#honestly I thought I’d be dead before reaching 25
bilightningwhumper · 3 months
Mangst 2024- Day 25
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Caged Bird (Swan Lake) Masterlist
“They've been dead from the start.”
Rosalin gets some unhappy news Potential spoiler excerpt for "Caged Bird"
Warning for mention of death, but that's probably clear from the prompt Characters: Rosalin- Odette Teddie- Odiele Sir (mentioned)- Rothbart
Rosalin’s POV
Rosalin snuggled closer to Teddie, practically curled up in her lap. She was so, so tired. The nightmares with Sir had gotten worse. Always the same. Him finding out she’d lost his child. And the punishments that would follow.
Fingers running through her hair chased away her thoughts. She looked up to meet Teddie’s eyes.
“He can’t get you here, Ros. We’re safe now.”
That was true now. Before Sir had gotten arrested, Teddie hadn’t been able to hide the fear in her eyes or voice. Now it was gone as she comforted Rosalin. It was nice to see her soft, relaxed. Honestly, she didn’t think she’d ever seen Teddie without some sort of sadness in her eyes before.
Suddenly shy, Rosalin tucked her face into Teddie’s neck, breathing in her scent. She smelled like a cool beach morning, salt and sand with a hint of sunlight.
Someone knocked on the door, making her tense.
Teddie, on the other hand, stayed relaxed even as she firmly hold Rosalin’s waist. “Come in.” she called out.
Dr. Chaney walked in, smiling at the two of them, a hint of something to his eyes. “Nightmares again?”
Rosalin nodded, resting her head back on Teddie’s shoulder. “They’ve been getting more fr- fre-” she stumbled over the long word, her tongue turning into mush in her mouth.
“Frequent?” he asked, pulling up a chair to sit beside them.
She nodded again, relieved no one scolded her for the blunder.
“Have you thought about seeing the therapist on site like I suggested? Even if you don’t fit with her, we do have other centers, other therapists.”
Shifting, she could say she had thought about it. Even Teddie thought it would be a good idea. She just…
“I don’t think…” she spoke slowly, not wanting to stumbled over her words again. “I’m not ready to talk about Sir yet.”
“I understand.” He was still smiling at her kindly, so different from Sir or any of his friends. “Your therapist would stay with your comfort levels, but I do want to emphasize I only suggest this because I am your doctor and believe it may be beneficial to your health. But at the end of the day, it is still up to you, and only you, if or when you would like to go. Now,” He sighed, that look in his eyes coming back. “That isn’t the primary reason I’ve come in today. We have received the results back from your DNA tracing. Unfortunately, it isn’t all good news.”
“My parents are dead, aren’t they?”
He didn’t look surprised at her question, just nodded. “Yes, I’m afraid they are. We did however find some of your relatives, you would like to reach out and contact them.”
The idea of reaching out to people she didn’t even know wasn’t that appealing. So she snuggled more into Teddie’s arms, mumbling. “I think I’d like to be alone for a while, if that’s okay.”
She didn’t watch the doctor leave, but heard the door close when he did.
“Do you want me to leave, too?” Teddie murmured into her hair.
Rosalin shook her head, hugging her tighter. “Not yet.”
Humming, Teddie started running her fingers through Rosalin’s hair again.
She relaxed, not wanting to disrupt the silence. But she had to. “I wanted Sir to be lying.” Her voice trembled, unshed tears building up in her eyes.
“I know, Ros.” Teddie kissed her forehead. “I know.”
Sniffling, a few tears leaked out. “But they’ve been dead from the start. I didn’t even have a chance. And now I don’t even remember them.”
Teddie just held her as Rosalin tried not to cry. How could she not, though? She had no one. Only Teddie, but she was a friend, not family.
Rosalin was an orphan. And nothing could change that.
0 notes
fruitcoops · 3 years
Could you maybe do that part 5 of truth or drink you alluded to?? :) with Jules and the lupins and basically Jules spilling ALLL of re’s secrets & Marley loving it 🥰
Oh, Jules, how I missed you. The truth or drink referenced in this ask is here (it's been an age since I did one, wow!) and SW credit of course goes to @lumosinlove!
“Please can we have alcohol?” Jules swung his legs under the table with wide, pleading eyes.
Marlene barked a laugh. “Over my dead body, baby Loops.”
“It would be,” Remus agreed with a teasing grin.
“Welcome back to Lion Pride, both of you,” she said, ruffling their hair. Both scrunched their faces up in identical expressions of displeasure. “There are fifteen cards in your deck, and if you don’t want to answer the question, you have to take a drink of apple juice. Not alcohol.”
“You used to be cool,” Jules sulked. Marlene rolled her eyes and Remus reached over to flick his ear. “Hey, that hurt!”
“No, it did not.”
“I’m gonna tell mom you hit me.”
Remus turned to Marlene with a long-suffering look. “Can I have alcohol?”
“Get crackin’, boys, the world wants to know your secrets.” She tapped the deck of cards with a wink and wandered behind the cameras again.
“Alright, here we go.” Remus sighed. “My name is Remus Lupin, I’m the Lions’ right wing, and I’m here with my baby brother to answer some questions. Take it away, Jules.”
“I’m not a baby,” Jules clarified to the camera. “I’m twelve. Who’s the most attractive sibling?”
Remus frowned. “Me? Just ‘cause I’m older.”
“As if.”
“Oh my god,” he muttered, reaching for his own card. “Oh, this should be fun. Name your favorite parent.”
“Dad,” Jules answered without hesitating. Remus’ eyebrows shot up. “What?”
“First, you’re not supposed to answer that fast, and second, what?”
“Dad’s cool!”
“Dad is not cool!” Remus laughed. “I don’t have a favorite parent—”
“—but mom is the cool one. Dad’s a dork, and we love him for it.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe this. Mom would literally do anything for you. She learned to skate for you.”
“It’s not like I don’t love mom!” Jules protested as he took a new card. “I love her so much! And I know mom is your favorite, so it’s only fair. Which of us is the most successful, and which is the screwup?”
“I don’t have a favorite parent,” Remus insisted, leaning back in his seat. “And neither of us are screwups.”
“You’re more successful.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re a screwup. It means you’re twelve. Who’s the overachiever?”
“You,” Jules snorted. “You’re such a nerd. It’s embarrassing. What’s the meanest thing I did to you when we were kids?”
Remus rested his chin on his hand and thought for a moment, then turned to look behind the camera. “Since we were only kids together for, like, three years, can I say something from a little later?”
“Anything before age 25,” Marlene called.
He nodded decisively. “Sweet. In that case, it’s the time this little monster let a rat into the house, freaked out when he didn’t know what to do, then locked it in my bedroom and didn’t tell anyone until I went to bed and something ran across my sheets.”
Jules shrugged. “You survived.”
“Yeah, and you almost didn’t.”
“So dramatic,” he muttered.
Remus whacked him over the head with the next card before reading it. “Oh, god. Share the most mortifying memory you have of me. If you drink that apple juice and don’t answer, I’ll get you ice cream on the way home.”
Jules leaned back with a hum, already grinning. “Let’s see…”
“No,” Remus groaned.
“Probably—” Jules broke off to giggle. “Probably when you took me into the locker room to meet the team and the whole time I was talking to Sirius, you looked like you were about to melt into the floor. You had this stupid grin on your face—”
“Shut up.”
“—and almost tripped over your own feet, like, four times. This was before you guys were dating, too.”
“You are the worst,” Remus said, though his voice was muffled by his forearms. “Next question?”
“I can keep going. There was the time you gave yourself a black eye hanging Christmas lights, and when you bounced off an enforcer when you tried to check him, and when mom asked you to defrost the chicken for dinner and you forgot so you put it in the microwave and almost set the house on fire, and—“
“Marlene.” Remus raised his head with a pitiful look. “Please make him stop. Please.”
“Okay,” Marlene laughed, a little breathless. “Alright, one sec. Jules, your turn.”
“Ugh, fine. Do you let me win at things?”
“When you were five, sure.” Remus tilted his head to the side. “Otherwise, no. Do you want me to let you win?”
“I’d be so upset if you did. I only get better because I want to kick your ass one day.”
“Language. Am I a good brother?”
“Well, yeah,” Jules said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He blinked at Remus, clearly confused. “Duh. You’re weird and annoying, but you’re one of my top three favorite people?”
“Before or after dad?” Remus teased, but it was soft with fondness.
Jules narrowed his eyes and leaned his elbows on the table. “Wouldn’t you like to know. Have I ever disappointed you?”
“Never. I don’t think you could if you tried. Who’s smarter?”
“Me.” Remus gave the camera a disbelieving look as Jules took a new card. “Ha! I like this one. Which of us was a mistake?”
“Oh, that is a good one. Honestly, I don’t think either of us were planned. Mom and dad definitely weren’t expecting a kid at 21 and 25, and absolutely weren’t planning on another one fifteen years later.”
Jules cast the camera a bright smile. “Oops!”
“But we’re their best mistakes,” Remus said solemnly with the ghost of a smile, as if he was repeating a sentiment that had been said many times before. “Okay, I need to have a talk with whoever set up these questions. Do an impersonation of me, or drink to—”
“Oh, look at me, I’ve got a fancy degree,” Jules mimicked, dropping his voice comically low. “I’m so cool, I’ve got a secret boyfriend and I’m not gonna tell anyone about it for three whole months even though I suck at keeping secrets. I’m tall, so I’m gonna grab my awesome little brother by the ankles and shake him around—”
“You asked me to—”
“Shh! I’m not done!”
Remus gave him an incredulous look. “They get the point!”
Jules stuck his tongue out, but grabbed a new card from the stack. “What are your best and worst memories of mom and dad?”
“Aw, man.” Remus tapped his short stack of cards on the table and bit his lip. “Best and worst…best would probably be Christmas two or three years ago, when we all went skating on the lake.”
“That’s a good one,” Jules mused.
“It’s hard to think of my worst memory of them. Um, maybe after I stopped playing hockey in college? There was a lot of walking on eggshells and it was really uncomfortable.”
Remus read the next card and his frown dissolved into laughter; he reached for the apple juice and filled both glasses to the brim, then pushed them across the table to Jules without a word. “What are these for? You have to read the card, dummy.”
“The most spoiled sibling has to drink,” Remus said with a wide grin.
“It’s not me!” Jules protested, though it was weak. “You were an only child for fifteen years!”
“Yeah, and?” His amusement only grew as Jules struggled to make a comeback. “See, you can’t even deny it! You’re the baby of the family and everybody loves you. How many times have you been to Gryffindor?”
Jules opened and closed his mouth a few times, going red with indignance.
“How many?” Remus’ expression was pure glee. “Buddy, I didn’t leave Wisconsin for anything other than roadies until you were old enough to travel, and then mom and dad had to show you off to everyone.”
“They love you, too!”
“I know they do,” Remus laughed. “They’re great parents and we both had amazing childhoods. You’re still the more spoiled one.”
“I don’t like this game,” he muttered as he drank one of the glasses. “And I’m not drinking that other one. Okay, last question. Should we see more of each other?”
“Of course,” Remus said. “I wish we lived closer to each other all the time. Do you think so?”
Jules reached for the glass, then burst out laughing when Remus’ jaw dropped. “Oh, I got you so good! But yeah, I miss you a ton during the school year.”
“You little…” Remus bit back his threat and ruffled Jules’ hair despite his protests, cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. “Keep that up and you’re gonna get flipped again.”
“You wouldn’t. Not on camera.”
“Try me.”
Jules bolted from his seat and tried to make a run for it, but Remus was faster—he caught him around the waist, hefted him under one arm, and turned him around until he could get ahold of his skinny ankles. “No!” Jules shrieked through his giggling as Remus started swinging him lightly back and forth. “No, no, put me down!”
“Just making sure you really don’t want to see more of me,” Remus said, alight with happiness. Jules’ fingers nearly touched the ground. “You’re almost too big for this.”
“Good,” Jules wheezed. “Are we done yet?”
Remus looked back to the camera. “Thanks for tuning into Lion Pride, everyone. Make sure to like and subscribe if you want a slow-motion tutorial on how to transform your little brother into an emergency pendulum.”
“Can you get down by yourself?”
Jules stretched his arms toward the floor, but Remus pulled him up an inch just as his fingertips brushed the tile. “Hey! Stop it!”
“Stop what?”
“Pulling me up!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Remus said, adding another inch.
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st4rlabsforever · 3 years
post-episode 3 fix-it
words: 2.9k
notes: i started a long fic based on this post after watching ep 3. i cannibalized some snippets from another fic i wrote last week so if you see similar scenes, that’s why. i think this will end up being 12-15k words endgame sambucky by the end, but i refuse to post on ao3 until it’s complete. this is the first 3 scenes. feel free to comment and message me your thoughts since i’m still very much in the writing phase :)
summary: “It’s the kind of statement that should be screamed into Bucky’s face, but he’s learning that when Sam’s angry – when he’s truly angry – he’s just as soft-spoken as he is when he’s in one of his pensive moods. And he lets his anger build and build and build until it bursts in spectacular fashion.”
“I didn’t back Steve on the Sokovia Accords,” Sam says unprompted one day. They’re so close to apprehending the Flagsmashers and wrapping up this ridiculous saga.
“I don’t follow,” Bucky says.
“I was the one who refused to sign it first. Not Steve.”
Sam says it so softly that Bucky has to strain to hear him. Sam is loud and chatty and half the time he keeps up a constant stream of chatter just to get on Bucky’s nerves, but Bucky’s coming to realize that when he really wants to make himself heard, he’s soft spoken and mild. Bucky doesn’t entirely follow his train of thought, though.
The thing is, Sam is unreadable when it really matters. He offers words of comfort where needed – in Germany, after seeing Walker with the shield that wasn’t his, knowing that it had affected Bucky just as much as himself; in Madripoor, Bucky’s hand on the throat of some henchman or other, Sam’s hand on his when the Soldier’s memories threatened to overtake him; even in Riga, when Bucky’s guilt over releasing T’Chaka’s killer bubbled to the surface and Sam had checked in with him even though he couldn’t have possibly known about Bucky’s meeting with Ayo. Sam speaks with his eyes, always a searching look that leaves Bucky raw and feeling like he’s been x-rayed. I see you, is what those eyes say.
In contrast, Bucky’s words of comfort feel hollow. He knows that Isaiah is still a live wire for Sam, checks in with him after Madripoor when he can tell the conversation with Nagel weighs heavy on his mind. But he doesn’t see the way Sam does. He knows he’d missed something important because that conversation had ended in an argument and a threat from Sam to destroy the shield.
He never gets a chance to ask Sam what he’s getting at, because Torres signals to them that they’re at the drop point before all hell breaks loose.
In the end, after Karli and the Power Broker and whoever else decides to show their head from the emporium of supervillains are dealt with and they finally have a moment of peace, Bucky says, “The shield looks good on you.”
Sam freezes a few paces ahead of Bucky, the shield strapped loosely to his wrist.
“We make a good team,” Bucky says softly.
What he doesn’t expect is for Sam to whirl around suddenly. The look of barely restrained fury is enough to nearly knock Bucky off he’s feet. They fight without ever really fighting all the time, squabbles over who went left and who went right and who was supposed to lead and who was supposed to follow, but never has he seen Sam look like this before. The fury verges on hurt and it’s so fucking visceral that Bucky can barely breathe.
“You don’t get to say that,” Sam says quietly. His voice shakes and he closes his eyes like he’s steadying himself.
“I said I’d squash it until the mission was over, and I did. But you know what? I’m not doing this anymore.”
“You don’t get to tell me what a good team is. Not after all the shit we just went through. You invited yourself to Munich, and I thought, ‘Fine. I could use the extra set of hands.’ We went through it together against Thanos and I respected that.”
Sam shakes his head. “But then you went off on some lone wolf woe-is-me bullshit, and look at where it got us. You broke Zemo out without even asking if I was down with that. You knew I wasn’t and you forced my hand. Now I’m an accomplice.”
“He was our only lead–”
“Bullshit. That field trip to Madripoor led us right back to Karli. Torres ended up tracking them to Riga anyway.”
“But the Power Broker–”
“–showed his ugly face in the end. All we got out of Madripoor was you digging up your trauma and us getting our faces plastered all over the internet. I promised Sharon one goddamn thing and I can’t even deliver on that now.”
“But I went along with it, fine,” Sam continues. “I knew it couldn’t have been easy reaching back into that headspace, doing what you did to Selby’s men.” The memory blindsides Bucky. “So I tabled it.” Sam taps out a tally with his fingers. 
“And back in Baltimore, you’d been too keyed up about Steve being wrong about you to even listen to what I had to say. Again, I tabled it.” Another tally. 
“I’ve been meeting you halfway this entire time, man, and I’ve gotten near nothing in return. You kept Isaiah a secret from me, and at first I thought you were just clueless about how damn significant it would’ve been for me to know about him.” Sam shakes his head. 
“But then we met him. You saw what they did to him. The one Black supersoldier – a fucking hero – and look what they did to him. You saw it with your own eyes and you still sat there and lectured me about what you thought I should’ve done with that goddamn shield.” 
“There’s precedent for it, you know,” Sam says. It takes Bucky a moment to realize Sam is expecting an answer.
Bucky doesn’t know, is the thing. He feels like he’s all of five years old again, put on the spot. He’s reminded of when Zemo just had to let him know about the African American experience; he’d felt chastised and embarrassed enough to pretend like he’d had any clue what themes lurked in Marvin Gaye’s work. Sam just searches him with those eyes, searches Bucky for something yet unfathomable and decides he hasn’t found it. That hurts more than anything else; Bucky wishes he could sink into the ground, make himself as small as possible. Sam doesn’t notice, or else doesn’t care, and just plows on with a scoff. 
“You don’t even know the true history of the country you’re living in. Figures.” He shakes his head. “You’re not ever going to be able to separate the shield from the history Black folks have endured at the hands of this country. Not now, not ever.”
Sam doesn’t even look angry anymore. Angry, Bucky can deal with. It would be a relief, even. 
Instead, Sam looks at him with a disappointment that somehow surpasses what Steve could have ever accomplished.
“Whatever. I tabled that, too,” Sam says. “And then after Madripoor, after we heard that doctor go on and on about Isaiah’s blood like he wasn’t even a real human-being? I said my piece and all you did was throw that shield bullshit back in my face.”
“Sam–” Bucky tries again. He’s mortified to hear the crack in his own voice.
“It’s honestly breathtaking,” Sam says with something that might be akin to genuine wonder, or maybe even morbid curiosity in his voice. “We saw the same things in Baltimore and Madripoor, but your head was so far up your own ass that you never once stopped to think all of it was just proof to me. That the shield in the hands of a Black man wouldn’t make any damn sense.”
It’s the kind of statement that should be screamed into Bucky’s face, but he’s learning that when Sam’s angry – when he’s truly angry – he’s just as soft-spoken as he is when he’s in one of his pensive moods. And he lets his anger build and build and build until it bursts in spectacular fashion.
Sam’s not even done yet. “And that’s another thing. Stealing the shield from Walker…” Sam rolls his eyes at the memory. “You want to run around with that giant frisbee, fine. That’s your business. But then you forced it on me–”
“That’s not fair,” Bucky says immediately. Desperately. “You didn’t have to accept it.”
“The whole damn country was watching,” Sam says hotly. “It was either accept it, or shit all over Steve fucking Rogers’s legacy and make myself into the villain half the country was already hoping I’d turn out to be.”
“You were dead wrong for that,” Sam says. “I stuck around until we took down Karli because it was the right thing to do. After Munich, though, this little adventure was all you. Zemo, Madripoor, the shield.”
Sam shoves the shield into Bucky’s arms, the impact so sudden that it forces him back a step.
“Since you’re so obsessed with this thing, it’s yours. Congrats,” Sam says sarcastically. “I’m sure you’ll do it proud.”
Bucky lets out a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding.
“For what it’s worth,” Sam says, “Steve might not have understood everything about me. But in Vienna, when it came time to sign the accords? He was considering it. I put my foot down first and he listened.”
Sam shrugs. “Whatever you thought we were, it's not a team.”
Bucky knows where to drive the knife in to kill a man in as few twists of the wrist as possible – a brutal economy of movement and technique. But Sam...it pales in comparison to what Sam’s capable of. His weapons aren’t knives and his targets may not be made of flesh and blood, but he knows exactly where he needs to strike to rip Bucky open raw. Bucky feels like he’s been flayed alive.
“How about that long vacation?” Sam says, and claps Bucky on the shoulder. 
And we’ll never have to see each other ever again goes unsaid.
The thing about ignoring Sam’s texts was that Bucky responded if they were actually important. It just so happened that most of the nonsense Sam sent was inane prattling about his day, about his job, his sister, his nephews. Now that he’s on the receiving end of it, though, it feels awful.
3/25/21, 2:58 AM
I’m sorry.
3/28/21, 1:51 AM
Can we talk?
3/31/21, 3:05 AM
Let me know what to do and I’ll do it.
Read 3:34 AM
4/1/21, 12:42 AM
Or if there’s anything you need.
Read 1:05 AM
Yesterday, 1:00 AM
I’m available if you need another body for a mission.
Read 1:02 AM
A week into the admittedly one-sided exchange, Sam turns his damn read receipts on. It’s ridiculous and it’s fucking asinine and it gets under Bucky’s skin immediately. It’s a form of twenty-first century psychological warfare that he’s unfamiliar with and already can’t stand. Mainly, he hates that it makes him seem desperate (he’s not), needy (he might be, especially when he realizes with horror that he actually misses Sam’s rambling texts), and ridiculous (he definitely is, because he’s letting petty mind games get to him).
