#honestly i would never have tried making video edits if not for seeing the ones of POTP that were soooo cool
parakeetpark · 2 years
Here’s my second go at making a Phantom of the Paradise video edit!!!
Had a lot of fun with this, love this film very much :-)
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alessiasfreckles · 8 months
is it cool that i said all that? (alessia russo x reader)
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request: reader makes her debut for her national team against england and alessia is just in awe but didn’t end up talking to her. that is until a few months later, reader transfers to arsenal and alessia’s being a nervous wreck when reader’s around, not knowing that reader has had a huge crush on her since the euro’s??
warnings: none
a/n: really pleased with how this turned out, i hope you like it! longish at 4.3k words. also: consent is sexy, people
When you stepped out onto the pitch, it was like everything stopped. All the noise, the roaring from the sold-out stadium, all of the nerves, everything melted away. You could hear your breathing, your own heartbeat, the sound of the grass beneath your boots as you ran onto the field. Then the whistle blew and you snapped out of it. As you were making your debut, you honestly hadn’t even thought you’d be playing. 
And yet, here you were. You’d been subbed on in the 78th minute, and so far, your team was 1-0 down. You knew what your role was, as a striker. You were there to score a goal and try to equalise the game, if not help win it. Your opponents were making it hard, though. Playing against the Lionesses was something you’d dreamt about, having looked up to a lot of the players since you were a teenager, but you couldn’t let that shake you. Neither could you let the fact that you were playing against Alessia Russo shake you. You’d known who she was for a while, but ever since that back-heel goal at the Euros, you couldn’t get her out of your head. 
You heard your name being shouted by one of your teammates and snapped out of it to see the ball heading towards you. The next few minutes were a blur, as you ran up the field, passing and running with the ball at your feet, and it was only when the ball hit the back of the net that you realised what you’d done. You had scored. You had managed to score the equalising goal against the Lionesses, making it one all. You couldn’t let it get to you though, not yet, not when there were still 6 minutes left on the clock, plus extra time. 
The shrill sound of the whistle came as a shock. You hadn’t even noticed the clock steadily ticking onwards, barely even registering the announcement of 3 minutes of extra time. Each side was desperate to get possession of the ball, to score that winning goal, but ultimately, the game ended in a draw. Still, it was thanks to you that it was a draw, rather than a loss for your team, and you couldn’t be more proud. 
Your teammates weren’t the only ones to be impressed by the equalising goal. Alessia had heard your name be mentioned, which wasn’t unusual, as you were making your international debut. She’d looked you up, telling herself it was research - after all, it’s important to know who you’re playing against. She liked what she saw. A lot. After the third fan edited compilation video, she put her phone down and tried to forget about you. When she saw your name on the line-up as a sub, she didn’t know whether to feel excited or nervous about the prospect of playing against you. And when it came to the game itself, and your number was called out to be subbed on, well, she would never admit it, but it felt like her heart skipped a beat. She ignored the feelings and thoughts as best she could. 
Until the 83rd minute, that is. Only 6 minutes after you’d been subbed on, in your international debut, you scored the equalising goal. And what a beautiful goal it was. It was the kind of goal that Alessia had dreamt about scoring. You were so nimble, so quick with the ball, manoeuvring it through the defensive line so easily, and shooting it straight past Earps’ outstretched arms into the back of the net. 
She watched your face as you realised what you’d done. A look of shock that transformed into a smile that lit up the whole pitch. Despite the fact that you’d scored against her team, Alessia couldn’t help but be pleased for you. 
The chance for the two of you to talk came and went before either of you realised it. You, so caught up in celebrating despite the draw, your teammates thrilled with you for scoring the equalising goal. Alessia, distracted by everything going on, team talk with Sarina, her teammates, what this meant for the next stage of the competition. 
And so, you both were forced to move on, still without having talked to each other. You in awe of her, her in awe of you, and neither knowing about it. All either of you could hope for was the chance to play against each other again. 
At least, until the transfer window began to approach. You were scrolling on twitter when you saw a post claiming that Arsenal was interested in an international player - you. At first you rolled your eyes. After all, you hadn’t been told anything. Then again, your contract was coming to a close, and you weren’t sure what the plan was for you next season. Was there a chance that this could be real? Surely not, right? There was no way Arsenal were actually interested in you? 
They were. And in true Arsenal fashion, news of your transfer was leaked almost as soon as it was official, with one of the players liking a fake post about it (which had you rolling your eyes - come on guys, three times?). 
Nevertheless, it was true, and fans were excited for your arrival, as were your new teammates. Alessia couldn’t believe what she was hearing when Jonas announced it, her brain going a million miles a minute. What would she say to you? How would she act around you? Would you even remember her? The two of you hadn’t even talked, after all. There was really no reason for her to be so nervous, and yet, here she was, with butterflies in her stomach at just the thought of your presence.
When your first day in London Colney arrived, your teammates were already gathered for training. You were only meant to meet everyone and be shown the ropes, before starting training the next day. 
“Oh my God, what do I even say to her?” Alessia groaned, hiding her face in her hands.
“Just be normal?” Lia suggested.
“Yeah, like that’s so easy,” the blonde scoffed. “Hi, I’m Alessia, I’ve been thinking about you for months ever since you scored against us in that game? I don’t think so.”
“Okay, well, that’s not exactly a normal thing to say, is it?” Lia said, rolling her eyes. “Normal would be ‘Hi, I’m Alessia, nice to properly meet you.’”
“I guess,” Alessia grumbled, folding her arms. 
“Look, there she is,” Lia pointed out, nudging Alessia and nodding towards you. You were walking out onto the training field with Jonas, heading towards the group. Alessia felt her breath hitch when she laid eyes on you. 
As you approached the group, you immediately started looking for the blonde, which was easier said than done, considering the number of blondes on the team. When you found her familiar face, you could feel some of the tension you were holding in your shoulders ebb away. 
“Okay, guys, I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of our team, y/n,” Jonas said, clapping a hand on your shoulder. “Some of you know her already, some of you have played against her, she’s even scored against some of you. She’ll be joining us for training starting tomorrow. Y/n, do you want to say a few words?”
“Hi everyone, I’m y/n,” you started, then realised Jonas had just said that. “Oh, I guess you already knew that. Um, I’m really happy to be here, I’m super excited to play with you all and to be a part of the team. I can’t wait to start training with you all tomorrow. Thank you for having me!”
Some of the girls clapped and let out whoops, and you blushed lightly. 
“You already know who most of the team are, I’m guessing,” Jonas said, and you nodded. “But I’ll let everyone introduce themselves to you tomorrow. For now, do I have any volunteers to show y/n around the training centre?”
Lia nudged Alessia, who just glared at her. 
“Alessia will do it!” the Swiss player called out, grinning. 
Jonas nodded. “Great, thank you, Alessia. You can take the rest of the morning to show y/n around, but I want you back in training after lunch, okay?”
Lia gave Alessia a small shove forward, as the striker was rooted to the ground, stomach churning at the thought of essentially being alone with you for the next hour until lunch. The push from Lia snapped her out of it, and she hurried over to you with a nervous smile. 
“Okay, back to training, everyone!” Jonas called out, clapping his hands. 
You felt like you could combust. Not only were you now on the same team as the girl you’d had a crush on for over a year now, but that same girl was the one who would be showing you around. 
“Hi,” you said shyly to her. “Um, it’s nice to meet you. Again, I guess.” 
For a second you felt a flash of fear - what if she didn’t remember playing against you? What if she had no idea who you were, or that you’d technically met on the pitch just a few months prior?
“Yeah! It’s nice to meet you, properly this time,” she said, breathing a sigh of relief that you remembered her. “I don’t, um, think we got to talk last time? But that goal you scored was amazing!”
“Thank you,” you said, blushing. “You played really well too. Oh, that sounds like I’m just saying it because you complimented me, I’m not, I promise, you really did play really well-”
“Thank you,” she cut you off, a pink tinge on her cheeks. The two of you walked in silence for a few minutes, both of you desperately trying to think of something to say.
You both started talking at the same time, then laughed. 
“Sorry, you go first,” you said.
“Oh, um, well, this is one of the other training pitches. We usually use the one the others are on right now, or this one,” she said. “Sorry, that’s not particularly interesting, um, what were you going to say?”
“No, it is interesting! Well, maybe not interesting, but useful to know, at the very least,” you insisted. “I was going to ask what it was like for you, when you joined? This is my first transfer, I wasn’t really sure what to expect.”
“It was much easier than I thought it was going to be,” she admitted. “I was really nervous about leaving Man United, and my friends there. But the team made me feel so welcome, it was like I was instantly a part of their family. Honestly, now it kind of feels like I’ve always been here, you know?”
You nodded. “That sounds nice. I hope it’s like that for me, too.”
“I’m sure it will be! Everyone’s been excited about you coming since Jonas told us.”
“Really?” you asked, blushing.
“Yeah! I- um, a lot of the girls are looking forward to getting to know you.” she said, quickly trying to cover up what she’d nearly admitted. You’d heard it though, the way she’d said ‘I’. You were tempted to push it, tease her a little, see if you could find out more about what she thought of you, but figured that maybe you should give it a couple of days, see if she let anything else slip.
“That’s nice. I’ve been looking forward to getting to know everyone here, too.” 
Especially Alessia, you thought. There was a lot you wanted to learn about her. You wanted to know what her favourite books and films were, what her go to comfort meal was, what the first thing she did when she got home from training was, but you also wanted to know what she would taste like if the two of you kissed, whether she was the big spoon or the little spoon, what she looked like under her clothes.
“This is the medical and rehabilitation centre,” she said, gesturing towards the building in front of you, wrenching you away from your thoughts. “Oh, actually, what did Jonas show you already? I guess there’s no point in me showing you places he already showed you.”
