#hope 2023 turns out well *nervous sweating*
last drawings of the year! ft gays doing makeup
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sweetwhispersofchaos · 9 months
Top Gun Threesomeissance 2023
My deepest apologies to @sushiwriterhere for how late this is, but it's done and posted and I thank you for inspiring me to stretch my writing skills and creative process with this one. I tried to take an unconventional direction with your prompt so I hope it's not too left field for folks. I had fun either way ;)
I literally wrote this, read through it once, and posted it. So be gentle.
Summary: Bob hasn't been intimate in a very long time and now that someone has caught his eye, hes panicking. He needs an education and Phoenix and her girlfriend are all too happy to oblige. Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female Reader x Natasha "Phoenix" Trace Length: 6K Warnings: Smut. So. Much. Smut. Bob Fucks. Phoenix Fucks. (MINORS DNI)
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After the uranium mission, Bob and Phoenix returned to their original units at Lemoore. This time, though, as friends rather than strangers. They ate lunch together often, went out with friends on the weekends, and had a standing date to watch movies and eat junk food at Phoenix’s apartment every Wednesday night. Often you would join your girlfriend and her new BFF for Wednesday night movie night when you didn’t have to work. Bob made for a great third wheel to your dynamic duo and you both loved having him around.
One Wednesday though, Bob showed up for movie night, soaked from the rain with his own dark clouds shading his normally happy, shining eyes. Something was obviously bothering him as he stumbled into the foyer, fumbling with a grocery bag while trying to kick off his squishy tennis shoes.
“What happened to you?” Phoenix asked as she came in from the kitchen to take the bag while you returned with a towel.
“I’m just havin’ a day is all. Sorry for the mess.” He took the towel from you with a sullen expression of gratitude and moved further into the apartment.
Luckily, he was over so often that he had some spare clothing and comfort items in the guest room. Bob went to change while you and Phoenix prepped the living room with chip bags, beers, and a soda for Bob. You were just pulling up Netflix when he returned, looking almost worse than he did at the door. He walked over to the couch and flopped down next to Phoenix. Her dark eyes met yours where you stood in the middle of the living room with the TV controller. You both shared similar looks of concern and the movie was suddenly forgotten.
Phoenix spoke up as you turned and sat on the floor in front of where she and Bob were on the couch.
“Ok buddy, somethings obviously up. You were fine when we left the hangar earlier. What gives?”
Bob let out a sigh and rotated his head until his neck cracked. There was a war happening inside his head and you could tell he wasn’t sure whether to unleash it or not. You reached your hand out and rested it on his knee, trying to reassure him.
“Whatever it is, we’re here for you. It can’t be that bad.” You said gently.
Bob huffed a sarcastic laugh and reached up to rub his face vigorously with both hands under his glasses. He then growled and threw his hands up in the air in defeat.
“Fine. I’ll tell yall. But you gotta promise not to make fun of me.”
You shared another questioning look with Phoenix then she put her arm around his shoulders. “Bob, we would never make fun of you.”
“That’s absolutely not true. You both picked on me for two weeks over the vomit incident at Six Flags.” He accused.
“That was different, and you know it, Floyd. This seems serious, so spill it.” Phoenix said with a squeeze to his shoulders.
“Yall remember Rebecca? The gorgeous red head we met last month at the farmer’s market?”
You and Phoenix both nodded wordlessly while staring at him intently to continue.
“We’ve been on a couple of dates now and I really like her. I mean, really like her.” He said emphatically.
When neither of you spoke up, he huffed again and continued. Beads of sweat were starting to pearl on his forehead as he became more and more visibly nervous.
“Uh, well. I invited her over to my place for dinner this weekend.”
“What!? Bob! That’s awesome!” Phoenix shouted as she practically leapt off the couch. She smiled brilliantly at him, and you smiled at her enthusiasm for her friend.
“No. You don’t understand. She’s coming to my apartment. Alone. At nighttime.”
Phoenix smiled even bigger. “Bob, I’m pretty sure we understand the intentions of this mission.”
He looked up at her with disdain and you realized something about this so called mission was really troubling him, so you spoke up. “Babe. Calm down.” You said with a small laugh at the sour expression Nat gave you.
“Phoenix. Look. I’m not a virgin, but, uh,” he hesitated “it was my high school girlfriend. We were together for 3 years. We did it. Then she broke up with me when I left for college.” He looked between you both with a wounded puppy expression as he sank further into the couch.
“Robert James Floyd. Are you telling me you haven’t had sex in a decade?” Phoenix asked as she placed her hands on her hips. Most likely she didn’t mean for it to sound as accusatory as it did, but you intervened quickly, nonetheless.
“Bob” you started with as gentle a tone as you could muster “have you had any physical encounters with a woman since your high school girlfriend?”
His face began to flush bright red, and you watched Phoenix's dark eyes go wide with shock. She regained her seat next to him on the couch and grabbed one of his large hands in both of her much smaller ones. You were thankful that she calmed down before he ran screaming into the torrential downpour outside.
He cleared his throat “I’ve had a few make out sessions but nothing concrete. I was so focused on school and then training that the opportunity never presented itself. Who wants the geeky guy, right? Next thing I knew a decade had passed and here I am, thirty years old with the chance for intimacy right in front of me and I’m freaking out. I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure where to put my hands or mouth or anything. How do I know she’s enjoying it? What do I do if she isn’t? She’s so perfect and I want things to be perfect for her and I just know I’ll mess this up. Arggghhh” he grunted as he stood, pulling his hands through his hair. He started pacing around the room, almost making you dizzy from your seat on the floor. This was a truly conflicted man and you felt so bad for him. He obviously cared about this woman and his want to be good for her was endearing.  
While he walked around the room continuing to rant about his lack of carnal knowledge of the female species, your eyes once again connected with Nat’s, and you could see her gears were turning. Nothing good ever came from the plotting expression she was now wearing while deep in thought. Nat slid onto the floor and came to a stop on all fours next to you. She raised her hand to whisper an idea into your ear and you whipped around to look at her with surprise. Her eyes implored you and she shook her ass in the air, enticing you. You considered her proposition for a moment more before whispering to her “Doesn’t hurt to offer I suppose.”
Phoenix smiled then sat back on her heels before rising. She held out her hands to you and pulled you up, her arms wrapping around your waist once on your feet. She placed a chaste kiss to your cheek then released you, entirely too much excitement gleaming in her eyes. Just as Bob turned to pace back Phoenix stepped up, blocking his path and bringing him to a halt. You were always amused by their comical height difference. Bob’s frantic eyes looked down into the smirking face of Phoenix as she placed both hands on his chest.
“Bob. We have a plan. So, take a breath.” He stared at her, then looked over at you, then back to Phoenix, looking more perplexed than ever.
“A plan?”
“Yup. No movie tonight. Instead, we’re going to teach you.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped, brought up short as he began to realize what she meant by her statement. Phoenix slid her hands across his chest, down his long arms, and intertwined her fingers into his with a reassuring expression.
Bob stammered “But, uh, Phee” he choked on a chuckle “I. Teach me?” he finally asked. You closed the gap between you and your girlfriend, placing your body flush to her back and reaching around to wrap your hands around their connected ones. You smiled at Bob as his eyes met yours. “Let us help you, Bob.” You implored gently “Nat’s bi, I’m gay. I can guide you while she handles the physical aspects. We wouldn’t be doing anything we weren’t comfortable with. But we won’t do this if you aren’t comfortable.”
“Yeah, and just consider it a maneuvers exercise like work.” Phoenix interjected. “Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make me cum. But this time the enemy is a friendly and we’re going to walk you through it step by step. End of the night you’ve gained experience, we’ve all had a fun night we can laugh about another decade from now, and you pounce Rebecca this weekend knowing exactly what you need to do!”
You just knew Bob was going to pass out. He was sweating profusely now, his eyes darting between yours and Nat’s as you both squeezed his hands firmly. In the silence something seemed to come to him suddenly. His eyes focused again, and his lips closed into a thin line.
“Wouldn’t this be like cheating on Rebecca?”
He had a point, you thought, but Phoenix jumped in always ready with an answer.
“Have you and Rebecca discussed exclusivity yet?” She asked.
“Well, no, we haven’t. We’ve been on exactly two dates, and I know she’s seen someone else during that time. So, I guess, the answer would be, no? But I'm hoping to impress her this weekend so we can discuss being exclusive, and I feel like this is my one shot to do it.”
You felt a little relief with his answer. You wouldn’t want anything to ruin the friendship your girlfriend had developed with Bob.
“Sounds good to me. Besides. We do this as an educational exercise, blame the alcohol that we haven’t actually consumed, and tell no one. But only if you’re comfortable and trust us. We can always bust out some anatomy charts and porn if you’d prefer?” You rolled your eyes at your girlfriends’ suggestion although you knew she was serious. When it came to facing a difficult task, she was nothing if not methodical with her plan of attack.  
“Bob. The most important part of this is that you are relaxed and willing. If at any time you aren’t, we can stop.” You added for reassurance as you slid your hands up Natashas’ arms then rested them gently on her shoulders.
Bob started to speak then stopped. His eye lids slammed shut and he took a deep breath, obviously working through the tennis match in his head. Then, something seemed to click for Bob. All the lines on his face relaxed and as he opened his baby blues, the clouds seemed to roll out. He stood up a little taller, his hands still intertwined with Nat’s, and he nodded once.
“Ok yeah. Let’s do it.”
You smiled at him as Nat reached up and gave him a gentle peck on the cheek.
“Let’s do it indeed.” She mused then flashed you a sassy smile as she led Bob down the hall by one hand to her room. You just shook your head with a grin and followed them. Your girlfriend had an insatiable appetite for physical touch, and you weren’t the least bit surprised she was willing to be the sacrificial lamb for Bobs sexual awakening. You just hoped she would be gentle with him. At least a little, anyways.
Phoenix dropped Bobs hand once everyone was in the room and moved over to a Bluetooth speaker on her dresser. She flipped it on, and soft music began to quietly fill the room as she placed her phone on the stand next to it. Bob stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, just watching Nat as she swept around the room lighting a few candles and drawing the curtains. She spoke as she flitted around. "First lesson Bob. Set the mood."
You closed the bedroom door behind you and looked up at the imploring blue eyes that were staring at you.
“Are you sure you don’t mind me, uh, you know. Doing, you know, this, with your girl?” he whispered to you.
You gave him a gentle smile. “Bob, that woman right there lives for physical touch. She will have her way with you and then have her way with me because she’ll be so revved up, so I’ll win in the end as well. Trust me, I’m totally ok with this.” And you winked as you brushed past him.
Phoenix turned from the curtains just as you moved into her space and wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her close. She giggled slightly before your lips were gently massaging hers in a deep kiss. You pulled back and looked into her chocolate eyes. “Nat, go easy on him. Try not to scare the poor boy.” You whispered quietly into her lips. She only giggled again then shimmied out of your embrace and slinked to the middle of the room where Bob was still standing hunched like a cornered mouse.
Phoenix ran her hand across Bobs lower back as she moved around his side to face him, grinning like a cat toying with her prey the whole time. You quietly moved to the other side of the king size bed, stripped down to your basic black bra and panties, and sat up against the wrought iron headboard.
Phoenix looked past Bob and scoffed. “Oh, not fair! You’re distracting me already!” she pouted. Bob looked over at you, flushed red, then averted his eyes again. You just shook your head with a small laugh. “Phee, concentrate. You’ll get your turn with me later.” Her smile grew wider before she turned her focus back to Bob.
