understands conflict shall always come in any form, and sometimes she will cause it if she has to.
▸ night or day ?
Night or Day can bring good and bad moments. Hiding in the dark can only protect you so much, while the daylight does not chase away cruelty. Alice accepts both with how little she sleeps and refuses to do so actively. But she enjoys the warmth of daylight.
▸ dusk or dawn ?
Dawn brings a new day. Watching a sunrise can be quite enjoyable. But she will always ever enjoy the beauty of a sunset and how it paints the skies and horizon like a work of art.
▸ warmth or cold ?
Considering how sensitive Alice is to temperature and the shifts in the air of such things, she prefers warmth. Easily cold thanks to the damage of her body from severe burns and fire. Yet the cold does not stop her and she can force herself through as unpleasant as it is.
▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends ?
Alice prefers to have just a few close friends, and yet she has acquired many acquaintances. A bit of both ever present in her life. She’s worried of opening up to people and accepting them closer as Alice has a habit of loosing those she cares about. But if you earn her friendship and to be close enough for her to be comfortable with you? Then you earned a fiercely loyal friend that will kill for you.
▸ reading or playing a game ?
Books have ALWAYS been a treasure for Alice, even more so being alone. It allows her to feel free and in another world for a while, imagination running wild without worry. And on top of that, she can learn so much from new studies or thick tomes. Her brain craves learning and teasers, alongside fantasy. Reality has so much of her attention already, she sometimes needs an escape. But a game? Now those will still have her highly interested. But its harder to play games alone.
— questionnaire.
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits ?
Refusing to sleep, unable to do so and staying up for extended periods. Eating exceedingly rarely and only enough to be functional and not starve, but still has water and drinks tea commonly. Taking on danger without any fear for herself, and not thinking twice of injuries she may take. Self destruction and self harm. Blaming herself for much at times. Withdrawal and refusing to open up to others without being convinced to do so. Sometimes spiking her tea with a strong alcohol. Using hookah at times, a habit picked up from Caterpillar. Having wonderful advice to give others but often not taking it herself. And as always, Alice’s impossible curiosity.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them ? how has it affected them ?
Almost everyone. Alice lost her family in a fire that was started to cover up the murder and r*p* of her sister. Lost her Wonderland into Madness and even herself. Tormented and tortured in an Asylum for ten years of her life, with almost no real help. Lost her rabbit, her cat, her life, home, everything. Then was nearly broken by the very man that took it all away. So she killed that man in poetic justice so he could never harm anyone else. These moments have changed and hardened Alice through most of her life. Having made it hard to accept others into her life closely, always keeping people at arms length, but also willing to put in her all to help others get a better life than she had, or to try and help them have some sense of sanity. She fears physical contact due too the abuse she had and torments, scared of anything doing that again, even more so after what happened with her sister.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has ?
There is so very few after the age of 8. But before that? Alice remembers fondly how her Father would help so many less fortunate kids or families, to give them a chance to learn, help them with food or clothes. And how Father would take her and her sister out for adventures in the city. Mother being a doctor and taking time at home to teach her daughters at home anything she could. The family dinners, the way they were always such a giving family, despite being so rich and well off. Alice’s older sister Lizzie always encouraging her to be herself, so open and loving. Then there was Wonderland before she fell apart. How she misses her friends even now. Nothing left but pain and heartache, as Alice strives to make better memories in her life.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill ?
That depends on the person and situation. Alice has stepped across the threshold for murder and killing a long time ago, both in Wonderland and in Reality. Blood and gore are no problem. But if it is someone innocent, or a friend, anything like that? She won’t be able to kill. Injure and disable for their own safety yes, or just defend herself, but not kill. If it was someone that truly deserved it? Absolutely. 
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down ?
An emotional roller coaster. Alice tries to keep her emotions kept under control, to think as logically as she can after all her experiences. But she has always felt so very deeply, more than many people, and it does not always work. She gets so angry when she gets sad, frustrated at herself for breaking down and upset she’s broken so. But her tears are always so heavy because she tries to keep it all contained. She would only cry harder if she had someone there to let her cry on and have support of. 
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life ?
It is so very rare. But yes, Alice is capable of this. Although she is usually in the position of front liner and protector, as she has been forced to become with no choice. 
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love ?
Considering how rare it is for Alice, she would be unaware of it at first. Just simply instinct driving her to be closer to the individual that has won her trust and affection. But after she starts to understand it, she will try her best to deny and bury those feelings down. Refusing to ruin a friendship or endanger anyone else. But once she loves someone, Alice loves with all her heart and can be quite a warm person and passionate.
Tagged by: @fatherdamned (thank you so much)
Tagging: @nerv0usm3chanic (lucan), @punsandfuturekingsmen @bluescarfvivi @heartsdefine , @trollamulet​, @maiolica-admirer​, @reanimatedmuses​ (Jack)
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maggyme13 · 4 years
Sugar (11/?)
AN: In the next couple of chapters we will enter a bit of SOns of Anarchy territory.
THANK YOU to all those lovely readers that reblogged and let me know what they thought^^
Sugar- Masterlist
Part 10
„Let´s see what he wants.“, you told Bucky. Your car door was already open.
“Try to get his name. I can send it to NY and get Info on him. I have the feeling there is more behind his visit than he will tell us.”, he answered and you nodded. You had the same feeling.
“As I told you before Mrs Lowman, we offer you fifty thousand and paying of the mortgage fees. This is more than you will get when the bank sells it. That would be nothing. In the case you sell it to us, you we will give you enough time to pack your things and find a good retirement home. And later your Children won´t need to pay of your dept in the hopefully far future.”, you heard the stranger explain to your mother, using a very sweet and fake politeness.
You did not like him.
Wait what?
“Asd I told you before: I will not sell. This is my house and one day I will die in it.”, your Mother answered stubbornly and with determination in her voice.
“Ma, we are back. You alright?”, you interrupted the man, stepping right between him and your mother.
“Yes, no worries. What about you? Were you sufficient?”, she smiled and the two of you stepped inside the home.
“Me too. Your son will call his friend and tell him to look for another place to stay. We brought cakes from the bakery you love so much. Ms Muller sends her best wishes.”
“Oh how nice of her. I was already making some tee and coffee. Bucky, be so kind and close the door please. These winds are not good for my old bones. Thank you dear.”
“Sir.”, was the last thing you heard before the closing of the door.
“What just happened is not of your or your brothers concern. Understood?”, your mothers words were final and you knew there was no way to get something out of her if she did not want to speak about it.
“Fine. I know there is not way to get you to speak. So let´s eat cake and forget the whole incident.”
“Heimdal, this is (y/n). Can you research something for me?”, you spoke into the receiver of your phone.
Loki had after all once told you to ask him if you needed any information.
“Of course Ms (y/n). Does it happen to do with your mothers house?”, the secretary asked, and you once again wondered how he knew what he did, “Mr Laufeyson had asked me to keep an eye on it and declare interest should it ever be foreclosed.”
“Okay. Did you find out about it during the background-check on me?”
“We did, indeed. So what can I do for you.”, his voice was warm.
“How much dies the bank demand and can you get information on an August Marks? He offered My ma money and something feels off about him.”
“The bank demands 75 000 Dollars for the once it will be sold. This will be in three days if my information is right. May I also inform you that Mr Laufeyson already green-lighted this endeavor, so you have all the money you need to your disposal.”
“He already did? Is it possible then, that you buy it for me, please? And to let them know not to let the other interested know about it?”, you hummed; not comfortable about the fact that Loki had already put everything in motion, but grateful.
“Of course Ms (y/n). I will buy the house in your name; you will only have to sign the papers, but I can arrange that to happen online. I will call you once I have any other information you asked for. Have a great evening.”.