“Not much,” you shrugged, like you hadn’t just been thinking about what she looked like naked. “I basically just saw his office and then the route to the training pitch.”
She laughed. “Okay, so he’s just getting me to do his job.”
“Seems like it,” you grinned. “Sorry, I’m sure you’d rather be training.”
“What? No, not at all, really, I’m, um, more than happy to, um” she said, stammering a little in her rush to correct you, before taking a breath. “I’m happy to show you around, really.”
“Thanks,” you said with a smile. She was cute when she was flustered. Really cute, in fact. Despite the fact that you’d just told yourself to wait at least a few days before doing anything, you couldn’t help but tease her, just a little. “I really appreciate it,” you said, putting a hand on her arm and leaving it for a few seconds before moving on.
You watched her face as you touched her, eyes flitting to your hand and back to your eyes a couple of times, blush quickly rising to her cheeks. When you removed your hand, she snapped out of it, running a slightly shaky hand through her hair.
“Oh, um, anytime,” she said. Her mind was racing. Were you flirting with her? Surely not, right? It was just a hand on her arm, that didn’t mean anything. Right? 
“So, is this the gym?” you asked, gently prompting her. 
“Yeah!” she said brightly, trying to shake any thoughts of you flirting with her out of her head. “Yeah, this is the gym. We usually train in the mornings, but Jonas gives us a plan for the week on Mondays based on performance during the previous week’s match, if we have any games coming up, how many, that sort of thing.”
You nodded whilst she spoke, taking it all in. “Similar to my old club, then.”
“Were you sad to leave?” Alessia asked as she led you down the hall to whatever was next on the tour. “Oh, sorry, if that’s too personal it’s okay.”
“Nah, it’s okay. Yeah,” you admitted. “I was sad. I basically grew up there, you know? As soon as I was 18 they signed me, it’s pretty much all I’ve known. But it was time for a change, something new. I’m happy to be here, really. There’s a lot of players here that I really admire and have looked up to for a while. ”
She nodded thoughtfully, and you couldn’t resist the temptation to keep talking, see if you could make her blush again. 
“Actually, you’re one of the players I was most excited to meet,” you said, keeping your tone light, not looking at her as you said it. 
“Oh!” she giggled nervously. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you said, smiling. “I think you’re an amazing player, you know?”
And really, really pretty, and ridiculously attractive, and sweet, and kind, and so much more than a good footballer, you thought. 
When you glanced over at her, her cheeks were bright red and her eyes wide. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times, and you nudged her gently. 
“You okay there?”
“Uh, yes, sorry!” she said, not meeting your eyes. “Thank you, um, that really means a lot to me.”
You smiled, satisfied with the blush on her cheeks. 
By the time she’d finished showing you around the training centre (which, you had to admit, was much nicer than your old club’s), the rest of your new teammates had come in for lunch. Jonas wanted to chat with you again before letting you go for the day, so you waved goodbye to the girls, already eager to start training with them tomorrow. 
“So, how did it go?” Lia asked Alessia as the blonde slumped down in the seat next to her.
“Oh my God,” she groaned, covering her face with her hands.
Lia sat up straighter. “What, was it bad?”
“No, it was, ugh,” Alessia started, and then sighed. “How am I meant to just act like everything’s totally normal around her? She touched my arm and I felt like I was going to explode.”
Hu,” Lia said thoughtfully. “Did she do anything else?”
“She said that I was one of the players she was most excited to meet. And that I’m an amazing player,” Alessia said, blushing at the memory.
“Interesting,” Lia said, smirking.
“Well, it kind of sounds like she might be flirting with you,” she shrugged.
“What? No way, don’t be silly,” Alessia said, biting her lip. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Oka-ay,” Lia said in a sing-song voice, raising her eyebrows at the blonde, who just groaned again. 
After a couple weeks with the club, you’d settled into a good routine. Alessia had been right - everyone welcomed you with open arms, and it didn’t take long for the club to feel like your new family. You’d made friends easily, especially with the other non-English players, like Vic, Lia and Laura. You still spoke to Alessia a lot, too, but you were worried about going too far with the teasing. You didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. So, you dialled it down. Not completely, though - you couldn’t help but see how much you could make the taller girl blush simply by putting a hand on her waist when you had to squeeze past her at the gym, and it was just too easy to catch her looking at you as you got changed. When you noticed her looking, you’d catch her eye and smile, and the speed at which she’d look away, cheeks burning, made you giggle. 
One day at lunch you were sat with Lia (or Wally, as you’d learnt everyone affectionately called her), Vic, and Alessia, when Alessia suddenly jumped up, looking at her phone.
“Shit, I forgot that I have physio in 5 minutes, sorry guys, bye!” she called as she hurried out of the cafeteria. 
“Typical Lessi,” Vic grinned rolling her eyes. Your eyes on the blonde as she left, you didn’t notice Wally watching you.
“So, y/n,” she said casually. “How’s your crush on Less going?”
“What?” you asked, startled.
“You haven’t exactly been subtle, you know?” Vic chimed in. 
“Ah,” you said sheepishly, then grinned. “Well, cat’s out of the box, I guess. Or bag. Whatever the saying is.”
No point in hiding it anymore, then. At least, not from them. You’d never been good at keeping secrets, anyway. 
“Are you going to do anything about it?” Wally asked.
You thought about it for a minute, then shrugged. “I don’t know. Do you think I should? I don’t want to make her uncomfortable,” you said, frowning. 
“Oh, you should absolutely do something about it.” Wally said, smirking.
“Yeah,” Vic chimed in. “She likes you anyway, so what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Wait, she likes me?” you asked. Yeah, you’d hoped she did, but it was different to hear someone confirm it. 
“Vic!” Wally said exasperatedly, looking at her.
“What?” she shrugged, then frowned. “Wait, should I not have said that? You basically just said the same thing!”
“Yeah, but not like that!” 
“Well, too late now,” the Dutch player said, then turned to you, her eyes cleaning mischievously. “So, are you going to do something about it?”
“I mean, I might as well, right?” you said, as though your brain wasn’t already racing, trying to come up with ideas. 
“Need any help?”
“Nah, I’ve got this.”
You started slow. When she helped you up after a tackle in training, you let your hands linger on hers just a few seconds longer than necessary. You spent a little longer getting changed, and once, when you noticed her watching you, you winked at her. You asked her to help you stretch after training one day, claiming your hamstrings were tight, and you had to force yourself not to laugh at the look on her face as she stood between your legs, desperately trying to keep her eyes from wandering. 
Then, you started to get a little bolder. Not too bold, you didn’t want to scare her off - and besides, you were having fun, teasing her. During lunch, when she was sat next to you, you let your knee rest against yours. You shifted in your seat a couple of times, moving, but your leg would somehow always end up pressed against hers. When you put your hand down to rest on your thigh, your pinky brushed against her leg, making her cough on the water she was drinking.
“Shit, you okay?” you asked, a hand on her back as she coughed. You hadn’t meant to make her jump that badly. 
She nodded, still coughing, and you rubbed circles on her back, trying to soothe the coughing. After a few seconds she stopped, face red. 
“Yeah, I’m okay, water just, um, went down the wrong way,” she said, clearing her throat a little. You moved your hand from her back and your leg away from hers, worried that maybe you were pushing too hard. She glanced at you, and let her leg rest against yours.
You weren’t convinced. Despite the fun you were having, you obviously didn’t want to go too far, ruin whatever this was or could be before it had even started. When the group of you headed out, towards the changing rooms, you hung back, as did Alessia. 
“Can we talk?” you asked her, and she frowned. “Maybe in private, somewhere?”
“Um, yeah, okay. One of the physio rooms is probably empty. Only one of the physios is in today, so we should be fine to use this room,” she explained, knocking before opening the door to an empty room. 
When the two of you were inside, the door closed, she looked at you, biting her lip nervously. “So, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to check whether all this was okay with you?” you asked.
“All of what?” she asked, confused. 
“All of this,” you said, stepping closer. You heard her breath hitch when you placed a hand on her waist, and watched her cheeks get pinker when you tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear with the other hand. “Is this okay? I just wanted to check. If it’s not, I’ll stop-”
She nodded her head first, then quickly changed to shaking it when you talked about stopping. “No, no, it’s- it’s okay. I promise.”
“Yeah?” you asked, relief washing through you. “You sure?”
She nodded again, blushing, and put a hand on your arm. “Yeah. Please, um, don’t stop.”
“Okay,” you agreed easily, letting her pull you closer, until your bodies were almost touching. “You look really, really cute when you blush, by the way.”
Her eyes widened, and you could see the pulse in her neck throbbing. You wondered what it would feel like beneath your lips. You could find that out later, though. You watched her lips part slightly as she breathed out, nervous, and you could feel her breath against your skin. 
You leant forward at the same time she did, your heart racing as her soft lips touched yours. You had wanted this for so long. The kiss was impossibly sweet and gentle, until her hand found its way into your hair and tugged lightly, making you moan into the kiss. 
Still worried about pushing too far, you pulled away from her, ignoring the way your body protested. She rested her forehead against yours, eyes closed.
“Was that okay?” you asked.
“That was more than okay,” she said, smiling, and you breathed a sigh of relief. “Except… why did you stop?”
You let out a small laugh. “Because, unfortunately, we should probably get going. Everyone is going to start wondering where we are.”
“Ugh,” Alessia pouted, and you couldn’t help but lean in to kiss her again. You could feel her smiling into the kiss, and you wanted nothing more than to stay there forever, kissing her, when her phone buzzed. She pulled away with a sigh. “Okay, I guess you’re right. But how am I just meant to go back and act like everything’s normal?”
“You tell me, pretty girl,” you said, and she blushed. “I’ve been dreaming about doing that for a very long time, and now that I finally get to, I have to stop in the middle of it.”
“Wait, a long time? How long?” she asked, a confused look on her face. “You’ve only been here a few weeks.” 
