#honestly his favorite food are probably his mom's cooking
Good Morning Hawkins I Have Dad!Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Why are we as a society not talking about Stay At Home Dad Eddie?
I know we want our little domestic fantasies. But this man consistently says “fuck the system” every day. No forced conformity in this private domicile.
If you’ve got the drive to want to work after having the kid, he volunteers to stay home and take care of the baby.
Honestly, with his reputation it might be easier should you decide to stay in Hawkins because you’re the face of the relationship. It might actually be harder for him to find a job in town than it might be for you.
He also 100% cleans up his act, stops selling, and goes on the straight and narrow after having a kid. He doesn’t want baby reaching into cabinets and getting into things they shouldn’t get into.
He may still sell a little grass on the side, but he keeps it hidden in the van where little fingers can’t access it.
Eddie might not be the best housekeeper, but god dammit he tries. Like, he will genuinely try over and over to get things right even if it kills him. You don’t have to worry about weaponized incompetence with him.
He’ll start having favorite brands of cleaning products, favorite brands of formula and diapers, and he might get fussy if you bring the wrong ones home.
He’s a nerd. Plain and simple. He’ll be picking up Dustin in the van and taking little munchkin to the library to find any kind of book in relation to parenting, cooking, etc.
I can see Eddie actually becoming a very competent cook. He even makes the kid’s meals into fun little shapes for their lunchboxes.
Fun finger foods is his main staple when he’s not being Betty Crocker.
Literally does not care how he looks, he’ll push the most dolled up little stroller around Hawkins in broad daylight. He’ll wander out to Bradley’s in a polkadot apron and a pink baby sling. And when the kid is old enough to play salon with daddy, he’s gonna wander out in public with anything from pink scrunchies and glitter polish to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backpack and magic marker on his face.
I can see Eddie being a little shit and purposely buying the most girly pink items for the baby when they’re little, no matter the gender.
He likes wearing pink in public. It pisses off the conservative parents who see him and the kid coming.
The only thing is you have to have a serious talk with him about is smoking around the kid, because Eddie’s one flaw may be that he’s got the propensity to be a cigarette mom. (It’s the late 80’s, and this was reality for a lot of older Millennials.)
So throw away his Camels and pay Dustin to tail him with a fire extinguisher.
Dustin is going to be Parent Number 3 in this relationship. I’m sorry but it’s reality.
Has absolutely no idea how to take care of a baby but is willing to learn.
Eddie would probably have to reschedule D&D nights with his buddies, because money would be hella tight now that the two of you have a little gremlin and one income. So you can’t exactly pay a sitter.
But he loves to make campaigns based on the stories he tells to the baby during bedtime.
RIP to y’all but once you have that baby, Uncle Wayne’s gonna refuse to let you and Eddie move out. He’s gonna change his work schedule too so he can spend time with the baby.
It would probably take a lot of overtime and a bit of Eddie’s extra side hustle, but the single wide is eventually going to get upgraded to a two bedroom double wide.
Uncle Wayne will insist on giving you, Eddie and the baby the master bedroom. Hell, he might even try to give the kid his bedroom.
Eddie is going to fucking refuse to let his uncle sleep in the living room of the new double wide.
Eddie might also become a little codependent on the kid. School will be a nightmare, because he’ll suddenly be alone in the trailer all day and chain smoke waiting for the kiddo to come home from school.
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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surprisingly, for all the elaborate dishes ray can ( and did ) make for work, when cooking for himself, ray?? actually prefers simpler dishes, but also dishes that be made in one pan/pot. but that’s mostly because one pan/pot dishes usually require less dishes/utensils to wash at the end of the day aka he’s tired, he wants to use as little effort as possible when he’s home.
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ivymarquis · 2 months
Say You Won’t Let Go
No good deed goes unpunished
Pairing| John Price x F!Single Mom!Reader Rating| E Word Count| 2.1k Kinks/Content/Warnings| Zombie apocalypse (I like how I lied to both myself and y’all that there was ever gonna be a chance of it being another type of apocalypse), both John and Love are a little crazy which is to be expected re: zombie!au, more nausea, more pregnancy related discourse, zombie world building and the ramifications/implications of being pregnant in the apocalypse, the author is currently having A Thing about pepperoncinis, strong hints to the events that lead to Love being abandoned, etc etc etc
First/Previous Chapter Here | Next Chapter
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Captain John Price of the SAS, it seems, has decided to keep you.
As a child your neighbors had an Australian Cattle Dog.
He reminds you of that dog. Keyed in on your every move, herding you about as he sees fit throughout the day.
Gets irritated just like that dog used to, if he finds you somewhere he thinks you shouldn’t be.
Being alone with a man you do not know goes against everything you were taught growing up. You, however, are not exactly spoiled for choice where company is concerned and are in no position to bite the hand willing to feed you. Especially when the hand in question hasn’t done anything untoward.
John provides security and stability, even if he fusses at you incessantly.
“Need to be eating more than that.”
Objectively you know he’s correct, but there’s fuck all to be done about it.
“I can’t. I’ll throw up.”
You learn the nausea card will stay his hand, not that you’re even overplaying it. The child you’re carrying likes to alternate between sitting on your bladder and your stomach between bouts of playing soccer with your ribcage. Not exactly making it easy on you to get (or keep down) the food you need to grow a liver or a pair of lungs, or whatever it is that you’re cooking in the final stretch of your pregnancy.
For the most part he leaves you be about the food if he sees you picking at something over the duration of the day.
You circle each other cautiously; circumstance and loneliness making you unwilling to avoid him, but also still having the good sense to be aware you’re dealing with a stranger for less than a full day.
He’s brash, obviously used to getting his way. You don’t know a ton about the military and can only assume that it comes with the territory. He’s used to barking orders and commanding a space. You’re not exactly in a position to buck against his hand- and it’s not like you really want to, anyway.
He gives you first pick of the food, your cravings deciding your meal for you.
Cravings in an apocalypse blow, by the way. It’s not like you can get the tandoori chicken from your favorite Indian place at 2 am just because the mood strikes.
“I would kill for a jar of pepperoncinis,” you mumble, mostly to yourself one night as you pick at your dinner. God you could fuck a jar of them up with how your mouth is watering just at the thought of them.
In fact, had the world not gone to hell in a handbasket you’d probably be doing something cruel and inhumane to a pile of them. Like dipping them into nutella. Wasn’t one of the joys of pregnancy appeasing your cravings with absolutely abominable food combinations?
You’re not exactly in fight or flight at this exact moment, but you are in survival mode. No luxury of door dashing random items.
“How much longer do you think you’ve got?” The captain asks one night over dinner.
“I’m not sure. I think any day now at this point.”
You feel like you’re all belly, something that’s compounded by his follow up question of “Only got the one in there?” which is honestly fair.
“Yes. The midwife said he just has an Olympic sized swimming pool to float around in.”
“Midwife would be handy to have given your state.”
The question is buried between the lines. Why are you here and not with her?
“She’s dead.”
That’s what started this whole mess, isn’t it? It’s not your fault she’s dead but her absence was the catalyst of your group abandoning you.
He pauses his own meal, looking at you momentarily. “Sorry to hear that.”
You don’t know what to say in reply.
It feels disingenuous to pretend her death impacted you more than it actually did. While you two had spent more time together as your pregnancy progressed, the conversations had stayed staunchly about the baby and changes to your body.
You weren’t friends. But she was kind and compassionate and seemed knowledgeable about what was happening to you.
It does make you nervous, though. Women have had babies unassisted for millenium, but women have also died in childbirth since the dawn of time. Certain cultures regarded a successful birth in the same vein as warriors returning home from battle.
Since he asked- in a roundabout way- about your group, you feel bold enough to ask about his.
“How’d you get separated from your group?”
“Got caught with our trousers down by a herd wandering through this area. We were overwhelmed and I ended up going through a window. Did a number on my leg, that seems to finally be healing.”
Herds is such a funny way to describe a roaming group of the undead.
Herds usually contain deer, or horses, or sheep. Something soft and doe eyed that you can pet. Something that has teeth, yes, but typically not interested in hurting you.
Packs would be the better descriptor in your opinion- but then no one had asked you, had they?
“Do you think they’re still in the area?”
“Not if they’ve got any fucking sense,” he grouses. “There’s a group of survivors up north we’ve been taking care of. Safe zone so to speak- about as safe as anything can be, at least. Came down for supplies as the area looked clear, but the truck broke down. Herd came through and mucked everything up.”
The prospect of another community- a safe zone- enraptures you.
You’re not stupid, even if a lapse of judgment and a too long dry spell breaking has landed you in your current predicament. You understand that you’re a bit of a ticking time bomb.
You live in a world where safety is no longer a guarantee. That too much noise, and too much attention drawn can be a death sentence.
So having a baby is a far riskier move these days than it was in the past. There’s so much that can go wrong. You can’t tell a baby to be quiet because a herd is passing through and if any of them hear, then you’ve signed everyone’s death warrant.
And that’s if you and your child don’t die in labor.
So you were understandably devastated but yielded to the group consensus to leave you behind.
But a safe zone?
You’ve been floating around in limbo since parting from your group. Understanding that your death is written on the walls, but unwilling to lay down and die without trying.
You feel something akin to hope fluttering in your belly- that maybe you and your child will survive. That there’s not a blade waiting to descend on you when your water breaks.
“Can you take me there? Are you trying to go back?”
John regards you for a moment, and you try to not squirm in apprehension.
“Would be a whole lot easier if I had a working vehicle,” he states. “Between my leg and your,” he pauses, spearing a bite of his food and making a vague gesture at you as he chews, “current condition, walking that far isn’t a good idea.”
Right. Because you’re a ticking time bomb who might pop in the next hour, next week, or next day and there’s absolutely no way to know until it happens. Hence why you were trolling through a neighborhood looking for somewhere safe to bed down until you have your baby.
Talk about caught with your pants down if your water breaks trying to traverse a substantial distance. But then traveling with a newborn puts another target on your back, doesn’t it? How long until you’re comfortable with how fussy your baby is and you become confident you can read his cues? That’s a hell of a dice to roll.
“If I can find a working radio I can call my team. Or something I can drive.”
“I’m good with tech,” you volunteer. “Even if the radio doesn’t work- maybe I can make it work.”
You’ve always been someone who takes pride in your work, but working in tech in a post-collapse society has rendered your knowledge useless when traveling with a nomadic group just trying to make things work day by day.
So you’ve been feeling like a bit of a lame duck lately, even though you know logically that’s not being particularly fair to your circumstances. You’ve been forced to learn more pragmatic skills (at least, for the zombie apocalypse) but having to learn them on the fly with threats constantly looming over you doesn’t exactly provide a safe place to fail while you get over a learning curve.
Obviously close combat isn’t ideal in your situation. Guns draw too much attention with the noise. Maybe you can find a bow and practice with it.
So you jump at the opportunity to show that you might be able to pull your own weight. That you’re more than a fragile time bomb waiting for the counter to hit zero.
“I’ll keep that in mind if I find a broken one, then,” he appeases, although you can’t get enough of a read on him to know if he’s just placating you.
It’s a bit after dinner and the sun setting that John decides it’s time to herd you up to bed. “Right then, time to get you back upstairs.”
It’s only been two days now but it doesn’t take a genius to realize he’s got a thing about you and the stairs.
Someone like him is likely used to preparing for the worst case scenario in every situation. Lord knows what sort of horrors he’s thought up of you losing your balance going up or down, but he’d chewed on you pretty good earlier in the day when you’d tried to go up them without him to get something out of your bag.
Lesson learned- no traversing the stairs unattended.
Given that you are perpetually exhausted at this point, you can’t see the value in arguing that you don’t need your sleep schedule dictated to you. Left to your own devices you likely would have begun nodding off on the couch.
Even with your group, while there’d be assigned watch times, there wasn’t an enforced bedtime. Everyone’s adults- you were expected to handle your shit and be ready to move when it’s time to go.
So you nod along and let him guide you up.
John is magnanimous about the resources in the house, letting you be uncontested for the bathroom upstairs. You don’t understand how plumbing works but you can’t even bring yourself to complain about the cold water as you clean yourself.
There is a chair in “your” room, and the first night you placed it under the doorknob so that should John get any suspicious ideas, at least you’d be awake for your grizzy demise.
The doorknob never so much as turned, and you’ve been at his mercy long enough you decide if he was going to do anything unhinged, he’d have done it by now.
You are snuggled into your bed- which might as well be a luxurious thing with a 600 thread count for all you can care right now, even though it’s most assuredly not- and hear the sound of John’s door closing across the hall, and are out like a light before you can even process the noise and assume that he’s down for the count for tonight just like you are.
Come morning- after you’re finished in the bathroom and are greeted in the hall by John waiting for you- you realize that John was not squirreled away in his own room last night. He leads you down the stairs- insists on being between you and the bottom of the stairwell.
There’s a jar of pepperoncini peppers, a container of prenatal vitamins, and a pack of preggie pops which claims to be a pregnancy safe anti nausea candy.
The logical side of your brain should be floored that this veritable stranger has paid more attention to your needs (and yes you’re going to go ahead and count the pepperoncinis down as a need) in a day and a half than certain exes had during the entire run of your relationships with them.
A thank you would be appropriate given the situation.
Unfortunately, however, your hormone addled “I've been fending for myself after being abandoned, and I'm still emotionally fried” brain has been the one calling the shots lately, so instead what comes out is “You left me last night.”