The two of you said your goodbyes and the call ended with a lot of weight lifted from your chest. Your mother would not lose her home.
“Are you going to tell your Ma?”, Bucky had joined you on the terrace in the back garden.
“And get my ass whooped? No thank you. I will tell her once it is done and she needs to know. I have to tell my brother though. Sigh”, You groaned.
With the head on the top of the table, you dialed your brothers number.
“What?”, the man in question answered your call.
“Ma´s going to loose her house.”, there was no intention of you to even try to be polite.
“You kidding?”
“A man was offering to buy it when we returned. She is behind on her payments and the house will be sold in three days for 75k.”, you informed him further.
“Fuck. I have 10k most. Need to ask the club.”, he mumbled into the form and you could see him scratching is head in frustration.
“No need. I already called work. They are going to give me the money and I will pay it back with my paychecks. I just wanted to inform you about that and that the man felt off.”
“You gotta let Ma living there?”. Of course he ignored the fact you were worried about that man.
“Rent free; just like we did until we moved out. This way she can´t argue.”
“Good. Now, what guy?”
“A man of the name of August Marks. He seemed polite, and fake. Like there was a specific reason to buy the house. And it can´t be the location. A man dressed like that, does not buy a house in this neighborhood. Hap-”, you frowned and sat up right alarmed, “are you growling? Why are you sounding like an angry Bumblebee?”
“Big, short hair, Black, expensive suit?”, he finally asked.
“Yes. Why?”
“Not of your concern.”
“Happy, do you know this man because of your Job ?” , you breathed into the phone, but you got no answer.
“I take that as a yes. Do I need to get Ma somewhere else?”
“Okay, I trust you because unlike me, you love Ma and don´t want to see her dead. I am calling you when the house is mine.”
“Good.” Klick
“Do I need to call the Boss and get Sam and maybe some more down here?”, your bodyguard asked, worry in his voice.
“The night will tell. If Bikers show up. Yes. If not, then no.”, you answered him honesty.
“Makes sense.”, the man admitted, “I will stay up tonight and keep an eye out for anyone. No arguments. It is my job as your bodyguard and friend. And I have Bumble to keep me company.”
No bikers came the following night or day and so you believed that it all was as coincidence. Maybe Heimdal will find out more soon.
It was midday of the day you would be a newly made house owner when a knock sounded from the front-door and Bumble started barking.
It was Marks.
“Mrs Lowman, do you take our offer or not?”, he greeted your mother.
“We are not going to sell.”, she answered, but sadness was in her voice. She knew the bank would be selling her house this day. You had noticed her being quieter than usual the last two days.
“I am sorry to hear that. But you leave me choice now.”, he answered and at once reached into his jacket to- receive his mobile phone.
For a split second though, you had to admit, the thought of him pulling out a gun crossed your mind.
“This is August Marks of Pope Enterprise. I am calling to buy the house under the Number 666Ac. I will wait, thank you.”
A smirk threatened to spread over your face.
“What do you mean it is already sold. I INFORMED you last Month on my intentions to buy this object.- Yes, please give me the number of the buyer. Who was it you said?- Asgard, in the name of (y/n)(y/ln). Thank you and good bye.”, breathing in a few times to calm down, you saw him dialing the number you had given the bank for exactly this reason.
It only took a few seconds for his call to connect and your phone to ring. A look of confusion entered his face, that turned into disbelief and anger real quick when you answered with, “I am not going to sell. Have a nice day. Now, please leave my property or I will have to call the cops and my attorney for trespassing.”, in the sweetest and most innocent customer-service voice you were able to muster.
Huffing and with angry strides, he finally left and drove of in his expensive car.
You laughed. Until a smack on the back on your head shut you up.
“MA!”, you whined.
“I can´t remember asking for help.”, your mother scolded you.
“You didn´t. Does not change the fact that I did.”, you huffed.
“How much dept are you in now?”
“None. My boss payed for it and take the money from my paychecks every month.”, you explained, “So don´t worry, Ma.”
“Because you sacrificed everything to make sure Happy and I can have an almost normal childhood. I am just paying it back, so no more arguments.”, you hugged your mother with tears in your eyes.
“Thank you. I will make you your favorite cake. No Arguments”
And with this declaration, your mother ended the hug and disappeared into the kitchen where you immediately heard the clinking of bowls.
Keeping your promise, you called your brother:
“Your house now?”
“Yes, and Mr Marks was not happy about hearing it and that I do not intent to sell it ever.”, you hummed, still amused about the look the man had.
“Ya told him?”, your brother asked, almost getting pissed.
“Kind of, he came to make Ma a last offer. When she declined he called the bank to buy it in front of her face. Did not work out like he thought and when he called the new owner, me, he had no other choice than leaving in a sour mood.”
“Pack Ma´s things, you are going to spend Christmas in Charming. You have three hours.”, and with that the call ended, again.
“I swear, if he puts us into lockdown, I am leaving and telling Ma exactly why.”, you growled into the air before calling out to your Mother, “MA. Happy invited us to spend Christmas in Charming with him. And he won´t accept a no!”
“Jesus. What did my Son get himself into now.”,you heard her curse as an aswer.
Part 12
AN 2.0. Will she be locked up? and what will happen once she enters charming?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
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I couldnt tag a few of you… sorry.
Want to get tagged as well? Comment, Reblog or send an ask to let me know.
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gcwcns · 5 years
below the cut you will find 100+ (i lost count) lyrics from hozier’s entire discography that could be used as rp (charrie, otp, etc.) tags. they are arranged by song. if you’re looking for a specific song press ctrl (command if on mac) and f to search it! 
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take me to church 
if the heavens ever did speak she's the last true mouthpiece
i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
i’m a pagan of the good times my lover’s the sunlight
drain the whole sea get something shiny
there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
angel of small death & the codeine scene
shaking the wings of their terrible youths
with her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean
she's the angel of small death and the codeine scene 
it's bloody and raw, but i swear it is sweet
the sweet heat of her breath in my mouth I'm alive
jackie and wilson
so tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
no better version of me i could pretend to be tonight
she blows outta nowhere roman candle of the wild
every version of me dead and buried in the yard outside
cut clean from the dream at night let my mind reset
someone new 
electing strange perfections in any stranger i choose.
there's an art to life's distractions,
the dark caress of someone else i guess any thrill will do
my heart's already sinned.
