#a beautifully organized cabinet
biohazard-inevitable · 11 months
It may be silly and quaint but I like to daydream about my future fridge that is organized by just me…
Eggs would be in a clear, reusable container so i can see how many are left
A well kept drawer just for cheese
Perishables like potatoes and fruits would be front and center, easy to grab and see if they’ve gone bad
Clear nozzled bottles that are labeled for different cooking oils wether it be cooking wine, olive oil, etc all labeled with the name and last restock date
A drawer for herbs like garlic cloves and other vegetables in that sort of vein
Little clear organiser baskets of snacks places in a line like they would be at the grocery store
Sodas also in a similar clear container so i can see when to restock
2 % milk and Heavy cream aplenty as well as whipped cream
A butter section seperate from everything so i dont have to go digging for it every time….
Everything neat and tidy and easily accessible for any recepie I may try
OH! And a basket organizer purely reserved for leftovers in tupperware so they dont get forgotten about
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greensagephase · 1 year
Nonviolent Communication - Part Seven
***Beautiful sketches for this chapter were made by two lovely artists and I'm ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with them!! Please go and show them some love!! They captured Miguel so BEAUTIFULLY!! You can find them here and here. Thank you so much guys, I'm so in love with them and will always cherish them 🥹❤️ @sunsetdoodler @lauraolar14 ***
Miguel O'Hara x SpideyFemReader
Summary: It's Christmas Eve and Mr. and Mrs. Morales ask you to do something for them.
Word Count: 11,729 (I'm just gonna shut up about the word count at this point and just say I'm sorry.)
Warnings: Some readers may not recognize some food items mentioned but it's not too important for the plot, however, a brief description is included at the end if you're interested; mention of reader's family and their Christmas days (good memories); Miguel (I won't elaborate)
Music inspo while writing: (I'm obsessed with the ATSV album so much that Metro Boomin has been my #1 artist on Spotify for months lmao)
"Link Up" - Metro Boomin, Don Toliver, Wizkid, BEAM, Toian
"Self Love" - Metro Boomin, Coi Leray
"Hummingbird" - Metro Boomin, James Blake
"Calling" - Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, NAV, A Boogie Wit da Hoodie
"Nonviolent Communication" - Metro Boomin, James Blake, A$AP Rocky, 21 Savage (you already know)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine |
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Part Seven
You returned to your apartment after Miguel showed you his ofrenda. You didn’t sleep. The candy and coffee Miguel gave you kept you up and so you resumed your chores, but your mind was elsewhere. It was occupied. By Miguel, who smiled at you that night. You couldn’t and won’t forget the sight of it. It’s branded into your brain forever. Even when you eventually found yourself in bed under your warm sheets that night, you laid there and stared at the ceiling.
He smiled at you. It was small but it was a smile. He showed you his ofrenda and shared food with you. You tossed and turned that night thinking that maybe… it was safe to assume you’re friends with Miguel. You couldn’t help but wonder if he thought the same about you though. You eventually decided that either way, you’re happy he has shared those moments with you.
There was a shift between the two of you, of course. It was like a door opened. A door that Miguel himself unlocked and opened for you to walk through. And he had in a sense, as that night he wished, for the first time, that you would cross his boundary lines by asking questions and sharing your thoughts with him.
As the days go on, you continue to spend time with him on missions, before meetings, and of course, when you organize his lab. You notice Lyla starts to involve him more in conversations when you’re there. He surprisingly adds to the conversation sometimes. He still doesn’t want to intrude, especially when he knows Lyla loves talking to you. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t pay more attention now though.
You’re also surprised when the following week after Dia de los Muertos, Lyla offers you snacks, mentioning that Miguel keeps candy in a hidden cabinet. He adds that you’re welcome to grab any. You don’t fail to notice that the cabinet contains the candy from that night, specifically the ones you enjoyed the most. What you don’t know is that no one else was informed about this candy cabinet.
The holidays quickly arrive. You spend Thanksgiving Day at Peter’s universe with Mary Jane, Mayday, and the rest of your friend group. For the first time in three years, you celebrate and feel the holiday spirit. With each passing day, you feel lighter. That feeling of moving forward grows each day.
As the days go by, the beautiful colors of autumn begin to fade. The leaves part ways with the trees with the promise that new ones will sprout in the spring. The days and nights are colder. The city is covered in snow. Christmas trees are displayed behind condensed windows. Lively Christmas music fills your ears almost everywhere you go when you go out on errands.
As always, the month of December flies by and suddenly you find yourself on Miles’s rooftop surrounded by his neighbors, friends, and family. It’s Christmas Eve and the building is having its annual party, to which you were invited by the Morales family.
You met Miles’s parents a few months ago, almost immediately after joining the Spider Society. According to Miles, he revealed his secret to them shortly after saving his dad from dying. The Morales not only know about Miles’s Spider-Man identity but also about the multiverse now. Due to that, Miles was able to introduce his friends to his parents, so they know everyone in Miles’s friend group. Once you were adopted by the group, you were no exception. You were introduced right away, and Miles’s parents took a liking to you quickly, which is how you found yourself invited to this party and other events in the past, including simple family dinners.
You’ve been here for over two hours now and have spent much of that time socializing both with your friends and Miles’s neighbors, who all seem curious about you and the rest of the group. You smile as you think of the many times you’ve had to say that you’re Miles’s mentor from school each time someone asks who you are. Of course, attending the party meant that all of you had to come up with excuses to avoid raising suspicions. Gwen is Miles’s girlfriend, but she lives outside of the city. Pav is a friend from school and you’re a school mentor. At least you guys had it simple and didn’t have to be as creative as Noir, who has spent much of his time up in the water tower hiding for obvious reasons with Peter Porker.
You lean over the rooftop’s parapet on your own in a less crowded section, trying to take a little break from so much socializing. You stare out at Miles’s neighborhood, listening to the music the DJ, who you were also introduced to, plays. He’s been playing some Christmas music here and there, mixed with other upbeat songs for the party. You hear the chatter and laughter. Children run in groups, excited about opening gifts soon. The city is covered in snow, and you heard from one of Miles’s aunts that a white Christmas is expected. You snuggle into your coat as you feel a breeze, thinking.
You can’t help but think about Peter. In a few months it’ll be four years since his death. You sigh. Time has really flown by. As your eyes scan the city, landing on other rooftops with people celebrating, you think about the first holidays without him. There were no decorations put out. No food was cooked. No parties or dinners were held or attended. You woke up on Christmas Day like it was any other day as you had already ended your previous friendships. There was no Peter waking you up with a grin telling you breakfast was ready, using that as an excuse to get you to go to the living room so you could start opening his gifts.  
On New Years, you slept through it as the rest of the city celebrated the arrival of another year. For you, it was just the beginning of the first full year without Peter.
With each year, you’ve slowly put some decorations here and there but until this year, you hadn’t put your Christmas tree up. You smile as you think of it now. You managed to do that this year. Yet another sign you’re moving in the right direction. And of course, being here now, that’s a sign of its own.
Even though you need a break from socializing, you look fondly over at your friends. The people that have turned into your little family. Yes, things have changed. Things are changing.
You have them, the Morales family, Jess… Miguel.
Your mind shifts to Miguel. You wonder what he’s doing now. What he did today. You saw him yesterday in passing as you were busy with missions that he wasn’t on. Then, there was an emergency at your universe just as there was an anomaly detected somewhere else, which he and other members handled. You meant to wish him happy holidays as he gave the Spider Society members today and tomorrow off but unfortunately you were unable to.
You feel your fingers graze your wrist, the one with your gizmo. You could send him a message, but you find the thought strange for some reason as you’ve never done that before. Maybe it would be weird, you think, but should you send Miguel a message and wish him a Merry Christmas regardless? You debate it as you look out into the city, your fingers grazing your wrist softly as you think of him.  
You turn in surprise, feeling like you were caught doing something wrong. You drop your hand from your wrist and regain your composure as your eyes fall on Mr. and Mrs. Morales, who stand in front of you. They both look pleased to see you. You notice Mrs. Morales is holding two plates wrapped in aluminum foil while Captain Morales holds two cans of soda, but you don’t think much about it.
“Mrs. Morales, Captain Morales, hey,” you say with a smile, still feeling startled.
“Sorry if we scared you, mija,” Mrs. Morales says. That’s another thing. Even though the Morales aren’t that much older than you, Mrs. Morales uses the endearing “mija” and each time she uses it, you can’t help but feel comforted by this.
You smile and shake your head. “It’s okay. I was just – thinking.”
The couple nods, giving you a knowing look. “We know holidays can be difficult with loved ones gone,” Mrs. Morales says in a tender and understanding tone as they both know about Peter and your overall lack of family and friends in your universe.
You nod and keep your smile, knowing very well that you weren’t thinking of Peter just now but of Miguel. You feel a little guilty, but you were thinking about Peter earlier, so it counts, right?
“Yes… the last couple of years haven’t been easy but I’m in a different headspace now,” you say with a pause, meaning it. “Thank you for inviting me again, by the way. I know I’ve already said it, but it means a lot to me,” you tell them.
“No need to thank us again. You know you’re like family. We’re just glad you’re here tonight with all of them,” Captain Morales says, referring to your group of friends.
You smile brightly at the couple now. You tell them you’re thankful to be there and mean it. You had no other plans in your own universe, so that means you would’ve been home alone despite feeling the Christmas spirit this year. The Morales couple pulls you in for a hug after you tell them that and you can’t refuse it, as they’ve been nothing but kind to you over the last months.
“And don’t forget, you’re always welcome to come over for dinner. So, if you ever feel alone – just use your watch and come join us,” Mrs. Morales adds with a smile that brings you comfort. Again, they’re not that much older than you but their parental energy brings you a comfort you haven’t felt in a long time.
You give them a soft smile. “I know, thank you. I appreciate it, truly. It means so much to me,” you say with your tone full of sincerity, hoping that they understand how much it truly means to you.
“No need to thank us. As Jeff said, you’re part of the family now,” Mrs. Morales says, patting your shoulder in a motherly way. “We were also looking for you to ask for a favor.”
Captain Morales nods and you wonder what it could be. You wonder if it has to do with Miles.
“Yeah, of course! How may I help?” you ask, curiously.
Mrs. Morales lifts the plates and Captain Morales lifts the cans of soda. “Well… Miles and Gwen mentioned a little while ago that you and Miguel are close.”
“And we were wondering if you would mind taking him some food to his fancy tech universe,” Captain Morales adds as they both watch you with smiles, hoping you’ll say yes.
You stare at them with a smile as you process their words. Close. You and Miguel are close. And Miles and Gwen said that? Of course, Miguel and you have grown close, but it has been something behind closed doors. You can’t help but wonder how Miles and Gwen reached that conclusion. It’s not like you and Miguel are strolling into the cafeteria together to have lunch. All your interactions have been private so far, minus the meetings of course, but even then, those can’t be enough to show the closeness between you and Miguel. You briefly wonder if the rest of your friend group talk about it if Gwen and Miles found it important enough to mention. Or maybe it’s not that important, who knows with teenagers.
And on top of that, you can’t help but feel like Mrs. Morales emphasized the word “close.” It almost makes it sound like you’re close in a different way.
“Yeah, I guess you can say we’re kind of friends,” you say, trying to clear up any misconception they may have. You briefly look at your friends, who are still under the water tower all grouped together, wondering what they’ve seen or heard.
“Right. Friends! That’s great. You know Miguel could really use some friends because Miles says he’s still a little close off even after what happened, you know,” Captain Morales says a little too fast, giving his wife a look she returns. It’s a look you can’t decipher as they quickly mask it, but you know an entire conversation took place with that shared look.
“Well, you know that man is so closed off. Anyone who says they’re friends with him should be considered close. That’s what Miles and Gwen meant,” Mrs. Morales says with a smile, probably trying to reassure you about what they said. “But do you mind? We invited him but he didn’t show up and it’s Christmas Eve,” Mrs. Morales says with a look that you recognize. Miguel is most likely alone on Christmas Eve.
You nod softly, still smiling. “I’ll gladly take the food,” you reply.
Miles’s parents beam at you before they hand you the plates and soda cans.
“Thank you, mija!” Mrs. Morales says. “If you don’t mind… staying with him for a little while. At least while he eats,” she says quieter, and you nod.
“I was planning on it,” you answer, giving her a reassuring smile because you thought about it the moment they explained their request.
“I knew you would. And hey, if he wants more, just travel back with your fancy watch and get more. Oh, before I forget!” she says and turns around.
She heads to a table and from a large box pulls out two goody bags.
“Here. One for you and for him. Take them before the kids take them all,” she says, jokingly. You slip the soda cans into your coat’s pockets to receive the goody bags, which you also slip into your pockets. “Tell him the Morales family wishes him a Merry Christmas for us,” she says just as Captain Morales puts his arm around her, pulling her closer.
You nod and give them both a smile. “I’ll let him know. I’ll head out now, that way the food doesn’t get too cold,” you say as you can feel the food was freshly served out of their containers since the plates feel hot. “If they ask about me, let them know I’ll be back shortly, please,” you say, motioning to your friends.
“We’ll tell them! Thank you again. We’ll see you in a bit,” Captain Morales adds.
You tell them goodbye and thank them again for the invitation. You make your way down the fire escape stairs, careful not to slip on ice until you reach the ground. You walk for a bit, looking for a place to open your portal discreetly. As you look around, you have a sudden thought. Is Miguel at HQ? He gave today and tomorrow off but did he also take the day off? Or is he still there? You click on your gizmo.
“Lyla?” you say, in an empty alleyway.
It takes a few seconds before Lyla’s hologram appears above your gizmo.
“Y/N! Merry Christmas Eve.”
You smile at her. “Merry Christmas Eve, Lyla. Sorry to interrupt you but I was wondering. Is… Miguel at HQ?” you ask, and Lyla raises her eyebrows.
“No. He’s at his penthouse.”
Lyla’s answer makes you feel relieved. You had a picture in your mind of him in his lab alone. The vision alone made your heart ache.
“That’s good! Do you think you can ask him to meet me there? At HQ?” you ask.
Lyla frowns. “I don’t think so. He’s – busy,” she simply says.
“Oh. Well, the Morales family are sending him food and they asked me to take it to him,” you say, not knowing what to do now.
“Just go to his penthouse.”
You stare at Lyla in disbelief at her suggestion that you should go to his penthouse, feeling like that would be an intrusion on his personal space. You know he’s been to your apartment a few times, three to be exact, but you don’t mind. Miguel on the other hand, might not be too thrilled about you visiting his place.
“Can’t you just ask him to meet me there?” you ask softly.
“He’s busy. He can’t leave his penthouse. Look, I’ll just tell him, okay? I’m sure he’ll be fine with you showing up,” Lyla says, shrugging like this is no big deal.
You sigh. “I don’t think that’s - ” you start but get interrupted.
“I’m going to ask him right now. If I send you the coordinates to his penthouse, then you know you’re good to go, okay? Merry Christmas!” Lyla says, cheerfully throwing her arms in the air.
“Lyla!” you manage to say before her hologram disappears. You sigh again and stare at the buildings in front of you. Great.
Not even thirty seconds later, your gizmo shows a new notification. You bring your gizmo closer to your face.
You stare at the buildings again. The food is going to grow cold if you continue to stand here but you can’t help but feel nervous suddenly. You sigh and try to shake it off. It’s fine. Lyla sent the coordinates, which means he’s okay with it. Right? Or did he feel pressured to let you show up? Your mind starts wandering. What if Lyla made it seem like you wanted to go straight to his penthouse and not meet up somewhere less personal, like HQ? Lyla may have done that, especially because she looked like she was in a rush, which makes you wonder why she was even in a rush. It’s Christmas Eve! You release a shaky breath and try to pull it together. It’s no big deal. You’ll apologize right away and explain that you wanted to meet in HQ instead. You nod, reassuring yourself and try to calm your nerves. You look around, making sure that there’s no one around. You click on your gizmo and follow the procedure to open a portal in a specific location within a dimension.
The portal opens, lighting up the alleyway. You take a deep breath before you enter it, leaving Miles’s universe behind and stepping into Nueva York. Or rather, into a living room.
For the first time, you’re the one that stares into an unknown living room. In the span of a few seconds, you take in the sight before you. Your vision is immediately met with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city and you notice the closest building to Miguel’s building is far away, granting him privacy. Your eyes take in the living room section of his penthouse, or at least what you can see now. It’s all very sleek and modern. Very Nueva York. In front of you there’s a square table with different remotes and tablets floating above it thanks to the portal, far more advanced than those in your universe. There’s also a grey couch facing you and a few feet from it, you spot stairs to its left, leading to the second floor of the penthouse. To your right, you feel heat coming from a fireplace.
For once, Miguel is the one watching a portal fade away in his penthouse. He hears the items fall back into place as he stares at your back.
You turn around slowly, feeling Miguel’s gaze. You find him a few feet behind you, behind another grey couch you were unaware was there until now. The kitchen and dining areas of his penthouse are behind him. Everything looks like you’d imagine on Earth-928 with an advanced society. You meet Miguel’s eyes as he stands there. In normal clothes.