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starandcloud · 6 months
John "Soap" MacTavish Headcannons
This man can SPRINT in heels I will die on this hill
If it wasn't for the military, he'd sleep until noon
Probably work a nightshift too
He needs coffee to function, if he doesn't have coffee he's a grouch
Takes his time waking up, not an early bird
He needs like five alarms to wake up
Bathroom first kind of person
Sometimes takes a shower in the morning, depends on if he didn't the night before
COFFEE and juice
Sweet tooth, a horrible sweet tooth
Chocolate chip pancakes are his go to, or whatever the canteen has tbh he's not that picky
He sleeps in whatever, or just his boxers does not care-
He does not dress up, he's in a uniform and looks presentable 9/10 out of ten. He's in a t-shirt and sweats when he's not deployed
Takes a shower every night, sometimes multiple times in the same night if he still feels grimey after the first one
He doesn't take baths often, but when he does it has bubbles and a rubber duckie. He likes the simple things in life guys
He likes simple scents, nothing complex
He hates 3-in-1
He likes Mint toothpaste
He eats when he can, but has pocket snacks
He loves home cooked meals
He likes smoothies, the purple ones (that he can never remember the name of) he gets from a smoothie shop are his favorites
He never makes meals for later, he's not that organized-
Rarely has leftovers
Get's fast food once in a blue moon
Doesn't eat out much, unless it's a special occasion
He does most of the chores, he has a specific way he does things
DESPISES dishes, hates the feeling of the food being squishy and soft under his fingers
IMMEDIATELY washes dishes after using them
Does have a "laundry chair" but it doesn't last long tbh
Makes his bed in the morning, military taught him well
Has a car, but that's about it
Owns a car, but it's this little puddle hopper and it's beat up- He could afford a better car, but he's deployed a lot so he probably won't buy one
He literally takes his car through the biggest puddles ever, just to see the water arch. He's easily amused
Hates boats, especially after Graves
He has an Android
Special ringtones for everyone he cares about
He has it silenced 9/10, he silences it for missions and forgets to unsilence it
He has candy-crush on his phone and I will stand firm on this
He has the basic lock and home screens
He has snapchat but uses it for the filters, also has facebook for market place and Tiktok for the car videos
He has a few followers on Tiktok
He can block someone easy
He posts his cooking fails online
He probably has angered the baking/cooking niche online A LOT, dude probably has callouts from five years ago because he doesn't care-
He sleeps whenever, but totally has sleeping meds for his PTSD
He can either be up all night or in seconds, depends on how tired he is tbh
He's a light sleeper
He talks in his sleep, but it's mostly mumbles
Has nightmares more often than not
Has a bit of light from his TV, finds it hard to sleep without it
Sleeps with every window and door locked
Has his bed in the corner of the wall, hard to be attacked from both sides
His handwritting is damn near impossible to understand, sometimes Price has a hard time deciphering it
He's an outdoorsy type
The first memory is of being with him mom at a fair
He likes bread, just bread ;-;
He listens to literally everything, except classical it puts him to sleep
Very Artsy
He has Bachlers degree
He loves cats, and has one at his moms
Struggles with gifts tbh
He went from the tallest in his family, to the one of the shortest on his team
He's huge on physical touch, especially with his partner
He said something that made Ghost stop in his tracks once, and then ever did again. It was so stupid it was smart
Soap is so fucking sociable it honestly annoys Ghost
He really wants to get married, but doesn't want to put the stress of him always being deployed on his spouse and he doesn't want to die on them
He's allergic to Buckwheat, Shellfish, Balsam of Peru, Tegretol, and Cosmetics
Whenever something traumatic happens he shrugs and goes: "Well that happened" and goes on with his life
He has a lot of scars, mostly from war itself most of them are on his upper arms but some are on his chest and forearms
He has a scar from getting a gash on his leg when playing when he was a kid, he needed A LOT of stitches
He has one that looks like a cresant moon on his right hand ring finger
He honestly doesn't mind when people trace his scars, it's kinda soothing
A little kid once asked about one on his chest, which he got when a bomb went on prematurely, and he said he got it from a T-Rex to entertain the kid.
That was also when he decided he wanted kids, when the kids eyes blew open wide and they bounced on their toes asking more questions. Which he provided absurd answers until the kids mom rushed over and apologized
The one on his chest was from a near-death experience, learned really quick how to run really really fast
He holds his partner close during cuddling, if their back is against his chest his face in buried in their neck. If he's laying on top of them, he has his head against their stomach and his arms protectively around their waist, or if his head is on his lap he just gently holds them and usually falls asleep
He's close with all of his family but is 1n00% a momma's boy
He stims by making faces, which is slightly weird if you don't know him wel
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Chapter 8.5: 007- Peña, Agent Peña
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Summary: After Javi's surprise on the Peña ranch, you had already had the best night of your life. Little did you know, your night was just beginning.
Word Count: 4.9K (This is as short as it's ever gonna get, this is just who I am)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v sex (wrap it up), creampie, praise (oh boy, does Javi tell you what a good job you're doing), semi-public nudity?? (not really, but you'll see!!), mentions of eating/food, mentions of alcohol, mentions of loss of a parent, you and Javi being absolute goofballs and being lovesick idiots
A/N: SO. I finished Chapter 8 and went to go walk my dog, and the song "Would That I" by Hozier came on, and it 100% is the inspiration behind this mini chapter. I literally came up with the idea for this chapter and wrote it in less than 24 hours because Javi and Osita live in my head rent free at all times being the cutest two idiots to ever exist. Enjoy this fun lil bit, it's honestly probably my favorite thing that I've written for this series so far!!!
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“I’m not sure if cold, post sex and first I love you’s is the way that your dad intended us to eat these enchiladas, but holy shit are they delicious.” You and Javi laughed, finishing the last bites of the enchiladas verdes Chucho had packed for the both of you. It probably would have made more sense to eat dinner almost an hour ago when Javi had first taken you out to watch the sunset in the back of his truck, but, no offense to Chucho’s enchiladas, having the most romantic sex of your life followed by Javi telling you that he loved you for the first time seemed to take higher priority to you. 
“These ones are actually pretty good, I will give him that. Thank God he’s finally starting to get better at cooking, a few months ago his food was practically inedible.” Javi shook his head, wiping his face with the back of his hand as gathered both of your cleared paper plates and forks, tossing them into the empty paper bag Chucho had sent them with. 
“Actually? I didn’t know he had come such a long way in his cooking career in such a short time.” You snickered, pulling some of the blankets laying at the edge of the truck bed over you as you scooted yourself closer to Javi, laying your head against his chest as you snuggled next to him. Pulling you closer, Javi wrapped his arm around you, fingers tracing gentle circles along the back of his sweatshirt you were now wearing. 
“Actually. He never cooked until my mom died. One day he called me while I was still in Colombia and told me he had found one of my mom’s recipe books and was gonna teach himself how to cook. When I came home, he insisted on making me dinner every night so he could show off whatever he was learning. I ate a lot of sandwiches after he fell asleep the first few months I was home.” 
“Well despite the terrible food you had to eat, that’s actually really sweet. Glad I came around when I did so I only have to reap the benefits of his good cooking and not suffer along with you.” You giggled as he squeezed you before giving you a playful shake wrapped in his arms. “Can you cook at all, or is this a warning that you’re gonna subject me to your awful cooking too?” 
“I can cook enough. Not a good cook by any means, but definitely not my Pops a few months ago. Can do more than Kraft Mac and Cheese, I’ll tell you that much.” He smirked, poking fun at the first meal you had made. You sat up, giving him the biggest stink face you could muster without bursting into laughter.
“Okay, first of all, rude. Second of all, don’t act like you wouldn’t have eaten an entire second pot if I hadn’t made one for you, Mr. Literally Will Literally Eat Anything Under The Sun In World Record Time.” 
“If I seem to remember correctly, you weren’t doing a lot of complaining after I ate, Osita.” He winked at you as you nudged your elbow into his side before he grabbed you, rolling you over and playfully wrestling you into the pile of pillows and blankets beneath you. “C’mere, Hermosa.” He wrapped his arms around you as you giggled and squirmed beneath him, trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp. You kicked your feet as he kissed at your neck, his mustache ticking you with each peck of his lips. Using all your might, you were able to roll over on top of him, straddling his lap as he lay on his back, breaking free of his grasp.
“Can’t get me that easy, Peña. Wrestling was the only way I got anything from my brothers for the first ten years of my life.” You smirked as you leaned down to kiss him as his fingertips gripped into your hips, pulling you further on to his lap. 
“Could think of worse ways to lose a wrestling match.” Javi’s face smug as he gestured to how you were sitting on top of him, letting out a quiet groan as you started to grind into his lap, feeling him already half hard beneath you. “Careful, Hermosa. Not gonna be so nice if you’re gonna try to play dirty.” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to make the next move. 
Still bent over him, you kissed up his neck and jaw before nipping at his ear. “Last time I checked, you liked it when I played dirty.” Your whispers left jaw slack, pressing up into you, his dick already straining against the fabric of his sweatpants. 
“Fuck me.” He murmured under his breath as you began to grind harder into his crotch. “You wanna play dirty, baby? I can play fuckin’ dirty.” You could see the lust filled in the dark pool of his eyes, biting down on your lip, already feeling the slick pooling between your legs with each sway of your hips. “You already wet for me, baby?” 
This man read you like a book- like he had every fucking page memorized. “Mmmhhhmm.” You nodded, feeling how soaked the fabric of your sweatpants already was as you felt your clit rub deliciously against Javi’s dick, hard and heavy underneath you. 
“I know you are, dirty girl. Want me to touch you baby? Want me to make you come before I fuck that perfect pussy again?” You nodded again, frantically shaking your head yes at his filthy words as you worked yourself against his length. He laughed to himself, shaking his head as he watched how blissed out you already were rubbing against him. “Too bad.” 
You paused, shooting him a confused look. “What do you mean, too bad?” 
“You know exactly what I mean. You wanna play dirty, I will too. You wanna come? You get yourself off like this.” He gave you a subtle nod of his head, gesturing to how you were sitting on top of his lap. 
“Are you serious? Javi, c’mon, please.” You rolled your eyes at him as you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to play off how desperate you already were for him. 
“Rules are rules baby. Fight dirty, play dirty. C’mon pretty girl, I know how needy you are, how wet that pretty pussy is for me.” He mewled as he toyed with the waistband of your sweatpants, fingers brushing against your skin. He dug his fingers into your hips, slowly pushing them back and forth against his lap, encouraging you to pick back up your pace brushing up against his dick with every motion. “There you go, hermosa. That’s my girl. Just like that, baby.” He praised as you found yourself rubbing harder and harder against him, slick coating your thighs. With his length, it wasn’t hard to feel how big he was, making it easy to find a sweet spot that brushed up against your sensitive bundle of nerves as you rocked your hips back  and forth over him. 
“Javiiiii, fuck.” You whined, feeling the heat build at the base of your spine as your clit rubbed harder and harder on his covered cock. 
“That’s it, Osita. Doing so good for me, baby. God, you look so fucking pretty riding me like that, C’mon, I know you’re close sweetheart.” His praise had you climbing towards your high, each time you ground your hips into him had you closer and closer to coming undone. His name fell from your lips, moaning as he was gripping your hips again pushing you deeper into him. 
“Javi, I’m so close. Fuck, fuck fuckkkkkk.” You whimpered as you felt the euphoria rush through you, gushing, feeling your pussy throb from the intensity of your orgasm. You slumped into him, face falling on to his chest as you caught your breath. 
“Such a good girl, Osita. My good fucking girl. Did so good for me baby.” He whispered in your ear as hand his hands along your body, trembling at his touch. “Still want me to fuck you, dirty girl?” 
“Yes, holy shit, yes.” You moaned. “Please, I need you so bad Javi.” He helped you pull your sweatpants down, kicking them off your feet as you straddled back over Javi, sitting on top of his thighs. Slipping your fingers under his waistband, you pushed the pants down, revealing his dick, already red, precum leaking from its tip, leaving a stain on his sweatpants. You lifted yourself up, slowly sinking down on his length, each inch splitting you open with the sweetest stretch. Even without his fingers to warm you up, you were so wet that you took him easily, feeling yourself bottom out on his cock as Javi let out an audible groan. His hands reached around, giving you a light smack on your ass before his fingers kneaded into your flesh. You began to raise yourself up and down along his length, swirling your hips as your hands tugged at the hem of his sweatshirt that you were wearing, ready to take it off. His hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you before you could get any further. 
“Keep it on. Fuck, I love seeing you in my clothes.” He bit down on his lip as you nodded, rubbing your hands up and down his chest as you threw your head back, drunk on the way his dick felt hitting against that sweet spot inside you. The hair around his base rubbed against your clit, making you whine as you picked up your pace. “Jesus Hermosa, fuck me. Taking me so well. My sweet girl.” His voice was thick and raspy between his heavy breaths, his eyes glued on your every move as you rode him. 
Suddenly, you felt him shift. Sitting up with his back pushed up against the truck, he wrapped his arms around you pulling you in so you were chest to chest, foreheads pressed against each other. You could feel him thrust up into you, his cock punching that magical spot that made the heat at the base of your spine creep up your back. “Javi, fuck baby, you feel so good. Fuckkk.” You tugged at his thick curls, burying your face in the crook of his neck, the scent of his sweet and spicy cologne clinging to his sweatshirt. 
“I know, hermosa, I know. Fuck, you’re so wet and tight, baby. Gonna give me one more? Soak my dick before I fuck you full of me again?” You wrapped your legs around his waist, digging your fingers into his back as you felt yourself snap, screaming his name as pleasure ran through every inch of you. You could feel how tight you were clenching around his cock as you came, his thrusts pounding deeper and faster into you. It didn’t take long for him to meet his own end, only needing a few more pumps before you felt his seed spill into you, leaking down your thighs and into his lap as you slumped into each other. 
“Fuck, Osita.” He whispered between his labored breathing, lifting his head off your shoulder, smiling at your blissed out face. “Jesus, I fucking love you.” 
“I love you too, Jav. Super romantic with your dick still in me and your cum dripping down my legs.” You giggled, still sitting in his lap. 
“It’s fucking hot, is what it is. Fuck me, you’re so sexy. What the fuck did I ever do to deserve such a beautiful woman who fucking loves me like you?” 
“God, you’re so sweet. Get your dick out of me before I start crying again, you menace.” You both laughed as you shifted off of him, grimacing at the mess you had left behind in Javi’s lap. “Do you have any towels, or leftover napkins? Sorry, I made a fucking mess. So much for those showers before we left.” 
Javi paused for a moment before a sly grin crept across his face. “Ostia, can you swim?
You raised an eyebrow at him, very confused by his question, considering you were surrounded by a gigantic, grassy field. “What? Yes, of course I can swim? Why are you asking me that? How is knowing if I can swim helpful right now?”  
His smile turned giddy, smirking at you as he shimmied his sweatpants back over his legs. “C’mon, get in the truck.” He slid himself off the back of the truck bed, standing up and outstretching his hand toward you. You quickly pulled your sweatpants back on too, following behind him as he helped you out of the truck and picked you up to put you in the passenger seat. 
“Javi, what the hell are we doing? Are you gonna go throw me in a trough or something? Listen, I love those cows, but I am not gonna be happy if you toss me into a bucket full of dirty cow spit water.” You crossed your arms at him, waiting for a response. 
“You’ll see.” He winked at you before shutting your door, hopping over to the driver’s side and starting up the car. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” You grumbled, still crossing his arms at him. He reached over the center console, giving you a quick kiss before pulling away and shifting the truck into drive. 
“I’m a very lucky man, indeed.” You finally shifted out of your playfully grumpy demeanor, melting as Javi stared at you, his sweet, puppy dog eyes making your heart explode every time they landed on you. You turned up the radio as Javi pulled away, heading the opposite direction that you came from, his headlights shining on a thick patch of trees at the end of one of the pastures. Driving a little deeper into the wooded area, Javi put the car in park, leaving you even more confused than when you left. He smiled at you as he shut off the ignition, hopping out the door before coming around to your side, helping you out of the car. 