i fall in love just a little bit every day with someone new
to be alone 
never feel too good in crowds
all i’ve ever done is hide 
i feel like a person for a moment of my life
to have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you
it's the god that heroin prays to
from eden 
something tragic about you something so magic about you
honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago
idealism sits in prison chivalry fell on its sword
innocence died screaming honey ask me i should know
i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door
in a week 
i have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me
our hunger's appeased our heart beats becoming slow
so long, we'd become the flowers
after the foxes have known our taste
they'd find us in a week when the buzzards get loud
just a little rush to feel dizzy to derail the mind of me
our veins are busy but my heart's in atrophy
you and I nursing on a poison that never stung
free and young and we can feel none of it
i'm somewhere outside my life babe
work song
there's nothing sweeter than my baby
she'd give me toothaches just from kissing me 
no grave can hold my body down i’ll crawl home to her 
in the low lamp light i was free 
heaven and hell were words to me 
like real people do 
why were you digging what did you bury 
i will not ask and neither should you
honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
we should just kiss like real people do 
i knew that look dear eyes always seeking
it will come back 
i know who i am when I'm alone
you should never know how easy you are to need 
don't let me in with with no intention to keep me
give me mercy no more
don't you hear me howling babe
foreigner’s god 
she moved with shameless wonder perfect creature rarely seen 
her eyes look sharp and steady into the empty parts of me 
always a well dressed fraud
screaming the name of a foreigner's god the purest expression of grief
i've no language left to say it every word i've got is foreign to me 
cherry wine
her eyes and words are so icy 
she burns like rum on a fire
the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
her fight and fury is fiery 
and it's worth it all it's divine
in the woods somewhere
i called your name til the fever broke
night so black that the darkness hums
i prayed my mind be good to me  
i spoke no word no sound he made
to save a life i didn't have
tare is this love keep it covered
her hungry eyes her ancient soul
a shame without a sin
with as many souls claimed as she
run til you feel your lungs bleeding
arsonist’s lullaby
i learned the voices died with me
all you have is your fire
don't you ever tame your demons but always keep em on a leash
i knew that something would always rule m
but my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake
my love will never die 
honey please try to love me
my love will never die
flowers grow where I'm laid to rest
pick a blossom and hold it hold it to your breast
my love bursting loud from inside
nina cried power 
it's not the waking, it's the rising
it's the heaven of a human spirit ringing
i could cry power
power has been cried by those stronger than me
rattle your chains if you love being free
give your heart and soul to charity
the rest of you the best of you belongs to me
If I was born as a black thorn tree I'd wanna be felled by you 
fuel the pyre of your enemies
ain't it warming you the world goin up in flames
moment’s silence (common tongue) 
relax and catch the manic rhapsody
all of me is a prayer in perfect piety
when the meaning is gone there is clarity
since it all begun to it's reckoning
so summon on the pearl rosary
the words hung above but never would form
remember me love when i'm reborn 
as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn 
all of my goodness is going with you now
grounded and giving and darkening scorn
almost (sweet music)
sweet music playin in the dark
be still my foolish heart don't ruin this on me
let's get lost and let the good times roll
a love supreme seems far removed
reporting russian lullabies
i could never define all that you are to me
shake like the bough of a willow tree
honey you're atlas in his sleeping
in awe of something so flawed and free
when you move i move
no plan
the screaming heaving fuckery of the world
there's no kingdom to come
there will be darkness again
keep my body from the fire hire a gardener for my grave
when I'm lying under marble marvel at flowers you'll have made 
i've been fed gold by sweet fools in abu dhabi
i'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint
if i had the choice between hearing either noise
i once warmed my hands over a burning Maserati
i’ve had no love like your love
to noise making (sing)
your head tilt back your funny mouth to the clouds
was it just the act of making noise that brought you joy
you don't have to sing it right but who could call you wrong
put your emptiness to melody your awful heart to song
who could ask you be unbroken or be brave again
as it was
i'd had life enough my heart is screaming of
whatever here that's left of me is yours
but your love was unmoved
just as it was before the otherness came
nights were as dark as my baby half as beautiful too
i’d be the voice that urged orpheus when her body was found 
i'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him underground
imagine being loved by me
i'd be the last shred of truth in the lost myth of true love
that's found in the last witness before the wave hits
once atrocity is hoarse from voicing shame
with the same sweet shock of when Adam first came
be the hopeful feeling when eden was lost
when i have no kind words left love for you now
that will grow bold in a barren and desolate land
dinner & diatribes
hell is the talking type
i'd suffer hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight 
a pillar i am of pride
let there be hotel complaints and grievances raised
that's the kinda love i’ve been dreaming of
would that i 
love in withdrawal was the weeping of me
with the roar of the fire my heart rose to its feet
i fell in love with the fire long ago 
i was fixed on your hand of gold
and it’s not tonight where i’m set alight
betray the moon as acolyte on first and fierce affirming sight
a soul that's born in cold and rain
i would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty
strap the wing to me death trap clad happily
your love is sunlight
wasteland, baby!
all the fear and fire of the end of the world
like the bonfire that burns that all words in the fight fell to
be still my indelible friend you are unbreaking
and that day that we'll watch the death of the sun
the death of all things that are seen and unseen
better love
blind to the purpose of the brute divine
Staring in the blackness at some distant star
you whose heart would sing of anarchy
when our truth is burned from history
like fire weeping from a cedar tree know that my love would burn with me
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jwgammuto · 5 years
Monday Night Raw review 7/8/19
Week 2 of the “Heyman Era” had only a few of ol’ Paul E’s fingerprints on it. Was it as fresh as last week in the usually important Go Home Show? Here’s a little of The Good, The Bad, and the WTF: We Want The Smoke Edition.
The Good:
Cedric Alexander posing as Gary “the GOAT” Garbutt and Reigns’ tag partner. This entire angle was one big 3 hour eye roll of Shane McMahon nonsense but the payoff was a small glimpse of hope. We didn’t get a Lumbar Check but Cedric in a Main event segment on Raw is a potential sign that they may actually care about the guy and don’t want him lost in the shuffle.
The 24/7 title stuff. Maverick isn’t nearly as funny as Truth with the title but the inclusion of R Truth chasing him with someone on his back, calling him Hornswaggle, and Renee Michelle being on TV makes it all the more enjoyable. I think they missed an opportunity having Truth win the title from Maverick on their honeymoon but I’m sure the payoff is coming.
The Street Profits hyping Extreme Rules. These guys are hilarious. I’m glad they’re not an official call up yet since they are defending the titles against Oney and Lorcan this week but more of them on TV is a welcome addition to any show.
Ricochet vs The Club. This feud is going well. Ricochet doesn’t cut the best promo in the world but he’s improving. The gauntlet style match was a cheap way to fit in the same freakin Snickers commercial eight times in three hours but I guess that’s just the way it is for now. Gallows and Anderson looked strong but lost due to playing with the champ a bit too much. AJ looks like a legit threat to the US title, which he should. Still digging the heel turn. Now get the Good Brothers in the tag title picture.
Huskus is still lurking backstage. Don’t make me wait too much longer for this though, Bray. It’s already slipping away in my mind.
Paul Heyman cuts a solid promo reminding us that Lesnar is lurking with the boom box MITB briefcase at Extreme Rules. Or maybe he isn’t. Truth be told, this was important because I had started to forget about it. Not a good thing.
Cesaro continues to destroy No Way Jose. Maybe he hates dancing like the preacher dad from Footloose.
War Raiders try to hospitalize two local talents. Watching these guys destroy teams is fun but I’m ready for a real feud.
The Bad:
Rey Mysterio returns....and gets destroyed by Black Chris Masters. Lashley coming back angry and killing somebody makes total sense. That guy being Mysterio makes no sense. This is why they employ Mojo, Titus, and the rest of the roster that runs through the crowd chasing the 24/7 champion. Bad form here. Rey losing to put guys over is fine at this stage of his career but it shouldn’t be in squash matches.
Shane and McIntyre segments where they interview backstage employees to be Roman’s partner. The Shane Troll Tour is the most boring thing about the product these days. There’s no faction, no real power. He just talks, sweats, and waits for McIntyre to hit somebody with a Claymore. It’s redundant, lame, and isn’t even getting proper heat anymore. There is a way out of this though. You can read about it Wednesday when I bring back One Chance In Hell to Fantasy book Extreme Rules.
The Man and The Man’s Man vs Vega and Andrade in whatever the hell a mixed tag elimination match is. God forbid we just have a straightforward match with four talented people. First of all, elimination match rules counteract the point of mixed tag rules. If a woman is eliminated, as Vega was, Becky has no one to wrestle, because by mixed tag rules, she isn’t allowed to compete with Andrade. Anarchy. Eventually it got to a surprisingly underwhelming and short bout between Andrade and Seth that ended with a stomp. Evans and Bartender Corbin meet the “power couple” on the stage and Becky eats a Woman’s Right that looked much better in slow motion than real time. For a go home build segment, this was meh at best.