Normally, Sam would send him nearly daily updates on his comings and goings – whether he’d been in New York, D.C., or New Orleans. The radio silence is unsettling. Bucky wonders if Sam made good on his promise to take a long vacation. And then....
The thing about apologies is that Bucky isn’t sure he’s ever done a proper one in his entire life, at least nothing beyond a rote “I’m sorry” with the “let’s move on” part left unspoken. But it stands to reason, Bucky thinks, that a proper apology can’t be given if he’s not completely certain what he’s dealing with. That’s all well and good because he’s got the world at the tips of his fingers, is what Yori always said. And when he grows frustrated with reading on his tiny phone screen, the New York Public Library is only a train ride away.
Sam had mentioned precedent, so Bucky’s first search is for medical experimentation. He knows for a fact he was good at this once, a memory of Steve whining about him being too good at exams coming up unbidden. He reads voraciously. Anything and everything that might offer a clue on what he’d missed. And it doesn’t take long for him to find what he’s looking for. 
He reads with dawning horror. The Tuskegee syphilis experiments. Eugenics. God, the fucking Nazis had even modeled their race science on the American school of thought. The things that the history books left out. Some of it was even happening under his nose in the 30s, he’d just been blissfully unaware. He somehow ends up down a rabbit hole where words like `prison industrial complex’ and `school-to-prison pipeline’ make increasingly more persistent appearances. New Jim Crow. COINTELPRO. War on drugs. The way all of these horrors reached their long arms into the twenty-first century.
Bucky’s going to be sick. The memories come up one after another.
Just give him your ID so we can leave.
You think you can wake up one day and decide who you want to be? It doesn’t work like that. Well, maybe it does for folks like you.
So you’re telling me that there was a Black supersoldier decades ago and nobody knew about it.
This is what you’re not going to do. You’re not going to come here in your over-extended life and tell me about my rights.
The shield wasn’t yours to give away.
He spends the next week in his downtime reading. With the mission being over and his parole in jeopardy, his downtime mostly coincides with every day of the week.
Had Steve known?
No, he thinks. Steve was compassionate, but he wouldn’t have known because he’d taken one look at the problems of twenty-first century America and decided he’d had enough. Then he’d ran back to the 40s to live out some fantasy that simply didn’t – couldn’t – exist anymore. Had he eventually become aware of all the issues plaguing this country that they’d been able to ignore as starry-eyed kids in Brooklyn? Bucky hopes not, because that would mean he’d...no. 
A part of Bucky thinks he’s so surprised because he’d thought things – race relations, civil rights, not things, his brain amends – had been getting better in the 40s. Deep down, though, he knows that’s a lie. A 2 AM read through Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States confirms it. Shady politicians. Klansmen who went back to their day jobs as cops, judges, firefighters. Mass incarceration taking its place as the new king on the throne of segregation. Evidently, 
There had been plenty of folks – white folks – raising an uproar about these hidden horrors back then. The seeds of those movements had even been there in the 30s. Bucky tells himself that he’d been raised during the Great Depression, that his family had been too focused on putting food on the table to focus on social movements, but that, too, ends up being a lie. The poorest and working class whites – some, at least – in movement and solidarity with civil rights. Not him, though. Apparently he’d had his head up his ass back then, too.
Bucky can see the bigger picture a tiny bit more clearly, now. 
Fine. So he’s been disarmed of the little lies he’d used as shields, and he also owes Sam one hell of an apology.
Somehow, he doesn’t think “I’m sorry, I was ignorant then but I read some books and now I know better” is going to cut it. Maybe a commitment to do better would work? Perhaps after Baltimore, but not now. That ship had long since sailed. Some grand act of service, then? He’s sure he can think of something Sam needs in this post-Blip world that he can provide. He vaguely remembers Sarah mentioning something about a ship and bank loan. That could be a starting point.
It doesn’t take much time to find the public records on the Wilson family business and then the not-so-public records on the denied bank loan. It wouldn’t take much for him to pry a little, not when seedy bankers were astonishingly amenable to the threat of violence. But he’s reminded of Zemo and figures that he ought not to do anything so drastic that could jeopardize Sam’s family situation further.
He snorts. Did growth that came several months late still count?
In the end, he decides to rip the bandage off quickly, which is how he finds himself in the sticky Louisiana heat with his hands shoved deep into his pockets, staring back at an incredulous Sam through his open door.
“I did some reading recently,” Bucky says. 
It’s not outright refusal, so Bucky continues.
“About, um, the things you mentioned last time. Precedent.”
For someone who’s normally so expressive with his language, Sam’s one-word answers as nerve-wracking as anything.
“I didn’t fully appreciate the situation that you were in. That you’re still in,” Bucky amends.
Sam shrugs. “It’s cool,” he says in a way that doesn’t sound like he really believes it. Bucky wonders if this is a test; he feels just as lost as he did on that plane a week ago.
“Let’s do this outside,” Sam says, closing the door behind him and ushering Bucky away from it. “Walk with me.” 
They head down to the pier mostly in silence until Bucky breaks it. “I’m sorry for making it all about me,” he says.
Sam stares at him. It’s true Bucky might stare a little too much on occasion, but Sam’s stares are utterly unnerving in the way he seems to see right through Bucky when he really wants to, like he’s already mapped out all there is to know.
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Not One Of You Anymore: Part 28
Request: Yes / No 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Fem! Griffin!Reader 
Word count: 2086
Warnings: Getting robbed I suppose? 
Y/N: Your Name 
Summary:  You weren’t meant to be born but you were so when you were ten your mom and the Chancellor sent you to the ground as a test for the 100
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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John and I packed some things and left to meet Jaha at the Dropship. John was determined to get us to the city of light. He wanted us to have a life without judgement. I was mostly curious to see if it’s real or just a rumor like everyone says it is. I thought about Lexa a lot during our trek. I understood why she left me in the mountain, but if she found out that I was weak and fell in love she would kill me. 
“Sir, do you recognize anything?” One of the guys asked. 
“The tent was near here. I’m sure of it.” Jaha answered and I rolled my eyes. 
“Yeah right, it’s all just sand.” I mumbled and John sighed. 
“What’s the matter? You guys got some place better to be?” John asked as he pulled me along. 
“You have a point.” I sighed and he smirked. He stopped by Jaha and looked around. 
“You see anyone?” He asked. Jaha walked towards the wagon. 
“Bak op o ai na frag yu!” (Stay back or I’ll kill you!) A woman said and jumped up with a knife. 
“We mean you no harm.” Jaha said and John held me behind him. 
“Do you speak English?” Jaha asked. 
“What do you want?” The girl asked. 
“Nothing. It looks like you could use a hand. What are you doing out here along?” He asked and I looked around, something didn’t seem right. 
“My brother and I were on our way to the City of Light… when Wastelanders attacked.” She said, removing her face mask. 
“They took our horse. All our water, everything. They killed him. This cart is all I have left.” She answered. 
“Give her some water.” Jaha said and John started taking his bag off. 
“No, no, no. We barely have enough for ourselves here.” One of the men said. 
“Touch me again and I’ll end you.” John threatened, but I held him back. 
“I don’t trust her.” I whispered. 
“You don’t trust anyone babe.” He said and pulled me along. John pulled his water bottle out and handed it to her. 
“It’s okay.” He said and I kept my eyes narrowed at her. She took it and desperately drank it. 
“We’re on our way to the City of Light as well. What’s your name?” Jaha asked and I looked at him with wide eyes. 
“Emori.” She answered and I looked back at her. 
“Everyone in the Dead Zone is looking for the City of Light. Almost no one finds it. I can get you there.” She said and that’s when I noticed her covered hand. She’s one of the freaks… 
“If you pull my cart.” She added. 
“Done.” Jaha said and I gripped John’s arm. 
“We can’t trust her.” I whispered. 
“Caspian, you’re on the first shift!” Jaha shouted. 
“Then just trust me.” He whispered. 
“Thanks for the water.” She said, handing the water back to him. 
“It’s uh- It was no problem.” John said and I narrowed my eyes at her. All of us were walking through the Dead Zone, pulling Emori’s cart. 
“So I gotta ask, what made you ditch your home and risk your life to cross the beach from hell?” John asked her. I was walking ahead of them because I didn’t want to be near her. 
“It doesn’t matter.” She answered. 
“Come on, take my mind off all the fun we’re having.” John said in his usual sarcastic tone, making me smirk slightly. 
“It wasn’t my decision to leave.” She answered and I perked up slightly. 
“Kicked out? Okay, now I’m interested. What did you do?” He asked. 
“If I told you, you would not look at me the same.” She said. 
“Maybe. Then again, I might surprise you.” He said and I glared slightly. 
“What about you? How did you end up in the Dead Zone?” She asked him. 
“I could tell you the gory details, but since you’re one of the few people on this planet who doesn’t hate me at the moment, I don’t think I wanna blow it.” He answered and I felt my heart break slightly. 
“Now I’m interested.” She said with an obvious flirty tone. 
“Okay, you really wanna know? I killed two people. Tried to kill two more. I had my reasons, but nobody cared. I’m the bad guy.” He said and I frowned. 
“Told you I’d blow it.” He said after a moment. I looked back and saw she was showing him her hand. It was mutated. 
“My people saw me as a stain in the bloodline, something to erase. 
“Then screw them.” John said and I looked at him with a furrowed brow. 
“I wouldn’t cover it up. I think it’s pretty badass.” He said and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Ai don get in yu were won kom emo.” (I knew you were one of them.) I growled, walking up to them. Emori took out her knife and I took out one of my swords. 
“Y/N! Stop!” John said and Emori’s eyes widened. 
“Yu laik Heda’s ait meika?” (You’re the commander’s right hand?) she asked, still holding her knife to protect herself. 
“Yu beda na stedaunon!” (You should be dead!) I growled and went to go attack her, but John stopped me. 
“Calm down Y/N!” He said holding me close to him. 
“Let me go John!” I growled. 
“No, not until you tell me why the hell you’re attacking her.” He said. 
“She’s one of those freaks! Heda said they die.” I said. 
“You’re not with Lexa anymore. She left you to die, remember? She left you with Cage.” He said and I shuddered. 
“Don’t you dare mention that name!” I said and shoved him away from me. I could feel tears well in my eyes as the memories that didn’t happen that long again resurfaced. 
“Come here.” He said and pulled me to him, taking my sword from my hand and put it in its sheath. 
“For Heda’s right hand, you’re weak.” Emori said and I glared at her. 
“I’ll show you weak!” I shouted, just John pulled me back. 
“She’s been through a lot recently.” He said and pulled me away. 
“Don’t kill her, for me.” He said and I narrowed my eyes at him. 
“Why? So you can flirt with her more?” I spat. 
“What? I wasn’t-” 
“Save it.” I cut him off and walked off. 
Now it was Jaha, John, Emori, and I pulling her damn cart. It was hot, and hard to pull the cart through the sand. I was still annoyed at John for flirting with her and then lying about it, so we weren’t speaking right now. 
“Dei de’s far pleni!” (That’s far enough!) A man on a horse said, holding a large gun. 
“Chancellor, look out!” The guards shouted and held their guns at the ready. 
“Non gon mov!” (Nobody move!) He shouted. 
“Hold your fire!” Jaha said and Emori grabbed John and held a knife to his throat. 
“Wait!” John said as she pulled him along. I pulled my sword out and was ready to kill her and the asshole on the horse. 
“Everybody, put your weapons and supplies in the cart and nobody gets hurt.” She said. 
“Natrona! Heda was ait hashta bilaik kind!” (Traitor! The Commander was right about your kind!) I growled.
“En em looks like Heda was wrong hashta yu.” (And it looks like The Commander was wrong about you) She said with a smirk. 
“If we give you our supplies, we’ll all die out here.” Jaha said. 
“If you don’t you’ll die right here.” She said. 
“Say the word and I’ll kill her before he could even think about pulling the trigger.” I growled. 
“No, do as she says, now.” Jaha said. Everyone put their stuff in the cart but me. 
“Dula op em don eni techin?” (Do they have any technology?) The man on the horse asked. 
“Oso’ll dig au.” (We’ll find out.) She called back. 
“How’s your faith holding up, Chancellor?” John asked. 
“Shut up.” She said. 
“Unwavering.” He answered. 
“You don’t want to do this.” He said walking towards her and I rolled my eyes. 
“Stop walking.” She said. 
“We all came out here searching for a better life, same as you. Maybe we can find it, if we work together.” He said. 
“She’s not to be trusted.” I growled. 
“Shut up Y/N.” John said and I narrowed my eyes more. 
“Thanks. But no.” She said. 
“Emori, hos op!” (Emori, hurry up!) The man shouted. 
“Now, Y/N put your stuff in the cart and everyone back away and get on your knees!” She shouted. 
“Do as she says Y/N.” John said. 
“Fine.” I growled and put my things in the cart and backed away with everyone else, also getting on my knees. She turned and put John on his knees as well. 
“What a surprise, you’re just like everyone else.” He said. She whispered something in his ear and I glared at her. 
“Good luck, John.” She said then knocked him out. 
As soon as they left I rushed to John’s side. It was getting dark and we decided not to move until he woke up. 
“John.” I whispered, trying to wake him once again. 
“Come on John, we need to get going.” I whispered. John coughed and reached for his head. 
“There, he’s up. It’s about time.” Caspian said. 
“Quiet, Caspian.” Jaha said. 
“Are you alright?” Jaha asked and I helped him stand up. 
“If he’s not, we’re leaving him here. His little girlfriend too.” Caspian said and I glared at him. 
“Say another word and I’ll kill you.” I growled. 
“Easy Y/N, I’m okay.” He said. 
“It’s time to go home.” Caspian said and Jaha looked at him. 
“And where exactly is that?” He asked. 
“Sir, I know you’re trying to take us to a better place, but look around. We’ve got no food, we’ve got no water, and no idea how to find it.” Caspian said. 
“Due North.” John said and we looked at him confused. 
“She said due North.” He added and I rolled my eyes. 
“What is due North, John?” Jaha asked. 
“She was talking about the City of Light.” He answered and I scoffed. 
“Did she say that?” Caspian asked. 
“No.” He answered. 
“Doesn’t matter what she said, we can’t trust her!” I said. 
“Did she say how far due North?” Jaha asked. 
“No, she didn’t, but she wouldn’t be sending us there if we couldn’t make it.” He said. 
“You honestly want to trust the bitch that just stole all our stuff?” I asked. 
“Sir, I really hope you are not considering this.” Caspian said. 
“John, we have no weapons and no rations. If we go North and you’re wrong, then all of us will die. If we turn back now, we live.” Jaha said. 
“So that’s it? We’ve reached the point of no return? You wanna give up?” John asked. 
“I didn’t say that.” Jaha said. 
“You didn’t not say it either.” He said. 
“That is the North Star.” Jaha said pointing up at the sky. 
“After you.” He said and motioned for John to go first. John looked at me. 
“You coming?” He asked and I sighed. 
“You’re lucky I lo- I mean yeah.” I said and grabbed his arm, heading North. My cheeks were heating up as we walked away from the group. 
“The rest of you need to decide for yourselves, but either way, we’ll come back for you when we find it.” Jaha said. 
“Sir? This is a mistake! You’re not gonna find it! You’re not gonna make it!” Caspian shouted. 
“So… What was that you were about to say?” John asked walking backwards in front of me with a smirk. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said, obviously playing dumb. 
“Really? Because I think you were about to say the L word.” He said, his smirk growing. 
“I couldn’t even if I wanted to.” I said and he furrowed his brows. 
“I believe this is what they call having faith, John.” Jaha said, catching up to us as we climbed the hill. 
“Faith? Nah, we just have nothing better to do, right Y/N?” He asked me and I bit my lip. 
“I suppose so.” I said and walked ahead of them. I can’t believe I almost  told John I loved him! I could never say that to him, otherwise I would be weak and I will not be weak again. 