“God, I thought driving me out to the middle of the field was bad, but taking me out into the woods in the pitch black? You really never are beating these serial killer allegations, I’m afraid.” 
“You’re the worst, do you know that?” Javi shook his head as he grabbed your hand, pulling you along with him as he began to walk through the trees. 
“I’m just saying! Listen, if you really wanted- Hey! Hey! Put me down!” You squealed as Javi picked you up, flinging you over his shoulder as you pounded your fists against his back, kicking and giggling with each step he took. God, was he strong. He carried you like it was nothing, laughing to himself as he watched you try to wriggle your way out of his fireman hold. Letting out a huff of defeat, you slumped further into him, staring at the ground as he took each step. 
“At least I have a good view of your ass from here.” You snickered as he continued walking. 
“You really like my butt, don’t you?” He laughed, rustling you in his grasp, still flung over his shoulder. 
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are built like a God, Javier Peña. You’re very much proving your point right now carrying my fat ass through the woods.” 
He stopped, setting you down so you were facing towards him, placing his strong hand under your chin before tilting it up towards him. You gazed up at him, a surprisingly serious look spread across his face. “Hey. I love your ass. I love your body. Every curve, every single bit of you. Okay?”  
“Okay.” You softly replied, pulling you in tighter as he kissed the top of your head. “So are you gonna tell me where the hell we’re going, or are you just gonna keep carrying me through the woods?” 
“Turn around.” He nodded his head, gesturing behind you. As you spun around, you saw the moonlight sparkle off ripples of the pond in front of you. Rocks and tall grass surrounded the edges, water from a small stream flowing from behind the reeds into the pond. An old, worn wooden dock sat at the end, hovering over the first few feet out into the water. You turned back around to look at Javi, now smirking at your pleasant surprise with his most recent mystery. “I was out here every day as a kid in the summer. Nothing much, but it was deep enough to swim in. Haven’t been back here since high school, probably.”
“Is this where you’d take all the ladies to woo them with your swimming skills?” You joked, giving Javi a nudge as he stared around the pond. 
“No.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Just me and my friends, sometimes my cousins when they came over, if I was lucky.” 
“Well, I feel very honored to be the first lucky woman to get to see this secret pond.” You replied, slipping your sweatpants off your waist, leaving your bottom half exposed. Javi’s jaw dropped for the second time today watching you strip yourself of your clothes. “What?” You looked at him as your sweatshirt came next, dropping in a pile next to your pants, leaving you fully naked in front of him. “Aren’t we getting in?” You tilted your head at the pond, smirking at Javi who was now speechless. 
“You sure?” He said, gulping as he looked you up and down, your soft skin glowing in the moonlight. 
“Would I be standing here naked if I wasn’t?” You shrugged your shoulders as you raised an eyebrow at him. “You gonna swim in your sweats or am I gonna keep standing here like a naked idiot waiting for you?” Before you could say anything else, Javi’s clothes were on the ground next to yours, leaving you both bare, hidden amongst the secluded trees. This time, you grabbed his hand, running as you pulled him to the end of the dock, abruptly pausing as you got to the edge. “Are there like, weird things in here? It’s deep enough to jump in, right?” 
“Hermosa, just get in, you’re fine.” 
“Okay, but like-” 
“Osita, get in or I’m gonna push you in.”  
“You wouldn’t dare.” 
“You know I fucking will.” 
“Ugh okay, okay! Just promise me-” 
“Javi, wait-” 
“I’m being serious, don’t you do it! Javier Jesús Peña, I swear to God-” 
Before you could finish, Javi had his arms wrapped around your waist, swinging you back and forth, throwing you over the edge of the dock, limbs flailing as you splashed into the water. You peeked your head up, running your hands over your face as you watched Javi laughing hysterically. You flung your hand against the water, trying your best to splash him as he still stood at the edge thoroughly amused with himself. 
“I hate you, I hope you know that.” You grumbled, splashing him again. “Hey, wait, where are you going?” You shouted as you watched Javi turn around, making his way off the dock. It wasn’t long before you regretted asking the question, as Javi quickly turned around, getting a running start as he launched himself off the edge, drenching you as he drove into the water, making waves that splashed against you upon his entrance. You swam there for a moment, waiting for his head to pop up somewhere next to you, when suddenly, you felt something wrap around your ankle, making you absolutely screech at the top of your lungs. You swam as fast as you could back to the edge of the dock, clinging to the edge as you heard more hysterical laughter behind you, turning around to see Javi cackling to himself as you panted breathlessly, waiting for your heart rate to return to a semi-normal pace. 
“Holy shit, I didn’t think I was gonna scare you that bad, Osita.” He came down from his laughter, looking over at you hanging from the wooden planks still trying to catch your breath. “I’m sorry, baby. Are you okay?” He swam closer to you, now seeming like he felt a little remorse for what he had done. 
You took a few more deep breaths before letting go of the dock, looking back at him. Now only an arms’ length away from you, you swam full force towards Javi, wrapping your body around his, trying to wrestle him in the water. “You are an absolute jerk, you know that?” You grunted between your giggles as Javi grabbed you back, spinning you as you thrashed in the water, splashing it in his face before he grabbed your face to kiss him. Your legs locked around Javi’s hips, arms wrapping around his neck as his slipped behind your back, pulling you closer, feeling weightless in the water. He drew away for a moment, taking one of his hands to caress your face, rubbing his thumb along your jaw. 
“I forgive you, I guess.” You smiled as you sat there for a moment, taking in every detail of his face. His messy wet hair, his chocolate brown eyes, the way his mustache shifted above his lips as he smiled, everything about him that made you love him even more than you thought you already could. The way he looked back at you made you feel like there wasn’t anyone else in the world who could ever love you more. 
“God, you’re so beautiful. I love you, Osita.” 
“I love you too, Javi.” 
He brought you in closer, placing another gentle kiss on your lips. He pulled away again, this time with a look of panic washing over his face.
“What? Are you okay?” 
 “Was that your foot?” 
“My feet are wrapped around your waist?” You looked at him curiously. 
Trying his best to keep calm, Javi swam you both closer and closer to the shore, still carrying you with him as you stepped back on to land. This time, it was your turn to laugh at him, suddenly realizing why he had gotten out so quickly. “Not big and brave now, huh?” 
“At least I didn’t scream like you.” 
“Oh shut up.” You giggled as he set you back down, now sopping wet and shivering next to your pile of clothes. “Any way to explain to your dad why the hell we’re both coming back soaking wet?” You grimaced as you started to pull your sweatshirt over your wet body.
“We’re not.” His face smug as he followed suit opting to only put on his sweatpants, leaving him shirtless as you both headed back through the trees. 
“So…. What? You’re just gonna ask your dad to close his eyes and ignore us when we come back inside?” You raised an eyebrow in confusion looking up at Javi as he reached down to grab your hand as you walked. 
“No. To be honest, Pops is probably already passed out in front of the TV, but of course, you can’t walk through the front door without going past him. We’ll just sneak in through my bedroom window and he’ll be none the wiser.” 
You stopped for a second before laughing at him, continuing to walk as you shook your head. “Sneak in? What are we, 16? I know you said you’ve never brought any girls down here before, but I have a very hard time believing this is the first time you’ve snuck a girl into your room, Javier Peña.” 
“Only a few times.” He looked down at the ground sheepishly as you squeezed his hand. 
“I’m just giving you a hard time, Jav. Wouldn’t be my first time sneaking in either.” You admitted, your cheeks turning slightly red at your admission. 
“Really?” He perked up. “You don’t strike me as the type, but do tell.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You just seem like such a rule follower, maybe it’s the teacher in you.” He shrugged as you rolled your eyes. “What’d ya do?” 
“Fair, I guess. I was 17. One of my friends was having a party at her parents house while they were on vacation, and being the rule follower that I am, I asked my parents and they said no. I was so mad because it felt like they always let my brothers go out and have fun and I never got to. So, once everyone was asleep, I snuck out, rode my bike all the way to my friends house, got drunk out of my mind, which is part of the reason why I can never drink vodka again, and by some miracle, was able to ride my bike back home. When I came in through the side door of the garage, my brother David was in there, already waiting for me. He told me that he could hear me singing at the top of my lungs halfway down the block. He took pity on me and helped my drunk ass up to bed and never told my parents. He’s always been my favorite brother. Then, I pretended to have the stomach flu for the next 3 days to cover up for my hangover.” You both laughed as you finished your walk up to the truck, Javi opening the passenger door for you as you stepped in. 
“No vodka, duly noted. You trying to tell me your singing gets even more obnoxious when you’re drunk?” He smiled as you buckled yourself in. 
“You love my singing, don’t lie. But um… maybe… Just a little. You’ll just have to deal with my sober serenading for now, sorry.” You smirked at him as you shrugged your shoulders, Javi laughing to himself as he shut the door behind you. 
As promised, you spent the rest of the ride to the ranch windows down, blaring “Go Your Own Way” from Fleetwood Mac, noting that even though Javi had put on the album not long ago, you were a bit distracted to actually listen to any of the songs. If it was anyone else, Javi would have rather been caught dead than singing along to anything, regardless of song, album or artist. But lucky for him, you weren’t just anyone. You were his everything. Javi was sad when you’re singing came to an end, lowering the music as you pulled up to the house, trying to remain as quiet as possible to not wake up his dad. 
“Too bad you don’t have the James Bond soundtrack in your car, I feel like we’re on some sort of secret mission right now.” You whispered, trying to close the truck door behind you as quietly as possible. 
“C’mon, you dork.” He replied, taking you by the hand and leading you around the edge of his house. You both tiptoed along the wood siding of the house, Javi leading you before stopping under one of the windows, slightly cracked open, pushing out of its frame. “Alright, if I lift you up, can you push it the rest of the way open and climb in?” 
“Sure thing, Agent Peña. What number do you want to be, since you clearly can’t be 007, that one’s already taken. I don’t think they’ll let you be the next James Bond with that ‘stache.” You mumbled, stepping in front of Javi as he got ready to lift you up. 
“Will you just get in the window, please?” He scoffed, squeezing his hands on your hips, getting ready to hoist you. 
“Fine, fine, just say you wanna be lame and move on. I’m ready.” As Javi shot you up, your fingers wrapped around the edge of the windowsill, humming to yourself as you shimmied yourself in. 
“Bada boommmm, bada booommmmm, bahnanah.”  
“Are you seriously singing the James Bond theme song right now?” Javi looked up at the window as you pushed open the rest of the pane, now looking down at him. 
“Yeah, at least one of us should have a little fun with this. You need my help getting in?” 
He hadn’t even answered your question before he was already halfway through the window, pulling himself through and landing on the floor.  
“Showoff.” You grumbled to yourself as he closed the window behind him. Wet and uncomfortable in your clothes, you stripped them off of you, drying yourself off from the towel you had left on Javi’s bed from your shower earlier. Javi did the same, shedding his sweatpants and throwing them next to yours before you both crawled under the covers, curling into each other. You pulled the comforter up over you, nestling against the warmth of Javi’s body. Laying your head on Javi’s chest, Javi ran his fingers through the ends of your hair, still damp from your swim. It wasn’t until you hit the bed that you realized just how exhausted you were, barely keeping your eyes open, your eyelids heavy with sleep.
“Javi?” You asked, looking up at him, your voice low and soft, letting out a quiet yawn. 
“Yes, Osita?” He peered down at you, fingers still twisting through your locks. 
“You really love me?” 
He chuckled warmly, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head. “I really do. Con todo mí corazón. (With all my heart.) Get some sleep, Hermosa, I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” 
He paused, waiting for you to respond. 
The only thing he heard after that were your sweet snores humming against his chest, you already sound asleep in his arms. He gave you one more kiss on the head before pulling you closer, shutting his eyes as he whispered one last goodnight.  “Buenas noches, Osita. Soy un hombre afortunado. Tienes todo mí corazón para siempre. Te amo.” (Good night, Osita. I’m a lucky man. You have all of my heart, forever. I love you.)
@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed
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herozdiary · 4 months
woo!!!! good job on getting a new laptop :33
can i request simon and a reader who has a super unhealthy attachment to him? not like yandere since the reader is more neutral, but just likes spending time with him and kind of bases their life around him >_<
Simon x reader
This entry contains…established relationship|slightly obsessed reader|simon is just simon|Written in HC form!| Simon and You are both Minecraft addicts|
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When you first met Simon you kinda just saw him around your neighborhood.Being homeschooled as you and your parents didn't like the college around the area.
it wasnt much of choice but you didn't mind with how nice it was being at home you sometimes saw simon walking back home from the train station.You never struck a conversation with him.But both of your parents were friends.
sometimes when his mom would chat with yours,The both of you would kinda just stand there and not saying a single word. that was until your parents made you guys have a conversation about something.
you started to rant to him about minecraft and that was the way to his heart apparently.He was grasping onto every word you said.
Soon he became more talkative towards you.Everytime he saw you he would tell you about his new build he made.
you began to get excited to see and hear about his new build.You hated to admit it but you felt yourself start to get attatched to him.
you loved to hear what he had to say as it seem like he didn't have much friends.You knew about sophie but at the same time she probably wasnt someone you would wanna rant too about minecraft.
You even tried to convince your parents to let you go to his college.But in the end they didn't agree but allowed you to do online classes at the school. Soon you began to rant to Simon about how boring the online classes were and how you were rather go to real school.
Blah blah blah anyway you guys get together! Time for more exciting things!
You’re always in his business! you always wanna know what he’s doing and what’s he up too.
Sometimes you feel bad when you distract him from his school work but you honestly can’t help it. Simon never complains though.
Slowly you learn more of his interests so you and him have more things to talk about.
One day his mom went out of town so you used that time to sleep over. during that you learned about his favorite food and was practically glued to his side as he taught you how to cook it.
You started to kinda mimic him as you began to listen the music he listened to and kinda dressed like he did.
You always wanted to be near him. you wanted to hang out with him as much as you could. He was going out with friends? count yourself in! some of his friends would find it annoying as you were always there but soon they got used to it and wouldn't groan at the sight of your face when you would show up to their hangout clinging to simon's arm.
he tried to tell you that you shouldn't be so clingy but you completely let his words fly over your head as you basically wrapped your entire body around his frame while whispering compliments to him.
He didn't know if this behavior was normal or if his friends were overreacting so he asked his mother for advice on it.
She was a little confused before she explained to simon how he should set boundaries with you. He spent the rest of the night cooped up in his room making a list of boundaries he wanted you to respect. He practied in his beaten up mirror what he was going to say before taking in deep breath as he went to bed in hopes that you would listen.