The WTF:
The Maria and Mike Kanellis cuckold train rolls on. This is unwatchable. It really is. It’s catamount to Vince putting Trish Stratus on a chain in the Attitude Era. Think about this big picture and it makes even less sense. Maria is actually pregnant so she can’t even perform. So what’s the point in her trying to get any heat? Mike is a pretty talented performer who is being buried on a level that would make EC3 cringe. These two segments were actually worse than the Shane interviewing the janitors to be partners for Roman. That’s how awful it was. Scrap this immediately. It’s not going anywhere good.
The Beat the Clock Challenge. I’d have to check the archives, but I’m pretty sure I’ve said this arguably the worst match gimmick in the modern era. The opponents look like crap because they can’t possibly win, usually get buried, and the matches are rushed. Meanwhile it’s all so Nikki Cross can pick the stipulation for Bayley’s title defense against not Nikki Cross on Sunday. Is Dana Brooke a heel? No? Why is she using heel tactics to extend this match with Forrest Cross? Sarah Logan’s feral wolf gimmick is terrible. Can I like anything about this segment? Where the hell is Alexa? She’s in action about as much as Lesnar lately. Ok. Yes. The stipulation being 2-1 handicap opens a couple of possibilities. 1) Cross outright takes the pin fall costing Bliss her title opportunity and that starts her overdue feud with Alexa. 2) Cross beats Bayley and has to hand Bliss the title. Forrest can’t sit well with this for long. 3) the return of Sasha Banks. But if it isn’t to turn heel, destroy Bayley, and give us the lady Gargano/Ciampa feud we’ve been clamoring two years for, I’m not interested.
6 man 2 out of 3 falls trash fire. Elias inexplicably leaves after the first fall (which was a glorious SHATTER MACHINE), leaving Dash and Dawson to lose the next two falls to a superkick/splash/awful Samoan drop fest from the USOs and a nearly forgotten Miz. I genuinely like everyone that was in this match. I hated almost every second of it. A complete misuse of all the talent involved. And we saw the Pete Zacharine Snickers commercial 11 more times.
Graves interviews Becky and Seth backstage. I actively hate this “couples” push on tv. It’s awful. Becky’s personality is drowning Rollins’ character and the Universal Title feels like an afterthought. Lynch is even continuing to lose momentum. This is no bueno all around.
Had high hopes for a Heyman touched Go Home Show for Extreme Rules. I do think he is only partially involved due to the need to wrap up some of these stories, but this show fell way short of the high bar set last week. There were things to like but the bad stuff was pretty bad and made you forget the stuff you liked. Hogan comes out, delivers a paltry 1.75 Belt Whips to an unsuspecting Virgil who is just trying to eat his free breadsticks at the Olive Garden. Top Guy....OUT!
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aion-rsa · 8 years
BOOM! Studios’ April 2017 Solicitations
BOOM! Studios has provided CBR with the exclusive first look at covers and solicit information for products shipping in April 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations, be sure to visit CBR’s Indie Comics Forum and discuss these BOOM!, Archaia and KABOOM! releases with fellow readers.
BOOM! Studios Solicitations – Last Six Months
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Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artist: Jonas Goonface
Main Cover: Jonas Goonface
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People like him are Godshapers, godless social pariahs with the ability to mold and shape the gods of others. Paired with Bud, an off-kilter but affectionate god without a human, the two travel from town to town looking for shelter, a hot meal, and the next paying rock’n’roll gig.
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Artist: Rags Morales
Main Cover: Rags Morales
Incentive Cover: Rags Morales
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Writers: Derek Fridolfs, Hannah Blumenreich, Alex Solis, Sara Goetter, Ellen Kramer
Artists: Pamela, Lovas, Hannah Blumenreich, Alex Solis, Sara Goetter, Ellen Kramer
Main Cover: Derek Fridolfs
Incentive Cover: Alex Solis
Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, Benson, and all your favorites from the hit Cartoon Network series embark on a series of adventures in this very special anthology issue of Regular Show.
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Rigby attempts to make dinner for a date night with Eileen, Rigby is caught lying about his birthday to get free cake all year, Mordecai agrees to be Rigby’s roller-skating coach, and Muscle Man accidentally summons the Four Mini-Bikers of the Apocalypse in new stories!
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Artist: Tyler Jenkins
Main Cover: Tyler Jenkins
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Artist: Hannah Christenson
Cover Artist: Hannah Christenson
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Writers: Robbie Thompson, Justin Jordan
Artist: Barnaby Bagenda
Main Cover: Dan Mora
Movie Poster Incentive: E. M. Gist
Classic Incentive: Paul Rivoche
Spectrum Incentive: Felipe Massafera
Unlockable “Vintage” Action Figure Variant: David Ryan Robinson
As Cornelius loses himself to the ring, Doctor Zaius and Sinestro uncover a grave truth about the Planet of the Apes. With Hal Jordan, Zira, and Nova on the hunt through the Forbidden Zone, Kilowog, Guy Gardner, and Arisia bring reinforcements.
WWE #4
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Writer: Dennis Hopeless
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Main Cover: Dan Mora
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Artist: Eoin Marron
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Artist: Hendry Prasetya
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
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Artist: Michael Dialynas
Cover Artist: Michael Dialynas
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Artist: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming
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Artists: Jorge Corona, Marina Julia, Kellye Perdue
Main Cover: Adam Gorham
Subscription Cover: Kellye Perdue
Incentive Cover: Helen Mask
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Writer: Danielle Burgos, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Artist: James Campbell, Cara McGee
Main Cover: Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Subscription Cover: Jeremy Sorese
The Hero Frog has been discovered, but he might not be the hero that Wirt and Greg were expecting.
Retail $3.99
Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Ian McGinty
Main Cover: Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb
Subscription Cover: Pranas Naujokaitis
The Princess competition continues with everyone trying to do their best despite the prankster trying to ruin their fun.
Retail Price: $19.99
Writer: Charles Soule
Artists: Greg Scott and Soo Lee
Cover Artist: Ryan Stegman
Writer Charles Soule (Daredevil, Poe Dameron) and illustrator Greg Scott come together for a science-fiction tale of the ties that bind New York City.
Dr. Spencer Brownfield, a disgraced former professor, believes a series of cataclysmic events are coming to New York City, and someone has to keep the city safe after he’s gone. Enter Heller Wilson, a brilliant mathematics student who discovers that his ailing—perhaps insane—mentor has been saving New York City from societal collapse by a series of “adjustments,” a la the butterfly effect. But now, all signs point toward an impending disaster. Can Wilson take what little he’s learned and save the city in time?
Collects the complete series. Includes the never-before collected short story “Antithesis,” illustrated by Soo Lee (Liquid City).
Retail Price: $16.99
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artists: Hendry Prasetya, Jonathan Lam
Cover Artist: Goñi Montes
The first new Mighty Morphin Power Ranger in 23 years makes his debut in the comic book epic that had the world asking: who is this mysterious new Power Ranger? From writer Kyle Higgins (Nightwing, Batman Beyond 2.0) and artists Hendry Prasetya (Power Girl) and Jonathan Lam (Gotham Academy) comes the shocking revelations that will rock the Power Rangers to their core! This collection also includes new stories from the Adventures of Bulk and Skull by Steve Orlando (Namesake, Supergirl) and Corin Howell (Transformers: Windblade, Bat-Mite).
Collects issues #9-12.
Retail Price: $29.99
Writer: Mark Waid
Artist: Peter Krause, Diego Barreto, Eduardo Barreto, Damian Couceiro
Cover Artists: Michelle Ankley, with art by John Cassady & Laura Martin, Jeffrey Spokes, Dan Panosian and Peter Kraus
Our series of oversized, deluxe hardcovers collecting the award-nominated Irredeemable continues. Mark Waid’s (Daredevil) superhero epic asks the question, “What if the world’s greatest superhero decided to become the world’s greatest supervillain?”