“Ok Bob let’s talk making the first moves. Think of this like our pre-flight check list. You’re in the cockpit and it's time to warm up the engines and prep for go. You’re going to take charge of the situation just like you do when we’re getting ready to fly. So, what would be on your checklist to get things started in a sexual situation?”
You stifled a snort behind your hand as you watched Bob turn bright crimson, and begin to stammer with wide eyes. Phoenix looked at you quizzically. “What? I thought I’d put this in terms he would understand.” She said defensively.
“Natasha. He’s not working on an airplane. Do you want him to treat you like one? Rebecca? Maybe soften your tactic just a little babe?” you implored through a weary grin.
Phoenix huffed then blew a loose strand out of her face. “Fine.” She said bluntly before looking up at Bob. “Sorry.”
“S’ok Phee.” He croaked.
“Bob, you still ok?” you asked, wanting to protect him every step of the way.
“Yeah, I’m good.” he said as he hesitantly slid his hands around Nat’s shoulders then down her back, enveloping her in his broad wingspan. Her face registered disbelief at his sudden boldness, then her arms wrapped around his waist, and she smiled up at him. You grinned too. “Good boy.” Nat cooed and bob let out a nervous chuckle. “Now what do you want to do to me?” she asked.
He took in a breath then answered on the exhale. “I’d like to kiss you.”
“That sounds like a great first step Bob. Go ahead and kiss her.” You encouraged gently.
Bob leaned down and connected his lips to Natashas. It was extremely hesitant at first but then Phoenix leaned in reassuringly and he began to deepen the kiss. You watched as their tongues started to dance. “Nat how does that kiss feel?” you asked.
Never breaking apart, Natasha moaned into Bobs mouth, and you watched with pride as Bob slid his hands down her sides, letting them come to rest on her ass. Another moan escaped from Phoenix, and you praised Bob. “Very good Bob. Did you hear her moan? That’s a good sign. Keep going.”
Bob broke their kiss and released Phoenix, a whimper falling from her mouth. Before she could protest though, Bob removed his glasses, tossing them to the side. He reached behind his head with one hand and pulled his shirt off in one swift move. He may not have been your cup of tea but even you were impressed with the agility of the shirt removal and the taught abs he kept hidden away. “That was hot Bob. Right Nat? Wasn’t that hot?”
Natasha said nothing though, only smirked wickedly. She drank in the sight of Bob in nothing but his jeans as she ran her fingers over his stomach, tracing the lines of his muscles. “Oh, that was very hot.” She oozed and licked her lips. Bob seemed spurred on by her reaction, pulling her back in for another long and sloppy kiss. Maybe a little too sloppy. “Bobby, try to keep the kisses softer, less moisture.” You watched as he swallowed and backed his tongue off a little, choosing to nip gently at her bottom lip before dipping his tongue into her mouth slowly. Natasha moaned again and something in your own abdomen jumped. God damn your girlfriend made the most beautiful noises when she was enjoying herself.
“You have her attention, Bob. Take advantage of that.”
He broke the kiss again, staring into Phees eyes as his hands gently grabbed the hem of the black oversized t-shirt she was wearing. As he began to lift it, you decided this was a great teaching moment.
“Bob, hang on.” You instructed calmly and he did, looking up at you anxiously. You continued. “This is a perfect chance to build some anticipation. Before you rip her shirt off, skim your hands along her skin as you raise it. Let your hands wander and build some electricity. Appreciate her body and she’ll appreciate you.” He nodded once then began kissing Nat again as his hands slid under the hem and across her smooth stomach. You watched intently as his large hands glided down her sides and her hips then slid around to her bare ass. He gave her cheeks a gentle squeeze and both he and Nat let out almost matching whimpers. You smirked, pleased to have a student who learned quickly.
“She has a great ass, huh Bob?” you asked, and he nodded into their kiss. “Tell her. Complement her.”
Bob let his kisses wander up from her mouth, across her cheek, to her ear lobe then he whispered into Nat’s ear “God I love your ass.” And he squeezed it again. Natasha let her head roll back with a moan and you realized you were starting to feel a little warm. You loved her ass too.
With her neck exposed, Bob trailed kisses down from her ear all the way to the sensitive spot where her neck met her collar bone. You decided Bob didn’t give himself enough credit, he was doing a good job relaxing and following instinct. You knew Natasha wasn’t faking with her little kitten purrs as he worked the spot with quick licks and nibbles. It was becoming harder for you to remain an impartial instructor in this activity, you couldn’t help it, Natashas pleasure gave you pleasure, no matter how she was getting it.
His hands moved from her ass and began to lift the shirt, unhurriedly. Bob skimmed his fingers along the soft skin of Natashas hips and sides, stopping the assault on her neck to remove the black fabric completely. She stood there in a purple thong and bra you were sure made Bob’s heart skip a few beats at the same time yours did.
“Phoenix” he whispered adoringly. “You’re incredible. I just want to. I want to…” he trailed off while holding her hands and looking up and down her body in appreciation.
“She is so gorgeous, isn’t she Bob?” you asked huskily. “What is it you want to do? Don’t tell me, show us.”
He didn’t have to be told twice. Bob let go of Nat’s hands and cupped her breasts over her bra. He leaned down and placed a languid kiss on the top of one and then the other. Nat ran her hands through his hair and sighed. “Yes Bob, you’re doing so good baby boy. You’re making her feel so good.” You hummed.
“Bobby, take the bra off. I want more.” She begged and you watched as he turned her around quickly, pulling her into his body, eager to please. Bob bent down to suck on the sensitive spot in the crook of her neck while his hands slid her straps down her arms. He then stood and worked the clasps of the bra until they sprang apart, and the bra dropped down her arms and landed on the floor.
“Baby you have beautiful breasts. Bob, how would you show her you like them?” He looked up from behind her, his eyes dark with lust, and gave you a smirk, before his large hands wrapped around and cupped both of Natashas breasts firmly. Nat gasped as he began to knead her breasts, letting her head rest against his chest.
You were starting to feel moisture between your legs. Watching Bob work Natashas breasts, pinching her nipples and tugging on them was making you delightfully jealous but you tried to remain focused on his education.
Natasha was rubbing up against Bob as he worked her chest, moaning and running her hands along the outside of his thighs. You were starting to salivate at the sight of her squirming. Then Bob shocked both of you. He removed a hand from one of Nats breasts, put his two middle fingers in her mouth and she began to suck on them. A rush of heat ran up your spine.
“Very nice Bob, so hot. Now what are you going to do with those soaked fingers?”
Bobs eyes met yours as he removed his damp fingers from Natashas slutty mouth and quickly slid them into the top of her panties. Before either of you knew what was happening, he had run his slick fingers along her folds, causing Natasha to buck against him and release a loud pant. You squeezed your legs together, trying to calm the burning sensation rising between your own legs. You watched as his large arm snaked around her torso, holding her in place while his other worked her slit. You could see the wet spot growing in her thong and it was almost more than you could handle. You had to shake your head to remain focused on the job.
Natasha let out several moans then panted “Bob, God, oh Bobby. I want more.”
You smirked. She was so frantic, and you loved it. “She wants more Bobby, what are you going to give her? Get on your knees and slowly pull her panties down. Torture her.”
He did as he was told, dropping to his knees. He cupped her ass and lathered one of her ass cheeks with a wet kiss that made her moan with a grin. God that ass did things to you and your vision was starting to blur. Bobs fingertips dragged deliberately up the outside of her legs, ankle to waist, then even more slowly pulled her thong down to the floor. You were salivating at the sight of your beautiful girl standing bare and writhing in front of you.
“Bob, you’re doing so good. Can you hear all the small pants and moans she’s making?” He nodded his head as he stood, his hands roaming all over Natashas soft skin. “That’s how you know you’re doing a good job. She’s warmed up and ready for you, time to take things to the next step.”  
Natasha swung around and made quick work of his zipper, being careful not to catch his very large erection. She pulled down his jeans and briefs in one quick movement, releasing his large cock into the cool air with a gasp. You could see her eyes glistening with enjoyment. Your baby girl loved cock and you knew poor Bob was in a little bit of trouble. Nat got on her knees and began to suck him, hard, cupping his balls with one hand while the other braced on his thigh. Bobs hands instinctively grabbed on to Nats hair as his breaths became loud and ragged. He let out a loud “Oh shit” and looked at you shocked as Nat took him all the way in.
You smirked at him. “Bob, are you enjoying her mouth? If so, tell her. Complement her good work.”
He was now thrusting into Phoenix’s mouth while tugging on her hair, his mouth agape as he struggled for breath. His eyes drifted from yours down to hers and between pants he did just as he was instructed.
“Nat that feels amazing. Suck me, just like that.” And then his head lolled back as Natasha worked her magic.
“Bob, do you want to cum in her mouth? Or somewhere else? You asked and he growled as his head flopped forward to look at Nat again while she worked.
“I want to cum in her gorgeous pussy.” He let out through his forced breathing.
He was getting the hang of this. You knew how much fun Nat had working a cock with her mouth and that if you didn’t stop her now this would all end too quickly. “Natasha honey” you said and she slowed her ministrations before releasing Bobs cock with a loud pop.
She looked over her shoulder at you sheepishly. “Sorry babe, I got carried away.”
“Bob, help her up. Take charge. You know what you want next, make it happen.”
He bent down slightly and grabbed Nat’s wrists before yanking her up to him. Her body crashed into his and he began kissing her again. His arms snaked around her body and pulled her in even closer. The sweet sounds coming from her mouth had you squirming. You wanted to kiss that mouth so bad right now. Squeezing your thighs together wasn’t helping anymore, so you slid your hands into your underwear and began rubbing your mound to find some friction. You sighed and Bobs eyes opened. He took in the sight of you working your bud and his eyes widened while he still kissed Phoenix.
“Don’t worry about me Bobby, focus on her. You’re doing great.”
What happened next happened so fast you almost missed it. Bobs hands reached under Nat’s ass and lifted her off the ground. Two steps and he had her flung onto the bed on her back. Before either of you could say anything, Bob laid on his stomach and began kissing the inside of Natashas thighs, first one and then the other. Her head was now lying next to you on the mattress, and she smiled at you with so much heat in her brown orbs.
“Baby, I think he’s a fast learner.” She hissed as his mouth began to lap at the outside of her smooth slit.
“I think you’re right sweet girl.” You said with a smile before reaching over to gently remove some hair from Natashas forehead. You continued to rub yourself, enjoying every saccharine sound falling from your girlfriend’s mouth.
“God I want this pussy so bad. Tell me Natasha. Tell me I can eat your pussy?” Bob practically growled from between her tanned legs. Nat bucked her hips as she grabbed his hair and pulled him all the way in, his tongue beginning an all-out assault of her clit. Her back arched and you couldn’t help yourself. Your free hand grabbed a handful of Natashas right breast and began to knead it. She was making a range of feral noises now that had you pick up the pace in your own underwear.
“Bob, Bob, yes Bob. Right there, that’s perfect. Suck my clit, oh oh yes like that. Ughh” her back was arching now and you knew she was getting close. Natasha loved nothing more than having her pussy eaten. It was your favorite thing to do to her and you had to focus on something else to keep from joining Bob on the action.
“Shes getting close Bob. Fuck her. Let her cum on your cock.” You instructed as you removed your hand from Natashas breast. He lapped a few more times at her opening before sliding up her body and layering her breasts with kisses and nips of his teeth. Natashas hands were everywhere, his hair, scratching his shoulders and biceps. Natasha was a babbling mess of want and need.
“Robert Floyd if you don’t fuck me now I’ll, I’ll” Nat trailed off as he moved the head of his cock to her maidenhead. Bob’s face hovered over Nats briefly before he looked up at you, his face searching for permission.