“Honestly?” Now you were the one blushing. “Since the Euros. I was watching, and when I saw your goal, I just thought, holy shit. She’s incredible. And really fucking gorgeous.”
Alessia was bright red now, and brought her hands up to cover her face. You quickly grabbed her wrists, gently pulling her hands down. You heard her breathe in sharply as you took a hold of her wrists, and decided to file that away for future reference. For now, you just wanted to see her face.
“I can’t believe you’ve been thinking about me for so long,” she admitted. “I’m nothing special, I’m just boring old me.”
You shook your head. “You’re so much more than that. But don’t worry. I’ll make sure you see how amazing you are. I can be very persuasive,” you said with a wink, making her heart skip a beat. 
Just then, both of your phones started ringing. “Shit, we should probably go,” Alessia said, and you nodded, sighing wistfully. 
“Just… one more kiss?”
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wintfleur · 9 months
Loooove your writing! ❤️ but what about Stella and our favourite captain aka Nico? Need all the details!!!!
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( tysm lovie!! I absolutely loved writing this, I love Nico so much!! )
au masterlist — you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
So when Stella found out that Jack would be going to the devils, she of course had to do her research. And let’s just say she went down the rabbit hole for Nico hischier, like she literally started giggling when she saw his picture when she searched the team up.
Love at first sight for real! CAN YOU BLAME HER???
When Stella did finally get to meet Nico, she was a blushing and stuttering mess as he introduced himself to her with a smile. Quinn who quickly noticed why she was acting like that tried to help her out by saying ‘sorry she gets a little shy’
Nico was sweet about it and said it’s no problem and that it’s nice to meet her (aUgh he’s so perfect) Jack was giving Stella a confused look, he knows she’s shy but she’s never been this…awestruck? He immediately doesn’t like it.
Obviously stella and nico got closer over the years, Jack and stella are very close(obvi!) and she always tried to come visit jack, meaning that she would also see nico! Nico would also come and visit sometimes, they were all close!
Also over the years, Stella’s crush on Nico was very well known…by like literally everyone! She’s not very good at keeping it a secret. She and everyone knows that nothing would happen from it. Nico finds it very sweet and adorable.
They are very close! It’s honestly feels like they have known each other for years! They are each other’s biggest fan, Nico loves and keeps all her art work she’s given him safe, and he loves watching all her figure skating videos, always texting her what he thinks of it!
Now that Luke and Jack play on the same team, Stella finds it hard picking what brother’s jersey she’s going to wear, so most of the time she wears Nicos!
Stella and nicos interactions go viral a lot, especially on tiktok, fans go crazy for there interactions!
Nico always gets shy and laughes when ever Stella says I love you before she hangs up on there calls, he always says it back. He honestly thinks of her as a little sister.
Nico loves teaching her Swiss German
And Stella loves hugging Nico, he honestly gives the best hugs!! 😫
They both find it hilarious how jealous Jack gets, Jack likes to make it clear that he’s still Stella’s favorite and that’s she’s HIS little sister
Nico is one of the few people she actually likes calling her Estella
They are just very sweet in general, they have a great friendship!
He once took Stella to a cat cafe and she cried, she reminds him of a cat tbh.
Stella is always liking and commenting on edits of him!
Stella’s contact name for Nico is ‘nico❣️’
Nicos contact name for Stella is ‘Estella 🐈‍⬛’
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I was supposed to post this after the game earlier, but I totally forgot )
°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @bradenschneider @cixrosie )
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stxrry-dxys · 5 months
i said i wasn’t gonna say more on the whole watcher debacle but sorry i just have to talk about the ai art allegations cuz holy shit this is a massive oversight.
before going in i’d like to clarify that i don’t think steven, ryan, or shane personally implemented this BUT it was absolutely their responsibility to check over what their crew members put in their videos.
disclaimer that i did not personally find these, they were brought up through reddit threads on the snark and main subreddit.
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this is the most egregious one. look at the hands. the unnatural length of the fingers. the NUMBER of fingers, the way the hands curl. that is not a mistake a human artists makes. and the way the clothes distort, the fact that one of the shirts looks like it has a finger hanging out of it. in what world is this not obviously computer generated.
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this one is harder to notice, but pay attention to the bars on the boat, how they’re uneven, wobbly, some even stopping and starting up randomly. the boat’s reflection in the water does not reflect back the actual silhouette of the boat. the silhouettes of the people are harder to see but a lot of them look more like wonky blobs, though admittedly this part is rather weak.
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this is the one i think i believe the least but am bringing it up anyways for posterity. the foot is wonky and the back one appears to be missing. his proportions are very off. and i cant say for certain but i seriously doubt a shadow would be that thin from this angle. this one is probably the weakest piece of evidence but feels relevant to include anyways.
there’s more i believe but it’s 3 am and i don’t wanna go personally hunting for it.
this isn’t even a new topic, people have brought it up in comments and threads in the past. and i know good and well this goes against morals that they have brought up before, so this is not quite the look you’d want. using ai art that steals from other creatives to claim as it’s own is not something i’d hope to see from a company that prides itself on being high quality art. it is entirely possible this is just the doing of someone on the art or editing team, but when one of your figureheads and his wife is openly against generative ai like this, you would expect quality control to ensure this never happens.
i hope they’ll speak up about this, and either prove that this isn’t the case or deal with whoever implemented this, though i’m doubtful they will. if they don’t address it and continue to use ai generated art then i hope everyone all has a long look at whether or not this company is as genuine in its passion for creativity as they have tried to appear.
honestly either way i don’t care, im done with these three’s content and have been for a while, but those of you still supporting deserve all the information you can as they proceed forward with this “plan” of theirs. make whatever decision you want regarding this, i wish you all the very best.
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lunarflux · 3 months
A quick rant about HOTDtok
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Obviously, season 2 episode 2 dropped yesterday, and as expected Tiktok rolled in with the edits and reactions. However, it is honestly... shocking to me how mean people (so far I've only seen girls, but that's just my FYP) are being about Aemond's scene in the brothel.
Yeah, it was shocking seeing him so exposed, and I wasn't expecting him to look like that but that was my reaction because... I've never once tried to imagine Ewan Mitchell naked?? But people saying it was a jump scare and comments saying "What do the Aemond girlies have to say now" or "People boutta regret all these Aemond thirst traps"...
I'm sorry... It can't just be me, but I absolutely love Aemond's character because he's complex as fuck. It's the same reason why the Draco girlies exist. Objectively, Tom Felton isn't conventionally handsome nor is he a 10/10 visually, but the way he and Ewan play those characters with subtle facial cues and pained body language made me appreciate the depth behind that character's canon backstory. I like Aemond because most of what the audience knows ONLY the audience knows. That scene in the brothel was not meant to be used as a thirst trap; we were meant to see a young man crawling back to the woman who "turned him into a man" at a very early age. Not only is he dealing with unhealthy habits with sex and love, but he clearly lacks the emotional development that would only have been taught by his mother--also abundantly clear with how the only form of affection you see from Alicent towards her children is gripping Helaena's leg during the funeral. Aemond knows nothing about gentle intimacy, and the fact that he feels like he can only speak his mind with the woman who basically SA'd him is a testament to how his innocence was taken in the Street of Silk and his innocence is still there. That was the last place he was naive and young, and so it's only within those walls that he feels he can act out those emotions and speak his mind.
That scene is supposed to be uncomfortable. It wasn't fan service for the Aemond girlies; it was supposed to show us that Aemond, as dark and alluring as he is, is so in pain all the fucking time. As an Aemond girlie myself, all it did was solidify how much I loved this character because seeing him like that just broke my heart. I wouldn't have been surprised if we got a similar scene like this for Aegon. And for a person like Aemond who was never coddled, this body type actually makes sense. I wouldn't expect him to be buff or a sex god.
But for people to keep joking that it was a jump scare and how the people who love Aemond will regret it... I mean, how shallow is that notion.
Sorry, this is so out of character for me to put this on my writing page, but every time one of these videos rolls across my FYP, I just get so annoyed. Body shaming is one thing, but all the assumptions that Aemond fans will suddenly retreat because of that scene is so stupid. I feel like all my feelings on this subject are so apparent with how I write his character in my fic.
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Millie’s Co-worker-Louis Partridge
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A/n: I'm back to writing for Louis. It's so hard to think of things to write about him. If any of you have any suggestions feel free to let me know!
Your POV
I was finishing putting my shoes on when I heard a ding coming from my phone. When I looked at my phone, I saw that Millie texted me.
' Hey! I'm outside.'
I texted her back that I was coming down. Once I grabbed my mini backpack with all the things I'm going to need to visit Millie on set.
Millie and I finally arrived on set and I was getting kind of nervous. I don't know why, but I think Millie could tell cause she grabbed my hand and said...
" Y/n, everybody is going to love you. Remember when I took you with me to the set of Stranger Things."
I smiled and nodded. She then continued...
" They loved you and kept telling me to bring you back so I already have a great feeling that my cast mates are going to love you, especially Louis."
I gave her a weird look.
" Why did you say that, especially Louis?"
She shrugged. " Just have a gut feeling."
I nodded and then took one more deep breath before we both got out of the car. I immediately grabbed Millie's hand again to calm my nerves, which made her laugh.
" Y/n/n! You're going to be okay. I promise you."
I nodded and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before letting it go.
Millie's POV
I was pulling Y/n/n around the set showing her the sets that we were filming in today. While I was showing her the hotel room Louis popped up and scared us both. We both let out a scream and I felt Y/n tug my hand behind me. Which would have made me laugh, but I was trying to calm my breathing.
" Louis! Don't do that!" I yelled
All he did was let out a chuckle. " I'm sorry Millie and Millie's friend."
I tried to hide my eye roll when I saw Louis look Y/n up and down. I just slapped his arm and said...
" Louis, don't be a perv. You're going to scare her."