Collects issues #24-31.
Retail Price: $19.99
Writer: Alex Paknadel
Artist: Artyom Trakhanov
Cover Artist: Artyom Trakhanov
Written by Alex Paknadel (Arcadia, Assassin’s Creed) and illustrated by Artyom Trakhanov (Undertow, American Vampire), Paknadel & Trakhanov’s Turncoat is a gripping exploration of the sociopolitical ramifications of occupation in a post-war civilization where the transition from oppression to emancipation is anything but clean.
It’s been three hundred years since humanity was brutally subjugated by the alien race known as Management—and two years since these invaders abandoned Earth to return to their home world. Following her participation in the brutal massacre that caused Management’s withdrawal, resistance fighter Marta Gonzalez is riddled with guilt. Rather than join the new human government, she starts her own private detective agency. When a missing persons case lands on her desk, Gonzalez is forced to confront her own bloody past as she delves into the seedy underworld that’s bloomed after the alien departure.
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $34.99
Writer: Alex Alice
Artist: Alex Alice
Cover Artist: Alex Alice
The breathtaking conclusion to master storyteller Alex Alice’s groundbreaking adaptation of Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung opera cycle brings the ancient Norse legend to life with spellbinding artistry. Young Siegfried has made it to the Land of Mists and now must face the great Dragon Fafnir at last and fight for the survival of mankind, no matter what the sacrifice.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: John Allison
Artists: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming
Cover Artist: Lissa Treiman
Written by John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and illustrated by Max Sarin, Giant Days Volume 5 finishes off freshman year in style, collecting issues #17-20 of the Eisner Award-nominated series. Their freshman year is finally coming to a close and Daisy, Susan, and Esther say goodbye to Catterick Hall forever. Literally forever. It’s being bulldozed and re-purposed as a luxury dorm next semester. But as one door closes, another opens and between end of semester hookups, music festivals, and moving into their first home together, their life experiences are just getting started.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writers: Whit Taylor, Sheanon Garrity, Mariko Tamaki, Derek Fridolfs, Zacahary Sterling, Eva Eskelinen, Ryan Browne, Kelsey Wroten, Kevin Jay Stanton, Riley Rossmo, Kiki’ssh, Meg Omac, Mar Julia
Artists: Kyla Vanderklugt, Roger Langridge, Leela Wagner, Derek Fridolfs, Zacahary Sterling, Eva Eskelinen, Ryan Browne, Kelsey Wroten, Kevin Jay Stanton, Riley Rossmo, Kiki’ssh, Meg Omac, Mar Julia
Cover Artist: Erin Hunting
It’s Adventure Time Comics time! These sweet shorts come in many shapes and sizes, featuring all of the beloved characters from the Land of Ooo, written and illustrated by acclaimed cartoonists and storytellers from all over the world. Presented in the artist’s own style, each story captures the creativity that Adventure Time inspires! Featuring work by Derek Fridolfs (Study Hall of Justice), Zachary Sterling (Adventure Time), Riley Rossmo (Batman), Kyla Vanderklugt (Storyteller: Witches), Roger Langridge (The Baker Street Peculiars, Snarked), and many more!
Collects issues #5-8
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Ryan Ferrier
Artist: Laura Howell
Cover Artist: Jorge Corona
Oooh, yeah! Get ready as the park hosts the greatest wrestling event in all the land, and Mordecai and Rigby become…a tag team? Just wait till you see who else enters the squared circle, as Ryan Ferrier (Kennel Block Blues) and Regular Show series artist Laura Howell bring you the newest original graphic novel Regular Show: Wrasslesplosion!
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Martin Cendreda
Artist: Martin Cendreda
Cover Artist: Martin Cendreda
Archaia adds a new children’s book to its library with Martin Cendreda’s An Apple and An Adventure, which uses rhyme and the ABCs to create an engaging world of wonder that’s both educational and fun. A young cave girl and her triceratops set out on an adventure from A to Z and make new friends along the way—galloping goliaths, nine newts, petite plesiosaurs, and more greet them on their journey through the alphabet!
The post BOOM! Studios’ April 2017 Solicitations appeared first on CBR.com.
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getseriouser · 5 years
20 THOUGHTS: Trade Radio Ga Ga (’is this real life or just a fantasy?’)
WHAT a stupid year. 
The losers of the NRL Grand Final are paid out as winners by bookmakers, and not because of a silly betting promotion but because the code and its officials are as relevant and effective in their jobs as contraception to Irish catholic newlyweds on their honeymoon.
Where Donald Trump himself is evidence our species might now be regressing, the fact endless hours of Trade Radio always have talkback callers is the proof in that devolution pudding.
And in a year where all the conservatives and right-wingers in this country should be as excited as a Beagle on full lipstick following ScoMo’s Steven Bradbury effort in May, they’re got their pantyhose and pressed slacks in a twist because of what some Volvo factory-worker’s teenage daughter has to say about the inclement weather conditions.
There was chaos and anarchy on Swan Street for the second time in three years last month but Hold Kong locals asked Richmond fans if they could hold their beer. We lost Polly and Spud, and said vale, gone too soon, to Saturday Night Rove. Five clubs let go of their coaches, Pope Francis delisted one of his cardinals, and a ginger from Christchurch defeated his own country by the virtue of most boundaries.
But at least we retained the Ashes in England.
  1.       Let’s start with the footy, trades season is almost done. Hutchy to his credit was a genius for seeing revenue opportunity in this trade period, with an ‘insert sponsor here’ open line and hours and hours of coverage, its been a windfall and then some for his business. But I reckon we’re only a year or so away from the unwashed realising there’s no relevance in any of it until the final day. There’s only so many Terry Wallace orations on the merits of list analysis before your average punter switches off. Know when to hold them, know when to fold them, Craig.
2.       The biggest name out there with a day to go is Joe Daniher. Was that meeting with Tom Harley a personal one or an actual, official Swans’ approach? Soft tacos, hard tacos, why not both? Now we have Essendon playing hardball and who knows if it gets done. Chances are it does, Geelong last year with Tim Kelly was more exception than example, if the Swans want him bad enough, they’ll lump up the pieces, especially if they fear as I do that Bud’s barely got ten more games in him in a market that requires a star.
3.       St Kilda has a lot on. Jack Steven and Josh Bruce are two big losses, but getting in Dougal Howard, Bradley Hill, Zak Jones, Paddy Ryder and Dan Butler are some nice pieces. If Ratten can indeed coach, and as an ex-Clarko assistant he should be just fine, next year looks properly solid down at Moorabbin.
4.       Whats the thinking with the Dogs? Aaron Naughton looks like a key forward gun, and Josh Schache was just starting to show something as a footballer without being a star. Yet they’re throwing all the cash at Josh Bruce for a go at a third flag? I do know he was free to a good home because the Saints were hellbent Max King’s twin at the Gold Coast would head home next year – not now after that re-signing yesterday. Couple big mistakes there for mine.
5.       Tom Papley worth pick nine? Righto. And the Masked Singer will be popular on Australian television too, right?..... Yep, pick nine sounds about right then, forgive me.
6.       Jack Martin though, to Carlton, that’s the steal of the whole thing. Martin is a freak, who has gone underappreciated playing in the ghost town that is Gold Coast, for a horribly weak side, in a club that can’t develop anyone not named Tom Lynch. But has talent to burn and could easily become one of Carlton’s top 10 players next year, in fact based on the player he can become, he should. Think 2019 Michael Walters. Seriously. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
7.       Collingwood have cap issues? Really? Firstly who really knows, unlike North American sports where contracts are public, only each club really knows how much room they’ve got and how that ever would be divulged puzzles me. And yes they have to pay Grundy, De Goey and Moore next year, although the latter won’t be all that much given his hamstrings are like an Uber driver with turrets, unreliable and could snap at any time. But given the Pies were offering Tom Lynch the same financial terms as Richmond this time last year, with Scott Pendlebury out of contract next year and coming down in salary, with less stars to pay than West Coast, how is this a thing? It isn’t. Chris Mayne is overpaid, sure, but that’s it. Wells has retired, Beams took a cut, and unless George Calombaris oversaw their player payments and there’s backpay to cover off, I think it’s a total beat-up. But sure, let James Aish being wanted by his former backs coach at Freo to fuel that fable.