“Make her feel good Bob.” You nudged and that was all the encouragement he needed. Bob slid his cock into Natasha and she let out a loud moan that sent your head spiraling. You needed more relief than this, you were so wet. As Bob began moving in and out of Natasha you reached over to the bedside table and pulled out your tiny bullet, pressing the button and practically shoving it down your panties. The buzzing went unnoticed as Bob and Nat continued to fuck on the bed next to you.
“Don’t let things get stale Bob, move her legs, let her feel you at different angles.” Bob growled into the crook of Natashas neck before he pushed back onto his knees. He threw Natashas legs onto his shoulders and grabbed her hips, lifting her up as he started to pick up the pace, bumping into her pussy with more pressure. She was becoming a loud, vulgar mess, practically screaming obscenities as her hands grabbed ahold of the bars above her head. The mess in your own panties grew with every shout Nat released into the thick air as you moved the bullet back and forth over your sensitive nub.
“Phoenix, cum baby. Cum on my cock.” Bob bellowed. He released her hips and grabbed each of her ankles. He spread her legs wide and really leaned into the fucking. Natasha just gasped repeatedly, no longer forming any words.  You knew she was close when she became incoherent like this.
“That’s it Bobby, let her have it. She’s ready. Make her cum.”
Bob released one of Natashas legs and put his fingers in her mouth to lick before moving them to her clit and rubbing fast and furiously on it while fucking her hard. A few moments later and Natasha was grabbing at anything and everything as she hollered out her orgasm. “I’m gonna cum. Oh yes Bob fuck I’m coming.” She let out the deepest, most feral screech as Bob fucked her through it. You were close to your own release and could practically see stars now. You realized Bob was looking at you while he continued to move in and out of Nat, slowing his pace. “She’s such a good girl. You’re so lucky.” He huffed and you looked down into her ravaged eyes as you quietly came, creaming all over your bullet. You leaned in to kiss her smoothly before looking back up at Bob.
“Don’t forget to take care of yourself Bob. You did so good getting Natasha there. Now move her how you want her so you can cum.” Natasha whimpered while Bob looked briefly contemplative. Then he removed his cock and hooked his finger in the air, beckoning Natasha to rise to him. Slowly and with wet matted hair, she did as she was told. With both on their knees he kissed her lightly, cupping her face, before he used his hands to work her around and onto all fours, her perfect ass up in the air.  Natasha was practically face to face with you now and grinning through a haze.
As Bob slid into her pussy, Natasha whispered up at you “This was a great idea.” Then Bob grabbed her hair in one hand and her hip in the other and began pounding into her. You watched Nats face melt into anguished pleasure as Bob began to rumble into the void. With her eyes firmly locked on yours Bob shouted “Fuck yeah” as he came hard into your girlfriend’s pussy. His body continued to push back and forth with his release. As he slowed his pace, he freed Natasha's’ hair, and you moved in to give her a gentle kiss. Bob leaned down, still attached to Phoenix, and peppered her shoulder blades and upper back with light kisses. Bob whispered into Natashas back “Thank you.” Then he slid out of her and sat back so that she could collapse onto the pillows next to you.
Natasha giggled, rolling over onto her side. “Come here, handsome.” And she motioned for him to lay down behind her. Bob did as he was told, molding his front to her back and wrapping his arm around her stomach as his head hit the pillow behind hers. You chuckled at the sight. Your girl was quite proud of herself, and you knew that once Bob left you would get to have your way with her as well. It was going to be a long night for your needy girl.
“Bobby, I think you’re ready to take Rebecca for a ride. How do you feel?” you asked. He had his face buried in Natashas hair at the base of her neck and he rolled back just enough to look at you. A goofy grin met his lips. “I can’t fucking wait.” And all three of you laughed.
“She won’t know what hit her.” Natasha added as she wriggled back into him further. “Also, this is the best part. The snuggles and praise after its over.”
He raised his head to prop it up in his hand and with a peck on her cheek he said “Thank you for sharing yourself with me. I feel much better about this now, and you were so perfect. You’re both excellent teachers. I can’t believe I’ve gone so long without this. What was I thinking?” Natashas grin grew even bigger.
“Don’t sell yourself short anymore Bob. Just like in the air, you’re a 10 in the sack. Gave all new meaning to don't think, just do." He shared a look with you and you both shook your heads with a laugh. He kissed her shoulder again, then got up and dressed, placing his glasses on his face last. In the dim light he came around the bed and kissed the top of your head, thanking you once again for your help. As he made his way back around the bed to head for the door, Natasha sat up and grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“Bob” she said coyly with a sinful expression, “If things don’t work out with Rebecca, I don’t mind doing this again. If you ever need or want extra practice.” He just shook his head and smirked. You shared a look with him that communicated the same thing: This woman was wonderful and also going to be the death of you both. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.
“Remember, this didn’t happen. See you tomorrow, Nat.” And with a wink he left the two of you alone in the room.
“Natasha Trace, you are so bad.” You said with a playful pinch to her side. She rolled over laughing and grabbed you until you were anchored on top of her.
“I know. And you love me for it. Now get over here and show much how much you love me for it.” And you did. All night long.
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Well, first of all, I have to thank @yridenergyridenergy for selling me the ticket! It was literally the best experience I had throughout the year; I really, really, sincerely appreciate it.
As promised, this is my repo of the gig in Wakayama. To be honest, I’m really a bad recorder as I can only recall the sensation or vibe in general and forget the details every time. Am I the only one?? Anyway, I guess my drawings may not be precise at all and it would be more like a summary of the year.
And this repo will be focusing on Kaoru, Toshiya and Kyo. I’m sorry but I stood on the left in both times.
It’s so strange that I can easily feel my love for him grows with time and what a coincidence! I visited them twice this year and I was right in front of him every time. I always assumed that I would be in front of Toshiya when I checked the hall map in December, but no! It was Kaoru again! It kinda shocked me the time I located my seat and noticed his microphone stand was there, just about 2 meters away.
I think probably it has been known by all of you, the show started with a semi-transparent screen showing some AI-generated footage(sorry, I hate this part). It covered most of the setting but just revealed some shadows. I could only see Kaoru, his side profile, priest-alike gown and silver hair. He looked so focused and indifferent and so good-looking…my hands are still sweating as I recall it now.
That was my first time listening to Rinkaku on-site. I got caught up in emotion when you could easily compare themselves in reality and their sketches in the video. You could see how much they have changed and it also just reminded me a lot of moments, staying at home and staring them on the screen. The real vs the virtual.
Also, at the beginning from the distance, I could only see some sort of marks on his chin that looked pretty much like piercings? It turned out to be his makeup; so brilliant.
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I didn’t see Kyo that much this time, but I feel he is that kind of vocal that you would fall in love with once you’ve actually seen him in the venue. He looked so nostalgic to me this time, maybe bc of the ghost face makeup or the fact that I have seen him too much this year. I also went to HK for sukekiyo this year.
The gig of sukekiyo was more emotional, floating and spacey (and less aggressive, obviously). Kyo’s dedication was so contagious. Although he looked a little bit nervous at the beginning of the Day1, forgetting the lyrics now and then lol.
It is interesting to see the similarities and differences between Diru and Sukekiyo, like looking at different reflections of the same mirror.  
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Btw probably he is the most inspiring Diru member to me I guess. Idk why drawing kyo always begins with a pretty satisfying draft then it becomes a big challenge to my expertise and patience ahhhh. But yeah, I can improve a lot after finishing it. So, kyo, thx? lol
I’m not quite a fan of his white outfit that day(the one worn in the pic of their tweet on 16th Dec). Actually I even failed to recognize him the first, waistcoat and palazzo trouser are ok but definitely not the most stunning look of him. It seems that his style is becoming more gender-neutral this year, with hair dyed brown, pearl jewelries and feminine makeup.
But I still quite enjoyed his performance, his body language was so beautiful (ugh! It’s such a shame that I can’t recreate it)and he was the first one going to the left terrace and saying hi to everyone. Toshiya is always the sweetest person in Diru to me.
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I prefer his encore look more and he took off the shirt and threw it to the gift right in front of him
(and a random sketch)
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That’s it! I could have drawn more but, sorry I’m a perfectionist, these pics really took me some time, but I may keep going if I have spare time.
And I’m not used to talking so much on the Internet, it is embarrassing somehow.  
The year of 2023 has treated me rly good, I hope it would be the same for all of you and Diru members, see you next year.
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f1tyreslightmyfyre · 6 months
Immortal Artistry - Ch. 8 - Keep It
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A Vampire AU F1 Fic Featuring Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader, George Russell x Fem!Reader, hints of Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader, Lestappen, Sebchal, and Sainzell (or Russainz?)
Also on AO3
Ch. 8 Warnings: Sexual content; language; vampire blood violence
A/N: Thank you for reading this fic! If you chose this option, I hope you enjoy it 😄❤
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Ch. 8 - Keep It
The pen sits like a lead weight in your jacket pocket. You swear that everyone can see it – that everyone knows what you carry – as you cross the parking garage and drive home. Your gaze barely strays from the rearview mirror as your palms sweat against the steering wheel. Since Carlos showed you this morning – God, fuck, how was that just this morning? – that vampires can do sunlight, then maybe Charles or George has had you under surveillance for longer than you realize.
The thought makes you step harder on the gas pedal until the familiar, comforting interior of your apartment surrounds you. Double-checking the lock on the door (even though that didn’t seem to deter Carlos), you change out of your work clothes and set the pen on your bedside table, trying to focus on something else – anything else – until night falls.
When city lights finally glint off your apartment windows and cast shadows around your bedroom, you sit on your bed and graze your fingers over the puncture marks on your neck. What did Charles call it? Subliminal awareness? A connection that could alert him of your whereabouts if you get into trouble?
And maybe trying to lure him to your apartment isn’t the smartest move, but you don’t exactly have his cell phone number. Working a nervous swallow down your throat – still unsure how it works exactly – you brush your fingers over the twin, pointed scars and conjure his image in your mind’s eye.
The enticing gleam of his bewitching eyes. The lean lines of his torso that bely his supernatural strength. The velvety purr of his voice that ignites sparks in your blood. A wave of heat rolls through you as you remember the intoxicating scent of his cologne as he leaned in so close – close enough to taste your skin, your blood. A needy ache starts to grow as your eyes close and you surrender to the fantasy.
Imagining the cool touch of his fingertips gliding along your skin, and the chilled press of his lips hovering against your racing pulse. And when his cool touch meets the liquid heat between your legs, would you be able to hold back your pleasure? Or would you moan for him, unashamedly parting your legs to let him feel how wet and gone you are for him? 
“Dangerous thoughts, cara mia.” Charles’ voice slices out of the darkness and your eyes fly wide open. He leans, silent as a shadow, against the doorway of your bedroom, wearing a wicked smirk above his button-down linen shirt. The sleeves cuff below his elbows and just enough buttons are undone to reveal a tempting swath of his chest adorned with a necklace. Despite the startling suddenness of his appearance in your locked apartment, part of you still wants to trace the shape of the metallic chain against his skin with your tongue.
Your cheeks burn hotter as you shake from the fantasy. His unnerving chuckle drifting across the room does nothing to help. “I suppose I should be flattered,” he continues, stepping over the threshold and blocking your only escape route. “But you did it deliberately.”
You glance up at him. “And you came here anyway? H-how do you know that I’m not trying to trap you? Or trick you?”
He shrugs breezily. “Do you really think you could?”
Indignation ripples along your skin. “Do you really think that you can play me for a fool forever?” You turn to your bedside table and hold up the pen. “This is it, isn’t it? This is what you and George have been upending my world to get ever since we met, right?”
