#i have a meeting with my boss next week to talk about the last 6 months and guess what
niallandtommo · 1 year
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝
Toji Fushiguro
[Chapter 6] Same Old
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Talks of Abortion, Toji being a major asshole, Talks of Cheating
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You feel awful during the week. Nothing to do with pregnancy symptoms but the fact that your husband– Rather, ex-husband is just the biggest scum that you’ve ever come across. You knew that he didn’t want kids, and you should’ve expected his response to be an abortion. You just didn’t expect him to react happily at the thought that he finally trapped you, meaning that he doesn’t care about the fact that you’re having a baby, he just wants you unable to go anywhere.
You’ve grown to resent him even more. And you’re growing to resent yourself because you can’t stop loving him. You wish you could rip your heart out and get rid of your feelings, alas, it isn’t that simple. You’ll have to learn to move on slowly, and balance the love and resentment that you hold of him… The father of your child.
Maybe he’s right. Maybe you should get an abortion so you��re not tied to him for the rest of your life. But you also want to be a mother, even if it means that you’re stuck with Toji one way or another.
Your personal issues leave you absentminded at work. You barely hear the phone ringing, and when you do, it’s almost too late. You luckily pick it up. That’s your only job, answering phones, it’d be a shame if you couldn’t do that correctly.
“I’m here to talk to–” You hear a very familiar voice, and you feel a sigh leave your lips as you look up at him. You finish the conversation on the phone, and when you hang up, you clear your throat to ask,
“What are you doing here, Toji?” You make it clear that you’re not exactly pleased with his presence, and he rolls his eyes at your reaction. He isn’t here for you either way. He opens his mouth to speak but you do it before him, “Will you please leave me alone? I think we need a lot of time away from each other before–”
“Toji!” You turn your head to the woman that calls out his name. A manager in your workplace. She walks over to Toji, and you watch as they share a hug, one that lasts too much for your liking. They’ve known each other for some time, that’s clear, but Toji hasn’t come around in the time that you’ve been working here. She looks at you and orders, “Tell my assistant to cancel all my meetings.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You respond, watching as she walks back to her office and he follows behind. You do as she says, dialing the extension and telling the assistant that his boss is occupied. You feel your blood boil, even though you don’t care about Toji’s romances. If he has something going on with that woman, it obviously started while you were together. 
Your chest feels heavy, thinking about the one time you chased him around thinking that he was cheating, but he was just working. Maybe he didn’t have to go elsewhere because his job had all he needed. Maybe you trusted him too much. You shouldn’t care, you’re already separated anyway. But you have to know.
You obviously can’t barge into the office and demand answers, matter of fact, you still don’t really want to talk to Toji. You try to not pay any attention to him, and to do that you decide to look at baby clothes. You shouldn’t, you don’t have the money for it right now, there’s other things you should figure out. It doesn’t hurt to look though.
Someone knocks on the reception desk, making you look up and away from the computer screen that displays the cutest onesie. It’s the assistant, Nanami. You smile at him, tilting your head to the side before asking, “How may I help you?”
“Why did she cancel?” He asks, and you shrug.
“She’s with Toji. Probably fuc–” You keep the thought to yourself. You don’t want to be inappropriate at work. Nanami’s brows raise.
“You think there’s something going on there? She’s just really flirty and he returns it because he’s trying to sell something to her.” He tells you, and you sigh. You want that to be the situation because you can’t stand the thought of hating Toji but knowing that he’s been cheating might be your final straw. “That’s what some people say though. I have no idea. Others say that they’re together.”
“It’s none of our business in the end, I guess.” You say and he hums in response.
“Are you two on a first name basis or what? Never heard someone refer to him as Toji, not even my boss.” Kento says, and you’re taken back by the question. You didn’t really expect that question especially since the man in front of you isn’t all that talkative; he’s bored and has nothing to do but he still has to stick around.
“We have a long history together.” You answer, not bothering to give more details. He isn’t going to pry. He nods his head in response, and since he has nothing more to ask or say, he leaves reception and goes back to his desk.
For the rest of the work day, you find yourself looking at baby clothes, growing excited over the fact that you’re growing life inside of you. Even if it’s Toji’s child.
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The biggest sigh leaves your lips when you’re finally home after a long day at work. You luckily have the night off from your second job, and now you have the time to lounge around and be lazy. You were planning on leaving your second job once you got the chance to move out but since you’re pregnant, you have to save up your money so you can take some time off when your baby comes– Additionally, all the costs that come with a baby. You’re not counting on Toji.
A groan leaves your lips as you stretch. You get up from your couch and walk to the bathroom to turn on the faucet and fill the tub with water. You need a nice long bath to unwind, and hopefully it’ll help you to get your mind off Toji and the fact that he may have been cheating on you while you were married. You want to believe Nanami, but he’s oblivious to pretty much everything that’s going on around him.
You get undressed and soak yourself in the tub when it’s full. You allow yourself to relax in the warm water, shutting your eyes, trying your best to not fall asleep in the water. You have to open your eyes when you catch yourself drifting off. You grab a bottle of your bath bubbles and pour some into the water so you can entertain yourself like that.
You begin to play with the water to make bubbles, and when your bath is filled with them, you hear a knock on the front door. It’s rather aggressive, so it’s hard not to notice. You get out of the water, irritated as you grab a towel and dry yourself off. You don’t have enough time to run to your room to change into clothes so you grab your bathrobe and wrap it around yourself.
When you approach the door, the person knocks again, even harsher than before. You open the door, and you aren’t surprised to find your ex-husband standing before you with a bag that contains what you assume is food. You cross your arms, tilting your head to the side and ask, “What are you doing here?”
“Thought we’d have some dinner together after the awkward events from earlier.” He says, trying to disregard the fact that you’re just wearing a bathrobe with probably nothing underneath. The thought alone drives him wild. 
“Why would I want to have dinner with you?” You ask him, letting it be known that you’re not exactly pleased with his presence. You don’t understand why you have to make it painfully obvious that you don’t want to be near him, he should know at this point. He’s just ignoring what you want for his own selfish reasons. You shouldn’t be surprised though, you married him knowing how selfish he is; you didn’t expect to divorce him though, and you didn’t expect his selfishness to affect you while you’re separating.
“I could tell you were upset when I left… So why not?” He responds and you don’t budge. He tries to weakly smile, and it comes off awful. “And you’re pregnant so I got you your favorite.”
“Fine.” You end up agreeing. You’re hungry and the thought of eating your favorite food brings joy to your heart– Except you’re not even sure if Toji bought the right meal, he doesn’t know you that well. You don’t think he does. But you’re hungry anyway. “You can set the table while I put on some clothes.”
“I don’t know–” He begins but you cut him off before he can finish his sentence.
“You wanted to have dinner with me, you can figure it out yourself. It’s not that hard.” You give him attitude before you walk to your room, leaving him to figure it out. Going through all the drawers isn’t that hard, he’s still a bit annoyed that he has to do so. He can’t really argue with you though since the last thing you want is for him to be at your apartment.  You walk back, asking, “Did you find everything?”
“Yeah.” He answers, walking over to the table to organize the plates and utensils. You take a seat while he handles that. You watch as he does a task that he never did while you were married. You never really minded though, you had an agreement: you take care of the house while he pays for every bill. 
When he takes a seat, you waste no time in serving yourself food. A small smile comes to your lips when you realize that he, in fact, did get your favorite food. You wipe it off your face before he can see it. You don’t want to give him that satisfaction of seeing you smile. 
You quietly begin to eat when the food is served. Toji doesn’t like the silence, even if it’s what he wanted a couple of months ago. He clears his throat before asking, “So… Why were you upset?”
“I wasn’t upset.” You answer with your mouth full of food. You don’t want him to think that you’re upset, even though you so clearly are.
“When I left, I tried to talk to you but you couldn’t even look at me.” He points out, and you continue eating in silence.
“You should leave. Megumi already spends a lot of time alone.” You try to change the topic and kick him out of the apartment but that won’t work so easily on him. He takes a deep breath, standing up from the chair and walking to your kitchen to grab himself a glass of water.
“Why were you upset?” He asks, and you decide that suppressing your feelings isn’t really going to solve much. You sigh.
“Were you cheating on me while we were married?” You finally ask the question that’s been bugging your mind all day. Toji chokes on the water that he drinks, punching his chest as he coughs it out. You wait for his response patiently, watching him as you eat the food that’s in front of you.
“Why would you even suggest that? Do you not trust me?” He sounds deeply offended by the question, making another sigh leave your lips. You should’ve known that would be his response.
“I don’t. You did it once, you might do it again.” You tell him, and his brows furrow.
“That happened months into our relationship and you decided to stick around. I never did it again, I swear to you on my life.” He argues, which doesn’t really help you. You can’t bring yourself to trust him, at least not now.
“Then why was that lady so… Touchy. A little too close.” You remind him, and a smirk comes to Toji’s lips. He tilts his head to the side before asking,
“Are you jealous?” Which makes you roll your eyes. You don’t care to answer that, of course you’re jealous but you won’t admit it to him.
“Answer.” You order, and he puts the glass down. He walks back to the table and takes a seat. It feels like forever as you wait for him to answer. Your heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest as you wait for a response.
“Flirting comes with the job sometimes. Flatter her, secure the company’s business.” He answers, and your eyes widen.
“I–” You open and close your mouth a couple of times, trying to figure out what you say. You’re hurt by his actions, and it leads you to say, “That’s cheating, Toji.”
“No it isn’t. I never wanted anything to do with her.” He points out, which doesn’t really help you. You feel nauseous and you have to stop eating before you throw it all back up. You have to take a deep breath before speaking again,
“Imagine if I started flirting with some random guy just to secure a good tip–” You begin but he cuts you off.
“If it’s your job, I wouldn’t care. You’re making more money for us.” He says, making you take another deep breath. You can’t believe this is the conversation you’re having with him.
“Right… You wouldn’t care. You wouldn’t even care if I was flirting just for attention.” You respond, and he crosses his arms. He clicks his tongue.
“What are you trying to say?” He asks, which makes a sigh escape your lips. You have to look away from him because you feel the tears well up in your eyes.
“That you’ve never really cared about me like that Toji. You wanted someone to fill the role of your wife, and that’s what I did essentially. You never cared for me as your lover though, you couldn’t care less about what I did as long as I continued to play wife.” You tell him, and he rolls his eyes. He’s tired of listening to this. 
“That’s not true.” He responds. Of course. He’s not going to admit his faults, he never will.
“And if I told you I slept with someone once while we were together… Would you feel jealous? What if I told you I was seeing someone else now?” You bring up, and his brows raise. He finds himself speechless, completely unsure of how to respond to that. He ends up chuckling before saying,
“I wouldn’t feel jealous because I know neither of those things are true.” He knows you better than you think. But that’s not the reaction you want to see. “Let’s drop this. I was never cheating on you, now that that’s settled–”
“Maybe it isn’t cheating but it certainly hurts my feelings.” You respond, not wanting to drop the subject yet. “You couldn’t even bother giving me that type of attention, but you could do it to other women.”
“Why are you so overdramatic?” He scoffs. 
“You’re right, Toji. I’m overdramatic. Yet you’re the one here that refuses to leave because for some stupid reason you think we can get back together.” You slightly raise your voice at him, and he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Why do I have to constantly show you that I love you? Do you not believe me?” He proceeds to ask which nearly makes your eye twitch. You can’t believe how long you stuck with this man.
“No! I made it clear that I don’t trust you.” You waste no time in answering. “Plus I’ve never been sure of your love in the first place.”
“I do love you.” He responds. You’re tired of hearing the same lie over and over again. You don’t see the point, he can just find another woman to play as his wife. 
“This feels like the same conversation. We have this conversation every single time we talk.” You say, focusing back on eating. “Let’s not. Let’s change the topic or finish eating in silence.”
“Right.” Toji ends up sighing. “I’m covering half of your rent and your bills. I want you to leave your second job.”
“Huh?” You’re not sure if your ears are deceiving you. But he repeats it and you’re right. “What about your gambling addiction? Can you handle that?”
“Don’t bring that up. I don’t have an addiction either way.” Toji responds. But you’re not leaving your second job. He isn’t reliable. Even if you want to leave your second job to have nights off and be able to relax. “I guess… It’d be ideal if you moved back in but you’re not doing that.”
“Why are you doing this? Do you suddenly care about the pregnancy?” You ask. You don’t want him to be doing this simply because he wants to win you back, but knowing him he might be doing this just for that. 
“I guess I have no other option. It’s my baby too.” He ends up saying, and you have no idea if you’re supposed to feel good about it. You have mixed emotions over it. “I can’t be a shitty father.”
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manfuckthisimout · 5 months
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This look RAHHHHHH
Your relationship with your boss was an odd one. It was obvious to everyone in the precinct that you and the detective were more than just boss and secretary. But you would never admit that, and August D had a weird way of showing his fondness. It was the same way every workday—come in at 6:30, find the detective already at his desk, make him coffee, start the day. He would fuss and scold you for little things, make excuses to stay at your desk and talk to you.
You two kind of danced around each other, an unspoken possessive from the detective, and you playing coy until he finally fesses up that he likes you.
He storms out of his office while you’re scheduling his next meeting.
“Didn’t I tell you not to mix up these documents?” he says, holding up a manila file folder. He looks quite frustrated, cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth, suit jacket off and sleeves rolled past his forearms.
Yelling at you like this does virtually nothing in his favor—if anything it just makes you rub your thighs together. “I’m sorry sir,” you smooth out, batting your eyelashes up at him. “I thought your desk needed some tidying, and you were out in a case so..” He gives you a pointed look. “That doesn’t give you a reason to touch anything in my office. If I want you to tidy anything of mine, I’ll ask you to.” You nod, turning your attention back to the computer screen in front of you.
“Did you schedule my meeting with Captain Jung?” He asks, leaning over the front of your desk. You can feel him staring into your forehead, almost trying to make you squirm in your seat. “Of course sir, I just finished. Your meeting is for 4:30 today.” “Good.” He gives you one last long look over before pushing off your desk and walking back into his office.
You look up from your computer, staring at the deep mahogany that separates you and your boss. “Y’know, we have a running bet pool on which of you is gonna confess first.” Your coworker, Su-min slides over to your desk and props her hand under her chin. “What are you talking about? There’s nothing going on between me and him,” you sigh. “Sure. Tell it to the rest of us.” She chides back. “Don’t you have a case to be doing right now? That missing girl right? How long has it been?” “About a week or so. I really hope we can find her alive, but it’s starting to look grim.” She grimaces. “I hope you end up finding her either way—“
“Y/N! My office, now!”
Suddenly his door was cracked, and you could see him walking back to his desk, waiting for you.
You turn to Su-min and grimace. “Duty calls. Tell me about the case after I get done with this.” She grins at you. “Don’t start fooling around in there, keep it PG!” You roll your eyes, standing from your desk and walking into the detective’s office.
“You called for me detective?” You answer sweetly. “Sit. I have something to talk to you about.” You sit in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk, feeling his eyes on you the whole time. He gets up and rounds the front of his desk, leaning against it to look at you better. “We’ve known each other for quite sometime now,” he starts, arms folded and head down. He smirks. “You and I both know that I’ve been dancing around you these past years-“ “Is that what you call it sir?” He pauses. “Excuse me?” “Is that what you call it, this situation I mean. I was very aware of your feelings about me from the day we met sir. The whole precinct knows how you act around me.” “..I’ve been that bad at hiding it then?” “Pretty much.”
He sighs. “I know I haven’t been…vocal..about my feelings for you. I’d like to fix that. Do you want to go to lunch with me sometime?” You smile at his bluntness. He’s always been bad with words like this, saving his poetical vocabulary for high-stress situations with criminals. “What’s so funny?” He asks, brow raised, smile on his face. “You are. You’re so bad with words sir..” You giggle. He leans down, gripping either side of the arms on the chair. He’s so close to you now, noses almost touching. “I am, hm? And that’s funny?” You nod. He chuckles. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you.” “Lunch right? What time?” “Lunch time.” You grimace. “Well, I assumed that much. 12 or 1?” “12:30.” “12:30 it is. I’ll mark it on your personal calendar.”
He lifts himself from his position, rounding his desk again and sitting in his chair. He stares at you longingly. “I’d suggest you get back out there. Wouldn’t want to keep the office waiting on who won that bet.” You chuckle. “Yes sir.”
Second fic rawr
This came to me in a feverish daydream
Also because of boredom
Hope you like!!
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elizais · 9 months
meeting dazai in the port mafia
summary: you and dazai as teens falling for eachother, the demon prodigy and the quietest member of the port mafia. pm!dazai x fem!reader warnings: port mafia activities
you had been in the mafia since you could remember. one member who has since been 'dismissed' had found you when you could still show your age on your fingers, taking you in for your strong ability. he was never seen again after a couple years, now it was the jobs of executives kouyou and hirotsu to keep an eye over you. so now, as a 14 year old who has known nothing but being the youngest, this was your lifestyle.
somehow, you always kept your quiet and kind demeanor. anyone seeing you shopping in the city would assume you had a family in a nice house, had no clue what torturing a man looks like and had school 5 days a week. when mori mentioned that there was someone your age named dazai, you didn't think anything of it. the last person "your age" was 6 years older than you and didn't last for long. little did you know you and him were only a couple months apart.
so, on a normal day of delivering paperwork between higher-ups, kouyou called for you and said "y/n. you will be going for a mission in a week's time. nothing you haven't done before but just be aware of it coming up. mori will talk to you soon, i believe."
that's when you met him. dazai. a boy who actually was, your age! now knowing of the mission, you put together why mori mentioned him. a tall boy dressed in run of the mill port mafia attire. you met each other after mori called you to his office regarding the mission. "l/n, this is dazai. dazai, this is l/n." you both shook hands and you visibly shuddered, feeling.. different? mori let out a small laugh seeing your reaction - you being unaware of dazai's ability caused the feeling that shot through you as he momentarily cut your ability off.
"oh. yes, dazai's ability is "No Longer Human", so he nullifies abilities by touching them." the boss explained. "oh, that's useful but it feels incredibly odd." you said quietly in dazai's direction with a polite smile. "yeah, your ability is..?" you opened your mouth to respond but mori noticed the awkwardness that accompanied your shy nature and explained your ability briefly. dazai simply nodded whilst listening.
afterwards, mori explained that your job next week was a simple one. to sneak into an office building in the city outskirts (using your innocent looks and attitudes) and dazai accompanying you for 1, if the guards catch on and 2, to get to know one another for future jobs. mori claimed "your ability is well trained enough now to be more than what you are told to do by kouyou and hirotsu as they are far too soft for you." and with that, he sent you and osamu away.
"l/n?" dazai asked as you made the walk from one side of HQ to the other. "yes?" "how long have you been here? i have been here for almost a year and never got the chance to see you around." dazai quickly asked, you saw him looking at you whilst asking through your peripheral vision, but you looked straight ahead. "the better part of a decade, i think. i can name most people here but they took me in for my ability and as bait in a lot of missions. i stay with higher ups when i don't have anything to do." dazai listened to your answer and simply hummed in response. you had many questions, about his past, the bandages, how he is already climbing the ranks, why he joined.. but you didn't voice one. any of those questions were almost guaranteed to have unpleasant answers.
soon enough, the day came, the driver took you up until a 10 minute walk away. you were dressed in the casual clothing that rarely got used from being in such an organisation. but you could tell you had more experience in this way of dressing than your new partner as you had to kindly explain that most city 15 year olds don't dress in a suit and tie for work in the mafia to dazai. confused, he decided to just buy something and get changed after getting out the car. now, the average civilian could never guess two mafiosos were amongst them!
the task itself was nothing out of the blue, but your quick banter throughout the couple hours sneaking around an office that mori refused to tell you what exactly for did entertain you. dazai would never admit it but he wished that this outing would never end. coaxing you out of your shy shell to get you to the point of doing snide impressions of the other members (especially mori).
but, you both laughed a little too loud and someone ran down the corridor to the room you were in. this had never happened to you before. without a word, his bandaged hand grabbed your lower arm and dragged the both of you into the long, empty cupboard beneath the countertops. thankfully, you both knew they were empty since you checked those previously for the box you two were looking for.
just as you both were cross-legged facing each other, holding your breath to not breathe too loud, surprised the beating of your hearts didn't give yourselves away, 2 men stormed in. "I know I heard two kids in here!" a gruff voice spoke, "I swear to god, we have work to do." the other responded. they exited just as quickly as they came. dazai peaked his head out, bumping his head doing so which resulted in a giggle from you. he smiled whilst rubbing his head where it hit and gave you a nod - silently saying that the both of you could leave.
as you carried on searching the room, mori called dazai's phone - informing him that they should both leave as new information came in. subsequently making this excursion pointless. neither of you felt that it was a waste of time though, whilst sneaking back out and making your way to the pick up spot, you both allowed your bodies to walk a little bit closer than before.
"hey, daz-" you asked, slightly more confident than you usually are before getting cut off with "please, it's osamu". osamu informed you with a small smile as you corrected yourself. "well,, osamu. please use y/n."
hiii, idk how to feel ab this one but i love seeing pm!dazai things so i felt that i should contribute 💕 
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ameenvie · 9 months
Last Christmas - Jamie Tartt x fem!reader
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masterlist | ao3 | ko-fi | fic recs
"Now I know what a fool I've been, but if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again"
@emeraldsandelderberries asked: jaime x reader christmas request :) maybe a second chance romance a la “last christmas” by wham! ? Word count: 4.3k Warnings: none really! I guess anxiety and panic attacks if you squint, but not really Tags: fluff, second chance, christmas, drama, hurt/comfort A/N: This request was soooooooo sweet!!! AH I LOVED IT, I'm so sorry it's this late! 😭 IT might be a bit more dramatic/moody than you've wanted but I really hope you like it! ❤❤
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Christmastime in London was always special to you. You loved how the storefronts all dressed up into colourful decorations and cheerful lights, how the smell of warm cookies filled the air as you passed your favourite bakery on your way to work. Excitement and restlessness filled people’s hearts as they were waiting for a little break at the end of the year, a time of reflection and hope. And honestly you could’ve used a fresh start.
Work was hectic in the office before at the end of the year, but you always pushed through by thinking of the holidays approaching faster day by day. The last weeks before Christmas were all about secret Santas and Christmas gatherings at the office as well.
You were having lunch in the small kitchen at work when your phone lit up with your best friend’s name. She usually doesn’t call, so you answered suspiciously.
“I have a huge favour to ask” she said quickly without even saying hello. You put your face into your palm as you braced yourself for what was about to come and even like that you were shocked at her next words. “I need you to come to the company Christmas Party with me.”
“You what?” you asked, trying to conceal the sudden anger in your voice that was bubbling up inside you. It wasn’t like you to get angry easily, especially not on her, but this time it came so out of the blue. Why would she ask that?
“I know babes, I’m so sorry I wouldn’t ask you this if it wasn’t life or death!”
“How can a Christmas party be life or death?” you asked cynically, drumming your fingers on the table next to your lunch. You’ve lost all your appetite.
“I will die if you won’t come with me, that’s how” she joked, trying to lighten your mood.
“You’re so dramatic” you chuckled, but you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Go on.”
“Look, I don’t want to spend all my evening alone with my coworkers and their families and my rich boss, and insufferable football players!” she started. “You know this is not like a few-drinks-in-the-office kind of party, it’s full bling in a fancy hotel and shitton of food and booze!” you could basically see her waving her hand around while talking. “I thought just the two of us could hang out, get hammered and judge others. What do you say?” You rolled your eyes. She knew this was a compelling offer, but not compelling enough. Not when you could risk running into him.
“Okay, but!” You started and held up a finger like she could see it through the phone. “I have the right to leave at any time I want. Deal?” You heard her let out an annoyed groan at the other end of the line.
“Fine, whatever. I know you’ll love it.”
“I sure will. What do I wear?”
“Go all out babe. I’ll meet you tomorrow at 6. Love yous!” She hung up the call and you placed your phone on the table and just stared at it for a moment.
Your best friend was working at Richmond FC. The football club whose every match you’ve seen since you remember, up until last year. It was your family’s team. Now thanks to Jamie Tartt, you couldn’t even think of the name Richmond. And now your friend wants you to go back there, all dressed up, to an event where you could possibly – or even most likely – meet him and have to talk to him. Have to smile at him like he didn’t break your heart. Like you didn’t cry about him for months after he left.
But you weren’t that girl anymore, were you? Time has passed, you moved on, right? You didn’t cry about him anymore. But the twisting feeling in your gut when you thought about him, when someone mentioned him or even the team, when you saw ads with him told you otherwise. Told you that you in fact, have not moved on. But he doesn’t have to know that.