Tag list: @theschuylersistersss @iamaunicorn4704​ @riverdalehoeeeeeee @imaginehuntress​ @tiannawashere​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @mockinghijack​ @genius2050​ @hollandechart @somethingdawn​ @j-a-valls​ @moonstarsandsongs​ @rascal-20​ @ginger-haired-queen​ @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs-blog1​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @emo-godess-loves-you​ @now-imagine​ @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @vanessa-kom-skaikru​
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stopbeingrude · 3 years
Hellooooo guys. This time the chapter turned out to be longer than I expected. I hope you won't mind... ,, I like the rain, it always seemed like the only thing that was like me…" Chapter 3 In Tempeville. The sun was setting so it must have been after 8 p.m. The couple sat quietly in their wagon, trying to occupy themselves with talking. The conversation quickly turned to the topic of their wedding, which was to take place in 5 months. However, the ice mage couldn't help but feel, that his fiancée was somewhere else with her thoughts. Several times he caught her not listening to him... And don't get him wrong Gray was aware that Juvia had been going through some really tough times over the last few days, but that didn't change the fact that he felt a little neglected. - "Darling..Juvia is sorry , but she's really tired , you won't be offended if she takes a nap for a while.... right?" - said Juvia, looking completely exhausted. - "Eh no..come on , lie down"-he sighed, then covered his fiancée with a blanket when she rested her head on his lap. All these events must have worn her out. No wonder. As he stroked her blue hair, the boy looked at her face, which was even paler than usual..In addition to signs of fatigue, worry could be seen all over it. He felt a strange prick in his heart. It was true that they had explained everything to each other recently, but he still couldn't push away the strange feeling that it wasn't all. -'She already told you everything, what are you so worried about? That you're not the center of her attention? Since when do you act like a brat?- he asked himself- 'Everything will turn out fine. We will find the information about the place of his death and everything will be back to normal. WE will be back to normal '- he encouraged himself. After all, the patient ones shall be rewarded… *******************************
When they reached their destination, it was little before 10 p.m . With lanterns everywhere, Gray was able to get a very clear look at the area, despite the prevailing darkness. Tempeville was a fairly small town. Definitely smaller than Magnolia. With the map in their hands, they headed towards the center of town, passing many houses, a library and the occasional store. When he turned his gaze toward the train station, he was greeted by acres of forest. Hills of green surrounded the town on almost every side, making it seem even smaller. To be honest, the place seemed quite charming to him. Surely, once they had rested after their journey and found some time, they would go for a little walk to explore the surroundings. Juvia could use a little stress relief... They headed for the nearest hotel to finally get some rest. To Juvia's shock, she came face to face with Mrs. Revee. It surprised her immensely. What could this woman be doing here at this hour? 'Right, she told me about her new business, back when we talk at the market …'- reminded herself, water mage - "Oh Juvia?! Darling, what a coincidence. I never thought I'd see you here… Did you decide to visit us after you met me? Oooh I'm so flattered... ..And who might be this handsome gentleman with you, Hmm?. Like mother like daughter, she always attracted the best looking ones too yohoho."- the lady laughed loudly -'Ymm what's going on here? '- thought the slightly embarrassed man. He really felt out of place. They only came here to find a room for the night. He wasn't looking forward to chatting with some strange woman… - "Juvia is also glad to see you. I decided to go on...a little vacation to some places I have visited in the past.....And this is my future husband Gray."- The girl said with a smile, turning her gaze towards her fiancé. The look she gave him, full of adoration and love, made the man feel a pleasant warmth. The blushing man returned the smile. Oh if only they were alone at this moment. -"Hmm..H-hello , Gray Fullbuster.."- he extended his hand towards an older woman. Lydia was a rather short ,plump lady. She looked like she could have been in her late forties. Her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail and her teal eyes, despite her age, still shone with a youthful glow. The most striking thing about her, however, was the sheer number of pins in her hair. - 'God...I understand that some hair is difficult to handle, but what the hell is this?" - thought Devil Slayer...Suddenly he was pulled out of his thoughts by a woman's shout. -"EXCUSE ME ?! HUSBAND ?! OH MY GOD!!! "- screamed the woman loudly, VERY loudly -"...JUVIAAAA! Who would have thought?! It seems to me that not long ago you were learning how to read...time flies so fast..! - she wailed, pulling the girl into a hug, almost choking her to death -'Well, it's clear who influenced Juvia's emotional side '- observed Gray, then he spoke to weird brunette -"I really don't want to disturb you, but we're a bit tired after our trip and we'd like to rent a room…" - "..You don't have to tell me anything Honey, I got it. You'll get the one on the second floor…number 14- she handed him key-…. Boy what are you doing?!" - The woman said as Gray pulled out two sacks full of jewels. - Hmm....I wanted to pay you….How much is it? Probably something over 8,000 jewels per night, right? - "NO, NO, NO,... Sweetie, you'll pay me when your time here is up...besides why would you pay me that much..Pftt..? "- Lydia chuckled. - "..Mrs. Revee, Juvia...we can't abuse your hospitality like that..!"- said the terrified blunette. After all, they didn't know how long they'd be staying... -"...~Oh..Cut the crap, baby. You're not just a customer, after all. I'll take you to the bedroom now. Breakfast is at 8:30 a.m .Dinner at 1:00p.m . Remember that…~." ******************************* - "Dear God. I thought that woman would never go away..." - Gray sighed, throwing himself onto their bed after making sure Lydia was gone. Juvia looked at him slightly amused. - " Don't exaggerate , she was just happy to
see me..."- Juvia said with a smile, while taking off her boots - " I would like to remind you that you have seen each other before. Like 2 days ago? Besides, she didn't need to call her family and staff just to say hello to us..."- stated the black-haired man , already fixing his pillow. - "Juvia, for one, was very happy to see people treating her nicely" -said Juvia, slightly offended by the fact that her beloved was so mean towards Mrs. Lydia. Admittedly, she was always...quite loud and sometimes unpredictable….but that doesn't change the fact of how loving, understanding and caring Mrs Revee was. She was more of a mother to her than..... -"Okay, but it's almost midnight and no one in their right mind would be having a chat at this hour. " - answered the ice mage. He did not want to seem rude, but let's remember that a few hours train ride is not necessarily the most pleasant and relaxing experience. -"Okay, okay...You're tired. I understand. No one will bother you anymore. Sweet dreams, my poor baby..."- she said jokingly, heading towards the bathroom, while trying to untie her green corset. This action did not escape the attention of the black-haired man. - "...Oh?..Are you….going to take a bath?...Actually, I could use one too..."- started the man with a small smirk, already getting out of bed. ... Honestly..It's been like two weeks since they... - "You were tired just a minute ago. Didn't you? Good night…~"- the woman slammed the bathroom door behind her before the man had time to say anything. Despite the closed door, he could clearly hear his Juvia laughing. Offended, Fullbuster went back to bed. What did he do to deserve this kind of treatment? Fully awake by now and bored, Devil Slayer decided to look at the newspapers. As he flipped through the pages, he came across many articles. However, the ones that caught his attention the most were about the dark guilds. What? Dark guilds are prowling in such a tiny town? What would they even be looking for here? Before he knew it, he was looking through older ones, from weeks, months ago… He eventually came across an interview from about a year ago in which the township mayor Bernard Nirious was interviewed. -"Mr. Nirious, for many long years your town has struggled with the problem of attacks by Axel Ventro's gang. We know that the police have already taken all necessary measures to catch those people. However, do you have any suspicions as to why they continue to return to you over the course of several years?" - "But of course, Margaret. The matter is very simple. It's all about revenge. Some of you may not remember this anymore, but almost 30 years ago Axel's father Caspian and his men attacked Tempeville. It was a terrible slaughter, I get chills every time I look at that damn forest... If it hadn't been for two powerful mages who suddenly appeared on the day of the attack, I don't know what would have happened to the town... Fortunately, everything ended well and old Ventro was put behind bars. But let me tell you, he didn't last long there. About a year after the incident he managed to escape. When police finally got on his trail, they found him, but he was already dead. The kid wants revenge on our heroes, because he believes that they were behind the murder of his father." - "I see, so don't your saviors feel threatened?" - "Well...Miss Lockser has been dead for about 25 years now…" 'Lockser ?!'- immediately noticed Gray. 'So it was Ms. Eliana who saved this town…….which means the other one must have been…' -".. It's really sad to see such young people leave this world, but unfortunately she was struck down by some bloody disease..... As for our other hero Jeremiah Agam, he lived in our village for quite a while. If my memory serves me right, he took care of Eliana's baby for a while. Poor little thing...To lose parents at such a young age? Horrible..... In later years Agam began to leave, as he said himself, on business matters, so he was seen less and less. He must have died on one of his missions, because after year x773, we
completely lost contact with him... - "If they are both dead, why does Ventro still not give up?" -" I think that question would have to be asked of Axel himself…" Gray decided to put his thoughts in order. Jerry took a new job. Juvia mentioned that this job was the reason he left her…..because it was too dangerous. Since suddenly out of nowhere Jerry stopped coming back to Tempeville... is it possible that he knew about this whole Axel guy...? His thoughts were interrupted by Juvia, who finally decided to come out of the bathroom. -"What are you reading?" - She asked while wiping her hair dry. - "Juvia! Come here quickly and read it "- the man wasted no time throwing a newspaper in her direction. Juvia, taken aback, started to read. Gradually new emotions began to appear on her face. First surprise, then unrest, and finally... Anger? To her fiancé's astonishment, she reared up with sudden fury. - "..What kind of bullshit is this?! This idiot is invading a town just because he thinks Jerry killed his old man..?! Jerry?! Of all the people in the world... ?! " - deep down she knew that she shouldn't scream at this hour, but she couldn't control herself. Gray was afraid to speak up. He had seen her angry, but not like this...Plus she had never cursed before. Juvia took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She had noticed lately how tense she was and how easy it was to piss her off ....She should probably start drinking those teas , she's been hearing about. - "Juvia...I didn't mean to upset you. I was just saying that if Jerry started leaving the village, maybe he knew about those guys. You told me yourself that he claimed his job was dangerous. I'm not saying he was directly responsible for the old man's death, but maybe...."- he gulped- "...he was connected to it in some way...?- Gray uncertainly raised his gaze towards his beloved, being prepared for another outburst, but instead of that he saw that the girl held a hand to her temple area. Juvia didn't know what was going on. She suddenly felt intense pain, was it from the stress? She needed to sit down...or - "Oi , what is going on?!' - asked the frightened mage, immediately appearing at her side -" My head... It's ... Can you give me some water? - the man did it right away. -"There must be some painkillers in here somewhere...Give me a moment," - said the concerned fiance, as moved towards his suitcase. Juvia kept sitting on the bed. She couldn't believe that Jerry would hurt someone like this. He fought with such people quite often, but everything always ended in a fairly peaceful way. These people ended up battered, but that's about it.. Why did Gray think that he might have…. The moment when he said goodbye to her appeared before her eyes, the woman felt suddenly cold. -"......I've always been aware of the fact that one day I would be in danger. But you have nothing to do with it. I won't let anything happen to you…'' 'Jerry... Are you... No…' -".. it's nice that you don't hold a grudge against these children....But in my opinion, not everyone deserves forgiveness.…" '..No , that doesn't..' -"...People are capable of many things when something threatens them or their loved ones" -'...Calm down, take a deep breath..'- blunette said to herself, trying with all her might to calm herself down. Just like a few nights ago, tears started running down her face. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself otherwise, what Gray was saying was highly possible... - "Juvia I have it.....Juvia?! Does it hurt that much? Here...Swallow it quickly...Maybe I'll put some ice on it..or.." - " Gray…"- said man suddenly froze. -"......Y-yes..?" -" You might be right..about Jerry...." -" I..Juvia...listen to me, I understand that this is a lot for you....Come here - the boy wrapped his arms around her -...I didn't say he was responsible for the murder, just that he might be connected to it, or at least to the group. That could be the key to finding some information about him... Do you get it..?"- water mage nodded. -"I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell
like that...." -'' Well being honest you gave me quite a scare "- he said with a chuckle. - "It's not everyday you see the polite and refined Juvia Lockser, using such vulgar words..." - the man added cockily. Blunette couldn't help but smile. How is it that he can be grumpy and mean one moment , tender and caring next and then playful and cocky another? Gray Fullbuster is really an interesting case.... - "Now let's go to sleep, it will do us good... and tomorrow we will try to do something" - he said covering them both with a quilt and they both fell into a deep sleep. Neither of them realized, however, that their rather loud exchange of words had not escaped Lydia's ears. - "So this is about Jerry after all?"- she said to herself as she sipped her tea in her private room. - "Of course it had to be about him. Do you really think after all trouble she's been through she'd want to come back here out of her own free will?" the woman continued. That boy's words still rang in her ears..
He could have been connected to the group, that's why he started to leave.' Something didn't feel right here. Jerry always despised these kinds of people after all. Why would he be connected to them in any way? Brunette woman had no idea. It didn't sound like something he could do at all. But what could she know? Yes, she and Jerry rather liked each other. You might even say they were friends. But that didn't mean she knew everything about the golden-haired man. This is where someone closer to him would come in handy. A picture of a man she knew well suddenly appeared before her eyes. -'' It's possible that he has already come back" - she thought, running towards room 7 on the first floor and then bumping into the man she just wanted to find as soon as possible. - "Hi, Lydia, I didn't expect to see anyone so late at night. I hope I didn't accidentally wake you up, I tried to be as quiet as a mouse - he answered with a light laugh. -" No, no, no... You know.., I was just about to go to you. I...need your help - the little woman looked at the man. - "Oh really? What could you possibly need at this hour…"- the man asked with a big grin-"...Is this about…." - "It's about Jerry…"- she interrupted him. The smile was completely gone from the huge man's face. Instead it was replaced by anxiety. Why had she decided to talk about this subject? - "....I...Lydia, I've mentioned many times that I don't know much myself…" - "...I know there are some things you don't want to tell me about. I get it. Really. But..Juvia is here and I'm sure you're aware of the fact that she would want every last bit of information.... "- determined woman looked at the man in front of her, waiting for any answer. But the man stood completely still. Revee did not know what was happening at that moment. It was strange to see a talkative and cheerful doctor, standing completely silent, looking somewhere into the distance. Had she said something wrong? She thought that since Toshi and Jerry were close friends maybe he would be able to… - "Juvia?.....You mean Eliana's child?...Juvia Lockser... she's here?" Toshi asked, agitated. - "...Yes, she arrived here about two hours ago... I accidentally heard that it was just to find out what exactly happened to Jerry. They...well she and her man.... think he was somehow connected to the Ventro attacks." After a brief moment of silence, probably to collect his thoughts, Dr. Toshi Rall, whispered - "T-tomorrow...tell her I want to see her aroud 12.... I'll do my best...For now, I need to sleep...G-good night...-the doctor headed toward his room. The brunette also headed towards her bedroom. She didn't know if she did the right thing...but one was certain. Poor Juvia could not leave town without answers. ******************************* Side note: I've noticed that some people want to be tagged when they follow some fanfiction or author. So I thought, why not? So if anyone wishes to do so, let me know. Previous chapters
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doodleimprovement · 4 years
CSAU :: Moonie Jericho and the Mysterious Case of the Moon-Jumper Mask - Alternate Ending
Or: “The extremely self indulgent 7 page fic were Nell gets to be more helpful and has some actual characterization” 
Yeahhhh this isn’t canon to the fic, but I wanted to write it because I can, at LAST give ya’ll Nell’s backstory for how they came to live in Subcon in the CSAU
Per usual, the “Coffee Shop AU” belongs to the ever wonderful @doodledrawsthings
Also, note: Both MJ and Nell use “they/them” pronouns, with MJ being “He/They” and Nell being “She/They” To keep things from getting too confusing, Nell will be “They” and MJ will be “He” 
Nell was honestly a bit surprised when MJ came to their home the morning after Halloween, sheepishly stating that the mask seemed ... stuck.
He nodded.
“Huh.. Come on in then. I’ll get some tea going and see about helping you out, hm?”
He walked into their house, taking a moment to actually look about the place- as he didn’t get much of a chance before- and took a seat in their small living room.
The ambiance of the outside followed inside, with the walls painted chestnut brown with warm yet bright pops of color on the windowsill and the various picture frames full of people he didn’t know. The curtain over the wide window was patterned with little pumpkins, which he found cute, and hanging from a few ceiling hooks were what Clover would call “Low-maintenance” plants. The dark colors match well with the room, making it feel a bit comfier than it otherwise might.
The couch he sat on was across from an armchair, and both were colored a warm orange, with an espresso-colored coffee table. On said table were some envelopes and a copy of “Better Homes and Gardens”
Huh, he didn’t peg them as a reader of those types of magazines. Then again, Clover was the one that knew Nell, not him.
They came back with two mugs - one was purple with the “Snatcher” face on it, and the other had a little grumpy ghost on it, with “I’m spooky before my coffee” written above the drawing.
They handed him the Snatcher mug
“Can I ask where you get all of this Snatcher merch?”
“My best friend is an Etsy fiend. Despite him living all the way in Nyakoto, he ships me Snatcher merch whenever he finds something fun. He’s a real character” they chuckled.
“Huh” MJ acknowledged as Nell walked around the coffee table and sat next to him
“Do you feel the mask?”
He nodded, his hand up at the edge, right where he felt it “When I pull, it just… doesn’t move”
“Hm..” they sipped. “When you try to take it off, how does it feel?”
“Like… it’s like a thousand little… things? Pulling at my face, I think?” MJ pulled up their mug and sipped the tea.
“Like… string? Thread?”
MJ nodded. “I think that's the right word, thread”
Nell puts down the mug as MJ takes another sip. “Let me see” they scooted closer to him, and he put his mug down and turned his head.
Their hands seemed to glow green as they raised it “There we go…” They muttered, hand immediately finding the mask’s edge, and seeing what he was talking about “... Huh, the threads… well, that's the right word. They’re… criss-crossed…”
Before he could ask if they could remove them, he felt a slight burning at the edge of his face and jumped
“Sorry, sorry, but, that did work… Though, it means you might be here a while” they admit “I’ll need you to stay still, okay?”
“Oh.. okay”
It was... Not Okay.
A few minutes into Nell’s attempt at getting the mask off, they let out a huff.
“You can’t keep squirming”
“I- I’m sorry” He muttered “It's just, you know, hard to stay still”
“I understand that, but I don’t want to mess this up. I’d like to see your actual eyes” They muttered.
“I know, it just.. Weird feeling” He tried to explain.
“Moon” They pressed, but sighed “... You seem still enough when I’m talking to you, need a distraction?”
“I mean, I guess…?”
Nell sighed “Hm… How about I tell you how I came to live in Subcon? That’s a long-ass story”
“Oh uh, if you’re okay with sharing!” MJ tried to be polite. He knew that even Clover wasn’t completely sure why Nell came to live in the town, she just knew that “something happened” back at the coast where they were from.
“Nah. It’s been 5 years. That’s more than long enough” The nurse stayed focused on the magic threads, their magic seeming to thrum in his ears- sounding almost like the hum of a fan in the dead heat of summer..
There was a pause, before they took in a breath.
“When I was 19, I took a job in Nyakoto, and left my hometown as fast as the train could take me. I had a scholarship to a little nursing school there, and before my 21st birthday, I’d gotten a nice, decent paying job as an ER nurse for a hospital in the East Side” They started “The hospitals were all interconnected, so I ended up meeting different doctors and nurses while I worked, and sometimes was called to assist in other hospitals.
“I was.. 25, when I met him” They recalled, something in their voice seeming heavy. “We’ll call him Chris
“He was in residency at a hospital down in the Wesservale neighborhood. We met at a medical appreciation gala… He had something about him I couldn't place. . . A charisma, almost. A kindness. He seemed so eager for the future, so excited for what the next day might bring him. I’d never been like that. His optimism drew me in.
“We started dating the year after. Like with most relationships, everything seemed great. He was funny, kind, thoughtful, all of that stuff. He even went with me to pride stuff, which was pretty cool at the time.”
“Pride?” MJ chimed in. Nell couldn’t hide a chuckle.
“Yes. You’ve heard of the Nyakoto Annual Pride Bonanza, haven’t you? One of the biggest in the country”
“I have, yes”
“Good. Back to the story” Nell redirected “When I was 27, about a year and a half into the relationship, I realized, quite unhappily, that we weren’t actually very different, and didn’t really get along as well as we thought.. It's not that we argued, but.. We didn’t really… talk. I never spoke to him about my problems, I didn’t feel like I could, and that really made me realize that we weren’t actually all that comfortable around each other. So, when he came over to my place that night for dinner, I spoke to him, and tried to tell him that we weren’t compatible, and that I thought perhaps we’d be better off as friends.
“He convinced me that we just needed work, going on and on about all these plans he had for us. Trips, dates, things to look forward to, always looking toward the future, Chris did”
Nell paused again
“.. I really should have noticed how little he cared about happiness in the present.” They commented “Not a traditional red flag, but it was a warning nonetheless”
“Well, I mean, that’s not so bad”
“In a way, no” Nell replied “But when you think about the future so much, you forget the present, you forget to live, and your past just.. Ends up a horrible haze. Even the happy stuff is hard to recall”
MJ hadn’t thought of it like that
“But hindsight is 2020, and in the moment, I believed him. I wanted to believe those bright dreams of the future, and I let go of the fact that I did not even like to talk to him very much.
“... I tried to break up with him 4 more times in the 8 years we were together.”
Okay, MJ hadn’t been expecting that much time passing.
“By the time I was 34, we were living together, but barely seeing each other. From the outside it must have seemed perfect to everyone else. I think only Daph knew about my.. Issues, with Chris. I still never talked to him about anything that wasn’t the future, or how the day was, or.. Just, absolute nonsense.
“One night, after one more attempt to break up, I’d gone to bed defeated, and woke up at 3 in the morning while he was on the night shift in Wesservale.. I came to this… realization
“If I didn’t leave right then and there, I’d marry him…. and I’d …. I’d be stuck. He’d have me, and I’d be stuck for the rest of my life..
“So I grabbed everything I had in the apartment, sent a resignation email to the East side hospital I still worked at, left him a note telling him I was leaving, took my car and just… started driving”
“.. Did he call you?”
“I blocked his number.” They answered curtly. “Drove for days until I came across Subcon.”
MJ didn’t comment.
“I stayed at the Alpine Motel for a few nights, and when I was at the diner, overheard that there was an open position for the school nurse at the elementary” They continued. “I applied for it, and 3 months later cashed in my savings to put a down payment on this little place” They made a motion with their hand briefly “The rest is history”
“Well… If it's any consolation, I think that's a good reason to get out of the city”
Nell couldn’t hold back a laugh. There was something a little… sad, in it, but the laugh was genuine.
“Yeah, then again, every reason is a good one to get out of the city” They commented, and MJ had only just realized that their hands were now on the other side of his face. Nell worked quickly, it seemed. “Hm.. okay. On the count of three, I'm going to try to take it off, alright?”
“Oh, uh, wow, okay!” He replied eagerly, closing his eyes.
“One…” They slowly started, both hands on either side, their nails right at the edge of the mask.
MJ startled as Nell pulled, and a cold, sharp feeling spread over his body before it abruptly ended. When he opened his eyes. He looked at Nell, who had, in their hands, that damned mask.
His hands went up to his face, and he let out a relieved laugh as he felt his skin, glasses and hair “hah! Hahah! I’m human again! No more magic!” He raised his hands and leaned back on the couch “Sweet relief”
Nell let out a chuckle, putting the mask down gently “Finish your tea, I’m gonna grab you a damp towel. You have… paint? On your face”
His brow was furrowed, but he reached for the still-warm mug anyway as Nell got up and went down a short hallway.
He took the few moments that Nell was done to think over the story he’d been told, the exhaustion in the nurse’s voice as she told it. Was he really the first one to learn? It gave him a weird feeling right in his chest.
When Nell returned, she offered a small, damp towel… that had the “Snatcher” smile on it
“... How many of these do you have?” He almost laughed again, and they just answered with an amused smile and grabbed their own coffee cup.
MJ cleaned his face, seeing a candy-red color coming off on the purple towel. “Hm..”
“Well uh, the color looks like the magic strings I was able to summon”
Nell Blinked “... Well uh, bring that up with Tim when he’s back in town. That’s a little out of my wheelhouse”
The two fell into silence, sipping their warm drinks and giving them some time to unwind
“Will you need a ride home?” they asked him, putting their mug down.
He hadn’t actually thought of that.
“Oh, uh, it’s fine”
They raised an eyebrow at him
“You live 20 minutes away and Luka isn’t here to … fly you home, per se” They laid out “I’ve got a car, I’ll drive you home”
He turned a little red to the ears “Oh.. Thank you”
“No problem, Moon” They smiled back at him. “I’m going to change real quick, then we’ll leave”
And with that, they left back into the short hallway, to what Moon assumed was their bedroom.
Nell returned a few minutes later, dressed in a loose blouse and skirt that went down to their ankles, a far cry from the tank top and sweatpants that he’d seen them in before. He supposed that it was more so not wanting to go out in Pajamas than anything else. She picked up the mask, wrapping it in a handkerchief before holding it out to him
“It’s chosen you. You have to keep it”
He just nodded, and gingerly took the troublesome thing into his hands.
The two got in their truck (Nell owned a truck??) and drove into town.
MJ took in a breath as they turned onto a main street, passing The Horizon. “So uh, Nell..”
“About your uh, the story you told me.. I won’t tell anyone”
“I don’t mind if you do” they answered, eyes on the road
“What, really?”
“Like I said before. Five years feels long enough”
MJ’s brow furrowed “I’m still not going to say anything.. That’s a personal story. It’s not mine to tell”
Nell glanced over at him with an unreadable expression, before moving to turn on the radio. Lo-fi started, and it seemed they were right in the middle of a Billie Eilish song.
“.. Thank you” They ended up responding as the song picked up
”I know supposedly I'm lonely now.
Know I’m supposed to be unhappy without someone.
But aren’t I someone?” 
MJ didn’t say much of anything else once until they got to his apartment building
“Thank you, Nell. For everything”
“Don’t mention it” They gave him a small, but sincere smile “Get some rest, hm? The bags under your eyes are aging you”
MJ just laughed “I will. Don’t be a stranger, Mx. Buonacci”
The nurse gave him a lazy salute with a soft smile, before the window rolled up, and they drove off
Exhaling, he looked down at the covered mask, wrapped in a…. Snatcher-patterned handkerchief.
He couldn’t help but laugh.
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wistfulwatcher · 3 years
Hello I saw your tag on that "im 25 and dying post" please tell us how it got better for you. Im 26, still living with parents, currently having a fight with my boyfriend, and i still have a year until I get my bachelors. The comparison to everyone younger than me is killing me.
I'm really sorry to hear that you're struggling, but I hope you can take some solace in the fact that that post has a lot of notes and you are absolutely not alone in feeling the way you do! I can certainly try and share my experience, but unfortunately I think the biggest factor is just time (and like, a buttload of self-reflection).