I heard both of them let out a laugh. I then introduced them.
" Louis this is Y/n and Y/n this is Louis."
They both gave each other a friendly smile.
Louis's POV
I watched both of them walk around the set, but my eyes were just on Y/n. Something about her was making me feel things. I never believed in love at first sight, but I think I just experienced it. The thought of it is making me blush. I was trying to get my face back to normal when I heard Millie laughing. I turned around so fast to see them coming back where I was still standing.
" Louis, why is your face red?" Y/n said innocently
I looked down and stayed really quiet. I heard Millie whisper to Y/n. I rolled my eyes and said...
" Millie, it's not nice to whisper."
They just laughed together while walking to the makeup trailer.
Your POV
While we were walking to the make up trailer Millie said...
" I think Louis fell in love with you."
I lifted my eyebrows and denied it. " No, I don't believe you."
" Believe whatever you want. I still think he fell in love with you."
I smiled thinking about Louis falling in love with me.
When we were down at the makeup trailer Millie let me stay in her trailer while she was working on set. I honestly started to get bored so I went on tik tok. I was watching videos on my for you page when I got an edit of Louis and it made me smile.
Louis's POV
I asked Mille where Y/n was and she told me that she was in her trailer. I nodded and started walking in that direction when Millie shouted...
" Going to your crush! Ask her out when you're their Louis!"
I turned around to give her a glare before continuing to make my way to the trailers.
I knocked, but I didn't hear anything so I quietly opened the door to find her distracted. I tried not to laugh at what she was watching. I then walked up to her and said...
" Ooh! Looks like you have a crush on one good looking guy."
She let out a little scream and threw her phone. I chuckled and said...
" So who was that guy you were stalking?"
All she did was cover her face. I smiled and said...
" Y/n/n, it's all right I was just messing with you."
She let out a groan before telling me...
" You were not supposed to see that. God this is so embarrassing."
I just smiled at her and gently sat next to her.
Your POV
I could feel the couch dip, but I still kept my hands on my face. I was so embarrassed that he caught me watching edits of him.
" Y/n, look at me please." he said
I let out a quiet sigh and looked over at him. I saw him smile when he noticed that I listened to him.
" I just want you to know that I may have gotten a crush on you too, so you're not alone if you actually like me."
I could tell by his tone that he was super nervous to tell me that. I gave him a smile. " Really?" I asked shocked
He nodded his head. He then grabbed both of my hands and asked...
" Will you go on a date with me tonight?"
I smiled and said,  " Yes."
Time Jump
I was in my apartment with Millie freaking out about my date with Louis.
" It's not that bad Y/n/n." she said through her laughter
I groaned, " Millie, it's not funny."
She tried to consume her laughter for me, but then her face was getting red. I rolled my eyes and tried to pick out something to wear.
I was trying to finish my hair when there was a knock on the door. I panicked and before I could grab it Millie said...
" Don't worry babe, I got it."
I mentally thanked her in my head.
Louis's POV
I was nervously standing at her door waiting for it to open. I was about to give myself a pep talk, but I saw Millie in the doorway. She had a teasing smile.
" Well hello Louis. Please come in."
I walked in, but felt Millie grab my wrist before I could walk any further.
" You do anything to hurt my best friend, I will be at your door ready to murder you." She then put on an innocent face and shouted...
" Y/n/n! Your date is here!"
"Millie!" We heard her scream
Both of us let out a laugh. I then heard footsteps coming our way, so when I looked up to find her I was shocked at how beautiful she is.
"Hey"  She whispered
I smiled and greeted her with...
" Hi, you look stunning."
She blushed and thanked me. We then headed to the door when Millie said,  " Don't have too much fun."
We both were a blushing mess.
I was listening to her talk about a story that happened to her when all of a sudden stopped and looked confused.
" Um, what's wrong?" She questioned
Then it was my turn to get confused. " What do you mean?"
She let out a little giggle. " You're just looking at me funny."
I gave her a look. " I'm not looking at you. I'm just admiring you."
She blushed. " You're adorable when you blush." I teased
She laughed and covered her face. " Louis, stop!"
I let out a chuckle. " Why? You're stunning, and I'm not lying."
She smiled and grabbed my hand. " We'll thank you."
9 months later
Your POV
I was in the passenger seat of Louis's car. My hair was down, the windows were open and his hand was resting on my leg. I smiled at how my life ended up. We stopped at a red light and I felt him turn my face. He smiled at me before giving me a sweet yet short kiss and then continued driving to who knows where. Just as long as it has us both together forever.
I hope this isn't cringy, I really didn't know how to end it, but I think the ending worked out really well. I am going to try to get requests done this week. Also if any of you guys want to request Louis or anything else, feel free.
I know I haven't been writing much these months, but I really don't have an excuse. I think I lost a little motivation, but since I watched some shows that are new to me, but not new to the world. It has helped me with my imagination. Also I kind of turned into a book nerd because I have been reading non stop.  
All right I hope you guys like this one.
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Anonymous asked:
[ask edited for length and content]
Egodeath/Jealous Anon. Thank you. I feel better after your response. I wanted to clarify two things, just if you want more context: With the similarities, I think I'm afraid that if I do get published, my books will be instantly rejected because people think it's just another copycat. I've seen people instantly reject a book just because it was similar to one that's already popular. I put so much effort into making sure my ideas are my own, it would really hurt if readers thought the work was copied and not my own.
You are deeply overthinking things here.
If you want to be a published writer, you need to reconcile yourself with the fact that everyone isn't going to love your books. And that's fine, because no one has EVER written a book that was universally loved 100% across the board. No one. Ever. In history. Every single book ever written has its critics. Every single author whose ever put pen to paper has people who don't like them. This is just a reality.
If some people don't like your books because they're similar to another book they read, that has nothing to do with you. That's their prerogative. Other people might dislike your books because they're not similar enough to another book they read. It's pointless to worry about it because you will never please everyone. Why people don't like your book is none of your concern.
I guess with ACOTAR it was just too many specific things. The character design and role of Rhysand. The telepathy between the love interests. There was a whole lot more but I put it down so long ago I've forgotten most now - but at some point it just felt like reading my own notes when I opened one of those books. The worst was when a fictional name I made up was used in that book - and given it's popularity I 'd probably have copyright issues if I tried to keep it in my work anyway. I think that was just the last straw to make me quit the series.
It happens, and it's honestly not as big a deal as it feels like it is now. Again, ideas don't come from nowhere. As much as you strive to make sure your ideas are your own, our "creative wells" are all filled from the same places, and human experience is only so varied, so the odds of multiple people coming up with the same things over and over are actually pretty likely. You're holding yourself up to impossible standards by expecting yourself to create stories that are wholly original and share no similarities with any other story.
Let me share a few times when this has happened to me in hopes it will help you see it's not that big a deal...
A few years after I wrote my first novella (which was not yet published at that time), I saw a commercial for a new TV show. The background concept, setting, and many surface details were pretty identical to my novella, but what KILLED me is one of the main characters had the same name and nickname as my protagonist... and they weren't even that common a name/nickname for that time period. I was sick... absolutely sick. It completely derailed my plans to flesh the story out into a full novel and publish it. Now, YEARS later, I just laugh when I think about it because the things that felt like glaring similarities now are nothing. The plot and conflict of the TV show are completely different from my novella. In the intervening years, I've come across countless other stories with the same background concept, same setting, same surface details, similar characters... and all of those shows, movies, stories, books, video games, comics, graphic novels, plays--whatever--have people who adore them and DGAF about any similarities to some random TV show.
Less than two years after my debut novel was published, I was reading a newly released book and was absolutely floored by the number of similarities. Two less common names, two unusual titles used in a similar way, and three unusual descriptive words used in the same way. Plus, 24 bigger similarities like setting similarities, plot point similarities, situational similarities... Were it not highly unlikely that the author had read my book, and had it not been for the short amount of time between my book and their book, it would have been tempting to think they'd intentionally copied me, because the similarities were just that glaring. But the reality is, we're just two writers who think alike, and in the years since, I've found a few other writers with whom I constantly have these kinds of similarities. They happen, and they feel world-ending at the time, but I promise you they're not as big a deal as your brain is making them into.
So, seriously, stop worrying about it. Similarities are going to happen, and they're going to be glaring sometimes, and there's nothing you can do about it. There's absolutely no way you can write a book that has not a single similarity with an existing story, and even if you could, that's not going to mean you'll write a book that will be universally loved 100% by everyone. People are going to dislike your book no matter what you do, and some of those people may see similarities between apples and oranges. There's nothing you can do about it. You're not writing for them anyway. You're writing for the people who are going to LOVE your book, and that will be the majority, similarities or not. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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novelcain · 1 year
Please read 🙏
So. I mentioned in the tags of one of my first posts back that I had to announce a few things that'd probably lose me some followers, but like I don't blame anyone if you do skedaddle because I know most of you are here for the monkie (totally understandable tho)
That being said I am no longer hyperfixated on jttw/Sun Wukong and that likely won't happen again for a while cause main the thing that caused me to clock out for so long kinda left a bad taste in my brain. However I will eventually come back to it. I can guarantee that. It just won't be for a hot minute (maybe who knows I can't control my brain lol)
As for the 10 billion asks I have in my inbox rn I'll be taking screen shots of the ones that have to do with monkie and such and putting them in a folder so that when I DO get back into jttw I'll just immediately start with those. So yeah if you sent me a really long ask FEAR NOT!😃 for I refuse to get rid of any of them 🥰
With that information tho, I never really intended for this to be just a monkie blog that's just what my hyperfixation had been on since I started. But I also tried to force that hyperfixation to stay way longer than I should have so that I could keep making content that my followers would like which is a part of the reason why I needed a break for so long. I wore myself out, and I needed to convince myself that it was okay for me to make content that makes me happy too. 😌
Tho unfortunately that does mean all my current projects will be on hold and I'll be updating the titles on ao3 soon to On Hiatus. 😔
I ofc will still gladly interact with/absorb any art or writings inspired by or dedicated to my works even if they aren't something I'm currently fixated on because effort deserves recognition and I love seeing ya'lls stuff more than anything. 🥰 Same goes for any submissions with art or edits/videos.