The walk on the way home was chilly and this time you couldn’t admire the flickering Christmas lights around you on the street, nor the sweet smell of cookies coming from the bakery. Your mind was filled with the thought of him, and the possibility of seeing him again. The thought of your friend being an asshole also crossed your mind a few times, but you knew she didn’t mean any harm. For all she knew you were over Jamie. And you were convinced of that too, but the squeezing feeling in your chest told you otherwise. You didn’t listen though. You didn’t care about him. You didn’t.
You told that to yourself the next day as you looked for that beautiful dress in your wardrobe that you might or might not wanted to wear to impress him. To make him feel like an idiot for throwing you away. You didn’t care about him. As you did your makeup a little more elegant than usual. You didn’t care about him. As you did the finishing touches on your hair. You didn’t care about him.
You picked up your purse and locked the door when you saw your friend calling, meaning she was there to pick you up with a cab. The cold air made you shiver a little and you were thankful for the ride. Wintertime was really not made for having these parties. A thin layer of snow covered the streets and the rooftops, the streetlights painting it a warm hue of gold. You let out a relieved sigh, suddenly you felt calm from the peaceful sight. You hopped in the cab and closed the door. Your friend let out an audible gasp as she looked at you.
“You look fucking fit, girl!” she squealed before she hugged you. You scoffed and chuckled before pulling away.
“Thanks, I guess” you smiled, heat crawling to your ears. Your friend gave the address of the venue to the cab driver, and you were off into the night.
“You really did go all the way, huh?”
“Your wish is my command!” you smiled at her, your heart hammering against your ribcage.
“I got you something” she said and started to rummage through her small purse before she pulled out a small bottle of liquor. You laughed.
“Aren’t we going to a party with unlimited free booze?”
“Wanted to have a moment for just the two of us. No offense” she chuckled and looked at the cab driver who smiled back at her. “Thanks for being here.”
“My pleasure” you replied and took a sip out of the bottle. You felt the liquid burn your throat before you handed it to her. Truth be told, you felt alright. Together with your best friend, dressed to the nines, having a fun night out. Who cares about Jamie Tartt?
When you stepped inside the giant ballroom, your breath got caught in your throat. You’ve been to fancy places before – mostly with Jamie -, but nothing of such magnitude. The room was framed by insanely tall walls with red velvet covering, and shiny accents. Christmas ornaments and decorations hung from the ceiling next to the chandeliers, and there was a beautiful Christmas tree in the corner, next to the stage where the band played soft jazz music. Round tables occupied half of the room in a neatly organised pattern, the other half was the dancefloor.
Kind men took your coat, and you clutched your purse to try to calm your nerves. You felt like you didn’t belong, you stuck out like a sore thumb among these gorgeous and rich people. You felt your friend’s hand squeeze your own as she led you further into the room.
“It’s gonna be fine. We’re eating, getting wasted, dancing then going home, ‘kay?”
“Okay” you breathed. You didn’t dare to look around the room in case you recognised someone. Him.
The two of you made a beeline towards the bar and ordered your favourite shot that you drank immediately. You hoped it would calm your nerves a little.
“Easy girl, the night is still young!”
“That’s especially why I’m drinking” you chuckled. You felt a tap on your shoulder and your heart dropped to your stomach, blood freezing in your veins. That was until you’ve turned and saw Sam’s face and his thousand-watt smile.
“I knew it was you! It’s so good to see you!” he cheered, his accented voice ringing in your ear as he hugged you.
“Sam, oh my God! Look at you, you look amazing!” you answered and rested your hand on his arms. “How you’ve been?”
“Good, good! We have a lot to catch up on, you should write sometimes y’know!” Fuck.
“I know, I’m sorry.” A frown settled on your face, and he immediately tried to lighten the mood.
“Just messing with you. But hey, make sure to come say hi to the others later, okay?” he said, and he gestured to the other side of the room, and your gaze instinctively followed. Mistake.
There he was, in all his glory, as tall and handsome as ever. His hair was different, a bit longer and had highlights in it. It really suited him. He wore a slightly unbuttoned shirt and had its sleeves rolled up, his jacket discarded on a nearby chair.
You’ve felt like throwing up, the content of your stomach making somersaults nonstop. Yet you smiled like nothing happened and nodded at Sam. Your friend who you haven’t spoken to in months because he reminded you of Jamie. What an asshole move. And he was so kind he just forgave you.
“We sure will” you answered and squeezed his arm before you let go. And as he turned you sneaked another peek in Jamie’s direction. You felt lightheaded as his gaze caught yours and you looked away in a blink of an eye, turning your back at him.
“Are you alright? I’m so sorry, look, we can just leave” your friend whispered as she looked at you concerned, but you just shook your head.
“I’m fine, really. When is dinner again?”
“In like half an hour” she replied.
“Mint, I’ll catch my breath outside and I’ll be right back, okay?”
“I’ll come with you.”
“No, it’s fine, really” you protested. “It’ll be just a minute, promise.”
“Fine” she sighed as she rubbed your arms. “But just a word and we’ll be out of here!” You nodded and headed towards the door that led to the back garden. Your steps were quick, and you had your head low to avoid anyone stopping you in your track. But you felt like your heels were too loud, that everyone was looking at you, that he was looking at you. In reality, only one of those was true.
As you opened the door, the cold air bit into your skin as you stepped outside. The garden was gigantic, and the grass was covered in a thin layer of snow. There were gravel paths going around in twisty patterns curving around shrubbery and statues.
To your surprise there were standing tables outside accompanied by tall heaters. You weren’t cold but you knew it was just temporary, so you took a beeline towards one of the heaters and stood next to the table under it. It was kind of magical, hearing only the distant music from the ballroom and nothing else, watching the snow-covered garden. You felt your heartbeat slow down and anxious thoughts leaving your head.
You heard footsteps approaching and you turned towards them with a smile, thinking it was Sam or your best friend. Of course, that was not the case. He took his jacket back on, but the top buttons on his shirt were still undone. He looked at you with a shy smile.
“I knew I saw you” he said, his hands in his pockets. You knew he was fiddling with them like he always did. You didn’t reply and you weren’t sure if it was the nerves or the anger. You stood in silence for a moment before he spoke again. “It’s good to see you again. I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Me neither” you replied, and your voice was colder than you thought it would be. It was perfect. He just couldn't see how he ruined you. He just couldn't.
“I can leave if you want?” he said, but it was almost like a question. A question you didn’t really know the answer for. Did you want him to leave? Or were you just over the moon that he was there, standing in front of you, with a heavy heart and a shy smile? You kind of never wanted that moment to end. You felt pathetic and you looked away from him, which he took as a cue to leave. “It’s alright. It was nice seeing you. You look beautiful.” What an asshole. What right does he have to call you that?
He turned his back on you, and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you looked at your shoes. The fancy shoes that you might or might not picked out to impress him. You did get what you wanted didn’t you? He did call you beautiful. So why was it making you so angry?
“I just” he hesitated before continuing. “Wanted to say I’m sorry. Truly.” You looked up at him. His body was halfway turned from you, and he looked back, head hung low and a few strands of his hair fell into his eyes. Your ears were ringing as your heart was pounding in your chest.
“I was a royal prick. And you-“ he scratched his throat. “You deserved better. And you deserve better than me ruining your night, so I’ll leave you be. Sorry. Truly, it was nice seeing you.” he said and turned away. You felt like your mouth acted on its own as you called out after him. His gaze snapped back and met yours.
“Would you-“ you paused. “Like to stay a bit?” You could see his shoulders relax as he let out a breath he was holding. A smile found its way past his lips as he stepped closer to you under the heater.
“I’m glad you asked because I started to freeze my arse off” he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. But he was still very aware of his situation.
“Yeah, why can’t these company parties be held in the summer? You get all dressed up only to freeze your tits off” you smiled back at him. He was leaning against the table as he looked at you. It somehow felt right, being there with him.
“Well, some of us are more dressed up than others” he grinned as his eyes wandered up and down on your body. You pretended you didn’t see it, but the rising heat in your body said otherwise.
“I know, Rebecca looks insanely good tonight” you said to deflect the compliment.
“Yeah, she’s really good at this glam thing. Kinda jealous of her.” You cocked your eyebrow at him, but you didn’t say a word. Signalling him to go on. “Most of the times I just can’t wait to bolt at these events.”
“Why don’t you? Are you on the clock or something?” you asked, clutching your purse for dear life. The more reasonable part of your brain said you should just tell him to piss off. But you didn’t.
“Nah” he shrugged. “I just like the company a bit more than usual.”
You felt your heart flutter at the compliment. Then you immediately felt sadness. Then anger.
“Jamie, why on earth are you here?”
“Umm, it’s a company Christmas party?” he answered with a question, feigning ignorance.
“I meant here. And you know that. If you really would've liked my company, you probably wouldn't have dumped me to fuck around” you snapped at him and straightened your back, preparing to leave him. “Merry Christmas, Jamie.”
You turned on your heels and headed towards the main building. Now that you’ve stepped away from the heater the cold winter air crawled against your skin once more, tears prickling your eyes. You were stupid for coming here.
You picked up your pace before you felt a warm hand grip your wrist. You felt tired. You felt like you had no energy to do this right now.
“Please, love. Just give me a chance.”
“A chance for what, Jamie? To break my heart again?” you asked in a choked voice from holding the tears at bay. He let go of you and ran his hands through his hair. You hated how you knew he always did that when he was nervous. All this knowledge of him, all that love for him. What were you supposed to do with them now?
“What can I do to make it right? I’ll do anything.”
“Stop making a fool out of me. What do you want? A good nostalgia lay? A charity one, because it’s Christmas?” You were so angry at him. If all these were true, why did he just dump you? Say all those things he said. But at the same time, you wanted this to be true. But you weren’t ready for another heartbreak.
“Piss off, I’ve cried enough because of you already.” You turned your back on him again and stormed off. You saw your friend's silhouette at the door, and you felt relieved.
“I’m so sorry babes, I’ll call a cab, okay? I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“It’s fine. I won’t give him the satisfaction of leaving” you let out a shaky breath and hugged your friend.
“What did he want anyway?”
“He said” you started but your voice choked up. “He said he was sorry. That he wanted to make it right.”
“You’re kidding. What did you say?”
“I told him to piss off, as you can see” you answered and let out a dry laugh.
“I can see that, but why?” she asked, and you snapped your gaze at her.
“What do you mean why? Don’t you remember he broke up with me to chase models instead?”
“But maybe he does want to make it right… and you love-“ she said but you broke her off.
“I don’t. Please can we just drop this? Let’s have dinner, what do you think?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Dinner was served by elegant waiters, all different kinds of soups, meats, salads, whatever you could’ve wished for. And fortunately, they didn’t hesitate to bring you drinks as well.
“No way!” you laughed at another guy who was sitting at your table. He was your friend’s coworker, or something like that. You actually had a really great time since the dinner started. These people were nice and funny, and took your mind off of Jamie for a bit. That was all you could’ve asked for.
“It’s nice to meet finally meet you guys in person, I’ve heard so much about you I feel like I’ve known you for ages!”
“Only good I hope!” another girl, Jenna chimed in and chuckled while your friend just rolled her eyes to hide her awkwardness. Mixing friend groups was always a stressful experience for her. Suddenly Jenna whispered something to the person who was sitting next to her – you remembered her name being Ellie.
“Yeah, for sure” Ellie said, covering her mouth while laughing.
“C’mon girls, didn’t they tell you it’s rude to whisper when you have company? Spill it!” your friend whined as she took another sip from her drink. Jenna rolled her eyes playfully before she leaned closer to the two of you.
“We were just talking about how shaggable some of our footballers are” she giggled, and you choked on your drink, what earned you a few weird looks.
“I’m sorry, I just tried to laugh and swallow at the same time” you replied quickly. During your exchange the wait staff started to clear your tables as the dinner was about to end, leaving place for the music, dancing, and drinking.
“Or maybe you fancy the gaffer? No shame in that he’s pretty fit himself” Ellie continued before Jenna cut her off.
“You bet he is. And he’s such a gentleman, I’ve ran into him at the cafeteria once. Maybe even too much of a gentleman.” She gave a knowing look before she chuckled. You knew this was going to be bad.
“C’mon girls, stop it! Anybody can hear you!” your friend tried to stop the situation from getting worse, but it was of no use.
“So, new girl, what do you say? Do you have a favourite guy on the team?” Jenna rested her head in her hands as she was looking at you, batting her eyelashes. She didn’t mean no harm; she had no way of knowing that you were in fact an ex-girlfriend of one of them.
“You know what, I’m kind of a Roy Kent girl myself” you said, and your friend snorted next to you, almost spitting her drink. You flashed a huge smile at her before clinking your glass against hers. The rest of the girls made approving noises before they got interrupted.
“That kinda hurts” his voice pierced your ears, and your heart went into overdrive. Of course. You turned towards him, and you swore your eyes shot daggers at him. He had one of his hands held out towards you, inviting you to take it. “Spare me a dance?”
You already drank enough to consider his offer. You felt everyone’s eyes on you and for a second you didn’t care.
“Sure” you replied in a low voice as you stood up. You heard a gasp from behind you, but you weren’t sure who it came from. You took Jamie’s hand as he led you towards the dancefloor. You heard your friend say “I told you anyone could hear it!” in the background and you smiled.
After you reached the centre of the dancefloor, he spun you around and put one of his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. You didn’t look him in the eye, but scanned the room for anything else to focus on. The band was playing a slow song and couples started to flock to the floor next to you. You saw Ted asking Rebecca for a dance and even your friend stood up and made her way to the floor with someone. You felt Jamie trying to be sneaky and pulling you closer into him with every sway, but you didn’t say anything.
“Do you remember when you taught me how to dance?” he asked, and you heard the smile in his voice. You did remember.
“Of course” you said, barely audible.
“We moved the couch to make space. And even then, I hit my foot into it.” He spun you around to the rhythm of the music, then pulled you closer than before. And you let him, as you rested your head next to his collarbone. He smelled so good, and you allowed yourself to get lost in the moment as you closed your eyes. Like you were in your living room again, like he didn’t break your heart.
“Do you think you can forgive me?” he asked abruptly.
“It’s not-“ you hesitated. “It’s not that I can’t forgive you.” You knew you could forgive him in a second, because you loved him. You loved him so much, not a day went by without you missing him.
“What is it then?”
“I just don’t want to be hurt again. I know you just take whatever you want and when you’re bored you just toss it aside.” You fought your tears as you buried your face into his chest.
“I’m not that person anymore, love” he said and stopped the two of you, lifting your chin up so your gaze met his. “I promise.”
“Why should I believe you? You promised before you’d never leave me and then you tossed me aside. Made me feel worthless.”
“Fuck” he exhaled, pressing his palms against his eyes. “Can we talk somewhere else? Can’t hear my own thoughts.” You didn’t reply just nodded before he took your hands and led you outside to the same spot you’ve talked earlier. Tears were prickling the corner of your eyes as you followed him, looking down at your joint hands. He stood under the heater before he turned to you and placed both his hands on the side of your face.
“Look. I was a major prick, I know that.” He searched your face as he spoke. “But I promise, I’ve changed. I shouldn’t have treated you like that, I was an asshole. I know that now” he paused.
“But I-“ he started then he stopped, his eyes frantically scanning your face.
Don’t say it.
“I just-“
Don’t say it.
“Fuck, I-“
Just say it!
“I love you.” You let out a relieved sigh as you closed your eyes. He pulled you closer as he planted a kiss on your lips, shy and chaste. Your heart was stammering against your ribcage, and you felt like it was your first kiss ever.
“I love you too” you whispered as warm tears rolled down your cheeks, contrasting the cold air. He kissed you again, this time braver, and he poured his heart and soul into it as he pulled you in with his hand on the nape of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your heart felt like a thousand suns exploded inside it.
“Please let me make it right.”
“Just make sure you won’t make a fool out of me again for saying yes to this, okay?”
“I promise” he said before he kissed you again. “But I have another question.”
“Yes?” you asked and raised your eyebrow.
“Are you really a Roy Kent girl?” You laughed at how real the concern was on his face as he looked at you with his puppy eyes.
“No, actually I’m a huge Jamie Tartt girl, have you heard of him?” you grinned as you caressed his face.
“Huh, sounds like he’s a lucky fella” he smiled before he leaned in for another kiss. Maybe it wasn’t so bad your friend invited you after all.
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theweirdwideweb · 2 months
I reported my boss to HR for discrimination last week. Please tell me if I'm crazy.
My old boss got promoted so around October I got a new supervisor. We've been coworkers for about 5 years and had a friendly relationship. I'd been to her house, met her kids, we chit chatted a lot. When she started approving my time cards she noticed I was using about 3-5 hours of PTO per week at random times. I explained this was an informal arrangement I had with my previous supervisor due to my disability. I have C-PTSD and ADHD which honestly make it difficult to get through the day pretty much every day. Sometimes I need more breaks and if I'm using my PTO and being honest, who cares right? Well the new supervisor cared. She told me that if I couldn't be a full time employee they couldn't justify our headcount and my job was on the line unless I made this a formal arrangement. I was really hurt but I did it, I got all the doctors notes together and figured--while I'm formalizing it, I actually do need extra therapy so I'm gonna make my FMLA (family medical leave act) time include these sessions.
All this is approved obviously because one thing I'm not is self diagnosed. I've got medical records a mile high. So starting in January this official leave time goes into effect and I can use up to 7 hours of PTO per week. Before all this began my supervisor consistently praised me as a "rockstar" employee, saying I was the only person on the team who truly follows the rules. In general I was thought of as an excellent worker and had received a promotion. The team that I lead smashed our goals for 2023. But, strangely, once I start the FMLA my supervisor begins complaining about my lack of productivity. I kept a spreadsheet as a tool for my ADHD where I tracked how I was spending my time so I volunteered to let her see it so she could figure it out. Instead of sending the spreadsheet tracking my work in 5 minute increments once or twice, this woman has had me sending it every week for the past 7 months. Every Monday we have our 1:1 and she lets me know how poorly I'm doing. She also sends me an email on Mondays where she counts every email I have in my inbox, every claim I have across multiple programs, every minute of meetings I have scheduled and sends me the amount of time she expects it to take and if I don't make it then we have to talk about my "problems".
Now I'm practically never making it. I've appealed to her and to her boss so many times that there is something wrong with this formula they've come up with to calculate my workload--and they both just think I'm lying. Long story short in May I started measuring my time not on the spreadsheet but by the individual tasks in the email and not only am I keeping up, but there's a full 5-6 hours of work every week that she hasn't been counting (including 3 hours talking on the phone---with her!). I bring this up at our 1:1 in late May and say, See there really is something wrong with your measurement. I'm right on track productivity wise with these tasks. She doesn't acknowledge at all the flaw I've found in her formula but DOES say, "I do think there's been an improvement in your productivity and I expect it will continue to improve as you get more therapy." Full on MASK OFF. So my "productivity issues" are improved by therapy, meaning she's been ascribing those issues to my disability. Incredible.
I go to HR the next day to have this interaction on the record. First time I've gone to HR about anything ever. They are so concerned that they are going to launch an investigation and I tearfully plead with them not to because my boss's boss is out on medical leave and I don't want to cause huge problems while she's away and can't moderate. I didn't realize it would automatically cause an investigation to report this. The lady takes pity on me and says they won't investigate for now.
The VERY NEXT DAY my supervisor tells us in a team meeting (other people there to witness) that she's got a funny story about her son. It's some innocent story about how he's grounded and can't go to a party, but she continues on by talking about how she has to be extra strict with him because he has ADHD. If she doesn't enforce consequences, he'll never learn! And he has to learn because when he grows up his boss isn't going to take his ADHD as an excuse. "Policies are policies" she said, "Your boss isn't going to accept an answer like I know I was supposed to do four things but I only got to three because...." She even went further talking about how he's having trouble learning to drive because of his ADHD and just laughing about it. When he has to do something, she says, she has to remind him multiple times and set timers and double check with him otherwise he'll forget.
So I'm fucking flabbergasted at this point, right? This whole time I've been feeling like this time tracking is discriminatory and here she is just spelling it out for me in neon letters: YES, IT ACTUALLY IS. So I'm biding my time until her boss gets back from medical leave. But after 3 weeks of showing her that her method is flawed she tells me I don't have to do the spreadsheet anymore. Her boss is back but cancelled our first meeting, so I figure: If the bullshit stops, for the sake of my career and mental health I'm gonna let this go. My supervisor goes on vacation for 2 weeks. I'm doing my work exactly as I want to without the added pressure and everything is going great.
Once she gets back though we have our 1:1 and she asks me where my emails were on the 2 past Fridays telling her if I got all my work done. Which she never asked me to do, btw. Reader---I mcfreakin lost it. I belligerently asked why this was still necessary, that I felt picked on and bullied, that she isn't doing this to anyone else on the team, and that I'm sick and tired of constantly being demoralized by her leadership. I told her that I was going to talk to her boss directly about this situation. She was pissed. She actually unfriended me on facebook which for middle aged women is like throwing a grenade.
Next day I talk to her boss. I bring my evidence because of course I've been taking notes. The situation is serious. HR has become involved. And just because there are anti-retaliatory rules for reporting protected concerns doesn't actually protect me from getting fired. Suddenly I'm fearful about everything. I'm afraid I'm going to lose my job and my health insurance, bye bye therapy,, bye bye surgery I need. I've been at this job 6 years and the animosity is at an all time high. Christ almighty.
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forjongseong · 1 year
dive // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (minisode part 11 of the series)
genre: office!au, smut (minors dni) // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; oral sex (f. receiving, obviously) // wc: ~2.5k oops
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve part 6.5 - yo te quiero más minisode part 2 - la niña de mis ojos part 7 - aeropuerto minisode part 3 - falling autumn minisode part 4 - night night part 8 - ambulancia minisode part 5 - subtítulos part 9 - al caer la noche minisode part 6 - after last night part 9.5 - the way you look tonight part 10 - mon soleil minisode part 7 - daylight minisode part 8 - subside minisode part 9 - your princess, my queen part 11 - qué bonito part 11.5 - enchule minisode part 10 - meet cute
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: you've been sleeping with your dearest secretary for a while and you're dying to know how it feels when he goes down on you.
author’s notes: here's the second treat of the week--minisode part 11!!!
I know, I know. I just released minisode part 10 yesterday but that's the best thing about owning a blog and writing your own series--you can post whatever you want, whenever you want!
to be honest, I had a different minisode prepared that was sfw and takes place way before yn and Jay started their thing, but I was chilling and putting Spotify on autoplay and it played this song:
go google the lyrics... maybe then you'll understand why I felt compelled to write this minisode.
taglist: @thots4hee @jayked @end-hyphen @nyanggk @yoursjaeyun @maggstar @bucketofhiros @dimplejaehyuncutie @excusememissiloveyou @shinkenprincess-oh @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy
(send an ask if you want to be added or removed)
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Staying at a luxurious hotel over the weekend was one of the very few indulgences that you would let yourself have. Normally, you would never splurge on a suite for just two nights, especially when the hotel is not out of town. Fortunately, this time your suite was a complementary gesture from the event that hired you as one of the keynote speakers.
Unfortunately, though, since the event was downtown and you did not have to travel, you handled everything alone. You could not ask your staff to accompany you to do something that was not part of their job, and not when the task did not concern your company either. You even sent Mr. Lee home early the day before, claiming that you could just take the bus or ride the subway to the hotel.
The first day of the event ended right on time, and you were invited to the gala dinner in the main ballroom. You attended, ate just enough to keep your stomach satisfied, and then you excused yourself to go back to your suite. You wanted to take advantage of the huge bathtub and treat yourself to a nice hot bath, thinking that you deserved it after all the talking and walking around in heels.
Maybe because it was in your nature to do things fast, your pampering session ended quickly. Your hair was half dry, and you were already lounging on the loveseat, playing a series you already finished on Netflix. You just needed the background noise, you thought, as you scrolled through your phone. It was a Saturday night, so most of the people you followed on Instagram were posting stories of their night out.
You wondered what Jay was doing at the moment.
Your thumb stopped scrolling and you eyed the clock in the corner of your screen. It was almost eight, yet you feel bored, but it was too late to get ready to go out. Where were you going to go anyway? Taehyung’s jazz club would be way too crowded, and it’s not like any of your close friends were within reach—your two best friends lived in other countries, and it wasn’t the scheduled night for your monthly video calls.