I moved back home after college and worked full time at an administrative job I was doing during school breaks. I majored in psychology and anthropology in college, and was planning to eventually go into forensic psychology, but wasn't interested in going straight into grad school. So I did that administrative job for about a year, and tried to find something that was a bit more stable and at least semi-related to my field. I did end up finding a new job when I was 23 - stable, semi-related to my field (a psych/research background was required), and decent pay (especially as I was still living at home). Exactly what I needed, since I still wasn't ready to start looking into grad school.
I was doing pretty well, until I started getting comfortable at that job, and then I started getting hit with the "I'm not doing enough," and "I need to look into grad school," and "will I ever find a boyfriend?" (friendly reminder that 23-year-old me thought she was straight, yikes), "how will I afford to move out, I have to save my money and do it soon!", "I'm not doing anything but watching TV, I'm wasting my life," "I'm lonely, but I'm too tired to try and make friends," etc., etc.
But it wasn't constant. I'd have a flurry of those questions and fears, and then days where I was just living life and doing my job and taking care of my dogs, without any of that. And I don't think I felt good or particularly comfortable those days, it was more like I just wasn't actively thinking about it, like when you feel "good" after a physical pain goes away and you're just normal.
Eventually, I started thinking about all of these concerns I had, and the fact that it felt like it was URGENT whenever I thought about them. It felt like I needed to get my shit together immediately. I also started to acknowledge that there was this big sense of guilt around those concerns; I was too old to be living at home, I was too old to be single, I was too old not to be starting a career. I felt like I was wasting my life (cue the guilt), and I realized that part of why I felt like I was wasting it was that I felt like I was missing milestones I wouldn't be able to do at a later time because the older I was past "normal" the more humiliating it would be to try (cue the shame and embarrassment, hard).
I also started to doubt that I wanted to go into forensic psychology. More importantly, I started to seriously doubt that I wanted a "career" at all. My job (as I kept that same semi-related to my field one) was absolutely a job, not a career. And I think this was a huge tipping point for me, because a career had always been a given in my life. I'm passionate about what I'm interested in, so it literally just never occurred to me that I would be content with a job. I also started acknowledging that I had some messed up associations about being content with a job meaning that I was lazy (because the only way to be ambitious is with a career and, more damaging, a lack of ambition is fundamentally bad).
Now, I need to clarify that all of the above occurred over the course of years. I was constantly seeing "friends" (i.e., of the facebook variety) go to grad school, start careers, get married, buy homes, etc. And with all of that alongside the entire mess I've outlined in the above paragraphs, it was really, really, tough. It gets hard to find a foothold in better thinking, I believe, when seeing all of these people (some younger) doing things "right" was really just compounding my guilt and shame. (I feel like it's worth mentioning, too, that I was always "an individual" growing up, march-to-the-beat-of-my-own-drummer, yada yada. I feel like that's worth pointing out for others who may be in the same boat, because I think it can lead to another layer of shame in comparing yourself to those around you - especially if it's a big part of your identity that you DON'T do that, because I think it's inevitable as you get older, and you're looking to reach these milestones that prove you're an adult.)
So, here I am, acknowledging that I feel guilt and shame about what I'm not doing. And suddenly I ask myself my first really important question: Do I want a career? The question hot on its heels is: Do I want to go to grad school? Honestly, my answer is no. There is nothing in me that's excited by the prospect. But what, does that mean I'm just going to work my job for the rest of my life? How is giving up going to make me feel better about Not Doing Enough?
As I'm opening this door (remember, years), three things happen: 1) I realize I'm gay, 2) I watch Dirty 30, 3) I start playing D&D.
First, realizing I'm gay. Woohoo! Not only was this exciting because girls are amazing, but it made me seriously look at myself. Realizing I had spent 25 years assuming one thing about myself that turned out to be completely wrong made me question everything for a while. I started to ask myself, "Do I really like this?" more often, which seems like a really obvious question, but I'm not convinced that it's one people ask themselves consciously all that often. But once I did, I realized how freeing it was to answer, "No," and move on to something I did like.
Second, I watched Dirty 30, the Grace Helbig/Mamrie Hart/Hannah Hart movie. It feels dramatic to say that it changed my life, but the older I get the more I honestly think it did. Mamrie Hart's character is a dental hygienist who is freaking out about turning 30 and feeling very much like that text post I reblogged. But (spoilers), at the end of the movie, she decides that she loves her job (job, not career!) because it's comfortable and she has fun at work, and that it makes her happy. She has other things going on, but the idea that a character in a film is content with her job and choosing to "settle" into her life as-is and she's genuinely happy about it? I honestly can't think of a single other time I've seen that happen on-screen. I still think about that ending very often. And after seeing it, I started to ask myself another question regularly: "Am I happy?" Again, this feels pretty obvious, but I think there is something incredibly empowering about making sure you are happy on a regular basis, instead of just assuming that you're fine until something hurts.
Third, I started playing D&D. This is not a plug for D&D! (Well, maybe a little.) One thing that happened to me when I started to get into the urgent-guilt-shame-confusion mess of my mid-20s was that I got very much into a routine of go to work, come home, sleep, go to work, come home, sleep, be totally brain-dead on the weekend, repeat. I found it very difficult to feel creative because I was just wiped, and as all of my creative outlets (gifs, fanfic) are self-motivated, it was really easy to brush them off. I ended up starting Critical Role (this is also not a plug for CR! well, maybe), and I wanted to give D&D a try myself. (I was VERY lucky - my best friend happened to be listening to the Adventure Zone at the same time I started CR, and she wanted to try to run a game. The stars truly aligned!)
I started playing, then DMing, and found that it was a great fit for my interests. I used to be a theatre kid, and I was getting to act again (something I didn't realize I was missing). I was getting to build and flesh out characters, which is what I love the most about writing fanfic. I was also discovering that I was stretching myself - world building and plot had never been my strong suit, but as a DM it became the majority of my creative effort. It gave me soft deadlines with people I didn't want to let down, and it made me truly social again for the first time since college. Essentially, it was filling in all of the gaps of what I felt lacking in my life. This isn't a D&D plug because it wasn't D&D specifically, but rather a hobby that satisfied what was missing in my life. For example, I didn't realize how isolated I was before D&D until I had regular interactions with friends, and that isolation absolutely made the urgent-guilt-shame-confusion worse.
D&D gave me that final push to realize that I was OK with having a job and being passionate about hobbies instead of trying to fit myself into a career, because I was getting out of that hobby what I had been convinced I would get out of a career. I started to really value that I could punch out and go have fun doing exactly what I wanted to do. (It feels so obvious as I type this, but it took me a long time to get here! Sometimes it really is that simple!)
The above is specific to my job vs. career struggle which may not be in the mix of things you're struggling with. But what I do think is universal/can be your take away, is that sometimes you just have to actively choose to let go of the pressure to be doing things. Which, I know, sounds so much easier than it is (and part of why I think it just takes time/is part of growing older). But I think it's something that can be worked at over time, by checking in with yourself about what you feel, why you feel it, and what you need to make yourself feel better in the present.
It's been 6 years since I started that semi-related job, and I'm still there. I still live with my mom. I'm still single. My circumstances have not changed since 24, but honestly? I'm OK. When I check in with myself about it, I do enjoy living with my mom and our dogs (even though I'm 30 and "real" adults move out). I am happy more often than I'm not (much more, actually!). I have a job that allows me to be done after 8 hours, and I have hobbies I look forward to doing each night (and the energy to do them, most of the time). My weekends are free to play D&D with my friends and laugh until I cry. That is what I've worked out as my definition of what I want life to be right now. You'll notice it includes none of the "milestones" that those younger than me have hit.
As I noted on that text post tag, I still struggle with this. I definitely have days where I think, I'm a mess, I'm not DOING anything. It's hard. But time does help, those days become fewer and farther between.
I know that was probably a hundred times longer than you wanted it to be, but I did want to illustrate just how much of a process it is. It takes time. My summary advice is to check in with yourself often, be honest about what you want and what you need, do not let anyone else define where you "should" be. And if you aren't living life how you want to be, identify what you can do (however small) to make yourself feel like you're getting closer.
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detectivehannibal · 4 years
Dr. Lecter Will See You Now
Hannibal Lecter x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Language.
A/N: Award for the worst title goes to me. Also, I’m gonna give third person a try. I have a love-hate for second person.
Requested by: @lousyydimwit
Word Count: 1,719
“It is. Do you have an eye for brands, Dr. Lecter?”
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She was spoiled. It was as simple as that. She had always had everything handed to her on a silver platter. She knew this, of course. She wasn’t exactly stupid. A little blind to reality maybe, but not stupid. Everyone tended to have a bit of an immediate judgement when it came to her. She was always well put together and never had any part of her that was out of place. She was determined to be at her best all the time, mainly because everyone expected her to be. She never really thought about how exhausting it could be.
Her parents had worked endlessly in their early years of marriage and careers to ensure that she’d have the most stress free life possible. They struck it big and were able to send their little girl to the finest schools possible to assure her success. She had lived a VERY comfortable life. 
Still, she enjoyed being given anything she could ever want and/or dream of. She loved her lavish life. At least, until she was told that her time was up. Her parents had always told her that they would always take care of her until she was old enough to handle herself. She was 25 now and well past the age of being able to provide for herself. They weren’t cutting her off so to speak. They would just casually begin sending her less and less money until they were sure she was fine to make it on her own. So, they dropped the bombshell on her. 
She was going to have to get a job.
She wasn’t angry or anything. She knew this day would come eventually. She just hated that it came so quickly. At first, it was hard for her to accept that she was finally going to have to become a working adult, but she kind of found it exciting once she began job searching. 
But not just any job would do. She would rather be dead than work in a job that required real hard labor. She just wasn’t cut out (or used) to that sort of scene. God forbid that she break a nail while working. She ruled out waitressing, any kind of retail job, or anything that involved intense customer service. Her options were slimming down fast and she was getting discouraged. That’s when she found her golden ticket. 
She was skimming through the paper one morning when she saw an ad saying that a psychiatrist in the Baltimore area was in need of a secretary. She wasn’t familiar with the name of the therapist...but he looked oddly familiar. In any event, she saw this as her chance at work. She dialed the number, set up a time for an interview, and she was well on her way.
Here’s a little secret. She didn’t actually expect to get the job. She thought that Dr. Lecter would be interested enough in her to give her a recommendation for another job opening, not actually hire her as his secretary. Which was why she was stunned when he basically hired her on the spot and told her that she would start the following morning. When she realized that this was actually happening, she knew she had to put her absolute best presence forward. At least, until she was comfortable to relax into it. What he didn’t know, however, was just how much of an impact she was going to have on his life. 
She arrived on time the next morning, ready to get to work. Her job was pretty simple. Answer the phone, check in his patients as they arrived, take messages for him when he was in a session, get him coffee when requested. The basic assistant kind of job. She sat behind the desk in the lobby of his office, acquainting herself with the new area. He exited his office a little after lunch to check on her. It had really been the first time he had actually interacted with her that day.
“Ms. [Y/L/N],” He said standing in front of the desk. She looked up at him respectfully, but a hint of a smirk on her face; “I presume you are settling in nicely?”
On top of being a privileged lady, she was a fast learner. All her years of extensive schooling had prepared her in ways she never expected. She was acing her first day, much to his surprise. He was extremely observant and he expected her to be...well...kind of an idiot. 
“Yes, Dr. Lecter. Everything is just fine.” She replied confidently.
He hadn’t figured it out just yet, but he found her rather interesting. She wasn’t intimidated by him like most people were. As a matter of fact, that was the very reason he had been in need of a new secretary. The last one was so frightened of Hannibal that she took her talents elsewhere. It wasn’t like he had tried to kill her or anything. He had only done that to one of his former secretaries. 
“Good. I was hoping you were adjusting well.” He responded, putting his hands in his pockets.
She smiled, returning to her work briefly before realizing he was still standing there. She raised a brow;
“Do you need something?” She asked sweetly.
He was looking at her outfit. A skirt, blouse, and blazer with a pair of heels. He noted that it was a quite expensive getup, something none of his previous assistants had worn. 
“No, but I must ask. Is that Alexander McQueen you’re currently wearing?” He asked. 
He knew the answer was yes, but he wanted to see if she actually knew herself. He was beginning to get an inkling that she had come from a more than rich lifestyle. Luckily, she did actually know what it was, but she didn’t always know the origins of her clothes. Everything had always been bought for her. 
“It is. Do you have an eye for brands, Dr. Lecter?” She questioned.
He gave the slightest smile;
“I tend to, yes.” He answered simply.
He walked back into his office to prepare for his next appointment. She was a little disappointed that the conversation had ended so abruptly, but she knew that wouldn’t be the last time she ever spoke to him. This was a full time gig after all. She was over the moon with how things were going and it looked like she was going to be just fine.
Her first week went by without a hitch and the more conversations she had with Hannibal, the more bold she became. She didn’t know it yet, but she was finally having a say in her life. She was able to make decisions without something popping in to suggest her otherwise. She could be herself. However, her real self caused annoyance to come out of Dr. Lecter. But he was a patient man. He knew she just wanted to impress him. Even though he wouldn’t tell her yet, she was the best secretary he had been able to have in years. That still didn’t stop the twinge of irritation in his chest every time she said something unprofessional.
He entered the office around 7:00 AM, briskly walking by her desk like a man on a mission. She gave a fake offended gasp;
“Well, good morning, Dr. Lecter!” She called after him. 
He stopped at his doorway. He would admit, that was rather rude. He turned to face her;
“Good morning, [Y/N].”
That’s when she realized why he had been in such a hurry to get into his office. Coffee had been spilled all down the front of his white collared shirt and his pants. She couldn’t help but laugh lightly;
“Oh, I see you’ve had a great start to the morning,” She said sarcastically; “Would you like me to go get you another outfit?” She asked reaching for her keys.
“No, that won’t be necessary. I keep a spare in my office closet.” He explained.
She paused for a second, then a devious grin spread on her face. He mentally slapped himself, knowing she had found humor in what he had just said. 
“Do you now? Is it often that you have to change clothes while at work?” She asked, giving an implication that he wasn’t catching on to yet.
“It’s only for situations like this,” He said referring to his coffee stained outfit; “What are you inferring?”
She stood from her chair, leaning against the desk;
“Well, I’m sure you have to do something in between sessions.” She hinted.
What an insane accusation! He would never...pleasure himself while at work. And even if he did, he surely wouldn’t tell her about it. His posture and expression stayed unchanged, but he was getting agitated.
“I’m not sure I appreciate that statement, [Y/N].” He said honestly.
She was unfazed and pressed on;
“Come on, Dr. Lecter. I know you get bored in there. I’d probably do it too,” She admitted; “Honestly, if I looked like you? I know I would do it.” She flirted.
Now he was taken aback. That was quite the confession coming from his secretary. He was mentally noting to himself that this was probably why he was so intrigued by her. She wasn’t like his previous secretaries in the sense that she wasn’t afraid to say anything to his face. She was extremely honest and forward with her thoughts. He found that refreshing in a way.
“I’m flattered that you think that of me.” He accepted the compliment.
She shrugged, running a hand through her hair;
“I’m just saying.” She replied, sitting back down at her desk.
He pondered her words. Surely, there wasn’t anything wrong with being attracted to his secretary...or anything wrong with his secretary being attracted to him. He was still at his door, deep in thought. She noted the time was now 7:15, and he had his first patient at 7:30.
“Dr. Lecter,” She said snapping him out of his daze; “Paula Wallace’s appointment is in fifteen minutes.”
He nodded, getting back to work;
“Right. Of course.”
He retreated into his office finally to change into a new shirt and pants. A fresh thought entered his mind as he finished buttoning his shirt;
Maybe this new secretary was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
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mrvltwimagines · 4 years
The Article
SUMMARY: Your past may be in the past, but Sam still wants to know everything about you.
WARNINGS: Parental Abuse, Mention of Knives + Cutting
PROMPT: Could you write a Sam Winchester x reader to the prompt "oh god....what did they do to you?" 
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You stared at yourself in the mirror. The bruises and cuts that used to be all over your body were merely just scars now, but you still felt the pain in them. You could still feel every slice of his knife. Against your stomach, your arms, your chest and legs. You could still feel the slaps she landed on your face, and the punches and kicks she planted everywhere else that was within reach.
You’d been a hunter with Sam and Dean for awhile now, the bunker being the home that the three of you shared happily. You met them only a few years into becoming a hunter, so compared to them you were a baby, even if you were only a few years younger than Sam. They’ve taught you so much. They’ve helped you gain confidence in your work, and confidence in yourself, but then came days like today where you wake up in a cold sweat and the memories rushing back to you like they had just happened.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of the full body mirror as you stood in front of it in only your underwear. Neither of the brothers have seen your scars, you’ve made sure of it. They didn’t know what your parents did to you before you were even fully understand the extent of how bad the things they did to you were. Hell, for all the brothers knew, your parents were dead. At least that’s what you told them to avoid the inevitable questions asking why you don’t see or speak to them. You glared at yourself, finally gaining the energy to turn away and slip your shirt and pants on, getting ready for the day.
Today was going to be tough. While you were thankful that the world isn’t too crazy at the moment, you wished Sam and Dean weren’t on a hunt, and that you and Sam could cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie and distract your mind. You loved both of the brothers more than you’ve ever loved anyone, but there’s always been something more between you and Sam. You both never talked about it, but simply enjoyed the time you got to spend with each other knowing that there was nobody in either one of your lives that you cared for more.
Walking out of your room and towards the kitchen, you were startled to hear the clanking of pots filling the empty space. Did they come home early? Was there somehow an intruder? Without thinking much of it, you simply just walked into the kitchen and found Castiel filling a kettle with water before turning around towards you and setting it on one of the stove burners.
“Good morning, y/n - sorry if I woke you!” He exclaimed, not even a bit jumpy at you showing up out of nowhere while he was so clearly distracted.
“Morning Cas, don’t worry about it, I was already awake,” you retorted, grabbing the laptop off of the counter and settling yourself into one of the chairs around the table.
“Are you feeling alright? It’s only 8am and you usually sleep in until at least noon. Are you sick?” He asks. By the look on his face you could tell he was genuinely curious and concerned, no hint of mocking in his tone. It is true that you usually sleep in quite late, your nightmares just weren’t up for that today.
“M’fine, just couldn’t sleep well so I figured I might as well get up,” you sighed, shrugging your shoulders and opening the laptop. You froze once your eyes zoned in on the picture in front of you. There you were, a mere fifteen year old squished in-between your parents, all three of you showing your very realistic fake smiles. You could remember this day like it was yesterday; your mom always insisted on taking holiday photos to send out to the family around Christmas time. She loved acting like she was a perfect mother, but you just remember being slapped around after she got her picture because she thought you had too much attitude.
“Y/n? Did you just hear anything I said?” Cas spoke up, interrupting your thoughts and pulling your attention away from the computer.
“No, yeah, sorry cas, what were you saying?”
“I was saying that I think Sam and Dean will be home today. Apparently Garth and a new guy made it to the scene before them, so they let them handle the case.”
You nodded letting him know you heard him, but your mind was going crazy and your eyesight instantly went back to the article in front of you.
“Parents of fifteen year old girl sentenced to 25 years in prison” and the article went on to list everything you testified against them for. You were humiliated that one of the boys were reading this, or even just the fact that they now knew this happened to you. You didn’t know what to do or how to react, so you simply closed the computer and made your way back to your room, not even thinking to say anything to Cas. The second your door closed, the second your pacing began. Who read the article? It had to be Sam. Dean was never too intuitive and gladly took your answer that your parents died as a final answer. Why was he searching about me to begin with? Did I tip him off about something? Is he going to bring this up to me? Am I going to have to talk about this again?
You fell back first onto your bed, allowing yourself to try and take deep breaths while you stared up at the ceiling. You always thought that the answer “they’re dead” when anyone asked you about your parents would’ve been enough, but maybe it wasn’t? Maybe the way you said it made Sam question that answer? You wanted to be sucked up in a hole, the scars on your body seemingly burning at the thought of having to talk about how they were placed there. You knew other people went through what you’ve gone through. Of course your parents aren’t the only abusive parents in the world, but they left you for dead. The beat you and cut you. They hurt you in every way and then just.... left. They didn’t care what happened to you after that last session. You were lucky that your neighbor even stopped by that same day to see you passed out on the living room floor. If it hadn’t been for her, you weren’t too sure that you would be where you are right now - alive.
A knock on your door startled you out of your thoughts, a soothing voice floating through, “y/n, are you alright?” It was cas. You wouldn’t doubt that he knows what happened to you, considering he was a literal angel, but he never made it obvious if he does. What he does make obvious is that he can pick up on your moods and that he knows when somethings wrong.
“I’m fine cas, just need to lay down for a bit,” you called out. You could sense him hesitate before a distant thud was sounded throughout the bunker. You knew that sound to be the door leading from the garage, and your dread began to turn into panic sweats. The sound of Cas’ footsteps furthered themselves, and you quickly got up to ensure your door was locked.
Considering the laptop had been sitting where it was for a few days when Sam and Dean had left originally, you didn’t know whether Sam had been thinking about it the entire time he was gone. Maybe he had forgotten and wasn’t going to bring it up, but you didn’t want him barging in when you were feeling as self conscious as you were right now. No matter what, you felt exposed, like you weren’t even wearing any clothes to begin with.
“Y/n are you in there? We’re back from the hunt,” it was Sam at your door this time. Your hands instinctively went to unlock your door out of habit of hearing his voice. Even when you were trying to avoid him, you physically couldn’t. You opened the door up enough to see his face, and enough for him to see yours. He offered you a slight smile, but you knew he had a lot to say by the way his eyes danced across your face and even willingly looking down towards your body. Was he thinking about what happened to you right this second? Was he envisioning what your body probably looks like thanks to the detailed article that he had read beforehand.