His face hardens as his gaze focuses on the fountain pen in your hand. The line of his jaw tenses. “Well, most certainly George wants that. As for me, I did have it and if I wanted it, I wouldn’t have left it behind.”
“Then if he wants this so badly, why don’t you?”
“I don’t need it to win.”
The words sink into your brain as you lower your hand to your lap. “Win…” you repeat, shaking your head, trying to understand. “Win this chess game that you have with George, right? When he wanted to make me into a piece for his team versus your team, and I asked how I knew that you weren’t the villain in this game of chess and you answered-”
“And my answer hasn’t changed. Neither one of us is a hero or a villain as we make our way in this world. We are only each doing what we think is right, and the only question is – who do you think is right?”
 “I-I can’t possibly make that decision…” You glance down at the pen, gripping it tighter. “If this film does indeed lead to the location of cultural artifacts missing since World War II, then how can I possibly deny the world that knowledge? How can I possibly decide that the world doesn’t deserve the opportunity to recover what’s been lost for so long?”
Silence hangs in your apartment and a ripple of fear creeps down your spine. Have you already said too much? Have you just laid yourself bare? Forcing a hard swallow, you look back up at him and your survival instincts kick into immediate gear.
His eyes hold a steely, predatory edge as he stares at you, squaring his shoulders. “You found the film?” He whispers coldly – such a contrast to the syrupy warmth of his voice that night in his home. “You know about the map and the artifacts?”
You freeze under his scrutiny, debating if you should actually answer. “Well, y-yes…” you stammer. “I just said as mu-”
“That is unfortunate, indeed.” He moves on silent steps closer to your bed and every impulse screams at you to run for your life. “Someone has been far too generous with giving you knowledge. Whoever it was had to know it would come with a price.”
Your eyes widen as your heart nearly stops. “What? N-no…that’s not –” your words choke off as you discretely try to crawl to the other side of the bed. “W-what’s the point of Carlos telling me things if he knew it w-would get me killed...?”
“Oh, ho,” Charles laughs darkly. “So, it was Carlos, hmm? Of course it was Carlos…” He shakes his head as he glances up at the ceiling. “This is exactly why he told you… he wants you to say exactly what you just said to me.”
Your terror ratchets higher as he continues to advance and you have nowhere to go. “B-but how can you not agree? W-why don’t you want the treasures of the world restored?”
“Do you think that’s what the world really needs? More money? More power? More chances for countries to flaunt what they have versus what others don’t? There are far bigger problems for the world to solve right now.”
Your brows pinch in confusion. “That can’t be all, right? You’re… what, like a black-market art dealer, right? So, of course, you really don’t want the market saturated with brand new discoveries of rare antiquities… not so easy to turn a profit then, is it?”
His razor-sharp fangs flash in the shadows, and you scurry across the bed, reaching for a pillow as if that will somehow protect you. “Carlos has indeed told you much. Far too much.” He rumbles, sinking a knee into your mattress, looming over you. “It’s a shame, cara mia. I would have happily welcomed you – but you sealed your fate when you brought that pen here.”
His hand moves faster than you can breathe, wrapping around your throat. Your scream dies as it forms, and his physical strength overpowers yours. Panic seizes you as you try to claw his shoulders, try to break free – but nothing works.
“Get away from her, Charles!” George’s voice booms over the terrified static in your ears, and air rushes back into your lungs as Charles is physically wrenched away from you. Your vision swims as you gasp for breath, struggling to catch glimpses of the blurred, rapid motion unfolding across your bedroom. 
George wears a darker shirt compared to Charles’, and you watch stunned as he slams the Monegasque down to the floor, rattling the contents on your bedside table. “Seems familiar?” George’s voice comes just as a barely intelligible growl as he bears down on top of Charles. “I should have ended you in Austria when I had the chance.” 
“Only in your dreams, mate.” Charles hisses, wrenching an arm free and lashing out. His arm moves, quick as lightning and just as dangerous, clawing down the side of George’s face. George rears back with an inhuman roar of pain, and Charles seizes his opening in a blinding flash of movement. When you blink your eyes open, the gentle swing of your bedroom door is the only evidence of his swift departure. 
Your sob echoes in your ears before you realize it. Every muscle trembles from the adrenaline-fueled high as your gaze darts from the empty doorway to the bedroom floor. George groans as he rolls to sit back on his knees, cradling the left side of his face. 
A hard swallow works down your dry throat as tears cascade down your cheeks. “I-is he really gone?” Your words choke around a gasping sob. “H-he was going to kill me!” 
George’s crystal blue eyes find yours in the shadows as he nods slowly. “Yes, he was. You… said exactly what he didn’t want to hear - but exactly the right things to say.” Slowly, he rises to his feet and lowers his hand from his face with a grimace as he approaches the bed. Through your blurry tears, you can just make out bloody lines raked by Charles’ nails across his porcelain skin. “You should really try taking slower breaths… it’s over - he’s gone. And you… you’re safe now.” 
“Safe?!” You scoff, trying to swallow more tears. “How can I possibly be safe when I have that… that thing?” Your tone turns venomous as you stare down at the fountain pen, at the bane of your existence. 
“Because you’re not alone in this,” George says softly, and something about the silky tone of his voice makes you want to melt. “Unless you want to be.”
Your body continues to shake without permission and your head drops, holding it in your hands. A splitting ache grows in your temples, throbbing with the rapid beat of your heart as you try to process everything that just happened. “I don’t-” Your words cut off in a hiccuping sniffle. “I don’t even know how...” Your words trail off as you shake your head. 
A cool, steadying weight falls gently to your shoulder. George’s long fingers impart a comforting, soothing squeeze and you slump forward. Your head crashes against the solid plane of his chest, and the cocoon of his arms comes around you. Tears flow with abandon as he rocks you gently, and you can’t bring yourself to hate yourself for falling apart in his arms. Especially since… well, if it weren’t for him, you would probably already be laying in a pool of your own blood. 
At least, whatever Charles’ left of your blood. 
George holds you close, rubbing a hand tenderly against your back. “It’s okay. It’s alright.” His lips brush against the top of your head, and something warm sparks in your chest. “Everything is going to be alright now.” 
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Another truck engine starts in the distance, and the satisfaction in your smile grows. With each passing day, the governments of the world marvel at the growing collection of newly discovered treasures. Treasures lost and assumed destroyed since VE Day in May 1945. 
Strong, familiar arms wrap around your waist, and you lean back into the solid body behind you with a contented sigh. George nearly purrs as he leans his chin on your shoulder. “I can’t tell you how happy I am, darling.” He sighs with ease. “This is just… after so long - I can’t even remember the last time something felt this satisfying.”
You snort softly as mischief curls the corner of your mouth. “I should be offended after last night.” Memories of his cool body pressed against yours, unraveling your most intimate secrets from the inside out, flood your mind. 
“That’s a different kind of satisfaction, and you know it, you minx.” He teases, squeezing you gently. “This here is decades in the making - since I first met Charles in that cave, and he… he was just taking everything like it was his preordained right.” His words carry a thinly veiled disgust. “I don’t know exactly how many pieces he has left to sell, but if we could just locate his storage -”
“George, it’s not worth it. He’s failed to catch you so far… to catch us - so leave him be. Besides, you already got what he didn’t want you to have.” You nod out over the scene down in the valley, at the UN branded trucks that swarm a hastily formed cave entrance. A task force of historians, military police, and UN representatives preside over the scene, facilitating the identification and recovery of the long lost relics. 
George hums low in consideration. “Not sure if you’re referring to the treasure in that cave or the treasure in my arms.” 
Warmth suffuses your blood as sparks ignite in your veins. Even in those early days of meeting in parking garages and coffee shops, George’s handsome features were unmistakable, and after he appeared in your bedroom as a dark savior, you freely acknowledge that you had been wrong about him in so many ways. His passionate determination fueled his actions, and after Charles attacked you in your bedroom, you could forgive him for his own aggressive offense in the coffee shop. And spending the last two years on a journey through the Austrian mountains, seeking out various caverns together with George… well, it hasn’t been hard to lose yourself in his glittering, glacial eyes or his strong, tender embrace. 
Your cheeks flush, flattered as a bolt of heat curls down your spine. “You’re such a cheesy charmer, Geroge Russell.”
He scoffs, though it comes out more of a chuckle. “How dare you, darling! I’m a gentleman, first and foremost.” 
While his words do hold some truth, you turn towards him and nuzzle into his neck with a dubious hum. Despite the pleasant night temperature, his skin holds its perpetual supernatural chill and the intoxicating scent of musky, earthy pine. “No, you’re…” You sigh, searching for words as you kiss the spot where a beating pulse should reside. “You’re a wild thing just pretending to be tame.” 
A low growl of approval rumbles in his chest as he tightens his hold on you. “And you were a wild thing just pretending to be caged.” He angles his head to find your lips in the moonlit shadows. The corners of your mouth lift as you melt into the kiss and lean into him, snuggling in his embrace. As your mouths part, you glance out over the valley below, shifting your feet against the rocky dirt ledge as you watch the UN workers continue to load yet another truck. Another satisfied sigh escapes you as your gaze roams skyward, blinking up at the tapestry of twinkling stars set against an endless sea of black. 
You wet your top lip curiously, speaking softly. “Do you ever get tired of looking at them? At seeing the stars?”
George’s head tilts skyward as it rests against yours. “You know, it’s…” His voice holds an oddly fond, wistful note. “For most of my mortal life, I didn’t think to look at them much… just one of those things to take for granted, you know? But then Carlos… when I lay dying in some army tent,” his voice tightens with heavy memories. “He told the head doctor that I had asked to see them one last time… and as he held me close, the stars were indeed the last thing I saw with my mortal eyes.” 
You hug him closer to you. “That sounds… kind of peaceful, actually.” 
“It was.” He whispers almost reverently. “After months of blood and stench and gore and death… Carlos just appeared in that tent. A specter of fate and destiny all rolled into one.” 
You hum gently, letting your gaze sweep over the brilliant sky. “Like dust and stars…” you muse softly. “The fate of mortals to turn to dust and destined to return to the stars.” You sigh with a gentle shake of your head. “But then I suppose immortality offers a different fate and destiny.” 
George’s head tilts down and his lips find your cheek in a delicate, tender kiss. “It’s still your decision.” He whispers softly against your skin, rippling a shiver down your spine despite his close embrace. “It always will be.” 
And you have given the matter so much thought. The offer of immortality just… fuck, you can’t even begin to fathom how such an offer landed in your lap, let alone what it is to actually live it. To watch generations rise and fall around you, to watch the world evolve as humanity marches ever onward. And George has been ever patient with your questions as you seek to understand, to make an informed decision about the rest of your life… either mortal or immortal. But the longer you’re with him, and the longer you come to your own understanding of the world around you, you have no doubts left in your mind. 
You draw a breath. “I’ve decided, George.” A sudden wave of nervous energy overtakes you as you pivot in his arms to find his gorgeous eyes, loving how they glow in the ethereal light. “I want to join you…”
His gaze holds yours with the weight of understanding as the corner of his mouth lifts. “Are... and you’re absolutely sure?” 
“We’ve been talking about it for months… how long did it take you to decide, hm?” 
“That was completely different,” he says with a short shake of his head. “I was already dying-” 
“All mortals are already dying. Some just faster than others.” You counter, holding his gaze and hoping to convince him of your conviction. “Ever since I met Charles and you - it’s been two years that I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that immortality exists. With the fact that it can be given to those who don’t ask for it, but those who… who find a way to use it for some good in this world, not just how they can best profit from it.” A small smile comes to your face. “It’s almost enough to think that the future of the human race isn’t entirely doomed. Not with veritable guardian angels running around.” 