The next day when you came over, Simon instantly made it known that there was something very important he wanted to disscus with you. you got a little scared that he was dumping you. as simon explained how he needed some space and how you were a little to clingy for comfort you let out a sigh of relief as the fear of being dumped soon was washed away.
You promised him you would start to work on it as you didn't wanna lose him nor make him uncomfortable in any way. You asked him for help on how maybe you could combat with your clingy behavior and he offered to give you one of his hoodies so you always had something of his to distract the urge of wanting to go find him and cling onto him.
Soon, He started to see a change in you. You made new friends and started to pick up a hobby. He would sometimes catch you wearing his hoodie to school and it warmed his heart as he saw you put in effort to change.
Of course he did adore when you were clingy whenever you hug out but you always made sure to give him his own personal space towards the end of your hangouts.
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mm-275 · 1 year
Request: nope
tw: some cuss words
- You would probably have had to have asked him out first, cause I know everything that happened with Gwen and when he flirted with her, scarred him.
- If you asked him out, honestly good for you cause he would’ve taken literally forever to do it himself 😭
- Butttt, if he asked you out, he took FOREVER to even think about talking to you, let alone asking you out on a date.
- This boy is so incredibly bad with saving up his money. He was able to do it the first few dates, but don’t get used to it because most dates will be on his roof or in his or your rooms (you don’t mind because he makes it fun)
- You guys get into a good flow of a relationship pretty quickly, and if you have classes with him, the teachers hate you guys so much (it’s his fault he’s throwing stuff at you) 
- He would never rush you in anything, so any “major” steps in the relationship will probably have to be initiated by you (hand holding, first kiss, etc etc)
- But you were never made aware of this, so on the like 5th date you’re like “wtf why won’t he hold my hand”
- He just doesn’t know how a relationship works (we know his mom would murder him if he got a girlfriend), so please help him out he’s clueless 😭
- When you meet his parents, Rio and Jeff think your great (you have the decency to call them Mr & Mrs Morales), and you brought Rio some flowers (you bugged Miles for WEEKS to get him to find out her favorite flower)
- They do question you thoroughly, not to be rude, they wanna make sure you’re a good influence and that you care (I love Gwen but Miles had to have had so much patience I would kick her out the SECOND she put her shoes on my bed)
- Reassure them that you don’t want to nor that you’ve ever done drugs/gotten drunk, and it’s even better if you get good grades.
- They probably invited you to stay for dinner, and you devour Rio’s food (cause I can smell that she cooks like a goddess) and if you ask her to teach you to cook she’s in love and she will make you hang out with her more than you hang out with Miles.
- I think Jeff would be a little less trusting, I mean, he’s a cop so he knows shit that goes down in the streets (he followed you around once or twice when he saw you and Miles walking somewhere together)
- When you wanna take Miles to meet your parents, he’s fucking terrified. He forgets everything and runs everything by you 4x to make sure
- “Does this outfit look good?” “Miles, it’s fine my parents don’t care that much” “I don’t like this shirt hold on-”
- Wears his nicest clothes and shoes he can find, and makes sure to bring your mom her favorite flowers (this is his payback for your weeks and weeks of asking him about his mom)
- He seems like the type of kid that parents love, so he leaves with your parents loving him (he checks 3x a week if they still like him)
- I don’t think he has a big type, I think he’s cool with whatever as long as your personalities click (he’s a thigh guy I stand by that)
- Whatever classes you guys don’t have together, he will walk you to yours. Don’t try to stop him, he will not listen. He will, however, be late to his own class because he did want to hold your hand down the hallway.
- He’s so terrified to tell you about him literally being spiderman, and when he does tell you, you dont believe him, then he pulls out his suit and climbs on the wall and you’re like wtf (like the tom holland spiderman scene)
- Will sneak into your room/sneak you into his room at night because he’s lonely and he loves you (especially before you meet parents)
- Says I love you first, but does it without realizing it because he’s been thinking it, but it slips out and he doesn’t realize it until you react to it.
pt. 2 is up but tumblr hates me and wont let me link anything
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silversainz · 1 year
first everything ✦ LH44
summary: first everything with Lewis
notes: first time trying this lmk how you like it!, There also might be some errors, as I had to finish writing this on mobile sorry!
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First date with him: he honestly seems like the type to let you pick the restaurant, so you feel more comfortable eating there. let’s you pick the sitting area, pick the appetizers etc. at first you’re both very quiet, not really saying anything to each other, being way too shy to say anything. but Lewis is the first to start up a conversation about how your days been going, asks about your mom, dad or siblings, work etc. and so the rest of the night is filled with laughter and memories you’ll both want to remember forever.
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second date: is 100% a beach or yacht date, he’ll set and plan the whole thing for days, or weeks. Until he had everything perfectly planned out. he’ll have a dinner table set up on the head of the deck with candles, roses, wine, and your favorite food. he’ll honestly buy you a pretty outfit and cover your eyes with his hands, as he leads you on the head of the boat where everything was at. within the night as you both are chatting away he’ll casually slide a black box over to you, when you open it, it’ll be a beautiful necklace that’ll leave you speechless.
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His first time staying at your place : after so many dates and many late nights staying on the phone together till you both fell asleep. You and Lewis finally decided to take your relationship to the next step and stay over at one another’s place. The first time he sees your apartment he’s in awe, because how similar you and him design your apartments. but besides the point, when he stays over for the night best believe he has a whole list of stuff he wants to do. build a fort? yes have a movie marathon? yes, have a random bake off yes. also cuddle sessions for hours, while you both chat away about the most randomness stuff.
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your first time staying at his place: since he had stayed at your place it was only fair that you stayed over at his apartment. like him staying over at your place, he’ll plan out a list of things you both could do when you’re staying at his, doing late night face masks? Yes, having a cook off to see who can make the best (vegan) pizza? yes, going to the gas station at three in morning to get snacks, yes. he makes you feel right at home when you’re staying with him. always gives you some of his hoodies, in case you forgot some. gives you space when you’re changing. you staying with him honestly felt so right he’ll probably not want you to go back to your place, he’ll want you to stay with him forever.
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first kiss: first kiss would probably be after your first date, you and him would be walking back to your apartment, after the date. it was cold, so you and him were holding hands, laughing about everything, completely forgetting that you were still on your first date, honestly feeling like you’ve been on your 4th one already. as you both approached your apartment it felt kinda sad, the night was still young and you both had a lot of bottles of wine to keep your minds racing and busy to even think about sleep. so it’ll be like a cheesy movie, he walked you to your door and now you both stood there, quiet, that is until, you decide to invite him into your home. Again like a rom-com you asked him if he wanted some water, only to turn around and see him giggling a shit-ton. you both being way too tipsy, you start giggling with him. the moment felt right and so he stopped giggling and walked up to you, softly crashing his lips on to yours. the kiss felt right, soft, gentle, warm. it was something you’ll definitely remember when your sober.
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first ‘time’ with him: first time with Lewis would probably come a little unexpected to be honest. you both were a little over three months into your relationship. still a freshly new relationship, You both decided you wouldn’t want to rush into things, so you took things slow, honestly loving that a lot more than rushing. He’d ask if you wanted to spend the night at his knowing you had a spare change of clothes at his. the night felt right, it felt like you both moved in with each other. he’d make dinner while you cut up the vegetables, you both would be laughing about something, while drinking beers and feeding each other food like a movie scene. but as the laughter died down, and you and him were cleaning up, Lewis would cheekily pick you up and sit you down on the kitchen counter, no words needed to be said as he settled himself in-between your legs crashing his lips on to yours, the mixture of beer and lust overtaking your minds. he would be gentle with you, like you were a glass and afraid he would broke you. clothes would be tore off and thrown somewhere on the floor, soft sounds of moans and groans would fill the room as you left scratches up and down his back, while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear
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first I love you: it’ll come after he won a race. he had invited you to go watch him race for the first time, as you had always said no, nerves not really that qualified to watch the man you loved race around in a fast car knowing anything could happen. when you finally said yes. you’ll arrive at the paddock, meeting all his friends, teammate, and all the other people in the garage. he’d be getting ready to race, everything on and car ready to go. as you watched him drive off your nerves did not slow down. but they did stop once you saw the checkered flag and his car finishing first. it’ll be, in his eyes, a perfect moment. everybody was cheering him on his he ran towards them celebrating the win with him. he would then run over to you, picking you up, swinging you around while planting kisses all over your face, and then the word would slide off your tongue so casually, a simple “I love you” being told in his ear by you, would have him stopping everything, and like in those movies, he’d take off his helmet dropping it to the floor, while crashing his lips on to yours, whispering I love you over and over, until somebody had to drag him off of you to go to the podium, but even while being dragged away from you he’d still be shouting I love you.
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meeting his parents: throwing up, and having a panic attack is what you felt when Lewis suggested that you should meet his parents, having been going out for almost a year now, it was only right. but despite what you felt you said yes, not wanting to sound rude or disrespectful if you said no every time he asked if you wanted to meet them. so when the time came for you to meet them, Lewis would proudly show you off to them, which Honestly helped you step out of your comfort zone and talk freely with them. his moms and dad would constantly ask about when you’d both have children, ask about your own family and what you did for a living. his parents adore you, even if they met you for ten or five seconds, they already adore you, and they already consider you apart of the family.
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Meeting your parents: now meeting your parents is a pain, not from your parents, no, from your two younger brothers. they are very overprotective of you and disapprove of everyone you date (they are ten and twelve), so when Lewis meets them, they immediately give him the what do you want with my sister talk which makes him laugh, but gives them a little speech about how much he loves you and how he brought them gifs, which immediately makes them like him. your parents on the other hand absolutely adore him, mostly because of how much you talk about him and how happy he makes you. and without even needing to question him or even sit him down and talk to him, they already consider him apart of the family and expect him to visit them when you do.
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editing on mobile sucks so I'll fix it in the morning, also I’m happy with everything on here, except the meeting your parents so lmk if it makes sense or doesn’t and I’ll change it up a bit
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rai-chuuuu · 6 months
Hey can i get a nct127 headcanon
They dating a latina reader? Thanks🩷 if you want to do it in spanish or English it’s fine
╰┈➤ nct (127) dating a latina !
dating a latina + extra facts (0.8k words)
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pairing ; every member x fem latina!reader
warnings ; fluff , silly stuff , pet names (theyre from doyoung and jaehyun) ,
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Taeyong - At first, he was scared to meet your parents, but they absolutely love him. He’s a bit shy, but that doesn’t stop Taeyong from helping out with your family. Whenever you visit your family, it’s either your mom or an aunt giving you a plate full of food and saying, “Oyes, esto es para tu novio. (Hey, this is for your boyfriend.)” Taeyong makes an effort to learn Spanish to the best of his ability. Maybe it isn’t the best, but he has a good understanding of it. 
Extra: His favorite dish would be fresas con crema.
Johnny - You know when you have a crush on a sibling or cousin's partner? That’s the case for one of the teenagers in the family. It’s because of how charismatic Johnny is. Other than that, your tias love him and talk about all kinds of family chisme. Whenever he’s asked to put tortillas on the comal, he always manages to miss a tortilla or grab it when it’s too hot. He calls you his “beautiful Latina queen.” 
Extra: Johnny probably loves your mom's food more than yours. You can’t even blame him for that.
Yuta - The little kids love hanging out with him! Whenever he’s over, you can always find Yuta playing soccer or messing around with the dogs. If you go to a family gathering without him, the kids ask where he is. Sometimes he’ll try to give the dog some tortilla, but he isn’t sneaky with it. Yuta’s favorite holiday is Christmas, especially with your family. Most of the time, he gets more gifts than the kids because everyone loves him. You’ll get a present or two, but he goes home with the best stuff ever!
 Extra: Yuta sleeps with a wolf blanket.
Doyoung - Everyone loves Doyoung. He’s amazing at Spanish, can get along with every age group, and has such a nice charm. He abandons you for your tias. Whenever you try to talk to Doyoung, he’s in the middle of chismeando or is helping someone cook. When you two are talking with the señoras, it’s a conversation that lasts forever. That’s why you guys leave so late. He calls you things like “mi vida” or "cariño,” and it’s so heartwarming when it happens because he really does love you. 
Extra: Your family might love him more than you.
Jaehyun - Unlike Doyoung, your family abandons their activities for him. They all swarm around Jaehyun and ask him all kinds of questions, as if they’ve never seen a man. They always ask him such weird things, like if he’s an alien or something. Also, unlike Doyoung, whenever he calls you “mi amor” or “mi reina," it’s honestly terrible because he’s not saying it in the accent, but it’s okay because it’s Jaehyun. He tries, and that’s what really matters. Honestly, he’d be a perfect vaquero boyfriend.
 Extra: He once got on a horse but got flung off not long after.
Jungwoo - He loves hanging out with the guys in the family. Once Jungwoo is with them, expect him to not leave until it's too late. He always finds a way to impress your tios, whether it’s speaking Korean, Chinese (Mandarin, I believe), or even the little bit of Spanish he’s picked up. On game days, Jungwoo’s watching the game and might’ve bet some money as well. Whenever a holiday pops up, everyone already knows to serve bigger portions for him due to his appetite. He gets spoiled. 
Extra: His grito is really good. Impressive, even.
Mark - The adults love him, but the children have a burning hatred for him. He’s getting showered with affection while not understanding what they’re saying at all, but he’s always getting stared down by the kids. The reason was because Mark took all the piñata candy. He doesn’t play around when it comes to piñatas. Mark also shows people his music and convinces them to stream it, but that doesn’t work.
 Extra: When he’s traveling with you to a Latin country, he gets scammed by street vendors.
Haechan - Sometimes you can’t tell if your family is yours or Hyucks. They adore him and spoil him rotten. You get to eat a single plate? Your moms already gave Haechan three. It’s sick and twisted. He’s a prank puller, but everyone still loves him. Other than that, he’s a real family guy. Haechan loves being with you and your family, even if there’s a slight language barrier. 
Extra: Once planted, place baby Jesus in your rosca slice to avoid making tamales himself.
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b4ts1e · 2 months
▀▄▀▄▀▄Sick Days▄▀▄▀▄▀(𝚐𝚗!𝙼𝙲)
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚍:
𝚀𝚒𝚞/𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚗 𝙻𝚒𝚗
𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙱𝚊𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚗
𝙼𝙲 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 (𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙾𝙻:𝙽&𝙵)
𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎: 𝙽𝚘𝚠 & 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚔 2024
𝙳𝚊𝚢 2 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝: 𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚙
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𝚀𝚒𝚞/𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚗 𝙻𝚒𝚗
<> Since Qiu is a popular kid, it's likely that once they hear that you're sick from either your mom or from Mrs.Murray that they'd ask the class to make get well soon cards or maybe to just sign off on one he drew up during lecture. Maybe get the boy's squad into it as well.