“Welcome back, how was it?” You offered up, bringing his attention back to your face that was glowing pink as the heat rushed throughout your body.
“Didn’t do much, Garth had beaten us to it, and honestly I just wanted to come back home,” he shrugged.
“Oh yeah? Why?” You asked. The second you did, you felt stupid. You knew why he wanted to come home.
“Can I come in? I mean, I don’t mind talking to what looks like a floating head, but I’d rather be comfortable sitting on your bed while having a full blown conversation,” he joked, pushing his hands into his pockets. Your mind blanked for a second before you slowly nodded, backing up to open the door up enough to let him in, and then closing it right after. He made himself comfortable, taking his shoes off before placing himself on your bed with his back rested against the headboard.
“I know what you want to talk about,” you blurted out, avoiding eye contact and beginning to grab the miscellaneous things around your room to begin to clean up. It was always a habit when you felt any type of discomfort, “you want to talk about my parents. I saw the article up on the laptop.”
A deep sigh escaped his lips as he sat up a bit, cross-crossing his legs and leaning forward more.
“I know I shouldn’t have searched you. I genuinely apologize for that. I could just... tell that you were hiding something. I could tell by how quickly you always turned the subject away when your parents were brought up. I guess I just got too curious for my own good.”
You nodded. You understood. For the most part, you were an open book, especially with Sam. He knew all you quirks and triggers. He knew you better than anyone else, you just thought you did a better job at hiding this one thing. Taking a chance, you looked up and made eye contact with him. He didn’t show pity like you expected and experienced from anyone who ever knew you after the incident happened. Instead you just saw comfort.
“They were assholes. Big, huge, assholes who in my opinion should rot in prison, but instead they are out in a measly fifteen years.”
“I can agree with you there,” he chuckled a bit, patting the bed next to him, indicating that he wanted you to sit next to him. You shook your head no, feeling your eyes start to well up with tears.
“I hate them, Sam. They left me so broken. They left me looking so troubled, so unloveable,” you whispered, breaking eye contact with him and opting to continue straightening things up around your room. You kept thinking internally, your sadness diminishing and your anger rising a bit. You turned back to Sam who was just watching your every move. You usually would’ve shied away from that, but this time was different.
Without any thought or hesitation, you pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you in a pair of leggings and your bra.
“Oh god,” he whispered, seeing your bare body for the first time. In fact, he was one of the first people to truly see your body other than the multiple nurses and doctors that treated you after the incident, “what did they do to you?”
It was that moment that you felt a weight lift off of your shoulders. The way his eyes were gentle as they looked over your entire frame, not an ounce of judgement seeping into you skin, just carefulness and genuine sorrow.
“They did a lot, but I’m still alive. I’m here, I’m healthy, I’m loved, and I’m alive. That’s all that matters.” I murmured, throwing my shirt back on before taking up his earlier offer of sitting next to him, “I know I could’ve told you the truth earlier, I just prefer to not talk about it anymore. It’s painful.”
“That’s understandable, y/n. And again, I’m sorry for snooping into it, but I don’t regret knowing. You’re so strong, and I’m so glad you’re here - alive and healthy,” you nodded, allowing him to grab you into a hug, pulling you into his lap. You chuckled a bit at the strength he formed around you, before pulling away a bit and looking at him, “I love you, and I’m so glad you came into my life. Even though your parents are going to be out of jail one day, that doesn’t ensure that a tragic accident may not happen to them,” he smiled at his own words, sending a louder laugh out of your mouth.
“I love you, too, moose. Thank you.”
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karasimpno · 4 years
{Day 16} Till There Was You | Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
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Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Gn!Barista!Reader
Genre: coffee shop AU!! the MSBY jackals are in town and a certain wing spiker has his eye on YOU
WC: 1.8k
Warnings: none!:) fluff!
⍋⋆*❅。. 25 days of fic-mas mlist .。❅*⋆⍋
There was love all around but I never heard it singing. No I never heard it at all -  till there was you. —Till There Was You; The Music Man (music and lyrics by Meredith Wilson)
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“Hey, hey, hey!” the ace called out, walking up to the booth you were tucked into at the coffee shop where you worked.
“You’re late!” you teased him with a smirk as he came to stand by your table.
“You’re right,” he said, grinning wickedly, taking your hand and pulling you out of the booth. “I should have asked you out sooner.” He pulled you to your feet, all energy and eagerness, but stopped you short, his face inches from yours. You held your breath, captured in the moment. Bokuto, seemingly exercising all of his self-restraint, slowly leaned in and planted the softest kiss to the side of your cheekbone. The feeling of his lips on your skin shot a tingle through your cheek and you felt heat rise to your face. Slightly flustered, you pivoted.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed then, if it was so obvious I’d say yes!” you teased, resisting the urge to entwine fingers with the pro volleyball player who had come in to visit your coffee shop every day for the past week.
The MSBY Black Jackals were in town for a training camp and extended tournament—you had learned that on the second day an impressive group of four men came into the small, poorly-lit coffee shop. This week your boring barista job had been spiced up by the orders of a tall, masked man with thick, dark curls (a small black coffee); a much shorter man with tangerine-orange hair who was almost half the size of the first (large decaf iced green tea, one sugar); a sharp-looking, clearly athletic man with two-toned hair (medium americano); and the broad-shouldered, golden-eyed sweetheart in front of you. He was by the far the biggest talker of the group even at 6:30am—you caught his attention immediately; he had looked a little dumbstruck, locking eyes with you when he first entered the desolated coffee shop, then quickly shaking his head and zooming over to you at the register with an enthusiastic hi! His friends had trailed in groggily behind him and it wasn’t until they caught up with him that he realized he actually didn’t drink coffee, and that he was only here to be with his friends. Blushing, he had stepped to the side to let them order, leaning against the display case (which you had to clean later) and elbowing the fake blond when his order came across as snippy in his morning attitude. But his eyes never left your face the whole time. You had wondered if he knew he was being so obvious, but he was really cute so...you didn’t mind. Something about the way his hair stood up stock-straight made his bone structure pop and you caught yourself sneaking glances more than once.
You hadn’t talked much to the athletic strangers that first day, not expecting the same group to return the following morning.
“Welcome back!” you had greeted as they walked in, feeling unusually cheery despite the dour expressions of the two tallest gentlemen, clearly not morning people.
That was the day that Bokuto finally introduced himself. He struck up a conversation with you, telling you about what he and his teammates were doing in town and asking you a little about yourself.
That same afternoon, you were quietly delighted when he returned by himself to buy a deli sandwich, explaining that he was on a lunch break from the training camp being hosted in the gymnasium across the street. The coffee shop was dead as ever and his bright smile had lit up the place. With a charming near-bashfulness, the owlish athlete admitted that he had also swung by because secretly had wanted to see you again too. His earnestness was so alluringly wholesome.
The next morning, he had come in alone, informing you with a grin that he had offered to grab drinks for the rest of his friends.
“That’s awfully kind of you, seeing as you never order anything for yourself,” you had said, side-eyeing him with a playful smirk as you made the first drink. “I wonder what could have—”
“When do you get off work today?” he blurted, too eager for his own good. You cleared your throat, fighting back a smile.
“I get off at noon today—”
“Oh shoot, we’re still in practice then!” Bokuto’s face had turned on a dime, his eyebrows drawing together and a shadow crossing his features. You had to resist the urge to reach across the counter to console the customer you’d met only a few days prior.
“—but Friday I’m completely off...” you continued. Bokuto lit back up and beamed at you again.
“Oh! Friday we just have a morning game then we’re supposed to rest!” his golden irises almost seemed to sparkle. “Do you wanna...maybe walk around downtown together after the game? I saw there’s this really cool river walk past the stadium—maybe I can buy you coffee?” he asked, full of enthusiastic energy. “You’re just...so cool! And I wanna spend more time with you!”
Your answer was an easy one, and it made him smile all the bigger at you, which warmed your heart. He was really such a sweet guy, and you did enjoy talking to him. It was a whirlwind, but every morning when he came in to order the same three drinks, his bright smile made your day, and you found yourself smiling a little more too throughout your shift, the empty coffee shop not seeming so dismal anymore. The three days leading up to your day off only built your anticipation to spend more time with him.
You had thought about going to see his game on your day off, but you decided you didn’t want to see him in action because it might make you unnecessarily nervous for the date. And so you waited at the coffee shop as you had agreed.
But then he had to go and just about knock you off your feet with that sweet, surprising little kiss to your temple, and you were flustered and nervous and....
“I’m sure you pick up baristas in every city you go to, you jetsetter,” you teased in response.
“Oh...oh no, Y/n, you don’t think I’m being insincere, do you?” he asked anxiously. His genuine concern startled you.
“Oh! Oh no, no, not at all! Sorry, I was just teasing,” you assured him, nudging him with your elbow, and you could practically see the relief in his golden eyes. He was so sweet.
“No,” he continued. “I don’t really... I dunno, I find it hard to approach people sometimes,” he admitted as the two of you walked out of the coffee shop where you had met.
“You??” you asked, bewildered that someone so outgoing could struggle approaching anyone.
“Yeah, I mean no, like don’t get me wrong, most people—I love being around and they make me really happy, but....When it comes to people like you I just...” he trailed off, looking away as you shot him a sidelong glance, sinking onto a bench along the river walk. “What about you?” he asked, energetically taking the seat beside you, his focus razor-sharp as ever. “You don’t seem to have many people to talk to at the coffee shop—I mean, I’ve never seen anyone in there and you always work alone. But... I don’t know, don’t you wish you had more people to see?”
You considered the question for a moment.
“Honestly... I kind of hate my job. It’s just pouring coffee and mixing drinks and.... Usually I actually prefer it when no one comes in. That way I can at least do things I want to do, like read, or work on my book but...I—” you trailed off, gazing toward the churning river alongside the path.
“What?” Bokuto asked.
“No, it’s just I...” you pinched your lips together with your teeth, feeling the familiar heat rise to your face again. Your heart beat just a little bit faster knowing those golden irises were on your face. “I used to feel that way, dreading when customers would come in, but it’s like.... Ever since you’ve showed up I don’t really...I don’t mind so much. In fact I actually kind of like it?”
“Oh yeah?” the corner of his mouth quirked up and he puffed out his chest a little. “Is it because you’re looking forward to seeing me?” he asked, half-teasing and half-genuine. He boldly grabbed your hand, resting your joined hands on his thigh and idly playing with your fingers, his eyes still on your face. Your heart skipped a beat and you couldn’t hold back the smile on your face.
“I mean,” you smiled bigger, “that’s part of it, for sure, but.... It’s more than that. It’s like...I appreciate the time more. It’s like you make me look at things a different way. Like—like for example, when you were pointing out how well-painted the birds and flowers in the mural over the sugar stand were—I had hardly even looked at it before! I’ve worked here for over a year and I had never even noticed something so obvious. And beautiful. Or on Wednesday, when you came in during lunch, and you did that goofy dance to the song on the radio—you made me laugh and actually enjoy the dumb station they make us play for once.” Bokuto was still listening intently, his thumb grazing over your knuckles. “It’s like, you just make me see things a different way, because of how you see them.” His eyes lit up in a way you hadn’t seen before. “I know, I’m being corny—”
“No,” he interrupted, his expression intense. You searched his eyes and felt yourself relax again, happy to be with the dork who had pursued you all week.
“You just sort of change my outlook. And I really like that about you,” you admitted, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. You two shared a moment of comfortable silence. Bokuto couldn’t believe that he’d made someone as wonderful as you...happier. Just because of him.
“Will you come to my game tomorrow?” he asked.
“Oh, I uh—” you hadn’t thought about it. You had nothing against it, now that you two had officially spent time together outside of the coffee shop, you just hadn’t thought about it.
“I—I love spending time with you and I just...I wanna know if you being at a game might be like me being at your coffee shop. You make me wanna play my best for you!”
You smiled. How could you say no to that face?
So you didn’t.
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A/n: I was so worried about this one y’all!! It’s such a beautiful song for my beautiful baby boy. Give it a listen here! I was really inspired by the dialogue in the musical about the protagonist being someone who moves around a lot and instead of that being a shady thing, it’s an opportunity for wider perspectives! Anyway I just love Bokuto and would love to sing this with him....enjoy!!
taglist: @izagraceee @musicgetsmeoutofbed @azo-musxas @tsumurai @ghostlydiamond135 @animeboysimppp @starshaped-raindrops @harokat
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thesomberfest · 3 years
Star Wars: Timestamps and Thoughts; The Empire Strikes Back
Salutations to all. Welcome back to my blog thing? Anyways today is the one and only The Empire Strikes Back which I think may be the most iconic Star Wars movie. But, don’t quote me on that. I’m only saying that as someone who has heard about Star Wars movies from the outside and honestly out of all the movies The Empire Strikes Back is the one movie I’ve always heard about; name-wise. I don’t think I know any spoilers about this movie, so we’ll see. I’m new to this and I don’t know what I’m doing so please have mercy and help a sister out, thanks. I have some idea based on what the movie is about based on the name but I’ll just take what Disney Plus tells me. I honestly have nothing to say. Should I start writing predictions before writing the timestamps and writing my reaction if I’m right or wrong based on the last movie I watched. Does that make sense? I can’t think of any other way to word it differently but if it makes sense then okay, let’s continue. This isn’t a prediction but um is this the movie where Luke finds about his parentage? Or is it a bit too early? Am I too early? Oh well. While adding timestamps I thought it would be a cool idea to add a “Favorite Scene” section under my “Final Thoughts” sections, I hope y’all like it.
03/9 Edit: Y’all sorry this is late but tomorrow is my birthday and I decided to not do my schoolwork and instead watch Star Wars and write. Before y’all get any ideas: yes. I am in fact still a minor. thanks. 04/3 edit: I AM SORRY THIS IS LATE I HAVE NO EXCUSE
Movie: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Release Date: 1980
Summary(?): So obviously the Empire is going to strike back right? And Luke has to find Yoda to learn the ways of the Force? No? Oh and a final show down with Vader? Am I wrong again?
Warning: spoilers (yea no duh bibi) and mild language on my part
00:00:06- 20th Century Fox is here, hello.
00:00:22- the words on the screen have made an appearance
00:01:41- the iconic words have left, bye-bye
00:04:28- Han Solo
00:04:43- It’s Chewie
00:05:04- Ya’ll it’s my queen Leia. She’s looking badder than ever
00:05:22- so the guy we first saw was in fact Luke, whoops.
00:05:40- Han is leaving? What about Leia? Am I missing something?
00:06:00- Okay so I’m convinced that something happened between Han and Leia, right? She looks pissed, he also looks pissed. Uhhh...
00:06:03- Oh shoot, she called out his name and went after him.
00:06:27- the way Leia feels about him? Sexual tension?
00:06:34- does Han want Leia to admit she has feelings for him? Does she have feelings for him?
00:06:42- “Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a good-bye kiss?”- woah there Han
00:06:47- yeah, something did happen. I’m calling it
00:06:53- YES 3PO and R2
00:07:12- Oh shoot, Han doesn’t want to talk to Leia no more
00:07:19- ain’t nobody know where Luke is
00:08:06- aw Han said Luke is his friend. Character development
00:08:36- um is that Luke being hanged upside down?
00:08:47- uh oh, it’s the abominable snowman, let’s uh call him Yeti for short
00:09:00- Lukie-boy that might be a bad idea 
00:09:34- he’s using the Force to get the lightsaber, nice
00:09:40- oh no, the Yeti noticed
00:09:48- he got the Lightsaber yayy
00:09:50- did he just cut off Yeti’s arm???
00:10:00- run forest run
00:10:40- aw R2 :( I want to give them a hug
00:11:58- Leia looks really nervous. Uh-oh
00:12:53- I’m sorry but Chewie wailing/crying a few minutes earlier makes me sad.
00:13:42- omg Yoda? Han found Luke I repeat he found Luke
00:15:16- I wondered where they filmed or if this was effects or something.
00:16:01- are they going to be found? oh I hope so
00:16:13- yay! Found at last!
00:16:35- i’m sorry. is that a man baby???
00:16:48- oh wait was that man baby Luke? Oh god i kinda feel bad now
00:17:02- aww Luke and Han. Their friendship gives me life (junior)
00:17:05- my queen!!!!
00:17:15- ok but seriously what happened between Han and Leia? I know something happened.
00:17:25- I know Han did not just call my boy Chewie a FUZZBALL, please
00:17:31- alone? South passage? was that when Han claimed he was leaving? Her TRUE FEELINGS
00:17:50- why does Luke look sad? Is it... is it because HE HAS FEELINGS FOR HER???
00:17:58- (lets out a female lead in horror movie scream) OH MY GOD. I KNEW A KISS WAS TO HAPPEN BUT SO SOON? AND ON THE MOUTH WITH A PEANUT GALLERY LEIA HAS SOME BALLS. SO IT WAS NOT A PECK LIKE I’D ASSUMED HUH OMG tho I feel bad for Luke ‘cause (i think) she only did it to spite Han also if my math is correct IT WAS FOUR SECONDS LONG. But like is this the only kiss between the two or is there more cause ummm...... AREN’T THEY RELATED? SIBLINGS? TWINS I THINK? *Sweet Home Alabama now playing*
00:18:13- why why does he look so smug? also Han about to kill Luke a man
00:19:14- idk what’s happening
00:19:18- pew pew
00:19:44- THE IMPERIAL MARCH omgg yess... I live for the movies music
00:20:32- oh no, the music ended
00:20:38- wait nvm it’s continuing we stand
00:20:40- breathing problems much?
00:20:52- It’s Darth Vader
00:21:47- wait, didn’t he (Luke) almost die? shouldn’t he like oh I don’t know RESTING?!
00:22:47- have i mentioned that I live for the Imperial March? ‘cause I love it
00:23:39- OH
00:23:51- he really dying in the background huh
00:23:57- so he’s like dead, right?
00:24:02- what’s happening? Are they gonna go against Vader?
00:24:12- what the hell is a stardestroyer?
00:24:44- i’ve been told the dark side has cookies so uh peace out. If you would like to reach me please send me a letter via mail. thanks.
00:25:39- once again shouldn’t Luke be resting???
00:25:53- aww I want those binoculars. Is that what they’re called? Idk but I want one
00:26:05- what the hell are Imperial Walkers?
00:26:27- oh. are those Imperial Walkers? Those robot-looking dogs? omg I thought they were talking about Stormtroopers.
00:26:30- laser beam robot doggies did not hesitate
00:26:40- aw look at Luke being leadership material
00:27:09- wow these walkers are slow huh as to be expected
00:27:50- OH NO DAK bruhh nooo
00:28:09- are those robot dogs really gonna win?
00:28:21- LANDING? You mean Vader isn’t even fighting down there? Is he going to join? Or just find Luke and kidnap him and spill the beans? Or is that just my active imagination running too far?
00:28:39- the music...*beautiful*
00:28:58- tying the feet and tripping the doggies seems to be the moves huh
00:29:15- ooh and face first into the snow. how embarrassing...
00:29:20- I just know someone is losing their job or life like that one dude from before
00:30:18- i like the explosions
00:30:52- while one of the those little planes fall i’m sitting here thinking: most book/movie/tv shows that have the whole two sides thing (good vs bad) there always seems to be a traitor which makes me wonder if the good guys have a traitor? possible plot? idk, we’ll see won’t we?
00:31:18- the way these little doggies walk keep reminding me of some eerie Tim Burton movie and idk whyyy
00:33:04- two robot doggies down one more to go
00:33:25- man I just know someone from the Dark Force is gonna be dead fired
00:34:08- are those stormtroopers? They run funny
00:34:12- Darth Vader!
00:34:45- wait i’m dumb. did Vader invade the building/camp they were hiding at?
00:35:18- what does Vader want exactly? Princess Leia? Luke? the so-called “rebel plans”? What am I missing?
00:35:42- they really said: “peace out”
00:36:30- not regrouping? and what the hell is the Dagobah system?
00:37:30- did two ships just crash?
00:39:10- the music really makes this asteroid field detour awesome
00:40:25- did they--did they just go in a asteroid? Orr..?
00:41:18- and just what the hell is Luke thinking? he putting my baby R2 in distress?
00:42:04- where in the HELL are they?
00:42:21- did my baby R2 just fall in the water? Can he even swim? Is it safe? Is he going to die? Idc how cute Luke is, I will hurt him if 2D dies!
00:42:33- what. how is R2 okay? I thought--
00:42:53- Is that R2 whistling?
00:42:57- oh god, is that Nessie? oh no--
00:44:01- YEA LUKE it was a bad idea going there! You put my sweet summer child R2 in danger! He almost got eaten as dinner!
00:44:18- ughhh the music is just AMAZINGGGG
00:44:38- whose brain is that? Is that what’s left of Mr. Anakin Skywalker? ooh now that I think about: what does Darth Vader look behind the helmet? I feel dumb for never thinking about that
00:45:34- hey you leave my man 3PO alone Solo
00:45:46- oh did Leia just fall into Han’s arms? ooh
00:45:56- “Captain, being held by you isn’t quite enough to get me excited” Leia woke up and choose violence 
00:46:56- oh OH Luke is looking for Yoda?
00:47:22- omg it’s YODA
00:47:48- man idk but lighting does wonders for Lukie-babe
00:48:26- is Yoda mocking Luke? ‘Cause I’m here for it
00:48:57- why is Luke lowkey being a pushover?
00:49:09- I KNOW Yoda isn’t hitting my baby R2 with a STICK the disrespect I-
00:49:56- at this point Yoda is just pulling on their legs for kicks and giggles huh
00:51:02- oh? alone? Leia and Han? my oh my
00:51:30- oh so now they hand-holding?