You mindlessly opened your phone’s gallery and found pictures of documents and a couple of videos from the meetings that were held the past week. You clicked on one that showed Jay giving a short presentation, it was on the day that you were not feeling your best, so he stepped up and filled in for you. You focused on the way he was gesturing with his hands—and the way his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His hair was slicked back, and his jaw clenched whenever he was emphasizing a word. You then looked at the way he repeatedly licked his lips, and you noticed yourself breathing a little heavier.
Great, you thought. A little pathetic, actually, that you were sitting alone in a hotel, thirsting over your secretary whom you started sleeping with since, what, a couple of weeks ago? None of you were keeping count. This behavior of yours was a little uncalled for, and you got suspicious of yourself that you opened the app that tracked your period.
And of course, you found out that you were ovulating.
Usually, you would always take the more practical path. In this case, you could easily watch videos, or look at pictures of Jay and imagine him touching you as you touch yourself.
But why would you do that when he was literally just one call away?
“Hello?” You heard his voice as he picked up your call. “Is this an emergency? I didn’t get a text from you.”
You heard him entering a room and closing the door behind him.
“Boss?” He called for you after not hearing a reply. “Everything good?”
“I need you to come over,” you replied.
There was a brief pause before Jay answered.
“Alright,” he said as he took a deep breath. “On my way.”
“Not to my place,” you hurriedly added. “The hotel. You know my schedule.”
“In that case,” Jay said, seemingly shoving something into his pants and opening the door again, “I’ll be there in ten.”
You frowned but Jay ended the call before you could even say something back. You decided to retreat to the bedroom and check your reflection in the mirror. Your black silk camisole was tucked into your beige cotton shorts, and you still had your hair down after the bath you had. You then remembered that you had not put on any fragrance yet, so you rummaged through your makeup pouch and spritzed on the first fragrance you could get your hands on.
The bell rang and your heart almost dropped to your feet. You did not think ten minutes would go by so fast. You grabbed the satin robe from the bathroom and quickly wrapped it around your body as you made your way to the front door. When you opened it, Jay stood in front of you with a confused look on his face.
He was wearing rimless glasses, which you doubt were a fashion statement, and underneath his denim jacket, he was wearing a graphic tee of some sort of logo you had never seen before. It seemed like he was going for a comfortable look, judging from the chinos he had on in place of jeans. The Converse shoes also made him look like a regular college student going for a fun night out in town.
“I was in the area,” Jay explained without waiting for you to ask him. “Which is why I could come fast but also unprepared. Did you need your iPad?”
“Just come inside,” you said softly, holding the door wide open for him. He hesitated before taking a few steps in. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Jay frowned, but at the same time, he started looking around and admiring the suite. “This is a nice view,” he stated, gazing outside the window. “So, what do you need me for?”
“You’re really going to make me say it?” You asked back, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
Jay took off his denim jacket and set it on a lounge chair. If he had to be honest, he actually sprinted here, determined to reach you as fast as possible even though he wasn’t quite confident if the reason he thought you called him was the actual reason you had.
At the sight of his arms, you breathed out dramatically, and it just made Jay even more confused.
“I just didn’t want to be alone,” you confessed, taking your robe off and throwing it to the same spot where Jay had placed his jacket.
You boldly took the couple of steps that you needed to reach him, and when you did, you carefully took his glasses off before circling an arm around his neck, making him instinctively pull you in by your waist.
“I wanted company,” you continued, placing his glasses carefully on the table nearby. “Your company.”
Hearing your confession, you could clearly see the way Jay’s lips curled up into a smirk.
“I canceled plans with my friends to be here,” Jay spoke in a whisper, gradually leaning in towards you.
Your eyes fell to his lips. “Why would you do that?” You asked back, also in a whisper.
“Because,” Jay said, hanging his sentence so he could graze his lips against yours.
“Don’t say because I’m your boss,” you spoke, purposefully against his lips.
Jay chuckled softly, and all you wanted to do for the rest of the night was to breathe the air that he exhaled.
“Because I think I’ll like it better here,” he said before sealing your lips with a deep kiss. You had to fight back a moan to not give him the satisfaction, but you still reciprocated his kiss.
“You think?” You said as you pulled back. “You’re not sure?”
Jay squeezed your waist, turning your legs to jelly. The moan you tried hard to stifle eventually found its way out of your lips when you felt his mouth latch on to your neck. You began caressing the back of his neck, squirming as he was determined to leave marks on your skin.
“Jay,” you breathed. “Fuck.”
“Hmm,” he hummed before pulling back to look at you. “Do you want me to continue?”
You cupped his face before smashing your lips onto his, making him take a step back to keep his balance. After that, you took his hand and dragged him to the bedroom. You sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him in by his neck, and after a short fight, he finally threw his body on yours, kissing you fervently as his hands tugged your shorts down in a rush.
When you felt his fingers trace your thighs, you felt the heat rush up to your cheeks. Your lips were still pressed on his, and his tongue was still tangled with yours, yet you were desperate to feel both elsewhere. Jay’s hand managed to slip in between your legs and your body jerked the moment he palmed your clothed core.
“Jay,” you called as both your hands grabbed his shoulders.
He answered you with a look in his eyes, demanding you continue what you wanted to say.
“I want to see what your head game is like.”
You weren’t expecting Jay to laugh, resting his head in the crook of your neck as his shoulders moved up and down.
“Ask and you shall receive,” Jay said after containing himself. “You really called me over so I could go down on you?”
“Okay, can you stop being so patronizing?” You moved your hand over to his chest, pushing him away.
“Whoa, whoa.”
Jay propped himself up with his elbow as he took your hand and brought it up to his lips.
“I’m sorry if it came off that way,” Jay spoke with his lips against the back of your hand. “I will gladly show you my head game.”
The way he emphasized the last phrase made you roll your eyes. Jay chuckled lightly, kissing your cheek as you looked away from him.
You relaxed once he started peppering kisses down your jaw and to your neck. At the same time, his fingers were skillfully pulling the straps of your top down, revealing your breasts, and perfectly matching the timing of his lips. He kissed your nipple softly before circling his tongue around it and sucking it gently, only to release it with a pop.
“Close your eyes,” Jay said. You were in no position to disobey him.
He continued kissing you while pulling your camisole down, bunching it up around your waist. He planted a harder kiss to the right of your waist before pulling your panties along with the top down to your feet. You kicked it away way too enthusiastically, and Jay merely smirked at the way you were behaving.
Your eyes were still closed, but you could sense that he was tugging his shirt off, and it was proven right when you felt him settle between your legs, placing both of your thighs on top of his now bare shoulders. He kissed the inside of your thigh and you flinched, and you could feel the way your arousal dripped out of you.
“God,” Jay muttered, more to himself. “You’re gorgeous.”
He bumped the tip of his nose and you whimpered at the delicious contact. Once he placed his mouth on your cunt you moaned, feeling an overwhelming mixture of pleasure and contentment. At first, he was just kissing your folds, making loud sloppy sounds on purpose, and when you began to moan louder, he decided it would be nice to let you feel the warmth of his tongue.
“Fuck,” you sighed, jerking your hips. You could hear and feel Jay chuckle against your core, lapping up your arousal and strengthening the grip he had around your thighs.
His tongue made steady strokes against your folds and your legs were already shaking from the pleasure. You couldn’t stop thrusting your hips and grasping the sheets under you, and Jay literally had to push you back down.
“Relax,” he said as he detached his lips. He looked up at you and you looked back at him through your lashes. “Stay down.”
“Fuck you,” you replied weakly. Jay laughed and placed his lips between your legs again, making you feel the vibration of his voice against your cunt.
You began jerking your hips up again and Jay figured that he needed a new way to keep you steady. He noticed how hard you were grabbing the sheets, so very slowly, he pulled your fingers apart before placing them on his head.
“Just grab here,” Jay spoke against your folds. “I don’t mind.”
You sighed once you feel his tongue graze your clit. After placing one hand behind his head, you realized it wasn’t enough, so after a while you rested both your hands on his luscious hair, pulling only when it became unbearable.
Soon after, your grasp on his hair tightened and you became silent. Jay’s eyes flickered to your face, and he tried his best to keep his pace.
“Are you close?” He asked. You replied by nodding frantically.
Jay continued to eat you out, keeping the same pressure and pace no matter how hard you squirmed or how harshly you were pulling on his hair. He let you grind your hips into his face, careful not to let his teeth graze you, and when you finally reached your high, he groaned against your cunt, almost matching the moans that you let out.
Jay waited for you to catch your breath, gradually lowering your hips down and gently stroking your thigh to comfort you. You were breathing with your mouth open, and only when you came back down from your high you realized how dry your throat had become. You licked your lips and coughed a little, and Jay winced at the sound that you made.
“Are you okay?” He asked, his hand giving you a gentle squeeze on your hips.
You nodded slowly as you opened your eyes. When your gaze met his, his lips formed into a smile. Not a smirk, a genuine smile.
“So, what do we think of my head game?”
“Oh my God.”
At the sound of your groan, Jay laughed softly, crawling up to level with your eyes. You hesitated when he leaned in to kiss you, but he did so in such a gentle way that you couldn’t help but whimper into his mouth.
“Do I taste okay?” You asked, your eyes glowing in pure curiosity.
“You,” Jay replied, kissing your cheek. “Taste,” he kissed your jaw. “Divine,” he whispered, kissing your neck.
You closed your eyes and pulled him into an embrace, sighing in relief as you felt his skin come in contact with yours.
“There’s gonna be a round two, right?” Jay murmured against your neck.
You smiled, almost snorting from the bold question. “Only if you stay with me throughout the weekend.”
“Deal,” Jay replied, not missing a beat.
© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
read the next part: tus gafitas
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jedijesi · 1 year
Caught in the Cat's Web
Chapter 1
Felicia Hardy! Reader x Miguel O’Hara
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Series Masterlist 🕸 Masterlist
Warnings: Angst, Sexual Tension, she/her pronouns
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Felicia Hardy, Black Cat, endures a nasty breakup with Peter Parker, and now with her new Spider-Powers, she must navigate the Spider society and meet their esteemed leader.
Co-writer: @stclairesplace
A/N: This a Felecia Hardy Self Insert, beyond her classic platinum hair color, no descriptive terms are used! Insert yourselves, loves! This is my first Miguel fic, enjoy!
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New York, Earth-194
“No, Peter! I- I can’t keep fighting for us if you’re just gonna run back to MJ every time!” Felicia sobbed. 
“We were just talking about our relationship!” Peter yells in defense. 
Felicia's hands come up to her forehead, smoothing out her platinum hair back in frustration. “You said it was over, Peter! You don’t need to continue to talk to her, especially not at 8:30 on a Friday in a restaurant! The same restaurant you took me to last week, by the way, for our 6 month anniversary!” 
“It doesn’t matter, Felicia! Nothing happened!” Peter runs his fingers through his hair pacing back and forth in frustration. 
“No! You- you lied to me, you told me you didn’t have feelings for her anymore.” Felicia breaks out into more tears, blinding her. “I don’t want to be ‘the other woman’ anymore, Peter. I won’t be. I can’t keep waiting for you, hoping you’ll finally look at me the way you look at MJ. I’m done.” 
Before Peter could say another word, the sound of Felicia’s grappling hook cut him off. In an instant, Felicia goes back into her Black Cat persona, swinging through the New York Skyline. 
It had been 3 weeks since the breakup. 3 weeks of crying, ice cream, and pajamas. Felicia had never taken a breakup hard, she’d always known her worth, but something about Peter Parker was different. It made no sense as to why it hurt so much. She’s been cheated on before, she’s watched partners come and go, but she was able to brush it off like it was nothing. Then stupid Peter Parker had to come and along, turn her into a hero, and break her heart. 
By habit, the sound of sirens outside her apartment causes her to pause her show, and look at the Black Cat suit hidden behind the painting next to the window. 
Felicia sighs, unable to decide if she should cry or scream. Ultimately, she decided to continue eating her ice cream, pushing the images of Spider-Man somewhere out there fighting crime. 
Despite pushing her feelings away, a tear escapes her, sliding down her cheek. Suddenly, chills go down Felicia’s spine. She looks around the quiet apartment trying to figure out what was happening when her tear begins to slide back up her cheek and into the air. The empty pint and spoon along with various items follow suit, prompting Felicia to grab the gun and knife hidden under the couch. 
A bright light emits in the middle of the living room, transforming into a colorful circular object. Felicia’s guard falls, recognizing the multi-dimensional portal. 
“Woah! What’s with the guns?” Jessica Drew, questions as she emerges. 
“You could have given me a heads up instead of scaring the shit out of me.” Felicia rolls her eyes before putting her weapons away. 
“I told you, I’d come pick you up in a month.” 
Felicia’s eyes widened in surprise. “It’s been a month since I’ve last seen you?!” 
“Ahuh,” Jessica responds as she inspects the apartment. “Has it been a month since you’ve cleaned too?”
“Uh- 3 weeks, actually.” 
Jessica whips her head around. “3 weeks?! What the fuck happened, girl!”
Felicia rolls her eyes. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” 
Honestly, she didn’t have to. Jessica could see right through the broken-hearted girl. “You ready to go then?”
“I don’t think I can meet the boss man like this.” Felicia frowns, looking down at her oversized tee shirt stained with ice cream and various mysterious stains from her wallowing sessions. 
Jessica nods, “Shower and change. I’ll help you clean up this shit.” 
It took about an hour for Felicia to clean up and feel like herself again. After putting on her Black Catsuit, she looks into the mirror, smiling for the first time in 3 weeks, feeling like herself again. 
Felicia emerges from her bedroom, finding Jessica standing in the middle of her cleaned-up apartment. “Holy shit, Jess!” She feels like she could cry.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome, hon, let’s go or I'll get a lecture.” Jessica hastily as she creates the portal.
Felicia’s been through multi-dimensional portals a few times before, but it’s still something she can barely get used to. 
Nueva York, Earth 838
Nueva York was bustling with life as heroes of the spider society swung and walked around. Felicia felt both excited and overwhelmed. It was hard walking into a world full of people who dressed, talked, and looked like her ex. 
“Cat!” Jessica shouted across the hall to the distracted woman, pulling her out of her trance. “Move!”
Felicia scurried across the main hall, doing her best to weave between spider people. Once she caught up to Jessica, they made their way to the ‘big man’s office’ as Jessica puts it. 
The two women entered the dark, grand office. Felicia spots a platform about 20 feet in the air with dozens of holographic screens filled with information and statistics. In the center stood the back of a blue and red man. 
“Ahem!” LYLA appeared next to the tall man. “Your newest recruit is here.” 
The platform slowly lowers but the man doesn't move. Instead, he touches the holographic screens, causing Felicia’s profile to appear. 
“Felicia Hardy?” 
Felicia was taken aback by his voice. She didn’t know what she was expecting but it wasn’t that. It’s a low, resonant tone that fills the air and commands respect and attention. It has a subtle vibration that conveys confidence and strength, and it's a sound that Felicia finds attractive and comforting. His voice has the power to evoke emotion and stir feelings of comfort and security. 
Jessica nudges the woman beside her, yanking Felicia from her thoughts. “Yes, Sir.” She purrs, easing back into the Felicia Hardy she knows and loves. 
“According to my data, you’re the first spider woman.” The platform touches the ground prompting the man to turn to look at Felicia. 
She couldn’t help but admire the man’s build and height, thinking that the elevated perspective had made him appear bigger. “The one and only.” She smirks. 
“Hmm…” The man thinks for a moment, admiring the beautiful woman in front of him. He’s seen and read about plenty of Felicia’s as they have been a big part in some Spider-Man’s lives. Yet, this Felicia seemed different. Her eyes sparkled and the way she carried herself radiated confidence. “I haven’t properly introduced myself. I’m Spider-man 2099, my name is Miguel O’Hara.” Miguel closes some distance, letting his mask retract to reveal his messy wavy head and stunning brown eyes.  
“Felica.” She replies, making intense eye contact with the man. 
Miguel slowly walks closer and begins to circle her like a vulture, studying his prey. “ According to your file, you only got your powers several months ago. Explain.”
“Long story short, my… Spider-Man and I infiltrated Oscorp. They were trying to replicate the serum and I ended up getting accidentally bit by one of their patients during the fight, but they’re all dead now, don’t worry.”
“Hmmm..” Miguel hummed as he inspected her suit. “Is this your spider suit?” 
“I don’t need one.” Felicia crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at the Spider-Man. 
“If you want to join the spider society you do. What’s your call sign?”
“Black Cat.” Felicia side-eyes Miguel, predicting his thoughts. 
“Jess,” Miguel looks over to the woman, now sitting in the corner. “Why waste my time?” 
“Waste your time?!” Felicia snaps, turning to look at Miguel. “You need me!” 
“Ahuh.” He rolls his eyes as his mask covers his face, unleashing Felicia's three weeks of pent-up rage. 
“Listen here Spider-Man! I spent 4 months training my ass off, learning my powers, and proving to your little spider society that I’m worthy. I am not going to let you circle me and make assumptions about me based on my outfit and variants! I’ll fight you right now, and I’ll kick your ass!” 
Miguel can’t help but make a small smirk at Felicia’s personality. Miguel steps closer tilting his head down so that his chin practically grazes his collarbone and lets his mask fade. Felica stands her ground looking directly up into his chocolate eyes with fiery determination. She wasn’t going to let some self-appointed leader tell her she wasn’t good enough. 
Meanwhile, in the corner of the office, Jessica and LYLA watch the interaction with confusion. “What the fuck is happening?” 
“I- I really can’t tell you.” LYLA replies. “There’s something there though.” LYLA pulls out her phone taking a picture of the two for future evidence or blackmail before glitching away. 
Still withholding their gazes on each other Miguel eventually snaps out of it only to grumble.  “LYLA, take Felicia to the tailor to make a suit.”. A short smirk makes it’s way on Felicia’s face, silently congratulating herself that she got her way. “We’ll start your training with the other spiders tomorrow morning. Bright and early. As for you ‘Black Cat’ let’s get one thing straight here…” Felicia raises her eyebrow in anticipation, her arms crossed over her chest, her cleavage poking through just enough in the black skin-tight suit adorning her body. “You may be used to playing by your own rules and whatnot but here, this is my playground. And what I say, goes.” He leans back against the small table behind him, his arms now also crossed over his chest, making it hard for Felicia not to notice the way his biceps and arms moved with each breath he took. “Do I make myself clear, gata?”
Felicia unfolds her arms and takes a step closer to Miguel, squaring her shoulders as if preparing for a fight. “Yes, Araña.” 
“And start thinking of new names,” Miguel said before walking back to his desk with a smirk. 
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Chapter 2
A/N: Its good to be back! Please let me know what you think💕
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milaisreading · 8 months
Can I request a part two to isolation? I really wanna see c/n meet Norway and Iceland. Maybe Mr Puffin decides to make a few loud comments or something.
🌱🩷: Hope u are fine with what I came up for this request!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
🌍Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya🌍
"(C/N)!!! HURRY UP! YOU NEED TO HURRY UP AND MEET MY FRIENDS!" The girl cringed from the spot she was standing on, looking at the approaching boat of her friend and ally, Denmark. It had been roughly 6 months since she agreed to open up her country. So far it was good, she established some trade deals with Russia, Belgium, and Netherlands, who she even met 2 months ago. Currently, her boss was negotiating trading offers with Britain, France, Spain, and Prussia, who she really wasn't keen on meeting, so her boss went without her.
'They all sound so intimidating from what I could read.' She thought, thinking of all the things she read about them. And right now she was waiting for Denmark to pick her up so she could meet 2 other nations. The Dane already established a strong relationship with her, so naturally he thought it would be a good idea for her to become close with 2 other nations he knew, Norway and Iceland. (Y/n) was pretty familiar with the two, well not familiar, but she heard a lot about them in the six months and prior to isolating herself. Denmark loved talking about his friends... a lot.
'I wonder if he talked about me.' She thought while nervously playing with her fingers. Too lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the ship dock on the port and the blonde nation running to her.
"What's with the long face?! The king is here to cheer you up!!" Denmark yelled, pulling the girl into a tight hug.
"D-Denmark?! Don't hug me so out of a sudden! And I was just thinking!" (Y/n) said, trying to get out of the hug as the people sent them weird glances or giggled at the exchange.
"But I missed you!"
She rolled her eyes at his words, but stopped the struggle, anyway.
"Are you ready? Did you pack what you need? Jeez, did it get colder since I last visited you?" Denmark kept asking as he let go of the smaller nation, shuddering as a gust of wind hit them.
"Well, you did visit me in June, now it's September, of course it will be colder now. Besides, you shouldn't have come to pick me up, I could have come with a ship." (Y/n) said to the taller, who shook his head.
"No way! I doubt that you remember how bad the North sea can be, it would be better if you don't go alone." Denmark argued as (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at her comment.
"I have well-equipped sailors, you know."
"I know you do, but better safe than sorry." Denmark added in and patted her head.
"Ok, ok. Anyway, want something to eat? We prepared some food for you and your men."
"Sure! Do you have any alcohol?"
"Yep. We made sure to get beer for you all." The girl said as she led Denmark into the city.
Two days later, Denmark and (C/n) left the port and ship set sails towards Denmark's place. Aside from (C/n) joining Denmark on the ship, she had brought some material goods as a gift to him and the 2 friends that were waiting for them to come back.
"I already prepared a whole plan for us! Since you are staying at my place for the next 2 weeks I made sure to write down all the important places for you to see." Denmark said excitedly as (Y/n) went over the list he gave her. She was really impressed with how detailed the list was.
"Thank you, but you didn't need to plan out so much. I would have been fine with anything. This was probably a chore to do." The girl looked up at the blonde as they sat in a cabin, the Dane only looked at her in confusion.
"It's not a chore, you are my friend so I want you to be comfortable while visiting. I didn't get to hang out with you in a long while."
"Still, I don't want to burden you-"
"You are not burdening me." Denmark interrupted her, sighing in annoyance as he poked her forehead a few times.
"Norge!! I brought my friend with me! Where are you and Iceland?" The Dane announced as he walked into his house, (Y/n) kept quiet as she looked around. It was a lot different than hers, not to mention that the weather was a lot warmer.
"I shouldn't have brought so many clothes along, now that I think about it." She mumbled to herself, jumping a little as she heard an unfamiliar voice.
"Must you be so loud? You don't know how silent the past days were without you." (Y/n) peeked a little behind Denmark to find a blonde boy with indigo eyes staring at Denmark in annoyance. He was a lot shorter than the Dane, but still a little taller than her.
'The descendants of Vikings are giants! The rumors were true!' She thought as the blonde turned his attention to her.
"I must apologize for him, he is a loud mouth most of the time." The boy said in a monotone manner, earning a loud protest from Denmark.
"I am Norway, by the way. You must be (C/n), the Dane talked a lot about you."
"He did?" She wondered in confusion as Denmark pushed her in front of Norway.
"I-I mean, he talked a lot about you and another country as well. It's nice to meet you."
Norway nodded his head and shook her hand.
"Well, it's nice that someone else in this house knows about manners as well." Notway off-handedly commented.
"You want something to drink? I made tea."
"Would be nice, thanks." She nodded her head, still a little awkward with the new nation.
'But, he seems nice. It's worth giving him a shot, I think.' (Y/n) thought as Norway led her to the kitchen.
"Hey! Don't forget about me like that." Denmark pouted, walking after the duo.
"The tea tastes amazing, Norway! Thank you  I really needed it after that trip we had." (Y/n) said as the blonde nodded his head.
"The North sea made issues again?" Norway wondered, glancing at Denmark.
"Just the usual. Though, (C/n) didn't sail on it for a while, so she was more shaken up."
"True, it was a terrifying experience." She admitted as Norway glanced at her.
"Understandable, I still remember the first time I sailed on it, but you get used after a while." The Norwegian shrugged as Denmark let out a loud sigh.
"Enough with the small talk, (C/n) didn't come all the way here for that." The two looked at each other and then at the blonde.
"We should go look for Icey and go around the city. Copenhagen changed a lot since she visited me the last time.."
"I am fine with it." Norway shrugged his shoulders, looking back at (Y/n).
"You fine with it as well?"
"O-oh! Sure, sounds great!" The other nation answered, still not used to his monotone voice.
'But he is very nice. Tho, I wonder why they don't have much food around. Denmark never told me he had any issues.' She thought, glancing at the kitchen suspiciously.
"Alright, I will go and get that rascal-"
"No need! He is hiding here!"
(Y/n) gasped in surprise as she heard a rough voice and turned to where the entrance to the kitchen was, only to find a black bird.