Also I did finish my Triad AU Sun Wukong character sheet like... forever go and just forgot to post it. 😬 (I KNOW I'M SORRY! 😭) SO I'll be posting that soon once I'm done moving everything around and making things more manageable and ✨️aesthetic✨️ on the blog.
Tho that kinda brings me to the next announcement I'll be merging my art blog and my spam blog onto this blog (so many blogs😫) cause honestly 4 blogs is just too much and I just wanna vibe 😅🤚 lol
The last announcement is that once I'm done rearranging everything I'll be going through all my mentions that I've missed and checking out what you guys made while I was gone cause I heard from a few people that there's quite a bit 😊 *much excitement* (on god I need an emoji that looks like it's vibrating because I need visual representation of how I feel like imma explode sometimes)
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what do you think of this post? i found it kind of.. weird, in the way it talked about her relationship with team avatar compared to her relationship with zuko
It started out okay, turned into a train-wreck REAL fast.
I can understand being annoyed at how people will make fun of something like Katara bringing up her mom a lot, especially if these people don't do that for any other character when they ALL bring up their traumas a lot, but the way it quickly escalated into "Actually, Katara was right in telling her brother he didn't love their mom like she did" was honestly one of the most disgusting things I've read by anyone in this fandom - which is saying a lot.
Also, once again the complete bullshit claims of "The Gaang and Aang in particular never try to be there for Katara, emotionally, like she was for them."
Considering this person mentioned disliking videos that frame the entire show as just Katara being a bitch towards poor, friendzoned nice guy Aang, I would not be surprised if they let this dumb edits drastically affect how they see completely innocent Kataang moments as being something they weren't OR that they had already read Zutara "metas" (aka wildly out of character fanfic) and formed their opinion on these dynamics looooong before they actually watched the show.
People really gotta stop focusing on what the FANDOM does when they are talking about how CHARACTERS behave towards each other. Yes, some fans are sexist and hate Katara for the "crime" of being a female character - that does not mean the Gaang forced her into the role of being their mom/caretaker/therapist.
Sokka is CONSTANTLY trying to be useful the group. Toph learned to open up and clearly enjoyed spending time with Katara, even if it was to do things she did not want to do at first (you TRY dragging Toph to a spa and have people touch her feet after she explicitly said that was the one thing they were not allowed to do. See how fast you get crushed by a rock).
And Aang - oh my God, AANG. That boy was all about trying to make Katara happy from day one. They played together, he offered to go with her to the Northern Water Tribe so she could become a pro-waterbender, would always apologize to her whenever he did something wrong, explicitly told her she gave him hope (mirroring how she had hope the Avatar would save the world), was in complete awe after she literally brought him back to life, fucking blew up a factory with her, and tried to stop her from making a big mistake and sacrificing what was left of her innocence by killing a (admitedly AWFUL) man - yes, Zutarians, NOT letting your friend do something they'll regret IS being a good friend and thinking of what's best for them, sorry not sorry.
THE WHOLE REASON Katara is so emotionally attached to Aang and wants to be there for him whenever he needs anything is because HE ALLOWED HER TO BE A KID AND HAVE FUN AGAIN.
You'd think so called "Katara fans" would be able to understand such a simple concept that she verbally explains to us IN THE FIRST DAMN EPISODE!
Anyone that claims Aang didn't love and support Katara just as much as she did him is either misremembering the show, in deep denial, or just flat out lying to you.
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
AAAAHHHHH!! CONSIDER MY SHIT FLIPPED!! THE BLACK BUTLER LIVES! What are your thoughts on the new art style?
BRO I'm with you, flipped like that pancake I managed to throw half out the pan😩 I still can't believe. best Monday every fr.
and ooo thanks for the question, I wanna hear your thoughts after this👀 I've already said a little bit about this in the tags of some other posts, as well as touched on it in my master post of the crew, but I suppose I may give a big final answer(for now, from this teaser).
judging the art alone, not the fact that we get a new anime or anything exciting like that, just the art alone... it's very pretty!
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yea this is very pretty. the kid looks great, small and good, and his hair looks feathery and neat, so I approve. I think they nailed his general proportions, I think they'll do a great job at keeping them consistent during episodes! the image to the right does looks a tiny bit like a 3d asset, which is a bit jarring compared to the previous anime style, but I'm flexible towards this change. even if he looks like a video game cutscene character, I usually love cutscenes!!
but here's the drama I'm sure you're here for. yes, unfortunately, there are some wee things that I don't love as much🤏
the first thing, it really doesn't matter and I should shut up about it now... but YOU asked so ajdjfksksk why did they have to shrink sebs jaw cmon my favorite art of him ever was during the Greenwitch arc so don't tell me I'll NEVER be able to see that style of him animated😫 I just like prominent features man. I know he's meant to be pretty but but but....
ah okay. heres the main thing that I think most people may agree with.
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these are two screenies of sebster from the teaser. honestly, as ☆luxurious☆ as his lashes are, I'm not a fan of the left image. the airbrush on his hair feels a tad overdone. I love the attention to detail, especially in the one on the right, it shows a lot of love! but there's just something about it that's a bit off for me.
and I think after 24 hours I've finally figured it out: it's the colors.
the realization started to hit me when I saw my favorite edit so far here by @ashxketchum. the colors have been edited to be much more saturated and warm. and I think this is exactly what is missing here.
I even tried my own hand at it, and yea personally, I think slapping a saturation, tint, and just a BIT of contrast on the whole thing can do numbers on it.
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already I like it(no I'm not just praising my own work, it's not the best edit out there I did it in 30 secs). I think the reason for this is because the background is very rich in contrast and warm tones, so the characters(particularly sebastian who is all black) stand out when they are muddy and low contrast. I love stylistically when contrast is high, but that's just a personal thing, and I shouldn't hold a studio to those standards.
I tried it for the poster too though, which again I felt was a bit off. official art has never been the most top tear, and the poster is GOOD, the background is awesome and the two peeps looks amazing. but my problem with it was clear once I did another color edit.
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(edit on the right)
again, I feel like everything was very muted in the left original, not to mention a tad monochromatic. I really think a kick of contrast and hue could do wonders.
BUT. I know that at the end of the day, it's not a big deal. I don't really care. would it make my day or whole year if they slapped a color filter on it, or continued to work on the color grading of the scenes? probably yea! but my opinion isn't obsolete, and most of all, I look forward to and respect the artists decisions.
so no I'm not "fixing" the art😅😒.
and finally, I think this is awesome:
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(I had forgotten but this gif is edited by @kilruas from this post)
GORGEOUS. could it turn some people off cause it's mostly cg? maybe. idc though. gorgeous. gimme some of that beverage.
sorry for the rant, hope it's what you wanted! I think that's everything... I like it 85%!
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cerine0357 · 1 year
Raemous, Reo Takahashi, Haoyu Shimizu with a female s/o who was abused in childhood and does not trust people and is not close to people, being only close to yanderes
Yandere! OC: MorningStar Court, Shimizu family, Elentia Encurioun:-
. Raemous, Reo Takahashi, Haoyu Shimizu X Reader
✣ Summary: What if they happen to have darling who has been abused since childhood and does not trust anyone but them????
✣ Dark content, fluff, comfort, headcanons|| Established relationships???|| Warnings: blood, guns, kidnapping, mentions of abuse, childhood abuse, murder, suicide, etc...|| Yandere version Of OCs
✣ Author's note: Thank you so so much for requesting this!! I deeply apologize for behaving wrongly in the beginning with you, and so I behaved that way...Hopefully you enjoy this and have a good day!
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Yandere OCs X Reader: S/O who was abused and only trusts them
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Reo Takahashi
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▦ Reo is actually so happy you don't trust anyone but him, you're clinging to him during his meetings where he takes you, when he puts you into care of Rikurou, Hinaru or his father, Kento Takahashi, you often end up not talking to them at ALL! You're actually too shy or scared to even talk to them, and you only talk with Reo, he LOVES that you're dependent on him!!!
▦ One thing though.....Your abuser is alive, but not well, they're not gonna be well, your abuser is never gonna be well again.....Reo learns about your abuse when you had a very bad panic attacks and fainted when he either is mad and when he kidnapped you, he found this concerning, he didn't grow up in a regular environment, but he knows this isn't normal and that is when he did EXTENSIVE research on your, your past, not leaving out any details when he found out about your childhood abuse...
▦ He would be lying if he said he didn't cry at that info and hugged you tightly while you slept on his lap....Hinaru and Rikurou and even his father were finding it hard to calm him down, but then you hugged him tighter in sleep and they mentioned how you won't be happy seeing him sad and what type of lover would he be if he made you upset??
▦ Reo is so careful when he's around you, tries to interest himself in your interests so you accept him more, he asks his family to do this as well and they try their best, if your interests range though anime to k-pop to video games to editing to being unhinged Rikurou will the second person you're closest to, if you like something like crafting, dressing up, singing songs, dancing, cooking, skin care routine or something like that, Hinaru will be the one to be with you, but if you like planting, reading (eroticas as well), writing, gossiping, learning about new things, Reo's father, Kento Takahashi, will be with you, he may be old, but he likes these types of things and would love someone to spend time with him, other than the numerous kids and animals...Not to worry, they won't let you meet anyone, unless it animals, they promised Reo!!!
▦ Reo honestly always helps you calm down during a panic attack, bad dream or bad flashbacks, he is beside you most of the time unless he's on a mission, his family will help you, no need to worry!! They're beside you to help you!!!