00:51:50- OMG when did they get so close to one another? I’m nervous
00:52:04- ofc it’s 3PO to be the one to interrupt the kiss
00:52:14- oop-- Leia just left the crime scene. She’s going to pretend it never happened isn’t she?
00:53:04- wait. Vader isn’t emperor? Someone else is omg. I’m so dumb eye-
00:53:07- ew his side profile is not so good
00:53:10- the front is even uglier 
00:53:23- “young rebel”? my bby boy Luke?
00:53:25- “offspring of Anakin Skywalker”? wait a damn minute. Isn’t Vader oh idk ANAKIN SKYWALKER? Does that “emperor” guy not know? Or have I been lied to? WHAT AM I MISSING?
00:53:57- does this mean Anakin is considered to be a different person from Vader? I’m confused, someone explain please!
00:54:00- “could be turned”? say like Kylo? *dun dun dun* orr am I thinking too far?
00:54:16- “master”? you mean to tell me that Vader isn’t even the one pulling the strings? how embarrassing...
00:56:07- Luke my beauty dumbass just realized that Yoda was with the whole time
00:59:19- What is it?
00:59:29- Mynocks
00:59:35- oh hell no. I’m out
01:01:39- satan works hard but man does Luke work harder
01:01:57- “skinny boys are still the best oh i love when they slam and sweat.”-- Jack Off Jill, Lollirot (jolly good song) this one sentence describes it all :)
01:04:19- idk what’s happening but man does he look good. How long until y’all get tired of me simping over Luke?
01:05:01- but like, why it feel fake? Is this a dream? 
01:05:09- OH--[luke just decapitated Vader I-]
01:05:20- wait. it couldn’t have been that easy. This feels wrong-
01:05:29- omg. it’s luke! Wait what does this mean?
01:05:50- when i enter a room I would like the Imperial March to play, thanks.
01:06:26- uh, is that Boba Fett? If not I’m so sorry I’m new.
01:06:52- y’all I have a cofession to make: I have a fear of driving and my mother is forcing me to. How does this relate to the movie? Well, Han is steering the ship(?) so...
01:09:16- titanic part two?
01:10:31- my poor baby luke
01:11:37- luke please don’t give up :(
01:12:32- my man yoda showing up luke huh
01:13:35- uh oh. just like the first guy, he dead too. they’re just dropping like flies huh
01:16:05- and another kiss. a small peck, luke.
01:16:34- so is that Boba Fett or not? someone tell me please.
01:16:38- someone please run my baby R2 a bath
01:16:44-y’all the only time I can do a handstand is when I’m underwater (fun fact: i don’t like the pool)
01:16:51-[R2 is being levitated rn] if he falls and BREAKS into tiny pieces i’m quitting star wars
01:17:28- R2 good, he good “... I saw a city in the clouds.” you mean heaven?
01:17:37- “friends you have there” THEY’RE ALL GOING TO DIE WAIT--
01:19:50- they’ve [leia, han, chewie, 3PO] landed they’re safe, for now (i think)
01:20:25- [chewie replying “gahh!” to han] tell me why I laughed. I actually laughed like Chewie made a joke oh my...
01:20:34- uh oh [some dude just called han a slime(y)]
01:20:49- [they’re hugging now?] oh, wait. so they good now? or is this a joke?
01:22:01- i like the interior design of the building
01:22:49- [3PO gets blown up I think] what the hell just happened? 
01:25:13- he’s not coming back is he? [luke left to save han and leia]
01:26:13- finally. someone save 3PO or what’s left of him also I like leia’s new hairstyle it’s pretty
01:26:44- was 3PO decapitated? dismembered?!
01:26:55- good for chewie to fight for the parts of 3PO hopefully it’s all of his parts
01:27:35- my man 3PO in a box freaking dismembered and Lando out here flirting? 
01:28:30- what the hell? [its vader sitting at the head of the table] wait did Lando say a deal? as in turning in the princess? I--this is all happening so fast
01:28:41- [han and co. are now surrounded by boba fett and troopers] i bet they wished they’d stayed back in their rooms huh
01:30:31- oh so i’m assuming it was a stormtrooper who shot 3PO. what are they doing to han? omg is han being cooked alive?
01:31:33- wait I thought boba fett was a good guy? what the fvck.
01:32:05- what happened to han? mans looks traumatized 
01:32:34- oh leia...
01:34:14- i had also assumed all these years that vader was top boss and now i’m being told about some emperor guy? what 
01:35:18- i don’t understand why does boba fett want with han so bad? it can’t just be money, can it?
01:35:54- oh and another kiss and with an even bigger peanut gallery
01:38:22- what’s gonna happen to han now?
01:40:30- wait, is this where the showdown happens?
01:41:06- why is vader (his breathing) so loud?
01:41:10- OMG red vs. blue lightsaber
01:41:19- so this is it
01:42:01- oh, is lando helping them? does he feel guilty?
01:42:17- [chewie is currently choking the life out of lando] fuck yeah chewie
01:43:14- oh thank god R2 & 3PO have reunited once more
01:43:34- is it too late to save han now?
01:44:01- [back to the showdown, luke just lost his lightsaber] uh--this is why you never get too cocky too early, luke
01:44:27- [luke just flew?!] did he just fly like superman? what
01:44:31- who’s the emperor? I had assumed it was vader but i’m being told it isn’t?????
01:44:56- this showdown is a beautiful fight and those lightsabers are freaking cool 
01:46:15- it’s a beautiful dance and the Imperial March is giving me chills
01:46:32- [vader is throwing random objects at luke] aw that’s cheating. and nobody likes a cheater.
01:46:42- luke just flew out the window oh wait he good, now i think
01:47:12- hold up I just realized that they (han, chewie, leia) put 3PO in a fishnet bag (?) chewie really running around with 3PO like a backpack
01:47:49- [the citizens (?) are running] i’m getting titanic vibes and idk if i like it 
01:49:17- i hate to say it but these stormtroopers have really bad aim.
01:50:26- [vader just cut off luke’s hand] *shock* I-omg. He just did that. But, at the same time, I now understand the ERB Harry Potter v. Luke Skywalker so much more, make sense.
01:51:08- “father”? oh my...
01:51:17- “i am your father” oh my god. people this is not a drill, it happened, it happening uhh---
01:51:28- i feel so bad for luke. he looks like he’s about cry.
01:51:41- probs a bad time but luke’s kinda an ugly crier
01:52:14- [luke just fell & left vader standing] luke really said “i’d rather die”
01:54:04- wait, how does leia know where luke is? this some kind of force thing? maybe twin thing?
01:54:37- oh thank god they found luke
01:58:01- does vader care for luke? I mean probably not a lot since he DID chop off his sons own hand so idk
02:01:58- credits/the end
Final Thoughts? Wow. No yeah, I totally understand why Empire Strikes Back is a loved by all. It was amazing. I understand why it’s so talked about. This movie is beautiful; Leia/Han romance, 3PO and R2 banter, the good action. The soundtrack-THE SOUNDTRACK is SPECTACULAR and I would often fins myself rewinding scenes just to listen to the music. The visuals were so striking and appealing and it really showed during the showdown between luke and vader. 
Favorite Scene? Luke meeting Yoda and not knowing that Yoda was Yoda and every scene that included the Imperial March in the background.
If you have made it this far, thank you. I hope none of you people get tired of me fangirling over the Imperial March whilst simultaneously simping over Luke. Thank you for joining me on my adventure of watching Star Wars for the first time. If there’s any grammar mistakes I apologize. Also I got a cute R2 lego keychain from the lego store. Also if you want leave some comments I’m lowkey lonely. Thank you once again for joining me.
x bibi
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
You Set My Heart Ablaze (18/25)
Previous __________
It was ten o clock on a Monday morning and Jaskier was still in bed.
He was in heaven.
He woke up naturally and peered at his phone, the numbers were blurry without his glasses but he could just about make it out. He smiled and hugged his phone to his chest before turning back over and pulling the covers over his head.
He fucking loved the school holidays.
He didn’t fall back asleep but his bed was just the perfect temperature and he wasn’t ready to get up yet. He could stay in bed all day if he wanted to, and the idea was incredibly tempting. His bliss only lasted another ten minutes before his bladder betrayed him. He sighed and felt around for his glasses before turning on the light. After he’d finished up in the bathroom, shower and all, he decided it was probably time for breakfast. He pulled on a fresh pair of boxers and his dressing gown before shuffling into the kitchen. After a few minutes of deliberation he decided that pancakes were on the menu.
He’d been tempted by waffles but his waffle iron tucked away in the back of a cupboard and he honestly couldn’t be bothered to find it. So pancakes it was. He knew the recipe off by heart so it didn’t take long to whip up some batter. He peered at the mixture once it was finished and then dived straight back into his cupboards. It was the holidays and he wanted chocolate chips. He’d earned chocolate chips, it had been a hell of a term.
His relationship with Geralt had been all over the place and he felt liked he’d just gotten off one of those crazy rollercoasters. Between the fire and their sort of break up and then that rather splendid hour wrapped up in Geralt’s arms.
It had been better than Jaskier had ever imagined. Unfortunately, in his post-sex daze he’d forgotten about the broken glass on the floor and Geralt had ended up having to pull shards of glass from his feet. The care with which the fireman had bandaged his feet had astounded him. For such a large man, Geralt was capable of being extremely gentle. Jaskier had been incredibly grateful that they’d already yelled out confessions of love, because the way Geralt had looked at him whilst he cleaned and bandaged the wounds and been all too much for his poor heart.
They’d promised to avoid each other until summer now which was just heartbreaking but Jaskier had said himself, he couldn’t pretend that he didn’t love Geralt. He’d always worn his heart on his sleeve and he knew that anyone would take one look at them together and just know the truth of his feelings.
It hurt, but it was necessary. They knew it was necessary.
“Bollocks!” He yelled into the empty apartment.
It wasn’t fair.
Why did he never have any luck in long term relationships?
The smell of burning pancakes hit his nose. “Oh shit! Cock!” He pulled the pan off the hob but it was too late. The first pancake was burnt.
“Fuck’s sake.” He growled.
He snapped a photo of the burnt breakfast and sent it to Geralt
J —This is your fault xxx
He didn’t expected the fireman to reply straight away, if at all, after all they’d promised to stop talking to each other until summer.
And yet, before he’d even picked up the next spoonful of batter, his phone had buzzed.
G — How is that my fault?
Jaskier beamed.
J — I was too busy thinking about the other night. xxx
He sighed happily as he watched the batter in the pan carefully. It was slowly starting to bubble and Jaskier was getting ready with his spatula to flip the pancake when his phone buzzed again. He groaned and stared intently at the pan. He could not answer it. He could not look at it. He was cooking!
His phone buzzed again.
“Oh cock!” He quickly flipped the pancake and scrambled for his phone.
G — Sounds like a you problem.
— Sorry I didn’t put any kisses.
Jaskier laughed and began to type.
J — Save them for summer, dear heart. I’ll make an IOU. xxx
Geralt didn’t reply immediately this time which was excellent news for his pancakes. He finished up the rest of the pile and then pulled out a tub of cookies and cream ice-cream from his freezer. Once he was done, he held the plate up and took a selfie with his creation to send to Geralt.
J — I finished it! No thanks to you, darling! xxx
Jaskier ate his breakfast happily. He fucking loved the school holidays. After breakfast he could go back to bed and watch television or read a book or just have a nap! He ran a hand through his damp hair whilst he considered his options. Maybe he could ring Pris and see if they could have a composing session. They hadn’t been in the studio in a while and he was itching to get something recorded. He’d been composing like crazy over the last week. Apparently getting fucked by the love of your life really did wonders for your motivation.
The sugar was already beginning to kick in by the time he’d finished his breakfast and he was singing happily around the last few mouthfuls of pancake. He could barely contain the energy rush as his leg began to bounce under the table. He was halfway through the washing up, singing and dancing as he went, when his phone buzzed again.
He shook the bubbles from his hands and patted them dry on his dressing gown.
G — You wear glasses?
Jaskier was about to respond but Geralt was still typing and beat him to it.
— They suit you.
— A lot.
Jaskier grinned at Geralt’s flurry of messages, unbelievably he was still typing. He considered replying to put Geralt out of his misery but honestly he was enjoying this too much.
— Are you cooking naked?
— Fuck. Hang on.
Jaskier’s phone began to ring in his hands and he laughed as he answered. “Are you ok, darling?”
Geralt growled on the other end of the line.
“If I’d known you would react like this to my glasses I would have worn them months ago!” He giggled.
“It’s not just the glasses.” Geralt grumbled.
“The dressing gown, your hair, your stupid face.” Geralt continued.
“My dressing gown?” Jaskier asked incredulously. His dressing gown was the fluffy cosy sort and probably one of the least sexy things in his wardrobe. “Oh and hang on! My stupid face?! I thought you liked my face!” He absolutely did not shriek.
“You look cute.” Geralt admitted quietly. “Like you’ve just woken up, all disheveled and soft.”
“I have just woken up.” Jaskier replied slowly not really understanding Geralt’s point.
He heard a long drawn out sigh on the other end of the line. “I wish I was there with you, waking up, making pancakes.”
“Are the pancakes before or after morning sex?” Jaskier teased as he hopped up to sit on the kitchen counter.
Geralt grumbled something unintelligible on the other end of the phone.
“What was that, dear heart?” Jaskier laughed, oh he was having far too much fun with this.
“I’m at work.” Geralt muttered. “Stop laughing at me!”
“Oh but darling, you make it too easy.” Jaskier giggled.
Geralt was silent whilst Jaskier got over his laughing fit.
“After.” He spoke softly, in a low husky voice that made Jaskier feel things.
“W-what?” He stammered.
“The pancakes, would be after.” Geralt practically purred in his ear and Jaskier almost fell of the kitchen counter.
“Geralt!” Jaskier whined. “I thought you were at work.”
Geralt laughed. “You started it.”
“Yes, true but we can’t finish it!” He pouted.
“Ciri is away with Yen this week, girl’s trip.” Geralt answered casually.
Too casually.
Jaskier grinned. “Dinner at your place then?”
“If you’d like.”
“Oh dearest, I would love nothing more.” Jaskier sighed wistfully. “But weren’t we supposed to be waiting until summer?”
“Fuck summer.” Geralt said succinctly.
“Rather you fuck me.” Jaskier teased. “Or I could fuck you. I am not opposed to that.”
Geralt ignored him, which was just rude! But he supposed Geralt couldn’t exactly answer that one appropriately whilst at work. Jaskier did find the idea of the fireman getting all flustered at work rather titillating, as long as Geralt never decided to turn the tables on him. He worked with children after all.
“No one needs to know. There’s no one at my house, no one at yours either. It’s a week of freedom.” Geralt’s voice was quieter now, and Jaskier heard faint voices in the background.
“Forbidden love. How exciting!” He sang. “Let me know when you’re off work, and text me your address. I’ll be there.”
Jaskier took a deep breath. “I really do love you, you know. I know it seems too soon and we have barely even started this relationship but I do, I love you.”
Geralt laughed quietly. “I know. You too. More than I should.” Geralt sighed. “I have to go.”
“I know.” Jaskier moaned. “But I’ll see you later, my dear.”
“Yeah. See you.”
The line went dead.
Jaskier let out a shaky breath. A whole week where he could see Geralt whenever they pleased, well when Geralt wasn’t at work at any rate. The added forbidden element of the whole affair only made it more exciting, some dark secret that only the two of them could know. He wondered when it had all gotten so out of control. When had he gone from harmlessly admiring Geralt’s god-like physique to orchestrating forbidden dates and stolen kisses whilst no one else was paying attention.
He remembered feeling floored at just the prospect of Geralt’s attention being on him.
But now that he had it.
To the gods he never wanted it to end.
Jaskier Pankratz was inside Geralt Rivia’s house.
And the world was not on fire. There were no demons reaching up from hell ready to drag him below to their fiery depths. Stregobor wasn’t lurking around the corner like a ghost ready to hang him from the battlements for his behaviour. Philippa Eilhart wasn’t looming over him with a clipboard in her hand ready to toss him aside like she had with the others.
He peered around the living room. There were framed pictures of Ciri and Roach pinned to the wall, next to ones of a couple holding a tiny baby. Ciri’s parent’s he supposed. He’d never seen a picture of them before. There were a few photos of Geralt’s colleagues at the pub. His heart ached when he saw the photos of Geralt and Yennefer.
Fuck they were a beautiful couple.
Yennefer’s stunning violet eyes against the natural tan of her skin and raven black hair was the opposite of Geralt and his silver hair, pale skin and warm amber eyes. Together they looked like something out of a fairy tale.
He stared for too long.
Geralt cleared his throat behind him.
Jaskier turned around with a sheepish smile and pushed his glasses back up his nose. “Sorry. I’m being nosey.”
Geralt just tilted his head and smiled fondly at his antics before pulling him into a warm embrace.
Jaskier melted into Geralt’s arms. It had been just over a week since he’d seen the fireman and he had been yearning for his touch ever since.
Geralt buried his face in Jaskier’s hair and hummed contently. “You smell good.” He murmured.
Jaskier just pressed his face into the crook of Geralt’s neck, the frames of his glasses squashed against his nose and cheeks uncomfortably but he didn’t care, not in that moment. He had no intention of leaving any time soon. For once he felt calm, the restlessness that followed him day in day out ebbed away as Geralt held him close.
“You brought your guitar?” Geralt eventually broke the silence that had fallen between them.
Jaskier finally pulled back from Geralt’s chest but kept his hands on the fireman’s arms. “Lute, actually. I keep my guitar in a cupboard at school now. I can’t afford to replace it again for a while.”
Geralt guided Jaskier to the sofa gently and tugged at the strap of Jaskier’s lute case. “Play for me?”
“What?” He asked in disbelief.
He wasn’t entirely sure why he’d decided to bring his instrument along. He just knew whenever he was in the vicinity of the firefighter he was almost overwhelmed with the urge to play, to compose, to sing ballads about his eyes… amongst other things. Jaskier now had a good few rhyming couplets about the delicious curve of Geralt’s butt. That being said, he hadn’t actually expected to play, especially not at Geralt’s request.
Geralt cupped his cheek and gave him a small half smile. “I’ve never heard you play, not in person, not properly.”
Jaskier’s breath caught in his chest and gazed into Geralt’s beautiful golden eyes in awe.
How was this man even real?
Maybe this was all a dream?
Surely he didn’t deserve all of this.
He licked his lips and leaned into Geralt’s touch. “What shall I play?”
Geralt captured Jaskier’s lips in a chaste kiss. Jaskier hummed happily into the kiss that ended far too quickly. “You’re the musician. Play something that makes you happy.”
“Three things that make you happy?” Jaskier teased.
Geralt didn’t hesitate like he had all those months ago.
“Geralt!” He whined and buried his face in the man’s chest. “You cannot say things like that!”
“Too bad.” He smirked.
“No regrets?” Jaskier asked timidly.
“None. You?” Geralt frowned.
Jaskier laughed. “My only regret is that we can’t enjoy this until the end of term.”
Jaskier gently bumped his forehead against Geralt’s “Three things, Geralt. Even my buttercups can count to three.”
“You, your smile, your eyes.” Geralt listed off, his eyes boring down into Jaskier’s. There was barely any space between them like this and every word, every breath tickled against Jaskier’s lips.
“I’m on your list three times?” He laughed breathlessly.
“Problem?” Geralt murmured.
Jaskier closed the gap between their lips and kissed Geralt, his fingers gripping onto Geralt’s biceps as the man pulled him closer.
When they pulled away they were both breathless. “No.” Jaskier whispered. “No problem.”
“Good.” Geralt laughed and stepped away, putting a wider gap between them. Jaskier pouted but let Geralt go. He didn’t want to appear too needy. “Now play for me?”
So he did. Jaskier pulled out his lute and quickly made sure his precious instrument was in tune before starting to strum on the strings. He played a new composition, it wasn’t quite finished yet but with Geralt looking at him as if he’d hung the stars and moon he couldn’t help but play the melody that escaped him whenever he thought of his silver-haired fireman.
There were no words.
Not yet.
But right now it didn’t need any. The soft sound of lute strings filled the living room. Jaskier closed his eyes as he played. He couldn’t handle the overwhelming love in his heart whenever he caught Geralt’s gaze. It was too much. Geralt was too much.
So he let himself get lost in the music. He let his fingers dance on the strings of his lute, let every note tell a story of love, of destiny, of heartbreak. He hadn’t even noticed he was crying until Geralt brushed a finger across his cheek to wipe away the tears. His eyes fluttered open and Geralt’s eyes were the only thing he could see. The rest of the world just faded away. It was Geralt and only Geralt.
Nothing else mattered in that moment.
Gods he was so gone on the man.
And by some miracle of fate, Geralt seemed to feel the same way.
Geralt gently pulled the lute from his trembling fingers and placed it carefully on the floor beside them. Jaskier half laughed and half sobbed as he lunged forward to kiss Geralt, like a starved man at a banquet.
He needed.
Gods he needed.
Geralt returned the kiss eagerly and it wasn’t long before they fell into bed together, the need to be close, to feel each other becoming too much for them. The knowledge that after this week they would be parted for months again, that the world was against them right now and they had to make use of every second that they had together until they were torn apart.
It was half past six on a Tuesday morning and Jaskier was woken up by the alarm clock.
He groaned and buried his face in Geralt’s hair.
In Geralt’s hair?