Miguel is in normal clothes.
“Miguel, hey,” you finally say, feeling odd. You wonder if this is what Miguel felt when he showed up at your apartment on Peter’s birthday.
“Hey,” Miguel replies looking down at you before his eyes flicker to the plates in your hands.
“Merry Christmas Eve,” you say, giving him a smile. You can’t help but feel awkward.
“Merry Christmas Eve,” Miguel repeats softly, his eyes meeting yours again.
You stand there for a few seconds, staring at each other until you finally speak.
“I’m so sorry for bothering you. I asked Lyla if you could meet me at HQ and she said you were busy,” you explain, wanting to clear the air, still feeling shocked that Miguel is in normal clothes.
Miguel nods, pushing his hands into his pants’ pockets. You continue to hold his gaze as the image of him in normal clothes burns into your mind.
Miguel’s hair looks damp, as if he barely got out of the shower but it’s styled as always with curls framing some of his face. Instead of his suit, Miguel wears a dark grey, chunky cable knit sweater. The sleeves are pushed up his arms slightly, just enough that his wrists are visible. You notice he’s not wearing his gizmo, which is a strange sight on its own. To pair his dark grey sweater, Miguel wears black pants. You can’t help but think he looks so – cozy.
“She told me, but I couldn’t leave,” Miguel says, still watching you. He notices the way you’re trying very hard not to look at his clothes. He can’t blame you. In a few months, it’ll be a year since you joined the Spider Society and you’ve never seen him in anything else. “I was showering and I’m cooking,” he says quietly, and you nod.
“Oh. That’s nice,” you say, feeling happiness that Miguel is at home on Christmas Eve instead of at HQ working, on top of the fact that he’s in cozy clothes and cooking. You nod and then remember the whole reason you are here. You internally scold yourself for getting so distracted with being at his home and the sight of him in normal clothes. “Well, the reason I was trying to reach you was for this. The Morales family sent you food,” you say, lifting the plates higher. You can feel that the plates are still hot, thankfully.
Miguel looks a little surprised, but he nods. “Miles invited me to that, but I couldn’t go,” he admits, and you understand. You know that Peter and Mary Jane have been inviting him to their Friday dinners even before you were recruited into the Spider Society, but Miguel has never attended them.
“They noticed and wanted to send you some food. They wished you a Merry Christmas,” you say softly.
Miguel nods and he’s about to speak when a timer goes off behind him.  
“Mierda, let me check the food. Just – follow me, please,” he says, motioning for you to follow him as he starts walking to the kitchen area of his penthouse.
You stand there for a few seconds before you start following him. You watch as Miguel goes around a long kitchen island, heading straight for a stove and for the first time you notice there’s pots and pans on it. The scent of food suddenly envelops you as Miguel quickly and efficiently checks one of the pots. He grabs the designated spoon for it and stirs its contents with his back to you.
You look around a little bit, thinking how his kitchen island is longer than your kitchen itself. You also notice it’s all very clean and organized, which you expected from Miguel.
Miguel turns off the burner before he puts the spoon away. He turns around to face you, finding you standing on the other side of his kitchen island, still holding the plates.
“Let me take that from you,” Miguel says walking around the island to retrieve the plates.
You hand them to him gently, sharing the feeling of your fingers brushing past each other’s. You offer him a smile as you take a step back.
“Oh,” you say remembering. “They also sent these,” you continue, pulling out the soda cans and one of the goody bags from your coat.
You set them on the island just as he sets the plates down, too. He looks at the cans and grabs one, looking at it.
“Thank you for bringing it to me. You didn’t have to,” he says as he places the can back on the counter.
You shrug. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Morales asked me, and I couldn’t say no to them. Besides…” you start as he looks down at you. “I realized I didn’t wish you happy holidays yesterday.”
Miguel nods, staring down at you. “It was a busy day. It always happens right before Christmas,” he says with an amused tone but he, too, thought about that earlier. About how he hadn’t seen you much yesterday with the two of you being preoccupied with your own things. He also thought about sending you a message earlier, but he thought you might be busy and besides, neither of you have ever sent messages to each other. He thought you might have found it – odd. “But – yes. We didn’t get to wish each other happy holidays,” he says softly, thinking how both of you thought about it.
You give him a small smile as you hear his last statement. You shift in your coat, feeling a little hot suddenly in Miguel’s warm apartment. Your clothes were perfect for the party out on the rooftop but too hot to be inside. Miguel notices.
“Here, I can help you out of your coat. The party is on the rooftop, right?” he asks as he steps closer.
“Yes, it’s on the rooftop,” you reply as you slide out of your coat with his help. You watch as he drapes it, carefully, over one of the kitchen island chairs.
You fix your clothes slightly, feeling less hot now that you have one layer off. “That’s much better,” you comment, chuckling a bit. “I had to bundle up. It was freezing out there.”
Miguel stares at your outfit, noticing you’re in cozy and festive clothes but noting they are definitely too much to be inside. “I can imagine. The chilly breeze feels like it bites the skin,” he says looking out his windows. “It’s supposed to snow, too.”
“I have that forecast, too,” you reply, joining him in staring out the windows from afar. “Anyway, you should try the food. It’s amazing,” you say, remembering the food.
Miguel turns to the plates. “I have no doubt. So… they chose you to bring the food?” he asks as he slowly takes the aluminum foil off one of the plates.
Your conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Morales flashes back to your mind. They asked you because they think you’re close to Miguel.
“Yes,” you answer simply, hoping he won’t ask why you and not someone else, since he must know that Miles invited the rest of the group, meaning another colleague could’ve brought him food.
Miguel nods as he inspects the food, looking pleased, which makes you smile. “I see,” he says, his eyes leaving the plate to meet yours. He gives you a look that makes you feel like he knows you were chosen to do this specifically out of everyone else before he returns his attention to the plate.
You freeze for a few seconds. Did your face reveal something? You clear your throat and rest your hands over a chair.
“It’s – a great party. Everyone is in a good mood,” you comment.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he says softly as he looks down at the food. “I’m glad they’re enjoying their holidays.”
You nod, noticing the sincerity of his words. He looks up suddenly from the plate as an idea pops into his mind.
“Have you eaten yet?” he asks, and you nod.
“I ate a few hours ago,” you say, thankful that your stomach is not embarrassing you once again in front of him. He nods, looking somewhat disappointed. “But I’ll probably eat something else when I get back,” you add before you even realize it.
Miguel meets your eyes. “This food looks and smells amazing. Please give my thanks to the Morales family when you get back,” he says, pausing. “And – I was going to ask. If you don’t have to return right away, would you like to… join me for dinner? I made too much, and I don’t think I’ll finish it all on my own,” he says quickly.
Miguel looks down at you, feeling nervous about asking you but unable to stop himself from hoping you’ll say yes, even if it’s just for a little while.
You meet his eyes feeling a little surprised, though you hide it well before you nod.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you say with a smile. You remember that Mr. and Mrs. Morales did ask you to stay with him while he ate. However, you don’t bring it up. It might lead him to believe that you’re only staying because they asked you and it would force you to admit that you were planning to regardless of their request.
Miguel’s brief disappointment fades and is replaced with a lighter expression.
“I made a few dishes, so you have options,” he says softly. “Let me show you.”
With that, Miguel motions for you to follow him to the stove. You do so, curious to know what he cooked. You have the brief thought that this will be the second time Miguel gives you homemade food. The two of you stand in front of his stove and before Miguel shows you the food, he pushes his sleeves higher up. It’s still a strange sight and you can’t stop your eyes from gazing at his skin, noticing the veins from years of physical activity and arm hair. You turn away as you feel heat on your face from proximity to the stove and how warm Miguel’s penthouse is. No other reason.
“In this pot, there’s pozole,” Miguel says, lifting the lid to show you. He tells you what it is before he moves on to the other dishes.
It turns out that Miguel did cook quite a bit of food. He mentions pozole, tamales of two kinds, and tinga. He also made atole blanco and ponche navideño, two hot drinks perfect for the Christmas season. “If I’m being honest, I was craving all of these foods,” Miguel says as if he knows you’re thinking about how much food he cooked. You chuckle.
“Everything smells amazing, so I don’t blame you for craving them all,” you reply as you bring the spoon with pozole to your mouth. The warmness of it spreads down your chest as the two of you sit on the kitchen island, side by side.
Neither of you notice how your bodies are facing each other as you eat.
Miguel takes a bite out of the food Mr. and Mrs. Morales sent him and you notice he looks like he’s enjoying it. You eat more of your pozole and think how well of a cook he is. You remember him mentioning his mom taught him to cook when he was a teenager back when he showed up at your apartment for the first time. Conchata definitely taught him well.
You finish eating your small serving of pozole as you want to try the other food he made. He notices and looks at you.
“Do you want more pozole? Or would you like to try the other food?” he asks softly, cleaning his mouth gently with a napkin.
You smile at him and nod. “I’d like to try the other food if you don’t mind,” you say, and he nods before he stands up.
“I can get it myself, don’t worry,” you say and start getting up, but he raises a hand, making you pause.
“You’re my guest. It’s only right,” he says with a determined look. “What would you like to try next?” Miguel asks as he walks to the stove. He grabs a clean plate and turns to face you, ready for you to tell him.
You sit back down slowly as he stares at you.
“May I please try the tinga?” you ask with a soft but embarrassed smile.
“Would you like it with tostadas or as a burrito?” he asks, motioning to the pack of tostadas and flour tortillas on the counter.
“I’ll have it however you prefer it,” you answer honestly.
“What if I make you one of each? That way you can try both,” Miguel suggests.
You nod. “Okay, that sounds… good. Thank you,” you reply, and he nods before he grabs both packs and starts working on your plate.
You look down at your gizmo as he preps your food. It’s almost ten now. You look up again. Miguel is busy warming up flour tortillas. You notice him flipping them with his bare hands, not minding the heat. You look around the penthouse. It really is a large place.
Miguel flips the tortillas and turns back to look at you. He notices you looking around and he can’t help but feel a little self-conscious in that moment. Fragments of your apartment flash in his mind. Yours is well decorated. It feels welcoming and warm. It’s lived in. It’s a home for you. His penthouse, on the other hand, seems the opposite of it. Even when he used to actively live in it, he didn’t focus a lot on decorating and because of that, Gabriel and his mom took the initiative to do something about it.
The fact that Gabriel and his mom helped decorate it was one reason why he hadn’t bothered to change it in the last years. Another reason it remained the same was that it didn’t matter to him as he hardly spent time here after everything that happened with Gabriella and her universe anyway.
Until recently, of course. Ever since Peter’s birthday celebration, ever since that night, Miguel made it a goal to sleep here at least once a week. So far, he has stuck with it. It’s now been several weeks, which he counts as progress. And now, as he sees you take in his home, he can’t help but think about it. However, when your eyes meet his again, he sees no judgment from you. If anything, he sees curiosity, which amuses him on the inside. You offer him a small smile.
“Everything is so sleek and modern,” you say as you take in the kitchen again.
Miguel turns around to check on the tortillas, and seeing that they are done, he puts them on a plate. “Is that… not to your liking?” he asks as he starts fixing the food.
“Oh, it’s not that. It’s great,” you say still looking around.
You sigh softly and Miguel turns around, walking the short distance from the stove to the kitchen island.
“You can say it,” he says as he finishes fixing the plates.
“I guess, I like old architecture more,” you finally admit. “But this is really nice though,” you add, and Miguel lets out a low chuckle that makes you pause and wonder what a real laugh from him would sound like.
“I like old architecture, too,” he reveals as he finishes fixing your plate. He slides it over the counter to you gently. “It has more personality.”
“Thank you,” you say as you take the plate. “And really? I thought you’d be more of a fan for your architecture.”
Miguel nods and offers you toppings for the food before he takes his own plate and sits next to you again. As you eat, the two of you talk briefly about the architecture of different universes you’ve been to. Turns out Miguel appreciates architecture like that of your universe. You eventually fall into a comfortable silence.
The two of you sit on Miguel’s kitchen island eating quietly in peace on Christmas Eve. It’s strange how comfortable it feels but then again, this is the second time you’ve eaten together since Dia de los Muertos. Still, this moment is a big deal. It’s the first time either of you have celebrated this holiday in years but it feels right.
As Miguel eats next to you, he can’t help but think about it. He really asked you to stay for dinner. That’s a first but he couldn’t stop himself once he thought about it. And he isn’t going to lie – he’s enjoying your company. He’s enjoying sharing the food he grew up eating during the holidays with you. His mind briefly turns to his family again. To his mother and Gabriel and the last holidays he was able to spend with them.
As he thinks about his own past holidays, Miguel wonders what yours were like. He wonders about your childhood and your parents. He wonders about the holidays you spent with Peter. As he takes a drink from one of the soda cans sent to him, he looks over at you. The two of you have been eating in silence, enjoying each other’s company, or at least he hopes you are like he is. He begins to wonder if he’s kept you here unwillingly. He feels embarrassment, suddenly feeling like an idiot. Maybe you had other plans, and here he is, keeping you from them. Embarrassment runs through his body as he looks at you but then, you look up from your plate and you smile at him in a way that makes his worry and embarrassment melt away.
“This is officially the best food I’ve ever had,” you say as you finish eating. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to ask you for the recipe.”
Miguel gives you a subtle smile, and despite how small it is, it still catches you by surprise, though you are better at hiding it now. “I can give it you, that’s no problem,” he says putting his drink down. “Or I can cook it for you if you prefer,” he adds, making him freeze internally. He hasn’t offered to cook for anyone in a while. Sure, he cooked that day at your apartment when you were unwell because of your period but this is different. Or it feels different for some reason Miguel can’t explain.
You nod and smile. “Either way, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.”
“Of course,” he says softly before standing up.
Miguel begins putting away the dishes and even though you try helping him, he declines your help because he’s the “host.” So, you sit on your chair and watch as he cleans up, wishing he’d allow you to help but you know he’ll decline again. You finish your drink, the other soda can you brought, and watch as Miguel finishes up. Despite knowing that Miguel knows his way around a kitchen, you’re still somewhat in awe at how fast and efficient he is at cleaning up. You can’t help but think of Peter in that moment. He, too, knew his way around the kitchen and helped with the chores around the apartment, which was something you loved and appreciated about him as you often heard female colleagues complain about their partners not helping when you used to work. You’ve always appreciated it when a man knows how to do chores and helps instead of leaving the chores strictly to the woman, and so you can’t help but think about this as you watch Miguel.
You pull your sweater’s neck slightly, feeling a little hot. Miguel’s penthouse is warm and you’re still wearing two layers of clothes. As Miguel finishes up, you slide off the sweater you have, leaving you in a long-sleeved top. You fold it neatly and place it on the next chair from which your coat hangs. If you head back to the party, you’ll just suit up again but for now, you’ll try to cool off.
Miguel turns around then and looks at you, leaning back on the counter as he holds a towel. He dries his hands with it after washing them. He notices your sweater is gone and feels a little amused. You were definitely wearing too many layers to be inside in the warmth.
“I don’t know if you’re still up for it, but I have those two hot drinks,” he says, flinging the towel over his shoulder in a graceful way.
Of course, you notice it. It’s not every day that Miguel O’Hara wears normal clothes or that he looks this relaxed, leaning back on a kitchen counter and swinging a towel over his shoulder gracefully. It’s a sight for you and you alone.
“Well… Miles and Gwen mentioned a little while ago that you and Miguel are close.”
You hear Mrs. Morales’s comment in your head as you nod at Miguel. “I’m up for it,” you reply, and he nods. There’s a pleased look on his face before he turns around to open a cabinet to retrieve mugs.
And he is. Miguel is pleased that you’re open to trying out the hot drinks. That you’ll stay a little longer. As he pours the drinks, he thinks about what this means. Of course, he’s thought about how much he’s shared with you and how much you’ve shared with him. He’s thought about it… about how you’re the closest he has to a friend.
You are his friend.
He thought about it on Dia de los Muertos night when he came to his penthouse to sleep. Anyone could argue that Jess and Peter were friends but his friendship with them has always been different. It wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for work, or at least he feels like that. They’re work friends and he’s never shared as much as he’s shared with you. No matter how much the two of them tried, Miguel never felt comfortable enough to share his life.
And with you, there he was. Showing up at your apartment to show you his ofrenda. His memories poured out of him like they had been waiting for the right person to spill out for. It was easy to talk to you. It was different.
Miguel felt like he had a friend for once in many, many years that night. And he didn’t know that night, or even now, if you feel the same. He knows you have your group of friends, the ones that quickly adopted you into their group when you were recruited. The same ones he was keeping you away from right now, but he hopes that you see him as somewhat of a friend despite being your boss.
Miguel finishes preparing the drinks. He takes two mugs to you, one with atole blanco and the other with ponche navideño. He slides them gently over the counter to avoid spilling any before he turns around to retrieve his own mugs.He walks around the counter and takes a seat next to you as you thank him again, this time for the hot drinks.