8.       Crows hired Matthew Nicks. Reckon that’s got fail all over it. Adelaide’s list is in a heap, the review basically said their post Grand-Final plans two years ago totally wiped the place out like a broken toilet on a buck’s weekend, and not seeing to the damage since has only exacerbated the crap spilling out all over the shop. Good half dozen or so quality players leaving this offseason, Walker and Sloane are the wrong side of 30 and they’ve got only a few good kids, most clubs around them have better youth and are more rapidly improving. Either Nicks can’t coach at the level or he can but the Crows will be a bad side regardless, either way it doesn’t see him making a new contract beyond whats given out today.
9.       NRL. Definiton of a pub league. Your local Wednesday night basketball is better run. And with better officiating. That Six Again controversy was the most befitting thing you’ll ever see to a sport, a sport where 13 of its 16 clubs run insolvent, but that’s ok because all their giant pokies-infested leagues club venues write them all a cheque to cover the losses each year. Absolute pub league.
10.   If an umpire or referee makes a bad call, it’s only made worse by changing that decision midstream. If a player marks the ball, but then the umpire overrules saying no, it was touched, its no mark, and because you’ve claimed it and made no attempt to get rid of it its now holding the ball, you just can’t do that. Kids are taught to play to the whistle. Except in rugby league then. Because chances are what the ref just said isn’t what he is about to mean in a couple seconds time, just be patient. That referee shouldn’t be crucified for what’s essentially just one error, but in the grand scheme of things, he needs witness protection. Or better yet, stay off the roster for trips to Canberra next season.
11.   It was mentioned in the preamble but no wonder SportsBet paid out all Canberra to win bets. The Raiders had all the momentum, it was 8-all, and it was near the Roosters tryline. They were no guarantee to score off that play, at best they might have got a repeat set. But if there was anyone more likely to break that deadlock given who was playing better but also, more importantly, the territory battle, it was the Green Machine. This isn’t SportsBet just being philanthropic, the result is just that shady.
12.   Speaking of Sportsbet – Western United. Made their A-League debut on the weekend, won one-nil in front of some fans at Wellington. But it was midweek that we saw their announcement which said “we are proud to announce SportsBet has joined the club as its exclusive sports wagering partner”. Firstly, poor form, in a city where all the AFL clubs are quite publicly backing out of gambling revenue, to be going the other way stinks big time. But secondly, what does that even mean? That if I go into a TAB all Western United games are unavailable to bet on. Coz that’s just not even close to true. Dumb and stupid in all of the ways, that.
13.   So the new boys have their home opener this weekend down at Geelong, even though they’re a team based out of Tarneit. Melbourne Victory when they’ve ventured down to Sleepy Hollow attract 14,000 or so, who knows how many turn up for the novelty first time around this Saturday. But going forward, given Melbourne City don’t exceed 10,000 and they play in town, if they’re getting anymore than 5,000-6,000 in what’s otherwise a 36,000 AFL venue, its going to look oh so pretty on television. What’s the opposite of the eggplant emoji?
14.   Few more on the A-League, firstly, why have your opening round smack bang in the middle of an international window? They were so hyper vigilant to schedule their opening round after the AFL and NRL had ended they failed to recognise all of the good Aussie players will be off winning 28-nil against Chinese Taipei or Christmas Island or whoever it was. Its like Victoria Police planning a social function on New Year’s Eve. No-one’s going to be able to make it you morons.
15.   And you open up with the Melbourne Derby. Lucky Victory is a terrifically run club with a strong, loyal fanbase. But only 33,000, with zero promotion? These should be nudging 50,000.
16.   Lastly, you know they’re going really well when the free-to-air partner this season is the ABC. Even the VFL got a commercial broadcaster, yet the country’s premier round ball competition shares a channel with Gardening Australia and Four Corners. And the cherry on the top is when it comes to finals, and I’ll quote the ABC press release on this one, where “one A-League match per round broadcast live on ABC TV and iView around the country… and a selection of A-League finals on delay, including the grand final.” Delay?! Remember those days? You can’t make this stuff up.
17.   Darren Weir got done for using jiggers. Rest of racing stays dead quiet. Right. Now is that because Darren is their mate and despite the heinous crimes blood is thicker than water in the industry and they have some empathy for him? Or is it a case of if he can get caught, then maybe some of the others equally as guilty could so easily as well, and staying mum is step one of avoiding such scrutiny? I wonder.
18.   So, Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge broke the two-hour barrier for running a marathon. Phenomenal achievement, just ridiculous to even comprehend the feat. Amazing. But it won’t count as a world record. Why? Well it wasn’t a race. Old mate contrived the event with a couple dozen pacers to help him do it and that’s it. It’s like if me and some mates hire lane eight down Altona Pool Thursday morning, and fresh off a high-protein breakfast and a quick hit of flakka happen to break 20 seconds for one-lap of freestyle – you think FINA will recognise it? You think Kieran Perkins will shout me free Light Start for life off the back of it? As a milk crusader I could only dream of such a reward but yeah nah. Nice stunt Eliud, you’re a freak of a human. But we’re in the same boat brother.
19.   Tough one, not just for boxing because its bigger than that, but Patrick Day is in real bother and sincere optimism about his recovery to one side, so is his sport. Day was knocked out in the tenth round in a bout with Charles Conwell in Chicago in the weekend, which in itself is not unusual. But the consequences of the blow are such that Day is in a coma and in an “extremely critical condition”. Again, nothing but positive wishes about his eventual recovery first and foremost, but in an era where concussion in the football codes is as alarming as ever, combat spots’ existence, like boxing, could/would/should be on borrowed time with cases like this.
20.   TV ratings worry the pants off me. By far the most important and major revenue source for all the sport we love to watch, it helps grow the professionalism and the standards, and the access really. But as TV viewership declines, so does the viewership with live sport. And we all waited with bated breath for the NRL Grand Final numbers in the hope maybe they would be good, and it wasn’t just sport in general in trouble, that maybe rugby league was still on an upward trajectory and its just everyone else.
Nope, it was down too. Usually something that rates at times near 3m nationally, it was around 1.8m. The AFL Grand Final, with an engaged Sydney audience, has been on a trajectory over 3.5m, topping 4m occasionally, it was under 3m for the first time in years. Australia Open primetime slots were down, cricket was good but still down, be it the summer on Seven or The Ashes mid-year on Nine.
What does this mean? It means less people are watching live sport. And when advertisers hear that, they’ll be paying less to the networks for the privilege of putting 30 seconds of their product in front of the eyeballs of footy fans. And that then means TV networks will hand over less cash, subsequently, to the sporting bodies for the rights to broadcast their fixtures.
It doesn’t mean that we’re all destined to see the days of the 1980s return where players need a job outside of footy and only one game is broadcast a week and all that nostalgia. But the idea that salaries will keep going up and up is gone, the idea the game can grow at the same rate looks doomed. So unless someone makes Foxtel honest (nudge nudge Amazon Prime) or this is only a lull, and once we get over Fortnite and Korean boy-bands we will all fall back in love with Friday night in front of the telly watching footy, it’s a big, big concern. 