▦ Reo's torturing your abuser by the way, making them feel the exact same pain as you, it's just 80X worse, they wish to die but they won't, not until Reo gets his anger and revenge out for you being abused through your childhood when you were meant to be protected over anything....
▦ Reo is very much protective over you, he will never let anyone touch you, the top of the list is his SHITTY MOTHER! He despises her and hates her for hurting his family and ruining them, but the moment she touches you, she won't be seen ever again and people will be too scared to mention her death...
▦ He is making his bodyguards, his family and even his own training to be more stronger and to make sure you're more protected not only by his enemies but to make sure you don't escape either, that is the last thing he would let happen...
▦ Reo always makes sure that you're never in sight of his anger and if you two got into an argument and he did get angry, he would be panicking himself that you're now scared of him and won't ever talk to him and you despise him.....You don't.....Also, he is never angry with you, only upset, he knows manipulation, so when you escape ad get caught (cause there is no way you're able to get far) he only says that the trust e put in you is broken.....And yeah a few other tricks and boom you're back in his arms!
▦ Reo would never allow you to be hurt or abused and so he is always beside you, breathing down your neck to ensure you're safe and nobody is hurting you, he believes that if he leaves to go to the bathroom someone will beat you up, it's okay, he won't take you to the bathroom with him, you're under someone's care <;33333
▦ Whenever you're having panic attacks, depression episodes or anything where you're crying, he is crying along side you, holding you tightly to his chest and kissing and hugging you, because since you were abused like him, just in different sense he sometimes believes that you were with him when he was abused and hurt by his mother....
▦ You barely trust anyone and so you don't usually interact with anyone, not like it's a bad thing, quite the opposite actually, Reo despises talking with people and so since he locks you up in your room with a member or bodyguard outside, you eventually befriend people he befriends and so since you trust them, if you try to escape, they're gonna snitch, you reveal something that's bothering you, he knows about it and takes care of it in secret...
▦ To Reo, you're a shy and soft kitten who needs to be protected at all times, he has a tracker on you at all times, with multiple cameras in your room, but in places you totally won't expect and find, cause he doesn't want to lose the trust you put into him and the "love" you both have...
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⋰ Oh...Raemous knows! HE WAS WAITING FOR THE MOMENT TO TAKE YOU AWAY!! You committed suicide after your abuser found you yet again and after you died in the hospital he greeted you through Limbo, the eldritch horror between Human world and Infernal (where you were meant to go), he formed a contract with you as to give you your life back and to help you get revenge on your abuser, you agreed and he sealed it with a kiss~
⋰ He knew about this, though it was back when he was chained in Infernal, being tortured and having his punishment when he accidentally fell in to Limbo and his eyes fell on you, well more of a child you...The loneliness and pain in them reflected his own and then he left only to find you again as a adult suffering the consequence of the childhood abuse...And when he finally got released from his punishment, only 2 weeks later, you committed suicide...When Lucifer heard about this, he said "For devil's sake Ramey, go get this one!" and he did!
⋰ He was so happy, when you accepted him in your life not as random contract for revenge but as your lover, you knew of his blood thirsty tendencies, you for some reason decided to forgive your abuser but he didn't, Oh no! He got the abuser in his grasp, gave him the worst death imaginable and gave it to Zional as sacrifice telling him what he did to you and Zional loves a good sacrifice so he could use his metal whips and other punishments for people who deserve it for the eternity they're there until he gets bored and eats their soul....
⋰ Oh Raemous, he keeps you in the MorningStar palace like a pretty doll that you are!! The MorningStars keep you under their eyes, with Lucifer creating a domain type place for you, where you're never bored and if you need interaction, Zional and Ezoliana are there for you! They're very calming and soft and know how to handle people with childhood trauma, they won't break their promise to Ramey about letting you escape and if you did somehow escaped, how far will you go???
⋰ Ramey though he cannot contain his anger sometimes, he tries his best to hid it even if he can't, you may get scared and faint due to panic attacks, but I guess he tries his best so that's a plus!! His demon form does make people question their sanity (I don't know how it should be, but black sclera eyes and probably looks like momo, but on large scale and more demented) and so, he never shows you his demon form, only his semi-demon form, he doesn't want to traumatize you...
⋰ Raemous makes sure you have everything you want to keep you occupied and if you want to go outside, Belphegor is beside him to keep you unconscious until Raemous returns from his work and until you're getting the wanting to go outside part out of your head...Ramey will take you outside, but on certain occasions saying, "Hey, bright eyes! You know you're very important to me and not everyone is nice and I'm more possessive, I'll try my best, but don't expect anything muffin human!!!"
⋰ Ramey knows how hard it can be interacting when you don't trust people easily and have trouble talking and communicating with people, so he has the royals interact with you and a few side court interact with you too, you mostly trust Aurelesia, Belial, Lucifer, Odelia and Belphegor though, they're all very calm and sweet and genuinely take interest in you, mainly cause most people don't talk with them due to their high status and how they all look very noble like and intimidating...
⋰ Lucifer likes to learn about your life and find out about the people in your life and if they treated you shitty, their names are going to Ramey....Lucifer has never seen how many humans can be shitty, even demons aren't like this and they're considered to be the embodiment of evil and sins....
⋰ Ramey is SO PROTECTIVE!!! He trains himself with Zional, Lucifer, Belial and Diavolo for the simple explanation of getting so strong that he can protect you better and make you feel safe, it's cute!! Also did you know Ramey finds you to be so fragile and cute and tiny and nice that he feeds you food, literally everything, it's like you're a royal rather than the ACTUALLY royals of the Infernal!!!
⋰ If you ever try to escape, Raemous will bring you back and maybe a bit of manipulation and guilt tripping is a better punishments than physical ones...He doesn't want you to relive the moments of your childhood...If he could, he would turn back time as to simply steal you and try to give you a better life...by giving you to a family whom he knows wants kids and would treat you well
⋰ Raemous makes sure you're always feeling happy and if you're feeling uncomfortable, a little lesson will teach them, don't ask why that person is gone missing, and why Ramey's stone guitar is covered in splatters of blood, he was just playing around with Lucifer, Mammon, Beelzebub or some other royal and they got a bit rowdy....
⋰ If you're ever having a panic attack or you got scared due to someone, he will a HUNDRED PERCENT try to get you the things you wished in your entire life to make you smile, make jokes, give hand made gifts, sing songs or simply get Belphegor to put you to sleep if it's getting out of hand and try to calm you down....he will cry along side you, only a few tears slipping down his cheeks as the pain and loneliness when he first saw in your eyes reflected his yet again...
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Haoyu Shimizu
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⊷ Oh no, Hoayu will find out eventually, how can you keep such a large thing from him and for how long??? He will find out eventually, he knows the fact that to you not trusting a person at all, until you've known them for over years and even then not trust them fully?! Now there's something wrong with that...
⊷ Xinyue can go through panels, which means panels of your memories no matter how any you forget, he can see them and so all Hoayu has to do is put you to sleep while Xinyue does his things and sees what happened in your past and he had to explain everything in grave detail to Haoyu because Xinyue knows how possessive he becomes and how he won't be spared as well....Haoyu won't hurt him but take away his drinks, laptop and things like that...
⊷ Hoayu is another one who cried himself to sleep, while hugging you tightly, then Izumi came to comfort him and she started crying seeing him cry and the Ayano, Oshinyu, Oshinuza, Azuki, Hyuna, Hyunizo, Il-seong, Liuxian, Yuxing, Ayako, Xinyue, Dejino, Dejiyo, Xinya, Osana, Osamu all started crying in that order seeing Izumi and Haoyu cry then Kaiyo and Reo started crying to see their children cry....So you woke up and had to comfort Haoyu first of all cause he was crying the hardest and then the girls of the family and then the few boys so basically you're the care taker of the Shimizu family, Kaiyo and Reo calmed down on their own..
⊷ Hoayu makes sure you're always interested and happy and enjoying yourself when he's not there, he makes sure you're spending time with his sisters and brothers, it depends on what your interests are, he's happy to let you spend time with them, but you're not allowed to fall in love with any of them, he will forbid you to meet them after that, his siblings will understand, he lets his parents spend time with you as well! They love dressing you up in kimonos, hanboks, cheongsan, saris, or anything you're heart desires, they treat you like another daughter of their, Reo especially adores you, he will make you sit down and have tea with him and he even cuddles with you, the most loving father to exist, even though he looks like he bites the head off of people...
⊷ Haoyu will ask his parents to train his powers and him physically to make him stronger as to "protect" you more and "keep you safe". His parents do get a bit concerned at how hard he wants his training to be so as to lower his load, they train all the kids a bit harder as to make sure you're safe, that's how amazing the parents are!!!
⊷ Izumi, Hyuna and Osana all dress you up and you four do a fashion show, while Haoyu, Ayano, Hyunizo, Dejino and Xinya sit out enjoying you girls dress up, especially Haoyu; his family is important and him seeing you bond with them is so nice and it makes him feel content and his heat feels full, because you do not trust people easily so it's nice seeing you talk with people you trust, that is his family, the servants are forbidden to talk to you, they're treated as nice as possible, but they still have rules to follow which are made by the Shimizu family!
⊷ OMG! Haoyu knows how to torture people, he doesn't let the innocent ones; Izumi, Hyuna and Liuxian do the dirty work. But he lets all others of his family members vent their anger out on your abuser(s), Xinya can turn back the condition of something so your abuser dying does nothing for them, Xinya can turn them back to being alive and they're constantly being tortured by his parents, him and his bloodthirsty siblings!
⊷ Haoyu always is next to you when you're having a panic attack, flashbacks, depressive episodes or anything of the sort, he will be calming you down by giving you water, letting you hug him or hit him (he doesn't mind, he worships the ground you walk on), cuddling you to sleep, letting you use him as your expensive tissue, etc. But he happens to not be there, be assured his siblings or parents are around you, some of them may not know what to do, but a spring of scream can trigger their parents or other siblings in a way most things can't...