<> Because he can't be there to take care of you himself, he'd definitely make it a daily habit, while your unwell, to come and check in after school/dance. Maybe he'd make a cup telephone if you're that sick.
<> I can totally see him asking his parents to help him make something healthy but delicous for you to eat to help get better. Maybe a traditional Chinese congee recipe or an herbal soup.
<> Once you get back to school he most definitely prioritizes spending time with you for the first day of your return, even if he's being asked by others to hang out. ESPECIALLY if this is a common occurance because of your health issues.
<> From what the public demo shows of step two, Autumn would willingly skip school to take care of you- especially if your mom can't be at home with you. Would most likely sneak in through your window, using the trees outside to get access to the roof (and to hide from any adults who'd stop them). Even if you tell them to go to school and to not worry about you- they'd stay anyways. Much like a cat honestly. "Who made you the boss?" type energy.
<> If it's one of those sicknesses where hot and cold flashes are a promenint symptom, they'd be so quick to hand over their jacket to you for while your sick. They'd expect it back once you're better, wash it first of course, but since they can't be with you the entire time you're sick (to avoid being caught) it's a nice sense of comfort. It'd be really comfortable too, especially if they were wearing it right before handing it over- all snug and warm.
<> The first day you're back in action, they'd go to school with you without much of a fight. They probably got in trouble for missing school by their parents, but they really don't care in that moment- they were taking care of you just like they had always done. In their own, closed off, way.
<> Having grown up and matured, I feel like step three Autumn is like a healthy blend of both his ten year old and their fourteen year old self. Being eighteen now and permitted to cook on his own- they'd most definitely make you your favorite sick foods, be it the Chinese style foods he's introduced you too or something from your own heritage. They'd happily make it for you while you were cozied up in bed or on the couch with his jacket or a sweater of theirs.
<> Qiu seems like the type who'd, if you asked, would wash your hair for you while sick or just in general. Being sick makes moving around harder, especially if you're the type to get extremely weak when ill- so he'd willingly do the simple tasks that people usually do in their everyday lives for you, at the drop of a hat.
<> We aren't sure if they're graduated or if he's in their last year of school in step three, so depending on which it is decideds on if they'd take notes on all of the subjects you share for you and retreive your missing work from your classes, or just be at your side unless something comes up and he had to leave your side for a bit. (They would definitely make sure that you wouldn't be left alone, calling Tamarack over for you.) Doting mother bird energy.
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𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙱𝚊𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚗
<> Tama would definitely be the type to show up, nearly get sick due to proximity, then get scolded by her Omi and Opa to let you get better with the help of your mom. They'd most likely have to explain that her getting sick could affect them more harshly since they're older for her to actually listen.
<> Since she can't visit, she'd make a collection of forest trinkets to give you once you get better. Sometimes she'd hand over certain things to Qiu to have him give them to you- be it something from the forest that she feels needs to get to you asap, or if it's something she and her grandparents made together for you.
<> Would drop by before school or on the weekend to drop off a thermos of freshly brewed and steepened herbal tea, maybe a few handmade and specially cut sandwichs for you. She's definitely the type to peel off her crusts, so she would make sure Omi (the one who helped make this care package) did the same for you. After all- you both are the same with age, why would you like crusts when she didn't?
<> She may not take notes during class for herself, but if you did- she'd do it for you while you were gone. Collecting your work and Qiu's (despite not being friends, she'd do this for you- not them) so that neither of you fall too far behind.
<> She knows that Autumn is visiting you, she sees them waiting in the trees by your window for your mom to leave. She won't say anything, but should she have something for you and can't get it to you herself- she'd attempt to work with Qiu to get whatever it is too you. I won't lie- she'd probably feel really bad for not being able to visit as often as they do, but she can't just skip school or afternoon activities like Autumn does.
<> Never the less, she does her very best to visit when she can- would come over when she's free during the weekend with tea and biscuits for you both to share. If you're well enough to take notice of her insecurities about not being able to do much more than what she has already, she'd likely tell you about them without much proding- but will try to play it off as if it isn't a big deal. (Please give her a bear hug when you're better, she need it.)
<> Remember how I said Qiu would be like a mother bird in this step? Yeah. Tamarack is the same way, it's literally in her character bio for this step. "Rather than the 'mom-friend', Tamarack is semi-jokingly the 'grandma-friend' of her circle." You cannot tell me she wouldn't knit you a sweater or scarf whenever you're resting and/or don't need anything in the moment.
<> She and Autumn definitely take turns taking care of you if they're not outright working together to do so, they know your eighteen now and can take care of yourself, but they want to show you they genuinely care. AND Tamarack wants to make up for her lack of time with being able to do this as a teen and/or kid for you.
<> In the habit of making you tea, she'd definitely still do so even after eight years- unless you genuinely dislike tea...she'll find something to make you that'll help you get better quicker, she promises.
<> Definitely the type to hum 'A Spoonful of Sugar' while knitting or preparing something for you to eat and/or drink. She also believes it works too, because it does, whenever you have to take medicine she'll bring a spoon of honey (clover honey most likely, dunno why but it fits her) for you to have afterwards.
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I won't even lie- reading this back I can see a heavy resemblence between the trio of MC, Autumn, and Tamarack to the High Score Trio from The Promised Neverland (Norman, Ray, and Emma). It wasn't intentional I swear. ^^;
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1,337
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2myl0ver · 11 months
☾ txt reaction to having a foreigner s/o
genre : fluff / wc : 343 / tw : food / masterlist
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- honestly doesn't care, very supportive of your and your families beliefs though. to him, he fell inlove with you and that means loving everything about you.
- supports anything and everything your culture does
- really doesn't care lol. he thinks it's cool his s/o is from a foreign country but other than that i don't really think he'd care, it's just the same for him if you were korean.
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- thinks it's so cool😭 he'd always ask questions about your culture and what your traditions are
- he'd be really careful in asking questions afraid of saying something offensive even though you've reassured him a thousand times </3
- always asking you to make food from your country or go to restaurants that serve your country's food, but nothing compares to your cooking for him.
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- always bragging to the other members how good the food of your country is 😭 when you pack him lunch and his members finally get a taste of your food, you are doomed because now all of them want your lunch
- asks you to teach him how to cook your favorite dishes from your country and makes them when you're sick or just simply want something to eat!!
- best believe he will never stop bragging about your food.
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- like yeonjun, doesn't really matter to him. whatever it is, as long as it's you, he'll take it.
- but also like soobin, he's very careful when asking about your culture, making sure not to ask anything offensive
- he'll probably read about your country and it's history, just so you don't feel like theres missing connection, and also simple because he cares lol.
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- asks a lot of questions and you happily answer them >_<
- he learns the recipes to your favorite dishes and surprises you with them!!
- once, he heard you saying you missed your mom's cooking and he called your mom to get her recipes and cooked them the very next day. you couldn't ask for anything better <3
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© 2myl0ver Copyright 2023. Do not copy, repost, or translate without my permission. ♡ ︎and ↻ are very much appreciated !
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koris-crumbs · 11 months
gimme td character headcanons. literally any.
RAHHH okay anything for you pookie. These are mainly for my favorite four but i probably have some more somewhere in this brain of mine
Fem lesbian obvious
Her and Noah are best friends bc they both clocked each other IMMEDIATELY when total drama island first happened
By best friends I mean both of them only admit it internally and never to each other
Shitty, homophobic parents meant she ran away/got kicked out 😋
MAJOR mommy issues. her dad just was kinda there and didn’t do anything
despises her siblings but LOVES noah and his own family
Ended up moving in with Noah trust she’s basically his sister
LOVES babies despite what people may think
Immediately falls asleep after eating (yeah she’s one of those people)
Pretends she only eats gourmet food when in reality her fave is honestly just a good, greasy burger from some shitty diner Noah took her too
Since she got cut off she makes Noah, and eventually Alejandro and Court buy everything for her 😍
LOVES her weird off brand total dramaverse jigsaw movies but that’s about the only type of scary movie she’ll watch bc it has no jumpscares it’s just gore basically.
thinks noah’s crush on alejandro is genuinely the funniest thing in the world she never lets him live it down
was stunned into silence one time bc noah flashed a photo of her bald on facetime one night
Immediately clocked Alejandro as being a closet bisexual she genuinely probably knew he was a boy kisser before he did
Courtney followed her private account after the events of World Tour transpired and heather screamed when she got the notification
has a key to Noah’s house bc she lives there (this will come back later trust)
passenger princess every time
Gay gay homosexual gay
after World Tour and swearing off of reality shows (for now) he gets a job as a barista at some shitty cafe near his house
he gives Heather free coffee bc girl can’t live without it
drove like four hours to pick heather up after she got kicked out
is the designated driver of the group
also usually pays for everything despite being friends with mainly rich (or previously rich in heathers case) kids
knew he had a crush on alejandro from the start and just kinda let it simmer bc he figured nothing would ever come out of it
he has a mom car. a beat up subaru. he is truly the mom friend fr
carries that photo of bald heather around as a way to get her to shut up if she says anything too mean (usually to owen or izzy)
had to be the one to ask alejandro out and literally rehearsed it for hours
is a surprisingly good cook despite being the youngest of nine children. him and owen cook together all the time as a sort of bonding thing
hes a mommas boy trust. both of his parents are great though
never really went all out for halloween until he was roped into a group costume with owen and team e-scope one year. after world tour alejandro convinced him to do couples costumes with him
the most ATROCIOUS fashion sense known to man
the definition of bisexual
he has the absolute shittiest gaydar in the world though. I know it
didn’t even know he himself was bi until world tour
ALSO meant he couldn’t tell noah was gay (stupid) and it devastated him on that plane even though he had no idea why yet
being the youngest and always second best to josé definitely contributed to that
the daddy issues to match heathers mommy issues
always wanted a sister
after courtney and him make up after the events of world tour he basically gets her as one
they shit talk people in spanish together trust
has one sided beef with one of noah’s coworkers bc they have a crush on noah
him and heather stayed close after world tour but he did NOT know she lived with noah. he didn’t even know they were friends.
was always confused on why heather made him drop her off like a block from where she said she lived
was scandalized when he found out heather did in fact not strictly eat gourmet food
hates Owen with a seething passion. this one isn’t even a hc honestly. the hatred after world tour mainly stems from jealousy bc owens so close with noah
“why is he here??” “he’s my best friend, alejandro” “i thought I was your best friend ☹️”
yeah he sticks to that “best friend” story a lot.
noah only starts getting suspicious when alejandro says it’s okay for best friends to kiss just for funsies
him, heather, and courtney have to take noah shopping bc of how atrocious noah’s taste is
doesn’t watch movies in general but he loathes horror movies with a passion bc he’s just like heather and hates jumpscares
noah and court put a horror movie on during movie night one time and alejandro literally almost cut off noah’s circulation from how hard he was gripping
for their first halloween as a couple he made noah dress up as a vampire while he was a werewolf (a better love story than twilight 🤯)
does not. know what to do around babies and toddlers. they make him uncomfortable tbh. what if one crawls over to him? he will kindly pass on that, thank you
one time one of noah’s little cousins waddled up to him and he went 😟 bc he thought noah was testing how good he was with kids
has a key to noah’s house bc he’s down bad and already spends 90% of his time there anyway
neither his nor heathers keys were given to them by noah himself
noah’s momma strikes again
whenever he sits behind her he kicks heathers seat in the subaru
lesbian in denial for a while (lmaoooo i’m dr seuss)
honestly wasn’t even that sad about duncan tbh she was DEVASTATED about gwen though
musical theater kid. probably music kid in general.
despite popular belief i actually imagine her parents being very proud and genuinely good parents. they adore their baby girl
definitely has a big photo of her as a baby hung up in like the main area in her huge house
after heather comforted her she honestly regretted not getting her contact info so she had to resort to finding her on instagram after like a month of searching
her and alejandro had kept in touch so she was surprised when she found out he was best friends with heather and noah as well
100% said the infamous heartbreaking quote to heather during world tour at some point
“why not?” “i wish you were a boy” (sorry)
is a beast and super fan for horror movies and noah’s the first friend she actually gets to enjoy them with bc he doesn’t get scared (unlike a specific two people)
ALWAYS dresses up as a princess or fairy or smth for halloween every year without a doubt. heather nearly had an aneurysm the first halloween they spent together
is scary when she drives solely bc of her road rage which is why noah’s the designated driver not her (heather and alejandro don’t know how to lmaooo losers)
that’s it for them for the moment. maybe i’ll do more for other characters if i think of anything ^^
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comicglitterr0909 · 10 months
Playing with Shadows (part 2)
William Afton x Fem!Reader Finally I finished part two of playing with shadows, if you haven't read part one then a short lil summary of part one is reader is an fbi agent who is tasked with making William Afton fall for them, and we get to know William and his kids and it ends off with William inviting us over for dinner. Honestly just read part one its easier.
But for those who did!! Heres part two!! Its the last part! Hope you guys enjoy! (2.7k+ words) Warnings: Cussing, a guy being a pervert but nothing happens he just says something creepy.
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8:00 am. My alarm goes off and I quickly shut it off, getting up and getting ready a bit faster than normal. Today was the big day after all, I get to have dinner with the Afton family, while also trying to find solid evidence that William Afton is a child murderer. I quickly put on the uniform I have to wear, clipping my nametag on and taking one last look at myself in the mirror. I sigh, fuck, Im an fbi agent, im not supposed to get attached to people, let alone people im investigating. But of course I get attached to a serial killer's family. Well…I guess I don't know for sure if he's a serial killer, there's hope, if he isn't, if the family has just gotten really unlucky then maybe it would be okay? Maybe I could be a part of their family. But, then again, I would have to quit my job as an FBI agent. He definitely wouldn't like me anymore if I told him the only reason I was actually there is because I thought he killed a bunch of kids. Whatever, I need to stop thinking about that, I have a job to do. I grab my car keys and head to Freddys, parking in the parking lot and walking inside. 
I notice the afton kids are already at Freddys, they must’ve spent the night at Williams instead of their moms. Their faces all light up when they see me, Elizabeth runs over and gives me a big hug. “Y/N I missed you! Are you excited to have dinner with us tonight?” She says excitedly, jumping up and down. Evan and Micheal walk over. “Yeah, I’m really excited! What are you guys making for dinner?” I ask them with a grin. Evan giggles. “Daddy told us we had to figure out your favorite food without it being too obvious because he really wants to impress you!” Evan exclaims. A faint blush appears on my cheeks, he wanted to impress me? That's honestly really cute. “Evan you dumb shit, you weren't supposed to tell her that!” Micheal says as he smacks the back of Evans head, Evan starts to cry and runs off. “Oh c'mon now Micheal, go apologize to your brother, he didn’t know any better.” I say crossing my arms, damn I really feel like a Mom right now. “Fineee.” Micheal stubbornly says before running off to find where Evan went while Elizabeth stays by my side as I walk into the kitchen. 