Miguel nods at you as he picks up one of the mugs. “I hope you like it. The atole blanco might taste a little strange when you first try it, but I swear it grows on you,” he says reassuringly. He briefly thinks back to when he first tried it. He was about ten when his mom asked him to try it. The first sip made him pause but after the third drink, he loved it. Gabriel, on the other hand, took longer to try it. He was almost twelve when he finally gave in.
You take a drink from the atole blanco while Miguel’s eyes are on you. He can’t help himself from wanting to see your reaction and he’s glad when he sees you react well to it. You smile at him and nod.
“This is great! I see what you mean by strange, but I like it. It’s very… cozy and comforting,” you say as you drink more. “It’s like – it’s perfect for Christmas. I can’t explain it,” you say, and he nods.
“This was a must on Christmas growing up,” he says as he drinks some, too.
The two of you enjoy the hot drink in peace. As you place the cup down again, you’re thankful Mr. and Mrs. Morales gave you an excuse to talk to Miguel tonight despite having felt nervous when you first arrived. Miguel seems comfortable and doesn’t seem to mind that you’re here, though it should be obvious as he did invite you to stay for dinner. Miguel places his cup down and turns to you, his knee brushes past your leg slightly and he moves it discreetly away.
“What were – what were your Christmases like growing up?” he asks suddenly, quietly.
You turn your face to him, though your bodies are facing each other already. You feel a little surprised by his sudden question, but you don’t mind it. You meet his eyes before looking at the mugs before you, thinking.
“To keep it simple, they were amazing,” you say, returning your eyes to him. “I was an only child, but my parents always went all out. They loved the Christmas spirit, so our apartment was always decorated after Thanksgiving,” you say with a bright smile as you remember. Miguel notices the glint in your eyes as you talk. “We always put the Christmas tree together and they’d let me put the star at the top, even when I was a teenager and later an adult. They were always good,” you say, nodding softly as you think of your parents.
Miguel nods with a faint smile though you don’t notice it. He thinks of a younger you, a version he doesn’t know and will never know. He thinks about Peter, unable to stop himself from thinking about how he probably knew that version of you. He lifts his mug and takes a drink, trying to wash away these strange thoughts.
“Sounds like you had a great childhood,” he finally says, and you nod, making you feel a little sad as you remember Miguel telling you about his step and biological fathers. He didn’t say anything, but you felt that his childhood was not always great.
You bring your own cup to your lips and drink, wanting to change the conversation but Miguel doesn’t mind. He has put a lot of it behind him, at least those parts of his life.
“So, when you said they’d let you put the star on the tree as an adult, you mean it?” he asks, sounding a little amused.
You nod and give him a smile. “I was in university, and they still allowed me do it,” you say with a chuckle. “Peter would tease me about it, but it was fun for all of us.”
Miguel nods, thinking. You notice he has that look on his face. The one when he’s thinking about something.
“What is it?” you ask softly.
Miguel turns to you and shakes his head slightly. “Nothing. I was just thinking… Wondering, I guess.”
“About what? You can ask,” you say, your tone sincere since you don’t mind. He has already shared quite a lot about his past. It’s only fair he asks about yours.
Miguel sighs softly, continuing to hold your gaze. “When did you meet Peter?” he asks quietly, as if unsure of asking this question.
You smile, not minding the question at all. “When we were sixteen. He moved schools and we instantly became friends, which then turned into a relationship,” you say fondly before you pick up your mug and drink.
Miguel stares at you as you do this, still thinking. Since sixteen. It was Peter’s twenty-sixth birthday just weeks ago, which means you had known and dated each other for almost a decade by the time he passed away. He looks down at his nearly empty mug. Almost a decade of a relationship and you still try to live life to the fullest. Miguel grips the cup.
“How do you do it?” he asks quietly.
“Do what?” you ask in confusion.
“You knew Peter for so long. Dated him for so long. And you still… you try.”
You stare at Miguel, feeling a little startled by the sudden change of conversation but Miguel looks like he genuinely wants to know. You remember this was something you thought about in the early days. How people could move on. How they could carry day to day even after losing someone.
“Miguel…” you start and look down at your cups. “It isn’t easy. Especially in the beginning,” you add softly, knowing that for Miguel, it has been a little over a year since he lost his wife and Gabriella. For you, it’s almost four years since you lost Peter. You’re on different points of your mourning periods. You sigh softly. “It isn’t easy at all in the beginning,” you repeat as you think of your next words. “I wasn’t the woman you know now, or even the one you were introduced to months ago,” you say lightly, making Miguel turn to you, with curious eyes. “I don’t want to ruin the Christmas spirit, so I’ll try my best not to.”
Miguel shakes his head. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to. I don’t want to – take away the lightness of today,” he says with a regrettable look on his face.
Why did he ask, he wonders. Everything was going so well.
“No, it’s okay. It helps. Talking about it helps,” you say, reassuring him. You stay silent for about a minute, trying to figure out how to approach this. “I lost sight of things for a month or two after Peter’s death,” you start.
You look away, feeling shame course through you as you remember those dark days. You don’t want to see the look on Miguel’s face when you reveal something you’ve never shared with anyone.
“I’m not proud of it… It brings me great shame to say this,” you say as you stare down at the cups. “There was a time after Peter’s death – a month after everything took place to be exact – that I,” you pause. “I looked for him. I tried hunting down the man that did it,” you say quietly.
“I had a regular job back then, so I went to work. I mourned and tried my best to accommodate to my new life but at night… I couldn’t stop thinking how I could’ve done better. How I could’ve saved him. I thought of the man who did it. How he took Peter from me. The love of my life, my last bit of family…” you trail off, though your tone is still light, and you feel proud of yourself for it, for you know months ago, this conversation would’ve had you in tears. “My thoughts were consumed by it. So, I went out to try to find him. I didn’t plan on doing something to him, I swear,” you say pausing, trying to emphasize this. “All I wanted was to know who he was. Bring him to justice.”
Miguel continues to look at you with a pained expression on his face now as he hears you talk. There is a faraway look on your face, as if you were back in that time but you turn back to him and he’s like an anchor, keeping you tethered to this moment.
“One night, when I thought I had a lead – I was on a rooftop, and I finally realized that Peter would’ve never wanted to see me like that. And that I was failing my promise to him,” you say, meeting Miguel’s eyes. “He made me promise to try to move on. To be open to another love. I tried after that. It was slow progress. The last few months since I joined the society have really helped me,” you say with a soft smile as you wrap your fingers around your mug softly.
“I don’t know if we’ll ever really move on, but it feels easier as the days go on,” you tell Miguel. “I guess, it also helped that I eventually found the man. Or rather, he found me. I forgave him,” you say with a quiet sigh and offer Miguel a smile. And as he stares at you, he realizes how much stronger you are than he thought. “He was my own version of Flint Marko, otherwise known as Sandman. He never meant to hurt Peter that day. He was just – trying to rob a bank to get money for his child’s surgery.”
You stare down at the cups and think of Marko. Last you heard from him, he was trying to do better, and his daughter, who was now older, recovered from her illness. You lift the cup to your lips and take a small drink before setting it down.
“I’m not the best example of how to do it,” you say, looking up. “But I try and sometimes, that’s all you can do. For them.”
Miguel continues to stare at you and even though you thought you might’ve found judgment in his eyes, you see none of the sort. Miguel stares at you with even more respect than before. He looks down at his hands for a few seconds before he looks up again.
“I think – Peter must be happy that you are trying to honor his promises,” he says softly, wishing he could say more. Wishing he could reach out to you physically the way his hands were begging him to.
You smile at him. “I think so, too. I think he’s happy with where I’m now. You know, the whole reason I joined the Spider Society was because of him. I declined the invitation from Jess initially until she asked me what he would’ve thought about everything. I know he would’ve loved the idea of it. He would’ve loved learning about the multiverse,” you say with a grin and then shake your head softly as you pick up the mug again. “He loved science, too.”
Miguel stares at you, surprised at hearing this. Jess never mentioned you rejecting her invitation. He looks up at the ceiling a little bit and in that moment, he finds himself internally thanking a man he never met.
“Thank you for sharing that with me,” he says after a few seconds of silence. “I’m sorry if it made you…” Miguel trails off.
You turn to him again. “It’s okay. It didn’t. It helps,” you say, and your tone is still lighthearted. “I think I’m ready to try the other drink.”
Miguel continues to stare at you. “I think I am, too… This one is sweeter,” he says as he wraps his fingers around the mug. Miguel watches as you lift the mug to your mouth to try it and once again, there’s that pleased look on your face that makes him forget his worry from earlier about messing with your plans. You don’t seem to mind.
As the two of you sit there and enjoy the second hot drink, Miguel’s thoughts are on you. You’re so strong and not only in a physical way but in a way that Miguel feels he hasn’t been able to. You’re strong by trying to fulfill your promises. For forgiving the man that took Peter from you. For trying to move forward and trying at life. Miguel has never said it, but he respects you.
You’ve accepted his boundaries in a way so many others haven’t. You’ve offered him nothing but kindness. You’ve listened when he shares memories with you. You’re a hard worker and meticulous when it comes to your duties as Spider-Woman. You’re strong. So strong.
And his respect for you grows tenfold, if that’s even possible, considering how much he already respected you before tonight. Miguel thinks about this and the fact that you’re the first person that has been to his penthouse in years.
Maybe you do consider him a friend, Miguel thinks to himself as he takes a drink, too.
“This is really good, too,” you say quietly as you drink more, and for some reason, it makes Miguel feel pleased.
“Glad you liked both,” he murmurs as he drinks more. He suddenly wonders what time it is. The two of you have been here for what feels like two hours now. He checks the time discreetly from a nearby clock.
It’s past eleven, which means it’s almost time for the annual AI Christmas holographic show. He stands up, making you turn to see him.
“It’s almost time for something my city does annually. I think you’ll like it,” he says and motions for you to follow him.
You see him take his mug and you do the same before you follow him to the windows that face his kitchen and dining areas directly, giving Miguel another sight of the city. He leans sideways on the windows and looks down, waiting for you to join him. You reach the windows and lean on them, too, mirroring his stance. You look down and see the Christmas decorations on the snow-covered ground despite being on the highest floor of this building. The decorations, which are holographic, make you realize for the first time that there’s no sight of a Christmas tree in Miguel’s penthouse. You don’t say anything about this, of course. You know with everything that’s happened, a Christmas tree is the last thing one can think about in times like these. You’re glad there’s at least a little bit of Christmas spirit in Miguel since he cooked and took the day off though.  
Still watching the decorations, you think of something and wonder. You’ve noticed some of them from HQ when you walk by the windows throughout the month, but it’s been like a second thought with missions and what not. You wonder now if everyone has holographic Christmas trees or if physical trees are still a thing here. You look up at Miguel and he turns, as if feeling your gaze.
“What is it?” he asks softly before he takes a drink.
“Are physical Christmas trees a thing here?”
Miguel gives you a small smile, which still catches you by surprise. “Only the wealthy have physical trees. Everyone else has holographic decorations,” he explains, and you nod. You know Miguel is wealthy, so his lack of a tree is not because of money but because he didn’t want to put one up.
You look back outside, thinking. Miguel continues to stare at you, wanting to know what you’re thinking.
“It’s strange, isn’t it?” he asks, though for him it isn’t. He’s used to the technology and to this tradition, but he can imagine how it can be odd for you when you come from a universe where physical Christmas trees are the norm.
You bring the cup to your mouth, enjoying the sweetness of the hot drink. “I was just thinking how putting the Christmas tree together as a family is a big thing. Or well, it was for my family and I.”
Miguel nods, remembering what you said earlier about your family and the holidays. He leans more into the window, crossing one of his legs over the other.
“To make up for that, families sit down and design the ornaments together through their devices. Then, they upload their designs to the tree. There’s a program and everything,” he says thinking about the process. He has an artificial tree, which is stored at HQ, but he also has a holographic one from previous years when he was too busy to put a physical one with his family. “I’ll show you,” he suddenly says, putting his mug on the window stool before he heads to the living room section. As he looks for a tablet on his table, he can’t help but think about this. How he’s comfortable showing you things. How he wants to show you things. Like how the holographic tree program works or the annual AI Christmas holographic show which should start soon.
He finds the tablet and starts it up, which only takes about a second to boot up. He walks back to you as he opens the program. He reaches you and stands closer to show you.
“First, you put the tree up,” he says as he shows you the screen. The two of you stand side by side, looking at the screen as he clicks on the tablet. He looks up and points. “It’ll appear right there.”
Sure enough, a large holographic Christmas tree, decorated in classic Christmas colors, appears a few feet away from the two of you, near Miguel’s dining table.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmur as you notice the star at the top of the tree.
“Thank you,” Miguel says as he looks at it, too. He wasn’t expecting to put up a tree this year but here he is. He looks back down at the screen. “Then, you can design your own ornaments using this program,” Miguel continues and shows you. He pulls out a stylus from the tablet, surprising you. The tablet is so thin you wonder how it’s even possible but then remember it’s Nueva York.
You watch as Miguel uses the stylus to design an ornament. He inserts lines as part of the design and changes the color of the ornament to match the theme. It takes him a few seconds to finish before he writes his name on it neatly.
“And it’s done. Now you upload it like this,” he says and shows you. “The program decides where it should go but you can manually change it if you want,” he adds.
The two of you look up just as it appears on an empty spot on the tree. Miguel then offers you the tablet and stylus. You look up at him, confused.
“Try it,” he says, still waiting for you to take the tablet and stylus from his hands.
“Are you sure?” you ask, looking down at it.
He nods. “Give it a go.”
You set your mug next to his on the window stool and take the tablet and stylus from him, your fingers brushing past his bare ones once again. You ignore the sensation and focus on the screen with the new canvas to design yours. Your brows furrow as you think for a second about what you want it to look like. You start working on it, with Miguel watching intently. He notices how quickly you figure out how to use the program and watches as you design your ornament with ease.
As you work on it, you can’t help but notice a scent. Or rather his scent. You’ve caught a bit of it before of course but it has never been this strong to your nose. Not like this when he stands by your side, so close your arms are almost touching, with him dressed in normal clothes. You add small details to your ornament as his scent envelops you, distracting you slightly as the combination of his shower products and shaving cream blended with his natural scent surround you. You can’t suppress the thought that pops into your head at that moment, which is that his scent is delightful.
You clear your throat quietly as you add your name to the ornament. You stare at it for a few seconds.
“Hmm, I like the traditional stuff, but not going to lie, this was fun,” you say and smile at Miguel, still feeling distracted by his scent. “I can see kids enjoying this a lot.”
Miguel nods, his lips curling upward again as you give him the tablet back, completely unaware of your thoughts. “You may not like the architecture, but I think you would settle just fine in this universe,” he comments, as he looks at your ornament, thinking of how quickly you figured it out and the fact that yours turned out better than his. “Now… you just upload it,” he says softly before he does exactly like that. You stare at the tree, feeling a little surprised that he’s adding your ornament, but you shrug it off. The two of you watch as your ornament, which matches the tree’s theme, appears right next to his.
Miguel stares at it, the sight of your ornament appearing next to his makes him pause for a second. It’s the first time in years Miguel has put up a tree in his penthouse. It’s also the first time that a non-family person has added their ornament to his tree.
Miguel now clears his throat quietly. “Not bad at all,” he says and nods. “Oh, the show should start soon,” he says, trying to put his thoughts away about the tree and your ornament.
You nod. “Thank you. That was fun,” you add as you turn your attention back to the decorations outside. You briefly look down at your gizmo. It’s 11:33 P.M. now, meaning Christmas Day is less than thirty minutes away now. You’ve spent a lot more time here than you expected but you don’t mind. You wonder if people back in Miles’s universe have left the party or if they’re still hanging out.
“Glad you enjoyed that,” Miguel says softly, putting the tablet on a nearby surface. You notice he doesn’t put the tree away. It’s still there as he leans on the window sideways again, looking outside towards the decorations as well. He briefly thinks about Gabriella. He only had one Christmas with her. He remembers it vividly as he looks out, recalling Gabriella’s excitement on Christmas morning. He remembers thinking how perfect it was and how, if all his future Christmases could’ve been like that, he would’ve never asked for anything else. His wife wasn’t in the picture then, so it had just been Gabriella and him. Now that he thought of it, he and his wife didn’t have much time together. It was very brief. Miguel clears his throat. He doesn’t want to think of the past like that right now. He doesn’t want to think of how rushed everything was when it came to his relationship and marriage. Not tonight.
His thoughts are thankfully interrupted when he sees the sign that the show is starting. He turns to look at you to make sure you’re watching, and of course, you are. Your eyes are on the sky as you see the announcement before it starts, filled with curiosity and awe. Miguel turns his gaze back to the sky as the show starts. Holographic Christmas trees appear from thin air, all lit up in Christmas colors. Reindeer fly by the windows, galloping here and there. Twinkling lights decorate the background as holographic snowflakes descend before they begin to form into snowmen that start dancing.