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mohanmekap · 6 years
In a delightful evening when there is plenty of flowers swinging slowly with nice cool winds, spreading fragrance all over the arena when the harmonious lighting of decorating fascination of brilliant jeweller like syndrome all over the garden, a smile across his face comes to grip.
It is a smile after many days, as the blossoming of flowers and sparkling fragrance of garden is making his mind full of energy to attend the unattainable syndrome of achieving something bigger than anticipation.
He sat in an armchair in front of the home and looking at the flowers and trying to flash back his life with some jovial yet tragic moments which he cannot continue to hold it in some high heeled and fascinating manners.
The past has proven to be a point of contention where his parents have requested him not to run with those shreds of memories. Life has been full of surprises and his life is so full of pain and death can be even more painful. He is at the crossroads of choosing life over death.
He wants to see flowers and wants to engage with those flowers and trying to see life, smile and future from all these fascinating factors of life with lots of possible painful pondering of the entire stage of life is still continue to be counting down to the last.
He looks at the sky, that is purple painting all around, for, over many years, he continued to live in denial and trying hard to avoid light which seems to lay down the least possible anticipation of anarchy which some segment of his life littering without any such static point.
He does not want to be wishfully dynamic at any stretch of the imagination. He is holding a galaxy phone in his hand and trying hard to find the answer of this automatic diseased destroyed mind was a sad part of life is pinning permanently without any such activities and anticipation.
The purple sun:
He looks at the sky and observes the sinking sun, purple in colour and seems to be showing the light to the entire sky and it is predicted to the possibilities of a return of stars after sinking sun sinks from its seat out.
Along automatic air comes out from his lungs and looks to him where most of his limbs are not laying down there with slow and passive positivity but the mobile and agility of all sorts of life is still devoid of any sign of revival.
He wants to live as for sure the pain possibly coming out from inside is inked towards his face signs and he slowly and shuttle making his life a remarkable happening which cannot be overcome at any point of time. He opened his galaxy phone and then open its music player to hear some songs that can give proper cool and fresh mind to all these miseries.
Many have said songs are the greatest form of pleasantness and with these songs, all miseries and moods can be changed and charged with all possible part of positivity. He is desperately trying hard to take his mood towards not so troublesome ways and from where he can woo his life with a stiff and proper manner of making it most from all shreds of life without any such preponderance of the fast pace of life.
In the meantime, sinking sun vanishes from the entire sky vanity making the mockery of light as the entire sky is now total dark with some twinkling stars moving here and there as it seems to his probable eyesight is slowly fading to the failing health and they are moving from here and there without any such disturbances.
He looks at the sky and it seems to him the better place than here and he is trying hard to find a place for him inside the vast domain of universe and trying hard to go for a long distance so that no one could ever achieve even with the presence of binoculars.
He thinks why such pain and miseries at the earth side, despite systematically humans are the best possible species but still why many humans are living a life of painful participation to their long life and why they are completely ignoring their entire life with as such painful preparation, where he could not understand a single bit of story of every life which has many miseries and pains.
Why many people are either suffering because of poverty or suffering thanks to pain and past miseries. Why our head is always thinking of the past and the negatives and why after so many continuances of ignoring past still our mind continues to be there all the time thinking of past and preventing possible advent to advance to different dynamics of life with most of the time worrying factors.
He always asks these questions to himself and for many years he has multiple answers, but no time he gets and garners a correct co-regulated city where he can find the real part of probable and possible with painful answers.
It is as such one of the factors of life where there is no time for humans to think beyond life and this is giving them the most possible pain and parts of life where everyone is at the stage to be or not to be and from which arena one can find the correct part of life where nothing can be changed as everyone feels one should always be there thinking about past but there is no undo button of life to maintain and carefully observe to be and no to be syndrome.
Life is full of surprises and but no point of time one can find the real part of observation when nothing can be changed and attracted towards every possibility of life and in order to find the meaning of life slowly one becomes one such weak and tired that no one can find the complete way out and from where to continue life without observation of complete manner that sets it and make it completely apart from the degenerating thought processes which make it most of the time hilarious and unattainable towards ease of life.
He thinks of his own self and tries hard to find the real answer of his life and trying to manage all his worries to a cluster of possible vertical identity so that one thought and one pain which is associated with it can be distinguished from one another without any such disturbances and animations to life.
It is a question of living a life and trying hard to find a simple way to live. Look at animals and birds they are free and they roam here and there and trying hard to find the real part of life without any such worries and for this entire part of life is the singing bird from where everything can be completely calculated and attend able to the core part of life.
It is all about living as he knows to live a life comes with a harrowing but death is not the answer as it can be more destroyable and painful than living a life.
0 notes
With Donald Trump in the White House, it seems like an odd time for a debate about civility on the left to break out. But after three administration officials were confronted at restaurants in separate incidents last week, calls for civility have flourished. Those advocating a more polite politics argue that civility should be the left’s m.o. not only because it’s morally desirable, but because it’s politically effective — and “incivility” is not.
On Twitter, that bastion of civil discourse, former White House advisor David Axelrod, argued that the left, by cheering press secretary Sarah Sanders’s ouster from a Virginia restaurant, was playing into Trump’s hands. He wrote that he was “amazed and appalled” to see the left embrace this form of protest.
And Conor Friedersdorf of the Atlantic tweeted that he was “happy to entertain” the idea that such actions might be politically productive, but he perceived mostly ineffectual self-congratulation.
“[O]n the ‘civility works better’ side I cite Ghandi [sic] and MLK and Nixon’s re-election,” Friedersdorf wrote: “What would you cite for ‘incivility gets it done’?”
Dragging Martin Luther King, Jr into the debate, though, undercuts rather than supports the pro-civility argument. Not because King rejected civility — he regularly called for nonviolence not only in action but in speech, to make unignorable the moral chasm between the tactics of the nonviolent protesters and the vitriol and bloodshed of the other side.
But not only were King and nonviolent activists regularly denounced as too uncivil, stirring up trouble in an otherwise peaceful society, but King in particular saw calls for civility as the wily weapons they were.
For all the saintliness King has accrued since his death, he was regularly reviled during his life, portrayed as someone recklessly rending the fabric of a largely free and democratic society. By 1966, 63 percent of Americans had a negative perception of King. And it wasn’t just King the person they disliked. It was his commitment to direct action, frequently described as threatening civic norms in a fundamental way.
In 1965, Will Herberg wrote in the National Review: “For years now, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and his associates have been deliberately undermining the foundations of internal order in this country.” By calling out “mobs” to protest against injustice, Herberg argued, King and his acolytes “have taught anarchy and chaos by word and deed.”
The Chicago Tribune, in an anti-King editorial following a 1966 march through the city, juxtaposed the tranquility of daily life with the disruption of protest. “Families ordinarily would be enjoying the chance to sit on the front porch reading the paper, to sprinkle their lawns and work in their gardens, or to go to the park or beach. Instead, they are confronted by a shuffling procession of strangers carrying signs and posing as martyrs. The spectacle is repulsive to right-thinking people.” In other words, why couldn’t the rabble-rousers leave Chicagoans alone to enjoy their weekend in peace (just as Sanders should have been allowed to enjoy a quiet evening out)?
Nor was it just conservative outlets that believed King and his methods contributed to incivility — or worse. After the assassination of Robert Kennedy in 1968, Rowland Evans and Robert Novak penned a column calling for “civility” and “tolerance” to be restored to America. They found the seeds of national violence in the “un-civil disobedience” of direct action, and traced a single line from sit-ins to urban uprisings to the assassinations of King and Kennedy.
King, of course, understood these calls to civility for what they were: attempts to shut down, or at least slow, the movement for equal rights. That understanding shaped his response, in “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” to moderate white Alabama pastors who encouraged their congregants to reject King, a man they saw as an outsider disturbing the peaceful atmosphere of the South.