"Isn't that a Puffin? I read a lot about them. I didn't know that they could talk." She commented, looking back at Norway as Denmark walked over to where the bird was.
"Should have read more then, Missy!" Norway sent the bird a warning glare before looking back at (Y/n).
"Nr. Puffin is a special case, I guess. He can be a little rude, but please don't take it to heart." The blonde said as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Don't worry, I can handle it." She said back.
"But, can you tell me why you have such a lack of f-"
"Let me go! I can walk on my own, I am not a kid." A new voice interrupted (Y/n)'s questioning and she turned to where Denmark was holding a much shorter boy with silver hair and purple eyes.
'Adorable!! Such a cute child!" She internally squealed as she looked a the boy, who was holding Mr. Puffin now.
"You sure are acting like one now, Iceland." Norway commented as both him and (Y/n) got up to where the trio were.
"You are Iceland?! It's nice to meet you, my name is (C/n). I am a new friend now, I guess." She said, fighting back the urge to hug the smaller.
"It's nice to meet you." The silver-haired boy blushed and looked away, embarrassed by the attention he was getting.
'So cute!' (Y/n) thought as Denmark put him down.
"By the way, did you bring us any food?" Iceland asked bluntly, looking at the nervous Dane.
"Ehm, well.... Boss said we will get new shipments next week."
"You said that last time." Mr. Puffin announced loudly as Iceland nodded his head.
"Uhm, are you guys struggling with food or something?" (Y/n) whispered in worry to Norway as Denmark tried to explain to the other two.
"A little. We had a small crisis after a conflict with Sweden. Denmark is trying his best to hold everything up, tho." Norway nodded, going back to calming down the two as (Y/n) thought everything over for a moment. She didn't want her new companions to suffer, especially when a little kid was involved. And besides, her boss did say she could do whatever as long as she made allies.
"Uhm, if you are having a hard time with food..." The four looked back at the girl, who became nervous from the attention she was getting.
"We... My people have a lot of food that we can give you."
"Food?! A lot of food?!" Iceland's eyes lightened up at those words.
"Huh? That's very generous of you. Will your boss be fine with that?" Norway asked, surprised by the offer.
"Don't worry, he won't mind. Are you fine with it, Denmark?"
The Dane was taken aback by the offer. Sure, she was always nice to him, but the help she would send was always well-thought of, and not so impulsive.
"T-that would be great, if your people are fine with it as well."
"Don't worry, they will be."
(Y/n) assured them as the Puffin landed on her head.
"I might need to change owners. Missy, do you want a bird?"
"Uhm..." The girl muttered as Iceland stomped over to get the bird while Denmark and Norway started scolding him.
'Quite an interesting bunch.' She thought in amusement.
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readerlovr · 10 months
For Richer or for Poorer
Pt. 2
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This past week has been the hardest I have ever worked. Growing up seeing my dad and brothers work, I always knew was difficult, but doing it yourself is on another level. So I can only imagine what the boss feels. It’s Friday so luckily it’s the last day of the week for us.
Although Mr. Beresford has two meetings today which I have to attend. As I am organizing my planner for next week, I get an email. It’s from one of the companies we have a meeting with saying they can no longer meet at 3, and can only meet after 5. I would normally look skeptical because the normal work day ends at 5, but Mr. Beresford stays in his office long after I leave for the day. Before I send the company a confirmation, I check Mr. Beresford’s agenda and I see that he has a free period between 5:30 and 7. So I gather my notepad and walk my way to Mr. Beresford’s office. Once I’m there, I knock, then crack the door.
“Mr. Beresford, your 3 o’clock rescheduled for a later appointment, so I put you down for 6.”
“Thank you, Ms. Y/l/n.”
I close the door as I go back to my office, and send the company the confirmation for 6. They respond swiftly saying that they will be here at 6. I mentally prepare myself for a long day after the normal work hours.
I wonder if Rachel has any tips on my note taking, so I decide to speed dial 5.
“Hey, Rachel I was wondering if you have any tips on how to take notes for the meeting. I have been taking notes this past week but Mr. Beresford didn’t seem to need them. But because there is two meetings today, he might need them to recollect the specifics the different meetings.”
“Yeah of course.” She gives me the spill of how she used to take notes, but she says Mr. Beresford did not like the way she took notes, because she wrote it in her own understanding instead of his.
“Okay, because we have another meeting after the one that starts in 15 minutes. And it’s after 5 o’clock, so I definitely need to take notes to the best of my ability. Or his I guess.”
“Get used to that.” She says with a sigh.
“What taking notes? Or staying after 5?”
“Well, both actually.”
“I have to stay after 5, everyday with him?”
“Well, yes. Haven’t you been doing that so far?”
“No, I have been leaving around 5:30.”
“Y/n, no. The assistant stays with the boss until he tells you to leave.”
My father has had assistants but he never kept one long enough for me to see how they were supposed to behave.
“Oh no. Why didn’t he tell me?”
“I don’t know, he probably thought you’d just know given your father has a business.”
“My father did everything on his own.” I say curtly. I hate discussing my family and their success, the reason why I left is to start my own. So when someone brings them up, I try to be tight lipped about them.
“Also, it wasn’t in the job description.”
“It’s not, but it’s commonly preferred.”
I think for a bit. I feel bad that I possibly left Mr. Beresford to do everything alone. I never suspected I was doing anything wrong. Every morning when I entered after giving Mr. Beresford his coffee and breakfast, notes he took from the previous night was sat on my desk.
I look over at the time and see it’s 5 till the meeting.
“Hey Rachel I have to go.”
“Okay, talk to you later.” She says before promptly hanging up.
I grab my notepad and get up to walk down to the conference room. When I get there I notice Mr. Beresford and a couple of our staff is already seated. I quickly take the seat on Mr. Beresford’s left. Once I sit, he looks up from his laptop and smile.
“Mr. Beresford.” I say greeting him.
“Ms. Y/l/n.”
I look around at everyone else engaging in their own conversations. I scoot a bit forward closer to Mr. Beresford.
“Why didn’t you tell me I was supposed to stay after with you everyday?”
“I supposed you knew. And if not you’d figure it out eventually. Plus I’ve been used to-“ he pauses and looks back down at his computer, “working alone.”
Just as I about to ask what he meant the company we are meeting with walked in. Mr. Beresford stood up, which caused me to follow suit. We all greeted each other by shaking hands.
Once everyone was aquatinted and seated, Mr. Beresford walks to the other end of the table with no chair.
“Shall we get started?”
I tried to take notes most accurate to Mr. Beresford’s. Mimicking his note taking style from the one he leaves on my desk every night. Based on the meeting details, I could give him the notes at the end of the day so I have enough time to tweak it if I see something unfitting.
It’s now 30 minutes until the 6:00 meeting. We had lunch at 3 since the meeting was pushed back. Although, I like to work better with a snack so I decide to go downstairs to the donut shop to get a donut and a coffee. After I gathered my purse, I knocked on Mr. Beresford’s door.
“Mr. Beresford, I’m going downstairs to get a donut, do you want anything?”
He doesn’t respond. After a minute of waiting, I knock on his door again, then open the door and peek in.
“Mr. Beresford?”
He looks up at me from his computer with a stoic look.
“No thank you. I am not supposed to be eating that stuff.”
I notice he seems a bit down so I don’t push him on it.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
I am back within 10 minutes. I finish my coffee before I make it back to my office. As I’m walking back I contemplate either going to my office or Mr. Beresford’s. I decide on Mr. Beresford’s office of course. I knock on the door once again. He doesn’t respond like normally but I decide to turn the knob anyway. As I come in the room uninvited, he looks at me confused.
With my donut in hand I decide to sit in a seat in front of him.
“Hi.” I say before taking a bite of my donut.
“Hi?” He says confused. He continues to look at me confused as of to say, why are you here.
“What?” I question his confused look.
He shakes his head. “Normally people don’t just come in my office and sit down. Just to say hi.”
“Well I’m not normal people. I’m your assistant so I can do that.” I say with a smile.
He smirks a bit before changing his face to serious.
“Look. I know I met you before the job interview. And I gave you a well deserved compliment based on your looks, but our relationship needs to be strictly professional.”
What he said caught me off guard. I wasn’t trying to come onto him. Even though he is insanely good looking. I just wanted to start a conversation given he was so busy this whole week.
“Oh.” I say as I nod and start to get up to leave.
“But-“ he says as he sees me get up. “You can stay. At least until the meeting starts. We can walk down together.”
“Okay.” I say with a small smile. I don’t want to say the wrong thing because I don’t want him to think I am trying to build a relationship that’s not professional.
“So, why don’t you eat donuts? Is it your diet?”
He once again looks down at his computer. I know he was down earlier but I thought he was okay now. Before I was able to apologize for prying he answers.
“Yeah, it’s my diet. I actually haven’t had a donut in 5 years.”
He nods and looks up at me from his computer. I give him a cunning smile and hold up my donut.
“You want a bite?”
“No, I’m okay.” He says chuckling.
“Come on. It’s a bite. What is a bite gonna do?”
He looks at me for a couple seconds before he lightly nods. He motions his fingers for me to bring the donut closer. I stand up to bring it close enough for him to take but instead he bites it straight off the donut. My heart skips a beat with his held eye contact on me. As he pulls away I have to mentally tell myself to act normal. I sit back down trying to shake that hot memory out of my head. I look up to him and he’s still chewing. I wait a couple seconds after he swallows it and I’m met with silence.
He starts smiling. Like a real smile, not a smirk.
“That was really good.”
“See I told you. You just have to trust your smart assistant sometimes.”
He smirks and huffs out a laugh. I check my watch and realize it’s seven till 6.
“Oh, we have to go.”
I stand up and he follows after me down the hall. It’s just us when we enter the conference room.
“Where is everybody?”
“Well the staff isn’t required to stay after 5, so we’re just waiting on the company that we’re meeting with.”
We continue to wait for exactly 7 minutes before Mr. Beresford stands up.
“Where are you going?”
“They’re late. I’m leaving.”
“Wha- leaving? Just like that?”
“Yes, just like that.”
As he moves to walk out the conference room door, the company walks in the door.
“Shall we get this over with?” The man who comes in first says, throwing his coat at the woman who came in after him.
Mr. Beresford looks back at me before turning to the man who spoke.
“Mr. Johnson, we are not going further with this merger.”
“Why not? I put in a lot of money for this deal.” The man named Mr. Johnson says.
“You can keep your deal, and you can keep your money. I’m all about creating jobs for people. I need my partners to be punctual as well as considerate. Because if not, I know you will treat your employees the same way. And so far from what I’ve seen,” he gestures to the woman behind him, “you are not very considerate to your employees.”
I don’t know why, but that whole scene made me have a heartbeat in my core. My mouth is agape. I have never seen anyone respectfully decline a disrespectful person regardless of their money.
“Come on, Ms. Y/l/n.”
I immediately jump up to stand beside him. He puts his hand on my back as he guides me out of the room.
“You can see yourself out.” He says as we past them out the door. Just before we leave, I give a sympathetic look to the woman.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, people like that really get under my skin.”
“Don’t apologize. You did the right thing.”
He looks down at his feet as we continue walking together.
“Could you… come back to my office with me. I like the company.” He asks seemingly nervously. I smile up at him before nodding.
“Sure let me just get the rest of my things.” We reach my office door and he goes inside of his. I gather my purse and previous notes. I stay in my office a bit longer than suspected, checking and responded to thank you emails on Mr. Beresford’s behalf. I’m finished about 10 minutes later and I start to walk to Mr. Beresford’s office. I knock on the door, and there wasn’t an answer like usual.
“Mr. Beresford, it’s me.” Still no answer.
I open the door expecting him to look up at me from his computer, but he wasn’t there. I know he didn’t walk out of his office because I would’ve saw given that my office is right next to his corner office.
“Mr. Beresford?” I ask looking around the office. I notice that his chair is a bit pushed back than normal. I walk over to his chair to see why and immediately my heart drops. He is passed out on the floor behind his desk.
“Oh, shit! Mr. Beresford!” I kneel down to feel his forehead I don’t feel it being warm. I fumble for my purse to grab my cell to call 911.
I tell dispatch what happened and what building and floor were on. They had an ambulance out here in minutes once they found out it was Clay Beresford. When the officers get here, I have Mr. Beresford’s head in my lap so it wouldn’t be on the hard ground. They remove him off of me and put him on a stretcher.
“Be careful with him. I don’t know what happened.” I say with a shaky voice.
One of the officers that is not carrying him turns to me.
“Ma’am, calm down. We know how to deal with a heart transplant patient.”
Once he says that I am stunned.
“A what?”
“4 years ago Clayton Beresford, had a heart transplant from his mother after the whole doctor team tried to murder him. It was on the news for weeks.” He looks at me like the information he gave me was so obvious and everyone else knew about it.
“Wha-“ I can’t even process what he just said. As his assistant why wasn’t I notified of his condition. 10 million questions run in my head but I realize as his assistant I should be with him also. I find the stamina to get up on my shaky legs and follow them to the elevator. Once we get outside I climb in the ambulance after they put Mr. Beresford in it. I stare at Mr. Beresford seemingly lifeless body, and it scares the shit out of me. I grab his hand and hope everything is okay.
Once we get to the hospital, he gets put on an IV. And i have to wait in the waiting room while they check to see what’s wrong with him. I rock in my chair nervously wondering what I’m going to do if he doesn’t make it out of this. He was just starting to become my friend even with him saying he wanted a strictly professional relationship. As I am thinking to myself as Beresford was called. I stood up and walked to the doctor.
“How is he?”
“Mr. Beresford is doing just fine.”
I let out a long relieved sigh.
“He had a small relapse due to his heart transplant.”
“Do you know what caused it?”
“We can’t be sure. With heart transplants, this could be caused by anything. Did he recently have any changes of diet, or exercise?”
I shake my head no, trying to think. Then suddenly it clicks.
“I gave him a bite of my donut. Do you think that what caused this?” I say devastated. I can’t bear a man’s life almost ending because of me.
“I’m sorry, but that’s a very real possibility. It’s the most probable possibility given that everything was fine until tonight.”
I look around and cover my mouth, knowing that I almost killed Mr. Beresford.
“Can I see him?”
“Of course but he’s resting right now. It might be a little while before he wakes up.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
She puts her hand on my should in sympathy and walks me to his room. Once I go in I see him sleeping on the bed with 3 different tubes attached to him. I put my hand over my mouth as I sob looking at him. I did that. I walk over beside his bed and sit in the seat that was there. I grab his hand and wait for him to wake. As I wait, I dosed off to sleep still grabbing his hand.
He starts stirring which wakes me up. I squeeze his hand tighter with purpose letting him know that I was here for him. He squeezed it back but his eyes are still closed.
“Mr. Beresford.” I whisper as I stand up to get closer to his face. He hums and opens his eyes. He looks around confused before his eyes land on me, shocked.
“What happened.” He says groggily.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shakes his head in confusion.
“Why didn’t you tell me about your heart?” I say before I full on sob right in front of my boss. “It was my fault, I’m so sorry.”
He looks at me confused still.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, take a breath.” He says and he grabs my other hand with his other hand. “What happened?”
“They say you had a relapse because of the donut I gave you. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you to eat it.”
“Hey. Y/n, I am an adult. You didn’t push me to do anything. I ate it because I wanted to.”
I am too hysterical to realize that was his first time calling me by my first name.
“Do you want me to call anyone?”
He looks into my red, puffy eyes then looks forward.
“I don’t have anyone.” He says softly.
I don’t know what he means by that but he’s gone through enough so I don’t push him on it. It seems like I’m the only one going to be here from him tonight. I start to sit on the bed next to him slowly waiting for any signs of his uncomfortably. He nodded for me to continue to sit, still having both of our hands holding. I look him in the eyes and my eyes start to water again.
He wipes my tears with his fingers.
“Stop it. It wasn’t your fault.” He says as he tugs my hands so I can go closer to him. He pulls me into a hug, which causes me to have to lay on his chest. I carefully avoid the tubes attached to him, not trying to mess him up further.
“I’m going to be okay.”
We stay like this in silence for a couple of minutes.
“I thought you wanted to keep a professional relationship.” I joke through a sad voice.
“Screw that.”
That sure took a turn. 😬
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unladyboss · 1 year
I'm always so confused about Carmy's behavior. Like the more I try to figure it out, the more confused I get. It's like what Ebra said about Mikey, he got confused by his behaviors. So I thought about it and realized that maybe I was confused because I'm SUPPOSED TO BE CONFUSED.
Because you can't reason out the behavior of an addict. I really think now that Carmy is a high functioning alcoholic. When I figured that out, my heart dropped and I looked at all scenes with different eyes. Hear me out. High functioning alcoholics are difficult to spot. They can maintain near normal appearance for job, family, friends etc, but it eventually catches up
1. The alcohol in the office . It's there always. Check the green bottles
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2. Alcohol just at different levels
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3. Carmy's mom is an alcoholic. It's rare for none of the kids not to be alcoholic. Mikey was a drug addict.
4. Maybe the reason Syd's dad hasn't met him yet is because he'd get outed. Syd's dad doesn't drink, possibly because he used to drink too much.
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5. If Syd's dad used to drink too much it would explain, some of her attraction to Carmy. That codependent thing that occurs in families of addicts
6. Claire. I'm sorry I was mean about Claire but she was a big big clue. That's why Claire was brought in.
When she said she remembers Carmy and he gave her the wrong number, its possible that the past him also drank too much. I'm not too sure
However, she manages sad drunk people. Even though he doesn't drink in front of her and drinks pop. The clues were in front of us. Red cup party.
The insistence of Claire to track him down. Possibly a tool to help him see that he needs help. She manages him the whole time.
7. The anxiety
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8. The ibuprofen for headaches
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9. The insomnia
10. Everything in his life is pointing toward him needing help
11. He's going to Al-Anon meetings. We think it's just about Mikey but then the look of the meeting changes and he says it's three times a week so Al Anon may have switched to real alcoholics anonymous meetings
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12. Mikey not wanting him to work at the bear, might be him knowing that Carmy would probably fall into worse things... Maybe he saw Carmy's own addiction and kicked him out
13. The tattoo. He knows alcohol is bad and can kill, not just because of his mom, but because he's doing it.
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14. The mood swings. Screaming at people, anger, one minute mad, the next minute calm
15. All the Al Anon pamphlets he was reading. That wasn't just about Mikey. It was for him
16. Brain issues - wet brain. 'is that sound in my head?' When the alarm goes off. Cicero asks if it's not driving him crazy. He said he's used to it.
Is my hair on fire? He asked Syd
17. The fidgeting fingers. Withdrawal. Need a drink to stabilize
18. The disappearing, like into the fridge. Remember one time the Pepto was in there? The drink could be too if it's not in the office any more
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Pepto usually near to the alcohol . Disappearing from the Bear. Just bailing on things in general.
19. The delusions seeing his old boss at friends and family and being inconsolable.
29. Panic attack.
The whole sydcarmy thing could be and probably IS happening simultaneously along with the high functioning alcoholism.
But this is mad serious.
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30.I think they put JOSH in that last episode to show just how high functioning an addict could be, but that eventually the addiction will ruin things
31. Big hints at Claire's party
32. The chest pain, heart beating fast
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This is so serious.
I don't think I'm wrong
We said the show runners were playing in our faces. I thought they meant just about Syd. It was probably them trying to show us THIS, but we were too distracted by SYDCARMY.
When I figured this out, I couldn't watch the sydcarmy interaction the same way any more.
This whole time he's probably been going through bouts of withdrawal and symptoms of that, along with relapsing.
I feel sick.
I HOPE I'm wrong, but I don't think so at all.
You guys. Talk me out of this. I need reassuring words right now.
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personasintro · 1 year
Hi Mimi. Can I ask you for advice.
I have a friend who is mad at me because I’m not calling her back 24/7, and because I can’t hang out all the time and have to cancel due to the fact that I work and they sometimes, even if I have plans, call me in.
I couldn’t attend her boyfriend’s surprise birthday dinner, who she’ve only been dating for like 4 months and I’ve only met twice, because they wanted to go out late at night and I was working the day before, during, and the day after. However that particular day I got to finish my shift early because it was raining so my boss told me to just go home. On my way home another friend called me, who I haven’t seen in four month because we live 1h and 45min away from each other. My birthday is in two weeks but she’s going on vacation soon, she asked if we could meet up in the city and have dinner, this is like 4-5pm, because she wanted to celebrate me by buying me dinner. I said okey. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong. We meet up, have dinner, order some drinks, and I post a video of us. The other friend, not even 5 minutes later, sends me a loooong message about what a bad friend I am without even knowing anything. I didn’t answer her right away and decided to wait until I was home. I got home at like 8:30, and the dinner was around 9-10isch so even if I didn’t go out with my friend I couldn’t go and celebrate her boyfriend because I needed to sleep.
She really went off on me, said a lot of things, and made me feel so shitty for nothing. So I wrote back and told her, we’re not kids, I didn’t do anything wrong, I explained briefly why I went out with my friend, and I also told her it’s my life and nobody can get mad at me for my choices, even if I was free that day it still shouldn’t be a problem because I don’t have an obligation to anybody. I also told her that I think it’s wrong that she decided to message me when she saw I was out, she could have waited and brought it up the next day instead of basically trying to ruin my night. I also texted her “don’t worry about this now, go and have fun, enjoy, let’s talk face 2 face when we get the chance” She then texted me back saying “I am celebrating his birthday all weekend, we can talk another day, I don’t have time to deal with this now”. I wrote back “sure”. My first thought, before I calmed myself down, was “so you have time to ruin my night, and start this whole thing, but you don’t have time to finish it?”.
Am I the asshole? Hahaha this sounds like a reddit post, I wanted to write it there but I don’t want to take a risk of her seeing it. Your account, your stories and you are also my comfort zone. I just feel safe here, which is why I am sorry for the rant and headache you have now. I just don’t like to talk about other people with other people, which is why I’m not asking for advice from my friends. But at the same time I’m desperate because I feel like I have done everything for her but just because I have work and have to prioritize myself I’m suddenly a bad friend for not attending her bfs dinner who I’ve only met twice. I mean it’s not like I missed her wedding day. It’s not like I was talking shit about her or told everyone her secrets for her to call me awful names and paint me as the bad guy. It’s not like the plan hanged on me, and I said no, and everybody stayed home but then I went out anyways. They still went out and had fun, so why should it be a problem if I was there or not.
I just want to add that this friendship is solely about me being there for her, I’m basically her therapist. I’ve never ever had demands on her or how she should treat me. I’m so drama free like this is my only drama in life atm in the past 6 years. I’m so easy going. You know that last year on my birthday she didn’t wish me a happy bday, and last year I asked her 6 times if she wanted to go on a vacation and she said no, but then she posts on snap that she’s going on a “random trip” with a girl she met 6 month ago at a gym who she doesn’t even talk to anymore because she feels that the girl was to clingy. I didn’t say anything because I thought it’s okey I’m not gonna ruin her day, vacation or whatever for something so silly, it’s HER life. I’m always there for her, even if I’m busy I always try to show her that she is not neglected by maybe sending her a song, or meme, or even going as far as telling her that I’m gonna be busy and that she can call me if it’s an emergency otherwise I won’t be so active. I always have her back, she calls me 4 in the morning and I pick up without blinking twice. My parents treat her as a second daughter, I’m always there for her as much as I can, and I just have to add that last month, I didn’t sleep for 36h and had a 10h shift the day after, but I still went out with her because she needed a friend due to having a bad day. I neglected my mental health for her. And our convos are 90% about her, 7% about random stuff, and 3% about me, and I STILL DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT because idgaf. Im honestly so unbothered I really don’t care, but right now I care because I feel that the text she sent me, and the way she wanted to paint me, and the words she used even though I’ve never ever had anything negative about her coming out of my mouth…I just feel like this is so unfair and I don’t know what to do. Should I end the friendship? Or maybe talk to her and try to make her understand? Im just so lost and this is honestly so sad because we’ve been friend for 12 years if not more. I don’t want it to end over something so silly…
Much love💜
Again I’m sorry for ranting, if you have advice I want to thank you for them. And I also want to thank you before hand for taking the time to read this. I admire u and ur stories!
I just have to add: she’s not a bad person, her good qualities overshadows the bad ones, which is why we’re still friends.
This message was sent a while back and I am sorry for responding only now. Maybe you were able to figure it out on your own or things happened after this. But all I can recommend for you to do is to talk to your friend, if you haven’t already. If I were you, I’d try to communicate and make her see where I am coming from as well and then… there’s nothing much you can do from there. You’ll see how she takes it and whether she’s able to see your side or not. Regardless of everything, she shouldn’t take you for granted and cut you some slack.