“So y/n what is your favorite meal??” Elizabeth says as she climbs on top of the kitchen counter as I’m putting my waitress apron on. I don’t know why the waitresses have to wear an apron, I don't even cook things, oh well. “Oh uh, I’d probably say like (your fav food)” Elizabeth's eyes light up, she smiles and climbs off the counter. “Okay!!! I’ll go tell Daddy!!” She sprints out of the kitchen to go tell William about my favorite food. God these kids are so sweet, how am I going to abandon them if I have to?? “Are you having dinner with the Aftons?” I turned around and saw Aaron had asked me that. “Oh uh yeah.” “Damn, you must be special, Mr Afton usually is super mean to us, you're like the first one i’ve seen em be nice to.” Well that's pretty interesting, I mean I knew he was extra nice to me but he never seemed like the mean boss type. More like the creepy boss type, but Aaron has worked here for awhile so he wouldn’t lie. That is unless of course, he does lie. I stand there awkwardly nodding before looking away from Aaron. Y’know I think I preferred him when he was high, cause I can tell he’s not right now and he’s giving me pervert vibes. “Yeah… it must be because you're really hot. I mean, if I was the boss I’d have you be my personal assistant so I could stare at your ass all day.” Yup, definitely prefer high Aaron. He moves closer to me, but before he can reach me, William comes up behind him and grabs him by the back of his shirt, lifting him up. Don’t get me wrong, Aaron is like 5’5, super skinny weirdo but William made it look easy to lift him up. “Firstly, Aaron, you're fired, secondly, if I ever see you around y/n and you say that shit to her again, I will beat the everloving shit out of you. Get out of my restaurant.” And with that, William lets Aaron go, and he scrambles out grabbing his stuff and leaving faster than ever. Immediately after he’s out of sight William puts that familiar smile back on his face, walking closer to me and putting his hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay? I had no idea he was such a perv I wouldn’t have hired him.” Fuck, this whole case is turning into a “try not to catch feelings for William Afton/a potential child murderer challenge”. “Yeah, um I’m alright. Thank you.” I say, smiling at him. After I reassure him he lets go of my shoulder. “No problem.” He looks around the kitchen for a moment. “Where is Bethenny, or whatever the hell her name is.” I follow him as he walks to the front door of Freddys, looking out the window for Bitchennys car. It's not there. “Well thats fucking great, I have one employee.” He walks back into the main area with me. “Huh…” He murmurs, I look up at him. “What?” I say as I see Micheal and Evan starting to walk over. “Even though I’m closing Freddy's early today for our dinner, I still have to open it for at least 6 hours. I only have you and me as actual employees and that sure as hell won't work.” Get to the point, Afton, jesus. “Okay?” “Well, why don’t I, just for today, let my kids help run the place? It can’t go that bad can it?” 
Oh it definitely can go that bad. We decided to go through with it, letting a 8, 9 and 16 year old help run a restaurant is a wonderful plan. 
“EVAN NO DON’T EAT THE PIZZA WE HAVE TO BRING THAT TO THE TABLE” Evan is crying because I wouldn’t let him eat the pizza. Micheal is making pizza’s but fucking them up horribly because he’s laughing so hard, Elizabeth is surprisingly the only helpful one right now and is bringing the pizzas to the customers. William is managing the orders and giving us the orders, and I’m micromanaging all the kids and making pizzas at the same time. I guess I did need the apron today. It's a Thursday and Freddy's is unnecessarily packed, the music and the kids yelling and laughing is really not helping with the stress of this all. I quickly shove a pizza in the oven, checking my watch that reads,“5:30pm”. Oh thank god. “30 MINUTES LEFT GUYS WE GOT THIS!” I shout at Micheal, as he nods at me. Evan comes up behind me and steals my phone out of my back pocket. “NO EVAN GIVE IT BACK DAMMIT” Micheal starts laughing again as I chase Evan throughout the entire pizzeria, that is until William grabs Evan and takes my phone from him while laughing. “Hah, here ya go, we got what, 20ish minutes left, I’ll start sending people out.” I let out a relieved sigh, smiling at him before going into the kitchen again. “Alright Michael let's start cleaning this place up.” Micheal, Elizabeth and I all clean the kitchen up, (Extra well since we made more of a mess). William and Evan get everyone out, and just on time, Freddy’s closes. 
“Well done team!” William says, high fiving us all with a cheeky grin. We all cheer and laugh a bit. “Okay, y/n, I’ll give you my address or you can just follow my car with yours, either or?” “Oh I’ll just follow you haha” I already knew his address. So it's easier to just follow. “Sounds good, I’ll see ya in a bit, doll!” He says before getting into his car and starting it. Doll? A pet name? I can’t say I don't like it but c'mon, he’s making it harder to not fall for him. I get in my car and start following him, it takes about 15 minutes before we get to his house. It's a damn nice house too. I park next to his car in the driveway, hoping he wouldn’t mind but then again it's not like his wife parks there. 
“Welcome to my humble abode!” He greets me, opening the door for me as his kids run inside. The inside is just as nice as the outside, they definitely deep cleaned it before I came here but still, it's impressive. William leads me inside, into the kitchen, but before he can say anything Evan walks over and grabs my hand. “Y/n! y/n! I wanna show you my room, come on!!” He says jumping up and down and pulling on my hand. William chuckles. “I’ll start making dinner, the guest has to entertain the kids. I laugh and wave him off before following Evan into his room.
I sit in Evans room talking with him for 20 minutes or so, he is mostly just showing me all his toys and his plushies. To Evans dismay Elizabeth comes in and steals me for her own room tour, her’s is a bit longer since she forces me to play barbie with her.
Micheal comes into her room, but his eyes widen with regret as he sees us playing Barbie. “MICHEAL PLAY BARBIE NOW!” Before Micheal can even react Elizabeth is shoving him into her room and on the floor, and handing him two barbies to act as. Micheal definitely isn't as good at acting as the barbies as I am, then again he’s a guy. “Micheal, you aren’t doing it right, you have a girl Barbie right?” He rolls his eyes. “Yes…” “Then use a girl's voice.” He turns a dark shade of red, clearly embarrassed to have to act like a girl, I’m trying my hardest not to laugh at him. “Fine.” He picks up his barbie and moves it towards the barbie I'm holding. “Hey girl how ya doin?!” He says in a high pitched really girly voice, and, perfect timing, just before he said that William walked in and heard it all. Me and William break and just die of laughter, Micheal is still dark red, the poor kid is just insanely embarrassed, Elizabeth just had her evil smirk on.
After we get done making fun of Micheal, we go downstairs to eat since Wiliam finished cooking. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to act surprised that he made (your fav food). But I choose not to. “Dang this is really good William, I didn’t know you could make anything except for pizza!” I joke with him, he laughs and thanks me.
We all finish eating, and Micheal forces me to play some shooting video game with him, naturally I’m terrible at it, even with having legitimate gun experience, Evan says goodnight to me and runs up stairs to go to bed. We keep playing the game for a while, William letting Elizabeth watch for some reason but whatever. I can tell William isn’t watching the screen, I can feel him staring at me, I try to ignore it the best I can. “Daddy can you come tuck me in, I think I’m going to bed.” Elizabeth promptly says, standing up and beginning to walk upstairs before pausing and turning around. “You too y/n.” She doesn’ even let me argue, she just walks upstairs like the girlboss she is. William chuckles, and walks upstairs with me. We get in Elizabeth's room and William tells her some made up story that puts her right to sleep, I shut off her light and before we can walk downstairs Micheal comes up. “Oh, thanks for hanging y/n, I'm gonna hit the hay.” I smile and give him a side hug, that is surprisingly not awkward. “Alright goodnight Michael.”
And finally, it's just William and I, downstairs, by ourselves. We walked to the front door, he was walking me out but before I left. “Y/n, I need to talk to you about something.” Oh god, is this it? “Yeah? What's up William?” 
“Look, you're my best worker, and currently my only.” He says with a small laugh. 
“And right now you're also, I'd say a good friend. But look. I like you y/n, i’m not going to hide from that, I want us to be more than friends, and to be dead honest with you it's not just like its love. I love you, I want to be with you.” 
Oh shit he said it, what do I do? Fuck wait I have to stick with the plan, no matter my own feelings, I have to… 
“I…I like you to William. But…you have to be honest with me right now, because I know about something you’ve done.” 
After I say that his whole demeanor changes, he looks more scared, wait no, not scared, just protective and maybe a bit worried. 
“What do you know?” 
“What you did to those kids William… I know about it… but… I don’t care, I need you to know that before you try to hurt me too. I don’t care because I love you too.” 
He stands there trying to read me, he looks baffled that I know about it. Which gives me the one answer I really hoped wasn’t the right one. He definitely is a murder.
“I killed multiple kids and you don't care?” And with that, I knew the police would be on their way right now, with the mic I have on my shirt they definitely picked that up. 
“I love you too much to care about that William.” God dammit. I want to forget that I'm an FBI agent, forget that the mic on my body recorded that, forget that police are definitely going to barge in any second now, I want to forget about all that because a part of me actually loves this serial killer, and that's what I hate so much about this. 
“Good.” He says, before he leans in, kissing me passionately. TO be honest it took me a little off guard but hey, I got one chance to kiss this tall hot guy. I'm going to take it, and just as I was giving in more. 
“FBI WILLIAM AFTON YOUR UNDER ARREST FOR THE MURDER OF MULTIPLE CHILDREN PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!” I see my co-workers storm in, grabbing William and handcuffing him, they start asking me if I’m okay and a couple other questions. They take William outside and I follow behind them. William looks utterly confused until I make eye contact with him, that's when it clicks for him. That I set him up, that I lied to him, and that I;ve been an FBI agent this whole time. 
“Y/n, you lying sack of shit!” He yells at me, pissed off as they struggle to shove him in the back of the police car. His window rolls down quickly, they aren't driving away. I feel like I have to talk to him, I owe him maybe just that, even though he's a murderer. And for killing those kids, I don’t feel bad anymore, I guess I lost sight… I forgot all the kids and families he’s hurt. I walked closer to the cop car so we could talk. 
“William, it's for your own good.” He laughs, he’s obviously still mad but he's grinning, the same evil grin that he never hides. “I could have gotten away with it. I would have gotten away with it, if it weren’t for you, y/n.” He angrily says to me. “Right. But you didn’t get away with it, and this is just karma, William.” William keeps glaring at me, still smiling though. The officer gets into the driver's seat of the car, putting it in drive, starting to slowly drive off. 
“I always come back y/n!” He shouts as I walk with the car, matching its slow pace.
“No William, not this time. Not anymore.”
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
Hello!!! Could you, please, tell what ROs’ comfort meals and beverages are? And would ROs prefer MC to cook those for them or to cook those together with MC?
Rook: Honestly, it's just pizza from those cheap, dingy pizza places in town LOL it always reminds him of simpler times. I don't think he has any strong feelings on any beverages in the same way. He sucks at cooking, but for pizza you really just need to throw it in the oven lol. He'd prefer to cook with MC tho
Beck: His comfort meal is mofongo since it strongly reminds him of childhood, and his comfort drink would be hawaiian punch or orange tampico (also reminds him of childhood + he has a sweet tooth but only for drinks). He'd like to cook with MC, and he'd probably be a little excited to teach MC how to make it, too!
Rhea: I think anything home cooked is comforting to her, and her comfort drink is hot cocoa with whipped cream. She never feels like she has time to cook, so MC making her something would be something she's super appreciative of.
Zoe: Their comfort meal is tomato soup. Whenever their sick or stressed, they just throw it in a pot to make and add a handful of herbs to it to add flavor. For a comfort drink it'd be lavender and chamomile tea. It's something else that's super simple to make so it's not a 'cooking together' type of thing, but if you made it when they were sick they'd find that really sweet.
Lars: You know, I think his mom probably had this one pasta recipe she was really good at that Lars hasn't been able to replicate since (it doesn't help his cooking skills aren't great, not terrible, but you know). His comfort drink is just black coffee lmaO. MC making it for him would be...really nice. Even if it probably doesn't taste the same, the intentions are there.
???: Doesn't have either, but that's mostly because they had a pretty limited menu growing up. For them, it's probably more like having you share your favorite foods with them, and they can finally try a bunch of new foods and everything they missed out on. They probably wouldn't be much help at first, but they'd like to watch MC make it, so they can learn how to cook everything later.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Three: Yes, I'd like to purchase one racoon mom. Yes, her name is Lily.
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You laughed behind your palm as you watched Owen try to reconcile with Izzy, for some reason with wildflowers.
 Since you and Izzy had very similar personalities, you knew exactly what you would want in her situation. Probably bullets, a better gun, some knives, a bow and an arrow. You watched as Owen tried to step in front of her and walked straight onto a trap.
“Whatcha laughing at?” Duncan came out of the cabin, his arms slithering around you as he covered your neck in kisses.
“Well I think maybe we will have a different lifetime.” You said, matter-of-factly. Duncan smiled, before grabbing your hand and dragging you over to them. Everyone else quickly followed in pursuit.
But the second you were all gathered around the swinging Owen, you heard a snap and a cage fell on top of you all. 
“Good morning, campers! Or should I say trappers?” Chris appeared with a beaver on his head.
But you were focused on the expression Duncan had, he was staring at the bars that surrounded you all, and you sighed, sneaking both hands into his. His eyes finally fell onto you, and he smiled. “I know.” You mouthed and he nodded sadly. 
“Okay let’s talk about the challenge over chow.” Chris walked off holding a knife and the beaver. 
“Is he gonna cut us down?” Owen asked, his face turning red, but with nearly expert precision, Chris snapped the rope and the door to your cage opened.
Duncan was the first one out, letting out a large breath once he stepped out. “I think we should rotate it into nicotine gum instead of the patches. The patches just increase everything that is bad for me.” Duncan muttered as you began the trek to the cafeteria.
“Alright, I’ll try to see if, Chef is willing to buy me some.” You smiled, today will be Duncan's second week off the cigarettes. “I mean of course he will, who could resist that face.” Duncan rained down kisses upon your face causing you to let out a giggle much to his surprise.
You watched as Duncan tried to eat the paste, and stifled a laugh, he glared at you sticking his tongue out as well. “Isn’t this the stuff you use to keep your hair straight?” You teased and he smirked, flipping you off discreetly causing you to roll your eyes.
“Alright campers, there's eight of you left so look alive.” Chris advised, seemingly juggling the paste-balls. “God, I would kill for your moms cooking.” Duncan grumbled spitting the paste back into the bowl much to your disgust.
“Well, I’d kill for my mom to be alive so it’s clear that neither of us are killing the right people.” 
