#honestly? I'm kinda proud of myself
alabyte · 4 months
It's not Star Wars, but it's still my art, so bear with my scribbles for a bit :DDD
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This is a picture I drew half an hour ago. I made it fairly detailed and rendered, but overall spent a couple hours on it - which isn't much when it comes to drawing for me.
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And this one I drew almost three years ago when I first bought a graphical tablet. I barely understood what layer effects were, didn't know what a brush stabilizer was, and took great pains to understand how the graphical editor settings worked. I spent almost all day on that doodle, and I was very proud of it at the time because I had done the best I could.
Anyway… If any of you have wanted to take up drawing, but are afraid it's too complicated and you'll get shit no matter how hard you try, go for it. Go ahead and draw. Find buttons you didn't know existed (I just found out last week that one tool in SAI has different modes), use tools by rote, try techniques, palettes and effects you've never tried before!
Don't be afraid to try and learn.
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faithdeans · 1 year
name 👍
hello friends... i'm just letting you know that i'm gonna stop going by tali on here and just use isaac from now on (and worm of course). i really appreciate you guys letting me feel this out over the past few months, and i've come to realise it makes me much more comfortable, at least on online spaces
that being said if you have a tag for me and it's tali, it's fine to keep it that way
further explaination in the tags ig
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misty-wisp · 5 months
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omg a sona ref :3c
soooo i drew this design WAYYYY back in like...october i think? but never made a proper ref sheet out of it bc i didn't feel like it yet. but now i feel like it so here she iiiis :] witchsty my friend witchsty
i'll be real it's not up to standards with my oc refs (minimal shading, more simplistic graphic design than usual, etc.) but like. it works. so idrc that much :P
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nsbfenro · 6 months
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@s-creations I couldn't help myself, I was reading Growing Pains and got inspired.
Edit: made one with more lightning covering his body
PS. I have never drawn a background before or have done anything like this before.
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beeh0n3y · 4 months
Guess whaaaatttt
it made my bestie/editor cry, that’s how you know the angst is good
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glitchy--demon · 7 months
Weheheheh woe demon lady be upon yee
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Finally made a ref for my sona Glitchy!! Improvement from the test design and i'm way more happy with the design now :D !!!!
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salut encore ! as-tu des recommandations des chansons françaises, en général mais particulièrement pour l'écriture et les personnages ? ma collection n'est pas grande :(
aussi, peux-tu parler un peu à propos lorelei et/ou némésis ? elles sont très intéréssantes ! bien sûr, seulement si tu veux
(quand j'écrivais en haut, je pus penser des mots espagnols mais pas français haha . . . ça fait longtemps que j'ai écrit en français mais osef)
Coucou ! Alors honnêtement je ne suis pas la meilleure personne à qui poser cette question 😬 la musique française et moi on a une relation... compliquée. Mais j'ai quand même quelques chansons françaises sur ma playlist donc :
Ta reine de Angèle
On brûlera de Pomme
Tournent les violons de Jean-Jacques Goldman
Requiem de Alma
(Tango) Princesse, D'où je viens et Si je m'en sors de Julie Zenatti
Faire semblant et Je sais si peu d'Élodie Frégé
A ma place d'Axel Bauer et Zazie
Je dors sur des roses de la comédie musicale "Mozart l'Opéra Rock"
Encore du temps de la comédie musicale "Le Roi Soleil"
Je serai ton ombre et D'un souffle ou d'un cri de la comédie musicale "Cléopâtre"
Generally speaking the french musicals have killer soundtracks so you should definetely check them out! Most of them are on Youtube and you can easily find the songs + lyrics video ^^ Of course, some of them are better than others (and some are just *chef kiss*) so, good luck
Le Roi Soleil ; Mozart l'Opéra Rock ; Cléopâtre la dernière reine d'Égypte ; Notre Dame de Paris ; Roméo et Juliette ; 1789 les amants de la Bastille ; La légende du roi Arthur ; Robin des Bois ; Don Juan ; Dracula l'amour plus fort que la mort ; and probably more I've forgotten. Have fun !!
ALSO THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY BABIES !!! Yes I would love to speak about them but I'll probably make a separate post and tag you in it, if you don't mind ? 😊
(@ladyniniane if you have more french songs to recomand, don' hesitate to jump in 👀)
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zestpunk · 3 months
I've found a new love.
It's web design. I've coded my very first website! It took many, many days and even more revisions and internal screaming. I don't know if Tumblr is still weird about links in posts so I'll settle for screenshots and keeping my site link on my tumblr profile.
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I've taken the first step into the wacky world of website coding. It's so bare bones but it'll do for now. I plan on updating, adding and changing stuff as time goes on. But this is a big milestone for me! Something that I've been telling myself I'd do for, well, years now. And I've finally gone and done it. Gotta take wins where you can.
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thistaleisabloodyone · 4 months
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And this is why I bought myself a 16TB hard drive 😂
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sol-draws-sometimes · 4 months
You can tell not a single Venezuelan was involved in the making of Jane the Virgin, cause NOT ONCE DID THEY SING THE BIRTHDAY SONG!!!
It's a comedy show, like wouldn't it have been so funny to see a white man(or Rafael since he's not Venezuelan) celebrating a birthday at the Villanueva household and they're just expecting "Happy Birthday" but with the words in Spanish and they get fucking hit with; a song with a completely, different ass melody; with 4 verses, probably with Happy Birthday in Spanish afterwards; one more time in English cause, "We're immigrants so we gotta do it in English"; and the whole ordeal is about 5 times longer than the normal birthday song. Like, that shit is hilarious! Missed opportunity!!!