Like you said, you don’t want your friendship to end over something silly but maybe it’s not something silly at all. In the end, you don’t want friends who makes you feel guilty and take you for granted all the time. Just the fact your entire friendship seems to be focusing on her rather than on both of you says a lot. You shouldn’t be treated that way and you do deserve someone who equally cares about you as a person :)
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alovesreading · 2 years
Constant Repeat | Part 3
Summary:  Having worked at Focus Creeps for a year, Ella knows that as a production assistant and part of the crew, there’s one important rule: don’t interact with the talent unless it’s needed. But once she meets Arctic Monkeys, and the recording of the music videos for their upcoming fourth studio album starts, the band seem to become her exception. Not only because they treat her more like a friend than just someone else they’re working with but when Alex continuously makes her blush with his flirting, so enthralled by her that he forgets he’s got a girlfriend, Ella finds herself growing closer to him. As videos are filmed, wrapped and edited, the friendship lines become blurry. Situations unfold, secrets are told and others are kept under lock and key, but how long can Alex and Ella endure being stuck in each other’s minds on constant repeat.
Word Count: 15.3k
Story Warnings: Throughout this series there will be suggestive talk, jealousy, cheating, alcohol and drug use, angst, smut.
A/N: Jumping on my spot because this chapter just fully starts it all and I cannot wait to hear what you think about it!!!  I don't even know what to say anymore, I'm just to eager for you all to read this one lol. Enjoy!!! xx
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 |
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It had been two months since their goodbye. June had been filled with work, mostly for commercials with a fourth of July theme. There were so many brands they’d worked with, that Ella had lost count of how many meetings she had attended in the last three weeks of the month.
True to his word, a week after their last talk, she got an email from their management asking for her name and address to be added to the PR list. Suck it and see had been out for a week already and she had bought it digitally, but her stomach fluttered as she typed in her information.
She just couldn’t wait for when the next video was going to be recorded.
July seemed to go the slowest it could’ve ever gone. And by the time August came, she still had no news about the band’s music video. The end of the first week of August was approaching, she was half tempted to go up to either Ben or Aaron and ask about it, but she was afraid of how that would make her look like.
Little did Ella know, she didn’t have to wait any longer, since the following Monday she got a list that read Arctic Monkeys - Black Treacle, Evil Twin, Suck it and See with dates on the top of the page that said August 14th - 16th 2011.
She hid her slight freakout very deep inside herself and left it for when she finished getting the details on the list ready. Four days later, when she handed the list back to her bosses, she allowed herself to get showered in nerves.
Ella knew by then that they were going to see them at a festival they were playing at in San Francisco, and she was beyond excited for it but her stomach was turning just from thinking she would be seeing Alex again after two months. Sixty days since they last spoke and she realized far too late she had no way to even contact him during the wait for the next music video.
Well, not that she would’ve been brave enough to ask for his phone number and maybe he would’ve laughed at her if she had asked for his email, but she was wondering what it would’ve been like if somehow they could have a way to keep chatting despite the distance.
And as if someone had been stealing the sand from the hourglass, before she even had time to properly prepare herself for the encounter, it was August 14th and the production crew was parking their bus at the festival grounds. It was around three in the afternoon, they had made a stop for lunch that made them arrive an hour later than anticipated but they weren’t late enough to have missed the band’s set.
After a while of walking and trying to make their ways through the artists backstage, the group of fifteen people sporting ‘Outside Lands’ wristbands managed to make it to the spot the brits were standing at.
And Ella almost didn’t recognize him.
Alex had a fresh new haircut, a quiff that just screamed greaser, and she fully had to force her jaw back up after seeing him. He had his leather jacket on, despite it not being cold, gold framed dark sunglasses that fit him perfectly, jeans and a black shirt on. A cigarette behind his ear that had an effect on her she couldn’t quite describe, but she was sure her legs went a little weak when she saw it there.
Holy fuck.
It was around a drinks tent that they were standing by, all of them with plastic cups in their hands and laughing around. She smiled as they got closer, missing being around their banter.
Nick was the first to notice them approaching, turning around with a giant smile and waving at them. The rest of them turned to where the bassist was looking at and when they saw the crew they matched Nick’s grin and gesture.
The directors were the first to approach them and shake hands. Ella followed closely behind, way too excited to greet them again to hide anymore. She hugged them tight, saying a small but high pitched “Hi” to each of them, Matt swaying her from side to side while embracing her.
Alex grinned brightly at her, feeling warmth from her presence. She didn’t waste any time in pulling him in for a hug, her hold so tight on him that he started feeling dizzy from the way it was making him feel inside.
“Hi Ellie.” His arms were around her waist, giving her a squeeze before she let go.
She was grinning from ear to ear, “Hi Al.” Ella knew her greeting had been effusive but she couldn’t care less what any of the crew members had to say, not when Alex was looking at her like that.
They were both slowly letting go off each other when Aaron spoke up, “Thank you so much for having us at the show today.”
Ella took a step back, standing beside Ben. She made it seem like she was adjusting the camera strap on her shoulder, but she was hiding her blushed cheeks behind her hair.
Matt waved it off like it was no big deal, “It’s great having you all here. Hope you didn’t get lost trying to make it here.”
Ben chuckled, “It was a whole quest but we made it.”
Matt turned around then, getting some cups and pouring what seemed to be tequila in four of them and turned around with one on each hand, “Well, you’re all about three shots behind so better catch up.”
Aaron grabbed one of the shots Matt was offering, “Well, let’s get to it then!” The director turned to all the crew, nodding with his head towards the drink table so they could all get tequila shots.
Matt was quick to pour everyone their shots and when they all had them in hand they took them at the same time, he hadn’t been kidding about catching them up because he walked down the line of people filling their cups again so they could go back for a second one.
Alex took the opportunity to check Ella out more intently. She looked amazing under the sun, her tan long legs were out, she was wearing a pair of jean shorts held up by a black double buckle belt, a black bodysuit that showed every curve on her body perfectly and on her feet were a pair of black gator skin cowboy boots with silver detailing. She looked very western, and he loved it. From his spot he could see some tattoos littering her body like the red ink writing she had on her left thigh that was making him have thoughts he couldn’t say out loud.
She wiped the drops of tequila that were falling from her chin to her neck, “Fuck.” she mumbled, “Do we really gotta do a third one?” She was already feeling the warmth from the alcohol inside her buzzing all the way to the tips of her fingers.
Matt smirked, “Yes Ellie!” He poured her a third shot, filling her cup a bit more than the last time.
She narrowed her eyes at him and Alex chuckled at her expression. Matt proceeded to pour more tequila around and when the last person was served, he shouted, “Cheers everyone!”
The burn wasn’t as bad for her anymore, but she felt like if she didn't have a chaser any time soon, she would be throwing her lunch up. Alex saw her struggling after she gulped it down, turning to the table and handing her a lime wedge.
“Ugh, thanks.” She said in a pained voice, sticking the fruit in her mouth quickly after.
The sourness relaxed her and once she felt like it was enough, Ella took it off her mouth and threw it and the cup to the trash. “Matthew, I hate you.”
Everyone laughed, some of her coworkers had reached out for lime as well and she didn’t feel as bad anymore. She was now feeling more buzzed by the second. Oh, I’m already regretting this, she said in her head.
Alex then turned to their crew and said, “We’re going on in about an hour or so, you all can go around the festival if you’d like. Those passes can take you about anywhere.” He pointed to a guy’s AAA wristband, hoping they would all take their ways and he could have some time to hang out with Ella.
With that, many of them turned to pour some drinks and make their way to the closest stage, the directors saying they were gonna check whoever was performing as well. About five minutes went by when they were all left alone with the PA by the drinks tent.
Ella smiled at them, grabbing the strap from her shoulder and taking her film camera in her hands, she turned it on before saying, “Let me take a picture of you all!” They all nodded and started taking position for the shot.
Alex ran his hand through his hair, as he smiled towards the camera. Matt and Nick were raising their drinks in the air and Jamie stood beside them with a cigarette between his lips. She captured her view, smiling at them as she lowered the device. “I’m going to be taking pictures all day so you better be good muses and pose for me.”
Alex and Matt laughed at the way she was starting to slur her words, getting very obviously tipsy already. The singer decided to tease her, “You know… you’re only missing your cowboy hat.”
She snorted, “I always have it with me.” and she lifted her left arm, showing off her little cowboy hat tattoo on the inside of her bicep.
He giggled in response, “Brilliant.” and he took a sip of his drink, “How many tattoos do you have?” He ended up asking, curious to know what she would decide to print on her skin permanently.
She took some time to think and count, touching her rib by the end and lifting a total of six fingers, “About six at the moment:” she showed her cowboy hat again, “this one’s for Tennessee,” she then turned to her side showing him her right arm, “Lover here,” she pointed to her right shoulder where the word could be read, she then proceeded to show her tricep on the same arm “The angel wings for LA,” she turned back to her front, and lifted her shorts a bit over her left thigh, “Divine feminine,” was the one on red ink Alex had first noticed, she then put her left arm up to show the outside of her forearm where three little butterflies adorned her skin “my butterflies,” and she finished touching her left ribs over her bodysuit “And Selcouth here.”
Jamie frowned as he let go of the smoke he was holding in his lungs, “Sorry, Sel– what?”
Her face softly blushed and her lips formed a shy smile, “Selcouth, uhm, it means unfamiliar or strange yet marvelous.”
Jamie nodded while Nick tilted his cup towards her, “That’s nice.”
“Thank you Nick.” She placed her hand over her chest, an exaggerated expression of her gratitude for the little compliment. “Anyway, how have you been? How’s the tour going?”
Alex sighed, moving next to her and throwing his arm around her shoulders, “Well, other than the constant moving and therefore constant jetlag, it’s been great.”
Matt, who had been doing something on the table behind them, turned around then with a smirk on his face, “But nothing some margaritas cannot cure, right lads?” He had two glasses on his hands, raising them up as he walked towards Ella. “Here you go m’lady,” and he waited until she hesitantly grabbed the glass from him to move on.
“Oh no Matt, I don’t think–” She tried saying quickly, holding the glass as far away from her as possible for him to take back but was cut off by the man before she could finish her sentence.
The drummer handed the other one to Alex and made his way back to the table to hand Jamie and Nick theirs. Holding his own drink, he turned around to tut at her, “We’re not thinking right now.” He took a sip and let out an exaggerated sigh of pleasure, “We’re having fun and getting pissed!”
She turned to her left where Alex was standing, still holding onto her. “I–” She started again but Alex looked at her expectantly, softly encouraging her to take a sip after he had taken one of his.
“It’s really good Ellie, try it.” Alex assured her, taking a second sip.
She rolled her eyes, “Okay fine, but you better not complain if you need to end up taking care of drunk Ella today.” pointing at all of them, she took a swig of the beverage.
They all cheered, throwing their arms up in the air. Alex’s arm left her shoulders for a moment and she just laughed at their enthusiasm. When his hold came back around her she approved of Matt’s creation, “That’s really good Helders, you’re gonna have to teach me how to make it.”
“Whenever you want, Ella.” Matt replied, winking at her.
She let out a short laugh that died when Alex held her a tiny bit tighter to his side. The alcohol in her system was making her feel brave, so she let her head rest on his shoulder. She felt him tense for a quick second and she was about to curse herself mentally, when she felt him rest his head on top of hers, rubbing her shoulder with his thumb, over her lover tattoo.
She bit her lip to stop a massive smile from appearing on her face, not wanting to be too obvious in front of the rest of the band who were too preoccupied chatting amongst themselves to notice.
Ella let her eyes close for a second, getting lost in the feeling of his fingers on her skin and that’s when Matt glanced at them, making eye contact with Alex who hid his smile behind his glass. The drummer didn’t say anything, he just nodded and smiled at his friend, happy to see him smiling after weeks of sadness.
A few weeks ago, the singer had broken up with his girlfriend. It was a mutual accord, both of them too busy to even see each other as often as they could manage which made them come to take the decision. Decision that very obviously hurt them both. They had been together for over four years and he had been thinking of proposing one day, but shit happens and all he could do was move forward.
Tour had been distracting him, and he had been writing a lot to cope but there was something about the way he had felt when he saw the American girl again, and now he didn’t want to let go of the feeling—therefore not letting go of her.
Ella lifted her head up, making him do the same. Alex looked down at her and she smiled at him before leaning into his ear and whispering, “I really like this new look.” she pulled back a bit and checked him out very clearly, making him blush.
He smirked with pink cheeks, “You do?”
She nodded eagerly, “Very much.” The green on her eyes, dusted with brown flakes that looked like gold under the sun, was hypnotizing him behind his sunglasses.
He let his arm fall from her shoulders to her waist, leaning into her ear and whispering, “Thanks Ella.” in a tone that almost made her shiver.
The next fifty minutes they spent all together, drinking more margaritas—which Matt had taught her now how to make—, taking pictures and just talking about whatever came to their minds.
As the time for them to be on stage got closer, the people from her crew came back, equally or more tipsy than she was. Alex had counted her current glass to be her third and when she finished it, he grabbed it from her and threw it away, leaving her side to get her a cup of water.
When he came back he grabbed her arm softly to catch her attention, “I need you to start drinking some water now, Ellie.” his voice mellow and coated with wariness over her state.
She rolled her eyes and laughed at his worried features, “Alex it’s fine, I’m not drunk yet.”
He nodded, grabbing her hand to have her fingers wrap around the cup, “Exactly, yet. We’re gonna keep drinking after our set, I just don’t want you to be sick while we’re on.”
Ella thought he looked so cute with his furrowed brows, taking care of her, “Hmm, you’re cute,” she said softly, giving him a toothy grin. “Okay, I’ll have some water.” she finally took the cup and brought it to her lips, relief washing over him.
He was blushing, really liking how she was being with him—all soft yet forward. “Great.” he replied in a mumble, holding her close to him once again like they had been all afternoon.
Many had seen them, but no one said a word. Not to him, because he was genuinely smiling after Alexa. Not to her, because no one could question her and be nosy about it in front of the band.
Her cup of water was halfway done when someone from his sound crew made his way over to their group. “Let’s go lads, we need you over by the stage. You’re on in ten.”
Alex nodded, downing the last of his drink. His mates did the same as he turned to her, “You’re gonna keep having water yeah?” his eyebrows raised as he expected her to comply.
An amused sigh was what he got, “Yes, okay, I’ll stick to water now.” She rolled her eyes as he nodded, pleased with her answer.
“Alright, see you up there.” He said before kissing her temple and making his way to the side of the stage, leaving her a statue under San Francisco’s burning sun.
She was frozen and flushed, her temple felt hot like she had been branded. Branded with the shape of his lips and she was sure she had been. That little kiss would be pathetically engraved in her mind forever now.
Matt made her come out of her trance, asking her, “Would you like another one before we go?”
She knew she should’ve kept her promise of sticking to water, but she truly felt like she was sobering back up to a barely tipsy state so she nodded, “Please and thank you, Matt.” She downed the last of the water she had and threw away her cup before going beside the drummer.
When she stood beside him he was quick to ask her, “Would you like another one so you have a refill for the show and don’t have to come back here to make yourself one?”
She giggled, “You wanna see me black out, don’t you?”
Matt laughed, shaking his head, “That would be hilarious to witness but no, I’m genuinely asking.”
“Oh Matt, you’re so kind, look at you!” She nudged his shoulder with her left hand, sarcasm so obvious in her tone. He just laughed as he poured some tequila in her glass.
A minute later her and Matt were making their ways to the side of the stage. Alex was lighting the end of a cigarette, Nick already smoking his and Jamie was telling them something. Ella thought it was the perfect opportunity to get another picture of them, so she set her glasses down on a table a few steps away from her and grabbed her film camera with her right hand.
Her feet took her to where the band was standing, and when she got close enough, she rested her hand on top of Jamie’s shoulder. “Sorry to interrupt but, can I take a picture of you guys?” she asked shyly, a little bit embarrassed over having cut their conversation short.
They all reassure her though, giving her warm smiles and nods. “Sure Ellie, where do you want us?” Jamie asked while turning around, facing her.
She pulled the camera up to her eyes, “Just stand right there and give me a pose.”
Nick kept his stance, smiling at the camera. Alex brought the cigarette from between his lips, and with it between his fingers, he put his hand out as if trying to reach for the camera. Jamie turned to him then, hugging him from behind like they were Rose and Jack from Titanic.
Ella laughed as she looked through the viewfinder, pressing the shutter once she got her lenses to focus. “Beautiful!” She exclaimed as she put the camera back down, turning it off and letting it rest on her stomach while the strap was around her neck.
“What the fuck? Why are you taking pictures of everyone but me?” Matt’s voice got louder as he came closer to them.
She snorted and brought her hand to her chest, “No, I’m sorry Matt, I’ll take another one with you! C’mon!” she waved for him to go stand beside his bandmates but the stubborn man just stood there shaking his head.
“No, I don’t want to be in the picture anymore.”
She pouted at him, “C’mon, before you have to go on stage.” she elongated her words, whining for him to move.
The drummer just stood there shaking his head as he adjusted his in-ears, the reason why he wasn’t around when they took the picture. “No.”
She rolled her eyes at his obstination, “Helders, get in the picture.”
He started playing with the drumsticks he had in his hands, shaking his head.
“I’m not going to drag you over here.” She uttered in a tired tone.
He shrugged, acting uninterested. “Okay.”
Ella threw her head back, and sighed, “Matt, please come here.”
He once again shook his head, “Thank you, I’m good.”
She deflated as the negative response reached her ears again, “Oh for fucks sake,” she mumbled to herself before pouting once again, “Please?”
The band was watching the whole situation, entertained. Matt made eye contact with Alex who was standing a couple of steps behind her, the singer just shook his head with an amused smile and Matt lost his serious stance when he chuckled.
A grin broke on her face, “Will you let me take your picture now?”
The drummer kept laughing lightly and nodded, “Yeah but this is your second and last chance.”
She rolled her eyes, bringing the camera up to her eyes. “Alright Helders, give me your best pose.” watching him through the viewfinder and trying to get the shot to focus.
He made it seem like he was going to strike a big pose, she was excited to see what he would do but then he just flipped her off with his drumsticks sticking out of his hands.
The men behind her bursted out laughing, the shutter went off once and she let the camera back down, hanging from her neck. “How nice of you, Matthew.”
He shrugged, smirking at her. “Well I really enjoyed hearing you beg, Ella.”
She rolled her eyes and it was her turn to flip him off. Matt just laughed at her, waving the lads over to start walking with him.
Just before they disappeared behind a fence, she told them “Good luck!” to which they thanked and smiled at her.
Ella went back to retrieve her margaritas, hoping no one had taken them, and to her relief they were still sitting where she had left them. She was quick to take a sip of one of the glasses, joining the group her crew made and walking with them to the side of the stage.
The festival crowd was loud, making the anticipation for their set build up. Her stomach was in knots seeing that many people and she couldn’t believe how the band didn’t seem nervous at all. They were laughing amongst themselves, adjusting their in-ears and smoking cigarettes as if they weren’t about to perform to a giant mass of people.
Ella had been staring at Alex so it was no surprise that he turned around and saw her. She kept her glance and gave him a bright grin, him matching it. He took a look at her hands and saw the cocktails she was holding onto. Alex raised his eyebrow in question, and she giggled before putting her cup up and mouthing ‘cheers’ to him to then take a long sip of the beverage.
He shook his head, smirking at her. He found everything she did so endearing, he was getting confused on what exactly was her effect on him. He couldn’t help but compare it to how he felt when Alexa would look at him or talk about him to her friends. But that was love, he was in love with Alexa and she was his girlfriend. Surely what he felt for Ella wasn’t love, he only was attracted to her; a crush, perhaps. Yet, it felt nice and he wanted to keep the feeling for as long as he could.
His thoughts were interrupted when they were instructed to get on stage. Walking up to hundreds of people who were screaming for their band and their music was something that he would never grow tired of. Not even in a narcissistic way, but a bloody-hell-I-can’t-believe-this-is-my-job way.
He blew the audience a kiss and waved at them as he went over to retrieve his guitar from its stand, then making way to the microphone to greet them. “How you doing, everybody?” he strummed his guitar, pressing on a pedal so it sounded distorted.
Her and the crew were cheering along with the crowd, only getting louder when Matt started hitting the drums. With ‘Library Pictures' they started their set, Ella knew the lyrics by heart so she was having the time of her life singing, dancing and drinking while she watched them play.
Their set lasted an hour long, and it went by so fast between the crowd going louder for their most recognized songs and the band feeding off their energy.
Soon enough, they were getting ready to play their last song, Alex said a few words before starting it. “Thank you very much everybody, thanks for coming out. You’ve been a terrific audience.” He pointed out to the people as he talked, “We’ve gotta go now, which is sad… but, erm, you enjoy the rest of your day and we’ll see you some other time.” And with that he started playing the chords to ‘When The Sun Goes Down’, singing the starting verses.
Before he repeated the last line of the song’s intro, he took a pause and the crowd yelled, cheering on the upcoming beat change. “Make some noise everybody, let me hear you.” said Alex to the crowd, encouraging their screams.
Matt took the moment to turn to the side of the stage, seeing Ella in the center of the group, with her cup almost empty and holding a burning cigarette between her fingers. She was cheering just as loud, making the drummer laugh before he looked back to the front, at the sea of people standing before the stage.
“I said, he’s a scumbag, don't you know.” sang Alex, making the beat drop and the band joining with their own instruments.
He turned around while playing his guitar, going over to Matt to continue strumming the chords when his friend nodded over to the side, where Ella was standing. He turned to look at her, and a big smile made its way to his face.
She had a cigarette perched between her lips and a half empty cup on her right hand, bumping her head to the beat while she imitated Matt’s beat of the drums with her hands. Alex laughed at how invested she was in the song, she was enjoying herself and that sight made him warm inside.
He turned back to the mic, singing the rest of the lyrics with the grin still stuck on his face. He looked over once again to the side of the stage, seeing her now imitating his fingers on the guitar. She smiled and pointed at him while singing the chorus with him.
Alex was so distracted by her actions that he almost sang the chorus once again, he stopped right away, mumbling an apology that was barely audible from the crowd’s cheers.
As the song came to an end, everyone but Alex stopped playing their instruments. Jamie threw his pick to the crowd and set his guitar down to leave; Matt stood up and waved at the crowd, leaving after Jamie. Nick went over his bass stand to set it down and crouched to get the drumstick Matt had thrown in the middle of stage, he tossed it to the crowd and put his arms up in celebration of their cheering before leaving.
Alex sang the last verse, elongating the last chord, to then turn around and leave his guitar next to Jamie’s. He grabbed his beer bottle and blew a kiss to the people before following the trail of his friends.
When he got to the side of the stage, he smirked and pointed at her, “You were the best dancer of the crowd.”
Ella blushed but jumped up and down exclaiming, “That was amazing!” Which made the rest of her crew come up to the band to congratulate them. The brits thanked everyone as they were all making their ways back down to the festival grounds.
Alex stood by her side, taking sip after sip of his beer. And as they took the last step of the stairs to the grass, she leaned into him and with slurred words said, “You know… this haircut really goes well with the whole rockstar thing you’ve got going on. The leather jacket, sunglasses everywhere and all that, pairs really well.”
He laughed at her drunken monologue, “How many margaritas have you had?”
She thought about it for a few seconds, frowning as she tapped her index finger on her lips, “Three, I think?” She thought back to how many times she’d left the side of the stage to make herself a drink and going back through her mind, she realized it had only been once while they were playing ‘Brick by Brick’.
He hummed and nodded at her response, “Well enjoy your last few sips of this one because it’s your last one.”
Ella pouted but nodded, knowing it would be for the better, considering they had to shoot right after the festival. “Okay, I guess.” She downed what was left of the drink, “Done!” she said with a smile, putting the now empty cup upside down in front of her, a single drop falling to the ground.
Alex chuckled at her, “You’re something else.” She was looking at him, squinting her eyes from the sun, so he grabbed his sunglasses and placed them on the bridge of her nose.
She adjusted them and softly nudged his hips with hers, “Thanks, the sun was about to make me cry.”
“You’re very welcome, they look good on you.” He complimented, making her blush.
She shook her head and put some of her hair behind her ear, “Ever the flatterer, Turner.”
They decided to go over the drinks tent to get Ella some water so she could sober up. She practically downed the first cup in less than thirty seconds, realizing how thirsty she had been for something non alcoholic or sweet. With a new cup of water for her, and a new beer bottle for Alex, they went up to their large group again.