⊷ Haoyu is some of the calmest children out there even though he looks very intimidating, but he can't say the same for his siblings or his parents, so you are very rarely under the sight of his anger, unless you escaped, don't worry he won't hit you, no, he will hurt you psychologically, lasts longer as a lesson.. But if you happen to face the anger of someone else of his family like Dejino, Reo, Xinya, Ayako, Dejiyo or Hyunizo or someone else, and you end up with a panic attack, he will have a calm talk with them and makes sure they know what to do in such a situation, they try THEIR ABSOLUTE BEST in taking care of you and hiding their anger.
⊷ If you escape, you will be brought back, because Reo and Kaiyo have diplomatic immunity from laws of their world, so they're gonna do this thing where they say you are missing and are going crazy thinking they kidnapped you, but they work for the government, why would they kidnap you??? But they don't have to do it, right?? You're behaving so well, why would you wanna leave??
⊷ He understands the fact that after being abused you can't really trust people easily, when his siblings were here, Osana, Oshinyu and Osamu especially didn't trust people easily, they still don't unless they know a majority of their siblings do, if you don't want to interact, you don't have to, if you'd like to talk with people, his siblings and parents are there for you to talk, vent, chat or have fun with, they understand if you don't like to talk with them!
⊷ If somebody other than him, be it servants, some people whom you happened to meet while roaming around or maybe his siblings or parents, scare you, it could go in a few ways; one if it's someone other than family, they will either die or maybe get a life threat, nothing too rash, but if it's family, he will yell at them (unless they're his parents), talk things out with them and explain what they did wrong in handling you, or he will try to assure you they didn't mean harm!
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© All three characters belong to me, Lxdymoon, Aurelia, Moon. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for ready and if you like this check out my blog!
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tat3sbbg · 9 months
The Evans with a reader who does edits for fun
this is how I think the Evans would react if u used them for edits, but you don't always post them and just do it as a hobby :)
Tate Langdon:
i think he would say its cool
definitely likes watching them
he thinks ur really good at it, but he'll support u no matter what u decide ur passion is
asks if u can make an edit of his dick, let's be honest
i mean it's tate, what else do you expect?
TOTALLY records more sex tapes now just to see what you do with them ;)
Kit Walker:
literally smiles so big once he sees one of himself
thinks it's sooooo cute that you admire him this much
"you're just so pretty Kit, how could I not edit you?"
he smiles and smiles and smiles about it for days
"awww, you admire me sugar? that's so sweet :) "
loves you even more now
Franken Kyle:
let's be honest: he doesn't understand at first
you have to explain that you're taking pictures and clips of him and you're compiling them and then adding effects
THEN he gets it and loves them so much
never really been this loved and admired
he's not really used to all the attention, people usually look at him weird on the streets and he feels bad
so he feels really good that you're giving him good attention, y'know?
soooo cute about it too, watches them all the time
probably while he's supposed to be watching his educational videos
Jimmy Darling:
he's VERY happy that you think he's cute
honestly doesn't get it either at first, but once he catches on he's like Kit and Kyle mixed together
he's always been shunned for his hands, so to see you spending your free time editing him? keeper in his eyes
kind of overwhelmed with it all, you have a whole album in your phone gallery with them
with like hundreds
thinks your really good
(please don't break his heart please please please)
James Patrick March:
omg the funniest one
he already doesn't understand modern technology
and now he has to understand how on earth you're putting pictures of him to songs and effects?
doesn't understand it
worse than Kyle
still supports you and learns to appreciate them, though
once you FINALLY explain it to him, he loves them
honestly takes work, but he is photogenic so who cares
Kai Anderson:
probably uses them for his campaign
forces you to make some political and then puts them on Facebook
"Kai this isn't going to work"
"Of course it will, it's on Facebook"
trying to get to the young people honestly
knows they watch these "edits" these days, and tries to reach them from it
loves that you admire your divine ruler, though
same thing as Tate, makes sex tapes and then you edit them
guys this was so fun omg
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pbandjesse · 24 days
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Today is labor day! And it feels thematically appropriate to finally. Finally. Tell Tumblr the secret I have been holding from the Internet for a month. I am 11 weeks pregnant! And today we finally got to tell my family. So I can also finally tell all of you. It has been incredibly hard to write my posts since July 31st when I first found out. And there are other versions of my posts I had written. So I will have to go back and edit those back. It wasn't all of the days but there is a good handful from the beginning of August!! It has been so hard to not say anything! It's why I've been so sick!
I was so nervous to tell my parents. How would they react?? Would i get the emotional excitement I hoped for?? It's basically all I wanted to talk about yesterday. And thankfully when I got home last night I was able to shower and settle and I was able to sleep pretty well, despite the nerves.
I had brought two flower arrangements home from the wedding. One for me and one for my parents. I was smart and dumped the water from the vases but would fill them up for the overnight. And in the morning they still looked great.
I woke up at 8. With the plan for us to leave at 830. James was making crepes and they looked so cute in their Uganda soccer kit. And I really love my denim dress. I felt good. I was nervous but I didn't feel sick. And I really hoped I could keep that going. Ride that wave as long as I could.
Right before we left I noticed one of my frogs was dead. Covered in snails. And I was so sad. So I think I have no frogs anymore. And it just bums me out so bad. I am just going to have to completely start my tank over. I can't get the snails to stop. It's ruined my tanks environment and it just sucks so bad. James would handle getting my baby frog out and buried. I was just really sad. But I tried to not let it ruin my day. We had a big thing to do.
I went out to the car to move stuff around so there would be room for us to bring our laundry with us to my parents. And soon we were on the road.
I brought a pillow and that made me more comfortable. I never fell asleep but I enjoyed resting and we listened to a podcast and it was not a bad drive at all. We wouldn't have to deal with any traffic and we got to my parents at 1030.
We didn't discuss between, me and James, how we were going to tell them. We had packed a little gift bag, with the ultra sound from my last appointment (remember when I went to see that 'specialist'?) and James picked a fig from the tree to bring with us. I packed it like a gift. And when we got to the house we put the flowers and the gift bag in the kitchen table and just didn't mention it. I would have to decide on the right time.
The dogs didn't bark when we came in. It was like they were so excited they were basically honking??? Mom would come out and was very surprised. But I was so happy to see her.
Dad was still getting ready for the day. So I would have to wait.
We would chill in the living room. And talked about life and just catching up. It was hard to redirect the conversation when Mom would talk about me feeling sick, but also when she brought up our planned Scotland trip. The problem being my expected due date is two weeks before the trip. So I was pretty sure we were going to have to reschedule that. Which makes me a little sad but I knew she would understand.
I went to bother Dad and tell him to hurry up and join us. And soon he would. But I wouldn't tell them yet still.
Around 1130 mom asked if we wanted to order pizza. I had had my two crepes in the car but I absolutely wanted pizza now. I love the pizza place near them. So we would order pizza and James got a cheese steak and mom got a quesadilla.
While we waited for the food to be delivered, mom brought up Scotland again. And I decided it was the right time. I honestly wish I got it on video because she had such an amazing reaction. I told James to get the gift bag and mom was like. Why do I get a gift?? And I'm like well it's kind of a thing for both of you.
She brought out the framed ultrasound first. And she literally stopped mid sentence and goes. No??? You're fucking joking?? Jesse??!! You're joking?? And I go right into explaining, this is why I've been sick. And she ran over to me to give me a hug. And dad is like ??? What is happening, Sharon stop cursing!!! And mom hasn't shown him the frame yet and he wasn't getting it. But we finally hand it to him and he gets it and he go no!! Omg!! And they were both so excited. She claims she didn't cry but I saw the teary eyes. She was so excited. Dad was so excited.
Then I explained the fig. And dad goes. Wow. My grandchild, as he holds it up. And then I explain the whole story. When we were on the cruise I was nauseous. Jess's parents kept saying I was pregnant. I didn't want to take a test until August 1st, despite missing two persons. But when I got off the cruise and was still nauseous I spoke to the camp nurse and she convinced me to take a pregnancy test on July 31. And that evening I did and it was immediate. "PREGNANT". And then I told James. And we high fived. And then the next day we told Charlotte because she was leaving for Spain. On August 2nd I made an appointment for an obgyn but I let them know I had been sick but also I was spotting and they said I needed to go to the ER. So I had to tell Alexi and Heather and Elizabeth because I had to leave camp.
And when I got the the er I got fluids and they confirmed the pregnancy but I also got an ultrasound. Based on my last missed period they thought I might be 10 weeks but I was actually more like 6/7. And I got to see it early. It didn't look like much but I got to see it! And I drew a pictuee of it to show James later.
And then in the ten days between the ER and the OB-GYN appointment I lost 10lbs from being sick. And the midwife was so nice and James got to see them and they still didn't look like much but we got to see their heartbeat. And now I have my next appointment tomorrow. And I'm so nervous because anything and everything can go wrong. And I can't see them because my belly isn't see through so I just have to believe they are growing safely. And I really hope we get to see them tomorrow but I don't actually know if we will because I don't know how often you get ultrasounds. I want to see them every time though, only seems fair.
But they were just so excited. And when the door bell rang with our friends it took everything in mon not to just tell the pizza man that her daughter was pregnant. But it was the main point of conversation for the rest of the day.
Lunch was great. I actually ate 4 pieces of pizza! And I would actually feel pretty well through around 230. We would talk about the research and reading we have done to get ready. The book I'm reading. Things we have learned. Mom told us about her experiences and James finished the laundry between topics. It was just so nice. It was so nice to be able to talk about everything. About the scary things. About me accidently ripping my boobie skin off with kinesiology tape. About how I have had all my eggs since I was a baby inside of Mom. So this baby has always been with us, our whole lives. And it makes me just a little emotional to think about.