I caught it when Mateo turned one and they just sang Happy Birthday in Spanish, which latinos DO do, but that's just not Venezuelan. And like, yah Michael will probably have known about the existence of the song since he's been dating Jane for a while, but like it doesn't even have to be funny(I know that scene supposed to be serious), it's just a small thing that's Venezuelan you know.
Also, I'm not even super Venezuelan, I just have extended family cause I had a visabuelo(great uncle) that was Venezuelan, I'm sure an actual Venezuelan would've caught more things.
Anyway if you don't know what I'm talking about, go watch this skit it's super funny. Or here's the song in a form you'll normally hear it. There's also additional quips, you can see in this video. I don't know them cause my cousins don't really do it, but other people do, so it makes it even more chaotic.
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magnetic-dogz · 5 months
If I ever went back to Level Up/Magnitomb and did the story differently I think the big thing I'd do is just cut the story off where the game would have originally ended because I think not doing that in hindsight was. A bad idea
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niallandtommo · 11 months
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a-flickering-soul · 1 year
i am considering changing my major to engineering but I have basically no experience with it. any thoughts about what someone should expect maybe pros and cons or something. you don't have to respond lol I can always do more of my own research instead, sending this ask was kind of an impulse ig
Hi, thank you so much for the ask! I miss doing engineering and talking about it, so I'm always happy to answer any questions about my experience doing engineering in college.
Engineering as a college major is exactly as hard as everyone tells you, but if you know that going in, it helps a lot. I was perfectly happy to spend most of my free time doing homework and very carefully managing my time to allow myself breaks and time for hobbies, but for many people that's either not feasible or not pleasant. What helps a great deal is finding support systems (friends to study with/share answers, extra tutoring, Chegg) and really getting smart about where your weaknesses are as a student (mine was figuring out exactly what I didn't understand and attacking it). Expect to get nominally terrible grades, but with a generous curve.
Cons would be the workload and the expectation that you really should get real-world experience through summer internships or co-ops, making it difficult to find any sort of downtime (I genuinely cannot stress this enough, you will be hustling your ass off). Pros would be (and I also cannot stress this enough) very, very reasonable job security. While I am not working a nominally engineering job, my engineering degree made me a very competitive candidate, and this holds true for a lot of professions. While, of course, it is not a 100% guarantee, engineering majors do make pretty good placements for decent salaries and for me that was very important. Also, when I actually did engineering stuff and not coursework, I really liked it! You don't have to be particularly smart to be an engineering student-- you just have to work hard and be able to think constantly. I really loved the content, getting to run through the reiterative process of design with a team, and being able to have a tangible product to show for our work. If that's something you like, then you might want to consider it, because once you get through the pre-reqs to focus on your interests, it's really damn fun.
I will say though as a more specific note-- you mentioned you're changing your major into engineering. I don't know from what field you're transferring into, or what year, but it's important to know that all engineering degrees have a substantial amount of pre-reqs to take as a freshman/sophomore before you even think of taking a major-specific engineering class (usually Physics I & II, Chem I & II and maybe Orgo, and Calc I-II). These pre-reqs will wipe you out, even if you do them all on-schedule. They are purposefully weeder courses because academia is hell and engineering academia is an even deeper layer of hell. It's definitely doable to take these pre-reqs while not being a freshman and still graduate on time-- I have a few friends that were able to manage it-- but you will hustle and it will most likely not be pleasant, unless you are smarter and more hard-working than I am. It can be done though, and I would suggest talking to either an academic advisor about what you need to do or with people you know that are engineering majors already.
Of course, this is just my two cents-- any other engineering folk, please feel free to add on. If you want to ask follow-ups or DM me directly, by all means do so! I hope this helps!
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murobrown · 2 years
#guys for the first time in my life I feel happy...like truly happy#I'm little scared to say it like this because usually things fuck up very bad after those good periods#but after many years of wanting to die and being suicidal and even trying to end my own life...#...i truly feel like I don't want to die anymore#i love being alive#and I'm actually irrationaly scared of just dying out of nowhere but that's a different story#my life is million times harder than ever before but I feel happy#stress destroyed me mentally and physically completely but I feel happy#everything is perfect... everything is how I always wanted and I feel so grateful#and maybe... just maybeeee I don't hate myself so much anymore...but that's something I still kinda need to work on#but I'm starting to feel in peace in who I am#i saw myself achieve things I never even though about#i work in a position I love and soon I'll make a ton of money#i have an apartment all for myself#i went down theee sizes in my clothes#i am able to be around my friends again#i am sk grateful for those things#i hope that 18 year old me would be proud#yesterday I was trying to be nice to her and try to understand her but I can't find a piece of sympathy for her#I'm honestly so scared of losing what I have#every day my brain is telling me I'm going to die and I'm so terrified#there are so many things i want to do and I feel so hopeful... I can't die I want to live#i never wanted to live more than now#i love my life#i feel overwhelmed and stressed and happy and scared....i needed to leave my feelings somewhere#what a mess#i am grateful for you guys too... you're my little safe space from reality... little distraction from the scary real world#everything will be okay.... right? we will be okay?
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kyrju · 2 years
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yo9urt · 2 years
posting this here bc i’m really not sure where else to share it and i need it off my chest ... i think i’m gonna have a hookup tomorrow ??????
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