George takes a long minute to regard you in the ensuing silence. His gaze doesn’t stray from yours, and it warms with pride and awe and adoring affection. Your heart flutters the longer you look at him, and you hope he can read the depth of your answering emotions on your face. His cool hand raises to cup your cheek as he leans in, pressing your mouths together in a dizzying, breathless kiss. It holds the promise of a lifetime, the devotion of eternity, and the thrill of a new horizon. 
He leans his forehead against yours as you gasp for breath. “Whenever you want, darling,” his voice rumbles in a low timbre to curl heat at the base of your spine. “It will be my honor to welcome you to this world…” 
Despite the heat warming you from within, a shiver runs down your spine as a wild idea sparks in your mind. “What about… about tonight?” You breathe with an excited edge. “I can’t think of a better way to celebrate, really. Unless there’s anything I need to do… like in advance…?” It sounds silly even as you say it, but it’s one question you haven’t thought to ask yet. While true that people die all the time without any necessary preparations, should you take some before purposefully shuffling off your mortal coil? 
George’s fingers stroke along your jaw. “Nothing that can’t be taken care of after… it’s not a long process. But you will be weak immediately after and the venom is powerful as it takes hold.” 
A thick swallow works down your throat. “So long as you’re with me… well, I can’t promise I won’t be a little frightened, but having you close will help.” 
“Of course, darling.” He tips his head down to nuzzle your nose. “I won’t leave your side until you ask me to.” 
“I’ll hold you to that.” You say in a shaky whisper before sighing deeply. “Then, I’m ready…I just… want to stop thinking about it.” 
“Alright… we can head back, if you like.” 
“No…” You hear yourself say. “Why… why not here, hm? Like you… why not here under the stars?” 
“You can’t possibly want that.” He shakes his head gently where it still presses to yours. “There are so many better ways… more pleasurable ways for you. I was already almost half-dead and Carlos just-” 
“What Carlos did for you sounds beautiful,” you say gently. “And to have the stars be the last thing I see? Well, that sounds a lot better than staring up at some hotel ceiling.” 
George doesn’t sigh but the fingers on your jaw tense as he holds you close in a moment of silent consideration. Another UN truck engine starts up in the distance as you stand in his close embrace and nuzzle your nose against his. 
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips - a kiss to seal the deal. “Very well, darling.” His other hand seeks yours out where it rests against your side. “Let’s just find a quieter place.” 
With your hand in his, you turn away from the valley below and follow the rocky ridgeline back to the nearest outcropping of trees. He turns back towards you, drawing you close by your conjoined hands as he seals his mouth to yours. His kiss takes your breath away as you lose yourself in the press of his lips and the strokes of his tongue. It stokes every smoldering ember within you to a roaring flame as you wrap your arms around him, pressing your chest flush to his. A strong hand finds your waist, holding you tight, and your breath catches to feel the hardening ridge of his erection through your clothing. 
“God, George…” You sigh into his mouth as your hips roll wantonly against his. It should be unfair how responsive your body becomes under his touch, but it’s hardly worth complaining about. “Am I going to regret not letting you fuck me one last time?” You murmur against his lips as he growls low in his throat. 
“No,” he vows with a hard thrust of his hips, pitching a whimper high in your throat. “Because once it’s done… once your senses adjust to a whole new existence, you won’t believe how good it will feel then.” 
You groan impatiently, crushing your mouth to his with eager enthusiasm and needy hunger. Liquid heat burns between your legs as arousal and anticipation sing in your veins. “George, please… I want you. I want… this.” 
He nods ever so slightly against you as his arms wrap around you. His back presses against a short tree as he draws you down with him to straddle his outstretched legs. Your hips rest against his, grinding down against his thigh as he holds you close against his chest. His mouth finds yours in the darkness and his hips rock up against yours, stirring another whimper in your throat. 
“You already taste exquisite,” he rumbles as his lips dance down your jaw and the sharp drag of a pointed canine stings your skin. “But to have you like this? To have my venom in your veins? If I weren’t already dead, darling, you would do me in…” His lips reverently kiss the twin-point scars that rest low over your jugular. 
Your heart pounds as you exist in the endless moment and your head tips back. Opening your eyes, the stars seem to glow brighter as you hover on the edge of death and eternity in George’s arms. But if this is what the promise of eternity brings, then how could living get any better? 
His arms tighten around your waist and his teeth sink into your neck. A cry chokes off in your throat as your skin yields and blood flows forth. The suction of his mouth overloads your nerves with pleasure and pain as your essence fades. Blackness eats at your vision as your heart threatens to burst from your chest and cold numbness seeps into your limbs. 
Your vision winks out altogether as your eyes close, slumping against him as your heart beats its last. 
But that’s when the salty, tangy elixir of vitality passes your lips. It drips down your throat, and a new life sparks inside you. A life that infuses your veins, animates your muscles, and alters your physiology. Your lungs don’t know what to do, and your stomach growls with ravenous hunger as your eyes shoot open and your elongated canines flash in the night. 
The cosmos shimmer in brilliant shades of blue and purple - such deep hues as you’ve never known - and the trees glow with such green radiance. Everything around you appears so sharp and vivid as your supernatural strength and speed of movement manifest, but strong arms hold you tight and - 
Your gaze connects with George’s and everything snaps into place. A smile curls your lips and a sharp canine snags on the plump skin but you hardly notice as you drown in George’s gorgeous, enchanting gaze. Your blood stains his mouth as it curls to a smile to match yours, his eyes alight with endless wonderment. 
You may never see celestial heaven now, but who says heaven can’t exist on earth?
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Tag List: @fictional-l0v3r @hollie911
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walpywalpy · 1 year
WhiteRose Week 2023: Day 4
A Little More Time | Time Travel/Reincarnation
“Class, meet our newest student,” Ms. Goodwitch says as she presents a girl with a black shirt, red skirt, knee high socks, and short black and red hair. “This is Ruby Rose. She’s two years younger than the rest of you, so please treat her nicely.” Ruby looks around the classroom and finds a girl at the back of the class with a white dress, white hair, and a scar across her left eye. Ruby smiles as she see’s her, but she hides it as fast as you can. “You can sit behind Weiss Schnee back there. She can share her notes with you.” Ruby nods and sits behind Weiss.
“Hi,” Ruby whispers. “I’m Ruby. It’s nice to meet you.” Weiss turns and inspects Ruby top to bottom.
“Weiss Schnee,” Weiss says. “So you’re two years below us, but in our class.”
“Hehe, I guess so,” Ruby laughs nervously.
“A prodigy?” Weiss contemplates. “Well, I can’t wait to speak with you more, Ms. Rose.”
“Me too.”
“Weiss, let’s walk home,” Ruby beams. Weiss slings her bag over her shoulder and looks out the window solemnly.
“I can’t,” Weiss mumbles. “It is…complicated to say the least.”
“Does it have to deal with family?” Ruby asks. Weiss turns to Ruby and glares at her.
“...Yes. How did you know that?” Ruby realizes what she has said and a bead of sweat rolls down her forehead.
“Oh,” Ruby trembled, “I just have some family problems too. I live alone and far away from them.”
“Where do they live?” Weiss asks.
“Very far. I don’t think you’d know.”
“I have visited every country in the world,” Weiss bragged. “I’m sure I’ll have have an idea.”
Ruby looks through the window of the school and sees the day approaching dawn. She holds back a tear and takes a deep breath. “I doubt that,” Ruby says in finality. She taps her finger on the wood of the desk. “It’ll take a long time before you get there.”
Ruby sat down at a table in the library and opened her book. She stared at the page and wondered about what the author is trying to say. “I hope you don’t mind if I sit here,” a familiar voice says. Ruby looks up and sees Weiss with a book of her own.
“Oh, sit. I’d love to have company.” Weiss smiles and sits down.
“I noticed you are reading Emphasis of Time. It’s a good read,” Weiss comments. “The theory that someone could travel back and forth in time and the consequences that it holds.” Weiss leans forward and stares at Ruby. “It’s quite fascinating.” Ruby blushes and lets out a nervous laugh.
“Yeah, but I don’t think it’s correct,” Ruby says.
“Why do you think that?”
“Well, the future is always in flux, especially if time travel is possible,” Ruby explains. “Going to the past would make something my future, which can’t be affected by the ‘present.’ But if I go to the future, it’s likely that whatever I do won’t matter because it’s bound to change.”
“Are you suggesting that time is never going to change no matter what is accomplished in time travel?” Weiss asks, and Ruby nods. “I suppose that could be right.” Ruby smiles proudly and puffs out her chest.
“Well, time is my specialty,” Ruby brags. “It’s what I want to study once I get back home.”
“I never learned where you came from,” Weiss says. She stands up and approaches Ruby. Ruby looks up and grips her seat tightly. “I’ve known you for five months and I still don’t know much about you.” Weiss leans forward until her face is inches from Ruby’s.
“W-Weiss!” Ruby whispers. “What are you doing?!” Weiss places her finger on Ruby’s lip and hushes her.
“I’m just curious,” Weiss explains. “You seem to know a lot about me, but you always hide how you know. From my love of animals to my family. I want to know what you are, Ruby Rose.” Ruby began to blush and her eyes began to tear up.
“Okay! I’ll explain…” Ruby exclaims.
“Shh!” The pair turn to the librarian who is watching them angrily.
“Just come to my place…”
Weiss enters Ruby’s apartment and glances around. There was a normal looking kitchen next to a normal looking living room. All of it was so normal. Ruby cleared some papers that were on the kitchen counter and grabbed a leather book. She passes it to Weiss. “Open it,” Ruby mumbles. Weiss glances at Ruby for a moment and then looks at the book. She opens it and finds pictures of all their times together. She then sees a picture of them, but from a location she’s never seen before. As a matter of fact, the place shouldn’t exist. The architecture of the buildings in the background looked nothing alike to anything Weiss has ever seen.
“What is this?” Weiss asks breathily.
“Weiss, I—” Ruby begins.
“What is this?!” Weiss exclaims. Ruby bit the inside of her cheek and sighed.
“This picture is…from a time. A different time…” Weiss's jaw drops and looks down at the picture. She turns to the next page, but Ruby lunges at the book. “No!”
Ruby snatched the book out of Weiss’s hands, but a photograph fell out before Ruby could catch it. Weiss picks it up and sees herself kissing Ruby. Weiss blushes and looks at Ruby, who is hiding behind her hood and crying.
“You weren’t supposed to see that!” Ruby sobbed.
“Ruby…” Weiss whispers. “Explain…please…” Ruby lowers her head and sits at the kitchen table.
“I am…”
“I know you are from a different time,” Weiss interjects. “I got that from the picture and the library.” Weiss points at the picture. “Explain why you are here and how I can be in this time and the one here.”
“Where- When I’m from, I got to meet you,” Ruby solemnly whispers. “We had some trouble at first, but we grew close.” Ruby smiles as she continues. “Time passed and we began dating. It was lovely.” Ruby’s expression changed and her face grew dark. “And then…the tumor in your head appeared.” Ruby points at the picture in Weiss’s hand. “That’s…from our last date before you had to go into chemo.”
“I’m…sorry that happened,” Weiss mumbles. She walks up to Ruby and gives her a hug. Ruby held back tears and hugged Weiss back.