King’s famous letter spoke directly to these calls for a more “constructive and realistic” response to oppression. He denounced “the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.”
Peace, King understood, was not the primary goal. The status quo, though never as peaceful as it appeared to white Americans, existed precisely because society had created enough legal and social mechanisms to enforce inequality and oppression without obvious acts of state violence and extrajudicial terror. The civility of segregation was upheld by the threat of violence, a threat King helped make clear through his program of resistance.
The current calls for civility ignore this longer history. They overlook the way civility has been used as a cudgel, providing moral cover for immoral laws. And they fail to grapple with the limits of what really can be achieved by civility.
Which is the other problem with saying King’s actions are evidence that “civility works better”: King was only one voice within the push for black freedom; many other participants in that struggle saw nonviolent resistance as at best a useful tactic and at worst a useless one. The threat of “the fire next time” — James Baldwin’s warning of more violent resistance to white supremacy that would follow if nonviolent resistance failed — pushed lawmakers to work with King on civil rights legislation. Civility worked, sort of, but only in combination with the background threat of much less civil tactics.
In recent years, we have seen a rise in the number of voices clamoring for a return to an era of centrism, consensus, and civility. But rarely do the proponents of this other version of making America great again really grapple with the way those ideas have historically worked to protect the powerful and sustain the status quo.
Civility is a nice idea, but it should be the reward for securing a more just nation. It’s not the surest way to achieve justice. Indeed, it can be a method for denying it.
Nicole Hemmer, a Vox columnist, is the author of Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics. She is an assistant professor at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center and co-host of the Past Present podcast.
The Big Idea is Vox’s home for smart discussion of the most important issues and ideas in politics, science, and culture — typically by outside contributors. If you have an idea for a piece, pitch us at [email protected]
Original Source -> In MLK’s day, conservatives didn’t think he was so “civil”
via The Conservative Brief
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ambition-of-a-vixen · 6 years
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Meet SOFIA MIHAVA, a THIRTY year old who resembles GAL GADOT. She was born in TEL AVIV, ISREAL but hails from SOFIA, BULGARIA. She lives in the Guardian quarters with ELIZA, RAMON, HORACIO AND ILIYA. Sofia was born to a widow, her father dying in a car crash on his way home. Her mother found herself completely depressed, feeling like it was her fault that her husband died. She urged him to return to Israel with her, leaving his family in Bulgaria. She wanted to end it all, feeling misery for the guilt she felt. It was her child that kept her going but she didn’t feel like she could raise her child. It was his child though, the child had to survive. When Sofia was born, her mother sobbed, seeing how much she looked like her father. She named her daughter after the city that she met her husband, giving her daughter her husband’s name. She struggled taking care of her daughter, finding herself crying with the infant. She reached out to her husband’s family, asking if they could take Sofia into their care. Sofia was moved from Israel to Bulgaria, while her mother got the help that she needed. Her paternal grandmother sought to have her grandchild do things similar to her father, she was placed in martial arts, learning Krav Maga. By the age 16, she accomplished mastery in multiple forms of martial art, her hands were legally registered as a weapon. Sofia was approached by Eva after a match with an invitation to meet with the eldest princess of Bulgaria. The Eighteen year old meet with the princess, taking a stroll through the royal gardens. Unaware of this, the princess had staged for a person to pretend like they were about to attack her. Sofia had pushed the princess away, instructing her to get away, the girl had took on a royal guard, subduing him, leaving him unconscious. She looked around expecting others to be rushing over, instead she saw the princess with Eva and another, Iliana, the two maids standing with clipboards. The elder girl was confused until Kalina explained that she was looking for someone to be her personal guard, protecting her from anyone who sought to harm her while looking inconspicuous enough that people wouldn’t suspect her. Sofia was brought on as apart of the Princess’ service, she was encouraged to learn more as well as teach the princess how to defend herself, but Sofia saw that Kalina needed not more ways to defend herself, but showed her how to channel her anger, sparring with Kalina when needed be. Sofia was one of the few people who Kalina couldn’t kill if she tried. While Kalina and her maids were in school learning things to make power moves, Sofia took up toxicology, she found it would be best to know types of poisons given her job. Sofia graduated Summa Cum Laude, prompting a proud princess to give her guardian woman a lovely pay raise. While Kalina was gone for the island, Sofia decided to use the time to find and repair her relationship with her mother, traveling to Israel, needing to fill the hole that her mother left in her heart. Sofia had to take many steps to get her mother to see her, initially wanting to tell her about how she missed out on knowing a great person because of her own skills that a princess recruited her to be her body guard, that she was legally registered as a weapon able to kill a person in a multitude of ways and because of her princess that she serves, she could get away with it. That her employer paid for her to not only go get a bachelors, but then allowed her to get a masters in Cyber Crime. She was surprised to see that in her mother’s home was in fact a room tracking every accomplishment that she had received, some obviously sent by her grandmother, but there was web pages and new paper clippings of her achievements. Sofia was taken aback that her mother kept up with everything she did, even having pictures from both of her graduations and the programs from it. There was even pictures of her standing with the princess as her guard. She was touched in knowing that her mother wanted to know everything about her, learning that she didn’t feel like she was worthy of being in her life. So young and so accomplished while she was weak and blamed herself for her husband’s death. Sofia in that moment decided to stay in Tel Aviv, rebuilding her relationship, getting to know her mother. There was a culture shock for her, and a great difference for her coming from living in the palace to a home, but she assured her mother that she was worth it. Sofia protected her mother from those who sought to try to loot their home or those who tried to harm her. She didn’t know how to lead people the same way Eva and Iliana did, she definitely didn’t know how to do it like Kalina or the Tsar, Tsarina and Crown Prince, but she knew she could reach out to Eva and Iliana, taking their advice, she banded people around them, leading them from falling into anarchy. She found it was extremely stressful and it wasn’t a skill she possessed naturally, having to make extremely hard decisions. She represented her community when things started to get better, she rallied support for the monarchy, asking for them to get someone who could serve the people to assist in getting them better. She insisted on not being that person, explaining that it was something she did because she had to not because she wanted to do. Sofia used the time, with the nation in recovery and no longer responsible for leading, to take her mother on a vacation as a bonding trip. Sofia wondered if Kalina would call on her since her return to Bulgaria, learning from Eva that Kalina wanted her back but she also wanted her to stay with her mom, that she should return when her relationship with her mom would be set regardless of if she was anywhere in the world. That was the first sign that she had that something was different about her employer, next was pay for time that she wasn’t working, she assumed that Kalina was doing that as an insurance that she would return. She again reached out when Kalina arrived in Brazil, this time Iliana turned her away, saying that Sofia should stay with her mother. Perplexed by this, she asked her mom what was the means of this. For the first time, the two had a fight, as her mother had been in correspondence with Eva asking if they could delay asking for Sofia back as she wasn’t ready to let her go yet. Too many years had gone by and she was terrified that if she was gone again then she wouldn’t hear from her anymore. Sofia assured her mother that it wouldn’t happen but she shouldn’t be telling her boss that. She reached out hearing the news of the prince passing, she knew that Kalina being in a place that she didn’t know, she would want her services. Iliana instructed for when Sofia was to return, telling her that they would set everything up for her return. All she had to do was get her affairs in order, refresh her Portuguese and her mother situated. They even offered to get her an apartment near the palace. Her mother decided against it, wanting to stay in her home. Sofia arrived in Brazil per Iliana’s instructions during the funeral, but lurking in the shadows, learning and observing those who were around her princess. Just like always, Iliana knew what Kalina wanted before she could say it, she received her summons, officially returning to the Princess’ service. She was put in place as head of the Princess’ guard service, allowed to shift each however she saw fit. She had input on who was hired to serve with them, needing three more guards.
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