He blinked as the man in question thumped the clock on the bedside table with a grunt before rolling onto his back and pulling Jaskier to his chest. His very naked chest. Jaskier held his breath as he let his fingers trail across the expanse of exposed marred skin. Geralt hadn’t taken his shirt off the first time they’d hooked up, after Geralt had spontaneously turned up at his flat, and last night Jaskier had found out why.
Across Geralt’s chest was a large puckered scar, the kind left behind by some serious burns. Jaskier didn’t question it and Geralt didn’t offer any explanation, they’d been too busy with other more important matters at the time but now, in the quiet of the morning, Jaskier had time to wonder.
Geralt’s hand clasped over his. “Morning.” He grumbled, his eyes were still shut but there was a faint smile on his lips.
“Hey.” Jaskier replied softly.
“I have work.” Geralt said bluntly, finally his eyes fluttered open and he looked down at Jaskier sadly.
“Yeah.” Jaskier pouted. “I gathered.”
“Could call in sick?” Geralt suggested with a twinkle in his eyes.
“We could make pancakes.” Jaskier added his voice full of longing.
Geralt hummed and rolled them over so Jaskier was on his back, looking up at the beautiful creature that he was allowed to love. Geralt brushed Jaskier’s fringe from out of his eyes and then leant down to place a lazy kiss on his lips. Jaskier let his hands thread through Geralt’s loose hair. It was knotted from where Geralt had slept on it and from Jaskier’s wandering hands the night before but Geralt didn’t complain when Jaskier’s fingers caught in the knots, he just moaned into the kiss and caught Jaskier’s bottom lip between his teeth.
The alarm clock started to beep again and Geralt groaned, rolling off of Jaskier so he could turn it off.
He sat on the side of the bed with a heavy sigh. Jaskier crawled across to sit behind him. He pressed a kiss to Geralt’s shoulder. He let his hand trail down Geralt’s arm and then rest his chin on his shoulder. “You have to go.” He stated with a sigh.
“Yeah.” Geralt grunted.
“That’s ok. Just let me get my stuff together, I should get home too. I have to sort out my lesson plans.” Jaskier couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice.
When had leaving Geralt become so difficult?
Were they just in their honeymoon period?
That must be it. He remembered his relationships from college and university burning this brightly at the beginning too. The need to be in each others space constantly, every second apart like pure torture. He always hoped it would never end, but it always did. The initial spark would fade and his partners would lose interest in him. That’s all he was good for in the end, a good fuck.
Still, he was an optimist. Maybe this time would be different? He prayed to all the gods that this time would be different.
It took them a while to get dressed. Partly because every time they made eye contact they were drawn together, like there was some kind of bond between them, some kind of spell. It was as though now that they had tasted each other, now they had been allowed to touch, caress and love, it was impossible to do anything else. Eventually they were sat opposite each other at the kitchen table. Two large mugs of coffee, one black and one doused in sugar and cinnamon, were place between them. Geralt was munching on some toast but Jaskier found it difficult to eat in the mornings so he settled for watching Geralt eat.
“What are we going to tell Ciri?” He asked quietly.
Geralt froze and scowled at him. “Nothing.”
Jaskier sighed. He had expected that answer. He didn’t know why he’d gotten his hopes up for anything else. It had been said time and time again, they couldn’t date. They couldn’t love each other. They were friends.
Friends that were in love.
Or was it only lust and infatuation?
No. For Jaskier, at least, it was love. He knew love. He knew the way it made him feel. He knew the longing in his heart, the way he trembled under Geralt’s touch, the way Geralt’s very existence made him want to sing.
He had to trust that Geralt loved him too. That against all the odds they had come together.
“Nothing, yet.” Geralt amended softly, taking Jaskier’s hand in his.
Jaskier smiled sadly. “Of course, and in the summer?”
Geralt shrugged.
“Geralt.” Jaskier moaned. “Please.”
“I don’t know, Jask.” Geralt admitted.
“Are you still angry at me?” He asked quietly.
They still hadn’t really talked about the weeks when Jaskier had effectively ghosted Geralt. It was painful for both of them, for whilst Jaskier had had the right intentions, the sudden cut off of their growing and intimate friendship had acted like a knife in Geralt’s back. He was usually slow to trust, unlike Jaskier, and Jaskier’s quick and thoughtless actions had burnt away that trust.
Geralt frowned as he considered the question, a storm brewing in his gorgeous eyes. Jaskier turned his wrist and gripped Geralt’s hand so he couldn’t pull away.
“I’m not angry.” Geralt sighed. “You did it for Ciri.”
Jaskier bit his tongue so he wouldn’t interrupt Geralt.
“I’m cross at myself.” The fireman continued. “I didn’t have your strength to stay away, and now I’ve put everything at risk.”
“Geralt,” Jaskier breathed “No. You haven’t.”
“I have!” Geralt snapped. “You could lose your job, Ciri could lose her teacher, I could lose you.”
“We can be careful.” Jaskier insisted but Geralt just scoffed. “We can!”
“Is this being careful, Jask?” Geralt growled.
“Well, no. Not exactly.” Jaskier admitted. “But it’s one week of lover’s bliss whilst no one else can spy on us.”
“And then after that?” Geralt grumbled “When I see you at school? The next parent’s evening?”
“Then we will have to act.” Jaskier said stubbornly. “Staying away from you was too hard, Geralt, dear heart, please.”
“Hmm.” Geralt’s jaw was clenched and Jaskier could see the tension he was holding in his shoulders.
“I just think we should have a plan for summer. If you still want me around by then.” Jaskier said, his fingers tapping anxiously on the table.
“I will.” Geralt answered firmly.
“You can’t know that.”
“I do.” Geralt insisted.
Jaskier narrowed is eyes at Geralt and then swiped up his mug of coffee. It was too early for this. He licked his lips, the taste of coffee and cinnamon clung to them.
“Yeah well.” He hummed, not quite believing Geralt, not believing that he could be enough to hold his attention for that long.
“We’ll tell her we’re friends. Go from there.” Geralt suggested.
Jaskier glanced up at his lover through his eyelashes, not quite brave enough to full on look him in the eyes. Geralt’s gaze was unwavering as always. Melitele, the intensity of it would be the death of him one of these days.
Jaskier leaned across the table and pulled Geralt into a searing kiss that made his whole world spin.
When he pulled away he let his forehead rest against Geralt’s. “Ok, dear heart. You’ve got yourself a deal.”
“So you’ll come over tonight?” Geralt asked.
Jaskier nodded. “Or you can visit my flat. I could teach you how to play piano!”
“Hmm.” Geralt answered dryly but there was a small smile gracing his lips.
“Although,” Jaskier sang mirthfully. “I think sleeping with one of my students would be a step too far even for me.”
“Jaskier.” Geralt snapped and gently cuffed him over the back of the head.
“What?!” He laughed.
“Get out of my house, Jaskier. I have to go to work.” Geralt grumbled with an exasperated smile.
“Alright! Alright!” Jaskier downed the rest of his coffee and picked up his lute case. “I’m going, my dear, but I shall see you tonight.”
He placed a kiss on the top of Geralt’s head and ran for the door. If he was lucky there would be a bus back to his part of town soon.
He hummed happily as he skipped from the house towards the bus stop. It was going to be a brilliant week!
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Becoming A Stark (5)- Peter Parker X Stark! FemReader
Word Count: 2717
Author’s Note: Last Chapter before Peter is introduced to the story! Let me know what you think or if you want to be tagged.
Warnings: Mention of injuries and hospitalizations, swearing
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Masterlist
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It took a few weeks to get used to living in the tower and you wouldn’t say you and Tony were close, but the other Avengers were helping make things normal for you. The one thing you weren’t getting used to was having FRIDAY now yelling out your blood sugars instead of JARVIS due to the whole Ultron thing. Pepper threatened to take you from Tony for that one, but that fight is a story for another time. It was the angriest you’ve seen Pepper ever get and hopefully, you don’t have to see that again any time soon.
“Y/N is 63 and dropping. Predicted urgent low in 20 minutes.” FRIDAY’s voice comes over the speaker as Natasha, Steve, Clint, and you are watching Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
“FRIDAY, I got it.” You push up from the couch to walk to the kitchen, but watch the walls shift ever so slightly as you try to walk. 
“You stay, I’ll get you something. What do you want? Juice? Cookies? Soda?” Steve stands from his seat at the end of the sofa.
“Juice.” You say. If you didn’t have hypo-unawareness, you would have felt this before you got so low, but you had bolused for all that good pasta Steve had made and must have made an opps when bolusing for it. Steve returns after a few moments with an apple juice box as well as a packet of graham crackers. You look at them puzzled, but take them with shaking hands.
“FRIDAY said urgent low in 20 minutes. That sounds like it needs more than just a juice box.” You don’t say anything but shrug your shoulders as you try to get the stupid straw into the juice box as your hands continue to shake. 
“I got it.” Clint says as he pulls the juice box out of your hands. With a quick stab, the straw is in the box and he hands it back to you. “Perfect aim over here.”
“Whatever you say.” You mumble before sipping on your juice. To be honest, apple juice just hits differently when you’re low. You turn your attention back to the movie as you sip on the juice, but you don’t want to eat. You’re full from the pasta you ate not even an hour ago. So as the movie keeps playing, your eyes stop focusing on it, everything gets a bit blurrier. You rest your head on Natasha’s shoulder, hoping everything will clear up as you drink your juice. 
“Y/N? I think you should eat these,” Steve’s voice sounds so far away.
“I don’t want to.” You mumble, turning more into Natasha’s shoulder, feeling sleep pull you in.
“Y/N?” Natasha, Steve, and Clint have stopped watching the movie at this point since you stopped responding. “FRIDAY what’s her sugars?”
“LOW Captain.”
“Call Tony.” Tony is at an SI meeting, but if he doesn’t hear about this, he will call any and all Iron Man Marks he has to fight them all. Reaching into the drawer in the table, Steve pulls out a blood sugar testing kit. Tony has stocked the house with them so that you are never more than a few feet away from them. Once you moved in, Tony also made sure that all the Avengers knew how to test your blood sugar manually. “Y/N I’m going to test you ok?” Steve asks, betting he won’t get a reply. Before he can, you start shaking and pulling away from Natasha. 
“Steve, I think she’s having a seizure.” Clint says as Natasha and him roll you to your side, laying you flat on the couch. Steve helps to steady you, before testing your sugars. 
“What is going on?” Tony’s voice comes over the speakers, knowing for any of them to interrupt him, it has to be important- meaning Avengers related or you related. 
“Y/N is low. Very low.”
“How low?” The meter in Steve’s hand beeps.
“She’s having another seizure.” Clint says.
“Are we sure it’s another? It might be the same one?” Natasha asks and regrets it.
“Another?” In the background they can hear thrusters and they know that Iron Man/ your dad will be here soon. “You need her glucagon. There should be one in the living room, her bedroom, her backpack, and the med bay. It’s a red square, or well rectangle.” Out of the corner of her eye Natasha sees Tony land on the balcony and walk towards the living room. “Do you have it?”
“This?” Steve holds up the box. Tony takes it from his hand.
“Turn her to her side.” Tony says as he pulls the needle and pushes all the liquid into the vial. He stirs it together before drawing all of the liquid back into the syringe. “I got you bambina.” He whispers as he plunges the needle into your thigh.
Time passes slowly. Tony keeps checking and the number goes up slowly. 25. 40. 55. They had moved you to the med bay and Dr. Cho had checked over you, gave you some IV fluids and oxygen, but said that apart from rest and monitoring your blood sugar, there’s not much she can do. She did administer a bit more glucose through your IV since you haven’t come above 70 yet. You’ve been in and out of consciousness so Tony doesn’t expect you to remember anything of what you’ve said previously, especially since most of it made little sense.
“Where ‘m I?” you mumble as Tony does another blood sugar check.
“Med bay.” 92. Finally a good number.
“What happened?”
“You scared the shit out of me. I get what’s a good number now.” You look at him with confused eyes.
“What happened?” you repeat.
“You dropped to 16. Had a seizure or two. Passed out. Been here for a few hours. You’re finally in range again kiddo.”
“16? New record low.” you say.
Tony ignores that comment. “Might have taken a few years off my heart.” Tony admits.
“Thought you were supposed to be gone all weekend,” you say, not commenting on what he said. You mess with the knitted blanket that is covering your legs, not looking at Tony as the words sit in the air.
“My kid was in danger, SI can handle themselves. Promised you I’d be here from now on remember?” Tony says with a shrug. You look up at him, hearing the words he said. You were starting to think of him as more than just Tony over the past weeks when he had to go deal with Iron Man stuff. But tonight he left stuff for you. Because your blood sugar tanked. That’s like something Nana and Pops used to do for you. It’s something family does for each other. 
“Is Pepper mad that you left?” You fidget with the IV in your arm. It’s not the first time you’ve had one and it probably won’t be the last time.
“How can I be mad at him when I left moments after him?” Pepper peeks into the room.
“But you’re the CEO?” Pepper walks from the door towards your bed.
“You’re more important. My assistant is taking care of everything that he can and everything he can’t will get postponed until later. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to focus until I saw you were ok.”
“Is it just because I’m the heir to SI?” You can’t help but voice the dark thought in your mind.
“Of course not.” Pepper says as she sits on the edge of your bed, taking your IV-less hand in hers. “I happen to care about you an awful lot. It doesn’t matter to me one bit that you’re supposed to take SI or not. I would be here.” Tony moves to sit on the opposite side from where Pepper sits.
“I know the circumstances of how everything happened wasn’t the best Y/N, but I love you a lot. And I would drop anything and everything for you.”
“I’m your dad. A dad does anything for his kid.” Tony wants to reach out and take your hand like Pepper did, but he’s not sure if he’s allowed to, he doesn’t want to push too far too fast. But you reach for him instead.
“I’m not good at having a dad. At having parents.” You say honestly looking at both Tony and Pepper as you say this, hoping she doesn’t mind that you’re including her in this statement. “I had Nana and Pops sure. But that’s different.”
“I’m not the best at having a kid either, but I’m going to try my very best at it.” Tony admits. “How about we try this thing together?” He asks. “As a family?” He tacks on looking towards Pepper too.
“I’d like that.” You admit. “But only if Pepper stays to keep you reigned in. Because I can’t handle you on your own.” Tony laughs at that.
“Pepper’s here to stay if I have my way.” He says. “You and Pep. You're my family. Well and Platypus. And the Avengers. Only because they wrestled their way in.”
“I think I can settle for that right now.” You admit. “At least the you and Pepper part.”
“Still figuring out the lay of the land with the Avengers?” Tony asks.
“You jump from having almost no family to being told that you can have all of the superheroes in the world as your family and see how you do.” You roll your eyes.
Pepper squeezes your hand. “Take whatever family you feel is right. We’ll all be by your side when you need it the most.” All three of you sit there quietly for a few minutes before you realize something.
“What?” Tony’s eyes are searching the room for a threat he can’t find.
“I missed the end of the movie!” Your voice comes out closer to a whine then you mean for it to. Tony’s hand rises to his heart trying to calm it back down.
“You were all watching a DVD. You can rewatch it later. Please give me 24 hours before you scare me again please. My heart can only take so many scares in one day.”
“You’ve got some visitors if you’re feeling up to it?” A voice comes from the doorway. You look up and see Steve, Clint, and Natasha looking in towards you.
“Sorry I ruined movie night.”
“If you think we’re here to make you apologize, you’re dead wrong.” Clint says.
“I think Clint is here to see your eyes do work without rolling into the back of your head.” Natasha throws out as she sits in the chair across from your bed.
“I thought you would think that was cool?” You ask, seeing as Clint is usually the one looking for things that are creepy but over the top.
“Not when it comes to someone’s kid. I got kids of my own. I never want to see that from you again kid. You got it?” Clint crosses his arms as he stands behind Natasha. “That was the scariest moment of babysitting I’ve ever had, and I’ve lived through two kids going through their toddler phases.”
“As long as I get the award…” 
“Don’t even try.” Tony cuts you off. “I second Clint’s statement. Seeing your eyes go into the back of your head was not something I ever want to see again either so lets make that a thing on the ground rules of not allowed.”
“To be fair, I’m the one who’s food she gave insulin for-” Steve starts and you stop him before the words are even out.
“Don’t try to blame yourself. It’s very Captain America and all. But I can literally give the same bolus for the same food two days in a row and get two very different results. Diabetes just doesn’t give a shit. It does what it wants. So if you want to blame someone, blame my pancreas for being a shit team player and quitting back twelve years ago. The whole point of having Wallace is to try and catch this before it happens, but sometimes it still happens. It’s shit but that’s life.” You explain, and everyone’s eyes fall on you. 
“How are you so calm about all of this?” Clint asks.
“Because it’s not the first time I’ve ended up in a hospital bed due to diabetes. And it’s not the first time it’s tried to kill me. Being diabetic, you come to terms that you’re playing with fire and you’re going to get burned. But as long as you don’t die, then the day is a success. Sometimes there may be more losses than wins, but you keep going. It’s something you come to terms with when you have a disease that isn’t going away because there’s no cure. You’re forced to come to terms with it.”
“Can I ask how many times you’ve been hospitalized because of it?” Natasha asks, looking up at you with a deep expression.
“Counting this? Uh….” You count in your head. “Let’s see. There was my diagnosis. I was this close,” You hold your fingers inches apart, “from falling into a coma from my sugars being too high. Then I got the stomach flu when I was six. Nothing would stay down, but my ketones went sky high. Next I got an infected pump site. Normally I would just take some Advil and hope it goes away but this one got bad. Was in the hospital for three days, on antibiotic drips. Then I spent my seventh birthday in the ICU with the flu. That was a blast. Ketones out the wazzoo. I just had no immune system. Then I got strep five times and had to get my tonsils out, but they were worried about infections and ketones and such, so they kept me in the hospital for a week. Eight and nine I lucked out and was only in the hospital once, for a really wonky pump site that shot me into the 900s. Luckily I was only in the ER for that one. Ten through thirteen, I was in the hospital every like six months it felt like with bad blood sugars. Fell into a coma twice. And it took like three weeks to come out of it. So that was a total blast. Missed a lot of school. And this year I have lucked out and only been in the hospital once besides this. Stomach flu, tried to get me again. On day two of nothing staying down, Nana took me to the ER. So… Thirteen? Oh wait, fourteen counting today. Wait does today count? I guess it does since I got an IV.”
“The medbay is like Tony’s private hospital so it’s essentially a hospital so it counts.” Natasha says with a nod.
“Ok, so fourteen times because of diabetes related stuff. But I also had three other non-diabetes times too.” All eyes are on you. You should have just skipped it, because now you’ll just have to explain it. “I broke my arm in first grade because a kid bet me I couldn’t walk across the top of the monkey bars. I made it all the way across but then slipped and fell at the end. Still he had to give me his GI Joe, so who’s the real winner? The incident in fifth grade. And then took a bet that I wouldn’t walk across the Brooklyn Bridge barefoot. Stepped on a nail. Had to get stitches.” You shrug.
“Hmmm, funny she sounds just like someone else who is stupid enough to take dares or I don’t know invite war criminals to their front door.” Pepper says looking at Tony.
“To be fair, you can’t blame that on me, because I was never there to tell her that taking bets is never the right way to go unless you know you’re going to win them.” Tony says with a smile. 
“Technically, I won both bets. I got injured after both were over.” You brag.
“That’s my girl.” Pepper rolls her eyes.
“Why do I feel like I’m going to be chasing more trouble now?”
“I’ll keep an eye on her.” Natasha says from across the room with a smile.
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway  @iamaunicorn4704  @furiouspockettoad  @daughter-of-stark  @eternalharry  @huntective-kyeo @riiis-stuff
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick
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limjaeseven · 4 years
Fade Away (8/8)
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Pairing: Jinyoung X Jaebeom ft Seulgi of Red Velvet
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 967
Summary: Jinyoung reads Jaebeom's last words to him after he's gone.
Warning(s): mentions of cancer
[a/n]: This is the end of Verse 2! I’ll add links to the rest of the parts later, I’m just hella tired rn. A huge thank you to @birbdae​ and my friend Terry for proofreading this dumpsterfire.
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To Jinyoung,
If you’re reading this it means either you’ve become an expert at sneaking into my room and finding my things, which should be concerning cause there’s a lot of food there; or I’m dead. I can see you cringing from here, Jinyoungie but it’s time you accept it. I had fought the idea a lot when I was young, especially after I met you, that one day I won’t wake up to see your beautiful smile when I reached school. But as I grew older, I realised, there is no point in fighting it, it’s going to happen, it’s just about when.
Where I know already, I just finished booking the tickets for Hokkaido as I write this, yes there were only three of them and I was the one that made sure you didn’t notice that. I’ve had a lot of time to think in the past few years, especially between our two fights and I’ve realised that there was a part of my life that I hid from you that you deserve to know about, so this is my last confession. My thoughts, my experiences, my life, put in this journal that my mom gave to me for my birthday this year. I think she also knew I wouldn’t last long.
If you look through the bag, there should be an mp3 player and earphones in it. Put them on and scroll till you find a folder named ‘Verse 2’. I want you to read this while you listen to that.
While we’re on the subject I should address the music. You may have gone through my computer and seen all of them there but just in case you haven’t, I started writing music around the same time we were working on Icarus. The score for the film was the first piece I ever wrote, and after that I just poured all my emotions into it. Why did I never tell you about it? Honestly a mix of fear and insecurity. No one other than me has ever heard these songs, well apart from you, now. I didn’t know what I was doing and I was scared you wouldn’t like it.
The album you’re listening to, was one I wrote while thinking about you, about us and what we’ve been through over the last two decades. I’ve never been good at expressing my emotions but I hope this works.