Everyone decided to stay and watch The Black Keys, meaning they would leave at around seven thirty and they could reach their filming location to set everything up before it went fully dark out.
During the American band’s set, she had started to shiver. The sun was coming down and the wind was picking up, her no sleeve bodysuit and shorts weren’t helping her in the slightest and she had left her jacket on the bus.
When a particularly cold draft of air hit her back, the words automatically left her lips, “Shit, it’s so cold.” She was shivering despite Alex being beside her.
He of course took the opportunity to be cheeky, so he put his arm around her and hugged her to his side, “Is that better?”
“As much as I’d love to say yes, no.” she honestly replied when the wind still made her shake even with his hold tight on her.
He nodded, taking his arm off her. She thought for a second that maybe he had taken it the wrong way. But he placed his beer bottle on the ground, and took his jacket off, picking his bottle back up when he had the leather coat on his left hand.
“Here you go.” He offered his jacket to her, a shy smile on his face. He knew all about giving girls his jacket and how that looks to other people but he couldn’t give a shit about others’ opinions when he wanted her to be warm and to see how she’d look wearing something of his—other than his eyewear, that is.
She immediately looked to her sides at the crew scrambled around the main stage side area where they were standing. They were with the crowd but far away enough that no one would bother them, the people were too engrossed in the band playing on stage. The group she’d come with were all distracted as well and weren’t looking at them but she still didn’t want to draw more attention to them and she had a feeling that once they went to the hotel to sleep, she would be drowned in questions from her coworkers about her and Alex’s proximity.
She waved her hand in front of her as if to say no, “Alex, it’s fine I can bear it for a little longer until we leave.”
He knew why she was saying no, as she kept glancing over to her bosses and coworkers, so he reassured her, “Everyone is distracted Ella, no one’s going to see.” He understood her distress since he didn’t want her to get in trouble either or for people to talk about things that don’t concern them, but it would be fine.
Blood rushed to her cheeks when he said that, knowing he knew exactly what her thoughts were on the situation, so she sighed and gave in. “You’re annoying.” she stated as she grabbed the coat from him.
With a smirk on his face, he was quick to bite back, “And you’re very stubborn.”
Ella felt the comfort engulf her as she put the jacket on, drowning in his scent. It was slightly big on her but she looked stunning nonetheless, the sleeves covering up her hands made him want to squeeze her cheeks and kiss her. He felt the sudden urge to kiss her.
But they just smiled at each other, enjoying each other’s company far too much for this to be only a friend-through-work situation. His sunglasses were resting on top of her head now, so he stared at her hazel green eyes, getting lost in her gaze. She was staring right back at him with the hints of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. They were engrossed in each other's features while ‘Howlin’ for You’ played in the background, it was the claps and cheers that brought them back to where they were.
About half an hour after The Black Keys set had finished, they had left the festival and arrived at the location they were filming. The production crew wasted no time and scrambled off their small bus to start setting everything up, taking advantage of the last minutes of light the sunset offered.
After what felt like another half an hour later, the empty field was now filled with light panels surrounding a black vintage car that was going to be the main attraction for this section of the music video.
Ella went into full work mode right as she stepped out of the bus. She was no longer wearing Alex’s jacket, she changed it for hers as soon as she got in the bus to avoid any questioning, his sunglasses now hanging on the neck of her bodysuit.
She was running around checking on everyone, making calls to the actor who was on his way for the next section of the music video that they were recording tonight as well. The model, Cali, was getting her makeup done after having been put in a skin tight black latex dress with matching heeled boots.
There was so much to check up around that she was definitely sober now. She stood by the directors once the model was ready and she pointed her where to go.
As the directors were busy and everyone was focused on setting audio and cameras up properly, she went back to the bus to retrieve Alex’s jacket.
He was standing on the left side of the production setup, far away in the shadows smoking a cigarette. The rest of the band stood looking as well, only closer to the directors’ chairs. She made sure to make enough noise for him to realize she was there but not enough to disrupt the filming process.
When Ella reached his side, she lightly touched his arm and he turned to her smiling. “Thank you.” she mouthed to him and he just nodded, scared of getting scolded for making any noise that could somehow ruin the shoot.
Knowing she had to leave and be present at her job, she pointed backwards so he got that she was going back to Ben and Aaron’s side. He would’ve loved to have her beside him while they filmed but she couldn’t and she wouldn’t either, she was professional and he had seen that before. So he nodded once again and as he went to take the ashy stick out of his lips, he waved her goodbye.
The model was posing in front of the cameras, getting filmed by two of them when Ella made it back to her bosses’ side. Only ten minutes later they announced they had enough footage of that and they could move on to the next frame which included Alex and Matt.
She had to call them over and the stylists made sure to have them looking good and ready before they stepped into the car. Alex took over the driver’s seat, Matt in the backseat of the car along with Cali.
A speaker they had brought along blasted the song they were filming for, ‘Black Treacle’, and she had to bite her tongue not to sing along.
The directors wasted no time in recording the new shot. Alex mimicked driving while he sang the lines he had composed, acting very confident and collected as he stared up front like there weren't two big cameras up on his face.
In great comparison, Matt sat with Cali on his lap, acting like she was getting off with him; his hands wandering up and down her sides, one of them grazing her ass.
Ben called cut about five minutes later, making Cali take place beside Matt once again. Ella was instructed by Aaron to retrieve something from the production design table, a Lyle’s black treacle can.
The main camera on Alex’s face still rolling as the two behind him listened intently to the instructions. Alex took the time to mess around in front of the camera, lifting his hand up and showing the middle finger to it, to then raise his index finger and make it a peace sign. He put his hand down to, seconds later, bring the peace sign back up, this time slightly puckering his lips up to the lenses.
She came back with the item in hand and Aaron thanked her before swiftly placing it on top of the car’s dashboard, perfectly subtle in the shot. Ben finished with his instructions and went back to Aaron’s side, calling the other camera men to start rolling again. And after another fifteen minutes of Alex’s fake driving and Matt’s fake makeout, the scene was wrapped up.
The two musicians made it out of the car; Cali followed close behind, but walked over to the makeup team where she could sit. Alex spotted Jamie and Nick standing beside Ella, who had her usual blue clipboard held tight to her side.
Jamie smirked at his drummer friend and was quick to tease, “Look at you Helders, getting all the action.”
Ella grinned at the comment before adding, “Yeah, isn’t that meant for the lead singers?” her gaze playful on Alex now, seeing his smirk as reaction to her comment.
“Oh he would love that, just with someone else I’m sure.” Matt trailed off, looking at Alex and then back to Ella.
Alex’s grin faltered at his friend’s statement, his face going slightly pale at the very obvious glance he had given the American girl, one that Ella hadn’t even noticed since she was preoccupied at how he had reacted at the mention of that someone else, feeling a pitiful sinking of her stomach.
“Matt, I swear I’ll kick you if you talk too much.” Alex quickly threatened through his teeth, staring sternly at his friend missing her brief frown.
Ella was quick to clear her throat, bringing an act up and stupidly trying to pry information on who that someone else might be, to settle the fact that everything that had happened today had been nothing to get excited about. Or maybe he was just flirty and she felt dumb for feeling special about the way he acted with her.
She internally laughed at herself for being pathetic and getting her hopes up for getting his attention for a day, she had to remind herself of what was reality. He was a rockstar and she was just a PA. He was constantly touring the world and she stayed in California. He could have anyone he wanted and she was just another girl.
Cursing herself for feeling so down over the comment she forced out a chuckle, “Oh, who’s the girl that has caught your eye? Is she a model as well?”
Alex whipped his head around to look at her, his features coated in confusion. He automatically saw through her, the way she was fiddling with her pen and the lack of authenticity behind her grin, her eyes showed the slightest bit of disappointment. He softly grinned at the thought of it meaning that she found him attractive and liked his company too, but his heart sank as he saw how Matt’s comment had rubbed off the wrong way on her.
He turned back to Matt and scolded him, “Helders, just shut up.”
His need to keep Matt quiet about the matter made her evening bitter, the thought of seeing herself as a fool only cutting deeper inside her. Jamie and Nick laughed, Matt pressed his lips together in amusement, all whilst Ella had to fake another laugh but failed at making it sound real.
Aaron called her up this time, her feet quickly taking her to her boss without even saying bye to the band since she just wanted to get away.
The crew had to put up a bonfire now, so a group of six people started gathering what they would need. The car was moved to the side by a crew member, getting the space free to make the brick circle in which they set the tinder and kindling wood, and then formed a teepee of firewood over it. Ella threw three matches and started the fire, the flames growing taller as the seconds went by, warming everyone around the site.
In fear of the fire burning out too quickly because of the wind, they started rolling the new scene soon after the flames came alive. The whole band was instructed to come in front of the burning wood, and they were filmed standing around it for only five minutes as they grew too hot, too soon.
With a few minutes to cool down, Matt was called in front of it again, to pose for the camera just to have those visually pleasing shots. And lastly it was Alex’s turn. He looked angelic, contrasted to the hell-like heat that burned; his leather clad back facing the camera, all Ella could see was the way the flames outlined his body frame in a way she just had to capture. She placed her clipboard between her legs and was quick to pull her camera to her eyes after turning it on. She took the picture and after advancing the film, quickly turned the device back off, feeling the weight on her neck again but satisfied by immortalizing such a moment.
He was hypnotic to her. The way he moved, the way he talked, the way he looked. Everything he did was smooth and magnetic, and she couldn’t peel her eyes off of him.
She was too enthralled by the singer that she didn’t notice how Matt had caught her taking the picture. He smiled at the sight and at how her shoulders slumped after she had pressed the shutter as if relieved to have caught the perfect frame.
He wouldn’t say anything to her about it but he wanted to make her know he’d seen it happen in a subtle way. So he approached her slowly and once beside her he asked, “Enjoy film photography much?”
Ella turned to see him, wide eyed and flushed but cleared her throat knowing there was nothing she could do if Matt had seen her actions. “A lot, yes. I started back in freshman year of university. Learned quite fast since I took a lot of pictures in frat parties,” She chuckled at the memory, “You become quite popular and invited to each and every one of them when you are recognized as the photographer.”
Matt hummed in response, “I got into photography in college at 16, around the same time I got into the drums. It was mainly because we just had access to cameras and we also had a dark room to develop our own pictures.”
She was slightly surprised but her smile quickly made an appearance on her face. She hadn’t genuinely smiled in a good fifteen minutes. “That’s sick! I’ve always wanted to have a proper dark room to develop. What camera do you use?”
“A Canon Canonet and I love it but I think I might get a Leica next. It’s just hard to let go of the first camera you fall in love with, isn’t it?”
Ella giggled as she nodded, “It really is.”
“Can I give yours a look?” Matt asked, genuinely curious about her gear and she nodded with enthusiasm.
She handed him her Minolta X-370, telling him how she had started in digital when she was in highschool before she saved up enough to get a second hand Olympus OM-10 in university and that was when she had fallen in love with analog photography, that had only led her into a massive spiral of film photography which was now one of her true passions along with videography.
Ella let him take a few shots, telling him how many shots she remembered to have left on the roll and she loved being able to bond with him over photography.
Alex was a few steps away from them when he saw them standing next to each other, sharing a high five. Her arm was on his shoulder while he held her camera in his hands and something inside Alex stung. His jaw tightened but seeing her smiling big after what had happened before made him loosen up again, stubbornly grateful for his friend for bringing back the sight.
The singer cleared his throat and they both brought their eyes up to him. “Hey mate. Was just telling Ellie how I’ve been into film photography since we were 16 and she let me give her camera a go. Can’t say I’ve ever used a Minolta before.” Matt explained, seeing the obvious unsettled feeling his friend was showing.
“Now that I know you take film, promise me you’re gonna send me your scans.” Ella pointed at him seriously, “The pictures you get while on tour must be stunning.”
Matt chuckled and gave her back her camera, “They are. I’ll send you some later.”
A tiny shriek came from her as she hugged Matt briefly, “Okay, I’m going to check on Ben and Aaron now, see you in a bit.” Her steps were fast, making her miss the sigh Alex left out after her abrupt goodbye.
A few minutes later, she had received a call from the actor telling her that he was at the place, so she met up with him and brought him over to get ready. It didn’t take long for the man to be in his costume which consisted of some jeans and an orange flannel.
Taking advantage of the energy they all still had, they didn’t waste more time and drove to a gas station that had allowed them to film, a mile away from them.
Once there, everyone took out their equipment and settled for the filming to resume. Matt had to act like he beat the man up in exchange for his clothes, since the drummer was playing a fugitive who still wore that typical inmate orange jumpsuit.
In the middle of the filming, Matt had started complaining about being hungry and not subtly commenting how good the food from the place crossing the street smelt like so Ella was sent over to the tiny restaurant and came back in record time with a big burrito in her hands.
Matt thanked her and went straight for it, the camera even catching him eating while he was supposed to be in character, driving Alex and Cali. She was sure the editing team would still use the shots though, since they looked so natural and weirdly accurate for the plot.
When the drummer came back out of the car, munching on his food, Ella took the chance of teasing him. “You know, you look like a proper southern dad. A farmer dad.”
Jamie and Nick doubled over in laughter, “Oh my god, he does!” exclaimed the bassist in laughs.
“Mate never move to the south of the states and have kids, it isn’t a good look.” Alex added, struggling to keep the laughs inside.
“You’re all jealous because I’m the main character now.” stated Matt, which earned him multiple head shakes and sneers.
Ella snorted, “Trust me Matt, no one’s jealous of that look.” And with that, laughter rained up on the group.
Their amusement was interrupted by Ben wrapping the evening up, signaling everyone on the Focus Creeps crew to pack up and fit everything back in the bus.
They drove up to the hotel the band was staying at, Aaron having managed to get rooms at the same place for a night.
At the lobby, the crew separated into groups and made a line to retrieve their keycards. Everyone with a backpack on their sides and a tired look on their faces. The British men were far too tired to wait until they were done, deciding to just say goodbye right there and go to their rooms.
Alex went up to the directors, shaking their hands and saying goodnight. The rest of his mates doing the same, and despite wanting nothing more than to hug Ella goodnight, he had to settle for waving her goodbye just like he did everyone else.
She gave him a shy smile and a tiny goodnight that definitely didn’t reach his ears. And with that he went to the elevators, eventually passing out in his bed with her on his mind.
They had a good night of sleep, despite having to wake up early to have breakfast and check out as soon as possible. They should be arriving at Los Angeles before one in the afternoon, and with a six hour drive ahead of them, they needed to fight the clock.
Her brain had been swarmed by thoughts and she cursed her tendency to overthink for keeping her up longer than she had wanted to.
Ella knew people had noticed how close she was with Alex throughout the day and she knew questions were coming but the palms of her hands still clammed up when multiple people approached her in the lobby wanting to know details on the situation.
She had denied everything, swearing none of them felt any type of way towards the other—even though she knew she’d let her hopes rise up and it had ended up poorly for her. She denied having kissed him when they asked her, even if she’d been thinking about how that would feel all day.
She told them all how he was flirty with everyone, it was his personality so they shouldn’t think anything else about it. She was glad half of them shut up after that, the other half smirking at her, calling her lucky or mocking her words as if to say she was full of shit.
Ella got ready and had breakfast quite early, pinching an Advil from one of her coworkers for the slight headache she’d woken up with this morning. Today was packed: they’d be driving back to Los Angeles and basically recording the whole day, for as long as the sun decided to stay up; so she really needed this headache to go away.
They ended up loading the bus and heading off back to LA before it hit eight, managing to arrive at their location a little bit over one in the afternoon.
It was good that the crew was quick and effective, setting everything up in less than twenty minutes, enough time to have Matt ready and Breana, the new model, getting her hair and makeup done as well.
They were propped up inside an abandoned police station in the middle of the desert. It had a couple of jail cells, a tiny medical wing and some offices for the staff that used to work there.
Right when the cameras were ready to go, Ben had Alex walk through hallways to be recorded like that. He was wearing his typical jeans and leather jacket, with a simple shirt but always loyal to his sunglasses, even indoors. Matt was in one of the cells wearing an inmate jumpsuit, being filmed by two people and guided by Aaron.
She was running everywhere, being needed for small things every five minutes, even having to leave the premises with one of her coworkers to retrieve the rental car they had gotten that was the same make and model from the one they had used in San Francisco the night before.
Ella smiled at Alex when they made eye contact as she made her way to Ben. “Rental is here, we have Breana ready in the wedding dress and Aaron is still over there with Matt, I don’t really know how much he’s got left.” she informed her boss, to have him make the decision on what to do next.
Ben nodded and thought for a couple of seconds under the gaze of multiple people, “Let’s go ahead and do Breana’s shots outside while Aaron finishes up with Matt.”
“Alright, I’m gonna let him know.” just as fast as she said that, she left.
Alex knew that after Matt’s comment on set, she had retrieved back into that shell of hers. He wanted to know why, not trusting himself to come up with his own answers. The one thing he knew is that he’d try to make her feel better today, in any way he could. He’d just have to trust he’d have his chances.
His luck had run out, or that’s what he thought had happened as he had no chance of talking to her at any moment throughout the day.
When she was free to talk, he was being filmed. When he was given the light to stand back behind the cameras, she was outside filming with Ben and Breana. When he could see her coming inside the building, she was way too busy for him to try and approach her. When they all went outside to join the other part of the crew, he had to go in the car to film with Matt and Breana.
Ella was on full work mode, it was hard to believe she was fighting a resilient headache that hadn’t died down even after the pills she’d taken. She was constantly asking Breana if she was alright, knowing she had to be somehow uncomfortable in a big wedding dress, in the middle of the desert under the blazing sun. A total of four water bottles is what the model had gone through, and Ella was slightly concerned as she was on her fifth bottle herself and she wasn’t the one running for the camera.
Ella trusted her though. Breana, or Bre—how she had told Ella she could call her—, was so nice to her. She had been making her laugh in between takes and she was grateful for the lovely distraction being the model and not Alex.
Maybe, she thought, I can get used to not being distracted by Alex and keeping it professional if I keep busy enough.
Now, after hours since Aaron and Ben had decided to wrap up on the desert scenes and they had all gone to a new hotel close to where they were filming the next day to shower, the whole group had followed someone’s suggestion on a bar nearby and they were surrounded by very American decoration—too neon for her tired eyes—and the constant chatter and clinking of glasses against each other.
The thuds of balls hitting the pool table’s wooden borders were surprisingly loud over the old juicebox machine that was playing some country song she could remember listening to on the radio when driving around the countryside at six years old in her dad’s truck.
Places like this brought her back home, and she found herself rubbing her fingers over her little cowboy hat on her arm while she took sip after sip of her rum and coke, absentmindedly nodding along at her coworker's story from her sister’s bachelorette party.
“Thank God her best friend didn’t end up calling those strippers or my grandma would’ve fainted and made her kick her out before the evening was over.”
Taking that as a cue, Ella straightened up and excused herself to go over to the bar for a refill. The place was fairly busy for a Sunday night, so instead of going back to her friends while she waited for the bartender to take her order, she leaned on the side of the bar’s varnished wood countertop.
“Excuse me.” She heard someone say softly to the couple talking to her right, they nodded towards the person and stepped aside to give him some space.
Of course she didn’t need to turn to see who it was, Alex Turner himself was standing beside her, looking as handsome as ever and smirking down at her.
“Fancy seeing you here.” he greeted, his smirk only growing when she rolled her eyes and blushed.
“Hey Alex,” her voice was soft and if he wasn’t right beside her, he could’ve missed her words. “You enjoying yourself?”
She was adorable, going all shy, and Alex felt slightly bad for coming over with the intention of being explicitly flirty with her but he also wanted to shoot his shot and see her reaction. “It’s been good so far. I actually came here to tell you something.” he left his words lingering in the air and she frowned at the mysteriousness of it all.
He was still smirking though, so it was confusing her a little, “What’s up?”
“I think there must be something wrong with my eyes,” he started and she got a tiny bit closer to see right into his eyes so she could see if he’d gotten anything in them, but he caught her off guard with what he said next, “I can’t seem to take them off of you.”
Ella could feel her cheeks burning up, her jaw had fallen slightly and she almost let out a scoff in disbelief. She ended up laughing as she shook her head, “How much have you had to drink?”
He shrugged and completely evaded her question, “I mean it.” Truth is he had only had two pints of beer, he wasn’t even drunk.
She was sure it was impossible for her cheeks to go redder but they had and she felt them hotter than ever, “Oh Alex, stop it.” she stared at the ground and shook her head.
The bartender caught her attention then and she got another glass, filled almost to the rim. She tipped the man good for the generosity, she really needed the liquid courage if Alex was saying shit like that to her.
But before she could keep the conversation, he leaned into her ear and with his arm snaking around her waist and said “See you around Ella.” and with a gentle squeeze of her side, he left her there, blushing and breathless.
Fucking hell, so much for keeping myself distracted from him.
Thirty minutes later, she felt like she was in those movies where you get stuck in the same day, over and over, because Alex was by her side once more while she waited for the bartender to make his way around to her.
She turned to her side to face him and before she even had the chance to say something he gave her another flirty line, “Serious question,” she nodded at his fake appearance of curiosity, already feeling her cheeks turning crimson by whatever he was going to say, “How does it feel like to be the most gorgeous girl in the room?”
Ella was expecting a pick up line but not that pick up line and she definitely went bright red. She covered her face so he couldn’t see her like that but he had been staring at her face, he hadn’t missed the way she’d blushed even if he’d only seen it for a second before she’d use her hands to hide.
“Alexxxx” she whined, not knowing what else to say, because what could she say after that? She never had a clue of what she was supposed to respond to pick up lines and the fact that it was Alex saying them made it even harder to think. Not just a response, anything. Anything at all.
He hummed in satisfaction, smirking at her,“I like it when you say my name like that.”
Something inside her flipped and she felt a tingling feeling travel all throughout her body, specially feeling those words between her legs. She wouldn’t even dare to open her mouth, scared of the noise or whatever words that would come out so she stuck to shaking her head.
A few seconds later, she pulled her head back up from between her hands, “Do you always tell girls the same lines?”
He shook his head confidently, “No, I promise this is the first time I’ve ever told a girl that last one.”
Ella narrowed her eyes at him, “I don’t believe you.” He’s full of shit, there’s no way he hasn’t used that one before, she thought.
He grinned softly at her, as if to reassure her, “It’s a promise and I don’t break those Ellie.”
In the same second her name had left his lips, the thud of a glass being put on the table was heard. She slapped some ten bills on the side for the man who served her to take and she turned around to the singer to lift her glass up and down her double rum on the rocks.
He chuckled at her, as she wiped a drop of alcohol from her chin and licked the finger she’d done it with. “Okay, easy there Ellie.”
She was feeling a little bit braver by now, and still not believing him she dared him, “Don’t you have any cheesier lines left, Turner?”
He smirked, “Yeah, this one,” he cleared his throat and started, “Excuse me, I don’t mean to intrude, but you owe me a drink…” he took a pause, his facial expression dramatic as he put up a character to deliver the line correctly. Ella was expectantly waiting for the next bit, slightly growing impatient even if it had only been a pause of five seconds, “Because when I saw you, I dropped mine.”
She burst out laughing, not believing him for using that cringey line. “Has that one ever worked?” she asked between giggles.
He smiled amused at her laughter, “To be honest, I don’t think so.”
They both doubled over in laughter, the alcohol making the situation funnier than it was but she was laughing with him and that’s all that mattered, and as she stayed the rest of the night with him, talking and sharing drinks, it made him feel even more pleased. It was a feeling that stuck with him even after the rest of the band and some of the members of her crew joined them for the rest of the night.
After the short walk back to the hotel from the bar that she’d done beside Diana and Tyler, she went up to her hotel room. The night was quiet, hallways echoed at the slightest step you took and it felt like you could startle everyone awake on your floor when you closed the door to your room, but her brain was in a frenzy.
As she dumped micellar water on a cotton pad to take off her makeup, continuing with every step of her nighttime routine, it seemed like her mind wouldn’t shut up about the bar and Alex. Alex at the bar. Alex at the bar with her. Everything he had said at the bar. All the fleeting touches she could still feel on her skin.
Ella felt like screaming at herself, to shut it all up. She couldn’t get her hopes up for some cheesy pick up lines he could’ve googled five minutes before approaching her, for some hugs that maybe were usual for him to give around, for the behavior that maybe was his normal way to be.
He could be flirty with everyone.