You watch in awe, finding this fascinating. Miguel steals a glance to see your reaction. He sees the awe and fascination on your face, clearly enjoying this.
“This isn’t even the best part,” he says quietly as he knows there’s always more to it.
You smile as reindeer fly by the windows again. “This is so – I wish we had this in my universe,” you answer quietly. “The closest we have to this are projections.”
Miguel chuckles lowly. “Well… You’re welcome to come watch it again next year,” he answers as he crosses his arms across his chest.
Neither of you say anything else. Was that an invitation for you to join him again next year? You push your thoughts away and focus on the show just as a holographic Santa Claus and his sled appear out of nowhere, making you smile.
“Santa Claus,” you whisper as the sled approaches Miguel’s windows. The holographic Santa Claus waves as he passes by making you chuckle. The show continues with Santa Claus flying around as the reindeer align themselves to the sled, supposedly to get ready for the flight. At one point the show presents Santa’s workshop and tiny elves working on different toys and preparing the sled. It concludes with Santa flying by the windows again, this time with all his reindeer and magical sack of toys before they fly off, disappearing into the sky. A large holographic “Feliz Navidad” message and red poinsettias conclude the show.
You stare at the message, still in awe with a smile.
“That was amazing. You grew up with this?” you ask softly.
Miguel nods. “Gabriel and I always looked forward to it.”
You smile, once again thinking of a younger Miguel. “It must be amazing, to experience this as a child,” you answer, thinking of kids.
“The kids love it,” he replies as he also stares at the message, knowing it will stay up past midnight.
You nod and the two of you just stare out the window in silence for a few minutes. You watch as you see white, tiny spots in the sky. With each second, more and more appear.
“It’s starting to snow,” you murmur, making Miguel pay more attention and sure enough, it’s snowing.
“A white Christmas,” he whispers, as the snow picks up.
“A white Christmas,” you repeat.
The two of you stand ever so closely, leaning on the window sideways, your bodies facing each other as you watch the falling snow. And in that moment, everything feels alright with the world for you and Miguel, despite everything.
You look down at your gizmo. It’s past midnight now.
“Merry Christmas,” you say, quietly.
Miguel smiles softly as the two of you stare out the window. “Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
Thirty minutes later, Miguel stands in front of his holographic Christmas tree alone. You returned home a few minutes ago, looking and sounding tired after being out for so long. So, you both said goodnight to each other but not before Miguel asked if you’d want some food or if you’d prefer to join him again in a few hours for the recalentado.
You said yes to the latter.
Miguel continues to stare at the tree, or more specifically at the new ornaments, for a few minutes, thinking.
He finally goes to sleep after storing the food away. He leaves the Christmas tree up, which you still find when you return hours later to eat dinner with him on Christmas Day.
Translation for italicized words: Mierda - Shit Pozole - A kind of soup/stew made from hominy and meat (can be chicken or beef). Tamales - I think everyone knows these Tinga - Latin dish made out of meat (pork, chicken) in sauce with onions, chiles chipotle and tomatoes. Can be eaten on tostadas or as burritos (my experience) Atole Blanco - white atole, a Latin hot drink made out of corn meal Ponche Navideño - Mexican Christmas fruit punch Tostadas - toasted tortillas; usually used as a base for different culinary dishes Recalentado - word translates to "reheated"; this is the act of inviting your closest friends and family the day after you host a party to eat the reheated leftovers, it's supposed to be a smaller tight-knit situation and less formal because it's with close family/friends (do you see what this means for you, the reader? I'm not okay, right now)
May I just -
Miguel in a freaking chunky cable knit sweater. His damp hair. His bare skin. His scent (I KNOW HE SMELLS GOOD and you cannot change my mind). Him knowing that you were asked specifically to go drop him food. Him asking you to stay for dinner. Him serving the food. Him being a great cook. Him being a great host. His respect for you growing. Him wanting to comfort you physically (AHH.) Him showing you the annual Christmas show and how the holographic Christmas tree thing works and adding your ornament and staring at it because it appeared next to his and him leaving the tree up even tho he didn't plan on putting one up and him thanking Peter for influencing you to join the Spider Society even tho he never met him (CRYING, SCREAMING). Him inviting you for dinner again!!!!!!
So a lot of people said yes to the Christmas part but I was also selfish and wanted to write Miguel like this and get some Christmas comfort before the next part because... yeah. So, sorry to anyone who didn't want it. I needed this.
Also, I'm sorry for the late update. I meant to post Sunday but it was that time of the month and it kicked my butt. I hope you enjoy it, and if you've read this far, thank you for the support!! ❤️ I hope to be back Sunday with an update, tho I have a family event Saturday so idk if it'll be possible but I'll try.
I love Miguel so much and it's a problem but it's okay -Alondra
Tag list:
@loverlorn @saturnknows @d1lf-loverrr @eddiestitmiguelsbigdick @freehentai @arithestrawberry @scaleniusrm @haradasaya @spidermanismyfav @bitchykittenconnoisseur @thecraziestcrayon @obi-mom-kenobi @natsury-kazuki @rootin-tootin-morgan @coraline750 @edgycatx @safixiovi @sunnyx07 @nxrdamp @rorel1a @oceanstar19 @happishark @carmilla01 @somebodyelsethanyouthink @adora-but-ginger @angie2274 @vampi-amora @tired-writer04 @plzfeedmebread @shadow-pancake9 @tynakub @faretheeoscar @giulscomix @luvstuffies @coffeeauthorvibing @lauraolar14 @bl0osclues @pinkiemme @lil-cinn @mashiromochi @loveletterfrommwah @mandodinstuff @muzansucker @theleftkittycollection @kikookii @www-interludeshadow-com @holographicang3l @aisyakirmann @bucky-to-my-barnes @geraskier-thots @l3laze
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muffinsin · 3 months
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Sleepless whispers
Bela Dimitrescu x female reader, fluff snippet
Bela finds and comforts you the night after a rough day and a fight with your Mother
You walk past the familiar stone walls of Castle Dimitrescu. Flickering candlelight casts eery shadows and beautiful reflections in your wet eyes. By now, you’re familiar to the walls surrounding you. By now, you feel you can call them a home.
Tonight though, the gothic beauty and grandeur of the castle feels almost suffocating to you, mirroring the feeling in your heart, the tightness of your chest, the emptiness where love should be.
You wander aimlessly, unsure of where to go or what to look for. Your bare feet make little noise against the hard floor and even the occasional noises in the distance have quieted down.
You are alone, and you find, you don’t necessarily mind the isolation. Still, it does not make up for the pain in your heart and the harsh words in your head stinging every few seconds.
You yearn for someone in the dark, even as you wander senselessly, your fingertips dragging over vases and statues, unlit candleholders and dusted off cabinets.
Your eyes sting with unshed tears. Still, you tremble. With sadness, anger? Concentration to keep from crying? You aren’t sure, but can’t bring yourself to care, either.
Time passes and you don’t know for long you have been wandering, but find you have made it to the west wing.
a single thought comes to the front of your mind.
For a moment, your chest feels a little lighter. The thought of her helps for a mere moment before isolation and suffocation have you pause in your steps again.
A heavy sigh passes your lips as you lean against the nearest wall, cold and hard against your skin.
Mother’s words sting still. You try your best to keep them away, to forget, to push them back.
“Lost, are we, little one?”
You jump at the calm, but surprising voice behind you. You know the voice, of course, and as you turn around and find your beautiful girlfriend standing right in front of you, it takes all within you to keep from throwing yourself into her arms and crying your heart out.
You know, she would allow it. Encourage it, even. And yet, your Mother’s stinging words have you hold back.
In this moment, you try to focus on Bela only.
Her presence, intimidating to most, comforting to you. Her beauty accentuated by the dim light of the candles lit on the hallway. Her bright, golden eyes, often described as cold and calculating, suspicious and fearsome, so beautifully warm and soft as they are set on you.
Her love, so visible in her posture and appearance, has your heart ache.
She’s still in her normal outfit, yet you find her coat missing and her hood down. She looks almost exhausted, and it has you focus on the darkness out the window.
You aren’t sure what time it is. It must be late.
As you feel a tear daring to slip down your cheek, you’re quick to turn around.
“Bela”, you murmur, wiping away the stray tear and clearing your throat. “I didn’t mean to make you come look for me, or worry. I just…needed some space”, you whisper into nothingness. You want to face her, yet know tears would fall down your cheeks instantly if you did.
You hear her heels clicking as she walks towards you, approaching slowly. Then, you feel feminine, but strong arms wrap around you and soft, thick lips set against the top of your head.
“And space you shall have”, she whispers.
Don’t go, a part of your mind screams. You know she can’t hear, but, she doesn’t need to, as she continues her sentence.
,“But not alone. Come with me”
Too tired to argue and too wrapped up in her scent and love, you follow her without question. Through the winding halls, past empty, dark rooms.
You recognize her room, large, but cozy, perfectly organized and cleaned. Fire crackling in the hearth, casting a warm and comfortable glow and warmth over the plush armchairs, fluffy rugs, and warm, made bed.
You’re guided to sit down on it, your cold feet automatically slipping beneath the covers. You feel comfort in the warmth, as well as in the one you find in her eyes.
She sits down by your side, her gaze not once leaving you. You don’t feel intimidated, though, but rather feel the love radiating from her.
“What’s troubling you, little one?”, she asks eventually, when moments pass of the two of you sitting in silence.
You try to answer, part your lips, yet no words escape your dry throat.
You feel stuck in your thoughts, almost.
And as such, frustration and sadness rises in you. You want to tell her, yearn to tell her. Yet, your Mother’s words have you hold back.
Of course, she understands. Somehow, she always does.
“You met your Mother today, no? Did it not go well?”, she pushes slightly, her hand set on yours, her concern genuine.
A hiccup passes your lips, and suddenly you feel hot tears run down your cheeks.
Everything spills from you, your mother’s harsh and hurtful words, your feelings, how you could do nothing but flee the room as you heard her loud, dramatic sighs of annoyance behind you.
She nods along, her eyes narrowing slightly.
You don’t notice when she moves, nor when you move and reach out to her, until you’re resting against her supple chest, your tears wetting her dress, her breasts serving as a pillow for your heavy head.
You’ve never felt more content.
Her hand traces little shapes on your back, which you can’t help but concentrate on.
Even as you talk, you feel the voices quieten down and your breaths even again.
“I don’t know what to do. She doesn’t understand me and never has. She just can’t see things from my perspective! She doesn’t even try to!”
Her expression softens further. You feel her soft breath, the low buzzing of her flies caused by your proximity.
“Sometimes, those we love the most can hurt us the deepest. But, those wounds can heal. It takes time, patience, and willingness. Sometimes, there are people lacking this. Sometimes, there are people not worth our time and pain, our patience and love”, she whispers.
You look up, finding comfort in her eyes and words. You know, you will always have her.
“Thank you”, you whisper, your head turning so you can nuzzle back against her chest. You calm a little.
“Stay here, rest. Tomorrow will bring clarity, and perhaps the distance allows both of you to calm again. While I doubt she will reflect, at least take this opportunity to retreat and calm, little one”, she coos.
The warmth of her body and the fire begin to soothe your nerves. You feel at ease, your body growing heavy against her.
“I’d like that”
You feel her tuck you in, her hands gentle, precise, used to such movements from the countless nights her sisters came to her during nightmares and required tucking in in order to go back to sleep.
With a kiss to your forehead, she sits back up.
In the dark, your hand reaches out to grasp her wrist.
“Bela? Will you stay?”, you whisper into the darkness. For a moment, silence, as she thinks of whether or not the work that must still be done is truly all that urgent.
Then, a hum.
“Yes, of course”
In only a few minutes you feel her body against yours, her presence comforting, like an anchor in the wild sea during a storm.
You smile to yourself.
Despite what your Mother once thought, you have found sanctuary, in the heart of Castle Dimitrescu, admits its darkness and danger.
And as the fire burns low and slowly begins to burn itself out and casts less and less gentle shadows in the room, your eyes fall shut. You know, no matter what tomorrow will bring, you won’t face it alone.
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aboutkiyoomi · 2 months
009. the kenma makeup party | antipathy
a/n: ignore timestamps especially in this chapter and ik the texts in kenmas tweets are in y/n's pov but ignore it pls. i'm just a girl. also i realized i've been missing so many ppl who asked to be in the taglist, for future books i've come up with a more organized way for that.
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"where are you going?" kuroo asked, throwing his head back over the couch to awkwardly watch kenma attempt to discreetly leave the apartment.
"going to..." he started before going to a low whisper. "y/n's house."
"you're going WHERE?" kuroo's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets before he flew off of the couch to stand in front of the door. he immediately sent a sos text out to the groupchat, something the roomates had adapted as a form of notification system to meet in the living room.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" bokuto yelled as he barreled into the living room at unnatural speeds.
"YOU SOS'D! IT WASN'T ME WHO BROKE THE DOORKNOB TO THE CABINET." hinata squealed as he halted at the scene of kuroo awkwardly block the door.
"i fuckin knew it." bokuto muttered before cutting a side eye at the orange-haired man.
"our trusted bro, kenma, is attempting to sneak out to see y/n." kuroo starts, looking at the men wide-eyed but knowingly. "at her house." he states plainly. the eruption of laughter and scolding filled the air of the apartment.
"how'd you manage this one bud?" came from hinata. "i'm proud of him." bokuto threw out, impressed smirk on his face.
"ok before you guys call me insane, she asked ME to come over. we're filming a video for her youtube channel. you know, for the whole fake dating for clout thing." kenma started, hiking the bag up on his shoulder, irritation burning across his face.
"honestly.....we're proud of you man. this is the most normal you've been about her. good luck." kuroo smiled slightly, patting his back encouragingly as he moved out of the way of the door.
"yea, we know you wouldn't do anything insane to get in her house. i just wonder what this means for the be-" shoyo starts before bokuto pounds on his shoulder knowingly, in an obvious attempt to shut him up.
"whatever. i'm going, i don't wanna be late." kenma started as we walked out of the house quickly.
meanwhile, in y/n's house, she found herself tidying up the common area of the house. going as far as dusting that one stupid bookshelf that sakusa bought to hold his trophies and other various awards of her roomates. silently, y/n padded into her office/studio and flopped on the couch, choosing to set up the camera to be prepared for the video.
for some reason, y/n felt this utter sense of swirling nerves in her stomach at the idea of kenma being in her presence for what she knows is the first time. not to mention, the house just so happened to be conveniently empty as kiyoko decided to head to meet an old friend of hers, sakusa decided to get some practice reps in with his teammate, atsumu and tendou was at the bakery, conveniently making a new apple pie recipe.
y/n's nervous thoughts were halted at the rapping of knuckles against the door. suddenly, the swirling feeling in her stomach dropped and she almost felt frozen in place. before she could overthink, she willed her body to trudge to the front door and breathe deeply before unlocking the door and pulling it open to reveal kenma kozume in all of his natural glory.
kenma smiled goofily, awkwardly shuffling as you stared at his lanky figure. hair pulled back attractively in a sort of makeshift ponytail, hoodie thrown haphazardly over his body but hugging his arms in all the right places and the oversized sweat shorts that revealed the slight expanse of his beautifully built calves.
"gonna let me in or do ya wanna look at me sum more?" he asks, tongue poking at his cheek gently. you're immediately shaken out of your trance when you remember who you're gawking at.
"you disgust me. but come in, i guess." you mumble the last part before moving aside to allow him inside.
"so, gonna tell me what this video is." he asks as he removes his shoes and places them neatly on the shoe rack.
"follow me." you reply, choosing to ignore his question as you lead him to your studio. his eyes begin scanning the room and observing the scenery before he speaks. "no..." he starts but your grin has already lit up your entire face.
"we're doing your makeupppp." you smile as you step aside to reveal the camera set up at your vanity area, all of your makeup splayed across the desk and some items you purchased to suit kenma's complexion.
"just put me out of my misery." he whines, placing his backpack on the couch that was pushed against the wall.
his whines went ignored as you rushed him to sit down and finished up the final tweaks to lighting before getting ready to turn the camera on but you spoke before pressing the record button.
"look....i'm an ass to you and you're an ass to me. the fans like that dynamic but we also have to seem like we like each other. soo...keep that in mind." you start, nervous as you fiddle with the tripod in front of you.
"when this camera turns on, i'm not y/n. i'm your girlfriend...so don't be too much of an ass." you finish, eyes glancing up to catch his golden ones.
"got it, princess." his voice is smooth and warm, sending sparks and goosebumps along your skin. your eyes roll to mask the simple effects of his nickname. you'd die if he realized how much you genuinely enjoyed hearing it, partly because you weren't sure why in the first place. and with that, the camera turned on and the act began.
"hi my loves!! today i'm here with a very special guest." you spoke, speaking animatedly in front of the camera, blocking kenma from the frame.
"my stupid boyfriend, kenma." you moved to the side, revealing kenma, who's cheeks are burning an adorable shade of pink.
"surprisee." he speaks monotously, eyes wrinkling slightly as he waves his hands playfully.