“When you passed, I was looking for some information for your funeral and I found out that you were here.” Ruby let’s go of Weiss. “In this time. I thought I was crazy, but I was also desperate. I studied time and reincarnation, and I found out that you and your family reincarnated every century. That means I could see you.” Ruby took Weiss’s hand. “I traveled here…”
“To date me again?” Weiss asks and Ruby shakes her head.
“To get more time…” Ruby mumbles. “More time to hug you. More time to laugh with you.” Ruby puts Weiss’s hand to her forehead. “More time…to get a chance to actually say goodbye.”
They stood there in silence and Weiss’s hand began to tremble as she took in the weight of Ruby’s words. “I’m sorry I didn’t visit you the night you died!” Ruby wails as her face grows wet with tears. “I regret it everyday!” Ruby began to sob into Weiss’s shoulder.
Ruby’s sobs stop as she feels something soft on the top of her head. She recognized this touch. This sensation. She looks up to see Weiss blushing and smiling. “You kissed me…” Ruby gasped. Weiss cups Ruby’s cheek and brings her lips to Ruby’s. Ruby wrapped her hand around Weiss’s head and brought her closer. Ruby’s heartbeat slowed down as she stroked Weiss’s hair. Ruby pressed her finger onto the side of Weiss’s neck and Weiss’s breath quickened. Weiss lets go and Ruby apologizes. “Sorry…I just used to do that when I kissed you…”
“It’s okay,” Weiss assures as she wraps her arms around Ruby’s waist. “I liked it.”
Weiss pecks the tip of Ruby’s nose and whispers, “Stay here with me.”
“I want to…” Ruby whispers back as she kisses Weiss’s neck. “But I have a sister who’s waiting for me”.
“Then I’ll go with you,” Weiss says. Ruby froze and looked at Weiss. “You said the past will always correct itself, no matter what you do to it. It should be safe for me to go with you then.” Ruby tears up once again and hugs Weiss tightly.
“Let’s do it,” Ruby whispers. “I want to stay with you…”
“I want to stay with you as well,” Weiss agrees. “And I forgive you for not coming that night.”
“Thank you…” Ruby smiles and kisses Weiss once more.
“I love you, Ruby.”
“I love you more, Weiss.”
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restandbloom · 1 year
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🌿“the absence of chaos” Coming: 2 May 2023 🌿
a post-war, canon-divergent fic following harry & ginny immediately after the battle of hogwarts.
spoiler: harry & ginny aren’t a thing yet in this au, so hold onto your bittersweet-longing pants, it’s gonna be an emotional ride.
he’s seventeen and the most unbelievable weight has just been lifted off his shoulders. his job is done, it ended in depths of a dark forest beside the ghosts of the people he loved most and somehow he’s still here and has to figure out how to be here.
he’s seventeen and trying to figure out how to get out of bed everyday. how to find the courage to fight the nightmares that still leave him breathless and to raise the little boy whose hair is still bubblegum pink. how to tell the girl that’s become one of his best friends that he’s in love with her.
he’s seventeen and just wants to live. to stay up all night to laugh beneath the stars instead of be chased beneath them. to figure out who he wants to be and what he’s supposed to do with this life.
and while at some point many years from now - all would be well - he can’t see that just yet. he can’t see that beyond the chaos a garden will grow and that while of all of their joy may be intertwined with sorrow. that there is hope, that there always was - and always will be.
🌿 sneak peak of chaos 🌿
11 August 1998
“Every morning at daybreak he came back and ripped up weeds. These tough angry, thorny plants that had long ago taken over the garden beds and choked out the lovely things that once grew in their place. He sweat and he bled and he began looking forward to it. He wasn’t digging graves anymore and the smell of earth on his hands no longer made him feel like he couldn’t breathe. He was digging gardens and for such a simple, ordinary thing it helped and the fact that it helped gave him hope.
Hope still felt unpredictable. Sometimes it felt so bright, so close. Like when Teddy sleeps peacefully in his arms or when he wakes from a night without the dreams that leave him breathless and terrified. And other times, when the sound of the blade brings him back to the sea or when the soil clings to bitter memories on the back of his hand and his throat aches and he just wants to fucking scream, it’s all he can do to breath. “You can’t keep it in,” Andromeda said, “It’s okay to scream.” So sometimes he does, turns his wand on himself and it’s silent. Just a man pounding his fist into the dirt, with hot tears pouring down his face and it helps. And then he keeps digging. He breathes through the pain and rage and guilt and focuses on the fact that while there’s somethings he can’t fix, there are some he can and vows that he will.”
🌿 can’t wait to post the first chapters!! excited/nervous af to share this story with you all. this is my first fic and really the first bit of fiction I’ve written in like fifteen years. i’ve been working on it since last summer and it’s honestly been the most fun I’ve had since I was a kid. see ya on ao3 soon!
🌿 username on ao3: inmygarden
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kiro-sveta · 1 year
My KuraMiyu Exchange 2023 gift for @/teahex, featuring hurt/comfort, sickfic, fantasy AU (with Blacksmith Miyuki and Glassblower Kuramochi), minor angst, fluff, two art pieces, roughly 830 words, and happy endings (because I'm physically incapable of not letting them be happy).
And the first time in close to twenty years that I shared any of my writing with anyone, let alone publish it haha. I'm very nervous about it, and about drawing hurt/comfort, but I also enjoyed working on this and am proud of what I was able to do in the end (while fighting an illness too!), and I sincerely hope you like it, tea and anyone/everyone else who might see this. I'll also share the art and story below (with part 2 under a cut) in case anyone would prefer this tumblr post to AO3.
And the exchange's collection can be found here! Please check it out if you like kuramiyu, everyone did an amazing job!!
glass and steel
Part 1: fragmented
“Hurry up and get better, Miyuki. Things aren’t the same without you.”
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Part 2: whole
he’s missed this
(some time after the first image)
Youichi walked past the path leading towards Miyuki’s home. He knew in his heart where he’d find the blacksmith, and it wouldn’t be in those quiet rooms. Enough time had passed while he’d been away on business, and his friend had already been restless well before he’d left. He’d be in the forge now, Youichi was sure of it. He just hoped the stubborn bastard had kept his promise and waited until he’d fully recovered beforehand.
His suspicions were confirmed as he neared the forge, the air getting warmer and filling with the sounds of life and movement; the scrape of metal on stone or metal, gravel crunching underfoot, air being forced out of a bellows. Before entering the forge properly, Youichi took a brief moment to close his eyes and take in a fortifying breath, readying himself for whatever state Miyuki might be in. And instantly felt a weight lift when he finally saw him.
There was a flush on Miyuki’s face and sweat on his brow, but there was no sign of fatigue or weakness. His movements were smooth, his breathing even, his face and body full of life. He hadn’t yet noticed Youichi standing near the entrance, and Youichi took another moment to observe him, marveling and relieved to see him up and about and comfortable in his skin again. Not struggling with aching bones and muscle. Things hadn’t been the same for a good while, and Youichi felt as if he himself could breathe easier now.
Miyuki turned from the bellows and noticed him, and his smile grew, his face becoming more alive. “Hey, I know I’m a sight for sore eyes, but say something, Mochi, don’t just stand there. How long have you been there?”
Youichi shrugged. “Not long. It’s good to see you up and about.”
Miyuki’s grin became wry. “It’s good to be up and about.” He wiped the sweat from his brow and neck. “I swear, if I had to wait much longer…” His thought trailed away though, and a small frown marred his brow as another thought came to him. “Wait, you said you’d be home sooner. What happened?”
He seemed to study Youichi in a new light, looking for any injuries or signs of trouble, concern clear. He knew that Youichi always kept his word if he could help it, and Youichi hadn’t meant to be away long. Hadn’t meant to be away during the last of Miyuki’s recovery. But some things couldn’t be predicted and Youichi waved away his concerns, saying that there were more delays than he’d expected, both on and off the roads. It’d been out of his hands. And it hadn’t helped that he’d had to track down his last customer and give him a piece of his mind when he’d canceled his commission before leaving.
As he finished talking about his trip Youichi took the finished commission out of his pocket and looked at it ruefully. It was a small delicate glass bird, wings in flight, and despite the miniscule imperfection in one wing and what his former customer had said, he was proud of it.
Then Miyuki was stepping closer to get a clearer look, gently reaching out for it. Youichi let him take it, and watched as he carefully studied it. “I hope you gave him hell. It’s beautiful, Mochi.” The blacksmith flashed Youichi a grin, and walked over to one of the forge’s windows to carefully set the bird on the sill, safely away from any tools.
Youichi closed his hand and lowered it to his side as he watched Miyuki and the bird. His chest felt tight. Then Miyuki was back, gripping his shoulder strongly, strong enough that one wouldn’t think he’d ever been injured if they hadn’t known better. He was grinning again.
“Come on, I could use your help with some stuff.”
He started walking over to the work he’d abandoned, already expecting him to follow, and Youichi felt both the need to protest and the need to follow him. “You do know that people usually ask for help instead of just expecting it to happen, right? I could be busy.”
Miyuki grinned at him over his shoulder, said, “But you aren’t.” He picked up a tool and beckoned Youichi with it. “Get over here already. It’s been too long since we worked together, and you’ll like this project. I guarantee it.”
And Youichi can’t say no. He already has his tools with him, never took off his work belt or unpacked his bag (and even if he hadn’t had his tools with him, he’d make do, he has before). And he’s missed this, the fire and metal and glass, creating and reshaping things, Miyuki at his side, whole and alight with life. And Miyuki’s right; he’s not busy, he has the time, and it has been too long.
He’s compelled to follow, and does so without any regrets.
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faitry · 1 year
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Warnings: just some simple love confession fluff
You hurried from class to your dorm as today you had a study day with Armin today. Changing into a plain comfy outfit, and you hurriedly pulled your things together and rushed over to Armins dorm. You had been having trouble with your math recently and Armin is a math wiz and your friend so you had decided that it would be best for him to help you instead of paying for a tutor. You have had a crush on this man for the longest time, playing iMessage games with him made your heart flutter, saying hi to him in the halls made you do backflips internally, tight hallways making you two brush up on each other, giving you electric shocks. You had no clue if he felt the same way, but you sure hoped he did. Every time you two met up to study it was either at a cafe or somewhere public, but today Armin didn’t have access to his car and you’ve been lazy to go anywhere that day so you’d both agreed to meet at his dorm. His roommate, Eren Jaeger, was not there at the time as he was visiting his mother, so the two of you would be alone. Words couldn’t describe how nervous you were, twiddling your thumbs was what you could do in the time of walking to his dorm.
When you arrived you fixed your shirt and continued with knocking on his door. When he answered he was just wearing some sweats, a black t shirt, and some Crocs. He smiled at you and said “hey! Uhh you can just sit here while I go get us water, be right back.” He pulls back a chair for you at his two person desk and you place your bag next to the table and pull out the things you need. You start your work with writing your name and reading the word problem given to you. Armin comes back with two cups of ice water and he places them on the table carefully. “I need help” you tell him, tapping your pencil on the table. “Alright let me see.” He pulls back his own chair and takes your pencil and paper reading and underlining the needed work. After a bit of you working alone, he looks over to you and sees you struggling. “Need my help?” He asks. “Uhh yea please.” You say scooting closer to him. He grabs your paper and begins to read your old work. He gives you your paper and places a hand on your thigh, not giving it any thought. You tense up, not knowing what to do. His words turn into gibberish as you stare down at your thigh. He notices this and stares at you before saying “are you okay? Am I overworking you?” He apologized and you immediately snap out of it. “What no! Sorry I’m just tired.” You say, rubbing your eyes.