She didn’t necessarily know him that well to tell if this was special treatment or if he was that way with every lady he got close with. And on top of it all, he had been drinking, and under the influence she was well aware people tended to turn more flirtatious than usual. Her older sister was living proof of that, and she shivered at the flash of memories that came to the front of her mind with that train of thought.
She pointed at herself in the mirror while brushing her teeth, her eyes stern and seemingly threatening. You either get a grip or you get someone to slap you into consciousness, she threatened herself and with a nod, she finished getting ready for bed. She only hoped that once she got in bed, sleep would get her as soon as her head touched the pillow.
It hadn’t been like that.
Her brain did her dirty once again, and she kept herself awake for way too long overthinking. Just like she always did. Her days were a cycle of constant overthinking, that’s why she made sure to keep herself busy, or to keep a packet of cigarettes and her lighter always on her.
This new day was going to be just as exhausting as the one before it, only even harder due to the hangover she was sporting. She’d taken two ibuprofens first thing in the morning, chugged a bottle of water and put on some cheap black sunglasses she’d bought at a gas station on the last spring break she’d celebrated in Florida with her university friends that surprisingly had survived the wear of the years. Her film camera was hanging around her neck once again, making sure she’d have it with her since regretting leaving it in her backpack instead of taking it to the bar with her the night before.
They all drove to a house a couple of miles away from where they had stayed the night. Still out in the desert, the house was very rustic and had a giant backyard. There was a pool and outside of the fences that surrounded the property was an old stable, surrounded by old cars and a junkyard in which the owner seemed to like to play mechanic.
Bre was getting ready and her outfits for the shoot had Ella’s jaw dropping every time. She couldn’t deny how gorgeous Breana was, and to be honest she might even have a slight crush on the model but she wouldn’t do anything about it.
The day was going by smoothly. Aaron and Ben stayed filming with Tyler inside the house, most of the time the crew was kept to a minimum to keep Bre comfortable when she had to film half naked or topless.
Breana was a good sport though, very professional and keeping a straight face and in character even when Ella thought she’d feel vulnerable, because god knows that if she even had to be in her underwear in front of one single camera she’d be blushing and shaking non stop. Ella was in awe of how easy it was for Bre to strip down in front of Matt—who she’d just met the day before—and the rest of the people standing behind the scenes, and basically act like she was having sex with the drummer.
So Ella was running around as per usual but most of the time it was to have Bre be at her most comfortable state, getting her water when she needed it, handing her a robe if she asked for it, asking if she wanted anything in particular or if she was comfortable with the shot they’d just done.
When everyone came outside and it was time for Matt and Breana to be filmed messing around in the pool, Alex finally saw her behavior towards the model and he couldn’t help but silently laugh. Nick and Jamie confused as to what was the laughter for when Breana was topless diving into the pool now, they thought maybe it was funny because of Matt’s reactions to the model and that was the only conclusion they could get at while watching everything unfold in front of them.
When Ella made her way by Alex’s side and sighed, he chuckled under his breath. She turned to him and frowned, slightly confused at his reaction to her coming his way. “What?” she’d asked rather defensively but still lighthearted.
“I haven’t seen someone act like this since I was in primary school and someone had a crush on a girl from their class.” he smirked playfully at her.
She rolled her eyes, blushing at being caught for tending a lot to Breana. “Oh shut up, you can’t blame me. Look at her, she’s stunning.”
He didn’t take her eyes off of her though as he replied rather lazily, “Hmm, I guess she is.”
She turned to him slightly offended, “You guess?”
He rolled his eyes playfully now, “Okay yes, she is stunning.” He stated one more time but was still watching the American girl in front of him intently.
Ella hummed with a doubtful expression on her face while she frowned, “I thought so… Was starting to think you had some real trouble with your eyes then.”
He took the opportunity to bring yesterday back up then, “I tried telling you yesterday, you wouldn’t believe me.”
Something in her went hot and flipped at the same time, “You’re a tease, you know that Turner?” she nudged him with her hip, making him slightly sway to the side.
“I’ve been told that one too many times.” Alex smirked at her, nudging her back with his hip.
Ella had to force her jaw to stay in place, unholy thoughts making way through her mind and she knew she would go bright red if she kept looking at him while thinking of all the ways she could make him prove that.
She looked back to her front, seeing Breana come back out of the water and hugging herself. She cleared her throat and pointed to her right side, “I’m gonna get her a towel.” she muttered and a shit eating grin was plastered on his face from seeing her reaction to such a simple sentence.
As she left, with the slight sway of her hips and the sight of the high rise black shorts she had on and how they contrasted against her tan legs, he also had some unholy thoughts about how pretty she’d look in between his sheets.
Before the trip had happened, and the list was handed to her at the start of the month, Ella had suggested bringing a biker gang to record with the Monkeys. Because what’s more American than a biker gang.
Ben and Aaron had jumped on the idea straight away, and she made sure to find the friendliest group of bikers out there that were down to appear in the video posing as a dangerous outlaw gang.
An hour later since she had left Alex’s side, she had made her way back to where the band—minus Matt—was standing. “Okay so I have a surprise…” she said in a high pitch tone and with her hands clutching her clipboard tightly to her chest as she rose up and down on her tippy toes as if she wanted to jump on her place but was holding back from doing it.
Nick automatically matched her enthusiasm, “What is it?” he asked effusively and Jamie raised an eyebrow and laughed at his mate’s reaction.
“So I hired a biker gang for the video,” she paused and her smile got even brighter when she saw the three men respond positively to her surprise, “and you’re all joining them on the ride while we film.”
Jamie nodded excitedly, “That’s brilliant, thank you Ella.”
She almost screeched, “I’m so glad you liked the idea, for a second before coming here I got scared you all hated bikes or something.”
Alex shook his head, “We actually have ours at home.”
She gasped, “Oh really?!? Oh my god– Okay, okay, let’s go!” She turned around quickly, hoping they would follow her as she made her way to the big group of sixteen people on bikes that were waiting by the side of the big empty road.
The guys chuckled at her eagerness, and went behind her matching her quick pace. Once they reached the bikers, she made sure to introduce them all and thank them for coming and filming with the band.
She’s adorable, thought Alex.
Ben had gotten four bikes for the band, which were standing a little further behind the large group of bikers. Ella made sure to guide them to the vehicles, Matt already sitting on his with Breana sat behind him. They seemed quite cozy for the camera’s not to be rolling anymore.
As the guys chose their bikes, she turned on her camera. Alex was sitting on the bike he’d chosen, putting the helmet on and the leather gloves that were there as well.
Matt opened his mouth, seeing the perfect opportunity laid out in front of him so he asked in a tone that said he was up to no good, “Ella! Have you ever ridden a motorbike?”
She shook her head, “No, but they seem fun though.”
The biggest, most satisfied grin appeared on the drummer’s face then, “Oh I’m sure Alex would love to take you for a ride.” His tone so suggestive, Breana laughed harder than she’d anticipated, having to hide in Matt’s neck to lower the intensity of it.
Nick continued the teasing, “Alex likes a good ride, you’re assured to have fun.”
Jamie not even missing a beat before adding, “Or you could take her for a ride later if that’s what you both want, privacy and all.” The guitarist winked and she was as red as one could be, but she took her camera and used it as a prop to hide her blush.
In the viewfinder she found Alex flipping off Jamie and Nick who were standing on his right side by the bikes they had chosen. She focused the shot and pressed the shutter, rolling the film to have it ready for the next frame.
Alex turned to Helders then, taking his helmet off to talk. Instead of directing his words to his friend, he sent them to Breana, “I assure you Breana, it’s not gonna be a good ride so don’t waste your time.”
Breana laughed even louder, making Ella do the same and the guys exploded in laughter when Matt copied Alex and flipped him off. “Don’t listen to him Bre, I promise that’s not true. He’s just frustrated.”
“Well that sounds desperate now, Matthew.” Ella chatted back after gaining back some composure.
“No it doesn’t, I’m just saying… It’s not a veridic statement.” The drummer continued pushing his argument.
Jamie snickered, “You’re just making it worse there mate.”
Matt huffed, the bandana covering his mouth blowing at his action. “You know what? See ya’ later, dickheads!”
And with that and a shriek from Bre, he changed gears, pressed the pedal and went fast straight into the empty road.
Ella turned around after the cloud of dust had disappeared and looked at Alex who was squinting from the sun’s intensity and his lack of sunglasses on his face. She still had her camera on and in between her hands, so she snapped one last shot of him with his hair all messy from taking the helmet off and sweaty from the desert’s burning weather.
She advanced the film roll one last time before turning her camera back off and letting it hang on her neck. Nick and Jamie had put on their gloves already and were getting the helmets on their heads when Alex spoke up.
“So are you hopping on or not?” his hands were resting on his spread thighs and she had to force herself not to get distracted by those legs and look up to his face.
“I don’t know… Ben and Aaron might need me and I–”
“They won’t say anything if I explain how I’d refuse to get in the shot if you weren’t riding with me.” he shrugged nonchalantly while she was blushing once again. “C’mon, I wanna be the one that gives you your first ride.” he said innocently, no suggestive undertone.
She raised her left eyebrow and replied, “You wouldn’t be the first one.”
“But you said–?” he continued, confused until he saw her face and realized what she meant. He smirked at her sudden boldness, “Well then, we shall see how well you ride.”
And just like that her boldness was snapped away and she blushed harder. Keeping her stare at the ground as she took her steps over to him and the bike, she reached to grab the helmet Matt had left behind and she put it on carefully under Alex’s gaze. Moving her camera to rest on her left side rather than on her stomach.
Carefully she sat behind the singer, not really knowing what to do with her arms. He saw her hesitating hugging him by the waist so he encouraged the action. “Just hold onto me alright? I promise I won’t go too fast.”
She hummed at his promise, scooting a bit closer to his back so she was pressed into him. Her hands clasping each other around his middle was a sight that made him smile hard under his helmet.
When he revved the engine of the bike, her hold got tighter and he laughed at the tiny shriek she let out. “Don’t worry, I got you Ellie.” He squeezed her right thigh briefly in reassurance, and with the thought of how natural it felt to do that with her, he changed gears and started driving.
They rode the bikes for about twenty minutes, mainly following the same path as the bikers. The cameras followed them and she was living for the thrill it gave her. The day hadn’t finished, yet she couldn’t wait for the next time she’d get to ride a bike.
Taking a break in a long dirt field, Matt and Alex stood up from the bikes, Ella still sat on Alex’s but without her helmet now. Alex’s helmet had taken over his seat and they were all smoking Ella’s cigarettes.
Both musicians had teased her for her selection of cigarettes, “Really Ella? You couldn’t get more American.” Matt had said the second he saw the turquoise Natural American Spirit cigarette pack.
Alex giggled, “What does organic cigarettes even mean?”
She excused herself blushing like she always did. “It means the tobacco is organic,” she rolled her eyes, “but okay, let me be, I just wanted to try them. A friend recommended them to me but I’m waiting to finish this pack to go back to my Marlboro reds. I miss them.” she sighed letting the smoke out of her lungs.
Matt continued to tease, “Organic cigarettes…” he shook his head smiling, knowing that he was pushing Ella’s buttons even more.
“Okay Helders, you know what? Just shut up, I’m never sharing smokes with you again.” she scoffed, not annoyed entirely but she was teasing him as well.
“Good for me if I can avoid whatever this is.” he said waving the half burned cigarette.
She rolled her eyes once more before taking a long drag of her cigarette and then tossing it on the ground and quickly stepping on top of it. “Whatever,” she pulled her camera that was still resting on her side and turned it on, “pose for me idiots, lighting looks good here.”
They stayed where they were, chuckling but turned to look at her. Alex took a drag of his cigarette and Matt just stood there with the bandana around his neck now rather than covering half of his face. After she pressed the shutter once, she used the lever to roll the film and took one last picture. She turned it back off and waited for the men to finish smoking.
And right there her thoughts were once again all taken by Alex. She knew smoking was bad—hell, her mom had given her a huge lecture when she’d first found her smoking on a picture in Facebook, telling her all about how your lungs would slowly die and she’d get cancer if she kept that up. She knew it was true but she still rolled her eyes, she’d grown with the smell of burning tobacco from how her dad would always have at least two a day, what did she expect?
But it truly seemed like smoking didn’t do anything but good to Alex. He looked so especially hot to her when he was smoking. And she swore he could be the example of the arguments to fight the debate on smoking, in favor of the scientifically proven murderous addiction.
The day had gone on, Ben and Aaron didn’t say much about her riding in the back of Alex’s bike. She’d been nervous when approaching her bosses to ask if there was anything she could help with, but she was surprised when they just told her that the bikers scenes had been amazing, they thanked her for the good idea and managing to get such a cool group of people to work with.
She was elated to say the least, a weight lifting off her shoulders at the lack of trouble. She still had had to deal with the curious looks from multiple people on her crew but she was getting used to them now and she had been learning how to ignore them.
One of the last scenes they filmed was of Matt and Breana getting off on top of a UK flag. A fire was burning on a metal barrel beside them, the flames contrasting perfectly against the pitch black surroundings and setting the mood for the couple being filmed.
She wasn’t sure what she was feeling, she just knew Matt and Breana were hot together and she was holding her jaw closed with a bit of struggle. The band was standing with her, Nick and Jamie to her left and Alex to her right. The singer had told his two bandmates about her crush on Breana so that they would keep an eye on her behavior around her throughout the day, so while they were all watching the scene, they’d take turns to look at Ella and the poor job she was doing on trying to keep her reactions neutral.
After what felt like an hour but had only been half of one, Ben had wrapped up the production officially and everyone clapped to themselves and their hard work. Breana was called over by the costume and makeup department and after giving Matt a kiss on the cheek, she left him to get changed. The drummer spotted his friends and made his way to them with a satisfied smile.
But before he could say anything, Ella talked. “Helders, you did a good job… you lucky bitch.” she added that last bit sounding jealous, leaving the man confused.
Alex laughed, “She is a bit too jealous of how close you got with Breana, she’s got a slight crush on her.”
Nick snorted, “Slight? Not at all.”
Ella gasped, turning to Alex who was the only one who had caught her on her crush on Breana. “Alex Turner, you snitch!” she said through her teeth.
“C’mon you think no one would notice?” the singer said in defense.
Jamie aiding his friend and saying, “Yeah Ellie, you’ve been drooling.” The smirk on his face made her roll her eyes embarrassed.
Matt put an arm around Ella’s shoulders then, sighing in a fake defeated tone, “Well, who do I think I am stepping in the way of true love?”
She shrugged his arm off, “Piss off Helders.” she mumbled.
The drummer raised his eyebrows at her then, “You hang out with Alex for a bit and you start sounding British? I’m impressed.”
This time though, it was Alex who replied for her, “Helders… piss off, would ya’?”
Matt laughed, shaking his head and pointing towards Alex while looking at Jamie and Nick as if to say ‘get a load of this guy’. Jamie and Nick gave him knowing smiles, it was painfully obvious that he liked Ella and they were wondering where it would lead to.
Ella had excused herself and gone to help the production team pack everything back up. Keeping the chats with her coworkers to a minimum so she could finish sooner and so she could also avoid any talk about the band—well, Alex in particular.
Since it was a Monday and they had had quite a busy weekend, no one even suggested going out for drinks to celebrate, too tired to think about anything else other than their own beds. Ella had been too, but looking back to everything that had happened in just this weekend alone, had her filling up with a surge of energy that she was struggling to keep down.
Matt and Breana seemed especially affectionate after the production, talking to each other for the hour and a half it had taken for the Focus Creeps crew to fit everything back up on their bus.
Before everyone got to bidding each other farewell, Matt and Breana approached the directors and Ella.
“Ben, Aaron. Was just thinking here with Breana, wouldn’t it be fun if we went to Las Vegas for the day and filmed a bit there? We could get some good footage there.” He sounded very convincing, really trying to sell his idea. Not because he wanted to be filmed more, he’d rather be done with it already but he wanted to spend more time with Bre and Alex to have Ella’s presence for a little while longer too so if this idea would have them that, then so be it.
To Ella’s surprise, Aaron declined on the idea, “I’m tempted to say yes, but we need to go back and start editing and look over the footage just to see if we need to do any reshoots.”
Ben’s addition though was the one that gave her whiplash. “But Ella could go, and film you guys around like she did in the arcade. I know you all get along with her so I’m sure you wouldn’t mind just having her than the full crew.” His suggestion lingered in the air and everyone turned to look at her for an answer.
She opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out of it. Matt looked at her encouragingly, Breana was resting her chin on his shoulder and kept nodding at her to incite her to say yes. Ella sighed and cleared her throat, “Uhm, yes of course I’d love to go.” her voice sounded hesitant as she thought of how on earth she’d go to Vegas if her car was back at the office. “I’d need to go back to the office to get my car though…”
Matt clicked his tongue at her which made her blush, feeling silly. But what had been silly about her comment? How else was she going to go to Las Vegas? In a taxi? That would be worth at least half of her monthly income.
“You’re going with us on the tour bus.” the drummer replied, making her freeze.
“Are you sure?” she had to ask one more time, just to give him the opportunity to take back the offer but he didn’t.
“I am sure.” Matt said confidently, “Bre is coming with us on the bus as well.”
An oh escaped her lips, “Okay, well, erm… Yes, that’s fine by me then.”
Breana let out an excited squeal that made a grin break out on her face. And a minute later she was getting a bag with the camera she’d used at the arcade and a couple more things she could need throughout the day in Vegas.
With her hand clutched on the backpack carrying the filming devices and accessories, and with her other little backpack she’d brought over for the weekend, she walked up to the Monkeys tour bus.
The couple of the hour were there waiting for her and Breana leaped forward to hug her and link her arm with hers to walk into the vehicle. Matt said she could drop her things inside wherever she wanted and that they had enough bunks for everyone so Ella needn’t to worry about anything so she sighed a bit in relief.
The relief only lasted a few seconds since when Matt opened the door to the stairs of the bus, she realized she’d be spending the day with the band and in their environment. With Alex and in his environment. Fuck.
The nerves she had were overpowered by the loud cheering she heard when Breana and her stepped into the main lounge area of the bus. And when Matt opened one of the cupboards on top of the makeshift kitchen sink, grabbed a silver Patron tequila bottle and set it on the table in front of the band, she was weirdly excited and scared for what was going to happen on this trip.
A/N: Vegas babyyyyy!!!!! I love me a Vegas fanfic moment so it was a blessing Evil Twin mv has Vegas clips in it. That's coming to you guys in a fortnight heheh. Any ideas of what will happen?? I hope these two weeks fly by because I'm hurting not posting the next part right now. Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you liked it and I love hearing any and all of your thoughts so please feel free to share them with me! Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you soon! xx
Taglist: @imagine-that-100​ @red---moon​ @kennedy-brooke​ @faveficz​ @indierockgirrl​ @ladydraculasthings @moonvr​ @unwantedlovergirl​ @eaglestar31
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Folks, one and all, Welcome to Episode 4 of (Waku) Puyo Extras, along with some fairly big announcements again.
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(There's no real context for these images. They're basically title cards and the table of contents.)
Hello everyone, and welcome to the fourth installment of Waku Puyo Extras, the filler series before I start Arle's route where I post things about this game, what I can find, and maybe even another game sometimes if I really feel like it. The more lore, the better, eh? After getting verified into the English Puyo Puyo Community Discord, I've been speaking there while doing this sort of stuff.
I'll start off with a quick announcement, a time change, if you will.
Yes. I will translate Arle's route. WHEN though is a bit...in the air. I know I said in a week or so, but... School is starting soon, and obviously, I won't be having as much time as I usually do making this stuff, so I decided ahead of time to prepare.
It's basically certain that I won't be posting every week. Maybe sometimes, but there might be a post every 2 weeks, or longer if needed. School and home life is more important after all. Even in a rare case of me not posting for a while, I'll still be quietly working. In that scenario, I'll again mostly, if only, post on weekends. I don't want this stressing me out, after all.
There's a chance I may be taking a hiatus during that time. Even I need breaks sometimes, and I also want to make time for my friends, family, and my education.
Basically, expect my schedule to be fucked up from now on. Hope you'll understand. I'll try to keep a schedule though.
So with this, what're we covering today? Simple, really.
A new video. About the latter half since I've done the first half on Episode 1 of Extras.
This really won't be factual stuff, but me talking about Lagnus as a whole. (Madou Saturn, Puyo Chronicles, etc) Consider the 2nd parts of these to be...random trivia, games, etc. Spices things up. The manga section will be for next time...didn't have enough time.
With that, let's talk about what'll happen today.
Whole new video.
Thing is about this video, I did...half of it already. It's the first Extra episode actually, the one where Witch sees Schezo and blasts him and me with the ♡'s. The latter half is with the OTHER 2 protags, which is the part I'm properly translating.
(Also the song for the Battle Castle is actually alluding me to an annoying degree, I'm still trying to find the song.)
Satan 1 (Rulue): (22:13)
Battle Castle Explanation (Rulue): (22:44)
Succubus Boss 1 (Rulue): (23:12)
Witch Trade (Rulue): 25:25)
Satan 2 (Arle): (26:03)
Battle Castle Explanation 2 (Arle): (26:32)
Succubus Boss 2 (Arle): (27:05)
Witch Trade 2 (30:15)
God, Witch acting normal is gonna be so uncanny to me now after like 6 months of working on Schezo Story. I'm used to her being a menace to society.
With that little remark, hope you enjoy.
Satan 1 (Rulue): (22:13)
What the!?
Umo!? (God I still do not like this bozo)
Well...there's the last tower.
Oh, Satan!? (Here I believe she says the one honorific with someone who's highly respected/they like. San? Kun? Don't fully know.)
The magical item is in that tower.
Is that so?
W-well, I think so...
No, hahaha...it must be in there! (Can also be interpreted as "Must've been the wind!")
If I can get my hands on that magical item, I'll finally be able to have magical powers...
Master Rulue?
Darling Satan... ♡♡ (And thus, they return...)
I'll certainly come back with the magic item!
Oh, you're motivated. Keep it up, and do your best.
Yes, Satan. ♡ (again an honorific here. I think San?)
Battle Castle Explanation (Rulue): (22:44)
Welcome. Nice to meet you in such a place.
Oh...who are you? Are you the boss of this place?
I'm a Succubus. I guess I'm the boss of this place here.
I'm not trying to lure in people...I'm an usher.
Well...let me ask you this, what is this place?
Huh? You haven't heard? Eh, I'll explain.
This is a special attraction where many of the bosses you've fought wait.
The guys there are at least level 50, and at their very best, well over level 100.
If you're good, you'll make it halfway through, but if you're not confident, don't go.
Heh...do you really think that'll stop me?
If you want to go in, be my guest. Do as you please. ♡ (With Succubus it feels much more normal because...she's a Succubus.)
(Who is this woman...?)
Succubus Boss 1 (Rulue): (23:12)
Oh? You're here this time?
Fufufu...♡ Yes, I'm surprised you made it this far.
Heh? Who do you think I am? It was easy.
Heh~ I really don't care... (Man she's different compared to her talks to Schezo.)
You don't care? What is there not to care for!?
Your face, your voice, the way you talk, everything!
Oh, now you've done it!
Now that you've said all that, you ready for this? It's far too late to apologize...
Hm...you seem rather ready.
Oh, you're unforgivable!
[Putting these here, I've translated Succubus loss quote too many times for my own good, and when Rulue gets to the chest at 22:10, it says Rulue got a book.]
Witch Trade 1 (Rulue): (25:25)
Oh my goodness! All of that hassle for a book. (She can also say my god.)
And I got no clue how to use it! (...By reading it, genius. Granted it's Meteor but still.)
Master Rulue...
Ugh! What do I do with this junk!?
What do you want!?
It's outrageous that you would try to destroy my grimoire!
"Your Grimoire," you must be joking! It's mine.
What're you talking about? Aren't you unable to use magic? (Harsh, but true.)
It's like giving a pearl to a pig, so give it to me! (The Pearl to a Pig thing is something I'm a lil unsure about but yea.)
What the hell!
(Either way she gives it.)
...Finally, I got my hands on the "Meteor Grimoire" I've been searching for.
...yes, in return, I'll give you the "Ultimate Queen's Secret Manual".
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go.
I see. Even with that special manual, that girl wouldn't be able to use it.
That's her "Pearl's to Pigs".
Good for you, Master Rulue.
Satan 2 (Arle): (26:03)
Oh...that's the final tower.
There's a great magical item in that tower.
What? I thought you didn't know about any item.
What's so funny? I was upset at the time...
...This place is weird. You sure you're the owner?
I'm for sure the owner of "Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Land."
Then why...