So, there are a lot of things to talk about so I’m going to write them down as systematically as I can but I will likely ponder and go on tangents that make no sense so apologies from the very beginning.
Cancer. So yeah, I’m sure you know by now, at least I hope you’re not reading this before I’m dead otherwise I’m getting my ass murdered tonight. But yeah, I’ve basically known my entire life that I was never gonna last long. My parents didn’t expect me to make it to age 5, let alone 25. It was something that I just had to deal with and there was just so much pity and I hated every bit of it. That was, until I met you. In the beginning I didn’t want you to pity me so I never told you. As time went on I realised I couldn’t hurt you like that. I couldn’t break your heart as you talked about how we’d grow old together.
Those four months, during your first movie shoot, I was hospitalised and basically out for most of it. Seulgi blocked your number in that state of panic and even though I don’t blame her for it, I couldn’t be with her anymore, knowing that she hurt you. Don’t blame yourself for blaming me, it was my decision to not tell you and let you think I ignored you just like that.
There is one more thing I need to talk about here which is probably going to make you hate me, more than you do by this time. Remember when we fought in high school, I started drinking? Well turns out I lost close to five years of my life thanks to that. I remember thinking ‘Jinyoung is going to kill me if he ever finds out’, not that I didn’t have five more years to live. I was always ready to go, but I only wanted to stay for you, to see you smile, to see you happy, that was all I wanted.
I know you’re probably blaming yourself for everything you ever did but Jinyoungie, know that I never blamed you and I never will. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and the only regret I have is that I didn’t get to spend every moment of my short life with you.
There are so many things I want to talk about but there’s no way for me to put them into words. I’m sorry for hurting you, I’m sorry for being such a horrible hyung, I’m sorry for leaving.
I know you’re hurting right now, and I wish I could take all the pain away, but I can’t. So instead I’m going to tell you that I love you, I always have and I always will. You are my world, Jinyoung, I don’t think I’d have made it this far without you by my side. Take care of yourself for me, and know I’m going to be looking at every move you make from up in the sky, so make sure you don’t mess up.
I don’t know how to end this, I wanted to say a lot more but I just don’t know how to verbalise those thoughts and feelings I have. Tell my parents I love them, please. I’m going to miss you a lot.
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Brother’s Keeper
Part 3
Summary: Things can’t stay like this...while things become more apparent...
Note: last 2 time jumps...final age Reader 25, Branden 35.
2 years later
Brendan, ran his fingers through his hair as he contemplated his next move. JR was good but he was no Michael.
A smirked curled his lips. “Check mate.”
“Damn, how did you do that?” The kid complained.
He shrugged. “Don’t sweat it, I’ve been playing for much longer.”
He sighed annoyed. “I’m going to go jog a lap around the yard before I have to head back to the D block.”
Sterlo chuckled. “He has a lot of growing up to do.”
“Yeah.” Brendan slouched down in his seat with a sigh. A gentle breeze blew through the yard. His mind wandered, suddenly he remembered how one day, he had come over. Michael wasn’t back yet from the store and had caught you dancing to some song. Your hair flying, you were smiling. You had flushed when you had seen him standing there.
Damn, he would love to make you flush again. Though, now he imagined you now, a damn flower in bloom. The gentle wave in your hair, curvy hips, he could feel as your fingers tips were just barely grazing his goatee.
He startled awake. “Oh damn.” He sat up. “I’m not even tired.”
Sterlo, rolled his eyes. “You’re getting old Brendan.”
He reached over and pushed him. “I’m getting fucking soft.”
“Alright, maybe that.”
Brendan, sighed and pressed his lips together. He was getting soft cooped up in here. Sure he used the weights. But this was not good, he needed more of an edge.
Though what lingered, he was trying to ignore, it but the knot that formed in his gut as he dreamed of you dancing. You were nearing his age when he got locked in here.
“Brendan, a letter.”
“Thanks.” He was grateful, that now a decent person was in charge of the mail. He didn’t have to play games to get his mail delivered. Looking, down he tried to keep his face impassive as his heart picked up speed.
He was sitting on the chair, he looked good as he sipped away at his beer. You went over and straddled his lap. “What are you doing little blossom?” His voice was as raspy as it had ever always been.
“Giving you a proper welcome home.” You ran your fingers through his dark auburn hair as blue eyes shone looking at you.
A smirked curled his lips. “Oh? Are you?”
You drew close, your lips met his, they were cool from the beer.
Your phone rang to life and you gasped waking suddenly. Looking around your dream faded away. Grabbing your phone, you saw that it was Sam, your boss calling. Eyeing the time you grumbled. You had only left the bar a handful of hours ago.
“Hello Sam.” You said sweetly.
Sitting at his small table, he carefully opened the envelope. Two small photos fell into his lap.
Your hair, your smile he just stared. The knot that formed in the pit of his stomach came back. The next one you where you looking off was beautiful. He wanted to run his hands through those soft strands. He shook. Putting the photos down, he opened the letter. He tried to push those feelings aside they were ridiculous.
I am done! Single again! Men are annoying. Why can’t I find one who will love and respect me?
What did that last one do? I’d take care of you. He dropped the letter. What the fuck, was he thinking. He couldn’t feed these thoughts. He did want to take care of you. But you didn’t need an old man like him.
Despite feeling incredibly torn, the idea of taking care of you brought a kind of lightness, it made him feel good. And none of this was because of the promise he made to your brother.
I’m sorry I shouldn’t be whining. This last one was just horrible. He was jealous. He didn’t like me working at the bar. In one of our arguments, he had the nerve to slap me. Well, you don’t slap me and get away with it. He’s gone!
Y/N, he thought to himself if I had been there, that guy is bloody lucky I’m not. He may be missing a hand.
But how are you? How is that kid, he’s not kist some punk is he? Does he know any of the tricks, Michael would try to pull on you.
The kid is alright. He’s not a huge pain in the ass. Though, he is no Michael. At least the games are alright.
My boss told me today that I was one of the best girls on his staff. He gave me a raise. I certainly work hard for it. Though, I wish it was more established, refined place. I’d never tell him that.
I hate that you work there. Can’t you find something else? Well, at least he appreciates what he has in you.
Brendan, I know I said I would let it be. But I really wish I could visit you. I miss you. I think its not fair that murders get visitors and you don’t. Life is not fair.
♥️Yours always,
He folded the letter away with a sigh. Getting up, he pushed the buzzer and waited.
A guard walked up, looking as stern as ever.
“What do you want Lynch?”
“I want make a phone call.”
“Alright. Come on.”
The conversation was short and to the point. With the boy and Sterlo, he would finally get out.
Now the itch for freedom was planted. The day could not come soon enough.
You were upset, the letters from Branden had been growing shorter lately. You leaned against the bar as you surveyed the place. It was still fairly busy for a Wednesday.
You desperately wanted a distraction. Perhaps, you could ask your boss for some days off.
6 Months Later
Today was the day. He tucked away the photos you sent him on his person. They could do this. They were all going to get out of there.
Branden, nodded and the kid grabbed the one guard. It was the right one. Holding him they easily got through all the right gates. “There’s out escape.” Branden felt excitement rush through him when he saw the helicopter hovered before touching down in the yard.
Soon the helicopter touched down it was already kicking up all the dirt and dead grass.
“Let’s go.” He hollered over the noise.
They moved as a unit. They were not far from the helicopter. When suddenly one of the doors opened and a few of the guards grabbed Sterlo, a struggle ensued.
Branden ran over to the helicopter, he saw a familar face and smiled. He knew his friend Chris would pull through. He offered him a hand. He climbed in and grabbed a gun. “I need to get those guards off Sterlo and the kid.” He shouted.
He took aim and began shooting above the guards’ heads. With no hesitation, they released Sterlo, none of them wanted to die. Sterlo broke free and running, and together him and the kid made their way over. He had never seen either of them move that fast.
Once in the helicopter, it climbed higher and higher into the air. Yet, as it climbed and went further away, it wasn’t till the prison was far from sight did he finally begin to taste his freedom. But he craved more.
“Y/N, can you come over here?” Your boss had come out of his office and gestured for you to join him in his office. He took a long drag from his cigarette before exhaling towards the celing blue blums of smoke drifting about him like a fog. You, had gotten used to it that you no longer coughed. Though it still turned your stomach.
“Yes, sir.”
He rose an eyebrow.
“Yes, Sam?”
“Much better.” He took another drag before continuing. “I am sending you home early today.”
Your mood brightened. “Oh, thank you!”
“I’m not done, then you can thank me.”
You nodded. “I’m sorry.” You mumbled.
He gave you an easy smile. “It’s alright, I’ve always been fond of your enthusiasm.” You smiled. “Tomorrow, we are not opening. Some important, people are coming back into town and we are giving them a very warm welcome home.”
“Oh, that sounds lovely.” You caught yourself, so you gave him a shy smile.
“Right. Sorry, Sam.”
“So we are throwing a huge fucking party at my house. These are big guys. They worked hard, for a very longtime. They deserve to party hard. I want you to help with that.”
You gestured to yourself.
He nodded. “You better believe it.” He took out his money clip, that always looked close to breaking since the wad of cash was always too big. Opening it, he pulled off four hundred. Your eyes grew.
“This is for you my silly girl.”
He handed it to you. You put it down. “I could not possibly.”
“Actually, here take a little more.” He peeled off a couple more hundred. “Go to the spa and get a massage. Have your hair freshened up, maybe a manicure or whatever you girls do. I want you glowing and happy.”
“Sam?” It sounded amazing but what did you have to do in return.
Sam must have seen your concern because he got up and came around to you. “I want you to treat yourself better then when that guy got fresh with you.” He leaned against his desk as he looked at you. “Grab a dress and a bikini for tomorrow.” He laid the money beside your hand.
What could you possibly need a new bikini for, your concern continued to grow. “But Sam, how could I possibly?” You moved your hand away from the money.
One of his age worn hands, grabbed yours and squeezed. “You’re beautiful and delightful. Just be yourself. Dance with them, maybe have a few drinks. And if they want to take a dip in my pool, you will swim with them.”
“But..but Sam.” Unease was beginning to make you ill.
“I’m not asking you to sleep with them. I have other girls for that. Just make them smile, keep them happy.”
You relaxed. “I can do that.” You gave him a bright smile.
“Good, I know you could.” He smiled at you.
“I almost forgot, you should know, how grateful I am.”
“That’s a good girl. I know you would be.”
You finally took the money.
“Now remember have a few drinks, dance with them, even go swimming with them. But they want anything else and you politely introduce them to the other girls who I will be there.”
You honestly didn’t believe him. You should run, tell him to go fuck himself but you needed the money. One night and you could forget about it ever happening. Yes, you could forget.
“Thank you Sam.”
“You’re welcome. Now start now go, start having fun.”
You tucked money away. “What about my
Sam smiled. “You’re such a good girl. Chloe can finish them up.
Tomorrow night would be interesting. This is something, you would never tell Brendan. He didn’t know how sometimes you sliced away at your soul, but you would never let it change your heart.
@mrskenobi19 @thebeckyjolene @sithonis @brookisbi @johallzy
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xxrainstormxx · 4 years
Save it Lover Boy. Spencer Reid x Reader (Save it for the Doctor Part 2)
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(A/N: In this story it’s been a few months. I’m not great at focusing on the Romance part but there is a little more than there was last time. I really hope you guys enjoy!) Word count: 2,405 Part 1 (edit: my pleas for requests for stories are not reaching people so I will beg here. If you want a oneshot I’ll write it. Prompt or no prompt.)
After the incident with my sister, my life was flipped around for the better. I began to date Spencer, the team being unaware. I finished college and thanks to a few strings JJ and Aaron had pulled I was now the BAU's personal assistant. Granted, it was a unpaid internship so it was not very glamorous but it got me the experience I need, especially if I want to be apart of this specific team. I was the one who got coffee, filled out unrelated paper work, helped JJ set up stations and boards. I still hadn't quite gotten used to that sinking feeling when the phone rings. Or when JJ approaches your desk, or the photos. You never get used to not sleeping in your own bed, the hotels, no moments of privacy, the monsters, families loosing each other. Or the pictures, it's disgusting. I especially never got used to how numb all my friends were numb to it all at the end of the day. Especially Spence, he'd been through utter hell and yet he was still sweet and managed to smile. It worried me sometimes, how relaxed they could be at the end of the day. 
So, JJ and I were setting up everything on the board. I frowned at the woman on the board. Only one, we caught it just in time for it to become a murder. It made me sick to think there was a possibility we could save the 25 year old, but instead we were called in after it became a bigger problem which made me feel sick. How easily someone gets away with something until they commit the actual murder. This woman was a very lively person. She clearly didn't deserve what she had gotten. "Samantha Burkly" JJ said softly "Poor woman." She said and left to talk to the others leaving me sitting in the conference room just tapping away at the laptop provided. I was also little Miss Penelope Garcia's assistant so I was stuck digitizing files she didn't want to, and it fucking sucked dirty dick. Yeah, let that sink in. Anyway I felt a few pairs of eyes on me only to look up and see the team staring at me through the cursed window of the room. "What?" I rose a brow causing a few to look away Spencer's eyes lingering, he was waiting for something. I don't think either of us knew what so I blew him a kiss and a subtle wink making him look away turning pink. That same shade of pink when he found me innocent and began what I would come to know as a very normal rant. His epiphanies, or what I called "braingasms" (which he absolutely despised), would strike a chord 99% of the time, and the other 1% could be brushed off as "Reid being Reid" which kinda upset me. He was a damn genius and yet no one seemed to want to listen. Sure I hadn't been around as long a the others but I would sit and listen to Spence talk for hours when on dates, I would nod, as questions and get very thoughtful and honest answers. Sure they weren't always what someone would want to hear, but did anyone ever tell you it would be good news. Reid and I could also have a very thoughtful debate. Now was that normal for couples, no, probably not. But at least he had facts to back up his opinion, making it a real debate and not just some senseless argument that fell into pointless attacks on the other person leading to a fight and rough makeup sex. Which I wouldn't mind but it'd only been a few months, and didn't wanna make an uncomfortable situation we could easily talk through anyway. What was I doing? Right, paperwork. 
As I ended my very long side rant and staring into space while also staring directly at Spencer's ass, I turned to my computer. "You shouldn't stare at people baby cakes." I heard causing me to jump out of my damn seat. "I was staring into space. Jesus Derek you scared the shit out of me!" I cursed glancing to the man with his nose in a file I was digitizing, "Sorry hun. But we need a fresh pair of eyes" he said gesturing to a new less dusty file on the table in front of my computer. I recognized the face on the front as the same woman on the board. Her name written on the front clear as day. I knew what was inside and I was proud to have not seen it but now it disturbed me that my eyes were being referred to as "Fresh" in that way. It made me feel dirty and violated in a whole new way. "Why? You guys know this case inside and out. I'm just the intern." I said and snatched the older file out of his hand. I knew this poor case inside and out by now. Decapitation and sexual assault of the esophagus. Real nasty shit ya know? The woman was 22 and then a man was found two weeks later with the same thing. But the case went cold 7 years ago. It was sad. The woman's mother had killed herself and the man's father disowned his son assuming he was gay because a man did that to the literally gaping hole in his neck. It was one of the bigger case files full of dead ends. I had become intimately aware of all the details of the case, even the signature, something overlooked by the police because they thought decapitation and violation of the hole in the neck was it, and while rare that wasn't the case. It was a soft lipstick mark left on the victims hands next to the stamp of the club they went too. It was pink so very easily missed. "Because baby, you're gonna need to get used to this if you ever wanna be promoted. You can't react like you did back in January and vomit on the floor." Derek chided me softly "Fine, But you have to stop calling me baby, we aren't together. Also stop touching the files they're in alphabetical order and you're fuckin it up" I hissed smacking his hand away from another file at the bottom of the stack. "pissin me off Agent Moron" I wailed as he laughed at the new insult. I could literally feel Spencer's jelousy from the next room. It was honestly kind of cute but I could not be thinking of my boy's sweet face at the moment, I was about to see what really happened to poor Samantha Burkly. I took the new file off the table and opened it to the pictures and I was hit with a familiarity. "Derek this isn't funny. I was just looking at this file" I declared nonchalantly as I lobbed it back onto the table going back to the laptop "What the hell are you talking about?" He asked "that's a brand new file" He said "A red headed woman decapitated with semen in her esophagus and a pink lipstick mark on her hand next to it? That Hellen Barsly not the Burkly girl" I stated "You leave out Jason Green to make it more realistic?" I muttered never once looking up "Pin lipstick mark?" he questioned grabbing the file "I'll be damned there it is. You barely looked at it. That woman is Samatha Burkly" he blinked "Har har Derek" I hissed snatching the file and opened the file as Spencer walked in to listen. I barely acknowledged him because I was pissed at this point.
"I know the Banshee Hunter of West Point case better than my own fucking computer history" I said and held it up to the picture before being shocked as I saw that the decapitated woman was in fact Samantha. Right next to her living photo. "The what?" Reid asked, clearly never having heard of it. "Oh my god. OH MY GOD" I yelled and ran back to my seat pulling out all the files related to The BHWP case, I knew full well that this case was bigger than it seems. "Penelope has me on digital file duty and these cases caught my attention for some reason. The case went cold 7 years ago." I mumbled pulling up all the files that were back at the office in my desk as I'd finished them. I had a whole folder for all the connected cases, even ones where the M.O and victimolgy had changed. "The first murder dated back to 1970. A woman by the name of Jenny Boil had disappeared, she was 24 years old. Found decapitated in the middle of the highway her esophagus had been sexually assaulted. She had red hair with a soft pink kiss mark on her hand and her mouth had been stretched open like a banshee. And because her hair was red along with numerous victims leading up to the sudden coldness of the case. There are cases where the victimology changed completely or the M.O so the police never connected them or assumed they were copy cats" I rambled as I quickly set up a time line that ended with Samantha "and now hes back with the latest victim" I hit enter and the time line stretched across the screen victims all over the screen. "the pink lip stick marks. Originally they were thought to be remorse but I think this guy has some kind of fucked up chivalrous attempt" I squawked and pushed my chair to the whiteboard standing on it feeling eyes on me. I didn't know or care how many. I heard frantic flipping and click me. "This guy has over 100 known victims only 12 of them not red heads. Only 11% of his victims don't fit the victims and only 3 don't fit the M.O of the others making that 2%!" I yelled as if I was Spencer. I could feel my face turning red with adrenaline. "Now all of these cases 100 percent all have a kiss mark on the hand, same brand and color of lipstick, A frosted pink lipstick, 67 Peach Pink from the brand Nestacia" I wrote that down "And all these cases I noted have three different overlapping suspects" I said pushing Spencer out of the way of my computer and printed up their pictured and grabbed them hanging them up "Now!" I continued slapping the board "This man right here is no Biological male! His name is Tyler Grant a 59 Year old trans man! He couldn't have done it but that doesn't mean he couldn't have helped" I said noticing the whole team in the room. No one tried to interrupt because I assumed I looked batshit insane. 
I was right cause I caught my refection and my hair was everywhere now, I was sweating, and my pupils were shaking. I didn't care I was on a roll. "There is no plausible way the semen belongs to him!" I said "These also can't be a copy cat killer-" I began before being unceremoniously interrupted again "But how do you-" he began before i loudly shushed Spencer. "Save it lover boy! I'm getting to that! Lemme talk your turn in over" I said making him smile just a little "As i was saying, it can't be a copy cat killer because there was also another unnoticed factor! The strange shape of the lips! No one draws on their lips this way but the pallet is larger on one side than the other. The killer has a cleft pallet, which cannot be a coincidence!" I said "and as you can see! This man right here! Leston Nikolia has a cleft pallet. But because they never had proof he'd done it due to the overlooked lipstick marks he walked free!" I yelled circling him "And we don't talk about Henry for the simple fact that he is Impotent and was in jail during the last 7 murders before Samantha and he's dead now!" I finished and took a large inhale and sat down "the lip stick is enough reasonable suspicion to bring him in for questioning. He's a coward. He cannot face people head on and most likely has high anxiety and is easily paranoid it wouldn't be hard to get a correct confession." I panted "Reid! Is this what it feels like when you solve a fucking problem? I feel like my brain just had 7 orgasms" I wished sitting back "It was always circumstantial but now that there a new victim sitting in front of me I'm sure it was him" I wished taking more deep breaths "I'm going to call Garcia and see if I can get a fact check on everything." Aaron began making my heart sink, please please don't discredit everything I just gave you. "JJ can you get us a location? Reid get started on a warrant the minute JJ gets it, Derek get a game plan together, Prentiss and I will do more investing on this Nikolia guy, and (Y/N)." he finished turning to me. "Keep going over every file you have and see if you can connect anymore of these murders. Good work" He said and the team began to work. "Holy shit" I gasped and Spencer smiled at me "You might have just solved this case." He said kissing my forehead "and I'm so damn proud" he whispered. I was still riding my knowledge high, the adrenaline still pumping so not caring that we were at work, I kissed Spencer straight on the lips. He froze because we were still in a work setting but slowly kissed back. His lips were soft, we hadn't had a proper first kiss, just forehead kisses, cheek pecks, and occasional pecks on the lips if Spencer was feeling sausey. I just giggled pulling back "That was... so much at once. How does your brain do that all the time?" I asked "Mine's been doing it a lot longer. See you after work okay?" he whispered and went to do his job "Right. Work" I whispered and sighed turning to my laptop cracking my knuckles doing real work for the first time in my internship. Who knows, maybe me and Penelope could do this kind of thing together!
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