"i know a lot of you have speculated but we're here to finally come clean." you smile, looking away nervously.
"quit yapping and tell them what we're doing." he smiles quietly before placing his hands a bit above your waist, shocking you deep within your core. the feelings of the calloused pads on your clothed waist sent shockwaves up your spine and you couldn't help but jump slightly.
"rudeee." you mumble before moving to stand behind the chair, revealing the full vanity.
"today, i'll be doing his makeup. i'm excitedd, i've wanted to do this for weeks but he's been too shy." you spoke, explaining further about the plan of the video for your viewers before beginning the makeup.
the conversation flowed seamlessly, to the naked eye, it would be insane to assume anything other than love between the two of you. flirty comments covered in natural sarcasm and faux-pas anger. you knew the video would do numbers, solely because your fans know that you've never been one to talk about love and relationships on your channel.
as you're setting kenma's face with a powderpuff, you use your fingers to gently pull up on his chin, aiming for a better angle to ensure the product was fully blended out. as you focused, your eyes wrinkling in the process, kenma took the time to shamelessly admire you. golden eyes searched yours before falling on your lips and flicking up and away from you.
"see something ya like, love?" you ask, smirking cockily as you pull the powderpuff away, eyes falling to his again.
"definitely." he muttered, shamelessly lost in the expanse of your featherlight, gentle touch and soothing presence. your eyes widen, grateful that you're facing away from the camera as you feel warmth spread to your ears.
you tear yourself away, scanning the vanity table for the next step in an attempt to recover from the embarrassing, nervous gnawing of your lip. you turn back, remembering that you're filming and you push away the feelings of nervousness and allow yourself to be bold...for the sake of the video, right?
the video comes to an end, you laughing ridiculously hard at the sight of kenma in full glam, even allowing you to put lashes on him which caused him to look like a veteran pageant prince. your giggles began to mix with kenma's pleads to take pictures for the groupchat later. as you go to turn off the camera, kenma begins searching for the micellar water you had offered him.
you whirl around and grab it from him, pouring it on a cotton pad before pausing in front of him.
"can i?" you ask, holding the cotton pad up, implying that you wanted to do it for him
"be my guest, princess." he starts, leaning back comfortably before adjusting himself in the seat. your heart jumping at the sight of just how beautiful kenma kozume was, even with a full face of exaggerated makeup. it was something about the distinction in his features, the way his hair lazily fell into his face and the lazy smirk that constantly graced his lips.
you connected your phone to the speaker before playing some music lightly and began your work of scrubbing the makeup away, revealing kenma's soft skin. as you wiped away, kenma found the courage to rest his hands gently on the space above your waist, testing to see if this was okay. you sighed softly, feeling that swirl of nerves deep in your stomach before deciding, this is fine. how else would you be able to pretend to be his girlfriend if you weren't used to his touch. you reasoned like this and leaned into the touch, pushing locks of his hair away from his face before pulling it between your fingers.
"do you ever think hmm maybe i should fix my overgrown ass roots." you mumbled, inspecting the hair quietly.
"mmm i do but i haven't found a good stylist and i know i'd fry my hair off doing it alone. sooo, i just let it grow out." he mumbled, rubbing soft circles into your skin through the fabric of your tshirt.
"well, i know how...and this looks fucking ugly." you grumbled, throwing away the remainder of the cotton pads over his shoulder into the trash and looking down at him.
"wanna do it now? i'm not in a rush to leave and you could use it for more content." he shrugs, face neutralized as he glances at you softly.
"i mean...i do have bleach.. and it would be good to have some extra content with you." you mumble, thinking quietly.
"you don't have too but i thought it would be helpful and i would hate for my girlfriend to think i'm absolutely hideous." he laughed slightly at his own joke, removing his hands from your waist. your eyes widened slightly at the feeling and the lack of warmth.
"fine... it is helpful. so, thank you and i don't find you repulsive. just ugly." you shrug before walking towards the door, beckoning for him to follow you.
"whatever helps you sleep at night, princess." he sighs before following you into the bathroom silently.
the jokes and conversation flowed as you mixed the bleach mixture and began applying it gingerly to his roots, being careful to not overlap with the already bleached part. the two of you conversed of many things; about how you ended up moving in with your roomates, hinata and sakusa being on the same team and other random topics came about.
as he sat on the toilet seat, hair wrapped up neatly in a shower cap. he decided to ask a question, eyes continuously glazing over your appearance as you scrolled aimlessly on your phone.
"so, how are you gonna repay me for this extra content. i'm expensive to book, ya know." he joked, placing his phone on the counter and arms crossing playfully.
"i could beat your ass. if you're into that kinda thing." you smile, not looking up from your phone to see his dismissive eyeroll. chuckling to yourself quietly, you look up and see his lazy smirk has grown into a genuine grin. it brought those swirling nerves up from your stomach and into your throat.
"i could uh- we can go make food. or order something..on me." you say, eyes widening gently.
"hmm i like that. can we make pancake sandwiches?' he questions innocently.
"kenma....what the hell is a pancake sandwich?" you ask, eyebrow raised in a concerned fashion.
"it's this thing shoyo came up with. make pancakes and then eggs with some pork belly and then you make a sandwich like thing. it's sooo fire. i'll show you how to make it for me." he speaks, pressing the alarm off of his phone to signal it was time to rinse the bleach from his hair.
y/n was beginning to question if kenma kozume was actually an asshole or if he just had asshole tendencies. but then, she looks back on the events of today and wonders if it was her, who had been the asshole the entire time.
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taglist: @3lectraheart @fairyrots @chemiru @i-am-trying-i-promise @herteatime @shosuki @sereniteav @sunarots @babyyitsval @theweirdfloatything @ast4rg1rl @rockleeisbaeeee @punkhazardlaw @starykari @giocriedpower @cherryblossomly
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phantom-0-writer · 1 year
prompt 03: angry colors
inspired by this post abt dick
tbh idr like this that much but it was a real big brain itch so i thought i'd air it out
Dick came back to his apartment much later than he intended, losing track of time while he was tracking a lead he had gotten for a case. He sighed as he slipped through the window of his apartment, taking off his domino ready to face the mess he knew he had left the apartment as. But when he turned into the kitchen the dishes that had been piling up in the sink were gone, and the sink was even cleaned and shining in a way Dick hadn’t seen it ever do. Instinctively he checked the cabinets to check if he had been robbed, but the dishes were inside, clean, dry and put away.
Confused, Dick opened the fridge to get a cold glass of water only belatedly remembering he had forgotten to fill the jug up in his rush to get to work that morning. But there it was, full of water, the frost around the glass providing evidence it had been in there for at least a few hours. Maybe past-Dick had done him a favor that present-Dick had forgotten about. 
Gulping down the cold water, Dick headed towards the bathroom to freshen up and change into comfy sweats. The bathroom was through the living room, where he knew he would find a tower of pizza boxes weeks old, and crumbs would crunch under his feet. There was a pile of dirty laundry that was left in his bathroom floor that he should probably take care of, but Dick couldn’t find the energy in himself to put in the effort. 
“Maybe tomorrow.” Dick mumbled to himself for the 5th time that week, as he trudged through his apartment. His crystal clean apartment. There were vacuum marks on the carpet, no pizza boxes, and the pillows on the couch had been arranged and fluffed. The flowers Kory had given him were pruned and placed beautifully in a glass vase he knew hadn’t been there that morning. The TV was on, he noticed, his current show ready to play at the press of a button, and remote placed on the corner of the sofa he always sat at. 
“What is happening?” Dick asked himself out loud, befuddled. He checked the room for cameras or listening devices. Nothing. 
Alfred wasn’t the type to drop by for a surprise visit and leave without telling Dick. 
The bathroom was also a victim to whatever happened to the rest of his apartment. The floor had been mopped, the clothes were gone, the toilet, shower, and sink were clean and organized. There was even a clean towel and Dick’s favorite lounge set ready folded by the shower. The grime on Dick’s body felt out of place in the pristine apartment. 
Dick would definitely be looking the gift horse in the mouth. But maybe it could wait after he showered. 
While he showered, Dick let his mind wander. He thought about the strange newfound cleanliness of the apartment, wondering what or why it could’ve been. Was this another Tim situation? Something nagged at the back of Dick’s mind, something important, but he couldn’t remember what. 
That something important was in the living room, head snapping in Dick’s direction as the bathroom door opened, and standing at attention. 
Holy shit. Dick forgot he had a kid. He’d forgotten a whole child was living with him now.
Oh, he was such a dick. 
“I didn’t hear the door so I didn’t know you were home yet.” The boy- Daniel - rushed to explain when he caught Dick’s eyes on him. 
Still grappling with the fact that he had fully forgotten there was a child he was supposed to be taking care of now, Dick said the first reasonable response that came to mind. “I used the window,” Daniel already knew about Dick’s night job as Nightwing thanks to the circumstances Dick had found him under. 
Dick wasn’t sure why that answer had elicited a panicked apology from the 8 year old. But Dick wasn’t sure what had happened to Daniel before he had found him, but apparently they would have to dig into that at 4:30 AM. Maybe Dick should call off work tomorrow. 
Dick tried to get closer to Daniel but when his shoulders seemed to go impossibly more stiff, Dick took the sign to stay in his spot and kneeled on one leg so he would be face level with Daniel. “Daniel,” Dick made sure his voice was calm and inviting but the boy still flinched, “Did you clean the apartment?” 
“Yes, sir.” There was fear in Daniel’s eyes that Dick couldn’t help but be concerned by, but his voice was even when he spoke. 
“Why?” Dick asked calmly, making sure to keep his body language open. 
Daniel looked startled by the question, eyes darting over Dick trying to find the answer he thought Dick was looking for. When he couldn’t find it he looked around the room. Dick watched him, waiting for his response. “Because,” Daniel started hesitantly, voice shaking slightly, “Because it was dirt- messy.” his voice was a whisper as he spoke. 
“But you didn’t make that mess, so why did you clean it?” Dick prompted, fearing for where he could see this conversation going. 
“So you- so that-” Daniel looked like he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to respond. 
“I want you to be honest, Daniel. You won’t get in trouble.” Dick added quietly. 
Daniel tried to decipher if he was lying, a familiar analytical look in his eyes. After a long moment Dick wondered if he just wouldn’t respond. But when Daniel answered, it hadn’t been at all what he had been expecting. “So that you wouldn’t be angry at me.”
Coupled with his earlier fumble of forgetting the kid, Dick felt like he had just been gutted. “What?” Dick heard himself say. Daniel looked alarmed at the reaction, so Dick spoke again quickly. “I’m not angry at you Danny,” a nickname he had given the boy slipped onto his tongue, “I’m not angry at all why would you think so?” 
Tears were beginning to well in Daniel’s eyes, “You are angry.” He sounded scared, his voice wobbly. 
“I promise I’m not angry. Or mad. Or annoyed. Or irritated.” Dick reassurances seemed to do nothing for the boy. The reservoir under Daniel’s eyes was getting fuller, threatening to spill. So he tried a different approach, “What makes you think I’m angry, Danny?” 
“Because the-” Daniel tried to find the words, so Dick waited. “Your heart has angry colors.” He finally said.
Dick tried to decipher what that meant. Angry colors? He’d have to circle back to that later. “So you cleaned the apartment because you thought I was angry?” Dick summarized. 
Daniel nodded, he considered something for a moment. “Jazz said that if you’re good at something then people will like you and not be angry. And I’m good at cleaning.” 
“Did the people you were with before get angry at you a lot?” Dick asked, trying to keep his promise of not getting angry. 
“That’s why I cleaned.” Daniel nodded. 
Dick forced himself to stay calm. He may have a meta child that could sense emotions in his hands and he did not want to test that theory by blowing up in front of him. 
Not a child- he corrected himself- his child. Danny was his son. And maybe Dick didn’t know how to be a dad, but he knew how not to be a dad. And that had to be some kind of start. Today would be a one time thing, Dick promised himself, and Danny would never know and never feel like he was forgotten much less by his dad.
He would save the conversation about that for the morning, after a good night's sleep. “How about some ice cream, since you worked so hard?”
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noonmutter · 7 months
DWC Feb 2024 Day 2: Suppress/Pastel
Stromgarde Keep--Terry mused that they probably ought to start calling it Stromgarde Castle, these days calling it a keep felt a bit like calling a dreadnaught a boat--was still new enough that parts of it almost shined under the afternoon sun. He'd spent just long enough in the gloomy, rainy climate of his homeland that he wasn't used to that anymore, and it took him a minute or two to figure out why. He had nothing against the place, its people, or anything else; the brightness and the odd newness of all the construction just set him on edge. As he strode along the walkways toward one of the buildings just off the keep itself, he reflected that he was probably going to feel that way about most of Gilneas in the coming years.
His boots clicked audibly on the cobbles of the pathway, and that added to the unease. Terry Ambroce was farm folk, a street slag, a degenerate; his boots should've been awful, worn, silent things that looked moments away from a trip to the rubbish bin but did their job beautifully. Instead, the fuckers announced his arrival before the secretary had a chance to stand up. The nondescript building had been converted, or possibly just actually become used for its intended purpose as a clerking office, and people dressed in their finest inexplicably-drab-even-under-direct-sunlight Gilnean suits bustled back and forth between one anothers' desks. Stacks of papers in all sorts of quality and condition were everywhere, but Terry noted there were no single sheets drifting across the floor, and no ink spatters on anything.
It was chaos, but it was organized chaos. Sort of, anyway.
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"Sergeant Ambroce to see you, Mister Rumpole."
Terry suppressed a snort at the name. It was aggressively Gilnean, teetering on the edge of being too silly to say aloud. Or hear, in his case, but he was not immune to being a childish idiot. He was saved by the sounds of shuffling paper growing suddenly much louder as a fellow who carried himself like a much larger, heavier man rose from his desk to approach.
Much like everything else about his day so far, Terry was not accustomed to being greeted by an outstretched hand rather than a fist holding a weapon. It took him just a second or so longer than the average person might have to react the appropriate way, and he still fumbled a little bit when he grasped the man's wrist instead of his hand. It was a painfully soldier thing for him to do, but Terry had, despite himself, become a soldier at some point.
Mr. Rumpole rallied easily enough and responded in kind, then huffed a short, but nonetheless genuine, laugh. "Of course, I should've thought about that. I promise, you'll find no knives on me, mate, but if you notice a fountain pen anywhere, do let me know. I've been trying to find my favorite and I'm all but certain Jenkins stole it. Egg'd be on my face if he didn't, but at least I'd have it back, eh?"
Terry chose not to tell him he'd spotted six different possible missing inkpens sticking out of all the bits and bobs on the desk he'd left behind, and simply nodded. "'Ave y' considered filin' cabinets, by any chance? Fer th' mess?"
"Oh, surely!" Rumpole turned and led Terry back to his desk, lifting stacks of books and scrolls and parchment out of his way and setting them gingerly back down exactly as they'd been before. "And by the time we actually get them here, we'll be hearing a few offices have finally been cleared up in the city proper, you know how it goes. No, no, we're making do with what we've got, same as we always have, eh?"
He didn't want to, but Terry was already starting to like this man, and that seemed dangerous. He was clearly a lawyer, maybe even a proper barrister once upon a time, and likeable lawyers were tricky. Coming to a stop at the edge of Rumpole's apparent desk, Terry almost asked whether he was supposed to sit, but Rumpole answered that question for him when he grabbed a thin file from another stack and gestured to be followed again.
They made their way to the back of the building, a thankfully much quieter part of the building, though Terry saw that as a warning as much as anything. Not many ways out if this really was all some elaborate ambush. But, Rumpole shouldered open the door at the end of the hall to reveal nothing more insidious than a simply-appointed private office. Which, really, was insidious enough on its own. The light coming through the windows was pleasant enough, and the smell of old paper was mild enough to actually be appreciated, rather than feeling assaulted by it. The furniture, unlike almost everything else in the keep as a whole, carried the air of age around it, despite being immaculate and polished.
Rumpole set the file down and gave the dark, gleaming wood a fond pat, grinning as he nodded Terry toward the chair on the opposite side. "Gorgeous, isn't she? I may not have been the richest man in my firm, but you can bet I went for the niceties when I could afford them! Sadly, she's not my old one. I suspect that's been wrecked along with the rest of the firm, but we'll cross that bridge when we chase the monsters out from under it, eh?"
Terry could only nod. He wasn't quite as unnerved as he'd been when he arrived, but that left him heading directly toward confused, instead. What the hell was he doing in a barrister's office?
"So! You've already got my name, and I've already yours, and we both know you got our Queen's fascinating correspondence or you wouldn't be here, so I won't waste your time going over all that again. I do still have to observe the usual niceties and thank you for your time, of course; I've been doing plenty of reading about you, Sergeant, and nothing seemed more offensive than taking up your time away from your expansive family, eh?"
Ah. This. Terry had seen this plenty of times from the outside, when people were talking to blue-bloods or high ranking officers and the like. It was downright wierd to have it aimed directly at him: The man was buttering him up for something. "I appreciate th' speed-through introduction, mate, but as y' so clearly already know, I was kinda keen on surprisin' my kids by pickin' 'em up from school t'day. No offense t' you, o' course, but kin y' skip t' th' point?"