Gwen spit out her drink. “That’s dark.” She laughed, mildly concerned. “Why thank you.” You winked, causing the girl to blush. 
“Hm, my chances of winning? I honestly don’t care if I win. The less time I’m here, the more time I’m away from that ****ing **** eater, Chris ‘let’s make girls ******* terrified because I’m a ****** pervert.’ McLean.” You leaned back on the outhouse bench with a satisfied smirk. 
“You’ll each have eight hours to trap an animal.” Chris declared. Duncan snatched Owen’s wrist. “Got one.” He yelled. “A wild animal,” Chris said, sending the raven-haired boy an ‘are you stupid?’ glare.
“Got one.” Duncan yelled again, snatching your wrist. You slowly turned to look at him with a mildly amused expression. “I’m going to sew your **** to your head.” You smiled and Duncan gave you a cheeky grin, kissing your cheek and getting your hand down.
“The reward is a meal of your favorite foods.” Chris smiled wide, gesturing to the tables. “Honey, I love you and all, but I’m so hungry.” Duncan groaned. You rolled your eyes and ruffled his hair trying to hide the fact that the last time you ate was about four days ago. 
Chris gathered you around the boat-room-dock thing and had you all pick out names from a hat. Duncan rolled his eyes once he got a raccoon, you burst out laughing when you saw that you got a lynx. “How long till he realizes that we went to WSS?” Duncan whispered in your ear. “Probably the same time he realizes I hate him.” Duncan shrugged, nodding in agreement.
Chris herded you all into the boat-room-thing and gave you sixty seconds to find the supplies you needed. 
Duncan picked up a chainsaw, and you crossed your arms. “I worry what goes on through your mind.” You sighed, shaking your head softly. Duncan smiled, “Personally I think this’ll be a great raccoon catcher.” You laughed rolling your eyes and standing on your tiptoes to peck his lips. “Mhm.” You decided to just nod and smile.
You picked up a bucket of bunny carcasses, and a beaver pelt. “Let’s go.” Duncan quietly grabbed your hips and led you out of the room, narrowly avoiding wrestling Heather and Gwen.
Chris called out “Times up.” And you all stepped back out onto the dock. “Go now, young padawans, proud you make me.” Chris said in his best imitation of Yoda. “I think next time we should just stay in juvie.” You grumbled stepping past the man.
“Meet me back on docks in twenty minutes.” Duncan nearly ordered you causing a blush to redden your cheeks. “You underestimate your abilities, baby. You were catching raccoons when we were five.” You smiled before running off.
Finding the lynx was easy enough. You got deep into the woods, near the snowy mountains and laid the beaver pelt down before laying the bunnies in it, before making a bunny beaver burrito.
You scaled the nearest tree hiding in a particularly busy spot before you waited for your prey. It may have been twenty seconds, or twenty minutes when the lynx finally appeared.
The beautiful creature sniffed the food for a moment before it put out a paw to touch it. The cat hissed when the burrito unfolded showing the bunnies. 
But it quickly delved in, shoving its face into the meal and eating all of them in near moments. Now this was the fun part. You watched as the lynx let the meal digest, then the lynx got really tired and began swaying on its feet. You took a picture on your phone and sent it to Duncan
Me: look what I got {picture attached}
Tiger 💚: so many raccoons why the **** are there so many raccoons on this god forsaken island what the **** ***** **** ** shdbns&:?: &@
Me: .. Duncan?
Tiger 💚: {video attached: Duncan screaming ‘I love you, honestly I’d love to marry you but I might die from these raccoons’ the camera points up and you see a giant raccoon monster}
Me: oh..? Cute??
Tiger 💚: {Picture attached: Duncan is smiling like an idiot and making a heart symbol with the racoon on his head} love you, everything’s good now <3
Me: :) love you 2 baby ♥️
It then promptly passed out, deep in a food coma. You smiled to yourself and jumped out of the tree. The lynx had consumed twenty four bunnies in meme moments, it was gonna be out for a day at least.
You slowly creeped toward the sleeping creature and bent to your knees, snatching the knife out of your side pocket, striping the beaver pelt of the rope that lined it. 
You tied the lynx’s front and back paws and threw it over your shoulders and began your run to the boat-dock which you were happy to see Duncan sitting, scratched up but happily waiting for you.
He held the raccoon in his lap and was taking about a million photos with it. Duncan waved excitedly to you. “Her name is Lily.” The racoon almost waved at you. 
“Duncan I love you, I love you a lot, but why did you name a raccoon after my mom?” Duncan smiled once you asked that question.
“Because she freaked out when I was showing her my homescreen.” Duncan laughed, holding the racoon tight. “Can I keep her?” You laughed as you stared at your stupidly adorable boyfriend. “Of course, Tiger. Of course.” You watched as the racoon made grabby hands at you.
“Let your racoon mom hold you.” Duncan shoved the animal in your hands and you stifled a laugh. “Of course, baby.”
So that’s where you both sat, holding your animals and talking, and petting the new animals and watching the sunset on Camp Wawanakwa.
Is this a good time to mention that Duncan wants to marry you? 
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tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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lemonykoo · 2 years
get well soon, dear!
Includes: Childe, Diluc, Kazuha, Kaeya, Thoma, Albedo, Xiao, Aether, and Tighnari
Genre: Fluff! Established relationships. Gender neutral reader (if I did use she somewhere, just let me know!)
Word Count: 620-660+ for each character (I expected them to be shorter, but I got a little carried away)
Notes: Bullet imagine of how some of the Genshin boys would take care of their sick or unwell lover! Mentions of being sick, not being able to swallow pills so Childe hides them in your food, vomiting is said once in Kazuha’s, you have a stomach bug in Kaeya’s so vomiting is mentioned, etc.
We all know this man, despite being a super scary harbinger, can be the perfect house husband. Honestly, the duality of Childe’s personality is probably what drew you in in the beginning.
So, whenever you catch a cold or some other illness while spending some time with him in his home nation of Snezhnaya, you won’t have anything to worry about while you’re under his care.
He’s had to take care of his sick siblings before, so this wouldn’t be his first rodeo. As soon as you complained about a sore throat or when he noticed you shivering despite being under the warmest blankets ever made, your fiancé would step up to the plate of making sure every need you had would be taken care of before you were even aware you needed it.
Childe can cook, so he’s going to whip up all the recipes his mom would make him when he was sick as a kid. He knows that having a sore throat may call for a softer diet, so he’d fix you several hot soups to cater to your ailment.
He’d constantly check how many tissues you had left so you’d never run out and he’d always ask if you were comfortable or if you needed more blankets, another pillow, etc.
(Or someone to snuggle with!!)
(Honestly, you didn’t even have to ask for that, since he was already all over you, peppering kisses all your face as he wished you to get better soon in between each one.)
(No, he didn’t care if he was a greater risk of getting sick now, he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that you had no worries while you were sick.)
If you’re like me and have some irrational fear (which it’s totally not irrational) about swallowing pills, do not fear! Childe’s younger siblings have prepared him for this, too.
At first, the standard answer to solve this problem would be to just dissolve your pills, or crush them up and put them in water. However, after watching you gag from the awful taste one too many times, Childe had to come up with another solution. He had tried to put something sweet in the water to give it another flavor in hopes of overpowering the awful taste of medicine, but it was no use. There had to be another way for you take your medicine without feeling any worse.
He’d come in with Mint Jelly, a dish you secretly loved but didn’t have often. “I thought I’d give you a treat to help you feel better,” he’d shrug, placing the dish on the bedside table while you sat up against the headboard. You were used to him coming in with both your medications and your lunch at the same time, but seeing him with only your lunch piqued your interest.
“Where is my medicine?” you asked, taking the plate and placing it your lap.
“Oh, I thought I’d let you eat this first. It would be better not to have the aftertaste of crushed up pills ruining the taste of one of your favorite foods!”
Of course, the trick to the whole ordeal was that he had hidden your pills inside, hoping that they’d go by undetected and you’d swallow them with no problems. And when you placed an empty plate back on the bedside table and thanked him for such a yummy meal, Childe couldn’t help but feel accomplished.
Unfortunately, he’d have to come clean about his doings and his efforts would most likely be unsuccessful in the future (he could see you looking for them in your food later), but hey, he’s trying, alright!
He just doesn’t want you to be in more discomfort than you have to be :(
If he’s able to, Diluc is going to be by your side every second until you’re feeling 100% better again. This would be in a perfect world, though, and Teyvat is not exactly perfect, so Diluc would be unable to care for you all the time as he wishes he could.
This just means he leaves you in the hands of Adelinde while he’s gone, because he knows that she’ll take care of you in the way that you deserve, no matter what your illness is. She had always done the same for him and Kaeya when they were under her care, so he knew she was more than capable of doing the same for you.
Diluc would have to leave during the day to take care of business elsewhere, and when he’d leave, he’d depart with a promise that he’d return soon (before semi-pleading with Adelinde to make sure you were okay, even though that was completely unnecessary since she was going to, anyway).
Once he came back, though, only you would be on his mind.
Diluc would walk into the Dawn Winery and say nothing to his staff as he headed straight to your shared bedroom, stripping off his coat as he did so. Moco and Hillie would whisper how endearing it was for him to have his attention on nothing else but you – out of his hearing range, of course.
Upon entering the bedroom, Adelinde would grin and give him a summary of what you had eaten, what medications you had, and how you had been feeling while he was away, or the lack thereof, since sometimes you would feel too bad to do much anything but sleep.
With Diluc back, though, you’d be placed back under his loving care. If he still had paperwork to deal with, he’d handle it beside you in bed instead of downstairs in his office as you slept soundly beside him, curled up into a little ball with your head in his lap. This was so he could keep an eye on you, and if you needed him, you wouldn’t have far to go to find him.
He’d cuddle you and read to you since your brain couldn’t focus enough to do that yourself. He’d braid your hair while you slept and would frequently check your fever like a worrying mother since he wasn’t always sure what to do. Seeing his sorry expression whenever he pressed the back of his hand to your forehead always made your heart warm.
If you had a terrible sickness, one that caused your body to ache all over and rendered you miserable, Diluc would put all of his duties on hold to stay with you. There was no way he was going to leave you alone to feel this terribly by yourself. These types of sicknesses would make you cry because of how bad you felt, and it pained your husband to see you in such a state. He’d hold you close under the covers as you shivered from your fever, placing soft kisses on your forehead and whispering comforting words of affection.
And rest assured that if you ever asked him something while you were under the weather, he’d comply immediately. If you asked him to get you a treat (because sweet treats always made things better), he’d already be halfway down the stairs before you could get the rest of the sentence out of your mouth. If you needed another blanket, he’d bring back five. If you needed someone to hold you and talk to you since your sickness prevented you from falling asleep at night – well, that’s a silly thing to ask for since Diluc was already there at your disposal <3.
You were on your first voyage upon the Crux with Kazuha, courtesy of Beidou peer-pressuring him into convincing you to come aboard for once. She didn’t know much about you, but she could pick up on that you were too shy to ask if you could go on your own.
(Not only was this just allowing her to meet the special someone Kazuha couldn’t stop talking about, but it was also so Kazuha could stop talking about how much he missed you when he left.)
You had been enjoying it for a little bit, until suddenly you disappeared and Kazuha couldn’t find you anywhere. It wasn’t until one of the kids on the ship asked what was wrong with you that he found you in a shady corner, knees pulled up to your chest and your face as white as the snow in Dragonspine. One look at you and he could tell you were seasick. After all, this was your first boat ride. You hadn’t become accustomed to the swaying feeling of being on a ship, so it was expected for you to become this way.
“I was going to tell you I felt bad, but then I thought you’d think I was… I don’t know… stupid,” you murmured, your voice quiet. As soon as you realized that the dizzy feeling you were experiencing wasn’t normal, you had separated yourself from your boyfriend to hide yourself somewhere so as not to worry him, or draw his attention away from what he had been doing.
“I wouldn’t think you were stupid,” Kazuha chuckled, brushing a strand of hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ear. His smile was kind as he took your hands into his. “This is very common, so don’t feel bad. Why don’t we try to find a better spot to rest in, hm?”
“As long as it’s not up there,” you said, pointing up to the crow’s nest, causing him to laugh. You had gone up there earlier with him and that was probably where you began to feel your stomach churn with the waves as you looked upon the sea around you. “No, dove, we won’t go up there.”
You did feel bad for already dampening your trip, and when Beidou asked if you were okay, you felt worse because you thought that maybe she hated you for putting a damper on things. But Kazuha reassured you that nobody was upset with you, and nobody would be upset with you. Everyone gets seasick at some point!
He’d find the perfect spot for you to lounge at, someplace out of the direct sun so you could prevent yourself from getting overheated as that would just make matters worse.
Kazuha would stay with you until you felt better, sitting beside you with an arm around your waist to reassure you that he was there if you needed him. You’d rest your head upon his shoulder and listen to him recite verses of poetry he’d think of on the spot to cheer you up. If you decided that your little spell was over, he’d help you get up and would most likely keep his arm around you while you walked around the ship, just in case you felt sick again.
After your first incidence of seasickness, he wouldn’t leave you alone. The last thing he wanted was for you to vomit or worse, pass out, all by yourself. He knew you too well, first of all; if those things were to happen, you’d probably jump ship out of embarrassment and swim all the way back to Inazuma before anyone realized you were gone. Besides, if something happened to you while he wasn’t there, how was he supposed to take care of you? That was literally his job, after all.
Kaeya found it very suspicious that he hadn’t seen you around work yet. When he had left that morning, you said you would come in later since you felt nauseous. He didn’t think anything of it, really, since he had just woken up and felt half-asleep still himself. He remembered telling you that he hoped you felt better and to come see him when you arrived before giving you a couple goodbye kisses before he left.
But now at noon, you hadn’t done as he had asked and he hadn’t even seen you around when he made some rounds around the halls. On a normal day, you could be seen walking around the halls, visiting with other knights, or even browsing the books in the library on your off-time, but there had been no sign of you. Concerned, he asked around to see if maybe you were just avoiding him (perhaps he had stolen all the covers from you last night and you were getting payback?). All the knights he had denied seeing you, Lisa sighed and said she hadn’t see you all day, even Klee seemed a bit down that you hadn’t come and given the young girl her daily hug she always received from you. Finally, when he asked the Acting Grand Master if she had seen you only to met with a shake of the head, Kaeya knew something was up.
Once home, the Calvary Captain was met with a quiet house. He noticed your keys were still by the door with other things you’d always take with you when you left the house, so you must still be home. And when he entered your shared bedroom, he discovered you sleeping peacefully. Only, there was a bowl on the floor by the bed and a bottle of medicine on the bedside table.
He didn’t want to disturb you, so he left you, carefully cracking the door behind him so you could have more privacy. He wouldn’t be going back to work, though, since know his duty was to take care of his spouse! Jean would just have to give him a free pass for the day. Husband duties, what can he say?