Well, I've been busy with a lot of things.
A person like me can't check every single attraction.
You...I guess you really don't know anything about this, do you?
N-no, that's...
Guess I have no choice...Let's go, Carbuncle!
Battle Castle Explanation 2 (Arle): (26:32)
Huh? What's a castle doing here... seems like a new attraction.
Let's go for now, shall we?
Welcome. Pleasure to meet you.
Hello...who are you anyways?
Im a Succubus. (Hm...haha...) [I wasn't able to find the parentheses text out. Sorry.]
I'm not here to lure you in... I'm an usher.
Hm...my goodness...
Why don't you go into this place without sounding so harsh?
Well? Can I enter?
Yes, you can. ♡
So, is this a new attraction?
Huh? You haven't heard? Well, let me make this easy for you.
[She then explains the same thing she told Rulue.]
What? I didn't know enemies could get that strong...
Succubus Boss 2 (Arle) (27:05)
I met you outside...
Fufufu...well, we're finally here...
If we're talking now, by any chance, are you the boss here?
Well, you're right, I am the boss here.
But don't talk to me like I'm just a boss, talk to me like I'm a queen.
(Her and Rulue share a lot in common...)
Did you say something?
Uhh, it's nothing...
Then I'll make you my special servant.
You should be honored, I usually only take very good looking men. (THAT explains Schezo's Route...)
A servant!? I don't want that!
Oh...you're a funny girl. You're missing out on a lot.
Are you...is your head okay? I think you need to see a doctor...
Shut up!
I think people with your attitude need to be taught a lesson...prepare yourself!
Ugh, what a mess!
[Once again at 30:05 it says "Arle got a book."]
Witch Trade 2 (Arle): (30:15)
That was fun, Carby!
...But I don't understand what this grimoire is for.
Ah! Don't just appear like that randomly!
Oh, sorry about that. (WITCH? The horrors beyond my comprehension? Apologizing? I'm too used to Schezo's Route...)
But I'd like to ask, may I have that grimoire that you have right now?
(They give it.)
Finally...I got my hands on the "Meteor Grimoire" I've been looking for.
...Yes, in return, I'll give you the "Jugem's Grimoire." (Idk what Jugem means...Probably just call it the Great Mage Grimoire.)
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go.
I'll do my best to use "The Jugem Grimoire"!
And that's translations. I won't deny, I delayed them a good bit, but they're done. Expect Part 1 of Arle's Route within'...maybe a week or two depending on how long the first episode is. Might split it in half like Schezo's.
And with that...We're on Random Puyo Extras. Filler INSIDE of filler where I speak about a Random Puyo thing very unprofessionally.
Today, it'll be on Lagnus/Ragnus Bishasi.
So, my boy Lagnus. Top 3 character in Puyo/Madou IMO, and I'm just kinda here to talk about the man, and how different he is COMPILE vs SEGA Era Puyo, least personality wise. And since I don't want this to JUST walls of text...I'll throw in a few images.
Let's start with SEGA Era, shall we?
Let's begin with Puyo Sun, his first introduction.
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(Concept art of Lagnus, along the Puyo Sun cast as a whole.)
In Sun, he's portrayed as a bit of a fool. He's trying to become stronger and all that, which power to him, powerscaling in Puyo seems mad fun, and you see him in Arle's route first killing a Puyo to transform into his teenage self. He then challenges Arle...only for his pants to fall down. This is why we wear belts.
You then see him in Schezo's route next, fresh off his loss against Arle. He notices Schezo is a Dark Mage, and rushes in to attack, only to fall down when Schezo dodges, reverting back to a kid, before throwing a temper tantrum...Not the best showcasing of the man. However, in the novels, it IS said that he only turns into a kid due to Satan being a bit of a jerk.
Minna De Puyo Puyo has a similar beat with SUN Lagnus. Here, he offers to help out Arle out with her journey, but unfortunately, guy is still a kid, so Arle assumes he's joking. Guy can't catch a break.
Oh. But Chronicles got you covered, right?
No. It doesn't.
He appears in Purplune Aqueduct, basically gaslighting himself into thinking he's The Great Hero, when it's Arle...and he's stupid pissy about it. He challenges Arle, loses, and runs into the final dungeon alone. Arle sees him again, is still annoyed with him, and beats him again, before joining your team.
I genuinely don't like how he's portrayed here at all, probably my least favorite version of him ever.
But COMPILE got you covered. For real this time.
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(Concept Art of Lagnus and art showing the major characters...and Witch/Draco.)
In Madou Saturn, he's basically the 3rd protagonist of the game, next to Arle and Rulue. You start off the game playing as the man, who's kinda cracked, before he uses all of his power to slay Yoggus, the main antagonist, before he realizes that a portal opened up and that the Yogs (Main villain group) are in other dimensions, before the portal sucks him in. Thankfully, Satan saves the guy and traps him in a crystal to prevent the man from dying.
However, not all was lost. He's able to transfer his soul into Schezo's body, and be able to control it for a small period of time, though he does get removed due to the large amount of darkness in Schezo. It's the reason why Arle and Rulue were so confused when Schezo decided to help them sometimes. He even fights Satan with you in Schezo's body.
When Arle finally meets the guy fairly late into the game, he's turned to a child due to his curse, before telling Schezo that he had to keep controlling him for his own good, annoying Schezo. He starts to tell Arle and Co. about what went down in his world.
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(This happens after, but it's always fun to throw in.)
After tons of trials and tribulations, they finally reach Yoggus, and...win the first time around, and Lagnus gets his Reactor Blade back, turning him back into his teenage self, and he fights Yoggus as his full power with Arle and Rulue, and slay Yoggus.
As the place they fought in begins to collapse, Arle and Rulue run off, and Lagnus and Satan...stay behind. Least for a bit with Satan. At that moment, Arle wonders where Lagnus is, and Satan breaks the news: He went back to his own world.
However, what went on was slightly different. Lagnus decides to stay in the collapsing area, saying he'll go back home, as he thinks he was one of the main causes for the problem, and risks being sent to another dimension just for a chance to get home. Satan says otherwise though, as not only did he remove the curse, but indeed was helping Lagnus, pulling things behind the scenes, like deliberately putting important things in obvious spaces.
Satan did this...mostly because we wanted to show the people of his world a reason to defend it. That and he was bored. After that, he gives Lagnus the Azorecrack, a pendant that allows him to transfer between his and Arle's world, saying he was intentionally hiding it. Lagnus, quietly cursing Satan, thanks him, and says he'll be back another day.
With the plot synopsis of SATURN for Lagnus, it shows that not only is he fairly smart and has a strong sense of justice, but he's pragmatic to boot, never going too far with everything, besides the start of the game. He develops a good friendship with Arle and even Rulue, and Schezo kinda hates the guy. He even develops a small acquaintanceship with Satan, thanking him for a lot but also cursing him for not stopping everything. In a game like Saturn, where a lot of characters are hit or miss, Lagnus stands out as probably the best written one out there...until Chronicles kinda messed him up badly.
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With this little image, I think I did the man a tad bit of justice.
That'll be all. Thanks for reading.
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 10 months
prerelationship 6, general 3, love 5 and 13? :3
dont not perceive me-
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
neuvi would simply deny it, not because he's embarrassed but in the moment he literally doesn't think it would be possible for him to have a soulmate. This leads to another internal debate about the meaning of his existence like: He is a dragon so if he did have a soulmate to would have to be another dragon right? but there are very few dragons left in teyvat so statistically he would not have a soulmate. but also he WAS born in human form so he's not quite a dragon but not quiet human either so would that mean if he were to have a soulmate it would be more likely for them to be human? he thinks about this for the next 3 days and comes to the conclusion that "i am the chief justice of fontaine and have to remain impartial, but would consider timekeeper silvanus to be 'small and cute'" silvanus simply says 'impossible. i dont have time for that' and immediately starts ranting about all the things that need to be done today
3. What was their first kiss like?
oh my god. oh my od you cant do this to me im gonna die ive had two ideas abt this that are both equally as embarrassing the first idea being one of the many times neuvi is there to look after silvanus after she gets sick and during these visits they both start getting hit by their subconscious feelings, trying so hard to shove those thoughts back down while acting Normal. but it makes them both so fucking nervously awkward but one too many fleeting touches breaks them both down and theyre staring at each other like panicked creatures unable to break eye contact until silvie goes 'fuck it' and goes for it without realizing she just grabbed her wet and pathetic looking boss by his face and kissed him LMAO the second idea one follows the first one but instead of silvie kissing him in that moment theyre both like 'oh i like you and you also like me' and they talk abt their confused thoughts and feelings and neuvi decides he needs some time to understand his own emotions now knowing that silvanus also thinking of him this way but also if pursuing any of this would hinder his duties or silvanus' job so for the last week or two of silvanus' recovery he doesnt show up but the day before she's supposed to return to work her, he sends a note saying to meet him outside of the city and shes like 'ah man he wants to meet me where no one can see and turn me down' but SIKE he spent most of the time away reading books on human courtship and its a fucking DATE. he brought her out to a secluded area with pretty flowers and woodland creatures because he knows she likes gardening and cute animals and nervously kisses her there i have the funniest mental image of him being like 'i spent time reading about proper courtship and was recommended literature insightful literature about physical intimacy since i have little experience on that matter' and silvanus is like 'oh my god did the hydro archon recommend smutty literature to him??'
5. Who initiates kisses?
they had a strict 'no PDA' rule (that silvanus broke during the last part of the archon quest lmao) but silvanus probably, tho neuvi initiates physical affection more often. i imagine he can get very affectionate if given the chance to fumble awkwardly until it becomes more natural to him
13. Who remembers the little things?
i think both of them are intuitive in picking up seemingly small things about each other. after they get together, neuvillette is very aware of any possible trigger that could cause silvanus' illness to flare up (he will NOT have a repeat of the Last Incident). he is instinctively aware when sivlie hasn't eaten or more tired than usual and has like a 6th sense when silvanus tries to sneak in an extra cup of coffee or lie about not resting properly. while silvanus is able to read neuvillette's emotional state fairly well even though his behavior and body language stays relatively the same (to most people)
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txemrn · 2 years
Until You Love Me
Chapter 3: I'm-a Make You Fall...
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🖤 Catch up here!
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Casey Valentine); f!MC (Casey Valentine) x f!OC (Tatum Erikson)
Series Summary: Constantly worried about Ethan’s faithfulness, Casey Valentine’s paranoia reaches an all-time high when she meets a blast from his past.
Chapter Summary: A grave mistake happens under Tatum's care during her first day at Edenbrook, but was it an accident? Casey overhears a heartbreaking conversation which makes her seek advice from Tatum.
Music Inspo: “Paparazzi” - Kim Dracula
Word Count: 2499 (I am so proud of this number)
Rating/Warnings: 🔞 Mature Audiences Only🔞 This miniseries will contain NSFW material (🍋), infidelity, language, discussion and/or depiction of medical situations (this chapter: depiction of stressful labor), gaslighting, mental abuse & illness, suicide, violence, criminal activity; alcohol use
A/N: I am participating in week 6 of @choicesflashfics prompt challenge! I chose prompt #2: “Look at me and tell me I'm wrong.” The prompt will be in bold.
A/N2: This is very much an AU; our main characters will be written OOC; most of these characters and some plot points belong to our friends at Pixelberry. Special thanks to @ao719 and @neotericthemis for helping me work through some kinks and graciously pre-read various parts of this. This is not beta’d, so please forgive my errors.
Tucking the last blonde strand into her surgical cap, Tatum takes a step back from the mirror, soaking in her overall appearance.  She inhales slowly before exhaling a large, cleansing breath.
This was it; she was finally hitting the labor and delivery floor at Edenbrook for the first time. Despite her impressive resumé, her twelve years of experience in maternal medicine and nearly three-thousand deliveries to date, she’s nervous. New hospital, new staff, new clientele–not to mention, it’s already been a peculiar introduction to Boston.
She was hired as the Chief of Obstetrics by Dr. Naveen Banerji, the former Chief of Medicine. His vision for the future of the hospital beckoned to her heart to join the team–that and the competitive salary and pension plan.
There was, however, a small snag in this wonderful plan: Ethan Ramsey, her former colleague from Johns Hopkins. And her first love.
But, the end of Ethan and Tatum was close to fifteen years ago; the wounds were old, most of them have even healed. Accidentally running into him wouldn’t be a problem; besides, his department of diagnostics and her unit approach medicine differently. L&D uses its own doctors in specialized maternal-fetal medicine rather than calling for outside help. So although they worked at the same hospital, there really wouldn’t be much reason for Tatum to interact with Ethan.
Imagine her surprise when she attended new employee orientation last week, and Ethan was introduced as the newly appointed Chief of Medicine. Her boss. Tatum tried avoiding him, but the next morning, he brought her coffee. The following day, he insisted on giving her a private tour of her unit. Tatum isn’t exactly looking for a relationship right now, but it is flattering to receive special attention from Ethan.
On her way to the parking lot, she ran into another old colleague from medical school, Dr. Tobias Carrick. After exchanging pleasantries, the tall, smooth-talking diagnostician became serious, lowering his voice.��
“Is there something going on between you and Ramsey?”
“No,” she chuckles, slightly taken aback, "I mean,” she sighs looking around the row of cars before focusing back on her old friend. “We’ve been catching up. That's it.”
“Uh-huh.” He rubs his fingers over his mouth before continuing. “Just… please be careful, Erikson, okay?”
He proceeded to inform Tatum about Ethan’s three-year relationship with Casey Valentine. 
"She's quite protective of him. Sometimes… she takes things too far–"
"'Too far'?" Tatum interrupts, an eyebrow arching with worry.
"Yeah," Tobias looks over his shoulder before stepping closer to Tatum. "The law has even had to get involved–" he holds a finger over his mouth as Tatum's eyes grow wide in shock. "Ethan has had to intervene a few times, but there's only so much he can do, especially when she perceives other women as a threat."
Little did Tatum know, she would not only meet her, but she would also experience more of Casey Valentine than she ever expected. Based on first impressions alone, Casey was friendly and kind; she easily gravitated and opened herself to Tatum.
But, remembering Tobias's warning, Tatum decided to swing by Ethan's office, informing him of her interaction with Casey. He was caught off guard and even slightly disturbed that the women had become so acquainted, but he was appreciative of the information.
A roar of laughter breaks Tatum of her thoughts as a group of nurses break from the early morning huddle. 
Let’s roll.
After being introduced to the staff and receiving patient reports, Tatum makes her own game plan as the attending-on-duty. She carefully watches an over-sized screen that displays every fetal monitor in use, finally zeroing on one.
"Who's the nurse for 501?"
A timid, young woman with ebony hair steps forward.
"Kendra?" Tatum reads her name badge. "I'm Dr. Erikson," she grins, extending her arm for a gentle handshake from the nurse. "So tell me about our patient, Kendra."
Tatum could tell right off the bat Kendra was nervous to be working with a new attending. She's a younger nurse, possibly in her mid-twenties who provides quick answers in the form of a question; but just in their short interaction, the new chief can tell this nurse is intelligent. She just needs an opportunity to learn confidence.
"So," Tatum crosses her arms, "if the patient's induction started yesterday morning, why is she still pregnant today?"
Kendra stumbles as she pulls out her report cheat sheet.  "Um… I think… well, I–"
"Kendra," Tatum smiles. "Take a breath. Start from the beginning." The nurse nods as she wipes her palms against her scrubs. "How are we inducing her?"
"Oxytocin. Using the low-dose protocol."
Tatum nods. "When was the last time that was adjusted?”
The nurse sighs. “Early yesterday evening.”
The attending raises an inquisitive eyebrow. “And she’s dilated to…?”
“Two centimeters,” Tatum repeats dryly. "Is she in labor?"
"Uh… I mean," Kendra looks to her report sheet, "I know she’s uncomfortable–"
Tatum waves her hand to dismiss the answer. "That's not what I asked. I want to know … is she in labor?"
The nurse hangs her head as a blush crawls across her face. "I–I don't think so, Dr. Erikson."
Tatum pushes her tongue into her cheek as she stares at the nurse. "So,  we have wasted a day, making a woman hurt, but have failed to put her into labor"
The nurse stares at the floor, picking at her nails.  "I–I'm sorry," an audible lump forms in her throat, robbing her of her next words.
"Kendra," Tatum whispers kindly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "This is far from your fault, and even so, I’m not looking to blame someone.  You and I? We just re-evaluated this patient’s care. And we’ve discovered… it didn’t work.  What we’ve been doing for the past day is not going to deliver her. So… I’ll ask again: why is she still pregnant?”
With more assuredness in her stance, Kendra speaks up. “Because we never even got her into labor.”
Tatum nods her head, pleased to hear the nurse putting the puzzle pieces together. “And now, you and I need to figure out the next step. Normally at this point, I would recommend a cesarean. Do you think she needs surgery?”
“No, ma’am. I think she needs to be given an actual opportunity to labor.”
“Okay, then. What should we do next?”
Kendra thinks for a moment. “Check dilation, consider breaking her water… maybe even place internal monitors?” She shrugs. “Oh! And change her position.”
Nodding her head, Tatum offers Kendra a mischievous grin.  She steals the nurse’s original report sheet and rips it up. “C’mon,” she snickers, “let’s go deliver your patient.” 
A few hours and a couple of deliveries later, Tatum went to check on her laboring patient that was assigned to Kendra.  Before going into the room, she notices that the fetus was starting to show signs of distress. 
Tatum enters the room, relieved to see the nurse was already at the bedside. "We just got an epidural," Kendra reports, "and she's six centimeters."
"That's excellent!" Tatum celebrates, "this baby was just waiting for his Aunt Kendra and Aunt Tatum." Everyone falls into titters as the nurse and provider reposition the somewhat-comfortable patient onto her side.
Glancing around the room, Tatum notices a near-empty IV bag, and with the fetus still having occasional issues, she is concerned with a very common side effect of anesthesia: low blood pressure. "Kendra?" She inquires, "when did you hang this bag?"
Concern etches across Kendra's face. "Before the epidural placement."
"Grab another bag, and let's give her a bolus. I think we might be hypotensive."  
"Yes, ma'am," Kendra steps outside to grab the extra bag of hydration fluid, and returns in record timing.
"Wow," Tatum snickers. "You are on it today. That was fast!"
"Oh, I ran into someone that saw I was in a hurry, so they gave me their bag," she smiles. "You wanted a bolus, right?"
"Yes, let it flow as fast as it can for 500," Tatum agrees, but her eyebrows furrow curiously. Someone gave her that bag? "Wait… and that's Lactated Ringers, right?"
Kendra nods, holding the fluid up for the physician to read the name clearly on the plastic.
The nurse programs everything into the pumps before pressing 'start infusion'. The attending reviews the game plan with the family and encourages the moms to nap. Shutting off the lights, Tatum escorts Kendra out of the room. 
But before she pulls the door closed, Tatum notices the patient suddenly stir in bed which quickly leads to a couple of abrupt moans.  The seasoned OB glances at the fetal monitor just in time to watch the heart rate plummet into the 50s.
And stay there.
"Talk to me, Mama, what are you feeling?" Tatum flips on the lights, and together with Kendra, they begin performing resuscitation measures, including giving the mom oxygen and repositioning her body in the bed.
Despite having an epidural, she is paralyzed by agonizing pain, clenching tightly to her abdomen. Tatum snakes her hands to rest on the woman's gravid belly. And it's just what she expected: hard as a rock. Her uterus was completely clamped down, in a continuous contraction, squeezing on the baby and the cord continuously without rest.
"Turn off that IV fluid now!" Tatum commands over the commotion as more staff join the room to help. "I need Brethine and a new bag of LR. Let's move, people!"
The nurses continue to reposition the patient while others administer the drug that will hopefully relax the uterus. A new IV fluid bag is hung. 
But unfortunately after seven minutes, the baby's heartbeat remains slow.
And the brand new chief's own heart drops. She glances around the room, matching the worried stares of everyone working with her. She looks back to the monitor, shaking her head.
"STAT C-Section!"
[Casey's POV]
This morning was absolutely incredible.  Tatum had to hurry to her floor for rounds, but damn… I can still feel her tender touch on my body, her languid tongue stroking deep inside me. I can feel her nails digging into my hips as she demands to drink my desire. Each slurp and swallow echoes in my memory, my swollen lips fluttering for more.
I reapply my lipgloss before I step out of the telemetry supply closet. After I check on my interns in the pit, I mosey through the hallways until I decide to check on my hard-working boyfriend. I never got to see him earlier because he was…
The anger hits me again, my jaw clenching. I can feel my blood start to boil when I picture him… and her…
…laughing at each other’s jokes…
… touching each other…
Slow down, Casey.  
She's a new hire, so it only makes sense that he would take a moment to welcome her. Sure, that’s all he was doing. Afterall, Ethan is the new Chief.
God, Chief of Medicine… 
I am so proud of him.
We agreed that I wouldn't bother him at work although I know he secretly loves it when I stop by with lunch or coffee. But, I can see where it can be distracting. He has a lot more responsibilities with his new position, and a simple interruption can break his concentration.
Approaching his ajar, office door, I quickly discover Ethan isn't alone.  In fact, I recognize the other melodic soulful voice in the room: Tobias Carrick.
I inch closer to listen.
"...just like old times, eh?" .
"Jesus, Carrick…it’s not like that,” Ethan scoffs into a snicker.  “It’s…well… she's new, and my job as her boss is to help her smoothly transition."
"It looks like you're about to make a smooth transition into her, if ya know what I'm sayin'." Tobias laughs, sticking his tongue out as he claps his old friend's back.
Are they talking about Tatum?
"C'mon, Ramsey," Tobias grows stern. "The moment Tatum walked through those doors, your tail has been wagging like a damn puppy. You're actually smiling again."
With a deep ruddy blush swirling up his neck, Ethan lets out a hefty sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Just admit it," Tobias steps closer.  "Look at me and tell me I'm wrong."
Go ahead and tell him, baby. Tell him you’re happy with me…
The corners of Ethan's lips curl as he glances back to his colleague.  "Tatum and I, we just… we’ve always clicked."
"You click!" He playfully smacks Ethan's chest with the back of his hand.
'We've always had this… spark–"
"You spark!" Tobias hits him again causing Ethan to grimace. 
"But…" Ethan stutters, "what about Casey–?"
"Seriously?" Tobias raises his eyebrows, chuckling in disbelief.  "Things with Valentine… I’m gonna be honest with you. You need to think what’s best for you…"
Ethan sighs. "Our history… it complicates things…" 
What the hell? I see red, stepping back from Ethan's office.  A sudden heaviness infiltrates my lungs as I struggle for air.
No. none of that is true… right?
A familiar sting prods at my eyes. The anxiety creeps up the back of my throat as I clench tightly to my uneasy stomach. 
I need answers. 
But not now.
Nothing is accomplished when I'm angry.  When I approach Ethan with my concerns, he gives me a look. That look. Not of empathy or kindness, but of sympathy, like he feels sorry for me. It’s patronizing.
I can't do this. Not right now. Not today.
I just need reassurance. I need to be held, and reminded that everything is okay, that we’re okay.
And then it hits me.
The mention of her name alone brings a tingle to my lips, making my heart skip a beat. I know we've known each other for less than 24 hours. But I feel like she would understand my emotions right now, that could help me calm down.
I should find her. Surely she can clear this up for me.
Yeah. That's what I'll do.
As I reach her floor, I am quickly reminded that it's a locked-down unit with privacy badge access.  I stare at the door for a moment, wondering how I can sneak in to see Tatum. I was hoping to sort of… surprise her.
"Excuse me."  A woman in scrubs pushes past me, holding several clear bags of IV fluid. “Do you mind?” She chuckles. “I can’t reach my badge to swipe.”.
Perfect timing.
“Sure,” I smile as I swipe her tethered ID card. The door softly buzzes, granting access as it slowly opens.
She gives me an appreciative smile. “Thank you,” she blows away a long exhale. “We’ve been so busy in the pharmacy, running out of supplies. Shoot, we actually ran out of ‘Pitocin’ stickers for these premixed bags of LR with oxytocin. So, I have to label them up here.”
Suddenly, she drops an IV bag. 
Poor thing…  She seems frazzled.
“Here,” I grab the fluid before holding the door open, “let me help you.”
Tags (updated 9/26; please let me know if you'd like to be added, removed):
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@alyshak92 @annfg8 @bisexualdisasteracd @cariantha @coffeeheartaddict2 @lsvdw-blog @mvalentine @ofmischiefandmedicine @rookiemartin @starrystarrytrouble @youlookappropriate
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