Another bark of laughter preceded a small flurry of movement as Rumpole untied the twine binding the file, withdrawing a surprising number of sheets from the battered leather folder and spreading them out not unlike a casino dealer would playing cards. "Fair play to you, Sergeant! Well, let's see here..." Turning his back to his guest, he reached up to the sparsely-filled shelves behind the desk and pulled down a much larger, rolled-up scroll that was easily recognizable as a map. As he spoke, he unrolled it to reveal a large portion of Gilneas, laid out in odd, mostly-rectangular shapes with numbers and notes all over each one.
An estate map? What are they trying to pin on me now?
To his frustration, Terry couldn't make out the legend properly from where he was seated without moving the map himself, and Rumpole was already--still--talking.
"As you're obviously aware, Gilneas was finally declared a safe zone, though of course there are still all those pocket skirmishes and little border incursions…"
And now the confusion was giving way to annoyance. "I 'elped clear a fair number o' those pockets. Yes, I'm aware."
"Right, well!" Rumpole had the decency to look suitably chastised, recognizing he was starting to prattle even after he'd skipped a good portion of the prattling already. "Straight to it, Sergeant: My colleagues all across the kingdoms have seen the writing on the wall and, more importantly, on paper, and gathered all the records that still remain intact enough to have standing." He waved one hand toward the closed door to indicate the mass of papers and fellow lawyers just beyond. Then, he placed one finger squarely on a specific point on that map.
Terry's eyes widened as he sorted out where precisely it was.
"I was given the unique honor to be the one to inform you that your family's stead is one of those lucky few. If you wish to claim it, of course. Our recently crowned queen has declared anybody that shows valid claim has, in layman's terms, dibs. Standard post-war repatriation; there's a bit of a shortlist for whatever's left of the noble houses, the officers, and the notables. I suppose you can sort out where you fell on that list, eh?"
"I--my--...wot? Notable?"
"You are the Lighthound, aren't you?"
Terry blinked.
"Sir, I am a barrister. I do research."
"Right, yeah, sorry, I... 'oly shit."
Terry's thoughts were going entirely too fast for him to catch up with, but when they all went in circles, they all eventually wound up in the same place. It was just a matter of waiting them out, and Rumpole, sensing an opportunity to give his prepared presentation, seized on the moment. Though he was still technically listening, Terry spent the majority of that time studying the map. Now that he had a reference point he could work from, the other plots around his family's ranch clicked into place. His neighbors, to the best of his knowledge, were all dead.
Except for the two.
Declan Diggs' father had run a respectably-sized distillery, owed mostly to Big Diggs' love of vodka, of all things. Made him a bit wierd to everyone else--Gilneans were mostly scotch, whisky, and bourbon people--but growing potatoes had only been the start. They were easy to grow, hard to kill, and turned into strong booze, so Big Diggs was all over it. Terry remembered hearing his buddy talk about how his dad was looking at getting a few fruit trees transplanted to try and branch out--gods, Diggs thought he was so fuckin' funny--into wine, but then everything had gone to absolute shit, and Big Diggs didn't make it out alive.
Smits' parents had devoted a ton of time and effort to clearing their own land of stone before he'd been born. The Mathers family had made a killing selling it to various quarries and sculptors, and then turned around and got that crappy dirt worked into good growing soil. By the time Smits was old enough to walk, he was already an accomplished stone-picker, and by the time they were going to school together, Smits already had tons of ideas and plans to get out of Gilneas, see the world, and most importantly, make tons of money and make a name for himself. Much like Terry, he hadn't been clear on what sort of name he wanted to make, he'd just known he'd wanted to make one.
They were all supposed to be big shots, making big shit happen, together. But they weren't, and only some of that had been Terry's fault. He'd already known, from the moment he'd found out what they'd done to him--what they'd tried to do to his family--that they didn't deserve to be forgiven.
But the people they'd been, the friends he'd once known, didn't deserve to be forgotten, either.
"...wish to re-stake the claim, the Crown would be happy to purchase the land back from you for a tidy sum. You could also grant ownership to another party, if you've got someone in m--"
"Where do I sign."
"Eh? Oh! Of course, just here, here, and..."
"And I want first biddin' rights on any o' th' adjacent steads, if their owners give 'em up or don't 'ave sufficient records. These two 'ere," Terry thumped his finger down on the Diggs and Mathers steads in turn, "Their last livin' fam'ly members are in prison fer treason, among other thin's. I doubt they'll want or be able t' claim it. Let me know about those as y' can…"
Terry and Rumpole spent almost an hour discussing the details. After that, Rumpole took advantage of Terry's damn near photographic memory to help sort out some plots they'd had a lot of trouble identifying. By the time they'd gotten too close to the cities for him to be of use anymore, Terry realized another hour had gone by on top of that, and he'd long since missed the window to surprise his kids at school.
It was time to go home.
( @daily-writing-challenge )
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abramsbooks · 1 year
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RECIPE: Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Chimichurri (from Meal Prep Magic by Catherine McCord)
It was in Argentina where I began my love affair with chimichurri; a pot of it accompanied whatever meat we were eating. Just the thought of pairing it with pork tenderloin makes me giddy.
PREP TIME: 15 minutes, plus 1 to 2 hours for marinating COOK TIME: 15 minutes SERVES: 4 to 6
¼ cup (60 ml) Dijon mustard
½ cup (120 ml) apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons light or dark brown sugar
8 cloves garlic, minced
⅓ cup (75 ml) plus 2 tablespoons olive oil
1½ teaspoons kosher salt
2 to 2½ pounds (910 g to 1.2 kg) pork tenderloin, fat and silver skin removed
½ cup (15 g) packed fresh cilantro
½ cup (15 g) packed flat- or curly-leaf parsley
1 small shallot, peeled
2 tablespoons red or white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
Pinch crushed red pepper
Freshly ground black pepper
Place the Dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, half of the garlic, 2 tablespoons of the olive oil, and 1 teaspoon salt in a large zip-top bag. Squish the bag to mix the marinade. Add the pork tenderloin and use your hand on the outside of the bag to move the marinade around the pork. Marinate for 1 to hours at room temperature or overnight in the refrigerator.
To make the chimichurri, in a food processor, place the cilantro, parsley, remaining garlic, shallot, the remaining ⅓ cup (75 ml) olive oil, the red or white wine vinegar, lime juice, crushed red pepper, remaining ½ teaspoon salt, and black pepper and pulse until finely chopped.
Heat a grill to medium heat. Grill the marinated pork on several sides for a total of 14 to 15 minutes, or until the internal temperature is 135 to 140°F (55 to 60°C) when checked with an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the meat. (Alternatively, you can use a cast-iron skillet to roast the pork. Heat over medium-high heat and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Sear the pork all over for a total of 6 minutes. Transfer the pan to a 400°F (205°C) oven and roast for 15 to 20 minutes.)
Allow the pork to rest for at least 10 minutes to allow the juices to settle before slicing. Use a sharp knife to cut pork on a bias into ½-inch (12 mm) slices and top with the chimichurri sauce.
Make sure not to overcook the pork. Pork should never be cooked to more than 135 to 140°F (55 to 60°C). You want the internal color to be light pink.
Make double the amount of chimichurri sauce to serve with fish, shrimp, chicken, or steak later that week.
TO ENJOY LATER The cooked pork can be cooled and refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Enjoy at room temperature or warm for 30 seconds in the microwave. Store the chimichurri in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze in ice cube trays then transfer to labeled zip-top bags for up to 4 months.
PREP IN ADVANCE Place the zip-top bag of the pork in its marinade in the freezer for up to 3 months. When ready to cook, place the pork chops in the zip-top bag in the refrigerator to thaw overnight; cook as directed.
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Become a faster, healthier cook with secrets from Weelicious founder and meal prep genius Catherine McCord
With celebrated cookbook author and Weelicious founder Catherine McCord's step-by-step process, your kitchen will be beautifully organized and fast, healthy family meals will be at your fingertips—starting with 100 of her favorite recipes. McCord believes that success in the kitchen comes down to two things—organization and meal prep—and she’ll show you how to master both in Meal Prep Magic.
One step beyond the ideological approach of Marie Kondo and The Home Edit, McCord brings you a practical guide to organizing the most important space in your home and using it. If you’ve ever lost leftovers to the back of the fridge, failed to find a spice that you know you bought, or faced a cabinet full of mismatched Tupperware, her advice will forever change your relationship to your kitchen.
After showing how to maximize your space for efficiency, McCord offers up her favorite family recipes. Including tried-and-tested secrets for saving time, these recipes are easy to prep ahead, make entirely ahead, contain basic ingredients that are always in your pantry, and/or strategically employ your freezer, air-fryer, Instant Pot, slow cooker, and more. Think grab-and-go breakfasts like Raspberry Creamy Chia Puddings, creative packed lunches including easy-to-assemble Salad Jars, healthy snacks like air-fryer crispy artichokes, and irresistible dinners that are even better leftover, such as lemony chicken thighs with lots of herbs.
By following McCord's simple strategies for meal prepping, you’ll always have food on-hand to enjoy throughout your busy week, limiting your trips to the grocery store and time spent in the kitchen. Eat healthy meals you love, while saving time, money, and your sanity. Never again stress out about what to make for dinner! Meal Prep Magic is a lifesaver for any and all home cooks, busy parents, and fans of Weelicious and McCord's popular book Smoothie Project.
For more information, click here.
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Creating Functional Art: Woodworking Projects to Inspire
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Woodworking projects have long been a source of both utility and artistic expression. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore woodworking as a means to create functional art—pieces that not only serve practical purposes but also inspire with their beauty and craftsmanship. From finely crafted furniture to ingenious storage solutions, these woodworking projects showcase the fusion of form and function, offering inspiration to both novice and seasoned woodworkers.
1. Functional Furniture:
Woodworking has a rich tradition of crafting functional furniture that doubles as art. Pieces like intricately carved chairs, elegant dining tables, and sculpted bookcases are not just utilitarian but also serve as focal points in interior design. The marriage of form and function in these pieces elevates them from mere furnishings to works of art.
2. Creative Storage Solutions:
Woodworkers often rise to the challenge of creating innovative storage solutions that are both practical and aesthetically pleasing. From modular shelving units that adapt to changing needs to hidden compartments in cabinets and dressers, these projects demonstrate that storage can be as stylish as it is functional.
3. Wooden Sculptures:
Woodworking lends itself beautifully to the creation of wooden sculptures. These works of art explore the natural beauty of wood grain and texture. Sculptors carve, shape, and manipulate wood into intricate designs and abstract forms, revealing the versatility of wood as a medium for artistic expression.
4. Decorative Woodworking:
Decorative woodworking projects add charm and character to any space. Items like hand-carved picture frames, ornate wall panels, and wooden clocks showcase the artisan's attention to detail and craftsmanship. These pieces can transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary ones.
5. Artistic Joinery Techniques:
Woodworkers often employ advanced joinery techniques to create functional art. Intricate dovetails, mortise-and-tenon joints, and finger joints become decorative elements in themselves. The precision of these techniques not only ensures structural integrity but also elevates the aesthetics of the piece.
6. Wood and Metal Fusion:
The combination of wood and metal in woodworking projects creates striking visual contrasts. Metal accents, such as legs, handles, or inlays, add an industrial edge to wooden pieces. This fusion of materials results in functional art that blends warmth with an urban appeal.
7. Customization and Personalization:
The art of woodworking allows for customization and personalization. Many functional woodworking projects are created in collaboration with clients who have specific needs or design preferences. This customization ensures that each piece is not only functional but also deeply meaningful to its owner.
8. Ingenious Outdoor Creations:
Functional woodworking extends beyond the confines of indoor spaces. Woodworkers often craft outdoor furniture, pergolas, and garden structures that serve both practical and decorative purposes. These pieces transform outdoor spaces into inviting retreats.
9. Creative Workspaces:
Woodworkers frequently create functional art for their own workspaces. Custom workbenches, tool storage solutions, and wall-mounted organizers optimize efficiency while showcasing the woodworker's skills. These projects inspire other craftsmen to enhance their own work environments.
10. Reclaimed and Sustainable Wood:
Many woodworking artists embrace sustainability by using reclaimed or sustainably sourced wood. These materials not only reduce environmental impact but also carry their unique stories and character. Incorporating reclaimed wood into projects adds depth and a sense of history to functional art.
11. Multifunctional Pieces:
Functional art often blurs the lines between different uses. Multifunctional furniture, such as convertible tables, foldable chairs, and hidden compartments, maximizes utility without sacrificing style. These pieces adapt to changing needs and spaces.
12. Fine Woodworking in Minimalist Design:
Minimalism has found a place in functional art, with woodworkers embracing clean lines, simplicity, and an emphasis on negative space. Minimalist designs often highlight the wood's natural beauty, celebrating simplicity and elegance.
13. The Art of Finish:
The finish applied to woodworking projects is the final touch that transforms them into functional art. Whether it's a hand-rubbed oil finish that enhances the wood's grain or a meticulously applied coat of lacquer that adds a polished sheen, the finish brings out the beauty and depth of the wood.
In conclusion, functional art in woodworking represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship, where practicality harmonizes with beauty and creativity. These projects showcase the potential of wood as a versatile and timeless medium for artistic expression. Whether through sculptural forms, intricate joinery, or innovative storage solutions, functional art inspires woodworkers to push the boundaries of their craft, creating pieces that captivate the eye and enrich the lives of those who use them.
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nightmarist · 1 year
DnD Session Update!
First Update | Previous Update
Xehara’s player wasn’t able to make it, BUT it was a good opportunity to showcase potential side effects of the items the players reaped from the vault of the previous temple.
As they continued to search the temple of the Elk God, they were able to learn a few things:
Sigurd Helvega is the name of the High Priest of this temple, and the seals and signatures used for the temple match the seals and signatures from a pile of letters they stole from Sigurd in the first session. This also confirms for them Sigurd is at least 500 years old as of the destruction of this temple.
They search around and collect a few small things, looting the cabinets and treasure. Ivan stole an elk robe pin from a corpse. Tahir the Jackal started stealing bones from the corpses.
They returned to the central foyer and looted the pockets of a corpse. It had a small ledger with short hand names and numbers. They were able to discern this was more like a log book of movement and rooms, indicating priests’ quarters in addition to being a collection of time cards. They couldn’t figure out the short hand but they did assume correctly that Sigurd must have a room here. They also found a flask in his pocket. It was pretty, silver with gold embossed leaves and a round lid top. Sniffing it they found it was just straight alcohol.
They entered a gold filigree gate into the Sanctuary, where two ground doors flanked a statue of the Elk god, a pair of stairs flanked the statue with two more doors, and a final upstairs door on the right balcony. They went into the left ground door. This was a large office area with one big wooden desk overgrown with vines and leaves from a broken window on the left side, a smaller pair of desks on the right, a door in the far right corner on the right wall, a door straight ahead, but otherwise nothing of particular more besides more boring paperwork and some statues.
They checked the right wall door, it led directly into the room on the other side of the deer statue. Nothing of particular note, it was another office space but with more small desks, indicating the room they were just in was likely the High Priest’s. Both offices had a door on the north wall.
They wanted to enter the one from the high priest office assuming (correctly) it could be Sigurd’s. It was locked however and the only door they’ve encountered so far with handles. Everything else were simple swinging doors. All doors at this point has been described as being decorated with organic leaf filigree but this one has the image of a deer indicating it’s greater importance. Tork thought the lacquered door was too pretty to tear down. He rolled very high to knock the handle off the door rather cleanly and opened it that way.
It was a large master bedroom, an ornate canopy bed lay on the left hand wall in front of a beautiful stained glass window. A wardrobe directly north, two large and well worn trunks on the right hand wall, three paintings on the wall above the trunks, and the wall where the door they came from had two more paintings. There was a large, round bowl about 35 inches in diameter full of a waxy substance. Above it was a beautifully ornate candle Chandelier with some stalactites of wax that had dripped down over time.
Do you know how long it took out of character them to realize the bowl-table was for catching candle wax. Do you. It was laughable. We did in fact laugh about it.
Anyway, Tahir looked at the middle painting on the right wall. It was labeled “Sigurd Helvega” but it was tipped to shreds, impossible to piece together. He could tell it was once a portrait but that’s all.
Ivan tried Detect Magic. Nothing besides their own equipment gave off magic. Tork looked at the two paintings in the south wall. They were portraits of the swordsman and archer from the pre ious temple, but with first and last names different from what the plaques at the previous temple had. Razvra Zhiat, and Asa Heilung. He looked at the other two paintings near “the beauty and the beast” painting (what they dubbed sigurds torn portrait). The angel from the temple was a portrait there, named Eloise Starsguard, and a landscape impressionist painting of a meadow with a village.
They all thought Sigurd was arrogant for putting his portrait not only with sacred hero-gods, but his was even slightly larger than theirs. Oh, so close….