After being home for a bit, he’d hear you stir in the bedroom before he’d hear the awful sound of you throwing up. He’d immediately come in, surprising you as he asked if you were okay.
“I didn’t know you were home,” you’d state, your voice hoarse as you sat up to view your husband.
“Well, of course. You never showed up to work, so I had come check on you,” Kaeya said, coming to take the bowl you had thrown up in to dump it out in the sink. “I thought maybe you were just mad at me for stealing the blankets last night.”
You’d grin before saying that you must have a stomach bug since you had been throwing up all day. Kaeya wasn’t exactly an expert on how to care for a sick person, but he did know that you probably needed to stay hydrated considering what was going on. On top of making sure you always had water at the ready, he would frequently check if you needed anything else. However, you were mostly asleep so there wasn’t much you asked for.
But he was still there, just in case!
“You know,” you started after Kaeya handed you dinner-in-bed, “you’re probably going to get this, too.”
The cryo user scoffed, rolling his eyes a bit. “What, no way,” he sarcastically said, smiling a bit. “I guess that means you’ll just have to take care of me when the time comes,” he sighed, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
He really didn’t mind, though. He’d risk getting sick a thousand times over and over again just to make sure you were given the best care while you were sick.
After all, those are his husbandly duties!
You had gone to bed one night feeling a bit more tired than usual, but you had just chalked it up to be that maybe you had worked harder than you normally do. However, when you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and a burning fever, you knew that it was more than just you being tired – you were sick.
“Oh, dear,” Thoma cooed after pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. “You’re burning up, y/n. You must have caught that cold going around.”
Just like Childe, we all know Thoma is also a house husband, which means he’s going to dote on you all he can and give you the best care while he’s at it!
You continued to lay in bed while your husband fished through cabinets and drawers looking for any medications that might help you feel better. He came up partially successful, bringing you some medicine that would help relieve your headache. He got you a glass of water and watched you take them before asking if you wanted to join him at the Kamisato estate while he worked so he could keep an eye on you while also working.
You politely declined, explaining that you’d rather not risk the chance of getting anyone else sick and you saw how disappointed your lover was. His green eyes were filled with concern as he thought about his options for the day. His upmost priority was you, since you weren’t feeling well in the slightest and it wasn’t in your best interest to be left all alone. Besides, if Thoma had to miss a day of work for this, he was sure the Kamisato siblings would understand and not berate him.
“Well, I guess I’m all yours today, then!”
He’d fix you yummy, comfort foods to make your miserable sickness more bearable. He kept a very close eye on you, keeping track of every symptom as it came and went and also the exact minute you took your medications. This wasn’t exactly hard for him to do, since ninety percent of his time was spent in bed with you, holding you close as you trembled from your fever.
You’d try to tell him to go elsewhere in the house since you knew he wouldn’t leave altogether, because you didn’t want him to get sick, too. But he didn’t mind! All that mattered to him was that you were taken care of and given the treatment you needed while you were under the weather. He knew he’d probably get sick, anyways, but that would have to dealt with when it came.
When he had to run an errand, whether it be to get more medicine or pick up ingredients to make another dish for you, he’d make sure you were okay before he ran off. This meant that he’d tuck you under the covers tightly, making sure you were comfortable and weren’t in immediate need of anything since he wouldn’t be back for little bit. Thoma didn’t want you to get up and tire yourself out over something while he wasn’t there.
Yes, he knew you could take care of yourself, but you were sick! This was not the time to show your independence! Let him take care of you like he was made to do <3
(If you tried to get up and get something yourself, Thoma would lightly scold you and tell you get back in bed while he took care of what you needed. “You’re supposed to be taking it easy while I take care of you! You need to rest so you can get better!”)
At night when you’d finally fall asleep since your pounding headache made it hard to, Thoma would stay awake in case you woke up and needed him. But, after a long day and making sure the love of his life had every need of theirs met, he too would drift off to sleep, holding your body closely to him.
You were one to keep working, despite any ailments or injuries trying to hinder you from doing so. So, when you showed up at the Chief Alchemist’s lab in Dragonspine, all he could do was sigh when he saw your sorry state before guiding you to the fire he had built and instructing you to stay there while he found you something to help you feel better.
“So, despite having a burning fever and being barely able to breathe, you travelled all the way here just to bring me these little vials?” Albedo asked, stripping himself of his jacket and wrapping it around you as you sat on one of the chairs around the fire.
“Sucrose said you needed them, but she was busy at the moment and wouldn’t be able to bring them to you,” you explained, hugging his jacket closely to you. “I thought I could help.”
You heard your boyfriend hum as he searched for the medicine he was looking for. “I appreciate the thought, but I can’t see Sucrose letting you get away with that.”
“She didn’t,” you said before coughing. “I took it while she wasn’t watching since she said she wouldn’t allow me to because I’m sick.”
Albedo, grinning a bit at the thought of you doing that, came over to you, holding out the medications you needed to help ease the discomfort you were experiencing. “I gathered as much. I hope you’re okay with staying here for the rest of the day, because you’re not leaving until I do.” Before you could interject, he added, “And you’re not sneaking out while I’m not watching, either.”
Albedo wasn’t exactly doting on you the whole time you were in his lab. He left you to your own devices by the fire most of the time, only coming over to give you medicines when it was time and to press his hands to your forehead to see how your fever was doing. While he was at his desk, though, he’d occasionally ask over his shoulder how you were feeling and if you needed anything. If you stated that you were feeling hungry or cold, or needed something else, he’d get up immediately from his workbench and fulfill your needs with no complaints.
What you didn’t see was his anxious glances toward you every ten seconds, making sure you weren’t dead or doubled over in the fire. Even if he wasn’t at your feet begging to be given some sort of instruction on how to care for you while you were sick, that didn’t mean he wasn’t worried about you.
However, when you had fallen asleep without him knowing and he turned to see you on the ground curled up into a little ball, he had to admit that you gave him a bit of a scare. Despite being in the middle of something, he dropped what he was doing and rushed over to make sure you hadn’t kicked the bucket while he wasn’t watching. Discovering that you were just sleeping, though, he took the time to make you a small cot and moved you to that instead of the stone floor of the lab.
Next time you decided to pull something like that, though, he’d appreciate you telling him you were just laying down since the chair was too uncomfortable to sleep in.
If you were still asleep when he decided his work for the day was done, Albedo would probably make the decision to stay in the lab for the night with you instead of waking you up to go back home. He had plenty here to take care of you, but in the morning he was taking you back home, even if he had to carry you.
Xiao never had any reason to understand why humans get sick, how to care for them when they are sick, or what to do when they do get sick. He himself could not experience this phenomenon and as far as he was concerned, he would never have anything to do with humans so why would he need to take the time to learn about human sicknesses and the like?
Of course, that all changed when he came back after a short, two day departure and found you in one of the worst states he could ever imagine. If you weren’t so sick, you probably would’ve laughed and asked to take his picture when you saw the, well, appalled expression he wore when he saw you. Quite frankly, the first thought he had was that you were dying, but you didn’t seem like you were dying, so the poor adeptus was just very, very confused.
The day Xiao left, you had woken up with a terrible headache and luckily, you were close to Verr Goldet so when you hadn’t greeted her at your usual time that morning, she knocked on your door to check on you. Instead of finding you oversleeping, though, she found you feeling miserable with a fever through the roof.
When Xiao came back though, you seemed to be at the height of your ailment, with the same fever, but with body aches and chills, as well as a cough that surfaced every now and then. You felt so bad, you were close to tears and upon seeing you in such a sorry state, Xiao realized he was actually worried about a human for one of the first times ever.
“Why didn’t you call for me?” he asked quietly, stepping toward you cautiously as he tried to understand what was going on. Despite being in your room at the Wangshu Inn, he felt like he was in a new place altogether, trying to get a grasp of this new environment.
“Because,” you started through a fit of coughs, “I’m just sick. There’s not much you can do about it.” And that was the truth of the matter and Xiao understood that because unlike demons and monsters, Xiao can’t exactly beat your sickness to death and make you feel better.
Still, he wishes he could do more.
He just feels so useless seeing you writhe in pain in bed while he just has to stand there and watch you. If this was any sort of mortal danger, he could take care of you in a heartbeat. Alas, not everything had a simple solution.
So, in an effort to try to take care of his lover, he’d carefully watch Verr Goldet’s actions when she’d come in to help prepare your medicine. It didn’t take long for him to pick up on it, so the next time she came in, she’d find Xiao doing it for her.
His hands were always careful. He’d gently caress the skin of your forehead while you slept, inwardly grimacing at how warm you were. He had watched Verr Goldet place cold rags on you to help, so he’d gently lay them on your head and if you stirred, he’d mentally curse himself for disturbing you. He had heard the inn keeper say that you getting lots of rest was important to your recovery and he didn’t want to prolong your suffering by waking you.
He still wasn’t used to affection and showing his love for you, so while you slept he’d keep watch over you from the window, ready to help you at a moment’s notice in the event that you needed it. While you were awake, he’d talk to you quietly or sit on the end of the bed to keep you company.
After watching you go through this, he was definitely ready for the next time it happened. (Though, after seeing how dreadful it was, he hoped that there wouldn’t be a next time.)
Normally, you were always up for a new adventure every day. In fact, it wasn’t uncommon for you to wake up before Aether, bursting with excitement of a new day to discover new people and places.
Today was not one of those days.
You did wake up early (not before Aether, though) and you started off strong, but almost as soon the journey for the day began, you felt awful.
A pounding headache pulsated in your cranium and you felt sluggish as you walked down the dirt path with your blonde lover and his floating companion.
“Paimon thinks something might be wrong with y/n,” Aether’s companion whispered to him, causing him to stop and realize how bad you were lagging behind. He could hear you heaving for breath as you tried to keep up, which was very uncharacteristic of you. Seeing how pitiful you looked, he ran to catch up with you and just in the nick of time to catch you before you collapsed.
“What’s wrong with them?” Paimon asked, watching Aether anxiously lay you down in the grass in a comfortable position. “I don’t know,” he responded, seeing how out of it you seemed, though something told him you were just sick and your body needed to rest instead of go on any new adventure for the day.
“Y/n,” he cooed, gathering things from his inventory that might help you feel better. “Are you okay? What’s up?”
“My head hurts,” is all you could mutter, causing the boy to look upon you sadly but endearingly. “Don’t worry, love, I’ll take care of you.”
“And Paimon!” Paimon interjected, placing her hands on her hips.
With all the plants and other things Aether had collected over his journeys, he had plenty of things that could potentially help you feel better. The only thing was that he wasn’t exactly sure where to start. Him and Paimon would go through everything, trying to recall what they had seen or heard others using, like Tighnari or Baizhu. While this was going on, Aether kept his hand in yours, reassuring you that he wouldn’t be leaving you to face this alone.
The verdict ended up being that neither Aether nor Paimon had any clue as to what to use to help you, but what they could do was make sure that you took it easy for the rest of the day! That being said, Aether hoisted you up into his arms and walked back to the inn you three had been staying in to ensure that you wouldn’t have to wither away under the hot sun like a parched plant. All the way there, he’d murmur little statements of his love for you and how he’d make sure you would feel better in no time.
Once back, he got you tucked back into bed under the soft covers of the inn’s room with a promise of being beside you the whole time. He was as your disposal, so whatever you needed or wanted just let him know! He’d want to cradle you and braid you hair while you laid there pitifully, but he didn’t want to disturb the rest he knew you needed.
Instead, he settled for sitting in the bed beside you, to be near but also not distracting you from sleeping. Even Paimon would be careful of talking too loud or causing any ruckus in the room. They both really care for you and wanted to ensure that you’d be feeling better so you could join them once again!
Even if you did feel 100% better the next day, Aether would probably still be worried and suggest that you two just have one more day of rest before you went out again. “Just think of it as… a cuddle day! Yeah, a cuddle day.”
Who were you to complain about that?
Being sick? Around Tighnari? Who better to be around when you’re under the weather?
This time, though, it was sudden, taking the both of you by surprise.
First of all, you hadn’t seen the forest watcher all day, since he left before you woke up and when he came back, he was instructed not to disturb you since you had some work to get done.
And it wasn’t because you were incapable of getting any work done with him around, but more often than not, you would find yourself getting distracted and giggling with him rather than completing any tasks you had at hand. Today, though, you needed to complete some data sheets for the research team you were working with before you could find Tighnari and bother him with his work.
It was a little after lunch time when Tighnari heard quick footsteps approaching him. “Master Tighnari!” Collei exclaimed, rushing to meet him, her voice urgent. “I was sent to tell you that-”
“Y/n seems to be sick,” another forest watcher ended. He was part of your research team and he was the one to find you sniffling over your work. “And she won’t stop working even though we told her to take a break.”
Tighnari sighed, though he wasn’t annoyed. This was very like you. “Alright, let’s see what we can do.”
As expected, you immediately tried to say that you weren’t sick, but your congested voice, runny nose, and cough begged to differ. “I have to finish this,” you managed to choke out before being sent into another coughing fit. You tried to slap your boyfriend’s hands away as he reached for your papers, only for him to gently push yours away as a response.
“Well, I’m sure someone else can finish it while you’re out of commission,” Tighnari answered, quickly gathering up your notebooks and papers and handing them off to Collei who gave them to one of your research partners. He placed a hand on your arm and gestured off in the distance toward his home. “Let’s go get you some medicine so you can start feeling better.”
Obviously, since you were with Tighnari, you were going to be given the best treatment the forest could give you. After he gathered some plants and herbs that would begin to help you feel better, he instructed you to lie down and take it easy. With how congested you were, it was hard for you to doze off at first, but Tighnari kept you company until you did. When you finally passed out, he stayed outside the door so he would still be close in the event that you needed him, but he wasn’t directly hovering.
He’s going to be strict with your medicines and healing regimens. The medicine tastes bad? He’s sorry and he’ll try find something to make it better, but you’re not getting out of taking it. You don’t feel like eating? He understands, but you need to, so he’ll make you easier dishes to eat.
But he’s definitely very caring and loving to you the whole time. At night when you can’t sleep, he’ll hold you for a while until you drift off. He’ll play with your hair and pepper kisses on the top of your head while you rest. If he’s out of the house and hears you call for him, he’ll immediately drop whatever he’s doing and check on you and he’ll 100% bring you whatever you’re asking for.
(Unless it’s your work, then you might as well forget about it.) (You probably won’t be seeing it again until you’re feeling 100% better.) (If you convince someone else to get it for you, he will personally fight them for complying knowing you were in no shape to work.)
“Do you really think you’re in the shape to write out all your research? And if you are, do you think the Academiya wants your papers covered in snot?”
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