And like I am still scared. It could not be growing. It could not be growing correctly
It could be missing organs, or a skull. It could be perfect and then die at the end. Or it can be totally fine and I can come home with a new little person. That looks like me and James. The person I love so much.
And I just have to believe that no matter what happens I will be okay, and it will all work out how it's supposed to. Just how I have always believed.
And James got to talk about their excitement too. They are a little more focused on my health. They are just so worried about me being so sick. But they are also such an amazing support. And I love them so much.
I started feeling not amazing. And we had one more stop at Xavier and Kaitlyn's house. So at 3 we would give hugs all around. Mom and me had gone down to the basement and she gave me a nice new basket and a bunch of pencils for camp. And we got all of that in the car. And said goodbye. It was exciting that we got to give them something to be excited about. I love them so very much.
We left there and headed to our friends. They are about 40 minutes from my parents. And it was really nice to see them. They are expecting as well, and she's only a few weeks behind me! How crazy!! We talked about our different experiences. She said her mom was barely sick and that's been her experience so far, while my mom was sick the whole time and that's my experience too. Rough. But I enjoyed hanging out. They brought us a few little Pokemon things from Japan. And we just talked and caught up and spent an hour and a half there. It was fun.
But I was losing steam. So it was time to go. We said goodbye and headed not. See them soon!!
We would stop at Wawa on the way home. We got drinks and snacks. I got a small hoagie. And it did help me feel a little better. But the drive home would be a bit tough on us
Not much traffic, but our cord wasn't charging right. My phone would get down to 2%. And people were driving terrible. James couldn't stop sneezing. And the sun was so strong and directly in our faces. We couldn't block it no matter what we tried. So it was not a super fun trip back. But we were fine. And we would finally get home at 7.
We got everything inside. And I was just like. I gotta go lay down. James would put our clothes away. And we would just enjoy hanging out and doing our own thing in our bedroom. James worked on writing. I watched videos and scrolled. It was calm.
Eventually I took a bath. I have so many blasters on my feet from last night so the I put in the water hurt but I am sure it helped. And now we are in bed. And I am so ready to sleep. There was so much emotionally charged moments today. Like in the best way but man. I am exhausted.
And tomorrow we get to go to the OB-GYN again. This time we get to meet Dr Hoffman. Of Hoffman and associates! Which is the name of the practice. I get to have appointments with all the drs and midwives so we get to know everyone. I think it's smart. But also a little nerve wracking. You never in now what they are going to tell you. I just hope it's all good news you know?
But now it's time to sleep. I hope you all sleep great. I love you all so much. I will start editing the redacted posts and when I finish that (probably Thursday) I will make a post with the dates of the changes posts! If you want to go back and read them.
Goodnight everyone. Have fun tomorrow!!
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zuzsenpai · 8 months
I'm honestly so furious right now. I work in a video and photography department for a large healthcare organization. We're a department of 9, plus an intern. We're under the "marketing" umbrella, though we do a lot more than marketing for the network (for example we also make patient and employee education videos/photos/animations).
Yesterday the social media department (also part of marketing. We supply photos and videos for them to post) posted an AI generated image on our company's instagram page. It was a photorealistic AI image of a baby, used to promote our pediatric cardiology service line. The image is so ridiculously obviously AI, it makes me want to puke. It's uncanny, too smooth with zero skin texture, the eyes are messed up, and the "baby" literally has full eyelashes on one eye and none on the other.
I'm livid because it's like... what the fuck do they need OUR department for if they're going to be using AI now?
To our knowledge, this is the first time they've done this. I get that there's an "argument" to be made that it's incredibly difficult and time consuming to set up a photoshoot with a real baby, and they wanted something fast and easy because the marketing service line directors are constantly on social media's ass to push out abhorrent amounts of marketing content on social media. This culture will never change. We've tried to explain that people don't like seeing constant mediocre ads for healthcare service lines when they are on social media. But the higher ups won't listen to that AT ALL. So... AI generated gross ass baby it is (I cannot stress enough how creepy this "baby" looks).
But it's a slippery slope. Because first it's a baby. Next it'll be a fake orthopedic surgery patient because who has time to find a real patient for our photographers to shoot? Never mind that people on social media actually DO like seeing real patient stories. Next it'll be a billboard on the highway with AI generated doctors because who cares to know what their real doctor looks like, right? This is making me so mad for the photographers in my department who work so fucking hard to shoot and edit stunning, quality images. Their jobs will be relegated to event photography until someday an unmanned robot can set up their own camera and do that too (they probably already can?).
Recently one of the service line directors in marketing asked me to use an AI voice for an animation I'm making. I had to put my foot down and say that we have three fantastic local voiceover artists who we use for these kinds of projects. One of them is a retired gentleman who went to school with my dad and is always extremely happy to get work from us. Sometimes I think these marketing people just want to use AI because it's trendy.
I understand that there are other industries and individuals who are already being massively affected by AI to a much larger and much more detrimental degree. And that my problems are largely me spinning out of control. I figured AI would hit us eventually, and there's really nothing I can do except continue to put my foot down about the voiceover thing. I can't do much for the photographers, sadly. I'm too nervous to get mad at social media, though I really wish I could at least point out how disgusting that baby looks. But I'm worried that I'm going to be some sort of pariah if I voice my opinion on it. I already get paid peanuts and there's really no way for me to advance my career here. So being the "person who shits on social media for using AI" might be detrimental to me in the long run. I really DO want to advocate for our photographers, but is it my place? Idk, it's complicated.
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kiwiana-writes · 5 months
Do you have advice on how to make friends in fandom if you don’t write or draw or make gifs or videos or edits? I ferally comment on and reblog people’s posts/fics/art. I send people asks (not on anon, contrary to this one). I’ve tried DMing folks, especially those who’ve reposted things about being ok with being DM’d, but either never hear back or it fizzles quickly. I’ve also tried joining discords but find it overwhelming to even figure out where to start with those.
I love fandom, but it often feels like I’m driving by a party I really want to go to but I can’t find parking. I’m not a writer, that’s probably a terrible analogy.
I honestly have never had a hard time making friends online until I tried to make friends in fandom. I feel like there must be something wrong with how I’m approaching the space.
I mean, I’m going to keep commenting and reblogging regardless, but I’d also like to make some friends while I’m at it.
Ugh, honestly anon, I really really feel for you. I… am not good at making friends in fandom. At least not in terms of being the one to approach. I kind of just let myself be forcibly adopted by people who seem cool 😅 But that’s not a helpful strategy for you!! I would love if other people could weigh in with ideas for this anon, especially folks who either aren’t writers/artists, or maybe made fandom friends BEFORE they got into writing etc. Off that top of my head I’m gonna cold call @firenati0n and @celeritas2997 as people who seem to just have a knack for making friends, but I’m sure there are other people out there who may have tips for you.
I will say — tumblr DMs are fucking atrocious, at least for my adhd ass who has a terrible tendency to read messages intending to reply later and then they immediately fall out of my head. On something like discord the list of people you’ve messaged is pretty clearly displayed, so if I see someone’s name at the top of the list I’m like “oh shit that’s right”, but tumblr squirrels away the messaging function entirely so I never see it to give me a kick and a reminder. I shudder to think how many people I’ve inadvertently done exactly what you’re talking about to 😭 Discord DMs are a much better experience for me, but YMMV, and I do absolutely get what you mean about discord servers: by nature, the public ones are gonna be the big ones and they can get overwhelming quickly.
I guess the only other tip I can think of right now is to have a contact method in your AO3 profile — more than once I’ve had amazing comments from a regular reader, really wanted to reach out to them, and haven’t known how.
I really hope someone has something more useful for you, because I’ve been there, and I hate the thought of anyone feeling like they’re outside a party they weren’t invited to. It’s not invite-only; it’s one of those wildly irresponsible parties where someone chucked the address on Facebook and we’ll keep going till the cops shut us down 😂 But I GET IT, I’ve been there, and I’m really hoping some folks jump in the replies/reblogs with some suggestions for this anon?
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greatcheshire · 2 years
How do you deal with all the random hate or bad take criticism you get on your videos? I was going through some of the comments on your videos and it's absurd how many people say you're talking too fast or assume they know what the video is about and refuse to watch it on what they imagine it to be. I would have such a hard time not finicking over some of it.
It's definitely hard, especially at first! I think an important part of dealing with it is understanding when to stand your ground and how to separate valid criticism from hate comments and ill-informed comments. Like with talking fast, it definitely hurt to hear comments saying that early on, but it was also a note I've been getting ever since high school mock trial. And early on, people were right: I was talking too fast and editing my audio to be too fast and accelerated. But since then I've tried to take the notes to heart and improve my delivery for videos to a level I feel satisfied with. A weird thing that helped is last year when I did an on camera live Q&A with Sarah and I got comments making jokes about how I do actually just talk like this. So whenever I feel self conscious about it now, I can just tell myself, "Oh, right, I do just actually talk like this." The comments about not watching the video bug me a bit too, yeah, especially whenever something like the AVGN vid gets an algorithm bump and my notifications become a plethora of people telling me I'm a huge piece of shit before writing out a comment that unknowingly agrees with the video. Much like the talking comments, though, I learn to shrug it off and honestly find the humor in it. These people are getting riled up about something they're never going to watch. That's kinda funny, right?
There are definitely ones that bother me though. Transphobic comments oon't bother me too much, but comments on how my voice sound do sometimes get under my skin a bit, especially with how I first started out. And I do see things that upset me or that I disagree with. When that happens, I just have to learn to either ignore it, walk away, or vent about it in private. And generally, the positive comments I get outweigh the negative ones and so if I start getting too wrapped up in the hate, I'll look at some positive ones to make up for it and normalize my headspace.
I dunno. Being a creator is hard. But I try to do what I can to not let it get to me.
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