Ivan looked in the wardrobe. It was plain, but had three sets of clothes left in the bulk. Two priest robes, one with a tippet embroidered with a pair of elk - he took the tippet as a collector of religious iconography. A third set of clothing that looked more like light armor, or traveling clothes, embroidered with some elk symbology. He discerned it was probably a special pilgrimage outfit.
On the other half of the wardrobe he found a long sword with an ornate scabbard, a short bow, and ten arrows in a quiver. There was an empty slot for a staff.
The drawers were disheveled as if they were taken from in a hurry. More letters buried in them, as if trying to be hidden. He took the letters but didn’t examine them yet.
Tahir took the bow and arrows. Ivan took the sword.
Tahir wanted to check out the bed, see if there was anything hidden. He rolled a 1. He noticed the bed was a very nice quality, extremely soft down with silk sheets and down pillows. He got distracted by how nice it was sitting on it.
Tork checked out the trunks but they both locked, each having a keyhole. He asked Hank the Haoma to look around. Hank sniffed around and came to the bed Tahir was just chilling on, admiring the thread count.
Tork got mad at Tahir for not looking around. He flipped the bed over so hard the key flung somewhere in the room. They did Eventually find the key and opened the chests. One was a trunk full of healers supplies. Mostly empty or rotten herbs, but a great many and well protected glass vials, beakers, tubes, distillation tools and other things they couldn’t perfectly place but obvious it was a healer and/or alchemists large travel kit. The other had documents. They found three land deeds, each with star charts for each season to be able to find the locations, and crude drawings of landmarks to find them. Several more letters, mostly clothes, this was likely used for actual travel.
They collected the deeds to look at later. They exited and went back to the sanctuary with the elk statue. They went upstairs to the right door flanking the elk. It was a large mostly empty room, four pillars and the walls on either side had stairs like staggers as if for sitting or standing. A thin door to the immediate right. Directly in front was an altar space with used candles and old braziers. The altar had the image of the elk god in human form.
They opened the door and found it was a simple closet. It had incense, candles, two extra braziers, a few statues, and a small barrel. Ivan popped the top cork and discovered it was wine. Everyone had a swig. They took two sets of 50ft rope and shoved it in their bag of holding.
They went to the matching left door upstairs and discovered a replica of the same room, but it was different. The altar was toppled over and the statue of the elk god’s deer form was broken in pieces. There were large streaks of something dark coming from the altar place. Ivan detected no magic, but could smell it wasn’t blood. Tahir was going to lick it, but rolled a nat20 for perception. Before locking it he could smell the stench of old rot, and decided it wasn’t worth risking his health.
Tork assumed it was the black blight they’ve encountered before.
In this room, Xehara started clutching his throat. Ivan noticed the necklace Xehara got from the vault was reacting and while previously it had dropped binational Magic attached to it, it now had necromancy attached yo it before Xehara passed out. Tork swaddled him and carried him on his chest.
They left the room for the final door on the upper level right wall. It was another office, but it was completely ripped apart. However, what set it apart from all the others was that there was no external damage, not from broken stones or trees like the others, this was destroyed by someone looking for something. They pieced together it wasn’t just some random looters; things of value were still there. Whoever did this was looking for something specific.
Ivan detected magic from a large bell that had been cut from its rope, detecting abjuración but very faintly. He discerned with arcana and religion that it was likely a protective magic that when rung would protect the area or its people, and discerned it likely only had one final ring left by the way its magic was so faded in his vision.
He tried to pick it up by himself, nat 1’ing a strength check. He toppled over and the bell rang, releasing a magic, protective aura around all of them. Tork shook his head and called Ivan an idiot, lifting the bell like it was nothing with one hand. He kept the bell.
Outside, they plotted together their findings.
Tork knows how to read astronomy maps and star charts and was able to figure out the previous temple where the elk god’s corpse was is the general location of one of the deeds in Sigurd’s name. The three statues in that place, the swordsman, archer, and angel were portraits in his room. There was also a statue of Sigurd himself at that temple.
He asked Ivan about the Godkiller. Ivan recited the legend (here). Tork thinks Sigurd has something to do with the Godkiller but isn’t sure how exactly they connect.
The previous temple also had a pentagram lock with five crystal keys corresponding to locations on the world map via a riddle referencing the first pantheon’s origin myth. He matched the three deeds to the general locations to three of the keys, one of which is where Ivan came from. Ivan’s home city has a holy catacomb dedicated to an angel, a demon, and an alchemist who are said to have created the first vampires with alchemy. He can’t quite figure out the connection beyond that.
The dead god temple had statues of a female angel, Sigurd, a male swordsman, and a female archer. Ivan knows for a fact they share the angel as part of their pantheon but the descriptions of the demon and alchemist vary too widely to connect them to the swordsman or Sigurd, let alone the archer woman isn’t part of his pantheon at all.
Tork thinks the black blight is connected somehow to Sigurd, and Sigurd somehow to the Godkiller. Sigurd owns property near three locations of the five crystal keys. Two are confirmed to be temples. The Godkiller is associated with necromancy, vampires, the color teal, herbalism, and alchemy.
I think that’s everything. Tork’s player took a lot of notes so I’ll double check with what I confirmed for him and update when necessary.
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reeko-cabinets · 7 days
Transform Your Space with Expert Custom Closet Organization
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Are you struggling with clutter and disorganization in your closet? Discover how custom closet organization can revolutionize your space and enhance your daily routine. At Reeko Cabinets, we specialize in creating bespoke closet solutions that maximize every inch of your space while reflecting your personal style.
Custom closet organization isn't just about tidying up—it's about creating a system that works for you. Our team of experts will work with you to design a closet tailored to your needs, whether you need more hanging space, adjustable shelves, or dedicated compartments for accessories. With a focus on functionality and aesthetics, our custom solutions help you maintain an orderly, stylish closet.
Imagine a closet where everything has its place, and you can easily find what you need without the usual hassle. Our custom closet organization services ensure that your closet not only looks great but also provides the efficiency and convenience you deserve. Elevate your home with a professionally designed closet that simplifies your life and adds value to your property. Contact Reeko Cabinets today to start your journey toward a beautifully organized closet.
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zdfgnsym · 9 days
Kitchen Remodeling in Los Angeles, CA: Elevate Your Home with New Golden Age Builders
If you're looking to transform your kitchen into a space that’s not only functional but also aesthetically stunning, New Golden Age Builders in Los Angeles, CA, offers unparalleled kitchen remodeling services. Known for their innovative designs, attention to detail, and exceptional craftsmanship, they have become a go-to resource for homeowners looking to elevate their kitchens and create spaces that reflect their personal style and needs.
Why Remodel Your Kitchen?
The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home. It's where meals are prepared, family gatherings take place, and memories are made. However, an outdated, cramped, or poorly designed kitchen can quickly become a source of frustration. Here are a few reasons why remodeling your kitchen can be a game-changer:
Increased Functionality: Remodeling your kitchen allows you to reconfigure the layout, ensuring that everything is easily accessible and perfectly suited to your lifestyle.
Energy Efficiency: New appliances, lighting, and fixtures can dramatically reduce energy consumption, helping to lower your utility bills while benefiting the environment.
Aesthetic Appeal: A beautifully designed kitchen can become a focal point in your home, elevating its overall look and feel.
Home Value Boost: A kitchen remodel is one of the best ways to increase your property value. Potential buyers are always attracted to updated kitchens that combine style with modern functionality.
What New Golden Age Builders Offer
Customized Designs
At New Golden Age Builders, every kitchen remodeling project begins with a personalized consultation. They understand that every homeowner has unique tastes and functional needs. Whether you're drawn to sleek, modern designs, or prefer a more traditional look with warm tones and natural materials, their experienced team will help bring your vision to life.
Premium Materials
New Golden Age Builders are known for using high-quality materials, ensuring that your kitchen remodel is not only beautiful but also durable. From countertops and cabinets to flooring and lighting, they source materials that provide the perfect balance between aesthetics and longevity.
Skilled Craftsmanship
With years of experience in the kitchen remodeling industry, the craftsmanship at New Golden Age Builders is second to none. Their attention to detail and commitment to excellence ensures that your kitchen will be completed to the highest standards. From intricate tile work to seamless cabinetry installations, every element is carefully executed.
Efficient Project Management
One of the biggest challenges in kitchen remodeling can be managing the timeline and budget. New Golden Age Builders are known for their professionalism and efficiency, ensuring your project stays on track and within budget. They provide clear communication throughout the process, so you always know the status of your remodel.
Eco-Friendly Solutions
In addition to creating beautiful spaces, New Golden Age Builders also emphasize sustainable building practices. They offer eco-friendly options such as energy-efficient appliances, sustainable materials, and water-saving fixtures, helping you reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying a modern kitchen.
Popular Kitchen Remodeling Trends in Los Angeles
Los Angeles homeowners are often at the forefront of design trends, and kitchen remodeling is no exception. Here are a few trends that are gaining popularity:
Open Concept Layouts: Creating a seamless flow between the kitchen and living spaces is a popular request, making homes feel larger and more inviting.
Smart Kitchens: The integration of technology, from smart ovens to touchless faucets, is transforming the way we use our kitchens.
Two-Tone Cabinets: Combining contrasting colors in cabinetry is a stylish way to add visual interest.
Natural Elements: Incorporating stone countertops, wood cabinetry, and organic lighting fixtures brings warmth and a connection to nature into the kitchen.
Why Choose New Golden Age Builders?
Los Angeles is filled with remodeling contractors, but New Golden Age Builders stand out due to their:
Commitment to Quality: From the initial design consultation to the final walk-through, they strive to exceed expectations.
Customer-Centered Approach: They take the time to understand your needs and design a kitchen that fits your lifestyle, ensuring your satisfaction at every stage.
Comprehensive Services: Whether you're looking for a full kitchen remodel or a minor update, they offer a range of services to meet your needs. bathroom remodel service
Ready to Transform Your Kitchen?
If you’re ready to bring your dream kitchen to life, look no further than New Golden Age Builders. Their expertise in kitchen remodeling in Los Angeles, CA, ensures that your project will be handled with care, precision, and creativity. With their team by your side, your kitchen will become a stylish and functional space that enhances your everyday living.
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Top Renovation Ideas with Karst Galleria.
Revitalize your living space with Karst Galleria’s innovative renovation ideas. Whether you’re looking to modernize your home or add a touch of luxury, our expert team provides creative solutions to transform your space.
1. Modern Kitchen Makeover
Sleek Cabinets and Countertops: Upgrade to high-quality materials like granite or marble for a sophisticated look.
Smart Appliances: Incorporate energy-efficient and smart appliances to enhance functionality.
Open Layout: Create an open-plan kitchen with a breakfast bar or island for a more spacious feel.
2. Luxurious Bathroom Upgrade
Spa-Like Features: Install features like a rain shower, freestanding tub, or heated floors for a spa experience at home.
Elegant Tiles and Fixtures: Choose premium tiles and fixtures to add a touch of luxury.
Custom Vanities: Opt for custom vanities with ample storage and stylish finishes.
3. Stylish Living Room Revamp
Feature Wall: Add a feature wall with wallpaper or textured panels to create a focal point.
Modern Furniture: Invest in contemporary furniture pieces that complement your design style.
4. Functional Home Office
Ergonomic Furniture: Equip your home office with comfortable, ergonomic furniture for productivity.
Custom Storage Solutions: Incorporate built-in shelves and cabinets to keep your workspace organized.
Inspiring Design: Design the space to inspire creativity and focus, using colors and decor that motivate you.
5. Elegant Bedroom Transformation
Statement Headboard: Choose a statement headboard for a dramatic and stylish focal point.
Luxurious Bedding: Invest in high-quality bedding and pillows for comfort and style.
Built-In Closets: Maximize storage with custom-built closets and storage solutions.
6. Outdoor Oasis
Deck and Patio: Create an inviting outdoor space with a stylish deck or patio area.
Landscaping: Enhance your garden with professional landscaping, including plants, lighting, and water features.
Outdoor Kitchen: Install an outdoor kitchen or barbecue area for entertaining guests.
7. Basement Renovation
Entertainment Area: Turn your basement into a home theater or game room with comfortable seating and multimedia equipment.
Guest Suite: Create a guest suite with a bedroom and bathroom for added functionality.
Additional Storage: Incorporate built-in storage solutions to keep your basement organized.
8. Energy-Efficient Upgrades
Insulation: Improve insulation to enhance energy efficiency and reduce utility bills.
Windows and Doors: Upgrade to energy-efficient windows and doors to increase comfort and lower energy costs.
Smart Thermostats: Install smart thermostats for better control over your home’s heating and cooling.
Karst Galleria offers tailored renovation solutions to bring your vision to life. Our expert team ensures that every detail is addressed, providing you with a beautifully transformed space that meets your needs and preferences. Contact us today to explore how we can help you achieve your dream home.
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wedezine · 12 days
The Best Color Schemes for a Modern Kitchen
Your kitchen is more than just a place to cook—it’s the heart of your home. The right color scheme can elevate it into a stylish, inviting, and functional space where family and friends gather. A well-thought-out palette can add personality, create balance, and set the mood for your kitchen. Here are the top modern kitchen color schemes that blend aesthetics with practicality.
1. Classic White and Natural Wood
For a timeless and modern kitchen look, the combination of crisp white and warm wood is a winning choice. White cabinets and walls open up the space, making it feel bright and expansive, while wood tones provide warmth and character. The natural texture of wood, whether in flooring, shelving, or a kitchen island, pairs beautifully with the simplicity of white.
Design Tip: Choose light woods like oak or maple for a contemporary vibe, or opt for darker woods like walnut for a more dramatic contrast. Matte finishes and minimalist hardware keep the design clean and fresh.
2. Dramatic Black and Gold
For those seeking a bold, luxurious kitchen, black and gold create an ultra-chic aesthetic. Black cabinets or countertops provide a striking, modern backdrop, while gold accents—such as faucets, pendant lights, or hardware—add a touch of glamour. This combination is ideal for larger kitchens, where dark colors won’t overpower the space.
Design Tip: Balance the dark tones with lighter elements, like white marble countertops or backsplashes, to prevent the kitchen from feeling too heavy. Incorporate gold in subtle ways for a sophisticated yet modern finish.
3. Serene Gray and Sage Green
If you’re after a calm and soothing kitchen, gray and sage green offer the perfect blend. Soft gray cabinets are neutral enough to feel timeless, while sage green adds a refreshing pop of color inspired by nature. This scheme works best in kitchens with ample natural light, enhancing the room’s open and airy feel.
Design Tip: Pair gray and sage with natural materials like stone or wood for a cohesive, organic look. A gray kitchen island or backsplash can also add depth without disrupting the serenity of the space.
4. Navy and White Elegance
Navy blue and white are a classic pairing that brings elegance and modernity to any kitchen. Navy offers depth and richness without feeling as stark as black, while white keeps the space bright and balanced. This color scheme works wonderfully for those who want a sophisticated, coastal-inspired kitchen with a timeless appeal.
Design Tip: Add warmth by incorporating brass or copper accents, or opt for wood elements like shelving and countertops to soften the contrast between navy and white.
5. Earthy Tones and Natural Materials
Bring the outdoors inside with earthy tones like terracotta, olive green, and taupe. These warm, grounded hues create a cozy and welcoming kitchen, especially when paired with natural materials such as stone, wood, and metal. Earthy tones are perfect for those who want a modern kitchen with a touch of rustic charm.
Design Tip: To enhance the organic feel, consider open shelving for displaying pottery, plants, or woven baskets, and choose countertops made from natural stone like marble or granite.
6. Monochromatic Minimalism
If minimalism is your style, a monochromatic color scheme will give your kitchen a sleek, cohesive look. Using different shades of a single color—such as gray, beige, or off-white—creates a streamlined aesthetic that feels both modern and serene. This approach is ideal for those who prefer clean lines and uncluttered spaces.
Design Tip: To prevent a monochromatic kitchen from feeling flat, play with textures and finishes. For example, matte cabinets can contrast with glossy tiles, while brushed metal fixtures add subtle variation.
7. Vibrant Two-Tone Cabinets
For a modern and fun twist, opt for two-tone cabinetry. This involves using contrasting colors for your upper and lower cabinets, or for cabinets and the kitchen island. Popular combinations include deep teal with white or charcoal gray with mustard yellow. Two-tone cabinets are great for adding visual interest and defining specific areas in an open-plan kitchen.
Design Tip: Keep the rest of the kitchen neutral, allowing the two-tone cabinets to take center stage. Simple countertops and backsplashes will ensure the look stays modern and cohesive.
8. Pastels with a Contemporary Twist
Pastels like mint green, blush pink, and baby blue can give your kitchen a fresh, contemporary look. These soft shades bring a sense of lightness and playfulness to the space, perfect for creating a cheerful, welcoming environment. Paired with white or light gray, pastels maintain a modern edge without feeling overly traditional.