After about half an hour of just sitting on your phones, you imagine the thought of his hand still lingering on your thigh. You smile and decide in the heat of the moment to just admit you like him. “Hey Armin?” You say sweetly turning your head towards him. He hums in response and turns his head over to you. “Would you mind if I told you something?” You say looking away as soon as you two hold eye contact for a second. “Not at all go ahead.” He smiles. “Okay so. I uhh like you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I just thought that I should get it over with and tell you.” He sat there stunned at your words. Just then he smiled at you, looking at you with all the love in the world. “I like you too.” He said plainly. Your eyes widened and you suddenly relaxed. Having been let out one of ur deepest secrets and not being rejected. You look at him again, just staring at his pretty face and appreciating everything about him. He puts his hands on your knees and leans in closer. You lean in as well and plant a kiss on his nose, leading to him giving you a long kiss on your soft lips.
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FAITRY © 2023. Please do not steal and/or plagiarize my work !
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magnaswingwritings · 1 year
Black Bulls Month 2023 Prompt #4: Rooftop
It was a quiet evening in the Black Bulls Hideout. The moon was shining bright in the sky, stars could be seen clearly, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. Everyone had turned in for the night except for one mage who sat on the rooftop enjoying the cool nighttime air.
Luck couldn't sleep on nights like this. It was too calm, too peaceful, like a calm before a great storm. He would never admit it out loud but it was a concern of his that would haunt him in when he did allow sleep to take over. The kind of unrestful sleep that would wake him up with cold sweat and horrible phantom images that he can't quite shake.
So he would sit up here, the rooftop allowed for the perfect view of both the sky and ground without anyone noticing him being up there. He could just watch the world go by and let his nerves wind down as much as possible until morning when-
"I thought I heard someone up here, what's going on man?"
Luck turned to the owner of that voice. Magna was still in his sweatpants and t-shirt, his hair down and his signature glasses removed. He was clearly ready for bed but still took the time to check in on who couldn't sleep up at the rooftop.
It made his heart warm with affection he rarely wants to acknowledge.
"Not much, thought everyone was asleep so I decided to hang out up here." The blonde quipped, looking back up at the moonlit sky. "What about you? You didn't just come up here to check on me did you?" His ask was partly curious, and partly hopeful.
"Couldn't sleep." He murmured before yawning, "I know you hang out up here a lot at night figured I'd say hi. Do you ever sleep?"
Luck took a moment to consider the fire mages words. Has he really come up here that often? How many sleepless nights would that have been now? Normally he would laugh off his best friends question but tonight was one of those nights that had him nervous. His battle partner has become the center of those nightmares and those images were currently playing out in his mind like a horror film.
"It's too quiet for sleep…" Luck chuckled dryly in an attempt to shake the images out of his head.
It would be so much easier if he could just fight it out. But Yami would probably kill the both of them.
"Too quiet? Isn't that when you're supposed to sleep?" Magna's inquiry was serious. He new something was off but he didn't quite know what the problem was or how to fix it. It would be something much easier if the lightning mage would pick a fight or something but instead he just looked up at the sky.
"No, that's when they expect you to sleep." Luck confessed.
"Whoever's out there who's targeting us right now."
"Is there someone out there? I thought we settled all scores by now? Do you sense something with that mana sense of yours?"
"Nothing yet, but there's always someone new."
"Well thats why we have each other isn't it?" Magna was gentle in his approach with Luck. He wanted to be taken seriously yet at the same time if he pushed him too far it would just trigger a brawl that would wake everyone up. "To back each other up through the hard times?"
"But what if I could stay ahead of it? Those hard times?" Only with Magna could he truly express something like this. It was terrifying.
"Then the fights would get boring." Magna didn't miss a beat with his response. "Those fights you love so much wouldn't be as excite since you'd always get the drop on them. You still want that thrill don't you?"
Luck finally took the time to look at the fire mage sitting beside him. Blue eyes met with gray, the look in Magna's eyes were intense like he was trying to decide weather to pick a fight and smack some sense or to have an actual serious conversation that neither of them were ready for.
It made Luck burst out into laughter.
"What's so funny!"
"Hahaha you're a funny guy Mags. Thank you."
"You're Welcome?" The fire user was confused to say the least but grateful to see his friend back to his normal self again. So he got up and held his hand out to his blonde battle partner.
"Does this mean you're ready to go inside?"
Luck grabbed Magna's hand into his own and let off some electricity zapping him almost off the rooftop. The static caused his ungelled hair to float in every which direction.
"W-what the hell was that for?!?!"
"Hahahaha you didn't even see it coming!"
"Why you litt-"
All the color drained from Magna's face but Luck just looked amused. Contentment filled his chest as he thought of tonights events. He would fight when the time comes but for now he just wanted more moments like this with his closest pal.
Maybe he can say how he feels another time when he's ready.
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random-snippetss · 8 months
Whumptober 2023
Day 2
“I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
Luka frowned at the numbers on the tiny screen in his hand. "Yeah, still too high," he said, setting the thermometer down. He sighed and brushed back Lily's hair, trying to keep it from sticking to her sweat soaked face.
Jackie just hugged Lily closer, rocking the feverish girl gently. "We can't do this much longer," she said, voice hoarse. "She needs help." She glanced out the window, at the white wall of snow that trapped them in. "We all do."
"Well, until the storm dies down, we aren't going anywhere," Luka sighed, rubbing his forehead in an attempt to stave off a rapidly forming headache. "We've already called for help, we just have to wait until they can find us." A chill curled it's way up his spine and he shivered, tucking the blanket more securely around Lily and Jackie. They needed to stay warm the most. The cold seeping into the car from the outside would only make them worse.
He rubbed his hands together, trying to warm them using friction, but it hadn't worked the last twenty times and it didn't work now. He tucked them under his arm instead. He'd given his gloves to Lily when she'd complained about cold fingers, tucking the thick insulation over her thin, fashionable gloves. "Try waking her up again," he suggested. "We need to make sure she doesn't-"
"I know," Jackie snapped with a scowl. "You don't have to say it every time."
He brushed it off as the stress from being trapped in a car during a snowstorm and worry for Lily. He frowned as he watched Jackie gently shake her girlfriend, speaking softly as she tried to rouse her.
After a moment, Lily stirred, eyelids fluttering open to reveal glassy, unfocused eyes. They slowly scanned the area around them before settling on a spot above Luka's head. "Maman?" She muttered, shifting. She continued speaking, mumbled words he didn't understand but recognized as French.
He shared a nervous look with Jackie. Lily had moved from France when she was two. Twenty-four hours ago, she hadn't even remembered any of the French she'd known as her first language. Not to mention she was talking about her mother, whose death had been the reason she'd moved to the US to live with her father.
"Lily, honey, your mom's not here," Jackie said, gently turning Lily's head to look at her. "It's me, Jackie."
Lily went silent for a moment, staring absently at Jackie, before smiling. "Jackie," she whispered, lifting a trembling hand to touch Jackie's face. A tear dripped down Jackie's cheek, landing on the back of Lily's gloved hand.
Luka shifted, feeling as if he was intruding on a private moment. But there wasn't much he could do about it while they were trapped there. He looked away, but he still heard their conversation.
"Yeah, baby, it's me," Jackie whispered, voice trembling faintly as she struggled to keep her emotions under control. "It's Jackie."
Lily was quiet for another moment. "I'm cold," she whispered, matching Jackie's tone. "And tired."
"I know, I'm sorry, but we need you to stay awake a little longer," Jackie said, shifting Lily so she was a little more upright. Lily's head fell against her shoulder. "Just a little longer, okay? Can you do that? For me?"
Lily whined wordlessly, eyelids already heavy and struggling to stay open. Jackie let out a shaky sigh and rocked Lily, speaking softly in an attempt to keep her awake. Luka just stared out into the swirling white outside and hoped that when help arrived, it wouldn't be too late.
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marmolady · 3 years
Livita: Part Three
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Book/Series: Endless Summer
Main Pairings: Estela x MC/Taylor (f)
Summary: Post-ending. Freed from Vaanu, Taylor has been building a life with her soulmate… but their family remains not quite complete. Read PART ONE and PART TWO.
Word Count: 3551
Reviews and reblogs are hugely appreciated!
Tagging: @sceptilemasterr​ @saivilo​ @greengroove​ 
La Huerta, June 2023
  The pair returned to La Huerta with a couple of months spare to get ready for their new addition, and come the fourth Catalyst reunion –the very first day-- it was time.
Her waters having broken in the middle of the anniversary party, Estela had quickly been swooped upon by an attentive Michelle, who’d determined it was high time they took the proceedings back to their own home where there was a little more comfort and privacy. Taylor lovingly tended to her wife, cleaning her off and helping her into the back of the car that would ferry them along the track between The Celestial and the hut in Catalyst Village.
“Taylor,” Estela took her wife’s shaking hand in her own. “You don’t have to be so nervous. It’s not like you’re the one who’s gonna be doing all the work.”
“Hey, this is likely to be the most important day of both of our lives. I’m allowed to have a few jitters, okay?”
Taylor caught Estela’s eye and grinned like an idiot. This is actually, finally happening. The smile faltered just a little as she felt Estela’s body stiffen beside her; another contraction. That there was only so much she could do was difficult; all their battles were fought together, as equal partners, and to essentially be a bystander was a role Taylor wasn’t sure she suited.
As she helped Estela up to their bed, Taylor was left with the distinct impression that she was being humoured; the fussing really wasn’t necessary, but the care behind the gesture appreciated. Maybe that was what was most needed after all… just that support that didn’t even need to be spoken. She had to hope so, because there was really little else she could offer.
“You’ve got this, ‘Stel,” she murmured as she kissed her wife’s temple.
“Querida, we’ve got this. Just stay with me, okay?”
Estela approached childbirth in much the same manner that she did most of life’s challenges; just getting on with it. She was no stranger to pain, and refused to be daunted, breathing through contractions with minimal grumbling. Taylor sat upon the bed beside her, offering massages and holding her hand through the worst of the contractions, all the while enjoying a rare opportunity to catch up properly with Michelle, who’d offered herself as midwife.
“First delivery you’re assisting in, hey? That’ll be one for the photo albums.”
Michelle chuckled. “Yes, I’m sure Estela would appreciate those photos going up on the wall. I’d be surprised if this won’t be my only midwife appointment. This isn’t exactly my field.”
Catching her breath after another contraction, Estela nodded. “Thank you for preserving my dignity. And… this. After everything…,” She had to physically shake off the memories… memories of one of the most torturous periods of her life. That kind of fear would only cripple her now. “There’s no one I’d trust more to help us through this.”
“Brain surgery will still be waiting for me once I’ve put that baby in your arms.”
Every now and then, a text message would come through from someone or another, asking for a progress report, and in return receiving an update on the annual anniversary party. Naturally, bets were being made all over the place… the sex of the baby… the time of arrival… whether or not it came out brandishing a weapon…. The attention from the rest of the Catalysts was welcome, breaking up the monotony otherwise punctuated by Estela quietly huffing through contractions.
“I don’t know how you’re so calm….” Michelle was saying.
“You know the thing with ducks?” Estela asked. “Perfectly calm and composed on the surface, but below the water, the legs are frantically paddling? I’m pretty sure that’s me right now.”
“Well, your impression of ‘not freaking out’ is convincing. But it’s good. Obviously, these things tend to be drawn out; you need to pace yourself, emotionally.”
“Right now it’s just… pain. Pain doesn’t worry me. I’ve done pain; I know I can survive it. But what comes later; that’s what’s scary. Nene has to go through a lot to get here… and there’s only so much I can control.”