Design Tip: Use pastels sparingly—for example, on a feature wall, backsplash, or kitchen island. This ensures that the space remains modern and doesn’t feel overly retro.
9. Charcoal and Metallic Accents
For a modern industrial vibe, charcoal gray paired with metallic accents like stainless steel or brushed nickel is a winning choice. The dark gray provides a sleek, contemporary foundation, while the metallic finishes introduce a touch of shine and sophistication. This color scheme is perfect for those who love an urban, loft-style kitchen.
Design Tip: Incorporate metallics through pendant lighting, bar stools, or even appliances to enhance the industrial feel without overwhelming the space.
The right color scheme can completely transform your modern kitchen into a stylish, functional space. Whether you’re drawn to the timeless beauty of white and wood, the bold contrast of black and gold, or the calming serenity of gray and sage, there’s a palette to suit every taste. At WeDezine, we specialize in bringing your vision to life with expert design and personalized solutions that reflect your unique style.
Ready to create your dream kitchen? Contact WeDezine today and let’s get started on your perfect kitchen transformation!
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mogulinterior · 18 days
The Coastal California Maximalist Boho Farmhouse: Where Vintage Elegance Meets Coastal Charm
Step into the Coastal California Maximalist Boho Farmhouse, a dazzling retreat that effortlessly marries eclectic charm with vintage elegance. This unique design ethos invites you to experience a home where the salty breeze from the ocean mingles with a symphony of textures, colors, and patterns, creating a sanctuary that is both inviting and inspirational. Shop Vintage Elegance At Mogulinterior
Find us on Chairish at mogulinterior
An Eclectic Haven by the Sea
From the moment you cross the threshold of this Coastal Maximalist Boho Farmhouse, you’re enveloped in an ambiance that celebrates abundance and variety. The design philosophy here embraces a maximalist approach—one that contrasts starkly with minimalism by emphasizing an abundance of décor and a mix-and-match aesthetic. Think of it as a curated collection of treasures, each piece telling its own story while contributing to the harmonious whole.
30ʺW × 1.25ʺD × 80ʺH
Whitewash Indo French Carved Sliding Barn Door, 80
$1,576itemProduct ID: 19870237
36ʺW × 1.2ʺD × 84ʺH
Hand Carved Vintage Wood Door, Floral Sliding Door 80x36
$1,684itemProduct ID: 19809553
36ʺW × 1.5ʺD × 84ʺH
Shabby Chic Farmhouse Reclaimed Wood Carved Sliding Barn Door 84x36
$1,740item$2,540Product ID: 11132888
36ʺW × 1.25ʺD × 84ʺH
Carved Vintage Door, Farmhouse Reclaimed Wood Rustic Sliding Barn Door 84x36
$1,788item$2,500Product ID: 11665257
36ʺW × 1.25ʺD × 84ʺH
Farmhouse Door, Floral Carved Wood Blue Hues Barn Door, 84x36
$1,746item$2,700Product ID: 11665100
7ʺW × 4ʺD × 35ʺH
1920s Carved Bird Vintage Wood Architectural Bracket
$340Product ID: 13508760
92ʺW × 4ʺD × 118ʺH
1920s Antique Indian Doors, Gothic Brass Cladded Teak Gates - a Pair 118
$8,880Product ID: 16130620
36ʺW × 17ʺD × 36ʺH
1920s Indo French Carved Antique Storage Cabinet
$1,400Product ID: 19718518
42ʺW × 1.25ʺD × 78ʺH
Vintage Indo French Carved Door Pair 78
$2,800Product ID: 19676692
90ʺW × 6ʺD × 115ʺH
Antique Gates 1920s Indian Haveli Arched Teak Doors
$9,800Product ID: 19718515
40ʺW × 2ʺD × 80ʺH
Natures Harmony Lotus Carved Door, Whitewashed Sliding Barn Door, 80x40
$1,950Product ID: 16489022
35ʺW × 15ʺD × 69ʺH
1920s Antique Armoire Brass Studs Whitewash Storage Cabinet
$2,664Product ID: 19845557
40ʺW × 1.5ʺD × 84ʺH
Antique Indian Door, Ganesha Painted Temple Door 84
$3,158Product ID: 20090911
36ʺW × 1.25ʺD × 96ʺH
2000s Indian Artisan Carved Burnished Brass Door, Intricate Detail, 96x36
$2,489$3,569Product ID: 6406754
43.5ʺW × 1.25ʺD × 96ʺH
Vintage South Indian Carved Wood Door 96
Vintage Treasures and Timeless Elegance
Vintage furniture and antique finds are the heart of this farmhouse. Picture a charming mix of Victorian settees, mid-century modern armchairs, and rustic farm tables. These pieces are not merely functional but serve as conversation starters, each with its own history and character. Antique rugs in bold patterns anchor rooms, their intricate designs adding layers of visual interest and warmth.
In this farmhouse, every item is chosen with care to create a sense of curated opulence. Vintage chandeliers and ornate mirrors bring a touch of glamour, while weathered wooden accents remind you of the coastal setting. The result is a home where every corner is brimming with personality and history.
A Bohemian Flair
Boho elements weave seamlessly into the farmhouse’s fabric, introducing a carefree and artistic spirit. Colorful macramé wall hangings, woven baskets, and an array of throw pillows in eclectic patterns bring a relaxed, bohemian vibe. These elements contrast beautifully with the more structured vintage pieces, creating a balanced and dynamic environment.
Layered textiles are a hallmark of this style. The farmhouse features an abundance of cozy throws and plush rugs that invite you to sink in and relax. Natural fibers and organic textures—like jute, cotton, and linen—complement the aesthetic, grounding the more extravagant elements with a touch of simplicity.
Coastal Influences and Natural Light
The coastal California setting of this farmhouse is crucial to its identity. Large windows frame stunning ocean views and allow natural light to flood the space, creating an airy and open feel. The color palette reflects this coastal influence, with soft blues, seafoam greens, and sandy neutrals evoking the tranquility of the beach.
Incorporating natural materials is key to blending the coastal and farmhouse elements. Driftwood sculptures, seashell accents, and woven rattan furniture add a beachy vibe, while indoor plants and greenery breathe life into the interiors. This connection to nature ensures that the home feels both fresh and grounded.
Personalized Touches and Artful Arrangements
Maximalist design thrives on individuality, and this farmhouse is no exception. Each room is thoughtfully arranged with a mix of art and personal artifacts. Vintage frames house old family photographs, while bold, contemporary art pieces add a modern twist. Gallery walls showcase an array of styles and eras, creating visual interest and a sense of discovery.
Personal collections are displayed proudly—whether it’s a collection of antique books, exotic souvenirs, or handmade ceramics. These items not only reflect the homeowner’s journey but also enhance the home’s narrative, making it a living testament to a life well-lived.
The Coastal California Maximalist Boho Farmhouse stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing eclecticism and vintage charm. By blending rich textures, vibrant patterns, and coastal influences, this design style creates a home that is as dynamic as it is serene. Here, the past meets the present in a harmonious dance, offering a space where every detail contributes to an enchanting and personalized living experience.
Phone : 239-603-7777
Warehouse Hours : Mon-Sat (By Appintment) (11:00AM - 6:00 PM)
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Matching Your Style: Discover Stylish Designs for Kitchen Cabinets and Cupboards
The kitchen is the heart of any home, where culinary creations come to life and family gatherings unfold. It’s no surprise that homeowners are investing more in creating kitchens that not only function beautifully but also reflect their personal style. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards are integral to achieving this balance of aesthetics and functionality.
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At Lecco Cucina, the Best Modular Kitchen Wardrobe Manufacturers in Bengaluru, we’re passionate about helping you find the perfect designs that align with your taste and transform your kitchen into a stylish and efficient space.
Embracing Modern Minimalism
Modern minimalism continues to be a popular choice for contemporary kitchens. This style emphasizes clean lines, simplicity, and a clutter-free appearance. Sleek, handle-less cabinets with high-gloss finishes or matte surfaces create a sophisticated look that’s easy to maintain. To enhance the minimalist vibe, consider incorporating open shelving for frequently used items or decorative pieces. Minimalism isn’t just about appearance; it’s about creating a space that feels calm and organized.
Design Tip: Opt for integrated appliances and subtle under-cabinet lighting to complement the sleek, uncluttered look.
Classic Elegance with Traditional Designs
For those who cherish timeless beauty, traditional kitchen designs offer a classic charm that never goes out of style. Think ornate details, rich wood finishes, and elegant hardware. Raised panel cabinets with intricate mouldings and decorative accents can add a touch of sophistication to your kitchen. Traditional designs often feature warm, inviting colours and a mix of textures to create a cozy, welcoming environment.
Design Tip: Incorporate glass-front cabinets to showcase fine China or collectibles, adding a touch of vintage flair to your kitchen.
Bold and Contemporary
If you’re drawn to bold, contemporary designs, vibrant colours and innovative materials are the way to go. This style embraces contrasts and unique design elements that make a statement. Consider cabinets in bold hues like deep blues, rich greens, or striking blacks. Pair these with modern hardware and unconventional cabinet shapes for a kitchen that exudes personality and energy.
Design Tip: Use contrasting colours for upper and lower cabinets to create visual interest and break up the monotony of a single colour scheme.
Rustic Charm and Farmhouse Appeal
Rustic and farmhouse-style kitchens offer a warm, inviting atmosphere with a focus on natural materials and traditional craftsmanship. Wooden cabinets with distressed finishes, open shelving, and vintage-inspired hardware contribute to this nostalgic look. The use of reclaimed wood and antique fixtures can add authenticity and character to your kitchen.
Design Tip: Incorporate a large farmhouse sink and vintage-style faucet to complete the rustic look, along with a butcher block countertop for added functionality.
Sleek and Functional: The Industrial Look
Industrial kitchens combine raw, unfinished elements with modern functionality. Exposed brick walls, metal fixtures, and concrete countertops define this style. Cabinets often feature a mix of metals and wood, with a focus on practicality and durability. The industrial look is perfect for urban lofts or homes that embrace a more rugged aesthetic.
Design Tip: Use open metal shelving and exposed piping to enhance the industrial vibe and maintain a sense of openness and accessibility.
Lecco Cucina: Your Partner in Stylish Kitchen Transformations
At Lecco Cucina, we understand that your kitchen is a reflection of your personality and lifestyle. Our extensive range of kitchen cabinets and cupboards caters to various styles and preferences, ensuring you find the perfect match for your home. Whether you’re interested in to renovate your kitchen with modern minimalism, classic elegance, bold contemporary designs, rustic charm, or industrial chic, our expert team is here to help you bring your vision to life.
What We Offer:
Customizable Cabinet Solutions: Tailor-made cabinets to fit your space and style, from sleek modern designs to traditional elegance.
High-Quality Materials: A diverse selection of premium materials, including high-gloss finishes, natural woods, and innovative composites.
Innovative Designs: Functional and stylish designs that optimize storage and enhance the overall look of your kitchen.
Professional Installation: Expert installation services to ensure that your kitchen cabinets and cupboards are perfectly fitted and functional.
Transform your kitchen into a space that reflects your unique style with Lecco Cucina. Explore our range of stylish kitchen cupboard designs and discover how we can help you create a kitchen that’s both beautiful and functional. Visit our showrooms today to start your journey towards a stunning kitchen makeover!
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regalokitchen991 · 24 days
Creating a Smooth Appearance for Modular Kitchen Design
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Introduction A smooth appearance in modular kitchen design is important for creating a modern, uniform, functional cooking space. Modern kitchens, known for their adjusting nature and performance, combine ready-made cabinet modules that are customized to meet specific needs, providing an easy solution to kitchen design. A well-designed kitchen module puts a high value on regularity, smooth component integration, and a stylish appearance. Through careful selection of cabinetry, countertops, lighting, and colors, homeowners can create a modern kitchen that improves daily function and makes cooking easier and joyful.
The Importance of a Smooth Appearance in Modular Kitchen Design In modular kitchen design, an attractive look is the result of all the components working together smoothly. This covers the countertops, lighting, appliances, cabinets, as well as the flooring. A carefully planned modular cooking area should flow easily from one unit to the next, improving the whole look of the room. This smooth appearance is important not only for its beauty but also for simplicity and ease of use.
Wooden Black Modular Kitchen Design Key Elements of a Smooth Modular Kitchen Design Cabinetry and Storage Solutions The most important components of a modular cooking area are the cabinets, and their design has a major impact on the way the space looks as a whole. To achieve a smooth look, look at the following: Simplicity in Design: Choose cabinets with a combined design and finish. Keeping regularity in the selection of wood, matte, or high-gloss finishes contributes to a clean and organized look. Handle-less Cabinets: Cabinets without handles, which generally have a push-to-open system, add to a modern and basic look. This design solution improves the kitchen's overall ease and removes the majority of visual clutter. Customizable Storage: To make sure that every storage space is practical and easily accessible, include closet systems, pull-out drawers, and corner units. This keeps the kitchen looking tidy and less crowded. Appliance Integration Integrated appliances are needed in modular homes to maintain a uniform look. This is how to do it: Built-in Appliances: Select refrigerators, microwaves, and microwaves that fit in perfectly with the cabinetry. To avoid visual distractions, these appliances can be kept behind cabinet doors or mixed into the design. Drainage Installation: Make sure that the cabinets and every appliance are installed with a proper drainage system. This improves functionality and increases available space while also improving looks. Consistent Finish: Choose materials that go well or match the countertops and cabinetry if the appliances are on showcase. Appliances in black, white, or stainless steel can help create a more basic appearance. Lighting Lighting is an important part of any kitchen layout, and it helps create a smooth appearance in modular kitchen design. Examine the following: Under-cabinet Lighting: Installing LED strip lights under cabinets provides task lighting while also creating a soft glow that improves the kitchen's beauty. By using this lighting option, the countertops become visible and dark shadows can be avoided. Overhead Lighting: An attractive and unique lighting option is provided by hidden ceiling lights. They maintain the modern look of the kitchen by blending in beautifully with the ceiling. Pendant Lights: Consider placing pendant lights above the dining room table or kitchen island for a classy touch. To avoid visual disturbances, choose designs that fit perfectly with the color combination and overall concept.
Black Modular Kitchen Design Flooring The flooring in a kitchen module should not be avoided because it makes an important contribution to the overall beauty of the area. Make sure your flooring matches the design by applying these tips: Material Choice: Select flooring materials that are attractive and long-lasting. For modular cooking areas, vinyl, hardwood, and tiles are common options. Make sure the flooring's color and texture go well with the kitchen's theme. Regularity: If possible, improve the kitchen flooring into surrounding spaces such as the dining or living rooms. This produces a smooth flow that expands and connects the kitchen. Low-maintenance Options: Choose flooring materials that need less maintenance and are easy to clean. This guarantees that the kitchen will always be clean and have an attractive appearance. Color Palette The color scheme you choose for your modular kitchen design creates a vibe for the whole area. For creating a polished and attractive look: Neutral Tones: Whites, grays, and beiges are examples of color options that are basic and practical. They give the space a calm, united sense and expand the kitchen. Accent Colors: Use small appliances, backsplashes, or accessories to add subtle coloring. But try not to overload the contrasting colors in the room as this could ruin the room's clean look. Color Schemes: Consider using multiple shades of the same color across the kitchen in a simple color scheme for a completely smooth look. The process reduces visual disturbance and produces an organized design. Minimalism and Decluttering A simple design usually comes with a smooth surface. To make your modular kitchen design like this: Declutter the Space: Clear out all unnecessary items from your countertops. Keep kitchenware and small appliances neat and organized by keeping them in cupboards or drawers. Smart Storage Solutions: To keep everything arranged, utilize the advantages of partitions, pull-out drawers, and organizers. This not only improves the performance of the kitchen, but also benefits its clean look. Simplicity in Design: Avoid using excessively complex or decorative components. Stick to styles and lines that are simple, clean, and that promote peace and order. The Role of Technology in Creating a Smooth Modular Kitchen Design Technology can play an important role in improving the functionality of a modular kitchen design. Look for smart kitchen solutions that bring both comfort and visual appeal. Smart Appliances: Invest in devices that you can manage using applications on your mobile device. This increases the kitchen's use while at the same time reducing the number of visible buttons and switches, which gives the space a more organized look. Touchless Faucets: Touchless faucets give the kitchen a modern look while decreasing the need of direct contact, maintaining a clean and organized look. Automated Lighting: Install smart lighting solutions that can be adjusted according to the time of day or usage. This maintains perfect lighting conditions without the need for manual adjustments, which allows the design to remain organized and constant.
Sea Blue Modular Kitchen Design Conclusion In a modular kitchen design, a smooth appearance is the result of careful planning and attention to detail. You can create a kitchen that is both useful and eye-catching by keeping a simple style, combining appliances, choosing suitable materials, and focusing consistency. Remember that the secret to a smooth customized kitchen is the smooth blending of all its components, from cabinetry to lighting, which creates an attractive and united area that represents modern design ideas.Regalo Kitchens provides advanced and trendy modular kitchen design that will turn your kitchen into a modern, useful masterpiece.
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