Again, Taylor offered a hand, and gave Estela’s a soft squeeze. “We’ve already put the med centre on alert,” she said gently, hoping to reassure herself as well as her wife. Those jitters were starting to escalate. “The healers have delivered plenty of babies by emergency C-section; if bub needs a hand, help will be here in minutes.”
Estela stroked Taylor’s fingers. She was a great comfort. Far greater than she could say. They’d been through a lot together, faced down impossible odds; this, Estela told herself, was something totally different. Babies were born every minute of every day, and she was strong, and fit, and healthy. All she had to was grit her teeth and power through.
The sky outside darkened, and it seemed quite clear that the night would be a long one. With progress slow, Taylor killed some time by rustling up some snacks from the kitchen. When she came back upstairs, she couldn’t help but let her eye linger upon the small room, the one that would soon belong to their child. All of a sudden, that their lives were about to change became very real. She’d never had a childhood herself, so to have the blessing of experiencing it through her own son or daughter was a great unknown. Taylor was certain she was ready. The one her friends would turn to with all their problems, she would be an open and supportive parent. And in Estela… well, she couldn’t ask for a more fiercely loving partner. It would be scary, but as Taylor saw it, all the best adventures were.
The hours dragged by so slowly. Taylor found herself fidgety, and took to slowly pacing beside the bed. She still felt like a spare part, and nervous energy built up within her as she picked up the same from Estela. They were now hours in, and there was a sense that they were turning towards the last, dangerous stretch… and still Taylor could do little to ease the process.
Estela’s staunch stoicism began to falter. A trembling bottom lip betrayed her fear as she hit a wall, scared for the first time since her labour began. The contractions kept coming, with barely a pause. Wave after wave, stronger, as if her body was trying to tear itself apart, and no chance to come up for air. It felt as though she had no control over her own body… and by extension, the baby. She was a passenger along for the ride, powerless. After so many hours, countless nightmare scenarios had time to run through her head, now haunting her, and doubt in herself set in with a vengeance. As soon as she let that primal fear take hold, a wave of grief hit her, so strong that she might drown.
Worried, Michelle rubbed her arm. “What’s going on? Estela?”
There was no response. Estela looked away; her expression distant as she retreated into herself. She wanted to cry, to scream, but it would not bring what she needed.
“It’s getting more intense because we’re getting near the time when you need to push. This is normal. Talk to us, okay?”
Still nothing.
Taylor leaned over the bed, reaching for Estela, unnerved by the change, so swift and profound. Something was really not right. She took her wife’s shaking hand and squeezed, and the pressure returned was fierce, panicked. Still, she struggled to get eye contact; Estela appeared lost, far away. “…Hey…” When she finally met Estela’s eyes, she saw a plea for help. The penny dropped.
“Hey, could you give us a moment?” she asked in Michelle’s ear, her voice hushed.
Once they were left alone, Taylor climbed onto the bed and brought Estela’s head to her chest, stroking her sweat-drenched hair. “You want your mom…”
The painful lump in Estela’s throat gave way. She leaned into Taylor, who cradled her as she cried and writhed in agony.
“I’m so sorry, my love, my beautiful Estela… I’m sorry she can’t be here, holding your hand like she should be…”
The floodgates had opened, and Estela sobbed into her wife’s shirt, her hands clutching desperately at her back, hanging on as if afraid of losing her too. It made Taylor’s heart ache.
“That’s it… let it out…” Taylor kissed Estela’s soaked brow and held her close, gently rocking her as her body convulsed through a contraction that just seemed to go on forever. “I’ve got you. You just hold on tight, okay? I’ve got you, and I’m never… I’m never letting go.”
“Taylor… it hurts.”
It hurts so bad. Mami….
“I know… I know…,” Taylor whispered. More kisses, the only inadequate comfort she could offer. It just wasn’t fair.  “She’s part of you always, sweetheart… nothing can ever take that from you. And our little baby… she’s part of our baby too. All that love your mom gave you, you get to pass it on, share it with bub.” Taylor sighed, feeling the weight of her helplessness as her wife gripped her ever tighter, gasping in pain. She couldn’t help with the baby, and she sure as hell give Estela what she really needed. Her voice caught in her throat. “I know it can never be enough.”
Slowly… agonisingly slowly, the intensity receded, the contractions slowed, and Estela could finally catch her breath, her vice-grip on Taylor’s back slackening. It felt as though the worst was over. She felt a tender kiss to the side of her face, and returned it, even as she trembled in Taylor’s arms.
“Sorry,” she panted, offering a weak smile.  “I didn’t expect it to creep up on me like that. I just… started to get nervous about the baby coming, and… God, it hurt so bad… and the more scared I got… it was almost like I was a kid again, needing her so much.”
“That’s natural, Stel.”
“And I guess I can feel that it’s close now. It doesn’t… it doesn’t feel right for the baby to come… and her not be here. I’m sorry, I just…”
“Hey…don’t apologise.” Taylor took Estela’s face in her hands, stroking away tears with the gentlest touch. “This is where your strength comes from; your big heart… even the part that’s always going to be broken. It’s why you’re gonna be the most wonderful, incredible mama to our little baby. Your mom would be so proud of you, Estela. God, I know I am.”
Estela nuzzled against Taylor’s fingers, taking one to her mouth in a soft kiss. She looked at her through her tears, feeding off the devotion that shone back in those brilliant blue eyes. Her mother would be so happy that she had Taylor, in her corner through it all. In a way… it was she who’d brought them together.
She exhaled shakily, and groaned through another godawful contraction. “I can’t wait for you to hold our baby…”
Taylor pressed her forehead to Estela’s, her heart full to bursting. “You are so, so strong, love. You’ve got this.” And I’ve got you.
Estela closed her eyes, soothed by the intimate touch. “Taylor… thank you.” A kiss to her cheek told her that Taylor understood. That they were in this together really went without saying. She took a deep breath. Time to do this. “We should bring Michelle back in; I think I’m ready to start pushing.”
There was a small flurry of activity as Michelle hurriedly resumed doctor duties, and confirmed that things were indeed moving along. Getting comfortable was all but impossible, but Estela eventually settled kneeling up against Taylor, letting gravity help her out.
Another shuddering cry rang out as Estela dug deep to push against the all-consuming pain. Progress felt excruciatingly slow. Her powerful body strained with every ounce of strength, willing the baby onwards, while she held on desperately to Taylor’s hand.
“You’re doing great… you might just break my fingers, but you’re doing great.”
Again and again she switched positions, her frustration growing. She pushed and panted, all the while feeling as though her body was trying to tear itself in two.
At long last --to the expectant mothers it might have been an eternity-- the baby’s head appeared, and Taylor reluctantly eased away from her wife, to be helped into position for delivery by Michelle. Her heart pounded wildly at the first glimpse. There it was. Their baby. Their baby…
Michelle leaned in close, nervous exhilaration clear on her face. “Are you ready? I’ll be right here with you to check baby over.” Receiving a confident nod, she returned her attention to the person who was doing all the hard work. “Estela, you’re so, so close.”
“…I fucking hope so…”
“On the next contraction, I want you to pant through it… gentle pushes so the head doesn’t come too fast.Once the head’s out, I think… I think one more big push should do it.”
Estela whimpered and looked to Taylor for reassurance. This had gone on long enough… she needed to know that the baby was all right. Gentle, murmured words of encouragement and a soft rub against her leg helped to steady her, and she steeled herself for the next wave. In Taylor’s eyes she saw everything she felt herself; fear, exhilaration, and desperate, desperate longing. This was it now; she was bringing her baby home.
A strong cry rang out as the baby entered the world, straight into Taylor’s waiting hands, instantly bringing her to tears. Tiny arms reached out in bewilderment and the baby hollered in shock at the sudden transition. Murmuring gentle words of comfort, Taylor brought the child up to her face, softly kissing as the indignant cries quietened.
“Is the baby okay-- Taylor, is baby okay?”
Taylor bundled the wet, disoriented infant close to her, while Michelle checked it over, and responded with a voice thick with elated tears. “Stel, she’s perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes, and she’s already got a lot to say for herself.”
Tears streamed down Estela’s face as her hands flew to her mouth in sweet disbelief. Their baby was here… she was here and she was safe. Her voice trembled when she spoke, the briefest glimpses of the child enough to send her into emotional overwhelm. “She? She’s a girl?”
“She’s a beautiful girl.”
Receiving an encouraging nod from Michelle, Taylor brought the baby, now wrapped in a towel, and gently eased her into Estela’s waiting arms.
Estela’s breath caught in her throat. When she met her daughter’s eyes, she thought she might never look away. ���Oh my god…” She wept, clutching the child to her bare chest, and her heart skipped a beat as a tiny mouth latched onto her breast. “Mi dulce niña, mi bebé, mi bebé…”
She reluctantly tore her gaze away from her precious baby to look up at Taylor, whose eyes were swimming, face shining with love. “Taylor…”
Sniffling helplessly, Taylor leaned in and kissed the top of her wife’s head again and again. “Oh god, I love you, Estela… I love her… I… I…”
Michelle looked on, a hand over her heart and her eyes misty. “Congratulations, both of you. She’s just… absolutely, completely gorgeous. And… and thank you.” The slight shake of her voice gave away her emotions. “That you wanted me to share this with you… it honestly means the world.”
Taylor stood up and wrapped her friend in the tightest, most loving of hugs. “Thank you. So, so much. I don’t know what we did to deserve you, but we love you so much, Michelle.”
Wiping tears from her eyes, Estela have a little nod, looking at Michelle with fierce gratitude and affection. She couldn’t find the words, but a quiet understanding was all that was needed.
“I love you both. And your little angel…” Michelle felt endless satisfaction as she watched the infant nurse at her friend’s chest. To have played even a small part in making that happen, her heart might just burst with pride.
Taylor climbed into the bed and wriggled down under the covers, drawn into the heat of Estela’s body. She nuzzled her face towards her chest and took in a deep breath as she pressed a long kiss to the baby’s soft head, taking in the sweetest of scents.
“So… Olivia?” she asked.
Estela’s eyes welled as she nodded her head. She knew Taylor understood, and in that moment, she couldn’t love her more. “Our Livita. Maybe, Olivia… Andromeda? You should be a part of her name.”
“Oh. Oh, wow.” For a few moments, Taylor was lost for words, and she simply looked at her beloved with starry eyes. She took Estela’s hand and kissed it before going back to kiss their daughter again--how she’d ever get enough of smooching that child’s dear little face, she’d never know. “That’s… that’s perfect. She’s perfect.” She stroked Olivia’s dark, downy hair, her skin so impossibly soft. “Oh, my Livi… our angel… we love you all the way to the stars.”
“All the way to the stars, and back again,” Estela corrected with a wink.
Michelle quietly bustled around them, cleaning up and making sure all the boxes were ticked on her baby delivery checklist. It was some hour later before the afterbirth was delivered and she was confident enough to say that all was well. Completely ecstatic though Michelle was, she was more than ready to collapse into her pillow by the time she headed to the door.
“I’ll give you some privacy,” she said softly, knowing that her work there was done. Both mothers were handling the baby confidently, and with a tenderness that was heart-warming to behold. Tucked up against Estela’s chest, a hand protectively cradling her tiny body, no child could wish for a safer, more loving embrace in which to rest. “I’ll be back in a minute if you need anything at all, but I’ve got a feeling you can take it from here.”
The first rays of sunlight filtered through the floaty drapes, a welcome dawn after the longest of nights, bringing the colour of day to the new life that settled, fed and contented, against the warmth of her mothers’ beating hearts.
Before she turned to go, Michelle left a kiss each on her friends’ foreheads and stroked under the baby’s tiny chin.
“Olivia Andromeda Montoya, welcome to the world.”
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